Summarize and say sequence
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
There are several ways to generate a self-referential sequence. One very common one (the Look-and-say sequence) is to start with a positive integer, then generate the next term by concatenating enumerated groups of adjacent alike digits:
0, 10, 1110, 3110, 132110, 1113122110, 311311222110 ...
The terms generated grow in length geometrically and never converge.
Another way to generate a self-referential sequence is to summarize the previous term.
Count how many of each alike digit there is, then concatenate the sum and digit for each of the sorted enumerated digits. Note that the first five terms are the same as for the previous sequence.
0, 10, 1110, 3110, 132110, 13123110, 23124110 ...
Sort the digits largest to smallest. Do not include counts of digits that do not appear in the previous term.
Depending on the seed value, series generated this way always either converge to a stable value or to a short cyclical pattern. (For our purposes, I'll use converge to mean an element matches a previously seen element.) The sequence shown, with a seed value of 0, converges to a stable value of 1433223110 after 11 iterations. The seed value that converges most quickly is 22. It goes stable after the first element. (The next element is 22, which has been seen before.)
- Task
Find all the positive integer seed values under 1000000, for the above convergent self-referential sequence, that takes the largest number of iterations before converging. Then print out the number of iterations and the sequence they return. Note that different permutations of the digits of the seed will yield the same sequence. For this task, assume leading zeros are not permitted.
Seed Value(s): 9009 9090 9900 Iterations: 21 Sequence: (same for all three seeds except for first element) 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
- Related tasks
- Fours is the number of letters in the ...
- Look-and-say sequence
- Number names
- Self-describing numbers
- Spelling of ordinal numbers
- Metrics
- Counting
- Word frequency
- Letter frequency
- Jewels and stones
- I before E except after C
- Bioinformatics/base count
- Count occurrences of a substring
- Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string
- Remove/replace
- XXXX redacted
- Conjugate a Latin verb
- Remove vowels from a string
- String interpolation (included)
- Strip block comments
- Strip comments from a string
- Strip a set of characters from a string
- Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail
- Strip control codes and extended characters from a string
- Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling
- Word wheel
- ABC problem
- Sattolo cycle
- Knuth shuffle
- Ordered words
- Superpermutation minimisation
- Textonyms (using a phone text pad)
- Anagrams
- Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
- Permutations/Derangements
- Find/Search/Determine
- ABC words
- Odd words
- Word ladder
- Semordnilap
- Word search
- Wordiff (game)
- String matching
- Tea cup rim text
- Alternade words
- Changeable words
- State name puzzle
- String comparison
- Unique characters
- Unique characters in each string
- Extract file extension
- Levenshtein distance
- Palindrome detection
- Common list elements
- Longest common suffix
- Longest common prefix
- Compare a list of strings
- Longest common substring
- Find common directory path
- Words from neighbour ones
- Change e letters to i in words
- Non-continuous subsequences
- Longest common subsequence
- Longest palindromic substrings
- Longest increasing subsequence
- Words containing "the" substring
- Sum of the digits of n is substring of n
- Determine if a string is numeric
- Determine if a string is collapsible
- Determine if a string is squeezable
- Determine if a string has all unique characters
- Determine if a string has all the same characters
- Longest substrings without repeating characters
- Find words which contains all the vowels
- Find words which contain the most consonants
- Find words which contains more than 3 vowels
- Find words whose first and last three letters are equal
- Find words with alternating vowels and consonants
- Formatting
- Substring
- Rep-string
- Word wrap
- String case
- Align columns
- Literals/String
- Repeat a string
- Brace expansion
- Brace expansion using ranges
- Reverse a string
- Phrase reversals
- Comma quibbling
- Special characters
- String concatenation
- Substring/Top and tail
- Commatizing numbers
- Reverse words in a string
- Suffixation of decimal numbers
- Long literals, with continuations
- Numerical and alphabetical suffixes
- Abbreviations, easy
- Abbreviations, simple
- Abbreviations, automatic
- Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases
- Mad Libs
- Magic 8-ball
- 99 bottles of beer
- The Name Game (a song)
- The Old lady swallowed a fly
- The Twelve Days of Christmas
- Tokenize
- Text between
- Tokenize a string
- Word break problem
- Tokenize a string with escaping
- Split a character string based on change of character
- Sequences
- Also see
[String] result
V longest = 0
F make_sequence(n) -> Void
DefaultDict[Char, Int] map
L(c) n
V z = ‘’
L(k) sorted(map.keys(), reverse' 1B)
z ‘’= Char(code' map[k] + ‘0’.code)
z ‘’= k
I :longest <= z.len
:longest = z.len
I z !C :result
:result [+]= z
L(test) [‘9900’, ‘9090’, ‘9009’]
longest = 0
print(‘[#.] Iterations: #.’.format(test, result.len + 1))
- Output:
[9900] Iterations: 21 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 [9090] Iterations: 21 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 [9009] Iterations: 21 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
procedure SelfRef is
subtype Seed is Natural range 0 .. 1_000_000;
subtype Num is Natural range 0 .. 10;
type NumList is array (0 .. 10) of Num;
package IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Natural);
package DVect is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Positive, NumList);
function Init (innum : Seed) return NumList is
list : NumList := (others => 0);
number : Seed := innum; d : Num;
d := Num (number mod 10);
list (d) := list (d) + 1;
number := number / 10; exit when number = 0;
end loop; return list;
end Init;
procedure Next (inoutlist : in out NumList) is
list : NumList := (others => 0);
for i in list'Range loop
if inoutlist (i) /= 0 then
list (i) := list (i) + 1;
list (inoutlist (i)) := list (inoutlist (i)) + 1;
end if;
end loop; inoutlist := list;
end Next;
procedure Show (list : NumList) is begin
for i in reverse list'Range loop
if list (i) > 0 then
IO.Put (list (i), Width => 1); IO.Put (i, Width => 1);
end if;
end loop; New_Line;
end Show;
function Iterate (theseed : Seed; p : Boolean) return Natural is
list : NumList := Init (theseed);
vect : DVect.Vector;
vect.Append (list);
if p then Show (list); end if;
Next (list); exit when vect.Contains (list); vect.Append (list);
end loop;
return Integer (DVect.Length (vect)) + 1;
end Iterate;
mseed : Seed;
len, maxlen : Natural := 0;
for i in Seed'Range loop
len := Iterate (i, False);
if len > maxlen then mseed := i; maxlen := len; end if;
end loop;
IO.Put (maxlen, Width => 1); Put_Line (" Iterations:");
IO.Put (mseed, Width => 1); New_Line;
len := Iterate (mseed, True);
end SelfRef;
- Output:
21 Iterations: 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
next(text s)
integer c, e, l;
index v;
data d;
l = ~s;
while (l) {
v[-s[l -= 1]] += 1;
for (c, e in v) {
b_form(d, "%d%c", e, -c);
return d;
depth(text s, integer i, record r)
integer d;
d = 0;
r_j_integer(d, r, s);
if (d <= 0) {
i += 1;
d += d ? i : -i;
r[s] = d;
i = depth(next(s), i, r);
d = r[s];
if (d <= 0) {
r[s] = d = i + 1;
return d;
integer d, e, i;
record r;
list l;
d = 0;
i = 1000000;
while (i) {
i -= 1;
e = depth(itoa(i), 0, r);
if (e == d) {
lb_p_integer(l, i);
} elif (d < e) {
d = e;
lb_p_integer(l, i);
o_("longest length is ", d, "\n");
while (l_o_integer(i, l, 0)) {
text s;
o_("\n", i, "\n");
e = d - 1;
s = itoa(i);
while (e) {
o_(s = next(s), "\n");
e -= 1;
return 0;
- Output:
longest length is 21 9900 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 9090 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
Not optimized in the slightest.
; The following directives and commands speed up execution:
SetBatchlines -1
ListLines Off
Process, Priority,, high
iterations := 0, seed := "Seeds: "
Loop 1000000
If (newIterations := CountSubString(list := ListSequence(A_Index), "`n")) > iterations
iterations := newiterations
,final := "`nIterations: " iterations+1 "`nSequence:`n`n" A_Index "`n" list
,seed := A_Index " "
else if (newIterations = iterations)
seed .= A_Index " "
MsgBox % "Seeds: " . seed . final
While !InStr("`n" . out, "`n" (d:=Describe(seed)) "`n")
out .= d "`n", seed := d
return out
Loop 10
If (t:=CountSubString(n, 10-A_Index))
out .= t . (10-A_Index)
return out
CountSubstring(fullstring, substring){
StringReplace, junk, fullstring, %substring%, , UseErrorLevel
return errorlevel
Seeds: 9009 9090 9900 Iterations: 21 Sequence: 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
DIM list$(30)
maxiter% = 0
maxseed% = 0
FOR seed% = 0 TO 999999
list$(0) = STR$(seed%)
iter% = 0
list$(iter%+1) = FNseq(list$(iter%))
IF VALlist$(iter%+1) <= VALlist$(iter%) THEN
FOR try% = iter% TO 0 STEP -1
IF list$(iter%+1) = list$(try%) EXIT REPEAT
iter% += 1
IF iter% >= maxiter% THEN
IF iter% > maxiter% CLS
maxiter% = iter%
maxseed% = seed%
PRINT "Seed " ;seed% " has "; iter% " iterations"
PRINT '"Sequence:"
number$ = STR$(maxseed%)
FOR i% = 1 TO maxiter%
PRINT number$
number$ = FNseq(number$)
DEF FNseq(n$)
LOCAL I%, o$, d%()
DIM d%(9)
FOR I% = 1 TO LEN(n$)
d%(ASCMID$(n$,I%)-&30) += 1
FOR I% = 9 TO 0 STEP -1
IF d%(I%) o$ += STR$d%(I%) + STR$I%
= o$
Seed 9009 has 21 iterations Seed 9090 has 21 iterations Seed 9900 has 21 iterations Sequence: 9900 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
( ( self-referential
= seq N next
. ( next
= R S d f
. 0:?S
& whl
' (@(!arg:%@?d ?arg)&(.!d)+!S:?S)
& :?R
& whl
' ( !S:#?f*(.?d)+?S
& !f !d !R:?R
& str$!R
& 1:?N
& !arg:?seq
& whl
' ( next$!arg:?arg
& ~(!seq:? !arg ?)
& !arg !seq:?seq
& 1+!N:?N
& (!seq.!N)
& ( Perm
= permutations S p
. :?permutations
& ( perm
= prefix List original A Z p
. !arg:(?prefix.)
