Catalan numbers
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Catalan numbers. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance) |
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Catalan numbers are a sequence of numbers which can be defined directly:
Or recursively:
Or alternatively (also recursive):
- Task
Implement at least one of these algorithms and print out the first 15 Catalan numbers with each.
Memoization is not required, but may be worth the effort when using the second method above.
- Related tasks
360 Assembly
Very compact version. <lang 360asm>CATALAN CSECT
USING CATALAN,R15 LA R7,1 c=1 LA R6,1 i=1
LOOPI CH R6,=H'15' do i=1 to 15
BH ELOOPI XDECO R6,PG edit i LR R5,R6 i SLA R5,1 *2 BCTR R5,0 -1 SLA R5,1 *2 MR R4,R7 *c LA R6,1(R6) i=i+1 DR R4,R6 /i LR R7,R5 c=2*(2*i-1)*c/(i+1) XDECO R7,PG+12 edit c XPRNT PG,24 print B LOOPI next i
- Output:
1 1 2 2 3 5 4 14 5 42 6 132 7 429 8 1430 9 4862 10 16796 11 58786 12 208012 13 742900 14 2674440 15 9694845
<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Test_Catalan is
function Catalan (N : Natural) return Natural is Result : Positive := 1; begin for I in 1..N loop Result := Result * 2 * (2 * I - 1) / (I + 1); end loop; return Result; end Catalan;
for N in 0..15 loop Put_Line (Integer'Image (N) & " =" & Integer'Image (Catalan (N))); end loop;
end Test_Catalan;</lang>
- Sample output:
0 = 1 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 5 4 = 14 5 = 42 6 = 132 7 = 429 8 = 1430 9 = 4862 10 = 16796 11 = 58786 12 = 208012 13 = 742900 14 = 2674440 15 = 9694845
<lang algol68># calculate the first few catalan numbers, using LONG INT values #
- (64-bit quantities in Algol 68G which can handle up to C23) #
- returns n!/k! #
PROC factorial over factorial = ( INT n, k )LONG INT:
IF k > n THEN 0 ELIF k = n THEN 1 ELSE # k < n # LONG INT f := 1; FOR i FROM k + 1 TO n DO f *:= i OD; f FI # factorial over factorial # ;
- returns n! #
PROC factorial = ( INT n )LONG INT:
BEGIN LONG INT f := 1; FOR i FROM 2 TO n DO f *:= i OD; f END # factorial # ;
- returnss the nth Catalan number using binomial coefficeients #
- uses the factorial over factorial procedure for a slight optimisation #
- note: Cn = 1/(n+1)(2n n) #
- = (2n)!/((n+1)!n!) #
- = factorial over factorial( 2n, n+1 )/n! #
PROC catalan = ( INT n )LONG INT: IF n < 2 THEN 1 ELSE factorial over factorial( n + n, n + 1 ) OVER factorial( n ) FI;
- show the first few catalan numbers #
print( ( whole( i, -2 ), ": ", whole( catalan( i ), 0 ), newline ) )
- Output:
0: 1 1: 1 2: 2 3: 5 4: 14 5: 42 6: 132 7: 429 8: 1430 9: 4862 10: 16796 11: 58786 12: 208012 13: 742900 14: 2674440 15: 9694845
<lang apl> {(!2×⍵)÷(!⍵+1)×!⍵}(⍳15)-1</lang>
- Output:
1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440
As AutoHotkey has no BigInt, the formula had to be tweaked to prevent overflow. It still fails after n=22 <lang AHK>Loop 15
out .= "`n" Catalan(A_Index)
Msgbox % clipboard := SubStr(out, 2) catalan( n ) {
- By [VxE]. Returns ((2n)! / ((n + 1)! * n!)) if 0 <= N <= 22 (higher than 22 results in overflow)
If ( n < 3 ) ; values less than 3 are handled specially
Return n < 0 ? "" : n = 0 ? 1 : n
i := 1 ; initialize the accumulator to 1
Loop % n - 1 >> 1 ; build the numerator by multiplying odd values between 2N and N+1
i *= 1 + ( n - A_Index << 1 )
i <<= ( n - 2 >> 1 ) ; multiply the numerator by powers of 2 according to N
Loop % n - 3 >> 1 ; finish up by (integer) dividing by each of the non-cancelling factors
i //= A_Index + 2
Return i }</lang>
- Output:
1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845
for (i=0; i<=15; i++) { printf("%2d %10d\n",i,catalan(i)) } exit(0)
} function catalan(n, ans) {
if (n == 0) { ans = 1 } else { ans = ((2*(2*n-1))/(n+1))*catalan(n-1) } return(ans)
- Output:
0 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 4 14 5 42 6 132 7 429 8 1430 9 4862 10 16796 11 58786 12 208012 13 742900 14 2674440 15 9694845
means this will not work in QBasic (although that could be worked around if desired).
<lang qbasic>DECLARE FUNCTION catalan (n as INTEGER) AS SINGLE
FOR x% = 1 TO 15
PRINT x%, catalan (x%)
IF UBOUND(results) < n THEN REDIM PRESERVE results(n)
IF 0 = n THEN results(0) = 1 ELSE results(n) = ((2 * ((2 * n) - 1)) / (n + 1)) * catalan(n - 1) END IF catalan = results(n)
- Output:
1 1 2 2 3 5 4 14 5 42 6 132 7 429 8 1430 9 4862 10 16796 11 58786 12 208012 13 742900 14 2674440 15 9694845
<lang bbcbasic> FOR i% = 1 TO 15
PRINT FNcatalan(i%) NEXT END DEF FNcatalan(n%) IF n% = 0 THEN = 1 = 2 * (2 * n% - 1) * FNcatalan(n% - 1) / (n% + 1)</lang>
- Output:
1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845
<lang befunge>0>:.:000p1>\:00g-#v_v v 2-1*2p00 :+1g00\< $ > **00g1+/^v,*84,"="< _^#<`*53:+1>#,.#+5< @</lang>
- Output:
0 = 1 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 5 4 = 14 5 = 42 6 = 132 7 = 429 8 = 1430 9 = 4862 10 = 16796 11 = 58786 12 = 208012 13 = 742900 14 = 2674440 15 = 9694845
<lang bracmat>( out$straight & ( C
= . ( F = i prod . !arg:0&1 | 1:?prod & 0:?i & whl ' ( 1+!i:~>!arg:?i & !i*!prod:?prod ) & !prod ) & F$(2*!arg)*(F$(!arg+1)*F$!arg)^-1 )
& -1:?n & whl
' ( 1+!n:~>15:?n & out$(str$(C !n " = " C$!n)) )
& out$"recursive, with memoization, without fractions" & :?seenCs & ( C
= i sum . !arg:0&1 | ( !seenCs:? (!arg.?sum) ? | 0:?sum & -1:?i & whl ' ( 1+!i:<!arg:?i & C$!i*C$(-1+!arg+-1*!i)+!sum:?sum ) & (!arg.!sum) !seenCs:?seenCs ) & !sum )
& -1:?n & whl
' ( 1+!n:~>15:?n & out$(str$(C !n " = " C$!n)) )
& out$"recursive, without memoization, with fractions" & ( C
= . !arg:0&1 | 2*(2*!arg+-1)*(!arg+1)^-1*C$(!arg+-1) )
& -1:?n & whl
' ( 1+!n:~>15:?n & out$(str$(C !n " = " C$!n)) )
& out$"Using taylor expansion of sqrt(1-4X). (See" & out$(1+(1+-1*tay$((1+-4*X)^1/2,X,16))*(2*X)^-1+-1) & out$ );</lang>
- Output:
<lang bracmat>straight C0 = 1 C1 = 1 C2 = 2 C3 = 5 C4 = 14 C5 = 42 C6 = 132 C7 = 429 C8 = 1430 C9 = 4862 C10 = 16796 C11 = 58786 C12 = 208012 C13 = 742900 C14 = 2674440 C15 = 9694845 recursive, with memoization, without fractions C0 = 1 C1 = 1 C2 = 2 C3 = 5 C4 = 14 C5 = 42 C6 = 132 C7 = 429 C8 = 1430 C9 = 4862 C10 = 16796 C11 = 58786 C12 = 208012 C13 = 742900 C14 = 2674440 C15 = 9694845 recursive, without memoization, with fractions C0 = 1 C1 = 1 C2 = 2 C3 = 5 C4 = 14 C5 = 42 C6 = 132 C7 = 429 C8 = 1430 C9 = 4862 C10 = 16796 C11 = 58786 C12 = 208012 C13 = 742900 C14 = 2674440 C15 = 9694845 Using taylor expansion of sqrt(1-4X). (See
+ X + 2*X^2 + 5*X^3 + 14*X^4 + 42*X^5 + 132*X^6 + 429*X^7 + 1430*X^8 + 4862*X^9 + 16796*X^10 + 58786*X^11 + 208012*X^12 + 742900*X^13 + 2674440*X^14 + 9694845*X^15 </lang>
<lang brat>catalan = { n |
true? n == 0 { 1 } { (2 * ( 2 * n - 1) / ( n + 1 )) * catalan(n - 1) }
} 15 { n |
p "#{n} - #{catalan n}"
- Output:
0 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 2 3 - 5 4 - 14 5 - 42 6 - 132 7 - 429 8 - 1430 9 - 4862 10 - 16796 11 - 58786 12 - 208012 13 - 742900 14 - 2674440 15 - 9694845
All three methods mentioned in the task: <lang c>#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned long long ull;
ull binomial(ull m, ull n) { ull r = 1, d = m - n; if (d > n) { n = d; d = m - n; }
while (m > n) { r *= m--; while (d > 1 && ! (r%d) ) r /= d--; }
return r; }
ull catalan1(int n) { return binomial(2 * n, n) / (1 + n); }
ull catalan2(int n) { int i; ull r = !n;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) r += catalan2(i) * catalan2(n - 1 - i); return r; }
ull catalan3(int n) { return n ? 2 * (2 * n - 1) * catalan3(n - 1) / (1 + n) : 1; }
int main(void) { int i; puts("\tdirect\tsumming\tfrac"); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { printf("%d\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\n", i, catalan1(i), catalan2(i), catalan3(i)); }
return 0; }</lang>
- Output:
direct summing frac 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 4 14 14 14 5 42 42 42 6 132 132 132 7 429 429 429 8 1430 1430 1430 9 4862 4862 4862 10 16796 16796 16796 11 58786 58786 58786 12 208012 208012 208012 13 742900 742900 742900 14 2674440 2674440 2674440 15 9694845 9694845 9694845
<lang csharp>namespace CatalanNumbers {
/// <summary> /// Class that holds all options. /// </summary> public class CatalanNumberGenerator { private static double Factorial(double n) { if (n == 0) return 1;
return n * Factorial(n - 1); }
public double FirstOption(double n) { const double topMultiplier = 2; return Factorial(topMultiplier * n) / (Factorial(n + 1) * Factorial(n)); }
