Longest palindromic substrings: Difference between revisions

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Line 6: Line 6:
* [[Palindrome_detection]]
* [[Palindrome_detection]]


<syntaxhighlight lang="11l">F longest_palindrome(s)
V t = Array(‘^’s‘$’).join(‘#’)
V n = t.len
V p = [0] * n
V c = 0
V r = 0
L(i) 1 .< n - 1
p[i] = (r > i) & min(r - i, p[2 * c - i]) != 0

L t[i + 1 + p[i]] == t[i - 1 - p[i]]

I i + p[i] > r
(c, r) = (i, i + p[i])

V (max_len, center_index) = max(enumerate(p).map((i, n) -> (n, i)))
R s[(center_index - max_len) I/ 2 .< (center_index + max_len) I/ 2]

L(s) [‘three old rotators’,
‘never reverse’,
‘stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses’,
‘the abbatial palace’]
print(‘'’s‘' -> '’longest_palindrome(s)‘'’)</syntaxhighlight>

'three old rotators' -> 'rotator'
'never reverse' -> 'ever reve'
'stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses' -> 'table was I ere I saw elbat'
'abracadabra' -> 'ada'
'drome' -> 'e'
'the abbatial palace' -> 'abba'

<syntaxhighlight lang="action!">BYTE FUNC Palindrome(CHAR ARRAY s)
BYTE l,r

l=1 r=s(0)
IF s(l)#s(r) THEN RETURN (0) FI
l==+1 r==-1

PROC Find(CHAR ARRAY text,res)
BYTE first,len
WHILE len>0
FOR first=1 TO text(0)-len+1
IF Palindrome(res) THEN

CHAR ARRAY res(100)

PrintF("""%S"" -> ""%S""%E",text,res)

PROC Main()
Test("three old rotators")
Test("never reverse")
Test("the abbatial palace")
[https://gitlab.com/amarok8bit/action-rosetta-code/-/raw/master/images/Longest_palindromic_substrings.png Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer]
"three old rotators" -> "rotator"
"never reverse" -> "ever reve"
"abracadabra" -> "aca"
"the abbatial palace" -> "abba"
"qwertyuiop" -> "q"
"" -> ""

=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
Palindromes of length 1 or more are detected, finds the left most palindrome if there are several of the same length.<br>
Treats upper and lower case as distinct and does not require the characters to be letters.
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">BEGIN # find the longest palindromic substring of a string #
# returns the length of s #
OP LENGTH = ( STRING s )INT: ( UPB s + 1 ) - LWB s;
# returns s right-padded with blanks to at least w characters or s if it is already wide enough #
STRING result := s;
WHILE LENGTH result < w DO result +:= " " OD;
END # PAD # ;
# returns the longest palindromic substring of s #
# if there are multiple substrings with the longest length, the leftmost is returned #
PROC longest palindromic substring = ( STRING s )STRING:
INT lwb s = LWB s;
INT upb s = UPB s;
STRING result := s[ lwb s ];
IF s[ lwb s + 1 ] = s[ lwb s ] THEN
# the first two characters are a palindrome #
result +:= s[ lwb s + 1 ]
FOR i FROM lwb s + 1 TO upb s - 1 DO
INT p start := i;
INT p end := i + 1;
IF IF s[ i - 1 ] = s[ i + 1 ] THEN
# odd length palindrome at i - 1 #
p start -:= 1;
ELIF s[ i ] = s[ i + 1 ] THEN
# even length palindrome at i #
# have a palindrome at p start : p end #
# attempt to enlarge the range #
WHILE IF p start = lwb s OR p end = upb s
ELSE s[ p start - 1 ] = s[ p end + 1 ]
DO # can extend he palindrome #
p start -:= 1;
p end +:= 1
IF ( p end + 1 ) - p start > LENGTH result
# have a longer palindrome #
result := s[ p start : p end ]
FI # longest palindromic substring # ;
# finds the longest palindromic substring of s and checks it is the expacted value #
PROC test = ( STRING s, expected value )VOID:
STRING palindrome = longest palindromic substring( s );
print( ( ( """" + s + """" ) PAD 38, " -> ", ( """" + palindrome + """" ) PAD 36
, IF palindrome = expected value THEN "" ELSE " NOT " + expected value + " ???" FI
, newline
END # test longest palindromic substring # ;
test( "three old rotators", "rotator" );
test( "never reverse", "ever reve" );
test( "stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses", "table was I ere I saw elbat" );
test( "abracadabra", "aca" );
test( "drome", "d" );
test( "x", "x" );
test( "the abbatial palace", "abba" );
test( "", "" );
test( "abcc", "cc" );
test( "abbccc", "ccc" )
"three old rotators" -> "rotator"
"never reverse" -> "ever reve"
"stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses" -> "table was I ere I saw elbat"
"abracadabra" -> "aca"
"drome" -> "d"
"x" -> "x"
"the abbatial palace" -> "abba"
"" -> ""
"abcc" -> "cc"
"abbccc" -> "ccc"

<syntaxhighlight lang="rebol">palindrome?: function [str]-> str = join reverse split str

lps: function [s][
maxLength: 0
result: new []
loop 0..dec size s 'fst [
loop fst..dec size s 'lst [
candidate: slice s fst lst
if palindrome? candidate [
if? maxLength < size candidate [
result: new @[candidate]
maxLength: size candidate
else [
if maxLength = size candidate ->
'result ++ candidate

return (maxLength > 1)? -> result
-> []

loop ["babaccd", "rotator", "several", "palindrome", "piété", "tantôt", "étêté"] 'str [
palindromes: lps str
print [str "->" (0 < size palindromes)? -> join.with:", " palindromes
-> "X"]


<pre>babaccd -> bab, aba
rotator -> rotator
several -> eve
palindrome -> X
piété -> été
tantôt -> tôt
étêté -> étêté</pre>

<syntaxhighlight lang="autohotkey">LPS(str){
found := [], result := [], maxL := 0
while (StrLen(str) >= 2 && StrLen(str) >= maxL){
s := str
loop {
while (SubStr(s, 1, 1) <> SubStr(s, 0)) ; while 1st chr <> last chr
s := SubStr(s, 1, StrLen(s)-1) ; trim last chr
if (StrLen(s) < 2 || StrLen(s) < maxL )
if (s = reverse(s)){
maxL := maxL < StrLen(s) ? StrLen(s) : maxL
s := SubStr(s, 1, StrLen(s)-1) ; trim last chr
str := SubStr(str, 2) ; trim 1st chr and try again
maxL := 0
for i, str in found
maxL := maxL < StrLen(str) ? StrLen(str) : maxL
for i, str in found
if (StrLen(str) = maxL)
return result
for i, v in StrSplit(s)
output := v output
return output
Examples:<syntaxhighlight lang="autohotkey">db =
three old rotators
never reverse
stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses
the abbatial palace

for i, line in StrSplit(db, "`n", "`r"){
result := "[""", i := 0
for i, str in LPS(line)
result .= str """, """
output .= line "`t> " Trim(result, """, """) (i?"""":"") "]`n"
MsgBox % output
<pre>three old rotators > ["rotator"]
never reverse > ["ever reve"]
stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses > ["table was I ere I saw elbat"]
abracadabra > ["aca", "ada"]
drome > []
x > []
the abbatial palace > ["abba"]

func$ reverse s$ .
a$[] = strchars s$
for i = 1 to len a$[] div 2
swap a$[i] a$[len a$[] - i + 1]
return strjoin a$[]
func palin s$ .
if s$ = reverse s$
return 1
return 0
func$ lpali st$ .
for n = 1 to len st$ - 1
for m = n + 1 to len st$
sub$ = substr st$ n (m - n)
if palin sub$ = 1
if len sub$ > len max$
max$ = sub$
return max$
for s$ in [ "three old rotators" "never reverse" "stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses" "abracadabra" "drome" "the abbatial palace" ]
print lpali s$
ever reve
table was I ere I saw elbat

===Manacher Function===
<syntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">
// Manacher Function. Nigel Galloway: October 1st., 2020
let Manacher(s:string) = let oddP,evenP=Array.zeroCreate s.Length,Array.zeroCreate s.Length
let rec fN i g e (l:int[])=match g>=0 && e<s.Length && s.[g]=s.[e] with true->l.[i]<-l.[i]+1; fN i (g-1) (e+1) l |_->()
let rec fGo n g Ʃ=match Ʃ<s.Length with
|_->if Ʃ<=g then oddP.[Ʃ]<-min (oddP.[n+g-Ʃ]) (g-Ʃ)
fN Ʃ (Ʃ-oddP.[Ʃ]-1) (Ʃ+oddP.[Ʃ]+1) oddP
match (Ʃ+oddP.[Ʃ])>g with true->fGo (Ʃ-oddP.[Ʃ]) (Ʃ+oddP.[Ʃ]) (Ʃ+1) |_->fGo n g (Ʃ+1)
let rec fGe n g Ʃ=match Ʃ<s.Length with
|_->if Ʃ<=g then evenP.[Ʃ]<-min (evenP.[n+g-Ʃ]) (g-Ʃ)
fN Ʃ (Ʃ-evenP.[Ʃ]) (Ʃ+evenP.[Ʃ]+1) evenP
match (Ʃ+evenP.[Ʃ])>g with true->fGe (Ʃ-evenP.[Ʃ]+1) (Ʃ+evenP.[Ʃ]) (Ʃ+1) |_->fGe n g (Ʃ+1)
(fGo 0 -1 0,fGe 0 -1 0)

===The Task===
<syntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">
let fN g=if g=[||] then (0,0) else g|>Array.mapi(fun n g->(n,g))|>Array.maxBy snd
let lpss s=let n,g=Manacher s in let n,g=fN n,fN g in if (snd n)*2+1>(snd g)*2 then s.[(fst n)-(snd n)..(fst n)+(snd n)] else s.[(fst g)-(snd g)+1..(fst g)+(snd g)]
let test = ["three old rotators"; "never reverse"; "stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses"; "abracadabra"; "drome"; "the abbatial palace"; ""]
test|>List.iter(fun n->printfn "A longest palindromic substring of \"%s\" is \"%s\"" n (lpss n))
A longest palindromic substring of "three old rotators" is "rotator"
A longest palindromic substring of "never reverse" is "ever reve"
A longest palindromic substring of "stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses" is "table was I ere I saw elbat"
A longest palindromic substring of "abracadabra" is "aca"
A longest palindromic substring of "drome" is "d"
A longest palindromic substring of "the abbatial palace" is "abba"
A longest palindromic substring of "" is ""

