K-means++ clustering

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
K-means++ clustering a classification of data, so that points assigned to the same cluster are similar (in some sense). It is identical to the K-means algorithm, except for the selection of initial conditions.

The task is to implement the K-means++ algorithm. Produce a function which takes two arguments: the number of clusters K, and the dataset to classify. K is a positive integer and the dataset is a list of points in the Cartesian plane. The output is a list of clusters (related sets of points, according to the algorithm).
For extra credit (in order):
- Provide a function to exercise your code, which generates a list of random points.
- Provide a visualization of your results, including centroids (see example image).
- Generalize the function to polar coordinates (in radians).
- Generalize the function to points in an arbitrary N space (i.e. instead of x,y pairs, points are an N-tuples representing coordinates in ℝN).
If this is different or more difficult than the [naive] solution for ℝ2, discuss what had to change to support N dimensions.
Extra credit is only awarded if the examples given demonstrate the feature in question. To earn credit for 1. and 2., visualize 6 clusters of 30,000 points in ℝ2. It is not necessary to provide visualization for spaces higher than ℝ2 but the examples should demonstrate features 3. and 4. if the solution has them.

Output is in EPS. 100,000 point EPS file can take quite a while to display.
To extend the code to handle dimensions higher than 2, make POINT
have more coordinates, change the dist2
distance function, and change the finding of centroids in the lloyd
K-Means function. Multidimensional scaling will be needed to visualize the output.
This code uses the function kppFaster
to find the initial centroids. It is faster than the original function kpp
, especially with large data sets. The function kppFaster
uses an array to keep track of the shortest distance from each point to the previously selected centroids. It also uses a bisection search to select the points. It doesn't use the function nearestDistance
. The original functions kpp
and nearestDistance
are included here for comparison.
# define NUMBER_OF_POINTS 100000
# define RADIUS 10.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef struct {
double x;
double y;
int group;
This function allocates a block of memory for data points,
gives the data points random values and returns a pointer to them.
The data points fall within a circle of the radius passed to
the function. This does not create a uniform 2-dimensional
POINT * gen_xy(int num_pts, double radius)
int i;
double ang, r;
POINT * pts;
pts = (POINT*) malloc(sizeof(POINT) * num_pts);
for ( i = 0; i < num_pts; i++ ) {
ang = 2.0 * M_PI * rand() / (RAND_MAX - 1.);
r = radius * rand() / (RAND_MAX - 1.);
pts[i].x = r * cos(ang);
pts[i].y = r * sin(ang);
return pts;
This function returns the squared euclidean distance
between two data points.
double dist2(POINT * a, POINT * b)
double x = a->x - b->x;
double y = a->y - b->y;
return x*x + y*y;
This function returns the index of the cluster centroid
nearest to the data point passed to this function.
int nearest(POINT * pt, POINT * cent, int n_cluster)
int i, clusterIndex;
double d, min_d;
min_d = HUGE_VAL;
clusterIndex = pt->group;
for (i = 0; i < n_cluster; i++) {
d = dist2(¢[i], pt);
if ( d < min_d ) {
min_d = d;
clusterIndex = i;
return clusterIndex;
This function returns the distance of the cluster centroid
nearest to the data point passed to this function.
double nearestDistance(POINT * pt, POINT * cent, int n_cluster)
int i;
double d, min_d;
min_d = HUGE_VAL;
for (i = 0; i < n_cluster; i++) {
d = dist2(¢[i], pt);
if ( d < min_d ) {
min_d = d;
return min_d;
This function makes a bisectional search of an array of values that are
ordered in increasing order, and returns the index of the first element
greater than the search value passed as a parameter.
This code is adapted from code by Andy Allinger given to the public
domain, which was in turn adapted from public domain code for spline
evaluation by Rondall Jones (Sandia National Laboratories).
x A pointer to an array of values in increasing order to be searched.
n The number of elements in the input array x.
v The search value.
Returns the index of the first element greater than the search value, v.
int bisectionSearch(double *x, int n, double v)
int il, ir, i;
if (n < 1) {
return 0;
/* If v is less than x(0) or greater than x(n-1) */
if (v < x[0]) {
return 0;
else if (v > x[n-1]) {
return n - 1;
/*bisection search */
il = 0;
ir = n - 1;
i = (il + ir) / 2;
while ( i != il ) {
if (x[i] <= v) {
il = i;
} else {
ir = i;
i = (il + ir) / 2;
if (x[i] <= v)
i = ir;
return i;
} /* end of bisectionSearch */
This function uses the K-Means++ method to select
the cluster centroids.
This code is adapted from code by Andy Allinger given to the
public domain.
pts A pointer to an array of data points.
num_pts The number of points in the pts array.
centroids A pointer to an array to receive the centroids.
num_clusters The number of clusters to be found.
centroids A pointer to the array of centroids found.
void kppFaster(POINT * pts, int num_pts, POINT * centroids,
int num_clusters)
int j;
int selectedIndex;
int cluster;
double sum;
double d;
double random;
double * cumulativeDistances;
double * shortestDistance;
cumulativeDistances = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * num_pts);
shortestDistance = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * num_pts);
/* Pick the first cluster centroids at random. */
selectedIndex = rand() % num_pts;
centroids[0] = pts[ selectedIndex ];
for (j = 0; j < num_pts; ++j)
shortestDistance[j] = HUGE_VAL;
/* Select the centroids for the remaining clusters. */
for (cluster = 1; cluster < num_clusters; cluster++) {
/* For each point find its closest distance to any of
the previous cluster centers */
for ( j = 0; j < num_pts; j++ ) {
d = dist2(&pts[j], ¢roids[cluster-1] );
if (d < shortestDistance[j])
shortestDistance[j] = d;
/* Create an array of the cumulative distances. */
sum = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < num_pts; j++) {
sum += shortestDistance[j];
cumulativeDistances[j] = sum;
/* Select a point at random. Those with greater distances
have a greater probability of being selected. */
random = (float) rand() / (float) RAND_MAX * sum;
selectedIndex = bisectionSearch(cumulativeDistances, num_pts, random);
/* assign the selected point as the center */
centroids[cluster] = pts[selectedIndex];
/* Assign each point the index of it's nearest cluster centroid. */
for (j = 0; j < num_pts; j++)
pts[j].group = nearest(&pts[j], centroids, num_clusters);
} /* end, kppFaster */
This function uses the K-Means++ method to select
the cluster centroids.
void kpp(POINT * pts, int num_pts, POINT * centroids,
int num_clusters)
int j;
int cluster;
double sum;
double * distances;
distances = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * num_pts);
/* Pick the first cluster centroids at random. */
centroids[0] = pts[ rand() % num_pts ];
/* Select the centroids for the remaining clusters. */
for (cluster = 1; cluster < num_clusters; cluster++) {
/* For each data point find the nearest centroid, save its
distance in the distance array, then add it to the sum of
total distance. */
sum = 0.0;
for ( j = 0; j < num_pts; j++ ) {
distances[j] =
nearestDistance(&pts[j], centroids, cluster);
sum += distances[j];
/* Find a random distance within the span of the total distance. */
sum = sum * rand() / (RAND_MAX - 1);
/* Assign the centroids. the point with the largest distance
will have a greater probability of being selected. */
for (j = 0; j < num_pts; j++ ) {
sum -= distances[j];
if ( sum <= 0)
centroids[cluster] = pts[j];
/* Assign each observation the index of it's nearest cluster centroid. */
for (j = 0; j < num_pts; j++)
pts[j].group = nearest(&pts[j], centroids, num_clusters);
} /* end, kpp */
This function clusters the data using Lloyd's K-Means algorithm
after selecting the intial centroids using the K-Means++
It returns a pointer to the memory it allocates containing
the array of cluster centroids.
POINT * lloyd(POINT * pts, int num_pts, int num_clusters, int maxTimes)
int i, clusterIndex;
int changes;
int acceptable = num_pts / 1000; /* The maximum point changes acceptable. */
if (num_clusters == 1 || num_pts <= 0 || num_clusters > num_pts )
return 0;
POINT * centroids = (POINT *)malloc(sizeof(POINT) * num_clusters);
if ( maxTimes < 1 )
maxTimes = 1;
/* Assign initial clustering randomly using the Random Partition method
for (i = 0; i < num_pts; i++ ) {
pts[i].group = i % num_clusters;
/* or use the k-Means++ method */
/* Original version
kpp(pts, num_pts, centroids, num_clusters);
/* Faster version */
kppFaster(pts, num_pts, centroids, num_clusters);
do {
/* Calculate the centroid of each cluster.
/* Initialize the x, y and cluster totals. */
for ( i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ ) {
centroids[i].group = 0; /* used to count the cluster members. */
centroids[i].x = 0; /* used for x value totals. */
centroids[i].y = 0; /* used for y value totals. */
/* Add each observation's x and y to its cluster total. */
for (i = 0; i < num_pts; i++) {
clusterIndex = pts[i].group;
centroids[clusterIndex].x += pts[i].x;
centroids[clusterIndex].y += pts[i].y;
/* Divide each cluster's x and y totals by its number of data points. */
for ( i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ ) {
centroids[i].x /= centroids[i].group;
centroids[i].y /= centroids[i].group;
/* Find each data point's nearest centroid */
changes = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < num_pts; i++ ) {
clusterIndex = nearest(&pts[i], centroids, num_clusters);
if (clusterIndex != pts[i].group) {
pts[i].group = clusterIndex;
} while ((changes > acceptable) && (maxTimes > 0));
/* Set each centroid's group index */
for ( i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ )
centroids[i].group = i;
return centroids;
} /* end, lloyd */
this function prints the results.
void print_eps(POINT * pts, int num_pts, POINT * centroids, int num_clusters)
# define W 400
# define H 400
int i, j;
double min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, scale, cx, cy;
double *colors = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * num_clusters * 3);
for (i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++) {
colors[3*i + 0] = (3 * (i + 1) % 11)/11.;
colors[3*i + 1] = (7 * i % 11)/11.;
colors[3*i + 2] = (9 * i % 11)/11.;
max_x = max_y = - HUGE_VAL;
min_x = min_y = HUGE_VAL;
for (j = 0; j < num_pts; j++) {
if (max_x < pts[j].x) max_x = pts[j].x;
if (min_x > pts[j].x) min_x = pts[j].x;
if (max_y < pts[j].y) max_y = pts[j].y;
if (min_y > pts[j].y) min_y = pts[j].y;
scale = W / (max_x - min_x);
if (scale > H / (max_y - min_y))
scale = H / (max_y - min_y);
cx = (max_x + min_x) / 2;
cy = (max_y + min_y) / 2;
printf("%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n%%%%BoundingBox: -5 -5 %d %d\n", W + 10, H + 10);
printf( "/l {rlineto} def /m {rmoveto} def\n"
"/c { .25 sub exch .25 sub exch .5 0 360 arc fill } def\n"
"/s { moveto -2 0 m 2 2 l 2 -2 l -2 -2 l closepath "
" gsave 1 setgray fill grestore gsave 3 setlinewidth"
" 1 setgray stroke grestore 0 setgray stroke }def\n"
for (i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++) {
printf("%g %g %g setrgbcolor\n",
colors[3*i], colors[3*i + 1], colors[3*i + 2]);
for (j = 0; j < num_pts; j++) {
if (pts[j].group != i) continue;
printf("%.3f %.3f c\n",
(pts[j].x - cx) * scale + W / 2,
(pts[j].y - cy) * scale + H / 2);
printf("\n0 setgray %g %g s\n",
(centroids[i].x - cx) * scale + W / 2,
(centroids[i].y - cy) * scale + H / 2);
} /* end print_eps */
int main()
int num_pts = NUMBER_OF_POINTS;
int num_clusters = NUMBER_OF_CLUSTERS;
double radius = RADIUS;
POINT * pts;
POINT * centroids;
/* Generate the observations */
pts = gen_xy(num_pts, radius);
/* Cluster using the Lloyd algorithm and K-Means++ initial centroids. */
centroids = lloyd(pts, num_pts, num_clusters, maxTimes);
/* Print the results */
print_eps(pts, num_pts, centroids, num_clusters);
return 0;
# kmeans++ clustering in crystal lang
# Task :: function that takes two arguments
# k : uint - the number of clusters
# points : [[float]] - the dataset to classify
# and returns a list of clusters
# The algorithm of kmeans with a specific initialization
# k : int - number of clusters
# points : [[float]] - the dataset of k-dimentional points
# distance : ([float],[float])->float - the distance between two points
# convergence_threshold : float - ratio of correctly classified points
# rng : (msg)->float - random number generator
# {[[float]],[int]} - returns a tuple of the center of the cluster and an array
# with the cluster-id for each point.
def kmeans(k, points,
distance = ->euclidean_distance(Array(Float64),Array(Float64)),
rng = Random::DEFAULT)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# the k++ method for choosing the initial values ('seeds') for the k-means
# clustering.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# arrays of the clusters centers and the number of elements in each cluster
c_means = points.sample(k,rng).clone
c_cnt = Array.new(k,0)
# arrays for each point distance to nearest cluster and the nearest cluster id
p_dist = Array.new(points.size) do 1/0.0 end
p_cluster = Array.new(points.size) do rng.rand(0 ... k) end
# choose one center uniformly at random among data points
c_means = [points.sample.clone]
# to select the k-1 remaining centers
(1 ... k).each do |_|
# For each data point compute the distance (d(x)) and the nearest cluster center.
(0 ... points.size).each do |p_index|
(0 ... c_means.size).each do |c_index|
d = distance.call(points[p_index],c_means[c_index])
if d < p_dist[p_index]
p_dist[p_index] = d
p_cluster[p_index] = c_index
# choose one new data point at random as a new center with a weighted
# probability distribution where a point is chosen with probability
# proportional to it's squared distance. (d(x)^2)
sum = 0.0
(0 ... p_dist.size).each do |p_index|
p_dist[p_index] = p_dist[p_index]**2
sum += p_dist[p_index]
sum *= rng.rand(0.0 .. 1.0)
(0 ... points.size).each do |p_index|
sum -= p_dist[p_index]
next if sum > 0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# kmeans clustering
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# with the previous cluster centers, the kmeans naive algorithm is performed
# until the convergence_threshold is achieved
changes_cnt = points.size
while (changes_cnt.to_f/(1.0-convergence_threshold)) >= points.size
changes_cnt = 0
# assign each point to the nearest cluster
(0 ... points.size).each do |p_index|
nearest_c_index = (0 ... k).min_by do |c_index|
changes_cnt += (p_cluster[p_index] != nearest_c_index) ? 1 : 0
p_cluster[p_index] = nearest_c_index
# use the points of each cluster to calculate its center using the mean
# Reset means
p_dim = points[0].size
(0 ... k).each do |c_index|
(0 ... p_dim).each do |x_index|
c_means[c_index][x_index] = 0.0
c_cnt[c_index] = 0
# calculate the mean of the points of each cluster
(0 ... points.size).each do |p_index|
c_index = p_cluster[p_index]
c_cnt[c_index] += 1
(0 ... p_dim).each do |x_index|
c_means[c_index][x_index] += points[p_index][x_index]
(0 ... k).each do |c_index|
(0 ... p_dim).each do |x_index|
c_means[c_index][x_index] /= c_cnt[c_index].to_f
# return the center of each cluster and the membership of each point
return c_means,p_cluster
# the euclidean distance is used in the kmeans++-algorithm
def euclidean_distance(pa,pb)
return (0 ... pa.size).each.reduce(0.0) do |s,i| s + (pa[i] - pb[i])**2 end
# alternative distance
def manhattan_distance(pa,pb)
return (0 ... pa.size).each.reduce(0.0) do |s,i| s + (pa[i] - pb[i]).abs end
Extra functions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function to exercise the code, that generates a list of random points
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generates a cluster of random points in a unitary circle
def uniform_cluster(num_points,radius = 1.0,center = [0.0,0.0],rng=Random::DEFAULT)
return Array.new(num_points) do |_|
r = radius*Math.sqrt(rng.rand(0.0 .. 1.0))
angle = rng.rand(0.0 .. 2*Math::PI)
[center[0] + r*Math.cos(angle), center[1] + r*Math.sin(angle)]
# Generates an n-dimentional cluster with gaaussian distribution
def gaussian_cluster(num_points,stdev=1.0,center=[0.0,0.0],rng=Random::DEFAULT)
dimentions = center.size
return Array.new(num_points) do
Array.new(dimentions) do |d|
sum = 0.0
12.times do sum += rng.rand(0.0 .. 1.0) end
sum -= 6.0
center[d] + (sum * stdev)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Visualization of the results
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This functions creates an svg file with the points, the cluster centers and
# the classification of each point.
def plot(cluster_means,points,points_cluster,fname="kmeans_output.svg")
# Mapping the points to the interval (0 .. 1)
xmin,xmax = points.minmax_by do |p| p[0] end.map(&.[0])
ymin,ymax = points.minmax_by do |p| p[1] end.map(&.[1])
xspan = (xmax-xmin) + 1e-12
yspan = (ymax-ymin) + 1e-12
points = points.map do |p|
x = (p[0] - xmin) / xspan
y = (ymin - p[1]) / yspan
cluster_means = cluster_means.map do |p|
x = (p[0] - xmin) / xspan
y = (ymin - p[1]) / yspan
# Generate the file
File.open(fname,"w+") do |io|
io.puts(%(<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" viewBox="-0.05 -1.05 1.1 1.1">))
(0 ... points.size).each do |p_index|
p = points[p_index]
c = points_cluster[p_index] * (330.0 / cluster_means.size)
io.puts(%(<circle cx="#{p[0]}" cy="#{p[1]}" r="0.005" fill="hsl(#{c} 60% 50%)" stroke="none"></circle>))
(0 ... cluster_means.size).each do |c_index|
p = cluster_means[c_index]
c = c_index * (330.0 / cluster_means.size)
io.puts(%(<circle cx="#{p[0]}" cy="#{p[1]}" r="0.02" fill="hsl(50 100% 60%)"
stroke-width="0.004" stroke="hsl(52 100% 0%)"></circle>))
rngseed = 19
# Basic usage
points = uniform_cluster(num_points: 30000,rng: Random.new(rngseed))
cluster_center,point_cluster = kmeans(6, points, rng: Random.new(rngseed))
plot(cluster_center,points,point_cluster,fname: "clustering-using-k-means-pp.svg")
# Using another distance
points = uniform_cluster(num_points: 30000,rng: Random.new(rngseed))
cluster_center,point_cluster = kmeans(6, points, rng: Random.new(rngseed),
distance: ->manhattan_distance(Array(Float64),Array(Float64)))
plot(cluster_center,points,point_cluster,fname: "clustering-using-k-means-pp-and-manhattan.svg")
# difficult case
points = [] of Array(Float64)
rng = Random.new(rngseed)
points += gaussian_cluster(num_points: 10000,stdev: 0.5,center: [0.0,0.0],rng: rng)
points += gaussian_cluster(num_points: 10000,stdev: 0.5,center: [2.0,3.0],rng: rng)
points += gaussian_cluster(num_points: 10000,stdev: 0.5,center: [2.5,-1.0],rng: rng)
points += gaussian_cluster(num_points: 10000,stdev: 0.5,center: [6.0,0.0],rng: rng)
cluster_center,point_cluster = kmeans(4, points, rng: Random.new(rngseed))
plot(cluster_center,points,point_cluster,fname: "gaussian-clustering.svg")
# 5d-data
points = [] of Array(Float64)
rng = Random.new(rngseed)
points += gaussian_cluster(num_points: 5000,stdev: 0.5, center: [2.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],rng: rng)
points += gaussian_cluster(num_points: 5000,stdev: 0.5, center: [0.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],rng: rng)
points += gaussian_cluster(num_points: 5000,stdev: 0.5, center: [0.0,0.0,2.0,0.0,0.0],rng: rng)
points += gaussian_cluster(num_points: 5000,stdev: 0.5, center: [0.0,0.0,0.0,2.0,0.0],rng: rng)
points += gaussian_cluster(num_points: 5000,stdev: 0.5, center: [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2.0],rng: rng)
cluster_center,point_cluster = kmeans(5, points, convergence_threshold:0.99999)
Output shows that centroids were found correctly.
