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{{task}}Shuffle the characters of a string in such a way that as many of the character values are in a different position as possible. Print the result as follows: original string, shuffled string, (score). The score gives the number of positions whose character value did ''not'' change.
For example: <code>tree, eetr, (0)</code>
Shuffle the characters of a string in such a way that as many of the character values are in a different position as possible.
A shuffle that produces a randomized result among the best choices is to be preferred. A deterministic approach that produces the same sequence every time is acceptable as an alternative.
Display the result as follows:
The words to test with are: <code>abracadabra</code>, <code>seesaw</code>, <code>elk</code>, <code>grrrrrr</code>, <code>up</code>, <code>a</code>
original string, shuffled string, (score)
* [[Anagrams/Deranged anagrams]]
The score gives the number of positions whose character value did ''not'' change.
* [[Permutations/Derangements]]
tree, eetr, (0)
;Test cases:
;Related tasks
* &nbsp; [[Anagrams/Deranged anagrams]]
* &nbsp; [[Permutations/Derangements]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="11l">F count(w1, wnew)
R sum(zip(w1, wnew).map((c1, c2) -> Int(c1 == c2)))
F best_shuffle(w)
V wnew = Array(w)
V n = w.len
V rangei = Array(0 .< n)
V rangej = Array(0 .< n)
L(i) rangei
L(j) rangej
I i != j & wnew[j] != wnew[i] & w[i] != wnew[j] & w[j] != wnew[i]
swap(&wnew[j], &wnew[i])
V wnew_s = wnew.join(‘’)
R (wnew_s, count(w, wnew_s))
V test_words = [‘tree’, ‘abracadabra’, ‘seesaw’, ‘elk’, ‘grrrrrr’, ‘up’, ‘a’,
‘antidisestablishmentarianism’, ‘hounddogs’,
‘aardvarks are ant eaters’, ‘immediately’, ‘abba’]
L(w) test_words
V (wnew, c) = best_shuffle(w)
print(‘#29, #<29 ,(#.)’.format(w, wnew, c))</syntaxhighlight>
tree, eert ,(0)
abracadabra, raacbbaraad ,(0)
seesaw, wsaees ,(0)
elk, kel ,(0)
grrrrrr, rrrrrrg ,(5)
up, pu ,(0)
a, a ,(1)
antidisestablishmentarianism, tsesidatbslmiansnitreiamihan ,(0)
hounddogs, ougdhosnd ,(0)
aardvarks are ant eaters, re aar anarsdtrsktaeav e ,(0)
immediately, ytidammeiel ,(0)
abba, baab ,(0)
=={{header|AArch64 Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits <br> or android 64 bits with application Termux }}
<syntaxhighlight lang AArch64 Assembly>
/* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */
/* program shuffleperf64.s */
/* Constantes */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../"
/* Initialized data */
szMessString: .asciz "String :\n"
szString1: .asciz "abracadabra"
.equ LGSTRING1, . - szString1 - 1
szString2: .asciz "seesaw"
.equ LGSTRING2, . - szString2 - 1
szString3: .asciz "elk"
.equ LGSTRING3, . - szString3 - 1
szString4: .asciz "grrrrrr"
.equ LGSTRING4, . - szString4 - 1
szString5: .asciz "up"
.equ LGSTRING5, . - szString5 - 1
szString6: .asciz "a"
.equ LGSTRING6, . - szString6 - 1
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
szMessStart: .asciz "Program 64 bits start.\n"
.align 4
qGraine: .quad 123456789
/* UnInitialized data */
sZoneConv: .skip 24
sBuffer: .skip 80
/* code section */
.global main
ldr x0,qAdrszMessStart
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszString1 // string address
mov x1,#LGSTRING1 // string length
ldr x2,qAdrsBuffer // result address
bl testshuffle // call test
ldr x0,qAdrszString2
mov x1,#LGSTRING2
ldr x2,qAdrsBuffer
bl testshuffle
ldr x0,qAdrszString3
mov x1,#LGSTRING3
ldr x2,qAdrsBuffer
bl testshuffle
ldr x0,qAdrszString4
mov x1,#LGSTRING4
ldr x2,qAdrsBuffer
bl testshuffle
ldr x0,qAdrszString5
mov x1,#LGSTRING5
ldr x2,qAdrsBuffer
bl testshuffle
ldr x0,qAdrszString6
mov x1,#LGSTRING6
ldr x2,qAdrsBuffer
bl testshuffle
100: // standard end of the program
mov x0, #0 // return code
mov x8, #EXIT // request to exit program
svc 0 // perform system call
qAdrszMessString: .quad szMessString
qAdrsBuffer: .quad sBuffer
qAdrszString1: .quad szString1
qAdrszString2: .quad szString2
qAdrszString3: .quad szString3
qAdrszString4: .quad szString4
qAdrszString5: .quad szString5
qAdrszString6: .quad szString6
qAdrszCarriageReturn: .quad szCarriageReturn
qAdrszMessStart: .quad szMessStart
/* test shuffle strings */
/* x0 contains the address of the string */
/* x1 contains string length */
/* x2 contains result area */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // register save
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!
mov x3,x0 // display string
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
mov x0,x3
bl shufflestrings
mov x0,x2 // display result string
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
mov x4,#0 // string index
mov x0,#0 // score
1: // compute score loop
ldrb w6,[x3,x4]
ldrb w5,[x2,x4]
cmp x6,x5
add x6,x0,1
csel x0,x6,x0,eq // equal -> increment score
add x4,x4,#1
cmp x4,x1
blt 1b
ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
bl conversion10 // conversion score in decimal
ldr x0,qAdrsZoneConv
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldp x6,x7,[sp],16
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
qAdrsZoneConv: .quad sZoneConv
/* shuffle strings algorithme Fisher-Yates */
/* x0 contains the address of the string */
/* x1 contains string length */
/* x2 contains address result string */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // TODO: save à completer
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
mov x3,#0
1: // loop copy string in result
ldrb w4,[x0,x3]
strb w4,[x2,x3]
add x3,x3,#1
cmp x3,x1
ble 1b
sub x1,x1,#1 // last element
mov x0,x1
bl genereraleas // call random
ldrb w4,[x2,x1] // load byte string index loop
ldrb w3,[x2,x0] // load byte string random index
strb w3,[x2,x1] // and exchange
strb w4,[x2,x0]
subs x1,x1,#1
cmp x1,#1
bge 2b
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
/* Generation random number */
/* x0 contains limit */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registers
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]! // save registers
ldr x1,qAdrqGraine
ldr x2,[x1]
ldr x3,qNbDep1
mul x2,x3,x2
ldr x3,qNbDep2
add x2,x2,x3
str x2,[x1] // maj de la graine pour l appel suivant
cmp x0,#0
beq 100f
udiv x3,x2,x0
msub x0,x3,x0,x2 // résult = remainder
100: // end function
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16 // restaur 2 registers
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur 2 registers
ret // return to address lr x30
qAdrqGraine: .quad qGraine
qNbDep1: .quad 0x0019660d
qNbDep2: .quad 0x3c6ef35f
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../"
Program 64 bits start.
<syntaxhighlight lang="action!">PROC BestShuffle(CHAR ARRAY orig,res)
BYTE i,j,len
CHAR tmp
FOR i=1 TO len
FOR j=1 TO len
IF i#j AND orig(i)#res(j) AND orig(j)#res(i) THEN
tmp=res(i) res(i)=res(j) res(j)=tmp
CHAR ARRAY res(100)
BYTE i,score
FOR i=1 TO orig(0)
IF orig(i)=res(i) THEN
PrintF("%S, %S, (%B)%E",orig,res,score)
PROC Main()
[ Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer]
abracadabra, caadrbabaar, (0)
seesaw, ewaess, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
<langsyntaxhighlight Adalang="ada">with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
procedure Best_Shuffle is
function Best_Shuffle (S : String) return String;
function Best_Shuffle (S : String) return String is
T : String (S'Range) := S;
Tmp : Character;
for I in S'Range loop
for J in S'Range loop
if I /= J and S (I) /= T (J) and S (J) /= T (I) then
Tmp := T (I);
T (I) := T (J);
T (J) := Tmp;
end if;
end loop;
Line 32 ⟶ 379:
end Best_Shuffle;
Test_Cases : constant array (1 .. 6)
Stop : Boolean := False;
of Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String :=
(Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String ("abracadabra"),
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String ("seesaw"),
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String ("elk"),
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String ("grrrrrr"),
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String ("up"),
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String ("a"));
begin -- main procedure
whilefor notTest_Case Stopin Test_Cases'Range loop
Original : constant String := Ada.Text_IOStrings.Unbounded.Get_Line;To_String
Shuffle: String (Test_Cases := Best_Shuffle(OriginalTest_Case));
ScoreShuffle : Naturalconstant String := 0Best_Shuffle (Original);
Score : Natural := 0;
for I in Original'Range loop
if Original (I) = Shuffle (I) then
Score := Score + 1;
end if;
end loop;
Ada.Text_IoText_IO.Put_Line (Original & ", " & Shuffle & ", (" &
Natural'Image (Score) & " )");
if Original = "" then
Stop := True;
end if;
end loop;
end Best_Shuffle;</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>abracadabra, caadrbabaar, ( 0 )
seesaw, ewaess, ( 0 )
elk, kel, ( 0 )
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, ( 5 )
up, pu, ( 0 )
a, a, ( 1 )</pre>
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">BEGIN # shuffle a string so as many as possible characters are moved #
PROC best shuffle = ( STRING orig )STRING:
STRING res := orig;
FOR i FROM LWB orig TO UPB orig DO
FOR j FROM LWB orig TO UPB orig DO
IF i /= j AND orig[ i ] /= res[ j ] AND orig[ j ] /= res[ i ] THEN
CHAR tmp = res[ i ]; res[ i ] := res[ j ]; res[ j ] := tmp
END # best shuffle # ;
PROC test = ( STRING orig )VOID:
STRING res := best shuffle( orig );
INT score := 0;
FOR i FROM LWB orig TO UPB orig DO
IF orig[ i ] = res[ i ] THEN
score +:= 1
print( ( orig, ", ", res, ", (", whole( score, 0 ), ")", newline ) )
END # test # ;
test( "abracadabra" );
test( "seesaw" );
test( "elk" );
test( "grrrrrr" );
test( "up" );
test( "a" )
abracadabra, caadrbabaar, (0)
seesaw, ewaess, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi <br> or android 32 bits with application Termux}}
<syntaxhighlight lang ARM Assembly>
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI */
/* program shuffleperf.s */
/* Constantes */
/* for this file see task include a file in language ARM assembly*/
.include "../"
/* Initialized data */
szMessString: .asciz "String :\n"
szString1: .asciz "abracadabra"
.equ LGSTRING1, . - szString1 - 1
szString2: .asciz "seesaw"
.equ LGSTRING2, . - szString2 - 1
szString3: .asciz "elk"
.equ LGSTRING3, . - szString3 - 1
szString4: .asciz "grrrrrr"
.equ LGSTRING4, . - szString4 - 1
szString5: .asciz "up"
.equ LGSTRING5, . - szString5 - 1
szString6: .asciz "a"
.equ LGSTRING6, . - szString6 - 1
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
.align 4
iGraine: .int 1234567
/* UnInitialized data */
sZoneConv: .skip 24
sBuffer: .skip 80
/* code section */
.global main
ldr r0,iAdrszString1 @ string address
mov r1,#LGSTRING1 @ string length
ldr r2,iAdrsBuffer @ result address
bl testshuffle @ call test
ldr r0,iAdrszString2
mov r1,#LGSTRING2
ldr r2,iAdrsBuffer
bl testshuffle
ldr r0,iAdrszString3
mov r1,#LGSTRING3
ldr r2,iAdrsBuffer
bl testshuffle
ldr r0,iAdrszString4
mov r1,#LGSTRING4
ldr r2,iAdrsBuffer
bl testshuffle
ldr r0,iAdrszString5
mov r1,#LGSTRING5
ldr r2,iAdrsBuffer
bl testshuffle
ldr r0,iAdrszString6
mov r1,#LGSTRING6
ldr r2,iAdrsBuffer
bl testshuffle
100: @ standard end of the program
mov r0, #0 @ return code
mov r7, #EXIT @ request to exit program
svc 0 @ perform system call
iAdrszMessString: .int szMessString
iAdrsBuffer: .int sBuffer
iAdrszString1: .int szString1
iAdrszString2: .int szString2
iAdrszString3: .int szString3
iAdrszString4: .int szString4
iAdrszString5: .int szString5
iAdrszString6: .int szString6
iAdrszCarriageReturn: .int szCarriageReturn
/* test shuffle strings */
/* r0 contains the address of the string */
/* r1 contains string length */
/* r2 contains result area */
push {r1-r6,lr} @ save registers
mov r3,r0 @ display string
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
mov r0,r3
bl shufflestrings
mov r0,r2 @ display result string
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
mov r4,#0 @ string index
mov r0,#0 @ score
1: @ compute score loop
ldrb r6,[r3,r4]
ldrb r5,[r2,r4]
cmp r6,r5
addeq r0,r0,#1 @ equal -> increment score
add r4,r4,#1
cmp r4,r1
blt 1b
ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv
bl conversion10 @ conversion score in decimal
ldr r0,iAdrsZoneConv
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
pop {r1-r6,pc} @ restaur registers
iAdrsZoneConv: .int sZoneConv
/* shuffle strings algorithme Fisher-Yates */
/* r0 contains the address of the string */
/* r1 contains string length */
/* r2 contains address result string */
push {r1-r4,lr} @ save registers
mov r3,#0
1: @ loop copy string in result
ldrb r4,[r0,r3]
strb r4,[r2,r3]
add r3,r3,#1
cmp r3,r1
ble 1b
sub r1,r1,#1 @ last element
mov r0,r1 @ limit random number
bl genereraleas @ call random
ldrb r4,[r2,r1] @ load byte string index loop
ldrb r3,[r2,r0] @ load byte string random index
strb r3,[r2,r1] @ and exchange
strb r4,[r2,r0]
subs r1,r1,#1
cmp r1,#1
bge 2b
pop {r1-r4,pc} @ restaur registers
/* Generation random number */
/* r0 contains limit */
push {r1-r4,lr} @ save registers
ldr r4,iAdriGraine
ldr r2,[r4]
ldr r3,iNbDep1
mul r2,r3,r2
ldr r3,iNbDep1
add r2,r2,r3
str r2,[r4] @ maj de la graine pour l appel suivant
cmp r0,#0
beq 100f
mov r1,r0 @ divisor
mov r0,r2 @ dividende
bl division
mov r0,r3 @ résult = remainder
100: @ end function
pop {r1-r4,pc} @ restaur registers
iAdriGraine: .int iGraine
iNbDep1: .int 0x343FD
iNbDep2: .int 0x269EC3
/* for this file see task include a file in language ARM assembly*/
.include "../"
Program 32 bits start.
<syntaxhighlight lang="rebol">
count: function [s1 s2][
res: 0
loop.with:'i s1 'c [
if c = s2\[i] -> res: res + 1
return res
shuff: function [str]->
join shuffle split str
bestShuffle: function [s][
shuffled: shuff s
loop 0..dec size shuffled 'i [
if shuffled\[i] <> s\[i] -> continue
loop 0..dec size shuffled 'j [
if all? @[
shuffled\[i] <> shuffled\[j]
shuffled\[i] <> s\[j]
shuffled\[j] <> s\[i]
] [
tmp: shuffled\[i]
shuffled\[i]: shuffled\[j]
shuffled\[j]: tmp
return shuffled
words: ["abracadabra" "seesaw" "grrrrrr" "pop"
"up" "a" "antidisestablishmentarianism"]
loop words 'w [
sf: bestShuffle w
print [w "->" sf "| count:" count w sf]
<pre>abracadabra -> caabararadb | count: 0
seesaw -> esawse | count: 0
grrrrrr -> rgrrrrr | count: 5
pop -> opp | count: 1
up -> pu | count: 0
a -> a | count: 1
antidisestablishmentarianism -> mesansrntbiissmtailihdaneait | count: 0</pre>
<langsyntaxhighlight AutoHotkeylang="autohotkey">words := "abracadabra,seesaw,elk,grrrrrr,up,a"
Loop Parse, Words,`,
out .= Score(A_LoopField, Shuffle(A_LoopField))
Line 107 ⟶ 769:
return a ", " b ", (" r ")`n"
<pre>abracadabra, caadarrbaab, (0)
Line 116 ⟶ 778:
a, a, (1)
=== {{trans|Icon}} ===
The Icon and Unicon program uses a simple algorithm of swapping. This is relatively easy to translate to Awk.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="awk">{
scram = best_shuffle($0)
print $0 " -> " scram " (" unchanged($0, scram) ")"
Line 160 ⟶ 821:
return count
This program has the same output as the Icon and Unicon program.
=== {{trans|Perl 6Raku}} ===
The Perl 6Raku program (and the equivalent Ruby program) use several built-in array functions. Awk provides no array functions, except for split(). This Awk program, a translation from Perl 6Raku, uses its own code
* to sort an array,
Line 175 ⟶ 836:
If those built-in array functions seem strange to you, and if you can understand these for loops, then you might prefer this Awk program. This algorithm counts the letters in the string, sorts the positions, and fills the positions in order.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="awk"># out["string"] = best shuffle of string _s_
# out["score"] = number of matching characters
function best_shuffle(out, s, c, i, j, k, klen, p, pos, set, rlen, slen) {
Line 253 ⟶ 914:
words[i], result["string"], result["score"]
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="bash">$ awk -f best-shuffle.awk
abracadabra, baarrcadaab, (0)
seesaw, essewa, (0)
Line 263 ⟶ 924:
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)</langsyntaxhighlight>
The output might change if the <tt>for (c in set)</tt> loop iterates the array in a different order.
<syntaxhighlight lang="bacon">DECLARE case$[] = { "tree", "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a" }
FOR z = 0 TO UBOUND(case$)-1
result$ = EXPLODE$(case$[z], 1)
FOR y = 1 TO AMOUNT(result$)
FOR x = 1 TO LEN(case$[z])
IF TOKEN$(result$, y) <> MID$(case$[z], x, 1) AND TOKEN$(result$, x) = MID$(case$[z], x, 1) THEN result$ = EXCHANGE$(result$, x, y)
total = 0
FOR x = 1 TO AMOUNT(result$)
INCR total, IIF(MID$(case$[z], x, 1) = TOKEN$(result$, x), 1, 0)
PRINT MERGE$(result$), ":", total
==={{header|BBC BASIC}}===
{{works with|BBC BASIC for Windows}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="bbcbasic"> a$ = "abracadabra" : b$ = FNshuffle(a$) : PRINT a$ " -> " b$ FNsame(a$,b$)
a$ = "seesaw" : b$ = FNshuffle(a$) : PRINT a$ " -> " b$ FNsame(a$,b$)
a$ = "elk" : b$ = FNshuffle(a$) : PRINT a$ " -> " b$ FNsame(a$,b$)
a$ = "grrrrrr" : b$ = FNshuffle(a$) : PRINT a$ " -> " b$ FNsame(a$,b$)
a$ = "up" : b$ = FNshuffle(a$) : PRINT a$ " -> " b$ FNsame(a$,b$)
a$ = "a" : b$ = FNshuffle(a$) : PRINT a$ " -> " b$ FNsame(a$,b$)
DEF FNshuffle(s$)
LOCAL i%, j%, l%, s%, t%, t$
t$ = s$ : s% = !^s$ : t% = !^t$ : l% = LEN(t$)
FOR i% = 0 TO l%-1 : SWAP t%?i%,t%?(RND(l%)-1) : NEXT
FOR i% = 0 TO l%-1
FOR j% = 0 TO l%-1
IF i%<>j% THEN
IF t%?i%<>s%?j% IF s%?i%<>t%?j% THEN
SWAP t%?i%,t%?j%
= t$
DEF FNsame(s$, t$)
LOCAL i%, n%
FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(s$)
IF MID$(s$,i%,1)=MID$(t$,i%,1) n% += 1
= " (" + STR$(n%) + ")"</syntaxhighlight>
{{out}} Varies between runs.
abracadabra -> daaracababr (0)
seesaw -> essewa (0)
elk -> lke (0)
grrrrrr -> rgrrrrr (5)
up -> pu (0)
a -> a (1)
Not optimized:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="bracmat">
( shuffle
= m car cdr todo a z count string
Line 298 ⟶ 1,031:
& Done
Optimized (~100 x faster):
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="bracmat">
( shuffle
= m car cdr todo a z count M string tried
Line 336 ⟶ 1,069:
& Done
Line 347 ⟶ 1,080:
{!} Done
Line 354 ⟶ 1,086:
In essence: we form cyclic groups of character indices where each cyclic group is guaranteed to represent each character only once (two instances of the letter 'a' must have their indices in separate groups), and then we rotate each of the cyclic groups. We then use the before/after version of these cycles to shuffle the original text. The only way a character can be repeated, here, is when a cyclic group contains only one character index, and this can only happen when more than half of the text uses that character. This is C99 code.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="c">#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
Line 464 ⟶ 1,196:
<pre>abracadabra, brabacadaar, (0)
Line 477 ⟶ 1,209:
===Version with random result===
<langsyntaxhighlight Clang="c">#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
Line 492 ⟶ 1,224:
* to generate permutations
int count_letters(const char *s)
int i, c;
Line 560 ⟶ 1,292:
void do_string(const char *str)
least_overlap = strlen(str);
Line 582 ⟶ 1,314:
return 0;
}</langsyntaxhighlight>Output<syntaxhighlight lang="text">abracadebra -> edbcarabaar, overlap 0
grrrrrr -> rrgrrrr, overlap 5
elk -> kel, overlap 0
seesaw -> ewsesa, overlap 0
-> , overlap 0</langsyntaxhighlight>
===Deterministic method===
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="c">#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define FOR(x, y) for(x = 0; x < y; x++)
char *best_shuffle(const char *s, int *diff)
int i, j = 0, max = 0, l = strlen(s), cnt[128] = {0};
Line 617 ⟶ 1,350:
int i, d;
const char *r, *t[] = {"abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a", 0};
for (i = 0; t[i]; i++) {
r = best_shuffle(t[i], &d);
Line 623 ⟶ 1,356:
return 0;
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
For both solutions, a class is used to encapsulate the original string and to scrambling. A private function of the class does the actual sorting. An implicit conversion from string is also provided to allow for simple initialization, e.g.:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="csharp">ShuffledString[] array = {"cat", "dog", "mouse"};</langsyntaxhighlight>
Which will immediately shuffle each word.
A sequential solution, which always produces the same output for the same input.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
using System;
using System.Text;
Line 757 ⟶ 1,489:
And a randomized solution, which will produce a more or less different result on every run:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
using System;
using System.Text;
Line 886 ⟶ 1,618:
A sample output for the sequential shuffle:
Line 908 ⟶ 1,640:
a, a, (1)
{{works with|C++|11}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
template <class S>
class BestShuffle {
BestShuffle() : rd(), g(rd()) {}
S operator()(const S& s1) {
S s2 = s1;
shuffle(s2.begin(), s2.end(), g);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < s2.length(); i++)
if (s2[i] == s1[i])
for (unsigned j = 0; j < s2.length(); j++)
if (s2[i] != s2[j] && s2[i] != s1[j] && s2[j] != s1[i]) {
swap(s2[i], s2[j]);
ostringstream os;
os << s1 << endl << s2 << " [" << count(s2, s1) << ']';
return os.str();
static int count(const S& s1, const S& s2) {
auto count = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < s1.length(); i++)
if (s1[i] == s2[i])
return count;
random_device rd;
mt19937 g;
int main(int argc, char* arguments[]) {
BestShuffle<basic_string<char>> bs;
for (auto i = 1; i < argc; i++)
cout << bs(basic_string<char>(arguments[i])) << endl;
return 0;
raabadabcar (0)
wssaee (0)
rgrrrrr (5)
opp (1)
pu (0)
a (1)</pre>
Uses same method as J
<langsyntaxhighlight Clojurelang="clojure">(defn score [before after]
(->> (map = before after)
(filter true? ,)
Line 965 ⟶ 1,757:
["grrrrrr" "rgrrrrr" 5]
["up" "pu" 0]
["a" "a" 1]]</langsyntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="lisp">(defun allcount-bestequal-shuffleschars (strstring1 string2)
(loop for c1 across string1 and c2 across string2
(let (tbl out (shortest (length str)) (s str))
count (char= c1 c2)))
(defun permshuffle (ar l tmpl res overlapstring)
(let ((length (length string))
(when (> overlap shortest) (return-from perm))
(result (copy-seq string)))
(when (zerop l) ; max depth of perm
(dotimes (i length result)
(when (< overlap shortest)
(dotimes (j length)
(setf shortest overlap out '()))
(when (and (/= overlapi shortestj)
(char/= (aref string i) (aref result j))
(setf res (reverse (format nil "~{~c~^~}" res)))
(char/= (aref string j) (aref result i)))
(push (list res overlap) out)
(rotatef (aref result i) (aref result j)))))))
(return-from perm)))
(decf l)
(defun best-shuffle (list)
(dolist (x ar)
(when (pluspdolist (cdrstring x)list)
(if (char=let (car x)(shuffled (charshuffle tmpl lstring)) (incf overlap))
(decf (cdr x)) (push (carformat x)t res"~%~a ~a (~a)"
(perm ar l tmpl res overlap)
(pop res) (incf (cdr x))
(if (char= (car x) (char tmpl l)) (decfcount-equal-chars string overlapshuffled)))))
(best-shuffle '("abracadabra" "seesaw" "elk" "grrrrrr" "up" "a"))</syntaxhighlight>
(loop while (plusp (length s)) do
(let* ((c (char s 0)) (l (count c s)))
abracadabra caadrbabaar (0)
(push (cons c l) tbl)
seesaw ewaess (0)
(setf s (remove c s))))
elk kel (0)
grrrrrr rgrrrrr (5)
up pu (0)
a a (1)
===Version 2===
(perm tbl (length str) (reverse str) '() 0)
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">(defun all-best-shuffles (str)
(let (tbl out (shortest (length str)) (s str))
(labels ((perm (ar l tmpl res overlap)
(when (> overlap shortest)
(return-from perm))
(when (zerop l) ; max depth of perm
(when (< overlap shortest)
(setf shortest overlap out '()))
(when (= overlap shortest)
(setf res (reverse (format nil "~{~c~^~}" res)))
(push (list res overlap) out)
(return-from perm)))
(decf l)
(dolist (x ar)
(when (plusp (cdr x))
(when (char= (car x) (char tmpl l))
(incf overlap))
(decf (cdr x))
(push (car x) res)
(perm ar l tmpl res overlap)
(pop res)
(incf (cdr x))
(when (char= (car x) (char tmpl l))
(decf overlap))))))
(loop while (plusp (length s)) do
(let* ((c (char s 0))
(l (count c s)))
(push (cons c l) tbl)
(setf s (remove c s))))
(perm tbl (length str) (reverse str) '() 0))
(defun best-shuffle (str)
"brilliant algorithmAlgorithm: list all best shuffles, then pick one"
(let ((c (all-best-shuffles str)))
(elt c (random (length c)))))
(format t "All best shuffles:")
(print (all-best-shuffles "seesaw"))
(format t "~%~%Random best shfflesshuffles:~%")
(dolist (s (list "abracadabra" "seesaw" "elk" "grrrrrr" "up" "a"))
(format t "~A: ~A~%" s (best-shuffle s)))</lang>output<lang>All best shuffles:
(("essewa" 0) ("essawe" 0) ("esswea" 0) ("esaews" 0) ("esawse" 0) ("esawes" 0)
("eswesa" 0) ("eswase" 0) ("eswaes" 0) ("easews" 0) ("easwse" 0) ("easwes" 0)
("eawess" 0) ("ewsesa" 0) ("ewsase" 0) ("ewsaes" 0) ("ewaess" 0) ("assewe" 0)
("asswee" 0) ("aswese" 0) ("aswees" 0) ("awsese" 0) ("awsees" 0) ("wsseea" 0)
("wssaee" 0) ("wsaese" 0) ("wsaees" 0) ("wasese" 0) ("wasees" 0))
The output is:
Random best shffles:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">abracadabra: (caarabbraadcaardrabaab 0)
seesaw: (asweesewsase 0)
elk: (lkekel 0)
grrrrrr: (rrrrrrgrrrgrrr 5)
up: (pu 0)
a: (a 1)</lang>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">def best_shuffle(s)
# Fill _pos_ with positions in the order
{{incorrect|Common Lisp|It does not produce best shuffles as defined by task}}
# that we want to fill them.
better-shuffle is based on a [ discussion here]
pos = [] of Int32
<lang lisp>(defun better-shuffle (seq)
# g["a"] = [2, 4] implies that s[2] == s[4] == "a"
(let ((tagged (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons (random 1.0) x)) (loop for char across seq collect char))))
g = s.size.times.group_by { |i| s[i] }
(coerce (mapcar 'cdr (sort tagged #'> :key 'car)) 'string)))
# k sorts letters from low to high count
(defun compare-shuffle (seq sqe)
# k = g.sort_by { |k, v| v.length }.map { |k, v| k } (list (count T# (mapcar (lambda (x y) (equalp x y))in Ruby
# k = g.to_a.sort_by { |(k, v)| v.size }.map { |(k, v)| k } # Crystal direct
(loop for char across seq collect char)
k = g.to_a.sort_by { |h| h[1].size }.map { |h| h[0] } # Crystal shorter
(loop for char across sqe collect char)))
sqe seq))
until g.empty?
(defun best-shuffle (seq)
k.each do |letter|
(reverse (car (sort (loop repeat 10 collect
g.has_key?(letter) || next # next unless g.has_key? letter
(compare-shuffle seq (better-shuffle seq))) #'< :key 'car))))))
pos << g[letter].pop
g[letter].empty? && g.delete letter # g.delete(letter) if g[letter].empty?
# Now fill in _new_ with _letters_ according to each position
# in _pos_, but skip ahead in _letters_ if we can avoid
# matching characters that way.
letters = s.dup
new = "?" * s.size
until letters.empty?
(format t "~:{~a ~a (~d)~%~}"
i, p = 0, pos.pop
(let ((input '("abracadabra" "seesaw" "elk" "grrrrrr" "up" "a")))
while letters[i] == s[p] && i < (letters.size - 1); i += 1 end
(map 'list 'best-shuffle input)))</lang>
# new[p] = letters.slice! i # in Ruby
new = new.sub(p, letters[i]); letters = letters.sub(i, "")
abracadabra aaababarrcd (1)
seesaw easwes (0)
score = { |c, d| c == d }
elk lke (0)
{new, score}
grrrrrr rrrrgrr (5)
up pu (0)
a a (1)
%w(abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a).each do |word|
# puts "%s, %s, (%d)" % [word, *best_shuffle(word)] # in Ruby
new, score = best_shuffle(word)
puts "%s, %s, (%d)" % [word, new, score]
abracadabra, baarrcadaab, (0)
seesaw, essewa, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
===Simpler Version with random result===
Translation of [[Best_shuffle#Icon_and_Unicon|Icon]] via [[Best_shuffle#AWK|AWK]]
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="d">import std.stdio, std.random, std.algorithm, std.conv, std.range,
std.traits, std.typecons;
auto bestShuffle(S)(in S orig) @safe if (isSomeString!S) {
static if (isNarrowString!S)
immutable o = orig.dtext;
alias o = orig;
auto bestShuffle(in dstring o) {
auto s = o.dup;
foreach (immutable i, ref ci; s) {
if (ci != o[i])
foreach (immutable j, ref cj; s)
if (ci != cj && ci != o[j] && cj != o[i]) {
swap(ci, cj);
Line 1,070 ⟶ 1,926:
return tuple(s,, o).count!q{ a[0] == a[1] }());
} unittest {
assert(bestShuffle("abracadabra"d).bestShuffle[1] == 0);
assert(bestShuffle("immediately"d).bestShuffle[1] == 0);
assert(bestShuffle("grrrrrr"d).bestShuffle[1] == 5);
assert(bestShuffle("seesaw"d).bestShuffle[1] == 0);
assert(bestShuffle("pop"d).bestShuffle[1] == 1);
assert(bestShuffle("up"d).bestShuffle[1] == 0);
assert(bestShuffle("a"d).bestShuffle[1] == 1);
assert(bestShuffle(""d).bestShuffle[1] == 0);
void main(/*in*/ string[] args) @safe {
if (args.length > 1) {
stringimmutable entry = args[1 .. $]dropOne.join("' "');
autoconst res = entry.dtext().bestShuffle();
writefln("%s : %s (%d)", entry, res.tupleof[]);
===Faster Version===
===Deterministic approach===
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range;
<syntaxhighlight lang="d">import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range;
extern(C) pure nothrow void* alloca(in size_t size);
Line 1,097 ⟶ 1,954:
// Assume alloca to be pure.
//extern(C) pure nothrow void* alloca(in size_t size);
enum size_t NCHAR = cast(size_t)(char.max + 1);
enum size_t MAX_VLA_SIZE = 1024;
immutable size_t len = txt.length;
Line 1,111 ⟶ 1,968:
size_t[NCHAR] counts;
size_t fmax = 0;
foreach (immutable char c; txt) {
if (fmax < counts[c])
Line 1,130 ⟶ 1,987:
int pos = 0;
foreach (immutable size_t ch; 0 .. NCHAR)
if (counts[ch])
foreach (j, char c; txt)
Line 1,149 ⟶ 2,006:
size_t n, m;
foreach (immutable size_t i; 0 .. len) {
ndx2[i] = ndx1[n];
n += fmax;
Line 1,159 ⟶ 2,016:
// howHow long can our cyclic groups be?
immutable size_t grp = 1 + (len - 1) / fmax;
// howHow many of them are full length?
immutable size_t lng = 1 + (len - 1) % fmax;
// rotateRotate each group.
size_t j;
foreach (immutable size_t i; 0 .. fmax) {
immutable size_t first = ndx2[j];
immutable size_t glen = grp - (i < lng ? 0 : 1);
foreach (immutable size_t k; 1 .. glen)
ndx1[j + k - 1] = ndx2[j + k];
ndx1[j + glen - 1] = first;
Line 1,178 ⟶ 2,035:
// resultResult is original permuted according to our cyclic groups.
foreach (immutable size_t i; 0 .. len)
result[ndx2[i]] = txt[ndx1[i]];
Line 1,189 ⟶ 2,046:
auto result = txt.dup;
bestShuffle(txt, result);
immutable nEqual = zip(txt, result).count!q{ a[0] == a[1] }();
writefln("%s, %s, (%d)", txt, result, nEqual);
<pre>abracadabra, brabacadaar, (0)
Line 1,203 ⟶ 2,060:
, , (0)
xxxxx, xxxxx, (5)</pre>
{{libheader| System.SysUtils}}
{{libheader| System.Generics.Collections}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi">
program Best_shuffle;
TShuffledString = record
original: string;
Shuffled: TStringBuilder;
ignoredChars: Integer;
procedure DetectIgnores;
procedure Shuffle;
procedure Swap(pos1, pos2: Integer);
function TrySwap(pos1, pos2: Integer): Boolean;
function GetShuffled: string;
class operator Implicit(convert: string): TShuffledString;
constructor Create(Word: string);
procedure Free;
property Ignored: integer read ignoredChars;
property ToString: string read GetShuffled;
{ TShuffledString }
procedure TShuffledString.Swap(pos1, pos2: Integer);
temp: char;
temp := shuffled[pos1];
shuffled[pos1] := shuffled[pos2];
shuffled[pos2] := temp;
function TShuffledString.TrySwap(pos1, pos2: Integer): Boolean;
if (original[pos1] = shuffled[pos2]) or (original[pos2] = shuffled[pos1]) then
procedure TShuffledString.Shuffle;
length, swaps: Integer;
used: TList<Integer>;
i, j, k: Integer;
length := original.Length;
used := TList<Integer>.create();
for i := 0 to length - 1 do
swaps := 0;
while used.Count <= (length - i) do
j := i + Random(length - 1 - i);
if (original[i] <> original[j]) and TrySwap(i, j) and (not used.Contains(j)) then
Swap(i, j);
if swaps = 0 then
for k := i downto 0 do
if TrySwap(i, k) then
Swap(i, k);
constructor TShuffledString.Create(Word: string);
original := Word;
shuffled := TStringBuilder.create(Word);
procedure TShuffledString.DetectIgnores;
ignores, i: Integer;
ignores := 0;
for i := 0 to original.Length - 1 do
if original[i] = shuffled[i] then
ignoredChars := ignores;
procedure TShuffledString.Free;
function TShuffledString.GetShuffled: string;
result := shuffled.ToString();
class operator TShuffledString.Implicit(convert: string): TShuffledString;
result := TShuffledString.Create(convert);
words: array of string;
Word: TShuffledString;
w: string;
words := ['abracadabra', 'seesaw', 'elk', 'grrrrrr', 'up', 'a'];
for w in words do
Word := w;
writeln(format('%s, %s, (%d)', [Word.Original, Word.ToString, Word.Ignored]));
{{trans|C}} (deterministic)
proc best_shuffle s$ . r$ diff .
l = len s$
for c$ in strchars s$
s[] &= strcode c$
len cnt[] 128
for i to l
cnt[s[i]] += 1
max = higher max cnt[s[i]]
for i to 128
while cnt[i] > 0
cnt[i] -= 1
buf[] &= i
r[] = s[]
for i to l
for j to l
if r[i] = buf[j]
r[i] = buf[(j + max) mod1 l] mod 128
if buf[j] <= 128
buf[j] += 128
break 1
diff = 0
r$ = ""
for i to l
diff += if r[i] = s[i]
r$ &= strchar r[i]
for s$ in [ "abracadabra" "seesaw" "elk" "grrrrrr" "up" "a" ]
best_shuffle s$ r$ d
print s$ & " " & r$ & " " & d
abracadabra brabacadaar 0
seesaw wssaee 0
elk kel 0
grrrrrr rgrrrrr 5
up pu 0
a a 1
ELENA 6.x :
<syntaxhighlight lang="elena">import system'routines;
import extensions;
import extensions'text;
extension op
get Shuffled()
var original := self.toArray();
var shuffled := self.toArray();
for (int i := 0; i < original.Length; i += 1) {
for (int j := 0; j < original.Length; j += 1) {
if (i != j && original[i] != shuffled[j] && original[j] != shuffled[i])
^ shuffled.summarize(new StringWriter()).toString()
var shuffled := self.toArray();
var original := originalText.toArray();
int score := 0;
for (int i := 0; i < original.Length; i += 1) {
if (original[i] == shuffled[i]) { score += 1 }
^ score
public program()
new string[]{"abracadabra", "seesaw", "grrrrrr", "pop", "up", "a"}.forEach::(s)
var shuffled_s := s.Shuffled;
console.printLine("The best shuffle of ",s," is ",shuffled_s,"(",shuffled_s.score(s),")")
The best shuffle of abracadabra is caadrbabaar(0)
The best shuffle of seesaw is ewaess(0)
The best shuffle of grrrrrr is rgrrrrr(5)
