Averages/Mean angle: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Wren}}: Minor tidy)
(35 intermediate revisions by 25 users not shown)
Line 1:
Line 19 ⟶ 20:
::<math>\bar{\alpha} = \operatorname{atan2}\left(\frac{1}{n}\cdot\sum_{j=1}^n \sin\alpha_j, \frac{1}{n}\cdot\sum_{j=1}^n \cos\alpha_j\right) </math>
{{task heading}}
# write a function/method/subroutine/... that given a list of angles in degrees returns their mean angle. <br> (You should use a built-in function if you have one that does this for degrees or radians).
Line 33 ⟶ 34:
<syntaxhighlight lang="11l">F mean_angle(angles)
V x = sum(angles.map(a -> cos(radians(a)))) / angles.len
V y = sum(angles.map(a -> sin(radians(a)))) / angles.len
R degrees(atan2(y, x))
print(mean_angle([350, 10]))
print(mean_angle([90, 180, 270, 360]))
print(mean_angle([10, 20, 30]))</syntaxhighlight>
An implementation based on the formula using the "Arctan" (atan2) function, thus avoiding complex numbers:
<langsyntaxhighlight Adalang="ada">with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions;
procedure Mean_Angles is
Line 69 ⟶ 87:
Put(Mean_Angle((10.0, 350.0))); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; -- 0.00
Put(Mean_Angle((90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0))); -- Ada.Numerics.Argument_Error!
end Mean_Angles;</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre> 20.00
Line 75 ⟶ 93:
raised ADA.NUMERICS.ARGUMENT_ERROR : a-ngelfu.adb:427 instantiated at mean_angles.adb:17</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="aime">real
mean(list l)
integer i;
real x, y;
x = y = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < l_length(l)) {
x += Gcos(l[i]);
y += Gsin(l[i]);
i += 1;
return Gatan2(y / l_length(l), x / l_length(l));
o_form("mean of 1st set: /d6/\n", mean(l_effect(350, 10)));
o_form("mean of 2nd set: /d6/\n", mean(l_effect(90, 180, 270, 360)));
o_form("mean of 3rd set: /d6/\n", mean(l_effect(10, 20, 30)));
return 0;
<pre>mean of 1st set: -.000000
mean of 2nd set: -90
mean of 3rd set: 19.999999</pre>
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
{{works with|ALGOL 68|Revision 1}}
Line 80 ⟶ 132:
{{wont work with|ELLA ALGOL 68|Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release [http://sourceforge.net/projects/algol68/files/algol68toc/algol68toc-1.8.8d/algol68toc-1.8-8d.fc9.i386.rpm/download 1.8-8d] - due to extensive use of '''format'''[ted] ''transput''.}}
{{trans|C|Note: This specimen retains the original [[#C|C]] coding style}}
'''File: Averages_Mean_angle.a68'''<langsyntaxhighlight lang="algol68">#!/usr/bin/a68g --script #
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #
Line 105 ⟶ 157:
printf ((summary fmt,"2nd", mean angle (angle set 2)));
printf ((summary fmt,"3rd", mean angle (angle set 3)))
Mean angle for 1st set : -0.00000 degrees
Line 111 ⟶ 163:
Mean angle for 3rd set : 20.00000 degrees
<lang aime>real
mean(list l)
integer i;
real x, y;
x = y = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < l_length(l)) {
x += Gcos(l[i]);
y += Gsin(l[i]);
i += 1;
return Gatan2(y / l_length(l), x / l_length(l));
o_form("mean of 1st set: /d6/\n", mean(l_effect(350, 10)));
o_form("mean of 2nd set: /d6/\n", mean(l_effect(90, 180, 270, 360)));
o_form("mean of 3rd set: /d6/\n", mean(l_effect(10, 20, 30)));
return 0;
<pre>mean of 1st set: -.000000
mean of 2nd set: -90
mean of 3rd set: 19.999999</pre>
{{works with|AutoHotkey 1.1}}
<langsyntaxhighlight AutoHotkeylang="autohotkey">Angles := [[350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30]]
MsgBox, % MeanAngle(Angles[1]) "`n"
. MeanAngle(Angles[2]) "`n"
Line 163 ⟶ 182:
atan2(x, y) {
return dllcall("msvcrt\atan2", "Double",y, "Double",x, "CDECL Double")
Line 170 ⟶ 189:
<langsyntaxhighlight AWKlang="awk">#!/usr/bin/awk -f
PI = atan2(0,-1);
Line 182 ⟶ 201:
if (p<0) p += 360;
print p;
<pre> echo 350 10 | ./mean_angle.awk
Line 192 ⟶ 211:
=={{header|BBC BASIC}}==
{{works with|BBC BASIC for Windows}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="bbcbasic"> *FLOAT 64
DIM angles(3)
angles() = 350,10
Line 211 ⟶ 230:
DEF FNatan2(y,x) : ON ERROR LOCAL = SGN(y)*PI/2
IF x>0 THEN = ATN(y/x) ELSE IF y>0 THEN = ATN(y/x)+PI ELSE = ATN(y/x)-PI</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 220 ⟶ 239:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="c">#include<math.h>
Line 249 ⟶ 268:
printf ("\nMean Angle for 3rd set : %lf degrees\n", meanAngle (angleSet3, 3));
return 0;
<pre>Mean Angle for 1st set : -0.000000 degrees
Line 256 ⟶ 275:
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="csharp">using System;
using System.Linq;
using static System.Math;
Line 274 ⟶ 293:
printMean(new double[] { 10, 20, 30 });
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
template<typename C>
double meanAngle(const C& c) {
auto it = std::cbegin(c);
auto end = std::cend(c);
double x = 0.0;
double y = 0.0;
double len = 0.0;
while (it != end) {
x += cos(*it * M_PI / 180);
y += sin(*it * M_PI / 180);
it = std::next(it);
return atan2(y, x) * 180 / M_PI;
void printMean(std::initializer_list<double> init) {
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << meanAngle(init) << '\n';
int main() {
printMean({ 350, 10 });
printMean({ 90, 180, 270, 360 });
printMean({ 10, 20, 30 });
return 0;
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="clojure">(defn mean-fn
[k coll]
(let [n (count coll)
Line 292 ⟶ 355:
a (mean-fn :sin radians)
b (mean-fn :cos radians)]
(Math/toDegrees (Math/atan2 a b))))</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="clojure">(mean-angle [350 10])
;=> -1.614809932057922E-15
Line 301 ⟶ 364:
(mean-angle [10 20 30])
;=> 19.999999999999996</langsyntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="lisp">(defun average (list)
(/ (reduce #'+ list) (length list)))
Line 311 ⟶ 374:
(defun degrees (angle)
(* 180 (/ 1180 pi) angle))
(defun mean-angle (angles)
Line 320 ⟶ 383:
(loop for angles in '((350 10) (90 180 270 360) (10 20 30))
do (format t "~&The mean angle of ~a is ~$°." angles (mean-angle angles)))</lang>
;; or using complex numbers (cis and phase)
(defun mean-angle-2 (angles)
(degrees (phase (reduce #'+ angles :key (lambda (deg) (cis (radians deg)))))))
<pre>The mean angle of (350 10) is -0.00°.
Line 327 ⟶ 396:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="d">import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.complex;
import std.math: PI;
Line 342 ⟶ 411:
writefln("The mean angle of %s is: %.2f degrees",
angles, angles.meanAngle);
<pre>The mean angle of [350, 10] is: -0.00 degrees
The mean angle of [90, 180, 270, 360] is: 90.00 degrees
The mean angle of [10, 20, 30] is: 20.00 degrees</pre>
See [[#Pascal]].
<syntaxhighlight lang=easylang>
func mean ang[] .
for ang in ang[]
x += cos ang
y += sin ang
return atan2 (y / len ang[]) (x / len ang[])
print mean [ 350 10 ]
print mean [ 90 180 270 360 ]
print mean [ 10 20 30 ]
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="scheme">
(define-syntax-rule (deg->radian deg) (* deg 1/180 PI))
(define-syntax-rule (radian->deg rad) (* 180 (/ PI) rad))
Line 365 ⟶ 449:
(mean-angles '[10 20 30])
→ 20
<syntaxhighlight lang="elixir">
<lang Elixir>
defmodule MeanAngle do
def mean_angle(angles) do
Line 390 ⟶ 474:
IO.inspect MeanAngle.mean_angle([90, 180, 270, 360])
IO.inspect MeanAngle.mean_angle([10, 20, 30])
Line 400 ⟶ 484:
The function from_degrees/1 is used to solve [[Averages/Mean_time_of_day]]. Please keep backwards compatibility when editing. Or update the other module, too.
<syntaxhighlight lang="erlang">
<lang Erlang>
-module( mean_angle ).
-export( [from_degrees/1, task/0] ).
Line 420 ⟶ 504:
radians( Degrees ) -> Degrees * math:pi() / 180.
Line 430 ⟶ 514:
=={{header|Euler Math Toolbox}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight EulerMathToolboxlang="eulermathtoolbox">>function meanangle (a) ...
$ z=sum(exp(rad(a)*I));
$ if z~=0 then error("Not meaningful");
Line 445 ⟶ 529:
if z~=0 then error("Not meaningful");
{{works with|OpenEuphoria}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="euphoria">
<lang Euphoria>
include std/console.e
include std/mathcons.e
Line 477 ⟶ 560:
if getc(0) then end if
Line 486 ⟶ 569:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">open System
open System.Numerics
Line 500 ⟶ 583:
|> fun c -> c.Phase |> rad2deg
|> printfn "Mean angle for [%s]: %g°" (String.Join("; ",argv))
<pre>>RosettaCode 350 10
Line 510 ⟶ 593:
>RosettaCode 90 180 270 360
Mean angle for [90; 180; 270; 360]: -90°
<syntaxhighlight lang="factor">USING: formatting kernel math math.functions math.libm math.trig
sequences ;
: mean-angle ( seq -- x )
[ deg>rad ] map [ [ sin ] map-sum ] [ [ cos ] map-sum ]
[ length ] tri recip [ * ] curry bi@ fatan2 rad>deg ;
: show ( seq -- )
dup mean-angle "The mean angle of %u is: %f°\n" printf ;
{ { 350 10 } { 90 180 270 360 } { 10 20 30 } } [ show ] each</syntaxhighlight>
The mean angle of { 350 10 } is: -0.000000°
The mean angle of { 90 180 270 360 } is: -90.000000°
The mean angle of { 10 20 30 } is: 20.000000°
Please find the example output along with the build instructions in the comments at the start of the FORTRAN 2008 source. Compiler: gfortran from the GNU compiler collection. Command interpreter: bash.
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran">
<lang FORTRAN>
!-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "/tmp/" -*-
!Compilation started at Mon Jun 3 18:07:59
Line 551 ⟶ 653:
end do
end program average_angles
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">
' FB 1.05.0 Win64
Line 580 ⟶ 682:
Print "Press any key to quit the program"
Line 591 ⟶ 693:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="go">package main
import (
Line 618 ⟶ 720:
fmt.Printf("The mean angle of %v is: %f degrees\n", angles, mean_angle(angles))
Line 628 ⟶ 730:
A mean_angle function that could be substituted above. Functions deg2rad and rad2deg are not used here but there is no runtime advantage either way to using them or not. Inlining should result in eqivalent code being generated. Also the Go Atan2 library function has no limits on the arguments so there is no need to divide by the number of elements.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="go">func mean_angle(deg []float64) float64 {
var ss, sc float64
for _, x := range deg {
Line 636 ⟶ 738:
return math.Atan2(ss, sc) * 180 / math.Pi
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="groovy">import static java.lang.Math.*
def meanAngle = {
atan2( it.sum { sin(it * PI / 180) } / it.size(), it.sum { cos(it * PI / 180) } / it.size()) * 180 / PI
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="groovy">def verifyAngle = { angles ->
def ma = meanAngle(angles)
printf("Mean Angle for $angles: %5.2f%n", ma)
Line 651 ⟶ 753:
assert verifyAngle([350, 10]) == -0
assert verifyAngle([90, 180, 270, 360]) == -90
assert verifyAngle([10, 20, 30]) == 20</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>Mean Angle for [350, 10]: -0.00
Line 658 ⟶ 760:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="haskell">import Data.Complex (cis, phase)
Line 672 ⟶ 774:
"The mean angle of " ++
show angles ++ " is: " ++ show (meanAngle angles) ++ " degrees")
[[350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30]]</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 683 ⟶ 785:
Alternative Solution: This solution gives an insight about using factoring, many small functions like Forth and using function composition.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="haskell">
-- file: trigdeg.fs
Line 702 ⟶ 804:
-- End of trigdeg.fs --------
Line 725 ⟶ 827:
=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="unicon">procedure main(A)
write("Mean angle is ",meanAngle(A))
Line 733 ⟶ 835:
every (sumCosines := 0.0) +:= cos(dtor(!A))
return rtod(atan(sumSines/*A,sumCosines/*A))
Sample runs:
Line 743 ⟶ 845:
->ama 10 20 30
Mean angle is 20.0
<syntaxhighlight lang="idl">function mean_angle, phi
z = total(exp(complex(0,phi*!dtor)))
return, atan(imaginary(z),real_part(z))*!radeg
<pre>IDL> print, mean_angle([350, 10])
IDL> print, mean_angle([90, 180, 270, 360])
IDL> print, mean_angle([10, 20, 30])
<langsyntaxhighlight Jlang="j">avgAngleD=: 360|(_1 { [: (**|)&.+.@(+/ % #)&.(*.inv) 1,.])&.(1r180p1&*)</langsyntaxhighlight>
This verb can be represented as simpler component verbs, for example:
<langsyntaxhighlight Jlang="j">rfd=: 1r180p1&* NB. convert angle to radians from degrees
toComplex=: *.inv NB. maps integer pairs as length, complex angle (in radians)
mean=: +/ % # NB. calculate arithmetic mean
roundComplex=: (* * |)&.+. NB. discard an extraneous least significant bit of precision from a complex value whose magnitude is in the vicinity of 1
avgAngleR=: _1 { [: roundComplex@mean&.toComplex 1 ,. ] NB. calculate average angle in radians
avgAngleD=: 360|avgAngleR&.rfd NB. calculate average angle in degrees</langsyntaxhighlight>
Example use:
<langsyntaxhighlight Jlang="j"> avgAngleD 10 350
avgAngleD 90 180 270 360 NB. result not meaningful
Line 764 ⟶ 881:
avgAngleD 10 340
Line 785 ⟶ 902:
{{works with|Java|7+}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="java5">import java.util.Arrays;
public class AverageMeanAngle {
Line 814 ⟶ 931:
return Math.toDegrees(avgR);
<pre>The mean angle of [350.0, 10.0] is -1.614809932057922E-15
Line 824 ⟶ 941:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="javascript">function sum(a) {
var s = 0;
for (var i in= 0; i < a.length; i++) s += a[i];
return s;
function degToRad(a) {
return Math.PI / 180 * a;
function meanAngleDeg(a) {
return 180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(sum(a.map(degToRad).map(Math.sin))/a.length,sum(a.map(degToRad).map(Math.cos))/a.length);
sum(a.map(degToRad).map(Math.sin)) / a.length,
sum(a.map(degToRad).map(Math.cos)) / a.length
var a = [350, 10], b = [90, 180, 270, 360], c = [10, 20, 30];
Line 854 ⟶ 974:
'''Generic Infrastructure'''
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="jq">def pi: 4 * (1|atan);
def deg2rad: . * pi / 180;
Line 872 ⟶ 992:
def abs: if . < 0 then - . else . end;
def summation(f): map(f) | add;</langsyntaxhighlight>
'''Mean Angle'''
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="jq"># input: degrees
def mean_angle:
def round:
Line 889 ⟶ 1,009:
| .[1]
| rad2deg
| round;</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="jq">([350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30])
| "The mean angle of \(.) is: \(mean_angle)"</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="sh">jq -r -n -f Mean_angle.jq
The mean angle of [350,10] is: 0
The mean angle of [90,180,270,360] is: null
The mean angle of [10,20,30] is: 20</langsyntaxhighlight>
Julia has built-in functions <code>sind</code> and <code>cosd</code> to compute the sine and cosine of angles specified in degrees accurately (avoiding the roundoff errors incurred in conversion to radians), and a built-in function to convert radians to degrees (or vice versa). Using these:
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">using Statistics
<lang julia>meandegrees(degrees) = radians2degrees(atan2(mean(sind(degrees)), mean(cosd(degrees))))</lang>
meandegrees(degrees) = rad2deg(atan(mean(sind.(degrees)), mean(cosd.(degrees))))</syntaxhighlight>
The output is:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="julia">julia> meandegrees([350, 10])
Line 911 ⟶ 1,032:
julia> meandegrees([10, 20, 30]])
(Note that the mean of 90°, 180°, 270°, and 360° gives zero because of the lack of roundoff errors in the <code>sind</code> function, since the standard-library <code>atan2(0,0)</code> value is zero. Many of the other languages report an average of 90° or –90° in this case due to rounding errors.)
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="scala">// version 1.0.5-2
