Reverse words in a string

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 01:43, 6 July 2024 by Kennypete (talk | contribs) (Added Ed)
Reverse words in a string
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Reverse the order of all tokens in each of a number of strings and display the result;   the order of characters within a token should not be modified.


Hey you, Bub!   would be shown reversed as:   Bub! you, Hey

Tokens are any non-space characters separated by spaces (formally, white-space);   the visible punctuation form part of the word within which it is located and should not be modified.

You may assume that there are no significant non-visible characters in the input.   Multiple or superfluous spaces may be compressed into a single space.

Some strings have no tokens, so an empty string   (or one just containing spaces)   would be the result.

Display the strings in order   (1st, 2nd, 3rd, ···),   and one string per line.

(You can consider the ten strings as ten lines, and the tokens as words.)

Input data
             (ten lines within the box)
   1 ║  ---------- Ice and Fire ------------  ║
   2 ║                                        ║  ◄─── a blank line here.
   3 ║  fire, in end will world the say Some  ║
   4 ║  ice. in say Some                      ║
   5 ║  desire of tasted I've what From       ║
   6 ║  fire. favor who those with hold I     ║
   7 ║                                        ║  ◄─── a blank line here.
   8 ║  ... elided paragraph last ...         ║
   9 ║                                        ║  ◄─── a blank line here.
  10 ║  Frost Robert -----------------------  ║


Translation of: Python
V text =
‘---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...

Frost Robert -----------------------’

L(line) text.split("\n")
   print(reversed(line.split(‘ ’)).join(‘ ’))
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


PROC Reverse(CHAR ARRAY src,dst)
  BYTE i,j,k,beg,end

  i=1 j=src(0)
  WHILE j>0
    WHILE j>0 AND src(j)=$20
    DO j==-1 OD
    IF j=0 THEN
    WHILE j>0 AND src(j)#$20
    DO j==-1 OD

    IF i>1 THEN
      dst(i)=$20 i==+1

    FOR k=beg TO end
      dst(i)=src(k) i==+1

  CHAR ARRAY dst(40)


PROC Main()
  Test("---------- Ice and Fire ------------")
  Test("fire, in end will world the say Some")
  Test("ice. in say Some")
  Test("desire of tasted I've what From")
  Test("fire. favor who those with hold I")
  Test("... elided paragraph last ...")
  Test("Frost Robert -----------------------")

Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer

------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost



To Split a string into words, we define a Package "Simple_Parse". This package is also used for the Phrase Reversal Task [[1]].

package Simple_Parse is
   -- a very simplistic parser, useful to split a string into words
   function Next_Word(S: String; Point: in out Positive) 
		     return String;
   -- a "word" is a sequence of non-space characters
   -- if S(Point .. S'Last) holds at least one word W
   -- then  Next_Word increments Point by len(W) and returns W. 
   -- else  Next_Word sets Point to S'Last+1 and returns ""
end Simple_Parse;

The implementation of "Simple_Parse":

package body Simple_Parse is
   function Next_Word(S: String; Point: in out Positive) return String is
      Start: Positive := Point;
      Stop: Natural;
      while Start <= S'Last and then S(Start) = ' ' loop
	 Start := Start + 1;
      end loop; -- now S(Start) is the first non-space, 
		-- or Start = S'Last+1 if S is empty or space-only
      Stop := Start-1; -- now S(Start .. Stop) = ""
      while Stop < S'Last and then S(Stop+1) /= ' ' loop
	 Stop := Stop + 1;
      end loop; -- now S(Stop+1) is the first sopace after Start
		-- or Stop = S'Last if there is no such space
      Point := Stop+1;
      return S(Start .. Stop);
   end Next_Word;
end Simple_Parse;

Main Program

with Ada.Text_IO, Simple_Parse; 

procedure Reverse_Words is
   function Reverse_Words(S: String) return String is
      Cursor: Positive := S'First;
      Word: String := Simple_Parse.Next_Word(S, Cursor);
      if Word = "" then 
         return "";
         return Reverse_Words(S(Cursor .. S'Last)) & " " & Word;
      end if;
   end Reverse_Words;
   use Ada.Text_IO;
   while not End_Of_File loop
      Put_Line(Reverse_Words(Get_Line)); -- poem is read from standard input
   end loop;
end Reverse_Words;


integer j;
list l, x;
text s, t;

l = list("---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
         "fire, in end will world the say Some",
         "ice. in say Some",
         "desire of tasted I've what From",
         "fire. favor who those with hold I",
         "... elided paragraph last ...",
         "Frost Robert -----------------------");

for (, t in l) {
    file().b_affix(t).list(x, 0);
    for (j, s in x.reverse) {
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


# returns original phrase with the order of the words reversed #
# a word is a sequence of non-blank characters                 #
PROC reverse word order = ( STRING original phrase )STRING:
        STRING words reversed := "";
        STRING separator      := "";
        INT    start pos      := LWB original phrase;
            # skip leading spaces #
            WHILE IF start pos <= UPB original phrase
                  THEN original phrase[ start pos ] = " "
                  ELSE FALSE
            DO start pos +:= 1
            start pos <= UPB original phrase
            # have another word, find it #
            INT end pos := start pos;
            WHILE IF end pos <= UPB original phrase
                  THEN original phrase[ end pos ] /= " "
                  ELSE FALSE
            DO end pos +:= 1
            ( original phrase[ start pos : end pos - 1 ] + separator ) +=: words reversed;
            separator := " ";
            start pos := end pos + 1
        words reversed
     END # reverse word order # ;
# reverse the words in the lines as per the task #
print( ( reverse word order ( "--------- Ice and Fire ------------ " ), newline ) );
print( ( reverse word order ( "                                    " ), newline ) );
print( ( reverse word order ( "fire, in end will world the say Some" ), newline ) );
print( ( reverse word order ( "ice. in say Some                    " ), newline ) );
print( ( reverse word order ( "desire of tasted I've what From     " ), newline ) );
print( ( reverse word order ( "fire. favor who those with hold I   " ), newline ) );
print( ( reverse word order ( "                                    " ), newline ) );
print( ( reverse word order ( "... elided paragraph last ...       " ), newline ) );
print( ( reverse word order ( "                                    " ), newline ) );
print( ( reverse word order ( "Frost Robert -----------------------" ), newline ) )
------------ Fire and Ice ---------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


on run

    unlines(map(reverseWords, |lines|("---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I
... elided paragraph last ...
Frost Robert -----------------------")))

end run

-- GENERIC FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------

-- reverseWords :: String -> String
on reverseWords(str)
end reverseWords

-- |reverse| :: [a] -> [a]
on |reverse|(xs)
    if class of xs is text then
        (reverse of characters of xs) as text
        reverse of xs
    end if
end |reverse|

-- |lines| :: Text -> [Text]
on |lines|(str)
    splitOn(linefeed, str)
end |lines|

-- |words| :: Text -> [Text]
on |words|(str)
    splitOn(space, str)
end |words|

-- ulines :: [Text] -> Text
on unlines(lstLines)
    intercalate(linefeed, lstLines)
end unlines

-- unwords :: [Text] -> Text
on unwords(lstWords)
    intercalate(space, lstWords)
end unwords

-- splitOn :: Text -> Text -> [Text]
on splitOn(strDelim, strMain)
    set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, strDelim}
    set lstParts to text items of strMain
    set my text item delimiters to dlm
end splitOn

-- interCalate :: Text -> [Text] -> Text
on intercalate(strText, lstText)
    set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, strText}
    set strJoined to lstText as text
    set my text item delimiters to dlm
end intercalate

-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
on map(f, xs)
    tell mReturn(f)
        set lng to length of xs
        set lst to {}
        repeat with i from 1 to lng
            set end of lst to lambda(item i of xs, i, xs)
        end repeat
        return lst
    end tell
end map

-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper
-- mReturn :: Handler -> Script
on mReturn(f)
    if class of f is script then
            property lambda : f
        end script
    end if
end mReturn
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost

Applesoft BASIC

100 DATA"---------- ICE AND FIRE ------------"
110 DATA"                                    "
130 DATA"ICE. IN SAY SOME                    "
160 DATA"                                    "
170 DATA"... ELIDED PARAGRAPH LAST ...       "
180 DATA"                                    "
190 DATA"FROST ROBERT -----------------------"

200 FOR L = 1 TO 10
210     READ T$
220     I = LEN(T$)
240     IF I THEN GOSUB 300 : PRINT W$; : IF I THEN PRINT " "; : GOTO 240
250     PRINT
260 NEXT L
270 END

300 W$ = ""
310 FOR I = I TO 1 STEP -1
320     IF MID$(T$, I, 1) = " " THEN NEXT I : RETURN
330 FOR I = I TO 1 STEP -1
340     C$ = MID$(T$, I, 1)
350     IF C$ <> " " THEN  W$ = C$ + W$ : NEXT I


text: {
---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I
... elided paragraph last ...
Frost Robert -----------------------}

reversed: map split.lines text =>
    [join.with:" " reverse split.words &]

print join.with:"\n" reversed
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


Data := "
---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...

Frost Robert ----------------------- 

Loop, Parse, Data, `n, `r
	Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, % A_Space
		Line := A_LoopField " " Line
	Output .= Line "`n", Line := ""
MsgBox, % RTrim(Output, "`n")


    text[++i] = "---------- Ice and Fire ------------"
    text[++i] = ""
    text[++i] = "fire, in end will world the say Some"
    text[++i] = "ice. in say Some"
    text[++i] = "desire of tasted I've what From"
    text[++i] = "fire. favor who those with hold I"
    text[++i] = ""
    text[++i] = "... elided paragraph last ..."
    text[++i] = ""
    text[++i] = "Frost Robert -----------------------"
    leng = i
    for (i=1; i<=leng; i++) {
      n = split(text[i],arr," ")
      for (j=n; j>0; j--) {
        printf("%s ",arr[j])
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


PRINT REV$("---------- Ice and Fire ------------")
PRINT REV$("fire, in end will world the say Some")
PRINT REV$("ice. in say Some                    ")
PRINT REV$("desire of tasted I've what From     ")
PRINT REV$("fire. favor who those with hold I   ")
PRINT REV$("... elided paragraph last ...       ")
PRINT REV$("Frost Robert -----------------------")

Using the REV$ function which takes a sentence as a delimited string where the items are separated by a delimiter (the space character is the default delimiter).