& str$!prefix:?p
& (!S:?+(.!p)+?|(.!p)+!S:?S)
| !arg:(0 ?.?)&
| !arg:(?prefix.?List:?original)
& whl
' ( @(!List:%?A ?Z)
& perm$(!prefix !A.!Z)
& str$(!Z !A):~!original:?List
& 0:?S
& perm$(.!arg)
& :?permutations
& whl
' ( !S:?*(.?p)+?S
& !p !permutations:?permutations
& !permutations
& -1:?i:?max
& :?seqs
& whl
' ( 1+!i:<1000000:?i
& ( @(!i:? %@?a >%@!a ?)
| self-referential$!i
: ( ?seq
. ( >!max:?max&:?seqs
| !max
& ( "Seed Value(s):" Perm$!i
. "Sequence: (same for all three seeds except for first element)
: ?seqs
& out$("Iterations:" !max !seqs)
Iterations: 21 ( Seed Value(s): 9900 9090 9009 . Sequence: (same for all three seeds except for first element) 19182716152413228110 19281716151413427110 19281716151423228110 29181716151413328110 19182716151423129110 19181716151413327110 191726151423128110 191716151413326110 1916251423127110 1916151413325110 19251413226110 19151423125110 191433125110 191413323110 1923224110 1923123110 19323110 19222110 192210 2920 9900 )
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct rec_t rec_t;
struct rec_t {
int depth;
rec_t * p[10];
rec_t root = {0, {0}};
#ifdef USE_POOL_ALLOC /* not all that big a deal */
rec_t *tail = 0, *head = 0;
#define POOL_SIZE (1 << 20)
inline rec_t *new_rec()
if (head == tail) {
head = calloc(sizeof(rec_t), POOL_SIZE);
tail = head + POOL_SIZE;
return head++;
#define new_rec() calloc(sizeof(rec_t), 1)
rec_t *find_rec(char *s)
int i;
rec_t *r = &root;
while (*s) {
i = *s++ - '0';
if (!r->p[i]) r->p[i] = new_rec();
r = r->p[i];
return r;
/* speed up number to string conversion */
char number[100][4];
void init()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
sprintf(number[i], "%d", i);
void count(char *buf)
int i, c[10] = {0};
char *s;
for (s = buf; *s; c[*s++ - '0']++);
for (i = 9; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!c[i]) continue;
s = number[c[i]];
*buf++ = s[0];
if ((*buf = s[1])) buf++;
*buf++ = i + '0';
*buf = '\0';
int depth(char *in, int d)
rec_t *r = find_rec(in);
if (r->depth > 0)
return r->depth;
if (!r->depth) r->depth = -d;
else r->depth += d;
d = depth(in, d);
if (r->depth <= 0) r->depth = d + 1;
return r->depth;
int main(void)
char a[100];
int i, d, best_len = 0, n_best = 0;
int best_ints[32];
rec_t *r;
for (i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
sprintf(a, "%d", i);
d = depth(a, 0);
if (d < best_len) continue;
if (d > best_len) {
n_best = 0;
best_len = d;
if (d == best_len)
best_ints[n_best++] = i;
printf("longest length: %d\n", best_len);
for (i = 0; i < n_best; i++) {
printf("%d\n", best_ints[i]);
sprintf(a, "%d", best_ints[i]);
for (d = 0; d <= best_len; d++) {
r = find_rec(a);
printf("%3d: %s\n", r->depth, a);
return 0;
- Output:
longest length: 21 9009 21: 9009 20: 2920 19: 192210 18: 19222110 17: 19323110 16: 1923123110 15: 1923224110 14: 191413323110 13: 191433125110 12: 19151423125110 11: 19251413226110 10: 1916151413325110 9: 1916251423127110 8: 191716151413326110 7: 191726151423128110 6: 19181716151413327110 5: 19182716151423129110 4: 29181716151413328110 3: 19281716151423228110 2: 19281716151413427110 2: 19182716152413228110 2: 19281716151413427110 9090 21: 9090 20: 2920 19: 192210 18: 19222110 17: 19323110 16: 1923123110 15: 1923224110 14: 191413323110 13: 191433125110 12: 19151423125110 11: 19251413226110 10: 1916151413325110 9: 1916251423127110 8: 191716151413326110 7: 191726151423128110 6: 19181716151413327110 5: 19182716151423129110 4: 29181716151413328110 3: 19281716151423228110 2: 19281716151413427110 2: 19182716152413228110 2: 19281716151413427110 9900 21: 9900 20: 2920 19: 192210 18: 19222110 17: 19323110 16: 1923123110 15: 1923224110 14: 191413323110 13: 191433125110 12: 19151423125110 11: 19251413226110 10: 1916151413325110 9: 1916251423127110 8: 191716151413326110 7: 191726151423128110 6: 19181716151413327110 5: 19182716151423129110 4: 29181716151413328110 3: 19281716151423228110 2: 19281716151413427110 2: 19182716152413228110 2: 19281716151413427110
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
std::map<char, int> _map;
std::vector<std::string> _result;
size_t longest = 0;
void make_sequence( std::string n ) {
for( std::string::iterator i = n.begin(); i != n.end(); i++ )
_map.insert( std::make_pair( *i, _map[*i]++ ) );
std::string z;
for( std::map<char, int>::reverse_iterator i = _map.rbegin(); i != _map.rend(); i++ ) {
char c = ( *i ).second + 48;
z.append( 1, c );
z.append( 1, i->first );
if( longest <= z.length() ) {
longest = z.length();
if( std::find( _result.begin(), _result.end(), z ) == _result.end() ) {
_result.push_back( z );
make_sequence( z );
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
std::vector<std::string> tests;
tests.push_back( "9900" ); tests.push_back( "9090" ); tests.push_back( "9009" );
for( std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = tests.begin(); i != tests.end(); i++ ) {
make_sequence( *i );
std::cout << "[" << *i << "] Iterations: " << _result.size() + 1 << "\n";
for( std::vector<std::string>::iterator j = _result.begin(); j != _result.end(); j++ ) {
std::cout << *j << "\n";
std::cout << "\n\n";
return 0;
- Output:
[9900] Iterations: 21 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 [9090] Iterations: 21 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 [9009] Iterations: 21 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
(defmacro reduce-with
"simplifies form of reduce calls"
[bindings & body]
(assert (and (vector? bindings) (= 4 (count bindings))))
(let [[acc init, item sequence] bindings]
`(reduce (fn [~acc ~item] ~@body) ~init ~sequence)))
(defn digits
"maps e.g. 2345 => [2 3 4 5]"
[n] (->> n str seq (map #(- (int %) (int \0))) vec))
(defn dcount
"handles case (probably impossible in this range) of digit count > 9"
[ds] (let [c (count ds)] (if (< c 10) c (digits c))))
(defn summarize-prev
"produces the summary sequence for a digit sequence"
(->> ds (sort >) (partition-by identity) (map (juxt dcount first)) flatten vec)
(defn convergent-sequence
"iterates summarize-prev until a duplicate is found; returns summary step sequence"
(reduce-with [cur-seq [], ds (iterate summarize-prev ds)]
(if (some #{ds} cur-seq)
(reduced cur-seq)
(conj cur-seq ds))))
(defn candidate-seq
"only try an already sorted digit sequence, so we only try equivalent seeds once;
e.g. 23 => []; 32 => (convergent-sequence [3 2])"
(let [ds (digits n)]
(if (apply >= ds) (convergent-sequence ds) [])))
(defn find-longest
"the meat of the task; returns summary step sequence(s) of max length within the range"
(reduce-with [max-seqs [[]], new-seq (map candidate-seq (range 1 limit))]
(let [cmp (compare (-> max-seqs first count) (count new-seq))]
(pos? cmp) max-seqs
(neg? cmp) [new-seq]
(zero? cmp) (conj max-seqs new-seq)))))
(def results (find-longest 1000000))
The above code saves a lot of time by only calculating summary step sequences for one of a set of equivalent seeds: e.g. it only calculates for 4321, not for all 24 digit permutations 1234, 1243, 1324,.... So for output this creates a some extra work to reconstitute the permuted digit sequences for the result seed(s). Clojure doesn't have a standard permutations function (though there's one in the contributed library clojure.math.combinations), but the one here will serve.
(defn perms
"produce all the permutations of a finite sequence"
(if (empty? ds)
(let [rotseq (for [n (range (count ds))] (concat (drop n ds) (take n ds)))]
(reduce-with [rs [], [[d & ds]] rotseq]
(concat rs (if (empty? ds) [[d]] (map #(cons d %) (perms ds))))))))
(doseq [result results]
(let [seed (first result)
seeds (->> seed perms (map vec) set sort (remove (comp zero? first)))]
(apply println "Seed value(s):" (map #(apply str %) seeds)))))
(println "Iterations:" (count result))
(println "Sequence:")
(doseq [ds result]
(println (apply str ds))))
summarize = proc (s: string) returns (string) signals (bad_format)
digit_count: array[int] := array[int]$fill(0,10,0)
for c: char in string$chars(s) do
d: int := int$parse(string$c2s(c)) resignal bad_format
digit_count[d] := digit_count[d] + 1
out: stream := stream$create_output()
for d: int in int$from_to_by(9,0,-1) do
if digit_count[d]>0 then
stream$puts(out, int$unparse(digit_count[d]))
stream$puts(out, int$unparse(d))
end summarize
converge = proc (s: string) returns (int) signals (bad_format)
seen: array[string] := array[string]$[]
steps: int := 0
while true do
for str: string in array[string]$elements(seen) do
if str = s then return(steps) end
array[string]$addh(seen, s)
s := summarize(s)
steps := steps + 1
end converge
start_up = proc ()
po: stream := stream$primary_output()
seeds: array[int]
max: int := 0
for i: int in int$from_to(1, 999999) do
steps: int := converge(int$unparse(i))
if steps > max then
max := steps
seeds := array[int]$[i]
elseif steps = max then
stream$puts(po, "Seed values: ")
for i: int in array[int]$elements(seeds) do
stream$puts(po, int$unparse(i) || " ")
stream$putl(po, "\nIterations: " || int$unparse(max))
stream$putl(po, "\nSequence: ")
s: string := int$unparse(array[int]$bottom(seeds))
for i: int in int$from_to(1, max) do
stream$putl(po, s)
s := summarize(s)
end start_up
- Output:
Seed values: 9009 9090 9900 Iterations: 21 Sequence: 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
This takes less than a second to run, even though the only real optimization is to exclude integers that don't have their digits descending.
sequence = (n) ->
cnts = {}
for c in n.toString()
d = parseInt(c)
incr cnts, d
seq = []
while true
s = ''
for i in [9..0]
s += "#{cnts[i]}#{i}" if cnts[i]
if s in seq
seq.push s
new_cnts = {}
for digit, cnt of cnts
incr new_cnts, cnt
incr new_cnts, digit
cnts = new_cnts
incr = (h, k) ->
h[k] ?= 0
h[k] += 1
descending = (n) ->
return true if n < 10
tens = n / 10
return false if n % 10 > tens % 10
max_len = 0
for i in [1..1000000]
if descending(i)
seq = sequence(i)
if seq.length > max_len
max_len = seq.length
max_seq = seq
max_i = i
console.log max_i, max_seq
9900 ["2920", "192210", "19222110", "19323110", "1923123110", "1923224110", "191413323110", "191433125110", "19151423125110", "19251413226110", "1916151413325110", "1916251423127110", "1 91716151413326110", "191726151423128110", "19181716151413327110", "19182716151423129110", "29181716151413328110", "19281716151423228110", "19281716151413427110", "19182716152413228110"]
Common Lisp
Doesn't do cache, and takes forever.
