Display a substring:
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Basic Data Operation
This is a basic data operation. It represents a fundamental action on a basic data type.
You may see other such operations in the Basic Data Operations category, or:
Integer Operations
Arithmetic |
Boolean Operations
Bitwise |
String Operations
Concatenation |
Interpolation |
Comparison |
Memory Operations
Pointers & references |
- Task
- starting from n characters in and of m length;
- starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
- whole string minus the last character;
- starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
- starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
If the program uses UTF-8 or UTF-16, it must work on any valid Unicode code point,
whether in the Basic Multilingual Plane or above it.
The program must reference logical characters (code points), not 8-bit code units for UTF-8 or 16-bit code units for UTF-16.
Programs for other encodings (such as 8-bit ASCII, or EUC-JP) are not required to handle all Unicode characters.
- Metrics
- Counting
- Word frequency
- Letter frequency
- Jewels and stones
- I before E except after C
- Bioinformatics/base count
- Count occurrences of a substring
- Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string
- Remove/replace
- XXXX redacted
- Conjugate a Latin verb
- Remove vowels from a string
- String interpolation (included)
- Strip block comments
- Strip comments from a string
- Strip a set of characters from a string
- Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail
- Strip control codes and extended characters from a string
- Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling
- Word wheel
- ABC problem
- Sattolo cycle
- Knuth shuffle
- Ordered words
- Superpermutation minimisation
- Textonyms (using a phone text pad)
- Anagrams
- Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
- Permutations/Derangements
- Find/Search/Determine
- ABC words
- Odd words
- Word ladder
- Semordnilap
- Word search
- Wordiff (game)
- String matching
- Tea cup rim text
- Alternade words
- Changeable words
- State name puzzle
- String comparison
- Unique characters
- Unique characters in each string
- Extract file extension
- Levenshtein distance
- Palindrome detection
- Common list elements
- Longest common suffix
- Longest common prefix
- Compare a list of strings
- Longest common substring
- Find common directory path
- Words from neighbour ones
- Change e letters to i in words
- Non-continuous subsequences
- Longest common subsequence
- Longest palindromic substrings
- Longest increasing subsequence
- Words containing "the" substring
- Sum of the digits of n is substring of n
- Determine if a string is numeric
- Determine if a string is collapsible
- Determine if a string is squeezable
- Determine if a string has all unique characters
- Determine if a string has all the same characters
- Longest substrings without repeating characters
- Find words which contains all the vowels
- Find words which contain the most consonants
- Find words which contains more than 3 vowels
- Find words whose first and last three letters are equal
- Find words with alternating vowels and consonants
- Formatting
- Substring
- Rep-string
- Word wrap
- String case
- Align columns
- Literals/String
- Repeat a string
- Brace expansion
- Brace expansion using ranges
- Reverse a string
- Phrase reversals
- Comma quibbling
- Special characters
- String concatenation
- Substring/Top and tail
- Commatizing numbers
- Reverse words in a string
- Suffixation of decimal numbers
- Long literals, with continuations
- Numerical and alphabetical suffixes
- Abbreviations, easy
- Abbreviations, simple
- Abbreviations, automatic
- Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases
- Mad Libs
- Magic 8-ball
- 99 bottles of beer
- The Name Game (a song)
- The Old lady swallowed a fly
- The Twelve Days of Christmas
- Tokenize
- Text between
- Tokenize a string
- Word break problem
- Tokenize a string with escaping
- Split a character string based on change of character
- Sequences
V s = ‘abcdefgh’
V n = 2
V m = 3
V char = ‘d’
V chars = ‘cd’
print(s[n - 1 .+ m]) // starting from n=2 characters in and m=3 in length
print(s[n - 1 ..]) // starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
print(s[0 .< (len)-1]) // whole string minus last character
print(s[s.index(char) .+ m]) // starting from a known character char="d" within the string and of m length
print(s[s.index(chars) .+ m]) // starting from a known substring chars="cd" within the string and of m length
- Output:
bcd bcdefgh abcdefg def cde
AArch64 Assembly
/* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */
/* program subString64.s */
/* Constantes file */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../"
/* Initialized data */
szMessString: .asciz "Result : "
szString1: .asciz "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
szStringStart: .asciz "abcdefg"
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
/* UnInitialized data */
szSubString: .skip 500 // buffer result
/* code section */
.global main
ldr x0,qAdrszString1 // address input string
ldr x1,qAdrszSubString // address output string
mov x2,22 // location
mov x3,4 // length
bl subStringNbChar // starting from n characters in and of m length
ldr x0,qAdrszMessString // display message
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszSubString // display substring result
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn // display line return
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszString1
ldr x1,qAdrszSubString
mov x2,15 // location
bl subStringEnd //starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
ldr x0,qAdrszMessString // display message
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszSubString
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn // display line return
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszString1
ldr x1,qAdrszSubString
bl subStringMinus // whole string minus last character
ldr x0,qAdrszMessString // display message
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszSubString
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn // display line return
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszString1
ldr x1,qAdrszSubString
mov x2,'c' // start character
mov x3,5 // length
bl subStringStChar //starting from a known character within the string and of m length
cmp x0,-1 // error ?
beq 2f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessString // display message
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszSubString
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn // display line return
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszString1
ldr x1,qAdrszSubString
ldr x2,qAdrszStringStart // sub string to start
mov x3,10 // length
bl subStringStString // starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
cmp x0,-1 // error ?
beq 3f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessString // display message
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszSubString
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn // display line return
bl affichageMess
100: // standard end of the program
mov x0,0 // return code
mov x8,EXIT // request to exit program
svc 0 // perform system call
qAdrszMessString: .quad szMessString
qAdrszString1: .quad szString1
qAdrszSubString: .quad szSubString
qAdrszStringStart: .quad szStringStart
qAdrszCarriageReturn: .quad szCarriageReturn
/* sub strings index start number of characters */
/* x0 contains the address of the input string */
/* x1 contains the address of the output string */
/* x2 contains the start index */
/* x3 contains numbers of characters to extract */
/* x0 returns number of characters or -1 if error */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registers
mov x14,#0 // counter byte output string
ldrb w15,[x0,x2] // load byte string input
cbz x15,2f // zero final ?
strb w15,[x1,x14] // store byte output string
add x2,x2,1 // increment counter
add x14,x14,1
cmp x14,x3 // end ?
blt 1b // no -> loop
strb wzr,[x1,x14] // store final zero byte string 2
mov x0,x14
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur 2 registers
ret // return to address lr x30
/* sub strings index start at end of string */
/* x0 contains the address of the input string */
/* x1 contains the address of the output string */
/* x2 contains the start index */
/* x0 returns number of characters or -1 if error */
stp x2,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registers
mov x14,0 // counter byte output string
ldrb w15,[x0,x2] // load byte string 1
cbz x15,2f // zero final ?
strb w15,[x1,x14]
add x2,x2,1
add x14,x14,1
b 1b // loop
strb wzr,[x1,x14] // store final zero byte string 2
mov x0,x14
ldp x2,lr,[sp],16 // restaur 2 registers
ret // return to address lr x30
/* whole string minus last character */
/* x0 contains the address of the input string */
/* x1 contains the address of the output string */
/* x0 returns number of characters or -1 if error */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registers
mov x12,0 // counter byte input string
mov x14,0 // counter byte output string
ldrb w15,[x0,x12] // load byte string
cbz x15,2f // zero final ?
strb w15,[x1,x14]
add x12,x12,1
add x14,x14,1
b 1b // loop
sub x14,x14,1
strb wzr,[x1,x14] // store final zero byte string 2
mov x0,x14
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur 2 registers
ret // return to address lr x30
/* starting from a known character within the string and of m length */
/* x0 contains the address of the input string */
/* x1 contains the address of the output string */
/* x2 contains the character */
/* x3 contains the length
/* x0 returns number of characters or -1 if error */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registers
mov x16,0 // counter byte input string
mov x14,0 // counter byte output string
ldrb w15,[x0,x16] // load byte string
cbz x15,4f // zero final ?
cmp x15,x2 // character find ?
beq 2f // yes
add x16,x16,1 // no -> increment indice
b 1b // loop
strb w15,[x1,x14]
add x16,x16,1
add x14,x14,1
cmp x14,x3
bge 3f
ldrb w15,[x0,x16] // load byte string
cbnz x15,2b // loop if no zero final
strb wzr,[x1,x14] // store final zero byte string 2
mov x0,x14
b 100f
strb w15,[x1,x14]
mov x0,#-1
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur 2 registers
ret // return to address lr x30
/* starting from a known substring within the string and of m length */
/* x0 contains the address of the input string */
/* x1 contains the address of the output string */
/* x2 contains the address of string to start */
/* x3 contains the length
/* x0 returns number of characters or -1 if error */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registers
stp x20,x21,[sp,-16]! // save registers
mov x20,x0 // save address
mov x21,x1 // save address output string
mov x1,x2
bl searchSubString
cmp x0,-1 // not found ?
beq 100f
mov x16,x0 // counter byte input string
mov x14,0
ldrb w15,[x20,x16] // load byte string
strb w15,[x21,x14]
cmp x15,#0 // zero final ?
csel x0,x14,x0,eq
beq 100f
add x14,x14,1
cmp x14,x3
add x15,x16,1
csel x16,x15,x16,lt
blt 1b // loop
strb wzr,[x21,x14]
mov x0,x14 // return indice
ldp x20,x21,[sp],16 // restaur 2 registers
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur 2 registers
ret // return to address lr x30
/* search a substring in the string */
/* x0 contains the address of the input string */
/* x1 contains the address of substring */
/* x0 returns index of substring in string or -1 if not found */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registers
mov x12,0 // counter byte input string
mov x13,0 // counter byte string
mov x16,-1 // index found
ldrb w14,[x1,x13]
ldrb w15,[x0,x12] // load byte string
cbz x15,4f // zero final ?
cmp x15,x14 // compare character
beq 2f
mov x16,-1 // no equals - > raz index
mov x13,0 // and raz counter byte
add x12,x12,1 // and increment counter byte
b 1b // and loop
2: // characters equals
cmp x16,-1 // first characters equals ?
csel x16,x12,x16,eq
// moveq x6,x2 // yes -> index begin in x6
add x13,x13,1 // increment counter substring
ldrb w14,[x1,x13] // and load next byte
cbz x14,3f // zero final ? yes -> end search
add x12,x12,1 // else increment counter string
b 1b // and loop
mov x0,x16 // return indice
b 100f
mov x0,#-1 // yes returns error
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur 2 registers
ret // return to address lr x30
/* File Include fonctions */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly */
.include "../"
- Output:
Result : wxyz Result : pqrstuvwxyz Result : abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy Result : cdefg Result : abcdefghij
WHILE i<=text(0)
IF text(i)=c THEN
BYTE i,j,found
WHILE i<=text(0)-sub(0)+1
FOR j=1 TO sub(0)
IF text(i+j-1)#sub(j) THEN
found=0 EXIT
IF found THEN
PROC Main()
CHAR ARRAY text="qwertyuiop"
CHAR ARRAY sub="tyu"
CHAR ARRAY res(20)
BYTE n,m
PrintF("Original string:%E ""%S""%E%E",text)
n=3 m=5
PrintF("Substring start from %B and length %B:%E ""%S""%E%E",n,m,res)
PrintF("Substring start from %B up to the end:%E ""%S""%E%E",n,res)
PrintF("Whole string without the last char:%E ""%S""%E%E",res)
c='w m=4
PrintF("Character '%C' not found in string%E%E",c)
PrintF("Substring start from '%C' and len %B:%E ""%S""%E%E",c,m,res)
PrintF("String ""%S"" not found in string%E%E",sub)
PrintF("Substring start from '%S' and len %B: ""%S""%E%E",sub,m,res)
- Output:
Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer
Original string: "qwertyuiop" Substring start from 3 and length 5: "ertyu" Substring start from 4 up to the end: "rtyuiop" Whole string without the last char: "qwertyuio" Substring start from 'w' and len 4: "wert" Substring start from 'tyu' and len 6: "tyuiop"
String in Ada is an array of Character elements indexed by Positive:
type String is array (Positive range <>) of Character;
Substring is a first-class object in Ada, an anonymous subtype of String. The language uses the term slice for it. Slices can be retrieved, assigned and passed as a parameter to subprograms in mutable or immutable mode. A slice is specified as:
A (<first-index>..<last-index>)
A string array in Ada can start with any positive index. This is why the implementation below uses Str'First in all slices, which in this concrete case is 1, but intentionally left in the code because the task refers to N as an offset to the string beginning rather than an index in the string. In Ada it is unusual to deal with slices in such way. One uses plain string index instead.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
procedure Test_Slices is
Str : constant String := "abcdefgh";
N : constant := 2;
M : constant := 3;
Put_Line (Str (Str'First + N - 1..Str'First + N + M - 2));
Put_Line (Str (Str'First + N - 1..Str'Last));
Put_Line (Str (Str'First..Str'Last - 1));
Put_Line (Head (Tail (Str, Str'Last - Index (Str, "d", 1)), M));
Put_Line (Head (Tail (Str, Str'Last - Index (Str, "de", 1) - 1), M));
end Test_Slices;
- Output:
bcd bcdefgh abcdefg efg fgh
Aikido uses square brackets for slices. The syntax is [start:end]
If you want to use length you have to add to the start.
Shifting strings left or right removes characters from the ends.
const str = "abcdefg"
var n = 2
var m = 3
println (str[n:n+m-1]) // pos 2 length 3
println (str[n:]) // pos 2 to end
println (str >> 1) // remove last character
var p = find (str, 'c')
println (str[p:p+m-1]) // from pos of p length 3
var s = find (str, "bc")
println (str[s, s+m-1]) // pos of bc length 3
text s;
data b, d;
s = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
o_text(cut(s, 4, 15));
o_text(cut(s, 4, length(s)));
o_text(delete(s, -1));
o_text(cut(s, index(s, 'q'), 5));
b_cast(b, s);
b_cast(d, "brown");
o_text(cut(s, b_find(b, d), 15));
- Output:
quick brown fox quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog quick brown fox jumps
main: (
STRING s = "abcdefgh";
INT n = 2, m = 3;
CHAR char = "d";
STRING chars = "cd";
printf(($gl$, s[n:n+m-1]));
printf(($gl$, s[n:]));
printf(($gl$, s[:UPB s-1]));
INT pos;
char in string("d", pos, s);
printf(($gl$, s[pos:pos+m-1]));
string in string("de", pos, s);
printf(($gl$, s[pos:pos+m-1]))
- Output:
bcd bcdefgh abcdefg def def
In Apex, the substring method returns a new String that begins with the character at the specified zero-based startIndex and extends to the end of the String.
String x = 'testing123';
//Test1: testing123
System.debug('Test1: ' + x.substring(0,x.length()));
//Test2: esting123
System.debug('Test2: ' + x.substring(1,x.length()));
//Test3: testing123
System.debug('Test3: ' + x.substring(0));
//Test4: 3
System.debug('Test4: ' + x.substring(x.length()-1));
System.debug('Test5: ' + x.substring(1,1));
//Test 6: testing123
System.debug('Test6: ' + x.substring(x.indexOf('testing')));
//Test7: e
System.debug('Test7: ' + x.substring(1,2));
Expressed in terms of some familiar functional primitives, so that we can focus more on the task, without too much distraction by the parochial quirks of a particular scripting language.