<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Function isPalindrome(s As String) As Integer
For i As Integer = 1 To Len(s) / 2
If Mid(s, i, 1) <> Mid(s, Len(s) - i + 1, 1) Then Return False
Next i
Return True
End Function

Sub LongestPalindrome(s As String)
Dim As String substr, longest = ""
Dim As Integer i, j
For i = 1 To Len(s)
For j = i To Len(s)
substr = Mid(s, i, j - i + 1)
If isPalindrome(substr) Andalso Len(substr) > Len(longest) Then longest = substr
Next j
Next i
Print "The longest palindromic substring is/are: "
For i = 1 To Len(s)
For j = i To Len(s)
substr = Mid(s, i, j - i + 1)
If IsPalindrome(substr) Andalso Len(substr) = Len(longest) Andalso Len(substr) > 2 Then Print substr; " ";
Next j
Next i
If Len(longest) <= 2 Then Print "<no palindromic substring of two of more letters found>"
End Sub

Dim s As String
Input "Enter a string: ", s



<lang go>package main
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">package main

import (
import (
Line 76: Line 483:
fmt.Printf(" %-13s Length %d -> %v\n", s, len(longest[0]), longest)
fmt.Printf(" %-13s Length %d -> %v\n", s, len(longest[0]), longest)

Line 93: Line 500:
A list version, written out of curiosity. A faster approach could be made with an indexed datatype.
A list version, written out of curiosity. A faster approach could be made with an indexed datatype.

<lang haskell>-------------- LONGEST PALINDROMIC SUBSTRINGS ------------
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">-------------- LONGEST PALINDROMIC SUBSTRINGS ------------

longestPalindromes :: String -> ([String], Int)
longestPalindromes :: String -> ([String], Int)
longestPalindromes s = (filter ((w ==) . length) xs, w)
longestPalindromes [] = ([], 0)
longestPalindromes s = go $ palindromes s
xs = palindromes s
go xs
w = maximum $ length <$> xs
| null xs = (return <$> s, 1)
| otherwise = (filter ((w ==) . length) xs, w)
w = maximum $ length <$> xs

palindromes :: String -> [String]
palindromes :: String -> [String]
Line 108: Line 520:

palindromicNuclei :: String -> [(String, (String, String))]
palindromicNuclei :: String -> [(String, (String, String))]
palindromicNuclei s = contexts >>= go
palindromicNuclei =
concatMap go .
init . tail . ((zip . scanl (flip ((<>) . return)) []) <*> scanr (:) [])
go (a@(x:_), b@(h:y:ys))
contexts = (init . tail) (zip prefixes suffixes)
prefixes = scanl (flip ((<>) . return)) [] s
| x == h = [("", (a, b))]
suffixes = scanr (:) [] s
| otherwise =
go (a@(x:_), b@(h:y:ys)) =
[ ([h], (a, y : ys))
if x == h
| x == y ]
then [("", (a, b))]
else [ ([h], (a, y : ys))
| x == y ]
go _ = []
go _ = []

--------------------------- TEST -------------------------
--------------------------- TEST -------------------------
Line 133: Line 545:
, "stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses"
, "stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses"
, "abracadabra"
, "abracadabra"
, "drome"
, "the abbatial palace"
, ""

Line 142: Line 557:
rjust n c = drop . length <*> (replicate n c ++)
rjust n c = drop . length <*> (replicate n c ++)
w = maximum (length . xShow <$> xs)</lang>
w = maximum (length . xShow <$> xs)</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Longest palindromic substrings:
<pre>Longest palindromic substrings:
Line 149: Line 564:
"never reverse" -> (["ever reve"],9)
"never reverse" -> (["ever reve"],9)
"stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses" -> (["table was I ere I saw elbat"],27)
"stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses" -> (["table was I ere I saw elbat"],27)
"abracadabra" -> (["aca","ada"],3)</pre>
"abracadabra" -> (["aca","ada"],3)
"drome" -> (["d","r","o","m","e"],1)
"the abbatial palace" -> (["abba"],4)
"" -> ([],0)</pre>

'''Adapted from [[#Wren]]'''
{{works with|jq}}
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">def longestPalindromicSubstring:
length as $len
| if $len <= 1 then .
else explode as $s
| {targetLen: $len, longest: [], i: 0}
| until(.stop;
(.i + .targetLen - 1) as $j
| if $j < $len
then $s[.i:$j+1] as $ss
| if $ss == ($ss|reverse) then .longest += [$ss] else . end
| .i += 1
if .longest|length > 0 then .stop=true else . end
| .i = 0
| .targetLen += - 1
end )
| .longest
| map(implode)
| unique
end ;
def strings:
["babaccd", "rotator", "reverse", "forever", "several", "palindrome", "abaracadaraba"];

"The palindromic substrings having the longest length are:",
| longestPalindromicSubstring as $longest
| " \(.): length \($longest[0]|length) -> \($longest)"

The palindromic substrings having the longest length are:
babaccd: length 3 -> ["aba","bab"]
rotator: length 7 -> ["rotator"]
reverse: length 5 -> ["rever"]
forever: length 5 -> ["rever"]
several: length 3 -> ["eve"]
palindrome: length 1 -> ["a","d","e","i","l","m","n","o","p","r"]
abaracadaraba: length 3 -> ["aba","aca","ada","ara"]

<lang julia>function allpalindromics(s)
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">function allpalindromics(s)
list, len = String[], length(s)
list, len = String[], length(s)
for i in 1:len-1, j in i+1:len
for i in 1:len-1, j in i+1:len
Line 169: Line 634:
join(list[findall(x -> length(x) == length(list[end]), list)], "\" or \""), "\"")
join(list[findall(x -> length(x) == length(list[end]), list)], "\" or \""), "\"")
The longest palindromic substring of babaccd is: "bab" or "aba"
The longest palindromic substring of babaccd is: "bab" or "aba"
Line 180: Line 645:

===Manacher algorithm===
===Manacher algorithm===
<lang julia>
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">
function manacher(str)
function manacher(str)
s = "^" * join(split(str, ""), "#") * "\$"
s = "^" * join(split(str, ""), "#") * "\$"
Line 205: Line 670:
"The longest palindromic substring of $teststring is: \"$pal\"")
"The longest palindromic substring of $teststring is: \"$pal\"")
The longest palindromic substring of babaccd is: "aba"
The longest palindromic substring of babaccd is: "aba"
Line 216: Line 681:

=={{header|Mathematica}}/{{header|Wolfram Language}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="mathematica">ClearAll[ExpandSubsequenceTry, LongestPalindromicSubsequence]
<lang Phix>function longest_palindromes(string s)
ExpandSubsequenceTry[seq_List, beginpos : {a_, b_}] :=
-- s = lower/strip_spaces_and_punctuation/utf8_to_utf32, if rqd
Module[{len, maxbroaden, last},
integer longest = 2 -- (do not treat length 1 as palindromic)
len = Length[seq];
-- integer longest = 1 -- (do not treat length 0 as palindromic) [works just fine too]
maxbroaden = Min[a - 1, len - b];
sequence res = {}
last = maxbroaden;
for i=1 to length(s) do
for e=length(s) to i+longest-1 by -1 do
If[! PalindromeQ[Take[seq, {a - j, b + j}]],
if s[e]=s[i] then
last = j - 1;
string p = s[i..e]
integer lp = length(p)
if lp>=longest and p=reverse(p) then
if lp>longest then
{j, maxbroaden}
longest = lp
res = {p}
{a - last, b + last}
elsif not find(p,res) then -- (or just "else")
res = append(res,p)
LongestPalindromicSubsequence[l_List] :=
end if
Module[{evenposs, oddposs, subseqs},
end if
evenposs = SequencePosition[l, {x_, x_}];
end if
oddposs = SequencePosition[l, {x_, y_, x_}];
end for
subseqs = Join[evenposs, oddposs];
end for
subseqs = ExpandSubsequenceTry[l, #] & /@ subseqs;
return res -- (or "sort(res)" or "unique(res)", as needed)
If[Length[subseqs] > 0,
end function
TakeLargestBy[Take[l, #] & /@ subseqs, Length, 1][[1]]
StringJoin@LongestPalindromicSubsequence[Characters["three old rotators"]]
StringJoin@LongestPalindromicSubsequence[Characters["never reverse"]]
StringJoin@LongestPalindromicSubsequence[Characters["stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses"]]
StringJoin@LongestPalindromicSubsequence[Characters["the abbatial palace"]]</syntaxhighlight>
"ever reve"
"table was I ere I saw elbat"

constant tests = {"babaccd","rotator","reverse","forever","several","palindrome","abaracadaraba"}
Simple algorithm but working on Unicode code points.
for i=1 to length(tests) do
<syntaxhighlight lang="nim">import sequtils, strutils, unicode
printf(1,"%s: %v\n",{tests[i],longest_palindromes(tests[i])})

end for</lang>
func isPalindrome(s: seq[Rune]): bool =
## Return true if a sequence of runes is a palindrome.
for i in 1..(s.len shr 1):
if s[i - 1] != s[^i]:
return false
result = true

func lps(s: string): seq[string] =
var maxLength = 0
var list: seq[seq[Rune]]
let r = s.toRunes
for first in 0..r.high:
for last in first..r.high:
let candidate = r[first..last]
if candidate.isPalindrome():
if candidate.len > maxLength:
list = @[candidate]
maxLength = candidate.len
elif candidate.len == maxLength:
list.add candidate
if maxLength > 1:
result = list.mapIt($it)

for str in ["babaccd", "rotator", "several", "palindrome", "piété", "tantôt", "étêté"]:
let result = lps(str)
if result.len == 0:
echo str, " → ", "<no palindromic substring of two of more letters found>"
echo str, " → ", result.join(", ")</syntaxhighlight>

