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{{task|Basic Data Operations}}
{{task}}{{basic data operation}}Get two integers from the user, and then output if the first one is less, equal or greater than the other. Test the condition ''for each case separately'', so that ''all three comparison operators are used'' in the code.
[[Category:Arithmetic operations]]
{{basic data operation}}

Get two integers from the user.

Then,   display a message if the first integer is:
::::*   less than,
::::*   equal to,   or
::::*   greater than
the second integer.

Test the condition   ''for each case separately'',   so that   ''all three comparison operators are used''   in the code.

;Related task:
*   [[String comparison]]

<syntaxhighlight lang="11l">V a = Int(input(‘Enter value of a: ’))
V b = Int(input(‘Enter value of b: ’))

I a < b
print(‘a is less than b’)
I a > b
print(‘a is greater than b’)
I a == b
print(‘a is equal to b’)</syntaxhighlight>

=={{header|360 Assembly}}==
Input is done by a standard register 1 pointed parameter list.
<syntaxhighlight lang="360asm">INTCOMP PROLOG
* Reg1=Addr(Addr(argA),Addr(argB))
L 2,0(1) Reg2=Addr(argA)
L 3,4(1) Reg3=Addr(argB)
L 4,0(2) Reg4=argA
L 5,0(3) Reg5=argA
ST 4,A Store R4 in A
ST 5,B Store R5 in B
* if (A < B)
L 0,A load R0
C 0,B compare
BL LOWER branch if lower
* if (A = B)
L 0,A load R0
C 0,B compare
BE EQUAL branch if equal
* if (A < B)
L 0,A load R0
C 0,B compare
BH GREATER branch if higher
* other case ?
A DS F 31-bit signed integer
B DS F 31-bit signed integer

=={{header|6502 Assembly}}==
Code is called as a subroutine (i.e. JSR Compare).
Specific OS/hardware routines for user input and printing are left unimplemented.
It should be noted that this is strictly an unsigned comparison.
<syntaxhighlight lang="6502asm">Compare PHA ;push Accumulator onto stack
JSR GetUserInput ;routine not implemented
;integers to compare now in memory locations A and B
CMP B ;sets flags as if a subtraction (a - b) had been carried out
BCC A_less_than_B ;branch if carry clear
BEQ A_equals_B ;branch if equal
;else A greater than B
JSR DisplayAGreaterThanB;routine not implemented
JMP Done
A_less_than_B: JSR DisplayALessThanB ;routine not implemented
JMP Done
A_equals_B: JSR DisplayAEqualsB ;routine not implemented
Done: PLA ;restore Accumulator from stack
RTS ;return from subroutine</syntaxhighlight>

=={{header|68000 Assembly}}==
The task of getting input from the user is much more difficult in assembly since it hasn't been done for you unlike nearly all other languages. So that part will be omitted to focus on the actual comparison.

In assembly, the only difference between a signed integer and an unsigned integer is the comparator(s) used to evaluate it. Therefore we have two different versions of this task.

===Unsigned Comparison===
<syntaxhighlight lang="68000devpac">Compare:
;integers to compare are in D0 and D1
BCS .less ;D1 < D0
;else, carry clear, which implies greater than or equal to.
BNE .greater ;D1 > D0
;else, d1 = d0
LEA Equal,A0
JMP PrintString ;and use its RTS to return
LEA GreaterThan,A0
JMP PrintString ;and use its RTS to return
LEA LessThan,A0
JMP PrintString ;and use its RTS to return

dc.b "second integer less than first",0
dc.b "second integer greater than first",0
dc.b "both are equal",0

===Signed Comparison===
<syntaxhighlight lang="68000devpac">Compare:
;integers to compare are in D0 and D1
BLT .less ;D1 < D0
;else, carry clear, which implies greater than or equal to.
BNE .greater ;D1 > D0
;else, d1 = d0
LEA Equal,A0
JMP PrintString ;and use its RTS to return
LEA GreaterThan,A0
JMP PrintString ;and use its RTS to return
LEA LessThan,A0
JMP PrintString ;and use its RTS to return

dc.b "second integer less than first",0
dc.b "second integer greater than first",0
dc.b "both are equal",0

=={{header|8051 Assembly}}==
Input/output is specific to hardware; this code assumes the integers are in registers a and b.
There is only one comparison instruction to use: 'not equal'.
<syntaxhighlight lang="asm">compare:
push psw
cjne a, b, clt
; a == b
; implement code here
jmp compare_
jc lt
; a > b
; implement code here
jmp compare_
; a < b
; implement code here
pop psw
Testing for (a <= b) or (a >= b) can be performed by changing the jumps.

The user would put the numbers on the stack and then invoke 'compare':
<syntaxhighlight lang="forth">
: compare \ n m --
2dup n:= if "They are equal" . cr then
2dup n:< if "First less than second" . cr then
n:> if "First greater than second" . cr then ;
Alternatively one could use the "n:cmp" word

=={{header|AArch64 Assembly}}==
{{works with|aarch64-linux-gnu-as/qemu-aarch64}}
Compare once (<code>cmp x0, x1</code>) and use conditional branching (<code>b.eq</code> and <code></code>).
<syntaxhighlight lang="arm_assembly">.equ STDOUT, 1
.equ SVC_WRITE, 64
.equ SVC_EXIT, 93

.global _start

stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
mov x0, #123
mov x1, #456
mov x29, sp
bl integer_compare // integer_compare(123, 456);
mov x0, #-123
mov x1, #-456
bl integer_compare // integer_compare(-123, -456);
mov x0, #123
mov x1, #123
bl integer_compare // integer_compare(123, 123);
ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
mov x0, #0
b _exit // exit(0);

// void integer_compare(long long x, long long y) - compare two signed integers and print a message
cmp x0, x1
mov x0, #STDOUT
b.eq 1f 2f
// x < y
ldr x1, =msg_lt
mov x2, #17
b _write
1: // x == y
ldr x1, =msg_eq
mov x2, #16
b _write
2: // x > y
ldr x1, =msg_gt
mov x2, #20
b _write

.ascii "x is less than y\n"
.ascii "x is equal to y\n"
.ascii "x is greater than y\n"
.align 4

//////////////// system call wrappers
// ssize_t _write(int fd, void *buf, size_t count)
stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
mov x8, #SVC_WRITE
mov x29, sp
svc #0
ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16

// void _exit(int retval)
mov x8, #SVC_EXIT
svc #0</syntaxhighlight>

This works in ABAP version 7.40 and above. Note that empty input is evaluated to 0.

<syntaxhighlight lang="abap">
report z_integer_comparison.

parameters: a type int4, b type int4.

data(comparison_result) = cond string(
when a < b " can be replaced by a lt b
then |{ a } is less than { b }|
when a = b " can be replaced by a eq b
then |{ a } is equal to { b }|
when a > b " can be replaced by a gt b
then |{ a } is greater than { b }| ).

write comparison_result.

<syntaxhighlight lang="action!">PROC Main()
INT a,b

Print("Input value of a:") a=InputI()
Print("Input value of b:") b=InputI()

PrintF("%I is less than %I%E",a,b)
PrintF("%I is greater than %I%E",a,b)
PrintF("%I is equal to %I%E",a,b)
[ Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer]
Input value of a:123
Input value of b:4712
123 is less than 4712

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_Io;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_Io;

procedure Compare_Ints is
procedure Compare_Ints is
A, B : Integer;
A, B : Integer;
Get(Item => A);
Get(Item => A);
Get(Item => B);
Get(Item => B);

-- Test for equality
-- Test for equality
if A = B then
if A = B then
Put_Line("A equals B");
Put_Line("A equals B");
end if;
end if;

-- Test For Less Than
-- Test For Less Than
if A < B then
if A < B then
Put_Line("A is less than B");
Put_Line("A is less than B");
end if;
end if;

-- Test For Greater Than
-- Test For Greater Than
if A > B then
if A > B then
Put_Line("A is greater than B");
Put_Line("A is greater than B");
end if;
end if;
end Compare_Ints;
end Compare_Ints;</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="aime">void
output(integer a, integer b, text condition)

if (a < b) {
output(a, b, " is less then ");

if (a == b) {
output(a, b, " is equal to ");

if (a > b) {
output(a, b, " is greater than ");

return 0;
Run as:
<pre>aime FILE integer a 33 integer b 133</pre>

=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
{{works with|ALGOL 68|Revision 1 - no extensions to language used}}
main: (

INT a, b;
{{works with|ALGOL 68G|Any - tested with release [ 1.18.0-9h.tiny]}}
readf(($g" "gl$, a, b));

{{works with|ELLA ALGOL 68|Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release [ 1.8-8d]}}

Note: the standard includes the characters "&le;", "&ge;" and "&ne;".
These appear in the character sets [[wp:GOST 10859|GOST 10859]], [ ISOtech] and
IBM's [[:wp:EBCDIC|EBCDIC]] e.g. code page [ 293],
and in extended ASCII code pages [ 910] & [ 910]

The above distributions of both [[ALGOL 68G]] and [[ELLA ALGOL 68]] compilers only
allow [[wp:ASCII|ASCII]] characters (ASCII has neither "&le;", "&ge;" nor "&ne;" characters).
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">main: (
INT a, b;
read((a, space, b, new line));

IF a <= b OR a LE b # OR a ≤ b # THEN
print((a," is less or equal to ", b, new line))
IF a < b OR a LT b THEN
print((a," is less than ", b, new line))
ELIF a = b OR a EQ b THEN
print((a," is equal to ", b, new line))
ELIF a > b OR a GT b THEN
print((a," is greater than ", b, new line))
IF a /= b OR a NE b # OR a ≠ b # THEN
print((a," is not equal to ", b, new line))
IF a >= b OR a GE b # OR a ≥ b # THEN
print((a," is greater or equal to ", b, new line))
+3 is less or equal to +4
+3 is less than +4
+3 is not equal to +4

=={{header|ALGOL W}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="algolw">begin

integer a, b;

write( "first number: " );
read( a );
write( "second number: " );
read( b );

if a < b then write( a, " is less than ", b );
if a = b then write( a, " is equal to ", b );
if a > b then write( a, " is greater than ", b );


<syntaxhighlight lang="applescript">set n1 to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the first number:" default answer "") as integer
set n2 to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the second number:" default answer "") as integer
set msg to {n1}
if n1 < n2 then
set end of msg to " is less than "
else if n1 = n2 then
set end of msg to " is equal to "
else if n1 > n2 then
set end of msg to " is greater than "
end if
set end of msg to n2
return msg as string</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="applescript">set n1 to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the first number:" default answer "") as integer
set n2 to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the second number:" default answer "") as integer
if n1 < n2 then return "" & n1 & " is less than " & n2
if n1 = n2 then return "" & n1 & " is equal to " & n2
if n1 > n2 then return "" & n1 & " is greater than " & n2</syntaxhighlight>

=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="arm assembly">

/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI */
/* program comparNumber.s */

/* Constantes */
.equ BUFFERSIZE, 100
.equ STDIN, 0 @ Linux input console
.equ STDOUT, 1 @ Linux output console
.equ EXIT, 1 @ Linux syscall
.equ READ, 3 @ Linux syscall
.equ WRITE, 4 @ Linux syscall
/* Initialized data */
szMessNum1: .asciz "Enter number 1 : \n"
szMessNum2: .asciz "Enter number 2: \n"
szMessEqual: .asciz "Number 1 and number 2 are equals.\n"
szMessSmall: .asciz "Number 1 smaller than number 2.\n"
szMessLarge: .asciz "Number 1 larger than number 2.\n"
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"

/* UnInitialized data */
sBuffer: .skip BUFFERSIZE

/* code section */
.global main
main: /* entry of program */
push {fp,lr} /* saves 2 registers */
ldr r0,iAdrszMessNum1 @ message address
ldr r1,iAdrsBuffer @ buffer address
bl numberEntry
mov r5,r0 @ save number 1 -> r5
ldr r0,iAdrszMessNum2 @ message address
ldr r1,iAdrsBuffer @ buffer address
bl numberEntry
cmp r5,r0 @ compar number 1 and number 2
beq equal
blt small
bgt large
@ never !!
b 100f
ldr r0,iAdrszMessEqual @ message address
b aff
ldr r0,iAdrszMessSmall @ message address
b aff
ldr r0,iAdrszMessLarge @ message address
b aff
bl affichageMess @ display message
IF a < b THEN
100: /* standard end of the program */
printf(($g" is less than "gl$, a, b))
mov r0, #0 @ return code
pop {fp,lr} @restaur 2 registers
printf(($g" is equal to "gl$, a, b))
mov r7, #EXIT @ request to exit program
swi 0 @ perform the system call
printf(($g" is greater than "gl$, a, b))

iAdrszMessNum1: .int szMessNum1
iAdrszMessNum2: .int szMessNum2
iAdrszMessEqual: .int szMessEqual
iAdrszMessSmall: .int szMessSmall
iAdrszMessLarge: .int szMessLarge
iAdrsBuffer: .int sBuffer
iAdrszCarriageReturn: .int szCarriageReturn
/* Number entry with display message and conversion number */
/* r0 contains message address */
/* r1 contains buffer address
/* r2 contains buffersize */
/* r0 return a number */
push {fp,lr} @ save registres */
push {r4,r6,r7} @ save others registers
mov r4,r1 @ save buffer address -> r4
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#STDIN @ Linux input console
//ldr r1,iAdrsBuffer @ buffer address
//mov r2,#BUFFERSIZE @ buffer size
mov r7, #READ @ request to read datas
swi 0 @ call system
mov r1,r4 @ buffer address
mov r2,#0 @ end of string
strb r2,[r1,r0] @ store byte at the end of input string (r0
mov r0,r4 @ buffer address
bl conversionAtoD @ conversion string in number in r0
pop {r4,r6,r7} /* restaur others registers */
pop {fp,lr} /* restaur des 2 registres */
bx lr /* return */
/* display text with size calculation */
/* r0 contains the address of the message */
push {fp,lr} /* save registres */
push {r0,r1,r2,r7} /* save others registers */
mov r2,#0 /* counter length */
1: /* loop length calculation */
ldrb r1,[r0,r2] /* read octet start position + index */
cmp r1,#0 /* if 0 its over */
addne r2,r2,#1 /* else add 1 in the length */
bne 1b /* and loop */
/* so here r2 contains the length of the message */
mov r1,r0 /* address message in r1 */
mov r0,#STDOUT /* code to write to the standard output Linux */
mov r7, #WRITE /* code call system "write" */
swi #0 /* call systeme */
pop {r0,r1,r2,r7} /* restaur others registers */
pop {fp,lr} /* restaur des 2 registres */
bx lr /* return */

/* Convert a string to a number stored in a registry */
/* r0 contains the address of the area terminated by 0 or 0A */
/* r0 returns a number */
push {fp,lr} @ save 2 registers
push {r1-r7} @ save others registers
mov r1,#0
mov r2,#10 @ factor
mov r3,#0 @ counter
mov r4,r0 @ save address string -> r4
mov r6,#0 @ positive sign by default
mov r0,#0 @ initialization to 0
1: /* early space elimination loop */
ldrb r5,[r4,r3] @ loading in r5 of the byte located at the beginning + the position
cmp r5,#0 @ end of string -> end routine
beq 100f
cmp r5,#0x0A @ end of string -> end routine
beq 100f
cmp r5,#' ' @ space ?
addeq r3,r3,#1 @ yes we loop by moving one byte
beq 1b
cmp r5,#'-' @ first character is -
moveq r6,#1 @ 1 -> r6
beq 3f @ then move on to the next position
2: /* beginning of digit processing loop */
cmp r5,#'0' @ character is not a number
blt 3f
cmp r5,#'9' @ character is not a number
bgt 3f
/* character is a number */
sub r5,#48
ldr r1,iMaxi @ check the overflow of the register
cmp r0,r1
bgt 99f @ overflow error
mul r0,r2,r0 @ multiply par factor 10
add r0,r5 @ add to r0
add r3,r3,#1 @ advance to the next position
ldrb r5,[r4,r3] @ load byte
cmp r5,#0 @ end of string -> end routine
beq 4f
cmp r5,#0x0A @ end of string -> end routine
beq 4f
b 2b @ loop
cmp r6,#1 @ test r6 for sign
moveq r1,#-1
muleq r0,r1,r0 @ if negatif, multiply par -1
b 100f
99: /* overflow error */
ldr r0,=szMessErrDep
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#0 @ return zero if error
pop {r1-r7} @ restaur other registers
pop {fp,lr} @ restaur 2 registers
bx lr @return procedure
/* constante program */
iMaxi: .int 1073741824
szMessErrDep: .asciz "Too large: overflow 32 bits.\n"


<syntaxhighlight lang="rebol">a: to :integer input "enter a value for a: "
b: to :integer input "enter a value for b: "

if a<b [ print [ a "is less than" b ] ]
if a>b [ print [ a "is greater than" b ] ]
if a=b [ print [ a "is equal to" b ] ]</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="python">let a = input('Enter value of a: ')
let b = input('Enter value of b: ')

if a < b:
print 'a is less than b'
elif a > b:
print 'a is greater than b'
elif a == b:
print 'a is equal to b'</syntaxhighlight>

Error checking is performed automatically by attaching UpDowns to each of the Edit controls. UpDown controls always yield an in-range number, even when the user has typed something non-numeric or out-of-range in the Edit control.
The default range is 0 to 100.
<syntaxhighlight lang="autohotkey">Gui, Add, Edit
Gui, Add, UpDown, vVar1
Gui, Add, Edit
Gui, Add, UpDown, vVar2
Gui, Add, Button, Default, Submit
Gui, Show

Gui, Submit, NoHide
If (Var1 = Var2)
MsgBox, % Var1 "=" Var2
Else If (Var1 < Var2)
MsgBox, % Var1 "<" Var2
Else If (Var1 > Var2)
MsgBox, % Var1 ">" Var2


<syntaxhighlight lang="avail">// This code doesn't try to protect against any malformed input.
a ::= next line from standard input→integer;
b ::= next line from standard input→integer;
If a > b then [Print: "a > b";]
else if a < b then [Print: "a < b";]
else if a = b then [Print: "a = b";];</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="awk">/[0-9]* [0-9]*/{
if ($1 == $2) print $1, "is equal to", $2
if ($1 < $2) print $1, "is less than", $2
if ($1 > $2) print $1, "is greater than", $2

In awk, a double equals symbol is required to test for equality.
A single equals sign is used for assignment, and will cause a bug if it is used within a boolean expression:

<syntaxhighlight lang="awk"># This code contains a bug
IF (n=3) PRINT "n is equal to 3" # The incorrectly used equals sign will set n to a value of 3</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="axe">Lbl FUNC
If r₁<r₂
Disp "LESS THAN",i
If r₁=r₂
Disp "EQUAL TO",i
If r₁>r₂

==={{header|Applesoft BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="applesoftbasic">10 INPUT "ENTER TWO INTEGERS: "; A%, B%
20 A$(0) = "NOT "
30 PRINT A% " IS " A$(A% < B%) "LESS THAN " B%
40 PRINT A% " IS " A$(A% = B%) "EQUAL TO " B%
50 PRINT A% " IS " A$(A% > B%) "GREATER THAN " B%</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">
INPUT "Enter first number " ,a
INPUT "Enter second number " ,b
IF a < b THEN PRINT a ," is less than ", b
IF a = b THEN PRINT a, " is equal to ", b
IF a > b THEN PRINT a, " is greater than ", b</syntaxhighlight>

{{works with|QuickBasic|4.5}}
{{works with|QuickBasic|4.5}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">CLS
INPUT "a, b"; a, b 'remember to type the comma when you give the numbers
INPUT "a, b"; a, b 'remember to type the comma when you give the numbers
PRINT "a is ";
PRINT "a is ";
IF a < b THEN PRINT "less than ";
IF a < b THEN PRINT "less than ";
IF a = b THEN PRINT "equal to ";
IF a = b THEN PRINT "equal to ";
IF a > b THEN PRINT "greater than ";
IF a > b THEN PRINT "greater than ";
PRINT "b"</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">input "Please enter one integer: ", x
input "and a second integer: ", y
if x < y then print x; " is less than "; y
if x = y then print x; " is equal to "; y
if x > y then print x; " is greater than "; y</syntaxhighlight>

==={{header|BBC BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="bbcbasic"> INPUT "Enter two numbers separated by a comma: " a, b
WHEN a < b: PRINT ;a " is less than "; b
WHEN a = b: PRINT ;a " is equal to "; b
WHEN a > b: PRINT ;a " is greater than "; b

<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">' FB 1.05.0 Win64

Dim As Integer x, y
Input "Please enter two integers, separated by a comma : ", x , y

If x < y Then
Print x; " is less than "; y
End If

If x = y Then
Print x; " is equal to "; y
End If

If x > y Then
Print x; " is greater than "; y
End If

Print "Press any key to exit"

Note: Strictly speaking, it's preferable to use "==" when comparing integers as seen in this example. While the "=" sign will work as a comparison in most cases, technically it should be used for assignment, i.e. a = 3 when a is assigned the value of 3, as contrasted with a == 3, where the value of a is being compared with 3. FB will flag a warning when "==" is used to compare two single, doubles or floats since comparing real numbers can be inaccurate.
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">_window = 1
begin enum 1
end enum

local fn BuildWindow
window _window, @"Integer Comparison", (0,0,356,85)

textfield _integer1Fld,,, (20,44,112,21)
TextFieldSetPlaceholderString( _integer1Fld, @"Integer 1" )

textfield _integer2Fld,,, (140,44,112,21)
TextFieldSetPlaceholderString( _integer2Fld, @"Integer 2" )

button _compareBtn,,, @"Compare", (253,38,90,32)

textlabel _messageLabel,, (18,20,320,16)
ControlSetAlignment( _messageLabel, NSTextAlignmentCenter )
end fn

local fn DoDialog( ev as long, tag as long )
long int1, int2

select ( ev )
case _btnClick
select ( tag )
case _compareBtn
int1 = fn ControlIntegerValue( _integer1Fld )
int2 = fn ControlIntegerValue( _integer2Fld )

if ( int1 < int2 ) then textlabel _messageLabel, @"The first integer is less than the second integer."
if ( int1 == int2 ) then textlabel _messageLabel, @"The first integer is equal to the second integer."
if ( int1 > int2 ) then textlabel _messageLabel, @"The first integer is greater than the second integer."

end select

case _controlTextDidChange
textlabel _messageLabel, @""
end select
end fn

fn BuildWindow

on dialog fn DoDialog


<syntaxhighlight lang="gambas">Public Sub Form_Open()
Dim sIn As String = InputBox("Enter 2 integers seperated by a comma")
Dim iFirst, iSecond As Integer

iFirst = Val(Split(sIn)[0])
iSecond = Val(Split(sIn)[1])

If iFirst < iSecond Then Print iFirst & " is smaller than " & iSecond & gb.NewLine
If iFirst > iSecond Then Print iFirst & " is greater than " & iSecond & gb.NewLine
If iFirst = iSecond Then Print iFirst & " is equal to " & iSecond

21 is greater than 18

<syntaxhighlight lang="is-basic">100 INPUT PROMPT "Enter A: ":A
110 INPUT PROMPT "Enter B: ":B
130 PRINT A;"is lesss than ";B
150 PRINT A;"is equal to ";B
160 ELSE
170 PRINT A;"is greater than ";B
180 END IF</syntaxhighlight>


<syntaxhighlight lang="is-basic">100 INPUT PROMPT "Enter A: ":A
110 INPUT PROMPT "Enter B: ":B
140 PRINT A;"is lesss than ";B
160 PRINT A;"is equal to ";B
180 PRINT A;"is greater than ";B
190 END SELECT</syntaxhighlight>

==={{header|Liberty BASIC}}===
Verbose version:
{{works with|Just BASIC}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">input "Enter an integer for a. ";a
input "Enter an integer for b. ";b

'a=int(a):b=int(b) ???
print "Conditional evaluation."
if a<b then print "a<b " ; a ; " < " ; b
if a=b then print "a=b " ; a ; " = " ; b
if a>b then print "a>b " ; a ; " > " ; b

print "Select case evaluation."
select case
case (a<b)
print "a<b " ; a ; " < " ; b
case (a=b)
print "a=b " ; a ; " = " ; b
case (a>b)
print "a>b " ; a ; " > " ; b
end select

<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">input "Enter an integer for a. ";a
input "Enter an integer for b. ";b

for i = 1 to 3
op$=word$("< = >", i)
if eval("a"+op$+"b") then print "a"+op$+"b " ; a;" ";op$;" ";b

<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
uses console
print "Integer comparison. (press ctrl-c to exit) " cr cr
int n1,n2
print "Enter 1st integer " : n1=input
print "Enter 2nd integer " : n2=input
if n1=n2
print "number1 = number2" cr cr
elseif n1>n2
print "number1 > number2" cr cr
elseif n1<n2
print "number1 < number2" cr cr

<syntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">If OpenConsole()

Print("Enter an integer: ")
x.i = Val(Input())
Print("Enter another integer: ")
y.i = Val(Input())

If x < y
Print( "The first integer is less than the second integer.")
ElseIf x = y
Print("The first integer is equal to the second integer.")
ElseIf x > y
Print("The first integer is greater than the second integer.")

Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit")

<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">INPUT "Please enter two integers, separated by a comma: ", x, y

IF x < y THEN PRINT x; " is less than "; y
IF x = y THEN PRINT x; " is equal to "; y
IF x > y THEN PRINT x; " is greater than "; y</syntaxhighlight>

==={{header|Run BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="runbasic">input "1st number:"; n1
input "2nd number:"; n2

if n1 < n2 then print "1st number ";n1;" is less than 2nd number";n2
if n1 > n2 then print "1st number ";n1;" is greater than 2nd number";n2
if n1 = n2 then print "1st number ";n1;" is equal to 2nd number";n2</syntaxhighlight>

==={{header|TI-83 BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="ti83b">Prompt A,B
If A<B: Disp "A SMALLER B"
If A>B: Disp "A GREATER B"
If A=B: Disp "A EQUAL B"</syntaxhighlight>

==={{header|TI-89 BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="ti89b">Local a, b, result
Prompt a, b
If a < b Then
"<" → result
ElseIf a = b Then
"=" → result
ElseIf a > b Then
">" → result
"???" → result
Disp string(a) & " " & result & " " & string(b)</syntaxhighlight>

==={{Header|Tiny BASIC}}===
{{works with|TinyBasic}}
Some implementations of Tiny BASIC use <code>,</code> instead of <code>;</code> for concatenation of print items.
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">10 REM Integer comparison
20 PRINT "Enter a number"
40 PRINT "Enter another number"
60 IF A < B THEN PRINT A;" is less than ";B
70 IF A > B THEN PRINT A;" is greater than ";B
80 IF A = B THEN PRINT A;" is equal to ";B
90 END</syntaxhighlight>

==={{header|True BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">PRINT "Please enter two integers, separated by a comma: ";
INPUT x, y

IF x < y THEN PRINT x; " is less than "; y
IF x = y THEN PRINT x; " is equal to "; y
IF x > y THEN PRINT x; " is greater than "; y

<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">Public Sub integer_comparison()
first_integer = CInt(InputBox("Give me an integer."))
second_integer = CInt(InputBox("Give me another integer."))
Debug.Print IIf(first_integer < second_integer, "first integer is smaller than second integer", "first integer is not smaller than second integer")
Debug.Print IIf(first_integer = second_integer, "first integer is equal to second integer", "first integer is not equal to second integer")
Debug.Print IIf(first_integer > second_integer, "first integer is bigger than second integer", "first integer is not bigger than second integer")
End Sub</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
option explicit

function eef( b, r1, r2 )
if b then
eef = r1
eef = r2
end if
end function

dim a, b
wscript.stdout.write "First integer: "
a = cint(wscript.stdin.readline) 'force to integer

wscript.stdout.write "Second integer: "
b = cint(wscript.stdin.readline) 'force to integer

wscript.stdout.write "First integer is "
if a < b then wscript.stdout.write "less than "
if a = b then wscript.stdout.write "equal to "
if a > b then wscript.stdout.write "greater than "
wscript.echo "Second integer."

wscript.stdout.write "First integer is " & _
eef( a < b, "less than ", _
eef( a = b, "equal to ", _
eef( a > b, "greater than ", vbnullstring ) ) ) & "Second integer."

==={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}===
'''Platform:''' [[.NET]]

{{works with|Visual Basic .NET|9.0+}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Sub Main()

Dim a = CInt(Console.ReadLine)
Dim b = CInt(Console.ReadLine)

'Using if statements
If a < b Then Console.WriteLine("a is less than b")
If a = b Then Console.WriteLine("a equals b")
If a > b Then Console.WriteLine("a is greater than b")

'Using Case
Select Case a
Case Is < b
Console.WriteLine("a is less than b")
Case b
Console.WriteLine("a equals b")
Case Is > b
Console.WriteLine("a is greater than b")
End Select

End Sub</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="yabasic">input "Please enter two integers, separated by a comma: " x, y

if x < y then print x, " is less than ", y : fi
if x = y then print x, " is equal to ", y : fi
if x > y then print x, " is greater than ", y : fi</syntaxhighlight>

==={{header|ZX Spectrum Basic}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="zxbasic">10 INPUT "Enter two integers: ";a;" ";b
20 PRINT a;" is ";("less than " AND (a<b));("equal to " AND (a=b));("greather than " AND (a>b));b</syntaxhighlight>

=={{header|Batch File}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="dos">@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /p a="A: "
set /p b="B: "
if %a% LSS %b% (
echo %a% is less than %b%
) else ( if %a% GTR %b% (
echo %a% is greater than %b%
) else ( if %a% EQU %b% (
echo %a% is equal to %b%
A: 5
B: 3
5 is greater than 3</pre>

{{Works with|GNU bc}}
(POSIX bc doesn't have I/O functions/statements (i.e. <code>read</code> and <code>print</code>) but the rest of the code would work.)
<syntaxhighlight lang="bc">a = read()
b = read()
if (a < b) print "a is smaller than b\n"
if (a > b) print "a is greater than b\n"
if (a == b) print "a is equal to b\n"

<syntaxhighlight lang="bcpl">get "libhdr"

let start() be
$( let a = ? and b = ?
writes("A? ") ; a := readn()
writes("B? ") ; b := readn()
a < b -> "A is less than B*N",
a = b -> "A is equal to B*N",
a > b -> "A is greater than B*N",

Befunge only has the greater-than operator (backtick `). The branch commands (underline _ and pipe |) test for zero.
Befunge only has the greater-than operator (backtick `).
The branch commands (underline _ and pipe |) test for zero.

v v ">" $<
<syntaxhighlight lang="befunge">v v ">" $<
>&&"=A",,\:."=B ",,,\: .55+,-:0`|
>&&"=A",,\:."=B ",,,\: .55+,-:0`|
v "<" _v#<
v "<" _v#<
@,+55,," B",,,"A " < "=" <
@,+55,," B",,,"A " < "=" <</syntaxhighlight>

=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
The function <code>Comp</code> compares two integers and returns the appropriate string result.

