Determine if a string has all the same characters
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
- Task
Given a character string (which may be empty, or have a length of zero characters):
- create a function/procedure/routine to:
- determine if all the characters in the string are the same
- indicate if or which character is different from the previous character
- display each string and its length (as the strings are being examined)
- a zero─length (empty) string shall be considered as all the same character(s)
- process the strings from left─to─right
- if all the same character, display a message saying such
- if not all the same character, then:
- display a message saying such
- display what character is different
- only the 1st different character need be displayed
- display where the different character is in the string
- the above messages can be part of a single message
- display the hexadecimal value of the different character
Use (at least) these seven test values (strings):
- a string of length 0 (an empty string)
- a string of length 3 which contains three blanks
- a string of length 1 which contains: 2
- a string of length 3 which contains: 333
- a string of length 3 which contains: .55
- a string of length 6 which contains: tttTTT
- a string of length 9 with a blank in the middle: 4444 444k
Show all output here on this page.
- Metrics
- Counting
- Word frequency
- Letter frequency
- Jewels and stones
- I before E except after C
- Bioinformatics/base count
- Count occurrences of a substring
- Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string
- Remove/replace
- XXXX redacted
- Conjugate a Latin verb
- Remove vowels from a string
- String interpolation (included)
- Strip block comments
- Strip comments from a string
- Strip a set of characters from a string
- Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail
- Strip control codes and extended characters from a string
- Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling
- Word wheel
- ABC problem
- Sattolo cycle
- Knuth shuffle
- Ordered words
- Superpermutation minimisation
- Textonyms (using a phone text pad)
- Anagrams
- Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
- Permutations/Derangements
- Find/Search/Determine
- ABC words
- Odd words
- Word ladder
- Semordnilap
- Word search
- Wordiff (game)
- String matching
- Tea cup rim text
- Alternade words
- Changeable words
- State name puzzle
- String comparison
- Unique characters
- Unique characters in each string
- Extract file extension
- Levenshtein distance
- Palindrome detection
- Common list elements
- Longest common suffix
- Longest common prefix
- Compare a list of strings
- Longest common substring
- Find common directory path
- Words from neighbour ones
- Change e letters to i in words
- Non-continuous subsequences
- Longest common subsequence
- Longest palindromic substrings
- Longest increasing subsequence
- Words containing "the" substring
- Sum of the digits of n is substring of n
- Determine if a string is numeric
- Determine if a string is collapsible
- Determine if a string is squeezable
- Determine if a string has all unique characters
- Determine if a string has all the same characters
- Longest substrings without repeating characters
- Find words which contains all the vowels
- Find words which contain the most consonants
- Find words which contains more than 3 vowels
- Find words whose first and last three letters are equal
- Find words with alternating vowels and consonants
- Formatting
- Substring
- Rep-string
- Word wrap
- String case
- Align columns
- Literals/String
- Repeat a string
- Brace expansion
- Brace expansion using ranges
- Reverse a string
- Phrase reversals
- Comma quibbling
- Special characters
- String concatenation
- Substring/Top and tail
- Commatizing numbers
- Reverse words in a string
- Suffixation of decimal numbers
- Long literals, with continuations
- Numerical and alphabetical suffixes
- Abbreviations, easy
- Abbreviations, simple
- Abbreviations, automatic
- Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases
- Mad Libs
- Magic 8-ball
- 99 bottles of beer
- The Name Game (a song)
- The Old lady swallowed a fly
- The Twelve Days of Christmas
- Tokenize
- Text between
- Tokenize a string
- Word break problem
- Tokenize a string with escaping
- Split a character string based on change of character
- Sequences
<lang Ada>with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Test_All_Chars_Are_Same is
procedure All_Chars_Are_Same (S : in String) is First_Diff : Natural := 0; begin Put_Line ("Input = """ & S & """, length =" & S'Length'Image); for I in S'First + 1 .. S'Last loop if S(I) /= S(S'First) then First_Diff := I; exit; end if; end loop; if First_Diff = 0 then Put_Line (" All characters are the same."); else Put (" First difference at position" & First_Diff'Image & ", character = '" & S(First_Diff) & "', hex = "); Put (Character'Pos (S(First_Diff)), Width => 0, Base => 16); New_Line; end if; end All_Chars_Are_Same;
All_Chars_Are_Same (""); All_Chars_Are_Same (" "); All_Chars_Are_Same ("2"); All_Chars_Are_Same ("333"); All_Chars_Are_Same (".55"); All_Chars_Are_Same ("tttTTT"); All_Chars_Are_Same ("4444 444k");
end Test_All_Chars_Are_Same;</lang>
- Output:
Input = "", length = 0 All characters are the same. Input = " ", length = 3 All characters are the same. Input = "2", length = 1 All characters are the same. Input = "333", length = 3 All characters are the same. Input = ".55", length = 3 First difference at position 2, character = '5', hex = 16#35# Input = "tttTTT", length = 6 First difference at position 4, character = 'T', hex = 16#54# Input = "4444 444k", length = 9 First difference at position 5, character = ' ', hex = 16#20#
<lang algol68>BEGIN
# return the position of the first different character in s # # or UPB s + 1 if all the characters are the same # OP FIRSTDIFF = ( STRING s )INT: IF UPB s <= LWB s THEN # 0 or 1 character # UPB s + 1 ELSE # two or more characters # INT result := LWB s + 1; CHAR c1 = s[ LWB s ]; FOR s pos FROM LWB s + 1 TO UPB s WHILE s[ s pos ] = c1 DO result +:= 1 OD; result FI # FIRSTDIFF # ; # convert a character to a hex string # PROC hex = ( CHAR c )STRING: BEGIN STRING result := ""; INT n := ABS c; IF n = 0 THEN result := "0" ELSE WHILE n > 0 DO INT d = n MOD 16; n OVERAB 16; IF d < 10 THEN REPR ( d + ABS "0" ) ELSE REPR ( ( d - 10 ) + ABS "0" ) FI +=: result OD FI; result END # hex # ; # show whether s contains all the same character of the first diff # PROC show first diff = ( STRING s )VOID: IF print( ( """", s, """ (length ", whole( ( UPB s + 1 ) - LWB s, 0 ), "): " ) ); INT diff pos = FIRSTDIFF s; diff pos > UPB s THEN # all characters the same # print( ( "all characters are the same", newline ) ) ELSE # not all characters are the same # print( ( "first different character """ , s[ diff pos ] , """(0x", hex( s[ diff pos ] ) , ") at position: " , whole( diff pos, 0 ) , newline ) ) FI # show first diff # ; # task test cases # show first diff( "" ); show first diff( " " ); show first diff( "2" ); show first diff( "333" ); show first diff( ".55" ); show first diff( "tttTTT" ); show first diff( "4444 444k" )
- Output:
"" (length 0): all characters are the same " " (length 3): all characters are the same "2" (length 1): all characters are the same "333" (length 3): all characters are the same ".55" (length 3): first different character "5"(0x35) at position: 2 "tttTTT" (length 6): first different character "T"(0x54) at position: 4 "4444 444k" (length 9): first different character " "(0x20) at position: 5
<lang AutoHotkey>testCases := ["", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 4444k"] for key, str in testCases { MsgBox % "Examining `'" str "`' which has a length of " StrLen(str) ":`n" if (StrLen(str) == 0) or (StrLen(str) == 1) { MsgBox % " All characters in the string are the same.`n" continue } firstChar := SubStr(str, 1, 1) Loop, Parse, str { if (firstChar != A_LoopField) { hex := Format("0x{:x}", Ord(A_LoopField)) MsgBox % " Not all characters in the string are the same.`n Character `'" A_LoopField "`' (" hex ") is different at position " A_Index ".`n", * break } if (A_Index = StrLen(str)) MsgBox % " All characters in the string are the same.`n", * } } </lang>
- Output:
Examining '' which has a length of 0: All characters in the string are the same. Examining ' ' which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining '2' which has a length of 1: All characters in the string are the same. Examining '333' which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining '.55' which has a length of 3: Not all characters in the string are the same. Character '5' (0x35) is different at position 2. Examining 'tttTTT' which has a length of 6: All characters in the string are the same. Examining '4444 4444k' which has a length of 10: Not all characters in the string are the same. Character ' ' (0x20) is different at position 5.
