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Anagram generator

From Rosetta Code
Anagram generator
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

There are already other tasks relating to finding existing anagrams. This one is about creating them.

Write a (set of) routine(s) that, when given a word list to work from, and word or phrase as a seed, generates anagrams of that word or phrase. Feel free to ignore letter case, white-space, punctuation and symbols. Probably best to avoid numerics too, but feel free to include them if that floats your boat.

It is not necessary to (only) generate anagrams that make sense. That is a hard problem, much more difficult than can realistically be done in a small program; though again, if you feel the need, you are invited to amaze your peers.

In general, try to form phrases made up of longer words. Feel free to manually reorder output words or add punctuation and/or case changes to get a better meaning.


Write an anagram generator program.

Use a publicly and freely available word file as its word list.

unixdict.txt from http://wiki.puzzlers.org is a popular, though somewhat limited choice.
A much larger word list: words_alpha.txt file from https://github.com/dwyl/english-words. May be better as far as coverage but may return unreasonably large results.

Use your program to generate anagrams of some words / phrases / names of your choice. No need to show all the output. It is likely to be very large. Just pick out one or two of the best results and show the seed word/phrase and anagram.

For example, show the seed and one or two of the best anagrams:

Purefox -> Fur expo
Petelomax -> Metal expo

.oO(hmmm. Seem to be detecting something of a trend here...)


This approach uniquely hashes combinations of letters and then searches for matches on the hash. A little long-winded, but very fast.

pragma Ada_2022;
with Ada.Characters.Handling;   use Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
with Ada.Text_IO;               use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;     use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;  use Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;
with Interfaces;  use Interfaces;

procedure Anagram_Generator is
   MIN_WORD_LEN  : constant Positive := 2;
   MAX_WORD_LEN  : constant Positive := 14;
   DICT_FILENAME : constant String   := "unixdict.txt";
   Invalid_Word  : exception;

   subtype LC_Chars is Character range 'a' .. 'z'; --  used to filter dictionary etc.
   type Dict_Length_Range is range MIN_WORD_LEN .. (MAX_WORD_LEN - MIN_WORD_LEN);
   type Word_Entry_Rec is record
      Word : Unbounded_String;
      Hash : Unsigned_64;
   end record;
   package Word_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Positive, Word_Entry_Rec);
   type Hashed_Dict_Arr is array (Dict_Length_Range) of Word_Vectors.Vector;

   function Hash (Str : String) return Unsigned_64 is
      PRIMES : constant array (LC_Chars) of Unsigned_64 := [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13,
         17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101];
      Res : Unsigned_64 := 1;
      for C of Str loop Res := Res * PRIMES (C); end loop;
      return Res;
   end Hash;

   function Load_Candidate_Words (Dict_Filename : String; Min_Len, Max_Len : Positive)
            return Hashed_Dict_Arr is
      Dict_File  : File_Type;
      Read_Word  : Unbounded_String;
      Cands      : Hashed_Dict_Arr;
      Valid      : Boolean;
      C          : Character;
      Word_Len   : Positive;
      Word_Entry : Word_Entry_Rec;
      Open (File => Dict_File, Mode => In_File, Name => Dict_Filename);
      while not End_Of_File (Dict_File) loop
         Read_Word := Get_Line (Dict_File);
         Word_Len := Length (Read_Word);
         if Word_Len in Min_Len .. Max_Len then
            Valid := True;
            for Ix in 1 .. Word_Len loop
               C := Element (Read_Word, Ix);
               Valid := C in LC_Chars;
               exit when not Valid;
            end loop; 
            if Valid then
               Word_Entry.Word := Read_Word;
               Word_Entry.Hash := Hash (To_String (Read_Word));
               Cands (Dict_Length_Range (Word_Len)).Append (Word_Entry);
            end if;
         end if;
      end loop;
      Close (Dict_File);
      return Cands;
   end Load_Candidate_Words;

   procedure Find_Words (Len_1, Len_2 : Integer; Hash_1, Hash_2 : Unsigned_64; 
                         Dict : in out Hashed_Dict_Arr) is
      for WE_1 of Dict (Dict_Length_Range (Len_1)) loop
         if WE_1.Hash = Hash_1 then
            for WE_2 of Dict (Dict_Length_Range (Len_2)) loop
               if WE_2.Hash = Hash_2 then
                  Put_Line ("   " & WE_1.Word & " " & WE_2.Word);
               end if;
            end loop;
            WE_1.Hash := 0; --  Don't reuse this word
         end if;
      end loop;
   end Find_Words;