<syntaxhighlight lang="bqn"> Comp ← ⊑·/⟜"Greater than"‿"Equal To"‿"Lesser Than"(>∾=∾<)
You can type this directly into a REPL:
⊑(/⟜⟨ "Greater than" "Equal To" "Lesser Than" ⟩>∾=∾<)
4 Comp 5
"Lesser Than"
5 Comp 5
"Equal To"
6 Comp 5
"Greater than"</syntaxhighlight>

(let ((a (read *standard-input*))
(b (read *standard-input*)))
((not (numberp a)) (format t "~A is not a number." a))
((not (numberp b)) (format t "~A is not a number." b))
((< a b) (format t "~A is less than ~A." a b))
((> a b) (format t "~A is greater than ~A." a b))
((eq a b) (format t "~A is equal to ~A." a b))
(t (format t "Cannot determine relevance between ~A and ~B!" a b)))))

After hitting enter, the REPL is expecting the two numbers right away. You can enter the two numbers, and the result will print immediately. Alternatively, you can wrap this code in a function definition:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bracmat"> get$:?A
& get$:?B
& (!A:!B&out$"A equals B"|)
& (!A:<!B&out$"A is less than B"|)
& (!A:>!B&out$"A is greater than B"|);</syntaxhighlight>

(defun compare-integers ()
<syntaxhighlight lang="brat">first = ask("First integer: ").to_i
(let ((a (read *standard-input*))
second = ask("Second integer: ").to_i
(b (read *standard-input*)))
((not (numberp a)) (format t "~A is not a number." a))
((not (numberp b)) (format t "~A is not a number." b))
((< a b) (format t "~A is less than ~A." a b))
((> a b) (format t "~A is greater than ~A." a b))
((eq a b) (format t "~A is equal to ~A." a b))
(t (format t "Cannot determine relevance between ~A and ~B!" a b)))))

when { first > second } { p "#{first} is greater than #{second}" }
Then, execute the function for better control:
{ first < second } { p "#{first} is less than #{second}" }
{ first == second } { p "#{first} is equal to #{second}" }</syntaxhighlight>


<syntaxhighlight lang="burlesque">
blsq ) "5 6"ps^pcm+.{"The first one is less than the second one""They are both equal""The second one is less than the first one"}\/!!sh
The first one is less than the second one
blsq ) "6 6"ps^pcm+.{"The first one is less than the second one""They are both equal""The second one is less than the first one"}\/!!sh
They are both equal
blsq ) "6 5"ps^pcm+.{"The first one is less than the second one""They are both equal""The second one is less than the first one"}\/!!sh
The second one is less than the first one

#include <stdio.h>
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int main()
int a, b;
int a, b;
scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);

if (a < b)
if (a < b)
printf("%d is less than %d\n", a, b);
printf("%d is less than %d\n", a, b);

if (a == b)
if (a == b)
printf("%d is equal to %d\n", a, b);
printf("%d is equal to %d\n", a, b);

if (a > b)
if (a > b)
printf("%d is greater than %d\n", a, b);
printf("%d is greater than %d\n", a, b);

return 0;
return 0;

=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">using System;

class Program
static void Main()
int a = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int b = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (a < b)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is less than {1}", a, b);
if (a == b)
Console.WriteLine("{0} equals {1}", a, b);
if (a > b)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is greater than {1}", a, b);

#include <iostream>
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <iostream>

#include <istream>
int main()
#include <ostream>
int main()
int a, b;

int a, b;
if (!(std::cin >> a >> b)) {
std::cin >> a >> b;
std::cerr << "could not read the numbers\n";
return 1;
// test for less-than

if (a < b)
std::cout << a << " is less than " << b << "\n";
// test for less-than
if (a < b)
std::cout << a << " is less than " << b << "\n";
// test for equality

if (a == b)
// test for equality
std::cout << a << " is equal to " << b << "\n";
if (a == b)
std::cout << a << " is equal to " << b << "\n";
// test for greater-than

if (a > b)
std::cout << a << " is greater than " << b << "\n";
// test for greater-than
if (a > b)
std::cout << a << " is greater than " << b << "\n";
return 0;

<syntaxhighlight lang="cfengine3">
bundle agent __main__
# Change the values to test:
"first_integer" int => "10";
"second_integer" int => "9";

"The first integer ($(first_integer)) is less than the second integer ($(second_integer))."
if => islessthan( "$(first_integer)", "$(second_integer)" );
"The first integer ($(first_integer)) is equal to the second integer ($(second_integer))."
if => eval( "$(first_integer)==$(second_integer)", "class", "infix" );
"The first integer ($(first_integer)) is greater than the second integer ($(second_integer))."
if => isgreaterthan( "$(first_integer)", "$(second_integer)" );

<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
fun void intComparison (int one, int two)
if(one < two) <<< one, " is less than ", two >>>;
if(one == two) <<< one, " is equal than ", two >>>;
if(one > two) <<< one, " is greater than ", two >>>;
// uncomment next line and change values to test
// intComparison (2,4);

<syntaxhighlight lang="clean">import StdEnv

compare a b
import StdEnv
| a < b = "A is less than B"
| a > b = "A is more than B"
compare a b
| a < b = "A is less than B"
| a == b = "A equals B"

| a > b = "A is more than B"
Start world
| a == b = "A equals B"
# (console, world) = stdio world
(_, a, console) = freadi console
Start world
# (console, world) = stdio world
(_, b, console) = freadi console
= compare a b</syntaxhighlight>
(_, a, console) = freadi console

(_, b, console) = freadi console
= compare a b
<syntaxhighlight lang="clipper"> Function Compare(a, b)
IF a < b
? "A is less than B"
ELSEIF a > b
? "A is more than B"
? "A equals B"
Return Nil

Creates an infinite sequence of calls to "read an object from the user", and assigns the first two elements to a and b, without evaluating the rest.
It evaluates the when/println body three times, each time with op and string bound to their corresponding entries in the list of three operator/string pairs.
Note that this does no validation on input: if the user inputs a string then an exception will be thrown.
<syntaxhighlight lang="clojure">(let [[a b] (repeatedly read)]
(doseq [[op string] [[< "less than"]
[> "greater than"]
[= "equal to"]]]
(when (op a b)
(println (str a " is " string " " b)))))</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="cmake"># Define A and B as integers. For example:
# cmake -DA=3 -DB=5 -P compare.cmake

# The comparisons can take variable names, or they can take numbers.
# So these act all the same:
# ${A} LESS ${B}
# A LESS ${B}
# ${A} LESS B

if(A LESS B)
message(STATUS "${A} is less than ${B}")
message(STATUS "${A} is equal to ${B}")
message(STATUS "${A} is greater than ${B}")

{{works with|OpenCOBOL}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="cobol"> IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
PROGRAM-ID. Int-Compare.

01 A PIC 9(10).
01 B PIC 9(10).


* *> Note: Longer verbal forms may be used instead of symbols
* *> e.g. 'IS GREATER THAN' instead '<'
IF A < B
DISPLAY A " is less than " B
DISPLAY A " is equal to " B
DISPLAY A " is larger than " B



* '''Less than:''' LT
* '''Less than or equal to:''' LTE
* '''Greater than:''' GT
* '''Greater than or equal to:''' GTE
* '''Equal to:''' EQ
* '''Not equal to:''' NEQ

===In CFML===

<syntaxhighlight lang="cfm"><cffunction name="CompareInteger">
<cfargument name="Integer1" type="numeric">
<cfargument name="Integer2" type="numeric">
<cfset VARIABLES.Result = "" >
<cfif ARGUMENTS.Integer1 LT ARGUMENTS.Integer2 >
<cfset VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is less than " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")" >
<cfif ARGUMENTS.Integer1 LTE ARGUMENTS.Integer2 >
<cfset VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is less than or equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")" >
<cfif ARGUMENTS.Integer1 GT ARGUMENTS.Integer2 >
<cfset VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is greater than " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")" >
<cfif ARGUMENTS.Integer1 GTE ARGUMENTS.Integer2 >
<cfset VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is greater than or equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")" >
<cfif ARGUMENTS.Integer1 EQ ARGUMENTS.Integer2 >
<cfset VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")" >
<cfif ARGUMENTS.Integer1 NEQ ARGUMENTS.Integer2 >
<cfset VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is not equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")" >
<cfreturn VARIABLES.Result >

===In CFScript===

<syntaxhighlight lang="cfm"><cfscript>
function CompareInteger( Integer1, Integer2 ) {
VARIABLES.Result = "";
if ( ARGUMENTS.Integer1 LT ARGUMENTS.Integer2 ) {
VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is less than " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")";
if ( ARGUMENTS.Integer1 LTE ARGUMENTS.Integer2 ) {
VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is less than or equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")";
if ( ARGUMENTS.Integer1 GT ARGUMENTS.Integer2 ) {
VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is greater than " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")";
if ( ARGUMENTS.Integer1 GTE ARGUMENTS.Integer2 ) {
VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is greater than or equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")";
if ( ARGUMENTS.Integer1 EQ ARGUMENTS.Integer2 ) {
VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")";
if ( ARGUMENTS.Integer1 NEQ ARGUMENTS.Integer2 ) {
VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is not equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")";
return VARIABLES.Result;

=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
You can type this directly into a REPL:

<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">(let ((a (read *standard-input*))
(b (read *standard-input*)))
((not (numberp a)) (format t "~A is not a number." a))
((not (numberp b)) (format t "~A is not a number." b))
((< a b) (format t "~A is less than ~A." a b))
((> a b) (format t "~A is greater than ~A." a b))
((= a b) (format t "~A is equal to ~A." a b))
(t (format t "Cannot determine relevance between ~A and ~B!" a b)))))</syntaxhighlight>

After hitting enter, the REPL is expecting the two numbers right away.
You can enter the two numbers, and the result will print immediately.
Alternatively, you can wrap this code in a function definition:

<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">(defun compare-integers ()
(let ((a (read *standard-input*))
(b (read *standard-input*)))
((not (numberp a)) (format t "~A is not a number." a))
((not (numberp b)) (format t "~A is not a number." b))
((< a b) (format t "~A is less than ~A." a b))
((> a b) (format t "~A is greater than ~A." a b))
((= a b) (format t "~A is equal to ~A." a b))
(t (format t "Cannot determine relevance between ~A and ~B!" a b)))))</syntaxhighlight>

Then, execute the function for better control:

=={{header|Computer/zero Assembly}}==
The only conditional instruction we have is <tt>BRZ</tt> (branch on accumulator zero). We can therefore test for equality very quickly. To test for "greater than" or "less than", however, requires a loop.

If you run this program, it will halt awaiting user input. Toggle in the value of <math>x</math>, then click <tt>Enter</tt>, then toggle in <math>y</math>, then <tt>Enter</tt>, and then <tt>Run</tt>. <math>x</math> and <math>y</math> must both be unsigned eight-bit integers. The computer will halt with the accumulator storing 1 if <math>x</math>><math>y</math>, 0 if <math>x</math>=<math>y</math>, or -1 if <math>x</math><<math>y</math>; and it will be ready for a fresh pair of integers to be entered.
<syntaxhighlight lang="czasm">start: STP ; get input

x: NOP
y: NOP

BRZ start ; x=y, A=0

loop: LDA x
SUB one
BRZ x<y

SUB one
BRZ x>y

JMP loop

x>y: LDA one ; A := 1
JMP start

x<y: SUB one ; A := 0-1
JMP start

one: 1</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="d">void main() {
import std.stdio, std.conv, std.string;

int a = 10, b = 20;
import std.stdio, std.string;
try {
a =!int;
b =!int;
} catch (StdioException) {}

if (a < b)
writeln(a, " is less than ", b);

if (a == b)
writeln(a, " is equal to ", b);

if (a > b)
writeln(a, " is greater than ", b);
<pre>10 is less than 20</pre>

<syntaxhighlight lang="dc">[Use _ (underscore) as negative sign for numbers.]P []pP
[Enter two numbers to compare: ]P
? sbsa
[[greater than]]sp lb la >p
[ [less than]]sp lb la <p
[ [equal to]]sp lb la =p
la n [ is ]P P [ ]P lbn []pP
44 is greater than 3

<syntaxhighlight lang="dcl">$ inquire a "Please provide an integer"
$ inquire b "Please provide another"
$ if a .lt. b then $ write sys$output "the first integer is less"
$ if a .eq. b then $ write sys$output "the integers have the same value"
$ if a .gt. b then $ write sys$output "the first integer is greater"</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>$ @integer_comparison
Please provide an integer: 0
Please provide another: -3
the first integer is greater
$ @integer_comparison
Please provide an integer: -2000
Please provide another: 12355
the first integer is less
$ @integer_comparison
Please provide an integer: 314
Please provide another: 314
the integers have the same value</pre>

:''Slightly different than the [[#Pascal|Pascal]] example''

<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi">program IntegerCompare;


a, b: Integer;
Readln(a, b);
if a < b then Writeln(a, ' is less than ', b);
if a = b then Writeln(a, ' is equal to ', b);
if a > b then Writeln(a, ' is greater than ', b);

<syntaxhighlight lang="draco">proc nonrec main() void:
int a, b;
write("Please enter two integers: ");
read(a, b);
if a<b then writeln(a, " < ", b)
elif a=b then writeln(a, " = ", b)
elif a>b then writeln(a, " > ", b)



<syntaxhighlight lang="dyalect">func compare(a, b) {
if a < b {
"A is less than B"
} else if a > b {
"A is more than B"
} else {
"A equals B"

<syntaxhighlight lang="e">def compare(a :int, b :int) {
println(if (a < b) { `$a < $b` } \
else if (a <=> b) { `$a = $b` } \
else if (a > b) { `$a > $b` } \
else { `You're calling that an integer?` })

<syntaxhighlight lang="text">a = number input
b = number input
if a < b
print "less"
if a = b
print "equal"
if a > b
print "greater"

<syntaxhighlight lang="ecl">
Result := A <=> B;
STRING ResultText := CASE (Result,1 => 'is greater than', 0 => 'is equal to','is less than');
RETURN A + ' ' + TRIM(ResultText) + ' ' + B;

CompareThem(1,2); //Shows "1 is less than 2"
CompareThem(2,2); //Shows "2 is equal to 2"
CompareThem(2,1); //Shows "2 is greater than 1"

=={{header|EDSAC order code}}==
The EDSAC offers two conditional branching orders, <tt>E</tt> (branch if the accumulator >= 0) and <tt>G</tt> (branch if the accumulator < 0). Testing for equality thus requires two operations.
<syntaxhighlight lang="edsac">[ Integer comparison
A program for the EDSAC
Illustrates the use of the E
(branch on accumulator sign
bit clear) and G (branch on
accumulator sign bit set)
The integers to be tested, x
and y, should be stored in
addresses 13@ and 14@
Output: the program causes the
machine to print
'+' if x > y,
'=' if x = y,
'-' if x < y.
Works with Initial Orders 2 ]

T56K [ load point ]
GK [ base address ]
O15@ [ figure shift ]
A13@ [ a = x ]
S14@ [ a -= y ]
G10@ [ if a<0 go to 10 ]
S12@ [ a -= 1 ]
E8@ [ if a>=0 go to 8 ]
O17@ [ write '=' ]
ZF [ halt ]
[ 8 ] O16@ [ write '+' ]
ZF [ halt ]
[ 10 ] O18@ [ write '-' ]
ZF [ halt ]
[ 12 ] P0D [ const: 1 ]
[ 13 ] P16D [ x = 37 ]
[ 14 ] P14F [ y = 28 ]
[ 15 ] #F [ figure shift ]
[ 16 ] ZF [ + character ]
[ 17 ] VF [ = character ]
[ 18 ] AF [ - character ]
EZPF [ begin execution ]</syntaxhighlight>


since if does pattern matching the else is required to avoid the application from crashing

<syntaxhighlight lang="efene">compare = fn (A, B) {
if A == B {
io.format("~p equals ~p~n", [A, B])
else {

if A < B {
io.format("~p is less than ~p~n", [A, B])
else {

if A > B {
io.format("~p is greater than ~p~n", [A, B])
else {

run = fn () {
compare(5, 5)
compare(6, 5)
compare(4, 5)

<syntaxhighlight lang="eiffel">class

feature {NONE} -- Initialization

i, j: INTEGER_32
i := io.last_integer_32

j := io.last_integer_32

if i < j then
print("first is less than second%N")
if i = j then
print("first is equal to the second%N")
if i > j then
print("first is greater than second%N")

ELENA 4.x:
<syntaxhighlight lang="elena">import extensions;
public program()
var a := console.readLine().toInt();
var b := console.readLine().toInt();
void main() {
auto a = readln().atoi(), b = readln().atoi();
if (a < b)
if (a < b)
writefln(a, " is less than ", b);
{ console.printLine(a," is less than ",b) };
if (a == b)
if (a == b)
writefln(a, " is equal to ", b);
{ console.printLine(a," equals ",b) };
if (a > b)
if (a > b)
writefln(a, " is greater than ", b);
{ console.printLine(a," is greater than ",b) }

<syntaxhighlight lang="elixir">{a,_} = IO.gets("Enter your first integer: ") |> Integer.parse
{b,_} = IO.gets("Enter your second integer: ") |> Integer.parse

cond do
a < b ->
IO.puts "#{a} is less than #{b}"
a > b ->
IO.puts "#{a} is greater than #{b}"
a == b ->
IO.puts "#{a} is equal to #{b}"

=={{header|Emacs Lisp}}==

<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">(defun integer-comparison (a b)
"Compare A to B and print the outcome in the message buffer."
(interactive "nFirst integer ⇒\nnSecond integer ⇒")
((< a b) (message "%d is less than %d." a b))
((> a b) (message "%d is greater than %d." a b))
((= a b) (message "%d is equal to %d." a b))))</syntaxhighlight>

Invoke from within Emacs Lisp (or e.g., with <code>M-:</code>) as <code>(integer-comparison 12 42)</code>
Or, use <code>M-x integer-comparison RET</code> and you'll be prompted for the two numbers.

<syntaxhighlight lang="emal">
fun main = int by List args
int a, b
if args.length > 1
a = int!args[0]
b = int!args[1]
a = ask(int, "Enter the first integer ")
b = ask(int, "Enter the second integer ")
writeLine("=== a <> b is " + (a <> b) + " ===")
if a < b do writeLine(a + " < " + b) end
if a == b do writeLine(a + " == " + b) end
if a > b do writeLine(a + " > " + b) end
return 0
exit main(Runtime.args)
emal.exe Org\RosettaCode\IntegerComparison.emal
Enter the first integer 42
Enter the second integer 64
=== a <> b is -1 ===
42 < 64

<syntaxhighlight lang="erlang">
main() ->
{ok, [N]} = io:fread("First integer: ", "~d"),
{ok, [M]} = io:fread("First integer: ", "~d"),
N < M ->
io:format("~b is less than ~b~n",[N,M]);
N > M ->
io:format("~b is greater than ~b~n",[N,M]);
N == M ->
io:format("~b is equal to ~b~n",[N,M])
N =< M ->
io:format("~b is less than or equal to ~b~n",[N,M]);
N >= M ->
io:format("~b is greater than or equal to ~b~n",[N,M])


<syntaxhighlight lang="euphoria">include get.e

integer a,b
a = floor(prompt_number("a = ",{}))
b = floor(prompt_number("b = ",{}))

puts(1,"a is ")
if a < b then
puts(1,"less then")
elsif a = b then
puts(1,"equal to")
elsif a > b then
puts(1,"grater then")
end if
puts(1," b")</syntaxhighlight>


Let's say you type in the values in cells A1 and B1, in C1, type in the following in a MS Excel 2010 sheet:

<syntaxhighlight lang="excel">
=IF($A1>$B1;concatenate($A1;" is greater than ";$B1);IF($A1<$B1;concatenate($A1;" is smaller than ";$B1);concatenate($A1;" is equal to ";$B1)))

In a Google Docs spreadsheet, that becomes :

<syntaxhighlight lang="excel">
=IF($A1>$B1,concatenate($A1," is greater than ",$B1),IF($A1<$B1,concatenate($A1," is smaller than ",$B1),concatenate($A1," is equal to ",$B1)))

<syntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">let compare_ints a b =
let r =
match a with
| x when x < b -> -1, printfn "%d is less than %d" x b
| x when x = b -> 0, printfn "%d is equal to %d" x b
| x when x > b -> 1, printfn "%d is greater than %d" x b
| x -> 0, printf "default condition (not reached)"
fst r</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="factor">: example ( -- )
readln readln [ string>number ] bi@
[ > [ "A > B" print ] when ]
[ < [ "A < B" print ] when ]
[ = [ "A = B" print ] when ] 2tri ;

Only equals and greater than are available.
<syntaxhighlight lang="false">^^ \$@$@$@$@\
>[\$," is greater than "\$,]?
\>[\$," is less than "\$,]?
=["characters are equal"]?</syntaxhighlight>


Uses Env.cur to access stdin and stdout.

<syntaxhighlight lang="fantom">class Main
public static Void main ()
Env.cur.out.print ("Enter number 1: ").flush
num1 :=
Env.cur.out.print ("Enter number 2: ").flush
num2 :=

if (num1 < num2)
echo ("$num1 is smaller than $num2")
else if (num1 == num2)
echo ("$num1 is equal to $num2")
else if (num1 > num2)
echo ("$num1 is greater than $num2")
catch (Err e)
echo ("You must enter two integers")

<syntaxhighlight lang="fermat">Func Compare =
if a=b then !'Equal' fi;
if a<b then !'Less than' fi;
if a>b then !'Greater than' fi;

This example assumes you [ pre-populate] the stack with the two integers.
<syntaxhighlight lang="fish">l2=?vv ~< v o<
v <>l?^"Please pre-populate the stack with the two integers."ar>l?^;
\$:@@:@)?v v ;oanv!!!?<
>$n" is greater than "{r>ol1=^
/ <
\$:@@:@=?v v ;oanv!!!?<
>$n" is equal to "{r>ol1=^
/ <
\$:@@:@(?v v ;oanv!!!?<
>$n" is smaller than "{r>ol1=^
> v
/oo". "nooooo" and "n$< v o<
>"They're not equal, not greater than and not smaller than eachother... strange."ar>l?^;</syntaxhighlight>

The last three lines aren't really needed, because it will never become true :P but I included them to show a way to do some error checking.


To keep the example simple, the word takes the two numbers from the stack.
To keep the example simple, the word takes the two numbers from the stack.
<syntaxhighlight lang="forth">: compare-integers ( a b -- )

2dup < if ." a is less than b" then
: compare-integers ( a b -- )
2dup < if ." a is less than b" then
2dup > if ." a is greater than b" then
2dup > if ." a is greather than b" then
= if ." a is equal to b" then ;</syntaxhighlight>
= if ." a is equal to b" then ;

In ALL Fortran versions (including original 1950's era) you could use an "arithmetic IF" statement to compare using subtraction:
program compare
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran">program arithif
integer a, b
read(*,*) a, b
integer a, b

c test for less-than
c fortran 77 I/O statements, for simplicity
read(*,*) a, b
if (a .lt. b) then

write(*, *) a, ' is less than ', b
end if
if ( a - b ) 10, 20, 30
10 write(*,*) a, ' is less than ', b
goto 40
c test for equality

if (a .eq. b) then
write(*, *) a, ' is equal to ', b
20 write(*,*) a, ' is equal to ', b
end if
goto 40

c test for greater-than
30 write(*,*) a, ' is greater than ', b
40 continue
if (a .gt. b) then

write(*, *) a, ' is greater than ', b
end if

In ANSI FORTRAN 66 or later you could use relational operators (.lt., .gt., .eq., etc.) and unstructured IF statements:
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran">program compare
integer a, b
c fortran 77 I/O statements, for simplicity
read(*,*) a, b

if (a .lt. b) write(*, *) a, ' is less than ', b
if (a .eq. b) write(*, *) a, ' is equal to ', b
if (a .gt. b) write(*, *) a, ' is greater than ', b

In ANSI FORTRAN 77 or later you can use relational operators and structured IF statements:
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran">program compare
integer a, b
read(*,*) a, b

if (a .lt. b) then
write(*, *) a, ' is less than ', b
else if (a .eq. b) then
write(*, *) a, ' is equal to ', b
else if (a .gt. b) then
write(*, *) a, ' is greater than ', b
end if


In ISO Fortran 90 or later you can use symbolic relational operators (<, >, ==, etc.)
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran">program compare
integer :: a, b
read(*,*) a, b

if (a < b) then
write(*, *) a, ' is less than ', b
else if (a == b) then
write(*, *) a, ' is equal to ', b
else if (a > b) then
write(*, *) a, ' is greater than ', b
end if

end program compare</syntaxhighlight>

=={{header|friendly interactive shell}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="fishshell">read a
read b

if test $a -gt $b
echo Greater
else if test $a -lt $b
echo Less
else if test $a -eq $b
echo Equal

All integers in Frink can be arbitrarily large.

<syntaxhighlight lang="frink">[a,b] = eval[input["Enter numbers",["a","b"]]]
if a<b
println["$a < $b"]
if a==b
println["$a == $b"]
if a>b
println["$a > $b"]</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="funl">import console.readInt

a = readInt()
b = readInt()

val (_, c) = [((<), 'less than'), ((==), 'equal to'), ((>), 'greater than')].find( (compare, _) -> compare(a, b) ).get()

println( "$a is $c $b." )</syntaxhighlight>




Fōrmulæ has an intrinsic expression for [[wp:Three-way_comparison|three-way comparison]] that works for integers and other types (decimal and rational numbers, strings, time expressions, etc). It returns expressions that flag one of the three possible results.

