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From Rosetta Code
This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
Official website
Execution method: Interpreted
Garbage collected: No
Parameter passing methods: By reference, By value
Type safety: Safe, Unsafe
Type strength: Weak
Type checking: Dynamic
Typing: Untyped
See Also:

Listed below are all of the tasks on Rosetta Code which have been solved using TUSCRIPT.

TUSCRIPT is the scripting language module of TUSTEP (acronym for TUebingen System of TExt processing Programs). TUSTEP "is a collection of relatively independent programs, each of which offers a well-defined subset of basic operations for processing textual data. It is the task of the user to combine these basic functions in order to arrive at the solution to a given problem" [1] "Designed in cooperation with many humanities projects at the Computing Center of the University of Tübingen and first implemented more than 30 years ago, TUSTEP is constantly being improved and expanded (from 2003 with financial support by academic partner institutions) in order to facilitate solutions for new problems and to take advantage of new hardware and operating systems. It contains modules for all stages of scholarly text data processing, starting from data capture and including information retrieval, text collation, text analysis, sorting and ordering, rule-based text manipulation, and output in electronic or conventional form (including typesetting in professional quality)."[2]" TUSTEP is since June 2011 open source software under the revised BSD license.

External links



TUSTEP: Handbuch und Referenz


TUSTEP Tutorial



  1. Wilhelm Ott: Modularity, Professionality, Integration: A Conception Revisited. Paper prepared for the ALLC-ACH 92 Conference, Oxford, 6-9 April 1992; first published in: ALLC-ACH 92, Conference Abstracts and Programme, Oxford: Christ Church 1992, p. 197-199
  2. TUSTEP-homepage


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