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Text between

From Rosetta Code
Text between is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Get the text in a string that occurs between a start and end delimiter. Programs will be given a search string, a start delimiter string, and an end delimiter string. The delimiters will not be unset, and will not be the empty string.

The value returned should be the text in the search string that occurs between the first occurrence of the start delimiter (starting after the text of the start delimiter) and the first occurrence of the end delimiter after that.

If the start delimiter is not present in the search string, a blank string should be returned.

If the end delimiter is not present after the end of the first occurrence of the start delimiter in the search string, the remainder of the search string after that point should be returned.

There are two special values for the delimiters. If the value of the start delimiter is "start", the beginning of the search string will be matched. If the value of the end delimiter is "end", the end of the search string will be matched.

Example 1. Both delimiters set

           Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
           Start delimiter: "Hello "
           End delimiter: " world"
           Output: "Rosetta Code"

Example 2. Start delimiter is the start of the string

           Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
           Start delimiter: "start"
           End delimiter: " world"
           Output: "Hello Rosetta Code"

Example 3. End delimiter is the end of the string

           Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
           Start delimiter: "Hello"
           End delimiter: "end"
           Output: "Rosetta Code world"

Example 4. End delimiter appears before and after start delimiter

           Text: "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>"
           Start delimiter: "<div style=\"chinese\">"
           End delimiter: "</div>"
           Output: "你好嗎"

Example 5. End delimiter not present

           Text: "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"
           Start delimiter: "<text>"
           End delimiter: "<table>"
           Output: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"

Example 6. Start delimiter not present

           Text: "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
           Start delimiter: "<table>"
           End delimiter: "</table>"
           Output: ""

Example 7. Multiple instances of end delimiter after start delimiter (match until the first one)

           Text: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
           Start delimiter: "quick "
           End delimiter: " fox"
           Output: "brown"

Example 8. Multiple instances of the start delimiter (start matching at the first one)

           Text: "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
           Start delimiter: "fish "
           End delimiter: " red"
           Output: "two fish"

Example 9. Start delimiter is end delimiter

           Text: "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
           Start delimiter: "Foo"
           End delimiter: "Foo"
           Output: "BarBaz"
Other tasks related to string operations:
Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases


Translation of: Python
F textBetween(thisText, startString, endString)
      Int startIndex
      I startString == ‘start’
         startIndex = 0
         startIndex = thisText.index(startString)

      I !(startIndex >= 0)
         R ‘Start delimiter not found’
         I startString != ‘start’
            startIndex = startIndex + startString.len

      V returnText = thisText[startIndex ..]

      I endString == ‘end’
         R returnText
         V endIndex = returnText.index(endString)

         I !(endIndex >= 0)
            R ‘End delimiter not found’
            returnText = returnText[0 .< endIndex]

      R returnText

   X.catch ValueError
      R ‘Value error’

V thisText    = :argv[1]
V startString = :argv[2]
V endString   = :argv[3]
print(textBetween(thisText, startString, endString))


BYTE FUNC Matches(CHAR ARRAY text,sub BYTE index)
  CHAR ARRAY tmp(255)

  IF SCompare(tmp,sub)=0 THEN
    RETURN (1)

BYTE FUNC FindFrom(CHAR ARRAY text,delim BYTE start)
  BYTE i,end

  IF text(0)<delim(0) OR delim(0)=0 THEN
    RETURN (0)
  FOR i=start TO end
    IF Matches(text,delim,i) THEN
      RETURN (i)

PROC TextBetween(CHAR ARRAY text,start,end,res)
  BYTE first,last

  IF SCompare(start,"start")=0 THEN
    IF first=0 THEN

  IF SCompare(end,"end")=0 THEN
    IF last<=first THEN


PROC Test(BYTE n CHAR ARRAY text,start,end)
  CHAR ARRAY res(255)

  PrintF("Ex%B. ""%S""%E%E",n,res)

PROC Main()
  Test(1,"Hello Rosetta Code world","Hello "," world")
  Test(2,"Hello Rosetta Code world","start"," world")
  Test(3,"Hello Rosetta Code world","Hello ","end")
  Test(4,"</div><div style=\""chinese\"">???</div>","<div style=\""chinese\"">","</div>")
  Test(5,"<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\""myTable\"">","<text>","<table>")
  Test(6,"<table style=\""myTable\""><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>","<table>","</table>")
  Test(7,"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox","quick "," fox")
  Test(8,"One fish two fish red fish blue fish","fish "," red")

Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer

Ex1. "Rosetta Code"

Ex2. "Hello Rosetta Code"

Ex3. "Rosetta Code world"

Ex4. "???"

Ex5. "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"

Ex6. ""

Ex7. "brown"

Ex8. "two fish"

Ex9. "BarBaz"


with Ada.Text_Io;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;

procedure Text_Between is

   Default_Start : constant String := "start";
   Default_End   : constant String := "end";

   function Between (Item  : String;
                     First : String := Default_Start;
                     Last  : String := Default_End) return String
      use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
      First_Pos : Natural;
      Last_Pos  : Natural;
      if First = Default_Start then
         First_Pos := Item'First;
         First_Pos := Index (Item, First);
         if First_Pos = 0 then
            return "";
            First_Pos := First_Pos + First'Length;
         end if;
      end if;

      if Last = Default_End then
         return Item (First_Pos .. Item'Last);
         Last_Pos := Index (Item (First_Pos .. Item'Last), Last);
         if Last_Pos = 0 then
            return Item (First_Pos .. Item'Last);
            return Item (First_Pos .. Last_Pos - 1);
         end if;
      end if;
   end Between;

   procedure Test_Between (Text, First, Last : String) is
      use Ada.Text_Io;
      function Quote (Item : String) return String is ("'" & Item & "'");
      Result : String renames Between (Text, First, Last);
      Put ("Text:   "); Put_Line (Quote (Text));
      Put ("Start:  "); Put_Line (Quote (First));
      Put ("End:    "); Put_Line (Quote (Last));
      Put ("Result: "); Put_Line (Quote (Result));
   end Test_Between;

   Test_Between ("Hello Rosetta Code world", First => "Hello ", Last => " world");
   Test_Between ("Hello Rosetta Code world", First => Default_Start, Last => " world");
   Test_Between ("Hello Rosetta Code world", First => "Hello ", Last => Default_End);
   Test_Between ("</div><div style=\""chinese\"">你好嗎</div>",
                 First => "<div style=\""chinese\"">", Last => "</div>");
   Test_Between ("<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\""myTable\"">",
                      First => "<text>", Last => "<table>");
   Test_Between ("<table style=\""myTable\""><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>",
                 First => "<table>", Last => "</table>");
   Test_Between ("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox",
                 First => "quick ", Last => " fox");
   Test_Between ("One fish two fish red fish blue fish", First => "fish ", Last => " red");
   Test_Between ("FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", First => "Foo", Last => "Foo");
end Text_Between;
Text:   'Hello Rosetta Code world'
Start:  'Hello '
End:    ' world'
Result: 'Rosetta Code'

Text:   'Hello Rosetta Code world'
Start:  'start'
End:    ' world'
Result: 'Hello Rosetta Code'

Text:   'Hello Rosetta Code world'
Start:  'Hello '
End:    'end'
Result: 'Rosetta Code world'

Text:   '</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>'
Start:  '<div style=\"chinese\">'
End:    '</div>'
Result: '你好嗎'

Text:   '<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">'
Start:  '<text>'
End:    '<table>'
Result: 'Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">'

Text:   '<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>'
Start:  '<table>'
End:    '</table>'
Result: ''

Text:   'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox'
Start:  'quick '
End:    ' fox'
Result: 'brown'

Text:   'One fish two fish red fish blue fish'
Start:  'fish '
End:    ' red'
Result: 'two fish'

Text:   'FooBarBazFooBuxQuux'
Start:  'Foo'
End:    'Foo'
Result: 'BarBaz'


Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 3.5.7 (Win32)

Uses the Algol 68G specific string in string, for other compilers/interpreters, a version of string in string is here : ALGOL_68/prelude.
As Algol 68 predates Unicode, the fourth example deviates from the task.

    # some utility operators                                                 #
    # returns the length of a string                                         #
    OP   LENGTH = ( STRING a )INT: ( UPB a - LWB a ) + 1;
    # returns the position of s in t or UPB t + 1 if s is not present        #
         IF INT pos; string in string( s, pos, t ) THEN pos ELSE UPB t + 1 FI;
    # returns the text after s in t or "" if s is not present                #
    PRIO AFTER   = 1;
         IF INT pos = t INDEXOF s; pos > UPB t THEN "" ELSE t[ pos + LENGTH s : ] FI;
    # returns the text before s in t or t if s is not present                #
    PRIO BEFORE  = 1;
         IF INT pos = t INDEXOF s; pos > UPB t THEN t ELSE t[ : pos - 1 ] FI;

    # mode to hold a pair of STRINGs for the BETWEEN operator                #
    # returns a STRINGPAIR composed of a and b (standard priority for AND)   #
    OP   AND     = ( STRING a, STRING b )STRINGPAIR: (        a,         b  );
    # although not used in this task, in general, we would need these        #
    # additional operators for CHARs as "a" is a CHAR denotation,            #
    # not a STRING of length 1 - un-comment as necessary                     #
CO  OP   AND     = ( STRING a, CHAR   b )STRINGPAIR: ( STRING(a),        b  );
    OP   AND     = ( CHAR   a, CHAR   b )STRINGPAIR: ( STRING(a), STRING(b) );
    OP   AND     = ( CHAR   a, STRING b )STRINGPAIR: (        a , STRING(b) );
    # traceing flag for BETWEEN - if TRUE, debug output is shown             #
    BOOL trace between := FALSE;
    # returns the text of s between the delimitors specified in d            #
            STRING result := s;
            IF  left OF d /= "start" THEN result := result AFTER   left OF d FI;
            IF right OF d /= "end"   THEN result := result BEFORE right OF d FI;
            IF trace between THEN
                # show debug output                                          #
                print( ( "Text: """,                     s, """", newline
                       , "Start delimiter: """,  left OF d, """", newline
                       , "End delimiter: """,   right OF d, """", newline
                       , "Output: """,              result, """", newline
                       ,                                          newline
         END # BETWEEN # ;

    # test cases                                                             #
        STRING s;
        trace between := TRUE;
        s := "Hello Rosetta Code world" BETWEEN "Hello "  AND " world";
        s := "Hello Rosetta Code world" BETWEEN "start"   AND " world";
        s := "Hello Rosetta Code world" BETWEEN "Hello "  AND "end";
        s := "</div><div style=""french"">bonjour</div>"
                                        BETWEEN "<div style=""french"">"
                                                          AND "</div>";
        s := "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=""myTable"">"
                                        BETWEEN "<text>"  AND "<table>";
        s := "<table style=""myTable""><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
                                        BETWEEN "<table>" AND "</table>";
        s := "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
                                        BETWEEN "quick "  AND " fox";
        s := "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
                                        BETWEEN "fish "   AND " red";
        s := "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"      BETWEEN "Foo"     AND "Foo";
        trace between := FALSE
Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End delimiter: " world"
Output: "Rosetta Code"

Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "start"
End delimiter: " world"
Output: "Hello Rosetta Code"

Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End delimiter: "end"
Output: "Rosetta Code world"

Text: "</div><div style="french">bonjour</div>"
Start delimiter: "<div style="french">"
End delimiter: "</div>"
Output: "bonjour"

Text: "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"
Start delimiter: "<text>"
End delimiter: "<table>"
Output: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"

Text: "<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
Start delimiter: "<table>"
End delimiter: "</table>"
Output: ""

Text: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
Start delimiter: "quick "
End delimiter: " fox"
Output: "brown"

Text: "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
Start delimiter: "fish "
End delimiter: " red"
Output: "two fish"

Text: "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
Start delimiter: "Foo"
End delimiter: "Foo"
Output: "BarBaz"


my text_between("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", " world")

on text_between(this_text, start_text, end_text)
	set return_text to ""
		if (start_text is not "start") then
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to start_text
			set return_text to text items 2 thru end of this_text as string
			set return_text to this_text
		end if
		if (end_text is not "end") then
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to end_text
			set return_text to text item 1 of return_text as string
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
		end if
	end try
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
	return return_text
end text_between


data =
Hello Rosetta Code world|Hello | world|
Hello Rosetta Code world|start| world|
Hello Rosetta Code world|Hello |end|
</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>|<div style=\"chinese\">|</div>|
<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">|<text>|<table>|
<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">|<table>|</table>|
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox|quick | fox|
One fish two fish red fish blue fish|fish | red|
result := ""
for i, line in StrSplit(data, "`n", "`r")
	x := StrSplit(line, "|")
	, result .= "text: """ x.1 """`nstart: """ x.2 """`tend: """ x.3 """`noutput: """ textBetween(x.1, x.2, x.3) """`n----`n"
MsgBox, 262144, , % result

textBetween(text, start, end){
	RegExMatch(text,(start="start"?"^":"\Q" start "\E") "(.*?)" (end="end"?"$":"\Q" end "\E?"),m)
	return m1
text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
start: "Hello "	end: " world"
output: "Rosetta Code"
text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
start: "start"	end: " world"
output: "Hello Rosetta Code"
text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
start: "Hello "	end: "end"
output: "Rosetta Code world"
text: "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>"
start: "<div style=\"chinese\">"	end: "</div>"
output: "你好嗎"
text: "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"
start: "<text>"	end: "<table>"
output: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text>"
text: "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"
start: "<table>"	end: "</table>"
output: ""
text: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
start: "quick "	end: " fox"
output: "brown"
text: "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
start: "fish "	end: " red"
output: "two fish"
text: "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
start: "Foo"	end: "Foo"
output: "BarBaz"

Applesoft BASIC

 0 M$ =  CHR$ (13):Q$ =  CHR$ (34):H$(4) = "OUTPUT":H$(5) = "EXPECTED":T$(5) = "Rosetta Code world": FOR N = 0 TO 9: FOR I = 1 TO 3: READ T$: GOSUB 1: NEXT I: ON N > 0 GOSUB 6: NEXT N: END

 1  IF  LEN (T$) THEN T$(I) = T$
 2  IF N = 4 AND I = 1 THEN T$(I) = T$(I) +  CHR$ (228) +  CHR$ (189) +  CHR$ (160) +  CHR$ (229) +  CHR$ (165) +  CHR$ (189) +  CHR$ (229) +  CHR$ (151) +  CHR$ (142) + "</div>"
 3 L(I) =  LEN (T$(I)): IF N THEN  RETURN
 4 H$(I) = T$: IF M < L(I) THEN M = L(I)

 6 T$(4) = "": PRINT  MID$ (M$,1,N > 1);: ON L(1) > 0 GOSUB 7:E$ = T$(4 + (N = 3)): FOR I = 1 TO 4 + (T$(4) <  > E$): PRINT  MID$ (M$,1,N > 1 OR I > 1) SPC( M -  LEN (H$(I)))H$(I)": "Q$T$(I)Q$;: NEXT I: RETURN

 7 S = 1 - L(2): IF T$(2) <  > "start" THEN  FOR S = 1 TO L(1): IF T$(2) <  >  MID$ (T$(1),S,L(2)) THEN  NEXT S: RETURN
 8 S = S + L(2):E = 1 + L(1): IF T$(3) <  > "end" THEN  FOR E = S TO L(1): IF T$(3) <  >  MID$ (T$(1),E,L(3)) THEN  NEXT E
 9 T$(4) =  MID$ (T$(1),S,E - S): RETURN

 10  DATA "Hello Rosetta Code world","Hello "," world"
 20  DATA "","start",""
 30  DATA "","Hello","end"
 40  DATA</div><div style="chinese">,<div style="chinese">,"</div>"
 50  DATA<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">,"<text>","<table>"
 60  DATA<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>,"<table>","</table>"
 70  DATA "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox","quick "," fox"
 80  DATA "One fish two fish red fish blue fish","fish "," red"
 90  DATA "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux","Foo","Foo"

Normally, UTF-8 "你好嗎" displays as 7-bit ASCII "d= e%=e" on the Apple II.