public double SecondOption(double n) { if (n == 0) { return 1; } double sum = 0; double i = 0; for (; i <= (n - 1); i++) { sum += SecondOption(i) * SecondOption((n - 1) - i); } return sum; }
public double ThirdOption(double n) { if (n == 0) { return 1; } return ((2 * (2 * n - 1)) / (n + 1)) * ThirdOption(n - 1); } }
// Program.cs
using System;
using System.Configuration;
// Main program // Be sure to add the following to the App.config file and add a reference to System.Configuration: // <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> // <configuration> // <appSettings> // <clear/> // <add key="MaxCatalanNumber" value="50"/> // </appSettings> // </configuration> namespace CatalanNumbers {
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { CatalanNumberGenerator generator = new CatalanNumberGenerator(); int i = 0; DateTime initial; DateTime final; TimeSpan ts;
try { initial = DateTime.Now; for (; i <= Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaxCatalanNumber"]); i++) { Console.WriteLine("CatalanNumber({0}):{1}", i, generator.FirstOption(i)); } final = DateTime.Now; ts = final - initial; Console.WriteLine("It took {0}.{1} to execute\n", ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds);
i = 0; initial = DateTime.Now; for (; i <= Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaxCatalanNumber"]); i++) { Console.WriteLine("CatalanNumber({0}):{1}", i, generator.SecondOption(i)); } final = DateTime.Now; ts = final - initial; Console.WriteLine("It took {0}.{1} to execute\n", ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds);
i = 0; initial = DateTime.Now; for (; i <= Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaxCatalanNumber"]); i++) { Console.WriteLine("CatalanNumber({0}):{1}", i, generator.ThirdOption(i)); } final = DateTime.Now; ts = final - initial; Console.WriteLine("It took {0}.{1} to execute", ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds, ts.TotalMilliseconds); Console.ReadLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Stopped at index {0}:", i); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
- Output:
CatalanNumber(0):1 CatalanNumber(1):1 CatalanNumber(2):2 CatalanNumber(3):5 CatalanNumber(4):14 CatalanNumber(5):42 CatalanNumber(6):132 CatalanNumber(7):429 CatalanNumber(8):1430 CatalanNumber(9):4862 CatalanNumber(10):16796 CatalanNumber(11):58786 CatalanNumber(12):208012 CatalanNumber(13):742900 CatalanNumber(14):2674440 CatalanNumber(15):9694845 It took 0.14 to execute CatalanNumber(0):1 CatalanNumber(1):1 CatalanNumber(2):2 CatalanNumber(3):5 CatalanNumber(4):14 CatalanNumber(5):42 CatalanNumber(6):132 CatalanNumber(7):429 CatalanNumber(8):1430 CatalanNumber(9):4862 CatalanNumber(10):16796 CatalanNumber(11):58786 CatalanNumber(12):208012 CatalanNumber(13):742900 CatalanNumber(14):2674440 CatalanNumber(15):9694845 It took 0.922 to execute CatalanNumber(0):1 CatalanNumber(1):1 CatalanNumber(2):2 CatalanNumber(3):5 CatalanNumber(4):14 CatalanNumber(5):42 CatalanNumber(6):132 CatalanNumber(7):429 CatalanNumber(8):1430 CatalanNumber(9):4862 CatalanNumber(10):16796 CatalanNumber(11):58786 CatalanNumber(12):208012 CatalanNumber(13):742900 CatalanNumber(14):2674440 CatalanNumber(15):9694845 It took 0.3 to execute
4 Classes
We declare 4 classes representing the four different algorithms for calculating Catalan numbers as given in the description of the task. In addition, we declare two supporting classes for the calculation of factorials and binomial coefficients. Because these two are only internal supporting code they are hidden in namespace 'detail'. Overloading the function call operator to execute the calculation is an obvious decision when using C++. (algorithms.h) <lang cpp>#if !defined __ALGORITHMS_H__
- define __ALGORITHMS_H__
namespace rosetta
{ namespace catalanNumbers { namespace detail {
class Factorial { public: unsigned long long operator()(unsigned n)const; };
class BinomialCoefficient { public: unsigned long long operator()(unsigned n, unsigned k)const; };
} //namespace detail
class CatalanNumbersDirectFactorial { public: CatalanNumbersDirectFactorial(); unsigned long long operator()(unsigned n)const; private: detail::Factorial factorial; };
class CatalanNumbersDirectBinomialCoefficient { public: CatalanNumbersDirectBinomialCoefficient(); unsigned long long operator()(unsigned n)const; private: detail::BinomialCoefficient binomialCoefficient; };
class CatalanNumbersRecursiveSum { public: CatalanNumbersRecursiveSum(); unsigned long long operator()(unsigned n)const; };
class CatalanNumbersRecursiveFraction { public: CatalanNumbersRecursiveFraction(); unsigned long long operator()(unsigned n)const; };
} //namespace catalanNumbers } //namespace rosetta
- endif //!defined __ALGORITHMS_H__</lang>
Here is the implementation of the algorithms. The c'tor of each class tells us the algorithm which will be used. (algorithms.cpp) <lang cpp>#include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl;
- include <cmath>
using std::floor;
- include "algorithms.h"
using namespace rosetta::catalanNumbers;
{ cout<<"Direct calculation using the factorial"<<endl; }
unsigned long long CatalanNumbersDirectFactorial::operator()(unsigned n)const
{ if(n>1) { unsigned long long nFac = factorial(n); return factorial(2 * n) / ((n + 1) * nFac * nFac); } else { return 1; } }
{ cout<<"Direct calculation using a binomial coefficient"<<endl; }
unsigned long long CatalanNumbersDirectBinomialCoefficient::operator()(unsigned n)const
{ if(n>1) return double(1) / (n + 1) * binomialCoefficient(2 * n, n); else return 1; }
{ cout<<"Recursive calculation using a sum"<<endl; }
unsigned long long CatalanNumbersRecursiveSum::operator()(unsigned n)const
{ if(n>1) { const unsigned n_ = n - 1; unsigned long long sum = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i <= n_; i++) sum += operator()(i) * operator()(n_ - i); return sum; } else { return 1; } }
{ cout<<"Recursive calculation using a fraction"<<endl; }
unsigned long long CatalanNumbersRecursiveFraction::operator()(unsigned n)const
{ if(n>1) return (double(2 * (2 * n - 1)) / (n + 1)) * operator()(n-1); else return 1; }
unsigned long long detail::Factorial::operator()(unsigned n)const
{ if(n>1) return n * operator()(n-1); else return 1; }
unsigned long long detail::BinomialCoefficient::operator()(unsigned n, unsigned k)const
{ if(k == 0) return 1; if(n == 0) return 0;
double product = 1; for(unsigned i = 1; i <= k; i++) product *= (double(n - (k - i)) / i); return (unsigned long long)(floor(product + 0.5)); }</lang>
In order to test what we have done, a class Test is created. Using the template parameters N (number of Catalan numbers to be calculated) and A (the kind of algorithm to be used) the compiler will create code for all the test cases we need. What would C++ be without templates ;-) (tester.h) <lang cpp>#if !defined __TESTER_H__
- define __TESTER_H__
- include <iostream>
namespace rosetta
{ namespace catalanNumbers {
template <int N, typename A> class Test { public: static void Do() { A algorithm; for(int i = 0; i <= N; i++) std::cout<<"C("<<i<<")\t= "<<algorithm(i)<<std::endl; } };
} //namespace catalanNumbers } //namespace rosetta
- endif //!defined __TESTER_H__</lang>
Finally, we test the four different algorithms. Note that the first one (direct calculation using the factorial) only works up to N = 10 because some intermediate result (namely (2n)! with n = 11) exceeds the boundaries of an unsigned 64 bit integer. (catalanNumbersTest.cpp) <lang cpp>#include "algorithms.h"
- include "tester.h"
using namespace rosetta::catalanNumbers;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{ Test<10, CatalanNumbersDirectFactorial>::Do(); Test<15, CatalanNumbersDirectBinomialCoefficient>::Do(); Test<15, CatalanNumbersRecursiveFraction>::Do(); Test<15, CatalanNumbersRecursiveSum>::Do(); return 0; }</lang>
- Output:
(source code is compiled both by MS Visual C++ 10.0 (WinXP 32 bit) and GNU g++ 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit) compilers)
Direct calculation using the factorial C(0) = 1 C(1) = 1 C(2) = 2 C(3) = 5 C(4) = 14 C(5) = 42 C(6) = 132 C(7) = 429 C(8) = 1430 C(9) = 4862 C(10) = 16796 Direct calculation using a binomial coefficient C(0) = 1 C(1) = 1 C(2) = 2 C(3) = 5 C(4) = 14 C(5) = 42 C(6) = 132 C(7) = 428 C(8) = 1430 C(9) = 4862 C(10) = 16796 C(11) = 58786 C(12) = 208012 C(13) = 742900 C(14) = 2674440 C(15) = 9694845 Recursive calculation using a fraction C(0) = 1 C(1) = 1 C(2) = 2 C(3) = 5 C(4) = 14 C(5) = 42 C(6) = 132 C(7) = 429 C(8) = 1430 C(9) = 4862 C(10) = 16796 C(11) = 58786 C(12) = 208012 C(13) = 742900 C(14) = 2674440 C(15) = 9694845 Recursive calculation using a sum C(0) = 1 C(1) = 1 C(2) = 2 C(3) = 5 C(4) = 14 C(5) = 42 C(6) = 132 C(7) = 429 C(8) = 1430 C(9) = 4862 C(10) = 16796 C(11) = 58786 C(12) = 208012 C(13) = 742900 C(14) = 2674440 C(15) = 9694845
