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Yahoo! search interface

From Rosetta Code
Yahoo! search interface
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Create a class for searching Yahoo! results.

It must implement a Next Page method, and read URL, Title and Content from results.

AArch64 Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits
/* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */
/*  program yahoosearch64.s   */

/* access RosettaCode.org and data extract       */
/* use openssl  for access to port 443 */
/* test openssl : package libssl-dev  */
/* Constantes file                         */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../includeConstantesARM64.inc"


.equ SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3,        0x02000000
.equ SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION,  0x00020000
.equ SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY,    0x00000004
.equ SSL_CTRL_MODE,          33

.equ BIO_C_SET_CONNECT,      100
.equ BIO_C_SET_SSL,          109
.equ BIO_C_GET_SSL,          110

.equ LGBUFFERREQ,       512001

/* Initialized data              */
szMessDebutPgm:       .asciz "Début du programme. \n"
szRetourLigne:        .asciz "\n"
szMessFinOK:          .asciz "Fin normale du programme. \n"
szMessErreur:         .asciz "Erreur  !!!"
szMessExtractArea:    .asciz "Extraction = "
szNomSite1:           .asciz "search.yahoo.com:443"   // host name and port
szLibStart:           .asciz ">Rosetta Code"          // search string 
szNomrepCertif:       .asciz "/pi/certificats"
szRequete1:           .asciz "GET /search?p=\"Rosettacode.org\"&b=1 HTTP/1.1 \r\nHost: search.yahoo.com\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
/* UnInitialized data            */
.align 4
sBufferreq:           .skip LGBUFFERREQ
szExtractArea:        .skip TAILLEBUFFER
stNewSSL:             .skip 200
/*  code section                 */
.global main 
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessDebutPgm
    bl affichageMess                             // start message 

    /* connexion host port 443 and send query */ 
    bl envoiRequete
    cmp x0,#-1
    beq 99f                                       // error ?

    bl analyseReponse

    ldr x0,qAdrszMessFinOK                        // end message
    bl affichageMess
    mov x0, #0                                    // return code ok
    b 100f
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessErreur                       // error
    bl affichageMess
    mov x0, #1                                    // return code error
    b 100f
    mov x8,EXIT                                   // program end
    svc 0                                         // system call
qAdrszMessDebutPgm:          .quad szMessDebutPgm
qAdrszMessFinOK:             .quad szMessFinOK
qAdrszMessErreur:            .quad szMessErreur

/*   connexion host port 443 and send query            */
    stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!            // save  registers
    stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!            // save  registers
    stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!            // save  registers
    // openSsl functions use              *
                                    //init ssl
    bl OPENSSL_init_crypto
    bl ERR_load_BIO_strings
    mov x2, #0
    mov x1, #0
    mov x0, #2
    bl OPENSSL_init_crypto
    mov x2, #0
    mov x1, #0
    mov x0, #0
    bl OPENSSL_init_ssl
    cmp x0,#0
    blt erreur
    bl TLS_client_method
    bl SSL_CTX_new
    cmp x0,#0
    ble erreur
    mov x20,x0                       // save contex
    ldr x1,iFlag
    bl SSL_CTX_set_options
    mov x0,x20                      // contex
    mov x1,#0
    ldr x2,qAdrszNomrepCertif
    bl SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations
    cmp x0,#0
    ble erreur
    mov x0,x20                       // contex
    bl BIO_new_ssl_connect
    cmp x0,#0
    ble erreur
    mov x21,x0                       // save bio
    mov x1,#BIO_C_GET_SSL
    mov x2,#0
    ldr x3,qAdrstNewSSL
    bl BIO_ctrl
    ldr x0,qAdrstNewSSL
    ldr x0,[x0]
    mov x1,#SSL_CTRL_MODE
    mov x3,#0
    bl SSL_ctrl
    mov x0,x21                       // bio
    mov x1,#BIO_C_SET_CONNECT
    mov x2,#0
    ldr x3,qAdrszNomSite1
    bl BIO_ctrl
    mov x0,x21                       // bio
    mov x2,#0
    mov x3,#0
    bl  BIO_ctrl
                                    // compute query length
    mov x2,#0
    ldr x1,qAdrszRequete1           // query
    ldrb w0,[x1,x2]
    cmp x0,#0
    add x8,x2,1
    csel x2,x8,x2,ne
    bne 1b
                                    // send query
    mov x0,x21                       // bio
                                    // x1 = address query
                                    // x2 = length query
    mov x3,#0
    bl BIO_write                    // send query
    cmp x0,#0
    blt erreur
    ldr x22,qAdrsBufferreq           // buffer address
2:                                  // begin loop to read datas
    mov x0,x21                       // bio
    mov x1,x22                       // buffer address
    ldr x2,qLgBuffer
    mov x3,#0
    bl BIO_read
    cmp x0,#0
    ble 4f                          // error ou pb server
    add x22,x22,x0
    sub x2,x22,#8
    ldr x2,[x2]                     
    ldr x3,qCharEnd
    cmp x2,x3                       // text end ?
    beq 4f
    mov x1,#0xFFFFFF                // delay loop 
    subs x1,x1,1
    bgt 3b
    b 2b                            // loop read other chunk
4:                                  // read end
    //ldr x0,qAdrsBufferreq           // to display buffer response of the query
    //bl affichageMess
    mov x0, x21                      // close bio
    bl BIO_free_all
    mov x0,#0
    b 100f
erreur:                             // error display
    ldr x1,qAdrszMessErreur
    bl   afficheErreur
    mov x0,#-1                      // error code
    b 100f
    ldp x4,x5,[sp],16              // restaur  2 registers
    ldp x2,x3,[sp],16              // restaur  2 registers
    ldp x1,lr,[sp],16              // restaur  2 registers
    ret                            // return to address lr x30
qAdrszRequete1:             .quad szRequete1
qAdrsBufferreq:             .quad sBufferreq
iFlag:                      .quad SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 | SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION
qAdrstNewSSL:               .quad stNewSSL
qAdrszNomSite1:             .quad szNomSite1
qAdrszNomrepCertif:         .quad szNomrepCertif
qCharEnd:                   .quad 0x0A0D0A0D300A0D0A
qLgBuffer:                  .quad LGBUFFERREQ - 1
/*   response analyze                                    */
    stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!                       // save  registers
    stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!                       // save  registers
    ldr x0,qAdrsBufferreq                     // buffer address
    ldr x1,qAdrszLibStart                     // key text address 
    mov x2,#2                                 // occurence key text
    mov x3,#-11                               // offset
    ldr x4,qAdrszExtractArea                  // address result area
    bl extChaine
    cmp x0,#-1
    beq 99f
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessExtractArea 
    bl affichageMess
    ldr x0,qAdrszExtractArea                  // résult display
    bl affichageMess
    ldr x0,qAdrszRetourLigne
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessErreur                   // error
    bl affichageMess
    mov x0, #-1                               // error return code
    b 100f
    ldp x2,x3,[sp],16              // restaur  2 registers
    ldp x1,lr,[sp],16              // restaur  2 registers
    ret                            // return to address lr x30
qAdrszLibStart:                 .quad szLibStart
qAdrszExtractArea:              .quad szExtractArea
qAdrszMessExtractArea:          .quad szMessExtractArea
qAdrszRetourLigne:              .quad szRetourLigne
/*   Text Extraction behind text key                     */
/* x0  buffer address   */
/* x1  key text to search */
/* x2  number occurences to key text */
/* x3  offset */
/* x4  result address */
    stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!  // save  registers
    stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!  // save  registers
    stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!  // save  registers
    stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!  // save  registers
    mov x5,x0            // save buffer address
    mov x6,x1            // save key text
                         // compute text length
    mov x8,#0
1:                       // loop 
    ldrb w0,[x5,x8]      // load a byte
    cmp x0,#0            // end ?
    add x9,x8,1
    csel x8,x9,x8,ne
    bne 1b               // no -> loop 
    add x8,x8,x5            // compute text end

    mov x7,#0
2:                       // compute length text key
    ldrb w0,[x6,x7]
    cmp x0,#0
    add x9,x7,1
    csel x7,x9,x7,ne
    bne 2b

3:                       // loop to search niéme(x2)  key text 
    mov x0,x5
    mov x1,x6
    bl rechercheSousChaine
    cmp x0,#0
    blt 100f
    subs x2,x2,1
    ble 31f
    add x5,x5,x0
    add x5,x5,x7
    b 3b
    add x0,x0,x5           // add address text to index
    add x3,x3,x0           // add offset 
    sub x3,x3,1
                        // and add length key text
    add x3,x3,x7
    cmp x3,x8           // > at text end 
    bge 98f
    mov x0,0
4:                      // character loop copy
    ldrb w2,[x3,x0]
    strb w2,[x4,x0]
    cbz x2,99f           // text end ?  return zero
    cmp x0,48           // extraction length
    beq 5f
    add x0,x0,1
    b 4b                // and loop
    mov x2,0            // store final zéro
    strb w2,[x4,x0]
    add x0,x0,1
    add x0,x0,x3        // x0 return the last position of extraction
                        // it is possible o search another text
    b 100f
    mov x0,-1           // error
    b 100f
    mov x0,0
    ldp x6,x7,[sp],16   // restaur  2 registers
    ldp x4,x5,[sp],16   // restaur  2 registers
    ldp x2,x3,[sp],16   // restaur  2 registers
    ldp x1,lr,[sp],16   // restaur  2 registers
    ret                 // return to address lr x30
/*   search substring in string                                   */ 
/* x0 contains address string */
/* x1 contains address substring */
/* x0 return start index substring or -1 if not find */
    stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!                   // save  registers
    stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!                   // save  registers
    stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!                   // save  registers
    stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!                   // save  registers
    mov x2,#0                             // index position string
    mov x3,#0                             // index position substring
    mov x6,#-1                            // search index
    ldrb w4,[x1,x3]                       // load first byte substring
    cbz x4,99f                             // zero final ?  error
    ldrb w5,[x0,x2]                       // load string byte
    cbz x5,99f                            // zero final ?  yes -> not found
    cmp x5,x4                             // compare character two strings 
    beq 2f
    mov x6,-1                             // not equal - > raz index 
    mov x3,0                              // and raz byte counter
    ldrb w4,[x1,x3]                       // and load byte
    add x2,x2,1                           // and increment byte counter
    b 1b                                  // and loop
2:                                        // characters equal
    cmp x6,-1                            // first character equal ?
    csel x6,x2,x6,eq                      // yes -> start index in x6
    add x3,x3,1                           // increment substring counter
    ldrb w4,[x1,x3]                       // and load next byte
    cbz x4,3f                             // zero final ?  yes -> search end
    add x2,x2,1                           // else increment string index
    b 1b                                  // and loop
    mov x0,x6                             // return start index substring in the string
    b 100f
    mov x0,-1                             // not found
    ldp x6,x7,[sp],16                     // restaur  2 registers
    ldp x4,x5,[sp],16                     // restaur  2 registers
    ldp x2,x3,[sp],16                     // restaur  2 registers
    ldp x1,lr,[sp],16                     // restaur  2 registers
    ret                                   // return to address lr x30
/*        File Include fonctions                        */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly */
.include "../includeARM64.inc"
Début du programme.
Extraction = Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site.
Fin normale du programme.

ARM Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI  */
/*  program yahoosearch.s   */
/* access RosettaCode.org and data extract       */
/* use openssl  for access to port 443 */
/* test openssl : package libssl-dev  */

/* REMARK 1 : this program use routines in a include file 
   see task Include a file language arm assembly 
   for the routine affichageMess conversion10 
   see at end of this program the instruction include */

/* Constantes                              */
.equ STDOUT, 1           @ Linux output console
.equ EXIT,   1           @ Linux syscall
.equ WRITE,  4           @ Linux syscall
.equ BRK,    0x2d        @ Linux syscall
.equ CHARPOS,     '@'

.equ EXIT,          1

.equ SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3,        0x02000000
.equ SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION,  0x00020000
.equ SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY,    0x00000004
.equ SSL_CTRL_MODE,          33

.equ BIO_C_SET_CONNECT,      100
.equ BIO_C_SET_SSL,          109
.equ BIO_C_GET_SSL,          110

.equ LGBUFFERREQ,       512001
.equ LGBUFFER2,         128001

/* Initialized data              */
szMessDebutPgm:       .asciz "Début du programme. \n"
szRetourLigne:        .asciz "\n"
szMessFinOK:          .asciz "Fin normale du programme. \n"
szMessErreur:         .asciz "Erreur  !!!"
szMessExtractArea:    .asciz "Extraction = "
szNomSite1:           .asciz "search.yahoo.com:443"   @ host name and port
szLibStart:           .asciz ">Rosetta Code"          @ search string 
szNomrepCertif:       .asciz "/pi/certificats"
szRequete1:           .asciz "GET /search?p=\"Rosettacode.org\"&b=1 HTTP/1.1 \r\nHost: search.yahoo.com\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
/* UnInitialized data            */
.align 4
sBufferreq:           .skip LGBUFFERREQ
szExtractArea:        .skip TAILLEBUFFER
stNewSSL:             .skip 200
/*  code section                 */
.global main 
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessDebutPgm
    bl affichageMess                             @ start message 

    /* connexion host port 443 and send query */ 
    bl envoiRequete
    cmp r0,#-1
    beq 99f                                       @ error ?

    bl analyseReponse

    ldr r0,iAdrszMessFinOK                        @ end message
    bl affichageMess
    mov r0, #0                                    @ return code ok
    b 100f
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessErreur                       @ error
    bl affichageMess
    mov r0, #1                                    @ return code error
    b 100f
    mov r7,#EXIT                                  @ program end
    svc #0                                        @ system call
iAdrszMessDebutPgm:          .int szMessDebutPgm
iAdrszMessFinOK:             .int szMessFinOK
iAdrszMessErreur:            .int szMessErreur

