Knuth-Morris-Pratt string search
< About Knuth-Morris-Pratt String Search Algorithm >
F kmp_table(String word) -> [Int]
V position = 1
V candidate = 0
V table = [0] * (word.len + 1)
table[0] = -1
L position < word.len
I word[position] == word[candidate]
table[position] = table[candidate]
table[position] = candidate
L candidate >= 0 & word[position] != word[candidate]
candidate = table[candidate]
table[position] = candidate
R table
F kmp_search(String text, word)
V text_position = 0
V word_position = 0
[Int] positions
V number_of_positions = 0
V table = kmp_table(word)
L text_position < text.len
I word[word_position] == text[text_position]
I word_position == word.len
positions.append(text_position - word_position)
word_position = table[word_position]
word_position = table[word_position]
I word_position < 0
R (positions, number_of_positions)
(‘there would have been a time for such a word’, ‘word’),
(‘needle need noodle needle’, ‘needle’),
‘presented’, ‘put’),
‘presented’, ‘and’),
(‘Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, ’""
‘with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk.’, ‘alfalfa’)]
L(text, word) TEST_CASES
V (positions, number_of_positions) = kmp_search(text, word)
I number_of_positions == 0
print(‘`’word‘` not found in `’text[0.<10]‘...`’)
E I number_of_positions == 1
print(‘Found `’word‘` in `’text[0.<10]‘...` once at ’positions‘.’)
print(‘Found `’word‘` in `’text[0.<10]‘...` ’number_of_positions‘ times at ’positions‘.’)
- Output:
Found `TCTA` in `GCTAGCTCTA...` 2 times at [6, 14]. `TAATAAA` not found in `GGCTATAATG...` Found `word` in `there woul...` once at [40]. Found `needle` in `needle nee...` 2 times at [0, 19]. Found `put` in `Inhisbooks...` 2 times at [26, 90]. Found `and` in `Inhisbooks...` 3 times at [101, 128, 171]. Found `alfalfa` in `Nearby far...` 2 times at [33, 87].
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
template <typename T>
void print_vector(const std::vector<T>& vec) {
std::cout << "[";
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i ) {
std::cout << vec[i];
if ( i < vec.size() - 1 ) {
std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
std::vector<uint32_t> construct_LPS(const std::string& pattern) {
std::vector<uint32_t> lps(pattern.length(), 0);
uint32_t length = 0;
uint32_t patternIndex = 1;
while ( patternIndex < pattern.length() ) {
if ( pattern[patternIndex] == pattern[length] ) {
lps[patternIndex] = length;
} else {
if ( length != 0 ) {
length = lps[length - 1];
} else {
lps[patternIndex] = 0;
return lps;
std::vector<uint32_t> kmp_search(const std::string& pattern, const std::string text) {
std::vector<uint32_t> result{};
const std::vector<uint32_t> lps = construct_LPS(pattern);
uint32_t textIndex = 0;
uint32_t patternIndex = 0;
while ( textIndex < text.length() ) {
if ( text[textIndex] == pattern[patternIndex] ) {
if ( patternIndex == pattern.length() ) {
result.emplace_back(textIndex - patternIndex);
patternIndex = lps[patternIndex - 1];
} else {
if ( patternIndex != 0 ) {
patternIndex = lps[patternIndex - 1];
} else {
return result;
int main() {
const std::vector<std::string> texts = {
"there would have been a time for such a word",
"needle need noodle needle", "InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented",
"Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk."
const std::vector<std::string> patterns = { "TCTA", "TAATAAA", "word", "needle", "put", "and", "alfalfa" };
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < texts.size(); ++i ) {
std::cout << "Text" << i + 1 << " = " << texts[i] << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < patterns.size(); ++i ) {
const uint32_t j = ( i < 5 ) ? i : i - 1;
std::vector<uint32_t> result = kmp_search(patterns[i], texts[j]);
std::cout <<"Found '" << patterns[i] << "' in 'Text" << j + 1 << "' at indices "; print_vector(result);
- Output:
Text1 = GCTAGCTCTACGAGTCTA Text2 = GGCTATAATGCGTA Text3 = there would have been a time for such a word Text4 = needle need noodle needle Text5 = InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented Text6 = Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk. Found 'TCTA' in 'Text1' at indices [6, 14] Found 'TAATAAA' in 'Text2' at indices [] Found 'word' in 'Text3' at indices [40] Found 'needle' in 'Text4' at indices [0, 19] Found 'put' in 'Text5' at indices [26, 90] Found 'and' in 'Text5' at indices [101, 128, 171] Found 'alfalfa' in 'Text6' at indices [33, 87]
Emacs Lisp
(defun kmp_compile_pattern (pattern)
"Compile pattern to DFA."
