Egyptian division is a method of dividing integers using addition and doubling that is similar to the algorithm of Ethiopian multiplication

Egyptian division
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.


Given two numbers where the dividend is to be divided by the divisor:

  1. Start the construction of a table of two columns: powers_of_2, and doublings; by a first row of a 1 (i.e. 2^0) in the first column and 1 times the divisor in the first row second column.
  2. Create the second row with columns of 2 (i.e 2^1), and 2 * divisor in order.
  3. Continue with successive i’th rows of 2^i and 2^i * divisor.
  4. Stop adding rows, and keep only those rows, where 2^i * divisor is less than or equal to the dividend.
  5. We now assemble two separate sums that both start as zero, called here answer and accumulator
  6. Consider each row of the table, in the reverse order of its construction.
  7. If the current value of the accumulator added to the doublings cell would be less than or equal to the dividend then add it to the accumulator, as well as adding the powers_of_2 cell value to the answer.
  8. When the first row has been considered as above, then the integer division of dividend by divisor is given by answer.
    (And the remainder is given by the absolute value of accumulator - dividend).

Example: 580 / 34

Table creation:

powers_of_2 doublings
1 34
2 68
4 136
8 272
16 544

Initialization of sums:

powers_of_2 doublings answer accumulator
1 34
2 68
4 136
8 272
16 544
0 0

Considering table rows, bottom-up:

When a row is considered it is shown crossed out if it is not accumulated, or bold if the row causes summations.

powers_of_2 doublings answer accumulator
1 34
2 68
4 136
8 272
16 544 16 544
powers_of_2 doublings answer accumulator
1 34
2 68
4 136
8 272 16 544
16 544
powers_of_2 doublings answer accumulator
1 34
2 68
4 136 16 544
8 272
16 544
powers_of_2 doublings answer accumulator
1 34
2 68 16 544
4 136
8 272
16 544
powers_of_2 doublings answer accumulator
1 34 17 578
2 68
4 136
8 272
16 544

So 580 divided by 34 using the Egyptian method is 17 remainder (578 - 580) or 2.


The task is to create a function that does Egyptian division. The function should
closely follow the description above in using a list/array of powers of two, and
another of doublings.

  • Functions should be clear interpretations of the algorithm.
  • Use the function to divide 580 by 34 and show the answer here, on this page.

Related tasks


Translation of: Python
F egyptian_divmod(dividend, divisor)
   assert(divisor != 0)
   V (pwrs, dbls) = ([1], [divisor])
   L dbls.last <= dividend
      pwrs.append(pwrs.last * 2)
      dbls.append(pwrs.last * divisor)
   V (ans, accum) = (0, 0)
   L(pwr, dbl) zip(pwrs[((len)-2 ..).step(-1)], dbls[((len)-2 ..).step(-1)])
      I accum + dbl <= dividend
         accum += dbl
         ans += pwr
   R (ans, abs(accum - dividend))

L(i, j) cart_product(0.<13, 1..12)
   assert(egyptian_divmod(i, j) == divmod(i, j))
V (i, j) = (580, 34)
V (d, m) = egyptian_divmod(i, j)
print(‘#. divided by #. using the Egyption method is #. remainder #.’.format(i, j, d, m))
580 divided by 34 using the Egyption method is 17 remainder 2


TYPE Answer=[CARD result,reminder]

PROC EgyptianDivision(CARD dividend,divisor Answer POINTER res)
  CARD ARRAY powers(SIZE),doublings(SIZE)
  CARD power,doubling,accumulator
  INT i,count

  count=0 power=1 doubling=divisor
  WHILE count<SIZE AND doubling<=dividend
    power==LSH 1
    doubling==LSH 1

  WHILE i>=0
    IF accumulator+doublings(i)<=dividend THEN

PROC Main()
  CARD dividend=[580],divisor=[34]
  Answer res

  PrintF("%U / %U = %U reminder %U",dividend,divisor,res.result,res.reminder)

Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer

580 / 34 = 17 reminder 2


with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Egyptian_Division is

  procedure Divide  (a : Natural; b : Positive; q, r : out Natural) is
    doublings : array (0..31) of Natural;  -- The natural type holds values < 2^32 so no need going beyond
    m, sum, last_index_touched : Natural := 0;    
    for i in doublings'Range loop
      m := b * 2**i; 
      exit when m > a ;
      doublings (i) := m;
      last_index_touched := i;
    end loop;
    q := 0;
    for i in reverse doublings'First .. last_index_touched loop
        m := sum + doublings (i);
        if m <= a then 
          sum := m; 
          q := q + 2**i;
        end if;
    end loop;
    r := a -sum;
  end Divide;
  q, r : Natural;
  Divide (580,34, q, r);
  Ada.Text_IO.put_line ("Quotient="&q'Img & " Remainder="&r'img);
end Egyptian_Division;
Quotient= 17 Remainder= 2


    # performs Egyptian division of dividend by divisor, setting quotient and remainder #
    # this uses 32 bit numbers, so a table of 32 powers of 2 should be sufficient       #
    # ( divisors > 2^30 will probably overflow - this is not checked here )             #
    PROC egyptian division = ( INT dividend, divisor, REF INT ed quotient, ed remainder )VOID:
            [ 1 : 32 ]INT powers of 2, doublings;
            # initialise the powers of 2 and doublings tables #
            powers of 2[ 1 ] := 1;
            doublings  [ 1 ] := divisor;
            INT   table pos  := 1;
            WHILE table pos +:= 1;
                  powers of 2[ table pos ] := powers of 2[ table pos - 1 ] * 2;
                  doublings  [ table pos ] := doublings  [ table pos - 1 ] * 2;
                  doublings[ table pos ] <= dividend
            # construct the accumulator and answer #
            INT accumulator := 0, answer := 0;
            WHILE table pos >=1
                IF ( accumulator + doublings[ table pos ] ) <= dividend
                    accumulator +:= doublings  [ table pos ];
                    answer      +:= powers of 2[ table pos ] 
                table pos -:= 1
            ed quotient  := answer;
            ed remainder := ABS ( accumulator - dividend )
        END # egyptian division # ;

    BEGIN # task test case #
        INT ed quotient, ed remainder;
        egyptian division( 580, 34, ed quotient, ed remainder );
        print( ( "580 divided by 34 is: ", whole( ed quotient, 0 ) ) );
        print( ( " remainder: ", whole( ed remainder, 0 ), newline ) )
580 divided by 34 is: 17 remainder: 2


Unfold to derive successively doubled rows, fold to sum quotient and derive remainder

-- EGYPTIAN DIVISION ------------------------------------

-- eqyptianQuotRem :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
on egyptianQuotRem(m, n)
    script expansion
        on |λ|(ix)
            set {i, x} to ix
            if x > m then
                Just({ix, {i + i, x + x}})
            end if
        end |λ|
    end script
    script collapse
        on |λ|(ix, qr)
            set {i, x} to ix
            set {q, r} to qr
            if x < r then
                {q + i, r - x}
            end if
        end |λ|
    end script
    return foldr(collapse, {0, m}, ¬
        unfoldr(expansion, {1, n}))
end egyptianQuotRem

-- TEST -------------------------------------------------
on run
    egyptianQuotRem(580, 34)
end run

-- GENERIC FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------

-- Just :: a -> Maybe a
on Just(x)
    {type:"Maybe", Nothing:false, Just:x}
end Just

-- Nothing :: Maybe a
on Nothing()
    {type:"Maybe", Nothing:true}
end Nothing

-- foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
on foldr(f, startValue, xs)
    tell mReturn(f)
        set v to startValue
        set lng to length of xs
        repeat with i from lng to 1 by -1
            set v to |λ|(item i of xs, v, i, xs)
        end repeat
        return v
    end tell
end foldr

-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper 
-- mReturn :: First-class m => (a -> b) -> m (a -> b)
on mReturn(f)
    if class of f is script then
            property |λ| : f
        end script
    end if
end mReturn

-- > unfoldr (\b -> if b == 0 then Nothing else Just (b, b-1)) 10
-- > [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1] 
-- unfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a]
on unfoldr(f, v)
    set xr to {v, v} -- (value, remainder)
    set xs to {}
    tell mReturn(f)
        repeat -- Function applied to remainder.
            set mb to |λ|(item 2 of xr)
            if Nothing of mb then
                exit repeat
            else -- New (value, remainder) tuple,
                set xr to Just of mb
                -- and value appended to output list.
                set end of xs to item 1 of xr
            end if
        end repeat
    end tell
    return xs
end unfoldr
{17, 2}


egyptianDiv: function [dividend, divisor][
    ensure -> and? dividend >= 0
                   divisor > 0

    if dividend < divisor -> return @[0, dividend]

    powersOfTwo: new [1]
    doublings: new @[divisor]
    d: divisor
    while [true][
        d: 2 * d
        if d > dividend -> break
        'powersOfTwo ++ 2 * last powersOfTwo
        'doublings ++ d

    answer: 0
    accumulator: 0

    loop (dec size doublings)..0 'i [
        if dividend >= accumulator + doublings\[i] [
            accumulator: accumulator + doublings\[i]
            answer: answer + powersOfTwo\[i]
            if accumulator = dividend -> break

    return @[answer, dividend - accumulator]

dividend: 580
divisor: 34

[quotient, remainder]: egyptianDiv dividend divisor

print [dividend "divided by" divisor "is" quotient "with remainder" remainder]
580 divided by 34 is 17 with remainder 2


divident := 580
divisor := 34

answer := accumulator := 0
obj := []	, div := divisor

while (div < divident)
	obj[2**(A_Index-1)] := div				; obj[powers_of_2] := doublings
	div *= 2						; double up

while obj.MaxIndex()						; iterate rows "in the reverse order"
	if (accumulator + obj[obj.MaxIndex()] <= divident)	; If (accumulator + current doubling) <= dividend 
		accumulator += obj[obj.MaxIndex()]		; add current doubling to the accumulator
		answer += obj.MaxIndex()			; add the powers_of_2 value to the answer.
	obj.pop()						; remove current row
MsgBox % divident "/" divisor " = " answer ( divident-accumulator > 0 ? " r" divident-accumulator : "")


580/34 = 17 r2



Translation of: QBasic

But the arrays are subscripted from 0.

Works with: Decimal BASIC
100 REM Egyptian division
110 DIM Table(0 TO 31, 0 TO 1)
120 LET Dividend = 580
130 LET Divisor = 34
140 REM ** Division
150 LET I = 0
160 LET Table(I, 0) = 1
170 LET Table(I, 1) = Divisor
180 DO WHILE Table(I, 1) < Dividend
190    LET I = I + 1
200    LET Table(I, 0) = Table(I - 1, 0) * 2
210    LET Table(I, 1) = Table(I - 1, 1) * 2
220 LOOP
230 LET I = I - 1
240 LET Answer = Table(I, 0)
250 LET Accumulator = Table(I, 1)
260 DO WHILE I > 0
270    LET I = I - 1
280    IF Table(I, 1) + Accumulator <= Dividend THEN
290       LET Answer = Answer + Table(I, 0)
300       LET Accumulator = Accumulator + Table(I, 1)
310    END IF
320 LOOP
330 REM ** Results
340 PRINT Dividend; "divided by"; Divisor; "using Egytian division";
350 PRINT " returns"; Answer; "remainder"; Dividend - Accumulator
360 END
 580 divided by 34 using Egytian division returns 17 remainder 2 

Applesoft BASIC

The MSX BASIC solution works without any changes.


