Dynamic variable names

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
- Task
Create a variable with a user-defined name.
The variable name should not be written in the program text, but should be taken from the user dynamically.
- See also
- Eval in environment is a similar task.
This follows the FreeBASIC sample and simulates dynamic variable names using an array of name and values (both STRINGs).
Note, Algol 68G has a non-standard to lower
procedure, which could be used in the LCASE operator, i.e.: OP LCASE = ( CHAR c )CHAR: to lower( c );
BEGIN # Simulate dynamic variables using an array, translation of the FreeBASIC sample #
IF c >= "A" AND c <= "Z" THEN REPR( ( ABS c - ABS "A" ) + ABS "a" ) ELSE c FI;
STRING lc := s;
FOR i FROM LWB lc TO UPB lc DO lc[ i ] := LCASE lc[ i ] OD;
INT left := LWB s, right := UPB s;
WHILE IF left > right THEN FALSE ELSE s[ left ] = " " FI DO left +:= 1 OD;
WHILE IF right < left THEN FALSE ELSE s[ right ] = " " FI DO right -:= 1 OD;
s[ left : right ]
END # TRIM # ;
PROC find variable index = ( []DYNAMICVARIABLE dyvar, STRING v, INT n elements )INT:
INT index := LWB dyvar - 1;
INT max index = index + n elements;
FOR i FROM LWB dyvar TO max index WHILE index < LWB dyvar DO
IF name OF dyvar[ i ] = name THEN index := i FI
END # find variable index # ;
INT n;
print( ( "How many variables do you want to create (max 5) " ) );
read( ( n, newline ) );
n < 0 OR n > 5
print( ( newline, "OK, enter the variable names and their values, below", newline ) );
print( ( " Variable ", whole( i, 0 ), newline ) );
print( ( " Name : " ) );
read( ( name OF a[ i ], newline ) );
name OF a[ i ] := LCASE TRIM name OF a[ i ];
# identifiers should not be case-sensitive in Algol 68 though #
# in upper stropped sources (such as this one) they have to #
# be in lower case #
find variable index( a, name OF a[ i ], i - 1 ) > 0
print( ( " Sorry, you've already created a variable of that name, try again", newline ) )
print( ( " Value : " ) );
read( ( value OF a[ i ], newline ) );
value OF a[ i ] := TRIM value OF a[ i ]
print( ( newline, "Press q to quit" ) );
print( ( newline, "Which variable do you want to inspect ? " ) );
read( ( v, newline ) );
v /= "q" AND v /= "Q"
IF INT index = find variable index( a, v, n );
index = 0
print( ( "Sorry there's no variable of that name, try again", newline ) )
print( ( "It's value is ", value OF a[ index ], newline ) )
- Output:
How many variables do you want to create (max 5) 3 OK, enter the variable names and their values, below Variable 1 Name : v1 Value : 123 Variable 2 Name : abc Value : mnop Variable 3 Name : l3 Value : 21 Press q to quit Which variable do you want to inspect ? L3 It's value is 21 Which variable do you want to inspect ? MNOP Sorry there's no variable of that name, try again Which variable do you want to inspect ? AbC It's value is mnop Which variable do you want to inspect ? q
is←{ t←⍵ ⋄ ⎕this⍎⍺,'←t' } ⍝⍝ the 'Slick Willie' function ;)
'test' is ⍳2 3
1 1 1 2 1 3
2 1 2 2 2 3
name: strip input "enter a variable name: "
value: strip input "enter a variable value: "
let name value
print ["the value of variable" name "is:" var name]
- Output:
enter a variable name: myvar enter a variable value: 2021 the value of variable myvar is: 2021
InputBox, Dynamic, Variable Name
%Dynamic% = hello
MsgBox % %dynamic% ; says hello
# Variables created in GAWK's internal SYMTAB (symbol table) can only be accessed via SYMTAB[name]
PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_str_asc"
while (1) {
printf("enter variable name? ")
getline v_name
if (v_name in SYMTAB) {
printf("name already exists with a value of '%s'\n",SYMTAB[v_name])
if (v_name ~ /^$/) {
printf("name is null\n")
if (v_name !~ /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*$/) {
printf("name illegally constructed\n")
printf("enter value? ")
getline v_value
SYMTAB[v_name] = v_value
printf("variable '%s' has been created and assigned the value '%s'\n\n",v_name,v_value)
function show_symbol_table( count,i) {
for (i in SYMTAB) {
printf("%s ",i)
if (isarray(SYMTAB[i])) { count++ }
printf("\nsymbol table contains %d names of which %d are arrays\n\n",length(SYMTAB),count)
- Output:
ARGC ARGIND ARGV BINMODE CONVFMT ENVIRON ERRNO FIELDWIDTHS FILENAME FNR FPAT FS IGNORECASE LINT NF NR OFMT OFS ORS PREC PROCINFO RLENGTH ROUNDMODE RS RSTART RT SUBSEP TEXTDOMAIN v_name v_value symbol table contains 30 names of which 3 are arrays enter variable name? FPAT name already exists with a value of '[^[:space:]]+' enter variable name? 0 name illegally constructed enter variable name? name is null enter variable name? animal enter value? zebra variable 'animal' has been created and assigned the value 'zebra' ARGC ARGIND ARGV BINMODE CONVFMT ENVIRON ERRNO FIELDWIDTHS FILENAME FNR FPAT FS IGNORECASE LINT NF NR OFMT OFS ORS PREC PROCINFO RLENGTH ROUNDMODE RS RSTART RT SUBSEP TEXTDOMAIN animal v_name v_value symbol table contains 31 names of which 3 are arrays
10 INPUT "Enter a variable name", v$
20 KEYIN "LET "+v$+"=42"
Batch File
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set /p "name=Enter a variable name: "
set /p "value=Enter a value: "
::Create the variable and set its value
set "%name%=%value%"
::Display the value without delayed expansion
call echo %name%=%%%name%%%
::Display the value using delayed expansion
echo %name%=!%name%!