<pre>babaccd → bab, aba
rotator → rotator
several → eve
palindrome → <no palindromic substring of two of more letters found>
piété → été
tantôt → tôt
étêté → étêté</pre>

==={{header|Free Pascal}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal">
program FindLongestPalindrome;


arr: array of string = ('three old rotators', 'never reverse', 'stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses', 'abracadabra', 'drome', 'the abbatial palace', '');

st, longestPalindrome, dummy: string;
i, j, longest: integer;

for st in arr do
longest := 0;
longestPalindrome := '';
for i := 1 to Length(st) do
for j := Length(st) downto i do
dummy := Copy(st, i, j - i + 1);
if (j - i + 1 > longest) and (dummy = ReverseString(dummy)) then
longest := j - i + 1;
longestPalindrome := dummy;
WriteLn(Format('%-35s -> %s', [st, longestPalindrome]));

three old rotators -> rotator
never reverse -> ever reve
stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses -> table was I ere I saw elbat
abracadabra -> aca
drome -> d
the abbatial palace -> abba

The short one - find all palindromes with one regex.
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">use strict;
use warnings;

print "Longest Palindrome For $_ = @{[ longestpalindrome($_) ]}\n"
for qw(babaccd rotator reverse forever several palindrome abaracadabra);

sub longestpalindrome
my @best = {"''" => 0};
pop =~ /(.+) .? (??{reverse $1}) (?{ $best[length $&]{$&}++ }) (*FAIL)/x;
keys %{pop @best};
Longest Palindrome For babaccd = aba bab
Longest Palindrome For rotator = rotator
Longest Palindrome For reverse = rever
Longest Palindrome For forever = rever
Longest Palindrome For several = eve
Longest Palindrome For palindrome = ''
Longest Palindrome For abaracadabra = aba ara aca ada

The faster one - does the million digits of Pi in under half a second.
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'bitwise';

#@ARGV = 'pi.dat'; # uncomment to use this file or add filename to command line

my $forward = lc do { local $/; @ARGV ? <> : <DATA> };
$forward =~ s/\W+//g;

my $range = 10;
my $backward = reverse $forward;
my $length = length $forward;
my @best = {"''" => 0};
my $len;
for my $i ( 1 .. $length - 2 )
my $right = substr $forward, $i, $range;
my $left = substr $backward, $length - $i, $range;
( $right ^. $left ) =~ /^\0\0+/ and # evens
($len = 2 * length $&) >= $#best and
$best[ $len ]{substr $forward, $i - length $&, $len}++;
( $right ^. "\0" . $left ) =~ /^.(\0+)/ and # odds
($len = 1 + 2 * length $1) >= $#best and
$best[ $len ]{substr $forward, $i - length $1, $len}++;
} while $range < $#best and $range = $#best;
print "Longest Palindrome ($#best) : @{[ keys %{ $best[-1] } ]}\n";

this data borrowed from raku...

Never odd or even
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Too bad I hid a boot
I, man, am regal - a German am I
Warsaw was raw</syntaxhighlight>
Longest Palindrome (27) : ootimanamregalagermanamitoo

<!--<syntaxhighlight lang="phix">(phixonline)-->
<span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- demo/rosetta/Longest_palindromic_substrings.exw (plus two older versions)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">with</span> <span style="color: #008080;">javascript_semantics</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">function</span> <span style="color: #000000;">longest_palindromes</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- s = lower/strip_spaces_and_punctuation/utf8_to_utf32, if rqd</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">longest</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">2</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (do not treat length 1 as palindromic)
-- integer longest = 1 -- (do not treat length 0 as palindromic) [works just fine too]</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">res</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{}</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">j</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">0</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #008080;">iff</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">></span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">and</span> <span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">-</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]=</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]?</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">:</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">rev</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">j</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">fwd</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">while</span> <span style="color: #000000;">rev</span><span style="color: #0000FF;"><</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span> <span style="color: #008080;">and</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">+</span><span style="color: #000000;">fwd</span><span style="color: #0000FF;"><=</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">and</span> <span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">-</span><span style="color: #000000;">rev</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]=</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">+</span><span style="color: #000000;">fwd</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">rev</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">+=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">fwd</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">+=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">while</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">p</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">-</span><span style="color: #000000;">rev</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">+</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">..</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">+</span><span style="color: #000000;">fwd</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">-</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">lp</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">p</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">lp</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">>=</span><span style="color: #000000;">longest</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">lp</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">></span><span style="color: #000000;">longest</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">longest</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">lp</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">res</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #000000;">p</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">}</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">elsif</span> <span style="color: #008080;">not</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">find</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">p</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">res</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (or just "else")</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">res</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">append</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">res</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">p</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">return</span> <span style="color: #000000;">res</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (or "sort(res)" or "unique(res)", as needed)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">function</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">constant</span> <span style="color: #000000;">tests</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #008000;">"babaccd"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"rotator"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"reverse"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"forever"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"several"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"palindrome"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"abaracadaraba"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"abbbc"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">}</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">tests</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"%s: %v\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #000000;">tests</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">],</span><span style="color: #000000;">longest_palindromes</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">tests</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">])})</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
Line 254: Line 932:
palindrome: {}
palindrome: {}
abaracadaraba: {"aba","ara","aca","ada"}
abaracadaraba: {"aba","ara","aca","ada"}
abbbc: {"bbb"}
with longest initialised to 1, you get the same except for <code>palindrome: {"p","a","l","i","n","d","r","o","m","e"}</code>
with longest initialised to 1, you get the same except for <code>palindrome: {"p","a","l","i","n","d","r","o","m","e"}</code>

=== faster ===
<lang Phix>function Manacher(string text)
-- Manacher's algorithm (linear time)
-- based on https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/manachers-algorithm-linear-time-longest-palindromic-substring-part-4
-- but with a few tweaks, renames, and bugfixes (in particular the < (positions-1), which I later found LIJIE already said)
sequence res = {}
integer positions = length(text)*2+1
if positions>1 then
sequence LPS = repeat(0,positions)
LPS[2] = 1
integer centerPosition = 1,
centerRightPosition = 2,
maxLPSLength = 0
for currentRightPosition=2 to positions-1 do
integer lcp = LPS[currentRightPosition+1],
diff = centerRightPosition - currentRightPosition
-- If currentRightPosition is within centerRightPosition
if diff >= 0 then
-- get currentLeftPosition iMirror for currentRightPosition
integer iMirror = 2*centerPosition-currentRightPosition + 1
lcp = min(LPS[iMirror], diff)
end if
-- Attempt to expand palindrome centered at currentRightPosition
-- Here for odd positions, we compare characters and
-- if match then increment LPS Length by ONE
-- If even position, we just increment LPS by ONE without
-- any character comparison
while ((currentRightPosition + lcp) < (positions-1) and (currentRightPosition - lcp) > 0) and
((remainder(currentRightPosition+lcp+1, 2) == 0) or
(text[floor((currentRightPosition+lcp+1)/2)+1] == text[floor((currentRightPosition-lcp-1)/2)+1] )) do
lcp += 1
end while
LPS[currentRightPosition+1] = lcp
maxLPSLength = max(lcp,maxLPSLength)
// If palindrome centered at currentRightPosition
// expand beyond centerRightPosition,
// adjust centerPosition based on expanded palindrome.
if (currentRightPosition + lcp) > centerRightPosition then
centerPosition = currentRightPosition
centerRightPosition = currentRightPosition + lcp
end if
end for
for p=1 to positions do
if LPS[p] = maxLPSLength then
integer start = floor((p-1 - maxLPSLength)/2) + 1,
finish = start + maxLPSLength - 1
string r = text[start..finish]
if not find(r,res) then
res = append(res,r)
end if
end if
end for
end if
return res
end function
include mpfr.e
mpfr pi = mpfr_init(0,-10001) -- (set precision to 10,000 dp, plus the "3.")
string piStr = mpfr_sprintf("%.10000Rf", pi),
s = shorten(piStr)
printf(1,"%s: %v\n",{s,Manacher(piStr)})</lang>
(Same as above if given the same inputs.)<br>
However, while Manacher finishes 10,000 digits in 0s, longest_palindromes takes 1s for 2,000 digits, 15s for 5,000 digits, and 2 mins for 10,000 digits,<br>
which goes to prove that longest_palindromes() above is O(n<sup><small>2</small></sup>), whereas Manacher() is O(n).<br>
3.141592653589793238...05600101655256375679 (10,002 digits): {"398989893","020141020"}
Then again, this is also pretty fast (same output):
<lang Phix>function longest_palindromes_raku(string s)
-- s = lower/strip_spaces_and_punctuation/utf8_to_utf32, if rqd
integer longest = 2 -- (do not treat length 1 as palindromic)
-- integer longest = 1 -- (do not treat length 0 as palindromic) [works just fine too]
sequence res = {}
for i=1 to length(s) do
integer rev = iff(i>1 and s[i-1]=s[i]?1:0),
fwd = 0
while rev<i and i+fwd<=length(s) and s[i-rev]=s[i+fwd] do
rev += 1
fwd += 1
end while
string p = s[i-rev+1..i+fwd-1]
integer lp = length(p)
if lp>=longest then
if lp>longest then
longest = lp
res = {p}
elsif not find(p,res) then -- (or just "else")
res = append(res,p)
end if
end if
end for
return res -- (or "sort(res)" or "unique(res)", as needed)
end function

printf(1,"%s: %v\n",{s,longest_palindromes_raku(piStr)})</lang>

Line 365: Line 942:
(This version ignores case but allows non-alphanumerics).
(This version ignores case but allows non-alphanumerics).
<lang python>'''Longest palindromic substrings'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">'''Longest palindromic substrings'''

