Last list item
- Task
List = [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
Find the two smallest items, remove them from the list, find their sum, and add the sum to the end of list.
Repeat until the list contains one element.
Show the steps and last item on this page.
Show the unsorted list in output in case "Without sort"
F add_least_reduce(&lis)
L lis.len > 1
V el1 = lis.pop(lis.index(min(lis)))
V el2 = lis.pop(lis.index(min(lis)))
lis.append(el1 + el2)
print(‘Interim list: ’lis)
R lis
V LIST = [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
print(LIST‘ ==> ’add_least_reduce(©(LIST)))
- Output:
Interim list: [81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 17] Interim list: [81, 243, 25, 49, 123, 69, 31] Interim list: [81, 243, 49, 123, 69, 56] Interim list: [81, 243, 123, 69, 105] Interim list: [243, 123, 105, 150] Interim list: [243, 150, 228] Interim list: [243, 378] Interim list: [621] [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11] ==> [621]
With sorting
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
procedure Last_List_Item_Sorted is
package Integer_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Integer);
package Vectors is
new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Positive,
Element_Type => Integer);
package Vector_Sorting is
new Vectors.Generic_Sorting;
use Ada.Containers, Vectors, Ada.Text_IO, Integer_IO;
procedure Put (List : Vector) is
Put ("[");
for V of List loop
Put (" "); Put (V, Width => 0);
end loop;
Put ("]");
end Put;
List : Vector := 6 & 81 & 243 & 14 & 25 & 49 & 123 & 69 & 11;
Default_Width := 0;
while List.Length >= 2 loop
Vector_Sorting.Sort (List);
Put (List);
Small_1 : constant Integer := List (List.First_Index + 0);
Small_2 : constant Integer := List (List.First_Index + 1);
Sum : constant Integer := Small_1 + Small_2;
List.Delete_First (2);
Put (". Smallest: "); Put (Small_1); Put (" and "); Put (Small_2);
Put (". Sum: "); Put (Sum); New_Line;
List.Append (Sum);
end loop;
Put (List); New_Line;
end Last_List_Item_Sorted;
- Output:
[ 6 11 14 25 49 69 81 123 243]. Smallest: 6 and 11. Sum: 17 [ 14 17 25 49 69 81 123 243]. Smallest: 14 and 17. Sum: 31 [ 25 31 49 69 81 123 243]. Smallest: 25 and 31. Sum: 56 [ 49 56 69 81 123 243]. Smallest: 49 and 56. Sum: 105 [ 69 81 105 123 243]. Smallest: 69 and 81. Sum: 150 [ 105 123 150 243]. Smallest: 105 and 123. Sum: 228 [ 150 228 243]. Smallest: 150 and 228. Sum: 378 [ 243 378]. Smallest: 243 and 378. Sum: 621 [ 621]
Without sorting
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
procedure Last_List_Item is
package Integer_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Integer);
package Element_Vectors is
new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Positive,
Element_Type => Integer);
use Ada.Containers, Element_Vectors, Ada.Text_IO, Integer_IO;
function Pick_Smallest (List : in out Vector) return Integer is
Value : Integer := Integer'Last;
if List.Is_Empty then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
for V of List loop
Value := Integer'Min (Value, V);
end loop;
List.Delete (List.Find_Index (Value));
return Value;
end Pick_Smallest;
procedure Put (List : Vector) is
Put ("[");
for V of List loop
Put (" "); Put (V, Width => 0);
end loop;
Put ("]");
end Put;
List : Vector := 6 & 81 & 243 & 14 & 25 & 49 & 123 & 69 & 11;
Default_Width := 0;
while List.Length >= 2 loop
Put (List); Put (". Smallest: ");
Small_1 : constant Integer := Pick_Smallest (List);
Small_2 : constant Integer := Pick_Smallest (List);
Sum : constant Integer := Small_1 + Small_2;
Put (Small_1); Put (" and "); Put (Small_2);
Put (". Sum: "); Put (Sum); New_Line;
List.Append (Sum);
end loop;
Put (List); New_Line;
end Last_List_Item;
- Output:
[ 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11]. Smallest: 6 and 11. Sum: 17 [ 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17]. Smallest: 14 and 17. Sum: 31 [ 81 243 25 49 123 69 31]. Smallest: 25 and 31. Sum: 56 [ 81 243 49 123 69 56]. Smallest: 49 and 56. Sum: 105 [ 81 243 123 69 105]. Smallest: 69 and 81. Sum: 150 [ 243 123 105 150]. Smallest: 105 and 123. Sum: 228 [ 243 150 228]. Smallest: 150 and 228. Sum: 378 [ 243 378]. Smallest: 243 and 378. Sum: 621 [ 621]
With sorting
BEGIN # find the last element after repeatedely adding the sum of the #
# two smallest elements and removing them #
PR read "sort.incl.a68" PR # row sorting utilities #
[ 1 : 9 ]INT a := ( 6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11 );
INT a count := UPB a;
WHILE a count > 1 DO
print( ( "Sorted list:" ) );FOR i TO a count DO print( ( " ", whole( a[ i ], 0 ) ) ) OD;
INT sum = a[ 1 ] + a[ 2 ];
print( ( "; two smallest: " , whole( a[ 1 ], 0 )
, " + ", whole( a[ 2 ], 0 )
, " = ", whole( sum, 0 )
, newline
a[ 1 : a count - 2 ] := a[ 3 : a count ];
a count -:= 1 ;
a[ a count ] := sum
print( ( "Last item is ", whole( a[ 1 ], 0 ), ".", newline ) )
- Output:
Sorted list: 6 11 14 25 49 69 81 123 243; two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 Sorted list: 14 17 25 49 69 81 123 243; two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 Sorted list: 25 31 49 69 81 123 243; two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 Sorted list: 49 56 69 81 123 243; two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 Sorted list: 69 81 105 123 243; two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 Sorted list: 105 123 150 243; two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 Sorted list: 150 228 243; two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 Sorted list: 243 378; two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item is 621.
