Variadic function
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
- Task
Create a function which takes in a variable number of arguments and prints each one on its own line.
Also show, if possible in your language, how to call the function on a list of arguments constructed at runtime.
Functions of this type are also known as Variadic Functions.
- Related task
(defun print-all-fn (xs)
(if (endp xs)
(prog2$ (cw "~x0~%" (first xs))
(print-all-fn (rest xs)))))
(defmacro print-all (&rest args)
`(print-all-fn (quote ,args)))
public function printArgs(... args):void
for (var i:int = 0; i < args.length; i++)
Ada doesn't have variadic functions. But you can mimic the behavior by defining a function with an unconstrained array as its parameter, i.e., an array whose length is determined at run time.
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Variadic is
subtype U_String is Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
use type U_String;
function "+"(S: String) return U_String
renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String;
function "-"(U: U_String) return String
renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String;
type Variadic_Array is array(Positive range <>) of U_String;
procedure Print_Line(Params: Variadic_Array) is
for I in Params'Range loop
if I < Params'Last then
Ada.Text_IO.Put(" ");
end if;
end loop;
end Print_Line;
Print_Line((+"Mary", +"had", +"a", +"little", +"lamb.")); -- print five strings
Print_Line((1 => +"Rosetta Code is cooool!")); -- print one string
Mary had a little lamb. Rosetta Code is cooool!
Printing strings:
integer i;
i = 0;
while (i < count()) {
i += 1;
f("Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb");
return 0;
Printing data of assorted types:
output_date(date d)
o_form("~%//f2/%//f2/", d.year, d.y_month, d.m_day);
integer i;
record r;
r["integer"] = o_integer;
r["real"] = o_;
r["text"] = o_text;
r["date"] = output_date;
i = 0;
while (i < count()) {
i += 1;
g("X.1", 707, .5, date().now);
return 0;
Variable arguments of arbitrarily typed values are not permitted in ALGOL 68. However a flexible array of tagged types (union) is permitted. This effectively allows the passing of strongly typed variable arguments to procedures.
PROC print strint = (FLEX[]STRINT argv)VOID: (
FOR i TO UPB argv DO
CASE argv[i] IN
(INT i):print(whole(i,-1)),
(STRING s):print(s),
(PROC(REF FILE)VOID f):f(stand out),
(VOID):print(error char)
IF i NE UPB argv THEN print((" ")) FI
print strint(("Mary","had",1,"little",EMPTY,new line))
Mary had 1 little *
Also note that empty (of type void) can be used to indicate missing or optional arguments.
For another example see Average/Simple moving average. This example is closer to the keyword arguments found in python.
AppleScript handlers have no internal access to an argument vector, but we can use AppleScript's Patterned Parameters, in the form of lists of arbitrary length for variadic positional parameters, or records for variadic named parameters.
use framework "Foundation"
-- positionalArgs :: [a] -> String
on positionalArgs(xs)
-- follow each argument with a line feed
map(my putStrLn, xs) as string
end positionalArgs
-- namedArgs :: Record -> String
on namedArgs(rec)
script showKVpair
on |λ|(k)
my putStrLn(k & " -> " & keyValue(rec, k))
end |λ|
end script
-- follow each argument name and value with line feed
map(showKVpair, allKeys(rec)) as string
end namedArgs
on run
intercalate(linefeed, ¬
{positionalArgs(["alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta"]), ¬
namedArgs({epsilon:27, zeta:48, eta:81, theta:8, iota:1})})
--> "alpha
-- beta
-- gamma
-- delta
-- epsilon -> 27
-- eta -> 81
-- iota -> 1
-- zeta -> 48
-- theta -> 8
-- "
end run
-- putStrLn :: a -> String
on putStrLn(a)
(a as string) & linefeed
end putStrLn
-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
on map(f, xs)
tell mReturn(f)
set lng to length of xs
set lst to {}
repeat with i from 1 to lng
set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, i, xs)
end repeat
return lst
end tell
end map
-- intercalate :: Text -> [Text] -> Text
on intercalate(strText, lstText)
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, strText}
set strJoined to lstText as text
set my text item delimiters to dlm
return strJoined
end intercalate
-- allKeys :: Record -> [String]
on allKeys(rec)
(current application's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithDictionary:rec)'s allKeys() as list
end allKeys
-- keyValue :: Record -> String -> Maybe String
on keyValue(rec, strKey)
set ca to current application
set v to (ca's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithDictionary:rec)'s objectForKey:strKey
if v is not missing value then
item 1 of ((ca's NSArray's arrayWithObject:v) as list)
missing value
end if
end keyValue
-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper
-- mReturn :: Handler -> Script
on mReturn(f)
if class of f is script then
property |λ| : f
end script
end if
end mReturn
- Output:
"alpha beta gamma delta epsilon -> 27 eta -> 81 iota -> 1 zeta -> 48 theta -> 8 "
Applesoft BASIC
An array of parameters with a count as parameter zero can be used in a subroutine to simulate a variadic function. The values in the array should probably be cleared when the subroutine returns because the array is a global variable.
10 P$(0) = STR$(5)
20 P$(1) = "MARY"
30 P$(2) = "HAD"
40 P$(3) = "A"
50 P$(4) = "LITTLE"
60 P$(5) = "LAMB"
80 END
90 FOR I = 1 TO VAL(P$(0)) : ? P$(I) : P$(I) = "" : NEXT I : P$(0) = "" : RETURN
; a quasi-variadic function
variadic: function [args][
loop args 'arg [
print arg
; calling function with one block param
; and the arguments inside
variadic ["one" 2 "three"]
; a function with optional attributes
variable: function [args][
print ["args:" args]
if? attr? "with" [
print ["with:" attr "with"]
else [
print "without attributes"
variable "yes"
variable.with:"something" "yes!"
- Output:
one 2 three args: yes without attributes args: yes! with: something
Writing an asterisk after the final parameter marks the function as variadic, allowing it to receive a variable number of parameters:
printAll(args*) {
for k,v in args
t .= v "`n"
MsgBox, %t%
This function can be called with any number of arguments:
printAll(4, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3)
printAll(4, 3, 5)
printAll("Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!")
An array of parameters can be passed to any function by applying the same syntax to a function-call:
args := ["Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!"]
AutoHotkey Basic (deprecated):
Function arguments can be given default values. Comparison with "" can indicate that an argument was present (and not of value ""). As of version 1.0.48, you can pass more parameters than defined by a function, in which case the parameters are evaluated but discarded. Versions earlier than that produce warnings.
string = Mary had a little lamb
StringSplit, arg, string, %A_Space%
Function(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) ;Calls the function with 5 arguments.
Function() ;Calls the function with no arguments.
Function(arg1="",arg2="",arg3="",arg4="",arg5="") {
If arg%A_Index% !=
out .= arg%A_Index% "`n"
MsgBox,% out ? out:"No non-blank arguments were passed."
AWK allows to call functions with fewer than the defined arguments; the missing one(s) default to "". Comparison with "" can check if the argument was present (and not of value ""). To call a function with more than the defined arguments, this produces a warning.
This f() can accept 0 to 3 arguments.
function f(a, b, c){
if (a != "") print a
if (b != "") print b
if (c != "") print c
print "[1 arg]"; f(1)
print "[2 args]"; f(1, 2)
print "[3 args]"; f(1, 2, 3)
[1 arg] 1 [2 args] 1 2 [3 args] 1 2 3
This f() can also accept array elements. This works because any missing array elements default to "", so f() ignores them.
function f(a, b, c) {
if (a != "") print a
if (b != "") print b
if (c != "") print c
# Set ary[1] and ary[2] at runtime.
split("Line 1:Line 2", ary, ":")
# Pass to f().
f(ary[1], ary[2], ary[3])
Line 1 Line 2
Functions like f() can take only a few arguments. To accept more arguments, or to accept "" as an argument, the function must take an array, and the caller must bundle its arguments into an array. This g() accepts 0 or more arguments in an array.
function g(len, ary, i) {
for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) print ary[i];
c = split("Line 1:Line 2:Next line is empty::Last line", a, ":")
g(c, a) # Pass a[1] = "Line 1", a[4] = "", ...
Line 1 Line 2 Next line is empty Last line
Variable argument lists are defined with the keyword VAR, and are passed as an indexed array of strings. The number of elements is specified by a SIZE parameter. Arguments to functions could also simply be indexed or associative arrays or multiple element delimited strings.
' Variadic functions
SUB demo (VAR arg$ SIZE argc)
PRINT "Amount of incoming arguments: ", argc
FOR x = 1 TO argc
PRINT arg$[x]
' No argument
' One argument
' Three arguments
demo("123", "456", "789")
- Output:
prompt$ bacon variadic.bac Converting 'variadic.bac'... done, 16 lines were processed in 0.003 seconds. Compiling 'variadic.bac'... cc -c variadic.bac.c cc -o variadic variadic.bac.o -lbacon -lm Done, program 'variadic' ready. prompt$ ./variadic Amount of incoming arguments: 0 Amount of incoming arguments: 1 abc Amount of incoming arguments: 3 123 456 789
Using variable arguments has not been standardised in BASIC. Therefore there are several different implementations, and many BASIC versions do not have this feature at all.
Variadic functions on FreeBASIC are somewhat similar to those in C. The parameter list does not pass information about parameter type. If necessary, the type information has to be passed for example in the first parameter. C calling convention has to be used (with keyword cdecl).
