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From Rosetta Code
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at IBAN. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance)

The   International Bank Account Number (IBAN)   is an internationally agreed means of identifying bank accounts across national borders with a reduced risk of propagating transcription errors.

The IBAN consists of up to 34 alphanumeric characters:

  •   first the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code,
  •   then two check digits, and
  •   finally a country-specific Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN).

The check digits enable a sanity check of the bank account number to confirm its integrity even before submitting a transaction.


Validate the following fictitious IBAN:   GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32

Details of the algorithm can be found on the Wikipedia page.


Translation of: Python
F mod97(numberstring)
   V segstart = 0
   V step = 9
   V prepended = ‘’
   V number = 0
   L segstart < numberstring.len - step
      number = Int(prepended‘’numberstring[segstart .< segstart + step])
      V remainder = number % 97
      prepended = String(remainder)
      I remainder < 10
         prepended = ‘0’prepended
      segstart += step
      step = 7
   number = Int(prepended‘’numberstring[segstart ..])
   R number % 97

V country2length = [‘IS’ = 26, ‘IT’ = 27, ‘MT’ = 31, ‘MU’ = 30, ‘MR’ = 27, ‘MK’ = 19, ‘IE’ = 22, ‘MD’ = 24,
                    ‘ME’ = 22, ‘MC’ = 27, ‘IL’ = 23, ‘DE’ = 22, ‘DO’ = 28, ‘DK’ = 18, ‘PK’ = 24, ‘HR’ = 21,
                    ‘HU’ = 28, ‘FI’ = 18, ‘LU’ = 20, ‘LT’ = 20, ‘LV’ = 21, ‘KW’ = 30, ‘LI’ = 21, ‘PS’ = 29,
                    ‘PT’ = 25, ‘LB’ = 28, ‘GB’ = 22, ‘GE’ = 22, ‘CR’ = 21, ‘TR’ = 26, ‘GI’ = 23, ‘GL’ = 18,
                    ‘CY’ = 28, ‘CZ’ = 24, ‘GR’ = 27, ‘GT’ = 28, ‘KZ’ = 20, ‘TN’ = 24, ‘CH’ = 21, ‘SE’ = 24,
                    ‘SA’ = 24, ‘SM’ = 27, ‘SI’ = 19, ‘SK’ = 24, ‘PL’ = 28, ‘BR’ = 29, ‘FR’ = 27, ‘FO’ = 18,
                    ‘BA’ = 20, ‘BG’ = 22, ‘BE’ = 16, ‘BH’ = 22, ‘VG’ = 24, ‘RO’ = 24, ‘RS’ = 22, ‘NO’ = 15,
                    ‘NL’ = 18, ‘AZ’ = 28, ‘EE’ = 20, ‘AT’ = 20, ‘ES’ = 24, ‘AL’ = 28, ‘AD’ = 24, ‘AE’ = 23]

F valid_iban(iban_)
   V iban = iban_.replace(‘ ’, ‘’).replace("\t", ‘’)
   I !re:‘[\dA-Z]+’.match(iban)
      R 0B

   I iban.len != :country2length[iban[0.<2]]
      R 0B

   iban = iban[4..]‘’iban[0.<4]
   R mod97(iban.map(ch -> String(Int(ch, radix' 36))).join(‘’)) == 1

L(account) [‘GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32’,
            ‘GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32’]
   print(‘#. validation is: #.’.format(account, valid_iban(account)))
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 validation is: 1B
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 validation is: 0B


package Iban_Code is
   function Is_Legal(Iban : String) return Boolean;
end Iban_Code;
with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps;
with Ada.Strings.Hash;

package body Iban_Code is
   subtype Nation is String (1..2);
   package String_Integer is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps
     (Nation, Integer, Ada.Strings.Hash, Equivalent_Keys => "=");
   Nations : String_Integer.Map;
   function Is_Legal(Iban : String) return Boolean
      Temp  : String(Iban'Range) := (others => ' ');
      Count : Integer;
      Ch    : Character;
      Num   : Integer := 0;  
      -- remove blank spaces and check characters 
      Count := Temp'First;
      for I in Iban'Range loop
	 case Iban(I) is
	    when ' ' => null;
	    when 'a'..'z' =>
	       Temp(Count) := To_Upper(Iban(I));
	       Count := Count + 1;
	    when 'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9' =>
	       Temp(Count) := Iban(I);
	       Count := Count + 1;
	    when others => return False;
	 end case;
      end loop;
      -- check nation code and length
      if not Nations.Contains (Temp(1..2)) or else 
	Nations.Element (Temp(1..2))/= Count - 1 then
	 return False;
      end if;
      -- move the 4 initial characters to the end
      Temp(Temp'First..Count-1) := Temp(5..Count-1) & Temp(Temp'First..4);
      -- compute remainder modulo 97
      for I in Temp'First..Count-1 loop
	 Ch := Temp(I);
	 if Ch in '0'..'9' then
	    Num := Integer'Value(Integer'Image(Num) & Ch) mod 97;
	    Num := (Num * 100 + 
		      (Character'Pos(Ch) - Character'Pos('A') + 10)) mod 97;
	 end if;
      end loop;
      return Num = 1;
   end Is_Legal;
   Nations.insert("AL", 28);     Nations.insert("AD", 24);
   Nations.insert("AT", 20);     Nations.insert("AZ", 28);
   Nations.insert("BE", 16);     Nations.insert("BH", 22);
   Nations.insert("BA", 20);     Nations.insert("BR", 29);
   Nations.insert("BG", 22);     Nations.insert("CR", 21);
   Nations.insert("HR", 21);     Nations.insert("CY", 28);
   Nations.insert("CZ", 24);     Nations.insert("DK", 18);
   Nations.insert("DO", 28);     Nations.insert("EE", 20);
   Nations.insert("FO", 18);     Nations.insert("FI", 18);
   Nations.insert("FR", 27);     Nations.insert("GE", 22);
   Nations.insert("DE", 22);     Nations.insert("GI", 23);
   Nations.insert("GR", 27);     Nations.insert("GL", 18);
   Nations.insert("GT", 28);     Nations.insert("HU", 28);
   Nations.insert("IS", 26);     Nations.insert("IE", 22);
   Nations.insert("IL", 23);     Nations.insert("IT", 27);
   Nations.insert("KZ", 20);     Nations.insert("KW", 30);
   Nations.insert("LV", 21);     Nations.insert("LB", 28);
   Nations.insert("LI", 21);     Nations.insert("LT", 20);
   Nations.insert("LU", 20);     Nations.insert("MK", 19);
   Nations.insert("MT", 31);     Nations.insert("MR", 27);
   Nations.insert("MU", 30);     Nations.insert("MC", 27);
   Nations.insert("MD", 24);     Nations.insert("ME", 22);
   Nations.insert("NL", 18);     Nations.insert("NO", 15);
   Nations.insert("PK", 24);     Nations.insert("PS", 29);
   Nations.insert("PL", 28);     Nations.insert("PT", 25);
   Nations.insert("RO", 24);     Nations.insert("SM", 27);
   Nations.insert("SA", 24);     Nations.insert("RS", 22);
   Nations.insert("SK", 24);     Nations.insert("SI", 19);
   Nations.insert("ES", 24);     Nations.insert("SE", 24);
   Nations.insert("CH", 21);     Nations.insert("TN", 24);
   Nations.insert("TR", 26);     Nations.insert("AE", 23);
   Nations.insert("GB", 22);     Nations.insert("VG", 24);
end Iban_Code;


with Ada.Text_Io;             use Ada.Text_Io;
with Iban_Code;

procedure Check_Iban is
   procedure Check(Iban : String) is   
      if Iban_Code.Is_Legal(Iban) then
	 Put_Line(Iban & " is valid.");
	 Put_Line(Iban & " is not valid.");
      end if;
   end Check;
   Check("GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32");
   Check("gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32");
   Check("GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32");
   Check("GB82 WEST 1243 5698 7654 32");
end Check_Iban;
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is valid.
GB82WEST12345698765432 is valid.
gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32 is valid.
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is not valid.
GB82 WEST 1243 5698 7654 32 is not valid.


on countryCodes()
    -- A list of 34 lists. The nth list (1-indexed) contains country codes for countries having n-character IBANS.
    return {{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {"NO"}, {"BE"}, ¬
        {}, {"DK", "FO", "FI", "GL", "NL"}, {"MK", "SI"}, {"AT", "BA", "EE", "KZ", "XK", "LT", "LU"}, ¬
        {"HR", "LV", "LI", "CH"}, {"BH", "BG", "CR", "GE", "DE", "IE", "ME", "RS", "GB", "VA"}, ¬
        {"TL", "GI", "IQ", "IL", "AE"}, {"AD", "CZ", "MD", "PK", "RO", "SA", "SK", "ES", "SE", "TN", "VG"}, ¬
        {"PT", "ST"}, {"IS", "TR"}, {"FR", "GR", "IT", "MR", "MC", "SM"}, ¬
        {"AL", "AZ", "BY", "CY", "DO", "SV", "GT", "HU", "LB", "PL"}, {"BR", "EG", "PS", "QA", "UA"}, ¬
        {"JO", "KW", "MU"}, {"MT", "SC"}, {"LC"}, {}, {}}
end countryCodes

on validateIBAN(iban)
    -- Remove any spaces.
    if (iban contains space) then set iban to replaceText(iban, space, "")
    considering diacriticals but ignoring case
        -- Check the length both overall and against the presumed country code.
        set characterCount to (count iban)
        if ((characterCount > 34) or (text 1 thru 2 of iban is not in item characterCount of countryCodes())) then return false
        -- Move the first four characters to the end.
        set iban to text 5 thru -1 of iban & (text 1 thru 4 of iban)
        -- Replace any unadorned Latin letters with the appropriate number characters ("A" = "11" … "Z" = "35").
        repeat with letter in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
            if (iban contains letter) then set iban to replaceText(iban, letter, ((letter's id) mod 32 + 9) as text)
        end repeat
    end considering
    -- Check that what's left only contains digit characters.
    if (replaceText(iban, characters of "0123456789", "") is not "") then return false
    -- Calculate the mod-97 remainder.
    set characterCount to (count iban)
    set c to (characterCount - 1) mod 7 + 1
    set mod97 to (text 1 thru c of iban) mod 97
    repeat with c from (c + 1) to characterCount by 7
        set mod97 to (mod97 * 10000000 + (text c thru (c + 6) of iban)) mod 97
    end repeat
    return (mod97 = 1)
end validateIBAN

on replaceText(txt, searchStr, replaceText)
    set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to searchStr
    set txt to txt's text items
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replaceText
    set txt to txt as text
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
    return txt
end replaceText

-- Test code (IBANs borrowed from other solutions on this page.):
local testIBANs, output, thisIBAN, astid

set testIBANs to {"GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32", "gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32", "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32", ¬
    "SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519", "ZZ12 3456 7890 1234 5678 12", "IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999"}
set output to {}
repeat with thisIBAN in testIBANs
    set end of output to thisIBAN & item ((validateIBAN(thisIBAN) as integer) + 1) of {":  invalid", ":  valid"}
end repeat
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to linefeed
set output to output as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
return output
"GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32:  valid
gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32:  valid
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32:  invalid
SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519:  valid
ZZ12 3456 7890 1234 5678 12:  invalid
IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999:  valid"


ibanSize: #[
    AL: 28, AD: 24, AT: 20, AZ: 28, BE: 16
    BH: 22, BA: 20, BR: 29, BG: 22, CR: 21, HR: 21, CY: 28
    CZ: 24, DK: 18, DO: 28, EE: 20, FO: 18, FI: 18, FR: 27
    GE: 22, DE: 22, GI: 23, GR: 27, GL: 18, GT: 28, HU: 28
    IS: 26, IE: 22, IL: 23, IT: 27, KZ: 20, KW: 30, LV: 21
    LB: 28, LI: 21, LT: 20, LU: 20, MK: 19, MT: 31, MR: 27
    MU: 30, MC: 27, MD: 24, ME: 22, NL: 18, NO: 15, PK: 24
    PS: 29, PL: 28, PT: 25, RO: 24, SM: 27, SA: 24, RS: 22
    SK: 24, SI: 19, ES: 24, SE: 24, CH: 21, TN: 24, TR: 26
    AE: 23, GB: 22, VG: 24 
base36: (map 0..9 'x -> to :string x) ++ 
         map 97..122 'x -> upper to :string to :char x
valid?: function [iban][
    iban: replace iban " " ""
    if not? contains? iban {/[0-9A-Z]+/} -> return false
    if not? (size iban)=ibanSize\[slice iban 0 1] -> return false

    iban: (slice iban 4 (size iban)-1) ++ slice iban 0 3
    iban: join map split iban 'ch -> to :string index base36 ch
    iban: to :integer iban

    return 1=iban%97
loop ["GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32" 
      "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"] 'ib 
      -> print [ib "=> valid?" valid? ib]
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 => valid? true 
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 => valid? false


Works with: AutoHotkey 1.1
IBANs := ["GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
	, "gb82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
	, "GB82WEST12345698765432"
	, "GB82 WEST 234 5698 7654 32"
	, "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 33"
	, "AE82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"]
for k, v in IBANs
	Output .= v " is" (ValidIBAN(v) ? "" : " not") " valid.`n"
MsgBox, % Output

ValidIBAN(n) {
	static CC := {AL:28, AD:24, AT:20, AZ:28, BH:22, BE:16, BA:20, BR:29, BG:22, CR:21
		    , HR:21, CY:28, CZ:24, DK:18, DO:28, EE:20, FO:18, FI:18, FR:27, GE:22
		    , DE:22, GI:23, GR:27, GL:18, GT:28, HU:28, IS:26, IE:22, IL:23, IT:27
		    , JO:30, KZ:20, KW:30, LV:21, LB:28, LI:21, LT:20, LU:20, MK:19, MT:31
		    , MR:27, MU:30, MC:27, MD:24, ME:22, NL:18, NO:15, PK:24, PS:29, PL:28
		    , PT:25, QA:29, RO:24, SM:27, SA:24, RS:22, SK:24, SI:19, ES:24, SE:24
		    , CH:21, TN:24, TR:26, AE:23, GB:22, VG:24}
	StringReplace, n, n, % A_Space,, A
	;Check that the total IBAN length is correct as per the country
	if (StrLen(n) != CC[SubStr(n, 1, 2)])
		return false
	StringUpper, n, n
	;Move the four initial characters to the end of the string
	n := SubStr(n, 5) SubStr(n, 1, 4)
	;Replace each letter in the string with two digits
	Loop, Parse, n
		if A_LoopField is alpha
			nn .= Asc(A_LoopField) - 55
			nn .= A_LoopField
	return Mod97(nn) = 1

Mod97(a) {
	while a {
		rem := Mod(rem SubStr(a, 1, 15), 97)
		a := SubStr(a, 16)
	return rem
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is valid.
gb82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is valid.
GB82WEST12345698765432 is valid.
GB82 WEST 234 5698 7654 32 is not valid.
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 33 is not valid.
AE82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is not valid.


Works with: gawk

This requires a gawk with extensions and GNU MP+MPFR support - it's usually the case. Some country codes are missing, the output is itself parsable.

@load "ordchr"

function invalid()  { print("INVALID " $0); next }
function valid()    { print("VALID__ " $0) }

    ccibanlen["AL"] = 28; ccibanlen["AD"] = 24; ccibanlen["AT"] = 20; 
    ccibanlen["AZ"] = 28; ccibanlen["BH"] = 22; ccibanlen["BA"] = 20; 
    ccibanlen["BR"] = 29; ccibanlen["BG"] = 22; ccibanlen["CR"] = 21; 
    ccibanlen["HR"] = 21; ccibanlen["CY"] = 28; ccibanlen["CZ"] = 24; 
    ccibanlen["DK"] = 18; ccibanlen["DO"] = 28; ccibanlen["EE"] = 20; 
    ccibanlen["FO"] = 18; ccibanlen["FI"] = 18; ccibanlen["FR"] = 27; 
    ccibanlen["GE"] = 22; ccibanlen["DE"] = 22; ccibanlen["GI"] = 23; 
    ccibanlen["GR"] = 27; ccibanlen["GL"] = 18; ccibanlen["GT"] = 28; 
    ccibanlen["HU"] = 28; ccibanlen["IS"] = 26; ccibanlen["IE"] = 22; 
    ccibanlen["IT"] = 27; ccibanlen["KZ"] = 20; ccibanlen["KW"] = 30; 
    ccibanlen["LV"] = 21; ccibanlen["LB"] = 28; ccibanlen["LI"] = 21; 
    ccibanlen["LT"] = 20; ccibanlen["LU"] = 20; ccibanlen["MK"] = 19; 
    ccibanlen["MT"] = 31; ccibanlen["MR"] = 27; ccibanlen["MU"] = 30; 
    ccibanlen["MC"] = 27; ccibanlen["MD"] = 24; ccibanlen["ME"] = 22; 
    ccibanlen["NL"] = 18; ccibanlen["NO"] = 15; ccibanlen["PK"] = 24; 
    ccibanlen["PS"] = 29; ccibanlen["PL"] = 28; ccibanlen["PT"] = 25; 
    ccibanlen["RO"] = 24; ccibanlen["SM"] = 27; ccibanlen["SA"] = 24; 
    ccibanlen["RS"] = 22; ccibanlen["SK"] = 24; ccibanlen["SI"] = 19; 
    ccibanlen["ES"] = 24; ccibanlen["SE"] = 24; ccibanlen["CH"] = 21; 
    ccibanlen["TN"] = 24; ccibanlen["TR"] = 26; ccibanlen["AE"] = 23; 
    ccibanlen["GB"] = 22; ccibanlen["VG"] = 24; ccibanlen["BE"] = 16;  

    iban = toupper($0)
    gsub(/\s+/, "", iban)
    ccode = substr(iban, 1, 2)
    if (    ! match(iban, /^[A-Z0-9]+$/) ||     
            ! (ccode in ccibanlen) ||           
            length(iban) != ccibanlen[ccode])   
    ibanrev = gensub(/^(.{4})(.+)/, "\\2\\1", 1, iban)
    ibancsum = ""
    for (i = 1; i <= length(ibanrev); i++) {
        currchar = substr(ibanrev, i, 1)
        if (match(currchar, /[A-Z]/)) 
            currchar = ord(currchar) - 55
        ibancsum = ibancsum currchar
    ibancsum % 97 == 1 ? valid() : invalid()

Creating a test file and launching the script:

cat > test.iban
FR33 ^__^ 0BAD
AA11 1234 6543 1212
FR33 1234 5432 
CH93 0076 2011      6238 5295 7
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32
gawk -Mf iban.gawk test.iban


INVALID AA11 1234 6543 1212
INVALID FR33 1234 5432 
VALID__ CH93 0076 2011      6238 5295 7
VALID__ GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32
INVALID GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32


      REM Used the following as official standard:
      REM  http://www.cnb.cz/cs/platebni_styk/iban/download/EBS204.pdf

      REM Pairs of ISO 3166 country code & expected IBAN length for this country
      COULEN$="AL28 AD24 AT20 AZ28 BE16 BH22 BA20 BR29 BG22 CR21 HR21 CY28 CZ24 DK18 DO28 EE20 "+\
      \       "FO18 FI18 FR27 GE22 DE22 GI23 GR27 GL18 GT28 HU28 IS26 IE22 IL23 IT27 KZ20 KW30 "+\
      \       "LV21 LB28 LI21 LT20 LU20 MK19 MT31 MR27 MU30 MC27 MD24 ME22 NL18 NO15 PK24 PS29 "+\
      \       "PL28 PT25 RO24 SM27 SA24 RS22 SK24 SI19 ES24 SE24 CH21 TN24 TR26 AE23 GB22 VG24"

      PROCIBANcheck("GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"):REM Paper IBAN notation (with the spaces)
      PROCIBANcheck("GB82WEST12345698765432")     :REM Digital IBAN notation (without the spaces)
      PROCIBANcheck("gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32")
      PROCIBANcheck("GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32")
      PROCIBANcheck("GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695")
      PROCIBANcheck("GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19")
      PROCIBANcheck("SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519")
      PROCIBANcheck("CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7")
      PROCIBANcheck("IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999")
      PROCIBANcheck("US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210")
      PROCIBANcheck("GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X")

      DEF PROCIBANcheck(iban$)
      LOCAL err$,i%,match%,explen%,digiban$,tmpiban$,bignum$,c%,kk%

      REM Search for country code and fetch expected length
      WHILE explen%=0 AND i%<LENCOULEN$
        IF LEFT$(iban$,2)=MID$(COULEN$,i%,2) explen%=VALMID$(COULEN$,i%+2,2)

      REM Continue if country code found
      IF match% THEN
        REM Remove space = convert to digital IBAN
        FOR i%=1TOLENiban$
          IF MID$(iban$,i%,1)>" " digiban$+=MID$(iban$,i%,1)
        REM Compare length with expected length
        REM Continue if length is correct
        IF match% THEN
          REM Create temporary string with country code appended
          REM Make big number, replacing letters by numbers using next conversion table: A=10 ... Z=35
          FOR i%=1TOLENtmpiban$
            IF c%>57 bignum$+=STR$(c%-55) ELSE bignum$+=STR$(c%-48)
          REM MOD 97 on bignum$+"00" and subtract result from 98 to obtain control number
          REM Compare with control number in IBAN
          REM Continue if control number matches
          IF match% THEN
            REM Append kk% to bignum$ and determine if MOD 97 results in 1
            REM Continue if MOD 97
            IF match% THEN
              REM Was last test
              err$="result from modulo 97"
            err$="check digits, should be: "+STR$kk%
          err$="code length, expected length: "+STR$explen%
        err$="country code: "+LEFT$(iban$,2)

