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Rosetta Code:Copyrights

From Rosetta Code


By submitting content to this site, a user of Rosetta Code guarantees that they have the authority to release such content under the GNU Free Documentation License, version 1.2. Content, once submitted to this site, becomes available under the GFDL (v1.2), as well as any more permissive license the contributor chooses (See below). The submitter, and the submitter alone, accepts liability for consequences arising from the unauthorized release of submitted copyrighted material.


In any case possible and reasonable (i.e., where the text is not definitive), material should be used to create original material for Rosetta Code, and should not be copied verbatim. In any case, material taken from other sources (including material under "copyleft" licenses such as on Wikipedia.), needs to have its source cited.


If material is found on Rosetta Code that does not follow the above guidelines, steps should be taken to correct the material, first through citation, then through adaptation and, if necessary or at the copyright holder's request, removal.


From time to time, material on Rosetta Code is found to be useful in verbatim by programmers and authors. Being licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, the material published on Rosetta Code is not compatible with most software licenses, including OSI-approved licenses such as the GPL.


If you wish to use material on Rosetta Code in a context not directly compatible with the GNU Free Documentation License, you should seek permission from all of the contributors who edited the material you wish to use, as they hold license to their individual contributions. Rosetta Code itself should also be contacted as part of the process. This is not legal advice, it is common sense. You should read the GFDL, and obtain your own legal counsel.


You own copyright to your changes. Someone may wish to take advantage of those changes outside of the context of the GNU FDL license which you supplied it under. They may take reasonable steps to get in touch with you under such circumstances, but if you contribute anonymously, it may be impossible for them to do so. Therefore, it is recommended that you make your contributions while logged in, and keep a valid and current email address in your user profile. (You can take advantage of the "Email this User" link on your user page, if you don't want to show your email address to the public Internet.)

If you wish to license your contributions under terms more permissive than the GNU FDL, make a note of such additional permissions on your user page.

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