(defun create-2d-array (x y init)
(let ((arr1 (make-vector x nil)))
(dotimes (i x)
(aset arr1 i (make-vector y init)) )
arr1 ) )
(let* ((patLen (length pattern))
(R 256)
(restartPos 0)
(dfa (create-2d-array R patLen 0)))
(aset (aref dfa (elt pattern 0)) 0 1)
(let ((patPos 0))
(while (progn (setq patPos (1+ patPos)) (< patPos patLen))
(dotimes (c R)
(aset (aref dfa c) patPos (aref (aref dfa c) restartPos)) )
(aset (aref dfa (elt pattern patPos)) patPos (1+ patPos))
(setq restartPos
(aref (aref dfa (elt pattern patPos)) restartPos) )
dfa )
(defun kmp_search (pattern text)
"Pattern search with KMP algorithm."
(let ((dfa (kmp_compile_pattern pattern)))
(let ((textPos 0) (patPos 0) (N (length text)) (M (length pattern)))
(while (and (< textPos N) (< patPos M))
(setq patPos (aref (aref dfa (elt text textPos)) patPos))
(setq textPos (1+ textPos)) )
(if (= patPos M) (- textPos M) N ) ) ) )
module kmp_mod
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
public :: kmpsearch
!This subroutine creates the "fail" table used for the KMP algorithm
pure subroutine createtable(pattern,patlen,table)
implicit none
! Dummy arguments
integer :: patlen
character(*) :: pattern
integer , dimension(:) :: table
intent (in) patlen , pattern
intent (inout) table
! Local variables
integer :: counter
integer :: i
integer :: j
!Determine the table/fail value for each letter in the pattern
do i=1 , patlen
! If j is equal to zero, then there is no offset/fail value required. Therefore, just set the fail value to 0
if( j==1 )then
end if
! If a match is made, the fail value can be imcremented by one (based off the fail value of the previous character in the pattern)
if( pattern(table(j):table(j))==pattern(i:i) )then
end if
! If neither if statement is true, restart the fail value counter
end do
end do
end subroutine createtable
! This subroutine executes the string search using the KMP algorithm (fail table)
pure function kmpsearch(pattern,patlen,line,linelen) &
& result(foundmatch)
implicit none
! Dummy arguments
character(*) :: line
integer :: linelen
integer :: patlen
character(*) :: pattern
intent (in) line , linelen , patlen , pattern
! Local variables
integer :: foundmatch
integer :: indice
integer :: match
integer , dimension(256) :: table
if( (patlen==0) .or. (linelen==0) .or. (linelen<patlen) )then
end if
call createtable(pattern,patlen,table)
!Search the entire string
do while ( indice+match<=linelen )
if( match+1<patlen+1 )then
! If the character matches the character we are expecting (based on where in the pattern we have already matched characters with) increment the match indice
if( line(indice+match:indice+match)==pattern(match+1:match+1) )then
! If the match indice is equal to the length of the pattern, that means we have matched the entire pattern
if( match==patlen )then
foundmatch=indice !-1
exit !Found
end if
!Look at the table to determine what indice to check next
! If no match was made on the first letter of the pattern, then just increment the indice counter by one and check again
else if( match==0 )then
! Check how many characters to skip ahead (the point of the KMP algorithm)
end if
! If no match was made after scanning the length of the pattern, need increment the indice counter and check again
else if( match==0 )then
indice=indice+1 !Not even a partial match, try next character
else !Check how many characters to skip ahead (the point of the KMP algorithm)
end if
end do
! 'No match found'
end function kmpsearch
end module kmp_mod
