Loops/Increment loop index within loop body
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Sometimes, one may need (or want) a loop which
its iterator (the index
variable) is modified within the
loop body in addition to the normal incrementation by the (do) loop structure index.
- Goal
Demonstrate the best way to accomplish this.
- Task
Write a loop which:
- starts the index (variable) at 42
- (at iteration time) increments the index by unity
- if the index is prime:
- displays the count of primes found (so far) and the prime (to the terminal)
- increments the index such that the new index is now the (old) index plus that prime
- terminates the loop when 42 primes are shown
Extra credit: because of the primes get rather large, use commas
within the displayed primes to ease comprehension.
Show all output here.
- Note
Not all programming languages allow the modification of a loop's index. If that is the case, then use whatever method that is appropriate or idiomatic for that language. Please add a note if the loop's index isn't modifiable.
- Related tasks
- Loop over multiple arrays simultaneously
- Loops/Break
- Loops/Continue
- Loops/Do-while
- Loops/Downward for
- Loops/For
- Loops/For with a specified step
- Loops/Foreach
- Loops/Infinite
- Loops/N plus one half
- Loops/Nested
- Loops/While
- Loops/with multiple ranges
- Loops/Wrong ranges
F is_prime(n)
L(x) (2, 3)
I n % x == 0
R n == x
Int64 d = 5
L d * d <= n
L(x) (2, 4)
I n % d == 0
R 0B
d += x
R 1B
Int64 i = 42
V n = 0
L n < 42
I is_prime(i)
print(‘n = #2 #16’.format(n, i))
i += i - 1
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1439 n = 7 2879 n = 8 5779 n = 9 11579 n = 10 23159 ... n = 40 24876007075181 n = 41 49752014150467 n = 42 99504028301131
360 Assembly
Assembler 360 provides 3 instructions to create loops: BCT, BXH and BXLE, the register which contains the loop index can be modified at any time. Nothing exceptional for an assembly, banning to modify the loop index begins with high level languages.
This task is a good example of the use of ED instruction to format a number.
For macro use (IF,DO,...), see Structured Macros.
* Loops/Increment loop index within loop body - 16/07/2018
SR R6,R6 i=0
ZAP N,=P'42' n=42
DO WHILE=(C,R6,LT,IMAX) do while(i<imax)
BAL R14,ISPRIME call isprime(n)
IF C,R0,EQ,=F'1' THEN if n is prime then
LA R6,1(R6) i=i+1
XDECO R6,XDEC edit i
MVC PG+2(2),XDEC+10 output i
MVC ZN,EM load edit mask
ED ZN,N edit n
MVC PG+7(L'ZN),ZN output n
XPRNT PG,L'PG print buffer
AP WP,N +n
SP WP,=P'1' +1
ZAP N,WP n=n+n-1
ENDIF , endif
AP WP,=P'1' +1
ZAP N,WP n=n+1
ENDDO , enddo
ISPRIME EQU * isprime(n) -----------------------
CP N,=P'2' if n=2
BE RETURN1 then return(1)
CP N,=P'3' if n=3
BE RETURN1 then return(1)
DP WDP,=PL8'2' /2
CP WDP+8(8),=P'0' if mod(n,2)=0
BE RETURN0 then return(0)
DP WDP,=PL8'3' /3
CP WDP+8(8),=P'0' if mod(n,3)=0
BE RETURN0 then return(0)
ZAP J,=P'5' j=5
MP WP,J *j
CP WP,N while(j*j<=n)
CP WDP+8(8),=P'0' if mod(n,j)=0
BE RETURN0 then return(0)
AP WP,=P'2' +2
DP WDP,WP n/(j+2)
CP WDP+8(8),=P'0' if mod(n,j+2)=0
BE RETURN0 then return(0)
AP WP,=P'6' +6
ZAP J,WP j=j+6
B LWHILE loopwhile
EWHILE B RETURN1 return(1)
RETURN0 LA R0,0 rc=0
RETURN1 LA R0,1 rc=1
RETURNX BR R14 return to caller -----------------
IMAX DC F'42' limit
EM DC XL20'402020206B2020206B2020206B2020206B202120' mask
N DS PL8 n
J DS PL8 j
PG DC CL80'i=00 : 000,000,000,000,000' buffer
XDEC DS CL12 temp for XDECO
WP DS PL8 temp for AP,SP,MP
WDP DS PL16 temp for DP
CW DS CL16 temp for UNPK
- Output:
i= 1 : 43 i= 2 : 89 i= 3 : 179 i= 4 : 359 i= 5 : 719 i= 6 : 1,439 i= 7 : 2,879 i= 8 : 5,779 i= 9 : 11,579 i=10 : 23,159 i=11 : 46,327 i=12 : 92,657 i=13 : 185,323 i=14 : 370,661 i=15 : 741,337 i=16 : 1,482,707 i=17 : 2,965,421 i=18 : 5,930,887 i=19 : 11,861,791 i=20 : 23,723,597 i=21 : 47,447,201 i=22 : 94,894,427 i=23 : 189,788,857 i=24 : 379,577,741 i=25 : 759,155,483 i=26 : 1,518,310,967 i=27 : 3,036,621,941 i=28 : 6,073,243,889 i=29 : 12,146,487,779 i=30 : 24,292,975,649 i=31 : 48,585,951,311 i=32 : 97,171,902,629 i=33 : 194,343,805,267 i=34 : 388,687,610,539 i=35 : 777,375,221,081 i=36 : 1,554,750,442,183 i=37 : 3,109,500,884,389 i=38 : 6,219,001,768,781 i=39 : 12,438,003,537,571 i=40 : 24,876,007,075,181 i=41 : 49,752,014,150,467 i=42 : 99,504,028,301,131
AArch64 Assembly
/* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */
/* program loopinc64.s */
/* Constantes file */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../includeConstantesARM64.inc"
/* Initialized data */
szMessOverflow: .asciz "Error: overflow !!!!"
sMessResult: .asciz "Index : @ Value : @ \n"
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
/* UnInitialized data */
sZoneConv: .skip 24
/* code section */
.global main
main: // entry of program
mov x20,0 // counter
mov x21,42 // start index
1: // begin loop
mov x0,x21
bl isPrime // prime ?
bcs 100f // error overflow ?
cbnz x0,2f // is prime ?
add x21,x21,1 // no -> increment index
b 1b // and loop
2: // display index and prime
add x20,x20,1 // increment counter
mov x0,x20
ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv // conversion index
bl conversion10
ldr x0,qAdrsMessResult
ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
bl strInsertAtCharInc // insert result at first @ character
mov x10,x0
mov x0,x21 // conversion value
ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
bl conversion10 // decimal conversion ascii
mov x0,x10
ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
bl strInsertAtCharInc // insert result at second @ character
bl affichageMess
add x21,x21,x21
cmp x20,42 // end ?
blt 1b // no loop
100: // standard end of the program
mov x0,0 // return code
mov x8,EXIT // request to exit program
svc 0 // perform the system call
qAdrsZoneConv: .quad sZoneConv
qAdrszCarriageReturn: .quad szCarriageReturn
qAdrsMessResult: .quad sMessResult
/* Verification si un nombre est premier */
/* x0 contient le nombre à verifier */
/* x0 retourne 1 si premier 0 sinon */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]! // save registres
mov x2,x0
sub x1,x0,#1
cmp x2,0
beq 99f // retourne zéro
cmp x2,2 // pour 1 et 2 retourne 1
ble 2f
mov x0,#2
bl moduloPuR64
bcs 100f // erreur overflow
cmp x0,#1
bne 99f // Pas premier
cmp x2,3
beq 2f
mov x0,#3
bl moduloPuR64
blt 100f // erreur overflow
cmp x0,#1
bne 99f
cmp x2,5
beq 2f
mov x0,#5
bl moduloPuR64
bcs 100f // erreur overflow
cmp x0,#1
bne 99f // Pas premier
cmp x2,7
beq 2f
mov x0,#7
bl moduloPuR64
bcs 100f // erreur overflow
cmp x0,#1
bne 99f // Pas premier
cmp x2,11
beq 2f
mov x0,#11
bl moduloPuR64
bcs 100f // erreur overflow
cmp x0,#1
bne 99f // Pas premier
cmp x2,13
beq 2f
mov x0,#13
bl moduloPuR64
bcs 100f // erreur overflow
cmp x0,#1
bne 99f // Pas premier
cmn x0,0 // carry à zero pas d'erreur
mov x0,1 // premier
b 100f
cmn x0,0 // carry à zero pas d'erreur
mov x0,#0 // Pas premier
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ret // retour adresse lr x30
/* Calcul modulo de b puissance e modulo m */
/* Exemple 4 puissance 13 modulo 497 = 445 */
/* x0 nombre */
/* x1 exposant */
/* x2 modulo */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x3,x4,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x5,x6,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x7,x8,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x9,x10,[sp,-16]! // save registres
cbz x0,100f
cbz x1,100f
mov x8,x0
mov x7,x1
mov x6,1 // resultat
udiv x4,x8,x2
msub x9,x4,x2,x8 // contient le reste
tst x7,1
beq 2f
mul x4,x9,x6
umulh x5,x9,x6
mov x6,x4
mov x0,x6
mov x1,x5
bl divisionReg128U
cbnz x1,99f // overflow
mov x6,x3
mul x8,x9,x9
umulh x5,x9,x9
//cbnz x5,99f
mov x0,x8
mov x1,x5
bl divisionReg128U
cbnz x1,99f // overflow
mov x9,x3
lsr x7,x7,1
cbnz x7,1b
mov x0,x6 // result
cmn x0,0 // carry à zero pas d'erreur
b 100f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessOverflow
bl affichageMess
cmp x0,0 // carry à un car erreur
mov x0,-1 // code erreur
ldp x9,x10,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x7,x8,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x5,x6,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x3,x4,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ret // retour adresse lr x30
qAdrszMessOverflow: .quad szMessOverflow
/* division d un nombre de 128 bits par un nombre de 64 bits */
/* x0 contient partie basse dividende */
/* x1 contient partie haute dividente */
/* x2 contient le diviseur */
/* x0 retourne partie basse quotient */
/* x1 retourne partie haute quotient */
/* x3 retourne le reste */
stp x6,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]! // save registres
mov x5,#0 // raz du reste R
mov x3,#128 // compteur de boucle
mov x4,#0 // dernier bit
lsl x5,x5,#1 // on decale le reste de 1
tst x1,1<<63 // test du bit le plus à gauche
lsl x1,x1,#1 // on decale la partie haute du quotient de 1
beq 2f
orr x5,x5,#1 // et on le pousse dans le reste R
tst x0,1<<63
lsl x0,x0,#1 // puis on decale la partie basse
beq 3f
orr x1,x1,#1 // et on pousse le bit de gauche dans la partie haute
orr x0,x0,x4 // position du dernier bit du quotient
mov x4,#0 // raz du bit
cmp x5,x2
blt 4f
sub x5,x5,x2 // on enleve le diviseur du reste
mov x4,#1 // dernier bit à 1
// et boucle
subs x3,x3,#1
bgt 1b
lsl x1,x1,#1 // on decale le quotient de 1
tst x0,1<<63
lsl x0,x0,#1 // puis on decale la partie basse
beq 5f
orr x1,x1,#1
orr x0,x0,x4 // position du dernier bit du quotient
mov x3,x5
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x6,lr,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ret // retour adresse lr x30
/* File Include fonctions */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly */
.include "../includeARM64.inc"
- Output:
Index : 1 Value : 43 Index : 2 Value : 89 Index : 3 Value : 179 Index : 4 Value : 359 Index : 5 Value : 719 Index : 6 Value : 1439 Index : 7 Value : 2879 Index : 8 Value : 5779 Index : 9 Value : 11579 Index : 10 Value : 23159 Index : 11 Value : 46327 Index : 12 Value : 92657 Index : 13 Value : 185323 Index : 14 Value : 370661 Index : 15 Value : 741337 Index : 16 Value : 1482707 Index : 17 Value : 2965421 Index : 18 Value : 5930887 Index : 19 Value : 11861791 Index : 20 Value : 23723597 Index : 21 Value : 47447201 Index : 22 Value : 94894427 Index : 23 Value : 189788857 Index : 24 Value : 379577741 Index : 25 Value : 759155483 Index : 26 Value : 1518310967 Index : 27 Value : 3036621941 Index : 28 Value : 6073243889 Index : 29 Value : 12146487779 Index : 30 Value : 24292975649 Index : 31 Value : 48585951311 Index : 32 Value : 97171902629 Index : 33 Value : 194343805267 Index : 34 Value : 388687610539 Index : 35 Value : 777375221081 Index : 36 Value : 1554750442183 Index : 37 Value : 3109500884389 Index : 38 Value : 6219001768781 Index : 39 Value : 12438003537571 Index : 40 Value : 24876007075181 Index : 41 Value : 49752014150467 Index : 42 Value : 99504028301131
Ada does not allow the loop counter of a FOR loop to be modified in the loop. This example uses a simple Ada loop. The example also uses an Ada fixed decimal type to provide the comma insertion for the output.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Text_IO.Editing; use Ada.Text_IO.Editing;
with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions;
procedure Main is
type nums is delta 0.1 digits 15;
format : String := "zz_zzz_zzz_zzz_zzz_zz9.9";
pic : picture := To_Picture (format);
package Nums_io is new Decimal_Output (Nums);
use Nums_IO;
type U_64 is mod 2**64;
package mod_io is new Modular_IO (U_64);
use mod_io;
function Is_Prime (Num : U_64) return boolean is
package Flt_Funcs is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions
use Flt_Funcs;
T : U_64 := 2;
Limit : constant U_64 := U_64 (Sqrt (Float (Num)));
if Num = 2 then
return True;
end if;
while T <= Limit loop
if Num mod T = 0 then
return False;
end if;
T := T + (if T > 2 then 2 else 1);
end loop;
return True;
end Is_Prime;
Prime_Count : natural := 0;
Prime_Test : U_64 := 42;
if Is_Prime (Prime_Test) then
Prime_Count := Prime_Count + 1;
Put ("n =");
Put (Item => Prime_Count, Width => 3);
Put (Item => Nums (Prime_Test), Pic => pic);
Prime_Test := (Prime_Test * 2) - 1;
end if;
Prime_Test := Prime_Test + 1;
exit when Prime_Count = 42;
end loop;
end Main;
- Output:
n = 1 43.0 n = 2 89.0 n = 3 179.0 n = 4 359.0 n = 5 719.0 n = 6 1,439.0 n = 7 2,879.0 n = 8 5,779.0 n = 9 11,579.0 n = 10 23,159.0 n = 11 46,327.0 n = 12 92,657.0 n = 13 185,323.0 n = 14 370,661.0 n = 15 741,337.0 n = 16 1,482,707.0 n = 17 2,965,421.0 n = 18 5,930,887.0 n = 19 11,861,791.0 n = 20 23,723,597.0 n = 21 47,447,201.0 n = 22 94,894,427.0 n = 23 189,788,857.0 n = 24 379,577,741.0 n = 25 759,155,483.0 n = 26 1,518,310,967.0 n = 27 3,036,621,941.0 n = 28 6,073,243,889.0 n = 29 12,146,487,779.0 n = 30 24,292,975,649.0 n = 31 48,585,951,311.0 n = 32 97,171,902,629.0 n = 33 194,343,805,267.0 n = 34 388,687,610,539.0 n = 35 777,375,221,081.0 n = 36 1,554,750,442,183.0 n = 37 3,109,500,884,389.0 n = 38 6,219,001,768,781.0 n = 39 12,438,003,537,571.0 n = 40 24,876,007,075,181.0 n = 41 49,752,014,150,467.0 n = 42 99,504,028,301,131.0
In Algol 68, the FOR loop counter cannot be modified in the loop. This uses a WHILE loop testing at the top but is otherwise largely a translation of the Kotlin entry.