SUB printAll cdecl (count As Integer, ... )
DIM arg AS Any Ptr
DIM i AS Integer
arg = va_first()
FOR i = 1 To count
PRINT va_arg(arg, Double)
arg = va_next(arg, Double)
printAll 3, 3.1415, 1.4142, 2.71828
For some reason, I was not able to get a Strings version of the above to work.
String version
' version 15-09-2015
' compile with: fbc -s console
Sub printAll_string Cdecl (count As Integer, ... )
Dim arg As Any Ptr
Dim i As Integer
arg = va_first()
For i = 1 To count
Print *Va_Arg(arg, ZString Ptr)
arg = va_next(arg, ZString Ptr)
Next i
End Sub
' ------=< MAIN >=------
' direct
printAll_string (5, "Foxtrot", "Romeo", "Echo", "Echo", "BASIC")
' strings
Print : Print
Dim As String a = "one", b = "two", c = "three"
printAll_string (3, a, b, c)
' count is smaller then the number of arguments, no problem
Print : Print
printAll_string (1, a, b, c)
' count is greater then the number of arguments
' after the last valid argument garbage is displayed
' should be avoided, could lead to disaster
Print : Print
printAll_string (4, a, b, c)
' empty keyboard buffer
While InKey <> "" : Wend
Print : Print "hit any key to end program"
- Output:
only the last example shown one two three …À�”ÀƒÄ��¶À÷ØÃ���¡<"A
Beta BASIC uses keyword DATA to specify variable parameter list. The parameters are read with READ command just like when reading conventional DATA statements. The existence of more parameters as well as the type of each parameter can be checked with function ITEM().
100 DEF PROC printAll DATA
120 IF ITEM()=1 THEN
130 ELSE
READ num
140 LOOP
200 printAll 3.1415, 1.4142, 2.71828
210 printAll "Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb",
The code above is for Beta BASIC. There is a small difference between Beta BASIC and SAM BASIC. On Beta BASIC, the function ITEM has empty parenthesis, on SAM BASIC the parenthesis are not used.
See also: RapidQ
Batch File
@echo off
call:_variadicfunc arg1 "arg 2" arg-3
for %%i in (%*) do echo %%~i
exit /b
:: Note: if _variadicfunc was called from cmd.exe with arguments parsed to it, it would only need to contain:
:: @for %%i in (%*) do echo %%i
- Output:
arg1 arg 2 arg-3
To simulate a variadic function one would define a function which takes an array as parameter and
- a) a second parameter for the actual number of arguments,
- b) uses a special value which marks the end or
- c) the first element in the array specifies the number of arguments.
/* Version a */
define f(a[], l) {
auto i
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) a[i]
/* Version b */
define g(a[]) {
auto i
for (i = 0; a[i] != -1; i++) a[i]
/* Version c */
define h(a[]) {
auto i
for (i = 1; i <= a[0]; i++) a[i]
BCPL does not have true variadic functions, however, it is explicitly legal to pass a function the "wrong" amount of arguments. If fewer arguments are passed than declared, the rest will remain uninitialized, if too many are passed, the excess arguments are ignored. Additionally, it is guaranteed that the arguments will be located sequentially in memory, starting from the first, making it possible to treat the address of the first argument as if it is in fact an array of arguments.
These two facts together make it easy to declare a "variadic" function by simply specifying a whole bunch of dummy arguments in the declaration, and then calling the function later on with however many you happen to need. At least as many arguments as you declare are guaranteed to make it through, though any more will not necessarily.
This technique is used in the standard library (this is how writef
, the
equivalent to C's printf
, is defined), and the book BCPL: The Language
and its Compiler by BCPL designer Martin Richards (which is as official as it gets)
explicitly introduces this technique.
get "libhdr"
// A, B, C, etc are dummy arguments. If more are needed, more can be added.
// Eventually you will run into the compiler limit.
let foo(num, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O) be
// The arguments can be indexed starting from the first one.
for i=1 to num do writef("%S*N", (@num)!i)
// You can pass as many arguments as you want. The declaration above guarantees
// that at least the first 16 arguments (including the number) will be available,
// but you certainly needn't use them all.
let start() be
foo(5, "Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb")
- Output:
Mary had a little lamb
All BQN functions can be variadic since they allow taking lists of arbitrary length as arguments. A function can reject variadicity by defining a header to restrict the arguments to a specific length.
Fun1 ← •Show¨
Fun2 ← {•Show¨𝕩}
Fun3 ← { 1=≠𝕩 ? •Show 𝕩; "too many arguments " ! 𝕩}
Both Fun1 and Fun2 display all the values (arguments) of the lists given to them.
Fun3 throws an error if the given argument is not a list of length 1 or not a list at all. Otherwise it displays its argument.
The ANSI C standard header stdarg.h defines macros for low-level access to the parameter stack. It does not know the number or types of these parameters; this is specified by the required initial parameter(s). For example, it could be a simple count, a terminating NULL, or a more complicated parameter specification like a printf() format string.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
void varstrings(int count, ...) /* the ellipsis indicates variable arguments */
va_list args;
va_start(args, count);
while (count--)
puts(va_arg(args, const char *));
varstrings(5, "Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb");
In C, there is no way to call a variadic function on a list of arguments constructed at runtime.
However, all standard library functions which are variadic have a corresponding version, usually named by prepending the letter "v", that is non-variadic and takes a va_list as argument in place of the variadic arguments. For example, printf has a corresponding vprintf which takes a format string and a va_list value as arguments.
Nevertheless, the only way of obtaining a va_list is from a variadic function itself. So the "v" functions are only useful for writing a variadic function "wrapper" that performs some processing and then calls on one of the "v" functions with its va_list. C still provides no standard way to construct a va_list manually at runtime.
The actual implementation of va_list is implementation-dependent. If you are developing on a specific platform, you may use platform-specific knowledge to create a va_list by hand in a non-portable way. For example, on many platforms, a va_list is simply a pointer to a buffer where the arguments are arranged contiguously in memory.
using System;
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
PrintAll("test", "rosetta code", 123, 5.6);
static void PrintAll(params object[] varargs) {
foreach (var i in varargs) {
test rosetta code 123 5.6
The C++ varargs are basically the same as in C (therefore you can just take the code from C), but there are some limitations:
- Only PODs (basically, every type you could also write in C) can be passed to varargs
- An important difference is that enums are distinct types with possibly different representation than int in C++, but enumeration values are still converted to
when passed to varargs. Therefore they have to be accessed asint
C++11 in addition allows typesafe variadic arguments through variadic templates. Some compilers, such as gcc, already provide this functionality. The following implements the task with variadic templates:
using option -std=c++0x
#include <iostream>
template<typename T>
void print(T const& t)
std::cout << t;
template<typename First, typename ... Rest>
void print(First const& first, Rest const& ... rest)
std::cout << first;
print(rest ...);
int main()
int i = 10;
std::string s = "Hello world";
print("i = ", i, " and s = \"", s, "\"\n");
As the example shows, variadic templates allow any type to be passed.
(defn foo [& args]
(doseq [a args]
(println a)))
(foo :bar :baz :quux)
(apply foo [:bar :baz :quux])
program-id. dsp-str is external.
data division.
linkage section.
1 cnt comp-5 pic 9(4).
1 str pic x.
procedure division using by value cnt
by reference str delimited repeated 1 to 5.
end program dsp-str.
program-id. variadic.
procedure division.
call "dsp-str" using 4 "The" "quick" "brown" "fox"
stop run
end program variadic.
program-id. dsp-str.
data division.
working-storage section.
1 i comp-5 pic 9(4).
1 len comp-5 pic 9(4).
1 wk-string pic x(20).
linkage section.
1 cnt comp-5 pic 9(4).
1 str1 pic x(20).
1 str2 pic x(20).
1 str3 pic x(20).
1 str4 pic x(20).
1 str5 pic x(20).
procedure division using cnt str1 str2 str3 str4 str5.
if cnt < 1 or > 5
display "Invalid number of parameters"
stop run
perform varying i from 1 by 1
until i > cnt
evaluate i
when 1
unstring str1 delimited low-value
into wk-string count in len
when 2
unstring str2 delimited low-value
into wk-string count in len
when 3
unstring str3 delimited low-value
into wk-string count in len
when 4
unstring str4 delimited low-value
into wk-string count in len
when 5
unstring str5 delimited low-value
into wk-string count in len
display wk-string (1:len)
exit program
end program dsp-str.
- Output:
The quick brown fox
Common Lisp
The &rest lambda list keyword causes all remaining arguments to be bound to the following variable.
(defun example (&rest args)
(dolist (arg args)
(print arg)))
(example "Mary" "had" "a" "little" "lamb")
(let ((args '("Mary" "had" "a" "little" "lamb")))
(apply #'example args))
To define a variadic function, we build a variadic type:
Fixpoint Arity (A B: Set) (n: nat): Set := match n with
|O => B
|S n' => A -> (Arity A B n')
This function can be used as a type, Arity A B n means .
Hence each functions that takes an arbitrary number n of parameter of type A and returns B will have the type Arity A B n (Note that we can parameter n to be a specific value)
Those functions will be called with their first parameters yielding the number of arguments and the rest being the arguments themselves.