           TEXT: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
  END DELIMITER: " world"
         OUTPUT: "Rosetta Code"

           TEXT: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
  END DELIMITER: " world"
         OUTPUT: "Hello Rosetta Code"

           TEXT: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
         OUTPUT: " Rosetta Code world"
       EXPECTED: "Rosetta Code world"

           TEXT: "</div><div style="chinese">d= e%=e</div>"
START DELIMITER: "<div style="chinese">"
  END DELIMITER: "</div>"
         OUTPUT: "d= e%=e"

           TEXT: "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"
  END DELIMITER: "<table>"
         OUTPUT: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"

           TEXT: "<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
  END DELIMITER: "</table>"
         OUTPUT: ""

           TEXT: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
         OUTPUT: "brown"

           TEXT: "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
         OUTPUT: "two fish"

           TEXT: "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
         OUTPUT: "BarBaz"


    main("Hello Rosetta Code world","Hello "," world","1. Both delimiters set")
    main("Hello Rosetta Code world","start"," world","2. Start delimiter is the start of the string")
    main("Hello Rosetta Code world","Hello","end","3. End delimiter is the end of the string")
    main("</div><div style=\"chinese\">???</div>","<div style=\"chinese\">","</div>",
    "4. End delimiter appears before and after start delimiter")
    main("<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">","<text>","<table>",
    "5. End delimiter not present")
    main("<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>","<table>","</table>",
    "6. Start delimiter not present")
    main("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox","quick "," fox",
    "7. Multiple instances of end delimiter after start delimiter (match until the first one)")
    main("One fish two fish red fish blue fish","fish "," red",
    "8. Multiple instances of the start delimiter (start matching at the first one)")
    main("FooBarBazFooBuxQuux","Foo","Foo","9. Start delimiter is end delimiter")
    main("Hello Rosetta Code world","start","end","10. Start and end delimiters use special values")
    main("Hello Rosetta Code world","","x","11. Null start delimiter")
    main("Hello Rosetta Code world","x","","12. Null end delimiter")
function main(text,sdelim,edelim,example,  pos,str) {
    printf("Example %s\n",example)
    printf("Text: '%s'\n",text)
    printf("sDelim: '%s'\n",sdelim)
    printf("eDelim: '%s'\n",edelim)
    if (sdelim == "" || edelim == "") {
      printf("error: null delimiter\n\n")
    if (sdelim == "start") {
      str = text
    else {
      pos = index(text,sdelim)
      if (pos > 0) {
        str = substr(text,pos+length(sdelim))
    if (edelim == "end") {
    else {
      pos = index(str,edelim)
      if (pos > 0) {
        str = substr(str,1,pos-1)
    printf("Output: '%s'\n\n",str)
Example 1. Both delimiters set
Text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
sDelim: 'Hello '
eDelim: ' world'
Output: 'Rosetta Code'

Example 2. Start delimiter is the start of the string
Text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
sDelim: 'start'
eDelim: ' world'
Output: 'Hello Rosetta Code'

Example 3. End delimiter is the end of the string
Text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
sDelim: 'Hello'
eDelim: 'end'
Output: ' Rosetta Code world'

Example 4. End delimiter appears before and after start delimiter
Text: '</div><div style="chinese">???</div>'
sDelim: '<div style="chinese">'
eDelim: '</div>'
Output: '???'

Example 5. End delimiter not present
Text: '<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">'
sDelim: '<text>'
eDelim: '<table>'
Output: 'Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">'

Example 6. Start delimiter not present
Text: '<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>'
sDelim: '<table>'
eDelim: '</table>'
Output: ''

Example 7. Multiple instances of end delimiter after start delimiter (match until the first one)
Text: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox'
sDelim: 'quick '
eDelim: ' fox'
Output: 'brown'

Example 8. Multiple instances of the start delimiter (start matching at the first one)
Text: 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish'
sDelim: 'fish '
eDelim: ' red'
Output: 'two fish'

Example 9. Start delimiter is end delimiter
Text: 'FooBarBazFooBuxQuux'
sDelim: 'Foo'
eDelim: 'Foo'
Output: 'BarBaz'

Example 10. Start and end delimiters use special values
Text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
sDelim: 'start'
eDelim: 'end'
Output: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'

Example 11. Null start delimiter
Text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
sDelim: ''
eDelim: 'x'
error: null delimiter

Example 12. Null end delimiter
Text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
sDelim: 'x'
eDelim: ''
error: null delimiter


 * textBetween: Gets text between two delimiters
char* textBetween(char* thisText, char* startText, char* endText, char* returnText)

    char* startPointer = NULL;
    int stringLength = 0;

    char* endPointer = NULL;
    int endLength = 0;

	if (strstr(startText, "start") != NULL)
		// Set the beginning of the string
		startPointer = thisText;
	} else {
		startPointer = strstr(thisText, startText);

    	if (startPointer != NULL)
        	startPointer = startPointer + strlen(startText);
	} // end if the start delimiter is "start"
    if (startPointer != NULL)

		if (strstr(endText, "end") != NULL)
			// Set the end of the string
			endPointer = thisText;
			endLength = 0;
		} else {
			endPointer = strstr(startPointer, endText);
			endLength = (int)strlen(endPointer);
		} // end if the end delimiter is "end"

        stringLength = strlen(startPointer) - endLength;
        if (stringLength == 0)
		    returnText = "";
		    startPointer = NULL;
        } else {
	        // Copy characters between the start and end delimiters
    	    strncpy(returnText,startPointer, stringLength);
	        returnText[stringLength++] = '\0';
    } else {
	    //printf("Start pointer not found\n");
	    returnText = "";
    } // end if the start pointer is not found
    return startPointer;
} // end textBetween method


Translation of: D
using System;

namespace TextBetween {
    class Program {
        static string TextBetween(string source, string beg, string end) {
            int startIndex;

            if (beg == "start") {
                startIndex = 0;
            else {
                startIndex = source.IndexOf(beg);
                if (startIndex < 0) {
                    return "";
                startIndex += beg.Length;

            int endIndex = source.IndexOf(end, startIndex);
            if (endIndex < 0 || end == "end") {
                return source.Substring(startIndex);
            return source.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

        static void Print(string s, string b, string e) {
            Console.WriteLine("text: '{0}'", s);
            Console.WriteLine("start: '{0}'", b);
            Console.WriteLine("end: '{0}'", e);
            Console.WriteLine("result: '{0}'", TextBetween(s, b, e));

        static void Main(string[] args) {
            Print("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", " world");
            Print("Hello Rosetta Code world", "start", " world");
            Print("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", "end");
            Print("</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>", "<div style=\"chinese\">", "</div>");
            Print("<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">", "<text>", "<table>");
            Print("<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>", "<table>", "</table>");
            Print("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox", "quick ", " fox");
            Print("One fish two fish red fish blue fish", "fish ", " red");
            Print("FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", "Foo", "Foo");


Translation of: C#
#include <iostream>

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::string& str) {
    return out << str.c_str();

std::string textBetween(const std::string& source, const std::string& beg, const std::string& end) {
    size_t startIndex;
    if (beg == "start") {
        startIndex = 0;
    } else {
        startIndex = source.find(beg);
        if (startIndex == std::string::npos) {
            return "";
        startIndex += beg.length();

    size_t endIndex = source.find(end, startIndex);
    if (endIndex == std::string::npos || end == "end") {
        return source.substr(startIndex);

    return source.substr(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

void print(const std::string& source, const std::string& beg, const std::string& end) {
    using namespace std;
    cout << "text: '" << source << "'\n";
    cout << "start: '" << beg << "'\n";
    cout << "end: '" << end << "'\n";
    cout << "result: '" << textBetween(source, beg, end) << "'\n";
    cout << '\n';

int main() {
    print("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", " world");
    print("Hello Rosetta Code world", "start", " world");
    print("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", "end");
    print("<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">", "<text>", "<table>");
    print("<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>", "<table>", "</table>");
    print("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox", "quick ", " fox");
    print("One fish two fish red fish blue fish", "fish ", " red");
    print("FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", "Foo", "Foo");

    return 0;
text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
start: 'Hello '
end: ' world'
result: 'Rosetta Code'

text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
start: 'start'
end: ' world'
result: 'Hello Rosetta Code'

text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
start: 'Hello '
end: 'end'
result: 'Rosetta Code world'

text: '<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">'
start: '<text>'
end: '<table>'
result: 'Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">'

text: '<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>'
start: '<table>'
end: '</table>'
result: ''

text: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox'
start: 'quick '
end: ' fox'
result: 'brown'

text: 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish'
start: 'fish '
end: ' red'
result: 'two fish'

text: 'FooBarBazFooBuxQuux'
start: 'Foo'
end: 'Foo'
result: 'BarBaz'


import std.algorithm.searching;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;

string textBetween(string source, string beg, string end) in {
    assert(beg.length != 0, "beg cannot be empty");
    assert(end.length != 0, "end cannot be empty");
} body {
    ptrdiff_t si = source.indexOf(beg);
    if (beg == "start") {
        si = 0;
    } else if (si < 0) {
        return "";
    } else {
        si += beg.length;

    auto ei = source.indexOf(end, si);
    if (ei < 0 || end == "end") {
        return source[si..$];

    return source[si..ei];

void print(string s, string b, string e) {
    writeln("text: '", s, "'");
    writeln("start: '", b, "'");
    writeln("end: '", e, "'");
    writeln("result: '", s.textBetween(b, e), "'");

void main() {
    print("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", " world");
    print("Hello Rosetta Code world", "start", " world");
    print("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", "end");
    print("</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>", "<div style=\"chinese\">", "</div>");
    print("<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">", "<text>", "<table>");
    print("<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>", "<table>", "</table>");
    print("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox", "quick ", " fox");
    print("One fish two fish red fish blue fish", "fish ", " red");
    print("FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", "Foo", "Foo");
text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
start: 'Hello '
end: ' world'
result: 'Rosetta Code'

text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
start: 'start'
end: ' world'
result: 'Hello Rosetta Code'

text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
start: 'Hello '
end: 'end'
result: 'Rosetta Code world'

text: '</div><div style="chinese">你好嗎</div>'
start: '<div style="chinese">'
end: '</div>'
result: '你好嗎'

text: '<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">'
start: '<text>'
end: '<table>'
result: 'Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">'

text: '<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>'
start: '<table>'
end: '</table>'
result: ''

text: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox'
start: 'quick '
end: ' fox'
result: 'brown'

text: 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish'
start: 'fish '
end: ' red'
result: 'two fish'

text: 'FooBarBazFooBuxQuux'
start: 'Foo'
end: 'Foo'
result: 'BarBaz'


Translation of: C#
program Text_between;



function TextBetween(source, bg, ed: string): string;
  startIndex, edIndex: Integer;
  if bg = 'start' then
    startIndex := 0
    startIndex := source.IndexOf(bg);
    if startIndex < 0 then

    startIndex := startIndex + bg.Length;
  edIndex := source.IndexOf(ed, startIndex);

  if (edIndex < 0) or (ed = 'end') then
  Exit(source.Substring(startIndex, edIndex - startIndex));

procedure Print(s, b, e: string; var ExempleIndex: Integer);
  Writeln('Exemple ', ExempleIndex, ':');
  Writeln(Format('Text:   "%s"', [s]));
  Writeln(Format('Start:  "%s"', [b]));
  Writeln(Format('End:    "%s"', [e]));
  Writeln(Format('Result: "%s"'#10, [TextBetween(s, b, e)]));

  ExempleIndex: Integer = 1;

  Print('Hello Rosetta Code world', 'Hello ', ' world', ExempleIndex);

  Print('Hello Rosetta Code world', 'start', ' world', ExempleIndex);

  Print('Hello Rosetta Code world', 'Hello ', 'end', ExempleIndex);

  Print('</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>', '<div style=\"chinese\">',
    '</div>', ExempleIndex);

  Print('<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">',
    '<text>', '<table>', ExempleIndex);

  Print('<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>',
    '<table>', '</table>', ExempleIndex);

  Print('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox', 'quick ', ' fox',

