Empty string
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Languages may have features for dealing specifically with empty strings (those containing no characters).
- Task
- Demonstrate how to assign an empty string to a variable.
- Demonstrate how to check that a string is empty.
- Demonstrate how to check that a string is not empty.
- Metrics
- Counting
- Word frequency
- Letter frequency
- Jewels and stones
- I before E except after C
- Bioinformatics/base count
- Count occurrences of a substring
- Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string
- Remove/replace
- XXXX redacted
- Conjugate a Latin verb
- Remove vowels from a string
- String interpolation (included)
- Strip block comments
- Strip comments from a string
- Strip a set of characters from a string
- Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail
- Strip control codes and extended characters from a string
- Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling
- Word wheel
- ABC problem
- Sattolo cycle
- Knuth shuffle
- Ordered words
- Superpermutation minimisation
- Textonyms (using a phone text pad)
- Anagrams
- Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
- Permutations/Derangements
- Find/Search/Determine
- ABC words
- Odd words
- Word ladder
- Semordnilap
- Word search
- Wordiff (game)
- String matching
- Tea cup rim text
- Alternade words
- Changeable words
- State name puzzle
- String comparison
- Unique characters
- Unique characters in each string
- Extract file extension
- Levenshtein distance
- Palindrome detection
- Common list elements
- Longest common suffix
- Longest common prefix
- Compare a list of strings
- Longest common substring
- Find common directory path
- Words from neighbour ones
- Change e letters to i in words
- Non-continuous subsequences
- Longest common subsequence
- Longest palindromic substrings
- Longest increasing subsequence
- Words containing "the" substring
- Sum of the digits of n is substring of n
- Determine if a string is numeric
- Determine if a string is collapsible
- Determine if a string is squeezable
- Determine if a string has all unique characters
- Determine if a string has all the same characters
- Longest substrings without repeating characters
- Find words which contains all the vowels
- Find words which contain the most consonants
- Find words which contains more than 3 vowels
- Find words whose first and last three letters are equal
- Find words with alternating vowels and consonants
- Formatting
- Substring
- Rep-string
- Word wrap
- String case
- Align columns
- Literals/String
- Repeat a string
- Brace expansion
- Brace expansion using ranges
- Reverse a string
- Phrase reversals
- Comma quibbling
- Special characters
- String concatenation
- Substring/Top and tail
- Commatizing numbers
- Reverse words in a string
- Suffixation of decimal numbers
- Long literals, with continuations
- Numerical and alphabetical suffixes
- Abbreviations, easy
- Abbreviations, simple
- Abbreviations, automatic
- Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases
- Mad Libs
- Magic 8-ball
- 99 bottles of beer
- The Name Game (a song)
- The Old lady swallowed a fly
- The Twelve Days of Christmas
- Tokenize
- Text between
- Tokenize a string
- Word break problem
- Tokenize a string with escaping
- Split a character string based on change of character
- Sequences
V s = ‘’
I s.empty
print(‘String s is empty.’)
I !s.empty
print(‘String s is not empty.’)
6502 Assembly
An empty string is just a null terminator with no text in front.
byte 0
Checking if a string is empty is simple, just count the number of characters before you reach the terminator. If that count equals zero, the string is empty. Otherwise, the string is not empty.
lda #<EmptyString ;address of string we wish to check
sta $00
lda #>EmptyString
sta $01 ;the empty string has been assigned to zero page pair $00 and $01
ldy #0
ldx #0
lda ($00),y
beq Terminated
jmp getStringLength
cpy #0
beq StringIsEmpty ;if this branch is taken, the string is empty
;otherwise, the string is not empty
68000 Assembly
An empty string is just a null terminator with no text in front.
DC.B 0
Checking if a string is empty is simple, just count the number of characters before you reach the terminator. If that count equals zero, the string is empty. Otherwise, the string is not empty.
LEA EmptyString,A0 ;assign the empty string to address register A0
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ;push A0 onto the stack. This will be used to check if the string is empty.
MOVE.B (A0)+,D0
BEQ Terminated
JMP loop_getStringLength
SUBQ.L #1,A0 ;after the terminator is read, A0 is incremented to point to the byte after it. This fixes that.
CMP.L A0,(SP) ;compare the current A0 with the original value.
BEQ StringIsEmpty ;if they are equal, then nothing was read besides the terminator. Therefore the string is empty.
;if the above branch wasn't taken, the string is not empty and execution arrives here.
Assign an empty string to a variable:
"" var, str
Check that the string is empty:
str @ s:len 0 n:= if ... then
The check for a non-empty string is the same, but with "not" after the n:=
AArch64 Assembly
Declare an empty string at address str
str: .asciz ""
Check if a string stored at x0
is empty:
mov x5, #0
ldrb w5, [x0]
cmp x5, #0
Full program demo:
.equ STDOUT, 1
.equ SVC_WRITE, 64
.equ SVC_EXIT, 93
.global _start
stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
ldr x0, =str1
mov x29, sp
bl str_empty // str_empty("");
ldr x0, =str2
bl str_empty // str_empty("non-empty");
ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
mov x0, #0
b _exit
str1: .asciz ""
str2: .asciz "non-empty"
.align 4
// void str_empty(const char *s) - print "String is empty" if s is empty, "String is not empty" otherwise
mov x5, #0
ldrb w5, [x0]
ldr x1, =msg_empty
ldr x3, =msg_not_empty
mov x2, #16
mov x4, #20
cmp x5, #0
csel x1, x1, x3, eq // msg = s[0] == 0 ? msg_empty : msg_not_empty;
csel x2, x2, x4, eq // len = s[0] == 0 ? 16 : 20;
mov x0, #STDOUT
b _write // write(stdout, msg, len);
.ascii "String is empty\n"
.ascii "String is not empty\n"
.align 4
//////////////// system call wrappers
// ssize_t _write(int fd, void *buf, size_t count)
stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
mov x8, #SVC_WRITE
mov x29, sp
svc #0
ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
// void _exit(int retval)
mov x8, #SVC_EXIT
svc #0
To check if a string is empty:
(= (length str) 0)
PrintF("'%S' is empty? ",s)
IF s(0)=0 THEN
PROC Main()
CHAR ARRAY str1,str2
- Output:
Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer
'' is empty? True 'text' is empty? False
procedure Empty_String is
function Is_Empty(S: String) return Boolean is
return S = ""; -- test that S is empty
end Is_Empty;
Empty: String := ""; -- Assign empty string
XXXXX: String := "Not Empty";
if (not Is_Empty(Empty)) or Is_Empty(XXXXX) then
raise Program_Error with "something went wrong very very badly!!!";
end if;
end Empty_String;
text s;
s = "";
if (length(s) == 0) {
if (length(s) != 0) {
# declare a string variable and assign an empty string to it #
STRING s := "";
# test the string is empty #
IF s = "" THEN write( ( "s is empty", newline ) ) FI;
# test the string is not empty #
IF s /= "" THEN write( ( "s is not empty", newline ) ) FI;
# as a string is an array of characters, we could also test for emptyness by #
# checking for lower bound > upper bound #
IF LWB s > UPB s THEN write( ( "s is still empty", newline ) ) FI
--Returns true if the specified String is white space, empty (''), or null; otherwise, returns false.
⍝⍝ Assign empty string to A
A ← ''
0 = ⍴∊ A
~0 = ⍴∊ A
-- assign empty string to str
set str to ""
-- check if string is empty
if str is "" then
-- str is empty
end if
-- or
if id of str is {} then
-- str is empty
end if
-- or
if (count of str) is 0 then
-- str is empty
end if
-- check if string is not empty
if str is not "" then
-- string is not empty
end if
-- or
if id of str is not {} then
-- str is not empty
end if
-- or
if (count of str) is not 0 then
-- str is not empty
end if
ARM Assembly
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI */
/* program strEmpty.s */
/* Constantes */
.equ STDOUT, 1 @ Linux output console
.equ EXIT, 1 @ Linux syscall
.equ WRITE, 4 @ Linux syscall
/* Initialized data */
szNotEmptyString: .asciz "String is not empty. \n"
szEmptyString: .asciz "String is empty. \n"
@ empty string
szString: .asciz "" @ with zero final
szString1: .asciz "A" @ with zero final
/* UnInitialized data */
/* code section */
.global main
main: /* entry of program */
push {fp,lr} /* saves 2 registers */
@ load string
ldr r1,iAdrszString
ldrb r0,[r1] @ load first byte of string
cmp r0,#0 @ compar with zero ?
bne 1f
ldr r0,iAdrszEmptyString
bl affichageMess
b 2f
ldr r0,iAdrszNotEmptyString
bl affichageMess
/* second string */
@ load string 1
ldr r1,iAdrszString1
ldrb r0,[r1] @ load first byte of string
cmp r0,#0 @ compar with zero ?
bne 3f
ldr r0,iAdrszEmptyString
bl affichageMess
b 100f
ldr r0,iAdrszNotEmptyString
bl affichageMess
b 100f
100: /* standard end of the program */
mov r0, #0 @ return code
pop {fp,lr} @restaur 2 registers
mov r7, #EXIT @ request to exit program
swi 0 @ perform the system call
iAdrszString: .int szString
iAdrszString1: .int szString1
iAdrszNotEmptyString: .int szNotEmptyString
iAdrszEmptyString: .int szEmptyString
/* display text with size calculation */
/* r0 contains the address of the message */
push {fp,lr} /* save registres */
push {r0,r1,r2,r7} /* save others registers */
mov r2,#0 /* counter length */
1: /* loop length calculation */
ldrb r1,[r0,r2] /* read octet start position + index */
cmp r1,#0 /* if 0 its over */
addne r2,r2,#1 /* else add 1 in the length */
bne 1b /* and loop */
/* so here r2 contains the length of the message */
mov r1,r0 /* address message in r1 */
mov r0,#STDOUT /* code to write to the standard output Linux */
mov r7, #WRITE /* code call system "write" */
swi #0 /* call systeme */
pop {r0,r1,r2,r7} /* restaur others registers */
pop {fp,lr} /* restaur des 2 registres */
bx lr /* return */
s: ""
if empty? s -> print "the string is empty"
if 0 = size s -> print "yes, the string is empty"
s: "hello world"
if not? empty? s -> print "the string is not empty"
if 0 < size s -> print "no, the string is not empty"
- Output:
the string is empty yes, the string is empty the string is not empty no, the string is not empty
string c; //implicitly assigned an empty string
if (length(c) == 0) {
write("Empty string");
} else {
write("Non empty string");
string s = ""; //explicitly assigned an empty string
if (s == "") {
write("Empty string");
if (s != "") {
write("Non empty string");
string t = "not empty";
if (t != "") {
write("Non empty string");
} else {
write("Empty string");
- Output:
Empty string Empty string Non empty string
AutoHotkey has both "Traditional" or literal text, and "Expression" mode. This code demonstrates the task using both methods.