      IF match% PRINT "  "; ELSE PRINT "in";:err$="***error!*** invalid "+err$
      PRINT "valid IBAN: ";iban$TAB(50)err$

      DEF FNmod97(num$)
      LOCAL mod$
      WHILE num$>""
  valid IBAN: GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32
  valid IBAN: GB82WEST12345698765432
invalid IBAN: gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32         ***error!*** invalid country code: gb
invalid IBAN: GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32         ***error!*** invalid check digits, should be: 78
  valid IBAN: GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695
  valid IBAN: GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19
  valid IBAN: SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519
  valid IBAN: CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7
  valid IBAN: IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999
invalid IBAN: IL62-0108-0000-0009-9999-999        ***error!*** invalid code length, expected length: 23
invalid IBAN: US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210        ***error!*** invalid country code: US
invalid IBAN: GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X  ***error!*** invalid code length, expected length: 27


>>" :NABI">:#,_>:~:"`"`48**-:55+-#v_$0::6g0>>8g-!\7g18g-!*!v>v>>
<<_#v:#78#`8#+<^+!!*-*84\-9:g8:p8\<oo>1#$-#<0$>>>#v_"dilav" ^#<<
>>^ >*-:20p9`9*1+55+**20g+"a"%10g1+00g%:4-!|^g6::_v#-*88:+1_vv>>
>>" si rebmun tahT">:#,_                55+".",,@ >0"dilavni">>>
IBAN: GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32
That number is valid.
IBAN: GB82 EAST 1234 5698 7654 32
That number is invalid.


sym  "0A"+¨1026
CheckIBAN  1=·(97|⊣+(101+>9)×)´436(>/⊢)sym

CheckIBAN "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"


( ( IBAN-check
  =   table country cd len N c
    .       (AL.28) (AD.24) (AT.20) (AZ.28) (BE.16) (BH.22) (BA.20) (BR.29)
            (BG.22) (CR.21) (HR.21) (CY.28) (CZ.24) (DK.18) (DO.28) (EE.20)
            (FO.18) (FI.18) (FR.27) (GE.22) (DE.22) (GI.23) (GR.27) (GL.18)
            (GT.28) (HU.28) (IS.26) (IE.22) (IL.23) (IT.27) (KZ.20) (KW.30)
            (LV.21) (LB.28) (LI.21) (LT.20) (LU.20) (MK.19) (MT.31) (MR.27)
            (MU.30) (MC.27) (MD.24) (ME.22) (NL.18) (NO.15) (PK.24) (PS.29)
            (PL.28) (PT.25) (RO.24) (SM.27) (SA.24) (RS.22) (SK.24) (SI.19)
            (ES.24) (SE.24) (CH.21) (TN.24) (TR.26) (AE.23) (GB.22) (VG.24)
        : ?table
      & @(!arg:?country [2 ?cd [4 ?arg)
      & str$(!arg !country !cd):?arg
      & (   !table:? (!country.?len) ?
          & :?N
          & ( @( !arg
               :   ?
                   ( %@?c ?
                   & ( !c:#
                     |   !c:~<A:~>Z
                       & asc$!c+-1*asc$A+10:?c
                       & 1+!len:?len
                     | !c:" "&:?c
                   & !N !c:?N
                   & ~
            |   str$!N:?N:#
              & (   @(!N:? [!len)
                  & ( mod$(!N,97):1&out$OK
                    | out$"wrong check digits"
                | out$"wrong length"
            |   @(!N:? ~#%?c ?)
              & out$(str$("invalid character: '" !c "'"))
        | out$(str$("invalid country code: '" !country "'"))
& IBAN-check$"GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 9"
& IBAN-check$"GX82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
& IBAN-check$"GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
& IBAN-check$GB82WEST12345698765432
& IBAN-check$"gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32"
& IBAN-check$"GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
& IBAN-check$"GB82 WEST 1243 5698 7654 32"
& IBAN-check$"GB82 west 1243 5698 7654 32"
wrong length
invalid country code: 'GX'
invalid country code: 'gb'
wrong check digits
wrong check digits
invalid character: 'w'


#include <alloca.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define V(cc, exp) if (!strncmp(iban, cc, 2)) return len == exp

/* Validate country code against expected length. */
int valid_cc(const char *iban, int len)
    V("AL", 28); V("AD", 24); V("AT", 20); V("AZ", 28); V("BE", 16); V("BH", 22); V("BA", 20); V("BR", 29);
    V("BG", 22); V("CR", 21); V("HR", 21); V("CY", 28); V("CZ", 24); V("DK", 18); V("DO", 28); V("EE", 20);
    V("FO", 18); V("FI", 18); V("FR", 27); V("GE", 22); V("DE", 22); V("GI", 23); V("GR", 27); V("GL", 18);
    V("GT", 28); V("HU", 28); V("IS", 26); V("IE", 22); V("IL", 23); V("IT", 27); V("KZ", 20); V("KW", 30);
    V("LV", 21); V("LB", 28); V("LI", 21); V("LT", 20); V("LU", 20); V("MK", 19); V("MT", 31); V("MR", 27);
    V("MU", 30); V("MC", 27); V("MD", 24); V("ME", 22); V("NL", 18); V("NO", 15); V("PK", 24); V("PS", 29);
    V("PL", 28); V("PT", 25); V("RO", 24); V("SM", 27); V("SA", 24); V("RS", 22); V("SK", 24); V("SI", 19);
    V("ES", 24); V("SE", 24); V("CH", 21); V("TN", 24); V("TR", 26); V("AE", 23); V("GB", 22); V("VG", 24);

    return 0;

/* Remove blanks from s in-place, return its new length. */
int strip(char *s)
    int i = -1, m = 0;

    while(s[++i]) {
        s[i - m] = s[i];
        m += s[i] <= 32;

    s[i - m] = 0;
    return i - m;

/* Calculate the mod 97 of an arbitrarily large number (as a string). */
int mod97(const char *s, int len)
    int i, j, parts = len / 7;
    char rem[10] = "00";

    for (i = 1; i <= parts + (len % 7 != 0); ++i) {
        strncpy(rem + 2, s + (i - 1) * 7, 7);
        j = atoi(rem) % 97;
        rem[0] = j / 10 + '0';
        rem[1] = j % 10 + '0';

    return atoi(rem) % 97;

int valid_iban(char *iban)
    int i, j, l = 0, sz = strip(iban);
    char *rot, *trans;

    /* Ensure upper alphanumeric input and count letters. */
    for (i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
        if (!isdigit(iban[i]) && !isupper(iban[i]))
            return 0;
        l += !!isupper(iban[i]);

    if (!valid_cc(iban, sz))
        return 0;

    /* Move the first four characters to the end. */
    rot = alloca(sz);
    strcpy(rot, iban + 4);
    strncpy(rot + sz - 4, iban, 4);

    /* Allocate space for the transformed IBAN. */
    trans = alloca(sz + l + 1);
    trans[sz + l] = 0;

    /* Convert A to 10, B to 11, etc. */
    for (i = j = 0; i < sz; ++i, ++j) {
        if (isdigit(rot[i]))
            trans[j] = rot[i];
        else {
            trans[j]   = (rot[i] - 55) / 10 + '0';
            trans[++j] = (rot[i] - 55) % 10 + '0';

    return mod97(trans, sz + l) == 1;

int main(int _, char **argv)
    while (--_, *++argv)
        printf("%s is %svalid.\n", *argv, valid_iban(*argv) ? "" : "in");

    return 0;
iban 'GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32' GB82TEST12345698765432
GB82WEST12345698765432 is valid.
GB82TEST12345698765432 is invalid.


    public class IbanValidator : IValidateTypes
        public ValidationResult Validate(string value)
            // Check if value is missing
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                return ValidationResult.ValueMissing;

            if (value.Length < 2)
                return ValidationResult.ValueTooSmall;

            var countryCode = value.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper();

            int lengthForCountryCode;

            var countryCodeKnown = Lengths.TryGetValue(countryCode, out lengthForCountryCode);
            if (!countryCodeKnown)
                return ValidationResult.CountryCodeNotKnown;

            // Check length.
            if (value.Length < lengthForCountryCode)
                return ValidationResult.ValueTooSmall;

            if (value.Length > lengthForCountryCode)
                return ValidationResult.ValueTooBig;

            value = value.ToUpper();
            var newIban = value.Substring(4) + value.Substring(0, 4);

            newIban = Regex.Replace(newIban, @"\D", match => (match.Value[0] - 55).ToString());

            var remainder = BigInteger.Parse(newIban) % 97;

            if (remainder != 1)
                return ValidationResult.ValueFailsModule97Check;

            return ValidationResult.IsValid;

        public enum ValidationResult

        private static readonly IDictionary<string, int> Lengths = new Dictionary<string, int>
            {"AL", 28},
            {"AD", 24},
            {"AT", 20},
            {"AZ", 28},
            {"BE", 16},
            {"BH", 22},
            {"BA", 20},
            {"BR", 29},
            {"BG", 22},
            {"CR", 21},
            {"HR", 21},
            {"CY", 28},
            {"CZ", 24},
            {"DK", 18},
            {"DO", 28},
            {"EE", 20},
            {"FO", 18},
            {"FI", 18},
            {"FR", 27},
            {"GE", 22},
            {"DE", 22},
            {"GI", 23},
            {"GR", 27},
            {"GL", 18},
            {"GT", 28},
            {"HU", 28},
            {"IS", 26},
            {"IE", 22},
            {"IL", 23},
            {"IT", 27},
            {"KZ", 20},
            {"KW", 30},
            {"LV", 21},
            {"LB", 28},
            {"LI", 21},
            {"LT", 20},
            {"LU", 20},
            {"MK", 19},
            {"MT", 31},
            {"MR", 27},
            {"MU", 30},
            {"MC", 27},
            {"MD", 24},
            {"ME", 22},
            {"NL", 18},
            {"NO", 15},
            {"PK", 24},
            {"PS", 29},
            {"PL", 28},
            {"PT", 25},
            {"RO", 24},
            {"SM", 27},
            {"SA", 24},
            {"RS", 22},
            {"SK", 24},
            {"SI", 19},
            {"ES", 24},
            {"SE", 24},
            {"CH", 21},
            {"TN", 24},
            {"TR", 26},
            {"AE", 23},
            {"GB", 22},
            {"VG", 24}


    public class When_the_IbanValidator_is_told_to_Validate
        public void It_should_return_an_error_when_there_is_no_value_provided()
            // Assert
            const string value = "";
            var validator = new IbanValidator();

            // Act
            var result = validator.Validate(value);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(ValidationResult.ValueMissing, result);

        public void It_should_return_an_error_when_the_value_length_is_to_short()
            // Assert
            const string value = "BE1800165492356";
            var validator = new IbanValidator();

            // Act
            var result = validator.Validate(value);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(ValidationResult.ValueTooSmall, result);

        public void It_should_return_an_error_when_the_value_length_is_to_big()
            // Assert
            const string value = "BE180016549235656";
            var validator = new IbanValidator();

            // Act
            var result = validator.Validate(value);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(ValidationResult.ValueTooBig, result);

        public void It_should_return_an_error_when_the_value_fails_the_module_check()
            // Assert
            const string value = "BE18001654923566";
            var validator = new IbanValidator();

            // Act
            var result = validator.Validate(value);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(ValidationResult.ValueFailsModule97Check, result);

        public void It_should_return_an_error_when_an_unkown_country_prefix_used()
            // Assert
            const string value = "XX82WEST12345698765432";
            var validator = new IbanValidator();

            // Act
            var result = validator.Validate(value);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(ValidationResult.CountryCodeNotKnown, result);

        public void It_should_return_valid_when_a_valid_value_is_provided()
            // Assert
            const string value = "BE18001654923565";
            var validator = new IbanValidator();

            // Act
            var result = validator.Validate(value);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(ValidationResult.IsValid, result);

        public void It_should_return_valid_when_a_valid_foreign_value_is_provided()
            // Assert
            const string value = "GB82WEST12345698765432";
            var validator = new IbanValidator();

            // Act
            var result = validator.Validate(value);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(ValidationResult.IsValid, result);


#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>

using namespace boost::algorithm;

bool isValid(const std::string &ibanstring) {
    static std::map<std::string, int> countrycodes {
        {"AL", 28}, {"AD", 24}, {"AT", 20}, {"AZ", 28 },
        {"BE", 16}, {"BH", 22}, {"BA", 20}, {"BR", 29 },
        {"BG", 22}, {"CR", 21}, {"HR", 21}, {"CY", 28 },
        {"CZ", 24}, {"DK", 18}, {"DO", 28}, {"EE", 20 },
        {"FO", 18}, {"FI", 18}, {"FR", 27}, {"GE", 22 },
        {"DE", 22}, {"GI", 23}, {"GR", 27}, {"GL", 18 },
        {"GT", 28}, {"HU", 28}, {"IS", 26}, {"IE", 22 },
        {"IL", 23}, {"IT", 27}, {"KZ", 20}, {"KW", 30 },
        {"LV", 21}, {"LB", 28}, {"LI", 21}, {"LT", 20 },
        {"LU", 20}, {"MK", 19}, {"MT", 31}, {"MR", 27 },
        {"MU", 30}, {"MC", 27}, {"MD", 24}, {"ME", 22 },
        {"NL", 18}, {"NO", 15}, {"PK", 24}, {"PS", 29 },
        {"PL", 28}, {"PT", 25}, {"RO", 24}, {"SM", 27 },
        {"SA", 24}, {"RS", 22}, {"SK", 24}, {"SI", 19 },
        {"ES", 24}, {"SE", 24}, {"CH", 21}, {"TN", 24 },
        {"TR", 26}, {"AE", 23}, {"GB", 22}, {"VG", 24 }
    std::string teststring(ibanstring);
    erase_all(teststring, " "); //defined in boost/algorithm/string.hpp
    if (countrycodes.find(teststring.substr(0, 2)) == countrycodes.end())
        return false;
    if (teststring.length() != countrycodes[teststring.substr(0, 2)])
        return false;
    if (!all(teststring, is_alnum()))
        return false;
    std::rotate(teststring.begin(), teststring.begin() + 4, teststring.end());

    std::string numberstring; // will contain the letter substitutions
    for (const auto &c : teststring) {
        if (std::isdigit(c))
            numberstring += c;
        if (std::isupper(c))
            numberstring += std::to_string(static_cast<int>(c) - 55);
    // implements a stepwise check for mod 97 in chunks of 9 at the first time,
    // then in chunks of seven prepended by the last mod 97 operation converted
    // to a string
    int segstart = 0;
    int step = 9;
    std::string prepended;
    long number = 0;
    while (segstart < numberstring.length() - step) {
        number = std::stol(prepended + numberstring.substr(segstart, step));
        int remainder = number % 97;
        prepended = std::to_string(remainder);
        if (remainder < 10)
            prepended = "0" + prepended;
        segstart = segstart + step;
        step = 7;
    number = std::stol(prepended + numberstring.substr(segstart));
    return (number % 97 == 1);

void SayValidity(const std::string &iban) {
    std::cout << iban << (isValid(iban) ? " is " : " is not ") << "valid\n";

int main() {
    SayValidity("GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32");
    return 0;
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is valid!
GB82TEST12345698765432 is not valid!

Caché ObjectScript

Class Utils.Validate [ Abstract ]

ClassMethod VerifyIBAN(pIBAN As %String = "") As %Boolean
	// remove spaces and define parts
	Set iban=$Translate(pIBAN, " ")
	Set cc=$Extract(iban, 1, 2)
	Set cd=$Extract(iban, 3, 4)
	Set bban=$Extract(iban, 5, *)
	// ensure IBAN is correct format
	If $Match(iban, ..GetIBANPattern(cc))=0 Quit 0
	// compare result and return
	Quit cd=..GetIBANCheckDigit(cc, bban)

ClassMethod GetIBANCheckDigit(pCC As %String, pBBAN As %String) As %Integer [ Internal, Private ]
	Set str=pBBAN_pCC_"00"
	For i=1:1 {
		Set chr=$Extract(str, i) If chr="" Quit
		If chr?1U Set $Extract(str, i)=$ASCII(chr)-55
	Set cd=98-..GetModulus(str, 97)
	Quit $Select($Length(cd)=2: cd, 1: "0"_cd)

ClassMethod GetModulus(pNum As %Integer, pDiv As %Integer) As %Integer [ Internal, Private ]
	While $Length(pNum)>9 {
		Set $Extract(pNum, 1, 9)=$Extract(pNum, 1, 9)#pDiv
	Quit pNum#pDiv

ClassMethod GetIBANPattern(pCC As %String = "") As %String [ Internal, Private ]
	Quit $Case(pCC, 
		"AL": "^AL\d{10}[0-9A-Z]{16}$", 
		"AD": "^AD\d{10}[0-9A-Z]{12}$", 
		"AT": "^AT\d{18}$", 
		"BH": "^BH\d{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9A-Z]{14}$", 
		"BE": "^BE\d{14}$", 
		"BA": "^BA\d{18}$", 
		"BG": "^BG\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{6}[0-9A-Z]{8}$", 
		"HR": "^HR\d{19}$", 
		"CY": "^CY\d{10}[0-9A-Z]{16}$", 
		"CZ": "^CZ\d{22}$", 
		"DK": "^DK\d{16}$|^FO\d{16}$|^GL\d{16}$", 
		"DO": "^DO\d{2}[0-9A-Z]{4}\d{20}$", 
		"EE": "^EE\d{18}$", 
		"FI": "^FI\d{16}$", 
		"FR": "^FR\d{12}[0-9A-Z]{11}\d{2}$", 
		"GE": "^GE\d{2}[A-Z]{2}\d{16}$", 
		"DE": "^DE\d{20}$", 
		"GI": "^GI\d{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9A-Z]{15}$", 
		"GR": "^GR\d{9}[0-9A-Z]{16}$", 
		"HU": "^HU\d{26}$", 
		"IS": "^IS\d{24}$", 
		"IE": "^IE\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{14}$", 
		"IL": "^IL\d{21}$", 
		"IT": "^IT\d{2}[A-Z]\d{10}[0-9A-Z]{12}$", 
		"KZ": "^[A-Z]{2}\d{5}[0-9A-Z]{13}$", 
		"KW": "^KW\d{2}[A-Z]{4}22!$", 
		"LV": "^LV\d{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9A-Z]{13}$", 
		"LB": "^LB\d{6}[0-9A-Z]{20}$", 
		"LI": "^LI\d{7}[0-9A-Z]{12}$", 
		"LT": "^LT\d{18}$", 
		"LU": "^LU\d{5}[0-9A-Z]{13}$", 
		"MK": "^MK\d{5}[0-9A-Z]{10}\d{2}$", 
		"MT": "^MT\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{5}[0-9A-Z]{18}$", 
		"MR": "^MR13\d{23}$", 
		"MU": "^MU\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{19}[A-Z]{3}$", 
		"MC": "^MC\d{12}[0-9A-Z]{11}\d{2}$", 
		"ME": "^ME\d{20}$", 
		"NL": "^NL\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{10}$", 
		"NO": "^NO\d{13}$", 
		"PL": "^PL\d{10}[0-9A-Z]{,16}n$", 
		"PT": "^PT\d{23}$", 
		"RO": "^RO\d{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9A-Z]{16}$", 
		"SM": "^SM\d{2}[A-Z]\d{10}[0-9A-Z]{12}$", 
		"SA": "^SA\d{4}[0-9A-Z]{18}$", 
		"RS": "^RS\d{20}$", 
		"SK": "^SK\d{22}$", 
		"SI": "^SI\d{17}$", 
		"ES": "^ES\d{22}$", 
		"SE": "^SE\d{22}$", 
		"CH": "^CH\d{7}[0-9A-Z]{12}$", 
		"TN": "^TN59\d{20}$", 
		"TR": "^TR\d{7}[0-9A-Z]{17}$", 
		"AE": "^AE\d{21}$", 
		"GB": "^GB\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{14}$", 
		: " ")

USER>For  { Read iban Quit:iban=""  Write " => ", ##class(Utils.Validate).VerifyIBAN(iban), ! }
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 => 1
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 => 0
GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695 => 1
GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19 => 1
SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519 => 1
CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7 => 1
IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999 => 1



(def explen
  {"AL" 28 "AD" 24 "AT" 20 "AZ" 28 "BE" 16 "BH" 22 "BA" 20 "BR" 29
   "BG" 22 "CR" 21 "HR" 21 "CY" 28 "CZ" 24 "DK" 18 "DO" 28 "EE" 20
   "FO" 18 "FI" 18 "FR" 27 "GE" 22 "DE" 22 "GI" 23 "GR" 27 "GL" 18
   "GT" 28 "HU" 28 "IS" 26 "IE" 22 "IL" 23 "IT" 27 "KZ" 20 "KW" 30
   "LV" 21 "LB" 28 "LI" 21 "LT" 20 "LU" 20 "MK" 19 "MT" 31 "MR" 27
   "MU" 30 "MC" 27 "MD" 24 "ME" 22 "NL" 18 "NO" 15 "PK" 24 "PS" 29
   "PL" 28 "PT" 25 "RO" 24 "SM" 27 "SA" 24 "RS" 22 "SK" 24 "SI" 19
   "ES" 24 "SE" 24 "CH" 21 "TN" 24 "TR" 26 "AE" 23 "GB" 22 "VG" 24})

(defn valid-iban? [iban]
  (let [iban (apply str (remove #{\space \tab} iban))]
      ; Ensure upper alphanumeric input.
      (not (re-find #"^[\dA-Z]+$" iban)) false
      ; Validate country code against expected length.
      (not= (explen (subs iban 0 2)) (count iban)) false
      (let [rot   (flatten (apply conj (split-at 4 iban)))
            trans (map #(read-string (str "36r" %)) rot)]
        (= 1 (mod (bigint (apply str trans)) 97))))))

(prn (valid-iban? "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32")  ; true
     (valid-iban? "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32")) ; false


Works with: OpenCOBOL
       PROGRAM-ID. iban-main.

