
From Rosetta Code
Greed is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

This task is about making a clone of the game "GREED" by Matthew Day.

This game is played on a grid of   79   column by   22   rows of random numbers from   1   to   9   (inclusive).

The player location is signified by the   @   symbol.

The object of Greed is to erase as much of the screen as possible by moving around   (all 8 directions are allowed in this grid).

When you move in a direction,   N   number of grid squares are erased ("eaten") in that direction,   N   being the first number in that direction.

Your score reflects the total number of squares "eaten".

You may not make a move that places you off the grid or over a previously eaten square.

The game is over if there is no more valid moves.

Video on YouTube


Windows console version.

#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

const int WID = 79, HEI = 22;
const float NCOUNT = ( float )( WID * HEI );

class coord : public COORD {
    coord( short x = 0, short y = 0 ) { set( x, y ); }
    void set( short x, short y ) { X = x; Y = y; }
class winConsole {
    static winConsole* getInstamnce() { if( 0 == inst ) { inst = new winConsole(); } return inst; }
    void showCursor( bool s ) { CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO ci = { 1, s }; SetConsoleCursorInfo( conOut, &ci ); }
    void setColor( WORD clr ) { SetConsoleTextAttribute( conOut, clr ); }
    void setCursor( coord p ) { SetConsoleCursorPosition( conOut, p ); }
    void flush() { FlushConsoleInputBuffer( conIn ); }
    void kill() { delete inst; }
    winConsole() { conOut = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); 
                   conIn  = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ); showCursor( false ); }
    static winConsole* inst;
    HANDLE conOut, conIn;
class greed {
    greed() { console = winConsole::getInstamnce(); }
    ~greed() { console->kill(); }
    void play() {
        char g; do {
            console->showCursor( false ); createBoard();
            do { displayBoard(); getInput(); } while( existsMoves() );
            displayBoard(); console->setCursor( coord( 0, 24 ) ); console->setColor( 0x07 );
            console->setCursor( coord( 19,  8 ) ); std::cout << "+----------------------------------------+";
            console->setCursor( coord( 19,  9 ) ); std::cout << "|               GAME OVER                |";
            console->setCursor( coord( 19, 10 ) ); std::cout << "|            PLAY AGAIN(Y/N)?            |";
            console->setCursor( coord( 19, 11 ) ); std::cout << "+----------------------------------------+";
            console->setCursor( coord( 48, 10 ) ); console->showCursor( true ); console->flush(); std::cin >> g;
        } while( g == 'Y' || g == 'y' );
    void createBoard() {
        for( int y = 0; y < HEI; y++ ) {
            for( int x = 0; x < WID; x++ ) {
                brd[x + WID * y] = rand() % 9 + 1;
        cursor.set( rand() % WID, rand() % HEI );
        brd[cursor.X + WID * cursor.Y] = 0; score = 0;
    void displayBoard() {
        console->setCursor( coord() ); int i;
		for( int y = 0; y < HEI; y++ ) {
            for( int x = 0; x < WID; x++ ) {
                i = brd[x + WID * y]; console->setColor( 6 + i );
                if( !i ) std::cout << " "; else std::cout << i;
            std::cout << "\n";
        console->setColor( 15 ); console->setCursor( cursor ); std::cout << "@";
    void getInput() { 
        while( 1 ) {
            if( ( GetAsyncKeyState( 'Q' ) & 0x8000 ) && cursor.X > 0 && cursor.Y > 0 ) { execute( -1, -1 ); break; }
            if( ( GetAsyncKeyState( 'W' ) & 0x8000 ) &&  cursor.Y > 0 ) { execute( 0, -1 ); break; }
            if( ( GetAsyncKeyState( 'E' ) & 0x8000 ) && cursor.X < WID - 1 && cursor.Y > 0 ) { execute( 1, -1 ); break; }
            if( ( GetAsyncKeyState( 'A' ) & 0x8000 ) && cursor.X > 0 ) { execute( -1, 0 ); break; }
            if( ( GetAsyncKeyState( 'D' ) & 0x8000 ) && cursor.X < WID - 1 ) { execute( 1, 0 ); break; }
            if( ( GetAsyncKeyState( 'Y' ) & 0x8000 ) && cursor.X > 0 && cursor.Y < HEI - 1 ) { execute( -1, 1 ); break; }
            if( ( GetAsyncKeyState( 'X' ) & 0x8000 ) && cursor.Y < HEI - 1 ) { execute( 0, 1 ); break; }
            if( ( GetAsyncKeyState( 'C' ) & 0x8000 ) && cursor.X < WID - 1 && cursor.Y < HEI - 1 ) { execute( 1, 1 ); break; }
        console->flush(); printScore();
    void printScore() {
        console->setCursor( coord( 0, 24 ) ); console->setColor( 0x2a );
        std::cout << "      SCORE: " << score << " : " << score * 100.f / NCOUNT << "%      ";
    void execute( int x, int y ) {
        int i = brd[cursor.X + x + WID * ( cursor.Y + y )];
        if( countSteps( i, x, y ) ) {
            score += i;
            while( i ) {
                --i; cursor.X += x; cursor.Y += y;
                brd[cursor.X + WID * cursor.Y] = 0;
    bool countSteps( int i, int x, int y ) {
        coord t( cursor.X, cursor.Y );
        while( i ) {
            --i; t.X += x; t.Y += y;
            if( t.X < 0 || t.Y < 0 || t.X >= WID || t.Y >= HEI || !brd[t.X + WID * t.Y] ) return false;
        return true;
    bool existsMoves() {
        int i;
        for( int y = -1; y < 2; y++ ) {
            for( int x = -1; x < 2; x++ ) {
                if( !x && !y ) continue;
                i = brd[cursor.X + x + WID * ( cursor.Y + y )];
                if( i > 0 && countSteps( i, x, y ) ) return true;
        return false;
    winConsole* console;
    int brd[WID * HEI];
    float score; coord cursor;
winConsole* winConsole::inst = 0;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
    srand( ( unsigned )time( 0 ) );
    SetConsoleTitle( "Greed" );
    greed g;; return 0;


This uses Factor's own user interface vocabularies. Use hjkl-bnyu (vi-keys) to move.