;; Traditional
; Assign an empty string:
var =
; Check that a string is empty:
If var =
MsgBox the var is empty
; Check that a string is not empty
If var !=
Msgbox the var is not empty
;; Expression mode:
; Assign an empty string:
var := ""
; Check that a string is empty:
If (var = "")
MsgBox the var is empty
; Check that a string is not empty
If (var != "")
Msgbox the var is not empty
The type string is defined as <character…|>
(a tuple of characters), so the empty tuple and the empty string are equivalent values, and all tuple/collection methods can be used on strings.
emptyStringVar : string := "";
Assert: emptyStringVar = "";
Assert: emptyStringVar = <>;
Assert: emptyStringVar is empty;
Assert: |emptyStringVar| = 0;
Checking that a string is _not_ empty generally isn't any more interesting, just a logical negation of the above tests.
nonemptyStringVar : string := "content!";
Assert: nonemptyStringVar ≠ "";
Assert: nonemptyStringVar ≠ <>;
Assert: ¬nonemptyStringVar is empty;
Assert: |nonemptyStringVar| > 0;
The library also defines a type _nonempty string_, which can be leveraged for a type-membership check.
Assert: nonemptyStringVar ∈ nonempty string;
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# Demonstrate how to assign an empty string to a variable.
print "a = ",a;
print "b = ",b;
print "length(a)=",length(a);
print "length(b)=",length(b);
# Demonstrate how to check that a string is empty.
print "Is a empty ?",length(a)==0;
print "Is a not empty ?",length(a)!=0;
# Demonstrate how to check that a string is not empty.
print "Is b empty ?",length(b)==0;
print "Is b not empty ?",length(b)!=0;
- Output:
$ awk -f R/tmp/string.awk a = b = XYZ length(a)= 0 length(b)= 3 Is a empty ? 1 Is a not empty ? 0 Is b empty ? 0 Is b not empty ? 1
!If length(Str1)
Disp "EMPTY",i
Disp "NOT EMPTY",i
10 LET A$=""
40 END
Applesoft BASIC
The terminating quote may be left off. By default, strings are initially empty so the assignment is not necessary. Another way to check for an empty string is to use the LEN function.
10 LET A$ = "
The literal empty string in BaCon is "".
' Empty string
a$ = ""
IF a$ = "" THEN PRINT "Empty string"
IF a$ != "" THEN PRINT "Non empty string"
There are other ways, such as a zero return from the LEN(s$) or ULEN(utf$) functions. EQUAL(s$, "") would be another way.
subroutine IsEmpty (s$)
if length(s$) = 0 then
print "String is empty"
print "String is not empty"
end if
if s$ = "" then print "yes, the string is empty"
if s$ <> "" then print "no, the string is not empty"
end subroutine
t$ = ""
call IsEmpty (t$)
u$ = "not empty"
call IsEmpty (u$)
Chipmunk Basic
100 cls
110 t$ = ""
120 isempty(t$)
130 u$ = "not empty"
140 isempty(u$)
150 end
160 sub isempty(s$)
170 if len(s$) = 0 then
180 print "String is empty"
190 else
200 print "String is not empty"
210 endif
220 if s$ = "" then print "yes, the string is empty"
230 if s$ <> "" then print "no, the string is not empty"
240 end sub
10 LET A$=""
20 IF A$="" THEN PRINT "The string is empty."
30 IF A$<>"" THEN PRINT "The string is not empty."
MSX Basic
100 CLS : REM 100 HOME for Applesoft BASIC
110 LET S$ = ""
120 GOSUB 160
130 LET S$ = "not empty"
140 GOSUB 160
150 END
160 REM isEmpty
170 IF LEN(S$) = 0 THEN PRINT "String is empty"
180 IF LEN(S$) <> 0 THEN PRINT "String is not empty"
190 IF S$ = "" THEN PRINT "yes, the string is empty"
200 IF S$ <> "" THEN PRINT "no, the string is not empty"
a$ = ""
If a$ = "" Then Print "Empty String"
If a$ <> "" Then Print a$ 'String is not empty, so print its contents.
IF LEN(s) = 0 THEN
PRINT "String is empty"
PRINT "String is not empty"
IF s = "" THEN PRINT "yes, the string is empty"
IF s <> "" THEN PRINT "no, the string is not empty"
DIM s AS STRING ' implicitly assigned an empty string
IsEmpty (s)
t$ = "" ' explicitly assigned an empty string
IsEmpty (t$)
u$ = "not empty"
IsEmpty (u$)
empty(s) returns true if s is empty.
s1 = ""
s2 = "abc"
print empty(s1)
print empty(s2)
SUB IsEmpty(s$)
IF Len(s$) = 0 THEN
PRINT "String is empty"
PRINT "String is not empty"
IF s$ = "" THEN PRINT "yes, the string is empty"
IF s$ <> "" THEN PRINT "no, the string is not empty"
LET t$ = ""
CALL IsEmpty(t$)
LET u$ = "not empty"
CALL IsEmpty(u$)
t := ""
Print Show(FUNC(_IsEmpty(t)))
u := "not empty"
Print Show(FUNC(_IsEmpty(u)))
_IsEmpty Param (1) : Return (Join ("String is ", Iif(Len(a@), "not ", ""), "empty"))
sub IsEmpty (s$)
if len(s$) = 0 then
print "String is empty"
print "String is not empty"
if s$ = "" print "yes, the string is empty"
if s$ <> "" print "no, the string is not empty"
end sub
t$ = ""
IsEmpty (t$)
u$ = "not empty"
IsEmpty (u$)
Batch File
@echo off
::set "var" as a blank string.
set var=
::check if "var" is a blank string.
if not defined var echo Var is a blank string.
if %var%@ equ @ echo Var is a blank string.
::check if "var" is not a blank string.
if defined var echo Var is defined.
if %var%@ neq @ echo Var is not a blank string.
REM assign an empty string to a variable:
var$ = ""
REM Check that a string is empty:
IF var$ = "" THEN PRINT "String is empty"
REM Check that a string is not empty:
IF var$ <> "" THEN PRINT "String is not empty"
using System;
namespace EmptyString
class Program
public static void Main()
String s = scope .();
if (s.IsEmpty)
Console.Writeln("string empty");
if (!s.IsEmpty)
Console.Writeln("string not empty");
An empty string in BQN is the same as an empty array, as all strings are character arrays.
To check emptiness, we can check the length of the array using ≠
(or shape with ≢
•Show ""
•Show 0 = ≠ ""
•Show 0 ≠ ≠ ""
•Show "" ≡ ⟨⟩
There are two ways to assign a string to a variable. The variant using the =
operator does not evaluate the value before the assignment, the variant using the :
(match) operator does. If the value is a string, there is no difference, as a string always evaluates to itself.
( :?a
& (b=)
& abra:?c
& (d=cadabra)
& !a: { a is empty string }
& !b: { b is also empty string }
& !c:~ { c is not an empty string }
& !d:~ { neither is d an empty string }
Empty string is "" and checking for empty strings (or empty lists) can be done with the nu command.
blsq ) ""
blsq ) ""nu
blsq ) "a"nu
In C the strings are char
pointers. A string terminates with the null char (U+0000, '\0'
), which is not considered part of the string. Thus an empty string is "\0"
, while a null string is a null pointer which points to nothing.
#include <string.h>
/* ... */
/* assign an empty string */
const char *str = "";
/* to test a null string */
if (str) { ... }
/* to test if string is empty */
if (str[0] == '\0') { ... }
/* or equivalently use strlen function
strlen will seg fault on NULL pointer, so check first */
if ( (str == NULL) || (strlen(str) == 0)) { ... }
/* or compare to a known empty string, same thing. "== 0" means strings are equal */
if (strcmp(str, "") == 0) { ... }
using System;
class Program {
static void Main (string[] args) {
string example = string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(example)) { }
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(example)) { }
In depth
Compiler: Roslyn C# (language version >= 6)
Note: implementation information provided in comments was obtained reflecting .NET libraries and viewing the .NET Core reference source and may not be correct or remain relevant as time passes.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
static class Program
// In short:
public static void Foo()
string s;
// Assign empty string:
s = "";
// or
s = string.Empty;
// Check for empty string only (false if s is null):
if (s != null && s.Length == 0) { }
// Check for null or empty (more idiomatic in .NET):
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { }
public static void Main()
// Equality is somewhat convoluted in .NET.
// The methods above are the author's recommendation for each case.
// s is initialized to null. It is a variable of the System.String type that is a null reference and is not
// the empty string.
string s = null;
// Alias Console.WriteLine(bool) with a shorter name to make the demonstration code less verbose.
Action<bool> P = Console.WriteLine;
// Assign the empty string literal to s.
s = "";
// ' Assign String.Empty to s.
s = string.Empty;
// The empty string literal is the same object reference as String.Empty because of string interning, meaning the
// behavior of the two is identical.
// From this point on, "" will be used instead of String.Empty for brevity.
//#== operator (object)
// The == operator tests for reference equality when overload resolution fails to find an operator defined by
// either operand type. However, which strings are interned is a CLR implementation detail and may be unreliable
// when comparing non-empty strings. The equivalent in VB.NET would be s Is "".
// Note that there is no such operator as Object.op_Equality(Object, Object): the use of the == operator for
// types of type Object is a C# language feature.
P((object)s == "");
//#Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object)
// The previous line is semantically to the following, though it does not involve a method call.
P(object.ReferenceEquals(s, ""));
//#String.op_Equality(String, String)
// The equality operator of System.String is implemented as a call to String.Equals(String). Operators cannot be
// called with method syntax in C#.
P(s == "");
//#String.Equals(String, String)
// Call the static method defined on the String type, which first calls Object.ReferenceEquals and then, after
// verifying that both are strings of the same length, compares the strings character-by-character.
P(string.Equals(s, ""));
//#Object.Equals(Object, Object)
// First checks for reference equality and whether one or both of the arguments is null. It then invokes the
// instance Equals method of the left parameter.
P(object.Equals(s, ""));
// The method is called with the string literal as the receiver because a NullReferenceException is thrown if s
// is null.
// Check the Length property. The ?. (null-conditional) operator is used to avoid NullReferenceException. The Equals
// call above can also be done this way. Null propagation makes the equality operator return false if one operand
// is a Nullable<T> and does not have a value, making this result in false when s is null.