Without sorting
Translation of the sorted Wren version with the sorting removed.
BEGIN # find the last element after repeatedly adding the sum #
# of the two smallest elements and removing them #
[ 1 : 9 ]INT a := ( 6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11 );
INT a count := UPB a;
WHILE a count > 1 DO
print( ( "List:" ) );FOR i TO a count DO print( ( " ", whole( a[ i ], 0 ) ) ) OD;
INT s1pos, s2pos;
IF a[ 1 ] < a[ 2 ]
THEN s1pos := 1; s2pos := 2
ELSE s1pos := 2; s2pos := 1
FOR i FROM 3 TO a count DO
IF a[ i ] < a[ s1pos ] THEN s2pos := s1pos; s1pos := i
ELIF a[ i ] < a[ s2pos ] THEN s2pos := i
INT sum = a[ s1pos ] + a[ s2pos ];
print( ( "; two smallest: " , whole( a[ s1pos ], 0 ), " @ ", whole( s1pos, 0 )
, " and ", whole( a[ s2pos ], 0 ), " @ ", whole( s2pos, 0 )
, "; sum = ", whole( sum, 0 )
, newline
INT m pos := 0;
FOR i TO a count DO
IF i /= s1pos AND i /= s2pos THEN a[ m pos +:= 1 ] := a[ i ] FI
a[ m pos + 1 ] := sum;
a count -:= 1
print( ( "Last item is ", whole( a[ 1 ], 0 ), ".", newline ) )
- Output:
List: 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11; two smallest: 6 @ 1 and 11 @ 9; sum = 17 List: 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17; two smallest: 14 @ 3 and 17 @ 8; sum = 31 List: 81 243 25 49 123 69 31; two smallest: 25 @ 3 and 31 @ 7; sum = 56 List: 81 243 49 123 69 56; two smallest: 49 @ 3 and 56 @ 6; sum = 105 List: 81 243 123 69 105; two smallest: 69 @ 4 and 81 @ 1; sum = 150 List: 243 123 105 150; two smallest: 105 @ 3 and 123 @ 2; sum = 228 List: 243 150 228; two smallest: 150 @ 2 and 228 @ 3; sum = 378 List: 243 378; two smallest: 243 @ 1 and 378 @ 2; sum = 621 Last item is 621.
Applesoft BASIC
100 DATA 6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11
110 FOR L = 0 TO 8
120 READ L(L)
130 NEXT
140 LET L = L - 1
170 END
190 FOR L = L TO 0 STEP 0
210 LET L = L + 1
230 NEXT L
260 LET H = 1
270 FOR I = 0 TO L
280 IF NOT H(I) THEN H(I) = H
290 LET H = H(I) + LEN ( STR$ (L(I))) + 1
300 HTAB H(I)
310 PRINT L(I)" ";
320 NEXT I
370 LET S = 0
380 FOR I = 0 TO L
410 NEXT I
430 LET L = L - 1
450 FOR I = S TO L
460 LET L(I) = L(I + 1)
470 LET H(I) = H(I + 1)
480 NEXT I
- Output:
6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17 81 243 25 49 123 69 31 81 243 49 123 69 56 81 243 123 69 105 243 123 105 150 243 150 228 243 378 621
on lastListItem(lst)
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ", "
set output to {"Steps:", "{" & lst & "} ← Original"}
set len to (count lst)
if (len > 1) then
repeat with len from len to 3 by -1
set {i, j} to {1, 2}
set {s1, s2} to lst
if (s2 < s1) then set {i, s1, j, s2} to {j, s2, i, s1}
repeat with k from 3 to len
set v to lst's item k
if (v < s1) then
set {i, s1, j, s2} to {k, v, i, s1}
else if (v < s2) then
set {j, s2} to {k, v}
end if
end repeat
tell lst to set {item i, item j} to {missing value, missing value}
set lst to lst's numbers
set lst's end to s1 + s2
set output's end to "{" & lst & "} ← " & s1 & " + " & s2 & " = " & result
end repeat
tell lst to set end of output to "{" & (beginning + end) & "} ← " & beginning & " + " & end & " = " & (beginning + end)
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to linefeed
set output to output as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
return output
end lastListItem
lastListItem({6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11})
- Output:
{6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11} ← Original
{81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 17} ← 6 + 11 = 17
{81, 243, 25, 49, 123, 69, 31} ← 14 + 17 = 31
{81, 243, 49, 123, 69, 56} ← 25 + 31 = 56
{81, 243, 123, 69, 105} ← 49 + 56 = 105
{243, 123, 105, 150} ← 69 + 81 = 150
{243, 150, 228} ← 105 + 123 = 228
{243, 378} ← 150 + 228 = 378
{621} ← 243 + 378 = 621"
lst: [6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11]
initial: lst
while [1 < size lst][
remove 'lst min1: <= min lst
remove 'lst min2: <= min lst
append 'lst min1 + min2
print ["List:" lst]
print ""
print [initial "=>" lst]
- Output:
List: [81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17] List: [81 243 25 49 123 69 31] List: [81 243 49 123 69 56] List: [81 243 123 69 105] List: [243 123 105 150] List: [243 150 228] List: [243 378] List: [621] [6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11] => [621]
List := [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
steps := "Initial List `t`t`t" List2str(List) "`n"
while List.Count() > 1
sum := 0, str := ""
loop 2
num := min(List*)
sum += num
removeFromList(List, num)
str .= (!str ? "2 smallest numbers: " : " + ") num
steps .= str " = " sum "`t" List2str(List) "`n"
MsgBox % result := steps
removeFromList(ByRef List, num){
for i, v in List
if (v = num)
for i, v in List
unsorted_List .= v ", "
return "[" Trim(unsorted_List, ", ") "]"
- Output:
Initial List [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11] 2 smallest numbers: 6 + 11 = 17 [81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 17] 2 smallest numbers: 14 + 17 = 31 [81, 243, 25, 49, 123, 69, 31] 2 smallest numbers: 25 + 31 = 56 [81, 243, 49, 123, 69, 56] 2 smallest numbers: 49 + 56 = 105 [81, 243, 123, 69, 105] 2 smallest numbers: 69 + 81 = 150 [243, 123, 105, 150] 2 smallest numbers: 105 + 123 = 228 [243, 150, 228] 2 smallest numbers: 150 + 228 = 378 [243, 378] 2 smallest numbers: 243 + 378 = 621 [621]
PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@val_num_asc"
while (length(arr1) > 1) {
for (i in arr1) { printf("%s ",arr1[i]) } # show sorted list
j = 0
delete arr2
for (i in arr1) { arr2[++j] = arr1[i] } # copy arr1 into arr2
sum = arr2[1] + arr2[2]
printf(": %s+%s=%s\n",arr2[1],arr2[2],sum)
delete arr2[2]
arr2[1] = sum
delete arr1
for (i in arr2) { arr1[i] = arr2[i] } # copy arr2 into arr1
- Output:
6 11 14 25 49 69 81 123 243 : 6+11=17 14 17 25 49 69 81 123 243 : 14+17=31 25 31 49 69 81 123 243 : 25+31=56 49 56 69 81 123 243 : 49+56=105 69 81 105 123 243 : 69+81=150 105 123 150 243 : 105+123=228 150 228 243 : 150+228=378 243 378 : 243+378=621 sum=621
With and without sorting
list ← ⟨6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11⟩
W_sort ← {{i←2↑∧𝕩, (𝕩/˜¬𝕩∊i)∾+´i}⍟(↕≠𝕩)𝕩}
WO_sort ← {{m←⌊´𝕩, n←⌊´𝕩/˜¬m=𝕩, (𝕩/˜¬𝕩∊m‿n)∾m+n}⍟(↕≠𝕩)𝕩}
•Show¨W_sort list
•Show¨WO_sort list
⟨ 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 ⟩
⟨ 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17 ⟩
⟨ 81 243 25 49 123 69 31 ⟩
⟨ 81 243 49 123 69 56 ⟩
⟨ 81 243 123 69 105 ⟩
⟨ 243 123 105 150 ⟩
⟨ 243 150 228 ⟩
⟨ 243 378 ⟩
⟨ 621 ⟩
⟨ 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 ⟩
⟨ 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17 ⟩
⟨ 81 243 25 49 123 69 31 ⟩
⟨ 81 243 49 123 69 56 ⟩
⟨ 81 243 123 69 105 ⟩
⟨ 243 123 105 150 ⟩
⟨ 243 150 228 ⟩
⟨ 243 378 ⟩
⟨ 621 ⟩
With sorting
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int compare(const void *a, const void *b) {
int aa = *(const int *)a;
int bb = *(const int *)b;
if (aa < bb) return -1;
if (aa > bb) return 1;
return 0;
int main() {
int a[] = {6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11};
int isize = sizeof(int);
int asize = sizeof(a) / isize;
int i, sum;
while (asize > 1) {
qsort(a, asize, isize, compare);
printf("Sorted list: ");
for (i = 0; i < asize; ++i) printf("%d ", a[i]);
sum = a[0] + a[1];
printf("Two smallest: %d + %d = %d\n", a[0], a[1], sum);
for (i = 2; i < asize; ++i) a[i-2] = a[i];
a[asize - 2] = sum;
printf("Last item is %d.\n", a[0]);
return 0;
- Output:
Sorted list: 6 11 14 25 49 69 81 123 243 Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 Sorted list: 14 17 25 49 69 81 123 243 Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 Sorted list: 25 31 49 69 81 123 243 Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 Sorted list: 49 56 69 81 123 243 Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 Sorted list: 69 81 105 123 243 Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 Sorted list: 105 123 150 243 Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 Sorted list: 150 228 243 Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 Sorted list: 243 378 Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item is 621.
Without sorting
#include <stdio.h>
int findMin(int a[], int asize, int *pmin) {
int i, ix = 0;
*pmin = a[0];
for (i = 0; i < asize; ++i) {
if (a[i] < *pmin) {
ix = i;
*pmin = a[i];
return ix;
int main() {
int a[] = {6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11};
int isize = sizeof(int);
int asize = sizeof(a) / isize;
int i, j, sum, ix, min = 0, s[2];
while (asize > 1) {
printf("List: ");
for (i = 0; i < asize; ++i) printf("%d ", a[i]);
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
ix = findMin(a, asize, &min);
s[i] = min;
for (j = ix+1; j < asize; ++j) a[j-1] = a[j];
sum = s[0] + s[1];
printf("Two smallest: %d + %d = %d\n", s[0], s[1], sum);
a[asize] = sum;
printf("Last item is %d.\n", a[0]);
return 0;
- Output:
List: 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 List: 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17 Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 List: 81 243 25 49 123 69 31 Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 List: 81 243 49 123 69 56 Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 List: 81 243 123 69 105 Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 List: 243 123 105 150 Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 List: 243 150 228 Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 List: 243 378 Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item is 621.
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
void PrintContainer(const auto& container)
cout << "[ ";
for_each(container.begin(), container.end(), [](auto item){cout << item << " ";});
cout << "]";
int main()
list<int> numbers{6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11};
// a lambda to remove the minimum item
auto removeMin = [](auto& container)
auto minIterator = min_element(container.begin(), container.end());
auto minValue = *minIterator;
return minValue;
while(numbers.size() > 1)
auto minValue = removeMin(numbers);
auto nextMinValue = removeMin(numbers);
auto sum = minValue + nextMinValue;
cout << " => " << minValue << " + " << nextMinValue << " = " << sum << "\n";
cout << "Final list: "; PrintContainer(numbers); cout << "\n";
- Output:
[ 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 ] => 6 + 11 = 17 [ 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17 ] => 14 + 17 = 31 [ 81 243 25 49 123 69 31 ] => 25 + 31 = 56 [ 81 243 49 123 69 56 ] => 49 + 56 = 105 [ 81 243 123 69 105 ] => 69 + 81 = 150 [ 243 123 105 150 ] => 105 + 123 = 228 [ 243 150 228 ] => 150 + 228 = 378 [ 243 378 ] => 243 + 378 = 621 Final list: [ 621 ]
Uses standard Delphi object "TList" to manipulate the array.