  Print('One fish two fish red fish blue fish', 'fish ', ' red', ExempleIndex);

  Print('FooBarBazFooBuxQuux', 'Foo', 'Foo', ExempleIndex);



For this exercise, a table with the strings is created using SQL statements, but a noteworthy alternative would be to take advantage of the functions that DuckDB provides for populating tables based on the contents of files.

create or replace table t
  (example INTEGER, s VARCHAR, start VARCHAR, stop VARCHAR, expected VARCHAR) ;

insert into t VALUES (1, 'Hello Rosetta Code world', 'Hello ', ' world', 'Rosetta Code');
insert into t VALUES (2, 'Hello Rosetta Code world', 'start',  ' world', 'Hello Rosetta Code');
insert into t VALUES (3, 'Hello Rosetta Code world', 'Hello ', ' end',   'Rosetta Code world');
insert into t VALUES (4, '</div><div style="chinese">你好嗎</div>',
                         '<div style="chinese">',  '</div>', '你好嗎');
insert into t VALUES (5, '<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">',
                         '<text>', '<table>',
                         'Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">');
insert into t VALUES (6, '<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>',
                         '<table>', '</table>', '');
insert into t VALUES (7, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox',
                         'quick ', ' fox', 'brown');
insert into t VALUES (8, 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish',
                         'fish ', ' red', 'two fish');
insert into t VALUES (9, 'FooBarBazFooBuxQuux', 'Foo', 'Foo', 'BarBaz');

select example, 
  case when i0 > 0 and i1 > 0
       then substr(s, i0+length(start1), i1 - 1)
       -- if the stop delimiter is not present:
       when i0 > 0 and i1 = 0
       then substr(s, i0+length(start1), length(s))
       else ''
       end as substring,
       expected = substring
from (select *,
  (case when i0 > 0
        then case when stop='end' then length(s)
                  else instr( substr(s, i0+length(start1), length(s)), stop)
        else 0
        end) as i1
  from (select *,
        case when start='start' then 1
             else instr(s, start)
             end as i0,
        case when start='start' then ''
             else start
             end as start1
        from t) );
│ example │                              substring                              │ (expected = "substring") │
│  int32  │                               varchar                               │         boolean          │
│       1 │ Rosetta Code                                                        │ true                     │
│       2 │ Hello Rosetta Code                                                  │ true                     │
│       3 │ Rosetta Code world                                                  │ true                     │
│       4 │ 你好嗎                                                              │ true                     │
│       5 │ Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable"> │ true                     │
│       6 │                                                                     │ true                     │
│       7 │ brown                                                               │ true                     │
│       8 │ two fish                                                            │ true                     │
│       9 │ BarBaz                                                              │ true                     │


func$ txtbetween str$ start$ ende$ .
   s = 1
   if start$ <> "start"
      s = strpos str$ start$
      if s = 0
         return ""
      s += len start$
   str$ = substr str$ s len str$
   e = len str$
   if ende$ <> "end"
      e = strpos str$ ende$
      if e = 0
         return str$
      e -= 1
   return substr str$ 1 e
func$ q s$ .
   return "\"" & s$ & "\""
texts$[] = [ "Hello Rosetta Code world" "Hello Rosetta Code world" "Hello Rosetta Code world" "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>" "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">" "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>" "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox" "One fish two fish red fish blue fish" "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux" ]
starts$[] = [ "Hello " "start" "Hello " "<div style=\"chinese\">" "<text>" "<table>" "quick " "fish " "Foo" ]
ends$[] = [ " world" " world" "end" "</div>" "<table>" "</table>" " fox" " red" "Foo" ]
for i to len texts$[]
   print q texts$[i]
   print q starts$[i] & " : " & q ends$[i]
   print q txtbetween texts$[i] starts$[i] ends$[i]
   print ""
"Hello Rosetta Code world"
"Hello " : " world"
"Rosetta Code"

"Hello Rosetta Code world"
"start" : " world"
"Hello Rosetta Code"

"Hello Rosetta Code world"
"Hello " : "end"
"Rosetta Code world"

"</div><div style="chinese">你好嗎</div>"
"<div style="chinese">" : "</div>"

"<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"
"<text>" : "<table>"
"Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"

"<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
"<table>" : "</table>"

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
"quick " : " fox"

"One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
"fish " : " red"
"two fish"

"Foo" : "Foo"


Ed regex are not powerful enough to tick all the boxes, but the results are close to ideal anyway.

# by Artyom Bologov
# Move the start delimiter
# Join all the lines
$ ed -s text-between.in < text-between.ed 
Newline appended
Rosetta Code
$ ed -s text-between.in < text-between.ed 
Newline appended
Hello Rosetta Code
$ ed -s text-between.in < text-between.ed 
Newline appended
 Rosetta Code world
$ ed -s text-between.in < text-between.ed 
Newline appended
$ ed -s text-between.in < text-between.ed 
Newline appended
Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">
$ ed -s text-between.in < text-between.ed 
Newline appended
<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr>
$ ed -s text-between.in < text-between.ed 
Newline appended
brown fox jumps over the lazy other
$ ed -s text-between.in < text-between.ed 
Newline appended
blue fish
$ ed -s text-between.in < text-between.ed 
Newline appended


USING: combinators formatting kernel locals math
prettyprint.config sequences ;
IN: rosetta-code.text-between

:: start ( sdelim text -- n )
        { [ sdelim "start" = ] [ 0 ] }
        { [ sdelim text subseq-start ] [ sdelim text subseq-start sdelim length + ] }
        [ text length ]
    } cond ;

:: end ( edelim text i -- n )
        { [ edelim "end" = ] [ text length ] }
        { [ edelim text i subseq-start-from ] [ edelim text i subseq-start-from ] }
        [ text length ]
    } cond ;

:: text-between ( text sdelim edelim -- seq )
    sdelim text start :> start-index
    edelim text start-index end :> end-index
    start-index end-index text subseq ;

: text-between-demo ( -- )
        { "Hello Rosetta Code world" "Hello " " world" }
        { "Hello Rosetta Code world" "start" " world" }
        { "Hello Rosetta Code world" "Hello " "end" }
        { "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>" "<div style=\"chinese\">" "</div>" }
        { "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">" "<text>" "<table>" }
        { "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>" "<table>" "</table>" }
        { "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox" "quick " " fox" }
        { "One fish two fish red fish blue fish" "fish " " red" }
        { "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux" "Foo" "Foo" }
        first3 3dup text-between [
            "Text: %u\nStart delimiter: %u\nEnd delimiter: %u\nOutput: %u\n\n"
        ] without-limits  ! prevent the prettyprinter from culling output
    ] each ;

MAIN: text-between-demo
Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End delimiter: " world"
Output: "Rosetta Code"

Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "start"
End delimiter: " world"
Output: "Hello Rosetta Code"

Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End delimiter: "end"
Output: "Rosetta Code world"

Text: "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>"
Start delimiter: "<div style=\"chinese\">"
End delimiter: "</div>"
Output: "你好嗎"

Text: "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"
Start delimiter: "<text>"
End delimiter: "<table>"
Output: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"

Text: "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
Start delimiter: "<table>"
End delimiter: "</table>"
Output: ""

Text: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
Start delimiter: "quick "
End delimiter: " fox"
Output: "brown"

Text: "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
Start delimiter: "fish "
End delimiter: " red"
Output: "two fish"

Text: "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
Start delimiter: "Foo"
End delimiter: "Foo"
Output: "BarBaz"


Translation of: VBA
Const DELIM_INICIO As String = "start"
Const DELIM_FINAL As String = "end"

Function Text_Between(T As String, F As String, L As String) As String
    Dim As Long i = Instr(T, L) + 1
    If T = "" Or F = "" Or (Instr(T, F) = 0 And F <> DELIM_INICIO) Then
        Return ""
    Elseif F = DELIM_INICIO And L = DELIM_FINAL Then
        Return T
    Elseif F = DELIM_INICIO Then
        Return Mid(T, 1, Instr(T, L) - 1)
    Elseif L = DELIM_FINAL Or Instr(T, L) = 0 Or (Instr(T, L) < Instr(T, F) And Instr(i, T, L) = 0) Then
        Return Mid(T, Len(F) + Instr(T, F))
    Elseif F = L Then
        Return Mid(T, Len(F) + Instr(T, F) Or Instr(i, T, F) - Len(F) - 1)
        Return Mid(T, Len(F) + Instr(T, F), Instr(Instr(T, F), T, L) - (Len(F) + Instr(T, F)))
    End If
End Function

Dim Texto As String, Inicio As String, Final As String, Salida As String
'Ejemplo 1. Both delimiters set
    Texto = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
        Inicio = "Hello "
            Final = " world"
    Salida = "1- " + Text_Between(Texto, Inicio, Final) + Chr(10)
'Ejemplo 2. start delimiter is the start of the string
    Texto = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
        Inicio = "start"
            Final = " world"
    Salida += "2- " + Text_Between(Texto, Inicio, Final) + Chr(10)
'Ejemplo 3. end delimiter is the end of the string
    Texto = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
        Inicio = "Hello "
            Final = "end"
    Salida += "3- " + Text_Between(Texto, Inicio, Final) + Chr(10)
'Ejemplo 4. end delimiter appears before and after start delimiter
    Texto = "</div><div style=\""chinese\"">???</div>..."
        Inicio = "<div style=\""chinese\"">"
            Final = "</div>"
    Salida += "4- " + Text_Between(Texto, Inicio, Final) + Chr(10)
'Ejemplo 5. end delimiter not present
    Texto = "<Texto>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</Texto><table style=\""myTable\"">"
        Inicio = "<Texto>"
            Final = "<table>"
    Salida += "5- " + Text_Between(Texto, Inicio, Final) + Chr(10)
'Ejemplo 6. start delimiter not present
    Texto = "<table style=\""myTable\""><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
        Inicio = "<table>"
            Final = "</table>"
    Salida += "6- " + Text_Between(Texto, Inicio, Final) + Chr(10)
'Ejemplo 7. Multiple instances of end delimiter after start delimiter (match until the Inicio one)
    Texto = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
        Inicio = "quick "
            Final = " fox"
    Salida += "7- " + Text_Between(Texto, Inicio, Final) + Chr(10)
'Ejemplo 8. Multiple instances of the start delimiter (start matching at the Inicio one)
    Texto = "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
        Inicio = "fish "
            Final = " red"
    Salida += "8- " + Text_Between(Texto, Inicio, Final) + Chr(10)
'Ejemplo 9. start delimiter is end delimiter
    Texto = "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
        Inicio = "Foo"
            Final = "Foo"
    Salida += "9- " + Text_Between(Texto, Inicio, Final) + Chr(10)
'Ejemplo 10 : end delimiter appears before and NOT after start delimiter
    Texto = "</div><div style=\""chinese\"">???..."
        Inicio = "<div style=\""chinese\"">"
            Final = "</div>"
    Salida += "10- " + Text_Between(Texto, Inicio, Final) + Chr(10)
'Ejemplo 11. Texto = ""
    Texto = ""
        Inicio = "start"
            Final = "end"
    Salida += "11- " + Text_Between(Texto, Inicio, Final) + Chr(10)
'Ejemplo 12. start and end delimiters use special values
    Texto = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
        Inicio = "start"
            Final = "end"
    Salida += "12- " + Text_Between(Texto, Inicio, Final)
    Print Salida
1- Rosetta Code
2- Hello Rosetta Code
3- Rosetta Code world
4- ???
5- Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</Texto><table style=\"myTable\">
7- brown
8- two fish
9- rBazFooBuxQuux
10- ???...
12- Hello Rosetta Code world


Translation of: Kotlin
package main

import (

func textBetween(str, start, end string) string {
    if str == "" || start == "" || end == "" {
        return str
    s := 0
    if start != "start" {
        s = strings.Index(str, start)
    if s == -1 {
        return ""
    si := 0
    if start != "start" {
        si = s + len(start)
    e := len(str)
    if end != "end" {
        e = strings.Index(str[si:], end)
        if e == -1 {
            return str[si:]
        e += si
    return str[si:e]

func main() {
    texts := [9]string{
        "Hello Rosetta Code world",
        "Hello Rosetta Code world",
        "Hello Rosetta Code world",
        "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>",
        "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">",
        "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>",
        "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox",
        "One fish two fish red fish blue fish",
    starts:= [9]string{
        "Hello ", "start", "Hello ", "<div style=\"chinese\">",
        "<text>", "<table>", "quick ", "fish ", "Foo",
    ends := [9]string{
        " world", " world", "end", "</div>", "<table>",
        "</table>", " fox", " red", "Foo",
    for i, text := range texts {
        fmt.Printf("Text: \"%s\"\n", text)
        fmt.Printf("Start delimiter: \"%s\"\n", starts[i])
        fmt.Printf("End delimiter: \"%s\"\n", ends[i])
        b := textBetween(text, starts[i], ends[i])
        fmt.Printf("Output: \"%s\"\n\n", b)
Same as Kotlin entry.


import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text, breakOn, pack, stripPrefix, unpack)

----------------------- TEXT BETWEEN ---------------------

textBetween ::
  (Either String Text, Either String Text) ->
  Text ->
textBetween (start, end) txt =
    (pack [])
    ( retain (stripPrefix <*>) snd start txt
        >>= retain (Just .) fst end
    retain sub part delim t =
        (Just . const t)
        (sub $ part . flip breakOn t)

-------------------------- TESTS -------------------------
main :: IO ()
main = do
  mapM_ print $
    flip textBetween (head samples)
      <$> take 3 delims
  (putStrLn . unlines) $
      ( \d t ->
            (unpack $ textBetween d t)
            ["\"", "\""]
      (drop 3 delims)
      (tail samples)

samples :: [Text]
samples =
    [ "Hello Rosetta Code world",
      "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好吗</div>",
      "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world"
        <> "</text><table style=\"myTable\">",
      "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>"
        <> "hello world</td></tr></table>"

delims :: [(Either String Text, Either String Text)]
delims =
    (join bimap wrap)
    [ ("Hello ", " world"),
      ("start", " world"),
      ("Hello", "end"),
      ("<div style=\"chinese\">", "</div>"),
      ("<text>", "<table>"),
      ("<text>", "</table>")

wrap :: String -> Either String Text
wrap x
  | x `elem` ["start", "end"] = Left x
  | otherwise = Right (pack x)
"Rosetta Code"
"Hello Rosetta Code"
" Rosetta Code world"
"Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"



textBetween=: dyad define
  text=. y
  'start end'=. x
  start=. ''"_^:('start'&-:) start 
  end=. text"_^:('end'&-:) end
  end taketo start takeafter text

