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<lang 11l>V dict_fname = ‘unixdict.txt’

F load_dictionary(String fname = dict_fname)
‘Return appropriate words from a dictionary file’
R Set(File(fname).read().split("\n").filter(word -> re:‘[a-z]{3,}’.match(word)))

F get_players()
V names = input(‘Space separated list of contestants: ’)
R names.trim(‘ ’).split(‘ ’, group_delimiters' 1B).map(n -> n.capitalize())

F is_wordiff_removal(word, String prev; comment = 1B)
‘Is word derived from prev by removing one letter?’
V ans = word C Set((0 .< prev.len).map(i -> @prev[0 .< i]‘’@prev[i + 1 ..]))
I !ans
I comment
print(‘Word is not derived from previous by removal of one letter.’)
R ans

F counter(s)
DefaultDict[Char, Int] d
L(c) s
R d

F is_wordiff_insertion(String word, String prev; comment = 1B) -> Bool
‘Is word derived from prev by adding one letter?’
V diff = counter(word)
L(c) prev
I --diff[c] <= 0
V diffcount = sum(diff.values())
I diffcount != 1
I comment
print(‘More than one character insertion difference.’)
R 0B

V insert = Array(diff.keys())[0]
V ans = word C Set((0 .. prev.len).map(i -> @prev[0 .< i]‘’@insert‘’@prev[i ..]))
I !ans
I comment
print(‘Word is not derived from previous by insertion of one letter.’)
R ans

F is_wordiff_change(String word, String prev; comment = 1B) -> Bool
‘Is word derived from prev by changing exactly one letter?’
V diffcount = sum(zip(word, prev).map((w, p) -> Int(w != p)))
I diffcount != 1
I comment
print(‘More or less than exactly one character changed.’)
R 0B
R 1B

F is_wordiff(wordiffs, word, dic, comment = 1B)
‘Is word a valid wordiff from wordiffs[-1] ?’
I word !C dic
I comment
print(‘That word is not in my dictionary’)
R 0B
I word C wordiffs
I comment
print(‘That word was already used.’)
R 0B
I word.len < wordiffs.last.len
R is_wordiff_removal(word, wordiffs.last, comment)
E I word.len > wordiffs.last.len
R is_wordiff_insertion(word, wordiffs.last, comment)

R is_wordiff_change(word, wordiffs.last, comment)

F could_have_got(wordiffs, dic)
R (dic - Set(wordiffs)).filter(word -> is_wordiff(@wordiffs, word, @dic, comment' 0B))

V dic = load_dictionary()
V dic_3_4 = dic.filter(word -> word.len C (3, 4))
V start = random:choice(dic_3_4)
V wordiffs = [start]
V players = get_players()
V cur_player = 0
V name = players[cur_player]
cur_player = (cur_player + 1) % players.len

V word = input(name‘: Input a wordiff from '’wordiffs.last‘': ’).trim(‘ ’)
I is_wordiff(wordiffs, word, dic)
print(‘YOU HAVE LOST ’name‘!’)
print(‘Could have used: ’(could_have_got(wordiffs, dic)[0.<10]).join(‘, ’)‘ ...’)

Space separated list of contestants: Paddy Maggie
Paddy: Input a wordiff from 'ease': case
Maggie: Input a wordiff from 'case': casey
Paddy: Input a wordiff from 'casey': carey
Maggie: Input a wordiff from 'carey': care
Paddy: Input a wordiff from 'care': make
More or less than exactly one character changed.
Could have used: are, bare, cadre, cafe, cage, cake, came, cane, cape, car ...


Revision as of 09:36, 12 January 2022

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Wordiff is an original game in which contestants take turns spelling new dictionary words of three or more characters that only differ from the last by a change in one letter.

The change can be either:

  1. a deletion of one letter;
  2. addition of one letter;
  3. or change in one letter.


  • All words must be in the dictionary.
  • No word in a game can be repeated.
  • The first word must be three or four letters long.


Create a program to aid in the playing of the game by:

  • Asking for contestants names.
  • Choosing an initial random three or four letter word from the dictionary.
  • Asking each contestant in their turn for a wordiff word.
  • Checking the wordiff word is:
  • in the dictionary,
  • not a repetition of past words,
  • and differs from the last appropriately.

Optional stretch goals
  • Add timing.
  • Allow players to set a maximum playing time for the game.
  • An internal timer accumulates how long each user takes to respond in their turns.
  • Play is halted if the maximum playing time is exceeded on a players input.
  • That last player must have entered a wordiff or loses.
  • If the game is timed-out, the loser is the person who took the longest `average` time to answer in their rounds.

Other tasks related to string operations:
Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases


Translation of: Python

<lang 11l>V dict_fname = ‘unixdict.txt’

F load_dictionary(String fname = dict_fname)

  ‘Return appropriate words from a dictionary file’
  R Set(File(fname).read().split("\n").filter(word -> re:‘[a-z]{3,}’.match(word)))

F get_players()

  V names = input(‘Space separated list of contestants: ’)
  R names.trim(‘ ’).split(‘ ’, group_delimiters' 1B).map(n -> n.capitalize())

F is_wordiff_removal(word, String prev; comment = 1B)

  ‘Is word derived from prev by removing one letter?’
  V ans = word C Set((0 .< prev.len).map(i -> @prev[0 .< i]‘’@prev[i + 1 ..]))
  I !ans
     I comment
        print(‘Word is not derived from previous by removal of one letter.’)
  R ans