P(s?.Length == 0);
// A more traditional version of the null-conditional using a guard clause.
// Both the null-conditional and this are noticeably (~4 times) faster than "".Equals(s). In general, it appears that
// for empty strings, using the length is faster than using an equality comparison.
P(s != null && s.Length == 0);
// Note that all of the other methods give false for null.
// A static method of System.String that returns true if the string is null or its length is zero.
//#System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer(Of String).Default.Equals(String, String)
// The EqualityComparer(Of T) class provides default implementations when an IEqualityComparer(Of T) is required.
// The implementation for String calls String.Equals(String).
P(EqualityComparer<string>.Default.Equals(s, ""));
// Each of the means described above, except testing for a non-empty string.
P((object)s != "");
P(!object.ReferenceEquals(s, ""));
P(s != "");
P(!string.Equals(s, ""));
P(!object.Equals(s, ""));
P(s?.Length != 0); // Still false when s is null!
P(s == null || s.Length != 0);
P(!EqualityComparer<string>.Default.Equals(s, ""));
#include <string>
// ...
// empty string declaration
std::string str; // (default constructed)
std::string str(); // (default constructor, no parameters)
std::string str{}; // (default initialized)
std::string str(""); // (const char[] conversion)
std::string str{""}; // (const char[] initializer list)
if (str.empty()) { ... } // to test if string is empty
// we could also use the following
if (str.length() == 0) { ... }
if (str == "") { ... }
// make a std::string empty
str.clear(); // (builtin clear function)
str = ""; // replace contents with empty string
str = {}; // swap contents with temp string (empty),then destruct temp
// swap with empty string
std::string tmp{}; // temp empty string
str.swap(tmp); // (builtin swap function)
std::swap(str, tmp); // swap contents with tmp
// create an array of empty strings
std::string s_array[100]; // 100 initialized to "" (fixed size)
std::array<std::string, 100> arr; // 100 initialized to "" (fixed size)
std::vector<std::string>(100,""); // 100 initialized to "" (variable size, 100 starting size)
// create empty string as default parameter
void func( std::string& s = {} ); // {} generated default std:string instance
Caché ObjectScript
; Demonstrate how to assign an empty string to a variable.
set x = ""
; Demonstrate how to check that a string is empty.
; Length 0 is empty; equality/pattern check are 1=T, 0=F
write !,"Assigned x to null value. Tests: "
write !,"String length: "_$length(x)_", Equals null: "_(x = "")_", Empty pattern: "_(x?."") ; length 0 is empty
; Demonstrate how to check that a string is not empty. Same as above.
set x = " " ;assign to a space - not null
write !!,"Assigned x to a single blank space. Tests: "
write !,"String length: "_$length(x)_", Equals null: "_(x = "")_", Empty pattern: "_(x?."")
- Output:
Assigned x to null value. Tests: String length: 0, Equals null: 1, Empty pattern: 1
Assigned x to a single blank space. Tests: String length: 1, Equals null: 0, Empty pattern: 0
(def x "") ;x is "globally" declared to be the empty string
(let [x ""]
;x is bound to the empty string within the let
(= x "") ;true if x is the empty string
(not= x "") ;true if x is not the empty string
01 str PIC X(10).
* * Assign an empty string.
* * Or
MOVE " " TO str.
IF (str = " ")
DISPLAY "String is empty"
DISPLAY "String is not empty"
Empty strings are mostly straightforward in CoffeeScript, but there's one gotcha.
isEmptyString = (s) ->
# Returns true iff s is an empty string.
# (This returns false for non-strings as well.)
return true if s instanceof String and s.length == 0
s == ''
empties = ["", '', new String()]
non_empties = [new String('yo'), 'foo', {}]
console.log (isEmptyString(v) for v in empties) # [true, true, true]
console.log (isEmptyString(v) for v in non_empties) # [false, false, false]
console.log (s = '') == "" # true
console.log new String() == '' # false, due to underlying JavaScript's distinction between objects and primitives
Common Lisp
Common Lisp treats empty strings as true (T in Common Lisp), therefore one must check the length of the string to know if it is empty or not.
(defparameter *s* "") ;; Binds dynamic variable *S* to the empty string ""
(let ((s "")) ;; Binds the lexical variable S to the empty string ""
(= (length s) 0) ;; Check if the string is empty
(> (length s) 0) ;; Check if length of string is over 0 (that is: non-empty)
;; (length s) returns zero for any empty sequence. You're better off using type checking:
(typep s '(string 0)) ;; only returns true on empty string
(typep s '(and string
(not (string 0))))) ;; only returns true on string that is not empty
Component Pascal
BlackBox Component Builder
MODULE EmptyString;
(* s := "" <=> s[0] := 0X => s isEmpty*)
s := "";
StdLog.String("Is 's' empty?:> ");StdLog.Bool(s = "");StdLog.Ln;
StdLog.String("Is not 's' empty?:> ");StdLog.Bool(s # "");StdLog.Ln;
(* Or *)
s := 0X;
StdLog.String("Is 's' empty?:> ");StdLog.Bool(s = 0X);StdLog.Ln;
StdLog.String("Is not 's' empty?:> ");StdLog.Bool(s # 0X);StdLog.Ln;
END EmptyString.
Execute: ^Q EmptyString.Do
- Output:
Is 's' empty?:> $TRUE Is not 's' empty?:> $FALSE Is 's' empty?:> $TRUE Is not 's' empty?:> $FALSE
D treats null strings and empty strings as equal on the value level, but different on object level. You need to take this into account when checking for emptiness.
import std.array;
bool isEmptyNotNull(in string s) pure nothrow @safe {
return s is "";
void main(){
string s1 = null;
string s2 = "";
// the content is the same
assert(s1 == "" && s1 == null);
assert(s2 == "" && s2 == null);
assert(s1 == s2);
// but they don't point to the same memory region
assert(s1 is null && s1 !is "");
assert(s2 is "" && s2 !is null);
assert(s1 !is s2);
assert(s1.ptr == null);
assert(*s2.ptr == '\0'); // D string literals are \0 terminated
main() {
var empty = '';
if (empty.isEmpty) {
print('it is empty');
if (empty.isNotEmpty) {
print('it is not empty');
program EmptyString;
uses SysUtils;
function StringIsEmpty(const aString: string): Boolean;
Result := aString = '';
s: string;
s := '';
Writeln(StringIsEmpty(s)); // True
s := 'abc';
Writeln(StringIsEmpty(s)); // False
Assign an empty string to variable s
add_str(s,⟦⟧); // empty string
add_str(n); // null string (␀)
Check a string is empty (various approaches).
log_console()_is(es); // is not null
- Output:
true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true true
Check a string is not empty (various approaches).
log_console()_is(s); // is not null
- Output:
true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true true
Check a string is null
(␀) (various approaches).
- Output:
select '' as empty, length(empty), empty = '', empty != '';
- Output:
┌─────────┬───────────────┬──────────────┬───────────────┐ │ empty │ length(empty) │ (empty = '') │ (empty != '') │ │ varchar │ int64 │ boolean │ boolean │ ├─────────┼───────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────┤ │ │ 0 │ true │ false │ └─────────┴───────────────┴──────────────┴───────────────┘
var s : String;
s := ''; // assign an empty string (can also use "")
if s = '' then
s := 'hello';
if s <> '' then
PrintLn('not empty');
Demonstrate how to assign an empty string to a variable:
var str = ""
Demonstrate how to check that a string is empty:
if str.IsEmpty() { }
Demonstrate how to check that a string is not empty:
if !str.IsEmpty() { }
Déjà Vu
Like in Python, empty strings are falsy, non-empty strings are truthy.
local :e ""
if not e:
!print "an empty string"
if e:
!print "not an empty string"
a$ = ""
if a$ = ""
print "empty"
if a$ <> ""
print "no empty"
ed has no concept of string, only lines. Still, one can empty (or even delete) a line. Checking for emptiness requires conditional matching with g and v.
# Empty the string (line)
# Check for emptiness
g/.+/s//Not empty/
v/Not empty/s//Empty
ELENA 4.x:
import extensions;
public program()
auto s := emptyString;
if (s.isEmpty())
{ console.printLine("'", s, "' is empty") };
if (s.isNonempty())
{ console.printLine("'", s, "' is not empty") }
- Output:
'' is empty
To check whether a given variable holds an empty string, either compare it to the empty string literal, check its length - O(M), or check it's byte size - O(1)).
empty_string = ""
not_empty_string = "a"
empty_string == ""
# => true
String.length(empty_string) == 0
# => true
byte_size(empty_string) == 0
# => true
not_empty_string == ""
# => false
String.length(not_empty_string) == 0
# => false
byte_size(not_empty_string) == 0
# => false
Emacs Lisp
(setq str "") ;; empty string literal
(if (= 0 (length str))
(message "string is empty"))
(if (/= 0 (length str))
(message "string is not empty"))
Also possible is (string= "" str)
An common lisp incompatible way:
(defvar str "" "An empty string")
(if (length= str 0)
(message "string is empty")
(message "string is not empty"))
# Demonstrate how to assign an empty string to a variable.
text sampleA = Text.EMPTY
text sampleB = "hello world"
text sampleC = ""
List samples = text[sampleA, sampleB, sampleC]
for each text sample in samples
# Demonstrate how to check that a string is empty.
writeLine("Is '" + sample + "' empty? " + when(sample.isEmpty(), "Yes", "No") + ".")
- Output:
Is '' empty? Yes. Is 'hello world' empty? No. Is '' empty? Yes.
1> S = "". % erlang strings are actually lists, so the empty string is the same as the empty list [].
2> length(S).
3> case S of [] -> empty; [H|T] -> not_empty end.
4> case "aoeu" of [] -> empty; [H|T] -> not_empty end.
sequence s
-- assign an empty string
s = ""
-- another way to assign an empty string
s = {} -- "" and {} are equivalent
if not length(s) then
-- string is empty
end if
if length(s) then
-- string is not empty
end if
open System
let main args =
let emptyString = String.Empty // or any of the literals "" @"" """"""
printfn "Is empty %A: %A" emptyString (emptyString = String.Empty)
printfn "Is not empty %A: %A" emptyString (emptyString <> String.Empty)
- Output:
Is empty "": true Is not empty "": false
It's idiomatic in Factor to prefer using the stack over variable bindings.
"" empty? .
- Output:
However, Factor provides lexical variables:
USE: locals
"" :> empty-string
empty-string empty? .
empty-string empty? not .