Example Usage:

  ('Hello ';' world') textBetween 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
Rosetta Code


   Test_text=: <;._2 noun define
Hello Rosetta Code world
Hello Rosetta Code world
Hello Rosetta Code world
</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>
<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">
<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox
One fish two fish red fish blue fish

   Test_delim=: <"1 '|'&cut;._2 noun define
Hello | world
start| world
Hello |end
<div style=\"chinese\">|</div>
quick | fox
fish | red

   Test_output=: <;._2 noun define
Rosetta Code
Hello Rosetta Code
Rosetta Code world
Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">

two fish

   Test_output = Test_delim textBetween&.> Test_text
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


javac textBetween.java
java -cp . textBetween "hello Rosetta Code world" "hello " " world"
public class textBetween
     * textBetween: Get the text between two delimiters
    static String textBetween(String thisText, String startString, String endString)
    	String returnText = "";
    	int startIndex = 0;
    	int endIndex = 0;
    	if (startString.equals("start"))
    		startIndex = 0;
    	} else {
	    	startIndex = thisText.indexOf(startString);
	    	if (startIndex < 0) 
	        	return "";	        	
	        } else {
	        	startIndex = startIndex + startString.length();
    	if (endString.equals("end"))
    		endIndex = thisText.length();
    	} else {
    		endIndex = thisText.indexOf(endString);
            if (endIndex <= 0) 
            	return "";
            } else {

    	returnText = thisText.substring(startIndex,endIndex);
    	return returnText;
    } // end method textBetween

     * Main method
    public static void main(String[] args)
    	String thisText = args[0];
    	String startDelimiter = args[1];
    	String endDelimiter = args[2];
    	String returnText = "";
    	returnText = textBetween(thisText, startDelimiter, endDelimiter);

    } // end method main
} // end class TextBetween



	function textBetween(thisText, startString, endString)
		if (thisText == undefined)
			return "";
		var start_pos = 0;
		if (startString != 'start')
			start_pos = thisText.indexOf(startString);

			// If the text does not contain the start string, return a blank string
			if (start_pos < 0)
				return '';

			// Skip the first startString characters
			start_pos = start_pos + startString.length;

		var end_pos = thisText.length;
		if (endString != 'end')
			end_pos = thisText.indexOf(endString,start_pos);

		// If the text does not have the end string after the start string, return the whole string after the start
		if (end_pos < start_pos)
			end_pos = thisText.length;

		var newText = thisText.substring(start_pos,end_pos);

		return newText;
	} // end textBetween


Translation of: Haskell

Composed from a set of generic functions

(() => {
    'use strict';

    // TEXT BETWEEN ----------------------------------------------------------

    // Delimiter pair -> Haystack -> Any enclosed text
    // textBetween :: (Either String String, Either String String) ->
    //                      String -> String
    const textBetween = ([start, end], txt) => {
            retain = (post, part, delim, t) =>
                d => just(const_(t, d)), // 'start' or 'end'. No clipping.
                d => post(part(flip(breakOnDef)(t, d))), // One side of break
            mbResidue = bindMay(
                retain( // Start token stripped from text after any break
                    snd, start, txt
                ), // Left side of any break retained.
                curry(retain)(just, fst, end)
        return mbResidue.nothing ? (
        ) : mbResidue.just;

    // GENERIC FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------

    // append (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
    const append = (xs, ys) => xs.concat(ys);

    // bindMay (>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
    const bindMay = (mb, mf) =>
        mb.nothing ? mb : mf(mb.just);

    // Needle -> Haystack -> (prefix before match, match + rest)
    // breakOnDef :: String -> String -> (String, String)
    const breakOnDef = (pat, src) =>
        Boolean(pat) ? (() => {
            const xs = src.split(pat);
            return xs.length > 1 ? [
                xs[0], src.slice(xs[0].length)
            ] : [src, ''];
        })() : undefined;

    // const_ :: a -> b -> a
    const const_ = (k, _) => k;

    // Handles two or more arguments
    // curry :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
    const curry = (f, ...args) => {
        const go = xs => xs.length >= f.length ? (f.apply(null, xs)) :
            function () {
                return go(xs.concat(Array.from(arguments)));
        return go([].slice.call(args));

    // drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
    // drop :: Int -> String -> String
    const drop = (n, xs) => xs.slice(n);

    // either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
    const either = (lf, rf, e) => {
        const ks = Object.keys(e);
        return elem('Left', ks) ? (
        ) : elem('Right', ks) ? (
        ) : undefined;

    // elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
    const elem = (x, xs) => xs.includes(x);

    // flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
    const flip = f => (a, b) => f.apply(null, [b, a]);

    // fst :: (a, b) -> a
    const fst = pair => pair.length === 2 ? pair[0] : undefined;

    // just :: a -> Just a
    const just = x => ({
        nothing: false,
        just: x

    // Left :: a -> Either a b
    const Left = x => ({
        Left: x

    // map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
    const map = (f, xs) => xs.map(f);

    // min :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
    const min = (a, b) => b < a ? b : a;

    // nothing :: () -> Nothing
    const nothing = (optionalMsg) => ({
        nothing: true,
        msg: optionalMsg

    // Right :: b -> Either a b
    const Right = x => ({
        Right: x

    // show :: Int -> a -> Indented String
    // show :: a -> String
    const show = (...x) =>
            null, x.length > 1 ? [x[1], null, x[0]] : x

    // snd :: (a, b) -> b
    const snd = tpl => Array.isArray(tpl) ? tpl[1] : undefined;

    // stripPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
    const stripPrefix = (pfx, s) => {
            blnString = typeof pfx === 'string',
            [xs, ys] = blnString ? (
                [pfx.split(''), s.split('')]
            ) : [pfx, s];
            sp_ = (xs, ys) => xs.length === 0 ? (
                just(blnString ? ys.join('') : ys)
            ) : (ys.length === 0 || xs[0] !== ys[0]) ? (
            ) : sp_(xs.slice(1), ys.slice(1));
        return sp_(xs, ys);

    // tailDef :: [a] -> [a]
    const tailDef = xs => xs.length > 0 ? xs.slice(1) : [];

    // take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
    const take = (n, xs) => xs.slice(0, n);

    // zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
    const zipWith = (f, xs, ys) =>
            length: Math.min(xs.length, ys.length)
        }, (_, i) => f(xs[i], ys[i], i));

    // TESTS -----------------------------------------------------------------

    // samples :: [String]
    const samples = [
        'Hello Rosetta Code world',
        '</div><div style=\'chinese\'>你好吗</div>',
        '<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\'myTable\'>',
        '<table style=\'myTable\'><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>'

    // delims :: [(Either String String, Either String String)]
    const delims = map(
        curry(map)(x =>
            elem(x, ['start', 'end']) ? (
                Left(x) // Marker token
            ) : Right(x) // Literal text
        ), [
            ['Hello ', ' world'],
            ['start', ' world'],
            ['Hello', 'end'],
            ['<div style=\'chinese\'>', '</div>'],
            ['<text>', '<table>'],
            ['<text>', '</table>']

    return show(2,
                fromTo => textBetween(fromTo, samples[0]),
                take(3, delims)
            ), zipWith(
                drop(3, delims),
  "Rosetta Code",
  "Hello Rosetta Code",
  " Rosetta Code world",
  "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style='myTable'>",


The implementation uses `explode` to ensure arbitrary Unicode will be handled properly.

def textbetween_strings($startdlm; $enddlm):
  | . as $in
  | (if $startdlm == "start" then 0 else ($startdlm | length) end) as $len
  | (if $startdlm == "start" then 0 else index($startdlm | explode) end) as $ix
  | if $ix
    then $in[$ix + $len:]
    | if $enddlm == "end" then .
      else index($enddlm | explode) as $ex
      | if $ex then .[:$ex] else . end
    else []
  | implode;


def testdata:
  (["Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", " world"],
   ["Hello Rosetta Code world", "start", " world"],
   ["Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello", "end"],
   ["</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>", "<div style=\"chinese\">", "</div>"],
   ["<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">", "<text>", "<table>"],
   ["<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>", "<table>", "</table>"],
   ["The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox", "quick ", " fox"],
   ["One fish two fish red fish blue fish", "fish ", " red"],
   ["FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", "Foo", "Foo"] )
| . as $in
| $in[0]
| textbetween_strings($in[1]; $in[2])


"Rosetta Code"
"Hello Rosetta Code"
" Rosetta Code world"
"Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"
"two fish"


Works with: Julia version 0.6
function textbetween(text::AbstractString, startdlm::AbstractString, enddlm::AbstractString)
    startind = startdlm != "start" ? last(search(text, startdlm)) + 1 : 1
    endind   = enddlm   != "end"   ? first(search(text, enddlm, startind)) - 1 : endof(text)
    if iszero(startind) || iszero(endind) return "" end
    return text[startind:endind]

testcases = [("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", " world"),
             ("Hello Rosetta Code world", "start", " world"),
             ("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello", "end"),
             ("</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>", "<div style=\"chinese\">", "</div>"),
             ("<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">", "<text>", "<table>"),
             ("<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>", "<table>", "</table>"),
             ("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox", "quick ", " fox"),
             ("One fish two fish red fish blue fish", "fish ", " red"),
             ("FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", "Foo", "Foo")]

for (text, s, e) in testcases
    println("\nText: ", text, "\nStart delim: ", s, "\nEnd delim: ", e, "\nOutput: ", textbetween(text, s, e))
Text: Hello Rosetta Code world
Start delim: Hello
End delim:  world
Output: Rosetta Code

Text: Hello Rosetta Code world
Start delim: start
End delim:  world
Output: Hello Rosetta Code

Text: Hello Rosetta Code world
Start delim: Hello
End delim: end
Output:  Rosetta Code world

Text: </div><div style="chinese">你好嗎</div>
Start delim: <div style="chinese">
End delim: </div>
Output: 你好嗎

Text: <text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">
Start delim: <text>
End delim: <table>

Text: <table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>
Start delim: <table>
End delim: </table>

Text: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox
Start delim: quick
End delim:  fox
Output: brown

Text: One fish two fish red fish blue fish
Start delim: fish
End delim:  red
Output: two fish

Text: FooBarBazFooBuxQuux
Start delim: Foo
End delim: Foo
Output: BarBaz


In the third example, I've assumed that the start delimiter should be "Hello " (not "Hello") to match the required output.

// version 1.2.10

fun String.textBetween(start: String, end: String): String {
    require(!start.isEmpty() && !end.isEmpty())
    if (this.isEmpty()) return this
    val s = if (start == "start") 0 else this.indexOf(start)
    if (s == -1) return ""
    val si = if (start == "start") 0 else s + start.length
    val e = if (end == "end") this.length else this.indexOf(end, si)
    if (e == -1) return this.substring(si)
    return this.substring(si, e)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val texts = listOf(
        "Hello Rosetta Code world",
        "Hello Rosetta Code world",
        "Hello Rosetta Code world",
        "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>",
        "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">",
        "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>",
        "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox",
        "One fish two fish red fish blue fish",
    val startEnds = listOf(
        "Hello " to " world",
        "start" to " world",
        "Hello " to "end",
        "<div style=\"chinese\">" to "</div>",
        "<text>" to "<table>",
        "<table>" to "</table>",
        "quick " to " fox",
        "fish " to " red",
        "Foo" to "Foo"
    for ((i, text) in texts.withIndex()) {
        println("Text: \"$text\"")
        val (s, e) = startEnds[i]
        println("Start delimiter: \"$s\"")
        println("End delimiter: \"$e\"")
        val b = text.textBetween(s, e)
        println("Output: \"$b\"\n")
Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End delimiter: " world"
Output: "Rosetta Code"

Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "start"
End delimiter: " world"
Output: "Hello Rosetta Code"

Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End delimiter: "end"
Output: "Rosetta Code world"

Text: "</div><div style="chinese">你好嗎</div>"
Start delimiter: "<div style="chinese">"
End delimiter: "</div>"
Output: "你好嗎"

Text: "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"
Start delimiter: "<text>"
End delimiter: "<table>"
Output: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"

Text: "<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
Start delimiter: "<table>"
End delimiter: "</table>"
Output: ""

Text: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
Start delimiter: "quick "
End delimiter: " fox"
Output: "brown"

Text: "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
Start delimiter: "fish "
End delimiter: " red"
Output: "two fish"

Text: "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
Start delimiter: "Foo"
End delimiter: "Foo"
Output: "BarBaz"


French (instead of Chinese) in #4 to avoid off-topic unicode complications. Coded to satisfy this task as worded, though in actual use reader might be better served by directly applying native pattern matching facilities to specific problems.

function textbetween(text, sdelim, edelim)
  -- case #5 (end delimiter not present) is only problem for simplest approach, so preprocess:
  if not text:find(edelim=="end" and "$" or edelim) then edelim = "end" end
  -- then just:
  local re = (sdelim=="start" and "^" or sdelim) .. "(.-)" .. (edelim=="end" and "$" or edelim)
  return text:match(re) or ""

function test(text, sdelim, edelim, expected)
  print(textbetween(text, sdelim, edelim) == expected)

test( "Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", " world", "Rosetta Code" )
test( "Hello Rosetta Code world", "start", " world", "Hello Rosetta Code" )
test( "Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", "end", "Rosetta Code world" )
test( "</div><div style=\"french\">bonjour</div>", "<div style=\"french\">", "</div>", "bonjour" )
test( "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">", "<text>", "<table>", "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">" )
test( "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>", "<table>", "</table>", "" )
test( "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox", "quick ", " fox", "brown" )
test( "One fish two fish red fish blue fish", "fish ", " red", "two fish" )
test( "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", "Foo", "Foo", "BarBaz" )

