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Phrase reversals

From Rosetta Code
Phrase reversals
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Given a string of space separated words containing the following phrase:

 rosetta code phrase reversal
  1. Reverse the characters of the string.
  2. Reverse the characters of each individual word in the string, maintaining original word order within the string.
  3. Reverse the order of each word of the string, maintaining the order of characters in each word.

Show your output here.

Other tasks related to string operations:
Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases


Translation of: Python
V phrase = ‘rosetta code phrase reversal’
print(phrase.split(‘ ’).map(word -> reversed(word)).join(‘ ’))
print(reversed(phrase.split(‘ ’)).join(‘ ’))
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta

AArch64 Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits
or android 64 bits with application Termux
 /* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */
/*  program invphrase64.s   */
/* Constantes                              */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../includeConstantesARM64.inc" 

.equ BUFFERSIZE,    160
/*   Macros                              */
//.include "../../ficmacros64.inc"            // for developer debugging

/* Initialized data              */
szMessDebutPgm:   .asciz "Program 64 bits start. \n"
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
szMessFinOK:      .asciz "Program normal end. \n"
szMessErreur:     .asciz "Error  !!!\n"
szSpace1:         .asciz " "

szPhrase1:          .asciz "rosetta code phrase reversal"
.equ LGPHRASE1,  . -  szPhrase1 - 1
/* UnInitialized data            */
.align 4

/*  code section                 */
.global main 
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessDebutPgm
    bl affichageMess               // start message 

    ldr x0,qAdrszPhrase1           // load phrase adress 
    mov x1,#LGPHRASE1  
    bl inverseChar
    ldr x0,qAdrszPhrase1           // load phrase adress 
    mov x1,#LGPHRASE1  
    bl inverseWord

    ldr x0,qAdrszPhrase1           // load phrase adress 
    mov x1,#LGPHRASE1              // phrase size
    bl inverseWordString

    ldr x0,qAdrszMessFinOK
    bl affichageMess       
    b 100f
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessErreur        // error
    bl affichageMess
    mov x0, #1                     // return code error
    b 100f
    mov x8,EXIT 
    svc #0                         // system call
qAdrszMessDebutPgm:          .quad szMessDebutPgm
qAdrszMessFinOK:             .quad szMessFinOK
qAdrszMessErreur:            .quad szMessErreur 
qAdrszPhrase1:               .quad szPhrase1
/*   word inversion                  */
/* x0 contains line address t  */
/* x1 contains line length */
    stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!    // save  registers 
    stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!    // save  registers 
    stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!    // save  registers 
    stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!    // save  registers 
    stp x8,x9,[sp,-16]!    // save  registers 
    sub sp,sp,#BUFFERSIZE  // reserve place on the stack
    mov x7,sp              //
    mov x4,x0              // begin line address
    add x8,x0,x1           // end line address indice at line end 
    sub x8,x8,#1
    mov x6,#0              // store indice 
1:                         // line analyse loop
    cmp x8,x4              // end line ?
    blt 2f
    ldrb w2,[x8]           // load one char
    strb w2,[x7,x6]
    add x6,x6,#1
    sub x8,x8,#1           // and loop
    b 1b
    mov x2,#0x0A
    strb w2,[x7,x6]  
    add x6,x6,#1    
    mov x2,#0
    strb w2,[x7,x6]        // final zero
    mov x0,x7
    bl affichageMess
    add sp,sp,#BUFFERSIZE  // free reserved place
 100:                      // end function
    ldp x8,x9,[sp],16      // restaur  registers 
    ldp x6,x7,[sp],16      // restaur  registers 
    ldp x4,x5,[sp],16      // restaur  registers 
    ldp x2,x3,[sp],16      // restaur  registers 
    ldp x1,lr,[sp],16      // restaur  registers
/*   word string inversion                  */
/* x0 contains line address t  */
/* x1 contains line length */
    stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!    // save  registers 
    stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!    // save  registers 
    stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!    // save  registers 
    stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!    // save  registers 
    sub sp,sp,#BUFFERSIZE  // reserve place on the stack
    mov x7,sp              // and save address
    sub x5,x1,#1           // phrase length start indice at line end  
    mov x6,#0              // word length
    mov x3,#0              // inverted phrase indice
1:                         // line analyse loop
    cmp x5,#0              // end line ?
    blt 10f
    ldrb w2,[x0,x5]        // load one char
    cmp w2,#' '            // space ?
    bne 3f
    mov x4,#0              // indice word
    add x1,x5,#1
2:                         // loop copy word to buffer
    ldrb w2,[x0,x1]        // load one char
    strb w2,[x7,x3]        // store in buffer
    add x3,x3,#1           // increment indice
    add x1,x1,#1
    add x4,x4,#1
    cmp x4,x6
    blt 2b
    mov x2,#' '
    strb w2,[x7,x3]        // store in buffer
    add x3,x3,#1
    mov x6,#0
    sub x5,x5,#1           // no ->loop
    b 1b

    add x6,x6,#1           // increment word length
    sub x5,x5,#1           // and loop
    b 1b
 10:                       // line end 
    mov x4,#0              // indice word
    add x1,x5,#1
 11:                       // loop copy word to buffer
    ldrb w2,[x0,x1]        // load one char
    strb w2,[x7,x3]        // store in buffer
    add x3,x3,#1
    add x1,x1,#1
    add x4,x4,#1
    cmp x4,x6
    blt 11b
    mov x2,#0x0A           // add return line
    strb w2,[x7,x3]        // store in buffer
    add x3,x3,#1
    mov x2,#0              // final zero
    strb w2,[x7,x3]        // store in buffer
    add x3,x3,#1
    mov x0,x7              // buffer display
    bl affichageMess
    add sp,sp,#BUFFERSIZE  // free reserved place
 100:                      // end function
    ldp x6,x7,[sp],16      // restaur  registers 
    ldp x4,x5,[sp],16      // restaur  registers 
    ldp x2,x3,[sp],16      // restaur  registers 
    ldp x1,lr,[sp],16      // restaur  registers
qAdrszCarriageReturn:     .quad szCarriageReturn
qAdrszSpace1:             .quad szSpace1
/*   word string inversion                  */
/* x0 contains phrase address  */
/* x1 containsphrase length */
    stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!          // save  registers 
    stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!          // save  registers 
    stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!          // save  registers 
    stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!          // save  registers 
    stp x8,x9,[sp,-16]!          // save  registers 
    sub sp,sp,#BUFFERSIZE     // reserve place on the stack
    mov x7,sp
    mov x8,#0              // phrase indice
    mov x6,#0              // word length
    mov x3,#0              // inverted phrase indice
1:                         // phrase analyse loop
    cmp x8,x1              // end phrase ?
    bgt 4f
    ldrb w2,[x0,x8]        // load one char
    cmp x2,#' '            // space ?
    bne 3f
    mov x5,#0              // indice inverted word
    sub x4,x8,#1           // hparse word indice
2:                         // inversion word loop
    ldrb w2,[x0,x4]        // load one char of word end
    strb w2,[x7,x3]        // store in begin position
    add x3,x3,#1           // increment indice inverted phrase
    add x5,x5,#1           // increment word length counter
    sub x4,x4,#1           // decrement indice phrase
    cmp x5,x6              // length equal ?
    blt 2b                 // no ->loop
    mov x2,#' '            // store one space
    strb w2,[x7,x3]
    mov x6,#0              // raz word length
    add x3,x3,#1           // increment indice inverted phrase
    add x8,x8,#1           //  and loop
    b 1b
3:                         // word character
    add x6,x6,#1           // increment word length
    add x8,x8,#1           // loop
    b 1b
    mov x5,#0              // 
    sub x4,x8,#2           // 0 final in phrase
5:                         // inversion last word
    ldrb w2,[x0,x4] 
    strb w2,[x7,x3]
    add x3,x3,#1
    add x5,x5,#1
    sub x4,x4,#1
    cmp x5,x6
    blt 5b
    mov x2,#0x0A           // add return line
    strb w2,[x7,x3]
    add x3,x3,#1
    mov x2,#0              // zero final
    strb w2,[x7,x3]

    mov x0,x7              // buffer display
    bl affichageMess
    add sp,sp,#BUFFERSIZE
100:                         // end function
    ldp x8,x9,[sp],16        // restaur  registers 
    ldp x6,x7,[sp],16        // restaur  registers 
    ldp x4,x5,[sp],16        // restaur  registers 
    ldp x2,x3,[sp],16        // restaur  registers 
    ldp x1,lr,[sp],16        // restaur  registers
/*      ROUTINES INCLUDE                 */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../includeARM64.inc"
Program 64 bits start.
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta
Program normal end.


PROC ReversePart(CHAR ARRAY src,dst BYTE start,len)
  BYTE i

  FOR i=0 TO len-1

PROC ReverseString(CHAR ARRAY src,dst)
  BYTE i


PROC ReverseInWords(CHAR ARRAY src,dst)
  BYTE i,start

  WHILE i<=src(0)
    IF src(i)=32 THEN
      dst(i)=32 i==+1
      WHILE i<=src(0) AND src(i)#32
      DO i==+1 OD

PROC ReverseWords(CHAR ARRAY src,dst)
  CHAR ARRAY tmp(100)

PROC Main()
  CHAR ARRAY s="rosetta code phrase reversal",rev(100)


Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer

rosetta code phrase reversal
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


To split a string into words, the package "Simple_Parse" from another task [[1]] is used.

<with Ada.Text_IO, Simple_Parse;

procedure Phrase_Reversal is
   function Reverse_String (Item : String) return String is
      Result : String (Item'Range);
      for I in Item'range loop
         Result (Result'Last - I + Item'First) := Item (I);
      end loop;
      return Result;
   end Reverse_String;
   function Reverse_Words(S: String) return String is
      Cursor: Positive := S'First;
      Word: String := Simple_Parse.Next_Word(S, Cursor);
      if Cursor > S'Last then -- Word holds the last word 
	 return Reverse_String(Word);
	 return Reverse_String(Word) & " " & Reverse_Words(S(Cursor .. S'Last));
      end if;
   end Reverse_Words;
   function Reverse_Order(S: String) return String is
      Cursor: Positive := S'First;
      Word: String := Simple_Parse.Next_Word(S, Cursor);
      if Cursor > S'Last then -- Word holds the last word 
	 return Word;
	 return Reverse_Order(S(Cursor .. S'Last)) & " " & Word;
      end if;
   end Reverse_Order;
   Phrase: String := "rosetta code phrase reversal";
   use Ada.Text_IO;
   Put_Line("0. The original phrase:       """ & Phrase & """");
   Put_Line("1. Reverse the entire phrase: """ & Reverse_String(Phrase) & """");
   Put_Line("2. Reverse words, same order: """ & Reverse_Words(Phrase) & """");
   Put_Line("2. Reverse order, same words: """ & Reverse_Order(Phrase) & """");
end Phrase_Reversal;
0. The original phrase:       "rosetta code phrase reversal"
1. Reverse the entire phrase: "lasrever esarhp edoc attesor"
2. Reverse words, same order: "attesor edoc esarhp lasrever"
2. Reverse order, same words: "reversal phrase code rosetta"



    # reverses the characters in str from start pos to end pos               #
    PROC in place reverse = ( REF STRING str, INT start pos, INT end pos )VOID:
            INT fpos := start pos, epos := end pos;
            WHILE fpos < epos
                CHAR c      := str[ fpos ];
                str[ fpos ] := str[ epos ];
                str[ epos ] := c;
                fpos       +:= 1;
                epos       -:= 1
        END; # in place reverse #

    BEGIN # task                                                            #
        STRING original phrase := "rosetta code phrase reversal";
        STRING whole reversed  := original phrase;
        in place reverse( whole reversed, LWB whole reversed, UPB whole reversed );

        STRING words reversed := original phrase;
        INT start pos         := LWB words reversed;

            # skip leading spaces #
            WHILE IF start pos <= UPB words reversed
                  THEN words reversed[ start pos ] = " "
                  ELSE FALSE
            DO start pos +:= 1
            start pos <= UPB words reversed
            # have another word, find it #
            INT end pos := start pos;
            WHILE IF end pos <= UPB words reversed
                  THEN words reversed[ end pos ] /= " "
                  ELSE FALSE
            DO end pos +:= 1
            in place reverse( words reversed, start pos, end pos - 1 );
            start pos := end pos + 1

        # reversing the reversed words in the same order as the original     #
        # will reverse the order of the words                                #
        STRING order reversed := words reversed;
        in place reverse( order reversed, LWB order reversed, UPB order reversed );

        print( ( original phrase, ": whole reversed -> ", whole reversed, newline ) );
        print( ( original phrase, ": words reversed -> ", words reversed, newline ) );
        print( ( original phrase, ": order reversed -> ", order reversed, newline ) )

rosetta code phrase reversal: whole reversed -> lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
rosetta code phrase reversal: words reversed -> attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
rosetta code phrase reversal: order reversed -> reversal phrase code rosetta



AppleScript has a very small and patchy library of primitive functions. To accumulate a larger and more coherent library, which includes some higher order functions, we can try to overcome two architectural weaknesses: 1. Built-in functions have a different type from user functions, and 2. user functions are second class properties of (first class) script objects.

