Numerical integration/Adaptive Simpson's method
Lyness's (1969) Modified Adaptive Simpson's method (doi:10.1145/321526.321537) is a numerical quadrature method that recursively bisects the interval until the precision is high enough.
Write an implementation of quadrature by adaptive Simpson’s method. Use the implementation to estimate the definite integral of sin(x) from 0 to 1. Show your output.
You can use the following pseudocode, which includes Lyness's modifications 1, 2, and 3.
; Lyness's Adaptive Simpson's Rule, Modifications 1, 2, 3 procedure simpson_rule(f, a, fa, b, fb) m := (a + b) / 2 fm := f(m) h := b - a return multiple [m, fm, (h / 6) * (fa + 4*fm + fb)] procedure recursive_simpson(f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth) lm, flm, left := simpson_rule(f, a, fa, m, fm) rm, frm, right := simpson_rule(f, m, fm, b, fb) delta := left + right - whole tol' := tol / 2 if depth <= 0 or tol' == tol or abs(delta) <= 15 * tol: return left + right + (delta / 15) else: return recursive_simpson(f, a, fa, m, fm, tol', left , lm, flm, depth - 1) + recursive_simpson(f, m, fm, b, fb, tol', right, rm, frm, depth - 1) procedure quad_asr(f, a, b, tol, depth) fa := f(a) fb := f(b) m, fm, whole := simpson_rule(f, a, fa, b, fb) return recursive_simpson(f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth) |
T Triple = (Float m, Float fm, Float simp)
F _quad_simpsons_mem(f, Float a, fa, b, fb)
Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse.
V m = a + (b - a) / 2
V fm = f(m)
V simp = abs(b - a) / 6 * (fa + 4 * fm + fb)
R Triple(m, fm, simp)
F _quad_asr(f, Float a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm) -> Float
Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
V lt = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a, fa, m, fm)
V rt = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, m, fm, b, fb)
V delta = lt.simp + rt.simp - whole
R (I (abs(delta) <= eps * 15) {lt.simp + rt.simp + delta / 15}
E _quad_asr(f, a, fa, m, fm, eps / 2, lt.simp, lt.m,
+ _quad_asr(f, m, fm, b, fb, eps / 2, rt.simp, rt.m,
F quad_asr(f, Float a, b, eps) -> Float
Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
V fa = f(a)
V fb = f(b)
V t = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a, fa, b, fb)
R _quad_asr(f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, t.simp, t.m,
V (a, b) = (0.0, 1.0)
V sinx = quad_asr(x -> sin(x), a, b, 1e-09)
print(‘Simpson's integration of sine from #. to #. = #.’.format(a, b, sinx))
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459697694
with ada.text_io; use ada.text_io;
with ada.numerics; use ada.numerics;
with ada.numerics.elementary_functions;
use ada.numerics.elementary_functions;
procedure adaptive_simpson_task is
subtype flt is float;
type function_flt_to_flt is
access function (x : in flt) return flt;
procedure simpson_rule (f : in function_flt_to_flt;
a, fa, b, fb : in flt;
m, fm, quadval : out flt) is
m := 0.5 * (a + b);
fm := f(m);
quadval := ((b - a) / 6.0) * (fa + (4.0 * fm) + fb);
function recursive_simpson (f : in function_flt_to_flt;
a, fa, b, fb : in flt;
tol, whole, m, fm : in flt;
depth : in integer) return flt is
lm, flm, left : flt;
rm, frm, right : flt;
diff, tol2, quadval : flt;
simpson_rule (f, a, fa, m, fm, lm, flm, left);
simpson_rule (f, m, fm, b, fb, rm, frm, right);
diff := left + right - whole;
tol2 := 0.5 * tol;
if depth <= 0 or tol2 = tol or abs (diff) <= 15.0 * tol then
quadval := left + right + (diff / 15.0);
quadval := recursive_simpson (f, a, fa, m, fm, tol2,
left, lm, flm, depth - 1)
+ recursive_simpson (f, m, fm, b, fb, tol2,
right, rm, frm, depth - 1);
end if;
return quadval;
function quad_asr (f : in function_flt_to_flt;
a, b, tol : in flt;
depth : in integer) return flt is
fa, fb, m, fm, whole : flt;
fa := f(a);
fb := f(b);
simpson_rule (f, a, fa, b, fb, m, fm, whole);
return recursive_simpson (f, a, fa, b, fb, tol,
whole, m, fm, depth);
function sine (x : in flt) return flt is
return sin (x);
quadval : flt;
quadval := quad_asr (sine'access, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0e-5, 100);
put ("estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1:");
put_line (quadval'image);
-- local variables:
-- mode: indented-text
-- tab-width: 2
-- end:
- Output:
$ gnatmake -q adaptive_simpson_task.adb && ./adaptive_simpson_task estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: 4.59698E-01
procedure simpsonrule (f, a, fa, b, fb, m, fm, quadval);
value a, fa, b, fb;
real procedure f;
real a, fa, b, fb, m, fm, quadval;
m := (a + b) / 2;
fm := f(m);
quadval := ((b - a) / 6) * (fa + (4 * fm) + fb)
end simpsonrule;
real procedure recursion (f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth);
value a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth;
real procedure f;
real a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm;
integer depth;
real lm, flm, left;
real rm, frm, right;
real delta, tol2;
simpsonrule (f, a, fa, m, fm, lm, flm, left);
simpsonrule (f, m, fm, b, fb, rm, frm, right);
delta := left + right - whole;
tol2 := tol / 2;
if depth <= 0 | tol2 = tol | abs (delta) <= 15 * tol then
recursion := left + right + (delta / 15)
recursion :=
recursion (f, a, fa, m, fm, tol2, left , lm, flm, depth - 1)
+ recursion (f, m, fm, b, fb, tol2, right, rm, frm, depth - 1)
end recursion;
real procedure quadASR (f, a, b, tol, depth);
value a, b, tol, depth;
real procedure f;
real a, b, tol;
integer depth;
real fa, fb, m, fm, whole;
fa := f(a);
fb := f(b);
simpsonrule (f, a, fa, b, fb, m, fm, whole);
quadASR := recursion (f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth)
end quadASR;
real q;
q := quadASR (sin, 0, 1, 0.000000001, 1000);
outstring (1, "estimated definite integral of sin(x) ");
outstring (1, "for x from 0 to 1: ");
outreal (1, q);
outstring (1, "\n")
- Output:
$ marst adaptive_simpson_task.algol60 -o adaptive_simpson_task_algol60.c && gcc -g adaptive_simpson_task_algol60.c -lalgol -lm && ./a.out estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 0.459697694132
...with the helper routines nested inside the main quadrature routine.
BEGIN # Numerical integration using an Adaptive Simpson's method #
PROC quad asr = ( PROC(REAL)REAL f, REAL a, b, eps )REAL:
MODE TRIPLE = STRUCT( REAL m, fm, simp );
# "structured" adaptive version, translated from Racket #
PROC quad simpsons mem = ( PROC(REAL)REAL f, REAL a, fa, b, fb )TRIPLE:
BEGIN # Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse. #
REAL m = ( a + b ) / 2;
REAL fm = f( m );
REAL simp = ABS ( b - a ) / 6 * ( fa + 4*fm + fb );
( m, fm, simp )
END # quad simpsons mem # ;
PROC quad asr rec = ( PROC(REAL)REAL f, REAL a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm )REAL:
IF # Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule. #
# Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained. #
TRIPLE lt = quad simpsons mem( f, a, fa, m, fm );
TRIPLE rt = quad simpsons mem( f, m, fm, b, fb );
REAL delta = simp OF lt + simp OF rt - whole;
ABS delta <= eps * 15
THEN simp OF lt + simp OF rt + delta / 15
ELSE quad asr rec( f, a, fa, m, fm, eps / 2, simp OF lt, m OF lt, fm OF lt )
+ quad asr rec( f, m, fm, b, fb, eps / 2, simp OF rt, m OF rt, fm OF rt )
FI # quad asr # ;
# Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps. #
REAL fa = f( a );
REAL fb = f( b );
TRIPLE t = quad simpsons mem( f, a, fa, b, fb );
quad asr rec( f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, simp OF t, m OF t, fm OF t )
END # quad asr # ;
REAL a = 0.0, b = 1.0;
REAL sinx = quad asr( sin, a, b, 1e-09 );
print( ( "Simpson's integration of sine from ", fixed( a, -6, 3 )
, " to ", fixed( b, -6, 3 )
, " = ", fixed( sinx, -9, 6 )
, newline
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sine from 0.000 to 1.000 = 0.459698
which is
begin % Numerical integration using an Adaptive Simpson's method %
real procedure quad_asr ( real procedure f; real value a, b, eps ) ;
record triple ( real mOf, fmOf, simpOf );
% "structured" adaptive version, translated from Racket %
reference(triple) procedure quad_simpsons_mem ( real procedure f
; real value a, fa, b, fb
) ;
begin % Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse. %
real m, fm, simp;
m := ( a + b ) / 2;
fm := f( m );
simp := abs ( b - a ) / 6 * ( fa + 4*fm + fb );
triple( m, fm, simp )
end quad_simpsons_mem ;
real procedure quad_asr_rec ( real procedure f
; real value a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm
) ;
% Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule. %
% Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained. %
reference(triple) lt, rt;
real delta;
lt := quad_simpsons_mem( f, a, fa, m, fm );
rt := quad_simpsons_mem( f, m, fm, b, fb );
delta := simpOf(lt) + simpOf(rt) - whole;
if abs delta <= eps * 15
then simpOf(lt) + simpOf(rt) + delta / 15
else quad_asr_rec( f, a, fa, m, fm, eps / 2, simpOf(lt), mOf(lt), fmOf(lt) )
+ quad_asr_rec( f, m, fm, b, fb, eps / 2, simpOf(rt), mOf(rt), fmOf(rt) )
end quad_asr ;
real fa, fb;
reference(triple) t;
% Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps. %
fa := f( a );
fb := f( b );
t := quad_simpsons_mem( f, a, fa, b, fb );
quad_asr_rec( f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, simpOf(t), mOf(t), fmOf(t) )
end quad_asr ;
real a, b, sinx;
a := 0.0; b := 1.0;
sinx := quad_asr( sin, a, b, 1'-09 );
write( s_w := 0, r_format := "A", r_w := 6, r_d := 3
, "Simpson's integration of sine from ", a, " to ", b, " = "
, r_w := 12, r_d := 8
, sinx
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sine from 0.000 to 1.000 = 0.45969769
(* Adaptive Simpson quadrature was, I believe, one of the subjects in
my undergraduate numerical analysis coursework (in the middle
1980s). It is most likely the first recursive quadrature method to
have been published, and it is very easy to write a program that
does it. *)
#include "share/atspre_staload.hats"
(* The interface is a template function, for any of the floating-point
types. *)
extern fn {tk : tkind}
(* f is an ordinary function (compiled to a C function, as
opposed to a closure with an environment), with no effect
restrictions. I make it a function rather than a closure
so we can use ordinary C functions for "f". I could have
written "-<1>" or just "->" instead of "-<fun1>" *)
(f : g0float tk -<fun1> g0float tk,
a : g0float tk,
b : g0float tk,
tol : g0float tk, (* Tolerance. *)
depth : intGte 0) (* The maximum depth of recursion. *)
(* The type of the return value is "g0float tk", or in other words
(for purposes of this example program) any of the
floating-point types "float", "double", or "ldouble" (long
double), corresponding to the floating-point types of standard
C. A plain colon means there are no effect restrictions. Had I
written ":<1>" or ":<fun1>" instead, it would have meant the
same thing. *)
: g0float tk
(* The implementation will be for any floating-point type (although it
can be overridden, either generally or for a specific type). *)
implement {tk}
quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson (f, a, b, tol, depth) =
(* A shorthand. Sometimes you will see typedefs written instead as
"stadef", which is a more general notation. *)
typedef real = g0float tk
(* In ATS, you can nest functions inside functions to whatever
depth you like. *)
_quad_asr_simpsons (a : real,
fa : real,
b : real,
fb : real)
(* The return type is an unboxed 3-tuple of floating point
numbers. It will be passed around as a C struct. Usually
one can leave out the "@" sign, but I like to include it. A
BOXED tuple (allocated as a struct in the heap, and passed
around as a pointer) would be written '() instead of @() *)
: @(real, real, real) =
(* The type of 0.5 must be casted to type "real" (= "g0float
tk"). Here I will do that rather explicitly, using a
macro. Typically it is possible to let the ATS compiler
infer which type-to-type cast is necessary. See further
below where I write "g0i2f" to do the casts from integer to
floating-point type. *)
macdef one_half = g0float2float<double_kind,tk> 0.5
val m = one_half * (a + b)
val fm = f(m)
val h = b - a
@(m, fm, (h / g0i2f 6) * (fa + (g0i2f 4 * fm) + fb))
(* _quad_asr is a recursive function, so I must write "fun"
instead of "fn". *)
_quad_asr {depth : nat}
(* "depth" is a hypothetical natural number, used only
during typechecking. The notations below mean that,
on each call to _quad_asr, the value that is of type
"int depth" will have to be proven to decrease
without passing zero. If this is indeed so, then the
function is guaranteed to terminate (unless it would
run out of stack space, etc.). *)
(a : real,
fa : real,
b : real,
fb : real,
tol : real,
whole : real,
m : real,
fm : real,
depth : int depth) : g0float tk =
(* Saying "and" here means that the computations should be
performed as if at the same time, and perhaps even at the
same time. In this case that is not necessary, although
perhaps it is good as documentation. In some instances it
is REALLY what you want. *)
val @(lm, flm, left) = _quad_asr_simpsons (a, fa, m, fm)
and @(rm, frm, right) = _quad_asr_simpsons (m, fm, b, fb)
val delta = left + right - whole
and tol_ = g0f2f 0.5 * tol
(* I test the value of "depth" first, so the typechecker can
know that, in later branches, the value of depth is greater
than zero, and thus can be decremented. (The ATS compiler
will otherwise refuse to let you subtract 1.) I could have
tested "depth" at the same time as the later tests, by
using "+" instead of "||" to mean OR, but why that is so is
getting too technical for this example. *)
if depth = 0 then
left + right + (delta / g0i2f 15)
else if tol_ = tol || abs (delta) <= g0i2f 15 * tol then
left + right + (delta / g0i2f 15)
val left_val = _quad_asr (a, fa, m, fm, tol_, left,
lm, flm, depth - 1)
and right_val = _quad_asr (m, fm, b, fb, tol_, right,
rm, frm, depth - 1)
left_val + right_val
(* Here is an alternative to writing "and". Programmers in
languages such as Python will recognize the technique: *)
val @(fa, fb) = @(f(a), f(b))
val @(m, fm, whole) = _quad_asr_simpsons (a, fa, b, fb)
_quad_asr (a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth)
(* We can compile an instance of the template, AND make that instance
available to BOTH ATS and C. The
="ext#quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson_double" tells the compiler to
use "quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson_double" as the name of the C
function, rather than some mangled version of that name. *)
extern fn
quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson_double :
(* The following means "of the same type as
'quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson' instantiated for the 'double'
floating-point type". Here it serves simply as a convenient
shorthand. *)
$d2ctype (quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson<double_kind>)
= "ext#quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson_double"
quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson_double (f, a, b, tol, depth) =
quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson<double_kind> (f, a, b, tol, depth)
(* Let us call quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson_double from C rather
than from ATS, simply to demonstrate the process. *)
#include <math.h>
double quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson_double (void *f,
double a, double b,
double tol, int depth);
double integral_of_sine_from_0_to_1 (double tol, int depth);
integral_of_sine_from_0_to_1 (double tol, int depth)
((void *) sin, 0, 1, tol, depth);
(* A "main" that reads no command-line arguments. It must return an
exit status. *)
main () =
val tol = 1e-9
val depth = 1000
(* One of the ways to make the foreign function call to C. *)
val result1 = $extfcall (double, "integral_of_sine_from_0_to_1",
tol, depth)
val () = println! ("estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1, ",
"by call to the C interface: ", result1)
(* Another way to make a foreign function call. *)
extern fn sin : double -> double = "mac#sin"
(* Calling the same compiled function, but this time from ATS
instead of C. *)
val result2 =
(sin, 0.0, 1.0, tol, depth)
val () = println! ("estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1, ",
"by call to a compiled function: ", result2)
(* Using the template function directly, with single precision
numbers. *)
extern fn sinf : float -> float = "mac#sinf"
val result3 =
(sinf, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1e-5f, depth)
val () = println! ("estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1, ",
"by call to the template: ", result3)
0 (* Exit status. *)
- Output:
$ patscc -std=gnu2x -g -O2 adaptive_simpson_draft_task.dats -lm && ./a.out estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1, by call to the C interface: 0.459698 estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1, by call to a compiled function: 0.459698 estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1, by call to the template: 0.459698
printf ("estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: %f\n",
quad_asr(0.0, 1.0, 1.0e-9, 100))
function f(x)
return sin(x)
function midpoint(a, b)
return 0.5 * (a + b)
function simpson_rule(a, fa, b, fb, fm)
return ((b - a) / 6.0) * (fa + (4.0 * fm) + fb)
function recursive_simpson(a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth,
# Local variables:
lm, flm, left,
rm, frm, right,
delta, tol_,
leftval, rightval, quadval)
lm = midpoint(a, m)
flm = f(lm)
left = simpson_rule(a, fa, m, fm, flm)
rm = midpoint(m, b)
frm = f(rm)
right = simpson_rule(m, fm, b, fb, frm)
delta = left + right - whole
tol_ = 0.5 * tol
if (depth <= 0 || tol_ == tol || abs(delta) <= 15.0 * tol)
quadval = left + right + (delta / 15.0)
leftval = recursive_simpson(a, fa, m, fm, tol_,
left, lm, flm, depth - 1)
rightval = recursive_simpson(m, fm, b, fb, tol_,
right, rm, frm, depth - 1)
quadval = leftval + rightval
return quadval
function quad_asr(a, b, tol, depth,
# Local variables:
fa, fb, whole, m, fm)
fa = f(a)
fb = f(b)
m = midpoint(a, b)
fm = f(m)
whole = simpson_rule(a, fa, b, fb, fm)
return recursive_simpson(a, fa, b, fb, tol,
whole, m, fm, depth)
function abs(x)
return (x < 0 ? -x : x)
- Output:
Just about any modern Awk should work: nawk, mawk, gawk, busybox awk, goawk, etc. But the ancient Old Awk does not work.
$ nawk -f adaptive_simpson_task.awk estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: 0.459698
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef struct { double m; double fm; double simp; } triple;
/* "structured" adaptive version, translated from Racket */
triple _quad_simpsons_mem(double (*f)(double), double a, double fa, double b, double fb) {
// Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse.
double m = (a + b) / 2;
double fm = f(m);
double simp = fabs(b - a) / 6 * (fa + 4*fm + fb);
triple t = {m, fm, simp};
return t;
double _quad_asr(double (*f)(double), double a, double fa, double b, double fb, double eps, double whole, double m, double fm) {
// Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
// Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
triple lt = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a, fa, m, fm);
triple rt = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, m, fm, b, fb);
double delta = lt.simp + rt.simp - whole;
if (fabs(delta) <= eps * 15) return lt.simp + rt.simp + delta/15;
return _quad_asr(f, a, fa, m, fm, eps/2, lt.simp, lt.m, +
_quad_asr(f, m, fm, b, fb, eps/2, rt.simp, rt.m,;
double quad_asr(double (*f)(double), double a, double b, double eps) {
// Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
double fa = f(a);
double fb = f(b);
triple t = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a, fa, b, fb);
return _quad_asr(f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, t.simp, t.m,;
int main(){
double a = 0.0, b = 1.0;
double sinx = quad_asr(sin, a, b, 1e-09);
printf("Simpson's integration of sine from %g to %g = %f\n", a, b, sinx);
return 0;
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459698
Rather than do recursions, I compute the x-intervals iteratively. No attempt is made to avoid recomputing values of sin(x).
*> -*- mode: cobol -*-
*> I do the computations (except perhaps for the call to the
*> "sin" function) in decimal fixed point.
identification division.
program-id. adaptive_simpson_task.
data division.
working-storage section.
01 numer picture s9(25). *> 25 decimal digits.
01 denom picture s9(25).
01 numer2 picture s9(25).
01 a picture s9(5)V9(20). *> 5+20 decimal digits.
01 b picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 tol picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 x picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 y picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 x0 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 y0 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 x1 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 y1 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 x2 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 y2 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 x3 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 y3 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 x4 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 y4 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 ruleval picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 ruleval0 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 ruleval1 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 delta picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 abs-delta picture 9(5)V9(20). *> unsigned.
01 tol0 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 tol1 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 delta15 picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 stepval picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 quadval picture s9(5)V9(20).
