Dice game probabilities
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Two players have a set of dice each. The first player has nine dice with four faces each, with numbers one to four. The second player has six normal dice with six faces each, each face has the usual numbers from one to six.
They roll their dice and sum the totals of the faces. The player with the highest total wins (it's a draw if the totals are the same). What's the probability of the first player beating the second player?
Later the two players use a different set of dice each. Now the first player has five dice with ten faces each, and the second player has six dice with seven faces each. Now what's the probability of the first player beating the second player?
This task was adapted from the Project Euler Problem n.205: https://projecteuler.net/problem=205
F throw_die(n_sides, n_dice, s, [Int] &counts)
I n_dice == 0
L(i) 1..n_sides
throw_die(n_sides, n_dice - 1, s + i, counts)
F beating_probability(n_sides1, n_dice1,
n_sides2, n_dice2)
V len1 = (n_sides1 + 1) * n_dice1
V C1 = [0] * len1
throw_die(n_sides1, n_dice1, 0, &C1)
V len2 = (n_sides2 + 1) * n_dice2
V C2 = [0] * len2
throw_die(n_sides2, n_dice2, 0, &C2)
Float p12 = (n_sides1 ^ n_dice1) * (n_sides2 ^ n_dice2)
V tot = 0.0
L(i) 0 .< len1
L(j) 0 .< min(i, len2)
tot += Float(C1[i]) * C2[j] / p12
R tot
print(‘#.16’.format(beating_probability(4, 9, 6, 6)))
print(‘#.16’.format(beating_probability(10, 5, 7, 6)))
- Output:
0.5731440767829814 0.6427886287176272
INCLUDE "D2:REAL.ACT" ;from the Action! Tool Kit
BYTE FUNC Roll(BYTE sides,dices)
BYTE i,sum
FOR i=1 TO dices
RETURN (sum)
PROC Test(BYTE sides1,dices1,sides2,dices2)
INT i,count=[10000],sum1,sum2,wins1,wins2,draws
REAL r1,r2,p
wins1=0 wins2=0 draws=0
FOR i=1 TO count
IF sum1>sum2 THEN
ELSEIF sum1<sum2 THEN
PrintF("Tested %I times%E",count)
PrintF("Player 1 with %B dice of %B sides%E",dices1,sides1)
PrintF("Player 2 with %B dice of %B sides%E",dices2,sides2)
PrintF("Player 1 wins %I times%E",wins1)
PrintF("Player 2 wins %I times%E",wins2)
PrintF("Draw %I times%E",draws)
Print("Player 1 beating Player 2 probability:")
PROC Main()
Put(125) PutE() ;clear the screen
- Output:
Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer
Tested 10000 times Player 1 with 9 dice of 4 sides Player 2 with 6 dice of 6 sides Player 1 wins 5770 times Player 2 wins 3493 times Draw 737 times Player 1 beating Player 2 probability: .6053726169 Tested 10000 times Player 1 with 5 dice of 10 sides Player 2 with 6 dice of 7 sides Player 1 wins 6417 times Player 2 wins 3140 times Draw 443 times Player 1 beating Player 2 probability: .4893252298
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
procedure Main is
package real_io is new Float_IO (Long_Float);
use real_io;
type Dice is record
Faces : Positive;
Num_Dice : Positive;
end record;
procedure Roll_Dice (The_Dice : in Dice; Count : out Natural) is
subtype Faces is Integer range 1 .. The_Dice.Faces;
package Die_Random is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Faces);
use Die_Random;
Seed : Generator;
Reset (Seed);
Count := 0;
for I in 1 .. The_Dice.Num_Dice loop
Count := Count + Random (Seed);
end loop;
end Roll_Dice;
function Win_Prob
(Dice_1 : Dice; Dice_2 : Dice; Tries : Positive) return Long_Float
Count_1 : Natural := 0;
Count_2 : Natural := 0;
Count_1_Wins : Natural := 0;
for I in 1 .. Tries loop
Roll_Dice (Dice_1, Count_1);
Roll_Dice (Dice_2, Count_2);
if Count_1 > Count_2 then
Count_1_Wins := Count_1_Wins + 1;
end if;
end loop;
return Long_Float (Count_1_Wins) / Long_Float (Tries);
end Win_Prob;
D1 : Dice := (Faces => 4, Num_Dice => 9);
D2 : Dice := (Faces => 6, Num_Dice => 6);
D3 : Dice := (Faces => 10, Num_Dice => 5);
D4 : Dice := (Faces => 7, Num_Dice => 6);
P1 : Long_Float := Win_Prob (D1, D2, 1_000_000);
P2 : Long_Float := Win_Prob (D3, D4, 1_000_000);
Put ("Dice D1 wins = ");
Put (Item => P1, Fore => 1, Aft => 7, Exp => 0);
Put ("Dice D2 wins = ");
Put (Item => P2, Fore => 1, Aft => 7, Exp => 0);
end Main;
- Output:
Dice D1 wins = 0.5727800 Dice D2 wins = 0.6427660
dado1 = 9: lado1 = 4
dado2 = 6: lado2 = 6
total1 = 0: total2 = 0
for i = 0 to 1
for cont = 1 to 100000
jugador1 = lanzamiento(dado1, lado1)
jugador2 = lanzamiento(dado2, lado2)
if jugador1 > jugador2 then
total1 = total1 + 1
if jugador1 <> jugador2 then total2 = total2 + 1
next cont
print "Lanzado el dado "; (cont - 1); " veces"
print "jugador1 con "; dado1; " dados de "; lado1; " lados"
print "jugador2 con "; dado2; " dados de "; lado2; " lados"
print "Total victorias jugador1 = "; total1; " => "; left(string(total2 / total1), 9)
print "Total victorias jugador2 = "; total2
print (cont - 1) - (total1 + total2); " empates" + chr(10)
dado1 = 5: lado1 = 10
dado2 = 6: lado2 = 7
total1 = 0: total2 = 0
next i
function lanzamiento(dado, lado)
total = 0
for lanza = 1 to dado
total = total + int(rand * lado) + 1
next lanza
return total
end function
- Output:
Igual que la entrada de Yabasic.
Dim As Integer lado, jugador1, jugador2, total1, total2, cont, i
Dim As Integer dado1 = 9, lado1 = 4
Dim As Integer dado2 = 6, lado2 = 6
Randomize Timer
Function Lanzamiento(dado As Integer, lado As Integer) As Integer
Dim As Short lanza, total
For lanza = 1 To dado
total += Int(Rnd * lado) + 1
Next lanza
Return total
End Function
For i = 0 To 1
For cont = 1 To 100000
jugador1 = Lanzamiento(dado1, lado1)
jugador2 = Lanzamiento(dado2, lado2)
If jugador1 > jugador2 Then
total1 += 1
Elseif jugador1 <> jugador2 Then
total2 += 1
End If
Next cont
Print Using "Lanzado el dado & veces"; (cont - 1)
Print "jugador1 con"; dado1; " dados de"; lado1; " lados"
Print "jugador2 con"; dado2; " dados de"; lado2; " lados"
Print Using "Total victorias jugador1 = & => #.#######"; total1; (total2 / total1)
Print "Total victorias jugador2 ="; total2
Print (cont - 1) - (total1 + total2); !" empates\n"
dado1 = 5: lado1 = 10
dado2 = 6: lado2 = 7
total1 = 0: total2 = 0
Next i
- Output:
Lanzado el dado 100000 veces jugador1 con 9 dados de 4 lados jugador2 con 6 dados de 6 lados Total victorias jugador1 = 57274 => 0.6237211 Total victorias jugador2 = 35723 7003 empates Lanzado el dado 100000 veces jugador1 con 5 dados de 10 lados jugador2 con 6 dados de 7 lados Total victorias jugador1 = 64093 => 0.4893826 Total victorias jugador2 = 31366 4541 empates
dado1 = 9: lado1 = 4
dado2 = 6: lado2 = 6
total1 = 0: total2 = 0
for i = 0 to 1
for cont = 1 to 100000
jugador1 = lanzamiento(dado1, lado1)
jugador2 = lanzamiento(dado2, lado2)
if jugador1 > jugador2 then
total1 = total1 + 1
elseif jugador1 <> jugador2 then
total2 = total2 + 1
next cont
print "Lanzado el dado ", (cont - 1), " veces"
print "jugador1 con ", dado1, " dados de ", lado1, " lados"
print "jugador2 con ", dado2, " dados de ", lado2, " lados"
print "Total victorias jugador1 = ", total1, " => ", (total2 / total1)
print "Total victorias jugador2 = ", total2
print (cont - 1) - (total1 + total2), " empates\n"
dado1 = 5: lado1 = 10
dado2 = 6: lado2 = 7
total1 = 0: total2 = 0
next i
sub lanzamiento(dado, lado)
local lanza, total
for lanza = 1 to dado
total = total + int(ran(lado)) + 1
next lanza
return total
end sub
- Output:
Igual que la entrada de FreeBASIC.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint32_t uint;
typedef uint64_t ulong;
ulong ipow(const uint x, const uint y) {
ulong result = 1;
for (uint i = 1; i <= y; i++)
result *= x;
return result;
uint min(const uint x, const uint y) {
return (x < y) ? x : y;
void throw_die(const uint n_sides, const uint n_dice, const uint s, uint counts[]) {
if (n_dice == 0) {
for (uint i = 1; i < n_sides + 1; i++)
throw_die(n_sides, n_dice - 1, s + i, counts);
double beating_probability(const uint n_sides1, const uint n_dice1,
const uint n_sides2, const uint n_dice2) {
const uint len1 = (n_sides1 + 1) * n_dice1;
uint C1[len1];
for (uint i = 0; i < len1; i++)
C1[i] = 0;
throw_die(n_sides1, n_dice1, 0, C1);
const uint len2 = (n_sides2 + 1) * n_dice2;
uint C2[len2];
for (uint j = 0; j < len2; j++)
C2[j] = 0;
throw_die(n_sides2, n_dice2, 0, C2);
const double p12 = (double)(ipow(n_sides1, n_dice1) * ipow(n_sides2, n_dice2));
double tot = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < len1; i++)
for (uint j = 0; j < min(i, len2); j++)
tot += (double)C1[i] * C2[j] / p12;
return tot;
int main() {
printf("%1.16f\n", beating_probability(4, 9, 6, 6));
printf("%1.16f\n", beating_probability(10, 5, 7, 6));
return 0;
- Output:
0.5731440767829801 0.6427886287176260
using System;
class Program
static uint MinOf(uint x, uint y)
return x < y ? x : y;
static void ThrowDie(uint nSides, uint nDice, uint s, uint[] counts)
if (nDice == 0)
for (uint i = 1; i <= nSides; i++)
ThrowDie(nSides, nDice - 1, s + i, counts);
static double BeatingProbability(uint nSides1, uint nDice1, uint nSides2, uint nDice2)
uint len1 = (nSides1 + 1) * nDice1;
uint[] c1 = new uint[len1]; // initialized to zero by default
ThrowDie(nSides1, nDice1, 0, c1);
uint len2 = (nSides2 + 1) * nDice2;
uint[] c2 = new uint[len2];
ThrowDie(nSides2, nDice2, 0, c2);
double p12 = Math.Pow(nSides1, nDice1) * Math.Pow(nSides2, nDice2);
double tot = 0.0;
for (uint i = 0; i < len1; i++)
for (uint j = 0; j < MinOf(i, len2); j++)
tot += (double)(c1[i] * c2[j]) / p12;
return tot;
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(BeatingProbability(4, 9, 6, 6));
Console.WriteLine(BeatingProbability(10, 5, 7, 6));
- Output:
0.573144076782982 0.642788628717627
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
// Returns map from sum of faces to number of ways it can happen
std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> get_totals(uint32_t dice, uint32_t faces) {
std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> result;
for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= faces; ++i)
result.emplace(i, 1);
for (uint32_t d = 2; d <= dice; ++d) {
std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> tmp;
for (const auto& p : result) {
for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= faces; ++i)
tmp[p.first + i] += p.second;
return result;
double probability(uint32_t dice1, uint32_t faces1, uint32_t dice2, uint32_t faces2) {
auto totals1 = get_totals(dice1, faces1);
auto totals2 = get_totals(dice2, faces2);
double wins = 0;
for (const auto& p1 : totals1) {
for (const auto& p2 : totals2) {
if (p2.first >= p1.first)
wins += p1.second * p2.second;
double total = std::pow(faces1, dice1) * std::pow(faces2, dice2);
return wins/total;
int main() {
std::cout << std::setprecision(10);
std::cout << probability(9, 4, 6, 6) << '\n';
std::cout << probability(5, 10, 6, 7) << '\n';
return 0;
- Output:
0.5731440768 0.6427886287
Common Lisp
1. Note
We use total probability rule.