'---Ported from the c code example to BaCon by bigbass 

FUNCTION EGYPTIAN_DIVISION(long dividend, long divisor, long remainder) TYPE long 
'--- remainder is the third  parameter, pass 0 if you do not need the remainder
DECLARE powers[64] TYPE long 
DECLARE doublings[64] TYPE long 

	LOCAL i TYPE long
	FOR i = 0 TO  63 STEP 1  
		powers[i] = 1 << i
		doublings[i] = divisor << i
		IF (doublings[i] > dividend) THEN

	LOCAL answer TYPE long
	LOCAL accumulator TYPE long
	answer = 0
	accumulator = 0
	WHILE i >= 0
		'--- If the current value of the accumulator added to the
		'--- doublings cell would be less than or equal to the
		'--- dividend then add it to the accumulator
		IF (accumulator + doublings[i] <= dividend) THEN
			accumulator = accumulator + doublings[i]
			answer = answer + powers[i]
		DECR i
	IF remainder THEN
		remainder = dividend - accumulator
		PRINT dividend ," / ", divisor, " = " , answer ," remainder " , remainder

        PRINT "Decoded the answer to a standard fraction"
        PRINT  (remainder + 0.0 )/ (divisor + 0.0) + answer

		PRINT dividend ," / ", divisor , " = " , answer 
	RETURN answer


	'--- the large number divided by the smaller number 
	'--- the third argument is 1 if you want to have a remainder
	'--- and 0 if you dont want to have a remainder 



arraybase 1
dim table(32, 2)
dividend = 580
divisor = 34

i = 1
table[i, 1] = 1
table[i, 2] = divisor

while table[i, 2] < dividend
	i = i + 1
	table[i, 1] = table[i -1, 1] * 2
	table[i, 2] = table[i -1, 2] * 2
end while
i = i - 1
answer = table[i, 1]
accumulator = table[i, 2]

while i > 1
	i = i - 1
	if table[i, 2]+ accumulator <= dividend then
		answer = answer + table[i, 1]
		accumulator = accumulator + table[i, 2]
	end if
end while

print string(dividend); " divided by "; string(divisor); " using Egytian division";
print " returns "; string(answer); " mod(ulus) "; string(dividend-accumulator)
Same as FreeBASIC entry.

Chipmunk Basic

Translation of: QBasic
Works with: Chipmunk Basic version 3.6.4
Works with: QBasic
100 dim table(32,2)
110 let dividend = 580
120 let divisor = 34
130 let i = 1
140 let table(i,1) = 1
150 let table(i,2) = divisor
160 do while table(i,2) < dividend
170  let i = i+1
180  let table(i,1) = table(i-1,1)*2
190  let table(i,2) = table(i-1,2)*2
200 loop
210 let i = i-1
220 let answer = table(i,1)
230 let accumulator = table(i,2)
240 do while i > 1
250  let i = i-1
260  if table(i,2)+accumulator <= dividend then
270   let answer = answer+table(i,1)
280   let accumulator = accumulator+table(i,2)
290  endif
300 loop
310 print str$(dividend);" divided by ";str$(divisor);" using Egytian division";
320 print " returns ";str$(answer);" mod(ulus) ";str$(dividend-accumulator)
330 end


' version 09-08-2017
' compile with: fbc -s console

Data 580, 34

Dim As UInteger dividend, divisor, answer, accumulator, i
ReDim As UInteger table(1 To 32, 1 To 2)

Read dividend, divisor

i = 1
table(i, 1) = 1 : table(i, 2) = divisor

While table(i, 2) < dividend
    i += 1
    table(i, 1) = table(i -1, 1) * 2
    table(i, 2) = table(i -1, 2) * 2

i -= 1
answer = table(i, 1)
accumulator = table(i, 2)

While i > 1
    i -= 1
    If table(i,2)+ accumulator <= dividend Then
        answer += table(i, 1)
        accumulator += table(i, 2)
    End If

Print Str(dividend); " divided by "; Str(divisor); " using Egytian division";
Print " returns "; Str(answer); " mod(ulus) "; Str(dividend-accumulator)

' empty keyboard buffer
While Inkey <> "" : Wend
Print : Print "hit any key to end program"
580 divided by 34 using Egytian division returns 17 mod(ulus) 2


Translation of: QBasic
Works with: PC-BASIC version any
Works with: BASICA
Works with: Chipmunk Basic
Works with: QBasic
100 CLS
110 DIM T(32,2)
120 LET A = 580
130 LET B = 34
140 LET I = 1
150 LET T(I,1) = 1
160 LET T(I,2) = B
170 WHILE T(I,2) < A
180  LET I = I+1
190  LET T(I,1) = T(I-1,1)*2
200  LET T(I,2) = T(I-1,2)*2
210 WEND
220 LET I = I-1
230 LET R = T(I,1)
240 LET S = T(I,2)
250 WHILE I > 1
260  LET I = I-1
270  IF T(I,2)+S <= A THEN LET R = R+T(I,1): LET S = S+T(I,2)
280 WEND
290 PRINT STR$(A);" divided by ";STR$(B);" using Egytian division";
300 PRINT " returns ";STR$(R);" mod(ulus) ";STR$(A-S)
310 END


Same code as QBasic

Minimal BASIC

Translation of: ANSI BASIC
Works with: BASICA
Works with: Commodore BASIC version 3.5
Works with: MSX BASIC version 2.1
10 REM Egyptian division
20 DIM T(31,1)
30 REM D1 - dividend; D2 - divisor
40 LET D1 = 580
50 LET D2 = 34
60 REM ** Division
70 LET I = 0
80 LET T(I,0) = 1
90 LET T(I,1) = D2
100 IF T(I,1) >= D1 THEN 160
110 LET I = I+1
120 LET T(I,0) = T(I-1,0)*2
130 LET T(I,1) = T(I-1,1)*2
140 GOTO 100
150 REM A - answer; C - accumulator
160 LET I = I-1
170 LET A = T(I,0)
180 LET C = T(I,1)
190 IF I <= 0 THEN 250
200 LET I = I-1
210 IF T(I,1)+C > D1 THEN 190
220 LET A = A+T(I,0)
230 LET C = C+T(I,1)
240 GOTO 190
250 REM ** Results
260 PRINT D1; "divided by"; D2; 
270 PRINT "using Egyptian division";
280 PRINT " returns"; A; "remainder"; D1-C
290 END
 580 divided by 34 using Egyptian division returns 17 remainder 2 

MSX Basic

Works with: MSX BASIC version any
Works with: Applesoft BASIC
Works with: GW-BASIC
Works with: Chipmunk Basic
Works with: QBasic
110 DIM T(32,2)
120 A = 580
130 B = 34
140 I = 1
150 T(I,1) = 1
160 T(I,2) = B
170 IF T(I,2) < A THEN  I = I+1 :  T(I,1) = T(I-1,1)*2 : T(I,2) = T(I-1,2)*2
180 IF T(I,2) >= A THEN GOTO 200
190 GOTO 170
200 I = I-1
210 R = T(I,1)
220 S = T(I,2)
230 IF I > 1 THEN I = I-1 : IF T(I,2)+S <= A THEN R = R+T(I,1): S = S+T(I,2)
240 IF I <= 1 THEN GOTO 260
250 GOTO 230
260 PRINT STR$(A);" divided by ";STR$(B);" using Egytian division";
270 PRINT " returns ";STR$(R);" mod(ulus) ";STR$(A-S)
280 END


Dim table.i(32, 2)
dividend.i = 580
divisor.i = 34

i.i = 1
table(i, 1) = 1
table(i, 2) = divisor

While table(i, 2) < dividend
  i + 1
  table(i, 1) = table(i -1, 1) * 2
  table(i, 2) = table(i -1, 2) * 2
i - 1
answer = table(i, 1)
accumulator = table(i, 2)

While i > 1
  i - 1
  If table(i, 2)+ accumulator <= dividend:
    answer = answer + table(i, 1)
    accumulator = accumulator + table(i, 2)

Print(Str(dividend) + " divided by " + Str(divisor) + " using Egytian division")
PrintN(" returns " + Str(answer) + " mod(ulus) " + Str(dividend-accumulator))
Same as FreeBASIC entry.


Works with: QBasic version 1.1
Works with: QuickBasic version 4.5
Works with: Run BASIC
Works with: Just BASIC
Works with: Liberty BASIC
DIM table(32, 2)
dividend = 580
divisor = 34
i = 1
table(i, 1) = 1
table(i, 2) = divisor
WHILE table(i, 2) < dividend
    i = i + 1
    table(i, 1) = table(i - 1, 1) * 2
    table(i, 2) = table(i - 1, 2) * 2
i = i - 1
answer = table(i, 1)
accumulator = table(i, 2)
WHILE i > 1
    i = i - 1
    IF table(i, 2) + accumulator <= dividend THEN
        answer = answer + table(i, 1)
        accumulator = accumulator + table(i, 2)
    END IF

PRINT STR$(dividend); " divided by "; STR$(divisor); " using Egytian division";
PRINT " returns "; STR$(answer); " mod(ulus) "; STR$(dividend - accumulator)
Same as FreeBASIC entry.


Same code as QBasic


DIM table(32, 2)
LET dividend = 580
LET divisor = 34

LET i = 1
LET table(i, 1) = 1
LET table(i, 2) = divisor

DO WHILE table(i, 2) < dividend
   LET i = i+1
   LET table(i, 1) = table(i-1, 1)*2
   LET table(i, 2) = table(i-1, 2)*2
LET i = i-1
LET answer = table(i, 1)
LET accumulator = table(i, 2)

DO WHILE i > 1
   LET i = i-1
   IF table(i, 2)+accumulator <= dividend THEN
      LET answer = answer+table(i, 1)
      LET accumulator = accumulator+table(i, 2)

PRINT STR$(dividend); " divided by "; STR$(divisor); " using Egytian division";
PRINT " returns "; STR$(answer); " mod(ulus) "; STR$(dividend-accumulator)
Same as FreeBASIC entry.