   function Pop_Count (N : Unsigned_32) return Natural is
      V : Unsigned_32 := N;
      V := V - (Shift_Right (V, 1) and 16#55555555#);
      V := (V and 16#33333333#) + (Shift_Right (V, 2) and 16#33333333#);
      V := Shift_Right (((V + Shift_Right (V, 4) and 16#f0f0f0f#) * 16#1010101#), 24);
      return Natural (V);
   end Pop_Count;

   function Next (N : Unsigned_32) return Unsigned_32 is
      Res  : Unsigned_32;
      Ones : constant Natural := Pop_Count (N);
      case Ones is
         when 0 => return 0;
         when 1 => return Shift_Left (N, 1);
         when others =>  --  Simple implementation
            Res := N + 1;
            while Pop_Count (Res) /= Ones loop
               Res := Res + 1;
            end loop;
            return Res;
      end case;
   end Next;

   function Masked_Chars (Src : String; Mask : Unsigned_32) return String is
      Res : String (1 .. Pop_Count (Mask));
      Shifted : Unsigned_32 := Mask;
      Str_Ix  : Positive := 1;
      for I in 1 .. Src'Length loop
         if (Shifted and 1) = 1 then
            Res (Str_Ix) := Src (I);
            Str_Ix := @ + 1;
         end if;
         Shifted := Shift_Right (Shifted, 1);
         exit when Shifted = 0;  --  short-circuit an empty mask
      end loop;
      return Res;
   end Masked_Chars;

   procedure Anagram (Word : String) is
      Word_LC        : constant String := To_Lower (Word);
      Max_Search_Len : constant Positive := Word'Length - MIN_WORD_LEN;
      Hashed_Dict    : Hashed_Dict_Arr;
      Part_1_Len, Part_2_Len : Integer;
      Part_1         : Unsigned_32;
      Part_Len_Mask  : constant Unsigned_32 := (2 ** Word'Length) - 1;
      if Word'Length not in MIN_WORD_LEN .. MAX_WORD_LEN then
         raise Invalid_Word with "Word length out of allowed range.";
      end if;
      Hashed_Dict := Load_Candidate_Words (DICT_FILENAME, MIN_WORD_LEN, Max_Search_Len);
      Put_Line ("Two-word anagrams of " & Word & "...");
      Part_1_Len := Word'Length - MIN_WORD_LEN;
      Part_2_Len := Word'Length - Part_1_Len;
      while Part_1_Len >= Part_2_Len loop
         Part_1 := Unsigned_32 (2 ** (Part_1_Len) - 1);
         while Part_1 < 2 ** Word'Length loop
            Find_Words (Part_1_Len, Part_2_Len, Hash (Masked_Chars(Word_LC, Part_1)),
                        Hash (Masked_Chars(Word_LC, (not Part_1) and Part_Len_Mask)), Hashed_Dict);
            Part_1 := Next (Part_1);
         end loop;
         Part_1_Len := @ - 1;
         Part_2_Len := @ + 1;
      end loop;
   end Anagram;
   Anagram ("Purefox");
   Anagram ("Petelomax");
   Anagram ("rosettacode");
end Anagram_Generator;
Two-word anagrams of Purefox...
   peru fox
   pure fox
Two-word anagrams of Petelomax...
   example to
   omelet pax
   exempt lao
   tempo alex
   tempo axle
   motel apex
   expel atom
   expel moat
   exalt poem
   latex poem
Two-word anagrams of rosettacode...
   doctorate se
   ostracod tee
   creosote tad
   detector sao
   rosetta code
   rosetta coed
   rosette coda
   oersted coat
   doctor tease
   cetera stood
   create stood
   derate scoot


#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

std::vector<std::string> string_to_vector(const std::string& word) {
	std::vector<std::string> letters{ };
	for ( const char& ch : word ) {
		letters.emplace_back(std::string(1, ch));
	return letters;

std::string vector_to_string(const std::vector<std::string>& letters) {
	std::string result = "";
	for ( const std::string& letter : letters ) {
		result += letter;
	return result;

std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> create_combinations(
		const std::vector<std::string>& words, const uint32_t& k) {
	std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> combinations{ };
	std::vector<bool> visited(words.size());
	std::fill(visited.end() - k, visited.end(), true);
	while ( std::next_permutation(visited.begin(), visited.end()) ) {
		std::vector<std::string> combination{ };
		for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < words.size(); ++i ) {
			if ( visited[i] ) {
	return combinations;

void anagram_generator(const std::string& word, std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>& word_map) {
	std::string text = "";
	for ( char ch : word ) {
		ch = std::tolower(ch);
		if ( ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' ) {
			text += std::string(1, ch);
	std::vector<std::string> text_vector = string_to_vector(text);
	std::sort(text_vector.begin(), text_vector.end());
	std::set<std::string> previous_letters{ };

