Towers of Hanoi: Difference between revisions

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→‎{{header|Kotlin}}: Updated example see for details
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<lang scala>// version 1.1.0
<lang scala>// version 1.1.0

class Hanoi(private val disks: Int) {
class Hanoi(disks: Int) {
private var moves = 0
private var moves = 0

init {
init {
println("Towers of Hanoi with $disks disks:\n")
println("Towers of Hanoi with $disks disks:\n")
move(disks, 'L', 'C', 'R')
move(disks, 'L', 'C', 'R')
println("\nCompleted in $moves moves\n")
println("\nCompleted in $moves moves\n")

Line 2,020: Line 2,020:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {

Revision as of 22:47, 28 March 2017

Towers of Hanoi
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Solve the   Towers of Hanoi   problem with recursion.

360 Assembly

Translation of: PL/I

<lang 360asm>* Towers of Hanoi 08/09/2015 HANOITOW CSECT

        USING  HANOITOW,R12       r12 : base register
        LR     R12,R15            establish base register
        ST     R14,SAVE14         save r14

BEGIN LH R2,=H'4' n <===

        L      R3,=C'123 '        stating position
        BAL    R14,MOVE           r1=move(m,n)

RETURN L R14,SAVE14 restore r14

        BR     R14                return to caller

SAVE14 DS F static save r14 PG DC CL44'xxxxxxxxxxxx Move disc from pole X to pole Y' NN DC F'0' POLEX DS F current poles POLEN DS F new poles

  • .... recursive subroutine move(n, poles) [r2,r3]

MOVE LR R10,R11 save stackptr (r11) in r10 temp

        LA     R1,STACKLEN        amount of storage required
        GETMAIN RU,LV=(R1)        allocate storage for stack
        USING  STACKDS,R11        make storage addressable
        LR     R11,R1             establish stack addressability
        ST     R14,SAVE14M        save previous r14
        ST     R10,SAVE11M        save previous r11
        LR     R1,R5              restore saved argument r5

BEGINM STM R2,R3,STACK push arguments to stack

        ST     R3,POLEX
        CH     R2,=H'1'           if n<>1
        BNE    RECURSE            then goto recurse
        L      R1,NN
        LA     R1,1(R1)           nn=nn+1
        ST     R1,NN
        XDECO  R1,PG              nn
        MVC    PG+33(1),POLEX+0   from
        MVC    PG+43(1),POLEX+1   to
        XPRNT  PG,44              print "move disk from to"
        B      RETURNM


        BCTR   R2,0               n=n-1
        MVC    POLEN+0(1),POLES+0 from
        MVC    POLEN+1(1),POLES+2 via
        MVC    POLEN+2(1),POLES+1 to
        L      R3,POLEN           new poles
        BAL    R14,MOVE           call move(n-1,from,via,to)
        LA     R2,1               n=1
        MVC    POLEN,POLES 
        L      R3,POLEN           new poles
        BAL    R14,MOVE           call move(1,from,to,via)
        L      R2,N               n
        BCTR   R2,0               n=n-1
        MVC    POLEN+0(1),POLES+2 via
        MVC    POLEN+1(1),POLES+1 to
        MVC    POLEN+2(1),POLES+0 from
        L      R3,POLEN           new poles
        BAL    R14,MOVE           call move(n-1,via,to,from)

RETURNM LM R2,R3,STACK pull arguments from stack

        LR     R1,R11             current stack
        L      R14,SAVE14M        restore r14
        L      R11,SAVE11M        restore r11
        LA     R0,STACKLEN        amount of storage to free
        FREEMAIN A=(R1),LV=(R0)   free allocated storage
        BR     R14                return to caller
        DROP   R12                base no longer needed

STACKDS DSECT dynamic area SAVE14M DS F saved r14 SAVE11M DS F saved r11 STACK DS 0F stack N DS F r2 n POLES DS F r3 poles STACKLEN EQU *-STACKDS

        END    HANOITOW</lang>
           1 Move disc from pole 1 to pole 3
           2 Move disc from pole 1 to pole 2
           3 Move disc from pole 3 to pole 2
           4 Move disc from pole 1 to pole 3
           5 Move disc from pole 2 to pole 1
           6 Move disc from pole 2 to pole 3
           7 Move disc from pole 1 to pole 3
           8 Move disc from pole 1 to pole 2
           9 Move disc from pole 3 to pole 2
          10 Move disc from pole 3 to pole 1
          11 Move disc from pole 2 to pole 1
          12 Move disc from pole 3 to pole 2
          13 Move disc from pole 1 to pole 3
          14 Move disc from pole 1 to pole 2
          15 Move disc from pole 3 to pole 2


<lang forth> 5 var, disks var sa var sb var sc

save sc ! sb ! sa ! disks ! ;
get sa @ sb @ sc @ ;
get2 get swap ;

save disks @ not if ;; then disks @ get disks @ n:1- get2 hanoi save cr " move a ring from " . sa @ . " to " . sb @ . disks @ n:1- get2 rot hanoi

" Tower of Hanoi, with " . disks @ . " rings: " . disks @ 1 2 3 hanoi cr bye



<lang actionscript>public function move(n:int, from:int, to:int, via:int):void {

   if (n > 0)
       move(n - 1, from, via, to);
       trace("Move disk from pole " + from + " to pole " + to);
       move(n - 1, via, to, from);



<lang ada>with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;

procedure Towers is

  type Pegs is (Left, Center, Right);
  procedure Hanoi (Ndisks : Natural; Start_Peg : Pegs := Left; End_Peg : Pegs := Right; Via_Peg : Pegs := Center) is
     if Ndisks > 0 then
        Hanoi(Ndisks - 1, Start_Peg, Via_Peg, End_Peg);
        Put_Line("Move disk" & Natural'Image(Ndisks) & " from " & Pegs'Image(Start_Peg) & " to " & Pegs'Image(End_Peg));
        Hanoi(Ndisks - 1, Via_Peg, End_Peg, Start_Peg);
     end if;
  end Hanoi;



end Towers;</lang>


<lang agena>move := proc(n::number, src::number, dst::number, via::number) is

  if n > 0 then
     move(n - 1, src, via, dst)
     print(src & ' to ' & dst)
     move(n - 1, via, dst, src)


move(4, 1, 2, 3)</lang>


<lang algol68>PROC move = (INT n, from, to, via) VOID:

 IF n > 0 THEN
   move(n - 1, from, via, to);
   printf(($"Move disk from pole "g" to pole "gl$, from, to));
   move(n - 1, via, to, from)

main: (

 move(4, 1,2,3)



Following Agena, Algol 68, AmigaE... <lang algolw>begin

   procedure move ( integer value n, from, to, via ) ;
       if n > 0 then begin
           move( n - 1, from, via, to );
           write( i_w := 1, s_w := 0, "Move disk from peg: ", from, " to peg: ", to );
           move( n - 1, via, to, from )
       end move ;

   move( 4, 1, 2, 3 )



<lang amigae>PROC move(n, from, to, via)

 IF n > 0
   move(n-1, from, via, to)
   WriteF('Move disk from pole \d to pole \d\n', from, to)
   move(n-1, via, to, from)


PROC main()

 move(4, 1,2,3)



<lang applescript>global moves --this is so the handler 'hanoi' can see the 'moves' variable set moves to "" hanoi(4, "peg A", "peg C", "peg B")

on hanoi(ndisks, fromPeg, toPeg, withPeg)

   if ndisks is greater than 0 then
       hanoi(ndisks - 1, fromPeg, withPeg, toPeg)
       set moves to moves & "Move disk " & ndisks & " from " & fromPeg & " to " & toPeg & return
       hanoi(ndisks - 1, withPeg, toPeg, fromPeg)
   end if
   return moves

end hanoi</lang>

Or dispensing with a mutating global variable, we could write:

<lang applescript> -- hanoi :: Int -> (String, String, String) -> [(String, String)] on hanoi(n, {a, b, c})

   if n > 0 then
       hanoi(n - 1, {a, c, b}) & Template:A, b & hanoi(n - 1, {c, b, a})
   end if

end hanoi


-- arrow :: (String, String) -> String on arrow(tuple)

   item 1 of tuple & " -> " & item 2 of tuple

end arrow

on run

   map(arrow, ¬
       hanoi(3, {"left", "right", "mid"}))
   --> {"left -> right", "left -> mid", "right -> mid", "left -> right", 
   --    "mid -> left", "mid -> right", "left -> right"}

end run


-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] on map(f, xs)

   tell mReturn(f)
       set lng to length of xs
       set lst to {}
       repeat with i from 1 to lng
           set end of lst to lambda(item i of xs, i, xs)
       end repeat
       return lst
   end tell

end map

-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper -- mReturn :: Handler -> Script on mReturn(f)

   if class of f is script then
           property lambda : f
       end script
   end if

end mReturn</lang>

{"left -> right", "left -> mid", "right -> mid", "left -> right", "mid -> left", "mid -> right", "left -> right"}


<lang AutoHotkey>move(n, from, to, via) ;n = # of disks, from = start pole, to = end pole, via = remaining pole {

 if (n = 1)
   msgbox , Move disk from pole %from% to pole %to% 
   move(n-1, from, via, to)
   move(1, from, to, via)
   move(n-1, via, to, from)

} move(64, 1, 3, 2)</lang>


<lang AutoIt>Func move($n, $from, $to, $via) If ($n = 1) Then ConsoleWrite(StringFormat("Move disk from pole "&$from&" To pole "&$to&"\n")) Else move($n - 1, $from, $via, $to) move(1, $from, $to, $via) move($n - 1, $via, $to, $from) EndIf EndFunc

move(4, 1,2,3)</lang>


Translation of: Logo

<lang AWK>$ awk 'func hanoi(n,f,t,v){if(n>0){hanoi(n-1,f,v,t);print(f,"->",t);hanoi(n-1,v,t,f)}} BEGIN{hanoi(4,"left","middle","right")}'</lang>

left -> right
left -> middle
right -> middle
left -> right
middle -> left
middle -> right
left -> right
left -> middle
right -> middle
right -> left
middle -> left
right -> middle
left -> right
left -> middle
right -> middle


Using a Subroutine

Works with: FreeBASIC
Works with: RapidQ

<lang freebasic>SUB move (n AS Integer, fromPeg AS Integer, toPeg AS Integer, viaPeg AS Integer)

   IF n>0 THEN
       move n-1, fromPeg, viaPeg, toPeg
       PRINT "Move disk from "; fromPeg; " to "; toPeg
       move n-1, viaPeg, toPeg, fromPeg


move 4,1,2,3</lang>

Using GOSUBs

Here's an example of implementing recursion in an old BASIC that only has global variables:

Works with: Applesoft BASIC
Works with: Commodore BASIC

<lang gwbasic>10 DIM N(1024), F(1024), T(1024), V(1024): REM STACK PER PARAMETER 20 SP = 0: REM STACK POINTER 30 N(SP) = 4: REM START WITH 4 DISCS 40 F(SP) = 1: REM ON PEG 1 50 T(SP) = 2: REM MOVE TO PEG 2 60 V(SP) = 3: REM VIA PEG 3 70 GOSUB 100 80 END 90 REM MOVE SUBROUTINE 100 IF N(SP) = 0 THEN RETURN 110 OS = SP: REMEMBER STACK POINTER 120 SP = SP + 1: REM INCREMENT STACK POINTER 130 N(SP) = N(OS) - 1: REM MOVE N-1 DISCS 140 F(SP) = F(OS)  : REM FROM START PEG 150 T(SP) = V(OS)  : REM TO VIA PEG 160 V(SP) = T(OS)  : REM VIA TO PEG 170 GOSUB 100 180 OS = SP - 1: REM OS WILL HAVE CHANGED 190 PRINT "MOVE DISC FROM"; F(OS); "TO"; T(OS) 200 N(SP) = N(OS) - 1: REM MOVE N-1 DISCS 210 F(SP) = V(OS)  : REM FROM VIA PEG 220 T(SP) = T(OS)  : REM TO DEST PEG 230 V(SP) = F(OS)  : REM VIA FROM PEG 240 GOSUB 100 250 SP = SP - 1  : REM RESTORE STACK POINTER FOR CALLER 260 RETURN</lang>


<lang BASIC256>call move(4,1,2,3) print "Towers of Hanoi puzzle completed!" end

subroutine move (n, fromPeg, toPeg, viaPeg)

   if n>0 then
       call move(n-1, fromPeg, viaPeg, toPeg)
       print "Move disk from "+fromPeg+" to "+toPeg
       call move(n-1, viaPeg, toPeg, fromPeg)
   end if

end subroutine</lang>

Move disk from 1 to 3
Move disk from 1 to 2
Move disk from 3 to 2
Move disk from 1 to 3
Move disk from 2 to 1
Move disk from 2 to 3
Move disk from 1 to 3
Move disk from 1 to 2
Move disk from 3 to 2
Move disk from 3 to 1
Move disk from 2 to 1
Move disk from 3 to 2
Move disk from 1 to 3
Move disk from 1 to 2
Move disk from 3 to 2
Towers of Hanoi puzzle completed!