#output for 5d data [0.01, -0.0, 2.0, 0.01, 0.0] [-0.0, 0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 2.0] [-0.01, 2.01, 0.01, 0.01, -0.01] [0.0, 0.0, -0.01, 2.01, 0.0] [2.0, 0.01, -0.0, 0.0, 0.01]
import std.stdio, std.math, std.random, std.typecons, std.algorithm;
// On Windows this uses the printf from the Microsoft C runtime,
// that doesn't handle real type and some of the C99 format
// specifiers, but it's faster for bulk printing.
extern(C) nothrow int printf(const char*, ...);
struct Point {
immutable double x, y; // Or float.
size_t cluster;
Point[] generatePoints(in size_t nPoints,
in double radius,
ref Xorshift rnd)
in {
assert(nPoints > 0);
assert(radius > 0);
} out(result) {
assert(result.length == nPoints);
foreach (const ref p; result) {
assert(p.cluster == 0);
assert(!p.x.isNaN && !p.y.isNaN);
} body {
Point[] points;
// This is not a uniform 2D distribution.
foreach (immutable i; 0 .. nPoints) {
immutable r = uniform(0.0, radius, rnd);
immutable ang = uniform(0.0, 2 * PI, rnd);
points ~= Point(r * ang.cos, r * ang.sin); // Sincos?
return points;
struct ClusterCenter {
double x, y;
void opAssign(in ref Point p) pure nothrow @nogc {
this.x = p.x;
this.y = p.y;
const(ClusterCenter)[] lloyd(Point[] points,
in size_t nclusters,
ref Xorshift rnd)
in {
assert(points.length >= nclusters);
assert(nclusters > 0);
foreach (const ref p; points)
assert(!p.x.isNaN && !p.y.isNaN);
} out(result) {
assert(result.length == nclusters);
foreach (const ref cc; result)
assert(!cc.x.isNaN && !cc.y.isNaN);
} body {
/// Distance and index of the closest cluster center.
static Tuple!(size_t, double)
nearestClusterCenter(in ref Point point,
in ClusterCenter[] centers) pure nothrow @nogc
in {
assert(centers.length > 0);
} out(result) {
assert(result[0] < centers.length);
immutable ClusterCenter c = centers[result[0]];
immutable d = (c.x - point.x) ^^ 2 + (c.y - point.y) ^^ 2;
assert(feqrel(result[1], d) > 45); // Arbitrary.
} body {
static double sqrDistance2D(in ref ClusterCenter a,
in ref Point b) pure nothrow @nogc{
return (a.x - b.x) ^^ 2 + (a.y - b.y) ^^ 2;
size_t minIndex = point.cluster;
double minDist = double.max;
foreach (immutable i, const ref cc; centers) {
immutable d = sqrDistance2D(cc, point);
if (minDist > d) {
minDist = d;
minIndex = i;
return tuple(minIndex, minDist);
static void kMeansPP(Point[] points,
ClusterCenter[] centers,
ref Xorshift rnd)
in {
assert(points.length >= centers.length);
assert(centers.length > 0);
} body {
centers[0] = points[uniform(0, $, rnd)];
auto d = new double[points.length];
foreach (immutable i; 1 .. centers.length) {
double sum = 0;
foreach (immutable j, const ref p; points) {
d[j] = nearestClusterCenter(p, centers[0 .. i])[1];
sum += d[j];
sum = uniform(0.0, sum, rnd);
foreach (immutable j, immutable dj; d) {
sum -= dj;
if (sum > 0)
centers[i] = points[j];
foreach (ref p; points)
// Implicit cast of Hconst!ClusterCenter
// to ClusterCenter[].
p.cluster = nearestClusterCenter(p, centers)[0];
auto centers = new ClusterCenter[nclusters];
kMeansPP(points, centers, rnd);
auto clusterSizes = new size_t[centers.length];
size_t changed;
do {
// Find clusters centroids.
centers[] = ClusterCenter(0, 0);
clusterSizes[] = 0;
foreach (immutable i, const ref p; points)
with (centers[p.cluster]) {
x += p.x;
y += p.y;
foreach (immutable i, ref cc; centers) {
cc.x /= clusterSizes[i];
cc.y /= clusterSizes[i];
// Find closest centroid of each point.
changed = 0;
foreach (ref p; points) {
immutable minI = nearestClusterCenter(p, centers)[0];
if (minI != p.cluster) {
p.cluster = minI;
// Stop when 99.9% of points are good.
} while (changed > (points.length >> 10));
return centers;
void printEps(in Point[] points, in ClusterCenter[] centers,
in size_t W = 400, in size_t H = 400) nothrow
in {
assert(points.length >= centers.length);
assert(centers.length > 0);
assert(W > 0 && H > 0);
foreach (const ref p; points)
assert(!p.x.isNaN && !p.y.isNaN);
foreach (const ref cc; centers)
assert(!cc.x.isNaN && !cc.y.isNaN);
} body {
auto findBoundingBox() nothrow @nogc {
double min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y;
max_x = max_y = -double.max;
min_x = min_y = double.max;
foreach (const ref p; points) {
if (max_x < p.x) max_x = p.x;
if (min_x > p.x) min_x = p.x;
if (max_y < p.y) max_y = p.y;
if (min_y > p.y) min_y = p.y;
assert(max_x > min_x && max_y > min_y);
return tuple(min(W / (max_x - min_x), H / (max_y - min_y)),
(max_x + min_x) / 2, (max_y + min_y) / 2);
//immutable (scale, cx, cy) = findBoundingBox();
immutable sc_cx_cy = findBoundingBox();
immutable double scale = sc_cx_cy[0];
immutable double cx = sc_cx_cy[1];
immutable double cy = sc_cx_cy[2];
static immutable struct Color { immutable double r, g, b; }
immutable size_t k = centers.length;
Color[] colors;
foreach (immutable i; 0 .. centers.length)
colors ~= Color((3 * (i + 1) % k) / double(k),
(7 * i % k) / double(k),
(9 * i % k) / double(k));
printf("%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n%%%%BoundingBox: -5 -5 %d %d\n",
W + 10, H + 10);
printf("/l {rlineto} def /m {rmoveto} def\n" ~
"/c { .25 sub exch .25 sub exch .5 0 360 arc fill } def\n" ~
"/s { moveto -2 0 m 2 2 l 2 -2 l -2 -2 l closepath " ~
" gsave 1 setgray fill grestore gsave 3 setlinewidth" ~
" 1 setgray stroke grestore 0 setgray stroke }def\n");
foreach (immutable i, const ref cc; centers) {
printf("%g %g %g setrgbcolor\n", colors[i].tupleof);
foreach (const ref p; points) {
if (p.cluster != i)
printf("%.3f %.3f c\n",
(p.x - cx) * scale + W / 2,
(p.y - cy) * scale + H / 2);
printf("\n0 setgray %g %g s\n",
(cc.x - cx) * scale + W / 2,
(cc.y - cy) * scale + H / 2);
void main() {
enum size_t nPoints = 100_000;
enum size_t nClusters = 11; // k.
auto rnd = 1.Xorshift; // For speed and repeatability.
auto points = generatePoints(nPoints, 10, rnd);
const clusterCenters = lloyd(points, nClusters, rnd);
printEps(points, clusterCenters);
Compiled with ldc2 it's about as fast as the C entry.
Translated from XPLo.
The XPLo version was simple, straight forward and clear. In other words, it was too good to try to develop a different one. For clarity and simplicity, I did convert some separaate components into structs.
const N = 30000; {number of points}
const K = 6; {number of clusters}
var ScreenSize,Center: TPoint;
var Radius: integer;
var Points: array [0..N-1] of TPoint; {coordinates of points and their cluster}
var Pc: array [0..N-1] of TColor;
var Cent: array [0..K-1] of TPoint; {coordinates of centroid of cluster}
const Palette: array [0..5] of TColor =(
$00 or ($00 shl 8) or ($AA shl 16),
$00 or ($AA shl 8) or ($00 shl 16),
$00 or ($AA shl 8) or ($AA shl 16),
$AA or ($00 shl 8) or ($00 shl 16),
$AA or ($00 shl 8) or ($AA shl 16),
$AA or ($55 shl 8) or ($00 shl 16));
{These would normally be in a separate library}
{Shown here for clarity}
procedure ClearImage(Image: TImage; Color: TColor);
var R: TRect;
function PointAdd(V1,V2: TPoint): TPoint;
{Add V1 and V2}
Result.X:= V1.X+V2.X;
Result.Y:= V1.Y+V2.Y;
function PointScalarDivide(V: TPoint; S: double): TPoint;
{Divide vector by scalar}
{--------------- Main Program -------------------------------------------------}
function Centroid: boolean;
{Find new centroids of points grouped with current centroids}
var Change: boolean;
var C0: array [0..K-1] of TPoint;
var C, Count, I: integer;
Change:= false;
for C:= 0 to K-1 do {for each centroid...}
C0[C]:= Cent[C]; {save current centroid}
Cent[C]:=Point(0,0); Count:= 0; {find new centroid}
for I:= 0 to N-1 do {for all points}
if Pc[I] = Palette[C] then { grouped with current centroid...}
Count:= Count+1;
if (Cent[C].X<>C0[C].X) or (Cent[C].Y<>C0[C].Y) then Change:= true;
procedure Voronoi;
{Group points with their nearest centroid}
var D2, MinD2, I, C: integer; {distance squared, minimum distance squared}
for I:= 0 to N-1 do {for each point...}
MinD2:= High(Integer); {find closest centroid}
for C:= 0 to K-1 do
D2:= sqr(Points[I].X-Cent[C].X) + sqr(Points[I].Y-Cent[C].Y);
if D2 < MinD2 then
{update closest centroid}
MinD2:= D2;
Pc[I]:= Palette[C];
procedure KMeans(Image: TImage);
{Group points into K clusters}
var Change: boolean;
var I: integer;
Change:= Centroid;
for I:= 0 to N-1 do Image.Canvas.Pixels[Points[I].X, Points[I].Y]:=Pc[I]+1;
for I:= 0 to K-1 do Image.Canvas.Pixels[Cent[I].X, Cent[I].Y]:=clWhite;
until Change = false;
procedure PolarRandom(var P: TPoint);
{Return random X,Y biased for polar coordinates}
var A, D: double;
D:=Random(Radius); {distance: 0..239}
A:=Random(314159*2) / 10000; {angle: 0..2pi}
{rectangular coords centered on screen}
procedure ConfigureScreen(Image: TImage);
{Configure screem constants to match current state of Image}
Center:=Point(Image.Width div 2,Image.Height div 2);
if Center.X<Center.Y then Radius:=Center.X
else Radius:=Center.Y;
procedure DoKMeansClustering(Image: TImage);
var I: integer;
for I:= 0 to N-1 do PolarRandom(Points[I]); {random set of points}
for I:= 0 to K-1 do PolarRandom(Cent[I]); {random set of cluster centroids}
- Output:

Euler Math Toolbox
>type kmeanscluster
function kmeanscluster (x: numerical, k: index)
n=rows(x); m=cols(x);
loop 1 to k;
loop 1 to n;
loop 1 to k;
if cols(i)==0 then means[#]=1;
else means[#]=(sum(x[i]')/cols(i))';
loop 1 to n;
if all(jold==j) then break; endif;
return j
Let us apply to random data.
>load clustering.e
Functions for clustering data.
>np=5; m=3*normal(np,2);
% Spread n points randomly around these points.
>n=5000; x=m[intrandom(1,n,np)]+normal(n,2);
% The function kmeanscluster contains the algorithm. It returns the
% indices of the clusters the points contain to.
% We plot each point with a color representing its cluster.
>P=x'; ...
> plot2d(P[1],P[2],r=totalmax(abs(m))+2,color=10+j,points=1,style="."); ...
> loop 1 to k; plot2d(m[#,1],m[#,2],points=1,style="o#",add=1); end; ...
> insimg;
* KMPP - K-Means++ - Traditional data clustering with a special initialization
* Public Domain - This program may be used by any person for any purpose.
* Origin:
* Hugo Steinhaus, 1956
* Refer to:
* "kmeans++: the advantages of careful seeding"
* David Arthur and Sergei Vassilvitskii
* Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium
* on Discrete algorithms, 2007
* X(P,N) In Data points Real
* P In Dimension of the data Integer
* N In Number of points Integer
* K In # clusters Integer
* C(P,K) Out Center points of clusters Real
* Z(N) Out What cluster a point is in Integer
* WORK(N) Neither Real
* IFAULT Out Error code Integer
* constants
INTEGER ITER ! maximum iterations
REAL BIG ! arbitrary large number
$ BIG = 1E33)
* local variables
$ H, ! count iterations
$ I, ! count points
$ I1, ! point marked as initial center
$ J, ! count dimensions
$ L, ! count clusters
$ L0, ! present cluster ID
$ L1 ! new cluster ID
$ BEST, ! shortest distance to a center
$ D2, ! squared distance
$ TOT, ! a total
$ W ! temp scalar
LOGICAL CHANGE ! whether any points have been reassigned
* Begin.
IF (K < 1 .OR. K > N) THEN ! K out of bounds
DO I = 1, N ! clear Z
Z(I) = 0
* initial centers
DO I = 1, N
I1 = MIN(INT(W * FLOAT(N)) + 1, N) ! choose first center at random
DO J = 1, P
C(J,1) = X(J,I1)
DO L = 2, K ! initialize other centers
TOT = 0.
DO I = 1, N ! measure from each point
D2 = 0. ! to prior center
DO J = 1, P
D2 = D2 + (X(J,I) - C(J,L-1)) **2 ! Squared Euclidean distance
IF (D2 .GE. BEST) GO TO 10 ! needless to add to D2
END DO ! next J
IF (D2 < BEST) BEST = D2 ! shortest squared distance
10 TOT = TOT + BEST ! cumulative squared distance
END DO ! next data point
* Choose center with probability proportional to its squared distance
* from existing centers.
W = W * TOT ! uniform at random over cumulative distance
TOT = 0.
DO I = 1, N
I1 = I
IF (TOT > W) GO TO 20
END DO ! next I
DO J = 1, P ! assign center
C(J,L) = X(J,I1)
END DO ! next center to initialize
* main loop
DO H = 1, ITER
* find nearest center for each point
DO I = 1, N
L0 = Z(I)
L1 = 0
DO L = 1, K
D2 = 0.
DO J = 1, P
D2 = D2 + (X(J,I) - C(J,L)) **2
IF (D2 .GE. BEST) GO TO 30
IF (D2 < BEST) THEN ! new nearest center
L1 = L
END DO ! next L
IF (L0 .NE. L1) THEN
Z(I) = L1 ! reassign point
END DO ! next I
IF (.NOT. CHANGE) RETURN ! success
* find cluster centers
DO L = 1, K ! zero population
WORK(L) = 0.
DO L = 1, K ! zero centers
DO J = 1, P
C(J,L) = 0.
DO I = 1, N
L = Z(I)
WORK(L) = WORK(L) + 1. ! count
DO J = 1, P
C(J,L) = C(J,L) + X(J,I) ! add
DO L = 1, K
IF (WORK(L) < 0.5) THEN ! empty cluster check
IFAULT = 1 ! fatal error
W = 1. / WORK(L)
DO J = 1, P
C(J,L) = C(J,L) * W ! multiplication is faster than division
END DO ! next H
IFAULT = 2 ! too many iterations
* test program (extra credit #1)
PARAMETER (N = 30 000,
$ P = 2,
$ K = 6,
$ TWOPI = 6.2831853)
* Begin
DO I = 1, N ! random points over unit circle
R = SQRT(W) ! radius
THETA = W * TWOPI ! angle
X(1,I) = R * COS(THETA) ! Cartesian coordinates
X(2,I) = R * SIN(THETA)
* Call subroutine
PRINT *, 'kmpp returns with error code ', IFAULT
* Print lists of points in each cluster
DO L = 1, K
PRINT *, 'Cluster ', L, ' contains points: '
10 FORMAT (I6, $)
20 FORMAT ()
DO I = 1, N
IF (Z(I) .EQ. L) PRINT 10, I
* Write CSV file with Y-coordinates in different columns by cluster
IF (IFAULT .NE. 0) PRINT *, 'tpec1: trouble opening file'
30 FORMAT (F8.4, $)
40 FORMAT (',', $)
50 FORMAT (F8.4)
DO I = 1, N
IF (IFAULT .NE. 0) PRINT *, 'tpec1: trouble writing X-coord'
DO L = 1, Z(I) ! one comma per cluster ID
IF (IFAULT .NE. 0) PRINT *, 'tpec1: trouble writing comma'
IF (IFAULT .NE. 0) PRINT *, 'tpec1: trouble writing Y-coord'
* Write the centroids in the far column
DO L = 1, K
IF (IFAULT .NE. 0) PRINT *, 'tpec1: trouble writing X-coord'
DO I = 1, K+1
IF (IFAULT .NE. 0) PRINT *, 'tpec1: trouble writing comma'
IF (IFAULT .NE. 0) PRINT *, 'tpec1: trouble writing Y-coord'
END ! of test program
Uniform random points over the unit circle
File:Kmeans FORTRAN round points.gif
The points with clusters marked by color: File:Kmeans FORTRAN round clusters.gif
package main
import (
type r2 struct {
x, y float64
type r2c struct {
c int // cluster number
// kmpp implements K-means++, satisfying the basic task requirement
func kmpp(k int, data []r2c) {
kMeans(data, kmppSeeds(k, data))
// kmppSeeds is the ++ part.