[[File:Fōrmulæ - Integer comparison 01.png]]

[[File:Fōrmulæ - Integer comparison 02.png]]

However, a simple function can be written for the requirement:

[[File:Fōrmulæ - Integer comparison 03.png]]

[[File:Fōrmulæ - Integer comparison 04.png]]

[[File:Fōrmulæ - Integer comparison 05.png]]

<syntaxhighlight lang="go">package main

import (

func main() {
var n1, n2 int
fmt.Print("enter number: ")
if _, err := fmt.Scan(&n1); err != nil {
fmt.Print("enter number: ")
if _, err := fmt.Scan(&n2); err != nil {
switch {
case n1 < n2:
fmt.Println(n1, "less than", n2)
case n1 == n2:
fmt.Println(n1, "equal to", n2)
case n1 > n2:
fmt.Println(n1, "greater than", n2)


===Relational Operators===
<syntaxhighlight lang="groovy">def comparison = { a, b ->
println "a ? b = ${a} ? ${b} = a ${a < b ? '<' : a > b ? '>' : a == b ? '==' : '?'} b"

<syntaxhighlight lang="groovy">comparison(2000,3)

<pre>a ? b = 2000 ? 3 = a > b
a ? b = 2000 ? 300000 = a < b
a ? b = 2000 ? 2000 = a == b</pre>

==="Spaceship" (compareTo) Operator===
Using spaceship operator and a lookup table:
<syntaxhighlight lang="groovy">final rels = [ (-1) : '<', 0 : '==', 1 : '>' ].asImmutable()
def comparisonSpaceship = { a, b ->
println "a ? b = ${a} ? ${b} = a ${rels[a <=> b]} b"

<syntaxhighlight lang="groovy">comparison(2000,3)

<pre>a ? b = 2000 ? 3 = a > b
a ? b = 2000 ? 300000 = a < b
a ? b = 2000 ? 2000 = a == b</pre>

<syntaxhighlight lang="visualfoxpro">PROCEDURE Compare( a, b )

IF a < b
? "A is less than B"
ELSEIF a > b
? "A is more than B"
? "A equals B"


<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">myCompare :: Integer -> Integer -> String
myCompare a b
| a < b = "A is less than B"
| a > b = "A is greater than B"
| a == b = "A equals B"
main = do
a <- readLn
b <- readLn
putStrLn $ myCompare a b</syntaxhighlight>
However, the more idiomatic and less error-prone way to do it in Haskell would be to use a compare function that returns type Ordering, which is either LT, GT, or EQ:
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">myCompare a b = case compare a b of
LT -> "A is less than B"
GT -> "A is greater than B"
EQ -> "A equals B"</syntaxhighlight>

myCompare a b
<syntaxhighlight lang="hexiscript">let a scan int
| a < b = "A is less than B"
let b scan int
| a > b = "A is greater than B"

| a == b = "A equals B"
if a < b
println a + " is less than " + b

if a > b
println a + " is greater than " + b

if a = b
println a + " is equal to " + b

<syntaxhighlight lang="hicest">DLG(NameEdit=a, NameEdit=b, Button='OK')
IF (a < b) THEN
main = do
WRITE(Messagebox) a, ' is less than ', b
a' <- getLine
b' <- getLine
let { a :: Integer; a = read a' }
WRITE(Messagebox) a, ' is equal to ', b
let { b :: Integer; b = read b' }
WRITE(Messagebox) a, ' is greater than ', b
putStrLn $ myCompare a b

<syntaxhighlight lang="holyc">I64 *a, *b;
a = Str2I64(GetStr("Enter your first number: "));
b = Str2I64(GetStr("Enter your second number: "));

if (a < b)
Print("%d is less than %d\n", a, b);

if (a == b)
Print("%d is equal to %d\n", a, b);

if (a > b)
Print("%d is greater than %d\n", a, b);</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="clojure">(def a (int (input "Enter value of a: ")))
(def b (int (input "Enter value of b: ")))

(print (cond [(< a b) "a is less than b"]
[(> a b) "a is greater than b"]
[(= a b) "a is equal to b"]))</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="i">software {
a = number(read(' '))
b = number(read())
if a < b
print(a, " is less than ", b)
if a = b
print(a, " is equal to ", b)
if a > b
print(a, " is greater than ", b)

=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="icon">procedure main()

until integer(a) do {
writes("Enter the first integer a := ")
write(a := read())

until integer(b) do {
writes("Enter the second integer b := ")
write(b := read())
writes("Then ")
write(a," < ", a < b)
write(a," = ", a = b)
write(a," > ", a > b)

Enter the first integer a := 7
Enter the second integer b := 7
Then 7 = 7</pre>

Comparison is accomplished by the verb <code>compare</code>, which provides logical-numeric output.<br>Text elaborating the output of <code>compare</code> is provided by <tt>cti</tt>:
Comparison is accomplished by the verb <code>compare</code>, which provides logical-numeric output.<br>Text elaborating the output of <code>compare</code> is provided by <code>cti</code>:
<syntaxhighlight lang="j">compare=: < , = , >
compare =: <,=,>

cti=: 4 : 0
cti=: dyad define
select =. ([:I.[) { ]
select =. ;@#
English =. (<' is less than '),(<' is equal to '),<' is greater than '
English =. ' is less than ';' is equal to ';' is greater than '
x (":@[, (compare select English"_), ":@]) y
asText =. ;@(":&.>"_)
x (asText@( (<@[), (compare select English"_), <@])) y
Examples of use:
Examples of use:
4 compare 4
<syntaxhighlight lang="j"> 4 compare 4
0 1 0
0 1 0
4 cti 3
4 cti 3
4 is greater than 3
4 is greater than 3</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="java">import*;

public class compInt {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

int nbr1 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
int nbr2 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());

System.out.println(nbr1 + " is less than " + nbr2);

System.out.println(nbr1 + " is greater than " + nbr2);

System.out.println(nbr1 + " is equal to " + nbr2);
} catch(IOException e) { }

<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
// Using type coercion
function compare(a, b) {
if (a==b) print(a + " equals " + b);
if (a < b) print(a + " is less than " + b);
if (a > b) print(a + " is greater than " + b);

// Without using type coercion and using standards
// Written for browsers
// assumption of a and b are both integers if typeof test passes
function compare (a, b) {
if (typeof a === typeof b) {
if (a === b) {
document.writeln(a + " equals " + b);
if (a < b) {
document.writeln(a + " is less than " + b);
if (a > b) {
document.writeln(a + " is greater than " + b);
} else {
// "1" and 1 are an example of this as the first is type string and the second is type number
print(a + "{" + (typeof a) + "} and " + b + "{" + (typeof b) + "} are not of the same type and cannot be compared.");

<syntaxhighlight lang="joy">#!/usr/local/bin/joy.exe
prompt == "Please enter a number and <Enter>: " putchars;
newline == '\n putch;
putln == put newline.

stdin # F
prompt fgets # S F
10 strtol # A F
swap # F A
dupd # F A A
prompt fgets # S F A A
10 strtol # B F A A
popd # B A A
dup # B B A A
rollup # B A B A
[<] [swap put "is less than " putchars putln] [] ifte
[=] [swap put "is equal to " putchars putln] [] ifte
[>] [swap put "is greater than " putchars putln] [] ifte
# B A

<syntaxhighlight lang="jq"># compare/0 compares the first two items if they are numbers,
# otherwise an "uncomparable" message is emitted.

def compare:
def english:
if .[0] < .[1] then "less than"
elif .[0] == .[1] then "equal to"
else "greater than"
if (.[0]|type) == "number" and (.[1]|type) == "number" then
"\(.[0]) is \(english) \(.[1])"
"\(.[0]) is uncomparable to \(.[1])"
end ;


<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
$ jq -s -r -f Integer_comparison.jq
1 2
1 is less than 2

$ jq -s -r -f Integer_comparison.jq
1 "a"
1 is uncomparable to a

<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">function compare()
int1 = readline(stdin)
int2 = readline(stdin)
print(int1, " is ",
int1 < int2 ? "less than " :
int1 == int2 ? "equal to " :
int1 > int2 ? "greater than " :
"uncomparable to",
<pre>julia> compare()
3 is less than 5

<syntaxhighlight lang="kotlin">fun main() {
val n1 = readLine()!!.toLong()
val n2 = readLine()!!.toLong()
println(when {
n1 < n2 -> "$n1 is less than $n2"
n1 > n2 -> "$n1 is greater than $n2"
n1 == n2 -> "$n1 is equal to $n2"
else -> ""

<syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">
{def compare
{lambda {:a :b}
{if {< :a :b}
then :a is lesser than :b
else {if {> :a :b}
then :a is greater than :b
else :a is equal to :b}}}}

{compare 1 2}
-> 1 is lesser than 2

{compare 2 1}
-> 2 is greater than 1

{compare 1 1}
-> 1 is equal to 1

<syntaxhighlight lang="lang">
fn.print(Enter a:\s)
$a =

fn.print(Enter b:\s)
$b =

if($a < $b) {
fn.println($a is less than $b)
}elif($a > $b) {
fn.println($a is greater than $b)
}elif($a === $b) {
fn.println($a is equals to $b)

<syntaxhighlight lang="lasso">local(
number1 = integer(web_request -> param('number1')),
number2 = integer(web_request -> param('number2'))

#number1 < #number2 ? 'Number 1 is less than Number 2' | 'Number 1 is not less than Number 2'
'<br />'
#number1 == #number2 ? 'Number 1 is the same as Number 2' | 'Number 1 is not the same as Number 2'
'<br />'
#number1 > #number2 ? 'Number 1 is greater than Number 2' | 'Number 1 is not greater than Number 2'</syntaxhighlight>

<pre>// with input of 2 & 2
Number 1 is not less than Number 2
Number 1 is the same as Number 2
Number 1 is not greater than Number 2</pre>

<syntaxhighlight lang="tcl">print "Enter two numbers separated by space"
set rc [readline]
set a [index $rc 0]
set b [index $rc 1]

if {$a < $b} {print "$a is less than $b"}
if {$a == $b} {print "$a is equal to $b"}
if {$a > $b} {print "$a is greater than $b"}</syntaxhighlight>

Lingo programs are normally not run in the console, so interactive user input is handled via GUI. To not clutter this page with GUI creation code, here only the comparison part of the task:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lingo">on compare (a, b)
if a < b then put a&" is less than "&b
if a = b then put a&" is equal to "&b
if a > b then put a&" is greater than "&b

<syntaxhighlight lang="livecode">ask question "Enter 2 numbers (comma separated)" with empty titled "Enter 2 numbers"
if it is not empty then
put item 1 of it into num1
put item 2 of it into num2
if isnumber(num1) and isnumber(num2) then
if num1 < num2 then answer num1 && "is less than" && num2
if num1 is num2 then answer num1 && "is equal to" && num2
if num1 > num2 then answer num1 && "is greater than" && num2

-- alternative is to use switch case construct
case (num1 < num2)
answer num1 && "is less! than" && num2; break
case (num1 > num2)
answer num1 && "is greater! than" && num2; break
case (num1 = num2)
answer num1 && "equal! to" && num2
end switch
end if
end if</syntaxhighlight>

Note, this targets the mingw-32 ABI.


<syntaxhighlight lang="llvm">; ModuleID = 'test.o'
;e means little endian
;p: { pointer size : pointer abi : preferred alignment for pointers }
;i same for integers
;v is for vectors
;f for floats
;a for aggregate types
;s for stack objects
;n: {size:size:size...}, best integer sizes
target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-f80:32:32-n8:16:32"
;this was compiled with mingw32; thus it must be linked to a compatible c library
target triple = "i386-mingw32"

; Declare string constants
@.str = private constant [6 x i8] c"%d %d\00", align 1 ; <[6 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@.str1 = private constant [20 x i8] c"%d is less than %d\0A\00", align 1 ; <[20 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@.str2 = private constant [19 x i8] c"%d is equal to %d\0A\00", align 1 ; <[19 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@.str3 = private constant [23 x i8] c"%d is greater than %d\0A\00", align 1 ; <[23 x i8]*> [#uses=1]

;Declare main function (entry point). It does not throw any exceptions, and returns an integer of size 32.
define i32 @main() nounwind {
;Entry block
;Allocate the first integer, register %a will point to that
%a = alloca i32, align 4 ; <i32*> [#uses=4]
;Allocate the second integer, register %b will point to that
%b = alloca i32, align 4 ; <i32*> [#uses=4]
;Use the C standard library function scanf() to obtain input from users.
;Scanf takes a pointer to the string constant @.str, "%d %d\00", which will take two integers from the user.
;getelementptr basically does pointer math, in this case, no ptr math is required (we point to the beginning of @.str).
;Pass %a and %b, which are pointers to integers allocated previously.
;Scanf will store the two integers into the memory locations represented by %a and %b
%0 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @scanf(i8* noalias getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i32* %a, i32* %b) nounwind ; <i32> [#uses=0]
;Load the integer pointed to by %a and %b into registers %1 and %2 respectively
%1 = load i32* %a, align 4 ; <i32> [#uses=3]
%2 = load i32* %b, align 4 ; <i32> [#uses=3]
;Boolean register which represents if %1 is less than to %2
%3 = icmp slt i32 %1, %2 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
;If %1 is less than to %2, goto branch %bb, otherwise, goto %bb1
br i1 %3, label %bb, label %bb1

;If integer %1 is less than %2
bb: ; preds = %entry
;Use the C standard library function printf to output information to users
;Print @.str1, "%d is less than %d\0A\00"
;Additionally, pass the integers %1 and %2 to printf, to be formatted into the string
%4 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* noalias getelementptr inbounds ([20 x i8]* @.str1, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %1, i32 %2) nounwind ; <i32> [#uses=0]
;Continue on to %bb1, to check for equality of the two integers
br label %bb1

;Continue checking if the integers are equal
bb1: ; preds = %bb, %entry
;Boolean register which represents if %1 is equal to %2
%5 = icmp eq i32 %1, %2 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
;If %1 is equal to %2, goto branch %bb2, otherwise, goto %bb3
br i1 %5, label %bb2, label %bb3

;If integer %1 is equal to %2
bb2: ; preds = %bb1
;Use the C standard library function printf to output information to users
;Print @.str2 "%d is equal to %d\0A\00"
;Additionally, pass the integers %1 and %2 to printf, to be formatted into the string
%6 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* noalias getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8]* @.str2, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %1, i32 %2) nounwind ; <i32> [#uses=0]
;Continue on to %bb3, to check if %1 is greater than %2
br label %bb3

;Continue checking if %1 is greater than %2
bb3: ; preds = %bb2, %bb1
;Boolean register which represents if %1 is greater than %2
%7 = icmp sgt i32 %1, %2 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
;If %1 is greather than %2, goto branch %bb4, otherwise, goto %bb5
br i1 %7, label %bb4, label %bb5

;If integer %1 is greater than %2
bb4: ; preds = %bb3
;Use the C standard library function printf to output information to users
;Print @.str3 "%d is greater than %d\0A\00"
;Additionally, pass the integers %1 and %2 to printf, to be formatted into the string
%8 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* noalias getelementptr inbounds ([23 x i8]* @.str3, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %1, i32 %2) nounwind ; <i32> [#uses=0]
;Return 0 for the main function, indicating program executed successfully
ret i32 0

bb5: ; preds = %bb3
;Return 0 for the main function, indicating program executed successfully
ret i32 0

;Declare external fuctions
declare i32 @scanf(i8* nocapture, ...) nounwind

declare i32 @printf(i8* nocapture, ...) nounwind

<syntaxhighlight lang="logo">to compare :a :b
if :a = :b [(print :a [equals] :b)]
if :a < :b [(print :a [is less than] :b)]
if :a > :b [(print :a [is greater than] :b)]
Each infix operator has prefix synonyms (equalp, equal?, lessp, less?, greaterp, greater?), where the 'p' stands for "predicate" as in [[Lisp]].


==={{header|avec SI}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="lse">(* Comparaison de deux entiers en LSE (LSE-2000) *)
LIRE ['Entrez un premier entier:',U] A
LIRE ['Entrez un second entier:',U] B
AFFICHER [U,' est plus petit que ',U,/] A, B
AFFICHER [U,' est égale à ',U,/] A, B
AFFICHER [U,' est plus grand que ',U,/] A, B
FIN SI</syntaxhighlight>

==={{header|avec ÉVALUER}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="lse">(* Comparaison de deux entiers en LSE (LSE-2000) *)
LIRE ['Entrez un premier entier:',U] A
LIRE ['Entrez un second entier:',U] B
AFFICHER [U,' est plus petit que ',U,/] A, B
AFFICHER [U,' est égale à ',U,/] A, B
AFFICHER [U,' est plus grand que ',U,/] A, B
FIN EVALUER</syntaxhighlight>

==={{header|avec SI..IS}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="lse">(* Comparaison de deux entiers en LSE (LSE-2000) *)
LIRE ['Entrez un premier entier:',U] A
LIRE ['Entrez un second entier:',U] B
AFFICHER [U, U, U, /] A, \
SI A < B ALORS ' est plus petit que ' SINON \
SI A = B ALORS ' est égale à ' SINON \
SI A > B ALORS ' est plus grand que ' SINON '?' IS IS IS, B

<syntaxhighlight lang="lse64">over : 2 pick
2dup : over over

compare : 2dup = then " equals"
compare : 2dup < then " is less than"
compare : 2dup > then " is more than"

show : compare rot , sp ,t sp , nl</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">print('Enter the first number: ')
a = tonumber(io.stdin:read())
print('Enter the second number: ')
b = tonumber(io.stdin:read())

if a < b then print(a .. " is less than " .. b) end
if a > b then print(a .. " is greater than " .. b) end
if a == b then print(a .. " is equal to " .. b) end</syntaxhighlight>

In lua, a double equals symbol is required to test for equality. A single equals sign is used for assignment, and will cause an error during jit precompilation, if it is used within a boolean expression:

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">-- if a = b then print("This will not work")</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="maple">CompareNumbers := proc( )
local a, b;
printf( "Enter a number:> " );
a := parse(readline());
printf( "Enter another number:> " );
b := parse(readline());
if a < b then
printf("The first number is less than the second");
elif a = b then
printf("The first number is equal to the second");
elif a > b then
printf("The first number is greater than the second");
end if;
end proc:


=={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="mathematica">a=Input["Give me the value for a please!"];
b=Input["Give me the value for b please!"];
If[a==b,Print["a equals b"]]
If[a>b,Print["a is bigger than b"]]
If[a<b,Print["b is bigger than a"]]</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="maxima">/* all 6 comparison operators (last is "not equal") */
[a: read("a?"), b: read("b?")],
if a < b then print(a, "<", b),
if a <= b then print(a, "<=", b),
if a > b then print(a, ">", b),
if a >= b then print(a, ">=", b),
if a = b then print(a, "=", b),
if a # b then print(a, "#", b))$</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="maxscript">a = getKBValue prompt:"Enter value of a:"
b = getKBValue prompt:"Enter value of b:"
if a < b then print "a is less then b"
else if a > b then print "a is greater then b"
else if a == b then print "a is equal to b"</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="metafont">message "integer 1: ";
a1 := scantokens readstring;
message "integer 2: ";
a2 := scantokens readstring;
if a1 < a2:
message decimal a1 & " is less than " & decimal a2
elseif a1 > a2:
message decimal a1 & " is greater than " & decimal a2
elseif a1 = a2:
message decimal a1 & " is equal to " & decimal a2

{{works with|min|0.19.3}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="min">"$1 is $2 $3."
("Enter an integer" ask) 2 times over over
((>) ("greater than"))
((<) ("less than"))
((==) ("equal to"))
) case
' append prepend % print</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="miniscript">integer1 = input("Please Input Integer 1:").val
integer2 = input("Please Input Integer 2:").val
if integer1 < integer2 then print integer1 + " is less than " + integer2
if integer1 == integer2 then print integer1 + " is equal to " + integer2
if integer1 > integer2 then print integer1 + " is greater than " + integer2</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="text">- ЗН С/П</syntaxhighlight>

''Input:'' a ^ b

''Output:'' 1 (a > b) | -1 (a < b) | 0 (a = b)

This reads the two numbers from 'standard input' or similar, and outputs the results to 'standard output' or equivalent.
Note that ML/I only has tests for ''equality'', ''greater-than'', and ''greater-than-or-equal''.

<syntaxhighlight lang="ml/i">"" Integer comparison
"" assumes macros on input stream 1, terminal on stream 2
%A1. is equal to %A2.
%A1. is greater than %A2.
%L2.MCGO L3 IF %A1. GE %A2.
%A1. is less than %A2.
~MCSET S10=2</syntaxhighlight>

Some simple error checking is included.
<syntaxhighlight lang="mmix">// main registers
p IS $255 % pointer
pp GREG % backup for p
A GREG % first int
B GREG % second int

// arg registers
argc IS $0
argv IS $1

LOC Data_Segment
ERR BYTE "Wrong number of arguments",#a,0
ILLH BYTE "Argument -> ",0
ILLT BYTE " <- contains an illegal character",#a,0
LT BYTE "A is less than B",#a,0
EQ BYTE "A equals B",#a,0
GT BYTE "A is greater than B",#a,0

LOC #1000
// call: p points to the start of a 0-terminated numeric string
// leading chars + and - are allowed
// reg $72 0 if negative int
// reg $73 gen. purpose
// return: reg $70 contains integer value
readInt XOR $70,$70,$70 % reset result reg: N=0.
LDA pp,p % remember &p
LDBU $72,p
CMP $73,$72,'+' % ignore '+'
BZ $73,2F
CMP $72,$72,'-'
BNZ $72,1F
2H INCL p,1
% repeat
3H CMP $73,$71,'0' % if c < '0' or c > '9'
BN $73,4F % then print err and halt program
CMP $73,$71,'9'
BP $73,4F
SUB $71,$71,'0' % 'extract' number
MUL $70,$70,10
ADD $70,$70,$71 % N = 10 * N + digit
INCL p,1
1H LDBU $71,p % get next digit
PBNZ $71,3B % until end of string
CMP $72,$72,0
BNZ $72,2F % if marked negative
NEG $70,$70 % then make negative
2H GO $127,$127,0 % return (N)

TRAP 0,Fputs,StdErr
LDA p,pp
TRAP 0,Fputs,StdErr
TRAP 0,Fputs,StdErr
TRAP 0,Halt,0

// entrance of program
// e.g. ~> mmix compare2ints A B
Main CMP p,argc,3 % main (argc, argv) {
BZ p,1F % if argc == 3 then continue
LDA p,ERR % else print wrong number of args
TRAP 0,Fputs,StdErr
TRAP 0,Halt,0
// get ints A and B
1H LDOU p,argv,8 % fetch addres of first int
GO $127,readInt % read int A
ADD A,$70,0

LDOU p,argv,16
GO $127,readInt % read int B
ADD B,$70,0

// perform comparison
CMP A,A,B % case compare A B
BN A,2F % LT: print 'LT'
BZ A,2F % EQ: print 'EQ'
LDA p,GT % _ : print 'GT'
2H TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut % print result
TRAP 0,Halt,0</syntaxhighlight>
Example of use:
<pre>~/MIX/MMIX/Progs> mmix compare2ints 121 122
A is less than B

~/MIX/MMIX/Progs> mmix compare2ints 121 121
A equals B

~/MIX/MMIX/Progs> mmix compare2ints 121 120
A is greater than B

~/MIX/MMIX/Progs> mmix compare2ints -121 -122
A is greater than B

~/MIX/MMIX/Progs> mmix compare2ints -121 -121
A equals B

~/MIX/MMIX/Progs> mmix compare2ints -121 -120
A is less than B</pre>

<syntaxhighlight lang="modula2">MODULE IntCompare;



InOut.WriteInt(A, 1);

InOut.WriteString(' is less than ')
InOut.WriteString(' is equal to ')
InOut.WriteString(' is greater than ')
InOut.WriteInt(B, 1);
END IntCompare.</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="modula3">MODULE Main;



a := GetInt();
b := GetInt();
IF a < b THEN
Put(Int(a) & " is less than " & Int(b) & "\n");
Put(Int(a) & " is equal to " & Int(b) & "\n");
Put(Int(a) & " is greater than " & Int(b) & "\n");
END Main.</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="text">INTCOMP
READ !,"Enter an integer to test: ",A
READ !,"Enter another integer: ",B
IF (+A\1'=A)!(+B\1'=B) WRITE !!,"Please enter two integers.",! GOTO INTCOMPREAD
IF A<B WRITE !,A," is less than ",B
IF A=B WRITE !,A," is equal to ",B
IF A>B WRITE !,A," is greater than ",B
Enter an integer to test: 43
public class compInt {
Enter another integer: 44
public static void main(String[] args) {
43 is less than 44
try {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
Enter an integer to test: 44
int nbr1 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
Enter another integer: 43
int nbr2 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
44 is greater than 43
Enter an integer to test: 2
Enter another integer: 2
System.out.println(nbr1 + " is less than " + nbr2);
2 is equal to 2</pre>

System.out.println(nbr1 + " is greater than " + nbr2);
<syntaxhighlight lang="nanoquery">print "enter first integer: "
first = int(input())
print "enter second integer: "
System.out.println(nbr1 + " is equal to " + nbr2);
second = int(input())
} catch(IOException e) { }

if first = second
println "the two integers are equal"
else if first < second
println first + " is less than " + second
else if first > second
println first + " is greater than " + second

Showing both the use of comparison operators and the .Net Int32.CompareTo() method.
<syntaxhighlight lang="nemerle">using System;
using System.Console;

module IntComp
Main() : void
def ReadInt() : int {Int32.Parse(ReadLine())}
def WriteResult(x : int, y : int, res : string) : void
{WriteLine($"$x is $res $y")}
def a = ReadInt();
def b = ReadInt();
|a when a > b => WriteResult(a, b, "greater than")
|a when a < b => WriteResult(a, b, "less than")
|a when a == b => WriteResult(a, b, "equal to")
def x = a.CompareTo(b);
|x when x > 0 => WriteResult(a, b, "greater than")
|x when x < 0 => WriteResult(a, b, "less than")
|x when x == 0 => WriteResult(a, b, "equal to")

=={{header|Korn Shell}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="netrexx">/* NetRexx */
options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary
# tested with ksh93s+
builtin printf
integer a=0
integer b=0
read a?"Enter value of a: " || { print -u2 "Input of a aborted." ; exit 1 ; }
read b?"Enter value of b: " || { print -u2 "Input of b aborted." ; exit 1 ; }
if (( a < b )) ; then
printf "%d is less than %d\n" a b
elif (( a == b )) ; then
printf "%d is equal to %d\n" a b
printf "%d is greater than %d\n" a b
exit 0

numL = 0
numR = 0
over : 2 pick
loop label running forever
2dup : over over
say 'Provide two integers [or anything else to stop]:'
parse ask numL numR .
compare : 2dup = then " equals"
if \numL.datatype('w') | \numR.datatype('w') then leave running
compare : 2dup < then " is less than"
compare : 2dup > then " is more than"
if numL < numR then say numL 'is less than' numR
if numL = numR then say numL 'is equal to' numR
if numL > numR then say numL 'is greater than' numR
show : compare rot , sp ,t sp , nl
end running

a = getKBValue prompt:"Enter value of a:"

b = getKBValue prompt:"Enter value of b:"
if a < b then print "a is less then b"
<syntaxhighlight lang="newlisp">
else if a > b then print "a is greater then b"
(print "Please enter the first number: ")
else if a == b then print "a is equal to b"
(set 'A (int (read-line)))
(print "Please enter the second number: ")
(set 'B (int (read-line)))
"The first one is "
((> A B) "greater than")
((= A B) "equal to")
(true "less than"))
" the second.")

<syntaxhighlight lang="nim">import rdstdin, strutils
var a = parseInt(readLineFromStdin "Enter value of a: ")
var b = parseInt(readLineFromStdin "Enter value of b: ")

if a < b:
echo "a is less than b"
elif a > b:
echo "a is greater than b"
elif a == b:
echo "a is equal to b"</syntaxhighlight>

===Pure NSIS (Using [ IntCmp] directly)===
<syntaxhighlight lang="nsis">
Function IntergerComparison
Push $0
Push $1
StrCpy $0 8
StrCpy $1 2
IntCmp $0 $1 Equal Val1Less Val1More
DetailPrint "$0 = $1"
Goto End
DetailPrint "$0 < $1"
Goto End
DetailPrint "$0 > $1"
Goto End
Pop $1
Pop $0
=== Using [ LogicLib] (bundled library) ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="nsis">
Function IntegerComparison
Push $0
Push $1
StrCpy $0 8
StrCpy $1 2
${If} $0 == $1
DetailPrint "$0 = $1"
${ElseIf} $0 < $1
DetailPrint "$0 < $1"
${ElseIf} $0 > $1
DetailPrint "$0 > $1"
Pop $1
Pop $0

<syntaxhighlight lang="nu">
[First Second] | each {input $"($in) integer: "| into int} | [
[($in.0 < $in.1) "less than"]
[($in.0 == $in.1) "equal to"]
[($in.0 > $in.1) "greater than"]
] | each {if $in.0 {$"The first integer is ($in.1) the second integer."}} | str join "\n"

<syntaxhighlight lang="oberon2">MODULE Compare;



IF a < b THEN
Out.String(" is less than ");
Out.String(" is equal to ");
Out.String(" is greater than ");
END Compare.</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="objeck">
bundle Default {
class IntCompare {
function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
a := Console->GetInstance()->ReadString()->ToInt();
b := Console->GetInstance()->ReadString()->ToInt();

if (a < b) {
Console->GetInstance()->Print(a)->Print(" is less than ")->PrintLine(b);

if (a = b) {
Console->GetInstance()->Print(a)->Print(" is equal than ")->PrintLine(b);

if (a > b) {
Console->GetInstance()->Print(a)->Print(" is greater than ")->PrintLine(b);

<syntaxhighlight lang="ocaml">let my_compare a b =
if a < b then "A is less than B"
else if a > b then "A is greater than B"
else if a = b then "A equals B"
else "cannot compare NANs"

let my_compare a b =
let () =
let a = read_int ()
if a < b then "A is less than B"
and b = read_int () in
else if a > b then "A is greater than B"
print_endline (my_compare a b)</syntaxhighlight>
else if a = b then "A equals B"

else assert false (* can't happen *)
<syntaxhighlight lang="octave">printf("Enter a: ");
let () =
let a = read_int ()
a = scanf("%d", "C");
printf("Enter b: ");
and b = read_int () in
b = scanf("%d", "C");
print_endline (my_compare a b)
if (a > b)
disp("a greater than b");
elseif (a == b)
disp("a equal to b");
elseif (a < b)
disp("a less than b");


<syntaxhighlight lang="oforth">import: console

: cmpInt
| a b |
doWhile: [ System.Console askln asInteger dup ->a isNull ]
doWhile: [ System.Console askln asInteger dup ->b isNull ]

a b < ifTrue: [ System.Out a << " is less than " << b << cr ]
a b == ifTrue: [ System.Out a << " is equal to " << b << cr ]
a b > ifTrue: [ System.Out a << " is greater than " << b << cr ] ;</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">
(define (compare a b)
(cond ((< a b) "A is less than B")
((> a b) "A is greater than B")
((= a b) "A equals B")))

(print (compare 1 2))
; ==> A is less than B

(print (compare 2 2))
; ==> A equals B

(print (compare 3 2))
; ==> A is greater than B

; manual user input:
(print (compare (read) (read)))

<syntaxhighlight lang="oz">functor
Open(text file)

Txt = class from Open.file Open.text end
Stdout = {New Open.file init(name:stdout)}
Stdin = {New Txt init(name:stdin)}

proc{Print Msg}
{Stdout write(vs:Msg)}

fun{GetInt Prompt}
{Print Prompt}
{StringToInt {Stdin getS($)}}

Int1 = {GetInt "Enter 1st Integer:"}
Int2 = {GetInt "Enter 2nd Integer:"}

if(Int1 < Int2) then {Print Int1#" less than "#Int2} end
if(Int1 > Int2) then {Print Int1#" greater than "#Int2} end
if(Int1 == Int2) then {Print Int1#" equal to "#Int2} end

{Application.exit 0}

<syntaxhighlight lang="parigp">a=input();
if(a<b, print(a" < "b));
if(a==b, print(a" = "b));
if(a>b, print(a" > "b));</syntaxhighlight>

program compare(input, output)
<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal">program compare(input, output);

a, b: integer;
a, b: integer;

write('Input an integer number: ');
write('Input another integer number: ');
if (a < b) then writeln(a, ' is less than ', b);
if (a < b) then writeln(a, ' is less than ', b);
if (a = b) then writeln(a, ' is equal to ', b);
if (a = b) then writeln(a, ' is equal to ', b);
if (a > b) then writeln(a, ' is greater than ', b);
if (a > b) then writeln(a, ' is greater than ', b);

<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi">
var (a,b) := ReadInteger2('Enter a,b:');
if a < b then
Println($'{a} is less then {b}')
else if a > b then
Println($'{a} is greater then {b}')
else Println($'{a} is equal to then {b}')

Line 320: Line 3,255:
Separate tests for less than, greater than, and equals
Separate tests for less than, greater than, and equals

sub test_num {
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">sub test_num {
my $f = shift;
my $f = shift;
my $s = shift;
my $s = shift;
if ($f < $s){
if ($f < $s){
return -1; # returns -1 if $f is less than $s
return -1; # returns -1 if $f is less than $s
} elsif ($f > $s) {
} elsif ($f > $s) {
return 1; # returns 1 if $f is greater than $s
return 1; # returns 1 if $f is greater than $s
} elsif ($f == $s) {
} elsif ($f == $s) {
# = operator is an assignment
# = operator is an assignment
# == operator is a numeric comparison
# == operator is a numeric comparison
return 0; # returns 0 $f is equal to $s
return 0; # returns 0 $f is equal to $s

All three tests in one. If $f is less than $s return -1, greater than return 1, equal to return 0
All three tests in one. If $f is less than $s return -1, greater than return 1, equal to return 0

sub test_num {
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">sub test_num {
return $_[0] <=> $_[1];
return $_[0] <=> $_[1];

Note: In Perl, $a and $b are (kind of) reserved identifiers for the built-in ''sort'' function. It's good style to use more meaningful names, anyway.
Note: In Perl, $a and $b are (kind of) reserved identifiers for the built-in ''sort'' function. It's good style to use more meaningful names, anyway.