Batch File

<lang dos>@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

%==The main thing==% %==First param - Number of disks==% %==Second param - Start pole==% %==Third param - End pole==% %==Fourth param - Helper pole==% call :move 4 START END HELPER echo. pause exit /b 0

%==The "function"==%


setlocal set n=%1 set from=%2 set to=%3 set via=%4

if %n% gtr 0 ( set /a x=!n!-1 call :move !x! %from% %via% %to% echo Move top disk from pole %from% to pole %to%. call :move !x! %via% %to% %from% ) exit /b 0</lang>

Move top disk from pole START to pole HELPER.
Move top disk from pole START to pole END.
Move top disk from pole HELPER to pole END.
Move top disk from pole START to pole HELPER.
Move top disk from pole END to pole START.
Move top disk from pole END to pole HELPER.
Move top disk from pole START to pole HELPER.
Move top disk from pole START to pole END.
Move top disk from pole HELPER to pole END.
Move top disk from pole HELPER to pole START.
Move top disk from pole END to pole START.
Move top disk from pole HELPER to pole END.
Move top disk from pole START to pole HELPER.
Move top disk from pole START to pole END.
Move top disk from pole HELPER to pole END.

Press any key to continue . . .


<lang bbcbasic> DIM Disc$(13),Size%(3)

     FOR disc% = 1 TO 13
       Disc$(disc%) = STRING$(disc%," ")+STR$disc%+STRING$(disc%," ")
       IF disc%>=10 Disc$(disc%) = MID$(Disc$(disc%),2)
       Disc$(disc%) = CHR$17+CHR$(128+disc%-(disc%>7))+Disc$(disc%)+CHR$17+CHR$128
     NEXT disc%
     MODE 3
     ndiscs% = 13
     FOR n% = ndiscs% TO 1 STEP -1
     INPUT TAB(0,0) "Press Enter to start" dummy$
     PRINT TAB(0,0) SPC(20);
     VDU 30
     DEF PROChanoi(a%,b%,c%,d%)
     IF a%=0 ENDPROC
     DEF PROCput(disc%,peg%)
     Size%(peg%) = Size%(peg%)+1
     DEF PROCtake(disc%,peg%)
     Size%(peg%) = Size%(peg%)-1
     PRINTTAB(13+26*(peg%-1)-disc%,20-Size%(peg%))STRING$(2*disc%+1," ");


<lang bracmat>( ( move

 =   n from to via
   .   !arg:(?n,?from,?to,?via)
     & (   !n:>0
         & move$(!n+-1,!from,!via,!to)
         & out$("Move disk from pole " !from " to pole " !to)
         & move$(!n+-1,!via,!to,!from)

& move$(4,1,2,3) );</lang>

Move disk from pole  1  to pole  3
Move disk from pole  1  to pole  2
Move disk from pole  3  to pole  2
Move disk from pole  1  to pole  3
Move disk from pole  2  to pole  1
Move disk from pole  2  to pole  3
Move disk from pole  1  to pole  3
Move disk from pole  1  to pole  2
Move disk from pole  3  to pole  2
Move disk from pole  3  to pole  1
Move disk from pole  2  to pole  1
Move disk from pole  3  to pole  2
Move disk from pole  1  to pole  3
Move disk from pole  1  to pole  2
Move disk from pole  3  to pole  2


<lang brainfuck>[ This implementation is recursive and uses a stack, consisting of frames that are 8 bytes long. The layout is as follows:

Byte Description

  0   recursion flag
      (the program stops if the flag is
  1   the step which is currently
      4 means a call to
              move(a, c, b, n - 1)
      3 means a call to
              move(a, b, c, 1)
      2 means a call to
              move(b, a, c, n - 1)
      1 prints the source and dest pile
  2   flag to check whether the current
      step has already been done or if
      it still must be executed
  3   the step which will be executed
      in the next loop
  4   the source pile
  5   the helper pile
  6   the destination pile
  7   the number of disks to move

The first stack frame (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) is used to abort the recursion. ]


These are the parameters for the program (1 4 1 0 'a 'b 'c 5) +>++++>+>> >>>>++++++++[<++++++++++++>-]< [<<<+>+>+>-]<<<+>++>+++>+++++> <<<<<<<<

[> while (recurse)

 [- if (step gt 0)
   >[-]+< todo = 1
   [- if (step gt 1)
     [- if (step gt 2)
       [- if (step gt 3)
         >>+++<< next = 3
         >-< todo = 0
         >>>>>>[>+>+<<-]>[<+>-]> n dup
         [[-] if (sub(n 1) gt 0)
           <+>>>++++> push (1 0 0 4)
           copy and push a
           >[<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>-]< >
           copy and push c
           >[<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>-]< >
           copy and push b
           >[<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>-]< >
           copy n and push sub(n 1)
           >[<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>-]< -
       >[-< if ((step gt 2) and todo)
         >>++<< next = 2
         +>>>+> push 1 0 0 1 a b c 1
         >[<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>-]< > a
         >[<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>-]< > b
         >[<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>-]< > c
         + >>
     >[-< if ((step gt 1) and todo)
       >>>>>>[>+>+<<-]>[<+>-]> n dup
       [[-] if (n sub 1 gt 0)
         <+>>>++++> push (1 0 0 4)
         copy and push b
         >[<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>-]< >
         copy and push a
         >[<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>-]< >
         copy and push c
         >[<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>-]< >
         copy n and push sub(n 1)
         >[<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>-]< -
   >[-< if ((step gt 0) and todo)
   >>[<<+>>-]<< step = next
 return with clear stack frame
 >>[<<+>>-]<< step = next



<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

void move(int n, int from, int to, int via) {

 if (n > 0) {
   move(n - 1, from, via, to);
   printf("Move disk from pole %d to pole %d\n", from, to);
   move(n - 1, via, to, from);

} int main() {

 move(4, 1,2,3);
 return 0;


Animate it for fun:<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <unistd.h>

typedef struct { int *x, n; } tower; tower *new_tower(int cap) { tower *t = calloc(1, sizeof(tower) + sizeof(int) * cap); t->x = (int*)(t + 1); return t; }

tower *t[3]; int height;

void text(int y, int i, int d, const char *s) { printf("\033[%d;%dH", height - y + 1, (height + 1) * (2 * i + 1) - d); while (d--) printf("%s", s); }

void add_disk(int i, int d) { t[i]->x[t[i]->n++] = d; text(t[i]->n, i, d, "==");

usleep(100000); fflush(stdout); }

int remove_disk(int i) { int d = t[i]->x[--t[i]->n]; text(t[i]->n + 1, i, d, " "); return d; }

void move(int n, int from, int to, int via) { if (!n) return;

move(n - 1, from, via, to); add_disk(to, remove_disk(from)); move(n - 1, via, to, from); }

int main(int c, char *v[]) { puts("\033[H\033[J");

if (c <= 1 || (height = atoi(v[1])) <= 0) height = 8; for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) t[c] = new_tower(height); for (c = height; c; c--) add_disk(0, c);

move(height, 0, 2, 1);

text(1, 0, 1, "\n"); return 0; }</lang>


<lang csharp>public void move(int n, int from, int to, int via) {

  if (n == 1) {
    System.Console.WriteLine("Move disk from pole " + from + " to pole " + to);
  } else {
    move(n - 1, from, via, to);
    move(1, from, to, via);
    move(n - 1, via, to, from);


Works with: g++

<lang cpp>void move(int n, int from, int to, int via) {

 if (n == 1) {
   std::cout << "Move disk from pole " << from << " to pole " << to << std::endl;
 } else {
   move(n - 1, from, via, to);
   move(1, from, to, via);
   move(n - 1, via, to, from);



<lang lisp>(defn towers-of-hanoi [n from to via]

 (if (= n 1)
   (println (format "Move from %s to %s" from to))
     (towers-of-hanoi (dec n) from via to)
     (println (format "Move from %s to %s" from to))
     (recur (dec n) via to from))))</lang>


Translation of: C
Works with: OpenCOBOL version 2.0



   CALL "move-disk" USING 4, 1, 2, 3

END PROGRAM towers-of-hanoi.



PROCEDURE DIVISION USING n, from-pole, to-pole, via-pole.

   IF n > 0
      CALL "move-disk" USING CONTENT n, from-pole, via-pole, to-pole
      DISPLAY "Move disk from pole " from-pole " to pole " to-pole
      CALL "move-disk" USING CONTENT n, via-pole, to-pole, from-pole

END PROGRAM move-disk.</lang>


<lang coffeescript>hanoi = (ndisks, start_peg=1, end_peg=3) ->

 if ndisks
   staging_peg = 1 + 2 + 3 - start_peg - end_peg
   hanoi(ndisks-1, start_peg, staging_peg)
   console.log "Move disk #{ndisks} from peg #{start_peg} to #{end_peg}"
   hanoi(ndisks-1, staging_peg, end_peg)


Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun move (n from to via)

 (cond ((= n 1)
        (format t "Move from ~A to ~A.~%" from to))
        (move (- n 1) from via to)
        (format t "Move from ~A to ~A.~%" from to)
        (move (- n 1) via to from))))</lang>


Recursive Version

<lang d>import std.stdio;

void hanoi(in int n, in char from, in char to, in char via) {

   if (n > 0) {
       hanoi(n - 1, from, via, to);
       writefln("Move disk %d from %s to %s", n, from, to);
       hanoi(n - 1, via, to, from);


void main() {

   hanoi(3, 'L', 'M', 'R');


Move disk 1 from L to M
Move disk 2 from L to R
Move disk 1 from M to R
Move disk 3 from L to M
Move disk 1 from R to L
Move disk 2 from R to M
Move disk 1 from L to M

Fast Iterative Version

See: The shortest and "mysterious" TH algorithm <lang d>// Code found and then improved by Glenn C. Rhoads, // then some more by M. Kolar (2000). void main(in string[] args) {

   import core.stdc.stdio, std.conv, std.typetuple;
   immutable size_t n = (args.length > 1) ? args[1].to!size_t : 3;
   size_t[3] p = [(1 << n) - 1, 0, 0];
   // Show the start configuration of the pegs.
   foreach_reverse (immutable i; 1 .. n + 1)
       printf(" %d", i);
   foreach (immutable size_t x; 1 .. (1 << n)) {
           immutable size_t i1 = x & (x - 1);
           immutable size_t fr = (i1 + i1 / 3) & 3;
           immutable size_t i2 = (x | (x - 1)) + 1;
           immutable size_t to = (i2 + i2 / 3) & 3;
           size_t j = 1;
           for (size_t w = x; !(w & 1); w >>= 1, j <<= 1) {}
           // Now j is not the number of the disk to move,
           // it contains the single bit to be moved:
           p[fr] &= ~j;
           p[to] |= j;
       // Show the current configuration of pegs.
       foreach (immutable size_t k; TypeTuple!(0, 1, 2)) {
           size_t j = 1 << n;
           foreach_reverse (immutable size_t w; 1 .. n + 1) {
               j >>= 1;
               if (j & p[k])
                   printf(" %zd", w);


| 3 2 1

| 3 2
| 1

| 3
| 2
| 1

| 3
| 2 1

| 2 1
| 3

| 1
| 2
| 3

| 1
| 3 2

| 3 2 1


<lang dart>main() {

 moveit(from,to) {
   print("move ${from} ---> ${to}");
 hanoi(height,toPole,fromPole,usePole) {
   if (height>0) {


The same as above, with optional static type annotations and styled according to <lang dart>main() {

 String say(String from, String to) => "$from ---> $to"; 
 hanoi(int height, int toPole, int fromPole, int usePole) {
   if (height > 0) {
     hanoi(height - 1, usePole, fromPole, toPole);  
     print(say(fromPole.toString(), toPole.toString()));
     hanoi(height - 1, toPole, usePole, fromPole);
 hanoi(3, 3, 1, 2);


move 1 ---> 3
move 1 ---> 2
move 3 ---> 2
move 1 ---> 3
move 2 ---> 1
move 2 ---> 3
move 1 ---> 3


From Here

 [ # move(from, to)
    n           # print from
    [ --> ]n    # print " --> "
    p           # print to\n
    sw          # p doesn't pop, so get rid of the value
 [ # init(n)
    sw          # tuck n away temporarily
    9           # sentinel as bottom of stack
    lw          # bring n back
    1           # "from" tower's label
    3           # "to" tower's label
    0           # processed marker
 [ # Move()
    lt          # push to
    lf          # push from
    lmx         # call move(from, to)
 [ # code block <d>
    ln          # push n
    lf          # push from
    lt          # push to
    1           # push processed marker 1
    ln          # push n
    1           # push 1
    -           # n - 1
    lf          # push from
    ll          # push left
    0           # push processed marker 0
 [ # code block <e>
    ln          # push n
    1           # push 1
    -           # n - 1
    ll          # push left
    lt          # push to
    0           # push processed marker 0
 [ # code block <x>
    ln 1 =M
    ln 1 !=d
 [ # code block <y>
 [ # quit()
    q           # exit the program
 [ # run()
    d 9 =q      # if stack empty, quit()
    sp          # processed
    st          # to
    sf          # from
    sn          # n
    6           #
    lf          #
    -           #
    lt          #
    -           # 6 - from - to
    sl          #
    lp 0 =x     #
    lp 0 !=y    #
    lrx         # loop
 5lix # init(n)
 lrx # run()