fun meanAngle(angles: DoubleArray): Double {
Line 931 ⟶ 1,052:
println("Mean for angles 2 is ${fmt.format(meanAngle(angles2))}")
println("Mean for angles 3 is ${fmt.format(meanAngle(angles3))}")
Line 941 ⟶ 1,062:
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="lb">global Pi
Pi =3.1415926535
Line 982 ⟶ 1,103:
if y =0 and x =0 then notice "undefined": end
atan2 =at
end function</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 989 ⟶ 1,110:
Mean Angle( "10,20,30") = 20.0 degrees.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="logo">to mean_angle :angles
local "avgsin
make "avgsin quotient apply "sum map "sin :angles count :angles
Line 1,003 ⟶ 1,125:
Line 1,013 ⟶ 1,135:
{{works with|Lua|5.1}}
<langsyntaxhighlight Lualang="lua">function meanAngle (angleList)
local sumSin, sumCos = 0, 0
for i, angle in pairs(angleList) do
Line 1,025 ⟶ 1,147:
print(meanAngle({350, 10}))
print(meanAngle({90, 180, 270, 360}))
print(meanAngle({10, 20, 30}))</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 1,035 ⟶ 1,157:
The following procedure takes a list of numeric degrees (with attached units) such as
<langsyntaxhighlight Maplelang="maple">> [ 350, 10 ] *~ Unit(arcdeg);
[350 [arcdeg], 10 [arcdeg]]</langsyntaxhighlight>
as input. (We could use "degree" instead of "arcdeg", since "degree" is taken, by default, to mean angle measure, but it seems best to avoid the ambiguity.)
<langsyntaxhighlight Maplelang="maple">MeanAngle := proc( L )
uses Units:-Standard; # for unit-awareness
local u;
evalf( convert( argument( add( u, u = exp~( I *~ L ) ) ), 'units', 'radian', 'degree' ) )
end proc:</langsyntaxhighlight>
Applying this to the given data sets, we obtain:
<langsyntaxhighlight Maplelang="maple">> MeanAngle( [ 350, 10 ] *~ Unit(arcdeg) );
Line 1,051 ⟶ 1,173:
> MeanAngle( [ 10, 20, 30 ] *~ Unit(arcdeg) );
=={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight Mathematicalang="mathematica">meanAngle[data_List] := N@Arg[Mean[Exp[I data Degree]]]/Degree</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>meanAngle /@ {{350, 10}, {90, 180, 270, 360}, {10, 20, 30}}
Line 1,060 ⟶ 1,182:
=={{header|MATLAB}} / {{header|Octave}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight MATLABlang="matlab">function u = mean_angle(phi)
u = angle(mean(exp(i*pi*phi/180)))*180/pi;
<pre> mean_angle([350, 10])
ans = -2.7452e-14
Line 1,069 ⟶ 1,191:
mean_angle([10, 20, 30])
ans = 20.000
<syntaxhighlight lang="miniscript">
atan2 = function(y, x)
return 2 * atan((sqrt(x^2 + y^2) - x) / y)
end function
deg2rad = function(x); return x * pi / 180; end function
rad2deg = function(x); return x * 180 / pi; end function
meanAngle = function(angles)
xsum = 0; ysum = 0
for angle in angles
xsum += cos(deg2rad(angle))
ysum += sin(deg2rad(angle))
end for
return rad2deg(atan2(ysum / angles.len, xsum / angles.len))
end function
manyAngledOnes = [[350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30]]
for angles in manyAngledOnes
mean = meanAngle(angles)
print ["Mean of", angles, "is", mean].join(" ")
end for
Mean of [350, 10] is 0
Mean of [90, 180, 270, 360] is -90
Mean of [10, 20, 30] is 20.0
<langsyntaxhighlight NetRexxlang="netrexx">/* NetRexx */
options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary
numeric digits 80
Line 1,106 ⟶ 1,260:
end angles
Line 1,126 ⟶ 1,280:
{{works with|Nim|0.20.0+}}
<lang nim>import math, complex
<syntaxhighlight lang="nim">import math, complex
proc rect(r, phi: float): Complex = (r * cos(phi), sin(phi))
proc phase(c: Complex): float = arctan2(c.im, c.re)
proc radians(x: float): float = (x * Pi) / 180.0
proc degrees(x: float): float = (x * 180.0) / Pi
proc meanAngle(deg: openArray[float]): float =
var c: Complex[float]
for d in deg:
c += rect(1.0, radiansdegToRad(d))
degreesradToDeg(phase(c / float(deg.len)))
echo "The 1st mean angle is: ", meanAngle([350.0, 10.0]), " degrees"
echo "The 2nd mean angle is: ", meanAngle([90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0]), " degrees"
echo "The 3rd mean angle is: ", meanAngle([10.0, 20.0, 30.0]), " degrees"</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>The 1st mean angle is: -21.745176884498468e614809932057922e-1415 degrees
The 2nd mean angle is: -90.0 degrees
The 3rd mean angle is: 20.0 degrees</pre>
Line 1,150 ⟶ 1,299:
{{works with|oo2c}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="oberon2">
MODULE MeanAngle;
Line 1,183 ⟶ 1,332:
Out.LongRealFix(Mean(grades) * toDegs,15,9);Out.Ln;
END MeanAngle.
Line 1,192 ⟶ 1,341:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ocaml">let pi = 3.14159_26535_89793_23846_2643
let deg2rad d =
Line 1,216 ⟶ 1,365:
test [90.0; 180.0; 270.0; 360.0];
test [10.0; 20.0; 30.0];
or using the <code>Complex</code> module:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ocaml">open Complex
let mean_angle angles =
Line 1,224 ⟶ 1,373:
List.fold_left (fun sum a -> add sum (polar 1.0 (deg2rad a))) zero angles
rad2deg (arg sum)</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 1,234 ⟶ 1,383:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="oorexx">/*REXX program computes the mean angle (angles expressed in degrees). */
numeric digits 50 /*use fifty digits of precision, */
showDig=10 /*··· but only display 10 digits.*/
Line 1,257 ⟶ 1,406:
return left('angles='a,30) 'mean angle=' format(mA,,showDig,0)/1
::requires rxMath library;</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>angles=350 10 mean angle= 0
angles=90 180 270 360 mean angle= 0
angles=10 20 30 mean angle= 20</pre>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="parigp">meanAngle(v)=atan(sum(i=1,#v,sin(v[i]))/sum(i=1,#v,cos(v[i])))%(2*Pi)
apply(meanDegrees,[[350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30]])</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>[360.000000, 296.565051, 20.0000000]</pre>
uses library math for sincos, a function of FPU80x87, atan2 and DegToRad.
Tested with free pascal.
Try to catch very small cos values and set to 0.0 degrees " Error : Not meaningful" as http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Averages/Mean_angle#Euler_Math_Toolbox complains.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="pascal">program MeanAngle;
Line 1,343 ⟶ 1,493:
Line 1,351 ⟶ 1,501:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="perl">sub Pi () { 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028842 }
sub meanangle {
Line 1,367 ⟶ 1,517:
print "The mean angle of [@$_] is: ", meandegrees(@$_), " degrees\n"
for ([350,10], [90,180,270,360], [10,20,30]);</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 1,374 ⟶ 1,524:
The mean angle of [10 20 30] is: 20 degrees
=={{header|Perl 6}}==
{{works with|Rakudo|2015.12}}
This solution refuses to return an answer when the angles cancel out to a tiny magnitude.
<lang perl6># Of course, you can still use pi and 180.
sub deg2rad { $^d * tau / 360 }
sub rad2deg { $^r * 360 / tau }
sub phase ($c) {
my ($mag,$ang) = $c.polar;
return NaN if $mag < 1e-16;
sub meanAngle { rad2deg phase [+] map { cis deg2rad $_ }, @^angles }
say meanAngle($_).fmt("%.2f\tis the mean angle of "), $_ for
[350, 10],
[90, 180, 270, 360],
[10, 20, 30];</lang>
<pre>-0.00 is the mean angle of 350 10
NaN is the mean angle of 90 180 270 360
20.00 is the mean angle of 10 20 30</pre>
Copied from [[Averages/Mean_angle#Euphoria|Euphoria]], and slightly improved
<!--<syntaxhighlight lang="phix">(phixonline)-->
<lang Phix>function atan2(atom y, atom x)
<span style="color: #008080;">with</span> <span style="color: #008080;">javascript_semantics</span>
return 2*arctan((sqrt(power(x,2)+power(y,2))-x)/y)
<span style="color: #008080;">function</span> <span style="color: #000000;">MeanAngle</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">angles</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
end function
<span style="color: #004080;">atom</span> <span style="color: #000000;">x</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">0</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">y</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">0</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">angles</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
function MeanAngle(sequence angles)
<span style="color: #004080;">atom</span> <span style="color: #000000;">ai_rad</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">angles</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]*</span><span style="color: #004600;">PI</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">/</span><span style="color: #000000;">180</span>
atom x=0, y=0, ai_rad
<span style="color: #000000;">x</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">+=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">cos</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">ai_rad</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
integer l=length(angles)
<span style="color: #000000;">y</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">+=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">sin</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">ai_rad</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
for i=1 to l do
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">abs</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">x</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)<</span><span style="color: #000000;">1e-16</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span> <span style="color: #008080;">return</span> <span style="color: #008000;">"not meaningful"</span> <span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
ai_rad = angles[i]*PI/180
<span style="color: #008080;">return</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">sprintf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008000;">"%g"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">round</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">atan2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">y</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">x</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)*</span><span style="color: #000000;">180</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">/</span><span style="color: #004600;">PI</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">1e10</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))</span>
x += cos(ai_rad)
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">function</span>
y += sin(ai_rad)
end for
<span style="color: #008080;">constant</span> <span style="color: #000000;">AngleLists</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{{</span><span style="color: #000000;">350</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">10</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">},{</span><span style="color: #000000;">90</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">180</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">270</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">360</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">},{</span><span style="color: #000000;">10</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">20</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">30</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">},{</span><span style="color: #000000;">180</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">},{</span><span style="color: #000000;">0</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">180</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">}}</span>
if abs(x)<1e-16 then return "not meaningful" end if
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">AngleLists</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
return sprintf("%9.5f",atan2(y,x)*180/PI)
<span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">ai</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">AngleLists</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span>
end function
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"%16V: Mean Angle is %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #000000;">ai</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">MeanAngle</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">ai</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)})</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
constant AngleLists = {{350,10},{90,180,270,360},{10,20,30},{180},{0,180}}
sequence ai
for i=1 to length(AngleLists) do
ai = AngleLists[i]
printf(1,"%+16s: Mean Angle is %s\n",{sprint(ai),MeanAngle(ai)})
end for
{} = wait_key()</lang>
{350,10}: Mean Angle is 0.00000
{90,180,270,360}: Mean Angle is not meaningful
{10,20,30}: Mean Angle is 20.00000
{180}: Mean Angle is 180.00000
{0,180}: Mean Angle is not meaningful
Line 1,436 ⟶ 1,557:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="php"><?php
$samples = array(
'1st' => array(350, 10),
Line 1,458 ⟶ 1,579:
return rad2deg(atan2($y_part, $x_part));
<pre>Mean angle for 1st sample: -1.6148099320579E-15 degrees.
Line 1,465 ⟶ 1,586:
<langsyntaxhighlight PicoLisplang="picolisp">(load "@lib/math.l")
(de meanAngle (Lst)
Line 1,478 ⟶ 1,599:
"The mean angle of ["
(glue ", " (mapcar round L '(0 .)))
"] is: " (round (meanAngle L))) )</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>The mean angle of [350, 10] is: 0.000
Line 1,485 ⟶ 1,606:
<langsyntaxhighlight PLlang="pl/Ii">averages: procedure options (main); /* 31 August 2012 */
declare b1(2) fixed initial (350, 10);
declare b2(4) fixed initial (90, 180, 270, 360);
Line 1,502 ⟶ 1,623:
end mean;
end averages;</langsyntaxhighlight>
Results (the final one brings up an error in inverse tangent):
Line 1,513 ⟶ 1,634:
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
<lang PowerShell>
function Get-MeanAngle ([double[]]$Angles)
Line 1,521 ⟶ 1,642:
[Math]::Atan2($y, $x) * 180 / [Math]::PI
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
<lang PowerShell>
@(350, 10), @(90, 180, 270, 360), @(10, 20, 30) | ForEach-Object {Get-MeanAngle $_}
Line 1,533 ⟶ 1,654:
<syntaxhighlight lang="processing">void setup() {
println(meanAngle(350, 10));
println(meanAngle(90, 180, 270, 360));
println(meanAngle(10, 20, 30));
float meanAngle(float... angles) {
float sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < angles.length; i++) {
sum1 += sin(radians(angles[i])) / angles.length;
sum2 += cos(radians(angles[i])) / angles.length;
return degrees(atan2(sum1, sum2));
<syntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">NewList angle.d()
Macro AE(x)
AddElement(angle()) : angle()=x
Procedure.d atan3(y.d,x.d)
If x<=0.0 : ProcedureReturn Sign(y)*#PI/2 : EndIf
If x>0.0 : ProcedureReturn ATan(y/x) : EndIf
If y>0.0 : ProcedureReturn ATan(y/x)+#PI : EndIf
ProcedureReturn ATan(y/x)-#PI
Procedure.d mAngle(List angle.d())
Define.d sumS,sumC
ForEach angle()
sumS+Sin(Radian(angle())) : sumC+Cos(Radian(angle()))
ProcedureReturn Degree(atan3(sumS,sumC))
AE(350.0) : AE(10.0)
Debug StrD(mAngle(angle()),6) : ClearList(angle())
AE(90.0) : AE(180.0) : AE(270.0) : AE(360.0)
Debug StrD(mAngle(angle()),6) : ClearList(angle())
AE(10.0) : AE(20.0) : AE(30.0)
Debug StrD(mAngle(angle()),6) : ClearList(angle())
{{works with|Python|2.6+}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="python">>>> from cmath import rect, phase
>>> from math import radians, degrees
>>> def mean_angle(deg):
Line 1,547 ⟶ 1,724:
The mean angle of [90, 180, 270, 360] is: -90.0 degrees
The mean angle of [10, 20, 30] is: 20.0 degrees
>>> </langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="r">
deg2rad <- function(x) {
x * pi/180
rad2deg <- function(x) {
x * 180/pi
deg2vec <- function(x) {
c(sin(deg2rad(x)), cos(deg2rad(x)))
vec2deg <- function(x) {
res <- rad2deg(atan2(x[1], x[2]))
if (res < 0) {