- Output:
t f
Fantom uses "" to represent an empty string, and provides the isEmpty method to check if a string is empty.
a := "" // assign an empty string to 'a'
a.isEmpty // method on sys::Str to check if string is empty
a.size == 0 // what isEmpty actually checks
a == "" // alternate check for an empty string
!a.isEmpty // check that a string is not empty
Strings are represented as an addr-len pair on the stack. An empty string has len 0.
\ string words operate on the address and count left on the stack by a string
\ ? means the word returns a true/false flag on the stack
: empty? ( c-addr u -- ? ) nip 0= ;
: filled? ( c-addr u -- ? ) empty? 0= ;
: ="" ( c-addr u -- ) drop 0 ; \ It's OK to copy syntax from other languages
Forth Console Test (True= -1, False=0)
s" This is not empty" empty? . 0 ok s" This is filled" filled? . -1 ok s" " empty? . -1 ok s" this is filled" ="" empty? . -1
Early Fortran offered only rather strange methods of manipulating text, involving overwriting text literals within a FORMAT statement via a READ statement that used that format statement. Such text could not be inspected, whether to see if it was blank or anything else. Fortran 4 introduced the A format whereby text could be stored in integer or floating-point variables or arrays, and then those variables could be manipulated and inspected - though their numerical values would be unusual, especially if in floating-point variables. Fortran 77 introduced a CHARACTER definition which greatly eased matters but it was not a "string" type, which is to say, a variable storing some sequence of characters (or, in principle, integers, or other data) and also having a length. A variable may be declared as having a fixed size, as in CHARACTER*24 TEXT, and there is a library function LEN which for that variable would return 24, no matter what the variable contained. That is to say, it reports the size of the variable, not the length in current use of a string of up to 24 characters as would be the case for a similar declaration in for example, Pascal.
Such variables, or text literals, may be passed as a parameter to a subprogram, and it may use the LEN function to ascertain the size of the parameter, which in that sense could be considered a string because CHARACTER parameters are passed with a secret additional parameter, their size, which is available to the LEN function within the subprogram.
CHARACTER*(*) T !This form allows for any size.
IF (LEN(T).LE.0) WRITE(6,*) "Empty!"
IF (LEN(T).GT.0) WRITE(6,*) "Not empty!"
TEXT = "" !Fills the entire variable with space characters.
CALL TASTE(TEXT) !Passes all 24 of them. Result is Not empty!
Otherwise, you could employ the Fortran protocol that trailing spaces are irrelevant in text comparisons. Thus TEXT .EQ. ""
would give true even though TEXT might contain thousands of space characters, and so would TEXT .EQ. " "
- thus an empty string is one containing nothing other than spaces.
Alternatively, the programmer can be diligent, and associate an integer with every such CHARACTER variable, such as LTEXT for TEXT, to hold the current length of characters in use. Tests for empty strings and the like would thus be made by inspecting the value of LTEXT, which hopefully, would always contain correct values.
With F90, compound data aggregates can be defined and as well procedures for operating on them, so that, after a great deal of syntactic struggle, a string data type will be available. F2000 standardised one such scheme whereby character variables are de-allocated and re-allocated with usage so that a statement such as TEXT = "This" // "That"
would cause a de-allocation of whatever storage had been associated with TEXT followed by a re-allocation of storage for eight characters, the required size, and LEN(TEXT) would give 8.
Free Pascal
Assigning an empty string:
s := '';
Checking for an empty string:
s = ''
length(s) = 0
Checking for a non-empty string:
s <> ''
length(s) > 0
The sysUtils
unit defines the constants emptyStr
and emptyWideStr
, which can be used in place of ''
' FB 1.05.0 Win64
Sub IsEmpty(s As String)
If Len(s) = 0 Then
Print "String is empty"
Print "String is not empty"
End If
End Sub
Dim s As String ' implicitly assigned an empty string
Dim t As String = "" ' explicitly assigned an empty string
Dim u As String = "not empty"
- Output:
String is empty String is empty String is not empty
a = ""
if a == ""
if a != ""
println["Not empty"]
window 1, @"Empty string", (0,0,480,270)
CFStringRef s
s = @""
if ( fn StringIsEqual( s, @"" ) ) then print @"string is empty"
if ( fn StringLength( s ) == 0 ) then print @"string is empty"
if ( len(s) == 0 ) then print @"string is empty"
s = @"Hello"
if ( fn StringIsEqual( s, @"" ) == NO ) then print @"string not empty"
if ( fn StringLength( s ) != 0 ) then print @"string not empty"
if ( len(s) != 0 ) then print @"string not empty"
Click this link to run this code
Public Sub Main()
Dim sString As String[] = ["", "Hello", "world", "", "Today", "Tomorrow", "", "", "End!"]
Dim sTemp As String
Dim siCount As Short
For Each sTemp In sString
If sString[siCount] Then
Print "String " & siCount & " = " & sString[siCount]
Print "String " & siCount & " is empty"
End If
Inc siCount
String 0 is empty String 1 = Hello String 2 = world String 3 is empty String 4 = Today String 5 = Tomorrow String 6 is empty String 7 is empty String 8 = End!
Go has no special syntax for empty strings. In Go variables are always initialized to a provided value or to the "zero value" of the type. The zero value of a string is the empty string.
// define and initialize an empty string
var s string
s2 := ""
// assign an empty string to a variable
s = ""
// check that a string is empty, any of:
s == ""
len(s) == 0
// check that a string is not empty, any of:
s != ""
len(s) != 0 // or > 0
package main import ( "fmt" ) func test(s string) { if len(s) == 0 { fmt.Println("empty") } else { fmt.Println("not empty") } } func main() { // assign an empty string to a variable. str1 := "" str2 := " " // check if a string is empty. test(str1) // prt empty // check that a string is not empty. test(str2) // prt not empty }
def s = '' // or "" if you wish
assert s.empty
s = '1 is the loneliest number'
assert !s.empty
10 DIM S1$ 'implicitly defined empty string
20 S2$ = "" 'explicitly defined empty string
30 S3$ = "Foo bar baz"
40 S$=S1$ : GOSUB 200
50 S$=S2$ : GOSUB 200
60 S$=S3$ : GOSUB 200
70 END
200 IF LEN(S$)=0 THEN PRINT "Empty string" ELSE PRINT "Non-empty string"
// in Harbour we have several functions to check emptiness of a string, f.e. hb_IsNull(), Len(), Empty() et.c.,
// we can also use comparison expressions like [cString == ""] and [cString != ""], yet the most convenient
// of them is `Empty()` (but that depends on personal coding style).
cString := ""
? Empty( cString ) // --> TRUE
IF ! Empty( cString ) // --> FALSE
? cString
import Control.Monad
-- In Haskell strings are just lists (of characters), so we can use the function
-- 'null', which applies to all lists. We don't want to use the length, since
-- Haskell allows infinite lists.
main = do
let s = ""
when (null s) (putStrLn "Empty.")
when (not $ null s) (putStrLn "Not empty.")
/* assign an empty string */
U8 *str = StrNew("");
/* or */
U8 *str = "";
/* to test if string is empty */
if (StrLen(str) == 0) { ... }
/* or compare to a known empty string. "== 0" means strings are equal */
if (StrCmp(str, "") == 0) { ... }
/* to test if string is not empty */
if (StrLen(str)) { ... }
software {
s = ""
// Can either compare the string to an empty string or
// test if the length is zero.
if s = "" or #s = 0
print("Empty string!")
if s - "" or #s - 0
print("Not an empty string!")
Icon and Unicon
Icon and Unicon can produce empty strings in several ways:
variable=: ''
Note that J attempts to make no distinction between empty lists, regardless of their type. In other words, while some operations can reveal the type of an empty list (for example, anything that can introduce padding based on the type of the list itself) this distinction is ignored whenever possible. You can perform arithmetic on an empty string, and you can append text to an empty list of numbers even though these operations would not succeed on non-empty lists of the same type.
(Thus it's not appropriate, in general case J code, to check that an empty string is of type string.)
Note also that in an if.
or while.
statement, J treats an empty string (or the absence of any argument) as true.
In this context, it's also worth noting that J has concepts of emptiness which are emptier than an empty string. For example:
0 0
Here, the display of an empty string occupies one line (just like the display of any other string -- except this line is an empty line), while the display of EMPTY
occupies zero blank lines. Or EMPTY
contains zero empty strings (or zero empty lists). When you want the result of a J verb to not display any result, use a value like EMPTY as its explicit result.
is part of Java 1.6. Other options for previous versions are noted.
String s = "";
if(s != null && s.isEmpty()){//optionally, instead of "s.isEmpty()": "s.length() == 0" or "s.equals("")"
System.out.println("s is empty");
System.out.println("s is not empty");
Create an empty String
var s = "";
var s = new String();
Boolean expressions representing emptiness
s == ""
s.length == 0
s != ""
s.length != 0
s.length > 0
jq programs can read JSON strings as data and may contain JSON strings. This entry is focused on such strings and excludes from consideration interpolation directives, which have the form of strings but are not themselves valid JSON strings.
The empty string literal is simply "". It can be assigned to a variable as illustrated by this example:
"" as $x
If s is a string or an array, then the additive "zero" for s can be created by writing s[0:0]. That is, if s is a string, then s[0:0] will yield the empty string. This is useful when writing polymorphic functions. To determine whether a string, s, is empty:
s == ""
# or:
s|length == 0
To determine whether a string, s, is non-empty:
s != ""
# or:
s.length != 0 # etc.