(defun count-and-say (str)
(let* ((s (sort (map 'list #'identity str) #'char>))
(out (list (first s) 0)))
(loop for x in s do
(if (char= x (first out))
(incf (second out))
(setf out (nconc (list x 1) out))))
(format nil "~{~a~^~}" (nreverse out))))
(defun ref-seq-len (n &optional doprint)
(let ((s (format nil "~d" n)) hist)
(loop (push s hist)
(if doprint (format t "~a~%" s))
(setf s (count-and-say s))
(loop for item in hist
for i from 0 to 2 do
(if (string= s item) (return-from ref-seq-len (length hist)))))))
(defun find-longest (top)
(let (nums (len 0))
(dotimes (x top)
(let ((l (ref-seq-len x)))
(if (> l len) (setf len l nums nil))
(if (= l len) (push x nums))))
(list nums len)))
(let ((r (find-longest 1000000)))
(format t "Longest: ~a~%" r)
(ref-seq-len (first (first r)) t))
Longest: ((9900 9090 9009) 21)
Slow High-level Version
import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.conv;
string[] selfReferentialSeq(string n, string[] seen=[]) nothrow {
__gshared static string[][string] cache;
if (n in cache)
return cache[n];
if (seen.canFind(n))
return [];
int[10] digit_count;
foreach (immutable d; n)
digit_count[d - '0']++;
string term;
foreach_reverse (immutable d; 0 .. 10)
if (digit_count[d] > 0)
term ~= text(digit_count[d], d);
return cache[n] = [n] ~ selfReferentialSeq(term, [n] ~ seen);
void main() {
enum int limit = 1_000_000;
int max_len;
int[] max_vals;
foreach (immutable n; 1 .. limit) {
const seq = n.text().selfReferentialSeq();
if (seq.length > max_len) {
max_len = seq.length;
max_vals = [n];
} else if (seq.length == max_len)
max_vals ~= n;
writeln("values: ", max_vals);
writeln("iterations: ", max_len);
foreach (const idx, const val; max_vals[0].text.selfReferentialSeq)
writefln("%2d %s", idx + 1, val);
- Output:
values: [9009, 9090, 9900] iterations: 21 sequence: 1 9009 2 2920 3 192210 4 19222110 5 19323110 6 1923123110 7 1923224110 8 191413323110 9 191433125110 10 19151423125110 11 19251413226110 12 1916151413325110 13 1916251423127110 14 191716151413326110 15 191726151423128110 16 19181716151413327110 17 19182716151423129110 18 29181716151413328110 19 19281716151423228110 20 19281716151413427110 21 19182716152413228110
More Efficient Version
import std.range, std.algorithm;
struct Permutations(bool doCopy=true, T) {
T[] items;
int r;
bool stopped;
int[] indices, cycles;
static if (!doCopy)
T[] result;
this(T)(T[] items, int r=-1) pure nothrow @safe {
this.items = items;
immutable int n = items.length;
if (r < 0)
r = n;
this.r = r;
immutable n_minus_r = n - r;
if (n_minus_r < 0) {
this.stopped = true;
} else {
this.stopped = false;
this.indices = n.iota.array;
//this.cycles = iota(n, n_minus_r, -1).array; // Not nothrow.
this.cycles = iota(n_minus_r + 1, n + 1).retro.array;
static if (!doCopy)
result = new T[r];
@property bool empty() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
return this.stopped;
static if (doCopy) {
@property T[] front() const pure nothrow @safe {
auto result = new T[r];
foreach (immutable i, ref re; result)
re = items[indices[i]];
return result;
} else {
@property T[] front() pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
foreach (immutable i, ref re; this.result)
re = items[indices[i]];
return this.result;
void popFront() pure nothrow /*@safe*/ @nogc {
int i = r - 1;
while (i >= 0) {
immutable int j = cycles[i] - 1;
if (j > 0) {
cycles[i] = j;
indices[i].swap(indices[$ - j]);
cycles[i] = indices.length - i;
immutable int n1 = indices.length - 1;
assert(n1 >= 0);
immutable int num = indices[i];
// copy isn't @safe.
indices[i + 1 .. n1 + 1].copy(indices[i .. n1]);
indices[n1] = num;
this.stopped = true;
Permutations!(doCopy, T) permutations(bool doCopy=true, T)
(T[] items, int r=-1)
pure nothrow @safe {
return Permutations!(doCopy, T)(items, r);
// ---------------------------------
import std.stdio, std.typecons, std.conv, std.algorithm, std.array,
std.exception, std.string;
enum maxIters = 1_000_000;
string A036058(in string ns) pure nothrow @safe {
return!(t => t[1].text ~ char(t[0])).join;
int A036058_length(bool doPrint=false)(string numberString="0") {
int iterations = 1;
int queueIndex;
string[3] lastThree;
while (true) {
static if (doPrint)
writefln(" %2d %s", iterations, numberString);
numberString = numberString
if (lastThree[].canFind(numberString))
assert(iterations < maxIters);
lastThree[queueIndex] = numberString;
numberString = numberString.A036058;
queueIndex %= 3;
return iterations;
Tuple!(int,int[]) max_A036058_length(R)(R startRange = 11.iota) {
bool[string] alreadyDone;
auto max_len = tuple(-1, (int[]).init);
foreach (n; startRange) {
immutable sns = n
if (sns !in alreadyDone) {
alreadyDone[sns] = true;
const size = sns.A036058_length;
if (size > max_len[0])
max_len = tuple(size, [n]);
else if (size == max_len[0])
max_len[1] ~= n;
return max_len;
void main() {
//const (lenMax, starts) = maxIters.iota.max_A036058_length;
const lenMax_starts = maxIters.iota.max_A036058_length;
immutable lenMax = lenMax_starts[0];
const starts = lenMax_starts[1];
// Expand:
int[] allStarts;
foreach (immutable n; starts) {
bool[string] set;
foreach (const k; permutations!false(!(char[]), 4))
if (k[0] != '0')
set[k.idup] = true;
//allStarts ~=!(int[]);
allStarts ~=!(to!int).array;
allStarts = allStarts.sort().filter!(x => x < maxIters).array;
writefln("The longest length, followed by the number(s) with the
longest sequence length for starting sequence numbers below maxIters
Iterations = %d and sequence-starts = %s.", lenMax, allStarts);
writeln("Note that only the first of any sequences with the same
digits is printed below. (The others will differ only in their first
foreach (immutable n; starts) {
The output is similar to the Python entry.
Faster Low-level Version
From the C version, with a memory pool for a faster tree allocation.
import core.stdc.stdio, core.stdc.stdlib;
struct MemoryPool(T, int MAX_BLOCK_BYTES = 1 << 17) {
static assert(!is(T == class),
"MemoryPool is designed for native data.");
static assert(MAX_BLOCK_BYTES >= 1,
"MemoryPool: MAX_BLOCK_BYTES must be >= 1 bytes.");
static assert(MAX_BLOCK_BYTES >= T.sizeof,
"MemoryPool: MAX_BLOCK_BYTES must be" ~
" bigger than a T.");
static if (T.sizeof * 5 > MAX_BLOCK_BYTES)
pragma(msg, "MemoryPool: Block is very small.");
alias Block = T[MAX_BLOCK_BYTES / T.sizeof];
static __gshared Block*[] blocks;
static __gshared T* nextFree, lastFree;
static T* newItem() nothrow {
if (nextFree >= lastFree) {
blocks ~= cast(Block*)calloc(1, Block.sizeof);
if (blocks[$ - 1] == null)
nextFree = blocks[$ - 1].ptr;
lastFree = nextFree + Block.length;
return nextFree++;
// static void freeAll() nothrow {
// foreach (blockPtr; blocks)
// free(blockPtr);
// blocks.length = 0;
// nextFree = null;
// lastFree = null;
// }
struct Rec { // Tree node
int length;
Rec*[10] p;
__gshared int nNodes;
__gshared Rec* rec_root;
__gshared MemoryPool!Rec recPool;
Rec* findRec(char* s, Rec* root) nothrow {
int c;
Rec* next;
while (true) {
c = *s;
if (!c)
c -= '0';
next = root.p[c];
if (!next) {
next = recPool.newItem;
root.p[c] = next;
root = next;
return root;
void nextNum(char* s) nothrow @nogc {
int[10] cnt;
for (int i = 0; s[i]; i++)
cnt[s[i] - '0']++;
foreach_reverse (i; 0 .. 10) {
if (!cnt[i])
s += sprintf(s, "%d%c", cnt[i], i + '0');
int getLen(char* s, int depth) nothrow {
auto r = findRec(s, rec_root);
if (r.length > 0)
return r.length;
if (!r.length)
r.length = -depth;
r.length += depth;
depth = 1 + getLen(s, depth);
if (r.length <= 0)
r.length = depth;
return r.length;
void main() nothrow {
enum MAXN = 1_000_000;
int[100] longest;
int nLongest, ml;
char[32] buf;
rec_root = recPool.newItem();
foreach (immutable i; 0 .. MAXN) {
sprintf(buf.ptr, "%d", i);
int l = getLen(buf.ptr, 0);
if (l < ml)
if (l > ml) {
nLongest = 0;
ml = l;
longest[nLongest] = i;
printf("seq leng: %d\n\n", ml);
foreach (immutable i; 0 .. nLongest) {
sprintf(buf.ptr, "%d", longest[i]);
// print len+1 so we know repeating starts from when
foreach (immutable l; 0 .. ml + 1) {
printf("%2d: %s\n", getLen(buf.ptr, 0), buf.ptr);
printf("Allocated %d Rec tree nodes.\n", nNodes);
Faster than the C entry, run-time is about 1.16 seconds using the dmd compiler (about 1.5 without memory pool). Same output as the C entry.
Extra credit: searching up to 1e+10 does not find a longer sequence.
(lib 'hash)
(lib 'list) ;; permutations
(define H (make-hash))
;; G R A P H
;; generate 'normalized' starter vectors D[i] = number of digits 'i' (0 <=i < 10)
;; reduce graph size : 9009, 9900 .. will be generated once : vector #(2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2)
(define (generate D dstart ndigits (sd 0))
(when (> ndigits 0)
(set! sd (vector-ref D dstart)) ;; save before recurse
(for ((i (in-range 0 (1+ ndigits))))
#:continue (and ( = i 0) (> dstart 0))
(vector-set! D dstart i)
(sequence D) ;; sequence length from D
(for ((j (in-range (1+ dstart) 10)))
(generate D j (- ndigits i))))
(vector-set! D dstart sd))) ;; restore
;; compute follower of D (at most 99 same digits)
(define (dnext D (dd 0))
(define N (make-vector 10))
(for ((d D) (i 10))
#:continue (zero? d)
(vector-set! N i (1+ (vector-ref N i)))
(if (< d 10)
(vector-set! N d (1+ (vector-ref N d))) ;; d < 9
(set! dd (modulo d 10))
(vector-set! N dd (1+ (vector-ref N dd)))
(set! dd (quotient d 10))
(vector-set! N dd (1+ (vector-ref N dd))))))
;; update all nodes in same sequence
;; seq-length (next D) = 1 - seq-length(D)
(define (sequence D)
(define (dists D d)
(unless (hash-ref H D)
(hash-set H D d)
(dists (dnext D ) (1- d))))
(unless (hash-ref H D)
(dists D (sequence-length D))))
;; sequence length from D
;; stops on loop found (node N)
(define (sequence-length D )
(define (looper N looplg depth) ;; looper 2 : a b a
(when ( > depth 0)
(hash-set H N looplg)
(looper (dnext N) looplg (1- depth))))
(define followers (make-hash))
(define N (dnext D))
(define seqlg 0)
(define looplg 0)
(hash-set followers D 0)
(set! seqlg
(for ((lg (in-naturals 1 )))
#:break (hash-ref H N) => (+ lg (hash-ref H N)) ;; already known
#:break (hash-ref followers N) => lg ;; loop found
(hash-set followers N lg)
(set! N (dnext N))))
;; update nodes in loop : same seq-length
(when (hash-ref followers N) ;; loop found
(set! looplg ( - seqlg (hash-ref followers N)))
(looper N looplg looplg))
seqlg )
;; O U T P U T
;; backwards from D - normalized vector - to numbers (as strings)
(define (starters D)
(define (not-leading-zero list) (!zero? (first list)))
(map list->string
(filter not-leading-zero (make-set (permutations (for/fold (acc null) ((d D) (i 10))
#:continue (zero? d)
(append acc (for/list ((j d)) i))))))))
;; printing one node
(define (D-print D)
(set! D (reverse (vector->list D)))
(for/string ( (d D) (i (in-range 9 -1 -1)))
#:continue (zero? d)
(string-append d i)))
;; print graph contents
(define (print-sequence D)
(writeln 1 (starters D))
(writeln 2 (D-print D ))
(for ((i (in-range 1 (hash-ref H D))))
(writeln (+ i 2) (D-print (setv! D (dnext D))))))
;; TA S K
(define (task (n 6) (verbose #t))
(generate (make-vector 10) 0 n)
(define seqmax (apply max (hash-values H)))
(when verbose (for ((kv H))
#:continue (!= (rest kv ) seqmax)
(print-sequence (first kv))))
(writeln (expt 10 n) '--> 'max-sequence= (1+ seqmax) 'nodes= (length (hash-values H))))
- Output:
(task 6)
1 (9009 9090 9900)
2 2920
3 192210
4 19222110
5 19323110
6 1923123110
7 1923224110
8 191413323110
9 191433125110
10 19151423125110
11 19251413226110
12 1916151413325110
13 1916251423127110
14 191716151413326110
15 191726151423128110
16 19181716151413327110
17 19182716151423129110
18 29181716151413328110
19 19281716151423228110
20 19281716151413427110
21 19182716152413228110
1000000 --> max-sequence= 21 nodes= 10926
(task 7 #f)
10000000 --> max-sequence= 21 nodes= 23432
(task 8 #f)
100000000 --> max-sequence= 21 nodes= 47359
(task 9 #f)
1000000000 --> max-sequence= 21 nodes= 97455
(task 10 #f)
10000000000 --> max-sequence= 21 nodes= 188493
Only checks numbers where digits are in ascending order. Digits with trailing zeros have to be treated as ascending numbers (special case). Calculates all the permutations in the end.
