Fractal tree: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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Added solution for Action!
Line 40: Line 40:

Action! language does not support recursion. Therefore an iterative approach with a stack has been proposed.
<lang Action!>DEFINE MAXSIZE="12"
<lang Action!>DEFINE MAXSIZE="12"

Revision as of 22:28, 23 November 2021

Fractal tree
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Generate and draw a fractal tree.

  1. Draw the trunk
  2. At the end of the trunk, split by some angle and draw two branches
  3. Repeat at the end of each branch until a sufficient level of branching is reached

Related tasks


Translation of: Nim

<lang 11l>-V

  Width = 1000
  Height = 1000
  TrunkLength = 400
  ScaleFactor = 0.6
  StartingAngle = 1.5 * math:pi
  DeltaAngle = 0.2 * math:pi

F drawTree(outfile, Float x, Float y; len, theta) -> N

  I len >= 1
     V x2 = x + len * cos(theta)
     V y2 = y + len * sin(theta)
     outfile.write("<line x1='#.6' y1='#.6' x2='#.6' y2='#.6' style='stroke:white;stroke-width:1'/>\n".format(x, y, x2, y2))
     drawTree(outfile, x2, y2, len * ScaleFactor, theta + DeltaAngle)
     drawTree(outfile, x2, y2, len * ScaleFactor, theta - DeltaAngle)

V outsvg = File(‘tree.svg’, ‘w’) outsvg.write(|‘<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no'?>

              <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' ''>
              <svg width='100%%' height='100%%' version='1.1' xmlns=''>
              <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="black"/>

drawTree(outsvg, 0.5 * Width, Height, TrunkLength, StartingAngle) outsvg.write("</svg>\n")</lang>


Action! language does not support recursion. Therefore an iterative approach with a stack has been proposed. <lang Action!>DEFINE MAXSIZE="12"


 0 4 9 13 18 22 27 31 36 40 44 49 53 58 62 66 71 75 79 83
 88 92 96 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 139 143
 147 150 154 158 161 165 168 171 175 178 181 184 187 190
 193 196 199 202 204 207 210 212 215 217 219 222 224 226
 228 230 232 234 236 237 239 241 242 243 245 246 247 248
 249 250 251 252 253 254 254 255 255 255 256 256 256 256]

INT ARRAY xStack(MAXSIZE),yStack(MAXSIZE),angleStack(MAXSIZE) BYTE ARRAY lenStack(MAXSIZE),dirStack(MAXSIZE) BYTE stacksize=[0]


 WHILE a<0 DO a==+360 OD
 WHILE a>360 DO a==-360 OD
 IF a<=90 THEN
   RETURN (SinTab(a))
   RETURN (SinTab(180-a))
   RETURN (-SinTab(a-180))
   RETURN (-SinTab(360-a))


INT FUNC Cos(INT a) RETURN (Sin(a-90))


 IF stacksize=0 THEN
   RETURN (1)



 IF stacksize=MAXSIZE THEN
   RETURN (1)


PROC Push(INT x,y,angle BYTE len,dir)

 IF IsFull() THEN Break() FI
 xStack(stacksize)=x yStack(stacksize)=y
 angleStack(stacksize)=angle lenStack(stacksize)=len


PROC Pop(INT POINTER x,y,angle BYTE POINTER len,dir)

 IF IsEmpty() THEN Break() FI
 x^=xStack(stacksize) y^=yStack(stacksize)
 angle^=angleStack(stacksize) len^=lenStack(stacksize)


PROC DrawTree(INT x,y,len,angle,leftAngle,rightAngle)

 BYTE depth,dir
 WHILE IsEmpty()=0
   IF dir<2 THEN
     IF dir=0 THEN
     IF IsFull()=0 THEN


PROC Main()

 BYTE CH=$02FC,COLOR1=$02C5,COLOR2=$02C6



Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer


Library: SDLAda

<lang Ada>with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;

with SDL.Video.Windows.Makers; with SDL.Video.Renderers.Makers; with SDL.Video.Rectangles; with SDL.Events.Events;

procedure Fractal_Tree is

  Width   : constant := 600;
  Height  : constant := 600;
  Level   : constant := 13;
  Length  : constant := 130.0;
  X_Start : constant := 475.0;
  Y_Start : constant := 580.0;
  A_Start : constant := -1.54;
  Angle_1 : constant := 0.10;
  Angle_2 : constant := 0.35;
  C_1     : constant := 0.71;
  C_2     : constant := 0.87;
  Window   : SDL.Video.Windows.Window;
  Renderer : SDL.Video.Renderers.Renderer;
  Event    : SDL.Events.Events.Events;
  procedure Draw_Tree (Level  : in Natural;
                       Length : in Float;
                       Angle  : in Float;
                       X, Y   : in Float)
     use SDL;
     use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
     Pi   : constant       := Ada.Numerics.Pi;
     X_2  : constant Float := X + Length * Cos (Angle, 2.0 * Pi);
     Y_2  : constant Float := Y + Length * Sin (Angle, 2.0 * Pi);
     Line : constant SDL.Video.Rectangles.Line_Segment
       := (( (X), (Y)), ( (X_2), (Y_2)));
     if Level > 0 then
        Renderer.Set_Draw_Colour (Colour => (0, 220, 0, 255));
        Renderer.Draw (Line => Line);
        Draw_Tree (Level - 1, C_1 * Length, Angle + Angle_1, X_2, Y_2);
        Draw_Tree (Level - 1, C_2 * Length, Angle - Angle_2, X_2, Y_2);
     end if;
  end Draw_Tree;
  procedure Wait is
     use type SDL.Events.Event_Types;
        while SDL.Events.Events.Poll (Event) loop
           if Event.Common.Event_Type = SDL.Events.Quit then
           end if;
        end loop;
        delay 0.100;
     end loop;
  end Wait;


  if not SDL.Initialise (Flags => SDL.Enable_Screen) then
  end if;
  SDL.Video.Windows.Makers.Create (Win      => Window,
                                   Title    => "Fractal tree",
                                   Position => SDL.Natural_Coordinates'(X => 10, Y => 10),
                                   Size     => SDL.Positive_Sizes'(Width, Height),
                                   Flags    => 0);
  SDL.Video.Renderers.Makers.Create (Renderer, Window.Get_Surface);
  Renderer.Set_Draw_Colour ((0, 0, 0, 255));
  Renderer.Fill (Rectangle => (0, 0, Width, Height));
  Draw_Tree (Level, Length, A_Start, X_Start, Y_Start);

end Fractal_Tree;</lang>


<lang rebol>width: 1000 height: 1000

trunkLength: 400 scaleFactor: 0.6 startingAngle: 1.5 * pi deltaAngle: 0.2 * pi

drawTree: function [out x y len theta][

   if len < 1 -> return null
   x2: x + len * cos theta
   y2: y + len * sin theta
   'out ++ ~"<line x1='|x|' y1='|y|' x2='|x2|' y2='|y2|' style='stroke: white; stroke-width:1'/>\n"
   drawTree out x2 y2 len*scaleFactor theta+deltaAngle
   drawTree out x2 y2 len*scaleFactor theta-deltaAngle


svg: {

   <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no'?>
   <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN'
   <svg width='100%%' height='100%%' version='1.1'
       <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="black"/>


drawTree svg 0.5*width height trunkLength startingAngle 'svg ++ "</svg>"

write "fractal.svg" svg</lang>


Fractal Tree output in Arturo


Image - Link, since uploads seem to be disabled currently.

Library: GDIP

<lang AutoHotkey>#SingleInstance, Force

  1. NoEnv

SetBatchLines, -1

Uncomment if Gdip.ahk is not in your standard library
#Include, Gdip.ahk

FileOut := A_Desktop "\MyNewFile.png" TreeColor := 0xff0066ff ; ARGB TrunkWidth := 10 ; Pixels TrunkLength := 80 ; Pixels Angle := 60 ; Degrees ImageWidth := 670 ; Pixels ImageHeight := 450 ; Pixels Branches := 13 Decrease := 0.81

Angle := (Angle * 0.01745329252) / 2 , Points := {} , Points[1, "Angle"] := 0 , Points[1, "X"] := ImageWidth // 2 , Points[1, "Y"] := ImageHeight - TrunkLength

if (!pToken := Gdip_Startup()) { MsgBox, 48, Gdiplus error!, Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have Gdiplus on your system. ExitApp } OnExit, Exit

pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(ImageWidth, ImageHeight) , G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap) , Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G, 4) , pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(0xff000000) , Gdip_FillRectangle(G, pBrush, -5, -5, ImageWidth + 10, ImageHeight + 10) , Gdip_DeleteBrush(pBrush) , pPen := Gdip_CreatePen(TreeColor, TrunkWidth/Decrease) , Gdip_DrawLine(G, pPen, Points.1.X, Points.1.Y, Points.1.X, ImageHeight) , Gdip_DeletePen(pPen)

Loop, % Branches { NewPoints := {} pPen := Gdip_CreatePen(TreeColor, TrunkWidth) for Each, Point in Points { N1 := A_Index * 2 , N2 := (A_Index * 2) + 1 , NewPoints[N1, "X"] := Point.X + (TrunkLength * Sin(NewPoints[N1, "Angle"] := Point.Angle - Angle)) , NewPoints[N1, "Y"] := Point.Y - (TrunkLength * Cos(NewPoints[N1].Angle)) , NewPoints[N2, "X"] := Point.X + (TrunkLength * Sin(NewPoints[N2, "Angle"] := Point.Angle + Angle)) , NewPoints[N2, "Y"] := Point.Y - (TrunkLength * Cos(NewPoints[N2].Angle)) , Gdip_DrawLine(G, pPen, Point.X, Point.Y, NewPoints[N1].X, NewPoints[N1].Y) , Gdip_DrawLine(G, pPen, Point.X, Point.Y, NewPoints[N2].X, NewPoints[N2].Y) } TrunkWidth *= Decrease , TrunkLength *= Decrease , Points := NewPoints , Gdip_DeletePen(pPen) }

Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, FileOut) , Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap) , Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G) Run, % FileOut

Exit: Gdip_Shutdown(pToken) ExitApp</lang>



Asymmetric fractal tree image created by the BASIC-256 script

<lang basic256>graphsize 300,300

level = 12 : len =63 # initial values x = 230: y = 285 rotation = pi/2

A1 = pi/27 : A2 = pi/8 # constants which determine shape C1 = 0.7 : C2 = 0.85

dim xs(level+1) : dim ys(level+1) # stacks

fastgraphics color black rect 0,0,graphwidth,graphheight refresh color green gosub tree refresh imgsave "Fractal_tree_BASIC-256.png", "PNG" end

tree: xs[level] = x : ys[level] = y gosub putline if level>0 then level = level - 1 len = len*C1 rotation = rotation - A1 gosub tree len = len/C1*C2 rotation = rotation + A1 + A2 gosub tree rotation = rotation - A2 len = len/C2 level = level + 1 end if x = xs[level] : y = ys[level] return

putline: yn = -sin(rotation)*len + y xn = cos(rotation)*len + x line x,y,xn,yn x = xn : y = yn return</lang>


<lang Run BASIC> 'Fractal Tree - for Run Basic - 29 Apr 2018

'from BASIC256 -
'copy this text and go to

WindowWidth = 500 'Run Basic max size 800 x 600 WindowHeight = 350 c = 255 '255 for white '0 for black

graphic #w, WindowWidth, WindowHeight
#w cls("black")  'black background color
#w color(c,c,c)  'changes color to white

level = 10 ' initial values leng = 50 x = 230: y = 325 ' initial values x = 230: y = 285 pi = 3.1415 rotation = 3.1415/2

'A1 = pi/27 : A2 = pi/8 ' constants which determine shape 'C1 = 0.7 : C2 = 0.85 ' tree is drifted left

A1 = pi/9 : A2 = pi/9 ' constants which determine shape C1 = 0.85 : C2 = 0.85 ' Symmetrical Tree

dim xs(level+1) : dim ys(level+1) ' stacks

print : print "Welcome to the Run BASIC Fractal Tree Program"

  1. w color("green") 'color green

gosub [tree]

render #w

' imgsave "Fractal_tree_BASIC-256.png", "PNG" Print "Thank you and goodbye" end

[tree] xs(level) = x : ys(level) = y gosub [putline] if level>0 then level = level - 1 leng = leng*C1 rotation = rotation - A1 gosub [tree] leng = leng/C1*C2 rotation = rotation + A1 + A2 gosub [tree] rotation = rotation - A2 leng = leng/C2 level = level + 1 end if x = xs(level) : y = ys(level) return

[putline] yn = -1*sin(rotation)*leng + y xn = cos(rotation)*leng + x

               #w line(x,y,xn,yn)

x = xn : y = yn return 'end of code End</lang>



<lang bbcbasic>

     Spread = 25
     Scale = 0.76
     SizeX% = 400
     SizeY% = 300
     Depth% = 10

