You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
- Task
Write a program that will list everything in the current folder, similar to:
- the Unix utility “ls” [1] or
- the Windows terminal command “DIR”
The output must be sorted, but printing extended details and producing multi-column output is not required.
- Example output
For the list of paths:
/foo/bar /foo/bar/1 /foo/bar/2 /foo/bar/a /foo/bar/b
When the program is executed in `/foo`, it should print:
and when the program is executed in `/foo/bar`, it should print:
1 2 a b
8080 Assembly
This program runs under CP/M and lists the current directory. CP/M does not return the filenames in sorted order, so it has to do the sorting itself.
dma: equ 80h
puts: equ 9h ; Write string to console
sfirst: equ 11h ; Find first matching file
snext: equ 12h ; Get next matching file
org 100h
;;; First, retrieve all filenames in current directory
;;; CP/M has function 11h (sfirst) and function 13h (snext)
;;; to return the first, and then following, files that
;;; match a wildcard.
lxi d,0 ; Amount of files
push d ; Push on stack
lxi h,fnames ; Start of area to save names
push h ; Push on stack
lxi d,fcb ; FCB that will match any file
mvi c,sfirst ; Get the first file
getnames: call 5 ; Call CP/M BDOS
inr a
jz namesdone ; FF = we have all files
dcr a ; Dir entry is at DMA+32*A
rrc ; Rotate 3 right, same as
rrc ; rotate 5 left, *32
adi dma+1 ; Add DMA offset + 1 (filename offset)
mov e,a ; Low byte of address
mvi d,0 ; High byte is 0
mvi b,8 ; Filename is 8 bytes
pop h ; Get pointer to name area
call memcpy ; Copy the name
mvi m,' ' ; Separate name and extension
inx h
mvi b,3 ; Extension is 3 bytes
call memcpy ; Copy the extension
mvi m,13 ; While we're at it, terminate
inx h ; the filename with \r\n
mvi m,10
inx h
pop d ; Get amount of files
inx d ; Increment it (we've added a file)
push d ; Put it back onto the stack
push h ; Put the name pointer on the stack too
mvi c,snext ; Go get the next file
jmp getnames
namesdone: pop h ; Terminate the file list with $
mvi m,'$' ; so it can be printed with function 9
;;; CP/M does not keep its directory in sorted order,
;;; so we need to sort the list of files ourselves.
;;; What follows is a simple insertion sort.
lxi d,1 ; DE (i) = 1
sortouter: pop h ; Get amount of files
push h
call cmpdehl ; i < length(files)?
jnc sortdone ; If not, we're done
push d ; push i; DE (j) = i
sortinner: push d ; push j
mov a,d ; j > 0?
ora e
jz sortinnerdone ; If not, inner loop is done
dcx d ; DE = j-1
call lookup ; HL = files[j-1]
push h ; push files[j-1]
inx d ; DE = j
call lookup ; HL = files[j]
pop d ; pop DE = files[j-1]
push d ; keep them across comparison
push h
call cmpentries ; A[j] >= A[j-1]?
pop h
pop d
jc sortinnerdone ; Then inner loop is done.
mvi b,12 ; Otherwise we should swap them
swaploop: ldax d ; Get byte from files[j-1]
mov c,m ; Get byte from files[j]
mov m,a ; files[j][x]=files[j-1][x]
mov a,c ; files[j-1][x]=files[j]-[x]
stax d
inx h ; Increment pointers
inx d
dcr b ; all 12 bytes done yet?
jnz swaploop ; if not, swap next byte
pop d ; DE = j
dcx d ; j = j-1
jmp sortinner
sortinnerdone: pop d ; pop j
pop d ; pop i
inx d ; i = i + 1
jmp sortouter
sortdone: pop h ; Remove file count from stack
;;; We're done sorting the list, print it.
lxi d,fnames ; Print the now sorted list of files
mvi c,puts
jmp 5
;;; Subroutine: compare entries under DE and HL
cmpentries: mvi b,12 ; Each entry has 12 relevant bytes.
cmploop: ldax d ; Get byte from entry DE
cmp m ; Compare with byte from entry HL
rnz ; If they differ, we know the ordering
inx h ; Increment both pointers
inx d
dcr b ; Decrement byte counter
jnz cmploop ; Compare next byte
;;; Subroutine: look up filename entry (HL=DE*14+fnames)
lookup: push d ; Save entry number
mov h,d
mov l,e
dad h ; HL = HL' * 2
dad d ; HL = HL' * 3
dad h ; HL = HL' * 6
dad d ; HL = HL' * 7
dad h ; HL = HL' * 14
lxi d,fnames ; Offset
dad d ; Add the offset
pop d ; Restore entry number
;;; Subroutine: compare DE and HL
cmpdehl: mov a,d
cmp h
mov a,e
cmp l
;;; Subroutine: copy B bytes from DE to HL
memcpy: ldax d ; Get byte from source
mov m,a ; Store byte at destination
inx h ; Increment both pointers
inx d
dcr b ; Done yet?
jnz memcpy ; If not, copy next byte
;;; File control block used to specify wildcard
fcb: db 0,'???????????' ; Accept any file
ds fcb+36-$ ; Pad the FCB out to 36 bytes
"*" f:glob
' s:cmp a:sort
"\n" a:join .
with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Directories, Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors;
procedure Directory_List is
use Ada.Directories, Ada.Text_IO;
Search: Search_Type; Found: Directory_Entry_Type;
package SV is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors(Natural, String);
Result: SV.Vector;
package Sorting is new SV.Generic_Sorting; use Sorting;
function SName return String is (Simple_Name(Found));
-- search directory and store it in Result, a vector of strings
Start_Search(Search, Directory => ".", Pattern =>"");
while More_Entries(Search) loop
Get_Next_Entry(Search, Found);
Name: String := Simple_Name(Found);
if Name(Name'First) /= '.' then
end if; -- ingnore filenames beginning with "."
end loop; -- Result holds the entire directory in arbitrary order
Sort(Result); -- Result holds the directory in proper order
-- print Result
for I in Result.First_Index .. Result.Last_Index loop
end loop;
end Directory_List;
record r;
file f;
text s;
while (~f.case(s)) {
if (s != "." && s != "..") {
r[s] = 0;
r.vcall(o_, 0, "\n");
print list "."
"BEGINFILE" is a gawk-extension
# syntax: GAWK -f UNIX_LS.AWK * | SORT
Sample commands and output under Windows 8:
REM create folders and files MKDIR c:\foo\bar CD /D c:\foo\bar GAWK "BEGIN{x=\"12ab\";for(i=1;i<=length(x);i++){print(i)>substr(x,i,1)}}" REM run test CD /D c:\foo GAWK -f UNIX_LS.AWK * | SORT bar CD /D c:\foo\bar GAWK -f UNIX_LS.AWK * | SORT 1 2 a b
To replicate 'ls .'
gawk -lreaddir 'BEGIN { FS = "/" } {print $2}' .
