Transliterate English text using the Greek alphabet

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
- Rules
A rather silly little task intended as a bit of fun as well as a simple exercise in text substitution. So, if you're a Greek speaker or an expert in ancient Greek, please don't take it too seriously!
As there isn't a one-to-one correspondence between the English and Greek alphabets, we need some rules:
Greek letter | Corresponding English letter(s) |
alpha | a |
beta | b or v |
gamma | g |
delta | d |
epsilon | e (but not ee) |
zeta | z |
eta | h or ee (but not ch, kh, ph, rh or th) |
theta | th |
iota | i or j |
kappa | c, k, q or ck (but not ch and kh) |
lambda | l |
mu | m |
nu | n |
xi | x |
omicron | o (but not oo) |
pi | p (but not ph or ps) |
rho | r or rh |
sigma | s (but not ps) |
tau | t (but not th) |
upsilon | u or y |
phi | f or ph |
chi | ch or kh |
psi | ps |
omega | w or oo |
In the case of lower-case sigma, use ς when s is the final letter of an English word or σ otherwise.
Ignore Greek diacritics (accents and breathings) but use the same capitalization, spacing and punctuation as in the English text.
- Example
English: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Greek: Θε κυικ βροων φοξ ιυμπεδ οβερ θε λαζυ δογ.
- Task
Transliterate the following English text into Greek using the above rules:
I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden, dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang. As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt laying in my patio.
If your language does not support the printing of non-ascii characters, then you can instead transliterate the following lower-case pangram:
sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Just represent the Greek letters by their names in angle brackets. For example:
the dog => <theta><epsilon> <delta><omicron><gamma>
- Reference
- Metrics
- Counting
- Word frequency
- Letter frequency
- Jewels and stones
- I before E except after C
- Bioinformatics/base count
- Count occurrences of a substring
- Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string
- Remove/replace
- XXXX redacted
- Conjugate a Latin verb
- Remove vowels from a string
- String interpolation (included)
- Strip block comments
- Strip comments from a string
- Strip a set of characters from a string
- Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail
- Strip control codes and extended characters from a string
- Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling
- Word wheel
- ABC problem
- Sattolo cycle
- Knuth shuffle
- Ordered words
- Superpermutation minimisation
- Textonyms (using a phone text pad)
- Anagrams
- Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
- Permutations/Derangements
- Find/Search/Determine
- ABC words
- Odd words
- Word ladder
- Semordnilap
- Word search
- Wordiff (game)
- String matching
- Tea cup rim text
- Alternade words
- Changeable words
- State name puzzle
- String comparison
- Unique characters
- Unique characters in each string
- Extract file extension
- Levenshtein distance
- Palindrome detection
- Common list elements
- Longest common suffix
- Longest common prefix
- Compare a list of strings
- Longest common substring
- Find common directory path
- Words from neighbour ones
- Change e letters to i in words
- Non-continuous subsequences
- Longest common subsequence
- Longest palindromic substrings
- Longest increasing subsequence
- Words containing "the" substring
- Sum of the digits of n is substring of n
- Determine if a string is numeric
- Determine if a string is collapsible
- Determine if a string is squeezable
- Determine if a string has all unique characters
- Determine if a string has all the same characters
- Longest substrings without repeating characters
- Find words which contains all the vowels
- Find words which contain the most consonants
- Find words which contains more than 3 vowels
- Find words whose first and last three letters are equal
- Find words with alternating vowels and consonants
- Formatting
- Substring
- Rep-string
- Word wrap
- String case
- Align columns
- Literals/String
- Repeat a string
- Brace expansion
- Brace expansion using ranges
- Reverse a string
- Phrase reversals
- Comma quibbling
- Special characters
- String concatenation
- Substring/Top and tail
- Commatizing numbers
- Reverse words in a string
- Suffixation of decimal numbers
- Long literals, with continuations
- Numerical and alphabetical suffixes
- Abbreviations, easy
- Abbreviations, simple
- Abbreviations, automatic
- Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases
- Mad Libs
- Magic 8-ball
- 99 bottles of beer
- The Name Game (a song)
- The Old lady swallowed a fly
- The Twelve Days of Christmas
- Tokenize
- Text between
- Tokenize a string
- Word break problem
- Tokenize a string with escaping
- Split a character string based on change of character
- Sequences
include "NSLog.incl"
void local fn EnglishToGreekTransliteration
CFArrayRef texts = @[
@"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.",
@"I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,\ndressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.\n\nAs I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun\ncaused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt\nlaying in my patio.",
@"sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow."]
