Category:Solutions by Programming Task
Click on a programming task, and you can see solutions to that task in a variety of programming languages. If you want to see an unsorted list of all tasks on Rosetta Code, see Programming Tasks.
If you have an idea for a programming task not listed here, you may request it or add it yourself.
This category has the following 62 subcategories, out of 62 total.
- Checksums (15 P)
- Compression (3 P)
- Concurrency (11 P)
- Conditional loops (4 P)
- Data Structures (32 P)
- Database operations (4 P)
- Date and time (20 P)
- Encryption (14 P)
- Environment variables (1 P)
- File handling (15 P)
- Functions and subroutines (15 P)
- Games (57 P)
- Geometric Primitives (2 P)
- Geometric Subtraction (1 P)
- Graphics algorithms (8 P)
- GUI (18 P)
- Initialization (18 P)
- Iteration (25 P)
- Joystick (1 P)
- Keyboard input (4 P)
- Logic (4 P)
- Memory management (2 P)
- Object oriented (18 P)
- Pointing devices (1 P)
- Puzzles (49 P)
- Randomness (10 P)
- Recursion (30 P)
- Regular expressions (1 P)
- Rosetta Code related (8 P)
- Routing algorithms (4 P)
- Sciences (3 P)
- Scope (4 P)
- Screen capture (empty)
- Signal handling (1 P)
- Speech Recognition (empty)
- Speech synthesis (2 P)
- Streams (2 P)
Pages in category "Solutions by Programming Task"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 650 total.
(previous page) (next page)P
- Pan base non-primes
- Pancake numbers
- Pangram checker
- Paraffins
- Parse an IP Address
- Parsing/RPN calculator algorithm
- Parsing/RPN to infix conversion
- Parsing/Shunting-yard algorithm
- Particle fountain
- Pascal's triangle/Puzzle
- Password generator
- Pathological floating point problems
- Peaceful chess queen armies
- Pell numbers
- Penholodigital squares
- Penta-power prime seeds
- Pentagram
- Pentomino tiling
- Perfect shuffle
- Perfect totient numbers
- Periodic table
- Peripheral drift illusion
- Perlin noise
- Permutations by swapping
- Permutations/Derangements
- Permutations/Rank of a permutation
- Phrase reversals
- Pig the dice game
- Pig the dice game/Player
- Pinstripe/Printer
- Piprimes
- Plasma effect
- Playfair cipher
- Plot coordinate pairs
- Poker hand analyser
- Polyspiral
- Population count
- Pragmatic directives
- Prime numbers whose neighboring pairs are tetraprimes
- Prime reciprocal sum
- Prime triangle
- Primes: n*2^m+1
- Priority queue
- Product of min and max prime factors
- Pseudo-random numbers/Combined recursive generator MRG32k3a
- Pseudo-random numbers/Middle-square method
- Pseudo-random numbers/PCG32
- Pseudo-random numbers/Xorshift star
- Pythagoras tree
- Pythagorean quadruples
- Pythagorean triples
- Radical of an integer
- Ramanujan's constant
- Ramer-Douglas-Peucker line simplification
- Random Latin squares
- Random number generator (device)
- Random number generator (included)
- Random sentence from book
- Range consolidation
- Range expansion
- Range extraction
- Rate counter
- Read a specific line from a file
- Recaman's sequence
- Remove lines from a file
- Rep-string
- Repeat
- Repunit primes
- Resistor mesh
- Reverse words in a string
- Rhonda numbers
- Riordan numbers
- RIPEMD-160
- Roman numerals/Decode
- Roman numerals/Encode
- Rosetta Code/Rank languages by number of users
- Round-robin tournament schedule
- RPG attributes generator
- Runge-Kutta method
- Runtime evaluation
- Runtime evaluation/In an environment
- Ruth-Aaron numbers
- Sailors, coconuts and a monkey problem
- Same fringe
- Sealed classes and methods
- Search in paragraph's text
- Selectively replace multiple instances of a character within a string
- Self numbers
- Self-describing numbers
- Semordnilap
- Sequence: nth number with exactly n divisors
- Sequence: smallest number greater than previous term with exactly n divisors
- Sequence: smallest number with exactly n divisors
- Set consolidation
- Set of real numbers
- Set right-adjacent bits
- Set, the card game
- SHA-1
- Shoelace formula for polygonal area
- Shortest common supersequence
- Show ASCII table
- Show the epoch
- Sierpinski pentagon
- Sierpinski triangle/Graphical
- Simple turtle graphics
- Singular value decomposition
- Sisyphus sequence
- Smallest number k such that k+2^m is composite for all m less than k
- Smarandache-Wellin primes
- Smith numbers
- Soloway's recurring rainfall
- Solve a Hidato puzzle
- Solve a Holy Knight's tour
- Solve a Hopido puzzle
- Solve a Numbrix puzzle
- Sorensen–Dice coefficient
- Sort an outline at every level
- Sparkline in unicode
- Spelling of ordinal numbers
- Sphenic numbers
- Split a character string based on change of character
- Square but not cube
- Square-free integers
- Stair-climbing puzzle
- Start from a main routine
- Statistics/Normal distribution
- Stern-Brocot sequence
- Stirling numbers of the first kind
- Stirling numbers of the second kind
- Strassen's algorithm
- Stream merge
- Strip control codes and extended characters from a string
- Sub-unit squares
- Subleq
- Substring/Top and tail
- Suffixation of decimal numbers
- Sum and product puzzle
- Sum digits of an integer
- Sum multiples of 3 and 5
- Sum of elements below main diagonal of matrix
- Sum to 100
- Summarize and say sequence
- Summarize primes
- Super-d numbers
- Super-Poulet numbers
- Superellipse
- Superpermutation minimisation
- Sylvester's sequence
- Sync subtitles
- Syntax highlighting using Mediawiki formatting
- Tarjan
- Tau function
- Teacup rim text
- Temperature conversion
- Terminal control/Coloured text
- Terminal control/Unicode output
- Test integerness
- Textonyms
- The Name Game
- The Twelve Days of Christmas
- Thue-Morse
- Tonelli-Shanks algorithm
- Top rank per group
- Topic variable
- Topswops
- Total circles area
- Trabb Pardo–Knuth algorithm
- Transliterate English text using the Greek alphabet
- Tree datastructures
- Tree from nesting levels
- Triangular numbers
- Tropical algebra overloading
- Truncate a file
- Truth table
- Tupper's self-referential formula
- Two bullet roulette