To replicate 'ls examplefile.txt'
gawk -lfilefuncs -lreaddir 'BEGIN { FS = "/"; stat(ARGV[1], fd); if(fd["type"] == "file") {print ARGV[1]; exit} } { print $2}' examplefile.txt
' Emulate ls
cnt% = 0
files$ = ""
GETFILE myfile$ FROM mydir
IF LEFT$(myfile$, 1) != "." THEN
INCR cnt%
files$ = APPEND$(files$, cnt%, UNFLATTEN$(myfile$))
GETFILE myfile$ FROM mydir
IF cnt% > 0 THEN
FOR f$ IN SORT$(files$)
directory$ = dir("m:\foo\bar\") #Specified directory
#directory$ = dir(currentdir) #Current directory
while directory$ <> ""
print directory$
directory$ = dir()
end while
C does not have any os-independent way of reading a directory. The following uses readdir and should work on any Unix system.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int cmpstr(const void *a, const void *b)
return strcmp(*(const char**)a, *(const char**)b);
int main(void)
DIR *basedir;
char path[PATH_MAX];
struct dirent *entry;
char **dirnames;
int diralloc = 128;
int dirsize = 0;
if (!(dirnames = malloc(diralloc * sizeof(char*)))) {
perror("malloc error:");
return 1;
if (!getcwd(path, PATH_MAX)) {
perror("getcwd error:");
return 1;
if (!(basedir = opendir(path))) {
perror("opendir error:");
return 1;
while ((entry = readdir(basedir))) {
if (dirsize >= diralloc) {
diralloc *= 2;
if (!(dirnames = realloc(dirnames, diralloc * sizeof(char*)))) {
perror("realloc error:");
return 1;
dirnames[dirsize++] = strdup(entry->d_name);
qsort(dirnames, dirsize, sizeof(char*), cmpstr);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < dirsize; ++i) {
if (dirnames[i][0] != '.') {
printf("%s\n", dirnames[i]);
for (i = 0; i < dirsize; ++i)
return 0;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Unix_ls
public class UnixLS
public static void Main(string[] args)
UnixLS ls = new UnixLS();
ls.list(args.Length.Equals(0) ? "." : args[0]);
private void list(string folder)
foreach (FileSystemInfo fileSystemInfo in new DirectoryInfo(folder).EnumerateFileSystemInfos("*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
int main(void)
fs::path p(fs::current_path());
std::set<std::string> tree;
for (auto it = fs::directory_iterator(p); it != fs::directory_iterator(); ++it)
for (auto entry : tree)
std::cout << entry << '\n';
(def files (sort (filter #(= "." (.getParent %)) (file-seq (clojure.java.io/file ".")))))
(doseq [n files] (println (.getName n)))
Common Lisp
In some implementations, `(directory)` results automatically include subdirectories (e.g. SBCL); some require them to be requested separately (e.g. CLISP). The function below asks for both and then removes any duplicates from the resulting list.
The workhorse is `files-list`, which returns a list of filenames. The `ls` function sorts the resulting list and formats it for output.
(defun files-list (&optional (path "."))
(let* ((dir (concatenate 'string path "/"))
(abs-path (car (directory dir)))
(file-pattern (concatenate 'string dir "*"))
(subdir-pattern (concatenate 'string file-pattern "/")))
(mapcar (lambda (p) (enough-namestring p abs-path))
(mapcan #'directory (list file-pattern subdir-pattern)))
:test #'string-equal)))
(defun ls (&optional (path "."))
(format t "~{~a~%~}" (sort (files-list path) #'string-lessp)))
void main() {
import std.stdio, std.file, std.path, std.array, std.algorithm;
foreach (const string path; dirEntries(getcwd, SpanMode.shallow).array.sort)
program LsCommand;
procedure Ls(folder: string = '.');
offset: Integer;
fileName: string;
// simulate unix results in windows
function ToUnix(path: string): string;
Result := path.Replace('/', PathDelim, [rfReplaceAll])
folder := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ToUnix(folder));
offset := length(folder);
for fileName in TDirectory.GetFileSystemEntries(folder, '*') do
writeln(^I, ToUnix(fileName).Substring(offset));
writeln('cd foo'#10'ls');
writeln(#10'cd bar'#10'ls');
{$IFNDEF LINUX} readln; {$ENDIF}
- Output:
cd foo ls bar cd bar ls 1 2 a b
The glob() table-valued function can be used to retrieve the filenames specified by a search path which can include "glob" character strings. For example, if one wishes to confine the search to the "current folder" while ensuring that the output is sorted, one could write:
from glob('*') order by file;
- Output:
┌────────────────────────┐ │ file │ │ varchar │ ├────────────────────────┤ │ accession.sql │ │ astronomy.sql │ └────────────────────────┘
On some platforms, the output is sorted even without the 'ORDER BY' clause.
No directory in EchoLisp, which is run in a browser window. Instead, "stores" (folders) and keys in stores (file names) are located in local storage.
;; ls of stores (kind of folders)
(for-each writeln (list-sort < (local-stores))) →
;; ls of "NEMESIS" store
(for-each writeln (local-keys "NEMESIS")) →
iex(1)> ls = fn dir -> File.ls!(dir) |> Enum.each(&IO.puts &1) end
#Function<6.54118792/1 in :erl_eval.expr/5>
iex(2)> ls.("foo")
iex(3)> ls.("foo/bar")
1> Ls = fun(Dir) ->
1> {ok, DirContents} = file:list_dir(Dir),
1> [io:format("~s~n", [X]) || X <- lists:sort(DirContents)]
1> end.
2> Ls("foo").
3> Ls("foo/bar").
Works with .NET framework 4.
let ls = DirectoryInfo(".").EnumerateFileSystemInfos() |> Seq.map (fun i -> i.Name) |> Seq.sort |> Seq.iter (printfn "%s")
Prior to .NET4 you had to enumerate files and directories separately.
The call to sort
is probably redundant, since "sorted by name" seems to be the default in Windows.