/*   connexion host port 443 and send query            */
    push {r2-r8,lr}                 @ save registers
    @ openSsl functions use              *
                                    @init ssl
    bl OPENSSL_init_crypto
    bl ERR_load_BIO_strings
    mov r2, #0
    mov r1, #0
    mov r0, #2
    bl OPENSSL_init_crypto
    mov r2, #0
    mov r1, #0
    mov r0, #0
    bl OPENSSL_init_ssl
    cmp r0,#0
    blt erreur
    bl TLS_client_method
    bl SSL_CTX_new
    cmp r0,#0
    ble erreur
    mov r6,r0                       @ save ctx
    ldr r1,iFlag
    bl SSL_CTX_set_options
    mov r0,r6
    mov r1,#0
    ldr r2,iAdrszNomrepCertif
    bl SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations
    cmp r0,#0
    ble erreur
    mov r0,r6
    bl BIO_new_ssl_connect
    cmp r0,#0
    ble erreur
    mov r5,r0                       @ save bio
    mov r1,#BIO_C_GET_SSL
    mov r2,#0
    ldr r3,iAdrstNewSSL
    bl BIO_ctrl
    ldr r0,iAdrstNewSSL
    ldr r0,[r0]
    mov r1,#SSL_CTRL_MODE
    mov r3,#0
    bl SSL_ctrl
    mov r0,r5                       @ bio
    mov r1,#BIO_C_SET_CONNECT
    mov r2,#0
    ldr r3,iAdrszNomSite1
    bl BIO_ctrl
    mov r0,r5                       @ bio
    mov r2,#0
    mov r3,#0
    bl  BIO_ctrl
                                    @ compute query length
    mov r2,#0
    ldr r1,iAdrszRequete1           @ query
    ldrb r0,[r1,r2]
    cmp r0,#0
    addne r2,#1
    bne 1b
                                    @ send query
    mov r0,r5                       @ bio
                                    @ r1 = address query
                                    @ r2 = length query
    mov r3,#0
    bl BIO_write                    @ send query
    cmp r0,#0
    blt erreur
    ldr r7,iAdrsBufferreq           @ buffer address
2:                                  @ begin loop to read datas
    mov r0,r5                       @ bio
    mov r1,r7                       @ buffer address
    mov r2,#LGBUFFERREQ - 1
    mov r3,#0
    bl BIO_read
    cmp r0,#0
    ble 4f                          @ error ou pb server
    add r7,r0
    sub r2,r7,#6
    ldr r2,[r2]                     
    ldr r3,iCharEnd
    cmp r2,r3                       @ text end ?
    beq 4f
    mov r1,#0xFFFFFF                @ delay loop 
    subs r1,#1
    bgt 3b
    b 2b                            @ loop read other chunk
4:                                  @ read end
    //ldr r0,iAdrsBufferreq           @ to display buffer response of the query
    //bl affichageMess
    mov r0, r5                      @ close bio
    bl BIO_free_all
    mov r0,#0
    b 100f
erreur:                             @ error display
    ldr r1,iAdrszMessErreur
    bl   afficheerreur
    mov r0,#-1                      @ error code
    b 100f
    pop {r2-r8,lr}                  @ restaur registers 
    bx lr
iAdrszRequete1:             .int szRequete1
iAdrsBufferreq:             .int sBufferreq
iFlag:                      .int SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 | SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION
iAdrstNewSSL:               .int stNewSSL
iAdrszNomSite1:             .int szNomSite1
iAdrszNomrepCertif:         .int szNomrepCertif
iCharEnd:                   .int 0x0A0D300A
/*   response analyze                                    */
    push {r1-r4,lr}                           @ save registers
    ldr r0,iAdrsBufferreq                     @ buffer address
    ldr r1,iAdrszLibStart                     @ key text address 
    mov r2,#2                                 @ occurence key text
    mov r3,#-11                               @ offset
    ldr r4,iAdrszExtractArea                  @ address result area
    bl extChaine
    cmp r0,#-1
    beq 99f
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessExtractArea 
    bl affichageMess
    ldr r0,iAdrszExtractArea                  @ résult display
    bl affichageMess
    ldr r0,iAdrszRetourLigne
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessErreur                   @ error
    bl affichageMess
    mov r0, #-1                               @ error return code
    b 100f
    pop {r1-r4,lr}                            @ restaur registers 
    bx lr
iAdrszLibStart:                 .int szLibStart
iAdrszExtractArea:              .int szExtractArea
iAdrszMessExtractArea:          .int szMessExtractArea
iAdrszRetourLigne:              .int szRetourLigne
/*   Text Extraction behind text key                     */
/* r0  buffer address   */
/* r1  key text to search */
/* r2  number occurences to key text */
/* r3  offset */
/* r4  result address */
    push {r2-r8,lr}      @ save registers
    mov r5,r0            @ save buffer address
    mov r6,r1            @ save key text
                         @ compute text length
    mov r7,#0
1:                       @ loop 
    ldrb r0,[r5,r7]      @ load a byte
    cmp r0,#0            @ end ?
    addne r7,#1          @ no -> loop 
    bne 1b
    add r7,r5            @ compute text end

    mov r8,#0
2:                       @ compute length text key
    ldrb r0,[r6,r8]
    cmp r0,#0
    addne r8,#1
    bne 2b

3:                       @ loop to search nième(r2)  key text 
    mov r0,r5
    mov r1,r6
    bl rechercheSousChaine
    cmp r0,#0
    blt 100f
    subs r2,#1
    addgt r5,r0       
    addgt r5,r8
    bgt 3b
    add r0,r5           @ add address text to index
    add r3,r0           @ add offset 
    sub r3,#1
                        @ and add length key text
    add r3,r8
    cmp r3,r7           @ > at text end 
    movge r0,#-1        @ yes -> error
    bge 100f
    mov r0,#0
4:                      @ character loop copy
    ldrb r2,[r3,r0]
    strb r2,[r4,r0]
    cmp r2,#0           @ text end ?
    moveq r0,#0         @ return zero
    beq 100f
    cmp r0,#48          @ extraction length
    beq 5f
    add r0,#1
    b 4b                @ and loop
    mov r2,#0           @ store final zéro
    strb r2,[r4,r0]
    add r0,#1
    add r0,r3           @ r0 return the last position of extraction
                        @ it is possible o search another text
   	pop {r2-r8,lr}      @ restaur registers 
    bx lr

/*   search substring in string                                   */ 
/* r0 contains address string */
/* r1 contains address substring */
/* r0 return start index substring or -1 if not find */
    push {r1-r6,lr}                       @ save registers 
    mov r2,#0                             @ index position string
    mov r3,#0                             @ index position substring
    mov r6,#-1                            @ search index
    ldrb r4,[r1,r3]                       @ load first byte substring
    cmp r4,#0                             @ zero final ?
    moveq r0,#-1                          @ error 
    beq 100f
    ldrb r5,[r0,r2]                       @ load string byte
    cmp r5,#0                             @ zero final ?
    moveq r0,#-1                          @ yes -> not find
    beq 100f
    cmp r5,r4                             @ compare character two strings 
    beq 2f
    mov r6,#-1                            @ not equal - > raz index 
    mov r3,#0                             @ and raz byte counter
    ldrb r4,[r1,r3]                       @ and load byte
    add r2,#1                             @ and increment byte counter
    b 1b                                  @ and loop
2:                                        @ characters equal
    cmp r6,#-1                            @ first character equal ?
    moveq r6,r2                           @ yes -> start index in r6
    add r3,#1                             @ increment substring counter
    ldrb r4,[r1,r3]                       @ and load next byte
    cmp r4,#0                             @ zero final ?
    beq 3f                                @ yes -> search end
    add r2,#1                             @ else increment string index
    b 1b                                  @ and loop
    mov r0,r6                             @ return start index substring in the string
    pop {r1-r6,lr}                        @ restaur registres
    bx lr   

/*      ROUTINES INCLUDE                 */
.include "../affichage.inc"
Début du programme.
Extraction = Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site.
Fin normale du programme.


translated from python example

yahooSearch("test", 1)
yahooSearch("test", 2)

yahooSearch(query, page)
  start := ((page - 1) * 10) + 1
  filedelete, search.txt
  urldownloadtofile, % "http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=" . query
  . "&b=" . start, search.txt
  fileread, content, search.txt
  reg = <a class="yschttl spt" href=".+?" >(.+?)</a></h3></div><div class="abstr">(.+?)</div><span class=url>(.+?)</span>
  index := found := 1
  while (found := regexmatch(content, reg, self, found + 1))
    msgbox % title%A_Index% := fix(self1)
    content%A_Index% := fix(self2)
    url%A_Index% := fix(self3)

if pos := instr(url, "</a></h3></div>")
StringLeft, url, url, pos - 1
url := regexreplace(url, "<.*?>")
return url


Generally it is not a good idea to scrape web pages. E. g. all implementations for this task which regex for "<a class=" fail by now, after Yahoo has changed its output format.

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class YahooSearch {
    private string query;
    private string content;
    private int page;

    const string yahoo = "http://search.yahoo.com/search?";

    public YahooSearch(string query) : this(query, 0) { }

    public YahooSearch(string query, int page) {
        this.query = query;
        this.page = page;
        this.content = new WebClient()
                string.Format(yahoo + "p={0}&b={1}", query, this.page * 10 + 1)

    public YahooResult[] Results {
        get {
            List<YahooResult> results = new List<YahooResult>();

            Func<string, string, string> substringBefore = (str, before) =>
                int iHref = str.IndexOf(before);
                return iHref < 0 ? "" : str.Substring(0, iHref);
            Func<string, string, string> substringAfter = (str, after) =>
                int iHref = str.IndexOf(after);
                return iHref < 0 ? "" : str.Substring(iHref + after.Length);
            Converter<string, string> getText = p => 
                Regex.Replace(p, "<[^>]*>", x => "");

            Regex rx = new Regex(@"
                    <div \s class=""res"">
                                <a \s (?'LinkAttributes'[^>]+)>
                                    (?'LinkText' .*?)
                        <div \s class=""abstr"">
                            (?'Abstract' .*?)
                | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture
            foreach (Match e in rx.Matches(this.content)) {
                string rurl = getText(substringBefore(substringAfter(
                    e.Groups["LinkAttributes"].Value, @"href="""), @""""));
                string rtitle = getText(e.Groups["LinkText"].Value);
                string rcontent = getText(e.Groups["Abstract"].Value);
                results.Add(new YahooResult(rurl, rtitle, rcontent));
            return results.ToArray();

    public YahooSearch NextPage() {
        return new YahooSearch(this.query, this.page + 1);

    public YahooSearch GetPage(int page) {
        return new YahooSearch(this.query, page);

class YahooResult {
    public string URL { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Content { get; set; }

    public YahooResult(string url, string title, string content) {
        this.URL = url;
        this.Title = title;
        this.Content = content;

    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format("\nTitle: {0}\nLink:  {1}\nText:  {2}",
            Title, URL, Content);

// Usage: 

class Prog {
    static void Main() {
        foreach (int page in new[] { 0, 1 })
            YahooSearch x = new YahooSearch("test", page);

            foreach (YahooResult result in x.Results)


Translation of: C#
import std.stdio, std.exception, std.regex, std.algorithm, std.string,

struct YahooResult {
    string url, title, content;

    string toString() const {
        return "\nTitle: %s\nLink:  %s\nText:  %s"
               .format(title, url, content);

struct YahooSearch {
    private string query, content;
    private uint page;

    this(in string query_, in uint page_ = 0) {
        this.query = query_;
        this.page = page_;
        this.content = "http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=%s&b=%d"
                       .format(query, page * 10 + 1).get.assumeUnique;

    @property results() const {
        immutable re = `<li>
                          <div \s class="res">
                                <a \s (?P<linkAttributes> [^>]+)>
                                  (?P<linkText> .*?)
                            <div \s class="abstr">
                              (?P<abstract> .*?)

        const clean = (string s) => s.replace("<[^>]*>".regex("g"),"");

        return content.match(re.regex("gx")).map!(m => YahooResult(

    YahooSearch nextPage() const {
        return YahooSearch(query, page + 1);

void main() {
    writefln("%(%s\n%)", "test".YahooSearch.results);
Output (shortened):
Title: Test.com
Link:  http://www.test.com/
Text:  Test.com provides a complete software solution for creating online tests and managing enterprise and specialist certification programs, in up to 22 languages.

Title: Speakeasy Speed Test
Link:  http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/
Text:  Test your Internet Connection with Speakeasy's reliable and accurate broadband speed test. What's your speed?

Title: Test | Define Test at Dictionary.com
Link:  http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/test
Text:  noun 1. the means by which the presence, quality, or genuineness of anything is determined; a means of trial. 2. the trial of the quality of something: to put to the ...


FB has a native full web browser that can be implemented with minimal code. Here it opens a completely interactive Yahoo search page that meets all requirements of this task.

include "Tlbx WebKit.incl"

_window = 1
begin enum 1
end enum

void local fn BuildWindow
  CGRect r = ( 0, 0, 700, 400 )
  window _window, @"WKWebView", r

  wkwebview _webView, r
  ViewSetAutoresizingMask( _webView, NSViewWidthSizable + NSViewHeightSizable )
  CFURLRef url = fn URLWithString( @"https://search.yahoo.com/" )
  URLRequestRef request = fn URLRequestWithURL( url )
  fn WKWebViewLoadRequest( _webView, request )
end fn

fn BuildWindow



Public Sub Form_Open()
Dim hWebView As WebView

Me.Arrangement = Arrange.Fill
Me.Maximized = True
Me.Title = "Yahoo! search interface"

hWebView = New WebView(Me)
hWebView.Expand = True
hWebView.URL = "https://www.yahoo.com"


Click here to see output (I have typed 'rosettacode' in the search box)


Yahoo! has evidently changed its search output format over the years and, if it is currently documented anywhere, then I couldn't find it.