<lang AWK>
for (i=0; i<=255; i++) { ord_arr[sprintf("%c",i)] = i } # build array[character]=ordinal_value n = split(", ,2,333,.55,tttTTT,4444 444k",arr,",") for (i in arr) { width = max(width,length(arr[i])) } width += 2 fmt = "| %-*s | %-6s | %-8s | %-8s | %-3s | %-8s |\n" head1 = head2 = sprintf(fmt,width,"string","length","all same","1st diff","hex","position") gsub(/[^|\n]/,"-",head1) printf(head1 head2 head1) # column headings for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { main(arr[i]) } printf(head1) # column footing exit(0)
} function main(str, c,first_diff,hex,i,leng,msg,position) {
msg = "yes" leng = length(str) for (i=1; i<leng; i++) { c = substr(str,i+1,1) if (substr(str,i,1) != c) { msg = "no" first_diff = "'" c "'" hex = sprintf("%2X",ord_arr[c]) position = i + 1 break } } printf(fmt,width,"'" str "'",leng,msg,first_diff,hex,position)
} function max(x,y) { return((x > y) ? x : y) } </lang>
- Output:
|-------------|--------|----------|----------|-----|----------| | string | length | all same | 1st diff | hex | position | |-------------|--------|----------|----------|-----|----------| | '' | 0 | yes | | | | | ' ' | 3 | yes | | | | | '2' | 1 | yes | | | | | '333' | 3 | yes | | | | | '.55' | 3 | no | '5' | 35 | 2 | | 'tttTTT' | 6 | no | 'T' | 54 | 4 | | '4444 444k' | 9 | no | ' ' | 20 | 5 | |-------------|--------|----------|----------|-----|----------|
In interactive mode, strings with spaces have to be enclosed in double quotes ("") <lang C>
- include<string.h>
- include<stdio.h>
int main(int argc,char** argv) {
int i,len; char reference; if(argc>2){ printf("Usage : %s <Test String>\n",argv[0]); return 0; }
if(argc==1||strlen(argv[1])==1){ printf("Input string : \"%s\"\nLength : %d\nAll characters are identical.\n",argc==1?"":argv[1],argc==1?0:(int)strlen(argv[1])); return 0; }
reference = argv[1][0]; len = strlen(argv[1]);
for(i=1;i<len;i++){ if(argv[1][i]!=reference){ printf("Input string : \"%s\"\nLength : %d\nFirst different character : \"%c\"(0x%x) at position : %d\n",argv[1],len,argv[1][i],argv[1][i],i+1); return 0; } }
printf("Input string : \"%s\"\nLength : %d\nAll characters are identical.\n",argv[1],len);
return 0;
} </lang> Output :
abhishek_ghosh@Azure:~/doodles$ ./a.out Input string : "" Length : 0 All characters are identical. abhishek_ghosh@Azure:~/doodles$ ./a.out " " Input string : " " Length : 3 All characters are identical. abhishek_ghosh@Azure:~/doodles$ ./a.out 2 Input string : "2" Length : 1 All characters are identical. abhishek_ghosh@Azure:~/doodles$ ./a.out 333 Input string : "333" Length : 3 All characters are identical. abhishek_ghosh@Azure:~/doodles$ ./a.out .55 Input string : ".55" Length : 3 First different character : "5"(0x35) at position : 2 abhishek_ghosh@Azure:~/doodles$ ./a.out tttTTT Input string : "tttTTT" Length : 6 First different character : "T"(0x54) at position : 4 abhishek_ghosh@Azure:~/doodles$ ./a.out "4444 444k" Input string : "4444 444k" Length : 9 First different character : " "(0x20) at position : 5
<lang csharp>using System;
namespace AllSame {
class Program { static void Analyze(string s) { Console.WriteLine("Examining [{0}] which has a length of {1}:", s, s.Length); if (s.Length > 1) { var b = s[0]; for (int i = 1; i < s.Length; i++) { var c = s[i]; if (c != b) { Console.WriteLine(" Not all characters in the string are the same."); Console.WriteLine(" '{0}' (0x{1:X02}) is different at position {2}", c, (int)c, i); return; } }
} Console.WriteLine(" All characters in the string are the same."); }
static void Main() { var strs = new string[] { "", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444k" }; foreach (var str in strs) { Analyze(str); } } }
- Output:
Examining [] which has a length of 0: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [ ] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [2] which has a length of 1: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [333] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [.55] which has a length of 3: Not all characters in the string are the same. '5' (0x35) is different at position 1 Examining [tttTTT] which has a length of 6: Not all characters in the string are the same. 'T' (0x54) is different at position 3 Examining [4444 444k] which has a length of 9: Not all characters in the string are the same. ' ' (0x20) is different at position 4
<lang cpp>#include <iostream>
- include <string>
void all_characters_are_the_same(const std::string& str) {
size_t len = str.length(); std::cout << "input: \"" << str << "\", length: " << len << '\n'; if (len > 0) { char ch = str[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < len; ++i) { if (str[i] != ch) { std::cout << "Not all characters are the same.\n"; std::cout << "Character '" << str[i] << "' (hex " << std::hex << static_cast<unsigned int>(str[i]) << ") at position " << std::dec << i + 1 << " is not the same as '" << ch << "'.\n\n"; return; } } } std::cout << "All characters are the same.\n\n";
int main() {
all_characters_are_the_same(""); all_characters_are_the_same(" "); all_characters_are_the_same("2"); all_characters_are_the_same("333"); all_characters_are_the_same(".55"); all_characters_are_the_same("tttTTT"); all_characters_are_the_same("4444 444k"); return 0;
- Output:
input: "", length: 0 All characters are the same. input: " ", length: 3 All characters are the same. input: "2", length: 1 All characters are the same. input: "333", length: 3 All characters are the same. input: ".55", length: 3 Not all characters are the same. Character '5' (hex 35) at position 2 is not the same as '.'. input: "tttTTT", length: 6 Not all characters are the same. Character 'T' (hex 54) at position 4 is not the same as 't'. input: "4444 444k", length: 9 Not all characters are the same. Character ' ' (hex 20) at position 5 is not the same as '4'.
<lang Clojure> (defn check-all-chars-same [s]
(println (format "String (%s) of len: %d" s (count s))) (let [num-same (-> (take-while #(= (first s) %) s) count)] (if (= num-same (count s)) (println "...all characters the same") (println (format "...character %d differs - it is 0x%x" num-same (byte (nth s num-same)))))))
(map check-all-chars-same ["" " " "2" "333" ".55" "tttTTT" "4444 444k"])
- Output:
(String () of len: 0 ...all characters the same String ( ) of len: 3 ...all characters the same String (2) of len: 1 ...all characters the same String (333) of len: 3 ...all characters the same String (.55) of len: 3 ...character 1 differs - it is 0x35 String (tttTTT) of len: 6 ...character 3 differs - it is 0x54 String (4444 444k) of len: 9 ...character 4 differs - it is 0x20
Common Lisp
Usage : (strequ string(s)) or (strequ) for auto-test
<lang lisp>(defun strequ (&rest str)
(if (not str) (setf str (list "" " " "2" "333" ".55" "tttTTT" "4444 444k"))) (dolist (s str) (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((cond ((= i (length s)) (format t "\"~a\" [~d] : All characters are identical.~%" s (length s)) t) ((char/= (char s i) (char s 0)) (format t "\"~a\" [~d] : '~c' (0x~0x) at index ~d is different.~%" s (length s) (char s i) (char-int (char s i)) i) t))))))</lang>
- Output:
"" [0] : All characters are identical. " " [3] : All characters are identical. "2" [1] : All characters are identical. "333" [3] : All characters are identical. ".55" [3] : '5' (0x35) at index 1 is different. "tttTTT" [6] : 'T' (0x54) at index 3 is different. "4444 444k" [9] : ' ' (0x20) at index 4 is different.