/* Empty string, in Jsish */
var em1 = '';
var em2 = new String();
var str = 'non-empty';
;'Empty string tests';
;em1 == '';
;em1 === '';
;em1.length == 0;
;(em1) ? false : true;
;Object.is(em1, '');
;Object.is(em1, new String());
;'Non empty string tests';
;str != '';
;str !== '';
;str.length != 0;
;str.length > 0;
;(str) ? true : false;
;'Compare two empty strings';
;(em1 == em2);
;(em1 === em2);
'Empty string tests'
em1 == '' ==> true
em1 === '' ==> true
em1.length == 0 ==> true
!em1 ==> true
(em1) ? false : true ==> true
Object.is(em1, '') ==> true
Object.is(em1, new String()) ==> true
'Non empty string tests'
str != '' ==> true
str !== '' ==> true
str.length != 0 ==> true
str.length > 0 ==> true
!!str ==> true
(str) ? true : false ==> true
'Compare two empty strings'
(em1 == em2) ==> true
(em1 === em2) ==> true
- Output:
prompt$ jsish --U emptyString.jsi 'Empty string tests' em1 == '' ==> true em1 === '' ==> true em1.length == 0 ==> true !em1 ==> true (em1) ? false : true ==> true Object.is(em1, '') ==> true Object.is(em1, new String()) ==> true 'Non empty string tests' str != '' ==> true str !== '' ==> true str.length != 0 ==> true str.length > 0 ==> true !!str ==> true (str) ? true : false ==> true 'Compare two empty strings' (em1 == em2) ==> true (em1 === em2) ==> true prompt$ jsish -u emptyString.jsi [PASS] emptyString.jsi
blank = ""
nonblank = "!"
println("The length of blank is ", length(blank))
println("That blank is empty is ", isempty(blank))
println("That blank is not empty is ", !isempty(blank))
println("The length of nonblank is ", length(nonblank))
println("That nonblank is empty is ", isempty(nonblank))
println("That nonblank is not empty is ", !isempty(nonblank))
- Output:
The length of blank is 0 That blank is empty is true That blank is not empty is false The length of nonblank is 1 That nonblank is empty is false That nonblank is not empty is true
variable: ""
You can always use equality to check for the empty string.
let eps := ""
assert(eps = "")
assert(eps /= "foo")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val s = ""
println(s.isEmpty()) // true
println(s.isNotEmpty()) // false
println(s.length) // 0
println(s.none()) // true
println(s.any()) // false
This image is a VI Snippet, an executable image of LabVIEW code. The LabVIEW version is shown on the top-right hand corner. You can download it, then drag-and-drop it onto the LabVIEW block diagram from a file browser, and it will appear as runnable, editable code.
In Lambdatalk primitives working on sequences of words begin with "S."
'{def emptyString }
-> emptyString
'{S.empty? {emptyString}}
-> true
'{S.empty? hello}
-> false
'{= {S.length {emptyString}} 0}
-> true
In Lang strings are called text and are of type TEXT.
# Text creation
# Empty text escape sequence
$s = \e
$s = {{{}}}
# With simple assignment:
# "$s =" would not work, as ist would set $s to null
# Is empty
fn.println(parser.con($s == \e))
fn.println(parser.con($s === \e))
fn.println(parser.con(fn.strlen($s) == 0))
fn.println(parser.con(fn.len($s) == 0))
fn.println(parser.op(@$s == 0))
# Is not empty
fn.println(parser.con($s != \e))
fn.println(parser.con($s !== \e))
fn.println(parser.con($s)) # Must be used in conditional parsing mode (Execution parsing mode would return $s as is)
fn.println(parser.con(fn.strlen($s) > 0))
fn.println(parser.con(fn.len($s) > 0))
fn.println(parser.op(@$s > 0))
//Demonstrate how to assign an empty string to a variable.
local(str = string)
local(str = '')
//Demonstrate how to check that a string is empty.
#str->size == 0 // true
not #str->size // true
//Demonstrate how to check that a string is not empty.
local(str = 'Hello, World!')
#str->size > 0 // true
#str->size // true
Assigning the empty string.
s := "".
s := String clone.
Checking whether a string is empty.
s == "".
s empty?.
s length == 0.
Note that all strings are truthy in Latitude, so simply checking the truthiness of a string is an insufficient means to check whether it is empty.
> (set str "")
> (length str)
> (=:= 0 (length str))
> (=:= 0 (length "apple"))
> (=:= "apple" "")
> (=/= "apple" "")
> (=:= str "")
> (=:= "apple" '())
> (=/= "apple" '())
> (=:= str '())
> (case str ('() 'empty) ((cons head tail) 'not-empty))
> (case "apple" ('() 'empty) ((cons head tail) 'not-empty))
Lhogho is a Logo compiler for Windows and Linux
make "str " ;make null-string word
print empty? :str ;prints 'true'
print not empty? :str ;prints 'false'
Liberty BASIC
'assign empty string to variable
a$ = ""
'check for empty string
if a$="" then print "Empty string."
if len(a$)=0 then print "Empty string."
'check for non-empty string
if a$<>"" then print "Not empty."
if len(a$)>0 then print "Not empty."
str = EMPTY -- same as: str = ""
put str=EMPTY
-- 1
put str<>EMPTY
-- 0
The empty string is a false value in LOLCODE, and is thus amenable to use as the condition of an O RLY?
HAI 1.3
I HAS A string ITZ ""
string, O RLY?
-- create an empty string 3 different ways
str = ""
str = ''
str = [[]]
-- test for empty string
if str == "" then
print "The string is empty"
-- test for nonempty string
if str ~= "" then
print "The string is not empty"
-- several different ways to check the string's length
if string.len(str) == 0 then
print "The library function says the string is empty."
if str:len() == 0 then
print "The method call says the string is empty."
if #str == 0 then
print "The unary operator says the string is empty."
M2000 Interpreter
Easy reply for this task
Print A$<>"", A$="", Len(A$)=0
Depends of variable visibility, and what we want to do: To make a new local, to shadow a local or a global on.
Module Checkit {
\\ Part 1: Make global variable, alter it, make a shadow local or global one, use temporary variable
Global a$="ok"
Module Global What {
Print a$
Module Checkit {
Print a$="ok"
Print a$=""
Print a$="", a$<>""
Global a$="ok again"
Module Inner {
Print a$="ok again"
What \\ now What use new global a$
\\ display list of public variables
\\ we can define locals using Def, but raise error if local exist
Try {
Def a$="error"
Def b$
Print b$=""
For This {
\\ block for temporary definitions
For i=1 to 10 {
Local a$=str$(i)
\\ we get 10 more a$
Print a$=" 10"
Print a$=""
\\ using current stack
\\ we call always a local module, or a global, but not this module,
\\ no recursion for standard call for modules.
\\ we have to use Call Checkit to call this module recursive
What \\ now what use old global a$
Print a$<>"" ' true
\\ Part 2: Pass an empty string to a variable through stack of values
Module Checkit2 {
\\ read make a local by default
Read a$
Print a$="" ' true
For This {
Push "Hello"
Read New a$
Print a$="Hello"
Print a$=""
Checkit2 ""
Print a$<>"" ' true
Module Checkit3 {
\\ using Set we change to global space, for the end of line
Set Read a$
Print a$="" ' true
Checkit3 ""
Print a$<>"" ' true
Module Checkit4 {
\\ this make a local if no global exist
\\ so if global exist, alter the global one
Let a$=Letter$
Print a$="" ' true
Checkit4 ""
Print a$="" ' true
s := ""; # Create an empty string
evalb(s = ""); # test if the string is empty
evalb(s <> ""); # test if the string is not empty
Mathematica / Wolfram Language
str=""; (*Create*)
str==="" (*test empty*)
str=!="" (*test not empty*)
MATLAB / Octave
% Demonstrate how to assign an empty string to a variable.
str = '';
% Demonstrate how to check that a string is empty.
% Demonstrate how to check that a string is not empty.
s: ""$
/* check using string contents */
sequal(s, "");
not sequal(s, "");
/* check using string length */
slength(s) = "";
slength(s) # "";
There's nothing special about empty strings in Mercury.
S = "", % assignment
( if S = "" then ... else ... ), % checking if a string is empty
( if not S = "" then ... else ... ), % checking if a string is not empty
The bool
operator returns false
on an empty string and true
on a non-empty string. We can define empty?
as the negation of bool
(bool not) :empty?
"" empty? puts!
"Rosetta Code" empty? puts!
- Output:
true false
string.isEmpty = function
return self == ""
end function
number.toBoolStr = function
if self == 0 then return "false"
return "true"
end function
s = ""
t = "0"
print "'s' is empty? " + s.isEmpty.toBoolStr
print "'t' is empty? " + t.isEmpty.toBoolStr
- Output:
's' is empty? true 't' is empty? false
MIPS Assembly
An empty string is just a null terminator with nothing in front of it.
Storing an empty string:
li t0,0
la a0,UserRam
sb t0,(a0)
Checking that a string is (not) empty:
lbu t0,(a0)
nop ;load delay slot (only necessary on MIPS I hardware)
beqz t0,StringIsEmpty
nop ;branch delay slot
;your code for what happens when the string is not empty, goes here
empty_string1 = ""
empty_string2 = String.new
puts "empty string is empty" if empty_string1.isEmpty()
puts "empty string has no length" if empty_string2.length() == 0
puts "empty string is not nil" unless empty_string1 == nil
MODULE EmptyString EXPORTS Main;
(* Assign an empty string *)
Str := "";
(* Check if Str is empty *)
IF Text.Empty(Str) THEN
IO.Put("Str is empty!\n");
(* Same as above: *)
IF Text.Length(Str) = 0 THEN
IO.Put("Str is empty!\n");
(* To check for a non-empty string, negate any of the above
conditions with NOT *)
END EmptyString.
s = ""
if len(s)=0
println "s is empty"
println "s is not empty"
Assign an empty string:
def empty = "";
mutable fill_later = "";
Check if a string is empty/not empty:
a_string == ""; a_string != 0;
a_string.Length == 0; a_string.Length > 0;
my_empty_string = "";
% To make sure it is empty, we can ask whether its length is equal to zero. %
#my_empty_string == 0;
- Output:
my_empty_string = "" : [char] it = T : bool
/* NetRexx */
options replace format comments java crossref symbols binary
s1 = '' -- assignment
s2 = "" -- equivalent to s1
parse '.' . s3 . -- parsing a token that doesn't exist results in an empty string
strings = [s1, s2, s3, ' ']
loop s_ = 0 to strings.length - 1
say (Rexx s_).right(3)':\-'
when strings[s_] == '' then say ' "'strings[s_]'" is really empty'
when strings[s_].length = 0 then say ' "'strings[s_]'" is empty'
when strings[s_] = '' then say ' "'strings[s_]'" looks empty but may not be'
when strings[s_].length > 0 then say ' "'strings[s_]'" is not empty'
otherwise nop
end s_
- Output:
0: "" is really empty 1: "" is really empty 2: "" is really empty 3: " " looks empty but may not be
var x = ""
if x == "":
echo "empty"
if x != "":
echo "not empty"
# Alternatively:
if x.len == 0:
echo "empty"
if x.len > 0:
echo "not empty"
10 S$=""
20 IF S$<>"" THEN O$="NOT "
Lisp Syntax
(setf emptystring "") ;binds variable'emptystring' to the empty string ""
(let ((emptystring "")) ;; Binds local variable 'emptystring' to the empty string ""
(when (string-equal emptystring "") ;;case insensitive string comparison
(print "Is an empty string")) ;;bad argument error if not a string
(when (stringp emptystring)
(print "Is a string"))
(when (not (stringp emptystring))
(print "Is not a string"))
(when (and (stringp emptystring)(= (length emptystring) 0))
(print "Is an empty string"))
(when (and (stringp emptystring)(> (length emptystring) 0))
(print "Is a non-empty string")))
SAL Syntax
define variable emptystring = "" ;binds variable'emptystring' to the empty string ""
if emptystring = "" then
print "is empty string"
print "is not empty string"
Audacity plug-in (LISP syntax)
;nyquist plug-in
;version 4
;type tool
;name "Empty string"
(setq emptystring "") ;; Define global variable
(if (string= emptystring "") ;;case sensitive string comparison
"The string is empty."