Adapted from Wren
Dim Shared As Integer t()
Dim Shared As Integer indices()
Sub Tabla(patron As String)
Dim As Integer nc = Len(patron)
Redim As Integer t(nc)
Dim As Integer idx = 1 ' index into table
Dim As Integer lon = 0 ' length of previous longest prefix
While idx < nc
If patron[idx] = patron[lon] Then
lon += 1
t(idx) = lon
idx += 1
Elseif lon <> 0 Then
lon = t(lon-1)
t(idx) = 0
idx += 1
End If
End Sub
Sub BusquedaKMP(texto As String, patron As String)
Dim As Integer hc = Len(texto)
Dim As Integer nc = Len(patron)
Dim As Integer i = 0 ' index into haystack
Dim As Integer j = 0 ' index into needle
Dim As Integer cont = 1
While i < hc
If patron[j] = texto[i] Then
i += 1
j += 1
End If
If j = nc Then
Redim Preserve indices(cont)
indices(cont) = (i - j)
cont += 1
j = t(j-1)
Elseif i < hc And patron[j] <> texto[i] Then
If j <> 0 Then j = t(j-1) Else i += 1
End If
End Sub
Dim As Integer i, j, k
Dim As String cadenas(1 To 6) = {"GCTAGCTCTACGAGTCTA", "GGCTATAATGCGTA", _
"there would have been a time for such a word", "needle need noodle needle", _
"InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented", _
"Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk."}
Dim As String palabra(1 To 7) = { _
"TCTA", "TAATAAA", "word", "needle", "put", "and", "alfalfa"}
For i = 1 To Ubound(cadenas)
Print Using "text# = &"; i; cadenas(i)
For i = 1 To Ubound(palabra)
j = Iif(i < 6, i, i-1)
Print Using "Found '&' in 'text#' at indices [ "; palabra(i); j;
BusquedaKMP(cadenas(j), palabra(i))
If Ubound(indices) > 0 Then
For k = 1 To Ubound(indices)
Print indices(k) & ", ";
Print " ";
End If
Print Chr(8) & Chr(8) & " ]"
Erase indices
- Output:
text1 = GCTAGCTCTACGAGTCTA text2 = GGCTATAATGCGTA text3 = there would have been a time for such a word text4 = needle need noodle needle text5 = InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented text6 = Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk. Found 'TCTA' in 'text1' at indices [ 6, 14 ] Found 'TAATAAA' in 'text2' at indices [ ] Found 'word' in 'text3' at indices [ 40 ] Found 'needle' in 'text4' at indices [ 0, 19 ] Found 'put' in 'text5' at indices [ 26, 90 ] Found 'and' in 'text5' at indices [ 101, 128, 171 ] Found 'alfalfa' in 'text6' at indices [ 33, 87 ]
kmp_table=: {{
j=. 0
T=. _1
for_ch. }.y do.
if. ch=j{y do.
T=. T,j{T
T=. T,j while. (0<:j) * ch~:j{y do. j=. j{T end.
j=. j+1
T=. T, j
kmp_search=: {{
b=. 0#~#y
k=. _1
f=. _1+#x
T=. kmp_table x
for_ch. y do.
if. ch=x{~k=.k+1 do.
if. f=k do.
b=. 1 (ch_index-k)} b
k=. k{T
whilst. _1<k do.
if. ch=x{~k=. k{T do. break. end.
I. b
Task examples:
text1=: 'InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented'
text2=: 'Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy''s behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk.'
'put' kmp_search text1
26 90
'and' kmp_search text1
101 128 171
'and' kmp_search text2
'alfalfa' kmp_search text2
33 87
(J uses index 0 for the first character in a sequence of characters.)
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public final class KnuthMorrisPrattAlgorithm {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> texts = List.of(
"there would have been a time for such a word",
"needle need noodle needle",
+ "usesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguages"
+ "toillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented",
"Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf,"
+ " with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk."