Line 374: Line 951:
the given string, tupled with the
the given string, tupled with the
maximal length.
maximal length.
Non alphanumerics are included here.
Non-alphanumerics are included here.
k = s.lower()
k = s.lower()
Line 389: Line 966:
] if palindromes else list(s),
] if palindromes else list(s),
) if s else ([], 0)

Line 418: Line 995:
iEnd = len(s) - 1
iEnd = len(s) - 1

def p(ij):
def limit(ij):
i, j = ij
i, j = ij
return 0 == i or iEnd == j or s[i-1] != s[j+1]
return 0 == i or iEnd == j or s[i-1] != s[j+1]
Line 427: Line 1,004:

def go(ij):
def go(ij):
ab = until(p)(expansion)(ij)
ab = until(limit)(expansion)(ij)
return s[ab[0]:ab[1] + 1]
return s[ab[0]:ab[1] + 1]
return go
return go
Line 444: Line 1,021:
'stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses',
'stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses',
'the abbatial palace',
Line 495: Line 1,075:
# MAIN ---
# MAIN ---
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == '__main__':
<pre>Longest palindromic substrings:
<pre>Longest palindromic substrings:
Line 502: Line 1,082:
'never reverse' -> (['ever reve'], 9)
'never reverse' -> (['ever reve'], 9)
'stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses' -> (['table was i ere i saw elbat'], 27)
'stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses' -> (['table was i ere i saw elbat'], 27)
'abracadabra' -> (['aca', 'ada'], 3)</pre>
'abracadabra' -> (['aca', 'ada'], 3)
'drome' -> (['d', 'r', 'o', 'm', 'e'], 1)
'the abbatial palace' -> (['abba'], 4)
'' -> ([], 0)</pre>

Line 508: Line 1,091:
This version regularizes (ignores) case and ignores non alphanumeric characters. It is only concerned with finding the ''longest'' palindromic substrings so does not exhaustively find ''all possible'' palindromes. If a palindromic substring is found to be part of a longer palindrome, it is not captured separately. Showing the longest 5 palindromic substring groups. Run it with no parameters to operate on the default; pass in a file name to run it against that instead.
This version regularizes (ignores) case and ignores non alphanumeric characters. It is only concerned with finding the ''longest'' palindromic substrings so does not exhaustively find ''all possible'' palindromes. If a palindromic substring is found to be part of a longer palindrome, it is not captured separately. Showing the longest 5 palindromic substring groups. Run it with no parameters to operate on the default; pass in a file name to run it against that instead.

<lang perl6>my @chars = ( @*ARGS[0] ?? @*ARGS[0].IO.slurp !! q:to/BOB/ ) .lc.comb: /\w/;
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>my @chars = ( @*ARGS[0] ?? @*ARGS[0].IO.slurp !! q:to/BOB/ ) .lc.comb: /\w/;
Lyrics to "Bob" copyright Weird Al Yankovic
Lyrics to "Bob" copyright Weird Al Yankovic
Line 556: Line 1,139:

my @cpfoa;
my @cpfoa = flat
(1 ..^ @chars).race(:1000batch).map: -> \idx {

my int $i = 1;
my @s;
for 1, 2 {

my int ($rev, $fwd) = $_, 1;
loop {
last if $i >= @chars;
loop {
quietly last if ($rev > idx) || (@chars[idx - $rev] ne @chars[idx + $fwd]);
my int ($rev, $fwd) = 0, 0;
++$rev if @chars[$i - 1] eq @chars[$i];
$rev = $rev + 1;
$fwd = $fwd + 1;
loop {
quietly last if $rev > $i or $rev && (@chars[$i - $rev] ne @chars[$i + $fwd]);
$rev = $rev + 1;
@s.push: @chars[idx - $rev ^..^ idx + $fwd].join if $rev + $fwd > 2;
$fwd = $fwd + 1;
last if @chars[idx - 1] ne @chars[idx];
next unless +@s;
@cpfoa[(my $pal = @chars[$i - $rev ^..^ $i + $fwd].join).chars].push: $pal if $rev + $fwd > 2;
$i = $i + 1;

.unique.sort.put for @cpfoa.grep( *.so ).tail(5).reverse;
"{.key} ({+.value})\t{.value.unique.sort}".put for @cpfoa.classify( *.chars ).sort( -*.key ).head(5);</syntaxhighlight>
Returns the length, (the count) and the list:
<pre>doninemeninterpretninemeninod godarednuggetafateggunderadog
<pre>29 (2) doninemeninterpretninemeninod godarednuggetafateggunderadog
26 (1) gohangasalamiimalasagnahog
23 (1) arwontloversrevoltnowra
imanamregalagermanami mayamoodybabydoomayam ootnolemonsnomelontoo oozyratinasanitaryzoo
21 (4) imanamregalagermanami mayamoodybabydoomayam ootnolemonsnomelontoo oozyratinasanitaryzoo
20 (1) ratsliveonnoevilstar

This isn't intensively optimised but isn't too shabby either. When run against the first million digits of pi: [http://www.eveandersson.com/pi/digits/1000000 http://www.eveandersson.com/pi/digits/1000000] (Pass in the file path/name at the command line) we get:
This isn't intensively optimised but isn't too shabby either. When run against the first million digits of pi: [https://github.com/thundergnat/rc/blob/master/resouces/pi.txt 1000000 digits of pi text file] (Pass in the file path/name at the command line) we get:

<pre>13 (1) 9475082805749
12 (1) 450197791054
04778787740 09577577590 28112721182 41428782414 49612121694 53850405835 84995859948
11 (8) 04778787740 09577577590 21348884312 28112721182 41428782414 49612121694 53850405835 84995859948
0045445400 0136776310 1112552111 3517997153 5783993875 6282662826 7046006407 7264994627 8890770988
10 (9) 0045445400 0136776310 1112552111 3517997153 5783993875 6282662826 7046006407 7264994627 8890770988
019161910 020141020 023181320 036646630 037101730 037585730 065363560 068363860 087191780 091747190 100353001 104848401 111262111 131838131 132161231 156393651 160929061 166717661 182232281 193131391 193505391 207060702 211878112 222737222 223404322 242424242 250171052 258232852 267919762 272636272 302474203 313989313 314151413 314424413 318272813 323212323 330626033 332525233 336474633 355575553 357979753 365949563 398989893 407959704 408616804 448767844 450909054 463202364 469797964 479797974 480363084 489696984 490797094 532121235 549161945 557040755 563040365 563828365 598292895 621969126 623707326 636414636 641949146 650272056 662292266 667252766 681565186 712383217 720565027 726868627 762727267 769646967 777474777 807161708 819686918 833303338 834363438 858838858 866292668 886181688 895505598 896848698 909565909 926676629 927202729 929373929 944525449 944848449 953252359 972464279 975595579 979202979 992868299</pre>
9 (98) 019161910 020141020 023181320 036646630 037101730 037585730 065363560 068363860 087191780 091747190 100353001 104848401 111262111 131838131 132161231 156393651 160929061 166717661 182232281 193131391 193505391 207060702 211878112 222737222 223404322 242424242 250171052 258232852 267919762 272636272 302474203 313989313 314151413 314424413 318272813 323212323 330626033 332525233 336474633 355575553 357979753 365949563 398989893 407959704 408616804 448767844 450909054 463202364 469797964 479797974 480363084 489696984 490797094 532121235 546000645 549161945 557040755 559555955 563040365 563828365 598292895 621969126 623707326 636414636 636888636 641949146 650272056 662292266 667252766 681565186 684777486 712383217 720565027 726868627 762727267 769646967 777474777 807161708 819686918 833303338 834363438 858838858 866292668 886181688 895505598 896848698 909565909 918888819 926676629 927202729 929373929 944525449 944848449 953252359 972464279 975595579 979202979 992868299</pre>
in slightly more than 12 seconds on my system.
in right around 7 seconds on my system.

<lang rexx>/*REXX program finds and displays the longest palindromic string(s) in a given string. */
<syntaxhighlight lang="rexx">/*REXX program finds and displays the longest palindromic string(s) in a given string. */
parse arg s /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/
parse arg s /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/
if s=='' | s=="," then s= 'babaccd rotator reverse forever several palindrome abaracadaraba'
if s==''|s=="," then s='babaccd rotator reverse forever several palindrome abaracadaraba'
/* [↑] the case of strings is respected*/
/* [↑] the case of strings is respected*/
do i=1 for words(s); say /*search each of the (S) strings. */
do i=1 for words(s); x= word(s, i) /*obtain a string to be examined. */
x= word(s, i); L= length(x) /*get a string to be examined & length.*/
L= length(x); m= 0 /*get the string's length; Set max len.*/
do LL=2 for L-1 /*start with palindromes of length two.*/
m= 0
do LL=2 for L-1 /*start with palindromes of length two.*/
if find(1) then m= max(m, LL) /*Found a palindrome? Set M=new length*/
if find(1) then m= max(m,LL) /*Found a palindrom? Set M=new length.*/
end /*LL*/
LL= max(1, m)
end /*LL*/
call find 0 /*find all palindromes with length LL.*/
LL= max(1,m)
say ' longest palindromic substrings for string: ' x
call find .
say '────────────────────────────────────────────'copies('─', 2 + L)
say ' longest palindromic substrings for string: ' x
do n=1 for words(@) /*show longest palindromic substrings. */
say '────────────────────────────────────────────'copies('─', 2 + L)
do n=1 for words(@) /*show longest palindromic substrings. */
say ' (length='LL") " word(@, n) /*display a " substring. */
say ' (length='LL") " word(@, n)
end /*n*/; say; say /*display a two─blank separation fence.*/
end /*n*/
end /*i*/
end /*i*/
exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
find: parse arg short /*if SHORT==1, only find 1 palendrome.*/
find: parse arg short /*if SHORT==1, only find 1 palindrome.*/
@= /*initialize palindrome list to a null.*/
@= /*initialize palindrome list to a null.*/
do j=1 for L-LL+1 /*obtain length of possible palindromes*/
do j=1 for L-LL+1; $= substr(x, j, LL) /*obtain a possible palindromic substr.*/
$= substr(x, j, LL) /*obtain a possible palindromic substr.*/
if $\==reverse($) then iterate /*Not a palindrome? Then skip it.*/
if $\==reverse($) then iterate /*Not a palindrome? Then skip it.*/
@= @ $ /*add a palindromic substring to a list*/
@= @ $ /*add a palindromic substring to a list*/
if short then return 1 /*we have found one palindrome. */
if short==1 then return 1 /*have found one palindrome. */
end /*j*/; return 0 /* " " " some palindrome(s). */</syntaxhighlight>
end /*j*/; return 0 /* " " some palindrome(s). */</lang>
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the default input:}}
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the default input:}}
Line 674: Line 1,255:

<lang ring>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ring">
load "stdlib.ring"
load "stdlib.ring"

Line 703: Line 1,284:
see "Longest palindromic substrings:" + nl
see "Longest palindromic substrings:" + nl
see resList
see resList
Line 718: Line 1,299:

The Phix entry examples have been used.
The Phix entry examples have been used.
<lang ecmascript>import "/seq" for Lst
<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">import "./seq" for Lst
import "/fmt" for Fmt
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var longestPalSubstring = Fn.new { |s|
var longestPalSubstring = Fn.new { |s|
Line 746: Line 1,327:
var longest = Lst.distinct(longestPalSubstring.call(s))
var longest = Lst.distinct(longestPalSubstring.call(s))
Fmt.print(" $-13s Length $d -> $n", s, longest[0].count, longest)
Fmt.print(" $-13s Length $d -> $n", s, longest[0].count, longest)


Latest revision as of 18:16, 28 April 2024

Longest palindromic substrings is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Let given a string s. The goal is to find the longest palindromic substring in s.

Related tasks

Other tasks related to string operations:
Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases


F longest_palindrome(s)
   V t = Array(‘^’s‘$’).join(‘#’)
   V n = t.len
   V p = [0] * n
   V c = 0
   V r = 0
   L(i) 1 .< n - 1
      p[i] = (r > i) & min(r - i, p[2 * c - i]) != 0

      L t[i + 1 + p[i]] == t[i - 1 - p[i]]

      I i + p[i] > r
         (c, r) = (i, i + p[i])

   V (max_len, center_index) = max(enumerate(p).map((i, n) -> (n, i)))
   R s[(center_index - max_len) I/ 2 .< (center_index + max_len) I/ 2]

L(s) [‘three old rotators’,
      ‘never reverse’,
      ‘stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses’,
      ‘the abbatial palace’]
   print(‘'’s‘' -> '’longest_palindrome(s)‘'’)
'three old rotators' -> 'rotator'
'never reverse' -> 'ever reve'
'stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses' -> 'table was I ere I saw elbat'
'abracadabra' -> 'ada'
'drome' -> 'e'
'the abbatial palace' -> 'abba'


  BYTE l,r

  l=1 r=s(0)
  WHILE l<r
    IF s(l)#s(r) THEN RETURN (0) FI
    l==+1 r==-1

PROC Find(CHAR ARRAY text,res)
  BYTE first,len
  WHILE len>0
    FOR first=1 TO text(0)-len+1
      IF Palindrome(res) THEN

  CHAR ARRAY res(100)

  PrintF("""%S"" -> ""%S""%E",text,res)

PROC Main()
  Test("three old rotators")
  Test("never reverse")
  Test("the abbatial palace")

Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer

"three old rotators" -> "rotator"
"never reverse" -> "ever reve"
"abracadabra" -> "aca"
"the abbatial palace" -> "abba"
"qwertyuiop" -> "q"
"" -> ""


Palindromes of length 1 or more are detected, finds the left most palindrome if there are several of the same length.
Treats upper and lower case as distinct and does not require the characters to be letters.

BEGIN # find the longest palindromic substring of a string #
    # returns the length of s #
    OP   LENGTH = ( STRING s )INT: ( UPB s + 1 ) - LWB s;
    # returns s right-padded with blanks to at least w characters or s if it is already wide enough #
    PRIO PAD = 1;
    OP   PAD = ( STRING s, INT w )STRING:
            STRING result := s;
            WHILE LENGTH result < w DO result +:= " " OD;
         END # PAD # ;
    # returns the longest palindromic substring of s #
    #         if there are multiple substrings with the longest length, the leftmost is returned #
    PROC longest palindromic substring = ( STRING s )STRING:
         IF   LENGTH s < 2
         THEN s
            INT lwb s = LWB s;
            INT upb s = UPB s;
            STRING result := s[ lwb s ];
            IF s[ lwb s + 1 ] = s[ lwb s ] THEN
                # the first two characters are a palindrome #
                result +:= s[ lwb s + 1 ]
            FOR i FROM lwb s + 1 TO upb s - 1 DO
                INT  p start := i;
                INT  p end   := i + 1;
                IF  IF   s[ i - 1 ] = s[ i + 1 ] THEN
                         # odd length palindrome at i - 1 #
                         p start -:= 1;
                    ELIF s[ i ] = s[ i + 1 ] THEN
                         # even length palindrome at i #
                    ELSE FALSE
                    # have a palindrome at p start : p end #
                    # attempt to enlarge the range #
                    WHILE IF   p start = lwb s OR p end = upb s
                          THEN FALSE
                          ELSE s[ p start - 1 ] = s[ p end + 1 ]
                    DO    # can extend he palindrome #
                          p start -:= 1;
                          p end   +:= 1
                    IF ( p end + 1 ) - p start > LENGTH result
                        # have a longer palindrome #
                        result := s[ p start : p end ]
         FI # longest palindromic substring # ;
    # finds the longest palindromic substring of s and checks it is the expacted value #
    PROC test = ( STRING s, expected value )VOID:
            STRING palindrome = longest palindromic substring( s );
            print( ( ( """" + s + """" ) PAD 38, " -> ", ( """" + palindrome + """" ) PAD 36
                   , IF palindrome = expected value THEN "" ELSE " NOT " + expected value + " ???" FI
                   , newline
         END # test longest palindromic substring # ;
    test( "three old rotators",                 "rotator"                     );
    test( "never reverse",                      "ever reve"                   );
    test( "stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses", "table was I ere I saw elbat" );
    test( "abracadabra",                        "aca"                         );
    test( "drome",                              "d"                           );
    test( "x",                                  "x"                           );
    test( "the abbatial palace",                "abba"                        );
    test( "",                                   ""                            );
    test( "abcc",                               "cc"                          );
    test( "abbccc",                             "ccc"                         )
"three old rotators"                   -> "rotator"
"never reverse"                        -> "ever reve"
"stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses"   -> "table was I ere I saw elbat"
"abracadabra"                          -> "aca"
"drome"                                -> "d"
"x"                                    -> "x"
"the abbatial palace"                  -> "abba"
""                                     -> ""
"abcc"                                 -> "cc"
"abbccc"                               -> "ccc"


Translation of: Nim
palindrome?: function [str]-> str = join reverse split str

lps: function [s][
    maxLength: 0
    result: new []
    loop 0..dec size s 'fst [
        loop fst..dec size s 'lst [
            candidate: slice s fst lst
            if palindrome? candidate [
                if? maxLength < size candidate [
                    result: new @[candidate]
                    maxLength: size candidate
                else [
                    if maxLength = size candidate ->
                        'result ++ candidate

    return (maxLength > 1)? -> result
                            -> []

loop ["babaccd", "rotator", "several", "palindrome", "piété", "tantôt", "étêté"] 'str [
    palindromes: lps str
    print [str "->" (0 < size palindromes)? -> join.with:", " palindromes 
                                            -> "X"]
babaccd -> bab, aba 
rotator -> rotator 
several -> eve 
palindrome -> X 
piété -> été 
tantôt -> tôt 
étêté -> étêté


	found := [], result := [], maxL := 0
	while (StrLen(str) >= 2 && StrLen(str) >= maxL){
		s := str
		loop {
			while (SubStr(s, 1, 1) <> SubStr(s, 0))	; while 1st chr <> last chr
				s := SubStr(s, 1, StrLen(s)-1)		; trim last chr
			if (StrLen(s) < 2 || StrLen(s) < maxL )
			if (s = reverse(s)){
				maxL := maxL < StrLen(s) ? StrLen(s) : maxL
			s := SubStr(s, 1, StrLen(s)-1)			; trim last chr
		str := SubStr(str, 2)						; trim 1st chr and try again
	maxL := 0
	for i, str in found
		maxL := maxL < StrLen(str) ? StrLen(str) : maxL
	for i, str in found
		if (StrLen(str) = maxL)
	return result
	for i, v in StrSplit(s)
		output := v output
	return output


db =
three old rotators
never reverse
stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses
the abbatial palace

for i, line in StrSplit(db, "`n", "`r"){
	result := "[""", i := 0
	for i, str in LPS(line)
		result .= str """, """
	output .= line "`t> " Trim(result, """, """) (i?"""":"") "]`n"
MsgBox % output
three old rotators			> ["rotator"]
never reverse				> ["ever reve"]
stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses	> ["table was I ere I saw elbat"]
abracadabra				> ["aca", "ada"]
drome					> []
x					> []
the abbatial palace			> ["abba"]


func$ reverse s$ .
   a$[] = strchars s$
   for i = 1 to len a$[] div 2
      swap a$[i] a$[len a$[] - i + 1]
   return strjoin a$[]
func palin s$ .
   if s$ = reverse s$
      return 1
   return 0
func$ lpali st$ .
   for n = 1 to len st$ - 1
      for m = n + 1 to len st$
         sub$ = substr st$ n (m - n)
         if palin sub$ = 1
            if len sub$ > len max$
               max$ = sub$
   return max$
for s$ in [ "three old rotators" "never reverse" "stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses" "abracadabra" "drome" "the abbatial palace" ]
   print lpali s$
ever reve
table was I ere I saw elbat