<lang Clojure>(def ! (memoize #(apply * (range 1 (inc %)))))
(defn catalan-numbers-direct []
(map #(/ (! (* 2 %))
(* (! (inc %)) (! %))) (range)))
(def catalan-numbers-recursive
#(->> [1 1] ; [c0 n1]
(iterate (fn c n [(* 2 (dec (* 2 n)) (/ (inc n)) c) (inc n)]) ,) (map first ,)))
user> (take 15 (catalan-numbers-direct)) (1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440)
user> (take 15 (catalan-numbers-recursive)) (1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440)</lang>
Common Lisp
With all three methods defined. <lang lisp>(defun catalan1 (n)
;; factorial. CLISP actually has "!" defined for this (labels ((! (x) (if (zerop x) 1 (* x (! (1- x)))))) (/ (! (* 2 n)) (! (1+ n)) (! n))))
- cache
(defparameter *catalans* (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t :element-type 'integer)) (defun catalan2 (n)
(if (zerop n) 1 ;; check cache (if (< n (length *catalans*)) (aref *catalans* n) (loop with c = 0 for i from 0 to (1- n) collect
(incf c (* (catalan2 i) (catalan2 (- n 1 i)))) ;; lower values always get calculated first, so ;; vector-push-extend is safe finally (progn (vector-push-extend c *catalans*) (return c))))))
(defun catalan3 (n)
(if (zerop n) 1 (/ (* 2 (+ n n -1) (catalan3 (1- n))) (1+ n))))
- test all three methods
(loop for f in (list #'catalan1 #'catalan2 #'catalan3)
for i from 1 to 3 do (format t "~%Method ~d:~%" i) (dotimes (i 16) (format t "C(~2d) = ~d~%" i (funcall f i))))</lang>
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.bigint, std.functional, std.range;
auto product(R)(R r) { return reduce!q{a * b}(1.BigInt, r); }
const cats1 = sequence!((a, n) => iota(n+2, 2*n+1).product / iota(1, n+1).product)(1);
BigInt cats2a(in uint n) {
alias mcats2a = memoize!cats2a; if (n == 0) return 1.BigInt; return!(i => mcats2a(i) * mcats2a(n - 1 - i)).sum;
const cats2 = sequence!((a, n) => n.cats2a);
const cats3 = recurrence!q{ (4*n - 2) * a[n - 1] / (n + 1) }(1.BigInt);
void main() {
foreach (cats; TypeTuple!(cats1, cats2, cats3)) cats.take(15).writeln;
- Output:
[1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, 58786, 208012, 742900, 2674440] [1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, 58786, 208012, 742900, 2674440] [1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, 58786, 208012, 742900, 2674440]
<lang scheme> (lib 'sequences) (lib 'bigint) (lib 'math)
- function definition
(define (C1 n) (/ (factorial (* n 2)) (factorial (1+ n)) (factorial n))) (for ((i [1 .. 16])) (write (C1 i)))
→ 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845
- using a recursive procedure with memoization
(define (C2 n) ;; ( Σ ...)is the same as (sigma ..) (Σ (lambda(i) (* (C2 i) (C2 (- n i 1)))) 0 (1- n))) (remember 'C2 #(1)) ;; first term defined here
(for ((i [1 .. 16])) (write (C2 i)))
→ 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845
- using procrastinators = infinite sequence
(define (catalan n acc) (/ (* acc 2 (1- (* 2 n))) (1+ n))) (define C3 (scanl catalan 1 [1 ..])) (take C3 15)
→ (1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845)
- the same, using infix notation
(lib 'match) (load 'infix.glisp)
(define (catalan n acc) ((2 * acc * ( 2 * n - 1)) / (n + 1))) (define C3 (scanl catalan 1 [1 ..]))
(take C3 15)
→ (1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845)
- or
(for ((c C3) (i 15)) (write c))
→ 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845
<lang Eiffel> class APPLICATION
create make
feature {NONE}
make do across 0 |..| 14 as c loop io.put_double (catalan_numbers (c.item)) io.new_line end end
nth_catalan_number (n: INTEGER): DOUBLE --'n'th number in the sequence of Catalan numbers. require n_not_negative: n >= 0 local s, t: DOUBLE do if n = 0 then Result := 1.0 else t := 4 * n.to_double - 2 s := n.to_double + 1 Result := t / s * catalan_numbers (n - 1) end end
- Output:
1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440
<lang elixir>defmodule Catalan do
def cat(n), do: div( factorial(2*n), factorial(n+1) * factorial(n) ) defp factorial(n), do: fac1(n,1) defp fac1(0, acc), do: acc defp fac1(n, acc), do: fac1(n-1, n*acc) def cat_r1(0), do: 1 def cat_r1(n), do: Enum.sum(for i <- 0..n-1, do: cat_r1(i) * cat_r1(n-1-i)) def cat_r2(0), do: 1 def cat_r2(n), do: div(cat_r2(n-1) * 2 * (2*n - 1), n + 1) def test do range = 0..14 :io.format "Directly:~n~p~n", [(for n <- range, do: cat(n))] :io.format "1st recusive method:~n~p~n", [(for n <- range, do: cat_r1(n))] :io.format "2nd recusive method:~n~p~n", [(for n <- range, do: cat_r2(n))] end
- Output:
Directly: [1,1,2,5,14,42,132,429,1430,4862,16796,58786,208012,742900,2674440] 1st recusive method: [1,1,2,5,14,42,132,429,1430,4862,16796,58786,208012,742900,2674440] 2nd recusive method: [1,1,2,5,14,42,132,429,1430,4862,16796,58786,208012,742900,2674440]
<lang erlang>-module(catalan).
cat(N) ->
factorial(2 * N) div (factorial(N+1) * factorial(N)).
factorial(N) ->
fac1(0,Acc) ->
fac1(N,Acc) ->
fac1(N-1, N * Acc).
cat_r1(0) ->
cat_r1(N) ->
lists:sum([cat_r1(I)*cat_r1(N-1-I) || I <- lists:seq(0,N-1)]).
cat_r2(0) ->
cat_r2(N) ->
cat_r2(N - 1) * (2 * ((2 * N) - 1)) div (N + 1).
test() ->
TestList = lists:seq(0,14), io:format("Directly:\n~p\n",| N <- TestList), io:format("1st recusive method:\n~p\n",| N <- TestList), io:format("2nd recusive method:\n~p\n",| N <- TestList).</lang>
- Output:
Directly: [1,1,2,5,14,42,132,429,1430,4862,16796,58786,208012,742900,2674440] 1st recusive method: [1,1,2,5,14,42,132,429,1430,4862,16796,58786,208012,742900,2674440] 2nd recusive method: [1,1,2,5,14,42,132,429,1430,4862,16796,58786,208012,742900,2674440]
RES=1 FOR I=1 TO N DO RES=RES*2*(2*I-1)/(I+1) END FOR
- Output:
0 = 1 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 5 4 = 14 5 = 42 6 = 132 7 = 429 8 = 1430 9 = 4862 10 = 16796 11 = 58786 12 = 208012 13 = 742900 14 = 2674440 15 = 9694845
<lang Euphoria>--Catalan number task from Rosetta Code wiki --User:Lnettnay
--function from factorial task function factorial(integer n) atom f = 1 while n > 1 do
f *= n n -= 1
end while
return f end function
function catalan(integer n) atom numerator = factorial(2 * n) atom denominator = factorial(n+1)*factorial(n) return numerator/denominator end function
for i = 0 to 15 do
? catalan(i)
end for</lang>
- Output:
1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845
This is the last solution, memoized by using arrays. Run in scratchpad. <lang factor>: next ( seq -- newseq )
[ ] [ last ] [ length ] tri [ 2 * 1 - 2 * ] [ 1 + ] bi / * suffix ;
- Catalan ( n -- seq ) V{ 1 } swap 1 - [ next ] times ;
15 Catalan . V{
1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440
<lang fantom>class Main {
static Int factorial (Int n) { Int res := 1 if (n>1) (2..n).each |i| { res *= i } return res }
static Int catalanA (Int n) { return factorial(2*n)/(factorial(n+1) * factorial(n)) }
static Int catalanB (Int n) { if (n == 0) { return 1 } else { sum := 0 n.times |i| { sum += catalanB(i) * catalanB(n-1-i) } return sum } }
static Int catalanC (Int n) { if (n == 0) { return 1 } else { return catalanC(n-1)*2*(2*n-1)/(n+1) } }
public static Void main () { (1..15).each |n| { echo (n.toStr.padl(4) + catalanA(n).toStr.padl(10) + catalanB(n).toStr.padl(10) + catalanC(n).toStr.padl(10)) } }
}</lang> 22! exceeds the range of Fantom's Int class, so the first technique fails afer n=10
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 4 14 14 14 5 42 42 42 6 132 132 132 7 429 429 429 8 1430 1430 1430 9 4862 4862 4862 10 16796 16796 16796 11 -65 58786 58786 12 -2 208012 208012 13 0 742900 742900 14 97 2674440 2674440 15 -2 9694845 9694845
<lang forth>: catalan ( n -- ) 1 swap 1+ 1 do dup cr . i 2* 1- 2* i 1+ */ loop drop ;</lang>
<lang fortran>program main
!======================================================================================= implicit none
!=== Local data integer :: n
!=== External procedures double precision, external :: catalan_numbers !=== Execution =========================================================================
write(*,'(1x,a)')'===============' write(*,'(5x,a,6x,a)')'n','c(n)' write(*,'(1x,a)')'---------------'
do n = 0, 14 write(*,'(1x,i5,i10)') n, int(catalan_numbers(n)) enddo
end program main !BL !BL !BL double precision recursive function catalan_numbers(n) result(value)