360 + res
} else {
mean_vec <- function(x) {
y <- lapply(x, deg2vec)
Reduce(`+`, y)/length(y)
mean_deg <- function(x) {
mean_deg(c(350, 10))
mean_deg(c(90, 180, 270, 360))
mean_deg(c(10, 20, 30))
The formula given above can be straightforwardly transcribed into a program:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="racket">
#lang racket
Line 1,567 ⟶ 1,787:
(mean-angle '(90 180 270 360))
(mean-angle '(10 20 30))
Line 1,574 ⟶ 1,794:
(formerly Perl 6)
{{works with|Rakudo|2015.12}}
This solution refuses to return an answer when the angles cancel out to a tiny magnitude.
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line># Of course, you can still use pi and 180.
sub deg2rad { $^d * tau / 360 }
sub rad2deg { $^r * 360 / tau }
sub phase ($c) {
my ($mag,$ang) = $c.polar;
return NaN if $mag < 1e-16;
sub meanAngle { rad2deg phase [+] map { cis deg2rad $_ }, @^angles }
say meanAngle($_).fmt("%.2f\tis the mean angle of "), $_ for
[350, 10],
[90, 180, 270, 360],
[10, 20, 30];</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>-0.00 is the mean angle of 350 10
NaN is the mean angle of 90 180 270 360
20.00 is the mean angle of 10 20 30</pre>
This REXX version uses an &nbsp; '''ATAN2''' &nbsp; solution.
The REXX language doesn't have most of the higher mathematical functions (like '''sqrt'''), and
(like '''sqrt'''), and
none of the trigonometric functions, so all of them have to be included as RYO &nbsp; ('''R'''oll-'''Y'''our-'''O'''wn).
none of the trigonometric
<br>functions, &nbsp; so all of them have to be included as
RYO &nbsp; ('''R'''oll-'''Y'''our-'''O'''wn).
Note that the second set of angles: 90 180 270 360
is the same as: 90 180 -90 0
and: -270 -180 -90 -360
Line 1,588 ⟶ 1,836:
and other combinations.
All the trigonometric functions use normalization &nbsp; (converting the
All the trigonometric functions use normalization &nbsp; (converting the angle to a unit circle) &nbsp; before computation, and most of them use shortcuts for some exact values, so there is a minimum of errors due to rounding for &nbsp; ''near values'' &nbsp; for some common values. &nbsp; The consequence is the trigonometric functions may return exact values such as &nbsp; '''0''' &nbsp; (zero) &nbsp; for &nbsp; '''sin(-2π)''' &nbsp; instead of &nbsp; '''-8.154E-61'''.
angle to a unit circle) &nbsp; before computation, &nbsp; and most
<br>of them use shortcuts for some exact values, &nbsp; so there is a minimum of
errors due to rounding for &nbsp; ''near values'' &nbsp; for some
<br>common values.
The consequence is the trig functions may return exact values such
This very small difference (almost inconsequential) makes a significant difference when that value is used for a parameter for the &nbsp; '''ATAN2''' &nbsp; function; &nbsp; in particular, the sign of the value. &nbsp;
as &nbsp; '''0''' &nbsp; (zero) &nbsp; for &nbsp; '''sin(-2<big><big><math>\pi</math></big></big>)''' &nbsp; instead
of &nbsp; '''-8.154E-61'''.
This very small difference (almost inconsequential) makes a significant difference
There isn't much difference between:
when that value is used for a parameter
<br>for the &nbsp; '''ATAN2''' &nbsp; function; &nbsp; in
particular, the &nbsp; ''sign'' &nbsp; of the value.
There isn't much difference between:
-8.154e-61 and
in magnitude, but the &nbsp; '''ATAN2''' &nbsp; function treats those two numbers
in magnitude, but the '''ATAN2''' function treats those two numbers very differently as the angle iswill be in different quadrants, thereby yielding a different value.
<br>thereby yielding a different value.
Usually this just results in an angle of &nbsp; '''-90º''' &nbsp; instead
of &nbsp; '''+270º''' &nbsp; (both angles are equivalent).
Also note that the REXX subroutines are largely not commented as they provide a
Usually this just results in an angle of &nbsp; '''-90º''' &nbsp; instead of &nbsp; '''+270º''' &nbsp; (both angles are equivalent).
support structure that's normally present
<br><br>Also note that the REXX subroutines are largely not commented as they provide a support structure that's normally present in other languages as BIFs &nbsp; ('''B'''uilt-'''I'''n-'''F'''unctions); &nbsp; to add comments and expand the REXX statements into single lines would detract from the main program.
<br>in other computer programming languages as
<lang rexx>/*REXX program computes the mean angle for a group of angles (expressed in degrees). */
BIFs &nbsp; ('''B'''uilt-'''I'''n-'''F'''unctions); &nbsp; to add comments and expand the
REXX statements
<br>into single lines would increase the program's bulk and detract from the main program.
<syntaxhighlight lang="rexx">/*REXX program computes the mean angle for a group of angles (expressed in degrees). */
call pi /*define the value of pi to some accuracy.*/
numeric digits length(pi) - 1; showDig=10 /*use PI width decimal digits of precision,*/
showDig= 10 /*only display but onlyten display 10 decimal digits. */
#= 350 10 ; say show(#, meanAngleD(#)) /*display mean angle (in degrees), 1st case.*/
#= 90 180 270 360 ; say show(#, meanAngleD(#) ) /* " " " " " 2nd " */
#= 10 20 30 ; say show(#, meanAngleD(#) ) /* " " " " " 3rd " */
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done with it*/
Line 1,618 ⟶ 1,884:
r2d: return d2d((r2r(arg(1)) / pi()) * 180)
r2r: return arg(1) // (pi() * 2)
p: return word(arg(1), 1)
pi: pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862;return pi
Asin: procedure; parse arg x 1 z 1 o 1 p; xx a= abs(x); aa= a *x a
if xxa>=.51 then returncall AsinErr sign(x) /*argument Acos(sqrt(1-xx))X is out of range.*/
if a do j>=2 by sqrt(2) * until.5 p=z; then p=z;return o=o*xx*sign(j-1x)/j; * acos( z=z+o/sqrt(j+1); - aa), end /*j*/'-ASIN')
return z do j=2 by 2 until p=z; p= z; o= o * aa * (j-1) / j; z= z +o /* [↑](j+1); compute until no more noise.*/end
return z /* [↑] compute until no noise*/
Atan2: procedure; parse arg y,x; call pi; s=sign(y)
Atan2: procedure; parse arg y,x; call pi; s= sign(y)
when x=0 then z= s * pi * .5
when x<0 then if y=0 then z= pi; else z= s * (pi - abs( Atan(y/x) ) )
otherwise z= s * Atan(y / x)
end /*select*/; return z
cos: procedure; parse arg x; x= r2r(x); numeric fuzz $fuzz(6, 3)
a= abs(x); if a=0 then return 1; if a=pi then return -1
if a=pi*.5 | a= pi*1.5 then return 0; if a=pi/3 then return .5
if a= pi*2/3 then return -.5; return .sinCos(1, 1, -1)
meanAngleD: procedure; parse arg x; numeric digits digits() + digits() % 4
n= words(x); n=words(x); _sin= 0; _cos= 0
do j=1 for n; != d2r( word(x, j)); _sin= _sin + sin(!); _cos= _cos + cos(!); end /*j*/
return r2d(Atan2(_sin/n,end _cos /*j*/n))
return r2d( Atan2( _sin/n, _cos/n) )
show: parse arg a,mA; _=format(ma, , showDig, 0) / 1
show: parse arg a,mA; _= format(ma, , showDig, 0) / 1
return left('angles='a, 30) "mean angle=" right(_, max(4, length(_)))
return left('angles='a, 30) "mean angle=" right(_, max(4, length(_) ) )
sin: procedure; parse arg x; x=r2r(x); numeric fuzz $fuzz(5, 3)
sin: procedure; parse arg x; if x=pi*.5 r2r(x); thennumeric returnfuzz 1; if x==pi*1.$fuzz(5, then return -13)
if abs(x)=pi |* .5 x=0 then return 01; return .sinCos(x, if x,==pi * 1.5 then return +-1)
if abs(x)=pi | x=0 then return 0; return .sinCos(x, x, +1)
sqrt: procedure; parse arg x; if x=0 then return 0; d=digits(); m.=9; numeric form; h=d+6
sqrt: procedure; parse arg x; if x=0 then return 0; d=digits(); m.=9; numeric form; h= d+6
numeric digits; parse value format(x,2,1,,0) 'E0' with g "E" _ .; g=g * .5'e'_ % 2
numeric digits; parse value do j=format(x,2,1,,0) 'E0' while h>9;with g "E" _ m.j=h; g= g * .5'e'_ % h=h%2+1; end /*j*/
do j=0 while h>9; do k= m.j+5= h; to 0 by -1; numeric digits m.k; g h=(g h % 2 +x/g)*.5 1; end /*kj*/
do k=j+5 to 0 by -1; numeric digits m.k; g= (g + x/g) * .5; end /*k*/
return g</lang>
return g</syntaxhighlight>
''output''' &nbsp; when using the default input:
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the default internal inputs:}}
angles=350 10 mean angle= 0
Line 1,664 ⟶ 1,931:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ring">
# Project : Averages/Mean angle
# Date : 2018/01/08
# Author : Gal Zsolt (~ CalmoSoft ~)
# Email : <calmosoft@gmail.com>
load "stdlib.ring"
Line 1,702 ⟶ 1,966:
Line 1,708 ⟶ 1,972:
≪ DEG → angles
≪ 0 1 angles SIZE '''FOR''' j
1 angles j GET R→C P→R + '''NEXT'''
angles SIZE / ARG
≫ ≫ ''''MEANG'''' STO
{ 350 10 } MEANG
{ 90 180 270 360 } MEANG
{ 10 20 30 } MEANG
3: 0
2: -90
1: 20
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ruby">require 'complex' # Superfluous in Ruby >= 2.0; complex is added to core.
def deg2rad(d)
Line 1,727 ⟶ 2,010:
[[350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30]].each {|angles|
puts "The mean angle of %p is: %f degrees" % [angles, mean_angle(angles)]
Line 1,737 ⟶ 2,020:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="rust">
use std::f64;
// the macro is from
Line 1,781 ⟶ 2,064:
assert_diff!(20.0, mean_angle(&angles3), 0.001);
{{libheader|Scala}}<langsyntaxhighlight Scalalang="scala">trait MeanAnglesComputation {
import scala.math.{Pi, atan2, cos, sin}
Line 1,802 ⟶ 2,085:
assert(meanAngle(List(10, 20, 30)).round == 20, "Unexpected result with 10, 20, 30")
println("Successfully completed without errors.")
Line 1,808 ⟶ 2,091:
{{trans|Common Lisp}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="scheme">
(import (srfi 1 lists)) ;; use 'fold' from library
Line 1,832 ⟶ 2,115:
(display " is ") (display (mean-angle angles)) (newline))
'((350 10) (90 180 270 360) (10 20 30)))
Line 1,841 ⟶ 2,124:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="seed7">$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
include "float.s7i";
include "math.s7i";
Line 1,870 ⟶ 2,153:
writeln(meanAngle([] (90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0)) digits 4);
writeln(meanAngle([] (10.0, 20.0, 30.0)) digits 4);
end func;</langsyntaxhighlight>{{out}}
Line 1,876 ⟶ 2,159:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ruby">func mean_angle(angles) {
Math.avg(angles.map{ .deg2rad.sin }...),
Line 1,885 ⟶ 2,168:
[[350,10], [90,180,270,360], [10,20,30]].each { |angles|
say "The mean angle of #{angles.dump} is: #{ '%.2f' % mean_angle(angles)} degrees"
Line 1,894 ⟶ 2,177:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="stata">mata
function meanangle(a) {
Line 1,907 ⟶ 2,190:
<syntaxhighlight lang="swift">import Foundation
@inlinable public func d2r<T: FloatingPoint>(_ f: T) -> T { f * .pi / 180 }
@inlinable public func r2d<T: FloatingPoint>(_ f: T) -> T { f * 180 / .pi }
public func meanOfAngles(_ angles: [Double]) -> Double {
let cInv = 1 / Double(angles.count)
let (s, c) =
.map({ (sin($0), cos($0)) })
.reduce(into: (0.0, 0.0), { $0.0 += $1.0; $0.1 += $1.1 })
return r2d(atan2(cInv * s, cInv * c))
let fmt = { String(format: "%lf", $0) }
print("Mean of angles (350, 10) => \(fmt(meanOfAngles([350, 10])))")
print("Mean of angles (90, 180, 270, 360) => \(fmt(meanOfAngles([90, 180, 270, 360])))")
print("Mean of angles (10, 20, 30) => \(fmt(meanOfAngles([10, 20, 30])))")</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Mean of angles (350, 10) => -0.000000
Mean of angles (90, 180, 270, 360) => -90.000000
Mean of angles (10, 20, 30) => 20.000000</pre>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="tcl">proc meanAngle {angles} {
set toRadians [expr {atan2(0,-1) / 180}]
set sumSin [set sumCos 0.0]
Line 1,919 ⟶ 2,232:
# Don't need to divide by counts; atan2() cancels that out
return [expr {atan2($sumSin, $sumCos) / $toRadians}]
Demonstration code:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="tcl"># A little pretty-printer
proc printMeanAngle {angles} {
puts [format "mean angle of \[%s\] = %.2f" \
Line 1,929 ⟶ 2,242:
printMeanAngle {350 10}
printMeanAngle {90 180 270 360}
printMeanAngle {10 20 30}</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 1,935 ⟶ 2,248:
mean angle of [90, 180, 270, 360] = -90.00
mean angle of [10, 20, 30] = 20.00
<syntaxhighlight lang="vala">double meanAngle(double[] angles) {
double y_part = 0.0;
double x_part = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < angles.length; i++) {
x_part += Math.cos(angles[i] * Math.PI / 180.0);
y_part += Math.sin(angles[i] * Math.PI / 180.0);
return Math.atan2(y_part / angles.length, x_part / angles.length) * 180 / Math.PI;
void main() {
double[] angleSet1 = {350.0, 10.0};
double[] angleSet2 = {90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0};
double[] angleSet3 = {10.0, 20.0, 30.0};
print("\nMean Angle for 1st set : %lf degrees", meanAngle(angleSet1));
print("\nMean Angle for 2nd set : %lf degrees", meanAngle(angleSet2));
print("\nMean Angle for 3rd set : %lf degrees\n", meanAngle(angleSet3));
Mean Angle for 1st set : -0.000000 degrees
Mean Angle for 2nd set : -90.000000 degrees
Mean Angle for 3rd set : 20.000000 degrees
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">Option Base 1
Private Function mean_angle(angles As Variant) As Double
Dim sins() As Double, coss() As Double
ReDim sins(UBound(angles))
ReDim coss(UBound(angles))
For i = LBound(angles) To UBound(angles)
sins(i) = Sin(WorksheetFunction.Radians(angles(i)))
coss(i) = Cos(WorksheetFunction.Radians(angles(i)))
Next i
mean_angle = WorksheetFunction.Degrees( _
WorksheetFunction.Atan2( _
WorksheetFunction.sum(coss), _
End Function
Public Sub main()
Debug.Print Format(mean_angle([{350,10}]), "##0")
Debug.Print Format(mean_angle([{90, 180, 270, 360}]), "##0")
Debug.Print Format(mean_angle([{10, 20, 30}]), "##0")
End Sub</syntaxhighlight>{{out}}
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Imports System.Math
Module Module1
Function MeanAngle(angles As Double()) As Double
Dim x = angles.Sum(Function(a) Cos(a * PI / 180)) / angles.Length
Dim y = angles.Sum(Function(a) Sin(a * PI / 180)) / angles.Length
Return Atan2(y, x) * 180 / PI
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim printMean = Sub(x As Double()) Console.WriteLine("{0:0.###}", MeanAngle(x))
printMean({350, 10})
printMean({90, 180, 270, 360})
printMean({10, 20, 30})
End Sub
End Module</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|V (Vlang)}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="v (vlang)">import math
fn mean_angle(deg []f64) f64 {
mut ss, mut sc := f64(0), f64(0)
for x in deg {
s, c := math.sincos(x * math.pi / 180)
ss += s
sc += c
return math.atan2(ss, sc) * 180 / math.pi
fn main() {
for angles in [
[f64(350), 10],
[f64(90), 180, 270, 360],
[f64(10), 20, 30],
] {
println("The mean angle of $angles is: ${mean_angle(angles)} degrees")
The mean angle of [350, 10] is: -2.6644363878955713e-14 degrees
The mean angle of [90, 180, 270, 360] is: -90 degrees
The mean angle of [10, 20, 30] is: 19.999999999999996 degree
<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">import "./fmt" for Fmt
var meanAngle = Fn.new { |angles|
var n = angles.count
var sinSum = 0
var cosSum = 0
for (angle in angles) {
sinSum = sinSum + (angle * Num.pi / 180).sin
cosSum = cosSum + (angle * Num.pi / 180).cos
return (sinSum/n).atan(cosSum/n) * 180 / Num.pi
var angles1 = [350, 10]
var angles2 = [90, 180, 270, 360]
var angles3 = [10, 20, 30]
var i = 1
for (angles in [angles1, angles2, angles3]) {
System.print("Mean for angles %(i) is : %(Fmt.f(6, meanAngle.call(angles), 2))")
i = i + 1
Mean for angles 1 is : -0.00
Mean for angles 2 is : -90.00
Mean for angles 3 is : 20.00
<langsyntaxhighlight XPL0lang="xpl0">include c:\cxpl\codes;
def Pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
Line 1,959 ⟶ 2,414:
RlOut(0, MeanAng([4, 90, 180, 270, 360])); CrLf(0);
RlOut(0, MeanAng([3, 10, 20, 30])); CrLf(0);
Line 1,970 ⟶ 2,425:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="zkl">fcn meanA(a1,a2,etc){
Line 1,976 ⟶ 2,431:
Line 1,986 ⟶ 2,441:

Latest revision as of 10:47, 7 November 2023

When calculating the average or mean of an angle one has to take into account how angles wrap around so that any angle in degrees plus any integer multiple of 360 degrees is a measure of the same angle.

Averages/Mean angle
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

If one wanted an average direction of the wind over two readings where the first reading was of 350 degrees and the second was of 10 degrees then the average of the numbers is 180 degrees, whereas if you can note that 350 degrees is equivalent to -10 degrees and so you have two readings at 10 degrees either side of zero degrees leading to a more fitting mean angle of zero degrees.

To calculate the mean angle of several angles:

  1. Assume all angles are on the unit circle and convert them to complex numbers expressed in real and imaginary form.
  2. Compute the mean of the complex numbers.
  3. Convert the complex mean to polar coordinates whereupon the phase of the complex mean is the required angular mean.

(Note that, since the mean is the sum divided by the number of numbers, and division by a positive real number does not affect the angle, you can also simply compute the sum for step 2.)

You can alternatively use this formula:

Given the angles the mean is computed by
  1. write a function/method/subroutine/... that given a list of angles in degrees returns their mean angle.
    (You should use a built-in function if you have one that does this for degrees or radians).
  2. Use the function to compute the means of these lists of angles (in degrees):
    •   [350, 10]
    •   [90, 180, 270, 360]
    •   [10, 20, 30]
  3. Show your output here.
See also


Translation of: C#
F mean_angle(angles)
   V x = sum(angles.map(a -> cos(radians(a)))) / angles.len
   V y = sum(angles.map(a -> sin(radians(a)))) / angles.len
   R degrees(atan2(y, x))

print(mean_angle([350, 10]))
print(mean_angle([90, 180, 270, 360]))
print(mean_angle([10, 20, 30]))


An implementation based on the formula using the "Arctan" (atan2) function, thus avoiding complex numbers:

with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions;

procedure Mean_Angles is

   type X_Real is digits 4;      -- or more digits for improved precision
   subtype Real is X_Real range 0.0 .. 360.0; -- the range of interest
   type Angles is array(Positive range <>) of Real;

   procedure Put(R: Real) is
      package IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO(Real);
      IO.Put(R, Fore => 3, Aft => 2, Exp => 0);
   end Put;

   function Mean_Angle(A: Angles) return Real is
      Sin_Sum, Cos_Sum: X_Real := 0.0; -- X_Real since sums might exceed 360.0
      package Math is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions(Real);
      use Math;
      for I in A'Range loop
        Sin_Sum := Sin_Sum + Sin(A(I), Cycle => 360.0);
        Cos_Sum := Cos_Sum + Cos(A(I), Cycle => 360.0);
      end loop;
      return Arctan(Sin_Sum / X_Real(A'Length), Cos_Sum / X_Real(A'Length),
                    Cycle => 360.0);
        -- may raise Ada.Numerics.Argument_Error if inputs are
        -- numerically instable, e.g., when Cos_Sum is 0.0
   end Mean_Angle;

   Put(Mean_Angle((10.0, 20.0, 30.0)));     Ada.Text_IO.New_Line;    -- 20.00
   Put(Mean_Angle((10.0, 350.0)));          Ada.Text_IO.New_Line;    --  0.00
   Put(Mean_Angle((90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0))); -- Ada.Numerics.Argument_Error!
end Mean_Angles;

raised ADA.NUMERICS.ARGUMENT_ERROR : a-ngelfu.adb:427 instantiated at mean_angles.adb:17


mean(list l)
    integer i;
    real x, y;

    x = y = 0;

    i = 0;
    while (i < l_length(l)) {
        x += Gcos(l[i]);
        y += Gsin(l[i]);
        i += 1;

    return Gatan2(y / l_length(l), x / l_length(l));

    o_form("mean of 1st set: /d6/\n", mean(l_effect(350, 10)));
    o_form("mean of 2nd set: /d6/\n", mean(l_effect(90, 180, 270, 360)));
    o_form("mean of 3rd set: /d6/\n", mean(l_effect(10, 20, 30)));

    return 0;
mean of 1st set: -.000000
mean of 2nd set: -90
mean of 3rd set: 19.999999


Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release algol68g-2.8.3.
Translation of: C – Note: This specimen retains the original C coding style

File: Averages_Mean_angle.a68

#!/usr/bin/a68g --script #
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #

PROC mean angle = ([]#LONG# REAL angles)#LONG# REAL:
  INT size = UPB angles - LWB angles + 1;
  #LONG# REAL y part := 0, x part := 0;
  FOR i FROM LWB angles TO UPB angles DO
      x part +:= #long# cos (angles[i] * #long# pi / 180);
      y part +:= #long# sin (angles[i] * #long# pi / 180)
  #long# arc tan2 (y part / size, x part / size) * 180 / #long# pi
  []#LONG# REAL angle set 1 = ( 350, 10 );
  []#LONG# REAL angle set 2 = ( 90, 180, 270, 360);
  []#LONG# REAL angle set 3 = ( 10, 20, 30);
  FORMAT summary fmt=$"Mean angle for "g" set :"-zd.ddddd" degrees"l$;
  printf ((summary fmt,"1st", mean angle (angle set 1)));
  printf ((summary fmt,"2nd", mean angle (angle set 2)));
  printf ((summary fmt,"3rd", mean angle (angle set 3)))
Mean angle for 1st set : -0.00000 degrees
Mean angle for 2nd set :-90.00000 degrees
Mean angle for 3rd set : 20.00000 degrees


Works with: AutoHotkey 1.1
Angles :=  [[350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30]]
MsgBox, % MeanAngle(Angles[1]) "`n"
	. MeanAngle(Angles[2]) "`n" 
	. MeanAngle(Angles[3]) 

MeanAngle(a, x=0, y=0) {
	static c := ATan(1) / 45
	for k, v in a {
		x += Cos(v * c) / a.MaxIndex()
		y += Sin(v * c) / a.MaxIndex()
	return atan2(x, y) / c

atan2(x, y) {
   return dllcall("msvcrt\atan2", "Double",y, "Double",x, "CDECL Double")




#!/usr/bin/awk -f
    PI = atan2(0,-1);
    x=0.0; y=0.0;
    for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {	
	p = $i*PI/180.0;
	x += sin(p);
	y += cos(p);
    p = atan2(x,y)*180.0/PI;	
    if (p<0) p += 360;
    print p;
 echo 350 10 | ./mean_angle.awk 
 echo 10 20 30 | ./mean_angle.awk 
 echo 90 180 270 360  | ./mean_angle.awk 


      *FLOAT 64
      DIM angles(3)
      angles() = 350,10
      PRINT FNmeanangle(angles(), 2)
      angles() = 90,180,270,360
      PRINT FNmeanangle(angles(), 4)
      angles() = 10,20,30
      PRINT FNmeanangle(angles(), 3)
      DEF FNmeanangle(angles(), N%)
      LOCAL I%, sumsin, sumcos
      FOR I% = 0 TO N%-1
        sumsin += SINRADangles(I%)
        sumcos += COSRADangles(I%)
      = DEGFNatan2(sumsin, sumcos)
      DEF FNatan2(y,x) : ON ERROR LOCAL = SGN(y)*PI/2
      IF x>0 THEN = ATN(y/x) ELSE IF y>0 THEN = ATN(y/x)+PI ELSE = ATN(y/x)-PI



meanAngle (double *angles, int size)
  double y_part = 0, x_part = 0;
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
      x_part += cos (angles[i] * M_PI / 180);
      y_part += sin (angles[i] * M_PI / 180);

  return atan2 (y_part / size, x_part / size) * 180 / M_PI;

main ()
  double angleSet1[] = { 350, 10 };
  double angleSet2[] = { 90, 180, 270, 360};
  double angleSet3[] = { 10, 20, 30};

  printf ("\nMean Angle for 1st set : %lf degrees", meanAngle (angleSet1, 2));
  printf ("\nMean Angle for 2nd set : %lf degrees", meanAngle (angleSet2, 4));
  printf ("\nMean Angle for 3rd set : %lf degrees\n", meanAngle (angleSet3, 3));
  return 0;
Mean Angle for 1st set : -0.000000 degrees
Mean Angle for 2nd set : -90.000000 degrees
Mean Angle for 3rd set : 20.000000 degrees


using System;
using System.Linq;
using static System.Math;
class Program
    static double MeanAngle(double[] angles)
        var x = angles.Sum(a => Cos(a * PI / 180)) / angles.Length;
        var y = angles.Sum(a => Sin(a * PI / 180)) / angles.Length;
        return Atan2(y, x) * 180 / PI;
    static void Main()
        Action<double[]> printMean = x => Console.WriteLine("{0:0.###}", MeanAngle(x));
        printMean(new double[] { 350, 10 });
        printMean(new double[] { 90, 180, 270, 360 });
        printMean(new double[] { 10, 20, 30 });


Translation of: C#
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include <math.h>

template<typename C>
double meanAngle(const C& c) {
    auto it = std::cbegin(c);
    auto end = std::cend(c);

    double x = 0.0;
    double y = 0.0;
    double len = 0.0;
    while (it != end) {
        x += cos(*it * M_PI / 180);
        y += sin(*it * M_PI / 180);

        it = std::next(it);

    return atan2(y, x) * 180 / M_PI;

void printMean(std::initializer_list<double> init) {
    std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << meanAngle(init) << '\n';

int main() {
    printMean({ 350, 10 });
    printMean({ 90, 180, 270, 360 });
    printMean({ 10, 20, 30 });

    return 0;


(defn mean-fn
  [k coll]
  (let [n (count coll)
        trig (get {:sin #(Math/sin %) :cos #(Math/cos %)} k)]
    (* (/ 1 n) (reduce + (map trig coll)))))

(defn mean-angle
  (let [radians (map #(Math/toRadians %) degrees)
        a (mean-fn :sin radians)
        b (mean-fn :cos radians)]
    (Math/toDegrees (Math/atan2 a b))))


(mean-angle [350 10])
;=> -1.614809932057922E-15

(mean-angle [90 180 270 360])
;=> -90.0

(mean-angle [10 20 30])
;=> 19.999999999999996

Common Lisp

(defun average (list)
  (/ (reduce #'+ list) (length list)))

(defun radians (angle)
  (* pi 1/180 angle))

(defun degrees (angle)
  (* (/ 180 pi) angle))

(defun mean-angle (angles)
  (let* ((angles (map 'list #'radians angles))
	 (cosines (map 'list #'cos angles))
	 (sines (map 'list #'sin angles)))
    (degrees (atan (average sines) (average cosines)))))

(loop for angles in '((350 10) (90 180 270 360) (10 20 30))
   do (format t "~&The mean angle of ~a is ~$°." angles (mean-angle angles)))

;; or using complex numbers (cis and phase)

(defun mean-angle-2 (angles)
    (degrees (phase (reduce #'+ angles :key (lambda (deg) (cis (radians deg)))))))
The mean angle of (350 10) is -0.00°.
The mean angle of (90 180 270 360) is -90.00°.
The mean angle of (10 20 30) is 20.00°.


import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.complex;
import std.math: PI;

auto radians(T)(in T d) pure nothrow @nogc { return d * PI / 180; }
auto degrees(T)(in T r) pure nothrow @nogc { return r * 180 / PI; }

real meanAngle(T)(in T[] D) pure nothrow @nogc {
    immutable t = reduce!((a, d) => a + d.radians.expi)(0.complex, D);
    return (t / D.length).arg.degrees;

void main() {
    foreach (angles; [[350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30]])
        writefln("The mean angle of %s is: %.2f degrees",
                 angles, angles.meanAngle);
The mean angle of [350, 10] is: -0.00 degrees
The mean angle of [90, 180, 270, 360] is: 90.00 degrees
The mean angle of [10, 20, 30] is: 20.00 degrees


See #Pascal.