2. Program
Player i gets si points as the sum of rolling ni dices, each with fi faces.
(defun n-ways (n f s &optional (mem (make-array '(999 99) :initial-element -1)))
(cond ((and (= n 0) (= s 0)) 1)
((or (= n 0) (<= s 0)) 0)
((>= (aref mem s n) 0) (aref mem s n))
(t (loop for i from 1 to f
sum (n-ways (1- n) f (- s i) mem) into total
finally (return (setf (aref mem s n) total))))))
(defun winning-probability (n1 f1 n2 f2 &aux (w 0))
(loop for i from n1 to (* n1 f1)
do (loop for j from n2 to (* n2 f2)
do (if (> i j)
(setf w (+ w (* (n-ways n1 f1 i) (n-ways n2 f2 j))))))
finally (return (/ w (* (expt f1 n1) (expt f2 n2))))))
3. Execution
(winning-probability 9 4 6 6) (winning-probability 5 10 6 7)
- Output:
48679795/84934656 ; ≈ 0.573 3781171969/5882450000 ; ≈ 0.643
That's all Folks !
cyril nocton (cyril.nocton@gmail.com) w/ google translate
version 1
import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm;
void throwDie(in uint nSides, in uint nDice, in uint s, uint[] counts)
pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
if (nDice == 0) {
foreach (immutable i; 1 .. nSides + 1)
throwDie(nSides, nDice - 1, s + i, counts);
real beatingProbability(uint nSides1, uint nDice1,
uint nSides2, uint nDice2)()
pure nothrow @safe /*@nogc*/ {
uint[(nSides1 + 1) * nDice1] C1;
throwDie(nSides1, nDice1, 0, C1);
uint[(nSides2 + 1) * nDice2] C2;
throwDie(nSides2, nDice2, 0, C2);
immutable p12 = real((ulong(nSides1) ^^ nDice1) *
(ulong(nSides2) ^^ nDice2));
return cartesianProduct(C1[].enumerate, C2[].enumerate)
.filter!(p => p[0][0] > p[1][0])
.map!(p => real(p[0][1]) * p[1][1] / p12)
void main() @safe {
writefln("%1.16f", beatingProbability!(4, 9, 6, 6));
writefln("%1.16f", beatingProbability!(10, 5, 7, 6));
- Output:
0.5731440767829801 0.6427886287176262
version 2 (Faster Alternative Version)
import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm;
ulong[] combos(R)(R sides, in uint n) pure nothrow @safe
if (isForwardRange!R) {
if (sides.empty)
return null;
if (!n)
return [1];
auto ret = new typeof(return)(reduce!max(sides[0], sides[1 .. $]) * n + 1);
foreach (immutable i, immutable v; enumerate(combos(sides, n - 1))) {
if (!v)
foreach (immutable s; sides)
ret[i + s] += v;
return ret;
real winning(R)(R sides1, in uint n1, R sides2, in uint n2)
pure nothrow @safe if (isForwardRange!R) {
static void accumulate(T)(T[] arr) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
foreach (immutable i; 1 .. arr.length)
arr[i] += arr[i - 1];
immutable p1 = combos(sides1, n1);
auto p2 = combos(sides2, n2);
immutable s = p1.sum * p2.sum;
ulong win = 0; // 'win' is 1 beating 2.
foreach (immutable i, immutable x1; p1.dropOne.enumerate)
win += x1 * p2[min(i, $ - 1)];
return win / real(s);
void main() @safe {
writefln("%1.16f", winning(iota(1u, 5u), 9, iota(1u, 7u), 6));
writefln("%1.16f", winning(iota(1u, 11u), 5, iota(1u, 8u), 6));
- Output:
0.5731440767829801 0.6427886287176262
proc throw_die n_sides n_dice s . counts[] .
if n_dice = 0
counts[s] += 1
for i = 1 to n_sides
throw_die n_sides (n_dice - 1) (s + i) counts[]
func proba n_sides1 n_dice1 n_sides2 n_dice2 .
len c1[] (n_sides1 + 1) * n_dice1
len c2[] (n_sides2 + 1) * n_dice2
throw_die n_sides1 n_dice1 0 c1[]
throw_die n_sides2 n_dice2 0 c2[]
p12 = pow n_sides1 n_dice1 * pow n_sides2 n_dice2
for i = 1 to len c1[]
for j = 1 to lower (i - 1) len c2[]
tot += c1[i] * c2[j] / p12
return tot
numfmt 5 0
print proba 4 9 6 6
print proba 10 5 7 6
USING: dice generalizations kernel math prettyprint sequences ;
IN: rosetta-code.dice-probabilities
: winning-prob ( a b c d -- p )
[ [ random-roll ] 2bi@ > ] 4 ncurry [ 100000 ] dip replicate
[ [ t = ] count ] [ length ] bi /f ;
9 4 6 6 winning-prob
5 10 6 7 winning-prob [ . ] bi@
- Output:
0.57199 0.64174
#! /usr/bin/gforth
\ Dice game probabilities
: min? ( addr -- min )
: max? ( addr -- max )
cell + @
: max+1-min? ( addr -- max+1 min )
dup max? 1+ swap min?
: addr? ( addr x -- addr' )
over min? - 2 + cells +
: weight? ( addr x -- w )
2dup swap min? < IF
2drop 0
2dup swap max? > IF
2drop 0
addr? @
: total-weight? ( addr -- w )
dup max? 1+ ( addr max+1 )
over min? ( addr max+1 min )
0 -rot ?DO ( adrr 0 max+1 min )
over i weight? +
: uniform-aux ( min max x -- addr )
>r 2dup
2dup swap - 3 + cells allocate throw ( min max min max addr )
tuck cell + ! ( min max min addr )
tuck ! ( min max addr )
-rot swap ( addr max min )
r> -rot ( addr x max min )
- 3 + 2 ?DO ( addr x )
2dup swap i cells + !
: convolve { addr1 addr2 -- addr }
addr1 min? addr2 min? +
addr1 max? addr2 max? +
0 uniform-aux { addr }
addr1 max+1-min? ?DO
addr2 max+1-min? ?DO
addr1 j weight?
addr2 i weight? *
addr i j + addr? +!
: even? ( n -- f )
2 mod 0=
: power ( addr exp -- addr' )
dup 1 = IF
dup even? IF
2/ recurse dup convolve
over swap 2/ recurse dup convolve convolve
: .dist { addr -- }
addr total-weight? { tw }
addr max+1-min? ?DO
i 10 .r
addr i weight? dup 20 .r
0 d>f tw 0 d>f f/ ." " f. cr
: dist-cmp { addr1 addr2 xt -- p }
addr1 max+1-min? ?DO
addr2 max+1-min? ?DO
j i xt execute IF
addr1 j weight?
addr2 i weight?
* +
0 d>f
addr1 total-weight? addr2 total-weight? um* d>f
: dist> ( addr1 addr2 -- p )
['] > dist-cmp
\ creates the uniform distribution with outcomes from min to max
: uniform ( min max -- addr )
1 uniform-aux
\ example
1 4 uniform 9 power
1 6 uniform 6 power
dist> f. cr
1 10 uniform 5 power
1 7 uniform 6 power
dist> f. cr
- Output:
time ./dice-game-probabilities.fs 0.57314407678298 0.642788628717626 real 0m0,008s user 0m0,005s sys 0m0,003s
local fn RollTheDice( dice as long, sides as long ) as long
long i, total = 0
for i = 1 to dice
total += rnd(sides)
end fn = total
void local fn CaclulateProbabilities( dice1 as long, sides1 as long, dice2 as long, sides2 as long )
long i, player1, player2
float total1 = 0, total2 = 0, total3 = 0
for i = 1 to 100000
player1 = fn RollTheDice( dice1, sides1 )
player2 = fn RollTheDice( dice2, sides2 )
if ( player1 > player2 ) then total1++ : continue
if ( player1 < player2 ) then total2++ : continue
if ( player1 == player2 ) then total3++ : continue
printf @"Dice cast %ld times.", i - 1
printf @"Player 1 with %ld dice of %ld sides.", dice1, sides1
printf @"Player 2 with %ld dice of %ld sides.", dice2, sides2
printf @"Total wins Player 1 = %.f. Probability of winning: %0.4f%%.", total1, (total1 / i ) * 100
printf @"Total wins Player 2 = %.f", total2
printf @"Number of ties: %.f.", total3
end fn
fn CaclulateProbabilities( 9, 4, 6, 6 )
fn CaclulateProbabilities( 5, 10, 6, 7 )
- Output:
Dice cast 100000 times. Player 1 with 9 dice of 4 sides. Player 2 with 6 dice of 6 sides. Total wins Player 1 = 57301. Probability of winning: 57.3004%. Total wins Player 2 = 35733 Number of ties: 6966. Dice cast 100000 times. Player 1 with 5 dice of 10 sides. Player 2 with 6 dice of 7 sides. Total wins Player 1 = 64289. Probability of winning: 64.2884%. Total wins Player 2 = 31296 Number of ties: 4415.