<syntaxhighlight lang="perl"># Get input, test and display
print "Enter two integers: ";
($x, $y) = split ' ', <>;
print $x, (" is less than ", " is equal to ",
" is greater than ")[test_num($x, $y) + 1], $y, "\n";</syntaxhighlight>

<!--<syntaxhighlight lang="phix">-->
<span style="color: #004080;">atom</span> <span style="color: #000000;">a</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">prompt_number</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008000;">"first number:"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{}),</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">b</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">prompt_number</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008000;">"second number:"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{})</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"%g is "</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">a</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">a</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;"><</span> <span style="color: #000000;">b</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">puts</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"less than"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">elsif</span> <span style="color: #000000;">a</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">b</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">puts</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"equal to"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">elsif</span> <span style="color: #000000;">a</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">></span> <span style="color: #000000;">b</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">puts</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"greater than"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">" %g"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">b</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>

<syntaxhighlight lang="Phixmonti">/# Rosetta Code problem:
by Galileo, 10/2022 #/

"Enter first number: " input tonum nl
"Enter second number: " input tonum nl

over over -
rot print " is " print
/# dup 0 < if drop "less" else 0 > if "greater" else "equal" endif endif #/
dup 0 < if drop "less" else dup 0 > if drop "greater" else dup 0 == if drop "equal" endif endif endif
print " than " print print
<pre>Enter first number: 5
Enter second number: 1
5 is greater than 1
=== Press any key to exit ===</pre>


<syntaxhighlight lang="phl">module intergertest;

extern printf;
extern scanf;

@Integer main [
var a = 0;
var b = 0;
scanf("%i %i", ref (a), ref (b));
if (a < b)
printf("%i is less than %i\n", a::get, b::get);
if (a == b)
printf("%i is equal to %i\n", a::get, b::get);
if (a > b)
printf("%i is greater than %i\n", a::get, b::get);
return 0;

<syntaxhighlight lang="php"><?php

echo "Enter an integer [int1]: ";
echo "Enter an integer [int1]: ";
fscanf(STDIN, "%d\n", $int1);
fscanf(STDIN, "%d\n", $int1);
if(!is_numeric($int1)) {
if(!is_numeric($int1)) {
echo "Invalid input; terminating.\n";
echo "Invalid input; terminating.\n";
exit(1); // return w/ general error
exit(1); // return w/ general error

echo "Enter an integer [int2]: ";
echo "Enter an integer [int2]: ";
fscanf(STDIN, "%d\n", $int2);
fscanf(STDIN, "%d\n", $int2);
if(!is_numeric($int2)) {
if(!is_numeric($int2)) {
echo "Invalid input; terminating.\n";
echo "Invalid input; terminating.\n";
exit(1); // return w/ general error
exit(1); // return w/ general error

// now $int1 and $int2 are numbers.
// now $int1 and $int2 are numbers.
// for simplicity, this does not explicitly examine types
// for simplicity, this does not explicitly examine types

if($int1 < $int2)
if($int1 < $int2)
echo "int1 < int2\n";
echo "int1 < int2\n";
if($int1 == $int2)
if($int1 == $int2)
echo "int1 = int2\n";
echo "int1 = int2\n";
if($int1 > $int2)
if($int1 > $int2)
echo "int1 > int2\n";
echo "int1 > int2\n";

Note that this works from the command-line interface only, whereas [ PHP] is usually executed as [ CGI].
Note that this works from the command-line interface only, whereas [ PHP] is usually executed as [[wp:Common_Gateway_Interface CGI]].

<syntaxhighlight lang="picolisp">(prin "Please enter two values: ")

(in NIL # Read from standard input
(let (A (read) B (read))
"The first one is "
((> A B) "greater than")
((= A B) "equal to")
(T "less than") )
" the second." ) ) )</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Please enter two values: 4 3
The first one is greater than the second.</pre>

<syntaxhighlight lang="pike">int main(int argc, array(int) argv){
if(argc != 3){
write("usage: `pike compare-two-ints.pike <x> <y>` where x and y are integers.\n");
return 0;
int a = argv[1];
int b = argv[2];

if(a > b) {
write(a + " is greater than " + b + "\n");
} else if (a < b) {
write(a + " is less than " + b + "\n");
} else {
write(a + " is equal to " + b + "\n");

<syntaxhighlight lang="pl/i">
declare (a, b) fixed binary;

get list (a, b);
if a = b then
put skip list ('The numbers are equal');
if a > b then
put skip list ('The first number is greater than the second');
if a < b then
put skip list ('The second number is greater than the first');

=={{header|Plain English}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="plainenglish">To run:
Start up.
Write "Enter the first number: " to the console without advancing.
Read a first number from the console.
Write "Enter the second number: " to the console without advancing.
Read a second number from the console.
If the first number is less than the second number, write "Less than!" to the console.
If the first number is the second number, write "Equal!" to the console.
If the first number is greater than the second number, write "Greater than!" to the console.
Wait for the escape key.
Shut down.</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="pop11">;;; Comparison procedure
define compare_integers(x, y);
if x > y then
printf('x is greater than y\n');
elseif x < y then
printf('x is less than y\n');
elseif x = y then
printf('x equals y\n');

;;; Setup token reader
;;; Comparison procedure
vars itemrep;
define compare_integers(x, y);
incharitem(charin) -> itemrep;
if x > y then

printf('x is greater than y\n');
;;; Read numbers and call comparison procedure
elseif x < y then
compare_integers(itemrep(), itemrep());</syntaxhighlight>
printf('x is less than y\n');

elseif x = y then
printf('x equals y\n');
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">$a = [int] (Read-Host a)
$b = [int] (Read-Host b)

if ($a -lt $b) {
Write-Host $a is less than $b`.
} elseif ($a -eq $b) {
Write-Host $a is equal to $b`.
} elseif ($a -gt $b) {
Write-Host $a is greater than $b`.

<syntaxhighlight lang="python">#!/usr/bin/env python
a = input('Enter value of a: ')
b = input('Enter value of b: ')

if a < b:
print 'a is less than b'
elif a > b:
print 'a is greater than b'
elif a == b:
print 'a is equal to b'</syntaxhighlight>

(Note: in Python3 ''input()'' will become ''int(input())'')

An alternative implementation could use a Python dictionary to house a small dispatch table to be indexed by the results of the built-in ''cmp()'' function. ''cmp()'' returns a value suitable for use as a comparison function in a sorting algorithm: -1, 0 or 1 for <, = or > respectively. Thus we could use:

{{works with|Python|2.x only, not 3.x}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
a = input('Enter value of a: ')
b = input('Enter value of b: ')
except (ValueError, EnvironmentError), err:
print sys.stderr, "Erroneous input:", err

dispatch = {
-1: 'is less than',
0: 'is equal to',
1: 'is greater than'
print a, dispatch[cmp(a,b)], b</syntaxhighlight>

In this case the use of a dispatch table is silly. However, more generally in Python the use of dispatch dictionaries or tables is often preferable to long chains of '''''elif'''' clauses in a condition statement. Python's support of classes and functions (including [[currying]], partial function support, and lambda expressions) as first class objects obviates the need for a "case" or "switch" statement.


<syntaxhighlight lang="quackery">$ "Please enter two numbers separated by a space; "
input quackery cr
say "The first number is "
[ 2dup > iff [ say "larger than" ] done
2dup = iff [ say "equal to" ] done
2dup < if [ say "smaller than" ] ]
say " the second number." cr</syntaxhighlight>


Testing in the Quackery shell (REPL).

<pre>/O> $ "Please enter two numbers separated by a space; "
... input quackery cr
... say "The first number is "
... [ 2dup > iff [ say "larger than" ] done
... 2dup = iff [ say "equal to" ] done
... 2dup < if [ say "smaller than" ] ]
... 2drop
... say " the second number." cr
Please enter two numbers separated by a space; 4 2

The first number is larger than the second number.

Stack empty.</pre>

<syntaxhighlight lang="r">print("insert number a")
a <- scan(what=numeric(0), nmax=1)
print("insert number b")
b <- scan(what=numeric(0), nmax=1)
if ( a < b ) {
print("a is less than b")
} else if ( a > b ) {
print("a is greater than b")
} else if ( a == b ) { # could be simply else of course...
print("a and b are the same")

<syntaxhighlight lang="racket">#lang racket
(define (compare-two-ints a b)
(define compared
(cond ((> a b) "is greated than")
((= a b) "equals")
((< a b) "is lesser than")))
(format "~a ~a ~a" a compared b))
(compare-two-ints (read) (read))</syntaxhighlight>
;;; Setup token reader

vars itemrep;
incharitem(charin) -> itemrep;
(formerly Perl 6)
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>my $a = prompt("1st int: ").floor;
my $b = prompt("2nd int: ").floor;

if $a < $b {
say 'Less';
elsif $a > $b {
say 'Greater';
elsif $a == $b {
say 'Equal';

With <code><=></code>:

<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>say <Less Equal Greater>[($a <=> $b) + 1];</syntaxhighlight>

A three-way comparison such as <tt><=></tt> actually returns an <code>Order</code> enum which stringifies into 'Decrease', 'Increase' or 'Same'. So if it's ok to use this particular vocabulary, you could say that this task is actually a built in:

<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>say prompt("1st int: ") <=> prompt("2nd int: ");</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="rapira">output: "Enter two integers, a and b"
input: a
input: b

when a > b:
output: "a is greater than b"
when a < b:
output: "a is less than b"
when a = b:
output: "a is equal to b"

<syntaxhighlight lang="raven">"Enter the first number: " print
expect trim 1.1 prefer as $a
"Enter the second number: " print
expect trim 1.1 prefer as $b
$a $b < if $b $a "%g is less than %g\n" print
;;; Read numbers and call comparison procedure
$a $b > if $b $a "%g is greater than %g\n" print
compare_integers(itemrep(), itemrep());
$a $b = if $b $a "%g is equal to %g\n" print</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="rebol">
#!/usr/bin/env python
Title: "Comparing Two Integers"
a = int(raw_input('Enter value of a: '))
b = int(raw_input('Enter value of b: '))

if a < b:
a: ask "First integer? " b: ask "Second integer? "
print 'a is less than b'

elif a > b:
relation: [
print 'a is greater than b'
elif a == b:
a < b "less than"
print 'a is equal to b'
a = b "equal to"
a > b "greater than"
print [a "is" case relation b]

There is no input, so numbers have to be given in code
<syntaxhighlight lang="relation">
set a = 15
set b = 21
if a > b
' a is bigger than b
if b > a
' b is bigger than a
' a is equal to b
end if
end if

<syntaxhighlight lang="rebol">Red [
Title: "Comparing Two Integers"
Date: 2021-10-25

a: to-integer ask "First integer? " b: to-integer ask "Second integer? "

relation: [
a < b "less than"
a = b "equal to"
a > b "greater than"
print [a "is" case relation b]</syntaxhighlight>


<syntaxhighlight lang="rescript">let my_compare = (a, b) => {
if a < b { "A is less than B" } else
if a > b { "A is greater than B" } else
if a == b { "A equals B" }
else { "cannot compare NANs" }

let a = int_of_string(Sys.argv[2])
let b = int_of_string(Sys.argv[3])

Js.log(my_compare(a, b))</syntaxhighlight>
$ bsc compint.res >
$ node 4 2
A is greater than B
$ node 2 3
A is less than B
$ node 1 1
A equals B

Taking the numbers from the stack:

<syntaxhighlight lang="retro">:example (ab-)
dup-pair gt? [ 'A>B s:put nl ] if
dup-pair lt? [ 'A<B s:put nl ] if
eq? [ 'A=B s:put nl ] if ;</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="rexx">/*REXX program prompts for two integers, compares them, and displays the results.*/
numeric digits 2000 /*for the users that really go ka─razy.*/
@=copies('─', 20) /*eyeball catcher for the user's eyen. */
a=getInt(@ 'Please enter your 1st integer:') /*obtain the 1st integer from the user.*/
b=getInt(@ 'Please enter your 2nd integer:') /* " " 2nd " " " " */
if a<b then say @ a ' is less than ' b
if a=b then say @ a ' is equal to ' b
if a>b then say @ a ' is greater than ' b
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
getInt: do forever; say /*keep prompting the user until success*/
say arg(1) /*display the prompt message to console*/
parse pull x /*obtain X, and keep its case intact.*/
when x='' then call serr "No argument was entered."
when words(x)>1 then call serr 'Too many arguments entered.' x
when \datatype(x, 'N') then call serr "Argument isn't numeric:" x
when \datatype(x, 'W') then call serr "Argument isn't an integer:" x
otherwise return x /* [↑] Eureka! Return # to invoker. */
end /*select*/
end /*forever*/
serr: say @ '***error*** ' arg(1); say @ "Please try again."; return</syntaxhighlight>
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; (shows user input and computer program output together):}}
──────────────────── Please enter your 1st integer:
bupkis ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.
──────────────────── ***error*** Argument isn't numeric: bupkis
──────────────────── Please try again.

──────────────────── Please enter your 1st integer:
1 2 ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.
──────────────────── ***error*** Too many arguments entered.
──────────────────── Please try again.

──────────────────── Please enter your 1st integer:
5.77 ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.
──────────────────── ***error*** Argument isn't an integer: 5.77
──────────────────── Please try again.

──────────────────── Please enter your 1st integer:
-6 ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.

──────────────────── Please enter your 2nd integer:
19.00 ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.

──────────────────── -6 is less than 19.00

<syntaxhighlight lang="ring">
Func Compare a,b
if a < b
See "A is less than B"
but a > b
See "A is more than B"
See "A equals B"


Minimized Rockstar:

<syntaxhighlight lang="rockstar">
(Get two numbers from user)
Listen to Number One
Listen to Number Two
(Check if n1 > n2)
If Number One is greater than Number Two
Say "The first is greater than the second"

(Check if n1 = n2)
If Number One is Number Two
Say "The Numbers are equal"

(Check if n1 < n2)
If Number One is less than Number Two
Say "The first is less than the second"

Idiomatic version:
<syntaxhighlight lang="rockstar">
Listen to your soul
Listen to my words

If your soul is my words,
Say "They're the same"

If your soul is stronger than my words,
Say "The first was bigger"

If your soul is smaller than my words,
Say "The second was bigger".

Two integers are passed as parameters. Because the command line casts numeric literals as packed(15,5), calling from the command line requires the user to specify the 8 nybbles in hexadecimal form:

CALL rc_intcmp (x'00000000' x'00000001')

<syntaxhighlight lang="rpg">
h dftactgrp(*no)

d pi
d integer1 10i 0
d integer2 10i 0

d message s 50a

if integer1 < integer2;
message = 'Integer 1 is less than integer 2';

if integer1 > integer2;
message = 'Integer 1 is greater than integer 2';

if integer1 = integer2;
message = 'Integer 1 is equal to integer 2';

dsply message;
*inlr = *on;

≪ '''IF''' DUP2 < '''THEN''' "a < b" ROT ROT '''END'''
'''IF''' DUP2 == '''THEN''' "a = b" ROT ROT '''END'''
'''IF''' > '''THEN''' "a > b" '''END'''
1: "a < b"

Gets is used to get input from the STDIN and 'to_i' is used to convert the string into an integer. This is not explicitly necessary, since strings will be compared correctly too. If two strings are entered they will be considered equal using this method.
This uses Kernel#gets to get input from STDIN, and String#to_i to convert the string into an integer. (Without this conversion, Ruby would compare strings: 5 < 10 but "5" > "10".)

a = gets( "enter a value for a: ").to_i
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">a = (print "enter a value for a: "; gets).to_i
b = gets( "enter a value for b: ").to_i
b = (print "enter a value for b: "; gets).to_i

print "a is less than b" if a < b
puts "#{a} is less than #{b}" if a < b
print "a is greater than b" if a > b
puts "#{a} is greater than #{b}" if a > b
print "a is equal to b" if a == b
puts "#{a} is equal to #{b}" if a == b</syntaxhighlight>

Another way:

<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">a = (print "enter a value for a: "; gets).to_i
b = (print "enter a value for b: "; gets).to_i

case a <=> b
when -1; puts "#{a} is less than #{b}"
when 0; puts "#{a} is equal to #{b}"
when +1; puts "#{a} is greater than #{b}"

Example '''input''' and output:
$ '''ruby compare.rb'''
enter a value for a: '''5'''
enter a value for b: '''10'''
5 is less than 10
$ '''ruby compare.rb'''
enter a value for a: '''cat'''
enter a value for b: '''dog'''
0 is equal to 0


An alternative method, which is similar to the python version mentioned above (at the time of writing this) is:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby"># Function to make prompts nice and simple to abuse
def prompt str
print str, ": "

# Get value of a
a = prompt('Enter value of a').to_i
# Get value of b
b = prompt('Enter value of b').to_i

# The dispatch hash uses the <=> operator
# When doing x<=>y:
# -1 means x is less than y
# 0 means x is equal to y
# 1 means x is greater than y
dispatch = {
-1 => "less than",
0 => "equal to",
1 => "greater than"

# I hope you can figure this out
puts "#{a} is #{dispatch[a<=>b]} #{b}"</syntaxhighlight>

Reading from stdin into a string is cumbersome at the moment, but convenience functions will be implemented in the future.
<syntaxhighlight lang="rust">use std::io::{self, BufRead};

fn main() {
let mut reader = io::stdin();
let mut buffer = String::new();
let mut lines = reader.lock().lines().take(2);
let nums: Vec<i32>=|string|
let a: i32 = nums[0];
let b: i32 = nums[1];
if a < b {
println!("{} is less than {}" , a , b)
} else if a == b {
println!("{} equals {}" , a , b)
} else if a > b {
println!("{} is greater than {}" , a , b)

<syntaxhighlight lang="sas">/* Showing operators and their fortran-like equivalents. Note that ~= and ^= both mean "different" */
data _null_;
input a b;
put a= b=;
if a = b then put "a = b";
if a ^= b then put "a ^= b";
if a ~= b then put "a ~= b";
if a < b then put "a < b";
if a > b then put "a > b";
if a <= b then put "a <= b";
if a >= b then put "a >= b";
if a eq b then put "a eq b";
if a ne b then put "a ne b";
if a lt b then put "a lt b";
if a gt b then put "a gt b";
if a le b then put "a le b";
if a ge b then put "a ge b";
1 2
2 1
1 1

<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">object IntCompare {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val a=Console.readInt
val b=Console.readInt
if (a < b)
printf("%d is less than %d\n", a, b)
if (a == b)
printf("%d is equal to %d\n", a, b)
if (a > b)
printf("%d is greater than %d\n", a, b)

<syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">(define (my-compare a b)
(cond ((< a b) "A is less than B")
((> a b) "A is greater than B")
((= a b) "A equals B")))

(my-compare (read) (read))</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="seed7">$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const proc: main is func
var integer: a is 0;
var integer: b is 0;

if a < b then
writeln(a <& " is less than " <& b);
end if;

if a = b then
writeln(a <& " is equal to " <& b);
end if;

if a > b then
writeln(a <& " is greater than " <& b);
end if;
end func;</syntaxhighlight>


<syntaxhighlight lang="sensetalk">Ask "Provide Any Number"

Put It into A

Ask " Provide Another Number"

Put it into B

if A is less than B
Put A&" Is less than " &B
end if

if A is greater than B
Put A& " is Greater than " &B
end if

If A is Equal to B
Put A& " is Equal to " &B
End If</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">var a = read("a: ", Number);
var b = read("b: ", Number);

if (a < b) {
say 'Lower';
elsif (a == b) {
say 'Equal';
elsif (a > b) {
say 'Greater';
% sidef numcmp.sf
a: 21
b: 42

<syntaxhighlight lang="slate">[ |:a :b |

( a > b ) ifTrue: [ inform: 'a greater than b\n' ].
( a < b ) ifTrue: [ inform: 'a less than b\n' ].
( a = b ) ifTrue: [ inform: 'a is equal to b\n' ].

] applyTo: {Integer readFrom: (query: 'Enter a: '). Integer readFrom: (query: 'Enter b: ')}.</syntaxhighlight>


<syntaxhighlight lang="smalltalk">| a b |
'a = ' display. a := (stdin nextLine asInteger).
'b = ' display. b := (stdin nextLine asInteger).
( a > b ) ifTrue: [ 'a greater than b' displayNl ].
( a < b ) ifTrue: [ 'a less than b' displayNl ].
( a = b ) ifTrue: [ 'a is equal to b' displayNl ].</syntaxhighlight>


Comparisons in Snobol are not operators, but predicate functions that return a null string and generate a success or failure value which allows or blocks statement execution, and which can be tested for branching. Other numeric comparisons are ge (>=), le (<=) and ne (!= ). There is also a parallel set of L-prefixed predicates in modern Snobols for lexical string comparison.

<syntaxhighlight lang="snobol4">* # Get user input
output = 'Enter X,Y:'
trim(input) break(',') . x ',' rem . y

output = lt(x,y) x ' is less than ' y :s(end)
output = eq(x,y) x ' is equal to ' y :s(end)
output = gt(x,y) x ' is greater than ' y

There are no built-in comparison operators, but you can (destructively) check which of two adjacent cells is most positive.
<syntaxhighlight lang="snusp">++++>++++ a b !/?\<?\# a=b
> - \# a>b
- <
a<b #\?/</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="sparkling">let a = 13, b = 37;
if a < b {
print("a < b");
} else if a > b {
print("a > b");
} else if a == b {
print("a == b");
} else {
print("either a or b or both are NaN");

{{works with|Oracle}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="sql">
drop table test;

create table test(a integer, b integer);

insert into test values (1,2);

insert into test values (2,2);

insert into test values (2,1);

select to_char(a)||' is less than '||to_char(b) less_than
from test
where a < b;

select to_char(a)||' is equal to '||to_char(b) equal_to
from test
where a = b;

select to_char(a)||' is greater than '||to_char(b) greater_than
from test
where a > b;

SQL> SQL> 2 3
1 is less than 2

SQL> SQL> 2 3
2 is equal to 2

SQL> SQL> 2 3
2 is greater than 1

=={{header|SQL PL}}==
{{works with|Db2 LUW}}
With SQL only:
<syntaxhighlight lang="sql pl">
(1, 2),
(2, 2),
(2, 1);
WHEN VAL1 < VAL2 THEN VAL1 || ' less than ' || VAL2
WHEN VAL1 = VAL2 THEN VAL1 || ' equal to ' || VAL2
WHEN VAL1 > VAL2 THEN VAL1 || ' greater than ' || VAL2
db2 -t
db2 (cont.) => VAL1 INT,
db2 (cont.) => VAL2 INT
db2 (cont.) => );
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 (cont.) => (1, 2),
db2 (cont.) => (2, 2),
db2 (cont.) => (2, 1);
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => SELECT
db2 (cont.) => CASE
db2 (cont.) => WHEN VAL1 < VAL2 THEN VAL1 || ' less than ' || VAL2
db2 (cont.) => WHEN VAL1 = VAL2 THEN VAL1 || ' equal to ' || VAL2
db2 (cont.) => WHEN VAL1 > VAL2 THEN VAL1 || ' greater than ' || VAL2
db2 (cont.) => END COMPARISON
db2 (cont.) => FROM TEST;

1 less than 2
2 equal to 2
2 greater than 1

3 record(s) selected.
{{works with|Db2 LUW}} version 9.7 or higher.
With SQL PL:
<syntaxhighlight lang="sql pl">

SET serveroutput ON @

CALL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(VAL1 || ' less than ' || VAL2);
CALL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(VAL1 || ' equal to ' || VAL2);
CALL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(VAL1 || ' greater than ' || VAL2);
db2 -td@
db2 => SET serveroutput ON @
DB20000I The SET SERVEROUTPUT command completed successfully.
db2 (cont.) => BEGIN
db2 (cont.) => IF (VAL1 < VAL2) THEN
db2 (cont.) => CALL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(VAL1 || ' less than ' || VAL2);
db2 (cont.) => ELSEIF (VAL1 = VAL2) THEN
db2 (cont.) => CALL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(VAL1 || ' equal to ' || VAL2);
db2 (cont.) => ELSEIF (VAL1 > VAL2) THEN
db2 (cont.) => CALL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(VAL1 || ' greater than ' || VAL2);
db2 (cont.) => END IF;
db2 (cont.) => END @
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => CALL COMPARISON(1, 2) @
Return Status = 0

1 less than 2
db2 => CALL COMPARISON(2, 2) @
Return Status = 0

2 equal to 2
db2 => CALL COMPARISON(2, 1) @

Return Status = 0

2 greater than 1

The SSEM only provides one conditional operation: <tt>011 Test</tt>, which causes execution to skip one instruction if the value in the accumulator is negative. We can use this to implement conditional tests along the lines of the following pseudocode:
<pre> accumulator := a - b;
if accumulator >= 0 then
(* a is not less than b, so *)
goto next_test
goto less;
next_test: accumulator := accumulator - 1;
if accumulator >= 0 then
goto greater
(* a and b are equal *)
accumulator := 0;
greater: accumulator := 1;
less: accumulator := -1;
To run the SSEM program, load A into storage address 21 and B into storage address 22. No additional space is used. Like the pseudocode version, the program halts with the accumulator holding 1 if A>B, 0 if A=B, or -1 if A<B.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ssem">10101000000000100000000000000000 0. -21 to c
10101000000001100000000000000000 1. c to 21
10101000000000100000000000000000 2. -21 to c
01101000000000010000000000000000 3. Sub. 22
00000000000000110000000000000000 4. Test
00001000000001000000000000000000 5. Add 16 to CI
00101000000000000000000000000000 6. 20 to CI
00001000000000010000000000000000 7. Sub. 16
00000000000000110000000000000000 8. Test
11001000000000000000000000000000 9. 19 to CI
10001000000000100000000000000000 10. -17 to c
00000000000001110000000000000000 11. Stop
01001000000000100000000000000000 12. -18 to c
00000000000001110000000000000000 13. Stop
00001000000000100000000000000000 14. -16 to c
00000000000001110000000000000000 15. Stop
10000000000000000000000000000000 16. 1
00000000000000000000000000000000 17. 0
11111111111111111111111111111111 18. -1
11010000000000000000000000000000 19. 11
10110000000000000000000000000000 20. 13</syntaxhighlight>

=={{header|Standard ML}}==
=={{header|Standard ML}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">fun compare_integers(a, b) =
{{incorrect|Standard ML}}
if a < b then print "A is less than B\n"
fun compare_integers(a, b) =
if a < b then print "A is less than B\n"
if a > b then print "A is greater than B\n"
else if a > b then print "A is greater than B\n"
if a = b then print "A equals B\n"
else print "A equals B\n"

fun test () =
fun test () =
open TextIO
open TextIO
val SOME a = Int.fromString (input stdIn)
val SOME a = Int.fromString (input stdIn)
val SOME b = Int.fromString (input stdIn)
val SOME b = Int.fromString (input stdIn)
compare_integers (a, b)
compare_integers (a, b)
handle Bind => print "Invalid number entered!\n"
handle Bind => print "Invalid number entered!\n"</syntaxhighlight>
A more idiomatic and less error-prone way to do it in SML would be to use a compare function that returns type <tt>order</tt>, which is either LESS, GREATER, or EQUAL:
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">fun myCompare (a, b) = case (a, b) of
LESS => "A is less than B"
| GREATER => "A is greater than B"
| EQUAL => "A equals B"</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="swift">import Cocoa

var input = NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardInput()

println("Enter two integers separated by a space: ")

let data = input.availableData
let stringArray = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)?.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
var a:Int!
var b:Int!
if (stringArray?.count == 2) {
a = stringArray![0].integerValue
b = stringArray![1].integerValue
if (a==b) {println("\(a) equals \(b)")}
if (a < b) {println("\(a) is less than \(b)")}
if (a > b) {println("\(a) is greater than \(b)")}</syntaxhighlight>
Enter two integers separated by a space:
234 233
234 is greater than 233</pre>

Line 436: Line 4,308:
This is not how one would write this in Tcl, but for the sake of clarity:
This is not how one would write this in Tcl, but for the sake of clarity:

puts "Please enter two numbers:"
<syntaxhighlight lang="tcl">puts "Please enter two numbers:"

gets stdin x
gets stdin x
gets stdin y
gets stdin y

if { $x > $y } { puts "$x is greater than $y" }
if { $x > $y } { puts "$x is greater than $y" }
if { $x < $y } { puts "$x is less than $y" }
if { $x < $y } { puts "$x is less than $y" }
if { $x == $y } { puts "$x equals $y" }
if { $x == $y } { puts "$x equals $y" }</syntaxhighlight>

Other comparison operators are "<=", ">=" and "!=".
Other comparison operators are "<=", ">=" and "!=".
Line 449: Line 4,321:
Note that Tcl doesn't really have a notion of a variable "type" - all variables are just strings of bytes and notions like "integer" only ever enter at interpretation time. Thus the above code will work correctly for "5" and "6", but "5" and "5.5" will also be compared correctly. It will not be an error to enter "hello" for one of the numbers ("hello" is greater than any integer). If this is a problem, the type can be expressly cast
Note that Tcl doesn't really have a notion of a variable "type" - all variables are just strings of bytes and notions like "integer" only ever enter at interpretation time. Thus the above code will work correctly for "5" and "6", but "5" and "5.5" will also be compared correctly. It will not be an error to enter "hello" for one of the numbers ("hello" is greater than any integer). If this is a problem, the type can be expressly cast

if { [int $x] > [int $y] } { puts "$x is greater than $y" }
<syntaxhighlight lang="tcl">if {int($x) > int($y)} { puts "$x is greater than $y" }</syntaxhighlight>

or otherwise [[IsNumeric | type can be checked]] with "<tt>if { string is integer $x }...</tt>"
or otherwise [[IsNumeric | type can be checked]] with "<tt>if { string is integer $x }...</tt>"

Note that there is no substitution/evaluation here anywhere: entering "3*5" and "15" will parse "3*5" as a non-numerical string (like "hello") and thus the result will be "3*5 is greater than 15".
Note that there is no substitution/evaluation here anywhere: entering "3*5" and "15" will parse "3*5" as a non-numerical string (like "hello") and thus the result will be "3*5 is greater than 15".