(Functional primitives version)
-- SUBSTRINGS -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- take :: Int -> Text -> Text
on take(n, s)
text 1 thru n of s
end take
-- drop :: Int -> Text -> Text
on drop(n, s)
text (n + 1) thru -1 of s
end drop
-- breakOn :: Text -> Text -> (Text, Text)
on breakOn(strPattern, s)
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, strPattern}
set lstParts to text items of s
set my text item delimiters to dlm
{item 1 of lstParts, strPattern & (item 2 of lstParts)}
end breakOn
-- init :: Text -> Text
on init(s)
if length of s > 0 then
text 1 thru -2 of s
missing value
end if
end init
-- TEST -----------------------------------------------------------------------
on run
set str to "一二三四五六七八九十"
set legends to {¬
"from n in, of n length", ¬
"from n in, up to end", ¬
"all but last", ¬
"from matching char, of m length", ¬
"from matching string, of m length"}
set parts to {¬
take(3, drop(4, str)), ¬
drop(3, str), ¬
init(str), ¬
take(3, item 2 of breakOn("五", str)), ¬
take(4, item 2 of breakOn("六七", str))}
script tabulate
property strPad : " "
on |λ|(l, r)
l & drop(length of l, strPad) & r
end |λ|
end script
linefeed & intercalate(linefeed, ¬
zipWith(tabulate, ¬
legends, parts)) & linefeed
end run
-- GENERIC FUNCTIONS FOR TEST -------------------------------------------------
-- intercalate :: Text -> [Text] -> Text
on intercalate(strText, lstText)
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, strText}
set strJoined to lstText as text
set my text item delimiters to dlm
return strJoined
end intercalate
-- min :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
on min(x, y)
if y < x then
end if
end min
-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper
-- mReturn :: Handler -> Script
on mReturn(f)
if class of f is script then
property |λ| : f
end script
end if
end mReturn
-- zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
on zipWith(f, xs, ys)
set lng to min(length of xs, length of ys)
set lst to {}
tell mReturn(f)
repeat with i from 1 to lng
set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, item i of ys)
end repeat
return lst
end tell
end zipWith
- Output:
from n in, of n length 五六七 from n in, up to end 四五六七八九十 all but last 一二三四五六七八九 from matching char, of m length 五六七 from matching string, of m length 六七八九
ARM Assembly
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI */
/* program substring.s */
/* Constantes */
.equ STDOUT, 1 @ Linux output console
.equ EXIT, 1 @ Linux syscall
.equ WRITE, 4 @ Linux syscall
.equ BUFFERSIZE, 100
/* Initialized data */
szMessString: .asciz "Result : "
szString1: .asciz "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
szStringStart: .asciz "abcdefg"
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
/* UnInitialized data */
szSubString: .skip 500 @ buffer result
/* code section */
.global main
ldr r0,iAdrszString1 @ address input string
ldr r1,iAdrszSubString @ address output string
mov r2,#22 @ location
mov r3,#4 @ length
bl subStringNbChar @ starting from n characters in and of m length
ldr r0,iAdrszMessString @ display message
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszSubString @ display substring result
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn @ display line return
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszString1
ldr r1,iAdrszSubString
mov r2,#15 @ location
bl subStringEnd @starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
ldr r0,iAdrszMessString @ display message
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszSubString
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn @ display line return
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszString1
ldr r1,iAdrszSubString
bl subStringMinus @ whole string minus last character
ldr r0,iAdrszMessString @ display message
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszSubString
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn @ display line return
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszString1
ldr r1,iAdrszSubString
mov r2,#'c' @ start character
mov r3,#5 @ length
bl subStringStChar @starting from a known character within the string and of m length
cmp r0,#-1 @ error ?
beq 2f
ldr r0,iAdrszMessString @ display message
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszSubString
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn @ display line return
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszString1
ldr r1,iAdrszSubString
ldr r2,iAdrszStringStart @ sub string to start
mov r3,#10 @ length
bl subStringStString @ starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
cmp r0,#-1 @ error ?
beq 3f
ldr r0,iAdrszMessString @ display message
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszSubString
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn @ display line return
bl affichageMess
100: @ standard end of the program
mov r0, #0 @ return code
mov r7, #EXIT @ request to exit program
svc 0 @ perform system call
iAdrszMessString: .int szMessString
iAdrszString1: .int szString1
iAdrszSubString: .int szSubString
iAdrszStringStart: .int szStringStart
iAdrszCarriageReturn: .int szCarriageReturn
/* sub strings index start number of characters */
/* r0 contains the address of the input string */
/* r1 contains the address of the output string */
/* r2 contains the start index */
/* r3 contains numbers of characters to extract */
/* r0 returns number of characters or -1 if error */
push {r1-r5,lr} @ save registers
mov r4,#0 @ counter byte output string
ldrb r5,[r0,r2] @ load byte string input
cmp r5,#0 @ zero final ?
beq 2f
strb r5,[r1,r4] @ store byte output string
add r2,#1 @ increment counter
add r4,#1
cmp r4,r3 @ end ?
blt 1b @ no -> loop
mov r5,#0
strb r5,[r1,r4] @ load byte string 2
mov r0,r4
pop {r1-r5,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr @ return
/* sub strings index start at end of string */
/* r0 contains the address of the input string */
/* r1 contains the address of the output string */
/* r2 contains the start index */
/* r0 returns number of characters or -1 if error */
push {r1-r5,lr} @ save registers
mov r4,#0 @ counter byte output string
ldrb r5,[r0,r2] @ load byte string 1
cmp r5,#0 @ zero final ?
beq 2f
strb r5,[r1,r4]
add r2,#1
add r4,#1
b 1b @ loop
mov r5,#0
strb r5,[r1,r4] @ load byte string 2
mov r0,r4
pop {r1-r5,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr
/* whole string minus last character */
/* r0 contains the address of the input string */
/* r1 contains the address of the output string */
/* r0 returns number of characters or -1 if error */
push {r1-r5,lr} @ save registers
mov r2,#0 @ counter byte input string
mov r4,#0 @ counter byte output string
ldrb r5,[r0,r2] @ load byte string
cmp r5,#0 @ zero final ?
beq 2f
strb r5,[r1,r4]
add r2,#1
add r4,#1
b 1b @ loop
sub r4,#1
mov r5,#0
strb r5,[r1,r4] @ load byte string 2
mov r0,r4
pop {r1-r5,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr
/* starting from a known character within the string and of m length */
/* r0 contains the address of the input string */
/* r1 contains the address of the output string */
/* r2 contains the character */
/* r3 contains the length
/* r0 returns number of characters or -1 if error */
push {r1-r5,lr} @ save registers
mov r6,#0 @ counter byte input string
mov r4,#0 @ counter byte output string
ldrb r5,[r0,r6] @ load byte string
cmp r5,#0 @ zero final ?
streqb r5,[r1,r4]
moveq r0,#-1
beq 100f
cmp r5,r2
beq 2f
add r6,#1
b 1b @ loop
strb r5,[r1,r4]
add r6,#1
add r4,#1
cmp r4,r3
bge 3f
ldrb r5,[r0,r6] @ load byte string
cmp r5,#0
bne 2b
mov r5,#0
strb r5,[r1,r4] @ load byte string 2
mov r0,r4
pop {r1-r5,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr
/* starting from a known substring within the string and of m length */
/* r0 contains the address of the input string */
/* r1 contains the address of the output string */
/* r2 contains the address of string to start */
/* r3 contains the length
/* r0 returns number of characters or -1 if error */
push {r1-r8,lr} @ save registers
mov r7,r0 @ save address
mov r8,r1 @ counter byte string
mov r1,r2
bl searchSubString
cmp r0,#-1
beq 100f
mov r6,r0 @ counter byte input string
mov r4,#0
ldrb r5,[r7,r6] @ load byte string
strb r5,[r8,r4]
cmp r5,#0 @ zero final ?
moveq r0,r4
beq 100f
add r4,#1
cmp r4,r3
addlt r6,#1
blt 1b @ loop
mov r5,#0
strb r5,[r8,r4]
mov r0,r4
pop {r1-r8,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr
/* search a substring in the string */
/* r0 contains the address of the input string */
/* r1 contains the address of substring */
/* r0 returns index of substring in string or -1 if not found */
push {r1-r6,lr} @ save registers
mov r2,#0 @ counter byte input string
mov r3,#0 @ counter byte string
mov r6,#-1 @ index found
ldrb r4,[r1,r3]
ldrb r5,[r0,r2] @ load byte string
cmp r5,#0 @ zero final ?
moveq r0,#-1 @ yes returns error
beq 100f
cmp r5,r4 @ compare character
beq 2f
mov r6,#-1 @ no equals - > raz index
mov r3,#0 @ and raz counter byte
add r2,#1 @ and increment counter byte
b 1b @ and loop
2: @ characters equals
cmp r6,#-1 @ first characters equals ?
moveq r6,r2 @ yes -> index begin in r6
add r3,#1 @ increment counter substring
ldrb r4,[r1,r3] @ and load next byte
cmp r4,#0 @ zero final ?
beq 3f @ yes -> end search
add r2,#1 @ else increment counter string
b 1b @ and loop
mov r0,r6
pop {r1-r6,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr
/* display text with size calculation */
/* r0 contains the address of the message */
push {r0,r1,r2,r7,lr} @ save registers
mov r2,#0 @ counter length */
1: @ loop length calculation
ldrb r1,[r0,r2] @ read octet start position + index
cmp r1,#0 @ if 0 its over
addne r2,r2,#1 @ else add 1 in the length
bne 1b @ and loop
@ so here r2 contains the length of the message
mov r1,r0 @ address message in r1
mov r0,#STDOUT @ code to write to the standard output Linux
mov r7, #WRITE @ code call system "write"
svc #0 @ call system
pop {r0,r1,r2,r7,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr @ return
str: "abcdefgh"
n: 2
m: 3
; starting from n=2 characters in and m=3 in length
print slice str n-1 n+m-2
; starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
print slice str n-1 (size str)-1
; whole string minus last character
print slice str 0 (size str)-2
; starting from a known character char="d"
; within the string and of m length
print slice str index str "d" m+(index str "d")-1
; starting from a known substring chars="cd"
; within the string and of m length
print slice str index str "cd" m+(index str "cd")-1
- Output:
bcd bcdefgh abcdefg def cde
The code contains some alternatives.
String := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
; also: String = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
n := 12
m := 5
; starting from n characters in and of m length;
subString := SubStr(String, n, m)
; alternative: StringMid, subString, String, n, m
MsgBox % subString
; starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
subString := SubStr(String, n)
; alternative: StringMid, subString, String, n
MsgBox % subString
; whole string minus last character;
StringTrimRight, subString, String, 1
; alternatives: subString := SubStr(String, 1, StrLen(String) - 1)
; StringMid, subString, String, 1, StrLen(String) - 1
MsgBox % subString
; starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
findChar := "q"
subString := SubStr(String, InStr(String, findChar), m)
; alternatives: RegExMatch(String, findChar . ".{" . m - 1 . "}", subString)
; StringMid, subString, String, InStr(String, findChar), m
MsgBox % subString
; starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
findString := "pq"
subString := SubStr(String, InStr(String, findString), m)
; alternatives: RegExMatch(String, findString . ".{" . m - StrLen(findString) . "}", subString)
; StringMid, subString, String, InStr(String, findString), m
MsgBox % subString
- Output:
lmnop lmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy qrstu pqrst
str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
n = 12
m = 5
print substr(str, n, m)
print substr(str, n)
print substr(str, 1, length(str) - 1)
print substr(str, index(str, "q"), m)
print substr(str, index(str, "pq"), m)
- Output:
$ awk -f substring.awk lmnop lmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy qrstu pqrst
Lbl SUB1
Lbl SUB2
Lbl SUB3
Lbl SUB4
Applesoft BASIC
REM starting from n characters in and of m length;
REM starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
REM whole string minus the last character;
REM starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
REM starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
REM Substring
Base$ = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
N = 12
M = 5
REM Starting from N characters in and of M length.
Sub$ = MID$(Base$, N, M)
REM Starting from N characters in, up to the end of the string.
L = LEN(Base$)
L = L - N
L = L + 1
Sub$ = MID$(Base$, N, L)
REM Whole string minus last character.
L = LEN(Base$)
L = L - 1
Sub$ = LEFT$(Base$, L)
REM Starting from a known character within the string and of M length.
B = INSTR(Base$, "b")
Sub$ = MID$(Base$, B, M)
REM Starting from a known substring within the string and of M length.
Find$ = "pq"
B = INSTR(Base$, Find$)
Sub$ = MID$(Base$, B, M)
- Output:
lmnop lmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy bcdef pqrst
c$ = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
n = 12
m = 5
# starting from n characters in and of m length;
print mid(c$, n, m)
# starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
print mid(c$, n, length(c$))
# whole string minus last character;
print left(c$, length(c$) - 1)
# starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
print mid(c$, instr(c$, "b"), m)
# starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
f$ = "pq"
print mid(c$, instr(c$, f$), m)
- Output:
lmnop lmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy bcdef pqrst
basestring$ = "The five boxing wizards jump quickly"
n% = 10
m% = 5
REM starting from n characters in and of m length:
substring$ = MID$(basestring$, n%, m%)
PRINT substring$
REM starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string:
substring$ = MID$(basestring$, n%)
PRINT substring$
REM whole string minus last character:
substring$ = LEFT$(basestring$)
PRINT substring$
REM starting from a known character within the string and of m length:
char$ = "w"
substring$ = MID$(basestring$, INSTR(basestring$, char$), m%)
PRINT substring$
REM starting from a known substring within the string and of m length:
find$ = "iz"
substring$ = MID$(basestring$, INSTR(basestring$, find$), m%)
PRINT substring$
- Output:
boxin boxing wizards jump quickly The five boxing wizards jump quickl wizar izard
Commodore BASIC
30 X$ = "J" : S$ = "FOX"
40 N = 5: M = 11
120 PRINT RIGHT$(A$,LEN(A$)+1-N)
150 PRINT LEFT$(A$,LEN(A$)-1)
180 I = 1
190 IF MID$(A$,I,1)=X$ THEN 220
200 I = I+1
210 GOTO 190
220 PRINT RIGHT$(A$,LEN(A$)+1-I)
250 I = 1
260 IF MID$(A$,I,LEN(S$))=S$ THEN 290
270 I = I+1
280 GOTO 260
290 PRINT RIGHT$(A$,LEN(A$)+1-I)
300 END
- Output:
' FB 1.05.0 Win64
Dim s As String = "123456789"
Dim As Integer n = 3, m = 4
Print Mid(s, n, m)
Print Mid(s, n)
Print Left(s, Len(s) - 1)
'start from "5" say
Print Mid(s, Instr(s, "5"), m)
' start from "12" say
Print Mid(s, Instr(s, "12"), m)
- Output:
3456 3456789 12345678 5678 1234
include "NSLog.incl"
void local fn DoIt
CFStringRef string = @"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
NSLog(@"%@",fn StringSubstringFromIndex( string, 10 ))
CFRange range = fn StringRangeOfString( string, @"r" )
range = fn StringRangeOfString( string, @"pqr" )
end fn
fn DoIt
- Output:
defghi klmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy rstuvw pqrstuv
Click this link to run this code
Public Sub Main()
Print Mid(sString, 11, 5) 'Starting from n characters in and of m length
Print Mid(sString, 17) 'Starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
Print Left(sString, -1) 'Whole string minus last character
Print Mid(sString, InStr(sString, "B"), 9) 'Starting from a known character within the string and of m length
Print Mid(sString, InStr(sString, "OVER"), 8) 'Starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
100 LET A$="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
110 LET N=10:LET M=7
120 PRINT A$(N:N+M-1)
130 PRINT A$(N:)
140 PRINT A$(:LEN(A$)-1)
150 LET I=POS(A$,"g")
160 PRINT A$(I:I+M-1)
170 LET I=POS(A$,"ijk")
180 PRINT A$(I:I+M-1)
Liberty BASIC
'These tasks can be completed with various combinations of Liberty Basic's
'built in Mid$()/ Instr()/ Left$()/ Right$()/ and Len() functions, but these
'examples only use the Mid$()/ Instr()/ and Len() functions.
baseString$ = "Thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog."
n = 12
m = 5
'starting from n characters in and of m length
Print Mid$(baseString$, n, m)
'starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
Print Mid$(baseString$, n)
'whole string minus last character
Print Mid$(baseString$, 1, (Len(baseString$) - 1))
'starting from a known character within the string and of m length
Print Mid$(baseString$, Instr(baseString$, "f", 1), m)
'starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
Print Mid$(baseString$, Instr(baseString$, "jump", 1), m)
Nascom BASIC
10 REM Substring
20 BAS$="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
30 N=12:M=5
40 REM Starting from N characters in
50 REM and of M length
60 SB$=MID$(BAS$,N,M)
80 REM Starting from N characters in,
90 REM up to the end of the string
100 SB$=MID$(BAS$,N,LEN(BAS$)-N+1)
120 REM Whole string minus last character
130 SB$=LEFT$(BAS$,LEN(BAS$)-1)
150 REM Starting from a known character
160 REM within the string and of M length
170 A$=BAS$:B$="b":GOSUB 270
180 SB$=MID$(BAS$,C,M)
200 REM Starting from a known substring
210 REM within the string and of M length
220 A$=BAS$:B$="pq":GOSUB 270
230 SB$=MID$(BAS$,C,M)
250 END
260 REM ** INSTR subroutine
270 LB=LEN(B$):C=0
280 FOR I=1 TO LEN(A$)-LB+1
300 NEXT I
- Output:
lmnop lmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy bcdef pqrst
If OpenConsole()
Define baseString.s, m, n
baseString = "Thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog."
n = 12
m = 5
;Display the substring starting from n characters in and of m length.
PrintN(Mid(baseString, n, m))
;Display the substring starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string.
PrintN(Mid(baseString, n)) ;or PrintN(Right(baseString, Len(baseString) - n))
;Display the substring whole string minus last character
PrintN(Left(baseString, Len(baseString) - 1))
;Display the substring starting from a known character within the string and of m length.
PrintN(Mid(baseString, FindString(baseString, "b", 1), m))
;Display the substring starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
PrintN(Mid(baseString, FindString(baseString, "ju", 1), m))
Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit")
- Output:
wnfox wnfoxjumpsoverthelazydog. Thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog brown jumps
DefStr S
DefInt I
string1 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
substring = "klm"
Dim Achar As String * 1
Istart = 6
Ilength = 10
Achar = "c"
' starting from n characters in and of m length;
Print Mid$(string1, Istart, Ilength)
' starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
Print Mid$(string1, Istart)
Print Right$(string1, Len(string1) - Istart + 1)
' whole string minus the last character;
Print Left$(string1, Len(string1) - 1)
Print Mid$(string1, 1, Len(string1) - 1)
' starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
Print Mid$(string1, InStr(string1, Achar), Ilength)
' starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
Print Mid$(string1, InStr(string1, substring), Ilength)
DIM baseString AS STRING, subString AS STRING, findString AS STRING
baseString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
n = 12
m = 5
' starting from n characters in and of m length;
subString = MID$(baseString, n, m)
PRINT subString
' starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
subString = MID$(baseString, n)
PRINT subString
' whole string minus last character;
subString = LEFT$(baseString, LEN(baseString) - 1)
PRINT subString
' starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
subString = MID$(baseString, INSTR(baseString, "b"), m)
PRINT subString
' starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
findString = "pq"
subString = MID$(baseString, INSTR(baseString, findString), m)
PRINT subString
- Output:
lmnop lmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy bcdef pqrst
n = 2
m = 3
s$ = "abcd"
a$ = mid$(a$,n,m) ' starting from n characters in and of m length
a$ = mid$(a$,n) ' starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
a$ = Print mid$(a$,1,(len(a$)-1)) ' whole string minus last character
a$ = mid$(a$,instr(a$,s$,1),m) ' starting from a known character within the string and of m length
a$ = mid$(a$,instr(a$,s$,1), m) ' starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
LET basestring$ = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
LET n = 12
LET m = 5
! starting from n characters in and of m length;
PRINT (basestring$)[n:n + m - 1]
! starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
PRINT (basestring$)[n:MAXNUM]
! whole string minus last character;
PRINT (basestring$)[1:LEN(basestring$) - 1]
! starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
PRINT (basestring$)[POS(basestring$,"b"):POS(basestring$,"b") + m - 1]
! starting from a known subString$ within the string and of m length.