Here is a simple illustration of unifying (and elevating) the function type by wrapping the built-in functions in user handlers (perhaps making some of them polymorphic where needed), and also obtaining first class status for ordinary user handler functions by 'lifting' them (for use as arguments in higher order functions) into a first class script object. (This process can be inlined, or abstracted out to an mReturn or mInject function).


-- reverseString, reverseEachWord, reverseWordOrder :: String -> String
on stringReverse(s)
end stringReverse

on reverseEachWord(s)
    wordLevel(curry(my map)'s |λ|(my |reverse|))'s |λ|(s)
end reverseEachWord

on reverseWordOrder(s)
    wordLevel(my |reverse|)'s |λ|(s)
end reverseWordOrder

-- wordLevel :: ([String] -> [String]) -> String -> String
on wordLevel(f)
        on |λ|(x)
            unwords(mReturn(f)'s |λ|(|words|(x)))
        end |λ|
    end script
end wordLevel

-- TEST ----------------------------------------------------------------------
on run
    unlines(|<*>|({stringReverse, reverseEachWord, reverseWordOrder}, ¬
        {"rosetta code phrase reversal"}))
    --     "lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
    --      attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
    --      reversal phrase code rosetta"    
end run

-- GENERIC FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------

-- A list of functions applied to a list of arguments
-- (<*> | ap) :: [(a -> b)] -> [a] -> [b]
on |<*>|(fs, xs)
    set {nf, nx} to {length of fs, length of xs}
    set acc to {}
    repeat with i from 1 to nf
        tell mReturn(item i of fs)
            repeat with j from 1 to nx
                set end of acc to |λ|(contents of (item j of xs))
            end repeat
        end tell
    end repeat
    return acc
end |<*>|

-- curry :: (Script|Handler) -> Script
on curry(f)
        on |λ|(a)
                on |λ|(b)
                    |λ|(a, b) of mReturn(f)
                end |λ|
            end script
        end |λ|
    end script
end curry

-- intercalate :: Text -> [Text] -> Text
on intercalate(strText, lstText)
    set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, strText}
    set strJoined to lstText as text
    set my text item delimiters to dlm
    return strJoined
end intercalate

-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
on map(f, xs)
    tell mReturn(f)
        set lng to length of xs
        set lst to {}
        repeat with i from 1 to lng
            set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, i, xs)
        end repeat
        return lst
    end tell
end map

-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper 
-- mReturn :: Handler -> Script
on mReturn(f)
    if class of f is script then
            property |λ| : f
        end script
    end if
end mReturn

-- reverse :: [a] -> [a]
on |reverse|(xs)
    if class of xs is text then
        (reverse of characters of xs) as text
        reverse of xs
    end if
end |reverse|

-- words :: String -> [String]
on |words|(s)
    words of s
end |words|

-- unlines :: [String] -> String
on unlines(lstLines)
    intercalate(linefeed, lstLines)
end unlines

-- unwords :: [String] -> String
on unwords(lstWords)
    intercalate(space, lstWords)
end unwords
"lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta"


set aString to "rosetta code phrase reversal"

set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set phrase1 to (reverse of characters of aString) as text

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
set phrase2 to (reverse of words of phrase1) as text

set phrase3 to (reverse of words of aString) as text

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to linefeed
set output to {phrase1, phrase2, phrase3} as text

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid

return output
"lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta"

ARM Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi
or android 32 bits with application Termux
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI  */
/*  program invphrase.s   */
/* REMARK 1 : this program use routines in a include file 
   see task Include a file language arm assembly 
   for the routine affichageMess conversion10 
   see at end of this program the instruction include */

/* Constantes                              */
.include "../constantes.inc"

.equ BUFFERSIZE,    200
/*   Macros                              */
//.include "../../ficmacros32.inc"            @ for developer debugging

/* Initialized data              */
szMessDebutPgm:   .asciz "Program 32 bits start. \n"
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
szMessFinOK:      .asciz "Program normal end. \n"
szMessErreur:     .asciz "Error  !!!\n"
szSpace1:         .asciz " "

szPhrase1:          .asciz "rosetta code phrase reversal"
.equ LGPHRASE1,  . -  szPhrase1 - 1
/* UnInitialized data            */
.align 4

/*  code section                 */
.global main 
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessDebutPgm
    bl affichageMess               @ start message 

    ldr r0,iAdrszPhrase1           @ load phrase adress 
    mov r1,#LGPHRASE1  
    bl inverseChar
    ldr r0,iAdrszPhrase1           @ load phrase adress 
    mov r1,#LGPHRASE1  
    bl inverseWord

    ldr r0,iAdrszPhrase1           @ load phrase adress 
    mov r1,#LGPHRASE1              @ phrase size
    bl inverseWordString

    ldr r0,iAdrszMessFinOK
    bl affichageMess       
    b 100f
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessErreur        @ error
    bl affichageMess
    mov r0, #1                     @ return code error
    b 100f
    mov r7,#EXIT                   @ program end
    svc #0                         @ system call
iAdrszMessDebutPgm:          .int szMessDebutPgm
iAdrszMessFinOK:             .int szMessFinOK
iAdrszMessErreur:            .int szMessErreur 
iAdrszPhrase1:               .int szPhrase1
/*   word inversion                  */
/* r0 contains line address t  */
/* r1 contains line length */
    push {r1-r8,lr}        @ save registers 
    sub sp,#BUFFERSIZE     @ reserve place on the stack
    mov r7,sp              @
    mov r4,r0              @ begin line address
    add r8,r0,r1           @ end line address indice at line end 
    sub r8,r8,#1
    mov r6,#0              @ store indice 
1:                         @ line analyse loop
    cmp r8,r4              @ end line ?
    blt 2f
    ldrb r2,[r8]           @ load one char
    strb r2,[r7,r6]
    add r6,r6,#1
    sub r8,r8,#1           @ and loop
    b 1b
    mov r2,#0x0A
    strb r2,[r7,r6]  
    add r6,r6,#1    
    mov r2,#0
    strb r2,[r7,r6]        @ final zero
    mov r0,r7
    bl affichageMess
    add sp,#BUFFERSIZE     @ free reserved place
 100:                      @ end function
    pop {r1-r8,pc}         @ restaur registers 
/*   word string inversion                  */
/* r0 contains line address t  */
/* r1 contains line length */
    push {r1-r7,lr}        @ save registers 
    sub sp,#BUFFERSIZE     @ reserve place on the stack
    mov r7,sp              @ and save address
    sub r5,r1,#1           @ phrase length start indice at line end  
    mov r6,#0              @ word length
    mov r3,#0              @ inverted phrase indice
1:                         @ line analyse loop
    cmp r5,#0              @ end line ?
    blt 10f
    ldrb r2,[r0,r5]        @ load one char
    cmp r2,#' '            @ space ?
    bne 3f
    mov r4,#0              @ indice word
    add r1,r5,#1
2:                         @ loop copy word to buffer
    ldrb r2,[r0,r1]        @ load one char
    strb r2,[r7,r3]        @ store in buffer
    add r3,r3,#1           @ increment indice
    add r1,r1,#1
    add r4,r4,#1
    cmp r4,r6
    blt 2b
    mov r2,#' '
    strb r2,[r7,r3]        @ store in buffer
    add r3,r3,#1
    mov r6,#0
    sub r5,r5,#1           @ no ->loop
    b 1b

    add r6,r6,#1           @ increment word length
    sub r5,r5,#1           @ and loop
    b 1b
 10:                       @ line end 
    mov r4,#0              @ indice word
    add r1,r5,#1
 11:                       @ loop copy word to buffer
    ldrb r2,[r0,r1]        @ load one char
    strb r2,[r7,r3]        @ store in buffer
    add r3,r3,#1
    add r1,r1,#1
    add r4,r4,#1
    cmp r4,r6
    blt 11b
    mov r2,#0x0A           @ add return line
    strb r2,[r7,r3]        @ store in buffer
    add r3,r3,#1
    mov r2,#0              @ final zero
    strb r2,[r7,r3]        @ store in buffer
    add r3,r3,#1
    mov r0,r7              @ buffer display
    bl affichageMess
    add sp,#BUFFERSIZE     @ free reserved place
 100:                      @ end function
    pop {r1-r7,pc}         @ restaur registers 
iAdrszCarriageReturn:     .int szCarriageReturn
iAdrszSpace1:             .int szSpace1
/*   word string inversion                  */
/* r0 contains phrase address  */
/* r1 containsphrase length */
    push {r1-r8,lr}        @ save registers 
    sub sp,#BUFFERSIZE     @ reserve place on the stack
    mov r7,sp
    mov r8,#0              @ phrase indice
    mov r6,#0              @ word length
    mov r3,#0              @ inverted phrase indice
1:                         @ phrase analyse loop
    cmp r8,r1              @ end phrase ?
    bgt 4f
    ldrb r2,[r0,r8]        @ load one char
    cmp r2,#' '            @ space ?
    bne 3f
    mov r5,#0              @ indice inverted word
    sub r4,r8,#1           @ hparse word indice
2:                         @ inversion word loop
    ldrb r2,[r0,r4]        @ load one char of word end
    strb r2,[r7,r3]        @ store in begin position
    add r3,r3,#1           @ increment indice inverted phrase
    add r5,r5,#1           @ increment word length counter
    sub r4,r4,#1           @ decrement indice phrase
    cmp r5,r6              @ length equal ?
    blt 2b                 @ no ->loop
    mov r2,#' '            @ store one space
    strb r2,[r7,r3]
    mov r6,#0              @ raz word length
    add r3,r3,#1           @ increment indice inverted phrase
    add r8,r8,#1           @  and loop
    b 1b
3:                         @ word character
    add r6,r6,#1           @ increment word length
    add r8,r8,#1           @ loop
    b 1b
    mov r5,#0              @ 
    sub r4,r8,#2           @ 0 final in phrase
5:                         @ inversion last word
    ldrb r2,[r0,r4] 
    strb r2,[r7,r3]
    add r3,r3,#1
    add r5,r5,#1
    sub r4,r4,#1
    cmp r5,r6
    blt 5b
    mov r2,#0x0A           @ add return line
    strb r2,[r7,r3]
    add r3,r3,#1
    mov r2,#0              @ zero final
    strb r2,[r7,r3]

    mov r0,r7              @ buffer display
    bl affichageMess
    add sp,#BUFFERSIZE
100:                       @ end function
    pop {r1-r8,pc}         @ restaur registers 
/*      ROUTINES INCLUDE                 */
.include "../affichage.inc"
Program 32 bits start.
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta
Program normal end.


phr: "rosetta code phrase reversal"

print ["(0)" phr]
print ["(1)" reverse phr]
print ["(2)" join.with:" " map split.words phr => reverse] 
print ["(3)" join.with:" " reverse split.words phr]
(0) rosetta code phrase reversal 
(1) lasrever esarhp edoc attesor 
(2) attesor edoc esarhp lasrever 
(3) reversal phrase code rosetta


var =
Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal

array := strsplit(var, " ")

loop, % array.maxindex()
	string .= array[array.maxindex() - A_index + 1] . " "

loop, % array.maxindex()
	m := array[A_index]
	array2 := strsplit(m, "")
	Loop, % array2.maxindex()
		string2 .= array2[array2.maxindex() - A_index + 1]
	string2 .= " "

array := strsplit(string, " " )

loop, % array.maxindex()
	m := array[A_index]
	array3 := strsplit(m, "")
	Loop, % array3.maxindex()
		string3 .= array3[array3.maxindex() - A_index + 1]
	string3 .= " "