</lang><lang bbcbasic>

     VDU 23,22,SizeX%;SizeY%;8,16,16,128
     PROCbranch(SizeX%, 0, SizeY%/2, 90, Depth%)
     DEF PROCbranch(x1, y1, size, angle, depth%)
     LOCAL x2, y2
     x2 = x1 + size * COSRAD(angle)
     y2 = y1 + size * SINRAD(angle)
     VDU 23,23,depth%;0;0;0;
     LINE x1, y1, x2, y2
     IF depth% > 0 THEN
       PROCbranch(x2, y2, size * Scale, angle - Spread, depth% - 1)
       PROCbranch(x2, y2, size * Scale, angle + Spread, depth% - 1)


<lang IS-BASIC>100 PROGRAM "Tree.bas" 110 OPTION ANGLE DEGREES 120 GRAPHICS HIRES 2 130 SET PALETTE 0,170 140 PLOT 640,10;ANGLE 90; 150 CALL TREE(200) 160 DEF TREE(N) 170 IF N<24 THEN EXIT DEF 180 PLOT FORWARD N;RIGHT 25; 190 CALL TREE(N*.75) 200 PLOT LEFT 50; 210 CALL TREE(N*.75) 220 PLOT RIGHT 25,BACK N, 230 END DEF</lang>


Library: SDL
Library: SGE


Library: cairo

<lang c>#include <SDL/SDL.h>

  1. ifdef WITH_CAIRO
  2. include <cairo.h>
  3. else
  4. include <SDL/sge.h>
  5. endif
  6. include <cairo.h>
  7. include <stdlib.h>
  8. include <time.h>
  9. include <math.h>
  1. ifdef WITH_CAIRO
  2. define PI 3.1415926535
  3. endif
  1. define SIZE 800 // determines size of window
  2. define SCALE 5 // determines how quickly branches shrink (higher value means faster shrinking)
  3. define BRANCHES 14 // number of branches
  4. define ROTATION_SCALE 0.75 // determines how slowly the angle between branches shrinks (higher value means slower shrinking)
  5. define INITIAL_LENGTH 50 // length of first branch

double rand_fl(){

 return (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;


void draw_tree(SDL_Surface * surface, double offsetx, double offsety,

              double directionx, double directiony, double size,
              double rotation, int depth) {
  1. ifdef WITH_CAIRO
 cairo_surface_t *surf = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data( surface->pixels,

surface->w, surface->h, surface->pitch );

 cairo_t *ct = cairo_create(surf);
 cairo_set_line_width(ct, 1);
 cairo_set_source_rgba(ct, 0,0,0,1);
 cairo_move_to(ct, (int)offsetx, (int)offsety);
 cairo_line_to(ct, (int)(offsetx + directionx * size), (int)(offsety + directiony * size));
  1. else
     (int)offsetx, (int)offsety,
     (int)(offsetx + directionx * size), (int)(offsety + directiony * size),
     SDL_MapRGB(surface->format, 0, 0, 0));
  1. endif
 if (depth > 0){
   // draw left branch
       offsetx + directionx * size,
       offsety + directiony * size,
       directionx * cos(rotation) + directiony * sin(rotation),
       directionx * -sin(rotation) + directiony * cos(rotation),
       size * rand_fl() / SCALE + size * (SCALE - 1) / SCALE,
       rotation * ROTATION_SCALE,
       depth - 1);

   // draw right branch
       offsetx + directionx * size,
       offsety + directiony * size,
       directionx * cos(-rotation) + directiony * sin(-rotation),
       directionx * -sin(-rotation) + directiony * cos(-rotation),
       size * rand_fl() / SCALE + size * (SCALE - 1) / SCALE,
       rotation * ROTATION_SCALE,
       depth - 1);


void render(SDL_Surface * surface){

 SDL_FillRect(surface, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(surface->format, 255, 255, 255));
     surface->w / 2.0,
     surface->h - 10.0,
     0.0, -1.0,
     PI / 8,
 SDL_UpdateRect(surface, 0, 0, 0, 0);


int main(){

 SDL_Surface * screen;
 SDL_Event evt;



 screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(SIZE, SIZE, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE);

   if (SDL_PollEvent(&evt)){
     if(evt.type == SDL_QUIT) break;
 return 0;



<lang cpp>

  1. include <windows.h>
  2. include <string>
  3. include <math.h>

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace std;

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const float PI = 3.1415926536f;

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class myBitmap { public:

   myBitmap() : pen( NULL ) {}

DeleteObject( pen ); DeleteDC( hdc ); DeleteObject( bmp );

   bool create( int w, int h )

BITMAPINFO bi; void *pBits; ZeroMemory( &bi, sizeof( bi ) ); bi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( bi.bmiHeader ); bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = sizeof( DWORD ) * 8; bi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bi.bmiHeader.biWidth = w; bi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -h;

HDC dc = GetDC( GetConsoleWindow() ); bmp = CreateDIBSection( dc, &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pBits, NULL, 0 ); if( !bmp ) return false;

hdc = CreateCompatibleDC( dc ); SelectObject( hdc, bmp ); ReleaseDC( GetConsoleWindow(), dc );

width = w; height = h;

return true;

   void setPenColor( DWORD clr )

if( pen ) DeleteObject( pen ); pen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, clr ); SelectObject( hdc, pen );

   void saveBitmap( string path )

BITMAPFILEHEADER fileheader; BITMAPINFO infoheader; BITMAP bitmap; DWORD* dwpBits; DWORD wb; HANDLE file;

GetObject( bmp, sizeof( bitmap ), &bitmap );

dwpBits = new DWORD[bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight]; ZeroMemory( dwpBits, bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * sizeof( DWORD ) ); ZeroMemory( &infoheader, sizeof( BITMAPINFO ) ); ZeroMemory( &fileheader, sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) );

infoheader.bmiHeader.biBitCount = sizeof( DWORD ) * 8; infoheader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; infoheader.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; infoheader.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader ); infoheader.bmiHeader.biHeight = bitmap.bmHeight; infoheader.bmiHeader.biWidth = bitmap.bmWidth; infoheader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * sizeof( DWORD );

fileheader.bfType = 0x4D42; fileheader.bfOffBits = sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader ) + sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ); fileheader.bfSize = fileheader.bfOffBits + infoheader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage;

GetDIBits( hdc, bmp, 0, height, ( LPVOID )dwpBits, &infoheader, DIB_RGB_COLORS );

file = CreateFile( path.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); WriteFile( file, &fileheader, sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ), &wb, NULL ); WriteFile( file, &infoheader.bmiHeader, sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader ), &wb, NULL ); WriteFile( file, dwpBits, bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * 4, &wb, NULL ); CloseHandle( file );

delete [] dwpBits;

   HDC getDC()     { return hdc; }
   int getWidth()  { return width; }
   int getHeight() { return height; }


   HBITMAP bmp;
   HDC	    hdc;
   HPEN    pen;
   int     width, height;

}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class vector2 { public:

   vector2() { x = y = 0; }
   vector2( int a, int b ) { x = a; y = b; }
   void set( int a, int b ) { x = a; y = b; }
   void rotate( float angle_r )

float _x = static_cast<float>( x ), _y = static_cast<float>( y ), s = sinf( angle_r ), c = cosf( angle_r ), a = _x * c - _y * s, b = _x * s + _y * c;

x = static_cast<int>( a ); y = static_cast<int>( b );

   int x, y;

}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class fractalTree { public:

   fractalTree()		      { _ang = DegToRadian( 24.0f ); }
   float DegToRadian( float degree ) { return degree * ( PI / 180.0f ); }
   void create( myBitmap* bmp )

_bmp = bmp; float line_len = 130.0f;

vector2 sp( _bmp->getWidth() / 2, _bmp->getHeight() - 1 ); MoveToEx( _bmp->getDC(), sp.x, sp.y, NULL ); sp.y -= static_cast<int>( line_len ); LineTo( _bmp->getDC(), sp.x, sp.y);

drawRL( &sp, line_len, 0, true ); drawRL( &sp, line_len, 0, false );



   void drawRL( vector2* sp, float line_len, float a, bool rg )

line_len *= .75f; if( line_len < 2.0f ) return;

MoveToEx( _bmp->getDC(), sp->x, sp->y, NULL ); vector2 r( 0, static_cast<int>( line_len ) );

       if( rg ) a -= _ang;
       else a += _ang; 

r.rotate( a ); r.x += sp->x; r.y = sp->y - r.y;

LineTo( _bmp->getDC(), r.x, r.y );

drawRL( &r, line_len, a, true ); drawRL( &r, line_len, a, false );

   myBitmap* _bmp;
   float     _ang;

}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   ShowWindow( GetConsoleWindow(), SW_MAXIMIZE );
   myBitmap bmp;
   bmp.create( 640, 512 );
   bmp.setPenColor( RGB( 255, 255, 0 ) );
   fractalTree tree;
   tree.create( &bmp );
   BitBlt( GetDC( GetConsoleWindow() ), 0, 20, 648, 512, bmp.getDC(), 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
   bmp.saveBitmap( "f://rc//fracTree.bmp" );
   system( "pause" );
   return 0;

} //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </lang>


Translation of: Java
Library: Swing
Library: AWT

Be sure to import java.desktop and ceylon.numeric in your module.ceylon file. <lang ceylon>import javax.swing {

JFrame { exitOnClose } } import java.awt {

Color { white, black }, Graphics } import ceylon.numeric.float {

cos, toRadians, sin }

shared void run() {

   value fractalTree = object extends JFrame("fractal tree") {
       background = black;
       setBounds(100, 100, 800, 600);
       resizable = false;
       defaultCloseOperation = exitOnClose;
       shared actual void paint(Graphics g) {
           void drawTree(Integer x1, Integer y1, Float angle, Integer depth) {
               if (depth <= 0) {
               value x2 = x1 + (cos(toRadians(angle)) * depth * 10.0).integer;
               value y2 = y1 + (sin(toRadians(angle)) * depth * 10.0).integer;
               g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
               drawTree(x2, y2, angle - 20, depth - 1);
               drawTree(x2, y2, angle + 20, depth - 1);
           g.color = white;
           drawTree(400, 500, -90.0, 9);
   fractalTree.visible = true;



Translation of: Java
Library: Swing
Library: AWT

<lang Clojure>(import '[java.awt Color Graphics] 'javax.swing.JFrame)

(defn deg-to-radian [deg] (* deg Math/PI 1/180)) (defn cos-deg [angle] (Math/cos (deg-to-radian angle))) (defn sin-deg [angle] (Math/sin (deg-to-radian angle)))

(defn draw-tree [^Graphics g, x y angle depth]

 (when (pos? depth)
   (let [x2 (+ x (int (* depth 10 (cos-deg angle))))

y2 (+ y (int (* depth 10 (sin-deg angle))))]

     (.drawLine g x y x2 y2)
     (draw-tree g x2 y2 (- angle 20) (dec depth))
     (recur     g x2 y2 (+ angle 20) (dec depth)))))

(defn fractal-tree [depth]

 (doto (proxy [JFrame] []

(paint [g] (.setColor g Color/BLACK) (draw-tree g 400 500 -90 depth)))

   (.setBounds 100 100 800 600)
   (.setResizable false)
   (.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE)

(fractal-tree 9)</lang>

Common Lisp

Translation of: Clojure

<lang lisp>;; (require :lispbuilder-sdl)

(defun deg-to-radian (deg)

 "converts degrees to radians"
 (* deg pi 1/180))

(defun cos-deg (angle)

 "returns cosin of the angle expressed in degress"
 (cos (deg-to-radian angle)))

(defun sin-deg (angle)

 "returns sin of the angle expressed in degress"
 (sin (deg-to-radian angle)))

(defun draw-tree (surface x y angle depth)

 "draws a branch of the tree on the sdl-surface"
 (when (plusp depth)
   (let ((x2 (+ x (round (* depth 10 (cos-deg angle)))))

(y2 (+ y (round (* depth 10 (sin-deg angle))))))

     (sdl:draw-line-* x y x2 y2 :surface surface :color sdl:*green*)
     (draw-tree surface x2 y2 (- angle 20) (1- depth))
     (draw-tree surface x2 y2 (+ angle 20) (1- depth)))))

(defun fractal-tree (depth)

 "shows a window with a fractal tree"
 (sdl:with-init ()
   (sdl:window 800 600 :title-caption "fractal-tree")
   (sdl:clear-display sdl:*black*)
   (draw-tree sdl:*default-surface* 400 500 -90 depth)
   (sdl:with-events ()
     (:video-expose-event ()


     (:quit-event ()


(fractal-tree 9) </lang>


SVG Version

Translation of: Raku

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.math;

enum width = 1000, height = 1000; // Image dimension. enum length = 400; // Trunk size. enum scale = 6.0 / 10; // Branch scale relative to trunk.

void tree(in double x, in double y, in double length, in double angle) {

   if (length < 1)
   immutable x2 = x + length * angle.cos;
   immutable y2 = y + length * angle.sin;
   writefln("<line x1='%f' y1='%f' x2='%f' y2='%f' " ~
            "style='stroke:black;stroke-width:1'/>", x, y, x2, y2);
   tree(x2, y2, length * scale, angle + PI / 5);
   tree(x2, y2, length * scale, angle - PI / 5);


void main() {

   "<svg width='100%' height='100%' version='1.1'
   tree(width / 2.0, height, length, 3 * PI / 2);


Turtle Version

This uses the turtle module from the Dragon Curve task, and the module from the Grayscale Image task.