LET findstring$ = "pq"
PRINT (basestring$)[POS(basestring$,findstring$):POS(basestring$,findstring$) + m - 1]
Public Sub substring()
'(1) starting from n characters in and of m length;
'(2) starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
'(3) whole string minus last character;
'(4) starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
'(5) starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
sentence = "the last thing the man said was the"
n = 10: m = 5
Debug.Print Mid(sentence, n, 5)
Debug.Print Right(sentence, Len(sentence) - n + 1)
Debug.Print Left(sentence, Len(sentence) - 1)
k = InStr(1, sentence, "m")
Debug.Print Mid(sentence, k, 5)
k = InStr(1, sentence, "aid")
Debug.Print Mid(sentence, k, 5)
End Sub
- Output:
thing thing the man said was the the last thing the man said was th man s aid w
s = ""
'starting from n characters in and of m length
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Mid(s,8,4)
'starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Mid(s,8,Len(s)-7)
'whole string minus last character
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Mid(s,1,Len(s)-1)
'starting from a known character within the string and of m length
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Mid(s,InStr(1,s,"c"),4)
'starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Mid(s,InStr(1,s,"ose"),6)
- Output:
code rosettacode.or code osetta
c$ = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
n = 12
m = 5
// starting from n characters in and of m length;
print mid$(c$, n, m)
// starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
print mid$(c$, n)
// whole string minus last character;
print left$(c$, len(c$) - 1)
// starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
print mid$(c$, instr(c$, "b"), m)
// starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
f$ = "pq"
print mid$(c$, instr(c$, f$), m)
- Output:
lmnop lmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy bcdef pqrst
ZX Spectrum Basic
ZX Spectrum Basic has unfortunately no direct way to find a substring within a string, however a similar effect can be done searching with a for loop:
10 LET A$="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
15 LET n=10: LET m=7
20 PRINT A$(n TO n+m-1)
30 PRINT A$(n TO )
40 PRINT A$( TO LEN (A$)-1)
50 FOR i=1 TO LEN (A$)
60 IF A$(i)="g" THEN PRINT A$(i TO i+m-1): LET i=LEN (A$): GO TO 70
70 NEXT i
80 LET B$="ijk"
90 FOR i=1 TO LEN (A$)-LEN (B$)+1
100 IF A$(i TO i+LEN (B$)-1)=B$ THEN PRINT A$(i TO i+m-1): LET i=LEN (A$)-LEN (B$)+1: GO TO 110
110 NEXT i
120 STOP
Without superfluous code:
10 LET A$="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz": LET la=LEN A$
20 LET n=10: LET m=7
30 PRINT A$(n TO n+m-1)
40 PRINT A$(n TO )
50 PRINT A$( TO la-1)
60 FOR i=1 TO la
70 IF A$(i)="g" THEN PRINT A$(i TO i+m-1): LET i=la
80 NEXT i
90 LET B$="ijk": LET lb=LEN b$
100 FOR i=1 TO la-lb+1
110 IF A$(i TO i+lb-1)=B$ THEN PRINT A$(i TO i+m-1): LET i=la-lb+1
120 NEXT i
- Output:
jklmnop jklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy ghijklm ijklmno
Similar to: J
(take) and ↓
(drop) are the main tools to use here. In CBQN these produce a slice type and thus take constant time regardless of the size of the argument or result.
( (basestring = "The five boxing wizards jump quickly")
& (n = 10)
& (m = 5)
{ starting from n characters in and of m length: }
& @(!basestring:? [(!n+-1) ?substring [(!n+!m+-1) ?)
& out$!substring
{ starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string: }
& @(!basestring:? [(!n+-1) ?substring)
& out$!substring
{ whole string minus last character: }
& @(!basestring:?substring [-2 ?)
& out$!substring
{ starting from a known character within the string and of m length: }
& (char = "w")
& @(!basestring:? ([?p !char ?: ?substring [(!p+!m) ?))
& out$!substring
{ starting from a known substring within the string and of m length: }
& (find = "iz")
& @(!basestring:? ([?p !find ?: ?substring [(!p+!m) ?))
& out$!substring
- Output:
boxin boxing wizards jump quickly The five boxing wizards jump quickl wizar izard
blsq ) "RosettaCode"5.+
blsq ) "RosettaCode"5.+2.-
blsq ) "RosettaCode""set"ss
blsq ) "RosettaCode"J"set"ss.-
blsq ) "RosettaCode"~]
blsq ) "RosettaCode"[-
Selecting/Deleting individual characters
blsq ) "RosettaCode"{0 1 3 5}si
blsq ) "RosettaCode"{0 1 3 5}di
C: ASCII version
* RosettaCode: Substring, C89
* In this task display a substring: starting from n characters in and of m
* length; starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string; whole
* string minus last character; starting from a known character within the
* string and of m length; starting from a known substring within the string
* and of m length.
* This example program DOES NOT make substrings. The program simply displays
* certain parts of the input string.
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /* MSVS compilers need this */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
* Put no more than m characters from string to standard output.
* It is worth noting that printf("%*s",width,string) does not limit the number
* of characters to be printed.
* @param string null terminated string
* @param m number of characters to display
void putm(char* string, size_t m)
while(*string && m--)
int main(void)
char string[] =
"Programs for other encodings (such as 8-bit ASCII, or EUC-JP)."
int n = 3;
int m = 4;
char knownCharacter = '(';
char knownSubstring[] = "encodings";
putm(string+n-1, m ); putchar('\n');
puts(string+n+1); putchar('\n');
putm(string, strlen(string)-1); putchar('\n');
putm(strchr(string, knownCharacter), m ); putchar('\n');
putm(strstr(string, knownSubstring), m ); putchar('\n');
C: Unicode version
* RosettaCode: Substring, C89, Unicode
* In this task display a substring: starting from n characters in and of m
* length; starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string; whole
* string minus last character; starting from a known character within the
* string and of m length; starting from a known substring within the string
* and of m length.
* This example program DOES NOT make substrings. The program simply displays
* certain parts of the input string.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
* Put all characters from string to standard output AND write newline.
* BTW, _putws may not be avaliable.
void put(wchar_t* string)
* Put no more than m characters from string to standard output AND newline.
void putm(wchar_t* string, size_t m)
while(*string && m--)
int main(void)
wchar_t string[] =
L"Programs for other encodings (such as 8-bit ASCII).";
int n = 3;
int m = 4;
wchar_t knownCharacter = L'(';
wchar_t knownSubstring[] = L"encodings";
put (string+n+1);
putm(string, wcslen(string)-1);
putm(wcschr(string, knownCharacter), m );
putm(wcsstr(string, knownSubstring), m );
C: another version
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char *substring(const char *s, size_t n, ptrdiff_t m)
char *result;
/* check for null s */
if (NULL == s)
return NULL;
/* negative m to mean 'up to the mth char from right' */
if (m < 0)
m = strlen(s) + m - n + 1;
/* n < 0 or m < 0 is invalid */
if (n < 0 || m < 0)
return NULL;
/* make sure string does not end before n
* and advance the "s" pointer to beginning of substring */
for ( ; n > 0; s++, n--)
if (*s == '\0')
/* string ends before n: invalid */
return NULL;
result = malloc(m+1);
if (NULL == result)
/* memory allocation failed */
return NULL;
strncat(result, s, m); /* strncat() will automatically add null terminator
* if string ends early or after reading m characters */
return result;
char *str_wholeless1(const char *s)
return substring(s, 0, strlen(s) - 1);
char *str_fromch(const char *s, int ch, ptrdiff_t m)
return substring(s, strchr(s, ch) - s, m);
char *str_fromstr(const char *s, char *in, ptrdiff_t m)
return substring(s, strstr(s, in) - s , m);
#define TEST(A) do { \
char *r = (A); \
if (NULL == r) \
puts("--error--"); \
else { \
puts(r); \
free(r); \
} \
} while(0)
int main()
const char *s = "hello world shortest program";
TEST( substring(s, 12, 5) ); // get "short"
TEST( substring(s, 6, -1) ); // get "world shortest program"
TEST( str_wholeless1(s) ); // "... progra"
TEST( str_fromch(s, 'w', 5) ); // "world"
TEST( str_fromstr(s, "ro", 3) ); // "rog"
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
std::string s = "0123456789";
int const n = 3;
int const m = 4;
char const c = '2';
std::string const sub = "456";
std::cout << s.substr(n, m)<< "\n";
std::cout << s.substr(n) << "\n";
std::cout << s.substr(0, s.size()-1) << "\n";
std::cout << s.substr(s.find(c), m) << "\n";
std::cout << s.substr(s.find(sub), m) << "\n";
using System;
namespace SubString
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = "0123456789";
const int n = 3;
const int m = 2;
const char c = '3';
const string z = "345";
// A: starting from n characters in and of m length;
Console.WriteLine(s.Substring(n, m));
// B: starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
Console.WriteLine(s.Substring(n, s.Length - n));
// C: whole string minus the last character;
Console.WriteLine(s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1));
// D: starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
Console.WriteLine(s.Substring(s.IndexOf(c), m));
// E: starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
Console.WriteLine(s.Substring(s.IndexOf(z), m));
As of C# 8, we can use the Range syntax. Cases B and C can be written more succinctly.
// B: starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
// C: whole string minus the last character;
(def string "alphabet")
(def n 2)
(def m 4)
(def len (count string))
;starting from n characters in and of m length;
(subs string n (+ n m))) ;phab
;starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
(subs string n)) ;phabet
;whole string minus last character;
(subs string 0 (dec len))) ;alphabe
;starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
(let [pos (.indexOf string (int \l))]
(subs string pos (+ pos m)))) ;lpha
;starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
(let [pos (.indexOf string "ph")]
(subs string pos (+ pos m)))) ;phab
identification division.
program-id. substring.
environment division.
configuration section.
function all intrinsic.
data division.
working-storage section.
01 original.
05 value "this is a string".
01 starting pic 99 value 3.
01 width pic 99 value 8.
01 pos pic 99.
01 ender pic 99.
01 looking pic 99.
01 indicator pic x.
88 found value high-value when set to false is low-value.
01 look-for pic x(8).
procedure division.
display "Original |" original "|, n = " starting " m = " width
display original(starting : width)
display original(starting :)
display original(1 : length(original) - 1)
move "a" to look-for
move 1 to looking
perform find-position
if found
display original(pos : width)
move "is a st" to look-for
move length(trim(look-for)) to looking
perform find-position
if found
display original(pos : width)
set found to false
compute ender = length(original) - looking
perform varying pos from 1 by 1 until pos > ender
if original(pos : looking) equal look-for then
set found to true
exit perform
end program substring.
- Output:
prompt$ cobc -xj substring.cob Original |this is a string|, n = 03 m = 08 is is a is is a string this is a strin a string is a str
Classic tag based CFML
<cfset str = "abcdefg">
<cfset n = 2>
<cfset m = 3>
<!--- Note: In CF index starts at 1 rather than 0
starting from n characters in and of m length --->
#mid( str, n, m )#
<!--- starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string --->
<cfset countFromRight = Len( str ) - n + 1>
#right( str, countFromRight )#
<!--- whole string minus last character --->
<cfset allButLast = Len( str ) - 1>
#left( str, allButLast )#
<!--- starting from a known character within the string and of m length --->
<cfset startingIndex = find( "b", str )>
#mid( str, startingIndex, m )#
<!--- starting from a known substring within the string and of m length --->
<cfset startingIndexSubString = find( "bc", str )>
#mid( str, startingIndexSubString, m )#
- Output:
bcd bcdefg abcdef bcd bcd
Script Based CFML
n = 2;
m = 3;
// Note: In CF index starts at 1 rather than 0
// starting from n characters in and of m length
writeOutput( mid( str, n, m ) );
// starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
countFromRight = Len( str ) - n + 1;
writeOutput( right( str, countFromRight ) );
// whole string minus last character
allButLast = Len( str ) - 1;
writeOutput( left( str, allButLast ) );
// starting from a known character within the string and of m length
startingIndex = find( "b", str );
writeOutput( mid( str, startingIndex, m ) );
// starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
startingIndexSubString = find( "bc", str );
writeOutput( mid( str, startingIndexSubString, m ) );
- Output:
bcd bcdefg abcdef bcd bcd
Common Lisp
(let ((string "0123456789")
(n 2)
(m 3)
(start #\5)
(substring "34"))
(list (subseq string n (+ n m))
(subseq string n)
(subseq string 0 (1- (length string)))
(let ((pos (position start string)))
(subseq string pos (+ pos m)))
(let ((pos (search substring string)))
(subseq string pos (+ pos m)))))
Component Pascal
BlackBox Component Builder
MODULE Substrings;
IMPORT StdLog,Strings;
aStr = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
str: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;
StdLog.String("from 3, 10 characters:> ");StdLog.String(str);StdLog.Ln;
Strings.Extract(aStr,3,LEN(aStr) - 3,str);
StdLog.String("from 3, until the end:> ");StdLog.String(str);StdLog.Ln;
Strings.Extract(aStr,0,LEN(aStr) - 1,str);
StdLog.String("whole string but last:> ");StdLog.String(str);StdLog.Ln;
Strings.Extract(aStr,pos + 1,10,str);
StdLog.String("from 'd', 10 characters:> ");StdLog.String(str);StdLog.Ln;
Strings.Extract(aStr,pos + LEN("de"),10,str);
StdLog.String("from 'de', 10 characters:> ");StdLog.String(str);StdLog.Ln;
END Substrings.
Execute: ^Q Substrings.Do
- Output:
from 3, 10 characters:> defghijklm from 3, until the end:> defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz whole string but last:> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy from 'd', 10 characters:> efghijklmn from 'de', 10 characters:> fghijklmno
def substring_demo(string, n, m, known_character, known_substring)
n -= 1
puts string[n...n+m]
puts string[n...]
puts string.rchop
known_character_index = string.index(known_character).not_nil!
puts string[known_character_index...known_character_index+m]
known_substring_index = string.index(known_substring).not_nil!
puts string[known_substring_index...known_substring_index+m]
substring_demo("crystalline", 3, 5, 't', "st")
- Output:
ystal ystalline crystallin talli stall
import std.stdio, std.string;
void main() {
const s = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
enum n = 5, m = 3;
writeln(s[n .. n + m]);
writeln(s[n .. $]);
writeln(s[0 .. $ - 1]);
const i = s.indexOf("q");
writeln(s[i .. i + m]);
const j = s.indexOf("qu");
writeln(s[j .. j + m]);
- Output:
uic uick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog qui qui
;starting from n characters in and of m length;
SUB_STR = STR(n:m)
;starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
;whole string minus last character;
;starting from a known character f within the string and of m length;
;starting from a known substring f within the string and of m length.
program ShowSubstring;
uses SysUtils;
s = '0123456789';
n = 3;
m = 4;
c = '2';
sub = '456';
Writeln(Copy(s, n, m)); // starting from n characters in and of m length;
Writeln(Copy(s, n, Length(s))); // starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
Writeln(Copy(s, 1, Length(s) - 1)); // whole string minus last character;
Writeln(Copy(s, Pos(c, s), m)); // starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
Writeln(Copy(s, Pos(sub, s), m)); // starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
- Output:
2345 23456789 012345678 2345 4567
let s = "0123456789"
let n = 3
let m = 2
let c = '3'
let z = "345"
// A: starting from n characters in and of m length;
print(s.Substring(n, m))
// B: starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
// C: whole string minus the last character;
// D: starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
// E: starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
def string := "aardvarks"
def n := 4
def m := 4
println(string(n, n + m))
println(string(0, string.size() - 1))
println({string(def i := string.indexOf1('d'), i + m)})
println({string(def i := string.startOf("ard"), i + m)})
- Output:
vark varks aardvark dvar ardv
a$ = timestr systime
print substr a$ 12 5
print substr a$ 12 99
a$ = "Hallo Österreich!"
