Kaprekar numbers
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
A positive integer is a Kaprekar number if:
- It is 1 (unity)
- The decimal representation of its square may be split once into two parts consisting of positive integers which sum to the original number.
Note that a split resulting in a part consisting purely of 0s is not valid,
as 0 is not considered positive.
- Example Kaprekar numbers
- is a Kaprekar number, as , may be split to and , and .
- The series of Kaprekar numbers is known as A006886, and begins as .
- Example process
10000 (1002) splitting from left to right:
- The first split is [1, 0000], and is invalid; the 0000 element consists entirely of 0s, and 0 is not considered positive.
- Slight optimization opportunity: When splitting from left to right, once the right part consists entirely of 0s, no further testing is needed; all further splits would also be invalid.
- Task
Generate and show all Kaprekar numbers less than 10,000.
- Extra credit
Optionally, count (and report the count of) how many Kaprekar numbers are less than 1,000,000.
- Extra extra credit
The concept of Kaprekar numbers is not limited to base 10 (i.e. decimal numbers); if you can, show that Kaprekar numbers exist in other bases too.
For this purpose, do the following:
- Find all Kaprekar numbers for base 17 between 1 and 1,000,000 (one million);
- Display each of them in base 10 representation;
- Optionally, using base 17 representation (use letters 'a' to 'g' for digits 10(10) to 16(10)), display each of the numbers, its square, and where to split the square.
For example, 225(10) is "d4" in base 17, its square "a52g", and a5(17) + 2g(17) = d4(17), so the display would be something like:
225 d4 a52g a5 + 2g
- Reference
- The Kaprekar Numbers by Douglas E. Iannucci (2000). PDF version
- Related task
F k(n)
V n2 = String(Int64(n) ^ 2)
L(i) 0 .< n2.len
V a = I i > 0 {Int(n2[0 .< i])} E 0
V b = Int(n2[i ..])
I b != 0 & a + b == n
R 1B
R 0B
print((1..9999).filter(x -> k(x)))
print((1..999999).filter(x -> k(x)).len)
- Output:
[1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999] 54
360 Assembly
* Kaprekar numbers 22/03/ 2017
USING KAPREKAR,R13 base register
B 72(R15) skip savearea
DC 17F'0' savearea
STM R14,R12,12(R13) save previous context
ST R13,4(R15) link backward
ST R15,8(R13) link forward
LR R13,R15 set addressability
LA R10,0 n=0
LA R6,1 i=1
DO WHILE=(C,R6,LE,=F'1000000') do i=1 to 1000000
CVD R6,PI pi=i
ZAP PS,PI ps=pi
MP PS,PI ps=pi*pi
OI PX+7,X'0F' zap sign
UNPK SW,PX packed PL8 to zoned CL16
MVC SS(16),SW s=pic(ps,16)
MVI OK,X'00' ok=false
LA R7,1 j=1
DO WHILE=(C,R7,LE,=F'15') do j=1 to 15
LA R2,16 16
SR R2,R7 -j
ST R2,LL l=16-j
LA R2,S1 @s1
LA R3,20 20
LA R4,SS @s
LR R5,R7 j
ICM R5,B'1000',=C' ' pad
MVCL R2,R4 s1=substr(s,1,j)
LA R2,S2 @s2
LA R3,20 20
LA R4,SS @s
AR R4,R7 +j
L R5,LL l
ICM R5,B'1000',=C' ' pad
MVCL R2,R4 s2=substr(s,j+1,l)
MVC ZZ,=20C'0' zw=(20)'0'
LA R2,S1 @s1
LR R3,R7 j
LA R4,ZZ @zz
LR R5,R7 j
CLCL R2,R4 if substr(s1,1,j)=substr(zz,1,j)
BE ITERJ then iterate j
LA R2,S2 @s2
L R3,LL l
LA R4,ZZ @zz
L R5,LL l
CLCL R2,R4 if substr(s2,1,l)=substr(zz,1,l)
BE EXITJ then leave j
XDECI R2,S1 unedit s1
ST R2,M1 m1=s1
XDECI R2,S2 unedit s2
ST R2,M2 m2=s2
L R2,M1 m1
A R2,M2 +m2
ST R2,MM m=m1+m2
IF C,R6,EQ,MM THEN if i=m then
MVI OK,X'01' ok=true
B EXITJ leave j
ENDIF , end if
ITERJ LA R7,1(R7) j++
ENDDO , enddo j
EXITJ EQU * exitj:
IF CLI,OK,EQ,X'01',OR,C,R6,EQ,=F'1' THEN if ok or i=1 then
LA R10,1(R10) n=n+1
XDECO R10,PG edit n
XDECO R6,PG+12 edit i
XPRNT PG,L'PG print buffer
ENDIF , end if
LA R6,1(R6) i++
ENDDO , enddo i
L R13,4(0,R13) restore previous savearea pointer
LM R14,R12,12(R13) restore previous context
XR R15,R15 rc=0
BR R14 exit
OK DS X ok logical
LL DS F l binary
MM DS F m "
M1 DS F m1 "
M2 DS F m2 "
DS 0D -- alignment for cvd
PI DS PL8 pi fixed decimal(15)
PM DS PL8 pm "
PS DS PL8 ps "
PX DS PL8 px "
SS DC CL20' ' s character(20)
S1 DS CL20 s1 "
S2 DS CL20 s2 "
ZZ DS CL20 z "
SW DS CL16 sw character(16)
PG DC CL80' ' buffer
- Output:
1 1 2 9 3 45 4 55 5 99 6 297 7 703 8 999 9 2223 10 2728 11 4879 12 4950 13 5050 14 5292 15 7272 16 7777 17 9999 ... 53 994708 54 999999
with extra bases from 2 up to 36 (0..9a..z)
task description wasn't clear if 1000000 for base 17 was base 17 or base 10, so i chose base 17 (17 ** 6).
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
procedure Kaprekar2 is
use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
To_Digit : constant String := "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
type Int is mod 2 ** 64;
subtype Base_Number is Int range 2 .. 36;
From_Digit : constant array (Character) of Int :=
('0' => 0,
'1' => 1,
'2' => 2,
'3' => 3,
'4' => 4,
'5' => 5,
'6' => 6,
'7' => 7,
'8' => 8,
'9' => 9,
'a' => 10,
'b' => 11,
'c' => 12,
'd' => 13,
'e' => 14,
'f' => 15,
'g' => 16,
'h' => 17,
'i' => 18,
'j' => 19,
'k' => 20,
'l' => 21,
'm' => 22,
'n' => 23,
'o' => 24,
'p' => 25,
'q' => 26,
'r' => 27,
's' => 28,
't' => 29,
'u' => 30,
'v' => 31,
'w' => 32,
'x' => 33,
'y' => 34,
'z' => 35,
others => 0);
function To_String (Item : Int; Base : Base_Number := 10) return String is
Value : Int := Item;
Digit_Index : Natural;
Result : String (1 .. 64);
First : Natural := Result'Last;
while Value > 0 loop
Digit_Index := Natural (Value mod Base);
Result (First) := To_Digit (Digit_Index + 1);
Value := Value / Base;
First := First - 1;
end loop;
return Result (First + 1 .. Result'Last);
end To_String;
procedure Get (From : String; Item : out Int; Base : Base_Number := 10) is
Item := 0;
for I in From'Range loop
Item := Item * Base;
Item := Item + From_Digit (From (I));
end loop;
end Get;
function Is_Kaprekar (N : Int; Base : Base_Number := 10) return Boolean is
Square : Int;
if N = 1 then
return True;
Square := N ** 2;
Image : String := To_String (Square, Base);
A, B : Int;
for I in Image'First .. Image'Last - 1 loop
exit when Count (Image (I + 1 .. Image'Last), "0")
= Image'Last - I;
Get (From => Image (Image'First .. I),
Item => A,
Base => Base);
Get (From => Image (I + 1 .. Image'Last),
Item => B,
Base => Base);
if A + B = N then
return True;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
return False;
end Is_Kaprekar;
Count : Natural := 0;
for I in Int range 1 .. 10_000 loop
if Is_Kaprekar (I) then
Count := Count + 1;
Ada.Text_IO.Put (To_String (I) & ",");
end if;
end loop;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Total:" & Integer'Image (Count));
for I in Int range 10_001 .. 1_000_000 loop
if Is_Kaprekar (I) then
Count := Count + 1;
end if;
end loop;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Kaprekar Numbers below 1000000:" &
Integer'Image (Count));
Count := 0;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Kaprekar Numbers below 1000000 in base 17:");
for I in Int range 1 .. 17 ** 6 loop
if Is_Kaprekar (I, 17) then
Count := Count + 1;
Ada.Text_IO.Put (To_String (I, 17) & ",");
end if;
end loop;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Total:" & Integer'Image (Count));
end Kaprekar2;
- Output:
1,9,45,55,99,297,703,999,2223,2728,4879,4950,5050,5292,7272,7777,9999, Total: 17 Kaprekar Numbers below 1000000: 54 Kaprekar Numbers below 1000000 in base 17: 1,g,3d,d4,gg,556,bbb,ggg,18bd,1f1f,36db,43cd,61eb,785d,7a96,967b,98b4,af26,cd44,da36,f1f2,f854,gggg,33334,ddddd,fgacc,ggggg,146fca,236985,2b32b3,2gde03,3a2d6f,3fa16d,443ccd,4e9c28,54067b,5aggb6,687534,6f6f6g,7e692a,7f391e,91d7f3,92a7e7,a1a1a1,a89bdd,b6005b,bcga96,c274e9,ccd444,d16fa4,d6e3a2,e032ge,e5de5e,eda78c,fca147,g10645,gggggg, Total: 57
# find some Kaprekar numbers #
# returns TRUE if n is a Kaprekar number, FALSE otherwise #
PROC is kaprekar = ( INT n )BOOL:
IF n < 1 THEN
# 0 and -ve numbers are not Kaprekar numbers #
# 1 is defined to be a Kaprekar number #
# n is a Kaprekar number if the digits of its #
# square can be partitioned into two numbers #
# that sum to n #
LONG INT n squared = LENG n * n;
LONG INT power of ten := 10;
BOOL result := FALSE;
WHILE n squared > power of ten AND NOT result DO
LONG INT left = n squared OVER power of ten;
LONG INT right = n squared MOD power of ten;
result := ( ( left + right ) = n AND right /= 0 );
power of ten *:= 10
FI # is kaprekar # ;
# count the number of Kaprekar numbers up to 1 000 000 #
# printing all those below 10 000 #
INT max number = 1 000 000;
INT k count := 0;
print( ( "Kaprekar numbers below 10 000: ", newline ) );
FOR n TO max number DO
IF is kaprekar( n ) THEN
k count +:= 1;
IF n < 10 000 THEN
print( ( " ", whole( n, -4 ) ) )
print( ( newline ) );
print( ( "There are ", whole( k count, 0 ), " Kaprekar numbers below ", whole( max number, 0 ), newline ) )
- Output:
Kaprekar numbers below 10 000: 1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 There are 54 Kaprekar numbers below 1000000
k?: function [n][
n2: to :string n*n
loop 0..dec size n2 'i [
a: (i > 0)? -> to :integer slice n2 0 dec i -> 0
b: to :integer slice n2 i dec size n2
if and? b > 0 n = a + b -> return true
return false
loop 1..10000 'x [
if k? x -> print x
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999
Kaprekar(L) {
Loop, % L + ( C := 0 ) {
S := ( N := A_Index ) ** 2
Loop % StrLen(N) {
B := ( B := SubStr(S,1+A_Index) ) ? B : 0
If !B & ( (A := SubStr(S,1,A_Index)) <> 1 )
If ( N == A+B ) {
R .= ", " N , C++
Return C " Kaprekar numbers in [1-" L "]:`n" SubStr(R,3)
MsgBox, % Kaprekar(10000)
- Output:
17 Kaprekar numbers in [1-10000]: 1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999
limit = 1000000
n = 1
for (i=2; i<limit; i++) {
squared = sprintf("%.0f",i*i)
for (j=1; j<=length(squared); j++) {
L = substr(squared,1,j) + 0
R = substr(squared,j+1) + 0
if (R == 0) {
if (L + R == i) {
if (i <= 10000) {
printf("%d Kaprekar numbers < %s\n",n,limit)
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 54 Kaprekar numbers < 1000000
Batch File
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /l %%i in (1,1,9999) do (
title Processing - %%i
call:kaprekar %%i
exit /b
set num=%1
if %num% leq 0 exit /b
set /a num2=%num%*%num%
if %num2% leq 9 (
if %num2%==%num% (
echo %num%
exit /b
) else (
exit /b
call:strlength %num2%
set len=%errorlevel%
set /a offset=%len%-1
set tempcount=1
set /a offset2=%len%-%tempcount%
set numleft=!num2:~0,%tempcount%!
set numright=!num2:~%tempcount%,%offset2%!
for /f "tokens=* delims=0" %%i in ("%numright%") do set "numright=%%i"
if not defined numright exit /b
set /a sum=%numleft%+%numright%
if %sum%==%num% (
echo %num%
exit /b
if %tempcount%==%len% exit /b
set /a tempcount+=1
goto loop
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set str=%1
set tempcount=1
set /a length=%tempcount%-1
if "!str:~%tempcount%,1!"=="" exit /b %tempcount%
set /a tempcount+=1
goto lengthloop
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999
n = 0
for i = 1 to 1999999
if Kaprekar(i) then
n = n + 1
if i < 100001 then print n; ": "; i
next i
print "Total de números de Kaprekar por debajo de 1.000.000 = "; n
function Kaprekar(n)
s = n ^ 2
t = 10 ^ (int(log(s)) + 1)
t = t / 10
if t <= n then exit do #break
if s-n = int(s/t)*(t-1) then return TRUE
until t <= n
return n = 1
end function
n% = 0
FOR i% = 1 TO 999999
IF FNkaprekar(i%) THEN
n% += 1
IF i% < 100001PRINT ; n% ":", i%
PRINT "Total Kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000 = "; n%
DEF FNkaprekar(n)
LOCAL s, t
s = n^2
t = 10^(INT(LOG(s)) + 1)
t /= 10
IF s-n = INT(s/t)*(t-1) THEN = TRUE
= (n=1)
- Output:
1: 1 2: 9 3: 45 4: 55 5: 99 6: 297 7: 703 8: 999 9: 2223 10: 2728 11: 4879 12: 4950 13: 5050 14: 5292 15: 7272 16: 7777 17: 9999 18: 17344 19: 22222 20: 38962 21: 77778 22: 82656 23: 95121 24: 99999 Total Kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000 = 54
( 0:?n
& 1:?count
& out$(!count 1)
& whl
' ( 1+!n:<1000000:?n
& ( @( !n^2
: #?a
( ? (#>0:?b)
& !a+!b:!n
& 1+!count:?count
& (!n:<10000&out$!n|)
& out$(str$("There are " !count " kaprekar numbers less than 1000000"))
- Output:
1 1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 There are 54 kaprekar numbers less than 1000000
kaprekar = { limit |
results = []
1.to limit, { num |
true? num == 1
{ results << 1 }
sqr = (num ^ 2).to_s
0.to (sqr.length - 1) { i |
lhs = sqr[0,i].to_i
rhs = sqr[i + 1,-1].to_i
true? (rhs > 0) && { lhs + rhs == num }
{ results << num }
p "Kaprekar numbers below 10,000:"
p kaprekar 10000
p "Number of Kaprekar numbers below 1,000,000:"
p kaprekar(1000000).length
- Output:
Kaprekar numbers below 10,000: [1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999] Number of Kaprekar numbers below 1,000,000: 54
Sample for extra extra credit:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint64_t ulong;
int kaprekar(ulong n, int base)
ulong nn = n * n, r, tens = 1;
if ((nn - n) % (base - 1)) return 0;
while (tens < n) tens *= base;
if (n == tens) return 1 == n;
while ((r = nn % tens) < n) {
if (nn / tens + r == n) return tens;
tens *= base;
return 0;
void print_num(ulong n, int base)
ulong q, div = base;
while (div < n) div *= base;
while (n && (div /= base)) {
q = n / div;
if (q < 10) putchar(q + '0');
else putchar(q + 'a' - 10);
n -= q * div;
int main()
ulong i, tens;
int cnt = 0;
int base = 10;
printf("base 10:\n");
for (i = 1; i < 1000000; i++)
if (kaprekar(i, base))
printf("%3d: %llu\n", ++cnt, i);
base = 17;
printf("\nbase %d:\n 1: 1\n", base);
for (i = 2, cnt = 1; i < 1000000; i++)
if ((tens = kaprekar(i, base))) {
printf("%3d: %llu", ++cnt, i);
printf(" \t"); print_num(i, base);
printf("\t"); print_num(i * i, base);
printf("\t"); print_num(i * i / tens, base);
printf(" + "); print_num(i * i % tens, base);
return 0;
- Output:
base 10: 1: 1 2: 9 3: 45 4: 55 5: 99 6: 297 7: 703 8: 999 9: 2223 10: 2728 11: 4879 12: 4950 13: 5050 14: 5292 15: 7272 16: 7777 17: 9999 ... 47: 791505 48: 812890 49: 818181 50: 851851 51: 857143 52: 961038 53: 994708 54: 999999 base 17: 1: 1 2: 16 g f1 f + 1 3: 64 3d e2g e + 2g 4: 225 d4 a52g a5 + 2g 5: 288 gg gf01 gf + 1 6: 1536 556 1b43b2 1b4 + 3b2 7: 3377 bbb 8093b2 809 + 3b2 8: 4912 ggg ggf001 ggf + 1 9: 7425 18bd 24e166g 24e + 166g 10: 9280 1f1f 39b1b94 39b + 1b94 ... 21: 74241 f1f2 d75f1b94 d75f + 1b94 22: 76096 f854 e1f5166g e1f5 + 166g 23: 83520 gggg gggf0001 gggf + 1 24: 266224 33334 a2c52a07g a2c5 + 2a07g
Kaprekar numbers for base can be directly generated by factorization of and multiplicative inverse of its unitary divisors. The speed largely depends on how easy the factorization part is, though it's not a problem for relatively small numbers (up to 32-bits, for example).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h>
typedef signed long long xint;
int factorize(xint n, xint* f)
int i = 0;
inline void get_factor(xint p) {
if (n % p) return;
for (f[i] = 1; !(n % p); f[i] *= p, n /= p);
xint p, inc;
for (p = 5, inc = 4; p * p <= n; p += (inc = 6 - inc))
if (n > 1) get_factor(n);
return i;
// returns x where a x == 1 mod b
xint mul_inv(xint a, xint b)
xint b0 = b, t, q;
xint x0 = 0, x1 = 1;
if (b == 1) return 1;
while (a > 1) {
q = a / b;
t = b, b = a % b, a = t;
t = x0, x0 = x1 - q * x0, x1 = t;
if (x1 < 0) x1 += b0;
return x1;
int kaprekars(int base, xint top, xint *out, int max_cnt)
xint f[64], pb;
int len, cnt = 0;
if (top >= LLONG_MAX / top) {
fprintf(stderr, "too large: %lld\n", top);
void kaps(xint a, int i) {
if (i < len) {
kaps(a * f[i], i + 1);
kaps(a, i + 1);
xint x = a * mul_inv(a, (pb - 1) / a);
if (x > 1 && x < top) {
out[cnt++] = x;
if (cnt >= max_cnt) {
fprintf(stderr, "too many results\n");
out[cnt++] = 1;
for (pb = base; pb <= top * top / base; pb *= base) {
len = factorize(pb - 1, f);
if (f[len - 1] <= top) kaps(1, 0);
return cnt;
int main(void)
xint x[1000];
int len, b;
for (b = 2; b < 99; b++) {
printf("base %d:\n", b);
// find all kaprekar numbers that won't overflow
len = kaprekars(b, INT_MAX, x, 1000);
#if 0
int i, j;
xint t;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (x[i] < x[j])
t = x[i], x[i] = x[j], x[j] = t;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
printf("%3d: %lld\n", i + 1, x[i]);
printf("\t%d kaprepar numbers\n", len);
return 0;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class KaprekarNumbers {
/// <summary>
/// The entry point of the program, where the program control starts and ends.
/// </summary>
public static void Main() {
int count = 0;
foreach ( ulong i in _kaprekarGenerator(999999) ) {
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} Kaprekar numbers less than 1000000.", count);
/// <summary>
/// Generator function which generates the Kaprekar numbers.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The generator.</returns>
/// <param name="max">The maximum value of the numbers generated.</param>
private static IEnumerable<ulong> _kaprekarGenerator(ulong max) {
ulong next = 1;
// 1 is always a Kaprekar number.
yield return next;
for ( next = 2; next <= max; next++ ) {
ulong square = next * next;
for ( ulong check = 10; check <= 10000000000000000000; check *= 10 ) {
// Check the square against each power of 10 from 10^1 to 10^19 (highest which can be
// represented by a ulong)
// If the power of 10 to be checked against is greater than or equal to the square, stop checking
if ( square <= check )
// Given a power of 10 as 10^n, the remainder when dividing the square number by that power
// of 10 is equal to the last n digits of the number (starting from the right) and the
// quotient gives the remaining digits.
