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===Hello World!===
<lang objeck>
bundle Default {
class SayHello {
function : Main(args : String[]), Nil {
"Hello World!"->PrintLine();

===Prime Numbers===
===Prime Numbers===
<lang objeck>
<lang objeck>

Revision as of 21:16, 24 June 2010

This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
Official website
Execution method: Compiled (bytecode)
Garbage collected: Yes
Parameter passing methods: By value
Type safety: Safe
Type strength: Strong
Type checking: Static
See Also:

Listed below are all of the tasks on Rosetta Code which have been solved using Objeck.

The Objeck programming language is an object-oriented (OO) computing language that has ties with Java, Pascal and indirectly Ruby. In this language, all data types are treated as objects. The language contains all of the "basic" features of a general-purpose (Turing complete) programming language with an emphasis placed on OOP simplicity. The language consists of a compiler and virtual machine with associated garbage collector and JIT compiler. The compiler emits binary byte code that is executed by the runtime system. The runtime system has the ability to translate the byte code into IA-32 native machine code.

For more information check out the The Objeck Programmer's Guide. The Objeck compiler and VM can obtained from the main project homepage.


  • Support for object-oriented programming (including: virtual classes, enums, functions, methods, etc.)
  • Support for polymorphic methods and functions
  • "public" and "private" methods classifications
  • Native runtime JIT support for IA-32 architectures (currently working on AMD64 support)
  • Automatic memory management
  • Dynamic type variable binding
  • Class library support (console, strings, files, sockets, directories, vectors, linked lists and balanced binary trees, etc.)
  • String object support
  • Support for class bundles
  • Native platform support for Windows, Linux and OS X
  • Command line debugger
  • Platform independent optimizations (short-circuit logic, constant folding, strength reduction, instruction simplification and method inlining- WIP)
  • Heavy use of the SSE3 instruction set in order to support fast decimal calculations


Prime Numbers

<lang objeck> bundle Default {

 class FindPrime {
   function : Main(args : System.String[]), Nil {
  function : native : Run(topCandidate : Int), Nil {
     candidate : Int := 2;
     while(candidate <= topCandidate) {
       trialDivisor : Int := 2;
       prime : Int := 1;
       found : Bool := true;
       while(trialDivisor * trialDivisor <= candidate & found) {
         if(candidate % trialDivisor = 0) {
           prime := 0;
           found := false;
         else {
           trialDivisor := trialDivisor + 1;
       if(found) {
       candidate := candidate + 1;

} </lang>

Socket Client

<lang objeck> use Net; use IO;

bundle Default {

 class SocketTest {
   function : Main(args : System.String[]), Nil {
     address := "";
     socket := TCPSocket->New(address, 80);
     if(socket->IsOpen()) {
       get := "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ";
       line := socket->ReadString();
       while(line->GetSize() > 0) {  
         trim := line->Trim();
         start : Int;
         end : Int;
         for(i := 0; i < trim->GetSize(); i := i + 1;) {
           # find tag start
           if(trim->GetChar(i) = '<') {
             start := i;
           # find tag end
           if(trim->GetChar(i) = '>') {
             end := i;
             len := i - start;
             # print tag
             if(len > 0) {
               tag := trim->SubString(start + 1, len - 1);
               if(tag->GetSize() > 0) {
                 if(tag->GetChar(0) <> '/') {
                   tag_end := 0;
                   while(tag_end < tag->GetSize() & 
                     tag->GetChar(tag_end) <> ' ') {
                     tag_end := tag_end + 1;
                   Console->GetInstance()->Print("start tag: |")->Print(tag->SubString(tag_end))->PrintLine("|");      
                 else {
                   tag_end := 1;
                   while(tag_end < tag->GetSize() & 
                     tag->GetChar(tag_end) <> ' ') {
                     tag_end := tag_end + 1;
                   Console->GetInstance()->Print("end tag: |")->Print(tag->SubString(1, tag_end - 1))->PrintLine("|");
         line := socket->ReadString();
     else {
       error := "unable to connect to: ";

} </lang>


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