	for ( uint32_t n = text.size() / 2; n >= 1; --n ) {
		for ( std::vector<std::string> letters_one_vector : create_combinations(text_vector, n) ) {
			std::sort(letters_one_vector.begin(), letters_one_vector.end());
			std::string letters_one = vector_to_string(letters_one_vector);
			if ( previous_letters.contains(letters_one) ) {

			if ( word_map.contains(letters_one) ) {
				std::vector<std::string> anagrams_one = word_map[letters_one];
				std::vector<std::string> letters_two_vector{ };
				std::set_difference(text_vector.begin(), text_vector.end(),
					letters_one_vector.begin(), letters_one_vector.end(), back_inserter(letters_two_vector));
				std::string letters_two = vector_to_string(letters_two_vector);

				if ( text.size() == 2 * n ) {
					if ( previous_letters.contains(letters_two) ) {

				if ( word_map.contains(letters_two) ) {
					std::vector<std::string> anagrams_two = word_map[letters_two];
					for ( const std::string& word_one : anagrams_one ) {
						for ( const std::string& word_two : anagrams_two ) {
							std::cout << " " << word_one << " " << word_two << std::endl;

int main() {
	std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> word_map{ };
	std::fstream file_stream;
	std::string word;
	while ( file_stream >> word ) {
		std::vector<std::string> letters = string_to_vector(word);
		std::sort(letters.begin(), letters.end());
		std::string sorted_word = std::accumulate(letters.begin(), letters.end(), std::string{ });
		if ( word_map.contains(sorted_word) ) {
		} else {
			std::vector<std::string> entry{ word };
			word_map[sorted_word] = entry;

	std::vector<std::string> words{ "Rosetta code", "Joe Biden", "Clint Eastwood" };
	for ( const std::string& word : words ) {
		std::cout << "Two word anagrams of " << word << ":" << std::endl;
		anagram_generator(word, word_map);
		std::cout << std::endl;
Two word anagrams of Rosetta code:
 stood cetera
 stood create
 scoot derate
 tease doctor
 code rosetta
 coed rosetta
 coat oersted
 coda rosette
 tee ostracod
 sao detector
 tad creosote
 se doctorate

Two word anagrams of Joe B'iden:
 done jibe
 node jibe
 jed niobe

Two word anagrams of Clint Eastw3ood:
 edison walcott
 atwood stencil
 eliot downcast
 clint eastwood
 clio downstate
 coil downstate
 loci downstate


Type WordGroup
    As String sorted
    As String words(100)
    As Integer count
End Type

Type WordMap
    As WordGroup groups(50000)
    As Integer count
End Type

Dim Shared As WordMap dictionary

Function sortWord(word As String) As String
    Dim As String result = Lcase(word)
    Dim As Integer length = Len(result)
    For i As Integer = 1 To length - 1
        For j As Integer = i + 1 To length
            If Mid(result, i, 1) > Mid(result, j, 1) Then
                Dim As String tmp = Mid(result, i, 1)
                Mid(result, i, 1) = Mid(result, j, 1)
                Mid(result, j, 1) = tmp
            End If
    Return result
End Function

Sub loadDictionary(map As WordMap, filename As String)
    Dim As Integer ff = Freefile
    Open filename For Input As #ff
    Dim As String word, sorted
    Do Until Eof(ff)
        Line Input #ff, word
        word = Trim(word)
        If Len(word) = 0 Then Continue Do
        sorted = sortWord(word)
        Dim As Integer i, found = -1
        For i = 0 To map.count - 1
            If map.groups(i).sorted = sorted Then
                found = i
                Exit For
            End If
        If found = -1 Then
            found = map.count
            map.count += 1
            map.groups(found).sorted = sorted
            map.groups(found).count = 0
        End If
        With map.groups(found)
            .words(.count) = word
            .count += 1
        End With
    Close #ff
End Sub

Function removeNonLetters(text As String) As String
    Dim As String result = ""
    For i As Integer = 1 To Len(text)
        Dim As String c = Mid(text, i, 1)
        If (c >= "A" And c <= "Z") Or (c >= "a" And c <= "z") Then result &= Lcase(c)
    Return result
End Function