procedure FindSmallest(LS: TList; var Index,Value: Integer);
{Find smallest value in LIst}
var I: integer;
for I:=0 to LS.Count-1 do
if integer(LS[I])<Value then
procedure ShowArray(Memo: TMemo; LS: TList);
{Display the contents of specified array}
var I: integer;
var S: string;
for I:=0 to LS.Count-1 do
if I>0 then S:=S+' ';
procedure LastItem(Memo: TMemo; IA: array of integer);
{Repeatedly remove the two lowest values}
{Add them together and add to the list}
var LS: TList;
var I,Inx,Val1,Val2: integer;
for I:=0 to High(IA) do LS.Add(Pointer(IA[I]));
while LS.Count>1 do
LS.Add(Pointer(Val1 + Val2))
finally LS.Free; end;
{Supplied test array}
const IntArray: array [0..8] of integer=(6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11);
procedure DoLastItem(Memo: TMemo);
{Do last item problem}
- Output:
[6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11] [81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17] [81 243 25 49 123 69 31] [81 243 49 123 69 56] [81 243 123 69 105] [243 123 105 150] [243 150 228] [243 378] 621
l[] = [ 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 ]
while len l[] > 1
sum = 0
for k to 2
for i to len l[] - 1
if l[i] < l[$]
swap l[i] l[$]
sum += l[$]
len l[] -1
l[] &= sum
print l[]
- Output:
[ 69 81 243 14 25 49 123 17 ] [ 123 81 243 69 25 49 31 ] [ 123 81 243 69 49 56 ] [ 123 81 243 69 105 ] [ 123 105 243 150 ] [ 243 150 228 ] [ 243 378 ] [ 621 ]
USING: formatting io kernel math math.statistics prettyprint
sequences sequences.extras ;
: list. ( seq -- )
"List: " write [ bl ] [ pprint ] interleave nl ;
: smallest. ( seq -- )
first2 2dup + "Two smallest: %d + %d = %d\n" printf ;
: remove-all-first! ( seq elts -- seq' )
[ swap remove-first! ] each ;
: step ( seq -- seq' )
dup { 0 1 } kth-smallests tuck remove-all-first! over
smallest. swap sum suffix! ;
V{ 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 }
[ dup length 1 > ] [ dup list. step ] while
last "Last item is %d.\n" printf
- Output:
List: 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 List: 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17 Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 List: 81 243 25 49 123 69 31 Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 List: 81 243 49 123 69 56 Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 List: 81 243 123 69 105 Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 List: 243 123 105 150 Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 List: 243 150 228 Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 List: 243 378 Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item is 621.
#define HUGE 99999999
redim as integer list(0 to 8)
list(0) = 6 :list(1) = 81:list(2) = 243:list(3) = 14:list(4) = 25:list(5) = 49:list(6) = 123:list(7) = 69:list(8) = 11
dim as integer s, si, ss, ssi, i
for i = 0 to ubound(list)
print list(i);" ";
next i
while ubound(list) > 0
s = HUGE
ss = HUGE
for i = 0 to ubound(list)
if list(i)<s then
ss = s
ssi = si
s = list(i)
si = i
elseif list(i)<ss then
ss = list(i)
ssi = i
end if
next i
if ss<s then swap s, ss
for i = si to ubound(list)-1
list(i) = list(i+1)
next i
for i = ssi to ubound(list)-2
list(i) = list(i+1)
next i
list(ubound(list)-1) = s+ss
redim preserve list(0 to ubound(list)-1)
for i = 0 to ubound(list)
print list(i);" ";
next i
- Output:
6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17 81 243 25 49 123 69 31 81 243 49 123 69 56 81 243 123 69 105 243 123 105 150 243 150 228 243 378 621
local fn LastListItem( array as CFArrayRef ) as int
int result
CFMutableArrayRef list = fn MutableArrayWithArray( array )
SortDescriptorRef sortAscending = fn SortDescriptorWithKey( NULL, YES )
MutableArraySortUsingDescriptors( list, @[sortAscending] )
while ( len(list) > 1 )
printf @"%@", fn ArrayComponentsJoinedByString( list, @"\t" )
result = fn NumberIntValue( list[0] ) + fn NumberIntValue( list[1] )
MutableArrayInsertObjectAtIndex( list, fn NumberWithInt( result ), len(list) - 1 )
MutableArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex( list, 0 )
MutableArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex( list, 0 )
MutableArraySortUsingDescriptors( list, @[sortAscending] )
end fn = result
CFArrayRef list : list = @[@6, @81, @243, @14, @25, @49, @123, @69, @11]
printf @"%@ — Original task list", fn ArrayComponentsJoinedByString( list, @"\t" )
print fn LastListItem( list )
- Output:
6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 — Original task list 6 11 14 25 49 69 81 123 243 14 17 25 49 69 81 123 243 25 31 49 69 81 123 243 49 56 69 81 123 243 69 81 105 123 243 105 123 150 243 150 228 243 243 378 621
With sorting
package main
import (
func main() {
a := []int{6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11}
for len(a) > 1 {
fmt.Println("Sorted list:", a)
sum := a[0] + a[1]
fmt.Printf("Two smallest: %d + %d = %d\n", a[0], a[1], sum)
a = append(a, sum)
a = a[2:]
fmt.Println("Last item is", a[0], "\b.")
- Output:
Sorted list: [6 11 14 25 49 69 81 123 243] Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 Sorted list: [14 17 25 49 69 81 123 243] Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 Sorted list: [25 31 49 69 81 123 243] Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 Sorted list: [49 56 69 81 123 243] Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 Sorted list: [69 81 105 123 243] Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 Sorted list: [105 123 150 243] Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 Sorted list: [150 228 243] Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 Sorted list: [243 378] Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item is 621.