List<String> patterns = List.of( "TCTA", "TAATAAA", "word", "needle", "put", "and", "alfalfa" );
for ( int i = 0; i < texts.size(); i++ ) {
System.out.println("Text" + ( i + 1 ) + " = " + texts.get(i));
for ( int i = 0; i < patterns.size(); i++ ) {
final int j = ( i < 5 ) ? i : i - 1;
List<Integer> result = kmpSearch(patterns.get(i), texts.get(j));
System.out.println("Found '" + patterns.get(i) + "' in 'Text" + ( j + 1 ) + "' at indices " + result);
private static List<Integer> kmpSearch(String pattern, String text) {
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int[] lps = constructLPS(pattern);
int textIndex = 0;
int patternIndex = 0;
while ( textIndex < text.length() ) {
if ( text.charAt(textIndex) == pattern.charAt(patternIndex) ) {
textIndex += 1;
patternIndex += 1;
if ( patternIndex == pattern.length() ) {
result.add(textIndex - patternIndex);
patternIndex = lps[patternIndex - 1];
} else {
if ( patternIndex != 0 ) {
patternIndex = lps[patternIndex - 1];
} else {
textIndex += 1;
return result;
private static int[] constructLPS(String pattern) {
int[] lps = new int[pattern.length()];
int length = 0;
int patternIndex = 1;
while ( patternIndex < pattern.length() ) {
if ( pattern.charAt(patternIndex) == pattern.charAt(length) ) {
length += 1;
lps[patternIndex] = length;
patternIndex += 1;
} else {
if ( length != 0 ) {
length = lps[length - 1];
} else {
lps[patternIndex] = 0;
patternIndex += 1;
return lps;
- Output:
Text1 = GCTAGCTCTACGAGTCTA Text2 = GGCTATAATGCGTA Text3 = there would have been a time for such a word Text4 = needle need noodle needle Text5 = InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented Text6 = Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk. Found 'TCTA' in 'Text1' at indices [6, 14] Found 'TAATAAA' in 'Text2' at indices [] Found 'word' in 'Text3' at indices [40] Found 'needle' in 'Text4' at indices [0, 19] Found 'put' in 'Text5' at indices [26, 90] Found 'and' in 'Text5' at indices [101, 128, 171] Found 'alfalfa' in 'Text6' at indices [33, 87]
Adapted from Wren
The program will also work with gojq once the prefix "KMP::" is omitted in the two lines in which it occurs.
# search for the string needle in the string haystack
def KMP::search(haystack; needle):
def table_($needle):
($needle|length) as $nc
| {t: [range(0; $nc) | 0],
i: 1, # index into table
len: 0 # length of previous longest prefix
| until(.i >= .nc;
if $needle[.i] == $needle[.len]
then .len += 1
| .t[.i] = .len
| .i += 1
elif .len != 0
then .len = .t[.len-1]
else .t[.i] = 0
| .i += 1
end )
| .t ;
{ haystack: (haystack|explode),
needle: (needle|explode),
hc: (haystack|length),
nc: (needle|length),
indices: [],
i: 0, # index into haystack
j: 0 # index into needle
| table_(.needle) as $t
| until (.i >= .hc;
if .needle[.j] == .haystack[.i]
then .i += 1
| .j += 1
else .
| if .j == .nc
then .indices = .indices + [.i - .j]
| .j = $t[.j-1]
elif (.i < .hc and .needle[.j] != .haystack[.i])
then if .j != 0 then .j = $t[.j-1] else .i += 1 end
else .
end )
| .indices ;
# Examples
def texts: [
"there would have been a time for such a word",
"needle need noodle needle",
"Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk."
def pats: ["TCTA", "TAATAAA", "word", "needle", "put", "and", "alfalfa"];
def tasks($texts; $pats):
range (0; $texts|length) | "text\(.+1) = \($texts[.])",
(range (0; $pats|length) as $i
| (if $i < 5 then $i else $i-1 end) as $j
| "Found '\($pats[$i])' in text\($j+1) at indices \(KMP::search($texts[$j]; $pats[$i]) )" ) ;
tasks(texts; pats)
Invocation: jq -nr -f kmp-string-search.jq
- Output:
text1 = GCTAGCTCTACGAGTCTA text2 = GGCTATAATGCGTA text3 = there would have been a time for such a word text4 = needle need noodle needle text5 = InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented text6 = Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk. Found 'TCTA' in text1 at indices [6, 14] Found 'TAATAAA' in text2 at indices [] Found 'word' in text3 at indices [40] Found 'needle' in text4 at indices [0, 19] Found 'put' in text5 at indices [26, 90] Found 'and' in text5 at indices [101, 128, 171] Found 'alfalfa' in text6 at indices [33, 87]
function kmp_table(W)
an array of characters, W (the word to be analyzed)
an array of integers, T (the table to be filled)
define variables:
an integer, i ← 2 (the current one-based position we are computing in T)
an integer, j ← 0 (the additive to index i in W of the next character of the current candidate substring)
function kmp_table(W)
len = length(W)
T = zeros(Int, len)
# start with the second letter of W, looking for patterns in W
i = 2
while i < len
j = 0
while i + j <= len # avoid overshooting end with index
# compute the longest proper prefix
if W[i + j] == W[j + 1]
T[i + j] = T[i + j - 1] + 1
T[i + j] = 0 # back to start
j += 1
j += 1
# entry in T found, so begin at next starting point along W
i += j
return T
function kmp_search(S, W)
an array of characters, S (the text to be searched)
an array of characters, W (the word sought)
an array of integers, P (positions in S at which W is found)
define variables (one based indexing in Julia differs from the Wikipedia example):
an integer, i ← 1 (the position of the current character in S)
an integer, j ← 1 (the position of the current character in W)
an array of integers, T (the table, computed elsewhere)
function kmp_search(S, W)
lenW, lenS = length(W), length(S)
i, P = 1, Int[]
T = kmp_table(W) # get pattern table
while i <= lenS - lenW + 1
for j in 1:lenW
if S[i + j - 1] != W[j]
# pattern not found, so skip unnecessary inner loops
i += T[j] + 1
@goto next_outer_loop
# found pattern W in S, so add to output P
push!(P, i)
i += 1
@label next_outer_loop
return P
const text1 = "InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented"
const text2 = "Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk."