Sub findWordCombinations(map As WordMap, letters As String)
    Dim As Integer length = Len(letters)
    If length < 2 Then Exit Sub
    Dim As Integer halfLen, sameLength
    Dim As Integer n, i, g1, g2, w1, w2
    Dim As String part1, part2
    halfLen = length \ 2
    For n = halfLen To 1 Step -1
        sameLength = (length = 2 * n)
        For i = 1 To length - n + 1
            part1 = Mid(letters, i, n)
            part2 = Left(letters, i - 1) & Mid(letters, i + n)
            part1 = sortWord(Mid(letters, i, n))
            part2 = sortWord(Left(letters, i - 1) & Mid(letters, i + n))
            For g1 = 0 To map.count - 1
                If map.groups(g1).sorted = part1 Then
                    For g2 = 0 To map.count - 1
                        If map.groups(g2).sorted = part2 Then
                            For w1 = 0 To map.groups(g1).count - 1
                                For w2 = 0 To map.groups(g2).count - 1
                                    Print "  " & map.groups(g1).words(w1) & " " & map.groups(g2).words(w2)
                        End If
                End If
End Sub

Sub generateAnagrams(map As WordMap, text As String)
    Dim As String cleanText = removeNonLetters(text)
    findWordCombinations(map, cleanText)
End Sub

loadDictionary(dictionary, "i:\unixdict.txt")

Dim tests(5) As String = {"Rosettacode", "PureFox", "Petelomax", "Wherrera", "Thundergnat", "ClintEastwood"}

For i As Integer = 0 To Ubound(tests)
    Print !"\n" & tests(i) & ":"
    generateAnagrams(dictionary, tests(i))

  coat oersted
  coda rosette
  code rosetta
  coed rosetta
  se doctorate

  fox peru
  fox pure


  wehr rare
  wehr rear
  herr ware
  herr wear
  rare wehr
  rear wehr

  hunt dragnet
  gnat thunder
  tang thunder

  clint eastwood



anagen=: {{
  seed=. (tolower y)([-.-.)a.{~97+i.26
  letters=. ~.seed
  list=. <;._2 tolower fread x
  ok1=. */@e.&letters every list
  ref=. #/.~seed
  counts=. <: #/.~@(letters,])every ok1#list
  ok2=. counts */ .<:ref
  c=. ok2#counts
  maybe=. i.1,~#c
  while. #maybe do.
    done=. (+/"2 maybe{c)*/ .=ref
    if. 1 e. done do.
      r=. ;:inv ((done#maybe) { ok2#I.ok1){L:0 1 <;._2 fread x
      if. #r=. r #~ -. r -:"1&tolower y do. r return. end.
    maybe=. ; c {{
      <(#~ n */ .<:"1~ [: +/"2 {&m) y,"1 0 ({:y)}.i.#m
    }} ref"1(-.done)#maybe

Conceptually, we're working with a graph here -- given a seed word, we have sequence of letters and a count of each of those letters which we must supply. Given a list of words whose letters do not exceed that count, we extend that list with an additional word, discarding word sequences which go over the letter count. We would repeat as necessary until we satisfy the needed letter counts. Also, we inspect the "final result" and remove our seed word or phrase from it (if it was present -- and if that would have been our only result we would extend our under budget word sequences until they satisfy our letter counts). It seems like two words is usually sufficient here.

To limit our resource consumption, we turn this conceptual graph into a directed graph by requiring that the words in our anagram sequence appear in alphabetic order (we could go back and permute each word sequence if we wanted to pad our results).

We could further improve performance (and typically generate fewer example anagrams) if we required our initial word choice to include "rarely used letters" and then alternated between increasing alphabetic order and decreasing alphabetic order when adding words to the potential anagrams. This approach would reduce the size of intermediate results which would [usually] significantly increase search speed. But it might require backtracking if our initial choices were unfortunate.


   'unixdict.txt' anagen 'Rosettacode'
cetera stood
coat oersted
coda rosette
code rosetta
coed rosetta
create stood
creosote tad
derate scoot
detector sao
doctor tease
doctorate se
ostracod tee
   'unixdict.txt' anagen 'Thundergnat'
dragnet hunt
gannett hurd
ghent tundra
gnat thunder
hurd tangent
tang thunder
   'unixdict.txt' anagen 'Clint Eastwood'
atwood stencil
clio downstate
coil downstate
downcast eliot
downstate loci
edison walcott
   'unixdict.txt' anagen 'Pizza party time'
aim pizza pretty
airy pizza tempt
amaze ritz tippy
ami pizza pretty
amity pert pizza
amp pizzeria tty
armpit pizza yet
army petit pizza
emit party pizza
imp pizza treaty
impart pizza yet
irma petty pizza
item party pizza
m patty pizzeria
map pizzeria tty
marietta z zippy
mart piety pizza
mary petit pizza
mat pizza pyrite
mater pity pizza
mayer pitt pizza
maze trait zippy
meaty pizza trip
mi piazza pretty
mira petty pizza
mire patty pizza
mite party pizza
mitt piazza prey
mitt piazza pyre
mizar tate zippy
mizar teat zippy
mizar tippy zeta
mt piazza pyrite
myra petit pizza
pam pizzeria tty
party pizza time
patty pizza rime
petty piazza rim
piazza pity term
piazza prime tty
piazza trim type
piety pizza tram
pizza pyrite tam