length, max: INTEGER_64
create seed_value.make
create sequence.make (25)
create permuted_values.make
i := 1
i > 1000000
length := check_length (i.out)
if length > max then
max := length
seed_value.extend (i)
elseif length = max then
seed_value.extend (i)
i := next_ascending (i).to_integer
io.put_string ("Maximal length: " + max.out)
io.put_string ("%NSeed Value: %N")
seed_value as s
permute (s.item.out, 1)
permuted_values as p
io.put_string (p.item + "%N")
io.put_string ("Sequence:%N")
max := check_length (seed_value [1].out)
sequence as s
io.put_string (s.item)
next_ascending (n: INTEGER_64): STRING
-- Next number with ascending digits after 'n'.
-- Numbers with trailing zeros are treated as ascending numbers.
first, should_be, zero: STRING
create Result.make_empty
create zero.make_empty
st := (n + 1).out
st.count < 2
first := (1).out
if st [2] ~ '0' then
i := 3
i > st.count
zero.append ("0")
i := i + 1
Result.append (first + first + zero)
st := ""
should_be := (2).out
if first > should_be then
should_be := first
st.remove_head (2)
st.prepend (should_be)
Result.append (first)
if st.count > 0 then
Result.append (st [st.count].out)
feature {NONE}
permuted_values: SORTED_TWO_WAY_LIST [STRING]
permute (a: STRING; k: INTEGER)
-- All permutations of 'a'.
count_positive: a.count > 0
k_valid_index: k > 0
found: BOOLEAN
permuted_values as p
if p.item ~ a then
found := True
if k = a.count and a [1] /= '0' and not found then
create b.make_empty
b.deep_copy (a)
permuted_values.extend (b)
k |..| a.count as c
t := a [k]
a [k] := a [c.item]
a [c.item] := t
permute (a, k + 1)
t := a [k]
a [k] := a [c.item]
a [c.item] := t
check_length (i: STRING): INTEGER_64
-- Length of the self referential sequence starting with 'i'.
found: BOOLEAN
create s.make_from_string (i)
sequence.extend (s)
s := next (s)
j := sequence.count - 1
j < 1
if sequence [j] ~ s then
found := True
j := j - 1
Result := sequence.count
next (n: STRING): STRING
-- Next item after 'n' in a self referential sequence.
i, count: INTEGER
counter: ARRAY [INTEGER]
create counter.make_filled (0, 0, 9)
create Result.make_empty
i := 1
i > n.count
count := n [i].out.to_integer
counter [count] := counter [count] + 1
i := i + 1
i := 9
i < 0
if counter [i] > 0 then
Result.append (counter [i].out + i.out)
i := i - 1
- Output:
Maximal length: 21 Seed Value: 9009 9090 9900 Sequence: 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
Takes ~0.4 sec. to filter numbers less than 1 million with digits in descending order, so don't know why all the emphasis on optimization. Doesn't use any strings which maybe is good.
// Summarize and say sequence . Nigel Galloway: April 23rd., 2021
let rec fN g=let n=let n,g=List.head g|>List.countBy id|>List.unzip in n@(g|>List.collect(fun g->if g<10 then [g] else [g/10;g%10]))
if List.contains n g then g.Tail|>List.rev else fN(n::g)
let rec fG n g=seq{yield! n; if g>1 then yield! fG(n|>Seq.collect(fun n->[for g in 0..List.head n->g::n]))(g-1)}
let n,g=seq{yield [0]; yield! fG(Seq.init 9 (fun n->[n+1])) 6}
|>Seq.fold(fun(n,l) g->let g=fN [g] in match g.Length with e when e<n->(n,l) |e when e>n->(e,[[g]]) |e->(n,[g]::l))(0,[])
printfn "maximum number of iterations is %d" (n+1)
for n in g do for n in n do
printf "Permutations of "; n.Head|>List.rev|>List.iter(printf "%d"); printfn " produce:"
for n in n do (for n,g in List.countBy id n|>List.sort|>List.rev do printf "%d%d" g n); printfn ""
- Output:
maximum number of iterations is 21 Permutations of 9900 produce: 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
Like the Eiffel example, this program saves time by considering only seed numbers whose digits are in increasing order (zeros are exempt). This ensures that extra permutations of a number are not searched, as they produce equivalent sequences (aside from the first element). For instance, 21 is the first number to be skipped because it's a permutation of 12.
USING: assocs grouping io kernel math math.combinatorics
math.functions math.ranges math.statistics math.text.utils
prettyprint sequences sets ;
IN: rosetta-code.self-referential-sequence
: next-term ( seq -- seq ) histogram >alist concat ;
! Output the self-referential sequence, given a seed value.
: srs ( seq -- seq n )
V{ } clone [ 2dup member? ] [ 2dup push [ next-term ] dip ]
until nip dup length ;
: digit-before? ( m n -- ? ) dup zero? [ 2drop t ] [ <= ] if ;
! The numbers from 1 rto n sans permutations.
: candidates ( n -- seq )
[1,b] [ 1 digit-groups reverse ] map
[ [ digit-before? ] monotonic? ] filter ;
: max-seed ( n -- seq ) candidates [ srs nip ] supremum-by ;
: max-seeds ( n -- seq )
max-seed <permutations> members [ first zero? ] reject ;
: digits>number ( seq -- n ) [ 10^ * ] map-index sum ;
: >numbers ( seq -- seq ) [ digits>number ] map ;
: main ( -- )
"Seed value(s): " write
1,000,000 max-seeds
[ [ reverse ] map >numbers . ]
[ first srs ] bi
"Iterations: " write .
"Sequence:" print >numbers . ;
MAIN: main
- Output:
Seed value(s): V{ 9009 9090 9900 } Iterations: 21 Sequence: V{ 9009 2920 221910 22192110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 }
' Return the next term in the self-referential sequence
Function findNext(nStr As String) As String
Static As Integer i, j, cnt
Static As String outStr
Dim As String digits(1000)
Dim As Integer nLen = Len(nStr)
' Convert string to array
For i = 1 To nLen
digits(i-1) = Mid(nStr, i, 1)
' Sort digits in descending order
For i = 0 To nLen-2
For j = i+1 To nLen-1
If Val(digits(i)) < Val(digits(j)) Then Swap digits(i), digits(j)
' Count and build output
cnt = 1
outStr = ""
For i = 0 To nLen-1
If i < nLen-1 Andalso digits(i) = digits(i+1) Then
cnt += 1
outStr &= Trim(Str(cnt)) & digits(i)
cnt = 1
End If
Return outStr
End Function
' Return boolean indicating whether table t contains string s
Function contains(sequence() As String, term As String, seqLen As Integer) As Boolean
For i As Integer = 0 To seqLen-1
If sequence(i) = term Then Return True
Return False
End Function
' Return the sequence generated by the given seed term
Sub buildSeq(seed As String, sequence() As String, Byref seqLen As Integer)
Dim As String term = Trim(seed)
seqLen = 0
sequence(seqLen) = term
seqLen += 1
term = findNext(term)
Loop Until contains(sequence(), term, seqLen)
End Sub
' Main program
Dim Shared As String sequences(1000, 100)
Dim As String currentSeq(100)
Static As Integer highest, seqCount, currentLen
Static As Integer i, j
highest = 0
seqCount = 0
For i = 1 To 1e6
buildSeq(Str(i), currentSeq(), currentLen)
If currentLen > highest Then
highest = currentLen
seqCount = 1
For j = 0 To currentLen-1
sequences(0, j) = currentSeq(j)
Elseif currentLen = highest Then
For j = 0 To currentLen-1
sequences(seqCount, j) = currentSeq(j)
seqCount += 1
End If
Print "Seed values: ";
For i = 0 To seqCount-1
Print Trim(sequences(i, 0)); " ";
Print !"\n\nIterations: "; highest
Print !"\nSample sequence:"
For i = 0 To highest-1
Print sequences(0, i)
- Output:
Same as Lua entry.