// It generates the initial means for the k-means algorithm.
func kmppSeeds(k int, data []r2c) []r2 {
s := make([]r2, k)
s[0] = data[rand.Intn(len(data))].r2
d2 := make([]float64, len(data))
for i := 1; i < k; i++ {
var sum float64
for j, p := range data {
_, dMin := nearest(p, s[:i])
d2[j] = dMin * dMin
sum += d2[j]
target := rand.Float64() * sum
j := 0
for sum = d2[0]; sum < target; sum += d2[j] {
s[i] = data[j].r2
return s
// nearest finds the nearest mean to a given point.
// return values are the index of the nearest mean, and the distance from
// the point to the mean.
func nearest(p r2c, mean []r2) (int, float64) {
iMin := 0
dMin := math.Hypot(p.x-mean[0].x, p.y-mean[0].y)
for i := 1; i < len(mean); i++ {
d := math.Hypot(p.x-mean[i].x, p.y-mean[i].y)
if d < dMin {
dMin = d
iMin = i
return iMin, dMin
// kMeans algorithm. Lloyd's
func kMeans(data []r2c, mean []r2) {
// initial assignment
for i, p := range data {
cMin, _ := nearest(p, mean)
data[i].c = cMin
mLen := make([]int, len(mean))
for {
// update means
for i := range mean {
mean[i] = r2{}
mLen[i] = 0
for _, p := range data {
mean[p.c].x += p.x
mean[p.c].y += p.y
for i := range mean {
inv := 1 / float64(mLen[i])
mean[i].x *= inv
mean[i].y *= inv
// make new assignments, count changes
var changes int
for i, p := range data {
if cMin, _ := nearest(p, mean); cMin != p.c {
data[i].c = cMin
if changes == 0 {
// parameters for extra credit exercises
type ecParam struct {
k int
nPoints int
xBox, yBox int
stdv int
// extra credit 1 and 2:
func main() {
ec := &ecParam{6, 30000, 300, 200, 30}
origin, data := genECData(ec)
vis(ec, data, "origin")
fmt.Println("Data set origins:")
fmt.Println(" x y")
for _, o := range origin {
fmt.Printf("%5.1f %5.1f\n", o.x, o.y)
kmpp(ec.k, data)
"\nCluster centroids, mean distance from centroid, number of points:")
fmt.Println(" x y distance points")
cent := make([]r2, ec.k)
cLen := make([]int, ec.k)
inv := make([]float64, ec.k)
for _, p := range data {
cent[p.c].x += p.x
cent[p.c].y += p.y
for i, iLen := range cLen {
inv[i] = 1 / float64(iLen)
cent[i].x *= inv[i]
cent[i].y *= inv[i]
dist := make([]float64, ec.k)
for _, p := range data {
dist[p.c] += math.Hypot(p.x-cent[p.c].x, p.y-cent[p.c].y)
for i, iLen := range cLen {
fmt.Printf("%5.1f %5.1f %8.1f %6d\n",
cent[i].x, cent[i].y, dist[i]*inv[i], iLen)
vis(ec, data, "clusters")
// genECData generates random data for extra credit tasks.
// k origin points are randomly selected in a bounding box.
// nPoints/k coordinates are then generated for each origin point.
// The x and y coordinates of the data are normally distributed
// with standard deviation stdv. Thus data coordinates are not
// constrained to the origin box; they can range to +/- max float64.
func genECData(ec *ecParam) (orig []r2, data []r2c) {
orig = make([]r2, ec.k)
data = make([]r2c, ec.nPoints)
for i, n := 0, 0; i < ec.k; i++ {
x := rand.Float64() * float64(ec.xBox)
y := rand.Float64() * float64(ec.yBox)
orig[i] = r2{x, y}
for j := ec.nPoints / ec.k; j > 0; j-- {
data[n].x = rand.NormFloat64()*float64(ec.stdv) + x
data[n].y = rand.NormFloat64()*float64(ec.stdv) + y
data[n].c = i
// vis writes a .png for extra credit 2.
func vis(ec *ecParam, data []r2c, fn string) {
colors := make([]color.NRGBA, ec.k)
for i := range colors {
i3 := i * 3
third := i3 / ec.k
frac := uint8((i3 % ec.k) * 255 / ec.k)
switch third {
case 0:
colors[i] = color.NRGBA{frac, 255 - frac, 0, 255}
case 1:
colors[i] = color.NRGBA{0, frac, 255 - frac, 255}
case 2:
colors[i] = color.NRGBA{255 - frac, 0, frac, 255}
bounds := image.Rect(-ec.stdv, -ec.stdv, ec.xBox+ec.stdv, ec.yBox+ec.stdv)
im := image.NewNRGBA(bounds)
draw.Draw(im, bounds, image.NewUniform(color.White), image.ZP, draw.Src)
fMinX := float64(bounds.Min.X)
fMaxX := float64(bounds.Max.X)
fMinY := float64(bounds.Min.Y)
fMaxY := float64(bounds.Max.Y)
for _, p := range data {
imx := math.Floor(p.x)
imy := math.Floor(float64(ec.yBox) - p.y)
if imx >= fMinX && imx < fMaxX && imy >= fMinY && imy < fMaxY {
im.SetNRGBA(int(imx), int(imy), colors[p.c])
f, err := os.Create(fn + ".png")
if err != nil {
err = png.Encode(f, im)
if err != nil {
err = f.Close()
if err != nil {
Text output:
Data set origins: x y 256.8 188.6 91.7 51.2 201.8 100.2 161.6 102.8 78.9 152.9 97.8 17.4 Cluster centroids, mean distance from centroid, number of points: x y distance points 152.4 102.1 30.9 5654 104.8 8.7 31.4 4947 211.3 99.4 32.0 4961 78.3 57.7 29.4 4817 257.7 191.4 36.5 4915 76.9 156.5 35.0 4706
Visualization. Original clusters on left, discovered clusters on right.

Solution Uses Map for clusterization and MonadRandom library for random sampling. Vectors are represented as lists, so the solution could be extended to any space dimension.
{-# LANGUAGE Strict,FlexibleInstances #-}
module KMeans where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.List (minimumBy, genericLength, transpose)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
type Vec = [Float]
type Cluster = [Vec]
kMeansIteration :: [Vec] -> [Vec] -> [Cluster]
kMeansIteration pts = clusterize . fixPoint iteration
iteration = map centroid . clusterize
clusterize centroids = M.elems $ foldr add m0 pts
where add x = M.insertWith (++) (centroids `nearestTo` x) [x]
m0 = M.unions $ map (`M.singleton` []) centroids
nearestTo :: [Vec] -> Vec -> Vec
nearestTo pts x = minimumBy (comparing (distance x)) pts
distance :: Vec -> Vec -> Float
distance a b = sum $ map (^2) $ zipWith (-) a b
centroid :: [Vec] -> Vec
centroid = map mean . transpose
where mean pts = sum pts / genericLength pts
fixPoint :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
fixPoint f x = if x == fx then x else fixPoint f fx where fx = f x
-- initial sampling
kMeans :: MonadRandom m => Int -> [Vec] -> m [Cluster]
kMeans n pts = kMeansIteration pts <$> take n <$> randomElements pts
kMeansPP :: MonadRandom m => Int -> [Vec] -> m [Cluster]
kMeansPP n pts = kMeansIteration pts <$> centroids
where centroids = iterate (>>= nextCentroid) x0 !! (n-1)
x0 = take 1 <$> randomElements pts
nextCentroid cs = (: cs) <$> fromList (map (weight cs) pts)
weight cs x = (x, toRational $ distance x (cs `nearestTo` x))
randomElements :: MonadRandom m => [a] -> m [a]
randomElements pts = map (pts !!) <$> getRandomRs (0, length pts)
-- sample cluster generation
instance (RandomGen g, Monoid m) => Monoid (Rand g m) where
mempty = pure mempty
mappend = liftA2 mappend
mkCluster n s m = take n . transpose <$> mapM randomsAround m
where randomsAround x0 = map (\x -> x0+s*atanh x) <$> getRandomRs (-1,1)
module Main where
import Graphics.EasyPlot
import Data.Monoid
import KMeans
test = do datum <- mkCluster 1000 0.5 [0,0,1]
<> mkCluster 2000 0.5 [2,3,1]
<> mkCluster 3000 0.5 [2,-3,0]
cls <- kMeansPP 3 datum
mapM_ (\x -> print (centroid x, length x)) cls
main = do datum <- sequence [ mkCluster 30100 0.3 [0,0]
, mkCluster 30200 0.4 [2,3]
, mkCluster 30300 0.5 [2,-3]
, mkCluster 30400 0.6 [6,0]
, mkCluster 30500 0.7 [-3,-3]
, mkCluster 30600 0.8 [-5,5] ]
cls <- kMeansPP 6 (mconcat datum)
plot (PNG "plot1.png") $ map listPlot cls
listPlot = Data2D [Title "",Style Dots] [] . map (\(x:y:_) -> (x,y))
Result: all centroids and clusters are found.
λ> test ([3.161875e-3,-3.096125e-3,0.99095285],1002) ([2.004138,2.9655986,1.0139971],1999) ([2.006579,-2.9902787],2999)
#! /bin/sh
exec huginn -E "${0}" "${@}"
#! huginn
import Algorithms as algo;
import Mathematics as math;
import OperatingSystem as os;
class Color { r = 0.; g = 0.; b = 0.; }
class Point { x = 0.; y = 0.; group = -1; }
k_means_initial_centroids( points_, clusterCount_ ) {
centroids = [];
discreteRng = math.Randomizer( math.Randomizer.DISTRIBUTION.DISCRETE, 0, size( points_ ) - 1 );
uniformRng = math.Randomizer( math.Randomizer.DISTRIBUTION.UNIFORM, 0.0, 1.0 );
centroids.push( copy( points_[discreteRng.next()] ) );
for ( i : algo.range( clusterCount_ - 1 ) ) {
distances = [];
sum = 0.0;
for ( p : points_ ) {
shortestDist = math.INFINITY;
for ( c : centroids ) {
dx = c.x - p.x;
dy = c.y - p.y;
d = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if ( d < shortestDist ) {
shortestDist = d;
distances.push( ( shortestDist, p ) );
sum += shortestDist;
sum *= uniformRng.next();
for ( d : distances ) {
sum -= d[0];
if ( sum <= 0.0 ) {
centroids.push( copy( d[1] ) );
for ( i, c : algo.enumerate( centroids ) ) {
c.group = i;
return ( centroids );
k_means( points_, clusterCount_, maxError_ = 0.001, maxIter_ = 100 ) {
centroids = k_means_initial_centroids( points_, clusterCount_ );
pointCount = real( size( points_ ) );
for ( iter : algo.range( maxIter_ ) ) {
updated = 0.0;
for ( p : points_ ) {
shortestDist = math.INFINITY;
g = 0;
for ( c : centroids ) {
dx = c.x - p.x;
dy = c.y - p.y;
dist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if ( dist < shortestDist ) {
shortestDist = dist;
g = c.group;
if ( p.group != g ) {
p.group = g;
updated += 1.0;
for ( c : centroids ) {
n = 0;
c.x = 0.;
c.y = 0.;
for ( p : points_ ) {
if ( p.group == c.group ) {
c.x += p.x;
c.y += p.y;
n += 1;
if ( n > 0 ) {
c.x /= real( n );
c.y /= real( n );
err = updated / pointCount;
os.stderr().write_line( "err = {}\n".format( err ) );
if ( err < maxError_ ) {
os.stderr().write_line( "done in {} iterations\n".format( iter ) );
return ( centroids );
gen_points( numPoints_ ) {
phiGen = math.Randomizer( math.Randomizer.DISTRIBUTION.UNIFORM, 0., 2. * math.pi( real ) );
rGen = math.Randomizer( math.Randomizer.DISTRIBUTION.TRIANGLE, 0., 1., 1. );
points = [];
for ( i : algo.range( numPoints_ ) ) {
phi = phiGen.next();
r = rGen.next();
points.push( Point( r * math.cosinus( phi ), r * math.sinus( phi ) ) );
return ( points );
import ProgramOptions as po;
main( argv_ ) {
poh = po.Handler( "k-means++", "k-means++ clustering algorithm demo" );
name: "numPoints,N",
help: "number of points",
conversion: integer,
valueName: "num",
defaultValue: 30000
name: "numClusters,C",
help: "number of custers",
conversion: integer,
valueName: "num",
defaultValue: 7
name: "maxIterations,I",
help: "maximum number of iterations for the algorithm to run",
conversion: integer,
valueName: "num",
defaultValue: 100
name: "maxInvalidRatio,R",
help: "maximum ratio of points that are still assigned to invalid centroids",
conversion: real,
valueName: "num",
defaultValue: 0.001
name: "help,H",
help: "show help information and stop"
name: "verbose,v",
help: "show more info about program execution"
parsed = poh.command_line( argv_ );
if ( parsed == none ) {
return ( 1 );
if ( parsed.options["help"] ) {
print( poh.help_string() + "\n" );
return ( 0 );
if ( parsed.options["verbose"] ) {
os.stderr().write_line( string( parsed ) + "\n" );
points = gen_points( parsed.options["numPoints"] );
print_eps( points, cluster_centers, W = 400, H = 400 ) {
colors = [];
for ( i : algo.range( size( cluster_centers ) ) ) {
ii = real( i );
( 3. * ( ii + 1. ) % 11. ) / 11.0,
( 7. * ii % 11. ) / 11.0,
( 9. * ii % 11. ) / 11.0
max_x = max_y = - math.INFINITY;
min_x = min_y = math.INFINITY;
for ( p : points ) {
if ( max_x < p.x ) { max_x = p.x; }
if ( min_x > p.x ) { min_x = p.x; }
if ( max_y < p.y ) { max_y = p.y; }
if ( min_y > p.y ) { min_y = p.y; }
scale = math.min( real( W ) / ( max_x - min_x ), real( H ) / ( max_y - min_y ) );
cx = ( max_x + min_x ) / 2.;
cy = ( max_y + min_y ) / 2.;
print( "%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n%%BoundingBox: -5 -5 {} {}\n".format( W + 10, H + 10 ) );
"/l {rlineto} def /m {rmoveto} def\n"
"/c { .25 sub exch .25 sub exch .5 0 360 arc fill } def\n"
"/s { moveto -2 0 m 2 2 l 2 -2 l -2 -2 l closepath "
" gsave 1 setgray fill grestore gsave 3 setlinewidth"
" 1 setgray stroke grestore 0 setgray stroke }def\n"
for ( i, cc : algo.enumerate( cluster_centers ) ) {
print( "{} {} {} setrgbcolor\n".format( colors[i].r, colors[i].g, colors[i].b ) );
for ( p : points ) {
if ( p.group != i ) {
print( "{:.3f} {:.3f} c\n".format( ( p.x - cx ) * scale + real( W ) / 2., ( p.y - cy ) * scale + real( H ) / 2. ) );
print("\n0 setgray {} {} s\n".format( ( cc.x - cx ) * scale + real( W ) / 2., ( cc.y - cy ) * scale + real( H ) / 2. ) );
print( "\n%%%%EOF\n" );
NB. Selection of initial centroids, per K-means++
initialCentroids =: (] , randomCentroid)^:(<:@:]`(,:@:seedCentroid@:[))~
seedCentroid =: {~ ?@#
randomCentroid =: [ {~ [: wghtProb [: <./ distance/~
distance =: +/&.:*:@:-"1 NB. Extra credit #3 (N-dimensional is the same as 2-dimensional in J)
wghtProb =: 1&$: : ((%{:)@:(+/\)@:] I. [ ?@$ 0:)"0 1 NB. Due to Roger Hui http://j.mp/lj5Pnt
NB. Having selected the initial centroids, the standard K-means algo follows
centroids =: ([ mean/.~ closestCentroid)^:(]`_:`initialCentroids)
closestCentroid =: [: (i.<./)"1 distance/
mean =: +/ % #
Extra credit:
randMatrix =: ?@$&0 NB. Extra credit #1
packPoints =: <"1@:|: NB. Extra credit #2: Visualization code due to Max Harms http://j.mp/l8L45V
plotClusters =: dyad define NB. as is the example image in this task
require 'plot'
pd 'reset;aspect 1;type dot;pensize 2'
pd@:packPoints&> y
pd 'type marker;markersize 1.5;color 0 0 0'
pd@:packPoints x
pd 'markersize 0.8;color 255 255 0'
pd@:packPoints x
pd 'show'
NB. Extra credit #4: Polar coordinates are not available in this version
NB. but wouldn't be hard to provide with &.cartToPole .