import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public final class AnagramGenerator {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { 
		Map<String, List<String>> wordMap = Files.lines(Path.of("unixdict.txt"))
			.collect(Collectors.groupingBy( w -> w.chars().sorted().mapToObj( i -> String.valueOf((char) i) )					
		List<String> words = List.of( "Rosetta code", "Joe Biden", "Clint Eastwood" );
		for ( String word : words ) {
			System.out.println("Two word anagrams of " + word + ":");
			anagramGenerator(word, wordMap);
	private static void anagramGenerator(String word, Map<String, List<String>> wordMap) {
		String text = word.chars().mapToObj( i -> (char) i ).filter(Character::isLetter)
		List<String> textList = text.chars().mapToObj( i -> String.valueOf((char) i) ).toList();
		Set<String> previousLetters = new HashSet<String>();
		for ( int n = text.length() / 2; n >= 1; n-- ) {						
			for ( List<String> lettersOneList : createCombinations(textList, n) ) {
	            String lettersOne = lettersOneList.stream().sorted().collect(Collectors.joining()); 
	            if ( previousLetters.contains(lettersOne) ) {
	            if ( wordMap.containsKey(lettersOne) ) {
	            	List<String> anagramsOne = wordMap.get(lettersOne);	
	            	List<String> lettersTwoList = listDifference(textList, lettersOneList);            	
	                String lettersTwo = lettersTwoList.stream().sorted().collect(Collectors.joining());
	                if ( text.length() == 2 * n ) {
	                    if ( previousLetters.contains(lettersTwo) ) {

                    if ( wordMap.containsKey(lettersTwo) ) {
                    	List<String> anagramsTwo = wordMap.get(lettersTwo);
                        for ( String wordOne : anagramsOne ) {
                            for ( String wordTwo : anagramsTwo ) {
                                System.out.println(" " + wordOne + " " + wordTwo);
	private static <T> List<T> listDifference(List<T> removeFrom, List<T> toRemove) {
		List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(removeFrom);
		return result;
	private static <T> List<List<T>> createCombinations(List<T> elements, int k) {
		List<List<T>> combinations = new ArrayList<List<T>>();
		createCombinations(elements, k, new ArrayList<T>(), combinations, 0);
		return combinations;
	private static <T> void createCombinations(
			List<T> elements, int k, List<T> accumulator, List<List<T>> combinations, int index) {
		if ( accumulator.size() == k ) {
		    combinations.addFirst( new ArrayList<T>(accumulator) );
		} else if ( k - accumulator.size() <= elements.size() - index ) {
		    createCombinations(elements, k, accumulator, combinations, index + 1);
		    createCombinations(elements, k, accumulator, combinations, index + 1);
Two word anagrams of Rosetta code:
 scoot derate
 stood cetera
 stood create
 tease doctor
 code rosetta
 coed rosetta
 coat oersted
 coda rosette
 sao detector
 tee ostracod
 tad creosote
 se doctorate

Two word anagrams of Joe Biden:
 jibe done
 jibe node
 jed niobe

Two word anagrams of Clint Eastwood:
 edison walcott
 atwood stencil
 clint eastwood
 eliot downcast
 clio downstate
 coil downstate
 loci downstate


This entry provides a number of anagram-related functions, all based on the profiling of words by the frequency counts of their constituent letters. The emphasis is on a reasonable level efficiency within the context of general-purpose utility functions.

In general, a streaming approach is taken, in part for speed and to minimize memory requirements, and in part to highlight jq's support for streaming.

Phrasal anagrams are not limited by a predetermined length, and are computed as a stream consisting of a sorted list of words, e.g. for "firefox", one phrasal anagram would be presented as:


In order to motivate the helper functions, consider first the task of generating anagrams of a word, $word. In this case, we have only to construct a listing of relevant words, which can be done by calling our "dictionary" construction function:

  dict(inputs; $word; $word|length)

Here, the last argument ensures that only words having the same length as the target word are selected.

