Execute a Markov algorithm
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Markov_algorithm. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance) |

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
- Task
Create an interpreter for a Markov Algorithm.
Rules have the syntax:
<ruleset> ::= ((<comment> | <rule>) <newline>+)* <comment> ::= # {<any character>} <rule> ::= <pattern> <whitespace> -> <whitespace> [.] <replacement> <whitespace> ::= (<tab> | <space>) [<whitespace>]
There is one rule per line.
If there is a . (period) present before the <replacement>, then this is a terminating rule in which case the interpreter must halt execution.
A ruleset consists of a sequence of rules, with optional comments.
Use the following tests on entries:
- Ruleset 1
# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia: # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm A -> apple B -> bag S -> shop T -> the the shop -> my brother a never used -> .terminating rule
Sample text of:
I bought a B of As from T S.
Should generate the output:
I bought a bag of apples from my brother.
- Ruleset 2
A test of the terminating rule
# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia A -> apple B -> bag S -> .shop T -> the the shop -> my brother a never used -> .terminating rule
Sample text of:
I bought a B of As from T S.
Should generate:
I bought a bag of apples from T shop.
- Ruleset 3
This tests for correct substitution order and may trap simple regexp based replacement routines if special regexp characters are not escaped.
# BNF Syntax testing rules A -> apple WWWW -> with Bgage -> ->.* B -> bag ->.* -> money W -> WW S -> .shop T -> the the shop -> my brother a never used -> .terminating rule
Sample text of:
I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.
Should generate:
I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.
- Ruleset 4
This tests for correct order of scanning of rules, and may trap replacement routines that scan in the wrong order. It implements a general unary multiplication engine. (Note that the input expression must be placed within underscores in this implementation.)
### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations ### By Donal Fellows. # Unary addition engine _+1 -> _1+ 1+1 -> 11+ # Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary # addition 1! -> !1 ,! -> !+ _! -> _ # Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times 1*1 -> x,@y 1x -> xX X, -> 1,1 X1 -> 1X _x -> _X ,x -> ,X y1 -> 1y y_ -> _ # Next phase of applying 1@1 -> x,@y 1@_ -> @_ ,@_ -> !_ ++ -> + # Termination cleanup for addition _1 -> 1 1+_ -> 1 _+_ ->
Sample text of:
should generate the output:
- Ruleset 5
A simple Turing machine, implementing a three-state busy beaver.
The tape consists of 0s and 1s, the states are A, B, C and H (for Halt), and the head position is indicated by writing the state letter before the character where the head is. All parts of the initial tape the machine operates on have to be given in the input.
Besides demonstrating that the Markov algorithm is Turing-complete, it also made me catch a bug in the C++ implementation which wasn't caught by the first four rulesets.
# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver # # state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B A0 -> 1B # state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C 0A1 -> C01 1A1 -> C11 # state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A 0B0 -> A01 1B0 -> A11 # state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B B1 -> 1B # state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B 0C0 -> B01 1C0 -> B11 # state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt 0C1 -> H01 1C1 -> H11
This ruleset should turn
T Rule = (String pattern, String replacement, Bool terminating)
F parse(rules)
[Rule] result
L(line) rules.split("\n")
I line.starts_with(‘#’)
I line.trim(‘ ’).empty
V (pat, rep) = line.split(‘ -> ’)
V terminating = 0B
I rep.starts_with(‘.’)
rep = rep[1..]
terminating = 1B
result.append(Rule(pat, rep, terminating))
R result
F apply(text, rules)
V result = text
V changed = 1B
L changed == 1B
changed = 0B
L(rule) rules
I rule.pattern C result
result = result.replace(rule.pattern, rule.replacement)
I rule.terminating
R result
changed = 1B
R result
V SampleTexts = [‘I bought a B of As from T S.’,
‘I bought a B of As from T S.’,
‘I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.’,
V RuleSets = [
‘# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule’,
‘# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule’,
‘# BNF Syntax testing rules
A -> apple
WWWW -> with
Bgage -> ->.*
B -> bag
->.* -> money
W -> WW
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule’,
‘### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations
### By Donal Fellows.
# Unary addition engine
_+1 -> _1+
1+1 -> 11+
# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary
# addition
1! -> !1
,! -> !+
_! -> _
# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times
1*1 -> x,@y
1x -> xX
X, -> 1,1
X1 -> 1X
_x -> _X
,x -> ,X
y1 -> 1y
y_ -> _
# Next phase of applying
1@1 -> x,@y
1@_ -> @_
,@_ -> !_
++ -> +
# Termination cleanup for addition
_1 -> 1
1+_ -> 1
_+_ -> ’,
‘# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11’]
L(ruleset) RuleSets
V rules = parse(ruleset)
print(apply(SampleTexts[L.index], rules))
- Output:
I bought a bag of apples from my brother. I bought a bag of apples from T shop. I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. 11111111111111111111 00011H1111000
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
package Markov is
use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
type Ruleset (Length : Natural) is private;
type String_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Unbounded_String;
function Parse (S : String_Array) return Ruleset;
function Apply (R : Ruleset; S : String) return String;
type Entry_Kind is (Comment, Rule);
type Set_Entry (Kind : Entry_Kind := Rule) is record
case Kind is
when Rule =>
Source : Unbounded_String;
Target : Unbounded_String;
Is_Terminating : Boolean;
when Comment =>
Text : Unbounded_String;
end case;
end record;
subtype Rule_Entry is Set_Entry (Kind => Rule);
type Entry_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Set_Entry;
type Ruleset (Length : Natural) is record
Entries : Entry_Array (1 .. Length);
end record;
end Markov;
package body Markov is
function Parse (S : String_Array) return Ruleset is
Result : Ruleset (Length => S'Length);
for I in S'Range loop
if Length (S (I)) = 0 or else Element (S (I), 1) = '#' then
Result.Entries (I) := (Kind => Comment, Text => S (I));
Separator : Natural;
Terminating : Boolean;
Target : Unbounded_String;
Separator := Index (S (I), " -> ");
if Separator = 0 then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Target :=
(Source => S (I),
Low => Separator + 4,
High => Length (S (I)));
Terminating := Length (Target) > 0
and then Element (Target, 1) = '.';
if Terminating then
Delete (Source => Target, From => 1, Through => 1);
end if;
Result.Entries (I) :=
(Kind => Rule,
Source => Unbounded_Slice
(Source => S (I),
Low => 1,
High => Separator - 1),
Target => Target,
Is_Terminating => Terminating);
end if;
end loop;
return Result;
end Parse;
procedure Apply
(R : Rule_Entry;
S : in out Unbounded_String;
Modified : in out Boolean)
Pattern : String := To_String (R.Source);
Where : Natural := Index (S, Pattern);
while Where /= 0 loop
Modified := True;
(Source => S,
Low => Where,
High => Where + Pattern'Length - 1,
By => To_String (R.Target));
Where := Index (S, Pattern, Where + Length (R.Target));
end loop;
end Apply;
function Apply (R : Ruleset; S : String) return String is
Result : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String (S);
Current_Rule : Set_Entry;
Modified : Boolean := False;
Modified := False;
for I in R.Entries'Range loop
Current_Rule := R.Entries (I);
if Current_Rule.Kind = Rule then
Apply (Current_Rule, Result, Modified);
exit when Current_Rule.Is_Terminating or else Modified;
end if;
end loop;
exit when not Modified;
end loop;
return To_String (Result);
end Apply;
end Markov;
with Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Markov;
procedure Test_Markov is
use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
package IO renames Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;
Rule_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
Line_Count : Natural := 0;
if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count /= 2 then
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Usage: test_markov ruleset_file source_file");
end if;
(File => Rule_File,
Mode => Ada.Text_IO.In_File,
Name => Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1));
while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File (Rule_File) loop
Ada.Text_IO.Skip_Line (Rule_File);
Line_Count := Line_Count + 1;
end loop;
Lines : Markov.String_Array (1 .. Line_Count);
Ada.Text_IO.Reset (Rule_File);
for I in Lines'Range loop
Lines (I) := IO.Get_Line (Rule_File);
end loop;
Ada.Text_IO.Close (Rule_File);
Ruleset : Markov.Ruleset := Markov.Parse (Lines);
Source_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
(File => Source_File,
Mode => Ada.Text_IO.In_File,
Name => Ada.Command_Line.Argument (2));
while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File (Source_File) loop
(Markov.Apply (Ruleset, Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line (Source_File)));
end loop;
Ada.Text_IO.Close (Source_File);
end Test_Markov;
Output (rulesX contains the ruleset of above examples and testX the example text):
$ ./test_markov rules1 test1 I bought a bag of apples from my brother. $ ./test_markov rules2 test2 I bought a bag of apples from T shop. $ ./test_markov rules3 test3 I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. $ ./test_markov rules4 test4 11111111111111111111 $ ./test_markov rules5 test5 00011H1111000
trim←{(~(∧\∨⌽∘(∧\)∘⌽)⍵∊⎕UCS 9 32)/⍵}
rules←(~rules∊⎕UCS 10 13)⊆rules←80 ¯1 ⎕MAP ⍺
norm←' '@(9=⎕UCS)⊢⍵
spos←⍸' -> '⍷norm
pat←trim spos↑⍵
term pat(term↓repl)
term pat repl←⊃⍺[⊃rule]
⍺ ∇⍣(~term)⊢(idx↑⍵),repl,(idx+≢pat)↓⍵
rules apply ⍵
- Output:
'f:\ruleset1.mkv' markov 'I bought a B of As from T S.' I bought a bag of apples from my brother. 'f:\ruleset2.mkv' markov 'I bought a B of As from T S.' I bought a bag of apples from T shop. 'f:\ruleset3.mkv' markov 'I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.' I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. 'f:\ruleset4.mkv' markov '_1111*11111_' 11111111111111111111 'f:\ruleset5.mkv' markov '000000A000000' 00011H1111000
; Markov Algorithm.ahk
; by wolf_II
; interpreter for a Markov Algorithm
AutoExecute: ; auto-execute section of the script
#SingleInstance, Force ; only one instance allowed
#NoEnv ; don't check empty variables
StartupDir := A_WorkingDir ; remember startup directory
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% ; change directoy
StringCaseSense, On ; case sensitive comparisons
AppName := "Markov Algorithm"
Gosub, GuiCreate
Gui, Show,, %AppName%
GuiCreate: ; create the GUI
; GUI options
Gui, -MinimizeBox
Gui, Add, Edit, y0 h0 ; catch the focus
; Ruleset
Gui, Add, GroupBox, w445 h145 Section, Ruleset
Gui, Add, Edit, xs+15 ys+20 w300 r8 vRuleset
Gui, Add, Button, x+15 w100, Load Ruleset
Gui, Add, Button, wp, Save Ruleset
Gui, Add, Button, w30, 1
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 wp, 2
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 wp, 3
Gui, Add, Button, xs+330 y+6 wp, 4
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 wp, 5
; String
Gui, Add, GroupBox, xs w445 h75 Section, String
Gui, Add, Edit, xs+15 ys+20 w300 vString
Gui, Add, Button, x+15 w100, Apply Ruleset
Gui, Add, Button, xp wp Hidden, Stop
Gui, Add, CheckBox, xs+15 yp+30 vSingleStepping, Single Stepping?
; Output
Gui, Add, GroupBox, xs w445 h235 Section, Output
Gui, Add, Edit, xs+15 ys+20 w415 r15 ReadOnly vOutput HwndhOut
ButtonLoadRuleset: ; load ruleset from file
Gui, +OwnDialogs
FileSelectFile, RulesetFile,,, Load Ruleset, *.markov
If Not SubStr(RulesetFile, -6) = ".markov"
RulesetFile .= ".markov"
If FileExist(RulesetFile) {
FileRead, Ruleset, %RulesetFile%
GuiControl,, Ruleset, %Ruleset%
} Else
MsgBox, 16, Error - %AppName%, File not found:`n`n"%RulesetFile%"
ButtonSaveRuleset: ; save ruleset to file
Gui, +OwnDialogs
Gui, Submit, NoHide
FileSelectFile, RulesetFile, S16,, Save Ruleset, *.markov
If Not SubStr(RulesetFile, -6) = ".markov"
RulesetFile .= ".markov"
FileDelete, %RulesetFile%
FileAppend, %Ruleset%, %RulesetFile%
Gui, Show
Button1: ; http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Execute_a_Markov_algorithm#Ruleset_1
GuiControl,, Output ; clear output
GuiControl,, String, I bought a B of As from T S.
GuiControl,, Ruleset,
# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
Button2: ; http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Execute_a_Markov_algorithm#Ruleset_2
GuiControl,, Output ; clear output
GuiControl,, String, I bought a B of As from T S.
GuiControl,, Ruleset,
# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
Button3: ; http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Execute_a_Markov_algorithm#Ruleset_3
GuiControl,, Output ; clear output
GuiControl,, String, I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.
GuiControl,, Ruleset,
# BNF Syntax testing rules
A -> apple
WWWW -> with
Bgage -> ->.*
B -> bag
->.* -> money
W -> WW
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
Button4: ; http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Execute_a_Markov_algorithm#Ruleset_4
GuiControl,, Output ; clear output
GuiControl,, String, _1111*11111_
GuiControl,, Ruleset,
### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations
### By Donal Fellows.
# Unary addition engine
_+1 -> _1+
1+1 -> 11+
# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary
# addition
1! -> !1
,! -> !+
_! -> _
# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times
1*1 -> x,@y
1x -> xX
X, -> 1,1
X1 -> 1X
_x -> _X
,x -> ,X
y1 -> 1y
y_ -> _
# Next phase of applying
1@1 -> x,@y
1@_ -> @_
,@_ -> !_
++ -> +
# Termination cleanup for addition
_1 -> 1
1+_ -> 1
_+_ ->
Button5: ; http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Execute_a_Markov_algorithm#Ruleset_5
GuiControl,, Output ; clear output
GuiControl,, String, 000000A000000
GuiControl,, Ruleset,
# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11
ButtonApplyRuleset: ; flow control for Algorithm
; prepare
Gui, Submit, NoHide
GuiControl,, Output ; clear
Controls(False) ; disable
Count := 0
Subst := True
Stop := False
; keep substituting for as long as necessary
While, Subst {
Subst := False ; reset control variable
IfEqual, Stop, 1, Break
Gosub, Algorithm
; clean up
Output("Substitution count: " Count)
Controls(True) ; re-enable
ButtonStop: ; this button is initially hidden
Stop := True
Algorithm: ; http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Execute_a_Markov_algorithm
; Parse the ruleset and apply each rule to the string. Whenever a rule
; has changed the string goto first rule. Continue until a encountering
; a terminating rule, or until no further changes to the strings are
; made.
Loop, Parse, Ruleset, `n, `r ; always start from the beginning
; check for comment
If SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 1) = "#"
Continue ; get next line
; split a rule into $Search, $Terminator and $Replace
LookFor := "(?P<Search>.+) -> (?P<Terminator>\.?)(?P<Replace>.+)"
RegExMatch(A_LoopField, LookFor, $)
; single stepping through possible substitutions
If SingleStepping
MsgBox,, %AppName%, % ""
. "Rule = """ A_LoopField """`n`n"
. "Search`t= """ $Search """`n"
. "Replace`t= """ $Replace """`n"
. "Termintor`t= """ ($Terminator ? "True" : "False") """`n"
; try to substitute
StringReplace, String, String, %$Search%, %$Replace%, UseErrorLevel
; any success?
If ErrorLevel { ; yes, substitution done
Count++ ; keep count
Subst := True ; set control variable
Output(String) ; write new string to output
; terminate?
If $Terminator { ; yes, terminate
Stop := True ; set control variable
Break ; back to flow control
; we are not yet terminated ...
If Subst ; but we just did a substitution
Break ; back to flow control
Controls(Bool) { ; [en|dis]able controls
Enable := Bool ? "+" : "-"
Disable := Bool ? "-" : "+"
Loop, 2
GuiControl, %Disable%ReadOnly, % "Edit" A_Index + 1
Loop, 7
GuiControl, %Disable%Disabled, % "Button" A_Index + 1
GuiControl, %Disable%Disabled, Edit4
GuiControl, %Disable%Hidden, Button10
GuiControl, %Enable%Hidden, Button11
GuiControl, %Disable%Disabled, Button12
Output(Text) { ; append text to output
static EM_REPLACESEL = 0xC2
global hOut
Sleep, 100
Text .= "`r`n"
SendMessage, EM_REPLACESEL,, &Text,, ahk_id %hOut%
;---------- end of file ----------------------------------------------------
PRINT FNmarkov("ruleset1.txt", "I bought a B of As from T S.")
PRINT FNmarkov("ruleset2.txt", "I bought a B of As from T S.")
PRINT FNmarkov("ruleset3.txt", "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.")