CFDictionaryRef replacements = @{
@"ch": @"χ", @"th": @"θ", @"ps": @"ψ", @"ph": @"f", @"s(\\W)": @"ς$1", @"Ch": @"Χ",
@"Th": @"Θ", @"Ps": @"Ψ", @"Ph": @"F", @"ee": @"h", @"ck": @"κ", @"rh": @"r", @"kh": @"χ",
@"Kh": @"Χ", @"oo": @"w", @"a": @"α", @"b": @"β", @"c": @"κ", @"d": @"δ", @"e": @"ε",
@"f": @"φ", @"g": @"γ", @"h": @"η", @"i": @"ι", @"j": @"ι", @"k": @"κ", @"l": @"λ",
@"m": @"μ", @"n": @"ν", @"o": @"ο", @"p": @"π", @"q": @"κ", @"r": @"ρ", @"s": @"σ",
@"t": @"τ", @"u": @"υ", @"v": @"β", @"w": @"ω", @"x": @"ξ", @"y": @"υ", @"z": @"ζ",
@"D": @"Δ", @"F": @"Φ", @"G": @"Γ", @"J": @"I", @"L": @"Λ", @"P": @"Π", @"Q": @"Κ",
@"R": @"Ρ", @"S": @"Σ", @"Y": @"U", @"W": @"Ω", @"X": @"Ξ"}
CFStringRef txt, key
for txt in texts
NSLog( @"%@\n=>", txt )
CFStringRef modifiedTxt = txt
for key in replacements
CFStringRef value = replacements[key]
RegularExpressionRef regex = fn RegularExpressionWithPattern( key, 0, NULL )
modifiedTxt = fn RegularExpressionStringByReplacingMatches( regex, modifiedTxt, 0, fn CFRangeMake( 0, len(modifiedTxt) ), value )
modifiedTxt = fn StringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString( modifiedTxt, @"Tη", @"θ" )
NSLog( @"%@\n%@", modifiedTxt, fn StringByPaddingToLength( @"", 65, @"=", 0 ) )
end fn
fn EnglishToGreekTransliteration
- Output:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. => θε κυικκ βροων φοξ ιυμπεδ οβερ θε λαζυ δογ. ================================================================= I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden, dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang. As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt laying in my patio. => I ωας λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονς ιν μυ βακκ γαρδεν, δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σηορτς, ωηεν θε τελεφονε ρανγ. Aς I ανσωερεδ ιτ, I κηεερφυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Iυλυ συν καυσεδ α φραγμεντ οφ βλακκ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο. ================================================================= sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. => σφινξ οφ βλακκ κυαρτζ, ιυδγε μυ βοω. =================================================================
endings=: {{
W=. (#~ tolower=toupper) (32}.127{.a.)-.":1234567890x
,(x,"1 0 W);&(7&u:)"1 y,"1 0 W
trans=: rplc&(7 u:L:0 ".{{)n
'ch';'χ'; 'th';'θ'; 'ps';'ψ'; 'ph';'f'; ('s' endings 'ς'), 'Ch';'Χ';
'Th';'Θ'; 'Ps';'Ψ'; 'Ph';'F'; 'ee';'h'; 'ck';'κ'; 'rh';'r'; 'kh';'χ';
'Kh';'Χ'; 'oo';'w'; 'a';'α'; 'b';'β'; 'c';'κ'; 'd';'δ'; 'e';'ε';
'f';'φ'; 'g';'γ'; 'h';'η'; 'i';'ι'; 'j';'ι'; 'k';'κ'; 'l';'λ';
'm';'μ'; 'n';'ν'; 'o';'ο'; 'p';'π'; 'q';'κ'; 'r';'ρ'; 's';'σ';
't';'τ'; 'u';'υ'; 'v';'β'; 'w';'ω'; 'x';'ξ'; 'y';'υ'; 'z';'ζ';
'D';'Δ'; 'F';'Φ'; 'G';'Γ'; 'J';'I'; 'L';'Λ'; 'P';'Π'; 'Q';'Κ';
'R';'Ρ'; 'S';'Σ'; 'Y';'U'; 'W';'Ω'; 'X';'Ξ'
}} -.LF)^:_
txt1=:'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.'
I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,
dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.
As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun
caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt
laying in my patio.
txt3=: 'sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.'
trans txt1
Θε κυικ βροων φοξ ιυμπεδ οβερ θε λαζυ δογ.
trans txt2
I ωας λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονς ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν,
δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σηορτς, ωηεν θε τελεφονε ρανγ.
Aς I ανσωερεδ ιτ, I χηρφυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Iυλυ συν
καυσεδ α φραγμεντ οφ βλακ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ
λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο.
trans txt3
σφινξ οφ βλακ κυαρτζ, ιυδγε μυ βοω.
import java.util.List;
public final class TransliterateEnglishTextUsingTheGreekAlphabet {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> tests = List.of(
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", // Note: "jumps" not "jumped"
I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,
dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.