Click this link to run this code
' Gambas module file
Public Sub Main()
Dim iSides, iPlayer1, iPlayer2, iTotal1, iTotal2, iCount, iCount0 As Integer
Dim iDice1 As Integer = 9
Dim iDice2 As Integer = 6
Dim iSides1 As Integer = 4
Dim iSides2 As Integer = 6
For iCount0 = 0 To 1
For iCount = 1 To 100000
iPlayer1 = Roll(iDice1, iSides1)
iPlayer2 = Roll(iDice2, iSides2)
If iPlayer1 > iPlayer2 Then
iTotal1 += 1
Else If iPlayer1 <> iPlayer2 Then
iTotal2 += 1
Print "Tested " & Str(iCount - 1) & " times"
Print "Player1 with " & Str(iDice1) & " dice of " & Str(iSides1) & " sides"
Print "Player2 with " & Str(iDice2) & " dice of " & Str(iSides2) & " sides"
Print "Total wins Player1 = " & Str(iTotal1) & " - " & Str(iTotal2 / iTotal1)
Print "Total wins Player2 = " & Str(iTotal2)
Print Str((iCount - 1) - (iTotal1 + iTotal2)) & " draws" & gb.NewLine
iDice1 = 5
iDice2 = 6
iSides1 = 10
iSides2 = 7
iTotal1 = 0
iTotal2 = 0
Public Sub Roll(iDice As Integer, iSides As Integer) As Integer
Dim iCount, iTotal As Short
For iCount = 1 To iDice
iTotal += Rand(1, iSides)
Return iTotal
Tested 100000 times Player1 with 9 dice of 4 sides Player2 with 6 dice of 6 sides Total wins Player1 = 56980 - 0.62823797823798 Total wins Player2 = 35797 7223 draws Tested 100000 times Player1 with 5 dice of 10 sides Player2 with 6 dice of 7 sides Total wins Player1 = 64276 - 0.48548447320928 Total wins Player2 = 31205 4519 draws
package main
func minOf(x, y uint) uint {
if x < y {
return x
return y
func throwDie(nSides, nDice, s uint, counts []uint) {
if nDice == 0 {
for i := uint(1); i <= nSides; i++ {
throwDie(nSides, nDice - 1, s + i, counts)
func beatingProbability(nSides1, nDice1, nSides2, nDice2 uint) float64 {
len1 := (nSides1 + 1) * nDice1
c1 := make([]uint, len1) // all elements zero by default
throwDie(nSides1, nDice1, 0, c1)
len2 := (nSides2 + 1) * nDice2
c2 := make([]uint, len2)
throwDie(nSides2, nDice2, 0, c2)
p12 := math.Pow(float64(nSides1), float64(nDice1)) *
math.Pow(float64(nSides2), float64(nDice2))
tot := 0.0
for i := uint(0); i < len1; i++ {
for j := uint(0); j < minOf(i, len2); j++ {
tot += float64(c1[i] * c2[j]) / p12
return tot
func main() {
fmt.Println(beatingProbability(4, 9, 6, 6))
fmt.Println(beatingProbability(10, 5, 7, 6))
- Output:
0.5731440767829815 0.6427886287176273
More idiomatic go:
package main
import (
type set struct {
n, s int
func (s set) roll() (sum int) {
for i := 0; i < s.n; i++ {
sum += rand.Intn(s.s) + 1
func (s set) beats(o set, n int) (p float64) {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if s.roll() > o.roll() {
p = p + 1.0
p = p / float64(n)
func main() {
fmt.Println(set{9, 4}.beats(set{6, 6}, 1000))
fmt.Println(set{5, 10}.beats(set{6, 7}, 1000))
- Output:
0.576 0.639
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.List (group, sort)
succeeds :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Double
succeeds p1 p2 =
[ realToFrac (c1 * c2) / totalOutcomes
| (s1, c1) <- countSums p1
, (s2, c2) <- countSums p2
, s1 > s2 ]
totalOutcomes = realToFrac $ uncurry (^) p1 * uncurry (^) p2
countSums (nFaces, nDice) = f [1 .. nFaces]
f =
fmap (((,) . head) <*> (pred . length)) .
group . sort . fmap sum . replicateM nDice
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ (4, 9) `succeeds` (6, 6)
print $ (10, 5) `succeeds` (7, 6)
- Output:
0.5731440767829815 0.6427886287176273
gen_dict =: (({. , #)/.~@:,@:(+/&>)@:{@:(# <@:>:@:i.)~ ; ^)&x:
beating_probability =: dyad define
'C0 P0' =. gen_dict/ x
'C1 P1' =. gen_dict/ y
(C0 +/@:,@:(>/&:({."1) * */&:({:"1)) C1) % (P0 * P1)
Example Usage:
10 5 (;x:inv)@:beating_probability 7 6
4 9 (;x:inv)@:beating_probability 6 6
gen_dict explanation:
is akin to gen_dict
in the python solution and
returns a table and total number of combinations, order matters.
The table has 2 columns. The first column is the pip count on all dice,
the second column is the number of ways this many pips can occur.
({. , #)/.~
make a vector having items head and tally of each group of like items in this case pip count and occurrences operating on
raveled data (a vector) made of
the sum of each of the
Cartesian products of the
(# <@:>:@:i.)
equi-probable die values
but first use extended integers
; ^
links the total possibilities to the result.
The verb beating_probability
is akin to the python solution function having same name.
C0 >/&:({."1) C1
is a binary table where the pips of first player exceed pips of second player. "Make a greater than table but first take the head of each item."
C0 */&:({:"1) C1
is the corresponding table of occurrences
naturally we multiply the two tables (atom by atom, not a matrix product)
sum the raveled table
% (P0 * P1)
after which divide by the all possible rolls.
import java.util.Random;
public class Dice{
private static int roll(int nDice, int nSides){
int sum = 0;
Random rand = new Random();
for(int i = 0; i < nDice; i++){
sum += rand.nextInt(nSides) + 1;
return sum;
private static int diceGame(int p1Dice, int p1Sides, int p2Dice, int p2Sides, int rolls){
int p1Wins = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < rolls; i++){
int p1Roll = roll(p1Dice, p1Sides);
int p2Roll = roll(p2Dice, p2Sides);
if(p1Roll > p2Roll) p1Wins++;
return p1Wins;
public static void main(String[] args){
int p1Dice = 9; int p1Sides = 4;
int p2Dice = 6; int p2Sides = 6;
int rolls = 10000;
int p1Wins = diceGame(p1Dice, p1Sides, p2Dice, p2Sides, rolls);
System.out.println(rolls + " rolls, p1 = " + p1Dice + "d" + p1Sides + ", p2 = " + p2Dice + "d" + p2Sides);
System.out.println("p1 wins " + (100.0 * p1Wins / rolls) + "% of the time");
p1Dice = 5; p1Sides = 10;
p2Dice = 6; p2Sides = 7;
rolls = 10000;
p1Wins = diceGame(p1Dice, p1Sides, p2Dice, p2Sides, rolls);
System.out.println(rolls + " rolls, p1 = " + p1Dice + "d" + p1Sides + ", p2 = " + p2Dice + "d" + p2Sides);
System.out.println("p1 wins " + (100.0 * p1Wins / rolls) + "% of the time");
p1Dice = 9; p1Sides = 4;
p2Dice = 6; p2Sides = 6;
rolls = 1000000;
p1Wins = diceGame(p1Dice, p1Sides, p2Dice, p2Sides, rolls);
System.out.println(rolls + " rolls, p1 = " + p1Dice + "d" + p1Sides + ", p2 = " + p2Dice + "d" + p2Sides);
System.out.println("p1 wins " + (100.0 * p1Wins / rolls) + "% of the time");
p1Dice = 5; p1Sides = 10;
p2Dice = 6; p2Sides = 7;
rolls = 1000000;
p1Wins = diceGame(p1Dice, p1Sides, p2Dice, p2Sides, rolls);
System.out.println(rolls + " rolls, p1 = " + p1Dice + "d" + p1Sides + ", p2 = " + p2Dice + "d" + p2Sides);
System.out.println("p1 wins " + (100.0 * p1Wins / rolls) + "% of the time");
- Output:
10000 rolls, p1 = 9d4, p2 = 6d6 p1 wins 57.56% of the time 10000 rolls, p1 = 5d10, p2 = 6d7 p1 wins 64.28% of the time 1000000 rolls, p1 = 9d4, p2 = 6d6 p1 wins 57.3563% of the time 1000000 rolls, p1 = 5d10, p2 = 6d7 p1 wins 64.279% of the time
let Player = function(dice, faces) {
this.dice = dice;
this.faces = faces;
this.roll = function() {
let results = [];
for (let x = 0; x < dice; x++)
results.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * faces +1));
return eval(results.join('+'));
function contest(player1, player2, rounds) {
let res = [0, 0, 0];
for (let x = 1; x <= rounds; x++) {
let a = player1.roll(),
b = player2.roll();
switch (true) {
case (a > b): res[0]++; break;
case (a < b): res[1]++; break;
case (a == b): res[2]++; break;
<b>Player 1</b> (${player1.dice} × d${player1.faces}): ${res[0]} wins<br>
<b>Player 2</b> (${player2.dice} × d${player2.faces}): ${res[1]} wins<br>
<b>Draws:</b> ${res[2]}<br>
Chances for Player 1 to win:
~${Math.round(res[0] / eval(res.join('+')) * 100)} %
let p1, p2;
p1 = new Player(9, 4),
p2 = new Player(6, 6);
contest(p1, p2, 1e6);