Since Arity is a type, we can compound it with itself as the destination to mean, for instance, "n naturals and 2 * n booleans" like so:
Definition nat_twobools (n: nat) := Arity nat (Arity bool nat (2*n)) n.
There is no equivalent to printf in Coq, because this function has border effects. We will then instead of printing each arguments build a list from it.
Our function has type Arity A (list A) n and we obviously want to use induction on n.
To build the heritance, we will have the hypothesis of Arity A (list A) n and will have to build a term of Arity A (list A) (S n).
Forall A and B, Arity A B (S n) is but , aka a function that takes A and returns an Arity A B n
Hence to introduce a new value, we simply create a function that takes one parameter and uses it.
Finally, for the function to work, we need an accumulator of some sort
Require Import List.
Fixpoint build_list_aux {A: Set} (acc: list A) (n : nat): Arity A (list A) n := match n with
|O => acc
|S n' => fun (val: A) => build_list_aux (acc ++ (val :: nil)) n'
Our function is then just an application of this one:
Definition build_list {A: Set} := build_list_aux (@nil A).
To call it we give it the number of argument and then the parameters we want in the list
Check build_list 5 1 2 5 90 42.
Which gives the result [1; 2; 5; 90; 42]
If instead of a list we wanted a vector (a list which size is now in its own type), then it gets trickier.
One of the problem is that we will have to prove equality of types such as one of the types t A n and t A (n + 0).
We should not use lemmas or automatic tactics in this case.
The reason for that is that the proof will be then a part of the type and computation of our function, so when we will try to compute it, Coq will be unable to unfold the opaque proof. Instead we should define our own lemmas and set their opacity to be transparent. Here are the two lemmas we will need:
Lemma transparent_plus_zero: forall n, n + O = n.
intros n; induction n.
- reflexivity.
- simpl; rewrite IHn; trivial.
Lemma transparent_plus_S: forall n m, n + S m = S n + m .
intros n; induction n; intros m.
- reflexivity.
- simpl; f_equal; rewrite IHn; reflexivity.
Now on to the function.
Here the accumulator has to be of a fixed size, so we give this size a value, and for each step, we decrement the number of argument and increment this size.
The size of the result is the sum of the size of the accumulator and of the current number of argument. This sum is constant.
Instead of defining a function directly, we will construct it as a proof that will be easier for us to write:
Require Import Vector.
Definition build_vector_aux {A: Set} (n: nat): forall (size_acc : nat) (acc: t A size_acc), Arity A (t A (size_acc + n)) n.
induction n; intros size_acc acc.
- rewrite transparent_plus_zero; apply acc. (*Just one argument, return the accumulator*)
- intros val. rewrite transparent_plus_S. apply IHn. (*Here we use the induction hypothesis. We just have to build the new accumulator*)
apply shiftin; [apply val | apply acc]. (*Shiftin adds a term at the end of a vector*)
As before, we can now build the full function with a null accumulator:
Definition build_vector {A: Set} (n: nat) := build_vector_aux n O (@nil A).
When we call it:
Require Import String.
Eval compute in build_vector 4 "Hello" "how" "are" "you".
Which gives the vector of members "Hello", "how", "are" and "you" of size 4
import std.stdio, std.algorithm;
void printAll(TyArgs...)(TyArgs args) {
foreach (el; args)
// Typesafe variadic function for dynamic array
void showSum1(int[] items...) {
// Typesafe variadic function for fixed size array
void showSum2(int[4] items...) {
void main() {
printAll(4, 5.6, "Rosetta", "Code", "is", "awesome");
showSum1(1, 3, 50);
showSum2(1, 3, 50, 10);
- Output:
4 5.6 Rosetta Code is awesome 54 64
Being a system language, in D there are also:
- C-style variadic functions
- D-style variadic functions with type info
- Typesafe variadic function for class objects
See for more info:
See Free Pascal.
func printAll(args...) {
for i in args {
printAll("test", "rosetta code", 123, 5.6)
- Output:
test rosetta code 123 5.6
Déjà Vu
Variadic functions in the Déjà Vu standard library generally end with (
, [
or {
. For this purpose, )
, ]
and }
are autonyms (that is, they have a global bindings to themselves, so that )
is the same as :)
while /= ) dup:
show-all( :foo "Hello" 42 [ true ] )
- Output:
:foo "Hello" 42 [ true ]
Varargs is mildly unidiomatic in E, as the argument count is dispatched on, and often considered part of the method name.
However, accepting any number of arguments can easily be done, as it is just a particular case of the basic mechanism for dynamic message handling:
def example {
match [`run`, args] {
for x in args {
example("Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"), "run", ["Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"])
For comparison, a plain method doing the same thing for exactly two arguments would be like this:
def non_example {
to run(x, y) {
or, written using the function syntax,
def non_example(x, y) {
Ecstasy does not support a true variadic function (a la C with "...") or a syntactic sugar for the same (a la Java with "..." and the underlying Object[]). Instead, when a variadic call is needed, the method or function is declared with the desired array type, and the caller simply passes an array value of any length using the literal array syntax:
module VariadicFunction {
void show(String[] strings) {
@Inject Console console;
strings.forEach(s -> console.print(s));
void run() {
show(["hello", "world"]);
String s1 = "not";
String s2 = "a";
String s3 = "constant";
String s4 = "literal";
show([s1, s2, s3, s4]);
- Output:
hello world not a constant literal
Egel performs almost all of its work with pattern-matching anonymous functions which may match against any number of arguments. The following combinator discriminates between 2, 1, or 0 arguments; more elaborate examples are straightforward.
[ X Y -> "two" | X -> "one" | -> "zero" ]
ELENA 6.x :
import system'routines;
import extensions;
extension variadicOp
printAll(params object[] list)
for(int i := 0; i < list.Length; i++)
public program()
console.printAll("test", "rosetta code", 123, 5.6r)
- Output:
test rosetta code 123 5.6
Elixir doesn't have the feature of the variable number of arguments. However, it is possible to process as the list if putting in an argument in [].
defmodule RC do
def print_each( arguments ) do
Enum.each(arguments, fn x -> IO.inspect x end)
RC.print_each(["Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"])
- Output:
1 2 3 "Mary" "had" "a" "little" "lamb"
Emacs Lisp
An &rest
in the formal parameters gives all further arguments in a list, which the code can then act on in usual list ways. Fixed arguments can precede the &rest
if desired.
(defun my-print-args (&rest arg-list)
(message "there are %d argument(s)" (length arg-list))
(dolist (arg arg-list)
(message "arg is %S" arg)))
(my-print-args 1 2 3)
A function can be called with a list of arguments (and optionally fixed arguments too) with apply
, similar to most Lisp variants.
(let ((arg-list '("some thing %d %d %d" 1 2 3)))
(apply 'message arg-list))
^|EMal supports variadic functions in more than one way|^
fun print = void by text mode, List args do
writeLine("== " + mode + " ==")
for each var arg in args do writeLine(arg) end
fun printArgumentsList = void by List args
print("accepting a list", args)
fun printArgumentsUnchecked = void by some var args
print("unchecked variadic", args)
fun printArgumentsChecked = void by text subject, logic isTrue, int howMany, some text values
print("checked variadic", var[subject, isTrue, howMany, +values]) # unary plus on lists does list expansion
printArgumentsList(var["These are the ", true, 7, "seas", "of", "Rhye"])
printArgumentsUnchecked("These are the ", true, 7, "seas", "of", "Rhye")
printArgumentsChecked("These are the ", true, 7, "seas", "of", "Rhye")
- Output:
== accepting a list == These are the ⊤ 7 seas of Rhye == unchecked variadic == These are the ⊤ 7 seas of Rhye == checked variadic == These are the ⊤ 7 seas of Rhye
Variable amount of anything (like arguments): use a list.
print_each( Arguments ) -> [io:fwrite( "~p~n", [X]) || X <- Arguments].
Euler Math Toolbox
>function allargs () ...
$ loop 1 to argn();
$ args(#),
$ end
[ 1 2 ]
>function args test (x) := {x,x^2,x^3}
procedure print_args(sequence args)
for i = 1 to length(args) do
puts(1,' ')
end for
end procedure
print_args({"Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"})
// Variadic function. Nigel Galloway: March 6th., 2024
open System
type X()=static member F([<ParamArray>] args: Object[]) = args|>Array.iter(printfn "%A")
X.F(23, 3.142, "Nigel", 1u, true)
- Output:
23 3.142 Nigel 1 true
Variadic functions can be created by making a word which accepts a number specifying how many data stack items to operate on.
MACRO: variadic-print ( n -- quot ) [ print ] n*quot ;
An interactive demonstration in the listener:
IN: scratchpad "apple" "banana" "cucumber"
--- Data stack:
IN: scratchpad 2 variadic-print
--- Data stack:
Words taking variable numbers of arguments may be written by specifying the number of parameters to operate upon as the top parameter. There are two standard words which operate this way: PICK and ROLL.
: sum ( x_1 ... x_n n -- sum ) 1 ?do + loop ;
4 3 2 1 4 sum . \ 10
Alternatively, you can operate upon the entire parameter stack for debugging by using the word DEPTH, which returns the number of items currently on the stack.