plotRandomClusters =: 3&$: : (dyad define)
dataset =. randMatrix 2 {. y,2
centers =. x centroids dataset
clusters =. centers (closestCentroid~ </. ]) dataset
centers plotClusters clusters
plotRandomClusters 300 NB. 300 points, 3 clusters
6 plotRandomClusters 30000 NB. 3e5 points, 6 clusters
10 plotRandomClusters 17000 5 NB. 17e3 points, 10 clusters, 5 dimensions
import java.util.Random;
public class KMeansWithKpp{
// Variables Needed
public Point[] points;
public Point[] centroids;
Random rand;
public int n;
public int k;
// hide default constructor
private KMeansWithKpp(){
KMeansWithKpp(Point[] p, int clusters){
points = p;
n = p.length;
k = Math.max(1, clusters);
centroids = new Point[k];
rand = new Random();
private static double distance(Point a, Point b){
return (a.x - b.x) * (a.x - b.x) + (a.y - b.y) * (a.y - b.y);
private static int nearest(Point pt, Point[] others, int len){
double minD = Double.MAX_VALUE;
int index = pt.group;
len = Math.min(others.length, len);
double dist;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (minD > (dist = distance(pt, others[i]))) {
minD = dist;
index = i;
return index;
private static double nearestDistance(Point pt, Point[] others, int len){
double minD = Double.MAX_VALUE;
len = Math.min(others.length, len);
double dist;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (minD > (dist = distance(pt, others[i]))) {
minD = dist;
return minD;
private void kpp(){
centroids[0] = points[rand.nextInt(n)];
double[] dist = new double[n];
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < k; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
dist[j] = nearestDistance(points[j], centroids, i);
sum += dist[j];
sum = (sum * rand.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) / Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
if ((sum -= dist[j]) > 0)
centroids[i].x = points[j].x;
centroids[i].y = points[j].y;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
points[i].group = nearest(points[i], centroids, k);
public void kMeans(int maxTimes){
if (k == 1 || n <= 0) {
if(k >= n){
for(int i =0; i < n; i++){
points[i].group = i;
maxTimes = Math.max(1, maxTimes);
int changed;
int bestPercent = n/1000;
int minIndex;
do {
for (Point c : centroids) {
c.x = 0.0;
c.y = 0.0;
c.group = 0;
for (Point pt : points) {
if(pt.group < 0 || pt.group > centroids.length){
pt.group = rand.nextInt(centroids.length);
centroids[pt.group].x += pt.x;
centroids[pt.group].y = pt.y;
for (Point c : centroids) {
c.x /= c.group;
c.y /= c.group;
changed = 0;
for (Point pt : points) {
minIndex = nearest(pt, centroids, k);
if (k != pt.group) {
pt.group = minIndex;
} while (changed > bestPercent && maxTimes > 0);
// A class for point(x,y) in plane
class Point{
public double x;
public double y;
public int group;
x = y = 0.0;
group = 0;
Generates a random points on 2D Plane within given X-axis and Y-axis
public Point[] getRandomPlaneData(double minX, double maxX, double minY, double maxY, int size){
if (size <= 0)
return null;
double xdiff, ydiff;
xdiff = maxX - minX;
ydiff = maxY - minY;
if (minX > maxX) {
xdiff = minX - maxX;
minX = maxX;
if (maxY < minY) {
ydiff = minY - maxY;
minY = maxY;
Point[] data = new Point[size];
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
data[i].x = minX + (xdiff * rand.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) / Integer.MAX_VALUE;
data[i].y = minY + (ydiff * rand.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) / Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return data;
Generate Random Polar Coordinates within given radius
public Point[] getRandomPolarData(double radius, int size){
if (size <= 0) {
return null;
Point[] data = new Point[size];
double radi, arg;
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
radi = (radius * rand.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) / Integer.MAX_VALUE;
arg = (2 * Math.PI * rand.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) / Integer.MAX_VALUE;
data[i].x = radi * Math.cos(arg);
data[i].y = radi * Math.sin(arg);
return data;
Live Demo (Extra Credit #2) KMeans++ in JavaScript
* kmeans module
* cluster(model, k, converged = assignmentsConverged)
* distance(p, q),
* distanceSquared(p, q),
* centroidsConverged(delta)
* assignmentsConverged(model, newModel)
* assignmentsToClusters(model)
define(function () {
"use strict";
* @public
* Calculate the squared distance between two vectors.
* @param [number] p vector with same dimension as q
* @param [number] q vector with same dimension as p
* @return {number} the distance between p and q squared
function distanceSquared(p, q) {
const d = p.length; // dimension of vectors
if(d !== q.length) throw Error("p and q vectors must be the same length")
let sum = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < d; i += 1) {
sum += (p[i] - q[i])**2
return sum;
* @public
* Calculate the distance between two vectors of the same dimension.
* @param [number] p vector of same dimension as q
* @param [number] q vector of same dimension as p
* @return the distance between vectors p and q
function distance(p, q) {
return Math.sqrt(distanceSquared(p, q));
* @private
* find the closest centroid for the given observation and return it's index.
* @param [[number]] centroids - array of k vectors, each vector with same dimension as observations.
* these are the center of the k clusters
* @param [[number]] observation - vector with same dimension as centroids.
* this is the observation to be clustered.
* @return {number} the index of the closest centroid in centroids
function findClosestCentroid(centroids, observation) {
const k = centroids.length; // number of clusters/centroids
let centroid = 0;
let minDistance = distance(centroids[0], observation);
for(let i = 1; i < k; i += 1) {
const dist = distance(centroids[i], observation);
if(dist < minDistance) {
centroid = i;
minDistance = dist;
return centroid;
* @private
* Calculate the centroid for the given observations.
* This takes the average of all observations (at each dimension).
* This average vector is the centroid for those observations.
* @param [[number]] observations - array of observations (each observatino is a vectors)
* @return [number] centroid for given observations (vector of same dimension as observations)
function calculateCentroid(observations) {
const n = observations.length; // number of observations
const d = observations[0].length; // dimension of vectors
// create zero vector of same dimension as observation
let centroid = [];
for(let i = 0; i < d; i += 1) {
// sum all observations at each dimension
for(let i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
// add the observation to the sum vector, element by element
// to prepare to calculate the average at each dimension.
for(let j = 0; j < d; j += 1) {
centroid[j] += observations[i][j];
// divide each dimension by the number of observations
// to create the average vector.
for(let j = 0; j < d; j += 1) {
centroid[j] /= n;
return centroid;
* @private
* calculate the cluster assignments for the observations, given the centroids.
* @param [[number]] centroids - list of vectors with same dimension as observations
* @param [[number]] observations - list of vectors with same dimension as centroids
* @return [number] list of indices into centroids; one per observation.
function assignClusters(centroids, observations) {
const n = observations.length; // number of observations
const assignments = [];
for(let i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
assignments.push(findClosestCentroid(centroids, observations[i]));
return assignments; // centroid index for each observation
* @private
* calculate one step of the k-means algorithm;
* - assign each observation to the nearest centroid to create clusters
* - calculate a new centroid for each cluster given the observations in the cluster.
* @param [[number]] centroids - list of vectors with same dimension as observations
* @param [[number]] observations - list of vectors with same dimension as centroids
* @return a new model with observations, centroids and assignments
function kmeansStep(centroids, observations) {
const k = centroids.length; // number of clusters/centroids
// assign each observation to the nearest centroid to create clusters
const assignments = assignClusters(centroids, observations); // array of cluster indices that correspond observations
// calculate a new centroid for each cluster given the observations in the cluster
const newCentroids = [];
for(let i = 0; i < k; i += 1) {
// get the observations for this cluster/centroid
const clusteredObservations = observations.filter((v, j) => assignments[j] === i);
// calculate a new centroid for the observations
return {'observations': observations, 'centroids': newCentroids, 'assignments': assignments }
* @public
* Run k-means on the given model until each centroid converges to with the given delta
* The initial model is NOT modified by the algorithm, rather a new model is returned.
* @param {*} model - object with
* observations: array, length n, of data points; each datapoint is
* itself an array of numbers (a vector).
* The length each datapoint (d) vector should be the same.
* centroids: array of data points.
* The length of the centroids array indicates the number of
* of desired clusters (k).
* each datapoint is array (vector) of numbers
* with same dimension as the datapoints in observations.
* assignments: array of integers, one per observation,
* with values 0..centroids.length - 1
* @param number delta - the maximum difference between each centroid in consecutive runs for convergence
* @return {*} - result with
* model: model, as described above, with updated centroids and assignments,
* iterations: number of iterations,
* durationMs: elapsed time in milliseconds
function kmeans(model, maximumIterations = 200, converged = assignmentsConverged) {
const start = new Date();
// calculate new centroids and cluster assignments
let newModel = kmeansStep(model.centroids, model.observations);
// continue until centroids do not change (within given delta)
let i = 0;
while((i < maximumIterations) && !converged(model, newModel)) {
model = newModel; // new model is our model now
// console.log(model);
// calculate new centroids and cluster assignments
newModel = kmeansStep(model.centroids, model.observations);
i += 1;
// console.log(newModel);
const finish = new Date();
return {'model': newModel, 'iterations': i, 'durationMs': (finish.getTime() - start.getTime())};
* @public
* Return a function that determines convergence based on the centroids.
* If two consecutive sets of centroids remain within a given delta,
* then the algorithm is converged.
* @param number delta, the maximum difference between each centroid in consecutive runs for convergence
* @return function to use as the converged function in kmeans call.
function centroidsConverged(delta) {
* determine if two consecutive set of centroids are converged given a maximum delta.
* @param [[number]] centroids - list of vectors with same dimension as observations
* @param [[number]] newCentroids - list of vectors with same dimension as observations
* @param number delta - the maximum difference between each centroid in consecutive runs for convergence
return function(model, newModel) {
const centroids = model.centroids;
const newCentroids = newModel.centroids;
const k = centroids.length; // number of clusters/centroids
for(let i = 0; i < k; i += 1) {
if(distance(centroids[i], newCentroids[i]) > delta) {
return false;
return true;
* @public
* determine if two consecutive set of clusters are converged;
* the clusters are converged if the cluster assignments are the same.
* @param {*} model - object with observations, centroids, assignments
* @param {*} newModel - object with observations, centroids, assignments
* @param number delta - the maximum difference between each centroid in consecutive runs for convergence
function assignmentsConverged(model, newModel) {
function arraysEqual(a, b) {
if (a === b) return true;
if (a === undefined || b === undefined) return false;
if (a === null || b === null) return false;
if (a.length !== b.length) return false;
// If you don't care about the order of the elements inside
// the array, you should sort both arrays here.
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
return true;
return arraysEqual(model.assignments, newModel.assignments);
* Use the model assignments to create
* array of observation indices for each centroid
* @param {object} model with observations, centroids and assignments
* @reutrn [[number]] array of observation indices for each cluster
function assignmentsToClusters(model) {
// put offset of each data points into clusters using the assignments
const n = model.observations.length;
const k = model.centroids.length;
const assignments = model.assignments;
const clusters = [];
for(let i = 0; i < k; i += 1) {
for(let i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
return clusters;
// return public methods
return {
'cluster': kmeans,
'distance': distance,
'distanceSquared': distanceSquared,
'centroidsConverged': centroidsConverged,
'assignmentsConverged': assignmentsConverged,
"assignmentsToClusters": assignmentsToClusters
* kmeans++ initialization module
define(function (require) {
"use strict";
const kmeans = require("./kmeans");
* @public
* create an initial model given the data and the number of clusters.
* This uses the kmeans++ algorithm:
* 1. Choose one center uniformly at random from among the data points.
* 2. For each data point x, compute D(x), the distance between x and
* the nearest center that has already been chosen.
* 3. Choose one new data point at random as a new center,
* using a weighted probability distribution where a point x is chosen with probability proportional to D(x)^2.
* 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until k centers have been chosen.
* 5. Now that the initial centers have been chosen, proceed using
* standard k-means clustering.
* @param {[float]} observations the data as an array of number
* @param {integer} k the number of clusters
return function(observations, k) {
* given a set of n weights,
* choose a value in the range 0..n-1
* at random using weights as a distribution.
* @param {*} weights
function weightedRandomIndex(weights, normalizationWeight) {
const n = weights.length;
if(typeof normalizationWeight !== 'number') {
normalizationWeight = 0.0;
for(let i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
normalizationWeight += weights[i];
const r = Math.random(); // uniformly random number 0..1 (a probability)
let index = 0;
let cumulativeWeight = 0.0;
for(let i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
// use the uniform probability to search
// within the normalized weighting (we divide by totalWeight to normalize).
// once we hit the probability, we have found our index.
cumulativeWeight += weights[i] / normalizationWeight;
if(cumulativeWeight > r) {
return i;
throw Error("algorithmic failure choosing weighted random index");
const n = observations.length;
const distanceToCloseCentroid = []; // distance D(x) to closest centroid for each observation
const centroids = []; // indices of observations that are chosen as centroids
// keep list of all observations' indices so
// we can remove centroids as they are created
// so they can't be chosen twice
const index = [];
for(let i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
index[i] = i;
// 1. Choose one center uniformly at random from among the data points.
let centroidIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * n);
for(let c = 1; c < k; c += 1) {
index.slice(centroids[c - 1], 1); // remove previous centroid from further consideration
distanceToCloseCentroid[centroids[c - 1]] = 0; // this effectively removes it from the probability distribution
// 2. For each data point x, compute D(x), the distance between x and
// the nearest center that has already been chosen.
// NOTE: we used the distance squared (L2 norm)
let totalWeight = 0.0;
for(let i = 0; i < index.length; i += 1) {
// if this is the first time through, the distance is undefined, so just set it.
// Otherwise, choose the minimum of the prior closest and this new centroid
const distanceToCentroid = kmeans.distanceSquared(observations[index[i]], observations[centroids[c - 1]]);
distanceToCloseCentroid[index[i]] =
(typeof distanceToCloseCentroid[index[i]] === 'number')
? Math.min(distanceToCloseCentroid[index[i]], distanceToCentroid)
: distanceToCentroid;
totalWeight += distanceToCloseCentroid[index[i]];
// 3. Choose one new data point at random as a new center,
// using a weighted probability distribution where a point x is chosen with probability proportional to D(x)^2.
centroidIndex = index[weightedRandomIndex(distanceToCloseCentroid, totalWeight)];
// 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until k centers have been chosen.
// 5. Now that the initial centers have been chosen, proceed using
// standard k-means clustering. Return the model so that
// kmeans can continue.
return {
'observations': observations,
'centroids': centroids.map(x => observations[x]), // map centroid index to centroid value
'assignments': observations.map((x, i) => i % centroids.length) // distribute among centroids
* Extra Credit #1
* module for creating random models for kmeans clustering
define(function (require) {
"use strict";
const kmeans = require("./kmeans");
* @return a random, normally distributed number
function randomNormal() {
// n = 6 gives a good enough approximation
return ((Math.random() + Math.random() + Math.random() + Math.random() + Math.random() + Math.random()) - 3) / 3;
* Generate a uniform random unit vector
* @param {Integer} d dimension of data
* @return n random datapoints of dimension d with length == 1
function randomUnitVector(d) {
const range = max - min;
let magnitude = 0.0;
const observation = [];
// uniform random for each dimension
for(let j = 0; j < d; j += 1) {
const x = Math.random();
observation[j] = x;
magnitude = x * x;
// normalize
const magnitude = Math.sqrt(magnitude);
for(let j = 0; j < d; j += 1) {
observation[j] /= magnitude;
return observation;
* Generate a uniform random unit vectors for clustering
* @param {Integer} n number of data points
* @param {Integer} d dimension of data
* @return n random datapoints of dimension d with length == 1
function randomUnitVectors(n, d) {
// create n random observations, each of dimension d
const observations = [];
for(let i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
// create random observation of dimension d
const observation = randomUnitVector(d);
return observations;
* Generate a spherical random vector
* @param {Integer} n number of data points
* @param {Integer} d dimension of data
* @param {Number} r radium from center for data point
* @return n random datapoints of dimension d
function randomSphericalVector(d, r) {
const observation = [];
let magnitude = 0.0;
for(let j = 0; j < d; j += 1)
const x = randomNormal();
observation[j] = x;
magnitude += x * x;
// normalize
magnitude = Math.sqrt(magnitude);
for(let j = 0; j < d; j += 1) {
observation[j] = observation[j] * r / magnitude;
return observation;
* Generate a spherical random vectors
* @param {Integer} n number of data points
* @param {Integer} d dimension of data
* @param {Number} max radius from center for data points
* @return n random datapoints of dimension d
function randomSphericalVectors(n, d, r) {
// create n random observations, each of dimension d
const observations = [];
for(let i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
// create random observation of dimension d with random radius
const observation = randomSphericalVector(d, Math.random() * r);
return observations;
* Generate a uniform random model for clustering
* @param {Integer} n number of data points
* @param {Integer} d dimension of data
* @param {Number} radius of sphere
* @return n random datapoints of dimension d
function randomVectors(n, d, min, max) {
const range = max - min;
// create n random observations, each of dimension d
const observations = [];
for(let i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
// create random observation of dimension d
const observation = randomVector(d, min, max);
return observations;
* Generate a uniform random model for clustering
* @param {Integer} d dimension of data
* @param {Number} radius of sphere
* @return n random datapoints of dimension d
function randomVector(d, min, max) {
// create random observation of dimension d
const range = max - min;
const observation = [];
for(let j = 0; j < d; j += 1) {
observation.push(min + Math.random() * range);
return observation;
return {
'randomVector': randomVector,
'randomUnitVector': randomUnitVector,
'randomSphericalVector': randomSphericalVector,
'randomVectors': randomVectors,
'randomUnitVectors': randomUnitVectors,
'randomSphericalVectors': randomSphericalVectors
* Extra Credit #4
* Application to cluster random data using kmeans++
* cluster(k, n, d) - cluster n data points of dimension d into k clusters
* plot(canvas, result) - plot the results of cluster() to the given html5 canvas using clusterjs
define(function (require) {
"use strict";
const kmeans = require("./kmeans/kmeans");
const kmeanspp = require("./kmeans/kmeanspp");
const randomCentroidInitializer = require("./kmeans/randomCentroidInitializer");
const kmeansRandomModel = require("./kmeans/kmeansRandomModel");
* @public
* Load iris dataset and run kmeans on it given the number of clusters
* @param {integer} k number of clusters to create
function cluster(k, n, d) {
// map iris data rows from dictionary to vector (array), leaving out the label
const observations = kmeansRandomModel.randomSphericalVectors(n, d, 10.0);
// create the intial model and run it
// const initialModel = randomCentroidInitializer(observations, k);
const initialModel = kmeanspp(observations, k);
// cluster into given number of clusters
const results = kmeans.cluster(initialModel);
// do this for the convenience of the plotting functions
results.clusters = kmeans.assignmentsToClusters(results.model);
return results;
const clusterColor = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'purple', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'pink', 'brown', 'black'];
let chart = undefined;
* plot the clustred iris data model.