MsgBox % var . "`n" . string3 . "`n" . String . "`n" . string2

Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal
lasreveR esarhP edoC attesoR  
Reversal Phrase Code Rosetta 
attesoR edoC esarhP lasreveR 


# Usage:  awk -f phrase_revers.awk
function rev(s, del,   n,i,a,r) {
   n = split(s, a, del)
   r = a[1]
   for(i=2; i <= n; i++) {r = a[i] del r }    
   return r

  p0 = "Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal"

  fmt = "%-20s: %s\n"
  printf( fmt, "input",               p0 )
  printf( fmt, "string reversed",     rev(p0, "") )
  wr = rev(p0, " ")
  printf( fmt, "word-order reversed", wr )
  printf( fmt, "each word reversed",  rev(wr) )
input               : Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal
string reversed     : lasreveR esarhP edoC attesoR
word-order reversed : Reversal Phrase Code Rosetta
each word reversed  : attesoR edoC esarhP lasreveR


Applesoft BASIC

 10 PHRA$ = "rosetta code phrase reversal"
 20  GOSUB 100
 30  PRINT PHRA$(0)
 40  PRINT PHRA$(1)
 50  PRINT PHRA$(2);
 60  END 
 100  FOR PH = 0 TO 6
 110      PH$(PH) = ""
 120  NEXT PH
 130  FOR PH = 0 TO  LEN (PH$)
 140      PH$(4) =  MID$ (PH$,PH + (PH < 255),PH < 255)
 150      PH$(0) = PH$(4) + PH$(0)
 160      IF PH$(4) = " " THEN  GOSUB 200
 170      PH$(5) = PH$(5) + PH$(4)
 180      PH$(6) = PH$(4) + PH$(6)
 190  NEXT PH
 200 PH$(1) = PH$(1) + PH$(3) + PH$(6)
 210 PH$(2) = PH$(5) + PH$(3) + PH$(2)
 220 PH$(3) = " "
 230 PH$(4) = ""
 240 PH$(5) = ""
 250 PH$(6) = ""
 260  RETURN
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


phrase$ = "rosetta code phrase reversal"



PRINT REV$(phrase$)
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


Translation of: Gambas
arraybase 1
sString$ = "rosetta code phrase reversal"  #The string
sNewString$ = ""                           #String variables
sTemp$ = ""                                #Temporary string variable
siCount = 0                                #Counter
dim sWor$(100)                             #Word store
i = 0                                      #Index variable

# Loop backwards through the string
for siCount = length(sString$) to 1 step -1
	sNewString$ += mid(sString$, siCount, 1)    #Add each character to the new string

print "Original string => " + sString$          #Print the original string
print "Reversed string => " + sNewString$       #Print the reversed string

sNewString$ = ""                                #Reset sNewString$

# Split the original string by spaces
sWor$ = explode(sString$, " ")

# Loop backward through each word in sWor$
for siCount = sWor$[?] to 1 step -1
	sNewString$ += sWor$[siCount] + " "         #Add each word to sNewString$

print "Reversed order  => " + sNewString$       #Print reversed word order

sNewString$ = ""                                #Reset sNewString$

# For each word in sWor$
for i = 1 to sWor$[?]
	sTemp$ = sWor$[i]
	# Loop backward through the word
	for siCount = length(sTemp$) to 1 step -1
		sNewString$ += mid(sTemp$, siCount, 1)  #Add the characters to sNewString$
	sNewString$ += " "                          #Add a space at the end of each word

print "Reversed words  => " + sNewString$       #Print words reversed

Chipmunk Basic

Translation of: Gambas
Works with: Chipmunk Basic version 3.6.4
100 sstring$ = "rosetta code phrase reversal" 'The string
110 snewstring$ = "" 'string variables
120 stemp$ = "" 'Temporary string variable
130 sicount = 0 'Counter
140 dim sword$(100)'Word store
150 i = 0 'Index variable
160 startpos = 1 'Start position for word extraction
170 endpos = 0 'end position for word extraction
180 wordcount = 0 'Number of words
190 ' Loop backwards through the string
200 for sicount = len(sstring$) to 1 step -1
210   snewstring$ = snewstring$+mid$(sstring$,sicount,1)'Add each character to the new string
220 next
230 print "Original string => "+sstring$ 'Print the original string
240 print "Reversed string => "+snewstring$ 'Print the reversed string
250 snewstring$ = "" 'Reset sNewString
260 ' Manually split the original string by spaces
270 for i = 1 to len(sstring$)
280   if mid$(sstring$,i,1) = " " or i = len(sstring$) then
290     if i = len(sstring$) then
300       endpos = i
310     else
320       endpos = i-1
330     endif
340     sword$(wordcount) = mid$(sstring$,startpos,endpos-startpos+1)
350     wordcount = wordcount+1
360     startpos = i+1
370   endif
380 next
390 ' Loop backward through each word in sWord
400 for sicount = wordcount-1 to 0 step -1
410   snewstring$ = snewstring$+sword$(sicount)+" " 'Add each word to sNewString
420 next
430 print "Reversed order  => "+snewstring$ 'Print reversed word order
440 snewstring$ = "" 'Reset sNewString
450 ' For each word in sWord
460 for i = 0 to wordcount-1
470   stemp$ = sword$(i)
480   ' Loop backward through the word
490   for sicount = len(stemp$) to 1 step -1
500     snewstring$ = snewstring$+mid$(stemp$,sicount,1)'Add the characters to sNewString
510   next
520   snewstring$ = snewstring$+" " 'Add a space at the end of each word
530 next
540 print "Reversed words  => "+snewstring$ 'Print words reversed


' FB 1.05.0 Win64

Sub split (s As Const String, sepList As Const String, result() As String)
  If s = "" OrElse sepList = "" Then 
     Redim result(0)
     result(0) = s
  End If
  Dim As Integer i, j, count = 0, empty = 0, length
  Dim As Integer position(Len(s) + 1)
  position(0) = 0
  For i = 0 To len(s) - 1
    For j = 0 to Len(sepList) - 1
      If s[i] = sepList[j] Then 
        count += 1
        position(count) = i + 1       
      End If
    Next j
  Next i
  Redim result(count)
  If count  = 0 Then
    result(0) = s
  End If
  position(count + 1) = len(s) + 1
  For i = 1 To count + 1  
    length = position(i) - position(i - 1) - 1 
    result(i - 1) = Mid(s, position(i - 1) + 1, length)
End Sub

Function reverse(s As Const String) As String
  If s = "" Then Return ""
  Dim t As String = s
  Dim length As Integer = Len(t)
  For i As Integer = 0 to length\2 - 1
    Swap t[i], t[length - 1 - i]
  Return t
End Function 

Dim s As String = "rosetta code phrase reversal"
Dim a() As String
Dim sepList As String = " "

Print "Original string => "; s
Print "Reversed string => "; reverse(s)
Print "Reversed words  => ";
split s, sepList, a()
For i As Integer = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
  Print reverse(a(i)); " ";
Print "Reversed order  => ";
For i As Integer = UBound(a) To LBound(a) Step -1
  Print a(i); " ";
Print : Print
Print "Press any key to quit"
Original string => rosetta code phrase reversal
Reversed string => lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reversed words  => attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Reversed order  => reversal phrase code rosetta


Click this link to run this code

Public Sub Main()
Dim sString As String = "rosetta code phrase reversal"  'The string
Dim sNewString, sTemp As String                         'String variables
Dim siCount As Short                                    'Counter
Dim sWord As New String[]                               'Word store

For siCount = Len(sString) DownTo 1                     'Loop backwards through the string
  sNewString &= Mid(sString, sicount, 1)                'Add each character to the new string

Print "Original string = \t" & sString & "\n" &         'Print the original string
  "Reversed string = \t" & sNewString                   'Print the reversed string

sNewString = ""                                         'Reset sNewString

For Each sTemp In Split(sString, " ")                   'Split the original string by the spaces
  sWord.Add(sTemp)                                      'Add each word to sWord array

For siCount = sWord.max DownTo 0                        'Loop backward through each word in sWord
  sNewString &= sWord[siCount] & " "                    'Add each word to to sNewString

Print "Reversed word order = \t" & sNewString           'Print reversed word order

sNewString = ""                                         'Reset sNewString
For Each sTemp In sWord                                 'For each word in sWord
  For siCount = Len(sTemp) DownTo 1                     'Loop backward through the word
    sNewString &= Mid(sTemp, siCount, 1)                'Add the characters to sNewString
  sNewString &= " "                                     'Add a space at the end of each word

Print "Words reversed = \t" & sNewString                'Print words reversed



Original string =       rosetta code phrase reversal
Reversed string =       lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reversed word order =   reversal phrase code rosetta 
Words reversed =        attesor edoc esarhp lasrever 


Works with: PC-BASIC version any
Works with: BASICA
Works with: Chipmunk Basic
Works with: QBasic
Works with: MSX BASIC
100 TXT$ = "rosetta code phrase reversal"  'The string
110 NTXT$ = ""                             'String variables
120 T$ = ""                                'Temporary string variable
130 CNT = 0                                'Counter
140 DIM WRD$(100)                          'Word store
150 I = 0                                  'Index variable
160 PIO = 1                                'Start position for word extraction
170 FIN = 0                                'End position for word extraction
180 NMW = 0                               'Number of words
190 ' Loop backwards through the string
200 FOR CNT = LEN(TXT$) TO 1 STEP -1
210   NTXT$ = NTXT$ + MID$(TXT$, CNT, 1)   'Add each character to the new string
220 NEXT
230 PRINT "Original string => " + TXT$     'Print the original string
240 PRINT "Reversed string => " + NTXT$    'Print the reversed string
250 NTXT$ = ""                             'Reset sNewString
260 ' Manually split the original string by spaces
270 FOR I = 1 TO LEN(TXT$)
280   IF MID$(TXT$, I, 1) = " " OR I = LEN(TXT$) THEN GOSUB 470
290 NEXT
300 ' Loop backward through each word in sWord
310 FOR CNT = NMW - 1 TO 0 STEP -1
320   NTXT$ = NTXT$ + WRD$(CNT) + " "      'Add each word to sNewString
330 NEXT
340 PRINT "Reversed order  => " + NTXT$    'Print reversed word order
350 NTXT$ = ""                             'Reset sNewString
360 ' For each word in sWord
370 FOR I = 0 TO NMW - 1
380   T$ = WRD$(I)
390   ' Loop backward through the word
400   FOR CNT = LEN(T$) TO 1 STEP -1
410     NTXT$ = NTXT$ + MID$(T$, CNT, 1)   'Add the characters to sNewString
420   NEXT
430   NTXT$ = NTXT$ + " "                  'Add a space at the end of each word
440 NEXT
450 PRINT "Reversed words  => " + NTXT$    'Print words reversed
460 END
470   IF I = LEN(TXT$) THEN FIN = I ELSE FIN = I - 1
480   WRD$(NMW) = MID$(TXT$, PIO, FIN - PIO + 1)
490   NMW = NMW + 1
500   PIO = I + 1


100 PROGRAM "ReverseS.bas"
110 LET S$="Rosetta Code Pharse Reversal"
120 PRINT S$
170   LET T$=""
180   FOR I=LEN(S$) TO 1 STEP-1
190     LET T$=T$&S$(I)
200   NEXT
240   LET T$="":LET PE=LEN(S$)
250   FOR PS=PE TO 1 STEP-1
260     IF PS=1 OR S$(PS)=" " THEN LET T$=T$&" ":LET T$=T$&LTRIM$(S$(PS:PE)):LET PE=PS-1
270   NEXT
310   LET T$="":LET PS=1
320   FOR PE=1 TO LEN(S$)
330     IF PE=LEN(S$) OR S$(PE)=" " THEN LET T$=T$&" ":LET T$=T$&REVERSE$(RTRIM$(S$(PS:PE))):LET PS=PE+1
340   NEXT

MSX Basic

Works with: MSX BASIC version any

Same code as GW-BASIC


#TEXT="rosetta code phrase reversal"

If OpenConsole("rosetta code phrase reversal")
  Define idx.i=1, txt.s=""
  Print(~"Reversed words:\t\t")  
  txt=StringField(#TEXT,idx," ")
  While Len(txt)
    Print(ReverseString(txt)+" ")
    txt=StringField(#TEXT,idx," ")
  Print(~"Reversed order:\t\t")
  txt=StringField(#TEXT,idx," ")
  While Len(txt)
    Print(txt+" ")
    If idx>1 : idx-1 : Else : Break : EndIf
    txt=StringField(#TEXT,idx," ")
Original:               rosetta code phrase reversal
Reversed:               lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reversed words:         attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Reversed order:         reversal phrase code rosetta