The best shuffle of pop is opp(1)
The best shuffle of up is pu(0)
The best shuffle of a is a(1)
Deterministic version.
<syntaxhighlight lang="erlang">
-module( best_shuffle ).
-export( [sameness/2, string/1, task/0] ).
sameness( String1, String2 ) -> lists:sum( [1 || {X, X} <- lists:zip(String1, String2)] ).
string( String ) ->
{"", String, Acc} = lists:foldl( fun different/2, {lists:reverse(String), String, []}, String ),
lists:reverse( Acc ).
task() ->
Strings = ["abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"],
Shuffleds = [string(X) || X <- Strings],
[io:fwrite("~p ~p ~p~n", [X, Y, sameness(X,Y)]) || {X, Y} <- lists:zip(Strings, Shuffleds)].
different( Character, {[Character], Original, Acc} ) ->
try_to_save_last( Character, Original, Acc );
different( Character, {[Character | T]=Not_useds, Original, Acc} ) ->
Different_or_same = different_or_same( [X || X <- T, X =/= Character], Character ),
{lists:delete(Different_or_same, Not_useds), Original, [Different_or_same | Acc]};
different( _Character1, {[Character2 | T], Original, Acc} ) ->
{T, Original, [Character2 | Acc]}.
different_or_same( [Different | _T], _Character ) -> Different;
different_or_same( [], Character ) -> Character.
try_to_save_last( Character, Original_string, Acc ) ->
Fun = fun ({X, Y}) -> (X =:= Y) orelse (X =:= Character) end,
New_acc = try_to_save_last( lists:splitwith(Fun, lists:zip(lists:reverse(Original_string), [Character | Acc])), [Character | Acc] ),
{"", Original_string, New_acc}.
try_to_save_last( {_Not_split, []}, Acc ) -> Acc;
try_to_save_last( {Last_reversed_zip, First_reversed_zip}, _Acc ) ->
{_Last_reversed_original, [Last_character_acc | Last_part_acc]} = lists:unzip( Last_reversed_zip ),
{_First_reversed_original, [Character_acc | First_part_acc]} = lists:unzip( First_reversed_zip ),
[Character_acc | Last_part_acc] ++ [Last_character_acc | First_part_acc].
32> best_shuffle:task().
"abracadabra" "rabdacaraab" 0
"seesaw" "wasees" 0
"elk" "kel" 0
"grrrrrr" "rgrrrrr" 5
"up" "pu" 0
"a" "a" 1
{{trans|Liberty BASIC}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">
Dim As String*11 lista(6) => {"abracadabra","seesaw","pop","grrrrrr","up","a"}
Function bestShuffle(s1 As String) As String
Dim As String s2 = s1
Dim As Integer i, j, i1, j1
For i = 1 To Len(s2)
For j = 1 To Len(s2)
If (i <> j) And (Mid(s2,i,1) <> Mid(s1,j,1)) And (Mid(s2,j,1) <> Mid(s1,i,1)) Then
If j < i Then i1 = j : j1 = i Else i1 = i : j1 = j
s2 = Left(s2,i1-1) + Mid(s2,j1,1) + Mid(s2,i1+1,(j1-i1)-1) + Mid(s2,i1,1) + Mid(s2,j1+1)
End If
Next j
Next i
bestShuffle = s2
End Function
Dim As String palabra, bs
Dim As Integer puntos
For b As Integer = 0 To Ubound(lista)-1
palabra = lista(b)
bs = bestShuffle(palabra)
puntos = 0
For i As Integer = 1 To Len(palabra)
If Mid(palabra,i,1) = Mid(bs,i,1) Then puntos += 1
Next i
Print palabra; " ==> "; bs; " (puntuaci¢n:"; puntos; ")"
Next b
abracadabra ==> caadrbabaar (puntuación: 0)
seesaw ==> ewaess (puntuación: 0)
pop ==> opp (puntuación: 1)
grrrrrr ==> rgrrrrr (puntuación: 5)
up ==> pu (puntuación: 0)
a ==> a (puntuación: 1)
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
include "Tlbx GameplayKit.incl"
include "NSLog.incl"
local fn ShuffleString( string as CFStringRef ) as CFStringRef
NSInteger i
CFMutableArrayRef mutArr = fn MutableArrayWithCapacity( 0 )
for i = 0 to fn StringLength( string ) - 1
MutableArrayAddObject( mutArr, fn StringSubstringWithRange( string, fn CFRangeMake( i, 1 ) ) )
CFArrayRef shuffledArr = fn GKRandomSourceArrayByShufflingObjectsInArray( fn GKRandomSourceInit, mutArr )
end fn = fn ArrayComponentsJoinedByString( shuffledArr, @"" )
local fn StringDifferences( string1 as CFStringRef, string2 as CFStringRef ) as NSInteger
NSInteger i, unchangedPosition = 0
if fn StringLength( string1 ) != fn StringLength( string2 ) then NSLog( @"Strings must be of equal length." ) : exit fn
for i = 0 to fn StringLength( string1 ) -1
CFStringRef tempStr1 = fn StringSubstringWithRange( string1, fn CFRangeMake( i, 1 ) )
CFStringRef tempStr2 = fn StringSubstringWithRange( string2, fn CFRangeMake( i, 1 ) )
if fn StringIsEqual( tempStr1, tempStr2 ) == YES then unchangedPosition++
end fn = unchangedPosition
NSInteger i, j, count
CFArrayRef stringArr
CFStringRef originalStr, shuffledStr
stringArr = @[@"abracadabra", @"seesaw", @"elk", @"grrrrrr", @"up", @"a"]
count = fn ArrayCount( stringArr )
for i = 0 to 3
for j = 0 to count - 1
originalStr = stringArr[j]
shuffledStr = fn ShuffleString( stringArr[j] )
NSLog( @"%@, %@, (%ld)", originalStr, shuffledStr, fn StringDifferences( originalStr, shuffledStr ) )
NSLog( @"\n" )
Output with four shuffles:
abracadabra, caaarrdabab, (4)
seesaw, eeswsa, (1)
elk, kle, (1)
grrrrrr, grrrrrr, (7)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
abracadabra, bcarradabaa, (5)
seesaw, sewsea, (3)
elk, ekl, (1)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, up, (2)
a, a, (1)
abracadabra, rababcdraaa, (3)
seesaw, seewsa, (3)
elk, ekl, (1)
grrrrrr, rrrrgrr, (5)
up, up, (2)
a, a, (1)
abracadabra, aababrrdcaa, (3)
seesaw, eeassw, (3)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrrrgr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
{{trans|Icon and Unicon}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="go">package main
import (
Line 1,225 ⟶ 2,509:
// algorithm of Icon solution
for i := 0;range i < len(s); i++t {
for j := 0;range j < len(s); j++t {
if i != j && t[i] != s[j] && t[j] != s[i] {
t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i]
Line 1,242 ⟶ 2,526:
fmt.Printf("%s -> %s (%d)\n", s, string(t), count)
{{out|Output: of two runs}}
abracadabra -> raaracbbaad (0)
Line 1,252 ⟶ 2,536:
a -> a (1)
abracadabra -> raadabaracb (0)
seesaw -> wsseea (0)
elk -> kel (0)
grrrrrr -> rrrrrgr (5)
up -> pu (0)
a -> a (1)
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="groovy">def shuffle(text) {
def shuffled = (text as List)
for (sourceIndex in 0..<text.size()) {
Line 1,282 ⟶ 2,573:
def result = shuffle(text)
println "${result.original}, ${result.shuffled}, (${result.score})"
Line 1,292 ⟶ 2,583:
a, a, (1)
{{trans|Perl 6}}
<lang haskell>import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Array
import Text.Printf
We demonstrate several approaches here. In order to test the program we define a testing suite:
main = mapM_ f examples
where examples = ["abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"]
f s = printf "%s, %s, (%d)\n" s s' $ score s s'
where s' = bestShuffle s
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">shufflingQuality l1 l2 = length $ filter id $ zipWith (==) l1 l2
score :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Int
score old new = length $ filter id $ zipWith (==) old new
printTest prog = mapM_ test texts
bestShuffle :: (Ord a, Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
bestShuffle s = elems $ array bs $ f positions letters
where positions test s = do
x <- prog s
concat $ sortBy (compare `on` length) $
putStrLn $ map (map fst)unwords $ groupBy[ ((==)show `on` snd) $s
sortBy (compare `on` snd) $ zip [0..] s , show x
, show $ shufflingQuality s x]
letters = map (orig !) positions
texts = [ "abba", "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk" , "grrrrrr"
, "up", "a", "aaaaa.....bbbbb"
, "Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site." ]</syntaxhighlight>
=== Deterministic List-based solution ===
f [] [] = []
f (p : ps) ls = (p, ls !! i) : f ps (removeAt i ls)
where i = fromMaybe 0 $ findIndex (/= o) ls
o = orig ! p
The core of the algorithm is swapping procedure similar to those implemented in AWK and Icon examples. It could be done by a pure program with use of immutable vectors (though it is possible to use mutable vectors living in <tt>ST</tt> or <tt>IO</tt>, but it won't make the program more clear).
orig = listArray bs s
bs = (0, length s - 1)
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">import Data.Vector ((//), (!))
removeAt :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
import qualified Data.Vector as V
removeAt 0 (x : xs) = xs
import Data.List (delete, find)
removeAt i (x : xs) = x : removeAt (i - 1) xs</lang>
swapShuffle :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
Here's a version of <code>bestShuffle</code> that's much simpler, but too wasteful of memory for inputs like "abracadabra":
swapShuffle lref lst = V.toList $ foldr adjust (V.fromList lst) [0..n-1]
vref = V.fromList lref
n = V.length vref
adjust i v = case find alternative [0.. n-1] of
Nothing -> v
Just j -> v // [(j, v!i), (i, v!j)]
alternative j = and [ v!i == vref!i
, i /= j
, v!i /= vref!j
, v!j /= vref!i ]
<lang haskell>bestShuffleshuffle :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
shuffle lst = swapShuffle lst lst</syntaxhighlight>
bestShuffle s = minimumBy (compare `on` score s) $ permutations s</lang>
<pre>λ> printTest (pure . shuffle)
"abba" "baab" 0
"abracadabra" "daabacarrab" 0
"seesaw" "esaews" 0
"elk" "lke" 0
"grrrrrr" "rrrrrrg" 5
"up" "pu" 0
"a" "a" 1
"aaaaa.....bbbbb" ".....bbbbbaaaaa" 0
"Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site." "stetma Code is a programoing chrestomathy site.R" 0</pre>
The program works but shuffling is not good in case of a real text, which was just shifted. We can make it better using [[Perfect shuffle]] (faro shuffle) before the swapping procedure.
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">perfectShuffle :: [a] -> [a]
perfectShuffle [] = []
perfectShuffle lst | odd n = b : shuffle (zip bs a)
| even n = shuffle (zip (b:bs) a)
n = length lst
(a,b:bs) = splitAt (n `div` 2) lst
shuffle = foldMap (\(x,y) -> [x,y])
shuffleP :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
shuffleP lst = swapShuffle lst $ perfectShuffle lst</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>λ> qualityTest (pure . shuffleP)
"abba" "baab" 0
"abracadabra" "baadabrraac" 0
"seesaw" "assewe" 0
"elk" "lke" 0
"grrrrrr" "rrgrrrr" 5
"up" "pu" 0
"a" "a" 1
"aaaaa.....bbbbb" "bbb.baaaaba...." 0
"Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site." " Rmoisnegt tcahmrCeosdteo miast hay psriotger.a" 0</pre>
That's much better.
=== Nondeterministic List-based solution ===
Adding randomness is easy: just perform random shuffle before swapping procedure.
Additional import:
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">import Control.Monad.Random (getRandomR)</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">randomShuffle :: [a] -> IO [a]
randomShuffle [] = return []
randomShuffle lst = do
i <- getRandomR (0,length lst-1)
let (a, x:b) = splitAt i lst
xs <- randomShuffle $ a ++ b
return (x:xs)
shuffleR :: Eq a => [a] -> IO [a]
shuffleR lst = swapShuffle lst <$> randomShuffle lst</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>λ> qualityTest shuffleR
"abba" "baab" 0
"abracadabra" "raacadababr" 0
"seesaw" "wsaese" 0
"elk" "kel" 0
"grrrrrr" "rrrgrrr" 5
"up" "pu" 0
"a" "a" 1
"aaaaa.....bbbbb" "b.b.baababa.a.." 0
"Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site." "esodmnithsrasrmeogReat taoCp gtrty i .mi as ohce" 0</pre>
Now everything is Ok except for the efficiency. Both randomization and swapping procedure are O[n^2], moreover the whole text must be kept in memory, so for large data sequences it will take a while to shuffle.
=== Nondeterministic Conduit-based solution ===
Using streaming technique it is possible to shuffle the sequence on the fly, using relatively small moving window (say of length k) for shuffling procedure. In that case the program will consume constant memory amount O[k] and require O[n*k] operations.
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, LambdaCase #-}
import Conduit
import Control.Monad.Random (getRandomR)
import Data.List (delete, find)
shuffleC :: Eq a => Int -> Conduit a IO a
shuffleC 0 = awaitForever yield
shuffleC k = takeC k .| sinkList >>= \v -> delay v .| randomReplace v
delay :: Monad m => [a] -> Conduit t m (a, [a])
delay [] = mapC $ \x -> (x,[x])
delay (b:bs) = await >>= \case
Nothing -> yieldMany (b:bs) .| mapC (,[])
Just x -> yield (b, [x]) >> delay (bs ++ [x])
randomReplace :: Eq a => [a] -> Conduit (a, [a]) IO a
randomReplace vars = awaitForever $ \(x,b) -> do
y <- case filter (/= x) vars of
[] -> pure x
vs -> lift $ (vs !!) <$> getRandomR (0, length vs - 1)
yield y
randomReplace $ b ++ delete y vars
shuffleW :: Eq a => Int -> [a] -> IO [a]
shuffleW k lst = yieldMany lst =$= shuffleC k $$ sinkList</syntaxhighlight>
Here we define a new conduit <code>shuffleC</code> which uses a moving window of length <tt>k</tt> and returns shuffled elements of upstream data.
<pre>λ> qualityTest (shuffleW 8)
"abba" "baab" 0
"abracadabra" "daabrcabaar" 0
"seesaw" "eswesa" 0
"elk" "kel" 0
"grrrrrr" "rgrrrrr" 5
"up" "pu" 0
"a" "a" 1
"aaaaa.....bbbbb" "....baabaaa.bbb" 3
"Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site." "sCaoeRei d os pttaogrr nrgshmeaotaichiy .ttmsme" 0</pre>
This program is good for real texts with high entropy. In case of homogeneous strings like <tt>"aaaaa.....bbbbb"</tt> it gives poor results for windows smaller then homogeneous regions.
The main goal of streaming solution is to be able to process data from any resources, so let's use it to shuffle texts being transferred from <tt>stdin</tt> to <tt>stdout</tt>.
Additional imports
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">import Data.ByteString.Builder (charUtf8)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, unpack, pack)
import Data.Conduit.ByteString.Builder (builderToByteString)
import System.IO (stdin, stdout)</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">
shuffleBS :: Int -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
shuffleBS n s =
yieldMany (unpack s)
=$ shuffleC n
=$ mapC charUtf8
=$ builderToByteString
$$ foldC
main :: IO ()
main =
sourceHandle stdin
=$ mapMC (shuffleBS 10)
$$ sinkHandle stdout</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>$ ghc --make -O3 ./shuffle
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( shuffle.hs, shuffle.o )
Linking shuffle ...
$ cat input.txt
Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another. Rosetta Code currently has 823 tasks, 193 draft tasks, and is aware of 642 languages, though we do not (and cannot) have solutions to every task in every language.
$ cat input.txt | ./shuffle
aeotdR s aoiCtrpmmgi crn theemaysg srioT the tseo.dih psae re isltn ountstoeo tosmaetia es nssimhn ad kaeeinrlataffauytse g oanbs ,e ol e sio ttngdasmw esphut ro ganeemas g alsi arlaeefn,ranifddoii a drnp det r toi ahowgnutan n rgneanppi raohi d oaop blrcst imeioaer ngohrla.eRotn Cst n dce aenletya th8r3 n2ssout1 3dasktaft,rrk9as,a ss iewarf6 d2l ogu asga te g un oa hn4d enaodho(ctt)n, eha laovnsotusw oeinyetsakvn eo ienlrav ygtnu aer. g</pre>
=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==
The approach taken requires 2n memory and will run in O(n^2) time swapping once per final changed character. The algorithm is concise and conceptually simple avoiding the lists of indices, sorting, cycles, groups, and special cases requiring rotation needed by many of the other solutions. It proceeds through the entire string swapping characters ensuring that neither of the two characters are swapped with another instance of themselves in the ''original'' string.
Additionally, this can be trivially modified to randomize the shuffle by uncommenting the line
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="icon"># every !t :=: ?t # Uncomment to get a random best shuffling</langsyntaxhighlight> in <tt>bestShuffle</tt>.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="icon">procedure main(args)
while scram := bestShuffle(line := read()) do
write(line," -> ",scram," (",unchanged(line,scram),")")
Line 1,356 ⟶ 2,800:
every (count := 0) +:= (s1[i := 1 to *s1] == s2[i], 1)
return count
The code works in both Icon and Unicon.
Line 1,372 ⟶ 2,816:
Based on [ Dan Bron's approach]:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="j">bestShuf =: verb define
yy=. <@({~ ?~@#)@I.@= y
y C.~ (;yy) </.~ (i.#y) |~ >./#@> yy
Line 1,386 ⟶ 2,829:
y,', ',b,' (',')',~":+/b=y
yy is (a list of) boxes of (lists of) indices where all characters selected by indices in a box are the same, and where the first box is the biggest box (contains the most indices). The phrase <code>({~ ?~@#)</code> shuffles the indices going into each box which makes the (deterministic) rotate which follows produce differing results sometimes (but only when that is possible).
Line 1,392 ⟶ 2,835:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="j"> fmtBest&>;:'abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a'
abracadabra, bdacararaab (0)
seesaw, eawess (0)
Line 1,398 ⟶ 2,841:
grrrrrr, rrrrrrg (5)
up, pu (0)
a, a (1)</langsyntaxhighlight>
Translation of [[Best_shuffle#Icon_and_Unicon|Icon]] via [[Best_shuffle#AWK|AWK]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">import java.util.Random;
<lang java>public class BestShuffle {
public class BestShuffle {
private final static Random rand = new Random();
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] words = {"abracadabra", "seesaw", "grrrrrr", "pop", "up", "a"};
Line 1,411 ⟶ 2,857:
public static String bestShuffle(final String s1) {
char[] s2 = s1.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < s2.length; i++) {
if (s2[i] != s1.charAt(i)) continue;
for (int j = 0; j < s2.length; j++) {
if (s2[i] != s2[j] && s2[i] != s1.charAt(j) && s2[j] != s1.charAt(i)) {
Line 1,423 ⟶ 2,871:
return s1 + " " + new String(s2) + " (" + count(s1, s2) + ")";
public static void shuffle(char[] text) {
for (int i = text.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
int r = rand.nextInt(i + 1);
char tmp = text[i];
text[i] = text[r];
text[r] = tmp;
private static int count(final String s1, final char[] s2) {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s2.length; i++)
if (s1.charAt(i) == s2[i]) count++;
return count;
Line 1,440 ⟶ 2,898:
up pu (0)
a a (1)</pre>
Based on the J implementation (and this would be a lot more concise if we used something like jQuery):
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="javascript">function raze(a) { // like .join('') except producing an array instead of a string
var r= [];
for (var j= 0; j<a.length; j++)
Line 1,491 ⟶ 2,948:
n+= ex.substr(j, 1) == r.substr(j,1) ?1 :0;
return ex+', '+r+', ('+n+')';
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="html"><html><head><title></title></head><body><pre id="out"></pre></body></html>
<script type="text/javascript">
Line 1,501 ⟶ 2,958:
for (var i= 0; i<sample.length; i++)
document.getElementById('out').innerHTML+= disp(sample[i])+'\r\n';
<pre>abracadabra, raababacdar, (0)
<lang>abracadabra, raababacdar, (0)
seesaw, ewaess, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrrrgr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)</langpre>
{{works with|jq|1.5}}
The implementation in this section uses the deterministic "swap" algorithm found in other entries on this page.
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">def count(s): reduce s as $i (0;.+1);
<lang Mathematica>BestShuffle[data_] :=
def swap($i;$j):
.[$i] as $x | .[$i] = .[$j] | .[$j] = $x;
# Input: an array
# Output: a best shuffle
def bestShuffleArray:
. as $s
| reduce range(0; length) as $i (.;
. as $t
| (first(range(0; length)
| select( $i != . and
$t[$i] != $s[.] and
$s[$i] != $t[.] and
$t[$i] != $t[.])) as $j
| swap($i;$j))
// $t # fallback
# Award 1 for every spot which changed:
def score($base):
. as $in
| count( range(0;length)
| select($base[.] != $in[.]) );
# Input: a string
def bestShuffle:
. as $in
| explode
| . as $s
| bestShuffleArray
| "\($in), \(implode), (\( length - score($s) ))" ;</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">"abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a", "antidisestablishmentarianism"
| bestShuffle</syntaxhighlight>
'''Invocation and Output'''
<pre>jq -nr -f best-shuffle.jq
abracadabra, baaracadabr, (0)
seesaw, esswea, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
antidisestablishmentarianism, maaaadisesitblishmenttrninis, (0)</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia"># v0.6
function bestshuffle(str::String)::Tuple{String,Int}
s = Vector{Char}(str)
# Count the supply of characters.
cnt = Dict{Char,Int}(c => 0 for c in s)
for c in s; cnt[c] += 1 end
# Allocate the result
r = similar(s)
for (i, x) in enumerate(s)
# Find the best character to replace x.
best = x
rankb = -2
for (c, rankc) in cnt
# Prefer characters with more supply.
# (Save characters with less supply.)
# Avoid identical characters.
if c == x; rankc = -1 end
if rankc > rankb
best = c
rankb = rankc
# Add character to list. Remove it from supply.
r[i] = best
cnt[best] -= 1
if cnt[best] == 0; delete!(cnt, best) end
# If the final letter became stuck (as "ababcd" became "bacabd",
# and the final "d" became stuck), then fix it.
i = length(s)
if r[i] == s[i]
for j in 1:i
if r[i] != s[j] && r[j] != s[i]
r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i]
score = sum(x == y for (x, y) in zip(r, s))
return r, score
for word in ("abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a")
shuffled, score = bestshuffle(word)
println("$word: $shuffled ($score)")
<pre>abracadabra: baarabadacr (0)
seesaw: esawse (0)
elk: kel (0)
grrrrrr: rgrrrrr (5)
up: pu (0)
a: a (1)</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">import java.util.Random
object BestShuffle {
operator fun invoke(s1: String) : String {
val s2 = s1.toCharArray()
for (i in s2.indices)
if (s2[i] == s1[i])
for (j in s2.indices)
if (s2[i] != s2[j] && s2[i] != s1[j] && s2[j] != s1[i]) {
val tmp = s2[i]
s2[i] = s2[j]
s2[j] = tmp
return s1 + ' ' + String(s2) + " (" + s2.count(s1) + ')'
private fun CharArray.shuffle() {
val rand = Random()
for (i in size - 1 downTo 1) {
val r = rand.nextInt(i + 1)
val tmp = this[i]
this[i] = this[r]
this[r] = tmp
private fun CharArray.count(s1: String) : Int {
var count = 0
for (i in indices)
if (s1[i] == this[i]) count++
return count
fun main(words: Array<String>) = words.forEach { println(BestShuffle(it)) }</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>abracadabra raaracabdab (0)
seesaw eswaes (0)
grrrrrr rgrrrrr (5)
pop ppo (1)
up pu (0)
a a (1)</pre>
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">'see Run BASIC solution
list$ = "abracadabra seesaw pop grrrrrr up a"
while word$(list$,ii + 1," ") <> ""
ii = ii + 1
w$ = word$(list$,ii," ")
bs$ = bestShuffle$(w$)
count = 0
for i = 1 to len(w$)
if mid$(w$,i,1) = mid$(bs$,i,1) then count = count + 1
next i
print w$;" ";bs$;" ";count
function bestShuffle$(s1$)
s2$ = s1$
for i = 1 to len(s2$)
for j = 1 to len(s2$)
if (i <> j) and (mid$(s2$,i,1) <> mid$(s1$,j,1)) and (mid$(s2$,j,1) <> mid$(s1$,i,1)) then
if j < i then i1 = j:j1 = i else i1 = i:j1 = j
s2$ = left$(s2$,i1-1) + mid$(s2$,j1,1) + mid$(s2$,i1+1,(j1-i1)-1) + mid$(s2$,i1,1) + mid$(s2$,j1+1)
end if
next j
next i
bestShuffle$ = s2$
end function</syntaxhighlight>
abracadabra caadrbabaar 0
seesaw ewaess 0
pop opp 1
grrrrrr rgrrrrr 5
up pu 0
a a 1</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">math.randomseed(os.time())
local function shuffle(t)
for i = #t, 2, -1 do
local j = math.random(i)
t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i]
local function bestshuffle(s, r)
local order, shufl, count = {}, {}, 0
for ch in s:gmatch(".") do order[#order+1], shufl[#shufl+1] = ch, ch end
if r then shuffle(shufl) end
for i = 1, #shufl do
for j = 1, #shufl do
if i ~= j and shufl[i] ~= order[j] and shufl[j] ~= order[i] then
shufl[i], shufl[j] = shufl[j], shufl[i]
for i = 1, #shufl do
if shufl[i] == order[i] then
count = count + 1
return table.concat(shufl), count
local words = { "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a" }
local function test(r)
print(r and "RANDOM:" or "DETERMINISTIC:")
for _, word in ipairs(words) do
local shufl, count = bestshuffle(word, r)
print(string.format("%s, %s, (%d)", word, shufl, count))
abracadabra, radcababaar, (0)
seesaw, esawes, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rrgrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
abracadabra, caadrbabaar, (0)
seesaw, ewaess, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)</pre>
=={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="mathematica">BestShuffle[data_] :=
List[#, StringLength[data]-HammingDistance[#,data]] & /@ StringJoin /@ Permutations[StringSplit[data, ""]], Last]]}]
Print[#[[1]], "," #[[2]], ",(", #[[3]], ")"] & /@ BestShuffle /@ {"abracadabra","seesaw","elk","grrrrrr","up","a"}
Output :
Line 1,527 ⟶ 3,236:
up, pu,(0)
a, a,(1)</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="nim">import times
import sequtils
import strutils
import random
proc count(s1, s2: string): int =
for i, c in s1:
if c == s2[i]:
proc shuffle(str: string): string =
var r = initRand(getTime().toUnix())
var chrs = toSeq(str.items)
for i in 0 ..< chrs.len:
let chosen = r.rand(chrs.len-1)
swap(chrs[i], chrs[chosen])
return chrs.join("")
proc bestShuffle(str: string): string =
var chrs = toSeq(shuffle(str).items)
for i in chrs.low .. chrs.high:
if chrs[i] != str[i]:
for j in chrs.low .. chrs.high:
if chrs[i] != chrs[j] and chrs[i] != str[j] and chrs[j] != str[i]:
swap(chrs[i], chrs[j])
return chrs.join("")
when isMainModule:
let words = @["abracadabra", "seesaw", "grrrrrr", "pop", "up", "a", "antidisestablishmentarianism"];
for w in words:
let shuffled = bestShuffle(w)
echo "$1 $2 $3" % [w, shuffled, $count(w, shuffled)]
<pre>abracadabra baabadaracr 0
seesaw wsseea 0
grrrrrr rrrrrgr 5
pop ppo 1
up pu 0
a a 1
antidisestablishmentarianism mietnshieistrlaatbsdsnaiinma 0</pre>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ocaml">let best_shuffle s =
let len = String.length s in
let r = String.copy s in
Line 1,568 ⟶ 3,323:
test "up";
test "a";
Line 1,580 ⟶ 3,335:
'up', 'pu' -> 0
'a', 'a' -> 1</pre>
{{works with|Free_Pascal}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="pascal">program BestShuffleDemo(output);
function BestShuffle(s: string): string;
Line 1,622 ⟶ 3,376:
writeln(original[i], ', ', shuffle, ', (', score, ')');
<pre>% ./BestShuffle
Line 1,631 ⟶ 3,385:
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)</pre>
==={{header|Free Pascal}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal">
Program BestShuffle;
arr : array[1..6] Of string = ('abracadabra','seesaw','elk','grrrrrr','up','a');
Function Shuffle(inp: String): STRING;
Var x,ReplacementDigit : longint;
<lang perl>use strict;
ch : char;
If length(inp) > 1 Then
For x := 1 To length(inp) Do
ReplacementDigit := random(length(inp))+1;
Until (ReplacementDigit <> x);
ch := inp[x];
inp[x] := inp[ReplacementDigit];
inp[ReplacementDigit] := ch;
shuffle := inp;
Function score(OrgString,ShuString : String) : integer;
Var i : integer;
score := 0;
For i := 1 To length(OrgString) Do
If OrgString[i] = ShuString[i] Then inc(score);
Var i : integer;
shuffled : string;
For i := low(arr) To high(arr) Do
shuffled := shuffle(arr[i]);
writeln(arr[i],' , ',shuffled,' , (',score(arr[i],shuffled),')');
abracadabra , baraadacbar , (3)
seesaw , esaews , (0)
elk , ekl , (1)
grrrrrr , rrgrrrr , (5)
up , up , (2)
a , a , (1)
The Algorithm::Permute module does not ship with perl, but is freely available from CPAN.
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'bitwise';
use List::Util qw(shuffle);
use Algorithm::Permute;
foreachbest_shuffle($_) for qw("abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a") {;
sub scorebest_shuffle {
my ($original_word,$new_word) = @_;
my $resultbest_word = 0$original_word;
my $best_score = length $best_word;
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < length($original_word) ; $i++) {
if (substr($original_word,$i,1) eq substr($new_word,$i,1)) {
my @shuffled = shuffle split //, $original_word;
my $iterator = Algorithm::Permute->new(\@shuffled);
while( my @array = $iterator->next ) {
return $result;
my $word = join '', @array;
# For each letter which is the same in the two words,
# there will be a \x00 in the "^" of the two words.
# The tr operator is then used to count the "\x00"s.
my $score = ($original_word ^. $word) =~ tr/\x00//;
next if $score >= $best_score;
($best_word, $best_score) = ($word, $score);
last if $score == 0;
print "$original_word, $best_word, $best_score\n";
sub best_shuffle {
{{out|Output of two runs}}
my ($original_word) = @_;
<pre>abracadabra, dabrabacaar, 0
my $best_word = $original_word;
seesaw, easews, 0
my $best_score = length($original_word);
elk, kel, 0
my @array = split(//,$original_word);
grrrrrr, rrrrgrr, 5
up, pu, 0
a, a, 1</pre>
<pre>abracadabra, caabararadb, 0
seesaw, esawes, 0
elk, lke, 0
grrrrrr, rrgrrrr, 5
up, pu, 0
a, a, 1</pre>
After creating a shuffled array of letters, we iterate through
# The below was adapted from perlfaq4
all permutations of that array. We keep the first word we encounter
with a score better than all previous words. As an optimization,
if we discover a word with score zero, we stop iterating early.
If the best score is nonzero, then we will iterate through every
my $p_iterator = Algorithm::Permute->new( \@array );
possible permutation. So "aaaaaaaaaaah" will take a long time.
while (my @array = $p_iterator->next) {
if (score($original_word,join("",@array))<$best_score) {
$best_score = score($original_word, join("",@array));
$best_word = join ("",@array);
last if ($best_score == 0);
print "$original_word, $best_word, $best_score\n";
A faster solution is to shuffle once, and then make any additional
swaps which will improve the score.
=={{headertrans|Perl 6Go}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">use strict;
{{works with|Rakudo Star|2010.12}}
use warnings;
use feature 'bitwise';
use List::Util qw(shuffle);
best_shuffle($_) for qw(abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a);
<lang perl6>sub best-shuffle (Str $s) {
my @orig = $s.comb;
sub best_shuffle {
my @pos;
my ($original_word) = @_;
# Fill @pos with positions in the order that we want to fill
# them. (Once Rakudo has &roundrobin, this will be doable in
# one statement.)
my %pos = classify { @orig[$^i] }, keys @orig;
my @k = map *.key, sort *.value.elems, %pos;
while %pos {
for @k -> $letter {
%pos{$letter} or next;
push @pos, %pos{$letter}.pop;
%pos{$letter}.elems or %pos.delete: $letter;
@pos .= reverse;
my @s = split //, $original_word;
my @letters = @orig;
my @newt = Anyshuffle xx $@s.chars;
# Now fill in @new with @letters according to each position
# in @pos, but skip ahead in @letters if we can avoid
# matching characters that way.
while @letters {
my ($i, $p) = 0, shift @pos;
++$i while @letters[$i] eq @orig[$p] and $i < @letters.end;
@new[$p] = splice @letters, $i, 1;
for my $i ( 0 .. $#s ) {
my $score = elems grep ?*, map * eq *, do @new Z @orig;
for my $j ( 0 .. $#s ) {
next if $j == $i or
$t[$i] eq $s[$j] or
$t[$j] eq $s[$i];
@t[$i,$j] = @t[$j,$i];
my $word = join '', @t;
my $score = ($original_word ^. $word) =~ tr/\x00//;
@new.join, $score;
print "$original_word, $word, $score\n";
The output has the same format as the first perl implementation,
printf "%s, %s, (%d)\n", $_, best-shuffle $_
but only takes quadratic time per word.
for <abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a>;</lang>
<!--<syntaxhighlight lang="phix">(phixonline)-->
<span style="color: #008080;">with</span> <span style="color: #008080;">javascript_semantics</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">constant</span> <span style="color: #000000;">tests</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #008000;">"abracadabra"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #008000;">"seesaw"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #008000;">"elk"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #008000;">"grrrrrr"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #008000;">"up"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #008000;">"a"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">}</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">test</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">tests</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">s</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">tests</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">test</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">],</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">t</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">shuffle</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">j</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #000000;">ti</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">tj</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">}</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">],</span><span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">j</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]}</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">!=</span><span style="color: #000000;">j</span> <span style="color: #008080;">and</span> <span style="color: #000000;">ti</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">!=</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">j</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #008080;">and</span> <span style="color: #000000;">tj</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">!=</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">tj</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">j</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">ti</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">exit</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"%s -&gt; %s (%d)\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">sum</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">sq_eq</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))})</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
abracadabra -> baacabrdaar (0)
seesaw -> aswees (0)
elk -> lke (0)
grrrrrr -> rrrgrrr (5)
up -> pu (0)
a -> a (1)
By replacing <code>t=shuffle(s)</code> with <code>t=s</code>, the following deterministic result is output every time:
abracadabra -> raaracababd (0)
seesaw -> wasese (0)
elk -> lke (0)
grrrrrr -> rgrrrrr (5)
up -> pu (0)
a -> a (1)
Translation of [[Best_shuffle#Icon_and_Unicon|Icon]] via [[Best_shuffle#AWK|AWK]]