# returns TRUE if n is prime, FALSE otherwise #
PROC is prime = ( LONG INT n )BOOL:
IF n MOD 2 = 0 THEN n = 2
ELIF n MOD 3 = 0 THEN n = 3
LONG INT d := 5;
BOOL result := TRUE;
ELIF n MOD d = 0 THEN result := FALSE
ELIF d +:= 2;
n MOD d = 0 THEN result := FALSE
ELSE d +:= 4; TRUE
FI # is prime # ;
LONG INT count := 0;
LONG INT i := 42;
WHILE count < 42 DO
IF is prime( i ) THEN
count +:= 1;
print( ( "n = "
, whole( count, -2 )
, " "
, whole( i, -19 )
, newline
i +:= i - 1
i +:= 1
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1439 n = 7 2879 n = 8 5779 n = 9 11579 n = 10 23159 n = 11 46327 n = 12 92657 n = 13 185323 n = 14 370661 n = 15 741337 n = 16 1482707 n = 17 2965421 n = 18 5930887 n = 19 11861791 n = 20 23723597 n = 21 47447201 n = 22 94894427 n = 23 189788857 n = 24 379577741 n = 25 759155483 n = 26 1518310967 n = 27 3036621941 n = 28 6073243889 n = 29 12146487779 n = 30 24292975649 n = 31 48585951311 n = 32 97171902629 n = 33 194343805267 n = 34 388687610539 n = 35 777375221081 n = 36 1554750442183 n = 37 3109500884389 n = 38 6219001768781 n = 39 12438003537571 n = 40 24876007075181 n = 41 49752014150467 n = 42 99504028301131
Amazing Hopper
#include <jambo.h>
Set break
Set decimal '0'
i=42, c=0
Loop if ( #(c<42) )
Set 'i', When ( Is prime? ){
++c, Printnl( "n = ", c,"\t",Just right(20,Money(0,i) ) )
#( i += (i - 1) )
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1,439 n = 7 2,879 n = 8 5,779 n = 9 11,579 n = 10 23,159 n = 11 46,327 n = 12 92,657 n = 13 185,323 n = 14 370,661 n = 15 741,337 n = 16 1,482,707 n = 17 2,965,421 n = 18 5,930,887 n = 19 11,861,791 n = 20 23,723,597 n = 21 47,447,201 n = 22 94,894,427 n = 23 189,788,857 n = 24 379,577,741 n = 25 759,155,483 n = 26 1,518,310,967 n = 27 3,036,621,941 n = 28 6,073,243,889 n = 29 12,146,487,779 n = 30 24,292,975,649 n = 31 48,585,951,311 n = 32 97,171,902,629 n = 33 194,343,805,267 n = 34 388,687,610,539 n = 35 777,375,221,081 n = 36 1,554,750,442,183 n = 37 3,109,500,884,389 n = 38 6,219,001,768,781 n = 39 12,438,003,537,571 n = 40 24,876,007,075,181 n = 41 49,752,014,150,467 n = 42 99,504,028,301,131
ARM Assembly
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI */
/* program loopinc96.s */
/* Constantes */
.equ STDOUT, 1 @ Linux output console
.equ EXIT, 1 @ Linux syscall
.equ WRITE, 4 @ Linux syscall
/* Initialized data */
szMessMultOver: .asciz "Multiplication 64 : Dépassement de capacité.\n"
sMessResult: .ascii "Index : "
sMessIndex: .fill 11, 1, ' ' @ size => 11
.ascii "Value : "
sMessValeur: .fill 21, 1, ' ' @ size => 21
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
/* UnInitialized data */
/* code section */
.global main
main: @ entry of program
mov r7,#0 @ counter
mov r5,#42 @ start index low bits
mov r6,#0 @ start index high bits
1: @ begin loop
mov r0,r5
mov r1,r6
bl isPrime @ prime ?
bcs 100f @ error overflow ?
cmp r0,#1 @ is prime ?
beq 2f @ yes
adds r5,#1 @ no -> increment index
addcs r6,#1
b 1b @ and loop
2: @ display index and prime
add r7,#1 @ increment counter
mov r0,r7
ldr r1,iAdrsMessIndex @ conversion index
bl conversion10
mov r0,r5
mov r1,r6 @ conversion value
ldr r2,iAdrsMessValeur
bl conversionRegDoubleU @ conversion double -> ascii
ldr r0,iAdrsMessResult
bl affichageMess
adds r5,r5
add r6,r6
addcs r6,#1
cmp r7,#42 @ end ?
blt 1b @ no loop
100: @ standard end of the program
mov r0, #0 @ return code
mov r7, #EXIT @ request to exit program
svc #0 @ perform the system call
iAdrsMessIndex: .int sMessIndex
iAdrsMessValeur: .int sMessValeur
iAdrszCarriageReturn: .int szCarriageReturn
iAdrsMessResult: .int sMessResult
/* display text with size calculation */
/* r0 contains the address of the message */
push {r0,r1,r2,r7,lr} @ save registres
mov r2,#0 @ counter length
1: @ loop length calculation
ldrb r1,[r0,r2] @ read octet start position + index
cmp r1,#0 @ if 0 its over
addne r2,r2,#1 @ else add 1 in the length
bne 1b @ and loop
@ so here r2 contains the length of the message
mov r1,r0 @ address message in r1
mov r0,#STDOUT @ code to write to the standard output Linux
mov r7, #WRITE @ code call system "write"
svc #0 @ call systeme
pop {r0,r1,r2,r7,lr} @ restaur des 2 registres */
bx lr @ return
/* Converting a register to a decimal unsigned */
/* r0 contains value and r1 address area */
/* r0 return size of result (no zero final in area) */
/* area size => 11 bytes */
.equ LGZONECAL, 10
push {r1-r4,lr} @ save registers
mov r3,r1
1: @ start loop
bl divisionpar10U @ unsigned r0 <- dividende. quotient ->r0 reste -> r1
add r1,#48 @ digit
strb r1,[r3,r2] @ store digit on area
cmp r0,#0 @ stop if quotient = 0
subne r2,#1 @ else previous position
bne 1b @ and loop
@ and move digit from left of area
mov r4,#0
ldrb r1,[r3,r2]
strb r1,[r3,r4]
add r2,#1
add r4,#1
ble 2b
@ and move spaces in end on area
mov r0,r4 @ result length
mov r1,#' ' @ space
strb r1,[r3,r4] @ store space in area
add r4,#1 @ next position
ble 3b @ loop if r4 <= area size
pop {r1-r4,lr} @ restaur registres
bx lr @return
/* division par 10 unsigned */
/* r0 dividende */
/* r0 quotient */
/* r1 remainder */
push {r2,r3,r4, lr}
mov r4,r0 @ save value
//mov r3,#0xCCCD @ r3 <- magic_number lower raspberry 3
//movt r3,#0xCCCC @ r3 <- magic_number higter raspberry 3
ldr r3,iMagicNumber @ r3 <- magic_number raspberry 1 2
umull r1, r2, r3, r0 @ r1<- Lower32Bits(r1*r0) r2<- Upper32Bits(r1*r0)
mov r0, r2, LSR #3 @ r2 <- r2 >> shift 3
add r2,r0,r0, lsl #2 @ r2 <- r0 * 5
sub r1,r4,r2, lsl #1 @ r1 <- r4 - (r2 * 2) = r4 - (r0 * 10)
pop {r2,r3,r4,lr}
bx lr @ leave function
iMagicNumber: .int 0xCCCCCCCD
/* number is prime ? */
/* r0 contains low bytes of double */
/* r1 contains high bytes of double */
/* r0 returns 1 if prime else 0 */
push {r1-r5,lr} @ save registers
mov r4,r0 @ save double
mov r5,r1
subs r2,r0,#1 @ exposant n - 1
sbcs r3,r1,#0
mov r0,#2 @ base 2
mov r1,#0
bl moduloPuR96 @ compute modulo
bcs 100f @ overflow error
cmp r0,#1 @ modulo <> 1 -> no prime
bne 90f
mov r0,#3 @ base 3
mov r1,#0
bl moduloPuR96
bcs 100f @ overflow error
cmp r0,#1
bne 90f
mov r0,#5 @ base 5
mov r1,#0
bl moduloPuR96
bcs 100f @ overflow error
cmp r0,#1
bne 90f
mov r0,#7 @ base 7
mov r1,#0
bl moduloPuR96
bcs 100f @ overflow error
cmp r0,#1
bne 90f
mov r0,#11 @ base 11
mov r1,#0
bl moduloPuR96
bcs 100f @ overflow error
cmp r0,#1
bne 90f
mov r0,#13 @ base 13
mov r1,#0
bl moduloPuR96
bcs 100f @ overflow error
cmp r0,#1
bne 90f
mov r0,#17 @ base 17
mov r1,#0
bl moduloPuR96
bcs 100f @ overflow error
cmp r0,#1
bne 90f
mov r0,#1 @ is prime
msr cpsr_f, #0 @ no error overflow zero -> flags
b 100f
mov r0,#0 @ no prime
msr cpsr_f, #0 @ no error overflow zero -> flags
100: @ fin standard de la fonction
pop {r1-r5,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr @ return
/* compute b pow e modulo m */
/* */
/* r0 base double low bits */
/* r1 base double high bits */
/* r2 exposant low bitss */
/* r3 exposant high bits */
/* r4 modulo low bits */
/* r5 modulo high bits */
/* r0 returns result low bits */
/* r1 returns result high bits */
/* if overflow , flag carry is set else is clear */
push {r2-r12,lr} @ save registers
cmp r0,#0 @ control low byte <> zero
bne 1f
cmp r1,#0 @ control high bytes <> zero
beq 100f
mov r9,r4 @ modulo PB
mov r10,r5 @ modulo PH
mov r5,r2 @ exposant **
mov r6,r3 @ exposant
mov r7,r0 @ base PB
mov r8,r1 @ base PH
mov r2,#0
mov r3,r9
mov r4,r10
mov r11,#1 @ result PB
mov r12,#0 @ result PH
/* r0 contient partie basse dividende */
/* r1 contient partie moyenne dividende */
/* r2 contient partie haute du diviseur */
/* r3 contient partie basse diviseur */
/* r4 contient partie haute diviseur */
/* r0 retourne partie basse du quotient */
/* r1 retourne partie moyenne du quotient */
/* r2 retourne partie haute du quotient */
/* r3 retourne partie basse du reste */
/* r4 retourne partie haute du reste */
bl divisionReg96DU
mov r7,r3 @ base <- remainder
mov r8,r4
tst r5,#1 @ test du bit 0
beq 3f
mov r0,r7
mov r1,r8
mov r2,r11
mov r3,r12
bl multiplicationR96U
bcs 100f @ error overflow
mov r3,r9
mov r4,r10
bl divisionReg96DU
mov r11,r3 @ result <- remainder
mov r12,r4
mov r0,r7
mov r1,r8
mov r2,r7
mov r3,r8
bl multiplicationR96U
bcs 100f @ error overflow
mov r3,r9
mov r4,r10
bl divisionReg96DU
mov r7,r3 @ base <- remainder
mov r8,r4
lsr r5,#1
lsrs r6,#1
orrcs r5,#0x80000000
cmp r5,#0
bne 2b
cmp r6,#0
bne 2b
mov r0,r11
mov r1,r12
msr cpsr_f, #0 @ no error overflow zero -> flags
100: @ end function
pop {r2-r12,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr @ return
/* multiplication 2 registers (64 bits) unsigned */
/* result in 3 registers 96 bits */
/* r0 low bits number 1 */
/* r1 high bits number 1 */
/* r2 low bits number 2 */
/* r3 high bits number 2 */
/* r0 returns low bits résult */
/* r1 returns median bits résult */
/* r2 returns high bits résult */
/* if overflow , flag carry is set else is clear */
push {r3-r8,lr} @ save registers
umull r5,r6,r0,r2 @ mult low bits
umull r4,r8,r0,r3 @ mult low bits 1 high bits 2
mov r0,r5 @ result low bits ok
adds r4,r6 @ add results
addcs r8,#1 @ carry
umull r6,r7,r1,r2 @ mult high bits 1 low bits 2
adds r4,r6 @ add results
addcs r8,#1 @ carry
adds r8,r7 @ add results
bcs 99f @ overflow ?
umull r6,r7,r1,r3 @ mult high bits 1 high bits 2
cmp r7,#0 @ error overflow ?
bne 99f
adds r8,r6 @ add results
bcs 99f @ error overflow
mov r1,r4 @ return median bytes
mov r2,r8 @ return high bytes
msr cpsr_f, #0 @ no error overflow zero -> flags
b 100f
99: @ display message overflow
ldr r0,iAdrszMessMultOver @
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#0
mov r1,#0
msr cpsr_f, #1<<29 @ maj flag carry à 1 et tous les autres à 0
100: @ end function
pop {r3-r8,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr @ return
iAdrszMessMultOver: .int szMessMultOver
/* division number (3 registers) 92 bits by number (2 registers) 64 bits */
/* unsigned */
/* r0 low bits dividende */
/* r1 median bits dividende */
/* r2 high bits dividende */
/* r3 low bits divisor */
/* r4 high bits divis0r */
/* r0 returns low bits quotient */
/* r1 returns median bits quotient */
/* r2 returns high bits quotien */
/* r3 returns low bits remainder */
/* r4 returns high bits remainder */
/* remainder do not is 3 registers */
push {r5-r10,lr} @ save registers
mov r7,r3 @ low bits divisor
mov r8,r4 @ high bits divisor
mov r4,r0 @ low bits dividende -> low bits quotient
mov r5,r1 @ median bits dividende -> median bits quotient
mov r6,r2 @ high bits dividende -> high bits quotient
mov r0,#0 @ low bits remainder
mov r1,#0 @ median bits remainder
mov r2,#0 @ high bits remainder (not useful)
mov r9,#96 @ counter loop (32 bits * 3)
mov r10,#0 @ last bit
lsl r2,#1 @ shift left high bits remainder
lsls r1,#1 @ shift left median bits remainder
orrcs r2,#1 @ left bit median -> right bit high
lsls r0,#1 @ shift left low bits remainder
orrcs r1,#1 @ left bit low -> right bit median
lsls r6,#1 @ shift left high bits quotient
orrcs r0,#1 @ left bit high -> right bit low remainder
lsls r5,#1 @ shift left median bits quotient
orrcs r6,#1 @ left bit median -> right bit high
lsls r4,#1 @ shift left low bits quotient
orrcs r5,#1 @ left bit low -> right bit median
orr r4,r10 @ last bit -> bit 0 quotient
mov r10,#0 @ raz du bit
@ compare remainder and divisor
cmp r2,#0 @ high bit remainder
bne 2f
cmp r1,r8 @ compare median bits
blo 3f @ lower
bhi 2f @ highter
cmp r0,r7 @ equal -> compare low bits
blo 3f @ lower
2: @ remainder > divisor
subs r0,r7 @ sub divisor of remainder
sbcs r1,r8
mov r10,#0 @ reuse ponctuelle r10
sbc r2,r2,r10 @ carry
mov r10,#1 @ last bit à 1
subs r9,#1 @ increment counter loop
bgt 1b @ and loop
lsl r6,#1 @ shift left high bits quotient
lsls r5,#1 @ shift left median bits quotient
orrcs r6,#1 @ left bit median -> right bit high
lsls r4,#1 @ shift left low bits quotient
orrcs r5,#1 @ left bit low -> right bit median
orr r4,r10 @ last bit -> bit 0 quotient
mov r3,r0 @ low bits remainder
mov r0,r4 @ low bits quotient
mov r4,r1 @ high bits remainder
mov r1,r5 @ median bits quotient
//mov r5,r2
mov r2,r6 @ high bits quotient
100: @ end function
pop {r5-r10,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr @ return
/* Conversion double integer 64bits in ascii */
/* r0 contains low bits */
/* r1 contains high bits */
/* r2 contains address area */
push {r0-r5,lr} @ save registers
mov r5,r2
mov r4,#19 @ start location
mov r2,#10 @ conversion decimale
1: @ begin loop
bl divisionReg64U @ division by 10
add r3,#48 @ -> digit ascii
strb r3,[r5,r4] @ store digit in area index r4
sub r4,r4,#1 @ decrement index
cmp r0,#0 @ low bits quotient = zero ?
bne 1b @ no -> loop
cmp r1,#0 @ high bits quotient = zero ?