A variant that iterates over comparison operators, demonstrated in an interactive [[tclsh]]:
<syntaxhighlight lang="tcl">% set i 5;set j 6
% foreach {o s} {< "less than" > "greater than" == equal} {if [list $i $o $j] {puts "$i is $s $j"}}
5 is less than 6
% set j 5
% foreach {o s} {< "less than" > "greater than" == equal} {if [list $i $o $j] {puts "$i is $s $j"}}
5 is equal 5
% set j 4
% foreach {o s} {< "less than" > "greater than" == equal} {if [list $i $o $j] {puts "$i is $s $j"}}
5 is greater than 4</syntaxhighlight>

[ ( a b -- )
<syntaxhighlight lang="toka">[ ( a b -- )
2dup < [ ." a is less than b\n" ] ifTrue
2dup < [ ." a is less than b\n" ] ifTrue
2dup > [ ." a is greater than b\n" ] ifTrue
2dup > [ ." a is greater than b\n" ] ifTrue
= [ ." a is equal to b\n" ] ifTrue
= [ ." a is equal to b\n" ] ifTrue
] is compare-integers
] is compare-integers
1 1 compare-integers
2 1 compare-integers
1 2 compare-integers

1 1 compare-integers
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
2 1 compare-integers
1 2 compare-integers</syntaxhighlight>

'''Platform:''' [[.NET]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="tuscript">

ASK "Please enter your first integer:": i1=""
{{works with|Visual Basic .NET|9.0+}}
ASK "Please enter your second integer:": i2=""

IF (i1!='digits'||i2!='digits') ERROR/STOP "Please insert digits"
Sub Main()

Dim a = 1
IF (i1==i2) PRINT i1," is equal to ",i2
Dim b = 2
IF (i1<i2) PRINT i1," is less than ",i2
IF (i1>i2) PRINT i1," is greater than ",i2
'Using if statements

If a < b Then Console.WriteLine("a is less than b")
=={{header|UNIX Shell}}==
If a = b Then Console.WriteLine("a equals b")
There are multiple examples here, because each shell has a different form of the 'read' command.
If a > b Then Console.WriteLine("a is greater than b")

{{works with|ksh93}}
'Using Case

Select Case a
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">#!/bin/ksh
Case Is < b
# tested with ksh93s+
Console.WriteLine("a is less than b")

Case b
builtin printf
Console.WriteLine("a equals b")

Case Is > b
integer a=0
Console.WriteLine("a is greater than b")
integer b=0
End Select

read a?"Enter value of a: " || { print -u2 "Input of a aborted." ; exit 1 ; }
End Sub
read b?"Enter value of b: " || { print -u2 "Input of b aborted." ; exit 1 ; }

if (( a < b )) ; then
printf "%d is less than %d\n" a b
if (( a == b )) ; then
printf "%d is equal to %d\n" a b
if (( a > b )) ; then
printf "%d is greater than %d\n" a b

exit 0</syntaxhighlight>

One can backport the previous code to pdksh, which has no builtin printf, but can call /usr/bin/printf as an external program.

{{works with|pdksh}}

<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">#!/bin/ksh
# tested with pdksh

integer a=0
integer b=0

read a?"Enter value of a: " || { print -u2 "Input of a aborted." ; exit 1 ; }
read b?"Enter value of b: " || { print -u2 "Input of b aborted." ; exit 1 ; }

if (( a < b )) ; then
printf "%d is less than %d\n" $a $b
if (( a == b )) ; then
printf "%d is equal to %d\n" $a $b
if (( a > b )) ; then
printf "%d is greater than %d\n" $a $b

exit 0</syntaxhighlight>


{{works with|Bash}}

<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">read -p "Enter two integers: " a b

if [ $a -gt $b ]; then comparison="greater than"
elif [ $a -lt $b ]; then comparison="less than"
elif [ $a -eq $b ]; then comparison="equal to"
else comparison="not comparable to"

echo "${a} is ${comparison} ${b}"</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="ursa">decl int first second
out "enter first integer: " console
set first (in int console)
out "enter second integer: " console
set second (in int console)

if (= first second)
out "the two integers are equal" endl console
end if
if (< first second)
out first " is less than " second endl console
end if
if (> first second)
out first " is greater than " second endl console
end if</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="v">[compare
[ [>] ['less than' puts]
[<] ['greater than' puts]
[=] ['is equal' puts]
] when].

|2 3 compare
greater than
|3 2 compare
less than
|2 2 compare
is equal</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="vala">
void main(){
int a;
int b;

stdout.printf("Please type in int 1\n");
a = int.parse(stdin.read_line());

stdout.printf("Please type in int 2\n");
b = int.parse(stdin.read_line());

if (a < b)
stdout.printf("%d is less than %d\n", a, b);
if (a == b)
stdout.printf("%d is equal to %d\n", a, b);
if (a > b)
stdout.printf("%d is greater than %d\n", a, b);

<syntaxhighlight lang="wart">a <- (read)
b <- (read)
prn (if (a < b)
: "a is less than b"
(a > b)
: "a is greater than b"
: "a equals b")</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">import "io" for Stdin, Stdout

System.print("Enter anything other than a number to quit at any time.\n")
while (true) {
System.write(" First number : ")
var a = Num.fromString(Stdin.readLine())
if (!a) break
System.write(" Second number : ")
var b = Num.fromString(Stdin.readLine())
if (!b) break
var s = (a-b).sign
if (s < 0) {
System.print(" %(a) < %(b)")
} else if (s == 0) {
System.print(" %(a) == %(b)")
} else {
System.print(" %(a) > %(b)")

Sample session:
Enter anything other than a number to quit at any time.

First number : 5
Second number : 23
5 < 23

First number : 56
Second number : 6
56 > 6

First number : 4
Second number : 4
4 == 4

First number : q

<syntaxhighlight lang="xlisp">(DEFUN COMPARE-INTEGERS ()
(DISPLAY "Enter two integers separated by a space.")
(DISPLAY "> ")
((> A B) (DISPLAY "The first number is larger."))
((= A B) (DISPLAY "They are equal."))
((< A B) (DISPLAY "The first number is smaller."))))</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="xpl0">code IntIn=10, Text=12;
int A, B;
[A:= IntIn(0);
B:= IntIn(0);
if A<B then Text(0, "A<B");
if A=B then Text(0, "A=B");
if A>B then Text(0, "A>B");

Because XSLT uses XML syntax, the less than and greater than operators which would normally be written '<' and '>' must be escaped using character entities, even inside of XPath expressions.

<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><xsl:template name="compare">
<xsl:param name="a" select="1"/>
<xsl:param name="b" select="2"/>
<xsl:when test="$a &lt; $b">a &lt; b</xsl:when>
<xsl:when test="$a &gt; $b">a &gt; b</xsl:when>
<xsl:when test="$a = $b">a = b</xsl:when>

<syntaxhighlight lang="zkl">var x,y; x,y=ask("Two ints: ").split(" ").apply("toInt")
(if (x==y) "equal" else if (x<y) "less" else if(x>y) "greater").println()</syntaxhighlight>
Two ints: 3 2

Revision as of 20:31, 17 June 2024

Integer comparison
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Basic Data Operation
This is a basic data operation. It represents a fundamental action on a basic data type.

You may see other such operations in the Basic Data Operations category, or:

Integer Operations
Arithmetic | Comparison

Boolean Operations
Bitwise | Logical

String Operations
Concatenation | Interpolation | Comparison | Matching

Memory Operations
Pointers & references | Addresses

Get two integers from the user.

Then,   display a message if the first integer is:

  •   less than,
  •   equal to,   or
  •   greater than

the second integer.

Test the condition   for each case separately,   so that   all three comparison operators are used   in the code.

Related task


V a = Int(input(‘Enter value of a: ’))
V b = Int(input(‘Enter value of b: ’))

I a < b
   print(‘a is less than b’)
I a > b
   print(‘a is greater than b’)
I a == b
   print(‘a is equal to b’)

360 Assembly

Input is done by a standard register 1 pointed parameter list.

*                            Reg1=Addr(Addr(argA),Addr(argB))
         L     2,0(1)        Reg2=Addr(argA)
         L     3,4(1)        Reg3=Addr(argB)
         L     4,0(2)        Reg4=argA
         L     5,0(3)        Reg5=argA
         ST    4,A           Store R4 in A
         ST    5,B           Store R5 in B
*                            if (A < B)
         L     0,A           load R0
         C     0,B           compare
         BL    LOWER         branch if lower
*                            if (A = B)
         L     0,A           load R0
         C     0,B           compare
         BE    EQUAL         branch if equal
*                            if (A < B)
         L     0,A           load R0
         C     0,B           compare
         BH    GREATER       branch if higher
*                            other case ?
         B     RETURN
LOWER    WTO   'A<B'
         B     RETURN
EQUAL    WTO   'A=B'
         B     RETURN
         B     RETURN
A        DS    F             31-bit signed integer
B        DS    F             31-bit signed integer

6502 Assembly

Code is called as a subroutine (i.e. JSR Compare). Specific OS/hardware routines for user input and printing are left unimplemented. It should be noted that this is strictly an unsigned comparison.

Compare		PHA			;push Accumulator onto stack
		JSR GetUserInput	;routine not implemented
		;integers to compare now in memory locations A and B
		CMP B			;sets flags as if a subtraction (a - b) had been carried out
		BCC A_less_than_B	;branch if carry clear
		BEQ A_equals_B		;branch if equal
		;else A greater than B
		JSR DisplayAGreaterThanB;routine not implemented
		JMP Done
A_less_than_B:	JSR DisplayALessThanB	;routine not implemented
		JMP Done
A_equals_B:	JSR DisplayAEqualsB	;routine not implemented
Done:		PLA			;restore Accumulator from stack
		RTS			;return from subroutine

68000 Assembly

The task of getting input from the user is much more difficult in assembly since it hasn't been done for you unlike nearly all other languages. So that part will be omitted to focus on the actual comparison.

In assembly, the only difference between a signed integer and an unsigned integer is the comparator(s) used to evaluate it. Therefore we have two different versions of this task.

Unsigned Comparison

;integers to compare are in D0 and D1
BCS .less ;D1 < D0
;else, carry clear, which implies greater than or equal to.
BNE .greater ;D1 > D0
;else, d1 = d0
LEA Equal,A0
JMP PrintString ;and use its RTS to return
LEA GreaterThan,A0
JMP PrintString ;and use its RTS to return
LEA LessThan,A0
JMP PrintString ;and use its RTS to return

dc.b "second integer less than first",0
dc.b "second integer greater than first",0
dc.b "both are equal",0

Signed Comparison

;integers to compare are in D0 and D1
BLT .less ;D1 < D0
;else, carry clear, which implies greater than or equal to.
BNE .greater ;D1 > D0
;else, d1 = d0
LEA Equal,A0
JMP PrintString ;and use its RTS to return
LEA GreaterThan,A0
JMP PrintString ;and use its RTS to return
LEA LessThan,A0
JMP PrintString ;and use its RTS to return

dc.b "second integer less than first",0
dc.b "second integer greater than first",0
dc.b "both are equal",0

8051 Assembly

Input/output is specific to hardware; this code assumes the integers are in registers a and b. There is only one comparison instruction to use: 'not equal'.

	push psw
	cjne a, b, clt
	; a == b
	; implement code here
	jmp compare_
	jc lt
	; a > b
	; implement code here
	jmp compare_
	; a < b
	; implement code here
	pop psw

Testing for (a <= b) or (a >= b) can be performed by changing the jumps.


The user would put the numbers on the stack and then invoke 'compare':

: compare \ n m --
  2dup n:= if "They are equal" . cr then
  2dup n:< if "First less than second" . cr then
  n:> if "First greater than second" . cr then ;

Alternatively one could use the "n:cmp" word

AArch64 Assembly

Compare once (cmp x0, x1) and use conditional branching (b.eq and

.equ STDOUT, 1
.equ SVC_WRITE, 64
.equ SVC_EXIT, 93

.global _start

	stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
	mov x0, #123
	mov x1, #456
	mov x29, sp
	bl integer_compare // integer_compare(123, 456);
	mov x0, #-123
	mov x1, #-456
	bl integer_compare // integer_compare(-123, -456);
	mov x0, #123
	mov x1, #123
	bl integer_compare // integer_compare(123, 123);
	ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
	mov x0, #0
	b _exit // exit(0);

// void integer_compare(long long x, long long y) - compare two signed integers and print a message
	cmp x0, x1
	mov x0, #STDOUT
	b.eq 1f 2f
	// x < y
	ldr x1, =msg_lt
	mov x2, #17
	b _write
1:	// x == y
	ldr x1, =msg_eq
	mov x2, #16
	b _write
2:	// x > y
	ldr x1, =msg_gt
	mov x2, #20
	b _write

	.ascii "x is less than y\n"
	.ascii "x is equal to y\n"
	.ascii "x is greater than y\n"
.align 4

//////////////// system call wrappers
// ssize_t _write(int fd, void *buf, size_t count)
	stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
	mov x8, #SVC_WRITE
	mov x29, sp
	svc #0
	ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16

// void _exit(int retval)
	mov x8, #SVC_EXIT
	svc #0


This works in ABAP version 7.40 and above. Note that empty input is evaluated to 0.

report z_integer_comparison.

parameters: a type int4, b type int4.

data(comparison_result) = cond string(
  when a < b " can be replaced by a lt b
  then |{ a } is less than { b }|
  when a = b " can be replaced by a eq b
  then |{ a } is equal to { b }|
  when a > b " can be replaced by a gt b
  then |{ a } is greater than { b }| ).

write comparison_result.


PROC Main()
  INT a,b

  Print("Input value of a:") a=InputI()
  Print("Input value of b:") b=InputI()

  IF a<b THEN
    PrintF("%I is less than %I%E",a,b)
  IF a>b THEN
    PrintF("%I is greater than %I%E",a,b)
  IF a=b THEN
    PrintF("%I is equal to %I%E",a,b)

Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer

Input value of a:123
Input value of b:4712
123 is less than 4712


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_Io;

procedure Compare_Ints is
   A, B : Integer;
   Get(Item => A);
   Get(Item => B);

   -- Test for equality
   if A = B then
      Put_Line("A equals B");
   end if;

   -- Test For Less Than
   if A < B then
      Put_Line("A is less than B");
   end if;

   -- Test For Greater Than
   if A > B then
      Put_Line("A is greater than B");
   end if;
end Compare_Ints;


output(integer a, integer b, text condition)

    if (a < b) {
	output(a, b, " is less then ");

    if (a == b) {
	output(a, b, " is equal to ");

    if (a > b) {
	output(a, b, " is greater than ");

    return 0;

Run as:

aime FILE integer a 33 integer b 133


Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1 - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 1.18.0-9h.tiny
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8-8d

Note: the standard includes the characters "≤", "≥" and "≠". These appear in the character sets GOST 10859, ISOtech and IBM's EBCDIC e.g. code page 293, and in extended ASCII code pages 910 & 910

The above distributions of both ALGOL 68G and ELLA ALGOL 68 compilers only allow ASCII characters (ASCII has neither "≤", "≥" nor "≠" characters).

main: (
  INT a, b;
  read((a, space, b, new line));

  IF a <= b OR a LE b # OR a ≤ b # THEN
    print((a," is less or equal to ", b, new line))
  IF a < b OR a LT b THEN
    print((a," is less than ", b, new line))
  ELIF a = b OR a EQ b THEN
    print((a," is equal to ", b, new line))
  ELIF a > b OR a GT b THEN
    print((a," is greater than ", b, new line))
  IF a /= b OR a NE b # OR a ≠ b # THEN
    print((a," is not equal to ", b, new line))
  IF a >= b OR a GE b # OR a ≥ b # THEN
    print((a," is greater or equal to ", b, new line))
+3 is less or equal to          +4
         +3 is less than          +4
         +3 is not equal to          +4



    integer a, b;

    write( "first  number: " );
    read( a );
    write( "second number: " );
    read( b );

    if a < b then write( a, " is less    than ", b );
    if a = b then write( a, " is equal   to   ", b );
    if a > b then write( a, " is greater than ", b );



set n1 to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the first number:" default answer "") as integer
set n2 to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the second number:" default answer "") as integer
set msg to {n1}
if n1 < n2 then
	set end of msg to " is less than "
else if n1 = n2 then
	set end of msg to " is equal to "
else if n1 > n2 then
	set end of msg to " is greater than "
end if
set end of msg to n2
return msg as string


set n1 to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the first number:" default answer "") as integer
set n2 to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the second number:" default answer "") as integer
if n1 < n2 then return "" & n1 & " is less than " & n2
if n1 = n2 then return "" & n1 & " is equal to " & n2
if n1 > n2 then return "" & n1 & " is greater than " & n2

ARM Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI  */
/*  program comparNumber.s   */

/* Constantes    */
.equ BUFFERSIZE,   100
.equ STDIN,  0     @ Linux input console
.equ STDOUT, 1     @ Linux output console
.equ EXIT,   1     @ Linux syscall
.equ READ,   3     @ Linux syscall
.equ WRITE,  4     @ Linux syscall
/* Initialized data */
szMessNum1: .asciz "Enter number 1 : \n"
szMessNum2: .asciz "Enter number 2: \n"
szMessEqual: .asciz "Number 1 and number 2 are equals.\n"
szMessSmall: .asciz "Number 1 smaller than number 2.\n"
szMessLarge: .asciz "Number 1 larger than number 2.\n"
szCarriageReturn:  .asciz "\n"

/* UnInitialized data */
sBuffer:    .skip    BUFFERSIZE

/*  code section */
.global main 
main:                /* entry of program  */
    push {fp,lr}    /* saves 2 registers */
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessNum1 @ message address
    ldr r1,iAdrsBuffer   @ buffer address 
    mov r2,#BUFFERSIZE
    bl numberEntry
    mov r5,r0               @ save number 1 -> r5
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessNum2  @ message address
	ldr r1,iAdrsBuffer   @ buffer address 
    bl numberEntry
	cmp r5,r0         @ compar number 1 and number 2
    beq equal
	blt small
	bgt large
	@ never !!
	b 100f
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessEqual    @ message address 
	b aff
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessSmall    @ message address 
	b aff
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessLarge    @ message address 
	b aff
    bl affichageMess      @ display message
100:   /* standard end of the program */
    mov r0, #0                  @ return code
    pop {fp,lr}                 @restaur 2 registers
    mov r7, #EXIT              @ request to exit program
    swi 0                       @ perform the system call

iAdrszMessNum1:  .int szMessNum1
iAdrszMessNum2: .int  szMessNum2
iAdrszMessEqual: .int szMessEqual
iAdrszMessSmall: .int szMessSmall
iAdrszMessLarge: .int szMessLarge
iAdrsBuffer:   .int  sBuffer
iAdrszCarriageReturn:  .int  szCarriageReturn
/*     Number entry with display message and conversion number    */ 
/* r0 contains message address */
/* r1 contains buffer address 
/* r2 contains buffersize     */
/* r0 return a number          */
    push {fp,lr}         @ save  registres */ 
    push {r4,r6,r7}          @ save others registers 
    mov r4,r1              @ save buffer address -> r4
    bl affichageMess
    mov r0,#STDIN         @ Linux input console
    //ldr r1,iAdrsBuffer   @ buffer address 
    //mov r2,#BUFFERSIZE   @ buffer size 
    mov r7, #READ         @ request to read datas
    swi 0                  @ call system
    mov r1,r4              @ buffer address 
    mov r2,#0                @ end of string
    strb r2,[r1,r0]         @ store byte at the end of input string (r0
    mov r0,r4              @ buffer address
    bl conversionAtoD    @ conversion string in number in r0
    pop {r4,r6,r7}     		/* restaur others registers */
    pop {fp,lr}    				/* restaur des  2 registres */ 
    bx lr	        			/* return  */
/*     display text with size calculation                         */ 
/* r0 contains the address of the message */
    push {fp,lr}    			/* save  registres */ 
    push {r0,r1,r2,r7}    		/* save others registers */
    mov r2,#0   				/* counter length */
1:      	/* loop length calculation */
    ldrb r1,[r0,r2]  			/* read octet start position + index */
    cmp r1,#0       			/* if 0 its over */
    addne r2,r2,#1   			/* else add 1 in the length */
    bne 1b          			/* and loop */
                                /* so here r2 contains the length of the message */
    mov r1,r0        			/* address message in r1 */
    mov r0,#STDOUT      		/* code to write to the standard output Linux */
    mov r7, #WRITE             /* code call system "write" */
    swi #0                      /* call systeme */
    pop {r0,r1,r2,r7}     		/* restaur others registers */
    pop {fp,lr}    				/* restaur des  2 registres */ 
    bx lr	        			/* return  */

/*     Convert a string to a number stored in a registry          */ 
/* r0 contains the address of the area terminated by 0 or 0A */
/* r0 returns a number                           */
    push {fp,lr}         @ save 2 registers 
    push {r1-r7}         @ save others registers 
    mov r1,#0
    mov r2,#10           @ factor 
    mov r3,#0            @ counter 
    mov r4,r0            @ save address string -> r4 
    mov r6,#0            @ positive sign by default 
    mov r0,#0            @ initialization to 0 
1:     /* early space elimination loop */
    ldrb r5,[r4,r3]     @ loading in r5 of the byte located at the beginning + the position 
    cmp r5,#0            @ end of string -> end routine
    beq 100f
    cmp r5,#0x0A        @ end of string -> end routine
    beq 100f
    cmp r5,#' '          @ space ? 
    addeq r3,r3,#1      @ yes we loop by moving one byte 
    beq 1b
    cmp r5,#'-'          @ first character is -    
    moveq r6,#1         @  1 -> r6
    beq 3f              @ then move on to the next position 
2:   /* beginning of digit processing loop */
    cmp r5,#'0'          @ character is not a number 
    blt 3f
    cmp r5,#'9'          @ character is not a number
    bgt 3f
    /* character is a number */
    sub r5,#48
    ldr r1,iMaxi       @ check the overflow of the register    
    cmp r0,r1
    bgt 99f            @ overflow error
    mul r0,r2,r0         @ multiply par factor 10 
    add r0,r5            @ add to  r0 
    add r3,r3,#1         @ advance to the next position 
    ldrb r5,[r4,r3]     @ load byte 
    cmp r5,#0            @ end of string -> end routine
    beq 4f
    cmp r5,#0x0A            @ end of string -> end routine
    beq 4f
    b 2b                 @ loop 
    cmp r6,#1            @ test r6 for sign 
    moveq r1,#-1
    muleq r0,r1,r0       @ if negatif, multiply par -1 
    b 100f
99:  /* overflow error */
    ldr r0,=szMessErrDep
    bl   affichageMess
    mov r0,#0      @ return  zero  if error
    pop {r1-r7}          @ restaur other registers 
    pop {fp,lr}          @ restaur   2 registers 
    bx lr                 @return procedure 
/* constante program */	
iMaxi: .int 1073741824	
szMessErrDep:  .asciz  "Too large: overflow 32 bits.\n"


a: to :integer input "enter a value for a: "
b: to :integer input "enter a value for b: "

if a<b [ print [ a "is less than" b ] ]
if a>b [ print [ a "is greater than" b ] ]
if a=b [ print [ a "is equal to" b ] ]


let a = input('Enter value of a: ')
let b = input('Enter value of b: ')

if a < b:
    print 'a is less than b'
elif a > b:
    print 'a is greater than b'
elif a == b:
    print 'a is equal to b'


Error checking is performed automatically by attaching UpDowns to each of the Edit controls. UpDown controls always yield an in-range number, even when the user has typed something non-numeric or out-of-range in the Edit control. The default range is 0 to 100.

Gui, Add, Edit
Gui, Add, UpDown, vVar1
Gui, Add, Edit
Gui, Add, UpDown, vVar2
Gui, Add, Button, Default, Submit
Gui, Show

  Gui, Submit, NoHide
  If (Var1 = Var2)
    MsgBox, % Var1 "=" Var2
  Else If (Var1 < Var2)
    MsgBox, % Var1 "<" Var2
  Else If (Var1 > Var2)
    MsgBox, % Var1 ">" Var2



// This code doesn't try to protect against any malformed input.
a ::= next line from standard input→integer;
b ::= next line from standard input→integer;
If a > b then [Print: "a > b";]
else if a < b then [Print: "a < b";]
else if a = b then [Print: "a = b";];


/[0-9]* [0-9]*/{
		if ($1 == $2) print $1, "is equal to", $2
		if ($1 < $2) print $1, "is less than", $2
		if ($1 > $2) print $1, "is greater than", $2

In awk, a double equals symbol is required to test for equality. A single equals sign is used for assignment, and will cause a bug if it is used within a boolean expression:

# This code contains a bug
IF (n=3) PRINT "n is equal to 3"    # The incorrectly used equals sign will set n to a value of 3


If r₁<r₂
 Disp "LESS THAN",i
If r₁=r₂
 Disp "EQUAL TO",i
If r₁>r₂


Applesoft BASIC

20 A$(0) = "NOT "
30 PRINT A% " IS " A$(A% < B%) "LESS THAN " B%
40 PRINT A% " IS " A$(A% = B%) "EQUAL TO " B%
50 PRINT A% " IS " A$(A% > B%) "GREATER THAN " B%


INPUT "Enter first number " ,a
INPUT "Enter second number " ,b
IF a < b THEN PRINT  a ," is less than ", b
IF a = b THEN PRINT  a, " is equal to ", b
IF a > b THEN PRINT  a, " is greater than ", b
Works with: QuickBasic version 4.5
INPUT "a, b"; a, b 'remember to type the comma when you give the numbers
PRINT "a is ";
IF a < b THEN PRINT "less than ";
IF a = b THEN PRINT "equal to ";
IF a > b THEN PRINT "greater than ";


input "Please enter one integer: ", x
input "and a second integer: ", y
if x < y then print x; " is less than "; y
if x = y then print x; " is equal to "; y
if x > y then print x; " is greater than "; y


      INPUT "Enter two numbers separated by a comma: " a, b
        WHEN a < b: PRINT ;a " is less than "; b
        WHEN a = b: PRINT ;a " is equal to "; b
        WHEN a > b: PRINT ;a " is greater than "; b


' FB 1.05.0 Win64

Dim As Integer x, y
Input "Please enter two integers, separated by a comma : ", x , y

If x < y Then
  Print x; " is less than "; y
End If

If x = y Then
  Print x; " is equal to "; y
End If

If x > y Then
  Print x; " is greater than "; y
End If

Print "Press any key to exit"


Note: Strictly speaking, it's preferable to use "==" when comparing integers as seen in this example. While the "=" sign will work as a comparison in most cases, technically it should be used for assignment, i.e. a = 3 when a is assigned the value of 3, as contrasted with a == 3, where the value of a is being compared with 3. FB will flag a warning when "==" is used to compare two single, doubles or floats since comparing real numbers can be inaccurate.

_window = 1
begin enum 1
end enum

local fn BuildWindow
  window _window, @"Integer Comparison", (0,0,356,85)

  textfield _integer1Fld,,, (20,44,112,21)
  TextFieldSetPlaceholderString( _integer1Fld, @"Integer 1" )

  textfield _integer2Fld,,, (140,44,112,21)
  TextFieldSetPlaceholderString( _integer2Fld, @"Integer 2" )

  button _compareBtn,,, @"Compare", (253,38,90,32)

  textlabel _messageLabel,, (18,20,320,16)
  ControlSetAlignment( _messageLabel, NSTextAlignmentCenter )
end fn

local fn DoDialog( ev as long, tag as long )
  long int1, int2

  select ( ev )
    case _btnClick
      select ( tag )
        case _compareBtn
          int1 = fn ControlIntegerValue( _integer1Fld )
          int2 = fn ControlIntegerValue( _integer2Fld )

          if ( int1 < int2 ) then textlabel _messageLabel, @"The first integer is less than the second integer."
          if ( int1 == int2 ) then textlabel _messageLabel, @"The first integer is equal to the second integer."
          if ( int1 > int2 ) then textlabel _messageLabel, @"The first integer is greater than the second integer."

      end select

    case _controlTextDidChange
      textlabel _messageLabel, @""
  end select
end fn

fn BuildWindow

on dialog fn DoDialog



Public Sub Form_Open()
Dim sIn As String = InputBox("Enter 2 integers seperated by a comma")
Dim iFirst, iSecond As Integer

iFirst = Val(Split(sIn)[0])
iSecond = Val(Split(sIn)[1])

If iFirst < iSecond Then Print iFirst & " is smaller than " & iSecond & gb.NewLine
If iFirst > iSecond Then Print iFirst & " is greater than " & iSecond & gb.NewLine
If iFirst = iSecond Then Print iFirst & " is equal to " & iSecond



21 is greater than 18


100 INPUT PROMPT "Enter A: ":A
110 INPUT PROMPT "Enter B: ":B
130   PRINT A;"is lesss than ";B
150   PRINT A;"is equal to ";B
160 ELSE 
170   PRINT A;"is greater than ";B
180 END IF


100 INPUT PROMPT "Enter A: ":A
110 INPUT PROMPT "Enter B: ":B
140   PRINT A;"is lesss than ";B
160   PRINT A;"is equal to ";B
180   PRINT A;"is greater than ";B

Liberty BASIC

Verbose version:

Works with: Just BASIC
input "Enter an integer for a.  ";a
input "Enter an integer for b.  ";b

'a=int(a):b=int(b) ???
print "Conditional evaluation."
if a<b then print "a<b " ; a ; " < " ; b
if a=b then print "a=b " ; a ; " = " ; b
if a>b then print "a>b " ; a ; " > " ; b

print "Select case evaluation."
select case
    case (a<b)
        print "a<b " ; a ; " < " ; b
    case (a=b)
        print "a=b " ; a ; " = " ; b
    case (a>b)
        print "a>b " ; a ; " > " ; b
end select


input "Enter an integer for a.  ";a
input "Enter an integer for b.  ";b

for i = 1 to 3
    op$=word$("< = >", i)
    if eval("a"+op$+"b") then print "a"+op$+"b " ; a;" ";op$;" ";b


uses console
print "Integer comparison. (press ctrl-c to exit) " cr cr
int n1,n2
  print "Enter 1st integer " : n1=input
  print "Enter 2nd integer " : n2=input
  if n1=n2
    print "number1 = number2" cr cr
  elseif n1>n2
    print "number1 > number2" cr cr
   elseif n1<n2
    print "number1 < number2" cr cr


If OpenConsole()  

  Print("Enter an integer: ")
  x.i = Val(Input())
  Print("Enter another integer: ")
  y.i = Val(Input())

  If x < y
    Print( "The first integer is less than the second integer.")
  ElseIf x = y
    Print("The first integer is equal to the second integer.")
  ElseIf x > y
    Print("The first integer is greater than the second integer.")

  Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit")


INPUT "Please enter two integers, separated by a comma: ", x, y

IF x < y THEN PRINT x; " is less than "; y
IF x = y THEN PRINT x; " is equal to "; y
IF x > y THEN PRINT x; " is greater than "; y


input "1st number:"; n1
input "2nd number:"; n2

if n1 < n2 then print "1st number ";n1;" is less than 2nd number";n2
if n1 > n2 then print "1st number ";n1;" is greater than 2nd number";n2
if n1 = n2 then print "1st number ";n1;" is equal to 2nd number";n2


Prompt A,B
If A<B: Disp "A SMALLER B"
If A>B: Disp "A GREATER B"
If A=B: Disp "A EQUAL B"


Local a, b, result
Prompt a, b
If a < b Then
  "<" → result
ElseIf a = b Then
  "=" → result
ElseIf a > b Then
  ">" → result
  "???" → result
Disp string(a) & " " & result & " " & string(b)


Works with: TinyBasic

Some implementations of Tiny BASIC use , instead of ; for concatenation of print items.

10 REM Integer comparison
20 PRINT "Enter a number"
40 PRINT "Enter another number"
60 IF A < B THEN PRINT A;" is less than ";B
70 IF A > B THEN PRINT A;" is greater than ";B
80 IF A = B THEN PRINT A;" is equal to ";B
90 END


PRINT "Please enter two integers, separated by a comma: ";
INPUT x, y

IF x < y THEN PRINT x; " is less than "; y
IF x = y THEN PRINT x; " is equal to "; y
IF x > y THEN PRINT x; " is greater than "; y


Public Sub integer_comparison()
    first_integer = CInt(InputBox("Give me an integer."))
    second_integer = CInt(InputBox("Give me another integer."))
    Debug.Print IIf(first_integer < second_integer, "first integer is smaller than second integer", "first integer is not smaller than second integer")
    Debug.Print IIf(first_integer = second_integer, "first integer is equal to second integer", "first integer is not equal to second integer")
    Debug.Print IIf(first_integer > second_integer, "first integer is bigger than second integer", "first integer is not bigger than second integer")
End Sub


option explicit

function eef( b, r1, r2 )
	if b then
		eef = r1
		eef = r2
	end if
end function

dim a, b
wscript.stdout.write "First integer: "
a = cint(wscript.stdin.readline) 'force to integer

wscript.stdout.write "Second integer: "
b = cint(wscript.stdin.readline) 'force to integer

wscript.stdout.write "First integer is "
if a < b then wscript.stdout.write "less than "
if a = b then wscript.stdout.write "equal to "
if a > b then wscript.stdout.write "greater than "
wscript.echo "Second integer."

wscript.stdout.write "First integer is " & _
    eef( a < b, "less than ", _
    eef( a = b, "equal to ", _
    eef( a > b, "greater than ", vbnullstring ) ) ) & "Second integer."

Visual Basic .NET

Platform: .NET

Works with: Visual Basic .NET version 9.0+
Sub Main()

    Dim a = CInt(Console.ReadLine)
    Dim b = CInt(Console.ReadLine)

    'Using if statements
    If a < b Then Console.WriteLine("a is less than b")
    If a = b Then Console.WriteLine("a equals b")
    If a > b Then Console.WriteLine("a is greater than b")

    'Using Case
    Select Case a
        Case Is < b
            Console.WriteLine("a is less than b")
        Case b
            Console.WriteLine("a equals b")
        Case Is > b
            Console.WriteLine("a is greater than b")
    End Select

End Sub


input "Please enter two integers, separated by a comma: " x, y

if x < y then print x, " is less than ", y : fi
if x = y then print x, " is equal to ", y : fi
if x > y then print x, " is greater than ", y : fi

ZX Spectrum Basic

10 INPUT "Enter two integers: ";a;" ";b
20 PRINT a;" is ";("less than " AND (a<b));("equal to " AND (a=b));("greather than " AND (a>b));b

Batch File

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /p a="A: "
set /p b="B: "
if %a% LSS %b% (
  echo %a% is less than %b%
) else ( if %a% GTR %b% (
  echo %a% is greater than %b%
) else ( if %a% EQU %b% (
  echo %a% is equal to %b%
A: 5
B: 3
5 is greater than 3


Works with: GNU bc

(POSIX bc doesn't have I/O functions/statements (i.e. read and print) but the rest of the code would work.)

a = read()
b = read()
if (a < b) print "a is smaller than b\n"
if (a > b) print "a is greater than b\n"
if (a == b) print "a is equal to b\n"


get "libhdr"

let start() be
$(  let a = ? and b = ?
    writes("A? ") ; a := readn()
    writes("B? ") ; b := readn()
         a < b -> "A is less than B*N",
         a = b -> "A is equal to B*N",
         a > b -> "A is greater than B*N",


Befunge only has the greater-than operator (backtick `). The branch commands (underline _ and pipe |) test for zero.

v                     v  ">"   $<
>&&"=A",,\:."=B ",,,\: .55+,-:0`|
                      v  "<" _v#<
   @,+55,," B",,,"A " <  "="  <


The function Comp compares two integers and returns the appropriate string result.

  Comp  ·/"Greater than""Equal To""Lesser Than"(>∾=∾<)
(/ "Greater than" "Equal To" "Lesser Than" >∾=∾<)
  4 Comp 5
"Lesser Than"
  5 Comp 5
"Equal To"
  6 Comp 5
"Greater than"


& get$:?B
& (!A:!B&out$"A equals B"|)
& (!A:<!B&out$"A is less than B"|)
& (!A:>!B&out$"A is greater than B"|);


first = ask("First integer: ").to_i
second = ask("Second integer: ").to_i

when { first > second } { p "#{first} is greater than #{second}" }
     { first < second } { p "#{first} is less than #{second}" }
     { first == second } { p "#{first} is equal to #{second}" }


blsq ) "5 6"ps^pcm+.{"The first one is less than the second one""They are both equal""The second one is less than the first one"}\/!!sh
The first one is less than the second one
blsq ) "6 6"ps^pcm+.{"The first one is less than the second one""They are both equal""The second one is less than the first one"}\/!!sh
They are both equal
blsq ) "6 5"ps^pcm+.{"The first one is less than the second one""They are both equal""The second one is less than the first one"}\/!!sh
The second one is less than the first one


#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  int a, b;
  scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);

  if (a < b)
    printf("%d is less than %d\n", a, b);

  if (a == b)
    printf("%d is equal to %d\n", a, b);

  if (a > b)
    printf("%d is greater than %d\n", a, b);

  return 0;


using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        int a = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        int b = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        if (a < b)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is less than {1}", a, b);
        if (a == b)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} equals {1}", a, b);
        if (a > b)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is greater than {1}", a, b);


#include <iostream>

int main()
  int a, b;

  if (!(std::cin >> a >> b)) {
    std::cerr << "could not read the numbers\n";
    return 1;

  // test for less-than
  if (a < b)
    std::cout << a << " is less than " << b << "\n";

  // test for equality
  if (a == b)
    std::cout << a << " is equal to " << b << "\n";

  // test for greater-than
  if (a > b)
    std::cout << a << " is greater than " << b << "\n";


bundle agent __main__
      # Change the values to test:
      "first_integer" int => "10";
      "second_integer" int => "9";

     "The first integer ($(first_integer)) is less than the second integer ($(second_integer))."
        if => islessthan( "$(first_integer)", "$(second_integer)" );
     "The first integer ($(first_integer)) is equal to the second integer ($(second_integer))."
        if => eval( "$(first_integer)==$(second_integer)", "class", "infix" );
     "The first integer ($(first_integer)) is greater than the second integer ($(second_integer))."
        if => isgreaterthan( "$(first_integer)", "$(second_integer)" );


fun void intComparison (int one, int two)
    if(one < two) <<< one, " is less than ", two >>>;
    if(one == two) <<< one, " is equal than ", two >>>;
    if(one > two) <<< one, " is greater than ", two >>>;
//  uncomment next line and change values to test
// intComparison (2,4);


import StdEnv

compare a b
    | a < b = "A is less than B"
    | a > b = "A is more than B"
    | a == b = "A equals B"

Start world
    # (console, world) = stdio world
      (_, a, console) = freadi console
      (_, b, console) = freadi console
    = compare a b


   Function Compare(a, b)
   IF a < b
      ? "A is less than B"
   ELSEIF a > b
      ? "A is more than B"
      ? "A equals B"
   Return Nil


Creates an infinite sequence of calls to "read an object from the user", and assigns the first two elements to a and b, without evaluating the rest. It evaluates the when/println body three times, each time with op and string bound to their corresponding entries in the list of three operator/string pairs. Note that this does no validation on input: if the user inputs a string then an exception will be thrown.

(let [[a b] (repeatedly read)]
  (doseq [[op string] [[< "less than"]
                       [> "greater than"]
                       [= "equal to"]]]
    (when (op a b)
      (println (str a " is " string " " b)))))


# Define A and B as integers. For example:
#   cmake -DA=3 -DB=5 -P compare.cmake

# The comparisons can take variable names, or they can take numbers.
# So these act all the same:
#   A LESS B
#   ${A} LESS ${B}
#   A LESS ${B}
#   ${A} LESS B

if(A LESS B)
  message(STATUS "${A} is less than ${B}")
  message(STATUS "${A} is equal to ${B}")
  message(STATUS "${A} is greater than ${B}")


Works with: OpenCOBOL
       PROGRAM-ID. Int-Compare.

       01  A PIC 9(10).
       01  B PIC 9(10).

           DISPLAY "First number: " WITH NO ADVANCING
           ACCEPT A
           DISPLAY "Second number: " WITH NO ADVANCING
           ACCEPT B 

*          *> Note: Longer verbal forms may be used instead of symbols
*          *> e.g. 'IS GREATER THAN' instead '<'
           IF A < B
               DISPLAY A " is less than " B
           ELSE IF A = B
               DISPLAY A " is equal to " B
           ELSE IF A > B
               DISPLAY A " is larger than " B



  • Less than: LT
  • Less than or equal to: LTE
  • Greater than: GT
  • Greater than or equal to: GTE
  • Equal to: EQ
  • Not equal to: NEQ


<cffunction name="CompareInteger">
    <cfargument name="Integer1" type="numeric">
    <cfargument name="Integer2" type="numeric">
    <cfset VARIABLES.Result = "" >
    <cfif ARGUMENTS.Integer1 LT ARGUMENTS.Integer2 >
	    <cfset VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is less than " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")" >
    <cfif ARGUMENTS.Integer1 LTE ARGUMENTS.Integer2 >
	    <cfset VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is less than or equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")" >
    <cfif ARGUMENTS.Integer1 GT ARGUMENTS.Integer2 >
	    <cfset VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is greater than " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")" >
    <cfif ARGUMENTS.Integer1 GTE ARGUMENTS.Integer2 >
	    <cfset VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is greater than or equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")" >
    <cfif ARGUMENTS.Integer1 EQ ARGUMENTS.Integer2 >
	    <cfset VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")" >
    <cfif ARGUMENTS.Integer1 NEQ ARGUMENTS.Integer2 >
	    <cfset VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is not equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")" >
    <cfreturn VARIABLES.Result >

In CFScript

	function CompareInteger( Integer1, Integer2 ) {
		VARIABLES.Result = "";
		if ( ARGUMENTS.Integer1 LT ARGUMENTS.Integer2 ) {
			VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is less than " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")";
		if ( ARGUMENTS.Integer1 LTE ARGUMENTS.Integer2 ) {
			VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is less than or equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")";
		if ( ARGUMENTS.Integer1 GT ARGUMENTS.Integer2 ) {
			VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is greater than " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")";
		if ( ARGUMENTS.Integer1 GTE ARGUMENTS.Integer2 ) {
			VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is greater than or equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")";
		if ( ARGUMENTS.Integer1 EQ ARGUMENTS.Integer2 ) {
			VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")";
		if ( ARGUMENTS.Integer1 NEQ ARGUMENTS.Integer2 ) {
			VARIABLES.Result = VARIABLES.Result & "(" & ARGUMENTS.Integer1 & " is not equal to " & ARGUMENTS.Integer2 & ")";
		return VARIABLES.Result;

Common Lisp

You can type this directly into a REPL:

(let ((a (read *standard-input*))
      (b (read *standard-input*)))
      ((not (numberp a)) (format t "~A is not a number." a))
      ((not (numberp b)) (format t "~A is not a number." b))
      ((< a b) (format t "~A is less than ~A." a b))
      ((> a b) (format t "~A is greater than ~A." a b))
      ((= a b) (format t "~A is equal to ~A." a b))
      (t (format t "Cannot determine relevance between ~A and ~B!" a b)))))

After hitting enter, the REPL is expecting the two numbers right away. You can enter the two numbers, and the result will print immediately. Alternatively, you can wrap this code in a function definition:

(defun compare-integers () 
  (let ((a (read *standard-input*))
        (b (read *standard-input*)))
      ((not (numberp a)) (format t "~A is not a number." a))
      ((not (numberp b)) (format t "~A is not a number." b))
      ((< a b) (format t "~A is less than ~A." a b))
      ((> a b) (format t "~A is greater than ~A." a b))
      ((= a b) (format t "~A is equal to ~A." a b))
      (t (format t "Cannot determine relevance between ~A and ~B!" a b)))))

Then, execute the function for better control:


Computer/zero Assembly

The only conditional instruction we have is BRZ (branch on accumulator zero). We can therefore test for equality very quickly. To test for "greater than" or "less than", however, requires a loop.

If you run this program, it will halt awaiting user input. Toggle in the value of , then click Enter, then toggle in , then Enter, and then Run. and must both be unsigned eight-bit integers. The computer will halt with the accumulator storing 1 if >, 0 if =, or -1 if <; and it will be ready for a fresh pair of integers to be entered.

start:  STP        ; get input

x:      NOP
y:      NOP

        LDA  x
        SUB  y
        BRZ  start ; x=y, A=0

loop:   LDA  x
        SUB  one
        BRZ  x<y
        STA  x

        LDA  y
        SUB  one
        BRZ  x>y
        STA  y

        JMP  loop

x>y:    LDA  one   ; A := 1
        JMP  start

x<y:    SUB  one   ; A := 0-1
        JMP  start

one:         1


void main() {
    import std.stdio, std.conv, std.string;

    int a = 10, b = 20;
    try {
        a =!int;
        b =!int;
    } catch (StdioException) {}

    if (a < b)
        writeln(a, " is less than ", b);

    if (a == b)
        writeln(a, " is equal to ", b);

    if (a > b)
        writeln(a, " is greater than ", b);
10 is less than 20


[Use _ (underscore) as negative sign for numbers.]P []pP
[Enter two numbers to compare: ]P
? sbsa
[[greater than]]sp lb la >p
[   [less than]]sp lb la <p
[    [equal to]]sp lb la =p
la n [ is ]P P [ ]P lbn []pP
44 is greater than 3


$ inquire a "Please provide an integer"
$ inquire b "Please provide another"
$ if a .lt. b then $ write sys$output "the first integer is less"
$ if a .eq. b then $ write sys$output "the integers have the same value"
$ if a .gt. b then $ write sys$output "the first integer is greater"
$ @integer_comparison
Please provide an integer: 0
Please provide another: -3
the first integer is greater
$ @integer_comparison
Please provide an integer: -2000
Please provide another: 12355
the first integer is less
$ @integer_comparison
Please provide an integer: 314
Please provide another: 314
the integers have the same value


Slightly different than the Pascal example
program IntegerCompare;


  a, b: Integer;
  Readln(a, b);
  if a < b then Writeln(a, ' is less than ', b);
  if a = b then Writeln(a, ' is equal to ', b);
  if a > b then Writeln(a, ' is greater than ', b);


proc nonrec main() void:
    int a, b;
    write("Please enter two integers: ");
    read(a, b);
    if   a<b then writeln(a, " < ", b)
    elif a=b then writeln(a, " = ", b)
    elif a>b then writeln(a, " > ", b)


Translation of: Clipper
func compare(a, b) {
   if a < b {
      "A is less than B"
   } else if a > b {
      "A is more than B"
   } else {
      "A equals B"


def compare(a :int, b :int) {
  println(if (a < b)        { `$a < $b` } \
          else if (a <=> b) { `$a = $b` } \
          else if (a > b)   { `$a > $b` } \
          else              { `You're calling that an integer?` })


a = number input
b = number input
if a < b
  print "less"
if a = b
  print "equal"
if a > b
  print "greater"


  Result            := A <=> B;
  STRING ResultText := CASE (Result,1 => 'is greater than', 0 => 'is equal to','is less than');
  RETURN A + ' ' + TRIM(ResultText) + ' ' + B;

CompareThem(1,2); //Shows "1 is less than 2"
CompareThem(2,2); //Shows "2 is equal to 2"
CompareThem(2,1); //Shows "2 is greater than 1"

EDSAC order code

The EDSAC offers two conditional branching orders, E (branch if the accumulator >= 0) and G (branch if the accumulator < 0). Testing for equality thus requires two operations.

[ Integer comparison
  A program for the EDSAC
  Illustrates the use of the E
  (branch on accumulator sign
  bit clear) and G (branch on
  accumulator sign bit set)
  The integers to be tested, x
  and y, should be stored in
  addresses 13@ and 14@
  Output: the program causes the
  machine to print
    '+' if x > y,
    '=' if x = y,
    '-' if x < y.
  Works with Initial Orders 2   ]

        T56K  [ load point      ]
        GK    [ base address    ]
        O15@  [ figure shift    ]
        A13@  [ a = x           ]
        S14@  [ a -= y          ]
        G10@  [ if a<0 go to 10 ]
        S12@  [ a -= 1          ]
        E8@   [ if a>=0 go to 8 ]
        O17@  [ write '='       ]
        ZF    [ halt            ]
[  8 ]  O16@  [ write '+'       ]
        ZF    [ halt            ]
[ 10 ]  O18@  [ write '-'       ]
        ZF    [ halt            ]
[ 12 ]  P0D   [ const: 1        ]
[ 13 ]  P16D  [ x = 37          ]
[ 14 ]  P14F  [ y = 28          ]
[ 15 ]  #F    [ figure shift    ]
[ 16 ]  ZF    [ + character     ]
[ 17 ]  VF    [ = character     ]
[ 18 ]  AF    [ - character     ]
        EZPF  [ begin execution ]


since if does pattern matching the else is required to avoid the application from crashing

compare = fn (A, B) {
    if A == B {
        io.format("~p equals ~p~n", [A, B])
    else { 

    if A < B {
        io.format("~p is less than ~p~n", [A, B])
    else { 

    if A > B {
        io.format("~p is greater than ~p~n", [A, B])
    else { 

run = fn () {
    compare(5, 5)
    compare(6, 5)
    compare(4, 5)



feature {NONE} -- Initialization

			i, j: INTEGER_32
			i := io.last_integer_32

			j := io.last_integer_32

			if i < j then
				print("first is less than second%N")
			if i = j then
				print("first is equal to the second%N")
			if i > j then
				print("first is greater than second%N")


ELENA 4.x:

import extensions;
public program()
   var a := console.readLine().toInt();
   var b := console.readLine().toInt();
   if (a < b)
       { console.printLine(a," is less than ",b) };
   if (a == b)
       { console.printLine(a," equals ",b) };
   if (a > b)
       { console.printLine(a," is greater than ",b) }


{a,_} = IO.gets("Enter your first integer: ") |> Integer.parse
{b,_} = IO.gets("Enter your second integer: ") |> Integer.parse

cond do
  a < b ->
    IO.puts "#{a} is less than #{b}"
  a > b ->
    IO.puts "#{a} is greater than #{b}"
  a == b ->
    IO.puts "#{a} is equal to #{b}"

Emacs Lisp

(defun integer-comparison (a b)
  "Compare A to B and print the outcome in the message buffer."
  (interactive "nFirst integer ⇒\nnSecond integer ⇒")
    ((< a b) (message "%d is less than %d." a b))
    ((> a b) (message "%d is greater than %d." a b))
    ((= a b) (message "%d is equal to %d." a b))))

Invoke from within Emacs Lisp (or e.g., with M-:) as (integer-comparison 12 42) Or, use M-x integer-comparison RET and you'll be prompted for the two numbers.


fun main = int by List args
  int a, b
  if args.length > 1
    a = int!args[0]
    b = int!args[1]
    a = ask(int, "Enter the first integer ")
    b = ask(int, "Enter the second integer ")
  writeLine("=== a <> b is " + (a <> b) + " ===")
  if a < b do writeLine(a + " < " + b) end
  if a == b do writeLine(a + " == " + b) end
  if a > b do writeLine(a + " > " + b) end
  return 0
exit main(Runtime.args)
emal.exe Org\RosettaCode\IntegerComparison.emal
Enter the first integer 42
Enter the second integer 64
=== a <> b is -1 ===
42 < 64


main() ->
    {ok, [N]} = io:fread("First integer: ", "~d"),
    {ok, [M]} = io:fread("First integer: ", "~d"),
        N < M ->
            io:format("~b is less than ~b~n",[N,M]);
        N > M ->
            io:format("~b is greater than ~b~n",[N,M]);
        N == M ->
            io:format("~b is equal to ~b~n",[N,M])
       N =< M ->
           io:format("~b is less than or equal to ~b~n",[N,M]);
       N >= M ->
           io:format("~b is greater than or equal to ~b~n",[N,M])


include get.e

integer a,b
a = floor(prompt_number("a = ",{}))
b = floor(prompt_number("b = ",{}))

puts(1,"a is ")
if a < b then
    puts(1,"less then")
elsif a = b then
    puts(1,"equal to")
elsif a > b then
    puts(1,"grater then")
end if
puts(1," b")


Let's say you type in the values in cells A1 and B1, in C1, type in the following in a MS Excel 2010 sheet:

=IF($A1>$B1;concatenate($A1;" is greater than ";$B1);IF($A1<$B1;concatenate($A1;" is smaller than ";$B1);concatenate($A1;" is equal to ";$B1)))

In a Google Docs spreadsheet, that becomes :

=IF($A1>$B1,concatenate($A1," is greater than ",$B1),IF($A1<$B1,concatenate($A1," is smaller than ",$B1),concatenate($A1," is equal to ",$B1)))


let compare_ints a b =
    let r = 
        match a with
        | x when x < b -> -1, printfn "%d is less than %d" x b
        | x when x = b -> 0,  printfn "%d is equal to %d" x b
        | x when x > b -> 1,  printfn "%d is greater than %d" x b
        | x -> 0, printf "default condition (not reached)"
    fst r


: example ( -- ) 
readln readln [ string>number ] bi@ 
[ > [ "A > B" print ] when ]
[ < [ "A < B" print ] when ]
[ = [ "A = B" print ] when ] 2tri ;


Only equals and greater than are available.

^^ \$@$@$@$@\
>[\$," is greater than "\$,]?
\>[\$," is less than "\$,]?
=["characters are equal"]?


Uses Env.cur to access stdin and stdout.

class Main
  public static Void main ()
      Env.cur.out.print ("Enter number 1: ").flush
      num1 :=
      Env.cur.out.print ("Enter number 2: ").flush
      num2 :=

      if (num1 < num2) 
        echo ("$num1 is smaller than $num2")
      else if (num1 == num2)
        echo ("$num1 is equal to $num2")
      else if (num1 > num2)
        echo ("$num1 is greater than $num2")
    catch (Err e)
      echo ("You must enter two integers")


Func Compare =
    if a=b then !'Equal' fi;
    if a<b then !'Less than' fi;
    if a>b then !'Greater than' fi;


This example assumes you pre-populate the stack with the two integers.

l2=?vv ~<                                                        v o<
v   <>l?^"Please pre-populate the stack with the two integers."ar>l?^;
\$:@@:@)?v   v               ;oanv!!!?<
         >$n" is greater than "{r>ol1=^
/            <
\$:@@:@=?v   v           ;oanv!!!?<
         >$n" is equal to "{r>ol1=^
/            <
\$:@@:@(?v   v               ;oanv!!!?<
         >$n" is smaller than "{r>ol1=^
             >        v
/oo". "nooooo" and "n$<                                                            v o<
>"They're not equal, not greater than and not smaller than eachother... strange."ar>l?^;

The last three lines aren't really needed, because it will never become true :P but I included them to show a way to do some error checking.


To keep the example simple, the word takes the two numbers from the stack.

: compare-integers ( a b -- )
   2dup < if ." a is less than b" then
   2dup > if ." a is greater than b" then
        = if ." a is equal to b" then ;


In ALL Fortran versions (including original 1950's era) you could use an "arithmetic IF" statement to compare using subtraction:

program arithif
integer a, b

c        fortran 77 I/O statements, for simplicity
read(*,*) a, b

if ( a - b ) 10, 20, 30
10 write(*,*) a, ' is less than ', b
   goto 40

20 write(*,*) a, ' is equal to ', b
   goto 40

30 write(*,*) a, ' is greater than ', b
40 continue


In ANSI FORTRAN 66 or later you could use relational operators (.lt., .gt., .eq., etc.) and unstructured IF statements:

program compare
integer a, b
c        fortran 77 I/O statements, for simplicity
read(*,*) a, b

if (a .lt. b) write(*, *) a, ' is less than ', b
if (a .eq. b) write(*, *) a, ' is equal to ', b
if (a .gt. b) write(*, *) a, ' is greater than ', b

In ANSI FORTRAN 77 or later you can use relational operators and structured IF statements:

program compare
integer a, b
read(*,*) a, b

if (a .lt. b) then
  write(*, *) a, ' is less than ', b
else if (a .eq. b) then
  write(*, *) a, ' is equal to ', b
else if (a .gt. b) then
  write(*, *) a, ' is greater than ', b
end if


In ISO Fortran 90 or later you can use symbolic relational operators (<, >, ==, etc.)

program compare
integer :: a, b
read(*,*) a, b

if (a < b) then
  write(*, *) a, ' is less than ', b
else if (a == b) then
  write(*, *) a, ' is equal to ', b
else if (a > b) then
  write(*, *) a, ' is greater than ', b
end if

end program compare

friendly interactive shell

read a
read b

if test $a -gt $b
    echo Greater
else if test $a -lt $b
    echo Less
else if test $a -eq $b
    echo Equal


All integers in Frink can be arbitrarily large.

[a,b] = eval[input["Enter numbers",["a","b"]]]
if a<b 
   println["$a < $b"]
if a==b
   println["$a == $b"]
if a>b
   println["$a > $b"]


import console.readInt

a = readInt()
b = readInt()

val (_, c) = [((<), 'less than'), ((==), 'equal to'), ((>), 'greater than')].find( (compare, _) -> compare(a, b) ).get()

println( "$a is $c $b." )


Fōrmulæ programs are not textual, visualization/edition of programs is done showing/manipulating structures but not text. Moreover, there can be multiple visual representations of the same program. Even though it is possible to have textual representation —i.e. XML, JSON— they are intended for storage and transfer purposes more than visualization and edition.

Programs in Fōrmulæ are created/edited online in its website.

In this page you can see and run the program(s) related to this task and their results. You can also change either the programs or the parameters they are called with, for experimentation, but remember that these programs were created with the main purpose of showing a clear solution of the task, and they generally lack any kind of validation.


Fōrmulæ has an intrinsic expression for three-way comparison that works for integers and other types (decimal and rational numbers, strings, time expressions, etc). It returns expressions that flag one of the three possible results.