print substr a$ 1 (len a$ - 1)
c$ = "Ö"
m = 2
i = 1
while substr a$ i 1 <> c$
i += 1
print substr a$ i m
c$ = "re"
m = 5
i = 1
while substr a$ i len c$ <> c$
i += 1
print substr a$ i m
/* In this task display a substring:
1. starting from n characters in and of m length;
2. starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
3. whole string minus last character;
4. starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
5. starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
IMPORT STD; //imports a standard string library
TheString := 'abcdefghij';
CharIn := 3; //n
StrLength := 4; //m
KnownChar := 'f';
KnownSub := 'def';
FindKnownChar := STD.Str.Find(TheString, KnownChar,1);
FindKnownSub := STD.Str.Find(TheString, KnownSub,1);
OUTPUT(TheString[Charin..CharIn+StrLength-1]); //task1
OUTPUT(TheString[Charin..]); //task2
OUTPUT(TheString[1..LENGTH(TheString)-1]); //task3
OUTPUT(TheString[FindKnownSub..FindKnownSub+StrLength-1]); //task5
module Substrings {
void run(String[] args = []) {
@Inject Console console;
if (args.size < 4) {
| xec Substrings <str> <offset> <count> <substr>
String s = args[0];
Int n = new Int(args[1]);
Int m = new Int(args[2]);
String sub = args[3];
Char c = sub[0];
|{s .quoted()=}
|{substring(s, n, m ).quoted()=}
|{substring(s, n ).quoted()=}
|{substring(s ).quoted()=}
|{substring(s, c, m ).quoted()=}
|{substring(s, sub, m).quoted()=}
// starting from n characters in and of m length
static String substring(String s, Int n, Int m) {
assert 0 <= n <= n+m;
return n < s.size ? s[n..<(n+m).notGreaterThan(s.size)] : "";
// starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
static String substring(String s, Int n) {
assert 0 <= n;
return s.substring(n);
// whole string minus the last character
static String substring(String s) {
return s.size > 1 ? s[0..<s.size-1] : "";
// starting from a known character within the string and of m length
static String substring(String s, Char c, Int m){
assert 0 <= m;
return substring(s, s.indexOf(c) ?: 0, m);
// starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
static String substring(String s, String sub, Int m){
assert 0 <= m;
return substring(s, s.indexOf(sub) ?: 0, m);
- Output:
x$ xec doc/examples/Substrings scaryaardvark 5 4 ard s .quoted()="scaryaardvark" substring(s, n, m ).quoted()="aard" substring(s, n ).quoted()="aardvark" substring(s ).quoted()="scaryaardvar" substring(s, c, m ).quoted()="arya" substring(s, sub, m).quoted()="ardv"
# by Artyom Bologov
- Output:
$ ed -s substring.input < substring.ed Newline appended cd cdefgh abcdefg cde cdefg
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main()
str := 'abcdefgh'
n := 2
m := 3
Log( '%@', str[0 .. str.length-1] ) // abcdefgh
Log( '%@', str[n .. m] ) // cd
Log( '%@', str[n .. str.length-1] ) // cdefgh
Log( '%@', str.substringFromIndex: n ) // cdefgh
Log( '%@', str[(str.rangeOfString:'b').location .. m] ) // bcd
return 0
Substring feature explainer video - 1 min
Each task in the description is coded with one or two lines of setup and then a pair of assertions to ensure that the proper result from the substring call. Because the {STRING} class in Eiffel is high-level, it covers both 8-bit and 32-bit strings (ASC and Unicode). If one wants to specifically code for Unicode, all one really needs to do is use {STRING_32} in the space of {STRING}.
feature -- Test routines
-- New test routine
task: "[
Display a substring:
- starting from n characters in and of m length;
- starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
- whole string minus the last character;
- starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
- starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
str, str2: STRING
str := "abcdefgh"
m := 2
-- starting from n characters in and of m length;
n := str.index_of ('e', 1)
str2 := str.substring (n, n + m - 1)
assert_strings_equal ("start_n", "ef", str2)
assert_integers_equal ("m_length_1", 2, str2.count)
-- starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
str2 := str.substring (n, n + (str.count - n))
assert_strings_equal ("start_n_to_end", "efgh", str2)
assert_integers_equal ("len_1a", 4, str2.count)
-- whole string minus the last character;
str2 := str.substring (1, str.count - 1)
assert_strings_equal ("one_less_than_whole", "abcdefg", str2)
assert_integers_equal ("len_1b", 7, str2.count)
-- starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
n := str.index_of ('d', 1)
str2 := str.substring (n, n + m - 1)
assert_strings_equal ("known_char", "de", str2)
assert_integers_equal ("m_length_2", 2, str2.count)
-- starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
n := str.substring_index ("bc", 1)
str2 := str.substring (n, n + m - 1)
assert_strings_equal ("known_substr", "bc", str2)
assert_integers_equal ("m_length_3", 2, str2.count)
ELENA 4.x :
import extensions;
public program()
var s := "0123456789";
var n := 3;
var m := 2;
var c := $51;
var z := "345";
console.writeLine(s.Substring(n, m));
console.writeLine(s.Substring(n, s.Length - n));
console.writeLine(s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1));
console.writeLine(s.Substring(s.indexOf(0, c), m));
console.writeLine(s.Substring(s.indexOf(0, z), m))
- Output:
34 3456789 012345678 34 34
s = "abcdefgh"
String.slice(s, 2, 3) #=> "cde"
String.slice(s, 1..3) #=> "bcd"
String.slice(s, -3, 2) #=> "fg"
String.slice(s, 3..-1) #=> "defgh"
# UTF-8
s = "αβγδεζηθ"
String.slice(s, 2, 3) #=> "γδε"
String.slice(s, 1..3) #=> "βγδ"
String.slice(s, -3, 2) #=> "ζη"
String.slice(s, 3..-1) #=> "δεζηθ"
Interactive session in Erlang shell showing built in functions doing the task.
1> N = 3. 2> M = 5. 3> string:sub_string( "abcdefghijklm", N ). "cdefghijklm" 4> string:sub_string( "abcdefghijklm", N, N + M - 1 ). "cdefg" 6> string:sub_string( "abcdefghijklm", 1, string:len("abcdefghijklm") - 1 ). "abcdefghijkl" 7> Start_character = string:chr( "abcdefghijklm", $e ). 8> string:sub_string( "abcdefghijklm", Start_character, Start_character + M - 1 ). "efghi" 9> Start_string = string:str( "abcdefghijklm", "efg" ). 10> string:sub_string( "abcdefghijklm", Start_string, Start_string + M - 1 ). "efghi"
sequence baseString, subString, findString
integer findChar
integer m, n
baseString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-- starting from n characters in and of m length;
n = 12
m = 5
subString = baseString[n..n+m-1]
puts(1, subString )
-- starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
n = 12
subString = baseString[n..$]
puts(1, subString )
-- whole string minus last character;
subString = baseString[1..$-1]
puts(1, subString )
-- starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
findChar = 'o'
m = 5
n = find(findChar,baseString)
subString = baseString[n..n+m-1]
puts(1, subString )
-- starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
findString = "pq"
m = 5
n = match(findString,baseString)
subString = baseString[n..n+m-1]
puts(1, subString )
- Output:
lmnop lmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy opqrs pqrst
let main args =
let s = "一二三四五六七八九十"
let n, m = 3, 2
let c = '六'
let z = "六七八"
printfn "%s" (s.Substring(n, m))
printfn "%s" (s.Substring(n))
printfn "%s" (s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1))
printfn "%s" (s.Substring(s.IndexOf(c), m))
printfn "%s" (s.Substring(s.IndexOf(z), m))
- Output:
四五 四五六七八九十 一二三四五六七八九 六七 六七
USING: math sequences kernel ;
! starting from n characters in and of m length
: subseq* ( from length seq -- newseq ) [ over + ] dip subseq ;
! starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
: dummy ( seq n -- tailseq ) tail ;
! whole string minus last character
: dummy1 ( seq -- headseq ) but-last ;
USING: fry sequences kernel ;
! helper word
: subseq-from-* ( subseq len seq quot -- seq ) [ nip ] prepose 2keep subseq* ; inline
! starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
: subseq-from-char ( char len seq -- seq ) [ index ] subseq-from-* ;
! starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
: subseq-from-seq ( subseq len seq -- seq ) [ start ] subseq-from-* ;
VBA/Python programmer's approach not sure if it's the most falconic way
/* created by Aykayayciti Earl Lamont Montgomery
April 9th, 2018 */
s = "FalconPL is not just a multi-paradign language but also fun"
n = 12
m = 5
> "starting from n characters in and of m length: ", s[n:n+m]
> "starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string: ", s[n:]
> "whole string minus last character: ", s[0:len(s)-1]
new_n = s.find("j", 0)
> "starting from a known character within the string and of m length: ", s[new_n:new_n+m]
new_n = s.find("mu", 0)
> "starting from a known character within the string and of m length: ", s[new_n:new_n+m]
- Output:
starting from n characters in and of m length: not j starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string: not just a multi-paradign language but also fun whole string minus last character: FalconPL is not just a multi-paradign language but also fu starting from a known character within the string and of m length: just starting from a known character within the string and of m length: multi [Finished in 2.3s]
/STRING and SEARCH are standard words. SCAN is widely implemented. Substrings represented by address/length pairs require neither mutation nor allocation.
2 constant Pos
3 constant Len
: Str ( -- c-addr u ) s" abcdefgh" ;
Str Pos /string drop Len type \ cde
Str Pos /string type \ cdefgh
Str 1- type \ abcdefg
Str char d scan drop Len type \ def
Str s" de" search 2drop Len type \ def
program test_substring
character (*), parameter :: string = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'
character (*), parameter :: substring = 'brown'
character , parameter :: c = 'q'
integer , parameter :: n = 5
integer , parameter :: m = 15
integer :: i
! Display the substring starting from n characters in and of length m.
write (*, '(a)') string (n : n + m - 1)
! Display the substring starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string.
write (*, '(a)') string (n :)
! Display the whole string minus the last character.
i = len (string) - 1
write (*, '(a)') string (: i)
! Display the substring starting from a known character and of length m.
i = index (string, c)
write (*, '(a)') string (i : i + m - 1)
! Display the substring starting from a known substring and of length m.
i = index (string, substring)
write (*, '(a)') string (i : i + m - 1)
end program test_substring
- Output:
quick brown fox quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog quick brown fox brown fox jumps
Note that in Fortran positions inside character strings are one-based, i. e. the first character is in position one.
Free Pascal
s[pos(c, s)..pos(c, s)+m]
s[pos(p, s)..pos(p, s)+m]
Although Frink runs on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), its string operations like substr
or indexOf
do not have the broken behavior of Java on high Unicode characters. These return correct values for all Unicode codepoints.
String indices are zero-based.
test = "🐱abcdefg😾"
n = 3
m = 2
println[substrLen[test, n, m]]
println[right[test, -m]]
println[left[test, -1]]
pos = indexOf["c"]
if pos != -1
println[substrLen[test, pos, m]]
pos = indexOf[test, "cd"]
if pos != -1
println[substrLen[test, pos, m]]
- Output:
cd bcdefg😾 🐱abcdefg cd cd
# "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
LETTERS{[5 .. 10]};
The task originally had no mention of unicode. This solution works with ASCII data.
package main
import (
func main() {
n, m := 2, 3
// for reference
fmt.Println("Index: ", "01234567")
fmt.Println("String:", s)
// starting from n characters in and of m length
fmt.Printf("Start %d, length %d: %s\n", n, m, s[n : n+m])
// starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
fmt.Printf("Start %d, to end: %s\n", n, s[n:])
// whole string minus last character
fmt.Printf("All but last: %s\n", s[:len(s)-1])
// starting from a known character within the string and of m length
dx := strings.IndexByte(s, 'D')
fmt.Printf("Start 'D', length %d: %s\n", m, s[dx : dx+m])
// starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
sx := strings.Index(s, "DE")
fmt.Printf(`Start "DE", length %d: %s`+"\n", m, s[sx : sx+m])
- Output:
Index: 01234567 String: ABCDEFGH Start 2, length 3: CDE Start 2, to end: CDEFGH All but last: ABCDEFG Start 'D', length 3: DEF Start "DE", length 3: DEF
Strings are generally handled as UTF-8 in Go.
package main
import (
func main() {
s := "αβγδεζηθ"
r := []rune(s)
n, m := 2, 3
kc := 'δ' // known character
ks := "δε" // known string
// for reference
fmt.Println("Index: ", "01234567")
fmt.Println("String:", s)
// starting from n characters in and of m length
fmt.Printf("Start %d, length %d: %s\n", n, m, string(r[n:n+m]))
// starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
fmt.Printf("Start %d, to end: %s\n", n, string(r[n:]))
// whole string minus last character
fmt.Printf("All but last: %s\n", string(r[:len(r)-1]))
// starting from a known character within the string and of m length
dx := strings.IndexRune(s, kc)
fmt.Printf("Start %q, length %d: %s\n", kc, m, string([]rune(s[dx:])[:m]))
// starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
sx := strings.Index(s, ks)
fmt.Printf("Start %q, length %d: %s\n", ks, m, string([]rune(s[sx:])[:m]))
- Output:
Index: 01234567 String: αβγδεζηθ Start 2, length 3: γδε Start 2, to end: γδεζηθ All but last: αβγδεζη Start 'δ', length 3: δεζ Start "δε", length 3: δεζ
Strings in Groovy are 0-indexed.
def str = 'abcdefgh'
def n = 2
def m = 3
// #1
println str[n..n+m-1]
/* or */
println str[n..<(n+m)]
// #2
println str[n..-1]
// #3
println str[0..-2]
// #4
def index1 = str.indexOf('d')
println str[index1..index1+m-1]
/* or */
println str[index1..<(index1+m)]
// #5
def index2 = str.indexOf('de')
println str[index2..index2+m-1]
/* or */
println str[index2..<(index2+m)]
A string in Haskell is a list of chars: [Char]
- The first three tasks are simply:
*Main> take 3 $ drop 2 "1234567890" "345" *Main> drop 2 "1234567890" "34567890" *Main> init "1234567890" "123456789"
- The last two can be formulated with the following function:
t45 n c s | null sub = []
| otherwise = take n. head $ sub
where sub = filter(isPrefixOf c) $ tails s
*Main> t45 3 "4" "1234567890" "456" *Main> t45 3 "45" "1234567890" "456" *Main> t45 3 "31" "1234567890" ""
Testing with an extended set of characters, and using Data.Text functions, including breakOn:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.Text as T (Text, take, drop, init, breakOn)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as O (putStrLn)
fromMforN :: Int -> Int -> T.Text -> T.Text
fromMforN n m s = T.take m (T.drop n s)
fromNtoEnd :: Int -> T.Text -> T.Text
fromNtoEnd = T.drop
allButLast :: T.Text -> T.Text
allButLast = T.init
fromCharForN, fromStringForN :: Int -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
fromCharForN m needle haystack = T.take m $ snd $ T.breakOn needle haystack
fromStringForN = fromCharForN
-- TEST ---------------------------------------------------
main :: IO ()
main =
([ fromMforN 9 10
, fromNtoEnd 20
, allButLast
, fromCharForN 6 "话"
, fromStringForN 6 "大势"
] <*>
- Output:
话说天下大势分久必合 合久必分🔥 天地不仁仁者人也🐒话说天下大势分久必合🍑合久必分 话说天下大势 大势分久必合
CHARACTER :: string = 'ABCDEFGHIJK', known = 'B', substring = 'CDE'
REAL, PARAMETER :: n = 5, m = 8
WRITE(Messagebox) string(n : n + m - 1), "| substring starting from n, length m"
WRITE(Messagebox) string(n :), "| substring starting from n, to end of string"
WRITE(Messagebox) string(1: LEN(string)-1), "| whole string minus last character"
pos_known = INDEX(string, known)
WRITE(Messagebox) string(pos_known : pos_known+m-1), "| substring starting from pos_known, length m"
pos_substring = INDEX(string, substring)
WRITE(Messagebox) string(pos_substring : pos_substring+m-1), "| substring starting from pos_substring, length m"
Icon and Unicon
5{.(}.~ i.&'m')'Marshmallow'
5{.(}.~ I.@E.~&'sh')'Marshmallow'
Note that there are other, sometimes better, ways of accomplishing this task.
'Marshmallow'{~(+i.)/3 5
Or, probably more efficient when the desired substring is large:
(,.3 5)];.0 'Marshmallow'
The taketo
/ takeafter
and dropto
/ dropafter
utilities from the strings
script further simplify these types of tasks.
require 'strings'
'sh' dropto 'Marshmallow'
5{. 'sh' dropto 'Marshmallow'
'sh' takeafter 'Marshmallow'
Note also that these operations work the same way on lists of numbers that they do on this example list of characters.