!======================================================================================= implicit none
!=== Input, ouput data integer, intent(in) :: n
!=== Execution =========================================================================
if ( n .eq. 0 ) then value = 1 else value = ( 2.0d0 * dfloat(2 * n - 1) / dfloat( n + 1 ) ) * catalan_numbers(n-1) endif
end function catalan_numbers</lang>
- Output:
=============== n c(n) --------------- 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 4 14 5 42 6 132 7 429 8 1430 9 4862 10 16796 11 58786 12 208012 13 742900 14 2674440 ===============
Frink includes efficient algorithms for calculating arbitrarily-large binomial coefficients and automatically caches factorials. <lang frink>catalan[n] := binomial[2n,n]/(n+1) for n = 0 to 15
<lang funl>import integers.choose import util.TextTable
catalan( n ) = choose( 2n, n )/(n + 1)
catalan2( n ) = product( (n + k)/k | k <- 2..n )
catalan3( 0 ) = 1 catalan3( n ) = 2*(2n - 1)/(n + 1)*catalan3( n - 1 )
t = TextTable() t.header( 'n', 'definition', 'product', 'recursive' ) t.line()
for i <- 1..4
t.rightAlignment( i )
for i <- 0..15
t.row( i, catalan(i), catalan2(i), catalan3(i) )
println( t )</lang>
- Output:
+----+------------+---------+-----------+ | n | definition | product | recursive | +----+------------+---------+-----------+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 5 | 5 | 5 | | 4 | 14 | 14 | 14 | | 5 | 42 | 42 | 42 | | 6 | 132 | 132 | 132 | | 7 | 429 | 429 | 429 | | 8 | 1430 | 1430 | 1430 | | 9 | 4862 | 4862 | 4862 | | 10 | 16796 | 16796 | 16796 | | 11 | 58786 | 58786 | 58786 | | 12 | 208012 | 208012 | 208012 | | 13 | 742900 | 742900 | 742900 | | 14 | 2674440 | 2674440 | 2674440 | | 15 | 9694845 | 9694845 | 9694845 | +----+------------+---------+-----------+
<lang gap>Catalan1 := n -> Binomial(2*n, n) - Binomial(2*n, n - 1);
Catalan2 := n -> Binomial(2*n, n)/(n + 1);
Catalan3 := function(n)
local k, c; c := 1; k := 0; while k < n do k := k + 1; c := 2*(2*k - 1)*c/(k + 1); od; return c;
Catalan4_memo := [1]; Catalan4 := function(n)
if not IsBound(Catalan4_memo[n + 1]) then Catalan4_memo[n + 1] := Sum([0 .. n - 1], i -> Catalan4(i)*Catalan4(n - 1 - i)); fi; return Catalan4_memo[n + 1];
- The first fifteen: 0 to 14 !
List([0 .. 14], Catalan1); List([0 .. 14], Catalan2); List([0 .. 14], Catalan3); List([0 .. 14], Catalan4);
- Same output for all four:
- [ 1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, 58786, 208012, 742900, 2674440 ]</lang>
Direct: <lang go>package main
import (
"fmt" "math/big"
func main() {
var b, c big.Int for n := int64(0); n < 15; n++ { fmt.Println(c.Div(b.Binomial(n*2, n), c.SetInt64(n+1))) }
- Output:
1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440
<lang visualfoxpro> PROCEDURE Main()
FOR i := 0 to 15 ? PadL( i, 2 ) + ": " + hb_StrFormat("%d", Catalan( i )) NEXT
LOCAL i, nCatalan := 1
FOR i := 1 TO n nCatalan := nCatalan * 2 * (2 * i - 1) / (i + 1) NEXT
RETURN nCatalan
- Output:
0: 1 1: 1 2: 2 3: 5 4: 14 5: 42 6: 132 7: 429 8: 1430 9: 4862 0: 16796 1: 58786 2: 208012 3: 742900 4: 2674440 5: 9694845
<lang haskell>-- Three infinite lists, corresponding to the three definitions in the problem -- statement.
cats1 = map (\n -> product [n+2..2*n] `div` product [1..n]) [0..]
cats2 = 1 : map (\n -> sum $ zipWith (*) (reverse (take n cats2)) cats2) [1..]
cats3 = scanl (\c n -> c*2*(2*n-1) `div` (n+1)) 1 [1..]
main = mapM_ (print . take 15) [cats1, cats2, cats3]</lang>
- Output:
[1,1,2,5,14,42,132,429,1430,4862,16796,58786,208012,742900,2674440] [1,1,2,5,14,42,132,429,1430,4862,16796,58786,208012,742900,2674440] [1,1,2,5,14,42,132,429,1430,4862,16796,58786,208012,742900,2674440]
Icon and Unicon
<lang Icon>procedure main(arglist) every writes(catalan(i)," ") end
procedure catalan(n) # return catalan(n) or fail static M initial M := table()
if n > 0 then
return (n = 1) | \M[n] | ( M[n] := (2*(2*n-1)*catalan(n-1))/(n+1))
- Output:
1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845
<lang j> ((! +:) % >:) i.15x 1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440</lang>
Accuracy may be lost for larger n's due to floating-point arithmetic (seen for C(15) here). This implementation is memoized (factorial and Catalan numbers are stored in the Maps "facts", "catsI", "catsR1", and "catsR2"). <lang java5>import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map;
public class Catalan { private static final Map<Long, Double> facts = new HashMap<Long, Double>(); private static final Map<Long, Double> catsI = new HashMap<Long, Double>(); private static final Map<Long, Double> catsR1 = new HashMap<Long, Double>(); private static final Map<Long, Double> catsR2 = new HashMap<Long, Double>();
static{//pre-load the memoization maps with some answers facts.put(0L, 1D); facts.put(1L, 1D); facts.put(2L, 2D);
catsI.put(0L, 1D); catsR1.put(0L, 1D); catsR2.put(0L, 1D); }
private static double fact(long n){ if(facts.containsKey(n)){ return facts.get(n); } double fact = 1; for(long i = 2; i <= n; i++){ fact *= i; //could be further optimized, but it would probably be ugly } facts.put(n, fact); return fact; }
private static double catI(long n){ if(!catsI.containsKey(n)){ catsI.put(n, fact(2 * n)/(fact(n+1)*fact(n))); } return catsI.get(n); }
private static double catR1(long n){ if(catsR1.containsKey(n)){ return catsR1.get(n); } double sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ sum += catR1(i) * catR1(n - 1 - i); } catsR1.put(n, sum); return sum; }
private static double catR2(long n){ if(!catsR2.containsKey(n)){ catsR2.put(n, ((2.0*(2*(n-1) + 1))/(n + 1)) * catR2(n-1)); } return catsR2.get(n); }
public static void main(String[] args){ for(int i = 0; i <= 15; i++){ System.out.println(catI(i)); System.out.println(catR1(i)); System.out.println(catR2(i)); } } }</lang>
- Output:
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 42.0 42.0 42.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 429.0 429.0 429.0 1430.0 1430.0 1430.0 4862.0 4862.0 4862.0 16796.0 16796.0 16796.0 58786.0 58786.0 58786.0 208012.0 208012.0 208012.0 742900.0 742900.0 742900.0 2674439.9999999995 2674440.0 2674440.0 9694844.999999998 9694845.0 9694845.0
<lang javascript><html><head><title>Catalan</title></head>
<script type="application/javascript">
function disp(x) { var e = document.createTextNode(x + '\n'); document.getElementById('x').appendChild(e); }
var fc = [], c2 = [], c3 = []; function fact(n) { return fc[n] ? fc[n] : fc[n] = (n ? n * fact(n - 1) : 1); } function cata1(n) { return Math.floor(fact(2 * n) / fact(n + 1) / fact(n) + .5); } function cata2(n) { if (n == 0) return 1; if (!c2[n]) { var s = 0; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) s += cata2(i) * cata2(n - i - 1); c2[n] = s; } return c2[n]; } function cata3(n) { if (n == 0) return 1; return c3[n] ? c3[n] : c3[n] = (4 * n - 2) * cata3(n - 1) / (n + 1); }
disp(" meth1 meth2 meth3"); for (var i = 0; i <= 15; i++) disp(i + '\t' + cata1(i) + '\t' + cata2(i) + '\t' + cata3(i));
- Output:
meth1 meth2 meth3 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 4 14 14 14 5 42 42 42 6 132 132 132 7 429 429 429 8 1430 1430 1430 9 4862 4862 4862 10 16796 16796 16796 11 58786 58786 58786 12 208012 208012 208012 13 742900 742900 742900 14 2674440 2674440 2674440 15 9694845 9694845 9694845
The recursive formula for C(n) in terms of C(n-1) lends itself directly to efficient implementations in jq so in this section, that formula is used (a) to define a function for computing a single Catalan number; (b) to define a function for generating a sequence of Catalan numbers; and (c) to write a single expression for generating a sequence of Catalan numbers using jq's builtin "recurse/1" filter.
Compute a single Catalan number
<lang jq>def catalan:
if . == 0 then 1 elif . < 0 then error("catalan is not defined on \(.)") else (2 * (2*. - 1) * ((. - 1) | catalan)) / (. + 1) end;</lang>
Example 1 <lang jq>(range(0; 16), 100) as $i | $i | catalan | [$i, .]</lang>
- Output:
<lang sh>$ jq -M -n -c -f Catalan_numbers.jq [0,1] [1,1] [2,2] [3,5] [4,14] [5,42] [6,132] [7,429] [8,1430] [9,4862] [10,16796] [11,58786] [12,208012] [13,742900] [14,2674440] [15,9694845] [100,8.96519947090131e+56]
</lang>Generate a sequence of Catalan numbers
<lang jq>def catalan_series(max):
def _catalan: # state: [n, catalan(n)] if .[0] > max then empty else ., ((.[0] + 1) as $n | .[1] as $cp | [$n, (2 * (2*$n - 1) * $cp) / ($n + 1) ] | _catalan) end; [0,1] | _catalan;
</lang> Example 2: <lang jq>catalan_series(15)</lang>
- Output:
As above for 0 to 15.