All tests pass, output not given.


textBetween := proc(str,delim1,delim2)
	local on, off,extra:
	on := piecewise(delim1="start", 1, SearchText(delim1, str)):
	if on = 0 then return ""; end if:
	extra := piecewise(delim1="start", 0, StringTools:-Length(delim1)):
	off := piecewise(delim2="end", 0, SearchText(delim2, str, on+extra..-1)):
	if off <> 0 then off := off+on+extra-1: end if:
	return str[on+extra..off-1]:
end proc:
>textBetween("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", " world");
"Rosetta Code"
>textBetween("Hello Rosetta Code world", "start", " world");
"Hello Rosetta Code"
>textBetween("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", "end");
"Rosetta Code world"
>textBetween("</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>", "<div style=\"chinese\">", "</div>");
>textBetween("<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">","<text>","<table>");
"Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"
>textBetween("<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>", "<table>", "</table>");
>textBetween("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox", "quick ", " fox");
>textBetween("One fish two fish red fish blue fish", "fish ", " red");
"two fish"
>textBetween("FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", "Foo", "Foo");


textBetween = function(s, startDelim, endDelim)
    startPos = s.indexOf(startDelim) + startDelim.len
    if startDelim == "start" then startPos = 0
    endPos = s.indexOf(endDelim, startPos)
    if endDelim == "end" then endDelim = null
    return s[startPos:endPos]
end function

print textBetween("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", " world")
print textBetween("Hello Rosetta Code world", "start", " world")
print textBetween("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", "end")
print textBetween("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox", "quick ", " fox")
print textBetween("FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", "Foo", "Foo")
Rosetta Code
Hello Rosetta Code
Rosetta Code world


import strutils

func textBetween(text, startStr, endStr: string): string =
  ## Return the text between start and end separators.

  var startIdx = 0
  if startStr != "start":
    startIdx = text.find(startStr)
    if startIdx == -1: return
    inc startIdx, startStr.len

  var endIdx = text.high
  if endStr != "end":
    endIdx = text.find(endStr, startIdx)
    if endIdx == -1: endIdx = text.high
    else: dec endIdx

  result = text.substr(startIdx, endIdx)

proc quote(s: string): string =
  ## Return a quoted string, i.e with escaped chars but
  ## keeping unchanged characters between \128 and \255.

const Data = [
  ("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", " world"),
  ("Hello Rosetta Code world", "start", " world"),
  ("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", "end"),
  ("</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>", "<div style=\"chinese\">", "</div>"),
  ("<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">", "<text>", "<table>"),
  ("<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>", "<table>", "</table>"),
  ("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox", "quick ", " fox"),
  ("One fish two fish red fish blue fish", "fish ", " red"),
  ("FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", "Foo", "Foo")]

for (text, startStr, endStr) in Data:
  echo "Text:   ", text.quote
  echo "Start:  ", startStr.quote
  echo "End:    ", endStr.quote
  echo "Output: ", text.textBetween(startStr, endStr).quote
Text:   "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start:  "Hello "
End:    " world"
Result: "Rosetta Code"

Text:   "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start:  "start"
End:    " world"
Result: "Hello Rosetta Code"

Text:   "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start:  "Hello "
End:    "end"
Result: "Rosetta Code world"

Text:   "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>"
Start:  "<div style=\"chinese\">"
End:    "</div>"
Result: "你好嗎"

Text:   "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"
Start:  "<text>"
End:    "<table>"
Result: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"

Text:   "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
Start:  "<table>"
End:    "</table>"
Result: ""

Text:   "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
Start:  "quick "
End:    " fox"
Result: "brown"

Text:   "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
Start:  "fish "
End:    " red"
Result: "two fish"

Text:   "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
Start:  "Foo"
End:    "Foo"
Result: "BarBaz"


Translation of: Java
class TextBetween {
  function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
    if(args->Size() = 3) {
      TextBetween(args[0], args[1], args[2])->PrintLine();

  function : TextBetween(thisText : String, startString : String, endString : String) ~ String {
    startIndex := 0;
      endIndex := 0;

    if (startString->Equals("start"))
        startIndex := 0;
      } else {
        startIndex := thisText->Find(startString);
        if (startIndex < 0) 
            return "";            
          } else {
            startIndex := startIndex + startString->Size();

      if (endString->Equals("end"))
        endIndex := thisText->Size();
      } else {
        endIndex := thisText->Find(endString);
            if (endIndex <= 0) 
              return "";
            } else {

    return thisText->SubString(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);


Translation of: Raku
use feature 'say';

sub text_between {
    my($text, $start, $end) = @_;
    return join ',', $text =~ /$start(.*?)$end/g;

$text = 'Hello Rosetta Code world';

# String start and end delimiter
say '1> '. text_between($text,  'Hello ', ' world' );

# Regex string start delimiter
say '2> '. text_between($text,  qr/^/, ' world' );

# Regex string end delimiter
say '3> '. text_between($text,  'Hello ',  qr/$/ );

# End delimiter only valid after start delimiter
say '4> '. text_between('</div><div style="chinese">你好嗎</div>', '<div style="chinese">', '</div>' );

# End delimiter not found, default to string end
say '5> '. text_between('<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">', '<text>', qr/<table>|$/ );

# Start delimiter not found, return blank string
say '6> '. text_between('<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>', '<table>', '</table>' );

# Multiple end delimiters, match frugally
say '7> '. text_between( 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox', 'quick ', ' fox' );

# Multiple start delimiters, match frugally
say '8> '. text_between( 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish', 'fish ', ' red' );

# Start delimiter is end delimiter
say '9> '. text_between('FooBarBazFooBuxQuux', 'Foo', 'Foo' );

# Return all matching strings when multiple matches are possible
say '10> '. text_between( $text, 'e', 'o' );

# Ignore start and end delimiter string embedded in longer words
$text = 'Soothe a guilty conscience today, string wrangling is not the best tool to use for this job.';
say '11> '.  text_between($text, qr/\bthe /, qr/ to\b/);
1> Rosetta Code
2> Hello Rosetta Code
3> Rosetta Code world
4> 你好嗎
5> Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">
7> brown
8> two fish
9> BarBaz
10> ll,tta C, w
11> best tool


function text_between(string text, start_delimiter, end_delimiter)
    if start_delimiter!="start" then
        integer k = match(start_delimiter,text)
        if k=0 then return "" end if
        text = text[k+length(start_delimiter)..$]
    end if
    if end_delimiter!="end" then
        integer k = match(end_delimiter,text)
        if k!=0 then
            text = text[1..k-1]
        end if
    end if
    return text
end function
constant tests = {
{"Hello Rosetta Code world","Hello "," world","Rosetta Code"},
{"Hello Rosetta Code world","start"," world","Hello Rosetta Code"},
{"Hello Rosetta Code world","Hello ","end","Rosetta Code world"},
{"</div><div style=\"french\">bonjour</div>","<div style=\"french\">","</div>","bonjour"},
{"<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">","<text>","<table>",
 "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"},
{"<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>","<table>","</table>",""},
{"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox","quick "," fox","brown"},
{"One fish two fish red fish blue fish","fish "," red","two fish"},
{"Hello Rosetta Code world","start","end","Hello Rosetta Code world"}}
constant fmt = """
Text: "%s"
Start delimiter: "%s"
End delimiter: "%s"
Output: "%s"
Expect: "%s" ***ERROR***
for i=1 to length(tests) do
    string {text,start_delimiter,end_delimiter,expected} = tests[i] 
    string actual = text_between(text,start_delimiter,end_delimiter)
    if actual!=expected then
    end if
end for

All tests pass, so no output.


function text_between($string, $start, $end)
    //$string = " ".$string;
    $startIndex = strpos($string,$start);
    if ($start == "start")
    	$startIndex = 0;
    } else {
    	if ($startIndex == 0)
    		return "Start text not found";
    if ($end == "end")
    	$resultLength = $endIndex - $startIndex;
    } else {
	    $resultLength = strpos($string,$end,$startIndex) - $startIndex;
    if ($start != "start")
		$startIndex += strlen($start);

    if ($resultLength <= 0)
    	return "End text not found";
    return substr($string,$startIndex,$resultLength);


$returnText = text_between($thisText, $startDelimiter, $endDelimiter);





FUNCTION TextBetween( _
     BYVAL StartDelim AS WSTRING, _
     BYVAL EndDelim AS WSTRING) _


  IF StartDelim = "start" THEN
    indS = 1
    indS = INSTR(1, TEXT, StartDelim)
    IF indS THEN
      indS += LEN(StartDelim)
    END IF

  IF indS THEN
    IF EndDelim = "end" THEN
      indE = LEN(TEXT) + 1
      indE = INSTR(indS, TEXT, EndDelim)
      IF indE = 0 THEN
        indE = LEN(TEXT) + 1
      END IF
    END IF
    indE -= indS
    IF indE THEN
      FUNCTION = MID$(TEXT, indS, indE)
    END IF




'Ex. 1
sText = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
StartDelim = "Hello "
EndDelim = " world"
Expected = "Rosetta Code"
CON.PRINT IIF$(TextBetween(sText, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected, "OK", "failed")

'Ex. 2
sText = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
StartDelim = "start"
EndDelim = " world"
Expected = "Hello Rosetta Code"
CON.PRINT IIF$(TextBetween(sText, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected, "OK", "failed")

'Ex. 3
sText = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
StartDelim = "Hello "
EndDelim = "end"
Expected = "Rosetta Code world"
CON.PRINT IIF$(TextBetween(sText, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected, "OK", "failed")

'Ex. 4
Expected = CHR$$(&H4F60) & CHR$$(&H597D) & CHR$$(&H55CE)
sText = "</div><div style=""chinese"">" & Expected & "</div>"
StartDelim = "<div style=""chinese"">"
EndDelim = "</div>"
CON.PRINT IIF$(TextBetween(sText, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected, "OK", "failed")

'Ex. 5
sText = "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=""myTable"">"
StartDelim = "<text>"
EndDelim = "<table>"
Expected = "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=""myTable"">"
CON.PRINT IIF$(TextBetween(sText, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected, "OK", "failed")

'Ex. 6
sText = "<table style=""myTable""><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
StartDelim = "<table>"
EndDelim = "</table>"
Expected = ""
CON.PRINT IIF$(TextBetween(sText, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected, "OK", "failed")

'Ex. 7
sText = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
StartDelim = "quick "
EndDelim = " fox"
Expected = "brown"
CON.PRINT IIF$(TextBetween(sText, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected, "OK", "failed")

'Ex. 8
sText = "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
StartDelim = "fish "
EndDelim = " red"
Expected = "two fish"
CON.PRINT IIF$(TextBetween(sText, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected, "OK", "failed")

'Ex. 9
sText = "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
StartDelim = "Foo"
EndDelim = "Foo"
Expected = "BarBaz"
CON.PRINT IIF$(TextBetween(sText, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected, "OK", "failed")

'Extra test: empty text between delimiters
StartDelim = "Foo"
EndDelim = "BarBaz"
Expected = ""
sText = StartDelim & Expected & EndDelim & "FooBuxQuux"
CON.PRINT IIF$(TextBetween(sText, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected, "OK", "failed")



#!/usr/bin/env python
from sys import argv

# textBetween in python
# Get the text between two delimiters
# Usage:
# python textBetween.py "hello Rosetta Code world" "hello " " world"

def textBetween( thisText, startString, endString ):
    	if startString is 'start':
    		startIndex = 0
    		startIndex = thisText.index( startString ) 
    	if not (startIndex >= 0):
    		return 'Start delimiter not found'
        	if startString is not 'start':
        		startIndex = startIndex + len( startString )
        returnText = thisText[startIndex:]

    	if endString is 'end':
    		return returnText
    		endIndex = returnText.index( endString )

    	if not (endIndex >= 0):
    		return 'End delimiter not found'
        	returnText = returnText[:endIndex]

        return returnText
    except ValueError:
        return "Value error"

script, first, second, third = argv

thisText = first
startString = second
endString = third

print textBetween( thisText, startString, endString )


  [ dup $ "start" = iff
      drop done
    tuck over findseq
    tuck over found iff
      [ unrot dip size +
        split nip ]
    2drop drop $ "" ]           is from-start (   $ $ --> $ )

  [ dup $ "end" = iff drop done
    over findseq split drop ]   is to-end     (   $ $ --> $ )

  [ dip from-start to-end ]     is between    ( $ $ $ --> $ )

  [ char " tuck join join
    echo$ cr ]                  is quote$     (     $ -->   )

  [ 3 pack dup
    dip unpack unpack
    rot  say "  Text: " quote$
    swap say " Start: " quote$
         say "   End: " quote$
         say "Result: " quote$
    cr ]                        is task       ( $ $ $ --> $ )

  $ "Hello Rosetta Code world" $ "Hello "  $ " world"   task
  $ "Hello Rosetta Code world" $ "start"   $ " world"   task
  $ "Hello Rosetta Code world" $ "Hello "  $ "end"      task
  $ "Hello Rosetta Code world" $ "Hello "  $ "end"      task
  $ '</div><div style=\"chinese\">???</div>'
               $ '<div style=\"chinese\">' $ "</div>"   task
  $ '<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">'
                               $ "<text>"  $ "<table>"  task
  $ '<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>'
                               $ "<table>" $ "</table>" task
  $ "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
                               $ "quick "   $ " fox"    task
  $ "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
                               $ "fish "   $ " red"     task
  $ "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"      $ "Foo"     $ "Foo"      task
  Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
 Start: "Hello "
   End: " world"
Result: "Rosetta Code"

  Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
 Start: "start"
   End: " world"
Result: "Hello Rosetta Code"

  Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
 Start: "Hello "
   End: "end"
Result: "Rosetta Code world"

  Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
 Start: "Hello "
   End: "end"
Result: "Rosetta Code world"

  Text: "</div><div style=\"chinese\">???</div>"
 Start: "<div style=\"chinese\">"
   End: "</div>"
Result: "???"