Translation of: Logo

<lang d>import grayscale_image, turtle;

void tree(Color)(Image!Color img, ref Turtle t, in uint depth,

                in real step, in real scale, in real angle) {
   if (depth == 0) return;
   t.forward(img, step);
   img.tree(t, depth - 1, step * scale, scale, angle);
   t.left(2 * angle);
   img.tree(t, depth - 1, step * scale, scale, angle);
   t.forward(img, -step);


void main() {

   auto img = new Image!Gray(330, 300);
   auto t = Turtle(165, 270, -90);
   img.tree(t, 10, 80, 0.7, 30);


Alternative version

Translation of: Java

Using DFL. <lang d>import dfl.all; import std.math;

class FractalTree: Form {

   private immutable DEG_TO_RAD = PI / 180.0;
   this() {
       width = 600;
       height = 500;
       text = "Fractal Tree";
       backColor = Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
       startPosition = FormStartPosition.CENTER_SCREEN;
       formBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FIXED_DIALOG;
       maximizeBox = false;
   private void drawTree(Graphics g, Pen p, int x1, int y1, double angle, int depth) {
       if (depth == 0) return;
       int x2 = x1 + cast(int) (cos(angle * DEG_TO_RAD) * depth * 10.0);
       int y2 = y1 + cast(int) (sin(angle * DEG_TO_RAD) * depth * 10.0);
       g.drawLine(p, x1, y1, x2, y2);
       drawTree(g, p, x2, y2, angle - 20, depth - 1);
       drawTree(g, p, x2, y2, angle + 20, depth - 1);
   protected override void onPaint(PaintEventArgs ea){
       Pen p = new Pen(Color(0, 0xAA, 0));
       drawTree(, p, 300, 450, -90, 9);


int main() {

   int result = 0; 
   try { FractalTree);
   } catch(Exception e) {
       msgBox(e.msg, "Fatal Error", MsgBoxButtons.OK, MsgBoxIcon.ERROR);        
       result = 1;
   return result;



Run it

<lang># Fractal tree

func tree x y deg n . .

 if n > 0
   set_linewidth n * 0.4
   move_pen x y
   x += cos deg * n * 1.3 * (randomf + 0.5)
   y += sin deg * n * 1.3 * (randomf + 0.5)
   draw_line x y
   call tree x y deg - 20 n - 1
   call tree x y deg + 20 n - 1

. set_timer 0 on timer

 call tree 50 90 -90 10
 set_timer 1



Translation of: Raku

<lang fsharp>let (cos, sin, pi) = System.Math.Cos, System.Math.Sin, System.Math.PI

let (width, height) = 1000., 1000. // image dimension let scale = 6./10. // branch scale relative to trunk let length = 400. // trunk size

let rec tree x y length angle =

   if length >= 1. then
       let (x2, y2) = x + length * (cos angle),  y + length * (sin angle)
       printfn "<line x1='%f' y1='%f' x2='%f' y2='%f' style='stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:1'/>"
           x y x2 y2
       tree x2 y2 (length*scale) (angle + pi/5.)
       tree x2 y2 (length*scale) (angle - pi/5.)

printfn "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no'?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' ''> <svg width='100%%' height='100%%' version='1.1' xmlns=''>" tree (width/2.) height length (3.*pi/2.) printfn "</svg>"</lang>


<lang fantom> using fwt using gfx

class FractalCanvas : Canvas {

 new make () : super() {}
 Void drawTree (Graphics g, Int x1, Int y1, Int angle, Int depth)
   if (depth == 0) return
   Int x2 := x1 + (angle.toFloat.toRadians.cos * depth * 10.0).toInt;
   Int y2 := y1 + (angle.toFloat.toRadians.sin * depth * 10.0).toInt;
   g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
   drawTree(g, x2, y2, angle - 20, depth - 1);
   drawTree(g, x2, y2, angle + 20, depth - 1);
 override Void onPaint (Graphics g)
   drawTree (g, 400, 500, -90, 9)


class FractalTree {

 public static Void main ()
     title = "Fractal Tree"
     size = Size(800, 600)

} </lang>


Translation of: BBC BASIC

<lang freebasic>' version 17-03-2017 ' compile with: fbc -s gui

Const As Double deg2rad = Atn(1) / 45 Dim Shared As Double scale = 0.76 Dim Shared As Double spread = 25 * deg2rad ' convert degree's to rad's

Sub branch(x1 As ULong, y1 As ULong, size As ULong, angle As Double, depth As ULong)

   Dim As ULong x2, y2
   x2 = x1 + size * Cos(angle)
   y2 = y1 + size * Sin(angle)
   Line (x1,y1) - (x2,y2), 2  ' palette color green
   If depth > 0 Then
       branch(x2, y2, size * scale, angle - spread, depth -1)
       branch(x2, y2, size * scale, angle + spread, depth -1)
   End If

End Sub

' ------=< MAIN >=-----

Dim As Double angle = -90 * deg2rad ' make sure that the tree grows up Dim As ULong SizeX = 800 Dim As ULong SizeY = SizeX * 3 \ 4 Dim As Double size = SizeY \ 4 Dim As ULong depth = 11

ScreenRes SizeX, SizeY, 8 WindowTitle ("Fractal Tree")

branch(SizeX\2, SizeY, size, angle, depth)

' empty keyboard buffer While InKey <> "" : Wend windowtitle ("Fractal Tree, hit any key to end program") Sleep End</lang>


Works with: Frege version 3.23.888-g4e22ab6

<lang frege>module FractalTree where

import Java.IO import Prelude.Math

data AffineTransform = native java.awt.geom.AffineTransform where

 native new :: () -> STMutable s AffineTransform
 native clone :: Mutable s AffineTransform -> STMutable s AffineTransform
 native rotate :: Mutable s AffineTransform -> Double -> ST s ()
 native scale :: Mutable s AffineTransform -> Double -> Double -> ST s ()
 native translate :: Mutable s AffineTransform -> Double -> Double -> ST s ()

data BufferedImage = native java.awt.image.BufferedImage where

 pure native type_3byte_bgr "java.awt.image.BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR" :: Int
 native new :: Int -> Int -> Int -> STMutable s BufferedImage
 native createGraphics :: Mutable s BufferedImage -> STMutable s Graphics2D

data Color = pure native java.awt.Color where

 pure native black "" :: Color
 pure native green "" :: Color
 pure native white "java.awt.Color.white" :: Color
 pure native new :: Int -> Color

data BasicStroke = pure native java.awt.BasicStroke where

 pure native new :: Float -> BasicStroke

data RenderingHints = native java.awt.RenderingHints where

 pure native key_antialiasing "java.awt.RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING" :: RenderingHints_Key
 pure native value_antialias_on "java.awt.RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON" :: Object

data RenderingHints_Key = pure native java.awt.RenderingHints.Key

data Graphics2D = native java.awt.Graphics2D where

 native drawLine :: Mutable s Graphics2D -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
 native drawOval :: Mutable s Graphics2D -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
 native fillRect :: Mutable s Graphics2D -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
 native setColor :: Mutable s Graphics2D -> Color -> ST s ()
 native setRenderingHint :: Mutable s Graphics2D -> RenderingHints_Key -> Object -> ST s ()
 native setStroke :: Mutable s Graphics2D -> BasicStroke -> ST s ()
 native setTransform :: Mutable s Graphics2D -> Mutable s AffineTransform -> ST s ()

data ImageIO = mutable native javax.imageio.ImageIO where

 native write "javax.imageio.ImageIO.write" :: MutableIO BufferedImage -> String -> MutableIO File -> IO Bool throws IOException

drawTree :: Mutable s Graphics2D -> Mutable s AffineTransform -> Int -> ST s () drawTree g t i = do

 let len = 10 -- ratio of length to thickness
     shrink = 0.75
     angle = 0.3 -- radians
     i' = i - 1
 g.setTransform t
 g.drawLine 0 0 0 len
 when (i' > 0) $ do
   t.translate 0 (fromIntegral len)
   t.scale shrink shrink
   rt <- t.clone
   t.rotate angle
   rt.rotate (-angle)
   drawTree g t i'
   drawTree g rt i'

main = do

 let width = 900
     height = 800
     initScale = 20
     halfWidth = fromIntegral width / 2
 buffy <- width height BufferedImage.type_3byte_bgr
 g <- buffy.createGraphics
 g.setRenderingHint RenderingHints.key_antialiasing RenderingHints.value_antialias_on
 g.fillRect 0 0 width height
 t <- ()
 t.translate halfWidth (fromIntegral height)
 t.scale initScale initScale
 t.rotate pi
 drawTree g t 16
 f <- "FractalTreeFrege.png"
 void $ ImageIO.write buffy "png" f</lang>

Output is here due to Is file uploading blocked forever?


<lang Frink> // Draw Fractal Tree in Frink

// Define the tree function FractalTree[x1, y1, angleval, lengthval, graphicsobject] := {

  if lengthval > 1
     // Define current line end points (x2 and y2)
     x2 = x1 + ((cos[angleval degrees]) * lengthval)
     y2 = y1 + ((sin[angleval degrees]) * lengthval)
     // Draw line - notice that graphicsobject is the graphics object passed into the function.
     // Calculate branches. You can change the lengthval multiplier factor and angleval summand to create different trees
     FractalTree[x2, y2, angleval - 20, lengthval * 0.7, graphicsobject]
     FractalTree[x2, y2, angleval + 20, lengthval * 0.7, graphicsobject]


// Create graphics object g = new graphics

// Start the recursive function. In Frink, a -90° angle moves from the bottom of the screen to the top. FractalTree[0, 0, -90, 30, g]

// Show the final tree[] </lang>


png converted from output ppm

<lang go>package main

// Files required to build supporting package raster are found in: // * Bitmap // * Grayscale image // * Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm // * Write a PPM file

import (



const (

   width  = 400
   height = 300
   depth  = 8
   angle  = 12
   length = 50
   frac   = .8


func main() {

   g := raster.NewGrmap(width, height)
   ftree(g, width/2, height*9/10, length, 0, depth)


func ftree(g *raster.Grmap, x, y, distance, direction float64, depth int) {

   x2 := x + distance*math.Sin(direction*math.Pi/180)
   y2 := y - distance*math.Cos(direction*math.Pi/180)
   g.AaLine(x, y, x2, y2)
   if depth > 0 {
       ftree(g, x2, y2, distance*frac, direction-angle, depth-1)
       ftree(g, x2, y2, distance*frac, direction+angle, depth-1)



An elegant yet universal monoidal solution.

Library: Gloss

<lang haskell>import Graphics.Gloss

type Model = [Picture -> Picture]

fractal :: Int -> Model -> Picture -> Picture fractal n model pict = pictures $ take n $ iterate (mconcat model) pict

tree1 _ = fractal 10 branches $ Line [(0,0),(0,100)]

 where branches = [ Translate 0 100 . Scale 0.75 0.75 . Rotate 30 
                  , Translate 0 100 . Scale 0.5 0.5 . Rotate (-30) ]

main = animate (InWindow "Tree" (800, 800) (0, 0)) white $ tree1 . (* 60)</lang>

The solution gives rise to a variety of fractal geometric structures. Each one can be used by substituting tree1 in the main function by the desired one. <lang haskell>--animated tree tree2 t = fractal 8 branches $ Line [(0,0),(0,100)]

 where branches = [ Translate 0 100 . Scale 0.75 0.75 . Rotate t
                  , Translate 0 100 . Scale 0.6 0.6 . Rotate 0
                  , Translate 0 100 . Scale 0.5 0.5 . Rotate (-2*t) ]

--animated fractal clock circles t = fractal 10 model $ Circle 100

 where model = [ Translate 0 50 . Scale 0.5 0.5 . Rotate t
               , Translate 0 (-50) . Scale 0.5 0.5 . Rotate (-2*t) ]

--Pythagoras tree pithagor _ = fractal 10 model $ rectangleWire 100 100

 where model = [ Translate 50 100 . Scale s s . Rotate 45
               , Translate (-50) 100 . Scale s s . Rotate (-45)]
       s = 1/sqrt 2

--Sierpinski pentagon pentaflake _ = fractal 5 model $ pentagon

 where model =  map copy [0,72..288]
       copy a = Scale s s . Rotate a . Translate 0 x
       pentagon = Line [ (sin a, cos a) | a <- [0,2*pi/5..2*pi] ]
       x = 2*cos(pi/5)
       s = 1/(1+x)</lang>

Alternative solution

Using the method of the J contribution.