------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
                    Some say in ice.
     From what I've tasted of desire
   I hold with those who favor fire.

       ... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost

Batch File

@echo off

::The Main Thing...
call :reverse "---------- Ice and Fire ------------"
call :reverse
call :reverse "fire, in end will world the say Some"
call :reverse "ice. in say Some"
call :reverse "desire of tasted I've what From"
call :reverse "fire. favor who those with hold I"
call :reverse
call :reverse "... elided paragraph last ..."
call :reverse
call :reverse "Frost Robert -----------------------" 
::/The Main Thing...

::The Function...
set reversed=&set word=&set str=%1
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%A in (%str%) do (
	set str=%%B
	set word=%%A
set reversed=%word% %reversed%
set str="%str%"
if not %str%=="" goto process

goto :EOF
::/The Function...
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


Translation of: FreeBASIC
source = freefile
open (source, "m:\text.txt")
textEnt$ = ""
dim textSal$(size(source)*8)
linea = 0

while not eof(source)
	textEnt$ = readline(source)
	linea += 1
	textSal$[linea] = textEnt$
end while

for n = size(source) to 1 step -1
	print textSal$[n];
next n
close source


      PRINT FNreverse("---------- Ice and Fire ------------")\
      \    'FNreverse("")\
      \    'FNreverse("fire, in end will world the say Some")\
      \    'FNreverse("ice. in say Some")\
      \    'FNreverse("desire of tasted I've what From")\
      \    'FNreverse("fire. favor who those with hold I")\
      \    'FNreverse("")\
      \    'FNreverse("... elided paragraph last ...")\
      \    'FNreverse("")\
      \    'FNreverse("Frost Robert -----------------------")

      DEF FNreverse(s$)
      LOCAL sp%
      sp%=INSTR(s$," ")
      IF sp% THEN =FNreverse(MID$(s$,sp%+1))+" "+LEFT$(s$,sp%-1) ELSE =s$
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


Split  +`<»×-¬>' '
Join  (⊣∾' '∾⊢)´(1<≡)

text  ⍉≍
"---------- Ice and Fire ------------"
"fire, in end will world the say Some"
"ice. in say Some                    "
"desire of tasted I've what From     "
"fire. favor who those with hold I   "
"... elided paragraph last ..."
"Frost Robert -----------------------"

JoinSplit¨ text

Alternative based on the approach described in this blog post:

{(⍒+`»' '=𝕩)𝕩}¨ text
╵ "------------ Fire and Ice ----------"
  "Some say the world will end in fire,"
  "Some say in ice."
  "From what I've tasted of desire"
  "I hold with those who favor fire."
  "... last paragraph elided ..."
  "----------------------- Robert Frost"


("---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some                    
desire of tasted I've what From     
fire. favor who those with hold I   
... elided paragraph last ...       
Frost Robert -----------------------"
  : ?text
& ( reverse
  =   token tokens reversed
    .   :?tokens
      &   whl
        ' ( @( !arg
             : ?token (" "|\t|\r) ?arg
          & !tokens !token:?tokens
      & !tokens !arg:?tokens
      & :?reversed
      &   whl
        ' ( !tokens:%?token %?tokens
          & " " !token !reversed:?reversed
      & !tokens !reversed:?reversed
      & str$!reversed
& :?output
&   whl
  ' ( @(!text:?line \n ?text)
    & !output reverse$!line \n:?output
& !output reverse$!text:?output
& out$str$!output
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


blsq ) "It is not raining"wd<-wd
"raining not is It"
blsq ) "ice. in say some"wd<-wd
"some say in ice."


#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

void rev_print(char *s, int n)
        for (; *s && isspace(*s); s++);
        if (*s) {
                char *e;
                for (e = s; *e && !isspace(*e); e++);
                rev_print(e, 0);
                printf("%.*s%s", (int)(e - s), s, " " + n);
        if (n) putchar('\n');

int main(void)
        char *s[] = {
                "---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
                "                                    ",
                "fire, in end will world the say Some",
                "ice. in say Some                    ",
                "desire of tasted I've what From     ",
                "fire. favor who those with hold I   ",
                "                                    ",
                "... elided paragraph last ...       ",
                "                                    ",
                "Frost Robert -----------------------",
        int i;
        for (i = 0; s[i]; i++) rev_print(s[i], 1);

        return 0;

Output is the same as everyone else's.


using System;

public class ReverseWordsInString
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        string text = @"
            ---------- Ice and Fire ------------

            fire, in end will world the say Some
            ice. in say Some
            desire of tasted I've what From
            fire. favor who those with hold I

            ... elided paragraph last ...

            Frost Robert -----------------------

        foreach (string line in text.Split(Environment.NewLine)) {
            //Splits on any whitespace, not just spaces
            string[] words = line.Split(default(char[]), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            WriteLine(string.Join(" ", words));


#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

//code for a C++11 compliant compiler
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class T>
void block_reverse_cpp11(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, T const& separator) {
   std::reverse(first, last);
   auto block_last = first;
   do {
      using std::placeholders::_1;
      auto block_first = std::find_if_not(block_last, last, 
         std::bind(std::equal_to<T>(),_1, separator));
      block_last = std::find(block_first, last, separator);
      std::reverse(block_first, block_last);
   } while(block_last != last);

//code for a C++03 compliant compiler
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class T>
void block_reverse_cpp03(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, T const& separator) {
   std::reverse(first, last);
   BidirectionalIterator block_last = first;
   do {
      BidirectionalIterator block_first = std::find_if(block_last, last, 
         std::bind2nd(std::not_equal_to<T>(), separator));
      block_last = std::find(block_first, last, separator);
      std::reverse(block_first, block_last);
   } while(block_last != last);

int main() {
   std::string str1[] = 
        "---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
        "fire, in end will world the say Some",
        "ice. in say Some",
        "desire of tasted I've what From",
        "fire. favor who those with hold I",
        "... elided paragraph last ...",
        "Frost Robert -----------------------"

   std::for_each(begin(str1), end(str1), [](std::string& s){
      block_reverse_cpp11(begin(s), end(s), ' ');
      std::cout << s << std::endl;
   std::for_each(begin(str1), end(str1), [](std::string& s){
      block_reverse_cpp03(begin(s), end(s), ' ');
      std::cout << s << std::endl;

   return 0;

Alternate version

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
string invertString( string s )
    string st, tmp;
    for( string::iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++ )
        if( *it != 32 ) tmp += *it;
            st = " " + tmp + st;
    return tmp + st;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    string str[] = 
        "---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
        "fire, in end will world the say Some",
        "ice. in say Some",
        "desire of tasted I've what From",
        "fire. favor who those with hold I",
        "... elided paragraph last ...",
        "Frost Robert -----------------------"
    for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
        cout << invertString( str[i] ) << "\n";
    cout << "\n";
    return system( "pause" );


(def poem 
  "---------- Ice and Fire ------------
   fire, in end will world the say Some
   ice. in say Some 
   desire of tasted I've what From
   fire. favor who those with hold I
   ... elided paragraph last ...
   Frost Robert -----------------------")

  (map println (map #(apply str (interpose " " (reverse (re-seq #"[^\s]+" %)))) (clojure.string/split poem #"\n"))))

Output is the same as everyone else's.


       program-id. rev-word.
       data division.
       working-storage section.
       1 text-block.
        2 pic x(36) value "---------- Ice and Fire ------------".
        2 pic x(36) value "                                    ".
        2 pic x(36) value "fire, in end will world the say Some".
        2 pic x(36) value "ice. in say Some                    ".
        2 pic x(36) value "desire of tasted I've what From     ".
        2 pic x(36) value "fire. favor who those with hold I   ".
        2 pic x(36) value "                                    ".
        2 pic x(36) value "... elided paragraph last ...       ".
        2 pic x(36) value "                                    ".
        2 pic x(36) value "Frost Robert -----------------------".
       1 redefines text-block.
        2 occurs 10.
         3 text-line pic x(36).
       1 text-word.
        2 wk-len binary pic 9(4).
        2 wk-word pic x(36).
       1 word-stack.
        2 occurs 10.
         3 word-entry.
          4 word-len binary pic 9(4).
          4 word pic x(36).
       1 binary.
        2 i pic 9(4).
        2 pos pic 9(4).
        2 word-stack-ptr pic 9(4).

       procedure division.
           perform varying i from 1 by 1
           until i > 10
               perform push-words
               perform pop-words
           stop run

           move 1 to pos
           move 0 to word-stack-ptr
           perform until pos > 36
               unstring text-line (i) delimited by all space
               into wk-word count in wk-len
               pointer pos
               add 1 to word-stack-ptr
               move text-word to word-entry (word-stack-ptr)

           perform varying word-stack-ptr from word-stack-ptr
               by -1
           until word-stack-ptr < 1
               move word-entry (word-stack-ptr) to text-word
               display wk-word (1:wk-len) space with no advancing
           display space
       end program rev-word.
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


Translation of: JavaScript
strReversed = '---------- Ice and Fire ------------\n\n
fire, in end will world the say Some\n
ice. in say Some\n
desire of tasted I\'ve what From\n
fire. favor who those with hold I\n\n
... elided paragraph last ...\n\n
Frost Robert -----------------------'

reverseString = (s) ->
  s.split('\n').map((l) -> l.split(/\s/).reverse().join ' ').join '\n'

console.log reverseString(strReversed)

As JavaScript.

Common Lisp

(defun split-and-reverse (str)
    ((iter (s lst)
       (let ((s2 (string-trim '(#\space) s)))
         (if s2
             (let ((word-end (position #\space s2)))
               (if (and word-end (< (1+ word-end) (length s2)))
                   (iter (subseq s2 (1+ word-end))
                         (cons (subseq s2 0 word-end) lst))
                   (cons s2 lst)))
  (iter str NIL)))

(defparameter *poem* 
  "---------- Ice and Fire ------------
   fire, in end will world the say Some
   ice. in say Some 
   desire of tasted I've what From
   fire. favor who those with hold I
   ... elided paragraph last ...
   Frost Robert -----------------------")

(with-input-from-string (s *poem*)
  (loop for line = (read-line s NIL)
        while line
        do (format t "~{~a~#[~:; ~]~}~%" (split-and-reverse line))))

Output is the same as everyone else's.


void main() {
    import std.stdio, std.string, std.range, std.algorithm;

    immutable text =
"---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...

