Category:C sharp

This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
Execution method: | Compiled (bytecode) |
Garbage collected: | Yes |
Type safety: | Safe, Unsafe |
Type strength: | Strong |
Type compatibility: | Nominative |
Type expression: | Implicit |
Type checking: | Static |
Lang tag(s): | csharp |
See Also: |
C# is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft as part of their .NET initiative, and later approved as a standard by ECMA and ISO. C# has a procedural, object-oriented syntax based on C++ that includes aspects of several other programming languages (most notably Delphi and Java) with a particular emphasis on simplification (fewer symbolic requirements than C++, fewer declarative requirements than Java).
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
- C sharp Implementations (3 P)
- C sharp User (137 P)
Pages in category "C sharp"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 999 total.
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- Day of the week
- Days between dates
- De Bruijn sequences
- Deal cards for FreeCell
- Decorate-sort-undecorate idiom
- Deepcopy
- Define a primitive data type
- Delegates
- Delete a file
- Deming's funnel
- Department numbers
- Descending primes
- Detect division by zero
- Determinant and permanent
- Determine if a string has all the same characters
- Determine if a string has all unique characters
- Determine if a string is collapsible
- Determine if a string is numeric
- Determine if a string is squeezable
- Determine if only one instance is running
- Determine if two triangles overlap
- Dice game probabilities
- Digital root
- Digital root/Multiplicative digital root
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- Dinesman's multiple-dwelling problem
- Dining philosophers
- Disarium numbers
- Discordian date
- Display a linear combination
- Distributed programming
- Distribution of 0 digits in factorial series
- Diversity prediction theorem
- DNS query
- Documentation
- Doomsday rule
- Dot product
- Doubly-linked list/Definition
- Doubly-linked list/Element definition
- Doubly-linked list/Element insertion
- Doubly-linked list/Traversal
- Dragon curve
- Draw a clock
- Draw a cuboid
- Draw a rotating cube
- Draw a sphere
- Dutch national flag problem
- Dynamic variable names
- Eban numbers
- Echo server
- Eertree
- Egyptian division
- Element-wise operations
- Elementary cellular automaton
- Emirp primes
- Empty directory
- Empty program
- Empty string
- Enforced immutability
- Entropy
- Enumerations
- Environment variables
- Equilibrium index
- Erdős-Nicolas numbers
- Erdős-primes
- Ethiopian multiplication
- Euclidean rhythm
- Euler method
- Euler's identity
- Euler's sum of powers conjecture
- Evaluate binomial coefficients
- Even or odd
- Events
- Evolutionary algorithm
- Exceptions
- Exceptions/Catch an exception thrown in a nested call
- Execute a system command
- Execute Brain****
- Execute HQ9+
- Exponentiation operator
- Exponentiation order
- Extend your language
- Extract file extension
- Factorial
- Factors of a Mersenne number
- Factors of an integer
- Fairshare between two and more
- Farey sequence
- Fast Fourier transform
- FASTA format
- Faulhaber's formula
- Faulhaber's triangle
- Feigenbaum constant calculation
- Fibonacci matrix-exponentiation
- Fibonacci n-step number sequences
- Fibonacci sequence
- Fibonacci word
- File input/output
- File modification time
- File size
- Filter
- Find common directory path
- Find largest left truncatable prime in a given base
- Find limit of recursion
- Find palindromic numbers in both binary and ternary bases
- Find the intersection of a line with a plane
- Find the intersection of two lines
- Find the last Sunday of each month
- Find the missing permutation
- First perfect square in base n with n unique digits
- First power of 2 that has leading decimal digits of 12
- First-class functions
- First-class functions/Use numbers analogously
- Five weekends
- Fivenum
- FizzBuzz
- Flatten a list
- Flow-control structures
- Floyd's triangle
- Floyd-Warshall algorithm
- Forest fire
- Fork
- Formatted numeric output
- Fortunate numbers
- Forward difference
- Four bit adder
- Fraction reduction
- Fractran
- Free polyominoes enumeration
- Frobenius numbers
- Function composition
- Function definition
- Function prototype
- Fusc sequence
- Gamma function
- Gapful numbers
- Gauss-Jordan matrix inversion
- Gaussian elimination
- General FizzBuzz
- Generate Chess960 starting position
- Generate lower case ASCII alphabet
- Generator/Exponential
- Generic swap
- Geometric algebra
- Get system command output
- Globally replace text in several files
- Golden ratio/Convergence
- Graph colouring
- Gray code
- Grayscale image
- Greatest common divisor
- Greatest element of a list
- Greatest subsequential sum
- Greedy algorithm for Egyptian fractions
- Greyscale bars/Display
- Guess the number
- Guess the number/With feedback
- Guess the number/With feedback (player)
- GUI component interaction
- GUI enabling/disabling of controls
- GUI/Maximum window dimensions
- Hailstone sequence
- Halt and catch fire
- Hamming numbers
- Handle a signal
- Happy numbers
- Harmonic series
- Harshad or Niven series
- Hash from two arrays
- Hash join
- Haversine formula
- Hello world/Graphical
- Hello world/Line printer
- Hello world/Newbie
- Hello world/Newline omission
- Hello world/Standard error
- Hello world/Text
- Hello world/Web server
- Here document
- Heronian triangles
- Hickerson series of almost integers
- Higher-order functions
- Hilbert curve
- History variables
- Hofstadter Figure-Figure sequences
- Hofstadter Q sequence
- Hofstadter-Conway $10,000 sequence
- Holidays related to Easter
- Honaker primes
- Honeycombs
- Horizontal sundial calculations
- Horner's rule for polynomial evaluation
- Host introspection
- Hostname
- HTTPS/Authenticated
- HTTPS/Client-authenticated
- Huffman coding
- Humble numbers
- Execution method/Compiled/Bytecode
- Garbage collection/Yes
- Typing/Safe
- Typing/Unsafe
- Typing/Strong
- Typing/Compatibility/Nominative
- Typing/Expression/Implicit
- Typing/Checking/Static
- Programming Languages
- Programming paradigm/Imperative
- Programming paradigm/Object-oriented
- Programming paradigm/Generic
- Programming paradigm/Reflective