Translation of: C
func mean ang[] .
   for ang in ang[]
      x += cos ang
      y += sin ang
   return atan2 (y / len ang[]) (x / len ang[])
print mean [ 350 10 ]
print mean [ 90 180 270 360 ]
print mean [ 10 20 30 ]


(define-syntax-rule  (deg->radian deg) (* deg 1/180 PI))
(define-syntax-rule  (radian->deg rad) (* 180 (/ PI) rad))

(define (mean-angles angles)
	    (for/sum ((a angles)) (make-polar 1 (deg->radian a))))))

(mean-angles '( 350 10))
(mean-angles '[90 180 270 360])
(mean-angles '[10 20 30])


defmodule MeanAngle do
  def mean_angle(angles) do
    rad_angles = Enum.map(angles, &deg_to_rad/1)
    sines = rad_angles |> Enum.map(&:math.sin/1) |> Enum.sum
    cosines = rad_angles |> Enum.map(&:math.cos/1) |> Enum.sum

    rad_to_deg(:math.atan2(sines, cosines))

  defp deg_to_rad(a) do
    (:math.pi/180) * a

  defp rad_to_deg(a) do
    (180/:math.pi) * a

IO.inspect MeanAngle.mean_angle([10, 350])
IO.inspect MeanAngle.mean_angle([90, 180, 270, 360])
IO.inspect MeanAngle.mean_angle([10, 20, 30])


The function from_degrees/1 is used to solve Averages/Mean_time_of_day. Please keep backwards compatibility when editing. Or update the other module, too.

-module( mean_angle ).
-export( [from_degrees/1, task/0] ).

from_degrees( Angles ) ->
	Radians = [radians(X) || X <- Angles],
	Sines = [math:sin(X) || X <- Radians],
	Coses = [math:cos(X) || X <- Radians],
	degrees( math:atan2( average(Sines), average(Coses) ) ).

task() ->
	Angles = [[350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30]],
	[io:fwrite( "Mean angle of ~p is: ~p~n", [X, erlang:round(from_degrees(X))] ) || X <- Angles].

average( List ) -> lists:sum( List ) / erlang:length( List ).

degrees( Radians ) -> Radians * 180 / math:pi().

radians( Degrees ) -> Degrees * math:pi() / 180.
16> mean_angle:task().
Mean angle of [350,10] is: 0
Mean angle of [90,180,270,360] is: -90
Mean angle of [10,20,30] is: 20

Euler Math Toolbox

>function meanangle (a) ...
$  z=sum(exp(rad(a)*I));
$  if z~=0 then error("Not meaningful");
$  else return deg(arg(z))
$  endfunction
 Error : Not meaningful
 Error generated by error() command
 Error in function meanangle in line
 if z~=0 then error("Not meaningful");


Works with: OpenEuphoria
include std/console.e
include std/mathcons.e

sequence AngleList = {{350,10},{90,180,270,360},{10,20,30}}

function atan2(atom y, atom x)
	return 2*arctan((sqrt(power(x,2)+power(y,2)) - x)/y)
end function

function MeanAngle(sequence angles)
	atom x = 0, y = 0
	integer l = length(angles)
	for i = 1 to length(angles) do
		x += cos(angles[i] * PI / 180)
		y += sin(angles[i] * PI / 180)
	end for
	return atan2(y / l, x / l) * 180 / PI
end function 

for i = 1 to length(AngleList) do
	printf(1,"Mean Angle for set %d:  %3.5f\n",{i,MeanAngle(AngleList[i])})
end for

if getc(0) then end if
Mean Angle for set 1:  0.00000
Mean Angle for set 2:  -90.00000
Mean Angle for set 3:  20.00000


open System
open System.Numerics

let deg2rad d = d * Math.PI / 180.
let rad2deg r = r * 180. / Math.PI

let main argv =
    let makeComplex = fun r ->  Complex.FromPolarCoordinates(1., r)
    |> Seq.map (Double.Parse >> deg2rad >> makeComplex)
    |> Seq.fold (fun x y -> Complex.Add(x,y)) Complex.Zero
    |> fun c -> c.Phase |> rad2deg
    |> printfn "Mean angle for [%s]: %g°" (String.Join("; ",argv))
>RosettaCode 350 10
Mean angle for [350; 10]: -2.74518e-14°

>RosettaCode 10 20 30
Mean angle for [10; 20; 30]: 20°

>RosettaCode 90 180 270 360
Mean angle for [90; 180; 270; 360]: -90°


USING: formatting kernel math math.functions math.libm math.trig
sequences ;

: mean-angle ( seq -- x )
    [ deg>rad ] map [ [ sin ] map-sum ] [ [ cos ] map-sum ]
    [ length ] tri recip [ * ] curry bi@ fatan2 rad>deg ;

: show ( seq -- )
    dup mean-angle "The mean angle of %u is: %f°\n" printf ;

{ { 350 10 } { 90 180 270 360 } { 10 20 30 } } [ show ] each
The mean angle of { 350 10 } is: -0.000000°
The mean angle of { 90 180 270 360 } is: -90.000000°
The mean angle of { 10 20 30 } is: 20.000000°


Please find the example output along with the build instructions in the comments at the start of the FORTRAN 2008 source. Compiler: gfortran from the GNU compiler collection. Command interpreter: bash.

!-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "/tmp/" -*-
!Compilation started at Mon Jun  3 18:07:59
!a=./f && make $a && OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 $a
!gfortran -std=f2008 -Wall -fopenmp -ffree-form -fall-intrinsics -fimplicit-none f.f08 -o f
!  -7.80250048E-06         350          10
!   90.0000000              90         180         270         360
!   19.9999962              10          20          30
!Compilation finished at Mon Jun  3 18:07:59

program average_angles
  !real(kind=8), parameter :: TAU = 6.283185307179586232 ! http://tauday.com/
  !integer, dimension(13), parameter :: test_data = (/2,350,10, 4,90,180,270,360, 3,10,20,30, 0/)
  !integer :: i, j, n
  !complex(kind=16) :: some
  !real(kind=8) :: angle
  real, parameter :: TAU = 6.283185307179586232 ! http://tauday.com/
  integer, dimension(13), parameter :: test_data = (/2,350,10, 4,90,180,270,360, 3,10,20,30, 0/)
  integer :: i, j, n
  complex :: some
  real :: angle
  i = 1
  n = int(test_data(i))
  do while (0 .lt. n)
    some = 0
    do j = 1, n
      angle = (TAU/360)*test_data(i+j)
      some = some + cmplx(cos(angle), sin(angle))
    end do
    some = some / n
    write(6,*)(360/TAU)*atan2(aimag(some), real(some)),test_data(i+1:i+n)
    i = i + n + 1
    n = int(test_data(i))
  end do
end program average_angles


' FB 1.05.0 Win64

Const PI As Double = 3.1415926535897932

Function MeanAngle(angles() As Double) As Double
  Dim As Integer length = Ubound(angles) - Lbound(angles) + 1
  Dim As Double sinSum = 0.0
  Dim As Double cosSum = 0.0
  For i As Integer = LBound(angles) To UBound(angles)
    sinSum += Sin(angles(i) * PI / 180.0)
    cosSum += Cos(angles(i) * PI / 180.0)    
  Return Atan2(sinSum / length, cosSum / length) * 180.0 / PI
End Function

Dim As Double angles1(1 To 2) = {350, 10}
Dim As Double angles2(1 To 4) = {90, 180, 270, 360}
Dim As Double angles3(1 To 3) = {10, 20, 30}

Print Using "Mean for angles 1 is : ####.## degrees"; MeanAngle(angles1())
Print Using "Mean for angles 2 is : ####.## degrees"; MeanAngle(angles2())
Print Using "Mean for angles 3 is : ####.## degrees"; MeanAngle(angles3())
Print "Press any key to quit the program"
Mean for angles 1 is :   -0.00 degrees
Mean for angles 2 is :  -90.00 degrees
Mean for angles 3 is :   20.00 degrees



package main

import (

func deg2rad(d float64) float64 { return d * math.Pi / 180 }
func rad2deg(r float64) float64 { return r * 180 / math.Pi }

func mean_angle(deg []float64) float64 {
	sum := 0i
	for _, x := range deg {
		sum += cmplx.Rect(1, deg2rad(x))
	return rad2deg(cmplx.Phase(sum))

func main() {
	for _, angles := range [][]float64{
		{350, 10},
		{90, 180, 270, 360},
		{10, 20, 30},
	} {
		fmt.Printf("The mean angle of %v is: %f degrees\n", angles, mean_angle(angles))
The mean angle of [350 10] is: -0.000000 degrees
The mean angle of [90 180 270 360] is: -90.000000 degrees
The mean angle of [10 20 30] is: 20.000000 degrees


A mean_angle function that could be substituted above. Functions deg2rad and rad2deg are not used here but there is no runtime advantage either way to using them or not. Inlining should result in eqivalent code being generated. Also the Go Atan2 library function has no limits on the arguments so there is no need to divide by the number of elements.

func mean_angle(deg []float64) float64 {
	var ss, sc float64
	for _, x := range deg {
		s, c := math.Sincos(x * math.Pi / 180)
		ss += s
		sc += c
	return math.Atan2(ss, sc) * 180 / math.Pi


import static java.lang.Math.*
def meanAngle = {
    atan2( it.sum { sin(it * PI / 180) } / it.size(), it.sum { cos(it * PI / 180) } / it.size()) * 180 / PI


def verifyAngle = { angles ->
    def ma = meanAngle(angles)
    printf("Mean Angle for $angles: %5.2f%n", ma)
    round(ma * 100) / 100.0
assert verifyAngle([350, 10]) == -0
assert verifyAngle([90, 180, 270, 360]) == -90
assert verifyAngle([10, 20, 30]) == 20
Mean Angle for [350, 10]: -0.00
Mean Angle for [90, 180, 270, 360]: -90.00
Mean Angle for [10, 20, 30]: 20.00


import Data.Complex (cis, phase)

  :: RealFloat c
  => [c] -> c
meanAngle = (/ pi) . (* 180) . phase . sum . map (cis . (/ 180) . (* pi))

main :: IO ()
main =
    (\angles ->
        putStrLn $
        "The mean angle of " ++
        show angles ++ " is: " ++ show (meanAngle angles) ++ " degrees")
    [[350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30]]
The mean angle of [350.0,10.0] is: -2.745176884498468e-14 degrees
The mean angle of [90.0,180.0,270.0,360.0] is: -90.0 degrees
The mean angle of [10.0,20.0,30.0] is: 19.999999999999996 degrees

Alternative Solution: This solution gives an insight about using factoring, many small functions like Forth and using function composition.

-- file: trigdeg.fs

deg2rad deg = deg*pi/180.0
rad2deg rad = rad*180.0/pi

sind = sin . deg2rad
cosd = cos . deg2rad
tand = tan . deg2rad
atand = rad2deg . atan
atan2d y x = rad2deg (atan2 y x )

avg_angle angles = atan2d y x
    y = mean (map sind angles) 
    x = mean (map cosd angles)

-- End of trigdeg.fs --------

-- GHCI shell  $ ghci

Prelude> :load trigdeg.hs 
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( trigdeg.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> avg_angle [350.0, 10.0]
*Main> avg_angle [90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0 ]
*Main> mean [10.0, 20.0, 30.0]

Icon and Unicon

procedure main(A)
    write("Mean angle is ",meanAngle(A))

procedure meanAngle(A)
    every (sumSines := 0.0) +:= sin(dtor(!A))
    every (sumCosines := 0.0) +:= cos(dtor(!A))
    return rtod(atan(sumSines/*A,sumCosines/*A))

Sample runs:

->ama 10 350
Mean angle is -2.745176884498468e-14
->ama 90 180 270 360
Mean angle is -90.0
->ama 10 20 30
Mean angle is 20.0


function mean_angle, phi
        z = total(exp(complex(0,phi*!dtor)))
	return, atan(imaginary(z),real_part(z))*!radeg
IDL> print, mean_angle([350, 10])
IDL> print, mean_angle([90, 180, 270, 360])
IDL> print, mean_angle([10, 20, 30])


avgAngleD=: 360|(_1 { [: (**|)&.+.@(+/ % #)&.(*.inv) 1,.])&.(1r180p1&*)

This verb can be represented as simpler component verbs, for example:

rfd=: 1r180p1&*                                          NB. convert angle to radians from degrees
toComplex=: *.inv                                        NB. maps integer pairs as length, complex angle (in radians)
mean=: +/ % #                                            NB. calculate arithmetic mean
roundComplex=: (* * |)&.+.                               NB. discard an extraneous least significant bit of precision from a complex value whose magnitude is in the vicinity of 1
avgAngleR=: _1 { [: roundComplex@mean&.toComplex 1 ,. ]  NB. calculate average angle in radians
avgAngleD=: 360|avgAngleR&.rfd                           NB. calculate average angle in degrees

Example use:

   avgAngleD 10 350
   avgAngleD 90 180 270 360 NB. result not meaningful
   avgAngleD 10 20 30
   avgAngleD 20 350
   avgAngleD 10 340


(**|)&.+. is an expression to discard an extraneous least significant bit of precision from a complex value whose magnitude is in the vicinity of 1.

(+/ % #) finds the (Pythagorean) mean

verb&.(*.inv) maps integer pairs as length,complex angle (in radians) and uses the verb in the domain of complex numbers, and then maps the result back to length,angle.