// If the last n digits are all zeroes, then the remainder will be zero, which is not
// accepted.
ulong r = square % check;
ulong q = (square - r) / check;
if ( r != 0 && q + r == next ) {
yield return next;
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 17344 22222 38962 77778 82656 95121 99999 142857 148149 181819 187110 208495 318682 329967 351352 356643 390313 461539 466830 499500 500500 533170 538461 609687 627615 643357 648648 670033 681318 791505 812890 818181 851851 857143 961038 994708 999999 There are 54 Kaprekar numbers less than 1000000.
Using String Manipulation (very slow)
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>
long string2long( const std::string & s ) {
long result ;
std::istringstream( s ) >> result ;
return result ;
bool isKaprekar( long number ) {
long long squarenumber = ((long long)number) * number ;
std::ostringstream numberbuf ;
numberbuf << squarenumber ;
std::string numberstring = numberbuf.str( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numberstring.length( ) ; i++ ) {
std::string firstpart = numberstring.substr( 0 , i ) ,
secondpart = numberstring.substr( i ) ;
//we do not accept figures ending in a sequence of zeroes
if ( secondpart.find_first_not_of( "0" ) == std::string::npos ) {
return false ;
if ( string2long( firstpart ) + string2long( secondpart ) == number ) {
return true ;
return false ;
int main( ) {
std::vector<long> kaprekarnumbers ;
kaprekarnumbers.push_back( 1 ) ;
for ( int i = 2 ; i < 1000001 ; i++ ) {
if ( isKaprekar( i ) )
kaprekarnumbers.push_back( i ) ;
std::vector<long>::const_iterator svi = kaprekarnumbers.begin( ) ;
std::cout << "Kaprekar numbers up to 10000: \n" ;
while ( *svi < 10000 ) {
std::cout << *svi << " " ;
svi++ ;
std::cout << '\n' ;
std::cout << "All the Kaprekar numbers up to 1000000 :\n" ;
std::copy( kaprekarnumbers.begin( ) , kaprekarnumbers.end( ) ,
std::ostream_iterator<long>( std::cout , "\n" ) ) ;
std::cout << "There are " << kaprekarnumbers.size( )
<< " Kaprekar numbers less than one million!\n" ;
return 0 ;
- Output:
Kaprekar numbers up to 10000: 1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 All the Kaprekar numbers up to 1000000 : 1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 17344 ..... 818181 851851 857143 961038 994708 999999 There are 54 Kaprekar numbers less than one million!
Casting Out Nines (fast)
The code "if ((k*(k-1))%(Base-1) == 0)"
is explained here: Casting out nines.
// Generate Kaperkar Numbers
// Nigel Galloway. June 24th., 2012
#include <iostream>
int main() {
const int Base = 10;
const int N = 6;
int Paddy_cnt = 0;
for (int nz=1; nz<=N; nz++)
for (unsigned long long int k=pow((double)Base,nz-1); k<pow((double)Base,nz); k++)
if ((k*(k-1))%(Base-1) == 0)
for (int n=nz; n<nz*2; n++){
const unsigned long long int B = pow((double)Base,n);
const double nr = k*(B-k)/(B-1);
const int q = k-nr;
if ((k*k==q*B+nr && 0<nr)){
std::cout << std::dec << ++Paddy_cnt << ": " << k << " is " << q << " + " << (int)nr << " and squared is " << k*k << ". It is a member of Residual Set " << k%(Base-1) << "\n";
return 0;
1: 1 is 0 + 1 and squared is 1. It is a member of Residual Set 1 2: 9 is 8 + 1 and squared is 81. It is a member of Residual Set 0 3: 45 is 20 + 25 and squared is 2025. It is a member of Residual Set 0 4: 55 is 30 + 25 and squared is 3025. It is a member of Residual Set 1 5: 99 is 98 + 1 and squared is 9801. It is a member of Residual Set 0 6: 297 is 88 + 209 and squared is 88209. It is a member of Residual Set 0 7: 703 is 494 + 209 and squared is 494209. It is a member of Residual Set 1 8: 999 is 998 + 1 and squared is 998001. It is a member of Residual Set 0 9: 2223 is 494 + 1729 and squared is 4941729. It is a member of Residual Set 0 10: 2728 is 744 + 1984 and squared is 7441984. It is a member of Residual Set 1 11: 4879 is 238 + 4641 and squared is 23804641. It is a member of Residual Set 1 12: 4950 is 2450 + 2500 and squared is 24502500. It is a member of Residual Set 0 13: 5050 is 2550 + 2500 and squared is 25502500. It is a member of Residual Set 1 14: 5292 is 28 + 5264 and squared is 28005264. It is a member of Residual Set 0 15: 7272 is 5288 + 1984 and squared is 52881984. It is a member of Residual Set 0 16: 7777 is 6048 + 1729 and squared is 60481729. It is a member of Residual Set 1 17: 9999 is 9998 + 1 and squared is 99980001. It is a member of Residual Set 0 18: 17344 is 3008 + 14336 and squared is 300814336. It is a member of Residual Set 1 19: 22222 is 4938 + 17284 and squared is 493817284. It is a member of Residual Set 1 20: 38962 is 1518 + 37444 and squared is 1518037444. It is a member of Residual Set 1 21: 77778 is 60494 + 17284 and squared is 6049417284. It is a member of Residual Set 0 22: 82656 is 68320 + 14336 and squared is 6832014336. It is a member of Residual Set 0 23: 95121 is 90480 + 4641 and squared is 9048004641. It is a member of Residual Set 0 24: 99999 is 99998 + 1 and squared is 9999800001. It is a member of Residual Set 0 25: 142857 is 20408 + 122449 and squared is 20408122449. It is a member of Residual Set 0 26: 148149 is 21948 + 126201 and squared is 21948126201. It is a member of Residual Set 0 27: 181819 is 33058 + 148761 and squared is 33058148761. It is a member of Residual Set 1 28: 187110 is 35010 + 152100 and squared is 35010152100. It is a member of Residual Set 0 29: 208495 is 43470 + 165025 and squared is 43470165025. It is a member of Residual Set 1 30: 318682 is 101558 + 217124 and squared is 101558217124. It is a member of Residual Set 1 31: 329967 is 108878 + 221089 and squared is 108878221089. It is a member of Residual Set 0 32: 351352 is 123448 + 227904 and squared is 123448227904. It is a member of Residual Set 1 33: 356643 is 127194 + 229449 and squared is 127194229449. It is a member of Residual Set 0 34: 390313 is 152344 + 237969 and squared is 152344237969. It is a member of Residual Set 1 35: 461539 is 213018 + 248521 and squared is 213018248521. It is a member of Residual Set 1 36: 466830 is 217930 + 248900 and squared is 217930248900. It is a member of Residual Set 0 37: 499500 is 249500 + 250000 and squared is 249500250000. It is a member of Residual Set 0 38: 500500 is 250500 + 250000 and squared is 250500250000. It is a member of Residual Set 1 39: 533170 is 284270 + 248900 and squared is 284270248900. It is a member of Residual Set 1 40: 538461 is 289940 + 248521 and squared is 289940248521. It is a member of Residual Set 0 41: 609687 is 371718 + 237969 and squared is 371718237969. It is a member of Residual Set 0 42: 627615 is 39390 + 588225 and squared is 393900588225. It is a member of Residual Set 0 43: 643357 is 413908 + 229449 and squared is 413908229449. It is a member of Residual Set 1 44: 648648 is 420744 + 227904 and squared is 420744227904. It is a member of Residual Set 0 45: 670033 is 448944 + 221089 and squared is 448944221089. It is a member of Residual Set 1 46: 681318 is 464194 + 217124 and squared is 464194217124. It is a member of Residual Set 0 47: 791505 is 626480 + 165025 and squared is 626480165025. It is a member of Residual Set 0 48: 812890 is 660790 + 152100 and squared is 660790152100. It is a member of Residual Set 1 49: 818181 is 669420 + 148761 and squared is 669420148761. It is a member of Residual Set 0 50: 851851 is 725650 + 126201 and squared is 725650126201. It is a member of Residual Set 1 51: 857143 is 734694 + 122449 and squared is 734694122449. It is a member of Residual Set 1 52: 961038 is 923594 + 37444 and squared is 923594037444. It is a member of Residual Set 0 53: 994708 is 989444 + 5264 and squared is 989444005264. It is a member of Residual Set 1 54: 999999 is 999998 + 1 and squared is 999998000001. It is a member of Residual Set 0
The code may be modified to use a base other than 10:
const int Base = 16;
const int N = 4;
std::cout << std::dec << ++Paddy_cnt << ": " << std::hex << k << " is " << q << " + " << (int)nr << " and squared is " << k*k << ". It is a member of Residual Set " << k%(Base-1) << "\n";
Which produces:
1: 1 is 0 + 1 and squared is 1. It is a member of Residual Set 1 2: 6 is 2 + 4 and squared is 24. It is a member of Residual Set 6 3: a is 6 + 4 and squared is 64. It is a member of Residual Set a 4: f is e + 1 and squared is e1. It is a member of Residual Set 0 5: 33 is a + 29 and squared is a29. It is a member of Residual Set 6 6: 55 is 1c + 39 and squared is 1c39. It is a member of Residual Set a 7: 5b is 2 + 59 and squared is 2059. It is a member of Residual Set 1 8: 78 is 38 + 40 and squared is 3840. It is a member of Residual Set 0 9: 88 is 48 + 40 and squared is 4840. It is a member of Residual Set 1 10: ab is 72 + 39 and squared is 7239. It is a member of Residual Set 6 11: cd is a4 + 29 and squared is a429. It is a member of Residual Set a 12: ff is fe + 1 and squared is fe01. It is a member of Residual Set 0 13: 15f is 1e + 141 and squared is 1e141. It is a member of Residual Set 6 14: 334 is a4 + 290 and squared is a4290. It is a member of Residual Set a 15: 38e is ca + 2c4 and squared is ca2c4. It is a member of Residual Set a 16: 492 is 14e + 344 and squared is 14e344. It is a member of Residual Set 0 17: 4ed is 184 + 369 and squared is 184369. It is a member of Residual Set 1 18: 7e0 is 3e0 + 400 and squared is 3e0400. It is a member of Residual Set 6 19: 820 is 420 + 400 and squared is 420400. It is a member of Residual Set a 20: b13 is 7aa + 369 and squared is 7aa369. It is a member of Residual Set 0 21: b6e is 82a + 344 and squared is 82a344. It is a member of Residual Set 1 22: c72 is 9ae + 2c4 and squared is 9ae2c4. It is a member of Residual Set 6 23: ccc is a3c + 290 and squared is a3c290. It is a member of Residual Set 6 24: ea1 is d60 + 141 and squared is d60141. It is a member of Residual Set a 25: fa5 is f4c + 59 and squared is f4c059. It is a member of Residual Set 0 26: fff is ffe + 1 and squared is ffe001. It is a member of Residual Set 0 27: 191a is 276 + 16a4 and squared is 27616a4. It is a member of Residual Set 6 28: 2a2b is 6f2 + 2339 and squared is 6f22339. It is a member of Residual Set a 29: 3c3c is e2c + 2e10 and squared is e2c2e10. It is a member of Residual Set 0 30: 4444 is 1234 + 3210 and squared is 12343210. It is a member of Residual Set 1 31: 5556 is 1c72 + 38e4 and squared is 1c7238e4. It is a member of Residual Set 6 32: 6667 is 28f6 + 3d71 and squared is 28f63d71. It is a member of Residual Set a 33: 7f80 is 3f80 + 4000 and squared is 3f804000. It is a member of Residual Set 0 34: 8080 is 4080 + 4000 and squared is 40804000. It is a member of Residual Set 1 35: 9999 is 5c28 + 3d71 and squared is 5c283d71. It is a member of Residual Set 6 36: aaaa is 71c6 + 38e4 and squared is 71c638e4. It is a member of Residual Set a 37: bbbc is 89ac + 3210 and squared is 89ac3210. It is a member of Residual Set 0 38: c3c4 is 95b4 + 2e10 and squared is 95b42e10. It is a member of Residual Set 1 39: d5d5 is b29c + 2339 and squared is b29c2339. It is a member of Residual Set 6 40: e6e6 is d042 + 16a4 and squared is d04216a4. It is a member of Residual Set a 41: ffff is fffe + 1 and squared is fffe0001. It is a member of Residual Set 0
Casting Out Nines C++11 For Each Generator (v.fast)
For details of ran and co9 see: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Casting_out_nines#C.2B.2B11_For_Each_Generator
// Generate Kaprekar Numbers using Casting Out Nines Generator
// Nigel Galloway. July 13th., 2012
#include <cmath>
int main() {
const ran r(10);
int Paddy_cnt = 0;
for (int nz=1; nz<=6; nz++)
for (unsigned long long int k : co9(std::pow(r.base,nz-1),std::pow(r.base,nz)-1,&r))
for (int n=nz; n<nz*2; n++) {
const unsigned long long int B = pow(r.base,n);
const double nr = k*(B-k)/(B-1);
const int q = k-nr;
if (k*k==q*B+nr && 0<nr) {
std::cout << ++Paddy_cnt << ": " << k << " is " << q << " + " << (int)nr << " and squared is " << k*k << ". It is a member of Residual Set " << k%(r.base-1) << "\n";
return 0;
1: 1 is 0 + 1 and squared is 1. It is a member of Residual Set 1 2: 9 is 8 + 1 and squared is 81. It is a member of Residual Set 0 3: 45 is 20 + 25 and squared is 2025. It is a member of Residual Set 0 4: 55 is 30 + 25 and squared is 3025. It is a member of Residual Set 1 5: 99 is 98 + 1 and squared is 9801. It is a member of Residual Set 0 6: 297 is 88 + 209 and squared is 88209. It is a member of Residual Set 0 7: 703 is 494 + 209 and squared is 494209. It is a member of Residual Set 1 8: 999 is 998 + 1 and squared is 998001. It is a member of Residual Set 0 9: 2223 is 494 + 1729 and squared is 4941729. It is a member of Residual Set 0 10: 2728 is 744 + 1984 and squared is 7441984. It is a member of Residual Set 1 11: 4879 is 238 + 4641 and squared is 23804641. It is a member of Residual Set 1 12: 4950 is 2450 + 2500 and squared is 24502500. It is a member of Residual Set 0 13: 5050 is 2550 + 2500 and squared is 25502500. It is a member of Residual Set 1 14: 5292 is 28 + 5264 and squared is 28005264. It is a member of Residual Set 0 15: 7272 is 5288 + 1984 and squared is 52881984. It is a member of Residual Set 0 16: 7777 is 6048 + 1729 and squared is 60481729. It is a member of Residual Set 1 17: 9999 is 9998 + 1 and squared is 99980001. It is a member of Residual Set 0 18: 17344 is 3008 + 14336 and squared is 300814336. It is a member of Residual Set 1 19: 22222 is 4938 + 17284 and squared is 493817284. It is a member of Residual Set 1 20: 38962 is 1518 + 37444 and squared is 1518037444. It is a member of Residual Set 1 21: 77778 is 60494 + 17284 and squared is 6049417284. It is a member of Residual Set 0 22: 82656 is 68320 + 14336 and squared is 6832014336. It is a member of Residual Set 0 23: 95121 is 90480 + 4641 and squared is 9048004641. It is a member of Residual Set 0 24: 99999 is 99998 + 1 and squared is 9999800001. It is a member of Residual Set 0 25: 142857 is 20408 + 122449 and squared is 20408122449. It is a member of Residual Set 0 26: 148149 is 21948 + 126201 and squared is 21948126201. It is a member of Residual Set 0 27: 181819 is 33058 + 148761 and squared is 33058148761. It is a member of Residual Set 1 28: 187110 is 35010 + 152100 and squared is 35010152100. It is a member of Residual Set 0 29: 208495 is 43470 + 165025 and squared is 43470165025. It is a member of Residual Set 1 30: 318682 is 101558 + 217124 and squared is 101558217124. It is a member of Residual Set 1 31: 329967 is 108878 + 221089 and squared is 108878221089. It is a member of Residual Set 0 32: 351352 is 123448 + 227904 and squared is 123448227904. It is a member of Residual Set 1 33: 356643 is 127194 + 229449 and squared is 127194229449. It is a member of Residual Set 0 34: 390313 is 152344 + 237969 and squared is 152344237969. It is a member of Residual Set 1 35: 461539 is 213018 + 248521 and squared is 213018248521. It is a member of Residual Set 1 36: 466830 is 217930 + 248900 and squared is 217930248900. It is a member of Residual Set 0 37: 499500 is 249500 + 250000 and squared is 249500250000. It is a member of Residual Set 0 38: 500500 is 250500 + 250000 and squared is 250500250000. It is a member of Residual Set 1 39: 533170 is 284270 + 248900 and squared is 284270248900. It is a member of Residual Set 1 40: 538461 is 289940 + 248521 and squared is 289940248521. It is a member of Residual Set 0 41: 609687 is 371718 + 237969 and squared is 371718237969. It is a member of Residual Set 0 42: 627615 is 39390 + 588225 and squared is 393900588225. It is a member of Residual Set 0 43: 643357 is 413908 + 229449 and squared is 413908229449. It is a member of Residual Set 1 44: 648648 is 420744 + 227904 and squared is 420744227904. It is a member of Residual Set 0 45: 670033 is 448944 + 221089 and squared is 448944221089. It is a member of Residual Set 1 46: 681318 is 464194 + 217124 and squared is 464194217124. It is a member of Residual Set 0 47: 791505 is 626480 + 165025 and squared is 626480165025. It is a member of Residual Set 0 48: 812890 is 660790 + 152100 and squared is 660790152100. It is a member of Residual Set 1 49: 818181 is 669420 + 148761 and squared is 669420148761. It is a member of Residual Set 0 50: 851851 is 725650 + 126201 and squared is 725650126201. It is a member of Residual Set 1 51: 857143 is 734694 + 122449 and squared is 734694122449. It is a member of Residual Set 1 52: 961038 is 923594 + 37444 and squared is 923594037444. It is a member of Residual Set 0 53: 994708 is 989444 + 5264 and squared is 989444005264. It is a member of Residual Set 1 54: 999999 is 999998 + 1 and squared is 999998000001. It is a member of Residual Set 0
Changing main:
const ran r = ran(16);
std::cout << std::dec << ++Paddy_cnt << ": " << std::hex << k << " is " << q << " + " << (int)nr << " and squared is " << k*k << ". It is a member of Residual Set " << k%(r.base-1) << "\n";
1: 1 is 0 + 1 and squared is 1. It is a member of Residual Set 1 2: 6 is 2 + 4 and squared is 24. It is a member of Residual Set 6 3: a is 6 + 4 and squared is 64. It is a member of Residual Set a 4: f is e + 1 and squared is e1. It is a member of Residual Set 0 5: 33 is a + 29 and squared is a29. It is a member of Residual Set 6 6: 55 is 1c + 39 and squared is 1c39. It is a member of Residual Set a 7: 5b is 2 + 59 and squared is 2059. It is a member of Residual Set 1 8: 78 is 38 + 40 and squared is 3840. It is a member of Residual Set 0 9: 88 is 48 + 40 and squared is 4840. It is a member of Residual Set 1 10: ab is 72 + 39 and squared is 7239. It is a member of Residual Set 6 11: cd is a4 + 29 and squared is a429. It is a member of Residual Set a 12: ff is fe + 1 and squared is fe01. It is a member of Residual Set 0 13: 15f is 1e + 141 and squared is 1e141. It is a member of Residual Set 6 14: 334 is a4 + 290 and squared is a4290. It is a member of Residual Set a 15: 38e is ca + 2c4 and squared is ca2c4. It is a member of Residual Set a 16: 492 is 14e + 344 and squared is 14e344. It is a member of Residual Set 0 17: 4ed is 184 + 369 and squared is 184369. It is a member of Residual Set 1 18: 7e0 is 3e0 + 400 and squared is 3e0400. It is a member of Residual Set 6 19: 820 is 420 + 400 and squared is 420400. It is a member of Residual Set a 20: b13 is 7aa + 369 and squared is 7aa369. It is a member of Residual Set 0 21: b6e is 82a + 344 and squared is 82a344. It is a member of Residual Set 1 22: c72 is 9ae + 2c4 and squared is 9ae2c4. It is a member of Residual Set 6 23: ccc is a3c + 290 and squared is a3c290. It is a member of Residual Set 6 24: ea1 is d60 + 141 and squared is d60141. It is a member of Residual Set a 25: fa5 is f4c + 59 and squared is f4c059. It is a member of Residual Set 0 26: fff is ffe + 1 and squared is ffe001. It is a member of Residual Set 0 27: 191a is 276 + 16a4 and squared is 27616a4. It is a member of Residual Set 6 28: 2a2b is 6f2 + 2339 and squared is 6f22339. It is a member of Residual Set a 29: 3c3c is e2c + 2e10 and squared is e2c2e10. It is a member of Residual Set 0 30: 4444 is 1234 + 3210 and squared is 12343210. It is a member of Residual Set 1 31: 5556 is 1c72 + 38e4 and squared is 1c7238e4. It is a member of Residual Set 6 32: 6667 is 28f6 + 3d71 and squared is 28f63d71. It is a member of Residual Set a 33: 7f80 is 3f80 + 4000 and squared is 3f804000. It is a member of Residual Set 0 34: 8080 is 4080 + 4000 and squared is 40804000. It is a member of Residual Set 1 35: 9999 is 5c28 + 3d71 and squared is 5c283d71. It is a member of Residual Set 6 36: aaaa is 71c6 + 38e4 and squared is 71c638e4. It is a member of Residual Set a 37: bbbc is 89ac + 3210 and squared is 89ac3210. It is a member of Residual Set 0 38: c3c4 is 95b4 + 2e10 and squared is 95b42e10. It is a member of Residual Set 1 39: d5d5 is b29c + 2339 and squared is b29c2339. It is a member of Residual Set 6 40: e6e6 is d042 + 16a4 and squared is d04216a4. It is a member of Residual Set a 41: ffff is fffe + 1 and squared is fffe0001. It is a member of Residual Set 0
% This program assumes a 64-bit system.