Works with: QBasic version 1.1
Works with: QuickBasic version 4.5
Works with: QB64
sString = "rosetta code phrase reversal" 'The string
DIM sNewString AS STRING 'String variables
DIM sTemp AS STRING 'Temporary string variable
DIM siCount AS INTEGER 'Counter
DIM sWord(0 TO 100) AS STRING 'Word store
DIM i AS INTEGER 'Index variable
DIM startPos AS INTEGER 'Start position for word extraction
DIM endPos AS INTEGER 'End position for word extraction
DIM wordCount AS INTEGER 'Number of words

' Loop backwards through the string
FOR siCount = LEN(sString) TO 1 STEP -1
    sNewString = sNewString + MID$(sString, siCount, 1) 'Add each character to the new string

PRINT "Original string => " + sString 'Print the original string
PRINT "Reversed string => " + sNewString 'Print the reversed string

sNewString = "" 'Reset sNewString

' Manually split the original string by spaces
startPos = 1
wordCount = 0
FOR i = 1 TO LEN(sString)
    IF MID$(sString, i, 1) = " " OR i = LEN(sString) THEN
        IF i = LEN(sString) THEN
            endPos = i
            endPos = i - 1
        END IF
        sWord(wordCount) = MID$(sString, startPos, endPos - startPos + 1)
        wordCount = wordCount + 1
        startPos = i + 1
    END IF

' Loop backward through each word in sWord
FOR siCount = wordCount - 1 TO 0 STEP -1
    sNewString = sNewString + sWord(siCount) + " " 'Add each word to sNewString

PRINT "Reversed order  => " + sNewString 'Print reversed word order

sNewString = "" 'Reset sNewString

' For each word in sWord
FOR i = 0 TO wordCount - 1
    sTemp = sWord(i)
    ' Loop backward through the word
    FOR siCount = LEN(sTemp) TO 1 STEP -1
        sNewString = sNewString + MID$(sTemp, siCount, 1) 'Add the characters to sNewString
    sNewString = sNewString + " " 'Add a space at the end of each word

PRINT "Reversed words  => " + sNewString 'Print words reversed


The QBasic solution works without any changes.


Works with: Just BASIC
Works with: Liberty BASIC
Works with: Yabasic

In Yabasic replace ' with //

sString$ = "rosetta code phrase reversal"  'The string
sNewString$ = ""                           'string variables
sTemp$ = ""                                'Temporary string variable
siCount = 0                                'Counter
dim sWord$(100)                            'Word store
i = 0                                      'Index variable
startPos = 1                               'Start position for word extraction
endPos = 0                                 'end position for word extraction
wordCount = 0                              'Number of words

' Loop backwards through the string
for siCount = len(sString$) to 1 step -1
    sNewString$ = sNewString$ + mid$(sString$, siCount, 1)  'Add each character to the new string

print "Original string => " + sString$     'Print the original string
print "Reversed string => " + sNewString$  'Print the reversed string

sNewString$ = ""                           'Reset sNewString

' Manually split the original string by spaces
for i = 1 to len(sString$)
    if mid$(sString$, i, 1) = " " or i = len(sString$) then
        if i = len(sString$) then
            endPos = i
            endPos = i - 1
        end if
        sWord$(wordCount) = mid$(sString$, startPos, endPos - startPos + 1)
        wordCount = wordCount + 1
        startPos = i + 1
    end if

' Loop backward through each word in sWord
for siCount = wordCount - 1 to 0 step -1
    sNewString$ = sNewString$ + sWord$(siCount) + " " 'Add each word to sNewString

print "Reversed order  => " + sNewString$  'Print reversed word order

sNewString$ = ""                           'Reset sNewString

' For each word in sWord
for i = 0 to wordCount - 1
    sTemp$ = sWord$(i)
    ' Loop backward through the word
    for siCount = len(sTemp$) to 1 step -1
        sNewString$ = sNewString$ + mid$(sTemp$, siCount, 1)  'Add the characters to sNewString
    sNewString$ = sNewString$ + " "        'Add a space at the end of each word

print "Reversed words  => " + sNewString$  'Print words reversed


Translation of: QBasic
LET sstring$ = "rosetta code phrase reversal"    !The string
LET sNewString$ = ""              !String variables
LET sTemp$ = ""                   !Temporary string variable
LET siCount = 0                   !Counter
DIM sword$(0 to 100)              !Word store
LET i = 0                         !Index variable
LET startPos = 1                  !Start position for word extraction
LET endPos = 0                    !End position for word extraction
LET wordCount = 0                 !Number of words

! Loop backwards through the string
FOR sicount = round(len(sstring$)) to 1 step -1
    LET snewstring$ = snewstring$ & (sstring$)[sicount:sicount+1-1]  !Add each character to the new string
NEXT sicount

PRINT "Original string => " & sstring$      !Print the original string
PRINT "Reversed string => " & snewstring$   !Print the reversed string

LET snewstring$ = ""              !Reset sNewString

! Manually split the original string by spaces
FOR i = 1 to round(len(sstring$))
    IF (sstring$)[i:i+1-1] = " " or i = len(sstring$) then
       IF i = len(sstring$) then LET endpos = i else LET endpos = i-1
       LET sword$(wordcount) = (sstring$)[startpos:startpos+endpos-startpos+1-1]
       LET wordcount = wordcount+1
       LET startpos = i+1
    END IF

! Loop backward through each word in sWord
FOR sicount = wordcount-1 to 0 step -1
    LET snewstring$ = snewstring$ & sword$(sicount) & " "  !Add each word to sNewString
NEXT sicount

PRINT "Reversed order  => " & snewstring$   !Print reversed word order

LET snewstring$ = ""              !Reset sNewString
! For each word in sWord
FOR i = 0 to wordcount-1
    LET stemp$ = sword$(i)
    ! Loop backward through the word
    FOR sicount = round(len(stemp$)) to 1 step -1
        LET snewstring$ = snewstring$ & (stemp$)[sicount:sicount+1-1]     !Add the characters to sNewString
    NEXT sicount
    LET snewstring$ = snewstring$ & " "     !Add a space at the end of each word

PRINT "Reversed words  => " & snewstring$   !Print words reversed


Option Explicit

Sub Main_Phrase_Reversals()
Const PHRASE As String = "rosetta code phrase reversal"
    Debug.Print "Original String              : " & PHRASE
    Debug.Print "Reverse String               : " & Reverse_String(PHRASE)
    Debug.Print "Reverse each individual word : " & Reverse_each_individual_word(PHRASE)
    Debug.Print "Reverse order of each word   : " & Reverse_the_order_of_each_word(PHRASE)
End Sub

Function Reverse_String(strPhrase As String) As String
    Reverse_String = StrReverse(strPhrase)
End Function

Function Reverse_each_individual_word(strPhrase As String) As String
Dim Words, i&, strTemp$
    Words = Split(strPhrase, " ")
    For i = 0 To UBound(Words)
        Words(i) = Reverse_String(CStr(Words(i)))
    Next i
    Reverse_each_individual_word = Join(Words, " ")
End Function

Function Reverse_the_order_of_each_word(strPhrase As String) As String
Dim Words, i&, strTemp$

    Words = Split(strPhrase, " ")
    For i = UBound(Words) To 0 Step -1
        strTemp = strTemp & " " & Words(i)
    Next i
    Reverse_the_order_of_each_word = Trim(strTemp)
End Function
Original String              : rosetta code phrase reversal
Reverse String               : lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reverse each individual word : attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Reverse order of each word   : reversal phrase code rosetta


Phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

WScript.StdOut.Write "Original String          : " & Phrase
WScript.StdOut.Write "Reverse String           : " & RevString(Phrase)
WScript.StdOut.Write "Reverse String Each Word : " & RevStringEachWord(Phrase)
WScript.StdOut.Write "Reverse Phrase           : " & RevPhrase(Phrase)

Function RevString(s)
	x = Len(s)
	For i = 1 To Len(s)
		RevString = RevString & Mid(s,x,1)
		x = x - 1
End Function

Function RevStringEachWord(s)
	arr = Split(s," ")
	For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
		RevStringEachWord = RevStringEachWord & RevString(arr(i))
		If i < UBound(arr) Then
			RevStringEachWord = RevStringEachWord & " "
		End If
End Function

Function RevPhrase(s)
	arr = Split(s," ")
	For i = UBound(arr) To LBound(arr) Step -1
		RevPhrase = RevPhrase & arr(i)
		If i > LBound(arr) Then 
			RevPhrase = RevPhrase & " "
		End If
End Function
Original String          : rosetta code phrase reversal
Reverse String           : lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reverse String Each Word : attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Reverse Phrase           : reversal phrase code rosetta

Batch File

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
	%=== The Main Thing... ===%
set "inp=Rosetta Code phrase reversal"
call :reverse_string "!inp!" rev1
call :reverse_order "!inp!" rev2
call :reverse_words "!inp!" rev3
echo.Original:       !inp!
echo.Reversed:       !rev1!
echo.Reversed Order: !rev2!
echo.Reversed Words: !rev3!
exit /b 0
	%=== /The Main Thing... ===%

	%=== Reverse the Order Function ===%
set var1=%2
set %var1%=&set word=&set str1=%1
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%A in (%str1%) do (set str1=%%B&set word=%%A)
set %var1%=!word! !%var1%!&set str1="!str1!"
if not !str1!=="" goto process1
goto :EOF
	%=== /Reverse the Order Function ===%

	%=== Reverse the Whole String Function ===%
set var2=%2
set %var2%=&set cnt=0&set str2=%~1
set char=!str2:~%cnt%,1!&set %var2%=!char!!%var2%!
if not "!char!"=="" set /a cnt+=1&goto process2
goto :EOF
	%=== /Reverse the Whole String Function ===%

	%=== Reverse each Words Function ===%
set var3=%2
set %var3%=&set word=&set str3=%1
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%A in (%str3%) do (set str3=%%B&set word=%%A)
call :reverse_string "%word%" revs
set %var3%=!%var3%! !revs!&set str3="!str3!"
if not !str3!=="" goto process3
set %var3%=!%var3%:~1,1000000!
goto :EOF
	%=== /Reverse each Words Function ===%
Original:       Rosetta Code phrase reversal
Reversed:       lasrever esarhp edoC attesoR
Reversed Order: reversal phrase Code Rosetta
Reversed Words: attesoR edoC esarhp lasrever


Task3  (+`»' '=)
Task2   Task3

Task1Task2Task3 {𝕎𝕩} "rosetta code phrase reversal"
╵ "rosetta code phrase reversal"
  "lasrever esarhp edoc attesor"
  "attesor edoc esarhp lasrever"
  "reversal phrase code rosetta"


This example only works correctly with strings only consisting of byte-sized characters.