Frost Robert -----------------------";

    writefln("%(%-(%s %)\n%)",
   !(r => r.split.retro));

The output is the same as the Python entry.


program RosettaCode_ReverseWordsInAString;


uses Classes, Types, StrUtils;

  TXT =
  '---------- Ice and Fire -----------'+sLineBreak+
  'fire, in end will world the say Some'+sLineBreak+
  'ice. in say Some'+sLineBreak+
  'desire of tasted I''ve what From'+sLineBreak+
  'fire. favor who those with hold I'+sLineBreak+
  '... elided paragraph last ...'+sLineBreak+
  'Frost Robert -----------------------'+sLineBreak;

  i, w: Integer;
  d: TStringDynArray;
  with TStringList.Create do
    Text := TXT;
    for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
      d := SplitString(Strings[i], #32);
      Strings[i] := '';
      for w := Length(d) - 1 downto 0 do
        Strings[i] := Strings[i] + #32 + d[w];

The output is the same as the Pascal entry.


   s$ = input
   until error = 1
   s$[] = strsplit s$ " "
   for i = len s$[] downto 1
      write s$[i] & " "
   print ""
--------- Ice and Fire ------------ 
fire, in end will world the say Some 
ice. in say Some 
desire of tasted I've what From 
fire. favor who those with hold I 
... elided paragraph last ... 
Frost Robert -----------------------


Using a here-string input :

(define S #<<
---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some 
ice. in say Some             
desire of tasted I've what From 
fire. favor who those with hold I 
... elided paragraph last ... 
Frost Robert -----------------------
(for-each writeln 
    (for/list ((line (string-split S "\n"))) 
        (string-join (reverse (string-split line " ")) " ")))
------------ Fire and Ice ----------    
Some say the world will end in fire,    
Some say in ice.    
From what I've tasted of desire    
I hold with those who favor fire.    
... last paragraph elided ...    
----------------------- Robert Frost    


Take the input file in (noting the literal leading and trailing spaces in the input, as per the task description, which not all solutions have considered):

 ---------- Ice and Fire ------------ 
 fire, in end will world the say Some 
 ice. in say Some                     
 desire of tasted I've what From      
 fire. favor who those with hold I    
 ... elided paragraph last ...        
 Frost Robert ----------------------- 

With the following script, saved as Reverse.ed:

%s/\(\<[[:alpha:],.']*[ ]\?\)\(\<[[:alpha:],.']*[ ]\?\)\(\<[[:alpha:],.']*[ ]\?\)\(\<[[:alpha:],.']*[ ]\?\)\(\<[[:alpha:],.']*[ ]\?\)\(\<[[:alpha:],.']*[ ]\?\)\(\<[[:alpha:],.']*[ ]\?\)\(\<[[:alpha:],.']*[ ]\?\)/\8\7\6\5\4\3\2\1/

... and the command line:

ed -s in < Reverse.ed

or, alternatively:

cat Reverse.ed | ed -s in
 ---------- Fire and Ice ------------ 
 Some say the world will end in fire, 
 Some say in ice.                     
 From what I've tasted of desire      
 I hold with those who favor fire.    
 ... last paragraph elided ...        
 Robert Frost ----------------------- 


ELENA 6.x:

import extensions;
import system'routines;
public program()
    var text := new string[]{"---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
                  "fire, in end will world the say Some",
                  "ice. in say Some",
                  "desire of tasted I've what From",
                  "fire. favor who those with hold I",
                  "... elided paragraph last ...",
                  "Frost Robert -----------------------"};
        line.splitBy(" ").sequenceReverse().forEach::(word)
            console.print(word," ")


defmodule RC do
  def reverse_words(txt) do
    txt |> String.split("\n")       # split lines
        |>              # in each line
             &1 |> String.split       # split words
                |> Enum.reverse       # reverse words
                |> Enum.join(" ")))   # rejoin words
        |> Enum.join("\n")          # rejoin lines


txt = """
---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some                    
desire of tasted I've what From     
fire. favor who those with hold I   
... elided paragraph last ...       
Frost Robert -----------------------

IO.puts RC.reverse_words(txt)


reversedPoem =
  String.trim """
    ---------- Ice and Fire ------------
    fire, in end will world the say Some
    ice. in say Some
    desire of tasted I've what From
    fire. favor who those with hold I
    ... elided paragraph last ...
    Frost Robert -----------------------

reverseWords string =
  string |> String.words |> List.reverse |> String.join " "

reverseLinesWords string =
  string |> String.lines |> reverseWords |> String.join "\n"

poem = 
  reverseLinesWords reversedPoem

Emacs Lisp

(defun reverse-words (line)
   (format "%s\n"
           (mapconcat 'identity (reverse (split-string line)) " "))))

(defun reverse-lines (lines)
  (mapcar 'reverse-words lines))

 '("---------- Ice and Fire ------------"
   "fire, in end will world the say Some"
   "ice. in say Some"
   "desire of tasted I've what From"
   "fire. favor who those with hold I"
   "... elided paragraph last ..."
   "Frost Robert ----------------------- "))
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


//Reverse words in a string. Nigel Galloway: July 14th., 2021
["  ---------- Ice and Fire ------------  ";
 "                                        ";       
 "  fire, in end will world the say Some  ";
 "  ice. in say Some                      ";
 "  desire of tasted I've what From       ";
 "  fire. favour who those with hold I    ";
 "                                        ";
 "  ... elided paragraph last ...         ";
 "                                        ";
 "  Frost Robert -----------------------  "]|> n->n.Split " "|>Array.filter((<>)"")|>Array.rev|>String.concat " ")|>List.iter(printfn "%s")
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


USING: io sequences splitting ;
IN: rosetta-code.reverse-words

"---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...

Frost Robert -----------------------"

"\n" split [ " " split reverse " " join ] map [ print ] each
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


The word "parse-name" consumes a word from input stream and places it on the stack. The word "type" takes a word from the data stack and prints it. Calling these two words before and after the recursive call effectively reverses a string.

: not-empty?  dup 0 > ;
: (reverse)  parse-name not-empty? IF recurse THEN type space ;
: reverse  (reverse) cr ;

reverse ---------- Ice and Fire ------------
reverse fire, in end will world the say Some
reverse ice. in say Some
reverse desire of tasted I've what From
reverse fire. favor who those with hold I
reverse ... elided paragraph last ...
reverse Frost Robert -----------------------

Output Interpreted above code at the Forth console

------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire, 
Some say in ice. 
From what I've tasted of desire 
I hold with those who favor fire. 

... last paragraph elided ... 

----------------------- Robert Frost 


Compiled using G95 on x86 system running Puppy Linux. Fortran syntax is mostly Fortran 77.

 character*40 words
 character*40 reversed
 logical inblank
 read (5,fmt="(a)",iostat=ierr)words
 do while (ierr.eq.0)
 do i=40,1,-1
   if(words(i:i).ne.' '.and.inblank) then
     end if
    if(.not.inblank.and.words(i:i).eq.' ') then
      end if
     if(.not.inblank.and.i.eq.1) then
       end if
   end do
 print *,words,'=> ',reversed(1:ipos-1)
 read (5,fmt="(a)",iostat=ierr)words
 end do

Output from comand: cat frostPoem.txt | reverse

where file frostPoem.txt contains the input text.

 ---------- Ice and Fire -----------     => ----------- Fire and Ice ----------
 fire, in end will world the say Some    => Some say the world will end in fire,
 ice. in say Some                        => Some say in ice.
 desire of tasted I've what From         => From what I've tasted of desire
 fire. favor who those with hold I       => I hold with those who favor fire.
 ... elided paragraph last ...           => ... last paragraph elided ...
 Frost Robert -----------------------    => ----------------------- Robert Frost


' FB 1.05.0 Win64

Sub split (s As String, sepList As String, result() As String, removeEmpty As Boolean = False)
  If s = "" OrElse sepList = "" Then 
     Redim result(0)
     result(0) = s
  End If
  Dim As Integer i, j, count = 0, empty = 0, length
  Dim As Integer position(Len(s) + 1)
  position(0) = 0
  For i = 0 To len(s) - 1
    For j = 0 to Len(sepList) - 1
      If s[i] = sepList[j] Then 
        count += 1
        position(count) = i + 1       
      End If
    Next j
  Next i

  Redim result(count)
  If count  = 0 Then
    result(0) = s
  End If

  position(count + 1) = len(s) + 1
  For i = 1 To count + 1  
    length = position(i) - position(i - 1) - 1 
    result(i - 1 - empty) = Mid(s, position(i - 1) + 1, length)
    If removeEmpty Andalso CBool(length = 0) Then empty += 1

  If empty > 0 Then Redim Preserve result(count - empty)
End Sub

Dim s As String = "Hey you, Bub!"
Dim a() As String
split(s, " ", a(), true)
Dim reversed As String = ""
For i As Integer = UBound(a) To LBound(a) Step -1
  reversed += a(i)
  If i > LBound(a) Then reversed += " "

Print "Original String = "; s
Print "Reversed String = "; reversed
Print "Press any key to quit"
Original String = Hey you, Bub!
Reversed String = Bub! you, Hey


"""---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I
 .. elided paragraph last ...  
Frost Robert -----------------------"""]

for line = lines
    println[join[" ", reverse[split[%r/\s+/, line]]]]


include "NSLog.incl"