The regular expression used below was figured out by studying the raw HTML and works fine as at 18th November, 2019.

package main

import (

var (
    expr = `<h3 class="title"><a class=.*?href="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)</a></h3>` +
        `.*?<div class="compText aAbs" ><p class=.*?>(.*?)</p></div>`
    rx = regexp.MustCompile(expr)

type YahooResult struct {
    title, url, content string

func (yr YahooResult) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Title  : %s\nUrl    : %s\nContent: %s\n", yr.title, yr.url, yr.content)

type YahooSearch struct {
    query string
    page  int

func (ys YahooSearch) results() []YahooResult {
    search := fmt.Sprintf("http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=%s&b=%d", ys.query, ys.page*10+1)
    resp, _ := http.Get(search)
    body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    s := string(body)
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    var results []YahooResult
    for _, f := range rx.FindAllStringSubmatch(s, -1) {
        yr := YahooResult{}
        yr.title = html.UnescapeString(strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ReplaceAll(f[2], "<b>", ""), "</b>", ""))
        yr.url = f[1]
        yr.content = html.UnescapeString(strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ReplaceAll(f[3], "<b>", ""), "</b>", ""))
        results = append(results, yr)
    return results

func (ys YahooSearch) nextPage() YahooSearch {
    return YahooSearch{ys.query, ys.page + 1}

func main() {
    ys := YahooSearch{"rosettacode", 0}
    // Limit output to first 5 entries, say, from pages 1 and 2.
    fmt.Println("PAGE 1 =>\n")
    for _, res := range ys.results()[0:5] {
    fmt.Println("PAGE 2 =>\n")
    for _, res := range ys.nextPage().results()[0:5] {

Note there is some repetition between the pages.

PAGE 1 =>

Title  : Rosetta Code
Url    : https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code
Content: Rosetta Code Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. Rosetta Code currently has 976 tasks, 231 draft tasks, and is aware of 756 languages, though we do not (and cannot) have solutions to every task in every language. 1 Places to start 

Title  : Rosetta Code - Wikipedia
Url    : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code
Content: Rosetta Code is a wiki -based programming chrestomathy website with implementations of common algorithms and solutions to various programming problems in many different programming languages. 1 Website 1.1 Data and structure 1.2 Languages 

Title  : Rosetta Code (@rosettacode) | Twitter
Url    : https://twitter.com/rosettacode
Content: The latest Tweets from Rosetta Code (@rosettacode). Twitter account for http://t.co/DuRZFWDfRn. The general idea here is for short announcements and the like. The ... 

Title  : Best of Rosettacode
Url    : https://examples.p6c.dev/categories/best-of-rosettacode.html
Content: 99 Problems Rosettacode Cookbook Euler Games Interpreters Modules Other Grammars Perlmonks Rosalind Shootout ... 

Title  : Rosetta Code Blog
Url    : https://blog.rosettacode.org/
Content: (If you point 'rosettacode.com' to RosettaCode.org's IP address, you should still be able to see it) Second, I don't care if you want to use the name 'rosettacode' or 'rosetta code' in similar pursuits. I love that people have been calling task pages that have cropped up on various forums around the web as "rosetta code problems." That speaks ... 

PAGE 2 =>

Title  : Rosetta Code | R-bloggers
Url    : https://www.r-bloggers.com/rosetta-code/
Content: Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another. 

Title  : Best of Rosettacode
Url    : https://examples.p6c.dev/categories/best-of-rosettacode.html
Content: 99 Problems Rosettacode Cookbook Euler Games Interpreters Modules Other Grammars Perlmonks Rosalind Shootout ... 

Title  : Rosetta Code Blog
Url    : https://blog.rosettacode.org/
Content: (If you point 'rosettacode.com' to RosettaCode.org's IP address, you should still be able to see it) Second, I don't care if you want to use the name 'rosettacode' or 'rosetta code' in similar pursuits. I love that people have been calling task pages that have cropped up on various forums around the web as "rosetta code problems." That speaks ... 

Title  : What exactly is the purpose of Rosetta Code? - Quora
Url    : https://www.quora.com/What-exactly-is-the-purpose-of-Rosetta-Code
Content: The name is a play on the Rosetta Stone. The Rosetta Stone featured a decree by King Ptolomy written in three scripts - Egyption hieroglyphs, Demotic, and Ancient Greek. 

Title  : One R Tip A Day: Rosetta Code
Url    : https://onertipaday.blogspot.com/2009/07/rosetta-code.html
Content: Today I'd like to suggest the interesting Rosetta Code site: Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another. 


Start,Programs,Applications,Mozilla Firefox,Inputbox:address bar>www.yahoo.co.uk,
Button:Go,Area:browser window,Inputbox:searchbox>elephants,Button:Search


Haskell is not an object oriented language, so this example does not implement an object class. However, it can be interesting as an example of how HTML source code can be parsed using the Parsec library.

import Network.HTTP
import Text.Parsec

data YahooSearchItem = YahooSearchItem {
    itemUrl, itemTitle, itemContent :: String }

data YahooSearch = YahooSearch {
    searchQuery :: String,
    searchPage :: Int,
    searchItems :: [YahooSearchItem] }
-- URL for Yahoo! searches, without giving a page number
yahooUrl = "http://search.yahoo.com/search?p="

-- make an HTTP request and return a YahooSearch
yahoo :: String -> IO YahooSearch
yahoo q = simpleHTTP (getRequest $ yahooUrl ++ q) >>=
    getResponseBody >>= return . YahooSearch q 1 . items

-- get some results and return the next page of results
next :: YahooSearch -> IO YahooSearch
next (YahooSearch q p _) =
    simpleHTTP (getRequest $
    -- add the page number to the search
    yahooUrl ++ q ++ "&b=" ++ show (p + 1)) >>=
    getResponseBody >>= return . YahooSearch q (p + 1) . items

printResults :: YahooSearch -> IO ()
printResults (YahooSearch q p items) = do
    putStrLn $ "Showing Yahoo! search results for query: " ++ q
    putStrLn $ "Page: " ++ show p
    putChar '\n'
    mapM_ printOne items
        printOne (YahooSearchItem itemUrl itemTitle itemContent) = do
            putStrLn $ "URL   : " ++ itemUrl
            putStrLn $ "Title : " ++ itemTitle
            putStrLn $ "Abstr : " ++ itemContent
            putChar '\n'

urlTag, titleTag, contentTag1, contentTag2, ignoreTag,
    ignoreText :: Parsec String () String
-- parse a tag containing the URL of a search result
urlTag = do { string "<a id=\"link-";
    many digit; string "\" class=\"yschttl spt\" href=\"";
    url <- manyTill anyChar (char '"'); manyTill anyChar (char '>');
    return url }

-- the title comes after the URL tag, so parse it first, discard it
-- and get the title text
titleTag = do { urlTag; manyTill anyChar (try (string "</a>")) }

-- parse a tag containing the description of the search result
-- the tag can be named "sm-abs" or "abstr"
contentTag1 = do { string "<div class=\"sm-abs\">";
    manyTill anyChar (try (string "</div>")) }

contentTag2 = do { string "<div class=\"abstr\">";
    manyTill anyChar (try (string "</div>")) }

-- parse a tag and discard it
ignoreTag = do { char ('<'); manyTill anyChar (char '>');
    return "" }

-- parse some text and discard it
ignoreText = do { many1 (noneOf "<"); return "" }

-- return only non-empty strings
nonempty :: [String] -> Parsec String () [String]
nonempty xs = return [ x | x <- xs, not (null x) ]

-- a template to parse a whole source file looking for items of the
-- same class
parseCategory x = do
    res <- many x
    nonempty res
urls, titles, contents :: Parsec String () [String]

-- parse HTML source looking for URL tags of the search results
urls = parseCategory url where
    url = (try urlTag) <|> ignoreTag <|> ignoreText

-- parse HTML source looking for titles of the search results
titles = parseCategory title where
    title = (try titleTag) <|> ignoreTag <|> ignoreText

-- parse HTML source looking for descriptions of the search results
contents = parseCategory content where
    content = (try contentTag1) <|> (try contentTag2) <|>
        ignoreTag <|> ignoreText

-- parse the HTML source three times looking for URL, title and
-- description of all search results and return them as a list of
-- YahooSearchItem
items :: String -> [YahooSearchItem]
items q =
    let ignoreOrKeep = either (const []) id
        us = ignoreOrKeep $ parse urls "" q
        ts = ignoreOrKeep $ parse titles "" q
        cs = ignoreOrKeep $ parse contents "" q
    in [ YahooSearchItem { itemUrl = u, itemTitle = t, itemContent = c } |
        (u, t, c) <- zip3 us ts cs ]

Simple invocation from GHCi:

yahoo "Rosetta%20code" >>= printResults

. Notice that spaces must be expressed as "%20", because spaces are not allowed in URLs.

Icon and Unicon

The following uses the Unicon pre-processor and messaging extensions and won't run under Icon without significant modification. The code provides a suitable demonstration; however, could be made more robust by things such as URL escaping the search string

link printf,strings

procedure main() 
YS := YahooSearch("rosettacode")
every 1 to 2 do {   # 2 pages

class YahooSearch(urlpat,page,response)  #: class for Yahoo Search
   method readnext()    #: read the next page of search results
      self.page +:= 1   # can't find as w|w/o self 
   method readurl()     #: read the url 
      url := sprintf(self.urlpat,(self.page-1)*10+1)
      m := open(url,"m")  | stop("Unable to open : ",url)
      every (self.response := "") ||:= |read(m)
      self.response := deletec(self.response,"\x00") # kill stray NULs

   method showinfo()    #: show the info of interest
      self.response ? repeat {
         (tab(find("<")) & ="<a class=\"yschttl spt\" href=\"") | break
         url   := tab(find("\"")) & tab(find(">")+1)
         title := tab(find("<")) & ="</a></h3></div>"
         tab(find("<")) & =("<div class=\"abstr\">" | "<div class=\"sm-abs\">")
         abstr := tab(find("<")) & ="</div>"
         printf("\nTitle : %i\n",title)
         printf("URL   : %i\n",url)
         printf("Abstr : %i\n",abstr)
initially(searchtext)    #: initialize each instance
   urlpat := sprintf("http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=%s&b=%%d",searchtext)
   page := 0

printf.icn provides formatting strings.icn provides deletec

Sample Output (truncated):

Title : "<b>Rosetta Code</b> - <b>Rosetta Code</b>"
URL   : "http://rosettacode.org/"
Abstr : "<b>Rosetta Code</b> is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to
present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, t
o demonstrate how ..."

Title : "<b>Rosetta Code</b> - Wikipedia, the free <wbr />encyclopedia"
URL   : "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code"
Abstr : " <b>Rosetta Code</b> is a wiki -based programming chrestomathy website
with solutions to various programming problems in many different programming lan
guages. It was created ..."

Title : "Category:AutoHotkey - <b>Rosetta Code</b>"
URL   : "http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:AutoHotkey"
Abstr : "Listed below are all of the tasks on <b>Rosetta Code</b> which have bee
n solved using AutoHotkey."


Title : "RosettaCON2011 Tutorials Collection | <wbr />RosettaCommons"
URL   : "http://www.rosettacommons.org/"
Abstr : "Foldit in the news. Cooper et al. 2010 Predicting protein structures wi
th a multiplayer online game, Nature 466 , 756 see also video. Rosetta-3.3 is no
w available!"

Title : "CALL: call a SUBROUTINE - HicEst: <wbr />Windows IDE programming ..."
URL   : "http://www.hicest.com/CALL.htm"
Abstr : "\xe2\x87\x92 Example of a CALL call in "Roman_numerals" (<b>R
osettaCode</b>) CALL transfers control to the first statement of a SUBROUTINE. C
ALL subroutine_name[argument1, ..."


This example is incorrect. It does not accomplish the given task. Please fix the code and remove this message.
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

class YahooSearch {
    private String query;
    // Page number
    private int page = 1;
    // Regexp to look for the individual results in the returned page
    private static final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(
        "<a class=\"yschttl spt\" href=\"[^*]+?\\*\\*([^\"]+?)\">(.+?)</a></h3>.*?<div class=\"(?:sm-abs|abstr)\">(.+?)</div>");

    public YahooSearch(String query) {
        this.query = query;

    public List<YahooResult> search() throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException, IOException {
        // Build the search string, starting with the Yahoo search URL,
        // then appending the query and optionally the page number (if > 1)
        StringBuilder searchUrl = new StringBuilder("http://search.yahoo.com/search?");
        searchUrl.append("p=").append(URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8"));
        if (page > 1) {searchUrl.append("&b=").append((page - 1) * 10 + 1);}
        // Query the Yahoo search engine
        URL url = new URL(searchUrl.toString());
        List<YahooResult> result = new ArrayList<YahooResult>();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        // Get the search results using a buffered reader
        BufferedReader in = null;
        try {
            in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
            // Read the results line by line
            String line = in.readLine();
            while (line != null) {
                line = in.readLine();
        catch (IOException ioe) {
        finally {
            try {in.close();} catch (Exception ignoreMe) {}
        String searchResult = sb.toString();
        // Look for the individual results by matching the regexp pattern
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(searchResult);
        while (matcher.find()) {
            // Extract the result URL, title and excerpt
            String resultUrl = URLDecoder.decode(matcher.group(1), "UTF-8");
            String resultTitle = matcher.group(2).replaceAll("</?b>", "").replaceAll("<wbr ?/?>", "");
            String resultContent = matcher.group(3).replaceAll("</?b>", "").replaceAll("<wbr ?/?>", "");
            // Create a new YahooResult and add to the list
            result.add(new YahooResult(resultUrl, resultTitle, resultContent));
        return result;

    public List<YahooResult> search(int page) throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException, IOException {
        // Set the page number and search
        this.page = page;
        return search();

    public List<YahooResult> nextPage() throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException, IOException {
        // Increment the page number and search
        return search();

    public List<YahooResult> previousPage() throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException, IOException {
        // Decrement the page number and search; if the page number is 1 return an empty list
        if (page > 1) {
            return search();
        } else return new ArrayList<YahooResult>();

class YahooResult {
    private URL url;
    private String title;
    private String content;

    public URL getUrl() {
        return url;

    public void setUrl(URL url) {
        this.url = url;

    public void setUrl(String url) throws MalformedURLException {
        this.url = new URL(url);

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

    public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;

    public String getContent() {
        return content;

    public void setContent(String content) {
        this.content = content;

    public YahooResult(URL url, String title, String content) {

    public YahooResult(String url, String title, String content) throws MalformedURLException {

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (title != null) {
        if (url != null) {
        return sb.charAt(0) == ',' ? sb.substring(1) : sb.toString();

public class TestYahooSearch {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException, IOException {
        // Create a new search
        YahooSearch search = new YahooSearch("Rosetta code");
        // Get the search results
        List<YahooResult> results = search.search();
        // Show the search results
        for (YahooResult result : results) {


""" Rosetta Code Yahoo search task. https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Yahoo!_search_interface """

using EzXML
using HTTP
using Logging

const pagesize = 7
const URI = "https://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=opensearch&pz=$pagesize&"

struct SearchResults

mutable struct YahooSearch
YahooSearch(s, url = URI) = YahooSearch(s, url, 1, Int[], SearchResults[])

function NextPage(yah::YahooSearch, link, pagenum)
    oldpage = yah.currentpage
    yah.currentpage = pagenum
    yah.currentpage = oldpage

function search(yah::YahooSearch)
    push!(yah.usedpages, yah.currentpage)
    queryurl = yah.yahoourl * "b=$(yah.currentpage)&p=" * HTTP.escapeuri(yah.search)
    req = HTTP.request("GET", queryurl)
    # Yahoo's HTML is nonstandard, so send excess warnings from the parser to NullLogger
    html = with_logger(NullLogger()) do
    for div in findall("//li/div", html)
        if haskey(div, "class")
            if startswith(div["class"], "dd algo") &&
               (a = findfirst("div/h3/a", div)) != nothing &&
               haskey(a, "href")
                url, title, content = a["href"], nodecontent(a), "None"
                for span in findall("div/p/span", div)
                    if haskey(span, "class") && occursin("fc-falcon", span["class"])
                        content = nodecontent(span)
                push!(yah.results, SearchResults(title, content, url))
            elseif startswith(div["class"], "dd pagination")
                for a in findall("div/div/a", div)
                    if haskey(a, "href")
                        lnk, n = a["href"], tryparse(Int, nodecontent(a))
                        !isnothing(n) && !(n in yah.usedpages) && NextPage(yah, lnk, n)

ysearch = YahooSearch("RosettaCode")
println("Searching Yahoo for `RosettaCode`:")
    "Found ",
    " entries on ",
    " pages.\n",
for res in ysearch.results
    println("Title: ", res.title)
    println("Content: ", res.content)
    println("URL:     ", res.url, "\n")
Searching Yahoo for `RosettaCode`:
Found 34 entries on 5 pages.