Library: HGL

<lang haskell>import Graphics.HGL.Window import Graphics.HGL.Run import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad import Data.List

enumBase :: Int -> Int -> Int enumBase n = mapM (enumFromTo 0). replicate n. pred

psPlus (a,b) (p,q) = (a+p, b+q)

toInt :: Double -> Int toInt = fromIntegral.round

intPoint = toInt *** toInt

pts n =

 map (map (intPoint.psPlus (100,0)). ((0,300):). scanl1 psPlus. ((r,300):). zipWith (\h a -> (h*cos a, h*sin a)) rs) hs
   [r,h,sr,sh] = [50, pi/5, 0.9, 0.75]
   rs   = take n $ map (r*) $ iterate(*sr) sr
   lhs  = map (map (((-1)**).fromIntegral)) $ enumBase n 2
   rhs  = take n $ map (h*) $ iterate(*sh) 1
   hs   = map (scanl1 (+). zipWith (*)rhs) lhs

fractalTree :: Int -> IO () fractalTree n =

  runWindow "Fractal Tree" (500,600)
   (\w -> setGraphic w (overGraphics ( map polyline $ pts (n-1))) >> getKey w)

main = fractalTree 10</lang>

Icon and Unicon

<lang Icon>procedure main() WOpen("size=800,600", "bg=black", "fg=white") | stop("*** cannot open window") drawtree(400,500,-90,9) WDone() end

link WOpen

procedure drawtree(x,y,angle,depth) if depth > 0 then {

  x2 := integer(x + cos(dtor(angle)) * depth * 10)
  y2 := integer(y + sin(dtor(angle)) * depth * 10)
  drawtree(x2,y2,angle-20, depth-1)
  drawtree(x2,y2,angle+20, depth-1)

return end</lang>

WOpen provides graphics I/O

Translation of: Java


<lang j>require'gl2'

L0=: 50 NB. initial length A0=: 1r8p1 NB. initial angle: pi divided by 8 dL=: 0.9 NB. shrink factor for length dA=: 0.75 NB. shrink factor for angle N=: 14 NB. number of branches

L=: L0*dL^1+i.N NB. lengths of line segments

NB. relative angles of successive line segments A=: A0*(dA^i.N) +/\@:*("1) _1 ^ #:i.2 ^ N

NB. end points for each line segment P=: 0 0+/\@,"2 +.*.inv (L0,0),"2 L,"0"1 A

P_C_paint=: gllines_jgl2_ bind (10 + ,/"2 P-"1<./,/P) wd 0 :0

pc P closeok;
xywh 0 0 250 300;
cc C isigraph rightmove bottommove;
pas 0 0;


See the talk page for some implementation notes.


Library: Swing
Library: AWT

<lang java>import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class FractalTree extends JFrame {

   public FractalTree() {
       super("Fractal Tree");
       setBounds(100, 100, 800, 600);
   private void drawTree(Graphics g, int x1, int y1, double angle, int depth) {
       if (depth == 0) return;
       int x2 = x1 + (int) (Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)) * depth * 10.0);
       int y2 = y1 + (int) (Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)) * depth * 10.0);
       g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
       drawTree(g, x2, y2, angle - 20, depth - 1);
       drawTree(g, x2, y2, angle + 20, depth - 1);
   public void paint(Graphics g) {
       drawTree(g, 400, 500, -90, 9);
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       new FractalTree().setVisible(true);



Implementation using HTML5 canvas element to draw tree structure. <lang JavaScript><html> <body> <canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="500"></canvas>

<script type="text/javascript"> var elem = document.getElementById('canvas'); var context = elem.getContext('2d');

context.fillStyle = '#C0C0C0'; context.lineWidth = 1;

var deg_to_rad = Math.PI / 180.0; var depth = 9;

function drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, brightness){

 context.moveTo(x1, y1);
 context.lineTo(x2, y2);


function drawTree(x1, y1, angle, depth){

 if (depth !== 0){
   var x2 = x1 + (Math.cos(angle * deg_to_rad) * depth * 10.0);
   var y2 = y1 + (Math.sin(angle * deg_to_rad) * depth * 10.0);
   drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, depth);
   drawTree(x2, y2, angle - 20, depth - 1);
   drawTree(x2, y2, angle + 20, depth - 1);


context.beginPath(); drawTree(300, 500, -90, depth); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); </script>

</body> </html></lang>


The following generates SVG, which can be viewed by following the link below. <lang jq># width and height define the outer dimensions;

  1. len defines the trunk size;
  2. scale defines the branch length relative to the trunk;

def main(width; height; len; scale):

 def PI: (1|atan)*4;
 def precision(n):
   def pow(k): . as $in | reduce range(0;k) as $i (1; .*$in);
   if . < 0 then - (-. | precision(n))
     (10|pow(n)) as $power
   | (. * 10 * $power) | floor as $x | ($x % 10) as $r
   | ((if $r < 5 then $x else $x + 5 end) / 10 | floor) / $power
 def p2: precision(2);
 def tree(x; y; len; angle):
   if len < 1 then empty
     (x + len * (angle|cos)) as $x2 
   | (y + len * (angle|sin)) as $y2
   | (if len < 10 then 1 else 2 end) as $swidth
   | (if len < 10 then "blue" else "black" end) as $stroke
   | "<line x1='\(x|p2)' y1='\(y|p2)' x2='\($x2|p2)' y2='\($y2|p2)' style='stroke:\($stroke); stroke-width:\($swidth)'/>",
     tree($x2; $y2; len * scale; angle + PI / 5),
     tree($x2; $y2; len * scale; angle - PI / 5)

 "<svg width='100%' height='100%' version='1.1'
       tree(width / 2; height; len; 3 * PI / 2),

main(1000; 1000; 400; 6/10)</lang>


$ jq -r -n -r -f Fractal_tree_svg.jq > Fractal_tree.svg



Translation of: F#

<lang julia> const width = height = 1000.0 const trunklength = 400.0 const scalefactor = 0.6 const startingangle = 1.5 * pi const deltaangle = 0.2 * pi

function tree(fh, x, y, len, theta)

  if len >= 1.0
      x2 = x + len * cos(theta)
      y2 = y + len * sin(theta)
      write(fh, "<line x1='$x' y1='$y' x2='$x2' y2='$y2' style='stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:1'/>\n")
      tree(fh, x2, y2, len * scalefactor, theta + deltaangle)
      tree(fh, x2, y2, len * scalefactor, theta - deltaangle)


outsvg = open("tree.svg", "w") write(outsvg,

   """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no'?>
   <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN'
   <svg width='100%%' height='100%%' version='1.1'

tree(outsvg, 0.5 * width, height, trunklength, startingangle)

write(outsvg, "</svg>\n") # view file tree.svg in browser </lang>


Translation of: Java

<lang scala>// version 1.1.2

import java.awt.Color import java.awt.Graphics import javax.swing.JFrame

class FractalTree : JFrame("Fractal Tree") {

   init {
       background =
       setBounds(100, 100, 800, 600)
       isResizable = false
       defaultCloseOperation = EXIT_ON_CLOSE
   private fun drawTree(g: Graphics, x1: Int, y1: Int, angle: Double, depth: Int) {
       if (depth == 0) return
       val x2 = x1 + (Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)) * depth * 10.0).toInt()
       val y2 = y1 + (Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)) * depth * 10.0).toInt()
       g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
       drawTree(g, x2, y2, angle - 20, depth - 1)
       drawTree(g, x2, y2, angle + 20, depth - 1)
   override fun paint(g: Graphics) {
       g.color = Color.white
       drawTree(g, 400, 500, -90.0, 9)


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   FractalTree().isVisible = true



<lang Lisp> 1) defining the function tree:

{def tree

{lambda {:e     // last branch length
         :s     // trunks length
         :k     // ratio between two following branches
         :a     // rotate left
         :b}    // rotate right
 {if {< :s :e}
  else M:s T:a
       {tree :e {* :k :s} :k :a :b}
       T-{+ :a :b}
       {tree :e {* :k :s} :k :a :b}
       T:b M-:s }}}

2) Calling this function generates a sequence of commands mooving a pen: • Tθ rotates the drawing direction "θ" degrees from the previous one • and Md draws a segment "d" pixels in this direction.

{def T {tree 1 190 {/ 2 3} 15 45}}

and produces 40995 words beginning with:

M190 T15 M126.66666666666666 T15 M84.44444444444443 T15 M56.29629629629628 T15 M37.53086419753085 T15 M25.020576131687235 T15

M16.680384087791488 T15 M11.120256058527659 T15 M7.413504039018439 T15 M4.942336026012292 T15 M3.2948906840081946 ...

3) These words are sent to a the turtle lambdatalk primitive which is a graphic device translating the sequence of Md and Tθ into a sequence of SVG points x0 y0 x1 y1 ... xn yn which will feed the points attribute of a polyline SVG element:

{svg {@ width="580px" height="580px" style="box-shadow:0 0 8px #000;"}

  {@ points="{turtle 230 570 180 {T}}"
     fill="transparent" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="1"


This is an abstract of the output:

<svg width="580px" height="580px" style="box-shadow:0 0 8px #000;">

 <polyline points="230 580 230 380 195 251 151 174 109 132 75 113 49 106 32 106 21 109 ...  
                   ... 413 286 324 286 230 380 230 580 " 
          fill="transparent" stroke="#888" stroke-width="1">


The complete ouput can be seen displayed in </lang>

Liberty BASIC

LB includes Logo-type turtle commands, so can be drawn that way as well as that shown here. <lang lb>


sw = 640 : sh = 480 WindowWidth = sw+8 : WindowHeight = sh+31 UpperLeftX = (DisplayWidth -sw)/2 UpperLeftY = (DisplayHeight-sh)/2 Open"Fractal Tree" For Graphics_nf_nsb As #g

  1. g "Down; Color darkgreen; TrapClose halt"

h$ = "#g"

'initial assignments initAngle = Acs(-1)*1.5 'radian equivalent of 270 degrees

   theta = 29 * (Acs(-1)/180) 'convert 29 degrees to radians
  length = 110 'length in pixels
   depth = 25   'max recursion depth
   'draw the tree
   Call tree h$, 320, 470, initAngle, theta, length, depth
   #g "Flush; when leftButtonDown halt" 'L-click to exit

Sub halt handle$

   Close #handle$

End Sub

Sub tree h$, x, y, initAngle, theta, length, depth

   newX = Cos(initAngle) * length + x
   newY = Sin(initAngle) * length + y
   #h$ "Line ";x;" ";y;" ";newX;" ";newY
   length = length * .78
   depth = depth - 1
   If depth > 0 Then
       Call tree h$, newX, newY, initAngle-theta, theta, length, depth
       Call tree h$, newX, newY, initAngle+theta, theta, length, depth
   End If

End Sub </lang>


<lang lingo>---------------------------------------- -- Creates an image of a fractal tree -- @param {integer} width -- @param {integer} height -- @param {integer} fractalDepth -- @param {integer|float} initSize -- @param {float} spreadAngle -- @param {float} [scaleFactor=1.0] -- @return {image}

on fractalTree (width, height, fractalDepth, initSize, spreadAngle, scaleFactor)

 if voidP(scaleFactor) then scaleFactor = 1.0
 img = image(width, height, 24)
 img.fill(img.rect, rgb(0,0,0))
 _drawTree(img, width/2, height, -PI/2, fractalDepth, initSize, spreadAngle, scaleFactor)
 return img


on _drawTree (img, x1, y1, angle, depth, size, spreadAngle, scaleFactor)

 if (depth) then
   x2 = x1 + cos(angle)*depth*size
   y2 = y1 + sin(angle)*depth*size
   img.draw(x1, y1, x2, y2, [#color:rgb(255,255,255)])
   _drawTree(img, x2, y2, angle-spreadAngle, depth-1, size*ScaleFactor, spreadAngle, scaleFactor)
   _drawTree(img, x2, y2, angle+spreadAngle, depth-1, size*ScaleFactor, spreadAngle, scaleFactor)
 end if

end</lang> Usage: <lang lingo>fractalDepth = 10 initSize = 7.0 spreadAngle = 35*PI/180 scaleFactor = 0.95 img = fractalTree(480, 380, fractalDepth, initSize, spreadAngle, scaleFactor)</lang>