* @param {object} results of cluster(), with model, clusters and clusterCompositions
* @param {boolean} showClusterColor true to show learned cluster points
* @param {boolean} showSpeciesColor true to show known dataset labelled points
function plot(canvas, results) {
// map iris data rows from dictionary to vector (array), leaving out the label
const model = results.model;
const observations = model.observations;
const assignments = model.assignments;
const centroids = model.centroids;
const d = observations[0].length;
const n = observations.length;
const k = centroids.length;
// put offset of each data points into clusters using the assignments
const clusters = results.clusters;
// plot the clusters
const chartData = {
// for the purposes of plotting in 2 dimensions, we will use
// x = dimension 0 and y = dimension 1
datasets: clusters.map(function(c, i) {
return {
label: "cluster" + i,
data: c.map(d => ({'x': observations[d][0], 'y': observations[d][1]})),
backgroundColor: clusterColor[i % clusterColor.length],
pointBackgroundColor: clusterColor[i % clusterColor.length],
pointBorderColor: clusterColor[i % clusterColor.length]
const chartOptions = {
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
title: {
display: true,
text: 'Random spherical data set (d=$d, n=$n) clustered using K-Means (k=$k)'
.replace("$d", d)
.replace('$n', n)
.replace('$k', k)
legend: {
position: 'bottom',
display: true
scales: {
xAxes: [{
type: 'linear',
position: 'bottom',
scaleLabel: {
labelString: 'x axis',
display: false,
yAxes: [{
type: 'linear',
position: 'left',
scaleLabel: {
labelString: 'y axis',
display: false
// we need to destroy the previous chart so it's interactivity
// does not continue to run
if(undefined !== chart) {
chart = new Chart(canvas, {
type: 'scatter',
data: chartData,
options: chartOptions,
return {'cluster': cluster, 'plot': plot};
Adapted from #Wren
The jq program shown here generates PostScript.
Since jq does not currently include a PRNG, we will use /dev/urandom as a source of entropy as per the following bash script, which invoces jq to generate 30,000 points in accordance with the task description. The result of one run of this script is shown at https://imgur.com/gallery/F0q1yO6
export LC_ALL=C
# Generate $1 pseudo-random integers of width $2.
# The integers may have leading 0s
function prng {
cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd '0-9' | fold -w "$2" | head -n "$1"
prng $((4 * PTS)) 3 | jq -nr --argjson PTS $PTS -f k-means++-clustering.jq
# A Point is represented by a JSON array: [x, y, group]
def hugeVal: infinite;
def RAND_MAX : 1000;
def PTS: $PTS;
def K : 6;
def W : 400;
def H : 400;
def rand: input | tonumber;
def randf(m): m * rand / (RAND_MAX - 1);
def pi: 1 | atan * 4;
# Pseudo-randomly generate `count` points in a circle with the given radius
def genXY(count; radius):
# note: this is not a uniform 2-d distribution
pi as $pi
| reduce range(0; count) as $i ([];
.[$i] = [0, 0, 0]
| randf(2 * $pi) as $ang
| randf(radius) as $r
| .[$i][0] = $r * ($ang|cos)
| .[$i][1] = $r * ($ang|sin) ) ;
def dist2($a; $b):
($a[0] - $b[0]) as $x
| ($a[1] - $b[1]) as $y
| $x * $x + $y * $y;
# output: {minD, minI}
def nearest($pt; $cent; $nCluster):
{ minD : hugeVal,
minI : $pt[2] }
| reduce range(0; $nCluster) as $i (.;
dist2($cent[$i]; $pt) as $d
| if .minD > $d
then .minD = $d
| .minI = $i
else .
end ) ;
# input: {pts, cent}
# output: ditto
def kpp(len):
(.cent|length) as $nCent
| .cent[0] = .pts[rand % len]
| . + { d: []}
| reduce range(1; $nCent) as $nCluster (.;
.sum = 0
| reduce range(0; len) as $j (.;
.d[$j] = nearest(.pts[$j]; .cent; $nCluster).minD
| .sum += .d[$j] )
| .sum = randf(.sum)
| label $out
| .emit = null
# Be sure to emit something:
| foreach (range(0; len), null) as $j (.;
if $j == null then .emit = .
else .sum -= .d[$j]
| if .sum > 0
then .
else .cent[$nCluster] = .pts[$j]
| .emit = .
select(.emit) | (.emit, break $out)
) )
| reduce range(0; len) as $j (.;
.pts[$j][2] = nearest(.pts[$j]; .cent; $nCent).minI ) ;
# Input: an array of Point (.pts)
# Output: {pts, cent}
def lloyd(len; nCluster):
{pts: .,
cent: [range(0; nCluster) | [0,0,0]]}
| kpp(len)
# stop when > 99.9% of points are good
| until( .changed > (len / 1E4);
# group elements of centroids are used as counters
reduce range(0; nCluster) as $i (.; .cent[$i] = [0,0,0])
| reduce range(0; len) as $j (.;
.pts[$j] as $p
| .cent[$p[2]] |= [ .[0]+$p[0], .[1]+$p[1], .[2] + 1] )
| reduce range(0; nCluster) as $i (.;
(.cent[$i][2] | if . == 0 then 0.0001 else . end) as $divisor
| .cent[$i] |= [ (.[0]/$divisor), (.[1]/$divisor), .[2] ] )
| .changed = 0
# find closest centroid of each point
| reduce range(0; len) as $j (.;
.pts[$j] as $p
| nearest($p; .cent; nCluster).minI as $minI
| if $minI != $p[2]
then .changed += 1
| .pts[$j][2] = $minI
else .
end) )
| .cent |= reduce range(0; nCluster) as $i (.; .[$i][2] = $i ) ;
def printEps($pts; len; cent; nCluster):
def f1($x;$y;$z): "\($x) \($y) \($z) setrgbcolor";
def f2($x;$y) : "\($x) \($y) c";
def f3($x;$y) : "\n0 setgray \($x) \($y) s";
def colors:
reduce range(0; nCluster) as $i ([];
.[3 * $i + 0] = (3 * ($i + 1) % 11) / 11
| .[3 * $i + 1] = (7 * $i % 11) / 11
| .[3 * $i + 2] = (9 * $i % 11) / 11 );
{colors: colors}
| .minX = hugeVal
| .minY = hugeVal
| .maxX = -hugeVal
| .maxY = -hugeVal
| reduce range(0; len) as $j (.;
$pts[$j] as $p
| if .maxX < $p[0] then .maxX = $p[0] else . end
| if .minX > $p[0] then .minX = $p[0] else . end
| if .maxY < $p[1] then .maxY = $p[1] else . end
| if .minY > $p[1] then .minY = $p[1] else . end )
| ([((W / (.maxX - .minX))), ((H / (.maxY - .minY)))] | min) as $scale
| ( (.maxX + .minX) / 2) as $cx
| ( (.maxY + .minY) / 2) as $cy
| "%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n%%BoundingBox: -5 -5 \(W + 10) \(H + 10)",
"/l {rlineto} def /m {rmoveto} def",
"/c { .25 sub exch .25 sub exch .5 0 360 arc fill } def",
"/s { moveto -2 0 m 2 2 l 2 -2 l -2 -2 l closepath ",
" gsave 1 setgray fill grestore gsave 3 setlinewidth",
" 1 setgray stroke grestore 0 setgray stroke }def",
(range(0; nCluster) as $i
| cent[$i] as $c
| f1(.colors[3 * $i]; .colors[3 * $i + 1]; .colors[3 * $i + 2]),
( range(0; len) as $j
| $pts[$j] as $p
| if $p[2] == $i
then f2( ($p[0] - $cx) * $scale + W / 2; ($p[1] - $cy) * $scale + H / 2)
else empty
end ),
f3( ($c[0] - $cx) * $scale + W / 2; ($c[1] - $cy) * $scale + H / 2)),
# The required clustering function with two arguments.
# It returns {pts, cent}
# where .pts and .cent are arrays of Points,
# with the cluster id as the third item.
def cluster($nCluster; $points):
| lloyd( length; $nCluster);
# The task:
genXY(PTS; 10)
| lloyd(PTS; K) as { pts: $pts, cent: $cent }
| printEps($pts; PTS; $cent; K)
- Output:
See https://imgur.com/gallery/F0q1yO6
# run via Julia REPL
using Clustering, Plots, DataFrames, RDatasets
const iris = dataset("datasets", "iris")
plt1 = plot(title= "Species Classification", xlabel = "Sepal Width", ylabel = "Sepal length")
plt2 = plot(title= "Kmeans++ Classification", xlabel = "Sepal Width", ylabel = "Sepal length")
for (i, sp) in enumerate(unique(iris[!, :Species]))
idx = iris[!, :Species] .== sp
spwidth, splength = iris[idx, :SepalWidth], iris[idx, :SepalLength]
scatter!(plt1, spwidth, splength, color = [:red, :green, :blue][i], legend = false)
features = collect(Matrix(iris[!, 1:4])')
# K Means ++
result = kmeans(features, 3, init = KmppAlg()) # set to 3 clusters with kmeans++
for center in unique(result.assignments)
idx = result.assignments .== center
spwidth, splength = iris[idx, :SepalWidth], iris[idx, :SepalLength]
scatter!(plt2, spwidth, splength, color = [:green, :red, :blue][center], legend = false)
plot(plt1, plt2)
The terminal output should, of course, be redirected to an .eps file so that it can be viewed with (for instance) Ghostscript.
As in the case of the C example, the data is partitioned into 11 clusters though, unlike C (which doesn't use srand), the output will be different each time the program is run.
// version 1.2.21
import java.util.Random
import kotlin.math.*
data class Point(var x: Double, var y: Double, var group: Int)
typealias LPoint = List<Point>
typealias MLPoint = MutableList<Point>
val origin get() = Point(0.0, 0.0, 0)
val r = Random()
val hugeVal = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
const val RAND_MAX = Int.MAX_VALUE
const val PTS = 100_000
const val K = 11
const val W = 400
const val H = 400
fun rand() = r.nextInt(RAND_MAX)
fun randf(m: Double) = m * rand() / (RAND_MAX - 1)
fun genXY(count: Int, radius: Double): LPoint {
val pts = List(count) { origin }
/* note: this is not a uniform 2-d distribution */
for (i in 0 until count) {
val ang = randf(2.0 * PI)
val r = randf(radius)
pts[i].x = r * cos(ang)
pts[i].y = r * sin(ang)
return pts
fun dist2(a: Point, b: Point): Double {
val x = a.x - b.x
val y = a.y - b.y
return x * x + y * y
fun nearest(pt: Point, cent: LPoint, nCluster: Int): Pair<Int, Double> {
var minD = hugeVal
var minI = pt.group
for (i in 0 until nCluster) {
val d = dist2(cent[i], pt)
if (minD > d) {
minD = d
minI = i
return minI to minD
fun kpp(pts: LPoint, len: Int, cent: MLPoint) {
val nCent = cent.size
val d = DoubleArray(len)
cent[0] = pts[rand() % len].copy()
for (nCluster in 1 until nCent) {
var sum = 0.0
for (j in 0 until len) {
d[j] = nearest(pts[j], cent, nCluster).second
sum += d[j]
sum = randf(sum)
for (j in 0 until len) {
sum -= d[j]
if (sum > 0.0) continue
cent[nCluster] = pts[j].copy()
for (j in 0 until len) pts[j].group = nearest(pts[j], cent, nCent).first
fun lloyd(pts: LPoint, len: Int, nCluster: Int): LPoint {
val cent = MutableList(nCluster) { origin }
kpp(pts, len, cent)
do {
/* group element for centroids are used as counters */
for (i in 0 until nCluster) {
with (cent[i]) { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; group = 0 }
for (j in 0 until len) {
val p = pts[j]
val c = cent[p.group]
with (c) { group++; x += p.x; y += p.y }
for (i in 0 until nCluster) {
val c = cent[i]
c.x /= c.group
c.y /= c.group
var changed = 0
/* find closest centroid of each point */
for (j in 0 until len) {
val p = pts[j]
val minI = nearest(p, cent, nCluster).first
if (minI != p.group) {
p.group = minI
while (changed > (len shr 10)) /* stop when 99.9% of points are good */
for (i in 0 until nCluster) cent[i].group = i
return cent
fun printEps(pts: LPoint, len: Int, cent: LPoint, nCluster: Int) {
val colors = DoubleArray(nCluster * 3)
for (i in 0 until nCluster) {
colors[3 * i + 0] = (3 * (i + 1) % 11) / 11.0
colors[3 * i + 1] = (7 * i % 11) / 11.0
colors[3 * i + 2] = (9 * i % 11) / 11.0
var minX = hugeVal
var minY = hugeVal
var maxX = -hugeVal
var maxY = -hugeVal
for (j in 0 until len) {
val p = pts[j]
if (maxX < p.x) maxX = p.x
if (minX > p.x) minX = p.x
if (maxY < p.y) maxY = p.y
if (minY > p.y) minY = p.y
val scale = minOf(W / (maxX - minX), H / (maxY - minY))
val cx = (maxX + minX) / 2.0
val cy = (maxY + minY) / 2.0
print("%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n%%%%BoundingBox: -5 -5 %${W + 10} ${H + 10}\n")
print("/l {rlineto} def /m {rmoveto} def\n")
print("/c { .25 sub exch .25 sub exch .5 0 360 arc fill } def\n")
print("/s { moveto -2 0 m 2 2 l 2 -2 l -2 -2 l closepath ")
print(" gsave 1 setgray fill grestore gsave 3 setlinewidth")
print(" 1 setgray stroke grestore 0 setgray stroke }def\n")
val f1 = "%g %g %g setrgbcolor"
val f2 = "%.3f %.3f c"
val f3 = "\n0 setgray %g %g s"
for (i in 0 until nCluster) {
val c = cent[i]
println(f1.format(colors[3 * i], colors[3 * i + 1], colors[3 * i + 2]))
for (j in 0 until len) {
val p = pts[j]
if (p.group != i) continue
println(f2.format((p.x - cx) * scale + W / 2, (p.y - cy) * scale + H / 2))
println(f3.format((c.x - cx) * scale + W / 2, (c.y - cy) * scale + H / 2))
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val v = genXY(PTS, 10.0)
val c = lloyd(v, PTS, K)
printEps(v, PTS, c, K)
local function load_data(npoints, radius)
-- Generate random data points
local data = {}
for i = 1,npoints do
local ang = math.random() * (2.0 * math.pi)
local rad = math.random() * radius
data[i] = {x = math.cos(ang) * rad, y = math.sin(ang) * rad}
return data
local function print_eps(data, nclusters, centers, cluster)
local WIDTH = 400
local HEIGHT = 400
-- Print an EPS file with clustered points
local colors = {}
for k = 1,nclusters do
colors[3*k + 0] = (3 * k % 11) / 11.0
colors[3*k + 1] = (7 * k % 11) / 11.0
colors[3*k + 2] = (9 * k % 11) / 11.0
local max_x, max_y, min_x, min_y = -math.maxinteger, -math.maxinteger,
math.maxinteger, math.maxinteger
for i = 1,#data do
if max_x < data[i].x then max_x = data[i].x end
if min_x > data[i].x then min_x = data[i].x end
if max_y < data[i].y then max_y = data[i].y end
if min_y > data[i].y then min_y = data[i].y end
local scale = WIDTH / (max_x - min_x)
if scale > HEIGHT / (max_y - min_y) then scale = HEIGHT / (max_y - min_y) end
local cx = (max_x + min_x) / 2.0
local cy = (max_y + min_y) / 2.0
print(string.format("%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n%%%%BoundingBox: -5 -5 %d %d",
WIDTH + 10, HEIGHT + 10))
print(string.format("/l {rlineto} def /m {rmoveto} def\n/c { .25 sub exch .25 sub exch .5 0 360 arc fill } def\n/s { moveto -2 0 m 2 2 l 2 -2 l -2 -2 l closepath gsave 1 setgray fill grestore gsave 3 setlinewidth 1 setgray stroke grestore 0 setgray stroke }def"
-- print(string.format("%g %g %g setrgbcolor\n", 1, 2, 3))
for k = 1,nclusters do
print(string.format("%g %g %g setrgbcolor",
colors[3*k], colors[3*k + 1], colors[3*k + 2]))
for i = 1,#data do
if cluster[i] == k then
print(string.format("%.3f %.3f c",
(data[i].x - cx) * scale + WIDTH / 2.0,
(data[i].y - cy) * scale + HEIGHT / 2.0))
print(string.format("0 setgray %g %g s",
(centers[k].x - cx) * scale + WIDTH / 2.0,
(centers[k].y - cy) * scale + HEIGHT / 2.0))
local function kmeans(data, nclusters, init)
-- K-means Clustering
assert(nclusters > 0)
assert(#data > nclusters)
assert(init == "kmeans++" or init == "random")
local diss = function(p, q)
-- Computes the dissimilarity between points 'p' and 'q'
return math.pow(p.x - q.x, 2) + math.pow(p.y - q.y, 2)
-- Initialization
local centers = {} -- clusters centroids
if init == "kmeans++" then
local K = 1
-- take one center c1, chosen uniformly at random from 'data'
local i = math.random(1, #data)
centers[K] = {x = data[i].x, y = data[i].y}
local D = {}
-- repeat until we have taken 'nclusters' centers
while K < nclusters do
-- take a new center ck, choosing a point 'i' of 'data' with probability
-- D(i)^2 / sum_{i=1}^n D(i)^2
local sum_D = 0.0
for i = 1,#data do
local min_d = D[i]
local d = diss(data[i], centers[K])
if min_d == nil or d < min_d then
min_d = d
D[i] = min_d
sum_D = sum_D + min_d
sum_D = math.random() * sum_D
for i = 1,#data do
sum_D = sum_D - D[i]
if sum_D <= 0 then
K = K + 1
centers[K] = {x = data[i].x, y = data[i].y}
elseif init == "random" then
for k = 1,nclusters do
local i = math.random(1, #data)
centers[k] = {x = data[i].x, y = data[i].y}
-- Lloyd K-means Clustering
local cluster = {} -- k-partition
for i = 1,#data do cluster[i] = 0 end
local J = function()
-- Computes the loss value
local loss = 0.0
for i = 1,#data do
loss = loss + diss(data[i], centers[cluster[i]])
return loss
local updated = false
-- update k-partition
local card = {}
for k = 1,nclusters do
card[k] = 0.0
updated = false
for i = 1,#data do
local min_d, min_k = nil, nil
for k = 1,nclusters do
local d = diss(data[i], centers[k])
if min_d == nil or d < min_d then
min_d, min_k = d, k
if min_k ~= cluster[i] then updated = true end
cluster[i] = min_k
card[min_k] = card[min_k] + 1.0
-- print("update k-partition: ", J())
-- update centers
for k = 1,nclusters do
centers[k].x = 0.0
centers[k].y = 0.0
for i = 1,#data do
local k = cluster[i]
centers[k].x = centers[k].x + (data[i].x / card[k])
centers[k].y = centers[k].y + (data[i].y / card[k])
-- print(" update centers: ", J())
until updated == false
return centers, cluster, J()
---- MAIN --------------------------------------------------------------------
local N_POINTS = 100000 -- number of points
local N_CLUSTERS = 11 -- number of clusters
local data = load_data(N_POINTS, N_CLUSTERS)
centers, cluster, loss = kmeans(data, N_CLUSTERS, "kmeans++")
-- print("Loss: ", loss)
-- for k = 1,N_CLUSTERS do
-- print("center.x: ", centers[k].x, " center.y: ", centers[k].y)
-- end
print_eps(data, N_CLUSTERS, centers, cluster)
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
Solution - Initial kmeans code comes from http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/7441/k-means-clustering, now extended to kmeans++ by introducing the function initM.