F counter(s)

  DefaultDict[Char, Int] d
  L(c) s
  R d

F is_wordiff_insertion(String word, String prev; comment = 1B) -> Bool

  ‘Is word derived from prev by adding one letter?’
  V diff = counter(word)
  L(c) prev
     I --diff[c] <= 0
  V diffcount = sum(diff.values())
  I diffcount != 1
     I comment
        print(‘More than one character insertion difference.’)
     R 0B
  V insert = Array(diff.keys())[0]
  V ans = word C Set((0 .. prev.len).map(i -> @prev[0 .< i]‘’@insert‘’@prev[i ..]))
  I !ans
     I comment
        print(‘Word is not derived from previous by insertion of one letter.’)
  R ans

F is_wordiff_change(String word, String prev; comment = 1B) -> Bool

  ‘Is word derived from prev by changing exactly one letter?’
  V diffcount = sum(zip(word, prev).map((w, p) -> Int(w != p)))
  I diffcount != 1
     I comment
        print(‘More or less than exactly one character changed.’)
     R 0B
  R 1B

F is_wordiff(wordiffs, word, dic, comment = 1B)

  ‘Is word a valid wordiff from wordiffs[-1] ?’
  I word !C dic
     I comment
        print(‘That word is not in my dictionary’)
     R 0B
  I word C wordiffs
     I comment
        print(‘That word was already used.’)
     R 0B
  I word.len < wordiffs.last.len
     R is_wordiff_removal(word, wordiffs.last, comment)
  E I word.len > wordiffs.last.len
     R is_wordiff_insertion(word, wordiffs.last, comment)
  R is_wordiff_change(word, wordiffs.last, comment)

F could_have_got(wordiffs, dic)

  R (dic - Set(wordiffs)).filter(word -> is_wordiff(@wordiffs, word, @dic, comment' 0B))

V dic = load_dictionary() V dic_3_4 = dic.filter(word -> word.len C (3, 4)) V start = random:choice(dic_3_4) V wordiffs = [start] V players = get_players() V cur_player = 0 L

  V name = players[cur_player]
  cur_player = (cur_player + 1) % players.len
  V word = input(name‘: Input a wordiff from '’wordiffs.last‘': ’).trim(‘ ’)
  I is_wordiff(wordiffs, word, dic)
     print(‘YOU HAVE LOST ’name‘!’)
     print(‘Could have used: ’(could_have_got(wordiffs, dic)[0.<10]).join(‘, ’)‘ ...’)
Space separated list of contestants: Paddy Maggie
Paddy: Input a wordiff from 'ease': case
Maggie: Input a wordiff from 'case': casey
Paddy: Input a wordiff from 'casey': carey
Maggie: Input a wordiff from 'carey': care
Paddy: Input a wordiff from 'care': make
More or less than exactly one character changed.
Could have used: are, bare, cadre, cafe, cage, cake, came, cane, cape, car ...


<lang julia>isoneless(nw, ow) = any(i -> nw == ow[begin:i-1] * ow[i+1:end], eachindex(ow)) isonemore(nw, ow) = isoneless(ow, nw) isonechanged(x, y) = length(x) == length(y) && count(i -> x[i] != y[i], eachindex(y)) == 1 onefrom(nw, ow) = isoneless(nw, ow) || isonemore(nw, ow) || isonechanged(nw, ow)

function askprompt(prompt)

   ans = ""
   while isempty(ans)
       ans = strip(readline())
   return ans


function wordiff(dictfile = "unixdict.txt")

   wordlist = [w for w in split(read(dictfile, String), r"\s+") if !occursin(r"\W", w) && length(w) > 2]
   starters = [w for w in wordlist if 3 <= length(w) <= 4]
   timelimit = something(tryparse(Float64, askprompt("Time limit (min) or 0 for none: ")), 0.0)
   players = split(askprompt("Enter players' names. Separate by commas: "), r"\s*,\s*")
   times, word = Dict(player => Float32[] for player in players), rand(starters)
   used, totalsecs, timestart = [word], timelimit * 60, time()
   while length(players) > 1
       player = popfirst!(players)
       playertimestart = time()
       newword = askprompt("$player, your move. The current word is $word.  Your worddiff? ")
       if timestart + totalsecs > time()
           if onefrom(newword, word) && !(newword in used) && lowercase(newword) in wordlist
               push!(players, player)
               word = newword
               push!(used, newword)
               push!(times[player], time() - playertimestart)
               println("Wordiff choice incorrect. Player $player exits game.")
       else  # out of time
           println("Sorry, time was up. Timing ranks for remaining players:")
           avtimes = Dict(p => isempty(times[p]) ? NaN : sum(times[p]) / length(times[p])
               for p in players)
           sort!(players, lt = (x, y) -> avtimes[x] < avtimes[y])
           foreach(p -> println("    $p:", lpad(avtimes[p], 10), " seconds average"), players)
       sleep(rand() * 3)
   length(players) < 2 && println("Player $(first(players)) is the only one left, and wins the game.")