This is much easier without the 'sorted output' requirement:
256 buffer: filename-buf
: each-filename { xt -- } \ xt-consuming variant
s" ." open-dir throw { d }
begin filename-buf 256 d read-dir throw while
filename-buf swap xt execute
repeat d close-dir throw ;
\ immediate variant
: each-filename[ s" ." postpone sliteral ]] open-dir throw >r begin filename-buf 256 r@ read-dir throw while filename-buf swap [[ ; immediate compile-only
: ]each-filename ]] repeat drop r> close-dir throw [[ ; immediate compile-only
: ls ( -- ) [: cr type ;] each-filename ;
Given that requirement, we must first generate a sorted array of filenames:
: save-string ( c-addr u -- a )
dup 1+ allocate throw dup >r place r> ;
require ffl/car.fs
: sorted-filenames ( -- car )
0 car-new { a }
[: swap count rot count compare ;] a car-compare!
each-filename[ save-string a car-insert-sorted ]each-filename
a ;
: each-sorted-filename ( xt -- )
sorted-filenames { a } a car-execute [: free throw ;] a car-execute a car-free ;
: ls ( -- )
[: count cr type ;] each-sorted-filename ;
This is possible only for those Fortran compilers that offer some sort of interface with the operating system's file handling routines. Not standard at all!
PROGRAM LS !Names the files in the current directory.
USE DFLIB !Mysterious library.
TYPE(FILE$INFO) INFO !With mysterious content.
NAMELIST /HIC/INFO !This enables annotated output.
INTEGER MARK,L !Assistants.
MARK = FILE$FIRST !Starting state.
Call for the next file.
10 L = GETFILEINFOQQ("*",INFO,MARK) !Mystery routine returns the length of the file name.
IF (MARK.EQ.FILE$ERROR) THEN !Or possibly, not.
WRITE (6,*) "Error!",L !Something went wrong.
WRITE (6,HIC) !Reveal INFO, annotated.
STOP "That wasn't nice." !Quite.
IF (L.GT.0) WRITE (6,*) INFO.NAME(1:L) !The object of the exercise!
END IF !So much for that entry.
IF (MARK.NE.FILE$LAST) GO TO 10 !Lastness is discovered after the last file is fingered.
END !If FILE$LAST is not reached, "system resources may be lost."
This relies on the supplied routine GETFILEINFOQQ, which is not at all a standard routine, but it does behave in the same way as is found in many other systems, notably with a file name selection filter, here chosen to be "*" meaning "any file". It supplies successive file names and requires mysterious parameters to keep track of what it is doing. In the installation file C:/Compilers/Furrytran/Compaq Furrytran 6.6a CD/X86/DF/INCLUDE/DFLIB.F90, there is the following segment:
INTEGER*4 CREATION ! Creation time (-1 on FAT)
INTEGER*4 LASTWRITE ! Last write to file
INTEGER*4 LASTACCESS ! Last access (-1 on FAT)
INTEGER*4 LENGTH ! Length of file
INTEGER*2 PERMIT ! File access mode
CHARACTER*255 NAME ! File name
Getting this to work was quite annoying. It turned out that the irritating "files" . and .. are deemed a directory (via the bit in INFO.PERMIT matching that of FILE$DIR = 16) and so can be skipped along with proper subdirectories, but the "PERMIT" value of -1 returned for the FILE$LAST state also matches, though its (non-existent) file name length is given as zero. Thus, if one skips directories filter-style by IF ... GO TO 10, in such a case the end will never be seen. Further, although Fortran syntax allows INFO.PERMIT .AND. FILE$DIR
the bit values of logical variables are strange. Instead, what is needed is IAND(INFO.PERMIT,FILE$DIR)
Further vexation was due to the compiler's "help" system giving PERMIT as a 32-bit integer in its example. Copying the declaration to give a type name not involving a dollar symbol foundered because the type checking done by the compiler for the parameters of the function is based not on the contents of the type matching, but on the name of the type matching. So, one is stuck with the $. In a mood for retaliation, some special tests were made, involving a pause for input after each name was revealed. Removing the file just named before responding to the request for input did not prevent the next file from being named, nor (in another run) did removing the file next to be named: although it was gone, it was still named in the next step as if it were still there, and this worked even if INFO.NAME were scrubbed each time as well. Evidently, there could arise transient problems when using this scheme in a file system undergoing turbulence.
As for the ordering of results, on this Windows XP system, the file names came out ordered so there is no need to mess about with a storage area to sort the names in.
#include "dir.bi"
Sub ls(Byref filespec As String, Byval attrib As Integer)
Dim As String filename = Dir(filespec, attrib)
Do While Len(filename) > 0
Print filename
filename = Dir()
End Sub
Dim As String directory = "" ' Current directory
ls(directory & "*", fbDirectory)
for f = sort[files["."], {|a,b| lexicalCompare[a.getName[], b.getName[]]}]
import io.File
for f <- sort( list(File( "." ).list()).filterNot(s -> s.startsWith(".")) )
println( f )
- Output:
The above script has been placed in a file called ls.lf
which has been placed in the home directory.
$ sudo mkdir -p /foo/bar $ cd /foo/bar $ sudo touch 1 2 a b $ cd .. $ funl ~/ls bar $ cd bar $ funl ~/ls 1 2 a b $
The following program lists just the subdirectories, regular files and symlinks, because I do no need the other gizmos generally, but based on these abovementioned file types it is easy to expand with them, if it is necessary.
The output is indeed sorted, but not all filetypes alltogether: the sorting algorythm is invoked for the different filetypes separately, because it is the way I like it!
###sysinclude dir.uh
###sysinclude stringextra.uh
###define COLORS
// delete the COLORS directive above if you do not want colored output!