Without sorting
package main
import "fmt"
func findMin(a []int) (int, int) {
ix := 0
min := a[0]
for i := 1; i < len(a); i++ {
if a[i] < min {
ix = i
min = a[i]
return min, ix
func main() {
a := []int{6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11}
for len(a) > 1 {
fmt.Println("List:", a)
var s [2]int
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
min, ix := findMin(a)
s[i] = min
a = append(a[:ix], a[ix+1:]...)
sum := s[0] + s[1]
fmt.Printf("Two smallest: %d + %d = %d\n", s[0], s[1], sum)
a = append(a, sum)
fmt.Println("Last item is", a[0], "\b.")
- Output:
List: [6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11] Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 List: [81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17] Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 List: [81 243 25 49 123 69 31] Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 List: [81 243 49 123 69 56] Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 List: [81 243 123 69 105] Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 List: [243 123 105 150] Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 List: [243 150 228] Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 List: [243 378] Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item is 621.
Here we maintain the unsorted order in the intermediate steps:
rplc&(' 0';'')"1": ((-. , +/@]) 2 {. /:~)^:a: 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17
81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17
81 243 25 49 123 69 31
81 243 49 123 69 56
81 243 123 69 105
243 123 105 150
243 150 228
243 378
Alternative interpretation:
([[:echo,:#~1<#)@((-. , +/@]) 2 {. /:~)^:_] 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17
81 243 25 49 123 69 31
81 243 49 123 69 56
81 243 123 69 105
243 123 105 150
243 150 228
243 378
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public final class LastListItem {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>(List.of( 6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11 ) );
while ( numbers.size() > 1 ) {
final int minValueFirst = i -> i ).min().getAsInt();
numbers.removeIf( i -> i == minValueFirst );
final int minValueSecond = i -> i ).min().getAsInt();
numbers.removeIf( i -> i == minValueSecond );
final int sum = minValueFirst + minValueSecond;
System.out.println(" => " + minValueFirst + " + " + minValueSecond + " = " + sum);
- Output:
[6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11] => 6 + 11 = 17 [81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 17] => 14 + 17 = 31 [81, 243, 25, 49, 123, 69, 31] => 25 + 31 = 56 [81, 243, 49, 123, 69, 56] => 49 + 56 = 105 [81, 243, 123, 69, 105] => 69 + 81 = 150 [243, 123, 105, 150] => 105 + 123 = 228 [243, 150, 228] => 150 + 228 = 378 [243, 378] => 243 + 378 = 621 [621]
Adapted from Wren
Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq
With sorting
def task_with_sorting:
foreach range(1; length) as $i ( {a: .};
.a |= sort
| .emit = "Sorted list: \(.a)\n"
| (.a[0] + .a[1]) as $sum
| .emit += "Two smallest: \(.a[0]) + \(.a[1]) = \($sum)"
| .a += [$sum]
| .a |= .[2:] ;
(select(.a|length==1) | "Last item is \(.a[0]).") );
[6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
| task_with_sorting
- Output:
Sorted list: [6,11,14,25,49,69,81,123,243] Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 Sorted list: [14,17,25,49,69,81,123,243] Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 Sorted list: [25,31,49,69,81,123,243] Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 Sorted list: [49,56,69,81,123,243] Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 Sorted list: [69,81,105,123,243] Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 Sorted list: [105,123,150,243] Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 Sorted list: [150,228,243] Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 Sorted list: [243,378] Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item is 621.
Without sorting
def min_index:
. as $in
| reduce range(0; length) as $i ( null;
$in[$i] as $x
| if . == null then {ix: 0, min: $x}
elif $x < .min then {ix: $i, min: $x}
else . end)
| .ix;
def task_without_sorting:
# Output: [min, remainder]
def remove_min:
min_index as $ix
| [.[$ix], (.[:$ix] + .[$ix + 1:])];
foreach range(1; length) as $i ( {a: .};
.emit = "Unsorted list: \(.a)\n"
| (.a | remove_min) as [$m1, $x]
| ($x | remove_min) as [$m2, $y]
| ($m1 + $m2) as $sum
| .emit += "Two smallest: \($m1) + \($m2) = \($sum)"
| .a = $y + [$sum] ;
(select(.a|length==1) | "Last item is \(.a[0]).") );
[6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
| task_without_sorting
- Output:
Unsorted list: [6,81,243,14,25,49,123,69,11] Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 Unsorted list: [81,243,14,25,49,123,69,17] Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 Unsorted list: [81,243,25,49,123,69,31] Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 Unsorted list: [81,243,49,123,69,56] Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 Unsorted list: [81,243,123,69,105] Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 Unsorted list: [243,123,105,150] Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 Unsorted list: [243,150,228] Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 Unsorted list: [243,378] Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item is 621.
list = [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
function addleastreduce!(lis)
while length(lis) > 1
push!(lis, popat!(lis, last(findmin(lis))) + popat!(lis, last(findmin(lis))))
println("Interim list: $lis")
return lis
@show list, addleastreduce!(copy(list))
- Output:
Interim list: [81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 17] Interim list: [81, 243, 25, 49, 123, 69, 31] Interim list: [81, 243, 49, 123, 69, 56] Interim list: [81, 243, 123, 69, 105] Interim list: [243, 123, 105, 150] Interim list: [243, 150, 228] Interim list: [243, 378] Interim list: [621] (list, addleastreduce!(copy(list))) = ([6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11], [621])
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
With and without sorting
list = {6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11};
poss = Ordering[list, 2];
extr = Extract[list, List /@ poss];
extr //= Total;
list = Delete[list, List /@ poss];
AppendTo[list, extr];
{Length[list] - 1}
- Output:
{6,81,243,14,25,49,123,69,11} {81,243,14,25,49,123,69,17} {81,243,25,49,123,69,31} {81,243,49,123,69,56} {81,243,123,69,105} {243,123,105,150} {243,150,228} {243,378} {621}
With sorting
We sort in descending order as it is more efficient.