(1,.]) prefixes every value in a list with 1 (forming a two column table)

(_1 { verb) takes the last item from the result of the verb (and note that after we average our complex values and convert them back to length/angle format, we will be working with a list of two elements: length and angle -- and we do not care about length, which will usually be less than 1).

verb&.(1r180p1&*) converts its argument from degrees to radians, uses the verb in the radian domain, then converts the result of that argument back to degrees.

360|verb ensures that the result is not negative and is also less than 360


Translation of: NetRexx
Works with: Java version 7+
import java.util.Arrays;

public class AverageMeanAngle {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        printAverageAngle(350.0, 10.0);
        printAverageAngle(90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0);
        printAverageAngle(10.0, 20.0, 30.0);

    private static void printAverageAngle(double... sample) {
        double meanAngle = getMeanAngle(sample);
        System.out.printf("The mean angle of %s is %s%n", Arrays.toString(sample), meanAngle);

    public static double getMeanAngle(double... anglesDeg) {
        double x = 0.0;
        double y = 0.0;

        for (double angleD : anglesDeg) {
            double angleR = Math.toRadians(angleD);
            x += Math.cos(angleR);
            y += Math.sin(angleR);
        double avgR = Math.atan2(y / anglesDeg.length, x / anglesDeg.length);
        return Math.toDegrees(avgR);
The mean angle of [350.0, 10.0] is -1.614809932057922E-15
The mean angle of [90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0] is -90.0
The mean angle of [10.0, 20.0, 30.0] is 19.999999999999996
The mean angle of [370.0] is 9.999999999999977
The mean angle of [180.0] is 180.0



function sum(a) {
    var s = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) s += a[i];
    return s;

function degToRad(a) {
    return Math.PI / 180 * a;

function meanAngleDeg(a) {
    return 180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(
        sum(a.map(degToRad).map(Math.sin)) / a.length,
        sum(a.map(degToRad).map(Math.cos)) / a.length

var a = [350, 10], b = [90, 180, 270, 360],  c = [10, 20, 30];


Works with: jq version 1.4

To avoid anomalies, the following is designed to assign the null value as the mean angle in cases such as [0, 180].

Generic Infrastructure

def pi: 4 * (1|atan);

def deg2rad: . * pi / 180;
def rad2deg: if . == null then null else . * 180 / pi end;

# Input: [x,y] (special handling of x==0)
# Output: [r, theta] where theta may be null
def to_polar:
  if .[0] == 0
  then [1, if .[1] > 5e-14 then pi/2 elif .[1] < -5e-14 then -pi/2 else null end]
  else [1, ((.[1]/.[0]) | atan)]

def from_polar: .[1] | [ cos, sin];

def abs: if . < 0 then - . else . end;
def summation(f): map(f) | add;

Mean Angle

# input: degrees
def mean_angle:
  def round:
    if . == null then null
    elif . < 0 then -1 * ((- .) | round) | if . == -0 then 0 else . end
    else ((. + 3e-14) | floor) as $x
    | if ($x - .) | abs < 3e-14 then $x else . end

  map( [1, deg2rad] | from_polar)
  | [ summation(.[0]), summation(.[1]) ]
  | to_polar
  | .[1]
  | rad2deg
  | round;


([350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30])
| "The mean angle of \(.) is: \(mean_angle)"
jq -r -n -f Mean_angle.jq
The mean angle of [350,10] is: 0
The mean angle of [90,180,270,360] is: null
The mean angle of [10,20,30] is: 20


Julia has built-in functions sind and cosd to compute the sine and cosine of angles specified in degrees accurately (avoiding the roundoff errors incurred in conversion to radians), and a built-in function to convert radians to degrees (or vice versa). Using these:

using Statistics
meandegrees(degrees) = rad2deg(atan(mean(sind.(degrees)), mean(cosd.(degrees))))

The output is:

julia> meandegrees([350, 10])

julia> meandegrees([90, 180, 270, 360]])

julia> meandegrees([10, 20, 30]])

(Note that the mean of 90°, 180°, 270°, and 360° gives zero because of the lack of roundoff errors in the sind function, since the standard-library atan2(0,0) value is zero. Many of the other languages report an average of 90° or –90° in this case due to rounding errors.)


// version 1.0.5-2

fun meanAngle(angles: DoubleArray): Double {
    val sinSum = angles.sumByDouble {  Math.sin(it * Math.PI / 180.0) }
    val cosSum = angles.sumByDouble {  Math.cos(it * Math.PI / 180.0) }
    return Math.atan2(sinSum / angles.size, cosSum / angles.size) * 180.0 / Math.PI

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val angles1 = doubleArrayOf(350.0, 10.0)
    val angles2 = doubleArrayOf(90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0)
    val angles3 = doubleArrayOf(10.0, 20.0, 30.0)
    val fmt  = "%.2f degrees" // format results to 2 decimal places
    println("Mean for angles 1 is ${fmt.format(meanAngle(angles1))}")
    println("Mean for angles 2 is ${fmt.format(meanAngle(angles2))}")
    println("Mean for angles 3 is ${fmt.format(meanAngle(angles3))}")
Mean for angles 1 is -0.00 degrees
Mean for angles 2 is -90.00 degrees
Mean for angles 3 is 20.00 degrees

Liberty BASIC

global Pi
Pi =3.1415926535

print "Mean Angle( "; chr$( 34); "350,10"; chr$( 34); ") = ";         using( "###.#", meanAngle( "350,10")); " degrees."             '          0
print "Mean Angle( "; chr$( 34); "90,180,270,360"; chr$( 34); ") = "; using( "###.#", meanAngle( "90,180,270,360")); " degrees."  '        -90
print "Mean Angle( "; chr$( 34); "10,20,30"; chr$( 34); ") = ";       using( "###.#", meanAngle( "10,20,30")); " degrees."        '         20


function meanAngle( angles$)
   term =1
   while word$( angles$, term, ",") <>""
      angle  =val( word$( angles$, term, ","))
      sumSin = sumSin +sin( degRad( angle))
      sumCos = sumCos +cos( degRad( angle))
      term =term +1
   meanAngle= radDeg( atan2( sumSin, sumCos))
   if abs( sumSin) +abs( sumCos) <0.001 then notice "Not Available." +_
     chr$( 13) +"(" +angles$ +")" +_
     chr$( 13) +"Result nearly equals zero vector." +_
     chr$( 13) +"Displaying '666'.": meanAngle =666

end function

function degRad( theta)
    degRad =theta *Pi /180
end function

function radDeg( theta)
    radDeg =theta *180 /Pi
end function

function atan2( y, x)
    if x >0           then at =atn( y /x)
    if y >=0 and x <0 then at =atn( y /x) +pi
    if y <0  and x <0 then at =atn( y /x) -pi
    if y >0  and x =0 then at =    pi /2
    if y <0  and x =0 then at = 0 -pi /2
    if y =0  and x =0 then notice "undefined": end
    atan2 =at
end function
Mean Angle( "350,10") = 0.0 degrees.
Mean Angle( "90,180,270,360") = 666.0 degrees.
Mean Angle( "10,20,30") = 20.0 degrees.

to mean_angle :angles
   local "avgsin
   make "avgsin quotient apply "sum map "sin :angles count :angles
   local "avgcos
   make "avgcos quotient apply "sum map "cos :angles count :angles
   output (arctan :avgcos :avgsin)

foreach [[350 10] [90 180 270 360] [10 20 30]] [
  print (sentence [The average of \(] ? [\) is] (mean_angle ?))

The average of ( 350 10 ) is 0
The average of ( 90 180 270 360 ) is 0
The average of ( 10 20 30 ) is 20


Translation of: Tcl
Works with: Lua version 5.1
function meanAngle (angleList)
  local sumSin, sumCos = 0, 0
  for i, angle in pairs(angleList) do
    sumSin = sumSin + math.sin(math.rad(angle))
    sumCos = sumCos + math.cos(math.rad(angle))
  local result = math.deg(math.atan2(sumSin, sumCos))
  return string.format("%.2f", result)

print(meanAngle({350, 10}))
print(meanAngle({90, 180, 270, 360}))
print(meanAngle({10, 20, 30}))


The following procedure takes a list of numeric degrees (with attached units) such as

> [ 350, 10 ] *~ Unit(arcdeg);
                      [350 [arcdeg], 10 [arcdeg]]

as input. (We could use "degree" instead of "arcdeg", since "degree" is taken, by default, to mean angle measure, but it seems best to avoid the ambiguity.)

MeanAngle := proc( L )
        uses Units:-Standard; # for unit-awareness
        local   u;
        evalf( convert( argument( add( u, u = exp~( I *~ L ) ) ), 'units', 'radian', 'degree' ) )
end proc:

Applying this to the given data sets, we obtain:

> MeanAngle( [ 350, 10 ] *~ Unit(arcdeg) );

> MeanAngle( [ 90, 180, 270, 360 ] *~ Unit(arcdeg) );

> MeanAngle( [ 10, 20, 30 ] *~ Unit(arcdeg) );

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

meanAngle[data_List] := N@Arg[Mean[Exp[I data Degree]]]/Degree
meanAngle /@ {{350, 10}, {90, 180, 270, 360}, {10, 20, 30}}
{0., Interval[{-180., 180.}], 20.}

MATLAB / Octave

function u = mean_angle(phi)
	u = angle(mean(exp(i*pi*phi/180)))*180/pi;
 mean_angle([350, 10])
ans = -2.7452e-14
 mean_angle([90, 180, 270, 360])
ans = -90
 mean_angle([10, 20, 30])
ans =  20.000


atan2 = function(y, x)
	return 2 * atan((sqrt(x^2 + y^2) - x) / y)
end function

deg2rad = function(x); return x * pi / 180; end function
rad2deg = function(x); return x * 180 / pi; end function

meanAngle = function(angles)
	xsum = 0; ysum = 0
	for angle in angles
		xsum += cos(deg2rad(angle))
		ysum += sin(deg2rad(angle))
	end for
	return rad2deg(atan2(ysum / angles.len, xsum / angles.len))
end function

manyAngledOnes = [[350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30]]

for angles in manyAngledOnes
	mean = meanAngle(angles)
	print ["Mean of", angles, "is", mean].join(" ")
end for
Mean of [350, 10] is 0
Mean of [90, 180, 270, 360] is -90
Mean of [10, 20, 30] is 20.0


Translation of: C
/* NetRexx */
options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary
numeric digits 80


-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
method getMeanAngle(angles) private static binary
  x_component = double 0.0
  y_component = double 0.0
  aK = int angles.words()
  loop a_ = 1 to aK
    angle_d = double angles.word(a_)
    angle_r = double Math.toRadians(angle_d)
    x_component = x_component + Math.cos(angle_r)
    y_component = y_component + Math.sin(angle_r)
    end a_
  x_component = x_component / aK
  y_component = y_component / aK
  avg_r = Math.atan2(y_component, x_component)
  avg_d = Math.toDegrees(avg_r)
  return avg_d

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
method runSample(arg) private static
  angleSet = [ '350 10', '90 180 270 360', '10 20 30', '370', '180' ]
  loop angles over angleSet
    say 'The mean angle of' angles.space(1, ',') 'is:'
    say '  'getMeanAngle(angles).format(6, 6)
    end angles
The mean angle of 350,10 is:

The mean angle of 90,180,270,360 is:

The mean angle of 10,20,30 is:

The mean angle of 370 is:

The mean angle of 180 is:


Works with: Nim version 0.20.0+
import math, complex
proc meanAngle(deg: openArray[float]): float =
  var c: Complex[float]
  for d in deg:
    c += rect(1.0, degToRad(d))
  radToDeg(phase(c / float(deg.len)))
echo "The 1st mean angle is: ", meanAngle([350.0, 10.0]), " degrees"
echo "The 2nd mean angle is: ", meanAngle([90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0]), " degrees"
echo "The 3rd mean angle is: ", meanAngle([10.0, 20.0, 30.0]), " degrees"


The 1st mean angle is: -1.614809932057922e-15 degrees
The 2nd mean angle is: -90.0 degrees
The 3rd mean angle is: 20.0 degrees


Works with: oo2c
MODULE MeanAngle;
  M := LRealMath,
  toRads = M.pi / 180;
  toDegs = 180 / M.pi;
  grades: ARRAY 64 OF LONGREAL;

  sumSin, sumCos: LONGREAL;
  i := 0;sumSin := 0.0;sumCos := 0.0;
  WHILE g[i] # 0.0 DO
    sumSin := sumSin + M.sin(g[i] * toRads);
    sumCos := sumCos + M.cos(g[i] * toRads);  
  RETURN M.arctan2(sumSin / i,sumCos / i);
END Mean;

  grades[0] := 350.0;grades[1] := 10.0;
  Out.LongRealFix(Mean(grades) * toDegs,15,9);Out.Ln;
  grades[0] := 90.0;grades[1] := 180.0;grades[2] := 270.0;grades[3] := 360.0;
  Out.LongRealFix(Mean(grades) * toDegs,15,9);Out.Ln;
  grades[0] := 10.0;grades[1] := 20.0;grades[2] := 30.0;grades[3] := 0.0;
  Out.LongRealFix(Mean(grades) * toDegs,15,9);Out.Ln; 
END MeanAngle.


let pi = 3.14159_26535_89793_23846_2643

let deg2rad d =
  d *. pi /. 180.0
let rad2deg r =
  r *. 180.0 /. pi

let mean_angle angles =
  let rad_angles = List.map deg2rad angles in
  let sum_sin = List.fold_left (fun sum a -> sum +. sin a) 0.0 rad_angles
  and sum_cos = List.fold_left (fun sum a -> sum +. cos a) 0.0 rad_angles
  rad2deg (atan2 sum_sin sum_cos)

let test angles =
  Printf.printf "The mean angle of [%s] is: %g degrees\n"
    (String.concat "; " (List.map (Printf.sprintf "%g") angles))
    (mean_angle angles)

let () =
  test [350.0; 10.0];
  test [90.0; 180.0; 270.0; 360.0];
  test [10.0; 20.0; 30.0];

or using the Complex module:

open Complex

let mean_angle angles =
  let sum =
    List.fold_left (fun sum a -> add sum (polar 1.0 (deg2rad a))) zero angles
    rad2deg (arg sum)
The mean angle of [350; 10] is: -2.74518e-14 degrees
The mean angle of [90; 180; 270; 360] is: -90 degrees
The mean angle of [10; 20; 30] is: 20 degrees


Translation of: REXX
/*REXX program computes the  mean angle  (angles expressed in degrees). */
numeric digits 50                      /*use fifty digits of precision, */
       showDig=10                      /*··· but only display 10 digits.*/
xl = 350 10            ;      say showit(xl, meanAngleD(xl) )
xl = 90 180 270 360    ;      say showit(xl, meanAngleD(xl) )
xl = 10 20 30          ;      say showit(xl, meanAngleD(xl) )
exit                                   /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/
/*----------------------------------MEANANGD subroutine-----------------*/
meanAngleD:  procedure;  parse arg xl;   numeric digits digits()+digits()%4
do j=1 to n
If sum.0cos=0 Then
  Return sign(sum.0sin/n)*90
  Return rxCalcArcTan((sum.0sin/n)/(sum.0cos/n))

showit: procedure expose showDig;  numeric digits showDig;  parse arg a,mA
        return left('angles='a,30)  'mean angle='  format(mA,,showDig,0)/1