bne 1b @ no -> loop
@ spaces -> begin area
mov r3,#' ' @ space
strb r3,[r5,r4] @ store space in area
subs r4,r4,#1 @ decrement index
bge 2b @ and loop if > zéro
100: @ end fonction
pop {r0-r5,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr @ return
/* division number 64 bits / number 32 bits */
/* r0 contains low bits dividende */
/* r1 contains high bits dividente */
/* r2 contains divisor */
/* r0 returns low bits quotient */
/* r1 returns high bits quotient */
/* r3 returns remainder */
push {r4,r5,lr} @ save registers
mov r5,#0 @ raz remainder R
mov r3,#64 @ loop counter
mov r4,#0 @ last bit
lsl r5,#1 @ shift left remainder one bit
lsls r1,#1 @ shift left high bits quotient one bit
orrcs r5,#1 @ and bit -> remainder
lsls r0,#1 @ shift left low bits quotient one bit
orrcs r1,#1 @ and left bit -> high bits
orr r0,r4 @ last bit quotient
mov r4,#0 @ raz last bit
cmp r5,r2 @ compare remainder divisor
subhs r5,r2 @ if highter sub divisor of remainder
movhs r4,#1 @ and 1 -> last bit
subs r3,#1 @ decrement counter loop
bgt 1b @ and loop if not zero
lsl r1,#1 @ else shift left higt bits quotient
lsls r0,#1 @ and shift left low bits
orrcs r1,#1
orr r0,r4 @ last bit quotient
mov r3,r5
100: @ end function
pop {r4,r5,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr @ return
- Output:
pi@raspberrypi:~/asm/rosetta/ASS3 $ loopsinc96 Index : 1 Value : 43 Index : 2 Value : 89 Index : 3 Value : 179 Index : 4 Value : 359 Index : 5 Value : 719 Index : 6 Value : 1439 Index : 7 Value : 2879 Index : 8 Value : 5779 Index : 9 Value : 11579 Index : 10 Value : 23159 Index : 11 Value : 46327 Index : 12 Value : 92657 Index : 13 Value : 185323 Index : 14 Value : 370661 Index : 15 Value : 741337 Index : 16 Value : 1482707 Index : 17 Value : 2965421 Index : 18 Value : 5930887 Index : 19 Value : 11861791 Index : 20 Value : 23723597 Index : 21 Value : 47447201 Index : 22 Value : 94894427 Index : 23 Value : 189788857 Index : 24 Value : 379577741 Index : 25 Value : 759155483 Index : 26 Value : 1518310967 Index : 27 Value : 3036621941 Index : 28 Value : 6073243889 Index : 29 Value : 12146487779 Index : 30 Value : 24292975649 Index : 31 Value : 48585951311 Index : 32 Value : 97171902629 Index : 33 Value : 194343805267 Index : 34 Value : 388687610539 Index : 35 Value : 777375221081 Index : 36 Value : 1554750442183 Index : 37 Value : 3109500884389 Index : 38 Value : 6219001768781 Index : 39 Value : 12438003537571 Index : 40 Value : 24876007075181 Index : 41 Value : 49752014150467 Index : 42 Value : 99504028301131
i: 42
n: 0
while [n<42][
if? prime? i [
n: n+1
print ["n =" pad to :string n 2 pad to :string i 20]
i: i + i
else [
i: i + 1
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1439 n = 7 2879 n = 8 5779 n = 9 11579 n = 10 23159 n = 11 46327 n = 12 92657 n = 13 185323 n = 14 370661 n = 15 741337 n = 16 1482707 n = 17 2965421 n = 18 5930887 n = 19 11861791 n = 20 23723597 n = 21 47447201 n = 22 94894427 n = 23 189788857 n = 24 379577741 n = 25 759155483 n = 26 1518310967 n = 27 3036621941 n = 28 6073243889 n = 29 12146487779 n = 30 24292975649 n = 31 48585951311 n = 32 97171902629 n = 33 194343805267 n = 34 388687610539 n = 35 777375221081 n = 36 1554750442183 n = 37 3109500884389 n = 38 6219001768781 n = 39 12438003537571 n = 40 24876007075181 n = 41 49752014150467 n = 42 99504028301131
i:= 42, n:= 1, result := ""
while (n<43){
if isPrime(i)
result .= n ":`t" RegExReplace(i, "\B(?=(\d{3})+$)", ",") "`n", i*=2, n++
MsgBox, 262208, , % result
if !Mod(num, 2) || !Mod(num, 3)
return false
lim := Sqrt(num), i := 5
while (i<lim){
if !Mod(num, i)
return false
return true
- Output:
1: 43 2: 89 3: 179 4: 359 5: 719 6: 1,439 7: 2,879 8: 5,779 9: 11,579 10: 23,159 11: 46,327 12: 92,657 13: 185,323 14: 370,661 15: 741,337 16: 1,482,707 17: 2,965,421 18: 5,930,887 19: 11,861,791 20: 23,723,597 21: 47,447,201 22: 94,894,427 23: 189,788,857 24: 379,577,741 25: 759,155,483 26: 1,518,310,967 27: 3,036,621,941 28: 6,073,243,889 29: 12,146,487,779 30: 24,292,975,649 31: 48,585,951,311 32: 97,171,902,629 33: 194,343,805,267 34: 388,687,610,539 35: 777,375,221,081 36: 1,554,750,442,183 37: 3,109,500,884,389 38: 6,219,001,768,781 39: 12,438,003,537,571 40: 24,876,007,075,181 41: 49,752,014,150,467 42: 99,504,028,301,131
limit = 42
n = 0
for (i=limit; n<limit; i++) {
if (is_prime(i)) {
printf("%2d %19'd\n",++n,i)
i += i - 1
function is_prime(n, d) {
if (n % 2 == 0) { return(n == 2) }
if (n % 3 == 0) { return(n == 3) }
d = 5
while (d*d <= n) {
if (n % d == 0) { return(0) }
d += 2
if (n % d == 0) { return(0) }
d += 4
- Output:
1 43 2 89 3 179 4 359 5 719 6 1,439 7 2,879 8 5,779 9 11,579 10 23,159 11 46,327 12 92,657 13 185,323 14 370,661 15 741,337 16 1,482,707 17 2,965,421 18 5,930,887 19 11,861,791 20 23,723,597 21 47,447,201 22 94,894,427 23 189,788,857 24 379,577,741 25 759,155,483 26 1,518,310,967 27 3,036,621,941 28 6,073,243,889 29 12,146,487,779 30 24,292,975,649 31 48,585,951,311 32 97,171,902,629 33 194,343,805,267 34 388,687,610,539 35 777,375,221,081 36 1,554,750,442,183 37 3,109,500,884,389 38 6,219,001,768,781 39 12,438,003,537,571 40 24,876,007,075,181 41 49,752,014,150,467 42 99,504,028,301,131
function isPrime(number)
if (number % 2 = 0) or (number % 3 = 0) then return false
lim = sqr(number)
for i = 5 to lim step 2
if number % i = 0 then return false
next i
return true
end function
i = 42
counter = 0
while counter < 42
if isPrime(i) then
counter += 1
print "n = "; counter, i
i += i - 1
end if
i += 1
end while
The following uses a 'for' rather than a 'do/while' loop but otherwise is similar to the Kotlin entry.
The 'thousands separator' aspect (using the ' flag in printf and setting the locale appropriately) works fine when compiled with gcc on Ubuntu 14.04 but may not work on some other systems as this is not a standard flag.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>
#define LIMIT 42
int is_prime(long long n) {
if (n % 2 == 0) return n == 2;
if (n % 3 == 0) return n == 3;
long long d = 5;
while (d * d <= n) {
if (n % d == 0) return 0;
d += 2;
if (n % d == 0) return 0;
d += 4;
return 1;
int main() {
long long i;
int n;
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
for (i = LIMIT, n = 0; n < LIMIT; i++)
if (is_prime(i)) {
printf("n = %-2d %'19lld\n", n, i);
i += i - 1;
return 0;
- Output:
Same as Kotlin entry
using System;
using System.Globalization;
namespace PrimeNumberLoopcs
class Program
static bool isPrime(double number)
for(double i = number - 1; i > 1; i--)
if (number % i == 0)
return false;
return true;
static void Main(string[] args)
NumberFormatInfo nfi = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).NumberFormat;
nfi.NumberDecimalDigits = 0;
double i = 42;
int n = 0;
while (n < 42)
if (isPrime(i))
Console.WriteLine("n = {0,-20} {1,20}", n, i.ToString("N", nfi));
i += i - 1;
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1,439 n = 7 2,879 n = 8 5,779 n = 9 11,579 n = 10 23,159 n = 11 46,327 n = 12 92,657 n = 13 185,323 n = 14 370,661 n = 15 741,337 n = 16 1,482,707 n = 17 2,965,421 n = 18 5,930,887 n = 19 11,861,791 n = 20 23,723,597 n = 21 47,447,201 n = 22 94,894,427 n = 23 189,788,857 n = 24 379,577,741 n = 25 759,155,483 n = 26 1,518,310,967 n = 27 3,036,621,941 n = 28 6,073,243,889 n = 29 12,146,487,779 n = 30 24,292,975,649 n = 31 48,585,951,311 n = 32 97,171,902,629 n = 33 194,343,805,267 n = 34 388,687,610,539 n = 35 777,375,221,081 n = 36 1,554,750,442,183 n = 37 3,109,500,884,389 n = 38 6,219,001,768,781 n = 39 12,438,003,537,571 n = 40 24,876,007,075,181 n = 41 49,752,014,150,467 n = 42 99,504,028,301,131
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
bool isPrime(double number)
for (double i = number - 1; i >= 2; i--) {
if (fmod(number, i) == 0)
return false;
return true;
int main()
double i = 42;
int n = 0;
while (n < 42)
if (isPrime(i))
cout.width(1); cout << left << "n = " << n;
//Only for Text Alignment
if (n < 10)
cout.width(40); cout << right << i << endl;
cout.width(39); cout << right << i << endl;
i += i - 1;
return 0;
Common Lisp
(defun primep (n) ; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15817350/
(cond ((= 2 n) t) ; Hard-code "2 is a prime"
((= 3 n) t) ; Hard-code "3 is a prime"
((evenp n) nil) ; If we're looking at an even now, it's not a prime
(t ; If it is divisible by an odd number below its square root, it's not prime
(do* ((i 3 (incf i 2))) ; Initialize to 3 and increment by 2 on every loop
((or (> i (isqrt n)) ; Break condition index exceeds its square root
(zerop (mod n i))) ; Break condition it is divisible
(not (zerop (mod n i)))))))) ; Returns not divisible, aka prime
(do ((i 42) ; Initialize index to 42
(c 0)) ; Initialize count of primes to 0
((= c 42)) ; Break condition when there are 42 primes
(incf i) ; Increments index by unity
(if (primep i)(progn (incf c) ; If prime increment count of primes
(format t "~&~5<~d~;->~>~20<~:d~>" c i) ; Display count of primes found and the prime
(incf i (decf i))))) ; Increment index to previous index plus the prime
- Output:
1 -> 43 2 -> 89 3 -> 179 4 -> 359 5 -> 719 6 -> 1,439 7 -> 2,879 8 -> 5,779 9 -> 11,579 10 -> 23,159 11 -> 46,327 12 -> 92,657 13 -> 185,323 14 -> 370,661 15 -> 741,337 16 -> 1,482,707 17 -> 2,965,421 18 -> 5,930,887 19 -> 11,861,791 20 -> 23,723,597 21 -> 47,447,201 22 -> 94,894,427 23 -> 189,788,857 24 -> 379,577,741 25 -> 759,155,483 26 -> 1,518,310,967 27 -> 3,036,621,941 28 -> 6,073,243,889 29 -> 12,146,487,779 30 -> 24,292,975,649 31 -> 48,585,951,311 32 -> 97,171,902,629 33 -> 194,343,805,267 34 -> 388,687,610,539 35 -> 777,375,221,081 36 -> 1,554,750,442,183 37 -> 3,109,500,884,389 38 -> 6,219,001,768,781 39 -> 12,438,003,537,571 40 -> 24,876,007,075,181 41 -> 49,752,014,150,467 42 -> 99,504,028,301,131
program Increment_loop_index_within_loop_body;
function IsPrime(const a: UInt64): Boolean;
d: UInt64;
if (a < 2) then
if (a mod 2) = 0 then
exit(a = 2);
if (a mod 3) = 0 then
exit(a = 3);
d := 5;
while (d * d <= a) do
if (a mod d = 0) then
inc(d, 2);
if (a mod d = 0) then
inc(d, 4);
Result := True;
i, n: UInt64;
FormatSettings.ThousandSeparator:= ',';
i := 42;
n := 0;
while (n < 42) do
if (isPrime(i)) then
Writeln('n = ', n: -20, ' ', floattostrF(i, ffNumber, 20,0):20);
i := 2 * i - 1;
- Output:
Same of #C#.
create or replace function primep(nnumber) as (
when nnumber < 2 then false
when nnumber = 2 then true
else NOT exists
( select * from
( select (nnumber % anumber) as modNumber
from (select unnest(range(2, 1 + sqrt(nnumber)::BIGINT)) as anumber)
where modNumber = 0
create or replace function task(start, mx) as table (
with recursive cte as (
select start::HUGEINT as ix, primep(start) as primep0, 0::HUGEINT as n,
[]::HUGEINT[] as display
union all
select if (primep0, ix+ix, ix+1) as ix,
if (primep0, primep(ix+ix), primep(ix+1)) as primep0,
if (primep0,1,0) + n as n,
if (primep0, [n+1, ix], []) as display
from cte
where n < mx
) select display
from cte
where display != []
limit mx
from task(42, 42);
- Output:
┌──────────────────────┐ │ display │ │ int128[] │ ├──────────────────────┤ │ [1, 43] │ │ [2, 89] │ │ [3, 179] │ │ [4, 359] │ │ [5, 719] │ │ [6, 1439] │ │ [7, 2879] │ │ [8, 5779] │ │ [9, 11579] │ │ [10, 23159] │ │ [11, 46327] │ │ [12, 92657] │ │ [13, 185323] │ │ [14, 370661] │ │ [15, 741337] │ │ [16, 1482707] │ │ [17, 2965421] │ │ [18, 5930887] │ │ [19, 11861791] │ │ [20, 23723597] │ │ [21, 47447201] │ │ [22, 94894427] │ │ [23, 189788857] │ │ [24, 379577741] │ │ [25, 759155483] │ │ [26, 1518310967] │ │ [27, 3036621941] │ │ [28, 6073243889] │ │ [29, 12146487779] │ │ [30, 24292975649] │ │ [31, 48585951311] │ │ [32, 97171902629] │ │ [33, 194343805267] │ │ [34, 388687610539] │ │ [35, 777375221081] │ │ [36, 1554750442183] │ │ [37, 3109500884389] │ │ [38, 6219001768781] │ │ [39, 12438003537571] │ │ [40, 24876007075181] │ │ [41, 49752014150467] │ │ [42, 99504028301131] │ ├──────────────────────┤ │ 42 rows │ └──────────────────────┘
func isPrime(number) {
if number <= 1 {
return false
else if number % 2 == 0 {
return number == 2
var i = 3
while (i * i) < number {
if number % i == 0 {
return false
i += 2
return true
var i = 42
var n = 0
while n < 42 {
if isPrime(i) {
n += 1
print("n = \(n)\t\(i)")
i += i - 1
i += 1
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1439 n = 7 2879 n = 8 5779 n = 9 11579 n = 10 23159 n = 11 46327 n = 12 92657 n = 13 185323 n = 14 370661 n = 15 741337 n = 16 1482707 n = 17 2965421 n = 18 5930887 n = 19 11861791 n = 20 23723597 n = 21 47447201 n = 22 94894427 n = 23 189788857 n = 24 379577741 n = 25 759155483 n = 26 1518310967 n = 27 3036621941 n = 28 6073243889 n = 29 12146487779 n = 30 24292975649 n = 31 48585951311 n = 32 97171902629 n = 33 194343805267 n = 34 388687610539 n = 35 777375221081 n = 36 1554750442183 n = 37 3109500884389 n = 38 6219001768781 n = 39 12438003537571 n = 40 24876007075181 n = 41 49752014150467 n = 42 99504028301131
fastfunc isprim num .
i = 2
while i <= sqrt num
if num mod i = 0
return 0
i += 1
return 1
counter = 0
maxnum = pow 2 53
for i = 42 to maxnum
if isprim i = 1
counter += 1
print "n=" & counter & " " & i
if counter >= 42
break 1
i += i - 1
- Output:
n=1 43 n=2 89 n=3 179 . . n=41 49752014150467 n=42 99504028301131
int LIMIT = 42
fun isPrime = logic by int n
if n % 2 == 0 do return n == 2 end
if n % 3 == 0 do return n == 3 end
int d = 5
while d * d <= n
if n % d == 0 do return false end
d += 2
if n % d == 0 do return false end
d += 4
return true
for int i = LIMIT, int n = 0; n < LIMIT; ++i
if not isPrime(i) do continue end
writeLine("n = " + n + ",\ti = " + i)
i += i - 1
This task uses Extensible Prime Generator (F#)
// Well I don't do loops. Nigel Galloway: March 17th., 2019. Let me try to explain where the loopy variables are, for the imperatively constrained.
// cUL allows me to claim the rather trivial extra credit (commas in the numbers)
let cUL=let g=System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-GB") in (fun (n:uint64)->n.ToString("N0",g))
// fN is primality by trial division
let fN g=pCache|>Seq.map uint64|>Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n*n<g)|>Seq.forall(fun n->g%n>0UL)
// unfold is sort of a loop incremented by 1 in this case
let fG n=Seq.unfold(fun n->Some(n,(n+1UL))) n|>Seq.find(fN)
// unfold is sort of a loop with fG as an internal loop incremented by the exit value of the internal loop in this case.
Seq.unfold(fun n->let n=fG n in Some(n,n+n)) 42UL|>Seq.take 42|>Seq.iteri(fun n g->printfn "%2d -> %s" (n+1) (cUL g))
- Output:
1 -> 43 2 -> 89 3 -> 179 4 -> 359 5 -> 719 6 -> 1,439 7 -> 2,879 8 -> 5,779 9 -> 11,579 10 -> 23,159 11 -> 46,327 12 -> 92,657 13 -> 185,323 14 -> 370,661 15 -> 741,337 16 -> 1,482,707 17 -> 2,965,421 18 -> 5,930,887 19 -> 11,861,791 20 -> 23,723,597 21 -> 47,447,201 22 -> 94,894,427 23 -> 189,788,857 24 -> 379,577,741 25 -> 759,155,483 26 -> 1,518,310,967 27 -> 3,036,621,941 28 -> 6,073,243,889 29 -> 12,146,487,779 30 -> 24,292,975,649 31 -> 48,585,951,311 32 -> 97,171,902,629 33 -> 194,343,805,267 34 -> 388,687,610,539 35 -> 777,375,221,081 36 -> 1,554,750,442,183 37 -> 3,109,500,884,389 38 -> 6,219,001,768,781 39 -> 12,438,003,537,571 40 -> 24,876,007,075,181 41 -> 49,752,014,150,467 42 -> 99,504,028,301,131
Explicit loop indices are non-idiomatic, but Factor is certainly capable of using them. Factor has a for loop near-equivalent, <range> [ ] each
, but since it doesn't mesh well with mutation, a while loop is used.