# With sorting.
import algorithm, strformat
proc extractAndAddTwoSmallest(list: var seq[int]) =
stdout.write &"Descending sorted list: {list}"
let min1 = list.pop()
let min2 = list.pop()
echo &"; two smallest: {min1} and {min2}; sum = {min1 + min2}"
list.add min1 + min2
var list = @[6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
while list.len >= 2:
echo &"Last item is {list[0]}."
- Output:
Descending sorted list: @[243, 123, 81, 69, 49, 25, 14, 11, 6]; two smallest: 6 and 11; sum = 17 Descending sorted list: @[243, 123, 81, 69, 49, 25, 17, 14]; two smallest: 14 and 17; sum = 31 Descending sorted list: @[243, 123, 81, 69, 49, 31, 25]; two smallest: 25 and 31; sum = 56 Descending sorted list: @[243, 123, 81, 69, 56, 49]; two smallest: 49 and 56; sum = 105 Descending sorted list: @[243, 123, 105, 81, 69]; two smallest: 69 and 81; sum = 150 Descending sorted list: @[243, 150, 123, 105]; two smallest: 105 and 123; sum = 228 Descending sorted list: @[243, 228, 150]; two smallest: 150 and 228; sum = 378 Descending sorted list: @[378, 243]; two smallest: 243 and 378; sum = 621 Last item is 621.
Without sorting
We could use the function minIndex
from module sequtils
but it would be less efficient. We used a single loop instead. Please note that we remove the elements using function del
which is O(1) rather than function delete
which is O(n).
# Without sorting.
import strformat
proc extractAndAddTwoSmallest(list: var seq[int]) =
var min1, min2 = int.high
var imin1, imin2 = -1
for i, val in list:
if val < min1:
min2 = min1
min1 = val
imin2 = imin1
imin1 = i
elif val < min2:
min2 = val
imin2 = i
echo &"List: {list}; two smallest: {min1}@{imin1} and {min2}@{imin2}; sum = {min1 + min2}"
if imin1 > imin2: swap imin1, imin2 # Make sure "imin2" is the greatest index.
list.del imin2
list.del imin1
list.add min1 + min2
var list = @[6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
while list.len >= 2:
echo &"Last item is {list[0]}."
- Output:
List: @[6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]; two smallest: 6@0 and 11@8; sum = 17 List: @[69, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 17]; two smallest: 14@3 and 17@7; sum = 31 List: @[69, 81, 243, 123, 25, 49, 31]; two smallest: 25@4 and 31@6; sum = 56 List: @[69, 81, 243, 123, 49, 56]; two smallest: 49@4 and 56@5; sum = 105 List: @[69, 81, 243, 123, 105]; two smallest: 69@0 and 81@1; sum = 150 List: @[123, 105, 243, 150]; two smallest: 105@1 and 123@0; sum = 228 List: @[243, 150, 228]; two smallest: 150@1 and 228@2; sum = 378 List: @[243, 378]; two smallest: 243@0 and 378@1; sum = 621 Last item is 621.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use List::AllUtils <min firstidx>;
my @list = <6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11>;
say " Original @list";
push @list, get(min @list) + get(min @list) and say "@list" while @list > 1;
sub get {
my($min) = @_;
splice @list, (firstidx { $min == $_ } @list), 1;
printf " %3d ", $min;
- Output:
Original 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 6 11 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17 14 17 81 243 25 49 123 69 31 25 31 81 243 49 123 69 56 49 56 81 243 123 69 105 69 81 243 123 105 150 105 123 243 150 228 150 228 243 378 243 378 621
With sorting
with javascript_semantics sequence list = {6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11} while length(list)>1 do list = sort(deep_copy(list)) integer l1 = list[1], l2 = list[2], l12 = l1+l2 printf(1,"Sorted list: %V, two smallest: %d + %d = %d\n",{list,l1,l2,l12}) list[1..2] = {l12} end while printf(1,"Last item is %d\n",list)
- Output:
Sorted list: {6,11,14,25,49,69,81,123,243}, two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 Sorted list: {14,17,25,49,69,81,123,243}, two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 Sorted list: {25,31,49,69,81,123,243}, two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 Sorted list: {49,56,69,81,123,243}, two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 Sorted list: {69,81,105,123,243}, two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 Sorted list: {105,123,150,243}, two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 Sorted list: {150,228,243}, two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 Sorted list: {243,378}, two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item is 621
Without sorting
with javascript_semantics sequence list = {6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11} while length(list)>1 do printf(1,"List: %V, two smallest: ",{list}) integer l1, l2 = 0 for i=1 to 2 do l1 = l2 integer ldx = smallest(list,true) l2 = list[ldx] list = list[1..ldx-1] & list[ldx+1..$] end for printf(1,"%d + %d = %d\n",{l1,l2,l1+l2}) list &= l1+l2 end while printf(1,"Last item is %d\n",list)
- Output:
List: {6,81,243,14,25,49,123,69,11}, two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 List: {81,243,14,25,49,123,69,17}, two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 List: {81,243,25,49,123,69,31}, two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 List: {81,243,49,123,69,56}, two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 List: {81,243,123,69,105}, two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 List: {243,123,105,150}, two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 List: {243,150,228}, two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 List: {243,378}, two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item is 621
""" Rosetta code task: Last list item """
def add_least_reduce(lis):
""" Reduce lis: sum least two elements adding sum to list. Will take len(list) - 1 steps """
while len(lis) > 1:
lis.append(lis.pop(lis.index(min(lis))) + lis.pop(lis.index(min(lis))))
print('Interim list:', lis)
return lis
LIST = [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
print(LIST, ' ==> ', add_least_reduce(LIST.copy()))
- Output:
Interim list: [81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 17] Interim list: [81, 243, 25, 49, 123, 69, 31] Interim list: [81, 243, 49, 123, 69, 56] Interim list: [81, 243, 123, 69, 105] Interim list: [243, 123, 105, 150] Interim list: [243, 150, 228] Interim list: [243, 378] Interim list: [621] [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11] ==> [621]
[ behead
-1 swap rot witheach
[ 2dup > if
[ i^ swap
2swap drop ]
drop ]
drop 1+ ] is least ( [ --> n )
' [ 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 ]
[ dup echo cr
dup size 1 > while
dup least pluck
dup least pluck
rot + join
again ]
0 peek echo
- Output:
[ 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 ] [ 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17 ] [ 81 243 25 49 123 69 31 ] [ 81 243 49 123 69 56 ] [ 81 243 123 69 105 ] [ 243 123 105 150 ] [ 243 150 228 ] [ 243 378 ] [ 621 ] 621
Uses no sorting; does not modify overall list order while processing.