Visual Basic .NET

Translation of: D
Module Module1

    Function EgyptianDivision(dividend As ULong, divisor As ULong, ByRef remainder As ULong) As ULong
        Const SIZE = 64
        Dim powers(SIZE) As ULong
        Dim doublings(SIZE) As ULong
        Dim i = 0

        While i < SIZE
            powers(i) = 1 << i
            doublings(i) = divisor << i
            If doublings(i) > dividend Then
                Exit While
            End If
            i = i + 1
        End While

        Dim answer As ULong = 0
        Dim accumulator As ULong = 0
        i = i - 1
        While i >= 0
            If accumulator + doublings(i) <= dividend Then
                accumulator += doublings(i)
                answer += powers(i)
            End If
            i = i - 1
        End While

        remainder = dividend - accumulator
        Return answer
    End Function

    Sub Main(args As String())
        If args.Length < 2 Then
            Dim name = Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage: {0} dividend divisor", IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(name))
        End If

        Dim dividend = CULng(args(0))
        Dim divisor = CULng(args(1))
        Dim remainder As ULong

        Dim ans = EgyptianDivision(dividend, divisor, remainder)
        Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1} = {2} rem {3}", dividend, divisor, ans, remainder)
    End Sub

End Module
580 / 34 = 17 rem 2


Works with: Windows XBasic
PROGRAM  "Egyptian division"
VERSION  "0.0000"


FUNCTION  Entry ()
	DIM T[32,2]
	A = 580
	B = 34
	I = 1
	T[I,1] = 1
	T[I,2] = B
	DO WHILE T[I,2] < A
		T[I,1] = T[I-1,1]*2
		T[I,2] = T[I-1,2]*2
	R = T[I,1]
	S = T[I,2]
		IF T[I,2]+S <= A THEN
			R = R+T[I,1]
			S = S+T[I,2]
	PRINT A;" divided by";B;" using Egytian division";
	PRINT " returns";R;" mod(ulus)"; A-S


dim table(32, 2)
dividend = 580
divisor = 34
i = 1
table(i, 1) = 1
table(i, 2) = divisor
while table(i, 2) < dividend
    i = i + 1
    table(i, 1) = table(i -1, 1) * 2
    table(i, 2) = table(i -1, 2) * 2
i = i - 1
answer = table(i, 1)
accumulator = table(i, 2)
while i > 1
    i = i - 1
    if table(i, 2)+ accumulator <= dividend then
       answer = answer + table(i, 1)
       accumulator = accumulator + table(i, 2)

print str$(dividend), " divided by ", str$(divisor), " using Egytian division";
print " returns ", str$(answer), " mod(ulus) ", str$(dividend-accumulator)
Same as FreeBASIC entry.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>

uint64_t egyptian_division(uint64_t dividend, uint64_t divisor, uint64_t *remainder) {
	// remainder is an out parameter, pass NULL if you do not need the remainder
	static uint64_t powers[64];
	static uint64_t doublings[64];

	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
		powers[i] = 1 << i;
		doublings[i] = divisor << i;
		if(doublings[i] > dividend)
	uint64_t answer = 0;
	uint64_t accumulator = 0;

	for(i = i - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		// If the current value of the accumulator added to the
		// doublings cell would be less than or equal to the
		// dividend then add it to the accumulator
		if(accumulator + doublings[i] <= dividend) {
			accumulator += doublings[i];
			answer += powers[i];
		*remainder = dividend - accumulator;
	return answer;

void go(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
	uint64_t x, y;
	x = egyptian_division(a, b, &y);
	printf("%llu / %llu = %llu remainder %llu\n", a, b, x, y);
	assert(a == b * x + y);

int main(void) {
	go(580, 32);


using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace Egyptian_division
	class Program
		public static void Main(string[] args)
			Console.WriteLine(" Egyptian division ");
			Console.Write(" Enter value of dividend : ");
			int dividend = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
			Console.Write(" Enter value of divisor : ");
			int divisor = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
			Divide(dividend, divisor);
			Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . ");
		static void Divide(int dividend, int divisor)
			// Local variable declaration and initialization
			int result   = 0;
			int reminder = 0;
			int powers_of_two = 0;
			int doublings 	  = 0;
			int answer 	= 0;
			int accumulator = 0;
			int two = 2;
			int pow = 0;
			int row = 0;
			// Tables declaration
			ArrayList table_powers_of_two = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList table_doublings     = new ArrayList();
			// Fill and Show table values
			Console.WriteLine("                           ");
			Console.WriteLine(" powers_of_2     doublings ");
			Console.WriteLine("                           ");
			// Set initial values
			powers_of_two = 1;
			doublings = divisor;
			while( doublings <= dividend )
				// Set table value
				table_powers_of_two.Add( powers_of_two );
				table_doublings.Add( doublings );
				// Show new table row
				Console.WriteLine("{0,8}{1,16}",powers_of_two, doublings);
				powers_of_two = (int)Math.Pow( two, pow );
				doublings = powers_of_two * divisor;
			Console.WriteLine("                           ");
			// Calculate division and Show table values
			row = pow - 1;
			Console.WriteLine("                                                 ");
			Console.WriteLine(" powers_of_2     doublings   answer   accumulator");
			Console.WriteLine("                                                 ");
			Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop + row);
			while( pow >= 0 && accumulator < dividend )
				// Get values from tables
				doublings = int.Parse(table_doublings[pow].ToString());
				powers_of_two = int.Parse(table_powers_of_two[pow].ToString());
				if(accumulator + int.Parse(table_doublings[pow].ToString()) <= dividend )
					// Set new values
					accumulator += doublings;
					answer += powers_of_two;
					// Show accumulated row values in different collor
					Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
					Console.Write("{0,8}{1,16}",powers_of_two, doublings);
					Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
					Console.WriteLine("{0,10}{1,12}", answer, accumulator);
					Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop - 2);
					// Show not accumulated row walues
					Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
					Console.Write("{0,8}{1,16}",powers_of_two, doublings);
					Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
					Console.WriteLine("{0,10}{1,12}", answer, accumulator);
					Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop - 2);
			Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop + row + 2);
			// Set result and reminder
			result = answer;
			if( accumulator < dividend )
				reminder = dividend - accumulator;
				Console.WriteLine(" So " + dividend +
				                  " divided by " + divisor +
				                  " using the Egyptian method is \n " + result +
				                  " remainder (" + dividend + " - " + accumulator +
				                  ") or " + reminder);
				reminder = 0;
				Console.WriteLine(" So " + dividend +
				                  " divided by " + divisor +
				                  " using the Egyptian method is \n " + result +
				                  " remainder " + reminder);
Program Input and Output
Instead of bold and strikeout text format, numbers are represented in different color:

 Egyptian division

 Enter value of dividend : 580
 Enter value of divisor  : 34

 powers_of_2     doublings

       1              34
       2              68
       4             136
       8             272
      16             544

 powers_of_2     doublings   answer   accumulator

       1              34        17         578
       2              68        16         544
       4             136        16         544
       8             272        16         544
      16             544        16         544

 So 580 divided by 34 using the Egyptian method is
 17 remainder (580 - 578) or 2

Press any key to continue . . .


Translation of: C
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

typedef unsigned long ulong;

 * Remainder is an out paramerter. Use nullptr if the remainder is not needed.
ulong egyptian_division(ulong dividend, ulong divisor, ulong* remainder) {
    constexpr int SIZE = 64;
    ulong powers[SIZE];
    ulong doublings[SIZE];
    int i = 0;

    for (; i < SIZE; ++i) {
        powers[i] = 1 << i;
        doublings[i] = divisor << i;
        if (doublings[i] > dividend) {

    ulong answer = 0;
    ulong accumulator = 0;

    for (i = i - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
         * If the current value of the accumulator added to the
         * doublings cell would be less than or equal to the
         * dividend then add it to the accumulator
        if (accumulator + doublings[i] <= dividend) {
            accumulator += doublings[i];
            answer += powers[i];

    if (remainder) {
        *remainder = dividend - accumulator;
    return answer;

void print(ulong a, ulong b) {
    using namespace std;

    ulong x, y;
    x = egyptian_division(a, b, &y);

    cout << a << " / " << b << " = " << x << " remainder " << y << endl;
    assert(a == b * x + y);

int main() {
    print(580, 34);

    return 0;
580 / 34 = 17 remainder 2

Common Lisp

(defun egyptian-division (dividend divisor)
  (let* ((doublings (reverse (loop for n = divisor then (* 2 n)
                                until (> n dividend)
                                collect n)))
         (powers-of-two (reverse (loop for n = 1 then (* 2 n)
                                    repeat (length doublings)
                                    collect n))))
       for d in doublings
       for p in powers-of-two
       with accumulator = 0
       with answer = 0
       finally (return (values answer (- dividend (* answer divisor))))
       when (<= (+ accumulator d) dividend)
       do (incf answer p)
          (incf accumulator d))))
CL-USER> (format t "~A/~A = ~{~A~^ remainder ~}~%" 580 34 (multiple-value-list (egyptian-division 580 34)))
580/34 = 17 remainder 2


import std.stdio;

version(unittest) {
    // empty
} else {
    int main(string[] args) {
        import std.conv;

        if (args.length < 3) {
            stderr.writeln("Usage: ", args[0], " dividend divisor");
            return 1;

        ulong dividend = to!ulong(args[1]);
        ulong divisor = to!ulong(args[2]);
        ulong remainder;

        auto ans = egyptian_division(dividend, divisor, remainder);
        writeln(dividend, " / ", divisor, " = ", ans, " rem ", remainder);

        return 0;

ulong egyptian_division(ulong dividend, ulong divisor, out ulong remainder) {
    enum SIZE = 64;
    ulong[SIZE] powers;
    ulong[SIZE] doublings;
    int i;

    for (; i<SIZE; ++i) {
        powers[i] = 1 << i;
        doublings[i] = divisor << i;
        if (doublings[i] > dividend) {

    ulong answer;
    ulong accumulator;

    for (i=i-1; i>=0; --i) {
        if (accumulator + doublings[i] <= dividend) {
            accumulator += doublings[i];
            answer += powers[i];

    remainder = dividend - accumulator;
    return answer;

unittest {
    ulong remainder;

    assert(egyptian_division(580UL, 34UL, remainder) == 17UL);
    assert(remainder == 2);


Library: System.Math

Thanks for JensBorrisholt [1].

