
This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
Official website |
Garbage collected: | Yes |
Parameter passing methods: | By reference, By value |
Type safety: | Safe, Unsafe |
Type strength: | Gradual |
Type compatibility: | Nominative, Duck |
Type checking: | Dynamic, Static |
Lang tag(s): | raku,perl6 |
See Also: |
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Raku is a member of the Perl family of programming languages. Though it resembles previous versions of Perl to no small degree, Raku is substantially a new language. By design, it isn't backwards-compatible with Perl 5. The first official release was at Christmas of 2015.
Damian Conway described the basic philosophy of Raku as follows:
The Perl 6 (now Raku) design process is about keeping what works in Perl 5, fixing what doesn't, and adding what's missing. That means there will be a few fundamental changes to the language, a large number of extensions to existing features, and a handful of completely new ideas. These modifications, enhancements, and innovations will work together to make the future Perl even more insanely great -- without, we hope, making it even more greatly insane.
Major new features include multiple dispatch, declarative classes, grammars, formal parameters to subroutines, type constraints on variables, lazy evaluation, junctions, meta-operators, and the ability to change Perl's syntax at will.
The definition of Raku is specified entirely by a test suite, so we could in theory have multiple implementations. The current version of the language is 6.d, as defined by the test suite known as "roast" (Repository Of All Spec Tests). Compiler releases have date-based versions, and these are typically used in Rosetta Code entries for the "works with" fields. The only compiler implementing the full test suite, Rakudo, currently runs on either of two backends, MoarVM or JVM. Subsequent language revisions are planned for release on a roughly yearly cycle.
Useful links
A Note on the Renaming
The renaming of "Perl 6" as "Raku" occurred in October 2019. Since the old name has been in use for many years, it will take some time for the new designation to propagate widely. Expect to see both names in use for some time, but understand that they refer to exactly the same underlying idea. As of March 14, 2020, all of the existing "Perl 6" tasks have been renamed to "Raku". There are still many mentions of Perl 6 throughout the site, and likely will be for the foreseeable future.
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Pages in category "Raku"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,641 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A* search algorithm
- A+B
- Abbreviations, automatic
- Abbreviations, easy
- Abbreviations, simple
- ABC correlation
- ABC incremental counts
- ABC problem
- ABC words
- Abelian sandpile model
- Abelian sandpile model/Identity
- Abstract type
- Abundant odd numbers
- Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
- Accumulator factory
- Achilles numbers
- Ackermann function
- Active Directory/Connect
- Active Directory/Search for a user
- Active object
- Add a variable to a class instance at runtime
- Addition chains
- Addition-chain exponentiation
- Additive primes
- Address of a variable
- ADFGVX cipher
- Air mass
- AKS test for primes
- Algebraic data types
- Align columns
- Aliquot sequence classifications
- Almkvist-Giullera formula for pi
- Almost prime
- Alternade words
- Amb
- Amicable pairs
- Anadromes
- Anagram generator
- Anagrams
- Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
- Anaprimes
- Angle difference between two bearings
- Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion
- Animate a pendulum
- Animated Spinners
- Animation
- Anonymous recursion
- Anti-primes
- Append a record to the end of a text file
- Append numbers at same position in strings
- Apply a callback to an array
- Apply a digital filter (direct form II transposed)
- Approximate equality
- Apéry's constant
- Arbitrary-precision integers (included)
- Archimedean spiral
- Arena storage pool
- Arithmetic coding/As a generalized change of radix
- Arithmetic derivative
- Arithmetic evaluation
- Arithmetic numbers
- Arithmetic-geometric mean
- Arithmetic-geometric mean/Calculate Pi
- Arithmetic/Complex
- Arithmetic/Integer
- Arithmetic/Rational
- Array concatenation
- Array length
- Arrays
- Ascending primes
- ASCII art diagram converter
- ASCII control characters
- Aspect oriented programming
- Assertions
- Assertions in design by contract
- Associative array/Creation
- Associative array/Iteration
- Associative array/Merging
- Atomic updates
- Attractive numbers
- Audio alarm
- Audio frequency generator
- Audio overlap loop
- Autogram checker
- Average loop length
- Averages/Arithmetic mean
- Averages/Mean angle
- Averages/Mean time of day
- Averages/Median
- Averages/Mode
- Averages/Pythagorean means
- Averages/Root mean square
- Averages/Simple moving average
- AVL tree
- B-spline
- Babbage problem
- Babylonian spiral
- Bacon cipher
- Balanced brackets
- Balanced ternary
- Banker's algorithm
- Barnsley fern
- Base 16 numbers needing a to f
- Base58Check encoding
- Base64 decode data
- Base64 encode data
- Bell numbers
- Benford's law
- Bernoulli numbers
- Bernstein basis polynomials
- Best shuffle
- Bifid cipher
- Bilinear interpolation
- Bin given limits
- Binary coded decimal
- Binary digits
- Binary search
- Binary strings
- Binomial transform
- Bioinformatics/base count
- Bioinformatics/Global alignment
- Bioinformatics/Sequence mutation
- Bioinformatics/Subsequence
- Biorhythms
- Birthday problem
- Bitcoin/address validation
- Bitcoin/public point to address
- Bitmap
- Bitmap/Bresenham's line algorithm
- Bitmap/Bézier curves/Cubic
- Bitmap/Bézier curves/Quadratic
- Bitmap/Flood fill
- Bitmap/Histogram
- Bitmap/Midpoint circle algorithm
- Bitmap/PPM conversion through a pipe
- Bitmap/Read a PPM file
- Bitmap/Read an image through a pipe
- Bitmap/Write a PPM file
- Bitwise IO
- Bitwise operations
- Blum integer
- Boolean values
- Boustrophedon transform
- Box the compass
- Boyer-Moore string search
- Brace expansion
- Brace expansion using ranges
- Brazilian numbers
- Break OO privacy
- Brilliant numbers
- Bron–Kerbosch algorithm
- Brownian tree
- Brzozowski algebraic method
- Bulls and cows
- Bulls and cows/Player
- Burrows–Wheeler transform
- Bézier curves/Intersections
- Caesar cipher
- Calculating the value of e
- Calendar
- Calendar - for "REAL" programmers
- Calkin-Wilf sequence
- Call a foreign-language function
- Call a function
- Call a function in a shared library
- Call an object method
- Calmo numbers
- CalmoSoft primes
- Camel case and snake case
- Canny edge detector
- Canonicalize CIDR
- Cantor set
- Card shuffles
- Carmichael 3 strong pseudoprimes
- Carmichael lambda function
- Cartesian product of two or more lists
- Case-sensitivity of identifiers
- Casting out nines
- Catalan numbers
- Catalan numbers/Pascal's triangle
- Catamorphism
- Centre and radius of a circle passing through 3 points in a plane
- Centroid of a set of N-dimensional points
- Change e letters to i in words
- Changeable words
- Chaocipher
- Chaos game
- Garbage collection/Yes
- Parameter passing/By reference
- Parameter passing/By value
- Typing/Safe
- Typing/Unsafe
- Typing/Gradual
- Typing/Compatibility/Nominative, Duck
- Typing/Checking/Dynamic
- Typing/Checking/Static
- Programming Languages
- Programming paradigm/Dynamic
- Programming paradigm/Imperative
- Programming paradigm/Procedural
- Programming paradigm/Reflective
- Programming paradigm/Functional
- Programming paradigm/Object-oriented
- Programming paradigm/Generic