<lang e>def move(out, n, fromPeg, toPeg, viaPeg) {

   if (n.aboveZero()) {
       move(out, n.previous(), fromPeg, viaPeg, toPeg)
       out.println(`Move disk $n from $fromPeg to $toPeg.`)
       move(out, n.previous(), viaPeg, toPeg, fromPeg)


move(stdout, 4, def left {}, def right {}, def middle {})</lang>


<lang Eiffel>class APPLICATION

create make

feature {NONE} -- Initialization

make do move (4, "A", "B", "C") end

feature -- Towers of Hanoi

move (n: INTEGER; frm, to, via: STRING) require n > 0 do if n = 1 then

   			print ("Move disk from pole " + frm + " to pole " + to + "%N")
   			move (n - 1, frm, via, to)
   			move (1, frm, to, via)
   			move (n - 1, via, to, frm)

end end end</lang>


Translation of: Haskell

<lang ela>open monad io


//Functional approach hanoi 0 _ _ _ = [] hanoi n a b c = hanoi (n - 1) a c b ++ [(a,b)] ++ hanoi (n - 1) c b a

hanoiIO n = mapM_ f $ hanoi n 1 2 3 where

 f (x,y) = putStrLn $ "Move " ++ show x ++ " to " ++ show y

//Imperative approach using IO monad hanoiM n = hanoiM' n 1 2 3 where

 hanoiM' 0 _ _ _ = return ()
 hanoiM' n a b c = do
   hanoiM' (n - 1) a c b
   putStrLn $ "Move " ++ show a ++ " to " ++ show b
   hanoiM' (n - 1) c b a</lang>


<lang elixir>defmodule RC do

 def hanoi(n) when 0<n and n<10, do: hanoi(n, 1, 2, 3)
 defp hanoi(1, f, _, t), do: move(f, t)
 defp hanoi(n, f, u, t) do
   hanoi(n-1, f, t, u)
   move(f, t)
   hanoi(n-1, u, f, t)
 defp move(f, t), do: IO.puts "Move disk from #{f} to #{t}"



Move disk from 1 to 3
Move disk from 1 to 2
Move disk from 3 to 2
Move disk from 1 to 3
Move disk from 2 to 1
Move disk from 2 to 3
Move disk from 1 to 3

Emacs Lisp

Translation of: Common Lisp

<lang lisp> (defun move (n from to via)

 (cond ((= n 1)
        (print (format "Move from %S to %S" from to)))

(progn (move (- n 1) from via to) (print (format "Move from %S to %S" from to)) (move (- n 1) via to from))))) </lang>


<lang erlang>move(1, F, T, _V) ->

 io:format("Move from ~p to ~p~n", [F, T]);

move(N, F, T, V) ->

 move(N-1, F, V, T), 
 move(1  , F, T, V),
 move(N-1, V, T, F).</lang>


<lang erre> !----------------------------------------------------------- ! HANOI.R : solve tower of Hanoi puzzle using a recursive ! modified algorithm. !-----------------------------------------------------------





    1-> SOURCE$="Left" END ->
    2-> SOURCE$="Center" END ->
    3-> SOURCE$="Right" END ->
    1-> DEST$="Left" END ->
    2-> DEST$="Center" END ->
    3-> DEST$="Right" END ->
 PRINT("I move a disk from ";SOURCE$;" to ";DEST$)






 PRINT(CHR$(12);TAB(25);"--- TOWERS OF HANOI ---")
    PRINT("Number of disks ";)
 PRINT("For ";NUMBER;"disks the total number of moves is";2^NUMBER-1)
 I=1  ! number of source pole
 J=3  ! number of destination pole


                        --- TOWER OF HANOI ---
Number of disks ? 3

For  3 disks the total number of moves is 7
I move a disk from Left to Right
I move a disk from Left to Center
I move a disk from Right to Center
I move a disk from Left to Right
I move a disk from Center to Left
I move a disk from Center to Right
I move a disk from Left to Right


<lang Python>

  1. (C) 2013 Ezhil Language Project
  2. Tower of Hanoi – recursive solution

நிரல்பாகம் ஹோனாய்(வட்டுகள், முதல்அச்சு, இறுதிஅச்சு,வட்டு)

 @(வட்டுகள் == 1 ) ஆனால்
    பதிப்பி  “வட்டு ” + str(வட்டு) + “ஐ \t  (” + str(முதல்அச்சு) + “  —> ” +  str(இறுதிஅச்சு)+ “) அச்சிற்கு நகர்த்துக.”
 @( ["இ", "அ",  "ஆ"]  இல் அச்சு ) ஒவ்வொன்றாக
         @( (முதல்அச்சு != அச்சு)  && (இறுதிஅச்சு  != அச்சு) ) ஆனால்
             நடு = அச்சு
   # solve problem for n-1 again between src and temp pegs                      
   ஹோனாய்(வட்டுகள்-1,   முதல்அச்சு,நடு,வட்டுகள்-1)
   # move largest disk from src to destination
   ஹோனாய்(1, முதல்அச்சு, இறுதிஅச்சு,வட்டுகள்)
   # solve problem for n-1 again between different pegs
   ஹோனாய்(வட்டுகள்-1, நடு, இறுதிஅச்சு,வட்டுகள்-1)


ஹோனாய்(4,”அ”,”ஆ”,0) </lang>


<lang fsharp>#light let rec hanoi num start finish =

 match num with
 | 0 -> [ ]
 | _ -> let temp = (6 - start - finish)
        (hanoi (num-1) start temp) @ [ start, finish ] @ (hanoi (num-1) temp finish)

[<EntryPoint>] let main args =

 (hanoi 4 1 2) |> List.iter (fun pair -> match pair with
                                         | a, b -> printf "Move disc from %A to %A\n" a b)


<lang false>["Move disk from "$!\" to "$!\" "]p: { to from } [n;0>[n;1-n: @\ h;! @\ p;! \@ h;! \@ n;1+n:]?]h: { via to from } 4n:["right"]["middle"]["left"]h;!%%%</lang>


<lang factor>USING: formatting kernel locals math ; IN: rosettacode.hanoi

move ( from to -- )
   "%d->%d\n" printf ;
hanoi ( n from to other -- )
   n 0 > [
       n 1 - from other to hanoi
       from to move
       n 1 - other to from hanoi
   ] when ;</lang>

In the REPL:

( scratchpad ) 3 1 3 2 hanoi


With locals: <lang forth>CREATE peg1 ," left " CREATE peg2 ," middle " CREATE peg3 ," right "

 LOCALS| via to from n | 
 n 1 =
 IF   CR ." Move disk from " from .$ ." to " to .$ 
 ELSE n 1- from via to RECURSE 
      1    from to via RECURSE 
      n 1- via to from RECURSE 
 THEN ;</lang>

Without locals, executable pegs: <lang forth>: left ." left" ;

right ." right" ;
middle ." middle" ;
move-disk ( v t f n -- v t f )
 dup 0= if drop exit then
 1-       >R
 rot swap R@ ( t v f n-1 ) recurse
 rot swap
 2dup cr ." Move disk from " execute ."  to " execute
 swap rot R> ( f t v n-1 ) recurse
 swap rot ;
hanoi ( n -- )
 1 max >R ['] right ['] middle ['] left R> move-disk drop drop drop ;</lang>


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>PROGRAM TOWER

 CALL Move(4, 1, 2, 3)


 RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE Move(ndisks, from, to, via)
   INTEGER, INTENT (IN) :: ndisks, from, to, via
   IF (ndisks == 1) THEN
      WRITE(*, "(A,I1,A,I1)") "Move disk from pole ", from, " to pole ", to
      CALL Move(ndisks-1, from, via, to)
      CALL Move(1, from, to, via)
      CALL Move(ndisks-1, via, to, from)



<lang freebasic>' FB 1.05.0 Win64

Sub move(n As Integer, from As Integer, to_ As Integer, via As Integer)

 If n > 0 Then
   move(n - 1, from, via, to_)
   Print "Move disk"; n; " from pole"; from; " to pole"; to_
   move(n - 1, via, to_, from)
 End If

End Sub

Print "Three disks" : Print move 3, 1, 2, 3 Print Print "Four disks" : Print move 4, 1, 2, 3 Print "Press any key to quit" Sleep</lang>

Three disks

Move disk 1 from pole 1 to pole 2
Move disk 2 from pole 1 to pole 3
Move disk 1 from pole 2 to pole 3
Move disk 3 from pole 1 to pole 2
Move disk 1 from pole 3 to pole 1
Move disk 2 from pole 3 to pole 2
Move disk 1 from pole 1 to pole 2

Four disks

Move disk 1 from pole 1 to pole 3
Move disk 2 from pole 1 to pole 2
Move disk 1 from pole 3 to pole 2
Move disk 3 from pole 1 to pole 3
Move disk 1 from pole 2 to pole 1
Move disk 2 from pole 2 to pole 3
Move disk 1 from pole 1 to pole 3
Move disk 4 from pole 1 to pole 2
Move disk 1 from pole 3 to pole 2
Move disk 2 from pole 3 to pole 1
Move disk 1 from pole 2 to pole 1
Move disk 3 from pole 3 to pole 2
Move disk 1 from pole 1 to pole 3
Move disk 2 from pole 1 to pole 2
Move disk 1 from pole 3 to pole 2


<lang gap>Hanoi := function(n) local move; move := function(n, a, b, c) # from, through, to if n = 1 then Print(a, " -> ", c, "\n"); else move(n - 1, a, c, b); move(1, a, b, c); move(n - 1, b, a, c); fi; end; move(n, "A", "B", "C"); end;


  1. A -> C


  1. A -> B
  2. A -> C
  3. B -> C


  1. A -> C
  2. A -> B
  3. C -> B
  4. A -> C
  5. B -> A
  6. B -> C
  7. A -> C</lang>


<lang futurebasic> include "ConsoleWindow"

void local fn move( n as long, fromPeg as long, toPeg as long, viaPeg as long ) if n > 0

  fn move( n-1, fromPeg, viaPeg, toPeg )
  print "Move disk from "; fromPeg; " to "; toPeg
  fn move( n-1, viaPeg, toPeg, fromPeg )

end if end fn

fn move( 4, 1, 2, 3 ) print print "Towers of Hanoi puzzle solved." end



Move disk from  1 to  3
Move disk from  1 to  2
Move disk from  3 to  2
Move disk from  1 to  3
Move disk from  2 to  1
Move disk from  2 to  3
Move disk from  1 to  3
Move disk from  1 to  2
Move disk from  3 to  2
Move disk from  3 to  1
Move disk from  2 to  1
Move disk from  3 to  2
Move disk from  1 to  3
Move disk from  1 to  2
Move disk from  3 to  2

Towers of Hanoi puzzle solved.


<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

// a towers of hanoi solver just has one method, play type solver interface {



func main() {

   var t solver    // declare variable of solver type
   t = new(towers) // type towers must satisfy solver interface


// towers is example of type satisfying solver interface type towers struct {

   // an empty struct.  some other solver might fill this with some
   // data representation, maybe for algorithm validation, or maybe for
   // visualization.