As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun
caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt
laying in my patio.""",
"sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.");
String[][] pairs = new String[][] {
{ "CH", "Χ" }, { "Ch", "Χ" }, { "ch", "χ" }, { "CK", "Κ" }, { "Ck", "Κ" }, { "ck", "κ" },
{ "EE", "Η" }, { "Ee", "Η" }, { "ee", "η" }, { "KH", "Χ" }, { "Kh", "Χ" }, { "kh", "χ" },
{ "OO", "Ω" }, { "Oo", "Ω" }, { "oo", "ω" }, { "PH", "Φ" }, { "Ph", "Φ" }, { "ph", "ϕ" },
{ "PS", "Ψ" }, { "Ps", "Ψ" }, { "ps", "ψ" }, { "RH", "Ρ" }, { "Rh", "Ρ" }, { "rh", "ρ" },
{ "TH", "Θ" }, { "Th", "Θ" }, { "th", "θ" }, { "A", "Α" }, { "a", "α" }, { "B", "Β" },
{ "b", "β" }, { "C", "Κ" }, { "c", "κ" }, { "D", "Δ" }, { "d", "δ" }, { "E", "Ε" }, { "e", "ε" },
{ "F", "Φ" }, { "f", "ϕ" }, { "G", "Γ" }, { "g", "γ" }, { "H", "Ε" }, { "h", "ε" }, { "I", "Ι" },
{ "i", "ι" }, { "J", "Ι" }, { "j", "ι" }, { "K", "Κ" }, { "k", "κ" }, { "L", "Λ" }, { "l", "λ" },
{ "M", "Μ" }, { "m", "μ" }, { "N", "Ν" }, { "n", "ν" }, { "O", "Ο" }, { "o", "ο" }, { "P", "Π" },
{ "p", "π" }, { "Q", "Κ" }, { "q", "κ" }, { "R", "Ρ" }, { "r", "ρ" }, { "S", "Σ" }, { "s", "σ" },
{ "T", "Τ" }, { "t", "τ" }, { "U", "Υ" }, { "u", "υ" }, { "V", "Β" }, { "v", "β" }, { "W", "Ω" },
{ "w", "ω" }, { "X", "Ξ" }, { "x", "ξ" }, { "Y", "Υ" }, { "y", "υ" }, { "Z", "Ζ" }, { "z", "ζ" } };
for ( String test : tests ) {
String greek = test;
for ( int i = 0; i < greek.length(); i++ ) {
if ( greek.charAt(i) == 's' && ! Character.isAlphabetic(greek.charAt(i + 1)) ) {
greek = greek.substring(0, i) + 'ς' + greek.substring(i + 1);
for ( String[] pair : pairs ) {
greek = greek.replace(pair[0], pair[1]);
System.out.println(test + System.lineSeparator() + " =>" + System.lineSeparator() + greek);
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. => Θε κυικ βροων ϕοξ ιυμπς οβερ θε λαζυ δογ. ================================================================= I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden, dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang. As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt laying in my patio. => Ι ωας λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονς ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν, δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σεορτς, ωεεν θε τελεϕονε ρανγ. Ας Ι ανσωερεδ ιτ, Ι χηρϕυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Ιυλυ συν καυσεδ α ϕραγμεντ οϕ βλακ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο. ================================================================= sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. => σϕινξ οϕ βλακ κυαρτζ, ιυδγε μυ βοω. =================================================================
Adapted from #Julia
A point of interest in adapting the approach taken in the Julia entry is that, since jq strings for interpolating variables are not themselves JSON strings, the special case of "ς" must be handled differently.
def texts: [
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.",
"I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,\n" +
"dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.\n" +
"\n" +
"As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun\n" +
"caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt\n" +
"laying in my patio.",
"sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow."
# "ς" is handled separately
def replacements:
"ch" : "χ", "th" : "θ", "ps" : "ψ", "ph" : "f", "Ch" : "Χ",
"Th" : "Θ", "Ps" : "Ψ", "Ph" : "F", "ee" : "h", "ck" : "κ", "rh" : "r", "kh" : "χ",
"Kh" : "Χ", "oo" : "w", "a" : "α", "b" : "β", "c" : "κ", "d" : "δ", "e" : "ε",
"f" : "φ", "g" : "γ", "h" : "η", "i" : "ι", "j" : "ι", "k" : "κ", "l" : "λ",
"m" : "μ", "n" : "ν", "o" : "ο", "p" : "π", "q" : "κ", "r" : "ρ", "s" : "σ",
"t" : "τ", "u" : "υ", "v" : "β", "w" : "ω", "x" : "ξ", "y" : "υ", "z" : "ζ",
"D" : "Δ", "F" : "Φ", "G" : "Γ", "J" : "I", "L" : "Λ", "P" : "Π", "Q" : "Κ",
"R" : "Ρ", "S" : "Σ", "Y" : "U", "W" : "Ω", "X" : "Ξ" };
def translate($replacements):
gsub("s(?<W>\\W)"; "ς\(.W)")
| reduce ($replacements|keys_unsorted[]) as $key (.;
gsub($key; $replacements[$key])) ;
replacements as $replacements
| texts[]
| ., "=>", translate($replacements), ""
jq -nr -f transliterate-english-using-Greek.jq
- Output:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. => Θε κυικ βροων φοξ ιυμπεδ οβερ θε λαζυ δογ. I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden, dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang. => I ωασ λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονσ ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν, δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σηορτσ, ωηεν θε τελεφονε ρανγ. As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt laying in my patio. => Aσ I ανσωερεδ ιτ, I χηρφυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Iυλυ συν καυσεδ α φραγμεντ οφ βλακ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο. sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. => σφινξ οφ βλακ κυαρτζ, ιυδγε μυ βοω.
const texts = [
"""The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.""",
"""I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,
dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.
