Icon+Unicon/Analysis of UnimplementedTasks
Analysis of Tasks Icon/Unicon Unimplemented
The following summarizes tasks that are not completed for Icon/Unicon on Rosetta Code. Note: This is not dynamically compiled and tasks may have been completed.
My intent is twofold.
- Encourage more contibution from other by more clearly identifying areas where they can help.
- Encourage a general discussion (beyond Icon/Unicon) of task classification/sub-classification. (I know that SML may have a huge impact on this once an approach is found).
While I realize that some of the tasks could easily fall into multiple categories, I've tried to pick a (near) best fit.
Also, I've annotated a handful of tasks.
Externals: Operating System feature, Library Method, C calling, etc.
- Active_Directory/Connect - requires an LDAP method
- Active_Directory/Search_for_a_user
- Call_a_foreign-language_function
- Call_a_function_from_a_foreign_language
- Call_a_function_in_a_shared_library
- Parametrized_SQL_statement
- Executable_library **DRAFT**
- Scripted_main **DRAFT**
- SQL-based_authentication
- Write_to_Windows_event_log
Web, Networking, and OS interface
- Chat_server
- Distributed_programming
- Echo_server
- Fork
- HTTPS/Authenticated
- HTTPS/Client-authenticated
- Handle_a_signal
- IRC_gateway **DRAFT**
- Remote_agent/Agent_interface **DRAFT**
- Remote_agent/Agent_logic **DRAFT**
- Remote_agent/Simulation **DRAFT**
- Rosetta_Code/Tasks_sorted_by_average_lines_of_code **DRAFT**
- Rosetta_Code/Count_examples
- Rosetta_Code/Find_unimplemented_tasks
- Rosetta_Code/Fix_code_tags
- Rosetta_Code/Rank_languages_by_popularity
- Secure_temporary_file
- Send_email
- Walk_a_directory/Non-recursively
- XML/DOM_serialization
- XML/Input
- XML/Output
- XML/XPath
- Yahoo!_search_interface
Functions, Program Control, Language
- Anonymous_recursion
- Deconvolution/1D
- Deconvolution/2D+
- Extend_your_language
- First-class_functions/Use_numbers_analogously
- Introspection
- Metaprogramming
- Named_parameters
- Optional_parameters
- Partial_function_application
- Polymorphic_copy
- Runtime_evaluation
- Shell_one-liner
- Y_combinator
Concurrent Programming / Multitasking
- Atomic_updates
- Checkpoint_synchronization
- Determine_if_only_one_instance_is_running
- Dining_philosophers
- Events
- Metered_concurrency
- Parallel_calculations
Object Oriented and Data types
- Active_object (clock state object)
- Add_a_variable_to_a_class_instance_at_runtime
- Classes
- Constrained_genericity
- Create_an_object/Native_demonstration **DRAFT**
- Define_a_primitive_data_type
- Delegates
- Inheritance/Single
- Object_serialization
- Polymorphism
- Respond_to_an_unknown_method_call
- Animate_a_pendulum
- Animation
- Bitmap/Bresenham's_line_algorithm
- Bitmap/Bézier_curves/Cubic
- Bitmap/Bézier_curves/Quadratic
- Bitmap/Flood_fill
- Bitmap/Histogram
- Bitmap/Midpoint_circle_algorithm
- Bitmap/PPM_conversion_through_a_pipe
- Bitmap/Read_a_PPM_file
- Bitmap/Read_an_image_through_a_pipe
- Bitmap/Write_a_PPM_file
- Brownian_tree
- Catmull–Clark_subdivision_surface
- Color_of_a_screen_pixel
- Death_Star
- Dragon_curve
- Draw_a_cuboid
- Fractal_tree
- GUI_component_interaction
- GUI_enabling/disabling_of_controls
- Grayscale_image
- Hough_transform
- Image_convolution
- Image_noise
- Keyboard_Input/Determine_if_a_key_has_been_pressed_at_the_terminal
- Keyboard_Input/Flush_the_keyboard_buffer
- Keyboard_Input/Obtain_a_Y_or_N_response
- Loading_animated_3D_data **DRAFT**
- Median_filter
- Morse_code
- OpenGL
- Percentage_difference_between_images
- Play_recorded_sounds
- Plot_coordinate_pairs
- Ray-casting_algorithm
- Record_sound **DRAFT**
- Simple_windowed_application
- Sutherland-Hodgman_polygon_clipping
- Terminal_control/Clear_the_screen
- Terminal_control/Determine_the_height_and_width_of_the_terminal_window
- Terminal_control/Display_an_extended_character
- Terminal_control/Hiding_the_cursor
- Terminal_control/Inverse_video
- Terminal_control/Moving_the_cursor_to_a_specific_location_on_the_screen
- Terminal_control/Preserve_screen
- Terminal_control/Ringing_the_terminal_bell
- User_input/Graphical
- User_input/Text
- Window_creation/X11
- Window_management