An expression to generate Catalan numbers
<lang jq>
[0,1] | recurse( if .[0] == 15 then empty else .[1] as $c | (.[0] + 1) | [ ., (2 * (2*. - 1) * $c) / (. + 1) ] end )</lang>
- Output:
As above for 0 to 15.
<lang julia>Catalan(n::Integer) = div(binomial(2n, n), n+1)</lang>
- Output:
julia> [Catalan(n) for n=1:15] 15-element Array{Int64,1}: 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845 julia> Catalan(big(100)) 896519947090131496687170070074100632420837521538745909320
(In the second example, we have used arbitrary-precision integers to avoid overflow for large Catalan numbers.)
<lang k> catalan: {_{*/(x-i)%1+i:!y-1}[2*x;x+1]%x+1}
1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440</lang>
<lang scala>import*
abstract class Catalan {
abstract operator fun invoke(n: Int) : Double
protected val m = newUpdatableMapOf(0 , 1.0)
object CatalanI : Catalan() {
override fun invoke(n: Int): Double { if (n !in m) m[n] = Math.round(fact(2 * n) / (fact(n + 1) * fact(n))).toDouble() return m[n] }
private fun fact(n: Int): Double { if (n in facts) return facts[n] var f = n * fact(n -1) facts[n] = f return f }
private val facts = newUpdatableMapOf(0 , 1.0, 1 , 1.0, 2 , 2.0)
object CatalanR1 : Catalan() {
override fun invoke(n: Int): Double { if (n in m) return m[n]
var sum = 0.0 for (i in 0..n - 1) sum += invoke(i) * invoke(n - 1 - i) sum = Math.round(sum).toDouble() m[n] = sum return sum }
object CatalanR2 : Catalan() {
override fun invoke(n: Int): Double { if (n !in m) m[n] = Math.round(2.0 * (2 * (n - 1) + 1) / (n + 1) * invoke(n - 1)).toDouble() return m[n] }
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val c = arrayOf(CatalanI, CatalanR1, CatalanR2) for(i in 0..15) { c.forEach { print("%9d".format(it(i).toLong())) } println() }
- Output:
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 5 5 14 14 14 42 42 42 132 132 132 429 429 429 1430 1430 1430 4862 4862 4862 16796 16796 16796 58786 58786 58786 208012 208012 208012 742900 742900 742900 2674440 2674440 2674440 9694845 9694845 9694845
Liberty BASIC
<lang lb>print "non-recursive version" print catNonRec(5) for i = 0 to 15
print i;" = "; catNonRec(i)
next print
print "recursive version" print catRec(5) for i = 0 to 15
print i;" = "; catRec(i)
next print
print "recursive with memoisation" redim cats(20) 'clear the array print catRecMemo(5) for i = 0 to 15
print i;" = "; catRecMemo(i)
next print
function catNonRec(n) 'non-recursive version
catNonRec=1 for i=1 to n catNonRec=((2*((2*i)-1))/(i+1))*catNonRec next
end function
function catRec(n) 'recursive version
if n=0 then catRec=1 else catRec=((2*((2*n)-1))/(n+1))*catRec(n-1) end if
end function
function catRecMemo(n) 'recursive version with memoisation
if n=0 then catRecMemo=1 else if cats(n-1)=0 then 'call it recursively only if not already calculated prev = catRecMemo(n-1) else prev = cats(n-1) end if catRecMemo=((2*((2*n)-1))/(n+1))*prev end if cats(n) = catRecMemo 'memoisation for future use
end function</lang>
- Output:
non-recursive version 42 0 = 1 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 5 4 = 14 5 = 42 6 = 132 7 = 429 8 = 1430 9 = 4862 10 = 16796 11 = 58786 12 = 208012 13 = 742900 14 = 2674440 15 = 9694845 recursive version 42 0 = 1 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 5 4 = 14 5 = 42 6 = 132 7 = 429 8 = 1430 9 = 4862 10 = 16796 11 = 58786 12 = 208012 13 = 742900 14 = 2674440 15 = 9694845 recursive with memoisation 42 0 = 1 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 5 4 = 14 5 = 42 6 = 132 7 = 429 8 = 1430 9 = 4862 10 = 16796 11 = 58786 12 = 208012 13 = 742900 14 = 2674440 15 = 9694845
<lang Lua>-- recursive with memoization catalan = {[0] = 1} setmetatable(catalan, { __index = function(c, n) c[n] = c[n-1]*2*(2*n-1)/(n+1) return c[n] end } )
for i=0,14 do print(catalan[i]) end</lang>
- Output:
1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440
<lang Maple>CatalanNumbers := proc( n::posint )
return seq( (2*i)!/((i + 1)!*i!), i = 0 .. n - 1 );
end proc: CatalanNumbers(15); </lang> Output:
1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, 58786, 208012, 742900, 2674440
Mathematica / Wolfram Language
<lang Mathematica>CatalanN[n_Integer /; n >= 0] := (2 n)!/((n + 1)! n!)</lang>
- Sample Output:
<lang Mathematica>TableForm[CatalanN/@Range[0,15]] //TableForm= 1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845</lang>
MATLAB / Octave
<lang MATLAB>function n = catalanNumbers(n)
for i = (1:length(n)) n(i) = (1/(n(i)+1))*nchoosek(2*n(i),n(i)); end
end</lang> The following version is fully vectorized and does not require a loop <lang MATLAB>function n = catalanNumbers(n)
n = prod(n+1:2*n)/prod(1:n+1);
- Sample Output:
<lang MATLAB>>> catalanNumbers(14)
ans =
>> catalanNumbers((0:17))'
ans =
1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845 35357670 129644790</lang>
<lang maxima>/* The following is an array function, hence the square brackets. It uses memoization automatically */ cata[n] := sum(cata[i]*cata[n - 1 - i], i, 0, n - 1)$ cata[0]: 1$
cata2(n) := binomial(2*n, n)/(n + 1)$
makelist(cata[n], n, 0, 14);
makelist(cata2(n), n, 0, 14);
/* both return [1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, 58786, 208012, 742900, 2674440] */</lang>
<lang nim>import strutils
proc binomial(m, n): auto =
result = 1 var d = m - n n = n m = m if d > n: n = d
while m > n: result *= m dec m while d > 1 and (result mod d) == 0: result = result div d dec d
proc catalan1(n): auto =
binomial(2 * n, n) div (n + 1)
proc catalan2(n): auto =
if n == 0: result = 1 for i in 0 .. <n: result += catalan2(i) * catalan2(n - 1 - i)
proc catalan3(n): int =
if n > 0: 2 * (2 * n - 1) * catalan3(n - 1) div (1 + n) else: 1
for i in 0..15:
echo align($i, 7), " ", align($catalan1(i), 7), " ", align($catalan2(i), 7), " ", align($catalan3(i), 7)</lang>
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 4 14 14 14 5 42 42 42 6 132 132 132 7 429 429 429 8 1430 1430 1430 9 4862 4862 4862 10 16796 16796 16796 11 58786 58786 58786 12 208012 208012 208012 13 742900 742900 742900 14 2674440 2674440 2674440 15 9694845 9694845 9694845
<lang Oforth>: catalan(n) n ifZero: [ 1 ] else: [ catalan(n 1-) 2 n * 1- * 2 * n 1+ / ] ;</lang>
- Output:
seqFrom(0, 15) map(#catalan) . [1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, 58786, 208012, 742900, 2674440, 9694845]
Three versions of this. <lang ooRexx>loop i = 0 to 15
say "catI("i") =" .catalan~catI(i) say "catR1("i") =" .catalan~catR1(i) say "catR2("i") =" .catalan~catR2(i)
-- This is implemented as static members on a class object -- so that the code is able to keep state information between calls. This -- memoization will speed up things like factorial calls by remembering previous -- results.