% On a 32-bit system, the main task (show Kaprekar numbers < 10,000)
% will run correctly, but the extra credit part will crash with
% an overflow exception.
% Yield all positive splits of a number
splits = iter (n, base: int) yields (int,int)
step: int := base
while n >= step do
left: int := n / step
right: int := n // step
if left ~= 0 & right ~= 0 then
yield(left, right)
step := step * base
end splits
% Check whether a number is a Kaprekar number, and if so,
% return the proper split.
kap_split = struct[left, right: int]
maybe_kap = oneof[yes: kap_split, no: null]
kaprekar = proc (n, base: int) returns (maybe_kap)
for left, right: int in splits(n**2, base) do
if left + right = n then
kap_split${left:left, right:right}))
end kaprekar
% Format a number in a given base
to_base = proc (n, base: int) returns (string)
own digits: string := "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
if n=0 then return("0") end
ds: array[char] := array[char]$[]
while n>0 do
array[char]$addl(ds,digits[n // base + 1])
n := n / base
end to_base
% If a number is a Kaprekar number, show it, its square, and the split
display = proc (o: stream, n, base: int)
tagcase kaprekar(n, base)
tag yes (s: kap_split):
stream$putright(o, to_base(n, 10), 6)
if base ~= 10 then
stream$putright(o, to_base(n, base), 7)
stream$putright(o, to_base(n**2, base), 13)
stream$putl(o, " " ||
to_base(s.left, base) || " + " ||
to_base(s.right, base))
tag no:
end display
start_up = proc ()
po: stream := stream$primary_output()
% Find and output all the Kaprekar numbers under 10,000.
stream$putl(po, "Kaprekar numbers < 10,000:")
for i: int in int$from_to(1, 9999) do
display(po, i, 10)
% Count all the Kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000.
kaps: int := 0
for i: int in int$from_to(1, 999999) do
tagcase kaprekar(i, 10)
tag yes (s: kap_split): kaps := kaps + 1
tag no:
stream$putl(po, "\nThere are " || int$unparse(kaps) ||
" Kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000.\n")
% Find and output all base-17 Kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000.
stream$putl(po, "Base-17 Kaprekar numbers < 1,000,000:")
for i: int in int$from_to(1, 999999) do
display(po, i, 17)
end start_up
- Output:
Kaprekar numbers < 10,000: 9 81 8 + 1 45 2025 20 + 25 55 3025 30 + 25 99 9801 98 + 1 297 88209 88 + 209 703 494209 494 + 209 999 998001 998 + 1 2223 4941729 494 + 1729 2728 7441984 744 + 1984 4879 23804641 238 + 4641 4950 24502500 2450 + 2500 5050 25502500 2550 + 2500 5292 28005264 28 + 5264 7272 52881984 5288 + 1984 7777 60481729 6048 + 1729 9999 99980001 9998 + 1 There are 53 Kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000. Base-17 Kaprekar numbers < 1,000,000: 16 G F1 F + 1 64 3D E2G E + 2G 225 D4 A52G A5 + 2G 288 GG GF01 GF + 1 1536 556 1B43B2 1B4 + 3B2 3377 BBB 8093B2 809 + 3B2 4912 GGG GGF001 GGF + 1 7425 18BD 24E166G 24E + 166G 9280 1F1F 39B1B94 39B + 1B94 16705 36DB B992C42 B99 + 2C42 20736 43CD 10DE32FG 10DE + 32FG 30016 61EB 23593F92 2359 + 3F92 36801 785D 351E433G 351E + 433G 37440 7A96 37144382 3714 + 4382 46081 967B 52G94382 52G9 + 4382 46720 98B4 5575433G 5575 + 433G 53505 AF26 6GA43F92 6GA4 + 3F92 62785 CD44 9A5532FG 9A55 + 32FG 66816 DA36 AEG42C42 AEG4 + 2C42 74241 F1F2 D75F1B94 D75F + 1B94 76096 F854 E1F5166G E1F5 + 166G 83520 GGGG GGGF0001 GGGF + 1 266224 33334 A2C52A07G A2C5 + 2A07G
splitAt = (str, idx) ->
ans = [ str.substring(0, idx), str.substring(idx) ]
if ans[0] == ""
ans[0] = "0"
getKaprekarParts = (longValue, sqrStr, base) ->
for j in [ 0 .. sqrStr.length / 2 ]
parts = splitAt(sqrStr, j)
nums = (parseInt(n, base) for n in parts)
# if the right part is all zeroes, then it will be forever, so break
if nums[1] == 0
return null
if nums[0] + nums[1] == longValue
return parts
base = 10
count = 0
max = 1000000
for i in [1..max]
i2 = i * i
s = i2.toString(base)
p = getKaprekarParts i, s, base
if p
console.log i, i.toString(base), s, p.join '+'
console.log "#{count} Kaprekar numbers < #{max} (base 10) in base #{base}"
- Output:
1 '1' '1' '0+1' 9 '9' '81' '8+1' 45 '45' '2025' '20+25' 55 '55' '3025' '30+25' 99 '99' '9801' '98+01' 297 '297' '88209' '88+209' 703 '703' '494209' '494+209' 999 '999' '998001' '998+001' ... 999999 '999999' '999998000001' '999998+000001' 54 Kaprekar numbers < 1000000 (base 10) in base 10
Common Lisp
Fast solution using casting out nines filter
;; make an infinite list whose accumulated sums give all
;; numbers n where n mod (base - 1) == n^2 mod (base - 1)
(defun res-list (base)
(let* ((b (- base 1))
(l (remove-if-not
(lambda (x) (= (rem x b) (rem (* x x) b)))
(loop for x from 0 below b collect x)))
(ret (append l (list b)))
(cycle (mapcar #'- (cdr ret) ret)))
(setf (cdr (last cycle)) cycle)))
(defun kaprekar-p (n &optional (base 10))
"tests if n is kaprekar in base; if so, return left and right half"
(let ((nn (* n n)) (tens 1))
; Find a start value for base power. nn/tens + (nn mod tens) == n
; can't be sastified if tens <= n: nn/tens = n * n / tens > n
(loop while (< tens n) do
(setf tens (* tens base)))
(if (= tens n) ; n a power of base, can't be a solution except 1
(if (= n 1) (values T 0 1))
(let ((left (truncate nn tens)) (right (mod nn tens)))
(cond ((>= right n) (return nil))
((= n (+ left right)) (return (values T left right))))
(setf tens (* base tens)))))))
(defun ktest (top &optional (base 10))
(format t " # Value Left Right Squared (base ~D)~%" base)
(let ((fmt (format nil "~~4D ~~~D,8R ~~~D,8R ~~~D,8R ~~~D,13R~~%"
base base base base base))
(res (res-list base))
(n 0))
(loop with cnt = 0 while (<= n top) do
(setf n (+ n (car res)))
(setf res (cdr res))
(multiple-value-bind (k l r) (kaprekar-p n base)
(when k (format t fmt (incf cnt) n l r (* n n)))))))
(ktest 1000000)
(ktest 1000000 17)
- Output:
# Value Left Right Squared (base 10) 1 1 0 1 1 2 9 8 1 81 3 45 20 25 2025 4 55 30 25 3025 5 99 98 1 9801 ... 52 961038 923594 37444 923594037444 53 994708 989444 5264 989444005264 54 999999 999998 1 999998000001 # Value Left Right Squared (base 17) 1 1 0 1 1 2 G F 1 F1 3 3D E 2G E2G ... 22 F854 E1F5 166G E1F5166G 23 GGGG GGGF 1 GGGF0001 24 33334 A2C5 2A07G A2C52A07G
In the style of the C++ generator
;; Generate Kaprekar Numbers using Casting Out Nines Generator
;; Nigel Galloway - October 1st., 2012
(defconstant Base 10)
(defconstant MAX 1000000)
(defconstant ran (let ((N ()) (Base-1 (- Base 1))) (do ((cnt Base-1 (- cnt 1))) ((zerop cnt) (return N))
(if (= (mod (* cnt (- cnt 1)) Base-1) 0) (setf N (cons cnt N))))))
(defun kap () (let ((Paddy_cnt 0) (Base-1 (- Base 1))) (do ((n 0 (+ n Base-1))) ((> n MAX) ()) (dolist (G ran)
(let ((N (+ G n))) (if (>= MAX N) (let ((kk (* N N))) (do ((B Base (* B Base))) (nil)
(let (( nr (/ (* N (- B N)) (- B 1)))) (if (< 0 nr) (let ((q (floor (- N nr)))) (if (= kk (+ nr (* q B)))
(format t "~3d: ~8d is ~8d + ~8d and squared is ~8d~&" (incf Paddy_cnt) N q nr kk))
(if (> B kk) (return)))))))))))))
- Output:
1: 1 is 0 + 1 and squared is 1 2: 9 is 8 + 1 and squared is 81 3: 45 is 20 + 25 and squared is 2025 4: 55 is 30 + 25 and squared is 3025 5: 99 is 98 + 1 and squared is 9801 6: 297 is 88 + 209 and squared is 88209 7: 703 is 494 + 209 and squared is 494209 8: 999 is 998 + 1 and squared is 998001 9: 2223 is 494 + 1729 and squared is 4941729 10: 2728 is 744 + 1984 and squared is 7441984 11: 4879 is 238 + 4641 and squared is 23804641 12: 4950 is 2450 + 2500 and squared is 24502500 13: 5050 is 2550 + 2500 and squared is 25502500 14: 5292 is 28 + 5264 and squared is 28005264 15: 7272 is 5288 + 1984 and squared is 52881984 16: 7777 is 6048 + 1729 and squared is 60481729 17: 9999 is 9998 + 1 and squared is 99980001 18: 17344 is 3008 + 14336 and squared is 300814336 19: 22222 is 4938 + 17284 and squared is 493817284 20: 38962 is 1518 + 37444 and squared is 1518037444 21: 77778 is 60494 + 17284 and squared is 6049417284 22: 82656 is 68320 + 14336 and squared is 6832014336 23: 95121 is 90480 + 4641 and squared is 9048004641 24: 99999 is 99998 + 1 and squared is 9999800001 25: 142857 is 20408 + 122449 and squared is 20408122449 26: 148149 is 21948 + 126201 and squared is 21948126201 27: 181819 is 33058 + 148761 and squared is 33058148761 28: 187110 is 35010 + 152100 and squared is 35010152100 29: 208495 is 43470 + 165025 and squared is 43470165025 30: 318682 is 101558 + 217124 and squared is 101558217124 31: 329967 is 108878 + 221089 and squared is 108878221089 32: 351352 is 123448 + 227904 and squared is 123448227904 33: 356643 is 127194 + 229449 and squared is 127194229449 34: 390313 is 152344 + 237969 and squared is 152344237969 35: 461539 is 213018 + 248521 and squared is 213018248521 36: 466830 is 217930 + 248900 and squared is 217930248900 37: 499500 is 249500 + 250000 and squared is 249500250000 38: 500500 is 250500 + 250000 and squared is 250500250000 39: 533170 is 284270 + 248900 and squared is 284270248900 40: 538461 is 289940 + 248521 and squared is 289940248521 41: 609687 is 371718 + 237969 and squared is 371718237969 42: 627615 is 39390 + 588225 and squared is 393900588225 43: 643357 is 413908 + 229449 and squared is 413908229449 44: 648648 is 420744 + 227904 and squared is 420744227904 45: 670033 is 448944 + 221089 and squared is 448944221089 46: 681318 is 464194 + 217124 and squared is 464194217124 47: 791505 is 626480 + 165025 and squared is 626480165025 48: 812890 is 660790 + 152100 and squared is 660790152100 49: 818181 is 669420 + 148761 and squared is 669420148761 50: 851851 is 725650 + 126201 and squared is 725650126201 51: 857143 is 734694 + 122449 and squared is 734694122449 52: 961038 is 923594 + 37444 and squared is 923594037444 53: 994708 is 989444 + 5264 and squared is 989444005264 54: 999999 is 999998 + 1 and squared is 999998000001
With the following timings:
; cpu time (non-gc) 4.680028 sec user, 0.140401 sec system ; cpu time (gc) 3.369624 sec user, 0.015600 sec system ; cpu time (total) 8.049652 sec user, 0.156001 sec system ; real time 8.196000 sec ; space allocation: ; 1,901 cons cells, 674,485,072 other bytes, 0 static bytes
Changing (defconstant MAX 10000000) adds the following:
55: 4444444 is 1975308 + 2469136 and squared is 19753082469136 56: 4927941 is 2428460 + 2499481 and squared is 24284602499481 57: 5072059 is 2572578 + 2499481 and squared is 25725782499481 58: 5479453 is 300244 + 5179209 and squared is 30024405179209 59: 5555556 is 3086420 + 2469136 and squared is 30864202469136 60: 8161912 is 666168 + 7495744 and squared is 66616807495744 61: 9372385 is 8784160 + 588225 and squared is 87841600588225 62: 9999999 is 9999998 + 1 and squared is 99999980000001
With the following timings:
; cpu time (non-gc) 73.850878 sec (00:01:13.850878) user, 0.140400 sec system ; cpu time (gc) 43.274673 sec user, 0.000000 sec system ; cpu time (total) 117.125551 sec (00:01:57.125551) user, 0.140400 sec system ; real time 117.441000 sec (00:01:57.441000) ; space allocation: ; 3,224 cons cells, 242,904,552 other bytes, 0 static bytes
- (defconstant Base 16)
- (defconstant MAX (* 256 256))
- (format t "~3d: ~6x is ~6x + ~6x and squared is ~6x~&" Paddy_cnt Nigel q nr kk)
1: 1 is 0 + 1 and squared is 1 2: 6 is 2 + 4 and squared is 24 3: a is 6 + 4 and squared is 64 4: f is e + 1 and squared is e1 5: 33 is a + 29 and squared is a29 6: 55 is 1c + 39 and squared is 1c39 7: 5b is 2 + 59 and squared is 2059 8: 78 is 38 + 40 and squared is 3840 9: 88 is 48 + 40 and squared is 4840 10: ab is 72 + 39 and squared is 7239 11: cd is a4 + 29 and squared is a429 12: ff is fe + 1 and squared is fe01 13: 15f is 1e + 141 and squared is 1e141 14: 334 is a4 + 290 and squared is a4290 15: 38e is ca + 2c4 and squared is ca2c4 16: 492 is 14e + 344 and squared is 14e344 17: 4ed is 184 + 369 and squared is 184369 18: 7e0 is 3e0 + 400 and squared is 3e0400 19: 820 is 420 + 400 and squared is 420400 20: b13 is 7aa + 369 and squared is 7aa369 21: b6e is 82a + 344 and squared is 82a344 22: c72 is 9ae + 2c4 and squared is 9ae2c4 23: ccc is a3c + 290 and squared is a3c290 24: ea1 is d60 + 141 and squared is d60141 25: fa5 is f4c + 59 and squared is f4c059 26: fff is ffe + 1 and squared is ffe001 27: 191a is 276 + 16a4 and squared is 27616a4 28: 2a2b is 6f2 + 2339 and squared is 6f22339 29: 3c3c is e2c + 2e10 and squared is e2c2e10 30: 4444 is 1234 + 3210 and squared is 12343210 31: 5556 is 1c72 + 38e4 and squared is 1c7238e4 32: 6667 is 28f6 + 3d71 and squared is 28f63d71 33: 7f80 is 3f80 + 4000 and squared is 3f804000 34: 8080 is 4080 + 4000 and squared is 40804000 35: 9999 is 5c28 + 3d71 and squared is 5c283d71 36: aaaa is 71c6 + 38e4 and squared is 71c638e4 37: bbbc is 89ac + 3210 and squared is 89ac3210 38: c3c4 is 95b4 + 2e10 and squared is 95b42e10 39: d5d5 is b29c + 2339 and squared is b29c2339 40: e6e6 is d042 + 16a4 and squared is d04216a4 41: ffff is fffe + 1 and squared is fffe0001
With the following timings:
; cpu time (non-gc) 0.109200 sec user, 0.140401 sec system ; cpu time (gc) 0.109202 sec user, 0.000000 sec system ; cpu time (total) 0.218402 sec user, 0.140401 sec system ; real time 0.345000 sec ; space allocation: ; 1,253 cons cells, 22,987,752 other bytes, 0 static bytes
Straightforward Version
import std.stdio, std.conv, std.algorithm, std.range;
bool isKaprekar(in long n) pure /*nothrow*/ @safe
in {
assert(n > 0, "isKaprekar(n) is defined for n > 0.");
} body {
if (n == 1)
return true;
immutable sn = text(n ^^ 2);
foreach (immutable i; 1 .. sn.length) {
immutable a = sn[0 .. i].to!long;
immutable b = sn[i .. $].to!long;
if (b && a + b == n)
return true;
return false;
void main() {
iota(1, 10_000).filter!isKaprekar.writeln;
iota(1, 1_000_000).count!isKaprekar.writeln;
- Output:
[1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999] 54
Faster Version
Right to left:
bool isKaprekar(in uint n) pure nothrow @nogc @safe {
ulong powr = n ^^ 2UL;
ulong r, l, tens = 10;
while (r < n) {
r = powr % tens;
l = powr / tens;
if (r && (l + r == n))
return true;
tens *= 10;
return false;
void main() {
import std.stdio;
int count = 1;
foreach (immutable i; 1 .. 1_000_000)
if (i.isKaprekar)
writefln("%d: %d", count++, i);
- Output:
1: 1 2: 9 3: 45 4: 55 5: 99 6: 297 7: 703 8: 999 9: 2223 10: 2728 11: 4879 12: 4950 13: 5050 14: 5292 15: 7272 16: 7777 17: 9999 ... 51: 857143 52: 961038 53: 994708 54: 999999
function IsKaprekar(N: integer): boolean;
{Return true if N is a Kaperkar number}
var S,S1,S2: string;
var N1,N2,Sum: cardinal;
var Sp: integer;
if N=1 then exit;
{Convert N^2 to string}
S:=IntToStr(N * N);
{Try all different splits}
for Sp:=2 to Length(S) do
{Split into two strings}
{Convert to integers}
{Zeros aren't allowed}
if (N1=0) or (N2=0) then continue;
{Test if sum matches original number}
Sum:=N1 + N2;
if Sum=N then exit;
procedure ShowKaprekarNumbers(Memo: TMemo);
{Find all Kaprekar numbers less than 10,000}
var S: string;
var I: integer;
for I:=1 to 10000 do
if IsKaprekar(I) then Memo.Lines.Add(IntToStr(I));
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999
import 'dart:math';
void main() {
for (int x1 = 1; x1 < 1000000; x1++) {
int x = pow(x1, 2).toInt();
int i = 0;
while (true) {
int z = pow(10, i).toInt();
if (x % z == x) break;
if (i % 2 == 0) {
int y = pow(10, i ~/ 2).toInt();
int l = x % y;
double o = x / y;
o = o - l / y;
double o3 = o;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if (o % 10 == 0) {
o = o / 10;
} else {
if (o + l == x1 || o3 + l == x1) {
} else {
int y1 = pow(10, (i + 1) ~/ 2).toInt();
int l1 = x % y1;
double o1 = x / y1;
o1 = o1 - l1 / y1;
double o2 = o1;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if (o1 % 10 == 0) {
o1 = o1 / 10;
} else {
if (o1 + l1 == x1 || o2 + l1 == x1) {
func karp n .
h = n * n
e = 1
while h > 0
t += h mod 10 * e
e = e * 10
h = h div 10
if t > 0 and h + t = n
return 1
for i to 9999
if karp i = 1
write i & " "
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999
defmodule KaprekarNumber do
def check(n), do: check(n, 10)
def check(1,_base), do: {"1", ""}
def check(n, base) when rem(n*(n-1), (base-1)) != 0, do: false # casting out nine
def check(n, base) do
square = Integer.to_string(n*n, base)
check(n, base, square, 1, String.length(square)-1)
defp check(_, _, _, _, 0), do: false
defp check(n, base, square, i, remainder) do
{a, b} = String.split_at(square, i)
if String.to_integer(b, base) == 0 do
sum = String.to_integer(a, base) + String.to_integer(b, base)
if n == sum, do: {a, b}, else: check(n, base, square, i+1, remainder-1)
Enum.each(1..9_999, fn n ->
if result = KaprekarNumber.check(n) do
{a, b} = result
:io.fwrite "~6w ~8s ~s + ~s~n", [n, a<>b, a, b]
# Extra credit
count = Enum.reduce(1..999_999, 0, fn n,acc ->
if KaprekarNumber.check(n), do: acc + 1, else: acc
IO.puts "\n#{count} kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000"
# Extra extra credit
base = 17
IO.puts "\nbase #{base} kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000(base10)"
Enum.each(1..999_999, fn n ->
if result = KaprekarNumber.check(n, base) do
{a, b} = result
:io.fwrite "~7w ~5s ~9s ~s + ~s~n", [n, Integer.to_string(n,base), a<>b, a, b]
- Output:
1 1 1 + 9 81 8 + 1 45 2025 20 + 25 55 3025 30 + 25 99 9801 98 + 01 297 88209 88 + 209 703 494209 494 + 209 999 998001 998 + 001 2223 4941729 494 + 1729 2728 7441984 744 + 1984 4879 23804641 238 + 04641 4950 24502500 2450 + 2500 5050 25502500 2550 + 2500 5292 28005264 28 + 005264 7272 52881984 5288 + 1984 7777 60481729 6048 + 1729 9999 99980001 9998 + 0001 54 kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000 base 17 kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000(base10) 1 1 1 1 + 16 G F1 F + 1 64 3D E2G E + 2G 225 D4 A52G A5 + 2G 288 GG GF01 GF + 01 1536 556 1B43B2 1B4 + 3B2 3377 BBB 8093B2 809 + 3B2 4912 GGG GGF001 GGF + 001 7425 18BD 24E166G 24E + 166G 9280 1F1F 39B1B94 39B + 1B94 16705 36DB B992C42 B99 + 2C42 20736 43CD 10DE32FG 10DE + 32FG 30016 61EB 23593F92 2359 + 3F92 36801 785D 351E433G 351E + 433G 37440 7A96 37144382 3714 + 4382 46081 967B 52G94382 52G9 + 4382 46720 98B4 5575433G 5575 + 433G 53505 AF26 6GA43F92 6GA4 + 3F92 62785 CD44 9A5532FG 9A55 + 32FG 66816 DA36 AEG42C42 AEG4 + 2C42 74241 F1F2 D75F1B94 D75F + 1B94 76096 F854 E1F5166G E1F5 + 166G 83520 GGGG GGGF0001 GGGF + 0001 266224 33334 A2C52A07G A2C5 + 2A07G
-import(lists, [seq/2]).
kaprekar(1) -> true;
kaprekar(N) when N < 1 -> false;
kaprekar(N) ->
Sq = N*N,
(N rem 9) =/= (Sq rem 9) -> false;
true -> kaprekar(N, Sq, 10)
kaprekar(_, Sq, M) when (Sq div M) =:= 0 -> false;
kaprekar(N, Sq, M) ->
L = Sq div M,
R = Sq rem M,
R =/= 0 andalso (L + R) =:= N -> true;
true -> kaprekar(N, Sq, M * 10)
main(_) ->
Numbers = [N || N <- seq(1, 9999), kaprekar(N)],
io:format("The Kaprekar numbers < 10,000 are ~p~n", [Numbers]),
CountTo1e6 = length(Numbers) + length([N || N <- seq(10001, 999999), kaprekar(N)]),
io:format("There are ~p Kaprekar numbers < 1,000,000", [CountTo1e6]).