01 result picture -9.9(9).
procedure division.
move 0.0 to a
move 1.0 to b
move 0.000000001 to tol
perform adaptive-quadrature
move quadval to result
display result
stop run.
move 0 to numer
move 1 to denom
perform until (numer = denom) and (denom = 1)
perform get-interval
perform simpson-rule-thrice
compute delta = ruleval0 + ruleval1 - ruleval
compute abs-delta = delta
compute tol0 = tol * (x4 - x0)
compute tol1 = tol * (x2 - x0)
if (tol1 = tol0) or (abs-delta <= 15 * tol0) then
compute delta15 = delta / 15
compute stepval = ruleval0 + ruleval1 + delta15
compute quadval = quadval + stepval
perform go-to-next-interval
perform bisect-current-interval
*> There is no attempt here to minimize the number of
*> recomputations of sin(x).
compute x2 = (x0 + x4) / 2
compute x1 = (x0 + x2) / 2
compute x3 = (x2 + x4) / 2
compute x = x0
perform compute-function
compute y0 = y
compute x = x1
perform compute-function
compute y1 = y
compute x = x2
perform compute-function
compute y2 = y
compute x = x3
perform compute-function
compute y3 = y
compute x = x4
perform compute-function
compute y4 = y
compute ruleval = ((x4 - x0) / 6) * (y0 + (4 * y2) + y4)
compute ruleval0 = ((x2 - x0) / 6) * (y0 + (4 * y1) + y2)
compute ruleval1 = ((x4 - x2) / 6) * (y2 + (4 * y3) + y4).
compute numer = numer + numer
compute denom = denom + denom.
compute numer = numer + 1
divide numer by 2 giving numer2
if numer2 + numer2 = numer then
perform until not (numer2 + numer2 = numer)
move numer2 to numer
divide denom by 2 giving denom
divide numer by 2 giving numer2
compute x0 = numer / denom
compute x0 = (a * (1 - x0)) + (b * x0)
compute x4 = (numer + 1) / denom
compute x4 = (a * (1 - x4)) + (b * x4).
compute y = function sin (x).
- Output:
$ cobc -std=cobol2014 -x adaptive_simpson_task.cob && ./adaptive_simpson_task 0.459697694
Common Lisp
(defun %%quad-asr-simpsons (f a fa b fb)
(let* ((m (/ (+ a b) 2))
(fm (funcall f m))
(h (- b a)))
;; Common Lisp supports returning multiple values at once. There
;; is no need to return them explicitly as a data structure
;; (though that also could be done).
(values m fm (* (/ h 6) (+ fa (* 4 fm) fb)))))
(defun %%quad-asr (f a fa b fb tol whole m fm depth)
(multiple-value-bind (lm flm left)
(%%quad-asr-simpsons f a fa m fm)
(multiple-value-bind (rm frm right)
(%%quad-asr-simpsons f m fm b fb)
(let ((delta (- (+ left right) whole))
(tol^ (/ tol 2)))
(if (or (<= depth 0)
(= tol^ tol)
(<= (abs delta) (* 15 tol)))
(+ left right (/ delta 15))
(+ (%%quad-asr f a fa m fm tol^ left
lm flm (1- depth))
(%%quad-asr f m fm b fb tol^ right
rm frm (1- depth))))))))
(defun quad-asr (f a b tol depth)
(let ((fa (funcall f a))
(fb (funcall f b)))
(multiple-value-bind (m fm whole)
(%%quad-asr-simpsons f a fa b fb)
(%%quad-asr f a fa b fb tol whole m fm depth))))
(princ "estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: ")
(princ (quad-asr #'sin 0 1 1e-9 1000))
- Output:
$ clisp adaptive_simpson_task.lisp estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 0.45969772
import std.math;
import std.stdio;
import std.typecons;
quad_asr (double function (double) f, double a, double b,
double tol, int depth)
auto quad_asr_simpsons_ (double a, double fa, double b, double fb)
auto m = 0.5 * (a + b);
auto fm = f(m);
auto h = b - a;
return tuple!("m", "fm", "quadval")
(m, fm, (h / 6) * (fa + 4*fm + fb));
double quad_asr_ (double a, double fa, double b, double fb,
double tol, double whole, double m, double fm,
int depth)
// Please do not ask why I do not use multiple return
// statements. Finding reasons why is left as an exercise.
auto retval = NaN (0);
auto left = quad_asr_simpsons_ (a, fa, m, fm);
auto right = quad_asr_simpsons_ (m, fm, b, fb);
auto delta = left.quadval + right.quadval - whole;
auto tol_ = 0.5 * tol;
if (depth <= 0 || tol_ == tol || abs (delta) <= 15 * tol)
retval = left.quadval + right.quadval + (delta / 15);
retval = (quad_asr_ (a, fa, m, fm, tol_, left.quadval,
left.m,, depth - 1)
+ quad_asr_ (m, fm, b, fb, tol_, right.quadval,
right.m,, depth - 1));
return retval;
auto fa = f(a);
auto fb = f(b);
auto whole = quad_asr_simpsons_ (a, fa, b, fb);
return quad_asr_ (a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole.quadval,
whole.m,, depth);
main ()
auto result = quad_asr (&sin, 0.0, 1.0, 1e-9, 1000);
printf ("estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: %lf\n", result);
return 0;
- Output:
$ gdc -g adaptive_simpson_task.d && ./a.out estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: 0.459698
USING: formatting kernel locals math math.functions math.ranges
sequences ;
IN: rosetta-code.simpsons
:: simps ( f a b n -- x )
n even?
[ n "n must be even; %d was given" sprintf throw ] unless
b a - n / :> h
1 n 2 <range> 2 n 1 - 2 <range>
[ [ a + h * f call ] map-sum ] bi@ [ 4 ] [ 2 ] bi*
[ * ] 2bi@ a b [ f call ] bi@ + + + h 3 / * ; inline
[ sin ] 0 1 100 simps
"Simpson's rule integration of sin from 0 to 1 is: %u\n" printf
- Output:
Simpson's rule integration of sin from 0 to 1 is: 0.4596976941573994
\ -*- mode: forth -*-
\ The following was written for Gforth, using its implementation of
\ local variables and of f=
Defer f
: simpson-rule { F: a F: fa F: b F: fb -- m fm quadval }
a b f+ 0.5e0 f* \ -- m
fdup f \ -- m fm
fdup 4.0e0 f* fa f+ fb f+
b a f- 6.0e0 f/ f* \ -- m fm quadval
: recursive-simpson
{ F: a F: fa F: b F: fb F: tol F: whole F: m F: fm depth -- quadval }
a fa m fm simpson-rule { F: lm F: flm F: left }
m fm b fb simpson-rule { F: rm F: frm F: right }
left right f+ whole f- { F: delta }
tol 0.5e0 f* { F: tol_ }
depth 0 <=
tol_ tol f= or
delta fabs 15.0e0 tol f* f<= or
left right f+ delta 15.0e0 f/ f+
a fa m fm tol_ left lm flm depth 1 - recurse
m fm b fb tol_ right rm frm depth 1 - recurse
: quad-asr { F: a F: b F: tol depth -- quadval }
a f { F: fa }
b f { F: fb }
a fa b fb simpson-rule { F: m F: fm F: whole }
a fa b fb tol whole m fm depth recursive-simpson
:noname fsin ; IS f
." estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: "
0.0e0 1.0e0 1.0e-12 100 quad-asr f.
- Output:
$ gforth adaptive_simpson_task.fs -e bye estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: 0.45969769413186
program adaptive_simpson_task
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dbl = kind (1.0d0)
function function_dbl_to_dbl (x) result (y)
import dbl
real(dbl), intent(in) :: x
real(dbl) :: y
end function function_dbl_to_dbl
end interface
write (*, 1000) quad_asr (sine, 0.0_dbl, 1.0_dbl, 1E-9_dbl, 1000)
1000 format ("estimated definite integral of sin(x) ", &
& "for x from 0 to 1: ", F15.13)
function sine (x) result (y)
real(dbl), intent(in) :: x
real(dbl) :: y
y = sin (x)
end function sine
function quad_asr (f, a, b, tol, depth) result (quadval)
procedure(function_dbl_to_dbl) :: f
real(dbl), intent(in) :: a, b, tol
integer, intent(in) :: depth
real(dbl) :: quadval
real(dbl) :: fa, fb, m, fm, whole
fa = f(a)
fb = f(b)
call quad_asr_simpsons_ (f, a, fa, b, fb, m, fm, whole)
quadval = quad_asr_ (f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth)
end function quad_asr
recursive function quad_asr_ (f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, &
& m, fm, depth) result (quadval)
procedure(function_dbl_to_dbl) :: f
real(dbl), intent(in) :: a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm
integer, intent(in) :: depth
real(dbl) :: quadval
real(dbl) :: lm, flm, left
real(dbl) :: rm, frm, right
real(dbl) :: delta, tol_
call quad_asr_simpsons_ (f, a, fa, m, fm, lm, flm, left)
call quad_asr_simpsons_ (f, m, fm, b, fb, rm, frm, right)
delta = left + right - whole
tol_ = tol / 2
if (depth <= 0 .or. tol_ == tol .or. abs (delta) <= 15 * tol) then
quadval = left + right + (delta / 15)
quadval = quad_asr_ (f, a, fa, m, fm, tol_, left, &
& lm, flm, depth - 1)
quadval = quadval + quad_asr_ (f, m, fm, b, fb, tol_, &
& right, rm, frm, depth - 1)
end if
end function quad_asr_
subroutine quad_asr_simpsons_ (f, a, fa, b, fb, m, fm, quadval)
procedure(function_dbl_to_dbl) :: f
real(dbl), intent(in) :: a, fa, b, fb
real(dbl), intent(out) :: m, fm, quadval
m = (a + b) / 2
fm = f(m)
quadval = ((b - a) / 6) * (fa + (4 * fm) + fb)
end subroutine quad_asr_simpsons_
end program adaptive_simpson_task
- Output:
$ gfortran -O -std=f2018 -fbounds-check -g adaptive_simpson_task.f90 && ./a.out estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 0.4596976941318
On x86-64, if you leave out the optimizer you get a trampoline:
$ gfortran -std=f2018 -fbounds-check -g adaptive_simpson_task.f90 && ./a.out adaptive_simpson_task.f90:20:2: 20 | function sine (x) result (y) | ^ Warning: trampoline generated for nested function ‘sine’ [-Wtrampolines] /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: warning: /tmp/cc2mQOD2.o: requires executable stack (because the .note.GNU-stack section is executable) estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 0.4596976941318
Such a bit of executable code on the stack often is not allowed on systems hardened against hackers. Otherwise you probably needn't be concerned, even though warnings are being generated both by the compiler and the linker. :)
Type QuadSimpsonMem
As Double m, fm, simp
End Type
Function quadSimpsonMem(f As Function(As Double) As Double, a As Double, fa As Double, b As Double, fb As Double) As QuadSimpsonMem
Dim As QuadSimpsonMem r
r.m = (a + b) / 2 = f(r.m)
r.simp = Abs(b - a) / 6 * (fa + 4 * + fb)
Return r
End Function
Function quadAsrRec(f As Function(As Double) As Double, a As Double, fa As Double, b As Double, fb As Double, eps As Double, whole As Double, m As Double, fm As Double) As Double
Dim As QuadSimpsonMem r1 = quadSimpsonMem(f, a, fa, m, fm)
Dim As QuadSimpsonMem r2 = quadSimpsonMem(f, m, fm, b, fb)
Dim As Double delta = r1.simp + r2.simp - whole
If Abs(delta) < eps * 15 Then Return r1.simp + r2.simp + delta / 15
Return quadAsrRec(f, a, fa, m, fm, eps / 2, r1.simp, r1.m, + quadAsrRec(f, m, fm, b, fb, eps / 2, r2.simp, r2.m,
End Function
Function quadAsr(f As Function(As Double) As Double, a As Double, b As Double, eps As Double) As Double
Dim As Double fa = f(a), fb = f(b)
Dim As QuadSimpsonMem r = quadSimpsonMem(f, a, fa, b, fb)
Return quadAsrRec(f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, r.simp, r.m,
End Function
Function sinx(x As Double) As Double
Return Sin(x)
End Function
Dim As Double a = 0, b = 1
Dim As Double result = quadAsr(@sinx, a, b, 1e-09)
Print "Simpson's integration of sine from"; a; " to"; b; " ="; result
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.4596976941317858
Like the zkl entry, this is also a translation of the Python code in the Wikipedia article.