say ' Original ', my @list = 6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11;
say push @list: get(min @list) + get(min @list) while @list > 1;
sub get ($min) {
@list.splice: @list.first(* == $min, :k), 1;
printf " %3d ", $min;
- Output:
Original [6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11] 6 11 [81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17] 14 17 [81 243 25 49 123 69 31] 25 31 [81 243 49 123 69 56] 49 56 [81 243 123 69 105] 69 81 [243 123 105 150] 105 123 [243 150 228] 150 228 [243 378] 243 378 [621]
With sorting
/* REXX */
List = '6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11'
Do Until words(list)=1
Say 'Sorted list:' list
Parse Var list a b c
Say 'Two smallest:' a '+' b '=' (a+b)
list=(a+b) c
Say 'Last item:' list
wordsort: Procedure
* Sort the list of words supplied as argument. Return the sorted list
Parse Arg wl
Do While wl<>''
Parse Var wl w wl
Do i=1 To wa.0
If wa.i>w Then Leave
If i<=wa.0 Then Do
Do j=wa.0 To i By -1
Do i=1 To wa.0
swl=swl wa.i
Return strip(swl)
- Output:
Sorted list: 6 11 14 25 49 69 81 123 243 Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 Sorted list: 14 17 25 49 69 81 123 243 Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 Sorted list: 25 31 49 69 81 123 243 Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 Sorted list: 49 56 69 81 123 243 Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 Sorted list: 69 81 105 123 243 Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 Sorted list: 105 123 150 243 Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 Sorted list: 150 228 243 Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 Sorted list: 243 378 Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item: 621
Without sorting
/* REXX */
List = '6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11'
Do Until words(list)=1
Say 'List:' list
Say 'Two smallest:' a '+' b '=' (a+b)
list=list (a+b)
Say 'Last item:' list
getmin: Procedure Expose list
/* Return the smallest element of list and remove it from list */
Do i=1 To words(list)
If word(list,i)<min Then Do
list=subword(list,1,j-1) subword(list,j+1)
Return m
- Output:
List: 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 List: 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17 Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 List: 81 243 25 49 123 69 31 Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 List: 81 243 49 123 69 56 Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 List: 81 243 123 69 105 Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 List: 243 123 105 150 Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 List: 243 150 228 Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 List: 243 378 Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item: 621
With sorting
see "working..." + nl
List = [6,81,243,14,25,49,123,69,11]
n = 0
while true
List = sort(List)
first = List[1]
second = List[2]
ind1 = find(List,first)
ind2 = find(List,second)
if ind1 < ind2
sum = first + second
if len(List) = 1
if n = 1
see nl + "List = "
see nl
see "Last item is: " +List[1] + nl
see "done..." + nl
func showList(first,second,sum,List)
see "two smallest is = " + first + " + " + second + " = " + sum + nl
see "List = "
func showArray(array)
txt = ""
see "["
for n = 1 to len(array)
txt = txt + array[n] + ","
txt = left(txt,len(txt)-1)
txt = txt + "]"
see txt + nl
- Output:
working... List = [14,25,49,69,81,123,243,17] two smallest is = 6 + 11 = 17 List = [14,25,49,69,81,123,243,17] two smallest is = 14 + 17 = 31 List = [25,49,69,81,123,243,31] two smallest is = 25 + 31 = 56 List = [49,69,81,123,243,56] two smallest is = 49 + 56 = 105 List = [69,81,123,243,105] two smallest is = 69 + 81 = 150 List = [105,123,243,150] two smallest is = 105 + 123 = 228 List = [150,243,228] two smallest is = 150 + 228 = 378 List = [243,378] Last item is: 621 done...
Without sorting
see "working..." + nl
List = [6,81,243,14,25,49,123,69,11]
n = 0
while true
if n = 1
see nl + "List = "
see nl
first = min(List)
ind1 = find(List,first)
second = min(List)
ind2 = find(List,second)
sum = first + second
if len(List) = 1
see "Last item is: " +List[1] + nl
see "done..." + nl
func showList(first,second,sum,List)
see "two smallest is = " + first + " + " + second + " = " + sum + nl
see "List = "
func showArray(array)
txt = ""
see "["
for n = 1 to len(array)
txt = txt + array[n] + ","
txt = left(txt,len(txt)-1)
txt = txt + "]"
see txt + nl
- Output:
working... List = [6,81,243,14,25,49,123,69,11] two smallest is = 6 + 11 = 17 List = [81,243,14,25,49,123,69,17] two smallest is = 14 + 17 = 31 List = [81,243,25,49,123,69,31] two smallest is = 25 + 31 = 56 List = [81,243,49,123,69,56] two smallest is = 49 + 56 = 105 List = [81,243,123,69,105] two smallest is = 69 + 81 = 150 List = [243,123,105,150] two smallest is = 105 + 123 = 228 List = [243,150,228] two smallest is = 150 + 228 = 378 List = [243,378] Last item is: 621 done...