{ „vonal” __usebigbossnamespace myself "-" 90 makestring() }
{ „points” __usebigbossnamespace myself "." 60 makestring() }
#g argc 3 < { "." }{ 2 argv } sto mypath
@mypath 'd !istrue { ."The give directory doesn't exist! Exited.\n" end }
@mypath getdir { ."Cannot load the dir! Aborted.\n" end } sto mydir
@mydir ~d {
@mydir ~d {| #s
@mydir 'd {} octalrights dup print free SPACE
@mydir 'd {} getfilename dup 37 stub print SPACE drop
@mydir 'd {} groupname ': !+
@mydir 'd {} ownername dup sto temp + dup 10 stub print free @temp free
@mydir 'd {} mtime dup print free
NL |}
@points sprint
@mydir ~d { ."Total: " @mydir ~d #g print ." subdirectories.\n" }
@vonal sprint
@mydir ~r {
."Regular files:\n"
@mydir ~r {| #s
@mydir 'r {} octalrights dup print free SPACE
@mydir 'r {} getfilesize sbr §ifcolored
@mydir 'r {} executable { ." >" }{ ." " } SPACE
@mydir 'r {} getfilename dup 37 stub print SPACE drop
@mydir 'r {} groupname ': !+
@mydir 'r {} ownername dup sto temp + dup 10 stub print free @temp free
@mydir 'r {} mtime dup print free
NL |}
@points sprint
@mydir ~r { ."Total: " @mydir ~r #g print ." regular files. "
."TotalSize = " @mydir 'r totalsize sbr §ifcolored NL
@vonal sprint
@mydir ~L {
@mydir ~L {| #s
@mydir 'L {} octalrights dup print free SPACE
@mydir 'L {} executable { .">" }{ SPACE } SPACE
@mydir 'L {} getfilename dup 67 stub print SPACE drop
@mydir 'L {} broken { ."--->" }{ ."===>" } SPACE
@mydir 'L {} destination dup 30 stub print drop
NL |}
@points sprint
@mydir ~L { ."Total: " @mydir ~L #g print ." symlinks.\n"
@vonal sprint
."Size, alltogether = " @mydir alltotal sbr §ifcolored NL
@vonal sprint
@mydir free
."Free spaces: /* Total size of the filesystem is : " @mypath filesystemsize dup sto filsize sbr §ifcolored ." */\n"
." for non-privilegized use: " @mypath freenonpriv dup sbr §ifcolored
#g 100 * @filsize / ." ( " print ."% ) " NL
." All available free space: " @mypath totalfree dup sbr §ifcolored
#g 100 * @filsize / ." ( " print ."% ) " NL
###ifdef COLORS
###ifndef COLORS
#g !(#s) 21 >|
dup sprint free
{ „filsize” }
{ „mydir” }
{ „mypath” }
{ „temp” }
{ „makestring” #s * dup 10 !+ swap free #g = }
- Output:
An example output:
Directories: 0775 arrays vz:vz 2020.05.08 15:00:34 P 0775 Brainfukk vz:vz 2020.03.28 16:06:37 Szo 0775 examples vz:vz 2020.06.07 19:26:48 V 0775 furorfonts vz:vz 2020.05.09 10:46:19 Szo 0775 furorheaders vz:vz 2020.06.02 00:37:36 K 0775 hasznosvolt vz:vz 2020.05.09 15:19:09 Szo 0775 headers vz:vz 2020.05.30 19:20:18 Szo 0775 kiserleti vz:vz 2020.05.13 19:24:23 Sze 0775 libraries vz:vz 2020.06.07 19:25:25 V 0775 OLD vz:vz 2020.06.07 23:29:10 V 0775 tests vz:vz 2020.03.16 23:00:47 H 0775 useful vz:vz 2020.06.07 23:24:42 V ............................................................ Total: 12 subdirectories. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Regular files: 0664 3313 __furor.c vz:vz 2020.05.23 14:30:17 Szo 0664 871113 A_Furor_programozasi_nyelv.odt vz:vz 2020.06.07 23:24:25 V 0664 9046 castingoperators.c vz:vz 2020.04.28 16:05:35 K 0664 32414 cmpoperators.c vz:vz 2020.06.06 18:23:20 Szo 0664 2424 dir.upu vz:vz 2020.06.09 09:47:00 K 0664 1187 eca.upu vz:vz 2020.06.07 23:13:06 V 0664 2630 fonttest.upu vz:vz 2020.05.24 23:43:48 V 0775 10756 > furor vz:vz 2020.06.07 19:25:25 V 0664 81 furordescriptorlength.upu vz:vz 2020.06.07 19:26:19 V 0664 85399 furorrun.c vz:vz 2020.06.07 19:25:12 V 0664 509 furt.upu vz:vz 2020.06.02 00:31:17 K 0664 13150 jumpingtable.c vz:vz 2020.06.06 20:58:26 Szo 0644 563834 Kajjam700.png vz:vz 2013.07.31 01:38:01 Sze 0664 21392 keywords.c vz:vz 2020.06.07 19:23:58 V 0664 5399 labelledloops.c vz:vz 2020.05.28 09:43:50 Cs 0664 2040 langtonsant.upu vz:vz 2020.05.25 15:25:41 H 0664 2581 libraries.sh vz:vz 2020.06.02 00:28:27 K 0664 84 link.txt vz:vz 2020.06.02 00:56:22 K 0664 41 lowercasealphabet.upu vz:vz 2020.06.05 22:40:34 P 0664 1035 Makefile vz:vz 2020.04.09 22:24:12 Cs 0664 1646 makeup.c vz:vz 2020.06.01 20:09:30 H 0664 884 mandelbrot9.upu vz:vz 2020.06.06 18:06:48 Szo 0664 22767 maze.upu vz:vz 2020.05.04 18:26:14 H 0664 669 myxmodmap.fur vz:vz 2020.05.11 18:51:59 H 0664 240 neglect.upu vz:vz 2020.05.16 19:33:13 Szo 0644 131072 pibinary.bin vz:vz 2018.06.07 22:36:54 Cs 0664 1270 pngxproba.upu vz:vz 2020.05.09 20:08:50 Szo 0664 1275 pngxproba2.upu vz:vz 2020.05.06 21:15:24 Sze 0644 504 preinitpostmortem.c vz:vz 2020.03.26 13:03:12 Cs 0644 5891695 primszamok.txt vz:vz 2017.01.23 18:33:14 H 0664 954 statusbar.upu vz:vz 2020.06.08 21:11:06 H 0664 3447 t.txt vz:vz 2020.06.08 22:00:05 H 0644 7401 UPU.syntax vz:vz 2020.05.25 22:34:33 H 0664 2000 verify.upu vz:vz 2020.04.29 21:10:02 Sze 0664 188 windowsresolutions.upu vz:vz 2020.06.02 00:36:08 K 0664 816 xproba.upu vz:vz 2020.05.11 11:39:39 H 0664 931 xprobafur.upu vz:vz 2020.05.11 18:49:16 H ............................................................ Total: 37 regular files. TotalSize = 7696187 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Size, alltogether = 7745339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free spaces: /* Total size of the filesystem is : 126693117952 */ for non-privilegized use: 13951995904 ( 11% ) All available free space: 20411224064 ( 16% )
It is not visible on the output above, but the digits in the filesize are colored, each 3 digits has different color.
The following program lists just the subdirectories, regular files and symlinks, because I do no need the other gizmos generally, but based on these abovementioned file types it is easy to expand with them, if it is necessary.
The output is indeed sorted, but not all filetypes alltogether: the sorting algorythm is invoked for the different filetypes separately, because it is the way I like it!
###sysinclude standard.uh
###sysinclude args.uh
###sysinclude io.uh
###sysinclude str.uh
###define COLORS
// delete the COLORS directive above if you do not want colored output!