const pat1, pat2, pat3 = "put", "and", "alfalfa"
println("Found <$pat1> at: (one-based indices) ", kmp_search(text1, pat1))
println("Found <$pat2> at: (one-based indices) ", kmp_search(text1, pat2))
println("Found <$pat3> at: (one-based indices) ", kmp_search(text2, pat3))
- Output:
Found <put> at: (one-based indices) [27, 91] Found <and> at: (one-based indices) [102, 129, 172] Found <alfalfa> at: (one-based indices) [34, 88]
This is a translation of pseudocode in Wikipedia page. We use the examples of Wren solution.
import std/[strformat, strutils]
func kmpTable(w: string): seq[int] =
## Build the partial match table for "w".
result.setLen w.len + 1
var pos = 1
var cnd = 0
result[0] = -1
while pos < w.len:
if w[pos] == w[cnd]:
result[pos] = result[cnd]
result[pos] = cnd
while cnd >= 0 and w[pos] != w[cnd]:
cnd = result[cnd]
inc pos
inc cnd
result[pos] = cnd
func kmpSearch(s, w: string): seq[int] =
## Return the positions of "w" ins "s".
var j, k = 0
let t = kmpTable(w)
while j < s.len:
if w[k] == s[j]:
inc j
inc k
if k == w.len:
result.add j - k
k = t[k]
k = t[k]
if k < 0:
inc j
inc k
"there would have been a time for such a word",
"needle need noodle needle",
"InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuth" &
"usesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassembly" &
"Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, " &
"with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk."
# Couples (pattern, index of text to use).
Patterns = {"TCTA": 0, "TAATAAA": 1, "word": 2, "needle": 3, "put": 4, "and": 4, "alfalfa": 5}
for i, text in Texts:
echo &"Text{i+1} = {text}"
for i, (pattern, j) in Patterns:
let indices = Texts[j].kmpSearch(pattern)
if indices.len > 0:
echo &"Found “{pattern}” in “Text{j+1}” at indices {indices.join(\", \")}."
echo &"Not found “{pattern}” in “Text{j+1}”."
- Output:
Text1 = GCTAGCTCTACGAGTCTA Text2 = GGCTATAATGCGTA Text3 = there would have been a time for such a word Text4 = needle need noodle needle Text5 = InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented Text6 = Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk. Found “TCTA” in “Text1” at indices 6, 14. Not found “TAATAAA” in “Text2”. Found “word” in “Text3” at indices 40. Found “needle” in “Text4” at indices 0, 19. Found “put” in “Text5” at indices 26, 90. Found “and” in “Text5” at indices 101, 128, 171. Found “alfalfa” in “Text6” at indices 33, 87.
