Category:Action! Tool Kit
The ACTION! Toolkit
The following description comes from the following book:
Welcome to the Programmers' Tool Kit (V.3). This diskette contains routines written in ACTION! which extend your ACTION! programming capabilities. The following is a list of the files on the disk, together with a short description of what each file does.
ABS.ACT a routine which will return the absolute value of an INT.
ALLOCATE.ACT routines which allow dynamic runtime memory manipulation.
CHARTEST.ACT routines which perform various tests and functions on characters.
CIRCLE.ACT a circle drawing routine using neither Sine nor Cosine.
CONSOLE.ACT a routine which both debounces the console keys and allows you to tie routines into them.
IO.ACT routines which implement some advanced I/O operations.
JOYSTIX.ACT routines which make interpreting joystick input easier.
PMG.ACT player/missile graphics routines.
PRINTF.ACT an extended version of the ACTION! Library 'PrintF'.
REAL.ACT routines which allow you to use floating point numbers.
SORT.ACT QuickSort for BYTE, CARD, INT, and string data.
TURTLE.ACT an implementation of turtle graphics, ala LOGO.
Pages in category "Action! Tool Kit"
The following 123 pages are in this category, out of 123 total.
- Calculating the value of e
- Catalan numbers
- Catalan numbers/Pascal's triangle
- Circles of given radius through two points
- Common list elements
- Common sorted list
- Compound data type
- Concatenate two primes is also prime
- Continued fraction
- Convert seconds to compound duration
- Create a two-dimensional array at runtime
- Cumulative standard deviation
- Curve that touches three points
- Search a list of records
- Set
- Shoelace formula for polygonal area
- Simple turtle graphics
- Singly-linked list/Element insertion
- Singly-linked list/Element removal
- Singly-linked list/Traversal
- Smarandache prime-digital sequence
- Sort an integer array
- Sort the letters of string in alphabetical order
- Stack
- Statistics/Basic
- Stem-and-leaf plot
- String case
- Sum multiples of 3 and 5
- Sum of a series
- Sum of first n cubes
- Sum of primes in odd positions is prime
- Sunflower fractal
- Superellipse
- Symmetric difference