  Text: "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"
 Start: "<text>"
   End: "<table>"
Result: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"

  Text: "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
 Start: "<table>"
   End: "</table>"
Result: ""

  Text: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
 Start: "quick "
   End: " fox"
Result: "brown"

  Text: "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
 Start: "fish "
   End: " red"
Result: "two fish"

  Text: "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
 Start: "Foo"
   End: "Foo"
Result: "BarBaz"


#lang racket
(require (prefix-in 13: srfi/13))

(define (text-to-end text end)
  (cond [(13:string-contains text end) => (λ (i) (substring text 0 i))]
        [else text]))

(define (text-from-start text start)
  (cond [(13:string-contains text start) => (λ (i) (substring text (+ i (string-length start))))]
        [else ""]))

(define text-between
   [("start" "end" text) text]   
   [("start" end text) (text-to-end text end)]
   [(start "end" text) (text-from-start text start)]
   [(start end text) (text-to-end (text-from-start text start) end)]))

(module+ test
  (require rackunit)

  (define (test-case text start end output)
    (check-equal? (text-between start end text) output))

  (test-case "Hello Rosetta Code world" "Hello " " world" "Rosetta Code")
  (test-case "Hello Rosetta Code world" "start" " world" "Hello Rosetta Code")
  (test-case "Hello Rosetta Code world" "Hello" "end" " Rosetta Code world")
  (test-case "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>" "<div style=\"chinese\">" "</div>" "你好嗎")
  (test-case "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">" "<text>" "<table>" "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">")
  (test-case "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>" "<table>" "</table>" "")
  (test-case "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox" "quick " " fox" "brown")
  (test-case "One fish two fish red fish blue fish" "fish " " red" "two fish")
  (test-case "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux" "Foo" "Foo" "BarBaz"))

All tests pass, so no output.


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2017.12

It seems somewhat pointless to write a special purpose routine to do text matching as built-in primitives can do so more flexibly and concisely, but whatever.

This version doesn't use strings for meta indexes ('start' and 'end'), rather it accepts regex assertions which are parsed differently from strings. This allows much more robust and fine grained control over what does and doesn't match. (and allows delimiter strings of 'start' and 'end' incidentally.) See the 11th example below which will confound nearly all of the current string-only based implementations.

sub text-between ( $text, $start, $end ) {
    return $/»[0]».Str if $text ~~ m:g/ $start (.*?) $end /;

# Testing
my $text = 'Hello Rosetta Code world';

# String start and end delimiter
put '1> ', $text.&text-between( 'Hello ', ' world' );

# Regex string start delimiter
put '2> ', $text.&text-between( rx/^/, ' world' );

# Regex string end delimiter
put '3> ', $text.&text-between( 'Hello ',  rx/$/ );

# End delimiter only valid after start delimiter
put '4> ', '</div><div style="chinese">你好嗎</div>'\
    .&text-between( '<div style="chinese">', '</div>' );

# End delimiter not found, default to string end
put '5> ', '<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">'\
    .&text-between( '<text>', rx/'<table>' | $/ );

# Start delimiter not found, return blank string
put '6> ', '<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>'\
    .&text-between( '<table>', '</table>' );

# Multiple end delimiters, match frugally
put '7> ', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox'\
    .&text-between( 'quick ', ' fox' );

# Multiple start delimiters, match frugally
put '8> ', 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish'\
    .&text-between( 'fish ', ' red' );

# Start delimiter is end delimiter
put '9> ', 'FooBarBazFooBuxQuux'\
    .&text-between( 'Foo', 'Foo' );

# Return all matching strings when multiple matches are possible
put '10> ', join ',', $text.&text-between( 'e', 'o' );

# Ignore start and end delimiter string embedded in longer words
put '11> ', 'Soothe a guilty conscience today, string wrangling is not the best tool to use for this job.'\
    .&text-between( rx/«'the '/, rx/' to'»/ );
1> Rosetta Code
2> Hello Rosetta Code
3> Rosetta Code world
4> 你好嗎
5> Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">
7> brown
8> two fish
9> BarBaz
10> ll,tta C, w
11> best tool


version 1

Translation of: Kotlin

Call test  "Hello Rosetta Code world","Hello "," world"
Call test  "Hello Rosetta Code world","start"," world"
Call test  "Hello Rosetta Code world","Hello ","end"
Call test  "</div><div style=""chinese"">???</div>","<div style=""chinese"">","</div>"
Call test  "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=""myTable"">","<text>","<table>"
Call test  "<table style=""myTable""><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>","<table>","</table>"
Call test  "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox","quick "," fox"
Call test  "One fish two fish red fish blue fish","fish "," red"
Call test  "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux","Foo","Foo"

test: Procedure
  Parse Arg t,s,e
  Call o 'Text: "'t'"'
  Call o 'Start delimiter: "'s'"'
  Call o 'End delimiter: "'e'"'
  Call o 'Output: "'res'"'
  Call o ''

text_between: Procedure
  Parse Arg this_text, start_text, end_text
  If start_text='start' Then
  Else Do
    If s>0 Then
      Return ''
  If end_text='end' Then
    Return rest
  Else Do
    If e=0 Then
      Return rest
    Return left(rest,e-1)

o: Say arg(1)
Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End delimiter: " world"
Output: "Rosetta Code"

Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "start"
End delimiter: " world"
Output: "Hello Rosetta Code"

Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End delimiter: "end"
Output: "Rosetta Code world"

Text: "</div><div style="chinese">???</div>"
Start delimiter: "<div style="chinese">"
End delimiter: "</div>"
Output: "???"

Text: "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"
Start delimiter: "<text>"
End delimiter: "<table>"
Output: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"

Text: "<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
Start delimiter: "<table>"
End delimiter: "</table>"
Output: ""

Text: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
Start delimiter: "quick "
End delimiter: " fox"
Output: "brown"

Text: "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
Start delimiter: "fish "
End delimiter: " red"
Output: "two fish"

Text: "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
Start delimiter: "Foo"
End delimiter: "Foo"
Output: "BarBaz"

version 2

This REXX version makes use of the REXX   parse   instruction to extract the required string.

Also, it wasn't necessary, but I assummed (bad assumption?) that the   \   could be an escape character, but unless clarified,
it's being treated as a commom character,   REXX has no need for escape characters (within character strings).

/*REXX programs displays the text between two text deliminiters in a target text string.*/
call TB 'Hello Rosetta Code world', "Hello ",   ' world'
call TB 'Hello Rosetta Code world', "start",    ' world'
call TB 'Hello Rosetta Code world', "Hello",    'end'
call TB '</div><div style=\"chinese\">???</div>', '<div style=\"chinese\">', "</div>"
call TB '<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">',"<text>",'<table>'
call TB '<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>',"<table>",'</table>'
call TB 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox', "quick ", ' fox'
call TB 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish',              "fish ",  ' red'
call TB 'FooBarBazFooBuxQuux',  "Foo",   'Foo'
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
TB: procedure: parse arg T,S,E;      say         /*obtain text, start delim, end delim. */
    say '           Text: "'T'"'                 /*echo the  text          to terminal. */
    say 'Start delimiter: "'S'"'                 /*  "   "   start delim    "    "      */
    say 'End   delimiter: "'E'"'                 /*  "   "    end    "      "    "      */
    $=T;  if S\=='start'  then parse var T (S) $ /*extract stuff  after  the START delim*/
          if E\=='end'    then parse var $ $ (E) /*   "      "   before   "   END.   "  */
    say '         Output: "'$'"'                 /*display the extracted string to term.*/
           Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End   delimiter: " world"
         Output: "Rosetta Code"

           Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "start"
End   delimiter: " world"
         Output: "Hello Rosetta Code"

           Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello"
End   delimiter: "end"
         Output: " Rosetta Code world"

           Text: "</div><div style=\"chinese\">???</div>"
Start delimiter: "<div style=\"chinese\">"
End   delimiter: "</div>"
         Output: "???"

           Text: "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"
Start delimiter: "<text>"
End   delimiter: "<table>"
         Output: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"

           Text: "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
Start delimiter: "<table>"
End   delimiter: "</table>"
         Output: ""

           Text: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
Start delimiter: "quick "
End   delimiter: " fox"
         Output: "brown"

           Text: "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
Start delimiter: "fish "
End   delimiter: " red"
         Output: "two fish"

           Text: "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
Start delimiter: "Foo"
End   delimiter: "Foo"
         Output: "BarBaz"


# Project : Text between

text = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
startdelimiter = "Hello"
enddelimiter = "world"
textdel = []

see "Example 1. Both delimiters set :" + nl
see 'Text = "Hello Rosetta Code world"' + nl
see 'Start delimiter = "Hello"' + nl
see 'End delimiter = "world"'+ nl
see "Output = "
textarr = str2list(substr(text , " ", nl))
posstart = find(textarr, startdelimiter)
posend = find(textarr, enddelimiter)
for n = posstart + 1 to posend - 1
      add(textdel, textarr[n])
see '"' + substr(list2str(textdel), nl, " ") +'"' + nl + nl

see "Example 2. Start delimiter is the start of the string :" + nl
see 'Text = "Hello Rosetta Code world"' + nl
see 'Start delimiter = "start"' + nl
see 'End delimiter = "world"'+ nl
see "Output = "
textdel = []
textarr = str2list(substr(text , " ", nl))
posend = find(textarr, enddelimiter)
for n = 1 to posend - 1
      add(textdel, textarr[n])
see '"' + substr(list2str(textdel), nl, " ") +'"' + nl + nl

see "Example 3. End delimiter is the end of the string :" + nl
see 'Text = "Hello Rosetta Code world"' + nl
see 'Start delimiter = "Hello"' + nl
see 'End delimiter = "end"'+ nl
see "Output = "
textdel = []
textarr = str2list(substr(text , " ", nl))
posstart = find(textarr, startdelimiter)
for n = posstart + 1 to len(textarr)
      add(textdel, textarr[n])
see '"' + substr(list2str(textdel), nl, " ") +'"' + nl + nl


Example 1. Both delimiters set :
Text = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter = "Hello"
End delimiter = "world"
Output = "Rosetta Code"

Example 2. Start delimiter is the start of the string :
Text = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter = "start"
End delimiter = "world"
Output = "Hello Rosetta Code"

Example 3. End delimiter is the end of the string :
Text = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter = "Hello"
End delimiter = "end"
Output = "Rosetta Code world"


Works with: HP version 48G
« → start end 
  « CASE
       start "start" == THEN 1 END
       DUP start POS    THEN LASTARG start SIZE + END
       DUP SIZE 1 +
    1 OVER end POS 1 -
    IF DUP 0 < end "end" == OR THEN DROP OVER SIZE END
» » 'BTWN' STO   @ ( "text" "start" "end" -- "text_between" )



class String
  def textBetween startDelimiter, endDelimiter
  	if (startDelimiter == "start") then
  		startIndex = 0
  		startIndex = self.index(startDelimiter) + startDelimiter.length
  	if (startIndex == nil) then
  		return "Start delimiter not found"
  	thisLength = self.length
  	returnText = self[startIndex, thisLength]
 	if (endDelimiter == "end") then
  		endIndex = thisLength
  		endIndex = returnText.index(endDelimiter)
  	if (endIndex == nil) then
  		return "End delimiter not found"
  	returnText = returnText[0, endIndex]
  	return returnText

thisText = ARGV[0]
startDelimiter = ARGV[1]
endDelimiter = ARGV[2]

#puts thisText
#puts startDelimiter
#puts endDelimiter

returnText = thisText.textBetween(startDelimiter, endDelimiter)

puts returnText


//Use Into<String> so input can be String, &str or anything else that implements Into<String>
fn text_between<S: Into<String>>(input: S, start: S, end: S) -> String {
    //Convert to strings
    let search_str = input.into();
    let start_str = start.into();
    let end_str = end.into();

    let start_idx  = if start_str.as_str() == "start" {
    } else {
        let start_point = search_str.find(start_str.as_str());
        if start_point.is_none() {
            return String::from("");
        start_point.unwrap() + start_str.len()
    let remaining = &search_str[start_idx..];

    let end_idx = if end_str.as_str() == "end" {
    } else {

    return remaining[..end_idx].to_string()

fn main() {
    println!("'{}'", text_between("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", " world"));
    println!("'{}'", text_between("Hello Rosetta Code world", "start", " world"));
    println!("'{}'", text_between("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello", "end"));
    println!("'{}'", text_between("</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>", "<div style=\"chinese\">", "</div>"));
    println!("'{}'", text_between("<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">", "<text>", "<table>"));
    println!("'{}'", text_between("<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>", "<table>", "</table>"));
    println!("'{}'", text_between("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox", "quick ", " fox"));
    println!("'{}'", text_between("One fish two fish red fish blue fish", "fish ", " red"));
    println!("'{}'", text_between("FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", "Foo", "Foo"));
'Rosetta Code'
'Hello Rosetta Code'
' Rosetta Code world'
'Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">'
'two fish'


object TextBetween extends App {
    val (thisText, startDelimiter, endDelimiter) = (args(0), args(1),args(2))

   * textBetween: Get the text between two delimiters
  private def textBetween(thisText: String, startString: String, endString: String): String = {
    var startIndex = 0
    var endIndex = 0
    if (startString != "start")
      startIndex = thisText.indexOf(startString)
      if (startIndex < 0) return ""
      else startIndex = startIndex + startString.length
    if (endString == "end") endIndex = thisText.length
    else {
      endIndex = thisText.indexOf(endString)
      if (endIndex <= 0) return ""

    thisText.substring(startIndex, endIndex)
  } // end method textBetween

  println(textBetween(thisText, startDelimiter, endDelimiter))



Uses /^/ and /$/ as start and end delimiters. Additionally, the start and end delimiters can be regular expressions.