3}. 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19
7 11 13 17 19
7 11 dropafter 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19
2 3 5 7 11
public static String Substring(String str, int n, int m){
return str.substring(n, n+m);
public static String Substring(String str, int n){
return str.substring(n);
public static String Substring(String str){
return str.substring(0, str.length()-1);
public static String Substring(String str, char c, int m){
return str.substring(str.indexOf(c), str.indexOf(c)+m+1);
public static String Substring(String str, String sub, int m){
return str.substring(str.indexOf(sub), str.indexOf(sub)+m+1);
The String
object has two similar methods: substr
and substring
substr(start, [len])
returns a substring beginning at a specified location and having a specified length.substring(start, [end])
returns a string containing the substring fromstart
up to, but not including,end
var str = "abcdefgh";
var n = 2;
var m = 3;
// * starting from n characters in and of m length;
str.substr(n, m); // => "cde"
// * starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
str.substr(n); // => "cdefgh"
str.substring(n); // => "cdefgh"
// * whole string minus last character;
str.substring(0, str.length - 1); // => "abcdefg"
// * starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
str.substr(str.indexOf('b'), m); // => "bcd"
// * starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
str.substr(str.indexOf('bc'), m); // => "bcd"
Or, in terms of some familiar functional primitives, translating broadly from Haskell:
(function () {
'use strict';
// take :: Int -> Text -> Text
function take(n, s) {
return s.substr(0, n);
// drop :: Int -> Text -> Text
function drop(n, s) {
return s.substr(n);
// init :: Text -> Text
function init(s) {
var n = s.length;
return (n > 0 ? s.substr(0, n - 1) : undefined);
// breakOn :: Text -> Text -> (Text, Text)
function breakOn(strPattern, s) {
var i = s.indexOf(strPattern);
return i === -1 ? [strPattern, ''] : [s.substr(0, i), s.substr(i)];
var str = '一二三四五六七八九十';
return JSON.stringify({
'from n in, of m length': (function (n, m) {
return take(m, drop(n, str));
})(4, 3),
'from n in, up to end' :(function (n) {
return drop(n, str);
'all but last' : init(str),
'from matching char, of m length' : (function (pattern, s, n) {
return take(n, breakOn(pattern, s)[1]);
})('五', str, 3),
'from matching string, of m length':(function (pattern, s, n) {
return take(n, breakOn(pattern, s)[1]);
})('六七', str, 4)
}, null, 2);
- Output:
"from n in, of m length": "五六七",
"from n in, up to end": "四五六七八九十",
"all but last": "一二三四五六七八九",
"from matching char, of m length": "五六七",
"from matching string, of m length": "六七八九"
For this exercise we use the Chinese characters for 1 to 10, the character for "10" being "十":
def s: "一二三四五六七八九十";
jq strings are UTF-8 strings, and array-based string indexing and most string functions, such as length/0, are based on Unicode code points. However, the function index/1 currently uses character counts when its input is a string, and therefore in the following we use ix/1 defined as follows:
def ix(s): explode | index(s|explode);
(Users who have access to the regex function match/1 can use it, as illustrated in the comments below.)
Since jq arrays and strings have an index origin of 0, "n characters in" is interpreted to require an index of (n+1).
# starting from n characters in and of m length: .[n+1: n+m+1]
"s[1:2] => \( s[1:2] )",
# starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string: .[n+1:]
"s[9:] => \( s[9:] )",
# whole string minus last character: .[0:length-1]
"s|.[0:length-1] => \(s | .[0:length-1] )",
# starting from a known character within the string and of m length:
# jq 1.4: ix(c) as $i | .[ $i: $i + m]
# jq>1.4: match(c).offset as $i | .[ $i: $i + m]
"s | ix(\"五\") as $i | .[$i: $i + 1] => \(s | ix("五") as $i | .[$i: $i + 1] )",
# starting from a known substring within the string and of m length:
# jq 1.4: ix(sub) as $i | .[ $i: $i + m]
# jq>1.4: match(sub).offset as $i | .[ $i: $i + m]
"s | ix(\"五六\") as $i | .[$i: $i + 2] => " +
"\( s | ix("五六") as $i | .[$i: $i + 2] )"
- Output:
$ jq -M -n -r -f Substring.jq
s[1:2] => 二
s[9:] => 十
s|.[0:length-1] => 一二三四五六七八九
s | ix("五") as $i | .[$i: $i + 1] => 五
s | ix("五六") as $i | .[$i: $i + 2] => 五六
#!/usr/local/bin/jsish -u %s
var str = "abcdefgh";
var n = 2;
var m = 3;
// In jsish, semi-colon first character lines are echoed with result
// * starting from n characters in and of m length;
;str.substr(n, m);
// * starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
// * whole string minus last character;
;str.substring(0, str.length - 1);
// * starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
;str.substr(str.indexOf('b'), m);
// * starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
;str.substr(str.indexOf('bc'), m);
/* Functional */
var res = (function () {
'use strict';
// take :: Int -> Text -> Text
function take(n, s) {
return s.substr(0, n);
// drop :: Int -> Text -> Text
function drop(n, s) {
return s.substr(n);
// init :: Text -> Text
function init(s) {
var n = s.length;
return (n > 0 ? s.substr(0, n - 1) : undefined);
// breakOn :: Text -> Text -> (Text, Text)
function breakOn(strPattern, s) {
var i = s.indexOf(strPattern);
return i === -1 ? [strPattern, ''] : [s.substr(0, i), s.substr(i)];
var str = 'abcdefgh';
return JSON.stringify({
'from 4 in, of 3 length': (function (n, m) {
return take(m, drop(n, str));
})(4, 3),
'from 3 in, up to end' : (function (n) {
return drop(n, str);
'all but last' : init(str),
'from matching b, of length 3' : (function (pattern, s, n) {
return take(n, breakOn(pattern, s)[1]);
})('b', str, 3),
'from matching bc, of length 4':(function (pattern, s, n) {
return take(n, breakOn(pattern, s)[1]);
})('bc', str, 4)
}, true);
- Output:
prompt$ jsish --U substringing.jsi str ==> abcdefgh n ==> 2 m ==> 3 str.substr(n, m) ==> cde str.substr(n) ==> cdefgh str.substring(n) ==> cdefgh str.substring(0, str.length - 1) ==> abcdefgh str.substr(str.indexOf('b'), m) ==> bcd str.substr(str.indexOf('bc'), m) ==> bcd res ==> { "all but last":"abcdefg", "from 3 in, up to end":"defgh", "from 4 in, of 3 length":"efg", "from matching b, of length 3":"bcd", "from matching bc, of length 4":"bcde" } prompt$ jsish -u -update true substringing.jsi Created substringing.jsi prompt$ jsish -u substringing.jsi [PASS] substringing.jsi
The initial --U is a run with echo mode. The -u -update true puts jsish in unit test mode, and will add a comparison block. After the test pass, the code file is changed to
#!/usr/local/bin/jsish -u %s
var str = "abcdefgh";
var n = 2;
var m = 3;
// In jsish, semi-colon first character lines are echoed with result
// * starting from n characters in and of m length;
;str.substr(n, m);
// * starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
// * whole string minus last character;
;str.substring(0, str.length - 1);
// * starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
;str.substr(str.indexOf('b'), m);
// * starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
;str.substr(str.indexOf('bc'), m);
/* Functional */
var res = (function () {
'use strict';
// take :: Int -> Text -> Text
function take(n, s) {
return s.substr(0, n);
// drop :: Int -> Text -> Text
function drop(n, s) {
return s.substr(n);
// init :: Text -> Text
function init(s) {
var n = s.length;
return (n > 0 ? s.substr(0, n - 1) : undefined);
// breakOn :: Text -> Text -> (Text, Text)
function breakOn(strPattern, s) {
var i = s.indexOf(strPattern);
return i === -1 ? [strPattern, ''] : [s.substr(0, i), s.substr(i)];
var str = 'abcdefgh';
return JSON.stringify({
'from 4 in, of length 3': (function (n, m) {
return take(m, drop(n, str));
})(4, 3),
'from 3 in, up to end' : (function (n) {
return drop(n, str);
'all but last' : init(str),
'from matching b, of length 3' : (function (pattern, s, n) {
return take(n, breakOn(pattern, s)[1]);
})('b', str, 3),
'from matching bc, of length 4':(function (pattern, s, n) {
return take(n, breakOn(pattern, s)[1]);
})('bc', str, 4)
}, true);
str ==> abcdefgh
n ==> 2
m ==> 3
str.substr(n, m) ==> cde
str.substr(n) ==> cdefgh
str.substring(n) ==> cdefgh
str.substring(0, str.length - 1) ==> abcdefgh
str.substr(str.indexOf('b'), m) ==> bcd
str.substr(str.indexOf('bc'), m) ==> bcd
res ==> { "all but last":"abcdefg", "from 3 in, up to end":"defgh", "from 4 in, of length 3":"efg", "from matching b, of length 3":"bcd", "from matching bc, of length 4":"bcde" }
By default, the type of the string is infered from its elements. In the example below, the string s is an ASCII string. In order to interpret the string as an UTF8 string with logical access to its argument, one should use
. Without the CharString declaration, the string is interpreted as an UTF8 string with access through its byte representation.
julia> s = "abcdefg"
julia> n = 3
julia> s[n:end]
julia> m=2
julia> s[n:n+m]
julia> s[1:end-1]
julia> s[search(s,'c')]
julia> s[search(s,'c'):search(s,'c')+m]
Strings in Kotlin are 0-indexed:
// version 1.0.6
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val s = "0123456789"
val n = 3
val m = 4
val c = '5'
val z = "12"
var i: Int
println(s.substring(n, n + m))
i = s.indexOf(c)
println(s.substring(i, i + m))
i = s.indexOf(z)
println(s.substring(i, i + m))
- Output:
3456 3456789 012345678 5678 1234
# Display a substring:
# - starting from n characters in and of m length;
# - starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
# - whole string minus the last character;
# - starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
# - starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
# # Variables:
str='solve this task according to the task description,'
integer n=6 m=14
# # Functions:
# # Function _length(str, start, length) - return substr from start,
# # length chars long (length=-1 = end-of-str)
function _length {
typeset _str ; _str="$1"
typeset _st ; integer _st=$2
typeset _ln ; integer _ln=$3
(( _ln == -1 )) && echo "${_str:${_st}}"
echo "${_str:${_st}:${_ln}}"
# main #
print -- "--String (Length: ${#str} chars):"
print "${str}\n"
print -- "--From char ${n} and ${m} chars in length:"
_length "${str}" ${n} ${m}
print -- "--From char ${n} to the end:"
_length "${str}" ${n} -1
print -- "--Last character removed:" # Strings in ksh are zero based
_length "${str}" 0 $(( ${#str}-1 ))
print -- "-From char:'${ch}' and ${m} chars in length:"
_length "${str}" ${#foo} ${m}
print -- "-From substr:'${substr}' and ${m} chars in length:"
_length "${str}" ${#foo} ${m}
- Output:
--String (Length: 50 chars): solve this task according to the task description,
--From char 6 and 14 chars in length: this task acco
--From char 6 to the end: this task according to the task description,
--Last character removed: solve this task according to the task description
-From char:'v' and 14 chars in length: ve this task a
-From substr:'acc' and 14 chars in length: according to t
To enhance readability, this task was split into two separate GUI's. In the second, note that "Known Substring" can be a single character.
{S.slice 1 2 hello brave new world}
-> brave new
{W.slice 4 11}
-> rosetta
$txt = The Lang programming language!
$n = 9
$m = 11
$c = p
$searchTxt = prog
fn.println(fn.substring($txt, $n, parser.op($n + $m)))
# Output: programming
fn.println(fn.substring($txt, $n))
# Output: programming language!
fn.println(fn.substring($txt, 0, parser.op(fn.len($txt) - 1)))
# Output: The Lang programming language
fn.println(fn.substring($txt, fn.indexOf($txt, $c), parser.op(fn.indexOf($txt, $c) + $m)))
# Output: programming
fn.println(fn.substring($txt, fn.indexOf($txt, $searchTxt), parser.op(fn.indexOf($txt, $searchTxt) + $m)))
# Output: programming
: cr "\n". ; [] '__A set : dip swap __A swap 1 compress append '__A set execute __A
-1 extract nip ; : nip swap drop ; : tuck swap over ; : -rot rot rot ; : 0= 0 == ; : 1+ 1 + ;
: 2dip swap 'dip dip ; : 2drop drop drop ; : |a,b> over - iota + ; : bi* 'dip dip execute ; : bi@ dup bi* ;
: comb "" split ; : concat "" join ; : empty? length 0= ; : tail over lensize |a,b> subscript ;
: lensize length nip ; : while do 'dup dip 'execute 2dip rot if dup 2dip else break then loop 2drop ;
: <substr> comb -rot over + |a,b> subscript concat ;
: str-tail tail concat ;
: str-index
: 2streq 2dup over lensize iota subscript eq '* reduce ;
swap 'comb bi@ length -rot 0 -rot
"2dup 'lensize bi@ <="
"2streq if 0 reshape else '1+ 2dip 0 extract drop then"
while empty? if 2drop tuck == if drop -1 then else 4 ndrop -1 then ;
'abcdefgh 'str set 2 'n set 3 'm set
n m str <substr>
str comb n str-tail
str "d" str-index m str <substr>
str "de" str-index m str <substr>
local(str = 'The quick grey rhino jumped over the lazy green fox.')
//starting from n characters in and of m length;
#str->substring(16,5) //rhino
//starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
#str->substring(16) //rhino jumped over the lazy green fox.
//whole string minus last character
#str->substring(1,#str->size - 1) //The quick grey rhino jumped over the lazy green fox
//starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
#str->substring(#str->find('g'),10) //grey rhino
//starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
#str->substring(#str->find('rhino'),12) //rhino jumped
From the LFE REPL:
> (set n 3)
> (set m 5)
> (string:sub_string "abcdefghijklm" n)
> (string:sub_string "abcdefghijklm" n (+ n m -1))
> (string:sub_string "abcdefghijklm" 1 (- (length "abcdefghijklm") 1))
> (set char-index (string:chr "abcdefghijklm" #\e))
> (string:sub_string "abcdefghijklm" char-index (+ char-index m -1))
> (set start-str (string:str "abcdefghijklm" "efg"))
> (string:sub_string "abcdefghijklm" start-str (+ start-str m -1))
str = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
-- starting from n characters in and of m length
n = 5
m = 11
put str.char[n..n+m-1]
-- "quick brown"
-- starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
n = 11
put str.char[n..str.length]
-- "brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
-- whole string minus last character
put str.char[1..str.length-1]
-- "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy do"
-- starting from a known character within the string and of m length
c = "x"
m = 7
pos = offset(c, str)
put str.char[pos..pos+m-1]
-- "x jumps"
-- starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
sub = "fox"
m = 9
pos = offset(sub, str)
put str.char[pos..pos+m-1]
-- "fox jumps"
put "pple" into x
answer char 2 to char 5 of x // n = 2, m=5
answer char 2 to len(x) of x // n = 2, m = len(x), can also use -1
answer char 1 to -2 of x // n = 1, m = 1 less than length of string
answer char offset("p",x) to -1 of x // known char "p" to end of string
answer char offset("pl",x) to -1 of x // known "pl" to end of string
n.b. Offset also supports a third parameter "charsToSkip" allowing you to loop through subsequent matches of the substring.
The following are defined to behave similarly to the built-in index operator ITEM. As with most Logo list operators, these are designed to work for both words (strings) and lists.
to items :n :thing
if :n >= count :thing [output :thing]
output items :n butlast :thing
to butitems :n :thing
if or :n <= 0 empty? :thing [output :thing]
output butitems :n-1 butfirst :thing
to middle :n :m :thing
output items :m-(:n-1) butitems :n-1 :thing
to lastitems :n :thing
if :n >= count :thing [output :thing]
output lastitems :n butfirst :thing
to starts.with :sub :thing
if empty? :sub [output "true]
if empty? :thing [output "false]
if not equal? first :sub first :thing [output "false]
output starts.with butfirst :sub butfirst :thing
to members :sub :thing
output cascade [starts.with :sub ?] [bf ?] :thing
; note: Logo indices start at one
make "s "abcdefgh
print items 3 butitems 2 :s ; cde
print middle 3 5 :s ; cde
print butitems 2 :s ; cdefgh
print butlast :s ; abcdefg
print items 3 member "d :s ; def
print items 3 members "de :s ; def
Using atoms for representing strings and usng the same sample data as e.g. in the Java solution:
:- object(substring).
:- public(test/5).
test(String, N, M, Character, Substring) :-
sub_atom(String, N, M, _, Substring1),
write(Substring1), nl,
sub_atom(String, N, _, 0, Substring2),
write(Substring2), nl,
sub_atom(String, 0, _, 1, Substring3),
write(Substring3), nl,
% there can be multiple occurences of the character
once(sub_atom(String, Before4, 1, _, Character)),
sub_atom(String, Before4, M, _, Substring4),
write(Substring4), nl,
% there can be multiple occurences of the substring
once(sub_atom(String, Before5, _, _, Substring)),
sub_atom(String, Before5, M, _, Substring5),
write(Substring5), nl.
:- end_object.
- Output:
| ?- ?- substring::test('abcdefgh', 2, 3, 'b', 'bc').
str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
n, m = 5, 15
print( string.sub( str, n, m ) ) -- efghijklmno
print( string.sub( str, n, -1 ) ) -- efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
print( string.sub( str, 1, -2 ) ) -- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
pos = string.find( str, "i" )
if pos ~= nil then print( string.sub( str, pos, pos+m ) ) end -- ijklmnopqrstuvwx
pos = string.find( str, "ijk" )
if pos ~= nil then print( string.sub( str, pos, pos+m ) ) end-- ijklmnopqrstuvwx
-- Alternative (more modern) notation
print ( str:sub(n,m) ) -- efghijklmno
print ( str:sub(n) ) -- efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
print ( str:sub(1,-2) ) -- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
pos = str:find "i"
if pos then print (str:sub(pos,pos+m)) end -- ijklmnopqrstuvwx
pos = str:find "ijk"
if pos then print (str:sub(pos,pos+m)) end d-- ijklmnopqrstuvwx
M2000 Interpreter
By default a sting can contain anything, and has a maximum length of 2GBytes. Literals are always UTF-16LE. Print/edit done as UTF-16LE. But we can use Str$(a_string) to convert UTF-16LE to Ansi, using Locale id. To display it we can use Chr$(a_String), to convert back to UTF-16LE. Mid$, Right$, Left$, Instr,RInstr works for Ansi using "as byte". For Utf16-le, we get next 16bit value, not exactly next char, but for many languages it is exactly next char.