USING: accessors arrays colors combinators
combinators.short-circuit fry grouping io io.styles kernel lexer
literals make math math.matrices math.parser math.vectors random
sequences strings ui ui.commands ui.gadgets.panes
ui.gadgets.status-bar ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures
ui.pens.solid ;
IN: rosetta-code.greed

  SYNTAX: RGB: scan-token 2 cut 2 cut [ hex> 255 /f ] tri@ 1
  <rgba> suffix! ;

CONSTANT: cells-width 79
CONSTANT: cells-height 22
CONSTANT: size 24
CONSTANT: bg-color RGB: 000000

CONSTANT: player-format {
    { font-size $ size }
    { foreground RGB: 5990C8 }
    { background RGB: B96646 }

CONSTANT: normal-format { { font-size $ size } }

CONSTANT: colors {
    RGB: 40B4A4
    RGB: 40B3B7
    RGB: 40A2B9
    RGB: 408FBC
    RGB: 407CBF
    RGB: 4268C0
    RGB: 4355C2
    RGB: 4845C3
    RGB: 5F46C4

CONSTANT: neighbors {
    { -1 -1 } { -1  0 } { -1  1 }
    {  0 -1 }           {  0  1 }
    {  1 -1 } {  1  0 } {  1  1 }

TUPLE: greed < pane cells x y score ;

: set-player ( greed elt -- )
    '[ y>> _ swap ] [ x>> 2array ] [ cells>> ] tri set-index ;

: place-player ( greed -- ) 0 set-player ;

: remove-player ( greed -- ) f set-player ;

: make-cells ( -- cells )
    cells-width cells-height * [ 9 random 1 + ] replicate
    cells-width group ;

: write-number ( n/f -- )
    [ >digit 1string normal-format first foreground ]
    [ 1 - colors nth 2array ] bi 2array format ;

: write-cell ( n/f -- )
        { f [ " " normal-format format ] }
        { 0 [ "@" player-format format ] }
        [ write-number ]
    } case ;

: write-cells ( cells -- ) [ [ write-cell ] each nl ] each ;

: update-cells ( greed -- )
    dup cells>> [ write-cells ] curry with-pane ;

: init-greed ( greed -- greed' )
    make-cells >>cells cells-width random >>x cells-height
    random >>y 0 >>score dup place-player dup update-cells dup
    "Score: 0" swap show-status ;

: <greed> ( -- greed )
    f greed new-pane bg-color <solid> >>interior init-greed ;

: ?r,c ( r c matrix -- elt/f ) swapd ?nth ?nth ;
: ?r,cths ( seq matrix -- newseq )
    [ [ first2 ] dip ?r,c ] curry map ;

: (ray) ( start-loc dir length -- seq )
    1 + [ [ [ v+ ] keep over , ] times ] { } make 2nip ;

: ray ( start-loc dir length -- seq/f )
    dup [ (ray) ] [ 2nip ] if ;

: ?r,c-dir ( r c dir matrix -- n )
    [ 2array ] [ v+ first2 ] [ ?r,c ] tri* ;

: move-length ( greed dir -- n )
    [ [ y>> ] [ x>> ] [ ] tri ] dip swap cells>> ?r,c-dir ;

: y,x>loc ( greed -- loc ) [ y>> ] [ x>> ] bi 2array ;

: ray-dir ( greed dir -- seq )
    [ [ y,x>loc ] dip ] [ move-length ] 2bi ray ;

: in-bounds? ( dim loc -- ? )
    { [ nip [ 0 >= ] all? ] [ v- [ 0 > ] all? ] } 2&& ;

: endpoint-in-bounds? ( greed dir -- ? )
    ray-dir dup [
        last ${ cells-height cells-width } swap in-bounds?
    ] when ;

: gapless? ( greed dir -- ? )
    [ ray-dir ] [ drop cells>> ?r,cths ] 2bi [ integer? ] all? ;

: can-move? ( greed dir -- ? )
    { [ endpoint-in-bounds? ] [ gapless? ] } 2&& ;

: can-move-any? ( greed -- ? )
    neighbors [ can-move? ] with map [ t = ] any? ;

: setup-move ( greed dir -- seq ) over remove-player ray-dir ;

: update-score ( greed dir -- greed dir )
    2dup move-length pick swap [ + ] curry change-score dup
    score>> number>string "Score: " prepend swap show-status ;

: (move) ( greed dir -- )
    update-score [ drop f ] [ setup-move dup last ]
    [ drop cells>> swap [ set-indices ] dip ] 2tri first2
    [ >>y ] dip >>x place-player ;

: game-over ( greed -- )
        score>> number>string "Game over! Final score: "
        prepend " Press <space> for new game." append
    ] [ show-status ] bi ;

: ?game-over ( greed -- )
    dup can-move-any? [ drop ] [ game-over ] if ;

: move ( greed dir -- )
    dupd 2dup can-move? [ (move) ] [ 2drop ] if
    [ update-cells ] [ ?game-over ] bi ;

: ?new-game ( greed -- )
    dup can-move-any? [ drop ] [ init-greed drop ] if ;

: e  ( greed -- ) {  0  1 } move ;
: se ( greed -- ) {  1  1 } move ;
: s  ( greed -- ) {  1  0 } move ;
: sw ( greed -- ) {  1 -1 } move ;
: w  ( greed -- ) {  0 -1 } move ;
: nw ( greed -- ) { -1 -1 } move ;
: n  ( greed -- ) { -1  0 } move ;
: ne ( greed -- ) { -1  1 } move ;

greed "gestures" f {
    { T{ key-down { sym "l" } } e  }
    { T{ key-down { sym "n" } } se }
    { T{ key-down { sym "j" } } s  }
    { T{ key-down { sym "b" } } sw }
    { T{ key-down { sym "h" } } w  }
    { T{ key-down { sym "y" } } nw }
    { T{ key-down { sym "k" } } n  }
    { T{ key-down { sym "u" } } ne }
    { T{ key-down { sym " " } } ?new-game }
} define-command-map

: greed-window ( -- )
        <greed> <world-attributes> "Greed" >>title
    ] with-ui ;

MAIN: greed-window

Screenshot of the game after a loss


Translation of: C++
Const W = 79, H = 22
Const NCOUNT = W * H
Const CELL_SIZE = 20

Type coordType
    As Short X, Y
    Declare Sub set(x As Short, y As Short)
End Type

Sub coordType.set(x As Short, y As Short)
    this.X = x
    this.Y = y
End Sub

Dim Shared As Integer brd(W * H)
Dim Shared As coordType cursor
Dim Shared As Single score

Function countSteps(i As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer) As Boolean
    Dim As coordType t
    t.set(cursor.X, cursor.Y)
    While i > 0
        i -= 1
        t.X += x
        t.Y += y
        If t.X < 0 Or t.Y < 0 Or t.X >= W Or t.Y >= H Or brd(t.X + W * t.Y) = 0 Then
            Return False
        End If
    Return True
End Function

Sub printScore()
    Draw String (10, H * CELL_SIZE + 10), "SCORE: " & score & " : " & Left(Str(score * 100 / NCOUNT), 5) & "%  ", Rgb(255, 255, 255)
End Sub