Translation of: C#
program Egyptian_division;


  System.Console; //

  TIntegerDynArray = TArray<Integer>;

  TIntegerDynArrayHelper = record helper for TIntegerDynArray
    procedure Add(value: Integer);

procedure Divide(dividend, divisor: Integer);
  result, reminder, powers_of_two, doublings, answer, accumulator, two, pow, row: Integer;
  table_powers_of_two, table_doublings: TIntegerDynArray;
  result := 0;
  reminder := 0;
  powers_of_two := 0;
  doublings := 0;
  answer := 0;
  accumulator := 0;
  two := 2;
  pow := 0;
  row := 0;

  writeln('                           ');
  writeln(' powers_of_2     doublings ');
  writeln('                           ');

  powers_of_two := 1;
  doublings := divisor;
  while doublings <= dividend do


    Writeln(Format('%8d %16d', [powers_of_two, doublings]));
    powers_of_two := Trunc(IntPower(two, pow));
    doublings := powers_of_two * divisor;
  writeln('                           ');

  row := pow - 1;
  writeln('                                                 ');
  writeln(' powers_of_2     doublings   answer   accumulator');
  writeln('                                                 ');
  Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop + row);
  while (pow >= 0) and (accumulator < dividend) do

    doublings := Trunc(table_doublings[pow]);
    powers_of_two := Trunc(table_powers_of_two[pow]);
    if (accumulator + Trunc(table_doublings[pow])) <= dividend then

      accumulator := accumulator + doublings;
      answer := answer + powers_of_two;

      Console.ForegroundColor := TConsoleColor.Green;
      Write(Format('%8d %16d', [powers_of_two, doublings]));
      Console.ForegroundColor := TConsoleColor.Green;
      writeln(format('%10d %12d', [answer, accumulator]));
      Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop - 2);

      Console.ForegroundColor := TConsoleColor.DarkGray;
      Write(Format('%8d %16d', [powers_of_two, doublings]));
      Console.ForegroundColor := TConsoleColor.Gray;
      writeln(format('%10d %12d', [answer, accumulator]));
      Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop - 2);
  Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop + row + 2);

  result := answer;
  if accumulator < dividend then
    reminder := dividend - accumulator;
    Console.WriteLine(' So ' + dividend.ToString + ' divided by ' + divisor.ToString
      + ' using the Egyptian method is '#10' ' + result.ToString +
      ' remainder (' + dividend.ToString + ' - ' + accumulator.ToString +
      ') or ' + reminder.ToString);
    reminder := 0;
    Console.WriteLine(' So ' + dividend.ToString + ' divided by ' + divisor.ToString
      + ' using the Egyptian method is '#10' ' + result.ToString + ' remainder '
      + reminder.ToString);

{ TIntegerDynArrayHelper }

procedure TIntegerDynArrayHelper.Add(value: Integer);
  SetLength(self, length(self) + 1);
  Self[high(self)] := value;

function parseInt(s: string): Integer;
  c: Char;
  s2: string;
  s2 := '';
  for c in s do
    if c in ['0'..'9'] then
      s2 := s2 + c;

  result := s2.ToInteger();

  dividend, divisor: Integer;

  writeln(' Egyptian division ');
  Console.Write(' Enter value of dividend : ');
  dividend := parseInt(Console.ReadLine());
  Console.Write(' Enter value of divisor : ');
  divisor := parseInt(Console.ReadLine());
  Divide(dividend, divisor);
  Console.Write('Press any key to continue . . . ');

Egyptian division
Enter value of dividend : 580
Enter value of divisor : 34
powers_of_2     doublings
      1               34
      2               68
      4              136
      8              272
     16              544

powers_of_2     doublings   answer   accumulator
      1               34        17          578
      2               68        16          544
      4              136        16          544
      8              272        16          544
     16              544        16          544
So 580 divided by 34 using the Egyptian method is
17 remainder (580 - 578) or 2

Press any key to continue . . .


Translation of: Phix
proc egyptdiv a b . .
   p2 = 1
   dbl = b
   while dbl <= a
      p2s[] &= p2
      dbls[] &= dbl
      dbl *= 2
      p2 *= 2
   for i = len p2s[] downto 1
      if acc + dbls[i] <= a
         acc += dbls[i]
         ans += p2s[i]
   print a & " / " & b & " = " & ans & " R " & abs (acc - a)
egyptdiv 580 34




ediv(A, B) ->
    {Twos, Ds} = genpowers(A, [1], [B]),
    {Quot, C} = accumulate(A, Twos, Ds),
    {Quot, abs(C - A)}.
genpowers(A, [_|Ts], [D|Ds]) when D > A -> {Ts, Ds};
genpowers(A, [T|_] = Twos, [D|_] = Ds) -> genpowers(A, [2*T|Twos], [D*2|Ds]).

accumulate(N, Twos, Ds) -> accumulate(N, Twos, Ds, 0, 0).
accumulate(_, [], [], Q, C) -> {Q, C};
accumulate(N, [T|Ts], [D|Ds], Q, C) when (C + D) =< N -> accumulate(N, Ts, Ds, Q+T, C+D);
accumulate(N, [_|Ts], [_|Ds], Q, C) -> accumulate(N, Ts, Ds, Q, C).
1> egypt:ediv(580,34).


// A function to perform Egyptian Division: Nigel Galloway August 11th., 2017
let egyptianDivision N G =
  let rec fn n g = seq{yield (n,g); yield! fn (n+n) (g+g)}
  Seq.foldBack (fun (n,i) (g,e)->if (i<=g) then ((g-i),(e+n)) else (g,e)) (fn 1 G |> Seq.takeWhile(fun (_,g)->g<=N)) (N,0)

Which may be used:

let (n,g) = egyptianDivision 580 34
printfn "580 divided by 34 is %d remainder %d" g n
580 divided by 34 is 17 remainder 2


Works with: Factor version 0.98
USING: assocs combinators formatting kernel make math sequences ;
IN: rosetta-code.egyptian-division

: table ( dividend divisor -- table )
    [ [ 2dup >= ] [ dup , 2 * ] while ] { } make 2nip
    dup length <iota> [ 2^ ] map zip <reversed> ;

: accum ( a b dividend -- c )
    [ 2dup [ first ] bi@ + ] dip < [ [ + ] 2map ] [ drop ] if ;

: ediv ( dividend divisor -- quotient remainder )
        [ table ]
        [ 2drop { 0 0 } ]
        [ drop [ accum ] curry reduce first2 swap ]
        [ drop - abs ] 
    } 2cleave ;

580 34 ediv "580 divided by 34 is %d remainder %d\n" printf
580 divided by 34 is 17 remainder 2


variable tab-end

: build ( m n -- )
    pad tab-end !
    swap >r  1 swap  \ dividend on ret stack
    begin dup r@ <= while
        2dup tab-end @ 2!
        [ 2 cells ] literal tab-end +!
        swap dup +
        swap dup +
    repeat 2drop rdrop ;

: e/mod ( m n -- q r )
    over >r build
    0 r>  \ initial quotient = 0, remainder = dividend
    pad tab-end @ [ 2 cells ] literal - do
        dup i @ >= if
            i @ -  swap i cell+ @ +  swap
    [ -2 cells ] literal +loop ;

: .egypt ( m n -- )
    cr 2dup swap . ." divided by " . ." is " e/mod swap . ." remainder " . ;
580 34 .egypt 
580 divided by 34 is 17 remainder 2  ok


void local fn EgyptianDivision
  int table(32, 2)
  int i = 1, dividend = 580, divisor = 34
  int answer, accumulator
  table(i, 1) = 1
  table(i, 2) = divisor
  while ( table( i, 2 ) < dividend )
    table(i, 1) = table(i - 1, 1) * 2
    table(i, 2) = table(i - 1, 2) * 2
  answer = table(i, 1)
  accumulator = table(i, 2)
  while ( i > 1 )
    if table(i, 2) + accumulator <= dividend
      answer += table(i, 1)
      accumulator += table(i, 2)
    end if
  printf @"Using Egyptian Division %d / %d = %d remainder %d", dividend, divisor, answer, dividend - accumulator
end fn

fn EgyptianDivision

Using Egyptian Division 580 / 34 = 17 remainder 2


Translation of: Kotlin
package main

import "fmt"

func egyptianDivide(dividend, divisor int) (quotient, remainder int) {
    if dividend < 0 || divisor <= 0 {
        panic("Invalid argument(s)")
    if dividend < divisor {
        return 0, dividend
    powersOfTwo := []int{1}
    doublings := []int{divisor}
    doubling := divisor
    for {
        doubling *= 2
        if doubling > dividend {
        l := len(powersOfTwo)
        powersOfTwo = append(powersOfTwo, powersOfTwo[l-1]*2)
        doublings = append(doublings, doubling)
    answer := 0
    accumulator := 0
    for i := len(doublings) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        if accumulator+doublings[i] <= dividend {
            accumulator += doublings[i]
            answer += powersOfTwo[i]
            if accumulator == dividend {
    return answer, dividend - accumulator

func main() {
    dividend := 580
    divisor := 34
    quotient, remainder := egyptianDivide(dividend, divisor)
    fmt.Println(dividend, "divided by", divisor, "is", quotient, "with remainder", remainder)
580 divided by 34 is 17 with remainder 2


Translation of: Java
class EgyptianDivision {
     * Runs the method and divides 580 by 34
     * @param args not used
    static void main(String[] args) {
        divide(580, 34)

     * Divides <code>dividend</code> by <code>divisor</code> using the Egyptian Division-Algorithm and prints the
     * result to the console
     * @param dividend
     * @param divisor
    static void divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
        List<Integer> powersOf2 = new ArrayList<>()
        List<Integer> doublings = new ArrayList<>()

        //populate the powersof2- and doublings-columns
        int line = 0
        while ((Math.pow(2, line) * divisor) <= dividend) { //<- could also be done with a for-loop
            int powerOf2 = (int) Math.pow(2, line)
            doublings.add(powerOf2 * divisor)

        int answer = 0
        int accumulator = 0

        //Consider the rows in reverse order of their construction (from back to front of the List<>s)
        for (int i = powersOf2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (accumulator + doublings.get(i) <= dividend) {
                accumulator += doublings.get(i)
                answer += powersOf2.get(i)

       println(String.format("%d, remainder %d", answer, dividend - accumulator))
17, remainder 2


Deriving division from (+) and (-) by unfolding from a seed pair (1, divisor) up to a series of successively doubling pairs, and then refolding that series of 'two column rows' back down to a (quotient, remainder) pair, using (0, dividend) as the initial accumulator value. In other words, taking the divisor as a unit, and deriving the binary composition of the dividend in terms of that unit.

import Data.List (unfoldr)

egyptianQuotRem :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
egyptianQuotRem m n =
  let expansion (i, x)
        | x > m = Nothing
        | otherwise = Just ((i, x), (i + i, x + x))
      collapse (i, x) (q, r)
        | x < r = (q + i, r - x)
        | otherwise = (q, r)
  in foldr collapse (0, m) $ unfoldr expansion (1, n)

main :: IO ()
main = print $ egyptianQuotRem 580 34

We can make the process of calculation more visible by adding a trace layer:

import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Debug.Trace (trace)

egyptianQuotRem :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
egyptianQuotRem m n =
  let rows =
          (\(i, x) ->
              if x > m
                then Nothing
                else Just ((i, x), (i + i, x + x)))
          (1, n)
  in trace
          [ "Number pair unfolded to series of doubling rows:"
          , show rows
          , "\nRows refolded down to (quot, rem):"
          , show (0, m)
       (\(i, x) (q, r) ->
           if x < r
             then trace
                       ["(+", show i, ", -", show x, ") -> rem ", show (r - x)])
                    (q + i, r - x)
             else (q, r))
       (0, m)

main :: IO ()
main = print $ egyptianQuotRem 580 34
Number pair unfolded to series of doubling rows:

Rows refolded down to (quot, rem):

(+16, -544) -> rem 36
(+1, -34) -> rem 2

Another approach, using lazy lists and foldr:

doublings = iterate ((+) >>= id)

powers = doublings 1

k n (u, v) (ans, acc)
  | v + ans <= n = (v + ans, u + acc)
  | otherwise = (ans, acc)

egy n = snd . foldr (k n) (0, 0) . zip powers . takeWhile (<= n) . doublings

main :: IO ()
main = print $ egy 580 34



doublings=:_1 }. (+:@]^:(> {:)^:a: (,~ 1:))
ansacc=: 1 }. (] + [ * {.@[ >: {:@:+)/@([,.doublings)
egydiv=: (0,[)+1 _1*ansacc

Task example:

   580 doublings 34
 1  34
 2  68
 4 136
 8 272
16 544
   580 ansacc 34
17 578
   580 egydiv 34
17 2

Notes: pre When building the doublings table, we don't actually know we've exceeded our numerator until we are done. This would result in an excess row, so we have to explicitly not include that excess row in our doublings result.