<lang d>import std.stdio;
void analyze(string s) {
writefln("Examining [%s] which has a length of %d:", s, s.length); if (s.length > 1) { auto b = s[0]; foreach (i, c; s[1..$]) { if (c != b) { writeln(" Not all characters in the string are the same."); writefln(" '%c' (0x%x) is different at position %d", c, c, i); return; } } } writeln(" All characters in the string are the same.");
void main() {
auto strs = ["", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444k"]; foreach (str; strs) { analyze(str); }
- Output:
Examining [] which has a length of 0: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [ ] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [2] which has a length of 1: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [333] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [.55] which has a length of 3: Not all characters in the string are the same. '5' (0x35) is different at position 0 Examining [tttTTT] which has a length of 6: Not all characters in the string are the same. 'T' (0x54) is different at position 2 Examining [4444 444k] which has a length of 9: Not all characters in the string are the same. ' ' (0x20) is different at position 3
<lang Delphi> program Determine_if_a_string_has_all_the_same_characters;
procedure Analyze(s: string); var
b, c: char; i: Integer;
writeln(format('Examining [%s] which has a length of %d:', [s, s.Length])); if s.Length > 1 then begin b := s[1]; for i := 2 to s.Length - 1 do begin c := s[i]; if c <> b then begin writeln(' Not all characters in the string are the same.'); writeln(format(' "%s" 0x%x is different at position %d', [c, Ord(c), i])); Exit; end; end; end; writeln(' All characters in the string are the same.');
TestCases: array of string = [, ' ', '2', '333', '.55', 'tttTTT', '4444 444k']; w: string;
for w in TestCases do Analyze(w); Readln;
- Output:
Examining [] which has a length of 0: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [ ] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [2] which has a length of 1: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [333] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [.55] which has a length of 3: Not all characters in the string are the same. "5" 0x35 is different at position 2 Examining [tttTTT] which has a length of 6: Not all characters in the string are the same. "T" 0x54 is different at position 4 Examining [4444 444k] which has a length of 9: Not all characters in the string are the same. " " 0x20 is different at position 5
<lang fsharp> // Determine if a string has all the same characters. Nigel Galloway: June 9th., 2020 let fN n=if String.length n=0 then None else n.ToCharArray()|>Array.tryFindIndex(fun g->g<>n.[0])
let allSame n=match fN n with
Some g->printfn "First different character in <<<%s>>> (length %d) is hex %x at position %d" n n.Length (int n.[g]) g |_->printfn "All Characters are the same in <<<%s>>> (length %d)" n n.Length
allSame ""
allSame " "
allSame "2"
allSame "333"
allSame ".55"
allSame "tttTTT"
allSame "4444 444k"
- Output:
All Characters are the same in <<<>>> (length 0) All Characters are the same in <<< >>> (length 3) All Characters are the same in <<<2>>> (length 1) All Characters are the same in <<<333>>> (length 3) First different character in <<<.55>>> (length 3) is hex 35 at position 1 First different character in <<<tttTTT>>> (length 6) is hex 54 at position 3 First different character in <<<4444 444k>>> (length 9) is hex 20 at position 4
<lang factor>USING: formatting io kernel math.parser sequences ;
- find-diff ( str -- i elt ) dup ?first [ = not ] curry find ;
- len. ( str -- ) dup length "%u — length %d — " printf ;
- same. ( -- ) "contains all the same character." print ;
- diff. ( -- ) "contains a different character at " write ;
- not-same. ( i elt -- )
dup >hex diff. "index %d: '%c' (0x%s)\n" printf ;
- sameness-report. ( str -- )
dup len. find-diff dup [ not-same. ] [ 2drop same. ] if ;
"" " " "2" "333" ".55" "tttTTT" "4444 444k"
} [ sameness-report. ] each</lang>
- Output:
"" — length 0 — contains all the same character. " " — length 3 — contains all the same character. "2" — length 1 — contains all the same character. "333" — length 3 — contains all the same character. ".55" — length 3 — contains a different character at index 1: '5' (0x35) "tttTTT" — length 6 — contains a different character at index 3: 'T' (0x54) "4444 444k" — length 9 — contains a different character at index 4: ' ' (0x20)
<lang freebasic>dim as string s, nxt
input "Enter string: ", s
if len(s)<2 then 'A string with one or zero characters passes by default
print "All characters are the same." end
end if
dim as ubyte i
for i = 1 to len(s)-1
nxt = mid(s, i+1, 1) if mid(s, i, 1)<>nxt then 'if any character differs from the previous one print "First non-matching char is "+nxt print "It occurs at position "+str(i+1) print "Its hex value is "+hex(asc(nxt)) end end if
next i
'otherwise, success! print "All characters are the same."</lang>
- Output:
Enter string: All characters are the same. Enter string: All characters are the same. Enter string: 2 All characters are the same. Enter string: 333 All characters are the same. Enter string: .55 First non-matching char is 5 It occurs at position 2 Its hex value is 35 Enter string: tttTTT First non-matching char is T It occurs at position 4 Its hex value is 54 Enter string: 4444 444k First non-matching char is It occurs at position 5 Its hex value is 20
<lang go>package main
import "fmt"
func analyze(s string) {
chars := []rune(s) le := len(chars) fmt.Printf("Analyzing %q which has a length of %d:\n", s, le) if le > 1 { for i := 1; i < le; i++ { if chars[i] != chars[i-1] { fmt.Println(" Not all characters in the string are the same.") fmt.Printf(" %q (%#[1]x) is different at position %d.\n\n", chars[i], i+1) return } } } fmt.Println(" All characters in the string are the same.\n")
func main() {
strings := []string{ "", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444k", "pépé", "🐶🐶🐺🐶", "🎄🎄🎄🎄", } for _, s := range strings { analyze(s) }
- Output:
Analyzing "" which has a length of 0: All characters in the string are the same. Analyzing " " which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Analyzing "2" which has a length of 1: All characters in the string are the same. Analyzing "333" which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Analyzing ".55" which has a length of 3: Not all characters in the string are the same. '5' (0x35) is different at position 2. Analyzing "tttTTT" which has a length of 6: Not all characters in the string are the same. 'T' (0x54) is different at position 4. Analyzing "4444 444k" which has a length of 9: Not all characters in the string are the same. ' ' (0x20) is different at position 5. Analyzing "pépé" which has a length of 4: Not all characters in the string are the same. 'é' (0xe9) is different at position 2. Analyzing "🐶🐶🐺🐶" which has a length of 4: Not all characters in the string are the same. '🐺' (0x1f43a) is different at position 3. Analyzing "🎄🎄🎄🎄" which has a length of 4: All characters in the string are the same.
<lang groovy>class Main {
static void main(String[] args) { String[] tests = ["", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444k"] for (String s : tests) { analyze(s) } }
static void analyze(String s) { println("Examining [$s] which has a length of ${s.length()}") if (s.length() > 1) { char firstChar = s.charAt(0) int lastIndex = s.lastIndexOf(firstChar as String) if (lastIndex != 0) { println("\tNot all characters in the string are the same.") println("\t'$firstChar' (0x${Integer.toHexString(firstChar as Integer)}) is different at position $lastIndex") return } } println("\tAll characters in the string are the same.") }
- Output:
Examining [] which has a length of 0 All characters in the string are the same. Examining [ ] which has a length of 3 Not all characters in the string are the same. ' ' (0x20) is different at position 2 Examining [2] which has a length of 1 All characters in the string are the same. Examining [333] which has a length of 3 Not all characters in the string are the same. '3' (0x33) is different at position 2 Examining [.55] which has a length of 3 All characters in the string are the same. Examining [tttTTT] which has a length of 6 Not all characters in the string are the same. 't' (0x74) is different at position 2 Examining [4444 444k] which has a length of 9 Not all characters in the string are the same. '4' (0x34) is different at position 7
<lang haskell>import Numeric (showHex) import Data.List (span) import Data.Char (ord)
inconsistentChar :: Eq a => [a] -> Maybe (Int, a) inconsistentChar [] = Nothing inconsistentChar xs@(x:_) =
let (pre, post) = span (x ==) xs in if null post then Nothing else Just (length pre, head post)
samples :: [String] samples = [" ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444"]
main :: IO () main = do
let w = succ . maximum $ length <$> samples justifyRight n c = (drop . length) <*> (replicate n c ++) f = (++ "' -> ") . justifyRight w ' ' . ('\ :) (putStrLn . unlines) $ (\s -> maybe (f s ++ "consistent") (\(n, c) -> f s ++ "inconsistent '" ++ c : "' (0x" ++ showHex (ord c) ")" ++ " at char " ++ show (succ n)) (inconsistentChar s)) <$> samples</lang>
and inconsistentChar could alternatively be defined in terms of findIndex:
<lang haskell>import Data.List (findIndex)
inconsistentChar :: Eq a => [a] -> Maybe (Int, a) inconsistentChar [] = Nothing inconsistentChar xs@(x:_) = findIndex (x /=) xs >>= Just . ((,) <*> (xs !!))</lang>
- Output:
' ' -> consistent '2' -> consistent '333' -> consistent '.55' -> inconsistent '5' (0x35) at char 2 'tttTTT' -> inconsistent 'T' (0x54) at char 4 '4444 444' -> inconsistent ' ' (0x20) at char 5
<lang> Doc=: 2 : 'u :: (n"_)'
task=: monad define
common=. (; #) y NB. the string and its length if. same y do. common , <'same' else. i =. differ y c =. i { y common , <((, (' (' , ') ' ,~ hex))c),'differs at index ',":i end.