PRINT FNmarkov("ruleset4.txt", "_1111*11111_")
PRINT FNmarkov("ruleset5.txt", "000000A000000")
DEF FNmarkov(rulefile$, text$)
LOCAL i%, done%, rules%, rule$, old$, new$
rules% = OPENIN(rulefile$)
IF rules%=0 ERROR 100, "Cannot open rules file"
rule$ = GET$#rules%
IF ASC(rule$)<>35 THEN
i% = INSTR(rule$, CHR$(9))
IF i% MID$(rule$,i%,1) = " "
UNTIL i%=0
i% = INSTR(rule$, " -> ")
old$ = LEFT$(rule$,i%-1)
WHILE RIGHT$(old$)=" " old$ = LEFT$(old$) : ENDWHILE
new$ = MID$(rule$,i%+4)
WHILE ASC(new$)=32 new$ = MID$(new$,2) : ENDWHILE
IF ASC(new$)=46 new$ = MID$(new$,2) : done% = TRUE
i% = INSTR(text$,old$)
text$ = LEFT$(text$,i%-1) + new$ + MID$(text$,i%+LEN(old$))
PTR#rules% = 0
UNTIL EOF#rules% OR done%
CLOSE #rules%
= text$
I bought a bag of apples from my brother. I bought a bag of apples from T shop. I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. 11111111111111111111 00011H1111000
Save the following text to a file "markov.bra":
First the patterns that describe the rules syntax.
This is a naive and not very efficient way to parse the rules, but it closely
matches the problem description, which is nice.
( ruleset
= >%@" " ? { Added: assume that a rule cannot start with whitespace.
The %@ say that the thing to match must be exactly one
byte. % means 'one or more'. @ means 'zero or one'.
: ((!comment|!rule) !newlines) !ruleset
| { Recursion terminates here: match empty string. }
& (comment="#" ?com)
& ( rule
= %?pattern
( "." %?replacement&stop:?stop
| %?replacement
& ( whitespace
= (\t|" ") (!whitespace|)
& ( newlines
= ( (\n|\r)
& ( :!pattern:!replacement {Do nothing. We matched an empty line.}
| (!pattern.!replacement.!stop) !rules:?rules
Add pattern, replacement and the stop (empty string or "stop")
to a list of triplets. This list will contain the rules in
reverse order.
Then, reset these variables, so they are not added once more
if an empty line follows.
& :?stop:?pattern:?replacement
Compile the textual rules to a single Bracmat pattern.
& ( compileRules
= stop pattern replacement rules,pat rep stp
. :?stop:?pattern:?replacement:?rules
Important! Initialise these variables.
& @(!arg:!ruleset)
That's all. The textual rules are parsed and converted to a
list of triplets. The rules in the list are in reversed order.
& !rules:(?pat.?rep.?stp) ?rules
The head of the list is the last rule. Use it to initialise
the pattern "ruleSetAsPattern".
The single quote introduces a macro substition. All symbols
preceded with a $ are substituted.
' ( ?A ()$pat ?Z
& $stp:?stop
& $rep:?replacement
: (=?ruleSetAsPattern)
Add all remaining rules as new subpatterns to
"ruleSetAsPattern". Separate with the OR symbol.
& whl
' ( !rules:(?pat.?rep.?stp) ?rules
' ( ?A ()$pat ?Z
& $stp:?stop
& $rep:?replacement
| $ruleSetAsPattern
: (=?ruleSetAsPattern)
& '$ruleSetAsPattern
Function that takes two arguments: a rule set (as text)
and a subject string.
The function returns the transformed string.
& ( applyRules
= rulesSetAsText subject ruleSetAsPattern
, A Z replacement stop
. !arg:(?rulesSetAsText.?subject)
& compileRules$!rulesSetAsText:(=?ruleSetAsPattern)
Apply rule until no match
or until variable "stop" has been set to the value "stop".
& whl
' ( @(!subject:!ruleSetAsPattern)
& str$(!A !replacement !Z):?subject
& !stop:~stop
& !subject
& out
$ ( applyRules
$ ( "# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
. "I bought a B of As from T S."
& out
$ ( applyRules
$ ( "# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
. "I bought a B of As from T S."
& out
$ ( applyRules
$ ( "# BNF Syntax testing rules
A -> apple
WWWW -> with
Bgage -> ->.*
B -> bag
->.* -> money
W -> WW
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
. "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S."
& out
$ ( applyRules
$ ( "### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations
### By Donal Fellows.
# Unary addition engine
_+1 -> _1+
1+1 -> 11+
# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary
# addition
1! -> !1
,! -> !+
_! -> _
# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times
1*1 -> x,@y
1x -> xX
X, -> 1,1
X1 -> 1X
_x -> _X
,x -> ,X
y1 -> 1y
y_ -> _
# Next phase of applying
1@1 -> x,@y
1@_ -> @_
,@_ -> !_
++ -> +
# Termination cleanup for addition
_1 -> 1
1+_ -> 1
_+_ ->
. "_1111*11111_"
& out
$ ( applyRules
$ ( "# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11
. 000000A000000
& ok
| failure;
{?} get$"markov.bra" {!} markov S 0,01 sec {?} !markov I bought a bag of apples from my brother. I bought a bag of apples from T shop. I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. 11111111111111111111 00011H1111000 {!} ok S 0,41 sec
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <ctype.h>
typedef struct { char * s; size_t alloc_len; } string;
typedef struct {
char *pat, *repl;
int terminate;
} rule_t;
typedef struct {
int n;
rule_t *rules;
char *buf;
} ruleset_t;
void ruleset_del(ruleset_t *r)
if (r->rules) free(r->rules);
if (r->buf) free(r->buf);
string * str_new(const char *s)
int l = strlen(s);
string *str = malloc(sizeof(string));
str->s = malloc(l + 1);
strcpy(str->s, s);
str->alloc_len = l + 1;
return str;
void str_append(string *str, const char *s, int len)
int l = strlen(str->s);
if (len == -1) len = strlen(s);
if (str->alloc_len < l + len + 1) {
str->alloc_len = l + len + 1;
str->s = realloc(str->s, str->alloc_len);
memcpy(str->s + l, s, len);
str->s[l + len] = '\0';
/* swap content of dest and src, and truncate src string */
void str_transfer(string *dest, string *src)
size_t tlen = dest->alloc_len;
dest->alloc_len = src->alloc_len;
src->alloc_len = tlen;
char *ts = dest->s;
dest->s = src->s;
src->s = ts;
src->s[0] = '\0';
void str_del(string *s)
if (s->s) free(s->s);
void str_markov(string *str, ruleset_t *r)
int i, j, sl, pl;
int changed = 0, done = 0;
string *tmp = str_new("");
while (!done) {
changed = 0;
for (i = 0; !done && !changed && i < r->n; i++) {
pl = strlen(r->rules[i].pat);
sl = strlen(str->s);
for (j = 0; j < sl; j++) {
if (strncmp(str->s + j, r->rules[i].pat, pl))
str_append(tmp, str->s, j);
str_append(tmp, r->rules[i].repl, -1);
str_append(tmp, str->s + j + pl, -1);
str_transfer(str, tmp);
changed = 1;
if (r->rules[i].terminate)
done = 1;
if (!changed) break;
ruleset_t* read_rules(const char *name)
struct stat s;
char *buf;
size_t i, j, k, tmp;
rule_t *rules = 0;
int n = 0; /* number of rules */
int fd = open(name, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1) return 0;
fstat(fd, &s);
buf = malloc(s.st_size + 2);
read(fd, buf, s.st_size);
buf[s.st_size] = '\n';
buf[s.st_size + 1] = '\0';
for (i = j = 0; buf[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (buf[i] != '\n') continue;
/* skip comments */
if (buf[j] == '#' || i == j) {
j = i + 1;
/* find the '->' */
for (k = j + 1; k < i - 3; k++)
if (isspace(buf[k]) && !strncmp(buf + k + 1, "->", 2))
if (k >= i - 3) {
printf("parse error: no -> in %.*s\n", i - j, buf + j);
/* left side: backtrack through whitespaces */
for (tmp = k; tmp > j && isspace(buf[--tmp]); );
if (tmp < j) {
printf("left side blank? %.*s\n", i - j, buf + j);
buf[++tmp] = '\0';
/* right side */
for (k += 3; k < i && isspace(buf[++k]););
buf[i] = '\0';
rules = realloc(rules, sizeof(rule_t) * (1 + n));
rules[n].pat = buf + j;
if (buf[k] == '.') {
rules[n].terminate = 1;
rules[n].repl = buf + k + 1;
} else {
rules[n].terminate = 0;
rules[n].repl = buf + k;
j = i + 1;
ruleset_t *r = malloc(sizeof(ruleset_t));
r->buf = buf;
r->rules = rules;
r->n = n;
return r;
int test_rules(const char *s, const char *file)
ruleset_t * r = read_rules(file);
if (!r) return 0;
printf("Rules from '%s' ok\n", file);
string *ss = str_new(s);
printf("text: %s\n", ss->s);
str_markov(ss, r);
printf("markoved: %s\n", ss->s);
return printf("\n");
int main()
/* rule 1-5 are files containing rules from page top */
test_rules("I bought a B of As from T S.", "rule1");
test_rules("I bought a B of As from T S.", "rule2");
test_rules("I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.", "rule3");
test_rules("_1111*11111_", "rule4");
test_rules("000000A000000", "rule5");
return 0;
Rules from 'rule1' ok
text: I bought a B of As from T S.
markoved: I bought a bag of apples from my brother.
Rules from 'rule2' ok
text: I bought a B of As from T S.
markoved: I bought a bag of apples from T shop.
Rules from 'rule3' ok
text: I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.
markoved: I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.
Rules from 'rule4' ok
text: _1111*11111_
markoved: 11111111111111111111
Rules from 'rule5' ok
text: 000000A000000
markoved: 00011H1111000
Note: Non-use of iswhite
is intentional, since depending on the locale, other chars besides space and tab might be detected by that function.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
struct rule
std::string pattern;
std::string replacement;
bool terminal;
rule(std::string pat, std::string rep, bool term):
std::string const whitespace = " \t";
std::string::size_type const npos = std::string::npos;
bool is_whitespace(char c)
return whitespace.find(c) != npos;
std::vector<rule> read_rules(std::ifstream& rulefile)
std::vector<rule> rules;
std::string line;
while (std::getline(rulefile, line))
std::string::size_type pos;
// remove comments
pos = line.find('#');
if (pos != npos)
// ignore lines consisting only of whitespace
if (line.find_first_not_of(whitespace) == npos)
// find "->" surrounded by whitespace
pos = line.find("->");
while (pos != npos && (pos == 0 || !is_whitespace(line[pos-1])))
pos = line.find("->", pos+1);
if (pos == npos || line.length() < pos+3 || !is_whitespace(line[pos+2]))
std::cerr << "invalid rule: " << line << "\n";
std::string pattern = line.substr(0, pos-1);
std::string replacement = line.substr(pos+3);
// remove additional separating whitespace
replacement.erase(0, replacement.find_first_not_of(whitespace));
// test for terminal rule
bool terminal = !replacement.empty() && replacement[0] == '.';
if (terminal)
rules.push_back(rule(pattern, replacement, terminal));
return rules;
std::string markov(std::vector<rule> rules, std::string input)
std::string& output = input;
std::vector<rule>::iterator iter = rules.begin();
// Loop through each rule, transforming our current version
// with each rule.
while (iter != rules.end())
std::string::size_type pos = output.find(iter->pattern);
if (pos != npos)
output.replace(pos, iter->pattern.length(), iter->replacement);
if (iter->terminal)
iter = rules.begin();
return output;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 3)
std::cout << "usage:\n " << argv[0] << " rulefile text\n";
std::ifstream rulefile(argv[1]);
std::vector<rule> rules = read_rules(rulefile);
std::string input(argv[2]);
std::string output = markov(rules, input);
std::cout << output << "\n";
markov = cluster is make, run
rule = struct[from, to: string, term: bool]
rep = array[rule]
% Remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string
trim = proc (s: string) returns (string)
ac = array[char]
sc = sequence[char]
own ws: string := "\n\t "
a: ac := string$s2ac(s)
while ~ac$empty(a) cand string$indexc(ac$bottom(a), ws) ~= 0 do
while ~ac$empty(a) cand string$indexc(ac$top(a), ws) ~= 0 do
end trim
% Parse a single Markov rule
parse = proc (s: string) returns (rule) signals (comment, invalid(string))
if string$empty(s) cor s[1]='#' then signal comment end
arrow: int := string$indexs(" -> ", s)
if arrow=0 then signal invalid(s) end
left: string := trim(string$substr(s, 1, arrow-1))
right: string := trim(string$rest(s, arrow+4))
if ~string$empty(right) cand right[1] = '.' then
right := string$rest(right, 2)
return(rule${from: left, to: right, term: true})
return(rule${from: left, to: right, term: false})
end parse
% Add a rule to the list
add_rule = proc (m: cvt, s: string) signals (invalid(string))
rep$addh(m, parse(s)) resignal invalid
except when comment: end
end add_rule
% Read rules in sequence from a stream
add_rules = proc (m: cvt, s: stream) signals (invalid(string))
while true do
add_rule(up(m), stream$getl(s)) resignal invalid
except when end_of_file: break end
end add_rules
make = proc (s: stream) returns (cvt) signals (invalid(string))
a: rep := rep$new()
add_rules(up(a), s)
end make
% Apply a rule to a string
apply_rule = proc (r: rule, s: string) returns (string) signals (no_match)
match: int := string$indexs(r.from, s)
if match = 0 then signal no_match end
new: string := string$substr(s, 1, match-1)
|| r.to
|| string$rest(s, match+string$size(r.from))
end apply_rule
% Apply all rules to a string repeatedly
run = proc (c: cvt, s: string) returns (string)
i: int := 1
while i <= rep$high(c) do
r: rule := c[i]
s := apply_rule(r, s)
i := 1
if r.term then break end
end except when no_match:
i := i+1
end run
end markov
start_up = proc ()
po: stream := stream$primary_output()
eo: stream := stream$error_output()
args: sequence[string] := get_argv()
file: string := args[1]
input: string := args[2]
fs: stream := stream$open(file_name$parse(file), "read")
mkv: markov := markov$make(fs)
stream$putl(po, markov$run(mkv, input))
end except
when bounds: stream$putl(eo, "Arguments: markov [filename] [string]")
when not_possible(s: string): stream$putl(eo, "File error: " || s)
when invalid(s: string): stream$putl(eo, "Parse error: " || s)
end start_up
- Output:
$ ./markov ruleset1.mkv "I bought a B of As from T S." I bought a bag of apples from my brother. $ ./markov ruleset2.mkv "I bought a B of As from T S." I bought a bag of apples from T shop. $ ./markov ruleset3.mkv "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S." I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. $ ./markov ruleset4.mkv "_1111*11111_" 11111111111111111111 $ ./markov ruleset5.mkv "000000A000000" 00011H1111000
Common Lisp
I should mention that this uses the regular expression machinery present in Allegro Lisp but not Common Lisp generally (though there are public domain Lisp libraries).
;;; Keeps track of all our rules
(defclass markov ()
((rules :initarg :rules :initform nil :accessor rules)))
;;; Definition of a rule
(defclass rule ()
((pattern :initarg :pattern :accessor pattern)
(replacement :initarg :replacement :accessor replacement)
(terminal :initform nil :initarg :terminal :accessor terminal)))
;;; Parse a rule with this regular expression
(defparameter *rex->* (compile-re "^(.+)(?: |\\t)->(?: |\\t)(\\.?)(.*)$"))
;;; Create a rule and add it to the markov object
(defmethod update-markov ((mkv markov) lhs terminating rhs)
(setf (rules mkv) (cons
(make-instance 'rule :pattern lhs :replacement rhs :terminal terminating)
(rules mkv))))
;;; Parse a line and add it to the markov object
(defmethod parse-line ((mkv markov) line)
(let ((trimmed (string-trim #(#\Space #\Tab) line)))
(if (not (or
(eql #\# (aref trimmed 0))
(equal "" trimmed)))
(let ((vals (multiple-value-list (match-re *rex->* line))))
(if (not (car vals))
(format t "syntax error in ~A" line)
(throw 'fail t)))
(update-markov mkv (nth 2 vals) (equal "." (nth 3 vals)) (nth 4 vals))))))
;;; Make a markov object from the string of rules
(defun make-markov (rules-text)
(catch 'fail
(let ((mkv (make-instance 'markov)))
(with-input-from-string (s rules-text)
(loop for line = (read-line s nil)
while line do
(parse-line mkv line)))
(setf (rules mkv) (reverse (rules mkv)))
;;; Given a rule and bounds where it applies, apply it to the input text
(defun adjust (rule-info text)
(let* ((rule (car rule-info))
(index-start (cadr rule-info))
(index-end (caddr rule-info))
(prefix (subseq text 0 index-start))
(suffix (subseq text index-end))
(replace (replacement rule)))
(concatenate 'string prefix replace suffix)))
;;; Get the next applicable rule or nil if none
(defmethod get-rule ((markov markov) text)
(dolist (rule (rules markov) nil)
(let ((index (search (pattern rule) text)))
(if index
(return (list rule index (+ index (length (pattern rule)))))))))
;;; Interpret text using a markov object
(defmethod interpret ((markov markov) text)
(let ((rule-info (get-rule markov text))
(ret text))
(loop (if (not rule-info) (return ret))
(setf ret (adjust rule-info ret))
(if (terminal (car rule-info)) (return ret))
(setf rule-info (get-rule markov ret)))))
"# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule")
;;; Lots of other defparameters for rules omitted here...
(defun test ()
(format t "~A~%" (interpret (make-markov *rules1*) "I bought a B of As from T S."))
(format t "~A~%" (interpret (make-markov *rules2*) "I bought a B of As from T S."))
(format t "~A~%" (interpret (make-markov *rules3*) "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S."))
(format t "~A~%" (interpret (make-markov *rules4*) "_1111*11111_"))
(format t "~A~%" (interpret (make-markov *rules5*) "000000A000000"))
I bought a bag of apples from my brother.