// play is sole method required to implement solver type func (t *towers) play(n int) {

   // drive recursive solution, per task description
   t.moveN(n, 1, 2, 3)


// recursive algorithm func (t *towers) moveN(n, from, to, via int) {

   if n > 0 {
       t.moveN(n-1, from, via, to)
       t.move1(from, to)
       t.moveN(n-1, via, to, from)


// example function prints actions to screen. // enhance with validation or visualization as needed. func (t *towers) move1(from, to int) {

   fmt.Println("move disk from rod", from, "to rod", to)


In other words:

<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func main() { move(3, "A", "B", "C") }

func move(n uint64, a, b, c string) { if n > 0 { move(n-1, a, c, b) fmt.Println("Move disk from " + a + " to " + c) move(n-1, b, a, c) } }</lang>


Unlike most solutions here this solution manipulates more-or-less actual stacks of more-or-less actual rings. <lang groovy>def tail = { list, n -> def m = list.size(); list[([m - n, 0].max())..<m] }

final STACK = [A:[],B:[],C:[]].asImmutable()

def report = { it -> } def check = { it -> }

def moveRing = { from, to -> to << from.pop(); report(); check(to) }

def moveStack moveStack = { from, to, using = STACK.values().find { !( || } ->

   if (!from) return
   def n = from.size()
   moveStack(tail(from, n-1), using, to)
   moveRing(from, to)
   moveStack(tail(using, n-1), to, from)

}</lang> Test program: <lang groovy>enum Ring {

   S('°'), M('o'), L('O'), XL('( )');
   private sym
   private Ring(sym) { this.sym=sym }
   String toString() { sym }


report = { STACK.each { k, v -> println "${k}: ${v}" }; println() } check = { to -> assert to == ([] + to).sort().reverse() }

Ring.values().reverseEach { STACK.A << it } report() check(STACK.A) moveStack(STACK.A, STACK.C)</lang>

A: [( ), O, o, °]
B: []
C: []

A: [( ), O, o]
B: [°]
C: []

A: [( ), O]
B: [°]
C: [o]

A: [( ), O]
B: []
C: [o, °]

A: [( )]
B: [O]
C: [o, °]

A: [( ), °]
B: [O]
C: [o]

A: [( ), °]
B: [O, o]
C: []

A: [( )]
B: [O, o, °]
C: []

A: []
B: [O, o, °]
C: [( )]

A: []
B: [O, o]
C: [( ), °]

A: [o]
B: [O]
C: [( ), °]

A: [o, °]
B: [O]
C: [( )]

A: [o, °]
B: []
C: [( ), O]

A: [o]
B: [°]
C: [( ), O]

A: []
B: [°]
C: [( ), O, o]

A: []
B: []
C: [( ), O, o, °]


Most of the programs on this page use an imperative approach (i.e., print out movements as side effects during program execution). Haskell favors a purely functional approach, where you would for example return a (lazy) list of movements from a to b via c: <lang haskell>hanoi :: Integer -> a -> a -> a -> [(a, a)] hanoi 0 _ _ _ = [] hanoi n a b c = hanoi (n-1) a c b ++ [(a,b)] ++ hanoi (n-1) c b a</lang> One can use this function to produce output, just like the other programs: <lang haskell>hanoiIO n = mapM_ f $ hanoi n 1 2 3 where

 f (x,y) = putStrLn $ "Move " ++ show x ++ " to " ++ show y</lang>

or, instead, one can of course also program imperatively, using the IO monad directly: <lang haskell>hanoiM :: Integer -> IO () hanoiM n = hanoiM' n 1 2 3 where

 hanoiM' 0 _ _ _ = return ()
 hanoiM' n a b c = do
   hanoiM' (n-1) a c b
   putStrLn $ "Move " ++ show a ++ " to " ++ show b
   hanoiM' (n-1) c b a</lang>

or, writing it as a monoid, and adding some output: <lang haskell>import Data.Monoid ((<>), mempty) import Data.List (intercalate, transpose)

hanoi :: Int -> t -> t -> t -> t hanoi n l r m =

 if n > 0
   then hanoi (n - 1) l m r <> l, r <> hanoi (n - 1) m r l
   else mempty

-- TEST (hanoi 5) ------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main =

 mapM_ putStrLn $
 intercalate " ->   " <$>
   ((justifyLeft 6 ' ' <$>) <$> transpose (hanoi 5 "left" "right" "mid"))
   justifyLeft n c s = take n (s <> replicate n c)</lang>
left   ->   right 
left   ->   mid   
right  ->   mid   
left   ->   right 
mid    ->   left  
mid    ->   right 
left   ->   right 
left   ->   mid   
right  ->   mid   
right  ->   left  
mid    ->   left  
right  ->   mid   
left   ->   right 
left   ->   mid   
right  ->   mid   
left   ->   right 
mid    ->   left  
mid    ->   right 
left   ->   right 
mid    ->   left  
right  ->   mid   
right  ->   left  
mid    ->   left  
mid    ->   right 
left   ->   right 
left   ->   mid   
right  ->   mid   
left   ->   right 
mid    ->   left  
mid    ->   right 
left   ->   right

Icon and Unicon

The following is based on a solution in the Unicon book. <lang Icon>procedure main(arglist) hanoi(arglist[1]) | stop("Usage: hanoi n\n\rWhere n is the number of disks to move.") end

  1. procedure hanoi(n:integer, needle1:1, needle2:2) # unicon shorthand for icon code 1,2,3 below

procedure hanoi(n, needle1, needle2) #: solve towers of hanoi by moving n disks from needle 1 to needle2 via other local other

n := integer(0 < n) | runerr(n,101) # 1 ensure integer (this also ensures it's positive too) /needle1 := 1 # 2 default /needle2 := 2 # 3 default

if n = 1 then

  write("Move disk from ", needle1, " to ", needle2)

else {

  other := 6 - needle1 - needle2         # clever but somewhat un-iconish way to find other
  hanoi(n-1, needle1, other)             
  write("Move disk from ", needle1, " to ", needle2)
  hanoi(n-1, other, needle2)            

} return end</lang>

Inform 7

<lang inform7>Hanoi is a room.

A post is a kind of supporter. A post is always fixed in place.

The left post, the middle post, and the right post are posts in Hanoi.

A disk is a kind of supporter. The red disk is a disk on the left post. The orange disk is a disk on the red disk. The yellow disk is a disk on the orange disk. The green disk is a disk on the yellow disk.

Definition: a disk is topmost if nothing is on it.

When play begins: move 4 disks from the left post to the right post via the middle post.

To move (N - number) disk/disks from (FP - post) to (TP - post) via (VP - post): if N > 0: move N - 1 disks from FP to VP via TP; say "Moving a disk from [FP] to [TP]..."; let D be a random topmost disk enclosed by FP; if a topmost disk (called TD) is enclosed by TP, now D is on TD; otherwise now D is on TP; move N - 1 disks from VP to TP via FP.</lang>


<lang io>hanoi := method(n, from, to, via,

 if (n == 1) then (
   writeln("Move from ", from, " to ", to)
 ) else (
   hanoi(n - 1, from, via, to  )
   hanoi(1    , from, to , via )
   hanoi(n - 1, via , to , from)



<lang ioke> = method(n, f, u, t,

 if(n < 2,
   "#{f} --> #{t}" println,
   H(n - 1, f, t, u)
   "#{f} --> #{t}" println
   H(n - 1, u, f, t)


hanoi = method(n,

 H(n, 1, 2, 3)



Solutions <lang j>H =: i.@,&2 ` (({&0 2 1,0 2,{&1 0 2)@$:@<:) @. * NB. tacit using anonymous recursion</lang>

Example use:

<lang j> H 3 0 2 0 1 2 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 2 0</lang> The result is a 2-column table; a row i,j is interpreted as: move a disk (the top disk) from peg i to peg j . Or, using explicit rather than implicit code: <lang j>H1=: monad define NB. explicit equivalent of H

 if. y do.
   ({&0 2 1 , 0 2 , {&1 0 2) H1 y-1
   i.0 2

)</lang> The usage here is the same:

   H1 2
0 1
0 2
1 2
Alternative solution

If a textual display is desired, similar to some of the other solutions here (counting from 1 instead of 0, tracking which disk is on the top of the stack, and of course formatting the result for a human reader instead of providing a numeric result): <lang J>hanoi=: monad define

 moves=. H y
 disks=.  $~` ((],[,]) $:@<:) @.* y
 ('move disk ';' from peg ';' to peg ');@,."1 ":&.>disks,.1+moves



<lang J> hanoi 3 move disk 1 from peg 1 to peg 3 move disk 2 from peg 1 to peg 2 move disk 1 from peg 3 to peg 2 move disk 3 from peg 1 to peg 3 move disk 1 from peg 2 to peg 1 move disk 2 from peg 2 to peg 3 move disk 1 from peg 1 to peg 3</lang>


<lang java>public void move(int n, int from, int to, int via) {

 if (n == 1) {
   System.out.println("Move disk from pole " + from + " to pole " + to);
 } else {
   move(n - 1, from, via, to);
   move(1, from, to, via);
   move(n - 1, via, to, from);




<lang javascript>function move(n, a, b, c) {

 if (n > 0) {
   move(n-1, a, c, b);
   console.log("Move disk from " + a + " to " + c);
   move(n-1, b, a, c);

} move(4, "A", "B", "C");</lang>

Or, as a functional expression, rather than a statement with side effects:

<lang JavaScript>(function () {

   // hanoi :: Int -> String -> String -> String -> String, String
   function hanoi(n, a, b, c) {
       return n ? hanoi(n - 1, a, c, b)
               [a, b]
           .concat(hanoi(n - 1, c, b, a)) : [];
   return hanoi(3, 'left', 'right', 'mid')
       .map(function (d) {
           return d[0] + ' -> ' + d[1];



<lang JavaScript>["left -> right", "left -> mid",

"right -> mid", "left -> right", 
"mid -> left", "mid -> right", 
"left -> right"]</lang>


<lang JavaScript>(() => {

   'use strict';
   // hanoi :: Int -> String -> String -> String -> String, String
   const hanoi = (n, a, b, c) =>
       n ? hanoi(n - 1, a, c, b)
           [a, b]
       .concat(hanoi(n - 1, c, b, a)) : [];
   // show :: a -> String
   const show = x => JSON.stringify(x, null, 2);
   return show(
       hanoi(3, 'left', 'right', 'mid')
       .map(d => d[0] + ' -> ' + d[1])


  "left -> right",
  "left -> mid",
  "right -> mid",
  "left -> right",
  "mid -> left",
  "mid -> right",
  "left -> right"


From here <lang joy>DEFINE hanoi == [[rolldown] infra] dip

               [ [ [null] [pop pop] ] 
                 [ [dup2 [[rotate] infra] dip pred] 
                   [ [dup rest put] dip 
                     [[swap] infra] dip pred ] 
                   [] ] ] 

Using it (5 is the number of disks.) <lang joy>[source destination temp] 5 hanoi.</lang>


Works with: jq version 1.4

The algorithm used here is used elsewhere on this page but it is worthwhile pointing out that it can also be read as a proof that:

(a) move(n;"A";"B";"C") will logically succeed for n>=0; and

(b) move(n;"A";"B";"C") will generate the sequence of moves, assuming sufficient computing resources.

The proof of (a) is by induction:

  • As explained in the comments, the algorithm establishes that move(n;x;y;z) is possible for all n>=0 and distinct x,y,z if move(n-1;x;y;z)) is possible;
  • Since move(0;x;y;z) evidently succeeds, (a) is established by induction.

The truth of (b) follows from the fact that the algorithm emits an instruction of what to do when moving a single disk. <lang jq># n is the number of disks to move from From to To def move(n; From; To; Via):

 if n > 0 then
    # move all but the largest at From to Via (according to the rules):
    move(n-1; From; Via; To),
    # ... so the largest disk at From is now free to move to its final destination:
    "Move disk from \(From) to \(To)",
    # Move the remaining disks at Via to To:
    move(n-1; Via; To; From)
 else empty


move(5; "A"; "B"; "C")


<lang K> h:{[n;a;b;c]if[n>0;_f[n-1;a;c;b];`0:,//$($n,":",$a,"->",$b,"\n");_f[n-1;c;b;a]]}


1:1->3 2:1->2 1:3->2 3:1->3 1:2->1 2:2->3 1:1->3 4:1->2 1:3->2 2:3->1 1:2->1 3:3->2 1:1->3 2:1->2 1:3->2</lang> The disk to move in the i'th step is the same as the position of the leftmost 1 in the binary representation of 1..2^n. <lang K> s:();{[n;a;b;c]if[n>0;_f[n-1;a;c;b];s,:n;_f[n-1;c;b;a]]}[4;1;2;3];s 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1


1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1</lang>


<lang scala>// version 1.1.0

class Hanoi(disks: Int) {

   private var moves = 0
   init {
       println("Towers of Hanoi with $disks disks:\n")
       move(disks, 'L', 'C', 'R')
       println("\nCompleted in $moves moves\n")
   private fun move(n: Int, from: Char, to: Char, via: Char) {
       if (n > 0) {
           move(n - 1, from, via, to)
           println("Move disk $n from $from to $to")
           move(n - 1, via, to, from)


fun main(args: Array<String>) {



Towers of Hanoi with 3 disks:

Move disk 1 from L to C
Move disk 2 from L to R
Move disk 1 from C to R
Move disk 3 from L to C
Move disk 1 from R to L
Move disk 2 from R to C
Move disk 1 from L to C

Completed in 7 moves

Towers of Hanoi with 4 disks:

Move disk 1 from L to R
Move disk 2 from L to C
Move disk 1 from R to C
Move disk 3 from L to R
Move disk 1 from C to L
Move disk 2 from C to R
Move disk 1 from L to R
Move disk 4 from L to C
Move disk 1 from R to C
Move disk 2 from R to L
Move disk 1 from C to L
Move disk 3 from R to C
Move disk 1 from L to R
Move disk 2 from L to C
Move disk 1 from R to C

Completed in 15 moves


<lang Lasso>#!/usr/bin/lasso9

define towermove( disks::integer, a,b,c ) => { if(#disks > 0) => { towermove(#disks - 1, #a, #c, #b ) stdoutnl("Move disk from " + #a + " to " + #c) towermove(#disks - 1, #b, #a, #c ) } }

towermove((integer($argv -> second || 3)), "A", "B", "C")</lang> Called from command line: <lang Lasso>./towers</lang>