Title: rosettacode.orgRosetta Code
Content: Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as 
many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person 
with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another.
URL:     https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code

Title: en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Rosetta_CodeRosetta Code - Wikipedia
Content: Rosetta Code is a wiki-based programming website with implementations of common algorithms and solutions 
to various programming problems in many different programming languages. It is named for the Rosetta Stone , which has the same text inscribed on it in three languages, and thus allowed Egyptian hieroglyphs to be deciphered for 
the first time.
URL:     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code

Title: raku.org › community › rosettacodeRaku on Rosetta Code
Content: Raku on Rosetta Code. Rosetta Code is a community site that presents solutions to programming tasks in many different languages. It is an excellent place to see how various languages approach the same task, as well as to get a feel for the style and fluent use of each language across a variety of domains.
URL:     https://raku.org/community/rosettacode/

Title: github.com › gerph › rosettacodeGitHub - gerph/rosettacode: Library for accessing Rosetta Code
Content: None
URL:     https://github.com/gerph/rosettacode

Title: simple.wikipedia.org › wiki › Rosetta_CodeRosetta Code - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   
Content: Website. Rosetta Code was created in 2007 by Michael Mol. The site's content is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2, though some components may have two licenses under less strict terms.
URL:     https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code

Title: blog.rosettacode.org › 2011Rosetta Code Blog: 2011
Content: (If you point 'rosettacode.com' to RosettaCode.org's IP address, you should still be able to see it) Second, I don't care if you want to use the name 'rosettacode' or 'rosetta code' in similar pursuits. I love that people have been calling task pages that have cropped up on various forums around the web as "rosetta code problems." 
That speaks ...
URL:     https://blog.rosettacode.org/2011/

Title: rosettacode.org › wiki › Category:Programming_LanguagesCategory:Programming Languages - Rosetta Code       
Content: A programming language is a symbolic representation of a specification for computer behavior. A side-by-side comparison of many of the languages on Rosetta Code can be seen here . These are the programming languages that are mentioned throughout Rosetta Code. If you know a language not listed here then suggest or add it.
URL:     https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages

Title: en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Rosetta_CodeRosetta Code - Wikipedia
Content: Rosetta Code is a wiki-based programming website with implementations of common algorithms and solutions 
to various programming problems in many different programming languages. It is named for the Rosetta Stone , which has the same text inscribed on it in three languages, and thus allowed Egyptian hieroglyphs to be deciphered for 
the first time.
URL:     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code

Title: github.com › gerph › rosettacodeGitHub - gerph/rosettacode: Library for accessing Rosetta Code
Content: Rosetta Code reading Introduction. The rosettacode.org site provides example code for a variety for different tasks in many different languages. Because the code is generally pretty self contained and simple - as the point is to show the differences in the way languages do things - it makes a good source of code to try things out with.
URL:     https://github.com/gerph/rosettacode

Title: raku.org › community › rosettacodeRaku on Rosetta Code
Content: Raku on Rosetta Code. Rosetta Code is a community site that presents solutions to programming tasks in many different languages. It is an excellent place to see how various languages approach the same task, as well as to get a feel for the style and fluent use of each language across a variety of domains.
URL:     https://raku.org/community/rosettacode/

Title: www.retailmenot.com › view › rosettastone10% Off Rosetta Stone Coupons, Promo Codes + 1% Cash Back 2021    
Content: Rosetta Stone offers computer assisted language learning programs for 31 different languages. It has kiosk outlets located in almost all major airports of the world and it offers trials and demos in addition to its 6 month money back guarantee.
URL:     https://www.retailmenot.com/view/rosettastone.com

Title: simple.wikipedia.org › wiki › Rosetta_CodeRosetta Code - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   
Content: Website. Rosetta Code was created in 2007 by Michael Mol. The site's content is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2, though some components may have two licenses under less strict terms.
URL:     https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code

Title: twitter.com › rosettacodeRosetta Code (@RosettaCode) | Twitter
Content: We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
URL:     https://twitter.com/rosettacode

Title: rosettacode.org › wiki › Category:Programming_TasksCategory:Programming Tasks - Rosetta Code
Content: Category:Programming Tasks. Programming tasks are problems that may be solved through programming. When such a task is defined, Rosetta Code users are encouraged to solve them using as many different languages as they know. The end goal is to demonstrate how the same task is accomplished in different languages.
URL:     https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Tasks

Title: en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Rosetta_CodeRosetta Code - Wikipedia
Content: Rosetta Code is a wiki-based programming website with implementations of common algorithms and solutions 
to various programming problems in many different programming languages. It is named for the Rosetta Stone , which has the same text inscribed on it in three languages, and thus allowed Egyptian hieroglyphs to be deciphered for 
the first time.
URL:     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code

Title: improbotics.org › rosetta-codeRosetta Code – Improbotics
Content: Rosetta Code was scheduled to perform at Brighton Fringe 2020 at The Warren: Theatre Box and at Camden Fringe 2020 at The Cockpit Theatre and will return live in 2021. Our show was the subject of a scientific research paper “Rosetta Code: Improv in Any Language“, published at the International Conference on Computational Creativity 2020.
URL:     https://improbotics.org/rosetta-code/

Title: raku.org › community › rosettacodeRaku on Rosetta Code
Content: Raku on Rosetta Code. Rosetta Code is a community site that presents solutions to programming tasks in many different languages. It is an excellent place to see how various languages approach the same task, as well as to get a feel for the style and fluent use of each language across a variety of domains.
URL:     https://raku.org/community/rosettacode/

Title: www.retailmenot.com › view › rosettastone10% Off Rosetta Stone Coupons, Promo Codes + 1% Cash Back 2021    
Content: Rosetta Stone offers computer assisted language learning programs for 31 different languages. It has kiosk outlets located in almost all major airports of the world and it offers trials and demos in addition to its 6 month money back guarantee.
URL:     https://www.retailmenot.com/view/rosettastone.com

Title: github.com › gerph › rosettacodeGitHub - gerph/rosettacode: Library for accessing Rosetta Code
Content: Rosetta Code reading Introduction. The rosettacode.org site provides example code for a variety for different tasks in many different languages. Because the code is generally pretty self contained and simple - as the point is to show the differences in the way languages do things - it makes a good source of code to try things out with.
URL:     https://github.com/gerph/rosettacode

Title: twitter.com › rosettacodeRosetta Code (@RosettaCode) | Twitter
Content: We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
URL:     https://twitter.com/rosettacode

Title: en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Rosetta_CodeRosetta Code - Wikipedia
Content: Rosetta Code is a wiki-based programming website with implementations of common algorithms and solutions 
to various programming problems in many different programming languages. It is named for the Rosetta Stone , which has the same text inscribed on it in three languages, and thus allowed Egyptian hieroglyphs to be deciphered for 
the first time.
URL:     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code

Title: en.wikipedia.org › wiki › RosettacodeRosetta Code - Wikipedia
Content: Rosetta Code is a wiki-based programming website with implementations of common algorithms and solutions 
to various programming problems in many different programming languages. It is named for the Rosetta Stone , which has the same text inscribed on it in three languages, and thus allowed Egyptian hieroglyphs to be deciphered for 
the first time.
URL:     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosettacode

Title: improbotics.org › rosetta-codeRosetta Code – Improbotics
Content: Rosetta Code was scheduled to perform at Brighton Fringe 2020 at The Warren: Theatre Box and at Camden Fringe 2020 at The Cockpit Theatre and will return live in 2021. Our show was the subject of a scientific research paper “Rosetta Code: Improv in Any Language“, published at the International Conference on Computational Creativity 2020.
URL:     https://improbotics.org/rosetta-code/

Title: rosettacode.org › wiki › OpenGLOpenGL/Phix - Rosetta Code
Content: OpenGL/Phix. From Rosetta Code. < OpenGL. Jump to: navigation. , search. Older win32-only and OpenGL 1.0 
(ie not p2js compatible) versions of the OpenGL task. Adapted from the included demo\Arwen32dibdemo\shadepol.exw, 
draws the same thing as the image at the top of this page, but (as per the talk page) does not use openGL, just windows api ...
URL:     https://rosettacode.org/wiki/OpenGL/Phix

Title: rosettacode.org › wiki › Matrix_multiplicationMatrix multiplication - Rosetta Code
Content: 360 Assembly [] * Matrix multiplication 06/08/2015 MATRIXRC CSECT Matrix multiplication USING MATRIXRC,R13 SAVEARA B STM-SAVEARA(R15)
URL:     https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication

Title: github.com › gerph › rosettacodeGitHub - gerph/rosettacode: Library for accessing Rosetta Code
Content: Rosetta Code reading Introduction. The rosettacode.org site provides example code for a variety for different tasks in many different languages. Because the code is generally pretty self contained and simple - as the point is to show the differences in the way languages do things - it makes a good source of code to try things out with.
URL:     https://github.com/gerph/rosettacode

Title: raku.org › community › rosettacodeRaku on Rosetta Code
Content: Raku on Rosetta Code. Rosetta Code is a community site that presents solutions to programming tasks in many different languages. It is an excellent place to see how various languages approach the same task, as well as to get a feel for the style and fluent use of each language across a variety of domains.
URL:     https://raku.org/community/rosettacode/

Title: en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Rosetta_CodeRosetta Code - Wikipedia
Content: Rosetta Code is a wiki-based programming website with implementations of common algorithms and solutions 
to various programming problems in many different programming languages. It is named for the Rosetta Stone , which has the same text inscribed on it in three languages, and thus allowed Egyptian hieroglyphs to be deciphered for 
the first time.
URL:     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code

Title: en.wikipedia.org › wiki › RosettacodeRosetta Code - Wikipedia
Content: Rosetta Code is a wiki-based programming website with implementations of common algorithms and solutions 
to various programming problems in many different programming languages. It is named for the Rosetta Stone , which has the same text inscribed on it in three languages, and thus allowed Egyptian hieroglyphs to be deciphered for 
the first time.
URL:     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosettacode

Title: improbotics.org › rosetta-codeRosetta Code – Improbotics
Content: Rosetta Code was scheduled to perform at Brighton Fringe 2020 at The Warren: Theatre Box and at Camden Fringe 2020 at The Cockpit Theatre and will return live in 2021. Our show was the subject of a scientific research paper “Rosetta Code: Improv in Any Language“, published at the International Conference on Computational Creativity 2020.
URL:     https://improbotics.org/rosetta-code/

Title: rosettacode.org › wiki › OpenGLOpenGL/Phix - Rosetta Code
Content: OpenGL/Phix. From Rosetta Code. < OpenGL. Jump to: navigation. , search. Older win32-only and OpenGL 1.0 
(ie not p2js compatible) versions of the OpenGL task. Adapted from the included demo\Arwen32dibdemo\shadepol.exw, 
draws the same thing as the image at the top of this page, but (as per the talk page) does not use openGL, just windows api ...
URL:     https://rosettacode.org/wiki/OpenGL/Phix

Title: raku.org › community › rosettacodeRaku on Rosetta Code
Content: Raku on Rosetta Code. Rosetta Code is a community site that presents solutions to programming tasks in many different languages. It is an excellent place to see how various languages approach the same task, as well as to get a feel for the style and fluent use of each language across a variety of domains.
URL:     https://raku.org/community/rosettacode/

Title: rosettacode.org › wiki › Fast_Fourier_transformFast Fourier transform - Rosetta Code
Content: Task. Calculate the FFT ( F ast F ourier T ransform) of an input sequence. The most general case allows for complex numbers at the input and results in a sequence of equal length, again of complex numbers. If you need to restrict yourself to real numbers, the output should be the magnitude (i.e.: sqrt (re 2 + im 2 )) of the complex result.
URL:     https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Fast_Fourier_transform

Title: simple.wikipedia.org › wiki › Rosetta_CodeRosetta Code - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   
Content: Website. Rosetta Code was created in 2007 by Michael Mol. The site's content is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2, though some components may have two licenses under less strict terms.
URL:     https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code


This example is incorrect. It does not accomplish the given task. Please fix the code and remove this message.

This is based on the C# entry but uses a regular expression based on what appears to be the Yahoo! format as at the date of this entry (4 December 2017).