I bought a bag of apples from T shop.
I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.
include "cowgol.coh";
include "strings.coh";
include "malloc.coh";
include "argv.coh";
include "file.coh";
record Rule is
pattern: [uint8];
replacement: [uint8];
next: [Rule];
terminates: uint8;
end record;
sub AllocRule(): (rule: [Rule]) is
rule := Alloc(@bytesof Rule) as [Rule];
MemZero(rule as [uint8], @bytesof Rule);
end sub;
sub ParseRule(text: [uint8]): (rule: [Rule]) is
sub ParseError() is
print("Failed to parse rule: ");
end sub;
var cur := text;
sub SkipWs() is
while [cur] != 0 and [cur] <= ' ' loop cur := @next cur; end loop;
end sub;
sub AllocAndCopy(src: [uint8], length: intptr): (copy: [uint8]) is
copy := Alloc(length + 1);
MemCopy(src, length, copy);
[copy + length] := 0;
end sub;
if [cur] == '#' or [cur] == 0 then # comment or empty line
rule := 0 as [Rule];
end if;
var patternStart := cur;
# find the " ->"
while [cur] != 0
and ([cur] > ' ' or [cur+1] != '-' or [cur+2] != '>') loop
cur := @next cur;
end loop;
if [cur] == 0 then ParseError(); end if;
# find last char of pattern
var patternEnd := cur;
while patternStart < patternEnd and [patternEnd] <= ' ' loop
patternEnd := @prev patternEnd;
end loop;
cur := cur + 3; # whitespace + '->'
var replacementStart := cur;
# find last char of replacement
while [cur] != 0 loop cur := @next cur; end loop;
while replacementStart < cur and [cur] <= ' ' loop
cur := @prev cur;
end loop;
# make rule object
rule := AllocRule();
rule.pattern := AllocAndCopy(patternStart, patternEnd-patternStart+1);
if [replacementStart] == '.' then
rule.terminates := 1;
replacementStart := @next replacementStart;
end if;
rule.replacement := AllocAndCopy(replacementStart, cur-replacementStart+1);
end sub;
sub FindMatch(needle: [uint8], haystack: [uint8]): (match: [uint8]) is
match := 0 as [uint8];
while [haystack] != 0 loop
var n := needle;
var h := haystack;
while [n] != 0 and [h] != 0 and [n] == [h] loop
n := @next n;
h := @next h;
end loop;
if [n] == 0 then
match := haystack;
end if;
haystack := @next haystack;
end loop;
end sub;
const NO_MATCH := 0;
const HALT := 1;
const CONTINUE := 2;
sub ApplyRule(rule: [Rule], in: [uint8], out: [uint8]): (result: uint8) is
var match := FindMatch(rule.pattern, in);
if match == 0 as [uint8] then
result := NO_MATCH;
var len := StrLen(rule.replacement);
var patlen := StrLen(rule.pattern);
var rest := match + patlen;
MemCopy(in, match-in, out);
MemCopy(rule.replacement, len, out+(match-in));
CopyString(rest, out+(match-in)+len);
if rule.terminates != 0 then
result := HALT;
result := CONTINUE;
end if;
end if;
end sub;
sub ApplyRules(rules: [Rule], buffer: [uint8]): (r: [uint8]) is
var outbuf: uint8[256];
var rule := rules;
r := buffer;
while rule != 0 as [Rule] loop
case ApplyRule(rule, buffer, &outbuf[0]) is
when NO_MATCH:
rule := rule.next;
when HALT:
CopyString(&outbuf[0], buffer);
CopyString(&outbuf[0], buffer);
rule := rules;
end case;
end loop;
end sub;
sub ReadFile(filename: [uint8]): (rules: [Rule]) is
var linebuf: uint8[256];
var fcb: FCB;
var bufptr := &linebuf[0];
rules := 0 as [Rule];
var prevRule := 0 as [Rule];
if FCBOpenIn(&fcb, filename) != 0 then
print("Cannot open file: ");
end if;
var length := FCBExt(&fcb);
var ch: uint8 := 1;
while length != 0 and ch != 0 loop
ch := FCBGetChar(&fcb);
length := length - 1;
[bufptr] := ch;
bufptr := @next bufptr;
if ch == '\n' then
[bufptr] := 0;
bufptr := &linebuf[0];
var rule := ParseRule(&linebuf[0]);
if rule != 0 as [Rule] then
if rules == 0 as [Rule] then rules := rule; end if;
if prevRule != 0 as [Rule] then prevRule.next := rule; end if;
prevRule := rule;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
var dummy := FCBClose(&fcb);
end sub;
var fname := ArgvNext();
if fname == 0 as [uint8] then
print("usage: markov [pattern file] [pattern]\n");
end if;
var patbuf: uint8[256];
var patptr := &patbuf[0];
var patpart := ArgvNext();
if patpart == 0 as [uint8] then
if patptr != &patbuf[0] then patptr := @prev patptr; end if;
[patptr] := 0;
end if;
var partlen := StrLen(patpart);
MemCopy(patpart, partlen, patptr);
patptr := patptr + partlen + 1;
[@prev patptr] := ' ';
end loop;
print(ApplyRules(ReadFile(fname), &patbuf[0]));
- Output:
$ ./markov.386 ruleset1.mkv "I bought a B of As from T S." I bought a bag of apples from my brother. $ ./markov.386 ruleset2.mkv "I bought a B of As from T S." I bought a bag of apples from T shop. $ ./markov.386 ruleset3.mkv "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S." I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. $ ./markov.386 ruleset4.mkv "_1111*11111_" 11111111111111111111 $ ./markov.386 ruleset5.mkv "000000A000000" 00011H1111000
void main() {
import std.stdio, std.file, std.regex, std.string, std.range,
const rules = "markov_rules.txt".readText.splitLines.split("");
auto tests = "markov_tests.txt".readText.splitLines;
auto re = ctRegex!(r"^([^#]*?)\s+->\s+(\.?)(.*)"); // 160 MB RAM.
alias slZip = curry!(zip, StoppingPolicy.requireSameLength);
foreach (test, const rule; slZip(tests, rules)) {
const origTest = test.dup;
string[][] capt;
foreach (const line; rule) {
auto m = line.match(re);
if (!m.empty) {
capt ~= m.captures.dropOne.array;
const copy = test;
foreach (const c; capt) {
test = test.replace(c[0], c[2]);
if (c[1] == ".")
if (test != copy)
goto REDO;
writefln("%s\n%s\n", origTest, test);
- Output:
I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a bag of apples from my brother. I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a bag of apples from T shop. I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S. I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. _1111*11111_ 11111111111111111111 000000A000000 00011H1111000
Déjà Vu
This implementation expect the initial text on the command line and the ruleset on STDIN.
(remove-comments) text:
for line in text:
if and line not starts-with line "#":
(markov-parse) text:
for line in text:
local :index find line " -> "
local :pat slice line 0 index
local :rep slice line + index 4 len line
local :term starts-with rep "."
if term:
set :rep slice rep 1 len rep
& pat & term rep
(markov-parse) (remove-comments) split !decode!utf-8 !read!stdin "\n"
(markov-tick) rules start:
for rule in copy rules:
local :pat &< rule
local :rep &> dup &> rule
local :term &<
local :index find start pat
if < -1 index:
slice start + index len pat len start
slice start 0 index
return term
true start
markov rules:
not (markov-tick) rules
!. markov markov-parse get-from !args 1
;; rule := (pattern replacement [#t terminal])
(define-syntax-rule (pattern rule) (first rule))
(define-syntax-rule (repl sule) (second rule))
(define-syntax-rule (term? rule) (!empty? (cddr rule)))
;; (alpha .beta )--> (alpha beta #t)
(define (term-rule rule)
(if (string=? (string-first (repl rule)) ".")
(list (pattern rule) (string-rest (repl rule)) #t)
rule ))
;; returns list of rules
(define (parse-rules lines)
(map term-rule
(for/list [(line (string-split lines "\n"))]
#:continue (string=? (string-first line) "#")
(map string-trim
(string-split (string-replace line "/\\t/g" " ") " -> ")))))
;; markov machine
(define (markov i-string rules)
(for/fold (run #f) ((rule rules))
#:when (string-index (pattern rule) i-string)
(set! i-string (string-replace i-string (pattern rule) (repl rule)))
;;(writeln rule i-string) ;; uncomment for trace
#:break (term? rule) => #f
#:break #t => #t ))
(define (task i-string RS)
(markov i-string (parse-rules RS)))
- Output:
(define RS1 #<< # This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia: # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm A -> apple B -> bag C -> chinchard S -> shop T -> the the shop -> my brother a never used -> .terminating rule >>#) ;; [ Other rules sets here ...] (define i-string-1 "I bought a B of As and Cs from T S.") (define i-string-2 "I bought a B of As from T S.") (define i-string-3 "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.") (define i-string-4 "_1111*11111_") (define i-string-5 "000000A000000") (task i-string-1 RS1) → "I bought a bag of apples and chinchards from my brother." (task i-string-2 RS2) → "I bought a bag of apples from T shop." (task i-string-3 RS3) → "I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop." (task i-string-4 RS4) → "11111111111111111111" (task i-string-5 RS5) → "00011H1111000"
Using Partial Active Pattern to simplify pattern matching.
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
type Rule = {
matches : Regex
replacement : string
terminate : bool
let (|RegexMatch|_|) regexStr input =
let m = Regex.Match(input, regexStr, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)
if m.Success then Some (m) else None
let (|RuleReplace|_|) rule input =
let replaced = rule.matches.Replace(input, rule.replacement, 1, 0)
if input = replaced then None
else Some (replaced, rule.terminate)
let parseRules line =
match line with
| RegexMatch "^#" _ -> None
| RegexMatch "(?<pattern>.*?)\s+->\s+(?<replacement>.*)$" m ->
let replacement = (m.Groups.Item "replacement").Value
let terminate = replacement.Length > 0 && replacement.Substring(0,1) = "."
let pattern = (m.Groups.Item "pattern").Value
Some {
matches = pattern |> Regex.Escape |> Regex;
replacement = if terminate then replacement.Substring(1) else replacement;
terminate = terminate
| _ -> failwith "illegal rule definition"
let rec applyRules input = function
| [] -> (input, true)
| rule::rules ->
match input with
| RuleReplace rule (withReplacement, terminate) ->
(withReplacement, terminate)
| _ -> applyRules input rules
let main argv =
let rules = File.ReadAllLines argv.[0] |> Array.toList |> List.choose parseRules
let rec run input =
let output, terminate = applyRules input rules
if terminate then output
else run output
|> run
|> printfn "%s"
- Output:
H:\RosettaCode\ExecMarkovAlgo>echo I bought a B of As from T S. | Fsharp\RosettaCode\bin\Debug\RosettaCode.exe m1 I bought a bag of apples from my brother. H:\RosettaCode\ExecMarkovAlgo>echo I bought a B of As from T S.| Fsharp\RosettaCode\bin\Debug\RosettaCode.exe m2 I bought a bag of apples from T shop. H:\RosettaCode\ExecMarkovAlgo>echo I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.| Fsharp\RosettaCode\bin\Debug\RosettaCode.exe m3 I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. H:\RosettaCode\ExecMarkovAlgo>echo _1111*11111_ | Fsharp\RosettaCode\bin\Debug\RosettaCode.exe m4 11111111111111111111 H:\RosettaCode\ExecMarkovAlgo>echo 000000A000000 | Fsharp\RosettaCode\bin\Debug\RosettaCode.exe m5 00011H1111000
Sub Markov (rules As String, entrada As String, expected As String)
Dim As String subs(), reps(), lines()
Dim As String sub_, rep, li, res
Dim As Integer i, k
Dim As Integer start = 1, finish = 1
While finish <= Len(rules)
If Mid(rules, finish, 1) = Chr(10) Then
Redim Preserve lines(Ubound(lines) + 1)
lines(Ubound(lines)) = Mid(rules, start, finish - start)
start = finish + 1
End If
finish += 1
For i = 0 To Ubound(lines)
li = lines(i)
If Len(li) > 0 And Asc(li, 1) <> Asc("#") Then
k = Instr(li, " -> ")
If k > 0 Then
Redim Preserve subs(Ubound(subs) + 1)
subs(Ubound(subs)) = Trim(Mid(li, 1, k - 1))
Redim Preserve reps(Ubound(reps) + 1)
reps(Ubound(reps)) = Trim(Mid(li, k + 4))
End If
End If
Next i
res = entrada
Dim As Boolean term = False, found = False
found = False
For i = 0 To Ubound(subs)
sub_ = subs(i)
k = Instr(res, sub_)
If k > 0 Then
found = True
rep = reps(i)
If Len(rep) > 0 And Asc(rep, 1) = Asc(".") Then
rep = Mid(rep, 2)
term = True
End If
Mid(res, k, Len(sub_)) = rep
Exit For
End If
If Not term Then Exit For
Next i
If Not term Or Not found Then Exit Do
Print """"; entrada;""""; ", "; """"; expected; """"; ", "; Iif(res = expected, "**ERROR**", "ok")
End Sub
Dim As String ruleset1 = _
"# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:" & _
"# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm" & _
"A -> apple" & _
"B -> bag" & _
"S -> shop" & _
"T -> the" & _
"the shop -> my brother" & _
"a never used -> .terminating rule"
Markov(ruleset1,"I bought a B of As from T S.","I bought a bag of apples from my brother.")
Dim As String ruleset2 = _
"# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia" & _
"A -> apple" & _
"B -> bag" & _
"S -> .shop" & _
"T -> the" & _
"the shop -> my brother" & _
"a never used -> .terminating rule"
Markov(ruleset2,"I bought a B of As from T S.","I bought a bag of apples from T shop.")
Dim As String ruleset3 = _
"# BNF Syntax testing rules" & _
"A -> apple" & _
"WWWW -> with" & _
"Bgage -> ->.*" & _
"B -> bag" & _
"->.* -> money" & _
"W -> WW" & _
"S -> .shop" & _
"T -> the" & _
"the shop -> my brother" & _
"a never used -> .terminating rule"""
Markov(ruleset3,"I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.","I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.")
Dim As String ruleset4 = _
"### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations" & _
"### By Donal Fellows." & _
"# Unary addition engine" & _
"_+1 -> _1+" & _
"1+1 -> 11+" & _
"# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary" & _
"# addition" & _
"1! -> !1" & _
",! -> !+" & _
"_! -> _" & _
"# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times" & _
"1*1 -> x,@y" & _
"1x -> xX" & _
"X, -> 1,1" & _
"X1 -> 1X" & _
"_x -> _X" & _
",x -> ,X" & _
"y1 -> 1y" & _
"y_ -> _" & _
"# Next phase of applying" & _
"1@1 -> x,@y" & _
"1@_ -> @_" & _
",@_ -> !_" & _
"++ -> +" & _
"# Termination cleanup for addition" & _
"_1 -> 1" & _
"1+_ -> 1" & _
"_+_ -> "
Dim As String ruleset5 = _
"# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver" & _
"#" & _
"# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B" & _
"A0 -> 1B" & _
"# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C" & _
"0A1 -> C01" & _
"1A1 -> C11" & _
"# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A" & _
"0B0 -> A01" & _
"1B0 -> A11" & _
"# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B" & _
"B1 -> 1B" & _
"# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B" & _
"0C0 -> B01" & _
"1C0 -> B11" & _
"# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt" & _
"0C1 -> H01" & _
"1C1 -> H11"
- Output:
"I bought a B of As from T S.", "I bought a bag of apples from my brother.", ok "I bought a B of As from T S.", "I bought a bag of apples from T shop.", ok "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.", "I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.", ok "_1111*11111_", "11111111111111111111", ok "000000A000000", "00011H1111000", ok
package main
import (
type testCase struct {
ruleSet, sample, output string
func main() {
fmt.Println("validating", len(testSet), "test cases")
var failures bool
for i, tc := range testSet {
if r, ok := interpret(tc.ruleSet, tc.sample); !ok {
fmt.Println("test", i+1, "invalid ruleset")
failures = true
} else if r != tc.output {
fmt.Printf("test %d: got %q, want %q\n", i+1, r, tc.output)
failures = true
if !failures {
fmt.Println("no failures")
func interpret(ruleset, input string) (string, bool) {
if rules, ok := parse(ruleset); ok {
return run(rules, input), true
return "", false
type rule struct {
pat string
rep string
term bool
var (
rxSet = regexp.MustCompile(ruleSet)
rxEle = regexp.MustCompile(ruleEle)
ruleSet = `(?m:^(?:` + ruleEle + `)*$)`
ruleEle = `(?:` + comment + `|` + ruleRe + `)\n+`
comment = `#.*`
ruleRe = `(.*)` + ws + `->` + ws + `([.])?(.*)`
ws = `[\t ]+`
func parse(rs string) ([]rule, bool) {
if !rxSet.MatchString(rs) {
return nil, false
x := rxEle.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex(rs, -1)
var rules []rule
for _, x := range x {
if x[2] > 0 {
rules = append(rules,
rule{pat: rs[x[2]:x[3]], term: x[4] > 0, rep: rs[x[6]:x[7]]})
return rules, true
func run(rules []rule, s string) string {
for _, r := range rules {
if f := strings.Index(s, r.pat); f >= 0 {
s = s[:f] + r.rep + s[f+len(r.pat):]
if r.term {
return s
goto step1
return s
// text all cut and paste from RC task page
var testSet = []testCase{
{`# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
`I bought a B of As from T S.`,
`I bought a bag of apples from my brother.`,
{`# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
`I bought a B of As from T S.`,
`I bought a bag of apples from T shop.`,
{`# BNF Syntax testing rules
A -> apple
WWWW -> with
Bgage -> ->.*
B -> bag
->.* -> money
W -> WW
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
`I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.`,
`I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.`,
{`### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations
### By Donal Fellows.
# Unary addition engine
_+1 -> _1+
1+1 -> 11+
# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary
# addition
1! -> !1
,! -> !+
_! -> _
# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times
1*1 -> x,@y
1x -> xX
X, -> 1,1
X1 -> 1X
_x -> _X
,x -> ,X
y1 -> 1y
y_ -> _
# Next phase of applying
1@1 -> x,@y
1@_ -> @_
,@_ -> !_
++ -> +
# Termination cleanup for addition
_1 -> 1
1+_ -> 1
_+_ ->
{`# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11
- Output:
validating 5 test cases no failures
def markovInterpreterFor = { rules ->
def ruleMap = [:]
rules.eachLine { line ->
(line =~ /\s*(.+)\s->\s([.]?)(.+)\s*/).each { text, key, terminating, value ->
if (key.startsWith('#')) { return }
ruleMap[key] = [text: value, terminating: terminating]
[interpret: { text ->
def originalText = ''
while (originalText != text) {
originalText = text
for (Map.Entry e : ruleMap.entrySet()) {
if (text.indexOf(e.key) >= 0) {
text = text.replace(e.key, e.value.text)
if (e.value.terminating) {
return text
The test code is below (with the markov rulesets 2..5 elided):
def verify = { ruleset ->
[withInput: { text ->
[hasOutput: { expected ->
def result = ruleset.interpret(text)
println "Input: '$text' has output: '$result'"
assert expected == result
def ruleset1 = markovInterpreterFor("""
# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule""")
println ruleset1.interpret('I bought a B of As from T S.')