package main
import (
type F = func(float64) float64
/* "structured" adaptive version, translated from Racket */
func quadSimpsonsMem(f F, a, fa, b, fb float64) (m, fm, simp float64) {
// Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse.
m = (a + b) / 2
fm = f(m)
simp = math.Abs(b-a) / 6 * (fa + 4*fm + fb)
func quadAsrRec(f F, a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm float64) float64 {
// Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
// Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
lm, flm, left := quadSimpsonsMem(f, a, fa, m, fm)
rm, frm, right := quadSimpsonsMem(f, m, fm, b, fb)
delta := left + right - whole
if math.Abs(delta) <= eps*15 {
return left + right + delta/15
return quadAsrRec(f, a, fa, m, fm, eps/2, left, lm, flm) +
quadAsrRec(f, m, fm, b, fb, eps/2, right, rm, frm)
func quadAsr(f F, a, b, eps float64) float64 {
// Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
fa, fb := f(a), f(b)
m, fm, whole := quadSimpsonsMem(f, a, fa, b, fb)
return quadAsrRec(f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm)
func main() {
a, b := 0.0, 1.0
sinx := quadAsr(math.Sin, a, b, 1e-09)
fmt.Printf("Simpson's integration of sine from %g to %g = %f\n", a, b, sinx)
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459698
- Output:
$ icon adaptive_simpson_task_arizona.icn estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: 0.4596976941
Typically one would choose the library implementation:
load'~addons/math/misc/integrat.ijs' NB. integrate returns definite integral and estimated digits of accuracy 1&o. integrate 0 1 0.459698 9 NB. adapt implements adaptive Simpson's rule, however recomputes some integrands 1&o. adapt 0 1 1e_9 0.459698
Note'expected answer computed by j'
translated from c
mp=: +/ .* NB. matrix product
NB. Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse.
uquad_simpsons_mem=: adverb define
'a fa b fb'=. y
em=. a ([ + [: -: -~) b
fm=. u em
simp=. ((| b - a) % 6) * 1 4 1 mp fa , fm , fb
em, fm, simp
Simp=: 1 :'2{m'
Fm=: 1 :'1{m'
M=: 1 :'0{m'
NB. Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
NB. Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
uquad_asr=: adverb define
'a fa b fb eps whole em fm'=. y
lt=. u uquad_simpsons_mem(a, fa, em, fm)
rt=. u uquad_simpsons_mem(em, fm, b, fb)
delta=. lt Simp + rt Simp - whole
if. (| delta) <: eps * 15 do.
lt Simp + rt Simp + delta % 15
(a, fa, em, fm, (-: eps), lt Simp, lt M, lt Fm) +&(u uquad_asr) (em, fm, b, fb, (-: eps), rt Simp, rt M, rt Fm)
NB. Integrate u from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
quad_asr=: adverb define
'a b eps'=. y
fa=. u a
fb=. u b
t=. u uquad_simpsons_mem a, fa, b, fb
u uquad_asr a, fa, b, fb, eps, t Simp, t M, t Fm
echo 'Simpson''s integration of sine from 0 to 1 = ' , ": 1&o. quad_asr 0 1 1e_9 Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459698
import java.util.function.Function;
public class NumericalIntegrationAdaptiveSimpsons {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Function<Double,Double> f = x -> sin(x);
System.out.printf("integrate sin(x), x = 0 .. Pi = %2.12f. Function calls = %d%n", quadratureAdaptiveSimpsons(f, 0, Math.PI, 1e-8), functionCount);
functionCount = 0;
System.out.printf("integrate sin(x), x = 0 .. 1 = %2.12f. Function calls = %d%n", quadratureAdaptiveSimpsons(f, 0, 1, 1e-8), functionCount);
private static double quadratureAdaptiveSimpsons(Function<Double,Double> function, double a, double b, double error) {
double fa = function.apply(a);
double fb = function.apply(b);
Triple t = quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsOne(function, a, fa, b ,fb);
return quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsRecursive(function, a, fa, b, fb, error, t.s, t.x, t.fx);
private static double quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsRecursive(Function<Double,Double> function, double a, double fa, double b, double fb, double error, double whole, double m, double fm) {
Triple left = quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsOne(function, a, fa, m, fm);
Triple right = quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsOne(function, m, fm, b, fb);
double delta = left.s + right.s - whole;
if ( Math.abs(delta) <= 15*error ) {
return left.s + right.s + delta / 15;
return quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsRecursive(function, a, fa, m, fm, error/2, left.s, left.x, left.fx) +
quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsRecursive(function, m, fm, b, fb, error/2, right.s, right.x, right.fx);
private static Triple quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsOne(Function<Double,Double> function, double a, double fa, double b, double fb) {
double m = (a + b) / 2;
double fm = function.apply(m);
return new Triple(m, fm, Math.abs(b-a) / 6 * (fa + 4*fm + fb));
private static class Triple {
double x, fx, s;
private Triple(double m, double fm, double s) {
this.x = m;
this.fx = fm;
this.s = s;
private static int functionCount = 0;
private static double sin(double x) {
return Math.sin(x);
- Output:
integrate sin(x), x = 0 .. Pi = 1.999999999998. Function calls = 121 integrate sin(x), x = 0 .. 1 = 0.459697694131. Function calls = 33
Adapted from Wren
Works with jq, the C implementation of jq
Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq
The program also works with jaq, the Rust implementation of jq, except that the four occurrences of destructuring assignments would have to be rewritten.
# Integrate f from $a to $b using the adaptive Simpson's rule (ASR)
# with max error of $eps.
def quadASR(f; $a; $b; $eps):
# Emit [$m, $fm, $sim]
def quadSimpsonMem($a; $fa; $b; $fb):
(($a + $b) / 2) as $m
| ($m|f) as $fm
| ($fa + 4*$fm + $fb) as $x
| [$m, $fm, ((($b - $a) | length) / 6) * $x];
# Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
def quadASR:
. as [$a, $fa, $b, $fb, $eps, $whole, $m, $fm]
# Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
| quadSimpsonMem($a; $fa; $m; $fm) as [$lm, $flm, $left]
| quadSimpsonMem($m; $fm; $b; $fb) as [$rm, $frm, $right]
| ($left + $right - $whole) as $delta
| if ($delta|length) < ($eps * 15)
then $left + $right + ($delta/15)
else ([$a, $fa, $m, $fm, $eps/2, $left, $lm, $flm] | quadASR) +
([$m, $fm, $b, $fb, $eps/2, $right, $rm, $frm] | quadASR)
($a|f) as $fa
| ($b|f) as $fb
| quadSimpsonMem($a; $fa; $b; $fb) as [$m, $fm, $whole]
| [$a, $fa, $b, $fb, $eps, $whole, $m, $fm] | quadASR ;
def sinx($a;$b):
quadASR(sin ; $a; $b; 1e-09);
"Simpson's integration of sin from 0 to 1 = \(sinx(0;1))"
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sin from 0 to 1 is 0.45969769413178574
Originally from Modesto Mas,
function simps(f::Function, a::Number, b::Number, n::Number)
iseven(n) || throw("n must be even, and $n was given")
h = (b-a)/n
s = f(a) + f(b)
s += 4 * sum(f.(a .+ collect(1:2:n) .* h))
s += 2 * sum(f.(a .+ collect(2:2:n-1) .* h))
h/3 * s
println("Simpson's rule integration of sin from 0 to 1 is: ", simps(sin, 0.0, 1.0, 100))
- Output:
Simpson's rule integration of sin from 0 to 1 is: 0.45969769415739936
simpsonsRule:{[f;a;b] m: (a+b)%2; h: b-a; m, (h%6)*f[a]+f[b]+4*f[m]}
(lm;left): simpsonsRule[f;a;m]
(rm;right): simpsonsRule[f;m;b]
delta: left+right-whole
tol2: tol%2
quadAsr:{[f;a;b;tol;depth]; (m;whole): simpsonsRule[f;a;b]; recursiveSimpson[f;a;b;tol;whole;m;depth]}
// Version 1.2.71
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.sin
typealias F = (Double) -> Double
typealias T = Triple<Double, Double, Double>
/* "structured" adaptive version, translated from Racket */
fun quadSimpsonsMem(f: F, a: Double, fa: Double, b: Double, fb: Double): T {
// Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse
val m = (a + b) / 2
val fm = f(m)
val simp = abs(b - a) / 6 * (fa + 4 * fm + fb)
return T(m, fm, simp)
fun quadAsrRec(f: F, a: Double, fa: Double, b: Double, fb: Double,
eps: Double, whole: Double, m: Double, fm: Double): Double {
// Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
// Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
val (lm, flm, left) = quadSimpsonsMem(f, a, fa, m, fm)
val (rm, frm, right) = quadSimpsonsMem(f, m, fm, b, fb)
val delta = left + right - whole
if (abs(delta) <= eps * 15) return left + right + delta / 15
return quadAsrRec(f, a, fa, m, fm, eps / 2, left, lm, flm) +
quadAsrRec(f, m, fm, b, fb, eps / 2, right, rm, frm)
fun quadAsr(f: F, a: Double, b: Double, eps: Double): Double {
// Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
val fa = f(a)
val fb = f(b)
val (m, fm, whole) = quadSimpsonsMem(f, a, fa, b, fb)
return quadAsrRec(f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val a = 0.0
val b = 1.0
val sinx = quadAsr(::sin, a, b, 1.0e-09)
println("Simpson's integration of sine from $a to $b = ${"%6f".format(sinx)}")
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sine from 0.0 to 1.0 = 0.459698
1) using the sin's primitive -cos(x)
∫01 sin(x) = {- {cos 0} {cos 1}}
-> 0.45969769413186023 // will be the reference value
2) using the adaptative simpson method
{def adasimp
{def adasimp.calc
{lambda {:fun :a :fa :b :fb}
{let { {:delta {- :b :a}}
{:m {/ {+ :a :b} 2}}
{:fa :fa} {:fb :fb}
{:fm {:fun {/ {+ :a :b} 2}}}
} { :m :fm {/ {* {abs :delta} {+ :fa {* 4 :fm} :fb}} 6}} }}}
{def adasimp.rec
{lambda {:fun :a :fa :b :fb :eps :mfs}
{let { {:fun :fun}
{:a :a} {:fa :fa} {:b :b} {:fb :fb}
{:eps :eps} {:mfs :mfs}
{:left {adasimp.calc :fun :a :fa {A.get 0 :mfs} {A.get 1 :mfs}}}
{:right {adasimp.calc :fun {A.get 0 :mfs} {A.get 1 :mfs} :b :fb}}
} {let { {:fun :fun}
{:a :a} {:fa :fa} {:b :b} {:fb :fb}
{:eps :eps} {:mfs :mfs}
{:left :left} {:right :right}
{:delta {+ {A.get 2 :left}
{A.get 2 :right}
{- {A.get 2 :mfs}}}}
} {if {<= {abs :delta} {* :eps 15}}
then {+ {A.get 2 :left}
{A.get 2 :right}
{/ :delta 15}}
else {+ {adasimp.rec :fun :a :fa
{A.get 0 :mfs} {A.get 1 :mfs}
{/ :eps 2} :left }
{adasimp.rec :fun
{A.get 0 :mfs} {A.get 1 :mfs}
:b :fb {/ :eps 2} :right }}} }}}}
{lambda {:fun :a :b :eps}
{adasimp.rec :fun :a {:fun :a} :b {:fun :b} :eps
{adasimp.calc :fun :a {:fun :a} :b {:fun :b}}} }}
-> adasimp
{adasimp sin 0 1 1.0e-11}
-> 0.45969769413186023
(0.45969769413186023) // reference value
%%% -*- mode: mercury; prolog-indent-width: 2; -*-
:- module adaptive_simpson_task_mercury.