Time limit (min) or 0 for none: 0.7
Enter players' names. Separate by commas: Ann, Betty, Sam, Ron, Kim
Ann, your move. The current word is city.  Your worddiff? cite
Betty, your move. The current word is cite.  Your worddiff? kite
Sam, your move. The current word is kite.  Your worddiff? kit
Ron, your move. The current word is kit.  Your worddiff? sit
Kim, your move. The current word is sit.  Your worddiff? it
Wordiff choice incorrect. Player Kim exits game.
Ann, your move. The current word is sit.  Your worddiff? site
Betty, your move. The current word is site.  Your worddiff? mite
Sorry, time was up. Timing ranks for remaining players:
    Ron:     4.134 seconds average
    Ann:     6.265 seconds average
    Sam: 6.9189997 seconds average


Translation of: Python

<lang Nim>import httpclient, sequtils, sets, strutils, sugar from unicode import capitalize


 DictFname = "unixdict.txt"
 DictUrl1 = "http://wiki.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt"    # ~25K words
 DictUrl2 = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwyl/english-words/master/words.txt"  # ~470K words

type Dictionary = HashSet[string]

proc loadDictionary(fname = DictFname): Dictionary =

 ## Return appropriate words from a dictionary file.
 for word in fname.lines():
   if word.len >= 3 and word.allCharsInSet(Letters): result.incl word.toLowerAscii

proc loadWebDictionary(url: string): Dictionary =

 ## Return appropriate words from a dictionary web page.
 let client = newHttpClient()
 for word in client.getContent(url).splitLines():
   if word.len >= 3 and word.allCharsInSet(Letters): result.incl word.toLowerAscii

proc getPlayers(): seq[string] =

 ## Return inputted ordered list of contestant names.
   stdout.write "Space separated list of contestants: "
   result = stdin.readLine().splitWhitespace().map(capitalize)
   if result.len == 0:
     quit "Empty list of names. Quitting.", QuitFailure
 except EOFError:
   quit "Encountered end of file. Quitting.", QuitFailure

proc isWordiffRemoval(word, prev: string; comment = true): bool =

 ## Is "word" derived from "prev" by removing one letter?
 for i in 0..prev.high:
   if word == prev[0..<i] & prev[i+1..^1]: return true
 if comment: echo "Word is not derived from previous by removal of one letter."
 result = false

proc isWordiffInsertion(word, prev: string; comment = true): bool =

 ## Is "word" derived from "prev" by adding one letter?
 for i in 0..word.high:
   if prev == word[0..<i] & word[i+1..^1]: return true
 if comment: echo "Word is not derived from previous by insertion of one letter."
 return false

proc isWordiffChange(word, prev: string; comment = true): bool =

 ## Is "word" derived from "prev" by changing exactly one letter?
 var diffcount = 0
 for i in 0..word.high:
   diffcount += ord(word[i] != prev[i])
 if diffcount != 1:
   if comment:
     echo "More or less than exactly one character changed."
   return false
 result = true

proc isWordiff(word: string; wordiffs: seq[string]; dict: Dictionary; comment = true): bool =

 ## Is "word" a valid wordiff from "wordiffs[^1]"?
 if word notin dict:
   if comment:
     echo "That word is not in my dictionary."
     return false
 if word in wordiffs:
   if comment:
     echo "That word was already used."
     return false
 result = if word.len < wordiffs[^1].len: word.isWordiffRemoval(wordiffs[^1], comment)
          elif word.len > wordiffs[^1].len: word.isWordiffInsertion(wordiffs[^1], comment)
          else: word.isWordiffChange(wordiffs[^1], comment)

proc couldHaveGot(wordiffs: seq[string]; dict: Dictionary): seq[string] =

 for word in dict - wordiffs.toHashSet:
   if word.isWordiff(wordiffs, dict, comment = false):
     result.add word

when isMainModule:

 import random
 let dict = loadDictionary(DictFname)
 let dict34 = collect(newSeq):
                for word in dict:
                  if word.len in [3, 4]: word
 let start = sample(dict34)
 var wordiffs = @[start]
 let players = getPlayers()
 var iplayer = 0
 var word: string
 while true:
   let name = players[iplayer]
   while true:
     stdout.write "$1, input a wordiff from “$2”: ".format(name, wordiffs[^1])
       word = stdin.readLine().strip()
       if word.len > 0: break
     except EOFError:
       quit "Encountered end of file. Quitting.", QuitFailure
   if word.isWordiff(wordiffs, dict):
     wordiffs.add word
     echo "You have lost, $#.".format(name)
     let possibleWords = couldHaveGot(wordiffs, dict)
     if possibleWords.len > 0:
       echo "You could have used: ", possibleWords[0..min(possibleWords.high, 20)].join(" ")
   iplayer = (iplayer + 1) mod players.len</lang>
Space separated list of contestants: Paddy Maggie
Paddy, input a wordiff from “beta”: bet
Maggie, input a wordiff from “bet”: bee
Paddy, input a wordiff from “bee”: tee
Maggie, input a wordiff from “tee”: teen
Paddy, input a wordiff from “teen”: teeny
That word is not in my dictionary.
You have lost, Paddy.
You could have used: then steen tern keen teem teet been seen ten


Doubtless this could be improved in umpteen ways. Not quite yet working under pwa/p2js, but not too far off.