Using two numbers on the data stack
USING: formatting kernel math math.primes
tools.memory.private ;
IN: rosetta-code.loops-inc-body
[ dup 42 < ] [
over prime? [
1 + 2dup swap commas
"n = %-2d %19s\n" printf
[ dup + 1 - ] dip
] when
[ 1 + ] dip
] while
Using lexical variables
Factor provides lexical variables for situations where they improve readability.
USING: formatting kernel math math.primes
tools.memory.private ;
IN: rosetta-code.loops-inc-body
42 :> i!
0 :> n!
[ n 42 < ] [
i prime? [
n 1 + n!
n i commas "n = %-2d %19s\n" printf
i i + 1 - i!
] when
i 1 + i!
] while
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1,439 n = 7 2,879 n = 8 5,779 n = 9 11,579 n = 10 23,159 n = 11 46,327 n = 12 92,657 n = 13 185,323 n = 14 370,661 n = 15 741,337 n = 16 1,482,707 n = 17 2,965,421 n = 18 5,930,887 n = 19 11,861,791 n = 20 23,723,597 n = 21 47,447,201 n = 22 94,894,427 n = 23 189,788,857 n = 24 379,577,741 n = 25 759,155,483 n = 26 1,518,310,967 n = 27 3,036,621,941 n = 28 6,073,243,889 n = 29 12,146,487,779 n = 30 24,292,975,649 n = 31 48,585,951,311 n = 32 97,171,902,629 n = 33 194,343,805,267 n = 34 388,687,610,539 n = 35 777,375,221,081 n = 36 1,554,750,442,183 n = 37 3,109,500,884,389 n = 38 6,219,001,768,781 n = 39 12,438,003,537,571 n = 40 24,876,007,075,181 n = 41 49,752,014,150,467 n = 42 99,504,028,301,131
Fortran does not allow to modify the index inside the loop.
do i=1,10
write(*,*) i
end do
Error - I is currently being used as a DO or implied DO control variable Compilation failed.
Fortran 95
! Loops Increment loop index within loop body - 17/07/2018
integer*8 n
i=0; n=42
Do While(i<imax)
If (isprime(n)==1) Then
Write (*,'(I2,1X,I20)') i,n
Function isprime(n)
integer*8 n,i
If (n==2 .OR. n==3) Then
ElseIf (Mod(n,2)==0 .OR. Mod(n,3)==0) Then
Do While(i*i<=n)
If (Mod(n,i)==0 .OR. Mod(n,i+2)==0) Then
- Output:
1 43 2 89 3 179 4 359 5 719 6 1439 7 2879 8 5779 9 11579 10 23159 11 46327 12 92657 13 185323 14 370661 15 741337 16 1482707 17 2965421 18 5930887 19 11861791 20 23723597 21 47447201 22 94894427 23 189788857 24 379577741 25 759155483 26 1518310967 27 3036621941 28 6073243889 29 12146487779 30 24292975649 31 48585951311 32 97171902629 33 194343805267 34 388687610539 35 777375221081 36 1554750442183 37 3109500884389 38 6219001768781 39 12438003537571 40 24876007075181 41 49752014150467 42 99504028301131
Fortran IV
The limit is set to 25 due to the size of integer in Fortran IV.
WRITE(*,301) I,N
301 FORMAT(I2,1X,I10)
20 N=N+1
IF(M.NE.2 .AND. M.NE.3)GOTO 10
10 IF(MOD(M,2).NE.0 .AND. MOD(M,3).NE.0)GOTO 20
20 I=5
30 IF(I*I.GT.M)GOTO 50
IF(MOD(M,I).NE.0 .AND. MOD(M,I+2).NE.0)GOTO 40
40 I=I+6
- Output:
1 43 2 89 3 179 4 359 5 719 6 1439 7 2879 8 5779 9 11579 10 23159 11 46327 12 92657 13 185323 14 370661 15 741337 16 1482707 17 2965421 18 5930887 19 11861791 20 23723597 21 47447201 22 94894427 23 189788857 24 379577741 25 759155483
' version 18-01-2019
' compile with: fbc -s console
Function isprime(number As ULongInt) As UInteger
If number Mod 2 = 0 Then Return 0
If number Mod 3 = 0 Then Return 0
Dim As UInteger i, max = Sqr(number)
For i = 5 To max Step 2
If number Mod i = 0 Then Return 0
Return 1
End Function
' ------=< MAIN >=------
Dim As UInteger counter
Dim As ULongInt i
Print : Print
counter = 0
For i = 42 To &HFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ' for next loop, loop maximum = 2^64-1
If isprime(i) Then
counter += 1
Print Using "n =### ##################,"; counter; i
If counter >= 42 Then Exit for
i += i -1
End If
' empty keyboard buffer
While InKey <> "" : Wend
Print : Print "hit any key to end program"
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1,439 n = 7 2,879 n = 8 5,779 n = 9 11,579 n = 10 23,159 n = 11 46,327 n = 12 92,657 n = 13 185,323 n = 14 370,661 n = 15 741,337 n = 16 1,482,707 n = 17 2,965,421 n = 18 5,930,887 n = 19 11,861,791 n = 20 23,723,597 n = 21 47,447,201 n = 22 94,894,427 n = 23 189,788,857 n = 24 379,577,741 n = 25 759,155,483 n = 26 1,518,310,967 n = 27 3,036,621,941 n = 28 6,073,243,889 n = 29 12,146,487,779 n = 30 24,292,975,649 n = 31 48,585,951,311 n = 32 97,171,902,629 n = 33 194,343,805,267 n = 34 388,687,610,539 n = 35 777,375,221,081 n = 36 1,554,750,442,183 n = 37 3,109,500,884,389 n = 38 6,219,001,768,781 n = 39 12,438,003,537,571 n = 40 24,876,007,075,181 n = 41 49,752,014,150,467 n = 42 99,504,028,301,131
BOOL local fn IsPrime( n as long )
if ( n == 2 ) then return YES
if ( n < 2 || n % 2 == 0 ) then return NO
for long i = 3 to sqr(n) step 2
if ( ( n % i ) == 0 ) then return NO
next i
end fn = YES
void local fn DoIt
long count = 0
for long i = 42 to LONG_MAX
if ( fn IsPrime( i ) )
print count,i
if ( count == 42 ) then break
i += i
end if
end fn
fn DoIt
- Output:
1 43 2 89 3 179 4 359 5 719 6 1439 7 2879 8 5779 9 11579 10 23159 11 46327 12 92657 13 185323 14 370661 15 741337 16 1482707 17 2965421 18 5930887 19 11861791 20 23723597 21 47447201 22 94894427 23 189788857 24 379577741 25 759155483 26 1518310967 27 3036621941 28 6073243889 29 12146487779 30 24292975649 31 48585951311 32 97171902629 33 194343805267 34 388687610539 35 777375221081 36 1554750442183 37 3109500884389 38 6219001768781 39 12438003537571 40 24876007075181 41 49752014150467 42 99504028301131
This uses Go's 'for' loop but is otherwise similar to the Kotlin entry.
The 'thousands separator' aspect is dealt with by a couple of external packages (in the 'import' declarations) which can be installed using 'go get'.
package main
func isPrime(n uint64) bool {
if n % 2 == 0 {
return n == 2
if n % 3 == 0 {
return n == 3
d := uint64(5)
for d * d <= n {
if n % d == 0 {
return false
d += 2
if n % d == 0 {
return false
d += 4
return true
const limit = 42
func main() {
p := message.NewPrinter(language.English)
for i, n := uint64(limit), 0; n < limit; i++ {
if isPrime(i) {
p.Printf("n = %-2d %19d\n", n, i)
i += i - 1
- Output:
Same as Kotlin entry
No index mutations or loops. Recursion is used.
import Data.List
import Control.Monad (guard)
isPrime :: Int -> Bool
isPrime n
| n <= 3 = n > 1
| n `mod` 2 == 0 || n `mod` 3 == 0 = False
| otherwise = l2 5 n
where l2 d n = x > n || l3 d n
where x = d * d
l3 d n
| n `mod` d == 0 = False
| n `mod` (d + 2) == 0 = False
| otherwise = l2 (d + 6) n
showPrime :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, Int)]
showPrime i n = if isPrime i
then (n, i) : showPrime (i+i) (n+1)
else showPrime (i+1) n
digitGroup :: Int -> String
digitGroup = intercalate "," . reverse . map show . unfoldr (\n -> guard (n /= 0) >> pure (n `mod` 1000, n `div` 1000))
display :: (Int, Int) -> String
display (i, p) = show i ++ " " ++ digitGroup p
main = mapM_ (putStrLn . display) $ take 42 $ showPrime 42 1
- Output:
1 43 2 89 3 179 4 359 5 719 6 1,439 7 2,879 8 5,779 9 11,579 10 23,159 11 46,327 12 92,657 13 185,323 14 370,661 15 741,337 16 1,482,707 17 2,965,421 18 5,930,887 19 11,861,791 20 23,723,597 21 47,447,201 22 94,894,427 23 189,788,857 24 379,577,741 25 759,155,483 26 1,518,310,967 27 3,36,621,941 28 6,73,243,889 29 12,146,487,779 30 24,292,975,649 31 48,585,951,311 32 97,171,902,629 33 194,343,805,267 34 388,687,610,539 35 777,375,221,81 36 1,554,750,442,183 37 3,109,500,884,389 38 6,219,1,768,781 39 12,438,3,537,571 40 24,876,7,75,181 41 49,752,14,150,467 42 99,504,28,301,131
And for minor variation, we could import isPrime from Data.Numbers.Primes, and define the comma-grouping of large integers in terms of chunksof:
import Data.Numbers.Primes
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
series :: Integer -> Integer -> [(Integer, Integer)]
series = go
go i n
| isPrime i = (n, i) : go (i + i) (succ n)
| otherwise = go (succ i) n
showPair :: (Integer, Integer) -> String
showPair (i, n) = show i ++ " -> " ++ showInteger n
showInteger :: Integer -> String
showInteger = reverse . intercalate "," . chunksOf 3 . reverse . show
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ (putStrLn . showPair) (take 42 $ series 42 1)
Haxe's for-loop does allow the index to be modified in the body of the loop, so a while-loop is used instead.
using StringTools;
import haxe.Int64;
class PrimeNumberLoops {
private static var limit = 42;
static function isPrime(i:Int64):Bool {
if (i == 2 || i == 3) {
return true;
} else if (i % 2 == 0 || i % 3 ==0) {
return false;
var idx:haxe.Int64 = 5;
while (idx * idx <= i) {
if (i % idx == 0) return false;
idx += 2;
if (i % idx == 0) return false;
idx += 4;
return true;
static function main() {
var i:Int64 = 42;
var n:Int64 = 0;
while (n < limit) {
if (isPrime(i)) {
Sys.println('n ${Int64.toStr(n).lpad(' ', 2)} ' +
'= ${Int64.toStr(i).lpad(' ', 19)}');
i += i;
- Output:
n 1 = 43 n 2 = 89 n 3 = 179 n 4 = 359 n 5 = 719 n 6 = 1439 n 7 = 2879 n 8 = 5779 n 9 = 11579 n 10 = 23159 n 11 = 46327 n 12 = 92657 n 13 = 185323 n 14 = 370661 n 15 = 741337 n 16 = 1482707 n 17 = 2965421 n 18 = 5930887 n 19 = 11861791 n 20 = 23723597 n 21 = 47447201 n 22 = 94894427 n 23 = 189788857 n 24 = 379577741 n 25 = 759155483 n 26 = 1518310967 n 27 = 3036621941 n 28 = 6073243889 n 29 = 12146487779 n 30 = 24292975649 n 31 = 48585951311 n 32 = 97171902629 n 33 = 194343805267 n 34 = 388687610539 n 35 = 777375221081 n 36 = 1554750442183 n 37 = 3109500884389 n 38 = 6219001768781 n 39 = 12438003537571 n 40 = 24876007075181 n 41 = 49752014150467 n 42 = 99504028301131
An idiomatic approach:
(,.~#\)}:(}:, (,1&p: # _1 2&p.)@:>:@{:)^:(42 >: #)^:_ x: 42
1 43
2 89
3 179
4 359
5 719
6 1439
7 2879
8 5779
9 11579
10 23159
11 46327
12 92657
13 185323
14 370661
15 741337
16 1482707
17 2965421
18 5930887
19 11861791
20 23723597
21 47447201
22 94894427
23 189788857
24 379577741
25 759155483
26 1518310967
27 3036621941
28 6073243889
29 12146487779
30 24292975649
31 48585951311
32 97171902629
33 194343805267
34 388687610539
35 777375221081
36 1554750442183
37 3109500884389
38 6219001768781
39 12438003537571
40 24876007075181
41 49752014150467
42 99504028301131
Most of the remainder of this treatment ignores output formatting issues and focuses purely on algorithmic issues.
The loop index from J's for.
is read only. But we can use a while loop to achieve the effect of a mutable loop index.
Here are some sketches, starting with that concept and developing some plausible alternative approaches:
A variant derived from the python solution (except this loop returns the list of computed values rather than displays them):
isPrime =: 1&p:
assert 1 1 0 -: isPrime 2 3 4 NB. test and example
loop =: verb define
i =. x: y
n =. i. 0
while. y > # n do.
if. isPrime i do.
n =. n , i
i =. _1 2 p. i
i =. i + 1
Store the vector of indexes using its tail as the current index, removing the `n' variable. In doing so the last item of `i' is not part of the solution, hence change less than to less or equal, and discard the tail value. Also extract the conversion to extended precision x: .
loop =: verb define@:x:
i =. y
while. y >: # i do.
if. isPrime {: i do.
i =. (, _1 2 p. {:) i
i =. _1 (>:@:{)`[`]} i
}: i
Replace the "if" statement with a computation. This one works by appending onto the solution vector isPrime copies of the proposed new index.
loop =: verb define@:x:
i =. y
while. y >: # i do.
i =. (, (isPrime # _1 2&p.)@:{:) i
i =. _1 (>:@:{)`[`]} i
}: i
Names are an issue brought forth in the j forums. Names have most meaning to the person who wrote them, so there's a bit of J philosophy that says "show the code". J doesn't enforce "code only", and definitions can encapsulate useful chunks of code. If the names I've chosen don't work in your experience or language you could replace them with `a' and `b'.
save_if_prime =: , (isPrime # _1 2&p.)@:{:
increment_tail =: _1&(>:@:{`[`]})
loop =: verb define@:x:
i =. y
while. y >: # i do.
i =. save_if_prime i
i =. increment_tail i
}: i
Why make two assignments when j can increment at save?
loop =: verb define@:x:
i =. y
while. y >: # i do.
i =. increment_tail@:save_if_prime i
}: i
Next replace the while loop with double application of J's generalized power conjunction.
While =: conjunction def 'u^:(0~:v)^:_'
loop =: verb define@:x:
i =. y
}: increment_tail@:save_if_prime While(y >: #) i
By inspection the variable `i' doesn't contribute anything useful whatsoever. The verb's argument, y, remains. Finally, implemented as an hook verb trains with 'y' and `i' as left ([) and right (]) arguments the complete definitions for tacit_loop are
isPrime =: 1&p:
save_if_prime =: , (isPrime # _1 2&p.)@:{:
increment_tail =: _1&(>:@:{`[`]})
While =: conjunction def 'u^:(0~:v)^:_'
tacit_loop =: [: }: (increment_tail@:save_if_prime@:]While(>: #) x:)
Include the index numbers with demonstration:
9!:37 ] 0 2048 0 222 NB. output control permit lines of 2^11 columns
(>:@:i. ,: tacit_loop) 42
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
43 89 179 359 719 1439 2879 5779 11579 23159 46327 92657 185323 370661 741337 1482707 2965421 5930887 11861791 23723597 47447201 94894427 189788857 379577741 759155483 1518310967 3036621941 6073243889 12146487779 24292975649 48585951311 97171902629 194343805267 388687610539 777375221081 1554750442183 3109500884389 6219001768781 12438003537571 24876007075181 49752014150467 99504028301131
NB. fix the definition. Here's the code.
tacit_loop f.