hex=: ((Num_j_,26}.Alpha_j_) {~ 16 16 #: a.&i.)&> Doc 'convert ASCII literals to hex representation' assert '61' -: hex 'a'
STRINGS=: <;._2'; ;2;333;.55;tttTTT;4444 444k;' same=: (2 > #@:~.)Doc'is 1 if the set of characters has less than 2 elements' assert 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 -: same&>STRINGS differ=: ([: >: [: {. [: I. 2 ~:/\ ])Doc'given different characters, return the zero index origin position of the character that differs' assert 1 -: differ'abbb' task&>STRINGS +---------+-+-------------------------+ | |0|same | +---------+-+-------------------------+ | |3|same | +---------+-+-------------------------+ |2 |1|same | +---------+-+-------------------------+ |333 |3|same | +---------+-+-------------------------+ |.55 |3|5 (35) differs at index 1| +---------+-+-------------------------+ |tttTTT |6|T (54) differs at index 3| +---------+-+-------------------------+ |4444 444k|9| (20) differs at index 4| +---------+-+-------------------------+
<lang Java>public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args){ String[] tests = {"", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444k"}; for(String s:tests) analyze(s); }
public static void analyze(String s){ System.out.printf("Examining [%s] which has a length of %d:\n", s, s.length()); if(s.length() > 1){ char firstChar = s.charAt(0); int lastIndex = s.lastIndexOf(firstChar); if(lastIndex != 0){ System.out.println("\tNot all characters in the string are the same."); System.out.printf("\t'%c' (0x%x) is different at position %d\n", firstChar, (int) firstChar, lastIndex); return; } } System.out.println("\tAll characters in the string are the same."); } }</lang>
- Output:
Examining [] which has a length of 0: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [ ] which has a length of 3: Not all characters in the string are the same. ' ' (0x20) is different at position 2 Examining [2] which has a length of 1: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [333] which has a length of 3: Not all characters in the string are the same. '3' (0x33) is different at position 2 Examining [.55] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [tttTTT] which has a length of 6: Not all characters in the string are the same. 't' (0x74) is different at position 2 Examining [4444 444k] which has a length of 9: Not all characters in the string are the same. '4' (0x34) is different at position 7
<lang JavaScript>const check = s => {
const arr = [...s]; const at = arr.findIndex( (v, i) => i === 0 ? false : v !== arr[i - 1] ) const l = arr.length; const ok = at === -1; const p = ok ? "" : at + 1; const v = ok ? "" : arr[at]; const vs = v === "" ? v : `"${v}"` const h = ok ? "" : `0x${v.codePointAt(0).toString(16)}`; console.log(`"${s}" => Length:${l}\tSame:${ok}\tPos:${p}\tChar:${vs}\tHex:${h}`)
[, ' ', '2', '333', '.55', 'tttTTT', '4444 444k', '🐶🐶🐺🐶', '🎄🎄🎄🎄'].forEach(check)</lang>
- Output:
"" => Length:0 Same:true Pos: Char: Hex: " " => Length:3 Same:true Pos: Char: Hex: "2" => Length:1 Same:true Pos: Char: Hex: "333" => Length:3 Same:true Pos: Char: Hex: ".55" => Length:3 Same:false Pos:2 Char:"5" Hex:0x35 "tttTTT" => Length:6 Same:false Pos:4 Char:"T" Hex:0x54 "4444 444k" => Length:9 Same:false Pos:5 Char:" " Hex:0x20 "🐶🐶🐺🐶" => Length:4 Same:false Pos:3 Char:"🐺" Hex:0x1f43a "🎄🎄🎄🎄" => Length:4 Same:true Pos: Char: Hex:
Alternatively, emphasising the composition of generic and reusable (pure value returning) library functions, and remaining agnostic about console.log (which is not part of JavaScript itself – doesn't feature in the ECMAScript standard – and is not available in all JS contexts).
<lang javascript>(() => {
'use strict'; // ---------- FIRST INCONSISTENT CHARACTER ----------- // inconsistentChar :: String -> Maybe (Char, Int) const inconsistentChar = s => // Just the first inconsistent character in a // string, paired with the index of its position, // or Nothing if all of the characters in a string // are the same. 2 > s.length ? ( Nothing() ) : (() => { const [h, ...t] = s; const i = t.findIndex(c => h !== c); return -1 !== i ? ( Just([t[i], 1 + i]) ) : Nothing(); })(); // ---------------------- TEST ----------------------- // main :: IO () const main = () => fTable( 'First inconsistent character:\n' )( s => `${quoted("'")(s)} (${[...s].length} chars)` )( maybe('None')(pair => { const c = pair[0]; return `${quoted("'")(c)} at index ` + ( `${pair[1]} (${showHex(ord(c))})` ); }) )( inconsistentChar )([ , ' ', '2', '333', '.55', 'tttTTT', '4444 444k', '🐶🐶🐺🐶', '🎄🎄🎄🎄' ]); // ----------- REUSABLE GENERIC FUNCTIONS ------------ // Just :: a -> Maybe a const Just = x => ({ type: 'Maybe', Nothing: false, Just: x }); // Nothing :: Maybe a const Nothing = () => ({ type: 'Maybe', Nothing: true, }); // fTable :: String -> (a -> String) -> // (b -> String) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> String const fTable = s => // Heading -> x display function -> // fx display function -> // f -> values -> tabular string xShow => fxShow => f => xs => { const ys =, w = Math.max(; return s + '\n' + zipWith( a => b => a.padStart(w, ' ') + ' -> ' + b )(ys)( => fxShow(f(x))) ).join('\n'); }; // maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b const maybe = v => // Default value (v) if m is Nothing, or f(m.Just) f => m => m.Nothing ? ( v ) : f(m.Just); // showHex :: Int -> String const showHex = n => // Hexadecimal string for a given integer. '0x' + n.toString(16); // length :: [a] -> Int const length = xs => // Returns Infinity over objects without finite // length. This enables zip and zipWith to choose // the shorter argument when one is non-finite, // like cycle, repeat etc 'GeneratorFunction' !== xs.constructor ? ( xs.length ) : Infinity; // list :: StringOrArrayLike b => b -> [a] const list = xs => // xs itself, if it is an Array, // or an Array derived from xs. Array.isArray(xs) ? ( xs ) : Array.from(xs || []); // ord :: Char -> Int const ord = c => // Unicode ordinal value of the character. c.codePointAt(0); // quoted :: Char -> String -> String const quoted = c => // A string flanked on both sides // by a specified quote character. s => c + s + c; // take :: Int -> [a] -> [a] // take :: Int -> String -> String const take = n => // The first n elements of a list, // string of characters, or stream. xs => 'GeneratorFunction' !== xs ? ( xs.slice(0, n) ) : [].concat.apply([], Array.from({ length: n }, () => { const x =; return x.done ? [] : [x.value]; })); // zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] const zipWith = f => // A map of f over each stepwise pair in // xs and ys, up to the length of the shorter // of those lists. xs => ys => { const n = Math.min(length(xs), length(ys)), vs = take(n)(list(ys)); return take(n)(list(xs)) .map((x, i) => f(x)(vs[i])); }; // MAIN --- return main()
- Output:
First inconsistent character: '' (0 chars) -> None ' ' (3 chars) -> None '2' (1 chars) -> None '333' (3 chars) -> None '.55' (3 chars) -> '5' at index 1 (0x35) 'tttTTT' (6 chars) -> 'T' at index 3 (0x54) '4444 444k' (9 chars) -> ' ' at index 4 (0x20) '🐶🐶🐺🐶' (4 chars) -> '🐺' at index 2 (0x1f43a) '🎄🎄🎄🎄' (4 chars) -> None
<lang julia>firstdifferent(s) = isempty(s) ? nothing : findfirst(x -> x != s[1], s)
function testfunction(strings)
println("String | Length | All Same | First Different(Hex) | Position\n" * "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") for s in strings n = firstdifferent(s) println(rpad(s, 27), rpad(length(s), 9), n == nothing ? "yes" : rpad("no $(s[n]) ($(string(Int(s[n]), base=16)))", 36) * string(n)) end
testfunction([ "", " ", "2", "333",
".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444k", "pépé", "🐶🐶🐺🐶", "🎄🎄🎄🎄",
- Output:
String | Length | All Same | First Different(Hex) | Position ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 yes 3 yes 2 1 yes 333 3 yes .55 3 no 5 (35) 2 tttTTT 6 no T (54) 4 4444 444k 9 no (20) 5 pépé 4 no é (e9) 2 🐶🐶🐺🐶 4 no 🐺 (1f43a) 9 🎄🎄🎄🎄 4 yes
<lang scala>fun analyze(s: String) {
println("Examining [$s] which has a length of ${s.length}:") if (s.length > 1) { val b = s[0] for ((i, c) in s.withIndex()) { if (c != b) { println(" Not all characters in the string are the same.") println(" '$c' (0x${Integer.toHexString(c.toInt())}) is different at position $i") return } } } println(" All characters in the string are the same.")