#g argc 3 < { "." }{ 2 argv } sto mypath
@mypath 'd inv istrue { ."The given directory doesn't exist! Exited.\n" end }
@mypath getdir { ."Cannot load the dir! Aborted.\n" end } sto mydir
'- 90 *... sto vonal
'. 60 *... sto points
@mydir ~d {
@mydir ~d {{ #s
@mydir 'd {{}} octalrights dup print inv mem SPACE
@mydir 'd {{}} getfilename dup 67 mc print SPACE drop
@mydir 'd {{}} groupname ': !+
@mydir 'd {{}} ownername dup sto temp + dup 10 mc print inv mem @temp inv mem
@mydir 'd {{}} mtime dup print inv mem
NL }}
@points sprintnl
@mydir ~d { ."Total: " @mydir ~d #g print ." subdirectories.\n" }
@vonal sprintnl
@mydir ~r {
."Regular files:\n"
@mydir ~r {{ #s
@mydir 'r {{}} octalrights dup print inv mem SPACE
@mydir 'r {{}} getfilesize sbr §ifcolored
@mydir 'r {{}} executable { ." >" }{ ." " } SPACE
@mydir 'r {{}} getfilename dup 67 mc print SPACE drop
@mydir 'r {{}} groupname ': !+
@mydir 'r {{}} ownername dup sto temp + dup 10 mc print inv mem @temp inv mem
@mydir 'r {{}} mtime dup print inv mem
NL }}
@points sprintnl
@mydir ~r { ."Total: " @mydir ~r #g print ." regular files. "
."TotalSize = " @mydir 'r totalsize sbr §ifcolored NL
@vonal sprintnl
@mydir ~L {
@mydir ~L {{ #s
@mydir 'L {{}} octalrights dup print inv mem SPACE
@mydir 'L {{}} executable { .">" }{ SPACE } SPACE
@mydir 'L {{}} getfilename dup 67 mc print SPACE drop
@mydir 'L {{}} broken { ."--->" }{ ."===>" } SPACE
@mydir 'L {{}} destination dup 30 mc print drop
NL }}
@points sprintnl
@mydir ~L { ."Total: " @mydir ~L #g print ." symlinks.\n"
@vonal sprintnl
."Size, alltogether = " @mydir alltotal sbr §ifcolored NL
@vonal sprintnl
@mydir inv mem
."free spaces: /* Total size of the filesystem is : " @mypath filesystemsize dup sto filsize sbr §ifcolored ." */\n"
." for non-privilegized use: " @mypath freenonpriv dup sbr §ifcolored
#g 100 * @filsize / ." ( " print ."% ) " NL
." All available free space: " @mypath totalfree dup sbr §ifcolored
#g 100 * @filsize / ." ( " print ."% ) " NL
@vonal inv mem
###ifdef COLORS
###ifndef COLORS
#g !(#s) 21 >|
dup sprint inv mem
{ „filsize” }
{ „mydir” }
{ „mypath” }
{ „temp” }
{ „vonal” }
{ „points” }
- Output:
Directories: 0775 arrays vz:vz 2020.11.15 22:44:49 V 0775 examples vz:vz 2021.02.05 22:58:48 P 0775 headers vz:vz 2021.01.19 20:34:07 K 0775 inaneheaders vz:vz 2021.02.21 18:59:46 V 0775 keyboardlayout_files vz:vz 2021.09.10 21:51:11 P 0775 libraries vz:vz 2021.09.10 22:20:04 P 0775 Peri_newlinkerhez root:root 2022.06.19 18:53:37 V 0775 patterns vz:vz 2021.02.21 17:24:35 V 0775 perifonts vz:vz 2020.05.09 10:46:19 Szo 0775 tests vz:vz 2020.11.08 14:44:31 V 0775 useful vz:vz 2022.01.27 12:16:31 Cs ............................................................ Total: 11 subdirectories. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Regular files: 0664 3379 __peri.c vz:vz 2020.11.08 14:35:28 V 0664 938037 A_Peri_programozasi_nyelv.odt vz:vz 2022.02.16 16:10:56 Sze 0664 9185 castingoperators.c vz:vz 2020.12.30 20:19:48 Sze 0664 27148 inanerun.c vz:vz 2021.01.26 12:52:53 K 0664 14998 jumpingtable.c vz:vz 2021.01.26 12:52:19 K 0664 15862 keywords.c vz:vz 2021.01.26 12:46:02 K 0664 3110 libraries.sh vz:vz 2020.12.04 02:46:13 P 0664 1114 Makefile vz:vz 2020.11.08 14:12:28 V 0664 257 mybmi.upu vz:vz 2022.01.27 12:15:03 Cs 0775 10279 > peri vz:vz 2021.09.10 22:20:04 P 0664 34225 postfixoperators.c vz:vz 2021.01.01 00:16:45 P 0644 563 preinitpostmortem.c vz:vz 2020.10.25 15:48:55 V 0664 119 printitself.upu vz:vz 2023.03.21 22:23:24 K 0664 929840 The_Peri_programming_language.odt vz:vz 2021.09.10 22:23:22 P 0644 8357 UPU.syntax vz:vz 2021.01.06 18:00:58 Sze 0664 2199 verify.upu vz:vz 2020.11.29 23:07:42 V ............................................................ Total: 16 regular files. TotalSize = 1998672 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Size, alltogether = 2043728 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ free spaces: /* Total size of the filesystem is : 126693117952 */ for non-privilegized use: 35734585344 ( 28% ) All available free space: 42193813504 ( 33% )
It is not visible on the output above, but the digits in the filesize are colored, each 3 digits has different color.
Public Sub Main()
Dim sDir As String[] = Dir(User.Home &/ "test").Sort()
Print sDir.Join(gb.NewLine)
a.txt b.txt c.txt d.txt e.txt
package main
import (
func main() {
f, err := os.Open(".")
if err != nil {
files, err := f.Readdirnames(0)
if err != nil {
for _, n := range files {
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import System.Directory
dontStartWith = flip $ (/=) . head
main = do
files <- getDirectoryContents "."
mapM_ putStrLn $ sort $ filter (dontStartWith '.') files
See the dir.ijs script for a full description of the interface for dir
dir '' NB. includes properties
>1 1 dir '' NB. plain filename as per task
This is a generic implementation using the basic File methods.