Move disk from A to C
Move disk from A to B
Move disk from C to B
Move disk from A to C
Move disk from B to A
Move disk from B to C
Move disk from A to C

Called from command line: <lang Lasso>./towers 4</lang>

Move disk from A to B
Move disk from A to C
Move disk from B to C
Move disk from A to B
Move disk from C to A
Move disk from C to B
Move disk from A to B
Move disk from A to C
Move disk from B to C
Move disk from B to A
Move disk from C to A
Move disk from B to C
Move disk from A to B
Move disk from A to C
Move disk from B to C

Liberty BASIC

This looks much better with a GUI interface. <lang lb> source$ ="A"

   via$    ="B"
   target$ ="C"
   call hanoi 4, source$, target$, via$        '   ie call procedure to move legally 4 disks from peg A to peg C via peg B
   sub hanoi numDisks, source$, target$, via$
       if numDisks =0 then
           exit sub
           call hanoi numDisks -1, source$, via$, target$
           print " Move disk "; numDisks; " from peg "; source$; " to peg "; target$
           call hanoi numDisks -1, via$, target$, source$
       end if
   end sub


<lang lingo>on hanoi (n, a, b, c)

 if n > 0 then
   hanoi(n-1, a, c, b)
   put "Move disk from" && a && "to" && c
   hanoi(n-1, b, a, c)
 end if

end</lang> <lang lingo>hanoi(3, "A", "B", "C") -- "Move disk from A to C" -- "Move disk from A to B" -- "Move disk from C to B" -- "Move disk from A to C" -- "Move disk from B to A" -- "Move disk from B to C" -- "Move disk from A to C"</lang>

<lang logo>to move :n :from :to :via

 if :n = 0 [stop]
 move :n-1 :from :via :to
 (print [Move disk from] :from [to] :to)
 move :n-1 :via :to :from

end move 4 "left "middle "right</lang>


<lang logtalk>:- object(hanoi).

   :- public(run/1).
   :- mode(run(+integer), one).
   :- info(run/1, [
       comment is 'Solves the towers of Hanoi problem for the specified number of disks.',
       argnames is ['Disks']]).
   run(Disks) :-
       move(Disks, left, middle, right).
   move(1, Left, _, Right):-
       report(Left, Right).
   move(Disks, Left, Aux, Right):-
       Disks2 is Disks - 1,
       move(Disks2, Left, Right, Aux),
       report(Left, Right),
       move(Disks2, Aux, Left, Right).
   report(Pole1, Pole2):-
       write('Move a disk from '),
       write(' to '),
- end_object.</lang>




       YA RLY
           BTW VISIBLE "Done."
       NO WAI
           VISIBLE SMOOSH "Move disc " N " from " SRC ... 
           " to " DST MKAY


HANOI 2 3 1 4 BTW requires reversed arguments?

KTHXBYE </lang>


<lang Lua>function move(n, src, dst, via)

   if n > 0 then
       move(n - 1, src, via, dst)
       print(src, 'to', dst)
       move(n - 1, via, dst, src)


move(4, 1, 2, 3)</lang>


<lang mathematica>Hanoi[0, from_, to_, via_] := Null Hanoi[n_Integer, from_, to_, via_] :=

 (Hanoi[n-1, from, via, to];
  Print["Move disk from pole ", from, " to ", to, "."];
  Hanoi[n-1, via, from, to])</lang>


This is a direct translation from the Python example given in the Wikipedia entry for the Tower of Hanoi puzzle. <lang MATLAB>function towerOfHanoi(n,A,C,B)

   if (n~=0)
       disp(sprintf('Move plate %d from tower %d to tower %d',[n A C]));


Sample output:
Move plate 1 from tower 1 to tower 3
Move plate 2 from tower 1 to tower 2
Move plate 1 from tower 3 to tower 2
Move plate 3 from tower 1 to tower 3
Move plate 1 from tower 2 to tower 1
Move plate 2 from tower 2 to tower 3
Move plate 1 from tower 1 to tower 3


<lang>^ 2 x^y П0 <-> 2 / {x} x#0 16 3 П3 2 П2 БП 20 3 П2 2 П3 1 П1 ПП 25 КППB ПП 28 КППA ПП 31 КППB ПП 34 КППA ИП1 ИП3 КППC ИП1 ИП2 КППC ИП3 ИП2 КППC ИП1 ИП3 КППC ИП2 ИП1 КППC ИП2 ИП3 КППC ИП1 ИП3 КППC В/О ИП1 ИП2 БП 62 ИП2 ИП1 КППC ИП1 ИП2 ИП3 П1 -> П3 -> П2 В/О 1 0 / + С/П КИП0 ИП0 x=0 89 3 3 1 ИНВ ^ ВП 2 С/П В/О</lang>

Instruction: РA = 56; РB = 60; РC = 72; N В/О С/П, where 2 <= N <= 7.


<lang modula3>MODULE Hanoi EXPORTS Main;


PROCEDURE doHanoi(n, from, to, using: INTEGER) =

   IF n > 0 THEN
     doHanoi(n - 1, from, using, to);
     Put("move " & Int(from) & " --> " & Int(to) & "\n");
     doHanoi(n - 1, using, to, from);
 END doHanoi;


 doHanoi(4, 1, 2, 3);

END Hanoi.</lang>


<lang monte>def move(n, fromPeg, toPeg, viaPeg):

   if (n > 0):
       move(n.previous(), fromPeg, viaPeg, toPeg)
       traceln(`Move disk $n from $fromPeg to $toPeg`)
       move(n.previous(), viaPeg, toPeg, fromPeg)

move(3, "left", "right", "middle")</lang>


<lang Nemerle>using System; using System.Console;

module Towers {

   Hanoi(n : int, from = 1, to = 3, via = 2) : void
       when (n > 0)
           Hanoi(n - 1, from, via, to);
           WriteLine("Move disk from peg {0} to peg {1}", from, to);
           Hanoi(n - 1, via, to, from);
   Main() : void



<lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols binary

runSample(arg) return

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method runSample(arg) private static

 parse arg discs .
 if discs = , discs < 1 then discs = 4
 say 'Minimum moves to solution:' 2 ** discs - 1
 moves = move(discs)
 say 'Solved in' moves 'moves.'

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method move(discs = int 4, towerFrom = int 1, towerTo = int 2, towerVia = int 3, moves = int 0) public static

 if discs == 1 then do
   moves = moves + 1
   say 'Move disc from peg' towerFrom 'to peg' towerTo '- Move No:' Rexx(moves).right(5)
 else do
   moves = move(discs - 1, towerFrom, towerVia, towerTo, moves)
   moves = move(1, towerFrom, towerTo, towerVia, moves)
   moves = move(discs - 1, towerVia, towerTo, towerFrom, moves)
 return moves


Minimum moves to solution: 15
Move disc from peg 1 to peg 3 - Move No:     1
Move disc from peg 1 to peg 2 - Move No:     2
Move disc from peg 3 to peg 2 - Move No:     3
Move disc from peg 1 to peg 3 - Move No:     4
Move disc from peg 2 to peg 1 - Move No:     5
Move disc from peg 2 to peg 3 - Move No:     6
Move disc from peg 1 to peg 3 - Move No:     7
Move disc from peg 1 to peg 2 - Move No:     8
Move disc from peg 3 to peg 2 - Move No:     9
Move disc from peg 3 to peg 1 - Move No:    10
Move disc from peg 2 to peg 1 - Move No:    11
Move disc from peg 3 to peg 2 - Move No:    12
Move disc from peg 1 to peg 3 - Move No:    13
Move disc from peg 1 to peg 2 - Move No:    14
Move disc from peg 3 to peg 2 - Move No:    15
Solved in 15 moves.


<lang lisp>(define (move n from to via) (if (> n 0) (move (- n 1) from via to (print "move disk from pole " from " to pole " to "\n") (move (- n 1) via to from))))

(move 4 1 2 3)</lang>


<lang Python>proc hanoi(disks: int, fromTower: string, toTower: string, viaTower: string) =

 if disks != 0:
   hanoi(disks - 1, fromTower, viaTower, toTower)
   echo("Move disk ", disks, " from ", fromTower, " to ", toTower)
   hanoi(disks - 1, viaTower, toTower, fromTower)

hanoi(4, "1", "2", "3")</lang>

Move disk 1 from 1 to 3
Move disk 2 from 1 to 2
Move disk 1 from 3 to 2
Move disk 3 from 1 to 3
Move disk 1 from 2 to 1
Move disk 2 from 2 to 3
Move disk 1 from 1 to 3
Move disk 4 from 1 to 2
Move disk 1 from 3 to 2
Move disk 2 from 3 to 1
Move disk 1 from 2 to 1
Move disk 3 from 3 to 2
Move disk 1 from 1 to 3
Move disk 2 from 1 to 2
Move disk 1 from 3 to 2


<lang objeck>class Hanoi {

 function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
   Move(4, 1, 2, 3);
 function: Move(n:Int, f:Int, t:Int, v:Int) ~ Nil {
   if(n = 1) {
     "Move disk from pole {$f} to pole {$t}"->PrintLine();
   else {
     Move(n - 1, f, v, t);
     Move(1, f, t, v);
     Move(n - 1, v, t, f);



From here

Works with: GNUstep

It should be compatible with XCode/Cocoa on MacOS too.

The Interface - TowersOfHanoi.h: <lang objc>#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>

@interface TowersOfHanoi: NSObject { int pegFrom; int pegTo; int pegVia; int numDisks; }

-(void) setPegFrom: (int) from andSetPegTo: (int) to andSetPegVia: (int) via andSetNumDisks: (int) disks; -(void) movePegFrom: (int) from andMovePegTo: (int) to andMovePegVia: (int) via andWithNumDisks: (int) disks; @end</lang> The Implementation - TowersOfHanoi.m: <lang objc>#import "TowersOfHanoi.h" @implementation TowersOfHanoi

-(void) setPegFrom: (int) from andSetPegTo: (int) to andSetPegVia: (int) via andSetNumDisks: (int) disks { pegFrom = from; pegTo = to; pegVia = via; numDisks = disks; }

-(void) movePegFrom: (int) from andMovePegTo: (int) to andMovePegVia: (int) via andWithNumDisks: (int) disks { if (disks == 1) {

           printf("Move disk from pole %i to pole %i\n", from, to);
       } else {
			[self movePegFrom: from andMovePegTo: via andMovePegVia: to andWithNumDisks: disks-1];

[self movePegFrom: from andMovePegTo: to andMovePegVia: via andWithNumDisks: 1]; [self movePegFrom: via andMovePegTo: to andMovePegVia: from andWithNumDisks: disks-1];



@end</lang> Test code: TowersTest.m: <lang objc>#import <stdio.h>

  1. import "TowersOfHanoi.h"

int main( int argc, const char *argv[] ) { @autoreleasepool {

TowersOfHanoi *tower = [[TowersOfHanoi alloc] init];

int from = 1; int to = 3; int via = 2; int disks = 3;

[tower setPegFrom: from andSetPegTo: to andSetPegVia: via andSetNumDisks: disks];

[tower movePegFrom: from andMovePegTo: to andMovePegVia: via andWithNumDisks: disks];

} return 0; }</lang>


<lang ocaml>let rec hanoi n a b c =

 if n <> 0 then begin
   hanoi (pred n) a c b;
   Printf.printf "Move disk from pole %d to pole %d\n" a b;
   hanoi (pred n) c b a

let () =

 hanoi 4 1 2 3</lang>


<lang octave>function hanoimove(ndisks, from, to, via)

 if ( ndisks == 1 )
   printf("Move disk from pole %d to pole %d\n", from, to);
   hanoimove(ndisks-1, from, via, to);
   hanoimove(1, from, to, via);
   hanoimove(ndisks-1, via, to, from);


hanoimove(4, 1, 2, 3);</lang>


<lang Oforth>: move(n, from, to, via)

  n 0 > ifTrue: [
     move(n 1-, from, via, to)
     System.Out "Move disk from " << from << " to " << to << cr
     move(n 1-, via, to, from)
     ] ;

5 $left $middle $right) move </lang>


<lang oz>declare

 proc {TowersOfHanoi N From To Via}
    if N > 0 then
       {TowersOfHanoi N-1 From Via To}
       {System.showInfo "Move from "#From#" to "#To}
       {TowersOfHanoi N-1 Via To From}


 {TowersOfHanoi 4 left middle right}</lang>


Translation of: Python

<lang parigp>\\ Towers of Hanoi \\ 8/19/2016 aev \\ Where: n - number of disks, sp - start pole, ep - end pole. HanoiTowers(n,sp,ep)={

   print("Move disk ", n, " from pole ", sp," to pole ", ep);

