Rosetta Code:Village Pump/Task titles/List
From | To |
100 doors | 100 doors |
24 game | 24 game |
24 game Player | 24 game/Solve |
99 Bottles of Beer | 99 Bottles of Beer |
Abstract type | Abstract type |
Accumulator Factory | Accumulator factory |
Ackermann Function | Ackermann function |
Active object | Active object |
Adding variables to a class instance at runtime | Add a variable to a class instance at runtime |
Address Operations | Address of a variable |
Allocator | Arena storage pool |
Amb | Amb |
Anagrams | Anagrams |
Apply a callback to an Array | Apply a callback to an array |
Arithmetic Evaluator | Arithmetic evaluation |
Array Concatenation | Array concatenation |
Arrays | Arrays |
Assertions | Assertions |
Atomic updates | Atomic updates |
Average/Arithmetic mean | Averages/Arithmetic mean |
Average/Median | Averages/Median |
Average/Mode | Averages/Mode |
Average/Simple moving average | Averages/Simple moving average |
Basic Animation | Animation |
Basic bitmap storage | Bitmap |
Basic input loop | Input loop |
Basic integer arithmetic | Arithmetic/Integer |
Basic pointer and reference operations | Pointers and references |
Binary search | Binary search |
Binary string manipulation functions | Binary strings |
Bit oriented IO | Bitwise IO |
Bitwise operations | Bitwise operations |
Bogosort | Sorting algorithms/Bogosort |
Bresenham's line algorithm | Bitmap/Bresenham's line algorithm |
Bubble Sort | Sorting algorithms/Bubble sort |
Bulls and Cows | Bulls and cows |
Call foreign language function | Call a foreign-language function |
Call function from foreign language | Call a function from a foreign language |
Call function in shared library | Call a function in a shared library |
Change string case | String case |
Character code | Character codes |
Classes | Classes |
Client-Authenticated HTTPS Request | HTTPS/Client-authenticated |
Closest pair problem | Closest-pair problem |
Cocktail Sort | Sorting algorithms/Cocktail sort |
Code Tag Fixer | Rosetta Code/Fix code tags |
Collections | Collections |
Column Aligner | Align columns |
Combinations | Combinations |
Command Line Arguments | Command-line arguments |
Command Line Interpreter | Interactive programming |
Comments | Comments |
Common number base formatting | Non-decimal radices/Output |
Common number base parsing | Non-decimal radices/Input |
Comparing two integers | Integer comparison |
Complex numbers | Arithmetic/Complex |
Compound Data Type | Compound data type |
Conditional Structures | Conditional structures |
Connect to Active Directory | Active Directory/Connect |
Constrained Genericity | Constrained genericity |
Convert an integer into words | Number names |
Conway's Game of Life | Conway's Game of Life |
Copy a string | Copy a string |
Count programming examples | Rosetta Code/Count examples |
Counting sort | Sorting algorithms/Counting sort |
Create a Sequence of unique elements | Remove duplicate elements |
Creating a Function | Function definition |
Creating a Hash from Two Arrays | Hash from two arrays |
Creating a Secure Temporary File | Secure temporary file |
Creating a Window | Window creation |
Creating an Associative Array | Associative arrays/Creation |
Cubic bezier curves | Bitmap/Bézier curves/Cubic |
DOM XML Serialization | XML/DOM serialization |
Data Munging | Text processing/1 |
Data Munging 2 | Text processing/2 |
Data Representation - Controlling Fields in a Structure | Memory layout of a data structure |
Data Representation - Getting the Size | Variable size/Get |
Data Representation - Specifying Minimum Size | Variable size/Set |
Date Manipulation | Date manipulation |
Date format | Date format |
Defining Primitive Data Types | Define a primitive data type |
Delegate | Delegates |
Determine if Only One Instance is Running | Determine if only one instance is running |
Dining philosophers | Dining philosophers |
Discover the Hostname | Hostname |
Distributed program | Distributed programming |