[: }: (_1&(>:@:{`[`]})@:(, (1&p: # _1 2&p.)@:{:)@:]^:(0 ~: (>: #))^:_ x:)
If the loop must require the output side effect, this save_if_prime definition does the trick. Without the output hook it is probably more efficient than the copying version because it evaluates the hook
(, _1 2&p.@:{:)
only when isPrime is true.
extra_credit =: ([: }. ,@(',' ,.~ _3 [\ ])&.|.@:":)&>
show =: [ ([: echo@:deb@:({. , ' ' , {:)@:extra_credit # , {:)
save_if_prime =: (, _1 2&p.@:{:)@:show^:(isPrime@:{:)
empty@:tacit_loop 42
1 43
2 89
3 179
4 359
5 719
6 1,439
7 2,879
8 5,779
9 11,579
10 23,159
11 46,327
12 92,657
13 185,323
14 370,661
15 741,337
16 1,482,707
17 2,965,421
18 5,930,887
19 11,861,791
20 23,723,597
21 47,447,201
22 94,894,427
23 189,788,857
24 379,577,741
25 759,155,483
26 1,518,310,967
27 3,036,621,941
28 6,073,243,889
29 12,146,487,779
30 24,292,975,649
31 48,585,951,311
32 97,171,902,629
33 194,343,805,267
34 388,687,610,539
35 777,375,221,081
36 1,554,750,442,183
37 3,109,500,884,389
38 6,219,001,768,781
39 12,438,003,537,571
40 24,876,007,075,181
41 49,752,014,150,467
42 99,504,028,301,131
The following uses a 'for' rather than a 'do/while' loop but otherwise is similar to the Kotlin entry.
public class LoopIncrementWithinBody {
static final int LIMIT = 42;
static boolean isPrime(long n) {
if (n % 2 == 0) return n == 2;
if (n % 3 == 0) return n == 3;
long d = 5;
while (d * d <= n) {
if (n % d == 0) return false;
d += 2;
if (n % d == 0) return false;
d += 4;
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) {
long i;
int n;
for (i = LIMIT, n = 0; n < LIMIT; i++)
if (isPrime(i)) {
System.out.printf("n = %-2d %,19d\n", n, i);
i += i - 1;
- Output:
Same as Kotlin entry
Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq
Works with jaq, the Rust implementation of jq
jq's looping constructs that have a loop index do not allow that index to be modified within the loop as such indices are "read-only", but all the looping constructs allow an index to be be defined and modified, as illustrated by the following example, which uses "i" as the loop index.
This entry uses the jq implementation of is_prime as shown at Erdős-primes#jq.
{i:42, count:0}
| while( .count <= 42;
.emit = null
| .i += 1
| if .i|is_prime
.count += 1
| .emit = "count at \(.i) is \(.count)"
| .i = .i + .i - 1
else .
end )
| select(.emit).emit
- Output:
count at 43 is 1 count at 89 is 2 count at 179 is 3 count at 359 is 4 count at 719 is 5 count at 1439 is 6 count at 2879 is 7 count at 5779 is 8 count at 11579 is 9 count at 23159 is 10 count at 46327 is 11 count at 92657 is 12 count at 185323 is 13 count at 370661 is 14 count at 741337 is 15 count at 1482707 is 16 count at 2965421 is 17 count at 5930887 is 18 count at 11861791 is 19 count at 23723597 is 20 count at 47447201 is 21 count at 94894427 is 22 count at 189788857 is 23 count at 379577741 is 24 count at 759155483 is 25 count at 1518310967 is 26 count at 3036621941 is 27 count at 6073243889 is 28 count at 12146487779 is 29 count at 24292975649 is 30 count at 48585951311 is 31 count at 97171902629 is 32 count at 194343805267 is 33 count at 388687610539 is 34 count at 777375221081 is 35 count at 1554750442183 is 36 count at 3109500884389 is 37 count at 6219001768781 is 38 count at 12438003537571 is 39 count at 24876007075181 is 40 count at 49752014150467 is 41 count at 99504028301131 is 42
Julia's for
loop iterator is an iterator type which cannot be incremented as a simple variable would to change looping.
using Primes, Formatting
function doublemyindex(n=42)
shown = 0
i = BigInt(n)
while shown < n
if isprime(i + 1)
shown += 1
println("The index is ", format(shown, commas=true), " and ",
format(i + 1, commas=true), " is prime.")
i += i
i += 1
- Output:
The index is 1 and 43 is prime. The index is 2 and 89 is prime. The index is 3 and 179 is prime. The index is 4 and 359 is prime. The index is 5 and 719 is prime. The index is 6 and 1,439 is prime. The index is 7 and 2,879 is prime. The index is 8 and 5,779 is prime. The index is 9 and 11,579 is prime. The index is 10 and 23,159 is prime. The index is 11 and 46,327 is prime. The index is 12 and 92,657 is prime. The index is 13 and 185,323 is prime. The index is 14 and 370,661 is prime. The index is 15 and 741,337 is prime. The index is 16 and 1,482,707 is prime. The index is 17 and 2,965,421 is prime. The index is 18 and 5,930,887 is prime. The index is 19 and 11,861,791 is prime. The index is 20 and 23,723,597 is prime. The index is 21 and 47,447,201 is prime. The index is 22 and 94,894,427 is prime. The index is 23 and 189,788,857 is prime. The index is 24 and 379,577,741 is prime. The index is 25 and 759,155,483 is prime. The index is 26 and 1,518,310,967 is prime. The index is 27 and 3,036,621,941 is prime. The index is 28 and 6,073,243,889 is prime. The index is 29 and 12,146,487,779 is prime. The index is 30 and 24,292,975,649 is prime. The index is 31 and 48,585,951,311 is prime. The index is 32 and 97,171,902,629 is prime. The index is 33 and 194,343,805,267 is prime. The index is 34 and 388,687,610,539 is prime. The index is 35 and 777,375,221,081 is prime. The index is 36 and 1,554,750,442,183 is prime. The index is 37 and 3,109,500,884,389 is prime. The index is 38 and 6,219,001,768,781 is prime. The index is 39 and 12,438,003,537,571 is prime. The index is 40 and 24,876,007,075,181 is prime. The index is 41 and 49,752,014,150,467 is prime. The index is 42 and 99,504,028,301,131 is prime.
Unlike many other C-family languages (notably Java), Kotlin's 'for' statement doesn't allow either the iteration variable or the step to be modified within the loop body.
So instead we use a do/while loop here which has no such restrictions.
// version 1.2.60
fun isPrime(n: Long): Boolean {
if (n % 2L == 0L) return n == 2L
if (n % 3L == 0L) return n == 3L
var d = 5L
while (d * d <= n) {
if (n % d == 0L) return false
d += 2L
if (n % d == 0L) return false
d += 4L
return true
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var i = 42L
var n = 0
do {
if (isPrime(i)) {
System.out.printf("n = %-2d %,19d\n", n, i)
i += i - 1
while (n < 42)
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1,439 n = 7 2,879 n = 8 5,779 n = 9 11,579 n = 10 23,159 n = 11 46,327 n = 12 92,657 n = 13 185,323 n = 14 370,661 n = 15 741,337 n = 16 1,482,707 n = 17 2,965,421 n = 18 5,930,887 n = 19 11,861,791 n = 20 23,723,597 n = 21 47,447,201 n = 22 94,894,427 n = 23 189,788,857 n = 24 379,577,741 n = 25 759,155,483 n = 26 1,518,310,967 n = 27 3,036,621,941 n = 28 6,073,243,889 n = 29 12,146,487,779 n = 30 24,292,975,649 n = 31 48,585,951,311 n = 32 97,171,902,629 n = 33 194,343,805,267 n = 34 388,687,610,539 n = 35 777,375,221,081 n = 36 1,554,750,442,183 n = 37 3,109,500,884,389 n = 38 6,219,001,768,781 n = 39 12,438,003,537,571 n = 40 24,876,007,075,181 n = 41 49,752,014,150,467 n = 42 99,504,028,301,131
Although Kotlin is predominantly an object-oriented/procedural language, it does have some features which enable one to program in a functional style. These features include 'tail recursion' which, of course, is commonly used in place of loops in purely functional languages.
In such cases, the Kotlin compiler optimizes out the recursion, leaving behind a fast and efficient loop based version instead.
The following version uses a tail recursive function rather than a while loop to achieve the same effect:
// version 1.2.60
fun isPrime(n: Long): Boolean {
if (n % 2L == 0L) return n == 2L
if (n % 3L == 0L) return n == 3L
var d = 5L
while (d * d <= n) {
if (n % d == 0L) return false
d += 2L
if (n % d == 0L) return false
d += 4L
return true
tailrec fun loop(index: Long, numPrimes: Int) {
if (numPrimes == 42) return
var i = index
var n = numPrimes
if (isPrime(i)) {
System.out.printf("n = %-2d %,19d\n", n, i)
loop(2 * i - 1, n)
else loop(++i, n)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
loop(42, 0)
- Output:
Same as 'while' loop version.
# Increment loop index within loop body
# # Variables:
integer INDX_START=42 N_PRIMES=42
# # Functions:
# # Function _isprime(n) return 1 for prime, 0 for not prime
function _isprime {
typeset _n ; integer _n=$1
typeset _i ; integer _i
(( _n < 2 )) && return 0
for (( _i=2 ; _i*_i<=_n ; _i++ )); do
(( ! ( _n % _i ) )) && return 0
return 1
# main #
integer i n=0
for ((i=INDX_START; n<N_PRIMES; i++)); do
_isprime ${i}
if (( $? )); then
printf "%,18d is prime, %2d primes found(so far)\n" ${i} $((++n))
(( i+=$i ))
- Output:
43 is prime, 1 primes found(so far) 89 is prime, 2 primes found(so far) 179 is prime, 3 primes found(so far) 359 is prime, 4 primes found(so far) 719 is prime, 5 primes found(so far) 1,439 is prime, 6 primes found(so far) 2,879 is prime, 7 primes found(so far) 5,779 is prime, 8 primes found(so far) 11,579 is prime, 9 primes found(so far) 23,159 is prime, 10 primes found(so far) 46,327 is prime, 11 primes found(so far) 92,657 is prime, 12 primes found(so far) 185,323 is prime, 13 primes found(so far) 370,661 is prime, 14 primes found(so far) 741,337 is prime, 15 primes found(so far) 1,482,707 is prime, 16 primes found(so far) 2,965,421 is prime, 17 primes found(so far) 5,930,887 is prime, 18 primes found(so far) 11,861,791 is prime, 19 primes found(so far) 23,723,597 is prime, 20 primes found(so far) 47,447,201 is prime, 21 primes found(so far) 94,894,427 is prime, 22 primes found(so far) 189,788,857 is prime, 23 primes found(so far) 379,577,741 is prime, 24 primes found(so far) 759,155,483 is prime, 25 primes found(so far) 1,518,310,967 is prime, 26 primes found(so far) 3,036,621,941 is prime, 27 primes found(so far) 6,073,243,889 is prime, 28 primes found(so far) 12,146,487,779 is prime, 29 primes found(so far) 24,292,975,649 is prime, 30 primes found(so far) 48,585,951,311 is prime, 31 primes found(so far) 97,171,902,629 is prime, 32 primes found(so far) 194,343,805,267 is prime, 33 primes found(so far) 388,687,610,539 is prime, 34 primes found(so far) 777,375,221,081 is prime, 35 primes found(so far) 1,554,750,442,183 is prime, 36 primes found(so far) 3,109,500,884,389 is prime, 37 primes found(so far) 6,219,001,768,781 is prime, 38 primes found(so far)12,438,003,537,571 is prime, 39 primes found(so far) 24,876,007,075,181 is prime, 40 primes found(so far) 49,752,014,150,467 is prime, 41 primes found(so far)
99,504,028,301,131 is prime, 42 primes found(so far)
We use the javascript bigInts and the isPrime primitive working on big integers.
{isPrime 11}
-> true
{isPrime 99504028301131}
-> true
{def upto
{def upto.loop
{lambda {:max :i :n}
{if {> :n :max}
else {if {isPrime :i}
then {tr {td n = :n} {td {@ style="text-align:right"} :i}}
{upto.loop :max
{BI.+ :i {BI.- :i 1}}
{BI.+ :n 1}}
else {upto.loop :max
{BI.+ :i 1}
:n} }}}}
{lambda {:n}
{upto.loop :n 42 1} }}
-> upto
{upto 42}
n = 1 43
n = 2 89
n = 3 179
n = 4 359
n = 5 719
n = 6 1439
n = 7 2879
n = 8 5779
n = 9 11579
n = 10 23159
n = 11 46327
n = 12 92657
n = 13 185323
n = 14 370661
n = 15 741337
n = 16 1482707
n = 17 2965421
n = 18 5930887
n = 19 11861791
n = 20 23723597
n = 21 47447201
n = 22 94894427
n = 23 189788857
n = 24 379577741
n = 25 759155483
n = 26 1518310967
n = 27 3036621941
n = 28 6073243889
n = 29 12146487779
n = 30 24292975649
n = 31 48585951311
n = 32 97171902629
n = 33 194343805267
n = 34 388687610539
n = 35 777375221081
n = 36 1554750442183
n = 37 3109500884389
n = 38 6219001768781
n = 39 12438003537571
n = 40 24876007075181
n = 41 49752014150467
n = 42 99504028301131
-- Returns boolean indicate whether x is prime
function isPrime (x)
if x < 2 then return false end
if x < 4 then return true end
if x % 2 == 0 then return false end
for d = 3, math.sqrt(x), 2 do
if x % d == 0 then return false end
return true
-- Main procedure
local n, i = 0, 42
while n < 42 do
if isPrime(i) then
n = n + 1
print("n = " .. n, i)
i = 2 * i - 1
i = i + 1
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1439 n = 7 2879 n = 8 5779 n = 9 11579 n = 10 23159 n = 11 46327 n = 12 92657 n = 13 185323 n = 14 370661 n = 15 741337 n = 16 1482707 n = 17 2965421 n = 18 5930887 n = 19 11861791 n = 20 23723597 n = 21 47447201 n = 22 94894427 n = 23 189788857 n = 24 379577741 n = 25 759155483 n = 26 1518310967 n = 27 3036621941 n = 28 6073243889 n = 29 12146487779 n = 30 24292975649 n = 31 48585951311 n = 32 97171902629 n = 33 194343805267 n = 34 388687610539 n = 35 777375221081 n = 36 1554750442183 n = 37 3109500884389 n = 38 6219001768781 n = 39 12438003537571 n = 40 24876007075181 n = 41 49752014150467 n = 42 99504028301131
M2000 Interpreter
Module CheckIt {
Function IsPrime (x) {
if x<=5 OR frac(x) then {
if x = 2 OR x = 3 OR x = 5 then =true
if x mod 2 else exit
if x mod 3 else exit
x1=sqrt(x): d=5@
{if x mod d else exit
d += 2@: if d>x1 then =true : exit
if x mod d else exit
d += 4@: if d<= x1 else =true: exit
\\ For Next loops or For {} loops can't change iterator variable (variable has a copy of real iterator)
\\ In those loops we have to use Continue to skip lines and repeat the loop.
\\ so we have to use Block iterator, using Loop which set a flag current block to repeat itself once.
def long Limit=42, n
def decimal i
if n<Limit Else exit
if isPrime(i) then n++ : Print format$("n={0::2}: {1:-20}", n, str$(i,"#,###")) : i+=i-1
- Output:
Same as Kotlin entry
A translation of Kotlin entry
i := 42:
count := 0:
while(count < 42) do
i := i+1:
if type(i,prime) then
count := count + 1:
printf("n=%-2d %19d\n", count,i):
i := 2*i -1:
end if:
end do:
- Output:
n=1 43 n=2 89 n=3 179 n=4 359 n=5 719 n=6 1439 n=7 2879 n=8 5779 n=9 11579 n=10 23159 n=11 46327 n=12 92657 n=13 185323 n=14 370661 n=15 741337 n=16 1482707 n=17 2965421 n=18 5930887 n=19 11861791 n=20 23723597 n=21 47447201 n=22 94894427 n=23 189788857 n=24 379577741 n=25 759155483 n=26 1518310967 n=27 3036621941 n=28 6073243889 n=29 12146487779 n=30 24292975649 n=31 48585951311 n=32 97171902629 n=33 194343805267 n=34 388687610539 n=35 777375221081 n=36 1554750442183 n=37 3109500884389 n=38 6219001768781 n=39 12438003537571 n=40 24876007075181 n=41 49752014150467 n=42 99504028301131
Mathematica / Wolfram Language
{i, n} = {42, 0};
While[n < 42,
Print["n=", n++, "\t", i];
i += i - 1;
- Output:
n=0 43 n=1 89 n=2 179 n=3 359 n=4 719 n=5 1439 n=6 2879 n=7 5779 n=8 11579 n=9 23159 n=10 46327 n=11 92657 n=12 185323 n=13 370661 n=14 741337 n=15 1482707 n=16 2965421 n=17 5930887 n=18 11861791 n=19 23723597 n=20 47447201 n=21 94894427 n=22 189788857 n=23 379577741 n=24 759155483 n=25 1518310967 n=26 3036621941 n=27 6073243889 n=28 12146487779 n=29 24292975649 n=30 48585951311 n=31 97171902629 n=32 194343805267 n=33 388687610539 n=34 777375221081 n=35 1554750442183 n=36 3109500884389 n=37 6219001768781 n=38 12438003537571 n=39 24876007075181 n=40 49752014150467 n=41 99504028301131
Microsoft Small Basic
Small Basic allows to modify the index inside the loop.