} \\ Testing n=3: HanoiTowers(3,1,3);</lang>

> HanoiTower(3,1,3);
Move disk 1 from pole 1 to pole 3
Move disk 2 from pole 1 to pole 2
Move disk 1 from pole 3 to pole 2
Move disk 3 from pole 1 to pole 3
Move disk 1 from pole 2 to pole 1
Move disk 2 from pole 2 to pole 3
Move disk 1 from pole 1 to pole 3


Works with: Free Pascal version 2.0.4

I think it is standard pascal, except for the constant array "strPole". I am not sure if constant arrays are part of the standard. However, as far as I know, they are a "de facto" standard in every compiler. <lang pascal>program Hanoi; type

 TPole = (tpLeft, tpCenter, tpRight);


 strPole:array[TPole] of string[6]=('left','center','right');
procedure MoveStack (const Ndisks : integer; const Origin,Destination,Auxiliary:TPole);
 if Ndisks >0 then begin
    MoveStack(Ndisks - 1, Origin,Auxiliary, Destination );
    Writeln('Move disk ',Ndisks ,' from ',strPole[Origin],' to ',strPole[Destination]);
    MoveStack(Ndisks - 1, Auxiliary, Destination, origin);



end.</lang> A little longer, but clearer for my taste <lang pascal>program Hanoi; type

 TPole = (tpLeft, tpCenter, tpRight);


 strPole:array[TPole] of string[6]=('left','center','right');
procedure MoveOneDisk(const DiskNum:integer; const Origin,Destination:TPole);
 Writeln('Move disk ',DiskNum,' from ',strPole[Origin],' to ',strPole[Destination]);
procedure MoveStack (const Ndisks : integer; const Origin,Destination,Auxiliary:TPole);
 if Ndisks =1 then
 else begin
      MoveStack(Ndisks - 1, Origin,Auxiliary, Destination );
      MoveStack(Ndisks - 1, Auxiliary, Destination, origin);





<lang perl>sub hanoi {

   my ($n, $from, $to, $via) = (@_, 1, 2, 3);
   if ($n == 1) {
       print "Move disk from pole $from to pole $to.\n";
   } else {
       hanoi($n - 1, $from, $via, $to);
       hanoi(1, $from, $to, $via);
       hanoi($n - 1, $via, $to, $from);


Perl 6

<lang perl6>subset Peg of Int where 1|2|3;

multi hanoi (0, Peg $a, Peg $b, Peg $c) { } multi hanoi (Int $n, Peg $a = 1, Peg $b = 2, Peg $c = 3) {

   hanoi $n - 1, $a, $c, $b;
   say "Move $a to $b.";
   hanoi $n - 1, $c, $b, $a;



Translation of: C

<lang phl>module hanoi;

extern printf;

@Void move(@Integer n, @Integer from, @Integer to, @Integer via) [ if (n > 0) { move(n - 1, from, via, to); printf("Move disk from pole %d to pole %d\n", from, to); move(n - 1, via, to, from); } ]

@Integer main [ move(4, 1,2,3); return 0; ]</lang>


Translation of: Java

<lang php>function move($n,$from,$to,$via) {

   if ($n === 1) {
       print("Move disk from pole $from to pole $to");
   } else {



<lang PicoLisp>(de move (N A B C) # Use: (move 3 'left 'center 'right)

  (unless (=0 N)
     (move (dec N) A C B)
     (println 'Move 'disk 'from A 'to B)
     (move (dec N) C B A) ) )</lang>


<lang pop11>define hanoi(n, src, dst, via); if n > 0 then

   hanoi(n - 1, src, via, dst);
   'Move disk ' >< n >< ' from ' >< src >< ' to ' >< dst >< '.' =>
   hanoi(n - 1, via, dst, src);

endif; enddefine;

hanoi(4, "left", "middle", "right");</lang>


Translation of: Fortran

<lang pli>tower: proc options (main);

  call Move (4,1,2,3);

Move: procedure (ndiscs, from, to, via) recursive;

  declare (ndiscs, from, to, via) fixed binary;
  if ndiscs = 1 then
     put skip edit ('Move disc from pole ', trim(from), ' to pole ',
        trim(to) ) (a);
        call Move (ndiscs-1, from, via, to);
        call Move (1, from, to, via);
        call Move (ndiscs-1, via, to, from);

end Move;

end tower;</lang>

Plain TeX

<lang TeX>\newcount\hanoidepth \def\hanoi#1{%

 \hanoidepth = #1
 \move abc

}% \def\move#1#2#3{%

 \advance \hanoidepth by -1
 \ifnum \hanoidepth > 0
   \move #1#3#2
 Move the upper disk from pole #1 to pole #3.\par
 \ifnum \hanoidepth > 0
 \advance \hanoidepth by 1


\hanoi{5} \end</lang>


A million-page document, each page showing one move. <lang PostScript>%!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 300 300

/plate {

       exch 100 mul 50 add exch th mul 10 add moveto
       dup s mul neg 2 div 0 rmoveto
       dup s mul 0 rlineto
       0 th rlineto
       s neg mul 0 rlineto
       closepath gsave .5 setgray fill grestore 0 setgray stroke

} def

/drawtower {

       0 1 2 { /x exch def /y 0 def
               tower x get {
                       dup 0 gt { x y plate /y y 1 add def } {pop} ifelse
               } forall
       } for showpage

} def

/apop { [ exch aload pop /last exch def ] last } def /apush{ [ 3 1 roll aload pop counttomark -1 roll ] } def

/hanoi {

       0 dict begin /from /mid /to /h 5 -1 2 { -1 roll def } for
       h 1 eq {        
               tower from get apop tower to get apush
               tower to 3 -1 roll put
               tower from 3 -1 roll put
       } {     
               /h h 1 sub def
               from to mid h hanoi
               from mid to 1 hanoi
               mid from to h hanoi
       } ifelse

} def

/n 12 def /s 90 n div def /th 180 n div def /tower [ [n 1 add -1 2 { } for ] [] [] ] def

drawtower 0 1 2 n hanoi



Works with: PowerShell version 4.0

<lang PowerShell> function hanoi($n, $a, $b, $c) {

   if($n -eq 1) {
       "$a -> $c"
   } else{    
        hanoi ($n - 1) $a $c $b
        hanoi 1 $a $b $c
        hanoi ($n - 1) $b $a $c

} hanoi 3 "A" "B" "C" </lang> Output:

A -> C
A -> B
C -> B
A -> C
B -> A
B -> C
A -> C


From Programming in Prolog by W.F. Clocksin & C.S. Mellish <lang prolog>hanoi(N) :- move(N,left,center,right).

move(0,_,_,_) :- !. move(N,A,B,C) :-

   M is N-1,

inform(X,Y) :- write([move,a,disk,from,the,X,pole,to,Y,pole]), nl.</lang>

Using DCGs and separating core logic from IO <lang prolog> hanoi(N, Src, Aux, Dest, Moves-NMoves) :-

 NMoves is 2^N - 1,
 length(Moves, NMoves),
 phrase(move(N, Src, Aux, Dest), Moves).

move(1, Src, _, Dest) --> !,


move(2, Src, Aux, Dest) --> !,


move(N, Src, Aux, Dest) -->

 { succ(N0, N) },
 move(N0, Src, Dest, Aux),
 move(1, Src, Aux, Dest),
 move(N0, Aux, Src, Dest).



Algorithm according to <lang PureBasic>Procedure Hanoi(n, A.s, C.s, B.s)

 If n
   Hanoi(n-1, A, B, C)
   PrintN("Move the plate from "+A+" to "+C)
   Hanoi(n-1, B, C, A)

EndProcedure</lang> Full program <lang PureBasic>Procedure Hanoi(n, A.s, C.s, B.s)

 If n
   Hanoi(n-1, A, B, C)
   PrintN("Move the plate from "+A+" to "+C)
   Hanoi(n-1, B, C, A)


If OpenConsole()

 Define n=3
 PrintN("Moving "+Str(n)+" pegs."+#CRLF$)
 Hanoi(n,"Left Peg","Middle Peg","Right Peg")
 PrintN(#CRLF$+"Press ENTER to exit."): Input()


Moving 3 pegs.

Move the plate from Left Peg to Middle Peg
Move the plate from Left Peg to Right Peg
Move the plate from Middle Peg to Right Peg
Move the plate from Left Peg to Middle Peg
Move the plate from Right Peg to Left Peg
Move the plate from Right Peg to Middle Peg
Move the plate from Left Peg to Middle Peg

Press ENTER to exit.



<lang python>def hanoi(ndisks, startPeg=1, endPeg=3):

   if ndisks:
       hanoi(ndisks-1, startPeg, 6-startPeg-endPeg)
       print "Move disk %d from peg %d to peg %d" % (ndisks, startPeg, endPeg)
       hanoi(ndisks-1, 6-startPeg-endPeg, endPeg)



for ndisks=2

Move disk 1 from peg 1 to peg 2
Move disk 2 from peg 1 to peg 3
Move disk 1 from peg 2 to peg 3

Library: VPython

There is a 3D hanoi-game in the examples that come with VPython, and at github.


Translation of: Octave

<lang rsplus>hanoimove <- function(ndisks, from, to, via) {

 if ( ndisks == 1 )
   cat("move disk from", from, "to", to, "\n")
 else {
   hanoimove(ndisks-1, from, via, to)
   hanoimove(1, from, to, via)
   hanoimove(ndisks-1, via, to, from)




<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(define (hanoi n a b c)

 (when (> n 0)
   (hanoi (- n 1) a c b)
   (printf "Move ~a to ~a\n" a b)
   (hanoi (- n 1) c b a)))

(hanoi 4 'left 'middle 'right) </lang>


Translation of: Python

<lang rascal>public void hanoi(ndisks, startPeg, endPeg){ if(ndisks>0){ hanoi(ndisks-1, startPeg, 6 - startPeg - endPeg); println("Move disk <ndisks> from peg <startPeg> to peg <endPeg>"); hanoi(ndisks-1, 6 - startPeg - endPeg, endPeg); } }</lang>


<lang rascal>rascal>hanoi(4,1,3) Move disk 1 from peg 1 to peg 2 Move disk 2 from peg 1 to peg 3 Move disk 1 from peg 2 to peg 3 Move disk 3 from peg 1 to peg 2 Move disk 1 from peg 3 to peg 1 Move disk 2 from peg 3 to peg 2 Move disk 1 from peg 1 to peg 2 Move disk 4 from peg 1 to peg 3 Move disk 1 from peg 2 to peg 3 Move disk 2 from peg 2 to peg 1 Move disk 1 from peg 3 to peg 1 Move disk 3 from peg 2 to peg 3 Move disk 1 from peg 1 to peg 2 Move disk 2 from peg 1 to peg 3 Move disk 1 from peg 2 to peg 3 ok</lang>


Translation of: Python

<lang raven>define hanoi use ndisks, startpeg, endpeg

  ndisks 0 > if
     6 startpeg - endpeg - startpeg ndisks 1 - hanoi
     endpeg startpeg ndisks "Move disk %d from peg %d to peg %d\n" print 
     endpeg 6 startpeg - endpeg - ndisks 1 - hanoi

define dohanoi use ndisks

  # startpeg=1, endpeg=3
  3 1 ndisks hanoi
  1. 4 disks

4 dohanoi </lang>

raven hanoi.rv 
Move disk 1 from peg 1 to peg 2
Move disk 2 from peg 1 to peg 3
Move disk 1 from peg 2 to peg 3
Move disk 3 from peg 1 to peg 2
Move disk 1 from peg 3 to peg 1
Move disk 2 from peg 3 to peg 2
Move disk 1 from peg 1 to peg 2
Move disk 4 from peg 1 to peg 3
Move disk 1 from peg 2 to peg 3
Move disk 2 from peg 2 to peg 1
Move disk 1 from peg 3 to peg 1
Move disk 3 from peg 2 to peg 3
Move disk 1 from peg 1 to peg 2
Move disk 2 from peg 1 to peg 3
Move disk 1 from peg 2 to peg 3


<lang REBOL>REBOL [ Title: "Towers of Hanoi" Author: oofoe Date: 2009-12-08 URL: ]

hanoi: func [ {Begin moving the golden disks from one pole to the next. Note: when last disk moved, the world will end.} disks [integer!] "Number of discs on starting pole." /poles "Name poles." from to via ][

   if disks = 0 [return]

if not poles [from: 'left to: 'middle via: 'right]

   hanoi/poles disks - 1 from via to

print [from "->" to]

   hanoi/poles disks - 1 via to from


hanoi 4</lang>

left -> right
left -> middle
right -> middle
left -> right
middle -> left
middle -> right
left -> right
left -> middle
right -> middle
right -> left
middle -> left
right -> middle
left -> right
left -> middle
right -> middle


<lang Retro>4 elements a b c n

vars !c !b !a !n ;
hanoi ( num from to via -- )
 @n 0 <>
   @n @a @b @c
   @n 1- @a @c @b hanoi
   @b @a "\nMove a ring from %d to %d" puts
   @n 1- @c @b @a hanoi
 ] ifTrue ;