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.List;
public class Ls {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Ls ls = new Ls("/");
private final File directory;
private final List<File> list;
public Ls(String path) throws Exception {
directory = new File(path);
if (!directory.exists())
throw new Exception("Path not found '%s'".formatted(directory));
if (!directory.isDirectory())
throw new Exception("Not a directory '%s'".formatted(directory));
list = new ArrayList<>(List.of(directory.listFiles()));
/* place the directories first */
list.sort((fileA, fileB) -> {
if (fileA.isDirectory() && fileB.isFile()) {
return -1;
} else if (fileA.isFile() && fileB.isDirectory()) {
return 1;
return 0;
private String size(long bytes) {
if (bytes > 1E9) {
return "%.1fG".formatted(bytes / 1E9d);
} else if (bytes > 1E6) {
return "%.1fM".formatted(bytes / 1E6d);
} else if (bytes > 1E3) {
return "%.1fK".formatted(bytes / 1E3d);
} else {
return "%d".formatted(bytes);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder();
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(string);
/* add parent and current directory listings */
list.add(0, directory.getParentFile());
list.add(0, directory);
/* generate total used space value */
long total = 0;
for (File file : list) {
if (file == null) continue;
total += file.length();
formatter.format("total %s%n", size(total));
/* generate output for each entry */
int index = 0;
for (File file : list) {
if (file == null) continue;
/* generate permission columns */
formatter.format(file.isDirectory() ? "d" : "-");
formatter.format(file.canRead() ? "r" : "-");
formatter.format(file.canWrite() ? "w" : "-");
formatter.format(file.canExecute() ? "x" : "-");
/* include size */
formatter.format("%7s ", size(file.length()));
/* modification timestamp */
formatter.format("%tb %1$td %1$tR ", file.lastModified());
/* file or directory name */
switch (index) {
case 0 -> formatter.format(".");
case 1 -> formatter.format("..");
default -> formatter.format("%s", file.getName());
if (file.isDirectory())
return string.toString();
total 22.3K dr-x 154 Feb 13 02:48 ./ dr-x 10.9K Apr 14 20:17 ../ dr-x 0 Dec 09 14:15 boot/ dr-x 660 May 12 20:48 dev/ dr-x 2.3K May 12 20:48 etc/ dr-x 12 Apr 14 20:12 home/ dr-x 614 Apr 15 15:00 lib/ dr-x 1.1K Apr 15 15:00 lib32/ dr-x 46 Feb 13 02:48 lib64/ dr-x 1.1K Apr 15 15:00 libx32/ dr-x 0 Feb 13 02:47 media/ dr-x 32 Apr 14 20:12 mnt/ dr-x 40 Apr 14 20:18 opt/ dr-x 0 May 12 20:48 proc/ d--- 30 Feb 13 02:47 root/ dr-x 400 May 12 20:48 run/ dr-x 4.2K Feb 13 02:48 sbin/ dr-x 0 Feb 13 02:47 srv/ dr-x 0 May 12 20:48 sys/ drwx 566 May 13 00:41 tmp/ dr-x 116 Feb 13 02:47 usr/ dr-x 90 Feb 13 02:47 var/
An alternate demonstration
package rosetta;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
public class UnixLS {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
The challenge does not state that the files must be sorted in case-insensitive order, and the majority of solutions in other languages do not bother with same. The above can be expanded to sort case-insensitively by mapping Path to String and using the predefined String Comparator:
const fs = require('fs');
fs.readdir('.', (err, names) => names.sort().map( name => console.log(name) ));
Jsi provides a File module with a glob method.
# help File.glob File.glob(pattern:regexp|string|null='*', options:function|object|null=void):array Return list of files in dir with optional pattern match. With no arguments (or null) returns all files/directories in current directory. The first argument can be a pattern (either a glob or regexp) of the files to return. When the second argument is a function, it is called with each path, and filter on false. Otherwise second argument must be a set of options.
To emulate ls, sorted, one entry per line:
# v0.6.0
for e in readdir() # Current directory
# Same for...
readdir("~") # Read home directory
// Version 1.2.41
import java.io.File
fun ls(directory: String) {
val d = File(directory)
if (!d.isDirectory) {
println("$directory is not a directory")
d.listFiles().map { it.name }
.sortedBy { it.toLowerCase() } // case insensitive
.forEach { println(it) }
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
ls(".") // list files in current directory, say
# List everything in the current folder (sorted), similar to `ls`
# # Variables:
# main #
cd ${targetDir}
for obj in *; do
print ${obj}
set the defaultFolder to "/foo"
put the folders & the files
set the defaultFolder to "/foo/bar"
put the folders & the files
Using LuaFileSystem - available in LuaRocks, ULua, major Linux distro repos, etc, etc.
for file in lfs.dir(".") do print(file) end
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
import Nanoquery.IO
import sort
fnames = sort(new(File).listDir("."))
for i in range(0, len(fnames) - 1)
println fnames[i]
- Output:
.\nanoquery-2.3_1866 .\notes.txt .\nq.bat .\nq.vim .\rosetta-code
from algorithm import sorted
from os import walkPattern
from sequtils import toSeq
for path in toSeq(walkPattern("*")).sorted:
echo path
class Test {
function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
file_names := System.IO.File.Directory->List(".");
each(i : file_names) {
file_name := file_names[i];
if(System.IO.File.Directory->Exists(file_name)) {
file_name += '/';
let () =
Array.iter print_endline (
Sys.readdir Sys.argv.(1) )
- Output:
$ cd /foo/bar $ ocaml ls.ml 1 2 a b
GP doesn't have this capability so we can either use the shell or PARI. For the latter see C; for the former:
in DOS/Windows or
in *nix.
This is the example in the Turbo Pascal 4 manual. With Turbo Pascal and old-style DOS file names, all file names come out in capitals, further, names not fitting into the "8.3" style (of up to eight characters followed by an extension of up to three characters) are presented with ad-hoc names fitting that style, so for example, Tab2Comma.exe comes out as TAB2CO~1.EXE. The same source file compiles unchanged via the Free Pascal compiler, whereupon long file names appear with capitals and lower-case letters rather than all-capitals.
When tested via Windows XP, the names came out in sorted order (ignoring case) however in earlier systems the files would be presented in entry order. That is, if files a, c, b were saved, they would be named in that order. Then, if file c were deleted and then a file named x were added, they would be named in the order a, x, b. In this case, a scheme for saving an unknown number of names (of unknown length) would be needed so that they could be sorted. Perhaps some linked-list with an insertionsort for each added name...
Program ls; {To list the names of all files/directories in the current directory.}
Uses DOS;
var DirInfo: SearchRec; {Predefined. See page 403 of the Turbo Pascal 4 manual.}
FindFirst('*.*',AnyFile,DirInfo); {AnyFile means any file name OR directory name.}
While DOSerror = 0 do {Result of FindFirst/Next not being a function, damnit.}
opendir my $handle, '.' or die "Couldnt open current directory: $!";
while (readdir $handle) {
print "$_\n";
closedir $handle;
Alternatively, using glob:
print "$_\n" for glob '*';
print "$_\n" for glob '* .*'; # If you want to include dot files
without js -- (file i/o) pp(dir("."),{pp_Nest,1,pp_IntCh,false})
- Output:
{{`.`, `d`, 0,2020,6,11,13,25,13}, {`..`, `d`, 0,2020,6,11,13,25,13}, {`.hg`, `d`, 0,2020,4,4,6,42,6}, {`.hgignore`, `a`, 18898,2020,4,4,13,57,37}, {`1KB.zip`, `a`, 1024,2019,7,28,15,30,45}, {`a.exe`, `a`, 133889,2019,8,24,20,27,21}, {`address.sqlite`, `a`, 12288,2018,7,20,19,44,34}, {`alice_oz.txt`, `a`, 336926,2017,3,15,19,12,24}, {`animation.svg`, `a`, 900,2019,5,25,12,49,14}, ...etc
just names
without js -- (file i/o) ?vslice(dir("."),D_NAME)
- Output:
prettier output
Each element of dir() can be indexed with D_NAME, D_ATTRIBUTES, D_SIZE, D_YEAR, D_MONTH, D_DAY, D_HOUR, D_MINUTE, and D_SECOND, and of course you can easily format these things a bit nicer. Of course there is no way to get a proper directory listing in javascript, so for pwa/p2js we'll just create some fake results.