// version 1.2.0

import java.net.URL

val rx = Regex("""<div class=\"yst result\">.+?<a href=\"(.*?)\" class=\"\">(.*?)</a>.+?class="abstract ellipsis">(.*?)</p>""")

class YahooResult(var title: String, var link: String, var text: String) {

    override fun toString() = "\nTitle: $title\nLink : $link\nText : $text"

class YahooSearch(val query: String, val page: Int = 0) {

    private val content: String

    init {
        val yahoo = "http://search.yahoo.com/search?"
        val url = URL("${yahoo}p=$query&b=${page * 10 + 1}")
        content = url.readText()

    val results: MutableList<YahooResult>
        get() {
            val list = mutableListOf<YahooResult>()
            for (mr in rx.findAll(content)) {
               val title = mr.groups[2]!!.value.replace("<b>", "").replace("</b>", "")
               val link  = mr.groups[1]!!.value
               val text  = mr.groups[3]!!.value.replace("<b>", "").replace("</b>", "")
               list.add (YahooResult(title, link, text))
            return list

    fun nextPage() = YahooSearch(query, page + 1)

    fun getPage(newPage: Int) = YahooSearch(query, newPage)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    for (page in 0..1) {
        val x = YahooSearch("rosettacode", page)
        println("\nPAGE ${page + 1} =>")
        for (result in x.results.take(3)) println(result)

Output (restricted to first three results on first two pages):

PAGE 1 =>

Title: Rosetta Code - Official Site
Link : http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code
Text : Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as ...

Title: Rosetta Code - Wikipedia
Link : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code
Text : Rosetta Code is a wiki-based programming chrestomathy website with implementations of common algorithms ...

Title: Rosetta Code (@rosettacode) | Twitter
Link : https://twitter.com/rosettacode
Text : The latest Tweets from Rosetta Code (@rosettacode). Twitter account for http://t.co/DuRZFWDfRn. The ...

PAGE 2 =>

Title: Rosetta Code Blog
Link : http://blog.rosettacode.org/
Text : As I noted, there was an expectation of downtime as the VPS hostRosetta Code sits on moved from one data ...

Title: Rosetta Code - Wikipedia
Link : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Paddy3118/Rosetta_Code
Text : Rosetta Code is a wiki-based programming chrestomathy website with implementations of common algorithms ...

Title: Rosetta Code and ABAP | SAP Blogs
Link : https://blogs.sap.com/2015/03/27/rosetta-code-and-abap/
Text : Last week Christian Drumm (@ceedee666) and Fred Verheul (@fredverheul) had a short conversation on ...

Mathematica /Wolfram Language

We cannot define a class in Mathematica, so I generate a "Manipulate" object instead.

      "http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=" <> query <> "&b=" <> 
       ToString@page], "<ol" ~~ ___ ~~ "</ol>"], 
    "<a" ~~ Shortest[__] ~~ "class=\"yschttl spt\" href=\"" ~~ 
      Shortest[url__] ~~ "\"" ~~ Shortest[__] ~~ ">" ~~ 
      Shortest[title__] ~~ 
      "<div class=\"abstr\">" | "<div class=\"sm-abs\">" ~~ 
      Shortest[abstr__] ~~ "</div>" :> 
     Column[{Hyperlink[Style[#[[1]], Larger], #[[2]]], #[[3]], 
         Style[#[[2]], Smaller]} &@
       StringReplace[{title, url, 
         abstr}, {"<" ~~ Shortest[__] ~~ ">" -> "", 
         "&#" ~~ n : DigitCharacter ... ~~ ";" :> 
          FromCharacterCode[FromDigits@n], "&amp;" -> "&", 
         "&quot;" -> "\"", "&lt;" -> "<", "&gt;" -> ">"}]]], 1], 
  Spacings -> 2], {{input, "", "Yahoo!"}, 
  InputField[Dynamic@input, String] &}, {{query, ""}, 
  ControlType -> None}, {{page, 1}, ControlType -> None}, 
 Row[{Button["Search", page = 1; query = input], 
   Button["Prev", page -= 10, Enabled -> Dynamic[page >= 10]], 
   Button["Next", page += 10]}]]


import httpclient, strutils, htmlparser, xmltree, strtabs
  PageSize = 7
  YahooURLPattern = "https://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=opensearch&b=$$#&pz=$#&p=".format(PageSize)
  SearchResult = ref object
    url, title, content: string
  SearchInterface = ref object
    client: HttpClient
    urlPattern: string
    page: int
    results: array[PageSize+2, SearchResult]
proc newSearchInterface(question: string): SearchInterface =
  new result
  result.client = newHttpClient()
#  result.client = newHttpClient(proxy = newProxy(
#      "http://localhost:40001")) # only http_proxy supported
  result.urlPattern = YahooURLPattern&question
proc search(si: SearchInterface) =
  let html = parseHtml(si.client.getContent(si.urlPattern.format(
    i: int
    attrs: XmlAttributes
  for d in html.findAll("div"):
    attrs = d.attrs
    if attrs != nil and attrs.getOrDefault("class").startsWith("dd algo algo-sr relsrch"):
      let d_inner = d.child("div")
      for a in d_inner.findAll("a"):
        attrs = a.attrs
        if attrs != nil and attrs.getOrDefault("class") == " ac-algo fz-l ac-21th lh-24":
          si.results[i] = SearchResult(url: attrs["href"], title: a.innerText,
              content: d.findAll("p")[0].innerText)
  while i < len(si.results) and si.results[i] != nil:
    si.results[i] = nil
proc nextPage(si: SearchInterface) =

proc echoResult(si: SearchInterface) =
  for res in si.results:
    if res == nil:

var searchInf = newSearchInterface("weather")
echo("searching for next page...")
(url: "https://weather.com/", title: "National and Local Weather Radar, Daily Forecast, Hurricane ...", content: "The Weather Channel and weather.com provide a national and local weather forecast for cities, as well as weather radar, report and hurricane coverage ")
(url: "https://weather.com/weather/tenday/l/California+MO?canonicalCityId=d58964aa4d5c9ba2a8e76fe9175052ef5d1ed9ee98eb5514e2b58d67722f7e0e", title: "California, MO 10-Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Channel ...", content: "Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for California, MO with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Weather.com ")
(url: "https://www.accuweather.com/", title: "Local, National, & Global Daily Weather Forecast | AccuWeather", content: "AccuWeather has local and international weather forecasts from the most accurate weather forecasting technology featuring up to the minute weather reports ")
(url: "https://www.weather.gov/", title: "National Weather Service", content: "Surface Weather Upper Air Marine and Buoy Reports Snow Cover Satellite Space Weather International Observations. FORECAST Local Forecast International Forecasts Severe Weather Current Outlook Maps Drought Fire Weather Fronts/Precipitation Maps Current Graphical Forecast Maps Rivers Marine Offshore and High Seas Hurricanes Aviation Weather ")
(url: "https://www.wunderground.com/", title: "Local Weather Forecast, News and Conditions | Weather Underground", content: "Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weather reports, maps & tropical weather conditions for locations worldwide ")
(url: "https://graphical.weather.gov/sectors/missouri.php", title: "NOAA Graphical Forecast for Missouri - National Weather Service", content: "National Weather Service 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Page Author: NWS Internet Services Team: Disclaimer Information Quality Credits ... ")
(url: "https://www.weatherbug.com/weather-forecast/now/macon-mo-63552", title: "Macon, Missouri | Current Weather Forecasts, Live Radar Maps ...", content: "For more than 20 years Earth Networks has operated the world’s largest and most comprehensive weather observation, lightning detection, and climate networks. We are now leveraging our big data smarts to deliver on the promise of IoT. ")
(url: "https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/lakeview-heights-mo/65338/weather-forecast/2107359", title: "Lakeview Heights, MO Today, Tonight & Tomorrow\'s Weather ...", content: "Get the forecast for today, tonight & tomorrow\'s weather for Lakeview Heights, MO. Hi/Low, RealFeel®, precip, radar, & everything you need to be ready for the day, commute, and weekend! ")
(url: "https://www.wunderground.com/forecast/us/az/tucson", title: "Tucson, AZ 10-Day Weather Forecast | Weather Underground", content: "Tucson Weather Forecasts. Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weatherreports, maps & tropical weather conditions for the Tucson area. ")
searching for next page...
(url: "https://forecast.weather.gov/", title: "National Weather Service", content: "NOAA National Weather Service National Weather Service. Widespread Heat This Week; Monsoon Rain Lingers. Widespread heat concerns are expected through at least midweek as high pressure covers a large portion of the U.S., especially the Central half. ")
(url: "https://weather.com/weather/tenday/l/Port+Huron+MI?canonicalCityId=772884de37d69a70824031f9ab1202b956e665bdf14a6ffd3257184d64d33351", title: "Port Huron, MI 10-Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Channel ...", content: "Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Port Huron, MI with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Weather.com ")
(url: "https://www.weather.gov/sgx/", title: "San Diego, CA - National Weather Service", content: "Jul 17, 2021 ·  NOAA National Weather Service San Diego, CA. Seasonable temperatures will be felt tonight with low cloudiness along the coast and into the valleys with a mostly clear sky inland. ")
(url: "https://www.weatherbug.com/weather-forecast/now/houston-tx-77007", title: "Houston, Texas | Current Weather Forecasts, Live Radar Maps ...", content: "For more than 20 years Earth Networks has operated the world’s largest and most comprehensive weather observation, lightning detection, and climate networks. We are now leveraging our big data smarts to deliver on the promise of IoT. ")
(url: "https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather", title: "MSN", content: "Sunny. There will be mostly sunny skies. The high will be 103°. Feels Like. 65°. Air Quality. Moderate air ( 51 - 100) Primary pollutant PM2.5 11 μg/m³. 52. ")
(url: "https://www.noaa.gov/weather", title: "Weather | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration", content: "Jun 04, 2021 ·  Weather, water and climate events, cause an average of approximately 650 deaths and $15 billion in damage per year and are responsible for some 90 percent of all presidentially-declared disasters. About one-third of the U.S. economy – some $3 trillion – is sensitive to weather and climate. ")
(url: "https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/weather/", title: "NBC10 Philadelphia – Philadelphia News, Local News, Weather ...", content: "Weather stories. severe weather 3 mins ago ‘Destructive Damage\' to Be Added to National Weather Service Cell Phone Alerts weather 5 hours ago Today\'s NBC10 First Alert Forecast ... ")


Library: OzHttpClient

Instead of a class the implementation defines a function which returns a lazy list of result pages. This also makes it possible to request e.g. the first and the third page without any resources wasted on an unneeded second page.

We implement some simple parsing with logic programming. Regular expressions in Oz don't seem to support lazy quantification which makes parsing the result pages with them difficult.

  [HTTPClient] = {Module.link ['x-ozlib://mesaros/net/HTTPClient.ozf']}
  [StringX] = {Module.link ['x-oz://system/String.ozf']}
  [Regex] = {Module.link ['x-oz://contrib/regex']}

  %% Displays page 1 and 3 of the search results.
  %% The user can request and display more with context menu->Actions->Make Needed.
  proc {ExampleUsage}    
     Pages = {YahooSearch "Rosetta code"}
     {Inspector.configure widgetShowStrings true}
     {ForAll {Nth Pages 1} Value.makeNeeded}
     {ForAll {Nth Pages 3} Value.makeNeeded}
     %% Display the infinite list of search result pages.
     {Inspect Pages}

  %% Returns a lazy list of pages.
  %% A page is a lazy list of entries like this: result(url:U title:T content:C).
  fun {YahooSearch Query}
     FetchURL = {CreateURLFetcher}
     fun {Page Nr}
	StartResult = (Nr-1)*10+1
	%% only retrieve it when really needed
	Doc = {Value.byNeed fun {$}
			       {FetchURL "http://search.yahoo.com/search"
				["p"#Query "b"#{Int.toString StartResult}]}
	RE = "<a class=\"yschttl spt\" href="
	%% Lazily returns results.
	%% In this way it is possible to build the pages list structure
	%% without creating the single elements
	%% (e.g. retrieve page 1 and 3 but not 2).
	for Match in {Regex.allMatches RE Doc} yield:Yield do
	   Xs = {List.drop Doc Match.0.2}
	   {Yield {ParseEntry Xs}}	 
     for PageNr in 1;PageNr+1 yield:Yield do
	{Yield {Page PageNr}}

  fun {CreateURLFetcher}
     Client = {New HTTPClient.cgiGET
	       init(inPrms(toFile:false toStrm:true)
     %% close when no longer used
     {Finalize.register Client proc {$ C} {C closeAll(true)} end}

     fun {FetchURL Url Params}
	{Client getService(Url Params ?OutParams ?_)}

  %% Xs: String containing HtmL
  %% Result: "result(url:U title:T content:C)" or "parseError"
  fun {ParseEntry Xs}
     proc {Parse Root}
	R1 R2 R3 R4 R4 R5 R6 R7
	Url = {Fix {QuotedString Xs R1}}
	{Const ">" R1 R2}
	Title = {Fix {Until "</a>" R2 R3}}
	{Const "</h3></div>" R3 R4}
	   %% "enchanted" result?
	   {Const "<div class=\"sm-bd sm-nophoto\" id=\"sm-bd-4-1\">" R4 R5}
	   {Until "</div>" R5 R6 _}
	[] %% result with links into document
	   {Const "<div class=\"sm-bd sm-r\" id=\"sm-bd-8-1\">" R4 R5}
	   {Until "</ul></div>" R5 R6 _}
	[] %% PDF file
	   {Const "<div class=\"format\">" R4 R5}
	   {Until "</a></div>" R5 R6 _}
	[] %% With Review
	   {Const "<div class=\"sm-bd sm-r\" id=\"sm-bd-9-1\">" R4 R5}
	   R6 = nil %% no nice abstract when a review is there
	[] %% normal result
	   R6 = R4
	Abstract = 
	   {Const "<div class=\"abstr\">" R6 R7}
	   {Fix {Until "</div>" R7 _}}
	[] {Const "<div class=\"sm-abs\">" R6 R7}
	   {Fix {Until "</div>" R7 _}}
	[] ""
	Root = result(url:Url title:Title content:Abstract)
     {CondSelect {SearchOne Parse} 1 parseError}

  %% Result: contents of Xs until M is found.
  %% Xs = {Append M Yr}
  fun {Until M Xs ?Yr}
     L R
     {List.takeDrop Xs {Length M} L R}
     if L == M then Yr = R nil
     elsecase Xs of X|Xr then X|{Until M Xr Yr}
     [] nil then Yr = nil nil