INPUT "Enter a variable name: " name$
INPUT "Enter a numeric value: " numeric$
dummy% = EVAL("FNassign("+name$+","+numeric$+")")
PRINT "Variable " name$ " now has the value "; EVAL(name$)
DEF FNassign(RETURN n, v) : n = v : = 0
( put$"Enter a variable name: "
& get$:?name
& whl
' ( put$"Enter a numeric value: "
& get$:?numeric:~#
& !numeric:?!name
& put$(str$("Variable " !name " now has the value " !!name \n))
Not exactly a variable, but ExpandoObject allows adding properties at runtime.
using System;
using System.Dynamic;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Program
public static void Main()
string varname = Console.ReadLine();
//Let's pretend the user has entered "foo"
dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject();
var map = expando as IDictionary<string, object>;
map.Add(varname, "Hello world!");
- Output:
Hello world!
C++ is a compiled language which means that it loses information about names in code in the compilation process of translation to machine code. This means you can't use any information from your code at runtime without manually storing it somewhere. We therefore simulate dynamic variables using an unordered_map.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
int main() {
std::unordered_map<std::string, int32_t> variables;
std::string name;
std::cout << "Enter your variable name: " << std::endl;
std::cin >> name;
int32_t value;
std::cout << "Enter your variable value: " << std::endl;
std::cin >> value;
variables[name] = value;
std::cout << "You have created a variable '" << name << "' with a value of " << value << ":" << std::endl;
std::for_each(variables.begin(), variables.end(),
[](std::pair<std::string, int32_t> pair) {
std::cout << pair.first << " = " << pair.second << std::endl;
- Output:
Enter your variable name: foo Enter your variable value: 42 You have created a variable 'foo' with a value of 42: foo = 42
(eval `(def ~(symbol (read)) 42))
Common Lisp
The short answer is this:
(setq var-name (read)) ; reads a name into var-name
(set var-name 1) ; assigns the value 1 to a variable named as entered by the user
The academic answer is this:
In Common Lisp, symbol objects name variables; symbols are produced from strings by way of read
(general syntax) or intern
(specificially retrieving or making a symbol).
Symbols are grouped into packages — roughly namespaces — and any time symbols are created at runtime it is usually good to explicitly specify what package they are created in, outside of user/developer tools for working from the REPL (interactive mode) where the current package *package*
is appropriate.
Within the standard, every variable is either lexical or special (dynamic scope). There is no global lexical environment, so in order to "create a variable", we must either create our own mechanism to remember it for lexical binding in a later evaluation, or create a special variable. It is unspecified what happens when a symbol not lexically bound or declared special is used as a variable.
Every symbol has a value slot — a field which, roughly, contains its current value considered as a special variable.
Therefore, there are two parts to dynamically creating a variable: we must declare it special, and give it a value. The first part is accomplished by the proclaim
function for making declarations at run-time. The second part is simply assigning to the value slot.
(defun rc-create-variable (name initial-value)
"Create a global variable whose name is NAME in the current package and which is bound to INITIAL-VALUE."
(let ((symbol (intern name)))
(proclaim `(special ,symbol))
(setf (symbol-value symbol) initial-value)
CL-USER> (rc-create-variable "GREETING" "hello")
CL-USER> (print greeting)
Things to note:
- Once a symbol has been declared special, it cannot be used as a lexical variable. Because of this potentially-surprising behavior, it is conventional to give all symbols naming special variables distinguished names, typically by asterisks as in
, so that lexical variables will not accidentally be given those names.
- Some implementations do, to some extent, support global non-special variables; in these, because of the preceding problem, it is better to simply set the value slot and not proclaim it special. However, this may provoke undefined-variable warnings since the compiler or interpreter has no information with which to know the symbol is intended to be a variable.
- Common Lisp, by default, is case-insensitive; however it accomplishes this by canonicalizing read input to uppercase; there is syntax to denote a lower or mixed-case symbol name,
does not go through the input path (reader), so we must provide the name in uppercase to make an "ordinary" variable name.
Déjà Vu
In Déjà Vu, variable names are idents, which are completely separate from strings, and cannot easily be created from them. The way around that is to invoke the compiler:
local :var-name !run-blob !compile-string dup concat( ":" !prompt "Enter a variable name: " )
local var-name 42
#Assuming the user types THISISWEIRD, otherwise this'll error
- Output:
Enter a variable name: THISISWEIRD 42
In E, there are no global variables, and there is no modification of the local (lexical) environment. However, it is possible to construct a program which binds any given variable name.
def makeNounExpr := <elang:evm.makeNounExpr>
def dynVarName(name) {
def variable := makeNounExpr(null, name, null)
return e`{
def a := 1
def b := 2
def c := 3
def $variable := "BOO!"
[a, b, c]
? dynVarName("foo")
# value: [1, 2, 3]
? dynVarName("b")
# value: [1, "BOO!", 3]
? dynVarName("c")
# value: [1, 2, "BOO!"]
It is also possible to capture the environment object resulting from the evaluation of the constructed program and use it later; this is done by bindX
in Eval in environment#E (except for the program being constant, which is independent).
See Pascal.