:- interface.
:- import_module io.
:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module float.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module math.
:- import_module string.
:- pred simpson_rule((func(float) = float)::in,
float::in, float::in, float::in, float::in,
float::out, float::out, float::out) is det.
simpson_rule(F, A, FA, B, FB, M, FM, QuadVal) :-
FM = F(M), (M = 0.5 * (A + B)),
(QuadVal = ((B - A) / 6.0) * (FA + (4.0 * FM) + FB)).
:- func recursive_simpson(func(float) = float,
float, float, float, float,
float, float, float, float, int) = float.
recursive_simpson(F, A, FA, B, FB, Tol,
Whole, M, FM, Depth) = QuadVal :-
simpson_rule(F, A, FA, M, FM, LM, FLM, Left),
simpson_rule(F, M, FM, B, FB, RM, FRM, Right),
(Left + Right - Whole = Delta),
(0.5 * Tol = Tol_),
(if (Depth =< 0; Tol_ = Tol; abs(Delta) =< 15.0 * Tol)
then (QuadVal = Left + Right + (Delta / 15.0))
else (QuadVal = recursive_simpson(F, A, FA, M, FM, Tol_,
Left, LM, FLM, Depth - 1)
+ recursive_simpson(F, M, FM, B, FB, Tol_,
Right, RM, FRM, Depth - 1))).
:- func quad_asr(func(float) = float,
float, float, float, int) = float.
quad_asr(F, A, B, Tol, Depth) = QuadVal :-
F(A) = FA, F(B) = FB,
simpson_rule(F, A, FA, B, FB, M, FM, Whole),
(QuadVal = recursive_simpson(F, A, FA, B, FB, Tol,
Whole, M, FM, Depth)).
main(!IO) :-
print("estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: ", !IO),
(QuadVal = quad_asr(sin, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0e-9, 100)),
print(from_float(QuadVal), !IO),
:- end_module adaptive_simpson_task_mercury.
- Output:
$ mmc --no-verbose-make --make --use-subdirs adaptive_simpson_task_mercury && ./adaptive_simpson_task_mercury estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: 0.4596976941317858
MODULE adaptive_simpson_task_Modula2;
(* ISO Modula-2 libraries. *)
IMPORT RealMath;
TYPE functionReal2Real = PROCEDURE (REAL) : REAL;
PROCEDURE simpsonRule (f : functionReal2Real;
a, fa, b, fb : REAL;
VAR m, fm, quadVal : REAL);
m := 0.5 * (a + b);
fm := f(m);
quadVal := ((b - a) / 6.0) * (fa + (4.0 * fm) + fb)
END simpsonRule;
PROCEDURE recursiveSimpson (f : functionReal2Real;
a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm : REAL;
depth : INTEGER) : REAL;
VAR lm, flm, left : REAL;
rm, frm, right : REAL;
delta, tol2, quadVal : REAL;
simpsonRule (f, a, fa, m, fm, lm, flm, left);
simpsonRule (f, m, fm, b, fb, rm, frm, right);
delta := left + right - whole;
tol2 := 0.5 * tol;
IF (depth <= 0) OR (tol2 = tol) OR (ABS (delta) <= 15.0 * tol) THEN
quadVal := left + right + (delta / 15.0)
quadVal := (recursiveSimpson (f, a, fa, m, fm, tol2,
left, lm, flm, depth - 1)
+ recursiveSimpson (f, m, fm, b, fb, tol2,
right, rm, frm, depth - 1))
RETURN quadVal;
END recursiveSimpson;
PROCEDURE quadASR (f : functionReal2Real;
a, b, tol : REAL;
depth : INTEGER) : REAL;
VAR fa, fb, m, fm, whole : REAL;
fa := f(a); fb := f(b);
simpsonRule (f, a, fa, b, fb, m, fm, whole);
RETURN recursiveSimpson (f, a, fa, b, fb, tol,
whole, m, fm, depth)
END quadASR;
STextIO.WriteString ('estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: ');
SRealIO.WriteReal (quadASR (RealMath.sin, 0.0, 1.0,
0.000000001, 100),
END adaptive_simpson_task_Modula2.
- Output:
$ gm2 -fiso adaptive_simpson_task_Modula2.mod && ./a.out estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: 0.45969769
Direct translation of Python code from Wikipedia entry.
import math, sugar
type Func = float -> float
proc quadSimpsonsMem(f: Func; a, fa, b, fb: float): tuple[m, fm, val: float] =
## Evaluates the Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse
result.m = (a + b) / 2 = f(result.m)
result.val = abs(b - a) * (fa + 4 * + fb) / 6
proc quadAsr(f: Func; a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm: float): float =
## Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
## Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
let (lm, flm, left) = f.quadSimpsonsMem(a, fa, m, fm)
let (rm, frm, right) = f.quadSimpsonsMem(m, fm, b, fb)
let delta = left + right - whole
result = if abs(delta) <= 15 * eps:
left + right + delta / 15
f.quadAsr(a, fa, m, fm, eps / 2, left, lm, flm) +
f.quadAsr(m, fm, b, fb, eps / 2, right, rm, frm)
proc quadAsr(f: Func; a, b, eps: float): float =
## Integrate f from a to b using Adaptive Simpson's Rule with max error of eps.
let fa = f(a)
let fb = f(b)
let (m, fm, whole) = f.quadSimpsonsMem(a, fa, b, fb)
result = f.quadAsr(a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm)
echo "Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = ", sin.quadAsr(0, 1, 1e-9)
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.4596976941317859
(* -*- mode: Modula2 -*- *)
MODULE adaptiveSimpsonTask;
IMPORT Math, Out;
TYPE functionReal2Real = PROCEDURE (x : REAL) : REAL;
PROCEDURE simpsonRule (f : functionReal2Real;
a, fa, b, fb : REAL;
VAR m, fm, quadVal : REAL);
m := 0.5 * (a + b);
fm := f(m);
quadVal := ((b - a) / 6.0) * (fa + (4.0 * fm) + fb)
END simpsonRule;
PROCEDURE recursiveSimpson (f : functionReal2Real;
a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm : REAL;
depth : INTEGER) : REAL;
VAR lm, flm, left : REAL;
rm, frm, right : REAL;
delta, tol2, quadVal : REAL;
simpsonRule (f, a, fa, m, fm, lm, flm, left);
simpsonRule (f, m, fm, b, fb, rm, frm, right);
delta := left + right - whole;
tol2 := 0.5 * tol;
IF (depth <= 0) OR (tol2 = tol) OR (ABS (delta) <= 15.0 * tol) THEN
quadVal := left + right + (delta / 15.0)
quadVal := (recursiveSimpson (f, a, fa, m, fm, tol2,
left, lm, flm, depth - 1)
+ recursiveSimpson (f, m, fm, b, fb, tol2,
right, rm, frm, depth - 1))
RETURN quadVal
END recursiveSimpson;
PROCEDURE quadASR (f : functionReal2Real;
a, b, tol : REAL;
depth : INTEGER) : REAL;
VAR fa, fb, m, fm, whole : REAL;
fa := f(a); fb := f(b);
simpsonRule (f, a, fa, b, fb, m, fm, whole);
RETURN recursiveSimpson (f, a, fa, b, fb, tol,
whole, m, fm, depth)
END quadASR;
Out.String ('estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: ');
Out.Real (quadASR (Math.Sin, 0.0, 1.0, 0.000001, 100), 7);
END adaptiveSimpsonTask.