≪ WHILE DUP SIZE 1 > REPEAT DUP LIST→ → len ≪ 0 1 FOR j 2 len j - START len j - ROLL IF DUP2 < THEN SWAP END NEXT len ROLLD NEXT len ROLL len ROLL + len 1 - →LIST ≫ END ≫ 'LASTL' STO
- Input:
{ 6 11 14 25 49 69 81 123 243 } LASTL
- Output:
9: { 6 11 14 25 49 69 81 123 243 } 8: { 243 123 14 25 49 69 81 17 } 7: { 243 123 81 25 49 69 31 } 6: { 243 123 81 69 49 56 } 5: { 243 123 81 69 105 } 4: { 243 123 105 150 } 3: { 243 150 228 } 2: { 243 378 } 1: { 621 }
p original = [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
until original.size == 1 do
mins = original.min(2)
mins.each{|el| original.delete_at(original.index(el)) }
p original << mins.sum
- Output:
[6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11] [81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 17] [81, 243, 25, 49, 123, 69, 31] [81, 243, 49, 123, 69, 56] [81, 243, 123, 69, 105] [243, 123, 105, 150] [243, 150, 228] [243, 378] [621]
With sorting
var k = 2
var list = [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
while (list.len >= k) {
var a = list.sort!.shift(k)
list << a.sum
say "#{{'%3s' % _}.join(' ')} : #{list}"
- Output:
6 11 : [14, 25, 49, 69, 81, 123, 243, 17] 14 17 : [25, 49, 69, 81, 123, 243, 31] 25 31 : [49, 69, 81, 123, 243, 56] 49 56 : [69, 81, 123, 243, 105] 69 81 : [105, 123, 243, 150] 105 123 : [150, 243, 228] 150 228 : [243, 378] 243 378 : [621]
Without sorting
var k = 2
var list = [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
while (list.len >= k) {
var a = gather {
k.times {
take(var v = list.min)
list << a.sum
say "#{{'%3s' % _}.join(' ')} : #{list}"
- Output:
6 11 : [81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 17] 14 17 : [81, 243, 25, 49, 123, 69, 31] 25 31 : [81, 243, 49, 123, 69, 56] 49 56 : [81, 243, 123, 69, 105] 69 81 : [243, 123, 105, 150] 105 123 : [243, 150, 228] 150 228 : [243, 378] 243 378 : [621]
V (Vlang)
With sorting
fn main() {
mut a := [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
for a.len > 1 {
println("Sorted list: $a")
sum := a[0] + a[1]
println("Two smallest: ${a[0]} + ${a[1]} = $sum")
a << sum
a = a[2..]
println("Last item is ${a[0]}.")
- Output:
Sorted list: [6, 11, 14, 25, 49, 69, 81, 123, 243] Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 Sorted list: [14, 17, 25, 49, 69, 81, 123, 243] Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 Sorted list: [25, 31, 49, 69, 81, 123, 243] Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 Sorted list: [49, 56, 69, 81 123, 243] Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 Sorted list: [69, 81, 105, 123, 243] Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 Sorted list: [105, 123, 150, 243] Two smallest: 105 + 123, = 228 Sorted list: [150, 228, 243] Two smallest: 150 + 228, = 378 Sorted list: [243, 378] Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item is 621.
Without sorting
fn find_min(a []int) (int, int) {
mut ix := 0
mut min := a[0]
for i in 1..a.len {
if a[i] < min {
ix = i
min = a[i]
return min, ix
fn main() {
mut a := [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
for a.len > 1 {
println("List: $a")
mut s := [2]int{}
for i in 0..2 {
min, ix := find_min(a)
s[i] = min
sum := s[0] + s[1]
println("Two smallest: ${s[0]} + ${s[1]} = $sum")
a << sum
println("Last item is ${a[0]}.")
- Output:
List: [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11] Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 List: [81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 17] Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 List: [81, 243, 25, 49, 123, 69, 31] Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 List: [81, 243, 49, 123, 69, 56] Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 List: [81, 243, 123, 69, 105] Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 List: [24,3 123, 105, 150] Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 List: [243, 150, 228] Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 List: [243, 378] Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item is 621.
With sorting
var a = [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
while (a.count > 1) {
System.print("Sorted list: %(a)")
var sum = a[0] + a[1]
System.print("Two smallest: %(a[0]) + %(a[1]) = %(sum)")
a = a[2..-1]
System.print("Last item is %(a[0]).")
- Output:
Sorted list: [6, 11, 14, 25, 49, 69, 81, 123, 243] Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 Sorted list: [14, 17, 25, 49, 69, 81, 123, 243] Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 Sorted list: [25, 31, 49, 69, 81, 123, 243] Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 Sorted list: [49, 56, 69, 81, 123, 243] Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 Sorted list: [69, 81, 105, 123, 243] Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 Sorted list: [105, 123, 150, 243] Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 Sorted list: [150, 228, 243] Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 Sorted list: [243, 378] Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item is 621.
Without sorting
var findMin = { |a|
var ix = 0
var min = a[0]
for (i in 1...a.count) {
if (a[i] < min) {
ix = i
min = a[i]
return [min, ix]
var a = [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
while (a.count > 1) {
System.print("List: %(a)")
var s = List.filled(2, 0)
for (i in 0..1) {
var m =
s[i] = m[0]
var sum = s[0] + s[1]
System.print("Two smallest: %(s[0]) + %(s[1]) = %(sum)")
System.print("Last item is %(a[0]).")
- Output:
List: [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11] Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17 List: [81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 17] Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31 List: [81, 243, 25, 49, 123, 69, 31] Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56 List: [81, 243, 49, 123, 69, 56] Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105 List: [81, 243, 123, 69, 105] Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150 List: [243, 123, 105, 150] Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228 List: [243, 150, 228] Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378 List: [243, 378] Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621 Last item is 621.
int List, End, Sum, Item, Smallest, I, SI;
[List:= [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11];
End:= 8; \last index
loop [for I:= 0 to End do \show List
[IntOut(0, List(I)); ChOut(0, ^ )];
if End = 0 then quit; \done when only one element
Sum:= 0; \find two smallest items
for Item:= 1 to 2 do
[Smallest:= -1>>1;
for I:= 0 to End do
if List(I) < Smallest then
[Smallest:= List(I); SI:= I];
Sum:= Sum + Smallest; \add them
for I:= SI to End-1 do \remove them
List(I):= List(I+1);
End:= End-1;
End:= End+1; \insert Sum at End
List(End):= Sum;
- Output:
6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17 81 243 25 49 123 69 31 81 243 49 123 69 56 81 243 123 69 105 243 123 105 150 243 150 228 243 378 621