       01  iban                    PIC X(50).
       01  iban-flag               PIC X.
           88  is-valid            VALUE "Y", FALSE "N".

           MOVE "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32" TO iban
           PERFORM display-validity

           MOVE "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32" TO iban
           PERFORM display-validity

           CALL "validate-iban" USING CONTENT iban, REFERENCE iban-flag
           IF is-valid
               DISPLAY FUNCTION TRIM(iban) " is valid."
               DISPLAY FUNCTION TRIM(iban) " is not valid."
       END PROGRAM iban-main.

       PROGRAM-ID. validate-iban.

       01  country-lengths-area    VALUE "AD24AE23AL28AT20AZ28BA20BE16"
           & "BG22BH22BR29CH21CR21CY28CZ24DE22DK18DO28EE20ES24FI18FO18F"
           & "R27GB22GE22GI23GL18GR27GT28HR21HU28IE22IL23IS26IT27KW30KZ"
           & "20LB28LI21LT20LU20LV21MC27MD24ME22MK19MR27MT31MU30NL18NO1"
           & "5PK24PL28PS29PT25RO24RS22SA24SE24SI19SK24SM27TN24TR26VG24"
           03  country-lengths     OCCURS 64 TIMES
                                   INDEXED BY country-lengths-idx.
               05  country-code    PIC XX.
               05  country-len     PIC 99.

       01  offset                  PIC 99.

       01  i                       PIC 99.

       01  len                     PIC 99.

       01  iban                    PIC X(50).

       01  valid-flag              PIC X.
           88  is-valid            VALUE "Y", FALSE "N".

       PROCEDURE DIVISION USING iban, valid-flag.
           MOVE FUNCTION UPPER-CASE(iban) TO iban
           CALL "remove-spaces" USING iban

           *> Check if country-code and length are correct
           INITIALIZE len
           SET country-lengths-idx TO 1
           SEARCH country-lengths
               AT END
                   SET is-valid TO FALSE

               WHEN country-code (country-lengths-idx) = iban (1:2)
                   IF country-len (country-lengths-idx) NOT = len
                       SET is-valid TO FALSE

           CALL "create-iban-number" USING CONTENT len, REFERENCE iban

           *> Mod 97 number formed.
           IF FUNCTION MOD(iban, 97) = 1
               SET is-valid TO TRUE
               SET is-valid TO FALSE

       PROGRAM-ID. remove-spaces.

       01  i                       PIC 99.
       01  offset                  PIC 99.

       01  str                     PIC X(50).

           INITIALIZE offset
           PERFORM VARYING i FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL i > 50
               EVALUATE TRUE
                   WHEN str (i:1) = SPACE
                       ADD 1 TO offset
                   WHEN offset NOT = ZERO
                       MOVE str (i:1) TO str (i - offset:1)
           MOVE SPACES TO str (50 - offset + 1:)
       END PROGRAM remove-spaces.

       PROGRAM-ID. create-iban-number.

       01  first-four              PIC X(4).

       01  iban-num                PIC X(50).
       01  digit-num               PIC 99 VALUE 1.       

       01  i                       PIC 99.

       01  letter-num              PIC 99.

       01  len                     PIC 99.

       01  iban                    PIC X(50).

           *> Move characters into final positions.
           MOVE iban (1:4) TO first-four
           MOVE iban (5:) TO iban
           MOVE first-four TO iban (len - 3:)

           *> Convert letters to numbers.
           INITIALIZE iban-num, digit-num ALL TO VALUE
           PERFORM VARYING i FROM 1 BY 1
                   UNTIL i > len OR iban (i:1) = SPACE
               IF iban (i:1) IS NUMERIC
                   MOVE iban (i:1) TO iban-num (digit-num:1)
                   ADD 1 TO digit-num
                   COMPUTE letter-num =
                       FUNCTION ORD(iban (i:1)) - FUNCTION ORD("A") + 10
                   MOVE letter-num TO iban-num (digit-num:2)
                   ADD 2 TO digit-num

           MOVE iban-num TO iban
       END PROGRAM create-iban-number.

       END PROGRAM validate-iban.
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is valid.
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is not valid.

Common Lisp

;; List of the IBAN code lengths per country.
(defvar *IBAN-code-length* '((15 . ("NO")) 
                             (16 . ("BE")) 
                             (18 . ("DK" "FO" "FI" "GL" "NL"))
                             (19 . ("MK" "SI"))
                             (20 . ("AT" "BA" "EE" "KZ" "LT" "LU"))
                             (21 . ("CR" "HR" "LV" "LI" "CH"))
                             (22 . ("BH" "BG" "GE" "DE" "IE" "ME" "RS" "GB"))
                             (23 . ("GI" "IL" "AE"))
                             (24 . ("AD" "CZ" "MD" "PK" "RO" "SA" "SK" "ES" "SE" "TN" "VG"))
                             (25 . ("PT"))
                             (26 . ("IS" "TR"))
                             (27 . ("FR" "GR" "IT" "MR" "MC" "SM"))
                             (28 . ("AL" "AZ" "CY" "DO" "GT" "HU" "LB" "PL"))
                             (29 . ("BR" "PS"))
                             (30 . ("KW" "MU"))
                             (31 . ("MT"))))

;; The IBAN-character function verifies whether the number contains the correct characters only. There is
;; a built in function to verify for alphanumeric characters, but it includes characters beyond ASCII range.
(defun IBAN-characters (iban)
  (flet ((valid-alphanum (ch)
           (or (and (char<= #\A ch)
                    (char>= #\Z ch))
               (and (char<= #\0 ch)
                    (char>= #\9 ch)))))
    (loop for char across iban
          always (valid-alphanum char))))

;; The function IBAN-length verifies that the length of the number is correct. The code lengths
;; are retrieved from the table *IBAN-code-lengths*.
(defun IBAN-length (iban)
  (loop :for  (len . country) :in *IBAN-code-length*
        :with iban-country = (subseq iban 0 2)
    (when (find iban-country country :test #'string=) (return (= len (length iban))))))

;; The function IBAN-to-integer converts an IBAN code into an integer number.
;; Note: The conversion follows the rules stated in the wiki page.
(defun IBAN-to-integer (iban)
  (let ((character-base (- (char-code #\A) 10)))
      (format nil "~{~a~}" (map 'list #'(lambda(X) (if (alpha-char-p X) (- (char-code X) character-base) X ))
                                      (concatenate 'string (subseq iban 4) (subseq iban 0 4)))))))
;; The function IBAN-verify checks that the code contains right character set, has the
;; country specific length and has the correct check sum.
(defun IBAN-verify (iban)
  (flet ((validp (X) (and (IBAN-characters X)
                          (IBAN-length X)
                          (= 1 (mod (IBAN-to-integer X) 97)))))
    (validp (remove #\Space iban))))


* (iban-verify "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32")

* (iban-verify "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32")



Translation of: Python
import std.stdio, std.string, std.regex, std.conv, std.bigint,
       std.algorithm, std.ascii;

immutable int[string] country2len;
static this() {
    country2len = ["AL":28, "AD":24, "AT":20, "AZ":28, "BE":16,
    "BH":22, "BA":20, "BR":29, "BG":22, "CR":21, "HR":21, "CY":28,
    "CZ":24, "DK":18, "DO":28, "EE":20, "FO":18, "FI":18, "FR":27,
    "GE":22, "DE":22, "GI":23, "GR":27, "GL":18, "GT":28, "HU":28,
    "IS":26, "IE":22, "IL":23, "IT":27, "KZ":20, "KW":30, "LV":21,
    "LB":28, "LI":21, "LT":20, "LU":20, "MK":19, "MT":31, "MR":27,
    "MU":30, "MC":27, "MD":24, "ME":22, "NL":18, "NO":15, "PK":24,
    "PS":29, "PL":28, "PT":25, "RO":24, "SM":27, "SA":24, "RS":22,
    "SK":24, "SI":19, "ES":24, "SE":24, "CH":21, "TN":24, "TR":26,
    "AE":23, "GB":22, "VG":24];

bool validIBAN(string iban) {
    // Ensure upper alphanumeric input.
    iban = iban.removechars(whitespace);
    if (!iban.match(r"^[\dA-Z]+$"))
        return false;

    // Validate country code against expected length.
    if (iban.length != country2len[iban[0 .. 2]])
        return false;

    // Shift and convert. BASE 36: 0..9,A..Z -> 0..35.
    iban = iban[4 .. $] ~ iban[0 .. 4];
    return iban.map!(c => [c].to!int(36).text).join.BigInt % 97 == 1;

void main() {
    foreach (account; ["GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32",
                       "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"])
        writefln("%s validation is: %s", account, account.validIBAN);
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 validation is: true
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 validation is: false


;       Validate IBAN for DBL version 4 by Dario B.
;       Compile with "dbl -r" to reinitialize all data each time
;       the module (main or subroutine) is entered.

J,       D5
IBAN,    A35,'GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32'
,        A35,'GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32'
,        A35,'GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695'
,        A35,'GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19'
,        A35,'SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519'
,        A35,'CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7'
,        A35,'IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999'
,        A35,'US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210'
,        A35,'GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X'


        XCALL FLAGS (0007000000,1)              ;Suppress STOP message

        OPEN (1,O,'TT:')                        ;Open video

        FOR J=1 UNTIL 9
        DO BEGIN
                IF (ISVALID.EQ.1)
                THEN DISPLAY (1,IBAN(J),' is valid',10)
                ELSE DISPLAY (1,IBAN(J),' is not valid',10)

        CLOSE 1



IBAN,           A       ;IBAN code
ISVALID,        D       ;0=is not valid 1=is valid


K,      D5
J,      D5
D2,     D2
D3,     D3
D9,     D9
A9,     A9

IINT,   A80
MOD,    D5

.DEFINE NC,75   ;numbers of ISO / LEN in table
ISOCK,  [NC]A4,'AD24','AE23','AL28','AT20','AZ28','BA20','BE16','BG22','BH22','BR29',


        CLEAR IBANC,IINT        ;Not required when compiled with dbl -r

        ;Remove blanks
        FOR J=1 UNTIL %TRIM(IBAN) DO IF (IBAN(J:1).NE.' ')
                INCR K

        ;Check ISO code and len
        IF (J.GT.NC)
                ;ISO not found in table, returns ISVALID=0

        IF (%TRIM(IBANC).NE.D2)
                ;wrong len  returns ISVALID=0

        ; Now, do this
        ; IBAN:                 GB82WEST12345698765432
        ; Rearrange:            WEST12345698765432GB82
        ; Convert to integer:   3214282912345698765432161182
        ; Compute remainder:    3214282912345698765432161182    mod 97 = 1

        ;Move the first four characters to the end

        ;Convert A to 10, B to 11 ... Z
        DO BEGIN
                IF (IBANC(J:1).GE.'A'.AND.IBANC(J:1).LE.'Z')
                THEN BEGIN
                        XCALL DECML (IBANC(J:1),D3)
                ELSE BEGIN
                        INCR K

        ;Calculate the mod 97 of large number.
        ;Implements a stepwise check for mod 97 in chunks of 9 at the first time,
        ;then in chunks of seven prepended by the last mod 97 operation converted
        ;to a string
        IF ((PARTS-1)*7.LT.%TRIM(IINT)-9) INCR PARTS

        DO BEGIN
                IF (J.EQ.1) THEN A9=IINT(1:9)
                ELSE BEGIN

        IF (MOD.EQ.1) ISVALID=1
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32         is valid
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32         is not valid
GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695   is valid
GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19         is valid
SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519       is valid
CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7          is valid
IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999        is valid
US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210        is not valid
GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X  is not valid


cc$[] = [ "AD" "AE" "AL" "AO" "AT" "AZ" "BA" "BE" "BF" "BG" "BH" "BI" "BJ" "BR" "CG" "CH" "CI" "CM" "CR" "CV" "CY" "CZ" "DE" "DK" "DO" "DZ" "EE" "EG" "ES" "FI" "FO" "FR" "GA" "GB" "GE" "GI" "GL" "GR" "GT" "HR" "HU" "IE" "IL" "IR" "IS" "IT" "JO" "KW" "KZ" "LB" "LI" "LT" "LU" "LV" "MC" "MD" "ME" "MG" "MK" "ML" "MR" "MT" "MU" "MZ" "NL" "NO" "PK" "PL" "PS" "PT" "QA" "RO" "RS" "SA" "SE" "SI" "SK" "SM" "SN" "TN" "TR" "UA" "VG" ]
ln[] = [ 24 23 28 25 20 28 20 16 27 22 22 16 28 29 27 21 28 27 21 25 28 24 22 18 28 24 20 27 24 18 18 27 27 22 22 23 18 27 28 21 28 22 23 26 26 27 30 30 20 28 21 20 20 21 27 24 22 27 19 28 27 31 30 25 18 15 24 28 29 25 29 24 22 24 24 19 24 27 28 24 26 29 24 ]
func validcc iban$ .
   c$ = substr iban$ 1 2
   for i to len cc$[]
      if c$ = cc$[i]
         return if len iban$ = ln[i]
   return 0
func mod97 s$ .
   while s$ <> ""
      h$ = r div 10
      h$ &= r mod 10
      h$ &= substr s$ 1 13
      s$ = substr s$ 14 9999
      r = number h$ mod 97
   return r
func isvalid hiban$ .
   for c$ in strchars hiban$
      c = strcode c$
      if c > 32
         if c >= 97 and c < 122
            c -= 32
            c$ = strchar c
         elif c < 48 or c > 57 and c < 65 or c > 90
            return 0
         miban$ &= c$
   if validcc miban$ = 0
      return 0
   for c$ in strchars substr miban$ 5 999 & substr miban$ 1 4
      c = strcode c$
      if c >= 65 and c <= 90
         t$ &= (c - 55) div 10
         t$ &= (c - 55) mod 10
         t$ &= c$
   return if mod97 t$ = 1
proc check s$ . .
   write s$ & " is "
   if isvalid s$ = 1
      print "valid"
      print "not valid"
check "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
check "GB82WEST12345698765432"
check "gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32"
check "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
check "GB82 WEST 1243 5698 7654 32"
check "GB82 west 1243 5698 7654 32"
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is valid
GB82WEST12345698765432 is valid
gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32 is valid
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is not valid
GB82 WEST 1243 5698 7654 32 is not valid
GB82 west 1243 5698 7654 32 is not valid


Translation of: Ruby
defmodule IBAN do
  @len %{ AL: 28, AD: 24, AT: 20, AZ: 28, BE: 16, BH: 22, BA: 20, BR: 29,
          BG: 22, CR: 21, HR: 21, CY: 28, CZ: 24, DK: 18, DO: 28, EE: 20,
          FO: 18, FI: 18, FR: 27, GE: 22, DE: 22, GI: 23, GR: 27, GL: 18,
          GT: 28, HU: 28, IS: 26, IE: 22, IL: 23, IT: 27, KZ: 20, KW: 30,
          LV: 21, LB: 28, LI: 21, LT: 20, LU: 20, MK: 19, MT: 31, MR: 27,
          MU: 30, MC: 27, MD: 24, ME: 22, NL: 18, NO: 15, PK: 24, PS: 29,
          PL: 28, PT: 25, RO: 24, SM: 27, SA: 24, RS: 22, SK: 24, SI: 19,
          ES: 24, SE: 24, CH: 21, TN: 24, TR: 26, AE: 23, GB: 22, VG: 24 }
  def valid?(iban) do
    iban = String.replace(iban, ~r/\s/, "")
    if Regex.match?(~r/^[\dA-Z]+$/, iban) do
      cc = String.slice(iban, 0..1) |> String.to_atom
      if String.length(iban) == @len[cc] do
        {left, right} = String.split_at(iban, 4)
        num = String.codepoints(right <> left)
              |> Enum.map_join(fn c -> String.to_integer(c,36) end)
              |> String.to_integer
        rem(num,97) == 1

[ "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32",
  "gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32",
  "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 320",
  "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32",
  "ZZ12 3456 7890 1234 5678 12"  ]
|> Enum.each(fn iban -> IO.puts "#{IBAN.valid?(iban)}\t#{iban}" end)
true    GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32
false   gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32
false   GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 320
true    GB82WEST12345698765432
false   GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32
false   ZZ12 3456 7890 1234 5678 12


open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions

// A little utility to thread a negative test result (Option.None) through a
// pipeline of tests
let inline (|~>) valOption proc =
    match valOption with
    | Some(value) -> proc value
    | None -> None

let main argv =
    let iban = if argv.Length = 0 then "" else argv.[0]
    |> (fun iban ->     // Check for illegal characters
            if Regex.IsMatch(iban, @"[^0-9A-Za-z ]") then None else Some(iban.ToUpper().Replace(" ", "")))
    |~> (fun iban ->    // Check length per country code
            let lengthPerCountry =
                dict [
                    ("AL", 28); ("AD", 24); ("AT", 20); ("AZ", 28); ("BE", 16); ("BH", 22); ("BA", 20); ("BR", 29);
                    ("BG", 22); ("CR", 21); ("HR", 21); ("CY", 28); ("CZ", 24); ("DK", 18); ("DO", 28); ("EE", 20);
                    ("FO", 18); ("FI", 18); ("FR", 27); ("GE", 22); ("DE", 22); ("GI", 23); ("GR", 27); ("GL", 18);
                    ("GT", 28); ("HU", 28); ("IS", 26); ("IE", 22); ("IL", 23); ("IT", 27); ("KZ", 20); ("KW", 30);
                    ("LV", 21); ("LB", 28); ("LI", 21); ("LT", 20); ("LU", 20); ("MK", 19); ("MT", 31); ("MR", 27);
                    ("MU", 30); ("MC", 27); ("MD", 24); ("ME", 22); ("NL", 18); ("NO", 15); ("PK", 24); ("PS", 29);
                    ("PL", 28); ("PT", 25); ("RO", 24); ("SM", 27); ("SA", 24); ("RS", 22); ("SK", 24); ("SI", 19);
                    ("ES", 24); ("SE", 24); ("CH", 21); ("TN", 24); ("TR", 26); ("AE", 23); ("GB", 22); ("VG", 24);
            let country = iban.Substring(0, Math.Min(2, iban.Length))
            match lengthPerCountry.TryGetValue(country) with
            | true, length ->   // country should have iban of this length
                if length = iban.Length then Some(iban) else None
            | _ -> None     // country not known
    |~> (fun iban -> Some(iban.Substring(4) + iban.Substring(0,4)))
    |~> (fun iban ->
            let replaceBase36LetterWithBase10String (s : string) (c :char) = s.Replace(c.ToString(), ((int)c - (int)'A' + 10).ToString())
            Some(List.fold replaceBase36LetterWithBase10String iban [ 'A' .. 'Z' ]))
    |~> (fun iban ->    // iban mod 97
            // We could have used BigInteger, but with a loop by 7 char each 
            // over the long digit string we get away with Int32 arithmetic
            // (as described in the Wikipedia article)
            let reduceOnce r n = Int32.Parse(r.ToString() + n) % 97
            let rest =
                Regex.Matches(iban.Substring(2), @"\d{1,7}") |> Seq.cast |> Seq.map (fun x -> x.ToString())
                |> Seq.fold reduceOnce (reduceOnce 0 (iban.Substring(0,2)))
            // an iban needs a rest of 1
            if rest = 1 then Some(1) else None
    |> function | Some(_) -> "a valid IBAN" | None -> "an invalid IBAN"
    |> printfn "%s is %s" iban
>Rosetta.exe "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is a valid IBAN

>Rosetta.exe "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is an invalid IBAN


USING: assocs combinators.short-circuit formatting kernel math
math.parser regexp sequences sets qw unicode ;
IN: rosetta-code.iban


CONSTANT: countries H{
    { 15 qw{ NO } }
    { 16 qw{ BE } }
    { 18 qw{ DK FO FI GL NL } }
    { 19 qw{ MK SI } }
    { 20 qw{ AT BA EE KZ LT LU } }
    { 21 qw{ CR HR LV LI CH } }
    { 22 qw{ BH BG GE DE IE ME RS GB } }
    { 23 qw{ GI IL AE } }
    { 24 qw{ AD CZ MD PK RO SA SK ES SE TN VG } }
    { 25 qw{ PT } }
    { 26 qw{ IS TR } }
    { 27 qw{ FR GR IT MR MC SM } }
    { 28 qw{ AL AZ CY DO GT HU LB PL } }
    { 29 qw{ BR PS } }
    { 30 qw{ KW MU } }
    { 31 qw{ MT } }

: valid-chars? ( str -- ? ) R/ [A-Z0-9]+/ matches? ;

: valid-length? ( str -- ? )
    [ 2 head ] [ length ] bi countries at member? ;

: valid-checksum? ( str -- ? )
    4 cut swap append [ digit> number>string ] { } map-as
    concat string>number 97 mod 1 = ;


: valid-iban? ( str -- ? )
    " " without {
        [ valid-chars? ] [ valid-length? ] [ valid-checksum? ]
    } 1&& ;

: iban-demo ( -- )
    "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
    "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
        dup valid-iban? "may be a valid" "is an invalid" ?
        "%s %s IBAN\n" printf
    ] bi@ ;

MAIN: iban-demo
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 may be a valid IBAN
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is an invalid IBAN


Works with: 4tH version 3.62.3
include lib/ulcase.4th                 \ for S>UPPER
include lib/triple.4th                 \ for UT/MOD
include lib/cstring.4th                \ for C/STRING
include lib/todbl.4th                  \ for S>DOUBLE