- Output:
$ obc adaptiveSimpsonTask.Mod && ./a.out estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: 0.459698
$encoding UTF-8
procedure main ()
write (u"estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: ",
ASR.quadrature (Math.sin, 0.0, 1.0, 1E-9, 100))
class Simpson_rule ()
public m, fm, quadval
public new (f, a, fa, b, fb)
m := 0.5 * (a + b)
fm := f(m)
quadval := ((b - a) / 6) * (fa + (4 * fm) + fb)
final abstract class ASR ()
public static quadrature (f, a, b, tol, depth)
local fa, fb, whole
fa := f(a)
fb := f(b)
whole := Simpson_rule (f, a, fa, b, fb)
return recursive_simpson (f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole.quadval,
whole.m,, depth)
private static recursive_simpson (f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole,
m, fm, depth)
local left, right, delta, tol2
local leftval, rightval, quadval
left := Simpson_rule (f, a, fa, m, fm)
right := Simpson_rule (f, m, fm, b, fb)
delta := left.quadval + right.quadval - whole
tol2 := 0.5 * tol
if depth <= 0 | tol2 = tol | abs (delta) <= 15 * tol then
quadval := left.quadval + right.quadval + (delta / 15)
leftval := recursive_simpson (f, a, fa, m, fm, tol2,
left.quadval, left.m,,
depth - 1)
rightval := recursive_simpson (f, m, fm, b, fb, tol2,
right.quadval, right.m,,
depth - 1)
quadval := leftval + rightval
return quadval
- Output:
$ oiscript ./adaptive_simpson_task_oi.icn estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: 0.4596976941
let quad_asr f a b tol depth =
let _quad_asr_simpsons a fa b fb =
let m = 0.5 *. (a +. b) in
let fm = f m in
let h = b -. a in
(m, fm, (h /. 6.0) *. (fa +. (4.0 *. fm) +. fb))
let rec _quad_asr a fa b fb tol whole m fm depth =
let (lm, flm, left) = _quad_asr_simpsons a fa m fm in
let (rm, frm, right) = _quad_asr_simpsons m fm b fb in
let delta = left +. right -. whole in
let tol_ = 0.5 *. tol in
if depth <= 0 || tol_ = tol || Float.abs delta <= 15.0 *. tol then
left +. right +. (delta /. 15.0)
_quad_asr a fa m fm tol_ left lm flm (depth - 1)
+. _quad_asr m fm b fb tol_ right rm frm (depth - 1)
let fa = f a and fb = f b in
let (m, fm, whole) = _quad_asr_simpsons a fa b fb in
_quad_asr a fa b fb tol whole m fm depth
"estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: ";
print_float (quad_asr sin 0.0 1.0 1.0e-9 1000);
print_newline ()
- Output:
$ ocaml estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 0.459697694132
This program also works with R7RS Scheme implementations that cannot run the #Scheme implementation.
(import (scheme base)
(scheme inexact)
(scheme write))
(define (quad-asr f a b tol depth)
(letrec ;; Recursive let, so %%quad-asr can call itself.
(lambda (a fa b fb)
(let* ((m (/ (+ a b) 2))
(fm (f m))
(h (- b a)))
;; Scheme supports returning multiple values at
;; once. There is no need to return them explicitly as
;; a data structure (though that also could be done).
(values m fm (* (/ h 6) (+ fa (* 4 fm) fb))))))
(lambda (a fa b fb tol whole m fm depth)
;; The R7RS standard specifies there must be
;; "let-values" and "let*-values" for receiving multiple
;; values. However, I do not want to assume its
;; presence. I will use the most widely supported
;; method, which is "call-with-values". (Typically
;; "let*-values" would be implemented as syntactic sugar
;; for the following.)
(lambda () (%%quad-asr-simpsons a fa m fm))
(lambda (lm flm left)
(lambda () (%%quad-asr-simpsons m fm b fb))
(lambda (rm frm right)
(let ((delta (- (+ left right) whole))
(tol^ (/ tol 2)))
(if (or (<= depth 0)
(= tol^ tol)
(<= (abs delta) (* 15 tol)))
(+ left right (/ delta 15))
(+ (%%quad-asr a fa m fm tol^ left
lm flm (- depth 1))
(%%quad-asr m fm b fb tol^ right
rm frm (- depth 1))))))))))))
(let ((fa (f a))
(fb (f b)))
(call-with-values (lambda () (%%quad-asr-simpsons a fa b fb))
(lambda (m fm whole)
(%%quad-asr a fa b fb tol whole m fm depth))))))
(display "estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: ")
(display (quad-asr sin 0 1 1e-9 1000))
- Output:
$ ol adaptive_simpson_task_ol.scm estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 0.459697694 $ chibi adaptive_simpson_task_ol.scm estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 0.4596976941317858
Gauche Scheme can be told to start up with the R7RS default environment, and thus to need this version of the Scheme program:
$ gosh -r7 adaptive_simpson_task_ol.scm estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 0.4596976941317858
program adaptive_simpson_task;
type function_real_to_real = function(value : real) : real;
var fa, fb, m, fm, whole : real;
function quad_asr (f : function_real_to_real;
a, b, tol : real;
depth : integer) : real;
procedure quad_asr_simpsons_ ( a, fa, b, fb : real;
var m, fm, quadval : real);
m := (a + b) / 2;
fm := f(m);
quadval := ((b - a) / 6) * (fa + (4 * fm) + fb)
function quad_asr_ (a, fa, b, fb : real;
tol, whole, m, fm : real;
depth : integer) : real;
lm, flm, left : real;
rm, frm, right : real;
delta, tol_ : real;
quad_asr_simpsons_ (a, fa, m, fm, lm, flm, left);
quad_asr_simpsons_ (m, fm, b, fb, rm, frm, right);
delta := left + right - whole;
tol_ := tol / 2;
if (depth <= 0) or (tol_ = tol) or (abs(delta) <= 15 * tol) then
quad_asr_ := left + right + (delta / 15)
quad_asr_ := (quad_asr_ (a, fa, m, fm, tol_,
left , lm, flm, depth - 1)
+ quad_asr_ (m, fm, b, fb, tol_,
right, rm, frm, depth - 1))
fa := f(a);
fb := f(b);
quad_asr_simpsons_ (a, fa, b, fb, m, fm, whole);
quad_asr := quad_asr_ (a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth)
function sine (x : real) : real;
sine := sin (x);
writeln ('estimated definite integral of sin(x) ',
'for x from 0 to 1: ', quad_asr (@sine, 0, 1, 1e-9, 1000))
- Output:
estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 4.5969769413178579E-001
use strict;
use warnings;
sub adaptive_Simpson_quadrature {
my($f, $left, $right, $eps) = @_;
my $lf = eval "$f($left)";
my $rf = eval "$f($right)";
my ($mid, $midf, $whole) = Simpson_quadrature_mid($f, $left, $lf, $right, $rf);
return recursive_Simpsons_asr($f, $left, $lf, $right, $rf, $eps, $whole, $mid, $midf);
sub Simpson_quadrature_mid {
my($g, $l, $lf, $r, $rf) = @_;
my $mid = ($l + $r) / 2;
my $midf = eval "$g($mid)";
($mid, $midf, abs($r - $l) / 6 * ($lf + 4 * $midf + $rf))
sub recursive_Simpsons_asr {
my($h, $a, $fa, $b, $fb, $eps, $whole, $m, $fm) = @_;
my ($lm, $flm, $left) = Simpson_quadrature_mid($h, $a, $fa, $m, $fm);
my ($rm, $frm, $right) = Simpson_quadrature_mid($h, $m, $fm, $b, $fb);
my $delta = $left + $right - $whole;
abs($delta) <= 15 * $eps
? $left + $right + $delta / 15
: recursive_Simpsons_asr($h, $a, $fa, $m, $fm, $eps/2, $left, $lm, $flm) +
recursive_Simpsons_asr($h, $m, $fm, $b, $fb, $eps/2, $right, $rm, $frm)
my ($a, $b) = (0, 1);
my $sin = adaptive_Simpson_quadrature('sin', $a, $b, 1e-9);
printf "Simpson's integration of sine from $a to $b = %.9f", $sin
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459697694
with javascript_semantics function quadSimpsonsMem(integer f, atom a, fa, b, fb) -- Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse. atom m = (a + b) / 2, fm = f(m), simp = abs(b-a) / 6 * (fa + 4*fm + fb) return {m, fm, simp} end function function quadAsrRec(integer f, atom a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm) -- Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule. -- Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained. atom {lm, flm, left} := quadSimpsonsMem(f, a, fa, m, fm), {rm, frm, rght} := quadSimpsonsMem(f, m, fm, b, fb), delta := left + rght - whole if abs(delta) <= eps*15 then return left + rght + delta/15 end if return quadAsrRec(f, a, fa, m, fm, eps/2, left, lm, flm) + quadAsrRec(f, m, fm, b, fb, eps/2, rght, rm, frm) end function function quadAsr(integer f, atom a, b, eps) -- Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps. atom fa := f(a), fb := f(b), {m, fm, whole} := quadSimpsonsMem(f, a, fa, b, fb) return quadAsrRec(f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm) end function -- we need a mini wrapper to get a routine_id for sin() -- (because sin() is implemented in low-level assembly) function _sin(atom a) return sin(a) end function atom a := 0.0, b := 1.0, sinx := quadAsr(_sin, a, b, 1e-09) printf(1,"Simpson's integration of sine from %g to %g = %f\n", {a, b, sinx})
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459698
The following program makes little effort to be efficient. It iteratively computes the intervals, rather than do recursions.
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
%%BoundingBox: 0 0 280 30
/origstate save def
% We have to convert radians to degrees.
/f { 57.29577951308232 mul sin } def
/a 0.0 def
/b 1.0 def
/tol 0.000000001 def
/bisect-current-interval {
numer 2 mul /numer exch def
denom 2 mul /denom exch def
} def
/go-to-next-interval {
numer 1 add /numer exch def
numer 2 mod 1 eq { exit } if
numer 2 idiv /numer exch def
denom 2 idiv /denom exch def
} loop
} def
/there-are-no-more-intervals {
numer denom eq
denom 1 eq
} def
/x0 {
numer denom div
dup 1 exch sub
a mul
exch b mul
} def
/x1 {
x0 0.75 mul
x4 0.25 mul
} def
/x2 {
x0 0.5 mul
x4 0.5 mul
} def
/x3 {
x0 0.25 mul
x4 0.75 mul
} def
/x4 {
numer 1 add denom div
dup 1 exch sub
a mul
exch b mul
} def
/simpson-rule-thrice {
x0 f /y0 exch def
x1 f /y1 exch def
x2 f /y2 exch def
x3 f /y3 exch def
x4 f /y4 exch def
x4 x0 sub 6.0 div /h04 exch def
x2 x0 sub 6.0 div /h02 exch def
x4 x2 sub 6.0 div /h24 exch def
y2 4.0 mul y0 add y4 add h04 mul /whole exch def
y1 4.0 mul y0 add y2 add h02 mul /left exch def
y3 4.0 mul y2 add y4 add h24 mul /right exch def
} def
/adaptive-simpson {
/numer 0 def
/denom 1 def
/sum 0.0 def
there-are-no-more-intervals { exit } if
left right add whole sub /delta exch def
x4 x0 sub tol mul /tol0 exch def
x2 x0 sub tol mul /tol1 exch def
tol1 tol0 eq delta abs 15.0 tol0 mul le or
left right add delta 15.0 div add
sum add /sum exch def
} ifelse
} loop
} def
/Times-Roman findfont 12 scalefont setfont
10 10 moveto (estimate of integral of sin x dx from 0 to 1: ) show
sum 20 string cvs show
origstate restore
- Output:
I ran the program thus:
magick convert -flatten adaptive_simpson_task.eps adaptive_simpson_task.png
And obtained:
%%% -*- mode: prolog; prolog-indent-width: 2; -*-
main :-
quad_asr(sine, 0.0, 1.0, 0.000000001, 1000, QuadVal),
write('estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: '),
sine(X, Y) :- Y is sin(X).