verify ruleset1 withInput 'I bought a bag of apples from T shop.' hasOutput 'I bought a bag of apples from my brother.'
def ruleset2 = markovInterpreterFor("""...""")
verify ruleset2 withInput 'I bought a B of As from T S.' hasOutput 'I bought a bag of apples from T shop.'
def ruleset3 = markovInterpreterFor("""...""")
verify ruleset3 withInput 'I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.' hasOutput 'I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.'
def ruleset4 = markovInterpreterFor("""...""")
verify ruleset4 withInput '_1111*11111_' hasOutput '11111111111111111111'
def ruleset5 = markovInterpreterFor("""...""")
verify ruleset5 withInput '000000A000000' hasOutput '00011H1111000'
- Output:
I bought a bag of apples from my brother. Input: 'I bought a bag of apples from T shop.' has output: 'I bought a bag of apples from my brother.' Input: 'I bought a B of As from T S.' has output: 'I bought a bag of apples from T shop.' Input: 'I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.' has output: 'I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.' Input: '_1111*11111_' has output: '11111111111111111111' Input: '000000A000000' has output: '00011H1111000'
This program expects a source file as an argument and uses the standard input and output devices for the algorithm's I/O.
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Control.Monad
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import System.IO
import System.Environment (getArgs)
main = do
args <- getArgs
unless (length args == 1) $
fail "Please provide exactly one source file as an argument."
let sourcePath = head args
source <- readFile sourcePath
input <- getContents
case parse markovParser sourcePath source of
Right rules -> putStr $ runMarkov rules input
Left err -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "Parse error at " ++ show err
data Rule = Rule
{from :: String, terminating :: Bool, to :: String}
markovParser :: Parser [Rule]
markovParser = liftM catMaybes $
(comment <|> rule) `sepEndBy` many1 newline
where comment = char '#' >> skipMany nonnl >> return Nothing
rule = liftM Just $ liftM3 Rule
(manyTill (nonnl <?> "pattern character") $ try arrow)
(succeeds $ char '.')
(many nonnl)
arrow = ws >> string "->" >> ws <?> "whitespace-delimited arrow"
nonnl = noneOf "\n"
ws = many1 $ oneOf " \t"
succeeds p = option False $ p >> return True
runMarkov :: [Rule] -> String -> String
runMarkov rules s = f rules s
where f [] s = s
f (Rule from terminating to : rs) s = g "" s
where g _ "" = f rs s
g before ahead@(a : as) = if from `isPrefixOf` ahead
then let new = reverse before ++ to ++ drop (length from) ahead
in if terminating then new else f rules new
else g (a : before) as
Icon and Unicon
procedure main(A)
rules := loadRules(open(A[1],"r"))
every write(line := !&input, " -> ",apply(rules, line))
record rule(pat, term, rep)
procedure loadRules(f)
rules := []
every !f ? if not ="#" then put(rules,
rule(1(trim(tab(find("->"))),move(2),tab(many(' \t'))),
(="."|&null), trim(tab(0))))
return rules
procedure apply(rules, line)
s := line
repeat {
s ?:= tab(find((r := !rules).pat)) || r.rep || (move(*r.pat),tab(0))
if (s == line) | \r.term then return s else line := s
Sample runs using above rule sets and test strings:
->ma mars.1 I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a B of As from T S. -> I bought a bag of apples from my brother. ->ma mars.2 I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a B of As from T S. -> I bought a bag of apples from T shop. ->ma mars.3 I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S. I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S. -> I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. ->ma mars.4 _1111*11111_ _1111*11111_ -> 11111111111111111111 ->ma mars.5 000000A000000 000000A000000 -> 00011H1111000
require'strings regex'
markovLexer =: verb define
rules =. LF cut TAB&=`(,:&' ')}y
rules =. a: -.~ (dltb@:{.~ i:&'#')&.> rules
rules =. 0 _1 {"1 '\s+->\s+' (rxmatch rxcut ])S:0 rules
(,. ] (}.&.>~ ,. ]) ('.'={.)&.>)/ |: rules
replace =: dyad define
'index patternLength replacement'=. x
'head tail' =. index split y
head, replacement, patternLength }. tail
matches =: E. i. 1:
markov =: dyad define
ruleIdx =. 0 [ rules =. markovLexer x
while. ruleIdx < #rules do.
'pattern replacement terminating' =. ruleIdx { rules
ruleIdx =. 1 + ruleIdx
if. (#y) > index =. pattern matches y do.
y =. (index ; (#pattern) ; replacement) replace y
ruleIdx =. _ * terminating
m1 =. noun define
# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
m1 markov 'I bought a B of As from T S.'
I bought a bag of apples from my brother.
Discussion: The J implementation correctly processes all the rulesets. More details are available on the the talk page.
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Markov {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
List<String[]> rules = readRules("markov_rules.txt");
List<String> tests = readTests("markov_tests.txt");
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^([^#]*?)\\s+->\\s+(\\.?)(.*)");
for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); i++) {
String origTest = tests.get(i);
List<String[]> captures = new ArrayList<>();
for (String rule : rules.get(i)) {
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(rule);
if (m.find()) {
String[] groups = new String[m.groupCount()];
for (int j = 0; j < groups.length; j++)
groups[j] = m.group(j + 1);
String test = origTest;
String copy = test;
for (int j = 0; j < captures.size(); j++) {
String[] c = captures.get(j);
test = test.replace(c[0], c[2]);
if (c[1].equals("."))
if (!test.equals(copy)) {
j = -1; // redo loop
copy = test;
System.out.printf("%s\n%s\n\n", origTest, test);
private static List<String> readTests(String path)
throws IOException {
return Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(path), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
private static List<String[]> readRules(String path)
throws IOException {
String ls = System.lineSeparator();
String lines = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path)), "UTF-8");
List<String[]> rules = new ArrayList<>();
for (String line : lines.split(ls + ls))
return rules;
I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a bag of apples from my brother. I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a bag of apples from T shop. I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S. I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. _1111*11111_ 11111111111111111111 000000A000000 00011H1111000
* Take a ruleset and return a function which takes a string to which the rules
* should be applied.
* @param {string} ruleSet
* @returns {function(string): string}
const markov = ruleSet => {
* Split a string at an index
* @param {string} s The string to split
* @param {number} i The index number where to split.
* @returns {Array<string>}
const splitAt = (s, i) => [s.slice(0, i), s.slice(i)];
* Strip a leading number of chars from a string.
* @param {string} s The string to strip the chars from
* @param {string} strip A string who's length will determine the number of
* chars to strip.
* @returns {string}
const stripLeading = (s, strip) => s.split('')
.filter((e, i) => i >= strip.length).join('');
* Replace the substring in the string.
* @param {string} s The string to replace the substring in
* @param {string} find The sub-string to find
* @param {string} rep The replacement string
* @returns {string}
const replace = (s, find, rep) => {
let result = s;
if (s.indexOf(find) >= 0) {
const a = splitAt(s, s.indexOf(find));
result = [a[0], rep, stripLeading(a[1], find)].join('');
return result;
* Convert a ruleset string into a map
* @param {string} ruleset
* @returns {Map}
const makeRuleMap = ruleset => ruleset.split('\n')
.filter(e => !e.startsWith('#'))
.map(e => e.split(' -> '))
.reduce((p,c) => p.set(c[0], c[1]), new Map());
* Recursively apply the ruleset to the string.
* @param {Map} rules The rules to apply
* @param {string} s The string to apply the rules to
* @returns {string}
const parse = (rules, s) => {
const o = s;
for (const [k, v] of rules.entries()) {
if (v.startsWith('.')) {
s = replace(s, k, stripLeading(v, '.'));
} else {
s = replace(s, k, v);
if (s !== o) { break; }
return o === s ? s : parse(rules, s);
const ruleMap = makeRuleMap(ruleSet);
return str => parse(ruleMap, str)
const ruleset1 = `# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule`;
const ruleset2 = `# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule`;
const ruleset3 = `# BNF Syntax testing rules
A -> apple
WWWW -> with
Bgage -> ->.*
B -> bag
->.* -> money
W -> WW
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule`;
const ruleset4 = `### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations
### By Donal Fellows.
# Unary addition engine
_+1 -> _1+
1+1 -> 11+
# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary
# addition
1! -> !1
,! -> !+
_! -> _
# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times
1*1 -> x,@y
1x -> xX
X, -> 1,1
X1 -> 1X
_x -> _X
,x -> ,X
y1 -> 1y
y_ -> _
# Next phase of applying
1@1 -> x,@y
1@_ -> @_
,@_ -> !_
++ -> +
# Termination cleanup for addition
_1 -> 1
1+_ -> 1
_+_ -> `;
const ruleset5 = `# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11`;
console.log(markov(ruleset1)('I bought a B of As from T S.'));
console.log(markov(ruleset2)('I bought a B of As from T S.'));
console.log(markov(ruleset3)('I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.'));
I bought a bag of apples from my brother. I bought a bag of apples from T shop. I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. 11111111111111111111 00011H1111000
Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq
This entry assumes that the rule sets are in a single file (markov_rules.txt); that the rule sets are separated by a blank line; and that the corresponding test cases are in a separate file (markov_tests.txt), with one test case per line. In addition, for simplicity, only blanks are counted as <whitespace>.
With the following program, jq could then be invoked as follows:
jq -nrR --rawfile markov_rules markov_rules.txt -f program.jq markov_tests.txt
# Output: the input string with all its regex-special characters suitably escaped
def deregex:
reduce ("\\\\", "\\*", "\\^", "\\?", "\\+", "\\.", "\\!", "\\{", "\\}", "\\[", "\\]", "\\$", "\\|",
"\\(", "\\)" ) as $c
(.; gsub( $c; $c));
# line-break
def lb: "\n";
def split2($s):
index($s) as $ix
| if $ix then [ .[:$ix], .[$ix + ($s|length):]] else null end;
def trim: sub("^ *";"") | sub(" *$";"");
# rulesets are assumed to be separated by a blank line
# input: a string
def readRules:
trim | split("\(lb)\(lb)") | map(split(lb)) ;
# tests are assumed to be on consecutive lines via `inputs`
# Output: an array
def readTests: [inputs | trim | select(length>0) ];
def rules: $markov_rules | readRules;
def tests: readTests;
def parseRules($rules):
"^ *(?<period>[.]?) *(?<rule>.*)" as $pattern
| reduce $rules[] as $rule ([];
if $rule | (startswith("#") or (test(" -> ")|not)) then .
else ($rule|split2(" -> ")) as $splits
| ($splits[1] | capture($pattern)) as $re
| . + [[($splits[0]|trim|deregex), $re.period, ($re.rule | trim)]]
end );
# applyRules applies $rules to . recursively,
# where $rules is the set of applicable rules in the form of an array-of-triples.
# Input and output: a string
def applyRules($rules):
# The inner function has arity-0 for efficiency
# input and output: {stop, string}
def apply:
if .stop then .
else .string as $copy
| first( foreach $rules[] as $c (.;
.string |= sub($c[0]; $c[2])
| if $c[1] == "."
then .stop=true
elif .string != $copy
then (apply | .stop = true)
else .
if .stop then . else empty end))
// .
{stop: false, string: .} | apply | .string;
def proceed:
rules as $rules
| tests as $tests
| range(0; $tests|length) as $ix
| $tests[$ix]
| " \(.)\n=>\(applyRules( parseRules( $rules[$ix] ) ))\n" ;
- Output:
I bought a B of As from T S. =>I bought a bag of apples from my brother. I bought a B of As from T S. =>I bought a bag of apples from T shop. I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S. =>I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. _1111*11111_ =>11111111111111111111 000000A000000 =>00011H1111000
module MarkovAlgos
struct MarkovRule{F,T}
isterminating(r::MarkovRule) = r.term
Base.show(io::IO, rule::MarkovRule) =
print(io, rule.patt, " → ", isterminating(rule) ? "." : "", rule.repl)
function Base.convert(::Type{MarkovRule}, s::AbstractString)
rmatch = match(r"^(.+)\s+->\s*(\.)?(.*)?$", s)
if rmatch ≡ nothing || isempty(rmatch.captures)
throw(ParseError("not valid rule: " * s))
patt, term, repl = rmatch.captures
return MarkovRule(patt, repl ≢ nothing ? repl : "", term ≢ nothing)
function ruleset(file::Union{AbstractString,IO})
ruleset = Vector{MarkovRule}(0)
for line in eachline(file)
ismatch(r"(^#|^\s*$)", line) || push!(ruleset, MarkovRule(line))
return ruleset
apply(text::AbstractString, rule::MarkovRule) = replace(text, rule.patt, rule.repl)
function apply(file::Union{AbstractString,IO}, ruleset::AbstractVector{<:MarkovRule})
text = readstring(file)
redo = !isempty(text)
while redo
matchrule = false
for rule in ruleset
if contains(text, rule.patt)
matchrule = true
text = apply(text, rule)
redo = !isterminating(rule)
redo = redo && matchrule
return text
end # module MarkovAlgos
let rulesets = @.("data/markovrules0" * string(1:5) * ".txt"),
ruletest = @.("data/markovtest0" * string(1:5) * ".txt")
for i in eachindex(rulesets, ruletest)
rules = MarkovAlgos.ruleset(rulesets[i])
println("# Example n.$i")
println("Original:\n", readstring(ruletest[i]))
println("Transformed:\n", MarkovAlgos.apply(ruletest[i], rules))
- Output:
# Example n.1 Original: I bought a B of As from T S. Transformed: I bought a bag of apples from my brother. # Example n.2 Original: I bought a B of As from T S. Transformed: I bought a bag of apples from T shop. # Example n.3 Original: I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S. Transformed: I bought a bag of apples with my baggage from T shop. # Example n.4 Original: _1111*11111_ Transformed: 11111111111111111111 # Example n.5 Original: 000000A000000 Transformed: 00011H1111000
// version 1.1.51
import java.io.File
import java.util.regex.Pattern
/* rulesets assumed to be separated by a blank line in file */
fun readRules(path: String): List<List<String>> {
val ls = System.lineSeparator()
return File(path).readText().split("$ls$ls").map { it.split(ls) }
/* tests assumed to be on consecutive lines */
fun readTests(path: String) = File(path).readLines()
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val rules = readRules("markov_rules.txt")
val tests = readTests("markov_tests.txt")
val pattern = Pattern.compile("^([^#]*?)\\s+->\\s+(\\.?)(.*)")
for ((i, origTest) in tests.withIndex()) {
val captures = mutableListOf<List<String>>()
for (rule in rules[i]) {
val m = pattern.matcher(rule)
if (m.find()) {
val groups = List<String>(m.groupCount()) { m.group(it + 1) }
var test = origTest
do {
val copy = test
var redo = false
for (c in captures) {
test = test.replace(c[0], c[2])
if (c[1] == ".") break
if (test != copy) { redo = true; break }
while (redo)
- Output:
I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a bag of apples from my brother. I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a bag of apples from T shop. I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S. I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. _1111*11111_ 11111111111111111111 000000A000000 00011H1111000
-- utility method to escape punctuation
function normalize(str)
local result = str:gsub("(%p)", "%%%1")
-- print(result)
return result
-- utility method to split string into lines
function get_lines(str)
local t = {}
for line in str:gmatch("([^\n\r]*)[\n\r]*") do
table.insert(t, line)
return t
local markov = {}
local MARKOV_RULE_PATTERN = "(.+)%s%-%>%s(%.?)(.*)"
function markov.rule(pattern,replacement,terminating)
return {
pattern = pattern,
replacement = replacement,
terminating = (terminating == ".")