fun main() {
val strs = listOf("", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444k") for (str in strs) { analyze(str) }
- Output:
Examining [] which has a length of 0: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [ ] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [2] which has a length of 1: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [333] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [.55] which has a length of 3: Not all characters in the string are the same. '5' (0x35) is different at position 1 Examining [tttTTT] which has a length of 6: Not all characters in the string are the same. 'T' (0x54) is different at position 3 Examining [4444 444k] which has a length of 9: Not all characters in the string are the same. ' ' (0x20) is different at position 4
<lang scheme> {def firstDifferingChar
{def firstDifferingChar.r {lambda {:w :i :n} {if {or {> :i :n} {= {+ :i 1} {W.length :w}}} then all characters are the same else {if {not {W.equal? {W.get :i :w} {W.get {+ :i 1} :w}}} then at position {+ :i 1} {W.get :i :w} becomes {W.get {+ :i 1} :w} else {firstDifferingChar.r :w {+ :i 1} :n}}}}} {lambda {:w} {if {= {W.length :w} 1} then :w is a single character else {firstDifferingChar.r :w 0 {W.length :w}}}}}
-> firstDifferingChar
{firstDifferingChar 2} -> 2 is a single character {firstDifferingChar 333} -> all characters are the same {firstDifferingChar .55} -> at position 1 . becomes 5 {firstDifferingChar tttTTT} -> at position 3 t becomes T </lang>
<lang lua>function analyze(s)
print(string.format("Examining [%s] which has a length of %d:", s, string.len(s))) if string.len(s) > 1 then local last = string.byte(string.sub(s,1,1)) for i=1,string.len(s) do local c = string.byte(string.sub(s,i,i)) if last ~= c then print(" Not all characters in the string are the same.") print(string.format(" '%s' (0x%x) is different at position %d", string.sub(s,i,i), c, i - 1)) return end end end print(" All characters in the string are the same.")
function main()
analyze("") analyze(" ") analyze("2") analyze("333") analyze(".55") analyze("tttTTT") analyze("4444 444k")
- Output:
Examining [] which has a length of 0: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [ ] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [2] which has a length of 1: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [333] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [.55] which has a length of 3: Not all characters in the string are the same. '5' (0x35) is different at position 1 Examining [tttTTT] which has a length of 6: Not all characters in the string are the same. 'T' (0x54) is different at position 3 Examining [4444 444k] which has a length of 9: Not all characters in the string are the same. ' ' (0x20) is different at position 4
<lang Maple>CheckSame:=proc(s) local i, index; printf("input: \"%s\", length: %a\n", s, StringTools:-Length(s)); for i from 2 to StringTools:-Length(s) do if (s[i - 1] <> s[i]) then printf("The given string has different characters.\n"); printf("The first different character is %a (0x%x) which appears at index %a.\n", s[i], convert(s[i], 'bytes')[1], i); return; end if; end do; # if no difference found printf("The given string has all same characters.\n"); end proc:
- Test
CheckSame(""); CheckSame(" "); CheckSame("2"); CheckSame("333"); CheckSame(".55"); CheckSame("tttTTT"); CheckSame("4444 444k");</lang>
- Output:
input: "", length: 0 The given string has all same characters. input: " ", length: 3 The given string has all same characters. input: "2", length: 1 The given string has all same characters. input: "333", length: 3 The given string has all same characters. input: ".55", length: 3 The given string has different characters. The first different character is "5" (0x35) which appears at index 2. input: "tttTTT", length: 6 The given string has different characters. The first different character is "T" (0x54) which appears at index 4. input: "4444 444k", length: 9 The given string has different characters. The first different character is " " (0x20) which appears at index 5.
<lang nanoquery>def analyze(s)
s = str(s) println "Examining [" + s + "] which has a length of " + str(len(s)) + ":"
if len(s) < 2 println "\tAll characters in the string are the same." return end
for i in range(0, len(s) - 2) if s[i] != s[i + 1] println "\tNot all characters in the string are the same." println "\t'" + s[i + 1] + "' " + format("(0x%x)", ord(s[i + 1])) +\ " is different at position " + str(i + 2) return end end
println "\tAll characters in the string are the same."
tests = {"", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "444 444k"} for s in tests
- Output:
Examining [] which has a length of 0: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [ ] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [2] which has a length of 1: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [333] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [.55] which has a length of 3: Not all characters in the string are the same. '5' (0x35) is different at position 2 Examining [tttTTT] which has a length of 6: Not all characters in the string are the same. 'T' (0x54) is different at position 4 Examining [444 444k] which has a length of 8: Not all characters in the string are the same. ' ' (0x20) is different at position 4
<lang nim>import strformat
proc analyze(str: string) =
if str.len() > 1: var first = str[0] for i, c in str: if c != first: echo "'", str, "': [len: ", str.len(), "] not all characters are the same. starts to differ at index ", i, ": '", first, "' != '", c, "' [", fmt"{ord(c):#x}", "]" return echo "'", str, "': [len: ", str.len(), "] all characters are the same"
var strings = @["", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444k"] for str in strings:
- Output:
'': [len: 0] all characters are the same ' ': [len: 3] all characters are the same '2': [len: 1] all characters are the same '333': [len: 3] all characters are the same '.55': [len: 3] not all characters are the same. starts to differ at index 1: '.' != '5' [0x35] 'tttTTT': [len: 6] not all characters are the same. starts to differ at index 3: 't' != 'T' [0x54] '4444 444k': [len: 9] not all characters are the same. starts to differ at index 4: '4' != ' ' [0x20]
<lang pascal>program SameNessOfChar; {$IFDEF FPC}
{$ENDIF} uses
TestData : array[0..6] of String = (,' ','2','333','.55','tttTTT','4444 444k');
function PosOfDifferentChar(const s: String):NativeInt; var
i: Nativeint; ch:char;
result := length(s); IF result < 2 then EXIT; ch := s[1]; i := 2; while (i< result) AND (S[i] =ch) do inc(i); result := i;
procedure OutIsAllSame(const s: String); var
l,len: NativeInt;
l := PosOfDifferentChar(s); len := Length(s); write('"',s,'" of length ',len); IF l = len then writeln(' contains all the same character') else writeln(Format(' is different at position %d "%s" (0x%X)',[l,s[l],Ord(s[l])]));
i : NativeInt;
For i := Low(TestData) to HIgh(TestData) do OutIsAllSame(TestData[i]);
- Output:
"" of length 0 contains all the same character " " of length 3 contains all the same character "2" of length 1 contains all the same character "333" of length 3 contains all the same character ".55" of length 3 is different at position 2 "5" (0x35) "tttTTT" of length 6 is different at position 4 "T" (0x54) "4444 444k" of length 9 is different at position 5 " " (0x20)
<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use utf8; binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8'); use List::AllUtils qw(uniq); use Unicode::UCD 'charinfo'; use Unicode::Normalize qw(NFC);
for my $str (
) {
my @S; push @S, NFC $1 while $str =~ /(\X)/g; printf qq{\n"$str" (length: %d) has }, scalar @S; my @U = uniq @S; if (1 != @U and @U > 0) { say 'different characters:'; for my $l (@U) { printf "'%s' %s (0x%x) in positions: %s\n", $l, charinfo(ord $l)->{'name'}, ord($l), join ', ', map { 1+$_ } grep { $l eq $S[$_] } 0..$#S; } } else { say 'the same character in all positions.' }
- Output:
"" (length: 0) has the same character in all positions. " " (length: 3) has the same character in all positions. "2" (length: 1) has the same character in all positions. "333" (length: 3) has the same character in all positions. ".55" (length: 3) has different characters: '.' FULL STOP (0x2e) in positions: 1 '5' DIGIT FIVE (0x35) in positions: 2, 3 "tttTTT" (length: 6) has different characters: 't' LATIN SMALL LETTER T (0x74) in positions: 1, 2, 3 'T' LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T (0x54) in positions: 4, 5, 6 "4444 444k" (length: 9) has different characters: '4' DIGIT FOUR (0x34) in positions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 ' ' SPACE (0x20) in positions: 5 'k' LATIN SMALL LETTER K (0x6b) in positions: 9 "Δ👍👨" (length: 3) has different characters: 'Δ' GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA (0x394) in positions: 1 '👍' THUMBS UP SIGN (0x1f44d) in positions: 2 '👨' MAN (0x1f468) in positions: 3 "🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧" (length: 4) has the same character in all positions. "ǞǞǞ" (length: 3) has the same character in all positions.
<lang Phix>procedure samechar(sequence s)
string msg = "all characters are the same" integer l = length(s) if l>=2 then integer ch = s[1] for i=2 to l do integer si = s[i] if si!=ch then msg = sprintf(`first different character "%c"(#%02x) at position %d`,{si,si,i}) exit end if end for end if printf(1,"\"%s\" (length %d): %s\n",{s,l,msg})
end procedure
constant tests = {""," ","2","333",".55","tttTTT","4444 444k",
for i=1 to length(tests) do samechar(tests[i]) end for</lang>
- Output:
"" (length 0): all characters are the same " " (length 3): all characters are the same "2" (length 1): all characters are the same "333" (length 3): all characters are the same ".55" (length 3): first different character "5"(#35) at position 2 "tttTTT" (length 6): first different character "T"(#54) at position 4 "4444 444k" (length 9): first different character " "(#20) at position 5 "🐶🐶🐺🐶" (length 4): first different character "🐺"(#1F43A) at position 3 "🎄🎄🎄🎄" (length 4): all characters are the same
<lang PicoLisp>(de equal? (Str)
(let (Lst (chop Str) C (car Lst) P 2 F) (prin Str ": ") (for A (cdr Lst) (NIL (= A C) (on F) (prin "First different character " A)) (inc 'P) ) (if F (prinl " at position: " P) (prinl "all characters are the same")) ) )
(equal?) (equal? " ") (equal? "333") (equal? ".55") (equal? "tttTTT")</lang>
- Output:
: all characters are the same : all characters are the same 333: all characters are the same .55: First different character 5 at position: 2 tttTTT: First different character T at position: 4
<lang prolog>
- - system:set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,chars) .