with javascript_semantics function dirf(string path, integer date_type=D_MODIFICATION) if platform()=JS then return {{`.`, `d`, 0,2022,2,11,01,09,13}, {`..`, `d`, 0,2022,2,11,01,09,13}, {`.fake`, `a`, 5,2021,6,1,6,42,6}, {`directory`, `a`, 18898,2020,4,4,13,57,37}, {`for.p2js`, `a`, 1024,2019,7,28,15,30,45}} else return dir(path,date_type) end if end function include builtins\timedate.e set_timedate_formats({"hh:mmpm Ddd Mmm ddth YYYY"}) object d = dirf(".") if d!=-1 then printf(1,"%-20s %s %10s %s\n",{"-- name --","attr","size","-- time and date --"}) for i=1 to length(d) do sequence di = d[i] string name = di[D_NAME], attr = di[D_ATTRIBUTES], size = file_size_k(d[i][D_SIZE]), tdte = format_timedate(d[i][D_YEAR..$]) printf(1,"%-20s %=4s %10s %s\n",{name,attr,size,tdte}) end for end if
- Output:
-- name -- attr size -- time and date -- . d 0 01:25pm Thu Jun 11th 2020 .. d 0 01:25pm Thu Jun 11th 2020 .hg d 0 06:42am Sat Apr 04th 2020 .hgignore a 18.46KB 01:57pm Sat Apr 04th 2020 1KB.zip a 1KB 03:30pm Sun Jul 28th 2019 a.exe a 130.75KB 08:27pm Sat Aug 24th 2019 address.sqlite a 12KB 07:44pm Fri Jul 20th 2018 alice_oz.txt a 329.03KB 07:12pm Wed Mar 15th 2017 animation.svg a 900 12:49pm Sat May 25th 2019 ...etc
or under pwa/p2js:
-- name -- attr size -- time and date -- . d 0 01:09am Fri Feb 11th 2022 .. d 0 01:09am Fri Feb 11th 2022 .fake a 5 06:42am Tue Jun 01st 2021 directory a 18.46KB 01:57pm Sat Apr 04th 2020 for.p2js a 1KB 03:30pm Sun Jul 28th 2019
This will output all the filenames in the current directory.
foreach(scandir('.') as $fileName){
echo $fileName."\n";
import os, util.
main =>
ls() = ls(".").
ls(Path) = [F : F in listdir(Path), F != ".",F != ".."].sort.join('\n').
(for F (sort (dir))
(prinl F) )
foreach(sort(get_dir()), string file)
write(file +"\n");
# Prints Name, Length, Mode, and LastWriteTime
Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object Name | Write-Output
# Prints only the name of each file in the directory
Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object Name | ForEach-Object Name | Write-Output
NewList lslist.s()
If OpenConsole("ls-sim")
If ExamineDirectory(0,GetCurrentDirectory(),"*.*")
While NextDirectoryEntry(0)
AddElement(lslist()) : lslist()=DirectoryEntryName(0)
ForEach lslist()
>>> import os
>>> print('\n'.join(sorted(os.listdir('.'))))
cat(paste(list.files(), collapse = "\n"), "\n")
cat(paste(list.files("bar"), collapse = "\n"), "\n")
- Output:
bar 1 2 a b
Ooh... warning... if you run the test
module (either with DrRacket with the test module automatically running, or with raco test ls.rkt
, then the example directory tree is built but not torn down.
#lang racket/base
;; Racket's `directory-list' produces a sorted list of files
(define (ls) (for-each displayln (directory-list)))
;; Code to run when this file is running directly
(module+ main
(module+ test
(require tests/eli-tester racket/port racket/file)
(define (make-directory-tree)
(make-directory* "foo/bar")
(for ([f '("1" "2" "a" "b")])
(with-output-to-file (format "foo/bar/~a"f) #:exists 'replace newline)))
(define (ls/str dir)
(parameterize ([current-directory dir]) (with-output-to-string ls)))
(test (ls/str "foo") => "bar\n"
(ls/str "foo/bar") => "1\n2\na\nb\n"))
Both tests pass.
(formerly Perl 6)
There is a dir builtin command which returns a list of IO::Path objects. We stringify them all with a hyperoperator before sorting the strings.
.say for sort ~«dir
The following program works under Windows and uses the Windows DIR command to list a bare─bones sorted list.
Notes on the options used for the (Microsoft Windows®) DIR command:
- b is for bare format (no heading information or summary).
- o is for order, and it orders (sorts alphabetically) by file Name.
/*REXX program lists contents of current folder (ala mode UNIX's LS). */
'DIR /b /oN' /*use Windows DIR: sorts & lists.*/
/*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/
- output :
1 2 3 4
returns all the files and folders in the current directory, but not sorted.
A few additional words are then needed to turn names into strings, sort the strings and come back to names.
≪ VARS LIST→ → len ≪ 1 len FOR n →STR len ROLL NEXT len 1 FOR n 1 n 1 - START IF DUP2 > THEN SWAP END n ROLLD NEXT n ROLLD -1 STEP 1 len FOR n STR→ len ROLL NEXT len →LIST ≫ ≫ ‘LS’ STO
Dir.foreach("./"){|n| puts n}
This will output all files including hidden ones e.g. '.' and '..'.
files #f, DefaultDir$ + "\*.*" ' RunBasic Default directory.. Can be any directroy
print "rowcount: ";#f ROWCOUNT() ' how many rows in directory
#f DATEFORMAT("mm/dd/yy") 'set format of file date or not
#f TIMEFORMAT("hh:mm:ss") 'set format of file time or not
count = #f rowcount()
for i = 1 to count ' loop thru the row count
print "info: ";#f nextfile$() ' file info
print "name: ";#f NAME$() ' Name of file
print "size: ";#f SIZE() ' size
print "date: ";#f DATE$() ' date
print "time: ";#f TIME$() ' time
print "isdir: ";#f ISDIR() ' 1 = is a directory
This will output RunBasics Default Directory.. It can be any directory
rowcount: 30 info: antiGram1.bas,1743,08/02/16,08:34:50, name: antiGram1.bas size: 1743 date: 08/02/16 time: 08:34:50 isdir: 0 info: avionics.db,0,05/09/16,09:02:01, name: avionics.db size: 0 date: 05/09/16 time: 09:02:01 isdir: 0 ...