- Xiaolin_Wu's_line_algorithm
- Write_language_name_in_3D_ASCII
Math for Vectors, Matricies, etc
- Cholesky_decomposition
- Dot_product
- LU_decomposition
- Matrix_multiplication
- Matrix_transposition
- Ordered_Partitions
- Reduced_row_echelon_form
- Vector_products
Numerical problems and methods
- Closest-pair_problem
- Counting_in_factors
- Euler_method
- Factors_of_a_Mersenne_number
- Formal_power_series
- Gamma_function
- Horner's_rule_for_polynomial_evaluation
- Knapsack_problem/0-1
- Knapsack_problem/Bounded
- Knapsack_problem/Continuous
- Knapsack_problem/Unbounded
- Lucas-Lehmer_test
- Multiple_regression
- Multiplicative_order
- Nth_root
- Numerical_integration
- Pascal's_triangle
- Pi
- Polynomial_long_division
- Polynomial_regression
- Proof
- Roots_of_a_function
- Roots_of_a_quadratic_function
- Standard_deviation
- Thiele's_interpolation_formula
Basic String, Structure, and data type problems
- Arena_storage_pool] **DRAFT**
- Doubly-linked_list/Definition]
- Doubly-linked_list/Element_definition]
- Doubly-linked_list/Element_insertion]
- Doubly-linked_list/Traversal]
- Enforced_immutability]
- Literals/Floating_point
- Map_range
- Queue/Definition
- Safe_addition
- Singly-linked_list/Element_definition
- Singly-linked_list/Element_insertion
- Singly-linked_list/Traversal
- VList **draft & not draft at the same time**
- Variable_size/Get
- Variable_size/Set
Applied String, Structure, and data type problems
- Execute_SNUSP
- Multiple_distinct_objects
- Non-decimal_radices/Convert
- Non-decimal_radices/Input
- Non-decimal_radices/Output
- Pattern_matching
- Price_fraction **
- Quaternion_type
- Create_an_HTML_table **DRAFT**
- Decision_tables **DRAFT**
- EBNF_parser **DRAFT**
- Natural_sorting **DRAFT**
- Read_a_configuration_file
- Sort_disjoint_sublist
- Sorting_algorithms/Radix_sort
- Sorting_algorithms/Strand_sort
- Spiral_matrix
- Stem-and-leaf_plot
- Strip_block_comments
- Strip_comments_from_a_string
- Table_creation/Postal_addresses
- Text_processing/2
- Text_processing/Max_licenses_in_use
- Variable-length_quantity
- Write_float_arrays_to_a_text_file
Permutation, cominations, probability, and randomness
- Anagrams/Deranged_anagrams **DRAFT**
- Combinations_with_repetitions
- Non-continuous_subsequences
- Permutation_test
- Permutations
- Permutations/Derangements **DRAFT**
- Power_set
- Probabilistic_choice
- Random_number_generator_(device)
- Seven-sided_dice_from_five-sided_dice
- Unbias_a_random_generator
- Verify_distribution_uniformity/Chi-squared_test
- Verify_distribution_uniformity/Naive
Problems, Puzzles, Games, and Mindbenders
- Bulls_and_cows/Player
- Go_Fish
- Guess_the_number/With_feedback
- Guess_the_number/With_feedback_(player)
- Maze_generation
- Maze_solving
- Narcissist (quine recognizer)
- Pascal's_triangle/Puzzle
- Stable_marriage_problem
- Stair-climbing_puzzle
- Sudoku
- Tic-tac-toe
Not Categorized
- Bitwise_IO
- Collatz_conjecture **DRAFT**
- Compare_sorting_algorithms'_performance
- Discordian_date
- Enumerations
- Five_weekends
- Forest_fire
- Four_bit_adder
- Gray_code
- Hello_world/Line_printer
- Holidays_related_to_Easter
- Horizontal_sundial_calculations
- Interactive_programming
- Keyboard_macros
- LZW_compression
- List_comprehensions
- Look-and-say_sequence
- Monte_Carlo_methods
- One-dimensional_cellular_automata
- Rate_counter
- Rendezvous
- Runtime_evaluation/In_an_environment
- Simulate_input/Keyboard
- Simulate_input/Mouse
- Speech_synthesis
- Take_notes_on_the_command_line
- Test_a_function
- Wireworld
- Self-describing_numbers **DRAFT**
- Table_creation **DRAFT**
- Terminal_control/Reading_a_character_at_a_specific_location_on_the_screen **DRAFT**
- Topological_sort/Extracted_top_item **DRAFT**
- Using_a_Speech_engine_to_highlight_words **DRAFT**
Analysis of Programming Categories on Rosetta
The following list was manually gleaned from the list of categories (special pages) and annotated. It provides another way of looking at the program groupings. There are a number of discussions on the Rosetta_Code:Village_Pump and in individual tasks about categorization and how to approach it. Use of SMW may change the way in which this is done.