-- demo\rosetta\Wordiff.exw
include pGUI.e
Ihandle dlg, playerset, playtime, current, remain, turn, input, 
        help, quit, hframe, history, timer
atom t0, t1, t=0

constant title = "Wordiff game",
     help_text = """
Allows single or multi-player modes.
Enter eg "Pete" to play every round yourself,
"Computer" for the computer to play itself,
"Pete,Computer" (or vice versa) to play against the computer,
"Pete,Sue" for a standard two-payer game, or 
"Pete,Computer,Sue,Computer" for auto-plays between each human.
Words must be 3 letters or more, and present in the dictionary,
and not already used. You must key return (not tab) to finish
entering your move. The winner is the fastest average time, if
the timer is running (/non-zero), otherwise play continues 
until player elimination leaves one (or less) remaining.
NB: Pressing tab or clicking on help will restart or otherwise
mess up the gameplay.
function help_cb(Ihandln /*ih*/)
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

function over2(string word) return length(word)>2 end function
function less5(string word) return length(word)<5 end function

sequence words = filter(unix_dict(),over2),
         valid = {},
         used = {}

string word
integer lw

sequence players, eliminated, times, averages
integer player

function levenshtein1(string w)
    bool res = false
    integer l = length(w)
    if not find(w,used) and abs(l-lw)<=1 then
        sequence costs = tagset(l+1,0)
        for i=1 to lw do
            costs[1] = i
            integer newcost = i-1, pj = i
            for j=1 to l do
                integer cj = costs[j+1],
                        ne = word[i]!=w[j],
                        nc = newcost+ne
                pj = min({pj+1, cj+1, nc})
                costs[j+1] = pj
                newcost = cj
            end for
        end for
        res = costs[$-1]==1
    end if
    return res
end function

procedure game_over()
    IupSetAttribute(history,"APPENDITEM","GAME OVER:")
    if length(valid) then
        string valids = "You could have had "&join(valid,", ")
    end if
    string winner = "nobody"
    atom best = -1
    for i=1 to length(players) do
        string player = players[i], msg
        if eliminated[i] then
            msg = ": eliminated"
            atom average = averages[i]
            if average=-1 then
                msg = ": no times"
                msg = sprintf(": %.3f",average)
                if best=-1 or average<best then
                    winner = player
                    best = average
                end if
            end if
        end if
    end for
    IupSetAttribute(history,"APPENDITEM","And the winner is: "&winner)
end procedure

procedure score(string move)
    times[player] = append(times[player],time()-t1)
    averages[player] = sum(times[player])/length(times[player])
    used = append(used,move)
    word = move
    lw = length(word)
    valid = filter(words,levenshtein1)
    IupSetStrAttribute(current,"TITLE","Current word: "&word)
end procedure

procedure advance_player()
    while true do
        player = mod(player,length(players))+1
        if not eliminated[player] then exit end if
    end while
    IupSetStrAttribute(turn,"TITLE",players[player]&"'s turn:")
    t1 = time()
end procedure

procedure autoplay()
    while true do
        if length(valid)=0 then
            IupSetAttribute(history,"APPENDITEM","no more moves possible")
        end if
        if proper(players[player])!="Computer" then exit end if
        string move = valid[rand(length(valid))]
        IupSetStrAttribute(history,"APPENDITEM","%s's move: %s\n",
    end while
end procedure

procedure new_game(bool bStart=true)
    bool bActive = length(players)!=0
    if bActive and bStart then
        sequence w34 = filter(words,less5)
        while true do
            integer r = rand(length(w34))
            word = w34[r]
            lw = length(word)
            used = {word}
            valid = filter(words,levenshtein1)
            if length(valid)!=0 then exit end if
            w34[r..r] = {}
        end while
        IupSetStrAttribute(current,"TITLE","Current word: "&word)
        IupSetStrAttribute(turn,"TITLE",players[player]&"'s turn:")
        IupSetAttribute(history,"APPENDITEM","Initial word: "&word)
        integer l = length(players)
        eliminated = repeat(false,l)
        times = repeat({},l)
        averages = repeat(-1,l)
        t0 = time()
        t1 = time()
    end if
end procedure

function players_cb(Ihandln /*playerset*/)
    players = split(IupGetAttribute(playerset,"VALUE"),",")
    player = 1
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

function playtime_cb(Ihandle /*playtime*/)
    t = IupGetInt(playtime, "VALUE")
    if t then
        IupSetStrAttribute(remain,"TITLE","Remaining: %.1fs",{t})
    end if
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

function focus_cb(Ihandle /*input*/)
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

procedure verify_move()
    string move = IupGetAttribute(input,"VALUE"),
           okstr = "ok" 
    bool ok = not find(move,used)
    if not ok then
        okstr = "already used"
        ok = find(move,words)
        if not ok then
            okstr = "not in dictionary"
            ok = find(move,valid)
            if not ok then
                okstr = "more than one change"
                used = append(used,move)
            end if
        end if
    end if
    if not ok then
        okstr &= ", player eliminated"
    end if
    IupSetStrAttribute(history,"APPENDITEM","%s's move: %s %s\n",
    if not ok then
        eliminated[player] = true
        if length(players)-sum(eliminated)<=1 then
        end if
    end if  
end procedure

function timer_cb(Ihandle /*timer*/)
    atom e = time()-t0
    if e>=t then
        IupSetStrAttribute(remain,"TITLE","Remaining: 0s")
        IupSetStrAttribute(remain,"TITLE","Remaining: %.1fs",{t-e})
    end if
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

function quit_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/)
    return IUP_CLOSE
end function