However, a simple function can be written for the requirement:


package main

import (

func main() {
	var n1, n2 int
	fmt.Print("enter number: ")
	if _, err := fmt.Scan(&n1); err != nil {
	fmt.Print("enter number: ")
	if _, err := fmt.Scan(&n2); err != nil {
	switch {
	case n1 < n2:
		fmt.Println(n1, "less than", n2)
	case n1 == n2:
		fmt.Println(n1, "equal to", n2)
	case n1 > n2:
		fmt.Println(n1, "greater than", n2)


Relational Operators

def comparison = { a, b ->
    println "a ? b    = ${a} ? ${b}    = a ${a < b ? '<' : a > b ? '>' : a == b ? '==' : '?'} b"


a ? b    = 2000 ? 3    = a > b
a ? b    = 2000 ? 300000    = a < b
a ? b    = 2000 ? 2000    = a == b

"Spaceship" (compareTo) Operator

Using spaceship operator and a lookup table:

final rels = [ (-1) : '<', 0 : '==', 1 : '>' ].asImmutable()
def comparisonSpaceship = { a, b ->
    println "a ? b    = ${a} ? ${b}    = a ${rels[a <=> b]} b"


a ? b    = 2000 ? 3    = a > b
a ? b    = 2000 ? 300000    = a < b
a ? b    = 2000 ? 2000    = a == b


PROCEDURE Compare( a, b )

   IF a < b
      ? "A is less than B"
   ELSEIF a > b
      ? "A is more than B"
      ? "A equals B"



myCompare :: Integer -> Integer -> String
myCompare a b
  | a < b  = "A is less than B"
  | a > b  = "A is greater than B"
  | a == b = "A equals B"
main = do
  a <- readLn
  b <- readLn
  putStrLn $ myCompare a b

However, the more idiomatic and less error-prone way to do it in Haskell would be to use a compare function that returns type Ordering, which is either LT, GT, or EQ:

myCompare a b = case compare a b of
                  LT -> "A is less than B"
                  GT -> "A is greater than B"
                  EQ -> "A equals B"


let a scan int
let b scan int

if a < b
  println a + " is less than " + b

if a > b
  println a + " is greater than " + b

if a = b
  println a + " is equal to " + b


DLG(NameEdit=a, NameEdit=b, Button='OK')
IF (a < b) THEN
    WRITE(Messagebox) a, ' is less than ', b
  ELSEIF(a == b) THEN
    WRITE(Messagebox) a, ' is equal to ', b
  ELSEIF(a > b) THEN
    WRITE(Messagebox) a, ' is greater than ', b


I64 *a, *b;
a = Str2I64(GetStr("Enter your first number: "));
b = Str2I64(GetStr("Enter your second number: "));

if (a < b)
  Print("%d is less than %d\n", a, b);

if (a == b)
  Print("%d is equal to %d\n", a, b);

if (a > b)
  Print("%d is greater than %d\n", a, b);


(def a (int (input "Enter value of a: ")))
(def b (int (input "Enter value of b: ")))

(print (cond [(< a b) "a is less than b"]
             [(> a b) "a is greater than b"]
             [(= a b) "a is equal to b"]))


software {
	a = number(read(' '))
	b = number(read())
	if a < b
		print(a, " is less than ", b)
	if a = b
		print(a, " is equal to ", b)
	if a > b
		print(a, " is greater than ", b)

Icon and Unicon

procedure main()

until integer(a) do {
   writes("Enter the first integer a := ")
   write(a := read())

until integer(b) do {
   writes("Enter the second integer b := ")
   write(b := read())
writes("Then ")
write(a," < ", a < b)
write(a," = ", a = b)
write(a," > ", a > b)
Enter the first integer a := 7
Enter the second integer b := 7
Then 7 = 7


Comparison is accomplished by the verb compare, which provides logical-numeric output.
Text elaborating the output of compare is provided by cti:

compare=: < , = , >

cti=: dyad define 
  select  =. ;@#
  English =. ' is less than ';' is equal to ';' is greater than ' 
  x (":@[, (compare select English"_), ":@]) y

Examples of use:

   4 compare 4
0 1 0
   4 cti 3
4 is greater than 3



public class compInt {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       try {
           BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

           int nbr1 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
           int nbr2 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());

               System.out.println(nbr1 + " is less than " + nbr2);

                System.out.println(nbr1 + " is greater than " + nbr2);

                System.out.println(nbr1 + " is equal to " + nbr2);
       } catch(IOException e) { }


// Using type coercion
function compare(a, b) {
  if (a==b) print(a + " equals " + b);
  if (a < b) print(a + " is less than " + b);
  if (a > b) print(a + " is greater than " + b);

// Without using type coercion and using standards
// Written for browsers
// assumption of a and b are both integers if typeof test passes
function compare (a, b) {
  if (typeof a === typeof b) {
    if (a === b) {
      document.writeln(a + " equals " + b);
    if (a < b) {
      document.writeln(a + " is less than " + b);
    if (a > b) {
      document.writeln(a + " is greater than " + b);
  } else {
    // "1" and 1 are an example of this as the first is type string and the second is type number
    print(a + "{" + (typeof a) + "} and " + b + "{" + (typeof b) + "} are not of the same type and cannot be compared.");


prompt  == "Please enter a number and <Enter>: " putchars;
newline == '\n putch;
putln   == put newline.

stdin		    # F
prompt fgets	# S F
10 strtol	    # A F
swap		    # F A
dupd		    # F A A
prompt fgets	# S F A A
10 strtol	    # B F A A
popd		    # B A A
dup		        # B B A A
rollup		    # B A B A
[<] [swap put "is less than "    putchars putln] [] ifte
[=] [swap put "is equal to "     putchars putln] [] ifte
[>] [swap put "is greater than " putchars putln] [] ifte
		        # B A


# compare/0 compares the first two items if they are numbers,
# otherwise an "uncomparable" message is emitted.

def compare:
  def english:
    if .[0] < .[1] then "less than"
    elif .[0] == .[1] then "equal to"
    else "greater than"
  if (.[0]|type) == "number" and (.[1]|type) == "number" then
        "\(.[0]) is \(english) \(.[1])"
       "\(.[0]) is uncomparable to \(.[1])"
  end ;



$ jq -s -r -f Integer_comparison.jq
1 2
1 is less than 2

$ jq -s -r -f Integer_comparison.jq
1 "a"
1 is uncomparable to a


function compare()
    int1 = readline(stdin)
    int2 = readline(stdin)
    print(int1, " is ", 
       int1 <  int2 ? "less than "    :
       int1 == int2 ? "equal to "     :
       int1 >  int2 ? "greater than " : 
       "uncomparable to",
julia> compare()
3 is less than 5


fun main() {
    val n1 = readLine()!!.toLong()
    val n2 = readLine()!!.toLong()
    println(when {
        n1 < n2 -> "$n1 is less than $n2"
        n1 > n2 -> "$n1 is greater than $n2"
        n1 == n2 -> "$n1 is equal to $n2"
        else -> ""


{def compare
 {lambda {:a :b}
  {if {< :a :b}
   then :a is lesser than :b
   else {if {> :a :b}
   then :a is greater than :b
   else :a is equal to :b}}}}

{compare 1 2}
-> 1 is lesser than 2

{compare 2 1}
-> 2 is greater than 1

{compare 1 1}
-> 1 is equal to 1


fn.print(Enter a:\s)
$a =

fn.print(Enter b:\s)
$b =

if($a < $b) {
	fn.println($a is less than $b)
}elif($a > $b) {
	fn.println($a is greater than $b)
}elif($a === $b) {
	fn.println($a is equals to $b)


	number1	= integer(web_request -> param('number1')),
	number2	= integer(web_request -> param('number2'))

#number1 < #number2 ? 'Number 1 is less than Number 2' | 'Number 1 is not less than Number 2'
'<br />'
#number1 == #number2 ? 'Number 1 is the same as Number 2' | 'Number 1 is not the same as Number 2'
'<br />'
#number1 > #number2 ? 'Number 1 is greater than Number 2' | 'Number 1 is not greater than Number 2'
// with input of 2 & 2
Number 1 is not less than Number 2
Number 1 is the same as Number 2
Number 1 is not greater than Number 2


print "Enter two numbers separated by space"
set rc [readline]
set a [index $rc 0]
set b [index $rc 1]

if {$a < $b} {print "$a is less than $b"}
if {$a == $b} {print "$a is equal to $b"}
if {$a > $b} {print "$a is greater than $b"}


Lingo programs are normally not run in the console, so interactive user input is handled via GUI. To not clutter this page with GUI creation code, here only the comparison part of the task:

on compare (a, b)
  if a < b then put a&" is less than "&b
  if a = b then put a&" is equal to "&b
  if a > b then put a&" is greater than "&b


ask question "Enter 2 numbers (comma separated)" with empty titled "Enter 2 numbers"
if it is not empty then
    put item 1 of it into num1
    put item 2 of it into num2
    if isnumber(num1) and isnumber(num2) then
        if num1 < num2 then answer num1 && "is less than" && num2
        if num1 is num2 then answer num1 && "is equal to" && num2
        if num1 > num2 then answer num1 && "is greater than" && num2

        -- alternative is to use switch case construct
            case (num1 < num2)
                answer num1 && "is less! than" && num2; break
            case (num1 > num2) 
                answer num1 && "is greater! than" && num2; break
            case (num1 = num2)
                answer num1 && "equal! to" && num2
        end switch
    end if
end if


Note, this targets the mingw-32 ABI.

Library: cstdlib
; ModuleID = 'test.o'
;e means little endian
;p: { pointer size : pointer abi : preferred alignment for pointers }
;i same for integers
;v is for vectors
;f for floats
;a for aggregate types
;s for stack objects
;n: {size:size:size...}, best integer sizes 
target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-f80:32:32-n8:16:32"
;this was compiled with mingw32; thus it must be linked to a compatible c library
target triple = "i386-mingw32"

; Declare string constants
@.str = private constant [6 x i8] c"%d %d\00", align 1 ; <[6 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@.str1 = private constant [20 x i8] c"%d is less than %d\0A\00", align 1 ; <[20 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@.str2 = private constant [19 x i8] c"%d is equal to %d\0A\00", align 1 ; <[19 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@.str3 = private constant [23 x i8] c"%d is greater than %d\0A\00", align 1 ; <[23 x i8]*> [#uses=1]

;Declare main function (entry point). It does not throw any exceptions, and returns an integer of size 32.
define i32 @main() nounwind {
;Entry block
  ;Allocate the first integer, register %a will point to that
  %a = alloca i32, align 4                        ; <i32*> [#uses=4]
  ;Allocate the second integer, register %b will point to that
  %b = alloca i32, align 4                        ; <i32*> [#uses=4]
  ;Use the C standard library function scanf() to obtain input from users.
  ;Scanf takes a pointer to the string constant @.str, "%d %d\00", which will take two integers from the user.
  ;getelementptr basically does pointer math, in this case, no ptr math is required (we point to the beginning of @.str).
  ;Pass %a and %b, which are pointers to integers allocated previously.
  ;Scanf will store the two integers into the memory locations represented by %a and %b
  %0 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @scanf(i8* noalias getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i32* %a, i32* %b) nounwind ; <i32> [#uses=0]
  ;Load the integer pointed to by %a and %b into registers %1 and %2 respectively
  %1 = load i32* %a, align 4                      ; <i32> [#uses=3]
  %2 = load i32* %b, align 4                      ; <i32> [#uses=3]
  ;Boolean register which represents if %1 is less than to %2
  %3 = icmp slt i32 %1, %2                        ; <i1> [#uses=1]
  ;If %1 is less than to %2, goto branch %bb, otherwise, goto %bb1
  br i1 %3, label %bb, label %bb1

;If integer %1 is less than %2
bb:                                               ; preds = %entry
  ;Use the C standard library function printf to output information to users
  ;Print @.str1, "%d is less than %d\0A\00"
  ;Additionally, pass the integers %1 and %2 to printf, to be formatted into the string
  %4 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* noalias getelementptr inbounds ([20 x i8]* @.str1, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %1, i32 %2) nounwind ; <i32> [#uses=0]
  ;Continue on to %bb1, to check for equality of the two integers
  br label %bb1

;Continue checking if the integers are equal
bb1:                                              ; preds = %bb, %entry
  ;Boolean register which represents if %1 is equal to %2
  %5 = icmp eq i32 %1, %2                         ; <i1> [#uses=1]
  ;If %1 is equal to %2, goto branch %bb2, otherwise, goto %bb3
  br i1 %5, label %bb2, label %bb3

;If integer %1 is equal to %2
bb2:                                              ; preds = %bb1
  ;Use the C standard library function printf to output information to users
  ;Print @.str2 "%d is equal to %d\0A\00"
  ;Additionally, pass the integers %1 and %2 to printf, to be formatted into the string
  %6 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* noalias getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8]* @.str2, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %1, i32 %2) nounwind ; <i32> [#uses=0]
  ;Continue on to %bb3, to check if %1 is greater than %2
  br label %bb3

;Continue checking if %1 is greater than %2
bb3:                                              ; preds = %bb2, %bb1
  ;Boolean register which represents if %1 is greater than %2
  %7 = icmp sgt i32 %1, %2                      ; <i1> [#uses=1]
  ;If %1 is greather than %2, goto branch %bb4, otherwise, goto %bb5
  br i1 %7, label %bb4, label %bb5

;If integer %1 is greater than %2
bb4:                                              ; preds = %bb3
  ;Use the C standard library function printf to output information to users
  ;Print @.str3 "%d is greater than %d\0A\00"
  ;Additionally, pass the integers %1 and %2 to printf, to be formatted into the string
  %8 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* noalias getelementptr inbounds ([23 x i8]* @.str3, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %1, i32 %2) nounwind ; <i32> [#uses=0]
  ;Return 0 for the main function, indicating program executed successfully
  ret i32 0

bb5:                                              ; preds = %bb3
  ;Return 0 for the main function, indicating program executed successfully
  ret i32 0

;Declare external fuctions
declare i32 @scanf(i8* nocapture, ...) nounwind

declare i32 @printf(i8* nocapture, ...) nounwind

to compare :a :b
  if :a = :b [(print :a [equals] :b)]
  if :a < :b [(print :a [is less than] :b)]
  if :a > :b [(print :a [is greater than] :b)]

Each infix operator has prefix synonyms (equalp, equal?, lessp, less?, greaterp, greater?), where the 'p' stands for "predicate" as in Lisp.


avec SI

(* Comparaison de deux entiers en LSE (LSE-2000) *)
LIRE ['Entrez un premier entier:',U] A
LIRE ['Entrez un second  entier:',U] B
    AFFICHER [U,' est plus petit que ',U,/] A, B
    AFFICHER [U,' est égale à ',U,/] A, B
    AFFICHER [U,' est plus grand que ',U,/] A, B


(* Comparaison de deux entiers en LSE (LSE-2000) *)
LIRE ['Entrez un premier entier:',U] A
LIRE ['Entrez un second  entier:',U] B
    QUAND A < B
        AFFICHER [U,' est plus petit que ',U,/] A, B
    QUAND A = B
        AFFICHER [U,' est égale à ',U,/] A, B
        AFFICHER [U,' est plus grand que ',U,/] A, B

avec SI..IS

(* Comparaison de deux entiers en LSE (LSE-2000) *)
LIRE ['Entrez un premier entier:',U] A
LIRE ['Entrez un second  entier:',U] B
AFFICHER [U, U, U, /] A, \
	SI A < B ALORS ' est plus petit que ' SINON \
	SI A = B ALORS ' est égale à ' SINON \
	SI A > B ALORS ' est plus grand que ' SINON '?' IS IS IS, B


over : 2 pick
2dup : over over

compare : 2dup = then " equals"
compare : 2dup < then " is less than"
compare : 2dup > then " is more than"

show : compare rot , sp ,t sp , nl


print('Enter the first number: ')
a = tonumber(io.stdin:read())
print('Enter the second number: ')
b = tonumber(io.stdin:read())

if a < b then print(a .. " is less than " .. b) end
if a > b then print(a .. " is greater than " .. b) end
if a == b then print(a .. " is equal to " .. b) end

In lua, a double equals symbol is required to test for equality. A single equals sign is used for assignment, and will cause an error during jit precompilation, if it is used within a boolean expression:

-- if a = b then print("This will not work")


CompareNumbers := proc( )
    local a, b;
    printf( "Enter a number:> " );
    a := parse(readline());
    printf( "Enter another number:> " );
    b := parse(readline());
    if a < b then
        printf("The first number is less than the second");
    elif a = b then
        printf("The first number is equal to the second");
    elif a > b then
        printf("The first number is greater than the second");
    end if;
end proc:


Mathematica / Wolfram Language

a=Input["Give me the value for a please!"];
b=Input["Give me the value for b please!"];
If[a==b,Print["a equals b"]]
If[a>b,Print["a is bigger than b"]]
If[a<b,Print["b is bigger than a"]]


/* all 6 comparison operators (last is "not equal") */
   [a: read("a?"), b: read("b?")],
   if a < b  then print(a, "<",  b),
   if a <= b then print(a, "<=", b),
   if a > b  then print(a, ">",  b),
   if a >= b then print(a, ">=", b),
   if a = b  then print(a, "=",  b),
   if a # b  then print(a, "#",  b))$


a = getKBValue prompt:"Enter value of a:"
b = getKBValue prompt:"Enter value of b:"
if a < b then print "a is less then b"
else if a > b then print "a is greater then b"
else if a == b then print "a is equal to b"


message "integer 1: ";
a1 := scantokens readstring;
message "integer 2: ";
a2 := scantokens readstring;
if a1 < a2:
  message decimal a1 & " is less than " & decimal a2
elseif a1 > a2:
  message decimal a1 & " is greater than " & decimal a2
elseif a1 = a2:
  message decimal a1 & " is equal to " & decimal a2


Works with: min version 0.19.3
"$1 is $2 $3."
("Enter an integer" ask) 2 times over over
  ((>) ("greater than"))
  ((<) ("less than"))
  ((==) ("equal to"))
) case
' append prepend % print


integer1 = input("Please Input Integer 1:").val
integer2 = input("Please Input Integer 2:").val
if integer1 < integer2 then print integer1 + " is less than " + integer2
if integer1 == integer2 then print integer1 + " is equal to " + integer2
if integer1 > integer2 then print integer1 + " is greater than " + integer2


-	ЗН	С/П

Input: a ^ b

Output: 1 (a > b) | -1 (a < b) | 0 (a = b)


This reads the two numbers from 'standard input' or similar, and outputs the results to 'standard output' or equivalent. Note that ML/I only has tests for equality, greater-than, and greater-than-or-equal.

"" Integer comparison
"" assumes macros on input stream 1, terminal on stream 2
%A1. is equal to %A2.
%A1. is greater than %A2.
%L2.MCGO L3 IF %A1. GE %A2.
%A1. is less than %A2.
~MCSET S10=2


Some simple error checking is included.

// main registers
p	IS	$255	% pointer
pp	GREG		% backup for p
A	GREG		% first int
B	GREG		% second int

// arg registers
argc	IS	$0
argv	IS	$1

	LOC	Data_Segment
ERR	BYTE	"Wrong number of arguments",#a,0
ILLH	BYTE	"Argument -> ",0
ILLT	BYTE	" <- contains an illegal character",#a,0
LT	BYTE	"A is less than B",#a,0
EQ	BYTE	"A equals B",#a,0
GT	BYTE	"A is greater than B",#a,0

	LOC	#1000
// call: p points to the start of a 0-terminated numeric string
//       leading chars + and - are allowed
//       reg $72   0 if negative int
//	 reg $73   gen. purpose 
// return: reg $70 contains integer value
readInt	XOR	$70,$70,$70	% reset result reg: N=0.
	LDA	pp,p		% remember &p
	LDBU	$72,p
	CMP	$73,$72,'+'	% ignore '+'
	BZ	$73,2F
	CMP	$72,$72,'-'
	BNZ	$72,1F
2H	INCL	p,1
				% repeat
3H	CMP	$73,$71,'0'	%  if c < '0' or c > '9'
	BN	$73,4F		%  then print err and halt program 
	CMP	$73,$71,'9'
	BP	$73,4F
	SUB	$71,$71,'0'	%  'extract' number	
	MUL	$70,$70,10
	ADD	$70,$70,$71	%  N = 10 * N + digit
	INCL	p,1
1H	LDBU	$71,p		%  get next digit
	PBNZ	$71,3B		% until end of string
	CMP	$72,$72,0
	BNZ	$72,2F		% if marked negative
	NEG	$70,$70		%  then make negative
2H	GO	$127,$127,0	% return (N)

	TRAP	0,Fputs,StdErr
	LDA	p,pp
	TRAP	0,Fputs,StdErr
	TRAP	0,Fputs,StdErr
	TRAP	0,Halt,0	

// entrance of program
// e.g. ~> mmix compare2ints A B
Main	CMP	p,argc,3	% main (argc, argv) {
	BZ	p,1F		%  if argc == 3 then continue
	LDA	p,ERR		%  else print wrong number of args
	TRAP	0,Fputs,StdErr
	TRAP	0,Halt,0
// get ints A and B
1H	LDOU	p,argv,8	% fetch addres of first int
	GO	$127,readInt	% read int A
	ADD	A,$70,0

	LDOU	p,argv,16
	GO	$127,readInt	% read int B
	ADD	B,$70,0

// perform comparison
	CMP	A,A,B		% case compare A B
	BN	A,2F		% LT:   print 'LT' 
	BZ	A,2F		% EQ:   print 'EQ'
	LDA	p,GT		% _ :   print 'GT'
2H	TRAP	0,Fputs,StdOut	% print result
	TRAP	0,Halt,0

Example of use:

~/MIX/MMIX/Progs> mmix compare2ints 121 122
A is less than B

~/MIX/MMIX/Progs> mmix compare2ints 121 121
A equals B

~/MIX/MMIX/Progs> mmix compare2ints 121 120
A is greater than B

~/MIX/MMIX/Progs> mmix compare2ints -121 -122
A is greater than B

~/MIX/MMIX/Progs> mmix compare2ints -121 -121
A equals B

~/MIX/MMIX/Progs> mmix compare2ints -121 -120
A is less than B


MODULE IntCompare;



  InOut.WriteInt(A, 1);

    InOut.WriteString(' is less than ')
    InOut.WriteString(' is equal to ')
    InOut.WriteString(' is greater than ')
  InOut.WriteInt(B, 1);
END IntCompare.





  a := GetInt();
  b := GetInt();
  IF a < b THEN
    Put(Int(a) & " is less than " & Int(b) & "\n");
  ELSIF a = b THEN
    Put(Int(a) & " is equal to " & Int(b) & "\n");
  ELSIF a > b THEN
    Put(Int(a) & " is greater than " & Int(b) & "\n");
END Main.


 READ !,"Enter an integer to test: ",A
 READ !,"Enter another integer: ",B
 IF (+A\1'=A)!(+B\1'=B) WRITE !!,"Please enter two integers.",! GOTO INTCOMPREAD
 IF A<B WRITE !,A," is less than ",B
 IF A=B WRITE !,A," is equal to ",B
 IF A>B WRITE !,A," is greater than ",B
Enter an integer to test: 43
Enter another integer: 44
43 is less than 44
Enter an integer to test: 44
Enter another integer: 43
44 is greater than 43
Enter an integer to test: 2
Enter another integer: 2
2 is equal to 2


print "enter first integer:  "
first = int(input())
print "enter second integer: "
second = int(input())

if first = second
	println "the two integers are equal"
else if first < second
	println first + " is less than " + second
else if first > second
	println first + " is greater than " + second


Showing both the use of comparison operators and the .Net Int32.CompareTo() method.

using System;
using System.Console;

module IntComp
    Main() : void
        def ReadInt() : int {Int32.Parse(ReadLine())}
        def WriteResult(x : int, y : int, res : string) : void 
        {WriteLine($"$x is $res $y")}
        def a = ReadInt();
        def b = ReadInt();
            |a when a > b  => WriteResult(a, b, "greater than")
            |a when a < b  => WriteResult(a, b, "less than")
            |a when a == b => WriteResult(a, b, "equal to")
        def x = a.CompareTo(b);
            |x when x > 0  => WriteResult(a, b, "greater than")
            |x when x < 0  => WriteResult(a, b, "less than")
            |x when x == 0 => WriteResult(a, b, "equal to")


/* NetRexx */
options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary

numL = 0
numR = 0
loop label running forever
  say 'Provide two integers [or anything else to stop]:'
  parse ask numL numR .
  if \numL.datatype('w') | \numR.datatype('w') then leave running
  if numL < numR then say numL 'is less than' numR
  if numL = numR then say numL 'is equal to' numR
  if numL > numR then say numL 'is greater than' numR
  end running



(print "Please enter the first number: ")
(set 'A (int (read-line)))
(print "Please enter the second number: ")
(set 'B (int (read-line)))
"The first one is "
        ((> A B) "greater than")
        ((= A B) "equal to")
        (true "less than"))
" the second.")


import rdstdin, strutils
var a = parseInt(readLineFromStdin "Enter value of a: ")
var b = parseInt(readLineFromStdin "Enter value of b: ")

if a < b:
  echo "a is less than b"
elif a > b:
  echo "a is greater than b"
elif a == b:
  echo "a is equal to b"


Pure NSIS (Using IntCmp directly)

Function IntergerComparison
	Push $0
	Push $1
	StrCpy $0 8
	StrCpy $1 2
	IntCmp $0 $1 Equal Val1Less Val1More
	DetailPrint "$0 = $1"
	Goto End
	DetailPrint "$0 < $1"
	Goto End
	DetailPrint "$0 > $1"
	Goto End
	Pop $1
	Pop $0

Using LogicLib (bundled library)

Library: LogicLib
Function IntegerComparison
	Push $0
	Push $1
	StrCpy $0 8
	StrCpy $1 2
	${If} $0 == $1
		DetailPrint "$0 = $1"
	${ElseIf} $0 < $1
		DetailPrint "$0 < $1"
	${ElseIf} $0 > $1
		DetailPrint "$0 > $1"
	Pop $1
	Pop $0


[First Second] | each {input $"($in) integer: "| into int} | [
	[($in.0 < $in.1) "less than"]
	[($in.0 == $in.1) "equal to"]
	[($in.0 > $in.1) "greater than"]
] | each {if $in.0 {$"The first integer is ($in.1) the second integer."}} | str join "\n"


MODULE Compare;

   IMPORT In, Out;

   VAR a,b: INTEGER;

   IF a < b THEN
      Out.String(" is less than ");
   ELSIF a = b THEN
      Out.String(" is equal to ");
   ELSIF a > b THEN
      Out.String(" is greater than ");
END Compare.


bundle Default {
  class IntCompare {
    function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
      a := Console->GetInstance()->ReadString()->ToInt();
      b := Console->GetInstance()->ReadString()->ToInt();

      if (a < b) {
        Console->GetInstance()->Print(a)->Print(" is less than ")->PrintLine(b);

      if (a = b) {
        Console->GetInstance()->Print(a)->Print(" is equal than ")->PrintLine(b);

      if (a > b) {
        Console->GetInstance()->Print(a)->Print(" is greater than ")->PrintLine(b);


let my_compare a b =
  if      a < b then "A is less than B"
  else if a > b then "A is greater than B"
  else if a = b then "A equals B"
  else "cannot compare NANs"

let () =
  let a = read_int ()
  and b = read_int () in
  print_endline (my_compare a b)


printf("Enter a: ");
a = scanf("%d", "C");
printf("Enter b: ");
b = scanf("%d", "C");
if (a > b)
  disp("a greater than b");
elseif (a == b)
  disp("a equal to b");
elseif (a < b)
  disp("a less than b");


import: console

: cmpInt
| a b |
   doWhile: [ System.Console askln asInteger dup ->a isNull ]
   doWhile: [ System.Console askln asInteger dup ->b isNull ]

   a b <  ifTrue: [ System.Out a << " is less than " << b << cr ]
   a b == ifTrue: [ System.Out a << " is equal to " << b << cr ]
   a b >  ifTrue: [ System.Out a << " is greater than " << b << cr ] ;


(define (compare a b)
  (cond ((< a b) "A is less than B")
        ((> a b) "A is greater than B")
        ((= a b) "A equals B")))

(print (compare 1 2))
; ==> A is less than B

(print (compare 2 2))
; ==> A equals B

(print (compare 3 2))
; ==> A is greater than B

; manual user input:
(print (compare (read) (read)))


  Open(text file)

Txt = class from Open.file Open.text end
Stdout = {New Open.file init(name:stdout)}
Stdin  = {New Txt init(name:stdin)}

proc{Print Msg} 
  {Stdout write(vs:Msg)}

fun{GetInt Prompt}
  {Print Prompt}
  {StringToInt {Stdin getS($)}}

Int1 = {GetInt "Enter 1st Integer:"}
Int2 = {GetInt "Enter 2nd Integer:"}

if(Int1  < Int2) then {Print Int1#" less than "#Int2} end
if(Int1  > Int2) then {Print Int1#" greater than "#Int2} end
if(Int1 == Int2) then {Print Int1#" equal to "#Int2} end

{Application.exit 0}


if(a<b, print(a" < "b));
if(a==b, print(a" = "b));
if(a>b, print(a" > "b));


program compare(input, output);

 a, b: integer;

  write('Input an integer number: ');
  write('Input another integer number: ');
  if (a < b) then writeln(a, ' is less than ', b);
  if (a = b) then writeln(a, ' is equal to ', b);
  if (a > b) then writeln(a, ' is greater than ', b);


  var (a,b) := ReadInteger2('Enter a,b:');
  if a < b then
    Println($'{a} is less then {b}')
  else if a > b then
    Println($'{a} is greater then {b}')
  else Println($'{a} is equal to then {b}')


Works with: Perl version 5.x

Separate tests for less than, greater than, and equals

sub test_num {
    my $f = shift;
    my $s = shift;
    if ($f < $s){
        return -1; # returns -1 if $f is less than $s
    } elsif ($f > $s) {
        return 1; # returns 1 if $f is greater than $s
    } elsif ($f == $s) {
# = operator is an assignment
# == operator is a numeric comparison
       return 0; # returns 0 $f is equal to $s

All three tests in one. If $f is less than $s return -1, greater than return 1, equal to return 0

sub test_num {
    return $_[0] <=> $_[1];

Note: In Perl, $a and $b are (kind of) reserved identifiers for the built-in sort function. It's good style to use more meaningful names, anyway.

