Diversity prediction theorem

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
The wisdom of the crowd is the collective opinion of a group of individuals rather than that of a single expert.
Wisdom-of-the-crowds research routinely attributes the superiority of crowd averages over individual judgments to the elimination of individual noise, an explanation that assumes independence of the individual judgments from each other.
Thus the crowd tends to make its best decisions if it is made up of diverse opinions and ideologies.
Scott E. Page introduced the diversity prediction theorem:
- The squared error of the collective prediction equals the average squared error minus the predictive diversity.
Therefore, when the diversity in a group is large, the error of the crowd is small.
- Definitions
- Average Individual Error: Average of the individual squared errors
- Collective Error: Squared error of the collective prediction
- Prediction Diversity: Average squared distance from the individual predictions to the collective prediction
- Diversity Prediction Theorem: Given a crowd of predictive models, then
- Collective Error = Average Individual Error ─ Prediction Diversity
- Task
For a given true value and a number of number of estimates (from a crowd), show (here on this page):
- the true value and the crowd estimates
- the average error
- the crowd error
- the prediction diversity
Use (at least) these two examples:
- a true value of 49 with crowd estimates of: 48 47 51
- a true value of 49 with crowd estimates of: 48 47 51 42
- Also see
- Wikipedia entry: Wisdom of the crowd
- University of Michigan: PDF paper (exists on a web archive, the Wayback Machine).
F average_square_diff(a, predictions)
R sum(predictions.map(x -> (x - @a) ^ 2)) / predictions.len
F diversity_theorem(truth, predictions)
V average = sum(predictions) / predictions.len
print(‘average-error: ’average_square_diff(truth, predictions)"\n"‘’
‘crowd-error: ’((truth - average) ^ 2)"\n"‘’
‘diversity: ’average_square_diff(average, predictions))
diversity_theorem(49.0, [Float(48), 47, 51])
diversity_theorem(49.0, [Float(48), 47, 51, 42])
- Output:
average-error: 3 crowd-error: 0.111111111 diversity: 2.888888889 average-error: 14.5 crowd-error: 4 diversity: 10.5
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Command_Line;
procedure Diversity_Prediction is
type Real is new Float;
type Real_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Real;
package Real_IO is new Ada.Text_Io.Float_IO (Real);
use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Command_Line, Real_IO;
function Mean (Data : Real_Array) return Real is
Sum : Real := 0.0;
for V of Data loop
Sum := Sum + V;
end loop;
return Sum / Real (Data'Length);
end Mean;
function Variance (Reference : Real; Data : Real_Array) return Real is
Res : Real_Array (Data'Range);
for A in Data'Range loop
Res (A) := (Reference - Data (A)) ** 2;
end loop;
return Mean (Res);
end Variance;
procedure Diversity (Truth : Real; Estimates : Real_Array)
Average : constant Real := Mean (Estimates);
Average_Error : constant Real := Variance (Truth, Estimates);
Crowd_Error : constant Real := (Truth - Average) ** 2;
Diversity : constant Real := Variance (Average, Estimates);
Real_IO.Default_Exp := 0;
Real_IO.Default_Aft := 5;
Put ("average-error : "); Put (Average_Error); New_Line;
Put ("crowd-error : "); Put (Crowd_Error); New_Line;
Put ("diversity : "); Put (Diversity); New_Line;
end Diversity;
if Argument_Count <= 1 then
Put_Line ("Usage: diversity_prediction <truth> <data_1> <data_2> ...");
end if;
Truth : constant Real := Real'Value (Argument (1));
Estimates : Real_Array (2 .. Argument_Count);
for A in 2 .. Argument_Count loop
Estimates (A) := Real'Value (Argument (A));
end loop;
Diversity (Truth, Estimates);
end Diversity_Prediction;
- Output:
% ./diversity_prediction 49 48 47 51 average-error : 3.00000 crowd-error : 0.11111 diversity : 2.88889 % ./diversity_prediction 49 48 47 51 42 average-error : 14.50000 crowd-error : 4.00000 diversity : 10.50000
BEGIN # Diversity Prediction Theorem #
# utility operators #
OP LENGTH = ( []REAL a )INT: ( UPB a - LWB a ) + 1;
OP LENGTH = ( STRING a )INT: ( UPB a - LWB a ) + 1;
OP SUM = ( []REAL a )REAL:
REAL result := 0;
FOR i FROM LWB a TO UPB a DO result +:= a[ i ] OD;
END # SUM # ;
OP PAD = ( INT width, STRING v )STRING: # left blank pad v to width #
IF LENGTH v >= width THEN v ELSE ( " " * ( width - LENGTH v ) ) + v FI;
OP - = ( []REAL a, REAL v )[]REAL: # return a with elements - v #
[ LWB a : UPB a ]REAL result;
FOR i FROM LWB a TO UPB a DO result[ i ] := v - a[ i ] OD;
END # - # ;
OP ^ = ( []REAL a, INT p )[]REAL: # return a with elements raised to p #
[ LWB a : UPB a ]REAL result;
FOR i FROM LWB a TO UPB a DO result[ i ] := a[ i ] ^ p OD;
END # |^ # ;
OP FMT = ( REAL v, INT d )STRING: # formats v with up to d decimals #
STRING result := fixed( v, -0, d );
IF result[ LWB result ] = "." THEN "0" +=: result FI;
WHILE result[ UPB result ] = "0" DO result := result[ : UPB result - 1 ] OD;
IF result[ UPB result ] = "." THEN result := result[ : UPB result - 1 ] FI;
" " + result
END # FMT # ;
# task #
PROC mean = ( []REAL s )REAL: SUM s / LENGTH s;
PROC variance = ( []REAL s, REAL d )REAL: mean( ( s - d ) ^ 2 );
PROC diversity theorem = ( REAL reference, []REAL observations )[]NAMEDVALUE:
REAL average = mean( observations );
( ( "average_error", variance( observations, reference ) )
, ( "crowd_error", ( reference - average ) ^ 2 )
, ( "diversity", variance( observations, average ) )
END # diversity theorem # ;
PROC test = ( REAL reference, []REAL observations )VOID:
[]NAMEDVALUE res = diversity theorem( reference, observations );
print( ( 14 PAD name OF res[ i ], " : ", value OF res[ i ] FMT 6, newline ) )
END # test # ;
test( 49, ( 48, 47, 51 ) );
test( 49, ( 48, 47, 51, 42 ) )