- class catalan
-- initialize the class object
- method init class
expose facts catI catR1 catR2 facts = .table~new catI = .table~new catR1 = .table~new catR2 = .table~new -- seed a few items facts[0] = 1 facts[1] = 1 facts[2] = 2 catI[0] = 1 catR1[0] = 1 catR2[0] = 1
-- private factorial method
- method fact private class
expose facts use arg n -- see if we've calculated this before if facts~hasIndex(n) then return facts[n] numeric digits 120
fact = 1 loop i = 2 to n fact *= i end -- save this result facts[n] = fact return fact
- method catI class
expose catI use arg n numeric digits 20
res = catI[n] if res == .nil then do -- dividing by 1 removes insignificant trailing 0s res = (self~fact(2 * n)/(self~fact(n + 1) * self~fact(n))) / 1 catI[n] = res end return res
- method catR1 class
expose catR1 use arg n numeric digits 20
if catR1~hasIndex(n) then return catR1[n] sum = 0 loop i = 0 to n - 1 sum += self~catR1(i) * self~catR1(n - 1 - i) end -- remove insignificant trailing 0s sum = sum / 1 catR1[n] = sum return sum
- method catR2 class
expose catR2 use arg n numeric digits 20
res = catR2[n] if res == .nil then do res = ((2 * (2 * n - 1) * self~catR2(n - 1)) / (n + 1)) catR2[n] = res end return res</lang>
- Output:
catI(0) = 1 catR1(0) = 1 catR2(0) = 1 catI(1) = 1 catR1(1) = 1 catR2(1) = 1 catI(2) = 2 catR1(2) = 2 catR2(2) = 2 catI(3) = 5 catR1(3) = 5 catR2(3) = 5 catI(4) = 14 catR1(4) = 14 catR2(4) = 14 catI(5) = 42 catR1(5) = 42 catR2(5) = 42 catI(6) = 132 catR1(6) = 132 catR2(6) = 132 catI(7) = 429 catR1(7) = 429 catR2(7) = 429 catI(8) = 1430 catR1(8) = 1430 catR2(8) = 1430 catI(9) = 4862 catR1(9) = 4862 catR2(9) = 4862 catI(10) = 16796 catR1(10) = 16796 catR2(10) = 16796 catI(11) = 58786 catR1(11) = 58786 catR2(11) = 58786 catI(12) = 208012 catR1(12) = 208012 catR2(12) = 208012 catI(13) = 742900 catR1(13) = 742900 catR2(13) = 742900 catI(14) = 2674440 catR1(14) = 2674440 catR2(14) = 2674440 catI(15) = 9694845 catR1(15) = 9694845 catR2(15) = 9694845
Memoization is not worthwhile; PARI has fast built-in facilities for calculating binomial coefficients and factorials. <lang parigp>catalan(n)=binomial(2*n,n+1)/n</lang> A second version: <lang parigp>catalan(n)=(2*n)!/(n+1)!/n!</lang> Naive version with binary splitting: <lang parigp>catalan(n)=prod(k=n+2,2*n,k)/prod(k=2,n,k)</lang> Naive version: <lang parigp>catalan(n)={
my(t=1); for(k=n+2,2*n,t*=k); for(k=2,n,t/=k); t
};</lang> The first version takes about 1.5 seconds to compute the millionth Catalan number, while the second takes 3.9 seconds. The naive implementations, for comparison, take 21 and 45 minutes. In any case, printing the first 15 is simple: <lang parigp>vector(15,n,catalan(n))</lang>
<lang pascal>Program CatalanNumbers(output);
function catalanNumber1(n: integer): double;
begin if n = 0 then catalanNumber1 := 1.0 else catalanNumber1 := double(4 * n - 2) / double(n + 1) * catalanNumber1(n-1); end;
number: integer;
writeln('Catalan Numbers'); writeln('Recursion with a fraction:'); for number := 0 to 14 do writeln (number:3, round(catalanNumber1(number)):9);
- Output:
:> ./CatalanNumbers Catalan Numbers Recursion with a fraction: 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 4 14 5 42 6 132 7 429 8 1430 9 4862 10 16796 11 58786 12 208012 13 742900 14 2674440
<lang perl>sub factorial { my $f = 1; $f *= $_ for 2 .. $_[0]; $f; } sub catalan {
my $n = shift; factorial(2*$n) / factorial($n+1) / factorial($n);
print "$_\t@{[ catalan($_) ]}\n" for 0 .. 20;</lang> For computing up to 20 ish, memoization is not needed. For much bigger numbers, this is faster: <lang perl>my @c = (1); sub catalan {
use bigint; $c[$_[0]] //= catalan($_[0]-1) * (4 * $_[0]-2) / ($_[0]+1)
- most of the time is spent displaying the long numbers, actually
print "$_\t", catalan($_), "\n" for 0 .. 10000;</lang>
That has two downsides: high memory use and slow access to an isolated large value. Using a fast binomial function can solve both these issues. The downside here is if the platform doesn't have the GMP library then binomials won't be fast.
<lang perl>use ntheory qw/binomial/; sub catalan {
my $n = shift; binomial(2*$n,$n)/($n+1);
} print "$_\t", catalan($_), "\n" for 0 .. 10000;</lang>
Perl 6
The recursive formulas are easily written into a constant array, either:
<lang perl6>constant Catalan = 1, { [+] @_ Z* @_.reverse } ... *;</lang>
<lang perl6>constant Catalan = 1, |[\*] (2, 6 ... *) Z/ 2 .. *;</lang>
In both cases, the sixteen first values can be seen with: <lang perl6>.say for Catalan[^15];</lang>
- Output:
1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440
<lang Phix> -- returns inf/-nan for n>85, and needs the rounding for n>=14, accurate to n=29 function catalan1(integer n)
return floor(factorial(2*n)/(factorial(n+1)*factorial(n))+0.5)
end function
-- returns inf for n>519, accurate to n=30: function catalan2(integer n) -- NB: very slow! atom res = not n
n -= 1 for i=0 to n do res += catalan2(i)*catalan2(n-i) end for return res
end function
-- returns inf for n>514, accurate to n=30: function catalan3(integer n)
if n=0 then return 1 end if return 2*(2*n-1)/(1+n)*catalan3(n-1)
end function
for i=0 to 15 do
printf(1,"%2d: %10d %10d %10d\n",{i,catalan1(i),catalan2(i),catalan3(i)})
end for
-- An explicitly memoized version of what seems to be the best, and the one that really needed it: -- (and in fact it turned out to be faster than similarly memoized versions of 1 and 3, when atom) -- I also converted this to use bigatoms.
include builtins\bigatom.e
sequence c2cache = {}
function catalan2bc(integer n) -- very fast! object r -- result (a bigatom)
if n<=0 then return BA_ONE end if if n<=length(c2cache) then r = c2cache[n] if r!=0 then return r end if else c2cache &= repeat(0,n-length(c2cache)) end if r = BA_ZERO for i=0 to n-1 do r = ba_add(r,ba_multiply(catalan2bc(i),catalan2bc(n-1-i))) end for c2cache[n] = r return r
end function
atom t0 = time() -- (this last call only) string sc100 = ba_sprint(catalan2bc(100)) printf(1,"100: %s (%3.2fs)\n",{sc100,time()-t0})</lang>
- Output:
0: 1 1 1 1: 1 1 1 2: 2 2 2 3: 5 5 5 4: 14 14 14 5: 42 42 42 6: 132 132 132 7: 429 429 429 8: 1430 1430 1430 9: 4862 4862 4862 10: 16796 16796 16796 11: 58786 58786 58786 12: 208012 208012 208012 13: 742900 742900 742900 14: 2674440 2674440 2674440 15: 9694845 9694845 9694845 100: 896519947090131496687170070074100632420837521538745909320 (0.42s)
<lang php><?php
class CatalanNumbersSerie {
private static $cache = array(0 => 1); private function fill_cache($i) { $accum = 0; $n = $i-1; for($k = 0; $k <= $n; $k++) { $accum += $this->item($k)*$this->item($n-$k); } self::$cache[$i] = $accum; } function item($i) { if (!isset(self::$cache[$i])) { $this->fill_cache($i); } return self::$cache[$i]; }
$cn = new CatalanNumbersSerie(); for($i = 0; $i <= 15;$i++) {
$r = $cn->item($i); echo "$i = $r\r\n";
} ?></lang>
- Output:
0 = 1 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 5 4 = 14 5 = 42 6 = 132 7 = 429 8 = 1430 9 = 4862 10 = 16796 11 = 58786 12 = 208012 13 = 742900 14 = 2674440 15 = 9694845
<lang PicoLisp># Factorial (de fact (N)
(if (=0 N) 1 (* N (fact (dec N))) ) )
- Directly
(de catalanDir (N)
(/ (fact (* 2 N)) (fact (inc N)) (fact N)) )
- Recursively
(de catalanRec (N)
(if (=0 N) 1 (cache '(NIL) N # Memoize (sum '((I) (* (catalanRec I) (catalanRec (- N I 1)))) (range 0 (dec N)) ) ) ) )
- Alternatively
(de catalanAlt (N)
(if (=0 N) 1 (*/ 2 (dec (* 2 N)) (catalanAlt (dec N)) (inc N)) ) )
- Test
(for (N 0 (> 15 N) (inc N))
(tab (2 4 8 8 8) N " => " (catalanDir N) (catalanRec N) (catalanAlt N) ) )</lang>
- Output:
0 => 1 1 1 1 => 1 1 1 2 => 2 2 2 3 => 5 5 5 4 => 14 14 14 5 => 42 42 42 6 => 132 132 132 7 => 429 429 429 8 => 1430 1430 1430 9 => 4862 4862 4862 10 => 16796 16796 16796 11 => 58786 58786 58786 12 => 208012 208012 208012 13 => 742900 742900 742900 14 => 2674440 2674440 2674440
<lang PL/I>catalan: procedure options (main); /* 23 February 2012 */
declare (i, n) fixed;
put skip list ('How many catalan numbers do you want?'); get list (n);
do i = 0 to n; put skip list (c(i)); end;
c: procedure (n) recursive returns (fixed decimal (15));
declare n fixed;
if n <= 1 then return (1);
return ( 2*(2*n-1) * c(n-1) / (n + 1) );
end c;
end catalan;</lang>
- Output:
How many catalan numbers do you want? 1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845 35357670 129644790 477638700 1767263190 6564120420
Plain TeX
<lang tex>\newcount\n \newcount\r \newcount\x \newcount\ii
\def\catalan#1{% \n#1\advance\n by1\ii1\r1% \loop{% \x\ii% \multiply\x by 2 \advance\x by -1 \multiply\x by 2% \global\multiply\r by\x% \global\advance\ii by1% \global\divide\r by\ii% } \ifnum\number\ii<\n\repeat% \the\r }
\rightskip=0pt plus1fil\parindent=0pt \loop{${\rm Catalan}(\the\x) = \catalan{\the\x}$\hfil\break}% \advance\x by 1\ifnum\x<15\repeat
<lang PowerShell> function Catalan([uint64]$m) {
function fact([bigint]$n) { if($n -lt 2) {[bigint]::one} else{2..$n | foreach -Begin {$prod = [bigint]::one} -Process {$prod = [bigint]::Multiply($prod,$_)} -End {$prod}} } $fact = fact $m $fact1 = [bigint]::Multiply($m+1,$fact) [bigint]::divide((fact (2*$m)), [bigint]::Multiply($fact,$fact1))
} 0..15 | foreach {"catalan($_): $(catalan $_)"} </lang> Output:
catalan(0): 1 catalan(1): 1 catalan(2): 2 catalan(3): 5 catalan(4): 14 catalan(5): 42 catalan(6): 132 catalan(7): 429 catalan(8): 1430 catalan(9): 4862 catalan(10): 16796 catalan(11): 58786 catalan(12): 208012 catalan(13): 742900 catalan(14): 2674440 catalan(15): 9694845
<lang Prolog>catalan(N) :- length(L1, N), L = [1 | L1], init(1,1,L1), numlist(0, N, NL), maplist(my_write, NL, L).
init(_, _, []).
init(V, N, [H | T]) :- N1 is N+1, H is 2 * (2 * N - 1) * V / N1, init(H, N1, T).
my_write(N, V) :- format('~w : ~w~n', [N, V]).</lang>
- Output:
?- catalan(15). 0 : 1 1 : 1 2 : 2 3 : 5 4 : 14 5 : 42 6 : 132 7 : 429 8 : 1430 9 : 4862 10 : 16796 11 : 58786 12 : 208012 13 : 742900 14 : 2674440 15 : 9694845 true .