: .stack ( -- ) depth 0 ?do i pick . loop ;
Fortran has no varargs for subroutines and functions, but has optional
arguments and varargs functions can be programmed passing an array as argument. Moreover you can program elemental functions or subroutines, i.e. function acting on a single element but which can be used automatically over a vector (but there are limits to respect in order to make it possible, e.g. it is not possible to use print
The following code shows how an optional vector argument can be used to pass a variable number of argument to a subroutine.
program varargs
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: va
integer :: i
! using an array (vector) static
call v_func()
call v_func( (/ 100 /) )
call v_func( (/ 90, 20, 30 /) )
! dynamically creating an array of 5 elements
va = (/ (i,i=1,5) /)
call v_func(va)
subroutine v_func(arglist)
integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: arglist
integer :: i
if ( present(arglist) ) then
do i = lbound(arglist, 1), ubound(arglist, 1)
print *, arglist(i)
end do
print *, "no argument at all"
end if
end subroutine v_func
end program varargs
Free Pascal
Note, strictly speaking the routine writeLines has exactly one parameter.
program variadicRoutinesDemo(input, output, stdErr);
{$mode objFPC}
// array of const is only supported in $mode objFPC or $mode Delphi
procedure writeLines(const arguments: array of const);
argument: TVarRec;
// inside the body `array of const` is equivalent to `array of TVarRec`
for argument in arguments do
with argument do
case vType of
// and so on
writeLines([42, 'is', true, #33]);
- Output:
Fōrmulæ programs are not textual, visualization/edition of programs is done showing/manipulating structures but not text. Moreover, there can be multiple visual representations of the same program. Even though it is possible to have textual representation —i.e. XML, JSON— they are intended for storage and transfer purposes more than visualization and edition.
Programs in Fōrmulæ are created/edited online in its website.
In this page you can see and run the program(s) related to this task and their results. You can also change either the programs or the parameters they are called with, for experimentation, but remember that these programs were created with the main purpose of showing a clear solution of the task, and they generally lack any kind of validation.
Fōrmulæ does not have variadic functions. However an array can be provided as argument:
Tee following function accepts a list as its unique parameter. It retrieves the list in vertical form (as a matrix of 1 column):
With this approach we can use several parameters being lists with variable number of elements each, for example:
void local fn Function1( count as long, ... )
va_list ap
long value
va_start( ap, count )
while ( count )
value = fn va_argLong( ap )
printf @"%ld",value
va_end( ap )
end fn
void local fn Function2( obj as CFTypeRef, ... )
va_list ap
va_start( ap, obj )
while ( obj )
printf @"%@",obj
obj = fn va_argObj(ap)
va_end( ap )
end fn
window 1
// params: num of args, 1st arg, 2nd arg, etc.
fn Function1( 3, 987, 654, 321 )
// params: 1st arg, 2nd arg, ..., NULL
fn Function2( @"One", @"Two", @"Three", @"O'Leary", NULL )
- Output:
987 654 321 One Two Three O'Leary
A variadic function in Go has a ...
prefix on the type of the final parameter. (spec, Function types)
func printAll(things ... string) {
// it's as if you declared "things" as a []string, containing all the arguments
for _, x := range things {
If you wish to supply an argument list to a variadic function at runtime, you can do this by adding a ...
after a slice argument:
args := []string{"foo", "bar"}
#!/usr/bin/env golosh
This module demonstrates variadic functions.
module Variadic
import gololang.Functions
Varargs have the three dots after them just like Java.
function varargsFunc = |args...| {
foreach arg in args {
function main = |args| {
varargsFunc(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "against", "one")
# to call a variadic function with an array we use the unary function
def printAll( Object[] args) { args.each{ arg -> println arg } }
printAll(1, 2, "three", ["3", "4"])
Sample output:
1 2 three [3, 4]
You can use some fancy recursive type-class instancing to make a function that takes an unlimited number of arguments. This is how, for example, printf works in Haskell.
class PrintAllType t where
process :: [String] -> t
instance PrintAllType (IO a) where
process args = do mapM_ putStrLn args
return undefined
instance (Show a, PrintAllType r) => PrintAllType (a -> r) where
process args = \a -> process (args ++ [show a])
printAll :: (PrintAllType t) => t
printAll = process []
main :: IO ()
main = do printAll 5 "Mary" "had" "a" "little" "lamb"
printAll 4 3 5
printAll "Rosetta" "Code" "Is" "Awesome!"
So here we created a type class specially for the use of this variable-argument function. The type class specifies a function, which takes as an argument some kind of accumulated state of the arguments so far, and returns the type of the type class. Here I chose to accumulate a list of the string representations of each of the arguments; this is not the only way to do it; for example, you could choose to print them directly and just accumulate the IO monad.
We need two kinds of instances of this type class. There is the "base case" instance, which has the type that can be thought of as the "return type" of the vararg function. It describes what to do when we are "done" with our arguments. Here we just take the accumulated list of strings and print them, one per line. We actually wanted to use "IO ()" instead of "IO a"; but since you can't instance just a specialization like "IO ()", we used "IO a" but return "undefined" to make sure nobody uses it. Or we can use GADTs pragma and constraint in instance like this :
instance a ~ () => PrintAllType (IO a) where
process args = do mapM_ putStrLn args
You can have multiple base case instances; for example, you might want an instances that returns the result as a string instead of printing it. This is how "printf" in Haskell can either print to stdout or print to string (like sprintf in other languages), depending on the type of its context.
The other kind of instance is the "recursive case". It describes what happens when you come across an argument. Here we simply append its string representation to the end of our previous "accumulated state", and then pass that state onto the next iteration. Make sure to specify the requirements of the types of the arguments; here I just required that each argument be an instance of Show (so you can use "show" to get the string representation), but it might be different for you.
Icon and Unicon
Using it
|icon varargs.icn some extra args a b c d
(function f
(print (join "\n" args)))
(f 1 2 3 4)
printAll := method(call message arguments foreach(println))
J's data is arbitrary length lists. So all functions implicitly support variable length argument lists unless their definitions specifically reject them.
For example:
sum 1,A,B,4,C
That said, J expects that members of lists all use the same kind of machine representation. If you want both character literals and numbers for arguments, or if you want arrays with different dimensions, each argument must be put into a box, and the function is responsible for dealing with the packing material.
commaAnd=: [: ; (<' and ') _2} ::] 1 }.&, (<', ') ,. ":each
commaAnd 'dog';A;B;'cat';C
dog, 2, 3, cat and 5
To print each argument on its own line, we would typically map echo
over the arguments (in this example, the contents of each box):
Using ... after the type of argument will take in any number of arguments and put them all in one array of the given type with the given name.
public static void printAll(Object... things){
// "things" is an Object[]
for(Object i:things){
This function can be called with any number of arguments:
printAll(4, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3);
printAll(4, 3, 5);
printAll("Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!");
Or with an array directly (the array must have the appropriate array type; i.e. if it is String..., then you need to pass a String[]):
Object[] args = {"Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!"};
But not with both (in this case the array is considered as just one of two arguments, and not expanded):
Object[] args = {"Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome,"};
printAll(args, "Dude!");//does not print "Rosetta Code Is Awesome, Dude!"
//instead prints the type and hashcode for args followed by "Dude!"
In some rare cases, you may want to pass an array as just a single argument, but doing it directly would expand it to be the entire argument. In this case, you need to cast the array to Object (all arrays are objects) so the compiler doesn't know it's an array anymore.
The arguments
special variable, when used inside a function, contains an array of all the arguments passed to that function.
function printAll() {
for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++)
printAll(4, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3);
printAll(4, 3, 5);
printAll("Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!");
The function.arguments
property is equivalent to the arguments
variable above, but is deprecated.
You can use the apply method of a function to apply it to a list of arguments:
args = ["Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!"]
printAll.apply(null, args)
ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) variants
The newest version of ECMAScript added fat arrow function expression syntax, rest arguments and the spread operator. These make writing something like this easy. Of course, a better version might use, but here we have a variant that works on variadic arguments:
fix = // Variant of the applicative order Y combinator
f => (f => f(f))(g => f((...a) => g(g)(...a))),
forAll =
f =>
z => (a,...b) => (
(a === void 0)
||(f(a), z(...b)))),
printAll = forAll(print);
(f => a => f(...a))(printAll)([9,10,11,12,13,14]);
// 0
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
// 5
// 6
// 7
// 8
// 9
// 10
// 11
// 12
// 13
// 14
Or, less ambitiously:
(() => {
'use strict';
// show :: a -> String
const show = x => JSON.stringify(x, null, 2);
// printAll [any] -> String
const printAll = (...a) =>
return printAll(1, 2, 3, 2 + 2, "five", 6);
- Output:
1 2 3 4 "five" 6
jq does not support variadic functions, but all versions of jq allow JSON arrays and objects to be used as arguments and as inputs of functions, and thus variadic functions can easily be simulated. In addition, as described in the next subsection, recent releases of jq support variadic function names.
The first task requirement can in effect be accomplished using a 0-arity function defined as follows:
def demo: .[];
The parameters would be presented to demo
in the form of an array. For example, given an array, args, constructed at runtime, the second task requirement can be accomplished by calling:
args | demo
For example:
["cheese"] + [3.14] + [[range(0;3)]] | demo
Variadic Function Names:
In this subsection, the notation f/n will be used to refer to a function named f with arity n. For example, recurse/1 is a builtin function that requires one argument.