- Output:
average_error : 3 crowd_error : 0.111111 diversity : 2.888889 average_error : 14.5 crowd_error : 4 diversity : 10.5
100 PROGRAM DiversityPredictionTheorem
120 DIM Estimates(1, 4)
130 FOR I = 0 TO 1
140 LET J = 0
150 READ Estimates(I, J)
160 DO WHILE Estimates(I, J) <> 0
170 LET J = J + 1
180 READ Estimates(I, J)
190 LOOP
200 NEXT I
210 DATA 48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 0.0
220 DATA 48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0, 0.0
230 LET TrueVal = 49
240 FOR I = 0 TO 1
250 LET Sum = 0
260 LET J = 0
270 DO WHILE Estimates(I, J) <> 0
280 LET Sum = Sum + (Estimates(I, J) - TrueVal) ^ 2
290 LET J = J + 1
300 LOOP
310 LET AvgErr = Sum / J
320 PRINT USING "Average error : ##.###": AvgErr
330 LET Sum = 0
340 LET J = 0
350 DO WHILE Estimates(I, J) <> 0
360 LET Sum = Sum + Estimates(I, J)
370 LET J = J + 1
380 LOOP
390 LET Avg = Sum / J
400 LET CrowdErr = (TrueVal - Avg) ^ 2
410 PRINT USING "Crowd error : ##.###": CrowdErr
420 PRINT USING "Diversity : ##.###": AvgErr - CrowdErr
440 NEXT I
450 END
- Output:
Average error : 3.000 Crowd error : .111 Diversity : 2.889 Average error : 14.500 Crowd error : 4.000 Diversity : 10.500
dim test = {{48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 0.0}, {48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0, 0.0}}
TrueVal = 49.0
for i = 0 to 1
Vari = 0.0
Sum = 0.0
c = 0
while test[i,c] <> 0
Vari += (test[i,c] - TrueVal) ^2
Sum += test[i,c]
c += 1
end while
AvgErr = Vari / c
RefAvg = Sum / c
CrowdErr = (TrueVal - RefAvg) ^2
print "Average error : "; AvgErr
print " Crowd error : "; CrowdErr
print " Diversity : "; AvgErr - CrowdErr
next i
Dim As Double test(0 To 1, 0 To 4) => {_
{48.0, 47.0, 51.0}, _
{48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0}}
Dim As Double TrueVal = 49
Dim As Double AvgErr, CrowdErr, RefAvg, Vari, Sum
Dim As Integer i, c
For i = 0 To 1
Vari = 0
Sum = 0
c = 0
While test(i,c) <> 0
Vari += (test(i,c) - TrueVal) ^2
Sum += test(i,c)
c += 1
AvgErr = Vari / c
RefAvg = Sum / c
CrowdErr = (TrueVal - RefAvg) ^2
Print Using "Average error : ###.###"; AvgErr
Print Using " Crowd error : ###.###"; CrowdErr
Print Using " Diversity : ###.###"; AvgErr - CrowdErr
- Output:
Average error : 3.000 Crowd error : 0.111 Diversity : 2.889 Average error : 14.500 Crowd error : 4.000 Diversity : 10.500
Nascom BASIC
10 REM Diversity prediction theorem
20 DIM EST(1,4):REM Estimates
30 FOR I=0 TO 1
40 J=0:READ EST(I,J)
50 IF EST(I,J)=0 THEN 80
60 J=J+1:READ EST(I,J)
70 GOTO 50
90 DATA 48.0,47.0,51.0,0.0
100 DATA 48.0,47.0,51.0,42.0,0.0
110 TV=49:REM True value
120 FOR I=0 TO 1
130 SUM=0:J=0
140 IF EST(I,J)=0 THEN 170
150 SUM=SUM+(EST(I,J)-TV)^2:J=J+1
160 GOTO 140
180 PRINT "Average error :";AER
190 SUM=0:J=0
200 IF EST(I,J)=0 THEN 230
210 SUM=SUM+EST(I,J):J=J+1
220 GOTO 200
240 CER=(TV-AVG)^2
250 PRINT "Crowd error :";CER
260 PRINT "Diversity :";AER-CER
280 NEXT I
290 END
- Output:
Average error : 3 Crowd error : .11111 Diversity : 2.88889 Average error : 14.5 Crowd error : 4 Diversity : 10.5
Define.f ref=49.0, mea
NewList argV.f()
Macro put
ForEach argV() : Print(StrF(argV())+#TAB$) : Next
PrintN(~"\nAverage Error : "+StrF(vari(argV(),ref),5))
PrintN("Crowd Error : "+StrF((ref-mea)*(ref-mea),5))
PrintN("Diversity : "+StrF(vari(argV(),mea),5))
Macro LetArgV(v)
AddElement(argV()) : argV()=v
Procedure.f mean(List x.f())
Define.f m
ForEach x() : m+x() : Next
ProcedureReturn m/ListSize(x())
Procedure.f vari(List x.f(),r.f)
NewList nx.f()
ForEach x() : AddElement(nx()) : nx()=(r-x())*(r-x()) : Next
ProcedureReturn mean(nx())
If OpenConsole()=0 : End 1 : EndIf
Gosub SetA : ClearList(argV())
Gosub SetB : Input()
LetArgV(48.0) : LetArgV(47.0) : LetArgV(51.0)
mea=mean(argV()) : put
LetArgV(48.0) : LetArgV(47.0) : LetArgV(51.0) : LetArgV(42.0)
mea=mean(argV()) : put
- Output:
[49] 48 47 51 Average Error : 3.00000 Crowd Error : 0.11111 Diversity : 2.88889 [49] 48 47 51 42 Average Error : 14.50000 Crowd Error : 4.00000 Diversity : 10.50000
REM Diversity prediction theorem
DIM Estimates(1, 4)
FOR I% = 0 TO 1
J% = 0
READ Estimates(I%, J%)
WHILE Estimates(I%, J%) <> 0!
J% = J% + 1
READ Estimates(I%, J%)
DATA 48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 0.0
DATA 48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0, 0.0
TrueVal = 49!
FOR I% = 0 TO 1
Sum = 0!: J% = 0
WHILE Estimates(I%, J%) <> 0!
Sum = Sum + (Estimates(I%, J%) - TrueVal) ^ 2: J% = J% + 1
AvgErr = Sum / J%
PRINT USING "Average error : ##.###"; AvgErr
Sum = 0!: J% = 0
WHILE Estimates(I%, J%) <> 0!
Sum = Sum + Estimates(I%, J%): J% = J% + 1
Avg = Sum / J%
CrowdErr = (TrueVal - Avg) ^ 2
PRINT USING "Crowd error : ##.###"; CrowdErr
PRINT USING "Diversity : ##.###"; AvgErr - CrowdErr
- Output:
Average error : 3.000 Crowd error : 0.111 Diversity : 2.889 Average error : 14.500 Crowd error : 4.000 Diversity : 10.500
Visual Basic .NET
Module Module1
Function Square(x As Double) As Double
Return x * x
End Function
Function AverageSquareDiff(a As Double, predictions As IEnumerable(Of Double)) As Double
Return predictions.Select(Function(x) Square(x - a)).Average()
End Function
Sub DiversityTheorem(truth As Double, predictions As IEnumerable(Of Double))
Dim average = predictions.Average()
Console.WriteLine("average-error: {0}", AverageSquareDiff(truth, predictions))
Console.WriteLine("crowd-error: {0}", Square(truth - average))
Console.WriteLine("diversity: {0}", AverageSquareDiff(average, predictions))
End Sub
Sub Main()
DiversityTheorem(49.0, {48.0, 47.0, 51.0})
DiversityTheorem(49.0, {48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0})
End Sub
End Module
- Output:
average-error: 3 crowd-error: 0.111111111111113 diversity: 2.88888888888889 average-error: 14.5 crowd-error: 4 diversity: 10.5
Accepts inputs from command line, prints out usage on incorrect invocation.