'Loops Increment loop index within loop body - 16/07/2018
While i<imax
If ret_isprime_n Then
TextWindow.WriteLine("i="+ret_format_i+" : "+ret_format_n)
Sub isprime_n
If n=2 Or n=3 Then
ElseIf Math.Remainder(n,2)=0 Or Math.Remainder(n,3)=0 Then
While j*j<=n
If Math.Remainder(n,j)=0 Or Math.Remainder(n,j+2)=0 Then
Goto exitsub
EndSub 'isprime_n
Sub format_i
ret_format_i=Text.GetSubText(" ",1,3-Text.GetLength(i))+i
EndSub 'format_i
Sub format_n
For k=Text.GetLength(n) To 1 Step -1
If l=3 Then
space=" "
EndSub 'format_n
- Output:
i= 1 : 43 i= 2 : 89 i= 3 : 179 i= 4 : 359 i= 5 : 719 i= 6 : 1,439 i= 7 : 2,879 i= 8 : 5,779 i= 9 : 11,579 i=10 : 23,159 i=11 : 46,327 i=12 : 92,657 i=13 : 185,323 i=14 : 370,661 i=15 : 741,337 i=16 : 1,482,707 i=17 : 2,965,421 i=18 : 5,930,887 i=19 : 11,861,791 i=20 : 23,723,597 i=21 : 47,447,201 i=22 : 94,894,427 i=23 : 189,788,857 i=24 : 379,577,741 i=25 : 759,155,483 i=26 : 1,518,310,967 i=27 : 3,036,621,941 i=28 : 6,073,243,889 i=29 : 12,146,487,779 i=30 : 24,292,975,649 i=31 : 48,585,951,311 i=32 : 97,171,902,629 i=33 : 194,343,805,267 i=34 : 388,687,610,539 i=35 : 777,375,221,081 i=36 : 1,554,750,442,183 i=37 : 3,109,500,884,389 i=38 : 6,219,001,768,781 i=39 : 12,438,003,537,571 i=40 : 24,876,007,075,181 i=41 : 49,752,014,150,467 i=42 : 99,504,028,301,131
limit = 42
def isPrime(n)
if ((n % 2) = 0) or ((n % 3) = 0)
return false
d = 5
while (d * d) <= n
if (n % d) = 0
return false
d += 2
if (n % d) = 0
return false
d += 4
return true
i = limit
for (n = 0) (n < limit) (i += 1)
if isPrime(i)
n += 1
print format("n = %-2d %,19d\n", n, i)
i += i - 1
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1,439 n = 7 2,879 n = 8 5,779 n = 9 11,579 n = 10 23,159 n = 11 46,327 n = 12 92,657 n = 13 185,323 n = 14 370,661 n = 15 741,337 n = 16 1,482,707 n = 17 2,965,421 n = 18 5,930,887 n = 19 11,861,791 n = 20 23,723,597 n = 21 47,447,201 n = 22 94,894,427 n = 23 189,788,857 n = 24 379,577,741 n = 25 759,155,483 n = 26 1,518,310,967 n = 27 3,036,621,941 n = 28 6,073,243,889 n = 29 12,146,487,779 n = 30 24,292,975,649 n = 31 48,585,951,311 n = 32 97,171,902,629 n = 33 194,343,805,267 n = 34 388,687,610,539 n = 35 777,375,221,081 n = 36 1,554,750,442,183 n = 37 3,109,500,884,389 n = 38 6,219,001,768,781 n = 39 12,438,003,537,571 n = 40 24,876,007,075,181 n = 41 49,752,014,150,467 n = 42 99,504,028,301,131
#! /usr/local/bin/newlisp
(define (prime? n)
(set 'lst (factor n))
(= (length lst) 1)))
(define (thousands_separator i)
(setq i (string i))
(setq len (length i))
(setq i (reverse (explode i)))
(setq o "")
(setq count3 0)
(dolist (x i)
(setq o (string o x))
(inc count3)
(if (and (= 3 count3) (< (+ $idx 1) len))
(setq o (string o "_"))
(setq count3 0))))
(reverse o))
;- - - Main begins here
(setq i 42)
(setq n 0)
(while (< n 42)
(if (prime? i)
(inc n)
(println (string "n = " n " -> " (thousands_separator i)))
(setq i (+ i i -1))))
(inc i)
n = 1 -> 43 n = 2 -> 89 n = 3 -> 179 n = 4 -> 359 n = 5 -> 719 n = 6 -> 1_439 n = 7 -> 2_879 n = 8 -> 5_779 n = 9 -> 11_579 n = 10 -> 23_159 n = 11 -> 46_327 n = 12 -> 92_657 n = 13 -> 185_323 n = 14 -> 370_661 n = 15 -> 741_337 n = 16 -> 1_482_707 n = 17 -> 2_965_421 n = 18 -> 5_930_887 n = 19 -> 11_861_791 n = 20 -> 23_723_597 n = 21 -> 47_447_201 n = 22 -> 94_894_427 n = 23 -> 189_788_857 n = 24 -> 379_577_741 n = 25 -> 759_155_483 n = 26 -> 1_518_310_967 n = 27 -> 3_036_621_941 n = 28 -> 6_073_243_889 n = 29 -> 12_146_487_779 n = 30 -> 24_292_975_649 n = 31 -> 48_585_951_311 n = 32 -> 97_171_902_629 n = 33 -> 194_343_805_267 n = 34 -> 388_687_610_539 n = 35 -> 777_375_221_081 n = 36 -> 1_554_750_442_183 n = 37 -> 3_109_500_884_389 n = 38 -> 6_219_001_768_781 n = 39 -> 12_438_003_537_571 n = 40 -> 24_876_007_075_181 n = 41 -> 49_752_014_150_467 n = 42 -> 99_504_028_301_131
Solution 2.
(define (prime? n) (= 1 (length (factor (int n)))))
(define (commafy n) (reverse (join (explode (reverse (string n)) 3) ",")))
(let (i 42
cnt 0)
(while (< cnt 42)
(++ i)
(when (prime? i)
(++ cnt)
(println (format "Prime %2d. %18s" cnt (commafy i)))
(++ i i))))
- Output:
Prime 1. 43 Prime 2. 89 Prime 3. 179 Prime 4. 359 Prime 5. 719 Prime 6. 1,439 Prime 7. 2,879 Prime 8. 5,779 Prime 9. 11,579 Prime 10. 23,159 Prime 11. 46,327 Prime 12. 92,657 Prime 13. 185,323 Prime 14. 370,661 Prime 15. 741,337 Prime 16. 1,482,707 Prime 17. 2,965,421 Prime 18. 5,930,887 Prime 19. 11,861,791 Prime 20. 23,723,597 Prime 21. 47,447,201 Prime 22. 94,894,427 Prime 23. 189,788,857 Prime 24. 379,577,741 Prime 25. 759,155,483 Prime 26. 1,518,310,967 Prime 27. 3,036,621,941 Prime 28. 6,073,243,889 Prime 29. 12,146,487,779 Prime 30. 24,292,975,649 Prime 31. 48,585,951,311 Prime 32. 97,171,902,629 Prime 33. 194,343,805,267 Prime 34. 388,687,610,539 Prime 35. 777,375,221,081 Prime 36. 1,554,750,442,183 Prime 37. 3,109,500,884,389 Prime 38. 6,219,001,768,781 Prime 39. 12,438,003,537,571 Prime 40. 24,876,007,075,181 Prime 41. 49,752,014,150,467 Prime 42. 99,504,028,301,131
In Nim, loop index is read-only, so we have to use a normal variable and increment it as needed.
import strformat
from strutils import insertSep
func isPrime(i: int): bool =
if i == 2 or i == 3: return true
elif i mod 2 == 0 or i mod 3 == 0: return false
var idx = 5
while idx*idx <= i:
if i mod idx == 0: return false
idx.inc 2
if i mod idx == 0: return false
idx.inc 4
result = true
const limit = 42
proc main =
i = 42
n = 0
while n < limit:
if i.isPrime:
inc n
echo &"""n {n:>2} = {($i).insertSep(sep=','):>19}"""
i.inc i
inc i
- Output:
n 1 = 43 n 2 = 89 n 3 = 179 n 4 = 359 n 5 = 719 n 6 = 1,439 n 7 = 2,879 n 8 = 5,779 n 9 = 11,579 n 10 = 23,159 n 11 = 46,327 n 12 = 92,657 n 13 = 185,323 n 14 = 370,661 n 15 = 741,337 n 16 = 1,482,707 n 17 = 2,965,421 n 18 = 5,930,887 n 19 = 11,861,791 n 20 = 23,723,597 n 21 = 47,447,201 n 22 = 94,894,427 n 23 = 189,788,857 n 24 = 379,577,741 n 25 = 759,155,483 n 26 = 1,518,310,967 n 27 = 3,036,621,941 n 28 = 6,073,243,889 n 29 = 12,146,487,779 n 30 = 24,292,975,649 n 31 = 48,585,951,311 n 32 = 97,171,902,629 n 33 = 194,343,805,267 n 34 = 388,687,610,539 n 35 = 777,375,221,081 n 36 = 1,554,750,442,183 n 37 = 3,109,500,884,389 n 38 = 6,219,001,768,781 n 39 = 12,438,003,537,571 n 40 = 24,876,007,075,181 n 41 = 49,752,014,150,467 n 42 = 99,504,028,301,131
function IsPrime(n: BigInteger)
:= (2..n.Sqrt.Round).All(x -> n mod x <> 0);
var i := 1;
var n := 42bi;
while i <= 42 do
if IsPrime(n) then
Println($'{i,3} {n,15}');
i += 1;
n += n - 1;
n += 1;
- Output:
1 43 2 89 3 179 4 359 5 719 6 1439 7 2879 8 5779 9 11579 10 23159 11 46327 12 92657 13 185323 14 370661 15 741337 16 1482707 17 2965421 18 5930887 19 11861791 20 23723597 21 47447201 22 94894427 23 189788857 24 379577741 25 759155483 26 1518310967 27 3036621941 28 6073243889 29 12146487779 30 24292975649 31 48585951311 32 97171902629 33 194343805267 34 388687610539 35 777375221081 36 1554750442183 37 3109500884389 38 6219001768781 39 12438003537571 40 24876007075181 41 49752014150467 42 99504028301131
Messing with the loop iterator value doesn't go well in Perl, so use the while loop alternative. The ntheory
module is used to test for primes.
use ntheory qw(is_prime);
$i = 42;
while ($n < 42) {
if (is_prime($i)) {
printf "%2d %21s\n", $n, commatize($i);
$i += $i - 1;
sub commatize {
(my $s = reverse shift) =~ s/(.{3})/$1,/g;
$s =~ s/,$//;
$s = reverse $s;
- Output:
1 43 2 89 3 179 4 359 5 719 6 1,439 7 2,879 8 5,779 9 11,579 10 23,159 11 46,327 12 92,657 13 185,323 14 370,661 15 741,337 16 1,482,707 17 2,965,421 18 5,930,887 19 11,861,791 20 23,723,597 21 47,447,201 22 94,894,427 23 189,788,857 24 379,577,741 25 759,155,483 26 1,518,310,967 27 3,036,621,941 28 6,073,243,889 29 12,146,487,779 30 24,292,975,649 31 48,585,951,311 32 97,171,902,629 33 194,343,805,267 34 388,687,610,539 35 777,375,221,081 36 1,554,750,442,183 37 3,109,500,884,389 38 6,219,001,768,781 39 12,438,003,537,571 40 24,876,007,075,181 41 49,752,014,150,467 42 99,504,028,301,131
Phix does not allow for loop variables to be modified, so we must use a while loop and manual increment for this sort of thing.
atom i=42, n=1 while n<=42 do if is_prime(i) then printf(1,"n = %-2d %,19d\n", {n, i}) n += 1 i += i-1 end if i += 1 end while
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1,439 n = 7 2,879 n = 8 5,779 n = 9 11,579 n = 10 23,159 n = 11 46,327 n = 12 92,657 n = 13 185,323 n = 14 370,661 n = 15 741,337 n = 16 1,482,707 n = 17 2,965,421 n = 18 5,930,887 n = 19 11,861,791 n = 20 23,723,597 n = 21 47,447,201 n = 22 94,894,427 n = 23 189,788,857 n = 24 379,577,741 n = 25 759,155,483 n = 26 1,518,310,967 n = 27 3,036,621,941 n = 28 6,073,243,889 n = 29 12,146,487,779 n = 30 24,292,975,649 n = 31 48,585,951,311 n = 32 97,171,902,629 n = 33 194,343,805,267 n = 34 388,687,610,539 n = 35 777,375,221,081 n = 36 1,554,750,442,183 n = 37 3,109,500,884,389 n = 38 6,219,001,768,781 n = 39 12,438,003,537,571 n = 40 24,876,007,075,181 n = 41 49,752,014,150,467 n = 42 99,504,028,301,131
def isPrime(n):
for x in 2, 3:
if not n % x:
return n == x
d = 5
while d * d <= n:
for x in 2, 4:
if not n % d:
return False
d += x
return True
i = 42
n = 0
while n < 42:
if isPrime(i):
n += 1
print('n = {:2} {:20,}'.format(n, i))
i += i - 1
i += 1
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1,439 n = 7 2,879 n = 8 5,779 n = 9 11,579 n = 10 23,159 n = 11 46,327 n = 12 92,657 n = 13 185,323 n = 14 370,661 n = 15 741,337 n = 16 1,482,707 n = 17 2,965,421 n = 18 5,930,887 n = 19 11,861,791 n = 20 23,723,597 n = 21 47,447,201 n = 22 94,894,427 n = 23 189,788,857 n = 24 379,577,741 n = 25 759,155,483 n = 26 1,518,310,967 n = 27 3,036,621,941 n = 28 6,073,243,889 n = 29 12,146,487,779 n = 30 24,292,975,649 n = 31 48,585,951,311 n = 32 97,171,902,629 n = 33 194,343,805,267 n = 34 388,687,610,539 n = 35 777,375,221,081 n = 36 1,554,750,442,183 n = 37 3,109,500,884,389 n = 38 6,219,001,768,781 n = 39 12,438,003,537,571 n = 40 24,876,007,075,181 n = 41 49,752,014,150,467 n = 42 99,504,028,301,131
This task is defined in terms of procedural 'loops', which can generally be understood in functional terms as implementations of folds or maps. An analogous functional construction here might be a non-finite generator, or the iterative application of a function (over a tuple of values) to a seed value, for example:
'''Loops/Increment loop index within loop body.'''
from itertools import islice, takewhile
from functools import reduce
import operator
# main :: IO ()
def main():
'''Defines a list value, while printing a stream
of intermediate values during computation.
gt = curry(operator.gt)
fst = operator.itemgetter(0)
list(takewhile(compose(gt(43), fst), series()))
# series :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
def series():
'''Non finite series, defined as a generator
with IO side-effects (to the print channel).
def go(tpl):
if isPrime(tpl[1]):
# Side effect.
# Value.
return splitArrow(succ)(dbl)(tpl)
return secondArrow(succ)(tpl)
return iterate(go)(
(1, 42)
# isPrime :: Int -> Bool
def isPrime(n):
'''True if n is prime.'''
if n in (2, 3):
return True
if 2 > n or 0 == n % 2:
return False
if 9 > n:
return True
if 0 == n % 3:
return False
def p(x):
return 0 == n % x or 0 == n % (2 + x)
return not any(map(p, range(5, 1 + int(n ** 0.5), 6)))
# showTuple :: (Int, Int) -> String
def showTuple(tpl):
'''Second integer shown with comma-chunked digits.'''
return '{:2} -> {:20,}'.format(*tpl)
# -------------------------GENERIC-------------------------
# compose :: ((a -> a), ...) -> (a -> a)
def compose(*fs):
'''Composition, from right to left,
of a series of functions.
return lambda x: reduce(
lambda a, f: f(a),
fs[::-1], x
# curry :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
def curry(f):
'''A curried function derived
from an uncurried function.
return lambda x: lambda y: f(x, y)
# dbl :: Int -> Int -> Int
def dbl(x):
'''2 * x'''
return x + x
# drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
# drop :: Int -> String -> String
def drop(n):
'''The sublist of xs beginning at
(zero-based) index n.
def go(xs):
return xs
return go
# iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> Gen [a]
def iterate(f):
'''An infinite list of repeated
applications of f to x.
def go(x):
v = x
while True:
yield v
v = f(v)
return go
# secondArrow :: (b -> c) -> (a, b...) -> (a, c ...)
def secondArrow(f):
'''A simple function lifted to one which applies
to a tuple, transforming only its second value.
return lambda tpl: (tpl[0], f(tpl[1]))
# splitArrow (***) :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> ((a, c) -> (b, d))
def splitArrow(f):
'''A function from (x, y) to a tuple of (f(x), g(y))
return lambda g: lambda tpl: (f(tpl[0]), g(tpl[1]))
# succ :: Enum a => a -> a
def succ(x):
'''The successor of a value.
For numeric types, (1 +).
return 1 + x
# take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
# take :: Int -> String -> String
def take(n):
'''The prefix of xs of length n,
or xs itself if n > length xs.
return lambda xs: list(islice(xs, n))
# MAIN ---
if __name__ == '__main__':
- Output:
1 -> 43 2 -> 89 3 -> 179 4 -> 359 5 -> 719 6 -> 1,439 7 -> 2,879 8 -> 5,779 9 -> 11,579 10 -> 23,159 11 -> 46,327 12 -> 92,657 13 -> 185,323 14 -> 370,661 15 -> 741,337 16 -> 1,482,707 17 -> 2,965,421 18 -> 5,930,887 19 -> 11,861,791 20 -> 23,723,597 21 -> 47,447,201 22 -> 94,894,427 23 -> 189,788,857 24 -> 379,577,741 25 -> 759,155,483 26 -> 1,518,310,967 27 -> 3,036,621,941 28 -> 6,073,243,889 29 -> 12,146,487,779 30 -> 24,292,975,649 31 -> 48,585,951,311 32 -> 97,171,902,629 33 -> 194,343,805,267 34 -> 388,687,610,539 35 -> 777,375,221,081 36 -> 1,554,750,442,183 37 -> 3,109,500,884,389 38 -> 6,219,001,768,781 39 -> 12,438,003,537,571 40 -> 24,876,007,075,181 41 -> 49,752,014,150,467 42 -> 99,504,028,301,131
With indexed loop word
Quackery has an iterative looping word that can change its step size mid-iteration (see Loops/For with a specified step#Quackery) but it is not well suited to this task. A better solution (i.e. more idiomatic) is to define a new looping word, from
, that exactly meets the specification of the task.