# Get input, test and display
print "Enter two integers: ";
($x, $y) = split ' ', <>;
print $x, (" is less than ", " is equal to ",
           " is greater than ")[test_num($x, $y) + 1], $y, "\n";


Library: Phix/basics
atom a = prompt_number("first number:",{}),
     b = prompt_number("second number:",{})
printf(1,"%g is ",a)
if a < b then
    puts(1,"less than")
elsif a = b then
    puts(1,"equal to")
elsif a > b then
    puts(1,"greater than")
end if
printf(1," %g",b)


/# Rosetta Code problem:
by Galileo, 10/2022 #/

"Enter first number: " input tonum nl
"Enter second number: " input tonum nl

over over -
rot print " is " print
/# dup 0 < if drop "less" else 0 > if "greater" else "equal" endif endif #/
dup 0 < if drop "less" else dup 0 > if drop "greater" else dup 0 == if drop "equal" endif endif endif
print " than " print print
Enter first number: 5
Enter second number: 1
5 is greater than 1
=== Press any key to exit ===


module intergertest;

extern printf;
extern scanf;

@Integer main [
	var a = 0;
	var b = 0;
	scanf("%i %i", ref (a), ref (b));
	if (a < b)
		printf("%i is less than %i\n", a::get, b::get);
	if (a == b)
		printf("%i is equal to %i\n", a::get, b::get);
	if (a > b)
		printf("%i is greater than %i\n", a::get, b::get);
	return 0;



echo "Enter an integer [int1]: ";
fscanf(STDIN, "%d\n", $int1);
if(!is_numeric($int1)) {
  echo "Invalid input; terminating.\n";
  exit(1);      // return w/ general error

echo "Enter an integer [int2]: ";
fscanf(STDIN, "%d\n", $int2);
if(!is_numeric($int2)) {
  echo "Invalid input; terminating.\n";
  exit(1);      // return w/ general error

// now $int1 and $int2 are numbers.
// for simplicity, this does not explicitly examine types

if($int1 < $int2)
  echo "int1 < int2\n";
if($int1 == $int2)
  echo "int1 = int2\n";
if($int1 > $int2)
  echo "int1 > int2\n";


Note that this works from the command-line interface only, whereas PHP is usually executed as wp:Common_Gateway_Interface CGI.


(prin "Please enter two values: ")

(in NIL  # Read from standard input
   (let (A (read)  B (read))
         "The first one is "
            ((> A B) "greater than")
            ((= A B) "equal to")
            (T "less than") )
         " the second." ) ) )
Please enter two values: 4 3
The first one is greater than the second.


int main(int argc, array(int) argv){
   if(argc != 3){
      write("usage: `pike compare-two-ints.pike <x> <y>` where x and y are integers.\n");
      return 0;
   int a = argv[1];
   int b = argv[2];

   if(a > b) {
      write(a + " is greater than " + b + "\n");
   } else if (a < b) {
      write(a + " is less than " + b + "\n");
   } else {
      write(a + " is equal to " + b + "\n");


declare (a, b) fixed binary;

get list (a, b);
if a = b then
   put skip list ('The numbers are equal');
if a > b then
   put skip list ('The first number is greater than the second');
if a < b then
   put skip list ('The second number is greater than the first');

Plain English

To run:
Start up.
Write "Enter the first number: " to the console without advancing.
Read a first number from the console.
Write "Enter the second number: " to the console without advancing.
Read a second number from the console.
If the first number is less than the second number, write "Less than!" to the console.
If the first number is the second number, write "Equal!" to the console.
If the first number is greater than the second number, write "Greater than!" to the console.
Wait for the escape key.
Shut down.


;;; Comparison procedure
define compare_integers(x, y);
if x > y then
   printf('x is greater than y\n');
elseif x < y then
   printf('x is less than y\n');
elseif x = y then
   printf('x equals y\n');

;;; Setup token reader
vars itemrep;
incharitem(charin) -> itemrep;

;;; Read numbers and call comparison procedure
compare_integers(itemrep(), itemrep());


$a = [int] (Read-Host a)
$b = [int] (Read-Host b)

if ($a -lt $b) {
    Write-Host $a is less than $b`.
} elseif ($a -eq $b) {
    Write-Host $a is equal to $b`.
} elseif ($a -gt $b) {
    Write-Host $a is greater than $b`.


#!/usr/bin/env python
a = input('Enter value of a: ')
b = input('Enter value of b: ')

if a < b:
    print 'a is less than b'
elif a > b:
    print 'a is greater than b'
elif a == b:
    print 'a is equal to b'

(Note: in Python3 input() will become int(input()))

An alternative implementation could use a Python dictionary to house a small dispatch table to be indexed by the results of the built-in cmp() function. cmp() returns a value suitable for use as a comparison function in a sorting algorithm: -1, 0 or 1 for <, = or > respectively. Thus we could use:

Works with: Python version 2.x only, not 3.x
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
   a = input('Enter value of a: ')
   b = input('Enter value of b: ')
except (ValueError, EnvironmentError), err:
   print sys.stderr, "Erroneous input:", err

dispatch = {
    -1: 'is less than',
     0: 'is equal to',
     1: 'is greater than'
 print a, dispatch[cmp(a,b)], b

In this case the use of a dispatch table is silly. However, more generally in Python the use of dispatch dictionaries or tables is often preferable to long chains of elif' clauses in a condition statement. Python's support of classes and functions (including currying, partial function support, and lambda expressions) as first class objects obviates the need for a "case" or "switch" statement.


$ "Please enter two numbers separated by a space; "
input quackery cr
say "The first number is "
[ 2dup > iff [ say "larger than" ] done
  2dup = iff [ say "equal to" ] done
  2dup < if  [ say "smaller than" ] ]
say " the second number." cr

Testing in the Quackery shell (REPL).

/O> $ "Please enter two numbers separated by a space; "
... input quackery cr
... say "The first number is "
... [ 2dup > iff [ say "larger than" ] done
...   2dup = iff [ say "equal to" ] done
...   2dup < if  [ say "smaller than" ] ]
... 2drop
... say " the second number." cr
Please enter two numbers separated by a space; 4 2 

The first number is larger than the second number.

Stack empty.


print("insert number a")
a <- scan(what=numeric(0), nmax=1)
print("insert number b")
b <- scan(what=numeric(0), nmax=1)
if ( a < b ) {
  print("a is less than b")
} else if ( a > b ) {
  print("a is greater than b")
} else if ( a == b ) { # could be simply else of course...
  print("a and b are the same")


#lang racket
(define (compare-two-ints a b)
  (define compared
    (cond ((> a b) "is greated than")
          ((= a b) "equals")
          ((< a b) "is lesser than")))
  (format "~a ~a ~a" a compared b))
(compare-two-ints (read) (read))


(formerly Perl 6)

my $a = prompt("1st int: ").floor;
my $b = prompt("2nd int: ").floor;

if $a < $b {
    say 'Less';
elsif $a > $b {
    say 'Greater';
elsif $a == $b {
    say 'Equal';

With <=>:

say <Less Equal Greater>[($a <=> $b) + 1];

A three-way comparison such as <=> actually returns an Order enum which stringifies into 'Decrease', 'Increase' or 'Same'. So if it's ok to use this particular vocabulary, you could say that this task is actually a built in:

say prompt("1st int: ") <=> prompt("2nd int: ");


output: "Enter two integers, a and b"
input: a
input: b

  when a > b:
    output: "a is greater than b"
  when a < b:
    output: "a is less than b"
  when a = b:
    output: "a is equal to b"


"Enter the first number: "  print
expect trim  1.1 prefer as $a
"Enter the second number: " print
expect trim  1.1 prefer as $b
$a $b < if  $b $a "%g is less than %g\n" print
$a $b > if  $b $a "%g is greater than %g\n" print
$a $b = if  $b $a "%g is equal to %g\n" print


	Title: "Comparing Two Integers"

a: ask "First integer? "  b: ask "Second integer? "

relation: [
	a < b "less than"  
	a = b "equal to"  
	a > b "greater than"
print [a "is"  case relation  b]


There is no input, so numbers have to be given in code

set a = 15
set b = 21
if a > b
' a is bigger than b
if b > a 
' b is bigger than a
' a is equal to b
end if
end if


Translation of: REBOL
Red [
    Title: "Comparing Two Integers"
    Date: 2021-10-25

a: to-integer ask "First integer? " b: to-integer ask "Second integer? "

relation: [
    a < b "less than"
    a = b "equal to"
    a > b "greater than"
print [a "is" case relation b]


let my_compare = (a, b) => {
  if a < b { "A is less than B" } else
  if a > b { "A is greater than B" } else
  if a == b { "A equals B" }
  else { "cannot compare NANs" }

let a = int_of_string(Sys.argv[2])
let b = int_of_string(Sys.argv[3])

Js.log(my_compare(a, b))
$ bsc compint.res >
$ node 4 2
A is greater than B
$ node 2 3
A is less than B
$ node 1 1
A equals B


Taking the numbers from the stack:

:example (ab-)
  dup-pair gt? [ 'A>B s:put nl ] if
  dup-pair lt? [ 'A<B s:put nl ] if
           eq? [ 'A=B s:put nl ] if ;


/*REXX program  prompts  for  two integers,   compares them,  and  displays the results.*/
numeric digits 2000                              /*for the users that really go ka─razy.*/
@=copies('─', 20)                                /*eyeball catcher for the user's eyen. */
a=getInt(@  'Please enter your 1st integer:')    /*obtain the 1st integer from the user.*/
b=getInt(@  'Please enter your 2nd integer:')    /*   "    "  2nd    "      "   "    "  */
      if a<b  then say  @   a    ' is less than '        b
      if a=b  then say  @   a    ' is equal to '         b
      if a>b  then say  @   a    ' is greater than '     b
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
getInt:       do forever;     say                /*keep prompting the user until success*/
                              say arg(1)         /*display the prompt message to console*/
              parse pull x                       /*obtain  X,  and keep its case intact.*/
                 when x=''               then call serr "No argument was entered."
                 when words(x)>1         then call serr 'Too many arguments entered.'  x
                 when \datatype(x, 'N')  then call serr "Argument isn't numeric:"      x
                 when \datatype(x, 'W')  then call serr "Argument isn't an integer:"   x
                 otherwise    return x           /* [↑]  Eureka!   Return # to invoker. */
                 end   /*select*/
              end      /*forever*/
serr:  say @  '***error*** '    arg(1);        say @  "Please try again.";          return
output   (shows user input and computer program output together):
──────────────────── Please enter your 1st integer:
bupkis                            ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.
──────────────────── ***error***  Argument isn't numeric: bupkis
──────────────────── Please try again.

──────────────────── Please enter your 1st integer:
1 2                               ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.       
──────────────────── ***error***  Too many arguments entered.
──────────────────── Please try again.

──────────────────── Please enter your 1st integer:
5.77                              ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.
──────────────────── ***error***  Argument isn't an integer: 5.77
──────────────────── Please try again.

──────────────────── Please enter your 1st integer:
-6                                ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.

──────────────────── Please enter your 2nd integer:
19.00                             ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.

──────────────────── -6  is less than  19.00


Func Compare a,b
   if a < b
      See "A is less than B"
   but a > b
      See "A is more than B"
      See "A equals B"


Minimized Rockstar:

(Get two numbers from user)
Listen to Number One
Listen to Number Two
(Check if n1 > n2)
If Number One is greater than Number Two
Say "The first is greater than the second"

(Check if n1 = n2)
If Number One is Number Two
Say "The Numbers are equal"

(Check if n1 < n2)
If Number One is less than Number Two
Say "The first is less than the second"

Idiomatic version:

Listen to your soul
Listen to my words

If your soul is my words, 
Say "They're the same"

If your soul is stronger than my words,
Say "The first was bigger"

If your soul is smaller than my words, 
Say "The second was bigger".


Two integers are passed as parameters. Because the command line casts numeric literals as packed(15,5), calling from the command line requires the user to specify the 8 nybbles in hexadecimal form:

CALL rc_intcmp (x'00000000' x'00000001')

     h dftactgrp(*no)

     d                 pi
     d integer1                      10i 0
     d integer2                      10i 0

     d message         s             50a

       if integer1 < integer2;
         message = 'Integer 1 is less than integer 2';

       if integer1 > integer2;
         message = 'Integer 1 is greater than integer 2';

       if integer1 = integer2;
         message = 'Integer 1 is equal to integer 2';

       dsply message;
       *inlr = *on;


   IF DUP2 == THEN "a = b" ROT ROT END
   IF > THEN "a > b" END
1: "a < b"


This uses Kernel#gets to get input from STDIN, and String#to_i to convert the string into an integer. (Without this conversion, Ruby would compare strings: 5 < 10 but "5" > "10".)

a = (print "enter a value for a: "; gets).to_i
b = (print "enter a value for b: "; gets).to_i

puts "#{a} is less than #{b}" if a < b
puts "#{a} is greater than #{b}" if a > b
puts "#{a} is equal to #{b}" if a == b

Another way:

a = (print "enter a value for a: "; gets).to_i
b = (print "enter a value for b: "; gets).to_i

case a <=> b
when -1; puts "#{a} is less than #{b}"
when  0; puts "#{a} is equal to #{b}"
when +1; puts "#{a} is greater than #{b}"

Example input and output:

 $ '''ruby compare.rb'''
 enter a value for a: '''5'''
 enter a value for b: '''10'''
 5 is less than 10
 $ '''ruby compare.rb'''
 enter a value for a: '''cat'''
 enter a value for b: '''dog'''
 0 is equal to 0

Translation of: Python

An alternative method, which is similar to the python version mentioned above (at the time of writing this) is:

# Function to make prompts nice and simple to abuse
def prompt str
  print str, ": "

# Get value of a
a = prompt('Enter value of a').to_i
# Get value of b
b = prompt('Enter value of b').to_i

# The dispatch hash uses the <=> operator
# When doing x<=>y:
# -1 means x is less than y
# 0 means x is equal to y
# 1 means x is greater than y
dispatch = {
  -1 => "less than",
  0 => "equal to",
  1 => "greater than"

# I hope you can figure this out
puts "#{a} is #{dispatch[a<=>b]} #{b}"


Reading from stdin into a string is cumbersome at the moment, but convenience functions will be implemented in the future.

use std::io::{self, BufRead};

fn main() {
    let mut reader = io::stdin();
    let mut buffer = String::new();
    let mut lines = reader.lock().lines().take(2);
    let nums: Vec<i32>=|string|
    let a: i32 = nums[0];
    let b: i32 = nums[1];
    if a < b {
        println!("{} is less than {}" , a , b)
    } else if a == b {
        println!("{} equals {}" , a , b)
    } else if a > b {
        println!("{} is greater than {}" , a , b)


/* Showing operators and their fortran-like equivalents. Note that ~= and ^= both mean "different" */
data _null_;
input a b;
put a= b=;
if a = b then put "a = b";
if a ^= b then put "a ^= b";
if a ~= b then put "a ~= b";
if a < b then put "a < b";
if a > b then put "a > b";
if a <= b then put "a <= b";
if a >= b then put "a >= b";
if a eq b then put "a eq b";
if a ne b then put "a ne b";
if a lt b then put "a lt b";
if a gt b then put "a gt b";
if a le b then put "a le b";
if a ge b then put "a ge b";
1 2
2 1
1 1


object IntCompare {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val a=Console.readInt
    val b=Console.readInt
    if (a < b)
      printf("%d is less than %d\n", a, b)
    if (a == b)
      printf("%d is equal to %d\n", a, b)
    if (a > b)
      printf("%d is greater than %d\n", a, b)


(define (my-compare a b)
  (cond ((< a b) "A is less than B")
        ((> a b) "A is greater than B")
        ((= a b) "A equals B")))

(my-compare (read) (read))


$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const proc: main is func
    var integer: a is 0;
    var integer: b is 0;

    if a < b then
      writeln(a <& " is less than " <& b);
    end if;

    if a = b then
      writeln(a <& " is equal to " <& b);
    end if;

    if a > b then
      writeln(a <& " is greater than " <& b);
    end if;
  end func;


Ask "Provide Any Number"

Put It into A 

Ask " Provide Another Number"

Put it into B

if A  is less than B
	Put   A&" Is less than  "  &B
end if

if A  is greater than B
	Put  A&  " is Greater than " &B
end if

If A is Equal to B
	Put A& " is Equal to " &B
End If


var a = read("a: ", Number);
var b = read("b: ", Number);

if (a < b) {
    say 'Lower';
elsif (a == b) {
    say 'Equal';
elsif (a > b) {
    say 'Greater';
% sidef numcmp.sf
a: 21
b: 42


[ |:a :b |

 ( a > b ) ifTrue: [ inform: 'a greater than b\n' ].
 ( a < b ) ifTrue: [ inform: 'a less than b\n' ].
 ( a = b ) ifTrue: [ inform: 'a is equal to b\n' ].

] applyTo: {Integer readFrom: (query: 'Enter a: '). Integer readFrom: (query: 'Enter b: ')}.


| a b |
'a = ' display. a := (stdin nextLine asInteger).
'b = ' display. b := (stdin nextLine asInteger).
( a > b ) ifTrue: [ 'a greater than b' displayNl ].
( a < b ) ifTrue: [ 'a less than b' displayNl ].
( a = b ) ifTrue: [ 'a is equal to b' displayNl ].


Comparisons in Snobol are not operators, but predicate functions that return a null string and generate a success or failure value which allows or blocks statement execution, and which can be tested for branching. Other numeric comparisons are ge (>=), le (<=) and ne (!= ). There is also a parallel set of L-prefixed predicates in modern Snobols for lexical string comparison.

*       # Get user input        
        output = 'Enter X,Y:'
        trim(input) break(',') . x ',' rem . y

        output = lt(x,y) x ' is less than ' y :s(end)
        output = eq(x,y) x ' is equal to '  y :s(end)
        output = gt(x,y) x ' is greater than ' y


There are no built-in comparison operators, but you can (destructively) check which of two adjacent cells is most positive.

++++>++++ a b !/?\<?\#  a=b
               > -  \#  a>b
               - <
          a<b #\?/


let a = 13, b = 37;
if a < b {
    print("a < b");
} else if a > b {
    print("a > b");
} else if a == b {
    print("a == b");
} else {
    print("either a or b or both are NaN");


Works with: Oracle
drop table test;

create table test(a integer, b integer);

insert into test values (1,2);

insert into test values (2,2);

insert into test values (2,1);

select to_char(a)||' is less than '||to_char(b) less_than
from test
where a < b;

select to_char(a)||' is equal to '||to_char(b) equal_to
from test
where a = b;

select to_char(a)||' is greater than '||to_char(b) greater_than
from test
where a > b;
SQL> SQL>   2    3
1 is less than 2

SQL> SQL>   2    3
2 is equal to 2

SQL> SQL>   2    3
2 is greater than 1


Works with: Db2 LUW

With SQL only:

  (1, 2),
  (2, 2),
  (2, 1);
     WHEN VAL1 < VAL2 THEN VAL1 || ' less than ' || VAL2
     WHEN VAL1 = VAL2 THEN VAL1 || ' equal to ' || VAL2
     WHEN VAL1 > VAL2 THEN VAL1 || ' greater than ' || VAL2


db2 -t
db2 (cont.) =>   VAL1 INT,
db2 (cont.) =>   VAL2 INT
db2 (cont.) => );
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 (cont.) =>   (1, 2),
db2 (cont.) =>   (2, 2),
db2 (cont.) =>   (2, 1); 
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => SELECT
db2 (cont.) =>   CASE
db2 (cont.) =>      WHEN VAL1 < VAL2 THEN VAL1 || ' less than ' || VAL2
db2 (cont.) =>      WHEN VAL1 = VAL2 THEN VAL1 || ' equal to ' || VAL2
db2 (cont.) =>      WHEN VAL1 > VAL2 THEN VAL1 || ' greater than ' || VAL2
db2 (cont.) =>   END COMPARISON
db2 (cont.) => FROM TEST;

1 less than 2                      
2 equal to 2                       
2 greater than 1                    

  3 record(s) selected.
Works with: Db2 LUW

version 9.7 or higher.

With SQL PL:


SET serveroutput ON @

    CALL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(VAL1 || ' less than ' || VAL2);
    CALL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(VAL1 || ' equal to ' || VAL2);
    CALL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(VAL1 || ' greater than ' || VAL2);
 END @


db2 -td@
db2 => SET serveroutput ON @
DB20000I  The SET SERVEROUTPUT command completed successfully.
db2 (cont.) =>  BEGIN
db2 (cont.) =>   IF (VAL1 < VAL2) THEN
db2 (cont.) =>     CALL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(VAL1 || ' less than ' || VAL2);
db2 (cont.) =>   ELSEIF (VAL1 = VAL2) THEN
db2 (cont.) =>     CALL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(VAL1 || ' equal to ' || VAL2);
db2 (cont.) =>   ELSEIF (VAL1 > VAL2) THEN
db2 (cont.) =>     CALL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(VAL1 || ' greater than ' || VAL2);
db2 (cont.) =>   END IF;
db2 (cont.) =>  END @
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => CALL COMPARISON(1, 2) @
  Return Status = 0

1 less than 2
db2 => CALL COMPARISON(2, 2) @ 
  Return Status = 0

2 equal to 2
db2 => CALL COMPARISON(2, 1) @

  Return Status = 0

2 greater than 1


The SSEM only provides one conditional operation: 011 Test, which causes execution to skip one instruction if the value in the accumulator is negative. We can use this to implement conditional tests along the lines of the following pseudocode:

            accumulator := a - b;
            if accumulator >= 0 then
                (* a is not less than b, so *)
                goto next_test
                goto less;
next_test:  accumulator := accumulator - 1;
            if accumulator >= 0 then
                goto greater
                (* a and b are equal *)
                accumulator := 0;
greater:    accumulator := 1;
less:       accumulator := -1;

To run the SSEM program, load A into storage address 21 and B into storage address 22. No additional space is used. Like the pseudocode version, the program halts with the accumulator holding 1 if A>B, 0 if A=B, or -1 if A<B.

10101000000000100000000000000000   0. -21 to c
10101000000001100000000000000000   1. c to 21
10101000000000100000000000000000   2. -21 to c
01101000000000010000000000000000   3. Sub. 22
00000000000000110000000000000000   4. Test
00001000000001000000000000000000   5. Add 16 to CI
00101000000000000000000000000000   6. 20 to CI
00001000000000010000000000000000   7. Sub. 16
00000000000000110000000000000000   8. Test
11001000000000000000000000000000   9. 19 to CI
10001000000000100000000000000000  10. -17 to c
00000000000001110000000000000000  11. Stop
01001000000000100000000000000000  12. -18 to c
00000000000001110000000000000000  13. Stop
00001000000000100000000000000000  14. -16 to c
00000000000001110000000000000000  15. Stop
10000000000000000000000000000000  16. 1
00000000000000000000000000000000  17. 0
11111111111111111111111111111111  18. -1
11010000000000000000000000000000  19. 11
10110000000000000000000000000000  20. 13

Standard ML

fun compare_integers(a, b) =
  if a < b then print "A is less than B\n"
  if a > b then print "A is greater than B\n"
  if a = b then print "A equals B\n"

 fun test () =
    open TextIO
    val SOME a = Int.fromString (input stdIn)
    val SOME b = Int.fromString (input stdIn)
    compare_integers (a, b)
    handle Bind => print "Invalid number entered!\n"

A more idiomatic and less error-prone way to do it in SML would be to use a compare function that returns type order, which is either LESS, GREATER, or EQUAL:

fun myCompare (a, b) = case (a, b) of
                  LESS    => "A is less than B"
                | GREATER => "A is greater than B"
                | EQUAL   => "A equals B"


import Cocoa

var input = NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardInput()

println("Enter two integers separated by a space: ")

let data = input.availableData
let stringArray = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)?.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
var a:Int!
var b:Int!
if (stringArray?.count == 2) {
    a = stringArray![0].integerValue
    b = stringArray![1].integerValue
if (a==b)  {println("\(a) equals \(b)")}
if (a < b) {println("\(a) is less than \(b)")}
if (a > b) {println("\(a) is greater than \(b)")}
Enter two integers separated by a space: 
234 233
234 is greater than 233


This is not how one would write this in Tcl, but for the sake of clarity:

puts "Please enter two numbers:"

gets stdin x
gets stdin y

if { $x > $y } { puts "$x is greater than $y" }
if { $x < $y } { puts "$x is less than $y" }
if { $x == $y } { puts "$x equals $y" }

Other comparison operators are "<=", ">=" and "!=".

Note that Tcl doesn't really have a notion of a variable "type" - all variables are just strings of bytes and notions like "integer" only ever enter at interpretation time. Thus the above code will work correctly for "5" and "6", but "5" and "5.5" will also be compared correctly. It will not be an error to enter "hello" for one of the numbers ("hello" is greater than any integer). If this is a problem, the type can be expressly cast

if {int($x) > int($y)} { puts "$x is greater than $y" }

or otherwise type can be checked with "if { string is integer $x }..."

Note that there is no substitution/evaluation here anywhere: entering "3*5" and "15" will parse "3*5" as a non-numerical string (like "hello") and thus the result will be "3*5 is greater than 15".

A variant that iterates over comparison operators, demonstrated in an interactive tclsh:

% set i 5;set j 6
% foreach {o s} {< "less than" > "greater than" == equal} {if [list $i $o $j] {puts "$i is $s $j"}}
5 is less than 6
% set j 5
% foreach {o s} {< "less than" > "greater than" == equal} {if [list $i $o $j] {puts "$i is $s $j"}}
5 is equal 5
% set j 4
% foreach {o s} {< "less than" > "greater than" == equal} {if [list $i $o $j] {puts "$i is $s $j"}}
5 is greater than 4


[ ( a b -- )
  2dup < [ ." a is less than b\n" ] ifTrue
  2dup > [ ." a is greater than b\n" ] ifTrue
       = [ ." a is equal to b\n" ] ifTrue
] is compare-integers

1 1 compare-integers
2 1 compare-integers
1 2 compare-integers



ASK "Please enter your first integer:": i1=""
ASK "Please enter your second integer:": i2=""

IF (i1!='digits'||i2!='digits') ERROR/STOP "Please insert digits"

IF (i1==i2) PRINT i1," is equal to     ",i2
IF (i1<i2)  PRINT i1," is less than    ",i2
IF (i1>i2)  PRINT i1," is greater than ",i2

UNIX Shell

There are multiple examples here, because each shell has a different form of the 'read' command.

Works with: ksh93
# tested with ksh93s+

builtin printf

integer a=0
integer b=0

read a?"Enter value of a: " || { print -u2 "Input of a aborted." ; exit 1 ; }
read b?"Enter value of b: " || { print -u2 "Input of b aborted." ; exit 1 ; }

if (( a < b )) ; then
    printf "%d is less than %d\n" a b
if (( a == b )) ; then
    printf "%d is equal to %d\n" a b
if (( a > b )) ; then
    printf "%d is greater than %d\n" a b

exit 0

One can backport the previous code to pdksh, which has no builtin printf, but can call /usr/bin/printf as an external program.

Works with: pdksh
# tested with pdksh

integer a=0
integer b=0

read a?"Enter value of a: " || { print -u2 "Input of a aborted." ; exit 1 ; }
read b?"Enter value of b: " || { print -u2 "Input of b aborted." ; exit 1 ; }

if (( a < b )) ; then
    printf "%d is less than %d\n" $a $b
if (( a == b )) ; then
    printf "%d is equal to %d\n" $a $b
if (( a > b )) ; then
    printf "%d is greater than %d\n" $a $b

exit 0

Works with: Bash
read -p "Enter two integers: " a b

if [ $a -gt $b ]; then comparison="greater than"
elif [ $a -lt $b ]; then comparison="less than"
elif [ $a -eq $b ]; then comparison="equal to"
else comparison="not comparable to"

echo "${a} is ${comparison} ${b}"


decl int first second
out "enter first integer:  " console
set first (in int console)
out "enter second integer: " console
set second (in int console)

if (= first second)
        out "the two integers are equal" endl console
end if
if (< first second)
        out first " is less than " second endl console
end if
if (> first second)
        out first " is greater than " second endl console
end if


  [ [>] ['less than' puts]
    [<] ['greater than' puts]
    [=] ['is equal' puts]
  ] when].

|2 3 compare
 greater than 
|3 2 compare
 less than
|2 2 compare
 is equal


void main(){
    int	a;
    int	b;

    stdout.printf("Please type in int 1\n");
    a = int.parse(stdin.read_line());

    stdout.printf("Please type in int 2\n");
    b =	int.parse(stdin.read_line());

    if (a < b)
        stdout.printf("%d is less than %d\n", a, b);
    if (a == b)
        stdout.printf("%d is equal to %d\n", a,	b);
    if (a > b)
        stdout.printf("%d is greater than %d\n", a, b);


a <- (read)
b <- (read)
prn (if (a < b)
          : "a is less than b"
        (a > b)
          : "a is greater than b"
          : "a equals b")


import "io" for Stdin, Stdout

System.print("Enter anything other than a number to quit at any time.\n")
while (true) {
    System.write("  First number  : ")
    var a = Num.fromString(Stdin.readLine())
    if (!a) break
    System.write("  Second number : ")
    var b = Num.fromString(Stdin.readLine())
    if (!b) break
    var s = (a-b).sign
    if (s < 0) {
        System.print("  %(a) < %(b)")
    } else if (s == 0) {
        System.print("  %(a) == %(b)")
    } else {
        System.print("  %(a) > %(b)")

Sample session:

Enter anything other than a number to quit at any time.

  First number  : 5
  Second number : 23
  5 < 23

  First number  : 56
  Second number : 6
  56 > 6

  First number  : 4
  Second number : 4
  4 == 4

  First number  : q


    (DISPLAY "Enter two integers separated by a space.")
    (DISPLAY "> ")
        ((> A B) (DISPLAY "The first number is larger."))
        ((= A B) (DISPLAY "They are equal."))
        ((< A B) (DISPLAY "The first number is smaller."))))


code IntIn=10, Text=12;
int A, B;
[A:= IntIn(0);
 B:= IntIn(0);
if A<B then Text(0, "A<B");
if A=B then Text(0, "A=B");
if A>B then Text(0, "A>B");


Because XSLT uses XML syntax, the less than and greater than operators which would normally be written '<' and '>' must be escaped using character entities, even inside of XPath expressions.

<xsl:template name="compare">
  <xsl:param name="a" select="1"/>
  <xsl:param name="b" select="2"/>
    <xsl:when test="$a &lt; $b">a &lt; b</xsl:when>
    <xsl:when test="$a &gt; $b">a &gt; b</xsl:when>
    <xsl:when test="$a = $b">a = b</xsl:when>


var x,y; x,y=ask("Two ints: ").split(" ").apply("toInt")
(if (x==y) "equal" else if (x<y) "less" else if(x>y) "greater").println()
Two ints: 3 2