4 1 3 2 hanoi</lang>


simple text moves

<lang rexx>/*REXX program displays the moves to solve the Tower of Hanoi (with N disks). */ parse arg N . /*get optional number of disks from CL.*/ if N== | N=="," then N=3 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/

  1. =0 /*#: the number of disk moves (so far)*/

z=2**N - 1 /*Z: " " " minimum # of moves.*/ call mov 1, 3, N /*move the top disk, then recurse ··· */ say say 'The minimum number of moves to solve a ' N"-disk Tower of Hanoi is " z exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ dsk: #=#+1 /*bump the (disk) move counter by one. */

     say 'step'  right(#, length(z))":  move disk on tower"    arg(1)    '───►'    arg(2)
     return                                     /* [↑]  display the move message (text)*/

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ mov: procedure expose # z; parse arg @1, @2, @3

     if @3==1  then call dsk @1,  @2
               else do;  call mov @1,        6-@1-@2,   @3-1
                         call mov @1,        @2,        1
                         call mov 6-@1-@2,   @2,        @3-1

output   when using the default input:

step 1:  move disk on tower 1 ───► 3
step 2:  move disk on tower 1 ───► 2
step 3:  move disk on tower 3 ───► 2
step 4:  move disk on tower 1 ───► 3
step 5:  move disk on tower 2 ───► 1
step 6:  move disk on tower 2 ───► 3
step 7:  move disk on tower 1 ───► 3

The minimum number of moves to solve a  3-disk  Tower of Hanoi is  7

output   when the following was entered (to solve with four disks):   4

step  1:  move disk on tower 1 ───► 2
step  2:  move disk on tower 1 ───► 3
step  3:  move disk on tower 2 ───► 3
step  4:  move disk on tower 1 ───► 2
step  5:  move disk on tower 3 ───► 1
step  6:  move disk on tower 3 ───► 2
step  7:  move disk on tower 1 ───► 2
step  8:  move disk on tower 1 ───► 3
step  9:  move disk on tower 2 ───► 3
step 10:  move disk on tower 2 ───► 1
step 11:  move disk on tower 3 ───► 1
step 12:  move disk on tower 2 ───► 3
step 13:  move disk on tower 1 ───► 2
step 14:  move disk on tower 1 ───► 3
step 15:  move disk on tower 2 ───► 3

The minimum number of moves to solve a  4-disk  Tower of Hanoi is  15

pictorial moves

This REXX version pictorially shows the moves for solving the Town of Hanoi.

Quite a bit of code has been dedicated to showing a "picture" of the towers with the disks, and the movement of the disk (for each move).   "Coloring" of the disks is attempted with dithering.

In addition, it shows each move in a countdown manner (the last move is marked as #1).

It may not be obvious from the pictorial display of the moves, but whenever a disk is moved from one tower to another, it is always the top disk that is moved   (to the target tower).

Also, since the pictorial showing of the moves may be voluminous (especially for a larger number of disks), the move counter is started with the maximum and is the count shown is decremented so the viewer can see how many moves are left to display. <lang rexx>/*REXX program displays the moves to solve the Tower of Hanoi (with N disks). */ parse arg N . /*get optional number of disks from CL.*/ if N== | N=="," then N=3 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ sw=80; wp=sw%3-1; blanks=left(, wp) /*define some default REXX variables. */ c.1= sw % 3 % 2 /* [↑] SW: assume default Screen Width*/ c.2= sw % 2 - 1 c.3= sw - 1 - c.1 - 1

  1. =0; z=2**N-1; moveK=z /*#moves; min# of moves; where to move.*/

@abc='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyN' /*dithering chars when many disks used.*/ ebcdic= ('f0'x==0) /*determine if EBCDIC or ASCII machine.*/

if ebcdic then do; bar= 'bf'x; ar= "df"x; boxen= 'db9f9caf'x; down= "9a"x

                     tr= 'bc'x;    bl= "ab"x;     br= 'bb'x;   vert= "fa"x;     tl= 'ac'x
         else do;   bar= 'c4'x;    ar= "10"x;     boxen= 'b0b1b2db'x;         down= "18"x
                     tr= 'bf'x;    bl= "c0"x;     br= 'd9'x;   vert= "b3"x;     tl= 'da'x

verts= vert || vert; Tcorners= tl || tr downs= down || down; Bcorners= bl || br box = left(boxen, 1); boxChars= boxen || @abc $.=0; $.1=N; k=N; kk=k+k

 do j=1  for N;   @.3.j=blanks;     @.2.j=blanks;     @.1.j=center( copies( box, kk), wp)
 if N<=length(boxChars)  then @.1.j= translate(@.1.j, , substr( boxChars, kk%2, 1), box)
 kk=kk - 2
 end   /*j*/                                    /*populate the tower of Hanoi spindles.*/

call showTowers; call mov 1,3,N; say say 'The minimum number of moves to solve a ' N"-disk Tower of Hanoi is " z exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ dsk: parse arg from dest; #=#+1; pp=

    if from==1  then do;  pp=overlay(bl,  pp, c.1)
                          pp=overlay(bar, pp, c.1+1, c.dest-c.1-1, bar) || tr
    if from==2  then do
                     lpost=min(2, dest)
                     hpost=max(2, dest)
                     if dest==1  then do;  pp=overlay(tl,  pp, c.1)
                                           pp=overlay(bar, pp, c.1+1, c.2-c.1-1, bar)||br
                     if dest==3  then do;  pp=overlay(bl,  pp, c.2)
                                           pp=overlay(bar, pp, c.2+1, c.3-c.2-1, bar)||tr
    if from==3  then do;  pp=overlay(br,  pp, c.3)
                          pp=overlay(bar, pp, c.dest+1, c.3-c.dest-1, bar)
                          pp=overlay(tl,  pp, c.dest)
    say translate(pp, downs, Bcorners || Tcorners || bar);    say overlay(moveK,pp,1)
    say translate(pp, verts, Tcorners || Bcorners || bar)
    say translate(pp, downs, Tcorners || Bcorners || bar);    moveK=moveK-1
    $.from=$.from-1;      $.dest=$.dest+1;    _f=$.from+1;    _t=$.dest
    @.dest._t=@.from._f;  @.from._f=blanks;   call showTowers

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ mov: if arg(3)==1 then call dsk arg(1) arg(2)

                  else do;  call mov arg(1),          6-arg(1)-arg(2), arg(3)-1
                            call mov arg(1),          arg(2),          1
                            call mov 6-arg(1)-arg(2), arg(2),          arg(3)-1

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ showTowers: do j=N by -1 for N; _=@.1.j @.2.j @.3.j; if _\= then say _; end; return</lang> output   when using the default input:

7           └───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
         ▓▓▓▓▓▓                                                ░░
6           └─────────────────────────┐
         ▓▓▓▓▓▓                     ▒▒▒▒                       ░░
5                                     ┌─────────────────────────┘
         ▓▓▓▓▓▓                     ▒▒▒▒
4           └───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
                                    ▒▒▒▒                     ▓▓▓▓▓▓
3           ┌─────────────────────────┘
           ░░                       ▒▒▒▒                     ▓▓▓▓▓▓
2                                     └─────────────────────────┐
           ░░                                                ▓▓▓▓▓▓
1           └───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐

The minimum number of moves to solve a  3-disk  Tower of Hanoi is  7


<lang ring> move(4, 1, 2, 3)

func move n, src, dst, via

    if n > 0 move(n - 1, src, via, dst)
       see "" + src + " to " + dst + nl
       move(n - 1, via, dst, src) ok



<lang ruby>def move(num_disks, start=0, target=1, using=2)

 if num_disks == 1
  @towers[target] << @towers[start].pop
   puts "Move disk from #{start} to #{target} : #{@towers}"
   move(num_disks-1, start, using, target)
   move(1,           start, target, using)
   move(num_disks-1, using, target, start)


n = 5 @towers = [[*1..n].reverse, [], []] move(n)</lang>

Move disk from 0 to 1 : [[5, 4, 3, 2], [1], []]
Move disk from 0 to 2 : [[5, 4, 3], [1], [2]]
Move disk from 1 to 2 : [[5, 4, 3], [], [2, 1]]
Move disk from 0 to 1 : [[5, 4], [3], [2, 1]]
Move disk from 2 to 0 : [[5, 4, 1], [3], [2]]
Move disk from 2 to 1 : [[5, 4, 1], [3, 2], []]
Move disk from 0 to 1 : [[5, 4], [3, 2, 1], []]
Move disk from 0 to 2 : [[5], [3, 2, 1], [4]]
Move disk from 1 to 2 : [[5], [3, 2], [4, 1]]
Move disk from 1 to 0 : [[5, 2], [3], [4, 1]]
Move disk from 2 to 0 : [[5, 2, 1], [3], [4]]
Move disk from 1 to 2 : [[5, 2, 1], [], [4, 3]]
Move disk from 0 to 1 : [[5, 2], [1], [4, 3]]
Move disk from 0 to 2 : [[5], [1], [4, 3, 2]]
Move disk from 1 to 2 : [[5], [], [4, 3, 2, 1]]
Move disk from 0 to 1 : [[], [5], [4, 3, 2, 1]]
Move disk from 2 to 0 : [[1], [5], [4, 3, 2]]
Move disk from 2 to 1 : [[1], [5, 2], [4, 3]]
Move disk from 0 to 1 : [[], [5, 2, 1], [4, 3]]
Move disk from 2 to 0 : [[3], [5, 2, 1], [4]]
Move disk from 1 to 2 : [[3], [5, 2], [4, 1]]
Move disk from 1 to 0 : [[3, 2], [5], [4, 1]]
Move disk from 2 to 0 : [[3, 2, 1], [5], [4]]
Move disk from 2 to 1 : [[3, 2, 1], [5, 4], []]
Move disk from 0 to 1 : [[3, 2], [5, 4, 1], []]
Move disk from 0 to 2 : [[3], [5, 4, 1], [2]]
Move disk from 1 to 2 : [[3], [5, 4], [2, 1]]
Move disk from 0 to 1 : [[], [5, 4, 3], [2, 1]]
Move disk from 2 to 0 : [[1], [5, 4, 3], [2]]
Move disk from 2 to 1 : [[1], [5, 4, 3, 2], []]
Move disk from 0 to 1 : [[], [5, 4, 3, 2, 1], []]

or <lang ruby># solve(source, via, target)

  1. Example:
  2. solve([5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [], [])
  3. Note this will also solve randomly placed disks,
  4. "place all disk in target with legal moves only".

def solve(*towers)

 # total number of disks
 disks = towers.inject(0){|sum, tower| sum+tower.length}
 x=0 # sequence number
 p towers # initial trace
 # have we solved the puzzle yet?
 while towers.last.length < disks do
   x+=1 # assume the next step
   from = (x&x-1)%3
   to = ((x|(x-1))+1)%3
   # can we actually take from tower?
   if top = towers[from].last
     bottom = towers[to].last
     # is the move legal?
     if !bottom || bottom > top
       # ok, do it!
       p towers # trace


solve([5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [], [])</lang>

[[5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [], []]
[[5, 4, 3, 2], [], [1]]
[[5, 4, 3], [2], [1]]
[[5, 4, 3], [2, 1], []]
[[5, 4], [2, 1], [3]]
[[5, 4, 1], [2], [3]]
[[5, 4, 1], [], [3, 2]]
[[5, 4], [], [3, 2, 1]]
[[5], [4], [3, 2, 1]]
[[5], [4, 1], [3, 2]]
[[5, 2], [4, 1], [3]]
[[5, 2, 1], [4], [3]]
[[5, 2, 1], [4, 3], []]
[[5, 2], [4, 3], [1]]
[[5], [4, 3, 2], [1]]
[[5], [4, 3, 2, 1], []]
[[], [4, 3, 2, 1], [5]]
[[1], [4, 3, 2], [5]]
[[1], [4, 3], [5, 2]]
[[], [4, 3], [5, 2, 1]]
[[3], [4], [5, 2, 1]]
[[3], [4, 1], [5, 2]]
[[3, 2], [4, 1], [5]]
[[3, 2, 1], [4], [5]]
[[3, 2, 1], [], [5, 4]]
[[3, 2], [], [5, 4, 1]]
[[3], [2], [5, 4, 1]]
[[3], [2, 1], [5, 4]]
[[], [2, 1], [5, 4, 3]]
[[1], [2], [5, 4, 3]]
[[1], [], [5, 4, 3, 2]]
[[], [], [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]]


<lang runbasic>a = move(4, "1", "2", "3") function move(n, a$, b$, c$) if n > 0 then a = move(n-1, a$, c$, b$) print "Move disk from " ; a$ ; " to " ; c$ a = move(n-1, b$, a$, c$) end if end function</lang>