As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun
caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt
laying in my patio.""",
"""sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow."""]
const replacements = [
"ch" => "χ", "th" => "θ", "ps" => "ψ", "ph" => "f", r"s(\W)" => s"ς\1", "Ch" => "Χ",
"Th" => "Θ", "Ps" => "Ψ", "Ph" => "F", "ee" => "h", "ck" => "κ", "rh" => "r", "kh" => "χ",
"Kh" => "Χ", "oo" => "w", "a" => "α", "b" => "β", "c" => "κ", "d" => "δ", "e" => "ε",
"f" => "φ", "g" => "γ", "h" => "η", "i" => "ι", "j" => "ι", "k" => "κ", "l" => "λ",
"m" => "μ", "n" => "ν", "o" => "ο", "p" => "π", "q" => "κ", "r" => "ρ", "s" => "σ",
"t" => "τ", "u" => "υ", "v" => "β", "w" => "ω", "x" => "ξ", "y" => "υ", "z" => "ζ",
"D" => "Δ", "F" => "Φ", "G" => "Γ", "J" => "I", "L" => "Λ", "P" => "Π", "Q" => "Κ",
"R" => "Ρ", "S" => "Σ", "Y" => "U", "W" => "Ω", "X" => "Ξ"]
for txt in texts
for pair in replacements
txt = replace(txt, pair)
println("$txt\n", "="^65)
- Output:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. => Θε κυικ βροων φοξ ιυμπεδ οβερ θε λαζυ δογ. ================================================================= I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden, dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang. As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt laying in my patio. => I ωας λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονς ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν, δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σηορτς, ωηεν θε τελεφονε ρανγ. Aς I ανσωερεδ ιτ, I χηρφυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Iυλυ συν καυσεδ α φραγμεντ οφ βλακ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο. ================================================================= sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. => σφινξ οφ βλακ κυαρτζ, ιυδγε μυ βοω. =================================================================
M2000 Interpreter
process1=lambda -> {
a=list:="ee":="η", "ch":="χ", "kh":="χ", "ph":="φ", "ps":="ψ", "th":="θ", "ck":="κ", "oo":="ω", "rh":="ρ"
append b, "k":="κ","q":="κ","l":="λ","m":="μ","n":="ν","x":="ξ","o":="ο","p":="π","r":="ρ"
append b, "s":="σ","t":="τ","u":="υ","y":="υ","f":="φ","w":="ω"
=lambda a, b (s as string, no as integer) -> {
long i=1, j=len(s)
string r, rc, crlf={
while i<=j
if exist(a, lcase$(mid$(s,i,2))) then
if mid$(s,i,1)<>left$(eval$(a!),1) then
end if
else.if exist(b,lcase$(mid$(s,i,1))) then
rc=eval$(b) // eval$(b!) is the key
if mid$(s,i,1)<>eval$(b!) then
else.if rc="σ" then
if exist(b,lcase$(mid$(s,i+1,1))) then
end if
end if
end if
end while
=">>>> Text "+no+crlf+s+crlf+" =>"+crlf+r+crlf+crlf
report trans("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.", 1)
eng$={I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,
dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.
As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun
caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt
laying in my patio.}
Report trans(eng$, 2)
Report trans("sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.", 3)
- Output:
>>>> Text 1 The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. => Θε κυικ βροων φοξ ιυμπεδ οβερ θε λαζυ δογ. >>>> Text 2 I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden, dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang. As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt laying in my patio. => Ι ωας λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονς ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν, δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σηορτς, ωηεν θε τελεφονε ρανγ. Ας Ι ανσωερεδ ιτ, Ι χηρφυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Ιυλυ συν καυσεδ α φραγμεντ οφ βλακ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο. >>>> Text 3 sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. => σφινξ οφ βλακ κυαρτζ, ιυδγε μυ βοω.
import std/[strutils, unicode]
const Text = """I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,
dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.
As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun
caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt
laying in my patio."""
# Replacement table.
# It includes greek characters which look like ASCII ones but are actually different
# and coded using specific Unicode code points (as Α, Β, Ε, etc.).
const Replacements = {"CH": "Χ", "Ch": "Χ", "ch": "χ", "CK": "Κ", "Ck": "Κ", "ck": "κ",