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="php">foreach (split(' ', 'abracadabra seesaw pop grrrrrr up a') as $w)
echo bestShuffle($w) . '<br>';
Line 1,745 ⟶ 3,601:
return "($cnt)";
Line 1,754 ⟶ 3,610:
up pu (0)
a a (1)</pre>
Using a CP (Constraint Programming) solver guarantees an optimal solution. This is deterministic since the solve heuristic ("split") always give the same first result.
<syntaxhighlight lang="picat">import cp.
go =>
Words = ["abracadabra",
foreach(Word in Words)
printf("%s, %s, (%d)\n", Word,Best,diff_word(Word, Best))
best_shuffle(Word,Best,Score) =>
WordAlpha =, % convert to integers
WordAlphaNoDups = WordAlpha.remove_dups(),
% occurrences of each character in the word
Occurrences = occurrences(WordAlpha),
Len = Word.length,
% Decision variables
WordC = new_list(Len),
WordC :: WordAlphaNoDups,
% The constraints
% Ensure that the shuffled word has the same
% occurrences for each character
foreach(V in WordAlphaNoDups)
count(V, WordC,#=, Occurrences.get(V))
% The score is the number of characters
% in the same position as the origin word
% (to be minimized).
Score #= sum([WordC[I] #= WordAlpha[I] : I in 1..Len]),
if var(Score) then
% We don't have a score yet: minimize Score
solve([$min(Score),split], WordC)
% Get a solution for the given Score
solve([split], WordC)
% convert back to alpha
Best =
diff_word(W1,W2) = Diff =>
Diff = sum([1 : I in 1..W1.length, W1[I]==W2[I]]).
occurrences(L) = Occ =>
Occ = new_map(),
foreach(E in L)
Occ.put(E, Occ.get(E,0) + 1)
<pre>abracadabra, baabacadrar, (0)
seesaw, assewe, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
shuffle, effhlsu, (0)
aaaaaaa, aaaaaaa, (7)</pre>
===All optimal solutions===
Using a constraint solver makes it quite easy to generate all optimal solutions.
<syntaxhighlight lang="picat">go2 ?=>
Words = ["abracadabra",
% Find all optimal solutions
All = findall(Best2,best_shuffle(Word,Best2,Score)),
Len = All.len,
if Len <= 10 then
println("Only showing the first 10 solutions:"),
go2 => true.</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>word = abracadabra
best_score = 0
num_solutions = 780
Only showing the first 10 solutions:
solutions = [baabacadrar,baabacaradr,baabacardar,baabacarrad,baabacrdaar,baabacrraad,baabadacrar,baabadaracr,baabadarcar,baabadarrac]
word = seesaw
best_score = 0
num_solutions = 29
Only showing the first 10 solutions:
solutions = [assewe,asswee,aswees,aswese,awsees,awsese,easews,easwes,easwse,eawess]
word = elk
best_score = 0
num_solutions = 2
solutions = [kel,lke]
word = grrrrrr
best_score = 5
num_solutions = 6
solutions = [rgrrrrr,rrgrrrr,rrrgrrr,rrrrgrr,rrrrrgr,rrrrrrg]
word = up
best_score = 0
num_solutions = 1
solutions = [pu]
word = a
best_score = 1
num_solutions = 1
solutions = [a]
word = shuffle
best_score = 0
num_solutions = 640
Only showing the first 10 solutions:
solutions = [effhlsu,effhlus,effhsul,effhusl,efflhsu,efflhus,efflshu,efflsuh,effluhs,efflush]
word = aaaaaaa
best_score = 7
num_solutions = 1
solutions = [aaaaaaa]</pre>
<langsyntaxhighlight PicoLisplang="picolisp">(de bestShuffle (Str)
(let Lst NIL
(for C (setq Str (chop Str))
Line 1,769 ⟶ 3,776:
(setq Lst (delete @ Lst)) ) )
Str )
(prinl Str " " Res " (" (cnt = Str Res) ")") ) ) )</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>: (bestShuffle "abracadabra")
Line 1,788 ⟶ 3,795:
: (bestShuffle "a")
a a (1)</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="pli">shuffle: procedure options (main); /* 14/1/2011 */
<lang PL/I>
shuffle: procedure options (main); /* 14/1/2011 */
declare (s, saves) character (20) varying, c character (1);
declare t(length(s)) bit (1);
Line 1,843 ⟶ 3,848:
end search;
end shuffle;</syntaxhighlight>
baaracadrab 0
Line 1,858 ⟶ 3,863:
A 1
<lang PowerShell>
function Best-Shuffle($strings){
foreach($string in $strings){
$sa1 = $string.ToCharArray()
$sa2 = Get-Random -InputObject $sa1 -Count ([int]::MaxValue)
$string = [String]::Join("",$sa2)
echo $string
Best-Shuffle "abracadabra", "seesaw", "pop", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"
{{works with|PowerShell|3}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell"># Calculate best possible shuffle score for a given string
# (Split out into separate function so we can use it separately in our output)
function Get-BestScore ( [string]$String )
# Convert to array of characters, group identical characters,
# sort by frequecy, get size of first group
$MostRepeats = $String.ToCharArray() |
Group |
Sort Count -Descending |
Select -First 1 -ExpandProperty Count
# Return count of most repeated character minus all other characters (math simplified)
return [math]::Max( 0, 2 * $MostRepeats - $String.Length )
function Get-BestShuffle ( [string]$String )
# Convert to arrays of characters, one for comparison, one for manipulation
$S1 = $String.ToCharArray()
$S2 = $String.ToCharArray()
# Calculate best possible score as our goal
$BestScore = Get-BestScore $String
# Unshuffled string has score equal to number of characters
$Length = $String.Length
$Score = $Length
# While still striving for perfection...
While ( $Score -gt $BestScore )
# For each character
ForEach ( $i in 0..($Length-1) )
# If the shuffled character still matches the original character...
If ( $S1[$i] -eq $S2[$i] )
# Swap it with a random character
# (Random character $j may be the same as or may even be
# character $i. The minor impact on speed was traded for
# a simple solution to guarantee randomness.)
$j = Get-Random -Maximum $Length
$S2[$i], $S2[$j] = $S2[$j], $S2[$i]
# Count the number of indexes where the two arrays match
$Score = ( 0..($Length-1) ).Where({ $S1[$_] -eq $S2[$_] }).Count
# Put it back into a string
$Shuffle = ( [string[]]$S2 -join '' )
return $Shuffle
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">ForEach ( $String in ( 'abracadabra', 'seesaw', 'elk', 'grrrrrr', 'up', 'a' ) )
$Shuffle = Get-BestShuffle $String
$Score = Get-BestScore $String
"$String, $Shuffle, ($Score)"
<pre>abracadabra, craradabaab, (0)
seesaw, ewsase, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrrrrg, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)</pre>
Works with SWI-Prolog
<langsyntaxhighlight Prologlang="prolog">:- dynamic score/2.
best_shuffle :-
Line 1,960 ⟶ 4,007:
run(Var,[Other|RRest], [1,Var],[Other|RRest]):-
output : <pre> ?- test.
Line 1,970 ⟶ 4,017:
a : a (1)
true .
===Version with random result===
<syntaxhighlight lang="prolog">
:- system:set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,codes) .
shuffle(STRINGs,SHUFFLEDs) ,
system:format('~s , ~s , (~10r)~n',[STRINGs,SHUFFLEDs,SCORE])
play("abracadabra") ,
play("seesaw") ,
play("elk") ,
play("grrrrrr") ,
play("up") ,
%! shuffle(Xs0,Ys) .
% The list `Ys` is an random permutation of the list `Xs0` .
% No assumption is made about the nature of each item in the list .
% The default seed for randomness provided by the system is truly random .
% Set the seed explicitly with `system:set_random(seed(SEED))` .
:- op(1,'xfy','shuffle_') .
(assign_randomness) shuffle_ (Xs0,Ys0) ,
(sort) shuffle_ (Ys0,Ys1) ,
(remove_randomness) shuffle_ (Ys1,Ys)
1. assign an random number to each of the items in the list .
2. sort the list of items according to the random number assigned to each item .
3. remove the random number from each of the items in the list .
(assign_randomness) shuffle_ ([],[]) :- ! .
(assign_randomness) shuffle_ ([X0|Xs0],[sortable(R,X0)|Rs])
system:random(R) ,
(assign_randomness) shuffle_ (Xs0,Rs)
(sort) shuffle_ (Rs0,Ss)
(remove_randomness) shuffle_ ([],[]) :- ! .
(remove_randomness) shuffle_ ([sortable(_R0,X0)|Ss0],[X0|Xs])
(remove_randomness) shuffle_ (Ss0,Xs)
%! score(Xs0,Ys0,SCORE) .
% `SCORE` is the count of positions in Ys0 that
% have the identical content as
% the content in the same position in Xs0 .
score([],[],0) :- ! .
X0 = Y0 ,
! ,
score(Xs0,Ys0,SCORE0) ,
! ,
?- test .
abracadabra , rdbaaaarabc , (2)
seesaw , seawse , (2)
elk , lke , (0)
grrrrrr , rrrrgrr , (5)
up , pu , (0)
a , a , (1)
true .
?- play("HelloWorld") .
HelloWorld , elHdrllooW , (0)
true .
?- play("HelloWorld") .
HelloWorld , oolelHlrdW , (2)
true .
?- play("HelloWorld") .
HelloWorld , orWodelllH , (1)
true .
This solution creates cycles of letters of letters that are then rotated to produce the final maximal shuffle. It includes an extra sort step that ensures the original string to be returned if it is repeatedly shuffled.
<langsyntaxhighlight PureBasiclang="purebasic">Structure charInfo
List Position.i()
Line 2,082 ⟶ 4,253:
Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()
Sample output:
<pre>abracadabra, daabarbraac, (0)
Line 2,090 ⟶ 4,261:
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)</pre>
===Swap if it is locally better algorithm===
With added randomization of swaps!
<syntaxhighlight lang ="python">from collections import Counterrandom
import random
def count(w1,wnew):
Line 2,111 ⟶ 4,280:
if i != j and wnew[j] != wnew[i] and w[i] != wnew[j] and w[j] != wnew[i]:
wnew[j], wnew[i] = wnew[i], wnew[j]
wnew = ''.join(wnew)
return wnew, count(w, wnew)
Line 2,121 ⟶ 4,291:
for w in test_words:
wnew, c = best_shuffle(w)
print("%29s, %-29s ,(%i)" % (w, wnew, c))</langsyntaxhighlight>
;Sample output
Line 2,156 ⟶ 4,326:
===Alternative algorithm #1===
{{needs-review|Python|This example uses a different algorithm, which is not like the other examples. This algorithm can become stuck near the end of the string. The code now fixes the problem if a "final letter became stuck", but this might or might not fix all inputs.}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="python">#!/usr/bin/env python
def best_shuffle(s):
Line 2,185 ⟶ 4,354:
count[best] -= 1
if count[best] =>= 0: del count[best]
# If the final letter became stuck (as "ababcd" became "bacabd",
Line 2,207 ⟶ 4,376:
for s in "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a":
shuffled, score = best_shuffle(s)
print("%s, %s, (%d)" % (s, shuffled, score))</langsyntaxhighlight>
Output: <pre>abracadabra, raabarabacd, (0)
Line 2,213 ⟶ 4,382:
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="racket">
#lang racket
(define (best-shuffle s)
(define len (string-length s))
(define @ string-ref)
(define r (list->string (shuffle (string->list s))))
(for* ([i (in-range len)] [j (in-range len)])
(when (not (or (= i j) (eq? (@ s i) (@ r j)) (eq? (@ s j) (@ r i))))
(define t (@ r i))
(string-set! r i (@ r j))
(string-set! r j t)))
(define (count-same s1 s2)
(for/sum ([c1 (in-string s1)] [c2 (in-string s2)])
(if (eq? c1 c2) 1 0)))
(for ([s (in-list '("abracadabra" "seesaw" "elk" "grrrrrr" "up" "a"))])
(define sh (best-shuffle s))
(printf " ~a, ~a, (~a)\n" s sh (count-same s sh)))
abracadabra, baabadcraar, (0)
seesaw, wsaees, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
(formerly Perl 6)
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>sub best-shuffle(Str $orig) {
my @s = $orig.comb;
my @t = @s.pick(*);
for flat ^@s X ^@s -> \i,\j {
if i != j and @t[i] ne @s[j] and @t[j] ne @s[i] {
@t[i,j] = @t[j,i] and last
my $count = 0;
for @t.kv -> $k,$v {
++$count if $v eq @s[$k]
@t.join, $count;
printf "%s, %s, (%d)\n", $_, best-shuffle $_ for <abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a>;</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>abracadabra, raacarabadb, (0)
seesaw, wssaee, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrgrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)</pre>
{{incomplete|Rascal|No output given.}}
<lang Rascal>import Prelude;
<syntaxhighlight lang="rascal">import Prelude;
public tuple[str, str, int] bestShuffle(str s){
Line 2,229 ⟶ 4,461:
public int countSame(list[int] permutations, list[int] characters){
return (0 | it + 1 | n <- index(characters), permutations[n] == characters[n]);
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="rexx">/*REXX program todetermines findand displays the best shuffle (for a character string). any list of words or tokens.*/
parse arg $ /*get some words from the command line.*/
list='tree abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a'
Lif $=0'' then $= 'tree abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a' /*find width ofuse the longest word (prettify output).defaults?*/
w=0; #=words($) /* [↑] finds the widest word in $ list*/
do i=1 for words(list); L=max(L,length(word(list,i))); end /*i*/
do i=1 for #; @.i=word($,i); w=max(w, length(@.i) ); end /*i*/
w= w+9 do n=1 for words(list) /*processadd the9 wordsblanks infor theoutput listindentation. */
$do n=word(list,n) 1 for #; new= bestShuffle(@.n) /*process the original wordexamples in the list@ array. */
newsame=bestShuffle($)0; /*shufflized version of the word do m=1 for length(@.*/n)
same=same + (substr(@.n, m, 1) == substr(new, m, 1) )
say 'original:' left($,L) 'new:' left(new,L) 'count:' kSame($,new)
end /*m*/
say ' original:' left(@.n, w) 'new:' left(new,w) 'score:' same
end /*n*/
/*─────────────────────────────────────bestShuffle procedure────────────*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
bestShuffle: procedure; parse arg x 1 ox; Lx=length(x)
if Lx<3 then return reverse(x) /*fast track these puppies. */
bestShuffle: procedure; parse arg x 1 ox; L=length(x); if L<3 then return reverse(x)
/*[↑] fast track short strs*/
do j=1 for L-1; parse var x =(j) a +1 b +1 /*get A,B at Jth & J+1 pos.*/
if a\==b then iterate /*ignore any replicates. */
c= verify(x,a); if c==0 then iterate /* " " " */
x= overlay( substr(x,c,1), overlay(a,x,c), j) /*swap the x,c characters*/
rx= reverse(x) /*obtain the reverse of X. */
y= substr(rx, verify(rx, a), 1) /*get 2nd replicated char. */
x= overlay(y, overlay(a,x, lastpos(y,x)),j+1) /*fast swap of 2 characters*/
end /*j*/
do k=1 for L; a=substr(x, k, 1) /*handle a possible rep*/
if a\==substr(ox, k, 1) then iterate /*skip non-replications*/
if k==L then x= left(x, k-2)a || substr(x, k-1,1) /*last case*/
else x= left(x, k-1)substr(x, k+1, 1)a || substr(x,k+2)
end /*k*/
return x</syntaxhighlight>
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; (with a freebie thrown in):}}
original: tree new: eert score: 0
original: abracadabra new: baaracadrab score: 0
original: seesaw new: eswase score: 0
original: elk new: lke score: 0
original: grrrrrr new: rrrrrrg score: 5
original: up new: pu score: 0
original: a new: a score: 1
<syntaxhighlight lang="ring">
# Project : Best shuffle
test = ["abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"]
do j=1 for Lx-1 /*first take care of replications*/
a=substr(x,j ,1)
b=substr(x,j+1,1); if a\==b then iterate
_=verify(x,a); if _==0 then iterate /*switch 1st rep with some char. */
y=substr(x,_,1); x=overlay(a,x,_)
rx=reverse(x); _=verify(rx,a); if _==0 then iterate /*¬ enuf unique*/
y=substr(rx,_,1); _=lastpos(y,x) /*switch 2nd rep with later char.*/
x=overlay(a,x,_); x=overlay(y,x,j+1) /*OVERLAYs: a fast way to swap*/
end /*j*/
for n = 1 to len(test)
do k=1 for Lx /*take care of same o'-same o's. */
bs = a=substrbestshuffle(x, k,1test[n])
count = 0
b=substr(ox,k,1); if a\==b then iterate
for p = 1 to len(test[n])
if k==Lx then x=left(x,k-2)a || substr(x,k-1,1) /*last case*/
if else x=left(x,k-1)substr(xtest[n],k+1p,1)a ||= substr(xbs,k+2p,1)
end count /*k*/= count + 1
return x
/*─────────────────────────────────────kSame procedure──────────────────*/
see test[n] + " -> " + bs + " " + count + nl
kSame: procedure; parse arg x,y; k=0
do m=1 for min(length(x),length(y))
k = k + (substr(x,m,1) == substr(y,m,1))
func bestshuffle(s1)
end /*m*/
s2 = s1
return k</lang>
for i = 1 to len(s2)
'''output''' (with a freebie thrown in):
for j = 1 to len(s2)
if (i != j) and (s2[i] != s1[j]) and (s2[j] != s1[i])
if j < i
i1 = j
j1 = i
i1 = i
j1 = j
s2 = left(s2,i1-1) + substr(s2,j1,1) + substr(s2,i1+1,(j1-i1)-1) + substr(s2,i1,1) + substr(s2,j1+1)
bestshuffle = s2
return bestshuffle
abracadabra -> caadrbabaar 0
original: tree new: eert count: 0
seesaw -> ewaess 0
original: abracadabra new: baaracadrab count: 0
elk -> kel 0
original: seesaw new: eswase count: 0
grrrrrr -> rgrrrrr 5
original: elk new: lke count: 0
up -> pu 0
original: grrrrrr new: rrrrrrg count: 5
a -> a 1
original: up new: pu count: 0
original: a new: a count: 1
== {{header|Ruby}} ==
{{works with|Ruby|1.9}}
{{trans|Perl 6Raku}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ruby">def best_shuffle(s)
# Fill _pos_ with positions in the order
# that we want to fill them.
pos = []
# g["a"] = [2, 4] implies that s[2] == s[4] == "a"
g = (0...s.length).times.group_by { |i| s[i] }
# k sorts letters from low to high count
k = g.sort_by { |k, v| v.length }.map! { |k, v| k }
until g.empty?
k.each {do |letter|
g[letter] or next
g[letter].empty? and g.delete letter
# Now fill in _new_ with _letters_ according to each position
# in _pos_, but skip ahead in _letters_ if we can avoid
Line 2,311 ⟶ 4,576:
new = "?" * s.length
until letters.empty?
i, p = 0, pos.shiftpop
i += 1 while letters[i] == s[p] and i < (letters.length - 1)
new[p] = letters.slice! i
score = { |c, d| c == d }
[new, score]
%w(abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a).each {do |word|
printfputs "%s, %s, (%d)\n", % [word, *best_shuffle(word)]
<pre>abracadabra, baarrcadaab, (0)
seesaw, essewa, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)</pre>
== {{header|Run BASIC}} ==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="runbasic">list$ = "abracadabra seesaw pop grrrrrr up a"
while word$(list$,ii + 1," ") <> ""
Line 2,358 ⟶ 4,623:
next i
bestShuffle$ = s2$
end function</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 2,368 ⟶ 4,633:
up pu 0
a a 1</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="rust">extern crate permutohedron;
extern crate rand;
use std::cmp::{min, Ordering};
use std::env;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use std::str;
const WORDS: &'static [&'static str] = &["abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"];
struct Solution {
original: String,
shuffled: String,
score: usize,
// Ordering trait implementations are only needed for the permutations method
impl PartialOrd for Solution {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Solution) -> Option<Ordering> {
match (self.score, other.score) {
(s, o) if s < o => Some(Ordering::Less),
(s, o) if s > o => Some(Ordering::Greater),
(s, o) if s == o => Some(Ordering::Equal),
_ => None,
impl PartialEq for Solution {
fn eq(&self, other: &Solution) -> bool {
match (self.score, other.score) {
(s, o) if s == o => true,
_ => false,
impl Ord for Solution {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Solution) -> Ordering {
match (self.score, other.score) {
(s, o) if s < o => Ordering::Less,
(s, o) if s > o => Ordering::Greater,
_ => Ordering::Equal,
fn _help() {
println!("Usage: best_shuffle <word1> <word2> ...");
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let mut words: Vec<String> = vec![];
match args.len() {
1 => {
for w in WORDS.iter() {
_ => {
for w in args.split_at(1).1 {
let solutions = words.iter().map(|w| best_shuffle(w)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
for s in solutions {
println!("{}, {}, ({})", s.original, s.shuffled, s.score);
// Implementation iterating over all permutations
fn _best_shuffle_perm(w: &String) -> Solution {
let mut soln = Solution {
original: w.clone(),
shuffled: w.clone(),
score: w.len(),
let w_bytes: Vec<u8> = w.clone().into_bytes();
let mut permutocopy = w_bytes.clone();
let mut permutations = permutohedron::Heap::new(&mut permutocopy);
while let Some(p) = permutations.next_permutation() {
let hamm = hamming(&w_bytes, p);
soln = min(soln,
Solution {
original: w.clone(),
shuffled: String::from(str::from_utf8(p).unwrap()),
score: hamm,
// Accept the solution if score 0 found
if hamm == 0 {
// Quadratic implementation
fn best_shuffle(w: &String) -> Solution {
let w_bytes: Vec<u8> = w.clone().into_bytes();
let mut shuffled_bytes: Vec<u8> = w.clone().into_bytes();
// Shuffle once
let sh: &mut [u8] = shuffled_bytes.as_mut_slice();
// Swap wherever it doesn't decrease the score
for i in {
for j in {
if (i == j) | (sh[i] == w_bytes[j]) | (sh[j] == w_bytes[i]) | (sh[i] == sh[j]) {
sh.swap(i, j);
let res = String::from(str::from_utf8(sh).unwrap());
let res_bytes: Vec<u8> = res.clone().into_bytes();
Solution {
original: w.clone(),
shuffled: res,
score: hamming(&w_bytes, &res_bytes),
fn hamming(w0: &Vec<u8>, w1: &Vec<u8>) -> usize {
w0.iter().zip(w1.iter()).filter(|z| z.0 == z.1).count()
abracadabra, caadabarabr, (0)
seesaw, esswea, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrrgrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
There are two implementations. One is simple but exponential and very inefficient. The second one is quadratic. Both are pure functional. Given quadratic solution has a bigger constant than the one used in the Python implementation, but doesn't use mutable datastructures.
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">
def coincidients(s1: Seq[Char], s2: Seq[Char]): Int = (s1, s2).zipped.count(p => (p._1 == p._2))
def freqMap(s1: List[Char]) = s1.groupBy(_.toChar).mapValues(_.size)
def estimate(s1: List[Char]): Int = if (s1 == Nil) 0 else List(0, freqMap(s1).maxBy(_._2)._2 - (s1.size / 2)).max
def bestShuffle(s: String): Pair[String, Int] = {
if (s == "") return ("", 0) else {}
val charList = s.toList
val estim = estimate(charList)
// purely functional polynomial solution
def doStep(accu: List[Pair[Int, Int]], sourceFreqMap: Map[Int, Int], targetFreqMap: Map[Int, Int], stepsLeft: Int): List[Pair[Int, Int]] = {
if (stepsLeft == 0) accu else {
val srcChoices = sourceFreqMap.groupBy(_._2).minBy(_._1)._2
val src = srcChoices.toList.apply(Random.nextInt(srcChoices.size))._1
val tgtChoices = => if (charList(p._1) != charList(src)) (p._1, p._2) else (p._1, Int.MaxValue / 2)).groupBy(_._2).minBy(_._1)._2
val tgt = tgtChoices.toList.apply(Random.nextInt(tgtChoices.size))._1
doStep((src, tgt) :: accu,
sourceFreqMap.filterKeys(_ != src).map(p => if (charList(p._1) != charList(tgt)) (p._1, p._2 - 1) else (p._1, p._2)),
targetFreqMap.filterKeys(_ != tgt).map(p => if (charList(p._1) != charList(src)) (p._1, p._2 - 1) else (p._1, p._2)),
stepsLeft - 1)
val leftFreqMap: Map[Int, Int] = => (p._2, p._1)).toMap.mapValues(x => freqMap(charList).mapValues(charList.size - _)(x))
val substs = doStep(List(), leftFreqMap, leftFreqMap, charList.size)
val res = substs.sortBy(_._1).map(p => charList(p._2))
(res.mkString, coincidients(charList, res))
// exponential solution (inefficient)
//Random.shuffle(charList).permutations.find(coincidients(charList, _) <= estim)
The test code:
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
The ScalaCheck code
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">
object BestShuffleSpecification extends Properties("BestShuffle") {
property("size") = forAll { (src: String) =>
val s = Main.bestShuffle(src)
s._1.size == src.size
property("freq") = forAll { (src: String) =>
val s = Main.bestShuffle(src)
Main.freqMap(s._1.toList) == Main.freqMap(src.toList)
property("estimate") = forAll { (src: String) =>
val s = Main.bestShuffle(src)
Main.estimate(src.toList) == s._2
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="scheme">
(define count
(lambda (str1 str2)
Line 2,436 ⟶ 4,928:
(number->string (count str shuffled)) ")\n"))))
'("abracadabra" "seesaw" "elk" "grrrrrr" "up" "a"))
Line 2,447 ⟶ 4,939:
a a (1)
<syntaxhighlight lang="seed7">$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
const func string: bestShuffle (in string: stri) is func
var string: shuffled is "";
var char: tmp is ' ';
var integer: i is 0;
var integer: j is 0;
shuffled := stri;
for key i range shuffled do
for key j range shuffled do
if i <> j and stri[i] <> shuffled[j] and stri[j] <> shuffled[i] then
tmp := shuffled[i];
shuffled @:= [i] shuffled[j];
shuffled @:= [j] tmp;
end if;
end for;
end for;
end func;
const proc: main is func
const array string: testData is [] ("abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a");
var string: original is "";
var string: shuffled is "";
var integer: j is 0;
var integer: score is 0;
for original range testData do
shuffled := bestShuffle(original);
score := 0;
for key j range shuffled do
if original[j] = shuffled[j] then
end if;
end for;
writeln(original <& ", " <& shuffled <& ", (" <& score <& ")");
end for;
end func;</syntaxhighlight>
abracadabra, caadrbabaar, (0)
seesaw, ewaess, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">func best_shuffle(String orig) -> (String, Number) {
var s = orig.chars
var t = s.shuffle
for i (^s) {
for j (^s) {
if (i!=j && t[i]!=s[j] && t[j]!=s[i]) {
t[i, j] = t[j, i]
(t.join, s ~Z== t -> count(true))
for word (<abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a>) {
var (sword, score) = best_shuffle(word)
"%-12s %12s: %d\n".printf(word, sword, score)
<pre>abracadabra daabacarrab: 0
seesaw esaews: 0
elk lke: 0
grrrrrr rgrrrrr: 5
up pu: 0
a a: 1</pre>
As a structured script.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">#!/usr/local/bin/spar
pragma annotate( summary, "best_shuffle" )
@( description, "Shuffle the characters of a string in such a" )
@( description, "way that as many of the character values are" )
@( description, "in a different position as possible. Print" )
@( description, "the result as follows: original string," )
@( description, "shuffled string, (score). The score gives the" )
@( description, "number of positions whose character value" )
@( description, "did not change." )
@( author, "Ken O. Burtch" )
@( see_also, "" );
pragma license( unrestricted );
pragma restriction( no_external_commands );
procedure best_shuffle is
-- Shuffle the characters in a string. Do not swap identical characters
function shuffle( s : string ) return string is
t : string := s;
tmp : character;
for i in 1..strings.length(s) loop
for j in 1..strings.length(s) loop
if i /= j and strings.element( s, i ) /= strings.element( t, j ) and strings.element( s, j ) /= strings.element( t, i ) then
tmp := strings.element( t, i );
t := strings.overwrite( t, i, strings.element( t, j ) & "" );
t := strings.overwrite( t, j, tmp & "" );
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
return t;
end shuffle;
stop : boolean := false;
while not stop loop
original : constant string := get_line;
shuffled : constant string := shuffle( original );
score : natural := 0;
if original = "" then
end if;
-- determine the score for the shuffled string
for i in 1..strings.length( original ) loop
if strings.element( original, i ) = strings.element( shuffled, i ) then
score := @+1;
end if;
end loop;
put_line( original & ", " & shuffled & ", (" &
strings.image( score ) & " )" );
end loop;
end best_shuffle;</syntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="tcl">package require Tcl 8.5
package require struct::list
Line 2,471 ⟶ 5,110:
set best [join $best ""]
return "$str,$best,($score)"
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="tcl">foreach sample {abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a} {
puts [bestshuffle $sample]
Line 2,485 ⟶ 5,124:
An implementation based on the J solution looks like this.
<langsyntaxhighlight Ursalalang="ursala">#import std
#import nat
Line 2,497 ⟶ 5,135:
main = ~&LS <.~&l,@r :/` ,' ('--+ --')'+ ~&h+ %nP+ length@plrEF>^(~&,shuffle)* words</langsyntaxhighlight>
A solution based on exponential search would use this definition of <code>shuffle</code> (cf. Haskell and Tcl).
<langsyntaxhighlight Ursalalang="ursala">shuffle = ~&r+ length@plrEZF$^^D/~& permutations</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>abracadabra caarrbabaad (0)
Line 2,507 ⟶ 5,145:
up pu (0)
a a (1)</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
Option Explicit
Sub Main_Best_shuffle()
Dim S() As Long, W, b As Byte, Anagram$, Count&, myB As Boolean, Limit As Byte, i As Integer
W = Array("a", "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "qwerty", "tttt")
For b = 0 To UBound(W)
Count = 0
Select Case Len(W(b))
Case 1: Limit = 1
Case Else
i = NbLettersDiff(W(b))
If i >= Len(W(b)) \ 2 Then
Limit = 0
ElseIf i = 1 Then
Limit = Len(W(b))
Limit = Len(W(b)) - i
End If
End Select
S() = ShuffleIntegers(Len(W(b)))
myB = GoodShuffle(S, Limit)
Loop While Not myB
Anagram = ShuffleWord(CStr(W(b)), S)
Count = Nb(W(b), Anagram)
If Count > Limit Then GoTo RePlay
Debug.Print W(b) & " ==> " & Anagram & " (Score : " & Count & ")"
End Sub
Function ShuffleIntegers(l As Long) As Long()
Dim i As Integer, ou As Integer, temp() As Long
Dim C As New Collection
ReDim temp(l - 1)
If l = 1 Then
temp(0) = 0
ElseIf l = 2 Then
temp(0) = 1: temp(1) = 0
ou = Int(Rnd * l)
On Error Resume Next
C.Add CStr(ou), CStr(ou)
If Err <> 0 Then
On Error GoTo 0
temp(ou) = i
i = i + 1
End If
Loop While C.Count <> l
End If
ShuffleIntegers = temp
End Function
Function GoodShuffle(t() As Long, Lim As Byte) As Boolean
Dim i&, C&
For i = LBound(t) To UBound(t)
If t(i) = i Then C = C + 1
Next i
GoodShuffle = (C <= Lim)
End Function
Function ShuffleWord(W$, S() As Long) As String
Dim i&, temp, strR$
temp = Split(StrConv(W, vbUnicode), Chr(0))
For i = 0 To UBound(S)
strR = strR & temp(S(i))
Next i
ShuffleWord = strR
End Function
Function Nb(W, A) As Integer
Dim i As Integer, l As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(W)
If Mid(W, i, 1) = Mid(A, i, 1) Then l = l + 1
Next i
Nb = l
End Function
Function NbLettersDiff(W) As Integer
Dim i&, C As New Collection
For i = 1 To Len(W)
On Error Resume Next
C.Add Mid(W, i, 1), Mid(W, i, 1)
Next i
NbLettersDiff = C.Count
End Function
<pre>a ==> a (Score : 1)
abracadabra ==> baacdbaraar (Score : 0)
seesaw ==> awsees (Score : 0)
elk ==> kel (Score : 0)
grrrrrr ==> rgrrrrr (Score : 5)
up ==> pu (Score : 0)
qwerty ==> eytwrq (Score : 0)
tttt ==> tttt (Score : 4)</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">'Best Shuffle Task
'VBScript Implementation
Function bestshuffle(s)
Dim arr:Redim arr(Len(s)-1)
'The Following Does the toCharArray() Functionality
For i = 0 To Len(s)-1
arr(i) = Mid(s, i + 1, 1)
arr = shuffler(arr) 'Make this line a comment for deterministic solution
For i = 0 To UBound(arr):Do
If arr(i) <> Mid(s, i + 1, 1) Then Exit Do
For j = 0 To UBound(arr)
If arr(i) <> arr(j) And arr(i) <> Mid(s, j + 1, 1) And arr(j) <> Mid(s, i + 1, 1) Then
tmp = arr(i)
arr(i) = arr(j)
arr(j) = tmp
End If
Loop While False:Next
shuffled_word = Join(arr,"")
'This section is the scorer
score = 0
For k = 1 To Len(s)
If Mid(s,k,1) = Mid(shuffled_word,k,1) Then
score = score + 1
End If
bestshuffle = shuffled_word & ",(" & score & ")"
End Function
Function shuffler(array)
Set rand = CreateObject("System.Random")
For i = UBound(array) to 0 Step -1
r = rand.next_2(0, i + 1)
tmp = array(i)
array(i) = array(r)
array(r) = tmp
shuffler = array
End Function
'Testing the function
word_list = Array("abracadabra","seesaw","elk","grrrrrr","up","a")
For Each word In word_list
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine word & "," & bestshuffle(word)
<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">import "random" for Random
class BestShuffle {
static shuffle_(ca) {
var rand =
var i = ca.count - 1
while (i >= 1) {
var r = + 1)
var tmp = ca[i]
ca[i] = ca[r]
ca[r] = tmp
i = i - 1
static count_(ca, s1) {
var count = 0
for (i in if (s1[i] == ca[i]) count = count + 1
return count
static invoke(s1) {
var s2 = s1.toList
for (i in 0...s2.count) {
if (s2[i] == s1[i]) {
for (j in 0...s2.count) {
if (s2[i] != s2[j] && s2[i] != s1[j] && s2[j] != s1[i]) {
var tmp = s2[i]
s2[i] = s2[j]
s2[j] = tmp
return s1 + ", " + s2.join() + ", (" + "%(count_(s2, s1))" + ")"
var words = ["tree", "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"]
words.each { |w| System.print(BestShuffle.invoke(w)) }</syntaxhighlight>
tree, eert, (0)
abracadabra, baarabacadr, (0)
seesaw, aswese, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
<syntaxhighlight lang="xpl0">include c:\cxpl\codes; \'code' declarations
string 0; \use zero-terminated string convention
func StrLen(A); \Return number of characters in an ASCIIZ string
char A;
int I;
for I:= 0 to -1>>1-1 do
if A(I) = 0 then return I;
proc Shuffle(W0); \Display best shuffle of characters in a word
char W0;
char W(20), SW(20);
int L, I, S, SS, C, T;
[L:= StrLen(W0); \word length
for I:= 0 to L do W(I):= W0(I); \get working copy of word (including 0)
SS:= 20; \initialize best (saved) score
for C:= 1 to 1_000_000 do \overkill? XPL0 is fast
[I:= Ran(L); \shuffle: swap random char with end char
T:= W(I); W(I):= W(L-1); W(L-1):= T;
S:= 0; \compute score
for I:= 0 to L-1 do
if W(I) = W0(I) then S:= S+1;
if S < SS then
[SS:= S; \save best score and best shuffle
for I:= 0 to L do SW(I):= W(I);
Text(0, W0); Text(0, ", "); \show original and shuffled words, score
Text(0, SW); Text(0, ", ("); IntOut(0, SS); ChOut(0, ^)); CrLf(0);
int S, I;
[S:= ["abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"];
for I:= 0 to 5 do Shuffle(S(I));
abracadabra, drababaraac, (0)
seesaw, easwes, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrrrrg, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
{{trans|Common Lisp}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="zkl">fcn bestShuffle(str){
s:=str.split("").shuffle(); // -->List
if(not s) return(str,str.len()); // can't shuffle "" or "a"
foreach i in (n){
foreach j in (n){
if (i!=j and s[i]!=str[j] and s[j]!=str[i]){
return(s.concat(), s.zipWith('==,str).sum(0));
<syntaxhighlight lang="zkl">ss:=T("abracadabra","immediately","grrrrrr","seesaw","pop","up","a","");
foreach s in (ss){
println("%s --> %s (%d)".fmt(s,ns,cnt));
abracadabra --> raabaracadb (0)
immediately --> mietlmedyia (0)
grrrrrr --> rgrrrrr (5)
seesaw --> asswee (0)
pop --> opp (1)
up --> pu (0)
a --> a (1)
--> (0)
=={{header|ZX Spectrum Basic}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="zxbasic">10 FOR n=1 TO 6
20 READ w$
30 GO SUB 1000
40 LET count=0
50 FOR i=1 TO LEN w$
60 IF w$(i)=b$(i) THEN LET count=count+1
70 NEXT i
80 PRINT w$;" ";b$;" ";count
90 NEXT n
100 STOP
1000 REM Best shuffle
1010 LET b$=w$
1020 FOR i=1 TO LEN b$
1030 FOR j=1 TO LEN b$
1040 IF (i<>j) AND (b$(i)<>w$(j)) AND (b$(j)<>w$(i)) THEN LET t$=b$(i): LET b$(i)=b$(j): LET b$(j)=t$
1110 NEXT j
1120 NEXT i
2000 DATA "abracadabra","seesaw","elk","grrrrrr","up","a"
<pre>abracadabra caadrbabaar 0
seesaw ewaess 0
elk kel 0
grrrrrr rgrrrrr 5
up pu 0
a a 1</pre>
{{omit from|bc|No string operations.}}
{{omit from|dc|No string operations.}}