Our "fold" is actually not directly on the result of doublings - for our fold, we add another column where every value is the numerator. This conveniently makes it available for comparison at every stage of the fold and seems a more concise approach than creating a closure. (We do not include this extra value in our ansacc result, of course.)


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class EgyptianDivision {

     * Runs the method and divides 580 by 34
     * @param args not used
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        divide(580, 34);


     * Divides <code>dividend</code> by <code>divisor</code> using the Egyptian Division-Algorithm and prints the
     * result to the console
     * @param dividend
     * @param divisor
    public static void divide(int dividend, int divisor) {

        List<Integer> powersOf2 = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Integer> doublings = new ArrayList<>();

        //populate the powersof2- and doublings-columns
        int line = 0;
        while ((Math.pow(2, line) * divisor) <= dividend) { //<- could also be done with a for-loop
            int powerOf2 = (int) Math.pow(2, line);
            doublings.add(powerOf2 * divisor);

        int answer = 0;
        int accumulator = 0;

        //Consider the rows in reverse order of their construction (from back to front of the List<>s)
        for (int i = powersOf2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (accumulator + doublings.get(i) <= dividend) {
                accumulator += doublings.get(i);
                answer += powersOf2.get(i);

        System.out.println(String.format("%d, remainder %d", answer, dividend - accumulator));
17, remainder 2



(() => {
    'use strict';

    // EGYPTIAN DIVISION --------------------------------

    // eqyptianQuotRem :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
    const eqyptianQuotRem = (m, n) => {
        const expansion = ([i, x]) =>
            x > m ? (
            ) : Just([
                [i, x],
                [i + i, x + x]
        const collapse = ([i, x], [q, r]) =>
            x < r ? (
                [q + i, r - x]
            ) : [q, r];
        return foldr(
            [0, m],
            unfoldr(expansion, [1, n])

    // TEST ---------------------------------------------

    // main :: IO ()
    const main = () =>
            eqyptianQuotRem(580, 34)
        // -> [17, 2]

    // GENERIC FUNCTIONS --------------------------------

    // Just :: a -> Maybe a
    const Just = x => ({
        type: 'Maybe',
        Nothing: false,
        Just: x

    // Nothing :: Maybe a
    const Nothing = () => ({
        type: 'Maybe',
        Nothing: true,

    // flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
    const flip = f =>
        1 < f.length ? (
            (a, b) => f(b, a)
        ) : (x => y => f(y)(x));

    // foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
    const foldr = (f, a, xs) => xs.reduceRight(flip(f), a);

    // unfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a]
    const unfoldr = (f, v) => {
            xr = [v, v],
            xs = [];
        while (true) {
            const mb = f(xr[1]);
            if (mb.Nothing) {
                return xs
            } else {
                xr = mb.Just;

    // showLog :: a -> IO ()
    const showLog = (...args) =>
            .join(' -> ')

    // MAIN ---
    return main();


Adapted from Wren

Works with: jq

Also works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq, and with fq.

def egyptianDivide($dividend; $divisor):
    if ($dividend < 0 or $divisor <= 0) then "egyptianDivide: invalid argument(s)" | error
    elif ($dividend < $divisor) then [0, $dividend]
    { powersOfTwo: [1],
      doublings: [$divisor],
      doubling: (2 * $divisor)
    | until(.doubling > $dividend;
        .powersOfTwo += [.powersOfTwo[-1]*2]
        | .doublings += [.doubling]
        | .doubling *= 2 )
    | .answer = 0
    | .accumulator = 0
    | .i = (.doublings|length)-1
    | until( .i < 0 or .accumulator == $dividend;
        if (.accumulator + .doublings[.i] <= $dividend)
        then .accumulator += .doublings[.i]
        | .answer += .powersOfTwo[.i]
        else .
        | .i += -1)
    | [.answer, $dividend - .accumulator]

def task($dividend; $divisor):
  egyptianDivide($dividend; $divisor)
  | "\($dividend) ÷ \($divisor) = \(.[0]) with remainder \(.[1]).";

task(580; 34)
580 ÷ 34 = 17 with remainder 2.


Works with: Julia version 0.6
function egyptian_divrem(dividend, divisor)
    answer = accumulator = 0
    row(powers_of_2, doublings) =
        if dividend > doublings
            row(2 * powers_of_2, 2 * doublings)
            if accumulator + doublings  dividend
                answer += powers_of_2
                accumulator += doublings
    row(1, divisor)
    answer, dividend - accumulator

egyptian_divrem(580, 34)
(17, 2)


// version 1.1.4

data class DivMod(val quotient: Int, val remainder: Int)

fun egyptianDivide(dividend: Int, divisor: Int): DivMod {
    require (dividend >= 0 && divisor > 0)
    if (dividend < divisor) return DivMod(0, dividend)
    val powersOfTwo = mutableListOf(1)
    val doublings = mutableListOf(divisor)
    var doubling = divisor
    while (true) {
       doubling *= 2
       if (doubling > dividend) break
       powersOfTwo.add(powersOfTwo[powersOfTwo.lastIndex] * 2)
    var answer = 0
    var accumulator = 0
    for (i in doublings.size - 1 downTo 0) {
        if (accumulator + doublings[i] <= dividend) {
            accumulator += doublings[i]
            answer += powersOfTwo[i]
            if (accumulator == dividend) break
    return DivMod(answer, dividend - accumulator)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val dividend = 580
    val divisor = 34
    val (quotient, remainder) = egyptianDivide(dividend, divisor)
    println("$dividend divided by $divisor is $quotient with remainder $remainder")
580 divided by 34 is 17 with remainder 2


{def doublings
 {def doublings.loop
  {lambda {:a :c}
   {if {> {A.get 1 {A.last :c}} :a}
    then {A.sublast! :c}
    else {doublings.loop
           {A.addlast! { {* 2 {A.get 0 {A.last :c}}}
                              {* 2 {A.get 1 {A.last :c}}}} :c}} }}}
 {lambda {:a :b}  
  {doublings.loop :a { { 1 :b}}} }}
-> doublings

-> {def divide
 {def divide.loop
  {lambda {:a :b :table :last :i}
   {if {< {+ :last {A.get 1 {A.get :i :table}}} :a} 
    then { {+ {* {A.get 0 {A.last :table}} 1} 1} 
                {- :a {+ :last {A.get 1 {A.get :i :table}}}}}
    else {divide.loop :a :b :table :last {- :i 1} }}}}
 {lambda {:a :b}
  {let { {:a :a} {:b :b}
         {:table {doublings :a :b}}
       } {divide.loop :a :b :table
                      {A.get 1 {A.last :table}} 
                      {- {A.length :table} 1} }}}}

{divide 580 34}
-> [17,2]       // 580 = 17*34+2 
{divide 100 3}
-> [33,1]       // 100 = 3*33+1
{divide 7 2}
-> [3,1]        //   7 = 2*3+1


Translation of: Python
function egyptian_divmod(dividend,divisor)
    local pwrs, dbls = {1}, {divisor}
    while dbls[#dbls] <= dividend do
        table.insert(pwrs, pwrs[#pwrs] * 2)
        table.insert(dbls, pwrs[#pwrs] * divisor)
    local ans, accum = 0, 0

    for i=#pwrs-1,1,-1 do
        if accum + dbls[i] <= dividend then
            accum = accum + dbls[i]
            ans = ans + pwrs[i]

    return ans, math.abs(accum - dividend)

local i, j = 580, 34
local d, m = egyptian_divmod(i, j)
print(i.." divided by "..j.." using the Egyptian method is "..d.." remainder "..m)
580 divided by 34 using the Egyptian method is 17 remainder 2

M2000 Interpreter

Translation of: ANSI BASIC
	100 REM Egyptian division
	110 DIM Table(0 TO 31, 0 TO 1)
	120 LET Dividend = 580
	130 LET Divisor = 34
	140 REM ** Division
	150 LET I = 0
	160 LET Table(I, 0) = 1
	170 LET Table(I, 1) = Divisor
	180 WHILE Table(I, 1) < Dividend
	190    LET I = I + 1
	200    LET Table(I, 0) = Table(I - 1, 0) * 2
	210    LET Table(I, 1) = Table(I - 1, 1) * 2
	230 LET I = I - 1
	240 LET Answer = Table(I, 0)
	250 LET Accumulator = Table(I, 1)
	260 WHILE I > 0
	270    LET I = I - 1
	280    IF Table(I, 1) + Accumulator <= Dividend THEN
	290       LET Answer = Answer + Table(I, 0)
	300       LET Accumulator = Accumulator + Table(I, 1)
	310    END IF
	330 REM ** Results
	340 PRINT Dividend; " divided by "; Divisor; " using Egytian division";
	350 PRINT " returns "; Answer; " remainder "; Dividend - Accumulator
	360 END
' Adding some space for string literals
580 divided by 34 using the Egyptian division returns 17 remainder 2

Mathematica /Wolfram Language

EgyptianDivide[dividend_, divisor_] := Module[{table, i, answer, accumulator},
  table = {{1, divisor}};
  i = 1;
  While[Last[Last[table]] < dividend,
   AppendTo[table, 2^i {1, divisor}];
  table //= Most;
  answer = 0;
  accumulator = 0;
   If[accumulator + t[[2]] <= dividend,
    accumulator += t[[2]];
    answer += t[[1]]
   {t, Reverse@table}
  {answer, dividend - accumulator}
EgyptianDivide[580, 34]
{17, 2}


MODULE EgyptianDivision;
FROM FormatString IMPORT FormatString;
FROM Terminal IMPORT WriteString,ReadChar;

PROCEDURE EgyptianDivision(dividend,divisor : LONGCARD; VAR remainder : LONGCARD) : LONGCARD;
    SZ = 64;
    powers,doublings : ARRAY[0..SZ] OF LONGCARD;
    answer,accumulator : LONGCARD;
    i : INTEGER;
    FOR i:=0 TO SZ-1 DO
        powers[i] := 1 SHL i;
        doublings[i] := divisor SHL i;
        IF doublings[i] > dividend THEN

    answer := 0;
    accumulator := 0;
    FOR i:=i-1 TO 0 BY -1 DO
        IF accumulator + doublings[i] <= dividend THEN
            accumulator := accumulator + doublings[i];
            answer := answer + powers[i]

    remainder := dividend - accumulator;
    RETURN answer
END EgyptianDivision;

    buf : ARRAY[0..63] OF CHAR;
    div,rem : LONGCARD;
    div := EgyptianDivision(580, 34, rem);
    FormatString("580 divided by 34 is %l remainder %l\n", buf, div, rem);

END EgyptianDivision.