function key_cb(Ihandle /*dlg*/, atom c)
    if c=K_ESC then return IUP_CLOSE
    elsif c=K_CR then
        Ihandln focus = IupGetFocus()
        if focus=playerset then
        elsif focus=playtime then
        elsif focus=input then
        end if
    elsif c=K_F1 then return help_cb(NULL)
    elsif c=K_cC then
        integer n = IupGetInt(history,"COUNT")
        sequence hist = repeat(0,n)
        for i=1 to n do
            hist[i] = IupGetAttributeId(history,"",i)
        end for
        hist = join(hist,"\n")
        Ihandln clip = IupClipboard()
        clip = IupDestroy(clip)
    end if
    return IUP_CONTINUE
end function

playerset = IupText(`EXPAND=HORIZONTAL`)
playtime = IupText(`SPIN=Yes, SPINMIN=0, RASTERSIZE=48x`)
turn = IupLabel("turn","ACTIVE=NO")
current = IupLabel("Current word:","EXPAND=HORIZONTAL")
remain = IupLabel("Remaining time:0s","VISIBLE=NO")
hframe = IupFrame(history,"TITLE=History, PADDING=5x4")
help = IupButton("Help (F1)",Icallback("help_cb"),"PADDING=5x4")
quit = IupButton("Close", Icallback("quit_cb"))
timer = IupTimer(Icallback("timer_cb"),100,false)
sequence buttons = {IupFill(),help,IupFill(),quit,IupFill()}
Ihandle settings = IupHbox({IupLabel("Contestant name(s)"),
                            IupLabel("Timer (seconds)"),
        currbox = IupHbox({current,remain},acp),
        numbox = IupHbox({turn,input},acp),
        btnbox = IupHbox(buttons,"PADDING=40, NORMALIZESIZE=BOTH"),
        vbox = IupVbox({settings,
                        numbox, hframe, btnbox}, "GAP=5,MARGIN=5x5")
dlg = IupDialog(vbox, `TITLE="%s", SIZE=500x220`, {title})
IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_ANY", Icallback("key_cb"))
if platform()!=JS then
end if

A quick timed-out game:

Initial word: farm
Pete's move: harm ok
Sue's move: warm ok
Pete's move: war ok
Sue's move: ward ok
Pete's move: hard ok
Sue's move: lard ok
Pete's move: card ok
You could have had bard, car, care, carl, carp, carr, cart, chard, cord, curd, yard
Pete: 2.519
Sue: 3.078
And the winner is: Pete

Computer playing against itself:

Initial word: sage
Computer's move: sake
Computer's move: take
Computer's move: wake
Computer's move: wave
Computer's move: ware
Computer's move: aware
Computer's move: awake
Computer's move: awaken
Computer's move: waken
Computer's move: taken
Computer's move: oaken
no more moves possible
Computer: 0.000
And the winner is: Computer


Borrowed code from Levenshtein_distance. <lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use List::Util 'min';

my %cache; sub leven {

   my ($s, $t) = @_;
   return length($t) if $s eq ;
   return length($s) if $t eq ;
   $cache{$s}{$t} //=
     do {
       my ($s1, $t1) = (substr($s, 1), substr($t, 1));
       (substr($s, 0, 1) eq substr($t, 0, 1))
         ? leven($s1, $t1)
         : 1 + min(
                   leven($s1, $t1),
                   leven($s,  $t1),
                   leven($s1, $t ),


print "What is your name?"; my $name = <STDIN>; $name = 'Number 6'; say "What is your quest? Never mind that, I will call you '$name'"; say 'Hey! I am not a number, I am a free man!';

my @starters = grep { length() < 6 } my @words = grep { /.{2,}/ } split "\n", `cat unixdict.txt`;

my(%used,@possibles,$guess); my $rounds = 0; my $word = say $starters[ rand $#starters ];

while () {

   say "Word in play: $word";
   $used{$word} = 1;
   @possibles = ();
   for my $w (@words) {
       next if abs(length($word) - length($w)) > 1;
       push @possibles, $w if leven($word, $w) == 1 and ! defined $used{$w};
   print "Your word? "; $guess = <STDIN>;  chomp $guess;
   last unless grep { $guess eq $_ } @possibles;
   $word = $guess;


my $already = defined $used{$guess} ? " '$guess' was already played but" : ;

if (@possibles) { say "\nSorry $name,${already} one of <@possibles> would have continued the game." } else { say "\nGood job $name,${already} there were no possible words to play." } say "You made it through $rounds rounds.";</lang>

What is your name? Sir Lancelot of Camelot
What is your quest?  Never mind that, I'm going to call you 'Number 6'
Hey! I am not a number, I am a free man!
Word in play: ago
Your word? age
Word in play: age
Your word? rage
Word in play: rage
Your word? range
Word in play: range
Your word? orange
Word in play: orange
Your word?

Good job Number 6, there were no possible words to play.
You made it through 4 rounds.