Translation of: Raku
func text_between (text, beg, end) {

    beg.escape! if beg.kind_of(String)
    end.escape! if end.kind_of(String)

    Regex("#{beg}(.*?)(?:#{end}|\\z)", 's').match(text)[0] \\ ""

var tests = [
        text  => "Hello Rosetta Code world",
        start => "Hello ",
        end   => " world",
        out   => "Rosetta Code",
        text  => "Hello Rosetta Code world",
        start => /^/,
        end   => " world",
        out   => "Hello Rosetta Code",
        text  => "Hello Rosetta Code world",
        start => "Hello ",
        end   => /$/,
        out   => "Rosetta Code world",
        text  => "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>",
        start => "<div style=\"chinese\">",
        end   => "</div>",
        out   => "你好嗎",
        text  => "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">",
        start => "<text>",
        end   => "<table>",
        out   => "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">",
        text  => "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>",
        start => "<table>",
        end   => "</table>",
        out   => "",
        text  => "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox",
        start => "quick ",
        end   => " fox",
        out   => "brown",
        text  => "One fish two fish red fish blue fish",
        start => "fish ",
        end   => " red",
        out   => "two fish",
        text  => "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux",
        start => "Foo",
        end   => "Foo",
        out   => "BarBaz",

tests.each { |t|
    var r = text_between(t{:text}, t{:start}, t{:end})
    assert_eq(t{:out}, r)
    say "text_between(#{t{:text}.dump}, #{t{:start}.dump}, #{t{:end}.dump}) = #{r.dump}"

text_between("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", " world") = "Rosetta Code" text_between("Hello Rosetta Code world", /^/, " world") = "Hello Rosetta Code" text_between("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", /$/) = "Rosetta Code world" text_between("</div><div style=\"chinese\">\x{4F60}\x{597D}\x{55CE}</div>", "<div style=\"chinese\">", "</div>") = "\x{4F60}\x{597D}\x{55CE}" text_between("<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">", "<text>", "<table>") = "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">" text_between("<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>", "<table>", "</table>") = "" text_between("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox", "quick ", " fox") = "brown" text_between("One fish two fish red fish blue fish", "fish ", " red") = "two fish"

text_between("FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", "Foo", "Foo") = "BarBaz"


* Program: text_between.sbl
* To run: sbl -r text_between.sbl
* Description: Get the text in a string that occurs between
* a start and end delimiter. Programs will be given a search string,
* a start delimiter string, and an end delimiter string. The delimiters
* will not be unset, and will not be the empty string.
* Comment: Tested using the Spitbol for Linux version of SNOBOL4

	lf = substr(&alphabet,11,1) ;* New line or line feed

* Function text_between will return the text between start and end delimiters,
* where start can be the word 'start' for the beginning of the text,
* and end can be the word 'end' for the end of the text.
	sb = (ident(start,'start') pos(0), breakx(substr(start,1,1)) start)
	eb = (ident(end,'end') rem . text_between, (arb . text_between end) | (rem . text_between) )
	text ? sb eb

* Read text lines after the END statement
	line = input :f(in1end)
	line ? break('|') . text '|' break('|') . start '|' rem . end
	output = lf 'Text:   "' text '"'
	output = 'Start:  "' start '"'
	output = 'End:    "' end '"'
	text_between = text_between(text,start,end)
	output = 'Output: "' text_between '"'

Hello Rosetta Code world|Hello | world
Hello Rosetta Code world|start| world
Hello Rosetta Code world|Hello |end
</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>|<div style=\"chinese\">|</div>
<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">|<text>|<table>
<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>|<table>|</table>
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox|quick | fox
One fish two fish red fish blue fish|fish | red
Text:   "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start:  "Hello "
End:    " world"
Output: "Rosetta Code"

Text:   "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start:  "start"
End:    " world"
Output: "Hello Rosetta Code"

Text:   "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start:  "Hello "
End:    "end"
Output: "Rosetta Code world"

Text:   "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>"
Start:  "<div style=\"chinese\">"
End:    "</div>"
Output: "你好嗎"

Text:   "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"
Start:  "<text>"
End:    "<table>"
Output: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">"

Text:   "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
Start:  "<table>"
End:    "</table>"
Output: ""

Text:   "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
Start:  "quick "
End:    " fox"
Output: "brown"

Text:   "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
Start:  "fish "
End:    " red"
Output: "two fish"

Text:   "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
Start:  "Foo"
End:    "Foo"
Output: "BarBaz"


import Foundation

public extension String {
  func textBetween(_ startDelim: String, and endDelim: String) -> String {
    precondition(!startDelim.isEmpty && !endDelim.isEmpty)

    let startIdx: String.Index
    let endIdx: String.Index

    if startDelim == "start" {
      startIdx = startIndex
    } else if let r = range(of: startDelim) {
      startIdx = r.upperBound
    } else {
      return ""

    if endDelim == "end" {
      endIdx = endIndex
    } else if let r = self[startIdx...].range(of: endDelim) {
      endIdx = r.lowerBound
    } else {
      endIdx = endIndex

    return String(self[startIdx..<endIdx])

let tests = [
  ("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", " world"),
  ("Hello Rosetta Code world", "start", " world"),
  ("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", "end"),
  ("</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>", "<div style=\"chinese\">", "</div>"),
  ("<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">", "<text>", "<table>"),
  ("<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>", "<table>", "</table>"),
  ("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox", "quick ", " fox"),
  ("One fish two fish red fish blue fish", "fish ", " red"),
  ("FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", "Foo", "Foo")

for (input, start, end) in tests {
  print("Input: \"\(input)\"")
  print("Start delimiter: \"\(start)\"")
  print("End delimiter: \"\(end)\"")
  print("Text between: \"\(input.textBetween(start, and: end))\"\n")
Input: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End delimiter: " world"
Text between: "Rosetta Code"

Input: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "start"
End delimiter: " world"
Text between: "Hello Rosetta Code"

Input: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End delimiter: "end"
Text between: "Rosetta Code world"

Input: "</div><div style="chinese">你好嗎</div>"
Start delimiter: "<div style="chinese">"
End delimiter: "</div>"
Text between: "你好嗎"

Input: "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"
Start delimiter: "<text>"
End delimiter: "<table>"
Text between: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"

Input: "<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
Start delimiter: "<table>"
End delimiter: "</table>"
Text between: ""

Input: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
Start delimiter: "quick "
End delimiter: " fox"
Text between: "brown"

Input: "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
Start delimiter: "fish "
End delimiter: " red"
Text between: "two fish"

Input: "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
Start delimiter: "Foo"
End delimiter: "Foo"
Text between: "BarBaz"


package require Tcl 8.5

proc between {str start end} {
    set f [string first $start $str ]
    if {$f < 0} { return "" }
    incr f [string length $start]
    set e [string first $end   $str $f]
    return [string range $str $f [expr {($e < 0) ? "end" : $e-1}]]

## data is taken from "Factor"
set L {
        { "Hello Rosetta Code world" "Hello " " world" }
        { "Hello Rosetta Code world" "start" " world" }
        { "Hello Rosetta Code world" "Hello " "end" }
        { "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>" "<div style=\"chinese\">" "</div>" }
        { "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">" "<text>" "<table>" }
        { "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>" "<table>" "</table>" }
        { "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox" "quick " " fox" }
        { "One fish two fish red fish blue fish" "fish " " red" }
        { "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux" "Foo" "Foo" }

foreach x $L {
    puts " "
    lappend x [between {*}$x]
    foreach v $x t { "Text" "Start delimiter" "End delimiter" "Output" } {
        puts " [format %15s $t]: $v"
           Text: Hello Rosetta Code world
 Start delimiter: Hello 
   End delimiter:  world
          Output: Rosetta Code
            Text: Hello Rosetta Code world
 Start delimiter: start
   End delimiter:  world
            Text: Hello Rosetta Code world
 Start delimiter: Hello 
   End delimiter: end
          Output: Rosetta Code world
            Text: </div><div style="chinese">你好嗎</div>
 Start delimiter: <div style="chinese">
   End delimiter: </div>
          Output: 你好嗎
            Text: <text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">
 Start delimiter: <text>
   End delimiter: <table>
          Output: Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">
            Text: <table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>
 Start delimiter: <table>
   End delimiter: </table>
            Text: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox
 Start delimiter: quick 
   End delimiter:  fox
          Output: brown
            Text: One fish two fish red fish blue fish
 Start delimiter: fish 
   End delimiter:  red
          Output: two fish
            Text: FooBarBazFooBuxQuux
 Start delimiter: Foo
   End delimiter: Foo
          Output: BarBaz

UNIX Shell

Works with: Bash
Works with: Dash
Works with: Zsh

This implementation creates no processes/subshells in modern shells (e.g. shells in which 'echo' and '[' are builtins). It modifies/leaks no global state other than the "text_between" function's name. Its behavior is not changed by the presence or absence of common shell options (e.g. "-e", "-u", "pipefail", or POSIX compatibility mode) or settings (e.g. "IFS").

This can be made to work with ksh (93) by removing all uses of the "local" keyword, though this will cause it to modify global variables.

The "hard" assertions when unpacking the arguments to the "text_between" function reflect the assumptions in the requirements for this problem: that null/empty arguments will never be provided. If any empty arguments are given, the interpreter running this function will exit after printing an error. If this function is invoked without a subshell, that will crash the invoking program as well. In practical use, that may not be desirable, in which case the ":?" assertions should be replaced with less harsh conditional-unpack code (e.g. if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then echo "Invalid input!" && return 127; else local var="$1"; fi).

text_between() {
	local search="${1:?Search text not provided}"
	local start_str="${2:?Start text not provided}"
	local end_str="${3:?End text not provided}"
	local temp=

	if [ "$start_str" != "start" ]; then
		# $temp will be $search with everything before the first occurrence of
		# $start_str (inclusive) removed, searching from the beginning.
		# If the start delimiter wasn't found, return an empty string.
		# Comparing length rather than string equality because character
		# comparison is not necessary here.
		if [ "${#temp}" -eq "${#search}" ]; then

	if [ "$end_str" = "end" ]; then
		echo "$search"
		# Output will be $search with everything after the last occurrence of
		# $end_str (inclusive) removed, searching from the end.
		echo "${search%%$end_str*}"
	return 0

text_between "Hello Rosetta Code world" "Hello " " world"
text_between "Hello Rosetta Code world" "start" " world"
text_between "Hello Rosetta Code world" "Hello " "end"


Option Explicit

Private Const STRING_START As String = "Start"
Private Const STRING_END As String = "End"

Sub Main()
Dim Text As String, First As String, Last As String, Output As String
'Example 1. Both delimiters set
    Text = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
        First = "Hello "
            Last = " world"
    Output = "1- " & Text_Between(Text, First, Last) & vbCrLf
'Example 2. Start delimiter is the start of the string
    Text = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
        First = "Start"
            Last = " world"
    Output = Output & "2- " & Text_Between(Text, First, Last) & vbCrLf
'Example 3. End delimiter is the end of the string
    Text = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
        First = "Hello "
            Last = "End"
    Output = Output & "3- " & Text_Between(Text, First, Last) & vbCrLf
'Example 4. End delimiter appears before and after start delimiter
    Text = "</div><div style=\""chinese\"">你好嗎</div>..."
        First = "<div style=\""chinese\"">"
            Last = "</div>"
    Output = Output & "4- " & Text_Between(Text, First, Last) & vbCrLf
'Example 5. End delimiter not present
    Text = "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\""myTable\"">"
        First = "<text>"
            Last = "<table>"
    Output = Output & "5- " & Text_Between(Text, First, Last) & vbCrLf
'Example 6. Start delimiter not present
    Text = "<table style=\""myTable\""><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
        First = "<table>"
            Last = "</table>"
    Output = Output & "6- " & Text_Between(Text, First, Last) & vbCrLf
'Example 7. Multiple instances of end delimiter after start delimiter (match until the first one)
    Text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
        First = "quick "
            Last = " fox"
    Output = Output & "7- " & Text_Between(Text, First, Last) & vbCrLf
'Example 8. Multiple instances of the start delimiter (start matching at the first one)
    Text = "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
        First = "fish "
            Last = " red"
    Output = Output & "8- " & Text_Between(Text, First, Last) & vbCrLf
'Example 9. Start delimiter is end delimiter
    Text = "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
        First = "Foo"
            Last = "Foo"
    Output = Output & "9- " & Text_Between(Text, First, Last) & vbCrLf
'Example 10 : End delimiter appears before and NOT after start delimiter
    Text = "</div><div style=\""chinese\"">你好嗎..."
        First = "<div style=\""chinese\"">"
            Last = "</div>"
    Output = Output & "10- " & Text_Between(Text, First, Last) & vbCrLf
'Example 11. Text = ""
    Text = ""
        First = "Start"
            Last = "End"
    Output = Output & "11- " & Text_Between(Text, First, Last) & vbCrLf
'Example 12. Start and end delimiters use special values
    Text = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
        First = "Start"
            Last = "End"
    Output = Output & "12- " & Text_Between(Text, First, Last)
'Result :
    Debug.Print Output
End Sub

Private Function Text_Between(T$, F$, L$) As String
Dim i As Long
    i = InStr(T, L) + 1
    Select Case True
        Case T = "", F = "", InStr(T, F) = 0 And F <> STRING_START
            Text_Between = ""
        Case F = STRING_START And L = STRING_END
            Text_Between = T
        Case F = STRING_START
            Text_Between = Mid(T, 1, InStr(T, L) - 1)
        Case L = STRING_END, InStr(T, L) = 0, InStr(T, L) < InStr(T, F) And InStr(i, T, L) = 0
            Text_Between = Mid(T, Len(F) + InStr(T, F))
        Case F = L
            Text_Between = Mid(T, Len(F) + InStr(T, F), InStr(i, T, F) - Len(F) - 1)
        Case Else
            Text_Between = Mid(T, Len(F) + InStr(T, F), InStr(InStr(T, F), T, L) - (Len(F) + InStr(T, F)))
    End Select
End Function
1- Rosetta Code
2- Hello Rosetta Code
3- Rosetta Code world
4- 你好嗎
5- Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">
7- brown
8- two fish
9- BarBaz
10- 你好嗎...
12- Hello Rosetta Code world