( "rosetta code phrase reversal":?text
& rev$!text:?output1
& get$(!text,MEM):?words
& :?output2:?output3
&   whl
  ' ( !words:%?word %?words
    & !output2 rev$!word " ":?output2
    & " " !word !output3:?output3
& str$(!output2 rev$!words):?output2
& str$(!words !output3):?output3
&   out
  $ ( str
    $ ("0:\"" !text "\"\n1:\"" !output1 "\"\n2:\"" !output2 "\"\n3:\"" !output3 \"\n)
0:"rosetta code phrase reversal"
1:"lasrever esarhp edoc attesor"
2:"attesor edoc esarhp lasrever"
3:"reversal phrase code rosetta"


Working with C strings is often long-winded.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

/* The functions used are destructive, so after each call the string needs
 * to be copied over again. One could easily allocate new strings as
 * required, but this way allows the caller to manage memory themselves */

char* reverse_section(char *s, size_t length)
    if (length == 0) return s;

    size_t i; char temp;
    for (i = 0; i < length / 2 + 1; ++i)
        temp = s[i], s[i] = s[length - i], s[length - i] = temp;
    return s;

char* reverse_words_in_order(char *s, char delim)
    if (!strlen(s)) return s;

    size_t i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < strlen(s) - 1; ++i) {
        for (j = 0; s[i + j] != 0 && s[i + j] != delim; ++j)
        reverse_section(s + i, j - 1);
        s += j;
    return s;

char* reverse_string(char *s)
    return strlen(s) ? reverse_section(s, strlen(s) - 1) : s;

char* reverse_order_of_words(char *s, char delim)
    reverse_words_in_order(s, delim);
    return s;

int main(void)
    char str[]    = "rosetta code phrase reversal";
    size_t lenstr = sizeof(str) / sizeof(str[0]);
    char scopy[lenstr];
    char delim = ' ';

    /* Original String */
    printf("Original:       \"%s\"\n", str);

    /* Reversed string */
    strncpy(scopy, str, lenstr);
    printf("Reversed:       \"%s\"\n", scopy);

    /* Reversed words in string */
    strncpy(scopy, str, lenstr);
    reverse_words_in_order(scopy, delim);
    printf("Reversed words: \"%s\"\n", scopy);

    /* Reversed order of words in string */
    strncpy(scopy, str, lenstr);
    reverse_order_of_words(scopy, delim);
    printf("Reversed order: \"%s\"\n", scopy);

    return 0;
Original:       "rosetta code phrase reversal"
Reversed:       "lasrever esarhp edoc attesor"
Reversed words: "attesor edoc esarhp lasrever"
Reversed order: "reversal phrase code rosetta"


using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Reverse() is an extension method on IEnumerable<char>.
            //The constructor takes a char[], so we have to call ToArray()
            Func<string, string> reverse = s => new string(s.Reverse().ToArray());

            string phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal";
            //Reverse the string
            //Reverse each individual word in the string, maintaining original string order.
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", phrase.Split(' ').Select(word => reverse(word))));
            //Reverse the order of each word of the phrase, maintaining the order of characters in each word.
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", phrase.Split(' ').Reverse()));


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>

int main() {
   std::string s = "rosetta code phrase reversal";
   std::cout << "Input : " << s << '\n'
             << "Input reversed : " << std::string(s.rbegin(), s.rend()) << '\n' ;
   std::istringstream is(s);
   std::vector<std::string> words(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(is), {});
   std::cout << "Each word reversed : " ;
   for(auto w : words)
      std::cout << std::string(w.rbegin(), w.rend()) << ' ';
   std::cout << '\n'
             << "Original word order reversed : " ;
   reverse_copy(words.begin(), words.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, " "));
   std::cout << '\n' ;
Input : rosetta code phrase reversal
Input reversed : lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Each word reversed : attesor edoc esarhp lasrever 
Original word order reversed : reversal phrase code rosetta 


(use '[clojure.string :only (join split)])
(def phrase "rosetta code phrase reversal")
(defn str-reverse [s] (apply str (reverse s)))

; Reverse string
(str-reverse phrase)
; Words reversed
(join " " (map str-reverse (split phrase #" "))) 
; Word order reversed
(apply str (interpose " " (reverse (split phrase #" "))))
"lasrever esarhp edoc attesor"
"attesor edoc esarhp lasrever"
"reversal phrase code rosetta"


       program-id. phra-rev.
       data division.
       working-storage section.
       1 phrase pic x(28) value "rosetta code phrase reversal".
       1 wk-str pic x(16).
       1 binary.
        2 phrase-len pic 9(4).
        2 pos pic 9(4).
        2 cnt pic 9(4).
       procedure division.
           compute phrase-len = function length (phrase)
           display phrase
           display function reverse (phrase)
           perform display-words
           move function reverse (phrase) to phrase
           perform display-words
           stop run

           move 1 to pos
           perform until pos > phrase-len
               unstring phrase delimited space
               into wk-str count in cnt
               with pointer pos
               display function reverse (wk-str (1:cnt))
                   with no advancing
               if pos < phrase-len
                   display space with no advancing
           display space
       end program phra-rev.
rosetta code phrase reversal
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta

Common Lisp

(defun split-string (str)
 "Split a string into space separated words including spaces"
  (do* ((lst nil)
        (i (position-if #'alphanumericp str) (position-if #'alphanumericp str :start j))
        (j (when i (position #\Space str :start i)) (when i (position #\Space str :start i))) )
       ((null j) (nreverse (push (subseq str i nil) lst)))
    (push (subseq str i j) lst)
    (push " " lst) ))

(defun task (str)
  (print (reverse str))
  (let ((lst (split-string str)))
    (print (apply #'concatenate 'string (mapcar #'reverse lst)))
    (print (apply #'concatenate 'string (reverse lst))) )
  nil )
(task "rosetta code phrase reversal")

"lasrever esarhp edoc attesor" "attesor edoc esarhp lasrever" "reversal phrase code rosetta" nil


Partially lazy.

void main() @safe {
    import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm;

    immutable phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal";
    phrase.retro.writeln;                          // Reversed string.
    phrase.splitter.map!retro.joiner(" ").writeln; // Words reversed.
    phrase.split.retro.joiner(" ").writeln;        // Word order reversed.
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


"rosetta code phrase reversal" dup
rev pl
words dup
\rev map unwords pl
rev unwords pl
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


let str = "rosetta code phrase reversal"
//or you can use a built-in method String.reverse
func reverse(str) {
    let xs = []
    for i in (str.Length()-1)^-1..0 {
    String.Concat(values: xs)
func reverseByWord(str) {
    let words = str.Split(" ")
    let xs = []
    for w in words {
        xs.Add(" ")
    String.Concat(values: xs)
func reverseWords(str) {    
    let words = str.Split(" ")
    let xs = []
    for i in (words.Length()-1)^-1..0 {
        xs.Add(" ")
    String.Concat(values: xs)
print("1. \(reverse(str))")
print("2. \(reverseByWord(str))")
print("3. \(reverseWords(str))")
1. lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
2. attesor edoc esarhp lasrever 
3. reversal phrase code rosetta 


func$[] rev a$[] .
   for i to len a$[] div 2
      swap a$[i] a$[$ - i + 1]
   return a$[]
lin$ = "rosetta code phrase reversal"
print strjoin rev strchars lin$ ""
words$[] = strsplit lin$ " "
for w$ in words$[]
   write strjoin rev strchars w$ ""
   write " "
print ""
wordsr$[] = rev words$[]
for w$ in wordsr$[]
   write w$ & " "
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever 
reversal phrase code rosetta 


(define (string-reverse string)
    (list->string (reverse (string->list string))))

(define (task str)
    (for-each writeln (list
      (string-reverse str)
      (string-join (map string-reverse (string-split str )))
      (string-join (reverse (string-split str ))))))

(task "rosetta code phrase reversal")
    "lasrever esarhp edoc attesor"    
    "attesor edoc esarhp lasrever"    
    "reversal phrase code rosetta"


Take the input file in:

rosetta code phrase reversal
rosetta code phrase reversal
rosetta code phrase reversal

With the following script, saved as Phrase.ed:

1s/\(\<[[:alpha:]]*\)[ ]\?\(\<[[:alpha:]]*\)[ ]\?\(\<[[:alpha:]]*\)[ ]\?\(\<[[:alpha:]]*\)[ ]\?/\4 \3 \2 \1/
3s/\(\<[[:alpha:]]*\)[ ]\?\(\<[[:alpha:]]*\)[ ]\?\(\<[[:alpha:]]*\)[ ]\?\(\<[[:alpha:]]*\)[ ]\?/\4 \3 \2 \1/

... and the command line:

ed -s in < Phrase.ed
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta

For how this works, some limitations, etc., refer: https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Reverse_words_in_a_string#Ed


ELENA 6.x :

import extensions;
import extensions'text;
import system'routines;
public program()
    var reverse := (s => s.toArray().sequenceReverse().summarize(new StringWriter()));
    var phrase := "rosetta code phrase reversal";
    //Reverse the string
    //Reverse each individual word in the string, maintaining original string order.
    console.printLine(phrase.splitBy(" ").selectBy::(s => reverse(s).add(" ")).summarize(new StringWriter()));
    //Reverse the order of each word of the phrase, maintaining the order of characters in each word.
    console.printLine(reverse(phrase.splitBy(" ").selectBy::(s => s + " ")))
rosetta code phrase reversal
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever 
reversal phrase code rosetta 


str = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

IO.puts String.reverse(str)
IO.puts String.split(str) |> Enum.map(&String.reverse(&1)) |> Enum.join(" ")
IO.puts String.split(str) |> Enum.reverse |> Enum.join(" ")
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta

Emacs Lisp

(defun reverse-sep (words sep)
  (mapconcat 'identity (reverse (split-string words sep)) sep))

(defun reverse-chars (line)
  (reverse-sep line ""))

(defun reverse-words (line)
  (reverse-sep line " "))

(defvar line "rosetta code phrase reversal")

(with-output-to-temp-buffer "*reversals*"
  (princ (reverse-chars line))
  (princ (mapconcat 'identity (mapcar #'reverse-chars
                                      (split-string line)) " "))
  (princ (reverse-words line))
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


USE: splitting

: splitp         ( str -- seq ) " " split ;
: printp         ( seq -- )     " " join print ;
: reverse-string ( str -- )     reverse print ;
: reverse-words  ( str -- )     splitp [ reverse ] map printp ;
: reverse-phrase ( str -- )     splitp reverse printp ;

"rosetta code phrase reversal" [ reverse-string ] [ reverse-words ] [ reverse-phrase ] tri
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


The key here is the ability via F90 to specify an array span, as A(first:last:step) where the step can be negative... This facility is not available for CHARACTER variables where only TEXT(first:last) is available - no step is accommodated and TEXT(last:first) evokes nothing rather than a backwards order as in Python. However, one can have an array of CHARACTER*1 variables, and as an array they can be rolled bidirectionally. For convenience in initialising such an array, EQUIVALENCE(TEXT,ATXT) means that a normal multi-character text literal can be assigned to TEXT via the DATA statement, rather than having to specify the ATXT elements one at a time.

By identifying the first and last character position of each word in TEXT (or equivalently, their indices in ATXT) and storing them in arrays IST and LST, the i'th word can be fingered via IST(i) to LST(i) and of course a DO-loop can step in either direction.

F90 allows a WHILE-loop, and writing something like

      DO WHILE (L1.LE.L .AND. ATXT(L1).LE." ")
        L1 = L1 + 1
      END DO

Would be rather more structured and involve fewer GO TOs and their labels, but alas, modern Fortran specifies that there is no specification as to whether or not both terms of an expression such as (A and B) will always be evaluated or instead there will be a shortcut: if A is false then the B term is ignored. And here, the A term checks whether or not L1 is within bounds and if it is not, then the B term should not be evaluated, not just because of the waste of effort but because to do so might involve accessing outside the definition of ATXT. As when the scan chases through the trailing spaces. One could make the array one longer, or rather, L = LEN(TEXT) - 1 for this case but that would be messy, require explanation, be easily forgotten, and, typical ad-hoc testing would be unlikely to detect the mistake.

Alternatively, a GO TO can be removed from view by using EXIT in its place:

      DO L1 = L1,L
        IF (ATXT(L1).GT." ") EXIT
      END DO

Except that this relies on the index variable retaining its value on exiting the loop, either as fingering the first non-blank or, being L + 1. This expectation is frowned upon in some quarters. Both variants would have to be followed by a test such as IF (L1 .LE. L) THEN to identify whether the start of a word has been found that would require further processing. So, all in all, suck up the GO TOs...

      PROGRAM REVERSER	!Just fooling around.
      CHARACTER*(66) TEXT	!Holds the text. Easily long enough.
      CHARACTER*1 ATXT(66)	!But this is what I play with.
      EQUIVALENCE (TEXT,ATXT)	!Same storage, different access abilities..
      DATA TEXT/"Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal"/	!Easier to specify this for TEXT.
      INTEGER IST(6),LST(6)	!Start and stop positions.
      INTEGER N,L,I		!Counters.
      INTEGER L1,L2		!Fingers for the scan.
      CHARACTER*(*) AS,RW,FW,RO,FO			!Now for some cramming.
      PARAMETER (AS = "Words ordered as supplied")	!So that some statements can fit on a line.
      PARAMETER (RW = "Reversed words, ", FW = "Forward words, ")
      PARAMETER (RO = "reverse order",    FO = "forward order")

Chop the text into words.
      N = 0		!No words found.
      L = LEN(TEXT)	!Multiple trailing spaces - no worries.
      L2 = 0		!Syncopation: where the previous chomp ended.
   10 L1 = L2		!Thus, where a fresh scan should follow.
   11 L1 = L1 + 1		!Advance one.
      IF (L1.GT.L) GO TO 20		!Finished yet?
      IF (ATXT(L1).LE." ") GO TO 11	!No. Skip leading spaces.
      L2 = L1			!Righto, L1 is the first non-blank.
   12 L2 = L2 + 1		!Scan through the non-blanks.
      IF (L2.GT.L) GO TO 13	!Is it safe to look?
      IF (ATXT(L2).GT." ") GO TO 12	!Yes. Speed through non-blanks.
   13 N = N + 1			!Righto, a word is found in TEXT(L1:L2 - 1)
      IST(N) = L1		!So, recall its first character.
      LST(N) = L2 - 1		!And its last.
      IF (L2.LT.L) GO TO 10	!Perhaps more text follows.