0 constant ud>t                        \ convert unsigned double to triple
88529281 constant 97^4                 \ first stage modulus
char A 10 - negate +constant c>u       \ convert character to IBAN digit

: bank>t u>d rot 3 - 0 ?do 10 mu* loop 1000000000 ut* ;
                                       \ convert country part to unsigned
: country>u                            ( a n -- u)
  c/string c>u 10000 * >r c/string c>u 100 * >r number 100 mod abs r> + r> +
                                       \ convert bank part to unsigned
: bank>u                               \ a n -- u)
  c/string c>u 1000000 * >r            \ get first digit and shift
  c/string c>u 10000 * >r              \ get second digit and shift
  c/string c>u 100 * >r                \ get third digit and shift
  drop c@ c>u r> + r> + r> +           \ combine all digits to number

: iban>t                               ( a n -- triple)
  s>upper                              \ convert to upper case and get country
  over 4 country>u >r 4 /string        \ get bank part, save length, convert
  over 4 bank>u >r 4 /string tuck s>double
  1000000 mu* r> -rot r> u>d d+ 2>r    \ now assemble everything except bank
  bank>t 2r> ud>t t+                   \ shift bank part and convert to triple
                                       ( a n -- f)
: iban? iban>t 97^4 ut/mod 2drop 97 mod 1 = ;
                                       \ perform modulus 97 in two stages
: checkiban                            ( --)
  ." Enter your IBAN: " refill drop 0 parse -trailing iban?
  if ." Valid" else ." Invalid" then cr

linux:~> pp4th -x chkiban.4th
Enter your IBAN: GB82WEST12345698765432
linux:~> pp4th -x chkiban.4th
Enter your IBAN: GB82TEST12345698765432


program ibancheck


   implicit none

   character(4), dimension(75) :: cc = (/ &
            "AD24","AE23","AL28","AT20","AZ28","BA20","BE16","BG22","BH22","BR29", &
            "BY28","CH21","CR22","CY28","CZ24","DE22","DK18","DO28","EE20","ES24", &
            "FI18","FO18","FR27","GB22","GE22","GI23","GL18","GR27","GT28","HR21", &
            "HU28","IE22","IL23","IQ23","IS26","IT27","JO30","KW30","KZ20","LB28", &
            "LC32","LI21","LT20","LU20","LV21","MC27","MD24","ME22","MK19","MR27", &
            "MT31","MU30","NL18","NO15","PK24","PL28","PS29","PT25","QA29","RO24", &
            "RS22","SA24","SC31","SE24","SI19","SK24","SM27","ST25","SV28","TL23", &
            "TN24","TR26","UA29","VG24","XK20" /)

    character(34), dimension(12) :: ibans = (/ "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32       ", &
                                               "GB82WEST12345698765432            ", & 
                                               "gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32       ", &
                                               "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32       ", &
                                               "GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695 ", &
                                               "GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19       ", &
                                               "SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519     ", &
                                               "CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7        ", &
                                               "IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999      ", &
                                               "IL62-0108-0000-0009-9999-999      ", &
                                               "US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210      ", &
                                               "GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X" /)

    integer :: i
    do i=1, size(ibans)
        if (checkIBAN(trim(ibans(i)))) then
            print *, "  valid IBAN: ", trim(ibans(i))
            print *, "invalid IBAN: ", trim(ibans(i))
        end if
    end do


    function checkIBAN(ibancode) result(valid)
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: ibancode
        character(len=len(ibancode)) :: iban
        logical :: valid
        integer(int32) :: j, ascii, ibanSize 
        character(100) :: ibanRearrange, ibantoint
        character(2) :: temp
        valid = .false.

        iban = remove_blanks(ibancode)
        ibanSize = checkCountryCode(iban)
        if (ibanSize == len(trim(iban))) then
            ibanRearrange = iban(5:ibanSize)//iban(1:4)
            ibantoint = ""
            do j=1, ibanSize
                ascii = ichar(ibanRearrange(j:j))
                if ((ascii >= 65) .and. (ascii<=90)) then
                    write (temp,fmt='(I2)') ascii-55
                    ibantoint = trim(ibantoint) // temp
                    ibantoint = trim(ibantoint) // ibanRearrange(j:j)
                end if 
            end do
            if (mod97(ibantoint) == 1) then
                valid = .true.
            end if
        end if
    end function checkIBAN
    function mod97(strint) result(res)
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: strint
        integer :: i, num, res
        res = 0
        do  i=1, len(trim(strint))
            read(strint(i:i),*) num
            res = mod((res*10 + num),97);
        end do
    end function mod97

    function checkCountryCode(iban) result(ibanlength)
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: iban
        integer(int16) :: ibanlength, i
        ibanlength = 0
        do i=1, size(cc)
            if (iban(1:2) == cc(i)(1:2)) then
                read(cc(i)(3:4),*) ibanlength
            end if
        end do
    end function checkCountryCode
    Recursive Function Stripper(string,ch) Result(stripped)
        Implicit None
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
        character, intent(in) :: ch
        character(:), allocatable :: stripped

        IF (LEN(string)==1) THEN
           IF (string==ch) THEN 
              stripped = ''
              stripped = string
           END IF
           IF (string(1:1)==ch) THEN
              stripped = stripper(string(2:),ch)
              stripped = string(1:1)//stripper(string(2:),ch)
           END IF
        END IF
    END Function stripper

    Function Remove_Blanks(string) Result(stripped)
        Implicit None
        character(len=*), intent(in) ::   string
        character(:), allocatable :: stripped

        stripped = trim(Stripper(trim(Stripper(string,' ')),achar(9)))
    END Function Remove_Blanks

end program ibancheck
   valid IBAN: GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32
   valid IBAN: GB82WEST12345698765432
 invalid IBAN: gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32
 invalid IBAN: GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32
   valid IBAN: GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695
   valid IBAN: GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19
   valid IBAN: SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519
   valid IBAN: CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7
   valid IBAN: IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999
 invalid IBAN: IL62-0108-0000-0009-9999-999
 invalid IBAN: US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210
 invalid IBAN: GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X


' FB 1.05.0 Win64

' List updated to release 72, 25 November 2016, of IBAN Registry (75 countries)
Dim Shared countryCodes As String
countryCodes = _
    "AD24 AE23 AL28 AT20 AZ28 BA20 BE16 BG22 BH22 BR29 BY28 CH21 CR22 CY28 CZ24 DE22 " _
    "DK18 DO28 EE20 ES24 FI18 FO18 FR27 GB22 GE22 GI23 GL18 GR27 GT28 HR21 HU28 IE22 " _
    "IL23 IQ23 IS26 IT27 JO30 KW30 KZ20 LB28 LC32 LI21 LT20 LU20 LV21 MC27 MD24 ME22 " _
    "MK19 MR27 MT31 MU30 NL18 NO15 PK24 PL28 PS29 PT25 QA29 RO24 RS22 SA24 SC31 SE24 " _
    "SI19 SK24 SM27 ST25 SV28 TL23 TN24 TR26 UA29 VG24 XK20"

Function checkCountryCode(cc As String) As Boolean
  Return Instr(countryCodes, cc) 
End Function

' To avoid having to use the GMP library, a piece-wise calculation is used
Function mod97(s As String) As UInteger 
  Dim r As UInteger = ValULng(Left(s, 9)) Mod 97
  Dim start As UInteger = 10 
  While start < Len(s)
    r = ValULng(r & Mid(s, start, 7)) Mod 97 
    start += 7
  Return r
End Function

Function validateIban(iban As Const String) As Boolean
  ' remove spaces from IBAN
  Dim s As String = iban
  Dim count As Integer = 0
  For i As Integer = 0 To Len(s) - 1
    If s[i] = 32 Then
      For j As Integer = i + 1 To Len(s) - 1
         s[j - 1] = s[j] 
      count += 1
    End If
    If i = Len(s) - 1 - count Then Exit For
  Next i
  If count > 0 Then
    s[Len(s) - count] = 0
    Dim p As UInteger Ptr = CPtr(UInteger Ptr, @s)
    *(p + 1) = Len(s) - count ''change length of string in descriptor
  End If

  ' check country code
  Dim isValid As Boolean = checkCountryCode(Left(s, 2) + Str(Len(s)))
  If Not isValid Then Return False

  ' move first 4 characters to end 
  s = Mid(s, 5) + Left(s, 4)

  ' replace A to Z with numbers 10 To 35
  For i As Integer = Len(s) To 1 Step -1
    If s[i - 1] >= 65 AndAlso s[i - 1] <= 90 Then
      s = Left(s, i - 1) + Str(s[i - 1] - 55) + Mid(s, i + 1) 
    End If
  ' do mod97 calculation
  Return mod97(s) = 1  '' remainder needs to be 1 for validity
End Function

Dim As String ibans(1 To 2) = {"GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32", "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"}
For i As Integer = 1 To 2
  Dim isValid As Boolean = validateIban(ibans(i))
  Print ibans(i); IIf(isValid, " : may be valid", " : is not valid")

Print "Press any key to quit"
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 : may be valid
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 : is not valid

Free Pascal

Library: GMP
{$mode objFPC}

	// for delSpace function
	// GNU multiple-precision library

	/// this trie contains the correct IBAN length depending on the country code
	IBANLengthInCountry: array['A'..'Z', 'A'..'Z'] of integer;

	/// Human-readable representation of an IBAN without spaces
	IBANRepresentation = string[34];

	determines whether an IBANRepresentation is technically potentially correct
	\param sample the human-readable IBAN representation
	\return \param sample constains less than the most detectable errors
function isLegal(sample: IBANRepresentation): Boolean;
	function checksumCorrect(sample: IBANRepresentation): Boolean;
			digitSequence = string[68];
		function convertLetters(const sequence: IBANRepresentation): digitSequence;
			i: integer;
			transliteration: string[2];
			// initialize length to zero
			result := '';
			for i := 1 to length(sequence) do
				// by default assume it is a Western-Arabic digit
				transliteration := sequence[i];
				// otherwise we’ll need to transliterate the Latin alphabet character
				if not (sequence[i] in ['0'..'9']) then
					writeStr(transliteration, ord(sequence[i]) - ord('A') + 10);
				// appending transliteration to result also changes the length field
				result := result + transliteration;
			i, k: MPInteger;
			k := 97;
			// put first four characters toward end
			writeStr(sample, sample[5..length(sample)], sample[1..4]);
			// interpret converted string as integer to base 10
			Z_set_str(i, convertLetters(sample), 10);
			i := Z_mod(i, k);
			k := 1;
			checksumCorrect := Z_cmp(i, k) = 0;
		sample := upCase(sample);
			// just for emphasis: by default the FPC performs lazy evaluation
			{$boolEval off}
			isLegal := (length(sample) = IBANLengthInCountry[sample[1], sample[2]])
				and checksumCorrect(sample);

// === MAIN ==============================================================
	// for the sake of merely achieving the Rosetta Code Task
	IBANLengthInCountry['G', 'B'] := 22;
	// note, strings longer than 34 characters will be silently clipped
	writeLn(isLegal(delSpace('GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32')));


package main

import (

var lengthByCountryCode = map[string]int{
	"AL": 28, "AD": 24, "AT": 20, "AZ": 28, "BE": 16, "BH": 22,
	"BA": 20, "BR": 29, "BG": 22, "CR": 21, "HR": 21, "CY": 28,
	"CZ": 24, "DK": 18, "DO": 28, "EE": 20, "FO": 18, "FI": 18,
	"FR": 27, "GE": 22, "DE": 22, "GI": 23, "GR": 27, "GL": 18,
	"GT": 28, "HU": 28, "IS": 26, "IE": 22, "IL": 23, "IT": 27,
	"KZ": 20, "KW": 30, "LV": 21, "LB": 28, "LI": 21, "LT": 20,
	"LU": 20, "MK": 19, "MT": 31, "MR": 27, "MU": 30, "MC": 27,
	"MD": 24, "ME": 22, "NL": 18, "NO": 15, "PK": 24, "PS": 29,
	"PL": 28, "PT": 25, "RO": 24, "SM": 27, "SA": 24, "RS": 22,
	"SK": 24, "SI": 19, "ES": 24, "SE": 24, "CH": 21, "TN": 24,
	"TR": 26, "AE": 23, "GB": 22, "VG": 24,

func isValidIBAN(iban string) bool {
	if len(iban) < 4 {
		return false
	iban = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`).ReplaceAllString(iban, "")
	iban = strings.ToUpper(iban)

	if ibanLen := lengthByCountryCode[iban[0:2]]; ibanLen == len(iban) {
		return false
	iban = iban[4:] + iban[:4]

	result := 0
	for _, ch := range iban {
		var n int
		if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' {
			n = int(ch) - '0'
		} else if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' {
			n = 10 + int(ch) - 'A'
		} else {
			return false

		if n < 10 {
			result = (10*result + n) % 97
		} else {
			result = (100*result + n) % 97
	return result == 1

func TestIsValidIBAN(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		iban  string
		valid bool
		{"GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32", true},
		{"GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32", false},
	for _, test := range tests {
		if isValidIBAN(test.iban) == test.valid {
		t.Errorf("Expected %q to be %v", test.iban, test.valid)


def validateIBAN(String iban) {
    def iso = [AL: 28, AD: 24, AT: 20, AZ: 28, BE: 16, BH: 22, BA: 20, BR: 29, BG: 22,
            HR: 21, CY: 28, CZ: 24, DK: 18, DO: 28, EE: 20, FO: 18, FI: 18, FR: 27, GE: 22, DE: 22, GI: 23,
            GL: 18, GT: 28, HU: 28, IS: 26, IE: 22, IL: 23, IT: 27, KZ: 20, KW: 30, LV: 21, LB: 28, LI: 21,
            LT: 20, LU: 20, MK: 19, MT: 31, MR: 27, MU: 30, MC: 27, MD: 24, ME: 22, NL: 18, NO: 15, PK: 24,
            PS: 29, PL: 28, PT: 25, RO: 24, SM: 27, SA: 24, RS: 22, SK: 24, SI: 19, ES: 24, SE: 24, CH: 21,
            TN: 24, TR: 26, AE: 23, GB: 22, VG: 24, GR: 27, CR: 21]

    iban = iban.replaceAll(/\s/, '').toUpperCase()
    if (iban.size() < 4 || iso[iban[0..1]] != iban.size()) return false

    iban = iban[4..-1] + iban[0..<4]

    def number = iban.collect { Character.digit(it as char, 36) }.join('')
    (number as BigInteger).mod(97) == 1


[ 'GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32',
  'GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32',
  'GB81 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32',
  'SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519',
  'CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7' ].each { iban ->
    println "$iban is ${validateIBAN(iban) ? 'valid' : 'invalid'}"
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is valid
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is invalid
GB81 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is invalid
SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519 is valid
CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7 is valid


This program uses the Maybe and Either monads to handle failures. Values of type 'Maybe a' can contain 'Nothing' (no value) or 'Just a' (a value of type 'a'). Values of type 'Either a b' contain 'Left b' (usually indicating failure) or 'Right c' (usually indicating success).

import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)

validateIBAN :: String -> Either String String
validateIBAN [] = Left "No IBAN number."
validateIBAN xs =
    case lookupCountry of
        Nothing -> invalidBecause "Country does not exist."
        Just l  -> if length normalized /= l
                        then invalidBecause "Number length does not match."
                        else check
        -- remove blanks and make all letters uppercase
        normalized = map toUpper $ concat $ words xs
        -- get the country code
        country = take 2 normalized
        -- search number length
        lookupCountry = lookup country countries
        countries :: [(String, Int)]
        countries = zip (words "AL AT BE BA BG HR CZ DO FO FR DE GR GT \
            \MR MC ME NO PS PT SM RS SI SE TN AE VG")
        digits = ['0'..'9']
        letters = ['A'..'Z']
        -- letters to be replaced
        replDigits = zip letters $ map show [10..35]
        -- digits and letters allowed in the IBAN number
        validDigits = digits ++ letters
        -- see if all digits and letters in the IBAN number are allowed
        sane = all (`elem` validDigits) normalized
        -- take the first 4 digits from the number and put them at its end
        (p1, p2) = splitAt 4 normalized
        p3 = p2 ++ p1
        -- convert the letters to numbers and
        -- convert the result to an integer
        p4 :: Integer
        p4 = read $ concat $ map convertLetter p3
        convertLetter x | x `elem` digits = [x]
                        | otherwise       = fromJust $ lookup x replDigits
        -- see if the number is valid
        check = if sane
                    then if p4 `mod` 97 == 1
                            then Right xs
                            else invalidBecause "Validation failed."
                    else invalidBecause "Number contains illegal digits."

        invalidBecause reason = Left $ "Invalid IBAN number " ++ xs ++
            ": " ++ reason
validateIBAN "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
Right "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"

validateIBAN "gb82 West 1234 5698 7654 32"
Right "gb82 West 1234 5698 7654 32"

validateIBAN "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 31"
Left "Invalid IBAN number GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 31: Validation failed."

validateIBAN "GW82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
Left "Invalid IBAN number GW82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32: Country does not exist."

validateIBAN "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 3"
Left "Invalid IBAN number GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 3: Number length does not match."

validateIBAN  "GB82 _EST 1234 5698 7654 32"
Left "Invalid IBAN number GB82 _EST 1234 5698 7654 32: Number contains illegal digits."


100 PROGRAM "IBAN.bas"
110 STRING CO$(1 TO 93)*2
120 NUMERIC LG(1 TO 93)
130 FOR I=1 TO 93
140   READ CO$(I),LG(I)
150 NEXT 
160 DO 
180   IF IB$="" THEN EXIT DO
200     PRINT "CRC ok."
210   ELSE 
220     SET #102:INK 3:PRINT "CRC error.":SET #102:INK 1
230   END IF 
240 LOOP 
250 DEF TRIM$(S$)
260   LET T$=""
270   FOR I=1 TO LEN(S$)
280     IF S$(I)>CHR$(47) AND S$(I)<CHR$(91) THEN LET T$=T$&S$(I)
290   NEXT 
300   LET TRIM$=T$
310 END DEF 
330   LET IB$=TRIM$(UCASE$(IB$)):LET T$="":LET M,IBAN=0:LET N=FIND(IB$(1:2))
340   IF N=0 THEN PRINT "Invalid country code.":EXIT DEF
350   IF LEN(IB$)<>LG(N) THEN PRINT "Number length does not match.":EXIT DEF
360   LET IB$=IB$&IB$(1:4):LET IB$=IB$(5:)
380   FOR I=1 TO LEN(IB$)
390     LET T$=STR$(M)&IB$(I)
400     LET M=MOD(VAL(T$),97)
410   NEXT 
420   IF M=1 THEN LET IBAN=-1
430 END DEF 
440 DEF FIND(S$)
450   LET FIND=0
470   DO 
480     LET K=INT((BO+UP)/2)
490     IF CO$(K)<S$ THEN LET BO=K+1
500     IF CO$(K)>S$ THEN LET UP=K-1
530 END DEF 
550   LET T$=""
560   FOR I=1 TO LEN(S$)
570     IF S$(I)>CHR$(64) AND S$(I)<CHR$(91) THEN
580       LET T$=T$&STR$(ORD(S$(I))-55)
590     ELSE 
600       LET T$=T$&S$(I)
610     END IF 
620   NEXT 
630   LET S$=T$
640 END DEF 
650 DATA AD,24,AE,23,AL,28,AO,25,AT,20,AZ,28,BA,20,BE,16,BF,28,BG,22,BH,22,BI,16,BJ,28,BR,29,BY,28,CG,27,CH,21,CI,28,CM,27,CR,22,CV,25,CY,28,CZ,24,DE,22,DK,18,DO,28,DZ,24,EE,20,EG,27,ES,24,FI,18,FO,18,FR,27,GA,27,GB,22,GE,22,GI,23,GL,18
660 DATA GR,27,GT,28,HN,28,HR,21,HU,28,IE,22,IL,23,IR,26,IS,26,IT,27,JO,30,KM,27,KW,30,KZ,20,LB,28,LI,21,LT,20,LU,20,LV,21,MA,28,MC,27,MD,24,ME,22,MG,27,MK,19,ML,28,MR,27,MT,31,MU,30,MZ,25,NE,28,NI,32,NL,18,NO,15,PK,24,PL,28,PS,29,PT,25
670 DATA QA,29,RO,24,RS,22,SA,24,SE,24,SI,19,SK,24,SM,27,SN,28,TD,27,TG,28,TL,23,TN,24,TR,26,UA,29,VG,24,XK,20


NB. delete any blank characters
delblk =. #~ ' '&~:
NB. rearrange
rot =. '00' ,~ 2&}. @: (2&|.)
NB. characters -> "digits"
dig =. a. {~ (a.i.'0')+i.10
dig =. dig,a. {~ (a.i.'A')+i.26
todig =. dig&i.
coded =. [: ". 'x' ,~ delblk @: ": @: todig

NB. calculate check sum
cs =: 98 - 97 | coded @: rot @: delblk f.

NB. check sum as text
cstxt =. _2{. '0', [: ": cs
NB. replace first two characters
chgps =. [,2}.]
NB. shift country code
rotlc =. 2&|.
NB. insert check digits (position 3 and 4)
insertps =. chgps &.rotlc

NB. IBAN with newly calculated check digits
ibancd =: (cstxt insertps ]) f.