}, normalize(pattern)
function markov.make_rules(sample)
local lines = get_lines(sample)
local rules = {}
local finders = {}
for i,line in ipairs(lines) do
if not line:find("^#") then
s,e,pat,term,rep = line:find(MARKOV_RULE_PATTERN)
if s then
r, p = markov.rule(pat,rep,term)
rules[p] = r
table.insert(finders, p)
return {
rules = rules,
finders = finders
function markov.execute(state, sample_input)
local rules, finders = state.rules, state.finders
local found = false -- did we find any rule?
local terminate = false
found = false
for i,v in ipairs(finders) do
local found_now = false -- did we find this rule?
if sample_input:find(v) then
found = true
found_now = true
sample_input = sample_input:gsub(v, rules[v].replacement, 1)
-- handle terminating rules
if found_now then
if rules[v].terminating then terminate = true end
until not found or terminate
return sample_input
local grammar1 = [[
# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
local grammar2 = [[
# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
local grammar3 = [[
# BNF Syntax testing rules
A -> apple
WWWW -> with
Bgage -> ->.*
B -> bag
->.* -> money
W -> WW
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
local grammar4 = [[
### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations
### By Donal Fellows.
# Unary addition engine
_+1 -> _1+
1+1 -> 11+
# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary
# addition
1! -> !1
,! -> !+
_! -> _
# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times
1*1 -> x,@y
1x -> xX
X, -> 1,1
X1 -> 1X
_x -> _X
,x -> ,X
y1 -> 1y
y_ -> _
# Next phase of applying
1@1 -> x,@y
1@_ -> @_
,@_ -> !_
++ -> +
# Termination cleanup for addition
_1 -> 1
1+_ -> 1
_+_ ->
local grammar5 = [[
# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11
local text1 = "I bought a B of As from T S."
local text2 = "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S."
local text3 = '_1111*11111_'
local text4 = '000000A000000'
function do_markov(rules, input, output)
local m = markov.make_rules(rules)
input = markov.execute(m, input)
assert(input == output)
do_markov(grammar1, text1, 'I bought a bag of apples from my brother.')
do_markov(grammar2, text1, 'I bought a bag of apples from T shop.')
-- stretch goals
do_markov(grammar3, text2, 'I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.')
do_markov(grammar4, text3, '11111111111111111111')
do_markov(grammar5, text4, '00011H1111000')
Mathematica / Wolfram Language
markov[ruleset_, text_] :=
Module[{terminating = False, output = text,
rules = StringCases[
ruleset, {StartOfLine ~~ pattern : Except["\n"] .. ~~
" " | "\t" .. ~~ "->" ~~ " " | "\t" .. ~~ dot : "" | "." ~~
replacement : Except["\n"] .. ~~ EndOfLine :> {pattern,
replacement, dot == "."}}]},
While[! terminating, terminating = True;
Do[If[! StringFreeQ[output, rule[[1]]],
output = StringReplace[output, rule[[1]] -> rule[[2]]];
If[! rule[[3]], terminating = False]; Break[]], {rule, rules}]];
markov["# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11", "000000A000000"]
9 П4
КИП4 [x] П7 Вx {x} П8
ИП8 ИПE * П8 {x} x=0 08
П5 ИП9 П1 lg [x] 10^x П3
ИП1 П2
Сx П6
ИП2 ИП7 - x=0 70
ИП9 ^ lg [x] 1 + ИП5 - 10^x / [x]
ИП6 ИП8 x#0 50 lg [x] 1 + + 10^x *
ИП9 ИП6 10^x П7 / {x} ИП7 * +
ИП8 ИП7 * + П9
С/П БП 00
x>=0 80
ИП2 ИПE / [x] П2
x=0 26
ИП1 ИП3 / {x} ИП3 * П1
ИП3 ИПE / [x] П3
x=0 22
ИП4 ИП0 - 9 - x=0 02 С/П
Under the rules of left 4 registers, under the word has 8 character cells, the alphabet of the digits from 1 to 8. Rules are placed in "123,456", where "123" is a fragment, and "456" is to be replaced, in the registers of the РA to РD. The number of rules is stored in Р0, the initial word is in Р9. Number triggered rule is the last digit registration Р4 (0 to 3), if no rule did not work, the indicator 0, otherwise the current word to be processed. In РE is stored 10.
import strutils, strscans
type Rule = object
pattern: string # Input pattern.
replacement: string # Replacement string (may be empty).
terminating: bool # "true" if terminating rule.
func parse(rules: string): seq[Rule] =
## Parse a rule set to build a sequence of rules.
var linecount = 0
for line in rules.splitLines():
inc linecount
if line.startsWith('#'): continue
if line.strip.len == 0: continue
# Scan the line.
var pat, rep: string
var terminating = false
if not line.scanf("$+ -> $*", pat, rep):
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid rule at line " & $linecount)
if rep.startsWith('.'):
# Terminating rule.
rep = rep[1..^1]
terminating = true
result.add(Rule(pattern: pat, replacement: rep, terminating: terminating))
func apply(text: string; rules: seq[Rule]): string =
## Apply a set of rules to a text and return the result.
result = text
var changed = true
while changed:
changed = false
# Try to apply the rules in sequence.
for rule in rules:
if result.find(rule.pattern) >= 0:
# Found a rule to apply.
result = result.replace(rule.pattern, rule.replacement)
if rule.terminating: return
changed = true
const SampleTexts = ["I bought a B of As from T S.",
"I bought a B of As from T S.",
"I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.",
const Rulesets = [
"""# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule""",
"""# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule""",
"""# BNF Syntax testing rules
A -> apple
WWWW -> with
Bgage -> ->.*
B -> bag
->.* -> money
W -> WW
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule""",
"""### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations
### By Donal Fellows.
# Unary addition engine
_+1 -> _1+
1+1 -> 11+
# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary
# addition
1! -> !1
,! -> !+
_! -> _
# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times
1*1 -> x,@y
1x -> xX
X, -> 1,1
X1 -> 1X
_x -> _X
,x -> ,X
y1 -> 1y
y_ -> _
# Next phase of applying
1@1 -> x,@y
1@_ -> @_
,@_ -> !_
++ -> +
# Termination cleanup for addition
_1 -> 1
1+_ -> 1
_+_ -> """,
"""# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11"""
for n, ruleset in RuleSets:
let rules = ruleset.parse()
echo SampleTexts[n].apply(rules)
- Output:
I bought a bag of apples from my brother. I bought a bag of apples from T shop. I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. 11111111111111111111 00011H1111000
I'm not familiar with string processing, or parsing, so there are probably better ways to express this in OCaml. One might be with the mikmatch library which allows pattern-matching with regexps. Here I've only used the OCaml stdlib...
(* Useful for resource cleanup (such as filehandles) *)
let try_finally x f g =
try let res = f x in g x; res
with e -> g x; raise e
(* Substitute string 'b' for first occurance of regexp 'a' in 's';
* Raise Not_found if there was no occurance of 'a'. *)
let subst a b s =
ignore (Str.search_forward a s 0); (* to generate Not_found *)
Str.replace_first a b s
let parse_rules cin =
let open Str in
let rule = regexp "\\(.+\\)[ \t]+->[ \t]+\\(.*\\)" in
let leader s c = String.length s > 0 && s.[0] = c in
let parse_b s = if leader s '.' then (string_after s 1,true) else (s,false) in
let rec parse_line rules =
let s = input_line cin in
if leader s '#' then parse_line rules
else if string_match rule s 0 then
let a = regexp_string (matched_group 1 s) in
let b,terminate = parse_b (matched_group 2 s) in
parse_line ((a,b,terminate)::rules)
else failwith ("parse error: "^s)
with End_of_file -> rules
in List.rev (parse_line [])
let rec run rules text =
let rec apply s = function
| [] -> s
| (a,b,term)::next ->
let s' = subst a b s in
if term then s' else run rules s'
with Not_found -> apply s next
in apply text rules
let _ =
if Array.length Sys.argv <> 2 then
print_endline "Expecting one argument: a filename where rules can be found."
let rules = try_finally (open_in Sys.argv.(1)) parse_rules close_in in
(* Translate lines read from stdin, until EOF *)
let rec translate () =
print_endline (run rules (input_line stdin));
translate ()
in try translate () with End_of_file -> ()
With the above compiled to an executable 'markov', and the five rule-sets in files, strings are accepted on stdin for translation:
<~/rosetta$> markov rules1 I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a bag of apples from my brother. <~/rosetta$> markov rules2 I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a bag of apples from T shop. <~/rosetta$> markov rules3 I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S. I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. <~/rosetta$> markov rules4 _1111*11111_ 11111111111111111111 <~/rosetta$> markov rules5 000000A000000 00011H1111000
program InterpretMA;
{$mode objfpc}{$h+}{$j-}{$b-}
TRule = record
Pattern, Replacement: string;
Terminating: Boolean;
function ParseMA(const aScheme: string; out aRules: specialize TArray<TRule>): Boolean;
function ParseLine(const s: string; out r: TRule): Boolean;
Terms: TStringArray;
Terms := s.Split([' -> ']);
if Length(Terms) <> 2 then exit(False);
r.Pattern := Terms[0].Trim;
r.Replacement := Terms[1].Trim;
r.Terminating := False;
if (r.Replacement <> '') and (r.Replacement[1] = '.') then begin
r.Terminating := True;
Delete(r.Replacement, 1, 1);
Result := True;
Lines: TStringArray;
s: string;
I: Integer;
aRules := nil;
if aScheme = '' then exit(False);
Lines := aScheme.Split([LineEnding], TStringSplitOptions.ExcludeEmpty);
if Lines = nil then exit(False);
SetLength(aRules, Length(Lines));
I := 0;
for s in Lines do begin
if s[1] = '#' then continue;
if not ParseLine(s, aRules[I]) then exit(False);
SetLength(aRules, I);
Result := True;
function ExecuteMA(const aScheme, aInput: string): string;
Rules: array of TRule;
r: TRule;
Applied: Boolean;
if not ParseMA(aScheme.Replace(#9, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]), Rules) then
exit('Error while parsing MA scheme');
Result := aInput;
Applied := False;
for r in Rules do begin
if r.Pattern = '' then begin
Result := r.Replacement + Result;
Applied := True;
end else begin
Applied := Result.IndexOf(r.Pattern) >= 0;
if Applied then
Result := Result.Replace(r.Pattern, r.Replacement);
if Applied then begin
if r.Terminating then exit;
until not Applied;
TTestEntry = record
Scheme, Input, Output: string;
LE = LineEnding;
TestSet: array[1..5] of TTestEntry = (
'# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia: ' +LE+
'# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm' +LE+
'A -> apple' +LE+
'B -> bag' +LE+
'S -> shop' +LE+
'T -> the' +LE+
'the shop -> my brother' +LE+
'a never used -> .terminating rule';
Input: 'I bought a B of As from T S.'; Output: 'I bought a bag of apples from my brother.'),
'# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia' +LE+
'A -> apple' +LE+
'B -> bag' +LE+
'S -> .shop' +LE+
'T -> the' +LE+
'the shop -> my brother' +LE+
'a never used -> .terminating rule';
Input: 'I bought a B of As from T S.'; Output: 'I bought a bag of apples from T shop.'),
'# BNF Syntax testing rules' +LE+
'A -> apple' +LE+
'WWWW -> with' +LE+
'Bgage -> ->.*' +LE+
'B -> bag' +LE+
'->.* -> money' +LE+
'W -> WW' +LE+
'S -> .shop' +LE+
'T -> the' +LE+
'the shop -> my brother' +LE+
'a never used -> .terminating rule';
Input: 'I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.'; Output: 'I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.'),
'### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations' +LE+
'### By Donal Fellows.' +LE+
'# Unary addition engine' +LE+
'_+1 -> _1+' +LE+
'1+1 -> 11+' +LE+
'# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary' +LE+
'# addition' +LE+
'1! -> !1' +LE+
',! -> !+' +LE+
'_! -> _' +LE+
'# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times' +LE+
'1*1 -> x,@y' +LE+
'1x -> xX' +LE+
'X, -> 1,1' +LE+
'X1 -> 1X' +LE+
'_x -> _X' +LE+
',x -> ,X' +LE+
'y1 -> 1y' +LE+
'y_ -> _' +LE+
'# Next phase of applying' +LE+
'1@1 -> x,@y' +LE+
'1@_ -> @_' +LE+
',@_ -> !_' +LE+
'++ -> +' +LE+
'# Termination cleanup for addition' +LE+
'_1 -> 1' +LE+
'1+_ -> 1' +LE+
'_+_ -> ';
Input: '_1111*11111_'; Output: '11111111111111111111'),
'# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver' +LE+
'#' +LE+
'# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B' +LE+
'A0 -> 1B' +LE+
'# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C' +LE+
'0A1 -> C01' +LE+
'1A1 -> C11' +LE+
'# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A' +LE+
'0B0 -> A01' +LE+
'1B0 -> A11' +LE+
'# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B' +LE+
'B1 -> 1B' +LE+
'# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B' +LE+
'0C0 -> B01' +LE+
'1C0 -> B11' +LE+
'# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt' +LE+
'0C1 -> H01' +LE+
'1C1 -> H11';
Input: '000000A000000'; Output: '00011H1111000')
E_FMT = 'test #%d: expected "%s", but got "%s"';
e: TTestEntry;
Result: string;
I: Integer = 1;
Failed: Integer = 0;
for e in TestSet do begin
Result := ExecuteMA(e.Scheme, e.Input);
if Result <> e.Output then begin
WriteLn(Format(E_FMT, [I, e.Output, Result]));
WriteLn('tests completed: ', Length(TestSet), ', failed: ', Failed);
- Output:
tests completed: 5, failed: 0
This program expects a source file as an argument and uses the standard input and output devices for the algorithm's I/O.
@ARGV == 1 or die "Please provide exactly one source file as an argument.\n";
open my $source, '<', $ARGV[0] or die "I couldn't open \"$ARGV[0]\" for reading. ($!.)\n";
my @rules;
while (<$source>)
{/\A#/ and next;
my @a = /(.*?)\s+->\s+(\.?)(.*)/ or die "Syntax error: $_";
push @rules, \@a;}
close $source;
my $input = do {local $/; <STDIN>;};
{foreach (@rules)
{my ($from, $terminating, $to) = @$_;
$input =~ s/\Q$from\E/$to/
and ($terminating ? last OUTER : redo OUTER);}}
print $input;
procedure markov(string rules, input, expected) sequence subs = {}, reps = {} sequence lines = split(substitute(rules,'\t',' '),'\n') for i=1 to length(lines) do string li = lines[i] if length(li) and li[1]!='#' then integer k = match(" -> ",li) if k then subs = append(subs,trim(li[1..k-1])) reps = append(reps,trim(li[k+4..$])) end if end if end for string res = input bool term = false while 1 do bool found = false for i=1 to length(subs) do string sub = subs[i] integer k = match(sub,res) if k then found = true string rep = reps[i] if length(rep) and rep[1]='.' then rep = rep[2..$] term = true end if res[k..k+length(sub)-1] = rep exit end if if term then exit end if end for if term or not found then exit end if end while ?{input,res,iff(res=expected?"ok":"**ERROR**")} end procedure constant ruleset1 = """ # This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia: # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm A -> apple B -> bag S -> shop T -> the the shop -> my brother a never used -> .terminating rule""" markov(ruleset1,"I bought a B of As from T S.","I bought a bag of apples from my brother.") constant ruleset2 = """ # Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia A -> apple B -> bag S -> .shop T -> the the shop -> my brother a never used -> .terminating rule""" markov(ruleset2,"I bought a B of As from T S.","I bought a bag of apples from T shop.") constant ruleset3 = """ # BNF Syntax testing rules A -> apple WWWW -> with Bgage -> ->.* B -> bag ->.* -> money W -> WW S -> .shop T -> the the shop -> my brother a never used -> .terminating rule""" markov(ruleset3,"I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.","I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.") constant ruleset4 = """ ### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations ### By Donal Fellows. # Unary addition engine _+1 -> _1+ 1+1 -> 11+ # Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary # addition 1! -> !1 ,! -> !+ _! -> _ # Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times 1*1 -> x,@y 1x -> xX X, -> 1,1 X1 -> 1X _x -> _X ,x -> ,X y1 -> 1y y_ -> _ # Next phase of applying 1@1 -> x,@y 1@_ -> @_ ,@_ -> !_ ++ -> + # Termination cleanup for addition _1 -> 1 1+_ -> 1 _+_ -> """ markov(ruleset4,"_1111*11111_","11111111111111111111") constant ruleset5 = """ # Turing machine: three-state busy beaver # # state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B A0 -> 1B # state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C 0A1 -> C01 1A1 -> C11 # state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A 0B0 -> A01 1B0 -> A11 # state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B B1 -> 1B # state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B 0C0 -> B01 1C0 -> B11 # state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt 0C1 -> H01 1C1 -> H11 """ markov(ruleset5,"000000A000000","00011H1111000")
- Output:
{"I bought a B of As from T S.","I bought a bag of apples from my brother.","ok"} {"I bought a B of As from T S.","I bought a bag of apples from T shop.","ok"} {"I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.","I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.","ok"} {"_1111*11111_","11111111111111111111","ok"} {"000000A000000","00011H1111000","ok"}
function markov($text, $ruleset) {
$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $ruleset);
$rules = array();
foreach ($lines AS $line) {
$spc = "[\t ]+";
if (empty($line) OR preg_match('/^#/', $line)) {
} elseif (preg_match('/^(.+)' . $spc . '->' . $spc . '(\.?)(.*)$/', $line, $matches)) {
list($dummy, $pattern, $terminating, $replacement) = $matches;
$rules[] = array(
'pattern' => trim($pattern),
'terminating' => ($terminating === '.'),
'replacement' => trim($replacement),
do {
$found = false;
foreach ($rules AS $rule) {
if (strpos($text, $rule['pattern']) !== FALSE) {
$text = str_replace($rule['pattern'], $rule['replacement'], $text);
if ($rule['terminating']) {
return $text;
$found = true;
} while($found);
return $text;
$conf = array(
1 => array(
'text' => 'I bought a B of As from T S.',
'rule' => '
# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
2 => array(
'text' => 'I bought a B of As from T S.',
'rule' => '
# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
3 => array(
'text' => 'I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.',
'rule' => '
# BNF Syntax testing rules
A -> apple
WWWW -> with
Bgage -> ->.*
B -> bag
->.* -> money
W -> WW
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
4 => array(
'text' => '_1111*11111_',
'rule' => '
### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations
### By Donal Fellows.
# Unary addition engine
_+1 -> _1+
1+1 -> 11+
# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary
# addition
1! -> !1
,! -> !+
_! -> _
# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times
1*1 -> x,@y
1x -> xX
X, -> 1,1
X1 -> 1X
_x -> _X
,x -> ,X
y1 -> 1y
y_ -> _
# Next phase of applying
1@1 -> x,@y
1@_ -> @_
,@_ -> !_
++ -> +
# Termination cleanup for addition
_1 -> 1
1+_ -> 1
_+_ ->
5 => array(
'text' => '000000A000000',
'rule' => '
# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11
6 => array(
'text' => '101',
'rule' => '
# Another example extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
1 -> 0|
|0 -> 0||
0 ->
foreach ($conf AS $id => $rule) {
echo 'Ruleset ', $id, ' : ', markov($rule['text'], $rule['rule']), PHP_EOL;
- Output:
Ruleset 1 : I bought a bag of apples from my brother. Ruleset 2 : I bought a bag of apples from T shop. Ruleset 3 : I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. Ruleset 4 : 11111111111111111111 Ruleset 5 : 00011H1111000 Ruleset 6 : |||||
(de markov (File Text)
(use (@A @Z R)
(let Rules
(in File
(while (skip "#")
(when (match '(@A " " "-" ">" " " @Z) (replace (line) "@" "#"))
(link (cons (clip @A) (clip @Z))) ) ) ) )
(setq Text (chop Text))
'((R) (match (append '(@A) (car R) '(@Z)) Text))
Rules )
Text )
(T (= "." (cadr (setq R @)))
(append @A (cddr R) @Z) )
(setq Text (append @A (cdr R) @Z)) ) ) ) ) )
: (markov "r1" "I bought a B of As from T S.") -> "I bought a bag of apples from my brother." : (markov "r2" "I bought a B of As from T S.") -> "I bought a bag of apples from T shop." : (markov "r3" "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.") -> "I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop." : (markov "r4" "_1111*11111_") -> "11111111111111111111" : (markov "r5" "000000A000000") -> "00011H1111000"
Works with SWI-Prolog and module(library(lambda)).
Module lambda can be found there : http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/ulrich/Prolog-inedit/lambda.pl
:- module('markov.pl', [markov/3, apply_markov/3]).
:- use_module(library(lambda)).
apply_markov(Rules, Sentence, Replacement) :-
maplist(\X^Y^(atom_chars(X, Ch), phrase(markov(Y), Ch, [])), Rules, TmpRules),
% comments produce empty rules
exclude(=([]), TmpRules, LstRules),
atom_chars(Sentence, L),
apply_rules(L, LstRules, R),
atom_chars(Replacement, R).
apply_rules(In, Rules, Out ) :-
apply_one_rule(In, Rules, Out1, Keep_On),
( Keep_On = false
-> Out = Out1
; apply_rules(Out1, Rules, Out)).
apply_one_rule(In, [Rule | Rules], Out, Keep_On) :-
extract(Rule, In, Out1, KeepOn),
( KeepOn = false
-> Out = Out1, Keep_On = KeepOn
; (KeepOn = stop
-> Out = Out1,
Keep_On = true
; apply_one_rule(Out1, Rules, Out, Keep_On))).
apply_one_rule(In, [], In, false) .
extract([Pattern, Replace], In, Out, Keep_On) :-
( Replace = [.|Rest]
-> R = Rest
; R = Replace),
( (append(Pattern, End, T), append(Deb, T, In))
-> extract([Pattern, Replace], End, NewEnd, _Keep_On),
append_3(Deb, R, NewEnd, Out),
Keep_On = stop
; Out = In,
( R = Replace
-> Keep_On = true
; Keep_On = false)).
append_3(A, B, C, D) :-
append(A, B, T),
append(T, C, D).
% creation of the rules
markov(A) --> line(A).
line(A) --> text(A), newline.
newline --> ['\n'], newline.
newline --> [].
text([]) --> comment([]).
text(A) --> rule(A).
comment([]) --> ['#'], anything.
anything --> [X], {X \= '\n'}, anything.
anything --> ['\n'].
anything --> [].
rule([A,B]) -->
pattern(A), whitespaces, ['-', '>'], whitespaces, end_rule(B).
pattern([X | R]) --> [X], {X \= '\n'}, pattern(R).
pattern([]) --> [].
whitespaces --> ['\t'], whitespace.
whitespaces --> [' '], whitespace.
whitespace --> whitespaces.
whitespace --> [].
end_rule([.| A]) --> [.], rest_of_rule(A).
end_rule(A) --> rest_of_rule(A).
end_rule([]) --> [].
rest_of_rule(A) --> replacement(A).
replacement([X | R]) --> [X], {X \= '\n'}, replacement(R).
replacement([]) --> [].
Code to test :
:- use_module('markov.pl').
:- use_module(library(lambda)).
markov :-
maplist(\X^(call(X), nl,nl), [markov_1, markov_2, markov_3, markov_4, markov_5]).
markov_1 :-
A = ['# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:',
'# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm',
'A -> apple',
'B -> bag',
'S -> shop',
'T -> the',
'the shop -> my brother',
'a never used -> .terminating rule'],
B = 'I bought a B of As from T S.',
apply_markov(A, B, R),
markov_2 :-
A = ['# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia',
'A -> apple',
'B -> bag',
'S -> .shop',
'T -> the',
'the shop -> my brother',
'a never used -> .terminating rule'],
B = 'I bought a B of As from T S.',
apply_markov(A, B, R),
markov_3 :-
A = ['# BNF Syntax testing rules',
'A -> apple',
'WWWW -> with',
'Bgage -> ->.*',
'B -> bag',
'->.* -> money',
'W -> WW',
'S -> .shop',
'T -> the',
'the shop -> my brother',
'a never used -> .terminating rule'],
B = 'I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.',
apply_markov(A, B, R),
markov_4 :-
A = ['### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations',
'### By Donal Fellows.',
'# Unary addition engine',
'_+1 -> _1+',
'1+1 -> 11+',
'# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary',
'# addition',
'1! -> !1',
',! -> !+',
'_! -> _',
'# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times',
'1*1 -> x,@y',
'1x -> xX',
'X, -> 1,1',
'X1 -> 1X',
'_x -> _X',
',x -> ,X',
'y1 -> 1y',
'y_ -> _',
'# Next phase of applying',
'1@1 -> x,@y',
'1@_ -> @_',
',@_ -> !_',
'++ -> +',
'# Termination cleanup for addition',
'_1 -> 1',
'1+_ -> 1',
'_+_ -> '],
B = '_1111*11111_',
apply_markov(A, B, R),
markov_5 :-
A = ['# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver',
'# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B',
'A0 -> 1B',
'# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C',
'0A1 -> C01',
'1A1 -> C11',
'# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A',
'0B0 -> A01',
'1B0 -> A11',
'# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B',
'B1 -> 1B',
'# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B',
'0C0 -> B01',
'1C0 -> B11',
'# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt',
'0C1 -> H01',
'1C1 -> H11'],
B = '000000A000000',
apply_markov(A, B, R),
Output :
?- markov. I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a bag of apples from my brother. I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a bag of apples from T shop. I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S. I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. _1111*11111_ 11111111111111111111 000000A000000 00011H1111000 true .
The GUI used here allows a ruleset to be loaded from a text file or manually added one rule at a time. Symbol input can be tested anytime by selecting 'Interpret'.
Structure mRule
Procedure parseRule(text.s, List rules.mRule())
#tab = 9: #space = 32: #whiteSpace$ = Chr(#space) + Chr(#tab)
Protected tLen, cPtr, nChar.c, pEnd, pLast, pattern.s
cPtr = 1
If FindString(#whiteSpace$, Left(text, cPtr), 1): ProcedureReturn 0: EndIf ;parse error
If Left(text, cPtr) = "#": ProcedureReturn 2: EndIf ;comment skipped
tLen = Len(text)
cPtr + 1
If cPtr > tLen: ProcedureReturn 0: EndIf ;parse error
nChar = Asc(Mid(text, cPtr, 1))
Select nChar
Case #space, #tab
Select pEnd
Case 0 To 2
pEnd = 1
pLast = cPtr - 1
Case 3
pattern = Left(text, pLast)
Case '-'
If pEnd = 1: pEnd = 2: EndIf
Case '>'
If pEnd = 2: pEnd = 3: EndIf
Until pattern <> ""
cPtr + 1
Until Not FindString(#whiteSpace$, Mid(text, cPtr, 1), 1)
Protected isTerminal
If Mid(text, cPtr, 1) = "."
isTerminal = #True: cPtr + 1
LastElement(rules()): AddElement(rules())
rules()\pattern = pattern
rules()\replacement = Right(text, tLen - cPtr + 1)
rules()\isTerminal = isTerminal
ProcedureReturn 1 ;processed rule
Procedure.s interpretMarkov(text.s, List rules.mRule())
madeReplacement = #False
ForEach rules()
If FindString(text, rules()\pattern, 1)
text = ReplaceString(text, rules()\pattern, rules()\replacement)
madeReplacement = #True: isFinished = rules()\isTerminal
Until Not madeReplacement Or isFinished
ProcedureReturn text
Procedure addRule(text.s, List rules.mRule())
Protected result = parseRule(text, rules())
Select result
Case 0: AddGadgetItem(7, -1, "Invalid rule: " + #DQUOTE$ + text + #DQUOTE$)
Case 1: AddGadgetItem(7, -1, "Added: " + #DQUOTE$ + text + #DQUOTE$)
Case 2: AddGadgetItem(7, -1, "Comment: " + #DQUOTE$ + text + #DQUOTE$)
OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 350, 300, "Markov Algorithm Interpreter", #PB_Window_SystemMenu)
ButtonGadget(0, 45, 10, 75, 20, "Load Ruleset")
ButtonGadget(1, 163, 10, 65, 20, "Add Rule")
ButtonGadget(2, 280, 10, 65, 20, "Interpret")
TextGadget(3, 5, 40, 30, 20, "Input:")
StringGadget(4, 45, 40, 300, 20,"")
TextGadget(5, 5, 100, 35, 20, "Output:")
ButtonGadget(6, 160, 70, 70, 20, "Clear Output")
EditorGadget(7, 45, 100, 300, 195, #PB_Editor_ReadOnly)
NewList rules.mRule()
Define event, isDone, text.s, result, file.s
event = WaitWindowEvent()
Select event
Case #PB_Event_Gadget
Select EventGadget()
Case 0
Define file.s, rule.s
file = OpenFileRequester("Select rule set", "*.txt", "Text (*.txt)|*.txt", 0)
If file
ReadFile(0, file)
While Not(Eof(0))
addRule(ReadString(0), rules())
AddGadgetItem(7, -1, "Loaded " + Str(ListSize(rules())) + " rules."): AddGadgetItem(7, -1, "")
Case 1
addRule(GetGadgetText(4), rules())
Case 2
text = GetGadgetText(4): AddGadgetItem(7, -1, "Interpret: " + #DQUOTE$ + text + #DQUOTE$)
AddGadgetItem(7, -1, "Result: " + #DQUOTE$ + interpretMarkov(text, rules()) + #DQUOTE$): AddGadgetItem(7, -1, "")
Case 6
Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
isDone = #True
Until isDone
Sample output from loading Ruleset 1 and interpreting a symbol:
Comment: "# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:" Comment: "# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm" Added: "A -> apple" Added: "B -> bag" Added: "S -> shop" Added: "T -> the" Added: "the shop -> my brother" Added: "a never used -> .terminating rule" Loaded 6 rules. Interpret: "I bought a B of As from T S." Result: "I bought a bag of apples from my brother."
The example uses a regexp to parse the syntax of the grammar. This regexp is multi-line and verbose, and uses named groups to aid in understanding the regexp and to allow more meaningful group names to be used when extracting the replacement data from the grammars in function extractreplacements
The example gains flexibility by not being tied to specific files. The functions may be imported into other programs which then can provide textual input from their sources without the need to pass 'file handles' around.
import re
def extractreplacements(grammar):
return [ (matchobj.group('pat'), matchobj.group('repl'), bool(matchobj.group('term')))
for matchobj in re.finditer(syntaxre, grammar)
if matchobj.group('rule')]
def replace(text, replacements):
while True:
for pat, repl, term in replacements:
if pat in text:
text = text.replace(pat, repl, 1)
if term:
return text
return text
syntaxre = r"""(?mx)
(?: (?P<comment> \# .* ) ) |
(?: (?P<blank> \s* ) (?: \n | $ ) ) |
(?: (?P<rule> (?P<pat> .+? ) \s+ -> \s+ (?P<term> \.)? (?P<repl> .+) ) )
grammar1 = """\
# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
grammar2 = '''\
# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
grammar3 = '''\
# BNF Syntax testing rules
A -> apple
WWWW -> with
Bgage -> ->.*
B -> bag
->.* -> money
W -> WW
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
grammar4 = '''\
### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations
### By Donal Fellows.
# Unary addition engine
_+1 -> _1+
1+1 -> 11+
# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary
# addition
1! -> !1
,! -> !+
_! -> _
# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times
1*1 -> x,@y
1x -> xX
X, -> 1,1
X1 -> 1X
_x -> _X
,x -> ,X
y1 -> 1y
y_ -> _
# Next phase of applying
1@1 -> x,@y
1@_ -> @_
,@_ -> !_
++ -> +
# Termination cleanup for addition
_1 -> 1
1+_ -> 1
_+_ ->
grammar5 = '''\
# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11
text1 = "I bought a B of As from T S."
text2 = "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S."
text3 = '_1111*11111_'
text4 = '000000A000000'
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert replace(text1, extractreplacements(grammar1)) \
== 'I bought a bag of apples from my brother.'
assert replace(text1, extractreplacements(grammar2)) \
== 'I bought a bag of apples from T shop.'
# Stretch goals
assert replace(text2, extractreplacements(grammar3)) \
== 'I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.'
assert replace(text3, extractreplacements(grammar4)) \
== '11111111111111111111'
assert replace(text4, extractreplacements(grammar5)) \
== '00011H1111000'
The Markov algorithm interpreter
The Markov-algorithm for a set of rules returns a function which maps from a string to string and can be used as a first-class object. Rules are represented by abstract data structures.
#lang racket
(struct -> (A B))
(struct ->. (A B))
(define ((Markov-algorithm . rules) initial-string)
(let/cc stop
; rewriting rules
(define (rewrite rule str)
(match rule
[(-> a b) (cond [(replace a str b) => apply-rules]
[else str])]
[(->. a b) (cond [(replace a str b) => stop]
[else str])]))
; the cycle through rewriting rules
(define (apply-rules s) (foldl rewrite s rules))
; the result is a fixed point of rewriting procedure
(fixed-point apply-rules initial-string)))
;; replaces the first substring A to B in a string s
(define (replace A s B)
(and (regexp-match? (regexp-quote A) s)
(regexp-replace (regexp-quote A) s B)))
;; Finds the least fixed-point of a function
(define (fixed-point f x0)
(let loop ([x x0] [fx (f x0)])
(if (equal? x fx) fx (loop fx (f fx)))))
Example of use:
> (define MA
(-> "A" "apple")
(-> "B" "bag")
(->. "S" "shop")
(-> "T" "the")
(-> "the shop" "my brother")
(->. "a never used" "terminating rule")))
> (MA "I bought a B of As from T S.")
"I bought a bag of apples from T shop."
The source reader
To read from a file just replace with-input-from-string ==> with-input-from-file.