quad_asr(F, A, B, Tol, Depth, QuadVal) :-
call(F, A, FA),
call(F, B, FB),
simpson_rule(F, A, FA, B, FB, M, FM, Whole),
recursive_simpson(F, A, FA, B, FB, Tol, Whole, M, FM, Depth,
recursive_simpson(F, A, FA, B, FB, Tol, Whole, M, FM, Depth,
QuadVal) :-
simpson_rule(F, A, FA, M, FM, LM, FLM, Left),
simpson_rule(F, M, FM, B, FB, RM, FRM, Right),
Delta is (Left + Right - Whole),
Tol_ is (0.5 * Tol),
((Depth > 0,
Tol_ =\= Tol,
AbsDelta is abs(Delta),
Tol15 is (15.0 * Tol),
AbsDelta > Tol15)
-> (Depth_ is Depth - 1,
recursive_simpson(F, A, FA, M, FM, Tol_, Left, LM, FLM,
Depth_, QuadValLeft),
recursive_simpson(F, M, FM, B, FB, Tol_, Right, RM, FRM,
Depth_, QuadValRight),
QuadVal is QuadValLeft + QuadValRight)
; left_right_estimate(Left, Right, Delta, QuadVal)).
left_right_estimate(Left, Right, Delta, Estimate) :-
Estimate is Left + Right + (Delta / 15.0).
simpson_rule(F, A, FA, B, FB, M, FM, QuadVal) :-
M is (0.5 * (A + B)),
call(F, M, FM),
QuadVal is ((B - A) / 6.0) * (FA + (4.0 * FM) + FB).
:- initialization(main).
- Output:
The number is printed differently by different Prolog implementations:
$ swipl estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: 0.4596976941317858 $ gplc && ./adaptive_simpson_task_prolog estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1: 0.45969769413178579
#! python3
$ python3 /tmp/
Simpson's integration of sine from 0.0 to 1.0 = 0.4596976941317858
expected answer computed by j
translated from c
import math
import collections
triple = collections.namedtuple('triple', 'm fm simp')
def _quad_simpsons_mem(f: callable, a: float , fa: float, b: float, fb: float)->tuple:
Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse.
m = a + (b - a) / 2
fm = f(m)
simp = abs(b - a) / 6 * (fa + 4*fm + fb)
return triple(m, fm, simp,)
def _quad_asr(f: callable, a: float, fa: float, b: float, fb: float, eps: float, whole: float, m: float, fm: float)->float:
Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
lt = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a, fa, m, fm)
rt = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, m, fm, b, fb)
delta = lt.simp + rt.simp - whole
return (lt.simp + rt.simp + delta/15
if (abs(delta) <= eps * 15) else
_quad_asr(f, a, fa, m, fm, eps/2, lt.simp, lt.m, +
_quad_asr(f, m, fm, b, fb, eps/2, rt.simp, rt.m,
def quad_asr(f: callable, a: float, b: float, eps: float)->float:
Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
fa = f(a)
fb = f(b)
t = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a, fa, b, fb)
return _quad_asr(f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, t.simp, t.m,
def main():
(a, b,) = (0.0, 1.0,)
sinx = quad_asr(math.sin, a, b, 1e-09);
print("Simpson's integration of sine from {} to {} = {}\n".format(a, b, sinx))
(formerly Perl 6)
Fairly direct translation of the Python code.
sub adaptive-Simpson-quadrature(&f, $left, $right, \ε = 1e-9) {
my $lf = f($left);
my $rf = f($right);
my ($mid, $midf, $whole) = Simpson-quadrature-mid(&f, $left, $lf, $right, $rf);
return recursive-Simpsons-asr(&f, $left, $lf, $right, $rf, ε, $whole, $mid, $midf);
sub Simpson-quadrature-mid(&g, $l, $lf, $r, $rf){
my $mid = ($l + $r) / 2;
my $midf = g($mid);
($mid, $midf, ($r - $l).abs / 6 * ($lf + 4 * $midf + $rf))
sub recursive-Simpsons-asr(&h, $a, $fa, $b, $fb, $eps, $whole, $m, $fm){
my ($lm, $flm, $left) = Simpson-quadrature-mid(&h, $a, $fa, $m, $fm);
my ($rm, $frm, $right) = Simpson-quadrature-mid(&h, $m, $fm, $b, $fb);
my $delta = $left + $right - $whole;
$delta.abs <= 15 * $eps
?? $left + $right + $delta / 15
!! recursive-Simpsons-asr(&h, $a, $fa, $m, $fm, $eps/2, $left, $lm, $flm) +
recursive-Simpsons-asr(&h, $m, $fm, $b, $fb, $eps/2, $right, $rm, $frm)
my ($a, $b) = 0e0, 1e0;
my $sin = adaptive-Simpson-quadrature(&sin, $a, $b, 1e-9).round(10**-9);;
say "Simpson's integration of sine from $a to $b = $sin";
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459697694
I make available a copy of the public domain ratfor77, with some bug fixes, at It is written in C89.
# This is RATFOR 77, which is a preprocessor for FORTRAN 77. In
# neither language can you do anything that might look like it would
# be a recursive call, and have it actually be a recursive call. They
# are languages that assume all variables are equivalent to "extern"
# or "static" variables in C.
# There are other options, however.
# One method would be to keep track of interval size as one goes
# along, and perform the whole computation "flat": without anything
# resembling a stack. This could result, in this case, in the
# recalculation of intermediate results. Usually, however, it is my
# favorite way to do adaptive bisection, because it is safest
# (especially if you have big integers). There is no possibility of
# running out of stack.
# Another method is to build up a queue or stack of subtasks to
# perform, as if these subtasks were on the system stack. This also
# can be safer than recursion, because it lets you put the subtasks in
# the heap instead of the stack. (A stack of subtasks to perform is,
# in fact, how most compilers for other languages would implement
# recursive calls.)
# I will use the latter method, but without a heap. (An external heap
# would require either a language extension or a foreign function
# call.)
subroutine simpsn (f, a, fa, b, fb, m, fm, quad)
implicit none
external f
double precision f
double precision a, fa, b, fb, m, fm, quad
m = (a + b) / 2
fm = f(m)
quad = ((b - a) / 6) * (fa + (4 * fm) + fb)
subroutine adapt (sum, f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, quad, m, fm)
implicit none
external f, simpsn
double precision f
double precision a(STKSZ), fa(STKSZ), b(STKSZ), fb(STKSZ)
double precision tol(STKSZ), quad(STKSZ), m(STKSZ), fm(STKSZ)
double precision sum
integer i
double precision lm, flm, left
double precision rm, frm, right
double precision delta, tol2
i = 1
while (i != 0)
if (i == STKSZ)
{ # It is not possible to bisect further.
sum = sum + quad(i)
i = i - 1
call simpsn (f, a(i), fa(i), m(i), fm(i), lm, flm, left)
call simpsn (f, m(i), fm(i), b(i), fb(i), rm, frm, right)
delta = left + right - quad(i)
tol2 = tol(i) / 2
if (tol2 == tol(i) .or. abs (delta) <= 15 * tol(i))
{ # The tolerance is satisfied.
sum = sum + left + right + (delta / 15)
i = i - 1
{ # The tolerance is not satisfied. Bisect further.
b(i + 1) = b(i); fb(i + 1) = fb(i)
a(i + 1) = m(i); fa(i + 1) = fm(i)
b(i) = m(i); fb(i) = fm(i)
tol(i + 1) = tol2; tol(i) = tol2
quad(i + 1) = right; quad(i) = left
m(i + 1) = rm; m(i) = lm
fm(i + 1) = frm; fm(i) = flm
i = i + 1
function asimps (f, a0, b0, tol0)
implicit none
double precision asimps
external f, simpsn, adapt
double precision f, a0, b0, tol0
double precision sum
double precision a(STKSZ), fa(STKSZ)
double precision b(STKSZ), fb(STKSZ)
double precision m(STKSZ), fm(STKSZ)
double precision quad(STKSZ), tol(STKSZ)
sum = 0
tol(1) = tol0
a(1) = a0; fa(1) = f(a0)
b(1) = b0; fb(1) = f(b0)
call simpsn (f, a(1), fa(1), b(1), fb(1), m(1), fm(1), quad(1))
call adapt (sum, f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, quad, m, fm)
asimps = sum
function sine (x)
implicit none
double precision sine, x
sine = dsin (x)
program asrtsk
implicit none
external asimps, sine
double precision asimps, sine
double precision quad
quad = asimps (sine, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, 1D-9)
write (*, 1000) quad
1000 format ("estimated definite integral of sin(x) ", _
"for x from 0 to 1: ", F15.13)
- Output:
The output looks different, depending on which of my Fortran compilers I use:
$ ratfor77 adaptive_simpson_task_ratfor.r > asr.f && gfortran -fbounds-check -g asr.f && ./a.out estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 0.4596976941318 $ ratfor77 adaptive_simpson_task_ratfor.r > asr.f && f2c asr.f 2>/dev/null > asr.c && gcc -g asr.c -lf2c -lm && ./a.out estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: .4596976941318
/*REXX program performs numerical integration using adaptive Simpson's method. */
numeric digits length( pi() ) - length(.) /*use # of digits in pi for precision. */
a= 0; b= 1; f= 'SIN' /*define values for A, B, and F. */
sinx= quadAsr('SIN',a,b,"1e" || (-digits() + 1) )
say "Simpson's integration of sine from " a ' to ' b ' = ' sinx
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
pi: pi= 3.14159265358979323846; return pi /*pi has twenty-one decimal digits. */
r2r: return arg(1) // (pi() *2) /*normalize radians ──► a unit circle, */
quadSimp: procedure; parse arg f,a,fa,b,fb; m= (a+b) / 2; interpret 'fm=' f"(m)"
simp= abs(b-a) / 6 * (fa + 4*fm + fb); return m fm simp
quadAsr: procedure; parse arg f,a,b,eps; interpret 'fa=' f"(a)"
interpret 'fb=' f"(b)"
parse value quadSimp(f,a,fa,b,fb) with m fm whole
return quadAsrR(f,a,fa,b,fb,eps,whole,m,fm)
quadAsrR: procedure; parse arg f,a,fa,b,fb,eps,whole,m,fm; frac= digits() * 3 / 4
parse value quadSimp(f,a,fa,m,fm) with lm flm left
parse value quadSimp(f,m,fm,b,fb) with rm frm right
$= left + right - whole /*calculate delta.*/
if abs($)<=eps*frac then return left + right + $/frac
return quadAsrR(f,a,fa,m,fm,eps/2, left,lm,flm) + ,
sin: procedure; parse arg x; x= r2r(x); numeric fuzz min(5, max(1, digits() -3) )
if x=pi*.5 then return 1; if x==pi * 1.5 then return -1
if abs(x)=pi | x=0 then return 0
#= x; _= x; q= x*x
do k=2 by 2 until p=#; p= #; _= - _ * q / (k * (k+1) ); #= # + _
end /*k*/
return #
- output when using the default inputs:
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459697694131860282602
For an R7RS-specific version, see #Ol.