Visual Basic

Works with: Visual Basic version 6
Public Function TextBetween(ByVal Text As String, ByVal StartDelim As String, ByVal EndDelim As String) As String
Dim indS As Long
Dim indE As Long
  If StartDelim = "start" Then
    indS = 1
    indS = InStr(1, Text, StartDelim)
    If indS Then
      indS = indS + Len(StartDelim)
    End If
  End If
  If indS Then
    If EndDelim = "end" Then
      indE = Len(Text) + 1
      indE = InStr(indS, Text, EndDelim)
      If indE = 0 Then
        indE = Len(Text) + 1
      End If
    End If
    indE = indE - indS
    If indE Then
      TextBetween = Mid$(Text, indS, indE)
    End If
  End If
End Function

' *********************

Sub Main()
' tests
Dim Text As String
Dim StartDelim As String
Dim EndDelim As String
Dim Expected As String

'Ex. 1
Text = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
StartDelim = "Hello "
EndDelim = " world"
Expected = "Rosetta Code"
Debug.Assert TextBetween(Text, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected

'Ex. 2
Text = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
StartDelim = "start"
EndDelim = " world"
Expected = "Hello Rosetta Code"
Debug.Assert TextBetween(Text, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected

'Ex. 3
Text = "Hello Rosetta Code world"
StartDelim = "Hello "
EndDelim = "end"
Expected = "Rosetta Code world"
Debug.Assert TextBetween(Text, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected

'Ex. 4
Expected = ChrW$(&H4F60) & ChrW$(&H597D) & ChrW$(&H55CE)
Text = "</div><div style=""chinese"">" & Expected & "</div>"
StartDelim = "<div style=""chinese"">"
EndDelim = "</div>"
Debug.Assert TextBetween(Text, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected

'Ex. 5
Text = "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=""myTable"">"
StartDelim = "<text>"
EndDelim = "<table>"
Expected = "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=""myTable"">"
Debug.Assert TextBetween(Text, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected

'Ex. 6
Text = "<table style=""myTable""><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
StartDelim = "<table>"
EndDelim = "</table>"
Expected = ""
Debug.Assert TextBetween(Text, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected

'Ex. 7
Text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
StartDelim = "quick "
EndDelim = " fox"
Expected = "brown"
Debug.Assert TextBetween(Text, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected

'Ex. 8
Text = "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
StartDelim = "fish "
EndDelim = " red"
Expected = "two fish"
Debug.Assert TextBetween(Text, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected

'Ex. 9
Text = "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
StartDelim = "Foo"
EndDelim = "Foo"
Expected = "BarBaz"
Debug.Assert TextBetween(Text, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected

'Extra test: empty text between delimiters
StartDelim = "Foo"
EndDelim = "BarBaz"
Expected = ""
Text = StartDelim & Expected & EndDelim & "FooBuxQuux"
Debug.Assert TextBetween(Text, StartDelim, EndDelim) = Expected
End Sub

Visual Basic .NET

Translation of: C#
Module Module1
    Function TextBetween(source As String, pre As String, suf As String) As String
        Dim startIndex As Integer

        If pre = "start" Then
            startIndex = 0
            startIndex = source.IndexOf(pre)
            If startIndex < 0 Then
                Return ""
            End If
            startIndex += pre.Length
        End If

        Dim endIndex = source.IndexOf(suf, startIndex)
        If endIndex < 0 OrElse suf = "end" Then
            Return source.Substring(startIndex)
        End If
        Return source.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex)
    End Function

    Sub Print(s As String, b As String, e As String)
        Console.WriteLine("text: '{0}'", s)
        Console.WriteLine("start: '{0}'", b)
        Console.WriteLine("end: '{0}'", e)
        Console.WriteLine("result: '{0}'", TextBetween(s, b, e))
    End Sub

    Sub Main()
        Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8

        Print("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", " world")
        Print("Hello Rosetta Code world", "start", " world")
        Print("Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello ", "end")
        Print("</div><div style=""chinese"">你好嗎</div>", "<div style=""chinese"">", "</div>")
        Print("<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=""myTable"">", "<text>", "<table>")
        Print("<table style=""myTable""><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>", "<table>", "</table>")
        Print("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox", "quick ", " fox")
        Print("One fish two fish red fish blue fish", "fish ", " red")
        Print("FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", "Foo", "Foo")
    End Sub

End Module
text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
start: 'Hello '
end: ' world'
result: 'Rosetta Code'

text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
start: 'start'
end: ' world'
result: 'Hello Rosetta Code'

text: 'Hello Rosetta Code world'
start: 'Hello '
end: 'end'
result: 'Rosetta Code world'

text: '</div><div style="chinese">你好嗎</div>'
start: '<div style="chinese">'
end: '</div>'
result: '你好嗎'

text: '<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">'
start: '<text>'
end: '<table>'
result: 'Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">'

text: '<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>'
start: '<table>'
end: '</table>'
result: ''

text: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox'
start: 'quick '
end: ' fox'
result: 'brown'

text: 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish'
start: 'fish '
end: ' red'
result: 'two fish'

text: 'FooBarBazFooBuxQuux'
start: 'Foo'
end: 'Foo'
result: 'BarBaz'

V (Vlang)

Translation of: Go
fn text_between(str string, start string, end string) string {
    if str == "" || start == "" || end == "" {
        return str
    mut s := 0
    if start != "start" {
        s = str.index(start) or {-1}
    if s == -1 {
        return ""
    mut si := 0
    if start != "start" {
        si = s + start.len
    mut e := str.len
    if end != "end" {
        e = str[si..].index(end) or {-1}
        if e == -1 {
            return str[si..]
        e += si
    return str[si..e]
fn main() {
    texts := [
        "Hello Rosetta Code world",
        "Hello Rosetta Code world",
        "Hello Rosetta Code world",
        "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>",
        "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">",
        "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>",
        "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox",
        "One fish two fish red fish blue fish",
    starts:= [
        "Hello ", "start", "Hello ", "<div style=\"chinese\">",
        "<text>", "<table>", "quick ", "fish ", "Foo",
    ends := [
        " world", " world", "end", "</div>", "<table>",
        "</table>", " fox", " red", "Foo",
    for i, text in texts {
        println("Text: \"$text\"")
        println("Start delimiter: \"${starts[i]}\"")
        println("End delimiter: \"${ends[i]}\"")
        b := text_between(text, starts[i], ends[i])
        println("Output: \"$b\"\n")
Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End delimiter: " world"
Output: "Rosetta Code"

Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "start"
End delimiter: " world"
Output: "Hello Rosetta Code"

Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End delimiter: "end"
Output: "Rosetta Code world"

Text: "</div><div style="chinese">你好嗎</div>"
Start delimiter: "<div style="chinese">"
End delimiter: "</div>"
Output: "你好嗎"

Text: "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"
Start delimiter: "<text>"
End delimiter: "<table>"
Output: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"

Text: "<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
Start delimiter: "<table>"
End delimiter: "</table>"
Output: ""

Text: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
Start delimiter: "quick "
End delimiter: " fox"
Output: "brown"

Text: "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
Start delimiter: "fish "
End delimiter: " red"
Output: "two fish"

Text: "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
Start delimiter: "Foo"
End delimiter: "Foo"
Output: "BarBaz"


Translation of: Kotlin
Library: Wren-fmt
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var textBetween = Fn.new { |str, start, end|
    if (!((start is String) && start != "") && !((end is String) && end != "")) {
        Fiber.abort("Start and end must both be non-empty strings.")
    if (str == "") return str
    var s = (start == "start") ? 0 : str.indexOf(start)
    if (s == -1) return ""
    var si = (start == "start") ? 0 : s + start.count
    var e = (end == "end") ? str.count : str.indexOf(end, si)
    if (e == -1) return str[si..-1]
    return str[si...e]

var texts = [
    "Hello Rosetta Code world",
    "Hello Rosetta Code world",
    "Hello Rosetta Code world",
    "</div><div style=\"chinese\">你好嗎</div>",
    "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">",
    "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>",
    "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox",
    "One fish two fish red fish blue fish",

var starts = [
    "Hello ", "start", "Hello ", "<div style=\"chinese\">",
    "<text>", "<table>", "quick ", "fish ", "Foo"

var ends = [
    " world", " world", "end", "</div>", "<table>",
    "</table>", " fox", " red", "Foo"

var i = 0
for (text in texts) {
    Fmt.print("Text: $q", text)
    Fmt.print("Start delimiter: $q", starts[i])
    Fmt.print("End delimiter: $q", ends[i])
    var b = textBetween.call(text, starts[i], ends[i])
    Fmt.print("Output: $q\n", b)
    i = i + 1
Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End delimiter: " world"
Output: "Rosetta Code"

Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "start"
End delimiter: " world"
Output: "Hello Rosetta Code"

Text: "Hello Rosetta Code world"
Start delimiter: "Hello "
End delimiter: "end"
Output: "Rosetta Code world"

Text: "</div><div style="chinese">你好嗎</div>"
Start delimiter: "<div style="chinese">"
End delimiter: "</div>"
Output: "你好嗎"

Text: "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"
Start delimiter: "<text>"
End delimiter: "<table>"
Output: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"

Text: "<table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>"
Start delimiter: "<table>"
End delimiter: "</table>"
Output: ""

Text: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox"
Start delimiter: "quick "
End delimiter: " fox"
Output: "brown"

Text: "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
Start delimiter: "fish "
End delimiter: " red"
Output: "two fish"

Text: "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux"
Start delimiter: "Foo"
End delimiter: "Foo"
Output: "BarBaz"


include xpllib; \for StrFind, StrLen, Print

proc TextBetween(Str, StartStr, EndStr);
char Str, StartStr, EndStr;
int  EndInx, I, Addr;
[if StrFind(StartStr, "start") = 0 then         \another delimiter is given
    [Addr:= StrFind(Str, StartStr);
    if Addr # 0 then                            \if delimiter found then
         Str:= Addr + StrLen(StartStr)          \ start output string after it
    else Str:= Str + StrLen(Str);
EndInx:= StrLen(Str) - 1;
if StrFind(EndStr, "end") = 0 then              \another delimiter is given
    [Addr:= StrFind(Str, EndStr);
    if Addr # 0 then                            \if delimiter found then
        EndInx:= Addr - Str - 1;                \ end output string before it
ChOut(0, ^");
for I:= 0 to EndInx do
    ChOut(0, Str(I));
ChOut(0, ^");  CrLf(0);

int Texts, Starts, Ends, I;
[Texts:= [
    "Hello Rosetta Code world",
    "Hello Rosetta Code world",
    "Hello Rosetta Code world",
    "</div><div style=^"chinese^">你好嗎</div>",
    "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=^"myTable^">",
    "<table style=^"myTable^"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>",
    "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox",
    "One fish two fish red fish blue fish",
Starts:= [
    "Hello ", "start", "Hello ", "<div style=^"chinese^">",
    "<text>", "<table>", "quick ", "fish ", "Foo"];
Ends:= [
    " world", " world", "end", "</div>",
    "<table>", "</table>", " fox", " red", "Foo"];
for I:= 0 to 9-1 do
    [Print("Example %d: ", I+1);
    TextBetween(Texts(I), Starts(I), Ends(I));
Example 1: "Rosetta Code"
Example 2: "Hello Rosetta Code"
Example 3: "Rosetta Code world"
Example 4: "你好嗎"
Example 5: "Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">"
Example 6: ""
Example 7: "brown"
Example 8: "two fish"
Example 9: "BarBaz"


Translation of: Wren
// Rosetta Code problem: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Text_between
// by Galileo, 04/2022

sub textBetween$(string$, start$, end$)
    local s, si, e, ls
    if start$ = "" and end$ = "" return "Start and end must both be non-empty strings."
    if (string$ == "") return string$
    if start$ = "start" then s = 1 else s = instr(string$, start$) end if
    if s = 0 return ""
    if start$ = "start" then si = 1 else si = s + len(start$) end if
    ls = len(string$)
    if end$ = "end" then e = ls + 1 else e = instr(string$, end$, si) end if
    if e = 0 return right$(string$, ls - si + 1)
    return mid$(string$, si, e - si)
end sub
data "Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello", "world"
data "Hello Rosetta Code world", "start", "world"
data "Hello Rosetta Code world", "Hello", "end"
data "</div><div style=\"chinese\">???</div>", "<div style=\"chinese\">", "</div>"
data "<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\"myTable\">", "<text>", "<table>" 
data "<table style=\"myTable\"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>", "<table>", "</table>" 
data "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox", "quick ", " fox"
data "One fish two fish red fish blue fish", "fish ", " red" 
data "FooBarBazFooBuxQuux", "Foo", "Foo"
data "" 
    read text$
    if text$ = "" break
    print "Text: ", text$
    read start$
    print "Start delimiter: ", start$
    read end$
    print "End delimiter: ", end$
    print "Output: ", textBetween$(text$, start$, end$), "\n"
Text: Hello Rosetta Code world
Start delimiter: Hello
End delimiter: world
Output:  Rosetta Code

Text: Hello Rosetta Code world
Start delimiter: start
End delimiter: world
Output: Hello Rosetta Code

Text: Hello Rosetta Code world
Start delimiter: Hello
End delimiter: end
Output:  Rosetta Code world

Text: </div><div style="chinese">???</div>
Start delimiter: <div style="chinese">
End delimiter: </div>
Output: ???

Text: <text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">
Start delimiter: <text>
End delimiter: <table>
Output: Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style="myTable">

Text: <table style="myTable"><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>
Start delimiter: <table>
End delimiter: </table>

Text: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy other fox
Start delimiter: quick
End delimiter:  fox
Output: brown

Text: One fish two fish red fish blue fish
Start delimiter: fish
End delimiter:  red
Output: two fish

Text: FooBarBazFooBuxQuux
Start delimiter: Foo
End delimiter: Foo
Output: BarBaz

---Program done, press RETURN---


fcn getText(text,start,end){
   s = (if((s:=text.find(start))==Void) 0 else s + start.len());
   e = (if((e:=text.find(end,s))==Void) text.len() else e);
   text[s,e - s]
getText("Hello Rosetta Code world","Hello "," world").println();
getText("Hello Rosetta Code world","start", " world").println();
getText("Hello Rosetta Code world","Hello",  "end" ).println();
Rosetta Code
Hello Rosetta Code
 Rosetta Code world
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