- -
same_or_different("") , same_or_different(" ") , same_or_different("2") , same_or_different("333") , same_or_different(".55") , same_or_different("tttTTT") , same_or_different("4444 444k") .
%! same_or_different(INPUTz0)
- -
system:format('input string is "~s" .~n',[INPUTz0]) , examine(INPUTz0) .
%! examine(INPUTz0)
- -
! , system:format('all the same characters .~n',[]) .
- -
examine(INPUTz0,COMPARE0,2,_INDEX_) .
- -
! , system:format('all the same characters .~n',[]) .
- -
! , INDEX1 is INDEX0 + 1 , examine(INPUTz0,COMPARE0,INDEX1,INDEX) .
- -
prolog:char_code(DIFFERENT0,DIFFERENT_CODE) , system:format('character "~s" (hex ~16r) different than "~s" at 1-based index ~10r .~n',[[DIFFERENT0],DIFFERENT_CODE,[COMPARE0],INDEX0]) .
- Output:
/* ?- main . input string is "" . all the same characters . input string is " " . all the same characters . input string is "2" . all the same characters . input string is "333" . all the same characters . input string is ".55" . character "5" (hex 35) different than "." at 1-based index 2 . input string is "tttTTT" . character "T" (hex 54) different than "t" at 1-based index 4 . input string is "4444 444k" . character " " (hex 20) different than "4" at 1-based index 5 . true. ?- */
What we are testing here is the cardinality of the set of characters from which a string is drawn, so the first thought might well be to use set.
On the other hand, itertools.groupby has the advantage of yielding richer information (the list of groups is ordered), for less work.
<lang python>Determine if a string has all the same characters
from itertools import groupby
- firstDifferingCharLR :: String -> Either String Dict
def firstDifferingCharLR(s):
Either a message reporting that no character changes were seen, or a dictionary with details of the first character (if any) that differs from that at the head of the string. def details(xs): c = xs[1][0] return { 'char': repr(c), 'hex': hex(ord(c)), 'index': s.index(c), 'total': len(s) } xs = list(groupby(s)) return Right(details(xs)) if 1 < len(xs) else ( Left('Total length ' + str(len(s)) + ' - No character changes.') )
- TEST ----------------------------------------------------
- main :: IO ()
def main():
Test of 7 strings
print(fTable('First, if any, points of difference:\n')(repr)( either(identity)( lambda dct: dct['char'] + ' (' + dct['hex'] + ') at character ' + str(1 + dct['index']) + ' of ' + str(dct['total']) + '.' ) )(firstDifferingCharLR)([ , ' ', '2', '333', '.55', 'tttTTT', '4444 444' ]))
- GENERIC -------------------------------------------------
- either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
def either(fl):
The application of fl to e if e is a Left value, or the application of fr to e if e is a Right value. return lambda fr: lambda e: fl(e['Left']) if ( None is e['Right'] ) else fr(e['Right'])
- identity :: a -> a
def identity(x):
The identity function. return x
- fTable :: String -> (a -> String) ->
- (b -> String) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> String
def fTable(s):
Heading -> x display function -> fx display function -> f -> xs -> tabular string. def go(xShow, fxShow, f, xs): ys = [xShow(x) for x in xs] w = max(map(len, ys)) return s + '\n' + '\n'.join(map( lambda x, y: y.rjust(w, ' ') + ' -> ' + fxShow(f(x)), xs, ys )) return lambda xShow: lambda fxShow: lambda f: lambda xs: go( xShow, fxShow, f, xs )
- Left :: a -> Either a b
def Left(x):
Constructor for an empty Either (option type) value with an associated string. return {'type': 'Either', 'Right': None, 'Left': x}
- Right :: b -> Either a b
def Right(x):
Constructor for a populated Either (option type) value return {'type': 'Either', 'Left': None, 'Right': x}
- MAIN ---
if __name__ == '__main__':
- Output:
First, if any, points of difference: '' -> Total length 0 - No character changes. ' ' -> Total length 3 - No character changes. '2' -> Total length 1 - No character changes. '333' -> Total length 3 - No character changes. '.55' -> '5' (0x35) at character 2 of 3. 'tttTTT' -> 'T' (0x54) at character 4 of 6. '4444 444' -> ' ' (0x20) at character 5 of 8.
and for very long strings, itertools.takewhile (here used in the definition of a more general span function), should be slightly more efficient:
<lang python>Determine if a string has all the same characters
from itertools import takewhile
- inconsistentChar :: String -> Maybe (Int, Char)
def inconsistentChar(s):
Just the first inconsistent character and its position, or Nothing if all the characters of s are the same, if s: h = s[0] pre, post = span(lambda c: h == c)(s) return Just((len(pre), post[0])) if post else Nothing() else: return Nothing()
- --------------------------TEST---------------------------
- main :: IO ()
def main():
Consistency tests of seven strings
samples = [, ' ', '2', '333', '.55', 'tttTTT', '4444 444'] w = 1 + max(map(len, samples))
def pfx(s): return ("'" + s).rjust(w) + "' -> "
def charPosn(ic): i, c = ic return "inconsistent '" + c + "' (" + hex(ord(c)) + ")" + ( " at char " + str(1 + i) )
print(main.__doc__ + ':\n') print( '\n'.join([ pfx(s) + maybe('consistent')(charPosn)( inconsistentChar(s) ) for s in samples ]) )
- -------------------------GENERIC-------------------------
- Just :: a -> Maybe a
def Just(x):
Constructor for an inhabited Maybe (option type) value. Wrapper containing the result of a computation. return {'type': 'Maybe', 'Nothing': False, 'Just': x}
- Nothing :: Maybe a
def Nothing():
Constructor for an empty Maybe (option type) value. Empty wrapper returned where a computation is not possible. return {'type': 'Maybe', 'Nothing': True}
- maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
def maybe(v):
Either the default value v, if m is Nothing, or the application of f to x, where m is Just(x). return lambda f: lambda m: v if None is m or m.get('Nothing') else ( f(m.get('Just')) )
- span :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
def span(p):
The longest (possibly empty) prefix of xs that contains only elements satisfying p, tupled with the remainder of xs. span p xs is equivalent to (takeWhile p xs, dropWhile p xs). def go(xs): prefix = list(takewhile(p, xs)) return (prefix, xs[len(prefix):]) return lambda xs: go(xs)
- MAIN ---
if __name__ == '__main__':
Putting itertools aside, we could equivalently define inconsistentChar as:
<lang python># inconsistentChar :: String -> Maybe (Int, Char) def inconsistentChar(s):
Just the first inconsistent character and its index, or Nothing if all the characters of s are the same. return next( (Just(ix) for ix in enumerate(s) if s[0] != ix[1]), Nothing() )</lang>
- Output:
Consistency tests of seven strings: '' -> consistent ' ' -> consistent '2' -> consistent '333' -> consistent '.55' -> inconsistent '5' (0x35) at char 2 'tttTTT' -> inconsistent 'T' (0x54) at char 4 '4444 444' -> inconsistent ' ' (0x20) at char 5
<lang racket>#lang racket
(define (first-non-matching-index l =)
(and (not (null? l)) (index-where l (curry (negate =) (car l)))))
(define (report-string-sameness s)
(printf "~s (length: ~a): ~a~%" s (string-length s) (cond [(first-non-matching-index (string->list s) char=?) => (λ (i) (let ((c (string-ref s i))) (format "first different character ~s(~a) at position: ~a" c (char->integer c) (add1 i))))] [else "all characters are the same"])))
(module+ test
(for-each report-string-sameness '("" " " "2" "333" ".55" "tttTTT" "4444 444k")))</lang>
- Output:
"" (length: 0): all characters are the same " " (length: 3): all characters are the same "2" (length: 1): all characters are the same "333" (length: 3): all characters are the same ".55" (length: 3): first different character #\5(53) at position: 2 "tttTTT" (length: 6): first different character #\T(84) at position: 4 "4444 444k" (length: 9): first different character #\space(32) at position: 5
(formerly Perl 6)
The last string demonstrates how Raku can recognize that glyphs made up of different combinations of combining characters can compare the same. It is built up from explicit codepoints to show that each of the glyphs is made up of different combinations.