::requires rxMath library;
angles=350 10                  mean angle= 0
angles=90 180 270 360          mean angle= 0
angles=10 20 30                mean angle= 20


apply(meanDegrees,[[350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30]])
[360.000000, 296.565051, 20.0000000]


uses library math for sincos, a function of FPU80x87, atan2 and DegToRad. Tested with free pascal. Try to catch very small cos values and set to 0.0 degrees " Error : Not meaningful" as http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Averages/Mean_angle#Euler_Math_Toolbox complains.

program MeanAngle;
  math;// sincos and atan2
  tAngles = array of double;

function MeanAngle(const a:tAngles;cnt:longInt):double;
// calculates mean angle.
// returns 0.0 if direction is not sure.
  eps = 1e-10;

  i : LongInt;
  Sumsin,SumCos : extended;
  IF cnt = 0 then
    MeanAngle := 0.0;

  SumSin:= 0;
  SumCos:= 0;
  For i := Cnt-1 downto 0 do
    Sumsin := sumSin+s;
    SumCos := sumCos+c;
  s := SumSin/cnt;
  c := sumCos/cnt;
  IF c > eps then
    MeanAngle := RadToDeg(arctan2(s,c))
    // Not meaningful
    MeanAngle := 0.0;

Procedure OutMeanAngle(const a:tAngles;cnt:longInt);
  i : longInt;
  IF cnt > 0 then
    write('The mean angle of [');
    For i := 0 to Cnt-2 do
    write(a[Cnt-1]:0:2,'] => ');


  a[0] := 350;a[1] := 10;
  a[0] := 90;a[1] := 180;a[2] := 270;a[3] := 360;
  a[0] := 10;a[1] := 20;a[2] := 30;

The mean angle of [350.00,10.00] => 0.0000000000000000
The mean angle of [90.00,180.00,270.00,360.00] => 0.0000000000000000
The mean angle of [10.00,20.00,30.00] => 20.0000000000000000


sub Pi () { 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028842 }

sub meanangle {
  my($x, $y) = (0,0);
  ($x,$y) = ($x + sin($_), $y + cos($_)) for @_;
  my $atan = atan2($x,$y);
  $atan += 2*Pi while $atan < 0;    # Ghetto fmod
  $atan -= 2*Pi while $atan > 2*Pi;

sub meandegrees {
  meanangle( map { $_ * Pi/180 } @_ ) * 180/Pi;

print "The mean angle of [@$_] is: ", meandegrees(@$_), " degrees\n"
  for ([350,10], [90,180,270,360], [10,20,30]);
The mean angle of [350 10] is: 360 degrees
The mean angle of [90 180 270 360] is: 270 degrees
The mean angle of [10 20 30] is: 20 degrees


Copied from Euphoria, and slightly improved

with javascript_semantics
function MeanAngle(sequence angles)
    atom x = 0, y = 0
    for i=1 to length(angles) do
        atom ai_rad = angles[i]*PI/180
        x += cos(ai_rad)
        y += sin(ai_rad)
    end for
    if abs(x)<1e-16 then return "not meaningful" end if
    return sprintf("%g",round(atan2(y,x)*180/PI,1e10))
end function
constant AngleLists = {{350,10},{90,180,270,360},{10,20,30},{180},{0,180}}
for i=1 to length(AngleLists) do
    sequence ai = AngleLists[i]
    printf(1,"%16V: Mean Angle is %s\n",{ai,MeanAngle(ai)})
end for
        {350,10}: Mean Angle is 0
{90,180,270,360}: Mean Angle is not meaningful
      {10,20,30}: Mean Angle is 20
           {180}: Mean Angle is 180
         {0,180}: Mean Angle is not meaningful


Translation of: C
$samples = array( 
	'1st' => array(350, 10),
	'2nd' => array(90, 180, 270, 360),
	'3rd' => array(10, 20, 30)

foreach($samples as $key => $sample){
	echo 'Mean angle for ' . $key . ' sample: ' . meanAngle($sample) . ' degrees.' . PHP_EOL;

function meanAngle ($angles){
	$y_part = $x_part = 0;
	$size = count($angles);
	for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++){
		$x_part += cos(deg2rad($angles[$i]));
		$y_part += sin(deg2rad($angles[$i]));
	$x_part /= $size;
	$y_part /= $size;
	return rad2deg(atan2($y_part, $x_part));
Mean angle for 1st sample: -1.6148099320579E-15 degrees.
Mean angle for 2nd sample: -90 degrees.
Mean angle for 3rd sample: 20 degrees.


(load "@lib/math.l")

(de meanAngle (Lst)
         (sum '((A) (sin (*/ A pi 180.0))) Lst)
         (sum '((A) (cos (*/ A pi 180.0))) Lst) )
      180.0 pi ) )

(for L '((350.0 10.0) (90.0 180.0 270.0 360.0) (10.0 20.0 30.0))
      "The mean angle of ["
      (glue ", " (mapcar round L '(0 .)))
      "] is: " (round (meanAngle L))) )
The mean angle of [350, 10] is: 0.000
The mean angle of [90, 180, 270, 360] is: 90.000
The mean angle of [10, 20, 30] is: 20.000


averages: procedure options (main);             /* 31 August 2012 */
   declare b1(2) fixed initial (350, 10);
   declare b2(4) fixed initial (90, 180, 270, 360);
   declare b3(3) fixed initial (10, 20, 30);

   put edit ( b1) (f(7));
   put edit ( ' mean=', mean(b1) )   (a, f(7) );
   put skip edit ( b3) (f(7));
   put edit ( ' mean=', mean(b3) )   (a, f(7) );
   put skip edit ( b2) (f(7));
   put edit ( ' mean=', mean(b2) )   (a, f(7) );

mean: procedure (a) returns (fixed);
   declare a(*) float (18);
   return ( atand(sum(sind(a))/hbound(a), sum(cosd(a))/hbound(a) ) );
end mean;

end averages;

Results (the final one brings up an error in inverse tangent):

    350     10 mean=      0
     10     20     30 mean=     20
     90    180    270    360 mean=
IBM0683I  ONCODE=1521  X or Y in ATAN(X,Y) or ATAND(X,Y) was invalid.
   At offset +000009CC in procedure with entry AVERAGES


function Get-MeanAngle ([double[]]$Angles)
    $x = ($Angles | ForEach-Object {[Math]::Cos($_ * [Math]::PI / 180)} | Measure-Object -Average).Average
    $y = ($Angles | ForEach-Object {[Math]::Sin($_ * [Math]::PI / 180)} | Measure-Object -Average).Average

    [Math]::Atan2($y, $x) * 180 / [Math]::PI
@(350, 10), @(90, 180, 270, 360), @(10, 20, 30) | ForEach-Object {Get-MeanAngle $_}


void setup() {
  println(meanAngle(350, 10));
  println(meanAngle(90, 180, 270, 360));
  println(meanAngle(10, 20, 30));

float meanAngle(float... angles) {
  float sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < angles.length; i++) {
    sum1 += sin(radians(angles[i])) / angles.length;
    sum2 += cos(radians(angles[i])) / angles.length;
  return degrees(atan2(sum1, sum2));


NewList angle.d()

Macro AE(x)
  AddElement(angle()) : angle()=x

Procedure.d atan3(y.d,x.d)
  If x<=0.0 : ProcedureReturn Sign(y)*#PI/2 : EndIf
  If x>0.0  : ProcedureReturn ATan(y/x)     : EndIf
  If y>0.0  : ProcedureReturn ATan(y/x)+#PI : EndIf
  ProcedureReturn ATan(y/x)-#PI

Procedure.d mAngle(List angle.d())
  Define.d sumS,sumC
  ForEach angle()    
    sumS+Sin(Radian(angle())) : sumC+Cos(Radian(angle()))    
  ProcedureReturn Degree(atan3(sumS,sumC))

AE(350.0) : AE(10.0)
Debug StrD(mAngle(angle()),6) : ClearList(angle())

AE(90.0) : AE(180.0) : AE(270.0) : AE(360.0)
Debug StrD(mAngle(angle()),6) : ClearList(angle())

AE(10.0) : AE(20.0) : AE(30.0)
Debug StrD(mAngle(angle()),6) : ClearList(angle())


Works with: Python version 2.6+
>>> from cmath import rect, phase
>>> from math import radians, degrees
>>> def mean_angle(deg):
...     return degrees(phase(sum(rect(1, radians(d)) for d in deg)/len(deg)))
>>> for angles in [[350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30]]:
...     print('The mean angle of', angles, 'is:', round(mean_angle(angles), 12), 'degrees')
The mean angle of [350, 10] is: -0.0 degrees
The mean angle of [90, 180, 270, 360] is: -90.0 degrees
The mean angle of [10, 20, 30] is: 20.0 degrees


deg2rad <- function(x) {
  x * pi/180

rad2deg <- function(x) {
  x * 180/pi

deg2vec <- function(x) {
  c(sin(deg2rad(x)), cos(deg2rad(x)))

vec2deg <- function(x) {
  res <- rad2deg(atan2(x[1], x[2]))
  if (res < 0) {
    360 + res
  } else {

mean_vec <- function(x) {
  y <- lapply(x, deg2vec)
  Reduce(`+`, y)/length(y)

mean_deg <- function(x) {

mean_deg(c(350, 10))
mean_deg(c(90, 180, 270, 360))
mean_deg(c(10, 20, 30))


The formula given above can be straightforwardly transcribed into a program:

#lang racket

(define (mean-angle αs)
    (map degrees->radians αs))))

(define (mean-angle/radians αs)
  (define n (length αs))
  (atan (* (/ 1 n) (for/sum ([α_j αs]) (sin α_j)))
        (* (/ 1 n) (for/sum ([α_j αs]) (cos α_j)))))

(mean-angle '(350 0 10))
(mean-angle '(90 180 270 360))
(mean-angle '(10 20 30))


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2015.12

This solution refuses to return an answer when the angles cancel out to a tiny magnitude.

# Of course, you can still use pi and 180.
sub deg2rad { $^d * tau / 360 }
sub rad2deg { $^r * 360 / tau }

sub phase ($c)  {
    my ($mag,$ang) = $c.polar;
    return NaN if $mag < 1e-16;

sub meanAngle { rad2deg phase [+] map { cis deg2rad $_ }, @^angles }

say meanAngle($_).fmt("%.2f\tis the mean angle of "), $_ for
    [350, 10],
    [90, 180, 270, 360],
    [10, 20, 30];
-0.00	is the mean angle of 350 10
NaN	is the mean angle of 90 180 270 360
20.00	is the mean angle of 10 20 30


This REXX version uses an   ATAN2   solution.

The REXX language doesn't have most of the higher mathematical functions (like sqrt), and none of the trigonometric
functions,   so all of them have to be included as RYO   (Roll-Your-Own).

Note that the second set of angles:    90    180   270   360

is the same as:                        90    180   -90     0
           and:                      -270   -180   -90  -360

and other combinations.

All the trigonometric functions use normalization   (converting the angle to a unit circle)   before computation,   and most
of them use shortcuts for some exact values,   so there is a minimum of errors due to rounding for   near values   for some
common values.

The consequence is the trig functions may return exact values such as   0   (zero)   for   sin(-2 )   instead of   -8.154E-61.

This very small difference (almost inconsequential) makes a significant difference when that value is used for a parameter
for the   ATAN2   function;   in particular, the   sign   of the value.

There isn't much difference between:

           -8.154e-61   and

in magnitude, but the   ATAN2   function treats those two numbers very differently as the angle will be in different quadrants,
thereby yielding a different value.

Usually this just results in an angle of   -90º   instead of   +270º   (both angles are equivalent).

Also note that the REXX subroutines are largely not commented as they provide a support structure that's normally present
in other computer programming languages as BIFs   (Built-In-Functions);   to add comments and expand the REXX statements
into single lines would increase the program's bulk and detract from the main program.

/*REXX program  computes  the   mean angle   for a  group of angles  (expressed in degrees). */
call pi                                          /*define the value of  pi  to some accuracy.*/
numeric digits length(pi) - 1;                   /*use PI width  decimal digits of precision,*/
        showDig= 10                              /*only display  ten  decimal digits.        */
#= 350 10         ;   say show(#, meanAngleD(#)) /*display mean angle (in degrees), 1st case.*/
#= 90 180 270 360 ;   say show(#, meanAngleD(#)) /*   "      "    "     "    "      2nd   "  */
#= 10 20 30       ;   say show(#, meanAngleD(#)) /*   "      "    "     "    "      3rd   "  */
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it, we're all done with it*/
.sinCos: arg z,_,i; x=x*x;  do k=2 by 2 until p=z; p=z; _=-_*x/(k*(k+i)); z=z+_; end;  return z
$fuzz:  return  min(arg(1), max(1, digits() - arg(2) ) )
Acos:   procedure; parse arg x;        return pi() * .5 - Asin(x)
Atan:   parse arg x; if abs(x)=1  then return pi()*.25 * sign(x);  return Asin(x/sqrt(1 + x*x))
d2d:    return arg(1)           //  360
d2r:    return r2r(d2d(arg(1))  /   180   * pi() )
r2d:    return d2d((r2r(arg(1)) /   pi()) * 180)
r2r:    return arg(1)           // (pi()  *   2)
pi: pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862;return pi
Asin:   procedure;  parse arg x 1 z 1 o 1 p;          a= abs(x);                aa= a * a
        if a>1  then call AsinErr x                            /*argument X  is out of range.*/
        if a >= sqrt(2) * .5  then  return sign(x) * acos( sqrt(1 - aa),  '-ASIN')
          do j=2  by 2  until p=z;  p= z;  o= o * aa * (j-1) / j;   z= z +o / (j+1);   end
        return  z                                              /* [↑]  compute until no noise*/
Atan2:  procedure; parse arg y,x;                     call pi;        s= sign(y)
          when x=0  then  z= s * pi * .5
          when x<0  then  if  y=0  then z= pi;  else z= s * (pi - abs( Atan(y/x) ) )
          otherwise       z= s * Atan(y / x)
          end   /*select*/;                           return z
cos:    procedure; parse arg x;      x= r2r(x);       numeric fuzz  $fuzz(6, 3)
        a= abs(x);      if a=0  then return   1;      if a=pi    then return -1
        if a=pi*.5 | a= pi*1.5  then return   0;      if a=pi/3  then return .5
                  if a= pi*2/3  then return -.5;                      return .sinCos(1, 1, -1)
meanAngleD: procedure;  parse arg x;                  numeric digits digits() + digits() % 4
            n= words(x);                              _sin= 0;              _cos= 0
               do j=1  for n;  != d2r( word(x, j));   _sin= _sin + sin(!);  _cos= _cos + cos(!)
               end   /*j*/
            return  r2d( Atan2( _sin/n, _cos/n) )
show:   parse arg a,mA;                               _= format(ma, , showDig, 0) / 1
        return left('angles='a, 30)   "mean angle="   right(_, max(4, length(_) ) )
sin:    procedure; parse arg x;   x= r2r(x);          numeric fuzz  $fuzz(5, 3)
        if x=pi * .5         then return 1;           if x==pi * 1.5  then return -1
        if abs(x)=pi | x=0   then return 0;           return .sinCos(x, x, +1)
sqrt:   procedure; parse arg x; if x=0  then return 0;  d=digits();  m.=9; numeric form; h= d+6
        numeric digits;  parse value format(x,2,1,,0) 'E0'  with  g "E" _ .;  g= g * .5'e'_ % 2
                 do j=0  while h>9;       m.j= h;               h= h % 2  +  1;     end  /*j*/
                 do k=j+5  to 0  by -1;   numeric digits m.k;   g= (g + x/g) * .5;  end  /*k*/
        return g
output   when using the default internal inputs:
angles=350 10                  mean angle=    0
angles=90 180 270 360          mean angle=  -90
angles=10 20 30                mean angle=   20

Note that with the increase in decimal digit precision, the 2nd mean angle changed dramatically from an earlier result.