- Output:
The Kaprekar numbers < 10,000 are [1,9,45,55,99,297,703,999,2223,2728,4879, 4950,5050,5292,7272,7777,9999] There are 54 Kaprekar numbers < 1,000,000
Euler Math Toolbox
>function map kaprekarp (n) ...
$ m=n*n;
$ p=10;
$ repeat
$ i=floor(m/p);
$ j=mod(m,p);
$ if j==0 then return 0; endif;
$ if i+j==n then return 1; endif;
$ p=p*10;
$ until p>m;
$ end;
$ return 0;
[ 1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 5292 7272 7777
9999 17344 22222 38962 77778 82656 95121 99999 ]
// Count digits in number
let digits x =
let rec digits' p x =
if 10.**p > x then p else digits' (p + 1.) x
digits' 1. x
// Is n a Kaprekar number?
let isKaprekar n =
// Reference: http://oeis.org/A006886
// Positive numbers n such that n=q+r
// And n^2=q*10^m+r,
// for some m >= 1,
// q>=0 and 0<=r<10^m,
// with n != 10^a, a>=1.
let nSquared = n * n
let a = float((digits n) - 1.)
// Create a list of tuples from the nSquared digit splits
[1. .. float (digits nSquared)]
|> List.map (fun e ->
// Splits the nSquared digits into 2 parts
let x = 10.**e
let q = float(int(Math.Floor (nSquared / x)))
let r = nSquared - (q * x)
(q, r))
// Filter results based on rules
|> List.exists (fun (q, r) ->
q + r = n &&
if a >= 1. then n % 10.**a <> 0. else true)
// List Kaprekar numbers from 1 to 10,000
[1 .. 10000]
|> List.filter (float >> isKaprekar)
This solution is based on the following Haskell code: [1].
USING: io kernel lists lists.lazy locals math math.functions
math.ranges prettyprint sequences ;
:: kaprekar? ( n -- ? )
n sq :> sqr
1 lfrom
[ 10 swap ^ ] lmap-lazy
[ n > ] lfilter
[ sqr swap mod n < ] lwhile
[ 1 - sqr n - swap mod zero? ] any?
n 1 = or ;
1,000,000 [1,b] [ kaprekar? ] filter dup . length
"Count of Kaprekar numbers <= 1,000,000: " write .
- Output:
V{ 1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 ... 851851 857143 961038 994708 999999 } Count of Kaprekar numbers <= 1,000,000: 54
This one takes the internal Forth variable BASE into account. Since Forth is perfectly suited to work with any base between 2 and 36, this works just fine.
: square ( n - n^2) dup * ;
\ Return nonzero if n is a Kaprekar number for tens, where tens is a
\ nonzero power of base.
: is-kaprekar? ( tens n n^2 - t) rot /mod over >r + = r> and ;
\ If n is a Kaprekar number, return is the power of base for which it
\ is Kaprekar. If n is not a Kaprekar number, return zero.
: kaprekar ( +n - +n1)
dup square >r
base @ swap
begin ( tens n) ( R: n^2)
over r@ < while
2dup r@ is-kaprekar? if
drop r> drop exit then
swap base @ * swap
r> drop 1 = and ;
program Karpekar_Numbers
implicit none
integer, parameter :: i64 = selected_int_kind(18)
integer :: count
call karpekar(10000_i64, .true.)
call karpekar(1000000_i64, .false.)
subroutine karpekar(n, printnums)
integer(i64), intent(in) :: n
logical, intent(in) :: printnums
integer(i64) :: c, i, j, n1, n2
character(19) :: str, s1, s2
c = 0
do i = 1, n
write(str, "(i0)") i*i
do j = 0, len_trim(str)-1
s1 = str(1:j)
s2 = str(j+1:len_trim(str))
read(s1, "(i19)") n1
read(s2, "(i19)") n2
if(n2 == 0) cycle
if(n1 + n2 == i) then
c = c + 1
if (printnums .eqv. .true.) write(*, "(i0)") i
end if
end do
end do
if (printnums .eqv. .false.) write(*, "(i0)") c
end subroutine
end program
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 54
' version 04-12-2016
' compile with: fbc -s console
' define true and false for older versions
#Ifndef TRUE
#Define FALSE 0
#Define TRUE Not FALSE
#Define max 1000000 ' maximum for number to be tested
Function kaprekar(n As ULong) As ULong
If n = 1 Then Return TRUE
Dim As ULong x, p1, p2
Dim As ULongInt sq = CLngInt(n) * n
Dim As String sq_str = Str(sq)
Dim As ULong l = Len(sq_str)
' decrease the lenght l for every "0"
' at the end of the string
For x = l -1 To 1 Step -1
If sq_str[x] = Asc("0") Then
l = l -1
Exit For
End If
For x = 1 To l -1
p2 = Val(Mid(sq_str, x +1))
If p2 > n Then
Continue For
End If
p1 = Val(Left(sq_str, x))
If p1 > n Then Return FALSE ' p1 > n leave
If (p1 + p2) = n Then Return TRUE
End Function
' ------=< MAIN >=------
Dim As ULong n, count
Print "Kaprekar numbers below 10000"
For n = 1 To max -1
If kaprekar(n) = TRUE Then
count = count + 1
If n < 10000 Then
Print count, n
End If
End If
Print count;" numbers below "; Str(max);" are Kaprekar numbers"
' empty keyboard buffer
While Inkey <> "" : Wend
Print : Print "hit any key to end program"
- Output:
Kaprekar numbers below 10000 1 1 2 9 3 45 4 55 5 99 6 297 7 703 8 999 9 2223 10 2728 11 4879 12 4950 13 5050 14 5292 15 7272 16 7777 17 9999 54 numbers below 1000000 are Kaprekar numbers
isKaprekar[n, base=10] :=
if n==1
return [1, 1, 1]
s = base[n^2, base]
for i=1 to length[s]-1
ls = left[s,i]
l = parseInt[ls, base]
rs = right[s,-i]
r = parseInt[rs, base]
if isPositive[l] and isPositive[r] and l+r == n
return [n, s, "$ls + $rs"]
return undef
f = {|x| isKaprekar[x] != undef}
println[formatTable[select[1 to 9999, f], "right"]]
print[length[select[1 to 999_999, f]]]
println[" Kaprekar numbers less than 1,000,000"]
println["\nKaprekar numbers in base 17:"]
results = new array
for i = 1 to 999_999
r = isKaprekar[i, 17]
if r != undef
println[formatTable[results, "right"]]
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 54 Kaprekar numbers less than 1,000,000 Kaprekar numbers in base 17: 1 1 1 16 f1 f + 1 64 e2g e + 2g 225 a52g a5 + 2g 288 gf01 gf + 01 1536 1b43b2 1b4 + 3b2 3377 8093b2 809 + 3b2 4912 ggf001 ggf + 001 7425 24e166g 24e + 166g 9280 39b1b94 39b + 1b94 16705 b992c42 b99 + 2c42 20736 10de32fg 10de + 32fg 30016 23593f92 2359 + 3f92 36801 351e433g 351e + 433g 37440 37144382 3714 + 4382 46081 52g94382 52g9 + 4382 46720 5575433g 5575 + 433g 53505 6ga43f92 6ga4 + 3f92 62785 9a5532fg 9a55 + 32fg 66816 aeg42c42 aeg4 + 2c42 74241 d75f1b94 d75f + 1b94 76096 e1f5166g e1f5 + 166g 83520 gggf0001 gggf + 0001 266224 a2c52a07g a2c5 + 2a07g
local fn kaprekar( n as NSInteger ) as BOOL
NSInteger s = n^2
double t = 10^(int(log(s)) + 1)
BOOL result = NO
t = t / 10
if t <= n then break
if s - n == int(s/t)*(t-1) then result = YES : exit fn
until ( t <= n )
result = ( n = YES )
end fn = result
local fn DoIt
NSInteger i
float n = 0
for i = 1 to 1000000
if ( fn kaprekar(i) )
if i < 1000000 then printf @"%2.f : %ld", n, i
end if
print "Kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000 = "; n
end fn
fn DoIt
- Output:
1 : 1 2 : 9 3 : 45 4 : 55 5 : 99 6 : 297 7 : 703 8 : 999 9 : 2223 10 : 2728 11 : 4879 12 : 4950 13 : 5050 14 : 5292 15 : 7272 16 : 7777 17 : 9999 18 : 17344 19 : 22222 20 : 38962 21 : 77778 22 : 82656 23 : 95121 24 : 99999 25 : 142857 26 : 148149 27 : 181819 28 : 187110 29 : 208495 30 : 318682 31 : 329967 32 : 351352 33 : 356643 34 : 390313 35 : 461539 36 : 466830 37 : 499500 38 : 500500 39 : 533170 40 : 538461 41 : 609687 42 : 627615 43 : 643357 44 : 648648 45 : 670033 46 : 681318 47 : 791505 48 : 812890 49 : 818181 50 : 851851 51 : 857143 52 : 961038 53 : 994708 54 : 999999 Kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000 = �54
IsKaprekar := function(n)
local a, b, p, q;
if n = 1 then
return true;
q := n*n;
p := 10;
while p < q do
a := RemInt(q, p);
b := QuoInt(q, p);
if a > 0 and a + b = n then
return true;
p := p*10;
return false;
Filtered([1 .. 10000], IsKaprekar);
# [ 1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272,
# 7777, 9999 ]
# 17
Filtered([1 .. 1000000], IsKaprekar);
# [ 1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272,
# 7777, 9999, 17344, 22222, 38962, 77778, 82656, 95121, 99999, 142857,
# 148149, 181819, 187110, 208495, 318682, 329967, 351352, 356643, 390313,
# 461539, 466830, 499500, 500500, 533170, 538461, 609687, 627615, 643357,
# 648648, 670033, 681318, 791505, 812890, 818181, 851851, 857143, 961038,
# 994708, 999999 ]
# 54
IsKaprekarAndHow := function(n, base)
local a, b, p, q;
if n = 1 then
return true;
q := n*n;
p := base;
while p < q do
a := RemInt(q, p);
b := QuoInt(q, p);
if a > 0 and a + b = n then
return [a, b];
p := p*base;
return false;
IntegerToBaseRep := function(n, base)
local s, digit;
if base > 36 then
return fail;
elif n = 0 then
return "0";
s := "";
while n <> 0 do
Add(s, digit[RemInt(n, base) + 1]);
n := QuoInt(n, base);
return Reversed(s);
PrintIfKaprekar := function(n, base)
local v;
v := IsKaprekarAndHow(n, base);
if IsList(v) then
Print(n, "(10) or in base ", base, ", ",
IntegerToBaseRep(n, base), "^2 = ",
IntegerToBaseRep(n^2, base), " and ",
IntegerToBaseRep(v[2], base), " + ",
IntegerToBaseRep(v[1], base), " = ",
IntegerToBaseRep(n, base), "\n");
return fail;
# In base 17...
Perform([1 .. 1000000], n -> PrintIfKaprekar(n, 17));
# 16(10) or in base 17, G^2 = F1 and F + 1 = G
# 64(10) or in base 17, 3D^2 = E2G and E + 2G = 3D
# 225(10) or in base 17, D4^2 = A52G and A5 + 2G = D4
# 288(10) or in base 17, GG^2 = GF01 and GF + 1 = GG
# 1536(10) or in base 17, 556^2 = 1B43B2 and 1B4 + 3B2 = 556
# 3377(10) or in base 17, BBB^2 = 8093B2 and 809 + 3B2 = BBB
# 4912(10) or in base 17, GGG^2 = GGF001 and GGF + 1 = GGG
# 7425(10) or in base 17, 18BD^2 = 24E166G and 24E + 166G = 18BD
# 9280(10) or in base 17, 1F1F^2 = 39B1B94 and 39B + 1B94 = 1F1F
# 16705(10) or in base 17, 36DB^2 = B992C42 and B99 + 2C42 = 36DB
# 20736(10) or in base 17, 43CD^2 = 10DE32FG and 10DE + 32FG = 43CD
# 30016(10) or in base 17, 61EB^2 = 23593F92 and 2359 + 3F92 = 61EB
# 36801(10) or in base 17, 785D^2 = 351E433G and 351E + 433G = 785D
# 37440(10) or in base 17, 7A96^2 = 37144382 and 3714 + 4382 = 7A96
# 46081(10) or in base 17, 967B^2 = 52G94382 and 52G9 + 4382 = 967B
# 46720(10) or in base 17, 98B4^2 = 5575433G and 5575 + 433G = 98B4
# 53505(10) or in base 17, AF26^2 = 6GA43F92 and 6GA4 + 3F92 = AF26
# 62785(10) or in base 17, CD44^2 = 9A5532FG and 9A55 + 32FG = CD44
# 66816(10) or in base 17, DA36^2 = AEG42C42 and AEG4 + 2C42 = DA36
# 74241(10) or in base 17, F1F2^2 = D75F1B94 and D75F + 1B94 = F1F2
# 76096(10) or in base 17, F854^2 = E1F5166G and E1F5 + 166G = F854
# 83520(10) or in base 17, GGGG^2 = GGGF0001 and GGGF + 1 = GGGG
# 266224(10) or in base 17, 33334^2 = A2C52A07G and A2C5 + 2A07G = 33334
Using the Ada interpretation of 1000000 base 17:
package main
import (
func kaprekar(n uint64, base uint64) (bool, int) {
order := 0
if n == 1 {
return true, -1
nn, power := n*n, uint64(1)
for power <= nn {
power *= base
power /= base
for ; power > 1; power /= base {
q, r := nn/power, nn%power
if q >= n {
return false, -1
if q+r == n {
return true, order
return false, -1
func main() {
max := uint64(10000)
fmt.Printf("Kaprekar numbers < %d:\n", max)
for m := uint64(0); m < max; m++ {
if is, _ := kaprekar(m, 10); is {
fmt.Println(" ", m)
// extra credit
max = 1e6
var count int
for m := uint64(0); m < max; m++ {
if is, _ := kaprekar(m, 10); is {
fmt.Printf("\nThere are %d Kaprekar numbers < %d.\n", count, max)
// extra extra credit
const base = 17
maxB := "1000000"
fmt.Printf("\nKaprekar numbers between 1 and %s(base %d):\n", maxB, base)
max, _ = strconv.ParseUint(maxB, base, 64)
fmt.Printf("\n Base 10 Base %d Square Split\n", base)
for m := uint64(2); m < max; m++ {
is, pos := kaprekar(m, base)
if !is {
sq := strconv.FormatUint(m*m, base)
str := strconv.FormatUint(m, base)
split := len(sq)-pos
fmt.Printf("%8d %7s %12s %6s + %s\n", m,
str, sq, sq[:split], sq[split:]) // optional extra extra credit
- Output:
Kaprekar numbers < 10000: 1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 There are 54 Kaprekar numbers < 1000000. Kaprekar numbers between 1 and 1000000(base 17): Base 10 Base 17 Square Split 16 g f1 f + 1 64 3d e2g e + 2g 225 d4 a52g a5 + 2g 288 gg gf01 gf + 01 1536 556 1b43b2 1b4 + 3b2 3377 bbb 8093b2 809 + 3b2 4912 ggg ggf001 ggf + 001 7425 18bd 24e166g 24e + 166g 9280 1f1f 39b1b94 39b + 1b94 16705 36db b992c42 b99 + 2c42 20736 43cd 10de32fg 10de + 32fg 30016 61eb 23593f92 2359 + 3f92 36801 785d 351e433g 351e + 433g 37440 7a96 37144382 3714 + 4382 46081 967b 52g94382 52g9 + 4382 46720 98b4 5575433g 5575 + 433g 53505 af26 6ga43f92 6ga4 + 3f92 62785 cd44 9a5532fg 9a55 + 32fg 66816 da36 aeg42c42 aeg4 + 2c42 74241 f1f2 d75f1b94 d75f + 1b94 76096 f854 e1f5166g e1f5 + 166g 83520 gggg gggf0001 gggf + 0001 266224 33334 a2c52a07g a2c5 + 2a07g 1153633 ddddd b3d5e2a07g b3d5e + 2a07g 1334529 fgacc f0540f1a78 f054 + 0f1a78 1419856 ggggg ggggf00001 ggggf + 00001 1787968 146fca 19g4c12dg7f 19g4c + 12dg7f 3122497 236985 4e3be1f95d8 4e3be + 1f95d8 3773952 2b32b3 711cb2420f9 711cb + 2420f9 4243968 2gde03 8fegb27eg09 8fegb + 27eg09 5108481 3a2d6f cg10b2e3c64 cg10b + 2e3c64 5561920 3fa16d f5eae3043cg f5eae + 3043cg 6031936 443ccd 110dde332ffg 110dde + 332ffg 6896449 4e9c28 16a10c37gb1d 16a10c + 37gb1d 7435233 54067b 1a72g93aa382 1a72g9 + 3aa382 8017920 5aggb6 1ef1d43d1ef2 1ef1d4 + 3d1ef2 9223201 687534 2835c5403g7g 2835c5 + 403g7g 9805888 6f6f6g 2dbe3f41c131 2dbe3f + 41c131 11140416 7e692a 3a997c43dgbf 3a997c + 43dgbf 11209185 7f391e 3b58d543f059 3b58d5 + 43f059 12928384 91d7f3 4ef79b43f059 4ef79b + 43f059 12997153 92a7e7 4fd82943dgbf 4fd829 + 43dgbf 14331681 a1a1a1 5gf07041c131 5gf070 + 41c131 14914368 a89bdd 685c5e403g7g 685c5e + 403g7g 16119649 b6005b 79f2793d1ef2 79f279 + 3d1ef2 16702336 bcga96 8267143aa382 826714 + 3aa382 17241120 c274e9 8b7acd37gb1d 8b7acd + 37gb1d 18105633 ccd444 99a555332ffg 99a555 + 332ffg 18575649 d16fa4 a12be53043cg a12be5 + 3043cg 19029088 d6e3a2 a9a83f2e3c64 a9a83f + 2e3c64 19893601 e032ge b953g527eg09 b953g5 + 27eg09 20363617 e5de5e c1bd752420f9 c1bd75 + 2420f9 21015072 eda78c cf11c41f95d8 cf11c4 + 1f95d8 22349601 fca147 e9d1d912dg7f e9d1d9 + 12dg7f 22803040 g10645 f2fcde0f1a78 f2fcde + 0f1a78 24137568 gggggg gggggf000001 gggggf + 000001
class Kaprekar {
private static String[] splitAt(String str, int idx) {
String[] ans = new String[2]
ans[0] = str.substring(0, idx)
if (ans[0] == "") ans[0] = "0" //parsing "" throws an exception
ans[1] = str.substring(idx)
return ans
static void main(String[] args) {
int count = 0
int base = (args.length > 0) ? Integer.parseInt(args[0]) : 10
for (long i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++) {
String sqrStr = Long.toString(i * i, base)
for (int j = 0; j < sqrStr.length() / 2 + 1; j++) {
String[] parts = splitAt(sqrStr, j)
if (parts[1] == "") continue
long firstNum = Long.parseLong(parts[0], base)
long secNum = Long.parseLong(parts[1], base)
//if the right part is all zeroes, then it will be forever, so break
if (secNum == 0) break
if (firstNum + secNum == i) {
System.out.println(i + "\t" + Long.toString(i, base) + "\t" + sqrStr + "\t" + parts[0] + " + " + parts[1])
System.out.println(count + " Kaprekar numbers < 1000000 (base 10) in base " + base)
- Output:
1 1 1 0 + 1 9 9 81 8 + 1 45 45 2025 20 + 25 55 55 3025 30 + 25 99 99 9801 98 + 01 297 297 88209 88 + 209 703 703 494209 494 + 209 999 999 998001 998 + 001 2223 2223 4941729 494 + 1729 2728 2728 7441984 744 + 1984 4879 4879 23804641 238 + 04641 4950 4950 24502500 2450 + 2500 5050 5050 25502500 2550 + 2500 5292 5292 28005264 28 + 005264 7272 7272 52881984 5288 + 1984 7777 7777 60481729 6048 + 1729 9999 9999 99980001 9998 + 0001 17344 17344 300814336 3008 + 14336 22222 22222 493817284 4938 + 17284 38962 38962 1518037444 1518 + 037444 77778 77778 6049417284 60494 + 17284 82656 82656 6832014336 68320 + 14336 95121 95121 9048004641 90480 + 04641 99999 99999 9999800001 99998 + 00001 142857 142857 20408122449 20408 + 122449 148149 148149 21948126201 21948 + 126201 181819 181819 33058148761 33058 + 148761 187110 187110 35010152100 35010 + 152100 208495 208495 43470165025 43470 + 165025 318682 318682 101558217124 101558 + 217124 329967 329967 108878221089 108878 + 221089 351352 351352 123448227904 123448 + 227904 356643 356643 127194229449 127194 + 229449 390313 390313 152344237969 152344 + 237969 461539 461539 213018248521 213018 + 248521 466830 466830 217930248900 217930 + 248900 499500 499500 249500250000 249500 + 250000 500500 500500 250500250000 250500 + 250000 533170 533170 284270248900 284270 + 248900 538461 538461 289940248521 289940 + 248521 609687 609687 371718237969 371718 + 237969 627615 627615 393900588225 39390 + 0588225 643357 643357 413908229449 413908 + 229449 648648 648648 420744227904 420744 + 227904 670033 670033 448944221089 448944 + 221089 681318 681318 464194217124 464194 + 217124 791505 791505 626480165025 626480 + 165025 812890 812890 660790152100 660790 + 152100 818181 818181 669420148761 669420 + 148761 851851 851851 725650126201 725650 + 126201 857143 857143 734694122449 734694 + 122449 961038 961038 923594037444 923594 + 037444 994708 994708 989444005264 989444 + 005264 999999 999999 999998000001 999998 + 000001 54 Kaprekar numbers < 1000000 (base 10) in base 10
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Numeric (showIntAtBase)
kaprekars :: Integer -> Integer -> [(Integer, Integer, Integer)]
kaprekars base top = (1, 0, 1) : mapMaybe kap (filter res [2 .. top])
res x = x * (x - 1) `mod` (base - 1) == 0
kap n =
getSplit $
takeWhile (<= nn) $ dropWhile (< n) $ iterate (* toInteger base) 1
nn = n * n
getSplit [] = Nothing
getSplit (p:ps)
| p == n = Nothing
| q + r == n = Just (n, q, r)
| r > n = Nothing
| otherwise = getSplit ps
(q, r) = nn `divMod` p
heading :: Int -> String
heading = printf (h ++ d)
h = " # Value (base 10) Sum (base %d) Square\n"
d = " - --------------- ------------- ------"
printKap :: Integer -> (Int, (Integer, Integer, Integer)) -> String
printKap b (i, (n, l, r)) =
printf "%2d %13s %26s %16s" i (show n) ss (base b (n * n))
ss = base b n ++ " = " ++ base b l ++ " + " ++ base b r
base b n = showIntAtBase b (("0123456789" ++ ['a' .. 'z']) !!) n ""
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ heading 10
mapM_ (putStrLn . printKap 10) $ zip [1 ..] (kaprekars 10 1000000)
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ heading 17
mapM_ (putStrLn . printKap 17) $ zip [1 ..] (kaprekars 17 1000000)
- Output:
# Value (base 10) Sum (base 10) Square - --------------- ------------- ------ 1 1 1 = 1 + 0 1 2 9 9 = 8 + 1 81 3 45 45 = 20 + 25 2025 4 55 55 = 30 + 25 3025 5 99 99 = 98 + 1 9801 6 297 297 = 88 + 209 88209 7 703 703 = 494 + 209 494209 8 999 999 = 998 + 1 998001 9 2223 2223 = 494 + 1729 4941729 10 2728 2728 = 744 + 1984 7441984 11 4879 4879 = 238 + 4641 23804641 12 4950 4950 = 2450 + 2500 24502500 13 5050 5050 = 2550 + 2500 25502500 14 5292 5292 = 28 + 5264 28005264 15 7272 7272 = 5288 + 1984 52881984 16 7777 7777 = 6048 + 1729 60481729 17 9999 9999 = 9998 + 1 99980001 18 17344 17344 = 3008 + 14336 300814336 19 22222 22222 = 4938 + 17284 493817284 20 38962 38962 = 1518 + 37444 1518037444 21 77778 77778 = 60494 + 17284 6049417284 22 82656 82656 = 68320 + 14336 6832014336 23 95121 95121 = 90480 + 4641 9048004641 24 99999 99999 = 99998 + 1 9999800001 . . . 51 857143 857143 = 734694 + 122449 734694122449 52 961038 961038 = 923594 + 37444 923594037444 53 994708 994708 = 989444 + 5264 989444005264 54 999999 999999 = 999998 + 1 999998000001 # Value (base 10) Sum (base 17) Square - --------------- ------------- ------ 1 1 1 = 1 + 0 1 2 16 g = f + 1 f1 3 64 3d = e + 2g e2g 4 225 d4 = a5 + 2g a52g 5 288 gg = gf + 1 gf01 . . . 21 74241 f1f2 = d75f + 1b94 d75f1b94 22 76096 f854 = e1f5 + 166g e1f5166g 23 83520 gggg = gggf + 1 gggf0001 24 266224 33334 = a2c5 + 2a07g a2c52a07g
Generating Kaprekar numbers by factorizing b^n - 1:
import Control.Monad (foldM, join)
import Data.List (group, nub, sort)
primes :: [Int]
primes = 2 : 3 : filter isPrime (scanl (+) 5 $ cycle [2, 4])
isPrime x = all ((0 /=) . mod x) $ takeWhile ((<= x) . join (*)) primes
unitFactors :: Int -> [Int]
unitFactors n = map product $ group $ f n $ takeWhile ((<= n) . join (*)) primes
f 1 [] = []
f n [] = [n]
f n (p:ps)
| n `mod` p == 0 = p : f (n `div` p) (p : ps)
| otherwise = f n ps
-- all factors x of n where x and n/x are coprime
factors :: Int -> [Int]
factors = foldM f 1 . unitFactors
f x a = [x, x * a]
-- modulo multiplication inverse: returns a where a x + b y == 1
inverse :: Int -> Int -> Int
inverse x y =
if a < 0
then a + y
else a
(a, b) = extEuclid x y
extEuclid _ 0 = (1, 0)
extEuclid x y = (t, s - q * t)
(s, t) = extEuclid y r
(q, r) = x `divMod` y
kaprekars :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
kaprekars base top =
nub . sort . concatMap kaps $
takeWhile (<= top * top `div` base ^ 2) $ (\x -> base ^ x - 1) <$> [1 ..]
kaps pb = filter (<= top) $ f <$> factors pb
f x
| x == pb = pb
| otherwise = x * inverse x (pb `div` x)
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ print $ kaprekars 10 10000000
Icon and Unicon
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 Number of Kaprekar numbers less than 1000000 is 54
kapbase=: 0,. [ ^ 1 + [: i. 1 + [ <.@^. >.&1
isKap=: 1 e. ] ((0 < {:"1@]) *. [ = +/"1@]) kapbase #: *:@]
Example use:
I. 10 isKap"0 i.1e6
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 17344 22222 38962 77778 82656 95121 99999 142857 148149 181819 187110 208495 318682 329967 351352 356643 390313 461539 466830 499500 500500 533170 538461 609687 627615 643357 648648 670033 681318 791505 812890 818181 851851 857143 961038 994708 999999
"Extra credit": (text representing numbers left in boxes for alignment purposes)
]K17=: I. 17 isKap"0 i.1e6
1 16 64 225 288 1536 3377 4912 7425 9280 16705 20736 30016 36801 37440 46081 46720 53505 62785 66816 74241 76096 83520 266224
base=: [: (] u:@+ 39 * 57 < ]) 48 + #.inv
17 ([ base&.> ],*:@],] (] {:@,@#~ (0 < {:"1@]) *. [ = +/"1@]) kapbase #: *:@])"0 x:K17
│1 │1 │1 │
│g │f1 │1 │
│3d │e2g │2g │
│d4 │a52g │2g │
│gg │gf01 │1 │
│556 │1b43b2 │3b2 │
│bbb │8093b2 │3b2 │
│ggg │ggf001 │1 │
│18bd │24e166g │166g │
│1f1f │39b1b94 │1b94 │
│36db │b992c42 │2c42 │
│43cd │10de32fg │32fg │
│61eb │23593f92 │3f92 │
│785d │351e433g │433g │
│7a96 │37144382 │4382 │
│967b │52g94382 │4382 │
│98b4 │5575433g │433g │
│af26 │6ga43f92 │3f92 │
│cd44 │9a5532fg │32fg │
│da36 │aeg42c42 │2c42 │
│f1f2 │d75f1b94 │1b94 │
│f854 │e1f5166g │166g │
│gggg │gggf0001 │1 │
The fastest times can be obtained by two optimizations: first, partitions with over half of the digits on the left (i.e. more than 3 for a 5-digit number) will not be considered because the left half is mathematically guaranteed to be greater than the original number in this case. Second, the numbers are computed in groups corresponding to the number of digits in their squares to allow isKap to be computed at full rank. Note that this method excludes 1, so it must be added manually to the list of solutions.
kapbase=: 0,.10 ^ [: (<.+i.@>.)@(-:&.<:) 10 <.@^. >.&1
isKapGroup=: [: +./"1 (((0 < {:"1@]) *. [ = +/"1@]) (kapbase@{: #:"2 0 ])@:*:)
6!:2 'a=.1, I. ([:; (<@isKapGroup/.~ 10<.@^.*:)) i.1e6'
Alternative solution: The following is a more naive, mechanical solution
splitNum=: {. ,&(_&".) }.
allSplits=: (i.&.<:@# splitNum"0 1 ])@":
sumValidSplits=: +/"1@:(#~ 0 -.@e."1 ])
filterKaprekar=: #~ ] e."0 1 [: sumValidSplits@allSplits"0 *:
Example use:
filterKaprekar i. 10000
0 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999
#filterKaprekar i. 1e6
public class Kaprekar {
private static String[] splitAt(String str, int idx){
String[] ans = new String[2];
ans[0] = str.substring(0, idx);
if(ans[0].equals("")) ans[0] = "0"; //parsing "" throws an exception
ans[1] = str.substring(idx);
return ans;
public static void main(String[] args){
int count = 0;
int base = (args.length > 0) ? Integer.parseInt(args[0]) : 10;
for(long i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++){
String sqrStr = Long.toString(i * i, base);
for(int j = 0; j < sqrStr.length() / 2 + 1; j++){
String[] parts = splitAt(sqrStr, j);
long firstNum = Long.parseLong(parts[0], base);
long secNum = Long.parseLong(parts[1], base);
//if the right part is all zeroes, then it will be forever, so break
if(secNum == 0) break;
if(firstNum + secNum == i){
System.out.println(i + "\t" + Long.toString(i, base) +
"\t" + sqrStr + "\t" + parts[0] + " + " + parts[1]);
System.out.println(count + " Kaprekar numbers < 1000000 (base 10) in base "+base);
- Output:
(base 10, shortened)
1 1 1 0 + 1 9 9 81 8 + 1 45 45 2025 20 + 25 55 55 3025 30 + 25 99 99 9801 98 + 01 297 297 88209 88 + 209 703 703 494209 494 + 209 999 999 998001 998 + 001 2223 2223 4941729 494 + 1729 2728 2728 7441984 744 + 1984 4879 4879 23804641 238 + 04641 4950 4950 24502500 2450 + 2500 5050 5050 25502500 2550 + 2500 5292 5292 28005264 28 + 005264 7272 7272 52881984 5288 + 1984 7777 7777 60481729 6048 + 1729 9999 9999 99980001 9998 + 0001 ... 818181 818181 669420148761 669420 + 148761 851851 851851 725650126201 725650 + 126201 857143 857143 734694122449 734694 + 122449 961038 961038 923594037444 923594 + 037444 994708 994708 989444005264 989444 + 005264 999999 999999 999998000001 999998 + 000001 54 Kaprekar numbers < 1000000 (base 10) in base 10
- Output:
(base 17, shortened)
1 1 1 0 + 1 16 g f1 f + 1 64 3d e2g e + 2g 225 d4 a52g a5 + 2g 288 gg gf01 gf + 01 1536 556 1b43b2 1b4 + 3b2 3377 bbb 8093b2 809 + 3b2 4912 ggg ggf001 ggf + 001 7425 18bd 24e166g 24e + 166g 9280 1f1f 39b1b94 39b + 1b94 ... 76096 f854 e1f5166g e1f5 + 166g 83520 gggg gggf0001 gggf + 0001 266224 33334 a2c52a07g a2c5 + 2a07g 24 Kaprekar numbers < 1000000 (base 10) in base 17
This string version
function isKaprekar( n, bs ) {
if ( n < 1 ) return false
if ( n == 1 ) return true
bs = bs || 10
var s = (n * n).toString(bs)
for (var i=1, e=s.length; i<e; i+=1) {
var a = parseInt(s.substr(0, i), bs)
var b = parseInt(s.substr(i), bs)
if (b && a + b == n) return true
return false
or this numeric version
function isKaprekar( n, bs ) {
if ( n < 1 ) return false
if ( n == 1 ) return true
bs = bs || 10
for (var a=n*n, b=0, s=1; a; s*=bs) {
b += a%bs*s
a = Math.floor(a/bs)
if (b && a + b == n) return true
return false
function kaprekar( s, e, bs, pbs ) {
bs = bs || 10; pbs = pbs || 10
const toString = n => n.toString(pbs).toUpperCase()
document.write('start:',toString(s), ' end:',toString(e), ' base:',bs, ' printBase:',pbs, '<br>' )
for (var k=0, n=s; n<=e; n+=1) if (isKaprekar(n, bs)) k+=1, document.write(toString(n), ' ')
document.write('<br>found ', k, ' numbers<br><br>')
kaprekar( 1, 99 )
kaprekar( 1, 255, 16)
kaprekar( 1, 255, 16, 16)
kaprekar( 1, 288, 17, 17)
- Output:
start:1 end:99 base:10 printBase:10 1 9 45 55 99 found 5 numbers start:1 end:255 base:16 printBase:10 1 6 10 15 51 85 91 120 136 171 205 255 found 12 numbers start:1 end:FF base:16 printBase:16 1 6 A F 33 55 5B 78 88 AB CD FF found 12 numbers start:1 end:GG base:17 printBase:17 1 G 3D D4 GG found 5 numbers
# Is the input integer a Kaprekar integer?
def is_kaprekar:
# The helper function acts like a loop:
# input is [n, number, str]
# where n is the position to be considered next,
# number is the integer under consideration,
# and str is the string representing number*number
def _try:
.[0] as $n | .[1] as $number | .[2] as $str
| if $n >= ($str|length) then null
else ($str[0:$n] | tonumber) as $left
| ($str[$n:] | tonumber) as $right
| if $left > $number then null
elif $right == 0 then null
elif ($left + $right) == $number then $n
else [($n + 1), $number, $str] | _try
. as $in
| if . == 1 then true
elif . < 1 then false
else null != ([1, $in, ($in*$in|tostring)] | _try)
end ;
# Useful for counting how many times the condition is satisfied:
def count(generator; condition):
reduce generator as $i (0; if ($i|condition ) then .+1 else . end);
def task:
[ range(1;10000) | select( is_kaprekar ) ],
count( range(1;1000000); is_kaprekar )
- Output:
$ jq -n -c -f is_kaprekar.jq
function iskaprekar(n::Integer)
n == 1 && return true
test(a, b) = n == a + b && b ≠ 0
str = string(n^2)
any(test(parse(Int, str[1:i]), parse(Int, str[i+1:end])) for i = 1:length(str)-1)
@show filter(iskaprekar, 1:10000)
@show count(iskaprekar, 1:10000)
- Output:
filter(iskaprekar, 1:10000) = [1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999] count(iskaprekar, 1:10000) = 17
import java.lang.Long.parseLong
import java.lang.Long.toString
fun String.splitAt(idx: Int): Array<String> {
val ans = arrayOf(substring(0, idx), substring(idx))
if (ans.first() == "") ans[0] = "0" // parsing "" throws an exception
return ans
fun Long.getKaprekarParts(sqrStr: String, base: Int): Array<String>? {
for (j in 0..sqrStr.length / 2) {
val parts = sqrStr.splitAt(j)
val (first, second) = parts.map { parseLong(it, base) }
// if the right part is all zeroes, then it will be forever, so break
if (second == 0L) return null
if (first + second == this) return parts
return null
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val base = if (args.isNotEmpty()) args[0].toInt() else 10
var count = 0
val max = 1000000L
for (i in 1..max) {
val s = toString(i * i, base)
val p = i.getKaprekarParts(s, base)
if (p != null) {
println("%6d\t%6s\t%12s\t%7s + %7s".format(i, toString(i, base), s, p[0], p[1]))
println("$count Kaprekar numbers < $max (base 10) in base $base")
- Output:
1 1 1 0 + 1 9 9 81 8 + 1 45 45 2025 20 + 25 55 55 3025 30 + 25 99 99 9801 98 + 01 297 297 88209 88 + 209 703 703 494209 494 + 209 999 999 998001 998 + 001 2223 2223 4941729 494 + 1729 2728 2728 7441984 744 + 1984 4879 4879 23804641 238 + 04641 4950 4950 24502500 2450 + 2500 5050 5050 25502500 2550 + 2500 5292 5292 28005264 28 + 005264 7272 7272 52881984 5288 + 1984 7777 7777 60481729 6048 + 1729 9999 9999 99980001 9998 + 0001 17344 17344 300814336 3008 + 14336 22222 22222 493817284 4938 + 17284 38962 38962 1518037444 1518 + 037444 77778 77778 6049417284 60494 + 17284 82656 82656 6832014336 68320 + 14336 95121 95121 9048004641 90480 + 04641 99999 99999 9999800001 99998 + 00001 142857 142857 20408122449 20408 + 122449 148149 148149 21948126201 21948 + 126201 181819 181819 33058148761 33058 + 148761 187110 187110 35010152100 35010 + 152100 208495 208495 43470165025 43470 + 165025 318682 318682 101558217124 101558 + 217124 329967 329967 108878221089 108878 + 221089 351352 351352 123448227904 123448 + 227904 356643 356643 127194229449 127194 + 229449 390313 390313 152344237969 152344 + 237969 461539 461539 213018248521 213018 + 248521 466830 466830 217930248900 217930 + 248900 499500 499500 249500250000 249500 + 250000 500500 500500 250500250000 250500 + 250000 533170 533170 284270248900 284270 + 248900 538461 538461 289940248521 289940 + 248521 609687 609687 371718237969 371718 + 237969 627615 627615 393900588225 39390 + 0588225 643357 643357 413908229449 413908 + 229449 648648 648648 420744227904 420744 + 227904 670033 670033 448944221089 448944 + 221089 681318 681318 464194217124 464194 + 217124 791505 791505 626480165025 626480 + 165025 812890 812890 660790152100 660790 + 152100 818181 818181 669420148761 669420 + 148761 851851 851851 725650126201 725650 + 126201 857143 857143 734694122449 734694 + 122449 961038 961038 923594037444 923594 + 037444 994708 994708 989444005264 989444 + 005264 999999 999999 999998000001 999998 + 000001 54 Kaprekar numbers < 1000000 (base 10) in base 10
Liberty BASIC
For i = 1 To 10000 '1000000 - Changing to one million takes a long time to complete!!!!