<lang perl6> -> $str {
my $i = 0; print "\n{$str.raku} (length: {$str.chars}), has "; my %m; %m{$_}.push: ++$i for $str.comb;
if %m > 1 { say "different characters:"; say "'{.key}' ({.key.uninames}; hex ordinal: {(.key.ords).fmt: "0x%X"})" ~ " in positions: {.value.join: ', '}" for %m.sort( *.value[0] ); } else { say "the same character in all positions." }
} for
- Output:
"" (length: 0), has the same character in all positions. " " (length: 3), has the same character in all positions. "2" (length: 1), has the same character in all positions. "333" (length: 3), has the same character in all positions. ".55" (length: 3), has different characters: '.' (FULL STOP; hex ordinal: 0x2E) in positions: 1 '5' (DIGIT FIVE; hex ordinal: 0x35) in positions: 2, 3 "tttTTT" (length: 6), has different characters: 't' (LATIN SMALL LETTER T; hex ordinal: 0x74) in positions: 1, 2, 3 'T' (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T; hex ordinal: 0x54) in positions: 4, 5, 6 "4444 444k" (length: 9), has different characters: '4' (DIGIT FOUR; hex ordinal: 0x34) in positions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 ' ' (SPACE; hex ordinal: 0x20) in positions: 5 'k' (LATIN SMALL LETTER K; hex ordinal: 0x6B) in positions: 9 "🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧" (length: 4), has the same character in all positions. "ǞǞǞ" (length: 3), has the same character in all positions. "AАΑꓮ𐌀𐊠Ꭺ" (length: 7), has different characters: 'A' (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A; hex ordinal: 0x41) in positions: 1 'А' (CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A; hex ordinal: 0x410) in positions: 2 'Α' (GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA; hex ordinal: 0x391) in positions: 3 'ꓮ' (LISU LETTER A; hex ordinal: 0xA4EE) in positions: 4 '𐌀' (OLD ITALIC LETTER A; hex ordinal: 0x10300) in positions: 5 '𐊠' (CARIAN LETTER A; hex ordinal: 0x102A0) in positions: 6 'Ꭺ' (CHEROKEE LETTER GO; hex ordinal: 0x13AA) in positions: 7
<lang rexx>/*REXX program verifies that all characters in a string are all the same (character). */ @chr= ' [character' /* define a literal used for SAY.*/ @all= 'all the same character for string (length' /* " " " " " " */ @.= /*define a default for the @. array. */ parse arg x /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if x\= then @.1= x /*if user specified an arg, use that. */
else do; @.1= /*use this null string if no arg given.*/ @.2= ' ' /* " " " " " " " */ @.3= 2 /* " " " " " " " */ @.4= 333 /* " " " " " " " */ @.5= .55 /* " " " " " " " */ @.6= 'tttTTT' /* " " " " " " " */ @.7= 4444 444k /* " " " " " " " */ end /* [↑] seventh value contains a blank.*/
do j=1; L= length(@.j) /*obtain the length of an array element*/ if j>1 & L==0 then leave /*if arg is null and J>1, then leave. */ r= allSame(@.j) /*R: ≡0, or the location of bad char.*/ if r\==0 then ?= substr(@.j,r,1) /*if not monolithic, obtain the char.*/ if r==0 then say ' ' @all L"):" @.j else say 'not' @all L"):" @.j @chr ? "('"c2x(?)"'x) at position" r"]." end /*j*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ allSame: procedure; parse arg y /*get a value from the argument list. */
if y== then return 0 /*if Y is null, then return 0 (zero)*/ return verify(y, left(y,1) ) /*All chars the same? Return 0 (zero)*/ /* else return location*/</lang>
- output when using the internal default inputs:
all the same character for string (length 0): all the same character for string (length 3): all the same character for string (length 1): 2 all the same character for string (length 3): 333 not all the same character for string (length 3): .55 [character 5 ('35'x) at position 2]. not all the same character for string (length 6): tttTTT [character T ('54'x) at position 4]. not all the same character for string (length 9): 4444 444K [character ('20'x) at position 5].
<lang ring> nputStr = [""," ","2","333",".55","tttTTT","4444 444k"]
for word in inputStr
for x = 1 to len(word) for y = x + 1 to len(word) if word[x] != word[y] char = word[y] ? "Input = " + "'" + word + "'" + ", length = " + len(word) ? " First difference at position " + y + ", character = " + "'" + char + "'" loop 3 ok next next
? "Input = " + "'" + word + "'" + ", length = " + len(word) ? " All characters are the same."
next </lang>
- Output:
Input = '', length = 0 All characters are the same. Input = ' ', length = 3 All characters are the same. Input = '2', length = 1 All characters are the same. Input = '333', length = 3 All characters are the same. Input = '.55', length = 3 First difference at position 2, character = '5' Input = 'tttTTT', length = 6 First difference at position 4, character = 'T' Input = '4444 444k', length = 9 First difference at position 5, character = ' '
<lang ruby>strings = ["", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444k", "pépé", "🐶🐶🐺🐶", "🎄🎄🎄🎄"]
strings.each do |str|
pos = str.empty? ? nil : str =~ /[^#{str[0]}]/ print "#{str.inspect} (size #{str.size}): " puts pos ? "first different char #{str[pos].inspect} (#{'%#x' % str[pos].ord}) at position #{pos}." : "all the same."
end </lang>
- Output:
"" (size 0): all the same. " " (size 3): all the same. "2" (size 1): all the same. "333" (size 3): all the same. ".55" (size 3): first different char "5" (0x35) at position 1. "tttTTT" (size 6): first different char "T" (0x54) at position 3. "4444 444k" (size 11): first different char " " (0x20) at position 4. "pépé" (size 4): first different char "é" (0xe9) at position 1. "🐶🐶🐺🐶" (size 4): first different char "🐺" (0x1f43a) at position 2. "🎄🎄🎄🎄" (size 4): all the same.
<lang rust>fn test_string(input: &str) {
println!("Checking string {:?} of length {}:", input, input.chars().count());
let mut chars = input.chars();
match { Some(first) => { if let Some((character, pos)) =|(c, _)| *c != first).next() { println!("\tNot all characters are the same."); println!("\t{:?} (0x{:X}) at position {} differs.", character, character as u32, pos);
return; } }, None => {} }
println!("\tAll characters in the string are the same");
fn main() {
let tests = ["", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444k", "pépé", "🐶🐶🐺🐶", "🎄🎄🎄🎄"];
for string in &tests { test_string(string); }
- Output:
Checking string "" of length 0: All characters in the string are the same Checking string " " of length 3: All characters in the string are the same Checking string "2" of length 1: All characters in the string are the same Checking string "333" of length 3: All characters in the string are the same Checking string ".55" of length 3: Not all characters are the same. '5' (0x35) at position 2 differs. Checking string "tttTTT" of length 6: Not all characters are the same. 'T' (0x54) at position 4 differs. Checking string "4444 444k" of length 9: Not all characters are the same. ' ' (0x20) at position 5 differs. Checking string "pépé" of length 4: Not all characters are the same. 'é' (0xE9) at position 2 differs. Checking string "🐶🐶🐺🐶" of length 4: Not all characters are the same. '🐺' (0x1F43A) at position 3 differs. Checking string "🎄🎄🎄🎄" of length 4: All characters in the string are the same
<lang scala>import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
object StringAllSameCharacters {
/**Transform an input String into an HashMap of its characters and its first occurrence index*/ def countChar( s : String) : Map[Char, Int] = { val mapChar = s.toSeq.groupBy(identity).map{ case (a,b) => a->s.indexOf(a) } val orderedMapChar = ListMap(mapChar.toSeq.sortWith(_._2 < _._2):_*) orderedMapChar }
/**Check if all the characters of a String are the same given an input Hashmap of it */ def areAllCharEquals ( mapChar : Map[Char, Int] ) : Boolean = { return mapChar.size <= 1 }
/**Retrieve the first "breaking" different character of a String*/ def findFirstDifferentChar ( mapChar : Map[Char, Int] ) : Char = { if(areAllCharEquals(mapChar) == false) mapChar.keys.toList(1) else 0.toChar }
/**Convert char to hexadecimal values as "0xHEXVALUE" */ def charToHexString ( c : Char) : String = "0x" + c.toHexString
/**Display results as asked in the ask*/ def reportResults( s : String) : String = { val mapChar = countChar(s) if (areAllCharEquals(mapChar)) s + " -- length " + s.size + " -- contains all the same character." else { val diffChar = findFirstDifferentChar(mapChar) s + " -- length " + s.size + " -- contains a different character at index " + (s.indexOf(diffChar).toInt+1).toString + " : " + charToHexString(diffChar) } }
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println(reportResults("")) println(reportResults(" ")) println(reportResults("2")) println(reportResults("333")) println(reportResults(".55")) println(reportResults("tttTTT")) println(reportResults("4444 444k")) }
- Output:
-- length 0 -- contains all the same character. -- length 3 -- contains all the same character. 2 -- length 1 -- contains all the same character. 333 -- length 3 -- contains all the same character. .55 -- length 3 -- contains a different character at index 2 : 0x35 tttTTT -- length 6 -- contains a different character at index 4 : 0x54 4444 444k -- length 9 -- contains a different character at index 5 : 0x20
<lang ruby>func analyze_string(str) {
var chars = str.chars chars.range.to_a.each_cons(2, {|a,b| chars[a] == chars[b] || return b }) return str.len
var strings = ["", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444k", "pépé", "🐶🐶🐺🐶", "🎄🎄🎄🎄"]
strings.each {|str|
print "'#{str}' (size #{str.len}): " var idx = analyze_string(str)
if (idx == str.len) { say "all the same." } else { say "first different char '#{str[idx]}' (#{'%#x' % str[idx].ord}) at position #{idx}." }
- Output:
'' (size 0): all the same. ' ' (size 3): all the same. '2' (size 1): all the same. '333' (size 3): all the same. '.55' (size 3): first different char '5' (0x35) at position 1. 'tttTTT' (size 6): first different char 'T' (0x54) at position 3. '4444 444k' (size 11): first different char ' ' (0x20) at position 4. 'pépé' (size 4): first different char 'é' (0xe9) at position 1. '🐶🐶🐺🐶' (size 4): first different char '🐺' (0x1f43a) at position 2. '🎄🎄🎄🎄' (size 4): all the same.