Brute force
package main
import (
func main() {
var maxLen int
var seqMaxLen [][]string
for n := 1; n < 1e6; n++ {
switch s := seq(n); {
case len(s) == maxLen:
seqMaxLen = append(seqMaxLen, s)
case len(s) > maxLen:
maxLen = len(s)
seqMaxLen = [][]string{s}
fmt.Println("Max sequence length:", maxLen)
fmt.Println("Sequences:", len(seqMaxLen))
for _, seq := range seqMaxLen {
for _, t := range seq {
func seq(n int) []string {
s := strconv.Itoa(n)
ss := []string{s}
for {
dSeq := sortD(s)
d := dSeq[0]
nd := 1
s = ""
for i := 1; ; i++ {
if i == len(dSeq) {
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d%c", s, nd, d)
if dSeq[i] == d {
} else {
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d%c", s, nd, d)
d = dSeq[i]
nd = 1
for _, s0 := range ss {
if s == s0 {
return ss
ss = append(ss, s)
func sortD(s string) []rune {
r := make([]rune, len(s))
for i, d := range s {
j := 0
for ; j < i; j++ {
if d > r[j] {
copy(r[j+1:], r[j:i])
r[j] = d
return r
Max sequence length: 21 Sequences: 3 Sequence: 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 Sequence: 9090 2920 ... 19182716152413228110 Sequence: 9900 2920 ... 19182716152413228110
Number.metaClass.getSelfReferentialSequence = {
def number = delegate as String; def sequence = []
while (!sequence.contains(number)) {
sequence << number
def encoded = new StringBuilder()
((number as List).sort().join('').reverse() =~ /(([0-9])\2*)/).each { matcher, text, digit ->
number = encoded.toString()
def maxSeqSize = { List values ->
values.inject([seqSize: 0, seeds: []]) { max, n ->
if (n % 100000 == 99999) println 'HT'
else if (n % 10000 == 9999) print '.'
def seqSize = n.selfReferentialSequence.size()
switch (seqSize) {
case max.seqSize: max.seeds << n
case { it < max.seqSize }: return max
default: return [seqSize: seqSize, seeds: [n]]
def max = maxSeqSize(0..<1000000)
println "\nLargest sequence size among seeds < 1,000,000\n"
println "Seeds: ${max.seeds}\n"
println "Size: ${max.seqSize}\n"
println "Sample sequence:"
max.seeds[0].selfReferentialSequence.each { println it }
Largest sequence size among seeds < 1,000,000 Seeds: [9009, 9090, 9900] Size: 21 Sample sequence: 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
Brute force and quite slow:
import Data.Set (Set, member, insert, empty)
import Data.List (group, sort)
step :: String -> String
step = concatMap (\list -> show (length list) ++ [head list]) . group . sort
findCycle :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
findCycle = aux empty where
aux set (x : xs)
| x `member` set = []
| otherwise = x : aux (insert x set) xs
select :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
select = snd . foldl (\(len, acc) xs -> case len `compare` length xs of
LT -> (length xs, [xs])
EQ -> (len, xs : acc)
GT -> (len, acc)) (0, [])
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ (mapM_ print) $ -- Print out all the numbers
select $ -- find the longest ones
map findCycle $ -- run the sequences until there is a repeat
map (iterate step) $ -- produce the sequence
map show -- turn the numbers into digits
[1..1000000] -- The input seeds
Icon and Unicon
printf.icn provides printf, sprintf, fprintf, etc.
Sample of Output:
1 : 9009 2 : 2920 3 : 192210 4 : 19222110 5 : 19323110 6 : 1923123110 7 : 1923224110 8 : 191413323110 9 : 191433125110 10 : 19151423125110 11 : 19251413226110 12 : 1916151413325110 13 : 1916251423127110 14 : 191716151413326110 15 : 191726151423128110 16 : 19181716151413327110 17 : 19182716151423129110 18 : 29181716151413328110 19 : 19281716151423228110 20 : 19281716151413427110 21 : 19182716152413228110 1 : 9090 2 : 2920 ... (manually removed, same as above) 21 : 19182716152413228110 1 : 9900 2 : 2920 ... (manually removed, same as above) 21 : 19182716152413228110
The following (admittedly overdense) version produces output matching the problem statement and avoids repeating sequences that arise from 'similar' seeds. It does not assume that only one equivalence class of similar seeds exists at the maximum sequence length. As with the first example, it works in both Icon and Unicon.
link strings # to get csort()
procedure main(A)
limit := A[1] | 1000000 # Allow alternate limit
mSq := 0
# May have multiple 'unique' sequence sets (unrelated seeds) so use table
every s := [n := 1 to limit, sequence(n)] do {
if mSq <:= *s[2] then mT := table() # new max, start over
if mSq == *s[2] then insert((/mT[n := csort(n)] := set()) | mT[n],s)
procedure sequence(n) # produce sequence of SDS with seed n
every (repeats := [], iter := seq(), put(repeats, n)) do
if (n := nElem(n)) == !repeats then return repeats # Converged
procedure nElem(n) # given n, produce its self-description
every (n1 := "", c := !cset(n)) do
(every (d := 0) +:= (upto(c, n),1)) | (n1 := d||c||n1)
return n1
procedure dumpSequences(seqTab) # Show each 'unique' sequence in table
every writes("Seeds:" | (!!seqTab)[1], " ")
write("\n\nIterations: ",*(!!seqTab)[2])
every s := !seqTab do (write() & every write(!(!s\1)[2]))
Output with limit = 1000000:
Seeds: 9009 9090 9900 Iterations: 21 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
digits=: 10&#.inv"0 :. ([: ".@; (<'x'),~":&.>)
summar=: (#/.~ ,@,. ~.)@\:~&.digits
sequen=: ~.@(, summar@{:)^:_
values=: ~. \:~&.digits i.1e6
allvar=: [:(#~(=&<.&(10&^.) >./))@~.({~ perm@#)&.(digits"1)
The values with the longest sequence are:
;allvar&.> values #~ (= >./) #@sequen"0 values
9900 9090 9009
# sequen 9900
,.sequen 9900
is an invertible function that maps from a number to a sequence of digits and back where the inverse transform converts numbers to strings, concatenates them, and then back to a number.
digits 321
3 2 1
digits inv 34 5
computes the summary successor.
summar 0 1 2
10 11 12
computes the complete non-repeating sequence of summary successors
The computation for values
could have been made much more efficient. Instead, though, all one million integers have their digits sorted in decreasing order, and then the unique set of them is found.
Finally, allvar
finds all variations of a number which would have the same summary sequence based on the permutations of that number's digits.
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
public class SelfReferentialSequence {
static Map<String, Integer> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(10_000);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Seeds res = IntStream.range(0, 1000_000)
.mapToObj(n -> summarize(n, false))
.collect(Seeds::new, Seeds::accept, Seeds::combine);
res.seeds.forEach(e -> System.out.println(Arrays.toString(e)));
summarize(res.seeds.get(0)[0], true);
static int[] summarize(int seed, boolean display) {
String n = String.valueOf(seed);
String k = Arrays.toString(n.chars().sorted().toArray());
if (!display && cache.get(k) != null)
return new int[]{seed, cache.get(k)};
Set<String> seen = new HashSet<>();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int[] freq = new int[10];
while (!seen.contains(n)) {
int len = n.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
freq[n.charAt(i) - '0']++;
for (int i = 9; i >= 0; i--) {
if (freq[i] != 0) {
freq[i] = 0;
if (display)
n = sb.toString();
cache.put(k, seen.size());
return new int[]{seed, seen.size()};
static class Seeds {
int largest = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
List<int[]> seeds = new ArrayList<>();
void accept(int[] s) {
int size = s[1];
if (size >= largest) {
if (size > largest) {
largest = size;
void combine(Seeds acc) {
Seeds: [9009, 21] [9090, 21] [9900, 21] Sequence: 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
function selfReferential(n) {
n = n.toString();
let res = [n];
const makeNext = (n) => {
let matchs = {
'9':0,'8':0,'7':0,'6':0,'5':0,'4':0,'3':0,'2':0,'1':0,'0':0}, res = [];
for(let index=0;index<n.length;index++)
for(let index=9;index>=0;index--)
return res.join("").toString();
for(let i=0;i<10;i++)
return [ Set(res)];
# Given any array, produce an array of [item, count] pairs for each run.
def runs:
reduce .[] as $item
( [];
if . == [] then [ [ $item, 1] ]
else .[length-1] as $last
| if $last[0] == $item
then (.[0:length-1] + [ [$item, $last[1] + 1] ] )
else . + [[$item, 1]]
end ) ;
# string to string
def next_self_referential:
def runs2integer: # input is an array as produced by runs,
# i.e. an array of [count, n] pairs, where count is an int,
# and n is an "exploded" digit
reduce .[] as $pair
(""; . + ($pair[1] | tostring) + ([$pair[0]]|implode) ) ;
explode | sort | reverse | runs | runs2integer;
# Given an integer as a string,
# compute the entire sequence (of strings) to convergence:
def sequence_of_self_referentials:
def seq:
. as $ary
| (.[length-1] | next_self_referential) as $next
| if ($ary|index($next)) then $ary
else $ary + [$next] | seq
[.] | seq;
def maximals(n):
def interesting:
tostring | (. == (explode | sort | reverse | implode));
reduce range(0;n) as $i
([[], 0]; # maximalseeds, length
if ($i | interesting) then
($i|tostring|sequence_of_self_referentials|length) as $length
| if .[1] == $length then [ .[0] + [$i], $length]
elif .[1] < $length then [ [$i], $length]
else .
else .
end );
def task(n):
maximals(n) as $answer
| "The maximal length to convergence for seeds up to \(n) is \($answer[1]).",
"The corresponding seeds are the allowed permutations",
"of the representative number(s): \($answer[0][])",
"For each representative seed, the self-referential sequence is as follows:",
($answer[0][] | tostring
| ("Representative: \(.)",
"Self-referential sequence:",
(sequence_of_self_referentials | map(tonumber))))
- Output:
$ jq -n -r -f Self_referential_sequence.jq
The maximal length to convergence for seeds up to 1000000 is 21.
The corresponding seeds are the allowed permutations
of the representative number(s): 9900
For each representative seed, the self-referential sequence is as follows:
Representative: 9900
Self-referential sequence:
const seen = Dict{Vector{Char}, Vector{Char}}()
function findnextterm(prevterm)
counts = Dict{Char, Int}()
reversed = Vector{Char}()
for c in prevterm
if !haskey(counts, c)
counts[c] = 0
counts[c] += 1
for c in sort(collect(keys(counts)))
if counts[c] > 0
push!(reversed, c)
if counts[c] == 10
push!(reversed, '0'); push!(reversed, '1')
push!(reversed, Char(UInt8(counts[c]) + UInt8('0')))
function findsequence(seedterm)
term = seedterm
sequence = Vector{Vector{Char}}()
while !(term in sequence)
push!(sequence, term)
if !haskey(seen, term)
nextterm = findnextterm(term)
seen[term] = nextterm
term = seen[term]
return sequence
function selfseq(maxseed)
maxseqlen = -1
maxsequences = Vector{Pair{Int, Vector{Char}}}()
for i in 1:maxseed
seq = findsequence([s[1] for s in split(string(i), "")])
seqlen = length(seq)
if seqlen > maxseqlen
maxsequences = [Pair(i, seq)]
maxseqlen = seqlen
elseif seqlen == maxseqlen
push!(maxsequences, Pair(i, seq))
println("The longest sequence length is $maxseqlen.")
for p in maxsequences
println("\n Seed: $(p[1])")
for seq in p[2]
println(" ", join(seq, ""))
- Output:
The longest sequence length is 21.
Seed: 9009 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110Seed: 9090 9090 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110Seed: 9900 9900 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
// version 1.1.2
const val LIMIT = 1_000_000
val sb = StringBuilder()
fun selfRefSeq(s: String): String {
sb.setLength(0) // faster than using a local StringBuilder object
for (d in '9' downTo '0') {
if (d !in s) continue
val count = s.count { it == d }
return sb.toString()
fun permute(input: List<Char>): List<List<Char>> {
if (input.size == 1) return listOf(input)
val perms = mutableListOf<List<Char>>()
val toInsert = input[0]
for (perm in permute(input.drop(1))) {
for (i in 0..perm.size) {
val newPerm = perm.toMutableList()
newPerm.add(i, toInsert)
return perms
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val sieve = IntArray(LIMIT) // all zero by default
val elements = mutableListOf<String>()
for (n in 1 until LIMIT) {
if (sieve[n] > 0) continue
var next = n.toString()
while (true) {
next = selfRefSeq(next)
if (next in elements) {
val size = elements.size
sieve[n] = size
if (n > 9) {
val perms = permute(n.toString().toList()).distinct()
for (perm in perms) {
if (perm[0] == '0') continue
val k = perm.joinToString("").toInt()
sieve[k] = size
val maxIterations = sieve.max()!!
for (n in 1 until LIMIT) {
if (sieve[n] < maxIterations) continue
println("$n -> Iterations = $maxIterations")
var next = n.toString()
for (i in 1..maxIterations) {
next = selfRefSeq(next)
- Output:
9009 -> Iterations = 21 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 9090 -> Iterations = 21 9090 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 9900 -> Iterations = 21 9900 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
Runs in about nine seconds under LuaJIT. Uses memoisation via the global table 'nextTerm'.