(define (quad-asr f a b tol depth)
(letrec ;; Recursive let, so %%quad-asr can call itself.
(lambda (a fa b fb)
(let* ((m (/ (+ a b) 2))
(fm (f m))
(h (- b a)))
;; Scheme supports returning multiple values at
;; once. There is no need to return them explicitly as
;; a data structure (though that also could be done).
(values m fm (* (/ h 6) (+ fa (* 4 fm) fb))))))
(lambda (a fa b fb tol whole m fm depth)
;; The R7RS standard specifies there must be
;; "let-values" and "let*-values" for receiving multiple
;; values. However, I do not want to assume its
;; presence. I will use the most widely supported
;; method, which is "call-with-values". (Typically
;; "let*-values" would be implemented as syntactic sugar
;; for the following.)
(lambda () (%%quad-asr-simpsons a fa m fm))
(lambda (lm flm left)
(lambda () (%%quad-asr-simpsons m fm b fb))
(lambda (rm frm right)
(let ((delta (- (+ left right) whole))
(tol^ (/ tol 2)))
(if (or (<= depth 0)
(= tol^ tol)
(<= (abs delta) (* 15 tol)))
(+ left right (/ delta 15))
(+ (%%quad-asr a fa m fm tol^ left
lm flm (- depth 1))
(%%quad-asr m fm b fb tol^ right
rm frm (- depth 1))))))))))))
(let ((fa (f a))
(fb (f b)))
(call-with-values (lambda () (%%quad-asr-simpsons a fa b fb))
(lambda (m fm whole)
(%%quad-asr a fa b fb tol whole m fm depth))))))
(display "estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: ")
(display (quad-asr sin 0 1 1e-9 1000))
- Output:
Running it with Racket's R5RS implementation:
$ plt-r5rs adaptive_simpson_task.scm estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 0.4596976941317858
Running it with SCM:
$ scm -f adaptive_simpson_task.scm estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 459.6976941317858e-3
Running it with Gambit Scheme:
$ gsi adaptive_simpson_task.scm estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: .4596976941317858
(define simpson-rule
F A FA B FB ->
(let M (* 0.5 (+ A B))
FM (F M)
QuadVal (* (/ (- B A) 6.0) (+ FA (* 4.0 FM) FB))
[M FM QuadVal]))
(define recursive-simpson
F A FA B FB Tol Whole M FM Depth ->
(let TheLeftStuff (simpson-rule F A FA M FM)
TheRightStuff (simpson-rule F M FM B FB)
(recursive-simpson-united F A FA B FB Tol Whole M FM Depth
TheLeftStuff TheRightStuff)))
(define recursive-simpson-united
F A FA B FB Tol Whole M FM Depth
[LM FLM Left] [RM FRM Right] ->
(let Delta (- (+ Left Right) Whole)
Tol_ (* 0.5 Tol)
(if (or (<= Depth 0)
(= Tol_ Tol)
(<= (abs Delta) (* 15.0 Tol)))
(+ Left Right (/ Delta 15.0))
(+ (recursive-simpson F A FA M FM Tol_
Left LM FLM (- Depth 1))
(recursive-simpson F M FM B FB Tol_
Right RM FRM (- Depth 1))))))
(define quad-asr
F A B Tol Depth ->
(let FA (F A)
FB (F B)
TheWholeStuff (simpson-rule F A FA B FB)
(quad-asr-part-two F A FA B FB Tol Depth TheWholeStuff)))
(define quad-asr-part-two
F A FA B FB Tol Depth [M FM Whole] ->
(recursive-simpson F A FA B FB Tol Whole M FM Depth))
\\ The Shen standard library contains only an unserious
\\ implementation of sin(x), so I might as well toss together
\\ my own! Thus: an uneconomized Maclaurin expansion. Gotten
\\ via "taylor(sin(x),x,0,20);" in Maxima. Using up to x**13
\\ should give an error bound on the order of 1e-12, for
\\ 0 <= x <= 1. That is much better than we need.
(define sin
X -> (compute-sin X (* X X)))
(define compute-sin
X XX ->
(* X (+ 1.0
(* XX (+ (/ -1.0 6.0)
(* XX (+ (/ 1.0 120.0)
(* XX (+ (/ -1.0 5040.0)
(* XX (+ (/ 1.0 362880.0)
(* XX (+ (/ -1.0 39916800.0)
(* XX (/ 1.0 6227020800.0)))))))))))))))
(define abs
\\ Like sin, abs is in the standard library, but it is very
\\ easy to write.
X -> (if (< X 0) (- 0 X) X))
(output "estimate of the definite integral of sin x dx from 0 to 1: ")
(print (quad-asr (lambda x (sin x)) 0.0 1.0 1.0e-9 100))
\\ local variables:
\\ mode: indented-text
\\ tab-width: 2
\\ end:
- Output:
$ shen-scheme script adaptive_simpson_task.shen estimate of the definite integral of sin x dx from 0 to 1: 0.4596976941318334
func adaptive_Simpson_quadrature(f, left, right, ε = 1e-9) {
func quadrature_mid(l, lf, r, rf) {
var mid = (l+r)/2
var midf = f(mid)
(mid, midf, abs(r-l)/6 * (lf + 4*midf + rf))
func recursive_asr(a, fa, b, fb, ε, whole, m, fm) {
var (lm, flm, left) = quadrature_mid(a, fa, m, fm)
var (rm, frm, right) = quadrature_mid(m, fm, b, fb)
var Δ = (left + right - whole)
abs(Δ) <= 15*ε
? (left + right + Δ/15)
: (__FUNC__(a, fa, m, fm, ε/2, left, lm, flm) +
__FUNC__(m, fm, b, fb, ε/2, right, rm, frm))
var (lf = f(left), rf = f(right))
var (mid, midf, whole) = quadrature_mid(left, lf, right, rf)
recursive_asr(left, lf, right, rf, ε, whole, mid, midf)
var (a = 0, b = 1)
var area = adaptive_Simpson_quadrature({ .sin }, a, b, 1e-15).round(-15)
say "Simpson's integration of sine from #{a} to #{b} ≈ #{area}"
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 ≈ 0.45969769413186
Standard ML
fun quad_asr (tol, depth) (f, a, b) =
fun quad_asr_simpsons_ (a, fa, b, fb) =
val m = 0.5 * (a + b)
val fm = f (m)
val h = b - a
(m, fm, (h / 6.0) * (fa + (4.0 * fm) + fb))
fun quad_asr_ (a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth) =
val (lm, flm, left) = quad_asr_simpsons_ (a, fa, m, fm)
and (rm, frm, right) = quad_asr_simpsons_ (m, fm, b, fb)
val delta = left + right - whole
and tol_ = 0.5 * tol
if depth <= 0
orelse abs (tol_ - tol) <= 0.0 (* <-- SML silliness *)
orelse Real.abs (delta) <= 15.0 * tol then
left + right + (delta / 15.0)
quad_asr_ (a, fa, m, fm, tol_,
left, lm, flm, depth - 1)
+ quad_asr_ (m, fm, b, fb, tol_,
right, rm, frm, depth - 1)
val fa = f (a) and fb = f (b)
val (m, fm, whole) = quad_asr_simpsons_ (a, fa, b, fb)
quad_asr_ (a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth)
val quadrature = quad_asr (0.000000001, 1000);
print "estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: ";
print (Real.toString (quadrature (Math.sin, 0.0, 1.0)));
print "\n";
- Output:
$ mlton adaptive_simpson_task.sml && ./adaptive_simpson_task estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 0.459697694132
import "./fmt" for Fmt
/* "structured" adaptive version, translated from Racket */
var quadSimpsonMem = { |f, a, fa, b, fb|
// Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and to reuse.
var m = (a + b) / 2
var fm =
var simp = (b - a).abs / 6 * (fa + 4*fm + fb)
return [m, fm, simp]
var quadAsrRec // recursive
quadAsrRec = { |f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm|
// Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
// Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
var r1 =, a, fa, m, fm)
var r2 =, m, fm, b, fb)
var lm = r1[0]
var flm = r1[1]
var left = r1[2]
var rm = r2[0]
var frm = r2[1]
var right = r2[2]
var delta = left + right - whole
if (delta.abs < eps * 15) return left + right + delta/15
return, a, fa, m, fm, eps/2, left, lm, flm) +, m, fm, b, fb, eps/2, right, rm, frm)
var quadAsr = { |f, a, b, eps|
// Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
var fa =
var fb =
var r =, a, fa, b, fb)
var m = r[0]
var fm = r[1]
var whole = r[2]
return, a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm)
var a = 0
var b = 1
var sinx = { |x| x.sin }, a, b, 1e-09)
Fmt.print("Simpson's integration of sine from $d to $d = $f", a, b, sinx)
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459698
# "structured" adaptive version, translated from Racket
fcn _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a,fa, b,fb){
#Evaluates the Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse"""
m,fm := (a + b)/2, f(m);
return(m,fm, (b - a).abs()/6*(fa + fm*4 + fb));
fcn _quad_asr(f, a,fa, b,fb, eps, whole, m,fm){
# Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
# Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
lm,flm,left := _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a,fa, m,fm);
rm,frm,right := _quad_simpsons_mem(f, m,fm, b,fb);
delta:=left + right - whole;
if(delta.abs() <= eps*15) return(left + right + delta/15);
_quad_asr(f, a,fa, m,fm, eps/2, left , lm,flm) +
_quad_asr(f, m,fm, b,fb, eps/2, right, rm,frm)
fcn quad_asr(f,a,b,eps){
#Integrate f from a to b using Adaptive Simpson's Rule with max error of eps
fa,fb := f(a),f(b);
m,fm,whole := _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a,fa, b,fb);
_quad_asr(f, a,fa, b,fb, eps,whole,m,fm);
sinx:=quad_asr((1.0).sin.unbind(), 0.0, 1.0, 1e-09);
println("Simpson's integration of sine from 1 to 2 = ",sinx);
- Output:
Simpson's integration of sine from 1 to 2 = 0.459698