p1 = new Player(5, 10);
p2 = new Player(6, 7);
contest(p1, p2, 1e6);
- Output:
Player 1 (9 × d4): 572753 wins Player 2 (6 × d6): 356478 wins Draws: 70769 Chances for Player 1 to win: ~57 % Player 1 (5 × d10): 643127 wins Player 2 (6 × d7): 312151 wins Draws: 44722 Chances for Player 1 to win: ~64 %
Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq
# To take advantage of gojq's arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic:
def power($b): . as $in | reduce range(0;$b) as $i (1; . * $in);
# Input: an array (aka: counts)
def throwDie($nSides; $nDice; $s):
if $nDice == 0
then .[$s] += 1
else reduce range(1; $nSides + 1) as $i (.;
throwDie($nSides; $nDice-1; $s + $i) )
end ;
def beatingProbability(nSides1; nDice1; nSides2; nDice2):
def a: [range(0; .) | 0];
((nSides1 + 1) * nDice1) as $len1
| ($len1 | a | throwDie(nSides1; nDice1; 0)) as $c1
| ((nSides2 + 1) * nDice2) as $len2
| ($len2 | a | throwDie(nSides2; nDice2; 0)) as $c2
|((nSides1|power(nDice1)) * (nSides2|power(nDice2))) as $p12
| reduce range(0; $len1) as $i (0;
reduce range(0; [$i, $len2] | min) as $j (.;
. + ($c1[$i] * $c2[$j] / $p12) ) ) ;
beatingProbability(4; 9; 6; 6),
beatingProbability(10; 5; 7; 6)
- Output:
0.5731440767829815 0.6427886287176273
play(ndices::Integer, nfaces::Integer) = (nfaces, ndices) ∋ 0 ? 0 : sum(rand(1:nfaces) for i in 1:ndices)
simulate(d1::Integer, f1::Integer, d2::Integer, f2::Integer; nrep::Integer=1_000_000) =
mean(play(d1, f1) > play(d2, f2) for _ in 1:nrep)
println("\nPlayer 1: 9 dices, 4 faces\nPlayer 2: 6 dices, 6 faces\nP(Player1 wins) = ", simulate(9, 4, 6, 6))
println("\nPlayer 1: 5 dices, 10 faces\nPlayer 2: 6 dices, 7 faces\nP(Player1 wins) = ", simulate(5, 10, 6, 7))
- Output:
Player 1: 9 dices, 4 faces Player 2: 6 dices, 6 faces P(Player1 wins) = 0.572805 Player 1: 5 dices, 10 faces Player 2: 6 dices, 7 faces P(Player1 wins) = 0.642727
// version 1.1.2
fun throwDie(nSides: Int, nDice: Int, s: Int, counts: IntArray) {
if (nDice == 0) {
for (i in 1..nSides) throwDie(nSides, nDice - 1, s + i, counts)
fun beatingProbability(nSides1: Int, nDice1: Int, nSides2: Int, nDice2: Int): Double {
val len1 = (nSides1 + 1) * nDice1
val c1 = IntArray(len1) // all elements zero by default
throwDie(nSides1, nDice1, 0, c1)
val len2 = (nSides2 + 1) * nDice2
val c2 = IntArray(len2)
throwDie(nSides2, nDice2, 0, c2)
val p12 = Math.pow(nSides1.toDouble(), nDice1.toDouble()) *
Math.pow(nSides2.toDouble(), nDice2.toDouble())
var tot = 0.0
for (i in 0 until len1) {
for (j in 0 until minOf(i, len2)) {
tot += c1[i] * c2[j] / p12
return tot
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println(beatingProbability(4, 9, 6, 6))
println(beatingProbability(10, 5, 7, 6))
- Output:
0.5731440767829815 0.6427886287176273
local function simu(ndice1, nsides1, ndice2, nsides2)
local function roll(ndice, nsides)
local result = 0;
for i = 1, ndice do
result = result + math.random(nsides)
return result
local wins, coms = 0, 1000000
for i = 1, coms do
local roll1 = roll(ndice1, nsides1)
local roll2 = roll(ndice2, nsides2)
if (roll1 > roll2) then
wins = wins + 1
print("simulated: p1 = "..ndice1.."d"..nsides1..", p2 = "..ndice2.."d"..nsides2..", prob = "..wins.." / "..coms.." = "..(wins/coms))
simu(9, 4, 6, 6)
simu(5, 10, 6, 7)
- Output:
simulated: p1 = 9d4, p2 = 6d6, prob = 573372 / 1000000 = 0.573372 simulated: p1 = 5d10, p2 = 6d7, prob = 642339 / 1000000 = 0.642339
local function comp(ndice1, nsides1, ndice2, nsides2)
local function throws(ndice, nsides)
local sums = {}
for i = 1, ndice*nsides do
sums[i] = 0
local function throw(ndice, nsides, s)
if (ndice==0) then
sums[s] = sums[s] + 1
for i = 1, nsides do
throw(ndice-1, nsides, s+i)
return sums
return throw(ndice, nsides, 0)
local p1 = throws(ndice1, nsides1)
local p2 = throws(ndice2, nsides2)
local wins, coms = 0, nsides1^ndice1 * nsides2^ndice2
for k1,v1 in pairs(p1) do
for k2,v2 in pairs(p2) do
if (k1 > k2) then
wins = wins + v1 * v2
print("computed: p1 = "..ndice1.."d"..nsides1..", p2 = "..ndice2.."d"..nsides2..", prob = "..wins.." / "..coms.." = "..(wins/coms))
comp(9, 4, 6, 6)
comp(5, 10, 6, 7)
- Output:
computed: p1 = 9d4, p2 = 6d6, prob = 7009890480 / 12230590464 = 0.57314407678298 computed: p1 = 5d10, p2 = 6d7, prob = 7562343938 / 11764900000 = 0.64278862871763
M2000 Interpreter
Using a buffer of random numbers for all games.
Declare random1 lib "advapi32.SystemFunction036" {long lpbuffer, long length}
Prob(4, 9, 6, 6, 55555)
Prob(10, 5, 7, 6, 55555)
Sub Prob(face1 as long=4 ,dice1=9, face2 as long=6,dice2=6, games=1000)
if face1<1 or face1>256 or face2<1 or face2>256 then Error "Faces out of limits"
local m=@PlayAll(dice1,dice2, games), tt=timecount
print "Time to fill the buffer with random bytes ";str$(tt, "#0.00 ms")
local s1=dice1-1, s2=dice2-1, k, l, f1=face1/256, f2=face2/256, i, n1=0&, n2=0&
print "Buffer size ";str$(len(m)/1024,"#0.#");" Kbyte": Refresh
for i=0 to games-1
long n1=dice1:for j=0to s1{n1+=eval(m, i!n1!j)*f1}
long n2=dice2:for j=0to s2{n2+=eval(m, i!n2!j)*f2}
if n1>n2 then k++ else if n1<n2 then l++
print "Games Total "; games
print "Player 1 wins ";k; " probability of winning:" ;str$(k/games, "#0.00 %")
print "Player 2 wins ";l; " probability of winning:" ;str$(l/games, "#0.00 %")
print "Number of ties ";games-k-l
print "Execution time ";str$(timecount/1000, "#0.0 s")
End Sub
Function PlayAll(dice1, dice2, games as long)
if games<1 then error "games<1"
local onegame
structure onegame {
n1 as byte * dice1
n2 as byte * dice2
buffer Alfa as onegame*games
call void random1(alfa(0), len(alfa))
= Alfa
End Function
- Output:
Time to fill the buffer with random bytes 2.00 ms Buffer size 813.8 Kbyte Games Total 55555 Player 1 wins 31870 probability of winning:57.37 % Player 2 wins 19729 probability of winning:35.51 % Number of ties 3956 Execution time 179.9 s Time to fill the buffer with random bytes 1.65 ms Buffer size 596.8 Kbyte Games Total 55555 Player 1 wins 35441 probability of winning:63.79 % Player 2 wins 17605 probability of winning:31.69 Number of ties 2509 Execution time 138.7 s
Mathematica / Wolfram Language
GetProbability[{dice1_List, n_Integer}, {dice2_List, m_Integer}] :=
Module[{a, b, lena, lenb},
a = Tuples[dice1, n];
a = Plus @@@ a;
lena = a // Length;
a = Tally[a];
a[[All, 2]] /= lena;
b = Tuples[dice2, m];
b = Plus @@@ b;
lenb = b // Length;
b = Tally[b];
b[[All, 2]] /= lenb;
Total[If[#[[1, 1]] > #[[2, 1]], #[[1, 2]] #[[2, 2]], 0] & /@
Tuples[{a, b}]]
GetProbability[{Range[4], 9}, {Range[6], 6}]
GetProbability[{Range[10], 5}, {Range[7], 6}]
- Output:
48679795/84934656 3781171969/5882450000
import bignum
from math import sum
proc counts(ndices, nsides: int): seq[int] =
result.setlen(ndices * nsides + 1)
for i in 1..nsides:
result[i] = 1
for i in 1..<ndices:
var c = newSeq[int](result.len)
for sum in i..(i * nsides):
for val in 1..nsides:
inc c[sum + val], result[sum]
result = move(c)
proc probabilities(counts: seq[int]): seq[Rat] =
let total = sum(counts)
for i, n in counts:
result[i] = newRat(n, total)
proc beatingProbability(ndices1, nsides1, ndices2, nsides2: int): Rat =
let counts1 = counts(ndices1, nsides1)
let counts2 = counts(ndices2, nsides2)
var p1 = counts1.probabilities()
var p2 = counts2.probabilities()
result = newRat(0)
for sum1 in ndices1..p1.high:
var p = newRat(0)
for sum2 in ndices2..min(sum1 - 1, p2.high):
p += p2[sum2]
result += p1[sum1] * p
echo beatingProbability(9, 4, 6, 6).toFloat
echo beatingProbability(5, 10, 6, 7).toFloat
- Output:
0.5731440767829801 0.6427886287176261
Numeric Digits 30
Call test '9 4 6 6'
Call test '5 10 6 7'
Parse Arg w1 s1 w2 s2
Call pp 1,w1,s1,p1.,p2.
Call pp 2,w2,s2,p1.,p2.