In recent releases of jq (after version 1.4), function names are variadic in the sense that, if f is a function name, then f/n can be defined for multiple values of n. However, jq does not support the programmatic construction of function calls, and if a function is called with an undefined name/arity combination, then an error will be raised.
# arity-0:
def f: "I have no arguments";
# arity-1:
def f(a1): a1;
# arity-1:
def f(a1;a2): a1,a2;
def f(a1;a2;a3): a1,a2,a3;
# Example:
f, f(1), f(2;3), f(4;5;6)
Putting ...
after the last argument in a function definition makes it variadic (any number of arguments are passed as a tuple):
julia> print_each(X...) = for x in X; println(x); end
julia> print_each(1, "hello", 23.4)
Conversely, when ...
is appended to an array (or other iterable object) passed to the function, the array is converted to a sequence of arguments:
julia> args = [ "first", (1,2,17), "last" ]
3-element Array{Any,1}:
julia> print_each(args...)
1 tolist flatten
len [
get print nl
] for
"Enter any number of words separated by space: " input nl
stklen [split varfunc nl] if
nl "End " input
// version 1.1
fun variadic(vararg va: String) {
for (v in va) println(v)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
variadic("First", "Second", "Third")
println("\nEnter four strings for the function to print:")
val va = Array(4) { "" }
for (i in 1..4) {
print("String $i = ")
va[i - 1] = readLine()!!
Sample input/output:
- Output:
First Second Third Enter four strings for the function to print: String 1 = Animal String 2 = Vegetable String 3 = Mineral String 4 = Whatever Animal Vegetable Mineral Whatever
# Variadic function
# # Variables:
typeset -a arr=( 0 2 4 6 8 )
# # Functions:
function _variadic {
while [[ -n $1 ]]; do
print $1
# main #
_variadic Mary had a little lamb
_variadic ${arr[@]}
- Output:
Mary had a little lamb
0 2 4 6
Lambdas are de facto variadic in lambdatalk
{def foo
{lambda {:s} // :s will get any sequence of words
{S.first :s}
{if {S.empty? { :s}} then else {foo { :s}}}}}
-> foo
{foo hello brave new world}
-> hello brave new world
{foo {S.serie 1 10}}
-> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
fp.printAll = (&values...) -> {
fn.arrayForEach(&values, fn.println)
fp.printAll(1, 2, 3)
# 1
# 2
# 3
fp.printAll() # No output
fp.printAll(abc, def, xyz)
# abc
# def
# xyz
# Array un-packing
&arr $= [1, abc, xyz, 42.42f]
# 1
# abc
# xyz
# 42.42
fp.printAll(&arr..., last)
# 1
# abc
# xyz
# 42.42
# last
fp.printAll(first, &arr...)
# first
# 1
# abc
# xyz
# 42.42
Solution with the use of arguments auto-pack operator and combinator function:
fp.printAllComb $= -|fn.combC(fn.arrayForEach, fn.println)
fp.printAllComb(42, 2, abc)
# 42
# 2
# abc
fp.printAllComb() # No output
&arr $= [1, abc, xyz, 42.42f]
# 1
# abc
# xyz
# 42.42
A Lasso method parameter name can prefixed by "..." to specify a variable number of parameters, which are made available as a staticarray. If no name is specified, the staticarray will be named "rest".
define printArgs(...items) => stdoutnl(#items)
define printEachArg(...) => with i in #rest do stdoutnl(#i)
printArgs('a', 2, (:3))
printEachArg('a', 2, (:3))
To expand an existing list, pass it to the method using invocation syntax.
local(args = (:"Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!"))
staticarray(a, 2, staticarray(3))
UCB Logo allows four classes of arguments (in order):
- 0 or more required inputs (colon prefixed words)
- 0 or more optional inputs (two member lists: colon prefixed word with default value)
- an optional "rest" input (a list containing a colon prefixed word, set to the list of remaining arguments)
- ...with an optional default arity (a number)
to varargs [:args]
foreach :args [print ?]
(varargs "Mary "had "a "little "lamb)
apply "varargs [Mary had a little lamb]
The generic syntax for defining a variadic function is appending an ellipsis to the list of arguments:
function varar(...)
for i, v in ipairs{...} do print(v) end
It is then used like so:
varar(1, "bla", 5, "end");
- Output:
1 bla 5 end
When used with runtime arrays, the unpack function must be called on the array, otherwise the array itself will be used as the only argument:
local runtime_array = {1, "bla", 5, "end"};
M2000 Interpreter
Each function has own stack of values. We can Read arguments from there, using a Read statement or we can check stack or do anything to it. This stack erased when function exit. We can use parenthesis in the name or not. When we use parentesis we can put some arguments, but interpreter make a Read statement with these arguments.
Function Variadic() {...} is the same as Function Variadic {...} and Function Variadic () {...}.
Function Abc(x, y) {...} is the same as Function Abc {Read x, y : ... }
We can use Read at some point after some statement executed in Abc function. We can check the stack before the Read to find the type of values in function's stack. This stack isn't the return or process stack.
Module's have stack too, but calling a module from module pass the same stack. This hold if we call function using Call statement.
Module CheckIt {
\\ Works for numbers and strings (letters in M2000)
Function Variadic {
\\ print a letter for each type in function stack
Print Envelope$()
\\Check types using Match
Print Match("NNSNNS")
While not Empty {
if islet then {print letter$} else print number
Print M
\\ K is a poiner to Array
K=(1,2,"Hello 2",3,4,"Bye 2")
\\ !K pass all items to function's stack
Module CheckIt2 {
Function Variadic {
\\ [] return a pointer to stack, and leave a new stack as function's stack
\\ a is a pointer to stack
\\ objects just leave a space, and cursor move to next column (spread on lines)
Print a
Print M
\\ K is a poiner to Array
K=(1,2,"Hello 2",3,4,"Bye 2")
\\ !K pass all items to function stack
Output (with tracing):
m4trace: -1- showargs(a, b, c) a b c m4trace: -1- showargs(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 1 2 3 4 5
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
Function that takes 0 to infinite arguments and prints the arguments:
ShowMultiArg[x___] := Do[Print[i], {i, {x}}]
ShowMultiArg[a, b, c]
ShowMultiArg[5, 3, 1]
gives back:
In general Mathematica supports patterns in functions, mostly represented by the blanks and sequences: _, __ and ___ . With those you can create functions with variable type and number of arguments.
In MATLAB, the keyword "varargin" in the argument list of a function denotes that function as a variadic function. This keyword must come last in the list of arguments. "varargin" is actually a cell-array that assigns a comma separated list of input arguments as elements in the list. You can access each of these elements like you would any normal cell array.
function variadicFunction(varargin)
for i = (1:numel(varargin))
Sample Usage:
>> variadicFunction(1,2,3,4,'cat')
show([L]) := block([n], n: length(L), for i from 1 thru n do disp(L[i]))$
show(1, 2, 3, 4);
apply(show, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
/* Actually, the built-in function "disp" is already what we want */
disp(1, 2, 3, 4);
apply(disp, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
Variable number of arguments to a macro can be done using the text keyword identifying the kind of argument to the macro. In this way, each argument can be of any kind (here, as example, I show all the primitive types that Metafont knows)
def print_arg(text t) =
for x = t:
if unknown x: message "unknown value"
elseif numeric x: message decimal x
elseif string x: message x
elseif path x: message "a path"
elseif pair x: message decimal (xpart(x)) & ", " & decimal (ypart(x))
elseif boolean x: if x: message "true!" else: message "false!" fi
elseif pen x: message "a pen"
elseif picture x: message "a picture"
elseif transform x: message "a transform" fi; endfor enddef;
print_arg("hello", x, 12, fullcircle, currentpicture, down, identity, false, pencircle);
Modula-3 provides the built ins FIRST and LAST, which can be used with FOR loops to cycle over all elements of an array. This, combined with open arrays allows Modula-3 to simulate variadic functions.
VAR strings := ARRAY [1..5] OF TEXT {"foo", "bar", "baz", "quux", "zeepf"};
FOR i := FIRST(arr) TO LAST(arr) DO
IO.Put(arr[i] & "\n");
END Variable;
END Varargs.
foo bar baz quux zeepf
Things get more complicated if you want to mix types:
strings := NEW(REF TEXT);
reals := NEW(REF REAL);
refarr := ARRAY [1..3] OF REFANY {strings, ints, reals};
FOR i := FIRST(arr) TO LAST(arr) DO
| REF TEXT(n) => IO.Put(n^ & "\n");
| REF INTEGER(n) => IO.Put(Fmt.Int(n^) & "\n");
| REF REAL(n) => IO.Put(Fmt.Real(n^) & "\n");
ELSE (* skip *)
END Variable;
strings^ := "Rosetta"; ints^ := 1; reals^ := 3.1415;
END Varargs.
Rosetta 1 3.1415
Like C#, Nemerle uses the params keyword to specify that arguments are collected into an array.
using System;
using System.Console;
module Variadic
PrintAll (params args : array[object]) : void
foreach (arg in args) WriteLine(arg);
Main() : void
PrintAll("test", "rosetta code", 123, 5.6, DateTime.Now);
proc print(xs: varargs[string, `$`]) =
for x in xs:
echo x
The function can be called with any number of arguments and the argument list can be constructed at runtime:
print(12, "Rosetta", "Code", 15.54321)
print 12, "Rosetta", "Code", 15.54321, "is", "awesome!"
let args = @["12", "Rosetta", "Code", "15.54321"]
Objective-C uses the same varargs functionality as C. Like C, it has no way of knowing the number or types of the arguments. When the arguments are all objects, the convention is that, if the number of arguments is undetermined, then the list must be "terminated" with nil
. Functions that follow this convention include the constructors of data structures that take an undetermined number of elements, like [NSArray arrayWithObjects:...]