Kaprekar = isKaprekar(i)
If Kaprekar Then numKaprekar = (numKaprekar + 1) : Print Kaprekar
Next i
Print numKaprekar
Function isKaprekar(num)
If num < 1 Then isKaprekar = 0 : Exit Function
If num = 1 Then isKaprekar = num : Exit Function
squarenum$ = str$(num ^ 2)
For i = 1 To Len(squarenum$)
If Val(Mid$(squarenum$, i)) = 0 Then isKaprekar = 0 : Exit Function
If (Val(Left$(squarenum$, (i - 1))) + Val(Mid$(squarenum$, i)) = num) Then isKaprekar = num : Exit Function
Next i
End Function
-- Return length of an integer without string conversion
function numLength (n)
local length = 0
n = math.floor(n / 10)
length = length + 1
until n == 0
return length
-- Return a boolean indicating whether n is a Kaprekar number
function isKaprekar (n)
if n == 1 then return true end
local nSquared, a, b = n * n
for splitPoint = 1, numLength(nSquared) - 1 do
a = math.floor(nSquared / 10^splitPoint)
b = nSquared % 10^splitPoint
if a > 0 and b > 0 and a + b == n then return true end
return false
-- Main task
for n = 1, 10^4 do
if isKaprekar(n) then io.write(n .. " ") end
-- Extra credit
local count = 0
for n = 1, 10^6 do
if isKaprekar(n) then count = count + 1 end
print("\nThere are " .. count .. " Kaprekar numbers under one million.")
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 There are 54 Kaprekar numbers under one million.
For a number x to be Kaprekar, it must have x^2 congruent to x mod 9. Which is only achievable when x has remainder 1 or 0 mod 9. So we only check for these cases.
isKaprekar := proc(n::posint)
local holder, square, num_of_digits, k, left, right;
holder := true;
if n = 1 then
holder := true;
holder := false;
square := n^2;
num_of_digits := length(n^2);
for k to num_of_digits do left := floor(square/10^k);
right := irem(square, 10^k);
if left + right = n and right <> 0 then
holder := true;
end if;
end do;
end if;
return holder;
end proc;
showKaprekar := n -> select(isKaprekar, select(x -> irem(x, 9) = 1 or irem(x, 9) = 0, [seq(1 .. n - 1)]));
countKaprekar := n -> nops(showKaprekar(n));
- Output:
[1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999] 54
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
KaprekaQ[1] = True;
KaprekaQ[n_Integer] := Block[{data = IntegerDigits[n^2], last = False, i = 1},
While[i < Length[data] && FromDigits[data[[i + 1 ;;]]] =!= 0 && Not[last],
last = FromDigits[data[[;; i]]] + FromDigits[data[[i + 1 ;;]]] == n;
i++]; last];
Select[Range[10000], KaprekaQ]
Length[Select[Range[1000000], KaprekaQ]]
- Output:
{1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999} 54
kaprekarp(n) := block(
[p, q, a, b],
if n = 1 then true else (
q: n * n,
p: 10,
while p < q do (
[a, b]: divide(q, p),
if b > 0 and a + b = n then throw(true),
p: 10 * p
sublist(makelist(i, i, 1, 10^6), kaprekarp);
[1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999,
17344, 22222, 38962, 77778, 82656, 95121, 99999, 142857, 148149, 181819, 187110, 208495,
318682, 329967, 351352, 356643, 390313, 461539, 466830, 499500, 500500, 533170, 538461,
609687, 627615, 643357, 648648, 670033, 681318, 791505, 812890, 818181, 851851, 857143,
961038, 994708, 999999]
val base = 10;
fun kaprekar
(num, numSquared, numDiv, numRem, power) where (base ^ power >= numSquared) = ()
| (num, numSquared, numDiv, numRem, power) where ((numDiv = 0) or (numRem = 0))=
kaprekar (num, numSquared, numSquared div (base ^ power ), numSquared rem (base ^ power), power + 1)
| (num, numSquared, numDiv, numRem, power) =
if ((numDiv + numRem) = num) then
kaprekar (num, numSquared, numSquared div (base ^ power ), numSquared rem (base ^ power), power + 1)
| num =
if (num = 1) then
kaprekar (num, num * num, (num * num) div base, (num * num) rem base, 1)
fun kaprekar_list
([], collector) = rev collector
| (num :: nums, collector ) =
val k = kaprekar num
if (k = ()) then
kaprekar_list (nums, collector)
kaprekar_list (nums, num :: collector)
| (num :: nums) = kaprekar_list (num :: nums, [])
Generate and show all Kaprekar numbers less than 10,000.
print "kaprekar numbers < 10_000: "; println ` kaprekar_list (iota 10000);
Optionally, count (and report the count of) how many Kaprekar numbers are less than 1,000,000.
print "number of kaprekar numbers < 1_000_000: "; println ` len ` kaprekar_list (iota 1000000);
kaprekar numbers < 10_000: [1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999] number of kaprekar numbers < 1_000_000: 54
MODULE Kaprekar;
FROM FormatString IMPORT FormatString;
FROM Terminal IMPORT Write,WriteString,WriteLn,ReadChar;
PROCEDURE kaprekar(n,base : LONGCARD) : BOOLEAN;
nn,r,tens : LONGCARD;
nn := n*n;
tens := 1;
IF ((nn - n) MOD (base - 1)) # 0 THEN RETURN FALSE END;
WHILE tens < n DO tens := tens * base END;
IF n = tens THEN
r := nn MOD tens;
IF nn DIV tens + r = n THEN RETURN tens#0 END;
tens := tens * base;
END kaprekar;
PROCEDURE print_num(n,base : LONGCARD);
d := base;
WHILE d<n DO d := d * base END;
d := d DIV base;
q := n DIV d;
IF q<10 THEN
Write(CHR(INT(q) + INT(ORD('0'))))
Write(CHR(INT(q) + INT(ORD('a')) - 10))
n := n - q * d
END print_num;
buf : ARRAY[0..63] OF CHAR;
i,tens,cnt,base : LONGCARD;
cnt := 0;
base := 10;
FOR i:=1 TO 1000000 DO
IF kaprekar(i,base) THEN
FormatString("%3u: %u\n", buf, cnt, i);
END Kaprekar.
import strutils, sequtils
proc k(n: int): bool =
let n2 = $(n.int64 * n)
for i in 0 .. n2.high:
let a = if i > 0: parseBiggestInt n2[0 ..< i] else: 0
let b = parseBiggestInt n2[i .. n2.high]
if b > 0 and a + b == n:
return true
echo toSeq(1..10_000).filter(k)
echo len toSeq(1..1_000_000).filter(k)
- Output:
[1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999] 54
- Output:
%1 = [1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999] %2 = [1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999, 17344, 22222, 38962, 77778, 82656, 95121, 99999, 142857, 148149, 181819, 187110, 208495, 318682, 329967, 351352, 356643, 390313, 461539, 466830, 499500, 500500, 533170, 538461, 609687, 627615, 643357, 648648, 670033, 681318, 791505, 812890, 818181, 851851, 857143, 961038, 994708, 999999] %3 = 54
function iskaprekar(n: int64): boolean;
if n = 1 then result := true;
var n2 := (n * n).tostring;
for var i := 2 to n2.length do
var a := StrToInt64(n2[:i]);
var b := StrToInt64(n2[i:]);
if (b > 0) and (a + b = n) then result := true;
(1..10_000).Where(x -> iskaprekar(x)).Println;
(1..1_000_000).Where(x -> iskaprekar(x)).Count.Println;
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 54
Numeric with casting out nines (fast)
sub isKap {
my $k = shift;
return if $k*($k-1) % 9; # Fast return "casting out nines"
my($k2, $p) = ($k*$k, 10);
do {
my $i = int($k2/$p);
my $j = $k2 % $p;
return 1 if $j && $i+$j == $k;
$p *= 10;
} while $p <= $k2;
print "[", join(" ", grep { isKap($_) } 1..9999), "]\n\n";
my @kaprekar;
isKap($_) && push @kaprekar,$_ for 1..1_000_000;
print "Kaprekar Numbers below 1000000: ", scalar(@kaprekar), "\n";
- Output:
[1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999] Kaprekar Numbers below 1000000: 54
Iannucci factoring method (extremely fast)
We can also use the method of Douglas Iannucci to get much faster results (the below takes only a few milliseconds). This works for bigints as well.
use ntheory qw/fordivisors gcd invmod/;
my %kap;
for my $n (1..15) {
my $np = int(10**$n)-1;
fordivisors {
my($d, $dp) = ($_, $np/$_);
$kap{ $dp==1 ? $d : invmod($d,$dp)*$d }++
if gcd($d, $dp) == 1;
} $np;
my @kap = sort { $a<=>$b } keys %kap;
for my $n (6 .. 14) {
my $np = int(10**$n)-1;
printf "Kaprekar numbers <= 10^%2d: %5d\n",
$n, scalar(grep { $_ <= $np } @kap);
- Output:
Kaprekar numbers <= 10^ 6: 54 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^ 7: 62 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^ 8: 91 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^ 9: 102 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^10: 132 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^11: 149 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^12: 264 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^13: 281 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^14: 316
with javascript_semantics atom r, l function Kaprekar(integer n, base=10) if n=1 then return true end if atom sq=n*n, basen = base r=0 while r<n do r = mod(sq,basen) l = floor(sq/basen) if r and l and l+r=n then return true end if basen *= base end while return false end function sequence s = {} for i=1 to 10_000 do if Kaprekar(i) then s &= i end if end for printf(1,"There are %d Kaprekar numbers between 1 and 10,000:\n%v\n",{length(s),s}) integer c = 0 for i=1 to 1_000_000 do c += Kaprekar(i) end for printf(1,"There are %d Kaprekar numbers between 1 and 1,000,000\n",c) function base17(sequence s) s = deep_copy(s) for i=1 to length(s) do atom si = s[i] string num = "" while si do integer digit = mod(si,17) si = floor(si/17) num = digit+iff(digit<=9?'0':87)&num end while s[i] = num end for return s end function s = {} r = 1 l = 1 for i=1 to 1_000_000 do if Kaprekar(i,17) then s = append(s,{i,i*i,l,r}) end if end for printf(1,"There are %d Kaprekar base 17 numbers between 1 and 1,000,000 (decimal):\n",length(s)) s[5..-5] = {} for i=1 to length(s) do printf(1,"%s squared %s, split %s+%s\n",base17(s[i])) if i=4 then printf(1," ...\n") end if end for
- Output:
There are 17 Kaprekar numbers between 1 and 10,000: {1,9,45,55,99,297,703,999,2223,2728,4879,4950,5050,5292,7272,7777,9999} There are 54 Kaprekar numbers between 1 and 1,000,000 There are 24 Kaprekar base 17 numbers between 1 and 1,000,000 (decimal): 1 squared 1, split 1+1 g squared f1, split f+1 3d squared e2g, split e+2g d4 squared a52g, split a5+2g ... f1f2 squared d75f1b94, split d75f+1b94 f854 squared e1f5166g, split e1f5+166g gggg squared gggf0001, split gggf+1 33334 squared a2c52a07g, split a2c5+2a07g
def FNkaprekar
var n
dup 2 power var s
s log int 1 + 10 swap power var t
true while
t 10 / var t
t n <= IF false else
s n - s t / int t 1 - * == IF false 1 var n else TRUE endif
n 1 ==
10000 FOR
dup FNkaprekar IF print " " print 1 + else drop endif
nl print " Kaprekar numbers" print
print_r(array_filter(range(1, 10000), 'isKaprekar'));
echo count(array_filter(range(1, 1000000), 'isKaprekar'));
function isKaprekar($n) {
$a = $n * $n;
$b = bcmod("$a", "10");
for ($d = 1, $t = 0; $a > 0; $d *= 10) {
$b += $t * $d;
if ($b > $n) break;
$a = floor($a / 10);
if ($b && $a + $b == $n)
return true;
$t = bcmod("$a", "10");
return false;
Array ( [0] => 1 [8] => 9 [44] => 45 [54] => 55 [98] => 99 [296] => 297 [702] => 703 [998] => 999 [2222] => 2223 [2727] => 2728 [4878] => 4879 [4949] => 4950 [5049] => 5050 [5291] => 5292 [7271] => 7272 [7776] => 7777 [9998] => 9999 ) 54
Using Casting out nines.
go =>
println("Testing 1000000:"),
K10 = kaprekar_number(10,1000000),
% println(K10),
K16 = [I.to_hex_string() : I in kaprekar_number(16,1000000)],
% println(K16),
K17 = [to_radix_string(I,17).to_lowercase : I in kaprekar_number(17,1000000)],
% println(K17),
K36 = [to_radix_string(I,36) : I in kaprekar_number(36,1000000)],
% println(K36),
kaprekar_number(Base,Limit) = Ks =>
N = ceiling(log(Base,Limit)),
PaddyCnt = 0,
Ks = [],
foreach(Nz in 1..N)
foreach(K in Base**(Nz-1)..(Base**Nz)-1, K <= Limit)
if (K*(K-1)) mod (Base-1) == 0 then
Found = false,
foreach(N2 in Nz..Nz*2-1,Found = false)
B = Base**N2,
Nr = K*(B-K) div (B-1),
Q = K-Nr,
if K*K==Q*B+Nr, 0<Nr then
PaddyCnt := PaddyCnt+1,
Ks := Ks ++ [K],
Found := true
- Output:
base = 10 len = 17 [1,9,45,55,99,297,703,999,2223,2728,4879,4950,5050,5292,7272,7777,9999] Testing 1000000: len = 54 base = 16 len = 74 base = 17 len = 24 base = 36 len = 35
(de kaprekar (N)
(let L (cons 0 (chop (* N N)))
(for ((I . R) (cdr L) R (cdr R))
(NIL (gt0 (format R)))
(T (= N (+ @ (format (head I L)))) N) ) ) )
- Output:
: (filter kaprekar (range 1 10000)) -> (1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999) : (cnt kaprekar (range 1 1000000)) -> 54
kaprekar: procedure options (main); /* 22 January 2012 */
declare i fixed decimal (9), j fixed binary;
declare s character (20) character varying;
declare m fixed decimal (9);
declare (z, zeros) character (20) varying;
zeros = '00000000000000000000';
put skip list (1);
do i = 2 to 100000;
s = i*i;
s = trim(s);
z = substr(zeros, 1, length(s));
do j = 1 to length(s)-1;
if substr(s, j+1) = substr(z, j+1) then leave;
m = substr(s, 1, j) + substr(s, j+1);
if i = m then put skip list (i);
end kaprekar;
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999
function Test-Kaprekar ([int]$Number)
if ($Number -eq 1)
return $true
[int64]$a = $Number * $Number
[int64]$b = 10
while ($b -lt $a)
[int64]$remainder = $a % $b
[int64]$quotient = ($a - $remainder) / $b
if ($remainder -gt 0 -and $remainder + $quotient -eq $Number)
return $true
$b *= 10
return $false
"Kaprekar numbers less than 10,000:"
1..10000 | ForEach-Object {if (Test-Kaprekar -Number $_) {"{0,6}" -f $_}} | Format-Wide {$_} -Column 17 -Force
"Kaprekar numbers less than 1,000,000:"
1..1000000 | ForEach-Object {if (Test-Kaprekar -Number $_) {"{0,6}" -f $_}} | Format-Wide {$_} -Column 18 -Force
- Output:
Kaprekar numbers less than 10,000: 1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 Kaprekar numbers less than 1,000,000: 1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 17344 22222 38962 77778 82656 95121 99999 142857 148149 181819 187110 208495 318682 329967 351352 356643 390313 461539 466830 499500 500500 533170 538461 609687 627615 643357 648648 670033 681318 791505 812890 818181 851851 857143 961038 994708 999999
Works with SWI-Prolog, uses a list comprehension : List comprehensions#Prolog
kaprekar_(Z, X) :-
split_number(Z, 10, X).
split_number(Z, N, X) :-
N < Z,
A is Z // N,
B is Z mod N,
( (X is A+B, B\= 0)-> true; N1 is N*10, split_number(Z, N1, X)).
kaprekar(N, V) :-
V <- {X & X <- 1 .. N & ((Z is X * X, kaprekar_(Z, X)); X = 1) }.
- Output:
?- kaprekar(1000, V). V = [1,9,45,55,99,297,703,999] ?- kaprekar(1000000, V), length(V, N), format('Numbers of kaprekar numbers under 1000000 : ~w~n', [N]). Numbers of kaprekar numbers under 1000000 : 54 V = [1,9,45,55,99,297,703,999,2223,2728,4879,4950,5050,5292,7272,7777,9999,17344,22222,38962,77778,82656,95121,99999,142857, 148149,181819,187110,208495,318682,329967,351352,356643,390313,461539,466830,499500,500500,533170,538461,609687,627615, 643357,648648,670033,681318,791505,812890,818181,851851,857143,961038,994708,999999], N = 54 .
Procedure Kaprekar(n.i)
nn.q = n*n
tens.q= 1
While tens<nn: tens*10: Wend
If tens<=n: Break: EndIf
If nn-n = (nn/tens) * (tens-1)
ProcedureReturn #True
If n=1
ProcedureReturn #True
If OpenConsole()
For i=1 To 1000000
If Kaprekar(i)
Print("Press ENTER to exit")
1: 1 2: 9 3: 45 4: 55 5: 99 6: 297 7: 703 8: 999 ........... 51: 857143 52: 961038 53: 994708 54: 999999 Press ENTER to exit
Splitting strings in a loop
(Swap the commented return statement to return the split information).
>>> def k(n):
n2 = str(n**2)
for i in range(len(n2)):
a, b = int(n2[:i] or 0), int(n2[i:])
if b and a + b == n:
return n
#return (n, (n2[:i], n2[i:]))
>>> [x for x in range(1,10000) if k(x)]
[1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999]
>>> len([x for x in range(1,1000000) if k(x)])
A stronger code that gives a list of Kaprekar numbers within a range in a given base. The range must be given as a decimal number.
def encode(n, base):
result = ""
while n:
n, d = divmod(n, base)
if d < 10:
result += str(d)
result += chr(d - 10 + ord("a"))
return result[::-1]
def Kaprekar(n, base):
if n == '1':
return True
sq = encode((int(n, base)**2), base)
for i in range(1,len(sq)):
if (int(sq[:i], base) + int(sq[i:], base) == int(n, base)) and (int(sq[:i], base) > 0) and (int(sq[i:], base)>0):
return True
return False
def Find(m, n, base):
return [encode(i, base) for i in range(m,n+1) if Kaprekar(encode(i, base), base)]
m = int(raw_input('Where to start?\n'))
n = int(raw_input('Where to stop?\n'))
base = int(raw_input('Enter base:'))
KNumbers = Find(m, n, base)
for i in KNumbers:
print i
print 'The number of Kaprekar Numbers found are',
print len(KNumbers)
Using Casting Out Nines Generator
See: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Casting_out_nines#Python for explanation and code for CastOut
Base = 10
N = 6
Paddy_cnt = 1
for n in range(N):
for V in CastOut(Base,Start=Base**n,End=Base**(n+1)):
for B in range(n+1,n*2+2):
x,y = divmod(V*V,Base**B)
if V == x+y and 0<y:
print('{1}: {0}'.format(V, Paddy_cnt))
Paddy_cnt += 1
1: 1 2: 9 3: 45 4: 55 5: 99 6: 297 7: 703 8: 999 9: 2223 10: 2728 11: 4879 12: 4950 13: 5050 14: 5292 15: 7272 16: 7777 17: 9999 18: 17344 19: 22222 20: 38962 21: 77778 22: 82656 23: 95121 24: 99999 25: 142857 26: 148149 27: 181819 28: 187110 29: 208495 30: 318682 31: 329967 32: 351352 33: 356643 34: 390313 35: 461539 36: 466830 37: 499500 38: 500500 39: 533170 40: 538461 41: 609687 42: 627615 43: 643357 44: 648648 45: 670033 46: 681318 47: 791505 48: 812890 49: 818181 50: 851851 51: 857143 52: 961038 53: 994708 54: 999999
Other bases may be used e.g.:
Base = 16
N = 4
Paddy_cnt = 1
for V in CastOut(Base,Start=1,End=Base**N):
for B in range(1,N*2-1):
x,y = divmod(V*V,Base**B)
if V == x+y and 0<y:
print('{1}: {0:x}'.format(V, Paddy_cnt))
Paddy_cnt += 1
1: 1 2: 6 3: a 4: f 5: 33 6: 55 7: 5b 8: 78 9: 88 10: ab 11: cd 12: ff 13: 15f 14: 334 15: 38e 16: 492 17: 4ed 18: 7e0 19: 820 20: b13 21: b6e 22: c72 23: ccc 24: ea1 25: fa5 26: fff 27: 191a 28: 2a2b 29: 3c3c 30: 4444 31: 5556 32: 6667 33: 7f80 34: 8080 35: 9999 36: aaaa 37: bbbc 38: c3c4 39: d5d5 40: e6e6 41: ffff
[ dup 1 = if done
dup temp put
dup *
false swap 1
[ base share *
2dup /mod
over 0 = iff
2drop done
dup 0 = iff
2drop again
+ temp share = iff
[ rot not unrot ]
again ]
temp release ] is kaprekar ( n --> b )
say "Kaprekar numbers less than one thousand: "
1000 times
[ i^ kaprekar if
[ i^ join ] ]
echo cr cr
say "Number of Kaprekar numbers less than one million: "
1000000 times
[ i^ kaprekar if 1+ ]
echo cr cr
say "Base 17 Kaprekar numbers less than one million." cr cr
17 base put
1000000 times
[ i^ kaprekar if
[ i^ join ] ]
say "In base 17: "
dup echo cr
base release
say "In decimal: "
- Output:
Kaprekar numbers less than one thousand.[ 1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 ] Number of Kaprekar numbers less than one million: 54 Base 17 Kaprekar numbers less than one million. In base 17: [ 1 G 3D D4 GG 556 BBB GGG 18BD 1F1F 36DB 43CD 61EB 785D 7A96 967B 98B4 AF26 CD44 DA36 F1F2 F854 GGGG 33334 ] In decimal: [ 1 16 64 225 288 1536 3377 4912 7425 9280 16705 20736 30016 36801 37440 46081 46720 53505 62785 66816 74241 76096 83520 266224 ]
#lang racket
(define (kaprekar? n)
(or (= n 1)
(let ([q (sqr n)])
(let loop ((p 10))
(and (<= p q)
(or (let-values ([(b a) (quotient/remainder q p)])
(and (> a 0) (= n (+ a b))))
(loop (* p 10))))))))
(filter kaprekar? (range 1 10000))
'(1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999)
(formerly Perl 6)
String version (slow)
sub kaprekar( Int $n ) {
my $sq = $n ** 2;
for 0 ^..^ $sq.chars -> $i {
my $x = +$sq.substr(0, $i);
my $y = +$sq.substr($i) || return;
return True if $x + $y == $n;
print 1;
print " $_" if .&kaprekar for ^10000;
print "\n";
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999
Numeric version (medium)
The addition of race, in two places, allows for concurrent computation, and brings a significant speed-up in running time.