Sub createBoard()
    Dim As Integer x, y
    For y = 0 To H - 1
        For x = 0 To W - 1
            brd(x + W * y) = Int(Rnd * 9) + 1
    cursor.set(Int(Rnd * W), Int(Rnd * H))
    brd(cursor.X + W * cursor.Y) = 0
    score = 0
End Sub

Sub displayBoard()
    Dim As Integer x, y, i
    For y = 0 To H - 1
        For x = 0 To W - 1
            i = brd(x + W * y)
            Line (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE) - Step(CELL_SIZE - 1, CELL_SIZE - 1), Rgb(0, 0, 0), bf
            If i <> 0 Then
                Select Case i
                Case 1
                    Draw String (x * CELL_SIZE + 5, y * CELL_SIZE + 5), Str(i), Rgb(255, 0, 0)
                Case 2
                    Draw String (x * CELL_SIZE + 5, y * CELL_SIZE + 5), Str(i), Rgb(0, 255, 0)
                Case 3
                    Draw String (x * CELL_SIZE + 5, y * CELL_SIZE + 5), Str(i), Rgb(0, 0, 255)
                Case 4
                    Draw String (x * CELL_SIZE + 5, y * CELL_SIZE + 5), Str(i), Rgb(255, 255, 0)
                Case 5
                    Draw String (x * CELL_SIZE + 5, y * CELL_SIZE + 5), Str(i), Rgb(255, 0, 255)
                Case 6
                    Draw String (x * CELL_SIZE + 5, y * CELL_SIZE + 5), Str(i), Rgb(0, 255, 255)
                Case 7
                    Draw String (x * CELL_SIZE + 5, y * CELL_SIZE + 5), Str(i), Rgb(255, 165, 0)
                Case 8
                    Draw String (x * CELL_SIZE + 5, y * CELL_SIZE + 5), Str(i), Rgb(128, 0, 128)
                Case 9
                    Draw String (x * CELL_SIZE + 5, y * CELL_SIZE + 5), Str(i), Rgb(128, 128, 128)
                End Select
            End If
    Line (cursor.X * CELL_SIZE, cursor.Y * CELL_SIZE) - Step(CELL_SIZE - 1, CELL_SIZE - 1), Rgb(255, 0, 0), b
    Draw String (cursor.X * CELL_SIZE + 5, cursor.Y * CELL_SIZE + 5), "@", Rgb(255, 0, 0)
End Sub

Sub execute(x As Integer, y As Integer)
    Dim As Integer i = brd(cursor.X + x + W * (cursor.Y + y))
    If countSteps(i, x, y) Then
        score += i
        While i > 0
            i -= 1
            cursor.X += x
            cursor.Y += y
            brd(cursor.X + W * cursor.Y) = 0
    End If
End Sub

Function existsMoves() As Boolean
    Dim As Integer x, y, i
    For y = -1 To 1
        For x = -1 To 1
            If x <> 0 Or y <> 0 Then
                i = brd(cursor.X + x + W * (cursor.Y + y))
                If i > 0 And countSteps(i, x, y) Then Return True
            End If
    Return False
End Function

Sub getInput()
        Dim As String k = Ucase(Inkey)
        If k = "Q" And cursor.X > 0     And cursor.Y > 0     Then 
            execute(-1,-1): Exit Do
            Elseif k = "W"                      And cursor.Y > 0     Then execute( 0,-1): Exit Do
            Elseif k = "E" And cursor.X < W - 1 And cursor.Y > 0     Then execute( 1,-1): Exit Do
            Elseif k = "A" And cursor.X > 0                          Then execute(-1, 0): Exit Do
            Elseif k = "D" And cursor.X < W - 1                      Then execute( 1, 0): Exit Do
            Elseif k = "Z" And cursor.X > 0     And cursor.Y < H - 1 Then execute(-1, 1): Exit Do
            Elseif k = "X"                      And cursor.Y < H - 1 Then execute( 0, 1): Exit Do
            Elseif k = "C" And cursor.X < W     And cursor.Y < H - 1 Then execute( 1, 1): Exit Do
        End If
End Sub

Sub Play()
    Dim As String g
    Screenres W * CELL_SIZE, H * CELL_SIZE + 40, 32
        Loop While existsMoves()
        Draw String (33 * CELL_SIZE,  8 * CELL_SIZE), "+----------------------------------------+", Rgb(255, 255, 255)
        Draw String (33 * CELL_SIZE,  9 * CELL_SIZE), "|               GAME OVER                |", Rgb(255, 255, 255)
        Draw String (33 * CELL_SIZE, 10 * CELL_SIZE), "|            PLAY AGAIN(Y/N)?            |", Rgb(255, 255, 255)
        Draw String (33 * CELL_SIZE, 11 * CELL_SIZE), "+----------------------------------------+", Rgb(255, 255, 255)
            g = Inkey
        Loop Until g <> ""
    Loop While Ucase(g) = "Y"
End Sub




Translation of: C++
Library: termbox-go
Works with: Ubuntu 16.04

This hasn't been tested on Windows 10 but should work.

Note that this version uses the Z key (rather than the Y key) to move diagonally downwards to the left. A leave key, L, has also been added in case one wants to end the game prematurely.

package main

import (

type coord struct{ x, y int }

const (
    width  = 79
    height = 22
    nCount = float64(width * height)

var (
    board  [width * height]int
    score  = 0
    bold   = termbox.AttrBold
    cursor coord

var colors = [10]termbox.Attribute{
    termbox.ColorBlack | bold,
    termbox.ColorBlue | bold,
    termbox.ColorGreen | bold,
    termbox.ColorCyan | bold,
    termbox.ColorRed | bold,
    termbox.ColorMagenta | bold,
    termbox.ColorYellow | bold,
    termbox.ColorWhite | bold,

func printAt(x, y int, s string, fg, bg termbox.Attribute) {
    for _, r := range s {
        termbox.SetCell(x, y, r, fg, bg)

func createBoard() {
    for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
        for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
            board[x+width*y] = rand.Intn(9) + 1
    cursor = coord{rand.Intn(width), rand.Intn(height)}
    board[cursor.x+width*cursor.y] = 0
    score = 0

func displayBoard() {
    termbox.SetCursor(0, 0)
    bg := colors[0]
    for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
        for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
            i := board[x+width*y]
            fg := colors[i]
            s := " "
            if i > 0 {
                s = strconv.Itoa(i)
            printAt(x, y, s, fg, bg)
    fg := colors[9]
    termbox.SetCursor(cursor.x, cursor.y)
    printAt(cursor.x, cursor.y, "@", fg, bg)