Divide by Zero Detection | Detect division by zero |
Documentation | Documentation |
Doubly-Linked List | Doubly-linked list/Definition |
Doubly-Linked List (element insertion) | Doubly-linked list/Element insertion |
Doubly-Linked List (element) | Doubly-linked list/Element definition |
Doubly-Linked List (traversal) | Doubly-linked list/Traversal |
Dragon curve | Dragon curve |
Dynamic variable names | Dynamic variable names |
Echo Server | Echo server |
Empty Program | Empty program |
Enumeration | Enumerations |
Environment variables | Environment variables |
Ethiopian Multiplication | Ethiopian multiplication |
Eval | Runtime evaluation |
Eval in environment | Runtime evaluation/In an environment |
Event | Events |
Evolutionary algorithm | Evolutionary algorithm |
Exceptions | Exceptions |
Exceptions Through Nested Calls | Exceptions/Catch an exception thrown in a nested call |
Execute a System Command | Execute a system command |
Exponentiation operator | Exponentiation operator |
FIFO | Queue/Definition |
FIFO (usage) | Queue/Usage |
Factorial function | Factorial |
Factors | Factors of an integer |
Fibonacci sequence | Fibonacci sequence |
File/Creation | Create a file |
File/Delete | Delete a file |
File/Exists | Ensure that a file exists |
File/Input and Output | File IO |
File/Modification Time | File modification time |
File/Rename | Rename a file |
File/Size | File size |
Find unimplemented tasks | Rosetta Code/Find unimplemented tasks |
First-class Numbers | First-class functions/Use numbers analogously |
First-class functions | First-class functions |
FizzBuzz | FizzBuzz |
Flood fill | Bitmap/Flood fill |
Flow Control Structures | Flow-control structures |
Fork Process | Fork |
Formal Power Series | Formal power series |
Formatted Numeric Output | Formatted numeric output |
Forward difference | Forward difference |
Function as an Argument | Higher-order functions |
Functional Composition | Function composition |
Gamma function | Gamma function |
Generic swap | Generic swap |
Get Pixel Information | Color of a screen pixel |
Get mouse position | Mouse position |
Global Singleton | Singleton |
Gnome sort | Sorting algorithms/Gnome sort |
Go Fish | Go Fish |
Grayscale image | Grayscale image |
Greatest common divisor | Greatest common divisor |
HTTP Request | HTTP |
HTTPS Request | HTTPS |
HTTPS request with authentication | HTTPS/Authenticated |
Hamming numbers | Hamming numbers |
Happy Number | Happy numbers |
Heapsort | Sorting algorithms/Heapsort |
Host Introspection | Host introspection |
Huffman codes | Huffman coding |
Image convolution | Image convolution |
Image histogram | Image histogram |
Increment numerical string | Increment a numerical string |
Index in a list | Search a list |
Infinity | Infinity |
Inheritance | Inheritance/Single |
Insertion sort | Sorting algorithms/Insertion sort |
Integer literals | Literals/Integer |
Interrupts | Handle a signal |
Introspection | Introspection |
IsNumeric | Determine if a string is numeric |
Iterating over an Associative Array | Associative arrays/Iteration |
Jensen's Device | Jensen's Device |
Keyboard macros | Keyboard macros |
Knapsack Problem | Knapsack problem |
Knuth shuffle | Knuth shuffle |
LZW compression | LZW compression |
List Comprehension | List comprehensions |
List Flattening | Flatten a list |
Logical operations | Logical operations |
Long Multiplication | Long multiplication |
Longest Common Subsequence | Longest common subsequence |
Look-and-say sequence | Look-and-say sequence |
Loop over multiple arrays simultaneously | Loop over multiple arrays simultaneously |
Loop/Break | Loops/Break |
Loop/Continue | Loops/Continue |
Loop/Do While | Loops/Do-while |
Loop/Downward For | Loops/Downward for |
Loop/For | Loops/For |
Loop/For with step | Loops/For with a specified step |
Loop/Foreach | Loops/Foreach |
Loop/Infinite | Loops/Infinite |
Loop/Nested | Loops/Nested |
Loop/While | Loops/While |