DuckDB does not support the back-and-forth mode of interaction with users that seems to be envisioned in the task description, but there are several other ways in which users can specify variable names without modifying a program's source.
First, there's the interactive interpreter (aka CLI), which allows names to be specified as part of a query or statement. For example, if the user wanted to create a variable named `mine` it would be sufficient to write:
set variable mine='all mine';
This value could then be retrieved using getvariable(), either in the user's own queries, or in program files read using the .read dot-command.
Second, the getenv() function could be used to read an environment variable and thus obtain input from a user.
For example, if the user has specified in the shell that `variablename=i`, then the program can use that name in various ways, e.g. selecting or naming the column in a table. For example, if the program included the statement:
select COLUMNS(x -> x = getenv('variablename')) from t;
then the specified column, if it exists in the table, would be selected.
DuckDB V1.1 also introduced query() and query_table(), which open up additional possibilities, e.g. for specifying table names dynamically.
Dynamic variables are not supported by the language. But it is possible to set a dynamic property.
ELENA 6.x :
import system'dynamic;
import extensions;
class TestClass
object variables;
variables := new DynamicStruct()
auto prop := new MessageName(console.write("Enter the variable name:").readLine());
public program = new TestClass();
The program should be compiled as a vm-client:
elena-cli sandbox.l -tvm_console
- Output:
Enter the variable name:a a=42
Emacs Lisp
A variable is a symbol. A name can be read from the user as a string and interned to a symbol.
(set (intern (read-string "Enter variable name: ")) 123)
This example deliberately doesn't use any temporary variables so their names won't clash with what the user might enter. A set
like this hits any let
dynamic binding or buffer-local setting in the usual way.
^|EMal doesn't support the creation of user-defined variable names.
|It can manage symbolic references to existing variables.
|It can use Records to dynamically create fields.
Record data ← []
fun fillData ← void by block
for ever
^|we ask for key/value pairs|^
text key ← ask(text, "Enter the key or press Enter to quit: ")
if key æ Text.EMPTY do break end
text value ← ask(text, "Enter the value: ")
data[key] ← value ^|here we set the user-defined key field
|on the record data, with the provided value
^|here we show how symbolic reference works by using var("variableName")|^
fun dumpData ← void by text recordName
writeLine("dumping the fields for the record named '", recordName, "'")
Record.keys(var(recordName)).list(<text key|
writeLine(" ", key, " ⇒ ", var(recordName)[key]))
|dumpData(ask(text, "Enter the name of the variable (must be 'data'): "))
text recordName
if Runtime.args.length æ 3
data[Runtime.args[0]] ← Runtime.args[1]
recordName ← Runtime.args[2]
dumpData(when(recordName æ Text.EMPTY,
ask(text, "Enter the name of the variable (must be 'data'): "),
- Output:
Enter the key or press Enter to quit: name Enter the value: Freddie Enter the key or press Enter to quit: surname Enter the value: Mercury Enter the key or press Enter to quit: age Enter the value: 45 Enter the key or press Enter to quit: Enter the name of the variable (must be 'data'): data dumping the fields for the record named 'data' name ⇒ Freddie surname ⇒ Mercury age ⇒ 45
The debug library allows you to add, get, and delete variables.
--Add user-defined variable to the stack
const VarName: io.prompt("Input Variable Name: "),
VarValue: io.prompt("Input Variable Value: ")
--Outputting the results
- Output:
Input Variable Name: Test Input Variable Value: Hello, world! Hello, world!
This task uses functions from Runtime evaluation.
-module( dynamic_variable_names ).
-export( [task/0] ).
task() ->
{ok,[Variable_name]} = io:fread( "Variable name? ", "~a" ),
Form = runtime_evaluation:form_from_string( erlang:atom_to_list(Variable_name) ++ "." ),
io:fwrite( "~p has value ~p~n", [Variable_name, runtime_evaluation:evaluate_form(Form, {Variable_name, 42})] ).
- Output:
12> dynamic_variable_names:task(). Variable name? Asd 'Asd' has value 42
By convention, variable names are usually symbols, but because dynamic variables are implemented via implicit association lists, any object can be used as the key for a value. In this case, we use the string the user enters.
42 readln set
s" VARIABLE " pad swap move
." Variable name: " pad 9 + 80 accept
pad swap 9 + evaluate
Of course, it is easier for the user to simply type VARIABLE name at the Forth console.
FreeBASIC is a statically typed, compiled language and so it is not possible to create new variables, dynamically, at run time. However, you can make it look to the user like you are doing so with code such as the following. Ideally, a 'map' should be used for an exercise such as this but, as there isn't one built into FB, I've used a dynamic array instead which is searched linearly for the variable name.