use v5.36;
sub kmp_search ($S, $W) {
my @S = split '', $S;
my @W = split '', $W;
sub kmp_table (@W) {
my($pos,$cnd,@T) = (1,0,-1);
for (; $pos < @W ; $pos++, $cnd++) {
if ($W[$pos] eq $W[$cnd]) {
$T[$pos] = $T[$cnd]
} else {
$T[$pos] = $cnd;
while ($cnd >= 0 and $W[$pos] ne $W[$cnd]) { $cnd = $T[$cnd] }
$T[$pos] = $cnd;
my @I;
my ($k,@T) = (0,kmp_table @W);
for (my $j=0; $j < @S;) {
if ($W[$k] eq $S[$j]) {
$j++; $k++;
if ($k == @W) {
push @I, $j - $k;
$k = $T[$k]
} else {
($j++, $k++) if ($k = $T[$k]) < 0
my @texts = (
"there would have been a time for such a word",
"needle need noodle needle",
"Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk.",
my @pats = <TCTA TAATAAA word needle put and alfalfa>;
say "text$_ = $texts[$_]" for 0..$#texts;
say '';
for (0.. $#pats) {
my $j = $_ < 5 ? $_ : $_-1 ; # for searching text4 twice
say "Found '$pats[$_]' in 'text$j' at indices " . join ', ', kmp_search($texts[$j],$pats[$_]);
- Output:
text0 = GCTAGCTCTACGAGTCTA text1 = GGCTATAATGCGTA text2 = there would have been a time for such a word text3 = needle need noodle needle text4 = InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented text5 = Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk. Found 'TCTA' in 'text0' at indices 6, 14 Found 'TAATAAA' in 'text1' at indices Found 'word' in 'text2' at indices 40 Found 'needle' in 'text3' at indices 0, 19 Found 'put' in 'text4' at indices 26, 90 Found 'and' in 'text4' at indices 101, 128, 171 Found 'alfalfa' in 'text5' at indices 33, 87
-- -- demo\rosetta\KnuthMorrisPratt.exw -- ================================= -- -- based on -- with javascript_semantics function preKmp(string pat) integer m = length(pat), i = 1, j = 0 sequence kmpNext = repeat(-1,m+1) pat &= '\0' while i <= m do while j > 0 and pat[i] != pat[j] do j = kmpNext[j]+1 end while i += 1 j += 1 if pat[i] == pat[j] then kmpNext[i] = kmpNext[j] else kmpNext[i] = j-1 end if end while return kmpNext end function procedure KMP(string pat, s, bool case_insensitive = false) string pins = sprintf("`%s` in `%s`",{pat,shorten(s,"characters",10)}) if case_insensitive then {pat,s} = lower({pat,s}) end if /* Preprocessing */ sequence kmpNext = preKmp(pat) /* Searching */ sequence res = {} integer i = 0, j = 0, n = length(s), m = length(pat), cc = 0 while j < n do while i > -1 do cc += 1 if pat[i+1] = s[j+1] then exit end if i = kmpNext[i+1] end while i += 1 j += 1 if i >= m then res &= j-i+1 i = kmpNext[i+1] end if end while /* Output */ string ccs = sprintf("(%d character comparisons)",cc) if length(res) then string many = ordinant(length(res)) printf(1,"Found %s %s at %v %s\n",{pins,many,res,ccs}) else printf(1,"No %s %s\n",{pins,ccs}) end if end procedure KMP("GCAGAGAG","GCATCGCAGAGAGTATACAGTACG") KMP("TCTA","GCTAGCTCTACGAGTCTA") KMP("TAATAAA","GGCTATAATGCGTA") KMP("word","there would have been a time for such a word") KMP("needle","needle need noodle needle") constant book = "InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesley"& "DKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeand"& "assemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented" KMP("put",book) KMP("and",book) constant farm = "Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with "& "bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk." KMP("alfalfa",farm) --KMP("aLfAlfa",farm) -- none --KMP("aLfAlfa",farm,true) -- as -2
- Output:
Significantly higher character comparison counts than Boyer-Moore_string_search#Phix.
Also higher than those on the above (lecroq) link, probably because this carries on for all matches.
Found `GCAGAGAG` in `GCATCGCAGAGAGTATACAGTACG` once at {6} (26 character comparisons) Found `TCTA` in `GCTAGCTCTACGAGTCTA` twice at {7,15} (19 character comparisons) No `TAATAAA` in `GGCTATAATGCGTA` (16 character comparisons) Found `word` in `there woul...uch a word (44 characters)` once at {41} (45 character comparisons) Found `needle` in `needle need noodle needle` twice at {1,20} (27 character comparisons) Found `put` in `Inhisbooks...epresented (202 characters)` twice at {27,91} (205 character comparisons) Found `and` in `Inhisbooks...epresented (202 characters)` three times at {102,129,172} (216 character comparisons) Found `alfalfa` in `Nearby far... for milk. (114 characters)` twice at {34,88} (125 character comparisons)
Based on pseudocode found in the Wikipedia article. Uses test cases from the #Wren solution.
"""Knuth-Morris-Pratt string search. Requires Python >= 3.7."""