Chuck the words around.
   20 WRITE (6,21) N,TEXT	!First, say what has been discovered.
   21 FORMAT (I4," words have been isolated from the text ",A,/)

      WRITE (6,22) AS,    (" ",ATXT(IST(I):LST(I):+1), I = 1,N,+1)
      WRITE (6,22) RW//RO,(" ",ATXT(LST(I):IST(I):-1), I = N,1,-1)
      WRITE (6,22) FW//RO,(" ",ATXT(IST(I):LST(I):+1), I = N,1,-1)
      WRITE (6,22) RW//FO,(" ",ATXT(LST(I):IST(I):-1), I = 1,N,+1)

   22 FORMAT (A36,":",66A1)

With F77 such array spans can't be used, but all that is necessary is to supply a second implied DO-loop in the WRITE statement, for example

      WRITE (6,22) RW//RO,(" ",(ATXT(J), J = LST(I),IST(I),-1), I = 1,N,+1)

And the output is...

   4 words have been isolated from the text Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal

           Words ordered as supplied: Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal
       Reversed words, reverse order: lasreveR esarhP edoC attesoR
        Forward words, reverse order: Reversal Phrase Code Rosetta
       Reversed words, forward order: attesoR edoC esarhP lasreveR


The built-in reverse function reverses a string or the elements of a list.

Frink's built-in reverse[string] is quite smart and uses a grapheme-based algorithm to handle Unicode correctly. That is, it preserves "user-perceived characters" that may consist of characters, combining accents, high-plane Unicode characters (that is, above U+FFFF,) surrogate pairs, etc. correctly.

Many languages will not work correctly with upper-plane Unicode characters because they are represented as Unicode "surrogate pairs" which are represented as two characters in a UTF-16 stream.

For example, the string "g\u0308o" represents a g with combining diaeresis, followed by the letter o. Or, in other words, "g̈o". Note that while there are three Unicode codepoints, only two "graphemes" are displayed. Using Frink's smart "reverse" function preserves these combined graphemes. A naive reverse would move the diaeresis over the o instead of the g.

Frink also has smart, human-language aware functions for splitting a string into a list of words. It correctly handles hyphenated words, numbers, and punctuation. It also has a built-in smart reverseWords function to reverse the words in a string.

a = "rosetta code phrase reversal"
println[join["", map["reverse", wordList[a]]]]
println[reverseWords[a]]  // Built-in function
// Alternately, the above could be 
//   join["", reverse[wordList[a]]]
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta



package main

import (

const phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

func revStr(s string) string {
	rs := make([]rune, len(s))
	i := len(s)
	for _, r := range s {
		rs[i] = r
	return string(rs[i:])

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Reversed:           ", revStr(phrase))

	ws := strings.Fields(phrase)
	for i, w := range ws {
		ws[i] = revStr(w)
	fmt.Println("Words reversed:     ", strings.Join(ws, " "))

	ws = strings.Fields(phrase)
	last := len(ws) - 1
	for i, w := range ws[:len(ws)/2] {
		ws[i], ws[last-i] = ws[last-i], w
	fmt.Println("Word order reversed:", strings.Join(ws, " "))
Reversed:            lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Words reversed:      attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Word order reversed: reversal phrase code rosetta


package main

import (

const phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

type reversible interface {
	Len() int
	Swap(i, j int)

func reverse(p reversible) {
	mid := p.Len() / 2
	last := p.Len() - 1
	for i := 0; i < mid; i++ {
		p.Swap(i, last-i)

type runeSlice []rune

func (p runeSlice) Len() int      { return len(p) }
func (p runeSlice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }

func reverseString(s string) string {
	r := runeSlice(s)
	return string(r)

var rx = regexp.MustCompile(`\S*`)

func reverseWords(s string) string {
	return rx.ReplaceAllStringFunc(s, func(m string) string {
		return reverseString(m)

func reverseWordOrder(s string) string {
	l := sort.StringSlice(strings.Fields(s))
	return strings.Join(l, " ")

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Reversed:           ", reverseString(phrase))
	fmt.Println("Words reversed:     ", reverseWords(phrase))
	fmt.Println("Word order reversed:", reverseWordOrder(phrase))
Reversed:            lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Words reversed:      attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Word order reversed: reversal phrase code rosetta


def phaseReverse = { text, closure -> closure(text.split(/ /)).join(' ')}

def text = 'rosetta code phrase reversal'
println "Original:       $text"
println "Reversed:       ${phaseReverse(text) { it.reverse().collect { it.reverse() } } }"
println "Reversed Words: ${phaseReverse(text) { it.collect { it.reverse() } } }"
println "Reversed Order: ${phaseReverse(text) { it.reverse() } }"
Original:       rosetta code phrase reversal
Reversed:       lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reversed Words: attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Reversed Order: reversal phrase code rosetta


reverseString, reverseEachWord, reverseWordOrder :: String -> String
reverseString = reverse

reverseEachWord = wordLevel (fmap reverse)

reverseWordOrder = wordLevel reverse

wordLevel :: ([String] -> [String]) -> String -> String
wordLevel f = unwords . f . words

main :: IO ()
main =
  (putStrLn . unlines) $
  [reverseString, reverseEachWord, reverseWordOrder] <*>
  ["rosetta code phrase reversal"]
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


(let phrase "rosetta code phrase reversal")

(print (reverse phrase))
(-> phrase (split " ") (map reverse) (join " ") print)
(-> phrase (split " ") reverse (join " ") print)
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta



   getWords=: (' '&splitstring) :. (' '&joinstring)
   reverseString=: |.
   reverseWords=: |.&.>&.getWords
   reverseWordOrder=: |.&.getWords


   phrase=: 'rosetta code phrase reversal'
   (reverseWordOrder , reverseWords ,: reverseString) phrase
reversal phrase code rosetta
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor


Works with: Java version 1.5+
import java.util.Arrays;

public class PhraseRev{
	private static String reverse(String x){
		return new StringBuilder(x).reverse().toString();
	private static <T> T[] reverse(T[] x){
		T[] rev = Arrays.copyOf(x, x.length);
		for(int i = x.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
			rev[x.length - 1 - i] = x[i];
		return rev;
	private static String join(String[] arr, String joinStr){
		StringBuilder joined = new StringBuilder();
		for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
			if(i < arr.length - 1) joined.append(joinStr);
		return joined.toString();
	public static void main(String[] args){
		String str = "rosetta code phrase reversal";
		System.out.println("Straight-up reversed: " + reverse(str));
		String[] words = str.split(" ");
		for(int i = 0; i < words.length; i++){
			words[i] = reverse(words[i]);
		System.out.println("Reversed words: " + join(words, " "));
		System.out.println("Reversed word order: " + join(reverse(str.split(" ")), " "));
Straight-up reversed: lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reversed words: attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Reversed word order: reversal phrase code rosetta



(function (p) {
  return [

    p.split(' ').map(function (x) {
        return x.split('').reverse().join('');
    }).join(' '),

    p.split(' ').reverse().join(' ')


})('rosetta code phrase reversal');
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


(() => {
    'use strict'

    // reverseString, reverseEachWord, reverseWordOrder :: String -> String
        reverseString = s => reverse(s),

        reverseEachWord = s => wordLevel(map(reverse))(s),

        reverseWordOrder = s => wordLevel(reverse)(s);

    // wordLevel :: ([String] -> [String]) -> String -> String
    const wordLevel = f =>
        x => unwords(f(words(x)));

    // GENERIC FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------

    // A list of functions applied to a list of arguments
    // <*> :: [(a -> b)] -> [a] -> [b]
    const ap = (fs, xs) => //
        [].concat.apply([], fs.map(f => //
            [].concat.apply([], xs.map(x => [f(x)]))));

    // 2 or more arguments
    // curry :: Function -> Function
    const curry = (f, ...args) => {
        const go = xs => xs.length >= f.length ? (f.apply(null, xs)) :
            function () {
                return go(xs.concat(Array.from(arguments)));
        return go([].slice.call(args, 1));

    // map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
    const map = curry((f, xs) => xs.map(f));

    // reverse :: [a] -> [a]
    const reverse = curry(xs =>
        typeof xs === 'string' ? (
        ) : xs.slice(0)

    // unlines :: [String] -> String
    const unlines = xs => xs.join('\n');

    // unwords :: [String] -> String
    const unwords = xs => xs.join(' ');

    // words :: String -> [String]
    const words = s => s.split(/\s+/);

    // TEST ------------------------------------------------------------------
    return unlines(
        ], ["rosetta code phrase reversal"])
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


Works with: jq version 1.4
def reverse_string: explode | reverse | implode;

"rosetta code phrase reversal" 
| split(" ") as $words
| "0. input:               \(.)",
  "1. string reversed:     \(reverse_string)",
  "2. each word reversed:  \($words | map(reverse_string) | join(" "))",
  "3. word-order reversed: \($words | reverse | join(" "))"
$ jq -r -n -f Phrase_reversals.jq
0. input:               rosetta code phrase reversal
1. string reversed:     lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
2. each word reversed:  attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
3. word-order reversed: reversal phrase code rosetta


s = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

println("The original phrase.")
println("   ", s)

println("Reverse the string.")
t = reverse(s)
println("   ", t)

println("Reverse each individual word in the string.")
t = join(map(reverse, split(s, " ")), " ")
println("   ", t)

println("Reverse the order of each word of the phrase.")
t = join(reverse(split(s, " ")), " ")
println("   ", t)
The original phrase.
   rosetta code phrase reversal
Reverse the string.
   lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reverse each individual word in the string.
   attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Reverse the order of each word of the phrase.
   reversal phrase code rosetta


/ Rosetta code phrase reversal
/ phraserev.k

reversestr: {|x}
getnxtwd: {c:(&" "~'x); if[c~!0;w::x;:""];w::c[0]#x; x: ((1+c[0]) _ x)}
revwords: {rw:""; while[~(x~""); x: getnxtwd x;rw,:|w;rw,:" "];:-1 _ rw}
revwordorder: {rw:""; while[~(x~""); x: getnxtwd x;rw:" ",rw;rw:w,rw];:-1 _ rw}

The output of a session is given below:

K Console - Enter \ for help

  \l phraserev
  phrase: "rosetta code phrase reversal"
"rosetta code phrase reversal"
  reversestr phrase
"lasrever esarhp edoc attesor"
  revwords phrase
"attesor edoc esarhp lasrever"
  revwordorder phrase
"reversal phrase code rosetta"


include ..\Utilitys.tlhy
"Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal" dup ?
dup reverse ?
split dup reverse len [drop pop swap print " " print] for drop nl
len [drop pop swap reverse print " " print] for drop nl nl

"End " input


fun reverseEachWord(s: String) = s.split(" ").joinToString(" ")  { it.reversed() }
fun reverseWordOrder(s: String) = s.split(" ").reversed().joinToString(" ")

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val original = "rosetta code phrase reversal"
    val reversed = original.reversed()
    println("Original string => $original")
    println("Reversed string => $reversed")
    println("Reversed words  => ${reverseEachWord(original)}")
    // Either:
    println("Reversed order  => ${reverseWordOrder(original)}")
    // Or:
    println("Reversed order  => ${reverseEachWord(reversed)}")
Original string => rosetta code phrase reversal
Reversed string => lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reversed words  => attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Reversed order  => reversal phrase code rosetta


{W.reverse word} reverses characters in a word
{S.reverse words} reverses a sequence of words
{S.map function words} applies a function to a sequence of words
{def S rosetta code phrase reversal} = rosetta code phrase reversal 

{W.reverse {S}}       -> lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
{S.map W.reverse {S}} -> attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
{S.reverse {S}}       -> reversal phrase code rosetta