[ stack ] is f.action ( --> s )
[ stack ] is f.end ( --> s )
[ stack ] is f.incr ( --> s )
[ stack ] is f.index ( --> s )
[ ' [ f.action f.end
f.incr f.index ] ] is f.stacks ( --> [ )
[ f.index share ] is index ( --> n )
[ f.incr replace ] is incr ( n --> )
[ true f.end replace ] is end ( b --> )
[ 1 false ]'[
f.stacks witheach put
[ f.action share do
f.incr share
f.index tally
1 incr
f.end share until ]
f.stacks witheach release ] is from ( n --> )
takes its initial index from the stack, and performs the nest that follows it repeatedly until the ending condition is set to true
, incrementing the index at the end of each iteration.
returns the current index.
The default increment is 1
, but this can be overridden for a single iteration by the word incr
within the nest being performed by from
. incr
takes a number from the stack, and sets the increment to that number for the current iteration. If incr
is performed within some iterations but not all, the increment will be 1
for those iterations where it is not performed.
The task states "in addition to the normal incrementation" but this is counter-intuitive. To make the loop task compliant you will need to precede f.incr
with 1+
in incr
. You will also need to delete the 1+
before incr
in the task code below.
The word end
sets the ending condition to true
, so the loop will end at the end of the current iteration.
As with other iterative looping words in Quackery (e.g. times
, witheach
, etc.) the word done
will terminate the current iteration immediately.
Now we are ready for the task.
is defined at Miller–Rabin primality test#Quackery.
[ $ "" swap
number$ reverse
[ dup size 3 > while
3 split
dip join
dip [ char , join ]
again ]
join reverse echo$ ] is echo, ( n --> )
42 from
[ index prime if
[ 1+
dup echo
say ": "
index echo, cr
index 1+ incr ]
dup 42 = if end ]
- Output:
1: 43 2: 89 3: 179 4: 359 5: 719 6: 1,439 7: 2,879 8: 5,779 9: 11,579 10: 23,159 11: 46,327 12: 92,657 13: 185,323 14: 370,661 15: 741,337 16: 1,482,707 17: 2,965,421 18: 5,930,887 19: 11,861,791 20: 23,723,597 21: 47,447,201 22: 94,894,427 23: 189,788,857 24: 379,577,741 25: 759,155,483 26: 1,518,310,967 27: 3,036,621,941 28: 6,073,243,889 29: 12,146,487,779 30: 24,292,975,649 31: 48,585,951,311 32: 97,171,902,629 33: 194,343,805,267 34: 388,687,610,539 35: 777,375,221,081 36: 1,554,750,442,183 37: 3,109,500,884,389 38: 6,219,001,768,781 39: 12,438,003,537,571 40: 24,876,007,075,181 41: 49,752,014,150,467 42: 99,504,028,301,131
Without indexed loop word
is defined at Miller–Rabin primality test#Quackery.
is as above.
0 42
[ dup prime if
[ dip 1+
over echo
say ": "
dup echo, cr
dup + ]
over 42 = until ]
- Output:
Output is as above.
R cannot complete this task with a for loop. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/5913329/ . Instead, we must go down the same path as the Kotlin solution. Because it is sufficient for numbers this small, we will save ourselves some work and use the gmp library's isprime function for checking if a number is prime.
i <- 42
primeCount <- 0
while(primeCount < 42)
if(gmp::isprime(i) == 2)#1 means "probably prime" and won't come up for numbers this small, 2 is what we want.
primeCount <- primeCount + 1
extraCredit <- format(i, big.mark=",", scientific = FALSE)
cat("Prime count:", paste0(primeCount, ";"), "The prime just found was:", extraCredit, "\n")
i <- i + i#This is missing the -1 from the Kotlin solution. There is no need to check i + i (it's even).
i <- i + 1
- Output:
Prime count: 1; The prime just found was: 43 Prime count: 2; The prime just found was: 89 Prime count: 3; The prime just found was: 179 Prime count: 4; The prime just found was: 359 Prime count: 5; The prime just found was: 719 Prime count: 6; The prime just found was: 1,439 Prime count: 7; The prime just found was: 2,879 Prime count: 8; The prime just found was: 5,779 Prime count: 9; The prime just found was: 11,579 Prime count: 10; The prime just found was: 23,159 Prime count: 11; The prime just found was: 46,327 Prime count: 12; The prime just found was: 92,657 Prime count: 13; The prime just found was: 185,323 Prime count: 14; The prime just found was: 370,661 Prime count: 15; The prime just found was: 741,337 Prime count: 16; The prime just found was: 1,482,707 Prime count: 17; The prime just found was: 2,965,421 Prime count: 18; The prime just found was: 5,930,887 Prime count: 19; The prime just found was: 11,861,791 Prime count: 20; The prime just found was: 23,723,597 Prime count: 21; The prime just found was: 47,447,201 Prime count: 22; The prime just found was: 94,894,427 Prime count: 23; The prime just found was: 189,788,857 Prime count: 24; The prime just found was: 379,577,741 Prime count: 25; The prime just found was: 759,155,483 Prime count: 26; The prime just found was: 1,518,310,967 Prime count: 27; The prime just found was: 3,036,621,941 Prime count: 28; The prime just found was: 6,073,243,889 Prime count: 29; The prime just found was: 12,146,487,779 Prime count: 30; The prime just found was: 24,292,975,649 Prime count: 31; The prime just found was: 48,585,951,311 Prime count: 32; The prime just found was: 97,171,902,629 Prime count: 33; The prime just found was: 194,343,805,267 Prime count: 34; The prime just found was: 388,687,610,539 Prime count: 35; The prime just found was: 777,375,221,081 Prime count: 36; The prime just found was: 1,554,750,442,183 Prime count: 37; The prime just found was: 3,109,500,884,389 Prime count: 38; The prime just found was: 6,219,001,768,781 Prime count: 39; The prime just found was: 12,438,003,537,571 Prime count: 40; The prime just found was: 24,876,007,075,181 Prime count: 41; The prime just found was: 49,752,014,150,467 Prime count: 42; The prime just found was: 99,504,028,301,131
Racket's for
doesn't allow modification of index on the fly. The usual idiom for writing this kind of loop is to use named let, as shown here.
#lang racket
(require math/number-theory)
(define (comma x)
(for/list ([digit (in-list (reverse (string->list (~a x))))] [i (in-naturals)])
[(and (= 0 (modulo i 3)) (> i 0)) (string digit #\,)]
[else (string digit)])))
(let loop ([x 42] [cnt 0])
[(= cnt 42) (void)]
[(prime? x) (printf "~a: ~a\n" (add1 cnt) (comma x))
(loop (* 2 x) (add1 cnt))]
[else (loop (add1 x) cnt)]))
- Output:
1: 43 2: 89 3: 179 4: 359 5: 719 6: 1,439 7: 2,879 8: 5,779 9: 11,579 10: 23,159 11: 46,327 12: 92,657 13: 185,323 14: 370,661 15: 741,337 16: 1,482,707 17: 2,965,421 18: 5,930,887 19: 11,861,791 20: 23,723,597 21: 47,447,201 22: 94,894,427 23: 189,788,857 24: 379,577,741 25: 759,155,483 26: 1,518,310,967 27: 3,036,621,941 28: 6,073,243,889 29: 12,146,487,779 30: 24,292,975,649 31: 48,585,951,311 32: 97,171,902,629 33: 194,343,805,267 34: 388,687,610,539 35: 777,375,221,081 36: 1,554,750,442,183 37: 3,109,500,884,389 38: 6,219,001,768,781 39: 12,438,003,537,571 40: 24,876,007,075,181 41: 49,752,014,150,467 42: 99,504,028,301,131
(formerly Perl 6) Hmm.
Demonstrate the best way to accomplish this.
The best way is probably to not use an explicit loop. Just calculate the sequence directly.
# the actual sequence logic
my @seq = grep *.is-prime, (42, { .is-prime ?? $_+<1 !! $_+1 } … *);
# display code
say (1+$_).fmt("%-4s"), @seq[$_].flip.comb(3).join(',').flip.fmt("%20s") for ^42;
- Output:
1 43 2 89 3 179 4 359 5 719 6 1,439 7 2,879 8 5,779 9 11,579 10 23,159 11 46,327 12 92,657 13 185,323 14 370,661 15 741,337 16 1,482,707 17 2,965,421 18 5,930,887 19 11,861,791 20 23,723,597 21 47,447,201 22 94,894,427 23 189,788,857 24 379,577,741 25 759,155,483 26 1,518,310,967 27 3,036,621,941 28 6,073,243,889 29 12,146,487,779 30 24,292,975,649 31 48,585,951,311 32 97,171,902,629 33 194,343,805,267 34 388,687,610,539 35 777,375,221,081 36 1,554,750,442,183 37 3,109,500,884,389 38 6,219,001,768,781 39 12,438,003,537,571 40 24,876,007,075,181 41 49,752,014,150,467 42 99,504,028,301,131
/*REXX pgm displays primes found: starting Z at 42, if Z is a prime, add Z, else add 1.*/
numeric digits 20; d=digits() /*ensure enough decimal digits for Z. */
parse arg limit . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if limit=='' | limit=="," then limit=42 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
n=0 /*the count of number of primes found. */
do z=42 until n==limit /* ◄──this DO loop's index is modified.*/
if isPrime(z) then do; n=n + 1 /*Z a prime? Them bump prime counter.*/
say right('n='n, 9) right(commas(z), d)
z=z + z - 1 /*also, bump the DO loop index Z. */
end /*z*/ /* [↑] a small tribute to Douglas Adams*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
commas: parse arg _; do j=length(_)-3 to 1 by -3; _=insert(',', _, j); end; return _
isPrime: procedure; parse arg #; if wordpos(#, '2 3 5 7')\==0 then return 1
if # // 2==0 | # // 3 ==0 then return 0
do j=5 by 6 until j*j>#; if # // j==0 | # // (J+2)==0 then return 0
end /*j*/ /* ___ */
return 1 /*Exceeded √ # ? Then # is prime. */
- output:
n=1 43 n=2 89 n=3 179 n=4 359 n=5 719 n=6 1,439 n=7 2,879 n=8 5,779 n=9 11,579 n=10 23,159 n=11 46,327 n=12 92,657 n=13 185,323 n=14 370,661 n=15 741,337 n=16 1,482,707 n=17 2,965,421 n=18 5,930,887 n=19 11,861,791 n=20 23,723,597 n=21 47,447,201 n=22 94,894,427 n=23 189,788,857 n=24 379,577,741 n=25 759,155,483 n=26 1,518,310,967 n=27 3,036,621,941 n=28 6,073,243,889 n=29 12,146,487,779 n=30 24,292,975,649 n=31 48,585,951,311 n=32 97,171,902,629 n=33 194,343,805,267 n=34 388,687,610,539 n=35 777,375,221,081 n=36 1,554,750,442,183 n=37 3,109,500,884,389 n=38 6,219,001,768,781 n=39 12,438,003,537,571 n=40 24,876,007,075,181 n=41 49,752,014,150,467 n=42 99,504,028,301,131
# Project : Loops/Increment loop index within loop body
load "stdlib.ring"
i = 42
n = 0
while n < 42
if isprime(i)
n = n + 1
see "n = " + n + " " + i + nl
i = i + i - 1
i = i + 1
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1,439 n = 7 2,879 n = 8 5,779 n = 9 11,579 n = 10 23,159 n = 11 46,327 n = 12 92,657 n = 13 185,323 n = 14 370,661 n = 15 741,337 n = 16 1,482,707 n = 17 2,965,421 n = 18 5,930,887 n = 19 11,861,791 n = 20 23,723,597 n = 21 47,447,201 n = 22 94,894,427 n = 23 189,788,857 n = 24 379,577,741 n = 25 759,155,483 n = 26 1,518,310,967 n = 27 3,036,621,941 n = 28 6,073,243,889 n = 29 12,146,487,779 n = 30 24,292,975,649 n = 31 48,585,951,311 n = 32 97,171,902,629 n = 33 194,343,805,267 n = 34 388,687,610,539 n = 35 777,375,221,081 n = 36 1,554,750,442,183 n = 37 3,109,500,884,389 n = 38 6,219,001,768,781 n = 39 12,438,003,537,571 n = 40 24,876,007,075,181 n = 41 49,752,014,150,467 n = 42 99,504,028,301,131
is defined at Primality by trial division
RPL allows to modify both increment and index within a FOR..NEXT
≪ 0
42 1E15 FOR j
1 + DUP 1 DISP
IF OVER 42 == THEN 1E15 'j' STO END
It is nevertheless more idiomatic to use a WHILE..REPEAT
loop, managing the loop index in the stack:
≪ 0 42
require 'prime'
limit = 42
i = 42
n = 0
while n < limit do
if i.prime? then
n += 1
puts "n = #{n}".ljust(7) + ":" + "#{i.to_s.reverse.scan(/\d{3}|.+/).join(",").reverse}".rjust(19)
i += i
i += 1
Output :
n = 1 : 43 n = 2 : 89 n = 3 : 179 n = 4 : 359 n = 5 : 719 n = 6 : 1,439 n = 7 : 2,879 n = 8 : 5,779 n = 9 : 11,579 n = 10 : 23,159 n = 11 : 46,327 n = 12 : 92,657 n = 13 : 185,323 n = 14 : 370,661 n = 15 : 741,337 n = 16 : 1,482,707 n = 17 : 2,965,421 n = 18 : 5,930,887 n = 19 : 11,861,791 n = 20 : 23,723,597 n = 21 : 47,447,201 n = 22 : 94,894,427 n = 23 : 189,788,857 n = 24 : 379,577,741 n = 25 : 759,155,483 n = 26 : 1,518,310,967 n = 27 : 3,036,621,941 n = 28 : 6,073,243,889 n = 29 : 12,146,487,779 n = 30 : 24,292,975,649 n = 31 : 48,585,951,311 n = 32 : 97,171,902,629 n = 33 : 194,343,805,267 n = 34 : 388,687,610,539 n = 35 : 777,375,221,081 n = 36 : 1,554,750,442,183 n = 37 : 3,109,500,884,389 n = 38 : 6,219,001,768,781 n = 39 : 12,438,003,537,571 n = 40 : 24,876,007,075,181 n = 41 : 49,752,014,150,467 n = 42 : 99,504,028,301,131
Like most other Block structured languages (apparently with the exception of Java), Scala's 'for' statement is for the sake of fallibility aka side effect or mutability, limited and doesn't allow either the iteration variable or the step to be modified within the loop body. Both are for serious reasons immutable.
Demonstrate the best way to accomplish this.
So instead we use tail recursion here which, with the use of immutable variables and no side effects, has no such restrictions, and we are save.
- Output:
Best seen running in your browser either by ScalaFiddle (ES aka JavaScript, non JVM) or Scastie (remote JVM).
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object LoopIncrementWithinBody extends App {
private val (limit, offset) = (42L, 1)
private def loop(i: Long, n: Int): Unit = {
def isPrime(n: Long) =
n > 1 && ((n & 1) != 0 || n == 2) && (n % 3 != 0 || n == 3) &&
((5 to math.sqrt(n).toInt by 2).par forall (n % _ != 0))
if (n < limit + offset)
if (isPrime(i)) {
printf("n = %-2d %,19d%n".formatLocal(java.util.Locale.GERMANY, n, i))
loop(i + i + 1, n + 1)
} else loop(i + 1, n)
loop(limit, offset)
$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
const func boolean: isPrime (in integer: number) is func
var boolean: result is FALSE;
var integer: count is 2;
if number = 2 then
result := TRUE;
elsif number > 2 then
while number rem count <> 0 and count * count <= number do
end while;
result := number rem count <> 0;
end if;
end func;
const proc: main is func
var integer: i is 42;
var integer: n is 0;
for i range 42 to integer.last until n >= 42 do
if isPrime(i) then
writeln("n = " <& n lpad 2 <& i lpad 16);
i +:= i - 1;
end if;
end for;
end func;
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1439 n = 7 2879 n = 8 5779 n = 9 11579 n = 10 23159 n = 11 46327 n = 12 92657 n = 13 185323 n = 14 370661 n = 15 741337 n = 16 1482707 n = 17 2965421 n = 18 5930887 n = 19 11861791 n = 20 23723597 n = 21 47447201 n = 22 94894427 n = 23 189788857 n = 24 379577741 n = 25 759155483 n = 26 1518310967 n = 27 3036621941 n = 28 6073243889 n = 29 12146487779 n = 30 24292975649 n = 31 48585951311 n = 32 97171902629 n = 33 194343805267 n = 34 388687610539 n = 35 777375221081 n = 36 1554750442183 n = 37 3109500884389 n = 38 6219001768781 n = 39 12438003537571 n = 40 24876007075181 n = 41 49752014150467 n = 42 99504028301131
func isPrime(number)
local i, lim
if (number % 2 == 0) or (number % 3 == 0) then return false
lim = sqr(number)
for i = 5 to lim step 2
if(number % i == 0) then return false
return true
i = 42
counter = 0
while counter < 42
if isPrime(i)
counter += 1
print "n = "; counter, format("##,###,###,###,###",i)
i *= 2
i += 1
numFound := 0.
idx := 42.