Latest revision as of 16:50, 3 April 2024

Best shuffle
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Shuffle the characters of a string in such a way that as many of the character values are in a different position as possible.

A shuffle that produces a randomized result among the best choices is to be preferred. A deterministic approach that produces the same sequence every time is acceptable as an alternative.

Display the result as follows:

original string, shuffled string, (score) 

The score gives the number of positions whose character value did not change.

tree, eetr, (0)

Test cases

Related tasks

Other tasks related to string operations:
Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases


Translation of: Python
F count(w1, wnew)
   R sum(zip(w1, wnew).map((c1, c2) -> Int(c1 == c2)))

F best_shuffle(w)
   V wnew = Array(w)
   V n = w.len
   V rangei = Array(0 .< n)
   V rangej = Array(0 .< n)
   L(i) rangei
      L(j) rangej
         I i != j & wnew[j] != wnew[i] & w[i] != wnew[j] & w[j] != wnew[i]
            swap(&wnew[j], &wnew[i])
   V wnew_s = wnew.join(‘’)
   R (wnew_s, count(w, wnew_s))

V test_words = [‘tree’, ‘abracadabra’, ‘seesaw’, ‘elk’, ‘grrrrrr’, ‘up’, ‘a’,
                ‘antidisestablishmentarianism’, ‘hounddogs’,
                ‘aardvarks are ant eaters’, ‘immediately’, ‘abba’]
L(w) test_words
   V (wnew, c) = best_shuffle(w)
   print(‘#29, #<29 ,(#.)’.format(w, wnew, c))
                         tree, eert                          ,(0)
                  abracadabra, raacbbaraad                   ,(0)
                       seesaw, wsaees                        ,(0)
                          elk, kel                           ,(0)
                      grrrrrr, rrrrrrg                       ,(5)
                           up, pu                            ,(0)
                            a, a                             ,(1)
 antidisestablishmentarianism, tsesidatbslmiansnitreiamihan  ,(0)
                    hounddogs, ougdhosnd                     ,(0)
     aardvarks are ant eaters, re aar anarsdtrsktaeav e      ,(0)
                  immediately, ytidammeiel                   ,(0)
                         abba, baab                          ,(0)

AArch64 Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits
or android 64 bits with application Termux
/* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */
/*  program shuffleperf64.s   */
/* Constantes                       */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../" 

/* Initialized data                 */
szMessString:            .asciz "String :\n"
szString1:               .asciz "abracadabra"
.equ LGSTRING1,        . - szString1 - 1
szString2:               .asciz "seesaw"
.equ LGSTRING2,        . - szString2 - 1
szString3:               .asciz "elk"
.equ LGSTRING3,        . - szString3 - 1
szString4:               .asciz "grrrrrr"
.equ LGSTRING4,        . - szString4 - 1
szString5:               .asciz "up"
.equ LGSTRING5,        . - szString5 - 1
szString6:               .asciz "a"
.equ LGSTRING6,        . - szString6 - 1
szCarriageReturn:       .asciz "\n"
szMessStart:            .asciz "Program 64 bits start.\n"
.align 4
qGraine:                .quad  123456789
/* UnInitialized data               */
sZoneConv:              .skip 24
sBuffer:                .skip 80
/*  code section                    */
.global main 
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessStart
    bl affichageMess
    ldr x0,qAdrszString1             // string address
    mov x1,#LGSTRING1                // string length
    ldr x2,qAdrsBuffer               // result address
    bl testshuffle                   // call test
    ldr x0,qAdrszString2
    mov x1,#LGSTRING2
    ldr x2,qAdrsBuffer
    bl testshuffle
    ldr x0,qAdrszString3
    mov x1,#LGSTRING3
    ldr x2,qAdrsBuffer
    bl testshuffle
    ldr x0,qAdrszString4
    mov x1,#LGSTRING4
    ldr x2,qAdrsBuffer
    bl testshuffle
    ldr x0,qAdrszString5
    mov x1,#LGSTRING5
    ldr x2,qAdrsBuffer
    bl testshuffle
    ldr x0,qAdrszString6
    mov x1,#LGSTRING6
    ldr x2,qAdrsBuffer
    bl testshuffle
100:                                 // standard end of the program
    mov x0, #0                       // return code
    mov x8, #EXIT                    // request to exit program
    svc 0                            // perform system call
qAdrszMessString:         .quad  szMessString
qAdrsBuffer:              .quad  sBuffer
qAdrszString1:            .quad  szString1
qAdrszString2:            .quad  szString2
qAdrszString3:            .quad  szString3
qAdrszString4:            .quad  szString4
qAdrszString5:            .quad  szString5
qAdrszString6:            .quad  szString6
qAdrszCarriageReturn:     .quad  szCarriageReturn
qAdrszMessStart:          .quad  szMessStart
/*     test shuffle strings                                       */ 
/* x0 contains the address of the string */
/* x1 contains string length */
/* x2 contains result area */
    stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!          // register save
    stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]! 
    stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
    stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!
    mov x3,x0                    // display string
    bl affichageMess
    ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
    bl affichageMess
    mov x0,x3 
    bl shufflestrings
    mov x0,x2                    // display result string
    bl affichageMess
    ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
    bl affichageMess
    mov x4,#0                    // string index
    mov x0,#0                    // score
 1:                              // compute score loop
    ldrb w6,[x3,x4]
    ldrb w5,[x2,x4]
    cmp x6,x5
    add x6,x0,1
    csel x0,x6,x0,eq             // equal -> increment score
    add x4,x4,#1
    cmp x4,x1
    blt 1b
    ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
    bl conversion10              // conversion score in decimal
    ldr x0,qAdrsZoneConv
    bl affichageMess
    ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
    bl affichageMess
    ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
    bl affichageMess
    ldp x6,x7,[sp],16
    ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
    ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
    ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
qAdrsZoneConv:       .quad  sZoneConv
/*     shuffle strings  algorithme Fisher-Yates                   */ 
/* x0 contains the address of the string */
/* x1 contains string length */
/* x2 contains address result string */
    stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!               // TODO: save à completer 
    stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]! 
    stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
    mov x3,#0
1:                            // loop copy string in result
    ldrb w4,[x0,x3]
    strb w4,[x2,x3]
    add x3,x3,#1
    cmp x3,x1
    ble 1b
    sub x1,x1,#1              // last element
    mov x0,x1
    bl genereraleas           // call random 
    ldrb w4,[x2,x1]           // load byte string index loop
    ldrb w3,[x2,x0]           // load byte string random index 
    strb w3,[x2,x1]           // and exchange
    strb w4,[x2,x0]
    subs x1,x1,#1
    cmp x1,#1
    bge 2b

    ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
    ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
    ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
/*   Generation random number                  */
/* x0 contains limit  */
    stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!            // save  registers
    stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!            // save  registers
    ldr x1,qAdrqGraine
    ldr x2,[x1]
    ldr x3,qNbDep1
    mul x2,x3,x2
    ldr x3,qNbDep2
    add x2,x2,x3
    str x2,[x1]                    // maj de la graine pour l appel suivant 
    cmp x0,#0
    beq 100f
    udiv x3,x2,x0
    msub x0,x3,x0,x2               // résult = remainder
100:                               // end function
    ldp x2,x3,[sp],16              // restaur  2 registers
    ldp x1,lr,[sp],16              // restaur  2 registers
    ret                            // return to address lr x30
qAdrqGraine: .quad qGraine
qNbDep1:     .quad 0x0019660d
qNbDep2:     .quad 0x3c6ef35f

/*      ROUTINES INCLUDE                           */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../"
Program 64 bits start.







PROC BestShuffle(CHAR ARRAY orig,res)
  BYTE i,j,len
  CHAR tmp

  FOR i=1 TO len
    FOR j=1 TO len
      IF i#j AND orig(i)#res(j) AND orig(j)#res(i) THEN
        tmp=res(i) res(i)=res(j) res(j)=tmp

  CHAR ARRAY res(100)
  BYTE i,score

  FOR i=1 TO orig(0)
    IF orig(i)=res(i) THEN
  PrintF("%S, %S, (%B)%E",orig,res,score)

PROC Main()

Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer

abracadabra, caadrbabaar, (0)
seesaw, ewaess, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


Translation of: AWK
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

procedure Best_Shuffle is
   function Best_Shuffle (S : String) return String;

   function Best_Shuffle (S : String) return String is
      T : String (S'Range) := S;
      Tmp : Character;
      for I in S'Range loop
         for J in S'Range loop
            if I /= J and S (I) /= T (J) and S (J) /= T (I) then
               Tmp  := T (I);
               T (I) := T (J);
               T (J) := Tmp;
            end if;
         end loop;
      end loop;
      return T;
   end Best_Shuffle;

   Test_Cases : constant array (1 .. 6)
     of Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String :=
                  (Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String ("abracadabra"),
                   Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String ("seesaw"),
                   Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String ("elk"),
                   Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String ("grrrrrr"),
                   Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String ("up"),
                   Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String ("a"));

begin -- main procedure
   for Test_Case in Test_Cases'Range loop
         Original : constant String := Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String
           (Test_Cases (Test_Case));
         Shuffle  : constant String := Best_Shuffle (Original);
         Score : Natural := 0;
         for I in Original'Range loop
            if Original (I) = Shuffle (I) then
               Score := Score + 1;
            end if;
         end loop;
         Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Original & ", " & Shuffle & ", (" &
                                Natural'Image (Score) & " )");
   end loop;
end Best_Shuffle;


abracadabra, caadrbabaar, ( 0 )
seesaw, ewaess, ( 0 )
elk, kel, ( 0 )
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, ( 5 )
up, pu, ( 0 )
a, a, ( 1 )


Translation of: Action!
BEGIN # shuffle a string so as many as possible characters are moved #
    PROC best shuffle = ( STRING orig )STRING:
        STRING res := orig;
        FOR i FROM LWB orig TO UPB orig DO
            FOR j FROM LWB orig TO UPB orig DO
                IF i /= j AND orig[ i ] /= res[ j ] AND orig[ j ] /= res[ i ] THEN
                    CHAR tmp = res[ i ]; res[ i ] := res[ j ]; res[ j ] := tmp
    END # best shuffle # ;
    PROC test = ( STRING orig )VOID:
        STRING res   := best shuffle( orig );
        INT    score := 0;
        FOR i FROM LWB orig TO UPB orig DO
            IF orig[ i ] = res[ i ] THEN
                score +:= 1
        print( ( orig, ", ", res, ", (", whole( score, 0 ), ")", newline ) )
    END # test # ;

    test( "abracadabra" );
    test( "seesaw"      );
    test( "elk"         );
    test( "grrrrrr"     );
    test( "up"          );
    test( "a"           )
abracadabra, caadrbabaar, (0)
seesaw, ewaess, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)

ARM Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi
or android 32 bits with application Termux
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI  */
/*  program shuffleperf.s   */
/* Constantes                       */
/* for this file see task include a file in language ARM assembly*/
.include "../"