  %% Asserts that Xs starts with C. Returns the remainder in Ys.
  proc {Const C Xs ?Ys}
     {List.takeDrop Xs {Length C} C Ys}

  %% Assert that a quoted string follows.
  %% Returns the unquoted string and binds Ys to the remainder of Xs.
  fun {QuotedString &"|Xs ?Ys}
     fun {Loop Xs Ys}
	case Xs of &\\|&"|Xr then  &\\|&"|{Loop Xr Ys}
	[] &"|Xr then Ys = Xr nil
	[] X|Xr then X|{Loop Xr Ys}
     {Loop Xs Ys}

  %% Remove formatting tags.
  fun {Fix Xs}
     {Until "</a></h3>"
      {FoldL ["<b>" "</b>" "<wbr />" "<wbr>" "<b>...</b>"]
       fun {$ Ys Z}
	  {StringX.replace Ys Z ""}


package YahooSearch;

use Encode;
use HTTP::Cookies;  
use WWW::Mechanize;

# --- Internals -------------------------------------------------

sub apply (&$)
 {my $f = shift; local $_ = shift; $f->(); return $_;}

# We construct a cookie to get 100 results per page and prevent
# "enhanced results".
my $search_prefs = 'v=1&n=100&sm=' .
    apply {s/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/sprintf '%%%02X', ord $1/ge}
    join '|',
    map {'!' . $_}
    qw(hsb Zq0 XbM sss dDO VFM RQh uZ0 Fxe yCl GP4 FZK yNC mEG niH);
my $cookies = HTTP::Cookies->new;
$cookies->set_cookie(0, 'sB', $search_prefs, '/', 'search.yahoo.com');

my $mech = new WWW::Mechanize
   (cookie_jar => $cookies,
    stack_depth => 0);

sub read_page
 {my ($next, $page, @results) =
     ($mech->find_link(text => 'Next >')->url,
      decode 'iso-8859-1', $mech->content);
  while ($page =~ m
         {<h3> <a \s class="yschttl \s spt" \s
          href=" ([^"]+) " \s* >                #"
          (.+?) </a>
          <div \s class="abstr">
          (.+?) </div>}xg)
     {push @results, {url => $1, title => $2, content => $3};
      foreach ( @{$results[-1]}{qw(title content)} )
          $_ = encode 'utf8', $_;}}
  return $next, \@results;}

# --- Methods ---------------------------------------------------

sub new
 {my $invocant = shift;
  my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
  $mech->get('http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=' . apply
     {s/([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])/sprintf '%%%02X', ord $1/ge;
      s/ /+/g;}
  my ($next, $results) = read_page();
  return bless {link_to_next => $next, results => $results}, $class;}

sub results

sub next_page
 {my $invocant = shift;
  my $next = $invocant->{link_to_next};
  unless ($next)
     {$invocant->{results} = [];
      return undef;}
  ($next, my $results) = read_page();
  $invocant->{link_to_next} = $next;
  $invocant->{results} = $results;
  return 1;}


Library: Phix/libcurl

As noted elsewhere, Yahoo and other search sites will regularly change the output format, so don't be too shocked if this is once again broken. Last fixed 22/4/2022 (with previous left in as comments). The glyphs constants do not show up properly on rosettacode, so here they are in plain text, and I even had to edit that by hand:

constant glyphs = {{"\xC2\xB7 ","*"},                -- bullet point
                   {"&#39;",`'`},		     -- single quote
                   {"&quot;",`"`},		     -- double quote
                   {"&amp;","&"},                    -- ampersand
                   {"\xE2\x94\xAC\xC2\xAB","[R]"},   -- registered
                   {"\xC2\xAE","[R]"}},              -- registered
-- demo\rosetta\Yahoo_search_interface.exw
-- =======================================
without js -- (libcurl)
include builtins\libcurl.e

constant glyphs = {{"\xC2\xB7 ","*"},                -- bullet point
                   {"'",`'`},					 -- single quote
                   {""",`"`},					 -- double quote
                   {"&","&"},                    -- ampersand
                   {"\xE2\x94\xAC\xC2\xAB","[R]"},   -- registered
                   {"\xC2\xAE","[R]"}},              -- registered
         {gutf8,gascii} = columnize(glyphs),
         tags = {{`<a `,`</a>`},
                 {`<span class=" fc-2nd">`,`</span>`}}

function grab(string txt, opener, closer, integer tdx, bool crop)
    integer openidx = match(opener,txt,tdx)
    if openidx=0 then return {0,""} end if
    integer closeidx = match(closer,txt,openidx)
    txt = txt[openidx+length(opener)..closeidx-1]
    tdx = 1
    while tdx<=length(tags) do
        {opener,closer} = tags[tdx]
        integer i = match(opener,txt)
        if i=0 then
            tdx += 1
            if opener[$]='>' then
                txt[i..i+length(opener)-1] = ""
                txt[i..find('>',txt,i)] = ""
            end if
            i = match(closer,txt,i)
            txt[i..i+length(closer)-1] = ""
        end if
    end while
    txt = substitute_all(txt,gutf8,gascii)
    if crop and length(txt)>80 then txt[78..$] = ".." end if
    return {closeidx+length(closer),txt}
end function

procedure YahooSearch(string query, integer page=1)
    printf(1,"Page %d:\n=======\n",page)
    string url = sprintf("https://search.yahoo.com/search?p=%s&b=%d", {query, (page-1)*10+1})
    object res = curl_easy_perform_ex(url)
    if not string(res) then
        ?{"some error",res,curl_easy_strerror(res)}
    end if
    integer rdx = 1
    string title, link, desc
    while true do
--      {rdx,title} = grab(res,`<h3 class="title ov-h">`,`</h3>`,rdx)
--      {rdx,title} = grab(res,`<span class=" d-ib p-abs t-0 l-0 fz-14 lh-20 fc-obsidian wr-bw ls-n pb-4">`,`</span>`,rdx)
        {rdx,title} = grab(res,`<h3 style="display:block;margin-top:24px;margin-bottom:2px;" class="title">`,`</h3>`,rdx,false)
        if rdx=0 then exit end if
--      {rdx,title} = grab(res,`</span>`,`</a>`,rdx)
--      title = title[rmatch(`</span>`,title)+7..rmatch(`<\a>`,title)]
        title = title[rmatch(`</span>`,title)+7..$]
--      {rdx,link} = grab(res,`<span class=" fz-ms fw-m fc-12th wr-bw lh-17">`,`</span>`,rdx)
        {rdx,link} = grab(res,`<span>`,`</span>`,rdx,true)
--      {rdx,desc} = grab(res,`<p class="fz-ms lh-1_43x">`,`</p>`,rdx)
        {rdx,desc} = grab(res,`<span class=" fc-falcon">`,`</span>`,rdx,true)
    end while
end procedure


{} = wait_key()
Page 1:
title:Rosetta Code
desc:Jan 29, 2016 * Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is t..

title:Rosetta Code - Wikipedia
desc:Rosetta Code is a wiki -based programming website with implementations of com..

title:@rosettacode | Twitter
desc:The latest tweets from @rosettacode

title:Rosetta Code - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
desc:Rosetta Code is a wiki-based website that features ways to solve various prog..


Page 2:
title:Category:Guile - Rosetta Code
desc:May 30, 2020 * Listed below are all of the tasks on Rosetta Code which have b..

title:Rosetta Code - c2.com
desc:Rosetta Code is a repository for code examples that go beyond the traditional..


title:Rosetta Stone | Discovery, History, & Facts | Britannica
desc:Rosetta Stone, ancient Egyptian stone bearing inscriptions in several languag..


(load "@lib/http.l")

(de yahoo (Query Page)
   (default Page 1)
   (client "search.yahoo.com" 80
         "search?p=" (ht:Fmt Query)
         "&b=" (inc (* 10 (dec Page))) )
         (while (from "<a class=\"yschttl spt\" href=\"")
                  (link (till "\"" T))       # Url
                  (from "<b>")
                  (link (till "<" T))        # Title
                  (from "class=\"abstr\"")
                  (from ">")
                  (link                      # Content
                              (link (till "<" T))
                              (T (eof))
                              (T (= "</div" (till ">" T)))
                              (char) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )


: (more (yahoo "test"))
("http://www.test.com/" "Test" "Offers practice online tests for many ...
("http://www.test.com/aboutus.htm" "Test" "Test.com has a successful ...
("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test" "Test" "YUI Test is a testing ...
("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-test" "test " "test n. A procedure for ...


import urllib
import re

def fix(x):
    p = re.compile(r'<[^<]*?>')
    return p.sub('', x).replace('&amp;', '&')
class YahooSearch:
    def __init__(self, query, page=1):       
        self.query = query
        self.page = page
        self.url = "http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=%s&b=%s" %(self.query, ((self.page - 1) * 10 + 1))
        self.content = urllib.urlopen(self.url).read()        
    def getresults(self):
        self.results = []
        for i in re.findall('<a class="yschttl spt" href=".+?">(.+?)</a></h3></div>(.+?)</div>.*?<span class=url>(.+?)</span>', self.content):
            title = fix(i[0])
            content = fix(i[1])
            url = fix(i[2])
            self.results.append(YahooResult(title, content, url))
        return self.results
    def getnextpage(self):
        return YahooSearch(self.query, self.page+1)
    search_results = property(fget=getresults)
    nextpage = property(fget=getnextpage)
class YahooResult:
    def __init__(self,title,content,url):
        self.title = title
        self.content = content
        self.url = url
# Usage:
x = YahooSearch("test")
for result in x.search_results:
    print result.title


Library: RCurl
Library: XML

Rather than using regexes to find the content (like some of the other solutions here) this method parses the HTML and finds the appropriate sections.

YahooSearch <- function(query, page=1, .opts=list(), ignoreMarkUpErrors=TRUE)
   if(!require(RCurl) || !require(XML))
      stop("Could not load required packages")
   # Replace " " with "%20", etc
   query <- curlEscape(query)
   # Retrieve page
   b <- 10*(page-1)+1
   theurl <- paste("http://uk.search.yahoo.com/search?p=",
      query, "&b=", b, sep="")
   webpage <- getURL(theurl, .opts=.opts)
   # Save search for nextpage function
   .Search <- list(query=query, page=page, .opts=.opts, 
   assign(".Search", .Search, envir=globalenv())
   # Parse HTML; retrieve results block
   webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(webpage)); close(tc)
      pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){})     
   } else
      pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage)
   findbyattr <- function(x, id, type="id")
      ids <- sapply(x, function(x) x$attributes[type])
   body <- pagetree$children$html$children$body
   bd <- findbyattr(body$children$div$children, "bd")
   left <- findbyattr(bd$div$children$div$children, "left")
   web <- findbyattr(left$div$children$div$children, "web") 
   resol <- web$div$children$ol
   #Get url, title, content from results
   gettextfromnode <- function(x)
      un <- unlist(x$children)  
      paste(un[grep("value", names(un))], collapse=" ") 
   n <- length(resol)
   results <- list()
   length(results) <- n
   for(i in 1:n)
      mainlink <- resol[[i]]$children$div$children[1]$div$children$h3$children$a
      url <- mainlink$attributes["href"]
      title <- gettextfromnode(mainlink)
      contenttext <- findbyattr(resol[[i]]$children$div$children[2], "abstr", type="class")      
          contenttext <- findbyattr(resol[[i]]$children$div$children[2]$div$children$div$children, 
            "sm-abs", type="class")
      content <- gettextfromnode(contenttext$div)        
      results[[i]] <- list(url=url, title=title, content=content)                                                        
   names(results) <- as.character(seq(b, b+n-1)) 

nextpage <- function()
   if(exists(".Search", envir=globalenv())) 
      .Search <- get(".Search", envir=globalenv())   
      .Search$page  <- .Search$page + 1L
      do.call(YahooSearch, .Search)
   } else
      message("No search has been performed yet")

YahooSearch("rosetta code")


#lang racket
(require net/url)
(define *yaho-url* "http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=~a&b=~a")
(define *current-page* 0)
(define *current-query* "")
(define request (compose port->string get-pure-port string->url))

;;strip html tags
(define (remove-tags text)
  (regexp-replace* #px"<[^<]+?>" text ""))

;;search, parse and print
(define (search-yahoo query)
  (unless (string=? *current-query* query) ;different query, go back to page 1
    (set! *current-query* query)
    (set! *current-page* 0))
  (let* ([current-page (number->string (add1 (* 10 *current-page*)))]
         [html (request (format *yaho-url* query current-page))]
         [results (regexp-match* #px"lass=\"yschttl spt\" href=\".+?\">(.+?)<span class=url>(.+?)</span>.+?<div class=\"abstr\">(.+?)</div>" html #:match-select cdr)])
    (for ([result (in-list results)])
      (printf "Title: ~a \n Link: ~a \n Text: ~a \n\n" 
              (remove-tags (first result)) 
              (remove-tags (second result) )
              (remove-tags (third result))))))

;;search nexxt page
(define (next-page)
  (set! *current-page* (add1 *current-page*))
  (search-yahoo *current-query*))
  1. REPL:
(search-yahoo "Rosetta")
Title: Partner With Our Interactive Marketing Agency Today | Rosetta 
 Link: www.rosetta.com 
 Text: Learn about the fastest growing interactive marketing agency in the country - Rosetta. Our strategic marketing planning is custom built and connects you with your ... 

Title: Official Rosetta Stone® - Language Learning - Learn a Language 
 Link: www.rosettastone.com 
 Text: Learn a new language with Rosetta Stone®. SUMMER SALE! $349 Levels 1-5 Set + Free Shipping. Ending Soon! 

Title: Rosetta (spacecraft) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Link: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_probe 
 Text: noun 1. a town in N Egypt, at a mouth of the Nile. 2. a female given name . Relevant Questions Why Was The Rosetta Ston... Who Is Rosetta Stone? Why Is The Rosetta ... 

Title: Rosetta stone: Definition from Answers.com 
 Link: www.answers.com/topic/rosetta-stone 
 Text: Rosetta stone n. A basalt tablet bearing inscriptions in Greek and in Egyptian hieroglyphic and demotic scripts that w 

Title: Rosetta (1999) - IMDb 
 Link: www.imdb.com/title/tt0200071 
 Text: The first scene, like almost all others, is a fighting scene. A girl, about 18, is sacked from her factory work because her trial period is over. The girl, Rosetta ... 