Next, consider the task of generating anagrammatic phrases wherein each word has a minimum length of 2. This would be accomplished by:

  dict(inputs; $word; 2) 
  | anagram_phrases($letters)

Use of gojq

The program presented here has been tested using both jq, the C-based implementation, and gojq, the Go implementation of jq, but in the latter case with the additional definition:

def keys_unsorted: keys;

Generic Functions

def count(stream): reduce stream as $x (0; .+1);

# remove adjacent duplicates
def once(stream):
  foreach stream as $x ({prev: null};
    if $x == .prev then .emit = null else .emit = $x | .prev = $x end;

# one-for-one subtraction
# if . and $y are arrays, then emit the array difference, respecting multiplicity;
# similarly if both are strings, emit a string representing the difference.
def minus($y):
  if type == "array"
  then reduce $y[] as $x (.;
    index($x) as $ix
    | if $ix then .[:$ix] + .[$ix+1:] else . end)
  else explode | minus($y|explode) | implode

# bag of words
def bow(stream): 
  reduce stream as $word ({}; .[($word|tostring)] += 1);


# Input: a string
def profile: bow( explode[] | [.] | implode);

# Comparison of profiles
# . and $p2 should be profiles
def le($p2):
  . as $p1
  | all( keys_unsorted[]; $p1[.] <= $p2[.]);

def eq($p2):
  . as $p1
  | all( keys_unsorted + ($p2|keys_unsorted) | unique[]; $p1[.] == $p2[.]);

# Construct a list of relevant words using the given stream.
# $min is the a-priori minimum word length and
# so if $min is the length of $word, we are looking for exact anagrams:
def dict(stream; $word; $min):
  ($word|length) as $length
  | ($word|profile) as $profile
  | if $length == $min
    then [stream | select(profile|eq($profile))]
    else [stream
          | select(length >= $min and
               length <= $length and
    end ;

# Input: an array of admissible words.
# Output: a stream of anagrams of $word
def anagram($word):
  ($word|profile) as $profile
  | .[]
  | select(profile|eq($profile));

# Input: an array of admissible words.
# Output: a stream of subanagrams of $word
# regarding each occurrence of a letter as distinct from all others
def subanagrams($word):
  ($word|profile) as $profile
  | .[]
  | select(profile|le($profile));

# input: an array to be extended with an additional dictionary word.
# output: a stream of arrays with additional words 
# selected from the characters in the string $letters.
# The input array should be in alphabetical order; if it is,
# so will the output array.
def extend($letters; $dict):
  if $letters == "" then .
  else . as $in
  | ($dict|subanagrams($letters)) as $w
  | select(if ($in|length) > 0 then $in[-1] <= $w else true end)
  | ($letters | minus($w)) as $remaining
  | ($in + [$w]) | extend($remaining; $dict)

def anagram_phrases($letters):
  . as $dict
  | once([] | extend($letters; $dict));

# Global: $anagram $word $min
def main:
  if $anagram
  then dict(inputs; $word; $word|length)[]
  else  dict(inputs; $word; $min)
  | anagram_phrases($word)
  end ;


Invocation template

< unixdict.txt jq -ncrR --arg word WORD --argjson anagram BOOLEAN --argjson min MIN -f anagram-generator.jq


  • WORD is a string (normally, a word)
  • BOOLEAN determines whether anagrams or anagrammatic phrases are sought
  • MIN is the minimum length of admissible words to be used if $anagram is false



# Invocation:
< unixdict.txt jq -nrR --arg word read --argjson anagram true --argjson min 3 -f anagram-generator.jq

Anagrammatic phrases

# Invocation:
< unixdict.txt jq -ncR --arg word firefox --argjson anagram false --argjson min 2 -f anagram-generator.jq


const unixwords = split(read("unixdict.txt", String) |> lowercase, r"\s+")

function findphrases(anastring::AbstractString, choices, sizelong = 4, n_shortpermitted = 1)
    anadict = Dict{Char, Int}()
    for c in lowercase(anastring)
        if 'a' <= c <= 'z'
            anadict[c] = get(anadict, c, 0) + 1
    phrases = String[]
    function addword(remaining, phrase, numshort)
        for w in unixwords
            len = length(w)
            numshort < 1 && len < sizelong && continue
            any(c -> get(remaining, c, 0) < count(==(c), w), w) && @goto nextword
            cdict = copy(remaining)
            for c in w
                cdict[c] -= 1
            if all(==(0), values(cdict))
                return strip(phrase * " " * w)
            elseif (newphrase = addword(cdict, phrase * " " * w, numshort - (len < sizelong))) != nothing
                push!(phrases, newphrase)
                print(length(phrases), "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b")
            @label nextword
        return nothing
    addword(anadict, "", n_shortpermitted)
    return phrases

for s in ["Rosetta code", "Joe Biden", "wherrera"]
    println("\nFrom '$s':")
    foreach(println, findphrases(s, unixwords, 4, 0) |> unique |> sort!)
From 'Rosetta code':
cetera stood
coat oersted
coda rosette
code rosetta
coed rosetta
create stood
derate scoot
doctor tease
oersted coat
rosetta code
rosette coda
scoot derate
stood cetera
tease doctor