sub kaprekar( Int $n, Int :$base = 10 ) {
my $hi = $n ** 2;
my $lo = 0;
loop (my $s = 1; $hi; $s *= $base) {
$lo += ($hi % $base) * $s;
$hi div= $base;
return $hi,$lo if $lo + $hi == $n and $lo;
print " $_" if .&kaprekar for ^10_000;
my atomicint $n;
(^1_000_000).race.map: { $n++ if kaprekar $_ }
say "\n\nBase 10 Kaprekar numbers < :10<1_000_000> = $n";
say "\nBase 17 Kaprekar numbers < :17<1_000_000>";
my &k17 = &kaprekar.assuming(:base(17));
my @results;
(^:17<1_000_000>).race.map: -> $n {
my ($h,$l) = k17 $n;
next unless $l;
my $n17 = $n.base(17);
my $s17 = ($n * $n).base(17);
my $h17 = $h.base(17);
@results.push: "$n $n17 $s17 ($h17 + $s17.substr(* - max(1,($s17.chars - $h17.chars))))";
.say for @results.sort: *.chars;
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 Base 10 Kaprekar numbers < :10<1_000_000> = 54 Base 17 Kaprekar numbers < :17<1_000_000> 1 1 1 (0 + 1) 16 G F1 (F + 1) 64 3D E2G (E + 2G) 225 D4 A52G (A5 + 2G) 288 GG GF01 (GF + 01) 1536 556 1B43B2 (1B4 + 3B2) 3377 BBB 8093B2 (809 + 3B2) 4912 GGG GGF001 (GGF + 001) 7425 18BD 24E166G (24E + 166G) 9280 1F1F 39B1B94 (39B + 1B94) 16705 36DB B992C42 (B99 + 2C42) 20736 43CD 10DE32FG (10DE + 32FG) 30016 61EB 23593F92 (2359 + 3F92) 36801 785D 351E433G (351E + 433G) 37440 7A96 37144382 (3714 + 4382) 46081 967B 52G94382 (52G9 + 4382) 46720 98B4 5575433G (5575 + 433G) 53505 AF26 6GA43F92 (6GA4 + 3F92) 62785 CD44 9A5532FG (9A55 + 32FG) 66816 DA36 AEG42C42 (AEG4 + 2C42) 74241 F1F2 D75F1B94 (D75F + 1B94) 76096 F854 E1F5166G (E1F5 + 166G) 83520 GGGG GGGF0001 (GGGF + 0001) 266224 33334 A2C52A07G (A2C5 + 2A07G) 1153633 DDDDD B3D5E2A07G (B3D5E + 2A07G) 1334529 FGACC F0540F1A78 (F054 + 0F1A78) 1419856 GGGGG GGGGF00001 (GGGGF + 00001) 1787968 146FCA 19G4C12DG7F (19G4C + 12DG7F) 3122497 236985 4E3BE1F95D8 (4E3BE + 1F95D8) 3773952 2B32B3 711CB2420F9 (711CB + 2420F9) 4243968 2GDE03 8FEGB27EG09 (8FEGB + 27EG09) 5108481 3A2D6F CG10B2E3C64 (CG10B + 2E3C64) 5561920 3FA16D F5EAE3043CG (F5EAE + 3043CG) 6031936 443CCD 110DDE332FFG (110DDE + 332FFG) 6896449 4E9C28 16A10C37GB1D (16A10C + 37GB1D) 7435233 54067B 1A72G93AA382 (1A72G9 + 3AA382) 8017920 5AGGB6 1EF1D43D1EF2 (1EF1D4 + 3D1EF2) 9223201 687534 2835C5403G7G (2835C5 + 403G7G) 9805888 6F6F6G 2DBE3F41C131 (2DBE3F + 41C131) 11140416 7E692A 3A997C43DGBF (3A997C + 43DGBF) 11209185 7F391E 3B58D543F059 (3B58D5 + 43F059) 12928384 91D7F3 4EF79B43F059 (4EF79B + 43F059) 12997153 92A7E7 4FD82943DGBF (4FD829 + 43DGBF) 14331681 A1A1A1 5GF07041C131 (5GF070 + 41C131) 14914368 A89BDD 685C5E403G7G (685C5E + 403G7G) 16119649 B6005B 79F2793D1EF2 (79F279 + 3D1EF2) 16702336 BCGA96 8267143AA382 (826714 + 3AA382) 17241120 C274E9 8B7ACD37GB1D (8B7ACD + 37GB1D) 18105633 CCD444 99A555332FFG (99A555 + 332FFG) 18575649 D16FA4 A12BE53043CG (A12BE5 + 3043CG) 19029088 D6E3A2 A9A83F2E3C64 (A9A83F + 2E3C64) 19893601 E032GE B953G527EG09 (B953G5 + 27EG09) 20363617 E5DE5E C1BD752420F9 (C1BD75 + 2420F9) 21015072 EDA78C CF11C41F95D8 (CF11C4 + 1F95D8) 22349601 FCA147 E9D1D912DG7F (E9D1D9 + 12DG7F) 22803040 G10645 F2FCDE0F1A78 (F2FCDE + 0F1A78) 24137568 GGGGGG GGGGGF000001 (GGGGGF + 000001)
Note that this algorithm allows the null string on the left, taken as zero, which automatically includes 1 as the first element of the sequence.
Casting out nines (fast)
sub kaprekar-generator( :$base = 10 ) {
my $base-m1 = $base - 1;
gather loop (my $place = 1; ; ++$place) {
my $nend = $base ** $place;
loop (my $n = $base ** ($place - 1); $n < $nend; ++$n) {
if $n * ($n - 1) %% $base-m1 {
my $pend = $place * 2;
loop (my $p = $place; $p < $pend; ++$p) {
my $B = $base ** $p;
my $lo = $n * ($B - $n) div ($B - 1);
my $hi = floor $n - $lo;
if $n * $n == $hi * $B + $lo and $lo {
take [$n, $hi, $lo];
print " $_[0]" for kaprekar-generator() ...^ *.[0] >= 10_000;
say "\n";
say "Base 10 Kaprekar numbers < :10<1_000_000> = ", +(kaprekar-generator() ...^ *.[0] >= 1000000);
say '';
say "Base 17 Kaprekar numbers < :17<1_000_000>";
my &k17-gen = &kaprekar-generator.assuming(:base(17));
for k17-gen() ...^ *.[0] >= :17<1000000> -> @r {
my ($n,$h,$l) = @r;
my $n17 = $n.base(17);
my $s = $n * $n;
my $s17 = $s.base(17);
my $h17 = $h.base(17);
my $l17 = $l.base(17);
$l17 = '0' x ($s17.chars - $h17.chars - $l17.chars) ~ $l17;
say "$n $n17 $s17 ($h17 + $l17)";
(Same output.)
╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Kaprekar numbers were thought of by the mathematician from India, ║ ║ Shri Dattathreya Ramachardra Kaprekar (1905 ───► 1986). ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
/*REXX pgm generates & counts (& maybe shows) some Kaprekar #s using the cast─out─9 test*/
parse arg A B . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if A=='' | A="," then A= 10000 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
if B=='' | B="," then B= -1000000 /* " " " " " " */
call Kaprekar A /*gen Kaprekar numbers and display 'em.*/
call Kaprekar B /* " " " don't " " */
exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
Kaprekar: procedure; parse arg N; aN= abs(N) /*obtain the limit; use │N│ value. */
numeric digits max(9, 2 * length(aN) ) /*use enough decimal digits for square.*/
d= digits(); tell= N>0 /*set D to number of digits; set TELL.*/
#= 0; if aN>0 then do; #= 1; if tell then say right(1, d); end
/* [↑] handle case of N being unity.*/
if aN>1 then do j=9 for aN-9; /*calculate the square of J (S). */
jc= j//9 /*JC: J modulo 9 (cast out nines). */
if jc >2 then iterate /*Is J mod 9 > two? Then skip this J.*/
s= j*j /*calculate the square of J (S). */
if jc==s//9 then do k=1 for length(s)%2 /*≡ casted out 9's? */
parse var s L +(k) R
if j\==L+R then iterate
#= # + 1; if tell then say right(j, d); leave
end /*k*/
end /*j*/
say center(" There're " # ' Kaprekar numbers below ' aN" ", 79, "═")
- output when using the default inputs of: 10000 -1000000
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 ═════════════════ There're 17 Kaprekar numbers below 10000 ═════════════════ ════════════════ There're 54 Kaprekar numbers below 1000000 ════════════════
nr = 0
for i = 1 to 200
if kaprekar(i)
nr += 1
if i < 201 see "" + nr + " : " + i + nl ok ok
see "total kaprekar numbers under 200 = " + nr + nl
func kaprekar n
s = pow(n,2)
x = floor(log(s)) + 1
t = pow(10,x)
while true
t /= 10
if t<=n exit ok
if s-n = floor(s/t)*(t-1) n = true ok
return (n = 1)
1 : 1 2 : 9 3 : 45 4 : 55 5 : 99 total kaprekar numbers under 200 = 5
RPL code | Comment |
≪ DUP SQ →STR DUP SIZE → n n2 n2s ≪ 1 CF 1 n2s 1 - FOR j IF n2 j 1 + n2s SUB STR→ THEN LAST n2 1 j SUB STR→ IF DUP2 + n == THEN 1 SF n2s 'j' STO ELSE DROP2 END END NEXT IF 1 FS? THEN n →STR "=" + SWAP →STR + "+" + SWAP →STR + ELSE "" END ≫ ≫ 'KPREK' STO ≪ { 1 } 9 10000 FOR n 0 1 FOR k n k + KPREK IF DUP "" ≠ THEN + ELSE DROP END NEXT 9 STEP ≫ 'TASK' STO |
KPREK ( n -- string ) Examine all the possible a|b cuts of n² if b is not zero restore b in stack and get a if a + b == n then exit loop if a and b found then edit result else return an empty string TASK: Loop ad examine only numbers mod 9 = 0 or 1 (see Maple section) |
- Output:
1: { 1 "9=8+1" "45=20+25" "55=30+25" "99=98+1" "297=88+209" "703=494+209" "999=998+1" "2223=494+1729" "2728=744+1984" "4879=238+4641" "4950=2450+2500" "5050=2550+2500" "5292=28+5264" "7272=5288+1984" "7777=6048+1729" "9999=9998+1" }
with extra extra credit
def kaprekar(n, base = 10)
return [1, 1, 1, ""] if n == 1
return if n*(n-1) % (base-1) != 0 # casting out nine
sqr = (n ** 2).to_s(base)
(1...sqr.length).each do |i|
a = sqr[0 ... i]
b = sqr[i .. -1]
break if b.delete("0").empty?
sum = a.to_i(base) + b.to_i(base)
return n.to_s(base), sqr, a, b if sum == n
count = 0
1.upto(10_000 - 1) do |i|
if result = kaprekar(i)
puts "%4d %8d %s + %s" % result
count += 1
10_000.upto(1_000_000 - 1) {|i| count += 1 if kaprekar(i)}
puts "#{count} kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000"
puts "\nbase17 kaprekar numbers under (base10)1,000,000"
base = 17
1.upto(1_000_000) do |decimal|
if result = kaprekar(decimal, base)
puts "%7s %5s %9s %s + %s" % [decimal, *result]
- Output:
1 1 1 + 9 81 8 + 1 45 2025 20 + 25 55 3025 30 + 25 99 9801 98 + 01 297 88209 88 + 209 703 494209 494 + 209 999 998001 998 + 001 2223 4941729 494 + 1729 2728 7441984 744 + 1984 4879 23804641 238 + 04641 4950 24502500 2450 + 2500 5050 25502500 2550 + 2500 5292 28005264 28 + 005264 7272 52881984 5288 + 1984 7777 60481729 6048 + 1729 9999 99980001 9998 + 0001 54 kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000 base17 kaprekar numbers under (base10)1,000,000 1 1 1 1 + 16 g f1 f + 1 64 3d e2g e + 2g 225 d4 a52g a5 + 2g 288 gg gf01 gf + 01 1536 556 1b43b2 1b4 + 3b2 3377 bbb 8093b2 809 + 3b2 4912 ggg ggf001 ggf + 001 7425 18bd 24e166g 24e + 166g 9280 1f1f 39b1b94 39b + 1b94 16705 36db b992c42 b99 + 2c42 20736 43cd 10de32fg 10de + 32fg 30016 61eb 23593f92 2359 + 3f92 36801 785d 351e433g 351e + 433g 37440 7a96 37144382 3714 + 4382 46081 967b 52g94382 52g9 + 4382 46720 98b4 5575433g 5575 + 433g 53505 af26 6ga43f92 6ga4 + 3f92 62785 cd44 9a5532fg 9a55 + 32fg 66816 da36 aeg42c42 aeg4 + 2c42 74241 f1f2 d75f1b94 d75f + 1b94 76096 f854 e1f5166g e1f5 + 166g 83520 gggg gggf0001 gggf + 0001 266224 33334 a2c52a07g a2c5 + 2a07g
for i = 1 to 5000
x$ = str$(i * i)
if i = 1 then x$ = "10"
for j = 1 to len(x$) - 1
if (val(left$(x$,j)) + val(mid$(x$,j+1)) = i and val(mid$(x$,j+1)) <> 0) or i = 1 then print "Kaprekar :";left$(x$,j);" + ";mid$(x$,j+1);" = ";i
next j
next i
Kaprekar :1 + 0 = 1 Kaprekar :8 + 1 = 9 Kaprekar :20 + 25 = 45 Kaprekar :30 + 25 = 55 Kaprekar :98 + 01 = 99 Kaprekar :88 + 209 = 297 Kaprekar :494 + 209 = 703 Kaprekar :998 + 001 = 999 Kaprekar :494 + 1729 = 2223 Kaprekar :744 + 1984 = 2728 Kaprekar :238 + 04641 = 4879
object Kaprekar extends App {
def isKaprekar(n: Int, base: Int = 10):Option[Triple[String,String,String]] = {
val check: Long => Option[Triple[String,String,String]] = n => {
val split: Pair[String, Int] => Pair[String, String] = p => (p._1.slice(0,p._2),p._1.slice(p._2,p._1.size).padTo[Char,String](1,'0'))
val pwr = n*n
val sN = java.lang.Long.toString(n, base)
val sPwr = java.lang.Long.toString(pwr, base)
for (i <- 1 to sPwr.size) {
val (a, b) = split(sPwr,i)
val la = java.lang.Long.parseLong(a, base)
val lb = java.lang.Long.parseLong(b, base)
if (lb==0) return None
if (la+lb==n) return Some(Triple(sPwr,a,b))
n match {
case 1 => Some(Triple("1","0","1"))
case n if (n>1) => check(n)
case _ => None
def kaprekars(n: Int,base: Int=10) = (1 to n).map(isKaprekar(_,base)).zip(1 to n).filter(_._1!=None).map(p=>Triple(base,p._2,p._1 match {case Some(t) => t; case _ => Nil}))
val k1 = kaprekars(10000)
k1 foreach {p=>println(p._2)}
println(k1.size + " Kaprekar numbers < 10000 (b:10) for base 10"+"\n"*2)
val k2 = kaprekars(1000000)
k2 foreach {p => println(p._2+"\t"+java.lang.Long.toString(p._2,p._1)+"\t"+p._3.productElement(0)+"\t"+p._3.productElement(1)+" + "+p._3.productElement(2))}
println(k2.size + " Kaprekar numbers < 1000000 (b:10) for base 10"+"\n"*2)
val k3 = kaprekars(1000000,17)
k3 foreach {p => println(p._2+"\t"+java.lang.Long.toString(p._2,p._1)+"\t"+p._3.productElement(0)+"\t"+p._3.productElement(1)+" + "+p._3.productElement(2))}
println(k3.size + " Kaprekar numbers < 1000000 (b:10) for base 17"+"\n"*2)
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 17 Kaprekar numbers < 10000 (b:10) for base 10 1 1 1 0 + 1 9 9 81 8 + 1 45 45 2025 20 + 25 55 55 3025 30 + 25 99 99 9801 98 + 01 297 297 88209 88 + 209 703 703 494209 494 + 209 999 999 998001 998 + 001 2223 2223 4941729 494 + 1729 2728 2728 7441984 744 + 1984 4879 4879 23804641 238 + 04641 4950 4950 24502500 2450 + 2500 5050 5050 25502500 2550 + 2500 5292 5292 28005264 28 + 005264 7272 7272 52881984 5288 + 1984 7777 7777 60481729 6048 + 1729 9999 9999 99980001 9998 + 0001 17344 17344 300814336 3008 + 14336 22222 22222 493817284 4938 + 17284 38962 38962 1518037444 1518 + 037444 77778 77778 6049417284 60494 + 17284 82656 82656 6832014336 68320 + 14336 95121 95121 9048004641 90480 + 04641 99999 99999 9999800001 99998 + 00001 142857 142857 20408122449 20408 + 122449 148149 148149 21948126201 21948 + 126201 181819 181819 33058148761 33058 + 148761 187110 187110 35010152100 35010 + 152100 208495 208495 43470165025 43470 + 165025 318682 318682 101558217124 101558 + 217124 329967 329967 108878221089 108878 + 221089 351352 351352 123448227904 123448 + 227904 356643 356643 127194229449 127194 + 229449 390313 390313 152344237969 152344 + 237969 461539 461539 213018248521 213018 + 248521 466830 466830 217930248900 217930 + 248900 499500 499500 249500250000 249500 + 250000 500500 500500 250500250000 250500 + 250000 533170 533170 284270248900 284270 + 248900 538461 538461 289940248521 289940 + 248521 609687 609687 371718237969 371718 + 237969 627615 627615 393900588225 39390 + 0588225 643357 643357 413908229449 413908 + 229449 648648 648648 420744227904 420744 + 227904 670033 670033 448944221089 448944 + 221089 681318 681318 464194217124 464194 + 217124 791505 791505 626480165025 626480 + 165025 812890 812890 660790152100 660790 + 152100 818181 818181 669420148761 669420 + 148761 851851 851851 725650126201 725650 + 126201 857143 857143 734694122449 734694 + 122449 961038 961038 923594037444 923594 + 037444 994708 994708 989444005264 989444 + 005264 999999 999999 999998000001 999998 + 000001 54 Kaprekar numbers < 1000000 (b:10) for base 10 1 1 1 0 + 1 16 g f1 f + 1 64 3d e2g e + 2g 225 d4 a52g a5 + 2g 288 gg gf01 gf + 01 1536 556 1b43b2 1b4 + 3b2 3377 bbb 8093b2 809 + 3b2 4912 ggg ggf001 ggf + 001 7425 18bd 24e166g 24e + 166g 9280 1f1f 39b1b94 39b + 1b94 16705 36db b992c42 b99 + 2c42 20736 43cd 10de32fg 10de + 32fg 30016 61eb 23593f92 2359 + 3f92 36801 785d 351e433g 351e + 433g 37440 7a96 37144382 3714 + 4382 46081 967b 52g94382 52g9 + 4382 46720 98b4 5575433g 5575 + 433g 53505 af26 6ga43f92 6ga4 + 3f92 62785 cd44 9a5532fg 9a55 + 32fg 66816 da36 aeg42c42 aeg4 + 2c42 74241 f1f2 d75f1b94 d75f + 1b94 76096 f854 e1f5166g e1f5 + 166g 83520 gggg gggf0001 gggf + 0001 266224 33334 a2c52a07g a2c5 + 2a07g 24 Kaprekar numbers < 1000000 (b:10) for base 17
; auxiliary functions : range, filter
(define (range a b)
(let loop ((v '()) (i b))
(if (< i a)
(loop (cons i v)
(- i 1)))))
(define (filter p u)
(if (equal? u '())
(let ((x (car u)) (v (filter p (cdr u))))
(if (p x)
(cons x v)
(define (kaprekar? n)
(or (= n 1)
(let ((q (* n n)))
(let loop ((p 10))
(cond ((> p q) #f)
((let ((a (remainder q p)) (b (quotient q p)))
(and (> a 0) (= n (+ a b)))) #t)
(else (loop (* p 10))))))))
(filter kaprekar? (range 1 10000))
; (1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999)
$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
include "bigint.s7i";
const func bigInteger: kaprekar (in bigInteger: n, in bigInteger: base) is func
var bigInteger: kaprekar is 0_;
var bigInteger: nn is 0_;
var bigInteger: r is 0_;
var bigInteger: powerOfBase is 1_;
nn := n ** 2;
while powerOfBase < n do
powerOfBase *:= base;
end while;
if n = powerOfBase then
kaprekar := bigInteger conv ord(n = 1_);
r := nn rem powerOfBase;
while r < n do
if nn div powerOfBase + r = n then
kaprekar := powerOfBase;
r := n;
powerOfBase *:= base;
r := nn rem powerOfBase;
end if;
end while;
end if;
end func;
const proc: main is func
var bigInteger: aNumber is 0_;
var integer: count is 0;
var bigInteger: powerOfBase is 1_;
const integer: base is 17;
writeln("base 10:");
for aNumber range 1_ to 1000000_ do
if kaprekar(aNumber, 10_) <> 0_ then
writeln(count lpad 3 <& ": " <& aNumber);
end if;
end for;
writeln("base " <& base <& ":");
writeln(" 1: 1");
count := 1;
for aNumber range 2_ to 1000000_ do
powerOfBase := kaprekar(aNumber, bigInteger conv base);
if powerOfBase <> 0_ then
write(count lpad 3 <& ": " <& aNumber);
write(" \t" <& aNumber radix base);
write("\t" <& aNumber ** 2 radix base);
write("\t" <& aNumber ** 2 mdiv powerOfBase radix base);
write(" + " <& aNumber ** 2 mod powerOfBase radix base);
end if;
end for;
end func;
- Output:
base 10: 1: 1 2: 9 3: 45 4: 55 5: 99 6: 297 7: 703 8: 999 9: 2223 10: 2728 11: 4879 12: 4950 13: 5050 14: 5292 15: 7272 16: 7777 17: 9999 18: 17344 19: 22222 20: 38962 21: 77778 22: 82656 23: 95121 24: 99999 25: 142857 26: 148149 27: 181819 28: 187110 29: 208495 30: 318682 31: 329967 32: 351352 33: 356643 34: 390313 35: 461539 36: 466830 37: 499500 38: 500500 39: 533170 40: 538461 41: 609687 42: 627615 43: 643357 44: 648648 45: 670033 46: 681318 47: 791505 48: 812890 49: 818181 50: 851851 51: 857143 52: 961038 53: 994708 54: 999999 base 17: 1: 1 2: 16 G F1 F + 1 3: 64 3D E2G E + 2G 4: 225 D4 A52G A5 + 2G 5: 288 GG GF01 GF + 1 6: 1536 556 1B43B2 1B4 + 3B2 7: 3377 BBB 8093B2 809 + 3B2 8: 4912 GGG GGF001 GGF + 1 9: 7425 18BD 24E166G 24E + 166G 10: 9280 1F1F 39B1B94 39B + 1B94 11: 16705 36DB B992C42 B99 + 2C42 12: 20736 43CD 10DE32FG 10DE + 32FG 13: 30016 61EB 23593F92 2359 + 3F92 14: 36801 785D 351E433G 351E + 433G 15: 37440 7A96 37144382 3714 + 4382 16: 46081 967B 52G94382 52G9 + 4382 17: 46720 98B4 5575433G 5575 + 433G 18: 53505 AF26 6GA43F92 6GA4 + 3F92 19: 62785 CD44 9A5532FG 9A55 + 32FG 20: 66816 DA36 AEG42C42 AEG4 + 2C42 21: 74241 F1F2 D75F1B94 D75F + 1B94 22: 76096 F854 E1F5166G E1F5 + 166G 23: 83520 GGGG GGGF0001 GGGF + 1 24: 266224 33334 A2C52A07G A2C5 + 2A07G
var kapr = Set()
for n in (1..15) {
var k = (10**n - 1)
k.udivisors.each {|d|
var dp = k/d
kapr << (dp == 1 ? d : d*invmod(d, dp))
say kapr.grep { .<= 1e4 }.sort
for n in (6 .. 14) {
var k = (10**n - 1)
printf("Kaprekar numbers <= 10^%2d: %5d\n", n, kapr.count_by { .<= k })
- Output:
[1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999] Kaprekar numbers <= 10^ 6: 54 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^ 7: 62 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^ 8: 91 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^ 9: 102 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^10: 132 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^11: 149 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^12: 264 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^13: 281 Kaprekar numbers <= 10^14: 316
kap,n = getkap(1000000)
> i, 1..n
<< kap[i]!<10000
#.output(n," Kaprekar numbers < 1000000")
> k, 1..x
n = #.lower(#.log10(k^2))+1
> i, 1..n
r = k^2%10^i
<< r>k
>> r=0
l = #.lower(k^2/10^i)
? r+l=k, kap[#.size(kap,1)+1] = k
<= kap,#.size(kap,1)
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 54 Kaprekar numbers < 1000000
package require Tcl 8.5; # Arbitrary precision arithmetic, for stretch goal only
proc kaprekar n {
if {$n == 1} {return 1}
set s [expr {$n * $n}]
for {set i 1} {$i < [string length $s]} {incr i} {
scan $s "%${i}d%d" a b
if {$b && $n == $a + $b} {
return 1
#return [list 1 $a $b]
return 0
# Base goal
for {set i 1} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {
if {[kaprekar $i]} {lappend klist $i}
puts [join $klist ", "]
# Stretch goal
for {set i 1} {$i < 1000000} {incr i} {
incr kcount [kaprekar $i]
puts "$kcount Kaprekar numbers less than 1000000"
- Output:
1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999 54 Kaprekar numbers less than 1000000
First we define a function kd
parameterized by a pair of functions p
and r
for printing and reading natural numbers, which takes a natural number to its Kaprekar decomposition if any.