func printScore() {
    termbox.SetCursor(0, 24)
    fg := colors[4]
    bg := termbox.ColorGreen
    s := fmt.Sprintf("      SCORE: %d : %.3f%%      ", score, float64(score)*100.0/nCount)
    printAt(0, 24, s, fg, bg)

func execute(x, y int) {
    i := board[cursor.x+x+width*(cursor.y+y)]
    if countSteps(i, x, y) {
        score += i
        for i != 0 {
            cursor.x += x
            cursor.y += y
            board[cursor.x+width*cursor.y] = 0

func countSteps(i, x, y int) bool {
    t := cursor
    for i != 0 {
        t.x += x
        t.y += y
        if t.x < 0 || t.y < 0 || t.x >= width || t.y >= height || board[t.x+width*t.y] == 0 {
            return false
    return true

func existsMoves() bool {
    for y := -1; y < 2; y++ {
        for x := -1; x < 2; x++ {
            if x == 0 && y == 0 {
            ix := cursor.x + x + width*(cursor.y+y)
            i := 0
            if ix >= 0 && ix < len(board) {
                i = board[ix]
            if i > 0 && countSteps(i, x, y) {
                return true
    return false

func check(err error) {
    if err != nil {

func main() {
    err := termbox.Init()
    defer termbox.Close()

    eventQueue := make(chan termbox.Event)
    go func() {
        for {
            eventQueue <- termbox.PollEvent()

    for {
        for {
            select {
            case ev := <-eventQueue:
                if ev.Type == termbox.EventKey {
                    switch ev.Ch {
                    case 'q', 'Q':
                        if cursor.x > 0 && cursor.y > 0 {
                            execute(-1, -1)
                    case 'w', 'W':
                        if cursor.y > 0 {
                            execute(0, -1)
                    case 'e', 'E':
                        if cursor.x < width-1 && cursor.y > 0 {
                            execute(1, -1)
                    case 'a', 'A':
                        if cursor.x > 0 {
                            execute(-1, 0)
                    case 'd', 'D':
                        if cursor.x < width-1 {
                            execute(1, 0)
                    case 'z', 'Z':
                        if cursor.x > 0 && cursor.y < height-1 {
                            execute(-1, 1)
                    case 'x', 'X':
                        if cursor.y < height-1 {
                            execute(0, 1)
                    case 'c', 'C':
                        if cursor.x < width-1 && cursor.y < height-1 {
                            execute(1, 1)
                    case 'l', 'L': // leave key
                } else if ev.Type == termbox.EventResize {
            if !existsMoves() {
        fg := colors[7]
        bg := colors[0]
        printAt(19, 8, "+----------------------------------------+", fg, bg)
        printAt(19, 9, "|               GAME OVER                |", fg, bg)
        printAt(19, 10, "|            PLAY AGAIN(Y/N)?            |", fg, bg)
        printAt(19, 11, "+----------------------------------------+", fg, bg)
        termbox.SetCursor(48, 10)
        select {
        case ev := <-eventQueue:
            if ev.Type == termbox.EventKey {
                if ev.Ch == 'y' || ev.Ch == 'Y' {
                } else {


Translation of: C++
Works with: Windows 10

Note that this version uses the Z key (rather than the Y key) to move diagonally downwards to the left.

// Kotlin Native v0.5

import kotlinx.cinterop.*
import platform.posix.*

const val WID = 79
const val HEI = 22
const val NCOUNT = (WID * HEI).toFloat()

class WinConsole {
    val conOut: HANDLE
    val conIn: HANDLE

    private constructor() {
        conOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)!!
        conIn  = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)!!

    fun showCursor(s: WINBOOL) {
        memScoped {
            val ci = alloc<CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO>().apply { dwSize = 1; bVisible = s }
            SetConsoleCursorInfo(conOut, ci.ptr)

    fun setColor(clr: WORD) = SetConsoleTextAttribute(conOut, clr)

    fun setCursor(p: COORD) = SetConsoleCursorPosition(conOut, p.readValue())

    fun flush() =  FlushConsoleInputBuffer(conIn)

    fun kill() {
        inst = null

    companion object {
        val instance: WinConsole 
            get() {
                if (inst == null) inst = WinConsole()
                return inst!!

        private var inst: WinConsole? = null

class Greed {
    private val console: WinConsole
    private val brd = IntArray(WID * HEI)
    private var score = 0
    private lateinit var cursor: COORD

    init {
        console = WinConsole.instance

    fun destroy() {

    fun play() {
        memScoped {
            val coord1 = alloc<COORD>().apply { X = 0;  Y = 24 }
            val coord2 = alloc<COORD>().apply { X = 19; Y = 8  }
            val coord3 = alloc<COORD>().apply { X = 19; Y = 9  }
            val coord4 = alloc<COORD>().apply { X = 19; Y = 10  }
            val coord5 = alloc<COORD>().apply { X = 19; Y = 11  }
            val coord6 = alloc<COORD>().apply { X = 48; Y = 10  }
            do {
                do {
                while (existsMoves())
                with (console) {
                    setCursor(coord2);  print("+----------------------------------------+")
                    setCursor(coord3);  print("|               GAME OVER                |")
                    setCursor(coord4);  print("|            PLAY AGAIN(Y/N)?            |")
                    setCursor(coord5);  print("+----------------------------------------+")
                val g = readLine()!!.toUpperCase()
            while (g.length >= 1 && g[0] == 'Y')

    private fun createBoard() {
        for (y in 0 until HEI) {
            for (x in 0 until WID) {
                brd[x + WID * y] = rand() % 9 + 1
        cursor = nativeHeap.alloc<COORD>().apply {
            X = (rand() % WID).toShort(); Y = (rand() % HEI).toShort()
        brd[cursor.X + WID * cursor.Y] = 0
        score = 0

    private fun displayBoard() {
        memScoped {
            val coord = alloc<COORD>().apply { X = 0; Y = 0 }
        for (y in 0 until HEI) {
            for (x in 0 until WID) {
                val i = brd[x + WID * y]
                console.setColor((6 + i).toShort())
                print(if (i == 0) " " else "$i")

    private fun checkKey(k: Char) = (GetAsyncKeyState(k.toInt()).toInt() and 0x8000) != 0

    private fun getInput() {
        while (true) {
            if (checkKey('Q') && cursor.X > 0 && cursor.Y > 0) { execute(-1, -1); break }
            if (checkKey('W') && cursor.Y > 0) { execute(0, -1); break }
            if (checkKey('E') && cursor.X < WID - 1 && cursor.Y > 0) { execute(1, -1); break }
            if (checkKey('A') && cursor.X > 0) { execute(-1, 0); break }
            if (checkKey('D') && cursor.X < WID - 1) { execute(1, 0); break }
            if (checkKey('Z') && cursor.X > 0 && cursor.Y < HEI - 1) { execute(-1, 1); break }
            if (checkKey('X') && cursor.Y < HEI - 1) { execute(0, 1); break }
            if (checkKey('C') && cursor.X < WID - 1 && cursor.Y < HEI - 1) { execute(1, 1); break }