Manacher Function

// Manacher Function. Nigel Galloway: October 1st., 2020
let Manacher(s:string) = let oddP,evenP=Array.zeroCreate s.Length,Array.zeroCreate s.Length
                         let rec fN i g e (l:int[])=match g>=0 && e<s.Length && s.[g]=s.[e] with true->l.[i]<-l.[i]+1; fN i (g-1) (e+1) l |_->()
                         let rec fGo n g Ʃ=match Ʃ<s.Length with
                                           |_->if Ʃ<=g then oddP.[Ʃ]<-min (oddP.[n+g-Ʃ]) (g-Ʃ)
                                               fN Ʃ (Ʃ-oddP.[Ʃ]-1) (Ʃ+oddP.[Ʃ]+1) oddP
                                               match (Ʃ+oddP.[Ʃ])>g with true->fGo (Ʃ-oddP.[Ʃ]) (Ʃ+oddP.[Ʃ]) (Ʃ+1) |_->fGo n g (Ʃ+1)
                         let rec fGe n g Ʃ=match Ʃ<s.Length with
                                           |_->if Ʃ<=g then evenP.[Ʃ]<-min (evenP.[n+g-Ʃ]) (g-Ʃ)
                                               fN Ʃ (Ʃ-evenP.[Ʃ]) (Ʃ+evenP.[Ʃ]+1) evenP
                                               match (Ʃ+evenP.[Ʃ])>g with true->fGe (Ʃ-evenP.[Ʃ]+1) (Ʃ+evenP.[Ʃ]) (Ʃ+1) |_->fGe n g (Ʃ+1)
                         (fGo 0 -1 0,fGe 0 -1 0)

The Task

let fN g=if g=[||] then (0,0) else g|>Array.mapi(fun n g->(n,g))|>Array.maxBy snd
let lpss s=let n,g=Manacher s in let n,g=fN n,fN g in if (snd n)*2+1>(snd g)*2 then s.[(fst n)-(snd n)..(fst n)+(snd n)] else s.[(fst g)-(snd g)+1..(fst g)+(snd g)]
let test = ["three old rotators"; "never reverse"; "stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses"; "abracadabra"; "drome"; "the abbatial palace"; ""]
test|>List.iter(fun n->printfn "A longest palindromic substring of \"%s\" is \"%s\"" n (lpss n))
A longest palindromic substring of "three old rotators" is "rotator"
A longest palindromic substring of "never reverse" is "ever reve"
A longest palindromic substring of "stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses" is "table was I ere I saw elbat"
A longest palindromic substring of "abracadabra" is "aca"
A longest palindromic substring of "drome" is "d"
A longest palindromic substring of "the abbatial palace" is "abba"
A longest palindromic substring of "" is ""


Function isPalindrome(s As String) As Integer
    For i As Integer = 1 To Len(s) / 2
        If Mid(s, i, 1) <> Mid(s, Len(s) - i + 1, 1) Then Return False
    Next i
    Return True
End Function

Sub LongestPalindrome(s As String)
    Dim As String substr, longest = ""
    Dim As Integer i, j
    For i = 1 To Len(s)
        For j = i To Len(s)
            substr = Mid(s, i, j - i + 1)
            If isPalindrome(substr) Andalso Len(substr) > Len(longest) Then longest = substr
        Next j
    Next i
    Print "The longest palindromic substring is/are: "
    For i = 1 To Len(s)
        For j = i To Len(s)
            substr = Mid(s, i, j - i + 1)
            If IsPalindrome(substr) Andalso Len(substr) = Len(longest) Andalso Len(substr) > 2 Then Print substr; "  ";
        Next j
    Next i
    If Len(longest) <= 2 Then Print "<no palindromic substring of two of more letters found>" 
End Sub

Dim s As String
Input "Enter a string: ", s




Translation of: Wren
package main

import (

func reverse(s string) string {
    var r = []rune(s)
    for i, j := 0, len(r)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
        r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i]
    return string(r)

func longestPalSubstring(s string) []string {
    var le = len(s)
    if le <= 1 {
        return []string{s}
    targetLen := le
    var longest []string
    i := 0
    for {
        j := i + targetLen - 1
        if j < le {
            ss := s[i : j+1]
            if reverse(ss) == ss {
                longest = append(longest, ss)
        } else {
            if len(longest) > 0 {
                return longest
            i = 0
    return longest

func distinct(sa []string) []string {
    duplicated := make([]bool, len(sa))
    for i := 1; i < len(sa); i++ {
        if sa[i] == sa[i-1] {
            duplicated[i] = true
    var res []string
    for i := 0; i < len(sa); i++ {
        if !duplicated[i] {
            res = append(res, sa[i])
    return res

func main() {
    strings := []string{"babaccd", "rotator", "reverse", "forever", "several", "palindrome", "abaracadaraba"}
    fmt.Println("The palindromic substrings having the longest length are:")
    for _, s := range strings {
        longest := distinct(longestPalSubstring(s))
        fmt.Printf("  %-13s Length %d -> %v\n", s, len(longest[0]), longest)
The palindromic substrings having the longest length are:
  babaccd       Length 3 -> [aba bab]
  rotator       Length 7 -> [rotator]
  reverse       Length 5 -> [rever]
  forever       Length 5 -> [rever]
  several       Length 3 -> [eve]
  palindrome    Length 1 -> [a d e i l m n o p r]
  abaracadaraba Length 3 -> [aba aca ada ara]


A list version, written out of curiosity. A faster approach could be made with an indexed datatype.

-------------- LONGEST PALINDROMIC SUBSTRINGS ------------

longestPalindromes :: String -> ([String], Int)
longestPalindromes [] = ([], 0)
longestPalindromes s = go $ palindromes s
    go xs
      | null xs = (return <$> s, 1)
      | otherwise = (filter ((w ==) . length) xs, w)
        w = maximum $ length <$> xs

palindromes :: String -> [String]
palindromes = fmap go . palindromicNuclei
    go (pivot, (xs, ys)) =
      let suffix = fmap fst (takeWhile (uncurry (==)) (zip xs ys))
      in reverse suffix <> pivot <> suffix

palindromicNuclei :: String -> [(String, (String, String))]
palindromicNuclei =
  concatMap go .
  init . tail . ((zip . scanl (flip ((<>) . return)) []) <*> scanr (:) [])
    go (a@(x:_), b@(h:y:ys))
      | x == h = [("", (a, b))]
      | otherwise =
        [ ([h], (a, y : ys))
        | x == y ]
    go _ = []

--------------------------- TEST -------------------------
main :: IO ()
main =
  putStrLn $
    "Longest palindromic substrings:\n"
    [ "three old rotators"
    , "never reverse"
    , "stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses"
    , "abracadabra"
    , "drome"
    , "the abbatial palace"
    , ""

------------------------ FORMATTING ----------------------
fTable :: String -> (a -> String) -> (b -> String) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> String
fTable s xShow fxShow f xs =
  unlines $
  s : fmap (((++) . rjust w ' ' . xShow) <*> ((" -> " ++) . fxShow . f)) xs
    rjust n c = drop . length <*> (replicate n c ++)
    w = maximum (length . xShow <$> xs)
Longest palindromic substrings:

                "three old rotators" -> (["rotator"],7)
                     "never reverse" -> (["ever reve"],9)
"stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses" -> (["table was I ere I saw elbat"],27)
                       "abracadabra" -> (["aca","ada"],3)
                             "drome" -> (["d","r","o","m","e"],1)
               "the abbatial palace" -> (["abba"],4)
                                  "" -> ([],0)


Adapted from #Wren

Works with: jq

Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq

def longestPalindromicSubstring:
  length as $len
  | if $len <= 1 then .
    else explode as $s
    | {targetLen: $len, longest: [], i: 0}
    | until(.stop; 
        (.i + .targetLen - 1) as $j 
        | if $j < $len 
          then $s[.i:$j+1] as $ss
           | if $ss == ($ss|reverse) then .longest += [$ss] else . end
           | .i += 1
            if .longest|length > 0 then .stop=true else . end
            | .i = 0
            | .targetLen += - 1
	  end )
     | .longest
     | map(implode)
     | unique
     end ;
def strings:
  ["babaccd", "rotator", "reverse", "forever", "several", "palindrome", "abaracadaraba"];

"The palindromic substrings having the longest length are:",
 | longestPalindromicSubstring as $longest
 | "  \(.): length \($longest[0]|length) -> \($longest)"
The palindromic substrings having the longest length are:
  babaccd: length 3 -> ["aba","bab"]
  rotator: length 7 -> ["rotator"]
  reverse: length 5 -> ["rever"]
  forever: length 5 -> ["rever"]
  several: length 3 -> ["eve"]
  palindrome: length 1 -> ["a","d","e","i","l","m","n","o","p","r"]
  abaracadaraba: length 3 -> ["aba","aca","ada","ara"]


function allpalindromics(s)
    list, len = String[], length(s)
    for i in 1:len-1, j in i+1:len
        substr = s[i:j]
        if substr == reverse(substr)
            push!(list, substr)
    return list

for teststring in ["babaccd", "rotator", "reverse", "forever", "several", "palindrome"]
    list = sort!(allpalindromics(teststring), lt = (x, y) -> length(x) < length(y))
    println(isempty(list) ? "No palindromes of 2 or more letters found in \"$teststring." :
        "The longest palindromic substring of $teststring is: \"",
        join(list[findall(x -> length(x) == length(list[end]), list)], "\" or \""), "\"")
The longest palindromic substring of babaccd is: "bab" or "aba"
The longest palindromic substring of rotator is: "rotator"
The longest palindromic substring of reverse is: "rever"
The longest palindromic substring of forever is: "rever"
The longest palindromic substring of several is: "eve"
No palindromes of 2 or more letters found in "palindrome."