CFStringRef        frostStr
CFArrayRef         frostArr, tempArr
CFMutableStringRef mutStr
NSInteger          i, count

frostStr = @"---------- Ice and Fire ------------\n¬
fire, in end will world the say Some\n¬
ice. in say Some\n¬
desire of tasted I've what From\n¬
fire. favor who those with hold I\n¬
… elided paragraph last …\n¬
Frost Robert -----------------------\n"

frostArr = fn StringComponentsSeparatedByString( frostStr, @"\n" )
count    = fn ArrayCount( frostArr )
mutStr   = fn MutableStringWithCapacity( 0 )

for i = 0 to count - 1
tempArr = fn StringComponentsSeparatedByString( frostArr[i], @" " )
tempArr = fn EnumeratorAllObjects( fn ArrayReverseObjectEnumerator( tempArr ) )
MutableStringAppendString( mutStr, fn ArrayComponentsJoinedByString( tempArr, @" " ) )
MutableStringAppendString( mutStr, @"\n" )

NSLog( @"%@", mutStr )



------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

… last paragraph elided …

----------------------- Robert Frost


Click this link to run this code

Public Sub Main()
Dim sString As New String[10]                                     'Array for the input text
Dim sLine As New String[]                                         'Array of each word in a line
Dim siCount0, siCount1 As Short                                   'Counters
Dim sOutput, sReverse, sTemp As String                            'Strings

sString[0] = "---------- Ice And Fire ------------"               'Input text
sString[1] = "                                    "
sString[2] = "fire, in end will world the say Some"
sString[3] = "ice. in say Some                    "
sString[4] = "desire of tasted I've what From     "
sString[5] = "fire. favor who those with hold I   " 
sString[6] = "                                    "
sString[7] = "... elided paragraph last ...       "
sString[8] = "                                    "
sString[9] = "Frost Robert -----------------------"

For siCount0 = 0 To 9                                             'To work through each line of input text
  If Trim(sString[siCount0]) = "" Then sString[siCount0] = " "    'If the line is all spaces then make it 1 space
  For Each sTemp In Split(Trim(sString[siCount0]), " ")           'Split the trimmed line by spaces
    sLine.Add(sTemp)                                              'Add each word to the sLine array
  For siCount1 = sLine.max DownTo 0                               'Loop from the last in the sLine array to 0
    sReverse &= sLine[siCount1] & " "                             'Fill sReverse with words reversed, adding a space
  sOutput &= Trim(sReverse) & gb.NewLine                          'Add the reversed words to sOutput and add a newline
  sReverse = ""                                                   'Clear sReverse
  sLine.Clear                                                     'Clear sLine array

Print sOutput                                                     'Print the output



------------ Fire And Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


\L<G> <U>=@{$2} $1


package main

import (

// a number of strings
var n = []string{
    "---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
    "                                    ",
    "fire, in end will world the say Some",
    "ice. in say Some                    ",
    "desire of tasted I've what From     ",
    "fire. favor who those with hold I   ",
    "                                    ",
    "... elided paragraph last ...       ",
    "                                    ",
    "Frost Robert -----------------------",

func main() {
    for i, s := range n {
        t := strings.Fields(s) // tokenize
        // reverse
        last := len(t) - 1
        for j, k := range t[:len(t)/2] {
            t[j], t[last-j] = t[last-j], k
        n[i] = strings.Join(t, " ")
    // display result
    for _, t := range n {
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


def text = new StringBuilder()
    .append('---------- Ice and Fire ------------\n')
    .append('                                    \n')
    .append('fire, in end will world the say Some\n')
    .append('ice. in say Some                    \n')
    .append('desire of tasted I\'ve what From     \n')
    .append('fire. favor who those with hold I   \n')
    .append('                                    \n')
    .append('... elided paragraph last ...       \n')
    .append('                                    \n')
    .append('Frost Robert -----------------------\n').toString()

text.eachLine { line ->
    println "$line   -->   ${line.split(' ').reverse().join(' ')}"
---------- Ice and Fire ------------   -->   ------------ Fire and Ice ----------
fire, in end will world the say Some   -->   Some say the world will end in fire,
ice. in say Some                       -->   Some say in ice.
desire of tasted I've what From        -->   From what I've tasted of desire
fire. favor who those with hold I      -->   I hold with those who favor fire.
... elided paragraph last ...          -->   ... last paragraph elided ...
Frost Robert -----------------------   -->   ----------------------- Robert Frost


revstr :: String -> String
revstr = unwords . reverse . words -- point-free style
--revstr s = unwords (reverse (words s))

revtext :: String -> String
revtext = unlines . map revstr . lines -- applies revstr to each line independently

test = revtext "---------- Ice and Fire ------------\n\
        \fire, in end will world the say Some\n\
        \ice. in say Some\n\
        \desire of tasted I've what From\n\
        \fire. favor who those with hold I\n\
        \... elided paragraph last ...\n\
        \Frost Robert -----------------------\n" --multiline string notation requires \ at end and start of lines, and \n to be manually input

unwords, reverse, words, unlines, map and lines are built-in functions, all available at GHC's Prelude. For better visualization, use "putStr test"

Icon and Unicon

Works in both languages:

procedure main()
    every write(rWords(&input))

procedure rWords(f)
    every !f ? {
        every (s := "") := genWords() || s
        suspend s

procedure genWords()
    while w := 1(tab(upto(" \t")),tab(many(" \t"))) || " " do suspend w

for test file

->rw <
------------ Fire and Ice ----------  
Some say the world will end in fire,  
Some say in ice.  
From what I've tasted of desire  
I hold with those who favor fire.  
... last paragraph elided ...  
----------------------- Robert Frost  


(var poem 
  "---------- Ice and Fire ------------
   fire, in end will world the say Some
   ice. in say Some 
   desire of tasted I've what From
   fire. favor who those with hold I
   ... elided paragraph last ...
   Frost Robert -----------------------")

(function split-join by then x
  (-> x (split by) then (join by)))

(split-join "\n" (map @(split-join " " reverse)) poem)


Treated interactively:

   ([:;@|.[:<;.1 ' ',]);._2]0 :0
---------- Ice and Fire ------------

  fire, in end will world the say Some
  ice. in say Some
  desire of tasted I've what From
  fire. favor who those with hold I

   ... elided paragraph last ...

  Frost Robert -----------------------
 ------------ Fire and Ice ----------  
 Some say the world will end in fire,  
 Some say in ice.                      
 From what I've tasted of desire       
 I hold with those who favor fire.     
 ... last paragraph elided ...         
 ----------------------- Robert Frost

The verb phrase ( [:  ; @ |. [: < ;. 1 ' ' , ]) reverses words in a string. The rest of the implementation has to do with defining the block of text we are working on, and applying this verb phrase to each line of that text.

Another approach:

echo ;:inv@|.@cut;._2 {{)n
---------- Ice and Fire ------------
  fire, in end will world the say Some
  ice. in say Some
  desire of tasted I've what From
  fire. favor who those with hold I
   ... elided paragraph last ...
  Frost Robert -----------------------


------------ Fire and Ice ----------
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.                    
From what I've tasted of desire     
I hold with those who favor fire.   
... last paragraph elided ...       
----------------------- Robert Frost


public class ReverseWords {

    static final String[] lines = {
        " ----------- Ice and Fire ----------- ",
        "                                      ",
        " fire, in end will world the say Some ",
        " ice. in say Some                     ",
        " desire of tasted I've what From      ",
        " fire. favor who those with hold I    ",
        "                                      ",
        " ... elided paragraph last ...        ",
        " Frost Robert ----------------------- "};

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for (String line : lines) {
            String[] words = line.split("\\s");
            for (int i = words.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                System.out.printf("%s ", words[i]);
Works with: Java version 8+
package string;

import static;

public interface ReverseWords {
  public static final String[] LINES = {
    " ----------- Ice and Fire ----------- ",
    "                                      ",
    " fire, in end will world the say Some ",
    " ice. in say Some                     ",
    " desire of tasted I've what From      ",
    " fire. favor who those with hold I    ",
    "                                      ",
    " ... elided paragraph last ...        ",
    " Frost Robert ----------------------- "

  public static String[] reverseWords(String[] lines) {
    return stream(lines)
      .map(l -> l.split("\\s"))
      .map(ws -> stream(ws)
        .map(w -> " " + w)
          (w1, w2) -> w2 + w1
  public static void main(String... arguments) {
----------- Fire and Ice ----------- 

Some say the world will end in fire,   
Some say in ice.   
From what I've tasted of desire   
I hold with those who favor fire.   

... last paragraph elided ...   

----------------------- Robert Frost 


var strReversed =
"---------- Ice and Fire ------------\n\
fire, in end will world the say Some\n\
ice. in say Some\n\
desire of tasted I've what From\n\
fire. favor who those with hold I\n\
... elided paragraph last ...\n\
Frost Robert -----------------------";
function reverseString(s) {
  return s.split('\n').map(
    function (line) {
      return line.split(/\s/).reverse().join(' ');


------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


split("[ \t\n\r]+") | reverse | join(" ")

This solution requires a version of jq with regex support for split.

The following example assumes the above line is in a file named reverse_words.jq and that the input text is in a file named IceAndFire.txt. The -r option instructs jq to read the input file as strings, line by line.

$ jq -R -r -M -f reverse_words.jq IceAndFire.txt
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


From Javascript entry.

var strReversed =
"---------- Ice and Fire ------------\n
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I
\n... elided paragraph last ...\n
Frost Robert -----------------------";
function reverseString(s) {
    return s.split('\n').map(
      function (line) {
          return line.split().reverse().join(' ');

;reverseString('Hey you, Bub!');

reverseString('Hey you, Bub!') ==> Bub! you, Hey
strReversed ==> ---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...