    private fun printScore() {
        memScoped {
            val coord = alloc<COORD>().apply { X = 0; Y = 24 }
        print("      SCORE: $score :  ${score * 100.0f / NCOUNT}%      ")

    private fun execute(x: Int, y: Int) {
        var i = brd[cursor.X + x + WID * ( cursor.Y + y )]
        if (countSteps(i, x, y)) {
            score += i
            while (i-- != 0) {
                cursor.X = (cursor.X + x).toShort()
                cursor.Y = (cursor.Y + y).toShort()
                brd[cursor.X + WID * cursor.Y] = 0

    private fun countSteps(i: Int, x: Int, y: Int): Boolean {
        var ii = i
        memScoped {
            val t = alloc<COORD>().apply { X = cursor.X; Y = cursor.Y }
            while (ii-- != 0) {
                t.X = (t.X + x).toShort()
                t.Y = (t.Y + y).toShort()
                if (t.X < 0 || t.Y < 0 || t.X >= WID || t.Y >= HEI || brd[t.X + WID * t.Y] == 0 ) return false
        return true

    private fun existsMoves(): Boolean {
        for (y in -1..1) {
            for (x in -1..1) {
                if (x == 0 && y == 0) continue
                val i = brd[cursor.X + x + WID * ( cursor.Y + y )]
                if (i > 0 && countSteps(i, x, y)) return true
        return false

fun main(args: Array<String>) {


See Greed/Java.


GUI version. Click a square adjacent to the "@" symbol to move.

using Gtk

struct BState

function greedapp(r, c)
    rows, cols = c, r  # gtk rotates grid 90 degrees
    win = GtkWindow("Greed Game", 1200, 400) |> (GtkFrame() |> (box = GtkBox(:v)))
    toolbar = GtkToolbar()
    newgame = GtkToolButton("New Game")
    set_gtk_property!(newgame, :label, "New Game")
    set_gtk_property!(newgame, :is_important, true)
    undomove = GtkToolButton("Undo Move")
    set_gtk_property!(undomove, :label, "Undo Move")
    set_gtk_property!(undomove, :is_important, true)
    scrwin = GtkScrolledWindow()
    grid = GtkGrid()
    map(w -> push!(box, w),[toolbar, scrwin])
    push!(scrwin, grid)
    buttons = Array{Gtk.GtkButtonLeaf, 2}(undef, rows, cols)
    for i in 1:rows, j in 1:cols
        grid[i,j] = buttons[i,j] = GtkButton()
        set_gtk_property!(buttons[i,j], :expand, true)
    function findrowcol(button)
        for i in 1:rows, j in 1:cols
            if buttons[i, j] == button
                return i, j
        return 0, 0
    board = zeros(Int, rows, cols)
    pastboardstates = Vector{BState}()
    score = 0
    condition = Condition()
    won = ""
    myrow, mycol = 1, 1
    function update!()
        for i in 1:rows, j in 1:cols
            label = (board[i, j] > 0) ? board[i, j] : " "
            set_gtk_property!(buttons[i, j], :label, label)
        set_gtk_property!(buttons[myrow, mycol], :label, "@")
        won = all(iszero, board) ? "WINNING" : ""
        set_gtk_property!(win, :title, "$won Greed Game  (Score: $score)")
    function erasefromtile!(moverow, movecol)
        xdir, ydir = moverow - myrow, movecol - mycol
        if abs(xdir) > 1 || abs(ydir) > 1 || 0 == xdir == ydir || board[moverow, movecol] == 0
        push!(pastboardstates, BState(deepcopy(board), myrow, mycol))
        for i in 1:board[moverow, movecol]
            x, y = myrow + xdir * i, mycol + ydir * i
            if 0 < x <= rows && 0 < y <= cols
                board[x, y] = 0
                score += 1
        board[myrow, mycol] = 0
        myrow = moverow
        mycol = movecol
    clicked(button) = begin x, y = findrowcol(button); erasefromtile!(x, y)  end
    function initialize!(w)
        won = ""
        possiblevals = collect(1:9)
        for i in 1:rows, j in 1:cols
            board[i, j] = rand(possiblevals)
            set_gtk_property!(buttons[i,j], :label, board[i, j])
            signal_connect(clicked, buttons[i, j], "clicked")
        myrow = rand(1:rows)
        mycol = rand(1:cols)
        board[myrow, mycol] = 0
    function undo!(w)
        if won == "" && length(pastboardstates) > 0
            bst = pop!(pastboardstates)
            board, myrow, mycol = bst.board, bst.row, bst.col
    endit(w) = notify(condition)
    signal_connect(initialize!, newgame, :clicked)
    signal_connect(undo!, undomove, :clicked)
    signal_connect(endit, win, :destroy)

# greedapp(22, 79)  # This would be per task, though a smaller game board is nicer
greedapp(12, 29)


Translation of: Julia
Library: gintro

This is a translation of the Julia solution with some modifications. The most important is the way the new position is computed after choosing a direction. Rather than moving to the neighbor tile, we move to the farthest tile in the chosen direction as shown in the video.

There is of course a lot of differences due to the way gintro library works which is quite different of Julia GTK API.

And we also added a score field to the BState object in order to restore the correct score when undoing a move.

import random, strutils
import gintro/[gobject, glib, gtk, gio]

const Rows = 22
const Cols = 79


  Board = array[Rows, array[Cols, int]]