Title: Welcome to Rosetta Stone® Classroom 
 Link: salem-keizersd.rosettastoneclassroom.com 
 Text: Welcome to Rosetta Stone® Classroom. First Time Users; © 2013 Rosetta Stone Ltd. All rights reserved. 

Title: Rosetta Hardscapes 
 Link: www.discoverrosetta.com/index.html 
 Text: Rosetta Hardscapes sells and licenses concrete pavers, fire pits, retaining walls and landscaping features with the colors and textures of natural stone. 

Title: Rosetta Stone 
 Link: www.rosettastone.com/?prid=rosettaclassroom_com 
 Text: Find great prices & selection on Rosetta Stone language software for Windows & Mac; shop & buy titles to learn Spanish, French, & more. 

Title: rosetta stone spanish | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion ... 
 Link: www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=rosetta+stone+spanish 
 Text: Find great deals on eBay for rosetta stone spanish and rosetta stone spanish latin america. Shop with confidence. 

Title: Apple - Rosetta 
 Link: www.apple.com/asia/rosetta 
 Text: Applications bearing the Universal symbol will run natively on both Intel- and PowerPC-based Mac computers. What about the applications you already own? Enter Rosetta. 

Title: Rosetta | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos 
 Link: www.myspace.com/rosetta 
 Text: The International Rosetta Mission was approved in ... Lutetia is revealed by a comprehensive analysis of the data gathered by ESA's Rosetta spacecraft when it ... 

Title: Amazon.com: rosetta stone 
 Link: www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&page=1&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Arosetta... 
 Text: Rosetta Stone Spanish (Latin America) Level 1 by Rosetta Stone (CD-ROM - Sept. 14, 2010) - Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, Windows 7 / 8 / XP. Buy new: $179.00 . 

Title: Rosetta - Disney Wiki 
 Link: disney.wikia.com/wiki/Rosetta 
 Text: Rosetta: Yea, no, I don't really do mud.Vidia: But, you're a garden fairy!Rosetta: Ironic, isn't... 

Title: Rosetta - Hamilton, NJ - Company | Facebook 
 Link: www.facebook.com/rosetta 
 Text: Rosetta, Hamilton, NJ. 2,060 likes · 36 talking about this · 135 were here. We are currently ranked by Ad Age among the top US digital agencies and recently named ... 

Title: Rosetta Stone (Game) - CNET Download.com 
 Link: download.cnet.com/Rosetta-Stone/3000-2111_4-10835868.html 
 Text: Whether your are playing Greek number mode or Egyptian letter mode, the number one rule to keep in mind is keeping the scales balanced but its not that ... 


(formerly Perl 6)

Library: Gumbo
Library: LWP-Simple
Library: exemel


use Gumbo;
use LWP::Simple;
use XML::Text;

class YahooSearch {
  has $!dom;

  submethod BUILD (:$!dom) { }

  method new($term) {
      dom => parse-html(
        LWP::Simple.get("http://search.yahoo.com/search?p={ $term }")

  method next {
    $!dom = parse-html(
        $!dom.lookfor( TAG => 'a', class => 'next' ).head.attribs<href> 

  method text ($node) {
    return ''         unless $node;
    return $node.text if     $node ~~ XML::Text;

    $node.nodes.map({ self.text($_).trim }).join(' ');

  method results {
    state $n = 0;
    for $!dom.lookfor( TAG => 'h3', class => 'title') {
      given .lookfor( TAG => 'a' )[0] {
        next unless $_;                                               # No Link
        next if .attribs<href> ~~ / ^ 'https://r.search.yahoo.com' /; # Ad
        say "=== #{ ++$n } ===";
        say "Title: { .contents[0] ?? self.text( .contents[0] ) !! '' }";
        say "  URL: { .attribs<href> }";

        my $pt = .parent.parent.parent.elements( TAG => 'div' ).tail;
        say " Text: { self.text($pt) }";


sub MAIN (Str $search-term) is export {

And the invocation script is simply:


   use YahooSearch; 


   raku yahoo-search.raku test 

Should give out something like the following:

=== #1 ===
  URL: https://www.speedtest.net/
 Text: At Ookla, we are committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities can access all of the content at www.speedtest.net. We also strive to make all content in Speedtest apps accessible. If you are having trouble accessing www.speedtest.net or Speedtest apps, please email legal@ziffdavis.com for assistance. Please put "ADA Inquiry" in the ...
=== #2 ===
Title: Test | Definition of Test by Merriam-Webster
  URL: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/test
 Text: Test definition is - a means of testing: such as. How to use test in a sentence.
=== #3 ===
Title: - Video Results
  URL: https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?p=test
 Text: More Test videos

...and should go up to result #21!


This example is in need of improvement:

Should not call URI.escape, because it fails to encode = signs and some other characters that might appear in the term. See URL encoding#Ruby.


Library: RubyGems
Library: Hpricot

to parse the HTML. Someone more skillful than I at XPath or CSS could tighten up the parse_html method.

require 'open-uri'
require 'hpricot'

SearchResult = Struct.new(:url, :title, :content)

class SearchYahoo
  @@urlinfo = [nil, 'ca.search.yahoo.com', 80, '/search', nil, nil]

  def initialize(term)
    @term = term
    @page = 1
    @results = nil
    @url = URI::HTTP.build(@@urlinfo)

  def next_result
    if not @results
      @results = []
    elsif @results.empty?

  def fetch_results
    @url.query = URI.escape("p=%s&b=%d" % [@term, @page])
    doc = open(@url) { |f| Hpricot(f) }  

  def next_page
    @page += 10

  def parse_html(doc)
    doc.search("div#main").search("div").each do |div|
      next unless div.has_attribute?("class") and div.get_attribute("class").index("res") == 0
      result = SearchResult.new
      div.search("a").each do |link|
        next unless link.has_attribute?("class") and link.get_attribute("class") == "yschttl spt"
        result.url = link.get_attribute("href")
        result.title = link.inner_text
      div.search("div").each do |abstract|
        next unless abstract.has_attribute?("class") and abstract.get_attribute("class").index("abstr")
        result.content = abstract.inner_text
      @results << result

s = SearchYahoo.new("test")
15.times do |i|
  result = s.next_result
  puts i+1
  puts result.title
  puts result.url
  puts result.content


' send this from the server to the clients browser
html "<table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=wheat>"
html "<tr><td align=center colspan=2>Yahoo Search</td></tr>"
html "<tr><td align=right>Find</td><td>"
     textbox #find,findThis$,30

html "</td></tr><tr><td align=right>Page</td><td>"
     textbox #page,findPage$,2

html "</td></tr><tr><td align=center colspan=2>"
     button #s, "Search", [search]
html "        "
     button #ex, "Exit", [exit]

html "</td><td></td></tr></table>"

' get search stuff from the clients browser
findThis$  = trim$(#find contents$())
findPage$  = trim$(#page contents$())
findPage   = max(val(findPage$),1)           ' must be at least 1

' sho page but keep user interface at the top by not clearing the page (cls)
'  so they can change the search or page
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
url$ = "http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=";findThis$;"&b=";((findPage - 1) * 10) + 1
html httpget$(url$)

cls                   ' clear browser screen and get outta here

This user input sits at the top of the yahoo page so they can select a new search or page


Translation of: Python
package require http

proc fix s {
    string map {<b>...</b> "" <b> "" </b> "" <wbr> "" "<wbr />" ""} \
            [regsub "</a></h3></div>.*" $s ""]
proc YahooSearch {term {page 1}} {
    # Build the (ugly) scraper URL
    append re {<a class="yschttl spt" href=".+?" >(.+?)</a></h3>}
    append re {</div><div class="abstr">(.+?)}
    append re {</div><span class=url>(.+?)</span>}

    # Perform the query; note that this handles special characters
    # in the query term correctly
    set q [http::formatQuery p $term b [expr {$page*10-9}]]
    set token [http::geturl http://search.yahoo.com/search?$q]
    set data [http::data $token]
    http::cleanup $token

    # Assemble the results into a nice list
    set results {}
    foreach {- title content url} [regexp -all -inline $re $data] {
        lappend results [fix $title] [fix $content] [fix $url]

    # set up the call for the next page
    interp alias {} Nextpage {} YahooSearch $term [incr page]

    return $results

# Usage:  get the first two pages of results
foreach {title content url} [YahooSearch "test"] {
    puts $title
foreach {title content url} [Nextpage] {
     puts $title
Works with: Tcl version 8.6

With Tcl 8.6, more options are available for managing the global state, through objects and coroutines. First, an object-based solution that takes the basic YahooSearch functionality and dresses it up to be more Tcl-like:

package require Tcl 8.6

oo::class create WebSearcher {
    variable page term results
    constructor searchTerm {
        set page 0
        set term $searchTerm
        my nextPage
    # This next method *is* a very Tcl-ish way of doing iteration.
    method for {titleVar contentsVar urlVar body} {
        upvar 1 $titleVar t $contentsVar c $urlVar v
        foreach {t c v} $results {
            uplevel 1 $body
    # Reuse the previous code for simplicity rather than writing it anew
    # Of course, if we were serious about this, we'd put the code here properly
    method nextPage {} {
        set results [YahooSearch $term [incr page]]

# How to use. Note the 'foreach' method use below; new "keywords" as methods!
set ytest [WebSearcher new "test"]
$ytest for title - url {
    puts "\"$title\" : $url"
$ytest nextPage
$ytest for title - url {
    puts "\"$title\" : $url"
$ytest delete ;# standard method that deletes the object

However, the paradigm of an iterator is also interesting and is more appropriately supported through a coroutine. This version conceals the fact that the service produces output in pages; care should be taken with it because it can produce rather a lot of network traffic...

package require Tcl 8.6

proc yahoo! term {
    coroutine yahoo![incr ::yahoo] apply {term {
        yield [info coroutine]
        while 1 {
            set results [YahooSearch $term [incr step]]
            if {[llength $results] == 0} {
                return -code break
            foreach {t c u} $results {
                yield [dict create title $t content $c url $u]
    }} $term

# test by getting first fifty titles...
set it [yahoo! "test"]
for {set i 50} {$i>0} {incr i -1} {
    puts [dict get [$it] title]
    after 300  ;# Slow the code down... :-)

Another approach: uses a class as specified in the task. Also, uses an html parser from tcllib (parsing html with regular expressions is a particular annoyance of mine).

Works with: Tcl version 8.6
Library: Tcllib (Package: htmlparse)
Library: Tcllib (Package: textutil::adjust)
package require Tcl 8.6
package require http
package require htmlparse
package require textutil::adjust

oo::class create yahoosearch {
    method search {s} {
        my variable searchterm page baseurl
        set searchterm $s
        set page 1
        set baseurl {http://ca.search.yahoo.com/search}

    method getresults {} {
        my variable state results current_data
        set results [list]
        set current_data [dict create]
        set state looking_for_results
        htmlparse::parse -cmd [list [self] html_parser_callback] [my gethtml]

    method nextpage {} {
        my variable page
        incr page 10
        my getresults
    method nextresult {} {
        my variable results page
        if { ! [info exists results]} {
            my getresults
        } elseif {[llength $results] == 0} {
            my nextpage
        set results [lassign $results result]
        return $result

    method gethtml {} {
        my variable searchterm page baseurl
        set url [format {%s?%s} $baseurl [::http::formatQuery p $searchterm b $page]]
        set response [http::geturl $url]
        set html [http::data $response]
        http::cleanup $response
        return $html

    method html_parser_callback {tag slash param textBehindTheTag} {
        my variable state results current_data
        switch -exact -- $state {
            looking_for_results {
                if {$tag eq "div" && [string first {id="main"} $param] != -1} {
                    set state ready
            ready {
                if {($tag eq "div" && [string first {class="res} $param] != -1) ||
                    ($tag eq "html" && $slash eq "/")
                } { #" -- unbalanced quote disturbs syntax highlighting
                    if {[dict size $current_data] > 0} {lappend results $current_data}
                    set current_data [dict create]
                    set state getting_url
            getting_url {
                if {$tag eq "a" && [string match "*yschttl spt*" $param]} {
                    if {[regexp {href="(.+?)"} $param - url]} {
                        dict set current_data url $url
                    } else {
                        dict set current_data url "no href in tag params: '$param'"
                    dict set current_data title $textBehindTheTag
                    set state getting_title
            getting_title {
                if {$tag eq "a" && $slash eq "/"} {
                    set state looking_for_abstract
                } else {
                    dict append current_data title $textBehindTheTag
            looking_for_abstract {
                if {$tag eq "span" && [string first {class="url} $param] != -1} {
                    set state ready
                } elseif {$tag eq "div" && [string first {class="abstr} $param] != -1} {
                    dict set current_data abstract $textBehindTheTag
                    set state getting_abstract
            getting_abstract {
                if {$tag eq "div" && $slash eq "/"} {
                    set state ready
                } else {
                    dict append current_data abstract $textBehindTheTag

yahoosearch create searcher
searcher search "search text here"

for {set x 1} {$x <= 15} {incr x} {
    set result [searcher nextresult]
    dict with result {
        puts $title
        puts $url
        puts [textutil::adjust::indent [textutil::adjust::adjust $abstract] "  "]
        puts ""


The following gives us a shell utility which we can invoke with arguments like "rosetta 0" to get the first page of search results for "rosetta".

The two arguments are handled as if they were two lines of text from a data source using @(next :args). We throw an exception if there is no match (insufficient arguments are supplied). The @(cases) directive has strictly ordered evaluation, so the throw in the second branch does not happen if the first branch has a successful pattern match. If the similar @(maybe) or @(some) directives were used, this wouldn't work.

A little sprinkling of regex is used.