import strformat

func egyptianDivision(dividend, divisor: int): tuple[quotient, remainder: int] =
  if dividend < 0 or divisor <= 0:
    raise newException(IOError, "Invalid argument(s)")
  if dividend < divisor:
    return (0, dividend)
  var powersOfTwo: array[sizeof(int) * 8, int]
  var doublings: array[sizeof(int) * 8, int]
  for i, _ in powersOfTwo:
    powersOfTwo[i] = 1 shl i
    doublings[i] = divisor shl i
    if doublings[i] > dividend:
  var answer = 0
  var accumulator = 0
  for i in countdown(len(doublings) - 1, 0):
    if accumulator + doublings[i] <= dividend:
      inc accumulator, doublings[i]
      inc answer, powersOfTwo[i]
      if accumulator == dividend:
  (answer, dividend - accumulator)

let dividend = 580
let divisor = 34
var (quotient, remainder) = egyptianDivision(dividend, divisor)
echo fmt"{dividend} divided by {divisor} is {quotient} with remainder {remainder}"
580 divided by 34 is 17 with remainder 2


let egypt_div x y =
  let rec table p d lst =
    if d > x
    then lst
    else table (p + p) (d + d) ((p, d) :: lst)
  let consider (q, a) (p, d) =
    if a + d > x
    then q, a
    else q + p, a + d
  List.fold_left consider (0, 0) (table 1 y [])
# egypt_div 580 34 ;;
- : int * int = (17, 578)


Translation of: Julia
myrow(powers_of2, doublings) = 
        if (dividend > doublings,
            myrow(2 * powers_of2, 2 * doublings);
            if (accumulator + doublings <= dividend,
                answer += powers_of2;
                accumulator += doublings;

egyptian_divrem(dividend, divisor) =
    local(answer, accumulator, row);
    answer = 0;
    accumulator = 0;
    myrow(1, divisor);
    [answer, dividend - accumulator];

print1(egyptian_divrem(dividend, divisor));
[17, 2]


Translation of: Python
function egyptian_divmod(dividend, divisor: integer): (integer, integer);
  assert(divisor <> 0);
  var pwrs := |1|;
  var dbls := |divisor|;
  while dbls.Last <= dividend do
    pwrs := pwrs + |pwrs.Last * 2|;
    dbls := dbls + |pwrs.last * divisor|;
  var (ans, accum) := (0, 0);
  for var i := pwrs.Length - 1 to 0 step -1 do
    if accum + dbls[i] <= dividend then 
      accum += dbls[i];
      ans += pwrs[i];
  result :=  (ans, abs(accum - dividend));

  var (dividend, divisor) := (580, 34);
  var (quotient, remainder) := egyptian_divmod(dividend, divisor);
  println(dividend, 'divided by', divisor, 'using the Egyption method is', quotient, 'remainder', remainder);
580 divided by 34 using the Egyption method is 17 remainder 2


Translation of: Raku
sub egyptian_divmod {
    my($dividend, $divisor) = @_;
    die "Invalid divisor" if $divisor <= 0;

    my @table = ($divisor);
    push @table, 2*$table[-1] while $table[-1] <= $dividend;

    my $accumulator = 0;
    for my $k (reverse 0 .. $#table) {
        next unless $dividend >= $table[$k];
        $accumulator += 1 << $k;
        $dividend    -= $table[$k];
    $accumulator, $dividend;

for ([580,34], [578,34], [7532795332300578,235117]) {
    my($n,$d) = @$_;
    printf "Egyption divmod %s %% %s = %s remainder %s\n", $n, $d, egyptian_divmod( $n, $d )
Egyption divmod 580 % 34 = 17 remainder 2
Egyption divmod 578 % 34 = 17 remainder 0
Egyption divmod 7532795332300578 % 235117 = 32038497141 remainder 81


with javascript_semantics
procedure egyptian_division(integer dividend, divisor)
    integer p2 = 1, dbl = divisor, ans = 0, accum = 0
    sequence p2s = {}, dbls = {}, args
    while dbl<=dividend do
        p2s = append(p2s,p2)
        dbls = append(dbls,dbl)
        dbl += dbl
        p2 += p2
    end while
    for i=length(p2s) to 1 by -1 do
        if accum+dbls[i]<=dividend then
            accum += dbls[i]
            ans += p2s[i]
        end if
    end for
    args = {dividend,divisor,ans,abs(accum-dividend)}
    printf(1,"%d divided by %d is: %d remainder %d\n",args)
end procedure
580 divided by 34 is: 17 remainder 2


(seed (in "/dev/urandom" (rd 8)))

(de divmod (Dend Disor)
   (cons (/ Dend Disor) (% Dend Disor)) )
(de egyptian (Dend Disor)
      (P 0
         D Disor
            (while (>= Dend (setq @@ (+ D D)))
                     (** 2 (swap 'P (inc P)))
                     (swap 'D @@) ) ) ) )
         P (** 2 P) )
               (>= Dend (+ D (cdr L)))
               (inc 'P (car L))
               (inc 'D (cdr L)) ) )
         S )
      (cons P (abs (- Dend D))) ) )
(for N 1000
   (let (A (rand 1 1000)  B (rand 1 A))
      (test (divmod A B) (egyptian A B)) ) )
(println (egyptian 580 34))
(17 . 2)


Works with: SWI Prolog
egyptian_divide(Dividend, Divisor, Quotient, Remainder):-
    powers2_multiples(Dividend, [1], Powers, [Divisor], Multiples),
    accumulate(Dividend, Powers, Multiples, 0, Quotient, 0, Acc),
    Remainder is Dividend - Acc.

powers2_multiples(Dividend, Powers, Powers, Multiples, Multiples):-
    Multiples = [M|_],
    2 * M > Dividend,
powers2_multiples(Dividend, [Power|P], Powers, [Multiple|M], Multiples):-
    Power2 is 2 * Power,
    Multiple2 is 2 * Multiple,
    powers2_multiples(Dividend, [Power2,Power|P], Powers,
                      [Multiple2, Multiple|M], Multiples).

accumulate(_, [], [], Ans, Ans, Acc, Acc):-!.
accumulate(Dividend, [P|Powers], [M|Multiples], Ans1, Answer, Acc1, Acc):-
    Acc1 + M =< Dividend,
    Acc2 is Acc1 + M,
    Ans2 is Ans1 + P,
    accumulate(Dividend, Powers, Multiples, Ans2, Answer, Acc2, Acc).
accumulate(Dividend, [_|Powers], [_|Multiples], Ans1, Answer, Acc1, Acc):-
    accumulate(Dividend, Powers, Multiples, Ans1, Answer, Acc1, Acc).

test_egyptian_divide(Dividend, Divisor):-
    egyptian_divide(Dividend, Divisor, Quotient, Remainder),
    writef('%w / %w = %w, remainder = %w\n', [Dividend, Divisor,
           Quotient, Remainder]).

    test_egyptian_divide(580, 34).
580 / 34 = 17, remainder = 2



from itertools import product

def egyptian_divmod(dividend, divisor):
    assert divisor != 0
    pwrs, dbls = [1], [divisor]
    while dbls[-1] <= dividend:
        pwrs.append(pwrs[-1] * 2)
        dbls.append(pwrs[-1] * divisor)
    ans, accum = 0, 0
    for pwr, dbl in zip(pwrs[-2::-1], dbls[-2::-1]):
        if accum + dbl <= dividend:
            accum += dbl
            ans += pwr
    return ans, abs(accum - dividend)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Test it gives the same results as the divmod built-in
    for i, j in product(range(13), range(1, 13)):
            assert egyptian_divmod(i, j) == divmod(i, j)
    # Mandated result
    i, j = 580, 34
    print(f'{i} divided by {j} using the Egyption method is %i remainder %i'
          % egyptian_divmod(i, j))

Sample output

580 divided by 34 using the Egyption method is 17 remainder 2


Expressing the summing catamorphism in terms of functools.reduce, and the preliminary expansion (by repeated addition to self) in terms of an unfoldl function, which is dual to reduce, and constructs a list from a seed value.

Multiplication and division operators are both avoided, in the spirit of the Rhind Papyrus derivations of both (*) and (/) from plain addition and subtraction.

Also in deference to the character of the Rhind methods, the (unfoldl) unfolding of the seed values to a list of progressively doubling rows is recursively defined, and mutation operations are avoided. The efficiency of the Egyptian method's exponential expansion means that there is no need here, even with larger numbers, to compress space by using an imperative translation of the higher-order unfold function.

Translation of: Haskell
'''Quotient and remainder of division by the Rhind papyrus method.'''

from functools import reduce

# eqyptianQuotRem :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
def eqyptianQuotRem(m):
    '''Quotient and remainder derived by the Eqyptian method.'''

    def expansion(xi):
        '''Doubled value, and next power of two - both by self addition.'''
        x, i = xi
        return Nothing() if x > m else Just(
            ((x + x, i + i), xi)

    def collapse(qr, ix):
        '''Addition of a power of two to the quotient,
           and subtraction of a paired value from the remainder.'''
        i, x = ix
        q, r = qr
        return (q + i, r - x) if x < r else qr

    return lambda n: reduce(
            (1, n)
        (0, m)

# ------------------------- TEST --------------------------
# main :: IO ()
def main():

# ------------------- GENERIC FUNCTIONS -------------------

# Just :: a -> Maybe a
def Just(x):
    '''Constructor for an inhabited Maybe (option type) value.'''
    return {'type': 'Maybe', 'Nothing': False, 'Just': x}

# Nothing :: Maybe a
def Nothing():
    '''Constructor for an empty Maybe (option type) value.'''
    return {'type': 'Maybe', 'Nothing': True}

# unfoldl(lambda x: Just(((x - 1), x)) if 0 != x else Nothing())(10)
# -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
# unfoldl :: (b -> Maybe (b, a)) -> b -> [a]
def unfoldl(f):
    '''Dual to reduce or foldl.
       Where these reduce a list to a summary value, unfoldl
       builds a list from a seed value.
       Where f returns Just(a, b), a is appended to the list,
       and the residual b is used as the argument for the next
       application of f.
       When f returns Nothing, the completed list is returned.
    def go(v):
        x, r = v, v
        xs = []
        while True:
            mb = f(x)
            if mb.get('Nothing'):
                return xs
                x, r = mb.get('Just')
                xs.insert(0, r)
        return xs
    return go

# MAIN ----------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
(17, 2)


  [ dup 0 = if
      [ $ "Cannot divide by zero." 
        fail ] 
    [] unrot 
    [ 2dup < not while
      rot over swap join 
      unrot dup + again ]
    drop swap
    dup size
    [] 1 rot times
      [ tuck swap join
        swap dup + ]
    temp put 
    0 swap 
      [ over +   
        rot 2dup > iff
          [ nip swap
            temp take
            i^ poke 
            temp put ]
            [ swap rot drop ] ]
    - 0 temp take 
    witheach +
    swap ]                         is egyptian ( n n --> n n )

  [ over echo 
    say " divided by "
    dup echo 
    say " is "
    swap echo 
    say " remainder " 
    say "." ]                      is task     ( n n -->     )

  580 34 task
580 divided by 34 is 17 remainder 2.