Using the third formula... <lang PureBasic>; saving the division for last ensures we divide the largest
- numerator by the smallest denominator
Procedure.q CatalanNumber(n.q) If n<0:ProcedureReturn 0:EndIf If n=0:ProcedureReturn 1:EndIf ProcedureReturn (2*(2*n-1))*CatalanNumber(n-1)/(n+1) EndProcedure
ls=25 rs=12
a.s="" a.s+LSet(RSet("n",rs),ls)+"CatalanNumber(n)"
- cw(a.s)
Debug a.s
For n=0 to 33 ;33 largest correct quad for n a.s="" a.s+LSet(RSet(Str(n),rs),ls)+Str(CatalanNumber(n))
- cw(a.s)
Debug a.s Next</lang>
- Sample Output:
n CatalanNumber(n) 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 4 14 5 42 6 132 7 429 8 1430 9 4862 10 16796 11 58786 12 208012 13 742900 14 2674440 15 9694845 16 35357670 17 129644790 18 477638700 19 1767263190 20 6564120420 21 24466267020 22 91482563640 23 343059613650 24 1289904147324 25 4861946401452 26 18367353072152 27 69533550916004 28 263747951750360 29 1002242216651368 30 3814986502092304 31 14544636039226909 32 55534064877048198 33 212336130412243110
Three algorithms including explicit memoization. (Pythons factorial built-in function is not memoized internally).
Python will transparently switch to bignum-type integer arithmetic, so the code below works unchanged on computing larger catalan numbers such as cat(50) and beyond. <lang python>from math import factorial import functools
def memoize(func):
cache = {} def memoized(key): # Returned, new, memoized version of decorated function if key not in cache: cache[key] = func(key) return cache[key] return functools.update_wrapper(memoized, func)
def fact(n):
return factorial(n)
def cat_direct(n):
return fact(2*n) // fact(n + 1) // fact(n)
@memoize def catR1(n):
return ( 1 if n == 0 else sum( catR1(i) * catR1(n - 1 - i) for i in range(n) ) )
@memoize def catR2(n):
return ( 1 if n == 0 else ( ( 4 * n - 2 ) * catR2( n - 1) ) // ( n + 1 ) )
if __name__ == '__main__':
def pr(results): fmt = '%-10s %-10s %-10s' print ((fmt % tuple(c.__name__ for c in defs)).upper()) print (fmt % (('='*10,)*3)) for r in zip(*results): print (fmt % r)
defs = (cat_direct, catR1, catR2) results = [ tuple(c(i) for i in range(15)) for c in defs ] pr(results)</lang>
- Sample Output:
CAT_DIRECT CATR1 CATR2 ========== ========== ========== 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 5 5 14 14 14 42 42 42 132 132 132 429 429 429 1430 1430 1430 4862 4862 4862 16796 16796 16796 58786 58786 58786 208012 208012 208012 742900 742900 742900 2674440 2674440 2674440
<lang r>catalan <- function(n) choose(2*n, n)/(n + 1) catalan(1:15)
- [1] 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862
- [10] 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845</lang>
<lang racket>#lang racket (require planet2)
- (install "this-and-that") ; uncomment to install
(require memoize/memo)
(define/memo* (catalan m)
(if (= m 0) 1 (for/sum ([i m]) (* (catalan i) (catalan (- m i 1))))))
(map catalan (range 1 15))</lang>
- Output:
'(1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440)
version 1
All methods use independent memoization for the computation of factorials. <lang rexx>/*REXX program calculates and displays Catalan numbers using four different methods. */ parse arg LO HI . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if LO== | LO=="," then do; HI=15; LO=0; end /*No args? Then use a range of 0 ──► 15*/ if HI== | HI=="," then HI=LO /*No HI? Then use LO for the default*/ numeric digits max(20, 5*HI) /*this allows gihugic Catalan numbers. */ w=length(HI) /*W: is used for aligning the output. */ call hdr 1A; do j=LO to HI; say ' Catalan' right(j, w)": " Cat1A(j); end call hdr 1B; do j=LO to HI; say ' Catalan' right(j, w)": " Cat1B(j); end call hdr 2 ; do j=LO to HI; say ' Catalan' right(j, w)": " Cat2(j) ; end call hdr 3 ; do j=LO to HI; say ' Catalan' right(j, w)": " Cat3(j) ; end exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ !: arg z; if !.z\==. then return !.z; !=1; do k=2 for z; !=!*k; end; !.z=!; return ! Cat1A: procedure expose !.; parse arg n; return comb(n+n, n) % (n+1) Cat1B: procedure expose !.; parse arg n; return !(n+n) % ((n+1) * !(n)**2) Cat3: procedure expose c.; arg n; if c.n==. then c.n=(4*n-2)*cat3(n-1)%(n+1); return c.n comb: procedure; parse arg x,y; return pFact(x-y+1, x) % pFact(2, y) hdr: !.=.; c.=.; c.0=1; say; say center('Catalan numbers, method' arg(1),79,'─'); return pFact: procedure; !=1; do k=arg(1) to arg(2); !=!*k; end; return ! /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ Cat2: procedure expose c.; parse arg n; $=0; if c.n\==. then return c.n
do k=0 to n-1; $=$ + cat2(k) * cat2(n-k-1); end c.n=$; return $ /*use a memoization technique.*/</lang>
output when using the input of: 0 16
───────────────────────── Catalan numbers, method 1A ────────────────────────── Catalan 0: 1 Catalan 1: 1 Catalan 2: 2 Catalan 3: 5 Catalan 4: 14 Catalan 5: 42 Catalan 6: 132 Catalan 7: 429 Catalan 8: 1430 Catalan 9: 4862 Catalan 10: 16796 Catalan 11: 58786 Catalan 12: 208012 Catalan 13: 742900 Catalan 14: 2674440 Catalan 15: 9694845 ───────────────────────── Catalan numbers, method 1B ────────────────────────── ··· (elided, same as first method) ··· ───────────────────────── Catalan numbers, method 2 ────────────────────────── ··· (elided, same as first method) ··· ───────────────────────── Catalan numbers, method 3 ────────────────────────── ··· (elided, same as first method) ···
Timing notes of the four methods:
- For Catalan numbers 1 ──► 200:
- method 1A is about 50 times slower than method 3
- method 1B is about 100 times slower than method 3
- method 2 is about 85 times slower than method 3
- For Catalan numbers 1 ──► 300:
- method 1A is about 100 times slower than method 3
- method 1B is about 200 times slower than method 3
- method 2 is about 200 times slower than method 3
Method 3 is really quite fast; even in the thousands range, computation time is still quite reasonable.
version 2
Implements the 3 methods shown in the task description <lang rexx>/* REXX ---------------------------------------------------------------
- 01.07.2014 Walter Pachl
- --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Numeric Digits 1000 Parse Arg m . If m= Then m=20 Do i=0 To m
c1.i=c1(i) End
c2.=1 Do i=1 To m
c2.i=c2(i) End
c3.=1 Do i=1 To m
im1=i-1 c3.i=2*(2*i-1)*c3.im1/(i+1) End
l=length(c3.m) hdr=' n' right('c1.n',l),
right('c2.n',l), right('c3.n',l)
Say hdr Do i=0 To m
Say right(i,2) format(c1.i,l), format(c2.i,l), format(c3.i,l) End
Say hdr Exit
c1: Procedure Parse Arg n return fact(2*n)/(fact(n)*fact(n+1))
c2: Procedure Expose c2. Parse Arg n res=0 Do i=0 To n-1
nmi=n-i-1 res=res+c2.i*c2.nmi End
Return res
fact: Procedure Parse Arg n f=1 Do i=1 To n
f=f*i End
Return f</lang>
- Output:
n c1.n c2.n c3.n 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 4 14 14 14 5 42 42 42 6 132 132 132 7 429 429 429 8 1430 1430 1430 9 4862 4862 4862 10 16796 16796 16796 11 58786 58786 58786 12 208012 208012 208012 13 742900 742900 742900 14 2674440 2674440 2674440 15 9694845 9694845 9694845 16 35357670 35357670 35357670 17 129644790 129644790 129644790 18 477638700 477638700 477638700 19 1767263190 1767263190 1767263190 20 6564120420 6564120420 6564120420 n c1.n c2.n c3.n
<lang ruby>def factorial(n)
(1..n).reduce(1, :*)
- direct
def catalan_direct(n)
factorial(2*n) / (factorial(n+1) * factorial(n))
- recursive
def catalan_rec1(n)
return 1 if n == 0 (0...n).inject(0) {|sum, i| sum + catalan_rec1(i) * catalan_rec1(n-1-i)}
def catalan_rec2(n)
return 1 if n == 0 2*(2*n - 1) * catalan_rec2(n-1) / (n+1)
- performance and results
require 'benchmark' require 'memoize' include Memoize do |b|'catalan_direct') {16.times {|n| catalan_direct(n)} }'catalan_rec1') {16.times {|n| catalan_rec1(n)} }'catalan_rec2') {16.times {|n| catalan_rec2(n)} } memoize :catalan_rec1'catalan_rec1(memo)'){16.times {|n| catalan_rec1(n)} }
puts "\n direct rec1 rec2" 16.times {|n| puts "%2d :%9d%9d%9d" % [n, catalan_direct(n), catalan_rec1(n), catalan_rec2(n)]}</lang> The output shows the dramatic difference memoizing makes.