"EE": "Η", "Ee": "Η", "ee": "η", "KH": "Χ", "Kh": "Χ", "kh": "χ",
"OO": "Ω", "Oo": "Ω", "oo": "ω", "PH": "Φ", "Ph": "Φ", "ph": "ϕ",
"PS": "Ψ", "Ps": "Ψ", "ps": "ψ", "RH": "Ρ", "Rh": "Ρ", "rh": "ρ",
"TH": "Θ", "Th": "Θ", "th": "θ", "A": "Α", "a": "α", "B": "Β",
"b": "β", "C": "Κ", "c": "κ", "D": "Δ", "d": "δ", "E": "Ε", "e": "ε",
"F": "Φ", "f": "ϕ", "G": "Γ", "g": "γ", "H": "Ε", "h": "ε", "I": "Ι",
"i": "ι", "J": "Ι", "j": "ι", "K": "Κ", "k": "κ", "L": "Λ", "l": "λ",
"M": "Μ", "m": "μ", "N": "Ν", "n": "ν", "O": "Ο", "o": "ο", "P": "Π",
"p": "π", "Q": "Κ", "q": "κ", "R": "Ρ", "r": "ρ", "S": "Σ", "s": "σ",
"T": "Τ", "t": "τ", "U": "Υ", "u": "υ", "V": "Β", "v": "β", "W": "Ω",
"w": "ω", "X": "Ξ", "x": "ξ", "Y": "Υ", "y": "υ", "Z": "Ζ", "z": "ζ"}
# All replacements are done using a single call to "multiReplace".
var text = Text.multiReplace(Replacements)
# Replacing "σ" with "ς" is a bit more complicated, as we have to deal with Unicode strings.
const Sigma1 = "σ".toRunes[0]
const Sigma2 = "ς".toRunes[0]
var runes = text.toRunes
for i in 0..runes.high:
let rune = runes[i]
if rune == Sigma1:
if i == runes.high or not runes[i + 1].isAlpha:
runes[i] = Sigma2
echo runes
- Output:
Ι ωας λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονς ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν, δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σεορτς, ωεεν θε τελεϕονε ρανγ. Ας Ι ανσωερεδ ιτ, Ι χηρϕυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Ιυλυ συν καυσεδ α ϕραγμεντ οϕ βλακ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο.
var repl := Dict(
('ch', 'χ'), ('th', 'θ'), ('ps', 'ψ'), ('ph', 'f'), ('Ch', 'Χ'),
('Th', 'Θ'), ('Ps', 'Ψ'), ('Ph', 'F'), ('ee', 'h'), ('ck', 'κ'), ('rh', 'r'), ('kh', 'χ'),
('Kh', 'Χ'), ('oo', 'w'),
($'a', 'α'), ($'b', 'β'), ($'c', 'κ'), ($'d', 'δ'), ($'e', 'ε'),
($'f', 'φ'), ($'g', 'γ'), ($'h', 'η'), ($'i', 'ι'), ($'j', 'ι'), ($'k', 'κ'), ($'l', 'λ'),
($'m', 'μ'), ($'n', 'ν'), ($'o', 'ο'), ($'p', 'π'), ($'q', 'κ'), ($'r', 'ρ'), ($'s', 'σ'),
($'t', 'τ'), ($'u', 'υ'), ($'v', 'β'), ($'w', 'ω'), ($'x', 'ξ'), ($'y', 'υ'), ($'z', 'ζ'),
($'D', 'Δ'), ($'F', 'Φ'), ($'G', 'Γ'), ($'J', 'I'), ($'L', 'Λ'), ($'P', 'Π'), ($'Q', 'Κ'),
($'R', 'Ρ'), ($'S', 'Σ'), ($'Y', 'U'), ($'W', 'Ω'), ($'X', 'Ξ')
var texts := Arr(
'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.',
I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,
dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.
As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun
caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt
laying in my patio.
'sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.'
foreach var txt in texts do
Println(txt); Println('=>');
var txt1 := txt;
foreach var pair in repl do
txt1 := txt1.Replace(pair.Key,pair.Value);
Println(txt1 + NewLine);
- Output:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. => Θε κυικ βροων φοξ ιυμπεδ οβερ θε λαζυ δογ. I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden, dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang. As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt laying in my patio. => I ωασ λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονσ ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν, δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σηορτσ, ωηεν θε τελεφονε ρανγ. Aσ I ανσωερεδ ιτ, I χηρφυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Iυλυ συν καυσεδ α φραγμεντ οφ βλακ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο. sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. => σφινξ οφ βλακ κυαρτζ, ιυδγε μυ βοω.
use v5.36;
use experimental 'for_list';
use utf8;
binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
sub to_Greek ($string) {
my %pre = qw<Ph F ck k ee h J I rh r oo w ph f ch χ th θ ps ψ Ch Χ Th Θ Ps Ψ kh χ 's ' 'ς '>;
my %post = split '', 'aαbβdδeεfφgγhηiιjιkκlλmμnνoοpπqκrρsσtτuυvβwωxξyυzζAΑBΒDΔEΕFΦGΓHΗIΙLΛMΜNΝOΟPΠQΚRΡSΣTΤUΥWΩXΞZΖ';
for my ($k,$v) (%pre, %post) { $string =~ s/$k/$v/g }
say "$_\n" . to_Greek $_ . "\n" for
'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.',
'I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden, dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.',
'As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt laying in my patio.';
- Output:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Θε κυικ βροων φοξ ιυμπεδ οβερ θε λαζυ δογ. I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden, dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang. Ι ωασ λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονσ ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν, δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σηορτσ, ωηεν θε τελεφονε ρανγ. As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt laying in my patio. Ασ Ι ανσωερεδ ιτ, Ι χηρφυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Ιυλυ συν cαυσεδ α φραγμεντ οφ βλακ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο.