#include <stdarg.h>
void logObjects(id firstObject, ...) // <-- there is always at least one arg, "nil", so this is valid, even for "empty" list
va_list args;
va_start(args, firstObject);
id obj;
for (obj = firstObject; obj != nil; obj = va_arg(args, id))
NSLog(@"%@", obj);
// This function can be called with any number or type of objects, as long as you terminate it with "nil":
logObjects(@"Rosetta", @"Code", @"Is", @"Awesome!", nil);
logObjects(@4, @3, @"foo", nil);
OCaml's strong type system makes writing variadic functions complex, as there is no 'a... -> 'b
In general, writing a function that takes a list as argument is the best practice :
let rec print = function
| [] -> ()
| x :: xs -> print_endline x; print xs
(* Or better yet *)
let print = List.iter print_endline
let () =
print [];
print ["hello"; "world!"]
If you really need a true variadic function, there are a few ways to make it work. The first is to specify the function's type with its first argument using a generalized algebraic data type (GADT) :
type 'a variadic =
| Z : unit variadic
| S : 'a variadic -> (string -> 'a) variadic
let rec print : type a. a variadic -> a = function
| Z -> ()
| S v -> fun x -> Format.printf "%s\n" x; print v
let () =
print Z; (* no arguments *)
print (S Z) "hello"; (* one argument *)
print (S (S (S Z))) "how" "are" "you" (* three arguments *)
You can even specify different types with more GADT constructors:
type 'a variadic =
| Z : unit variadic
| U : 'a variadic -> (unit -> 'a) variadic
| S : 'a variadic -> (string -> 'a) variadic
| I : 'a variadic -> (int -> 'a) variadic
| F : 'a variadic -> (float -> 'a) variadic
(* Printing of a general type, takes pretty printer as argument *)
| G : 'a variadic -> (('t -> unit) -> 't -> 'a) variadic
| L : 'a variadic -> (('t -> unit) -> 't list -> 'a) variadic
let rec print : type a. a variadic -> a = function
| Z -> ()
| U v -> fun () -> Format.printf "()\n"; print v
| S v -> fun x -> Format.printf "%s\n" x; print v
| I v -> fun x -> Format.printf "%d\n" x; print v
| F v -> fun x -> Format.printf "%f\n" x; print v
| G v -> fun pp x -> pp x; print v
| L v -> fun pp x -> List.iter pp x; print v
let () =
print (S (I (S Z))) "I am " 5 "Years old";
print (S (I (S (L (S Z))))) "I have " 3 " siblings aged " (print (I Z)) [1;3;7]
This is what the Format.printf
functions do. The only difference is that the compiler constructs the GADT term from the given format string. This is why you can only call them with an explicit string argument, and not a variable of type string.
Another method uses continuation passing style (CPS) :
let print f = f ()
let arg value () cont = cont (Format.printf "%s\n" value)
let stop a = a
let () =
print stop;
print (arg "hello") (arg "there") stop;
(* use a prefix operator for arg *)
let (!) = arg
let () =
print !"hello" !"hi" !"its" !"me" stop
This isn't really a variadic function though, it's a hack that looks like one. The work is being done in the arg
function, not print
Other example (sequential composition or Lisp-like apply
type ('f,'g) t =
| Z : ('f,'f) t
| S : 'a -> (('a -> 'f), ('f,'g) t -> 'g) t
let rec apply: type f g. f -> (f,g) t -> g =
fun k t -> match t with
| Z -> k (* type g = f *)
| S x -> apply (k x) (* type g = (f,g) t -> g *)
let (!) x = S x (* prefix *)
(* top level *)
# apply !(fun x -> x+1) ![1;2;3] Z
As Oforth uses a data stack, the only way to have a function using a variable number of parameters is to define one of its parameters as the number of parameters to use on the stack.
For instance :
: sumNum(n) | i | 0 n loop: i [ + ] ;
- Output:
sumNum(3, 1, 2, 3) println 6 sumNum(2, 1, 4) println 5 sumNum(5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) println 25
This is only possible for methods, not for functions/procedures.
class Demo from BaseObject
meth test(...)=Msg
{Record.forAll Msg Show}
D = {New Demo noop}
Constructed = {List.toTuple test {List.number 1 10 1}}
{D test(1 2 3 4)}
{D Constructed}
A variadic function can be coded directly in PARI using the parser code s*
call(f, v)
Standard Pascal does not allow variadic functions.
See Free Pascal instead.
procedure Output(params arr: array of object);
foreach var obj in arr do
var a: array of object := (1,2.5,'z','PascalABC.NET');
- Output:
1 2.5 z PascalABC.NET 1 2.5 z PascalABC.NET
Functions in Perl 5 don't have argument lists. All arguments are stored in the array @_ anyway, so there is variable arguments by default.
sub print_all {
foreach (@_) {
print "$_\n";
This function can be called with any number of arguments:
print_all(4, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3);
print_all(4, 3, 5);
print_all("Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!");
Since lists are flattened when placed in a list context, you can just pass an array in as an argument and all its elements will become separate arguments:
@args = ("Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!");
Introduced experimentally in 5.20.0, subroutines can have signatures when the feature is turned on:
use 5.020;
use experimental 'signatures';
Perl policy states that all bets are off with experimental features—their behavior is subject to change at any time, and they may even be removed completely (this feature will most likely stay in, but expect changes in the future that will break any scripts written using it as it stands in 5.20.1).
Functions can be declared with fixed arity:
sub print ($x, $y) {
say $x, "\n", $y;
But this can easily be converted to a variadic function with a slurpy parameter:
sub print_many ($first, $second, @rest) {
say "First: $first\n"
."Second: $second\n"
."And the rest: "
. join("\n", @rest);
It is valid for the @rest array to be empty, so this is also an optional parameter (see Optional parameters).
Copy of Euphoria. The argument to print_args could be anything constructed at runtime. You can also specify optional parameters, simply by specifying a default value. Any non-optional arguments must be grouped together at the start.
procedure print_args(sequence args) for i=1 to length(args) do ?args[i] end for end procedure print_args({"Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"})
def varfunc
1 tolist flatten
len for
get print nl
"Mary" "had" "a" "little" "lamb" 5 tolist varfunc
PHP 4 and above supports varargs. You can deal with the argument list using the func_num_args(), func_get_arg(), and func_get_args() functions.
function printAll() {
foreach (func_get_args() as $x) // first way
echo "$x\n";
$numargs = func_num_args(); // second way
for ($i = 0; $i < $numargs; $i++)
echo func_get_arg($i), "\n";
printAll(4, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3);
printAll(4, 3, 5);
printAll("Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!");
You can use the call_user_func_array function to apply it to a list of arguments:
$args = array("Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!");
call_user_func_array('printAll', $args);
You can receive variable arguments in a list by having a parameter preceded by ...:
function printAll(...$things) {
foreach ($things as $x)
echo "$x\n";
printAll(4, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3);
printAll(4, 3, 5);
printAll("Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!");
You can use the same ... syntax to supply a list of arguments to a function:
$args = ["Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!"];
The '@' operator causes a function to accept a variable number of arguments. These can be accesed with the 'args', 'next', 'arg' and 'rest' functions.
(de varargs @
(while (args)
(println (next)) ) )
The '@' operator may be used in combination with normal parameters:
(de varargs (Arg1 Arg2 . @)
(println Arg1)
(println Arg2)
(while (args)
(println (next)) ) )
It is called like any other function
(varargs 'a 123 '(d e f) "hello")
also by possibly applying it to a ready-made list
(apply varargs '(a 123 (d e f) "hello"))
Output in all cases:
a 123 (d e f) "hello"
/* PL/I permits optional arguments, but not an infinitely varying */
/* argument list: */
s: procedure (a, b, c, d);
declare (a, b, c, d) float optional;
if ^omitted(a) then put skip list (a);
if ^omitted(b) then put skip list (b);
if ^omitted(c) then put skip list (c);
if ^omitted(d) then put skip list (d);
end s;
Plain English
The only built-in imperative in Plain English that has variadic arguments is the 'call' imperative:
Call [dll name] [dll function] with [a value] and [another value].
The number of arguments used in the statement varies on the number of arguments needed by the DLL function. Variadic functions cannot be user-defined.
function print_all {
foreach ($x in $args) {
Write-Host $x
Normal usage of the function just uses all arguments one after another:
print_all 1 2 'foo'
In PowerShell v1 there was no elegant way of using an array of objects as arguments to a function which leads to the following idiom:
$array = 1,2,'foo'
Invoke-Expression "& print_all $array"
PowerShell v2 introduced the splat operator which makes this easier:
print_all @array
The Prolog standard does not require support for variadic functions, but there is no need for them in Prolog, because Prolog has first-class support for terms, including lists and terms such as (1,2,3), which are also known as comma-lists.