user system total real catalan_direct 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.000124) catalan_rec1 6.178000 0.000000 6.178000 ( 6.195141) catalan_rec2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.000023) catalan_rec1(memo) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.000641) direct rec1 rec2 0 : 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 2 : 2 2 2 3 : 5 5 5 4 : 14 14 14 5 : 42 42 42 6 : 132 132 132 7 : 429 429 429 8 : 1430 1430 1430 9 : 4862 4862 4862 10 : 16796 16796 16796 11 : 58786 58786 58786 12 : 208012 208012 208012 13 : 742900 742900 742900 14 : 2674440 2674440 2674440 15 : 9694845 9694845 9694845
<lang Runbasic>FOR i = 1 TO 15
PRINT i;" ";catalan(i)
FUNCTION catalan(n)
catalan = 1 if n <> 0 then catalan = ((2 * ((2 * n) - 1)) / (n + 1)) * catalan(n - 1)
1 1 2 2 3 5 4 14 5 42 6 132 7 429 8 1430 9 4862 10 16796 11 58786 12 208012 13 742900 14 2674440 15 9694845
<lang rust>fn c_n(n: u64) -> u64 {
match n { 0 => 1, _ => c_n(n - 1) * 2 * (2 * n - 1) / (n + 1) }
fn main() {
for i in 1..16 { println!("c_n({}) = {}", i, c_n(i)); }
- Output:
c(1) = 1 c(2) = 2 c(3) = 5 c(4) = 14 c(5) = 42 c(6) = 132 c(7) = 429 c(8) = 1430 c(9) = 4862 c(10) = 16796 c(11) = 58786 c(12) = 208012 c(13) = 742900 c(14) = 2674440 c(15) = 9694845
Simple and straightforward. Noticeably out of steam without memoizing at about 5000. <lang scala>object Catalan {
def factorial(n: BigInt) = BigInt(1).to(n).foldLeft(BigInt(1))(_ * _) def catalan(n: BigInt) = factorial(2 * n) / (factorial(n + 1) * factorial(n))
def main(args: Array[String]) { for (n <- 1 to 15) { println("catalan(" + n + ") = " + catalan(n)) } }
- Output:
catalan(1) = 1 catalan(2) = 2 catalan(3) = 5 catalan(4) = 14 catalan(5) = 42 catalan(6) = 132 catalan(7) = 429 catalan(8) = 1430 catalan(9) = 4862 catalan(10) = 16796 catalan(11) = 58786 catalan(12) = 208012 catalan(13) = 742900 catalan(14) = 2674440 catalan(15) = 9694845
Tail recursive implementation. <lang scheme>(define (catalan m)
(let loop ((c 1)(n 0)) (if (not (eqv? n m)) (begin (display n)(display ": ")(display c)(newline) (loop (* (/ (* 2 (- (* 2 (+ n 1)) 1)) (+ (+ n 1) 1)) c) (+ n 1) )))))
(catalan 15)</lang>
- Output:
0: 1 1: 1 2: 2 3: 5 4: 14 5: 42 6: 132 7: 429 8: 1430 9: 4862 10: 16796 11: 58786 12: 208012 13: 742900 14: 2674440
<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
include "bigint.s7i";
const proc: main is func
local var bigInteger: n is 0_; begin for n range 0_ to 15_ do writeln((2_ * n) ! n div succ(n)); end for; end func;</lang>
- Output:
1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845
<lang ruby>func f(i) { i==0 ? 1 : (i * f(i-1)) } func c(n) { f(2*n) / f(n) / f(n+1) }</lang> With memoization: <lang ruby>func c(n) is cached {
n == 0 ? 1 : (c(n-1) * (4 * n - 2) / (n + 1));
Calling the function: <lang ruby>15.times { |i|
say "#{i-1}\t#{c(i-1)}";
- Output:
0 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 4 14 5 42 6 132 7 429 8 1430 9 4862 10 16796 11 58786 12 208012 13 742900 14 2674440
Standard ML
<lang sml>(*
* val catalan : int -> int * Returns the nth Catalan number. *)
fun catalan 0 = 1 | catalan n = ((4 * n - 2) * catalan(n - 1)) div (n + 1);
* val print_catalans : int -> unit * Prints out Catalan numbers 0 through 15. *)
fun print_catalans(n) =
if n > 15 then () else (print (Int.toString(catalan n) ^ "\n"); print_catalans(n + 1)); print_catalans(0);
* 1 * 1 * 2 * 5 * 14 * 42 * 132 * 429 * 1430 * 4862 * 16796 * 58786 * 208012 * 742900 * 2674440 * 9694845 *)</lang>
<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5
- Memoization wrapper
proc memoize {function value generator} {
variable memoize set key $function,$value if {![info exists memoize($key)]} {
set memoize($key) [uplevel 1 $generator]
} return $memoize($key)
- The simplest recursive definition
proc tcl::mathfunc::catalan n {
if {[incr n 0] < 0} {error "must not be negative"} memoize catalan $n {expr {
$n == 0 ? 1 : 2 * (2*$n - 1) * catalan($n - 1) / ($n + 1)
}</lang> Demonstration: <lang tcl>for {set i 0} {$i < 15} {incr i} {
puts "C_$i = [expr {catalan($i)}]"
- Output:
C_0 = 1 C_1 = 1 C_2 = 2 C_3 = 5 C_4 = 14 C_5 = 42 C_6 = 132 C_7 = 429 C_8 = 1430 C_9 = 4862 C_10 = 16796 C_11 = 58786 C_12 = 208012 C_13 = 742900 C_14 = 2674440
Of course, this code also works unchanged (apart from extending the loop) for producing higher Catalan numbers. For example, here is the end of the output when asked to produce the first fifty:
C_45 = 2257117854077248073253720 C_46 = 8740328711533173390046320 C_47 = 33868773757191046886429490 C_48 = 131327898242169365477991900 C_49 = 509552245179617138054608572
This problem is perfectly suited for a TI calculator. <lang TI-83 BASIC>:For(I,1,15
- Disp (2I)!/((I+1)!I!
- End</lang>
- Output:
1 2 4 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440 9694845 Done
<lang ursala>#import std
- import nat
catalan = quotient^\successor choose^/double ~&
- cast %nL
t = catalan* iota 16</lang>
- Output:
< 1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, 58786, 208012, 742900, 2674440, 9694845>
<lang vb>Public Sub Catalan1(n As Integer) 'Computes the first n Catalan numbers according to the first recursion given Dim Cat() As Long Dim sum As Long
ReDim Cat(n) Cat(0) = 1 For i = 0 To n - 1
sum = 0 For j = 0 To i sum = sum + Cat(j) * Cat(i - j) Next j Cat(i + 1) = sum
Next i Debug.Print For i = 0 To n
Debug.Print i, Cat(i)
Next End Sub
Public Sub Catalan2(n As Integer) 'Computes the first n Catalan numbers according to the second recursion given Dim Cat() As Long
ReDim Cat(n) Cat(0) = 1 For i = 1 To n
Cat(i) = 2 * Cat(i - 1) * (2 * i - 1) / (i + 1)
Next i Debug.Print For i = 0 To n
Debug.Print i, Cat(i)
Next End Sub</lang>
- Result:
Catalan1 15 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 4 14 5 42 6 132 7 429 8 1430 9 4862 10 16796 11 58786 12 208012 13 742900 14 2674440 15 9694845
(Expect same result with "Catalan2 15")
<lang vb> Function catalan(n) catalan = factorial(2*n)/(factorial(n+1)*factorial(n)) End Function
Function factorial(n) If n = 0 Then Factorial = 1 Else For i = n To 1 Step -1 If i = n Then factorial = n Else factorial = factorial * i End If Next End If End Function
'Find the first 15 Catalan numbers. For j = 1 To 15 WScript.StdOut.Write j & " = " & catalan(j) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Next </lang>
- Output:
1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 5 4 = 14 5 = 42 6 = 132 7 = 429 8 = 1430 9 = 4862 10 = 16796 11 = 58786 12 = 208012 13 = 742900 14 = 2674440 15 = 9694845
<lang wortel>; the following number expression calculcates the nth Catalan number
- ~ddiFSFmSoFSn
- which stands for
- dup dup inc fac swap fac mult swap double fac swap divide
- to get the first 15 Catalan numbers we map this function over a list from 0 to 15
!*#~ddiFSFmSoFSn @til 15
- returns [1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674439.9999999995]</lang>
<lang XPL0>code CrLf=9, IntOut=11; int C, N; [C:= 1; IntOut(0, C); CrLf(0); for N:= 1 to 14 do
[C:= C*2*(2*N-1)/(N+1); IntOut(0, C); CrLf(0); ];
- Output:
1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440
Uses GMP to calculate big factorials. <lang zkl>var BN=Import("zklBigNum"); fcn catalan(n){
BN(2*n).factorial() / BN(n+1).factorial() / BN(n).factorial();
foreach n in (16){
println("%2d --> %,d".fmt(n, catalan(n)));
} println("%2d --> %,d".fmt(100, catalan(100)));</lang> And an iterative solution at works up to the limit of 64 bit ints (n=33). Would be 35 but need to avoid factional intermediate results. <lang zkl>fcn catalan(n){ (1).reduce(n,fcn(p,n){ 2*(2*n-1)*p/(n+1) },1) }</lang>
- Output:
0 --> 1 1 --> 1 2 --> 2 3 --> 5 4 --> 14 5 --> 42 6 --> 132 7 --> 429 8 --> 1,430 9 --> 4,862 10 --> 16,796 11 --> 58,786 12 --> 208,012 13 --> 742,900 14 --> 2,674,440 15 --> 9,694,845 100 --> 896,519,947,090,131,496,687,170,070,074,100,632,420,837,521,538,745,909,320
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