# Project : Averages/Mean angle

load "stdlib.ring"
pi = 3.1415926535897
angles = [350,10]
see meanangle(angles, len(angles)) + nl
angles = [90,180,270,360]
see meanangle(angles, len(angles)) + nl
angles = [10,20,30]
see meanangle(angles, len(angles)) + nl
func meanangle(angles, n)
        sumsin = 0
        sumcos = 0
        for i = 1 to n
             sumsin = sumsin + sin(angles[i]*pi/180)
             sumcos = sumcos + cos(angles[i]*pi/180)
        return 180/pi*atan3(sumsin, sumcos)
func atan3(y,x)
        if x <= 0
           return sign(y)*pi/2
        if x>0
           return atan(y/x)
           if y>0 
              return atan(y/x)+pi
              return atan(y/x)-pi




≪ DEG → angles
  ≪  0 1 angles SIZE FOR j
        1 angles j GET R→C P→R + NEXT
      angles SIZE / ARG      
≫ ≫ 'MEANG' STO 
{ 350 10 } MEANG
{ 90 180 270 360 } MEANG
{ 10 20 30 } MEANG
3: 0
2: -90
1: 20


require 'complex' # Superfluous in Ruby >= 2.0; complex is added to core.

def deg2rad(d)
  d * Math::PI / 180
def rad2deg(r)
  r * 180 / Math::PI

def mean_angle(deg)
  rad2deg((deg.inject(0) {|z, d| z + Complex.polar(1, deg2rad(d))} / deg.length).arg)

[[350, 10], [90, 180, 270, 360], [10, 20, 30]].each {|angles|
  puts "The mean angle of %p is: %f degrees" % [angles, mean_angle(angles)]
The mean angle of [350, 10] is: -0.000000 degrees
The mean angle of [90, 180, 270, 360] is: -90.000000 degrees
The mean angle of [10, 20, 30] is: 20.000000 degrees


use std::f64;
// the macro is from
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30856285/assert-eq-with-floating-
// point-numbers-and-delta
fn mean_angle(angles: &[f64]) -> f64 {
    let length: f64 = angles.len() as f64;
    let cos_mean: f64 = angles.iter().fold(0.0, |sum, i| sum + i.to_radians().cos()) / length;
    let sin_mean: f64 = angles.iter().fold(0.0, |sum, i| sum + i.to_radians().sin()) / length;

fn main() {
    let angles1 = [350.0_f64, 10.0];
    let angles2 = [90.0_f64, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0];
    let angles3 = [10.0_f64, 20.0, 30.0];
    println!("Mean Angle for {:?}  is {:.5} degrees",
    println!("Mean Angle for {:?}  is {:.5} degrees",
    println!("Mean Angle for {:?}  is {:.5} degrees",

macro_rules! assert_diff{
    ($x: expr,$y : expr, $diff :expr)=>{
        if ( $x - $y ).abs() > $diff {
            panic!("floating point difference is to big {}", $x - $y );

fn calculate() {
    let angles1 = [350.0_f64, 10.0];
    let angles2 = [90.0_f64, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0];
    let angles3 = [10.0_f64, 20.0, 30.0];
    assert_diff!(0.0, mean_angle(&angles1), 0.001);
    assert_diff!(-90.0, mean_angle(&angles2), 0.001);
    assert_diff!(20.0, mean_angle(&angles3), 0.001);


Library: Scala
trait MeanAnglesComputation {
  import scala.math.{Pi, atan2, cos, sin}

  def meanAngle(angles: List[Double], convFactor: Double = 180.0 / Pi) = {
    val sums = angles.foldLeft((.0, .0))((r, c) => {
      val rads = c / convFactor
      (r._1 + sin(rads), r._2 + cos(rads))
    val result = atan2(sums._1, sums._2)
    (result + (if (result.signum == -1) 2 * Pi else 0.0)) * convFactor

object MeanAngles extends App with MeanAnglesComputation {
  assert(meanAngle(List(350, 10), 180.0 / math.Pi).round == 360, "Unexpected result with 350, 10")
  assert(meanAngle(List(90, 180, 270, 360)).round == 270, "Unexpected result with 90, 180, 270, 360")
  assert(meanAngle(List(10, 20, 30)).round == 20, "Unexpected result with 10, 20, 30")
  println("Successfully completed without errors.")


Translation of: Common Lisp
(import (srfi 1 lists))  ;; use 'fold' from library

(define (average l)
  (/ (fold + 0 l) (length l)))

(define pi 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097) 

(define (radians a)
  (* pi 1/180 a))

(define (degrees a)
  (* 180 (/ 1 pi) a))

(define (mean-angle angles)
  (let* ((angles (map radians angles))
         (cosines (map cos angles))
         (sines (map sin angles)))
    (degrees (atan (average sines) (average cosines)))))

(for-each (lambda (angles)
            (display "The mean angle of ") (display angles) 
            (display " is ") (display (mean-angle angles)) (newline))
          '((350 10) (90 180 270 360) (10 20 30)))
The mean angle of (350 10) is -1.614809932057922E-15
The mean angle of (90 180 270 360) is -90.0
The mean angle of (10 20 30) is 19.999999999999996


$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
  include "float.s7i";
  include "math.s7i";
  include "complex.s7i";

const func float: deg2rad (in float: degree) is
  return degree * PI / 180.0;

const func float: rad2deg (in float: rad) is
  return rad * 180.0 / PI;

const func float: meanAngle (in array float: degrees) is func
    var float: mean is 0.0;
    var float: degree is 0.0;
    var complex: sum is complex.value;
    for degree range degrees do
      sum +:= polar(1.0, deg2rad(degree));
    end for;
    mean := rad2deg(arg(sum / complex conv length(degrees)));
  end func;

const proc: main is func
    writeln(meanAngle([] (350.0, 10.0)) digits 4);
    writeln(meanAngle([] (90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0)) digits 4);
    writeln(meanAngle([] (10.0, 20.0, 30.0)) digits 4);
  end func;


func mean_angle(angles) {
        Math.avg(angles.map{ .deg2rad.sin }...),
        Math.avg(angles.map{ .deg2rad.cos }...),
    ) -> rad2deg

[[350,10], [90,180,270,360], [10,20,30]].each { |angles|
  say "The mean angle of #{angles.dump} is: #{ '%.2f' % mean_angle(angles)} degrees"
The mean angle of [350, 10] is: 0.00 degrees
The mean angle of [90, 180, 270, 360] is: -90.00 degrees
The mean angle of [10, 20, 30] is: 20.00 degrees


function meanangle(a) {




import Foundation

@inlinable public func d2r<T: FloatingPoint>(_ f: T) -> T { f * .pi / 180 }
@inlinable public func r2d<T: FloatingPoint>(_ f: T) -> T { f * 180 / .pi }

public func meanOfAngles(_ angles: [Double]) -> Double {
  let cInv = 1 / Double(angles.count)
  let (s, c) =
      .map({ (sin($0), cos($0)) })
      .reduce(into: (0.0, 0.0), { $0.0 += $1.0; $0.1 += $1.1 })

  return r2d(atan2(cInv * s, cInv * c))

let fmt = { String(format: "%lf", $0) }

print("Mean of angles (350, 10) => \(fmt(meanOfAngles([350, 10])))")
print("Mean of angles (90, 180, 270, 360) => \(fmt(meanOfAngles([90, 180, 270, 360])))")
print("Mean of angles (10, 20, 30) => \(fmt(meanOfAngles([10, 20, 30])))")
Mean of angles (350, 10) => -0.000000
Mean of angles (90, 180, 270, 360) => -90.000000
Mean of angles (10, 20, 30) => 20.000000


proc meanAngle {angles} {
    set toRadians [expr {atan2(0,-1) / 180}]
    set sumSin [set sumCos 0.0]
    foreach a $angles {
	set sumSin [expr {$sumSin + sin($a * $toRadians)}]
	set sumCos [expr {$sumCos + cos($a * $toRadians)}]
    # Don't need to divide by counts; atan2() cancels that out
    return [expr {atan2($sumSin, $sumCos) / $toRadians}]

Demonstration code:

# A little pretty-printer
proc printMeanAngle {angles} {
    puts [format "mean angle of \[%s\] = %.2f" \
	      [join $angles ", "] [meanAngle $angles]]

printMeanAngle {350 10}
printMeanAngle {90 180 270 360}
printMeanAngle {10 20 30}
mean angle of [350, 10] = -0.00
mean angle of [90, 180, 270, 360] = -90.00
mean angle of [10, 20, 30] = 20.00


double meanAngle(double[] angles) {
  double y_part = 0.0;
  double x_part = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < angles.length; i++) {
    x_part += Math.cos(angles[i] * Math.PI / 180.0);
    y_part += Math.sin(angles[i] * Math.PI / 180.0);

  return Math.atan2(y_part / angles.length, x_part / angles.length) * 180 / Math.PI;

void main() {
  double[] angleSet1 = {350.0, 10.0};
  double[] angleSet2 = {90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0};
  double[] angleSet3 = {10.0, 20.0, 30.0};

  print("\nMean Angle for 1st set :  %lf degrees", meanAngle(angleSet1));
  print("\nMean Angle for 2nd set : %lf degrees", meanAngle(angleSet2));
  print("\nMean Angle for 3rd set :  %lf degrees\n", meanAngle(angleSet3));
Mean Angle for 1st set :  -0.000000 degrees
Mean Angle for 2nd set : -90.000000 degrees
Mean Angle for 3rd set :  20.000000 degrees


Option Base 1
Private Function mean_angle(angles As Variant) As Double
    Dim sins() As Double, coss() As Double
    ReDim sins(UBound(angles))
    ReDim coss(UBound(angles))
    For i = LBound(angles) To UBound(angles)
        sins(i) = Sin(WorksheetFunction.Radians(angles(i)))
        coss(i) = Cos(WorksheetFunction.Radians(angles(i)))
    Next i
    mean_angle = WorksheetFunction.Degrees( _
        WorksheetFunction.Atan2( _
        WorksheetFunction.sum(coss), _
End Function
Public Sub main()
    Debug.Print Format(mean_angle([{350,10}]), "##0")
    Debug.Print Format(mean_angle([{90, 180, 270, 360}]), "##0")
    Debug.Print Format(mean_angle([{10, 20, 30}]), "##0")
End Sub

Visual Basic .NET

Translation of: C#
Imports System.Math

Module Module1

    Function MeanAngle(angles As Double()) As Double
        Dim x = angles.Sum(Function(a) Cos(a * PI / 180)) / angles.Length
        Dim y = angles.Sum(Function(a) Sin(a * PI / 180)) / angles.Length
        Return Atan2(y, x) * 180 / PI
    End Function

    Sub Main()
        Dim printMean = Sub(x As Double()) Console.WriteLine("{0:0.###}", MeanAngle(x))
        printMean({350, 10})
        printMean({90, 180, 270, 360})
        printMean({10, 20, 30})
    End Sub

End Module

V (Vlang)

Translation of: go
import math
fn mean_angle(deg []f64) f64 {
	mut ss, mut sc := f64(0), f64(0)
	for x in deg {
		s, c := math.sincos(x * math.pi / 180)
		ss += s
		sc += c
	return math.atan2(ss, sc) * 180 / math.pi
fn main() {
	for angles in [
		[f64(350), 10],
		[f64(90), 180, 270, 360],
		[f64(10), 20, 30],
	] {
		println("The mean angle of $angles is: ${mean_angle(angles)} degrees")
The mean angle of [350, 10] is: -2.6644363878955713e-14 degrees
The mean angle of [90, 180, 270, 360] is: -90 degrees
The mean angle of [10, 20, 30] is: 19.999999999999996 degree


Library: Wren-fmt
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var meanAngle = Fn.new { |angles|
    var n = angles.count
    var sinSum = 0
    var cosSum = 0
    for (angle in angles) {
        sinSum = sinSum + (angle * Num.pi / 180).sin
        cosSum = cosSum + (angle * Num.pi / 180).cos
    return (sinSum/n).atan(cosSum/n) * 180 / Num.pi

var angles1 = [350, 10]
var angles2 = [90, 180, 270, 360]
var angles3 = [10, 20, 30]

var i = 1
for (angles in [angles1, angles2, angles3]) {
    System.print("Mean for angles %(i) is : %(Fmt.f(6, meanAngle.call(angles), 2))")
    i = i + 1
Mean for angles 1 is :  -0.00
Mean for angles 2 is : -90.00
Mean for angles 3 is :  20.00


include c:\cxpl\codes;

def Pi  = 3.14159265358979323846;
def D2R = Pi/180.0;             \coefficient to convert degrees to radians

func real MeanAng(A);           \Return the mean of the given list of angles
int  A;
real X, Y;
int  I;
[X:= 0.0;  Y:= 0.0;
for I:= 1 to A(0) do
    [X:= X + Cos(D2R*float(A(I)));
     Y:= Y + Sin(D2R*float(A(I)));
return ATan2(Y,X)/D2R;

[Format(5, 15);
RlOut(0, MeanAng([2, 350, 10]));  CrLf(0);
RlOut(0, MeanAng([4, 90, 180, 270, 360]));  CrLf(0);
RlOut(0, MeanAng([3, 10, 20, 30]));  CrLf(0);

The second example is interesting because it computes ATan2(0.,0.), which is undefined in mathematics (like division by zero), but the floating point processor in IBM-PC-type computers defines it as zero. The reason -90 gets displayed instead is due to small rounding errors (and another extra-mathematical concept, -0). In fact almost any angle can result because of slight rounding errors as Y and X both approach zero.


fcn meanA(a1,a2,etc){ 
zkl: meanA(350,10)
zkl: meanA(90,180,270,360)