-- Return the next term in the self-referential sequence
function findNext (nStr)
local nTab, outStr, pos, count = {}, "", 1, 1
for i = 1, #nStr do nTab[i] = nStr:sub(i, i) end
table.sort(nTab, function (a, b) return a > b end)
while pos <= #nTab do
if nTab[pos] == nTab[pos + 1] then
count = count + 1
outStr = outStr .. count .. nTab[pos]
count = 1
pos = pos + 1
return outStr
-- Return boolean indicating whether table t contains string s
function contains (t, s)
for k, v in pairs(t) do
if v == s then return true end
return false
-- Return the sequence generated by the given seed term
function buildSeq (term)
local sequence = {}
table.insert(sequence, term)
if not nextTerm[term] then nextTerm[term] = findNext(term) end
term = nextTerm[term]
until contains(sequence, term)
return sequence
-- Main procedure
nextTerm = {}
local highest, seq, hiSeq = 0
for i = 1, 10^6 do
seq = buildSeq(tostring(i))
if #seq > highest then
highest = #seq
hiSeq = {seq}
elseif #seq == highest then
table.insert(hiSeq, seq)
io.write("Seed values: ")
for _, v in pairs(hiSeq) do io.write(v[1] .. " ") end
print("\n\nIterations: " .. highest)
print("\nSample sequence:")
for _, v in pairs(hiSeq[1]) do print(v) end
- Output:
Seed values: 9009 9090 9900 Iterations: 21 Sample sequence: 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
selfRefSequence[ x_ ] := FromDigits@Flatten@Reverse@Cases[Transpose@{RotateRight[DigitCount@x,1], Range[0,9]},Except[{0,_}]]
DisplaySequence[ x_ ] := NestWhileList[selfRefSequence,x,UnsameQ[##]&,4]
data= {#, Length@DisplaySequence[#]}&/@Range[1000000];
Print["Values: ", Select[data ,#[[2]] == Max@data[[;;,2]]&][[1,;;]]]
Print["Iterations: ", Length@DisplaySequence[#]&/@Select[data ,#[[2]] == Max@data[[;;,2]]&][[1,;;]]]
DisplaySequence@Select[data, #[[2]] == Max@data[[;;,2]]&][[1]]//Column
Values: {9009, 9090, 9900} Iterations: 21 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 19281716151413427110
A version which uses a cache to store the number of iterations and thus avoids to compute the sequence for each permutation. The version without cache runs in more than 9 seconds. This version runs in less than 300 ms.
import algorithm, sequtils, sets, strutils, tables
var cache: Table[seq[char], int] # Maps key -> number of iterations.
iterator sequence(seed: string): string =
## Yield the successive strings of a sequence.
var history: HashSet[string]
history.incl seed
var current = seed
yield current
while true:
var counts = current.toCountTable()
var next: string
for ch in sorted(toSeq(counts.keys), Descending):
next.add $counts[ch] & ch
if next in history: break
current = move(next)
history.incl current
yield current
proc seqLength(seed: string): int =
## Return the number of iterations for the given seed.
let key = sorted(seed, Descending)
if key in cache: return cache[key]
result = toSeq(sequence(seed)).len
cache[key] = result
var seeds: seq[int]
var itermax = 0
for seed in 0..<1_000_000:
let itercount = seqLength($seed)
if itercount > itermax:
itermax = itercount
seeds = @[seed]
elif itercount == itermax:
seeds.add seed
echo "Maximum iterations: ", itermax
echo "Seed values: ", seeds.join(", ")
echo "Sequence for $#:".format(seeds[0])
for s in sequence($seeds[0]): echo s
- Output:
Maximum iterations: 21 Seed values: 9009, 9090, 9900 Sequence for 9009: 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
sub next_num {
my @a;
$a[$_]++ for split '', shift;
join('', map(exists $a[$_] ? $a[$_].$_ : "", reverse 0 .. 9));
my %cache;
sub seq {
my $a = shift;
my (%seen, @s);
until ($seen{$a}) {
$seen{$a} = 1;
push(@s, $a);
last if !wantarray && $cache{$a};
$a = next_num($a);
return (@s) if wantarray;
my $l = $cache{$a};
if ($l) { $cache{$s[$_]} = $#s - $_ + $l for (0 .. $#s); }
else {
$l++ while ($s[-$l] != $a);
$cache{pop @s} = $l for (1 .. $l);
$cache{pop @s} = ++$l while @s;
my (@mlist, $mlen);
for (1 .. 100_000) { # 1_000_000 takes very, very long
my $l = seq($_);
next if $l < $mlen;
if ($l > $mlen) { $mlen = $l; @mlist = (); }
push @mlist, $_;
print "longest ($mlen): @mlist\n";
print join("\n", seq($_)), "\n\n" for @mlist;
- Output:
longest (21): 9009 9090 9900 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
Optimisation idea taken from CoffeeScript, completes in under a second.
with javascript_semantics string n = "000000" function incn() for i=length(n) to 1 by -1 do if n[i]='9' then if i=1 then return false end if n[i]='0' else n[i] += 1 exit end if end for return true end function sequence res = {}, bestseen integer maxcycle = 0 procedure srs() sequence curr = n while length(curr)>1 and curr[1]='0' do curr = curr[2..$] end while integer ch = curr[1] for i=2 to length(curr) do if curr[i]>ch then return end if ch = curr[i] end for sequence seen = {curr} integer cycle = 1 while true do sequence digits = repeat(0,10) for i=1 to length(curr) do integer idx = curr[i]-'0'+1 digits[idx] += 1 end for string next = "" for i=length(digits) to 1 by -1 do if digits[i]!=0 then next &= sprint(digits[i]) next &= i+'0'-1 end if end for if find(next,seen) then exit end if seen = append(seen,next) curr = next cycle += 1 end while if cycle>maxcycle then res = {seen[1]} maxcycle = cycle bestseen = seen elsif cycle=maxcycle then res = append(res,seen[1]) end if end procedure while true do srs() if not incn() then exit end if end while -- add non-leading-0 perms: for i=length(res) to 1 by -1 do string ri = res[i] for p=1 to factorial(length(ri)) do string pri = permute(p,ri) if pri[1]!='0' and not find(pri,res) then res = append(res,pri) end if end for end for ?res puts(1,"cycle length is ") ?maxcycle pp(bestseen,{pp_Nest,1})
{"9900","9009","9090"} cycle length is 21 {"9900", "2920", "192210", "19222110", "19323110", "1923123110", "1923224110", "191413323110", "191433125110", "19151423125110", "19251413226110", "1916151413325110", "1916251423127110", "191716151413326110", "191726151423128110", "19181716151413327110", "19182716151423129110", "29181716151413328110", "19281716151423228110", "19281716151413427110", "19182716152413228110"}
Using 'las' from Look-and-say sequence#PicoLisp:
(de selfRefSequence (Seed)
(let L (mapcar format (chop Seed))
(for (Cache NIL (not (idx 'Cache L T)))
(setq L
(las (flip (sort (copy (link L))))) ) ) ) ) )
(let Res NIL
(for Seed 1000000
(let N (length (selfRefSequence Seed))
((> N (car Res)) (setq Res (list N Seed)))
((= N (car Res)) (queue 'Res Seed)) ) ) )
(println 'Values: (cdr Res))
(println 'Iterations: (car Res))
(mapc prinl (selfRefSequence (cadr Res))) )
Values: (9009 9090 9900) Iterations: 21 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
The number generation function follows that of Look-and-say with a sort. only the first of any set of numbers with the same digits has the length of its sequence calculated in function max_A036058_length, although no timings were taken to check if the optimisation was of value.
from itertools import groupby, permutations
def A036058(number):
return ''.join( str(len(list(g))) + k
for k,g in groupby(sorted(str(number), reverse=True)) )
def A036058_length(numberstring='0', printit=False):
iterations, last_three, queue_index = 1, ([None] * 3), 0
def A036058(number):
# rely on external reverse-sort of digits of number
return ''.join( str(len(list(g))) + k
for k,g in groupby(number) )
while True:
if printit:
print(" %2i %s" % (iterations, numberstring))
numberstring = ''.join(sorted(numberstring, reverse=True))
if numberstring in last_three:
assert iterations < 1000000
last_three[queue_index], numberstring = numberstring, A036058(numberstring)
iterations += 1
queue_index +=1
queue_index %=3
return iterations
def max_A036058_length( start_range=range(11) ):
already_done = set()
max_len = (-1, [])
for n in start_range:
sn = str(n)
sns = tuple(sorted(sn, reverse=True))
if sns not in already_done:
size = A036058_length(sns)
if size > max_len[0]:
max_len = (size, [n])
elif size == max_len[0]:
return max_len
lenmax, starts = max_A036058_length( range(1000000) )
# Expand
allstarts = []
for n in starts:
allstarts += [int(''.join(x))
for x in set(k
for k in permutations(str(n), 4)
if k[0] != '0')]
allstarts = [x for x in sorted(allstarts) if x < 1000000]
print ( '''\
The longest length, followed by the number(s) with the longest sequence length
for starting sequence numbers below 1000000 are:
Iterations = %i and sequence-starts = %s.''' % (lenmax, allstarts) )
print ( '''
Note that only the first of any sequences with the same digits is printed below.
(The others will differ only in their first term)''' )
for n in starts:
A036058_length(str(n), printit=True)
- Output
The longest length, followed by the number(s) with the longest sequence length for starting sequence numbers below 1000000 are: Iterations = 21 and sequence-starts = [9009, 9090, 9900]. Note that only the first of any sequences with the same digits is printed below. (The others will differ only in their first term) 1 9009 2 2920 3 192210 4 19222110 5 19323110 6 1923123110 7 1923224110 8 191413323110 9 191433125110 10 19151423125110 11 19251413226110 12 1916151413325110 13 1916251423127110 14 191716151413326110 15 191726151423128110 16 19181716151413327110 17 19182716151423129110 18 29181716151413328110 19 19281716151423228110 20 19281716151413427110 21 19182716152413228110
ls:{raze(string 1_ deltas d,count x),'x d:where differ x} / look & say
sumsay:ls desc@ / summarize & say
seeds:group desc each string til 1000000 / seeds for million integers
seq:(key seeds)!30 sumsay\'key seeds / sequences for unique seeds
top:max its:(count distinct@)each seq / count iterations
/ report results
rpt:{1 x,": ",y,"\n\n";}
rpt["Seeds"]" "sv string raze seeds where its=top / all forms of top seed/s
rpt["Iterations"]string top
rpt["Sequence"]"\n\n","\n"sv raze seq where its=top
- Output:
Seeds: 9009 9090 9900 Iterations: 21 Sequence: 9900 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
#lang racket
(define (next s)
(define v (make-vector 10 0))
(for ([c s])
(define d (- (char->integer #\9) (char->integer c)))
(vector-set! v d (add1 (vector-ref v d))))
(string-append* (for/list ([x v] [i (in-range 9 -1 -1)] #:when (> x 0))
(format "~a~a" x i))))
(define (seq-of s)
(reverse (let loop ([ns (list s)])
(define n (next (car ns)))
(if (member n ns) ns (loop (cons n ns))))))
(define (sort-string s)
(list->string (sort (string->list s) char>?)))