Just for a laugh, figure out the rules directly from the task description. You can run this online here (and it'll probably look better in a browser than on a Windows console).
with javascript_semantics constant task = """ alpha a beta b or v gamma g delta d epsilon e (but not ee) zeta z eta h or ee (but not ch, kh, ph, rh or th) theta th iota i or j kappa c, k, q or ck (but not ch and kh) lambda l mu m nu n xi x omicron o (but not oo) pi p (but not ph or ps) rho r or rh sigma s (but not ps) tau t (but not th) upsilon u or y phi f or ph chi ch or kh psi ps omega w or oo """ function rules() sequence replacements = split(task,"\n"), suborder = {{" ",49},{",",50},{".",51},{"\n",52}}, {rs,ir} = columnize(suborder), names = reinstate(repeat(0,52),ir,rs), done = {} for i,s in replacements do s = substitute_all(s,{" or"," and"},{",",","}) integer k = match("(but not ",s) sequence nots = {} if k then assert(s[$]=')' and s[k-1]=' ') nots = split(s[k+9..$-1],", ") s = s[1..k-2] end if s = split(substitute(s,",","")," ") names[i] = "<" & proper(s[1]) & ">" names[i+24] = "<" & s[1] & ">" s = s[2..$] k = max(apply(s¬s,length)) replacements[i] = {k,i,reverse(s),nots} end for replacements = sort(replacements) while length(replacements) do for i=length(replacements) to 1 by -1 do bool missing = false for s in replacements[i][4] do missing += not find(s,done) end for if not missing then integer g = replacements[i][2] for s in replacements[i][3] do done = append(done,s) suborder &= {{s,g+24}} s[1] = upper(s[1]) suborder &= {{s,g}} end for replacements[i..i] = {} end if end for end while return {columnize(suborder),names} end function sequence {{sub,rep},names} = rules(), gulp = utf8_to_utf32("ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ"& "αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω ,.\n"), text = """ The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden, dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang. As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt laying in my patio. sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.""" string g = utf32_to_utf8(extract(gulp,substitute_all(text,sub,rep))) g = substitute_all(g,{"σ ","σ,"},{"ς ","ς,"}) printf(1,"%s\n=>\n%s\n\n",{text,g}) string thedog = "the dog" g = join(extract(names,substitute_all(thedog,sub,rep)),"") printf(1,"%s\n=>\n%s\n\n",{thedog,g})
- Output:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden, dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang. As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt laying in my patio. sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. => Θε κυικ βροων φοξ ιυμπεδ οβερ θε λαζυ δογ. Ι ωας λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονς ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν, δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σηορτς, ωηεν θε τελεφονε ρανγ. Ας Ι ανσωερεδ ιτ, Ι χηρφυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Ιυλυ συν καυσεδ α φραγμεντ οφ βλακ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο. σφινξ οφ βλακ κυαρτζ, ιυδγε μυ βοω. the dog => <theta><epsilon> <delta><omicron><gamma>
import re
# Input texts
texts = [
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.",
"""I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,
dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.
As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun
caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt
laying in my patio.""",
"sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow."
# Mapping of replacements
replacements = [
("ch", "χ"), ("th", "θ"), ("ps", "ψ"), ("ph", "f"), (r"s(\W)", r"ς\1"), ("Ch", "Χ"),
("Th", "Θ"), ("Ps", "Ψ"), ("Ph", "F"), ("ee", "h"), ("ck", "κ"), ("rh", "r"), ("kh", "χ"),
("Kh", "Χ"), ("oo", "w"), ("a", "α"), ("b", "β"), ("c", "κ"), ("d", "δ"), ("e", "ε"),
("f", "φ"), ("g", "γ"), ("h", "η"), ("i", "ι"), ("j", "ι"), ("k", "κ"), ("l", "λ"),
("m", "μ"), ("n", "ν"), ("o", "ο"), ("p", "π"), ("q", "κ"), ("r", "ρ"), ("s", "σ"),
("t", "τ"), ("u", "υ"), ("v", "β"), ("w", "ω"), ("x", "ξ"), ("y", "υ"), ("z", "ζ"),
("D", "Δ"), ("F", "Φ"), ("G", "Γ"), ("J", "I"), ("L", "Λ"), ("P", "Π"), ("Q", "Κ"),
("R", "Ρ"), ("S", "Σ"), ("Y", "U"), ("W", "Ω"), ("X", "Ξ")
# Function to apply replacements
def replace_text(text, replacements):
for old, new in replacements:
if"\W", old): # If the key contains special characters, treat it as a regex
text = re.sub(old, new, text)
text = text.replace(old, new)
return text
# Apply replacements and print the results
for txt in texts:
txt = replace_text(txt, replacements)
print(f"{txt}\n" + "="*65)
- Output:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. => Θε κυικ βροων φοξ ιυμπεδ οβερ θε λαζυ δογ. ================================================================= I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden, dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang. As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt laying in my patio. => I ωας λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονς ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν, δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σηορτς, ωηεν θε τελεφονε ρανγ. Aς I ανσωερεδ ιτ, I χηρφυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Iυλυ συν καυσεδ α φραγμεντ οφ βλακ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο. ================================================================= sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. => σφινξ οφ βλακ κυαρτζ, ιυδγε μυ βοω. =================================================================
sub to-Greek (Str $string is copy) {
my %pre = :Ph<F>, :ck<k>, :ee<h>, :J<I>, :rh<r>,:oo<w>, :ph<f>, :ch<χ>,
:th<θ>, :ps<ψ>, :Ch<Χ>, :Th<Θ>, :Ps<Ψ>, :kh<χ>, 's ' => 'ς ';
my %post = :a<α>, :b<β>, :d<δ>, :e<ε>, :f<φ>, :g<γ>, :h<η>, :i<ι>, :j<ι>,
:k<κ>, :l<λ>, :m<μ>, :n<ν>, :o<ο>, :p<π>, :q<κ>, :r<ρ>, :s<σ>,
:t<τ>, :u<υ>, :v<β>, :w<ω>, :x<ξ>, :y<υ>, :z<ζ>, :A<Α>, :B<Β>,
:D<Δ>, :E<Ε>, :F<Φ>, :G<Γ>, :H<Η>, :I<Ι>, :L<Λ>, :M<Μ>, :N<Ν>,
:O<Ο>, :P<Π>, :Q<Κ>, :R<Ρ>, :S<Σ>, :T<Τ>, :U<Υ>, :W<Ω>, :X<Ξ>,
$string.=subst(:g, .key, .value ) for flat %pre, %post;
my $text = chomp q:to/ENGLISH/;
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,
dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.