NB. check / generate check digits
ibancheck =: ] (]`('ok'"_) @. -:) ibancd

NB. groups of four characters
insertblk =. #~ # $ 1 1 1 1j1"_
quads =: insertblk @: delblk f.

iban =: quads @: ibancheck
   iban 'GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32'
   iban 'GB99 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32'
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32
   iban 'GB?? WEST 1234 5698 7654 32'
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32

   iban 'GB??WEST12345698765432'     NB. blank characters don't matter
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32


Works with: Java version 8+
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;

public class IBAN {
    private static final String DEFSTRS = ""
            + "AL28 AD24 AT20 AZ28 BE16 BH22 BA20 BR29 BG22 "
            + "HR21 CY28 CZ24 DK18 DO28 EE20 FO18 FI18 FR27 GE22 DE22 GI23 "
            + "GL18 GT28 HU28 IS26 IE22 IL23 IT27 KZ20 KW30 LV21 LB28 LI21 "
            + "LT20 LU20 MK19 MT31 MR27 MU30 MC27 MD24 ME22 NL18 NO15 PK24 "
            + "PS29 PL28 PT25 RO24 SM27 SA24 RS22 SK24 SI19 ES24 SE24 CH21 "
            + "TN24 TR26 AE23 GB22 VG24 GR27 CR21";
    private static final Map<String, Integer> DEFINITIONS = new HashMap<>();

    static {
        for (String definition : DEFSTRS.split(" "))
            DEFINITIONS.put(definition.substring(0, 2), Integer.parseInt(definition.substring(2)));

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] ibans = {
                "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32",
                "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32",
                "GB81 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32",
                "SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519",
                "CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7",
                "XX00 0000",
                "DE13 äöü_ 1234 1234 1234 12"};
        for (String iban : ibans)
            System.out.printf("%s is %s.%n", iban, validateIBAN(iban) ? "valid" : "not valid");

    static boolean validateIBAN(String iban) {
        iban = iban.replaceAll("\\s", "").toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);

        int len = iban.length();
        if (len < 4 || !iban.matches("[0-9A-Z]+") || DEFINITIONS.getOrDefault(iban.substring(0, 2), 0) != len)
            return false;

        iban = iban.substring(4) + iban.substring(0, 4);

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            sb.append(Character.digit(iban.charAt(i), 36));

        BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger(sb.toString());

        return bigInt.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(97)).intValue() == 1;
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is valid.
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is not valid.
GB81 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is not valid.
SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519 is valid.
CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7 is valid.
XX00 0000 is not valid.
 is not valid.
DE is not valid.
DE13 äöü_ 1234 1234 1234 12 is not valid.


var ibanLen = { 
	NO:15, BE:16, DK:18, FI:18, FO:18, GL:18, NL:18, MK:19,
	SI:19, AT:20, BA:20, EE:20, KZ:20, LT:20, LU:20, CR:21,
	CH:21, HR:21, LI:21, LV:21, BG:22, BH:22, DE:22, GB:22,
	GE:22, IE:22, ME:22, RS:22, AE:23, GI:23, IL:23, AD:24,
	CZ:24, ES:24, MD:24, PK:24, RO:24, SA:24, SE:24, SK:24,
	VG:24, TN:24, PT:25, IS:26, TR:26, FR:27, GR:27, IT:27,
	MC:27, MR:27, SM:27, AL:28, AZ:28, CY:28, DO:28, GT:28,
	HU:28, LB:28, PL:28, BR:29, PS:29, KW:30, MU:30, MT:31

function isValid(iban) {
	iban = iban.replace(/\s/g, '')
	if (!iban.match(/^[\dA-Z]+$/)) return false
	var len = iban.length
	if (len != ibanLen[iban.substr(0,2)]) return false
	iban = iban.substr(4) + iban.substr(0,4)
	for (var s='', i=0; i<len; i+=1) s+=parseInt(iban.charAt(i),36)
	for (var m=s.substr(0,15)%97, s=s.substr(15); s; s=s.substr(13)) m=(m+s.substr(0,13))%97
	return m == 1
document.write(isValid('GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32'), '<br>') // true
document.write(isValid('GB82 WEST 1.34 5698 7654 32'), '<br>') // false
document.write(isValid('GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 325'), '<br>') // false
document.write(isValid('GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32'), '<br>') // false
document.write(isValid('SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519'), '<br>') // true


This implementation requires a version of jq with gsub.

The heart of the matter consists of just four lines of straightforward jq code:

# strip the input string of spaces and tabs:
gsub("[ \t]";"")
# check the string is ALPHAnumeric                   
| test("^[A-Z0-9]+$") 
  # check its length is as determined by the country code:           
  and length == $lengths[.[0:2]] 
  # check the mod 97 criterion:
  and ( (.[4:] + .[0:4]) | letters2digits | remainder) == 1

This conciseness is achieved courtesy of the helper functions: letters2digits and remainder. These could be implemented as inner functions of the main function, but for clarity they are shown as top-level functions here.

def letters2digits:
  65 as $A | 90 as $Z
  | ($A - 10) as $ten
  | explode
  | map( if $A <= . and . <= $Z
         then (. - $ten) | tostring
         else [.] | implode
         end )
  | join("");

# jq currently does not have unlimited-precision integer arithmetic 
# and so we define a special-purpose "mod 97" filter:
# input: a string representing a decimal
# output: its remainder modulo 97 as a number
def remainder:
  if length < 15 then tonumber % 97
  else (.[0:14] | remainder | tostring) as $r1
       | ($r1 + .[14:]) | remainder
def is_valid_iban:
    "AL": 28, "AD": 24, "AT": 20, "AZ": 28, "BE": 16, "BH": 22, "BA": 20, "BR": 29,
    "BG": 22, "CR": 21, "HR": 21, "CY": 28, "CZ": 24, "DK": 18, "DO": 28, "EE": 20,
    "FO": 18, "FI": 18, "FR": 27, "GE": 22, "DE": 22, "GI": 23, "GR": 27, "GL": 18,
    "GT": 28, "HU": 28, "IS": 26, "IE": 22, "IL": 23, "IT": 27, "KZ": 20, "KW": 30,
    "LV": 21, "LB": 28, "LI": 21, "LT": 20, "LU": 20, "MK": 19, "MT": 31, "MR": 27,
    "MU": 30, "MC": 27, "MD": 24, "ME": 22, "NL": 18, "NO": 15, "PK": 24, "PS": 29,
    "PL": 28, "PT": 25, "RO": 24, "SM": 27, "SA": 24, "RS": 22, "SK": 24, "SI": 19,
    "ES": 24, "SE": 24, "CH": 21, "TN": 24, "TR": 26, "AE": 23, "GB": 22, "VG": 24
  } as $lengths
  # Ignore spaces and tabs, and check input is ALPHAnumeric:
  | gsub("[ \t]";"")
  | test("^[A-Z0-9]+$")
      # Validate country code against expected length:
      and length == $lengths[.[0:2]]
      # Shift and convert:
      and ( (.[4:] + .[0:4]) | letters2digits | remainder) == 1 ;


"GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32" | is_valid_iban #=> true
"GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32" | is_valid_iban #=> false


From the Javascript entry.

var ibanLen = {
    NO:15, BE:16, DK:18, FI:18, FO:18, GL:18, NL:18, MK:19,
    SI:19, AT:20, BA:20, EE:20, KZ:20, LT:20, LU:20, CR:21,
    CH:21, HR:21, LI:21, LV:21, BG:22, BH:22, DE:22, GB:22,
    GE:22, IE:22, ME:22, RS:22, AE:23, GI:23, IL:23, AD:24,
    CZ:24, ES:24, MD:24, PK:24, RO:24, SA:24, SE:24, SK:24,
    VG:24, TN:24, PT:25, IS:26, TR:26, FR:27, GR:27, IT:27,
    MC:27, MR:27, SM:27, AL:28, AZ:28, CY:28, DO:28, GT:28,
    HU:28, LB:28, PL:28, BR:29, PS:29, KW:30, MU:30, MT:31

function isIBAN(iban) {
    var i,m,s;
    iban = iban.replace(/\s/g, '');
    if (!iban.match(/^[0-9A-Z]+$/)) return false;
    var len = iban.length;
    if (len != ibanLen[iban.substr(0,2)]) return false;
    iban = iban.substr(4) + iban.substr(0,4);
    for (s = '', i = 0; i < len; i += 1) s += parseInt(iban.charAt(i),36);
    for (m = s.substr(0, 15) % 97, s = s.substr(15); s; s = s.substr(13)) m = (m + s.substr(0,13)) % 97;
    return m == 1;

;isIBAN('GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32');
;isIBAN('GB82 WEST 1.34 5698 7654 32');
;isIBAN('GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 325');
;isIBAN('GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32');
;isIBAN('SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519');

isIBAN('GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32') ==> true
isIBAN('GB82 WEST 1.34 5698 7654 32') ==> false
isIBAN('GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 325') ==> false
isIBAN('GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32') ==> false
isIBAN('SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519') ==> true
prompt$ jsish -u IBAN.jsi


Works with: Julia version 0.6
function validiban(iban::AbstractString)
    country2length = Dict(
        "AL" => 28, "AD" => 24, "AT" => 20, "AZ" => 28, "BE" => 16, "BH" => 22, "BA" => 20, "BR" => 29,
        "BG" => 22, "CR" => 21, "HR" => 21, "CY" => 28, "CZ" => 24, "DK" => 18, "DO" => 28, "EE" => 20,
        "FO" => 18, "FI" => 18, "FR" => 27, "GE" => 22, "DE" => 22, "GI" => 23, "GR" => 27, "GL" => 18,
        "GT" => 28, "HU" => 28, "IS" => 26, "IE" => 22, "IL" => 23, "IT" => 27, "KZ" => 20, "KW" => 30,
        "LV" => 21, "LB" => 28, "LI" => 21, "LT" => 20, "LU" => 20, "MK" => 19, "MT" => 31, "MR" => 27,
        "MU" => 30, "MC" => 27, "MD" => 24, "ME" => 22, "NL" => 18, "NO" => 15, "PK" => 24, "PS" => 29,
        "PL" => 28, "PT" => 25, "RO" => 24, "SM" => 27, "SA" => 24, "RS" => 22, "SK" => 24, "SI" => 19,
        "ES" => 24, "SE" => 24, "CH" => 21, "TN" => 24, "TR" => 26, "AE" => 23, "GB" => 22, "VG" => 24)

    # Ensure upper alphanumeric input.
    iban = replace(iban, r"\s", "")

    rst = ismatch(r"^[\dA-Z]+$", iban)
    # Validate country code against expected length.
    rst = rst && length(iban) == country2length[iban[1:2]]
    # Shift and convert.
    iban = iban[5:end] * iban[1:4]
    digs = parse(BigInt, join(parse(Int, ch, 36) for ch in iban))
    return rst && digs % 97 == 1
validiban("GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32") = true
validiban("GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32") = false


// version 1.0.6

import java.math.BigInteger

object IBAN {
    /* List updated to release 73, January 2017, of IBAN Registry (75 countries) */
    private const val countryCodes = "" +
            "AD24 AE23 AL28 AT20 AZ28 BA20 BE16 BG22 BH22 BR29 " +
            "BY28 CH21 CR22 CY28 CZ24 DE22 DK18 DO28 EE20 ES24 " +
            "FI18 FO18 FR27 GB22 GE22 GI23 GL18 GR27 GT28 HR21 " +
            "HU28 IE22 IL23 IQ23 IS26 IT27 JO30 KW30 KZ20 LB28 " +
            "LC32 LI21 LT20 LU20 LV21 MC27 MD24 ME22 MK19 MR27 " +
            "MT31 MU30 NL18 NO15 PK24 PL28 PS29 PT25 QA29 RO24 " +
            "RS22 SA24 SC31 SE24 SI19 SK24 SM27 ST25 SV28 TL23 " +
            "TN24 TR26 UA29 VG24 XK20"

    fun isValid(iban: String): Boolean {
        // remove spaces from IBAN
        var s = iban.replace(" ", "")

        // check country code and length
        s.substring(0, 2) + s.length in countryCodes || return false

        // move first 4 characters to the end
        s = s.substring(4) + s.substring(0, 4)

        // replace A to Z with numbers 10 To 35
        s = s.replace(Regex("[A-Z]")) { (10 + (it.value[0] - 'A')).toString() }

        // check whether mod 97 calculation gives a remainder of 1
        return BigInteger(s) % BigInteger.valueOf(97L) == BigInteger.ONE

fun main() {
    val ibans = arrayOf(
            "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32",
            "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
    for (iban in ibans) {
        val valid = IBAN.isValid(iban)
        println(iban + if (valid) " may be valid" else " is not valid")
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 may be valid
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is not valid


package rosettacode

import rosettacode.Outcome.Fail
import rosettacode.Outcome.Ok
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
import java.math.BigInteger

sealed class Outcome {

    object Ok : Outcome() {
        override fun toString(): String = "Ok"

    data class Fail(val error: String) : Outcome()

fun Boolean.asOutcome(error: String = "") = when (this) {
    true -> Ok
    false -> Fail(error)

 * A validator based on a pattern (e.g GB2!n4!a6!n8!n) as defined in the IBAN REGISTRY
 * Doesn't handle variable length IBANs - sufficient for Rosetta
 * IBAN REGISTRY: https://www.swift.com/swift_resource/9606
class Validator(private val pattern: String) {
    private val triplet: Regex = """(\d+)!([n,a,c])""".toRegex() // e.g: 10!n
    private val rules: List<Regex>

    init {
        val countTypePairs = triplet
            .map { Pair(it.groups[1]!!.value.toInt(), it.groups[2]!!.value) }

        rules = countTypePairs.fold(emptyList()) { acc, p ->
            acc + when (p.second) {
                "n" -> """[0-9]{${p.first}}""".toRegex()
                "a" -> """[A-Z]{${p.first}}""".toRegex()
                "c" -> """[A-Z,0-9]{${p.first}}""".toRegex()
                else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected pattern: $pattern")

    fun isValid(ccbban: String): Outcome {
        var k = 0

        for (rule in rules) {
            when (val match = rule.matchAt(ccbban, k)) {
                null -> return Fail("failed rule: $rule")
                else -> {
                    k = match.range.last + 1
        return (k == ccbban.length).asOutcome("IBAN is too long")

object Registry : MutableMap<String, Validator> by mutableMapOf()

fun String.split(i: Int) = Pair(this.substring(0, i), this.substring(i))
fun String.toDigits() = this.fold("") { acc, ch -> acc + Character.getNumericValue(ch) }
fun Pair<String, String>.swap() = this.second + this.first

object CDCheck {
    private val _97 = BigInteger.valueOf(97)
    private val _1 = BigInteger.ONE

    operator fun invoke(digits: String) = (BigInteger(digits).mod(_97) == _1).asOutcome("Invalid Check Digits")

fun validate(iban: String): Outcome {
    val normalized = iban.replace(" ", "").uppercase().also {
        if (it.length < 5) {
            return Fail("IBAN is too short")

    val (cc, tail) = normalized.split(2)
    val validator = Registry[cc] ?: return Fail("Unknown Country Code: $cc")

    return when (val outcome = validator.isValid(tail)) {
        is Fail -> outcome
        is Ok -> {
            val allDigits = normalized
                .split(4).swap() // (CC + CD) -> end
                .toDigits()      // letters -> digits

fun main() {
    Registry["GB"] = Validator("GB2!n4!a6!n8!n")
    Registry["DE"] = Validator("DE2!n8!n10!n")

    validate("GB82WEST12345698765432").also { println(it) } // Ok
    validate("GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32").also { println(it) } // Ok

    validate("DE89370400440532013000").also { println(it) } // Ok

    validate("XX82WEST1234569A765432").also { println(it) } // Unknown Country Code: XX
    validate("GB82").also { println(it) } // IBAN is too short
    validate("GB82WEST1234569A765432").also { println(it) }  // failed rule: [0-9]{8}
    validate("GB82WE5T1234569A765432").also { println(it) }  // failed rule: [A-Z]{4}
    validate("GB82WEST123456987654329").also { println(it) } // IBAN is too long
    validate("GB80WEST12345698765432").also { println(it) }  // Invalid Check Digits
Fail(error=Unknown Country Code: XX)
Fail(error=IBAN is too short)
Fail(error=failed rule: [0-9]{8})
Fail(error=failed rule: [A-Z]{4})
Fail(error=IBAN is too long)
Fail(error=Invalid Check Digits)


let cc = ["AD","AE","AL","AO","AT","AZ","BA","BE","BF","BG","BH","BI","BJ","BR","CG","CH","CI","CM","CR","CV","CY",
let ln = [ 24,  23,  28,  25,  20,  28,  20,  16,  27,  22,  22,  16,  28,  29,  27,  21,  28,  27,  21,  25,  28, 
           24,  22,  18,  28,  24,  20,  27,  24,  18,  18,  27,  27,  22,  22,  23,  18,  27,  28,  21,  28,  22, 
           23,  26,  26,  27,  30,  30,  20,  28,  21,  20,  20,  21,  27,  24,  22,  27,  19,  28,  27,  31,  30,
           25,  18,  15,  24,  28,  29,  25,  29,  24,  22,  24,  24,  19,  24,  27,  28,  24,  26,  29,  24 ]

def ccToLen(s: string) -> int:
    let cnt, idx = binary_search(cc, s.substring(0, 2))
    if cnt == 1:
        return ln[idx]
        return -1

def strip(s: string) -> string:
    let t = s.tokenize(" ", " ") // splits on spaces and trims spaces from segments
    return t.concat_string("")   // joins it back together

def rotmod97step(accumu: int, c: int) -> int:
    accumu *= 10
    if '0' <= c and c <= '9':
        accumu += c - '0'
    else: if 'A' <= c and c <= 'Z':
        accumu *= 10
        accumu += c + 10 - 'A'
        return -1
    while accumu >= 97:
        accumu -= 97
    return accumu

def rotmod97(s: string) -> int:
    // the first four chars come last
    // all chars from 'A' to 'Z' => "10" to "35"
    let len = s.length
    var accumu = 0 // result; negative indicates error
    var i = 4 // starting index
    while i < len and accumu >= 0:
        accumu = rotmod97step(accumu, s[i])
        i += 1
    i = 0
    while i < 4 and accumu >= 0:
        accumu = rotmod97step(accumu, s[i])
        i += 1
    return accumu

def isValidIBAN(iban: string) -> bool:
    let s = strip(uppercase(iban))
    if s.length == ccToLen(s):
        return rotmod97(s) == 1
        return false

assert     isValidIBAN("GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32")
assert     isValidIBAN("GB82 West 1234 5698 7654 32")
assert not isValidIBAN("GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32")
assert not isValidIBAN("GB82 WEST 1243 5698 7654 32")


:- object(iban).

	:- info([
		version is 0.1,
		author is 'Paulo Moura',
		date is 2015/10/11,
		comment is 'IBAN validation example using DCG rules.'

	:- public(valid/1).

	valid(IBAN) :-
		phrase(iban, IBAN), !.

	iban -->
		country_code(Code), check_digits(Check), bban(BBAN),
		{(BBAN*1000000 + Code*100 + Check) mod 97 =:= 1}.

	country_code(Code) -->
		letter_digits(L1, D3, D2), letter_digits(L0, D1, D0),
		{country_code([L1, L0]), Code is D3*1000 + D2*100 + D1*10 + D0}.

	check_digits(Check) -->
		digit(D1), digit(D0),
		{Check is D1*10 + D0}.

	bban(BBAN) -->
		{digits_to_integer(Digits, BBAN, Count), Count =< 30}.

	bban_codes(Ds) -->
		" ", bban_codes(Ds).
	bban_codes([D| Ds]) -->
		digit(D), bban_codes(Ds).
	bban_codes([D1, D0| Ds]) -->
		letter_digits(_, D1, D0), bban_codes(Ds).
	bban_codes([]) -->

	digit(D) -->
		{0'0 =< C, C =< 0'9, D is C - 0'0}.

	letter_digits(C, D1, D0) -->
		{	(	0'A =< C, C =< 0'Z ->
				D is C - 0'A + 10
			;	0'a =< C, C =< 0'z,
				D is C - 0'a + 10
			D1 is D div 10,
			D0 is D mod 10

	digits_to_integer(Digits, BBAN, Count) :-
		digits_to_integer(Digits, 0, BBAN, 0, Count).

	digits_to_integer([], BBAN, BBAN, Count, Count).
	digits_to_integer([Digit| Digits], BBAN0, BBAN, Count0, Count) :-
		BBAN1 is BBAN0 * 10 + Digit,
		Count1 is Count0 + 1,
		digits_to_integer(Digits, BBAN1, BBAN, Count1, Count).


:- end_object.


| ?- iban::valid("GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32").


local length=
  AL=28, AD=24, AT=20, AZ=28, BH=22, BE=16, BA=20, BR=29, BG=22, CR=21,
  HR=21, CY=28, CZ=24, DK=18, DO=28, EE=20, FO=18, FI=18, FR=27, GE=22,
  DE=22, GI=23, GR=27, GL=18, GT=28, HU=28, IS=26, IE=22, IL=23, IT=27,
  JO=30, KZ=20, KW=30, LV=21, LB=28, LI=21, LT=20, LU=20, MK=19, MT=31,
  MR=27, MU=30, MC=27, MD=24, ME=22, NL=18, NO=15, PK=24, PS=29, PL=28,
  PT=25, QA=29, RO=24, SM=27, SA=24, RS=22, SK=24, SI=19, ES=24, SE=24,
  CH=21, TN=24, TR=26, AE=23, GB=22, VG=24

function validate(iban)
  local l=length[iban:sub(1,2)]
  if not l or l~=#iban or iban:match("[^%d%u]") then
    return false -- invalid character, country code or length
  local mod=0
  local rotated=iban:sub(5)..iban:sub(1,4)
  for c in rotated:gmatch(".") do
    mod=(mod..tonumber(c,36)) % 97
  return mod==1

M2000 Interpreter

We make a lambda function which return a string, with the input IBAN plus (Valid) or (Invalid) at the end.