Manacher algorithm

function manacher(str)
    s =  "^" * join(split(str, ""), "#") * "\$"
    len = length(s)
    pals = fill(0, len)
    center, right = 1, 1
    for i in 2:len-1
        pals[i] = right > i && right - i > 0 && pals[2 * center - i] > 0
        while s[i + pals[i] + 1] == s[i - pals[i] - 1]
            pals[i] += 1
        if i + pals[i] > right
            center, right = i, i + pals[i]
    maxlen, centerindex = findmax(pals)
    start = isodd(maxlen) ? (centerindex-maxlen) ÷ 2 + 1 : (centerindex-maxlen) ÷ 2
    return str[start:(centerindex+maxlen)÷2]

for teststring in ["babaccd", "rotator", "reverse", "forever", "several", "palindrome", "abaracadabra"]
    pal = manacher(teststring)
    println(length(pal) < 2 ? "No palindromes of 2 or more letters found in \"$teststring.\"" :
        "The longest palindromic substring of $teststring is: \"$pal\"")
The longest palindromic substring of babaccd is: "aba"
The longest palindromic substring of rotator is: "rotator"
The longest palindromic substring of reverse is: "rever"
The longest palindromic substring of forever is: "rever"
The longest palindromic substring of several is: "eve"
No palindromes of 2 or more letters found in "palindrome."
The longest palindromic substring of abaracadabra is: "ara"

Mathematica/Wolfram Language

ClearAll[ExpandSubsequenceTry, LongestPalindromicSubsequence]
ExpandSubsequenceTry[seq_List, beginpos : {a_, b_}] := 
 Module[{len, maxbroaden, last},
  len = Length[seq];
  maxbroaden = Min[a - 1, len - b];
  last = maxbroaden;
   If[! PalindromeQ[Take[seq, {a - j, b + j}]],
    last = j - 1;
   {j, maxbroaden}
  {a - last, b + last}
LongestPalindromicSubsequence[l_List] := 
 Module[{evenposs, oddposs, subseqs},
  evenposs = SequencePosition[l, {x_, x_}];
  oddposs = SequencePosition[l, {x_, y_, x_}];
  subseqs = Join[evenposs, oddposs];
  subseqs = ExpandSubsequenceTry[l, #] & /@ subseqs;
  If[Length[subseqs] > 0,
   TakeLargestBy[Take[l, #] & /@ subseqs, Length, 1][[1]]
StringJoin@LongestPalindromicSubsequence[Characters["three old rotators"]]
StringJoin@LongestPalindromicSubsequence[Characters["never reverse"]]
StringJoin@LongestPalindromicSubsequence[Characters["stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses"]]
StringJoin@LongestPalindromicSubsequence[Characters["the abbatial palace"]]
"ever reve"
"table was I ere I saw elbat"


Simple algorithm but working on Unicode code points.

import sequtils, strutils, unicode

func isPalindrome(s: seq[Rune]): bool =
  ## Return true if a sequence of runes is a palindrome.
  for i in 1..(s.len shr 1):
    if s[i - 1] != s[^i]:
      return false
  result = true

func lps(s: string): seq[string] =
  var maxLength = 0
  var list: seq[seq[Rune]]
  let r = s.toRunes
  for first in 0..r.high:
    for last in first..r.high:
      let candidate = r[first..last]
      if candidate.isPalindrome():
        if candidate.len > maxLength:
          list = @[candidate]
          maxLength = candidate.len
        elif candidate.len == maxLength:
          list.add candidate
  if maxLength > 1:
    result = list.mapIt($it)

for str in ["babaccd", "rotator", "several", "palindrome", "piété", "tantôt", "étêté"]:
  let result = lps(str)
  if result.len == 0:
    echo str, " → ", "<no palindromic substring of two of more letters found>"
    echo str, " → ", result.join(", ")
babaccd → bab, aba
rotator → rotator
several → eve
palindrome → <no palindromic substring of two of more letters found>
piété → été
tantôt → tôt
étêté → étêté


Free Pascal

program FindLongestPalindrome;


  arr: array of string = ('three old rotators', 'never reverse', 'stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses', 'abracadabra', 'drome', 'the abbatial palace', '');

  st, longestPalindrome, dummy: string;
  i, j, longest: integer;

  for st in arr do
    longest := 0;
    longestPalindrome := '';
    for i := 1 to Length(st) do
      for j := Length(st) downto i do
        dummy := Copy(st, i, j - i + 1);
        if (j - i + 1 > longest) and (dummy = ReverseString(dummy)) then
          longest := j - i + 1;
          longestPalindrome := dummy;
    WriteLn(Format('%-35s -> %s', [st, longestPalindrome]));
three old rotators                  -> rotator
never reverse                       -> ever reve
stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses  -> table was I ere I saw elbat
abracadabra                         -> aca
drome                               -> d
the abbatial palace                 -> abba


The short one - find all palindromes with one regex.

use strict;
use warnings;

print "Longest Palindrome For $_ = @{[ longestpalindrome($_) ]}\n"
  for qw(babaccd rotator reverse forever several palindrome abaracadabra);

sub longestpalindrome
  my @best = {"''" => 0};
  pop =~ /(.+) .? (??{reverse $1}) (?{ $best[length $&]{$&}++ }) (*FAIL)/x;
  keys %{pop @best};
Longest Palindrome For babaccd = aba bab
Longest Palindrome For rotator = rotator
Longest Palindrome For reverse = rever
Longest Palindrome For forever = rever
Longest Palindrome For several = eve
Longest Palindrome For palindrome = ''
Longest Palindrome For abaracadabra = aba ara aca ada

The faster one - does the million digits of Pi in under half a second.

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'bitwise';

#@ARGV = 'pi.dat'; # uncomment to use this file or add filename to command line

my $forward = lc do { local $/; @ARGV ? <> : <DATA> };
$forward =~ s/\W+//g;

my $range = 10;
my $backward = reverse $forward;
my $length = length $forward;
my @best = {"''" => 0};
my $len;
for my $i ( 1 .. $length - 2 )
    my $right = substr $forward, $i, $range;
    my $left = substr $backward, $length - $i, $range;
    ( $right ^. $left ) =~ /^\0\0+/ and                                # evens
      ($len = 2 * length $&) >= $#best and
      $best[ $len ]{substr $forward, $i - length $&, $len}++;
    ( $right ^. "\0" . $left ) =~ /^.(\0+)/ and                        # odds
      ($len = 1 + 2 * length $1) >= $#best and
      $best[ $len ]{substr $forward, $i - length $1, $len}++;
    } while $range < $#best and $range = $#best;
print "Longest Palindrome ($#best) : @{[ keys %{ $best[-1] } ]}\n";

this data borrowed from raku...

Never odd or even
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Too bad I hid a boot
I, man, am regal - a German am I
Warsaw was raw
Longest Palindrome (27) : ootimanamregalagermanamitoo


Translation of: Raku
-- demo/rosetta/Longest_palindromic_substrings.exw (plus two older versions)
with javascript_semantics
function longest_palindromes(string s)
--  s = lower/strip_spaces_and_punctuation/utf8_to_utf32, if rqd
    integer longest = 2 -- (do not treat length 1 as palindromic)
--  integer longest = 1 -- (do not treat length 0 as palindromic) [works just fine too]
    sequence res = {}
    for i=1 to length(s) do
        for j=0 to iff(i>1 and s[i-1]=s[i]?2:1) do
            integer rev = j,
                    fwd = 1
            while rev<i and i+fwd<=length(s) and s[i-rev]=s[i+fwd] do
                rev += 1
                fwd += 1
            end while
            string p = s[i-rev+1..i+fwd-1]
            integer lp = length(p)
            if lp>=longest then
                if lp>longest then
                    longest = lp
                    res = {p}
                elsif not find(p,res) then -- (or just "else")
                    res = append(res,p)
                end if
            end if
        end for
    end for
    return res -- (or "sort(res)" or "unique(res)", as needed)
end function
constant tests = {"babaccd","rotator","reverse","forever","several","palindrome","abaracadaraba","abbbc"}
for i=1 to length(tests) do
    printf(1,"%s: %v\n",{tests[i],longest_palindromes(tests[i])})
end for
babaccd: {"bab","aba"}
rotator: {"rotator"}
reverse: {"rever"}
forever: {"rever"}
several: {"eve"}
palindrome: {}
abaracadaraba: {"aba","ara","aca","ada"}
abbbc: {"bbb"}

with longest initialised to 1, you get the same except for palindrome: {"p","a","l","i","n","d","r","o","m","e"}


Defines maximal expansions of any two or three character palindromic nuclei in the string.

(This version ignores case but allows non-alphanumerics).

'''Longest palindromic substrings'''

# longestPalindrome :: String -> ([String], Int)
def longestPalindromes(s):
    '''All palindromes of the maximal length
       drawn from a case-flattened copy of
       the given string, tupled with the
       maximal length.
       Non-alphanumerics are included here.
    k = s.lower()
    palindromes = [
        palExpansion(k)(ab) for ab
        in palindromicNuclei(k)
    maxLength = max([
        len(x) for x in palindromes
    ]) if palindromes else 1
    return (
            x for x in palindromes if maxLength == len(x)
        ] if palindromes else list(s),
    ) if s else ([], 0)

# palindromicNuclei :: String -> [(Int, Int)]
def palindromicNuclei(s):
    '''Ranges of all the 2 or 3 character
       palindromic nuclei in s.
    cs = list(s)
    return [
        # Two-character nuclei.
        (i, 1 + i) for (i, (a, b))
        in enumerate(zip(cs, cs[1:]))
        if a == b
    ] + [
        # Three-character nuclei.
        (i, 2 + i) for (i, (a, b, c))
        in enumerate(zip(cs, cs[1:], cs[2:]))
        if a == c

# palExpansion :: String -> (Int, Int) -> String
def palExpansion(s):
    '''Full expansion of the palindromic
       nucleus with the given range in s.
    iEnd = len(s) - 1

    def limit(ij):
        i, j = ij
        return 0 == i or iEnd == j or s[i-1] != s[j+1]

    def expansion(ij):
        i, j = ij
        return (i - 1, 1 + j)

    def go(ij):
        ab = until(limit)(expansion)(ij)
        return s[ab[0]:ab[1] + 1]
    return go

# ------------------------- TEST -------------------------
# main :: IO ()
def main():
    '''Longest palindromic substrings'''
        fTable(main.__doc__ + ':\n')(repr)(repr)(
            'three old rotators',
            'never reverse',
            'stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses',
            'the abbatial palace',