Loop/n plus one half | Loops/N plus one half |
Lucas-Lehmer test | Lucas-Lehmer test |
MD5 | MD5 |
Machine Address | Create an object at a given address |
Man or boy test | Man or boy test |
Mandelbrot set | Mandelbrot set |
Markov Algorithm | Execute a Markov algorithm |
Math constants and functions | Real constants and functions |
Matrix Transpose | Matrix transposition |
Matrix exponentiation operator | Matrix-exponentiation operator |
Matrix multiplication | Matrix multiplication |
Max Licenses In Use | Text processing/3 |
Maximum Value | Greatest element of a list |
Maximum subsequence | Greatest subsequential sum |
Measure relative performance of sorting algorithms implementations | Compare sorting algorithms' performance |
Median filter | Median filter |
Memory Allocation | Memory allocation |
Merge sort | Sorting algorithms/Merge sort |
Metered Concurrency | Metered concurrency |
Midpoint circle algorithm | Bitmap/Midpoint circle algorithm |
Miller-Rabin test | Miller-Rabin primality test |
Missing Permutation | Find the missing permutation |
Monte Carlo Simulation | Monte Carlo methods |
Monty Hall simulation | Monty Hall problem |
Multiple Regression | Multiple regression |
Multiple inheritance | Inheritance/Multiple |
Multiplicative order | Multiplicative order |
Mutex | Mutex |
Mutual Recursion | Mutual recursion |
N distinct objects | Multiple distinct objects |
N-Queens | N-queens problem |
Named parameters | Named parameters |
Non Continuous Subsequences | Non-continuous subsequences |
Nth root algorithm | Nth root |
Null | Undefined values/Check if a variable is defined |
Number base conversion | Non-decimal radices/Convert |
Numerical Integration | Numerical integration |
Object Serialization | Object serialization |
One dimensional cellular automata | One-dimensional cellular automata |
OpenGL | OpenGL |
Optional parameters | Optional parameters |
PPM conversion through a pipe | Bitmap/PPM conversion through a pipe |
Palindrome | Palindrome detection |
Parameterized SQL Statement | Parametrized SQL statement |
Parametric Polymorphism | Parametric polymorphism |
Pascal's Triangle | Pascal's triangle |
Pattern Matching | Pattern matching |
Pendulum Animation | Animate a pendulum |
Percentage of difference between 2 images | Percentage difference between images |
Perfect Numbers | Perfect numbers |
Permutation Sort | Sorting algorithms/Permutation sort |
Play recorded sounds | Play recorded sounds |
Playing Cards | Playing cards |
Plot x, y arrays | Plot coordinate pairs |
Point in polygon (ray casting algorithm) | Ray-casting algorithm |
Polymorphic copy | Polymorphic copy |
Polymorphism | Polymorphism |
Polynomial Fitting | Polynomial regression |
Polynomial long division | Polynomial long division |
Power Set | Power set |
Primality by Trial Division | Primality by trial division |
Prime decomposition | Prime decomposition |
Print a Multiplication Table | Multiplication tables |
Print a Stack Trace | Stack traces |
Probabilistic Choice | Probabilistic choice |
Program Termination | Program termination |
Proof | Proof |
Pyramid of numbers | Pascal's triangle/Puzzle |
Quadratic Equation | Roots of a quadratic function |
Quadratic bezier curves | Bitmap/Bézier curves/Quadratic |
Query Performance | Time a function |
Quicksort | Sorting algorithms/Quicksort |
Quine | Quine |
Quotes | Literals/String |
RCBF | Execute Brain**** |
RCHQ9+ | Execute HQ9+ |
Random Numbers | Random numbers |
Rate Counter | Rate counter |
Rational Arithmetic | Arithmetic/Rational |
Read image file through a pipe | Bitmap/Read an image through a pipe |
Read ppm file | Bitmap/Read a PPM file |
Reduced row echelon form | Reduced row echelon form |
Regular expression matching | Regular expressions |
Rendezvous | Rendezvous |
Repeating a string | Repeat a string |
Retrieve a substring | Substring |
Reversing a string | Reverse a string |
Roman Numerals | Roman numerals |
Roots of a function | Roots of a function |