\\ IBAN checker
Function MakeIBANfun$ {
      Inventory countrylength = "AL" := 28, "AD" := 24, "AT" := 20, "AZ" := 28, "BE" := 16, "BH" := 22, "BA" := 20, "BR" := 29
      Append  countrylength, "BG" := 22, "CR" := 21, "HR" := 21, "CY" := 28, "CZ" := 24, "DK" := 18, "DO" := 28, "EE" := 20
      Append  countrylength, "FO" := 18, "FI" := 18, "FR" := 27, "GE" := 22, "DE" := 22, "GI" := 23, "GR" := 27, "GL" := 18
      Append  countrylength, "GT" := 28, "HU" := 28, "IS" := 26, "IE" := 22, "IL" := 23, "IT" := 27, "KZ" := 20, "KW" := 30
      Append  countrylength, "LV" := 21, "LB" := 28, "LI" := 21, "LT" := 20, "LU" := 20, "MK" := 19, "MT" := 31, "MR" := 27
      Append  countrylength, "MU" := 30, "MC" := 27, "MD" := 24, "ME" := 22, "NL" := 18, "NO" := 15, "PK" := 24, "PS" := 29
      Append  countrylength, "PL" := 28, "PT" := 25, "RO" := 24, "SM" := 27, "SA" := 24, "RS" := 22, "SK" := 24, "SI" := 19
      Append  countrylength, "ES" := 24, "SE" := 24, "CH" := 21, "TN" := 24, "TR" := 26, "AE" := 23, "GB" := 22, "VG" := 24
     =Lambda$ countrylength (Iban0$)->{
            Iban$=Filter$(Ucase$(Iban0$), " ")
            Iban$=Filter$(Iban$, Filter$(Iban$,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"))
            Def Decimal ch, c
                  If Not Exist(countrylength, Left$(Iban$,2)) Then Exit
                  If Not Len(Iban$)=length Then exit
                  Buffer ScanChar as Integer*length
                  Return ScanChar, 0:=Mid$(Iban$,5), length-4:=Mid$(Iban$,1,4)
                  For i=0 to length-1 {
                        ch=Eval(ScanChar, i)
                        if ch>=48 and ch<=57 then {
                              c = c*10+ch-48    
                        } else.if ch>=65 and ch<=90 then {
                              c = c*100+ch-55
                        } else c=-1: exit
                  c = c mod 97
            =Iban0$ + If$(c=1 ->" (Valid)", " (Invalid)")
Print IbanCheck$("GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32")    ' valid
Print IbanCheck$("GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32")
Print IbanCheck$("SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519")   ' valid
Print IbanCheck$("GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X")
Print IbanCheck$("MK11 2222 3333 4444 555")

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

 i=StringReplace[StringTrim[input],{" "->"","\t"->""}];

Trying out the function:

IBANVerify["GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"]
IBANVerify["GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 323"]
IBANVerify["GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 31"]
IBANVerify["XX82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 323"]


Didn't check country codes, lengths, or consistent checksums to keep this applicable to any new countries.

function valid = validateIBAN(iban)
% Determine if International Bank Account Number is valid IAW ISO 13616
% iban - string containing account number
    if length(iban) < 5
        valid = false;
        iban(iban == ' ') = '';                     % Remove spaces
        iban = lower([iban(5:end) iban(1:4)])+0;	% Rearrange and convert
        iban(iban > 96 & iban < 123) = iban(iban > 96 & iban < 123)-87; % Letters
        iban(iban > 47 & iban < 58) = iban(iban > 47 & iban < 58)-48;   % Numbers
        valid = piecewiseMod97(iban) == 1;

function result = piecewiseMod97(x)
% Conduct a piecewise version of mod(x, 97) to support large integers
% x is a vector of integers
    x = sprintf('%d', x);	% Get to single-digits per index
    nDig = length(x);
    i1 = 1;
    i2 = min(9, nDig);
    prefix = '';
    while i1 <= nDig
        y = str2double([prefix x(i1:i2)]);
        result = mod(y, 97);
        prefix = sprintf('%d', result);
        i1 = i2+1;
        i2 = min(i1+8, nDig);


tests = {'GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32' ; 
'GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32' ; 
'CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7' ; 
'SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519' ; 
'SA03 1234 5678 9101 1121 3141' ;
'GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19' ; 
'GB29' ; 
'GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695'};
for k = 1:length(tests)
fprintf('%s -> %svalid\n', tests{k}, char(~validateIBAN(tests{k}).*'in'))
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 -> valid
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 -> invalid
CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7 -> valid
SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519 -> valid
SA03 1234 5678 9101 1121 3141 -> invalid
GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19 -> valid
GB29 -> invalid
GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695 -> valid


(setq *iban-code-length* '((15  ("NO")) 
                             (16  ("BE")) 
                             (18  ("DK" "FO" "FI" "GL" "NL"))
                             (19  ("MK" "SI"))
                             (20  ("AT" "BA" "EE" "KZ" "LT" "LU"))
                             (21  ("CR" "HR" "LV" "LI" "CH"))
                             (22  ("BH" "BG" "GE" "DE" "IE" "ME" "RS" "GB"))
                             (23  ("GI" "IL" "AE"))
                             (24  ("AD" "CZ" "MD" "PK" "RO" "SA" "SK" "ES" "SE" "TN" "VG"))
                             (25  ("PT"))
                             (26  ("IS" "TR"))
                             (27  ("FR" "GR" "IT" "MR" "MC" "SM"))
                             (28  ("AL" "AZ" "CY" "DO" "GT" "HU" "LB" "PL"))
                             (29  ("BR" "PS"))
                             (30  ("KW" "MU"))
                             (31  ("MT"))))

;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;; Remove spaces and set upper case.
(define (sanitize-iban iban)
   (upper-case (replace " " iban ""))

;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;; Check that only A-Z and 0-9 are used.
(define (valid-chars? iban)
	(setq rx (string "[A-Z0-9]{" (length iban) "}" ))
	(regex rx iban 1)
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;; Check that the length is correct for the country.
(define (valid-length? iban)
	(setq countries-found (lookup (int (length iban)) *iban-code-length*))
	(if (not (nil? countries-found))
		(member (0 2 iban) countries-found)

;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;; Convert the IBAN to integer following the rules from Wikipedia.
(define (iban-to-integer iban)
    (setq country-code (0 2 iban))
    (setq checksum (2 2 iban))
    (setq iban (string (4 iban) country-code))
    (setq iban (join (map (lambda (x) (if (regex "[0-9]" x) x (string (- (char x) 55)))) (explode iban))))
    (bigint (string iban checksum))

;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;; Test if IBAN is correct (true) or not (nil):
;; (valid-iban? "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32") ==> true
;; (valid-iban? "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32") ==> nil
(define (valid-iban? iban)
    (setq iban (sanitize-iban iban))
        (valid-chars? iban)
        (valid-length? iban)
        (= 1L (% (iban-to-integer iban) 97))


(valid-iban? "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32")

(valid-iban? "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32")


Library: bigints
import tables, strutils, re, bigints

let countryLen = toTable({
  "AL": 28, "AD": 24, "AT": 20, "AZ": 28, "BE": 16, "BH": 22, "BA": 20, "BR": 29,
  "BG": 22, "CR": 21, "HR": 21, "CY": 28, "CZ": 24, "DK": 18, "DO": 28, "EE": 20,
  "FO": 18, "FI": 18, "FR": 27, "GE": 22, "DE": 22, "GI": 23, "GR": 27, "GL": 18,
  "GT": 28, "HU": 28, "IS": 26, "IE": 22, "IL": 23, "IT": 27, "KZ": 20, "KW": 30,
  "LV": 21, "LB": 28, "LI": 21, "LT": 20, "LU": 20, "MK": 19, "MT": 31, "MR": 27,
  "MU": 30, "MC": 27, "MD": 24, "ME": 22, "NL": 18, "NO": 15, "PK": 24, "PS": 29,
  "PL": 28, "PT": 25, "RO": 24, "SM": 27, "SA": 24, "RS": 22, "SK": 24, "SI": 19,
  "ES": 24, "SE": 24, "CH": 21, "TN": 24, "TR": 26, "AE": 23, "GB": 22, "VG": 24})

proc validIban(iban: string): bool =
  # Ensure upper alphanumeric input
  var iban = iban.replace(" ","").replace("\t","")
  if not iban.match(re"^[\dA-Z]+$"):
    return false

  # Validate country code against expected length
  if iban.len != countryLen[iban[0..1]]:
    return false

  # Shift and convert
  iban = iban[4..iban.high] & iban[0..3]
  var digits = ""
  for ch in iban:
    case ch
      of '0'..'9': digits.add($(ch.ord - '0'.ord))
      of 'A'..'Z': digits.add($(ch.ord - 'A'.ord + 10))
      else: discard
  result = initBigInt(digits) mod 97 == 1

for account in ["GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32", "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"]:
  echo account, " validation is: ", validIban account
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 validation is: true
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 validation is: false


Works with oo2c Version 2

  IBANLen = Boxed.LongInt;
  nations: Dictionary.Dictionary(STRING,IBANLen);
    country,ibanStr: Object.String;
    nLetter: ARRAY 3 OF CHAR;
    block: ARRAY 5 OF CHAR;
    numIban: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
    num,den,res: BigInt.BigInt;
    ibanLen: IBANLen;
    i: LONGINT;
    ibanStr := Object.NewLatin1(iban);
    country := ibanStr.Substring(0,2);
    IF ~nations.HasKey(country) THEN
      Err.Object("Country " + country + " has not IBAN codes. ");
    ibanLen := nations.Get(country);
    IF SHORT(ibanLen.value) # Strings.Length(iban) THEN
      Err.Object("IBAN length incorrect for " + country +". ");
    block[0] := 0X;

    numIban[0] := 0X;
    FOR i := 0 TO LEN(iban) - 1 DO
      nLetter[0] := 0X;
      IF (iban[i] >= 'A') & (iban[i] <= 'Z') THEN
        IntStr.IntToStr(ORD(iban[i]) - ORD('A') + 10,nLetter);
        nLetter[0] := iban[i];
        nLetter[1] := 0X
    num := BigInt.New(Object.NewLatin1(numIban),10);
    den := BigInt.New("97",10);
    res := num.Mod(den);
    IF res.Equals(BigInt.one) THEN 
      Err.String("IBAN code check failed. ");
  END Check;
  PROCEDURE CodeLengthFor*(country: ARRAY OF CHAR): LONGINT;
    countryStr: Object.String;
    ibanLen: IBANLen;
    countryStr := Object.NewLatin1(country);
    ibanLen := Boxed.zeroLongInt;
    IF nations.HasKey(countryStr) THEN
      ibanLen := nations.Get(countryStr)
    RETURN ibanLen.value
  END CodeLengthFor;
    END DoCheck;
  END Test;
  nations := NEW(Dictionary.Dictionary(STRING,Boxed.LongInt));


IBAN[XX0380000000608010167519]=Country XX not has IBAN codes. FALSE


Works with: OCaml version 4.03+
#load "str.cma"
#load "nums.cma"  (* for module Big_int *)

(* Countries and length of their IBAN. *)
(* Taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Bank_Account_Number#IBAN_formats_by_country *)
let countries = [
  ("AL", 28); ("AD", 24); ("AT", 20); ("AZ", 28); ("BH", 22); ("BE", 16);
  ("BA", 20); ("BR", 29); ("BG", 22); ("CR", 21); ("HR", 21); ("CY", 28);
  ("CZ", 24); ("DK", 18); ("DO", 28); ("TL", 23); ("EE", 20); ("FO", 18);
  ("FI", 18); ("FR", 27); ("GE", 22); ("DE", 22); ("GI", 23); ("GR", 27);
  ("GL", 18); ("GT", 28); ("HU", 28); ("IS", 26); ("IE", 22); ("IL", 23);
  ("IT", 27); ("JO", 30); ("KZ", 20); ("XK", 20); ("KW", 30); ("LV", 21);
  ("LB", 28); ("LI", 21); ("LT", 20); ("LU", 20); ("MK", 19); ("MT", 31);
  ("MR", 27); ("MU", 30); ("MC", 27); ("MD", 24); ("ME", 22); ("NL", 18);
  ("NO", 15); ("PK", 24); ("PS", 29); ("PL", 28); ("PT", 25); ("QA", 29);
  ("RO", 24); ("SM", 27); ("SA", 24); ("RS", 22); ("SK", 24); ("SI", 19);
  ("ES", 24); ("SE", 24); ("CH", 21); ("TN", 24); ("TR", 26); ("AE", 23);
  ("GB", 22); ("VG", 24); ("DZ", 24); ("AO", 25); ("BJ", 28); ("BF", 27);
  ("BI", 16); ("CM", 27); ("CV", 25); ("IR", 26); ("CI", 28); ("MG", 27);
  ("ML", 28); ("MZ", 25); ("SN", 28); ("UA", 29)
(* Put the countries in a Hashtbl for faster search... *)
let tbl_countries =
  let htbl = Hashtbl.create (List.length countries) in
  let _ = List.iter (fun (k, v) -> Hashtbl.add htbl k v) countries in

(* Delete spaces and put all letters in upper case. *)
let clean_iban iban =
  Str.global_replace (Str.regexp " +") "" iban
  |> String.uppercase_ascii

(* Each country has an IBAN with a specific length. *)
let check_length ib =
  let iso_length = List.hd countries |> fst |> String.length in
  let country_code = String.sub ib 0 iso_length in
    Hashtbl.find tbl_countries country_code = String.length ib
    Not_found -> false

(* Convert a string into a list of chars. *)
let charlist_of_string s = 
  let l = String.length s in
  let rec doloop i =
    if i >= l then []
    else s.[i] :: doloop (i + 1)
  doloop 0

(* Letters are associated to values: A=10, B=11, ..., Z=35. *)
let val_of_char c =
  match c with
  | '0' .. '9' -> int_of_char c - int_of_char '0'
  | 'A' .. 'Z' -> int_of_char c - int_of_char 'A' + 10
  | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Character not allowed: %c" c)

(* Compute the mod-97 value and check it is equal to 1. *)
let check_mod97 ib =
  let l = String.length ib
  and taken = 4 in
  let prefix = String.sub ib 0 taken
  and rest = String.sub ib taken (l - taken) in
  let newval = rest ^ prefix (* move the 4 initial characters to the end of the string *)
            |> charlist_of_string  (* convert the string into a list of chars *)
            |> List.map val_of_char  (* convert each char into its integer value *)
            |> List.map string_of_int  (* convert the integers into strings... *)
            |> List.fold_left (^) "" in  (* ...and concatenate said strings *)
  (* Now compute the mod-97 using the Big Integers provided by OCaml, and
   * compare the result to 1. *)
    (Big_int.mod_big_int (Big_int.big_int_of_string newval)
                         (Big_int.big_int_of_int 97))
    (Big_int.big_int_of_int 1)

(* Do the validation as described in the Wikipedia article at
 * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Bank_Account_Number#Validating_the_IBAN *)
let validate iban =
  let ib = clean_iban iban in
  check_length ib && check_mod97 ib

let () =
  let ibans = [
    ("GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32", true);
    ("GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32", false);
    ("GB81 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32", false);
    ("GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 3", false);
    ("SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519", true);
    ("CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7", true);
    ("\"Completely incorrect iban\"", false)
  ] in
  let testit (ib, exp) =
    let res = validate ib in
    Printf.printf "%s is %svalid. Expected %b [%s]\n"
                  ib (if res then "" else "not ")
                  exp (if res = exp then "PASS" else "FAIL")
  List.iter (fun pair -> testit pair) ibans
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is valid. Expected true [PASS]
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is not valid. Expected false [PASS]
GB81 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is not valid. Expected false [PASS]
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 3 is not valid. Expected false [PASS]
SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519 is valid. Expected true [PASS]
CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7 is valid. Expected true [PASS]
"Completely incorrect iban" is not valid. Expected false [PASS]


Translation of: Nim
  countryLen := Dict(
    ('AL', 28), ('AD', 24), ('AT', 20), ('AZ', 28), ('BE', 16), ('BH', 22), ('BA', 20), ('BR', 29),
    ('BG', 22), ('CR', 21), ('HR', 21), ('CY', 28), ('CZ', 24), ('DK', 18), ('DO', 28), ('EE', 20),
    ('FO', 18), ('FI', 18), ('FR', 27), ('GE', 22), ('DE', 22), ('GI', 23), ('GR', 27), ('GL', 18),
    ('GT', 28), ('HU', 28), ('IS', 26), ('IE', 22), ('IL', 23), ('IT', 27), ('KZ', 20), ('KW', 30),
    ('LV', 21), ('LB', 28), ('LI', 21), ('LT', 20), ('LU', 20), ('MK', 19), ('MT', 31), ('MR', 27),
    ('MU', 30), ('MC', 27), ('MD', 24), ('ME', 22), ('NL', 18), ('NO', 15), ('PK', 24), ('PS', 29),
    ('PL', 28), ('PT', 25), ('RO', 24), ('SM', 27), ('SA', 24), ('RS', 22), ('SK', 24), ('SI', 19),
    ('ES', 24), ('SE', 24), ('CH', 21), ('TN', 24), ('TR', 26), ('AE', 23), ('GB', 22), ('VG', 24));

function validIban(iban: string): boolean;
  result := False;
  iban := iban.Replace(' ', '').Replace(#9, '');
  if not iban.All(c -> c.isupper or c.isdigit) then exit;
  if iban.Length <> countryLen.Get(iban[1:3]) then exit;
  iban := iban[5:iban.Length + 1] + iban[1:5];
  var digits: string := '';
  foreach var ch in iban do
    case ch of
      '0'..'9': digits += ch;
      'A'..'Z': digits += (Ord(ch) - Ord('A') + 10).ToString;
  result := digits.ToBigInteger mod 97 = 1;

  foreach var account in |'GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32', 'GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32'| do
    Println(account, 'validation is:', validIban(account));
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 validation is: True
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 validation is: False


use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Math::BigInt ;

my %countrycodelengths = ( "AL" =>  28, "AD" =>  24, "AT" =>  20, "AZ" =>  28,
                           "BE" =>  16, "BH" =>  22, "BA" =>  20, "BR" =>  29,
                           "BG" =>  22, "CR" =>  21, "HR" =>  21, "CY" =>  28,
			   "CZ" =>  24, "DK" =>  18, "DO" =>  28, "EE" =>  20,
	                   "FO" =>  18, "FI" =>  18, "FR" =>  27, "GE" =>  22,
	                   "DE" =>  22, "GI" =>  23, "GR" =>  27, "GL" =>  18,
	                   "GT" =>  28, "HU" =>  28, "IS" =>  26, "IE" =>  22,
		           "IL" =>  23, "IT" =>  27, "KZ" =>  20, "KW" =>  30,
		           "LV" =>  21, "LB" =>  28, "LI" =>  21, "LT" =>  20,
		           "LU" =>  20, "MK" =>  19, "MT" =>  31, "MR" =>  27,
		           "MU" =>  30, "MC" =>  27, "MD" =>  24, "ME" =>  22,
			   "NL" =>  18, "NO" =>  15, "PK" =>  24, "PS" =>  29,
			   "PL" =>  28, "PT" =>  25, "RO" =>  24, "SM" =>  27,
			   "SA" =>  24, "RS" =>  22, "SK" =>  24, "SI" =>  19,
			   "ES" =>  24, "SE" =>  24, "CH" =>  21, "TN" =>  24,
			   "TR" =>  26, "AE" =>  23, "GB" =>  22, "VG" =>  24 ) ;
sub validate_iban {
   my $ibanstring = shift ;
   $ibanstring =~ s/\s+//g ;
   return 0 unless $ibanstring =~ /[0-9a-zA-Z]+/ ;
   $ibanstring = uc $ibanstring ;
   return 0 if ( not exists $countrycodelengths{ substr( $ibanstring , 0 , 2 ) }  );
   return 0 if length ( $ibanstring ) != $countrycodelengths{ substr( $ibanstring , 0 , 2 ) } ;
   $ibanstring =~ s/(.{4})(.+)/$2$1/ ;
   $ibanstring =~ s/([A-Z])/ord( $1 ) - 55/eg ;
   my $number = Math::BigInt->new( $ibanstring ) ;
   if ( $number->bmod( 97 ) == 1 ) {
      return 1 ;
   else {
      return 0 ;

if ( validate_iban( "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32" ) ) {
   print "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is a valid IBAN number!\n" ;
else {
   print "Sorry! GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is not valid!\n" ;
if ( validate_iban( "GB82TEST12345698765432" ) ) {
   print "GB82TEST12345698765432 is valid!\n" ;
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is a valid IBAN number!
GB82TEST12345698765432 is invalid!