float mean(float* arr,int size){
int i = 0;
float sum = 0;
while(i != size)
sum += arr[i++];
return sum/size;
float variance(float reference,float* arr, int size){
int i=0;
float* newArr = (float*)malloc(size*sizeof(float));
newArr[i] = (reference - arr[i])*(reference - arr[i]);
return mean(newArr,size);
float* extractData(char* str, int *len){
float* arr;
int i=0,count = 1;
char* token;
arr = (float*)malloc(count*sizeof(float));
*len = count;
token = strtok(str,",");
i = 0;
arr[i++] = atof(token);
token = strtok(NULL,",");
return arr;
int main(int argC,char* argV[])
float* arr,reference,meanVal;
int len;
printf("Usage : %s <reference value> <observations separated by commas>");
arr = extractData(argV[2],&len);
reference = atof(argV[1]);
meanVal = mean(arr,len);
printf("Average Error : %.9f\n",variance(reference,arr,len));
printf("Crowd Error : %.9f\n",(reference - meanVal)*(reference - meanVal));
printf("Diversity : %.9f",variance(meanVal,arr,len));
return 0;
Invocation and Output :
C:\rosettaCode>diversityTheorem.exe 49 48,47,51 Average Error : 3.000000000 Crowd Error : 0.111110263 Diversity : 2.888888597 C:\rosettaCode>diversityTheorem.exe 49 48,47,51,42 Average Error : 14.500000000 Crowd Error : 4.000000000 Diversity : 10.500000000
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class MainClass {
static double Square(double x) => x * x;
static double AverageSquareDiff(double a, IEnumerable<double> predictions)
=> predictions.Select(x => Square(x - a)).Average();
static void DiversityTheorem(double truth, IEnumerable<double> predictions)
var average = predictions.Average();
Console.WriteLine($@"average-error: {AverageSquareDiff(truth, predictions)}
crowd-error: {Square(truth - average)}
diversity: {AverageSquareDiff(average, predictions)}");
public static void Main() {
DiversityTheorem(49, new []{48d,47,51});
DiversityTheorem(49, new []{48d,47,51,42});
- Output:
average-error: 3 crowd-error: 0.11111 diversity: 2.88889 average-error: 14.5 crowd-error: 4 diversity: 10.5
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
float sum(const std::vector<float> &array)
return std::accumulate(array.begin(), array.end(), 0.0);
float square(float x)
return x * x;
float mean(const std::vector<float> &array)
return sum(array) / array.size();
float averageSquareDiff(float a, const std::vector<float> &predictions)
std::vector<float> results;
for (float x : predictions)
results.push_back(square(x - a));
return mean(results);
void diversityTheorem(float truth, const std::vector<float> &predictions)
float average = mean(predictions);
<< "average-error: " << averageSquareDiff(truth, predictions) << "\n"
<< "crowd-error: " << square(truth - average) << "\n"
<< "diversity: " << averageSquareDiff(average, predictions) << std::endl;
int main() {
diversityTheorem(49, {48,47,51});
diversityTheorem(49, {48,47,51,42});
return 0;
- Output:
average-error: 3 crowd-error: 0.11111 diversity: 2.88889 average-error: 14.5 crowd-error: 4 diversity: 10.5
John Lawrence Aspden's code posted on Diversity Prediction Theorem.
(defn diversity-theorem [truth predictions]
(let [square (fn[x] (* x x))
mean (/ (reduce + predictions) (count predictions))
avg-sq-diff (fn[a] (/ (reduce + (for [x predictions] (square (- x a)))) (count predictions)))]
{:average-error (avg-sq-diff truth)
:crowd-error (square (- truth mean))
:diversity (avg-sq-diff mean)}))
(println (diversity-theorem 49 '(48 47 51)))
(println (diversity-theorem 49 '(48 47 51 42)))
- Output:
{:average-error 3, :crowd-error 1/9, :diversity 26/9} {:average-error 29/2, :crowd-error 4, :diversity 21/2}
Delphi math libraries make this easier.
function AveSqrDiff(TrueVal: double; Data: array of double): double;
var I: integer;
for I:=0 to High(Data) do Result:=Result+Sqr(Data[I]-TrueVal);
procedure DoDiversityPrediction(Memo: TMemo; TrueValue: double; Crowd: array of double);
var AveError,AvePredict,Diversity: double;
var S: string;
S:='Ave Error: '+FloatToStrF(AveError,ffFixed,18,2)+#$0D#$0A;
S:=S+'Crowd Error: '+FloatToStrF(Sqr(TrueValue - AvePredict),ffFixed,18,2)+#$0D#$0A;
S:=S+'Diversity: '+FloatToStrF(Diversity,ffFixed,18,2)+#$0D#$0A;
procedure ShowDiversityPrediction(Memo: TMemo);
- Output:
Ave Error: 3.00 Crowd Error: 0.11 Diversity: 2.89 Ave Error: 14.50 Crowd Error: 4.00 Diversity: 10.50
import std.algorithm;
import std.stdio;
auto square = (real x) => x * x;
auto meanSquareDiff(R)(real a, R predictions) {
return predictions.map!(x => square(x - a)).mean;
void diversityTheorem(R)(real truth, R predictions) {
auto average = predictions.mean;
writeln("average-error: ", meanSquareDiff(truth, predictions));
writeln("crowd-error: ", square(truth - average));
writeln("diversity: ", meanSquareDiff(average, predictions));
void main() {
diversityTheorem(49.0, [48.0, 47.0, 51.0]);
diversityTheorem(49.0, [48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0]);
- Output:
average-error: 3 crowd-error: 0.111111 diversity: 2.88889 average-error: 14.5 crowd-error: 4 diversity: 10.5
In this entry the following notation will be used:
- 'actual' will denote the true value
- 'mean' will denote the "collective prediction", i.e. the mean of the predictions
- 'd' will denote 'deviation' (from 'actual' or 'mean')
- 'aad' will denote the average absolute deviation (about 'actual' or 'mean')
- 'asd' will denote the average squared deviation (about 'actual' or 'mean')
Thus in the terminology of the Diversity Prediction Theorem:
- Average Individual Error = asd(actual)
- Prediction Diversity = asd(mean)
- Collective Error = (mean-actual)^2
create or replace function mean(lst) as (
list_sum(lst)::DOUBLE / length(lst)
# average absolute deviation relative to value
create or replace function aad(lst, value) as
list_transform(lst, x -> @(x-value)).list_sum() / length(lst) ;
# average sum of squares
create or replace function ass(lst) as
list_transform(lst, x -> x ^ 2).list_sum() / length(lst);
# Average sum of squared deviations relative to value
create or replace function asd(lst, value) as
list_transform(lst, x -> x - value).ass();
create or replace function diversitytheorem(actual, estimates) as table (
select length(estimates) as "sample size",
actual as actual,
mean(estimates)::DECIMAL(4,2) as mean,
aad(estimates, actual)::DECIMAL(4,2) as "aad about actual",
aad(estimates, mean)::DECIMAL(4,2) as "aad about mean",
asd(estimates, actual)::DECIMAL(4,2) as "asd about actual",
asd(estimates, mean)::DECIMAL(4,2) as "asd about mean",
((mean - actual) ^ 2)::DECIMAL(4,2) as "(mean-actual)^2"
# The tasks:
from diversitytheorem(49, [48, 47, 51])
union all
from diversitytheorem(49, [48, 47, 51, 42]);
- Output:
┌─────────────┬────────┬──────────────┬──────────────────┬────────────────┬──────────────────┬────────────────┬─────────────────┐ │ sample size │ actual │ mean │ aad about actual │ aad about mean │ asd about actual │ asd about mean │ (mean-actual)^2 │ │ int64 │ int32 │ decimal(4,2) │ decimal(4,2) │ decimal(4,2) │ decimal(4,2) │ decimal(4,2) │ decimal(4,2) │ ├─────────────┼────────┼──────────────┼──────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┤ │ 3 │ 49 │ 48.67 │ 1.67 │ 1.56 │ 3.00 │ 2.89 │ 0.11 │ │ 4 │ 49 │ 47.00 │ 3.00 │ 2.50 │ 14.50 │ 10.50 │ 4.00 │ └─────────────┴────────┴──────────────┴──────────────────┴────────────────┴──────────────────┴────────────────┴─────────────────┘
proc calc TrueVal test[] . .
for test in test[]
h = (test - TrueVal)
Vari += h * h
Sum += test
c += 1
AvgErr = Vari / c
RefAvg = Sum / c
h = (TrueVal - RefAvg)
CrowdErr = h * h
print "Average error : " & AvgErr
print " Crowd error : " & CrowdErr
print " Diversity : " & AvgErr - CrowdErr
print ""
calc 49 [ 48 47 51 ]
calc 49 [ 48 47 51 42 ]
USING: kernel math math.statistics math.vectors prettyprint ;
TUPLE: div avg-err crowd-err diversity ;
: diversity ( x seq -- obj )
[ n-v dup v* mean ] [ mean swap - sq ]
[ nip dup mean v-n dup v* mean ] 2tri div boa ;
49 { 48 47 51 } diversity .
