Category:Draft Programming Tasks
These are tasks that are still under development. They might or might not yet have any solutions, but it is quite possible that the description of the task will change. Your help refining these to become full tasks would be appreciated!
Pages in category "Draft Programming Tasks"
The following 192 pages are in this category, out of 380 total.
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- A* search algorithm
- ABC incremental counts
- Addition chains
- Addition-chain exponentiation
- Air mass
- Alternade words
- Append numbers at same position in strings
- Arithmetic coding/As a generalized change of radix
- ASCII control characters
- Aspect oriented programming
- Assertions in design by contract
- Audio alarm
- Audio frequency generator
- Audio overlap loop
- Calmo numbers
- CalmoSoft primes
- Card shuffles
- Carmichael lambda function
- Centroid of a set of N-dimensional points
- Change e letters to i in words
- Changeable words
- Chebyshev coefficients
- Checksumcolor
- Chemical calculator
- Chess player
- Cipolla's algorithm
- CLI-based maze-game
- Code Golf: Code Golf
- Code segment unload
- Collect and sort square numbers in ascending order from three lists
- Color separation
- Combinations with repetitions/Square digit chain
- Common list elements
- Common sorted list
- Compiler/Preprocessor
- Compiler/Verifying syntax
- Concatenate two primes is also prime
- Conjugate a Latin verb
- Consistent overhead byte stuffing
- Continued fraction convergents
- Convert CSV records to TSV
- Coprime triplets
- Coprimes
- Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string
- Count the coins/0-1
- Countdown
- Cousin primes
- Create an executable for a program in an interpreted language
- Create an object/Native demonstration
- Create your own text control codes
- Cross compilation
- Cubic special primes
- Curve that touches three points
- Cycle detection
- Data Encryption Standard
- Day of the week of Christmas and New Year
- Days between dates
- Decimal floating point number to binary
- Decision tables
- Decreasing contiguous subsequences
- Digit fifth powers
- Diophantine linear system solving
- Discrete Fourier transform
- Distinct palindromes within decimal numbers
- Distinct power numbers
- Divide a rectangle into a number of unequal triangles
- Double Twin Primes
- Doubly-linked list/Element removal
- Draw pixel 2
- Eisenstein primes
- Elevator simulation
- English cardinal anagrams
- Erdős–Woods numbers
- Even numbers which cannot be expressed as the sum of two twin primes
- Exactly three adjacent 3 in lists
- Execute CopyPasta Language
- Extended Straddling Checkerboard
- External sort
- Extra primes
- Extract file extension
- Extreme primes
- Factor-perfect numbers
- Fibonacci heap
- Fibonacci matrix-exponentiation
- Find adjacent primes which differ by a square integer
- Find first and last set bit of a long integer
- Find first missing positive
- Find minimum number of coins that make a given value
- Find prime n such that reversed n is also prime
- Find prime numbers of the form n*n*n+2
- Find square difference
- Find squares n where n+1 is prime
- Find URI in text
- Find words which contain all the vowels
- Find words which contain the most consonants
- Find words which contains more than 3 e vowels
- Find words whose first and last three letters are equal
- Find words with alternating vowels and consonants
- Finite state machine
- First 9 prime Fibonacci number
- Four sides of square
- Free polyominoes enumeration
- Frobenius numbers
- L-system
- Lagrange Interpolation
- Largest difference between adjacent primes
- Largest five adjacent number
- Largest palindrome product
- Largest prime factor
- Largest product in a grid
- Last list item
- Latin Squares in reduced form/Randomizing using Jacobson and Matthews' technique
- Launch rocket with countdown and acceleration in stdout
- Length of an arc between two angles
- Line circle intersection
- Linux CPU utilization
- Long stairs
- Longest common prefix
- Longest common suffix
- Longest palindromic substrings
- Longest substrings without repeating characters
- Lucas-Carmichael numbers
- Make a backup file
- Marching squares
- Markov chain text generator
- Matrix with two diagonals
- Maximum difference between adjacent elements of list
- McNaughton-Yamada-Thompson algorithm
- Mersenne primes
- Minimum number of cells after, before, above and below NxN squares
- Minimum numbers of three lists
- Minimum primes
- Modulinos
- Montgomery reduction
- Morpion solitaire
- Mosaic matrix
- Most frequent k chars distance
- Multidimensional Newton-Raphson method
- Multiline shebang
- Multiplicatively perfect numbers
- Multiton