This is without timing, but ends by showing some wordiffs from the dictionary that could have worked on failure. <lang python># -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Set from itertools import cycle, islice from collections import Counter import re import random import urllib

dict_fname = 'unixdict.txt' dict_url1 = 'http://wiki.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt' # ~25K words dict_url2 = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwyl/english-words/master/words.txt' # ~470K words

word_regexp = re.compile(r'^[a-z]{3,}$') # reduce dict words to those of three or more a-z characters.

def load_dictionary(fname: str=dict_fname) -> Set[str]:

   "Return appropriate words from a dictionary file"
   with open(fname) as f:
       return {lcase for lcase in (word.strip().lower() for word in f)
               if word_regexp.match(lcase)}

def load_web_dictionary(url: str) -> Set[str]:

   "Return appropriate words from a dictionary web page"
   words = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode().strip().lower().split()
   return {word for word in words if word_regexp.match(word)}

def get_players() -> List[str]:

   "Return inputted ordered list of contestant names."
   names = input('Space separated list of contestants: ')
   return [n.capitalize() for n in names.strip().split()]

def is_wordiff(wordiffs: List[str], word: str, dic: Set[str], comment=True) -> bool:

   "Is word a valid wordiff from wordiffs[-1] ?"
   if word not in dic:
       if comment: 
           print('That word is not in my dictionary')
       return False
   if word in wordiffs:
       if comment: 
           print('That word was already used.')
       return False
   if len(word) < len(wordiffs[-1]):
       return is_wordiff_removal(word, wordiffs[-1], comment)
   elif len(word) > len(wordiffs[-1]):
       return is_wordiff_insertion(word, wordiffs[-1], comment)
   return is_wordiff_change(word, wordiffs[-1], comment)

def is_wordiff_removal(word: str, prev: str, comment=True) -> bool:

   "Is word derived from prev by removing one letter?"
   ans = word in {prev[:i] + prev[i+1:] for i in range(len(prev))}
   if not ans:
       if comment: 
           print('Word is not derived from previous by removal of one letter.')
   return ans

def is_wordiff_insertion(word: str, prev: str, comment=True) -> bool:

   "Is word derived from prev by adding one letter?"
   diff = Counter(word) - Counter(prev)
   diffcount = sum(diff.values())
   if diffcount != 1:
       if comment: 
           print('More than one character insertion difference.')
       return False
   insert = list(diff.keys())[0] 
   ans =  word in {prev[:i] + insert + prev[i:] for i in range(len(prev) + 1)}
   if not ans:
       if comment: 
           print('Word is not derived from previous by insertion of one letter.')
   return ans

def is_wordiff_change(word: str, prev: str, comment=True) -> bool:

   "Is word derived from prev by changing exactly one letter?"
   diffcount = sum(w != p for w, p in zip(word, prev))
   if diffcount != 1:
       if comment: 
           print('More or less than exactly one character changed.')
       return False
   return True

def could_have_got(wordiffs: List[str], dic: Set[str]):

   return (word for word in (dic - set(wordiffs)) 
           if is_wordiff(wordiffs, word, dic, comment=False))

if __name__ == '__main__':

   dic = load_web_dictionary(dict_url2)
   dic_3_4 = [word for word in dic if len(word) in {3, 4}]
   start = random.choice(dic_3_4)
   wordiffs = [start]
   players = get_players()
   for name in cycle(players):
       word = input(f"{name}: Input a wordiff from {wordiffs[-1]!r}: ").strip()
       if is_wordiff(wordiffs, word, dic):
           print(f'YOU HAVE LOST {name}!')
           print("Could have used:", 
                 ', '.join(islice(could_have_got(wordiffs, dic), 10)), '...')
Space separated list of contestants: Paddy Maggie

Paddy: Input a wordiff from 'sett': sets

Maggie: Input a wordiff from 'sets': bets

Paddy: Input a wordiff from 'bets': buts

Maggie: Input a wordiff from 'buts': bits

Paddy: Input a wordiff from 'bits': bit

Maggie: Input a wordiff from 'bit': bite

Paddy: Input a wordiff from 'bite': biter

Maggie: Input a wordiff from 'biter': bitter

Paddy: Input a wordiff from 'bitter': sitter

Maggie: Input a wordiff from 'sitter': titter

Paddy: Input a wordiff from 'titter': tutter
That word is not in my dictionary
Could have used: titfer, witter, tittery, totter, titler, kitter, twitter, tilter, gitter, jitter ...


<lang perl6>my @words = 'unixdict.txt'.IO.slurp.lc.words.grep(*.chars > 2);

my @small = @words.grep(*.chars < 6);

use Text::Levenshtein;

my ($rounds, $word, $guess, @used, @possibles) = 0;

loop {

   my $lev;
   $word = @small.pick;
   hyper for @words  -> $this {
       next if ($word.chars - $this.chars).abs > 1;
       last if ($lev = distance($word, $this)[0]) == 1;
   last if $lev;


my $name = ',';

  1. [[### Entirely unnecessary and unuseful "chatty repartee" but is required by the task

run 'clear'; $name = prompt "Hello player one, what is your name? "; say "Cool. I'm going to call you Gomer."; $name = ' Gomer,'; sleep 1; say "\nPlayer two, what is your name?\nOh wait, this isn't a \"specified number of players\" game..."; sleep 1; say "Nevermind.\n";

                                                                                                                                                                1. ]]

loop {

   say "Word in play: $word";
   push @used, $word;
   @possibles = @words.hyper.map: -> $this {
       next if ($word.chars - $this.chars).abs > 1;
       $this if distance($word, $this)[0] == 1 and $this ∉ @used;
   $guess = prompt "your word? ";
   last unless $guess ∈ @possibles;
   say qww<Ok! Woot! 'Way to go!' Nice! 👍 😀>.pick ~ "\n";
   $word = $guess;


my $already = ($guess ∈ @used) ?? " $guess was already played but" !! ;

if @possibles {

   say "\nOops. Sorry{$name}{$already} one of [{@possibles}] would have continued the game."

} else {

   say "\nGood job{$name}{$already} there were no possible words to play."