;; the reader
(define (read-rules source)
(with-input-from-string source
(λ () (for*/list ([line (in-lines)]
#:unless (should-be-skipped? line))
(match line
[(rx-split A "[[:blank:]]->[[:blank:]][.]" B) (->. A B)]
[(rx-split A "[[:blank:]]->[[:blank:]]" B) (-> A B)])))))
;; the new pattern for the match form
(define-match-expander rx-split
(syntax-rules ()
[(rx-split A rx B)
(app (λ (s) (regexp-split (pregexp rx) s)) (list A B))]))
;; skip empty lines and comments
(define (should-be-skipped? line)
(or (regexp-match? #rx"^#.*" line)
(regexp-match? #px"^[[:blank:]]*$" line)))
(define (read-Markov-algorithm source)
(apply Markov-algorithm (read-rules source)))
(define R3 (read-Markov-algorithm "
# BNF Syntax testing rules
A -> apple
WWWW -> with
Bgage -> ->.*
B -> bag
->.* -> money
W -> WW
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule"))
(define R4
(read-Markov-algorithm "
### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations
### By Donal Fellows.
# Unary addition engine
_+1 -> _1+
1+1 -> 11+
# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary
# addition
1! -> !1
,! -> !+
_! -> _
# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times
1*1 -> x,@y
1x -> xX
X, -> 1,1
X1 -> 1X
_x -> _X
,x -> ,X
y1 -> 1y
y_ -> _
# Next phase of applying
1@1 -> x,@y
1@_ -> @_
,@_ -> !_
++ -> +
# Termination cleanup for addition
_1 -> 1
1+_ -> 1
_+_ -> "))
(define R5
(read-Markov-algorithm "
# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11"))
> (R3 "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.")
"I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop."
> (R4 "_1111*11111_")
> (R5 "000000A000000")
(formerly Perl 6) Run this without arguments and it will scan the cwd for rules.* files and their corresponding test.*.
Run it with two filenames or one filename and some text to run a rulefile on the file contents or the given text.
Add --verbose to see the replacements step-by-step.
grammar Markov {
token TOP {
^ [^^ [<rule> | <comment>] $$ [\n|$]]* $
{ make $<rule>>>.ast }
token comment {
<before ^^> '#' \N*
{ make Nil }
token ws {
[' '|\t]*
rule rule {
<before ^^>$<pattern>=[\N+?] '->'
{ make {:pattern($<pattern>.Str),
:terminal($<terminal>.Str eq ".")} }
sub run(:$ruleset, :$start_value, :$verbose?) {
my $value = $start_value;
my @rules = Markov.parse($ruleset).ast.list;
loop {
my $beginning = $value;
for @rules {
my $prev = $value;
$value = $value.subst(.<pattern>, .<replacement>);
say $value if $verbose && $value ne $prev;
return $value if .<terminal>;
last if $value ne $prev;
last if $value eq $beginning;
return $value;
multi sub MAIN(Bool :$verbose?) {
my @rulefiles = dir.grep(/rules.+/).sort;
for @rulefiles -> $rulefile {
my $testfile = $rulefile.subst("rules", "test");
my $start_value = (try slurp($testfile).trim-trailing)
// prompt("please give a start value: ");
my $ruleset = slurp($rulefile);
say $start_value;
say run(:$ruleset, :$start_value, :$verbose);
say '';
multi sub MAIN(Str $rulefile where *.IO.f, Str $input where *.IO.f, Bool :$verbose?) {
my $ruleset = slurp($rulefile);
my $start_value = slurp($input).trim-trailing;
say "starting with: $start_value";
say run(:$ruleset, :$start_value, :$verbose);
multi sub MAIN(Str $rulefile where *.IO.f, *@pieces, Bool :$verbose?) {
my $ruleset = slurp($rulefile);
my $start_value = @pieces.join(" ");
say "starting with: $start_value";
say run(:$ruleset, :$start_value, :$verbose);
, <Arg 1>: e.File
, <Arg 2>: e.Input
, <ReadLines 1 e.File>: e.Lines
, <Each ParseRule e.Lines>: e.Rules
, <Apply (e.Rules) e.Input>: e.Result
= <Prout e.Result>;
Each {
s.F = ;
s.F (e.I) e.R = <Mu s.F e.I> <Each s.F e.R>;
ReadLines {
s.Chan e.File = <Open 'r' s.Chan e.File>
<ReadLines (s.Chan)>;
(s.Chan), <Get s.Chan>: {
0 = <Close s.Chan>;
e.Line = (e.Line) <ReadLines (s.Chan)>;
ParseRule {
= (Empty);
'#' e.X = (Empty);
e.Pat ' -> ' e.Rep,
<Trim e.Pat>: e.TrPat,
<Trim e.Rep>: e.TrRep,
e.TrRep: {
'.' e.R = (Term (e.Pat) (e.R));
e.R = (Nonterm (e.Pat) (e.R));
ApplyRule {
(s.Type (e.Pat) (e.Rep)) e.Subj,
e.Subj: e.X e.Pat e.Y = s.Type e.X e.Rep e.Y;
t.Rule e.Subj = NoMatch e.Subj;
Apply {
(e.Rules) () e.Subj = e.Subj;
(e.Rules) (t.Rule e.Rest) e.Subj,
<ApplyRule t.Rule e.Subj>: {
NoMatch e.Subj = <Apply (e.Rules) (e.Rest) e.Subj>;
Term e.Res = e.Res;
Nonterm e.Res = <Apply (e.Rules) e.Res>;
(e.Rules) e.Subj = <Apply (e.Rules) (e.Rules) e.Subj>;
Trim {
' ' e.X = <Trim e.X>;
e.X ' ' = <Trim e.X>;
e.X = e.X;
- Output:
$ refgo markov ruleset1.mkv 'I bought a B of As from T S.' I bought a bag of apples from my brother. $ refgo markov ruleset2.mkv 'I bought a B of As from T S.' I bought a bag of apples from T shop. $ refgo markov ruleset3.mkv 'I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.' I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. $ refgo markov ruleset4.mkv '_111*11111_' 111111111111111 $ refgo markov ruleset5.mkv '000000A000000' 00011H1111000
Code was added to the REXX example to optionally list the contents of the ruleset and/or the Markov entries.
Also, blank lines in the ruleset were treated as comments.
/*REXX program executes a Markov algorithm(s) against specified entries. */
parse arg low high . /*allows which ruleset to process. */
if low=='' | low=="," then low=1 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
if high=='' | high=="," then high=6 /* " " " " " " */
tellE= low<0; tellR= high<0 /*flags: used to display file contents.*/
call readEntry
do j=abs(low) to abs(high) /*process each of these rulesets. */
call readRules j /*read a particular ruleset. */
call execRules j /*execute " " " */
say 'result for ruleset' j "───►" !.j
end /*j*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
execRules: parse arg q .; if tellE | tellR then say /*show a blank line?*/
do f=1
do k=1 while @.k\==''; if left(@.k, 1)=='#' | @.k='' then iterate
parse var @.k a ' ->' b /*obtain the A & B parts from rule.*/
a=strip(a); b=strip(b) /*strip leading and/or trailing blanks.*/
fullstop= left(b, 1)==. /*is this a "fullstop" rule? 1≡yes */
if fullstop then b=substr(b, 2) /*purify the B part of the rule. */
old=!.q /*remember the value before the change.*/
!.q=changestr(a, !.q, b) /*implement the ruleset change. */
if fullstop then if old\==!.q then return /*should we stop? */
if old\==!.q then iterate f /*Has Entry changed? Then start over.*/
end /*k*/
end /*f*/
readEntry: eFID= 'MARKOV.ENT'; if tellE then say /*show a blank line?*/
!.= /*placeholder for all the test entries.*/
do e=1 while lines(eFID)\==0 /*read the input file until End-Of-File*/
!.e=linein(eFID); if tellE then say 'test entry' e "───►" !.e
end /*e*/ /* [↑] read and maybe echo the entry. */
readRules: parse arg ? .; rFID= 'MARKOV_R.'?; if tellR then say /*show a blank line?*/
@.= /*placeholder for all the Markov rules.*/
do r=1 while lines(rFID)\==0 /*read the input file until End-Of-File*/
@.r=linein(rFID); if tellR then say 'ruleSet' ?"."left(r,4) '───►' @.r
end /*r*/ /* [↑] read and maybe echo the rule. */
Some older REXXes don't have a changestr BIF, so one is included here ──► CHANGESTR.REX.
- output when using the default input and files:
result for ruleset 1 ───► I bought a B of As from T S. result for ruleset 2 ───► I bought a bag of apples from T shop. result for ruleset 3 ───► I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. result for ruleset 4 ───► 11111111111111111111 result for ruleset 5 ───► 00011H1111000 result for ruleset 6 ───► |||||
- Ruleset 6 is:
# Rewrite binary numbers to their unary value (| bars). # I.E.: 101 [base 2] will be converted to 5 bars. #────────────────────────────────────────────────────── |0 -> 0|| 1 -> 0| 0 ->
def setup(ruleset)
ruleset.each_line.inject([]) do |rules, line|
if line =~ /^\s*#/
elsif line =~ /^(.+)\s+->\s+(\.?)(.*)$/
rules << [$1, $3, $2 != ""]
raise "Syntax error: #{line}"
def markov(ruleset, input_data)
rules = setup(ruleset)
while (matched = rules.find { |match, replace, term|
input_data[match] and input_data.sub!(match, replace)
}) and !matched[2]
ruleset1 = <<EOS
# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
puts markov(ruleset1, "I bought a B of As from T S.")
ruleset2 = <<EOS
# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
puts markov(ruleset2, "I bought a B of As from T S.")
ruleset3 = <<EOS
# BNF Syntax testing rules
A -> apple
WWWW -> with
Bgage -> ->.*
B -> bag
->.* -> money
W -> WW
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
puts markov(ruleset3, "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.")
ruleset4 = <<EOS
### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations
### By Donal Fellows.
# Unary addition engine
_+1 -> _1+
1+1 -> 11+
# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary
# addition
1! -> !1
,! -> !+
_! -> _
# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times
1*1 -> x,@y
1x -> xX
X, -> 1,1
X1 -> 1X
_x -> _X
,x -> ,X
y1 -> 1y
y_ -> _
# Next phase of applying
1@1 -> x,@y
1@_ -> @_
,@_ -> !_
++ -> +
# Termination cleanup for addition
_1 -> 1
1+_ -> 1
_+_ ->
puts markov(ruleset4, "_1111*11111_")
ruleset5 = <<EOS
# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11
puts markov(ruleset5, "000000A000000")
- Output:
I bought a bag of apples from my brother. I bought a bag of apples from T shop. I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. 11111111111111111111 00011H1111000
use std::str::FromStr;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Rule {
pub pat: String,
pub rep: String,
pub terminal: bool,
impl Rule {
pub fn new(pat: String, rep: String, terminal: bool) -> Self {
Self { pat, rep, terminal }
pub fn applicable_range(&self, input: impl AsRef<str>) -> Option<std::ops::Range<usize>> {
.map(|(start, slice)| start..start + slice.len())
pub fn apply(&self, s: &mut String) -> bool {
self.applicable_range(s.as_str()).map_or(false, |range| {
s.replace_range(range, &self.rep);
impl FromStr for Rule {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let mut split = s.splitn(2, " -> ");
let pat = split.next().ok_or_else(|| s.to_string())?;
let rep = split.next().ok_or_else(|| s.to_string())?;
let pat = pat.to_string();
if rep.starts_with('.') {
Ok(Self::new(pat, rep[1..].to_string(), true))
} else {
Ok(Self::new(pat, rep.to_string(), false))
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Rules {
rules: Vec<Rule>,
impl Rules {
pub fn new(rules: Vec<Rule>) -> Self {
Self { rules }
pub fn apply(&self, s: &mut String) -> Option<&Rule> {
.find(|rule| rule.apply(s))
pub fn execute(&self, mut buffer: String) -> String {
while let Some(rule) = self.apply(&mut buffer) {
if rule.terminal {
impl FromStr for Rules {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let mut rules = Vec::new();
for line in s.lines().filter(|line| !line.starts_with('#')) {
mod tests {
use super::Rules;
fn case_01() -> Result<(), String> {
let input = "I bought a B of As from T S.";
let rules = "\
# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule";
"I bought a bag of apples from my brother."
fn case_02() -> Result<(), String> {
let input = "I bought a B of As from T S.";
let rules = "\
# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule";
"I bought a bag of apples from T shop."
fn case_03() -> Result<(), String> {
let input = "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.";
let rules = "\
# BNF Syntax testing rules
A -> apple
WWWW -> with
Bgage -> ->.*
B -> bag
->.* -> money
W -> WW
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule";
"I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop."
fn case_04() -> Result<(), String> {
let input = "_1111*11111_";
let rules = "\
### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations
### By Donal Fellows.
# Unary addition engine
_+1 -> _1+
1+1 -> 11+
# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary
# addition
1! -> !1
,! -> !+
_! -> _
# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times
1*1 -> x,@y
1x -> xX
X, -> 1,1
X1 -> 1X
_x -> _X
,x -> ,X
y1 -> 1y
y_ -> _
# Next phase of applying
1@1 -> x,@y
1@_ -> @_
,@_ -> !_
++ -> +
# Termination cleanup for addition
_1 -> 1
1+_ -> 1
_+_ -> ";
fn case_05() -> Result<(), String> {
let input = "000000A000000";
let rules = "\
# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11";
import scala.io.Source
object MarkovAlgorithm {
val RulePattern = """(.*?)\s+->\s+(\.?)(.*)""".r
val CommentPattern = """#.*|\s*""".r
def rule(line: String) = line match {
case CommentPattern() => None
case RulePattern(pattern, terminal, replacement) => Some(pattern, replacement, terminal == ".")
case _ => error("Syntax error on line "+line)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.size != 2 ) {
println("Syntax: MarkovAlgorithm inputFile inputPattern")
val rules = (Source fromPath args(0) getLines () map rule).toList.flatten
def algorithm(input: String): String = rules find (input contains _._1) match {
case Some((pattern, replacement, true)) => input replaceFirst ("\\Q"+pattern+"\\E", replacement)
case Some((pattern, replacement, false)) => algorithm(input replaceFirst ("\\Q"+pattern+"\\E", replacement))
case None => input
Script-style, and more concise:
import scala.io.Source
if (argv.size != 2 ) error("Syntax: MarkovAlgorithm inputFile inputPattern")
val rulePattern = """(.*?)\s+->\s+(\.?)(.*)""".r
val isComment = (_: String) matches "#.*|\\s*"
val rules = Source fromPath args(0) getLines () filterNot isComment map (rulePattern unapplySeq _ get) toList;
def algorithm(input: String): String = rules find (input contains _.head) match {
case Some(Seq(pattern, ".", replacement)) => input replaceFirst ("\\Q"+pattern+"\\E", replacement)
case Some(Seq(pattern, "", replacement)) => algorithm(input replaceFirst ("\\Q"+pattern+"\\E", replacement))
case None => input
Sample outputs:
C:\>scala MarkovAlgorithm ruleset1.txt "I bought a B of As from T S." I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a bag of apples from my brother. C:\>scala MarkovAlgorithm ruleset2.txt "I bought a B of As from T S." I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a bag of apples from T shop. C:\>scala MarkovAlgorithm ruleset3.txt "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S." I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S. I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. C:\>scala MarkovAlgorithm ruleset4.txt "_1111*11111_" _1111*11111_ 11111111111111111111
The script is called much in the same way, but with the ".scala" extension added.
The following implementation uses several string-related procedures provided by SRFI-13 [1].