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
def kmp_search(text: str, word: str) -> Tuple[List[int], int]:
text_position = 0
word_position = 0
positions: List[int] = []
number_of_positions = 0
table = kmp_table(word)
while text_position < len(text):
if word[word_position] == text[text_position]:
text_position += 1
word_position += 1
if word_position == len(word):
positions.append(text_position - word_position)
number_of_positions += 1
word_position = table[word_position]
word_position = table[word_position]
if word_position < 0:
text_position += 1
word_position += 1
return positions, number_of_positions
def kmp_table(word: str) -> List[int]:
position = 1
candidate = 0
table = [0] * (len(word) + 1)
table[0] = -1
while position < len(word):
if word[position] == word[candidate]:
table[position] = table[candidate]
table[position] = candidate
while candidate >= 0 and word[position] != word[candidate]:
candidate = table[candidate]
position += 1
candidate += 1
table[position] = candidate
return table
("there would have been a time for such a word", "word"),
("needle need noodle needle", "needle"),
"Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, "
"with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk."
def main():
for text, word in TEST_CASES:
positions, number_of_positions = kmp_search(text, word)
if number_of_positions == 0:
print(f"`{word}` not found in `{text[:10]}...`")
elif number_of_positions == 1:
print(f"Found `{word}` in `{text[:10]}...` once at {positions}.")
f"Found `{word}` in `{text[:10]}...` {number_of_positions} times at {positions}."
if __name__ == "__main__":
- Output:
Found `TCTA` in `GCTAGCTCTA...` 2 times at [6, 14]. `TAATAAA` not found in `GGCTATAATG...` Found `word` in `there woul...` once at [40]. Found `needle` in `needle nee...` 2 times at [0, 19]. Found `put` in `Inhisbooks...` 2 times at [26, 90]. Found `and` in `Inhisbooks...` 3 times at [101, 128, 171]. Found `alfalfa` in `Nearby far...` 2 times at [33, 87].
Based on pseudocode found in WP (kmp_search & kmp_table). Data and output format mostly follows the Wren entry.
# 20220810 Raku programming solution
sub kmp_search (@S where *.Bool, @W where *.Bool) {
sub kmp_table (@W where *.Bool) {
loop (my ($pos,$cnd,@T) = 1,0,-1 ; $pos < @W.elems ; ($pos, $cnd)>>++) {
if @W[$pos] eq @W[$cnd] {
@T[$pos] = @T[$cnd]
} else {
@T[$pos] = $cnd;
while $cnd ≥ 0 and @W[$pos] ne @W[$cnd] { $cnd = @T[$cnd] }
@T[$pos] = $cnd;
return @T
return gather loop (my ($j,$k,@T) = 0,0, |kmp_table @W; $j < @S.elems; ) {
if @W[$k] eq @S[$j] {
($j, $k)>>++;
if $k == @W.elems {
take $j - $k;
$k = @T[$k]
} else {
($j, $k)>>++ if ($k = @T[$k]) < 0
my @texts = [
"there would have been a time for such a word",
"needle need noodle needle",
"Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk.",
my @pats = ["TCTA", "TAATAAA", "word", "needle", "ഭാരതം", "put", "and", "alfalfa"];
say "text$_ = @texts[$_]" for @texts.keys ;
for @pats.keys {
my \j = $_ < 6 ?? $_ !! $_-1 ; # for searching text5 twice
say "Found '@pats[$_]' in 'text{j}' at indices ", kmp_search @texts[j].comb, @pats[$_].comb
- Output:
text0 = GCTAGCTCTACGAGTCTA text1 = GGCTATAATGCGTA text2 = there would have been a time for such a word text3 = needle need noodle needle text4 = BharôtভাৰতBharôtভারতIndiaBhāratભારતBhāratभारतBhārataಭಾರತBhāratभारतBhāratamഭാരതംBhāratभारतBhāratभारतBharôtôଭାରତBhāratਭਾਰਤBhāratamभारतम्Bārataபாரதம்BhāratamഭാരതംBhāratadēsamభారతదేశం text5 = InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented text6 = Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk. Found 'TCTA' in 'text0' at indices (6 14) Found 'TAATAAA' in 'text1' at indices () Found 'word' in 'text2' at indices (40) Found 'needle' in 'text3' at indices (0 19) Found 'ഭാരതം' in 'text4' at indices (68 138) Found 'put' in 'text5' at indices (26 90) Found 'and' in 'text5' at indices (101 128 171) Found 'alfalfa' in 'text6' at indices (33 87)