use std::{env, fmt, fs, process};
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
let cur = env::current_dir().unwrap_or_else(|e| exit_err(e, 1));
let arg = env::args().nth(1);
print_files(arg.as_ref().map_or(cur.as_path(), |p| Path::new(p)))
.unwrap_or_else(|e| exit_err(e, 2));
fn print_files(path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
for x in try!(fs::read_dir(path)) {
println!("{}", try!(x).file_name().to_string_lossy());
fn exit_err<T>(msg: T, code: i32) -> ! where T: fmt::Display {
writeln!(&mut io::stderr(), "{}", msg).expect("Could not write to stderr");
- Output:
$ mkdir -p foo/bar $ ./unix_ls foo unix_ls $ cd foo/bar $ touch a b 1 2 $ cd ../.. $ ./unix_ls foo bar $ ./unix_ls foo/bar 1 2 a b
variable d = listdir(getcwd()), p;
foreach p (array_sort(d))
() = printf("%s\n", d[p] );
- Output:
scala> new java.io.File("/").listFiles.sorted.foreach(println) /bin /boot /core /dev /etc /home /lib /lib64 /local /lost+found /media /mnt /opt /proc /root /run /sbin /selinux /srv /sys /tmp /user /usr /var
$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
include "osfiles.s7i";
const proc: main is func
var string: name is "";
for name range readDir(".") do
end for;
end func;
Explicit, by opening the current working directory:
var content = [];
Dir.cwd.open.each { |file|
file ~~ < . .. > && next;
content.sort.each { |file|
say file;
Implicit, by using the String.glob method:
'*'.glob.each { |file|
say file;
cheating solution:
Stdout printCR: ( PipeStream outputFromCommand:'ls' )
real solution:
Stdout printCR:('.' asFilename directoryContents sort asStringWith:Character cr)
'.' asFilename directoryContents sort do:#printCR
full 'ls -l' output:
dir := '.' asFilename.
dir directoryContentsAsFilenames sort do:[:fn |
generate a line of the form of ls -l:
drwxrwxrwx user group size date time name
where year is printed if not current, time of day otherwise
line := String streamContents:[:s |
s nextPut:(fn isDirectory ifTrue:[$d] ifFalse:[$-]).
accessRights := fn symbolicAccessRights.
#( readUser writeUser executeUser
readGroup writeGroup executeGroup
readOthers writeOthers executeOthers
do:[:eachRight :charToPrint |
s nextPut:((accessRights includes:eachRight) ifTrue:[charToPrint] ifFalse:[$-])
(OperatingSystem getUserNameFromID:fn info uid) printOn:s leftPaddedTo:10.
(OperatingSystem getGroupNameFromID:fn info gid) printOn:s leftPaddedTo:10.
fn fileSize printOn:s leftPaddedTo:12.
fn modificationTime year = Date today year ifTrue:[
fn modificationTime printOn:s format:' %(dayPadded) %(ShortMonthName) %h:%m'.
] ifFalse:[
fn modificationTime asDate printOn:s format:' %(dayPadded) %(ShortMonthName) %y'.
s space.
s nextPutAll:fn baseName
line printCR
- Output:
-rw-r--r-- xxxxx staff 18436 13 Okt 14:16 .DS_Store -rw-r--r-- xxxxx staff 712 13 Aug 12:58 .cvsignore ... -rwxr--r-- xxxxx staff 1440 22 Dez 14:33 script.st -rwxr-xr-x xxxxx staff 14716 22 Dez 03:35 stx ...
Standard ML
OS.Process.system "ls -a"
Doing it all by yourself:
local (* make a sort function *)
val rec insert = fn s :string =>fn [] => [s]
| ll as h::t => if s<=h then s::ll else h::insert s t;
val rec sort = fn [] => [] | h::t => insert h (sort t)
open Posix.FileSys ;
val istream = opendir "." ;
val ll = ref [readdir istream] ;
while ( isSome (hd (!ll)) ) do ( ll:=readdir istream :: !ll );
val result = List.map valOf (tl (!ll));
closedir istream ;
sort result;
Stata has a builtin dir command (or equivalently ls).
. dir *.dta
6.3k 6/12/17 14:26 auto.dta
2.3k 8/10/17 7:34 titanium.dta
6.0k 8/12/17 9:28 trend.dta
puts [join [lsort [glob -nocomplain *]] "\n"]
UNIX Shell
Using `ls` explicitly would be a cheat, since the goal of the task is to emulate this program.
A simple way to list files in the current directory without using `ls` is to use filename expansion (a.k.a. "globbing").
echo *
To print each filename on a separate line, use a loop:
for f in *; do echo "$f"; done
If you want this output sorted, then use `sort`:
for f in *; do echo "$f"; done |sort
An other possibility is to use GNU coreutils' `stat`:
stat -c %n * |sort
decl file f
decl string<> fnames
set fnames (sort (f.listdir "."))
for (decl int i) (< i (size fnames)) (inc i)
out fnames<i> endl console
end for
V (Vlang)
import os
fn main() {
contents := os.ls('.')?
import "io" for Directory
var path = "./" // or whatever
// Note that output is automatically sorted using this method.
Directory.list(path).each { |f| System.print(f) }
Works on Raspberry Pi.
string 0;
char S;
[S:= "ls";
asm { ldr r0, S
bl system
Lists all files and directories in the current directory. If you only want a list of files:
- Output:
The glob method uses Unix shell wild cards.
The globular method recurses down through the directories. It can send results to objects, functions, methods, threads, etc, etc. To get a sorted list of all the directories under the "Src" directory:
- Output:
Src/Compiler/ Src/Misc/ Src/Test/ Src/Time/ Src/Utils/ Src/ZenKinetic/ Src/ZenKinetic/Frame_O_Matic/ Src/ZenKinetic/GBalls/ Src/ZenKinetic/Twist and Draw/ Src/ZenKinetic/ZEd
- Programming Tasks
- Solutions by Programming Task
- 11l
- 8080 Assembly
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- Arturo
- BaCon
- BASIC256
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- Boost
- Clojure
- Common Lisp
- D
- Delphi
- System.SysUtils
- System.IoUtils
- DuckDB
- EchoLisp
- Elixir
- Erlang
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- PicoLisp
- Pike
- PowerShell
- PureBasic
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- R
- Racket
- Raku
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- S-lang
- Scala
- Seed7
- Sidef
- Smalltalk
- Standard ML
- Stata
- Tcl
- UNIX Shell
- Ursa
- V (Vlang)
- Wren
- XPL0
- Zkl
- SQL PL/Omit
- TI-83 BASIC/Omit