<lang logo>to tree :depth :length :scale :angle

 if :depth=0 [stop]
 setpensize round :depth/2
 forward :length
 right :angle
 tree :depth-1 :length*:scale :scale :angle
 left 2*:angle
 tree :depth-1 :length*:scale :scale :angle
 right :angle
 back :length


clearscreen tree 10 80 0.7 30</lang>



Needs LÖVE 2D Engine <lang lua> g, angle =, 26 * math.pi / 180 wid, hei = g.getWidth(), g.getHeight() function rotate( x, y, a )

 local s, c = math.sin( a ), math.cos( a )
 local a, b = x * c - y * s, x * s + y * c
 return a, b

end function branches( a, b, len, ang, dir )

 len = len * .76
 if len < 5 then return end
 g.setColor( len * 16, 255 - 2 * len , 0 )
 if dir > 0 then ang = ang - angle
 else ang = ang + angle 
 local vx, vy = rotate( 0, len, ang )
 vx = a + vx; vy = b - vy
 g.line( a, b, vx, vy )
 branches( vx, vy, len, ang, 1 )
 branches( vx, vy, len, ang, 0 )

end function createTree()

 local lineLen = 127
 local a, b = wid / 2, hei - lineLen
 g.setColor( 160, 40 , 0 )
 g.line( wid / 2, hei, a, b )
 branches( a, b, lineLen, 0, 1 ) 
 branches( a, b, lineLen, 0, 0 )

end function love.load()

 canvas = g.newCanvas( wid, hei )
 g.setCanvas( canvas )

end function love.draw()

 g.draw( canvas )

end </lang>


Using the Bitmap class and text renderer from here, then extending... <lang lua>function Bitmap:tree(x, y, angle, depth, forkfn, lengfn)

 if depth <= 0 then return end
 local fork, leng = forkfn(), lengfn()
 local x2 = x + depth * leng * math.cos(angle)
 local y2 = y - depth * leng * math.sin(angle)
 self:line(math.floor(x), math.floor(y), math.floor(x2), math.floor(y2))
 self:tree(x2, y2, angle+fork, depth-1, forkfn, lengfn)
 self:tree(x2, y2, angle-fork, depth-1, forkfn, lengfn)


bitmap = Bitmap(128*3,128) bitmap:tree( 64, 120, math.pi/2, 8, function() return 0.3 end, function() return 3 end) bitmap:tree(192, 120, math.pi/2, 8, function() return 0.6 end, function() return 2.5 end) bitmap:tree(320, 120, math.pi/2, 8, function() return 0.2+math.random()*0.3 end, function() return 2.0+math.random()*2.0 end) bitmap:render({[0x000000]='.', [0xFFFFFFFF]='█'})</lang>


Shown at 25% scale:


Mathematica / Wolfram Language

<lang Mathematica>fractalTree[

 pt : {_, _}, \[Theta]orient_: \[Pi]/2, \[Theta]sep_: \[Pi]/9, 
 depth_Integer: 9] := Module[{pt2},
 If[depth == 0, Return[]];
 pt2 = pt + {Cos[\[Theta]orient], Sin[\[Theta]orient]}*depth;
    Line[{pt, pt2}],
    fractalTree[pt2, \[Theta]orient - \[Theta]sep, \[Theta]sep, 
     depth - 1],
    fractalTree[pt2, \[Theta]orient + \[Theta]sep, \[Theta]sep, 
     depth - 1]

Graphics[fractalTree[{0, 0}, \[Pi]/2, \[Pi]/9]] </lang>


Translation of: Java
Library: Swing
Library: AWT

<lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols binary

import java.awt.Color import java.awt.Graphics import javax.swing.JFrame

class RFractalTree public extends JFrame

 properties constant
   isTrue  = (1 == 1)
   isFalse = \isTrue
 -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 method RFractalTree() public
   super('Fractal Tree')
   setBounds(100, 100, 800, 600)
 -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 method drawTree(g = Graphics, x1 = int, y1 = int, angle = double, depth = int) private
   if depth \= 0 then do
     x2 = x1 + (int Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)) * depth * 10.0)
     y2 = y1 + (int Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)) * depth * 10.0)
     g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
     drawTree(g, x2, y2, angle - 20, depth - 1)
     drawTree(g, x2, y2, angle + 20, depth - 1)
 -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 method paint(g = Graphics) public
   drawTree(g, 400, 500, -90, 9)
 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 method main(args = String[])public static



Translation of: Julia

<lang Nim> import math import strformat


 Width = 1000
 Height = 1000
 TrunkLength = 400
 ScaleFactor = 0.6
 StartingAngle = 1.5 * PI
 DeltaAngle = 0.2 * PI

proc drawTree(outfile: File; x, y, len, theta: float) =

 if len >= 1:
   let x2 = x + len * cos(theta)
   let y2 = y + len * sin(theta)
     fmt"<line x1='{x}' y1='{y}' x2='{x2}' y2='{y2}' style='stroke:white;stroke-width:1'/>\n")
   outfile.drawTree(x2, y2, len * ScaleFactor, theta + DeltaAngle)
   outFile.drawTree(x2, y2, len * ScaleFactor, theta - DeltaAngle)

let outsvg = open("tree.svg", fmWrite) outsvg.write("""<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no'?>

               <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN'
               <svg width='100%%' height='100%%' version='1.1'
               <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="black"/>\n""")

outsvg.drawTree(0.5 * Width, Height, TrunkLength, StartingAngle) outsvg.write("</svg>\n") # View file tree.svg in browser.



Library: ocaml-cairo

<lang ocaml>#directory "+cairo"

  1. load "bigarray.cma"
  2. load "cairo.cma"

let img_name = "/tmp/fractree.png" let width = 480 let height = 640

let level = 9 let line_width = 4.0

let color = (1.0, 0.5, 0.0)

let pi = 4.0 *. atan 1.0

let angle_split = pi *. 0.12 let angle_rand = pi *. 0.12

let () =

 let surf = Cairo.image_surface_create Cairo.FORMAT_RGB24 ~width ~height in
 let ctx = Cairo.create surf in
 Cairo.set_antialias ctx Cairo.ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL;
 Cairo.set_line_cap ctx Cairo.LINE_CAP_ROUND;
 let draw_line (x,y) (dx,dy) =
   Cairo.move_to ctx x  (float height -. y);
   Cairo.line_to ctx dx (float height -. dy);
   Cairo.stroke ctx;
 let set_color (r,g,b) v =
   Cairo.set_source_rgb ctx ~red:(r *. v) ~green:(g *. v) ~blue:(b *. v);
 let trans_pos (x,y) len angle =
   let _x = cos angle
   and _y = sin angle in
   (x +. (_x *. len),
    y +. (_y *. len))
 let rec loop ~level ~pos ~line_width ~line_len
              ~angle ~angle_split ~angle_rand ~intc =
   if level > 0 then begin
     (* draw the current segment *)
     Cairo.set_line_width ctx line_width;
     set_color color intc;
     let pos_to = trans_pos pos line_len angle in
     draw_line pos pos_to;
     (* evolution of the parameters *)
     let line_width = line_width *. 0.8
     and line_len   = line_len   *. 0.62
     and angle_split = angle_split *. 1.02
     and angle_rand  = angle_rand  *. 1.02
     and intc = intc *. 0.9
     let next_loop =
       loop ~level:(pred level) ~pos:pos_to ~intc
            ~line_width ~line_len ~angle_split ~angle_rand
     (* split *)
     let angle_left  = angle +. angle_split +. Random.float angle_rand
     and angle_right = angle -. angle_split -. Random.float angle_rand
     next_loop ~angle:angle_left;
     next_loop ~angle:angle_right
 let pos = (float width *. 0.5, float height *. 0.1)
 and line_len = float height *. 0.3
 loop ~level ~pos ~angle:(pi /. 2.0)
      ~angle_split ~angle_rand
      ~line_width ~line_len ~intc:1.0;
 Cairo_png.surface_write_to_file surf img_name
 (*Cairo_png.surface_write_to_channel surf stdout*)</lang>


Output FracTree1.png
Output FracTree2.png
Output FracTree3.png

This version with recursion, in general, is a translation of JavaScript version. Some tweaks and options were added to make it reusable and outputting different size of a tree.

Translation of: JavaScript
Works with: PARI/GP version 2.7.4 and above

<lang parigp> \\ Fractal tree (w/recursion) \\ 4/10/16 aev plotline(x1,y1,x2,y2)={plotmove(0, x1,y1);plotrline(0,x2-x1,y2-y1);}

plottree(x,y,a,d)={ my(x2,y2,d2r=Pi/180.0,a1=a*d2r,d1); if(d<=0, return();); if(d>0, d1=d*10.0;



FractalTree(depth,size)={ my(dx=1,dy=0,ttlb="Fractal Tree, depth ",ttl=Str(ttlb,depth)); print1(" *** ",ttl); print(", size ",size); plotinit(0); plotcolor(0,6); \\green plotscale(0, -size,size, 0,size); plotmove(0, 0,0); plottree(0,0,90,depth); plotdraw([0,size,size]); }

{\\ Executing: FractalTree(9,500); \\FracTree1.png FractalTree(12,1100); \\FracTree2.png FractalTree(15,1500); \\FracTree3.png } </lang>


 *** Fractal Tree, depth 9, size 500
 ***   last result computed in 140 ms.

 *** Fractal Tree, depth 12, size 1100
 ***   last result computed in 236 ms. 

 *** Fractal Tree, depth 15, size 1500
 ***   last result computed in 1,095 ms


using the GD::Simple module. <lang perl>use GD::Simple;

my ($width, $height) = (1000,1000); # image dimension my $scale = 6/10; # branch scale relative to trunk my $length = 400; # trunk size

my $img = GD::Simple->new($width,$height); $img->fgcolor('black'); $img->penSize(1,1);

tree($width/2, $height, $length, 270);

print $img->png;

sub tree {

       my ($x, $y, $len, $angle) = @_;
       return if $len < 1;
       ($x, $y) = $img->curPos();
       tree($x, $y, $len*$scale, $angle+35);
       tree($x, $y, $len*$scale, $angle-35);



Translation of: XPL0
Library: Phix/pGUI
Library: Phix/online

You can run this online here.

-- demo\rosetta\FractalTree.exw
-- ============================
with javascript_semantics
include pGUI.e

Ihandle dlg, canvas
cdCanvas cddbuffer, cdcanvas

procedure drawTree(integer level, atom angle, len, integer x, y)
    integer xn = x + floor(len*cos(angle)),
            yn = y + floor(len*sin(angle)),
            red = 255-level*8,
            green = level*12+100
    cdCanvasSetForeground(cddbuffer, red*#10000 + green*#100)
    cdCanvasLine(cddbuffer, x, 480-y, xn, 480-yn)
    if level<12 then
        drawTree(level+1, angle-0.4, len*0.8, xn, yn)   --left
        drawTree(level+1, angle+0.1, len*0.8, xn, yn)   --right
    end if
end procedure
function redraw_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, integer /*posx*/, /*posy*/)
    drawTree(0, -PI/2.0, 80.0, 360, 460)
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

function map_cb(Ihandle ih)
    cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_IUP, ih)
    cddbuffer = cdCreateCanvas(CD_DBUFFER, cdcanvas)
    cdCanvasSetBackground(cddbuffer, CD_PARCHMENT)
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

procedure main()

    canvas = IupCanvas("RASTERSIZE=640x480")
    IupSetCallbacks(canvas, {"MAP_CB", Icallback("map_cb"),
                             "ACTION", Icallback("redraw_cb")})

    dlg = IupDialog(canvas,"RESIZE=NO")
    IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Fractal Tree")

    if platform()!=JS then
    end if
end procedure



Image is created with GD module. Code adapted from the JavaScript version. <lang php> <?php header("Content-type: image/png");

$width = 512; $height = 512; $img = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height); $bg = imagecolorallocate($img,255,255,255); imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $width, $width, $bg);

$depth = 8; function drawTree($x1, $y1, $angle, $depth){

   global $img;
   if ($depth != 0){
       $x2 = $x1 + (int)(cos(deg2rad($angle)) * $depth * 10.0);
       $y2 = $y1 + (int)(sin(deg2rad($angle)) * $depth * 10.0);
       imageline($img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, imagecolorallocate($img,0,0,0));
       drawTree($x2, $y2, $angle - 20, $depth - 1);
       drawTree($x2, $y2, $angle + 20, $depth - 1);


drawTree($width/2, $height, -90, $depth);

imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img); ?> </lang>


This uses the 'brez' line drawing function from Bitmap/Bresenham's line algorithm#PicoLisp. <lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/math.l")

(de fractalTree (Img X Y A D)

  (unless (=0 D)
     (let (R (*/ A pi 180.0)  DX (*/ (cos R) D 0.2)  DY (*/ (sin R) D 0.2))
        (brez Img X Y DX DY)
        (fractalTree Img (+ X DX) (+ Y DY) (+ A 30.0) (dec D))
        (fractalTree Img (+ X DX) (+ Y DY) (- A 30.0) (dec D)) ) ) )

(let Img (make (do 300 (link (need 400 0)))) # Create image 400 x 300

  (fractalTree Img 200 300 -90.0 10)              # Draw tree
  (out "img.pbm"                                  # Write to bitmap file
     (prinl "P1")
     (prinl 400 " " 300)
     (mapc prinl Img) ) )</lang>

Plain English

<lang plainenglish>To run: Start up. Clear the screen to the lightest blue color. Pick a brownish color. Put the screen's bottom minus 1/2 inch into the context's spot's y coord. Draw a tree given 3 inches. Refresh the screen. Wait for the escape key. Shut down.