' FB 1.05.0 Win64
Type DynamicVariable
As String name
As String value
End Type
Function FindVariableIndex(a() as DynamicVariable, v as String, nElements As Integer) As Integer
v = LCase(Trim(v))
For i As Integer = 1 To nElements
If a(i).name = v Then Return i
Return 0
End Function
Dim As Integer n, index
Dim As String v
Input "How many variables do you want to create (max 5) "; n
Loop Until n > 0 AndAlso n < 6
Dim a(1 To n) As DynamicVariable
Print "OK, enter the variable names and their values, below"
For i As Integer = 1 to n
Print " Variable"; i
Input " Name : ", a(i).name
a(i).name = LCase(Trim(a(i).name)) ' variable names are not case sensitive in FB
If i > 0 Then
index = FindVariableIndex(a(), a(i).name, i - 1)
If index > 0 Then
Print " Sorry, you've already created a variable of that name, try again"
i -= 1
Continue For
End If
End If
Input " Value : ", a(i).value
a(i).value = LCase(Trim(a(i).value))
Print "Press q to quit"
Input "Which variable do you want to inspect "; v
If v = "q" OrElse v = "Q" Then Exit Do
index = FindVariableIndex(a(), v, n)
If index = 0 Then
Print "Sorry there's no variable of that name, try again"
Print "It's value is "; a(index).value
End If
Sample input/output :
- Output:
How many variables do you want to create (max 5) ? 3 OK, enter the variable names and their values, below Variable 1 Name : a Value : 1 Variable 2 Name : b Value : 2 Variable 3 Name : b Sorry, you've already created a variable of that name, try again Variable 3 Name : c Value : 4 Press q to quit Which variable do you want to inspect ? b It's value is 2 Which variable do you want to inspect ? c It's value is 4 Which variable do you want to inspect ? a It's value is 1 Which variable do you want to inspect ? q
# As is, will not work if val is a String
Assign := function(var, val)
Read(InputTextString(Concatenation(var, " := ", String(val), ";")));
The intern function creates a symbol from an arbitrary string. Defvar creates a binding. Weird symbols are quoted with pipe characters.
defvar (intern 'This is not a pipe.') 42
define |<weird>| 2009
Go is in the same boat as other statically typed, compiled languages here in that variables cannot be created dynamically at runtime. However, we can use the built-in map type to associate names input at runtime with values which, in practice, is just as good.
package main
import (
func check(err error) {
if err != nil {
func main() {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
n := 0
for n < 1 || n > 5 {
fmt.Print("How many integer variables do you want to create (max 5) : ")
n, _ = strconv.Atoi(scanner.Text())
vars := make(map[string]int)
fmt.Println("OK, enter the variable names and their values, below")
for i := 1; i <= n; {
fmt.Println("\n Variable", i)
fmt.Print(" Name : ")
name := scanner.Text()
if _, ok := vars[name]; ok {
fmt.Println(" Sorry, you've already created a variable of that name, try again")
var value int
var err error
for {
fmt.Print(" Value : ")
value, err = strconv.Atoi(scanner.Text())
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(" Not a valid integer, try again")
} else {
vars[name] = value
fmt.Println("\nEnter q to quit")
for {
fmt.Print("\nWhich variable do you want to inspect : ")
name := scanner.Text()
if s := strings.ToLower(name); s == "q" {
v, ok := vars[name]
if !ok {
fmt.Println("Sorry there's no variable of that name, try again")
} else {
fmt.Println("It's value is", v)
- Output:
Sample input/output:
How many integer variables do you want to create (max 5) : 3 OK, enter the variable names and their values, below Variable 1 Name : pip Value : 1 Variable 2 Name : squeak Value : 2 Variable 3 Name : pip Sorry, you've already created a variable of that name, try again Variable 3 Name : wilfred Value : 3 Enter q to quit Which variable do you want to inspect : squeak It's value is 2 Which variable do you want to inspect : auntie Sorry there's no variable of that name, try again Which variable do you want to inspect : wilfred It's value is 3 Which variable do you want to inspect : q
def varname = 'foo'
def value = 42
new GroovyShell(this.binding).evaluate("${varname} = ${value}")
assert foo == 42
data Var a = Var String a deriving Show
main = do
putStrLn "please enter you variable name"
vName <- getLine
let var = Var vName 42
putStrLn $ "this is your variable: " ++ show var
Tasks listed here have been marked as "un-implementable" in Unicon. Solutions may be impossible to do, too complex to be of any valuable instruction in Unicon, or prohibited by the task definition.
But hey; if you think you can prove us wrong, go for it. :-)
This first approach creates a function that creates a variable of that name.
(let var-name "hello")
((eval (str "(var " var-name ")")) 123)
This second approach puts the variable value directly in the evaluated string.
(let var-name "hello")
(eval (str "(var " var-name " 123)"))
This code was written for J6.02. In J8.04 you will need to replace require'misc' with require'general/misc/prompt'
require 'misc'
(prompt 'Enter variable name: ')=: 0
For example:
require 'misc'
(prompt 'Enter variable name: ')=: 0
Enter variable name: FOO
Or, if the name is defined in the variable 'userDefined'
userDefined=: 'BAR'
(userDefined)=: 1
Java does not support dynamic naming of variables. Therefore, HashMap has been implemented here. It is similar to an array but allows the searching of values by String keys instead of simply index numbers.
public static void main(String... args){
HashMap<String, Integer> vars = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
//The variable name is stored as the String. The var type of the variable can be
//changed by changing the second data type mentiones. However, it must be an object
//or a wrapper class.
vars.put("Variable name", 3); //declaration of variables
vars.put("Next variable name", 5);
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
String str = sc.next();
vars.put(str, sc.nextInt()); //accpeting name and value from user
System.out.println(vars.get("Variable name")); //printing of values
var varname = 'foo'; // pretend a user input that
var value = 42;
eval('var ' + varname + '=' + value);
Alternatively, without using eval:
var varname = prompt('Variable name:');
var value = 42;
this[varname] = value;
jq does not have variables in the usual sense, but in practice the key/value pairs of JSON objects can be used as variable/value bindings. Using this approach, the given task can be accomplished using the following program:
"Enter a variable name:",
(input as $var
| ("Enter a value:" ,
(input as $value | { ($var) : $value })))
$ jq -nrR -f program.jq Enter a variable name: abracadabra Enter a value: magic { "abracadabra": "magic" }
Julia has powerful macros:
print("Insert the variable name: ")
variable = Symbol(readline(STDIN))
expression = quote
$variable = 42
println("Inside quote:")
@show $variable
println("Outside quote:")
@show variable
println("If I named the variable x:")
@show x
- Output:
Insert the variable name: x Inside quote: x = 42 Outside quote: variable = :x x = 42
Kotlin is a statically typed, compiled language and so it is not possible to create new variables, dynamically, at run time. However, you can make it look to the user like you are doing so with code such as the following which uses a map:
// version 1.1.4
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var n: Int
do {
print("How many integer variables do you want to create (max 5) : ")
n = readLine()!!.toInt()
while (n < 1 || n > 5)
val map = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()
var name: String
var value: Int
var i = 1
println("OK, enter the variable names and their values, below")
do {
println("\n Variable $i")
print(" Name : ")
name = readLine()!!