Do x=w1 To w1*s1
Do y=0 To x-1
Do x=w1 To w1*s1
Say 'Player 1 has' w1 'dice with' s1 'sides each'
Say 'Player 2 has' w2 'dice with' s2 'sides each'
Say 'Probability for player 1 to win:' pwin1
Say ''
pp: Procedure
* Compute and assign probabilities to get a sum x
* when throwing w dice each having s sides (marked from 1 to s)
* k=1 sets p1.*, k=2 sets p2.*
Use Arg k,w,s,p1.,p2.
Do wi=1 To w
str=str||'Do v'wi'=1 To' s';'
Do wi=1 To w-1
Do wi=1 To w
Interpret str
Do x=0 To w*s
If k=1 Then
- Output:
Player 1 has 9 dice with 4 sides each Player 2 has 6 dice with 6 sides each Probability for player 1 to win: 0.573144076782980082947530864198 Player 1 has 5 dice with 10 sides each Player 2 has 6 dice with 7 sides each Probability for player 1 to win: 0.642788628717626159168373721835
Algorithm using rational arithmetic
Numeric Digits 30
Call test '9 4 6 6'
Call test '5 10 6 7'
Parse Arg w1 s1 w2 s2
Call pp 1,w1,s1,p1.,p2.
Call pp 2,w2,s2,p1.,p2.
Do x=w1 To w1*s1
Do y=0 To x-1
Do x=w1 To w1*s1
Say 'Player 1 has' w1 'dice with' s1 'sides each'
Say 'Player 2 has' w2 'dice with' s2 'sides each'
Say 'Probability for player 1 to win:' pwin1
Parse Var pwin1 nom '/' denom
Say ' ->' (nom/denom)
Say ''
pp: Procedure
* Compute and assign probabilities to get a sum x
* when throwing w dice each having s sides (marked from 1 to s)
* k=1 sets p1.*, k=2 sets p2.*
Use Arg k,w,s,p1.,p2.
Do wi=1 To w
str=str||'Do v'wi'=1 To' s';'
Do wi=1 To w-1
Do wi=1 To w
Interpret str
Do x=0 To w*s
If k=1 Then
fr_add: Procedure
Parse Arg a,b
parse Var a an '/' az
parse Var b bn '/' bz
Return res
fr_div: Procedure
Parse Arg a,b
parse Var a an '/' az
parse Var b bn '/' bz
Return res
fr_mult: Procedure
Parse Arg a,b
parse Var a an '/' az
parse Var b bn '/' bz
Return res
fr_cancel: Procedure
Parse Arg n ',' z
Return n%k'/'z%k
ggt: Procedure
* ggt (gcd) Greatest common Divisor
* Recursive procedure as shown in PL/I
Parse Arg a,b
if b = 0 then return abs(a)
return ggt(b,a//b)
- Output:
Player 1 has 9 dice with 4 sides each Player 2 has 6 dice with 6 sides each Probability for player 1 to win: 48679795/84934656 -> 0.573144076782980082947530864198 Player 1 has 5 dice with 10 sides each Player 2 has 6 dice with 7 sides each Probability for player 1 to win: 3781171969/5882450000 -> 0.642788628717626159168373721834
Algorithm using class fraction
Class definition adapted from Arithmetic/Raional.
Numeric Digits 50
Call test '9 4 6 6'
Call test '5 10 6 7'
Parse Arg w1 s1 w2 s2
Call pp 1,w1,s1,p1.,p2.
Call pp 2,w2,s2,p1.,p2.
Do x=w1 To w1*s1
Do y=0 To x-1
Do x=w1 To w1*s1
Say 'Player 1 has' w1 'dice with' s1 'sides each'
Say 'Player 2 has' w2 'dice with' s2 'sides each'
Say 'Probability for player 1 to win:' pwin1~string
Say ' ->' pwin1~tonumber
Say ''
pp: Procedure
* Compute and assign probabilities to get a sum x
* when throwing w dice each having s sides (marked from 1 to s)
* k=1 sets p1.*, k=2 sets p2.*
Use Arg k,w,s,p1.,p2.
Do wi=1 To w
str=str||'Do v'wi'=1 To' s';'
Do wi=1 To w-1
Do wi=1 To w
Interpret str
Do x=0 To w*s
If k=1 Then
::class fraction inherit orderable
::options Digits 50
::method init
expose numerator denominator
use strict arg numerator, denominator = 1
--Trace ?R
--if numerator == 0 then denominator = 0
--else if denominator == 0 then raise syntax 98.900 array("Fraction denominator cannot be zero")
-- if the denominator is negative, make the numerator carry the sign
if denominator < 0 then do
numerator = -numerator
denominator = - denominator
-- find the greatest common denominator and reduce to
-- the simplest form
gcd = self~gcd(numerator~abs, denominator~abs)
numerator /= gcd
denominator /= gcd
-- fraction instances are immutable, so these are
-- read only attributes
-- calculate the greatest common denominator of a numerator/denominator pair
::method gcd private
use arg x, y
--Say 'gcd:' x y digits()
loop while y \= 0
-- check if they divide evenly
temp = x // y
x = y
y = temp
return x
-- calculate the least common multiple of a numerator/denominator pair
::method lcm private
use arg x, y
return x / self~gcd(x, y) * y
::method abs
expose numerator denominator
-- the denominator is always forced to be positive
return self~class~new(numerator~abs, denominator)
-- convert a fraction to regular Rexx number
::method toNumber
expose numerator denominator
if numerator == 0 then return 0
return numerator/denominator
::method add
expose numerator denominator
use strict arg other
-- convert to a fraction if a regular number
if \other~isa(.fraction) then other = self~class~new(other, 1)
multiple = self~lcm(denominator, other~denominator)
newa = numerator * multiple / denominator
newb = other~numerator * multiple / other~denominator
return self~class~new(newa + newb, multiple)
::method times
expose numerator denominator
use strict arg other
-- convert to a fraction if a regular number
if \other~isa(.fraction) then other = self~class~new(other, 1)
return self~class~new(numerator * other~numerator, denominator * other~denominator)
-- some operator overrides -- these only work if the left-hand-side of the
-- subexpression is a quaternion
::method "*"
forward message("TIMES")
::method "+"
-- need to check if this is a prefix plus or an addition
if arg() == 0 then
return self -- we can return this copy since it is imutable
forward message("ADD")
::method string
expose numerator denominator
if denominator == 1 then return numerator
return numerator"/"denominator
-- override hashcode for collection class hash uses
::method hashCode
expose numerator denominator
return numerator~hashcode~bitxor(numerator~hashcode)
::attribute numerator GET
::attribute denominator GET
::requires rxmath library
- Output:
Player 1 has 9 dice with 4 sides each Player 2 has 6 dice with 6 sides each Probability for player 1 to win: 48679795/84934656 -> 0.57314407678298008294753086419753086419753086419753 Player 1 has 5 dice with 10 sides each Player 2 has 6 dice with 7 sides each Probability for player 1 to win: 3781171969/5882450000 -> 0.64278862871762615916837372183358974576919480828566
Result from 10 million tries.
oid='diet.xxx'; Call sysFileDelete oid
Call test '9 4 6 6'
Call test '5 10 6 7'
Parse Arg n1 s1 n2 s2
Call o 'Player 1:' n1 'dice with' s1 'sides each'
Call o 'Player 2:' n2 'dice with' s2 'sides each'
Call time 'R'
Do i=1 To nn
sum1=sum(n1 s1) ; cnt1.sum1+=1
sum2=sum(n2 s2) ; cnt2.sum2+=1
When sum1>sum2 Then win.1+=1
When sum1<sum2 Then win.2+=1
Otherwise win.0+=1
Call o win.1/nn 'player 1 wins'
Call o win.2/nn 'player 2 wins'
Call o win.0/nn 'draws'
Do i=min(n1,n2) To max(n1*s1,n2*s2)
Call o right(i,2) format(cnt1.i,7) format(cnt2.i,7)
Call o time('E') 'seconds elapsed'
sum: Parse Arg n s
Do k=1 To n
Return sum
rand: Parse Arg n
Return random(n-1)+1
Say arg(1)
Return lineout(oid,arg(1))
- Output:
Player 1: 9 dice with 4 sides each Player 2: 6 dice with 6 sides each 0.5730344 player 1 wins 0.3562464 player 2 wins 0.0707192 draws 186.794000 seconds elapsed Player 1: 5 dice with 10 sides each Player 2: 6 dice with 7 sides each 0.6425906 player 1 wins 0.312976 player 2 wins 0.0444334 draws 149.784000 seconds elapsed
uses numlibabc;
function combos(sides: array of integer; n: integer): array of biginteger;
if n = 0 then
result := |1bi|;
result := arrfill(sides.Max * n + 1, 0bi);
foreach var v in combos(sides, n - 1) index i do
if v = 0 then continue;
foreach var s in sides do
result[i + s] += v;
procedure winning(sides1: array of integer; n1: integer; sides2: array of integer; n2: integer);
var p1 := combos(sides1, n1);
var p2 := combos(sides2, n2);
var (win, loss, tie) := (0bi, 0bi, 0bi);
foreach var x1 in p1 index i do
win += x1 * (p2?[:i]).sum;
tie += x1 * (p2?[i:i + 1]).sum;
loss += x1 * (p2?[i + 1:]).sum;
var s := p1.Sum * p2.Sum;
var winrat := Frc(win, s);
var tierat := Frc(tie, s);
var lossrat := Frc(loss, s);
println('P1 win: ', winrat.ToReal, winrat);
println('tie : ', tierat.ToReal, tierat);
println('P2 win: ', lossrat.ToReal, lossrat);
winning(arr(1..4), 9, arr(1..6), 6);
winning(arr(1..10), 5, arr(1..7), 6);
//winning(|1, 2, 3, 5, 9|, 700, |1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6|, 800);
- Output:
P1 win: 0.57314407678298 48679795/84934656 tie : 0.070766169838454 144252007/2038431744 P2 win: 0.356089753378566 725864657/2038431744 P1 win: 0.642788628717626 3781171969/5882450000 tie : 0.0444960303104999 523491347/11764900000 P2 win: 0.312715340971874 735812943/2352980000
use List::Util qw(sum0 max);
sub comb {
my ($s, $n) = @_;
$n || return (1);
my @r = (0) x ($n - max(@$s) + 1);
my @c = comb($s, $n - 1);
foreach my $i (0 .. $#c) {
$c[$i] || next;
foreach my $k (@$s) {
$r[$i + $k] += $c[$i];
return @r;
sub winning {
my ($s1, $n1, $s2, $n2) = @_;
my @p1 = comb($s1, $n1);
my @p2 = comb($s2, $n2);
my ($win, $loss, $tie) = (0, 0, 0);
foreach my $i (0 .. $#p1) {
$win += $p1[$i] * sum0(@p2[0 .. $i - 1]);
$tie += $p1[$i] * sum0(@p2[$i .. $i ]);
$loss += $p1[$i] * sum0(@p2[$i+1 .. $#p2 ]);
my $total = sum0(@p1) * sum0(@p2);
map { $_ / $total } ($win, $tie, $loss);
print '(', join(', ', winning([1 .. 4], 9, [1 .. 6], 6)), ")\n";
print '(', join(', ', winning([1 .. 10], 5, [1 .. 7], 6)), ")\n";
- Output:
(0.57314407678298, 0.070766169838454, 0.356089753378566) (0.642788628717626, 0.0444960303104999, 0.312715340971874)
with javascript_semantics function throwDie(integer nSides, nDice, s, sequence counts) if nDice == 0 then counts[s] += 1 else for i=1 to nSides do counts = throwDie(nSides, nDice-1, s+i, counts) end for end if return counts end function function beatingProbability(integer nSides1, nDice1, nSides2, nDice2) integer len1 := (nSides1 + 1) * nDice1, len2 := (nSides2 + 1) * nDice2 sequence c1 = throwDie(nSides1, nDice1, 0, repeat(0,len1)), c2 = throwDie(nSides2, nDice2, 0, repeat(0,len2)) atom p12 := power(nSides1, nDice1) * power(nSides2, nDice2), tot := 0.0 for i=1 to len1 do for j=1 to min(i-1,len2) do tot += (c1[i] * c2[j]) / p12 end for end for return tot end function printf(1,"%0.16f\n",beatingProbability(4, 9, 6, 6)) printf(1,"%0.16f\n",beatingProbability(10, 5, 7, 6))
- Output:
(aside: the following tiny discrepancies are to be expected when using IEEE-754 64/80-bit floats; if you want to read anything into them, it should just be that we are all using the same hardware, and probably showing a couple too many digits of (in)accuracy on 32-bit.)