To draw a tree given a size: If the size is less than 1/32 inch, exit. Put the size divided by 1/4 inch into the pen size. If the size is less than 1/4 inch, pick a greenish color. Remember where we are. Stroke the size. Turn left 1/16 of the way. Draw another tree given the size times 2/3. Turn right 1/16 of the way. Turn right 1/16 of the way. Draw a third tree given the size times 2/3. Turn left 1/16 of the way. Go back to where we were.</lang>




<lang postscript>%!PS %%BoundingBox: 0 0 300 300 %%EndComments /origstate save def /ld {load def} bind def /m /moveto ld /g /setgray ld /t /translate ld /r /rotate ld /l /lineto ld /rl /rlineto ld /s /scale ld %%EndProlog /PerturbateAngle {} def /PerturbateLength {} def % ** To add perturbations, define properly PerturbateAngle and PerturbateLength, e.g. % /PerturbateAngle {realtime 20 mod realtime 2 mod 1 eq {add} {sub} ifelse} def % /PerturbateLength {realtime 10 mod 100 div realtime 2 mod 1 eq {add} {sub} ifelse} def /fractree { % [INITLENGTH, SPLIT, SFACTOR, BRANCHES]

 dup 3 get 0 gt
   0 0 m dup 0 get 0 exch l
     dup 0 get 0 exch t
     dup 1 get PerturbateAngle r
     dup 2 get dup PerturbateLength s
     dup aload pop 1 sub 4 array astore fractree stroke
     dup 0 get 0 exch t
     dup 1 get neg PerturbateAngle r
     dup 2 get dup PerturbateLength s
     dup aload pop 1 sub 4 array astore fractree stroke
 } if pop

} def % /BRANCHES 14 def /INITLENGTH 50 def /SPLIT 35 def /SFACTOR .75 def % % BB check %0 0 m 300 0 rl 0 300 rl -300 0 rl closepath stroke % 0 g 150 0 t [INITLENGTH SPLIT SFACTOR BRANCHES] fractree stroke % showpage origstate restore %%EOF</lang>

Shorter version:<lang postscript>%!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 300 300 /!0 { dup 1 sub dup 0 gt } def /trunk { 0 0 moveto 0 60 translate 0 0 lineto stroke } def

/branch { gsave scale rotate dup d exch sub d div setgray tree grestore } def /L { 30 .8 .8 branch } def /M {-10 .7 .7 branch } def /R {-35 .7 .7 branch } def /tree { trunk !0 { L M R } if pop } def

/d 10 def 5 setlinewidth 1 setlinecap 170 20 translate d tree pop %%EOF</lang>


<lang povray>#include ""

  1. include ""
  1. declare CamLoc = <0, 5, 0>;
  2. declare CamLook = <0,0,0>;

camera {

 location CamLoc
 look_at CamLook
 rotate y*90


light_source {

 color White


  1. declare Init_Height = 10;
  2. declare Spread_Ang = 35;
  3. declare Branches = 14;
  4. declare Scaling_Factor = 0.75;
  1. macro Stick(P0, P1)
 cylinder { 
   P0, P1, 0.02
   texture { pigment { Green } }
  1. end
  1. macro FractalTree(O, D, S, R, B)
 #if (B > 0)
   Stick(O, O+D*S)
   FractalTree(O+D*S, vtransform(D, transform{rotate y*R}),
     S*Scaling_Factor, R, B-1)
   FractalTree(O+D*S, vtransform(D, transform{rotate -y*R}),
     S*Scaling_Factor, R, B-1)
  1. end

union {

 FractalTree(<-2,0,0>, <1,0,0>, 1, Spread_Ang, Branches)



SWI-Prolog has a graphic interface : XPCE. <lang Prolog>fractal :- new(D, window('Fractal')), send(D, size, size(800, 600)), drawTree(D, 400, 500, -90, 9), send(D, open).

drawTree(_D, _X, _Y, _Angle, 0).

drawTree(D, X1, Y1, Angle, Depth) :-

       X2 is X1 + cos(Angle * pi / 180.0) * Depth * 10.0,
       Y2 is Y1 + sin(Angle * pi / 180.0) * Depth * 10.0,

new(Line, line(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, none)), send(D, display, Line), A1 is Angle - 30, A2 is Angle + 30, De is Depth - 1,

       drawTree(D, X2, Y2, A1, De),
       drawTree(D, X2, Y2, A2, De).



<lang PureBasic>#Spread_Ang = 35

  1. Scaling_Factor = 0.75
  2. Deg_to_Rad = #PI / 180
  3. SizeH = 500
  4. SizeV = 375
  5. Init_Size = 100

Procedure drawTree(x1, y1, Size, theta, depth)

 Protected x2 = x1 + Cos(theta * #Deg_to_Rad) * Size, y2 = y1 + Sin(theta * #Deg_to_Rad) * Size
 LineXY(x1, y1, x2, y2, RGB(255, 255, 255))
 If depth <= 0
 ;draw left branch
 drawTree(x2, y2, Size * #Scaling_Factor, theta - #Spread_Ang, depth - 1)
 ;draw right branch
 drawTree(x2, y2, Size * #Scaling_Factor, theta + #Spread_Ang, depth - 1)


OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, #SizeH, #SizeV, "Fractal Tree", #PB_Window_SystemMenu) Define fractal = CreateImage(#PB_Any, #SizeH, #SizeV, 32) ImageGadget(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ImageID(fractal))

If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(fractal))

   drawTree(#SizeH / 2, #SizeV, #Init_Size, -90, 9)
 SetGadgetState(0, ImageID(fractal))


Repeat: Until WaitWindowEvent(10) = #PB_Event_CloseWindow</lang>


Using rotation

<lang java>void setup() {

 size(600, 600);
 drawTree(300, 550, 9);


void drawTree(float x, float y, int depth) {

 float forkAngle = radians(20);
 float baseLen = 10.0;
 if (depth > 0) {
   translate(x, y - baseLen * depth);
   line(0, baseLen * depth, 0, 0);  
   drawTree(0, 0, depth - 1);  
   rotate(2 * -forkAngle);
   drawTree(0, 0, depth - 1); 


Calculating coordinates

Translation of: Python

<lang java>void setup() {

 size(600, 600);
 drawTree(300, 550, -90, 9);


void drawTree(float x1, float y1, float angle, int depth) {

 float forkAngle = 20;
 float baseLen = 10.0;
 if (depth > 0) {
   float x2 = x1 + cos(radians(angle)) * depth * baseLen;
   float y2 = y1 + sin(radians(angle)) * depth * baseLen;
   line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
   drawTree(x2, y2, angle - forkAngle, depth - 1);
   drawTree(x2, y2, angle + forkAngle, depth - 1);


Processing Python mode

Using rotation

Translation of: Processing

<lang python>def setup():

   size(600, 600)
   drawTree(300, 550, 9)

def drawTree(x, y, depth):

   fork_ang = radians(20)
   base_len = 10
   if depth > 0:
       translate(x, y - baseLen * depth)
       line(0, baseLen * depth, 0, 0)  
       drawTree(0, 0, depth - 1)  
       rotate(2 * -fork_ang)
       drawTree(0, 0, depth - 1) 

Calculating coordinates

Translation of: Python

<lang python>def setup():

   size(600, 600)
   drawTree(300, 550, -90, 9)

def drawTree(x1, y1, angle, depth):

   fork_angle = 20
   base_len = 10.0
   if depth > 0:
       x2 = x1 + cos(radians(angle)) * depth * base_len
       y2 = y1 + sin(radians(angle)) * depth * base_len
       line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
       drawTree(x2, y2, angle - fork_angle, depth - 1)
       drawTree(x2, y2, angle + fork_angle, depth - 1)</lang>


Library: pygame

<lang python>import pygame, math

pygame.init() window = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 600)) pygame.display.set_caption("Fractal Tree") screen = pygame.display.get_surface()

def drawTree(x1, y1, angle, depth):

   fork_angle = 20
   base_len = 10.0
   if depth > 0:
       x2 = x1 + int(math.cos(math.radians(angle)) * depth * base_len)
       y2 = y1 + int(math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * depth * base_len)
       pygame.draw.line(screen, (255,255,255), (x1, y1), (x2, y2), 2)
       drawTree(x2, y2, angle - fork_angle, depth - 1)
       drawTree(x2, y2, angle + fork_angle, depth - 1)

def input(event):

   if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

drawTree(300, 550, -90, 9) pygame.display.flip() while True:



<lang qb64>_Title "Fractal Tree" Const sw% = 640 Const sh% = 480

Screen _NewImage(sw, sh, 8) Cls , 15: Color 2

Call tree(sw \ 2, sh - 10, _Pi * 1.5, _Pi / 180 * 29, 112, 15)

Sleep System

Sub tree (x As Integer, y As Integer, initAngle As Double, theta As Double, length As Double, depth As Integer)

   Dim As Integer iL, newX, newY, iX, iY, iD
   iL = length: iX = x: iY = y: iD = depth
   newX = Cos(initAngle) * length + iX
   newY = Sin(initAngle) * length + iY
   Line (iX, iY)-(newX, newY)
   iL = length * .78
   iD = iD - 1
   If iD > 0 Then
       Call tree(newX, newY, initAngle - theta, theta, iL, iD)
       Call tree(newX, newY, initAngle + theta, theta, iL, iD)
   End If

End Sub</lang>


<lang Quackery>[ $ "turtleduck.qky" loadfile ] now!

[ [ 1 1

   30 times 
      [ tuck + ] 
  swap join ] constant 
  do ]                  is phi  (       --> n/d )

[ 2dup 5 1 v< iff

   2drop done
 2dup 5 1 v/ 
 proper 2drop wide
 2dup walk
 1 5 turn
 2dup phi v/
 2dup recurse
 -2 5 turn
 1 5 turn
 -v fly ]               is tree ( n/d -->     )

turtle -1 4 turn -450 1 fly 500 1 tree</lang>



Translation of: PARI/GP
Works with: R version 3.3.3 and above
Output FRTR9.png
Output FRTR12.png
Output FRTR15.png

<lang r>

    1. Recursive FT plotting

plotftree <- function(x, y, a, d, c) { x2=y2=0; d2r=pi/180.0; a1 <- a*d2r; d1=0; if(d<=0) {return()} if(d>0)

 { d1=d*10.0;
   segments(x*c, y*c, x2*c, y2*c, col='darkgreen');


    1. Plotting Fractal Tree. aev 3/27/17
    2. ord - order/depth, c - scale, xsh - x-shift, fn - file name,
    3. ttl - plot title.

pFractalTree <- function(ord, c=1, xsh=0, fn="", ttl="") {

 cat(" *** START FRT:", date(), "\n");
 if(fn=="") {pf=paste0("FRTR", ord, ".png")} else {pf=paste0(fn, ".png")};
 if(ttl=="") {ttl=paste0("Fractal tree, order - ", ord)};
 cat(" *** Plot file -", pf, "title:", ttl, "\n");
 ##plot(NA, xlim=c(0,m), ylim=c(-m,0), xlab="", ylab="", main=ttl);
 plot(NA, xlim=c(0,m), ylim=c(0,m), xlab="", ylab="", main=ttl);
 dev.copy(png, filename=pf, width=m, height=m);;;
 cat(" *** END FRT:",date(),"\n");


    1. Executing:

pFractalTree(9); pFractalTree(12,0.6,210); pFractalTree(15,0.35,600); </lang>

> pFractalTree(9);
 *** START FRT: Tue Mar 28 16:49:49 2017 
 *** Plot file - FRTR9.png title: Fractal tree, order - 9 
 *** END FRT: Tue Mar 28 16:49:50 2017 
> pFractalTree(12,0.6,210);
 *** START FRT: Tue Mar 28 17:32:15 2017 
 *** Plot file - FRTR12.png title: Fractal tree, order - 12 
 *** END FRT: Tue Mar 28 17:32:16 2017 
> pFractalTree(15,0.35,600);
 *** START FRT: Tue Mar 28 17:38:34 2017 
 *** Plot file - FRTR15.png title: Fractal tree, order - 15 
 *** END FRT: Tue Mar 28 17:38:41 2017 


<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require graphics/turtles)

(define (tree n)

 (when (> n 1)
   (draw (/ n 2))
   (tprompt (split* (turn 60) (turn -60))
            (tree (/ n 2)))
   (draw (/ n 2))
   (turn 5)
   (tree (- n 1))))

(turtles #t) (move 100) (turn 90) (move -200) (tree 35) (save-turtle-bitmap "tree.png" 'png) </lang>


(formerly Perl 6) Image is created in SVG format. <lang perl6>my ($width, $height) = (1000,1000); # image dimension my $scale = 6/10; # branch scale relative to trunk my $length = 400; # trunk size

say "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no'?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' ''> <svg width='100%' height='100%' version='1.1' xmlns=''>";

tree($width/2, $height, $length, 3*pi/2);

say "</svg>";

multi tree($, $, $length where { $length < 1}, $) {} multi tree($x, $y, $length, $angle) { my ($x2, $y2) = ( $x + $length * $angle.cos, $y + $length * $angle.sin); say "<line x1='$x' y1='$y' x2='$x2' y2='$y2' style='stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:1'/>"; tree($x2, $y2, $length*$scale, $angle + pi/5); tree($x2, $y2, $length*$scale, $angle - pi/5); }</lang>