} say "You made it through $rounds rounds.";</lang>

Sample output:
Hello player one, what is your name? Burtram Redneck
Cool. I'm going to call you Gomer.

Player two, what is your name?
Oh wait, this isn't a "specified number of players" game...

Word in play: howe
your word? how

Word in play: how
your word? show

Word in play: show
your word? shot

Word in play: shot
your word? hot

Word in play: hot
your word? hit
Way to go!

Word in play: hit
your word? mit

Word in play: mit
your word? kit

Word in play: kit
your word? nit

Word in play: nit
your word? nip

Word in play: nip
your word? snip

Word in play: snip
your word? slip

Word in play: slip
your word? slap
Way to go!

Word in play: slap
your word? lap

Word in play: lap
your word? nap

Word in play: nap
your word? nan

Word in play: nan
your word? man

Word in play: man
your word? men

Word in play: men
your word? ben

Word in play: ben
your word? ban

Word in play: ban
your word? man

Oops. Sorry Gomer, man was already played but one of [bad bag bah bam band bane bang bank bar barn bat bay bean bin bon bran bun can dan fan han ian jan pan ran san tan van wan zan] would have continued the game.
You made it through 19 rounds.


<lang rexx>/*REXX program acts as a host and allows two or more people to play the WORDIFF game.*/ signal on halt /*allow the user(s) to halt the game. */ parse arg iFID seed . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if iFID== | iFID=="," then iFID='unixdict.txt' /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if datatype(seed, 'W') then call random ,,seed /*If " " " " seed. */ call read call IDs first= random(1, min(100000, starters) ) /*get a random start word for the game.*/ list= $$$.first say; say eye "OK, let's play the WORDIFF game."; say; say

        do round=1
                   do player=1  for players
                   call show;   ou= o;   upper ou
                   call CBLF  word(names, player)
                   end   /*players*/
        end              /*round*/

halt: say; say; say eye 'The WORDIFF game has been halted.' done: exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ quit: say; say; say eye 'The WORDDIF game is quitting.'; signal done /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ isMix: return datatype(arg(1), 'M') /*return unity if arg has mixed letters*/ ser: say; say eye '***error*** ' arg(1).; say; return /*issue error message. */ last: parse arg y; return word(y, words(y) ) /*get last word in list.*/ over: call ser 'word ' _ x _ arg(1); say eye 'game over,' you; signal done /*game over*/ show: o= last(list); say; call what; say; L= length(o); return verE: m= 0; do v=1 for L; m= m + (substr(ou,v,1)==substr(xu,v,1)); end; return m==L-1 verL: do v=1 for L; if space(overlay(' ', ou, v), 0)==xu then return 1; end; return 0 verG: do v=1 for w; if space(overlay(' ', xu, v), 0)==ou then return 1; end; return 0 what: say eye 'The current word in play is: ' _ o _; return /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ CBLF: parse arg you /*ask carbon-based life form for a word*/

         do getword=0  by 0  until x\==
         say eye "What's your word to be played, " you'?'
         parse pull x;  x= space(x);   #= words(x);  if #==0  then iterate;  w= length(x)
         if #>1  then do;  call ser 'too many words given: '   x
                           x=;  iterate getword
         if \isMix(x)  then do;  call ser 'the name'   _  x  _  " isn't alphabetic"
                                 x=;   iterate getword
         end   /*getword*/
      if wordpos(x, list)>0  then call over " has already been used"
      xu= x;  upper xu                          /*obtain an uppercase version of word. */
      if \@.xu  then call over  " doesn't exist in the dictionary: " iFID
      if length(x) <3            then call over  " must be at least three letters long."
      if w <L  then  if \verL()  then call over  " isn't a legal letter deletion."
      if w==L  then  if \verE()  then call over  " isn't a legal letter substitution."
      if w >L  then  if \verG()  then call over  " isn't a legal letter addition."
      list= list  x                             /*add word to the list of words used.  */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ IDs:  ?= "Enter the names of the people that'll be playing the WORDIFF game (or Quit):"

      names=                                    /*start with a clean slate (of names). */
         do getIDs=0  by 0  until words(names)>1
         say;  say eye ?
         parse pull ids;  ids= space( translate(ids, , ',') )      /*elide any commas. */
         if ids==  then iterate;  q= ids;  upper q               /*use uppercase QUIT*/
         if abbrev('QUIT', q, 1)  then signal quit
           do j=1  for words(ids);    x= word(ids, j)
           if \isMix(x)  then do;  call ser 'the name'    _ x _  " isn't alphabetic"
                                   names=;   iterate getIDs
           if wordpos(x, names)>0  then do; call ser 'the name' _ x _ " is already taken"
                                            names=;   iterate getIDs
           names= space(names x)
           end   /*j*/
         end     /*getIDs*/
      players= words(names)
         do until ans\==
         say eye 'The '    players     " player's names are: "    names
         say eye 'Is this correct?';   pull ans;  ans= space(ans)
         end   /*until*/
      yeahs= 'yah yeah yes ja oui si da';   upper yeahs
         do ya=1  for words(yeahs)
         if abbrev( word(yeahs, ya), ans, 2) | ans=='Y'  then return
         end   /*ya*/
      call IDS;                                               return

