
This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
Garbage collected: | No |
Type safety: | Safe |
Type strength: | Strong |
Type compatibility: | Nominative |
Type checking: | Static |
Lang tag(s): | fortran |
See Also: |
Fortran is the oldest programming language still in widespread use. The language has evolved considerably since it was first released in 1957. Fortran was original developed for scientific and engineering applications, and remains especially suited to numeric computation and scientific computing. By convention, versions before Fortran 90 are spelled with all uppercase letters (e.g. FORTRAN IV, FORTRAN 66, FORTRAN 77), while starting with Fortran 90, the mixed case spelling is used (i.e. Fortran 90, Fortran 95, Fortran 2003 and Fortran 2008). The most recent standard is Fortran 2018 (ISO/IEC 1539-1:2018).
FORTRAN 77, being quite old, lacks almost everything one expects from a modern programming language. It uses a fixed-length line and column oriented line format which was motivated by punch cards. Due to its age, and since FORTRAN compilers generally gave very good performance for numerical code, a lot of code, especially scientific code, was written in FORTRAN. Also, for quite a while there was no free Fortran 90 compiler, which also caused a lot of FORTRAN 77 code to be written even quite some time after Fortran 90 was standardized. Because of the large body of code written in FORTRAN 77 it remains relevant today. Indeed, every modern Fortran compiler still accepts FORTRAN 77 code.
Fortran 90 was a major revision of the language. It introduced a new free-form source code format, modern programming language features like modules, pointers and user-defined types, an improved type system for built-in types and superiour built-in array handling. Newer Fortran standards (Fortran 2003 and Fortran 2008) added further modern features, like support for object oriented programming, inheritance, polymorphism, parallel processing, and interoperability with the C programming language.
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
- Fortran Implementations (3 P)
- Fortran User (100 P)
Pages in category "Fortran"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 661 total.
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- File modification time
- File size
- Filter
- Find first and last set bit of a long integer
- Find if a point is within a triangle
- Find largest left truncatable prime in a given base
- Find limit of recursion
- Find the intersection of two lines
- Find the last Sunday of each month
- Find the missing permutation
- Five weekends
- FizzBuzz
- Flatten a list
- Flipping bits game
- Flow-control structures
- Floyd's triangle
- Floyd-Warshall algorithm
- Forest fire
- Formatted numeric output
- Forward difference
- Four bit adder
- Four is magic
- Fractran
- Function composition
- Function definition
- Gamma function
- Gauss-Jordan matrix inversion
- Gaussian elimination
- Generate Chess960 starting position
- Generate lower case ASCII alphabet
- Generic swap
- Globally replace text in several files
- Golden ratio/Convergence
- Gradient descent
- Gray code
- Grayscale image
- Greatest common divisor
- Greatest element of a list
- Greatest subsequential sum
- Guess the number
- Guess the number/With feedback
- Guess the number/With feedback (player)
- Hailstone sequence
- Halt and catch fire
- Hamming numbers
- Handle a signal
- Happy numbers
- Harshad or Niven series
- Haversine formula
- Hello world/Graphical
- Hello world/Line printer
- Hello world/Newbie
- Hello world/Newline omission
- Hello world/Standard error
- Hello world/Text
- Hello world/Web server
- Here document
- Heronian triangles
- Hickerson series of almost integers
- Higher-order functions
- Hofstadter Q sequence
- Hofstadter-Conway $10,000 sequence
- Holidays related to Easter
- Horizontal sundial calculations
- Horner's rule for polynomial evaluation
- Host introspection
- Hostname
- Huffman coding
- Hunt the Wumpus
- I before E except after C
- Identity matrix
- Include a file
- Increasing gaps between consecutive Niven numbers
- Increment a numerical string
- Infinity
- Inheritance/Single
- Input loop
- Input/Output for pairs of numbers
- Integer comparison
- Integer overflow
- Integer sequence
- Inverted syntax
- ISBN13 check digit
- Isqrt (integer square root) of X
- Langton's ant
- Largest int from concatenated ints
- Largest proper divisor of n
- Last Friday of each month
- Law of cosines - triples
- Leap year
- Least common multiple
- Left factorials
- Length of an arc between two angles
- Leonardo numbers
- Letter frequency
- Levenshtein distance
- Linear congruential generator
- Linux CPU utilization
- List comprehensions
- Literals/Floating point
- Literals/Integer
- Literals/String
- Logical operations
- Long multiplication
- Long year
- Longest common subsequence
- Longest common substring
- Look-and-say sequence
- Loop over multiple arrays simultaneously
- Loops/Break
- Loops/Continue
- Loops/Do-while
- Loops/Downward for
- Loops/For
- Loops/For with a specified step
- Loops/Foreach
- Loops/Increment loop index within loop body
- Loops/Infinite
- Loops/N plus one half
- Loops/Nested
- Loops/While
- LU decomposition
- Lucas-Lehmer test
- Ludic numbers
- Luhn test of credit card numbers
- Lychrel numbers
- LZW compression
- Mad Libs
- Magic 8-ball
- Magic squares of odd order
- Man or boy test
- Mandelbrot set
- Map range
- Matrix chain multiplication
- Matrix multiplication
- Matrix transposition
- Matrix with two diagonals
- Matrix-exponentiation operator
- Maximum triangle path sum
- Mayan calendar
- MD5
- Memory allocation
- Memory layout of a data structure
- Menu
- Mersenne primes
- Mertens function
- Middle three digits
- Miller–Rabin primality test
- Modular arithmetic
- Modular exponentiation
- Modular inverse
- Monte Carlo methods
- Monty Hall problem
- Multi-dimensional array
- Multifactorial
- Multiple distinct objects
- Multiple regression
- Multiplication tables
- Munchausen numbers
- Mutual recursion
- Möbius function
- N'th
- N-body problem
- N-queens problem
- Named parameters
- Naming conventions
- Natural sorting
- Nested function
- Non-decimal radices/Convert
- Non-decimal radices/Input
- Non-decimal radices/Output
- Nth root
- Number names
- Number reversal game
- Numbers with equal rises and falls
- Numeric error propagation
- Numerical integration
- Numerical integration/Adaptive Simpson's method
- Numerical integration/Gauss-Legendre Quadrature