-- Return a copy of table t in which each string is reversed
function reverseEach (t)
    local rev = {}
    for k, v in pairs(t) do rev[k] = v:reverse() end
    return rev

-- Return a reversed copy of table t
function tabReverse (t)
    local revTab = {}
    for i, v in ipairs(t) do revTab[#t - i + 1] = v end
    return revTab

-- Split string str into a table on space characters
function wordSplit (str)
    local t = {}
    for word in str:gmatch("%S+") do table.insert(t, word) end
    return t

-- Main procedure
local str = "rosetta code phrase reversal"
local tab = wordSplit(str)
print("1. " .. str:reverse())
print("2. " .. table.concat(reverseEach(tab), " "))
print("3. " .. table.concat(tabReverse(tab), " "))
1. lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
2. attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
3. reversal phrase code rosetta


#reverse the string
str := "rosetta code phrase reversal":
#reverse each word
lst := convert(StringTools:-Split(str, " "), Array):
for i to numelems(lst) do
	lst[i] := StringTools:-Reverse(lst[i]):
end do:
print(StringTools:-Join(convert(lst,list)," ")):
#reverse word order
print(StringTools:-Join(ListTools:-Reverse(StringTools:-Split(str," ")), " ")):
                 "lasrever esarhp edoc attesor"
                 "attesor edoc esarhp lasrever"
                 "reversal phrase code rosetta"

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

phrase = "Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal";

reverseWords[phrase_String] := 
 StringJoin @@ Riffle[Reverse@StringSplit@phrase, " "]

reverseLetters[phrase_String] :=
 StringJoin @@ 
  Riffle[Map[StringJoin @@ Reverse[Characters@#] &, 
    StringSplit@phrase], " "]

{phrase, reverseWords@phrase, reverseLetters@phrase, 
  reverseWords@reverseLetters@phrase} // TableForm

Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal Reversal Phrase Code Rosetta attesoR edoC esarhP lasreveR lasreveR esarhP edoC attesoR

MATLAB / Octave

function r=revstr(s,d)
for k=1:length(slist)
fprintf(1,'%s %c',slist{end:-1:1},d)
fprintf(1,'%s %c',rlist{:},d)

revstr('Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal', ' ')

Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal
Reversal Phrase Code Rosetta
attesoR edoC esarhP lasreveR
lasreveR esarhP edoC attesoR


phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

// general sequence reversal function
reverse = function(seq)
    out = []
    for i in range(seq.len-1, 0)
        out.push seq[i]
    end for
    if seq isa string then return out.join("")
    return out
end function

// 1. Reverse the characters of the string.
print reverse(phrase)

// 2. Reverse the characters of each individual word in the string, maintaining original word order within the string.
words = phrase.split
for i in words.indexes
    words[i] = reverse(words[i])
end for
print words.join

// 3. Reverse the order of each word of the string, maintaining the order of characters in each word.
print reverse(phrase.split).join
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


set string="Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal"
set str="",len=$length(string," ")
for i=1:1:len set $piece(str," ",i)=$piece(string," ",len-i+1)
write string,!
write $reverse(string),!
write str,!
write $reverse(str),!
Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal

lasreveR esarhP edoC attesoR Reversal Phrase Code Rosetta attesoR edoC esarhP lasreveR


import algorithm, sequtils, strutils

const Phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

echo "Phrase:              ", Phrase
echo "Reversed phrase:     ", reversed(Phrase).join()
echo "Reversed words:      ", Phrase.split().mapIt(reversed(it).join()).join(" ")
echo "Reversed word order: ", reversed(Phrase.split()).join(" ")

If we prefer to avoid using modules “algorithm” and “sequtils” and produce somewhat more efficient (but also more verbose) code, here is another solution:

import strutils

const Phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

proc reversed(s: string): string =
  for i in countdown(s.high, 0):
    result.add s[i]

proc reversedWords(s: string): string =
  let words = s.split()
  result = reversed(words[0])
  for i in 1..words.high:
    result.add ' ' & reversed(words[i])

proc reversedWordOrder(s: string): string =
  let words = s.split()
  result = words[^1]
  for i in countdown(words.high - 1, 0):
    result.add ' ' & words[i]

echo "Phrase:              ", Phrase
echo "Reversed phrase:     ", reversed(Phrase)
echo "Reversed words:      ", reversedWords(Phrase)
echo "Reversed word order: ", reversedWordOrder(Phrase)
Phrase:              rosetta code phrase reversal
Reversed phrase:     lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reversed words:      attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Reversed word order: reversal phrase code rosetta


  { str reverse }
  { split words | str reverse | str join ' ' }
  { split words | reverse | str join ' ' }
| each {|code| 'rosetta code phrase reversal' | do $code }
│ 0 │ lasrever esarhp edoc attesor │
│ 1 │ attesor edoc esarhp lasrever │
│ 2 │ reversal phrase code rosetta │


"rosetta code phrase reversal" reverse println
"rosetta code phrase reversal" words map(#reverse) unwords println
"rosetta code phrase reversal" words reverse unwords println
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


use feature 'say';
my $s = "rosetta code phrase reversal";

say "0. Input               : ", $s;
say "1. String reversed     : ", scalar reverse $s;
say "2. Each word reversed  : ", join " ", reverse split / /, reverse $s;
say "3. Word-order reversed : ", join " ", reverse split / /,$s;

# Or, using a regex:
say "2. Each word reversed  : ", $s =~ s/[^ ]+/reverse $&/gre;
0. Input               : rosetta code phrase reversal
1. String reversed     : lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
2. Each word reversed  : attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
3. Word-order reversed : reversal phrase code rosetta
2. Each word reversed  : attesor edoc esarhp lasrever


with javascript_semantics
constant test = "rosetta code phrase reversal",
         fmt = """
The original phrase as given:  %s
1. Reverse the entire phrase:  %s
2. Reverse words, same order:  %s
3. Reverse order, same words:  %s
The original phrase as given:  rosetta code phrase reversal
1. Reverse the entire phrase:  lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
2. Reverse words, same order:  attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
3. Reverse order, same words:  reversal phrase code rosetta


include ..\Utilitys.pmt

"Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal" dup print nl
dup reverse print nl
split dup reverse len for . pop swap print " " print endfor . nl
len for . pop swap reverse print " " print endfor .
Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal
lasreveR esarhP edoC attesoR
Reversal Phrase Code Rosetta 
attesoR edoC esarhP lasreveR


// Initialize a variable with the input desired
$strin = "rosetta code phrase reversal";

// Show user what original input was
echo "Input: ".$strin."\n";

// Show the full input reversed
echo "Reversed: ".strrev($strin)."\n";

// reverse the word letters in place
$str_words_reversed = "";
$temp = explode(" ", $strin);
foreach($temp as $word)
	$str_words_reversed .= strrev($word)." ";

// Show the reversed words in place
echo "Words reversed: ".$str_words_reversed."\n";

// reverse the word order while leaving the words in order
$str_word_order_reversed = "";
$temp = explode(" ", $strin);
for($i=(count($temp)-1); $i>=0; $i--)
	$str_word_order_reversed .= $temp[$i]." ";

// Show the reversal of the word order while leaving the words in order
echo "Word order reversed: ".$str_word_order_reversed."\n";
Input: rosetta code phrase reversal
Reversed: lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Words reversed: attesor edoc esarhp lasrever 
Word order reversed: reversal phrase code rosetta


import util.

go =>
  S = "rosetta code phrase reversal",
  println([reverse(W) : W in S.split()].join(' ')),
  println(reverse(S.split()).join(' ')),
rosetta code phrase reversal
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


(let (S (chop "rosetta code phrase reversal")  L (split S " "))
   (prinl (reverse S))
   (prinl (glue " " (mapcar reverse L)))
   (prinl (glue " " (reverse L))) )


lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


reverser: procedure options (main);          /* 19 August 2015 */
   declare (phrase, r, word) character (100) varying;
   declare (start, end) fixed binary;

   phrase = 'rosetta code phrase reversal';
   put ('The original phrase is: ' || phrase);

   put skip list ( '1. ' || reverse(phrase) );

   start = 1; r = ''; put skip edit ('2. ') (a);
   do until ( end > length(phrase) );
      end = index(phrase, ' ', start);          /* Find end of the next word.*/
      if end = 0 then end = length(phrase) + 1; /* We're at the last word.   */
      word = substr(phrase, start, end-start);
      put edit ( reverse(word), ' ' ) (a);      /* Append reversed word.     */
      r = word || ' ' || r;                     /* Prepend normal word.      */
      start = end+1;
   put skip list ('3. ' || r);

end reverser;


The original phrase is: rosetta code phrase reversal 
1. lasrever esarhp edoc attesor 
2. attesor edoc esarhp lasrever 
3. reversal phrase code rosetta  

Plain TeX

\def\RevOrderSameWords#1{\RevOrderSameWordsi{}#1 \. \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \.}
\def\RevOrderSameWordsi#1#2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 {%
    \expandafter\ROSWend\else\expandafter\RevOrderSameWordsi\fi{#9 #8 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2#1}%
\def\RevOnlyWords#1{\edef\ROWtemp{\noexpand\RevOnlyWordsi{}#1 \noexpand\ROWquark\space}\ROWtemp}
\def\RevOnlyWordsi#1#2 {%
    \else\afterfi{\RevOnlyWordsi{#1\RevSingleWord{#2} }}%
\def\ROWgoblastspace#1 \nil{#1}
\def\RevAll#1{\RevAlli{}#1 \. \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \.\:}
\def\RevAlli#1#2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 {%
    \expandafter\RAWend\else\expandafter\RevAlli\fi{#9 #8 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2#1}%
\halign{#\hfil: &#\cr
Initial&rosetta code phrase reversal\cr
Reverse all&\RevAll{rosetta code phrase reversal}\cr
Reverse order, same words&\RevOrderSameWords{rosetta code phrase reversal}\cr
Reverse only words&\RevOnlyWords{rosetta code phrase reversal}\cr\crcr}

pdf or dvi output looks like:

Initial                  : rosetta code phrase reversal
Reverse all              : lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reverse order, same words: reversal phrase code rosetta
Reverse only words       : attesor edoc esarhp lasrever


function reverse($a, $sep = "") {
    if($a.Length -gt 0) {
        $a = $a[($a.Length -1)..0] -join $sep
$line = "rosetta code phrase reversal"
$task1 = reverse $line
$task2 = ($line -split " " | foreach{ reverse $_  }) -join " "
$task3 = reverse ($line -split " ") " "


lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta                                                                             


These examples use the extended slicing notation of [::-1] to reverse strings and lists of strings:

>>> phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal"
>>> phrase[::-1]					  # Reversed.
'lasrever esarhp edoc attesor'
>>> ' '.join(word[::-1] for word in phrase.split())	  # Words reversed.
'attesor edoc esarhp lasrever'
>>> ' '.join(phrase.split()[::-1])	                  # Word order reversed.
'reversal phrase code rosetta'

Or, variously composing three reusable abstractions – reverse, words, and unwords:

'''String reversals at different levels.'''