49 { 48 47 51 42 } diversity .
- Output:
T{ div { avg-err 3 } { crowd-err 1/9 } { diversity 2+8/9 } } T{ div { avg-err 14+1/2 } { crowd-err 4 } { diversity 10+1/2 } }
Fōrmulæ programs are not textual, visualization/edition of programs is done showing/manipulating structures but not text. Moreover, there can be multiple visual representations of the same program. Even though it is possible to have textual representation —i.e. XML, JSON— they are intended for storage and transfer purposes more than visualization and edition.
Programs in Fōrmulæ are created/edited online in its website.
In this page you can see and run the program(s) related to this task and their results. You can also change either the programs or the parameters they are called with, for experimentation, but remember that these programs were created with the main purpose of showing a clear solution of the task, and they generally lack any kind of validation.
Test case 1. A true value of 49 with crowd estimates of 48, 47 and 51
Test case 2. A true value of 49 with crowd estimates of 48, 47, 51 and 42
package main
import "fmt"
func averageSquareDiff(f float64, preds []float64) (av float64) {
for _, pred := range preds {
av += (pred - f) * (pred - f)
av /= float64(len(preds))
func diversityTheorem(truth float64, preds []float64) (float64, float64, float64) {
av := 0.0
for _, pred := range preds {
av += pred
av /= float64(len(preds))
avErr := averageSquareDiff(truth, preds)
crowdErr := (truth - av) * (truth - av)
div := averageSquareDiff(av, preds)
return avErr, crowdErr, div
func main() {
predsArray := [2][]float64{{48, 47, 51}, {48, 47, 51, 42}}
truth := 49.0
for _, preds := range predsArray {
avErr, crowdErr, div := diversityTheorem(truth, preds)
fmt.Printf("Average-error : %6.3f\n", avErr)
fmt.Printf("Crowd-error : %6.3f\n", crowdErr)
fmt.Printf("Diversity : %6.3f\n\n", div)
- Output:
Average-error : 3.000 Crowd-error : 0.111 Diversity : 2.889 Average-error : 14.500 Crowd-error : 4.000 Diversity : 10.500
class DiversityPredictionTheorem {
private static double square(double d) {
return d * d
private static double averageSquareDiff(double d, double[] predictions) {
return Arrays.stream(predictions)
.map({ it -> square(it - d) })
private static String diversityTheorem(double truth, double[] predictions) {
double average = Arrays.stream(predictions)
return String.format("average-error : %6.3f%n", averageSquareDiff(truth, predictions)) + String.format("crowd-error : %6.3f%n", square(truth - average)) + String.format("diversity : %6.3f%n", averageSquareDiff(average, predictions))
static void main(String[] args) {
println(diversityTheorem(49.0, [48.0, 47.0, 51.0] as double[]))
println(diversityTheorem(49.0, [48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0] as double[]))
- Output:
average-error : 3.000 crowd-error : 0.111 diversity : 2.889 average-error : 14.500 crowd-error : 4.000 diversity : 10.500
mean :: (Fractional a, Foldable t) => t a -> a
mean lst = sum lst / fromIntegral (length lst)
meanSq :: Fractional c => c -> [c] -> c
meanSq x = mean . map (\y -> (x-y)^^2)
diversityPrediction x estimates = do
putStrLn $ "TrueValue:\t" ++ show x
putStrLn $ "CrowdEstimates:\t" ++ show estimates
let avg = mean estimates
let avgerr = meanSq x estimates
putStrLn $ "AverageError:\t" ++ show avgerr
let crowderr = (x - avg)^^2
putStrLn $ "CrowdError:\t" ++ show crowderr
let diversity = meanSq avg estimates
putStrLn $ "Diversity:\t" ++ show diversity
λ> diversityPrediction 49 [48,47,51] TrueValue: 49.0 CrowdEstimates: [48.0,47.0,51.0] AverageError: 3.0 CrowdError: 0.11111111111111269 Diversity: 2.888888888888889 λ> diversityPrediction 49 [48,47,51,42] TrueValue: 49.0 CrowdEstimates: [48.0,47.0,51.0,42.0] AverageError: 14.5 CrowdError: 4.0 Diversity: 10.5
Accepts inputs from command line, prints out usage on incorrect invocation. Were this compressed adaptation from C the content of file d.ijs
echo 'Use: ' , (;:inv 2 {. ARGV) , ' <reference value> <observations>'
data=: ([: ". [: ;:inv 2&}.) ::([: exit 1:) ARGV
([: exit (1: echo@('insufficient data'"_)))^:(2 > #) data
mean=: +/ % #
variance=: [: mean [: *: -
averageError=: ({. variance }.)@:]
crowdError=: variance {.
diversity=: variance }.