"The string is not empty.")
Audacity plug-in (SAL syntax)
;nyquist plug-in
;version 4
;codetype sal
;type tool
;name "Empty string"
define variable emptystring = "a" ;; Define global variable
;; The ternary operator is #?
return #?(emptystring = "",
"The string is empty.",
"The string is not empty.")
MODULE EmptyString;
str: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
str := "";
Out.String("for str := ");Out.Char('"');Out.Char('"');Out.Char(';');Out.Ln;
Out.String("checking str = ");Out.Char('"');Out.Char('"');Out.String(" Is Empty? ");Out.Bool(str = "");Out.Ln;
Out.String("checking str[0] = 0X. Is Empty? ");Out.Bool(str[0] = 0X);Out.Ln;
str := "Hello Rossetta";
Out.String("for str :=");Out.Char('"');Out.String(str);Out.Char('"');Out.Char(";");Out.Ln;
Out.String("checking str = ");Out.Char('"');Out.String(str);Out.Char('"');Out.String(" Is Empty? ");Out.Bool(str = "");Out.Ln;
Out.String("checking str[0] = 0X. Is Empty? ");Out.Bool(str[0] = 0X);Out.Ln;
END EmptyString.
- Output:
for str := ""; checking str = "" Is Empty? TRUE checking str[0] = 0X. Is Empty? TRUE for str :="Hello Rossetta"; checking str = "Hello Rossetta" Is Empty? FALSE checking str[0] = 0X. Is Empty? FALSE
s := "";
if(s->IsEmpty()) {
"s is empty"->PrintLine();
} else{
"s is not empty"->PrintLine();
let is_string_empty s =
(s = "")
let () =
let s1 = ""
and s2 = "not empty" in
Printf.printf "s1 empty? %B\n" (is_string_empty s1);
Printf.printf "s2 empty? %B\n" (is_string_empty s2);
- Output:
s1 empty? true s2 empty? false
isEmpty can be used on all collections, not only strings.
"" isEmpty
"" isEmpty not
; define the empty string
(define empty-string "")
; three simplest tests for 'the-string emptiness
(if (or
(string-eq? the-string "")
(string=? the-string "")
(eq? (string-length the-string) 0))
(print "the-string is empty")
; four simplest tests for 'the-string not emptiness
(if (or
(not (string-eq? the-string ""))
(not (string=? the-string ""))
(not (eq? (string-length the-string) 0))
(less? 0 (string-length the-string)))
(print "the-string is NOT empty))
should work with each and every REXX interpreter/compiler.
w=' '
if v=='' Then Say 'v contains the empty string'<
If length(w)>0 Then Say 'Variable w does not contain the empty string'
If w='' Then Say 'this is not a good test'
- Output:
v contains the empty string Variable w does not contain the empty string this is not a good test
Strings can be stored in CHARACTER and LONGCHAR variables. Both are initially empty. Both can also be unknown. A CHARACTER has a maximum length of approx 32000 bytes.
IF cc > '' THEN
ELSE /* IF cc = '' */
isEmpty(s)=s=="" \\ Alternately:
isNonempty(s)=s!="" \\ Alternatively:
See also Delphi or Free Pascal
program emptyString(output);
s: string(20);
{ assigning an empty string }
s := '';
{ checking for an empty string }
writeLn( 'EQ(s, '''') :':20, EQ(s, ''):6);
writeLn( 'length(s) = 0 :':20, length(s) = 0:6);
{ checking that a string is not empty }
writeLn( 'NE(s, '''') :':20, NE(s, ''):6);
writeLn( 'length(s) > 0 :':20, length(s) > 0:6);
{ Beware: Only the string comparison functions (`EQ`, `NE`, etc.) take }
{ the string’s length into account. The symbolic `=` equal comparison }
{ operator, however, will pad operands with blanks to the same common }
{ length, and _subsequently_ compare individual string components. }
writeLn('!!! s = '' '' :':20, s = ' ':6);
{ If you want to perform the empty string check with an `=` comparison, }
{ you will need to call `trim` (remove trailing blanks) first. }
writeLn('trim(s) = '''' :':20, trim(s) = '':6)
- Output:
EQ(s, '') : True length(s) = 0 : True NE(s, '') : False length(s) > 0 : False !!! s = ' ' : True trim(s) = '' : True
// Empty string. Nigel Galloway: September 27th., 2024
var emptyString:=System.string.Empty;
- Output:
True False
if ($s eq "") { # Test for empty string
print "The string is empty";
if ($s ne "") { # Test for non empty string
print "The string is not empty";
In Perl, an empty string is often used to represent a false value.
$s = "";
if ($s) { ... } # false
# to tell if a string is false because it's empty, or it's plain not there (undefined)
$s = undef;
if (defined $s) { ... } # false; would be true on ""
# though, perl implicitly converts between strings and numbers, so this is also false
$s = "0";
if ($s) { ... } # false; also false on "000", "0.0", "\x0", "0 with text", etc
# but a string that converts to number 0 is not always false, though:
$s = "0 but true";
if ($s) { ... } # it's true! black magic!
with javascript_semantics string s s = "" -- assign an empty string if length(s)=0 then -- string is empty if s="" then -- string is empty if length(s)!=0 then -- string is not empty if s!="" then -- string is not empty
/# Rosetta Code problem: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Empty_string
by Galileo, 10/2022 #/
"" var s
s len if "String is NOT empty" else "String IS empty" endif print nl
" " "" == if "String IS empty" else "String is NOT empty" endif print
- Output:
String IS empty String is NOT empty === Press any key to exit ===
$str = ''; // assign an empty string to a variable
// check that a string is empty
if (empty($str)) { ... }
// check that a string is not empty
if (! empty($str)) { ... }
// we could also use the following
if ($str == '') { ... }
if ($str != '') { ... }
if (strlen($str) == 0) { ... }
if (strlen($str) != 0) { ... }
main =>
S = "", % assign an empty string to a variable
S == "", % check that a string is empty,
"not empty" != "". % check that a string is not empty
In Picat a string is a list of characters so list notation can be also be used.
main =>
S = "", % assign an empty string to a variable
S == [], % check that a string is empty,
"not empty" != []. % check that a string is not empty
The empty string is represented by 'NIL' in PicoLisp. During input, two subsequent double quotes '""' return the symbol NIL.
# To assign a variable an empty string:
(off String)
(setq String "")
(setq String NIL)
# To check for an empty string:
(or String ..)
(ifn String ..)
(unless String ..)
# or a non-empty string:
(and String ..)
(if String ..)
(when String ..)
int main() {
string s;
if (!s == 1 || sizeof(s) == 0 || s == "") {
write("String is empty\n");
else {
write("String not empty\n");
return 0;
Dcl s Char(10) Varying;
s = ''; /* assign an empty string to a variable. */
if length(s) = 0 then ... /* To test whether a string is empty */
if length(s) > 0 then ... /* to test for a non-empty string */
Plain English
To run:
Start up.
Put "" into a string.
If the string is blank, write "Empty!" on the console.
If the string is not blank, write "Not empty!" on the console.
Wait for the escape key.
Shut down.
Assignment (the type identifier is optional):
[string]$alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
[string]$empty = ""
# or...
[string]$empty = [String]::Empty
- Output:
False True
assign_empty_string(Variable) :- Variable = "".
is_empty_string(String) :- String == "".
not_empty_string(String) :- String \== "".
In PureBasic we can just test a string for truth to determine if it has a value.
Procedure.s isStringEmpty(a.s)
If a
ProcedureReturn "String is not empty, it contains '" + a + "'."
ProcedureReturn "String is empty, or null."
If OpenConsole()
Define a.s = ""
Define b.s = "stuff"
Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()
- Output:
String is empty, or null. String is not empty, it contains 'stuff'.
The empty string is printed by Python REPL as '', and is treated as boolean false (as are most empty container types, by convention). Any non-empty string, including '0', is always treated as True in a boolean context.
s = ''
# or:
s = str()
if not s or s == '':
print("String is empty")
if len(s) == 0:
print("String is empty")
print("String not empty")
# boolean test function for python2 and python3
# test for regular (non-unicode) strings
# unicode strings
# None
def emptystring(s):
if isinstance(s, (''.__class__ , u''.__class__) ):
if len(s) == 0:
return True
return False
elif s is None:
return True
Dim s1 As String 'initialized empty
If Len(s1) = 0 Then Print "Empty"
s2$ = ""
If s2$ = "" Then Print "Empty"
s3$ = "cat"
If Len(s3$) <> 0 Then Print "Not empty"
If s3$ <> "" Then Print "Still not empty"
- Output:
Empty Empty Not empty Still not empty
Quackery does not have variables or assignment. The closest equivalent to variables is its ancillary stacks. temp is a predefined ancillary stack. Rather than assigning an empty string to a variable, we can create an empty string and move it to temp.
Demonstrated as a dialogue in the Quackery REPL.
Welcome to Quackery.
Enter "leave" to leave the shell.
/O> $ "" temp put ( move an empty string to temp )
... temp share ( copy the empty string on temp to the stack )
... $ '' = ( compare the top of stack to an empty string, and replace it with
... 1 (true) if it is an empty string and 0 (false) if it is not. )
... temp take ( move the empty string on temp to the stack )
... $ '' != ( compare the top of stack to an empty string, and replace it with
... 1 (true) if it is not an empty string and 0 (false) if it is. )
Stack: 1 0
/O> leave
10 let s=""
20 if s="" then let o=""
30 if s<>"" then let o="not "
40 print "The string is ";o;"empty."
s <- ''
if (s == '') cat('Empty\n')
if (nchar(s) == 0) cat('Empty\n')
if (s != '') cat('Not empty\n')
if (nchar(s) > 0) cat('Not empty\n')
#lang racket
(define empty-string "")
(define (string-null? s) (string=? "" s))
(define (string-not-null? s) (string<? "" s))
(formerly Perl 6)
my $s = '';
say 'String is empty' unless $s;
say 'String is not empty' if $s;
Unlike in Perl 5, only empty strings test as false - the string "0" tests as true now.
str s = "";
if (s=="") print("string s is empty");
if (s!="") print("string s is not empty");
Or the build-in operator:
import String;
if (isEmpty(s)) print("string s is empty");
if (isEmpty(s)) print("string s is not empty");
Red []
s: copy "" ;; assign empty string
?? s
if empty? s [print "string is empty "] ;; check if string is empty
s: "abc"
prin s unless empty? s [print " not empty"]
- Output:
s: "" string is empty abc not empty >>
Create an empty string and assign it to a variable. In these keepString is used to ensure that the string is permanent.