if (map.containsKey(name)) {
println(" Sorry, you've already created a variable of that name, try again")
print(" Value : ")
value = readLine()!!.toInt()
map.put(name, value)
while (i <= n)
println("\nEnter q to quit")
var v: Int?
while (true) {
print("\nWhich variable do you want to inspect : ")
name = readLine()!!
if (name.toLowerCase() == "q") return
v = map[name]
if (v == null) println("Sorry there's no variable of that name, try again")
else println("It's value is $v")
Sample input/output:
- Output:
How many integer variables do you want to create (max 5) : 3 OK, enter the variable names and their values, below Variable 1 Name : faith Value : 1 Variable 2 Name : hope Value : 2 Variable 3 Name : hope Sorry, you've already created a variable of that name, try again Variable 3 Name : charity Value : 3 Enter q to quit Which variable do you want to inspect : chastity Sorry there's no variable of that name, try again Which variable do you want to inspect : charity It's value is 3 Which variable do you want to inspect : q
fn.print(Enter a variable name:\s)
$varName = fn.input()
$value = 42
fn.exec(\$$varName = \$value)
fn.println(fn.exec({{{return $}}}$varName))
- Output:
Enter a variable name: X 42
Thread vars in Lasso 9 can have dynamic names, but local variables cannot.
The example below outputs a random decimal that was assigned to the variable name entered as part of the GET params.
local(thename = web_request->param('thename')->asString)
if(#thename->size) => {^
var(#thename = math_random)
'<a href="?thename=xyz">Please give the variable a name!</a>'
-- varName might contain a string that was entered by a user at runtime
-- A new global variable with a user-defined name can be created at runtime like this:
(the globals)[varName] = 23 -- or (the globals).setProp(varName, 23)
-- An new instance variable (object property) with a user-defined name can be created at runtime like this:
obj[varName] = 23 -- or obj.setProp(varName, 23)
? make readword readword
? show :julie
Logtalk objects can be create or compiled such that new predicates can be added at runtime. A simple example:
| ?- create_object(Id, [], [set_logtalk_flag(dynamic_declarations,allow)], []),
write('Variable name: '), read(Name),
write('Variable value: '), read(Value),
Fact =.. [Name, Value],
Variable name: foo.
Variable value: 42.
Id = o1,
Name = foo,
Value = 42,
Fact = foo(42).
?- o1::current_predicate(foo/1).
| ?- o1::foo(X).
X = 42.
_G[io.read()] = 5 --puts 5 in a global variable named by the user
M2000 Interpreter
Module DynamicVariable {
input "Variable Name:", a$
a$=filter$(a$," ,+-*/^~'\({=<>})|!$&"+chr$(9)+chr$(127))
While a$ ~ "..*" {a$=mid$(a$, 2)}
If len(a$)=0 then Error "No name found"
If chrcode(a$)<65 then Error "Not a Valid name"
Inline a$+"=1000"
Print eval(a$)=1000
\\ use of a$ as pointer to variable
Print eval(a$)=1100
\\ list of variables
Keyboard "George"+chr$(13)
Enter foo, please.
DOS batch file echoinp.bat:
@echo off set /p Input= echo %Input%
Mathematica / Wolfram Language
varname = InputString["Enter a variable name"];
varvalue = InputString["Enter a value"];
ReleaseHold[ Hold[Set["nameholder", "value"]] /. {"nameholder" -> Symbol[varname], "value" -> varvalue}];
Print[varname, " is now set to ", Symbol[varname]]
- Example output:
-> testvar is now set to 86
/* Use :: for indirect assignment */
block([name: read("name?"), x: read("value?")], name :: x);
42 "Enter a variable name" ask define
This is done in immediate mode so you can see the variable is created, although you will have to reference it through the indirection operator, "@".
USER>KILL ;Clean up workspace
USER>WRITE ;show all variables and definitions
USER>READ "Enter a variable name: ",A
Enter a variable name: GIBBERISH
USER>SET @A=3.14159
print "Enter a variable name: "
name = input()
print name + " = "
exec(name + " = 42")
exec("println " + name)
- Output:
Enter a variable name: test test = 42
Nim is a compiled language, with powerful Templating and Macros, which are compile-time rather than run-time.
This solution emulates dynamic variables by mapping a string to a pointer to a variable (using a table).
import tables
theVar: int = 5
varMap = initTable[string, pointer]()
proc ptrToInt(p: pointer): int =
result = cast[ptr int](p)[]
proc main() =
write(stdout, "Enter a var name: ")
let sVar = readLine(stdin)
varMap[$svar] = theVar.addr
echo "Variable ", sVar, " is ", ptrToInt(varMap[$sVar])
when isMainModule:
- Output:
Enter a var name: varZ Variable varZ is 5
varname = input ("Enter variable name: ", "s");
value = input ("Enter value: ", "s");
: createVar(varname)
"tvar: " varname + eval ;
"myvar" createVar
12 myvar put
myvar at .
eval(Str(input(), "=34"))
Free Pascal
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}{$J-}{R+}
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.2.0 [2020/06/14] for x86_64
The free and readable alternative at C/C++ speeds
compiles natively to almost any platform, including raspberry PI
This demo uses a dictionary because it is compiled: it cannot make
dynamic variables at runtime.