<lang Red>Red [Needs: 'View]

color: brown width: 9 view/tight/options/flags/no-wait [ ; click image to grow tree img: image 1097x617 draw [ pen brown line-width 9 line 500x600 500x500] [grow] ] [offset: 0x0] [no-border]

ends: reduce [500x500 pi * 3 / 2] ; list of terminal nodes da: pi * 30 / 180 ; angle of branches in radians ea: pi * 5 / 180 ; offset added to angle to break symmetry

l: 200 ; branches initial lenght scale: 0.7 ; branches scale factor grow: does [ ; grows branches l: l * scale color: 2 * color + leaf / 3 width: width - 1 newends: copy [] foreach [p a] ends [ a1: a + da - ea p1: p + as-pair l * cos a1 l * sin a1 a2: a - da - ea p2: p + as-pair l * cos a2 l * sin a2 append img/draw compose/deep [ pen (color) line-width (width) line (p1) (p) (p2)] append newends reduce [p1 a1 p2 a2] ] ends: newends ]</lang>


fractal tree image


<lang ring> load "guilib.ring"

new qapp

       win1 = new qwidget() {
              setwindowtitle("drawing using qpainter")
              label1 = new qlabel(win1) {

func draw

    p1 = new qpicture()
            color = new qcolor() {
       pen = new qpen() {
       new qpainter() {
       sizex = 400
       sizey = 200
       depth = 10

       tree(self, sizex, 0, sizey/2, 90, depth)
       label1 { setpicture(p1) show() }
       func tree myObj, x1, y1, size, angle, depth
            scale = 0.76
            spread = 25
            x2 = x1 + size * cos(angle)
            y2 = y1 + size * sin(angle)
            drawline(x1, y1, x2, y2)
            if depth > 0 
            tree(self, x2, y2, size * scale, angle - spread, depth - 1)
            tree(self, x2, y2, size * scale, angle + spread, depth - 1) ok}

</lang> Output:


Library: Shoes

<lang Ruby> => "Fractal Tree", :width => 600, :height => 600) do

 background "#fff"
 stroke "#000"
 @deg_to_rad = Math::PI / 180.0
 def drawTree(x1, y1, angle, depth)
   if depth != 0
     x2 = x1 + (Math.cos(angle * @deg_to_rad) * depth * 10.0).to_i
     y2 = y1 + (Math.sin(angle * @deg_to_rad) * depth * 10.0).to_i
     line x1, y1, x2, y2
     drawTree(x2, y2, angle - 20, depth - 1)
     drawTree(x2, y2, angle + 20, depth - 1)      



Library: Piston

<lang Rust>//Cargo deps : // piston = "0.35.0" // piston2d-graphics = "0.23.0" // piston2d-opengl_graphics = "0.49.0" // pistoncore-glutin_window = "0.42.0"

extern crate piston; extern crate graphics; extern crate opengl_graphics; extern crate glutin_window;

use piston::window::WindowSettings; use piston::event_loop::{Events, EventSettings}; use piston::input::RenderEvent; use glutin_window::GlutinWindow as Window; use opengl_graphics::{GlGraphics, OpenGL}; use graphics::{clear, line, Context};

const ANG: f64 = 20.0; const COLOR: [f32; 4] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0]; const LINE_THICKNESS: f64 = 5.0; const DEPTH: u32 = 11;

fn main() {

   let mut window: Window = WindowSettings::new("Fractal Tree", [1024, 768])
   let mut gl = GlGraphics::new(OpenGL::V3_2);
   let mut events = Events::new(EventSettings::new());
   while let Some(e) = window) {
       if let Some(args) = e.render_args() {
           gl.draw(args.viewport(), |c, g| {
               clear([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], g);
               draw_fractal_tree(512.0, 700.0, 0.0, DEPTH, c, g);


fn draw_fractal_tree(x1: f64, y1: f64, angle: f64, depth: u32, c: Context, g: &mut GlGraphics) {

   let x2 = x1 + angle.to_radians().sin() * depth as f64 * 10.0;
   let y2 = y1 - angle.to_radians().cos() * depth as f64 * 10.0;
       LINE_THICKNESS * depth as f64 * 0.2,
       [x1, y1, x2, y2],
   if depth > 0 {
       draw_fractal_tree(x2, y2, angle - ANG, depth - 1, c, g);
       draw_fractal_tree(x2, y2, angle + ANG, depth - 1, c, g);

} </lang>


Adapted from the Java version. Screenshot below. <lang scala>import swing._ import java.awt.{RenderingHints, BasicStroke, Color}

object FractalTree extends SimpleSwingApplication {

 val DEPTH = 9
 def top = new MainFrame {
   contents = new Panel {
     preferredSize = new Dimension(600, 500)
     override def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D) {
       draw(300, 460, -90, DEPTH)
       def draw(x1: Int, y1: Int, angle: Double, depth: Int) {
         if (depth > 0) {
           val x2 = x1 + (math.cos(angle.toRadians) * depth * 10).toInt
           val y2 = y1 + (math.sin(angle.toRadians) * depth * 10).toInt
           g.setColor(Color.getHSBColor(0.25f - depth * 0.125f / DEPTH, 0.9f, 0.6f))
           g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(depth))
           g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON)
           g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
           draw(x2, y2, angle - 20, depth - 1)
           draw(x2, y2, angle + 20, depth - 1)



The tree is created as a list of line segments, which can then be drawn on a required device. For this program, the tree is output to an eps file.

<lang scheme> (import (scheme base)

       (scheme file)
       (scheme inexact)
       (scheme write))

(define *scale* 10) ; controls overall size of tree (define *split* 20) ; controls angle of split (in degrees)

construct lines for tree as list of 5-tuples (x1 y1 x2 y2 depth)
- x1 y1 is start point
- angle of this line, in radians
- depth, depth within tree (controls length of line)

(define (create-tree x1 y1 angle depth)

 (define (degrees->radians d)
   (let ((pi 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097))
     (* d pi 1/180)))
 (if (zero? depth)
   (let ((x2 (+ x1 (* (cos (degrees->radians angle)) depth *scale*)))
         (y2 (+ y1 (* (sin (degrees->radians angle)) depth *scale*))))
     (append (list (map truncate (list x1 y1 x2 y2 depth)))
             (create-tree x2 y2 (- angle *split*) (- depth 1))
             (create-tree x2 y2 (+ angle *split*) (- depth 1))))))
output the tree to an eps file

(define (output-tree-as-eps filename tree)

 (when (file-exists? filename) (delete-file filename))
   (lambda ()
     (display "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n%%BoundingBox: 0 0 800 800\n") 
     ;; add each line - sets linewidth based on depth in tree
     (for-each (lambda (line)
                   (string-append "newpath\n"
                                  (number->string (list-ref line 0)) " "
                                  (number->string (list-ref line 1)) " "
                                  (number->string (list-ref line 2)) " "
                                  (number->string (list-ref line 3)) " "
                                  (number->string (truncate (/ (list-ref line 4) 2)))
                                  " setlinewidth\n"
     (display "\n%%EOF"))))

(output-tree-as-eps "fractal.eps" (create-tree 400 200 90 9)) </lang>


L-System approach

This script uses complex numbers to represent (x,y) coordinates: real part as x position, and imaginary part as y position. The tree is generated using an L-system approach, and the lines are then drawn by interpreting the resulting sentence. The output is plotted onto graphic window.

<lang>trunk = 1; //trunk length ratio = 0.8; //size ratio between two consecutive branches depth = 9; //final number of branch levels orign = 0; //origin of the tree (should be complex) angle = 45*%pi/180; //angle between two branches [rad] trunk_angle = 90*%pi/180; //angle between trunk and X-axis [rad]

right_angle = angle/2; //angles to the right or to the left left_angle = 0.8*angle; //can be set independently or

                           //as function of 'angle'

//L-system definition: //Alphabet: FBD[]+-

   //F: go forward             B: go backwards
   //[: start new branch       ]: end current branch
   //+: branch to the right    -: branch to the left
   //D: double line (forward then backward)

//Axiom: D //Rule: D -> F[+D-D]B

//L-system sentence generation sentence = 'D' rule = 'F[+D-D]B'; for i=1:depth

   sentence = strsubst(sentence,'D',rule);

end sentence = strsplit(sentence)';

//Empty tree tree_size = 1.0...

           + length(find(sentence=='F'|sentence=='B'))...
           + 2 * length(find(sentence=='D'));


//Drawing the tree branch_level = 0; curr_angle = trunk_angle; curr_pos = 1;

for ind = 1:size(sentence,'c')

   charac = sentence(ind);
   select charac
       case 'F' then //Draw line forward
           tree(curr_pos+1) = tree(curr_pos)...
                              + trunk * ratio^branch_level * exp(curr_angle*%i);
           curr_pos = curr_pos + 1;
       case 'B' then //Draw line backwards
           tree(curr_pos+1) = tree(curr_pos)...
                              + trunk * ratio^branch_level * exp((%pi+curr_angle)*%i);
           curr_pos = curr_pos + 1;
       case '[' then //New branch
           branch_level = branch_level + 1;
       case '+' then //Turn right
           curr_angle = curr_angle - right_angle;
       case '-' then //Turn left
           curr_angle = curr_angle + right_angle + left_angle;
       case ']' then //End of branch
           branch_level = branch_level - 1;
           curr_angle = curr_angle - left_angle;
       case 'D' then //Double line
           tree(curr_pos+1) = tree(curr_pos)...
                              + trunk * ratio^branch_level * exp(curr_angle*%i);
           tree(curr_pos+2) = tree(curr_pos+1)...
                              + trunk * ratio^branch_level * exp((%pi+curr_angle)*%i);
           curr_pos = curr_pos + 2;


scf(); clf(); xname('Fractal tree: '+string(depth)+' levels') plot2d(real(tree),imag(tree),14); set(gca(),'isoview','on'); set(gca(),'axes_visible',['off','off','off']);</lang>

Recursive approach

Translation of: PHP

<lang>width = 512; height = 512; img=scf(); set(img,'figure_size',[width,height]);

function drawTree(x1, y1, angle, depth)

   if depth ~= 0 then
       x2 = x1 + cos(angle * %pi/180) * depth * 10;
       y2 = y1 + sin(angle * %pi/180) * depth * 10;
       plot2d([x1 x2],[y1 y2],14);
       drawTree(x2, y2, angle - 20, depth - 1);
       drawTree(x2, y2, angle + 20, depth - 1);


drawTree(width/2,height,90,10); set(gca(),'isoview','on');</lang>


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

 include "float.s7i";
 include "math.s7i";
 include "draw.s7i";
 include "keybd.s7i";

const float: DEG_TO_RAD is PI / 180.0;

const proc: drawTree (in integer: x1, in integer: y1, in float: angle, in integer: depth) is func

   var integer: x2 is 0;
   var integer: y2 is 0;
   if depth <> 0 then
     x2 := x1 + trunc(cos(angle * DEG_TO_RAD) * flt(depth * 10));
     y2 := y1 + trunc(sin(angle * DEG_TO_RAD) * flt(depth * 10));
     lineTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, white);
     drawTree(x2, y2, angle - 20.0, depth - 1);
     drawTree(x2, y2, angle + 20.0, depth - 1);
   end if;
 end func;

const proc: main is func

   screen(600, 500);
   clear(curr_win, black);
   drawTree(300, 470, -90.0, 9);
 end func;</lang>

Original source: [2]


Translation of: Perl

<lang ruby>func tree(img, x, y, scale=6/10, len=400, angle=270) {

   len < 1 && return()
   img.moveTo(x, y)
   var (x1, y1) = img.curPos
   tree(img, x1, y1, scale, len*scale, angle+35)
   tree(img, x1, y1, scale, len*scale, angle-35)



var (width=1000, height=1000) var img = %s|GD::Simple|.new(width, height) img.fgcolor('black') img.penSize(1, 1)

tree(img, width/2, height)

File('tree.png').write(img.png, :raw)</lang>


This example is coded for Squeak Smalltalk.

<lang smalltalk> Object subclass: #FractalTree

   category: 'RosettaCode'


Methods for FractalTree class:

<lang smalltalk> tree: aPoint length: aLength angle: anAngle

   | p a |
   (aLength > 10) ifTrue: [
       p := Pen new.
       p up.
       p goto: aPoint.
       p turn: anAngle.
       p down.
       5 timesRepeat: [
           p go: aLength / 5.
           p turn: 5.
       a := anAngle - 30.
       3 timesRepeat: [
           self tree: p location length: aLength * 0.7 angle: a.
           a := a + 30.


   Display restoreAfter: [
       Display fillWhite.      
       self tree: 700@700 length: 200 angle: 0.