Frost Robert -----------------------
reverseString(strReversed) ==> ------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost
prompt$ jsish -u reverseWords.jsi
[PASS] reverseWords.jsi


revstring (str) = join(reverse(split(str, " ")), " ")
julia> revstring("Hey you, Bub!")
"Bub! you, Hey"

julia> s = IOBuffer(
"---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I
... elided paragraph last ...
Frost Robert -----------------------")

julia>  for line in eachline(s)
------------ Fire and Ice ----------
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
... last paragraph elided ...
----------------------- Robert Frost


fun reversedWords(s: String) = s.split(" ").filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.reversed().joinToString(" ")

fun main() {
    val s = "Hey you, Bub!"
    val sl = listOf(
        " ---------- Ice and Fire ------------ ", 
        "                                      ",
        " fire, in end will world the say Some ", 
        " ice. in say Some                     ", 
        " desire of tasted I've what From      ", 
        " fire. favor who those with hold I    ",  
        "                                      ",  
        " ... elided paragraph last ...        ", 
        "                                      ",  
        " Frost Robert ----------------------- ",
    sl.forEach { println(reversedWords(it)) }
Bub! you, Hey

------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost



# Reverse words in a string

#	# Variables:
typeset -a wArr
integer i

# main #

while read -A wArr; do
	for ((i=${#wArr[@]}-1; i>=0; i--)); do
		printf "%s " "${wArr[i]}"
done << EOF
---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some                    
desire of tasted I've what From     
fire. favor who those with hold I   
... elided paragraph last ...       
Frost Robert -----------------------

------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


This answer illustrates how a missing primitive (line_split) can be added directly in the wiki page.

1) We write a function

{def line_reverse
 {def line_reverse.r
  {lambda {:i :txt :length}
   {if {> :i :length}
    else {br}{A2S {A.reverse! {A.get :i :txt}}}
         {line_reverse.r {+ :i 1} :txt :length}}}}
 {lambda {:txt}
  {let { {:a {line_split {:txt}}} }
  {line_reverse.r 0 :a {- {A.length :a} 1}}}} }
-> line_reverse

where A2S translates an array into a sentence

{def A2S           
 {lambda {:a}
  {if {A.empty? :a}
   else {A.first :a} {A2S { :a}}}}}
-> A2S

and line_split is a javascript primitive directly written in the wiki page, 
added to the dictionary and returning an array of lines

LAMBDATALK.DICT['line_split'] = function () {
  var args = arguments[0].split("\n");
  var str = "{ ";
  for (var i=0; i< args.length; i++)
    str += "{ " + args[i] + "} ";
  str += "}";
  return LAMBDATALK.eval_forms( str ) 

2) input (from a simple text source without any presetting)

{def rosetta
---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I''ve what From
fire. favor who those with hold I
... elided paragraph last ...
Frost Robert -----------------------
-> rosetta

3) calling the function:

{line_reverse rosetta}

3) output

------------ Fire and Ice ----------  

Some say the world will end in fire,  
Some say in ice.  
From what I''ve tasted of desire  
I hold with those who favor fire.  

... last paragraph elided ...
----------------------- Robert Frost

Liberty BASIC

for i = 1 to 10
    read string$
    print reverse$(string$)

function reverse$(string$)
    while token$<>""
        token$ = word$(string$, i)
        output$=token$+" "+output$
    reverse$ = trim$(output$)
end function

data "---------- Ice and Fire ------------"
data ""
data "fire, in end will world the say Some"
data "ice. in say Some"
data "desire of tasted I've what From"
data "fire. favor who those with hold I"
data ""
data "... elided paragraph last ..."
data ""
data "Frost Robert -----------------------"
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


The input text has been entered into the contents of a text field called "Fieldtxt", add a button and put the following in its mouseUp

repeat for each line txtln in fld "Fieldtxt"
    repeat with i = the number of words of txtln down to 1
        put word i of txtln & space after txtrev
    end repeat
    put cr after txtrev  -- preserve line
end repeat
put txtrev


poem =
    ---------- Ice and Fire ------------

    fire, in end will world the say Some
    ice. in say Some 
    desire of tasted I've what From
    fire. favor who those with hold I

    ... elided paragraph last ...

    Frost Robert -----------------------

reverse-words  = (.split ' ') >> (.reverse!) >> (.join ' ')
reverse-string = (.split '\n') >> (.map reverse-words) >> (.join '\n')
reverse-string poem

This version just reads the words from standard input.

do.until [
  make "line readlist
  print reverse :line
] [word? :line]

Given this input:

---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...

Frost Robert -----------------------

it produces this output:

------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


See below for original entry and the input string under variable 's'. Here is a significantly shorter program.

local lines = {}
for line in (s .. "\n"):gmatch("(.-)\n") do
	local this = {}
	for word in line:gmatch("%S+") do
		table.insert(this, 1, word)
	lines[#lines + 1] = table.concat(this, " ")
print(table.concat(lines, "\n"))

Original response:

(Note: The Wiki's syntax highlighting for Lua does not highlight the following valid string literal correctly, so the listing is split in two parts.)

   s = [[---------- Ice and Fire ------------
   fire, in end will world the say Some
   ice. in say Some
   desire of tasted I've what From
   fire. favor who those with hold I
   ... elided paragraph last ...
   Frost Robert -----------------------
function table.reverse(a)
    local res = {}
    for i = #a, 1, -1 do
        res[#res+1] = a[i]
    return res

function splittokens(s)
    local res = {}
    for w in s:gmatch("%S+") do
        res[#res+1] = w
    return res

for line, nl in s:gmatch("([^\n]-)(\n)") do
    print(table.concat(table.reverse(splittokens(line)), ' '))

Note: With the technique used here for splitting s into lines (not part of the task) the last line will be gobbled up if it does not end with a newline.


while (true) do
	input := readline("input.txt"):
	if input = 0 then break: fi:
	input := StringTools:-Trim(input): # remove leading/trailing space
	input := StringTools:-Join(ListTools:-Reverse(StringTools:-Split(input, " "))," "):
	printf("%s\n", input):
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost

Mathematica /Wolfram Language

poem = "---------- Ice and Fire ------------
     fire, in end will world the say Some
     ice. in say Some 
     desire of tasted I've what From
     fire. favor who those with hold I
     ... elided paragraph last ...
     Frost Robert -----------------------";
lines = StringSplit[poem, "\n"];
wordArray = StringSplit[#] &   @ lines ;
reversedWordArray = Reverse[#] & /@ wordArray ;
linesWithReversedWords = 
  StringJoin[Riffle[#, " "]] & /@ reversedWordArray;
finaloutput = StringJoin[Riffle[#, "\n"]] &  @ linesWithReversedWords
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost

MATLAB / Octave

function testReverseWords
    testStr = {'---------- Ice and Fire ------------' ; ...
        ''                                            ; ...
        'fire, in end will world the say Some'        ; ...
        'ice. in say Some'                            ; ...
        'desire of tasted I''ve what From'            ; ...
        'fire. favor who those with hold I'           ; ...
        ''                                            ; ...
        '... elided paragraph last ...'               ; ...
        ''                                            ; ...
        'Frost Robert -----------------------'        };
    for k = 1:length(testStr)
        fprintf('%s\n', reverseWords(testStr{k}))

function strOut = reverseWords(strIn)
    strOut = strtrim(strIn);
    if ~isempty(strOut)
        % Could use strsplit() instead of textscan() in R2013a or later
        words = textscan(strOut, '%s');
        words = words{1};
        strOut = strtrim(sprintf('%s ', words{end:-1:1}));
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


-- MAXScript : Reverse words in a string : N.H. 2019
text = stringstream "---------- Ice and Fire ------------\n\nfire, in end will world the say Some\nice. in say Some\ndesire of tasted I've what From\nfire. favor who those with hold I\n\n... elided paragraph last ...\n\nFrost Robert -----------------------\n"
seek text 0
while eof text == false do
nextLine = (readLine text)
if nextLine == "" then
print ""
) -- end of if
revLine = ""
eachWord = filterString nextLine " "
for k = eachWord.count to 1 by -1 do
revLine = revLine + eachWord[k]
-- Only add space between words not at the end of line
if k != 1 then revLine = revLine + " "
) -- end of for k
print revLine
) -- end of while eof

Output to MAXScript Listener:

"------------ Fire and Ice ----------"
"Some say the world will end in fire,"
"Some say in ice."
"From what I've tasted of desire"
"I hold with those who favor fire."
"... last paragraph elided ..."
"----------------------- Robert Frost"


lines = ["==========================================",
    "|  ---------- Ice and Fire ------------  |",
    "|                                        |",
    "|  fire, in end will world the say Some  |",
    "|  ice. in say Some                      |",
    "|  desire of tasted I've what From       |",
    "|  fire. favor who those with hold I     |",
    "|                                        |",
    "|  ... elided paragraph last ...         |",
    "|                                        |",
    "|  Frost Robert -----------------------  |",
for line in lines
    oldLine = line.split
    newLine = []
    while oldLine
// the line below line retains the outer box format
        newLine.push oldLine.pop
// alternate format, replace above line with below two lines below to strip all superfluous spaces
//	word = oldLine.pop
//	if word != "" then newLine.push word
    end while
    print newLine.join
end for
|  ------------ Fire and Ice ----------  |
|                                        |
|  Some say the world will end in fire,  |
|                      Some say in ice.  |
|       From what I've tasted of desire  |
|     I hold with those who favor fire.  |
|                                        |
|         ... last paragraph elided ...  |
|                                        |
|  ----------------------- Robert Frost  |


Translation of: Pascal
Works with: ADW Modula-2 version any (Compile with the linker option Console Application).
MODULE ReverseWords;

  WriteString, WriteLn;
  Assign, Concat, Append;

  NL = CHR(10);
  Sp = ' ';
  Txt = "---------- Ice and Fire -----------" + NL +
    NL +
    "fire, in end will world the say Some" + NL +
    "ice. in say Some" + NL +
    "desire of tasted I've what From" + NL +
    "fire. favor who those with hold I" + NL +
    NL +
    "... elided paragraph last ..." + NL +
    NL +
    "Frost Robert -----------------------" + NL;

  String400 = ARRAY [0 .. 399] OF CHAR;

  R: String400;
  Concat(Source, Sp, R);
  Append(Destination, R);
  Assign(R, Destination);
END AddWord;

  SingleWord, CurrentLine: String400;
  C: CHAR;

  SingleWord := "";
  CurrentLine := "";
  FOR I := 0 TO HIGH(Txt) DO
    C := Txt[I];
        AddWord(SingleWord, CurrentLine);
        SingleWord := ""; |
        AddWord(SingleWord, CurrentLine);
        SingleWord := "";
        CurrentLine := ""; |
      Append(C, SingleWord);
END ReverseWords.


def reverse_words(string)
        tokens = split(string, " ")
        if len(tokens) = 0
                return ""

        ret_str = ""
        for i in range(len(tokens) - 1, 0)
                ret_str += tokens[i] + " "
        return ret_str.substring(0, len(ret_str) - 1)

data = "---------- Ice and Fire ------------\n" +\
       "                                    \n" +\
       "fire, in end will world the say Some\n" +\
       "ice. in say Some                    \n" +\
       "desire of tasted I've what From     \n" +\
       "fire. favor who those with hold I   \n" +\
       "                                    \n" +\
       "... elided paragraph last ...       \n" +\
       "Frost Robert -----------------------\n"

for line in split(data, "\n")
        println reverse_words(line)
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...
----------------------- Robert Frost


Works with: Q'Nial Version 6.3
# Define a function to convert a list of strings to a single string.
join is rest link (' ' eachboth link)

iterate (write join reverse (' ' string_split)) \
  '------------ Eldorado ----------' \
  '' \
  '... here omitted lines ...' \
  '' \
  'Mountains the "Over' \
  'Moon, the Of' \
  'Shadow, the of Valley the Down' \
  'ride," boldly Ride,' \
  'replied,--- shade The' \
  'Eldorado!" for seek you "If' \
  '' \
  'Poe Edgar -----------------------'
---------- Eldorado ------------

... lines omitted here ...