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ read: _= '───'; eye= copies('─', 8) /*define a couple of eye catchers. */

     say;   say eye eye eye  'Welcome to the  WORDIFF  word game.'  eye eye eye;    say
     @.= 0;           starters= 0
           do r=1  while lines(iFID)\==0        /*read each word in the file  (word=X).*/
           x= strip(linein(iFID))               /*pick off a word from the input line. */
           if \isMix(x)  then iterate           /*Not a suitable word for WORDIFF? Skip*/
           y= x;    upper x                     /*pick off a word from the input line. */
           @.x= 1;  L= length(x)                /*set a semaphore for uppercased word. */
           if L<3 | L>4  then iterate           /*only use short words for the start.  */
           starters= starters + 1               /*bump the count of starter words.     */
           $$$.starters= y                      /*save short words for the starter word*/
           end   /*#*/
     if r>100  &  starters> 10  then return     /*is the dictionary satisfactory ?     */
     call ser 'Dictionary file ' _ iFID _ "wasn't found or isn't satisfactory.";  exit 13</lang>
output   when using the default inputs:
──────── ──────── ──────── Welcome to the  WORDIFF  word game. ──────── ──────── ────────

──────── Enter the names of the people that'll be playing the WORDIFF game   (or Quit):
Teddy Jasmine Cy                                            ◄■■■■■■■ user input

──────── The  3  player's names are:  Teddy Jasmine Cy
──────── Is this correct?
yes                                                         ◄■■■■■■■ user input

──────── OK, let's play the  WORDIFF  game.

──────── The current word in play is:  ─── tame ───

──────── What's your word to be played,  Teddy?
fame                                                        ◄■■■■■■■ user input

──────── The current word in play is:  ─── fame ───

──────── What's your word to be played,  Jasmine?
lame                                                        ◄■■■■■■■ user input

──────── The current word in play is:  ─── lame ───

──────── What's your word to be played,  Cy?
lam                                                         ◄■■■■■■■ user input

──────── The current word in play is:  ─── lam ───

──────── What's your word to be played,  Teddy?
lamb                                                        ◄■■■■■■■ user input

──────── The current word in play is:  ─── lamb ───

──────── What's your word to be played,  Jasmine?
limb                                                        ◄■■■■■■■ user input

──────── The current word in play is:  ─── limb ───

──────── What's your word to be played,  Cy?
climb                                                       ◄■■■■■■■ user input

──────── The current word in play is:  ─── climb ───

──────── What's your word to be played,  Teddy?
climbs                                                      ◄■■■■■■■ user input

──────── ***error***  word  ─── climbs ───  doesn't exist in the dictionary:  unixdict.txt.

──────── game over, Teddy


Library: Wren-ioutil
Library: Wren-str
Library: Wren-sort

Due to a bug in the System.clock method (basically it gets suspended whilst waiting for user input), it is not currently possible to add timings. <lang ecmascript>import "random" for Random import "/ioutil" for File, Input import "/str" for Str import "/sort" for Find

var rand = Random.new() var words = File.read("unixdict.txt").trim().split("\n")

var player1 = Input.text("Player 1, please enter your name : ", 1) var player2 = Input.text("Player 2, please enter your name : ", 1) if (player2 == player1) player2 = player2 + "2"

var words3or4 = words.where { |w| w.count == 3 || w.count == 4 }.toList var n = words3or4.count var firstWord = words3or4[rand.int(n)] var prevLen = firstWord.count var prevWord = firstWord var used = [] var player = player1 System.print("\nThe first word is %(firstWord)\n") while (true) {

   var word = Str.lower(Input.text("%(player), enter your word : ", 1))
   var len = word.count
   var ok = false
   if (len < 3) {
       System.print("Words must be at least 3 letters long.")
   } else if (Find.first(words, word) == -1) {
       System.print("Not in dictionary.")
   } else if (used.contains(word)) {
       System.print("Word has been used before.")
   } else if (word == prevWord) {
       System.print("You must change the previous word.")
   } else if (len == prevLen) {
       var changes = 0
       for (i in 0...len) {
           if (word[i] != prevWord[i]) {
               changes = changes + 1
       if (changes > 1) {
           System.print("Only one letter can be changed.")
       } else ok = true
   } else if (len == prevLen + 1) {
       var addition = false
       var temp = word
       for (i in 0...prevLen) {
           if (word[i] != prevWord[i]) {
               addition = true
               temp = Str.delete(temp, i)
               if (temp == prevWord) {
                   ok = true
       if (!addition) ok = true
       if (!ok) System.print("Invalid addition.")
   } else if (len == prevLen - 1) {
       var deletion = false
       var temp = prevWord
       for (i in 0...len) {
           if (word[i] != prevWord[i]) {
               deletion = true
               temp = Str.delete(temp, i)
               if (temp == word) {
                   ok = true
       if (!deletion) ok = true
       if (!ok) System.print("Invalid deletion.")
   } else {
       System.print("Invalid change.")
   if (ok) {
       prevLen = word.count
       prevWord = word
       player = (player == player1) ? player2 : player1
   } else {
       System.print("So, sorry %(player), you've lost!")



Sample game:

Player 1, please enter your name : Paddy
Player 2, please enter your name : Maggie

The first word is pan

Paddy, enter your word : pen
Maggie, enter your word : pin
Paddy, enter your word : pint
Maggie, enter your word : pant
Paddy, enter your word : pane
Maggie, enter your word : pang
Paddy, enter your word : bang
Maggie, enter your word : rang
Paddy, enter your word : sang
Maggie, enter your word : sing
Paddy, enter your word : ling
Not in dictionary.
So, sorry Paddy, you've lost!