From 'Joe Biden':
done jibe
jibe done
node jibe

From 'wherrera':
herr ware
rare wehr
rear wehr
ware herr
wear herr
wehr rare


Translation of: Julia
import std/[algorithm, sequtils, strutils, tables]

proc readWords(filename: string): seq[string] {.compileTime.} =
  result = filename.staticRead().splitLines().map(toLowerAscii)

const UnixWords = readWords("unixdict.txt")

func findPhrases(anaString: string; choices: seq[string];
                 sizeLong = 4; nShortPermitted = 1): seq[string] =
  var anaDict: CountTable[char]
  for c in anaString.toLowerAscii:
    if c in 'a'..'z':
  var phrases: seq[string]

  func addWord(remaining: CountTable[char]; phrase: string; numShort: int): string =
    for word in UnixWords:
      block Search:
        if numShort < 1 and word.len < sizeLong:
          break Search
        if anyIt(word, remaining.getOrDefault(it) < word.count(it)):
          break Search
        var cdict = remaining
        for c in word: cdict.inc(c, -1)
        if allIt(cdict.values.toSeq, it == 0):
          return strip(phrase & ' ' & word)
        let newPhrase = addWord(cdict, phrase & ' ' & word, numshort - ord(word.len < sizeLong))
        if newPhrase.len > 0:
          phrases.add newPhrase

  discard addWord(anaDict, "", nShortPermitted)
  result = move(phrases)

for s in ["Rosetta code", "Joe Biden", "wherrera"]:
  echo "From '$#':" % s
  for phrase in findPhrases(s, UnixWords, 4, 0).sorted.deduplicate(true):
    echo phrase
From 'Rosetta code':
cetera stood
coat oersted
coda rosette
code rosetta
coed rosetta
create stood
derate scoot
doctor tease
oersted coat
rosetta code
rosette coda
scoot derate
stood cetera
tease doctor

From 'Joe Biden':
done jibe
jibe done
node jibe

From 'wherrera':
herr ware
rare wehr
rear wehr
ware herr
wear herr
wehr rare


Couldn't really think of a better way than just building a dirty great filter list to get rid of the less interesting answers....

with javascript_semantics
constant bo_ring = {"al","alex","am","an","and","anent","ann","ant","ar","ares","art","at","ax","axle",
function az(string word) return min(word)>='a' and max(word)<='z' and not find(word,bo_ring) end function
sequence words = filter(unix_dict(),az),
         wdsaz = sort(columnize({apply(words,sort),tagset(length(words))}))

sequence seen = {}
procedure test(string w, sequence found={})
    if found={} then
        seen = {}
        w = sort(lower(w))
    end if
    for i=abs(binary_search({w[1..1],0},wdsaz)) to length(wdsaz) do
        {string ax, integer wdx} = wdsaz[i]
        if ax[1]!=w[1] then exit end if
        sequence e = tagset(length(w))
        e[1] = 0
        integer j = 2
        for k=2 to length(ax) do
            while j<length(w) and ax[k]>w[j] do j += 1 end while
            if j>length(w) or ax[k]!=w[j] then exit end if
            e[j] = 0
            j += 1
            if k=length(ax) then
                string aw = words[wdx]
                e = filter(e,"!=",0)
                if length(e)=0 then
                    if length(found) then
                        sequence f = append(deep_copy(found),aw),
                                sf = sort(deep_copy(f))
                        if not find(sf,seen) then
                            seen = append(seen,sf)
                            printf(1,"   %s\n",{join(f,", ")})
                        end if
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end for
    end for
end procedure
papply({"Rosetta", "PureFox","PeteLomax","Wherrera","Thundergnat"},test)
   treat, so
   sea, trot
   east, rot
   seat, rot
   state, or
   taste, or
   oar, test
   oat, rest
   star, toe
   as, otter
   peru, fox
   pure, fox
   rex, of, up
   exalt, poem
   latex, poem
   apex, motel
   axe, elm, pot
   axe, let, mop
   axe, me, plot
   atom, expel
   moat, expel
   rare, wehr
   rear, wehr
   ware, herr
   wear, herr
   ad, tenth, rung
   dragnet, hunt
   dang, net, hurt
   hard, gent, nut
   gannett, hurd
   agent, dr, hunt
   hang, tend, rut
   nag, tend, hurt
   nag, thud, rent
   rang, thud, net
   ah, tend, grunt
   ah, dr, gent, nut
   haunt, dr, gent
   tart, dung, hen


Using the unixdict.txt word file by default.

unit sub MAIN ($in is copy = '', :$dict = 'unixdict.txt');

say 'Enter a word or phrase to be anagramed. (Loading dictionary)' unless $in.chars;