echo (<;._2'average error;crowd error;diversity;') ,: ;/ (averageError`crowdError`diversity`:0~ mean@:}.) data
exit 0
example uses follow
$ ijconsole d.ijs bad data Use: ijconsole d.ijs <reference value> <observations> insufficient data $ ijconsole d.ijs 1 Use: ijconsole d.ijs <reference value> <observations> insufficient data $ ijconsole d.ijs 1 2 Use: ijconsole d.ijs <reference value> <observations> ┌─────────────┬───────────┬─────────┐ │average error│crowd error│diversity│ ├─────────────┼───────────┼─────────┤ │1 │1 │0 │ └─────────────┴───────────┴─────────┘ $ ijconsole d.ijs a 3 Use: ijconsole d.ijs <reference value> <observations> $ ijconsole d.ijs 49 48,47,51,42 Use: ijconsole d.ijs <reference value> <observations> ┌─────────────┬───────────┬─────────┐ │average error│crowd error│diversity│ ├─────────────┼───────────┼─────────┤ │14.5 │4 │10.5 │ └─────────────┴───────────┴─────────┘ $ ijconsole d.ijs 49 48,47,51 Use: ijconsole d.ijs <reference value> <observations> ┌─────────────┬───────────┬─────────┐ │average error│crowd error│diversity│ ├─────────────┼───────────┼─────────┤ │3 │0.111111 │2.88889 │ └─────────────┴───────────┴─────────┘ $ ijconsole d.ijs 49 48 47 51 # commas don't interfere Use: ijconsole d.ijs <reference value> <observations> ┌─────────────┬───────────┬─────────┐ │average error│crowd error│diversity│ ├─────────────┼───────────┼─────────┤ │3 │0.111111 │2.88889 │ └─────────────┴───────────┴─────────┘
import java.util.Arrays;
public class DiversityPredictionTheorem {
private static double square(double d) {
return d * d;
private static double averageSquareDiff(double d, double[] predictions) {
return Arrays.stream(predictions)
.map(it -> square(it - d))
private static String diversityTheorem(double truth, double[] predictions) {
double average = Arrays.stream(predictions)
return String.format("average-error : %6.3f%n", averageSquareDiff(truth, predictions))
+ String.format("crowd-error : %6.3f%n", square(truth - average))
+ String.format("diversity : %6.3f%n", averageSquareDiff(average, predictions));
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(diversityTheorem(49.0, new double[]{48.0, 47.0, 51.0}));
System.out.println(diversityTheorem(49.0, new double[]{48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0}));
- Output:
average-error : 3.000 crowd-error : 0.111 diversity : 2.889 average-error : 14.500 crowd-error : 4.000 diversity : 10.500
'use strict';
function sum(array) {
return array.reduce(function (a, b) {
return a + b;
function square(x) {
return x * x;
function mean(array) {
return sum(array) / array.length;
function averageSquareDiff(a, predictions) {
return mean(predictions.map(function (x) {
return square(x - a);
function diversityTheorem(truth, predictions) {
var average = mean(predictions);
return {
'average-error': averageSquareDiff(truth, predictions),
'crowd-error': square(truth - average),
'diversity': averageSquareDiff(average, predictions)
console.log(diversityTheorem(49, [48,47,51]))
console.log(diversityTheorem(49, [48,47,51,42]))
- Output:
{ 'average-error': 3, 'crowd-error': 0.11111111111111269, diversity: 2.888888888888889 } { 'average-error': 14.5, 'crowd-error': 4, diversity: 10.5 }
(() => {
'use strict';
// diversityValues :: [Num] -> {
// mean-error :: Float,
// crowd-error :: Float,
// diversity :: Float
// }
const diversityValues = observed =>
predictions => {
const predictionMean = mean(predictions);
return {
'mean-error': meanErrorSquared(observed)(
'crowd-error': Math.pow(
observed - predictionMean,
'diversity': meanErrorSquared(predictionMean)(
// meanErrorSquared :: Num a => a -> [a] -> b
const meanErrorSquared = observed =>
predictions => mean(
predictions.map(x => Math.pow(x - observed, 2))
// mean :: Num a => [a] -> b
const mean = xs => {
const lng = xs.length;
return lng > 0 ? (
xs.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / lng
) : undefined;
// ----------------------- TEST ------------------------
const main = () =>
observed: 49,
predictions: [48, 47, 51]
}, {
observed: 49,
predictions: [48, 47, 51, 42]
}].map(x => dictionaryAtPrecision(3)(
)), null, 2);
// ---------------------- GENERIC ----------------------
// dictionaryAtPrecision :: Int -> Dict -> Dict
const dictionaryAtPrecision = n =>
// A dictionary of Float values, with
// all Floats adjusted to a given precision.
dct => Object.keys(dct).reduce(
(a, k) => Object.assign(
a, {
[k]: dct[k].toPrecision(n)
), {}
// MAIN ---
return main()
- Output:
[ { "mean-error": "3.00", "crowd-error": "0.111", "diversity": "2.89" }, { "mean-error": "14.5", "crowd-error": "4.00", "diversity": "10.5" } ]
From Typescript entry.
/* Diverisity Prediction Theorem, in Jsish */
"use strict";
function sum(arr:array):number {
return arr.reduce(function(acc, cur, idx, arr) { return acc + cur; });
function square(x:number):number {
return x * x;
function mean(arr:array):number {
return sum(arr) / arr.length;
function averageSquareDiff(a:number, predictions:array):number {
return mean(predictions.map(function(x:number):number { return square(x - a); }));
function diversityTheorem(truth:number, predictions:array):object {
var average = mean(predictions);
return {
"average-error": averageSquareDiff(truth, predictions),
"crowd-error": square(truth - average),
"diversity": averageSquareDiff(average, predictions)
;diversityTheorem(49, [48,47,51]);
;diversityTheorem(49, [48,47,51,42]);
diversityTheorem(49, [48,47,51]) ==> { "average-error":3, "crowd-error":0.1111111111111127, diversity:2.888888888888889 }
diversityTheorem(49, [48,47,51,42]) ==> { "average-error":14.5, "crowd-error":4, diversity:10.5 }
- Output:
prompt$ jsish -u diversityPrediction.jsi [PASS] diversityPrediction.jsi
Also works with gojq and jaq, the Go and Rust implementation of jq
def diversitytheorem($actual; $predicted):
def mean: add/length;
($predicted | mean) as $mean
| { avgerr: ($predicted | map(. - $actual) | map(pow(.; 2)) | mean),
crderr: pow($mean - $actual; 2),
divers: ($predicted | map(. - $mean) | map(pow(.;2)) | mean) } ;
# The task:
([49, [48, 47, 51]],
[49, [48, 47, 51, 42]
| . as [$actual, $predicted]
| diversitytheorem($actual; $predicted)
- Output:
{ "avgerr": 3, "crderr": 0.11111111111111269, "divers": 2.888888888888889 } { "avgerr": 14.5, "crderr": 4, "divers": 10.5 }
import Statistics: mean
function diversitytheorem(truth::T, pred::Vector{T}) where T<:Number
μ = mean(pred)
avgerr = mean((pred .- truth) .^ 2)
crderr = (μ - truth) ^ 2
divers = mean((pred .- μ) .^ 2)
avgerr, crderr, divers
for (t, s) in [(49, [48, 47, 51]),
(49, [48, 47, 51, 42])]
avgerr, crderr, divers = diversitytheorem(t, s)
average-error : $avgerr
crowd-error : $crderr
diversity : $divers
- Output:
average-error : 3.0 crowd-error : 0.11111111111111269 diversity : 2.888888888888889 average-error : 14.5 crowd-error : 4.0 diversity : 10.5
// version 1.1.4-3
fun square(d: Double) = d * d
fun averageSquareDiff(d: Double, predictions: DoubleArray) =
predictions.map { square(it - d) }.average()
fun diversityTheorem(truth: Double, predictions: DoubleArray): String {
val average = predictions.average()
val f = "%6.3f"
return "average-error : ${f.format(averageSquareDiff(truth, predictions))}\n" +
"crowd-error : ${f.format(square(truth - average))}\n" +
"diversity : ${f.format(averageSquareDiff(average, predictions))}\n"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println(diversityTheorem(49.0, doubleArrayOf(48.0, 47.0, 51.0)))
println(diversityTheorem(49.0, doubleArrayOf(48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0)))
- Output:
average-error : 3.000 crowd-error : 0.111 diversity : 2.889 average-error : 14.500 crowd-error : 4.000 diversity : 10.500
function square(x)
return x * x
function mean(a)
local s = 0
local c = 0
for i,v in pairs(a) do
s = s + v
c = c + 1
return s / c
function averageSquareDiff(a, predictions)
local results = {}
for i,x in pairs(predictions) do
table.insert(results, square(x - a))
return mean(results)
function diversityTheorem(truth, predictions)
local average = mean(predictions)
print("average-error: " .. averageSquareDiff(truth, predictions))
print("crowd-error: " .. square(truth - average))
print("diversity: " .. averageSquareDiff(average, predictions))
function main()
diversityTheorem(49, {48, 47, 51})
diversityTheorem(49, {48, 47, 51, 42})
- Output:
average-error: 3 crowd-error: 0.11111111111111 diversity: 2.8888888888889 average-error: 14.5 crowd-error: 4 diversity: 10.5
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
DiversityPredictionTheorem[trueval_?NumericQ, estimates_List] :=
Module[{avg, avgerr, crowderr, diversity},
avg = Mean[estimates];
avgerr = Mean[(estimates - trueval)^2];
crowderr = (trueval - avg)^2;
diversity = Mean[(estimates - avg)^2];
"TrueValue" -> trueval,
"CrowdEstimates" -> estimates,
"AverageError" -> avgerr,
"CrowdError" -> crowderr,
"Diversity" -> diversity
DiversityPredictionTheorem[49, {48, 47, 51}] // Dataset
DiversityPredictionTheorem[49, {48, 47, 51, 42}] // Dataset
- Output:
TrueValue 49 CrowdEstimates {48,47,51} AverageError 3 CrowdError 1/9 Diversity 26/9 TrueValue 49 CrowdEstimates {48,47,51,42} AverageError 29/2 CrowdError 4 Diversity 21/2