32 bit, same as Go, Kotlin
0.5731440767829815 0.6427886287176273
64 bit, same as D, Python[last], Ruby, Tcl
0.5731440767829801 0.6427886287176262
version 1
*process source attributes xref;
dicegame: Proc Options(main);
Call test(9, 4,6,6);
Call test(5,10,6,7);
test: Proc(w1,s1,w2,s2);
Dcl (w1,s1,w2,s2,x,y) Bin Fixed(31);
Dcl p1(100) Dec Float(18) Init((100)0);
Dcl p2(100) Dec Float(18) Init((100)0);
Dcl p2low(100) Dec Float(18) Init((100)0);
Call pp(w1,s1,p1);
Call pp(w2,s2,p2);
Do x=w1 To w1*s1;
Do y=0 To x-1;
Do x=w1 To w1*s1;
Put Edit('Player 1 has ',w1,' dice with ',s1,' sides each')
Put Edit('Player 2 has ',w2,' dice with ',s2,' sides each')
Put Edit('Probability for player 1 to win: ',pwin1)(Skip,a,f(20,18));
Put Edit('')(Skip,a);
pp: Proc(w,s,p);
* Compute and assign probabilities to get a sum x
* when throwing w dice each having s sides (marked from 1 to s)
Dcl (w,s) Bin Fixed(31);
Dcl p(100) Dec Float(18);
Dcl cnt(100) Bin Fixed(31);
Dcl (a(12),e(12),v(12),sum,i,n) Bin Fixed(31);
Do i=1 To w;
Do v(1)=a(1) To e(1);
Do v(2)=a(2) To e(2);
Do v(3)=a(3) To e(3);
Do v(4)=a(4) To e(4);
Do v(5)=a(5) To e(5);
Do v(6)=a(6) To e(6);
Do v(7)=a(7) To e(7);
Do v(8)=a(8) To e(8);
Do v(9)=a(9) To e(9);
Do v(10)=a(10) To e(10);
Do i=1 To 10;
Do k=w To w*s;
- Output:
Player 1 has 9 dice with 4 sides each Player 2 has 6 dice with 6 sides each Probability for player 1 to win: 0.573013663291931152 Player 1 has 5 dice with 10 sides each Player 2 has 6 dice with 7 sides each Probability for player 1 to win: 0.642703175544738770
version 2 using rational arithmetic
*process source attributes xref;
dgf: Proc Options(main);
Call test(9, 4,6,6);
Call test(5,10,6,7);
test: Proc(w1,s1,w2,s2);
Dcl (w1,s1,w2,s2,x,y) Dec Float(18);
Dcl 1 p1(100),
2 nom Dec Float(18) Init((100)0),
2 denom Dec Float(18) Init((100)1);
Dcl 1 p2(100),
2 nom Dec Float(18) Init((100)0),
2 denom Dec Float(18) Init((100)1);
Dcl 1 p2low(100),
2 nom Dec Float(18) Init((100)0),
2 denom Dec Float(18) Init((100)1);
Dcl 1 pwin1,
2 nom Dec Float(18) Init(0),
2 denom Dec Float(18) Init(1);
Dcl 1 prod Like pwin1;
Call pp(w1,s1,p1);
Call pp(w2,s2,p2);
Do x=w1 To w1*s1;
Do y=0 To x-1;
Call fr_add(p2low(x),p2(y),p2low(x));
Do x=w1 To w1*s1;
Call fr_mult(p1(x),p2low(x),prod);
Call fr_add(pwin1,prod,pwin1);
Put Edit('Player 1 has ',w1,' dice with ',s1,' sides each')
Put Edit('Player 2 has ',w2,' dice with ',s2,' sides each')
Put Edit('Probability for player 1 to win: ',
Put Edit(' -> ',
Put Edit('')(Skip,a);
pp: Proc(w,s,p);
* Compute and assign probabilities to get a sum x
* when throwing w dice each having s sides (marked from 1 to s)
Dcl (w,s) Dec Float(18);
Dcl 1 p(100),
2 nom Dec Float(18),
2 denom Dec Float(18);
Dcl cnt(100) Dec Float(18);
Dcl (a(12),e(12),v(12),sum,i,n) Dec Float(18);
Do i=1 To w;
Do v(1)=a(1) To e(1);
Do v(2)=a(2) To e(2);
Do v(3)=a(3) To e(3);
Do v(4)=a(4) To e(4);
Do v(5)=a(5) To e(5);
Do v(6)=a(6) To e(6);
Do v(7)=a(7) To e(7);
Do v(8)=a(8) To e(8);
Do v(9)=a(9) To e(9);
Do v(10)=a(10) To e(10);
Do i=1 To 10;
Do k=w To w*s;
fr_add: Proc(a,b,res);
Dcl 1 a,
2 nom Dec Float(18),
2 denom Dec Float(18);
Dcl 1 b Like a;
Dcl res like a;
/* Put Edit('fr_add',a.nom,a.denom,b.nom,b.denom)(Skip,a,4(f(15))); */
Call fr_cancel(res,res);
fr_mult: Proc(a,b,res);
Dcl 1 a,
2 nom Dec Float(18),
2 denom Dec Float(18);
Dcl 1 b Like a;
Dcl res like a;
/* Put Edit('fr_mult',a.nom,a.denom,b.nom,b.denom)(Skip,a,4(f(15)));*/
Call fr_cancel(res,res);
fr_cancel: Proc(a,res);
Dcl 1 a,
2 nom Dec Float(18),
2 denom Dec Float(18);
Dcl k Dec Float(18);
Dcl 1 res like a;
/* Put Edit('fr_cancel',a.nom,a.denom)(Skip,a,4(f(15))); */
ggt: Proc(a,b) Recursive Returns(Dec Float(18));
* ggt (gcd) Greatest common Divisor
* Recursive Proc(a,b)) as shown in PL/I
Dcl (a,b) Dec Float(18);
if b = 0 then return (abs(a));
return (ggt(b,mod(a,b)));
str: Proc(x) Returns(Char(20) Var);
Dcl x Dec Float(18);
Dcl res Char(20) Var;
Put String(res) Edit(x)(f(20));
Return (trim(res));
- Output:
Player 1 has 9 dice with 4 sides each Player 2 has 6 dice with 6 sides each Probability for player 1 to win: 48679795/84934656 -> 0.573144076782980083 Player 1 has 5 dice with 10 sides each Player 2 has 6 dice with 7 sides each Probability for player 1 to win: 3781171969/5882450000 -> 0.642788628717626159
from itertools import product
def gen_dict(n_faces, n_dice):
counts = [0] * ((n_faces + 1) * n_dice)
for t in product(range(1, n_faces + 1), repeat=n_dice):
counts[sum(t)] += 1
return counts, n_faces ** n_dice
def beating_probability(n_sides1, n_dice1, n_sides2, n_dice2):
c1, p1 = gen_dict(n_sides1, n_dice1)
c2, p2 = gen_dict(n_sides2, n_dice2)
p12 = float(p1 * p2)
return sum(p[1] * q[1] / p12
for p, q in product(enumerate(c1), enumerate(c2))
if p[0] > q[0])
print beating_probability(4, 9, 6, 6)
print beating_probability(10, 5, 7, 6)
- Output:
0.573144076783 0.642788628718
To handle larger number of dice (and faster in general):
from __future__ import print_function, division
def combos(sides, n):
if not n: return [1]
ret = [0] * (max(sides)*n + 1)
for i,v in enumerate(combos(sides, n - 1)):
if not v: continue
for s in sides: ret[i + s] += v
return ret
def winning(sides1, n1, sides2, n2):
p1, p2 = combos(sides1, n1), combos(sides2, n2)
win,loss,tie = 0,0,0 # 'win' is 1 beating 2
for i,x1 in enumerate(p1):
# using accumulated sum on p2 could save some time
win += x1*sum(p2[:i])
tie += x1*sum(p2[i:i+1])
loss+= x1*sum(p2[i+1:])
s = sum(p1)*sum(p2)
return win/s, tie/s, loss/s
print(winning(range(1,5), 9, range(1,7), 6))
print(winning(range(1,11), 5, range(1,8), 6)) # this seem hardly fair
# mountains of dice test case
# print(winning((1, 2, 3, 5, 9), 700, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), 800))
- Output:
(0.5731440767829801, 0.070766169838454, 0.3560897533785659) (0.6427886287176262, 0.044496030310499875, 0.312715340971874)
If we further restrict die faces to be 1 to n instead of arbitrary values, the combo generation can be made much faster:
from __future__ import division, print_function
from itertools import accumulate # Python3 only
def combos(sides, n):
ret = [1] + [0]*(n + 1)*sides # extra length for negative indices
for p in range(1, n + 1):
rolling_sum = 0
for i in range(p*sides, p - 1, -1):
rolling_sum += ret[i - sides] - ret[i]
ret[i] = rolling_sum
ret[p - 1] = 0
return ret
def winning(d1, n1, d2, n2):
c1, c2 = combos(d1, n1), combos(d2, n2)
ac = list(accumulate(c2 + [0]*(len(c1) - len(c2))))
return sum(v*a for v,a in zip(c1[1:], ac)) / (ac[-1]*sum(c1))
print(winning(4, 9, 6, 6))
print(winning(5, 10, 6, 7))
#print(winning(6, 700, 8, 540))
- Output:
0.5731440767829801 0.6427886287176262
Solving these sorts of problems by simulation is trivial in R.
probability <- function(facesCount1, diceCount1, facesCount2, diceCount2)
mean(replicate(10^6, sum(sample(facesCount1, diceCount1, replace = TRUE)) > sum(sample(facesCount2, diceCount2, replace = TRUE))))
cat("Player 1's probability of victory is", probability(4, 9, 6, 6),
"in the first game and", probability(10, 5, 7, 6), "in the second.")