func kmp_search (String S, String W) {
func kmp_table {
var (pos, cnd, *T) = (1, 0, -1)
for (nil; pos < W.len; (++pos; ++cnd)) {
if (W[pos] == W[cnd]) {
T[pos] = T[cnd]
else {
T[pos] = cnd
while ((cnd >= 0) && (W[pos] != W[cnd])) {
cnd = T[cnd]
T[pos] = cnd
return T
var (k, T, *I) = (0, kmp_table())
for (var j = 0; j < S.len; nil) {
if (W[k] == S[j]) {
if (k == W.len) {
I << (j - k)
k = T[k]
elsif ((k = T[k]) < 0) {
return I
var texts = [
"there would have been a time for such a word",
"needle need noodle needle",
"Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with ba"+
"les of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk.",
var pats = ["TCTA", "TAATAAA", "word", "needle", "ഭാരതം", "put", "and", "alfalfa"]
texts.each_kv {|k,v| say "text#{k} = #{v}" }; say ''
pats.each_kv {|k,v|
var j = (k < 6 ? k : k-1)
say ("Found '#{v}' in 'text#{j}' at indices ", kmp_search(texts[j], v))
- Output:
text0 = GCTAGCTCTACGAGTCTA text1 = GGCTATAATGCGTA text2 = there would have been a time for such a word text3 = needle need noodle needle text4 = BharôtভাৰতBharôtভারতIndiaBhāratભારતBhāratभारतBhārataಭಾರತBhāratभारतBhāratamഭാരതംBhāratभारतBhāratभारतBharôtôଭାରତBhāratਭਾਰਤBhāratamभारतम्Bārataபாரதம்BhāratamഭാരതംBhāratadēsamభారతదేశం text5 = InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented text6 = Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk. Found 'TCTA' in 'text0' at indices [6, 14] Found 'TAATAAA' in 'text1' at indices [] Found 'word' in 'text2' at indices [40] Found 'needle' in 'text3' at indices [0, 19] Found 'ഭാരതം' in 'text4' at indices [68, 138] Found 'put' in 'text5' at indices [26, 90] Found 'and' in 'text5' at indices [101, 128, 171] Found 'alfalfa' in 'text6' at indices [33, 87]
This is based on the code here. The examples used are the same as in the Boyer-Moore_string_search#Wren task.
class KMP {
static search(haystack, needle) {
haystack = haystack.bytes.toList
needle = needle.bytes.toList
var hc = haystack.count
var nc = needle.count
var indices = []
var i = 0 // index into haystack
var j = 0 // index into needle
var t = table_(needle)
while (i < hc) {
if (needle[j] == haystack[i]) {
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
if (j == nc) {
indices.add(i - j)
j = t[j-1]
} else if (i < hc && needle[j] != haystack[i]) {
if (j != 0) {
j = t[j-1]
} else {
i = i + 1
return indices
static table_(needle) {
var nc = needle.count
var t = List.filled(nc, 0)
var i = 1 // index into table
var len = 0 // length of previous longest prefix
while (i < nc) {
if (needle[i] == needle[len]) {
len = len + 1
t[i] = len
i = i + 1
} else if (len != 0) {
len = t[len-1]
} else {
t[i] = 0
i = i + 1
return t
var texts = [
"there would have been a time for such a word",
"needle need noodle needle",
"Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk."
var pats = ["TCTA", "TAATAAA", "word", "needle", "put", "and", "alfalfa"]
for (i in 0...texts.count) System.print("text%(i+1) = %(texts[i])")
for (i in 0...pats.count) {
var j = (i < 5) ? i : i-1
System.print("Found '%(pats[i])' in 'text%(j+1)' at indices %([j], pats[i]))")
- Output:
text1 = GCTAGCTCTACGAGTCTA text2 = GGCTATAATGCGTA text3 = there would have been a time for such a word text4 = needle need noodle needle text5 = InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented text6 = Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk. Found 'TCTA' in 'text1' at indices [6, 14] Found 'TAATAAA' in 'text2' at indices [] Found 'word' in 'text3' at indices [40] Found 'needle' in 'text4' at indices [0, 19] Found 'put' in 'text5' at indices [26, 90] Found 'and' in 'text5' at indices [101, 128, 171] Found 'alfalfa' in 'text6' at indices [33, 87]