# Load the words into a word / Bag hash
my %words = $dict.IO.slurp.lc.words.race.map: { .comb(/\w/).join => .comb(/\w/).Bag };

# Declare some globals
my ($phrase, $count, $bag);

loop {
    ($phrase, $count, $bag) = get-phrase;
    find-anagram Hash.new: %words.grep: { .value$bag };

sub get-phrase {
    my $prompt = $in.chars ?? $in !! prompt "\nword or phrase? (press Enter to quit) ";
    $in = '';
    exit unless $prompt;

sub find-anagram (%subset, $phrase is copy = '', $last = Inf) {
    my $remain = $bag$phrase.comb(/\w/).Bag;        # Find the remaining letters
    my %filtered = %subset.grep: { .value$remain }; # Find words using the remaining letters
    my $sofar = +$phrase.comb(/\w/);                   # Get the count of the letters used so far
    for %filtered.sort: { -.key.chars, ~.key } {       # Sort by length then alphabetically then iterate
        my $maybe = +.key.comb(/\w/);                  # Get the letter count of the maybe addition
        next if $maybe > $last;                        # Next if it is longer than last - only consider descending length words
        next if $maybe == 1 and $last == 1;            # Only allow one one character word
        next if $count - $sofar - $maybe > $maybe;     # Try to balance word lengths
        if $sofar + $maybe == $count {                 # It's an anagram
            say $phrase ~ ' ' ~ .key and next;         # Display it and move on
        } else {                                       # Not yet a full anagram, recurse
            find-anagram %filtered, $phrase ~ ' ' ~ .key, $maybe;
Truncated to only show the best few as subjectively determined by me:

Punctuation, capitalization and (in some cases) word order manually massaged.

Enter a word or phrase to be anagramed. (Loading dictionary)

word or phrase? (press Enter to quit) Rosettacode
doctor tease

word or phrase? (press Enter to quit) thundergnat
dragnet hunt
Gent? Nah, turd.

word or phrase? (press Enter to quit) Clint Eastwood
downcast eliot
I contest waldo
nose to wildcat


Library: Wren-str
Library: Wren-perm
Library: Wren-seq
Library: Wren-sort

To avoid any subjectivity, this just produces all two word anagrams of a word or phrase.

Alternatives formed by simply changing the order of the two words have been suppressed.

import "io" for File
import "./str" for Str, Char
import "./perm" for Comb
import "./seq" for Lst
import "./sort" for Sort

var wordList = "unixdict.txt" // local copy
var words = File.read(wordList).split("\n").map { |w| w.trim() }
var wordMap = {}
for (word in words) {
    var letters = word.toList
    var sortedWord = letters.join()
    if (wordMap.containsKey(sortedWord)) {
    } else {
        wordMap[sortedWord] = [word]

var anagramGenerator = Fn.new { |text|
    var letters = Str.lower(text).toList
    // remove any non-letters
    for (i in letters.count-1..0) {
        if (!Char.isLetter(letters[i])) letters.removeAt(i)
    var lc = letters.count
    if (lc < 2) return
    var h = (lc/2).floor
    var tried = {}
    for (n in h..1) {
        var sameLength = (lc == 2 * n)
        for (letters1 in Comb.list(letters, n)) {
            letters1 = letters1.join()
            if (tried[letters1]) continue
            tried[letters1] = true
            var anagrams = wordMap[letters1]
            if (anagrams) {
                var letters2 = Lst.except(letters, letters1.toList)
                letters2 = letters2.join()
                if (sameLength) {
                    if (tried[letters2]) continue
                    tried[letters2] = true
                var anagrams2 = wordMap[letters2]
                if (anagrams2) {
                    for (word1 in anagrams) {
                        for (word2 in anagrams2) {
                            System.print("  " + word1 + " " + word2)

var tests = ["Rosettacode", "PureFox", "Petelomax", "Wherrera", "Thundergnat", "ClintEastwood"]
for (i in 0...tests.count) {
  scoot derate
  stood cetera
  stood create
  tease doctor
  code rosetta
  coed rosetta
  coat oersted
  coda rosette
  sao detector
  tee ostracod
  tad creosote
  se doctorate

  fox peru
  fox pure

  poem exalt
  poem latex
  apex motel
  alex tempo
  axle tempo
  atom expel
  moat expel
  pax omelet
  lao exempt
  to example

  wehr rare
  wehr rear
  ware herr
  wear herr

  ghent tundra
  hunt dragnet
  gnat thunder
  tang thunder
  hurd gannett
  hurd tangent

  edison walcott
  atwood stencil
  clint eastwood
  eliot downcast
  clio downstate
  coil downstate
  loci downstate
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