As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun
caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt
laying in my patio.
sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
say "English:\n\n" ~ $text ~ "\n" ~ '=' x 80;
say "\"Greek\":\n\n" ~ $text.&to-Greek ~ "\n" ~ '=' x 80;
say "Or, to named characters:\n\n$_\n" ~
.&{ .match(/\W/) ?? $_ !!
'<' ~ .uniname.subst( /.+<?after LETTER\s>/).lc ~ '>'
given 'sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.';
- Output:
English: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden, dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang. As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt laying in my patio. sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. ================================================================================ "Greek": Θε κυικ βροων φοξ ιυμπεδ οβερ θε λαζυ δογ. Ι ωας λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονς ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν, δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σηορτσ, ωηεν θε τελεφονε ρανγ. Ας Ι ανσωερεδ ιτ, Ι χηρφυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Ιυλυ συν cαυσεδ α φραγμεντ οφ βλακ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο. σφινξ οφ βλακ κυαρτζ, ιυδγε μυ βοω. ================================================================================ Or, to named characters: sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. <sigma><phi><iota><nu><xi> <omicron><phi> <beta><lamda><alpha><kappa> <kappa><upsilon><alpha><rho><tau><zeta>, <iota><upsilon><delta><gamma><epsilon> <mu><upsilon> <beta><omicron><omega>.
replacements =
{"ch" => "χ", "th" => "θ", "ps" => "ψ", "ph" => "f", "Ch" => "Χ",
"Th" => "Θ", "Ps" => "Ψ", "Ph" => "F", "ee" => "h", "ck" => "κ", "rh" => "r", "kh" => "χ",
"Kh" => "Χ", "oo" => "w", "a" => "α", "b" => "β", "c" => "κ", "d" => "δ", "e" => "ε",
"f" => "φ", "g" => "γ", "h" => "η", "i" => "ι", "j" => "ι", "k" => "κ", "l" => "λ",
"m" => "μ", "n" => "ν", "o" => "ο", "p" => "π", "q" => "κ", "r" => "ρ", "s" => "σ",
"t" => "τ", "u" => "υ", "v" => "β", "w" => "ω", "x" => "ξ", "y" => "υ", "z" => "ζ",
"D" => "Δ", "F" => "Φ", "G" => "Γ", "J" => "I", "L" => "Λ", "P" => "Π", "Q" => "Κ",
"R" => "Ρ", "S" => "Σ", "Y" => "U", "W" => "Ω", "X" => "Ξ"}
pattern = Regexp.union(replacements.keys)
english =
"I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,
dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.
As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun
caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt
laying in my patio."
puts english.gsub(pattern, replacements).gsub(/σ(\b)/, "ς")
- Output:
I ωας λwκινγ ατ σομε rοδοδενδρονς ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν, δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σηορτς, ωηεν θε τελεfονε ρανγ. Aς I ανσωερεδ ιτ, I χhρφυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Iυλυ συν καυσεδ α φραγμεντ οφ βλακ πινε ωαξ το wζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο.
V (Vlang)
import maps
import encoding.utf8
const txt = "I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,
dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.
As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun
caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt
laying in my patio."
const rpl = {"CH": "Χ", "Ch": "Χ", "ch": "χ", "CK": "Κ", "Ck": "Κ", "ck": "κ",
"EE": "Η", "Ee": "Η", "ee": "η", "KH": "Χ", "Kh": "Χ", "kh": "χ",
"OO": "Ω", "Oo": "Ω", "oo": "ω", "PH": "Φ", "Ph": "Φ", "ph": "ϕ",
"PS": "Ψ", "Ps": "Ψ", "ps": "ψ", "RH": "Ρ", "Rh": "Ρ", "rh": "ρ",
"TH": "Θ", "Th": "Θ", "th": "θ", "A": "Α", "a": "α", "B": "Β",
"b": "β", "C": "Κ", "c": "κ", "D": "Δ", "d": "δ", "E": "Ε", "e": "ε",
"F": "Φ", "f": "ϕ", "G": "Γ", "g": "γ", "H": "Ε", "h": "ε", "I": "Ι",
"i": "ι", "J": "Ι", "j": "ι", "K": "Κ", "k": "κ", "L": "Λ", "l": "λ",
"M": "Μ", "m": "μ", "N": "Ν", "n": "ν", "O": "Ο", "o": "ο", "P": "Π",
"p": "π", "Q": "Κ", "q": "κ", "R": "Ρ", "r": "ρ", "S": "Σ", "s": "σ",
"T": "Τ", "t": "τ", "U": "Υ", "u": "υ", "V": "Β", "v": "β", "W": "Ω",
"w": "ω", "X": "Ξ", "x": "ξ", "Y": "Υ", "y": "υ", "Z": "Ζ", "z": "ζ"}
fn main() {
flat_arr := maps.flat_map[string, string, string](rpl, fn (key string, val string) []string {
mut arr := [key]
arr << val
return arr})
mut rune_arr := txt.replace_each(flat_arr).runes()
for idx, chr in rune_arr {
if chr == "σ".runes()[0] && !utf8.is_letter(rune_arr[idx + 1]) {rune_arr[idx] = "ς".runes()[0]}
- Output:
Ι ωας λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονς ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν, δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σεορτς, ωεεν θε τελεϕονε ρανγ. Ας Ι ανσωερεδ ιτ, Ι χηρϕυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Ιυλυ συν καυσεδ α ϕραγμεντ οϕ βλακ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο.