- Output:
Player 1's probability of victory is 0.572652 in the first game and 0.642817 in the second.
#lang racket
(define probs# (make-hash))
(define (NdD n d)
probs# (cons n d)
(λ ()
[(= n 0) ; every chance of nothing!
(hash 0 1)]
(for*/fold ((hsh (hash))) (((i p) (in-hash (NdD (sub1 n) d))) (r (in-range 1 (+ d 1))))
(hash-update hsh (+ r i) (λ (p+) (+ p+ (/ p d))) 0))]))))
(define (game-probs N1 D1 N2 D2)
(define P1 (NdD N1 D1))
(define P2 (NdD N2 D2))
(define-values (W D L)
(for*/fold ((win 0) (draw 0) (lose 0)) (((r1 p1) (in-hash P1)) ((r2 p2) (in-hash P2)))
(define p (* p1 p2))
[(< r1 r2) (values win draw (+ lose p))]
[(= r1 r2) (values win (+ draw p) lose)]
[(> r1 r2) (values (+ win p) draw lose)])))
(printf "P(P1 win): ~a~%" (real->decimal-string W 6))
(printf "P(draw): ~a~%" (real->decimal-string D 6))
(printf "P(P2 win): ~a~%" (real->decimal-string L 6))
(list W D L))
(printf "GAME 1 (9D4 vs 6D6)~%")
(game-probs 9 4 6 6)
(printf "GAME 2 (5D10 vs 6D7) [what is a D7?]~%")
(game-probs 5 10 6 7)
- Output:
GAME 1 (9D4 vs 6D6) P(P1 win): 0.573144 P(draw): 0.070766 P(P2 win): 0.356090 (48679795/84934656 144252007/2038431744 725864657/2038431744) GAME 2 (5D10 vs 6D7) [what is a D7?] P(P1 win): 0.642789 P(draw): 0.044496 P(P2 win): 0.312715 (3781171969/5882450000 523491347/11764900000 735812943/2352980000)
(formerly Perl 6)
sub likelihoods ($roll) {
my ($dice, $faces) = $roll.comb(/\d+/);
my @counts;
@counts[$_]++ for [X+] |(1..$faces,) xx $dice;
return [@counts[]:p], $faces ** $dice;
sub beating-probability ([$roll1, $roll2]) {
my (@c1, $p1) := likelihoods $roll1;
my (@c2, $p2) := likelihoods $roll2;
my $p12 = $p1 * $p2;
[+] gather for flat @c1 X @c2 -> $p, $q {
take $p.value * $q.value / $p12 if $p.key > $q.key;
# We're using standard DnD notation for dice rolls here.
say .gist, "\t", .raku given beating-probability < 9d4 6d6 >;
say .gist, "\t", .raku given beating-probability < 5d10 6d7 >;
- Output:
0.573144077 <48679795/84934656> 0.64278862872 <3781171969/5882450000>
Note that all calculations are in integer and rational arithmetic, so the results in fractional notation are exact.
version 1
(adapted for Classic Rexx)
/* REXX */
Numeric Digits 30
Call test '9 4 6 6'
Call test '5 10 6 7'
Parse Arg w1 s1 w2 s2
Do x=w1 To w1*s1
Parse Var plist1 p1.x plist1
Do x=w2 To w2*s2
Parse Var plist2 p2.x plist2
Do x=w1 To w1*s1
Do y=0 To x-1
Do x=w1 To w1*s1
Say 'Player 1 has' w1 'dice with' s1 'sides each'
Say 'Player 2 has' w2 'dice with' s2 'sides each'
Say 'Probability for player 1 to win:' pwin1
Say ''
pp: Procedure
* Compute and return the probabilities to get a sum x
* when throwing w dice each having s sides (marked from 1 to s)
Parse Arg w,s
Do wi=1 To w
str=str||'Do v'wi'=1 To' s';'
Do wi=1 To w-1
Do wi=1 To w
Interpret str
Do x=0 To w*s
Do x=w To s*w
res=res p.x
Return res
- Output:
Player 1 has 9 dice with 4 sides each Player 2 has 6 dice with 6 sides each Probability for player 1 to win: 0.573144076782980082947530864198 Player 1 has 5 dice with 10 sides each Player 2 has 6 dice with 7 sides each Probability for player 1 to win: 0.642788628717626159168373721835
version 2
/* REXX */
oid='diet.xxx'; 'erase' oid
Call test '9 4 6 6'
Call test '5 10 6 7'
Parse Arg n1 s1 n2 s2
Call o 'Player 1:' n1 'dice with' s1 'sides each'
Call o 'Player 2:' n2 'dice with' s2 'sides each'
Call time 'R'
Do i=1 To nn
sum1=sum(n1 s1) ; cnt1.sum1=cnt1.sum1+1
sum2=sum(n2 s2) ; cnt2.sum2=cnt2.sum2+1
When sum1>sum2 Then win.1=win.1+1
When sum1<sum2 Then win.2=win.2+1
Otherwise win.0=win.0+1
Call o win.1/nn 'player 1 wins'
Call o win.2/nn 'player 2 wins'
Call o win.0/nn 'draws'
Do i=min(n1,n2) To max(n1*s1,n2*s2)
Call o right(i,2) format(cnt1.i,7) format(cnt2.i,7)
Call o time('E') 'seconds elapsed'
sum: Parse Arg n s
Do k=1 To n
Return sum
rand: Parse Arg n
Return random(n-1)+1
Say arg(1)
Return lineout(oid,arg(1))
- Output:
Player 1: 9 dice with 4 sides each Player 2: 6 dice with 6 sides each 0.574 player 1 wins 0.3506 player 2 wins 0.0754 draws 0.109000 seconds elapsed Player 1: 5 dice with 10 sides each Player 2: 6 dice with 7 sides each 0.6411 player 1 wins 0.3115 player 2 wins 0.0474 draws 0.078000 seconds elapsed
This REXX version is an optimized and reduced version of the first part of the 1st REXX example.
/*REXX pgm computes and displays the probabilities of a two─player S─sided, N─dice game.*/
numeric digits 100 /*increase/decrease to heart's desire. */
call game 9 4, 6 6 /*1st player: 9 dice, 4 sides; 2nd player: 6 dice, 6 sides*/
call game 5 10, 6 7 /* " " 5 " 10 " " " 6 " 7 " */
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
game: parse arg w.1 s.1, w.2 s.2 /*1st player(dice sides), 2nd player···*/
p.= 0
do j=1 for 2; @@.j= prob(w.j, s.j)
do k=w.j to w.j*s.j; parse var @@.j p.j.k @@.j; end /*k*/
end /*j*/
low.= 0
do j=w.1 to w.1*s.1
do k=0 for j; low.j= low.j + p.2.k; end /*k*/
end /*j*/
say ' Player 1 has ' w.1 " dice with " s.1 ' sides each.'
say ' Player 2 has ' w.2 " dice with " s.2 ' sides each.'
winP= 0
do j=w.1 to w.1*s.1; winP= winP + p.1.j * low.j
end /*j*/
say 'The probability for first player to win is ' format(winP*100,,digits()%2) "%."
say /* ↑ */
return /*show 1/2 of 100 dec. digits────┘ */
prob: procedure; parse arg n,s,,@ $; #.= 0; pow= s**n
do j=1 for n; @= @'DO _'j"=1 FOR" s';'; end /*j*/
@= @'_='; do k=1 for n-1; @= @"_"k'+' ; end /*k*/
interpret @'_'n";#."_'=#.'_"+1"copies(';END', k)
ns= n*s; do j=0 to ns; p.j= #.j / pow; end /*j*/
do k=n to ns; $= $ p.k; end /*k*/
return $ /* ◄──────────────── probability of 1st player to win, S─sided, N dice.*/
- output when using the default inputs:
Player 1 has 9 dice with 4 sides each. Player 2 has 6 dice with 6 sides each. The probability for first player to win is 57.31440767829800829475308641975308641975308641975309 %. Player 1 has 5 dice with 10 sides each. Player 2 has 6 dice with 7 sides each. The probability for first player to win is 64.27886287176261591683737218335897457691948082856633 %.
def roll_dice(n_dice, n_faces)
return [[0,1]] if n_dice.zero?
one = [1] * n_faces
zero = [0] * (n_faces-1)
(zero + ary + zero).each_cons(n_faces).map{|a| a.inject(:+)}
}.map.with_index(n_dice){|n,sum| [sum,n]} # sum: total of the faces
def game(dice1, faces1, dice2, faces2)
p1 = roll_dice(dice1, faces1)
p2 = roll_dice(dice2, faces2)
p1.product(p2).each_with_object([0,0,0]) do |((sum1, n1), (sum2, n2)), win|
win[sum1 <=> sum2] += n1 * n2 # [0]:draw, [1]:win, [-1]:lose
[[9, 4, 6, 6], [5, 10, 6, 7]].each do |d1, f1, d2, f2|
puts "player 1 has #{d1} dice with #{f1} faces each"
puts "player 2 has #{d2} dice with #{f2} faces each"
win = game(d1, f1, d2, f2)
sum = win.inject(:+)
puts "Probability for player 1 to win: #{win[1]} / #{sum}",
" -> #{win[1].fdiv(sum)}", ""
- Output:
player 1 has 9 dice with 4 faces each player 2 has 6 dice with 6 faces each Probability for player 1 to win: 7009890480 / 12230590464 -> 0.5731440767829801 player 1 has 5 dice with 10 faces each player 2 has 6 dice with 7 faces each Probability for player 1 to win: 7562343938 / 11764900000 -> 0.6427886287176262
// Returns a vector containing the number of ways each possible sum of face
// values can occur.