(define-values [len nums seq]
(for/fold ([*len #f] [*nums #f] [*seq #f])
([n (in-range 1000000 -1 -1)]) ; start at the high end
(define s (number->string n))
(define sorted (sort-string s))
(cond [(equal? s sorted)
(define seq (seq-of s))
(define len (length seq))
(cond [(or (not *len) (> len *len)) (values len (list s) seq)]
[(= len *len) (values len (cons s *nums) seq)]
[else (values *len *nums *seq)])]
;; not sorted: see if it's a permutation of the best
[else (values
(if (and *nums (member sorted *nums)) (cons s *nums) *nums)
(printf "Numbers: ~a\nLength: ~a\n" (string-join nums ", ") len)
(for ([n seq]) (printf " ~a\n" n))
- Output:
Numbers: 9009, 9090, 9900 Length: 21 9900 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
(formerly Perl 6)
my @list;
my $longest = 0;
my %seen;
for 1 .. 1000000 -> $m {
next unless $m ~~ /0/; # seed must have a zero
my $j = join '', $m.comb.sort;
next if %seen{$j}:exists; # already tested a permutation
%seen{$j} = '';
my @seq = converging($m);
my %elems;
my $count;
for @seq[] -> $value { last if ++%elems{$value} == 2; $count++; };
if $longest == $count {
elsif $longest < $count {
$longest = $count;
@list = $m;
print "\b" x 20, "$count, $m"; # monitor progress
for @list -> $m {
say "\nSeed Value(s): ", my $seeds = ~permutations($m).unique.grep( { .substr(0,1) != 0 } );
my @seq = converging($m);
my %elems;
my $count;
for @seq[] -> $value { last if ++%elems{$value} == 2; $count++; };
say "\nIterations: ", $count;
say "\nSequence: (Only one shown per permutation group.)";
.say for |@seq[^$count], "\n";
sub converging ($seed) { return $seed, -> $l { join '', map { $_.value.elems~$_.key }, $l.comb.classify({$^b}).sort: {-$^c.key} } ... * }
sub permutations ($string, $sofar? = '' ) {
return $sofar unless $string.chars;
my @perms;
for ^$string.chars -> $idx {
my $this = $string.substr(0,$idx)~$string.substr($idx+1);
my $char = substr($string, $idx,1);
@perms.push( |permutations( $this, join '', $sofar, $char ) );
return @perms;
- Output:
Seed Value(s): 9009 9090 9900 Iterations: 21 Sequence: (Only one shown per permutation group.) 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
The REXX language supports sparse (stemmed) arrays, so this program utilizes REXX's hashing of
array elements to speed up the checking to see if a sequence has been generated before.
/*REXX pgm generates a self─referential sequence and displays sequences with max length.*/
parse arg LO HI . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if LO=='' | LO=="," then LO= 1 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
if HI=='' | HI=="," then HI=1000000 - 1 /* " " " " " " */
max$=; seeds=; maxL=0 /*inialize some defaults and counters. */
do #=LO to HI; n=#; @.=0; @.#=1 /*loop thru seed; define some defaults.*/
do c=1 until x==n; x=n /*generate a self─referential sequence.*/
n=; do k=9 by -1 for 10 /*generate a new sequence (downwards). */
_=countstr(k, x) /*obtain the number of sequence counts.*/
if _\==0 then n=n || _ || k /*is count > zero? Then append it to N*/
end /*k*/
if @.n then leave /*has sequence been generated before ? */
$=$'-'n; @.n=1 /*add the number to sequence and roster*/
end /*c*/
if c==maxL then do; seeds=seeds # /*is the sequence equal to max so far ?*/
max$=max$ $ /*append this self─referential # to $ */
else if c>maxL then do; seeds=# /*use the new number as the new seed. */
maxL=c; max$=$ /*also, set the new maximum L; max seq.*/
end /* [↑] have we found a new best seq ? */
end /*#*/
say ' seeds that had the most iterations: ' seeds
say 'the maximum self─referential length: ' maxL
do j=1 for words(max$) ; say
say copies('─',30) "iteration sequence for: " word(seeds,j) ' ('maxL "iterations)"
q=translate( word( max$, j), ,'-')
do k=1 for words(q); say word(q, k)
end /*k*/
end /*j*/ /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
- output when using the default inputs:
(Shown at five-sixths size.)
seeds that had the most iterations: 9009 9090 9900 the maximum self─referential length: 21 ────────────────────────────── iteration sequence for: 9009 (21 iterations) 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 ────────────────────────────── iteration sequence for: 9090 (21 iterations) 9090 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 ────────────────────────────── iteration sequence for: 9900 (21 iterations) 9900 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
Cached for performance
$cache = {}
def selfReferentialSequence_cached(n, seen = [])
return $cache[n] if $cache.include? n
return [] if seen.include? n
digit_count =, 0)
n.to_s.chars.collect {|char| digit_count[char.to_i] += 1}
term = ''
9.downto(0).each do |d|
if digit_count[d] > 0
term += digit_count[d].to_s + d.to_s
term = term.to_i
$cache[n] = [n] + selfReferentialSequence_cached(term, [n] + seen)
limit = 1_000_000
max_len = 0
max_vals = []
1.upto(limit - 1) do |n|
seq = selfReferentialSequence_cached(n)
if seq.length > max_len
max_len = seq.length
max_vals = [n]
elsif seq.length == max_len
max_vals << n
puts "values: #{max_vals.inspect}"
puts "iterations: #{max_len}"
puts "sequence:"
selfReferentialSequence_cached(max_vals[0]).each_with_index do |val, idx|
puts "%2d %d" % [idx + 1, val]
values: [9009, 9090, 9900] iterations: 21 sequence: 1 9009 2 2920 3 192210 4 19222110 5 19323110 6 1923123110 7 1923224110 8 191413323110 9 191433125110 10 19151423125110 11 19251413226110 12 1916151413325110 13 1916251423127110 14 191716151413326110 15 191726151423128110 16 19181716151413327110 17 19182716151423129110 18 29181716151413328110 19 19281716151423228110 20 19281716151413427110 21 19182716152413228110
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::collections::HashSet;
fn n_to_v(n: &i32) -> Vec<i32> {
return n
.map(|c| *c as i32 - '0' as i32)
fn v_to_s(v: &Vec<i32>) -> String {
return v
.map(|i| {
assert!(*i < 10 && *i >= 0);
fn v_to_n(v: &Vec<i32>) -> i32 {
let mut r = v.to_vec();
return r.iter().fold(0, |sum, i| sum * 10 + i);
fn generate_next_term(digits: Vec<i32>) -> Vec<i32> {
let mut counts = vec![0; 10];
let mut next: Vec<i32> = vec![];
for i in digits {
assert!(i < 10);
counts[i as usize] += 1;
for i in [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0] {
if counts[i as usize] > 0 {
for d in n_to_v(&counts[i as usize]) {
return next;
fn generate_sequence(seedterm: &Vec<i32>) -> (usize, Vec<Vec<i32>>, usize) {
let mut seen = HashSet::new();
let mut term_vec = seedterm.clone();
let mut term_string = v_to_s(&term_vec);
let mut sequence: Vec<Vec<i32>> = vec![];
for iterations in 0..1000 {
if !seen.contains(&term_string) {
term_vec = generate_next_term(term_vec);
term_string = v_to_s(&term_vec);
} else {
// found a repeat in the sequence, so find where last one was
let prev = (0..sequence.len())
.find(|i| sequence[*i] == term_vec)
return (iterations, sequence, prev);
panic!("Could not find a repeat in sequence within 1000 iterations")
// To decrease memory usage, just save the seeds and recalculate sequence later
// To speed up loop, just calculate the numbers with presorted digit sequences
// and then use permutations of results to regenerate the skipped seeds
fn find_max_sequences(start: i32, stop: i32) {
let mut max_length = 1_usize;
let mut max_length_seeds: Vec<i32> = vec![];
for i in start..=stop {
let v = n_to_v(&i);
let mut dup_seq = v.to_vec();
if v != dup_seq {
let (seq_len, _seq, _prev) = generate_sequence(&v);
if seq_len > max_length {
max_length = seq_len;
} else if seq_len == max_length {
let mut perm_seeds: Vec<i32> = vec![];
for seed in max_length_seeds.clone() {
let v = n_to_v(&seed);
let minresult = 10_i32.pow(v.len() as u32 - 1_u32);
for p in v.iter().permutations(v.len()) {
let perm = p.iter().map(|x| **x).collect_vec();
let n = v_to_n(&perm);
if n >= minresult {
"Seeds: {}",
perm_seeds.iter().map(|n| n.to_string()).join(" ")
println!("\n Iterations: {max_length}\n\nExample sequence:\n");
let (_len, seq, prev) = generate_sequence(&n_to_v(&max_length_seeds[0]));
for (idx, v) in seq.iter().enumerate() {
"{:<2}: {}{}",
idx + 1,
v.iter().map(|i| i.to_string()).join(""),
if idx == seq.len() - 1 {
format!(" <-- repeats the sequence from line {}.", prev + 1)
} else {
fn main() {
find_max_sequences(1, 999_999);
- Output:
Seeds: 9009 9090 9900 Iterations: 21 Example sequence: 1 : 9900 2 : 2920 3 : 192210 4 : 19222110 5 : 19323110 6 : 1923123110 7 : 1923224110 8 : 191413323110 9 : 191433125110 10: 19151423125110 11: 19251413226110 12: 1916151413325110 13: 1916251423127110 14: 191716151413326110 15: 191726151423128110 16: 19181716151413327110 17: 19182716151423129110 18: 29181716151413328110 19: 19281716151423228110 20: 19281716151413427110 21: 19182716152413228110 22: 19281716151413427110 <-- repeats the sequence from line 20.