-- demo\rosetta\IBAN.exw
-- =====================
constant nations = {{"AD",24},  -- Andorra
                    -- (full list in distro)
                    {"CH",21},  -- Switzerland
                    {"GB",22},  -- United Kingdom
                    {"SA",24},  -- Saudi Arabia 
                    {"XK",20}}  -- Kosovo
constant {countries,lengths} = columnize(nations)
function iban(string code)
-- This routine does and should reject codes containing spaces etc.
-- Use iban_s() below for otherwise.
    integer country = find(code[1..2],countries)
    if country!=0
    and length(code)=lengths[country] then
        code = code[5..$]&code[1..4]
        integer c = 0
        for i=1 to length(code) do
            integer ch=code[i]
            if ch>='0' and ch<='9' then
                c = c*10+ch-'0'
            elsif ch>='A' and ch<='Z' then
                c = c*100+ch-55
                return false
            end if
            c = mod(c,97)
        end for
        return c=1
    end if
    return false
end function
function iban_s(string code)
-- strips any embedded spaces and hyphens before validating.
    code = substitute_all(code,{" ","-"},{"",""})
    return iban(code)
end function
procedure test(string code, bool expected)
    bool valid = iban_s(code)
    string state
    if valid=expected then
        state = iff(valid?"ok":"invalid (as expected)")
        state = iff(valid?"OK!!":"INVALID!!")&" (NOT AS EXPECTED)"
    end if
    printf(1,"%-34s :%s\n",{code,state})
end procedure
test("GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32",true)
test("GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32",false)
test("GB81 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32",false)
test("SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519",true)
test("CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7",true)
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32        :ok
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32        :invalid (as expected)
GB81 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32        :invalid (as expected)
SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519      :ok
CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7         :ok



function piece_wise($iban_all_digits) {
    $remainder = NULL;
    $slice = 9;
    for ($i=0; $i<strlen($iban_all_digits); $i=$i+$slice)
        if ($i>0)
            $slice = 7;
        $part = $remainder . substr($iban_all_digits, $i, $slice);
        //echo "REMAINDER: " . $remainder . "<br>";
        //echo "PART: $part" . "<br>";
        $remainder = intval($part) % 97;

return $remainder;


$iban = "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32";

//remove space
$iban = str_replace(' ', '', $iban); 

//echo $iban; echo '<br>';
$iban_length = strlen($iban);
$country_code = substr($iban, 0, 2);

    IBAN lengths are country specific 
    full list available at
$lengths = ['GB' => 22];

if ($lengths[$country_code] != $iban_length) 
    exit ("IBAN length not valid for $country_code");

// 2. move first four characters to the end
$iban = substr($iban, 4) . substr($iban, 0, 4);

//3. Replace letters in IBAN with digits 
//(A=10, B=11 ... Z=35)

$iban_arr = str_split($iban, 1);

$iban_all_digits = '';

foreach ($iban_arr as $key=>$value)
    if (ctype_alpha($value)) 
        $value = ord($value) - 55;
    $iban_all_digits = $iban_all_digits . $value;

if (piece_wise($iban_all_digits) === 1) 
    echo "VALID IBAN!";

    echo "IBAN NOT VALID";


go =>
  IBAN = "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32",

iban(IBAN) = Ret =>
  Ret = [],
  IBAN2 = IBAN.delete_all(' ').to_uppercase(),
  Len = IBAN2.length,
  Len > 2, % sanity check
  if Len != Nations.get(slice(IBAN2,1,2),0).to_integer() then
     Ret := ["wrong country length"]
  IBAN3 = slice(IBAN2,5,Len) ++ slice(IBAN2,1,4),
  if [convert(C) : C in IBAN3].join('').to_integer() mod 97 != 1 then
     Ret := Ret ++ ["bad mod"]
  if Ret == [] then Ret := "ok" end.

% convert char: 1=1,...9=9, A=10, B=11,Z=35
convert(C) = cond(ord(C)-65 >= 0,ord(C)-55,ord(C)-48).to_string().

% Lengths for different nations.
nations(Nations) =>
  Nations = new_map(
["AL"=28, "AD"=24, "AT"=20, "AZ"=28, "BH"=22, "BE"=16, "BA"=20, "BR"=29, "BG"=22, "CR"=21,
 "HR"=21, "CY"=28, "CZ"=24, "DK"=18, "DO"=28, "EE"=20, "FO"=18, "FI"=18, "FR"=27, "GE"=22,
 "DE"=22, "GI"=23, "GR"=27, "GL"=18, "GT"=28, "HU"=28, "IS"=26, "IE"=22, "IL"=23, "IT"=27,
 "JO"=30, "KZ"=20, "KW"=30, "LV"=21, "LB"=28, "LI"=21, "LT"=20, "LU"=20, "MK"=19, "MT"=31,
 "MR"=27, "MU"=30, "MC"=27, "MD"=24, "ME"=22, "NL"=18, "NO"=15, "PK"=24, "PS"=29, "PL"=28,
 "PT"=25, "QA"=29, "RO"=24, "SM"=27, "SA"=24, "RS"=22, "SK"=24, "SI"=19, "ES"=24, "SE"=24,
 "CH"=21, "TN"=24, "TR"=26, "AE"=23, "GB"=22, "VG"=24]).
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 = ok

Some more (and interesting) tests

go2 => 
  Ibans = ["GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32",
           "gb82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32",
           "GB82 WEST 234 5698 7654 32",
           "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 33",
           "AE82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32",

           "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32",
           "GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695",
           "GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19",
           "SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519",
           "CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7",
           "IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999"
  foreach(IBAN in Ibans)
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 = ok
gb82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 = ok
GB82WEST12345698765432 = ok
GB82 WEST 234 5698 7654 32 = [wrong country length,bad mod]
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 33 = [bad mod]
AE82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 = [wrong country length,bad mod]
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 = [bad mod]
GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695 = ok
GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19 = ok
SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519 = ok
CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7 = ok
IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999 = ok


(setq *Sizes '((GB . 22) (CH . 21) (SA . 24)))

(de iban (Str)
   (let Lst 
         '((X) (not (sp? X))) 
         (chop (uppc Str)) )
            (cdr (assoc (pack (head 2 Lst)) *Sizes))
            (length Lst) )
                     (if (upp? X)
                        (- (char X) 55)
                        X ) )
                  (append (nth Lst 5) (head 4 Lst)) ) )
            97 ) ) ) )

(for I '("sa03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519" 
         "gb82west1234 56987654 32" 
   (if (= 1 (iban I))
      (println 'Valid)
      (println 'Invalid) ) )



function verifIBAN ([string]$ibanS)
if ($ibanS.Length -ne 27) {return $false} else
while ($comptIBAN -lt 27)
    if ([byte]$ibanI[$comptIBAN] -ge 65 -and [byte]$ibanI[$comptIBAN] -le 90)
        } #pour transformer les lettres en chiffres (A=10, B=11...)
    #cela fait un nombre de 30 chiffres : trop pour powershell, je découpe donc les 9 premiers caractères :
if ("$($NumIBAN.Substring(0,9)%97)$($NumIBAN.Substring(9,$NumIBAN.Length-9))"%97 -eq 1)
    {return $true}
    {return $false}
} #fin fonction vérification IBAN / Stéphane RABANY 2018

Ancien texte qui ne sert à rien selon moi : I have heard that Regex should not be used with IBAN codes. Regex does seem to work, however.

"Bosnia and Herzegovina",20,"BA391290079401028494"
"Czech Republic",24,"CZ6508000000192000145399"
"Faroe Islands",18,"FO1464600009692713"
"San Marino",27,"SM86U0322509800000000270100"
"United Kingdom",22,"GB29NWBK60161331926819"
'@ -split "`r`n" | Set-Content -Path .\IBAN.csv -Force

$ibans = foreach ($iban in Import-Csv -Path .\IBAN.csv)
    $iban | Select-Object -Property Country,
                                    @{Name='Code'  ; Expression={$iban.Example.Substring(0,2)}},
                                    @{Name='Length'; Expression={[int]$iban.Length}},

Country                Code Length Example                        
-------                ---- ------ -------                        
Albania                AL       28 AL47212110090000000235698741   
Andorra                AD       24 AD1200012030200359100100       
Austria                AT       20 AT611904300235473201           
Belgium                BE       16 BE68539007547034               
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA       20 BA391290079401028494           
Bulgaria               BG       22 BG80BNBG96611020345678         
Croatia                HR       21 HR1210010051863000160          
Cyprus                 CY       28 CY17002001280000001200527600   
Czech Republic         CZ       24 CZ6508000000192000145399       
Denmark                DK       18 DK5000400440116243             
Estonia                EE       20 EE382200221020145685           
Faroe Islands          FO       18 FO1464600009692713             
Finland                FI       18 FI2112345600000785             
France                 FR       27 FR1420041010050500013M02606    
Georgia                GE       22 GE29NB0000000101904917         
Germany                DE       22 DE89370400440532013000         
Gibraltar              GI       23 GI75NWBK000000007099453        
Greece                 GR       27 GR1601101250000000012300695    
Greenland              GL       18 GL8964710001000206             
Hungary                HU       28 HU42117730161111101800000000   
Iceland                IS       26 IS140159260076545510730339     
Ireland                IE       22 IE29AIBK93115212345678         
Italy                  IT       27 IT60X0542811101000000123456    
Kosovo                 XK       20 XK051212012345678906           
Latvia                 LV       21 LV80BANK0000435195001          
Liechtenstein          LI       21 LI21088100002324013AA          
Lithuania              LT       20 LT121000011101001000           
Luxembourg             LU       20 LU280019400644750000           
Macedonia              MK       19 MK07300000000042425            
Malta                  MT       31 MT84MALT011000012345MTLCAST001S
Moldova                MD       24 MD24AG000225100013104168       
Monaco                 MC       27 MC5813488000010051108001292    
Montenegro             ME       22 ME25505000012345678951         
Netherlands            NL       18 NL91ABNA0417164300             
Norway                 NO       15 NO9386011117947                
Poland                 PL       28 PL27114020040000300201355387   
Portugal               PT       25 PT50000201231234567890154      
Romania                RO       24 RO49AAAA1B31007593840000       
San Marino             SM       27 SM86U0322509800000000270100    
Serbia                 RS       22 RS35260005601001611379         
Slovakia               SK       24 SK3112000000198742637541       
Slovenia               SI       19 SI56191000000123438            
Spain                  ES       24 ES9121000418450200051332       
Sweden                 SE       24 SE3550000000054910000003       
Switzerland            CH       21 CH9300762011623852957          
Ukraine                UA       29 UA573543470006762462054925026  
United Kingdom         GB       22 GB29NWBK60161331926819         
$regex = [regex]'[a-zA-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}[0-9]{5}([a-zA-Z0-9]?){0,16}'

foreach ($iban in $ibans)
        Country = $iban.Country
        Example = $iban.Example
        IsValid = $regex.IsMatch($iban.Example)
Country                Example                         IsValid
-------                -------                         -------
Albania                AL47212110090000000235698741       True
Andorra                AD1200012030200359100100           True
Austria                AT611904300235473201               True
Belgium                BE68539007547034                   True
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA391290079401028494               True
Bulgaria               BG80BNBG96611020345678             True
Croatia                HR1210010051863000160              True
Cyprus                 CY17002001280000001200527600       True
Czech Republic         CZ6508000000192000145399           True
Denmark                DK5000400440116243                 True
Estonia                EE382200221020145685               True
Faroe Islands          FO1464600009692713                 True
Finland                FI2112345600000785                 True
France                 FR1420041010050500013M02606        True
Georgia                GE29NB0000000101904917             True
Germany                DE89370400440532013000             True
Gibraltar              GI75NWBK000000007099453            True
Greece                 GR1601101250000000012300695        True
Greenland              GL8964710001000206                 True
Hungary                HU42117730161111101800000000       True
Iceland                IS140159260076545510730339         True
Ireland                IE29AIBK93115212345678             True
Italy                  IT60X0542811101000000123456        True
Kosovo                 XK051212012345678906               True
Latvia                 LV80BANK0000435195001              True
Liechtenstein          LI21088100002324013AA              True
Lithuania              LT121000011101001000               True
Luxembourg             LU280019400644750000               True
Macedonia              MK07300000000042425                True
Malta                  MT84MALT011000012345MTLCAST001S    True
Moldova                MD24AG000225100013104168           True
Monaco                 MC5813488000010051108001292        True
Montenegro             ME25505000012345678951             True
Netherlands            NL91ABNA0417164300                 True
Norway                 NO9386011117947                    True
Poland                 PL27114020040000300201355387       True
Portugal               PT50000201231234567890154          True
Romania                RO49AAAA1B31007593840000           True
San Marino             SM86U0322509800000000270100        True
Serbia                 RS35260005601001611379             True
Slovakia               SK3112000000198742637541           True
Slovenia               SI56191000000123438                True
Spain                  ES9121000418450200051332           True
Sweden                 SE3550000000054910000003           True
Switzerland            CH9300762011623852957              True
Ukraine                UA573543470006762462054925026      True
United Kingdom         GB29NWBK60161331926819             True


Enumeration IBAN

NewMap CData.i()

Procedure.s IBANForm(iban.s,form.i)
  Define fn.s, c.i
  If form=#IBAN_NOSPACE   :   ProcedureReturn fn  :   EndIf
  For c=65 To 90
  Next c
  If form=#IBAN_VAL_FORM  :   ProcedureReturn fn  :   EndIf
  If form=#IBAN_SUM_FORM  :   ProcedureReturn fn  :   EndIf

Procedure.s m97iban(iban.s,calculate.i)
  Define i.i, part.s, rest.s
  Select calculate
    Case #IBAN_VAL : iban=IBANForm(iban,#IBAN_VAL_FORM)
    Case #IBAN_SUM : iban=IBANForm(iban,#IBAN_SUM_FORM)
  For i=1 To Len(iban)  ; Validierung der Prüfsumme
    If Val(rest+part)<97 : Continue : EndIf
    rest=Str((Val(rest+part)) %97)  : part=""
  Select calculate
    Case #IBAN_VAL : ProcedureReturn rest
    Case #IBAN_SUM : ProcedureReturn RSet(Str(98-Val(rest+part)),2,"0")

CCD("AL",28) : CCD("AD",24) : CCD("AT",20) : CCD("AZ",28) : CCD("BE",16) : CCD("BH",22) : CCD("BA",20)
CCD("BR",29) : CCD("BG",22) : CCD("CR",21) : CCD("HR",21) : CCD("CY",28) : CCD("CZ",24) : CCD("DK",18)
CCD("DO",28) : CCD("EE",20) : CCD("FO",18) : CCD("FI",18) : CCD("FR",27) : CCD("GE",22) : CCD("DE",22)
CCD("GI",23) : CCD("GR",27) : CCD("GL",18) : CCD("GT",28) : CCD("HU",28) : CCD("IS",26) : CCD("IE",22)
CCD("IL",23) : CCD("IT",27) : CCD("KZ",20) : CCD("KW",30) : CCD("LV",21) : CCD("LB",28) : CCD("LI",21)
CCD("LT",20) : CCD("LU",20) : CCD("MK",19) : CCD("MT",31) : CCD("MR",27) : CCD("MU",30) : CCD("MC",27)
CCD("MD",24) : CCD("ME",22) : CCD("NL",18) : CCD("NO",15) : CCD("PK",24) : CCD("PS",29) : CCD("PL",28)  
CCD("PT",25) : CCD("RO",24) : CCD("SM",27) : CCD("SA",24) : CCD("RS",22) : CCD("SK",24) : CCD("SI",19) 
CCD("ES",24) : CCD("SE",24) : CCD("CH",21) : CCD("TN",24) : CCD("TR",26) : CCD("AE",23) : CCD("GB",22)  

  Data.s "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
  Data.s "GB82WEST12345698765432"
  Data.s "gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32"
  Data.s "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
  Data.s "GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695"
  Data.s "GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19"
  Data.s "SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519"
  Data.s "CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7"
  Data.s "IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999"
  Data.s "IL62-0108-0000-0009-9999-999"
  Data.s "US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210"
  Data.s "GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X"
  Data.s Chr(0)

Define iban.s, cc.s
Restore IBANData
  Read.s iban : If iban=Chr(0) : Break : EndIf
  Print("IBAN"+#TAB$+": "+LSet(iban,35,Chr(32))+#TAB$)
  If CData(cc) 
    If Not CData()=Len(IBANForm(iban,#IBAN_NOSPACE)) : PrintN("[INCORRECT: LENGTH]") : Continue : EndIf
    PrintN("[INCORRECT: COUNTRY]") : Continue
  If Not Val(m97iban(iban,#IBAN_VAL))=1 : PrintN("[INCORRECT: MOD97]") : Continue : EndIf
  If Not Right(IBANForm(iban,#IBAN_VAL_FORM),2)=m97iban(iban,#IBAN_SUM)
    PrintN("[INCORRECT: CHECKSUM]") : Continue
IBAN    : GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32           [CORRECT]
IBAN    : GB82WEST12345698765432                [CORRECT]
IBAN    : gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32           [CORRECT]
IBAN    : GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32           [INCORRECT: MOD97]
IBAN    : GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695     [CORRECT]
IBAN    : GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19           [CORRECT]
IBAN    : SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519         [CORRECT]
IBAN    : CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7            [CORRECT]
IBAN    : IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999          [CORRECT]
IBAN    : IL62-0108-0000-0009-9999-999          [INCORRECT: LENGTH]
IBAN    : US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210          [INCORRECT: COUNTRY]
IBAN    : GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X    [INCORRECT: LENGTH]


Translation of: Ruby
import re

_country2length = dict(
    AL=28, AD=24, AT=20, AZ=28, BE=16, BH=22, BA=20, BR=29,
    BG=22, CR=21, HR=21, CY=28, CZ=24, DK=18, DO=28, EE=20,
    FO=18, FI=18, FR=27, GE=22, DE=22, GI=23, GR=27, GL=18,
    GT=28, HU=28, IS=26, IE=22, IL=23, IT=27, KZ=20, KW=30,
    LV=21, LB=28, LI=21, LT=20, LU=20, MK=19, MT=31, MR=27,
    MU=30, MC=27, MD=24, ME=22, NL=18, NO=15, PK=24, PS=29,
    PL=28, PT=25, RO=24, SM=27, SA=24, RS=22, SK=24, SI=19,
    ES=24, SE=24, CH=21, TN=24, TR=26, AE=23, GB=22, VG=24 )

def valid_iban(iban):
    # Ensure upper alphanumeric input.
    iban = iban.replace(' ','').replace('\t','')
    if not re.match(r'^[\dA-Z]+$', iban): 
        return False
    # Validate country code against expected length.
    if len(iban) != _country2length[iban[:2]]:
        return False
    # Shift and convert.
    iban = iban[4:] + iban[:4]
    digits = int(''.join(str(int(ch, 36)) for ch in iban)) #BASE 36: 0..9,A..Z -> 0..35
    return digits % 97 == 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for account in ["GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32", "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"]:
        print('%s validation is: %s' % (account, valid_iban(account)))
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 validation is: True
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 validation is: False


#lang racket
(define lens
  '([AL 28] [AD 24] [AT 20] [AZ 28] [BH 22] [BE 16] [BA 20] [BR 29] [BG 22]
    [CR 21] [HR 21] [CY 28] [CZ 24] [DK 18] [DO 28] [EE 20] [FO 18] [FI 18]
    [FR 27] [GE 22] [DE 22] [GI 23] [GR 27] [GL 18] [GT 28] [HU 28] [IS 26]
    [IE 22] [IL 23] [IT 27] [KZ 20] [KW 30] [LV 21] [LB 28] [LI 21] [LT 20]
    [LU 20] [MK 19] [MT 31] [MR 27] [MU 30] [MC 27] [MD 24] [ME 22] [NL 18]
    [NO 15] [PK 24] [PS 29] [PL 28] [PT 25] [RO 24] [SM 27] [SA 24] [RS 22]
    [SK 24] [SI 19] [ES 24] [SE 24] [CH 21] [TN 24] [TR 26] [AE 23] [GB 22]
    [VG 24]))
(define (valid-iban? str)
  (define str* (regexp-replace* #px"\\s+" str ""))
  (define c (cond [(regexp-match #rx"^[A-Z][A-Z]" str*)
                   => (λ(x) (assq (string->symbol (car x)) lens))]
                  [else #f]))
  (define (letter c)
    (number->string (+ (char->integer (string-ref c 0)) -65 10)))
  (and c (= (cadr c) (string-length str*))
       (regexp-match? #rx"[A-Z0-9]" str*)
       (let* ([x (string-append (substring str* 4) (substring str* 0 4))]
              [x (string->number (regexp-replace* #rx"[A-Z]" x letter))])
         (= 1 (modulo x 97)))))

(valid-iban? "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32") ; => #t
(valid-iban? "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32") ; => #f


(formerly Perl 6)

subset IBAN of Str where sub ($_ is copy) {
    return False if m/<-alnum>/ or .chars != <
        AD 24 AE 23 AL 28 AT 20 AZ 28 BA 20 BE 16 BG 22 BH 22 BR 29 CH 21
        CR 21 CY 28 CZ 24 DE 22 DK 18 DO 28 EE 20 ES 24 FI 18 FO 18 FR 27
        GB 22 GE 22 GI 23 GL 18 GR 27 GT 28 HR 21 HU 28 IE 22 IL 23 IS 26
        IT 27 KW 30 KZ 20 LB 28 LI 21 LT 20 LU 20 LV 21 MC 27 MD 24 ME 22
        MK 19 MR 27 MT 31 MU 30 NL 18 NO 15 PK 24 PL 28 PS 29 PT 25 RO 24
        RS 22 SA 24 SE 24 SI 19 SK 24 SM 27 TN 24 TR 26 VG 24
    return .subst(:g, /\D/, { :36(~$_) }) % 97 == 1;

say "$_ is {$_ ~~ IBAN ?? 'valid' !! 'invalid' }" for 
'GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32',
'gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32',
'GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32';
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is valid.
gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32 is valid.
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is invalid.