Tdict =
TDictionary < ansistring, variant > ;
VarName: ansistring;
strValue: ansistring;
VarValue: variant;
D: Tdict;
FUNCTION SetType ( strVal: ansistring ) : variant ;
If the value is numeric, store it as numeric, otherwise store it as ansistring
SetType := StrToFloat ( strVal ) ;
SetType := strVal ;
D := TDict.Create;
Write ( 'Enter variable name : ' ) ;
ReadLn ( VarName ) ;
Write ( 'Enter variable Value : ' ) ;
ReadLn ( strValue ) ;
VarValue := SetType ( strValue ) ;
D.AddOrSetValue ( VarName, VarValue ) ;
Write ( VarName ) ;
Write ( ' = ' ) ;
WriteLn ( D [ VarName ] ) ;
WriteLn ( 'Something went wrong.. Try again' ) ;
UNTIL ( strValue = '' ) ;
JPD 2021/05/13
print "Enter a variable name: ";
$varname = <STDIN>; # type in "foo" on standard input
$$varname = 42; # when you try to dereference a string, it will be
# treated as a "symbolic reference", where they
# take the string as the name of the variable
print "$foo\n"; # prints "42"
If you are operating in a strict environment, this isn't possible. You need to use 'eval' in this case
use strict;
print "Enter a variable name: ";
my $foo;
my $varname = <STDIN>; # type in "foo" on standard input
my $varref = eval('\$' . $varname);
$$varref = 42;
print "$foo\n"; # prints "42"
In a sense, this is kinda faking it:
constant globals = new_dict()
while 1 do
string name = prompt_string("Enter name or press Enter to quit:")
if length(name)=0 then exit end if
bool bExists = (getd_index(name,globals)!=NULL)
string prompt = iff(not bExists?"No such name, enter a value:"
:sprintf("Already exists, new value[%s]:",{getd(name,globals)}))
string data = prompt_string(prompt)
if length(data) then
end if
end while
- Output:
Enter name or press Enter to quit:fred No such name, enter a value:35 Enter name or press Enter to quit:fred Already exists, new value[35]: Enter name or press Enter to quit:james No such name, enter a value:1 Enter name or press Enter to quit:fred Already exists, new value[35]: Enter name or press Enter to quit:james Already exists, new value[1]: Enter name or press Enter to quit:
dynamic classes
class dc dynamic
-- public string fred = "555" -- (predefine some fields if you like)
end class
dc d = new()
while 1 do
string name = prompt_string("Enter name or press Enter to quit:")
if length(name)=0 then exit end if
bool bExists = (get_field_type(d,name)!=NULL)
-- bool bExists = string(d[name]) -- alt...
string prompt = iff(not bExists?"No such name, enter a value:"
:sprintf("Already exists, new value[%s]:",{d[name]}))
string data = prompt_string(prompt)
if length(data) then
d[name] = data
end if
end while
Same output as above (for the same input)
Note you would get a fatal crash were that predefined fred not made public, and you entered that, which you could I suppose avoid by testing the result of get_field_flags(d,name) for SF_PRIVATE (and then skipping the prompt and any attempt to store).
$varname = rtrim(fgets(STDIN)); # type in "foo" on standard input
$$varname = 42;
echo "$foo\n"; # prints "42"
(de userVariable ()
(prin "Enter a variable name: ")
(let Var (line T) # Read transient symbol
(prin "Enter a value: ")
(set Var (read)) # Set symbol's value
(println 'Variable Var 'Value (val Var)) ) ) # Print them
- Output:
Enter a variable name: Tom Enter a value: 42 Variable "Tom" Value 42 -> 42
$variableName = Read-Host
New-Variable $variableName 'Foo'
Get-Variable $variableName
editvar /newvar /value=a /userinput=1 /title=Enter a variable name:
editvar /newvar /value=b /userinput=1 /title=Enter a variable title:
editvar /newvar /value=-a- /title=-b-
test :- read(Name), atomics_to_string([Name, "= 50, writeln('", Name, "' = " , Name, ")"], String), term_string(Term, String), Term.
?- test.
|: "Foo".
Foo = 50.
>>> name = raw_input("Enter a variable name: ")
Enter a variable name: X
>>> globals()[name] = 42
>>> X
>>> name = input("Enter a variable name: ")
Enter a variable name: X
>>> globals()[name] = 42
>>> X
Note: most of the time when people ask how to do this on newsgroups and other forums, on investigation, it is found that a neater solution is to map name to value in a dictionary.
Quackery does not have variables, but it does have ancillary stacks which can be used as variables.
[ say "The word "
dup echo$
names find names found iff
[ say " exists." ]
[ say " does not exist." ] ] is exists? ( $ --> )
[ $ "Please enter a name: " input
dup exists?
cr cr
dup say "Creating " echo$
say "..."
$ "[ stack ] is " over join quackery
cr cr
exists? cr ] is task ( --> )
- Output:
As a dialogue in the Quackery shell.
/O> task ... Please enter a name: my-ancillary-stack The word my-ancillary-stack does not exist. Creating my-ancillary-stack... The word my-ancillary-stack exists.