Function for length always return length as Words (two bytes), so we can get half, if we have an odd number of ansi characters. For Utf16-le there is another Len function,Len.Disp which returns the needed positions for displaying characters. So Print LEN.DISP("aããz")=4 : Print Len("̃ãz")=4
Module CheckAnsi {
Locale 1033
\\ convert UTF16-LE to ANSI 8bit
s$ =Str$("ABCDEFG")
Print Len(s$)=3.5 ' 3.5 words, means 7 bytes (3.5*2)
' From 4th byte get 3 bytes
substring$=Mid$(s$, n, m as byte)
substring2End$=Mid$(s$, n , AnsiLen as byte)
substringMinusOne$=Left$(s$, AnsiLen-1 as byte)
substringFromKnownCharacter$=Mid$(s$, Instr(s$, str$("B") as byte) , m as byte)
substringFromKnownSubstring$=Mid$(s$, Instr(s$, str$("BC") as byte) , m as byte)
Print Len(substring$)*2=m
\\ convert to UTF-16LE
Print Chr$(substring$)="DEF"
Print Chr$(substring2End$)="DEFG"
Print Chr$(substringMinusOne$)="ABCDEF"
Print Chr$(substringFromKnownCharacter$)="BCD"
Print Chr$(substringFromKnownSubstring$)="BCD"
Module CheckUTF16LE {
Print Len(s$)=7
' From 4th byte get 3 bytes
substring$=Mid$(s$, n, m)
substring2End$=Mid$(s$, n , Utf16Len)
substringMinusOne$=Left$(s$, Utf16Len-1)
substringFromKnownCharacter$=Mid$(s$, Instr(s$, "B") , m)
substringFromKnownSubstring$=Mid$(s$, Instr(s$, "BC") , m)
Print Len(substring$)=m
\\ convert to UTF-16LE
Print substring$="DEF"
Print substring2End$="DEFG"
Print substringMinusOne$="ABCDEF"
Print substringFromKnownCharacter$="BCD"
Print substringFromKnownSubstring$="BCD"
> n, m := 3, 5:
> s := "The Higher, The Fewer!":
> s[ n .. n + m - 1 ];
"e Hig"
There are a few ways to get everything from the n-th character on.
> s[ n .. -1 ] = s[ n .. ];
"e Higher, The Fewer!" = "e Higher, The Fewer!"
> StringTools:-Drop( s, n - 1 );
"e Higher, The Fewer!"
There are a few ways to get all but the last character.
> s[ 1 .. -2 ] = s[ .. -2 ];
"The Higher, The Fewer" = "The Higher, The Fewer"
> StringTools:-Chop( s );
"The Higher, The Fewer"
The searchtext
command returns the position of a matching substring.
> pos := searchtext( ",", s ):
> s[ pos .. pos + m - 1 ];
", The"
> pos := searchtext( "Higher", s ):
> s[ pos .. pos + m - 1 ];
But, note that searchtext
returns 0 when there is no match, and 0 is not a valid index into a string.
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
The StringTake
and StringDrop
are relevant for this exercise.
n = 2
m = 3
StringTake["Mathematica", {n+1, n+m-1}]
StringDrop["Mathematica", n]
(* StringPosition returns a list of starting and ending character positions for a substring *)
pos = StringPosition["Mathematica", "e"][[1]][[1]]
StringTake["Mathematica", {pos, pos+m-1}]
(* Similar to above *)
pos = StringPosition["Mathematica", "the"][[1]]
StringTake["Mathematica", {pos, pos+m-1}]
MATLAB / Octave
Unicode, UTF-8, UTF-16 is only partially supported. In some cases, a conversion of unicode2native() or native2unicode() is necessary.
% starting from n characters in and of m length;
% starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
% whole string minus last character;
% starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
% starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
s: "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
substring(s, 17);
/* "fox jumps over the lazy dog" */
substring(s, 17, 20);
/* "fox" */
MUMPS has the first position in a string numbered as 1.
;show substring operations
;S is the string
;N is a position within the string (that is, n<length(string))
;M is an integer of positions to show
;C is a character within the string S
;K is a substring within the string S
;$Find returns the position after the substring
WRITE !,"The base string is:",!,?5,"'",S,"'"
WRITE !,"From position ",N," for ",M," characters:"
WRITE !,"From position ",N," to the end of the string:"
WRITE !,"Whole string minus last character:"
WRITE !,"Starting from character '",C,"' for ",M," characters:"
WRITE !,"Starting from string '",K,"' for ",M," characters:"
W !,?5,$EXTRACT(S,X,X+M-1)
USER>D SUBSTR^ROSETTA("ABCD1234efgh",3,4,"D","23") The base string is: 'ABCD1234efgh' From position 3 for 4 characters: CD12 From position 3 to the end of the string: CD1234efgh Whole string minus last character: ABCD1234efg Starting from character 'D' for 4 characters: D123 Starting from string '23' for 4 characters: 234e
str = "test string"
println substr(str, m, m + n)
println substr(str, n, len(str))
println substr(str, 0, len(str) - 1)
println substr(str, str.indexOf("s"), str.indexOf("s") + m)
println substr(str, str.indexOf("str"), str.indexOf("str") + m)
using System;
using System.Console;
module Substrings
Main() : void
string s = "0123456789";
def n = 3;
def m = 2;
def c = '3';
def z = "345";
WriteLine(s.Substring(n, m));
WriteLine(s.Substring(n, s.Length - n));
WriteLine(s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1));
WriteLine(s.Substring(s.IndexOf(c,0,s.Length), m));
WriteLine(s.Substring(s.IndexOf(z, 0, s.Length), m));
/* NetRexx */
options replace format comments java crossref savelog symbols
s = 'abcdefghijk'
n = 4
m = 3
say s
say s.substr(n, m)
say s.substr(n)
say s.substr(1, s.length - 1)
say s.substr(s.pos('def'), m)
say s.substr(s.pos('g'), m)
- Output:
abcdefghijk def defghijk abcdefghij def ghi
> (set 'str "alphabet" 'n 2 'm 4)
> ; starting from n characters in and of m length
> (slice str n m)
> ; starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
> (slice str n)
> ; whole string minus last character
> (chop str)
> ; starting from a known character within the string and of m length
> (slice str (find "l" str) m)
> ; starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
> (slice str (find "ph" str) m)
Nim allows to work with raw strings, ignoring the encoding, or with UTF-8 strings. The following program shows how to extract substrings in both cases.
import strformat, strutils, unicode
s1 = "abcdefgh" # ASCII string.
s2 = "àbĉdéfgĥ" # UTF-8 string.
n = 2
m = 3
c = 'd'
cs1 = "de"
cs2 = "dé"
var pos: int
# ASCII strings.
# We can take a substring using "s.substr(first, last)" or "s[first..last]".
# The latter form can also be used as value to assign a substring.
echo "ASCII string: ", s1
echo &"Starting from n = {n} characters in and of m = {m} length: ", s1[(n - 1)..(n + m - 2)]
echo &"Starting from n = {n} characters in, up to the end of the string: ", s1[(n - 1)..^1]
echo "Whole string minus the last character: ", s1[0..^2]
pos = s1.find(c)
if pos > 0:
echo &"Starting from character '{c}' within the string and of m = {m} length: ", s1[pos..<(pos + m)]
echo &"Character '{c}' not found."
pos = s1.find(cs1)
if pos > 0:
echo &"Starting from substring “{cs1}” within the string and of m = {m} length: ", s1[pos..<(pos + m)]
echo &"String “{cs1}” not found."
# UTF-8 strings.
proc findUtf8(s: string; c: char): int =
## Return the codepoint index of the first occurrence of a given character in a string.
## Return - 1 if not found.
proc findUtf8(s1, s2: string): int =
## Return the codepoint index of the first occurrence of a given string in a string.
## Return - 1 if not found.
let s1 = s1.toRunes
let s2 = s2.toRunes
for i in 0..(s1.len - s2.len):
if s1[i..(i + s2.len - 1)] == s2: return i
result = -1
echo "UTF-8 string: ", s2
echo &"Starting from n = {n} characters in and of m = {m} length: ", s2.runeSubStr(n - 1, m)
echo &"Starting from n = {n} characters in, up to the end of the string: ", s2.runeSubstr(n - 1)
echo "Whole string minus the last character: ", s2.runeSubStr(0, s2.runeLen - 1)
pos = s2.findUtf8(c)
if pos > 0:
echo &"Starting from character '{c}' within the string and of m = {m} length: ", s2.runeSubStr(pos, m)
echo &"String “{cs1}” not found."
pos = s2.findUtf8(cs2)
if pos > 0:
echo &"Starting from substring “{cs2}” within the string and of m = {m} length: ", s2.runeSubStr(pos, m)
echo &"String “{cs2}” not found."
- Output:
ASCII string: abcdefgh Starting from n = 2 characters in and of m = 3 length: bcd Starting from n = 2 characters in, up to the end of the string: bcdefgh Whole string minus the last character: abcdefg Starting from character 'd' within the string and of m = 3 length: def Starting from substring “de” within the string and of m = 3 length: def UTF-8 string: àbĉdéfgĥ Starting from n = 2 characters in and of m = 3 length: bĉd Starting from n = 2 characters in, up to the end of the string: bĉdéfgĥ Whole string minus the last character: àbĉdéfg Starting from character 'd' within the string and of m = 3 length: déf Starting from substring “dé” within the string and of m = 3 length: déf
( based on the JavaScript code )
'abcdefgh 's ;
s str-len 'len ;
2 'n ;
3 'm ;
( starting from n characters in and of m length )
s n n m + substring . ( => cde ) newline
( starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string )
s n len substring . ( => cdefgh ) newline
( whole string minus last character )
s 0 len 1 - substring . ( => abcdefg ) newline
( starting from a known character within the string and of m length )
s s 'b str-find dup m + substring . ( => bcd ) newline
( starting from a known substring within the string and of m length )
s s 'bc str-find dup m + substring . ( => bcd ) newline
bundle Default {
class SubString {
function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
s := "0123456789";
n := 3;
m := 4;
c := '2';
sub := "456";
s->SubString(n, m)->PrintLine();
s->SubString(0, s->Size())->PrintLine();
s->SubString(s->Find(c), m)->PrintLine();
s->SubString(s->Find(sub), m)->PrintLine();
From the interactive toplevel:
$ ocaml
# let s = "ABCDEFGH" ;;
val s : string = "ABCDEFGH"
# let n, m = 2, 3 ;;
val n : int = 2
val m : int = 3
# String.sub s n m ;;
- : string = "CDE"
# String.sub s n (String.length s - n) ;;
- : string = "CDEFGH"
# String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1) ;;
- : string = "ABCDEFG"
# String.sub s (String.index s 'D') m ;;
- : string = "DEF"
# #load "str.cma";;
# let n = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp_string "DE") s 0 in
String.sub s n m ;;
- : string = "DEF"
: substrings(s, n, m)
s sub(n, m) println
s right(s size n - 1 +) println
s left(s size 1 - ) println
s sub(s indexOf('d'), m) println
s sub(s indexOfAll("de"), m) println ;
- Output:
"abcdefgh" 2 3 substrings bcd bcdefgh abcdefg def def
- There are several ways to achieve this, depending on the broader scenario, in OmniMark.
- The solution, which follows, considers the individual substring 'challenges' using the same input string.
- It uses groups, which are useful for restricting find, element, or other rules to certain streams.
- The more common scenario is for substring patterns to be wanted within find or element rules (e.g., the string is found by a find rule and the substring is then matched with 'do scan {pattern}...match' or 'repeat scan {pattern}...match'.
- Unicode handling, including beyond the BMP, is what's been illustrated in this example (e.g., 𝓞 is U+1D4DE). It could be simplified if it was certain only up to U+00FF characters are in the input; in that case, the macro would be unnecessary and the 'utf8-char' instances could be changed to 'any' or 'any-text'. (Both the OmniMark compiler and the OmniMark language itself operate at the byte level. They make no automatic interpretation of bytes into character numbers. OmniMark and character encodings That has benefits and drawbacks, but that's beyond the scope of this example.)
macro utf8-char is
(["%16r{00}" to "%16r{7F}"] |
["%16r{C0}" to "%16r{DF}"] ["%16r{80}" to "%16r{BF}"] |
["%16r{E0}" to "%16r{EF}"] ["%16r{80}" to "%16r{BF}"] {2} |
["%16r{F0}" to "%16r{F7}"] ["%16r{80}" to "%16r{BF}"] {3}) macro-end
local stream s initial {'This 𝓲𝓼 the 𝓞𝓶𝓷𝓲𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓴 solution.'}
using group StartingFrom_n_CharactersInAndOf_m_Length submit s
using group StartingFrom_n_charactersInUpToTheEndOfTheString submit s
using group WholeStringMinusTheLastCharacter submit s
using group StartingFromKnownCharacterAndOf_m_Length submit s
using group StartingFromKnownSubstringAndOf_m_Length submit s
group StartingFrom_n_CharactersInAndOf_m_Length
find value-start utf8-char{12} utf8-char{8} => p
output p || '%n' ; outputs characters 13 to 20: 𝓞𝓶𝓷𝓲𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓴
group StartingFrom_n_charactersInUpToTheEndOfTheString
find value-start utf8-char{12} utf8-char+ => p
output p || '%n' ; outputs characters 13 to last: 𝓞𝓶𝓷𝓲𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓴 solution.
group WholeStringMinusTheLastCharacter
find value-start ((lookahead not (utf8-char value-end)) utf8-char)+ => p
output p || '%n' ; outputs characters 1 to (last - 1), so without the .
group StartingFromKnownCharacterAndOf_m_Length
find 'T' utf8-char{3} => p
output p || '%n' ; outputs his following T
group StartingFromKnownSubstringAndOf_m_Length
find '𝓞𝓶𝓷𝓲𝓜' utf8-char{3} => p
output p || '%n' ; outputs 𝓪𝓻𝓴 following 𝓞𝓶𝓷𝓲𝓜
group #implied
find utf8-char
; ensures no other characters go to the output
- Output:
𝓞𝓶𝓷𝓲𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓞𝓶𝓷𝓲𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓴 solution. This 𝓲𝓼 the 𝓞𝓶𝓷𝓲𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓴 solution his 𝓪𝓻𝓴
fun {DropUntil Xs Prefix}
case Xs of nil then nil
[] _|Xr then
if {List.isPrefix Prefix Xs} then Xs
else {DropUntil Xr Prefix}
Digits = "1234567890"
[{List.take {List.drop Digits 2} 3} = "345"
{List.drop Digits 2} = "34567890"
{List.take Digits {Length Digits}-1} = "123456789"
{List.take {DropUntil Digits "4"} 3} = "456"
{List.take {DropUntil Digits "56"} 3} = "567"
{List.take {DropUntil Digits "31"} 3} = ""
\\ Returns the substring of string str specified by the start position s and length n.
\\ If n=0 then to the end of str.
\\ ssubstr() 3/5/16 aev
n1=vtn-s+1; if(n==0,n=n1); if(n>n1,n=n1);
ve=vector(n,z,z-1+s); vr=vecextract(vt,ve); return(Strchr(vr));
{\\ TEST
print(" *** Testing ssubstr():");
- Output:
*** Testing ssubstr(): 1.BCD 2.ABCDEFG 3.ABCDEF 4.BCDEFG 5.ABCD 6.ABCDEFG 7.CDEFG 8.||
See also Delphi and Free Pascal
Remember, in Extended Pascal (ISO standard 10206), string(…) variables’ indices are 1‑based. Pay attention to the constraints below.
program substring(output);
sample: string(20) value 'Foobar';
n, m: integer value 1;
{ starting from n characters in and of m length - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - }
writeLn(subStr(sample, n, m));
writeLn(subStr(sample, n):m);
writeLn(sample[n .. n + m - 1]);
{ starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string - - - - - - - - }
writeLn(subStr(sample, n));
writeLn(sample[n .. length(sample)]);
{ whole string minus the last character - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - }
writeLn(subStr(sample, 1, length(sample) - 1));
writeLn(sample[1 .. pred(length(sample))]);
writeLn(sample:length(sample) - 1);
{ To make this a permanent change you can use
writeStr(sample, sample:pred(length(sample)); }
{ starting from a known character within the string and of m length - - - - - }
writeLn(subStr(sample, index(sample, 'b'), m));
writeLn(subStr(sample, index(sample, 'b')):m);
writeLn(sample[index(sample, 'b') .. index(sample, 'b') + m - 1]);
{ starting from a known substring within the string and of m length - - - - - }
writeLn(subStr(sample, index(sample, 'bar'), m));
writeLn(subStr(sample, index(sample, 'bar')):m);
writeLn(sample[index(sample, 'bar') .. index(sample, 'bar') + m - 1]);
- If a string(…) variable is designated bindable, for instancethen it is not possible to use the array-like substring notation: That means
var myBindableStringVariable: bindable string(20);
is not permitted since myBindableStringVariable is bindable.myBindableStringVariable[firstCharacterIndex .. lastCharacterIndex]
- It is mandatory that in sample[firstCharacterIndex .. lastCharacterIndex] both firstCharacterIndex and lastCharacterIndex are non-descending and denote valid indices in sample. That means both need to be in the range 1 .. length(sample). However, for an empty string this range would be empty. Therefore, the array-like substring notation cannot be used for an empty string.
- In subStr(sample, firstCharacterIndex, substringLength) the substringLength has to be a non-negative integer less than or equal to length(sample). However, firstCharacterIndex + substringLength ‑ 1 may not exceed length(sample). Therefore, if sample is an empty string, the only permissible firstCharacterIndex value is 1 (positive one) and the only permissible substringLength is 0 (zero). Needless to say how pointless subStr('', 1, 0) is.