  BState = object
    board: Board
    score: Natural
    row, col: int

  Game = ref object
    window: Window
    score: Natural
    won: string
    board: Board
    buttons: array[Rows, array[Cols, Button]]
    myRow, myCol: Natural
    pastBoardStates: seq[BState]

proc update(game: Game) =
  ## Update game state.
  var won = true
  for i in 0..<Rows:
    for j in 0..<Cols:
      let val = game.board[i][j]
      won = won and val == 0
      game.buttons[i][j].setLabel(if val > 0: $val else: "")

    game.won = if won: "WINNING " else: ""
    game.window.setTitle(game.won & "Greed game (score: $#)".format(game.score))

proc eraseFromTile(game: Game; moveRow, moveCol: Natural) =
  ## Erase tile values from the given tile.
  let xdir = moveRow - game.myRow
  let ydir = moveCol - game.myCol
  if abs(xdir) > 1 or abs(ydir) > 1 or xdir == 0 and ydir == 0 or game.board[moveRow][moveCol] == 0:
  game.pastBoardStates.add BState(board: game.board, score: game.score,
                                  row: game.myRow, col: game.myCol)
  let count = game.board[moveRow][moveCol]
  var x: int = game.myRow
  var y: int = game.myCol
  for i in 1..count:
    inc x, xdir
    inc y, ydir
    if x in 0..<Rows and y in 0..<Cols:
      game.board[x][y] = 0
      inc game.score
      # Restore to last valid position.
      dec x, xdir
      dec y, ydir
  game.board[game.myRow][game.myCol] = 0
  game.myRow = x
  game.myCol = y

proc clicked(b: Button; game: Game) =
  ## Callback tp process a click in the grid.
  var row, col = -1
  for i in 0..<Rows:
    for j in 0..<Cols:
      if game.buttons[i][j] == b:
        (row, col) = (i, j)
  if row < 0: return
  game.eraseFromTile(row, col)

proc undo(b: ToolButton; game: Game) =
  ## Callback to undo last move.
  if game.won.len == 0 and game.pastBoardStates.len > 0:
    let bst = game.pastBoardStates.pop()
    game.board = bst.board
    game.score = bst.score
    game.myRow = bst.row
    game.myCol = bst.col

proc initialize(game: Game) =
  ## Initialize the game.
  const PossibleVals = {1..9}
  game.score = 0
  game.won = ""
  for i in 0..<Rows:
    for j in 0..<Cols:
      game.board[i][j] = PossibleVals.sample()
      game.buttons[i][j].connect("clicked", clicked, game)
  game.myRow = rand(Rows - 1)
  game.myCol = rand(Cols - 1)

proc initGame(b: ToolButton; game: Game) =
  ## Callback to start a new game.

proc activate(app: Application) =
  ## Activate the application.

  let game = new(Game)
  let window = app.newApplicationWindow()
  window.setSizeRequest(1600, 800)
  window.setTitle("Greed game")
  game.window = window

  let box = newBox(Orientation.vertical, 0)
  window.add box
  let toolbar = newToolbar()
  box.add toolbar
  let newGame = newToolButton(label = "New game")
  let undoMove = newToolButton(label = "Undo move")

  let srcWindow = newScrolledWindow()
  box.packEnd(srcWindow, true, true, 0)
  let grid = newGrid()
  srcWindow.add grid

  for i in 0..<Rows:
    for j in 0..<Cols:
      let b = newButton()
      game.buttons[i][j] = b
      grid.attach(b, j, i, 1, 1)

  newGame.connect("clicked", initGame, game)
  undoMove.connect("clicked", undo, game)

let app = newApplication(Application, "Rosetta.greed")
discard app.connect("activate", activate)


Translation of: Raku
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

my @board;
my $w = 79;
my $h = 22;
for (1..$h) {
    my @row;
    push @row, int 1 + rand 9 for 1..$w;
    push @board, [@row];
my $X = int 0.5 + rand $w; 
my $Y = int 0.5 + rand $h;
$board[$Y][$X] = '@';

my $score = 0;

sub execute {
   my($y,$x) = @_;
   my $i = $board[$Y+$y][$X+$x];
   if (countSteps($i, $x, $y)) {
      $score += $i;
      $board[ $Y +  $y*$_ ][ $X +  $x*$_ ] = ' ' for 0..$i;
      $board[ $Y += $y*$i ][ $X += $x*$i ] = '@';

sub countSteps {
    my($i, $x, $y) = @_;
    my $tX = $X;
    my $tY = $Y;
    for (0..$i) {
        $tX += $x;
        $tY += $y;
        return 0 if $tX < 0 or $tY < 0 or $tX >= $w or $tY >= $h or $board[$tY][$tX] eq ' '
    return 1

sub existsMoves {
   for ([-1,-1], [-1,0], [-1,1], [0,-1], [0,0], [0,1], [1,-1], [1,0], [1,1]) {
      my($x,$y) = @$_;
      next if $x == 0 and $y == 0;
      next if $X+$x < 0 or $X+$x > $w or $Y+$y < 0 or $Y+$y > $h ;
      my $i = $board[$Y+$y][$X+$x];
      return 1 if ( $i ne ' ' and countSteps($i, $x, $y) )
   return 0;

while () {
   say join '', @$_ for @board;
   say "Game over." and last unless existsMoves();
   print "Current score : " . $score . "\n";
   my $c = <> ; chomp $c;
   if ($c eq 'q') { say "So long." and last}
   if ($c eq 'e') { execute(-1,-1) if $X >  0 and $Y >  0 } # North-West
   if ($c eq 'r') { execute(-1, 0) if             $Y >  0 } # North
   if ($c eq 't') { execute(-1, 1) if $X < $w and $Y >  0 } # North-East
   if ($c eq 'd') { execute( 0,-1) if $X >  0             } # West
   if ($c eq 'g') { execute( 0, 1) if $X < $w             } # East
   if ($c eq 'x') { execute( 1,-1) if $X >  0 and $Y < $h } # South-West
   if ($c eq 'c') { execute( 1, 0) if             $Y < $h } # South
   if ($c eq 'v') { execute( 1, 1) if $X < $w and $Y < $h } # South-East


Translation of: C++
constant W = 79, H = 22, NCOUNT = W*H

sequence board 
integer X, Y, score

procedure printScore()
    position(25,1); bk_color(2); text_color(10)
    printf(1,"      SCORE: %d : %f%%      ",{score,score*100/NCOUNT});
end procedure

procedure createBoard()
    board = repeat(repeat('0',W),H)
    for y=1 to H do
        for x=1 to W do
            board[y,x] = '0'+rand(9)
        end for
    end for
    X = rand(W); Y = rand(H);
    board[Y,X] = '0'; score = 0;
end procedure

procedure displayBoard()
    for y=1 to H do
        for x=1 to W do
            integer ch = board[y,x]; 
            text_color(iff(ch=' '?6:6+ch-'0'))
        end for
    end for
    bk_color(4); text_color(15); position(Y,X); puts(1,"@")
end procedure

function countSteps(integer i, x, y)
    integer tX = X, tY = Y
    while i do
        i -= 1; tX += x; tY += y;
        if tX<1 or tY<1 or tX>W or tY>H or board[tY,tX]=' ' then return false end if
    end while
    return true;
end function

procedure execute(integer x, y)
    integer ch = board[Y+y,X+x],
            i = iff(ch=' '?0:ch-'0')
    if countSteps(i, x, y) then
        score += i
        while i do
            i -= 1; X += x; Y += y;
            board[Y,X] = ' ';
        end while
    end if
end procedure

