
This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
Official website |
Execution method: | Compiled (machine code) |
Garbage collected: | No |
Parameter passing methods: | By value |
Type safety: | Unsafe |
Type strength: | Strong |
Type compatibility: | Nominative |
Type expression: | Explicit |
Type checking: | Static |
Lang tag(s): | zig |
See Also: |
Zig is an open-source programming language designed for robustness, optimality, and clarity.
Zig is under active development at its Github repository. Solutions for RosettaCode tasks can also be found in the zig-rosetta repository.
From the official website:
- Manual memory management. Memory allocation failure is handled correctly. Edge cases matter!
- Zig competes with C instead of depending on it. The Zig Standard Library does not depend on libc.
- Small, simple language. Focus on debugging your application rather than debugging your knowledge of your programming language.
- A fresh take on error handling that resembles what well-written C error handling looks like, minus the boilerplate and verbosity.
- Debug mode optimizes for fast compilation time and crashing with a stack trace when undefined behavior would happen.
- ReleaseFast mode produces heavily optimized code. What other projects call "Link Time Optimization" Zig does automatically.
- ReleaseSafe mode produces optimized code but keeps safety checks enabled. Disable safety checks in the bottlenecks of your code.
- Generic data structures and functions.
- Compile-time reflection and compile-time code execution. No preprocessor.
- Concurrency via coroutines. Async/await is thread-safe, non-blocking, and makes no syscalls, and therefore available in freestanding mode. You can multiplex coroutines onto a thread pool in userland for M:N concurrency.
- Import .h files and directly use C types, variables, and functions.
- Export functions, variables, and types for C code to depend on. Automatically generate .h files.
- Optional type instead of null pointers.
- Order independent top level declarations.
- Friendly toward package maintainers. Reproducible build, 3-step bootstrapping process.
- Cross-compiling is a first-class use case.
Pages in category "Zig"
The following 169 pages are in this category, out of 169 total.
- Caesar cipher
- Calculating the value of e
- Call a foreign-language function
- Call an object method
- Case-sensitivity of identifiers
- Catalan numbers/Pascal's triangle
- Catamorphism
- Character codes
- Circular primes
- Combinations and permutations
- Command-line arguments
- Comments
- Compile-time calculation
- Compiler/AST interpreter
- Compiler/code generator
- Compiler/lexical analyzer
- Compiler/syntax analyzer
- Compiler/virtual machine interpreter
- Conditional structures
- Conway's Game of Life
- Coprime triplets
- Copy a string
- Count in octal
- Count occurrences of a substring
- CRC-32
- Leap year
- Levenshtein distance
- Loop over multiple arrays simultaneously
- Loops/Break
- Loops/Continue
- Loops/Do-while
- Loops/Downward for
- Loops/For
- Loops/For with a specified step
- Loops/Foreach
- Loops/Increment loop index within loop body
- Loops/Infinite
- Loops/N plus one half
- Loops/While
- Loops/Wrong ranges
- Lucas-Lehmer test
- Safe mode
- Self-describing numbers
- Show ASCII table
- Sierpinski triangle
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Singly-linked list/Element definition
- Singly-linked list/Element insertion
- Singly-linked list/Traversal
- Sisyphus sequence
- Sleep
- Smallest square that begins with n
- Solve the no connection puzzle
- Sort using a custom comparator
- Sorting algorithms/Quicksort
- Special divisors
- String case
- String concatenation
- String length
- Sum and product of an array
- Sum multiples of 3 and 5
- Sum of a series
- Sum of first n cubes