Roots of unity | Roots of unity |
Rot-13 | Rot-13 |
Run-length encoding | Run-length encoding |
SOAP Client | SOAP |
SQL-Based Authentication | SQL-based authentication |
Safe addition | Safe addition |
Scope modifiers | Scope modifiers |
Search Yahoo | Yahoo! Search |
Search for a User in Active Directory | Active Directory/Search for a user |
Select | Menu |
Select from Array | Filter |
Selection sort | Sorting algorithms/Selection sort |
Send an email | Send email |
Sequence of Non-squares | Sequence of non-squares |
Seven-dice from Five-dice | Seven-sided dice from five-sided dice |
Shell One Liner | Shell one-liner |
Shell sort | Sorting algorithms/Shell sort |
Sierpinski carpet | Sierpinski carpet |
Sierpinski triangle | Sierpinski triangle |
Sieve of Eratosthenes | Sieve of Eratosthenes |
Simple Random Distribution Checker | Verify distribution uniformity/Naive |
Simple Windowed Application | Simple windowed application |
Simple concurrent actions | Concurrent computing |
Simulate key strokes | Simulate input/Keyboard |
Simulate mouse click | Simulate input/Mouse |
Singly-Linked List (element insertion) | Singly-linked list/Element insertion |
Singly-Linked List (element) | Singly-linked list/Element definition |
Singly-Linked List (traversal) | Singly-linked list/Traversal |
Sleep the Main Thread | Sleep |
Sockets | Sockets |
Sort an array of composite structures | Sort an array of composite structures |
Sort most popular programming languages | Rosetta Code/Rank languages by popularity |
Sort stability | Sort stability |
Sorting Using a Custom Comparator | Sort using a custom comparator |
Sorting an Array of Integers | Sort an integer array |
Soundex | Soundex |
Special characters | Special characters |
Spiral | Spiral matrix |
Stack | Stack |
Stair Climbing | Stair-climbing puzzle |
Standard Deviation | Standard deviation |
Stem-and-leaf plot | Stem-and-leaf plot |
String concatenation | String concatenation |
String length | String length |
Sudoku Solver | Sudoku |
Sum a series | Sum of a series |
Sum and product of array | Sum and product of an array |
Sum of squares | Sum of squares |
Symmetric Difference | Symmetric difference |
Synchronous Concurrency | Synchronous concurrency |
Syntactically explicit undefined | Undefined values |
System time | System time |
Table Creation | Table creation |
Table Creation - Address | Table creation/Postal addresses |
Testing a Function | Test a function |
Tokenizing A String | Tokenize a string |
Top Rank Per Group | Top rank per group |
Topological (dependency) sort | Topological sort |
Towers of Hanoi | Towers of Hanoi |
Tree traversal | Tree traversal |
Trial factoring of a Mersenne number | Factors of a Mersenne number |
Trigonometric Functions | Trigonometric functions |
True/False Values | Boolean values |
Two-dimensional array (runtime) | Create a two-dimensional array at runtime |
Unknown Method | Respond to an unknown method call |
User Input - graphical | User input/Graphical |
User Input - text | User input/Text |
User Output - graphical | Hello world/Graphical |
User Output - stderr | Hello world/Standard error |
User Output - text | Hello world/Text |
Varargs | Variadic function |
Variables | Variables |
Verify Distribution Uniformity with Chi-Squared Test | Verify distribution uniformity/Chi-squared test |
Walk Directory | Walk a directory/Non-recursively |
Walk Directory Tree | Walk a directory/Recursively |
Web Scraping | Web scraping |
Window management | Window management |
Wireworld | Wireworld |
Write float arrays to a text file | Write float arrays to a text file |
Write ppm file | Bitmap/Write a PPM file |
X11 simple window | Window creation/X11 |
XML Creation | XML/Output |
XML Reading | XML/Input |
XML and XPath | XML/XPath |
Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm | Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm |
Y combinator | Y combinator |
Yuletide Holiday | Day of the week |
Zig Zag | Zig-zag matrix |