"Over the Mountains
Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied,---
"If you seek for Eldorado!"

----------------------- Edgar Poe


import strutils

let text = """---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...

Frost Robert -----------------------"""

proc reversed*[T](a: openArray[T], first, last: int): seq[T] =
  result = newSeq[T](last - first + 1)
  var x = first
  var y = last
  while x <= last:
    result[x] = a[y]

proc reversed*[T](a: openArray[T]): seq[T] =
  reversed(a, 0, a.high)

for line in text.splitLines():
  echo line.split(' ').reversed().join(" ")
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


use Collection;

class Reverselines {
  function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
    lines := List->New();
    lines->AddBack("---------- Ice and Fire ------------");
    lines->AddBack("fire, in end will world the say Some");
    lines->AddBack("ice. in say Some");
    lines->AddBack("desire of tasted I've what From");
    lines->AddBack("fire. favor who those with hold I");
    lines->AddBack("... elided paragraph last ...");
    lines->AddBack("Frost Robert -----------------------");
    each(i : lines) {
      words := lines->Get()->As(String)->Split(" ");
      if(words <> Nil) {      
        for(j := words->Size() - 1; j > -1; j-=1;) {
          IO.Console->Print(words[j])->Print(" ");
------------ Fire and Ice ---------- 

Some say the world will end in fire, 
Some say in ice. 
From what I've tasted of desire 
I hold with those who favor fire. 

... last paragraph elided ... 

----------------------- Robert Frost 


#load "str.cma"
let input = ["---------- Ice and Fire ------------";
        "fire, in end will world the say Some";
        "ice. in say Some";
        "desire of tasted I've what From";
        "fire. favor who those with hold I";
        "... elided paragraph last ...";
        "Frost Robert -----------------------"];;

let splitted = (Str.split (Str.regexp " ")) input in
let reversed = List.rev splitted in
let final = (String.concat " ") reversed in
List.iter print_endline final;;

Sample usage

$ ocaml
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


: revWords(s) 
   s words reverse unwords ;

: reverseWords
   "---------- Ice and Fire ------------" revWords println
   "                                    " revWords println
   "fire, in end will world the say Some" revWords println
   "ice. in say Some                    " revWords println
   "desire of tasted I've what From     " revWords println
   "fire. favor who those with hold I   " revWords println
   "                                    " revWords println
   "... elided paragraph last ...       " revWords println
   "                                    " revWords println
   "Frost Robert -----------------------" revWords println ;
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


Free Pascal 3.0.0

program Reverse_words(Output);

  nl = chr(10); // Linefeed
  sp = chr(32); // Space
  TXT =
  '---------- Ice and Fire -----------'+nl+
  'fire, in end will world the say Some'+nl+
  'ice. in say Some'+nl+
  'desire of tasted I''ve what From'+nl+
  'fire. favor who those with hold I'+nl+
  '... elided paragraph last ...'+nl+
  'Frost Robert -----------------------'+nl;

  I : integer;
  ew, lw : ansistring;
  c : char;

function addW : ansistring;
var r : ansistring = '';
  r := ew + sp + lw;
  ew := '';
  addW := r

  ew := '';
  lw := '';

  for I := 1 to strlen(TXT) do
    c := TXT[I];
    case c of
      sp : lw := addW;
      nl : begin writeln(addW); lw := '' end;
      else ew := ew + c
----------- Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost

Another version (tested with FPC 3.2.2)

program reverse_words;
{$mode objfpc}{$h+}

function Reverse(a: TStringArray): TStringArray;
  I, J: SizeInt;
  t: Pointer;
  I := 0;
  J := High(a);
  while I < J do begin
    t := Pointer(a[I]);
    Pointer(a[I]) := Pointer(a[J]);
    Pointer(a[J]) := t;
  Result := a;

  Input =
    '---------- Ice and Fire -----------'  + LineEnding +
                                        '' + LineEnding +
    'fire, in end will world the say Some' + LineEnding +
    'ice. in say Some'                     + LineEnding +
    'desire of tasted I''ve what From'     + LineEnding +
    'fire. favor who those with hold I'    + LineEnding +
                                        '' + LineEnding +
    '... elided paragraph last ...'        + LineEnding +
                                        '' + LineEnding +
    'Frost Robert -----------------------' + LineEnding;
  Line: string;

  for Line in Input.Split([LineEnding], TStringSplitOptions.ExcludeLastEmpty) do
    WriteLn(string.Join(' ', Reverse(Line.Split([' ']))));


PascalABC.NET 3.9.0

var s:='Hey you, Bub!';
Bub! you, Hey


print join(" ", reverse split), "\n" for <DATA>;
---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some                    
desire of tasted I've what From     
fire. favor who those with hold I   
... elided paragraph last ...       
Frost Robert -----------------------


with javascript_semantics
constant test="""
---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I
... elided paragraph last ...
Frost Robert -----------------------
sequence lines = split(test,'\n')
for i=1 to length(lines) do
    lines[i] = join(reverse(split(lines[i])))
end for
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


include ..\Utilitys.pmt

"---------- Ice and Fire ------------"
"fire, in end will world the say Some"
"ice. in say Some"
"desire of tasted I've what From"
"fire. favor who those with hold I"
"... elided paragraph last ..."
"Frost Robert -----------------------"

stklen tolist
len for var i
    i get split reverse i set 
len for
    get len dup if
        for get print " " print endfor
    else drop endif
    drop nl
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


 function strInv ($string) {

 	$str_inv = '' ; 

	 for ($i=0,$s=count($string);$i<$s;$i++){
	 	$str_inv .= implode(' ',array_reverse(explode(' ',$string[$i])));
	 	$str_inv .= '<br>';

 	return $str_inv;

 $string[] =  "---------- Ice and Fire ------------";
 $string[] =  "";
 $string[] =  "fire, in end will world the say Some";
 $string[] =  "ice. in say Some";
 $string[] =  "desire of tasted I've what From";
 $string[] =  "fire. favor who those with hold I";
 $string[] =  "";
 $string[] =  "... elided paragraph last ...";
 $string[] =  "";
 $string[] =  "Frost Robert ----------------------- ";

echo strInv($string);


------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


(in "FireIce.txt" 
 (until (eof)
  (prinl (glue " " (flip (split (line) " "))))))

Same as anybody else.


string story = #"---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I
... elided paragraph last ...
Frost Robert -----------------------";

foreach(story/"\n", string line)
    write("%s\n", reverse(line/" ")*" ");


rev: procedure options (main);          /* 5 May 2014 */
   declare (s, reverse) character (50) varying;
   declare (i, j) fixed binary;
   declare in file;

   open file (in) title ('/REV-WRD.DAT,type(text),recsize(5> Nil) {      
        for(j := words->Size() - 1; j > -1; j-=1;) {
          IO.Console->Print(words[j])->Print(" ");

   do j = 1 to 10;
      get file (in) edit (s) (L);
      put skip list (trim(s));

      reverse = '';

      do while (length(s) > 0);
         s = trim(s);
         i = index(s, ' ');
         if i = 0 then
            if s ^= '' then i = length(s)+1;
         if i > 0 then reverse = substr(s, 1, i-1) || ' ' || reverse;
         if length(s) = i then s = ''; else s = substr(s, i);
      put edit ('---> ', reverse) (col(40), 2 A);
end rev;
---------- Ice and Fire ------------   ---> ------------ Fire and Ice ---------- 
fire, in end will world the say Some   ---> Some say the world will end in fire, 
ice. in say Some                       ---> Some say in ice. 
desire of tasted I've what From        ---> From what I've tasted of desire 
fire. favor who those with hold I      ---> I hold with those who favor fire. 
... elided paragraph last ...          ---> ... last paragraph elided ... 
Frost Robert -----------------------   ---> ----------------------- Robert Frost 


Works with: PowerShell version 4.0
Function Reverse-Words($lines) {
    $lines | foreach { 
        $array = $PSItem.Split(' ') 
        $array[($array.Count-1)..0] -join ' '

$lines =
"---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
"fire, in end will world the say Some",
"ice. in say Some",
"desire of tasted I've what From",
"fire. favor who those with hold I",
"... elided paragraph last ...",
"Frost Robert -----------------------"


output :

------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


a$ =    "---------- Ice and Fire ------------" +#CRLF$+
        "                                    " +#CRLF$+
        "fire, in end will world the say Some" +#CRLF$+
        "ice. in say Some                    " +#CRLF$+
        "desire of tasted I've what From     " +#CRLF$+
        "fire. favor who those with hold I   " +#CRLF$+
        "                                    " +#CRLF$+
        "... elided paragraph last ...       " +#CRLF$+
        "                                    " +#CRLF$+
        "Frost Robert -----------------------" +#CRLF$
a$ =    "Hey you, Bub!                       " +#CRLF$+#CRLF$+ a$

For p1=1 To CountString(a$,#CRLF$)
  b$=StringField(a$,p1,#CRLF$) : c$=""  
  For p2=1 To CountString(b$,Chr(32))+1  
  PrintN(LSet(b$,36,Chr(32))+" ---> "+Trim(c$))  
Hey you, Bub!                        ---> Bub! you, Hey
---------- Ice and Fire ------------ ---> ------------ Fire and Ice ----------
fire, in end will world the say Some ---> Some say the world will end in fire,
ice. in say Some                     ---> Some say in ice.
desire of tasted I've what From      ---> From what I've tasted of desire
fire. favor who those with hold I    ---> I hold with those who favor fire.
... elided paragraph last ...        ---> ... last paragraph elided ...
Frost Robert ----------------------- ---> ----------------------- Robert Frost


 text = '''\
---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...