For example, the standard predicate write/1 has just one formal argument, but it will accept any term. Thus, except for the additional parentheses, write/1 is like a variadic function that requires at least one argument:
?- write( (1) ), nl. 1 ?- write( (1,2,3) ), nl. 1,2,3
In practice, since the minimum length of a comma-list is 2, Prolog lists are often used instead of comma-lists to handle situations where vararg-behavior is wanted. For example:
printAll( List ) :- forall( member(X,List), (write(X), nl)).
To handle more esoteric situations, we could define a higher-order predicate to handle terms of arbitrary arity, e.g.
execute( Term ) :-
Term =.. [F | Args],
forall( member(X,Args), (G =.. [F,X], G, nl) ).
?- execute( write(1,2,3) ). 1 2 3
Putting * before an argument will take in any number of arguments and put them all in a tuple with the given name.
def print_all(*things):
for x in things:
print x
This function can be called with any number of arguments:
print_all(4, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3)
print_all(4, 3, 5)
print_all("Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!")
You can use the same "*" syntax to apply the function to an existing list of arguments:
args = ["Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!"]
Keyword arguments
Python also has keyword arguments were you can add arbitrary func(keyword1=value1, keyword2=value2 ...) keyword-value pairs when calling a function. This example shows both keyword arguments and positional arguments. The two calls to the function are equivalent. *alist spreads the members of the list to create positional arguments, and **adict does similar for the keyword/value pairs from the dictionary.
>>> def printargs(*positionalargs, **keywordargs):
print "POSITIONAL ARGS:\n " + "\n ".join(repr(x) for x in positionalargs)
print "KEYWORD ARGS:\n " + '\n '.join(
"%r = %r" % (k,v) for k,v in keywordargs.iteritems())
>>> printargs(1,'a',1+0j, fee='fi', fo='fum')
'fee' = 'fi'
'fo' = 'fum'
>>> alist = [1,'a',1+0j]
>>> adict = {'fee':'fi', 'fo':'fum'}
>>> printargs(*alist, **adict)
'fee' = 'fi'
'fo' = 'fum'
See the Python entry in Named Arguments for a more comprehensive description of Python function parameters and call arguments.
Qi doesn't have support for variable argument functions, but we can fake it by using a macro that puts all arguments into a list.
(define varargs-func
A -> (print A))
(define varargs
[varargs | Args] -> [varargs-func [list | Args]]
A -> A)
(sugar in varargs 1)
A Quackery word can take a variable number of items from the stack, either by specifying the number of items on the top of stack, or by placing a marker on the stack underneath a number of items.
: "one and the same" compares the identity of two items, ensuring that marker
is uniquely identified.)
[ pack witheach
[ echo$ cr ] ] is counted-echo$ ( $ ... n --> )
[ this ] is marker ( --> m )
[ []
[ swap dup marker oats
iff drop done
nested swap join
again ] ] is gather ( m x ... --> [ )
[ gather witheach
[ echo$ cr ] ] is markered-echo$ ( m $ ... --> )
$ "this" $ "is" $ "a" $ "formica" $ "table" 5 counted-echo$
marker $ "green" $ "is" $ "its" $ "colour" markered-echo$
- Output:
this is a formica table green is its colour
This first function, almost completes the task, but the formatting isn't quite as specified.
printallargs1 <- function(...) list(...)
printallargs1(1:5, "abc", TRUE)
# [[1]]
# [1] 1 2 3 4 5
# [[2]]
# [1] "abc"
# [[3]]
# [1] TRUE
This function is corrrect, though a little longer.
printallargs2 <- function(...)
args <- list(...)
lapply(args, print)
printallargs2(1:5, "abc", TRUE)
# [1] 1 2 3 4 5
# [1] "abc"
# [1] TRUE
Use to call a function with a list of arguments.
arglist <- list(x=runif(10), trim=0.1, na.rm=TRUE), arglist)
The following defines and uses an any-number-of-arguments variadic function called "vfun".
-> (define (vfun . xs) (for-each displayln xs))
-> (vfun)
-> (vfun 1)
-> (vfun 1 2 3 4)
-> (apply vfun (range 10 15))
(formerly Perl 6)
If a subroutine has no formal parameters but mentions the variables @_
or %_
in its body, it will accept arbitrary positional or keyword arguments, respectively. You can even use both in the same function.
sub foo {
.say for @_;
say .key, ': ', .value for %_;
foo 1, 2, command => 'buckle my shoe',
3, 4, order => 'knock at the door';
This prints:
1 2 3 4 command: buckle my shoe order: knock at the door
Raku also supports slurpy arrays and hashes, which are formal parameters that consume extra positional and keyword arguments like @_
and %_
. You can make a parameter slurpy with the *
twigil. This implementation of &foo
works just like the last:
sub foo (*@positional, *%named) {
.say for @positional;
say .key, ': ', .value for %named;
Unlike in Perl 5, arrays and hashes aren't flattened automatically. Use the |
operator to flatten:
foo |@ary, |%hsh;
RapidQ uses special keywords SUBI and FUNCTIONI for procedures and functions with variable number of parameters. Numeric parameters are accessed from array ParamVal and string parameters from array ParamStr$.
SUBI printAll (...)
FOR i = 1 TO ParamValCount
PRINT ParamVal(i)
FOR i = 1 TO ParamStrCount
PRINT ParamStr$(i)
printAll 4, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3
printAll 4, 3, 5
printAll "Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!"
This subroutine prints it arguments. ParamArrays must be the last argument but may be preceded by any number of normal arguments.
Sub PrintArgs(ParamArray Args() As String)
For i As Integer = 0 To Ubound(Args)
End Sub
Calling the subroutine.
PrintArgs("Hello", "World!", "Googbye", "World!")
REBOL does not have variadic functions, nevertheless, it is easy to define a function taking just one argument, an ARGS block. The ARGS block contents can then be processed one by one:
Title: "Variadic Arguments"
print-all: func [
args [block!] {the arguments to print}
] [
foreach arg args [print arg]
print-all [rebol works this way]
print_all: procedure /* [↓] is the # of args passed.*/
do j=1 for arg()
say arg(j)
end /*j*/
print_all: procedure /* [↓] is the # of args passed.*/
do j=1 for arg()
say '[argument' j"]: " arg(j)
end /*j*/
The function can be called with any number of arguments (including no arguments and/or omitted arguments),
although some REXX implementations impose a limit and the number of arguments.
call print_all .1,5,2,4,-3, 4.7e1, 013.000 ,, 8**2 -3, sign(-66), abs(-71.00), 8 || 9, 'seven numbers are prime, 8th is null'
call print_all "One ringy-dingy,",
"two ringy-dingy,",
"three ringy-dingy...",
"Hello? This is Ma Bell.",
"Have you been misusing your instrument?",
"(Lily Tomlin routine)"
/* [↑] example showing multi-line arguments.*/
dynamically built argument list
/* REXX */
Do i=1 To 6
Interpret 'call show' list
show: procedure
do j=1 for arg()
say arg(j)
end /*j*/
arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 end
# Project : Variadic function
nums = [1,2,3,4]
func sum(nums)
total = 0
for num = 1 to len(nums)
total = total + num
see " " + total + nl
func showarray(vect)
see "["
svect = ""
for n = 1 to len(vect)
svect = svect + vect[n] + " "
svect = left(svect, len(svect) - 1)
see "" + svect + "]"
[1 2] 3 [1 2 3] 6 [1 2 3 4] 10
Variable number of arguments are idiomatically passed through the stack, with the last argument specifying how many items shall be taken into account.
≪ ""
" " ROT + SWAP +
"Mary" "has" "a" "little" "lamb" 5 MKLINE
- Output:
1: "Mary has a little lamb"
The * is sometimes referred to as the "splat" in Ruby.
def print_all(*things)
puts things
This function can be called with any number of arguments:
print_all(4, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3)
print_all(4, 3, 5)
print_all("Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!")
You can use the same "*" syntax to apply the function to an existing list of arguments:
args = ["Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!"]
// 20220106 Rust programming solution
macro_rules! print_all {
($($args:expr),*) => { $( println!("{}", $args); )* }
fn main() {
print_all!("Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!");
Output: Try it online!
def printAll(args: Any*) = args foreach println
scala> printAll(1,2,3, "Rosetta", "is cool") 1 2 3 Rosetta is cool scala> val list = List(1,2,3, "Rosetta", "is cool") list: List[Any] = List(1, 2, 3, Rosetta, is cool) scala> printAll(list: _*) 1 2 3 Rosetta is cool
Putting a dot before the last argument will take in any number of arguments and put them all in a list with the given name.
(define (print-all . things)
(lambda (x) (display x) (newline))
Note that if you define the function anonymously using lambda, and you want all the args to be collected in one list (i.e. you have no parameters before the parameter that collects everything), then you can just replace the parentheses altogether with that parameter, as if to say, let this be the argument list:
(define print-all
(lambda things
(lambda (x) (display x) (newline))
This function can be called with any number of arguments:
(print-all 4 3 5 6 4 3)
(print-all 4 3 5)
(print-all "Rosetta" "Code" "Is" "Awesome!")
The apply function will apply the function to a list of arguments:
(define args '("Rosetta" "Code" "Is" "Awesome!"))