# reversedCharacters :: String -> String
def reversedCharacters(s):
    '''All characters in reversed sequence.'''
    return reverse(s)

# wordsWithReversedCharacters :: String -> String
def wordsWithReversedCharacters(s):
    '''Characters within each word in reversed sequence.'''
    return unwords(map(reverse, words(s)))

# reversedWordOrder :: String -> String
def reversedWordOrder(s):
    '''Sequence of words reversed.'''
    return unwords(reverse(words(s)))

# TESTS -------------------------------------------------
# main :: IO()
def main():

    s = 'rosetta code phrase reversal'
        tabulated(s + ':\n')(
            lambda f: f.__name__
        )(lambda s: "'" + s + "'")(
            lambda f: f(s)

# GENERIC -------------------------------------------------

# compose (<<<) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
def compose(g):
    '''Function composition.'''
    return lambda f: lambda x: g(f(x))

# reverse :: [a] -> [a]
# reverse :: String -> String
def reverse(xs):
    '''The elements of xs in reverse order.'''
    return xs[::-1] if isinstance(xs, str) else (

# tabulated :: String -> (a -> String) ->
#                        (b -> String) ->
#                        (a -> b) -> [a] -> String
def tabulated(s):
    '''Heading -> x display function -> fx display function ->
                f -> value list -> tabular string.'''
    def go(xShow, fxShow, f, xs):
        w = max(map(compose(len)(xShow), xs))
        return s + '\n' + '\n'.join(
            xShow(x).rjust(w, ' ') + ' -> ' + fxShow(f(x)) for x in xs
    return lambda xShow: lambda fxShow: lambda f: lambda xs: go(
        xShow, fxShow, f, xs

# unwords :: [String] -> String
def unwords(xs):
    '''A space-separated string derived from a list of words.'''
    return ' '.join(xs)

# words :: String -> [String]
def words(s):
    '''A list of words delimited by characters
       representing white space.'''
    return s.split()

if __name__ == '__main__':
rosetta code phrase reversal:

         reversedCharacters -> 'lasrever esarhp edoc attesor'
wordsWithReversedCharacters -> 'attesor edoc esarhp lasrever'
          reversedWordOrder -> 'reversal phrase code rosetta'


  $ "rosetta code phrase reversal"

  3 times dup

  say "0. " echo$ cr
  say "1. " reverse echo$ cr
  say "2. " nest$ witheach [ reverse echo$ sp ] cr
  say "3. " nest$ reverse witheach [ echo$ sp ] cr
0. rosetta code phrase reversal
1. lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
2. attesor edoc esarhp lasrever 
3. reversal phrase code rosetta 


#lang racket/base
  (only-in srfi/13 string-reverse)
  (only-in racket/string string-split string-join))

(define (phrase-reversal s)
   (string-reverse s)
   (string-join (map string-reverse (string-split s)))
   (string-join (reverse (string-split s)))))

(for-each displayln (phrase-reversal "rosetta code phrase reversal"))
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


(formerly Perl 6)

my $s = 'rosetta code phrase reversal';

put 'Input               : ', $s;
put 'String reversed     : ', $s.flip;
put 'Each word reversed  : ', $s.words».flip;
put 'Word-order reversed : ', $s.words.reverse;
Input               : rosetta code phrase reversal
String reversed     : lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Each word reversed  : attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Word-order reversed : reversal phrase code rosetta


    , 'rosetta code phrase reversal': e.Str
    = <Prout <Reverse e.Str>>
      <Prout <Join <Each Reverse <Split e.Str>>>>
      <Prout <Join <Reverse <Split e.Str>>>>;

Reverse {
    = ;
    t.X e.Y = <Reverse e.Y> t.X;

Split {
    (e.X) = (e.X);
    (e.X) ' ' e.Y = (e.X) <Split () e.Y>;
    (e.X) s.C e.Y = <Split (e.X s.C) e.Y>;
    e.X = <Split () e.X>;

Join {
    = ;
    (e.X) = e.X;
    (e.X) e.Y = e.X ' ' <Join e.Y>;

Each {
    s.F = ;
    s.F (e.X) e.Y = (<Mu s.F e.X>) <Each s.F e.Y>;
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


version 1

Working with REXX (strings and words) is trivial.

s='rosetta code phrase reversal'
Do i=1 To words(s)
  r2=r2 reverse(word(s,i))
Do i=words(s) To 1 By -1
  r3=r3 word(s,i)
Say "input               : " s
say "string reversed     : " r1
say "each word reversed  : " r2
say "word-order reversed : " r3
input               :  rosetta code phrase reversal
string reversed     :  lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
each word reversed  :  attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
word-order reversed :  reversal phrase code rosetta

version 2

/*REXX program reverses  words and also letters  in a string in various (several) ways. */
parse arg $                                      /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if $=''  then $= "rosetta code phrase reversal"  /*Not specified?  Then use the default.*/
L=;  W=                                          /*initialize two REXX variables to null*/
           do j=1  for words($);   _= word($, j) /*extract each word in the  $  string. */
           L= L reverse(_);        W= _ W        /*reverse letters;  reverse words.     */
           end   /*j*/
say '   the original phrase used: '          $
say '   original phrase reversed: '  reverse($)
say '  reversed individual words: '    strip(L)
say '  reversed words in phrases: '          W   /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
output   when using the default input string:
   the original phrase used:  rosetta code phrase reversal
   original phrase reversed:  lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
  reversed individual words:  attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
  reversed words in phrases:  reversal phrase code rosetta


aString = "Welcome to the Ring Language"
bString = ""
see reverseString(aString)

func reverseString cString
     for i= len(cString) to 1 step -1
         bString = bString + cString[i]
     return bString


egaugnaL gniR eht ot emocleW


str = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

puts str.reverse                          # Reversed string.
puts str.split.map(&:reverse).join(" ")   # Words reversed.
puts str.split.reverse.join(" ")          # Word order reversed.
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


fn reverse_string(string: &str) -> String {

fn reverse_words(string: &str) -> String {
        .map(|x| x.chars().rev().collect::<String>())
        .join(" ")

fn reverse_word_order(string: &str) -> String {
        .join(" ")

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_reverse_string() {
        let string = "rosetta code phrase reversal";
            "lasrever esarhp edoc attesor"

    fn test_reverse_words() {
        let string = "rosetta code phrase reversal";
            "attesor edoc esarhp lasrever"

    fn test_reverse_word_order() {
        let string = "rosetta code phrase reversal";
            "reversal phrase code rosetta"


object PhraseReversals extends App {
    val phrase = scala.io.StdIn.readLine
    println(phrase.split(' ').map(_.reverse).mkString(" "))
    println(phrase.split(' ').reverse.mkString(" "))
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const proc: main is func
    var string: phrase is "rosetta code phrase reversal";
    var string: word is "";
    var array string: wordList is 0 times "";
    writeln("The original phrase:" rpad 27 <& phrase);
    writeln("Reverse the entire phrase:" rpad 27 <& reverse(phrase));
    for word range split(phrase, ' ') do
      wordList &:= reverse(word);
    end for;
    writeln("Reverse words, same order:" rpad 27 <& join(wordList, ' '));
    wordList := 0 times "";
    for word range split(phrase, ' ') do
      wordList := [] (word) & wordList;
    end for;
    writeln("Reverse order, same words:" rpad 27 <& join(wordList, ' '));
  end func;
The original phrase:       rosetta code phrase reversal
Reverse the entire phrase: lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reverse words, same order: attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Reverse order, same words: reversal phrase code rosetta


set phrase to "rosetta code phrase reversal"
put phrase reversed
put (the reverse of each word of phrase) joined by space
put (each word of phrase) reversed joined by space
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


var str    = "rosetta code phrase reversal";

say str.reverse;                            # reversed string
say str.words.map{.reverse}.join(' ');      # words reversed
say str.words.reverse.join(' ');            # word order reversed
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


Works with: Smalltalk/X
str := 'rosetta code phrase reversal'.

Transcript showCR:(str reversed).          
Transcript showCR:(((str splitBy:$ ) collect:#reversed) join:$ ).
Transcript showCR:(((str splitBy:$ ) reversed) join:$ ).
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


func reverseString(s:String)->String{
    var temp = [Character]()
    for i in s.characters{
    var j=s.characters.count-1
    for i in s.characters{
    return String(temp)

func reverseWord(s:String)->String{
    var temp = [Character]()
    var result:String=""
    for i in s.characters{
        if i==" "{
            result += "\(reverseString(s:String(temp))) "
        else {
        if i==s[s.index(before: s.endIndex)]{
            result += (reverseString(s:String(temp)))
    return result

func flipString(s:String)->String{
    return reverseWord(s:reverseString(s:s))


set s "rosetta code phrase reversal"
# Reverse all characters
puts [string reverse $s]
# Reverse characters in each word
puts [lmap word $s {string reverse $word}]
# Reverse the words but not the characters
puts [lreverse $s]
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta

UNIX Shell

Version 1

Requires "rev" command.

Works with: Almquist Shell
Works with: bash
Works with: ksh93
s1="rosetta code phrase reversal"
echo "Original string ----------------------> "$s1

echo -n "1.) Reverse the string ---------------> "
echo $s1|rev

echo -n "2.) Reverse characters of each word --> "
echo $s1|tr " " "\n"|rev|tr "\n" " ";echo

echo -n "3.) Reverse word order ---------------> "
word_num=$(echo $s1|wc -w)
while [ $word_num != 0 ];do
echo -n $(echo $s1|cut -d " " -f $word_num);echo -n " "
word_num=$(expr $word_num - 1);done;echo
Original string ----------------------> rosetta code phrase reversal
1.) Reverse the string ---------------> lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
2.) Reverse characters of each word --> attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
3.) Reverse word order ---------------> reversal phrase code rosetta

Version 2

Does not require "rev" command.

Works with: Almquist Shell
Works with: bash
Works with: ksh93
s1="rosetta code phrase reversal"
echo "Original string                     --> "$s1

echo -n "1.) Reverse the string              --> "
length=$(echo $s1|wc -c)
while [ $length != 0 ];do
echo $s1|cut -c$length|tr -d "\n"
length=$(expr $length - 1)

echo -n "2.) Reverse characters of each word --> "
word_quantity=$(echo $s1|wc -w)
word_quantity=$(expr $word_quantity + 1)
while [ $word_num != $word_quantity ];do
length=$(echo $s1|cut -d " " -f $word_num|wc -c)
while [ $length != 0 ];do
echo $s1|cut -d " " -f $word_num|cut -c$length|tr -d "\n"
length=$(expr $length - 1);done;echo -n " "
word_num=$(expr $word_num + 1);done;echo

echo -n "3.) Reverse word order              --> "
word_num=$(echo $s1|wc -w)
while [ $word_num != 0 ];do
echo -n $(echo $s1|cut -d " " -f $word_num);echo -n " "
word_num=$(expr $word_num - 1);done;echo
Original string                     --> rosetta code phrase reversal
1.) Reverse the string              --> lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
2.) Reverse characters of each word --> attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
3.) Reverse word order              --> reversal phrase code rosetta

V (Vlang)

fn main() {
	str := 'rosetta code phrase reversal'
    words := str.fields()
    println('Original:          $str')
    println('Reverse:           ${str.reverse()}')
    println('Char-Word Reverse: ${words.map(it.reverse()).join(' ')}')
    println('Word Reverse:      ${words.reverse().join(' ')}')
Original:          rosetta code phrase reversal
Reverse:           lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Char-Word Reverse: attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Word Reverse:      reversal phrase code rosett


var s = "rosetta code phrase reversal"
System.print("Input               : %(s)")
System.print("String reversed     : %(s[-1..0])")
System.print("Each word reversed  : %(s.split(" ").map { |w| w[-1..0] }.join(" "))")
System.print("Word order reversed : %(s.split(" ")[-1..0].join(" "))")
Input               : rosetta code phrase reversal
String reversed     : lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Each word reversed  : attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Word order reversed : reversal phrase code rosetta


string 0;               \Use zero-terminated strings

proc RevStr(Str, Len);  \Reverse order of characters in string
char Str; int Len;
int  I, J, T;
[I:= 0;
J:= Len-1;
while I < J do
    [T:= Str(I);  Str(I):= Str(J);  Str(J):= T;
    I:= I+1;  J:= J-1;

char Phrase;
int  I, J, Len;
[Phrase:= "rosetta code phrase reversal";
Len:= 0;
while Phrase(Len) do Len:= Len+1;
RevStr(Phrase, Len);
Text(0, Phrase);  CrLf(0);
RevStr(Phrase, Len);    \restore original order

\Reverse characters of individual words
I:= 0;
while I < Len do
    [J:= 0;
    while Phrase(I+J) > $20 do J:= J+1;
    RevStr(Phrase+I, J);
    I:= I+J+1;
Text(0, Phrase);  CrLf(0);

RevStr(Phrase, Len);
Text(0, Phrase);  CrLf(0);
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


phrase$ = "Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal"

dim word$(1)

n = token(phrase$, word$())

print phrase$

for i = n to 1 step -1
    print reverse$(word$(i)), " ";


for i = n to 1 step -1
    print word$(i), " ";


for i = 1 to n
    print reverse$(word$(i)), " ";


sub reverse$(w$)
    local i, rw$
    for i = len(w$) to 1 step -1
        rw$ = rw$ + mid$(w$, i, 1)
    return rw$
end sub
Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal
lasreveR esarhP edoC attesoR 
Reversal Phrase Code Rosetta 
attesoR edoC esarhP lasreveR


zkl: var str="rosetta code phrase reversal"
rosetta code phrase reversal

zkl: str.reverse() #1
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor

zkl: str.split().apply("reverse").concat(" ") #2 string to list to string
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever

zkl: str.split().reverse().concat(" ") #3
reversal phrase code rosetta
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