These REXX programs can validate an IBAN specified on the command line or from an internal list.

basic checking

/*REXX program validates an  IBAN  (International Bank Account Number).                 */
@.=;             @.1  =  'GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32        '
                 @.2  =  'Gb82 West 1234 5698 7654 32        '
                 @.3  =  'GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32        '
                 @.4  =  'GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695  '
                 @.5  =  'GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19        '
                 @.6  =  'SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519      '
                 @.7  =  'CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7         '
                 @.8  =  'IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999       '
                 @.9  =  'IL62-0108-0000-0009-9999-999       '
                 @.10 =  'US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210       '
                 @.11 =  'GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X '
parse arg @.0                                             /*get optional 1st arg from CL*/
                 do k=0 + (arg()==0)  while @.k\==''      /*either:   0  or  1  ──►  n  */
                 r = val_IBAN(@.k)
                 if r==0  then say '  valid IBAN:'    @.k
                          else say 'invalid IBAN:'    @.k      "  "      r
                 if k==0  then leave             /*User specified IBAN?  Then we're done*/
                 end   /*k*/
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
val_IBAN:  procedure; arg x;  numeric digits 200 /*allow for big numbers in the IBAN's. */
x=space(x,0);                 L=length(x)        /*elide blanks;  determine the length. */
cc= 'AD 24 AE 23 AL 28 AT 20 AZ 28 BA 20 BE 16 BG 22 BH 22 BR 29 CH 21 CR 21 CY 28 CZ 24',
    'DE 22 DK 18 DO 28 EE 20 ES 24 FI 18 FO 18 FR 27 GB 22 GE 22 GI 23 GL 18 GR 27 GT 28',
    'HR 21 HU 28 IE 22 IL 23 IS 26 IT 27 KW 30 KZ 20 LB 28 LI 21 LT 20 LU 20 LV 21 MC 27',
    'MD 24 ME 22 MK 19 MR 27 MT 31 MU 30 NL 18 NO 15 PK 24 PL 28 PS 29 PT 25 RO 24 RS 22',
    'SA 24 SE 24 SI 19 SK 24 SM 27 TN 24 TR 26 VG 24'      /*a list of valid countries. */
@ABC# = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'   /*the Latin alphabet and decimal digits*/
cc_=left(x, 2);   kk=substr(x, 3, 2)             /*get IBAN country code and checkDigits*/
c#=wordpos(cc_, cc)                              /*find the country code index.         */
cL=word(cc, c# + 1)                              /*get the length of the country's IBAN.*/
e= '***error***  invalid IBAN'                   /*literal used when displaying an error*/
if c#==0               then return  e  'country code:'   cc_
if \datatype(x, 'A')   then return  e  'character:'      substr(x, verify(x, @ABC#), 1)
if cL\==L              then return  e  'length:'         L     ' (should be'   cL")"
y=substr(x, 5)left(x, 4)                         /*put four digs in front ───► the back.*/
z=                                               /* [↓]  translate characters ──► digits*/
     do j=1  for L;      _=substr(y, j, 1)
     if datatype(_, 'U')  then z=z || pos(_, @ABC#) + 9        /*if uppercase, then ··· */
                          else z=z || _
     end   /*j*/

if z//97==1  then return 0                       /*check if correct remainder (modulus).*/
                  return e   'check digits.'
output   when using the default input:
  valid IBAN: GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32
  valid IBAN: Gb82 West 1234 5698 7654 32
invalid IBAN: GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32            ***error***  invalid check digits.
  valid IBAN: GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695
  valid IBAN: GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19
  valid IBAN: SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519
  valid IBAN: CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7
  valid IBAN: IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999
invalid IBAN: IL62-0108-0000-0009-9999-999           ***error***  invalid IBAN character: -
invalid IBAN: US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210           ***error***  invalid IBAN country code: US
invalid IBAN: GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X     ***error***  invalid IBAN length: 28  (should be 27)

more checking

This version of the REXX program has more error checking:

  • checks for two countries that may not be valid (as per their entry date into the IBAN system)
  • checks some countries to make sure their check digits match a specific value
/*REXX pgm validates an IBAN (International Bank Account Number), including date ranges.*/
@.=;             @.1  =  'GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32        '
                 @.2  =  'Gb82 West 1234 5698 7654 32        '
                 @.3  =  'GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32        '
                 @.4  =  'GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695  '
                 @.5  =  'GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19        '
                 @.6  =  'SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519      '
                 @.7  =  'CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7         '
                 @.8  =  'IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999       '
                 @.9  =  'IL62-0108-0000-0009-9999-999       '
                 @.10 =  'US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210       '
                 @.11 =  'GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X '
                 @.12 =  'GT11 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 '
                 @.13 =  'MK11 2222 3333 4444 555            '
parse arg @.0                                             /*get optional 1st arg from CL*/
                 do k=0 + (arg()==0)  while @.k\==''      /*either:   0  or  1  ──►  n  */
                 r = val_IBAN(@.k)
                 if r==0  then say '  valid IBAN:'    @.k
                          else say 'invalid IBAN:'    @.k      "  "      r
                 if k==0  then leave             /*User specified IBAN?  Then we're done*/
                 end   /*k*/
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
val_IBAN:  procedure; arg x;  numeric digits 200 /*allow for big numbers in the IBAN's. */
x=space(x,0);                 L=length(x)        /*elide blanks;  determine the length. */
cc= 'AD 24 AE 23 AL 28 AT 20 AZ 28 BA 20 BE 16 BG 22 BH 22 BR 29 CH 21 CR 21 CY 28 CZ 24',
    'DE 22 DK 18 DO 28 EE 20 ES 24 FI 18 FO 18 FR 27 GB 22 GE 22 GI 23 GL 18 GR 27 GT 28',
    'HR 21 HU 28 IE 22 IL 23 IS 26 IT 27 KW 30 KZ 20 LB 28 LI 21 LT 20 LU 20 LV 21 MC 27',
    'MD 24 ME 22 MK 19 MR 27 MT 31 MU 30 NL 18 NO 15 PK 24 PL 28 PS 29 PT 25 RO 24 RS 22',
    'SA 24 SE 24 SI 19 SK 24 SM 27 TN 24 TR 26 VG 24'      /*a list of valid countries. */
@ABC# = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'   /*the Latin alphabet and decimal digits*/
cc_=left(x, 2);   kk=substr(x, 3, 2)             /*get IBAN country code and checkDigits*/
c#=wordpos(cc_, cc)                              /*find the country code index.         */
cL=word(cc, c# + 1)                              /*get the length of the country's IBAN.*/
e= '***error***  invalid IBAN'                   /*literal used when displaying an error*/
if c#==0               then return  e  'country code:'   cc_
if \datatype(x, 'A')   then return  e  'character:'      substr(x, verify(x, @ABC#), 1)
if cL\==L              then return  e  'length:'         L     ' (should be'   cL")"
if cc_=='BR' & date("S")<20130701  then return e "country, Brazil isn't valid until 1-July-2013."
if cc_=='GT' & date("S")<20140701  then return e "country, Guatemala isn't valid until 1-July-2014."
if cc_=='BA' & kk\==39             then return e "check digits for Bosnia and Herzegovina:"  kk
if cc_=='MK' & kk\==07             then return e "check digits for Macedonia:"               kk
if cc_=='ME' & kk\==25             then return e "check digits for Montenegro:"              kk
if cc_=='PT' & kk\==50             then return e "check digits for Portugal:"                kk
if cc_=='SI' & kk\==56             then return e "check digits for Slovenia:"                kk
y=substr(x, 5)left(x, 4)                         /*put four digs in front ───► the back.*/
z=                                               /* [↓]  translate characters ──► digits*/
     do j=1  for L;      _=substr(y, j, 1)
     if datatype(_, 'U')  then z=z || pos(_, @ABC#) + 9        /*if uppercase, then ··· */
                          else z=z || _
     end   /*j*/

if z//97==1  then return 0                       /*check if correct remainder (modulus).*/
                  return e    'check digits.'
output   when using the default input,   (the run date of this program is   29-April-2013):
  valid IBAN: GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32
  valid IBAN: Gb82 West 1234 5698 7654 32
invalid IBAN: GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32            ***error***  invalid IBAN check digits.
  valid IBAN: GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695
  valid IBAN: GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19
  valid IBAN: SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519
  valid IBAN: CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7
  valid IBAN: IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999
invalid IBAN: IL62-0108-0000-0009-9999-999           ***error***  invalid IBAN character: -
invalid IBAN: US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210           ***error***  invalid IBAN country code: US
invalid IBAN: GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X     ***error***  invalid IBAN length: 28  (should be 27)
invalid IBAN: GT11 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777     ***error***  invalid IBAN country, Guatemala isn't valid until 1-July-2014.
invalid IBAN: MK11 2222 3333 4444 555                ***error***  invalid IBAN check digits for Macedonia: 11


# Project : IBAN

codes = list(5)
codes[1] = "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
codes[2] = "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
codes[3] = "GB81 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
codes[4] = "SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519"
codes[5] = "CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7"

for y = 1 to len(codes)
      see codes[y]
      flag = 1
      codes[y] = substr(codes[y], " ", "")
      check = checkiban(codes[y])
      if check = 1
         see " is valid" + nl
         see " is invalid" + nl

func checkcode(code)
        for n = 1 to 2
              if ascii(code[n]) < 65 or ascii(code[n]) > 90
                 flag = 0
        for m = 3 to len(code)
              if (ascii(code[m]) > 64 and ascii(code[m]) < 91) or (ascii(code[m]) > 47 and ascii(code[m]) < 58)
                  flag = 0

func checkiban(code)
        code= substr(code, 5, len(code) - 4) + left(code, 4)
        for x = 1 to len(code)
              if ascii(code[x]) > 64 and ascii(code[x]) < 91
                 code = left(code, x-1) + string(ascii(code[x]) - 55) + right(code, len(code) - x)
        modold = left(code,9) % 97
        for p = 1 to floor((len(code)-9)/7)
              modnew = string(modold) + substr(code, 10 + (p-1) * 7, 7)
              modnew = number(modnew) % 97
              modold = modnew
        modrest = right(code, len(code) - ((p-1)*7 + 9))
        modnew = string(modold) + modrest
        modnew = number(modnew) % 97
        return modnew


GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is valid
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is invalid
GB81 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is invalid
SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519 is valid
CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7 is valid


Works with: Ruby version 1.9+
def valid_iban? iban
  len = {
    AL: 28, AD: 24, AT: 20, AZ: 28, BE: 16, BH: 22, BA: 20, BR: 29,
    BG: 22, CR: 21, HR: 21, CY: 28, CZ: 24, DK: 18, DO: 28, EE: 20,
    FO: 18, FI: 18, FR: 27, GE: 22, DE: 22, GI: 23, GR: 27, GL: 18,
    GT: 28, HU: 28, IS: 26, IE: 22, IL: 23, IT: 27, KZ: 20, KW: 30,
    LV: 21, LB: 28, LI: 21, LT: 20, LU: 20, MK: 19, MT: 31, MR: 27,
    MU: 30, MC: 27, MD: 24, ME: 22, NL: 18, NO: 15, PK: 24, PS: 29,
    PL: 28, PT: 25, RO: 24, SM: 27, SA: 24, RS: 22, SK: 24, SI: 19,
    ES: 24, SE: 24, CH: 21, TN: 24, TR: 26, AE: 23, GB: 22, VG: 24

  # Ensure upper alphanumeric input.
  iban.delete! " \t"
  return false unless iban =~ /^[\dA-Z]+$/

  # Validate country code against expected length.
  cc = iban[0, 2].to_sym
  return false unless iban.size == len[cc]

  # Shift and convert.
  iban = iban[4..-1] + iban[0, 4]
  iban.gsub!(/./) { |c| c.to_i(36) }

  iban.to_i % 97 == 1

p valid_iban? "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32" #=> true
p valid_iban? "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32" #=> false


fn main() {
    for iban in [
        "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 322",
        "gb82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32",
        "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32",
        "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32",
        "GB81 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32",
        "SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519",
        "CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7",
            "'{}' is {}valid",
            if validate_iban(iban) { "" } else { "NOT " }

fn validate_iban(iban: &str) -> bool {
    let iso_len = [
        ("AL", 28), ("AD", 24), ("AT", 20), ("AZ", 28), ("BE", 16), ("BH", 22),
        ("BA", 20), ("BR", 29), ("BG", 22), ("HR", 21), ("CY", 28), ("CZ", 24),
        ("DK", 18), ("DO", 28), ("EE", 20), ("FO", 18), ("FI", 18), ("FR", 27),
        ("GE", 22), ("DE", 22), ("GI", 23), ("GL", 18), ("GT", 28), ("HU", 28),
        ("IS", 26), ("IE", 22), ("IL", 23), ("IT", 27), ("KZ", 20), ("KW", 30),
        ("LV", 21), ("LB", 28), ("LI", 21), ("LT", 20), ("LU", 20), ("MK", 19),
        ("MT", 31), ("MR", 27), ("MU", 30), ("MC", 27), ("MD", 24), ("ME", 22),
        ("NL", 18), ("NO", 15), ("PK", 24), ("PS", 29), ("PL", 28), ("PT", 25),
        ("RO", 24), ("SM", 27), ("SA", 24), ("RS", 22), ("SK", 24), ("SI", 19),
        ("ES", 24), ("SE", 24), ("CH", 21), ("TN", 24), ("TR", 26), ("AE", 23),
        ("GB", 22), ("VG", 24), ("GR", 27), ("CR", 21),
    let trimmed_iban = iban.chars()
        .filter(|&ch| ch != ' ')
    if trimmed_iban.len() < 4 {
        return false;
    let prefix = &trimmed_iban[0..2];
    if let Some(pair) = iso_len.iter().find(|&&(code, _)| code == prefix) {
        if pair.1 != trimmed_iban.len() {
            return false;
    } else {
        return false;
    let reversed_iban = format!("{}{}", &trimmed_iban[4..], &trimmed_iban[0..4]);
    let mut expanded_iban = String::new();
    for ch in reversed_iban.chars() {
        expanded_iban.push_str(&if ch.is_numeric() {
            format!("{}", ch)
        } else {
            format!("{}", ch as u8 - 'A' as u8 + 10u8)
    expanded_iban.bytes().fold(0, |acc, ch| {
        (acc * 10 + ch as u32 - '0' as u32) % 97
    }) == 1


Library: Scala
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap

class Iban(val iban: String) {
  // Isolated tests
  def isAllUpperCase = iban.toUpperCase == iban

  def isValidpattern = (Iban.pattern findFirstIn iban).nonEmpty

  def isNationalSize = {
    Iban.ccVsLength.getOrElse(iban.take(2), 0) == iban.size

  def isCheckNumberOK = {
    def rearrange = (iban.drop(4) + iban.take(4)). // Move left country code part to end
      // continue with each char converted to Int
      map(ch => if (ch.isDigit) ch.toInt - '0' else ch - 'A' + 10).mkString

    (BigInt(rearrange) mod 97) == 1

  def isValidIban = {
    isAllUpperCase &&
      isValidpattern &&
      isNationalSize &&

object Iban {
  // IBAN length database
  lazy val ccVsLength: SortedMap[String, Int] = SortedMap[String, Int]() ++
    """AD24 AE23 AL28 AO25 AT20 AZ28 BA20 BE16 BF27 BG22 BH22 BI16
      |BJ28 BR29 CG27 CH21 CI28 CM27 CR21 CV25 CY28 CZ24 DE22 DK18
      |DO28 DZ24 EE20 EG27 ES24 FI18 FO18 FR27 GA27 GB22 GE22 GI23
      |GL18 GR27 GT28 HR21 HU28 IE22 IL23 IR26 IS26 IT27 JO30 KW30
      |KZ20 LB28 LI21 LT20 LU20 LV21 MC27 MD24 ME22 MG27 MK19 ML28
      |MR27 MT31 MU30 MZ25 NL18 NO15 PK24 PL28 PS29 PT25 QA29 RO24
      |RS22 SA24 SE24 SI19 SK24 SM27 SN28 TN24 TR26 UA29 VG24""".
      stripMargin.replaceAll( """\s""", " ").split(' ').
      map(v => (v.take(2), if (v.isEmpty) 0 else v.slice(2, 4).toInt))

  lazy val pattern = "([A-Z]{2})([0-9]{2})([A-Z0-9]{0,30})".r

  def apply(s: String) = new Iban(s.replaceAll( """\s""", ""))

The test program:

object IbanTest extends App {
  def blackCases = """AT611904300235473201

  def whiteCases = """AD1200012030200359100100
                     |AE26 0211 0000 0023 0064 016
                     |AL47 2121 1009 0000 0002 3569 8741
                     |NL81 TRIO 0212 4710 66
                     |QA58 DOHB 0000 1234 5678 90AB CDEF G
                     |RO49 AAAA 1B31 0075 9384 0000
                     |UA57 3543 4700 0676 2462 0549 2502 6
                     |VG96 VPVG 0000 0123 4567 8901
                     |GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32
                     |SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519
                     |CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7""".stripMargin

  whiteCases.lines.foreach(l => assert(Iban(l).isValidIban))
  blackCases.lines.foreach(l => assert(!Iban(l).isValidIban))
  println(s"Successfully completed; ${whiteCases.lines.size + blackCases.lines.size} cases tested, no errors.")
Successfully completed; 91 cases tested, no errors.


$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
  include "bigint.s7i";

const type: countryHash is hash [string] integer;

const func countryHash: initCountryCode is func
    var countryHash: cc is countryHash.value;
    cc @:= ["AL"] 28; cc @:= ["AD"] 24; cc @:= ["AT"] 20; cc @:= ["AZ"] 28; cc @:= ["BE"] 16; cc @:= ["BH"] 22;
    cc @:= ["BA"] 20; cc @:= ["BR"] 29; cc @:= ["BG"] 22; cc @:= ["CR"] 21; cc @:= ["HR"] 21; cc @:= ["CY"] 28;
    cc @:= ["CZ"] 24; cc @:= ["DK"] 18; cc @:= ["DO"] 28; cc @:= ["EE"] 20; cc @:= ["FO"] 18; cc @:= ["FI"] 18;
    cc @:= ["FR"] 27; cc @:= ["GE"] 22; cc @:= ["DE"] 22; cc @:= ["GI"] 23; cc @:= ["GR"] 27; cc @:= ["GL"] 18;
    cc @:= ["GT"] 28; cc @:= ["HU"] 28; cc @:= ["IS"] 26; cc @:= ["IE"] 22; cc @:= ["IL"] 23; cc @:= ["IT"] 27;
    cc @:= ["KZ"] 20; cc @:= ["KW"] 30; cc @:= ["LV"] 21; cc @:= ["LB"] 28; cc @:= ["LI"] 21; cc @:= ["LT"] 20;
    cc @:= ["LU"] 20; cc @:= ["MK"] 19; cc @:= ["MT"] 31; cc @:= ["MR"] 27; cc @:= ["MU"] 30; cc @:= ["MC"] 27;
    cc @:= ["MD"] 24; cc @:= ["ME"] 22; cc @:= ["NL"] 18; cc @:= ["NO"] 15; cc @:= ["PK"] 24; cc @:= ["PS"] 29;
    cc @:= ["PL"] 28; cc @:= ["PT"] 25; cc @:= ["RO"] 24; cc @:= ["SM"] 27; cc @:= ["SA"] 24; cc @:= ["RS"] 22;
    cc @:= ["SK"] 24; cc @:= ["SI"] 19; cc @:= ["ES"] 24; cc @:= ["SE"] 24; cc @:= ["CH"] 21; cc @:= ["TN"] 24;
    cc @:= ["TR"] 26; cc @:= ["AE"] 23; cc @:= ["GB"] 22; cc @:= ["VG"] 24;
  end func;

const countryHash: countryCode is initCountryCode;

const func boolean: isLegal (in var string: iban) is func
    var boolean: legal is FALSE;
    var char: ch is ' ';
    var string: converted is "";
    iban := upper(replace(iban, " ", ""));
    legal := iban[.. 2] in countryCode and countryCode[iban[.. 2]] = length(iban);
    iban := iban[5 ..] & iban[.. 4];
    for ch range iban do
      case ch of
        when {'0' .. '9'}: converted &:= ch;
        when {'A' .. 'Z'}: converted &:= str(ord(ch) - ord('A') + 10);
        otherwise: legal := FALSE;
      end case;
    end for;
    legal := legal and (bigInteger parse converted) rem 97_ = 1_;
  end func;

const proc: check (in string: iban) is func
    writeln("Valid " <& iban <& ": " <& isLegal(iban));
  end func;

const proc: main is func
    check("GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32");
    check("gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32");
    check("GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32");
    check("GB82 WEST 1243 5698 7654 32");
  end func;
Valid GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32: TRUE
Valid GB82WEST12345698765432: TRUE
Valid gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32: TRUE
Valid GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32: FALSE
Valid GB82 WEST 1243 5698 7654 32: FALSE


func valid_iban(iban) {
  static len = Hash(
    AD=>24, AE=>23, AL=>28, AO=>25, AT=>20, AZ=>28, BA=>20, BE=>16, BF=>27,
    BG=>22, BH=>22, BI=>16, BJ=>28, BR=>29, CG=>27, CH=>21, CI=>28, CM=>27,
    CR=>21, CV=>25, CY=>28, CZ=>24, DE=>22, DK=>18, DO=>28, DZ=>24, EE=>20,
    EG=>27, ES=>24, FI=>18, FO=>18, FR=>27, GA=>27, GB=>22, GE=>22, GI=>23,
    GL=>18, GR=>27, GT=>28, HR=>21, HU=>28, IE=>22, IL=>23, IR=>26, IS=>26,
    IT=>27, JO=>30, KW=>30, KZ=>20, LB=>28, LI=>21, LT=>20, LU=>20, LV=>21,
    MC=>27, MD=>24, ME=>22, MG=>27, MK=>19, ML=>28, MR=>27, MT=>31, MU=>30,
    MZ=>25, NL=>18, NO=>15, PK=>24, PL=>28, PS=>29, PT=>25, QA=>29, RO=>24,
    RS=>22, SA=>24, SE=>24, SI=>19, SK=>24, SM=>27, SN=>28, TN=>24,