/* Initialized data                 */
szMessString:            .asciz "String :\n"
szString1:               .asciz "abracadabra"
.equ LGSTRING1,        . - szString1 - 1
szString2:               .asciz "seesaw"
.equ LGSTRING2,        . - szString2 - 1
szString3:               .asciz "elk"
.equ LGSTRING3,        . - szString3 - 1
szString4:               .asciz "grrrrrr"
.equ LGSTRING4,        . - szString4 - 1
szString5:               .asciz "up"
.equ LGSTRING5,        . - szString5 - 1
szString6:               .asciz "a"
.equ LGSTRING6,        . - szString6 - 1
szCarriageReturn:       .asciz "\n"
.align 4
iGraine:                .int 1234567
/* UnInitialized data               */
sZoneConv:              .skip 24
sBuffer:                .skip 80
/*  code section                    */
.global main 
    ldr r0,iAdrszString1             @ string address
    mov r1,#LGSTRING1                @ string length
    ldr r2,iAdrsBuffer               @ result address
    bl testshuffle                   @ call test
    ldr r0,iAdrszString2
    mov r1,#LGSTRING2
    ldr r2,iAdrsBuffer
    bl testshuffle
    ldr r0,iAdrszString3
    mov r1,#LGSTRING3
    ldr r2,iAdrsBuffer
    bl testshuffle
    ldr r0,iAdrszString4
    mov r1,#LGSTRING4
    ldr r2,iAdrsBuffer
    bl testshuffle
    ldr r0,iAdrszString5
    mov r1,#LGSTRING5
    ldr r2,iAdrsBuffer
    bl testshuffle
    ldr r0,iAdrszString6
    mov r1,#LGSTRING6
    ldr r2,iAdrsBuffer
    bl testshuffle
100:                                 @ standard end of the program
    mov r0, #0                       @ return code
    mov r7, #EXIT                    @ request to exit program
    svc 0                            @ perform system call
iAdrszMessString:         .int szMessString
iAdrsBuffer:              .int sBuffer
iAdrszString1:            .int szString1
iAdrszString2:            .int szString2
iAdrszString3:            .int szString3
iAdrszString4:            .int szString4
iAdrszString5:            .int szString5
iAdrszString6:            .int szString6
iAdrszCarriageReturn:     .int szCarriageReturn
/*     test shuffle strings                                       */ 
/* r0 contains the address of the string */
/* r1 contains string length */
/* r2 contains result area */
    push {r1-r6,lr}              @ save  registers 
    mov r3,r0                    @ display string
    bl affichageMess
    ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
    bl affichageMess
    mov r0,r3 
    bl shufflestrings
    mov r0,r2                    @ display result string
    bl affichageMess
    ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
    bl affichageMess
    mov r4,#0                    @ string index
    mov r0,#0                    @ score
 1:                              @ compute score loop
    ldrb r6,[r3,r4]
    ldrb r5,[r2,r4]
    cmp r6,r5
    addeq r0,r0,#1               @ equal -> increment score
    add r4,r4,#1
    cmp r4,r1
    blt 1b
    ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv
    bl conversion10              @ conversion score in decimal
    ldr r0,iAdrsZoneConv
    bl affichageMess
    ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
    bl affichageMess
    ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
    bl affichageMess
    pop {r1-r6,pc}                @ restaur registers
iAdrsZoneConv:       .int sZoneConv
/*     shuffle strings  algorithme Fisher-Yates                   */ 
/* r0 contains the address of the string */
/* r1 contains string length */
/* r2 contains address result string */
    push {r1-r4,lr}           @ save  registers 
    mov r3,#0
1:                            @ loop copy string in result
    ldrb r4,[r0,r3]
    strb r4,[r2,r3]
    add r3,r3,#1
    cmp r3,r1
    ble 1b
    sub r1,r1,#1              @ last element
    mov r0,r1                 @ limit random number
    bl genereraleas           @ call random 
    ldrb r4,[r2,r1]           @ load byte string index loop
    ldrb r3,[r2,r0]           @ load byte string random index 
    strb r3,[r2,r1]           @ and exchange
    strb r4,[r2,r0]
    subs r1,r1,#1
    cmp r1,#1
    bge 2b

    pop {r1-r4,pc}            @ restaur registers

/*   Generation random number                  */
/* r0 contains limit  */
    push {r1-r4,lr}                   @ save registers 
    ldr r4,iAdriGraine
    ldr r2,[r4]
    ldr r3,iNbDep1
    mul r2,r3,r2
    ldr r3,iNbDep1
    add r2,r2,r3
    str r2,[r4]                       @ maj de la graine pour l appel suivant 
    cmp r0,#0
    beq 100f
    mov r1,r0                         @ divisor
    mov r0,r2                         @ dividende
    bl division
    mov r0,r3                         @ résult = remainder
100:                                  @ end function
    pop {r1-r4,pc}                    @ restaur registers
iAdriGraine: .int iGraine
iNbDep1:     .int 0x343FD
iNbDep2:     .int 0x269EC3  
/*      ROUTINES INCLUDE                           */
/* for this file see task include a file in language ARM assembly*/
.include "../"
Program 32 bits start.







count: function [s1 s2][
    res: 0
    loop.with:'i s1 'c [
        if c = s2\[i] -> res: res + 1
    return res

shuff: function [str]->
    join shuffle split str

bestShuffle: function [s][
    shuffled: shuff s
    loop 0..dec size shuffled 'i [
        if shuffled\[i] <> s\[i] -> continue
        loop 0..dec size shuffled 'j [
            if all? @[
                shuffled\[i] <> shuffled\[j]
                shuffled\[i] <> s\[j]
                shuffled\[j] <> s\[i]
            ] [
                tmp: shuffled\[i]
                shuffled\[i]: shuffled\[j]
                shuffled\[j]: tmp
    return shuffled

words: ["abracadabra" "seesaw" "grrrrrr" "pop"
        "up" "a" "antidisestablishmentarianism"]

loop words 'w [
    sf: bestShuffle w
    print [w "->" sf "| count:" count w sf]
abracadabra -> caabararadb | count: 0 
seesaw -> esawse | count: 0 
grrrrrr -> rgrrrrr | count: 5 
pop -> opp | count: 1 
up -> pu | count: 0 
a -> a | count: 1 
antidisestablishmentarianism -> mesansrntbiissmtailihdaneait | count: 0


words := "abracadabra,seesaw,elk,grrrrrr,up,a"
Loop Parse, Words,`,
   out .= Score(A_LoopField, Shuffle(A_LoopField))
MsgBox % clipboard := out

 Cord := String
 Length := StrLen(String)
 CharType := A_IsUnicode ? "UShort" : "UChar"
 Loop, Parse, String  ; For each old character in String...
  Char1 := SubStr(Cord, A_Index, 1)
  If (Char1 <> A_LoopField)  ; If new character already differs,
   Continue                  ;  do nothing.
  Index1 := A_Index
  OldChar1 := A_LoopField
  Random, Index2, 1, Length  ; Starting at some random index,
  Loop, %Length%             ;  for each index...
   If (Index1 <> Index2)     ; Swap requires two different indexes.
    Char2 := SubStr(Cord, Index2, 1)
    OldChar2 := SubStr(String, Index2, 1)
    ; If after the swap, the two new characters would differ from
    ; the two old characters, then do the swap.
    If (Char1 <> OldChar2) and (Char2 <> OldChar1)
     ; Swap Char1 and Char2 inside Cord.
     NumPut(Asc(Char1), Cord, (Index2 - 1) << !!A_IsUnicode, CharType)
     NumPut(Asc(Char2), Cord, (Index1 - 1) << !!A_IsUnicode, CharType)
   Index2 += 1           ; Get next index.
   If (Index2 > Length)  ; If after last index,
    Index2 := 1          ;  use first index.
 Return Cord
Score(a, b){
	r := 0
	Loop Parse, a
		If (A_LoopField = SubStr(b, A_Index, 1))
	return a ", " b ", (" r ")`n"


abracadabra, caadarrbaab, (0)
seesaw, easews, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrrrrg, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


Translation of: Icon

The Icon and Unicon program uses a simple algorithm of swapping. This is relatively easy to translate to Awk.

	scram = best_shuffle($0)
	print $0 " -> " scram " (" unchanged($0, scram) ")"

function best_shuffle(s,    c, i, j, len, r, t) {
	len = split(s, t, "")

	# Swap elements of t[] to get a best shuffle.
	for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
		for (j = 1; j <= len; j++) {
			# Swap t[i] and t[j] if they will not match
			# the original characters from s.
			if (i != j &&
			    t[i] != substr(s, j, 1) &&
			    substr(s, i, 1) != t[j]) {
				c = t[i]
				t[i] = t[j]
				t[j] = c

	# Join t[] into one string.
	r = ""
	for (i = 1; i <= len; i++)
		r = r t[i]
	return r

function unchanged(s1, s2,    count, len) {
	count = 0
	len = length(s1)
	for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
		if (substr(s1, i, 1) == substr(s2, i, 1))
	return count

This program has the same output as the Icon and Unicon program.

Translation of: Raku

The Raku program (and the equivalent Ruby program) use several built-in array functions. Awk provides no array functions, except for split(). This Awk program, a translation from Raku, uses its own code

  • to sort an array,
  • to insert an element into the middle of an array,
  • to remove an element from the middle of an array (and close the gap),
  • to pop an element from the end of an array, and
  • to join the elements of an array into a string.

If those built-in array functions seem strange to you, and if you can understand these for loops, then you might prefer this Awk program. This algorithm counts the letters in the string, sorts the positions, and fills the positions in order.

# out["string"] = best shuffle of string _s_
# out["score"] = number of matching characters
function best_shuffle(out, s,    c, i, j, k, klen, p, pos, set, rlen, slen) {
	slen = length(s)
	for (i = 1; i <= slen; i++) {
		c = substr(s, i, 1)

		# _set_ of all characters in _s_, with count
		set[c] += 1

		# _pos_ classifies positions by letter,
		# such that pos[c, 1], pos[c, 2], ..., pos[c, set[c]]
		# are the positions of _c_ in _s_.
		pos[c, set[c]] = i

	# k[1], k[2], ..., k[klen] sorts letters from low to high count
	klen = 0
	for (c in set) {
		# insert _c_ into _k_
		i = 1
		while (i <= klen && set[k[i]] <= set[c])
			i++              # find _i_ to sort by insertion
		for (j = klen; j >= i; j--)
			k[j + 1] = k[j]  # make room for k[i]
		k[i] = c

	# Fill pos[slen], ..., pos[3], pos[2], pos[1] with positions
	# in the order that we want to fill them.
	i = 1
	while (i <= slen) {
		for (j = 1; j <= klen; j++) {
			c = k[j]
			if (set[c] > 0) {
				pos[i] = pos[c, set[c]]
				delete pos[c, set[c]]

	# Now fill in _new_ with _letters_ according to each position
	# in pos[slen], ..., pos[1], but skip ahead in _letters_
	# if we can avoid matching characters that way.
	rlen = split(s, letters, "")
	for (i = slen; i >= 1; i--) {
		j = 1
		p = pos[i]
		while (letters[j] == substr(s, p, 1) && j < rlen)
		for (new[p] = letters[j]; j < rlen; j++)
			letters[j] = letters[j + 1]
		delete letters[rlen]

	out["string"] = ""
	for (i = 1; i <= slen; i++) {
		out["string"] = out["string"] new[i]

	out["score"] = 0
	for (i = 1; i <= slen; i++) {
		if (new[i] == substr(s, i, 1))

	count = split("abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a", words)
	for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
		best_shuffle(result, words[i])
		printf "%s, %s, (%d)\n",
		    words[i], result["string"], result["score"]


$ awk -f best-shuffle.awk 
abracadabra, baarrcadaab, (0)
seesaw, essewa, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)

The output might change if the for (c in set) loop iterates the array in a different order.



DECLARE case$[] = { "tree", "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a" }

FOR z = 0 TO UBOUND(case$)-1

    result$ = EXPLODE$(case$[z], 1)
    FOR y = 1 TO AMOUNT(result$)
        FOR x = 1 TO LEN(case$[z])
            IF TOKEN$(result$, y) <> MID$(case$[z], x, 1) AND TOKEN$(result$, x) = MID$(case$[z], x, 1) THEN result$ = EXCHANGE$(result$, x, y)

    total = 0
    FOR x = 1 TO AMOUNT(result$)
        INCR total, IIF(MID$(case$[z], x, 1) = TOKEN$(result$, x), 1, 0)

    PRINT MERGE$(result$), ":", total


      a$ = "abracadabra" : b$ = FNshuffle(a$) : PRINT a$ " -> " b$ FNsame(a$,b$)
      a$ = "seesaw"      : b$ = FNshuffle(a$) : PRINT a$ " -> " b$ FNsame(a$,b$)
      a$ = "elk"         : b$ = FNshuffle(a$) : PRINT a$ " -> " b$ FNsame(a$,b$)
      a$ = "grrrrrr"     : b$ = FNshuffle(a$) : PRINT a$ " -> " b$ FNsame(a$,b$)
      a$ = "up"          : b$ = FNshuffle(a$) : PRINT a$ " -> " b$ FNsame(a$,b$)
      a$ = "a"           : b$ = FNshuffle(a$) : PRINT a$ " -> " b$ FNsame(a$,b$)
      DEF FNshuffle(s$)
      LOCAL i%, j%, l%, s%, t%, t$
      t$ = s$ : s% = !^s$ : t% = !^t$ : l% = LEN(t$)
      FOR i% = 0 TO l%-1 : SWAP t%?i%,t%?(RND(l%)-1) : NEXT
      FOR i% = 0 TO l%-1
        FOR j% = 0 TO l%-1
          IF i%<>j% THEN
            IF t%?i%<>s%?j% IF s%?i%<>t%?j% THEN
              SWAP t%?i%,t%?j%
              EXIT FOR
      NEXT i%
      = t$
      DEF FNsame(s$, t$)
      LOCAL i%, n%
      FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(s$)
        IF MID$(s$,i%,1)=MID$(t$,i%,1) n% += 1
      = " (" + STR$(n%) + ")"

Varies between runs.

abracadabra -> daaracababr (0)
seesaw -> essewa (0)
elk -> lke (0)
grrrrrr -> rgrrrrr (5)
up -> pu (0)
a -> a (1)


Not optimized:

    ( shuffle
    =   m car cdr todo a z count string 
      .     !arg:(@(?:%?car ?cdr).?todo)
          & !Count:?count
          & (   @( !todo
                 :   ?a
                     ( ?z
                     &   shuffle$(!cdr.str$(!a !z))
                       : (<!count:?count.?string)
                     & ~
              | !count:<!Count
              |   @(!todo:%?m ?z)
                & shuffle$(!cdr.!z):(?count.?string)
                & !count+1
            . !m !string
        | (0.)
  & abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a:?words
  &   whl
    ' ( !words:%?word ?words
      & @(!word:? [?Count)
      & out$(!word shuffle$(!word.!word))
  & Done

Optimized (~100 x faster):

    ( shuffle
    =   m car cdr todo a z count M string tried
      .     !arg:(@(?:%?car ?cdr).?todo)
          & !Count:?count
          & :?tried
          & (   @( !todo
                 :   ?a
                     ( %@?M
                     & ~(!tried:? !M ?)
                     & !M !tried:?tried
                     & !M:~!car
                     ( ?z
                     &   shuffle$(!cdr.str$(!a !z))
                       : (<!count:?count.?string)
                     & !M:?m
                     & ~
              | !count:<!Count
              |   @(!todo:%?m ?z)
                & shuffle$(!cdr.!z):(?count.?string)
                & !count+1
            . !m !string
        | (0.)
  & abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a:?words
  &   whl
    ' ( !words:%?word ?words
      & @(!word:? [?Count)
      & out$(!word shuffle$(!word.!word))
  & Done


abracadabra (0.b a a r a c a d r a b)
seesaw (0.e s s e w a)
elk (0.l k e)
grrrrrr (5.r g r r r r r)
up (0.p u)
a (1.a)
{!} Done


This approach is totally deterministic, and is based on the final J implementation from the talk page.

In essence: we form cyclic groups of character indices where each cyclic group is guaranteed to represent each character only once (two instances of the letter 'a' must have their indices in separate groups), and then we rotate each of the cyclic groups. We then use the before/after version of these cycles to shuffle the original text. The only way a character can be repeated, here, is when a cyclic group contains only one character index, and this can only happen when more than half of the text uses that character. This is C99 code.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>

#define DEBUG

void best_shuffle(const char* txt, char* result) {
    const size_t len = strlen(txt);
    if (len == 0)

#ifdef DEBUG
    // txt and result must have the same length
    assert(len == strlen(result));

    // how many of each character?
    size_t counts[UCHAR_MAX];
    memset(counts, '\0', UCHAR_MAX * sizeof(int));
    size_t fmax = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        counts[(unsigned char)txt[i]]++;
        const size_t fnew = counts[(unsigned char)txt[i]];
        if (fmax < fnew)
             fmax = fnew;
    assert(fmax > 0 && fmax <= len);

    // all character positions, grouped by character
    size_t *ndx1 = malloc(len * sizeof(size_t));
    if (ndx1 == NULL)
    for (size_t ch = 0, i = 0; ch < UCHAR_MAX; ch++)
       if (counts[ch])
            for (size_t j = 0; j < len; j++)
                if (ch == (unsigned char)txt[j]) {
                    ndx1[i] = j;

    // regroup them for cycles
    size_t *ndx2 = malloc(len * sizeof(size_t));
    if (ndx2 == NULL)
    for (size_t i = 0, n = 0, m = 0; i < len; i++) {
        ndx2[i] = ndx1[n];
        n += fmax;
        if (n >= len) {
            n = m;

    // how long can our cyclic groups be?
    const size_t grp = 1 + (len - 1) / fmax;
    assert(grp > 0 && grp <= len);

    // how many of them are full length?
    const size_t lng = 1 + (len - 1) % fmax;
    assert(lng > 0 && lng <= len);

    // rotate each group
    for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < fmax; i++) {
        const size_t first = ndx2[j];
        const size_t glen = grp - (i < lng ? 0 : 1);
        for (size_t k = 1; k < glen; k++)
            ndx1[j + k - 1] = ndx2[j + k];
        ndx1[j + glen - 1] = first;
        j += glen;

    // result is original permuted according to our cyclic groups
    result[len] = '\0';
    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
        result[ndx2[i]] = txt[ndx1[i]];


void display(const char* txt1, const char* txt2) {
    const size_t len = strlen(txt1);
    assert(len == strlen(txt2));
    int score = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
        if (txt1[i] == txt2[i])
    (void)printf("%s, %s, (%u)\n", txt1, txt2, score);

int main() {
    const char* data[] = {"abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr",
                          "up", "a", "aabbbbaa", "", "xxxxx"};
    const size_t data_len = sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < data_len; i++) {
        const size_t shuf_len = strlen(data[i]) + 1;
        char shuf[shuf_len];

#ifdef DEBUG
        memset(shuf, 0xFF, sizeof shuf);
        shuf[shuf_len - 1] = '\0';

        best_shuffle(data[i], shuf);
        display(data[i], shuf);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


abracadabra, brabacadaar, (0)
seesaw, wssaee, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrrrrg, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
aabbbbaa, bbaaaabb, (0)
, , (0)
xxxxx, xxxxx, (5)

Version with random result

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct letter_group_t {
	char c;
	int count;
} *letter_p;

struct letter_group_t all_letters[26];
letter_p letters[26];

/* counts how many of each letter is in a string, used later 
 * to generate permutations
int count_letters(const char *s)
	int i, c;
	for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
		all_letters[i].count = 0;
		all_letters[i].c = i + 'a';
	while (*s != '\0') {
		i = *(s++);

		/* don't want to deal with bad inputs */
		if (i < 'a' || i > 'z') {
			fprintf(stderr, "Abort: Bad string %s\n", s);

		all_letters[i - 'a'].count++;
	for (i = 0, c = 0; i < 26; i++)
		if (all_letters[i].count)
			letters[c++] = all_letters + i;

	return c;

int least_overlap, seq_no;
char out[100], orig[100], best[100];

void permutate(int n_letters, int pos, int overlap)
	int i, ol;
	if (pos < 0) {
                /* if enabled will show all shuffles no worse than current best */
	//	printf("%s: %d\n", out, overlap);

                /* if better than current best, replace it and reset counter */
		if (overlap < least_overlap) {
			least_overlap = overlap;
			seq_no = 0;

                /* the Nth best tie has 1/N chance of being kept, so all ties
                 * have equal chance of being selected even though we don't
                 * how many there are before hand
		if ( (double)rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0) * ++seq_no <= 1)
			strcpy(best, out);


        /* standard "try take the letter; try take not" recursive method */
	for (i = 0; i < n_letters; i++) {
		if (!letters[i]->count) continue;

		out[pos] = letters[i]->c;
		letters[i]->count --;
		ol = (letters[i]->c == orig[pos]) ? overlap + 1 : overlap;

                /* but don't try options that's already worse than current best */
		if (ol <= least_overlap)
			permutate(n_letters, pos - 1, ol);

		letters[i]->count ++;

void do_string(const char *str)
	least_overlap = strlen(str);
	strcpy(orig, str);

	seq_no = 0;
	out[least_overlap] = '\0';
	least_overlap ++;

	permutate(count_letters(str), least_overlap - 2, 0);
	printf("%s -> %s, overlap %d\n", str, best, least_overlap);

int main()
	return 0;


abracadebra -> edbcarabaar, overlap 0
grrrrrr -> rrgrrrr, overlap 5
elk -> kel, overlap 0
seesaw -> ewsesa, overlap 0
 -> , overlap 0

Deterministic method

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define FOR(x, y) for(x = 0; x < y; x++)
char *best_shuffle(const char *s, int *diff)
	int i, j = 0, max = 0, l = strlen(s), cnt[128] = {0};
	char buf[256] = {0}, *r;

	FOR(i, l) if (++cnt[(int)s[i]] > max) max = cnt[(int)s[i]];
	FOR(i, 128) while (cnt[i]--) buf[j++] = i;

	r = strdup(s);
	FOR(i, l) FOR(j, l)
		if (r[i] == buf[j]) {
			r[i] = buf[(j + max) % l] & ~128;
			buf[j] |= 128;

	*diff = 0;
	FOR(i, l) *diff += r[i] == s[i];

	return r;

int main()
	int i, d;
	const char *r, *t[] = {"abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a", 0};
	for (i = 0; t[i]; i++) {
		r = best_shuffle(t[i], &d);
		printf("%s %s (%d)\n", t[i], r, d);
	return 0;


For both solutions, a class is used to encapsulate the original string and to scrambling. A private function of the class does the actual sorting. An implicit conversion from string is also provided to allow for simple initialization, e.g.:

ShuffledString[] array = {"cat", "dog", "mouse"};

Which will immediately shuffle each word.

A sequential solution, which always produces the same output for the same input.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace BestShuffle_RC
    public class ShuffledString
        private string original;
        private StringBuilder shuffled;
        private int ignoredChars;

        public string Original
            get { return original; }

        public string Shuffled
            get { return shuffled.ToString(); }

        public int Ignored
            get { return ignoredChars; }

        private void Swap(int pos1, int pos2)
            char temp = shuffled[pos1];
            shuffled[pos1] = shuffled[pos2];
            shuffled[pos2] = temp;

        //Determine if a swap between these two would put a letter in a "bad" place
        //If true, a swap is OK. 
        private bool TrySwap(int pos1, int pos2)
            if (original[pos1] == shuffled[pos2] || original[pos2] == shuffled[pos1])
                return false;
                return true;

        //Constructor carries out calls Shuffle function. 
        public ShuffledString(string word)
            original = word;
            shuffled = new StringBuilder(word);

        //Does the hard work of shuffling the string.
        private void Shuffle()
            int length = original.Length;
            int swaps;
            Random rand = new Random();
            List<int> used = new List<int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                swaps = 0;
                while(used.Count <= length - i)//Until all possibilities have been tried
                    int j = rand.Next(i, length - 1);
                    //If swapping would make a difference, and wouldn't put a letter in a "bad" place,
                    //and hasn't already been tried, then swap
                    if (original[i] != original[j] && TrySwap(i, j) && !used.Contains(j))
                        Swap(i, j);
                        used.Add(j);//If swapping doesn't work, "blacklist" the index
                if (swaps == 0)
                    //If a letter was ignored (no swap was found), look backward for another change to make
                    for (int k = i; k >= 0; k--)
                        if (TrySwap(i, k))
                            Swap(i, k);
                //Clear the used indeces

        //Count how many letters are still in their original places.
        private void DetectIgnores()
            int ignores = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i++)
                if (original[i] == shuffled[i])

            ignoredChars = ignores;

        //To allow easy conversion of strings.
        public static implicit operator ShuffledString(string convert)
            return new ShuffledString(convert);

    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ShuffledString[] words = { "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a" };

            foreach(ShuffledString word in words)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, ({2})", word.Original, word.Shuffled, word.Ignored);


And a randomized solution, which will produce a more or less different result on every run:

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace BestShuffle_RC
    public class ShuffledString
        private string original;
        private StringBuilder shuffled;
        private int ignoredChars;

        public string Original
            get { return original; }

        public string Shuffled
            get { return shuffled.ToString(); }

        public int Ignored
            get { return ignoredChars; }

        private void Swap(int pos1, int pos2)
            char temp = shuffled[pos1];
            shuffled[pos1] = shuffled[pos2];
            shuffled[pos2] = temp;

        //Determine if a swap between these two would put a letter in a "bad" place
        //If true, a swap is OK. 
        private bool TrySwap(int pos1, int pos2)
            if (original[pos1] == shuffled[pos2] || original[pos2] == shuffled[pos1])
                return false;
                return true;

        //Constructor carries out calls Shuffle function. 
        public ShuffledString(string word)
            original = word;
            shuffled = new StringBuilder(word);

        //Does the hard work of shuffling the string.
        private void Shuffle()
            int length = original.Length;
            int swaps;
            Random rand = new Random();
            List<int> used = new List<int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                swaps = 0;
                while(used.Count <= length - i)//Until all possibilities have been tried
                    int j = rand.Next(i, length - 1);
                    //If swapping would make a difference, and wouldn't put a letter in a "bad" place,
                    //and hasn't already been tried, then swap
                    if (original[i] != original[j] && TrySwap(i, j) && !used.Contains(j))
                        Swap(i, j);
                        used.Add(j);//If swapping doesn't work, "blacklist" the index
                if (swaps == 0)
                    //If a letter was ignored (no swap was found), look backward for another change to make
                    for (int k = i; k >= 0; k--)
                        if (TrySwap(i, k))
                            Swap(i, k);
                //Clear the used indeces

        //Count how many letters are still in their original places.
        private void DetectIgnores()
            int ignores = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i++)
                if (original[i] == shuffled[i])

            ignoredChars = ignores;

        //To allow easy conversion of strings.
        public static implicit operator ShuffledString(string convert)
            return new ShuffledString(convert);

    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ShuffledString[] words = { "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a" };

            foreach(ShuffledString word in words)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, ({2})", word.Original, word.Shuffled, word.Ignored);


A sample output for the sequential shuffle:

abracadabra, rdabarabaac, (0)
seesaw, easwse, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
hounddog, unddohgo, (0)

A sample of the randomized shuffle:

abracadabra, raacarbdaab, (0)
seesaw, essewa, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrgrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


Works with: C++ version 11
Translation of: Java
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

template <class S>
class BestShuffle {
    BestShuffle() : rd(), g(rd()) {}

    S operator()(const S& s1) {
        S s2 = s1;
        shuffle(s2.begin(), s2.end(), g);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < s2.length(); i++)
            if (s2[i] == s1[i])
                for (unsigned j = 0; j < s2.length(); j++)
                    if (s2[i] != s2[j] && s2[i] != s1[j] && s2[j] != s1[i]) {
                        swap(s2[i], s2[j]);
        ostringstream os;
        os << s1 << endl << s2 << " [" << count(s2, s1) << ']';
        return os.str();

    static int count(const S& s1, const S& s2) {
        auto count = 0;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < s1.length(); i++)
            if (s1[i] == s2[i])
        return count;

    random_device rd;
    mt19937 g;

int main(int argc, char* arguments[]) {
    BestShuffle<basic_string<char>> bs;
    for (auto i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        cout << bs(basic_string<char>(arguments[i])) << endl;
    return 0;
raabadabcar (0)
wssaee (0)
rgrrrrr (5)
opp (1)
pu (0)
a (1)


Uses same method as J

(defn score [before after]
   (->> (map = before after)
	(filter true? ,)

(defn merge-vecs [init vecs]
  (reduce (fn [counts [index x]]
		 (assoc counts x (conj (get counts x []) index)))
	  init vecs))

(defn frequency
  "Returns a collection of indecies of distinct items"
  (->> (map-indexed vector coll)
       (merge-vecs {} ,)))

(defn group-indecies [s]
  (->> (frequency s)
       (sort-by count ,)

(defn cycles [coll]
  (let [n (count (first coll))
	cycle (cycle (range n))
	coll (apply concat coll)]
    (->> (map vector coll cycle)
	 (merge-vecs [] ,))))

(defn rotate [n coll]
  (let [c (count coll)
	n (rem (+ c n) c)]
    (concat (drop n coll) (take n coll))))

(defn best-shuffle [s]
  (let [ref (cycles (group-indecies s))
	prm (apply concat (map (partial rotate 1) ref))
	ref (apply concat ref)]
    (->> (map vector ref prm)
	 (sort-by first ,)
	 (map second ,)
	 (map (partial get s) ,)
	 (apply str ,)
	 (#(vector s % (score s %))))))

user> (->> ["abracadabra" "seesaw" "elk" "grrrrrr" "up" "a"]
	   (map best-shuffle ,)
[["abracadabra" "bdabararaac" 0]
 ["seesaw" "eawess" 0]
 ["elk" "lke" 0]
 ["grrrrrr" "rgrrrrr" 5]
 ["up" "pu" 0]
 ["a" "a" 1]]

Common Lisp

(defun count-equal-chars (string1 string2)
  (loop for c1 across string1 and c2 across string2
        count (char= c1 c2)))

(defun shuffle (string)
  (let ((length (length string))
        (result (copy-seq string)))
    (dotimes (i length result)
      (dotimes (j length)
        (when (and (/= i j)
                   (char/= (aref string i) (aref result j))
                   (char/= (aref string j) (aref result i)))
          (rotatef (aref result i) (aref result j)))))))
(defun best-shuffle (list)
  (dolist (string list)
    (let ((shuffled (shuffle string)))
      (format t "~%~a ~a (~a)"
              (count-equal-chars string shuffled)))))

(best-shuffle '("abracadabra" "seesaw" "elk" "grrrrrr" "up" "a"))


abracadabra caadrbabaar (0)
seesaw ewaess (0)
elk kel (0)
grrrrrr rgrrrrr (5)
up pu (0)
a a (1)

Version 2

(defun all-best-shuffles (str)
  (let (tbl out (shortest (length str)) (s str))

    (labels ((perm (ar l tmpl res overlap)
               (when (> overlap shortest)
                 (return-from perm))
               (when (zerop l) ; max depth of perm
                 (when (< overlap shortest)
                   (setf shortest overlap out '()))
                 (when (= overlap shortest)
                   (setf res (reverse (format nil "~{~c~^~}" res)))
                   (push (list res overlap) out)
                   (return-from perm)))
               (decf l)
               (dolist (x ar)
                 (when (plusp (cdr x))
                   (when (char= (car x) (char tmpl l))
                     (incf overlap))
                   (decf (cdr x))
                   (push (car x) res)
                   (perm ar l tmpl res overlap)
                   (pop res)
                   (incf (cdr x))
                   (when (char= (car x) (char tmpl l))
                     (decf overlap))))))
      (loop while (plusp (length s)) do
            (let* ((c (char s 0))
                   (l (count c s)))
              (push (cons c l) tbl)
              (setf s (remove c s))))
      (perm tbl (length str) (reverse str) '() 0))
(defun best-shuffle (str)
  "Algorithm: list all best shuffles, then pick one"
  (let ((c (all-best-shuffles str)))
    (elt c (random (length c)))))
(format t "All best shuffles:")
(print (all-best-shuffles "seesaw"))
(format t "~%~%Random best shuffles:~%")
(dolist (s (list "abracadabra" "seesaw" "elk" "grrrrrr" "up" "a"))
  (format t "~A: ~A~%" s (best-shuffle s)))

The output is:

abracadabra: (caardrabaab 0)
seesaw: (ewsase 0)
elk: (kel 0)
grrrrrr: (rrrgrrr 5)
up: (pu 0)
a: (a 1)


Translation of: Ruby
def best_shuffle(s)
  # Fill _pos_ with positions in the order
  # that we want to fill them.
  pos = [] of Int32
  # g["a"] = [2, 4] implies that s[2] == s[4] == "a"
  g = s.size.times.group_by { |i| s[i] }