( by creating a variable )
"" keepString variable: foo
( by setting an existing variable 'foo' )
"" keepString !foo
Checking that a string is empty. A string with a length of zero is assumed to be empty.
: emtpy? ( $-f ) getLength 0 = ;
"" empty? putn
"hello" empty? putn
Check that a string is not empty.
: notEmpty? ( $-f ) getLength 0 > ;
"" notEmpty? putn
"hello" notEmpty? putn
/*REXX program shows how to assign an empty string, & then check for empty/not-empty str*/
/*─────────────── 3 simple ways to assign an empty string to a variable.*/
auk='' /*uses two single quotes (also called apostrophes); easier to peruse. */
ide="" /*uses two quotes, sometimes called a double quote. */
doe= /*··· nothing at all (which in this case, a null value is assigned. */
/*─────────────── assigning multiple null values to vars, 2 methods are:*/
parse var doe emu pug yak nit moa owl pas jay koi ern ewe fae gar hob
/*where emu, pug, yak, ··· (and the rest) are all set to a null value.*/
/*───or─── (with less clutter ─── or more, depending on your perception)*/
parse value 0 with . ant ape ant imp fly tui paa elo dab cub bat ayu
/*where the value of zero is skipped, and the rest are set to null,*/
/*which is the next value AFTER the 0 (zero): nothing (or a null).*/
/*─────────────── how to check that a string is empty, several methods: */
if cat=='' then say "the feline is not here."
if pig=="" then say 'no ham today.'
if length(gnu)==0 then say "the wildebeest's stomach is empty and hungry."
if length(ips)=0 then say "checking with == instead of = is faster"
if length(hub)<1 then method = "this is rather obtuse, don't do as I do ···"
nit='' /*assign an empty string to a lice egg.*/
if cow==nit then say 'the cow has no milk today.'
/*─────────────── how to check that a string isn't empty, several ways: */
if dog\=='' then say "the dogs are out!"
/*most REXXes support the ¬ character. */
if fox¬=='' then say "and the fox is in the henhouse."
if length(rat)>0 then say "the rat is singing" /*an obscure-ish (or ugly) way to test.*/
if elk=='' then nop; else say "long way obtuse for an elk to be tested."
if length(eel)\==0 then fish=eel /*a fast compare (than below), & quick.*/
if length(cod)\=0 then fish=cod /*a not-as-fast compare. */
/*────────────────────────── anyway, as they say: "choose your poison." */
cStr = NULL # empty string
if cStr = NULL
see "cstr is an empty string!" + nl
see "cstr is not empty string!" + nl
set "$string" to ""
if "$string.length" = 0 then "empty"
* "Not an empty string."
: "empty"
* "Empty string"
Assigning an empty string to a variable
Here, s1 is a temporary variable that disappears at execution end: the →
instruction both declares the variable and transfers the value at stack level 1 into it. STO
does the same, but the syntax is different (instruction after the variable name) and the created variable is persistent.
≪ "" → s1 ≪ "" 's2' STO "something" 's3' STO ≫ ≫
Testing if a string variable is empty
2 methods:
IF s2 "" == THEN "Empty" END IF s2 SIZE NOT THEN "Empty" END
Testing if a string variable is not empty
2 methods:
IF s3 "" ≠ THEN "Not empty" END IF s3 SIZE THEN "Not empty" END
Create an empty string
s = ""
s = String.new
s = "any string"; s.clear
These expressions all evaluate to true to determine emptiness:
s == ""
s.length == 0
# also silly things like
Non-empty expressions, in addition to simply negating the above expressions:
s != ""
s.length > 0
Note that we can not do the following, because the empty string is equivalent to true in Ruby (Boolean values#Ruby):
if s then puts "not empty" end # This code is wrong!
var$ = ""
' --------------
'empty string
' -------------
if var$="" then print "String is Empty"
if len(var$)=0 then print "String is Empty"
' -------------
'not empty string
' -------------
if var$<>"" then print "String Not empty."
if len(var$)>0 then print "String Not empty."
let s = "";
println!("is empty: {}", s.is_empty());
let t = "x";
println!("is empty: {}", t.is_empty());
let a = String::new();
println!("is empty: {}", a.is_empty());
let b = "x".to_string();
println!("is empty: {}", b.is_empty());
println!("is not empty: {}", !b.is_empty());
// assign empty string to a variable
val s=""
// check that string is empty
s.isEmpty // true
s=="" // true
s.size==0 // true
// check that string is not empty
s.nonEmpty // false
s!="" // false
s.size>0 // false
(define empty-string "")
(define (string-null? s) (string=? "" s))
(define (string-not-null? s) (string<? "" s))
# assign empty string to a variable
s := ""
# check that string is empty
s = ""
# check that string is not empty
s <> ""
"Put an empty string in a slot called 'str'"
str: ''.
"Check that string is empty"
str isEmpty.
"Check that string is not empty"
str isEmpty not.
set emptyString to ""
put emptyString
put emptyString is empty
put emptyString is not empty
- Output:
True False
Create an empty string:
var s = "";
var s = String.new;
These expressions all evaluate to true to determine emptiness:
s == "";
s.length == 0;
s ~~ /^\z/;
s ~~ /\A\z/;
Non-empty expressions, in addition to simply negating the above expressions:
s != "";
s.length > 0;
s ~~ /./s;
s !~ /^\z/;
(define test-string-1 "")
(define test-string-2 "Not empty")
(define empty-string? (lambda (x)
(and (string? x) (zero? (length x)))))
(empty-string? test-string-1) ; #t
(empty-string? test-string-2) ; #f
"Assign empty string to a variable"
str := ''.
"Check that string is empty"
str isEmpty.
"Check that string is not empty"
str isEmpty not.
str notEmpty
str size = 0
str = ''
Notice that assignment is ":=" whereas equality check is "=".
An assignment statement with nothing to the right of the = operator assigns the empty string (or, as it is more commonly called in SNOBOL, the null string).
X =
- Output:
Standard ML
(* Assign empty string to a variable *)
val s = ""
(* Check that a string is empty*)
s = ""
(* Check that a string is nonempty *)
s <> ""
scalar s=""
display s==""
* Alternatively, check the length
display length(s)==0
var s = ""
if s.isEmpty { // alternately, s == ""
println("s is empty")
} else {
println("s is not empty")
s =: ''
? s.Count = 0
print "String s is empty."
? s.Count ~= 0
print "String s is not empty."
- Output:
String s is empty.
The only special position that the empty string has in Tcl is that a great many commands return it, and the REPL of tclsh and wish doesn't print it. Otherwise, it is just like any other value.
set s ""
if {$s eq ""} {puts "s contains an empty string"}
if {$s ne ""} {puts "s contains a non-empty string"}
There are other ways to check for emptiness and non-emptiness too (though the above are favored for reasons of simplicity, clarity and speed):
if {[string equal $s ""]} {puts "is empty"}
if {[string length $s] == 0} {puts "is empty"}
if {[string compare $s ""] != 0} {puts "is non-empty"}
Assign an empty string to $empty
$empty = "";
Check if $empty is an empty string
if($empty $= "") { echo("$empty is an empty string."); }
Check if $empty is not an empty string
if($empty !$= "") { echo("$empty is not an empty string."); }
IF (s=="") PRINT "s is an empty string"
IF (s!="") PRINT "s is a non-empty string"
- Output:
s is an empty string
Pattern Matching
@(bind a "")
If a
is unbound, a binding is created, containing the empty string.
If a
is already bound, bind
succeeds if a
contains the empty string, and the pattern matching continues at the next directive.
Or else a failure occurs, triggering backtracking behavior.
TXR Lisp
(defvarl a "")
(if (equal a "")
(format t "empty string\n"))
(set a "nonempty")
(if (zerop (length a))
(format t "guess what?\n"))
UNIX Shell
# assign an empty string to a variable
# the "test" command can determine truth by examining the string itself
if [ "$s" ]; then echo "not empty"; else echo "empty"; fi
# compare the string to the empty string
if [ "$s" = "" ]; then echo "s is the empty string"; fi
if [ "$s" != "" ]; then echo "s is not empty"; fi
# examine the length of the string
if [ -z "$s" ]; then echo "the string has length zero: it is empty"; fi
if [ -n "$s" ]; then echo "the string has length non-zero: it is not empty"; fi
When using comparison operators, it is crucial to double-quote the variable within the conditional expression. This will ensure the shell sees the correct number of arguments. For example, if one were to write [ $s = "" ], then after variable substitition, the shell will try to evaluate [ = "" ] which is a syntax error.
decl string s
set s ""
if (= s "")
out "empty" endl console
out "not empty" endl console
end if
VAX Assembly
desc: .ascid "not empty" ;descriptor (len+addr) and text
.entry empty, ^m<>
tstw desc ;check length field
beql is_empty
;... not empty
clrw desc ;set length to zero -> empty
;... empty
.end empty
dim s as string
' assign an empty string to a variable (six bytes):
s = ""
' assign null string pointer to a variable (zero bytes, according to RubberduckVBA):
s = vbNullString
' if your VBA code interacts with non-VBA code, this difference may become significant!
' test if a string is empty:
if s = "" then Debug.Print "empty!"
' or:
if Len(s) = 0 then Debug.Print "still empty!"
'test if a string is not empty:
if s <> "" then Debug.Print "not an empty string"
if Len(s) > 0 then Debug.Print "not empty."
Visual Basic
Visual Basic .NET
Compiler: Roslyn Visual Basic (language version >= 14, e.g. with Visual Studio 2015)
In brief
Dim s As String
' Assign empty string:
s = ""
' or
s = String.Empty
' Check for empty string only (false if s is null):
If s IsNot Nothing AndAlso s.Length = 0 Then
End If
' Check for null or empty (more idiomatic in .NET):
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(s) Then
End If
In depth
Note: implementation information provided in comments was obtained reflecting .NET libraries and viewing the .NET Core reference source and may not be correct or remain relevant as time passes.
In .NET Core, functions defined in Microsoft.VisualBasic
are only available for .NET Core 3.0 and above.
Option Strict On
Module Program
Sub Main()
' Equality is somewhat convoluted in .NET, and VB doesn't help by adding legacy means of comparison.
' The methods above are the author's recommendation for each case.