Egyptian_division <- function(num, den){
  pow2 = 0
  row = 1
  Table = data.frame(powers_of_2 = 2^pow2,
                     doubling = den)
  while(Table$doubling[nrow(Table)] < num){
    row = row + 1
    pow2 = pow2 + 1
    Table[row, 1] <- 2^pow2
    Table[row, 2] <- 2^pow2 * den

  Table <- Table[-nrow(Table),]
  #print(Table) to see the table
  answer <- 0
  accumulator <- 0
  for (i in nrow(Table):1) {
    if (accumulator + Table$doubling[i] <= num) {
      accumulator <- accumulator + Table$doubling[i]
      answer <- answer + Table$powers_of_2[i]
  remainder = abs(accumulator - num)
  message(paste0("Answer is ", answer, ", remainder ", remainder))

Egyptian_division(580, 34)
Egyptian_division(300, 2)
Answer is 17, remainder 2
Answer is 150, remainder 0


#lang racket

(define (quotient/remainder-egyptian dividend divisor (trace? #f))
  (define table
    (for*/list ((power_of_2 (sequence-map (curry expt 2) (in-naturals)))
                (doubling (in-value (* divisor power_of_2)))
                #:break (> doubling dividend))
      (list power_of_2 doubling)))

  (when trace?
    (displayln "Table\npow_2\tdoubling")
    (for ((row table)) (printf "~a\t~a~%" (first row) (second row))))
  (define-values (answer accumulator)
    (for*/fold ((answer 0) (accumulator 0))
               ((row (reverse table))
                (acc′ (in-value (+ accumulator (second row)))))
      (when trace? (printf "row:~a\tans/acc:~a ~a\t" row answer accumulator))
        [(<= acc′ dividend)
         (define ans′ (+ answer (first row)))
         (when trace? (printf "~a <= ~a -> ans′/acc′:~a ~a~%" acc′ dividend ans′ acc′))
         (values ans′ acc′)]
         (when trace? (printf "~a > ~a [----]~%" acc′ dividend))
         (values answer accumulator)])))

  (values answer (- dividend accumulator)))

(module+ test
  (require rackunit)
  (let-values (([q r] (quotient/remainder-egyptian 580 34)))
    (check-equal? q 17)
    (check-equal? r 2))

  (let-values (([q r] (quotient/remainder-egyptian 192 3)))
    (check-equal? q 64)
    (check-equal? r 0)))

(module+ main
  (quotient/remainder-egyptian 580 34 #t))
pow_2	doubling
1	34
2	68
4	136
8	272
16	544
row:(16 544)	ans/acc:0 0	544 <= 580 -> ans′/acc′:16 544
row:(8 272)	ans/acc:16 544	816 > 580 [----]
row:(4 136)	ans/acc:16 544	680 > 580 [----]
row:(2 68)	ans/acc:16 544	612 > 580 [----]
row:(1 34)	ans/acc:16 544	578 <= 580 -> ans′/acc′:17 578


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2017.07

Normal version

Only works with positive real numbers, not negative or complex.

sub egyptian-divmod (Real $dividend is copy where * >= 0, Real $divisor where * > 0) {
    my $accumulator = 0;
    ([1, $divisor], { [.[0] + .[0], .[1] + .[1]] } … ^ *.[1] > $dividend) { $dividend -= .[1], $accumulator += .[0] if $dividend >= .[1] }
    $accumulator, $dividend;
for 580,34, 578,34, 7532795332300578,235117 -> $n, $d {
    printf "%s divmod %s = %s remainder %s\n",
        $n, $d, |egyptian-divmod( $n, $d )
580 divmod 34 = 17 remainder 2
578 divmod 34 = 17 remainder 0
7532795332300578 divmod 235117 = 32038497141 remainder 81

More "Egyptian" version

As a preceding version was determined to be "let's just say ... not Egyptian" we submit an alternate which is hopefully more "Egyptian". Now only handles positive Integers up to 10 million, mostly due to limitations on Egyptian notation for numbers.

Note: if the below is just a mass of "unknown glyph" boxes, try installing Googles free Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs font.

This is intended to be humorous and should not be regarded as good (or even sane) programming practice. That being said, 𓂽 & 𓂻 really are the ancient Egyptian symbols for addition and subtraction, and the Egyptian number notation is as accurate as possible. Everything else owes more to whimsy than rigor.

my (\𓄤, \𓄊, \𓎆, \𓄰) = (0, 1, 10, 10e7);
sub infix:<𓂽> { $^𓃠 + $^𓃟 }
sub infix:<𓂻> { $^𓃲 - $^𓆊 }
sub infix:<𓈝> { $^𓃕 < $^𓃢 }
sub 𓁶 (Int \𓆉) {
    my \𓁢 = [«'' 𓏺 𓏻 𓏼 𓏽 𓏾 𓏿 𓐀 𓐁 𓐂»], [«'' 𓎆 𓎏 𓎐 𓎑 𓎊 𓎋 𓎌 𓎍 𓎎»],
      [«'' 𓍢 𓍣 𓍤 𓍥 𓍦 𓍧 𓍨 𓍩 𓍪»], [«'' 𓆼 𓆽 𓆾 𓆿 𓇀 𓇁 𓇂 𓇃 𓇄»],
      [«'' 𓂭 𓂮 𓂯 𓂰 𓂱 𓂲 𓂳 𓂴 𓂵»], ['𓆐' Xx ^𓎆], ['𓁨' Xx ^𓎆];
    ([~] 𓆉.polymod( 𓎆 xx * ).map( { 𓁢[$++;$_] } ).reverse) || '𓄤'

sub infix:<𓅓> (Int $𓂀 is copy where 𓄤 𓂻 𓄊 𓈝 * 𓈝 𓄰, Int \𓌳 where 𓄤 𓈝 * 𓈝 𓄰) {
    my $𓎦 = 𓄤;
    ([𓄊,𓌳], { [.[𓄤] 𓂽 .[𓄤], .[𓄊] 𓂽 .[𓄊]] } … ^$𓂀 𓈝 *.[𓄊]) { $𓂀 𓂻= .[𓄊], $𓎦 𓂽= .[𓄤] if .[𓄊] 𓈝 ($𓂀 𓂽 𓄊) }
    $𓎦, $𓂀;

for 580,34, 578,34, 2300578,23517 -> \𓃾, \𓆙 {
    printf "%s divmod %s = %s remainder %s =OR= %s 𓅓 %s = %s remainder %s\n",
        𓃾, 𓆙, |(𓃾 𓅓 𓆙), (𓃾, 𓆙, |(𓃾 𓅓 𓆙))».&𓁶;
580 divmod 34 = 17 remainder 2 =OR= 𓍦𓎍 𓅓 𓎐𓏽 = 𓎆𓐀 remainder 𓏻
578 divmod 34 = 17 remainder 0 =OR= 𓍦𓎌𓐁 𓅓 𓎐𓏽 = 𓎆𓐀 remainder 𓄤
2300578 divmod 23517 = 97 remainder 19429 =OR= 𓁨𓁨𓆐𓆐𓆐𓍦𓎌𓐁 𓅓 𓂮𓆾𓍦𓎆𓐀 = 𓎎𓐀 remainder 𓂭𓇄𓍥𓎏𓐂


Only addition and subtraction is used in this version of the Egyptian division method.

/*REXX program performs division on positive integers using the Egyptian division method*/
numeric digits 1000                              /*support gihugic numbers & be gung-ho.*/
parse arg n d .                                  /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if d=='' | d==","  then do;  n= 580;    d= 34    /*Not specified?  Then use the defaults*/
call EgyptDiv n, d                               /*invoke the Egyptian Division function*/
parse var result q r                             /*extract the quotient & the remainder.*/
say n   ' divided by '       d       " is "       q       ' with a remainder of '      r
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
EgyptDiv: procedure;  parse arg num,dem          /*obtain the numerator and denominator.*/
          p= 1;                       t= dem     /*initialize the double & power values.*/
                        do #=1  until t>num      /*construct the power & doubling lists.*/
                        pow.#= p;     p= p + p   /*build power  entry; bump power value.*/
                        dbl.#= t;     t= t + t   /*  "  doubling  "  ;   " doubling val.*/
                        end   /*#*/
          acc=0;  ans=0                          /*initialize accumulator & answer to 0 */
                        do s=#   by -1   for #   /* [↓]  process the table "backwards". */
                        sum= acc + dbl.s         /*compute the sum (to be used for test)*/
                        if sum>num  then iterate /*Is sum to big?  Then ignore this step*/
                        acc= sum                 /*use the "new" sum for the accumulator*/
                        ans= ans + pow.s         /*calculate the (newer) running answer.*/
                        end   /*s*/
          return ans  num-acc                    /*return the answer and the remainder. */
output   when using the default inputs:
580  divided by  34  is  17  with a remainder of  2
output   when using the input of:     9876543210111222333444555666777888999   13579
9876543210111222333444555666777888999  divided by  13579  is  727339510281406755537562093436769  with a remainder of  2748


load "stdlib.ring"

table = newlist(32, 2)
dividend = 580
divisor = 34
i = 1
table[i][1] = 1
table[i][2] = divisor
while table[i] [2] < dividend
      i = i + 1
      table[i][1] = table[i -1] [1] * 2
      table[i][2] = table[i -1] [2] * 2
i = i - 1
answer = table[i][1]
accumulator = table[i][2]
while i > 1
      i = i - 1
      if table[i][2]+ accumulator <= dividend 
         answer = answer + table[i][1]
         accumulator = accumulator + table[i][2]
see string(dividend)  + " divided by " + string(divisor) + " using egytian division" + nl
see " returns " + string(answer) + " mod(ulus) " + string(dividend-accumulator)


580 divided by 34 using egytian division
returns 17 mod(ulus) 2


def egyptian_divmod(dividend, divisor)
  table = [[1, divisor]]
  table <<{|e| e*2} while table.last.first * 2 <= dividend
  answer, accumulator = 0, 0
  table.reverse_each do |pow, double|
    if accumulator + double <= dividend
      accumulator += double
      answer += pow
  [answer, dividend - accumulator] 

puts "Quotient = %s Remainder = %s" % egyptian_divmod(580, 34)
Quotient = 17 Remainder = 2


fn egyptian_divide(dividend: u32, divisor: u32) -> (u32, u32) {
    let dividend = dividend as u64;
    let divisor = divisor as u64;
    let pows = (0..32).map(|p| 1 << p);
    let doublings = (0..32).map(|p| divisor << p);
    let (answer, sum) = doublings
        .skip_while(|(i, _)| i > &dividend )
        .fold((0, 0), |(answer, sum), (double, power)| {
            if sum + double < dividend {
                (answer + power, sum + double)
            } else {
                (answer, sum)
    (answer as u32, (dividend - sum) as u32)

fn main() {
    let (div, rem) = egyptian_divide(580, 34);
    println!("580 divided by 34 is {} remainder {}", div, rem);
580 divided by 34 is 17 remainder 2



Best seen running in your browser either by ScalaFiddle (ES aka JavaScript, non JVM) or Scastie (remote JVM).