# Read the name in from a command prompt
varname <- readline("Please name your variable >")
# Make sure the name is valid for a variable
varname <- make.names(varname)
message(paste("The variable being assigned is '", varname, "'"))
# Assign the variable (with value 42) into the user workspace (global environment)
assign(varname, 42)
#Check that the value has been assigned ok
This works on the Racket REPL:
-> (begin (printf "Enter some name: ")
(namespace-set-variable-value! (read) 123))
Enter some name: bleh
-> bleh
(formerly Perl 6)
You can interpolate strings as variable names:
our $our-var = 'The our var';
my $my-var = 'The my var';
my $name = prompt 'Variable name: ';
my $value = $::('name'); # use the right sigil, etc
put qq/Var ($name) starts with value 「$value」/;
$::('name') = 137;
put qq/Var ($name) ends with value 「{$::('name')}」/;
Title: "Dynamic Variable Name"
URL: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Dynamic_variable_names
; Here, I ask the user for a name, then convert it to a word and
; assign the value "Hello!" to it. To read this phrase, realize that
; REBOL collects terms from right to left, so "Hello!" is stored for
; future use, then the prompt string "Variable name? " is used as the
; argument to ask (prompts user for input). The result of ask is
; converted to a word so it can be an identifier, then the 'set' word
; accepts the new word and the string ("Hello!") to be assigned.
set to-word ask "Variable name? " "Hello!"
- Session output:
Variable name? glister == "Hello!" >> glister == "Hello!"
:newVariable ("-) s:get var ;
newVariable: foo
Checks could've been made to:
- check for the minimum number of arguments
- check for a legitimate REXX variable name
/*REXX program demonstrates the use of dynamic variable names & setting a val.*/
parse arg newVar newValue
say 'Arguments as they were entered via the command line: ' newVar newValue
call value newVar, newValue
say 'The newly assigned value (as per the VALUE bif)------' newVar value(newVar)
/*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
output for the input: abc 456
Arguments as they were entered via the command line = abc 45678.1 The newly assigned value (as per the VALUE bif)------ abc 45678.1
See "Enter the variable name: " give cName eval(cName+"=10")
See "The variable name = " + cName + " and the variable value = " + eval("return "+cName) + nl
Enter the variable name: test
The variable name = test and the variable value = 10
In RLaB all the objects are located in a global list $$. To create a variable dynamically, one writes a new entry into the global list. Consider the following example:
>> s = "myusername"
>> $$.[s] = 10;
>> myusername
≪ → uservar ≪ 42 uservar STO "Value of " uservar →STR + " = " uservar EVAL →STR + ≫ ≫ 'GETVAR' STO
- Input:
- Output:
1: "Value of 'Xyz' = 42"
The variable still exists after execution, until the user deletes it through the PURGE
p "Enter a variable name"
x = "@" + gets.chomp!
instance_variable_set x, 42
p "The value of #{x} is #{instance_variable_get x}"
- Example output:
"Enter a variable name" hello "The value of @hello is 42"
=> (define (create-variable name initial-val)
(eval `(define ,name ,initial-val) (interaction-environment)))
=> (create-variable (read) 50)
=> hello
It is not possible to create a new lexical variable at run-time, but there are other various ways to do something similar.
var name = read("Enter a variable name: ", String); # type in 'foo'
class DynamicVar(name, value) {
method init {
DynamicVar.def_method(name, ->(_) { value })
var v = DynamicVar(name, 42); # creates a dynamic variable
say v.foo; # retrieves the value
Slate symbols are objects that name methods and slots. "Variable definition" is like defining a method which holds the value of a slot, and "variable access" is just method-call to get that value back.
define: #name -> (query: 'Enter a variable name: ') intern. "X"
define: name -> 42.
X print.
Define a block-temporary variable with name specified by user input. Set that variable to 42. Print that variable's name and value.
| varName |
varName := FillInTheBlankMorph
request: 'Enter a variable name'.
evaluate:('| ', varName, ' | ', varName, ' := 42.
show: ''value of ', varName, ''';
show: '' is '';
show: ', varName).
the above creates a variable which is visible only inside the evaluated block (which is considered good style). It will not be visible outside.
A bad style alternative which creates a globally visible variable in the Smalltalk namespace (and is therefore visible everywhere) is:
| varName |
varName := Stdin request: 'Enter a global variable name:'.
Smalltalk at:varName asSymbol put:42.
expr := Stdin request:'Enter an expression:'.
(Compiler evaluate:expr) printCR
Be reminded again: this is considered *very very bad style*, and every programmer doing this should be fired.
- Output:
Enter a global variable name: abcEnter an expression: abc squared + 5
Indirect string reference of variables is a basic feature of Snobol, using the $ operator. trim( ) is needed for Snobol4+.