procedure getInput()
    while true do
        integer k = upper(wait_key())
        if    k='Q' and X > 1 and Y > 1 then execute(-1,-1) exit
        elsif k='W'           and Y > 1 then execute( 0,-1) exit
        elsif k='E' and X < W and Y > 1 then execute( 1,-1) exit
        elsif k='A' and X > 1           then execute(-1, 0) exit
        elsif k='D' and X < W           then execute( 1, 0) exit
        elsif k='Z' and X > 1 and Y < H then execute(-1, 1) exit
        elsif k='X'           and Y < H then execute( 0, 1) exit
        elsif k='C' and X < W and Y < H then execute( 1, 1) exit
        end if
    end while
end procedure

function existsMoves()
    for y=-1 to +1 do
        for x=-1 to +1 do
            if (x or y)
            and X+x>=1 and X+x<=W
            and Y+y>=1 and Y+y<=H then
                integer ch = board[Y+y,X+x];
                if ch!=' ' and countSteps(ch-'0', x, y) then
                    return true
                end if
            end if
        end for
    end for
    return false;
end function

procedure play()
    while true do
        cursor(NO_CURSOR); createBoard();
        while true do 
            displayBoard(); getInput() 
            if not existsMoves() then exit end if 
        end while
        displayBoard(); text_color(7);
        position( 8,19); puts(1,"+----------------------------------------+");
        position( 9,19); puts(1,"|               GAME OVER                |");
        position(10,19); puts(1,"|            PLAY AGAIN(Y/N)?            |");
        position(11,19); puts(1,"+----------------------------------------+");
        position(10,48); cursor(BLOCK_CURSOR);
        if upper(wait_key())!='Y' then return end if
    end while
end procedure


Computer play by selecting random road. Demo is here.

(load "@lib/simul.l")
(seed (in "/dev/urandom" (rd 8)))
(scl 6)
# N - number
# C - Color
# F - flag to draw candidates
# A - @ mark
(de display ()
   (let P 0
      (wait 500)
      (prin "^[[2J")
      (for L G
         (for This L
            # count cleared cells
            (and (lt0 (: N)) (inc 'P))
               (if (or (: A) (: F)) 100 (: C))
                  ((: A) "@")
                  ((lt0 (: N)) " ")
                  (T (: N)) )
               "^[[0m" ) )
         (prinl) )
         "Score:     "
         "       "
         (round (*/ P 1.0 100.0 1738.0) 2)
         "%" ) ) )
(de roads (Lst Flg)
         (with C
            (do (car L)
               (setq This ((cadr L) This))
               (=: F Flg) ) ) )
      Lst )
   (display) )
   (Colors (simul~shuffle (31 32 33 35 91 92 93 94 96))
      G (simul~grid 22 79)
      C NIL
      S 0 )
   # set random grid
   (for L G
      (for This L
         (let X (rand 1 9)
            (=: N X)
            (=: C (get Colors X)) ) ) )
   # set random startpoint
   (with (get G (rand 1 22) (rand 1 79))
      (setq C This)
      (=: A 0) )
         (setq Z
                  (with C
                     (let? S (with (D This) (: N))
                           (do S
                              (NIL (setq This (D This)))
                              (NIL (gt0 (: N)))
                              'next )
                           (list S D This) ) ) ) )
                  ((X) (simul~south (simul~west X)))
                  ((X) (simul~north (simul~west X)))
                  ((X) (simul~south (simul~east X)))
                  ((X) (simul~north (simul~east X))) ) ) ) )
         # XXX
         (roads Z T)
         (roads Z)
         # select road randomly
         (let L (get Z (rand 1 (length Z)))
            (with C
               (inc 'S (: N))
               # clear value of "old" Center
               (=: N -1)
               (=: A)
               # clear selected road
               (do (car L)
                  (inc 'S (: N))
                  (=: N -1)
                  (setq This ((cadr L) This)) ) )
            # set new Center
            (with (caddr L)
               (setq C This)
               (=: A 0) ) )
         (display) ) )


Translation of: Phix
# 20200913 added Raku programming solution

srand 123456;

my @board = [ (1..9).roll xx my \w = 79 ] xx my \h = 22 ;
my \X = $ = w.rand.Int ; my \Y = $ = h.rand.Int;
@board[Y;X] = '@';
my \score = $ = 0;

sub execute (\y,\x) {
   my \i = $ = @board[Y+y;X+x];
   if countSteps(i, x, y) {
      score += i;
      @board[ Y +  y*$_ ; X +  x*$_ ] = ' ' for ^i;
      @board[ Y += y*i  ; X += x*i  ] = '@';

sub countSteps(\i, \x, \y) {
   my \tX = $ = X ; my \tY = $ = Y;
   for ^i {
      tX += x; tY += y;
      return False if tX < 0 or tY < 0 or tXw or tYh or @board[tY;tX] eq ' ' 
   return True;

sub existsMoves {
   for (-1 .. 1) X (-1 .. 1) -> (\x,\y) {
      next if x == 0 and y == 0;
      next if X+x < 0 or X+x > w or Y+y < 0 or Y+y > h ;
      my \i = @board[Y+y;X+x];
      return True if ( i ne ' ' and countSteps(i, x, y) )
   return False;

loop {
   for @board { .join.print ; print "\r\n" } ;
   { say "Game over." and last } unless existsMoves();
   print "Current score : ", score, "\r\n";
   given my $c = $*IN.getc {
      when 'q' { say "So long." and last}
      when 'e' { execute(-1,-1) if X > 0 and Y > 0 } # North-West
      when 'r' { execute(-1, 0) if           Y > 0 } # North
      when 't' { execute(-1, 1) if X < w and Y > 0 } # North-East
      when 'd' { execute( 0,-1) if X > 0           } # West
      when 'g' { execute( 0, 1) if X < w           } # East
      when 'x' { execute( 1,-1) if X > 0 and Y < h } # South-West
      when 'c' { execute( 1, 0) if           Y < h } # South
      when 'v' { execute( 1, 1) if X < w and Y < h } # South-East


This REXX version's only dependency is that the DOS command   cls   is used to clear the terminal screen.

No attempt was made to validate the input the input arguments (parameters) for this REXX program.

Pointers (above and to the right of) the grid are included to help identify where the current location is.