  # k sorts letters from low to high count
  # k = g.sort_by { |k, v| v.length }.map { |k, v| k }        # in Ruby
  # k = g.to_a.sort_by { |(k, v)| v.size }.map { |(k, v)| k } # Crystal direct
  k = g.to_a.sort_by { |h| h[1].size }.map { |h| h[0] }       # Crystal shorter

  until g.empty?
    k.each do |letter|
      g.has_key?(letter) || next          # next unless g.has_key? letter
      pos << g[letter].pop
      g[letter].empty? && g.delete letter # g.delete(letter) if g[letter].empty?
  # Now fill in _new_ with _letters_ according to each position
  # in _pos_, but skip ahead in _letters_ if we can avoid
  # matching characters that way.
  letters = s.dup
  new = "?" * s.size

  until letters.empty?
    i, p = 0, pos.pop
    while letters[i] == s[p] && i < (letters.size - 1); i += 1 end
    # new[p] = letters.slice! i                            # in Ruby
    new = new.sub(p, letters[i]); letters = letters.sub(i, "")
  score = { |c, d| c == d }
  {new, score}

%w(abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a).each do |word|
  # puts "%s, %s, (%d)" % [word, *best_shuffle(word)]      # in Ruby
  new, score = best_shuffle(word)
  puts "%s, %s, (%d)" % [word, new, score]
abracadabra, baarrcadaab, (0)
seesaw, essewa, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


Version with random result

Translation of Icon via AWK

import std.stdio, std.random, std.algorithm, std.conv, std.range,
       std.traits, std.typecons;

auto bestShuffle(S)(in S orig) @safe if (isSomeString!S) {
    static if (isNarrowString!S)
        immutable o = orig.dtext;
        alias o = orig;

    auto s = o.dup;

    foreach (immutable i, ref ci; s) {
        if (ci != o[i])
        foreach (immutable j, ref cj; s)
            if (ci != cj && ci != o[j] && cj != o[i]) {
                swap(ci, cj);

    return tuple(s,!q{ a[0] == a[1] });
} unittest {
    assert("abracadabra".bestShuffle[1] == 0);
    assert("immediately".bestShuffle[1] == 0);
    assert("grrrrrr".bestShuffle[1] == 5);
    assert("seesaw".bestShuffle[1] == 0);
    assert("pop".bestShuffle[1] == 1);
    assert("up".bestShuffle[1] == 0);
    assert("a".bestShuffle[1] == 1);
    assert("".bestShuffle[1] == 0);

void main(in string[] args) @safe {
    if (args.length > 1) {
        immutable entry = args.dropOne.join(' ');
        const res = entry.bestShuffle;
        writefln("%s : %s (%d)", entry, res[]);

Deterministic approach

import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range;

extern(C) pure nothrow void* alloca(in size_t size);

void bestShuffle(in char[] txt, ref char[] result) pure nothrow {
    // Assume alloca to be pure.
    //extern(C) pure nothrow void* alloca(in size_t size);
    enum size_t NCHAR = size_t(char.max + 1);
    enum size_t MAX_VLA_SIZE = 1024;
    immutable size_t len = txt.length;
    if (len == 0)

    // txt and result must have the same length
    // allocate only when necessary
    if (result.length != len)
        result.length = len;

    // how many of each character?
    size_t[NCHAR] counts;
    size_t fmax = 0;
    foreach (immutable char c; txt) {
        if (fmax < counts[c])
            fmax = counts[c];
    assert(fmax > 0 && fmax <= len);

    // all character positions, grouped by character
    size_t[] ndx1;
        size_t* ptr1;
        if ((len * size_t.sizeof) < MAX_VLA_SIZE)
            ptr1 = cast(size_t*)alloca(len * size_t.sizeof);
        // If alloca() has failed, or the memory needed is too much
        // large, then allocate from the heap.
        ndx1 = (ptr1 == null) ? new size_t[len] : ptr1[0 .. len];
        int pos = 0;
        foreach (immutable size_t ch; 0 .. NCHAR)
           if (counts[ch])
                foreach (j, char c; txt)
                    if (c == ch) {
                        ndx1[pos] = j;

    // regroup them for cycles
    size_t[] ndx2;
        size_t* ptr2;
        if ((len * size_t.sizeof) < MAX_VLA_SIZE)
            ptr2 = cast(size_t*)alloca(len * size_t.sizeof);
        ndx2 = (ptr2 == null) ? new size_t[len] : ptr2[0 .. len];
        size_t n, m;
        foreach (immutable size_t i; 0 .. len) {
            ndx2[i] = ndx1[n];
            n += fmax;
            if (n >= len) {
                n = m;

    // How long can our cyclic groups be?
    immutable size_t grp = 1 + (len - 1) / fmax;

    // How many of them are full length?
    immutable size_t lng = 1 + (len - 1) % fmax;

    // Rotate each group.
        size_t j;
        foreach (immutable size_t i; 0 .. fmax) {
            immutable size_t first = ndx2[j];
            immutable size_t glen = grp - (i < lng ? 0 : 1);
            foreach (immutable size_t k; 1 .. glen)
                ndx1[j + k - 1] = ndx2[j + k];
            ndx1[j + glen - 1] = first;
            j += glen;

    // Result is original permuted according to our cyclic groups.
    foreach (immutable size_t i; 0 .. len)
        result[ndx2[i]] = txt[ndx1[i]];

void main() {
    auto data = ["abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr",
                 "up", "a", "aabbbbaa", "", "xxxxx"];
    foreach (txt; data) {
        auto result = txt.dup;
        bestShuffle(txt, result);
        immutable nEqual = zip(txt, result).count!q{ a[0] == a[1] };
        writefln("%s, %s, (%d)", txt, result, nEqual);
abracadabra, brabacadaar, (0)
seesaw, wssaee, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrrrrg, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
aabbbbaa, bbaaaabb, (0)
, , (0)
xxxxx, xxxxx, (5)


Translation of: C#
program Best_shuffle;



  TShuffledString = record
    original: string;
    Shuffled: TStringBuilder;
    ignoredChars: Integer;
    procedure DetectIgnores;
    procedure Shuffle;
    procedure Swap(pos1, pos2: Integer);
    function TrySwap(pos1, pos2: Integer): Boolean;
    function GetShuffled: string;
    class operator Implicit(convert: string): TShuffledString;
    constructor Create(Word: string);
    procedure Free;
    property Ignored: integer read ignoredChars;
    property ToString: string read GetShuffled;

{ TShuffledString }

procedure TShuffledString.Swap(pos1, pos2: Integer);
  temp: char;
  temp := shuffled[pos1];
  shuffled[pos1] := shuffled[pos2];
  shuffled[pos2] := temp;

function TShuffledString.TrySwap(pos1, pos2: Integer): Boolean;
  if (original[pos1] = shuffled[pos2]) or (original[pos2] = shuffled[pos1]) then

procedure TShuffledString.Shuffle;
  length, swaps: Integer;
  used: TList<Integer>;
  i, j, k: Integer;

  length := original.Length;
  used := TList<Integer>.create();

  for i := 0 to length - 1 do
    swaps := 0;
    while used.Count <= (length - i) do
      j := i + Random(length - 1 - i);

      if (original[i] <> original[j]) and TrySwap(i, j) and (not used.Contains(j)) then
        Swap(i, j);

    if swaps = 0 then
      for k := i downto 0 do
        if TrySwap(i, k) then
          Swap(i, k);

constructor TShuffledString.Create(Word: string);
  original := Word;
  shuffled := TStringBuilder.create(Word);

procedure TShuffledString.DetectIgnores;
  ignores, i: Integer;
  ignores := 0;
  for i := 0 to original.Length - 1 do
    if original[i] = shuffled[i] then
  ignoredChars := ignores;

procedure TShuffledString.Free;

function TShuffledString.GetShuffled: string;
  result := shuffled.ToString();

class operator TShuffledString.Implicit(convert: string): TShuffledString;
  result := TShuffledString.Create(convert);

  words: array of string;
  Word: TShuffledString;
  w: string;

  words := ['abracadabra', 'seesaw', 'elk', 'grrrrrr', 'up', 'a'];
  for w in words do
    Word := w;
    writeln(format('%s, %s, (%d)', [Word.Original, Word.ToString, Word.Ignored]));


Translation of: C


proc best_shuffle s$ . r$ diff .
   l = len s$
   for c$ in strchars s$
      s[] &= strcode c$
   len cnt[] 128
   for i to l
      cnt[s[i]] += 1
      max = higher max cnt[s[i]]
   for i to 128
      while cnt[i] > 0
         cnt[i] -= 1
         buf[] &= i
   r[] = s[]
   for i to l
      for j to l
         if r[i] = buf[j]
            r[i] = buf[(j + max) mod1 l] mod 128
            if buf[j] <= 128
               buf[j] += 128
            break 1
   diff = 0
   r$ = ""
   for i to l
      diff += if r[i] = s[i]
      r$ &= strchar r[i]
for s$ in [ "abracadabra" "seesaw" "elk" "grrrrrr" "up" "a" ]
   best_shuffle s$ r$ d
   print s$ & " " & r$ & " " & d
abracadabra brabacadaar 0
seesaw wssaee 0
elk kel 0
grrrrrr rgrrrrr 5
up pu 0
a a 1


ELENA 6.x :

import system'routines;
import extensions;
import extensions'text;

extension op
   get Shuffled()
      var original := self.toArray();
      var shuffled := self.toArray();
      for (int i := 0; i < original.Length; i += 1) {
         for (int j := 0; j < original.Length; j += 1) {
            if (i != j && original[i] != shuffled[j] && original[j] != shuffled[i])
      ^ shuffled.summarize(new StringWriter()).toString()
      var shuffled := self.toArray();
      var original := originalText.toArray();
      int score := 0;

      for (int i := 0; i < original.Length; i += 1) {
         if (original[i] == shuffled[i]) { score += 1 }
      ^ score

public program()
   new string[]{"abracadabra", "seesaw", "grrrrrr", "pop", "up", "a"}.forEach::(s)
      var shuffled_s := s.Shuffled;

      console.printLine("The best shuffle of ",s," is ",shuffled_s,"(",shuffled_s.score(s),")")

The best shuffle of abracadabra is caadrbabaar(0)
The best shuffle of seesaw is ewaess(0)
The best shuffle of grrrrrr is rgrrrrr(5)
The best shuffle of pop is opp(1)
The best shuffle of up is pu(0)
The best shuffle of a is a(1)


Deterministic version.

-module( best_shuffle ).

-export( [sameness/2, string/1, task/0] ).

sameness( String1, String2 ) -> lists:sum( [1 || {X, X} <- lists:zip(String1, String2)] ).

string( String ) ->
	{"", String, Acc} = lists:foldl( fun different/2, {lists:reverse(String), String, []}, String ),
	lists:reverse( Acc ).

task() ->
	Strings = ["abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"],
	Shuffleds = [string(X) || X <- Strings],
	[io:fwrite("~p ~p ~p~n", [X, Y, sameness(X,Y)]) || {X, Y} <- lists:zip(Strings, Shuffleds)].

different( Character, {[Character], Original, Acc} ) ->
	try_to_save_last( Character, Original, Acc );
different( Character, {[Character | T]=Not_useds, Original, Acc} ) ->
	Different_or_same = different_or_same( [X || X <- T, X =/= Character], Character ),
	{lists:delete(Different_or_same, Not_useds), Original, [Different_or_same | Acc]};
different( _Character1, {[Character2 | T], Original, Acc} ) ->
	{T, Original, [Character2 | Acc]}.

different_or_same( [Different | _T], _Character ) -> Different;
different_or_same( [], Character ) -> Character.

try_to_save_last( Character, Original_string, Acc ) ->
	Fun = fun ({X, Y}) -> (X =:= Y) orelse (X =:= Character) end,
	New_acc = try_to_save_last( lists:splitwith(Fun, lists:zip(lists:reverse(Original_string), [Character | Acc])), [Character | Acc] ),
	{"", Original_string, New_acc}.

try_to_save_last( {_Not_split, []}, Acc ) -> Acc;
try_to_save_last( {Last_reversed_zip, First_reversed_zip}, _Acc ) ->
	{_Last_reversed_original, [Last_character_acc | Last_part_acc]} = lists:unzip( Last_reversed_zip ),
	{_First_reversed_original, [Character_acc | First_part_acc]} = lists:unzip( First_reversed_zip ),
	[Character_acc | Last_part_acc] ++ [Last_character_acc | First_part_acc].
32> best_shuffle:task().
"abracadabra" "rabdacaraab" 0
"seesaw" "wasees" 0
"elk" "kel" 0
"grrrrrr" "rgrrrrr" 5
"up" "pu" 0
"a" "a" 1


Translation of: Liberty BASIC
Dim As String*11 lista(6) => {"abracadabra","seesaw","pop","grrrrrr","up","a"}

Function bestShuffle(s1 As String) As String
    Dim As String s2 = s1
    Dim As Integer i, j, i1, j1
    For i = 1 To Len(s2)
        For j =  1 To Len(s2)
            If (i <> j) And (Mid(s2,i,1) <> Mid(s1,j,1)) And (Mid(s2,j,1) <> Mid(s1,i,1)) Then
                If j < i Then i1 = j : j1 = i Else i1 = i : j1 = j
                s2 = Left(s2,i1-1) + Mid(s2,j1,1) + Mid(s2,i1+1,(j1-i1)-1) + Mid(s2,i1,1) + Mid(s2,j1+1)
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
    bestShuffle = s2
End Function

Dim As String palabra, bs
Dim As Integer puntos
For b As Integer = 0 To Ubound(lista)-1
    palabra  = lista(b)
    bs = bestShuffle(palabra)
    puntos = 0
    For i As Integer = 1 To Len(palabra)
        If Mid(palabra,i,1) = Mid(bs,i,1) Then puntos += 1
    Next i
    Print palabra; " ==> "; bs; "  (puntuaci¢n:"; puntos; ")"
Next b
abracadabra ==> caadrbabaar  (puntuación: 0)
seesaw ==> ewaess  (puntuación: 0)
pop ==> opp  (puntuación: 1)
grrrrrr ==> rgrrrrr  (puntuación: 5)
up ==> pu  (puntuación: 0)
a ==> a  (puntuación: 1)


include "Tlbx GameplayKit.incl"
include "NSLog.incl"

local fn ShuffleString( string as CFStringRef ) as CFStringRef
  NSInteger i
  CFMutableArrayRef mutArr = fn MutableArrayWithCapacity( 0 )
  for i = 0 to fn StringLength( string ) - 1
    MutableArrayAddObject( mutArr, fn StringSubstringWithRange( string, fn CFRangeMake( i, 1 ) ) )
  CFArrayRef shuffledArr = fn GKRandomSourceArrayByShufflingObjectsInArray( fn GKRandomSourceInit, mutArr )
end fn = fn ArrayComponentsJoinedByString( shuffledArr, @"" )

local fn StringDifferences( string1 as CFStringRef, string2 as CFStringRef ) as NSInteger
  NSInteger i, unchangedPosition = 0
  if fn StringLength( string1 ) != fn StringLength( string2 ) then NSLog( @"Strings must be of equal length." ) : exit fn
  for i = 0 to fn StringLength( string1 ) -1
    CFStringRef tempStr1 = fn StringSubstringWithRange( string1, fn CFRangeMake( i, 1 ) )
    CFStringRef tempStr2 = fn StringSubstringWithRange( string2, fn CFRangeMake( i, 1 ) )
    if fn StringIsEqual( tempStr1, tempStr2 ) == YES then unchangedPosition++
end fn = unchangedPosition

NSInteger   i, j, count
CFArrayRef  stringArr
CFStringRef originalStr, shuffledStr

stringArr = @[@"abracadabra", @"seesaw", @"elk", @"grrrrrr", @"up", @"a"]
count = fn ArrayCount( stringArr )

for i = 0 to 3
  for j = 0 to count - 1
    originalStr = stringArr[j]
    shuffledStr = fn ShuffleString( stringArr[j] )
    NSLog( @"%@, %@, (%ld)", originalStr, shuffledStr, fn StringDifferences( originalStr, shuffledStr ) )
  NSLog( @"\n" )


Output with four shuffles:

abracadabra, caaarrdabab, (4)
seesaw, eeswsa, (1)
elk, kle, (1)
grrrrrr, grrrrrr, (7)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)

abracadabra, bcarradabaa, (5)
seesaw, sewsea, (3)
elk, ekl, (1)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, up, (2)
a, a, (1)

abracadabra, rababcdraaa, (3)
seesaw, seewsa, (3)
elk, ekl, (1)
grrrrrr, rrrrgrr, (5)
up, up, (2)
a, a, (1)

abracadabra, aababrrdcaa, (3)
seesaw, eeassw, (3)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrrrgr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


Translation of: Icon and Unicon
package main

import (

var ts = []string{"abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"}

func main() {
    for _, s := range ts {
        // create shuffled byte array of original string
        t := make([]byte, len(s))
        for i, r := range rand.Perm(len(s)) {
            t[i] = s[r]
        // algorithm of Icon solution
        for i := range t {
            for j := range t {
                if i != j && t[i] != s[j] && t[j] != s[i] {
                    t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i]
        // count unchanged and output
        var count int
        for i, ic := range t {
            if ic == s[i] {
        fmt.Printf("%s -> %s (%d)\n", s, string(t), count)
Output of two runs:
abracadabra -> raaracbbaad (0)
seesaw -> asswee (0)
elk -> lke (0)
grrrrrr -> rgrrrrr (5)
up -> pu (0)
a -> a (1)
abracadabra -> raadabaracb (0)
seesaw -> wsseea (0)
elk -> kel (0)
grrrrrr -> rrrrrgr (5)
up -> pu (0)
a -> a (1)


def shuffle(text) {
    def shuffled = (text as List)
    for (sourceIndex in 0..<text.size()) {
        for (destinationIndex in 0..<text.size()) {
                if (shuffled[sourceIndex] != shuffled[destinationIndex] && shuffled[sourceIndex] != text[destinationIndex] && shuffled[destinationIndex] != text[sourceIndex]) {
                    char tmp = shuffled[sourceIndex];
                    shuffled[sourceIndex] = shuffled[destinationIndex];
                    shuffled[destinationIndex] = tmp;
    [original: text, shuffled: shuffled.join(""), score: score(text, shuffled)]

def score(original, shuffled) {
    int score = 0
    original.eachWithIndex { character, index ->
        if (character == shuffled[index]) {

["abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"].each { text ->
    def result = shuffle(text)
    println "${result.original}, ${result.shuffled}, (${result.score})"


abracadabra, baaracadabr, (0)
seesaw, esswea, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


We demonstrate several approaches here. In order to test the program we define a testing suite:

shufflingQuality l1 l2 = length $ filter id $ zipWith (==) l1 l2

printTest prog = mapM_ test texts
    test s = do
      x <- prog s
      putStrLn $ unwords $ [ show s
                           , show x
                           , show $ shufflingQuality s x]
    texts = [ "abba", "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk" , "grrrrrr"
            , "up", "a", "aaaaa.....bbbbb"
            , "Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site." ]

Deterministic List-based solution

The core of the algorithm is swapping procedure similar to those implemented in AWK and Icon examples. It could be done by a pure program with use of immutable vectors (though it is possible to use mutable vectors living in ST or IO, but it won't make the program more clear).

import Data.Vector ((//), (!))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.List (delete, find)

swapShuffle :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
swapShuffle lref lst = V.toList $ foldr adjust (V.fromList lst) [0..n-1]
    vref = V.fromList lref
    n = V.length vref
    adjust i v = case find alternative [0.. n-1] of
      Nothing -> v
      Just j -> v // [(j, v!i), (i, v!j)]
        alternative j = and [ v!i == vref!i
                            , i /= j
                            , v!i /= vref!j
                            , v!j /= vref!i ]

shuffle :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
shuffle lst = swapShuffle lst lst
λ> printTest (pure . shuffle)
"abba" "baab" 0
"abracadabra" "daabacarrab" 0
"seesaw" "esaews" 0
"elk" "lke" 0
"grrrrrr" "rrrrrrg" 5
"up" "pu" 0
"a" "a" 1
"aaaaa.....bbbbb" ".....bbbbbaaaaa" 0
"Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site." "stetma Code is a programoing chrestomathy site.R" 0

The program works but shuffling is not good in case of a real text, which was just shifted. We can make it better using Perfect shuffle (faro shuffle) before the swapping procedure.

perfectShuffle :: [a] -> [a]
perfectShuffle [] = []
perfectShuffle lst | odd n = b : shuffle (zip bs a)
                   | even n = shuffle (zip (b:bs) a)
    n = length lst
    (a,b:bs) = splitAt (n `div` 2) lst
    shuffle = foldMap (\(x,y) -> [x,y])
shuffleP :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
shuffleP lst = swapShuffle lst $ perfectShuffle lst
λ> qualityTest (pure . shuffleP)
"abba" "baab" 0
"abracadabra" "baadabrraac" 0
"seesaw" "assewe" 0
"elk" "lke" 0
"grrrrrr" "rrgrrrr" 5
"up" "pu" 0
"a" "a" 1
"aaaaa.....bbbbb" "bbb.baaaaba...." 0
"Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site." " Rmoisnegt tcahmrCeosdteo miast hay  psriotger.a" 0

That's much better.

Nondeterministic List-based solution

Adding randomness is easy: just perform random shuffle before swapping procedure.

Additional import:

import Control.Monad.Random (getRandomR)
randomShuffle :: [a] -> IO [a]
randomShuffle [] = return []
randomShuffle lst = do
  i <- getRandomR (0,length lst-1)
  let (a, x:b) = splitAt i lst
  xs <- randomShuffle $ a ++ b
  return (x:xs)
shuffleR :: Eq a => [a] -> IO [a]
shuffleR lst = swapShuffle lst <$> randomShuffle lst
λ> qualityTest shuffleR
"abba" "baab" 0
"abracadabra" "raacadababr" 0
"seesaw" "wsaese" 0
"elk" "kel" 0
"grrrrrr" "rrrgrrr" 5
"up" "pu" 0
"a" "a" 1
"aaaaa.....bbbbb" "b.b.baababa.a.." 0
"Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site." "esodmnithsrasrmeogReat taoCp gtrty i .mi as ohce" 0

Now everything is Ok except for the efficiency. Both randomization and swapping procedure are O[n^2], moreover the whole text must be kept in memory, so for large data sequences it will take a while to shuffle.

Nondeterministic Conduit-based solution

Using streaming technique it is possible to shuffle the sequence on the fly, using relatively small moving window (say of length k) for shuffling procedure. In that case the program will consume constant memory amount O[k] and require O[n*k] operations.

{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, LambdaCase #-}
import Conduit
import Control.Monad.Random (getRandomR)
import Data.List (delete, find)

shuffleC :: Eq a => Int -> Conduit a IO a
shuffleC 0 = awaitForever yield
shuffleC k = takeC k .| sinkList >>= \v -> delay v .| randomReplace v

delay :: Monad m => [a] -> Conduit t m (a, [a])
delay [] = mapC $ \x -> (x,[x])
delay (b:bs) = await >>= \case
  Nothing -> yieldMany (b:bs) .| mapC (,[])
  Just x -> yield (b, [x]) >> delay (bs ++ [x])

randomReplace :: Eq a => [a] -> Conduit (a, [a]) IO a
randomReplace vars = awaitForever $ \(x,b) -> do
  y <- case filter (/= x) vars of
    [] -> pure x
    vs -> lift $ (vs !!) <$> getRandomR (0, length vs - 1)
  yield y
  randomReplace $ b ++ delete y vars

shuffleW :: Eq a => Int -> [a] -> IO [a]
shuffleW k lst = yieldMany lst =$= shuffleC k $$ sinkList

Here we define a new conduit shuffleC which uses a moving window of length k and returns shuffled elements of upstream data.

λ> qualityTest (shuffleW 8)
"abba" "baab" 0
"abracadabra" "daabrcabaar" 0
"seesaw" "eswesa" 0
"elk" "kel" 0
"grrrrrr" "rgrrrrr" 5
"up" "pu" 0
"a" "a" 1
"aaaaa.....bbbbb" "....baabaaa.bbb" 3
"Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site." "sCaoeRei d os pttaogrr  nrgshmeaotaichiy .ttmsme" 0

This program is good for real texts with high entropy. In case of homogeneous strings like "aaaaa.....bbbbb" it gives poor results for windows smaller then homogeneous regions.

The main goal of streaming solution is to be able to process data from any resources, so let's use it to shuffle texts being transferred from stdin to stdout.

Additional imports

import Data.ByteString.Builder (charUtf8)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, unpack, pack) 
import Data.Conduit.ByteString.Builder (builderToByteString)
import System.IO (stdin, stdout)
shuffleBS :: Int -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
shuffleBS n s =
  yieldMany (unpack s)
  =$ shuffleC n
  =$ mapC charUtf8
  =$ builderToByteString
  $$ foldC
main :: IO ()
main =
  sourceHandle stdin
  =$ mapMC (shuffleBS 10)
  $$ sinkHandle stdout
$ ghc --make -O3 ./shuffle
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( shuffle.hs, shuffle.o )
Linking shuffle ...

$ cat input.txt 
Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another. Rosetta Code currently has 823 tasks, 193 draft tasks, and is aware of 642 languages, though we do not (and cannot) have solutions to every task in every language.

$ cat input.txt | ./shuffle
aeotdR s  aoiCtrpmmgi crn theemaysg srioT the tseo.dih psae re isltn ountstoeo  tosmaetia es nssimhn ad kaeeinrlataffauytse g oanbs ,e ol e sio ttngdasmw esphut ro ganeemas g alsi arlaeefn,ranifddoii a drnp det r toi ahowgnutan n rgneanppi raohi d oaop  blrcst imeioaer ngohrla.eRotn  Cst n dce aenletya th8r3 n2ssout1  3dasktaft,rrk9as,a ss iewarf6  d2l ogu  asga te g un oa hn4d enaodho(ctt)n, eha laovnsotusw oeinyetsakvn eo ienlrav  ygtnu aer. g

Icon and Unicon

The approach taken requires 2n memory and will run in O(n^2) time swapping once per final changed character. The algorithm is concise and conceptually simple avoiding the lists of indices, sorting, cycles, groups, and special cases requiring rotation needed by many of the other solutions. It proceeds through the entire string swapping characters ensuring that neither of the two characters are swapped with another instance of themselves in the original string.

Additionally, this can be trivially modified to randomize the shuffle by uncommenting the line

# every !t :=: ?t    # Uncomment to get a random best shuffling

in bestShuffle.

procedure main(args)
    while scram := bestShuffle(line := read()) do
        write(line," -> ",scram," (",unchanged(line,scram),")")

procedure bestShuffle(s)
    t := s
    # every !t :=: ?t    # Uncomment to get a random best shuffling
    every i := 1 to *t do
        every j := (1 to i-1) | (i+1 to *t) do
           if (t[i] ~== s[j]) & (s[i] ~== t[j]) then break t[i] :=: t[j]
    return t

procedure unchanged(s1,s2)      # Number of unchanged elements
    every (count := 0) +:= (s1[i := 1 to *s1] == s2[i], 1)
    return count

The code works in both Icon and Unicon.