This example creates a ParVector, which is a collection type that inherently uses parallel processing, of all seeds within the range, maps each seed to a tuple containing the seed, the sequence, and the number of iterations, sorts the collection by decreasing sequence length, then shows the relevant information for the maximal sequences at the head of the collection.
import spire.math.SafeLong
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParVector
object SelfReferentialSequence {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val nums = ParVector.range(1, 1000001).map(SafeLong(_))
val seqs ={ n => val seq = genSeq(n); (n, seq, seq.length) }.toVector.sortWith((a, b) => a._3 > b._3)
val maxes = seqs.takeWhile(t => t._3 == seqs.head._3)
println(s"Seeds: ${", ")}\nIterations: ${maxes.head._3}")
for(e <- maxes.distinctBy(a => nextTerm(a._1.toString))){
println(s"\nSeed: ${e._1}\n${e._2.mkString("\n")}")
def genSeq(seed: SafeLong): Vector[String] = {
def gTrec(seq: Vector[String], n: String): Vector[String] = {
if(seq.contains(n)) seq
else gTrec(seq :+ n, nextTerm(n))
gTrec(Vector[String](), seed.toString)
def nextTerm(num: String): String = {
def dTrec(digits: Vector[(Int, Int)], src: String): String = src.headOption match{
case Some(n) => dTrec(digits :+ ((n.asDigit, src.count(_ == n))), src.filter(_ != n))
case None => digits.sortWith((a, b) => a._1 > b._1).map(p => p._2.toString + p._1.toString).mkString
dTrec(Vector[(Int, Int)](), num)
- Output:
Seeds: 9009, 9090, 9900 Iterations: 21 Seed: 9009 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
proc nextterm n {
foreach c [split $n ""] {incr t($c)}
foreach c {9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} {
if {[info exist t($c)]} {append r $t($c) $c}
return $r
# Local context of lambda term is just for speed
apply {limit {
# Build a digit cache; this adds quite a bit of speed
set done [lrepeat [set l2 [expr {$limit * 100}]] 0]
# Iterate over search space
set maxlen 0
set maxes {}
for {set i 0} {$i < $limit} {incr i} {
if {[lindex $done $i]} continue
# Compute the sequence length for this value (with help from cache)
set seq {}
for {set seed $i} {$seed ni $seq} {set seed [nextterm $seed]} {
if {$seed < $l2 && [lindex $done $seed]} {
set len [expr {[llength $seq] + [lindex $done $seed]}]
set len [llength [lappend seq $seed]]
# What are we going to do about it?
if {$len > $maxlen} {
set maxlen $len
set maxes [list $i]
} elseif {$len == $maxlen} {
lappend maxes $i
# Update the cache with what we have learned
foreach n $seq {
if {$n < $l2} {lset done $n $len}
incr len -1
# Output code
puts "max length: $maxlen"
foreach c $maxes {puts $c}
puts "Sample max-len sequence:"
set seq {}
# Rerun the sequence generator for printing; faster for large limits
for {set seed [lindex $c 0]} {$seed ni $seq} {set seed [nextterm $seed]} {
lappend seq $seed
puts "\t$seed"
}} 1000000
max length: 21 9009 9090 9900 Sample max-len sequence: 9900 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
This is a close, almost expression-by-expression transliteration of the Clojure version.
;; Syntactic sugar for calling reduce-left
(defmacro reduce-with ((acc init item sequence) . body)
^(reduce-left (lambda (,acc ,item) ,*body) ,sequence ,init))
;; Macro similar to clojure's ->> and ->
(defmacro opchain (val . ops)
^[[chain ,*[mapcar [iffi consp (op cons 'op)] ops]] ,val])
;; Reduce integer to a list of integers representing its decimal digits.
(defun digits (n)
(if (< n 10)
(list n)
(opchain n tostring list-str (mapcar (op - @1 #\0)))))
(defun dcount (ds)
(digits (length ds)))
;; Perform a look-say step like (1 2 2) --"one 1, two 2's"-> (1 1 2 2).
(defun summarize-prev (ds)
(opchain ds copy (sort @1 >) (partition-by identity)
(mapcar [juxt dcount first]) flatten))
;; Take a starting digit string and iterate the look-say steps,
;; to generate the whole sequence, which ends when convergence is reached.
(defun convergent-sequence (ds)
(reduce-with (cur-seq nil ds [giterate true summarize-prev ds])
(if (member ds cur-seq)
(return-from convergent-sequence cur-seq)
(nconc cur-seq (list ds)))))
;; A candidate sequence is one which begins with montonically
;; decreasing digits. We don't bother with (9 0 9 0) or (9 0 0 9);
;; which yield identical sequences to (9 9 0 0).
(defun candidate-seq (n)
(let ((ds (digits n)))
(if [apply >= ds]
(convergent-sequence ds))))
;; Discover the set of longest sequences.
(defun find-longest (limit)
(reduce-with (max-seqs nil new-seq [mapcar candidate-seq (range 1 limit)])
(let ((cmp (- (opchain max-seqs first length) (length new-seq))))
(cond ((> cmp 0) max-seqs)
((< cmp 0) (list new-seq))
(t (nconc max-seqs (list new-seq)))))))
(defvar *results* (find-longest 1000000))
(each ((result *results*))
(flet ((strfy (list) ;; (strfy '((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8))) -> ("1234" "5678")
(mapcar [chain (op mapcar tostring) cat-str] list)))
(let* ((seed (first result))
(seeds (opchain seed perm uniq (remove-if zerop @1 first))))
(put-line `Seed value(s): @(strfy seeds)`)
(put-line `Iterations: @(length result)`)
(put-line `Sequence: @(strfy result)`))))
- Output:
$ txr Seed value(s): 9900 9090 9009 Iterations: 21 Sequence: 9900 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
Mostly the same logic. The count-and-say
function is based on the same steps, but stays in the string domain instead of converting the input to a list, and then the output back to a string. It also avoids building the output backwards and reversing it, so out
must be accessed on the right side inside the loop. This is easy due to Python-inspired array indexing semantics: -1 means last element, -2 second last
and so on.
Like in Common Lisp, TXR's sort
is destructive, so we take care to use copy-str
(defun count-and-say (str)
(let* ((s [sort (copy-str str) <])
(out `@[s 0]0`))
(each ((x s))
(if (eql x [out -1])
(inc [out -2])
(set out `@{out}1@x`)))
(defun ref-seq-len (n : doprint)
(let ((s (tostring n)) hist)
(while t
(push s hist)
(if doprint (pprinl s))
(set s (count-and-say s))
(each ((item hist)
(i (range 0 2)))
(when (equal s item)
(return-from ref-seq-len (length hist)))))))
(defun find-longest (top)
(let (nums (len 0))
(each ((x (range 0 top)))
(let ((l (ref-seq-len x)))
(when (> l len) (set len l) (set nums nil))
(when (= l len) (push x nums))))
(list nums len)))
- Output:
Longest: ((9900 9090 9009 99) 21) 9900 2029 102219 10212219 10313219 1031122319 1041222319 103132131419 105112331419 10511223141519 10612213142519 1051321314151619 1071122314251619 106132131415161719 108112231415261719 10713213141516171819 10911223141516271819 10813213141516171829 10812223141516172819 10714213141516172819 10812213241516271819
;; Macro very similar to Racket's for/fold
(defmacro for-accum (accum-var-inits each-vars . body)
(let ((accum-vars [mapcar first accum-var-inits])
(block-sym (gensym))
(next-args [mapcar (ret (progn @rest (gensym))) accum-var-inits])
(nvars (length accum-var-inits)))
^(let ,accum-var-inits
(flet ((iter (,*next-args)
,*[mapcar (ret ^(set ,@1 ,@2)) accum-vars next-args]))
(each ,each-vars
(list ,*accum-vars)))))
(defun next (s)
(let ((v (vector 10 0)))
(each ((c s))
(inc [v (- #\9 c)]))
(collect-each ((x v)
(i (range 9 0 -1)))
(when (> x 0)
(defun seq-of (s)
(for* ((ns ()))
((not (member s ns)) (reverse ns))
((push s ns) (set s (next s)))))
(defun sort-string (s)
[sort (copy s) >])
(tree-bind (len nums seq)
(for-accum ((*len nil) (*nums nil) (*seq nil))
((n (range 1000000 0 -1))) ;; start at the high end
(let* ((s (tostring n))
(sorted (sort-string s)))
(if (equal s sorted)
(let* ((seq (seq-of s))
(len (length seq)))
(cond ((or (not *len) (> len *len)) (iter len (list s) seq))
((= len *len) (iter len (cons s *nums) seq))))
(iter *len
(if (and *nums (member sorted *nums)) (cons s *nums) *nums)
(put-line `Numbers: @{nums ", "}\nLength: @len`)
(each ((n seq)) (put-line ` @n`)))
- Output:
Numbers: 9009, 9090, 9900 Length: 21 9900 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
import "./seq" for Lst
import "./math" for Nums
var limit = 1e6
var selfRefSeq = { |s|
var sb = ""
for (d in "9876543210") {
if (s.contains(d)) {
var count = s.count { |c| c == d }
sb = sb + "%(count)%(d)"
return sb
var permute // recursive
permute = { |input|
if (input.count == 1) return [input]
var perms = []
var toInsert = input[0]
for (perm in[1..-1])) {
for (i in 0..perm.count) {
var newPerm = perm.toList
newPerm.insert(i, toInsert)
return perms
var sieve = List.filled(limit, 0)
var elements = []
for (n in 1...limit) {
if (sieve[n] == 0) {
var next = n.toString
while (true) {
next =
if (elements.contains(next)) {
var size = elements.count
sieve[n] = size
if (n > 9) {
var perms = { |p| p.join("") }.toList
perms = Lst.distinct(perms)
for (perm in perms) {
if (perm[0] != "0") {
var k = Num.fromString(perm.join(""))
sieve[k] = size
var maxIterations = Nums.max(sieve)
for (n in 1...limit) {
if (sieve[n] >= maxIterations) {
System.print("%(n) -> Iterations = %(maxIterations)")
var next = n.toString
for (i in 1..maxIterations) {
next =
- Output:
9009 -> Iterations = 21 9009 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 9090 -> Iterations = 21 9090 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110 9900 -> Iterations = 21 9900 2920 192210 19222110 19323110 1923123110 1923224110 191413323110 191433125110 19151423125110 19251413226110 1916151413325110 1916251423127110 191716151413326110 191726151423128110 19181716151413327110 19182716151423129110 29181716151413328110 19281716151423228110 19281716151413427110 19182716152413228110
fcn lookAndJustSaying(seed){ // numeric String --> numeric String
(s:=seed.inCommon(n)) and String(s.len(),n) or ""
fcn sequence(seed){ // numeric string --> sequence until it repeats
while(not seq.holds(seed)){ seq.append(seed); seed=lookAndJustSaying(seed); }
fcn decending(str) //--> True if digits are in descending (or equal) order
{ (not str.walker().zipWith('<,str[1,*]).filter1()) }
szs:=List.createLong(25); max:=0;
foreach seed in (N){
if(decending(z)){ // 321 generates same sequence as 312,132,123,213
if(len>max) szs.clear();
if(len>=max){ szs.append(seed.toString()); max=len; }
// List permutations of longest seeds
// ("9900"-->(((9,0,0,9),...))-->((9,0,0,9),...)-->("9009"...)
// -->remove numbers w/leading zeros-->remove dups
.filter(fcn(s){ s[0]!="0" }) : Utils.Helpers.listUnique(_);
println(max," iterations for ",zs.concat(", "));
zs.pump(Console.println,sequence,T("concat",", "));
Ignoring permutations cut run time from 4 min to 9 sec.
- Output:
21 iterations for 9900, 9090, 9009 9900, 2920, 192210, 19222110, 19323110, 1923123110, 1923224110, 191413323110, 191433125110, 19151423125110, 19251413226110, 1916151413325110, 1916251423127110, 191716151413326110, 191726151423128110, 19181716151413327110, 19182716151423129110, 29181716151413328110, 19281716151423228110, 19281716151413427110, 19182716152413228110 9090, 2920, 192210, 19222110, 19323110, 1923123110, 1923224110, 191413323110, 191433125110, 19151423125110, 19251413226110, 1916151413325110, 1916251423127110, 191716151413326110, 191726151423128110, 19181716151413327110, 19182716151423129110, 29181716151413328110, 19281716151423228110, 19281716151413427110, 19182716152413228110 9009, 2920, 192210, 19222110, 19323110, 1923123110, 1923224110, 191413323110, 191433125110, 19151423125110, 19251413226110, 1916151413325110, 1916251423127110, 191716151413326110, 191726151423128110, 19181716151413327110, 19182716151423129110, 29181716151413328110, 19281716151423228110, 19281716151413427110, 19182716152413228110
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