#!/usr/bin/txr -f
@(next :args)
@  (throw error "specify query and page# (from zero)")
@(next (open-command "!wget -O - http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=@QUERY\&b=@{PAGE}1 2> /dev/null"))
@  (coll)<a class="yschttl spt" href="@URL" @/[^>]+/>@TITLE</a>@(end)
@  (coll)<div class="@/abstr|sm-abs/">@ABSTR</div>@(end)
@  (repeat)
@  (end)

Sample run:

$ ./yahoosearch.txr rosetta 0
TITLE: <b>Rosetta</b> | Partner With Our Interactive <wbr />Marketing Agency Today
URL: http://www.rosetta.com/Pages/default.aspx
TEXT: Learn about the fastest growing interactive marketing agency in the country - <b>Rosetta</b>. Our strategic marketing planning is custom built and connects you with your ...
TITLE: Official <b>Rosetta</b> Stone® - Learn a <wbr />Language Online - Language ...
URL: http://www.rosettastone.com/
TEXT: <b>Rosetta</b> Stone is the world's #1 language-learning software. Our comprehensive foreign language program provides language learning for individuals and language learning ...
TITLE: <b>Rosetta</b> (software) - Wikipedia, the <wbr />free encyclopedia
URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_(software)
TEXT: Rosettais a lightweight dynamic translatorfor Mac OS Xdistributed by Apple. It enabled applications compiled for the PowerPCfamily of processors to run on Apple systems that use...
TITLE: <b>Rosetta</b> (spacecraft) - Wikipedia, the <wbr />free encyclopedia
URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_space_probe
TEXT: Rosettais a robotic spacecraftof the European Space Agencyon a mission to study the comet 67P/ChuryumovâGerasimenko. <b>Rosetta </b>consists of two main elements: the <b>Rosetta </b>space probeand...
TITLE: Apple - Mac
URL: http://www.apple.com/mac/
TEXT: Discover the world of Mac. Check out MacBook, iMac, iLife, and more. Download QuickTime, Safari, and widgets for free.
TITLE: <b>Rosetta</b> | Free Music, Tour Dates, <wbr />Photos, Videos
URL: http://www.myspace.com/rosetta
TEXT:  <b>Rosetta</b>'s official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
TITLE: <b>Rosetta</b>
URL: http://rosettaband.com/
TEXT: Metal for astronauts. Philadelphia, since 2003. Contact us at rosettaband@gmail.com Twitter | Facebook
TITLE: <b>Rosetta</b>
URL: http://rosetta.jpl.nasa.gov/
TEXT: The <b>Rosetta</b> spacecraft is on its way to catch and land a robot on a comet! <b>Rosetta</b> will reach comet '67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko' ('C-G') in 2014. The European Space Agency ...
TITLE: <b>Rosetta</b> : Multi-script Typography
URL: http://rosettatype.com/
TEXT: <b>Rosetta</b> is a new independent foundry with a strong focus on multi-script typography. We are committed to promote research and knowledge in that area and to support ...
TITLE: <b>Rosetta</b> (1999) - IMDb
URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0200071/
TEXT: With Ãmilie Dequenne, Fabrizio Rongione, Anne Yernaux, Olivier Gourmet. Young and impulsive <b>Rosetta</b> lives with her alcoholic mother and, moved by despair, she will ...


Library: libwren
Library: libcurl
Library: Wren-pattern

An embedded program so we can use libcurl.

A somewhat ad hoc solution as the output format for Yahoo! search seems to change quite frequently. All I can say is that this worked on 5th January, 2022.

/* Yahoo_search_interface.wren */

import "./pattern" for Pattern

class YahooSearch {
    construct new(url, title, desc) {
        _url = url
        _title = title
        _desc = desc

    toString { "URL: %(_url)\nTitle: %(_title)\nDescription: %(_desc)\n" }

var CURLOPT_URL = 10002

foreign class Buffer {
    construct new() {}  // C will allocate buffer of a suitable size

    foreign value       // returns buffer contents as a string

foreign class Curl {
    construct easyInit() {}

    foreign easySetOpt(opt, param)

    foreign easyPerform()

    foreign easyCleanup()

var curl = Curl.easyInit()

var getContent = Fn.new { |url|
    var buffer = Buffer.new()
    curl.easySetOpt(CURLOPT_URL, url)
    curl.easySetOpt(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1)
    curl.easySetOpt(CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, 0)  // write function to be supplied by C
    curl.easySetOpt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, buffer)
    return buffer.value

var p1 = Pattern.new("class/=\" d-ib ls-05 fz-20 lh-26 td-hu tc va-bot mxw-100p\" href/=\"[+1^\"]\"")
var p2 = Pattern.new("class/=\" d-ib p-abs t-0 l-0 fz-14 lh-20 fc-obsidian wr-bw ls-n pb-4\">[+1^<]<")
var p3 = Pattern.new("<span class/=\" fc-falcon\">[+1^<]<")

var pageSize = 7
var totalCount = 0

var yahooSearch = Fn.new { |query, page|
    System.print("Page %(page):\n=======\n")
    var next = (page - 1) * pageSize + 1
    var url = "https://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=opensearch&pz=%(pageSize)&p=%(query)&b=%(next)"
    var content = getContent.call(url).replace("<b>", "").replace("</b>", "")
    var matches1 = p1.findAll(content)
    var count = matches1.count
    if (count == 0) return false
    var matches2 = p2.findAll(content)
    var matches3 = p3.findAll(content)
    totalCount = totalCount + count
    var ys = List.filled(count, null)
    for (i in 0...count) {
        var url   = matches1[i].capsText[0]
        var title = matches2[i].capsText[0]
        var desc  = matches3[i].capsText[0].replace("&#39;", "'")
        ys[i] = YahooSearch.new(url, title, desc)
    return true

var page = 1
var limit = 2
var query = "rosettacode"
System.print("Searching for '%(query)' on Yahoo!\n")
while (page <= limit && yahooSearch.call(query, page)) {
    page = page + 1
System.print("Displayed %(limit) pages with a total of %(totalCount) entries.")

We now embed this script in the following C program, build and run.

/* gcc Yahoo_search_interface.c -o Yahoo_search_interface -lcurl -lwren -lm  */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include "wren.h"

struct MemoryStruct {
    char *memory;
    size_t size;

/* C <=> Wren interface functions */

static size_t WriteMemoryCallback(void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp) {
    size_t realsize = size * nmemb;
    struct MemoryStruct *mem = (struct MemoryStruct *)userp;
    char *ptr = realloc(mem->memory, mem->size + realsize + 1);
    if(!ptr) {
        /* out of memory! */
        printf("not enough memory (realloc returned NULL)\n");
        return 0;

    mem->memory = ptr;
    memcpy(&(mem->memory[mem->size]), contents, realsize);
    mem->size += realsize;
    mem->memory[mem->size] = 0;
    return realsize;

void C_bufferAllocate(WrenVM* vm) {
    struct MemoryStruct *ms = (struct MemoryStruct *)wrenSetSlotNewForeign(vm, 0, 0, sizeof(struct MemoryStruct));
    ms->memory = malloc(1);
    ms->size = 0;

void C_bufferFinalize(void* data) {
    struct MemoryStruct *ms = (struct MemoryStruct *)data;

void C_curlAllocate(WrenVM* vm) {
    CURL** pcurl = (CURL**)wrenSetSlotNewForeign(vm, 0, 0, sizeof(CURL*));
    *pcurl = curl_easy_init();

void C_value(WrenVM* vm) {
    struct MemoryStruct *ms = (struct MemoryStruct *)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
    wrenSetSlotString(vm, 0, ms->memory);

void C_easyPerform(WrenVM* vm) {
    CURL* curl = *(CURL**)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);

void C_easyCleanup(WrenVM* vm) {
    CURL* curl = *(CURL**)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);

void C_easySetOpt(WrenVM* vm) {
    CURL* curl = *(CURL**)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
    CURLoption opt = (CURLoption)wrenGetSlotDouble(vm, 1);
    if (opt < 10000) {
        long lparam = (long)wrenGetSlotDouble(vm, 2);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, opt, lparam);
    } else if (opt < 20000) {
        if (opt == CURLOPT_WRITEDATA) {
            struct MemoryStruct *ms = (struct MemoryStruct *)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 2);
            curl_easy_setopt(curl, opt, (void *)ms);
        } else if (opt == CURLOPT_URL) {
            const char *url = wrenGetSlotString(vm, 2);
            curl_easy_setopt(curl, opt, url);
    } else if (opt < 30000) {
        if (opt == CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION) {
            curl_easy_setopt(curl, opt, &WriteMemoryCallback);

WrenForeignClassMethods bindForeignClass(WrenVM* vm, const char* module, const char* className) {
    WrenForeignClassMethods methods;
    methods.allocate = NULL;
    methods.finalize = NULL;
    if (strcmp(module, "main") == 0) {
        if (strcmp(className, "Buffer") == 0) {
            methods.allocate = C_bufferAllocate;
            methods.finalize = C_bufferFinalize;
        } else if (strcmp(className, "Curl") == 0) {
            methods.allocate = C_curlAllocate;
    return methods;

WrenForeignMethodFn bindForeignMethod(
    WrenVM* vm,
    const char* module,
    const char* className,
    bool isStatic,
    const char* signature) {
    if (strcmp(module, "main") == 0) {
        if (strcmp(className, "Buffer") == 0) {
            if (!isStatic && strcmp(signature, "value") == 0)           return C_value;
        } else if (strcmp(className, "Curl") == 0) {
            if (!isStatic && strcmp(signature, "easySetOpt(_,_)") == 0) return C_easySetOpt;
            if (!isStatic && strcmp(signature, "easyPerform()") == 0)   return C_easyPerform;
            if (!isStatic && strcmp(signature, "easyCleanup()") == 0)   return C_easyCleanup;
    return NULL;

static void writeFn(WrenVM* vm, const char* text) {
    printf("%s", text);

void errorFn(WrenVM* vm, WrenErrorType errorType, const char* module, const int line, const char* msg) {
    switch (errorType) {
        case WREN_ERROR_COMPILE:
            printf("[%s line %d] [Error] %s\n", module, line, msg);
            printf("[%s line %d] in %s\n", module, line, msg);
        case WREN_ERROR_RUNTIME:
            printf("[Runtime Error] %s\n", msg);

char *readFile(const char *fileName) {
    FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r");
    fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
    long fsize = ftell(f);
    char *script = malloc(fsize + 1);
    fread(script, 1, fsize, f);
    script[fsize] = 0;
    return script;

static void loadModuleComplete(WrenVM* vm, const char* module, WrenLoadModuleResult result) {
    if( result.source) free((void*)result.source);

WrenLoadModuleResult loadModule(WrenVM* vm, const char* name) {
    WrenLoadModuleResult result = {0};
    if (strcmp(name, "random") != 0 && strcmp(name, "meta") != 0) {
        result.onComplete = loadModuleComplete;
        char fullName[strlen(name) + 6];
        strcpy(fullName, name);
        strcat(fullName, ".wren");
        result.source = readFile(fullName);
    return result;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    WrenConfiguration config;
    config.writeFn = &writeFn;
    config.errorFn = &errorFn;
    config.bindForeignClassFn = &bindForeignClass;
    config.bindForeignMethodFn = &bindForeignMethod;
    config.loadModuleFn = &loadModule;
    WrenVM* vm = wrenNewVM(&config);
    const char* module = "main";
    const char* fileName = "Yahoo_search_interface.wren";
    char *script = readFile(fileName);
    WrenInterpretResult result = wrenInterpret(vm, module, script);
    switch (result) {
            printf("Compile Error!\n");
            printf("Runtime Error!\n");
    return 0;

Limited to first two pages.

Searching for 'rosettacode' on Yahoo!

Page 1:

URL: https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code
Title: rosettacode.org
Description: Enjoy amazing savings with our 50% off 

URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code
Title: en.wikipedia.org
Description: Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another.

URL: https://raku.org/community/rosettacode/
Title: raku.org
Description: Rosetta Code is a wiki-based programming website with implementations of common algorithms and solutions to various programming problems in many different programming languages. It is named for the Rosetta Stone , which has the same text inscribed on it in three languages, and thus allowed Egyptian hieroglyphs to be deciphered for the first time.

URL: https://metacpan.org/dist/RosettaCode/view/bin/rosettacode
Title: metacpan.org
Description: Raku on Rosetta Code. Rosetta Code is a community site that presents solutions to programming tasks in many different languages. It is an excellent place to see how various languages approach the same task, as well as to get a feel for the style and fluent use of each language across a variety of domains.

URL: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code
Title: simple.wikipedia.org
Description: To install RosettaCode, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal. cpanm. cpanm RosettaCode. CPAN shell. perl -MCPAN -e shell install RosettaCode

Page 2:

URL: https://improbotics.org/rosetta-code/
Title: improbotics.org
Description: Enjoy amazing savings with our 50% off 

URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code
Title: en.wikipedia.org
Description: Rosetta Code was scheduled to perform at Brighton Fringe 2020 at The Warren: Theatre Box and at Camden Fringe 2020 at The Cockpit Theatre and will return live in 2021. Our show was the subject of a scientific research paper “Rosetta Code: Improv in Any Language“, published at the International Conference on Computational Creativity 2020.

URL: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/rosetta-code-unlocking-the-mysteries-of-the-programming-languages-that-power-our-world-300b787d8401/
Title: www.freecodecamp.org
Description: Rosetta Code is a wiki-based programming website with implementations of common algorithms and solutions to various programming problems in many different programming languages. It is named for the Rosetta Stone , which has the same text inscribed on it in three languages, and thus allowed Egyptian hieroglyphs to be deciphered for the first time.

URL: https://raku.org/community/rosettacode/
Title: raku.org
Description: Rosetta Code — unlocking the mysteries of the programming languages that power our world. Peter Gleeson. The original Rosetta Stone, via History.com. It’s no secret that the tech world is dominated by a relatively small pool of programming languages. While exact figures are difficult to obtain (and no doubt vary over time), you could ...

URL: https://rosettacode.org/wiki/SHA-256
Title: rosettacode.org
Description: Raku on Rosetta Code. Rosetta Code is a community site that presents solutions to programming tasks in many different languages. It is an excellent place to see how various languages approach the same task, as well as to get a feel for the style and fluent use of each language across a variety of domains.

URL: https://twitter.com/rosettacode
Title: twitter.com
Description: SHA-256 is the recommended stronger alternative to SHA-1.See FIPS PUB 180-4 for implementation details.. Either by using a dedicated library or implementing the ...

URL: https://deals.usnews.com/coupons/rosetta-stone
Title: deals.usnews.com
Description: We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

Displayed 2 pages with a total of 12 entries.
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