[:exit |
idx := idx + 1.
idx isPrime ifTrue:[
numFound := numFound + 1.
'%d %20d\n' printf:{numFound . idx} on:Transcript.
idx := idx + idx - 1.
numFound == 42 ifTrue:exit
] loopWithExit.
Note: above code uses a public domain printf goodie which is part of many Smalltalk's base libraries; if not present in a particular dialect, use regular print/display/transcribe or whatever is available.
- Output:
1 43 2 89 3 179 4 359 5 719 6 1439 7 2879 8 5779 9 11579 10 23159 11 46327 12 92657 13 185323 ... 36 1554750442183 37 3109500884389 38 6219001768781 39 12438003537571 40 24876007075181 41 49752014150467 42 99504028301131
Standard ML
fun until done change dolast x =
if done x
then dolast x
else until done change dolast (change x); (* iteration/generic loop *)
val isprime = fn n :IntInf.int =>
fun butlast (_,t) = t*t > n
fun divide (n,t) = n mod t = 0 orelse t*t > n
fun trymore (n,t) = (n,t + 2)
n mod 2 <> 0 andalso until divide trymore butlast (n,3)
val loop = fn () =>
fun butthislast (_,p,_) = rev p
fun wegot42 (n,_,_) = n = 43
fun trymore (n,p,i) = if isprime i
then ( n+1, (n,i)::p , i+i )
else ( n , p, i+1)
until wegot42 trymore butthislast (1,[],42)
end ;
val printp = fn clist:(int*IntInf.int) list =>
List.app (fn i=>print ((Int.toString (#1 i) )^" : "^ (IntInf.toString (#2 i) )^"\n")) clist ;
printp (loop ()) ; 1 : 43 2 : 89 3 : 179 4 : 359 5 : 719 6 : 1439 7 : 2879 8 : 5779 9 : 11579 10 : 23159 11 : 46327 12 : 92657 13 : 185323 14 : 370661 15 : 741337 16 : 1482707 17 : 2965421 18 : 5930887 19 : 11861791 20 : 23723597 21 : 47447201 22 : 94894427 23 : 189788857 24 : 379577741 25 : 759155483 26 : 1518310967 27 : 3036621941 28 : 6073243889 29 : 12146487779 30 : 24292975649 31 : 48585951311 32 : 97171902629 33 : 194343805267 34 : 388687610539 35 : 777375221081 36 : 1554750442183 37 : 3109500884389 38 : 6219001768781 39 : 12438003537571 40 : 24876007075181 41 : 49752014150467 42 : 99504028301131
Cannot use number generator and modify loop index; direkt while loop used. Simple prime number routine for demonstration, see Primality by trial division.
main (parms):+ n =: 0 i =: 42 ?* n < 42 i =+ 1 ? i = smallest factor i \ is prime if equal to smallest factor n =+ 1 print format "%2d;: %'19d;" n, i i =+ i - 1 \ simple method for testing smallest factor (x): ! x > 0 ? x < 4 :> x ? x %% 2 = 0 :> 2 r =: math int sqrt x ?# i=: from 3 upto r step 2 ? x %% i = 0 :> i :> x
- Output:
1: 43 2: 89 3: 179 4: 359 5: 719 6: 1'439 7: 2'879 8: 5'779 9: 11'579 10: 23'159 11: 46'327 12: 92'657 13: 185'323 14: 370'661 15: 741'337 16: 1'482'707 17: 2'965'421 18: 5'930'887 19: 11'861'791 20: 23'723'597 21: 47'447'201 22: 94'894'427 23: 189'788'857 24: 379'577'741 25: 759'155'483 26: 1'518'310'967 27: 3'036'621'941 28: 6'073'243'889 29: 12'146'487'779 30: 24'292'975'649 31: 48'585'951'311 32: 97'171'902'629 33: 194'343'805'267 34: 388'687'610'539 35: 777'375'221'081 36: 1'554'750'442'183 37: 3'109'500'884'389 38: 6'219'001'768'781 39: 12'438'003'537'571 40: 24'876'007'075'181 41: 49'752'014'150'467 42: 99'504'028'301'131
Inspired by Java and Kotlin variants.
Tcl allows modifying the loop variable. Everything can be implemented straightforward.
proc isPrime n {
if {[expr $n % 2] == 0} {
return [expr $n == 2]
if {[expr $n % 3] == 0} {
return [expr $n == 3]
for {set d 5} {[expr $d * $d] <= $n} {incr d 4} {
if {[expr $n % $d] == 0} {return 0}
incr d 2
if {[expr $n % $d] == 0} {return 0}
return 1
set LIMIT 42
for {set i $LIMIT; set n 0} {$n < $LIMIT} {incr i} {
if [isPrime $i] {
incr n
puts "n=$n, i=$i"
incr i [expr $i -1]
- Output:
n=1, i=43 n=2, i=89 n=3, i=179 n=4, i=359 n=5, i=719 n=6, i=1439 n=7, i=2879 n=8, i=5779 n=9, i=11579 n=10, i=23159 n=11, i=46327 n=12, i=92657 n=13, i=185323 n=14, i=370661 n=15, i=741337 n=16, i=1482707 n=17, i=2965421 n=18, i=5930887 n=19, i=11861791 n=20, i=23723597 n=21, i=47447201 n=22, i=94894427 n=23, i=189788857 n=24, i=379577741 n=25, i=759155483 n=26, i=1518310967 n=27, i=3036621941 n=28, i=6073243889 n=29, i=12146487779 n=30, i=24292975649 n=31, i=48585951311 n=32, i=97171902629 n=33, i=194343805267 n=34, i=388687610539 n=35, i=777375221081 n=36, i=1554750442183 n=37, i=3109500884389 n=38, i=6219001768781 n=39, i=12438003537571 n=40, i=24876007075181 n=41, i=49752014150467 n=42, i=99504028301131
Visual Basic for Application (VBA) allows to modify the index inside the loop.
Sub Main()
'Loops Increment loop index within loop body - 17/07/2018
Dim imax, i As Integer
Dim n As Currency
imax = 42
i = 0: n = 42
Do While i < imax
If IsPrime(n) Then
i = i + 1
Debug.Print ("i=" & RightX(i, 2) & " : " & RightX(Format(n, "#,##0"), 20))
n = n + n - 1
End If
n = n + 1
End Sub 'Main
Function IsPrime(n As Currency)
Dim i As Currency
If n = 2 Or n = 3 Then
IsPrime = True
ElseIf ModX(n, 2) = 0 Or ModX(n, 3) = 0 Then
IsPrime = False
i = 5
Do While i * i <= n
If ModX(n, i) = 0 Or ModX(n, i + 2) = 0 Then
IsPrime = False
Exit Function
End If
i = i + 6
IsPrime = True
End If
End Function 'IsPrime
Function ModX(a As Currency, b As Currency) As Currency
ModX = a - Int(a / b) * b
End Function 'ModX
Function RightX(c, n)
RightX = Right(Space(n) & c, n)
End Function 'RightX
- Output:
i= 1 : 43 i= 2 : 89 i= 3 : 179 i= 4 : 359 i= 5 : 719 i= 6 : 1,439 i= 7 : 2,879 i= 8 : 5,779 i= 9 : 11,579 i=10 : 23,159 i=11 : 46,327 i=12 : 92,657 i=13 : 185,323 i=14 : 370,661 i=15 : 741,337 i=16 : 1,482,707 i=17 : 2,965,421 i=18 : 5,930,887 i=19 : 11,861,791 i=20 : 23,723,597 i=21 : 47,447,201 i=22 : 94,894,427 i=23 : 189,788,857 i=24 : 379,577,741 i=25 : 759,155,483 i=26 : 1,518,310,967 i=27 : 3,036,621,941 i=28 : 6,073,243,889 i=29 : 12,146,487,779 i=30 : 24,292,975,649 i=31 : 48,585,951,311 i=32 : 97,171,902,629 i=33 : 194,343,805,267 i=34 : 388,687,610,539 i=35 : 777,375,221,081 i=36 : 1,554,750,442,183 i=37 : 3,109,500,884,389 i=38 : 6,219,001,768,781 i=39 : 12,438,003,537,571 i=40 : 24,876,007,075,181 i=41 : 49,752,014,150,467 i=42 : 99,504,028,301,131
Visual Basic .NET
Visual Basic .Net allows to modify the index inside the loop.
Module LoopsIliwlb
Sub Main()
'Loops Increment loop index within loop body - 17/07/2018
Dim imax, i As Int32
Dim n As Int64
imax = 42
i = 0 : n = 42
While i < imax
If IsPrime(n) Then
i = i + 1
Console.WriteLine("i=" & RightX(i, 2) & " : " & RightX(Format(n, "#,##0"), 20))
n = n + n - 1
End If
n = n + 1
End While
End Sub
Function IsPrime(n As Int64)
Dim i As Int64
If n = 2 Or n = 3 Then
IsPrime = True
ElseIf (n Mod 2) = 0 Or (n Mod 3) = 0 Then
IsPrime = False
i = 5
While i * i <= n
If (n Mod i) = 0 Or (n Mod (i + 2)) = 0 Then
IsPrime = False
Exit Function
End If
i = i + 6
End While
IsPrime = True
End If
End Function 'IsPrime
Function RightX(c, n)
RightX = Right(Space(n) & c, n)
End Function
End Module
- Output:
i= 1 : 43 i= 2 : 89 i= 3 : 179 i= 4 : 359 i= 5 : 719 i= 6 : 1,439 i= 7 : 2,879 i= 8 : 5,779 i= 9 : 11,579 i=10 : 23,159 i=11 : 46,327 i=12 : 92,657 i=13 : 185,323 i=14 : 370,661 i=15 : 741,337 i=16 : 1,482,707 i=17 : 2,965,421 i=18 : 5,930,887 i=19 : 11,861,791 i=20 : 23,723,597 i=21 : 47,447,201 i=22 : 94,894,427 i=23 : 189,788,857 i=24 : 379,577,741 i=25 : 759,155,483 i=26 : 1,518,310,967 i=27 : 3,036,621,941 i=28 : 6,073,243,889 i=29 : 12,146,487,779 i=30 : 24,292,975,649 i=31 : 48,585,951,311 i=32 : 97,171,902,629 i=33 : 194,343,805,267 i=34 : 388,687,610,539 i=35 : 777,375,221,081 i=36 : 1,554,750,442,183 i=37 : 3,109,500,884,389 i=38 : 6,219,001,768,781 i=39 : 12,438,003,537,571 i=40 : 24,876,007,075,181 i=41 : 49,752,014,150,467 i=42 : 99,504,028,301,131
V (Vlang)
fn is_prime(n u64) bool {
if n % 2 == 0 {
return n == 2
if n % 3 == 0 {
return n == 3
mut d := u64(5)
for d * d <= n {
if n % d == 0 {
return false
d += 2
if n % d == 0 {
return false
d += 4
return true
const limit = 42
fn main() {
for i, n := u64(limit), 0; n<limit; i++ {
if is_prime(i) {
println("n = ${n:-2} ${i:19}")
i += i - 1
- Output:
Same as Kotlin entry
Although it might appear as though one can change the index variable within a for loop, it does in fact change a local copy of the variable and the iteration is not affected at all. Consequently, the only way to complete this task in Wren is to use a while loop.
import "./fmt" for Fmt
var isPrime = Fn.new { |n|
if (n < 2 || !n.isInteger) return false
if (n%2 == 0) return n == 2
if (n%3 == 0) return n == 3
var d = 5
while (d*d <= n) {
if (n%d == 0) return false
d = d + 2
if (n%d == 0) return false
d = d + 4
return true
var count = 0
var i = 42
while (count < 42) {
if (isPrime.call(i)) {
count = count + 1
System.print("%(Fmt.d(2, count)): %(Fmt.dc(18, i))")
i = 2 * i - 1
i = i + 1
- Output:
1: 43 2: 89 3: 179 4: 359 5: 719 6: 1,439 7: 2,879 8: 5,779 9: 11,579 10: 23,159 11: 46,327 12: 92,657 13: 185,323 14: 370,661 15: 741,337 16: 1,482,707 17: 2,965,421 18: 5,930,887 19: 11,861,791 20: 23,723,597 21: 47,447,201 22: 94,894,427 23: 189,788,857 24: 379,577,741 25: 759,155,483 26: 1,518,310,967 27: 3,036,621,941 28: 6,073,243,889 29: 12,146,487,779 30: 24,292,975,649 31: 48,585,951,311 32: 97,171,902,629 33: 194,343,805,267 34: 388,687,610,539 35: 777,375,221,081 36: 1,554,750,442,183 37: 3,109,500,884,389 38: 6,219,001,768,781 39: 12,438,003,537,571 40: 24,876,007,075,181 41: 49,752,014,150,467 42: 99,504,028,301,131
i = 42
counter = 0
while counter < 42
if isPrime(i) then
counter = counter + 1
print "n = ", counter, chr$(9), i
i = i + i - 1
end if
i = i + 1
sub isPrime(v)
if v < 2 return False
if mod(v, 2) = 0 return v = 2
if mod(v, 3) = 0 return v = 3
d = 5
while d * d <= v
if mod(v, d) = 0 then return False else d = d + 2 : fi
return True
end sub
const std = @import("std");
pub fn isPrime(n: i64) bool {
if (@mod(n, 2) == 0) return n == 2;
if (@mod(n, 3) == 0) return n == 3;
var d: i64 = 5;
while (d * d <= n) {
if (@mod(n, d) == 0) return false;
d += 2;
if (@mod(n, d) == 0) return false;
d += 4;
return true;
pub fn main() !void {
var i: i64 = 42;
var n: i64 = 0;
while (n < 42) : (i += 1) {
if (isPrime(i)) {
n += 1;
std.debug.print("n = {d}\t{d}\n", .{ n, i });
i += i - 1;
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1439 n = 7 2879 n = 8 5779 n = 9 11579 n = 10 23159 n = 11 46327 n = 12 92657 n = 13 185323 n = 14 370661 n = 15 741337 n = 16 1482707 n = 17 2965421 n = 18 5930887 n = 19 11861791 n = 20 23723597 n = 21 47447201 n = 22 94894427 n = 23 189788857 n = 24 379577741 n = 25 759155483 n = 26 1518310967 n = 27 3036621941 n = 28 6073243889 n = 29 12146487779 n = 30 24292975649 n = 31 48585951311 n = 32 97171902629 n = 33 194343805267 n = 34 388687610539 n = 35 777375221081 n = 36 1554750442183 n = 37 3109500884389 n = 38 6219001768781 n = 39 12438003537571 n = 40 24876007075181 n = 41 49752014150467 n = 42 99504028301131
Uses libGMP (GNU MP Bignum Library) for easy prime detection rather than write that bit of code and pollute this solution.
var [const] BN=Import("zklBigNum"); // libGMP
n,p := 1,BN(42);
if(p.probablyPrime()){ println("n = %2d %,20d".fmt(n,p)); p.add(p); n+=1; }
zkl loop variables are iterators that don't allow direct manipulation of their underlying source. The compiler names these iterators __<index>Walker. However, by using the look ahead stack, we can keep the iterator from advancing through the source.
foreach n in ([1..42]){
if(p.probablyPrime()){ println("n = %2d %,20d".fmt(n,p)); p.add(p); }
else{ p.add(1); __nWalker.push(n); } // p not prime, don't advance n
- Output:
n = 1 43 n = 2 89 n = 3 179 n = 4 359 n = 5 719 n = 6 1,439 n = 7 2,879 n = 8 5,779 n = 9 11,579 n = 10 23,159 n = 11 46,327 n = 12 92,657 n = 13 185,323 n = 14 370,661 n = 15 741,337 n = 16 1,482,707 n = 17 2,965,421 n = 18 5,930,887 n = 19 11,861,791 n = 20 23,723,597 n = 21 47,447,201 n = 22 94,894,427 n = 23 189,788,857 n = 24 379,577,741 n = 25 759,155,483 n = 26 1,518,310,967 n = 27 3,036,621,941 n = 28 6,073,243,889 n = 29 12,146,487,779 n = 30 24,292,975,649 n = 31 48,585,951,311 n = 32 97,171,902,629 n = 33 194,343,805,267 n = 34 388,687,610,539 n = 35 777,375,221,081 n = 36 1,554,750,442,183 n = 37 3,109,500,884,389 n = 38 6,219,001,768,781 n = 39 12,438,003,537,571 n = 40 24,876,007,075,181 n = 41 49,752,014,150,467 n = 42 99,504,028,301,131
- Programming Tasks
- Iterations
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- SmallBASIC
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- Standard ML
- Tcl
- Visual Basic .NET
- V (Vlang)
- Wren
- Wren-fmt
- Yabasic
- Zig
- Zkl