import strutils, math, stats
func meanSquareDiff(refValue: float; estimates: seq[float]): float =
## Compute the mean of the squares of the differences
## between estimated values and a reference value.
for estimate in estimates:
result += (estimate - refValue)^2
result /= estimates.len.toFloat
const Samples = [(trueValue: 49.0, estimates: @[48.0, 47.0, 51.0]),
(trueValue: 49.0, estimates: @[48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0])]
for (trueValue, estimates, ) in Samples:
let m = mean(estimates)
echo "True value: ", trueValue
echo "Estimates: ", estimates.join(", ")
echo "Average error: ", meanSquareDiff(trueValue, estimates)
echo "Crowd error: ", (m - trueValue)^2
echo "Prediction diversity: ", meanSquareDiff(m, estimates)
echo ""
- Output:
True value: 49.0 Estimates: 48.0, 47.0, 51.0 Average error: 3.0 Crowd error: 0.1111111111111127 Prediction diversity: 2.888888888888889 True value: 49.0 Estimates: 48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0 Average error: 14.5 Crowd error: 4.0 Prediction diversity: 10.5
function AverageSquareDiff(a: real; predictions: array of real) :=
predictions.Select(x -> (x - a).Sqr).Average;
procedure DiversityTheorem(truth: real; predictions: array of real);
var average := predictions.Average;
WriteLn('average-error: ', AverageSquareDiff(truth, predictions));
WriteLn('crowd-error: ', (truth - average).Sqr);
WriteLn('diversity: ', AverageSquareDiff(average, predictions));
DiversityTheorem(49.0, |48.0, 47.0, 51.0|);
DiversityTheorem(49.0, |48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0|)
- Output:
average-error: 3 crowd-error: 0.111111111111113 diversity: 2.88888888888889 average-error: 14.5 crowd-error: 4 diversity: 10.5
sub diversity {
my($truth, @pred) = @_;
$cp += $_/@pred for @pred; # collective prediction
$ae = avg_error($truth, @pred); # average individual error
$ce = ($cp - $truth)**2; # collective error
$pd = avg_error($cp, @pred); # prediction diversity
my $fmt = "%13s: %6.3f\n";
$stats = sprintf $fmt, 'average-error', $ae;
$stats .= sprintf $fmt, 'crowd-error', $ce;
$stats .= sprintf $fmt, 'diversity', $pd;
sub avg_error {
my($m, @v) = @_;
$avg_err += ($_ - $m)**2 for @v;
print diversity(49, qw<48 47 51>) . "\n";
print diversity(49, qw<48 47 51 42>);
- Output:
average-error: 3.000 crowd-error: 0.111 diversity: 2.889 average-error: 14.500 crowd-error: 4.000 diversity: 10.500
with javascript_semantics function mean(sequence s) return sum(s)/length(s) end function function variance(sequence s, atom d) return mean(sq_power(sq_sub(s,d),2)) end function function diversity_theorem(atom reference, sequence observations) atom average_error = variance(observations,reference), average = mean(observations), crowd_error = power(reference-average,2), diversity = variance(observations,average) return {{"average_error",average_error}, {"crowd_error",crowd_error}, {"diversity",diversity}} end function procedure test(atom reference, sequence observations) sequence res = diversity_theorem(reference, observations) for i=1 to length(res) do printf(1," %14s : %g\n",res[i]) end for end procedure test(49, {48, 47, 51}) test(49, {48, 47, 51, 42})
- Output:
average_error : 3 crowd_error : 0.111111 diversity : 2.88889 average_error : 14.5 crowd_error : 4 diversity : 10.5
By composition of pure functions:
'''Diversity prediction theorem'''
from itertools import chain
from functools import reduce
# diversityValues :: Num a => a -> [a] ->
# { mean-Error :: a, crowd-error :: a, diversity :: a }
def diversityValues(x):
'''The mean error, crowd error and
diversity, for a given observation x
and a non-empty list of predictions ps.
def go(ps):
mp = mean(ps)
return {
'mean-error': meanErrorSquared(x)(ps),
'crowd-error': pow(x - mp, 2),
'diversity': meanErrorSquared(mp)(ps)
return go
# meanErrorSquared :: Num -> [Num] -> Num
def meanErrorSquared(x):
'''The mean of the squared differences
between the observed value x and
a non-empty list of predictions ps.
def go(ps):
return mean([
pow(p - x, 2) for p in ps
return go
# ------------------------- TEST -------------------------
# main :: IO ()
def main():
'''Observed value: 49,
prediction lists: various.
[48, 47, 51],
[48, 47, 51, 42],
[50, '?', 50, {}, 50], # Non-numeric values.
[] # Missing predictions.
showDiversityValues('49'), # String in place of number.
[50, 50, 50],
[40, 35, 40],
# ---------------------- FORMATTING ----------------------
# showDiversityValues :: Num -> [Num] -> Either String String
def showDiversityValues(x):
'''Formatted string representation
of diversity values for a given
observation x and a non-empty
list of predictions p.
def go(ps):
def showDict(dct):
w = 4 + max(map(len, dct.keys()))
def showKV(a, kv):
k, v = kv
return a + k.rjust(w, ' ') + (
' : ' + showPrecision(3)(v) + '\n'
return 'Predictions: ' + showList(ps) + ' ->\n' + (
reduce(showKV, dct.items(), '')
def showProblem(e):
return (
unlines(map(indented(1), e)) if (
isinstance(e, list)
) else indented(1)(repr(e))
) + '\n'
return 'Observation: ' + repr(x) + '\n' + (
lambda n: bindLR(numsLR(ps))(
compose(Right, diversityValues(n))
return go
# ------------------ GENERIC FUNCTIONS -------------------
# Left :: a -> Either a b
def Left(x):
'''Constructor for an empty Either (option type) value
with an associated string.
return {'type': 'Either', 'Right': None, 'Left': x}
# Right :: b -> Either a b
def Right(x):
'''Constructor for a populated Either (option type) value'''
return {'type': 'Either', 'Left': None, 'Right': x}
# bindLR (>>=) :: Either a -> (a -> Either b) -> Either b
def bindLR(m):
'''Either monad injection operator.
Two computations sequentially composed,
with any value produced by the first
passed as an argument to the second.
def go(mf):
return (
mf(m.get('Right')) if None is m.get('Left') else m
return go
# compose :: ((a -> a), ...) -> (a -> a)
def compose(*fs):
'''Composition, from right to left,
of a series of functions.
def go(f, g):
def fg(x):
return f(g(x))
return fg
return reduce(go, fs, identity)
# concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
def concatMap(f):
'''A concatenated list over which a function has been mapped.