Sample output:

->scramble <
abracadabra -> raaracababd (0)
seesaw -> wasese (0)
elk -> lke (0)
grrrrrr -> rgrrrrr (5)
up -> pu (0)
a -> a (1)
aardvarks are ant eaters -> sdaaaraaasv rer nt keter (0)


Based on Dan Bron's approach:

bestShuf =: verb define
  yy=. <@({~ ?~@#)@I.@= y
  y C.~ (;yy) </.~ (i.#y) |~ >./#@> yy

fmtBest=:3 :0
  b=. bestShuf y
  y,', ',b,' (',')',~":+/b=y

yy is (a list of) boxes of (lists of) indices where all characters selected by indices in a box are the same, and where the first box is the biggest box (contains the most indices). The phrase ({~ ?~@#) shuffles the indices going into each box which makes the (deterministic) rotate which follows produce differing results sometimes (but only when that is possible).


   fmtBest&>;:'abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a'
abracadabra, bdacararaab (0)
seesaw, eawess (0)          
elk, lke (0)                
grrrrrr, rrrrrrg (5)        
up, pu (0)                  
a, a (1)


Translation of Icon via AWK

import java.util.Random;

public class BestShuffle {
    private final static Random rand = new Random();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] words = {"abracadabra", "seesaw", "grrrrrr", "pop", "up", "a"};
        for (String w : words)

    public static String bestShuffle(final String s1) {
        char[] s2 = s1.toCharArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < s2.length; i++) {
            if (s2[i] != s1.charAt(i))
            for (int j = 0; j < s2.length; j++) {
                if (s2[i] != s2[j] && s2[i] != s1.charAt(j) && s2[j] != s1.charAt(i)) {
                    char tmp = s2[i];
                    s2[i] = s2[j];
                    s2[j] = tmp;
        return s1 + " " + new String(s2) + " (" + count(s1, s2) + ")";

    public static void shuffle(char[] text) {
        for (int i = text.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
            int r = rand.nextInt(i + 1);
            char tmp = text[i];
            text[i] = text[r];
            text[r] = tmp;

    private static int count(final String s1, final char[] s2) {
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < s2.length; i++)
            if (s1.charAt(i) == s2[i])
        return count;


abracadabra raaracabdab (0)
seesaw eswaes (0)
grrrrrr rgrrrrr (5)
pop ppo (1)
up pu (0)
a a (1)


Based on the J implementation (and this would be a lot more concise if we used something like jQuery):

function raze(a) { // like .join('') except producing an array instead of a string
    var r= [];
    for (var j= 0; j<a.length; j++)
        for (var k= 0; k<a[j].length; k++)  r.push(a[j][k]);
    return r;
function shuffle(y) {
    var len= y.length;
    for (var j= 0; j < len; j++) {
        var i= Math.floor(Math.random()*len);
        var t= y[i];
        y[i]= y[j];
        y[j]= t;
    return y;
function bestShuf(txt) {
    var chs= txt.split('');
    var gr= {};
    var mx= 0;
    for (var j= 0; j<chs.length; j++) {
        var ch= chs[j];
        if (null == gr[ch])  gr[ch]= [];
        if (mx < gr[ch].length)  mx++;
    var inds= [];
    for (var ch in gr)  inds.push(shuffle(gr[ch]));
    var ndx= raze(inds);
    var cycles= [];
    for (var k= 0; k < mx; k++)  cycles[k]= [];
    for (var j= 0; j<chs.length; j++)  cycles[j%mx].push(ndx[j]);
    var ref= raze(cycles);
    for (var k= 0; k < mx; k++)  cycles[k].push(cycles[k].shift());
    var prm= raze(cycles);
    var shf= [];
    for (var j= 0; j<chs.length; j++)  shf[ref[j]]= chs[prm[j]];
    return shf.join('');

function disp(ex) {
    var r= bestShuf(ex);
    var n= 0;
    for (var j= 0; j<ex.length; j++)
        n+= ex.substr(j, 1) == r.substr(j,1) ?1 :0;
    return ex+', '+r+', ('+n+')';


<html><head><title></title></head><body><pre id="out"></pre></body></html>
<script type="text/javascript">
var sample= ['abracadabra', 'seesaw', 'elk', 'grrrrrr', 'up', 'a']
for (var i= 0; i<sample.length; i++)
	document.getElementById('out').innerHTML+= disp(sample[i])+'\r\n';


abracadabra, raababacdar, (0)
seesaw, ewaess, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrrrgr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


Works with: jq version 1.5

The implementation in this section uses the deterministic "swap" algorithm found in other entries on this page.

def count(s): reduce s as $i (0;.+1);

def swap($i;$j):
  .[$i] as $x | .[$i] = .[$j] | .[$j] = $x;

# Input: an array
# Output: a best shuffle
def bestShuffleArray:
  . as $s
  | reduce range(0; length) as $i (.;
      . as $t
      | (first(range(0; length)
               | select( $i != . and
                         $t[$i] != $s[.] and
                         $s[$i] != $t[.] and
                         $t[$i] != $t[.])) as $j
         | swap($i;$j))
	 // $t  # fallback

# Award 1 for every spot which changed:
def score($base):
  . as $in
  | count( range(0;length)
           | select($base[.] != $in[.]) );

# Input: a string
def bestShuffle:
  . as $in
  | explode
  | . as $s
  | bestShuffleArray
  | "\($in), \(implode), (\( length - score($s) ))" ;


"abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a", "antidisestablishmentarianism"
| bestShuffle

Invocation and Output

jq -nr -f best-shuffle.jq
abracadabra, baaracadabr, (0)
seesaw, esswea, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
antidisestablishmentarianism, maaaadisesitblishmenttrninis, (0)


Translation of: Python
# v0.6

function bestshuffle(str::String)::Tuple{String,Int}
    s = Vector{Char}(str)

    # Count the supply of characters.
    cnt = Dict{Char,Int}(c => 0 for c in s)
    for c in s; cnt[c] += 1 end

    # Allocate the result
    r = similar(s)
    for (i, x) in enumerate(s)
        # Find the best character to replace x.
        best = x
        rankb = -2
        for (c, rankc) in cnt
            # Prefer characters with more supply.
            # (Save characters with less supply.)
            # Avoid identical characters.
            if c == x; rankc = -1 end
            if rankc > rankb
                best = c
                rankb = rankc

        # Add character to list. Remove it from supply.
        r[i] = best
        cnt[best] -= 1
        if cnt[best] == 0; delete!(cnt, best) end

    # If the final letter became stuck (as "ababcd" became "bacabd",
    # and the final "d" became stuck), then fix it.
    i = length(s)
    if r[i] == s[i]
        for j in 1:i
            if r[i] != s[j] && r[j] != s[i]
                r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i]

    score = sum(x == y for (x, y) in zip(r, s))
    return r, score

for word in ("abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a")
    shuffled, score = bestshuffle(word)
    println("$word: $shuffled ($score)")
abracadabra: baarabadacr (0)
seesaw: esawse (0)
elk: kel (0)
grrrrrr: rgrrrrr (5)
up: pu (0)
a: a (1)


Translation of: Java
import java.util.Random

object BestShuffle {
    operator fun invoke(s1: String) : String {
        val s2 = s1.toCharArray()
        for (i in s2.indices)
            if (s2[i] == s1[i])
                for (j in s2.indices)
                    if (s2[i] != s2[j] && s2[i] != s1[j] && s2[j] != s1[i]) {
                        val tmp = s2[i]
                        s2[i] = s2[j]
                        s2[j] = tmp
        return s1 + ' ' + String(s2) + " (" + s2.count(s1) + ')'

    private fun CharArray.shuffle() {
        val rand = Random()
        for (i in size - 1 downTo 1) {
            val r = rand.nextInt(i + 1)
            val tmp = this[i]
            this[i] = this[r]
            this[r] = tmp

    private fun CharArray.count(s1: String) : Int {
        var count = 0
        for (i in indices)
            if (s1[i] == this[i]) count++
        return count

fun main(words: Array<String>) = words.forEach { println(BestShuffle(it)) }
abracadabra raaracabdab (0)
seesaw eswaes (0)
grrrrrr rgrrrrr (5)
pop ppo (1)
up pu (0)
a a (1)

Liberty BASIC

'see Run BASIC solution
list$ = "abracadabra seesaw pop grrrrrr up a"

while word$(list$,ii + 1," ") <> ""
 ii    = ii + 1
 w$    = word$(list$,ii," ")
 bs$   = bestShuffle$(w$)
 count = 0
 for i = 1 to len(w$)
  if mid$(w$,i,1) = mid$(bs$,i,1) then count = count + 1
 next i
 print  w$;" ";bs$;" ";count

function bestShuffle$(s1$)
   s2$   = s1$
   for i = 1 to len(s2$)
        for j =  1 to len(s2$)
            if (i <> j) and (mid$(s2$,i,1) <> mid$(s1$,j,1)) and (mid$(s2$,j,1) <> mid$(s1$,i,1)) then
            if j < i then i1 = j:j1 = i else i1 = i:j1 = j
            s2$ = left$(s2$,i1-1) + mid$(s2$,j1,1) + mid$(s2$,i1+1,(j1-i1)-1) + mid$(s2$,i1,1) + mid$(s2$,j1+1)
            end if
        next j
   next i
bestShuffle$ = s2$
end function


abracadabra caadrbabaar 0
seesaw ewaess 0
pop opp 1
grrrrrr rgrrrrr 5
up pu 0
a a 1



local function shuffle(t)
  for i = #t, 2, -1 do
    local j = math.random(i)
    t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i]

local function bestshuffle(s, r)
  local order, shufl, count = {}, {}, 0
  for ch in s:gmatch(".") do order[#order+1], shufl[#shufl+1] = ch, ch end
  if r then shuffle(shufl) end
  for i = 1, #shufl do
    for j = 1, #shufl do
      if i ~= j and shufl[i] ~= order[j] and shufl[j] ~= order[i] then
        shufl[i], shufl[j] = shufl[j], shufl[i]
  for i = 1, #shufl do
    if shufl[i] == order[i] then
      count = count + 1
  return table.concat(shufl), count

local words = { "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a" }

local function test(r)
  print(r and "RANDOM:" or "DETERMINISTIC:")
  for _, word in ipairs(words) do
    local shufl, count = bestshuffle(word, r)
    print(string.format("%s, %s, (%d)", word, shufl, count))

abracadabra, radcababaar, (0)
seesaw, esawes, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rrgrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)

abracadabra, caadrbabaar, (0)
seesaw, ewaess, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

BestShuffle[data_] := 
     List[#, StringLength[data]-HammingDistance[#,data]] & /@ StringJoin /@ Permutations[StringSplit[data, ""]], Last]]}] 

Print[#[[1]], "," #[[2]], ",(", #[[3]], ")"] & /@  BestShuffle /@ {"abracadabra","seesaw","elk","grrrrrr","up","a"}

Output :

abracadabra, baabacadrar,(0)
seesaw, assewe,(0)
elk, kel,(0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr,(5)
up, pu,(0)
a, a,(1)


Translation of: Java
import times
import sequtils
import strutils
import random

proc count(s1, s2: string): int =
    for i, c in s1:
        if c == s2[i]:

proc shuffle(str: string): string =
    var r = initRand(getTime().toUnix())
    var chrs = toSeq(str.items)
    for i in 0 ..< chrs.len:
        let chosen = r.rand(chrs.len-1)
        swap(chrs[i], chrs[chosen])
    return chrs.join("")

proc bestShuffle(str: string): string =
    var chrs = toSeq(shuffle(str).items)
    for i in chrs.low .. chrs.high:
        if chrs[i] != str[i]:
        for j in chrs.low .. chrs.high:
            if chrs[i] != chrs[j] and chrs[i] != str[j] and chrs[j] != str[i]:
                swap(chrs[i], chrs[j])
    return chrs.join("")
when isMainModule:
    let words = @["abracadabra", "seesaw", "grrrrrr", "pop", "up", "a", "antidisestablishmentarianism"];
    for w in words:
        let shuffled = bestShuffle(w)
        echo "$1 $2 $3" % [w, shuffled, $count(w, shuffled)]


abracadabra baabadaracr 0
seesaw wsseea 0
grrrrrr rrrrrgr 5
pop ppo 1
up pu 0
a a 1
antidisestablishmentarianism mietnshieistrlaatbsdsnaiinma 0



let best_shuffle s =
  let len = String.length s in
  let r = String.copy s in
  for i = 0 to pred len do
    for j = 0 to pred len do
      if i <> j && s.[i] <> r.[j] && s.[j] <> r.[i] then
          let tmp = r.[i] in
          r.[i] <- r.[j];
          r.[j] <- tmp;

let count_same s1 s2 =
  let len1 = String.length s1
  and len2 = String.length s2 in
  let n = ref 0 in
  for i = 0 to pred (min len1 len2) do
    if s1.[i] = s2.[i] then incr n

let () =
  let test s =
    let s2 = best_shuffle s in
    Printf.printf " '%s', '%s' -> %d\n" s s2 (count_same s s2);
  test "tree";
  test "abracadabra";
  test "seesaw";
  test "elk";
  test "grrrrrr";
  test "up";
  test "a";


$ ocaml
 'tree', 'eert' -> 0
 'abracadabra', 'caadrbabaar' -> 0
 'seesaw', 'ewaess' -> 0
 'elk', 'kel' -> 0
 'grrrrrr', 'rgrrrrr' -> 5
 'up', 'pu' -> 0
 'a', 'a' -> 1


Works with: Free_Pascal
program BestShuffleDemo(output);
function BestShuffle(s: string): string;
    tmp: char;
    i, j: integer;
    t: string;
    t := s;
    for i := 1 to length(t) do
      for j := 1 to length(t) do
        if (i <> j) and (s[i] <> t[j]) and (s[j] <> t[i]) then
          tmp  := t[i];
          t[i] := t[j];
          t[j] := tmp;
    BestShuffle := t;
  original: array[1..6] of string =
    ('abracadabra', 'seesaw', 'elk', 'grrrrrr', 'up', 'a');

  shuffle: string;
  i, j, score: integer;

 for i := low(original) to high(original) do
   shuffle := BestShuffle(original[i]);
   score := 0;
   for j := 1 to length(shuffle) do
     if original[i][j] = shuffle[j] then
    writeln(original[i], ', ', shuffle, ', (', score, ')');


% ./BestShuffle 
abracadabra, caadrbabaar, (0)
seesaw, ewaess, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


Free Pascal

Program BestShuffle;

  arr : array[1..6] Of string = ('abracadabra','seesaw','elk','grrrrrr','up','a');

Function Shuffle(inp: String): STRING;

Var x,ReplacementDigit : longint;
  ch : char;
  If length(inp) > 1 Then
      For x := 1 To length(inp) Do
            ReplacementDigit := random(length(inp))+1;
          Until (ReplacementDigit <> x);
          ch := inp[x];
          inp[x] := inp[ReplacementDigit];
          inp[ReplacementDigit] := ch;
  shuffle := inp;

Function score(OrgString,ShuString : String) : integer;

Var i : integer;
  score := 0;
  For i := 1 To length(OrgString) Do
    If OrgString[i] = ShuString[i] Then inc(score);

Var i : integer;
  shuffled : string;
  For i := low(arr) To high(arr) Do
      shuffled := shuffle(arr[i]);
      writeln(arr[i],' , ',shuffled,' , (',score(arr[i],shuffled),')');
abracadabra , baraadacbar , (3)
seesaw , esaews , (0)
elk , ekl , (1)
grrrrrr , rrgrrrr , (5)
up , up , (2)
a , a , (1)


The Algorithm::Permute module does not ship with perl, but is freely available from CPAN.

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'bitwise';
use List::Util qw(shuffle);
use Algorithm::Permute;

best_shuffle($_) for qw(abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a);

sub best_shuffle {
	my ($original_word) = @_;
	my $best_word = $original_word;
	my $best_score = length $best_word;

	my @shuffled = shuffle split //, $original_word;
	my $iterator = Algorithm::Permute->new(\@shuffled);
	while( my @array = $iterator->next ) {
		my $word = join '', @array;
		# For each letter which is the same in the two words,
		# there will be a \x00 in the "^" of the two words.
		# The tr operator is then used to count the "\x00"s.
		my $score = ($original_word ^. $word) =~ tr/\x00//;
		next if $score >= $best_score;
		($best_word, $best_score) = ($word, $score);
		last if $score == 0;
	print "$original_word, $best_word, $best_score\n";
Output of two runs:
abracadabra, dabrabacaar, 0
seesaw, easews, 0
elk, kel, 0
grrrrrr, rrrrgrr, 5
up, pu, 0
a, a, 1
abracadabra, caabararadb, 0
seesaw, esawes, 0
elk, lke, 0
grrrrrr, rrgrrrr, 5
up, pu, 0
a, a, 1

After creating a shuffled array of letters, we iterate through all permutations of that array. We keep the first word we encounter with a score better than all previous words. As an optimization, if we discover a word with score zero, we stop iterating early.

If the best score is nonzero, then we will iterate through every possible permutation. So "aaaaaaaaaaah" will take a long time.

A faster solution is to shuffle once, and then make any additional swaps which will improve the score.

Translation of: Go
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'bitwise';
use List::Util qw(shuffle);

best_shuffle($_) for qw(abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a);

sub best_shuffle {
	my ($original_word) = @_;

	my @s = split //, $original_word;
	my @t = shuffle @s;

	for my $i ( 0 .. $#s ) {
		for my $j ( 0 .. $#s ) {
			next if $j == $i or
				$t[$i] eq $s[$j] or
				$t[$j] eq $s[$i];
			@t[$i,$j] = @t[$j,$i];
	my $word = join '', @t;

	my $score = ($original_word ^. $word) =~ tr/\x00//;
	print "$original_word, $word, $score\n";

The output has the same format as the first perl implementation, but only takes quadratic time per word.


with javascript_semantics
constant tests = {"abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"}
for test=1 to length(tests) do
    string s = tests[test],
           t = shuffle(s)
    for i=1 to length(t) do
        for j=1 to length(t) do
            integer {ti,tj} = {t[i],t[j]}
            if i!=j and ti!=s[j] and tj!=s[i] then
                t[i] = tj
                t[j] = ti
            end if
        end for
    end for
    printf(1,"%s -> %s (%d)\n",{s,t,sum(sq_eq(t,s))})
end for
abracadabra -> baacabrdaar (0)
seesaw -> aswees (0)
elk -> lke (0)
grrrrrr -> rrrgrrr (5)
up -> pu (0)
a -> a (1)

By replacing t=shuffle(s) with t=s, the following deterministic result is output every time:

abracadabra -> raaracababd (0)
seesaw -> wasese (0)
elk -> lke (0)
grrrrrr -> rgrrrrr (5)
up -> pu (0)
a -> a (1)


Translation of Icon via AWK

foreach (split(' ', 'abracadabra seesaw pop grrrrrr up a') as $w)
    echo bestShuffle($w) . '<br>';

function bestShuffle($s1) {
    $s2 = str_shuffle($s1); 
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($s2); $i++) {
        if ($s2[$i] != $s1[$i]) continue;
        for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($s2); $j++) 
            if ($i != $j && $s2[$i] != $s1[$j] && $s2[$j] != $s1[$i]) {
                $t = $s2[$i];
                $s2[$i] = $s2[$j];
                $s2[$j] = $t;
    return "$s1 $s2 " . countSame($s1, $s2);

function countSame($s1, $s2) {
    $cnt = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($s2); $i++)
        if ($s1[$i] == $s2[$i]) 
    return "($cnt)";


abracadabra drabacabaar (0)
seesaw esswea (0)
pop ppo (1)
grrrrrr rrgrrrr (5)
up pu (0)
a a (1)


Using a CP (Constraint Programming) solver guarantees an optimal solution. This is deterministic since the solve heuristic ("split") always give the same first result.

import cp.

go =>
  Words = ["abracadabra", 
  foreach(Word in Words)
     printf("%s, %s, (%d)\n", Word,Best,diff_word(Word, Best))

best_shuffle(Word,Best,Score) =>
  WordAlpha =, % convert to integers
  WordAlphaNoDups = WordAlpha.remove_dups(),
  % occurrences of each character in the word
  Occurrences = occurrences(WordAlpha), 
  Len = Word.length,
  % Decision variables
  WordC = new_list(Len),
  WordC :: WordAlphaNoDups,

  % The constraints
  % Ensure that the shuffled word has the same
  % occurrences for each character
  foreach(V in WordAlphaNoDups) 
     count(V, WordC,#=, Occurrences.get(V))
  % The score is the number of characters
  % in the same position as the origin word
  % (to be minimized).
  Score #= sum([WordC[I] #= WordAlpha[I] : I in 1..Len]),

  if var(Score) then
    % We don't have a score yet: minimize Score
    solve([$min(Score),split], WordC)
    % Get a solution for the given Score
    solve([split], WordC)
  % convert back to alpha
  Best =

diff_word(W1,W2) = Diff =>
  Diff = sum([1 : I in 1..W1.length, W1[I]==W2[I]]).

occurrences(L) = Occ => 
  Occ = new_map(),
  foreach(E in L)
    Occ.put(E, Occ.get(E,0) + 1)
abracadabra, baabacadrar, (0)
seesaw, assewe, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
shuffle, effhlsu, (0)
aaaaaaa, aaaaaaa, (7)

All optimal solutions

Using a constraint solver makes it quite easy to generate all optimal solutions.

go2 ?=>
  Words = ["abracadabra", 
  % Find all optimal solutions
  All = findall(Best2,best_shuffle(Word,Best2,Score)),
  Len = All.len,
  if Len <= 10 then
    println("Only showing the first 10 solutions:"),
go2 => true.
word = abracadabra
best_score = 0
num_solutions = 780
Only showing the first 10 solutions:
solutions = [baabacadrar,baabacaradr,baabacardar,baabacarrad,baabacrdaar,baabacrraad,baabadacrar,baabadaracr,baabadarcar,baabadarrac]

word = seesaw
best_score = 0
num_solutions = 29
Only showing the first 10 solutions:
solutions = [assewe,asswee,aswees,aswese,awsees,awsese,easews,easwes,easwse,eawess]

word = elk
best_score = 0
num_solutions = 2
solutions = [kel,lke]

word = grrrrrr
best_score = 5
num_solutions = 6
solutions = [rgrrrrr,rrgrrrr,rrrgrrr,rrrrgrr,rrrrrgr,rrrrrrg]

word = up
best_score = 0
num_solutions = 1
solutions = [pu]

word = a
best_score = 1
num_solutions = 1
solutions = [a]

word = shuffle
best_score = 0
num_solutions = 640
Only showing the first 10 solutions:
solutions = [effhlsu,effhlus,effhsul,effhusl,efflhsu,efflhus,efflshu,efflsuh,effluhs,efflush]

word = aaaaaaa
best_score = 7
num_solutions = 1
solutions = [aaaaaaa]


(de bestShuffle (Str)
   (let Lst NIL
      (for C (setq Str (chop Str))
         (if (assoc C Lst)
            (con @ (cons C (cdr @)))
            (push 'Lst (cons C)) ) )
      (setq Lst (apply conc (flip (by length sort Lst))))
      (let Res
               (prog1 (or (find <> Lst (circ C)) C)
                  (setq Lst (delete @ Lst)) ) )
            Str )
         (prinl Str " " Res " (" (cnt = Str Res) ")") ) ) )


: (bestShuffle "abracadabra")
abracadabra raarababadc (0)

: (bestShuffle "seesaw")
seesaw essewa (0)

: (bestShuffle "elk")
elk lke (0)

: (bestShuffle "grrrrrr")
grrrrrr rgrrrrr (5)

: (bestShuffle "up")
up pu (0)

: (bestShuffle "a")
a a (1)


shuffle: procedure options (main);                  /* 14/1/2011 */
   declare (s, saves) character (20) varying, c character (1);
   declare t(length(s)) bit (1);
   declare (i, k, moves initial (0)) fixed binary;

   get edit (s) (L);
   put skip list (s);
   saves = s;
   t = '0'b;
   do i = 1 to length (s);
      if t(i) then iterate; /* This character has already been moved. */
      c = substr(s, i, 1);
      k = search (s, c, i+1);
      if k > 0 then
            substr(s, i, 1) = substr(s, k, 1);
            substr(s, k, 1) = c;
            t(k), t(i) = '1'b;

   do k = length(s) to 2 by -1;
      if ^t(k) then /* this character wasn't moved. */
all:     do;
            c = substr(s, k, 1);
            do i = k-1 to 1 by -1;
               if c ^= substr(s, i, 1) then
                  if substr(saves, i, 1) ^= c then
                        substr(s, k, 1) = substr(s, i, 1);
                        substr(s, i, 1) = c;
                        t(k) = '1'b;
                        leave all;
   moves = length(s) - sum(t);
   put skip edit (s, trim(moves))(a, x(1));

search: procedure (s, c, k) returns (fixed binary);
   declare s character (*) varying;
   declare c character (1);
   declare k fixed binary;
   declare i fixed binary;

   do i = k to length(s);
      if ^t(i) then if c ^= substr(s, i, 1) then return (i);
   return (0); /* No eligible character. */
end search;

end shuffle;


baaracadrab 0

rprrrrr 5

eert 0

A 1


Works with: PowerShell version 3
#  Calculate best possible shuffle score for a given string
#  (Split out into separate function so we can use it separately in our output)
function Get-BestScore ( [string]$String )
    #  Convert to array of characters, group identical characters,
    #  sort by frequecy, get size of first group
    $MostRepeats = $String.ToCharArray() |
                    Group |
                    Sort Count -Descending |
                    Select -First 1 -ExpandProperty Count
    #  Return count of most repeated character minus all other characters (math simplified)
    return [math]::Max( 0, 2 * $MostRepeats - $String.Length )
function Get-BestShuffle ( [string]$String )
    #  Convert to arrays of characters, one for comparison, one for manipulation
    $S1 = $String.ToCharArray()
    $S2 = $String.ToCharArray()
    #  Calculate best possible score as our goal
    $BestScore = Get-BestScore $String
    #  Unshuffled string has score equal to number of characters
    $Length = $String.Length
    $Score = $Length
    #  While still striving for perfection...
    While ( $Score -gt $BestScore )
        #  For each character
        ForEach ( $i in 0..($Length-1) )
            #  If the shuffled character still matches the original character...
            If ( $S1[$i] -eq $S2[$i] )
                #  Swap it with a random character
                #  (Random character $j may be the same as or may even be
                #   character $i. The minor impact on speed was traded for
                #   a simple solution to guarantee randomness.)
                $j = Get-Random -Maximum $Length
                $S2[$i], $S2[$j] = $S2[$j], $S2[$i]
        #  Count the number of indexes where the two arrays match
        $Score = ( 0..($Length-1) ).Where({ $S1[$_] -eq $S2[$_] }).Count
    #  Put it back into a string
    $Shuffle = ( [string[]]$S2 -join '' )
    return $Shuffle
ForEach ( $String in ( 'abracadabra', 'seesaw', 'elk', 'grrrrrr', 'up', 'a' ) )
    $Shuffle = Get-BestShuffle $String
    $Score   = Get-BestScore   $String
    "$String, $Shuffle, ($Score)"
abracadabra, craradabaab, (0)
seesaw, ewsase, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrrrrg, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


Works with SWI-Prolog

:- dynamic score/2.

best_shuffle :-
	maplist(best_shuffle, ["abracadabra", "eesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr",
			       	"up", "a"]).

best_shuffle(Str) :-
	length(Str, Len),
	assert(score(Str, Len)),
	calcule_min(Str, Len, Min),
	   shuffle(Str, Shuffled),
	   maplist(comp, Str, Shuffled, Result),
	   sumlist(Result, V),
	   retract(score(Cur, VCur)),
	   (  V < VCur -> assert(score(Shuffled, V)); assert(score(Cur, VCur))),
	   V = Min,
	retract(score(Cur, VCur)),
	writef('%s : %s (%d)\n', [Str, Cur, VCur]).

comp(C, C1, S):-
	(   C = C1 -> S = 1; S = 0).

% this code was written by P.Caboche and can be found here : 
shuffle(List, Shuffled) :-
  length(List, Len),
  shuffle(Len, List, Shuffled).

shuffle(0, [], []) :- !.

shuffle(Len, List, [Elem|Tail]) :-
  RandInd is random(Len),
  nth0(RandInd, List, Elem),
  select(Elem, List, Rest),
  NewLen is Len - 1,
  shuffle(NewLen, Rest, Tail).

% letters are sorted out then packed
% If a letter is more numerous than the rest 
% the min is the difference between the quantity of this letter and 
% the sum of the quantity of the other letters
calcule_min(Str, Len, Min) :-
	msort(Str, SS),
	packList(SS, Lst),
	sort(Lst, Lst1),
	last(Lst1, [N, _]),
	(   N * 2 > Len -> Min is 2 * N - Len; Min = 0).

% almost the same code as in "run_length" page

packList([X],[[1,X]]) :- !.

    run(X,Rest, XRun,RRest),


run(Var,[Var|LRest],[N1, Var],RRest):-
    run(Var,LRest,[N, Var],RRest),
    N > 0,
    N1 is N + 1.

run(Var,[Other|RRest], [1,Var],[Other|RRest]):-

output :

 ?- test.
abracadabra : brabaracaad (0)
eesaw : sweea (0)
elk : kel (0)
grrrrrr : rrrgrrr (5)
up : pu (0)
a : a (1)
true .

Version with random result


:- system:set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,codes) .

shuffle(STRINGs,SHUFFLEDs) ,
system:format('~s , ~s , (~10r)~n',[STRINGs,SHUFFLEDs,SCORE])

play("abracadabra") ,
play("seesaw") ,
play("elk") ,
play("grrrrrr") ,
play("up") ,

%! shuffle(Xs0,Ys) .
% The list `Ys` is an random permutation of the list `Xs0` .
% No assumption is made about the nature of each item in the list .
% The default seed for randomness provided by the system is truly random .
% Set the seed explicitly with `system:set_random(seed(SEED))` . 

:- op(1,'xfy','shuffle_') .

(assign_randomness) shuffle_ (Xs0,Ys0) ,
(sort) shuffle_ (Ys0,Ys1) ,
(remove_randomness) shuffle_ (Ys1,Ys)

1. assign an random number to each of the items in the list .
2. sort the list of items according to the random number assigned to each item .
3. remove the random number from each of the items in the list .

(assign_randomness) shuffle_ ([],[]) :- ! .

(assign_randomness) shuffle_ ([X0|Xs0],[sortable(R,X0)|Rs])
system:random(R) ,
(assign_randomness) shuffle_ (Xs0,Rs)

(sort) shuffle_ (Rs0,Ss)

(remove_randomness) shuffle_ ([],[]) :- ! .

(remove_randomness) shuffle_ ([sortable(_R0,X0)|Ss0],[X0|Xs])
(remove_randomness) shuffle_ (Ss0,Xs)

%! score(Xs0,Ys0,SCORE) .
% `SCORE` is the count of positions in Ys0 that
% have the identical content as
% the content in the same position in Xs0 .

score([],[],0) :- ! .

X0 = Y0 ,
! ,
score(Xs0,Ys0,SCORE0) ,

! ,


?- test .
abracadabra , rdbaaaarabc , (2)
seesaw , seawse , (2)
elk , lke , (0)
grrrrrr , rrrrgrr , (5)
up , pu , (0)
a , a , (1)
true .


?- play("HelloWorld") .
HelloWorld , elHdrllooW , (0)
true .

?- play("HelloWorld") .
HelloWorld , oolelHlrdW , (2)
true .

?- play("HelloWorld") .
HelloWorld , orWodelllH , (1)
true .



This solution creates cycles of letters of letters that are then rotated to produce the final maximal shuffle. It includes an extra sort step that ensures the original string to be returned if it is repeatedly shuffled.