#import std
#import nat
kd("p","r") = ~&ihB+ (~&rr&& ^|E/~& sum)~|^/~& "r"~~*hNCtXS+ cuts\1+ "p"+ product@iiX
#cast %nLnX
t = ^|(~&,length) (iota; :/1+ ~&rFlS+ * ^/~& kd\%np ~&h+ %nP)~~/10000 1000000
The kd
function parameterized by the built in decimal printing and reading functions is applied to the sequences from zero to 10000 and zero to 1000000, with the results filtered according to whether the decomposition exists. The inputs in the former case and the length in the latter are shown.
( < 1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999>, 54)
For the rest of the task, functions p
and r
are defined for numbers in base 17.
p = ||'0'! ~&a^& ^|J(~&,division\17); ^lrNCT/~&falPR @ar -$/iota17 digits--'abcdefg'
r = sum^|(~&,product/17)=>0+ *x -$/digits--'abcdefg' iota17
t = mat` *K7 pad` *K7 ^C(~&h+ %nP@l,p*+ <.~&l,product@llX,~&rl,~&rr>)*rF ^(~&,kd/p r@h)* iota 1000000
The kd
function is parameterized by them and a table of results for numbers between 1 and 1000000 is displayed.
16 g f1 f 1 64 3d e2g e 2g 225 d4 a52g a5 2g 288 gg gf01 gf 1 1536 556 1b43b2 1b4 3b2 3377 bbb 8093b2 809 3b2 4912 ggg ggf001 ggf 1 7425 18bd 24e166g 24e 166g 9280 1f1f 39b1b94 39b 1b94 16705 36db b992c42 b99 2c42 20736 43cd 10de32fg 10de 32fg 30016 61eb 23593f92 2359 3f92 36801 785d 351e433g 351e 433g 37440 7a96 37144382 3714 4382 46081 967b 52g94382 52g9 4382 46720 98b4 5575433g 5575 433g 53505 af26 6ga43f92 6ga4 3f92 62785 cd44 9a5532fg 9a55 32fg 66816 da36 aeg42c42 aeg4 2c42 74241 f1f2 d75f1b94 d75f 1b94 76096 f854 e1f5166g e1f5 166g 83520 gggg gggf0001 gggf 1 266224 33334 a2c52a07g a2c5 2a07g
Visual Basic .NET
Module Module1
ReadOnly max As ULong = 1000000
Function Kaprekar(n As ULong) As Boolean
If n = 1 Then Return True
Dim sq = n * n
Dim sq_str = Str(sq)
Dim l = Len(sq_str)
For x = l - 1 To 1 Step -1
If sq_str(x) = "0" Then
l = l - 1
Exit For
End If
For x = 1 To l - 1
Dim p2 = Val(Mid(sq_str, x + 1))
If p2 > n Then
Continue For
End If
Dim p1 = Val(Left(sq_str, x))
If p1 > n Then Return False
If (p1 + p2) = n Then Return True
Return False
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim count = 0
Console.WriteLine("Kaprekar numbers below 10000")
For n = 1 To max - 1
If Kaprekar(n) Then
count = count + 1
If n < 10000 Then
Console.WriteLine("{0,2} {1,4}", count, n)
End If
End If
Console.WriteLine("{0} numbers below {1} are kaprekar numbers", count, max)
End Sub
End Module
- Output:
Kaprekar numbers below 10000 1 1 2 9 3 45 4 55 5 99 6 297 7 703 8 999 9 2223 10 2728 11 4879 12 4950 13 5050 14 5292 15 7272 16 7777 17 9999 54 numbers below 1000000 are kaprekar numbers
V (Vlang)
import strconv
fn kaprekar(n u64, base u64) (bool, int) {
mut order := 0
if n == 1 {
return true, -1
nn, mut power := n*n, u64(1)
for power <= nn {
power *= base
power /= base
for ; power > 1; power /= base {
q, r := nn/power, nn%power
if q >= n {
return false, -1
if q+r == n {
return true, order
return false, -1
fn main() {
mut max := u64(10000)
println("Kaprekar numbers < $max:")
for m := u64(0); m < max; m++ {
isk, _ := kaprekar(m, 10)
if isk {
println(" $m")
// extra credit
max = u64(1e6)
mut count := 0
for m := u64(0); m < max; m++ {
isk, _ := kaprekar(m, 10)
if isk {
println("\nThere are $count Kaprekar numbers < ${max}.")
// extra extra credit
base := 17
max_b := "1000000"
println("\nKaprekar numbers between 1 and ${max_b}(base ${base}):")
max, _ = strconv.common_parse_uint2(max_b, base, 64)
println("\n Base 10 Base ${base} Square Split")
for m := u64(2); m < max; m++ {
isk, pos := kaprekar(m, u64(base))
if !isk {
sq := strconv.format_uint(m*m, base)
str := strconv.format_uint(m, base)
split := sq.len-pos
println("${m:8} ${str:7} ${sq:12} ${sq[..split]:6} + ${sq[split..]}") // optional extra extra credit
- Output:
Same as Go output
@let {
isKap &n [
@var s +'' *n n
@for i til +1/#s 2 [
@vars {
fn @+!!s.slice 0 i
sn @+!s.slice i
@if =0 sn @break
@if =n +fn sn @return [fn sn]
!console.log "Kaprekar numbers below 10000: {!-isKap @to 1TK}"
!console.log "Number of Kaprekar numbers below 1000000: {#!-isKap @to 1M}"
- Output:
Kaprekar numbers below 10000: 1,9,45,55,99,297,703,999,2223,2728,4879,4950,5050,5292,7272,7777,9999 Number of Kaprekar numbers below 1000000: 54
import "./fmt" for Fmt, Conv
var kaprekar = Fn.new { |n, base|
var order = 0
if (n == 1) return [true, -1]
var nn = n * n
var power = 1
while (power <= nn) {
power = power * base
order = order + 1
power = (power/base).floor
order = order - 1
while (power > 1) {
var q = (nn/power).floor
var r = nn % power
if (q >= n) return [false, -1]
if (q + r == n) return [true, order]
order = order - 1
power = (power/base).floor
return [false, -1]
var max = 1e4
System.print("Kaprekar numbers < %(max):")
for (m in 0...max) {
var res = kaprekar.call(m, 10)
if (res[0]) Fmt.print("$6d", m)
max = 1e6
var count = 0
for (m in 0...max) {
var res = kaprekar.call(m, 10)
if (res[0]) count = count + 1
System.print("\nThere are %(count) Kaprekar numbers < %(max).")
var base = 17
var maxB = 1e6.toString
System.print("\nKaprekar numbers between 1 and %(maxB)(base %(base)):")
max = Conv.atoi(maxB, base)
Fmt.print("\n Base 10 Base $d Square Split", base)
for (m in 2...max) {
var res = kaprekar.call(m, base)
if (res[0]) {
var sq = Conv.itoa(m*m, base)
var str = Conv.itoa(m, base)
var split = sq.count - res[1]
Fmt.print("$8d $7s $12s $6s + $s", m, str, sq, sq[0...split], sq[split..-1])
- Output:
Kaprekar numbers < 10000: 1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 There are 54 Kaprekar numbers < 1000000. Kaprekar numbers between 1 and 1000000(base 17): Base 10 Base 17 Square Split 16 g f1 f + 1 64 3d e2g e + 2g 225 d4 a52g a5 + 2g 288 gg gf01 gf + 01 1536 556 1b43b2 1b4 + 3b2 3377 bbb 8093b2 809 + 3b2 4912 ggg ggf001 ggf + 001 7425 18bd 24e166g 24e + 166g 9280 1f1f 39b1b94 39b + 1b94 16705 36db b992c42 b99 + 2c42 20736 43cd 10de32fg 10de + 32fg 30016 61eb 23593f92 2359 + 3f92 36801 785d 351e433g 351e + 433g 37440 7a96 37144382 3714 + 4382 46081 967b 52g94382 52g9 + 4382 46720 98b4 5575433g 5575 + 433g 53505 af26 6ga43f92 6ga4 + 3f92 62785 cd44 9a5532fg 9a55 + 32fg 66816 da36 aeg42c42 aeg4 + 2c42 74241 f1f2 d75f1b94 d75f + 1b94 76096 f854 e1f5166g e1f5 + 166g 83520 gggg gggf0001 gggf + 0001 266224 33334 a2c52a07g a2c5 + 2a07g 1153633 ddddd b3d5e2a07g b3d5e + 2a07g 1334529 fgacc f0540f1a78 f054 + 0f1a78 1419856 ggggg ggggf00001 ggggf + 00001 1787968 146fca 19g4c12dg7f 19g4c + 12dg7f 3122497 236985 4e3be1f95d8 4e3be + 1f95d8 3773952 2b32b3 711cb2420f9 711cb + 2420f9 4243968 2gde03 8fegb27eg09 8fegb + 27eg09 5108481 3a2d6f cg10b2e3c64 cg10b + 2e3c64 5561920 3fa16d f5eae3043cg f5eae + 3043cg 6031936 443ccd 110dde332ffg 110dde + 332ffg 6896449 4e9c28 16a10c37gb1d 16a10c + 37gb1d 7435233 54067b 1a72g93aa382 1a72g9 + 3aa382 8017920 5aggb6 1ef1d43d1ef2 1ef1d4 + 3d1ef2 9223201 687534 2835c5403g7g 2835c5 + 403g7g 9805888 6f6f6g 2dbe3f41c131 2dbe3f + 41c131 11140416 7e692a 3a997c43dgbf 3a997c + 43dgbf 11209185 7f391e 3b58d543f059 3b58d5 + 43f059 12928384 91d7f3 4ef79b43f059 4ef79b + 43f059 12997153 92a7e7 4fd82943dgbf 4fd829 + 43dgbf 14331681 a1a1a1 5gf07041c131 5gf070 + 41c131 14914368 a89bdd 685c5e403g7g 685c5e + 403g7g 16119649 b6005b 79f2793d1ef2 79f279 + 3d1ef2 16702336 bcga96 8267143aa382 826714 + 3aa382 17241120 c274e9 8b7acd37gb1d 8b7acd + 37gb1d 18105633 ccd444 99a555332ffg 99a555 + 332ffg 18575649 d16fa4 a12be53043cg a12be5 + 3043cg 19029088 d6e3a2 a9a83f2e3c64 a9a83f + 2e3c64 19893601 e032ge b953g527eg09 b953g5 + 27eg09 20363617 e5de5e c1bd752420f9 c1bd75 + 2420f9 21015072 eda78c cf11c41f95d8 cf11c4 + 1f95d8 22349601 fca147 e9d1d912dg7f e9d1d9 + 12dg7f 22803040 g10645 f2fcde0f1a78 f2fcde + 0f1a78 24137568 gggggg gggggf000001 gggggf + 000001
Since integers are only 32 bits (there is no long integer), floating point is used to get the extra precision needed to calculate Kaprekar numbers up to 1,000,000. Floating point (double) provides 15 decimal digits of precision.
include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations
func Kaprekar(N, B); \Returns 'true' if N is a Kaprekar number in base B
int N, B;
real N2, D; int Q, R;
[N2:= sq(float(N)); \N squared
D:= float(B); \(divider)
loop [Q:= fix(N2/D - Mod(N2,1.)); \get left part (quotient)
R:= fix(Mod(N2,D)); \get right part (remainder)
if Q=0 then return false;
if Q+R=N & R#0 then return true;
D:= D * float(B);
int N, C;
[Format(1,0); \show one place before decimal point and none after it
RlOut(0, 1.); \show Kaprekar numbers less than ten thousand
for N:= 2 to 10_000-1 do
if Kaprekar(N, 10) then
[Text(0, " "); IntOut(0, N)];
C:= 1; \show count of Kaprekar numbers less than one million
for N:= 2 to 1_000_000-1 do
if Kaprekar(N, 10) then C:= C+1;
IntOut(0, C);
RlOut(0, 1.); \show Kaprekar numbers less than one million in base 17
for N:= 2 to 1_000_000-1 do
if Kaprekar(N, 17) then
[Text(0, " "); IntOut(0, N)];
- Output:
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 54 1 16 64 225 288 1536 3377 4912 7425 9280 16705 20736 30016 36801 37440 46081 46720 53505 62785 66816 74241 76096 83520 266224
clear screen
n = 0
FOR i = 1 TO 999999
IF FNkaprekar(i) THEN
n = n + 1
IF i < 100001 PRINT n, ": ", i
PRINT "Total Kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000 = ", n
sub FNkaprekar(n)
LOCAL s, t
s = n^2
t = 10^(INT(LOG(s)) + 1)
IF t<=n break
IF s-n = INT(s/t)*(t-1) return TRUE
return (n=1)
end sub
fcn isKaprekarB(n,b=10){
r:=l:=0; tens:=b;
r = powr % tens;
l = powr / tens;
if (r and (l + r == n)) return(True);
tens *= b;
println("Kaprekar number <= 10,000:\n",
[1..].filter(T(isKaprekarB, fcn(n){ if(n>=10000) Void.Stop else True })));
[1 .. 0d1_000_000].pump(rc.inc,isKaprekarB,Void.Filter); // if(filter) rc++
rc.value.println(" Kaprekar numbers are less than 1,000,000"); // 54
fcn(n){ if(n>=0d1_000_000) Void.Stop else True }));
Utils.zipWith(fcn(k,n){ "%3d: %7d == %.17B".fmt(n,k,k).println() },kbs,[1..]);
- Output:
Kaprekar number <= 10,000: L(1,9,45,55,99,297,703,999,2223,2728,4879,4950,5050,5292,7272,7777,9999) 54 Kaprekar numbers are less than 1,000,000 1: 1 == 1 2: 16 == g 3: 64 == 3d 4: 225 == d4 5: 288 == gg 6: 1536 == 556 7: 3377 == bbb 8: 4912 == ggg 9: 7425 == 18bd 10: 9280 == 1f1f 11: 16705 == 36db 12: 20736 == 43cd 13: 30016 == 61eb 14: 36801 == 785d 15: 37440 == 7a96 16: 46081 == 967b 17: 46720 == 98b4 18: 53505 == af26 19: 62785 == cd44 20: 66816 == da36 21: 74241 == f1f2 22: 76096 == f854 23: 83520 == gggg 24: 266224 == 33334
- Programming Tasks
- Solutions by Programming Task
- 11l
- 360 Assembly
- Ada
- ALGOL 68
- Arturo
- AutoHotkey
- Batch File
- BASIC256
- Bracmat
- Brat
- C
- C sharp
- C++
- CoffeeScript
- Common Lisp
- D
- Delphi
- SysUtils,StdCtrls
- Dart
- EasyLang
- Elixir
- Erlang
- Euler Math Toolbox
- Euler Math Toolbox examples needing attention
- Examples needing attention
- F Sharp
- Factor
- Forth
- Fortran
- Frink
- FutureBasic
- Go
- Groovy
- Haskell
- Icon
- Unicon
- J
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jq
- Julia
- Kotlin
- Liberty BASIC
- Lua
- Maple
- Mathematica
- Wolfram Language
- Maxima
- ML
- MLite
- Modula-2
- Nim
- PascalABC.NET
- Perl
- Ntheory
- Phix
- Phixmonti
- Picat
- PicoLisp
- PL/I
- PowerShell
- Prolog
- PureBasic
- Python
- Quackery
- Racket
- Raku
- Ring
- Ruby
- Scala
- Scheme
- Seed7
- Sidef
- Tcl
- Ursala
- Visual Basic .NET
- V (Vlang)
- Wortel
- Wren
- Wren-fmt
- XPL0
- Yabasic
- Zkl