# ----------------------- GENERIC ------------------------

# until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
def until(p):
    '''The result of repeatedly applying f until p holds.
       The initial seed value is x.
    def go(f):
        def g(x):
            v = x
            while not p(v):
                v = f(v)
            return v
        return g
    return go

# ---------------------- FORMATTING ----------------------

# fTable :: String -> (a -> String) ->
# (b -> String) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> String
def fTable(s):
    '''Heading -> x display function -> fx display function ->
       f -> xs -> tabular string.
    def gox(xShow):
        def gofx(fxShow):
            def gof(f):
                def goxs(xs):
                    ys = [xShow(x) for x in xs]
                    w = max(map(len, ys))

                    def arrowed(x, y):
                        return y.rjust(w, ' ') + ' -> ' + (
                    return s + '\n' + '\n'.join(
                        map(arrowed, xs, ys)
                return goxs
            return gof
        return gofx
    return gox

# MAIN ---
if __name__ == '__main__':
Longest palindromic substrings:

                'three old rotators' -> (['rotator'], 7)
                     'never reverse' -> (['ever reve'], 9)
'stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses' -> (['table was i ere i saw elbat'], 27)
                       'abracadabra' -> (['aca', 'ada'], 3)
                             'drome' -> (['d', 'r', 'o', 'm', 'e'], 1)
               'the abbatial palace' -> (['abba'], 4)
                                  '' -> ([], 0)


Works with: Rakudo version 2020.09

This version regularizes (ignores) case and ignores non alphanumeric characters. It is only concerned with finding the longest palindromic substrings so does not exhaustively find all possible palindromes. If a palindromic substring is found to be part of a longer palindrome, it is not captured separately. Showing the longest 5 palindromic substring groups. Run it with no parameters to operate on the default; pass in a file name to run it against that instead.

my @chars = ( @*ARGS[0] ?? @*ARGS[0].IO.slurp !! q:to/BOB/ ) .lc.comb: /\w/;
    Lyrics to "Bob" copyright Weird Al Yankovic

    I, man, am regal - a German am I
    Never odd or even
    If I had a hi-fi
    Madam, I'm Adam
    Too hot to hoot
    No lemons, no melon
    Too bad I hid a boot
    Lisa Bonet ate no basil
    Warsaw was raw
    Was it a car or a cat I saw?

    Rise to vote, sir
    Do geese see God?
    "Do nine men interpret?" "Nine men," I nod
    Rats live on no evil star
    Won't lovers revolt now?
    Race fast, safe car
    Pa's a sap
    Ma is as selfless as I am
    May a moody baby doom a yam?

    Ah, Satan sees Natasha
    No devil lived on
    Lonely Tylenol
    Not a banana baton
    No "x" in "Nixon"
    O, stone, be not so
    O Geronimo, no minor ego
    "Naomi," I moan
    "A Toyota's a Toyota"
    A dog, a panic in a pagoda

    Oh no! Don Ho!
    Nurse, I spy gypsies - run!
    Senile felines
    Now I see bees I won
    UFO tofu
    We panic in a pew
    Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo
    God! A red nugget! A fat egg under a dog!
    Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog!

my @cpfoa = flat
(1 ..^ @chars).race(:1000batch).map: -> \idx {
    my @s;
    for 1, 2 {
       my int ($rev, $fwd) = $_, 1;
       loop {
            quietly last if ($rev > idx) || (@chars[idx - $rev] ne @chars[idx + $fwd]);
            $rev = $rev + 1;
            $fwd = $fwd + 1;
        @s.push: @chars[idx - $rev ^..^ idx + $fwd].join if $rev + $fwd > 2;
        last if @chars[idx - 1] ne @chars[idx];
    next unless +@s;

"{.key} ({+.value})\t{.value.unique.sort}".put for @cpfoa.classify( *.chars ).sort( -*.key ).head(5);

Returns the length, (the count) and the list:

29 (2)	doninemeninterpretninemeninod godarednuggetafateggunderadog
26 (1)	gohangasalamiimalasagnahog
23 (1)	arwontloversrevoltnowra
21 (4)	imanamregalagermanami mayamoodybabydoomayam ootnolemonsnomelontoo oozyratinasanitaryzoo
20 (1)	ratsliveonnoevilstar

This isn't intensively optimised but isn't too shabby either. When run against the first million digits of pi: 1000000 digits of pi text file (Pass in the file path/name at the command line) we get:

13 (1)	9475082805749
12 (1)	450197791054
11 (8)	04778787740 09577577590 21348884312 28112721182 41428782414 49612121694 53850405835 84995859948
10 (9)	0045445400 0136776310 1112552111 3517997153 5783993875 6282662826 7046006407 7264994627 8890770988
9 (98)	019161910 020141020 023181320 036646630 037101730 037585730 065363560 068363860 087191780 091747190 100353001 104848401 111262111 131838131 132161231 156393651 160929061 166717661 182232281 193131391 193505391 207060702 211878112 222737222 223404322 242424242 250171052 258232852 267919762 272636272 302474203 313989313 314151413 314424413 318272813 323212323 330626033 332525233 336474633 355575553 357979753 365949563 398989893 407959704 408616804 448767844 450909054 463202364 469797964 479797974 480363084 489696984 490797094 532121235 546000645 549161945 557040755 559555955 563040365 563828365 598292895 621969126 623707326 636414636 636888636 641949146 650272056 662292266 667252766 681565186 684777486 712383217 720565027 726868627 762727267 769646967 777474777 807161708 819686918 833303338 834363438 858838858 866292668 886181688 895505598 896848698 909565909 918888819 926676629 927202729 929373929 944525449 944848449 953252359 972464279 975595579 979202979 992868299

in right around 7 seconds on my system.


/*REXX program finds and displays the  longest palindromic string(s) in a given string. */
parse arg s                                      /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/
if s==''|s==","  then s='babaccd rotator reverse forever several palindrome abaracadaraba'
                                                 /* [↑] the case of strings is respected*/
    do i=1  for words(s);          x= word(s, i) /*obtain a string to be examined.      */
    L= length(x);                  m= 0          /*get the string's length; Set max len.*/
                  do LL=2  for L-1               /*start with palindromes of length two.*/
                  if find(1)  then m= max(m, LL) /*Found a palindrome?  Set M=new length*/
                  end   /*LL*/
    LL= max(1, m)
    call find 0                                  /*find all palindromes with length  LL.*/
    say ' longest palindromic substrings for string: '        x
    say '────────────────────────────────────────────'copies('─', 2 + L)
          do n=1  for words(@)                   /*show longest palindromic substrings. */
          say '    (length='LL")  "  word(@, n)  /*display a         "      substring.  */
          end   /*n*/;       say;    say         /*display a two─blank separation fence.*/
    end         /*i*/
exit 0                                           /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
find: parse arg short                            /*if SHORT==1,  only find 1 palindrome.*/
      @=                                         /*initialize palindrome list to a null.*/
        do j=1  for L-LL+1;  $= substr(x, j, LL) /*obtain a possible palindromic substr.*/
        if $\==reverse($)  then iterate          /*Not a palindrome?       Then skip it.*/
        @= @ $                                   /*add a palindromic substring to a list*/
        if short  then return 1                  /*we have found  one   palindrome.     */
        end   /*j*/;   return 0                  /* "   "    "    some  palindrome(s).  */
output   when using the default input:
 longest palindromic substrings for string:  babaccd
    (length=3)   bab
    (length=3)   aba

 longest palindromic substrings for string:  rotator
    (length=7)   rotator

 longest palindromic substrings for string:  reverse
    (length=5)   rever

 longest palindromic substrings for string:  forever
    (length=5)   rever

 longest palindromic substrings for string:  several
    (length=3)   eve

 longest palindromic substrings for string:  palindrome
    (length=1)   p
    (length=1)   a
    (length=1)   l
    (length=1)   i
    (length=1)   n
    (length=1)   d
    (length=1)   r
    (length=1)   o
    (length=1)   m
    (length=1)   e

 longest palindromic substrings for string:  abaracadaraba
    (length=3)   aba
    (length=3)   ara
    (length=3)   aca
    (length=3)   ada
    (length=3)   ara
    (length=3)   aba


load "stdlib.ring"

st = "babaccd"
palList = []

for n = 1 to len(st)-1
    for m = n+1 to len(st)
        sub = substr(st,n,m-n)
        if ispalindrome(sub) and len(sub) > 1

palList = sort(palList,2)
palList = reverse(palList)
resList = []

for n = 2 to len(palList)
    if palList[1][2] = palList[n][2]

see "Input: " + st + nl
see "Longest palindromic substrings:" + nl
see resList
Input: babaccd
Longest palindromic substrings:


Library: Wren-seq
Library: Wren-fmt

I've assumed that the expression 'substring' includes the string itself and that substrings of length 1 are considered to be palindromic. Also that if there is more than one palindromic substring of the longest length, then all such distinct ones should be returned.

The Phix entry examples have been used.

import "./seq" for Lst
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var longestPalSubstring = Fn.new { |s|
    var len = s.count
    if (len <= 1) return [s]
    var targetLen = len
    var longest = []
    var i = 0
    while (true) {
        var j = i + targetLen - 1
        if (j < len) {
            var ss = s[i..j]
            if (ss == ss[-1..0]) longest.add(ss)
            i = i + 1
        } else {
            if (longest.count > 0) return longest
            i = 0
            targetLen = targetLen - 1

var strings = ["babaccd", "rotator", "reverse", "forever", "several", "palindrome", "abaracadaraba"]
System.print("The palindromic substrings having the longest length are:")
for (s in strings) {
    var longest = Lst.distinct(longestPalSubstring.call(s))
    Fmt.print("  $-13s Length $d -> $n", s, longest[0].count, longest)
The palindromic substrings having the longest length are:
  babaccd       Length 3 -> [bab, aba]
  rotator       Length 7 -> [rotator]
  reverse       Length 5 -> [rever]
  forever       Length 5 -> [rever]
  several       Length 3 -> [eve]
  palindrome    Length 1 -> [p, a, l, i, n, d, r, o, m, e]
  abaracadaraba Length 3 -> [aba, ara, aca, ada]