Was not able to upload pictures of the result...:
initM[list_List, k_Integer, distFunc_Symbol] :=
Module[{m = {RandomChoice[list]}, n, d},
While[Length[m] < k,
n = RandomChoice@Nearest[m, #] & /@ list;
d = Apply[distFunc, Transpose[{n, list}], {1}];
m = Append[m, RandomChoice[d -> list]]
kmeanspp[list_, k_,
opts : OptionsPattern[{DistanceFunction ->
SquaredEuclideanDistance, "RandomSeed" -> {}}]] :=
Module[{m = initM[list, k, OptionValue[DistanceFunction]], update,
partition, clusters}, update[] := m = Mean /@ clusters;
partition[_] := (clusters =
Nearest[m, #, (# -> OptionValue[#] &@DistanceFunction)] &];
FixedPoint[partition, list];
{clusters, m}
Extra credit:
1. no changes required for N dimensions, it juts works.
2. random data can be generated with
dim = 3; points = 3000; l = RandomReal[1, {points, dim}];
l = Select[ RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {points,2}], EuclideanDistance[#, {0, 0}] <= 1 &];
x1 = RandomVariate[MultinormalDistribution[{0, 0}, {{1, 0}, {0, 20}}], points]; x2 = RandomVariate[MultinormalDistribution[{10, 0}, {{1, 0}, {0, 20}}], points]; l = Join[x1, x2];
3. data can be visualized with 2D:
dim = 2; points = 30000; l = RandomReal[1, {points, dim}]; k = 6 r1 = kmeanspp[l, k]; p1 = ListPlot[r1[[1]]]; p2 = ListPlot[r1[[2]],PlotMarkers -> {"#"}]; Show[{p1, p2}]
dim = 3; points = 3000; l = RandomReal[1, {points, dim}]; k = 6 r1 = kmeanspp[l, k]; p1 = ListPointPlot3D[r1[[1]]]; p2 = ListPointPlot3D[r1[[2]]]; Show[{p1, p2}]
Another version
KMeans[k_, data_] :=
Module[{Renew, Label, Iteration}, clusters = RandomSample[data, k]; Label[clusters_] := Flatten[Table[ Ordering[ Table[EuclideanDistance[datai, clustersj], {j, Length[clusters]}], 1], {i, Length[data]}]]; Renew[labels_] := Module[{position}, position = PositionIndex[labels]; Return[Table[Mean[data[[positioni]]], {i, Length[position]}]]]; Iteration[labels_, clusters_] := Module[{newlabels, newclusters}, newclusters = Renew[labels]; newlabels = Label[newclusters]; If[newlabels == labels, labels, Iteration[newlabels, newclusters]]]; Return[Iteration[clusters, Label[clusters]]]]
# compile:
# nim c -d:release kmeans.nim
# and pipe the resultant EPS output to a file, e.g.
# kmeans > results.eps
import random, math, strutils
FloatMax = 1.0e100
nPoints = 100_000
nClusters = 11
Point = object
x, y: float
group: int
Points = seq[Point]
ClusterDist = tuple[indx: int, dist: float]
ColorRGB = tuple[r, g, b: float]
proc generatePoints(nPoints: int, radius: float): Points =
for i in 0..<nPoints:
r = rand(1.0) * radius
ang = rand(1.0) * 2 * PI
result[i] = Point(x: r * cos(ang),
y: r * sin(ang),
group: 0)
proc nearestClusterCenter(point: Point, cluster_centers: Points): ClusterDist =
# Distance and index of the closest cluster center
proc sqrDistance2D(a, b: Point): float =
result = (a.x - b.x) ^ 2 + (a.y - b.y) ^ 2
result = (indx: point.group, dist: FLOAT_MAX)
for i, cc in pairs(cluster_centers):
let d = sqrDistance2D(cc, point)
if result.dist > d:
result.dist = d
result.indx = i
proc kpp(points: var Points, clusterCenters: var Points) =
choice = points[rand(points.high)]
clusterCenters[0] = choice
d: seq[float]
sum = 0.0
for i in 1..clusterCenters.high:
sum = 0.0
for j, p in pairs(points):
d[j] = nearestClusterCenter(p, cluster_centers[0..i])[1]
sum += d[j]
sum *= rand(1.0)
for j, di in pairs(d):
sum -= di
if sum > 0.0:
clusterCenters[i] = points[j]
for _, p in mpairs(points):
p.group = nearestClusterCenter(p, clusterCenters)[0]
proc lloyd(points: var Points, nclusters: int): Points =
#result is the cluster_centers
let lenpts10 = points.len shr 10
changed = 0
minI = 0
# call k++ init
kpp(points, result)
while true:
# group element for centroids are used as counters
for _, cc in mpairs(result):
cc.x = 0.0
cc.y = 0.0
cc.group = 0
for p in points:
let i = p.group
result[i].group += 1
result[i].x += p.x
result[i].y += p.y
for _, cc in mpairs(result):
cc.x /= cc.group.float
cc.y /= cc.group.float
# find closest centroid of each PointPtr
changed = 0
for _, p in mpairs(points):
minI = nearest_cluster_center(p, result)[0]
if minI != p.group:
changed += 1
p.group = minI
# stop when 99.9% of points are good
if changed <= lenpts10:
for i, cc in mpairs(result):
cc.group = i
proc printEps(points: Points, cluster_centers: Points, W: int = 400, H: int = 400) =
colors: seq[ColorRGB]
#assert((3.0 * 5.0) mod 11.0 == 4.0)
#assert(3.0 * 5.0 mod 11.0 == 4.0)
#assert((3.0 * 5.0 mod 11.0) / 2.0 == 2.0)
#assert(3.0 * 5.0 mod 11.0 / 2.0 == 2.0)
for i in 0..<clusterCenters.len:
f1 = i.float
f2 = (i + 1).float
colors[i] = (r: (3.0 * f2) mod 11.0 / 11.0,
g: (7.0 * f1) mod 11.0 / 11.0,
b: (9.0 * f1) mod 11.0 / 11.0 )
max_x = -FLOAT_MAX
max_y = -FLOAT_MAX
min_x = FLOAT_MAX
min_y = FLOAT_MAX
for p in points:
if max_x < p.x: max_x = p.x
if min_x > p.x: min_x = p.x
if max_y < p.y: max_y = p.y
if min_y > p.y: min_y = p.y
scale = min(W.float / (max_x - min_x),
H.float / (max_y - min_y))
cx = (max_x + min_x) / 2.0
cy = (max_y + min_y) / 2.0
echo "%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n%%BoundingBox: -5 -5 $1 $2" % [$(W + 10), $(H + 10)]
echo """/l {rlineto} def /m {rmoveto} def
/c { .25 sub exch .25 sub exch .5 0 360 arc fill } def
/s { moveto -2 0 m 2 2 l 2 -2 l -2 -2 l closepath
gsave 1 setgray fill grestore gsave 3 setlinewidth
1 setgray stroke grestore 0 setgray stroke }def"""
for i, cc in pairs(clusterCenters):
echo "$1 $2 $3 setrgbcolor" %
[formatFloat(colors[i].r, ffDecimal, 6),
formatFloat(colors[i].g, ffDecimal, 6),
formatFloat(colors[i].b, ffDecimal, 6)]
for p in points:
if p.group != i:
echo "$1 $2 c" % [formatFloat( ((p.x - cx) * scale + W / 2), ffDecimal, 3),
formatFloat( ((p.y - cy) * scale + H / 2), ffDecimal, 3)]
echo "\n0 setgray $1 $2 s" % [formatFloat( ((cc.x - cx) * scale + W / 2), ffDecimal, 3),
formatFloat( ((cc.y - cy) * scale + H / 2), ffDecimal, 3)]
echo "\nshowpage\n%%EOF"
proc main() =
points = generatePoints(nPoints, 10.0)
clusterCentrs = lloyd(points, nClusters)
printEps(points, clusterCentrs)
I nicked the initial dataset creation from Go, as an alternative
-- demo\rosetta\K_means_clustering.exw
-- Press F5 to restart
include pGUI.e
Ihandle dlg, canvas, timer
cdCanvas cddbuffer, cdcanvas
constant TITLE = "K-means++ clustering"
constant useGoInitialData = false -- (not very well centered)
constant N = 30000, -- number of points
K = 16 -- number of clusters
sequence {Px, Py, Pc} @= repeat(0,N), -- coordinates of points and their cluster
{Cx, Cy} @= repeat(0,K) -- coordinates of centroid of cluster
if length(colours)<K then ?9/0 end if
function Centroid()
-- Find new centroids of points grouped with current centroids
bool change = false
for c=1 to K do -- for each centroid...
integer x=0, y=0, count:= 0; -- find new centroid
for i=1 to N do -- for all points
if Pc[i] = c then -- grouped with current centroid...
x += Px[i]
y += Py[i]
count += 1
end if
end for
if count!=0 then
x = floor(x/count)
y = floor(y/count)
if Cx[c]!=x
or Cy[c]!=y then
Cx[c] = x
Cy[c] = y
change:= true
end if
end if
end for
return change
end function
function sq(atom x) return x*x end function
procedure Voronoi() -- Group points with their nearest centroid
integer d2, -- distance squared,
min_d2 -- minimum distance squared
for i=1 to N do -- for each point...
min_d2 := #3FFFFFFF -- find closest centroid
for c=1 to K do
d2 := sq(Px[i]-Cx[c]) + sq(Py[i]-Cy[c])
if d2<min_d2 then
min_d2 := d2
Pc[i] := c -- update closest centroid
end if
end for
end for
end procedure
function rand_xy() -- Return random X,Y biased for polar coordinates
atom d := rand(240)-1, -- distance: 0..239
a := rnd()*2*PI -- angle: 0..2pi
integer x:= floor(d*cos(a))+320, -- rectangular coords centered on screen
y:= floor(d*sin(a))+240 -- (that is, assuming 640x480)
return {x,y}
end function
--This little bit is copied from/based on Go:
constant k = K,
nPoints = N,
xBox = 300,
yBox = 200,
stdv = 30
function genECData()
sequence orig = repeat({0,0}, k),
data = repeat({0,0,0}, nPoints)
integer n = 0, nk = k
for i=1 to k do
integer x := rand(xBox)+320,
y := rand(yBox)+240
orig[i] = {x, y}
for j=1 to floor((nPoints-n)/nk) do
n += 1
atom d := rand(stdv)-1, -- distance: 0..239
a := rnd()*2*PI -- angle: 0..2pi
integer nx:= floor(d*cos(a))+x, -- rectangular coords centered on screen
ny:= floor(d*sin(a))+y -- (that is, assuming 640x480)
data[n] = {nx,ny,i}
end for
nk -= 1
end for
if n!=nPoints then ?9/0 end if
return {orig, data}
end function
--</Go ends>
integer iteration = 0
function redraw_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, integer /*posx*/, integer /*posy*/)
integer {w, h} = IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE")
if iteration=0 then
if useGoInitialData then
sequence {origins,data} = genECData()
{Px, Py, Pc} = columnize(data)
{Cx, Cy} = columnize(origins)
for i=1 to N do {Px[i],Py[i]} = rand_xy() end for -- random set of points
for i=1 to K do {Cx[i],Cy[i]} = rand_xy() end for -- random set of cluster centroids
end if
end if
sequence {r,g,b} @ = repeat(0,w*h)
bool change := Centroid()
for i=1 to N do
integer idx = Px[i]+(Py[i]-1)*w
{r[idx],g[idx],b[idx]} = cdDecodeColor(colours[Pc[i]])
end for
for i=1 to K do
integer idx = Cx[i]+(Cy[i]-1)*w
{r[idx],g[idx],b[idx]} = cdDecodeColor(CD_WHITE)
end for
cdCanvasPutImageRectRGB(cddbuffer, w, h, {r,g,b})
if change then
iteration += 1
IupSetStrAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "%s (iteration %d)",{TITLE,iteration})
IupSetInt(timer,"RUN",0) -- (stop timer)
IupSetStrAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", TITLE)
end if
end function
function timer_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/)
end function
function map_cb(Ihandle ih)
cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_IUP, ih)
cddbuffer = cdCreateCanvas(CD_DBUFFER, cdcanvas)
end function
function esc_close(Ihandle /*ih*/, atom c)
if c=K_ESC then return IUP_CLOSE end if
if c=K_F5 then
iteration = 0
IupSetInt(timer,"RUN",1) -- (restart timer)
end if
end function
procedure main()
canvas = IupCanvas(NULL)
IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", "640x480")
IupSetCallback(canvas, "MAP_CB", Icallback("map_cb"))
IupSetCallback(canvas, "ACTION", Icallback("redraw_cb"))
timer = IupTimer(Icallback("timer_cb"), 100)
dlg = IupDialog(canvas,"DIALOGFRAME=YES")
IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", TITLE)
IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_ANY", Icallback("esc_close"))
IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", NULL)
end procedure
Probably the hardest part of handling more than 2 dimensions would be deleteing all the GUI code, or modifying it to produce an n-dimensional representation. Obviously you would need Pz and Cz, or replace them with n-tuples, and to replace rand_xy().
from math import pi, sin, cos
from collections import namedtuple
from random import random, choice
from copy import copy
import psyco
except ImportError:
FLOAT_MAX = 1e100
class Point:
__slots__ = ["x", "y", "group"]
def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0, group=0):
self.x, self.y, self.group = x, y, group
def generate_points(npoints, radius):
points = [Point() for _ in xrange(npoints)]
# note: this is not a uniform 2-d distribution
for p in points:
r = random() * radius
ang = random() * 2 * pi
p.x = r * cos(ang)
p.y = r * sin(ang)
return points
def nearest_cluster_center(point, cluster_centers):
"""Distance and index of the closest cluster center"""
def sqr_distance_2D(a, b):
return (a.x - b.x) ** 2 + (a.y - b.y) ** 2
min_index = point.group
min_dist = FLOAT_MAX
for i, cc in enumerate(cluster_centers):
d = sqr_distance_2D(cc, point)
if min_dist > d:
min_dist = d
min_index = i
return (min_index, min_dist)
def kpp(points, cluster_centers):
cluster_centers[0] = copy(choice(points))
d = [0.0 for _ in xrange(len(points))]
for i in xrange(1, len(cluster_centers)):
sum = 0
for j, p in enumerate(points):
d[j] = nearest_cluster_center(p, cluster_centers[:i])[1]
sum += d[j]
sum *= random()
for j, di in enumerate(d):
sum -= di
if sum > 0:
cluster_centers[i] = copy(points[j])
for p in points:
p.group = nearest_cluster_center(p, cluster_centers)[0]
def lloyd(points, nclusters):
cluster_centers = [Point() for _ in xrange(nclusters)]
# call k++ init
kpp(points, cluster_centers)
lenpts10 = len(points) >> 10
changed = 0
while True:
# group element for centroids are used as counters
for cc in cluster_centers:
cc.x = 0
cc.y = 0
cc.group = 0
for p in points:
cluster_centers[p.group].group += 1
cluster_centers[p.group].x += p.x
cluster_centers[p.group].y += p.y
for cc in cluster_centers:
cc.x /= cc.group
cc.y /= cc.group
# find closest centroid of each PointPtr
changed = 0
for p in points:
min_i = nearest_cluster_center(p, cluster_centers)[0]
if min_i != p.group:
changed += 1
p.group = min_i
# stop when 99.9% of points are good
if changed <= lenpts10:
for i, cc in enumerate(cluster_centers):
cc.group = i
return cluster_centers
def print_eps(points, cluster_centers, W=400, H=400):
Color = namedtuple("Color", "r g b");
colors = []
for i in xrange(len(cluster_centers)):
colors.append(Color((3 * (i + 1) % 11) / 11.0,
(7 * i % 11) / 11.0,
(9 * i % 11) / 11.0))
max_x = max_y = -FLOAT_MAX
min_x = min_y = FLOAT_MAX
for p in points:
if max_x < p.x: max_x = p.x
if min_x > p.x: min_x = p.x
if max_y < p.y: max_y = p.y
if min_y > p.y: min_y = p.y
scale = min(W / (max_x - min_x),
H / (max_y - min_y))
cx = (max_x + min_x) / 2
cy = (max_y + min_y) / 2
print "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n%%%%BoundingBox: -5 -5 %d %d" % (W + 10, H + 10)
print ("/l {rlineto} def /m {rmoveto} def\n" +
"/c { .25 sub exch .25 sub exch .5 0 360 arc fill } def\n" +
"/s { moveto -2 0 m 2 2 l 2 -2 l -2 -2 l closepath " +
" gsave 1 setgray fill grestore gsave 3 setlinewidth" +
" 1 setgray stroke grestore 0 setgray stroke }def")
for i, cc in enumerate(cluster_centers):
print ("%g %g %g setrgbcolor" %
(colors[i].r, colors[i].g, colors[i].b))
for p in points:
if p.group != i:
print ("%.3f %.3f c" % ((p.x - cx) * scale + W / 2,
(p.y - cy) * scale + H / 2))
print ("\n0 setgray %g %g s" % ((cc.x - cx) * scale + W / 2,
(cc.y - cy) * scale + H / 2))
print "\n%%%%EOF"
def main():
npoints = 30000
k = 7 # # clusters
points = generate_points(npoints, 10)
cluster_centers = lloyd(points, k)
print_eps(points, cluster_centers)
The k-means clustering:
#lang racket
(require racket/dict
;; Divides the set of points into k clusters
;; using the standard k-means clustering algorithm
(define (k-means data k #:initialization (init k-means++))
(define (iteration centroids)
(map centroid (clusterize data centroids)))
(fixed-point iteration (init data k) #:same-test small-shift?))