Frost Robert -----------------------'''

for line in text.split('\n'): print(' '.join(line.split()[::-1]))


------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


  ' [ $ "  ---------- Ice and Fire ------------  "
      $ ""
      $ "   fire, in end will world the say Some "
      $ "   ice. in say Some                     "
      $ "   desire of tasted I've what From      "
      $ "   fire. favor who those with hold I    "
      $ ""
      $ "   ... elided paragraph last ...        "
      $ ""
      $ "   Frost Robert ----------------------- " ]
    [ do nest$ reverse 
           [ echo$ sp ]
      cr ]
------------ Fire and Ice ---------- 

Some say the world will end in fire, 
Some say in ice. 
From what I've tasted of desire 
I hold with those who favor fire. 

... last paragraph elided ... 

----------------------- Robert Frost 


whack <- function(s) {
  paste( rev( unlist(strsplit(s, " "))), collapse=' ' ) }

poem <- unlist( strsplit(
'------------ Eldorado ----------

... here omitted lines ...

Mountains the "Over
Moon, the Of
Shadow, the of Valley the Down
ride," boldly Ride,
replied,--- shade The
Eldorado!" for seek you "If

Poe Edgar -----------------------', "\n"))

for (line in poem) cat( whack(line), "\n" )
---------- Eldorado ------------

... lines omitted here ...

"Over the Mountains
Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied,---
"If you seek for Eldorado!"

----------------------- Edgar Poe

As a dangerous stunt, let's redefine "{". (Everything that happens in R is a function-call.)

> `{`  <-  function(s) rev(unlist(strsplit(s, " ")))
> {"one two three four five"}
[1] "five"  "four"  "three" "two"   "one"

You had better restart your REPL after trying this.


#lang racket/base

(require racket/string)

(define (split-reverse str)
    (string-split str))))

(define poem 
  "---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I
... elided paragraph last ...
Frost Robert -----------------------")

(let ([poem-port (open-input-string poem)])
  (let loop ([l (read-line poem-port)])
    (unless (eof-object? l)
      (begin (displayln (split-reverse l))
              (loop (read-line poem-port))))))

In Wheeler-readable/sweet notation ( as implemented by Asumu Takikawa (

#lang sweet-exp racket/base
require racket/string

define split-reverse(str)
  string-join $ reverse $ string-split str

define poem 
  "---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I
... elided paragraph last ...
Frost Robert -----------------------"
    poem-port $ open-input-string poem
  let loop
      l $ read-line poem-port
    unless eof-object?(l)
        displayln split-reverse(l)
        loop read-line(poem-port)


(formerly Perl 6) We'll read input from stdin

say ~.words.reverse for lines
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


Red []
foreach line
{---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I
... elided paragraph last ...
Frost Robert -----------------------} newline [
 print reverse split line " "


natural order

This REXX version process the words in a natural order (first to last).

/*REXX program reverses the order of tokens in a string (but not the letters).*/
@.=;                    @.1  =  "---------- Ice and Fire ------------"
                        @.2  =  ' '
                        @.3  =  "fire, in end will world the say Some"
                        @.4  =  "ice. in say Some"
                        @.5  =  "desire of tasted I've what From"
                        @.6  =  "fire. favor who those with hold I"
                        @.7  =  ' '
                        @.8  =  "... elided paragraph last ..."
                        @.9  =  ' '
                        @.10 =  "Frost Robert -----------------------"

  do j=1  while  @.j\==''              /*process each of the 10 lines of poem.*/
  $=                                   /*nullify the  $  string (the new line)*/
     do k=1  for  words(@.j)           /*process each word in a   @.j  string.*/
     $=word(@.j,k) $                   /*prepend a word to the new line  ($). */
     end   /*k*/                       /* [↑]  we could do this another way.  */

  say $                                /*display the newly constructed line.  */
  end      /*j*/                       /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */

output   when using the (internal text) ten lines of input:

------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost

reverse order

This REXX version process the words in reverse order (last to first).

/*REXX program reverses the order of tokens in a string (but not the letters).*/
@.=;                    @.1  =  "---------- Ice and Fire ------------"
                        @.2  =  ' '
                        @.3  =  "fire, in end will world the say Some"
                        @.4  =  "ice. in say Some"
                        @.5  =  "desire of tasted I've what From"
                        @.6  =  "fire. favor who those with hold I"
                        @.7  =  ' '
                        @.8  =  "... elided paragraph last ..."
                        @.9  =  ' '
                        @.10 =  "Frost Robert -----------------------"

  do j=1  while  @.j\==''              /*process each of the 10 lines of poem.*/
  $=                                   /*nullify the  $  string (the new line)*/
     do k=words(@.j)   to 1   by -1    /*process each word in a   @.j  string.*/
     $=$  word(@.j,k)                  /*append a word to the new line  ($).  */
     end   /*k*/                       /* [↑]  process last word to first word*/

  say $                                /*display the newly constructed line.  */
  end      /*j*/                       /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */

output   is the same as the 1st REXX version.


aList = str2list("
---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...

Frost Robert -----------------------
aList = str2list(cStr)
for x in aList
   x2 = substr(x," ",nl) alist2 = str2list(x2) aList2 = reverse(aList2)
   for y in aList2 see y + " " next see nl


------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...
----------------------- Robert Frost


« { } 
     LASTARG → sep
     « OVER 1 sep SUB +
       SWAP sep 1 + OVER SIZE SUB SWAP

{ "---------- Ice and Fire ------------" "" "fire, in end will world the say Some" "ice. in say Some" "desire of tasted I've what From" "fire. favor who those with hold I"  ""  "... elided paragraph last ..." "" "Frost Robert -----------------------" }
1: { "------------ Fire and Ice ----------" 
     "Some say the world will end in fire," 
     "Some say in ice."
     "From what I've tasted of desire"
     "I hold with those who favor fire."
     "... last paragraph elided ..."
     "----------------------- Robert Frost" }


puts <<EOS
---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...

Frost Robert -----------------------
EOS {|line| line.split.reverse.join(' ')}

Output the same as everyone else's.


for i = 1 to 10
    read string$
   j = 1
   r$ = ""
    while word$(string$,j) <> ""
     r$ = word$(string$,j) + " " + r$
     j = j + 1
    print r$
data "---------- Ice and Fire ------------"
data ""
data "fire, in end will world the say Some"
data "ice. in say Some"
data "desire of tasted I've what From"
data "fire. favor who those with hold I"
data ""
data "... elided paragraph last ..."
data ""
data "Frost Robert -----------------------"


------------ Fire and Ice ---------- 

Some say the world will end in fire, 
Some say in ice. 
From what I''ve tasted of desire 
I hold with those who favor fire. 

... last paragraph elided ... 

----------------------- Robert Frost 


const TEXT: &'static str = 
"---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I
... elided paragraph last ...
Frost Robert -----------------------";
fn main() {
             TEXT.lines() // Returns iterator over lines
             .map(|line|  // Applies closure to each item in iterator (for each line)
                  line.split_whitespace() // Returns iterator of words
                  .rev() // Reverses iterator of words
                  .collect::<Vec<_>>() // Collects words into Vec<&str>
                  .join(" ")) // Convert vector of words back into line
             .collect::<Vec<_>>() // Collect lines into Vec<String>
             .join("\n")); // Concatenate lines into String


variable ln, in =
  ["---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
   "fire, in end will world the say Some",
   "ice. in say Some",
   "desire of tasted I've what From",
   "fire. favor who those with hold I",
   "... elided paragraph last ...",
   "Frost Robert -----------------------"];

foreach ln (in) {
  ln = strtok(ln, " \t");
  () = printf("%s\n", strjoin(ln, " "));
------------ Fire and Ice ----------
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


Works with: Scala version 2.9.x
object ReverseWords extends App {

  """|  ---------- Ice and Fire ------------
     |  fire, in end will world the say Some  
     |  ice. in say Some                      
     |  desire of tasted I've what From       
     |  fire. favor who those with hold I     
     |  ... elided paragraph last ...         
     |  Frost Robert -----------------------  """{_.split(" ")}.map{_.reverse}
    .map(_.mkString(" "))
 ------------ Fire and Ice ----------

 Some say the world will end in fire,
 Some say in ice.
 From what I've tasted of desire
 I hold with those who favor fire.

 ... last paragraph elided ...

 ----------------------- Robert Frost


Works with: Gauche Scheme
  (lambda (s) (print (string-join (reverse (string-split s #/ +/)))))
    "---------- Ice and Fire ------------

    fire, in end will world the say Some
    ice. in say Some
    desire of tasted I've what From
    fire. favor who those with hold I

    ... elided paragraph last ...

    Frost Robert -----------------------"
    #/[ \r]*\n[ \r]*/))


------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


#!/usr/bin/sed -f

s/^[[:space:]]*\([^[:space:]][^[:space:]]*\)\(.*\n\)/\2 \1/
t loop


$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const array string: lines is [] (
    "---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
    "fire, in end will world the say Some",
    "ice. in say Some",
    "desire of tasted I've what From",
    "fire. favor who those with hold I",
    "... elided paragraph last ...",
    "Frost Robert -----------------------");

const proc: main is func
    var string: line is "";
    var array string: words is 0 times "";
    var integer: index is 0;
    for line range lines do
      words := split(line, ' ');
      for index range length(words) downto 1 do
        write(words[index] <& " ");
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;
------------ Fire and Ice ---------- 
Some say the world will end in fire, 
Some say in ice. 
From what I've tasted of desire 
I hold with those who favor fire. 
... last paragraph elided ... 
----------------------- Robert Frost 


set poem to {{
---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...