Now open a new Workspace and enter:

<lang smalltalk> FractalTree new draw. </lang>


In the same style as Dragon curve#SVG. SVG has no parameterized definitions, so the recursion must be unrolled.

<lang xml><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"


<svg xmlns=""

    width="400" height="320">
 <style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
   line { stroke: black; stroke-width: .05; }
   circle { fill: black; }


 <g id="stem"> <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="-1"/> </g>

 <g id="l0"><use xlink:href="#stem"/></g>
 <g id="l1"> <use xlink:href="#l0" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(-35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#l0" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(+35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#stem"/></g>
 <g id="l2"> <use xlink:href="#l1" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(-35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#l1" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(+35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#stem"/></g>
 <g id="l3"> <use xlink:href="#l2" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(-35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#l2" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(+35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#stem"/></g>
 <g id="l4"> <use xlink:href="#l3" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(-35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#l3" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(+35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#stem"/></g>
 <g id="l5"> <use xlink:href="#l4" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(-35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#l4" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(+35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#stem"/></g>
 <g id="l6"> <use xlink:href="#l5" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(-35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#l5" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(+35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#stem"/></g>
 <g id="l7"> <use xlink:href="#l6" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(-35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#l6" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(+35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#stem"/></g>
 <g id="l8"> <use xlink:href="#l7" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(-35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#l7" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(+35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#stem"/></g>
 <g id="l9"> <use xlink:href="#l8" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(-35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#l8" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(+35) scale(.7)"/>
             <use xlink:href="#stem"/></g>


<g transform="translate(200, 320) scale(100)">

 <use xlink:href="#l9"/>




Image - Link, since uploads seem to be disabled currently. In a playground: <lang swift>extension CGFloat {

 func degrees_to_radians() -> CGFloat {
   return CGFloat(M_PI) * self / 180.0


extension Double {

 func degrees_to_radians() -> Double {
   return Double(M_PI) * self / 180.0


class Tree: UIView {

 func drawTree(x1: CGFloat, y1: CGFloat, angle: CGFloat, depth:Int){
   if depth == 0 {
   let ang = angle.degrees_to_radians()
   let x2:CGFloat = x1 + ( cos(ang) as CGFloat) * CGFloat(depth) * (self.frame.width / 60)
   let y2:CGFloat = y1 + ( sin(ang) as CGFloat) * CGFloat(depth) * (self.frame.width / 60)
   let line = drawLine(x1, y1: y1, x2: x2, y2: y2)
   drawTree(x2, y1: y2, angle: angle - 20, depth: depth - 1)
   drawTree(x2, y1: y2, angle: angle + 20, depth: depth - 1)
 func drawLine(x1:CGFloat, y1:CGFloat, x2:CGFloat, y2:CGFloat) -> UIBezierPath
   let path = UIBezierPath()
   path.moveToPoint(CGPoint(x: x1,y: y1))
   path.addLineToPoint(CGPoint(x: x2,y: y2))
   path.lineWidth = 1
   return path
 override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
   let color = UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 1.0)
   drawTree(self.frame.width / 2 , y1: self.frame.height * 0.8, angle: -90 , depth: 9 )


let tree = Tree(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 300, 300)) tree </lang>

Standard ML

Works with PolyML <lang Standard ML>open XWindows; open Motif;

fun toI {x=x,y=y} = {x=Real.toInt IEEEReal.TO_NEAREST x,y=Real.toInt IEEEReal.TO_NEAREST y}  ;

fun drawOnTop win usegc ht hs {x=l1,y=l2} {x=r1,y=r2} =

 val xy = {x=l1 - ht * (l2-r2) , y = l2 - ht * (r1-l1) }
 val zt = {x=r1 - ht * (l2-r2) , y=  r2 - ht * (r1-l1) }
 val ab = {x= ( (#x xy + #x zt) + hs * (#y zt - #y xy ) )/2.0 ,  y =  ( (#y zt + #y xy) - hs * (#x zt - #x xy )) /2.0 }

 if abs (l1 - #x xy ) < 0.9 andalso abs (l2 - #y xy ) < 0.9
  then   XFlush (XtDisplay win)
   (XFillPolygon (XtWindow win) usegc [ (XPoint o toI) {x=l1,y=l2},
                                        (XPoint o toI ) xy ,

(XPoint o toI ) ab , (XPoint o toI ) zt , (XPoint o toI ) {x=r1,y=r2} ] Convex CoordModeOrigin  ;

 drawOnTop win usegc (0.87*ht) hs xy ab ;
 drawOnTop win usegc (0.93*ht) hs ab zt )

end ;

val demoWindow = fn () => let

 val shell  =  XtAppInitialise       ""    "tree" "top" []  [ XmNwidth 800, XmNheight 650] ;
 val main   =  XmCreateMainWindow   shell    "main"         [ XmNmappedWhenManaged true ]  ;
 val canvas =  XmCreateDrawingArea  main   "drawarea"       [ XmNwidth 800, XmNheight 650] ;
 val usegc  =  DefaultGC (XtDisplay canvas) ;


 XtSetCallbacks   canvas [ (XmNexposeCallback ,
                              (fn (w,c,t) => ( drawOnTop canvas usegc 8.0 0.85 {x=385.0,y=645.0} {x=415.0,y=645.0} ; t) ) )

] XmNarmCallback ;

  XtManageChild    canvas ;
  XtManageChild    main   ; 
  XtRealizeWidget  shell

end ;

demoWindow ();</lang>


Library: Tk

<lang tcl>package require Tk

set SIZE 800 set SCALE 4.0 set BRANCHES 14 set ROTATION_SCALE 0.85 set INITIAL_LENGTH 50.0

proc draw_tree {w x y dx dy size theta depth} {

   $w create line $x $y [expr {$x + $dx*$size}] [expr {$y + $dy*$size}]
   if {[incr depth -1] >= 0} {

set x [expr {$x + $dx*$size}] set y [expr {$y + $dy*$size}] set ntheta [expr {$theta * $ROTATION_SCALE}]

# Draw left branch draw_tree $w $x $y \ [expr {$dx*cos($theta) + $dy*sin($theta)}] \ [expr {$dy*cos($theta) - $dx*sin($theta)}] \ [expr {$size * (rand() + $SCALE - 1) / $SCALE}] $ntheta $depth # Draw right branch draw_tree $w $x $y \ [expr {$dx*cos(-$theta) + $dy*sin(-$theta)}] \ [expr {$dy*cos(-$theta) - $dx*sin(-$theta)}] \ [expr {$size * (rand() + $SCALE - 1) / $SCALE}] $ntheta $depth



pack [canvas .c -width $SIZE -height $SIZE] draw_tree .c [expr {$SIZE/2}] [expr {$SIZE-10}] 0.0 -1.0 $INITIAL_LENGTH \

   [expr {3.1415927 / 8}] $BRANCHES</lang>


Image is created in SVG-format <lang tuscript> $$ MODE TUSCRIPT dest="fracaltree.svg" ERROR/STOP CREATE (dest,fdf-o,-std-) ACCESS d: WRITE/ERASE/RECORDS/UTF8 $dest s,text MODE DATA $$ header=* <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"


<svg xmlns=""

width="400" height="320">
 <style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
 line { stroke: brown; stroke-width: .05; }

$$ WRITE/NEXT d header $$ defsbeg=* <defs>

 <g id="stem"> <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="-1"/> </g>
 <g id="l"><use xlink:href="#stem"/></g>

$$ WRITE/NEXT d defsbeg $$ LOOP n=10,21 $$ id=n+1,lastnr=VALUE(n) $$ g=*

 <g id="{id}"> <use xlink:href="#{n}" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(-35) scale(.7)"/>
 <use xlink:href="#{n}" transform="translate(0, -1) rotate(+35) scale(.7)"/> <use xlink:href="#stem"/></g>

$$ WRITE/NEXT d g $$ ENDLOOP $$ defsend = * </defs> <g transform="translate(200, 320) scale(100)">

 <use xlink:href="#{lastnr}"/>

</g> $$ MODE TUSCRIPT WRITE/NEXT d defsend WRITE/NEXT d "</svg>" ENDACCESS d </lang>


Translation of: JavaScript

<lang JavaScript>// Set up canvas for drawing var canvas: HTMLCanvasElement = document.createElement('canvas') canvas.width = 600 canvas.height = 500 document.body.appendChild(canvas) var ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D = canvas.getContext('2d') ctx.fillStyle = '#000' ctx.lineWidth = 1

// constants const degToRad: number = Math.PI / 180.0 const totalDepth: number = 9

/** Helper function that draws a line on the canvas */ function drawLine(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): void {

   ctx.moveTo(x1, y1)
   ctx.lineTo(x2, y2)


/** Draws a branch at the given point and angle and then calls itself twice */ function drawTree(x1: number, y1: number, angle: number, depth: number): void {

   if (depth !== 0) {
       let x2: number = x1 + (Math.cos(angle * degToRad) * depth * 10.0)
       let y2: number = y1 + (Math.sin(angle * degToRad) * depth * 10.0)
       drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
       drawTree(x2, y2, angle - 20, depth - 1)
       drawTree(x2, y2, angle + 20, depth - 1)


// actual drawing of tree ctx.beginPath() drawTree(300, 500, -90, totalDepth) ctx.closePath() ctx.stroke()



Translation of: Kotlin
Library: DOME

<lang ecmascript>import "graphics" for Canvas, Color import "dome" for Window import "math" for Math

var Radians = { |d| d * Num.pi / 180 }

class FractalTree {

   construct new(width, height) {
       Window.title = "Fractal Tree"
       Window.resize(width, height)
       Canvas.resize(width, height)
       _fore = Color.white
   init() {
       drawTree(400, 500, -90, 9)
   drawTree(x1, y1, angle, depth) {
       if (depth == 0) return
       var r =
       var x2 = x1 + (Math.cos(r) * depth * 10).truncate
       var y2 = y1 + (Math.sin(r) * depth * 10).truncate
       Canvas.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, _fore)
       drawTree(x2, y2, angle - 20, depth - 1)
       drawTree(x2, y2, angle + 20, depth - 1)
   update() {}
   draw(alpha) {}


var Game =, 600)</lang>



<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes;

proc DrawBranch(Lev, Dir, Len, X, Y); int Lev; real Dir, Len; int X, Y; int Red, Grn; [Move(X, Y); X:= X + fix(Len*Cos(Dir)); Y:= Y + fix(Len*Sin(Dir)); Red:= 255-Lev*8; Grn:= Lev*12+100; Line(X, Y, Red<<16+Grn<<8); if Lev < 12 then \limit level of recursion

       [DrawBranch(Lev+1, Dir-0.4, Len*0.8, X, Y);     \left
        DrawBranch(Lev+1, Dir+0.1, Len*0.8, X, Y);     \right


[SetVid($112); \set 640x480x24 video graphics mode DrawBranch(0, -3.14159/2.0, 80.0, 360, 460); if ChIn(1) then []; \wait for keystroke SetVid(3); \restore normal text mode ]</lang>


Uses the PPM class from

Translation of: BBC BASIC
Translation of: XPL0

<lang zkl>fcn fractalTree(){

  sizeX:=400; sizeY:=300;
     x2:=x1 - size*ar.cos();
     y2:=y1 + size*ar.sin();
     color:=(0xff-depth*8).shiftLeft(16) + (depth*12+100).shiftLeft(8);
     bitmap.line(x1,y1, x2,y2, color);
        self.fcn(x2,y2,scale*size,angle - 30,depth - 1,vm.pasteArgs(5));

self.fcn(x2,y2,scale*size,angle + 8, depth - 1,vm.pasteArgs(5));


}();</lang> The funkyness (pasteArgs) in the recursion (self.fcn) is due to the closure ('wrap): the closed over args are stashed in the arglist, they need to be added to the parameters when recursing.

ZX Spectrum Basic

Translation of: BASIC256

<lang zxbasic>10 LET level=12: LET long=45 20 LET x=127: LET y=0 30 LET rotation=PI/2 40 LET a1=PI/9: LET a2=PI/9 50 LET c1=0.75: LET c2=0.75 60 DIM x(level): DIM y(level) 70 BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 4: CLS 80 GO SUB 100 90 STOP 100 REM Tree 110 LET x(level)=x: LET y(level)=y 120 GO SUB 1000 130 IF level=1 THEN GO TO 240 140 LET level=level-1 150 LET long=long*c1 160 LET rotation=rotation-a1 170 GO SUB 100 180 LET long=long/c1*c2 190 LET rotation=rotation+a1+a2 200 GO SUB 100 210 LET rotation=rotation-a2 220 LET long=long/c2 230 LET level=level+1 240 LET x=x(level): LET y=y(level) 250 RETURN 1000 REM Draw 1010 LET yn=-SIN rotation*long+y 1020 LET xn=COS rotation*long+x 1030 PLOT x,y: DRAW xn-x,y-yn 1040 LET x=xn: LET y=yn 1050 RETURN </lang>