;; Finds the centroid for a set of points
(define (centroid pts)
(vector-map (curryr / (length pts))
(for/fold ([sum (car pts)]) ([x (in-list (cdr pts))])
(vector-map + x sum))))
;; Divides the set of points into clusters
;; using given centroids
(define (clusterize data centroids)
(for*/fold ([res (map list centroids)]) ([x (in-list data)])
(define c (argmin (distanse-to x) centroids))
(dict-set res c (cons x (dict-ref res c)))))
;; Stop criterion: all centroids change their positions
;; by less then 0.1% of the minimal distance between centroids.
(define (small-shift? c1 c2)
(define min-distance
(apply min
(for*/list ([x (in-list c2)]
[y (in-list c2)] #:unless (equal? x y))
((metric) x y))))
(for/and ([a (in-list c1)] [b (in-list c2)])
(< ((metric) a b) (* 0.001 min-distance))))
Initialization methods
;; picks k points from a dataset randomly
(define (random-choice data k)
(for/list ([i (in-range k)])
(list-ref data (random (length data)))))
;; uses k-means++ algorithm
(define (k-means++ data k)
(for/fold ([centroids (random-choice data 1)]) ([i (in-range (- k 1))])
(define weights
(for/list ([x (in-list data)])
(apply min (map (distanse-to x) centroids))))
(define new-centroid
(sample (discrete-dist data weights)))
(cons new-centroid centroids)))
Different metrics
(define (euclidean-distance a b)
(for/sum ([x (in-vector a)] [y (in-vector b)])
(sqr (- x y))))
(define (manhattan-distance a b)
(for/sum ([x (in-vector a)] [y (in-vector b)])
(abs (- x y))))
(define metric (make-parameter euclidean-distance))
(define (distanse-to x) (curry (metric) x))
The fixed point operator
(define (fixed-point f x0 #:same-test [same? equal?])
(let loop ([x x0] [fx (f x0)])
(if (same? x fx) fx (loop fx (f fx)))))
Creating sample clusters

(define (gaussian-cluster N
#:stdev (σ 1)
#:center (r0 #(0 0))
#:dim (d 2))
(for/list ([i (in-range N)])
(define r (for/vector ([j (in-range d)]) (sample (normal-dist 0 σ))))
(vector-map + r r0)))
(define (uniform-cluster N
#:radius (R 1)
#:center (r0 #(0 0)))
(for/list ([i (in-range N)])
(define r (* R (sqrt (sample (uniform-dist)))))
(define φ (* 2 pi (sample (uniform-dist))))
(vector-map + r0 (vector (* r (cos φ)) (* r (sin φ))))))
(require plot)
(define (show-clustering data k #:method (method k-means++))
(define c (k-means data k #:initialization method))
(for/list ([d (clusterize data c)]
[i (in-naturals)])
(points d #:color i #:sym 'fullcircle1))
(list (points c
#:sym 'fullcircle7
#:fill-color 'yellow
#:line-width 3)))
#:title (format "Initializing by ~a" (object-name method)))))
(module+ test
(define circle (uniform-cluster 30000))
; using k-means++ method
(show-clustering circle 6)
; using standard k-means method
(show-clustering circle 6 #:method random-choice)
; using manhattan distance
(parameterize ([metric manhattan-distance])
(show-clustering circle 6)))
The difficult case.
(module+ test
(define clouds
(gaussian-cluster 1000 #:stdev 0.5 #:center #(0 0))
(gaussian-cluster 1000 #:stdev 0.5 #:center #(2 3))
(gaussian-cluster 1000 #:stdev 0.5 #:center #(2.5 -1))
(gaussian-cluster 1000 #:stdev 0.5 #:center #(6 0))))
; using k-means++ method
(show-clustering clouds 4)
; using standard k-means method
(show-clustering clouds 4 #:method random-choice))
Multi-dimensional case.
(module+ test
(define 5d-data
(gaussian-cluster 1000 #:dim 5 #:center #(2 0 0 0 0))
(gaussian-cluster 1000 #:dim 5 #:center #(0 2 0 0 0))
(gaussian-cluster 1000 #:dim 5 #:center #(0 0 2 0 0))
(gaussian-cluster 1000 #:dim 5 #:center #(0 0 0 2 0))
(gaussian-cluster 1000 #:dim 5 #:center #(0 0 0 0 2))))
(define centroids (k-means 5d-data 5))
(map (curry vector-map round) centroids))
Output shows that centroids were found correctly.
(#(-0.0 2.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0) #(0.0 0.0 -0.0 2.0 -0.0) #(2.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0) #(-0.0 -0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0) #(-0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0))
(formerly Perl 6)
We use Complex numbers to represent points in the plane. We feed the algorithm with three artificially made clouds of points so we can easily see if the output makes sense.
sub postfix:«-means++»(Int $K) {
return sub (@data) {
my @means = @data.pick;
until @means == $K {
my @cumulD2 = [\+] @data.map: -> $x {
min @means.map: { abs($x - $_)**2 }
my $rand = rand * @cumulD2[*-1];
@means.push: @data[
(^@data).first: { @cumulD2[$_] > $rand }
sub cluster { @data.classify: -> $x { @means.min: { abs($_ - $x) } } }
loop (
my %cluster;
$*TOLERANCE < [+] (@means Z- keys (%cluster = cluster))».abs X** 2;
@means = %cluster.values.map( { .elems R/ [+] @$_ } )
) { ; }
return @means;
my @centers = 0, 5, 3 + 2i;
my @data = flat @centers.map: { ($_ + .5 - rand + (.5 - rand) * i) xx 100 }
.say for 3-means++(@data);
- Output:
5.04622376429502+0.0145269848483031i 0.0185674577571743+0.0298199687431731i 2.954898072093+2.14922298688815i
(the initial point selection part)
extern crate csv;
extern crate getopts;
extern crate gnuplot;
extern crate nalgebra;
extern crate num;
extern crate rand;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate test;
use getopts::Options;
use gnuplot::{Axes2D, AxesCommon, Color, Figure, Fix, PointSize, PointSymbol};
use nalgebra::{DVector, Iterable};
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng, StdRng};
use rand::distributions::{IndependentSample, Range};
use std::f64::consts::PI;
use std::env;
type Point = DVector<f64>;
struct Cluster<'a> {
members: Vec<&'a Point>,
center: Point,
struct Stats {
centroids: Vec<Point>,
mean_d_from_centroid: DVector<f64>,
/// DVector doesn't implement BaseFloat, so a custom distance function is required.
fn sqdist(p1: &Point, p2: &Point) -> f64 {
(p1.clone() - p2.clone()).iter().map(|x| x * x).fold(0f64, |a, b| a + b)
/// Returns (distance^2, index) tuple of winning point.
fn nearest(p: &Point, candidates: &Vec<Point>) -> (f64, usize) {
let (dsquared, the_index) = candidates.iter()
.fold((sqdist(p, &candidates[0]), 0),
|(d, index), next| {
let dprime = sqdist(p, &candidates[next.0]);
if dprime < d {
(dprime, next.0)
} else {
(d, index)
(dsquared, the_index)
/// Computes starting centroids and makes initial assignments.
fn kpp(points: &Vec<Point>, k: usize, rng: &mut StdRng) -> Stats {
let mut centroids: Vec<Point> = Vec::new();
// Random point for first centroid guess:
centroids.push(points[rng.gen::<usize>() % points.len()].clone());
let mut dists: Vec<f64> = vec![0f64; points.len()];
for _ in 1..k {
let mut sum = 0f64;
for (j, p) in points.iter().enumerate() {
let (dsquared, _) = nearest(&p, ¢roids);
dists[j] = dsquared;
sum += dsquared;
// This part chooses the next cluster center with a probability proportional to d^2
sum *= rng.next_f64();
for (j, d) in dists.iter().enumerate() {
sum -= *d;
if sum <= 0f64 {
let clusters = assign_clusters(points, ¢roids);
fn assign_clusters<'a>(points: &'a Vec<Point>, centroids: &Vec<Point>) -> Vec<Cluster<'a>> {
let mut clusters: Vec<Cluster> = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..centroids.len() {
clusters.push(Cluster {
members: Vec::new(),
center: DVector::new_zeros(points[0].len()),
for p in points.iter() {
let (_, nearest_index) = nearest(p, centroids);
clusters[nearest_index].center = clusters[nearest_index].center.clone() + p.clone();
for i in 0..clusters.len() {
clusters[i].center = clusters[i].center.clone() / clusters[i].members.len() as f64;
/// Computes centroids and mean-distance-from-centroid for each cluster.
fn compute_stats(clusters: &Vec<Cluster>) -> Stats {
let mut centroids = Vec::new();
let mut means_vec = Vec::new();
for c in clusters.iter() {
let pts = &c.members;
let seed: DVector<f64> = DVector::new_zeros(pts[0].len());
let centroid = pts.iter().fold(seed, |a, &b| a + b.clone()) / pts.len() as f64;
means_vec.push(pts.iter().fold(0f64, |acc, pt| acc + sqdist(pt, ¢roid).sqrt()) /
pts.len() as f64);
Stats {
centroids: centroids,
mean_d_from_centroid: DVector::from_slice(means_vec.len(), means_vec.as_slice()),
fn lloyd<'a>(points: &'a Vec<Point>,
k: usize,
stoppage_delta: f64,
max_iter: u32,
rng: &mut StdRng)
-> (Vec<Cluster<'a>>, Stats) {
let mut clusters = Vec::new();
// Choose starting centroids and make initial assignments
let mut stats = kpp(points, k, rng);
for i in 1..max_iter {
let last_means: DVector<f64> = stats.mean_d_from_centroid.clone();
clusters = assign_clusters(points, &stats.centroids);
stats = compute_stats(&clusters);
let err = sqdist(&stats.mean_d_from_centroid, &last_means).sqrt();
if err < stoppage_delta {
println!("Stoppage condition reached on iteration {}", i);
return (clusters, stats);
// Console output
print!("Iter {}: ", i);
for (cen, mu) in stats.centroids.iter().zip(stats.mean_d_from_centroid.iter()) {
print!(" {:1.2} | ", mu);
print!("{:1.5}\n", err);
println!("Stoppage condition not reached by iteration {}", max_iter);
(clusters, stats)
/// Uniform sampling on the unit disk.
fn generate_points(n: u32, rng: &mut StdRng) -> Vec<Point> {
let r_range = Range::new(0f64, 1f64);
let theta_range = Range::new(0f64, 2f64 * PI);
let mut points: Vec<Point> = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..n {
let root_r = r_range.ind_sample(rng).sqrt();
let theta = theta_range.ind_sample(rng);
points.push(DVector::<f64>::from_slice(2, &[root_r * theta.cos(), root_r * theta.sin()]));
// Plot clusters (2d only). Closure idiom allows us to borrow and mutate the Axes2D.
fn viz(clusters: Vec<Cluster>, stats: Stats, k: usize, n: u32, e: f64) {
let mut fg = Figure::new();
let prep = |fg: &mut Figure| {
let axes: &mut Axes2D = fg.axes2d();
let title: String = format!("k = {}, n = {}, e = {:4}", k, n, e);
let centroids_x = stats.centroids.iter().map(|c| c[0]);
let centroids_y = stats.centroids.iter().map(|c| c[1]);
for cluster in clusters.iter() {
axes.points(cluster.members.iter().map(|p| p[0]),
.map(|p| p[1]),
&[PointSymbol('O'), PointSize(0.25)]);
&[PointSymbol('o'), PointSize(1.5), Color("black")])
.set_title(&title[..], &[]);
prep(&mut fg);
fn print_dvec(v: &DVector<f64>) {
for elem in v.at.iter().take(v.len() - 1) {
print!("{:+1.2}, ", elem)
print!("{:+1.2})", v.at.iter().last().unwrap());
fn print_usage(program: &str, opts: Options) {
let brief = format!("Usage: {} [options]", program);
print!("{}", opts.usage(&brief));
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let mut k: usize = 7;
let mut n: u32 = 30000;
let mut e: f64 = 1e-3;
let max_iterations = 100u32;
let mut opts = Options::new();
opts.optflag("?", "help", "Print this help menu");
"Number of clusters to assign (default: 7)",
"Operate on this many points on the unit disk (default: 30000)",
"Min delta in norm of successive cluster centroids to continue (default: 1e-3)",
opts.optopt("f", "", "Read points from file (overrides -n)", "<csv>");
let program = args[0].clone();
let matches = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => panic!(f.to_string()),
if matches.opt_present("?") {
print_usage(&program, opts);
match matches.opt_str("k") {
None => {}
Some(x) => k = x.parse::<usize>().unwrap(),
match matches.opt_str("n") {
None => {}
Some(x) => n = x.parse::<u32>().unwrap(),
match matches.opt_str("e") {
None => {}
Some(x) => e = x.parse::<f64>().unwrap(),
let seed: &[_] = &[1, 2, 3, 4];
let mut rng: StdRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
let mut points: Vec<Point>;
match matches.opt_str("f") {
None => {
// Proceed with random 2d data
points = generate_points(n, &mut rng)
Some(file) => {
points = Vec::new();
let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_file(file.clone()).unwrap();
for row in rdr.records().map(|r| r.unwrap()) {
// row is Vec<String>
let floats: Vec<f64> = row.iter().map(|s| s.parse::<f64>().unwrap()).collect();
points.push(DVector::<f64>::from_slice(floats.len(), floats.as_slice()));
assert!(points.iter().all(|v| v.len() == points[0].len()));
n = points.len() as u32;
println!("Read {} points from {}", points.len(), file.clone());
assert!(points.len() >= k);
let (clusters, stats) = lloyd(&points, k, e, max_iterations, &mut rng);
println!(" k centroid{}mean dist pop",
std::iter::repeat(" ").take((points[0].len() - 2) * 7 + 7).collect::<String>());
println!("=== {} =========== =====",
std::iter::repeat("=").take(points[0].len() * 7 + 2).collect::<String>());
for i in 0..clusters.len() {
print!(" {:>1} ", i);
print!(" {:1.2} {:>4}\n",
if points[0].len() == 2 {
viz(clusters, stats, k, n, e)
[Plots exist but file upload is broken at the moment.]
Output of run on 30k points on the unit disk:
Stoppage condition reached on iteration 10 k centroid mean dist pop === ================ =========== ===== 0 (+0.34, -0.61) 0.27 4425 1 (+0.70, -0.01) 0.26 4293 2 (-0.37, -0.59) 0.27 4319 3 (+0.35, +0.61) 0.26 4368 4 (-0.00, +0.01) 0.25 4095 5 (-0.34, +0.62) 0.26 4190 6 (-0.71, +0.04) 0.26 4310
Extra credit 4: Use of the DVector type in the nalgebra crate gives some arithmetic vector operations for free, and generalizes to n dimensions with no work. Here is the output of running this program on the 4-D Fisher Iris data (I don't think this data clusters well):
k centroid mean dist pop === ============================== =========== ===== 0 (+5.00, +3.43, +1.46, +0.25) 0.49 49 1 (+5.88, +2.74, +4.39, +1.43) 0.73 61 2 (+6.85, +3.08, +5.72, +2.05) 0.73 39
The eps output is translated from the C version. The 'tester' functions demonstrate the unit square and the unit circle, with eps graphical output, and a 5D unit square, with text-only output. Nothing special is needed to handle multiple dimensions: all points are represented as lists, which the euclidean distance function works through in a loop.