Standard ML
<lang Standard ML> datatype result=allSame | difference of string*char*int ; val chkstring = fn input => let val rec chk = fn ([],n) => allSame
| ([x],n) => allSame
| (x::y::t,n)=> if x=y then chk (y::t,n+1) else difference (Int.fmt StringCvt.HEX(Char.ord(y)),y,n) in ( input, String.size input , chk ( String.explode input,2 ) ) end; </lang> result (string, string length, same or (hex,char,position)) <lang> - map chkstring [ ""," ","1","333",".55","tttTTT","4444 444k" ]; val it =
[("", 0, allSame), (" ", 3, allSame), ("1", 1, allSame), ("333", 3, allSame), (".55", 3, difference ("35", #"5", 2)), ("tttTTT", 6, difference ("54", #"T", 4)), ("4444 444k", 9, difference ("20", #" ", 5))]:
<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6 ; # For binary encode
array set yesno {1 Yes 0 No}
set test {
{} { } {2} {333} {.55} {tttTTT} {4444 444k} {jjjjjjj}
- Loop through test strings
foreach str $test {
set chars [dict create] ; # init dictionary set same 1 set prev {} # Loop through characters in string for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $str]} {incr i} { set c [string index $str $i] ; # get char at index if {$prev == {}} { set prev $c ; # initialize prev if it doesn't exist } if {$c != $prev} { set same 0 break ; # Found a different char, break out of the loop } }
# Handle Output puts [format "Tested: %12s (len: %2d). All Same? %3s. " \ "'$str'" [string length $str] $yesno($same)] if {! $same} { puts [format " --> Different character '%s' (hex: 0x%s) appears at index: %s." \ $c [binary encode hex $c] $i] }
- Output:
Tested: '' (len: 0). All Same? Yes. Tested: ' ' (len: 3). All Same? Yes. Tested: '2' (len: 1). All Same? Yes. Tested: '333' (len: 3). All Same? Yes. Tested: '.55' (len: 3). All Same? No. --> Different character '5' (hex: 0x35) appears at index: 1. Tested: 'tttTTT' (len: 6). All Same? No. --> Different character 'T' (hex: 0x54) appears at index: 3. Tested: '4444 444k' (len: 9). All Same? No. --> Different character ' ' (hex: 0x20) appears at index: 4. Tested: 'jjjjjjj' (len: 7). All Same? Yes.
Visual Basic .NET
<lang vbnet>Module Module1
Sub Analyze(s As String) Console.WriteLine("Examining [{0}] which has a length of {1}:", s, s.Length) If s.Length > 1 Then Dim b = s(0) For i = 1 To s.Length Dim c = s(i - 1) If c <> b Then Console.WriteLine(" Not all characters in the string are the same.") Console.WriteLine(" '{0}' (0x{1:X02}) is different at position {2}", c, AscW(c), i - 1) Return End If Next End If Console.WriteLine(" All characters in the string are the same.") End Sub
Sub Main() Dim strs() = {"", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444k"} For Each s In strs Analyze(s) Next End Sub
End Module</lang>
- Output:
Examining [] which has a length of 0: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [ ] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [2] which has a length of 1: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [333] which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Examining [.55] which has a length of 3: Not all characters in the string are the same. '5' (0x35) is different at position 1 Examining [tttTTT] which has a length of 6: Not all characters in the string are the same. 'T' (0x54) is different at position 3 Examining [4444 444k] which has a length of 9: Not all characters in the string are the same. ' ' (0x20) is different at position 4
<lang ecmascript>import "/fmt" for Conv, Fmt
var analyze = { |s|
var chars = s.codePoints.toList var le = chars.count System.print("Analyzing %(Fmt.q(s)) which has a length of %(le):") if (le > 1) { for (i in 1...le) { if (chars[i] != chars[i-1]) { System.print(" Not all characters in the string are the same.") var c = String.fromCodePoint(chars[i]) var hex = Conv.hex(chars[i]) System.print(" '%(c)' (0x%(hex)) is different at position %(i+1).\n") return } } } System.print(" All characters in the string are the same.\n")
var strings = [
"", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444k", "pépé", "🐶🐶🐺🐶", "🎄🎄🎄🎄"
] for (s in strings)</lang>
- Output:
Analyzing "" which has a length of 0: All characters in the string are the same. Analyzing " " which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Analyzing "2" which has a length of 1: All characters in the string are the same. Analyzing "333" which has a length of 3: All characters in the string are the same. Analyzing ".55" which has a length of 3: Not all characters in the string are the same. '5' (0x35) is different at position 2. Analyzing "tttTTT" which has a length of 6: Not all characters in the string are the same. 'T' (0x54) is different at position 4. Analyzing "4444 444k" which has a length of 9: Not all characters in the string are the same. ' ' (0x20) is different at position 5. Analyzing "pépé" which has a length of 4: Not all characters in the string are the same. 'é' (0xe9) is different at position 2. Analyzing "🐶🐶🐺🐶" which has a length of 4: Not all characters in the string are the same. '🐺' (0x1f43a) is different at position 3. Analyzing "🎄🎄🎄🎄" which has a length of 4: All characters in the string are the same.
<lang XPL0>include xpllib; \contains StrLen function
proc StrSame(S); \Show if string has same characters char S; int L, I, J, K; [L:= StrLen(S); IntOut(0, L); Text(0, ": ^""); Text(0, S); ChOut(0, ^"); CrLf(0); for I:= 0 to L-1 do
for J:= I+1 to L-1 do [if S(I) # S(J) then [ChOut(0, \tab\ 9); for K:= 0 to J do ChOut(0, ^ ); Text(0, "^^ Not same character: "); ChOut(0, S(J)); Text(0, ", hex "); SetHexDigits(2); HexOut(0, S(J)); CrLf(0); return; ]; ];
Text(0, " All same character"); CrLf(0); ];
[Text(0, "Length"); CrLf(0); StrSame(""); StrSame(" "); StrSame("2"); StrSame("333"); StrSame(".55"); StrSame("tttTTT"); StrSame("4444 444k"); ]</lang>
- Output:
Length 0: "" All same character 3: " " All same character 1: "2" All same character 3: "333" All same character 3: ".55" ^ Not same character: 5, hex 35 6: "tttTTT" ^ Not same character: T, hex 54 9: "4444 444k" ^ Not same character: , hex 20
<lang zkl>fcn stringSameness(str){ // Does not handle Unicode
sz,unique,uz := str.len(), str.unique(), unique.len(); println("Length %d: \"%s\"".fmt(sz,str)); if(sz==uz or uz==1) println("\tSame character in all positions"); else println("\tDifferent: ", unique[1,*].pump(List,
'wrap(c){ "'%s' (0x%x)[%d]".fmt(c,c.toAsc(), str.find(c)+1) })
.concat(", "));
}</lang> <lang zkl>testStrings:=T("", " ", "2", "333", ".55", "tttTTT", "4444 444k"); foreach s in (testStrings){ stringSameness(s) }</lang>
- Output:
Length 0: "" Same character in all positions Length 3: " " Same character in all positions Length 1: "2" Same character in all positions Length 3: "333" Same character in all positions Length 3: ".55" Different: '5' (0x35)[2] Length 6: "tttTTT" Different: 'T' (0x54)[4] Length 9: "4444 444k" Different: ' ' (0x20)[5], 'k' (0x6b)[9]
- Programming Tasks
- Solutions by Programming Task
- Ada
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- Visual Basic .NET
- Wren
- Wren-fmt
- XPL0
- Zkl