- Furthermore, the totalWidth specification in write(myStringOrCharValue:totalWidth) (and writeLn/writeStr respectively) has to be greater than or equal to zero. To take advantage of this procedure in a fool-proof manner, you need to extend your width expression like this:
write(sample:pred(length(sample), ord(length(sample) > 0))); { all but last char }
n = 3;
m = 2;
var s := '0123456789';
Writeln(s.Substring(n, m));
Writeln(s.Substring(s.IndexOf('3'), m));
Writeln(s.Substring(s.IndexOf('456'), m));
- Output:
34 3456789 012345678 34 45
my $str = 'abcdefgh';
print substr($str, 2, 3), "\n"; # Returns 'cde'
print substr($str, 2), "\n"; # Returns 'cdefgh'
print substr($str, 0, -1), "\n"; #Returns 'abcdefg'
print substr($str, index($str, 'd'), 3), "\n"; # Returns 'def'
print substr($str, index($str, 'de'), 3), "\n"; # Returns 'def'
--(1) starting from n characters in and of m length;
--(2) starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
--(3) whole string minus last character;
--(4) starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
--(5) starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
constant sentence = "the last thing the man said was the",
n = 10, m = 5
integer k, l
l = n+m-1
if l<=length(sentence) then
?sentence[n..l] -- (1)
end if
if n<=length(sentence) then
?sentence[n..-1] -- (2) or [n..$]
end if
if length(sentence)>0 then
?sentence[1..-2] -- (3) or [1..$-1]
end if
k = find('m',sentence)
l = k+m-1
if l<=length(sentence) then
?sentence[k..l] -- (4)
end if
k = match("aid",sentence)
l = k+m-1
if l<=length(sentence) then
?sentence[k..l] -- (5)
end if
- Output:
"thing" "thing the man said was the" "the last thing the man said was th" "man s" "aid w"
Alternative version with no error handling, for those in a hurry (same ouput):
If sentence is UTF-8 or UTF-16, you should explicitly use sequence utf32 = utf8_to_utf32(string utf8) or sequence utf32 = utf16_to_utf32(sequence utf16) before any slicing or find()/match(), and string utf8 = utf32_to_utf8(sequence utf32) or sequence utf16 = utf32_to_utf16(sequence utf32) before display. Note that unicode does not normally display correctly on a standard Windows console, but is fine in a GUI or Linux console or a web browser.
include ..\Utilitys.pmt
--(1) starting from n characters in and of m length;
--(2) starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
--(3) whole string minus last character;
--(4) starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
--(5) starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
def myslice
rot len var _|long
rot rot
over _|long swap - 1 +
"the last thing the man said was the"
10 var n 5 var m
n m myslice ? /# (1) #/
len n swap myslice ? /# (2) #/
dup -1 del ? /# (3) #/
'm' find m myslice ? /# (4) #/
"aid" find m myslice ? /# (5) #/
$str = 'abcdefgh';
$n = 2;
$m = 3;
echo substr($str, $n, $m), "\n"; //cde
echo substr($str, $n), "\n"; //cdefgh
echo substr($str, 0, -1), "\n"; //abcdefg
echo substr($str, strpos($str, 'd'), $m), "\n"; //def
echo substr($str, strpos($str, 'de'), $m), "\n"; //def
go =>
S = "Picat is fun",
N = 3,
M = 4,
C = 'i', % must be a char
SS = "is",
test(S,N,M,C,SS) =>
% - starting from n characters in and of m length;
% - starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
% - whole string minus last character;
% - starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
% - starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
but_last(S) = slice(S,1,S.length-1).
substring4(S,C) = slice(S,S.find_first_of(C)).
% find is non-deterministic, hence the once/1
substring5(S,SS,M) = slice(S,Start,Start+M) =>
- Output:
test(Picat is fun,3,4,i,is) 1 = cat i 1 = cat i 2 = cat is fun 3 = Picat is fu 3 = Picat is fu 4 = icat is fun 5 = is fu
(let Str (chop "This is a string")
(prinl (head 4 (nth Str 6))) # From 6 of 4 length
(prinl (nth Str 6)) # From 6 up to the end
(prinl (head -1 Str)) # Minus last character
(prinl (head 8 (member "s" Str))) # From character "s" of length 8
(prinl # From "isa" of length 8
(head 8
(seek '((S) (pre? "is a" S)) Str) ) ) )
- Output:
is a is a string This is a strin s is a s is a str
n=4; m=3;
Since .NET and PowerShell use zero-based indexing, all character indexes have to be reduced by one.
# test string
$s = "abcdefgh"
# test parameters
$n, $m, $c, $s2 = 2, 3, [char]'d', $s2 = 'cd'
# starting from n characters in and of m length
# n = 2, m = 3
$s.Substring($n-1, $m) # returns 'bcd'
# starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
# n = 2
$s.Substring($n-1) # returns 'bcdefgh'
# whole string minus last character
$s.Substring(0, $s.Length - 1) # returns 'abcdefg'
# starting from a known character within the string and of m length
# c = 'd', m =3
$s.Substring($s.IndexOf($c), $m) # returns 'def'
# starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
# s2 = 'cd', m = 3
$s.Substring($s.IndexOf($s2), $m) # returns 'cde'
substring_task(Str, N, M, Char, SubStr) :-
sub_string(Str, N, M, _, Span),
sub_string(Str, N, _, 0, ToEnd),
sub_string(Str, 0, _, 1, MinusLast),
string_from_substring_to_m(Str, Char, M, FromCharToMth),
string_from_substring_to_m(Str, SubStr, M, FromSubToM),
maplist( writeln,
[ 'from n to m ':Span,
'from n to end ': ToEnd,
'string minus last char ': MinusLast,
'form known char to m ': FromCharToMth,
'from known substring to m ': FromSubToM ]).
string_from_substring_to_m(String, Sub, M, FromSubToM) :-
sub_string(String, Before, _, _, Sub),
sub_string(String, Before, M, _, FromSubToM).
Running it:
?- substring_task("abcdefghijk", 2, 4, "d", "ef").
from n to m :cdef
from n to end :cdefghijk
string minus last char :abcdefghij
form known char to m :defg
from known substring to m :efgh
Python uses zero-based indexing, so the n'th character is at index n-1.
>>> s = 'abcdefgh'
>>> n, m, char, chars = 2, 3, 'd', 'cd'
>>> # starting from n=2 characters in and m=3 in length;
>>> s[n-1:n+m-1]
>>> # starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
>>> s[n-1:]
>>> # whole string minus last character;
>>> s[:-1]
>>> # starting from a known character char="d" within the string and of m length;
>>> indx = s.index(char)
>>> s[indx:indx+m]
>>> # starting from a known substring chars="cd" within the string and of m length.
>>> indx = s.index(chars)
>>> s[indx:indx+m]
is defined at Count occurrences of a substring#Quackery.
[ $ "abcdefgh" ] is s ( --> $ )
[ 2 ] is n ( --> n )
[ 3 ] is m ( --> n )
[ char d ] is ch ( --> c )
[ $ "cd" ] is ss ( --> $ )
s n split nip m split drop echo$ cr
s n split nip echo$ cr
s -1 split drop echo$ cr
ch s tuck find split nip m split drop echo$ cr
ss s tuck find$ split nip m split drop echo$ cr
- Output:
cde cdefgh abcdefg def cde
s <- "abcdefgh"
n <- 2; m <- 2; char <- 'd'; chars <- 'cd'
substring(s, n, n + m)
substring(s, n)
substring(s, 1, nchar(s)-1)
indx <- which(strsplit(s, '')[[1]] %in% strsplit(char, '')[[1]])
substring(s, indx, indx + m)
indx <- which(strsplit(s, '')[[1]] %in% strsplit(chars, '')[[1]])[1]
substring(s, indx, indx + m)
#lang racket
(define str "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
(define n 10)
(define m 2)
(define start-char #\x)
(define start-str "xy")
;; starting from n characters in and of m length;
(substring str n (+ n m)) ; -> "kl"
;; starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
(substring str m) ; -> "klmnopqrstuvwxyz"
;; whole string minus last character;
(substring str 0 (sub1 (string-length str))) ; -> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy"
;; starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
(substring str (caar (regexp-match-positions (regexp-quote (string start-char))
str))) ; -> "xyz"
;; starting from a known substring within the string and of m length.
(substring str (caar (regexp-match-positions (regexp-quote start-str)
str))) ; -> "xyz"
(formerly Perl 6)
my $str = 'abcdefgh';
my $n = 2;
my $m = 3;
say $str.substr($n, $m);
say $str.substr($n);
say $str.substr(0, *-1);
say $str.substr($str.index('d'), $m);
say $str.substr($str.index('de'), $m);
define println use $s
$s print "\n" print
"0123456789" as $str
$str 3 2 extract println # at 4th pos get 2 chars
$str 8 4 extract println # at 9th pos get 4 chars (when only 1 char available)
$str 3 $str length extract println # at 4th pos get all chars to end of str
$str 3 0x7FFFFFFF extract println # at 4th pos get all chars to end of str
$str 3 -1 extract println # at 4th pos get rest of chars but last one
$str 0 -1 extract println # all chars but last one
"3" as $matchChr # starting chr for extraction
4 as $subLen # Nr chars after found starting char
$str $matchChr split as $l
"" $l 0 set $l $matchChr join
0 $subLen extract println
"345" as $matchChrs # starting chrs for extraction
6 as $subLen # Nr chars after found starting chars
$str $matchChrs split as $l
"" $l 0 set $l $matchChrs join
0 $subLen extract println
- Output:
34 89 3456789 3456789 345678 012345678 3456 345678
Title: "Retrieve Substring"
s: "abcdefgh" n: 2 m: 3 char: #"d" chars: "cd"
; Note that REBOL uses base-1 indexing. Strings are series values,
; just like blocks or lists so I can use the same words to manipulate
; them. All these examples use the 'copy' function against the 's'
; string with a particular offset as needed.
; For the fragment "copy/part skip s n - 1 m", read from right to
; left. First you have 'm', which we ignore for now. Then evaluate
; 'n - 1' (makes 1), to adjust the offset. Then 'skip' jumps from the
; start of the string by that offset. 'copy' starts copying from the
; new start position and the '/part' refinement limits the copy by 'm'
; characters.
print ["Starting from n, length m:"
copy/part skip s n - 1 m]
; It may be helpful to see the expression with optional parenthesis:
print ["Starting from n, length m (parens):"
(copy/part (skip s (n - 1)) m)]
; This example is much simpler, so hopefully it's easier to see how
; the string start is position for the copy:
print ["Starting from n to end of string:"
copy skip s n - 1]
print ["Whole string minus last character:"
copy/part s (length? s) - 1]
print ["Starting from known character, length m:"
copy/part find s char m]
print ["Starting from substring, length m:"
copy/part find s chars m]
- Output:
Script: "Retrieve Substring" (6-Dec-2009) Starting from n, length m: bcd Starting from n, length m (parens): bcd Starting from n to end of string: bcdefgh Whole string minus last character: abcdefg Starting from known character, length m: def Starting from substring, length m: cde
let s = "ABCDEFGH"
let from = 2
let length = 3
Js.log2("Original string: ", s)
Js.log(Js.String.substrAtMost(~from, ~length, s))
Js.log(Js.String.substr(~from, s))
Js.log(Js.String.substrAtMost(~from=0, ~length=(Js.String2.length(s) - 1), s))
Js.log(Js.String.substrAtMost(~from=(Js.String.indexOf("B", s)), ~length, s))
Js.log(Js.String.substrAtMost(~from=(Js.String.indexOf("BC", s)), ~length, s))
- Output:
$ bsc substr.res > substr.js $ node substr.js Original string: ABCDEFGH CDE CDEFGH ABCDEFG BCD BCD
Note: in REXX, the 1st character index of a string is 1, not 0.
/*REXX program demonstrates various ways to extract substrings from a string of characters.*/
$='abcdefghijk'; n=4; m=3 /*define some constants: string, index, length of string. */
say 'original string='$ /* [↑] M can be zero (which indicates a null string).*/
L=length($) /*the length of the $ string (in bytes or characters).*/
say center(1,30,'═') /*show a centered title for the 1st task requirement. */
u=substr($, n, m) /*start from N characters in and of M length. */
say u
parse var $ =(n) a +(m) /*an alternate method by using the PARSE instruction. */
say a
say center(2,30,'═') /*show a centered title for the 2nd task requirement. */
u=substr($,n) /*start from N characters in, up to the end-of-string. */
say u
parse var $ =(n) a /*an alternate method by using the PARSE instruction. */
say a
say center(3,30,'═') /*show a centered title for the 3rd task requirement. */
u=substr($, 1, L-1) /*OK: the entire string except the last character. */
say u
v=substr($, 1, max(0, L-1) ) /*better: this version handles the case of a null string. */
say v
parse var $ a +(lm) /*an alternate method by using the PARSE instruction. */
say a
say center(4,30,'═') /*show a centered title for the 4th task requirement. */
u=substr($,pos('g',$), m) /*start from a known char within the string of length M. */
say u
parse var $ 'g' a +(m) /*an alternate method by using the PARSE instruction. */
say a
say center(5,30,'═') /*show a centered title for the 5th task requirement. */
u=substr($,pos('def',$),m) /*start from a known substr within the string of length M.*/
say u
parse var $ 'def' a +(m) /*an alternate method by using the PARSE instruction. */
say a /*stick a fork in it, we're all done and Bob's your uncle.*/
output when using the (internal) default strings:
original string=abcdefghijk ══════════════1═══════════════ def def ══════════════2═══════════════ defghijk defghijk ══════════════3═══════════════ abcdefghij abcdefghij abcdefghij ══════════════4═══════════════ ghi ghi ══════════════5═══════════════ def def
Programming note: generally, the REXX parse statement is faster than using an assignment statement and using a BIF (built-in function), but the use of parse is more obtuse to novice programmers.
cStr = "a":"h" # 'abcdefgh'
n = 3 m = 3
# starting from n characters in and of m length
See substr(cStr,n, m) + nl #=> cde
# starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
See substr(cStr,n) + nl #=> cdefgh
# whole string minus last character
See substr(cstr,1,len(cStr)-1) + nl #=> abcdefg
# starting from a known character within the string and of m length
See substr(cStr,substr(cStr,"e"),m) +nl #=> efg
# starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
See substr(cStr,substr(cStr,"de"),m) +nl #=> def
* 1...5....1....5....2....5..
D myString S 30 inz('Liebe bewegt das Universum!')
D output S 30 inz('')
D n S 2 0 inz(1)
D m S 2 0 inz(5)
D length S 2 0 inz(0)
D find S 2 0 inz(0)
*inlr = *on;
dsply %subst(myString:n:m);
dsply %subst(myString:7:20);
length = %len(%trim(myString));
dsply %subst(myString:1:length-1);
find = %scan('U':myString);
dsply %subst(myString:find:9);
find = %scan('bewegt':myString);
dsply %subst(myString:find:%len('bewegt'));
output = ' *** end *** ';
dsply ' ' ' ' output;
- Output:
DSPLY Liebe DSPLY bewegt das Universum DSPLY Liebe bewegt das Universum DSPLY Universum DSPLY bewegt
Code | Comments |
≪ → string n m char sub ≪ string n DUP m + 1 - SUB string n OVER SIZE SUB string 1 OVER SIZE 1 - SUB string DUP char POS DUP m + 1 - SUB string DUP sub POS DUP m + 1 - SUB ≫ ≫ SHOWC STO |
( string start length char sub -- sub1 .. sub5 ) from n characters in and of m length from n characters in, up to the end of the string whole string minus the last character from a character within the string and of m length from a substring within the string and of m length |
The following piece of code will deliver what is required:
"abcdefgh" 2 3 "d" "cd" SHOWC
- Output:
5: bcd 4: bcdefgh 3: abcdefg 2: def 1: cde
str = 'abcdefgh'
n = 2
m = 3
puts str[n, m] #=> cde
puts str[n..m] #=> cd
puts str[n..-1] #=> cdefgh
puts str[0..-2] #=> abcdefg
puts str[str.index('d'), m] #=> def
puts str[str.index('de'), m] #=> def
puts str[/a.*d/] #=> abcd
let s = "abc文字化けdef";
let n = 2;
let m = 3;
// Print 3 characters starting at index 2 (c文字)
println!("{}", s.chars().skip(n).take(m).collect::<String>());
// Print all characters starting at index 2 (c文字化けdef)
println!("{}", s.chars().skip(n).collect::<String>());
// Print all characters except the last (abc文字化けde)
println!("{}", s.chars().rev().skip(1).collect::<String>());
// Print 3 characters starting with 'b' (bc文)
let cpos = s.find('b').unwrap();
println!("{}", s[cpos..].chars().take(m).collect::<String>());
// Print 3 characters starting with "けd" (けde)
let spos = s.find("けd").unwrap();
println!("{}", s[spos..].chars().take(m).collect::<String>());
data _null_;
b=substr(a,2,3); /* first number is position, starting at 1,
second number is length */
put _all_;
class MAIN is
main is
s ::= "hello world shortest program";
#OUT + s.substring(12, 5) + "\n";
#OUT + s.substring(6) + "\n";
#OUT + s.head( s.size - 1) + "\n";
#OUT + s.substring('w'), 5) + "\n";
#OUT + s.substring("ro"), 3) + "\n";
object Substring {
// Ruler 1 2 3 4 5 6
// 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012
val str = "The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge."
val (n, m) = (21, 16) // An one-liner to set n = 21, m = 16
// Starting from n characters in and of m length
assert("inspired by love" == str.slice(n, n + m))
// Starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
assert("inspired by love and guided by knowledge." == str.drop(n))
// Whole string minus last character
assert("The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge" == str.init)
// Starting from a known character within the string and of m length
assert("life is one insp" == str.dropWhile(_ != 'l').take(m) )
// Starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
assert("good life is one" == { val i = str.indexOf("good"); str.slice(i, i + m) })
// Alternatively
assert("good life is one" == str.drop(str.indexOf("good")).take(m))
(define s "Hello, world!")
