
This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
Execution method: | Interpreted |
See Also: |
IS-BASIC is the dialect of BASIC resident in ROM on the Enterprise-64 and Enterprise-128 home computer. It was developed by Intelligent Software in 1984. IS-Basic adheres to the ANSI BASIC standard. It is a fully structured language whose wide set of control structures includes multi-line IF...THEN...ELSE, SELECT...CASE, DO...LOOP with WHILE and UNTIL conditions at the begin and/or end of the loop and EXIT LOOP statement. Procedures and functions can have both reference and value parameters, and local variables. Errors and other exceptions are handled with exception handlers. IS-Basic has the unique ability to run multiple programs simultaneously in memory. Each program has a separate set of global variables and line numbers, but the CHAIN statement makes it possible to call one program from another and pass parameters between them. Peripherals can be controlled directly from BASIC, so there is rarely a need to use POKE and PEEK statements. IS-Basic has the usual commands for drawing dots, lines, circles and ellipses and for filling areas, and supports Logo-style turtle graphics. Sound commands can be entered into a queue, and executed in the background while the program execution continues.
Pages in category "IS-BASIC"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 212 total.
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- Caesar cipher
- Calculating the value of e
- Cantor set
- Chaos game
- Character codes
- Chinese zodiac
- Closest-pair problem
- Colour bars/Display
- Combinations
- Combinations with repetitions
- Comments
- Convert seconds to compound duration
- Count in factors
- Count occurrences of a substring
- Count the coins
- Create a file on magnetic tape
- Create a two-dimensional array at runtime
- Cumulative standard deviation
- Leap year
- Least common multiple
- Leonardo numbers
- Letter frequency
- Levenshtein distance
- Literals/Integer
- Literals/String
- Logical operations
- Long year
- Loops/Break
- Loops/Continue
- Loops/Do-while
- Loops/Downward for
- Loops/For
- Loops/For with a specified step
- Loops/Foreach
- Loops/Infinite
- Loops/N plus one half
- Loops/While
- Luhn test of credit card numbers
- Search a list
- Show ASCII table
- Sierpinski arrowhead curve
- Sierpinski carpet
- Sierpinski triangle
- Sierpinski triangle/Graphical
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Simple turtle graphics
- Sort three variables
- Sorting algorithms/Bubble sort
- Sorting algorithms/Cocktail sort
- Sorting algorithms/Comb sort
- Sorting algorithms/Counting sort
- Sorting algorithms/Gnome sort
- Sorting algorithms/Insertion sort
- Sorting algorithms/Quicksort
- Sorting algorithms/Selection sort
- Sorting algorithms/Shell sort
- Sorting algorithms/Stooge sort
- Soundex
- Special variables
- Spiral matrix
- Split a character string based on change of character
- Square but not cube
- Stack
- String append
- String case
- String concatenation
- String length
- String prepend
- Strip a set of characters from a string
- Substitution cipher
- Substring
- Substring/Top and tail
- Sum and product of an array
- Sum multiples of 3 and 5
- Sum of squares
- System time