fn get_totals(dice: usize, faces: usize) -> Vec<f64> {
let mut result = vec![1.0; faces + 1];
for d in 2..=dice {
let mut tmp = vec![0.0; d * faces + 1];
for i in d - 1..result.len() {
for j in 1..=faces {
tmp[i + j] += result[i];
result = tmp;
fn probability(dice1: usize, faces1: usize, dice2: usize, faces2: usize) -> f64 {
let totals1 = get_totals(dice1, faces1);
let totals2 = get_totals(dice2, faces2);
let mut wins = 0.0;
let mut total = 0.0;
for i in dice1..totals1.len() {
for j in dice2..totals2.len() {
let n = totals1[i] * totals2[j];
total += n;
if j < i {
wins += n;
wins / total
fn main() {
println!("{}", probability(9, 4, 6, 6));
println!("{}", probability(5, 10, 6, 7));
- Output:
0.5731440767829801 0.6427886287176262
func combos(sides, n) {
n || return [1]
var ret = ([0] * (n*sides.max + 1))
combos(sides, n-1).each_kv { |i,v|
v && for s in sides { ret[i + s] += v }
return ret
func winning(sides1, n1, sides2, n2) {
var (p1, p2) = (combos(sides1, n1), combos(sides2, n2))
var (win,loss,tie) = (0,0,0)
p1.each_kv { |i, x|
win += x*p2.first(i).sum
tie += x*p2.slice(i).first(1).sum
loss += x*p2.slice(i+1).sum
[win, tie, loss] »/» p1.sum*p2.sum
func display_results(String title, Array res) {
say "=> #{title}"
for name, prob in (%w(p₁\ win tie p₂\ win) ~Z res) {
say "P(#{'%6s' % name}) =~ #{prob.round(-11)} (#{prob.as_frac})"
print "\n"
display_results('9D4 vs 6D6', winning(range(1, 4), 9, range(1,6), 6))
display_results('5D10 vs 6D7', winning(range(1,10), 5, range(1,7), 6))
- Output:
=> 9D4 vs 6D6 P(p₁ win) =~ 0.57314407678 (48679795/84934656) P( tie) =~ 0.07076616984 (144252007/2038431744) P(p₂ win) =~ 0.35608975338 (725864657/2038431744) => 5D10 vs 6D7 P(p₁ win) =~ 0.64278862872 (3781171969/5882450000) P( tie) =~ 0.04449603031 (523491347/11764900000) P(p₂ win) =~ 0.31271534097 (735812943/2352980000)
To handle the nested loop in NdK, Tcl's metaprogramming abilities are exercised. The goal is to produce a script that looks like:
foreach d0 {1 2 3 4 5 6} {
foreach d1 {1 2 3 4 5 6} {
foreach dN {1 2 3 4 5 6} {
dict incr sum [::tcl::mathop::+ $n $d0 $d1 ... $DN]
See the comments attached to that procedure for a more thorough understanding of how that is achieved (with the caveat that $d0..$dN are reversed).
Such metaprogramming is a very powerful technique in Tcl for building scripts where other approaches (in this case, recursion) might not be appealing, and should be in every programmer's toolbox!
proc range {b} { ;# a common standard proc: [range 5] -> {0 1 2 3 4}
set a 0
set res {}
while {$a < $b} {
lappend res $a
incr a
return $res
# This proc builds up a nested foreach call, then evaluates it.
# The script is built up in $script, starting with the body using "%%" as
# a placeholder.
# For each die, a level is wrapped around it as follows:
# set script {foreach d0 {1 2 3 4 5 6} $script}
# set script {foreach d1 {1 2 3 4 5 6} $script}
# .. and {$d0 $d1 ..} are collected in the variable $vars, which is used
# to replace "%%" at the end.
# The script is evaluated with [try] - earlier Tcl's could use [catch] or [eval]
proc NdK {n {k 6}} { ;# calculate a score histogram for $n dice of $k faces
set sum {}
set script {
dict incr sum [::tcl::mathop::+ $n %%] ;# add $n because ranges are 0-based
} ;# %% is a placeholder
set vars ""
for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
set script [list foreach d$i [range $k] $script]
append vars " \$d$i"
set script [string map [list %% $vars] $script]
try $script
return $sum
proc win_pr {p1 p2} { ;# calculate the winning probability of player 1 given two score histograms
set P 0
set N 0
dict for {d1 k1} $p1 {
dict for {d2 k2} $p2 {
set k [expr {$k1 * $k2}]
incr N $k
incr P [expr {$k * ($d1 > $d2)}]
expr {$P * 1.0 / $N}
foreach {p1 p2} {
{9 4} {6 6}
{5 10} {6 7}
} {
puts [format "p1 has %dd%d; p2 has %dd%d" {*}$p1 {*}$p2]
puts [format " p1 wins with Pr(%s)" [win_pr [NdK {*}$p1] [NdK {*}$p2]]]
- Output:
p1 has 9d4; p2 has 6d6 p1 wins with Pr(0.5731440767829801) p1 has 5d10; p2 has 6d7 p1 wins with Pr(0.6427886287176262)
Factoring out foreach*
The nested-loop generation illustrated above is useful to factor out as a routine by itself. Here it is abstracted as foreach*, with NdK modified to suit.
I include this to emphasise the importance and power of metaprogramming in a Tcler's toolbox, as well as sharing a useful proc.
package require Tcl 8.6 ;# for [tailcall] - otherwise use [uplevel 1 $script]
# This proc builds up a nested foreach call, then evaluates it.
# this:
# foreach* a {1 2 3} b {4 5 6} {
# puts "$a + $b"
# }
# becomes:
# foreach a {1 2 3} {
# foreach b {4 5 6} {
# puts "$a + $b"
# }
# }
proc foreach* {args} {
set script [lindex $args end]
set args [lrange $args 0 end-1]
foreach {b a} [lreverse $args] {
set script [list foreach $a $b $script]
tailcall {*}$script
proc NdK {n {k 6}} { ;# calculate a score histogram for $n dice of $k faces
set args {} ;# arguments to [foreach*]
set vars {} ;# variables used in [foreach*] arguments that need to be added to sum
set sum {} ;# this will be the result dictionary
for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
lappend args d$i [range $k]
lappend vars "\$d$i"
set vars [join $vars +]
# [string map] to avoid "Quoting Hell"
set script [string map [list %% $vars] {
dict incr sum [expr {$n + %%}] ;# $n because [range] is 0-based
foreach* {*}$args $script
return $sum
V (Vlang)
import math
fn min_of(x int, y int) int {
if x < y {
return x
return y
fn throw_die(n_sides int, n_dice int, s int, mut counts []int) {
if n_dice == 0 {
for i := int(1); i <= n_sides; i++ {
throw_die(n_sides, n_dice - 1, s + i, mut counts)
fn beating_probability(n_sides1 int, n_dice1 int, n_sides2 int, n_dice2 int) f64 {
len1 := (n_sides1 + 1) * n_dice1
mut c1 := []int{len: len1} // all elements zero by default
throw_die(n_sides1, n_dice1, 0, mut c1)
len2 := (n_sides2 + 1) * n_dice2
mut c2 := []int{len: len2}
throw_die(n_sides2, n_dice2, 0, mut c2)
p12 := math.pow(f64(n_sides1), f64(n_dice1)) *
math.pow(f64(n_sides2), f64(n_dice2))
mut tot := 0.0
for i := int(0); i < len1; i++ {
for j := int(0); j < min_of(i, len2); j++ {
tot += f64(c1[i] * c2[j]) / p12
return tot
fn main() {
println(beating_probability(4, 9, 6, 6))
println(beating_probability(10, 5, 7, 6))
- Output:
0.57314407678298 0.64278862871763
var throwDie // recursive
throwDie = Fn.new { |nSides, nDice, s, counts|
if (nDice == 0) {
counts[s] = counts[s] + 1
for (i in 1..nSides) throwDie.call(nSides, nDice-1, s + i, counts)
var beatingProbability = Fn.new { |nSides1, nDice1, nSides2, nDice2|
var len1 = (nSides1 + 1) * nDice1
var c1 = List.filled(len1, 0)
throwDie.call(nSides1, nDice1, 0, c1)
var len2 = (nSides2 + 1) * nDice2
var c2 = List.filled(len2, 0)
throwDie.call(nSides2, nDice2, 0, c2)
var p12 = nSides1.pow(nDice1) * nSides2.pow(nDice2)
var tot = 0
for (i in 0...len1) {
for (j in 0...i.min(len2)) {
tot = tot + c1[i] * c2[j] / p12
return tot
System.print(beatingProbability.call(4, 9, 6, 6))
System.print(beatingProbability.call(10, 5, 7, 6))
- Output:
0.57314407678298 0.64278862871763
fcn combos(sides, n){
if(not n) return(T(1));
ret:=((0).max(sides)*n + 1).pump(List(),0);
foreach i,v in (combos(sides, n - 1).enumerate()){
if(not v) continue;
foreach s in (sides){ ret[i + s] += v }
fcn winning(sides1,n1, sides2,n2){
p1, p2 := combos(sides1, n1), combos(sides2, n2);
win,loss,tie := 0,0,0; # 'win' is 1 beating 2
foreach i,x1 in (p1.enumerate()){
# using accumulated sum on p2 could save some time
win += x1*p2[0,i].sum(0);
tie += x1*p2[i,1].sum(0); // i>p2.len() but p2[bigi,?]-->[]
loss+= x1*p2[i+1,*].sum(0);
s := p1.sum(0)*p2.sum(0);
return(win.toFloat()/s, tie.toFloat()/s, loss.toFloat()/s);
println(winning([1..4].walk(), 9, [1..6].walk(),6));
println(winning([1..10].walk(),5, [1..7].walk(),6)); # this seem hardly fair
- Output:
L(0.573144,0.0707662,0.35609) L(0.642789,0.044496,0.312715)
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