Structure charInfo
  List Position.i()
  count.i          ;number of occurrences of Char

Structure cycleInfo

Structure cycle
  List cycle.cycleInfo()

Procedure.s shuffleWordLetters(word.s)
  Protected i
  Dim originalLetters.s(len(word) - 1)
  For i = 1 To Len(word)
    originalLetters(i - 1) = Mid(word, i, 1)
  Dim shuffledLetters.s(0)
  CopyArray(originalLetters(), shuffledLetters())
  ;record original letters and their positions
  Protected curChar.s
  NewList letters.charInfo()
  NewMap *wordInfo.charInfo()
  For i = 0 To ArraySize(originalLetters())
    curChar = originalLetters(i)
    If FindMapElement(*wordInfo(), curChar)
      *wordInfo()\position() = i
      *wordInfo(curChar) = AddElement(letters())
      If *wordInfo()
        *wordInfo()\Char = curChar
        *wordInfo()\position() = i
  ForEach letters()
    letters()\count = ListSize(letters()\Position())
  SortStructuredList(letters(), #PB_Sort_Ascending, OffsetOf(charInfo\Char), #PB_Sort_String) ;extra sort step, not strictly necessary
  SortStructuredList(letters(), #PB_Sort_Descending, OffsetOf(charInfo\count), #PB_Sort_integer)
  ;construct letter cycles
  Protected maxLetterCount = letters()\count
  Dim letterCycles.cycle(maxLetterCount - 1)
  Protected curCycleIndex
  ForEach letters()
    ForEach letters()\Position()
      With letterCycles(curCycleIndex)
        \cycle()\Char = letters()\Char
        \cycle()\Position = letters()\position()
      curCycleIndex = (curCycleIndex + 1) % maxLetterCount
  ;rotate letters in each cycle
  Protected isFirst, prevChar.s, pos_1
  For i = 0 To maxLetterCount - 1
    With letterCycles(i)
      isFirst = #True
      ForEach \cycle()
        If Not isFirst
          shuffledLetters(\cycle()\Position) = prevChar
          pos_1 = \cycle()\Position
          isFirst = #False
        prevChar = \cycle()\Char
      shuffledLetters(pos_1) = prevChar
  ;score and display shuffle
  Protected shuffledWord.s, ignored
  For i = 0 To ArraySize(shuffledLetters())
    shuffledWord + shuffledLetters(i)
    If shuffledLetters(i) = originalLetters(i)
      ignored + 1
  PrintN(word + ", " + shuffledWord + ", (" + Str(ignored) + ")")
  ProcedureReturn shuffledWord
If OpenConsole()
  Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()

Sample output:

abracadabra, daabarbraac, (0)
seesaw, eawess, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


Swap if it is locally better algorithm

With added randomization of swaps!

import random

def count(w1,wnew):
    return sum(c1==c2 for c1,c2 in zip(w1, wnew))

def best_shuffle(w):
    wnew = list(w)
    n = len(w)
    rangelists = (list(range(n)), list(range(n)))
    for r in rangelists:
    rangei, rangej = rangelists
    for i in rangei:
        for j in rangej:
            if i != j and wnew[j] != wnew[i] and w[i] != wnew[j] and w[j] != wnew[i]:
                wnew[j], wnew[i] = wnew[i], wnew[j]
    wnew = ''.join(wnew)
    return wnew, count(w, wnew)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    test_words = ('tree abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a ' 
                  + 'antidisestablishmentarianism hounddogs').split()
    test_words += ['aardvarks are ant eaters', 'immediately', 'abba']
    for w in test_words:
        wnew, c = best_shuffle(w)
        print("%29s, %-29s ,(%i)" % (w, wnew, c))
Sample output

Two runs showing variability in shuffled results

>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
                         tree, eetr                          ,(0)
                  abracadabra, daaracbraab                   ,(0)
                       seesaw, asswee                        ,(0)
                          elk, kel                           ,(0)
                      grrrrrr, rrgrrrr                       ,(5)
                           up, pu                            ,(0)
                            a, a                             ,(1)
 antidisestablishmentarianism, sintmdnirhimasibtnasetaisael  ,(0)
                    hounddogs, ohodgnsud                     ,(0)
     aardvarks are ant eaters, sesanretatva kra errada       ,(0)
                  immediately, tedlyaeiimm                   ,(0)
                         abba, baab                          ,(0)
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
                         tree, eert                          ,(0)
                  abracadabra, bdacararaab                   ,(0)
                       seesaw, ewsase                        ,(0)
                          elk, kel                           ,(0)
                      grrrrrr, rrrrrrg                       ,(5)
                           up, pu                            ,(0)
                            a, a                             ,(1)
 antidisestablishmentarianism, rtitiainnnshtmdesibalassemai  ,(0)
                    hounddogs, ddousngoh                     ,(0)
     aardvarks are ant eaters, sretrnat a edseavra akar      ,(0)
                  immediately, litiaemmyed                   ,(0)
                         abba, baab                          ,(0)

Alternative algorithm #1

#!/usr/bin/env python

def best_shuffle(s):
    # Count the supply of characters.
    from collections import defaultdict
    count = defaultdict(int)
    for c in s:
        count[c] += 1

    # Shuffle the characters.
    r = []
    for x in s:
        # Find the best character to replace x.
        best = None
        rankb = -2
        for c, rankc in count.items():
            # Prefer characters with more supply.
            # (Save characters with less supply.)
            # Avoid identical characters.
            if c == x: rankc = -1
            if rankc > rankb:
                best = c
                rankb = rankc

        # Add character to list. Remove it from supply.
        count[best] -= 1
        if count[best] >= 0: del count[best]

    # If the final letter became stuck (as "ababcd" became "bacabd",
    # and the final "d" became stuck), then fix it.
    i = len(s) - 1
    if r[i] == s[i]:
        for j in range(i):
            if r[i] != s[j] and r[j] != s[i]:
                r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i]

    # Convert list to string. PEP 8, "Style Guide for Python Code",
    # suggests that ''.join() is faster than + when concatenating
    # many strings. See
    r = ''.join(r)

    score = sum(x == y for x, y in zip(r, s))

    return (r, score)

for s in "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a":
    shuffled, score = best_shuffle(s)
    print("%s, %s, (%d)" % (s, shuffled, score))


abracadabra, raabarabacd, (0)
seesaw, wsaese, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


#lang racket

(define (best-shuffle s)
  (define len (string-length s))
  (define @ string-ref)
  (define r (list->string (shuffle (string->list s))))
  (for* ([i (in-range len)] [j (in-range len)])
    (when (not (or (= i j) (eq? (@ s i) (@ r j)) (eq? (@ s j) (@ r i))))
      (define t (@ r i))
      (string-set! r i (@ r j))
      (string-set! r j t)))

(define (count-same s1 s2)
  (for/sum ([c1 (in-string s1)] [c2 (in-string s2)])
    (if (eq? c1 c2) 1 0)))

(for ([s (in-list '("abracadabra" "seesaw" "elk" "grrrrrr" "up" "a"))])
  (define sh (best-shuffle s))
  (printf " ~a, ~a, (~a)\n" s sh (count-same s sh)))
 abracadabra, baabadcraar, (0)
 seesaw, wsaees, (0)
 elk, kel, (0)
 grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
 up, pu, (0)
 a, a, (1)


(formerly Perl 6)

Translation of: Sidef
sub best-shuffle(Str $orig) {
    my @s = $orig.comb;
    my @t = @s.pick(*);

    for flat ^@s X ^@s -> \i,\j {
        if i != j and @t[i] ne @s[j] and @t[j] ne @s[i] {
            @t[i,j] = @t[j,i] and last

    my $count = 0;
    for @t.kv -> $k,$v {
        ++$count if $v eq @s[$k]

    @t.join, $count;

printf "%s, %s, (%d)\n", $_, best-shuffle $_  for <abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a>;
abracadabra, raacarabadb, (0)
seesaw, wssaee, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrgrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


This example is incomplete. No output given. Please ensure that it meets all task requirements and remove this message.
import Prelude;

public tuple[str, str, int] bestShuffle(str s){
     characters = chars(s);

     ranking = {<p, countSame(p, characters)> | p <- permutations(characters)};
     best = {<s, stringChars(p), n> | <p, n> <- ranking, n == min(range(ranking))};
     return takeOneFrom(best)[0];

public int countSame(list[int] permutations, list[int] characters){
     return (0 | it + 1 | n <- index(characters), permutations[n] == characters[n]);


/*REXX program determines and displays the best shuffle for any list of words or tokens.*/
parse arg $                                      /*get some words from the command line.*/
if $=''  then $= 'tree abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a'          /*use the defaults?*/
w=0;                #=words($)                   /* [↑]  finds the widest word in $ list*/
        do i=1  for #;  @.i=word($,i);  w=max(w, length(@.i) );   end  /*i*/
w= w+9                                           /*add 9 blanks for output indentation. */
        do n=1  for #;  new= bestShuffle(@.n)    /*process the examples in the @ array. */
        same=0;                    do m=1  for length(@.n)
                                   same=same  +  (substr(@.n, m, 1) == substr(new, m, 1) )
                                   end   /*m*/
        say '       original:'   left(@.n, w)    'new:'    left(new,w)    'score:'    same
        end   /*n*/
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
bestShuffle: procedure; parse arg x 1 ox;    L=length(x);   if L<3  then return reverse(x)
                                                             /*[↑] fast track short strs*/
               do j=1  for L-1;  parse var x =(j) a +1 b +1  /*get A,B at Jth & J+1 pos.*/
               if a\==b  then iterate                        /*ignore any replicates.   */
               c= verify(x,a);    if c==0  then iterate      /*   "    "      "         */
               x= overlay( substr(x,c,1), overlay(a,x,c), j) /*swap the  x,c  characters*/
               rx= reverse(x)                                /*obtain the reverse of X. */
               y= substr(rx, verify(rx, a), 1)               /*get 2nd replicated char. */
               x= overlay(y, overlay(a,x, lastpos(y,x)),j+1) /*fast swap of 2 characters*/
               end   /*j*/
                          do k=1  for L;  a=substr(x, k, 1)      /*handle a possible rep*/
                          if a\==substr(ox, k, 1)  then iterate  /*skip non-replications*/
                          if k==L  then x= left(x, k-2)a || substr(x, k-1,1) /*last case*/
                                   else x= left(x, k-1)substr(x, k+1, 1)a || substr(x,k+2)
                          end   /*k*/
             return x
output   (with a freebie thrown in):
       original: tree                 new: eert                 score: 0
       original: abracadabra          new: baaracadrab          score: 0
       original: seesaw               new: eswase               score: 0
       original: elk                  new: lke                  score: 0
       original: grrrrrr              new: rrrrrrg              score: 5
       original: up                   new: pu                   score: 0
       original: a                    new: a                    score: 1


# Project : Best shuffle

test = ["abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"]

for n = 1 to len(test)
     bs   = bestshuffle(test[n])
     count = 0
     for p = 1 to len(test[n])
          if substr(test[n],p,1) = substr(bs,p,1) 
             count = count + 1
      see test[n] + " -> " + bs + " " + count + nl
func bestshuffle(s1)
       s2 = s1
       for i = 1 to len(s2)
            for j =  1 to len(s2) 
                 if (i != j) and (s2[i] != s1[j]) and (s2[j] != s1[i]) 
                    if j < i 
                       i1 = j
                       j1 = i
                       i1 = i
                       j1 = j
                    s2 = left(s2,i1-1) + substr(s2,j1,1) + substr(s2,i1+1,(j1-i1)-1) + substr(s2,i1,1) + substr(s2,j1+1)
       bestshuffle = s2
       return bestshuffle


abracadabra -> caadrbabaar 0
seesaw -> ewaess 0
elk -> kel 0
grrrrrr -> rgrrrrr 5
up -> pu 0
a -> a 1


Works with: Ruby version 1.9
Translation of: Raku
def best_shuffle(s)
  # Fill _pos_ with positions in the order
  # that we want to fill them.
  pos = []
  # g["a"] = [2, 4] implies that s[2] == s[4] == "a"
  g = s.length.times.group_by { |i| s[i] }
  # k sorts letters from low to high count
  k = g.sort_by { |k, v| v.length }.map { |k, v| k }
  until g.empty?
    k.each do |letter|
      g[letter] or next
      g[letter].empty? and g.delete letter
  # Now fill in _new_ with _letters_ according to each position
  # in _pos_, but skip ahead in _letters_ if we can avoid
  # matching characters that way.
  letters = s.dup
  new = "?" * s.length
  until letters.empty?
    i, p = 0, pos.pop
    i += 1 while letters[i] == s[p] and i < (letters.length - 1)
    new[p] = letters.slice! i
  score = { |c, d| c == d }
  [new, score]

%w(abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a).each do |word|
  puts "%s, %s, (%d)" % [word, *best_shuffle(word)]
abracadabra, baarrcadaab, (0)
seesaw, essewa, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


list$ = "abracadabra seesaw pop grrrrrr up a"

while word$(list$,ii + 1," ") <> ""
 ii    = ii + 1
 w$    = word$(list$,ii," ")
 bs$   = bestShuffle$(w$)
 count = 0
 for i = 1 to len(w$)
  if mid$(w$,i,1) = mid$(bs$,i,1) then count = count + 1
 next i
 print  w$;" ";bs$;" ";count

function bestShuffle$(s1$)
   s2$   = s1$
   for i = 1 to len(s2$)
        for j =  1 to len(s2$) 
            if (i <> j) and (mid$(s2$,i,1) <> mid$(s1$,j,1)) and (mid$(s2$,j,1) <> mid$(s1$,i,1)) then
            if j < i then i1 = j:j1 = i else i1 = i:j1 = j
            s2$ = left$(s2$,i1-1) + mid$(s2$,j1,1) + mid$(s2$,i1+1,(j1-i1)-1) + mid$(s2$,i1,1) + mid$(s2$,j1+1)
            end if
        next j
   next i
bestShuffle$ = s2$
end function


abracadabra raabadacabr 0
seesaw eswaes 0
pop opp 1
grrrrrr rgrrrrr 5
up pu 0
a a 1


Library: rand
extern crate permutohedron;
extern crate rand;

use std::cmp::{min, Ordering};
use std::env;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use std::str;

const WORDS: &'static [&'static str] = &["abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"];

struct Solution {
    original: String,
    shuffled: String,
    score: usize,

// Ordering trait implementations are only needed for the permutations method
impl PartialOrd for Solution {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Solution) -> Option<Ordering> {
        match (self.score, other.score) {
            (s, o) if s < o => Some(Ordering::Less),
            (s, o) if s > o => Some(Ordering::Greater),
            (s, o) if s == o => Some(Ordering::Equal),
            _ => None,

impl PartialEq for Solution {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Solution) -> bool {
        match (self.score, other.score) {
            (s, o) if s == o => true,
            _ => false,

impl Ord for Solution {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Solution) -> Ordering {
        match (self.score, other.score) {
            (s, o) if s < o => Ordering::Less,
            (s, o) if s > o => Ordering::Greater,
            _ => Ordering::Equal,

fn _help() {
    println!("Usage: best_shuffle <word1> <word2> ...");

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
    let mut words: Vec<String> = vec![];

    match args.len() {
        1 => {
            for w in WORDS.iter() {
        _ => {
            for w in args.split_at(1).1 {

    let solutions = words.iter().map(|w| best_shuffle(w)).collect::<Vec<_>>();

    for s in solutions {
        println!("{}, {}, ({})", s.original, s.shuffled, s.score);

// Implementation iterating over all permutations
fn _best_shuffle_perm(w: &String) -> Solution {
    let mut soln = Solution {
        original: w.clone(),
        shuffled: w.clone(),
        score: w.len(),
    let w_bytes: Vec<u8> = w.clone().into_bytes();
    let mut permutocopy = w_bytes.clone();
    let mut permutations = permutohedron::Heap::new(&mut permutocopy);
    while let Some(p) = permutations.next_permutation() {
        let hamm = hamming(&w_bytes, p);
        soln = min(soln,
                   Solution {
                       original: w.clone(),
                       shuffled: String::from(str::from_utf8(p).unwrap()),
                       score: hamm,
        // Accept the solution if score 0 found
        if hamm == 0 {

// Quadratic implementation
fn best_shuffle(w: &String) -> Solution {
    let w_bytes: Vec<u8> = w.clone().into_bytes();
    let mut shuffled_bytes: Vec<u8> = w.clone().into_bytes();

    // Shuffle once
    let sh: &mut [u8] = shuffled_bytes.as_mut_slice();

    // Swap wherever it doesn't decrease the score
    for i in {
        for j in {
            if (i == j) | (sh[i] == w_bytes[j]) | (sh[j] == w_bytes[i]) | (sh[i] == sh[j]) {
            sh.swap(i, j);

    let res = String::from(str::from_utf8(sh).unwrap());
    let res_bytes: Vec<u8> = res.clone().into_bytes();
    Solution {
        original: w.clone(),
        shuffled: res,
        score: hamming(&w_bytes, &res_bytes),

fn hamming(w0: &Vec<u8>, w1: &Vec<u8>) -> usize {
    w0.iter().zip(w1.iter()).filter(|z| z.0 == z.1).count()
abracadabra, caadabarabr, (0)
seesaw, esswea, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrrgrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


There are two implementations. One is simple but exponential and very inefficient. The second one is quadratic. Both are pure functional. Given quadratic solution has a bigger constant than the one used in the Python implementation, but doesn't use mutable datastructures.

  def coincidients(s1: Seq[Char], s2: Seq[Char]): Int = (s1, s2).zipped.count(p => (p._1 == p._2))
  def freqMap(s1: List[Char]) = s1.groupBy(_.toChar).mapValues(_.size)
  def estimate(s1: List[Char]): Int = if (s1 == Nil) 0 else List(0, freqMap(s1).maxBy(_._2)._2 - (s1.size / 2)).max

  def bestShuffle(s: String): Pair[String, Int] = {
    if (s == "") return ("", 0) else {}
    val charList = s.toList
    val estim = estimate(charList)

    // purely functional polynomial solution
    def doStep(accu: List[Pair[Int, Int]], sourceFreqMap: Map[Int, Int], targetFreqMap: Map[Int, Int], stepsLeft: Int): List[Pair[Int, Int]] = {
      if (stepsLeft == 0) accu else {
        val srcChoices = sourceFreqMap.groupBy(_._2).minBy(_._1)._2
        val src = srcChoices.toList.apply(Random.nextInt(srcChoices.size))._1

        val tgtChoices = => if (charList(p._1) != charList(src)) (p._1, p._2) else (p._1, Int.MaxValue / 2)).groupBy(_._2).minBy(_._1)._2
        val tgt = tgtChoices.toList.apply(Random.nextInt(tgtChoices.size))._1
        doStep((src, tgt) :: accu,
          sourceFreqMap.filterKeys(_ != src).map(p => if (charList(p._1) != charList(tgt)) (p._1, p._2 - 1) else (p._1, p._2)),
          targetFreqMap.filterKeys(_ != tgt).map(p => if (charList(p._1) != charList(src)) (p._1, p._2 - 1) else (p._1, p._2)),
          stepsLeft - 1)

    val leftFreqMap: Map[Int, Int] = => (p._2, p._1)).toMap.mapValues(x => freqMap(charList).mapValues(charList.size - _)(x))

    val substs = doStep(List(), leftFreqMap, leftFreqMap, charList.size)
    val res = substs.sortBy(_._1).map(p => charList(p._2))
    (res.mkString, coincidients(charList, res))

    // exponential solution (inefficient)
    //Random.shuffle(charList).permutations.find(coincidients(charList, _) <= estim)


The test code:

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {


The ScalaCheck code

object BestShuffleSpecification extends Properties("BestShuffle") {

  property("size") = forAll { (src: String) =>
    val s = Main.bestShuffle(src)
    s._1.size == src.size

  property("freq") = forAll { (src: String) =>
    val s = Main.bestShuffle(src)
    Main.freqMap(s._1.toList) == Main.freqMap(src.toList)

  property("estimate") = forAll { (src: String) =>
    val s = Main.bestShuffle(src)
    Main.estimate(src.toList) == s._2



(define count
  (lambda (str1 str2)
    (let ((len (string-length str1)))
      (let loop ((index 0)
                 (result 0))
        (if (= index len)
            (loop (+ index 1)
                  (if (eq? (string-ref str1 index)
                           (string-ref str2 index))
                      (+ result 1)

(define swap
  (lambda (str index1 index2)
    (let ((mutable (string-copy str))
          (char1 (string-ref str index1))
          (char2 (string-ref str index2)))
      (string-set! mutable index1 char2)
      (string-set! mutable index2 char1)

(define shift
  (lambda (str)
    (string-append (substring str 1 (string-length str))
                   (substring str 0 1))))

(define shuffle
  (lambda (str)
    (let* ((mutable (shift str))
           (len (string-length mutable))
           (max-index (- len 1)))
      (let outer ((index1 0)
                  (best mutable)
                  (best-count (count str mutable)))
        (if (or (< max-index index1)
                (= best-count 0))
            (let inner ((index2 (+ index1 1))
                        (best best)
                        (best-count best-count))
              (if (= len index2)
                  (outer (+ index1 1)
                  (let* ((next-mutable (swap best index1 index2))
                         (next-count (count str next-mutable)))
                    (if (= 0 next-count)
                        (if (< next-count best-count)
                            (inner (+ index2 1)
                            (inner (+ index2 1)

 (lambda (str)
   (let ((shuffled (shuffle str)))
      (string-append str " " shuffled " ("
                     (number->string (count str shuffled)) ")\n"))))
 '("abracadabra" "seesaw" "elk" "grrrrrr" "up" "a"))


abracadabra baacadabrar (0)
seesaw easews (0)
elk lke (0)
grrrrrr rrrrrrg (5)
up pu (0)
a a (1)


$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const func string: bestShuffle (in string: stri) is func
    var string: shuffled is "";
    var char: tmp is ' ';
    var integer: i is 0;
    var integer: j is 0;
    shuffled := stri;
    for key i range shuffled do
      for key j range shuffled do
        if i <> j and stri[i] <> shuffled[j] and stri[j] <> shuffled[i] then
          tmp  := shuffled[i];
          shuffled @:= [i] shuffled[j];
          shuffled @:= [j] tmp;
        end if;
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: main is func
    const array string: testData is [] ("abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a");
    var string: original is "";
    var string: shuffled is "";
    var integer: j is 0;
    var integer: score is 0;
    for original range testData do
      shuffled := bestShuffle(original);
      score := 0;
      for key j range shuffled do
        if original[j] = shuffled[j] then
        end if;
      end for;
      writeln(original <& ", " <& shuffled <& ", (" <& score <& ")");
    end for;
  end func;


abracadabra, caadrbabaar, (0)
seesaw, ewaess, (0)
elk, kel, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


Translation of: Go
func best_shuffle(String orig) -> (String, Number) {

    var s = orig.chars
    var t = s.shuffle

    for i (^s) {
        for j (^s) {
            if (i!=j && t[i]!=s[j] && t[j]!=s[i]) {
                t[i, j] = t[j, i]

    (t.join, s ~Z== t -> count(true))

for word (<abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a>) {
    var (sword, score) = best_shuffle(word)
    "%-12s %12s: %d\n".printf(word, sword, score)
abracadabra   daabacarrab: 0
seesaw             esaews: 0
elk                   lke: 0
grrrrrr           rgrrrrr: 5
up                     pu: 0
a                       a: 1


As a structured script.

pragma annotate( summary, "best_shuffle" )
       @( description, "Shuffle the characters of a string in such a" )
       @( description, "way that as many of the character values are" )
       @( description, "in a different position as possible. Print" )
       @( description, "the result as follows: original string," )
       @( description, "shuffled string, (score). The score gives the" )
       @( description, "number of positions whose character value" )
       @( description, "did not change." )
       @( author, "Ken O. Burtch" )
       @( see_also, "" );
pragma license( unrestricted );

pragma restriction( no_external_commands );

procedure best_shuffle is

  -- Shuffle the characters in a string.  Do not swap identical characters

  function shuffle( s : string ) return string is
    t : string := s;
    tmp : character;
    for i in 1..strings.length(s) loop
       for j in 1..strings.length(s) loop
         if i /= j and strings.element( s, i ) /= strings.element( t, j ) and strings.element( s, j ) /= strings.element( t, i ) then
            tmp := strings.element( t, i );
            t := strings.overwrite( t, i, strings.element( t, j ) & "" );
            t := strings.overwrite( t, j, tmp & "" );
         end if;
       end loop;
    end loop;
    return t;
  end shuffle;

  stop : boolean := false;


  while not stop loop
      original : constant string := get_line;
      shuffled : constant string := shuffle( original );
      score : natural := 0;
      if original = "" then
      end if;

      -- determine the score for the shuffled string

      for i in 1..strings.length( original ) loop
         if strings.element( original, i ) = strings.element( shuffled, i ) then
            score := @+1;
         end if;
      end loop;
      put_line( original & ", " & shuffled & ", (" &
          strings.image( score ) & " )" );

  end loop;

end best_shuffle;


Library: Tcllib (Package: struct::list)
package require Tcl 8.5
package require struct::list

# Simple metric function; assumes non-empty lists
proc count {l1 l2} {
    foreach a $l1 b $l2 {incr total [string equal $a $b]}
    return $total
# Find the best shuffling of the string
proc bestshuffle {str} {
    set origin [split $str ""]
    set best $origin
    set score [llength $origin]
    struct::list foreachperm p $origin {
	if {$score > [set score [tcl::mathfunc::min $score [count $origin $p]]]} {
	    set best $p
    set best [join $best ""]
    return "$str,$best,($score)"


foreach sample {abracadabra seesaw elk grrrrrr up a} {
    puts [bestshuffle $sample]




An implementation based on the J solution looks like this.

#import std
#import nat

words = <'abracadabra','seesaw','elk','grrrrrr','up','a'>

shuffle = num; ^H/(*@K24) ^H\~&lS @rK2lSS *+ ^arPfarhPlzPClyPCrtPXPRalPqzyCipSLK24\~&L leql$^NS


main = ~&LS <.~&l,@r :/` ,' ('--+ --')'+ ~&h+ %nP+ length@plrEF>^(~&,shuffle)* words

A solution based on exponential search would use this definition of shuffle (cf. Haskell and Tcl).

shuffle = ~&r+ length@plrEZF$^^D/~& permutations


abracadabra caarrbabaad (0)
seesaw wssaee (0)
elk lke (0)
grrrrrr rgrrrrr (5)
up pu (0)
a a (1)


Option Explicit

Sub Main_Best_shuffle()
Dim S() As Long, W, b As Byte, Anagram$, Count&, myB As Boolean, Limit As Byte, i As Integer

    W = Array("a", "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "qwerty", "tttt")
    For b = 0 To UBound(W)
        Count = 0
        Select Case Len(W(b))
            Case 1: Limit = 1
            Case Else
                i = NbLettersDiff(W(b))
                If i >= Len(W(b)) \ 2 Then
                    Limit = 0
                ElseIf i = 1 Then
                    Limit = Len(W(b))
                    Limit = Len(W(b)) - i
                End If
        End Select
            S() = ShuffleIntegers(Len(W(b)))
            myB = GoodShuffle(S, Limit)
        Loop While Not myB
        Anagram = ShuffleWord(CStr(W(b)), S)
        Count = Nb(W(b), Anagram)
        If Count > Limit Then GoTo RePlay
        Debug.Print W(b) & " ==> " & Anagram & " (Score : " & Count & ")"
End Sub

Function ShuffleIntegers(l As Long) As Long()
Dim i As Integer, ou As Integer, temp() As Long
Dim C As New Collection

    ReDim temp(l - 1)
    If l = 1 Then
        temp(0) = 0
    ElseIf l = 2 Then
        temp(0) = 1: temp(1) = 0
            ou = Int(Rnd * l)
            On Error Resume Next
            C.Add CStr(ou), CStr(ou)
            If Err <> 0 Then
                On Error GoTo 0
                temp(ou) = i
                i = i + 1
            End If
        Loop While C.Count <> l
    End If
    ShuffleIntegers = temp
End Function

Function GoodShuffle(t() As Long, Lim As Byte) As Boolean
Dim i&, C&
    For i = LBound(t) To UBound(t)
        If t(i) = i Then C = C + 1
    Next i
    GoodShuffle = (C <= Lim)
End Function

Function ShuffleWord(W$, S() As Long) As String
Dim i&, temp, strR$

    temp = Split(StrConv(W, vbUnicode), Chr(0))
    For i = 0 To UBound(S)
        strR = strR & temp(S(i))
    Next i
    ShuffleWord = strR
End Function

Function Nb(W, A) As Integer
Dim i As Integer, l As Integer

    For i = 1 To Len(W)
        If Mid(W, i, 1) = Mid(A, i, 1) Then l = l + 1
    Next i
    Nb = l
End Function

Function NbLettersDiff(W) As Integer
Dim i&, C As New Collection
    For i = 1 To Len(W)
        On Error Resume Next
        C.Add Mid(W, i, 1), Mid(W, i, 1)
    Next i
    NbLettersDiff = C.Count
End Function
a ==> a (Score : 1)
abracadabra ==> baacdbaraar (Score : 0)
seesaw ==> awsees (Score : 0)
elk ==> kel (Score : 0)
grrrrrr ==> rgrrrrr (Score : 5)
up ==> pu (Score : 0)
qwerty ==> eytwrq (Score : 0)
tttt ==> tttt (Score : 4)


Translation of: Java
'Best Shuffle Task
'VBScript Implementation

Function bestshuffle(s)
    Dim arr:Redim arr(Len(s)-1)

    'The Following Does the toCharArray() Functionality
    For i = 0 To Len(s)-1
        arr(i) = Mid(s, i + 1, 1)

    arr = shuffler(arr)     'Make this line a comment for deterministic solution
    For i = 0 To UBound(arr):Do
        If arr(i) <> Mid(s, i + 1, 1) Then Exit Do
        For j = 0 To UBound(arr)
            If arr(i) <> arr(j) And arr(i) <> Mid(s, j + 1, 1) And arr(j) <> Mid(s, i + 1, 1) Then
                tmp = arr(i)
                arr(i) = arr(j)
                arr(j) = tmp
            End If
    Loop While False:Next

    shuffled_word = Join(arr,"")

    'This section is the scorer
    score = 0
    For k = 1 To Len(s)
        If Mid(s,k,1) = Mid(shuffled_word,k,1) Then
            score = score + 1
        End If

    bestshuffle = shuffled_word & ",(" & score & ")"
End Function

Function shuffler(array)
    Set rand = CreateObject("System.Random")
    For i = UBound(array) to 0 Step -1
       r = rand.next_2(0, i + 1)
       tmp = array(i)
       array(i) = array(r)
       array(r) = tmp
    shuffler = array
End Function

'Testing the function
word_list = Array("abracadabra","seesaw","elk","grrrrrr","up","a")
For Each word In word_list
    WScript.StdOut.WriteLine word & "," & bestshuffle(word)


Translation of: Kotlin
import "random" for Random

class BestShuffle {
    static shuffle_(ca) {
        var rand =
        var i = ca.count - 1
        while (i >= 1) {
            var r = + 1)
            var tmp = ca[i]
            ca[i] = ca[r]
            ca[r] = tmp
            i = i - 1

    static count_(ca, s1) {
        var count = 0
        for (i in if (s1[i] == ca[i]) count = count + 1
        return count

    static invoke(s1) {
        var s2 = s1.toList
        for (i in 0...s2.count) {
            if (s2[i] == s1[i]) {
                for (j in 0...s2.count) {
                    if (s2[i] != s2[j] && s2[i] != s1[j] && s2[j] != s1[i]) {
                        var tmp = s2[i]
                        s2[i] = s2[j]
                        s2[j] = tmp
        return s1 + ", " + s2.join() + ", (" + "%(count_(s2, s1))" + ")"

var words = ["tree", "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"]
words.each { |w| System.print(BestShuffle.invoke(w)) }
tree, eert, (0)
abracadabra, baarabacadr, (0)
seesaw, aswese, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


include c:\cxpl\codes;  \'code' declarations
string 0;               \use zero-terminated string convention

func StrLen(A);         \Return number of characters in an ASCIIZ string
char A;
int  I;
for I:= 0 to -1>>1-1 do
        if A(I) = 0 then return I;

proc Shuffle(W0);       \Display best shuffle of characters in a word
char W0;
char W(20), SW(20);
int  L, I, S, SS, C, T;
[L:= StrLen(W0);                        \word length
for I:= 0 to L do W(I):= W0(I);         \get working copy of word (including 0)
SS:= 20;                                \initialize best (saved) score
for C:= 1 to 1_000_000 do               \overkill? XPL0 is fast
        [I:= Ran(L);                    \shuffle: swap random char with end char
        T:= W(I);  W(I):= W(L-1);  W(L-1):= T;
        S:= 0;                          \compute score
        for I:= 0 to L-1 do
                if W(I) = W0(I) then S:= S+1;
        if S < SS then 
                [SS:= S;                \save best score and best shuffle
                for I:= 0 to L do SW(I):= W(I);
Text(0, W0);  Text(0, ", ");            \show original and shuffled words, score
Text(0, SW);  Text(0, ", (");  IntOut(0, SS);  ChOut(0, ^));  CrLf(0);

int S, I;
[S:= ["abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a"];
for I:= 0 to 5 do Shuffle(S(I));


abracadabra, drababaraac, (0)
seesaw, easwes, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrrrrg, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)


Translation of: D
Translation of: Common Lisp
fcn bestShuffle(str){
   s:=str.split("").shuffle();    // -->List
   if(not s) return(str,str.len()); // can't shuffle "" or "a"

   foreach i in (n){
      foreach j in (n){
         if (i!=j and s[i]!=str[j] and s[j]!=str[i]){
   return(s.concat(), s.zipWith('==,str).sum(0));
foreach s in (ss){
   println("%s --> %s (%d)".fmt(s,ns,cnt));
abracadabra --> raabaracadb (0)
immediately --> mietlmedyia (0)
grrrrrr --> rgrrrrr (5)
seesaw --> asswee (0)
pop --> opp (1)
up --> pu (0)
a --> a (1)
 -->  (0)

ZX Spectrum Basic

Translation of: AWK
10 FOR n=1 TO 6
20 READ w$
30 GO SUB 1000
40 LET count=0
50 FOR i=1 TO LEN w$
60 IF w$(i)=b$(i) THEN LET count=count+1
70 NEXT i
80 PRINT w$;" ";b$;" ";count
90 NEXT n
100 STOP 
1000 REM Best shuffle
1010 LET b$=w$
1020 FOR i=1 TO LEN b$
1030 FOR j=1 TO LEN b$
1040 IF (i<>j) AND (b$(i)<>w$(j)) AND (b$(j)<>w$(i)) THEN LET t$=b$(i): LET b$(i)=b$(j): LET b$(j)=t$
1110 NEXT j
1120 NEXT i
1130 RETURN 
2000 DATA "abracadabra","seesaw","elk","grrrrrr","up","a"
abracadabra caadrbabaar 0
seesaw ewaess 0
elk kel 0
grrrrrr rgrrrrr 5
up pu 0
a a 1