(define n 5)
(define m (+ n 6))
(display (substring s n m))
(display (substring s n))
(display (substring s 0 (- (string-length s) 1)))
(display (substring s (string-index s #\o) m))
(display (substring s (string-contains s "lo") m))
# 2 chars starting from 3rd
$ echo string | sed -r 's/.{3}(.{2}).*/\1/'
# remove first 3 chars
echo string | sed -r 's/^.{3}//'
# delete last char
$ echo string | sed -r 's/.$//'
# `r' with two following chars
$ echo string | sed -r 's/.*(r.{2}).*/\1/'
$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
const proc: main is func
const string: stri is "abcdefgh";
const integer: N is 2;
const integer: M is 3;
writeln(stri[N len M]);
writeln(stri[N ..]);
writeln(stri[.. pred(length(stri))]);
writeln(stri[pos(stri, 'c') len M]);
writeln(stri[pos(stri, "de") len M]);
end func;
- Output:
bcd bcdefgh abcdefg cde def
Note: SenseTalk indexes from 1 and ranges are inclusive
set mainString to "87654321"
set n to 3
set m to 4
set c to "5"
set sub to "654"
put characters n + 1 to n + m of mainString
put characters n + 1 to end of mainString
put characters first to penultimate of mainString
set characterOffset to offset of c in mainString
put characters characterOffset to characterOffset + m - 1 of mainString
set subOffset to offset of sub in mainString
put characters subOffset to subOffset + m - 1 of mainString
var str = 'abcdefgh';
var n = 2;
var m = 3;
say str.substr(n, m); #=> cde
say str.substr(n); #=> cdefgh
say str.substr(0, -1); #=> abcdefg
say str.substr(str.index('d'), m); #=> def
say str.substr(str.index('de'), m); #=> def
#s := 'hello world shortest program'.
#n := 13.
#m := 4.
inform: (s copyFrom: n to: n + m).
inform: (s copyFrom: n).
inform: s allButLast.
inform: (s copyFrom: (s indexOf: $w) to: (s indexOf: $w) + m).
inform: (s copyFrom: (s indexOfSubSeq: 'ro') to: (s indexOfSubSeq: 'ro') + m).
The distinction between searching a single character or a string into another string is rather blurred. In the following code, instead of using 'w' (a string) we could use $w (a character), but it makes no difference.
s := 'hello world shortest program'.
(s copyFrom: 13 to: (13+4)) displayNl.
"4 is the length (5) - 1, since we need the index of the
last char we want, which is included"
(s copyFrom: 7) displayNl.
(s allButLast) displayNl.
(s copyFrom: ((s indexOfRegex: 'w') first)
to: ( ((s indexOfRegex: 'w') first) + 4) ) displayNl.
(s copyFrom: ((s indexOfRegex: 'ro') first)
to: ( ((s indexOfRegex: 'ro') first) + 2) ) displayNl.
These last two examples in particular seem rather complex, so we can extend the string class.
String extend [
copyFrom: index length: nChar [
^ self copyFrom: index to: ( index + nChar - 1 )
copyFromRegex: regEx length: nChar [
i := self indexOfRegex: regEx.
^ self copyFrom: (i first) length: nChar
"and show it simpler..."
(s copyFrom: 13 length: 5) displayNl.
(s copyFromRegex: 'w' length: 5) displayNl.
(s copyFromRegex: 'ro' length: 3) displayNl.
string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
n = 12
m = 5
known_char = "q"
known_str = "pq"
* starting from n characters in and of m length;
string len(n - 1) len(m) . output
* starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string;
string len(n - 1) rem . output
* whole string minus last character;
string rtab(1) . output
* starting from a known character within the string and of m length;
string break(known_char) len(m) . output
* starting from a known substring <= m within the string and of m length.
string (known_str len(m - size(known_str))) . output
- Output:
lmnop lmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy qrstu pqrst
In Db2, there are different ways to find the position of a character or substring. For this reason, several examples are shown. Please take a look at the documentation for more details.
select 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select substr('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 5, 15) from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select substr('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 32) from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select substr('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 1, length ('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog') - 1) from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select locate('j', 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog') from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select locate_in_string('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 'j') from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select posstr('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 'j') from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select position('j', 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', OCTETS) from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select substr('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', locate('j', 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog')) from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select locate('fox', 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog') from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select locate_in_string('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 'fox') from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select posstr('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 'fox') from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select position('fox', 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', OCTETS) from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select substr('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', locate('fox', 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog')) from sysibm.sysdummy1;
db2 => select 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' from sysibm.sysdummy1; 1 ------------------------------------------- the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1 record(s) selected. db2 => select substr('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 5, 15) from sysibm.sysdummy1; 1 --------------- quick brown fox 1 record(s) selected. db2 => select substr('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 32) from sysibm.sysdummy1; 1 ------------------------------------------- the lazy dog 1 record(s) selected. db2 => select substr('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 1, length ('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog') - 1) from sysibm.sysdummy1; 1 ------------------------------------------- the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy do 1 record(s) selected. db2 => select substr('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', locate('j', 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog')) from sysibm.sysdummy1; 1 ------------------------------------------- jumps over the lazy dog 1 record(s) selected. db2 => select substr('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', locate('fox', 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog')) from sysibm.sysdummy1; 1 ------------------------------------------- fox jumps over the lazy dog 1 record(s) selected.
s = "Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἐποίησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ τὴν γῆν"
usubstr(s, 25, 11)
τὸν οὐρανὸν
usubstr(s, 25, .)
τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ τὴν γῆν
usubstr(s, 1, ustrlen(s)-1)
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἐποίησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ τὴν γῆ
usubstr(s, -3, .)
let string = "Hello, Swift language"
let (n, m) = (5, 4)
// Starting from `n` characters in and of `m` length.
do {
let start = string.startIndex.advancedBy(n)
let end = start.advancedBy(m)
// Pure-Swift (standard library only):
_ = string[start..<end]
// With Apple's Foundation framework extensions:
// Starting from `n` characters in, up to the end of the string.
do {
// Pure-Swift (standard library only):
_ = String(
string.characters.suffix(string.characters.count - n)
// With Apple's Foundation framework extensions:
_ = string.substringFromIndex(string.startIndex.advancedBy(n))
// Whole string minus last character.
do {
// Pure-Swift (standard library only):
_ = String(
// With Apple's Foundation framework extensions:
_ = string.substringToIndex(string.endIndex.predecessor())
// Starting from a known character within the string and of `m` length.
do {
// Pure-Swift (standard library only):
let character = Character("l")
guard let characterIndex = string.characters.indexOf(character) else {
fatalError("Index of '\(character)' character not found.")
let endIndex = characterIndex.advancedBy(m)
_ = string[characterIndex..<endIndex]
// Starting from a known substring within the string and of `m` length.
do {
// With Apple's Foundation framework extensions:
let substring = "Swift"
guard let range = string.rangeOfString(substring) else {
fatalError("Range of substring \(substring) not found")
let start = range.startIndex
let end = start.advancedBy(m)
Tailspin doesn't really let you manipulate parts of strings. You can get a list of characters (or, really, clumps of combining characters) by
and manipulate parts of that list, and recombine as
if you really want to. The better Tailspin way to handle parts of strings is to use a "composer" to compose meaningful structure from the string (and discard unwanted parts).
composer substr&{from:, length:}
(<'.{$:$from-1;}'>) <'.{$length;}'> (<'.*'>)
end substr
'abcdef' -> substr&{from:3, length:2} -> !OUT::write
' -> !OUT::write
composer substrFrom&{from:}
(<'.{$:$from-1;}'>) <'.*'>
end substrFrom
'abcdef' -> substrFrom&{from:4} -> !OUT::write
' -> !OUT::write
composer chopLast
<'(.(?=.))*'> (<'.'>)
end chopLast
'abcdef' -> chopLast -> !OUT::write
' -> !OUT::write
composer substrStarting&{prefix:, length:}
(<~='$prefix;'>) <'.{$length;}'> (<'.*'>)
end substrStarting
'abcdef' -> substrStarting&{prefix: 'b', length: 2} -> !OUT::write
' -> !OUT::write
'abcdef' -> substrStarting&{prefix: 'cd', length: 3} -> !OUT::write
' -> !OUT::write
- Output:
cd def abcde bc cde
set str "abcdefgh"
set n 2
set m 3
puts [string range $str $n [expr {$n+$m-1}]]
puts [string range $str $n end]
puts [string range $str 0 end-1]
# Because Tcl does substrings with a pair of indices, it is easier to express
# the last two parts of the task as a chained pair of [string range] operations.
# A maximally efficient solution would calculate the indices in full first.
puts [string range [string range $str [string first "d" $str] end] [expr {$m-1}]]
puts [string range [string range $str [string first "de" $str] end] [expr {$m-1}]]
# From Tcl 8.5 onwards, these can be contracted somewhat.
puts [string range [string range $str [string first "d" $str] end] $m-1]
puts [string range [string range $str [string first "de" $str] end] $m-1]
Of course, if you were doing 'position-plus-length' a lot, it would be easier to add another subcommand to string
, like this:
# Define the substring operation, efficiently
proc ::substring {string start length} {
string range $string $start [expr {$start + $length - 1}]
# Plumb it into the language
set ops [namespace ensemble configure string -map]
dict set ops substr ::substring
namespace ensemble configure string -map $ops
# Now show off by repeating the challenge!
set str "abcdefgh"
set n 2
set m 3
puts [string substr $str $n $m]
puts [string range $str $n end]
puts [string range $str 0 end-1]
puts [string substr $str [string first "d" $str] $m]
puts [string substr $str [string first "de" $str] $m]
string="abcdefgh", n=4,m=n+2
substring=EXTRACT (string,#n,#m)
PRINT substring
substring=Extract (string,#n,0)
PRINT substring
substring=EXTRACT (string,0,-1)
PRINT substring
n=SEARCH (string,":d:"),m=n+2
substring=EXTRACT (string,#n,#m)
PRINT substring
substring=EXTRACT (string,":{substring}:"|,0)
PRINT substring
- Output:
de defgh abcdefg de fgh
UNIX Shell
POSIX shells
str="abc qrdef qrghi"
expr "x$str" : "x.\{$n\}\(.\{1,$m\}\)"
expr "x$str" : "x.\{$n\}\(.*\)"
printf '%s\n' "${str%?}"
expr "r${str#*r}" : "\(.\{1,$m\}\)"
expr "qr${str#*qr}" : "\(.\{1,$m\}\)"
def def qrghi abc qrdef qrgh rde qrd
This program uses expr(1) to capture a substring.
Bourne Shell
str="abc qrdef qrghi"
expr "x$str" : "x.\{$n\}\(.\{1,$m\}\)"
expr "x$str" : "x.\{$n\}\(.*\)"
expr "x$str" : "x\(.*\)."
index() {
i=0 s=$1
until test "x$s" = x || expr "x$s" : "x$2" >/dev/null; do
i=`expr $i + 1` s=`expr "x$s" : "x.\(.*\)"`
echo $i
expr "x$str" : "x.\{`index "$str" r`\}\(.\{1,$m\}\)"
expr "x$str" : "x.\{`index "$str" qr`\}\(.\{1,$m\}\)"
def def qrghi abc qrdef qrgh rde qrd
Note that the last two constructs won't work with bash as only zsh supports nested string manipulation.
echo ${string:2:3} # Display 3 chars starting 2 chars in ie: 'cde'
echo ${string:2} # Starting 2 chars in, display to end of string
echo ${string:0:${#string}-1} # Whole string minus last character
echo ${string%?} # Shorter variant of the above
echo ${${string/*c/c}:0:3} # Display 3 chars starting with 'c'
echo ${${string/*cde/cde}:0:3} # Display 3 chars starting with 'cde'
This example shows how to cut(1) a substring from a string.
printf %s "$str" | cut -c $n-`expr $n + $m - 1`
printf %s "$str" | cut -c $n-
printf '%s\n' "${str%?}"
printf q%s "${str#*q}" | cut -c 1-$m
printf pq%s "${str#*pq}" | cut -c 1-$m
- Output:
$ sh lmnop lmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy qrstu pqrst
- cut -c counts characters from 1.
- cut(1) runs on each line of standard input, therefore the string must not contain a newline.
- One can use the old style `expr $n + $m - 1` or the new style $((n + m - 1)) to calculate the index.
- cut(1) prints the substring to standard output. To put the substring in a variable, use one of
- var=`printf %s "$str" | cut -c $n-\`expr $n + $m - 1\``
- var=$( printf %s "$str" | cut -c $n-$((n + m - 1)) )
string s = "Hello, world!";
int n = 1;
int m = 3;
// start at n and go m letters
string s_n_to_m = s[n:n+m];
// start at n and go to end
string s_n_to_end = s[n:s.length];
// start at beginning and show all but last
string s_notlast = s[0:s.length - 1];
// start from known letter and then go m letters
int index_of_l = s.index_of("l");
string s_froml_for_m = s[index_of_l:index_of_l + m];
// start from known substring then go m letters
int index_of_lo = s.index_of("lo");
string s_fromlo_for_m = s[index_of_lo:index_of_lo + m];
V (Vlang)
1) Substring function argument in V (Vlang) uses end position versus length in AHK. 2) V (Vlang) arrays are 0 index based.
fn main() {
str := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
find_char := "q"
find_string := "pq"
n := 12
m := 5
// starting from n characters in and of m length
println(str.substr(n - 1, (n - 1) + m))
// starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
println(str.substr(n - 1, str.len))
// whole string minus last character
println(str.substr(0, str.len - 1))
// starting from a known character within the string and of m length // returns nothing if not found
println(str.substr(str.index(find_char) or {return}, (str.index(find_char) or {return}) + m))
// starting from a known character within the string and of m length // returns nothing if not found
println(str.substr(str.index(find_string) or {return}, (str.index(find_string) or {return}) + m))
- Output:
lmnop lmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy qrstu pqrst
s <- "abcdefgh"
=> "a"
# starting from n characters in and of m length;
def (substr s start len)
(s start start+len)
(substr s 3 2)
=> "de"
# starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
(s 3 nil)
=> "defgh"
# whole string minus last character;
(s 3 -1)
=> "defg"
# starting from a known character within the string and of <tt>m</tt> length;
# starting from a known substring within the string and of <tt>m</tt> length.
let start (pos s pat)
(s start start+m)
import "./str" for Str
var s = "αβγδεζηθ"
var n = 2
var m = 3
var kc = "δ" // known character
var ks = "δε" // known string
// for reference
System.print("Index of characters: 01234567")
System.print("Complete string: %(s)")
// starting from n characters in and of m length
System.print("Start %(n), length %(m): %(Str.sub(s, n...n+m))")
// starting from n characters in, up to the end of the string
System.print("Start %(n), to end: %(Str.sub(s, n..-1))")
// whole string minus last character
System.print("All but last: %(Str.sub(s, 0..-2))")
// starting from a known character within the string and of m length
var dx = s.indexOf(kc)
if (dx >= 0) {
System.print("Start '%(kc)', length %(m): %(Str.sub(s[dx..-1], 0...m))")
// starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
var sx = s.indexOf(ks)
if (sx >= 0) {
System.print("Start '%(ks)', length %(m): %(Str.sub(s[sx..-1], 0...m))")
- Output:
Index of character: 01234567 Complete string: αβγδεζηθ Start 2, length 3: γδε Start 2, to end: γδεζηθ All but last: αβγδεζη Start 'δ', length 3: δεζ Start 'δε', length 3: δεζ
include xpllib; \provides StrLen and StrFind
proc PMid(S, N, M); \Print string at Nth character M chars long
char S, N, M, I;
[for I:= 1 to M do ChOut(0, S(N-2+I));
char S;
def N=2, M=3;
[S:= "abcdefgh";
PMid(S, N, M); \starting from N chars in and of M length
PMid(S, N, StrLen(S)-N+1); \starting from N chars in, up to end of string
PMid(S, 1, StrLen(S)-1); \whole string minus last character
PMid(StrFind(S, "d" ), 1, M); \starting from known char and of M length
PMid(StrFind(S, "cd"), 1, M); \starting from known substring and of M length
- Output:
bcd bcdefgh abcdefg def cde
str = "abcdefgh";
n = 2;
m = 3;
// starting from n character in and of m length
write, strpart(str, n:n+m-1);
// starting from n character in, up to the end of the string
write, strpart(str, n:);
// whole string minus last character
write, strpart(str, :-1);
// starting from a known character within the string and of m length
match = strfind("d", str);
write, strpart(str, [match(1), match(1)+m]);
// starting from a known substring within the string and of m length
match = strfind("cd", str);
write, strpart(str, [match(1), match(1)+m]);
8 bit ASCII
var str = "abcdefgh", n = 2, m = 3;
str[n,m] //-->"cde"
str[n,*] //-->"cdefgh"
str[0,-1] //-->"abcdefg"
str[str.find("d"),m] //-->"def"
str[str.find("de"),m] //-->"def"