' Some also return true if the string is Nothing/null; this is noted in the description for those that
' do.
' s is initialized to Nothing. It is a variable of the System.String type that is a null reference and is not
' the empty string.
Dim s As String = Nothing
' Alias Console.WriteLine(Boolean) with a shorter name to make the demonstration code less verbose.
Dim P As Action(Of Boolean) = AddressOf Console.WriteLine
' Assign the empty string literal to s.
s = ""
'' Assign String.Empty to s.
s = String.Empty
' The empty string literal is the same object reference as String.Empty because of string interning, meaning the
' behavior of the two is identical.
' From this point on, "" will be used instead of String.Empty for brevity.
'#Is operator
' The Is operator tests for reference equality. However, which strings are interned is a CLR implementation
' detail and may be unreliable when comparing non-empty strings. The equivalent in C# would be (object)s == "".
' Note that there is no such operator as Object.op_Equality(Object, Object): the use of the == operator for
' types of type Object is a C# language feature.
P(s Is "")
'#Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object)
' The previous line is semantically to the following, though it does not involve a method call.
P(Object.ReferenceEquals(s, ""))
'#= Operator
'True for Nothing.
' The VB.NET compiler does not use the System.String implementation of the equality operator. Instead, it emits
' a call to a method in the Visual Basic runtime, Operators.CompareString, which checks for reference equality
' before calling System.String.CompareOrdinal(String, String), which checks again for reference equality before
' comparing character-by-character.
P(s = "")
'#Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators.CompareString(String, String, Boolean)
'True for Nothing.
' Equivalent to the above line, though methods in the CompilerServices namespace are not meant for use by
' regular code.
' The third argument indicates whether to use a textual comparison (e.g. ignore case and diacritics).
P(0 = CompilerServices.Operators.CompareString(s, "", False))
'#Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.StrComp(String, String, [CompareMethod])
'True for Nothing.
' A wrapper around CompareString that is intended for use.
P(0 = StrComp(s, ""))
'#String.op_Equality(String, String)
' It is possible to directly call the equality operator of System.String, which is implemented as a call to
' String.Equals(String).
P(String.op_Equality(s, ""))
'#String.Equals(String, String)
' Call the static method defined on the String type.
' first calls Object.ReferenceEquals and then, after verifying that both are strings of the same length,
' compares the strings character-by-character.
P(String.Equals(s, ""))
'#Object.Equals(Object, Object)
' First checks for reference equality and whether one or both of the arguments is Nothing. It then invokes the
' instance Equals method of the left parameter.
P(Object.Equals(s, ""))
' The method is called with the string literal as the receiver because a NullReferenceException is thrown if s
' is Nothing.
'True for Nothing.
' Check the length using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Len(String). This method returns s?.Length (see below).
P(0 = Len(s))
' Check the Length property. The ?. (null-conditional) operator is used to avoid NullReferenceException. The Equals
' call above can also be done this way.
' A method call must be added because the equality operator propagates Nothing/null (that is, the result of the
' expression is Nullable(Of Boolean)). This has the side effect of making it behave "correctly" for null.
P((s?.Length = 0).GetValueOrDefault())
' The If statement automatically unwraps nullable Booleans, however.
If s?.Length = 0 Then
End If
' A more traditional version of the null-conditional using a guard clause.
' Both the null-conditional and this are noticeably (~4 times) faster than "".Equals(s). In general, it appears that
' for empty strings, using the length is faster than using an equality comparison.
P(s IsNot Nothing AndAlso s.Length = 0)
'True for Nothing
' A static method of System.String that returns true if the string is Nothing or its length is zero.
'#System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer(Of String).Default.Equals(String, String)
' The EqualityComparer(Of T) class provides default implementations when an IEqualityComparer(Of T) is required.
' The implementation for String calls String.Equals(String).
P(EqualityComparer(Of String).Default.Equals(s, ""))
' Each of the methods described above, except testing for a non-empty string.
P(s IsNot "")
P(Not Object.ReferenceEquals(s, ""))
P(s <> "")
P(0 <> CompilerServices.Operators.CompareString(s, "", False))
P(0 <> StrComp(s, ""))
P(String.op_Inequality(s, ""))
P(Not String.Equals(s, ""))
P(Not Object.Equals(s, ""))
P(Not "".Equals(s))
P(Len(s) <> 0)
P((s?.Length <> 0).GetValueOrDefault())
P(s Is Nothing OrElse s.Length <> 0)
P(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
P(Not EqualityComparer(Of String).Default.Equals(s, ""))
End Sub
End Module
- Output:
True True True True True True True True True True True True True True False False False False False False False False False False False False False False
V (Vlang)
// define and initialize an empty string
mut s := ""
// assign an empty string to a variable
s = ""
// check that a string is empty, any of:
s == ""
s.len() == 0
// check that a string is not empty, any of:
s != ""
s.len() != 0 // or > 0
fn test(s string) { if s.len() == 0 { println("empty") } else { println("not empty") } } fn main() { // assign an empty string to a variable. str1 := "" str2 := " " // check if a string is empty. test(str1) // prt empty // check that a string is not empty. test(str2) // prt not empty }
Wee Basic
let string$=""
if string$=""
print 1 "The string is empty."
elseif string$<>""
print 1 "The string is not empty."
var isEmpty = Fn.new { |s| s == "" }
var s = ""
var t = "0"
System.print("'s' is empty? %(isEmpty.call(s))")
System.print("'t' is empty? %(isEmpty.call(t))")
- Output:
's' is empty? true 't' is empty? false
X86-64 Assembly
UASM 2.52
option casemap:none
printf proto :qword, :VARARG
exit proto :dword
e_str db 1 dup (0)
main proc
xor rcx, rcx
lea rax, e_str
cmp byte ptr [rax+rcx],0 ;; Is e_str[0] equal to 0?
je _isempty ;; Yes so goto isEmpty
jne _notempty ;; No, got notEmpty
jmp _exit ;; Neither condition is met, so exit.
invoke printf, CSTR("e_str is empty",10)
lea rax, e_str
mov byte ptr [rax+0], 's' ;; Copy a char into e_str[0]
jmp main ;; Test again..
invoke printf, CSTR("e_str is NOT empty",10)
;; Fall though to exit here..
xor rsi, rsi
call exit
main endp
- Output:
e_str is empty e_str is NOT empty
returns true if its argument is a string of length zero. In a REPL:
[1] (define my-empty-string "") ;; assign an empty string to a variable
[2] (string-null? my-empty-string)
[3] (string-null? "A non-empty string")
code Text=12;
string 0; \use zero-terminated convention, instead of MSb set
char S;
[S:= ""; \assign an empty string
if S(0) = 0 then Text(0, "empty
S:= "Hello";
if S(0) # 0 then Text(0, "not empty
Z80 Assembly
An empty string is just a null terminator with no text in front.
byte 0
Checking if a string is empty is simple, just count the number of characters before you reach the terminator. If that count equals zero, the string is empty. Otherwise, the string is not empty.
ld hl,MyString
ld b,0 ;zero the length counter
ld a,(hl)
or a ;compare A to zero
ret z ;exit if zero
inc hl ;next char
inc b ;add 1 to length counter
jr loop_getStringLength
ld a,b ;load B into A
or a ;compare A to zero (effectively comparing B to zero)
jr z,StringIsEmpty
;your code for what happens when MyString is not empty goes here.
s:=""; // or s:=String, String is the object ""
s.toBool() //-->False
if (s) println("not empty")
For typing:
var string
string = ""
if eq string ""
print "The string is empty."
print "The string is not empty."
For importing:
¶0¶var string¶0¶string = ""¶0¶if eq string ""¶1¶print "The string is empty."¶0¶else¶1¶print "The string is not empty."¶0¶endif
ZX Spectrum Basic
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
// default is [:0]const u8, which is a 0-terminated string with len field
const str = "";
if (str.len == 0) {
std.debug.print("string empty\n", .{});
if (str.len != 0) {
std.debug.print("string not empty\n", .{});
- Programming Tasks
- Solutions by Programming Task
- String manipulation
- Simple
- 11l
- 6502 Assembly
- 68000 Assembly
- 8th
- AArch64 Assembly
- ACL2
- Action!
- Ada
- Aime
- ALGOL 68
- Apex
- AppleScript
- ARM Assembly
- Arturo
- Asymptote
- AutoHotkey
- Avail
- Axe
- Applesoft BASIC
- BaCon
- BASIC256
- Chipmunk Basic
- MSX Basic
- QB64
- QBasic
- SmallBASIC
- True BASIC
- UBasic/4tH
- Yabasic
- Batch File
- Beef
- Bracmat
- Burlesque
- C
- C sharp
- C++
- Caché ObjectScript
- Clojure
- CoffeeScript
- Common Lisp
- Component Pascal
- D
- Dart
- Delphi
- Diego
- DuckDB
- DWScript
- Dyalect
- Déjà Vu
- EasyLang
- Ed
- Elena
- Elixir
- Emacs Lisp
- EMal
- Erlang
- Euphoria
- F Sharp
- Factor
- Fantom
- Forth
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- Free Pascal
- Frink
- FutureBasic
- Gambas
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- HolyC
- I
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- Unicon
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- K
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- Lambdatalk
- Lang
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- Lhogho
- Liberty BASIC
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- Lua
- M2000 Interpreter
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- Wolfram Language
- Octave
- Maxima
- Mercury
- Min
- MiniScript
- MIPS Assembly
- Mirah
- Modula-3
- Nanoquery
- Nemerle
- NetRexx
- Nim
- Nyquist
- Oberon-2
- Objeck
- OCaml
- Oforth
- Ol
- OoRexx
- OpenEdge/Progress
- Pascal
- PascalABC.NET
- Perl
- Phix
- Phix/basics
- Phixmonti
- Picat
- PicoLisp
- Pike
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- Plain English
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- Prolog
- PureBasic
- Python
- Quackery
- Quite BASIC
- R
- Racket
- Raku
- Rascal
- Red
- Retro
- Ring
- Robotic
- Ruby
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- Scala
- Scheme
- Seed7
- Self
- SenseTalk
- Sidef
- Slope
- Smalltalk
- Standard ML
- Stata
- Swift
- Tcl
- TorqueScript
- UNIX Shell
- Ursa
- VAX Assembly
- VBScript
- Visual Basic
- Visual Basic .NET
- V (Vlang)
- Wee Basic
- Wren
- X86-64 Assembly
- XPL0
- Z80 Assembly
- Zkl
- Zoomscript
- ZX Spectrum Basic
- Zig
- GUISS/Omit
- Pages with too many expensive parser function calls