import "./str" for Char, Greek
var English2Greek = { |text|
// make appropriate substitutions using rarely used control characters
// for Greek letters which have no single English letter equivalents
var subs = [
["v", "b"],
["j", "i"],
["y", "u"],
["ch", "\x01"], // chi (l/c)
["kh", "\x01"], // chi (l/c)
["ph", "f"],
["rh", "r"],
["th", "\x02"], // theta (l/c)
["Ch", "\x04"], // chi (u/c)
["Kh", "\x04"], // chi (u/c)
["Ph", "F"],
["Rh", "R"],
["Th", "\x05"], // theta (u/c)
["ee", "h"],
["ck", "q"],
["c", "q"],
["k", "q"],
["oo", "w"],
["ps", "\x03"], // psi(l/c)
["Ps", "\x06"], // psi(u/c)
["V", "B"],
["J", "I"],
["Y", "U"],
["CH", "\x04"], // chi (u/c)
["KH", "\x04"], // chi (u/c)
["PH", "F"],
["RH", "R"],
["TH", "\x05"], // theta (u/c)
["EE", "H"],
["CK", "Q"],
["C", "Q"],
["K", "Q"],
["OO", "W"],
["PS", "\x06"], // psi(u/c)
for (sub in subs) text = text.replace(sub[0], sub[1])
// now look for final English lower case 's' and use 'DEL' to substitute for that
var letters = text.toList
for (i in 1...letters.count) {
var c = letters[i]
if ((Char.isWhitespace(c) || Char.isPunctuation(c)) && letters[i-1] == "s") {
letters[i-1] = "\x7f"
// finally substitute the remaining English 'letters' with Greek ones
// note that some of them look the same but are different codepoints
var e2g = {
"a": "α", "b": "β", "d": "δ", "e": "ε", "f": "φ", "g": "γ", "h": "η",
"i": "ι", "l": "λ", "m": "μ", "n": "ν", "o": "ο", "p": "π", "q": "κ",
"r": "ρ", "s": "σ", "t": "τ", "u": "υ", "w": "ω", "x": "ξ", "z": "ζ",
"A": "Α", "B": "Β", "D": "Δ", "E": "Ε", "F": "Φ", "G": "Γ", "H": "Η",
"I": "Ι", "L": "Λ", "M": "Μ", "N": "Ν", "O": "Ο", "P": "Π", "Q": "Κ",
"R": "Ρ", "S": "Σ", "T": "Τ", "U": "Υ", "W": "Ω", "X": "Ξ", "Z": "Ζ",
"\x01": "χ", "\x02": "θ", "\x03": "ψ", "\x7f": "ς",
"\x04": "Χ", "\x05": "Θ", "\x06": "Ψ"
var greek = List.filled(letters.count, null)
for (i in 0...greek.count) {
var c = letters[i]
if (Char.isWhitespace(c) || Char.isPunctuation(c)) {
greek[i] = c
} else {
greek[i] = e2g[letters[i]]
return greek.join("")
var texts = [
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.",
I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,
dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.
As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun
caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt
laying in my patio.
"sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow."
for (text in texts) {
System.print("=" * 65)
System.print("The last example using the names of the Greek letters instead:")
var greek =[2])
var s = ""
for (g in greek) {
var c
if (Char.isWhitespace(g) || Char.isPunctuation(g)) {
c = g
} else {
c = "<" + + ">"
s = s + c
- Output:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Θε κυικ βροων φοξ ιυμπεδ οβερ θε λαζυ δογ. ================================================================= I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden, dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang. As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt laying in my patio. Ι ωας λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονς ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν, δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σηορτς, ωηεν θε τελεφονε ρανγ. Ας Ι ανσωερεδ ιτ, Ι χηρφυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Ιυλυ συν καυσεδ α φραγμεντ οφ βλακ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο. ================================================================= sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. σφινξ οφ βλακ κυαρτζ, ιυδγε μυ βοω. ================================================================= The last example using the names of the Greek letters instead: <sigma><phi><iota><nu><xi> <omicron><phi> <beta><lambda><alpha><kappa> <kappa><upsilon><alpha><rho><tau><zeta>, <iota><upsilon><delta><gamma><epsilon> <mu><upsilon> <beta><omicron><omega>.