(apply print-all args)
A parameter declared with "*", can take any number of arguments of any type.
func print_all(*things) {
things.each { |x| say x };
This function can be called with any number of arguments:
print_all(4, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3);
print_all(4, 3, 5);
print_all("Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!");
Also, there is "..." which transforms an array into a list of arguments.
var args = ["Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!"];
Putting an asterisk before a method's input variable header name means it will contain all non-core input variables (those are prefixed with a colon) in an Array.
define: #printAll -> [| *rest | rest do: [| :arg | inform: arg printString]].
printAll applyTo: #(4 3 5 6 4 3).
printAll applyTo: #('Rosetta' 'Code' 'Is' 'Awesome!').
For method definitions and message sends, the same mechanism is employed, but the syntax for passing arguments after the message phrase is special (using commas to append arguments which fill *rest):
_@lobby printAll [| *rest | rest do: [| :arg | inform: arg printString]].
lobby printAll, 4, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3.
lobby printAll, 'Rosetta', 'Code', 'Is', 'Awesome!'.
Using ... after the type of argument will take in any number of arguments and put them all in one array of the given type with the given name.
func printAll<T>(things: T...) {
// "things" is a [T]
for i in things {
This function can be called with any number of arguments:
printAll(4, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3)
printAll(4, 3, 5)
printAll("Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome!")
If the last argument is named "args", it collects all the remaining arguments
proc print_all {args} {puts [join $args \n]}
print_all 4 3 5 6 4 3
print_all 4 3 5
print_all Rosetta Code Is Awesome!
set things {Rosetta Code Is Awesome!}
print_all $things ;# ==> incorrect: passes a single argument (a list) to print_all
print_all {*}$things ;# ==> correct: passes each element of the list to the procedure
The above code will work in all versions of Tcl except for the last line. A version-independent transcription of that (one of many possible) would be:
eval [list print_all] [lrange $things 0 end]
In TIScript last parameter of function may have '..' added to its name. On call that parameter will contain an array of rest of arguments passed to that function.
function printAll(separator,argv..) {
for (var i=1; i < argv.length; i++)
stdout.print(separator, argv[i]);
printAll(" ", 4, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3);
printAll(",", 4, 3, 5);
printAll("! ","Rosetta", "Code", "Is", "Awesome");
It's not easy to make a variadic function or procedure in uBasic/4tH, but it is possible with a little effort, provided the stack is used. However, sometimes it is required to reverse the order of the values by loading them into the array, from high memory to low memory. Strings may require even more effort, but the built-in hashing helps.
Push _Mary, _had, _a, _little, _lamb ' Push the hashes
Proc _PrintStrings (5) ' Print the string
Push 1, 4, 5, 19, 12, 3 ' Push the numbers
Print "Maximum is: ";FUNC(_Max(6)) ' Call the function
_PrintStrings Param(1) ' Print a variadic number of strings
For b@ = a@-1 To 0 Step -1 ' Reverse the hashes, load in array
@(b@) = Pop()
For b@ = 0 To a@-1 ' Now call the appropriate subroutines
Proc @(b@)
Until b@ = a@-1
Print " "; ' Print a space
Next ' unless it is the last word
Print ' Terminate the string
_Max Param(1) ' Calculate the maximum value
d@ = -(2^31) ' Set maximum to a tiny value
For b@ = 1 To a@ ' Get all values from the stack
c@ = Pop()
If c@ > d@ THEN d@ = c@ ' Change maximum if required
Return (d@) ' Return the maximum
' Hashed labels
_Mary Print "Mary"; : Return
_had Print "had"; : Return
_a Print "a"; : Return
_little Print "little"; : Return
_lamb Print "lamb"; : Return
- Output:
Mary had a little lamb Maximum is: 19 0 OK, 0:236
See Icon.
f = %gP*=
main = f <'foo',12.5,('x','y'),100>
is defined as a function that takes a list of any length of items of any type, and uses a built-in heuristic to decide how to print them. All functions in the language are polymorphic and variadic unless specifically restricted to the contrary.
'foo' 1.250000e+01 ('x','y') 100
In V, all the arguments are passed in stack, and the stack is freely accessible so var args is the default to any level of functions
Using a count as the indication of number of arguments to extract,
[zero? not] [swap puts pred]
100 200 300 400 500 3 myfn
results in:
Visual Basic
Option Explicit
Sub varargs(ParamArray a())
Dim n As Long, m As Long
Debug.Assert VarType(a) = (vbVariant Or vbArray)
For n = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
If IsArray(a(n)) Then
For m = LBound(a(n)) To UBound(a(n))
Debug.Print a(n)(m)
Next m
Debug.Print a(n)
End If
End Sub
Sub Main()
Dim v As Variant
Debug.Print "call 1"
varargs 1, 2, 3
Debug.Print "call 2"
varargs 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
v = Array(9, 10, 11)
Debug.Print "call 3"
varargs v
ReDim v(0 To 2)
v(0) = 12
v(1) = 13
v(2) = 14
Debug.Print "call 4"
varargs 11, v
Debug.Print "call 5"
varargs v(2), v(1), v(0), 11
End Sub
- Output:
call 1 1 2 3 call 2 4 5 6 7 8 call 3 9 10 11 call 4 11 12 13 14 call 5 14 13 12 11
V (Vlang)
fn print_all(things ...string) {
for x in things {
Each method can have a variable-length parameter (VPL), indicated by empty brackets after the parameter name. The VLP (if present) will be replaced with an array containing all the extra arguments passed to the method. Effectively, extra arguments are absorbed into the array. Calling the function with fewer parameters than needed is still a runtime error. The VPL may be omitted, which will result in an empty array as the value of that parameter.
self.f = method(x, y[ ], z){
for(i = 0, i < y.size(), i = i + 1){
('[' + y[i] + ']').print()
self.f(1, 2, 3)
self.f(1, 2, 3, 4)
self.f(1, 2)
Wren doesn't support variadic functions and doesn't really need to as we can just write a function which takes one (or one more) argument and pass it a list.
var printArgs = { |args| args.each { |arg| System.print(arg) } }["Mary", "had", "3", "little", "lambs"])
- Output:
Mary had 3 little lambs
(defun print-on-separate-lines (&rest xs)
(for-each print xs))
; test the function:
(print-on-separate-lines 'i 'am 'doing 'a 'great 'work 'so 'that 'i 'cannot 'come 'down)
; to use it on a list of arguments assembled at run time, first create your list
(define test '(why should the work cease whilst i leave it and come down to you))
; and then call APPLY:
(apply print-on-separate-lines test)
- Output:
Passing an array is probably a better way to accomplish this task.
include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations
def IntSize=4; \number of bytes in an integer
proc Var(N...); \Display N strings passed as arguments
int N;
[N:= Reserve(N*IntSize); \reserve space for N string pointers
repeat Text(0,N(0)); CrLf(0); \display strings pointed to by N(0)
N:= N+IntSize; \point to next string
until N=GetHp; \pointing beyond reserved space?
Var(4, "Mary", "had", "a", "little")
Mary had a little
In zkl, all functions and methods are variadic (they are just passed a list).
fcn f{vm.arglist.apply2("println")}
- Output:
Mary had a little
a:="This is a test".split(); //-->L("This","is","a","test")
f(a.xplode()); // xplode takes a list and blows it apart into call args
- Output:
This is a test
fcn g{f(vm.pasteArgs(2)}
pasteArgs takes the passed in function args and stuffs them back into the arglist of the function call
- Output:
a test
Of course, parameter lists can be named, have defaults, etc. Using the arglist, as a list, isn't the usual case.
- Programming Tasks
- Basic language learning
- Functions and subroutines
- ACL2
- ActionScript
- Ada
- Aime
- ALGOL 68
- AppleScript
- Applesoft BASIC
- Arturo
- AutoHotkey
- BaCon
- Batch File
- Bc
- C
- C sharp
- C++
- Clojure
- Common Lisp
- Coq
- D
- Delphi
- Dyalect
- Déjà Vu
- E
- Ecstasy
- Egel
- Elena
- Elixir
- Emacs Lisp
- EMal
- Erlang
- Euler Math Toolbox
- Euphoria
- F Sharp
- Factor
- Forth
- Fortran
- Free Pascal
- Fōrmulæ
- FutureBasic
- Go
- Golo
- Groovy
- Haskell
- Icon
- Unicon
- Insitux
- Io
- J
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jq
- Julia
- Klingphix
- Kotlin
- Ksh
- Lambdatalk
- Lang
- Lasso
- Logo
- Lua
- M2000 Interpreter
- M4
- Mathematica
- Wolfram Language
- Maxima
- Metafont
- Modula-3
- Nemerle
- Nim
- Objective-C
- OCaml
- Oforth
- Oz
- Pascal
- PascalABC.NET
- Perl
- Phix
- Phix/basics
- Phixmonti
- PicoLisp
- PL/I
- Plain English
- PowerShell
- Prolog
- Python
- Qi
- Quackery
- R
- Racket
- Raku
- RapidQ
- REALbasic
- Ring
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Scheme
- Sidef
- Slate
- Swift
- Tcl
- TIScript
- UBasic/4tH
- Ursala
- V
- Visual Basic
- V (Vlang)
- Vorpal
- Wren
- XPL0
- Zkl
- GUISS/Omit
- TI-89 BASIC/Omit
- ZX Spectrum Basic/Omit
- OCaml/Omit
- Axe/Omit
- Pages with too many expensive parser function calls