The list monad can be derived by using a function f which
wraps its output in a list,
(using an empty list to represent computational failure).
def go(xs):
return chain.from_iterable(map(f, xs))
return go
# either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
def either(fl):
'''The application of fl to e if e is a Left value,
or the application of fr to e if e is a Right value.
return lambda fr: lambda e: fl(e['Left']) if (
None is e['Right']
) else fr(e['Right'])
# identity :: a -> a
def identity(x):
'''The identity function.'''
return x
# indented :: Int -> String -> String
def indented(n):
'''String indented by n multiples
of four spaces.
return lambda s: (4 * ' ' * n) + s
# mean :: [Num] -> Float
def mean(xs):
'''Arithmetic mean of a list
of numeric values.
return sum(xs) / float(len(xs))
# numLR :: a -> Either String Num
def numLR(x):
'''Either Right x if x is a float or int,
or a Left explanatory message.'''
return Right(x) if (
isinstance(x, (float, int))
) else Left(
'Expected number, saw: ' + (
str(type(x)) + ' ' + repr(x)
# numsLR :: [a] -> Either String [Num]
def numsLR(xs):
'''Either Right xs if all xs are float or int,
or a Left explanatory message.'''
def go(ns):
ls, rs = partitionEithers(map(numLR, ns))
return Left(ls) if ls else Right(rs)
return bindLR(
Right(xs) if (
bool(xs) and isinstance(xs, list)
) else Left(
'Expected a non-empty list, saw: ' + (
str(type(xs)) + ' ' + repr(xs)
# partitionEithers :: [Either a b] -> ([a],[b])
def partitionEithers(lrs):
'''A list of Either values partitioned into a tuple
of two lists, with all Left elements extracted
into the first list, and Right elements
extracted into the second list.
def go(a, x):
ls, rs = a
r = x.get('Right')
return (ls + [x.get('Left')], rs) if None is r else (
ls, rs + [r]
return reduce(go, lrs, ([], []))
# showList :: [a] -> String
def showList(xs):
'''Compact string representation of a list'''
return '[' + ','.join(str(x) for x in xs) + ']'
# showPrecision :: Int -> Float -> String
def showPrecision(n):
'''A string showing a floating point number
at a given degree of precision.'''
def go(x):
return str(round(x, n))
return go
# unlines :: [String] -> String
def unlines(xs):
'''A single string derived by the intercalation
of a list of strings with the newline character.'''
return '\n'.join(xs)
# MAIN ---
if __name__ == '__main__':
- Output:
Observation: 49 Predictions: [48,47,51] -> mean-error : 3.0 crowd-error : 0.111 diversity : 2.889 Observation: 49 Predictions: [48,47,51,42] -> mean-error : 14.5 crowd-error : 4.0 diversity : 10.5 Observation: 49 Expected number, saw: <class 'str'> '?' Expected number, saw: <class 'dict'> {} Observation: 49 "Expected a non-empty list, saw: <class 'list'> []" Observation: '49' "Expected number, saw: <class 'str'> '49'" Observation: '49' "Expected number, saw: <class 'str'> '49'"
R's vectorisation shines here. The hardest part of this task was giving each estimate its own numbered column, which is little more than a printing luxury. The actual mathematics was trivial, with each part done in essentially one line.
diversityStats <- function(trueValue, estimates)
collectivePrediction <- mean(estimates)
data.frame("True Value" = trueValue,
as.list(setNames(estimates, paste("Guess", seq_along(estimates)))), #Guesses, each with a title and column.
"Average Error" = mean((trueValue - estimates)^2),
"Crowd Error" = (trueValue - collectivePrediction)^2,
"Prediction Diversity" = mean((estimates - collectivePrediction)^2))
diversityStats(49, c(48, 47, 51))
diversityStats(49, c(48, 47, 51, 42))
- Output:
> diversityStats(49, c(48, 47, 51)) True.Value Guess.1 Guess.2 Guess.3 Average.Error Crowd.Error Prediction.Diversity 1 49 48 47 51 3 0.1111111 2.888889 > diversityStats(49, c(48, 47, 51, 42)) True.Value Guess.1 Guess.2 Guess.3 Guess.4 Average.Error Crowd.Error Prediction.Diversity 1 49 48 47 51 42 14.5 4 10.5
#lang racket
(define (mean l)
(/ (apply + l) (length l)))
(define (diversity-theorem truth predictions)
(define μ (mean predictions))
(define (avg-sq-diff a)
(mean (map (λ (p) (sqr (- p a))) predictions)))
(hash 'average-error (avg-sq-diff truth)
'crowd-error (sqr (- truth μ))
'diversity (avg-sq-diff μ)))
(println (diversity-theorem 49 '(48 47 51)))
(println (diversity-theorem 49 '(48 47 51 42)))
- Output:
'#hash((average-error . 3) (crowd-error . 1/9) (diversity . 2 8/9)) '#hash((average-error . 14 1/2) (crowd-error . 4) (diversity . 10 1/2))
(formerly Perl 6)
sub diversity-calc($truth, @pred) {
my $ae = avg-error($truth, @pred); # average individual error
my $cp = ([+] @pred)/+@pred; # collective prediction
my $ce = ($cp - $truth)**2; # collective error
my $pd = avg-error($cp, @pred); # prediction diversity
return $ae, $ce, $pd;
sub avg-error ($m, @v) { ([+] (@v X- $m) X**2) / +@v }
sub diversity-format (@stats) {
gather {
for <average-error crowd-error diversity> Z @stats -> ($label,$value) {
take $label.fmt("%13s") ~ ':' ~ $value.fmt("%7.3f");
.say for diversity-format diversity-calc(49, <48 47 51>);
.say for diversity-format diversity-calc(49, <48 47 51 42>);
- Output:
average-error: 3.000 crowd-error: 0.111 diversity: 2.889 average-error: 14.500 crowd-error: 4.000 diversity: 10.500
version 1
/* REXX */
Numeric Digits 20
Call diversityTheorem 49,'48 47 51'
Say '--------------------------------------'
Call diversityTheorem 49,'48 47 51 42'
Parse Arg truth,list
Say 'average-error='averageSquareDiff(truth,list)
Say 'crowd-error='||(truth-average)**2
Say 'diversity='averageSquareDiff(average,list)
average: Procedure
Parse Arg list
Do i=1 To words(list)
res=res+word(list,i) /* accumulate list elements */
Return res/words(list) /* return the average */
averageSquareDiff: Procedure
Parse Arg a,list
Do i=1 To words(list)
res=res+(x-a)**2 /* accumulate square of differences */
Return res/words(list) /* return the average */
- Output:
average-error=3 crowd-error=0.11111111111111111089 diversity=2.8888888888888888889 -------------------------------------- average-error=14.5 crowd-error=4 diversity=10.5
version 2
Uses greater precision, but rounds the output to six decimal digits past the decimal point (see the last comment in the program).