* # Get var name from user
output = 'Enter variable name:'
invar = trim(input)
* # Get value from user, assign
output = 'Enter value:'
$invar = trim(input)
* Display
output = invar ' == ' $invar
- Output:
Enter variable name: pi Enter value: 3.14159 pi == 3.14159
Here a scalar variable is created, but one could create a dataset variable, a matrix... Notice the name of the variable is not "s", but the name stored in the global macro "s".
display "Name?" _request(s)
scalar $s=10
display $s
puts "Enter a variable name:"
gets stdin varname
set $varname 42
puts "I have set variable $varname to [set $varname]"
Note that it is more normal to use the user's name to index into a Tcl associative array, as the syntax gets easier to work with in that case:
puts -nonewline "Enter an element name: "; flush stdout
gets stdin elemname
set ary($elemname) [expr int(rand()*100)]
puts "I have set element $elemname to $ary($elemname)"
Another common method for working with dynamic variables is to make an alias to the variable with a fixed name:
puts -nonewline "Enter a variable name: "; flush stdout
gets stdin varname
upvar 0 $varname v; # The ‘0’ for “current scope”
set v [expr int(rand()*100)]
puts "I have set variable $varname to $v (see for yourself: [set $varname])"
Local varName,value
InputStr "Variable name", varName
Prompt value
value → #varName
ASK "Enter variablename": name=""
ASK "Enter value": value=""
TRACE +@name
PRINT @name
Enter variablename >test Enter value >Hello World! TRACING Scratch-Datei -*TUSTEP.EDT 5 00 TRACE +@name test = Hello World! Hello World!
UNIX Shell
read name
declare $name=42
echo "${name}=${!name}"
V (Vlang)
1) Compiled languages cannot dynamically create variables at runtime.
2) However, at runtime, the map type can be used to associate inputted names and values for a similar result.
import os
import strconv
fn main() {
mut n, mut value, mut i := 0, 0, 1
mut name :=""
mut vars := map[string]int{}
for n < 1 || n > 5 {
n = strconv.atoi(os.input("Integer variables (max 5): ")) or {println("Invalid input!") continue}
for i <= n {
println("OK, enter the variable names and their values, below:")
println("Variable ${i}")
name = os.input_opt(" Name: ") or {println("Invalid input!") exit(1)}
for {
value = strconv.atoi(os.input(" Value: ")) or {println("Must by a number!") continue}
vars[name] += value
println("\n" + "Enter q to quit")
for {
name = os.input_opt("Which variable do you want to inspect: ") or {println("Invalid input!") exit(1)}
if name.to_lower() == "q" {break}
if name !in vars {println("Sorry there's no variable of that name, try again!")}
else {println("Its value is ${vars[name]}")}
Although Wren is dynamically typed, it is not possible to create new variables at run time. However, we can simulate this using a map which is what the Var class in Wren-trait does under the hood.
import "./ioutil" for Input
import "./trait" for Var
System.print("Enter three variables:")
for (i in 0..2) {
var name = Input.text("\n name : ")
var value = Input.text(" value : ")
Var[name] = Num.fromString(value)
System.print("\nYour variables are:\n")
for (kv in Var.entries) {
System.print(" %(kv.key) = %(kv.value)")
- Output:
Sample session:
Enter three variables: name : pip value : 3 name : squeak value : 4 name : wilfred value : 5 Your variables are: pip = 3 squeak = 4 wilfred = 5
Z80 Assembly
This example is admittedly crude but was made to be as simple as possible. To that end, the variable name was made to be only one letter long. A key press is taken from the user, which is used as an offset into an array of 256 null bytes, and then a value is stored at that offset and retrieved from there. Self-modifying code is used to store the user's input as the offset of the IX
register. A more practical implementation would store this value into normal RAM first so that it can be more easily retrieved.
Both the user variable name and the value of that variable are printed. The value is set to 0x42 automatically before printing it.
org &8000
WaitChar equ &BB06 ;Amstrad CPC BIOS call, loops until user presses a key. That key's ASCII value is returned in A.
PrintChar equ &BB5A ;Amstrad CPC BIOS call, A is treated as an ASCII value and is printed to the screen.
call WaitChar
;returns key press in A
or a ;set flags according to accumulator
jp m,getInput
;most keyboards aren't capable of going over ascii 127
;but just in case they can prevent it.
;IX/IY offsets are signed, thus a key press outside of 7-bit ASCII would index out of bounds
push af
call PrintChar ;prints the user variable name to the screen.
pop af
call NewLine
ld (LoadFromUserNamedVariable+2),a ;offset byte is at addr+2
ld (StoreToUserNamedVariable+2),a
; This self-modifying code turns both instances of (IX+0) into (IX+varname)
ld a,&42 ;set the value of the dynamically named variable
; to &42
ld ix,ExtraRam ;storage location of dynamically named variables
ld (IX+0),a ;store 42 at the named offset
;"+0" is overwritten with the dynamic user ram name
xor a
dec a
;just to prove that the value is indeed stored where the code
; is intending to, set A to 255 so that the next section of
; code will show that the variable is indeed retrieved and
; is shown to the screen
ld a,(IX+0) ;retrieve the value at the stored offset. The "+0" was overwritten with the user-defined offset.
call ShowHex ;prints to the terminal the value stored at the dynamically named user variable
ShowHex: ;credit to Keith S. of Chibiakumas
push af
and %11110000
call PrintHexChar
pop af
and %00001111
;call PrintHexChar
;execution flows into it naturally.
or a ;Clear Carry Flag
add a,&F0
adc a,&40
jp PrintChar
push af
ld a,13 ;Carriage return
call PrintChar
ld a,10 ;Line Feed
call PrintChar
pop af
org &9000
ds 256,0 ;256 bytes of ram, each initialized to zero
- Output:
Ready run"go.bas s 42 Ready
zkl doesn't support adding vars to an existing class but can create a new class with new vars:
vname:="foo"; // or vname:=ask("var name = ");
klass:=Compiler.Compiler.compileText("var %s=123".fmt(vname))(); // compile & run the constructor
klass.setVar(vname).println(); // setVar(name,val) sets the var
- Output:
L(L("foo",123)) 123 123
read name
typeset $name=42
- Programming Tasks
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- V (Vlang)
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- Wren-ioutil
- Wren-trait
- Z80 Assembly
- Zkl
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