This may also prove useful for editors looking to cleanup categories (e.g. typos).
Broad Categories and Super-Categories
- Category:Solutions by Programming Task (127 members) Supercategory of types of programming task - the root of programming task categories
- Category:Solutions_by_Programming_Task
- Category:Draft Programming Tasks (32 members)
- Category:Programming Languages (379 members)
- Category:Programming Tasks (493 members)
- Category:Languages by Feature (5 members) Many sub-categories
- Category:Solutions (3 members) supercategory
- Category:Solutions by Format (5 members)
- Category:Solutions by Library (189 members) mostly supercategory
- Category:Solutions by Programming Language (44 members) supercategory
Programming Task Categories
- Category:3D (2 members)
- Category:Animation (2 members)
- Category:Checksums (4 members)
- Category:Compression (3 members)
- Category:Concurrency (12 members)
- Category:Database operations (3 members)
- Category:Date and time (8 members)
- Category:Discrete math (11 members)
- Category:Encryption (1 member)
- Category:Environment variables (1 member)
- Category:File System Operations (14 members)
- Category:File handling (1 member)
- Category:Financial operations (1 member)
- Category:Fractals (6 members)
- Category:Games (21 members)
- Category:Geometric Primitives (2 members)
- Category:Geometric Subtraction (1 member)
- Category:Graphics algorithms (6 members)
- Category:Higher-order functions (1 member)
- Category:Image processing (7 members)
- Category:Input Output (6 members) - odd it is in its own subcat?
- Category:Irrational numbers (3 members)
- Category:Iteration (18 members)
- Category:Iterative loops (5 members)
- Category:Mathematical operations (16 members)
- Category:Mathematics (21 members)
- Category:Matrices (9 members)
- Category:Matrix (2 members)
- Category:Memory management (1 member)
- Category:Network (1 member)
- Category:Networking and Web Interaction (15 members)
- Category:Playing Cards (4 members)
- Category:Prime (1 member)
- Category:Prime Numbers (7 members)
- Category:Primes (1 member)
- Category:Programming language concepts (6 members)
- Category:Raster_graphics_operations
- Category:Randomness (5 members)
- [[:Category:Raster_graphics_operations
- Category:Rational (1 member)
- Category:Rational Arithmetic (6 members)
- Category:Raytracing (3 members) supercategory
- Category:Recursion (23 members)
- Category:Selection/Short Circuit/Console Program Basics (8 members)
- Category:Sorting (7 members)
- Category:Sorting Algorithms (18 members)
- Category:Sound (1 member)
- Category:Speech synthesis (2 members)
- Category:String manipulation (17 members)
- Category:Terminal control (8 members)
- Category:Text processing (27 members)
Not Yet Processed/Added/Excluded
Animation (2 members) Checksums (4 members) File System Operations (14 members) File handling (1 member) Financial operations (1 member) Games (21 members) Integrated Development Environments (15 members) Matrices (9 members) Matrix (2 members) Memory management (1 member) Network (1 member) Networking and Web Interaction (15 members) Parameter passing (2 members) Parameter passing/By copy-on-write (1 member) Parameter passing/By reference (36 members) Parameter passing/By value (46 members) Primary Categories (3 members) Prime (1 member) Prime Numbers (7 members) Primes (1 member) Programming language concepts (6 members) Randomness (5 members)
Rational (1 member) Rational Arithmetic (6 members) Raytracing (3 members) Recursion (23 members) Selection/Short Circuit/Console Program Basics (8 members) Solutions (3 members) Solutions by Format (5 members) Solutions by Library (189 members) Solutions by Programming Language (44 members) Solutions by Programming Task (127 members) Sorting (7 members) Sorting Algorithms (18 members) Sound (1 member) Speech synthesis (2 members) String manipulation (17 members) Terminal Control (7 members) Terminal control (8 members) Text processing (27 members) Mathematical operations (16 members) Mathematics (21 members) Playing Cards (4 members)