(define split-into-lines
(lambda (str)
(let loop ((index 0)
(result '()))
(let ((next-index (string-index str #\newline index)))
(if next-index
(loop (+ next-index 1)
(cons (substring str index next-index) result))
(reverse (cons (substring str index) result)))))))
(define parse-rules
(lambda (str)
(let loop ((rules (split-into-lines str))
(result '()))
(if (null? rules)
(reverse result)
(let ((rule (car rules)))
(loop (cdr rules)
(if (or (string=? rule "")
(eq? (string-ref rule 0) #\#))
(let ((index (string-contains rule "->" 1)))
(list (string-trim-right (substring rule 0 index))
(string-trim (substring rule (+ index 2)))))
(define apply-rules
(lambda (str rules)
(let loop ((remaining rules)
(result str))
(if (null? remaining)
(let* ((rule (car remaining))
(pattern (car rule))
(replacement (cadr rule))
(start (string-contains result pattern)))
(if start
(if (eq? #\. (string-ref replacement 0))
(string-replace result replacement start
(+ start (string-length pattern)) 1)
(string-replace result replacement start
(+ start (string-length pattern)))
(loop (cdr remaining) result)))))))
import <Utilities/Sequence.sl>;
Rule ::= ( pattern : char(1),
replacement : char(1),
terminal : bool);
ReplaceResult ::= (newString : char(1), wasReplaced : bool);
main(args(2)) := markov(createRule(split(args[1], '\n')), 1, args[2]);
createRule(line(1)) :=
containsComments := firstIndexOf(line, '#');
removedComments := line when containsComments = 0 else
line[1 ... containsComments - 1];
arrowLocation := startOfArrow(removedComments, 1);
lhs := removedComments[1 ... arrowLocation-1];
rhs := removedComments[arrowLocation + 4 ... size(removedComments)];
isTerminal := size(rhs) > 0 and rhs[1] = '.';
(pattern : lhs,
replacement : rhs[2 ... size(rhs)] when isTerminal else rhs,
terminal : isTerminal) when size(removedComments) > 0 and arrowLocation /= -1;
startOfArrow(line(1), n) :=
-1 when n > size(line) - 3 else
n when (line[n]=' ' or line[n]='\t') and
line[n+1] = '-' and line[n+2] = '>' and
(line[n+3]=' ' or line[n+3]='\t') else
startOfArrow(line, n+1);
markov(rules(1), n, input(1)) :=
replaced := replaceSubString(input, rules[n].pattern, rules[n].replacement, 1);
input when n > size(rules) else
replaced.newString when replaced.wasReplaced and rules[n].terminal else
markov(rules, 1, replaced.newString) when replaced.wasReplaced else
markov(rules, n+1, input);
replaceSubString(str(1), original(1), new(1), n) :=
(newString : str, wasReplaced : false)
when n > size(str) - size(original) + 1 else
(newString : str[1 ... n - 1] ++ new ++ str[n + size(original) ... size(str)], wasReplaced : true)
when equalList(str[n ... n + size(original) - 1], original) else
replaceSubString(str, original, new, n + 1);
program markov_algorithm;
magic := false;
if command_line(1) = om then
print("error: no ruleset file given");
elseif command_line(2) = om then
print("error: no input string given");
end if;
rules := read_file(command_line(1));
input := command_line(2);
loop do
loop for [pat, repl, trm] in rules do
if pat in input then
input(pat) := repl;
if trm then
continue loop do;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
proc read_file(file_name);
if (rulefile := open(file_name, "r")) = om then
print("error: cannot open ruleset file");
end if;
rules := [];
loop doing
line := getline(rulefile);
while line /= om do
rule := parse_rule(line);
if rule /= om then rules with:= rule; end if;
end loop;
return rules;
end proc;
proc parse_rule(rule);
if rule(1) = "#" then return om; end if; $ comment
if " -> " notin rule then return om; end if; $ not a rule
[s, e] := mark(rule, " -> ");
pattern := rule(..s-1);
repl := rule(e+1..);
whitespace := "\t\r\n ";
span(pattern, whitespace);
rspan(pattern, whitespace);
span(repl, whitespace);
rspan(repl, whitespace);
trm := match(repl, ".") /= "";
return [pattern, repl, trm];
end proc;
end program;
- Output:
$ setl markov.setl ruleset1.mkv "I bought a B of As from T S." I bought a bag of apples from my brother. $ setl markov.setl ruleset2.mkv "I bought a B of As from T S." I bought a bag of apples from T shop. $ setl markov.setl ruleset3.mkv "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S." I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. $ setl markov.setl ruleset4.mkv "_1111*11111_" 11111111111111111111 $ setl markov.setl ruleset5.mkv "000000A000000" 00011H1111000
Note that the run-time data is immediately after the "end" label. This works with CSNOBOL4, on a Unix (or Unix-like) platform. The Markov rules are actually compiled into the program after parsing, and are then directly executed (self-modifying code).
exec "snobol4" "-r" "$0" "$@"
* http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Execute_a_Markov_algorithm
define('repl(s1,s2,s3)c,t,findc') :(repl_end)
repl s2 len(1) . c = :f(freturn)
findc = break(c) . t len(1)
s2 = pos(0) s2
repl_1 s1 findc = :f(repl_2)
s1 s2 = :f(repl_3)
repl = repl t s3 :(repl_1)
repl_3 repl = repl t c :(repl_1)
repl_2 repl = repl s1 :(return)
define('quote(s)q,qq') :(quote_end)
quote q = "'"; qq = '"'
quote = q repl(s, q, q ' ' qq q qq ' ' q) q :(return)
whitespace = span(' ' char(9))
top r = 0
read s = input :f(end)
s pos(0) 'ENDRULE' rpos(0) :s(interp)
s pos(0) '#' :s(read)
pattern =; replacement =; term =
s arb . pattern whitespace '->' whitespace
+ ('.' | '') . term arb . replacement rpos(0) :f(syntax)
r = r + 1
f = ident(term, '.') ' :(done)'
f = ident(term) ' :f(rule' r + 1 ')s(rule1)'
c = 'rule' r ' s ' quote(pattern) ' = ' quote(replacement) f
code(c) :s(read)
output = 'rule: ' s ' generates code ' c ' in error' :(end)
syntax output = 'rule: ' s ' in error' :(read)
interp code('rule' r + 1 ' :(done)')
go s = input :f(end)
s pos(0) 'END' rpos(0) :s(top)f(rule1)
done output = s :(go)
# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
I bought a B of As from T S.
# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
I bought a B of As from T S.
# BNF Syntax testing rules
A -> apple
WWWW -> with
Bgage -> ->.*
B -> bag
->.* -> money
W -> WW
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.
### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations
### By Donal Fellows.
# Unary addition engine
_+1 -> _1+
1+1 -> 11+
# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary
# addition
1! -> !1
,! -> !+
_! -> _
# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times
1*1 -> x,@y
1x -> xX
X, -> 1,1
X1 -> 1X
_x -> _X
,x -> ,X
y1 -> 1y
y_ -> _
# Next phase of applying
1@1 -> x,@y
1@_ -> @_
,@_ -> !_
++ -> +
# Termination cleanup for addition
_1 -> 1
1+_ -> 1
_+_ ->
# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11
import Foundation
func setup(ruleset: String) -> [(String, String, Bool)] {
return ruleset.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.newlineCharacterSet())
.filter { $0.rangeOfString("^s*#", options: .RegularExpressionSearch) == nil }
.reduce([(String, String, Bool)]()) { rules, line in
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^(.+)\\s+->\\s+(\\.?)(.*)$", options: .CaseInsensitive)
guard let match = regex.firstMatchInString(line, options: .Anchored, range: NSMakeRange(0, line.characters.count)) else { return rules }
return rules + [(
(line as NSString).substringWithRange(match.rangeAtIndex(1)),
(line as NSString).substringWithRange(match.rangeAtIndex(3)),
(line as NSString).substringWithRange(match.rangeAtIndex(2)) != ""
func markov(ruleset: String, var input: String) -> String {
let rules = setup(ruleset)
var terminate = false
while !terminate {
guard let i = rules.indexOf ({
if let range = input.rangeOfString($0.0) {
input.replaceRange(range, with: $0.1)
return true
return false
}) else { break }
terminate = rules[i].2
return input
let tests: [(ruleset: String, input: String)] = [
("# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:\n# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm\nA -> apple\nB -> bag\nS -> shop\nT -> the\nthe shop -> my brother\na never used -> .terminating rule", "I bought a B of As from T S."),
("# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia\nA -> apple\nB -> bag\nS -> .shop\nT -> the\nthe shop -> my brother\na never used -> .terminating rule", "I bought a B of As from T S."),
("# BNF Syntax testing rules\nA -> apple\nWWWW -> with\nBgage -> ->.*\nB -> bag\n->.* -> money\nW -> WW\nS -> .shop\nT -> the\nthe shop -> my brother\na never used -> .terminating rule", "I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S."),
("### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations\n### By Donal Fellows.\n# Unary addition engine\n_+1 -> _1+\n1+1 -> 11+\n# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary\n# addition\n1! -> !1\n,! -> !+\n_! -> _\n# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times\n1*1 -> x,@y\n1x -> xX\nX, -> 1,1\nX1 -> 1X\n_x -> _X\n,x -> ,X\ny1 -> 1y\ny_ -> _\n# Next phase of applying\n1@1 -> x,@y\n1@_ -> @_\n,@_ -> !_\n++ -> +\n# Termination cleanup for addition\n_1 -> 1\n1+_ -> 1\n_+_ ->", "_1111*11111_"),
("# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver\n#\n# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B\nA0 -> 1B\n# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C\n0A1 -> C01\n1A1 -> C11\n# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A\n0B0 -> A01\n1B0 -> A11\n# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B\nB1 -> 1B\n# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B\n0C0 -> B01\n1C0 -> B11\n# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt\n0C1 -> H01\n1C1 -> H11", "000000A000000")
for (index, test) in tests.enumerate() {
print("\(index + 1):", markov(test.ruleset, input: test.input))
- Output:
1: I bought a bag of apples from my brother. 2: I bought a bag of apples from T shop. 3: I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. 4: 11111111111111111111 5: 00011H1111000
package require Tcl 8.5
if {$argc < 3} {error "usage: $argv0 ruleFile inputFile outputFile"}
lassign $argv ruleFile inputFile outputFile
# Read the file of rules
set rules {}
set f [open $ruleFile]
foreach line [split [read $f] \n[close $f]] {
if {[string match "#*" $line] || $line eq ""} continue
if {[regexp {^(.+)\s+->\s+(\.?)(.*)$} $line -> from final to]} {
lappend rules $from $to [string compare "." $final] [string length $from]
} else {
error "Syntax error: \"$line\""
# Apply the rules
set f [open $inputFile]
set out [open $outputFile w]
foreach line [split [read $f] \n[close $f]] {
set any 1
while {$any} {
set any 0
foreach {from to more fl} $rules {
# If we match the 'from' pattern...
if {[set idx [string first $from $line]] >= 0} {
# Change for the 'to' replacement
set line [string replace $line $idx [expr {$idx+$fl-1}] $to]
# Stop if we terminate, otherwise note that we've more work to do
set any $more
break; # Restart search for rules to apply
#DEBUG# puts $line
# Output the processed line
puts $out $line
close $out
In the case where there are no terminating rules and no overlapping issues, the following is an alternative:
package require Tcl 8.5
if {$argc < 3} {error "usage: $argv0 ruleFile inputFile outputFile"}
lassign $argv ruleFile inputFile outputFile
# Read the file of rules
set rules {}
set f [open $ruleFile]
foreach line [split [read $f] \n[close $f]] {
if {[string match "#*" $line] || $line eq ""} continue
if {[regexp {^(.+)\s+->\s+(.*)$} $line -> from to]} {
dict set rules $from $to
} else {
error "Syntax error: \"$line\""
# Apply the rules in a simplistic manner
set in [open $inputFile]
set out [open $outputFile w]
set data [read $in]
close $in
while 1 {
set newData [string map $rules $data]
if {$newData eq $data} break
set data $newData
puts $out $data
close $out
class markovparser
dim aRules
public property let ruleset( sBlock )
dim i
aRules = split( sBlock, vbNewLine )
'~ remove blank lines from end of array
do while aRules( ubound( aRules ) ) = vbnullstring
redim preserve aRules( ubound( aRules ) - 1 )
'~ parse array
for i = lbound( aRules ) to ubound( aRules )
if left( aRules( i ), 1 ) = "#" then
aRules( i ) = Array( vbnullstring, aRules(i))
aRules( i ) = Split( aRules( i ), " -> ", 2 )
end if
end property
public function apply( sArg )
dim ruleapplied
dim terminator
dim was
dim i
dim repl
dim changes
ruleapplied = true
terminator = false
do while ruleapplied and (not terminator)
changes = 0
was = sArg
for i = lbound( aRules ) to ubound( aRules )
repl = aRules(i)(1)
if left( repl, 1 ) = "." then
terminator = true
repl = mid( repl, 2 )
end if
sArg = replace( sArg, aRules(i)(0), repl)
if was <> sArg then
changes = changes + 1
if changes = 1 then
exit for
end if
end if
if terminator then
exit for
end if
if changes = 0 then
ruleapplied = false
end if
apply = sArg
end function
sub dump
dim i
for i = lbound( aRules ) to ubound( aRules )
wscript.echo eef(aRules(i)(0)=vbnullstring,aRules(i)(1),aRules(i)(0)& " -> " & aRules(i)(1)) & eef( left( aRules(i)(1), 1 ) = ".", " #terminator", "" )
end sub
private function eef( bCond, sExp1, sExp2 )
if bCond then
eef = sExp1
eef = sExp2
end if
end function
end class
dim m1
set m1 = new markovparser
m1.ruleset = "# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:" & vbNewLine & _
"# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm" & vbNewLine & _
"A -> apple" & vbNewLine & _
"B -> bag" & vbNewLine & _
"S -> shop" & vbNewLine & _
"T -> the" & vbNewLine & _
"the shop -> my brother" & vbNewLine & _
"a never used -> .terminating rule"
wscript.echo m1.apply( "I bought a B of As from T S.")
dim m2
set m2 = new markovparser
m2.ruleset = replace( "# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia\nA -> apple\nB -> bag\nS -> .shop\nT -> the\nthe shop -> my brother\na never used -> .terminating rule", "\n", vbNewLine )
'~ m1.dump
wscript.echo m2.apply( "I bought a B of As from T S.")
dim m3
set m3 = new markovparser
m3.ruleset = replace("# BNF Syntax testing rules\nA -> apple\nWWWW -> with\nBgage -> ->.*\nB -> bag" & vbNewLine & _
"->.* -> money\nW -> WW\nS -> .shop\nT -> the\nthe shop -> my brother\na never used -> .terminating rule", "\n", vbNewLine )
wscript.echo m3.apply("I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.")
set m4 = new markovparser
m4.ruleset = "### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations" & vbNewLine & _
"### By Donal Fellows." & vbNewLine & _
"# Unary addition engine" & vbNewLine & _
"_+1 -> _1+" & vbNewLine & _
"1+1 -> 11+" & vbNewLine & _
"# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary" & vbNewLine & _
"# addition" & vbNewLine & _
"1! -> !1" & vbNewLine & _
",! -> !+" & vbNewLine & _
"_! -> _" & vbNewLine & _
"# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times" & vbNewLine & _
"1*1 -> x,@y" & vbNewLine & _
"1x -> xX" & vbNewLine & _
"X, -> 1,1" & vbNewLine & _
"X1 -> 1X" & vbNewLine & _
"_x -> _X" & vbNewLine & _
",x -> ,X" & vbNewLine & _
"y1 -> 1y" & vbNewLine & _
"y_ -> _" & vbNewLine & _
"# Next phase of applying" & vbNewLine & _
"1@1 -> x,@y" & vbNewLine & _
"1@_ -> @_" & vbNewLine & _
",@_ -> !_" & vbNewLine & _
"++ -> +" & vbNewLine & _
"# Termination cleanup for addition" & vbNewLine & _
"_1 -> 1" & vbNewLine & _
"1+_ -> 1" & vbNewLine & _
"_+_ -> "
'~ m4.dump
wscript.echo m4.apply( "_1111*11111_")
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set m5 = new markovparser
m5.ruleset = fso.opentextfile("busybeaver.tur").readall
wscript.echo m5.apply("000000A000000")
I bought a bag of apples from my brother.
I bought a bag of apples from T shop.
I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.
import "./ioutil" for FileUtil, File
import "./pattern" for Pattern
var lb = FileUtil.lineBreak
/* rulesets assumed to be separated by a blank line in file */
var readRules = Fn.new { |path|
return File.read(path).trimEnd().split("%(lb)%(lb)").map { |rs| rs.split(lb) }.toList
/* tests assumed to be on consecutive lines */
var readTests = Fn.new { |path| File.read(path).trimEnd().split(lb) }
var rules = readRules.call("markov_rules.txt")
var tests = readTests.call("markov_tests.txt")
var pattern = Pattern.new("+0/s[~.][+0/z]", Pattern.start)
var ix = 0
for (origTest in tests) {
var captures = []
for (rule in rules[ix]) {
if (rule.startsWith("#")) continue
var splits = rule.split(" -> ")
var m = pattern.find(splits[1])
if (m) captures.add([splits[0].trimEnd()] + m.capsText)
var test = origTest
while (true) {
var copy = test
var redo = false
for (c in captures) {
test = test.replace(c[0], c[2])
if (c[1] == ".") break
if (test != copy) {
redo = true
if (!redo) break
ix = ix + 1
- Output:
I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a bag of apples from my brother. I bought a B of As from T S. I bought a bag of apples from T shop. I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S. I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop. _1111*11111_ 11111111111111111111 000000A000000 00011H1111000
fcn parseRuleSet(lines){
if(vm.numArgs>1) lines=vm.arglist; // lines or object
ks:=L(); vs:=L();
foreach line in (lines){
if(line[0]=="#") continue; // nuke <comment>
pattern,replacement:=line.replace("\t"," ")
.split(" -> ",1).apply("strip");
ks.append(pattern); vs.append(replacement);
fcn markov(text,rules){
ks,vs:=rules; eks:=ks.enumerate();
do{ go:=False;
foreach n,k in (eks){
if (Void!=text.find(k)){
if (Void==(v:=vs[n])) return(text);
if (v[0,1]==".") v=v[1,*] else go=True;
break; // restart after every rule application, unless terminating
ruleSet:=parseRuleSet("# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:",
"# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm",
"A\t->\tapple", "B -> bag", "S -> shop", "T -> the",
"the shop -> my brother", "a never used -> .terminating rule");
markov("I bought a B of As from T S.",ruleSet).println();
- Output:
L(L("A","B","S","T","the shop","a never used"),L("apple","bag","shop","the","my brother",".terminating rule")) I bought a bag of apples from my brother.
parseRuleSet( // rule set in a list
T("# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia",
"A -> apple", "B -> bag", "S -> .shop", "T -> the",
"the shop -> my brother", "a never used -> .terminating rule")) :
markov("I bought a B of As from T S.",_).println();
parseRuleSet("# BNF Syntax testing rules", "A -> apple",
"WWWW -> with", "Bgage -> ->.*", "B -> bag", "->.* -> money",
"W -> WW", "S -> .shop", "T -> the",
"the shop -> my brother", "a never used -> .terminating rule") :
markov("I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.",_).println();
- Output:
I bought a bag of apples from T shop. I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.
For the next two tasks, read the rule set from a file.
parseRuleSet(File("ruleSet4")) : markov("_1111*11111_",_).println();
parseRuleSet(File("ruleSet5")) : markov("000000A000000",_).println();
- Output:
11111111111111111111 00011H1111000
- WikipediaSourced
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