/*REXX program lets a user play the game of  GREED  (by Matthew Day)  from the console. */
parse arg sw sd @ b ?r .                         /*obtain optional argumenst from the CL*/
if sw=='' | sw==","   then sw= 79                /*cols specified?  Then use the default*/
if sd=='' | sd==","   then sd= 22                /*rows     "         "   "   "     "   */
if  @=='' |  @==","   then @= '@'                /*here     "         "   "   "     "   */
if  b=='' |  b==","   then b= ' '                /*blank    "         "   "   "     "   */
if datatype(?r, 'W')  then call random ,,?r      /*maybe use a  seed  for the RANDOM BIF*/
if length(@)==2 & datatype(@,'X')  then @=x2c(@) /*maybe use @  char for current pos.   */
if length(b)==2 & datatype(b,'X')  then b=x2c(b) /*  "    "  B  char for background.    */
signal on halt                                   /*handle pressing of  Ctrl-Break  key. */
call init                                        /* [↓]  CLR  is reset if there's an err*/
clr=1;    do  until  # == sw*sd;        ??=      /*keep playing until the grid is blank.*/
          call show clr                          /*show the playing field (grid) to term*/
          call ask;                  clr= 1      /*obtain user's move, validate, or quit*/
          if \move()  then do;       clr= 0      /*perform the user's move per @ loc.*/
                           if ??==@. then say ____  "invalid move:  moving out of bounds."
                           if ??==b  then say ____  "invalid move:  moving into a blank."
          call show 0
          end   /*until*/                        /* [↑]  Also, if out─of─bounds, LEAVE. */
      if show(1)==sw*sd  then say ____ "You've won, the grid is blank,  your score is: " #
      exit  2
exit 0                                           /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
ask:      do forever                             /*play 'til done, or no possible moves.*/
          say  ____  'moves:'  ____  '   Q= ◄↑   W= ↑    E= ►↑'
          say  ____  'moves:'  ____  '   A= ◄            D= ►'
          say  ____  'moves:'  ____  '   Z= ◄↓   X= ↓    C= ►↓'
          say  ____
          say  ____ 'enter a move     ──or──     QUIT          (the score is: '   #")"
          parse pull  z  2  1  what  .  1  oz;                   upper z what
          if abbrev('QUIT', what, 2) | abbrev("QQUIT", what, 2)  then leave
          if length( space(oz) )==1  &  pos(z, 'QWEADZXC')\==0   then return
          say ____ '***error*** invalid direction for a move:'  space(oz);            say
          end   /*forever*/
halt: say;      say ____ 'quitting.';           exit 1
init: @.= 'ff'x;  $.=.;     ____= copies("─", 8) /*out─of─bounds literal; fence for SAYs*/
          do   r=1  for sd
            do c=1  for sw;  @.r.c= random(1, 9) /*assign grid area to random digs (1►9)*/
            end   /*c*/
          end     /*r*/
      !r= random(1, sd);  !c= random(1, sw);  @.!r.!c= @;   return /*assign 1st position*/
move: @.!r.!c= '≤';   $r= !r;   $c= !c;    ??=   /*blank out this  "start"  position.   */
      @@=.                                       /*nullify the count of move positions. */
          do until @@==0;       select
                                when z== 'Q'  then do;   !r= !r - 1;    !c= !c - 1;    end
                                when z== 'W'  then       !r= !r - 1
                                when z== 'E'  then do;   !r= !r - 1;    !c= !c + 1;    end
                                when z== 'A'  then                      !c= !c - 1
                                when z== 'D'  then                      !c= !c + 1
                                when z== 'Z'  then do;   !r= !r + 1;    !c= !c - 1;    end
                                when z== 'X'  then       !r= !r + 1
                                when z== 'C'  then do;   !r= !r + 1;    !c= !c + 1;    end
                                end   /*select*/
          ?= @.!r.!c;    if ?==@. | ?==b  then do;  !r= $r;   !c= $c;   ??= ?;   return 0
          if @@==.  then @@=?;   if datatype(@@, 'W')  then @@= @@ - 1   /*diminish cnt.*/
          @.!r.!c= '±'                           /*nullify  (later, a blank)  position. */
          end   /*until*/
      @.!r.!c= @;                    return 1    /*signify current grid position with @ */
show: arg tell;     #=0;         if tell  then do;   "CLS";    say left('', !c)"↓";    end
          do   r=1  for sd;            _= ' '    /* [↑]  DOS cmd  CLS  clears the screen*/
            do c=1  for sw                       /*construct row of the grid for display*/
            if @.r.c=="±" & ??\==''  then @.r.c= $.r.c  /*Is this a temp blank?  Restore*/
            if @.r.c=="±" & ?? ==''  then @.r.c= b      /*Is this a temp blank?  Blank. */
            if @.r.c=="≤" & ??\==''  then @.r.c= $.r.c  /*Is this a temp a  @ ?  Restore*/
            if @.r.c=="≤" & ?? ==''  then @.r.c= b      /*Is this a temp a  @ ?  Blank. */
            ?= @.r.c;                _= _ || ?   /*construct a line of the grid for term*/
            if ?==b | ?==@  then #= # + 1        /*Position==b ─or─ @?  Then bump score.*/
            if tell         then $.r.c= @.r.c    /*create a backup grid for re─instating*/
            end   /*c*/
          if r==!r  then _= _ '◄'                /*indicate   row  of current position. */
          if tell   then say _                   /*display   a row of grid to screen.   */
          end     /*r*/; say;        return #    /*SHOW also counts # of blanks (score).*/

A note on the OUTPUT sections:   each (cleared) screen displayed is shown below as a separate OUTPUT section.

The following are the screen shots when inputs used   (size of the grid)   are:     22   10

output :     the 1st screen shown.
 794644718989445262471866768299551827168758297323537929749@815519895387457566428 ◄

──────── moves: ────────    Q= ◄↑   W= ↑    E= ►↑
──────── moves: ────────    A= ◄            D= ►
──────── moves: ────────    Z= ◄↓   X= ↓    C= ►↓
──────── enter a move     ──or──  enter   QUIT   to quit.  (score is:  1)
e                       ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■ user input
output :     the 2nd screen shown.
 53367846463736826763986884759899724514997762521649898992391917@3912697265898925 ◄
 4952948995581413589577455233495962736898536553933712711747529 19371573895413265
 532864374567248546851664532617648257116237712895866925224443 799914145324756787
 96826484164758284343761542591115968181128196265187547153859 9211764235211148126
 4771918124154627513339665771138169237888886368882335865655 26894655352121961215
 794644718989445262471866768299551827168758297323537929749 815519895387457566428

──────── moves: ────────    Q= ◄↑   W= ↑    E= ►↑
──────── moves: ────────    A= ◄            D= ►
──────── moves: ────────    Z= ◄↓   X= ↓    C= ►↓
──────── enter a move     ──or──  enter   QUIT   to quit.  (score is:  6)
quit                    ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■ user input

──────── quitting. 


See Greed/Wren.

Z80 Assembly

See Greed/Z80 Assembly.