Frost Robert -----------------------

repeat with each line in poem
	put (each word of it) reversed joined by space
end repeat
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


DATA.each{|line| line.words.reverse.join(" ").say};

---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...

Frost Robert -----------------------


poem := '---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I''ve what From
fire. favor who those with hold I
... elided paragraph last ...
Frost Robert -----------------------'.

(poem lines collect: [ :line | ((line splitOn: ' ') reverse) joinUsing: ' '  ]) joinUsing: (String cr).
'------------ Fire and Ice ----------
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I''ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
... last paragraph elided ...
----------------------- Robert Frost'


This only considers space as the word separator, not tabs, form feeds or any other sort of whitespace. (This, however, turns out not to be an issue with the example input.)

let lines = split("---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...

Frost Robert -----------------------", "\n");

foreach(lines, function(idx, line) {
	let words = split(line, " ");
	let reverseWords = map(words, function(idx) { return words[sizeof words - idx - 1]; });
	foreach(reverseWords, function(idx, word) {
		printf("%s ", word);


Standard ML

val lines = [
  " ---------- Ice and Fire ------------ ",
  "                                      ",
  " fire, in end will world the say Some ",
  " ice. in say Some                     ",
  " desire of tasted I've what From      ",
  " fire. favor who those with hold I    ",
  "                                      ",
  " ... elided paragraph last ...        ",
  "                                      ",
  " Frost Robert ----------------------- "

val revWords = String.concatWith " " o rev o String.tokens Char.isSpace

val () = app (fn line => print (revWords line ^ "\n")) lines


import Foundation

// convenience extension for better clarity
extension String {
    var lines: [String] {
        get {
            return self.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.newlineCharacterSet())
    var words: [String] {
        get {
            return self.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceCharacterSet())

let input = "---------- Ice and Fire ------------\n\nfire, in end will world the say Some\nice. in say Some\ndesire of tasted I've what From\nfire. favor who those with hold I\n\n... elided paragraph last ...\n\nFrost Robert -----------------------\n"

let output = { $0.words.reverse().joinWithSeparator(" ") }.joinWithSeparator("\n")

------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


def input: ['---------- Ice and Fire ------------',
                    'fire, in end will world the say Some',
                    'ice. in say Some',
                    'desire of tasted I''ve what From',
                    'fire. favor who those with hold I',
                    '... elided paragraph last ...',
                    'Frost Robert -----------------------']
composer words
  [ <word>* ]
  rule word: <~WS> <WS>?
end words
$input... -> '$ -> words -> $(last..first:-1)...;
' -> !OUT::write


set lines {
    "---------- Ice and Fire ------------"
    "fire, in end will world the say Some"
    "ice. in say Some"
    "desire of tasted I've what From"
    "fire. favor who those with hold I"
    "... elided paragraph last ..."
    "Frost Robert -----------------------"
foreach line $lines {
    puts [join [lreverse [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $line]]]
    # This would also work for data this simple:
    ### puts [lreverse $line]
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


Works with: Tcl version 8.6
puts [join [lmap line $lines {lreverse $line}] "\n"]


Run from command line:

txr reverse.txr verse.txt


@  (some)
@(coll)@{words /[^ ]+/}@(end)
@  (or)
@(bind words nil)
@  (end)
@(set words @(mapcar (fun nreverse) words))
@  (repeat)
@(rep)@words @(last)@words@(end)
@  (end)

New line should be present after the last @(end) terminating vertical definition. i.e.




UNIX Shell

Works with: bash
while read -a words; do
    for ((i=${#words[@]}-1; i>=0; i--)); do
        printf "%s " "${words[i]}"
done << END
---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some                   
desire of tasted I've what From   
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...       

Frost Robert ----------------------- 
Works with: ksh

Same as above, except change

read -a


read -A


Option Explicit

Sub Main()
Dim Lines(9) As String, i&
    Lines(0) = "------------- Ice And Fire -------------"
    Lines(1) = ""
    Lines(2) = "fire, in end will world the say Some"
    Lines(3) = "ice. in say Some"
    Lines(4) = "desire of tasted I've what From"
    Lines(5) = "fire. favor who those with hold I"
    Lines(6) = ""
    Lines(7) = "... elided paragraph last ..."
    Lines(8) = ""
    Lines(9) = "Frost Robert -----------------------"
    For i = 0 To 9
        Debug.Print ReverseLine(Lines(i), " ")
End Sub

Private Function ReverseLine(Line As String, Optional Separat As String) As String
Dim T, R, i&, j&, deb&, fin&
    If Len(Line) = 0 Then
        ReverseLine = vbNullString
        If Separat = "" Then Separat = " "
        T = Split(Line, Separat)
        ReDim R(UBound(T)): j = LBound(T)
        deb = UBound(T): fin = deb / 2
        For i = deb To fin Step -1
            R(j) = T(i)
            R(i) = T(j)
            j = j + 1
        Next i
        ReverseLine = Join(R, Separat)
    End If
End Function
------------- Fire And Ice -------------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


Option Explicit

Dim objFSO, objInFile, objOutFile
Dim srcDir, line

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

srcDir = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) & "\"

Set objInFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(srcDir & "In.txt",1,False,0)

Set objOutFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(srcDir & "Out.txt",2,True,0)

Do Until objInFile.AtEndOfStream
	line = objInFile.ReadLine
	If line = "" Then
		objOutFile.WriteLine ""
		objOutFile.WriteLine Reverse_String(line)
	End If

Function Reverse_String(s)
	Dim arr, i
	arr = Split(s," ")
	For i = UBound(arr) To LBound(arr) Step -1
		If arr(i) <> "" Then
			If i = UBound(arr) Then
				Reverse_String = Reverse_String & arr(i)
				Reverse_String = Reverse_String & " " & arr(i)
			End If
		End If
End Function

Set objFSO = Nothing

Output written to a file.

 ------------ Fire and Ice ----------

 Some say the world will end in fire,
 Some say in ice.
 From what I've tasted of desire
 I hold with those who favor fire.

 ... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost

V (Vlang)

fn main() {
    mut n := [
        "---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
        "                                    ",
        "fire, in end will world the say Some",
        "ice. in say Some                    ",
        "desire of tasted I've what From     ",
        "fire. favor who those with hold I   ",
        "                                    ",
        "... elided paragraph last ...       ",
        "                                    ",
        "Frost Robert -----------------------",
    for i, s in n {
        mut t := s.fields() // tokenize
        // reverse
        last := t.len - 1
        for j, k in t[..t.len/2] {
            t[j], t[last-j] = t[last-j], k
        n[i] = t.join(" ")
    // display result
    for t in n {

Simpler version:

mut n := [
  "---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
  "                                    ",
  "fire, in end will world the say Some",
  "ice. in say Some                    ",
  "desire of tasted I've what From     ",
  "fire. favor who those with hold I   ",
  "                                    ",
  "... elided paragraph last ...       ",
  "                                    ",
  "Frost Robert -----------------------",

    it.fields().reverse().join(' ').trim_space()

------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


var  lines = [
    "---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
    "                                    ",
    "fire, in end will world the say Some",
    "ice. in say Some                    ",
    "desire of tasted I've what From     ",
    "fire. favor who those with hold I   ",
    "                                    ",
    "... elided paragraph last ...       ",
    "                                    ",
    "Frost Robert -----------------------"

for (line in lines) {
    var tokens = line.trim().split(" ")
    tokens = tokens[-1..0]
    System.print(tokens.join(" "))
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


func revWords(x:string=""){
	(x=="")&=>send x+"<br>";
	set sp = x::split(" ");
	send sp::reverse()::join(" ");
set lines:array=[
	"---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
	"fire, in end will world the say Some",
	"ice. in say Some",
	"desire of tasted I've what From",
	"fire. favor who those with hold I",
	"... elided paragraph last ...",
	"Frost Robert -----------------------",
foreach(v of lines){
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost


string 0;
def LF=$0A, CR=$0D;

proc Reverse(Str, Len); \Reverse order of chars in string
char Str; int Len;
int  I, J, T;
[I:= 0;
J:= Len-1;
while I < J do
    [T:= Str(I);  Str(I):= Str(J);  Str(J):= T;
    I:= I+1;  J:= J-1;

char Str;
int  I, LineBase, WordBase;
"---------- Ice and Fire ------------
fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I
... elided paragraph last ...
Frost Robert -----------------------";
I:= 0;
repeat  LineBase:= I;
        loop    [WordBase:= I;
                repeat I:= I+1 until Str(I) <= $20;
                Reverse(@Str(WordBase), I-WordBase);
                if Str(I)=CR or Str(I)=LF or Str(I)=0 then quit;
                I:= I+1;        \skip space
        Reverse(@Str(LineBase), I-LineBase);
        while Str(I)=CR or Str(I)=LF do I:= I+1;
until   Str(I) = 0;
Text(0, Str);
------------ Fire and Ice ----------
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
... last paragraph elided ...
----------------------- Robert Frost


data "  ---------- Ice and Fire ------------  "
data "                                        "
data "  fire, in end will world the say Some  "
data "  ice. in say Some                      "
data "  desire of tasted I've what From       "
data "  fire. favor who those with hold I     "
data "                                        "
data "  ... elided paragraph last ...         "
data "                                        "
data "  Frost Robert -----------------------  "
data ""

dim w$(1)

    read l$
    if l$ <> "" then
        n = token(l$, w$(), " ")
        for i = n to 1 step -1
            print w$(i), " ";
    end if


"---------- Ice and Fire ------------

fire, in end will world the say Some
ice. in say Some
desire of tasted I've what From
fire. favor who those with hold I

... elided paragraph last ...

Frost Robert -----------------------");

text.pump(11,Data,fcn(s){ // process stripped lines
   s.split(" ").reverse().concat(" ") + "\n" })
------------ Fire and Ice ----------

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

... last paragraph elided ...

----------------------- Robert Frost