object EgyptianDivision extends App {

  private def divide(dividend: Int, divisor: Int): Unit = {
    val powersOf2, doublings = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Integer]

    //populate the powersof2- and doublings-columns
    var line = 0
    while ((math.pow(2, line) * divisor) <= dividend) {
      val powerOf2 = math.pow(2, line).toInt
      powersOf2 += powerOf2
      doublings += (powerOf2 * divisor)
      line += 1

    var answer, accumulator = 0
    //Consider the rows in reverse order of their construction (from back to front of the List)
    var i = powersOf2.size - 1
    for (i <- powersOf2.size - 1 to 0 by -1)
      if (accumulator + doublings(i) <= dividend) {
        accumulator += doublings(i)
        answer += powersOf2(i)

    println(f"$answer%d, remainder ${dividend - accumulator}%d")

  divide(580, 34)



Translation of: Ruby
func egyptian_divmod(dividend, divisor) {
  var table = [[1, divisor]]
  table << table[-1].map{|e| 2*e } while (2*table[-1][0] <= dividend)
  var (answer, accumulator) = (0, 0)
  table.reverse.each { |pair|
    var (pow, double) = pair...
    if (accumulator + double <= dividend) {
      accumulator += double
      answer += pow
  return (answer, dividend - accumulator)

say ("Quotient = %s Remainder = %s" % egyptian_divmod(580, 34))
Quotient = 17 Remainder = 2


extension BinaryInteger {
  public func egyptianDivide(by divisor: Self) -> (quo: Self, rem: Self) {
    let table =
        .map({i -> (Self, Self) in
          let power = Self(2).power(Self(i))

          return (power, power * divisor)
        .prefix(while: { $0.1 <= self })

    let (answer, acc) = table.reduce((Self(0), Self(0)), {cur, row in
      let ((ans, acc), (power, doubling)) = (cur, row)

      return acc + doubling <= self ? (ans + power, doubling + acc) : cur

    return (answer, Self((acc - self).magnitude))

  public func power(_ n: Self) -> Self {
    return stride(from: 0, to: n, by: 1){_ in self }).reduce(1, *)

let dividend = 580
let divisor = 34
let (quo, rem) = dividend.egyptianDivide(by: divisor)

print("\(dividend) divided by \(divisor) = \(quo) rem \(rem)")
580 divided by 34 = 17 rem 2


templates egyptianDivision
  def dividend: $(1);
  def divisor: $(2);
  def table: [ { powerOf2: 1"1", doubling: ($divisor)"1" } -> \(
    when <{doubling: <..$dividend>}> do
      $ !
      { powerOf2: $.powerOf2 * 2, doubling: $.doubling * 2 } -> #
  @: { answer: 0"1", accumulator: 0"1" };
  $table(last..1:-1)... -> #
  $@ !
  when <{doubling: <..$dividend-$@.accumulator>}> do
    @: { answer: $@.answer + $.powerOf2, accumulator: $@.accumulator + $.doubling };
end egyptianDivision
[580"1", 34"1"] -> egyptianDivision -> 'Quotient: $.answer; Remainder: $: 580"1" - $.accumulator;' -> !OUT::write

In v0.5 syntax

egyptianDivision templates
  dividend is $(1);
  divisor is $(2);
  table is [ { powerOf2: 1"1", doubling: $divisor } -> templates
    when <|{doubling: <|..$dividend>}> do
      $ !
      { powerOf2: $(powerOf2:) * 2"1", doubling: $(doubling:) * 2"1" } -> # !
  @ set { answer: 0"1", accumulator: 0"1" };
  $table(..:-1)... -> !#
  $@ !

  when <|{doubling: <|..$dividend - $@(accumulator:)>}> do
    @ set { answer: $@(answer:) + $(powerOf2:), accumulator: $@(accumulator:) + $(doubling:) };
end egyptianDivision

[580"1", 34"1"] -> egyptianDivision -> 'Quotient: $(answer:); Remainder: $: 580"1" - $(accumulator:);' !
Quotient: 17"1" Remainder: 2"1"


Option Explicit

Private Type MyTable
    powers_of_2 As Long
    doublings As Long
End Type

Private Type Assemble
    answer As Long
    accumulator As Long
End Type

Private Type Division
    Quotient As Long
    Remainder As Long
End Type

Private Type DivEgyp
    Dividend As Long
    Divisor As Long
End Type

Private Deg As DivEgyp

Sub Main()
Dim d As Division
    Deg.Dividend = 580
    Deg.Divisor = 34
    d = Divise(CreateTable)
    Debug.Print "Quotient = " & d.Quotient & " Remainder = " & d.Remainder
End Sub

Private Function CreateTable() As MyTable()
Dim t() As MyTable, i As Long
        i = i + 1
        ReDim Preserve t(i)
        t(i).powers_of_2 = 2 ^ (i - 1)
        t(i).doublings = Deg.Divisor * t(i).powers_of_2
    Loop While 2 * t(i).doublings <= Deg.Dividend
    CreateTable = t
End Function

Private Function Divise(t() As MyTable) As Division
Dim a As Assemble, i As Long
    a.accumulator = 0
    a.answer = 0
    For i = UBound(t) To LBound(t) Step -1
        If a.accumulator + t(i).doublings <= Deg.Dividend Then
            a.accumulator = a.accumulator + t(i).doublings
            a.answer = a.answer + t(i).powers_of_2
        End If
    Divise.Quotient = a.answer
    Divise.Remainder = Deg.Dividend - a.accumulator
End Function
Quotient = 17 Remainder = 2

V (Vlang)

Translation of: Go
fn egyptian_divide(dividend int, divisor int) ?(int, int) {

    if dividend < 0 || divisor <= 0 {
        panic("Invalid argument(s)")
    if dividend < divisor {
        return 0, dividend
    mut powers_of_two := [1]
    mut doublings := [divisor]
    mut doubling := divisor
    for {
        doubling *= 2
        if doubling > dividend {
        l := powers_of_two.len
        powers_of_two << powers_of_two[l-1]*2
        doublings << doubling
    mut answer := 0
    mut accumulator := 0
    for i := doublings.len - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        if accumulator+doublings[i] <= dividend {
            accumulator += doublings[i]
            answer += powers_of_two[i]
            if accumulator == dividend {
    return answer, dividend - accumulator
fn main() {
    dividend := 580
    divisor := 34
    quotient, remainder := egyptian_divide(dividend, divisor)?
    println("$dividend divided by $divisor is $quotient with remainder $remainder")
580 divided by 34 is 17 with remainder 2


Translation of: Go
var egyptianDivide = { |dividend, divisor|
    if (dividend < 0 || divisor <= 0) Fiber.abort("Invalid argument(s).")
    if (dividend < divisor) return [0, dividend]
    var powersOfTwo = [1]
    var doublings = [divisor]
    var doubling = divisor
    while (true) {
        doubling = 2 * doubling
        if (doubling > dividend) break
    var answer = 0
    var accumulator = 0
    for (i in doublings.count-1..0) {
        if (accumulator + doublings[i] <= dividend) {
            accumulator = accumulator + doublings[i]
            answer = answer + powersOfTwo[i]
            if (accumulator == dividend) break
    return [answer, dividend - accumulator]

var dividend = 580
var divisor = 34
var res =, divisor)
System.print("%(dividend) ÷ %(divisor) = %(res[0]) with remainder %(res[1]).")
580 ÷ 34 = 17 with remainder 2.


Translation of: Wren
include xpllib; \for Print

proc EgyptianDivide(Dividend, Divisor, AddrQuotient, AddrRemainder);
int  Dividend, Divisor, AddrQuotient, AddrRemainder;
int  PowersOfTwo(100), Doublings(100), Doubling, Accumulator, I;
[if Dividend < Divisor then
        [AddrQuotient(0):= 0;  AddrRemainder(0):= Dividend;  return];
PowersOfTwo(0):= 1;  Doublings(0):= Divisor;  Doubling:= Divisor;  I:= 1;
loop    [Doubling:= Doubling*2;
        if Doubling > Dividend then quit;
        PowersOfTwo(I):= PowersOfTwo(I-1)*2;
        Doublings(I):= Doubling;
        I:= I+1;
AddrQuotient(0):= 0;  Accumulator:= 0;
for I:= I-1 downto 0 do
    [if Accumulator + Doublings(I) <= Dividend then
        [Accumulator:= Accumulator + Doublings(I);
        AddrQuotient(0):= AddrQuotient(0) + PowersOfTwo(I);
        if Accumulator = Dividend then I:= 0;
AddrRemainder(0):= Dividend - Accumulator;

int  Dividend, Divisor, Quotient, Remainder;
[Dividend:= 580;  Divisor:= 34;
EgyptianDivide(Dividend, Divisor, @Quotient, @Remainder);
Print("%d / %d = %d with remainder %d.\n", Dividend, Divisor, Quotient, Remainder);
580 / 34 = 17 with remainder 2.


Translation of: C
const std = @import("std");

pub fn egyptianDivision(dividend: u64, divisor: u64) [2]u64 {
    const SIZE = 64;
    var powers = [_]u64{0} ** SIZE;
    var doublings = [_]u64{0} ** SIZE;

    var i: u64 = 0;

    while (i < SIZE) {
        powers[i] = std.math.shl(u64, 1, i);
        doublings[i] = std.math.shl(u64, divisor, i);
        if (doublings[i] > dividend) {
        i += 1;

    var accumulator: u64 = 0;
    var answer: u64 = 0;
    i -= 1;
    while (i >= 0) {
        if (accumulator + doublings[i] <= dividend) {
            accumulator += doublings[i];
            answer += powers[i];
        if (i > 0) {
            i -= 1;
        } else {
    var remainder = dividend - accumulator;
    return .{ answer, remainder };

test "Expect 10, 0 from egyptianDivision(20, 2)" {
    var output = egyptianDivision(20, 2);
    try std.testing.expect(output[0] == 10);
    try std.testing.expect(output[1] == 0);

test "Expect 580 divided by 34 is 17 and the remainder is 2" {
    var output = egyptianDivision(580, 34);
    try std.testing.expect(output[0] == 17);
    try std.testing.expect(output[1] == 2);

pub fn main() !void {
    var result = egyptianDivision(20, 2);
    std.debug.print("20 divided by 2 is {} with remainder {}\n", .{ result[0], result[1] });
20 divided by 2 is 10 with remainder 0


fcn egyptianDivmod(dividend,divisor){
   table:=[0..].pump(List, 'wrap(n){	// (2^n,divisor*2^n)
      r:=T( p:=(2).pow(n), s:=divisor*p); (s<=dividend) and r or Void.Stop });
   foreach p2,d in (table.reverse()){ 
      if(dividend>=d){ accumulator+=p2; dividend-=d; }
foreach dividend,divisor in (T(T(580,34), T(580,17), T(578,34), T(7532795332300578,235117))){
  println("%d %% %d = %s".fmt(dividend,divisor,egyptianDivmod(dividend,divisor)));
580 % 34 = L(17,2)
580 % 17 = L(34,2)
578 % 34 = L(17,0)
7532795332300578 % 235117 = L(32038497141,81)