/*REXX program calculates the average error, crowd error, and prediction diversity. */
numeric digits 50 /*use precision of fifty decimal digits*/
call diversity 49, 48 47 51 /*true value and the crowd predictions.*/
call diversity 49, 48 47 51 42 /* " " " " " " */
exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
avg: $= 0; do j=1 for #; $= $ + word(x, j) ; end; return $ / #
avgSD: $= 0; arg y; do j=1 for #; $= $ + (word(x, j) - y)**2; end; return $ / #
diversity: parse arg true, x; #= words(x); a= avg() /*get args; count #est; avg*/
say ' the true value: ' true copies("═", 20) "crowd estimates: " x
say ' the average error: ' format( avgSD(true) , , 6) / 1
say ' the crowd error: ' format( (true-a) **2, , 6) / 1
say 'prediction diversity: ' format( avgSD(a) , , 6) / 1; say; say
return /* └─── show 6 dec. digs.*/
- output when using the default inputs:
the true value: 49 ════════════════════ crowd estimates: 48 47 51 the average error: 3 the crowd error: 0.111111 prediction diversity: 2.888889 the true value: 49 ════════════════════ crowd estimates: 48 47 51 42 the average error: 14.5 the crowd error: 4 prediction diversity: 10.5
RPL code | Comment |
« → pivot « 1 « pivot - SQ » DOLIST ∑LIST LASTARG SIZE / » » 'SQDIF' STO « → preds truth « preds truth SQDIF "avg_err" →TAG preds ∑LIST LASTARG SIZE / DUP truth - SQ "cwd_err" →TAG preds ROT SQDIF "pred_div" →TAG 3 →LIST » » 'CROWD' STO |
SQDIF ( { values } pivot → average((value-pivot)²) ) get (value-pivot)² get average CROWD ( { preds } truth → { report } ) avg_err = mean((pred-truth)²) average = ∑preds / number of preds cwd_err = (average-truth)² prd_div = mean((pred-cwd_err)²) put them all into a list |
{ 48 47 51 } 49 CROWD { 48 47 51 42 } 49 CROWD
- Output:
2: { avg_err:3 cwd_err:0.111111111111 pred_div:2.88888888889 } 1: { avg_err:14.5 cwd_err:4 pred_div:10.5 }
def mean(a) = a.sum(0.0) / a.size
def mean_square_diff(a, predictions) = mean(predictions.map { |x| square(x - a)**2 })
def diversity_theorem(truth, predictions)
average = mean(predictions)
puts "truth: #{truth}, predictions #{predictions}",
"average-error: #{mean_square_diff(truth, predictions)}",
"crowd-error: #{(truth - average)**2}",
"diversity: #{mean_square_diff(average, predictions)}",""
diversity_theorem(49.0, [48.0, 47.0, 51.0])
diversity_theorem(49.0, [48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0])
- Output:
truth: 49.0, predictions [48.0, 47.0, 51.0] average-error: 3.0 crowd-error: 0.11111111111111269 diversity: 2.888888888888889 truth: 49.0, predictions [48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0] average-error: 14.5 crowd-error: 4.0 diversity: 10.5
object DiversityPredictionTheorem {
def square(d: Double): Double
= d * d
def average(a: Array[Double]): Double
= a.sum / a.length
def averageSquareDiff(d: Double, predictions: Array[Double]): Double
= average(predictions.map(it => square(it - d)))
def diversityTheorem(truth: Double, predictions: Array[Double]): String = {
val avg = average(predictions)
f"average-error : ${averageSquareDiff(truth, predictions)}%6.3f\n" +
f"crowd-error : ${square(truth - avg)}%6.3f\n"+
f"diversity : ${averageSquareDiff(avg, predictions)}%6.3f\n"
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println(diversityTheorem(49.0, Array(48.0, 47.0, 51.0)))
println(diversityTheorem(49.0, Array(48.0, 47.0, 51.0, 42.0)))
- Output:
average-error : 3.000 crowd-error : 0.111 diversity : 2.889 average-error : 14.500 crowd-error : 4.000 diversity : 10.500
func avg_error(m, v) {
v.map { (_ - m)**2 }.sum / v.len
func diversity_calc(truth, pred) {
var ae = avg_error(truth, pred)
var cp = pred.sum/pred.len
var ce = (cp - truth)**2
var pd = avg_error(cp, pred)
return [ae, ce, pd]
func diversity_format(stats) {
gather {
for t,v in (%w(average-error crowd-error diversity) ~Z stats) {
take(("%13s" % t) + ':' + ('%7.3f' % v))
diversity_format(diversity_calc(49, [48, 47, 51])).each{.say}
diversity_format(diversity_calc(49, [48, 47, 51, 42])).each{.say}
- Output:
average-error: 3.000 crowd-error: 0.111 diversity: 2.889 average-error: 14.500 crowd-error: 4.000 diversity: 10.500
function sum(array: Array<number>): number {
return array.reduce((a, b) => a + b)
function square(x : number) :number {
return x * x
function mean(array: Array<number>): number {
return sum(array) / array.length
function averageSquareDiff(a: number, predictions: Array<number>): number {
return mean(predictions.map(x => square(x - a)))
function diversityTheorem(truth: number, predictions: Array<number>): Object {
const average: number = mean(predictions)
return {
"average-error": averageSquareDiff(truth, predictions),
"crowd-error": square(truth - average),
"diversity": averageSquareDiff(average, predictions)
console.log(diversityTheorem(49, [48,47,51]))
console.log(diversityTheorem(49, [48,47,51,42]))
- Output:
{ 'average-error': 3, 'crowd-error': 0.11111111111111269, diversity: 2.888888888888889 } { 'average-error': 14.5, 'crowd-error': 4, diversity: 10.5 }
import "./fmt" for Fmt
var averageSquareDiff = Fn.new { |f, preds|
var av = 0
for (pred in preds) av = av + (pred-f)*(pred-f)
return av/preds.count
var diversityTheorem = Fn.new { |truth, preds|
var av = (preds.reduce { |sum, pred| sum + pred }) / preds.count
var avErr = averageSquareDiff.call(truth, preds)
var crowdErr = (truth-av) * (truth-av)
var div = averageSquareDiff.call(av, preds)
return [avErr, crowdErr, div]
var predsList = [ [48, 47, 51], [48, 47, 51, 42] ]
var truth = 49
for (preds in predsList) {
var res = diversityTheorem.call(truth, preds)
Fmt.print("Average-error : $6.3f", res[0])
Fmt.print("Crowd-error : $6.3f", res[1])
Fmt.print("Diversity : $6.3f\n", res[2])
- Output:
Average-error : 3.000 Crowd-error : 0.111 Diversity : 2.889 Average-error : 14.500 Crowd-error : 4.000 Diversity : 10.500
real Estimates, TrueVal, AvgErr, CrowdErr, Sum, Avg;
int I, J;
[Estimates:= [ [48., 47., 51., 0.], [48., 47., 51., 42., 0.] ];
TrueVal:= 49.;
Format(2, 3);
for I:= 0 to 1 do
[Sum:= 0.; J:= 0;
while Estimates(I,J) # 0. do
[Sum:= Sum + sq(Estimates(I,J) - TrueVal); J:= J+1];
AvgErr:= Sum/float(J);
Text(0, "Average error : "); RlOut(0, AvgErr); CrLf(0);
Sum:= 0.; J:= 0;
while Estimates(I,J) # 0. do
[Sum:= Sum + Estimates(I,J); J:= J+1];
Avg:= Sum/float(J);
CrowdErr:= sq(TrueVal-Avg);
Text(0, "Crowd error : "); RlOut(0, CrowdErr); CrLf(0);
Text(0, "Diversity : "); RlOut(0, AvgErr-CrowdErr); CrLf(0);
- Output:
Average error : 3.000 Crowd error : 0.111 Diversity : 2.889 Average error : 14.500 Crowd error : 4.000 Diversity : 10.500
fcn avgError(m,v){ v.apply('wrap(n){ (n - m).pow(2) }).sum(0.0)/v.len() }
fcn diversityCalc(truth,pred){ //(Float,List of Float)
ae,cp := avgError(truth,pred), pred.sum(0.0)/pred.len();
ce,pd := (cp - truth).pow(2), avgError(cp, pred);
fcn diversityFormat(stats){ // ( (averageError,crowdError,diversity) )
.pump(String,Void.Xplode,"%13s :%7.3f\n".fmt)
diversityCalc(49.0, T(48.0,47.0,51.0)) : diversityFormat(_).println();
diversityCalc(49.0, T(48.0,47.0,51.0,42.0)) : diversityFormat(_).println();
- Output:
average-error : 3.000 crowd-error : 0.111 diversity : 2.889 average-error : 14.500 crowd-error : 4.000 diversity : 10.500
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