(import (scheme base) ; headers for R7RS Scheme
(scheme file)
(scheme inexact)
(scheme write)
(srfi 1 lists)
(srfi 27 random-bits))
;; calculate euclidean distance between points, any dimension
(define (euclidean-distance pt1 pt2)
(sqrt (apply + (map (lambda (x y) (square (- x y))) pt1 pt2))))
;; input
;; - K: the target number of clusters K
;; - data: a list of points in the Cartesian plane
;; output
;; - a list of K centres
(define (kmeans++ K data)
(define (select-uniformly data)
(let loop ((index (random-integer (length data))) ; uniform selection of index
(rem data)
(front '()))
(if (zero? index)
(values (car rem) (append (reverse front) (cdr rem)))
(loop (- index 1) (cdr rem) (cons (car rem) front)))))
(define (select-weighted centres data)
(define (distance-to-nearest datum)
(apply min (map (lambda (c) (euclidean-distance c datum)) centres)))
(let* ((weights (map (lambda (d) (square (distance-to-nearest d))) data))
(target-weight (* (apply + weights) (random-real))))
(let loop ((rem data)
(front '())
(weight-sum 0.0)
(wgts weights))
(if (or (>= weight-sum target-weight) (null? (cdr rem)))
(values (car rem) (append (reverse front) (cdr rem)))
(loop (cdr rem)
(cons (car rem) front)
(+ weight-sum (car wgts))
(cdr weights))))))
(let-values (((pt rem) (select-uniformly data)))
(let loop ((centres (list pt))
(items rem))
(if (= (length centres) K)
(let-values (((pt rem) (select-weighted centres items)))
(loop (cons pt centres)
;; assign a point into a cluster
;; input: a point and a list of cluster centres
;; output: index of cluster centre
(define (assign-cluster pt centres)
(let* ((distances (map (lambda (centre) (euclidean-distance centre pt)) centres))
(smallest (apply min distances)))
(list-index (lambda (d) (= d smallest)) distances)))
;; input
;; - num: the number of clusters K
;; - data: a list of points in the Cartesian plane
;; output
;; - list of K centres
(define (cluster K data)
(define (centroid-for-cluster i assignments)
(let* ((cluster (map cadr (filter (lambda (a-d) (= (car a-d) i)) (zip assignments data))))
(length-cluster (length cluster)))
; compute centroid for cluster
(map (lambda (vals) (/ (apply + vals) length-cluster)) (apply zip cluster))))
(define (update-centres assignments)
(map (lambda (i) (centroid-for-cluster i assignments)) (iota K)))
(let ((initial-centres (kmeans++ K data)))
(let loop ((centres initial-centres)
(assignments (map (lambda (datum) (assign-cluster datum initial-centres)) data)))
(let* ((new-centres (update-centres assignments))
(new-assignments (map (lambda (datum) (assign-cluster datum new-centres)) data)))
(if (equal? assignments new-assignments)
(loop new-centres new-assignments))))))
;; using eps output, based on that in C - only works for 2D points
(define (save-as-eps filename data clusters K)
(when (file-exists? filename) (delete-file filename))
(lambda ()
(let* ((W 400)
(H 400)
(colours (make-vector (* 3 K) 0.0))
(max-x (apply max (map car data)))
(min-x (apply min (map car data)))
(max-y (apply max (map cadr data)))
(min-y (apply min (map cadr data)))
(scale (min (/ W (- max-x min-x))
(/ H (- max-y min-y))))
(cx (/ (+ max-x min-x) 2))
(cy (/ (+ max-y min-y) 2)))
;; set up colours
(lambda (i)
(vector-set! colours (+ (* i 3) 0) (inexact (/ (modulo (* 3 (+ i 1)) 11) 11)))
(vector-set! colours (+ (* i 3) 1) (inexact (/ (modulo (* 7 i) 11) 11)))
(vector-set! colours (+ (* i 3) 2) (inexact (/ (modulo (* 9 i) 11) 11))))
(iota K))
(display ;; display header
"%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n%%BoundingBox: -5 -5 "
(number->string (+ 10 W)) " " (number->string (+ 10 H)) "\n"
"/l {rlineto} def /m {rmoveto} def\n"
"/c { .25 sub exch .25 sub exch .5 0 360 arc fill } def\n"
"/s { moveto -2 0 m 2 2 l 2 -2 l -2 -2 l closepath "
" gsave 1 setgray fill grestore gsave 3 setlinewidth"
" 1 setgray stroke grestore 0 setgray stroke }def\n"))
;; display points
(for-each ; top loop runs over the clusters
(lambda (i)
(string-append (number->string (vector-ref colours (* i 3)))
" "
(number->string (vector-ref colours (+ (* i 3) 1)))
" "
(number->string (vector-ref colours (+ (* i 3) 2)))
" setrgbcolor\n"))
(for-each ;loop over points in cluster
(lambda (pt)
(when (= i (assign-cluster pt clusters))
(string-append (number->string (+ (* (- (car pt) cx) scale) (/ W 2)))
" "
(number->string (+ (* (- (cadr pt) cy) scale) (/ H 2)))
" c\n"))))
(let ((center (list-ref clusters i))) ; display cluster centre
(string-append "\n0 setgray "
(number->string (+ (* (- (car center) cx) scale) (/ W 2)))
" "
(number->string (+ (* (- (cadr center) cy) scale) (/ H 2)))
" s\n"))))
(iota K))
(display "\n%%EOF")))))
;; extra credit 1: creates a list of n random points in n-D unit square
(define (make-data num-points num-dimensions)
(random-source-randomize! default-random-source)
(map (lambda (i) (list-tabulate num-dimensions (lambda (i) (random-real)))) (iota num-points)))
;; extra credit 2, uses eps visualisation to display result
(define (tester-1 num-points K)
(let ((data (make-data num-points 2)))
(save-as-eps "clusters-1.eps" data (cluster K data) K)))
;; extra credit 3: uses radians instead to make data
(define (tester-2 num-points K radius)
(random-source-randomize! default-random-source)
(let ((data (map (lambda (i)
(let ((ang (* (random-real) 2 (* 4 (atan 1))))
(rad (* radius (random-real))))
(list (* rad (cos ang)) (* rad (sin ang)))))
(iota num-points))))
;; extra credit 2, uses eps visualisation to display result
(save-as-eps "clusters-2.eps" data (cluster K data) K)))
;; extra credit 4: arbitrary dimensions - already handled, as all points are lists
(define (tester-3 num-points K num-dimensions)
(display "Results:\n")
(display (cluster K (make-data num-points num-dimensions)))
(tester-1 30000 6)
(tester-2 30000 6 10)
(tester-3 30000 6 5)
Images in eps files are output for the 2D unit square and unit circle.
Text output for the 5D centres:
Results: ((0.2616723761604841 0.6134082964889989 0.29284958577190745 0.5883330600440337 0.2701242883590077) (0.4495151954110258 0.7213650269267102 0.4785552477630192 0.2520793123281655 0.73785249828929) (0.6873676767669482 0.3228592693134481 0.4713526933057497 0.23850999205524145 0.3104607677290796) (0.6341937732424933 0.36435831485631176 0.2760548254423423 0.7120766805103155 0.7028127288541974) (0.2718747392615238 0.2743005712228975 0.7515030778279079 0.5424997615106112 0.5849261595501698) (0.6882031980026069 0.7048387370769692 0.7373477088448752 0.6859917992267395 0.4027193966445248))
import <Utilities/Sequence.sl>;
import <Utilities/Random.sl>;
import <Utilities/Math.sl>;
import <Utilities/Conversion.sl>;
Point ::= (x : float, y : float);
Pair<T1, T2> ::= (first : T1, second : T2);
W := 400;
H := 400;
// ------------ Utilities --------------
distance(a, b) := (a.x-b.x)^2 + (a.y-b.y)^2;
nearestDistance(point, centers(1)) :=
nearestCenterHelper(point, centers, 2, distance(point, centers[1]), 1).second;
nearestCenter(point, centers(1)) :=
nearestCenterHelper(point, centers, 2, distance(point, centers[1]), 1).first;
nearestCenterHelper(point, centers(1), counter, minDistance, minIndex) :=
d := distance(point, centers[counter]);
(first : minIndex, second : minDistance) when counter > size(centers) else
nearestCenterHelper(point, centers, counter + 1, d, counter) when minDistance > d else
nearestCenterHelper(point, centers, counter + 1, minDistance, minIndex);
// ------------ KPP --------------
kpp(points(1), k, RG) :=
randomValues := getRandomSequence(RG, k).Value;
centers := initialCenters(points, k, randomValues / (RG.RandomMax - 1.0),
[points[randomValues[1] mod size(points)]]);
nearestCenter(points, centers);
initialCenters(points(1), k, randoms(1), centers(1)) :=
distances := nearestDistance(points, centers);
randomSum := randoms[size(centers) + 1] * sum(distances);
newCenter := points[findNewCenter(randomSum, distances, 1)];
centers when size(centers) = k else
initialCenters(points, k, randoms, centers++[newCenter]);
findNewCenter(s, distances(1), counter) :=
new_s := s - distances[counter];
counter when new_s <= 0 else
findNewCenter(new_s, distances, counter + 1);
// ------------ K Means --------------
kMeans(points(1), groups(1), k) :=
newCenters := clusterAverage(points, groups, k);
newGroups := nearestCenter(points, newCenters);
threshold := size(points)/1024;
// Calculate the number of changes between iterations
changes[i] := 1 when groups[i] /= newGroups[i] else 0;
(first : newGroups, second : newCenters) when sum(changes) < threshold else
kMeans(points, newGroups, k);
clusterAverage(points(1), groups(1), k) :=
clusterAverageHelper(points, groups, 1, duplicate((x:0.0, y:0.0), k), duplicate(0, k));
clusterAverageHelper(points(1), groups(1), counter, averages(1), sizes(1)) :=
group := groups[counter];
result[i] := (x : averages[i].x / sizes[i], y : averages[i].y / sizes[i]);
result when counter > size(points) else
clusterAverageHelper(points, groups, counter + 1,
setElementAt(averages, group,
(x : averages[group].x + points[counter].x,
y : averages[group].y + points[counter].y)),
setElementAt(sizes, group, sizes[group] + 1));
// ------------ Generate Points --------------
gen2DPoints(count, radius, RG) :=
randA := getRandomSequence(RG, count);
randR := getRandomSequence(randA.Generator, count);
angles := 2*pi*(randA.Value / (RG.RandomMax - 1.0));
radiuses := radius * (randR.Value / (RG.RandomMax - 1.0));
points[i] := (x: radiuses[i] * cos(angles[i]), y : radiuses[i] * sin(angles[i]));
(first : points, second : randR.Generator);
// ------------ Visualize --------------
printEPS(points(1),groups(1),centers(1),k,maxVal) :=
scale := min(W / (maxVal * 2), H / (maxVal * 2));
printedGroups := printGroup(points, groups, centers, k, 0.0, scale, 1 ... k);
"%!-PS-Adobe-3.0\n%%BoundingBox: -5 -5 " ++ toString(W + 10) ++ " " ++
toString(H + 10) ++
"\n/l {rlineto} def /m {rmoveto} def\n" ++
"/c { .25 sub exch .25 sub exch .5 0 360 arc fill } def\n" ++
"/s { moveto -2 0 m 2 2 l 2 -2 l -2 -2 l closepath " ++
" gsave 1 setgray fill grestore gsave 3 setlinewidth" ++
" 1 setgray stroke grestore 0 setgray stroke }def\n" ++
join(printedGroups) ++
printGroup(points(1), groups(1), centers(1), k, maxVal, scale, group) :=
printedPoints[i] :=
toString((points[i].x - maxVal) * scale + W/2) ++ " " ++
toString((points[i].y - maxVal) * scale + H/2) ++ " c\n"
when groups[i] = group;
colors := toString((3 * group mod k) / (k * 1.0)) ++ " " ++
toString((7 * (group - 1) mod k) / (k * 1.0)) ++ " " ++
toString((9 * (group - 1) mod k) / (k * 1.0)) ++
" setrgbcolor\n";
printedCenters := "\n0 setgray " ++
toString((centers[group].x - maxVal) * scale + W/2) ++ " " ++
toString((centers[group].y - maxVal) * scale + H/2) ++ " s\n";
colors ++ join(printedPoints) ++ printedCenters;
// Take number of points, K and seed for random data as command line inputs
main(args(2)) :=
n := stringToInt(args[1]) when size(args) >= 1 else 1000;
k := stringToInt(args[2]) when size(args) >= 2 else 7;
seed := stringToInt(args[3]) when size(args) >= 3 else 13;
points := gen2DPoints(n, 10.0, seedRandom(seed));
initialGroups := kpp(points.first, k, points.second);
result := kMeans(points.first, initialGroups, k);
printEPS(points.first, result.first, result.second,k,10.0);
package require Tcl 8.5
package require math::constants
math::constants::constants pi
proc tcl::mathfunc::randf m {expr {$m * rand()}}
proc genXY {count radius} {
global pi
for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} {
set ang [expr {randf(2 * $pi)}]
set r [expr {randf($radius)}]
lappend pt [list [expr {$r*cos($ang)}] [expr {$r*sin($ang)}] -1]
return $pt
proc dist2 {a b} {
lassign $a ax ay
lassign $b bx by
return [expr {($ax-$bx)**2 + ($ay-$by)**2}]
proc nearest {pt cent {d2var ""}} {
set minD 1e30
set minI [lindex $pt 2]
set i -1
foreach c $cent {
incr i
set d [dist2 $c $pt]
if {$minD > $d} {
set minD $d
set minI $i
if {$d2var ne ""} {
upvar 1 $d2var d2
set d2 $minD
return $minI
proc kpp {ptsVar centVar numClusters} {
upvar 1 $ptsVar pts $centVar cent
set idx [expr {int([llength $pts] * rand())}]
set cent [list [lindex $pts $idx]]
for {set nCent 1} {$nCent < $numClusters} {incr nCent} {
set sum 0
set d {}
foreach p $pts {
nearest $p $cent dd
set sum [expr {$sum + $dd}]
lappend d $dd
set sum [expr {randf($sum)}]
foreach p $pts dj $d {
set sum [expr {$sum - $dj}]
if {$sum <= 0} {
lappend cent $p
set i -1
foreach p $pts {
lset pts [incr i] 2 [nearest $p $cent]
proc lloyd {ptsVar numClusters} {
upvar 1 $ptsVar pts
kpp pts cent $numClusters
while 1 {
# Find centroids for round
set groupCounts [lrepeat [llength $cent] 0]
foreach p $pts {
lassign $p cx cy group
lset groupCounts $group [expr {[lindex $groupCounts $group] + 1}]
lset cent $group 0 [expr {[lindex $cent $group 0] + $cx}]
lset cent $group 1 [expr {[lindex $cent $group 1] + $cy}]
set i -1
foreach groupn $groupCounts {
incr i
lset cent $i 0 [expr {[lindex $cent $i 0] / $groupn}]
lset cent $i 1 [expr {[lindex $cent $i 1] / $groupn}]
set changed 0
set i -1
foreach p $pts {
incr i
set minI [nearest $p $cent]
if {$minI != [lindex $p 2]} {
incr changed
lset pts $i 2 $minI
if {$changed < ([llength $pts] >> 10)} break
set i -1
foreach c $cent {
lset cent [incr i] 2 $i
return $cent
Demonstration/visualization code:
package require Tk
image create photo disp -width 400 -height 400
pack [label .l -image disp]
proc plot {x y color} {
disp put $color -to [expr {int(200+19.9*$x)}] [expr {int(200+19.9*$y)}]
apply {{} {
set POINTS [genXY 100000 10]
set CENTROIDS [lloyd POINTS 11]
foreach c $CENTROIDS {
lappend colors [list [list [format "#%02x%02x%02x" \
[expr {64+int(128*rand())}] [expr {64+int(128*rand())}] \
[expr {64+int(128*rand())}]]]]
foreach pt $POINTS {
lassign $pt px py group
plot $px $py [lindex $colors $group]
foreach c $CENTROIDS {
lassign $c cx cy group
plot $cx $cy black
import "random" for Random
import "./dynamic" for Struct
import "./fmt" for Fmt
var Point = Struct.create("Point", ["x", "y", "group"])
var r = Random.new()
var hugeVal = Num.infinity
var RAND_MAX = Num.maxSafeInteger
var PTS = 100000
var K = 11
var W = 400
var H = 400
var rand = Fn.new { r.int(RAND_MAX) }
var randf = Fn.new { |m| m * rand.call() / (RAND_MAX - 1) }
var genXY = Fn.new { |count, radius|
var pts = List.filled(count, null)
/* note: this is not a uniform 2-d distribution */
for (i in 0...count) {
pts[i] = Point.new(0, 0, 0)
var ang = randf.call(2 * Num.pi)
var r = randf.call(radius)
pts[i].x = r * ang.cos
pts[i].y = r * ang.sin
return pts
var dist2 = Fn.new { |a, b|
var x = a.x - b.x
var y = a.y - b.y
return x * x + y * y
var nearest = Fn.new { |pt, cent, nCluster|
var minD = hugeVal
var minI = pt.group
for (i in 0...nCluster) {
var d = dist2.call(cent[i], pt)
if (minD > d) {
minD = d
minI = i
return [minI, minD]
var copyPoint = Fn.new { |pt| Point.new(pt.x, pt.y, pt.group) }
var kpp = Fn.new { |pts, len, cent|
var nCent = cent.count
var d = List.filled(len, 0)
cent[0] = copyPoint.call(pts[rand.call() % len])
for (nCluster in 1...nCent) {
var sum = 0
for (j in 0...len) {
d[j] = nearest.call(pts[j], cent, nCluster)[1]
sum = sum + d[j]
sum = randf.call(sum)
for (j in 0...len) {
sum = sum - d[j]
if (sum > 0) continue
cent[nCluster] = copyPoint.call(pts[j])
for (j in 0...len) pts[j].group = nearest.call(pts[j], cent, nCent)[0]
var lloyd = Fn.new { |pts, len, nCluster|
var cent = List.filled(nCluster, null)
for (i in 0...nCluster) cent[i] = Point.new(0, 0, 0)
kpp.call(pts, len, cent)
while(true) {
/* group element for centroids are used as counters */
for (i in 0...nCluster) {
cent[i].x = 0
cent[i].y = 0
cent[i].group = 0
for (j in 0...len) {
var p = pts[j]
var c = cent[p.group]
c.group = c.group + 1
c.x = c.x + p.x
c.y = c.y + p.y
for (i in 0...nCluster) {
var c = cent[i]
c.x = c.x / c.group
c.y = c.y / c.group
var changed = 0
/* find closest centroid of each point */
for (j in 0...len) {
var p = pts[j]
var minI = nearest.call(p, cent, nCluster)[0]
if (minI != p.group) {
changed = changed + 1
p.group = minI
/* stop when 99.9% of points are good */
if (changed <= (len >> 10)) break
for (i in 0...nCluster) cent[i].group = i
return cent
var printEps = Fn.new { |pts, len, cent, nCluster|
var colors = List.filled(nCluster * 3, 0)
for (i in 0...nCluster) {
colors[3 * i + 0] = (3 * (i + 1) % 11) / 11
colors[3 * i + 1] = (7 * i % 11) / 11
colors[3 * i + 2] = (9 * i % 11) / 11
var minX = hugeVal
var minY = hugeVal
var maxX = -hugeVal
var maxY = -hugeVal
for (j in 0...len) {
var p = pts[j]
if (maxX < p.x) maxX = p.x
if (minX > p.x) minX = p.x
if (maxY < p.y) maxY = p.y
if (minY > p.y) minY = p.y
var scale = (W / (maxX - minX)).min(H / (maxY - minY))
var cx = (maxX + minX) / 2
var cy = (maxY + minY) / 2
System.print("\%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n\%\%BoundingBox: -5 -5 %(W + 10) %(H + 10)")
System.print("/l {rlineto} def /m {rmoveto} def")
System.print("/c { .25 sub exch .25 sub exch .5 0 360 arc fill } def")
System.write("/s { moveto -2 0 m 2 2 l 2 -2 l -2 -2 l closepath ")
System.write(" gsave 1 setgray fill grestore gsave 3 setlinewidth")
System.print(" 1 setgray stroke grestore 0 setgray stroke }def")
var f1 = "$g $g $g setrgbcolor"
var f2 = "$.3f $.3f c"
var f3 = "\n0 setgray $g $g s"
for (i in 0...nCluster) {
var c = cent[i]
Fmt.print(f1, colors[3 * i], colors[3 * i + 1], colors[3 * i + 2])
for (j in 0...len) {
var p = pts[j]
if (p.group != i) continue