Move disk from 1 to 3
Move disk from 1 to 2
Move disk from 3 to 2
Move disk from 1 to 3
Move disk from 2 to 1
Move disk from 2 to 3
Move disk from 1 to 3
Move disk from 1 to 2
Move disk from 3 to 2
Move disk from 3 to 1
Move disk from 2 to 1
Move disk from 3 to 2
Move disk from 1 to 3
Move disk from 1 to 2
Move disk from 3 to 2


Translation of: C

<lang rust>fn move_(n: i32, from: i32, to: i32, via: i32) {

   if n > 0 {
       move_(n - 1, from, via, to);
       println!("Move disk from pole {} to pole {}", from, to);
       move_(n - 1, via, to, from);


fn main() {

   move_(4, 1,2,3);



Translation of: Fortran

<lang sather>class MAIN is

 move(ndisks, from, to, via:INT) is
   if ndisks = 1 then
     #OUT + "Move disk from pole " + from + " to pole " + to + "\n";
     move(ndisks-1, from, via, to);
     move(1, from, to, via);
     move(ndisks-1, via, to, from);
 main is
   move(4, 1, 2, 3);



<lang scala>def move(n: Int, from: Int, to: Int, via: Int) : Unit = {

   if (n == 1) {
     Console.println("Move disk from pole " + from + " to pole " + to)
   } else {
     move(n - 1, from, via, to)
     move(1, from, to, via)
     move(n - 1, via, to, from)

This next example is from it is a translation to Scala of a Prolog solution and solves the problem at compile time <lang scala>object TowersOfHanoi {

 import scala.reflect.Manifest
 def simpleName(m:Manifest[_]):String = {
   val name = m.toString
 trait Nat
 final class _0 extends Nat
 final class Succ[Pre<:Nat] extends Nat

 type _1 = Succ[_0]
 type _2 = Succ[_1]
 type _3 = Succ[_2]
 type _4 = Succ[_3]

 case class Move[N<:Nat,A,B,C]()

 implicit def move0[A,B,C](implicit a:Manifest[A],b:Manifest[B]):Move[_0,A,B,C] = {
       System.out.println("Move from "+simpleName(a)+" to "+simpleName(b));null

 implicit def moveN[P<:Nat,A,B,C](implicit m1:Move[P,A,C,B],m2:Move[_0,A,B,C],m3:Move[P,C,B,A])
  :Move[Succ[P],A,B,C] = null
 def run[N<:Nat,A,B,C](implicit m:Move[N,A,B,C]) = null
 case class Left()
 case class Center()
 case class Right()
 def main(args:Array[String]){



<lang scheme>(define (hanoi n a b c)

 (if (> n 0)
     (hanoi (- n 1) a c b)
     (display "Move disk from pole ")
     (display a)
     (display " to pole ")
     (display b)
     (hanoi (- n 1) c b a))))

(hanoi 4 1 2 3)</lang>


<lang seed7>const proc: hanoi (in integer: disk, in string: source, in string: dest, in string: via) is func

   if disk > 0 then
     hanoi(pred(disk), source, via, dest);
     writeln("Move disk " <& disk <& " from " <& source <& " to " <& dest);
     hanoi(pred(disk), via, dest, source);
   end if;
 end func;</lang>


Translation of: Perl

<lang ruby>func hanoi(n, from=1, to=2, via=3) {

   if (n == 1) {
       say "Move disk from pole #{from} to pole #{to}.";
   } else {
       hanoi(n-1, from, via,   to);
       hanoi(  1, from,  to,  via);
       hanoi(n-1,  via,  to, from);




<lang SNOBOL4>* # Note: count is global

       define('hanoi(n,src,trg,tmp)') :(hanoi_end)

hanoi hanoi = eq(n,0) 1 :s(return)

       hanoi(n - 1, src, tmp, trg)
       count  = count + 1
       output = count ': Move disc from ' src ' to ' trg
       hanoi(n - 1, tmp, trg, src) :(return)


  • # Test with 4 discs


1: Move disc from A to B
2: Move disc from A to C
3: Move disc from B to C
4: Move disc from A to B
5: Move disc from C to A
6: Move disc from C to B
7: Move disc from A to B
8: Move disc from A to C
9: Move disc from B to C
10: Move disc from B to A
11: Move disc from C to A
12: Move disc from B to C
13: Move disc from A to B
14: Move disc from A to C
15: Move disc from B to C

Standard ML

   fun hanoi(0, a, b, c) = [] |
       hanoi(n, a, b, c) = hanoi(n-1, a, c, b) @ [(a,b)] @ hanoi(n-1, c, b, a);


Translation of: JavaScript

<lang Swift>func hanoi(n:Int, a:String, b:String, c:String) {

   if (n > 0) {
       hanoi(n - 1, a, c, b)
       println("Move disk from \(a) to \(c)")
       hanoi(n - 1, b, a, c)


hanoi(4, "A", "B", "C")</lang>

Swift 2.1 <lang Swift>func hanoi(n:Int, a:String, b:String, c:String) {

 if (n > 0) {
   hanoi(n - 1, a: a, b: c, c: b)
   print("Move disk from \(a) to \(c)")
   hanoi(n - 1, a: b, b: a, c: c)


hanoi(4, a:"A", b:"B", c:"C")</lang>


The use of interp alias shown is a sort of closure: keep track of the number of moves required <lang tcl>interp alias {} hanoi {} do_hanoi 0

proc do_hanoi {count n {from A} {to C} {via B}} {

   if {$n == 1} {
       interp alias {} hanoi {} do_hanoi [incr count]
       puts "$count: move from $from to $to"
   } else {
       incr n -1
       hanoi $n $from $via $to
       hanoi 1  $from $to $via
       hanoi $n $via $to $from


hanoi 4</lang>

1: move from A to B
2: move from A to C
3: move from B to C
4: move from A to B
5: move from C to A
6: move from C to B
7: move from A to B
8: move from A to C
9: move from B to C
10: move from B to A
11: move from C to A
12: move from B to C
13: move from A to B
14: move from A to C
15: move from B to C


TI-83 BASIC lacks recursion, so technically this task is impossible, however here is a version that uses an iterative method. <lang ti-83b>PROGRAM:TOHSOLVE 0→A 1→B 0→C 0→D 0→M 1→R While A<1 or A>7 Input "No. of rings=?",A End randM(A+1,3)→[C] [[1,2][1,3][2,3]]→[E]

Fill(0,[C]) For(I,1,A,1) I?[C](I,1) End ClrHome While [C](1,3)≠1 and [C](1,2)≠1

For(J,1,3) For(I,1,A) If [C](I,J)≠0:Then Output(I+1,3J,[C](I,J)) End End End While C=0 Output(1,3B," ") 1→I [E](R,2)→J While [C](I,J)=0 and I≤A I+1→I End [C](I,J)→D 1→I [E](R,1)→J While [C](I,J)=0 and I≤A I+1→I End If (D<[C](I,J) and D≠0) or [C](I,J)=0:Then [E](R,2)→B Else [E](R,1)→B End

1→I While [C](I,B)=0 and I≤A I+1→I End If I≤A:Then [C](I,B)→C 0→[C](I,B) Output(I+1,3B," ") End Output(1,3B,"V") End

While C≠0 Output(1,3B," ") If B=[E](R,2):Then [E](R,1)→B Else [E](R,2)→B End

1→I While [C](I,B)=0 and I≤A I+1→I End If [C](I,B)=0 or [C](I,B)>C:Then C→[C](I-1,B) 0→C M+1→M End End Output(1,3B,"V") R+1→R If R=4:Then:1→R:End

End </lang>


<lang toka>value| sa sb sc n | [ to sc to sb to sa to n ] is vars! [ ( num from to via -- )

 n 0 <>
   n sa sb sc 
   n 1- sa sc sb recurse
   ." Move a ring from " sa . ." to " sb . cr
   n 1- sc sb sa recurse
 ] ifTrue

] is hanoi</lang>


<lang TSESAL>// library: program: run: towersofhanoi: recursive: sub <description></description> <version></version> <version control></version control> (filenamemacro=runprrsu.s) [kn, ri, tu, 07-02-2012 19:54:23] PROC PROCProgramRunTowersofhanoiRecursiveSub( INTEGER totalDiskI, STRING fromS, STRING toS, STRING viaS, INTEGER bufferI )

IF ( totalDiskI == 0 )
PROCProgramRunTowersofhanoiRecursiveSub( totalDiskI - 1, fromS, viaS, toS, bufferI )
AddLine( Format( "Move disk", " ", totalDiskI, " ", "from peg", " ", "'", fromS, "'", " ", "to peg", " ", "'", toS, "'" ), bufferI )
PROCProgramRunTowersofhanoiRecursiveSub( totalDiskI - 1, viaS, toS, fromS, bufferI )


// library: program: run: towersofhanoi: recursive <description></description> <version></version> <version control></version control> (filenamemacro=runprtre.s) [kn, ri, tu, 07-02-2012 19:40:45] PROC PROCProgramRunTowersofhanoiRecursive( INTEGER totalDiskI, STRING fromS, STRING toS, STRING viaS )

INTEGER bufferI = 0
bufferI = CreateTempBuffer()
PROCProgramRunTowersofhanoiRecursiveSub( totalDiskI, fromS, toS, viaS, bufferI )
GotoBufferId( bufferI )


PROC Main() STRING s1[255] = "4" IF ( NOT ( Ask( "program: run: towersofhanoi: recursive: totalDiskI = ", s1, _EDIT_HISTORY_ ) ) AND ( Length( s1 ) > 0 ) ) RETURN() ENDIF

PROCProgramRunTowersofhanoiRecursive( Val( s1 ), "source", "target", "via" )



Translation of: C

<lang>Proc _Move(4, 1,2,3) ' 4 disks, 3 poles End

_Move Param(4)

 If (a@ > 0) Then
   Proc _Move (a@ - 1, b@, d@, c@)
   Print "Move disk from pole ";b@;" to pole ";c@
   Proc _Move (a@ - 1, d@, c@, b@)


UNIX Shell

Works with: bash

<lang bash>#!/bin/bash

move() {

 local n="$1"
 local from="$2"
 local to="$3"
 local via="$4"
 if "$n" == "1" 
   echo "Move disk from pole $from to pole $to"
   move $(($n - 1)) $from $via $to
   move 1 $from $to $via
   move $(($n - 1)) $via $to $from


move $1 $2 $3 $4</lang>


<lang Ursala>#import nat

move = ~&al^& ^rlPlrrPCT/~&arhthPX ^|W/~& ^|G/predecessor ^/~&htxPC ~&zyxPC

  1. show+

main = ^|T(~&,' -> '--)* move/4 <'start','end','middle'></lang>

start -> middle
start -> end
middle -> end
start -> middle
end -> start
end -> middle
start -> middle
start -> end
middle -> end
middle -> start
end -> start
middle -> end
start -> middle
start -> end
middle -> end


Derived from the BASIC256 version. <lang VBScript>Sub Move(n,fromPeg,toPeg,viaPeg) If n > 0 Then Move n-1, fromPeg, viaPeg, toPeg WScript.StdOut.Write "Move disk from " & fromPeg & " to " & toPeg WScript.StdOut.WriteBlankLines(1) Move n-1, viaPeg, toPeg, fromPeg End If End Sub

Move 4,1,2,3 WScript.StdOut.Write("Towers of Hanoi puzzle completed!")</lang>

Move disk from 1 to 3
Move disk from 1 to 2
Move disk from 3 to 2
Move disk from 1 to 3
Move disk from 2 to 1
Move disk from 2 to 3
Move disk from 1 to 3
Move disk from 1 to 2
Move disk from 3 to 2
Move disk from 3 to 1
Move disk from 2 to 1
Move disk from 3 to 2
Move disk from 1 to 3
Move disk from 1 to 2
Move disk from 3 to 2
Towers of Hanoi puzzle completed!

Vedit macro language

This implementation outputs the results in current edit buffer. <lang vedit>#1=1; #2=2; #3=3; #4=4 // move 4 disks from 1 to 2 Call("MOVE_DISKS") Return

// Move disks // #1 = from, #2 = to, #3 = via, #4 = number of disks //


if (#4 > 0) {

       #9=#2; #2=#3; #3=#9; #4--       // #1 to #3 via #2
   Ins_Text("Move a disk from ")       // move one disk
   Num_Ins(#1, LEFT+NOCR)
   Ins_Text(" to ")
   Num_Ins(#2, LEFT)
       #9=#1; #1=#3; #3 = #9; #4--     // #3 to #2 via #1

} Return</lang>

Visual Basic .NET

<lang vbnet>Module TowersOfHanoi

   Sub MoveTowerDisks(ByVal disks As Integer, ByVal fromTower As Integer, ByVal toTower As Integer, ByVal viaTower As Integer)
       If disks > 0 Then
           MoveTowerDisks(disks - 1, fromTower, viaTower, toTower)
           System.Console.WriteLine("Move disk {0} from {1} to {2}", disks, fromTower, toTower)
           MoveTowerDisks(disks - 1, viaTower, toTower, fromTower)
       End If
   End Sub
   Sub Main()
       MoveTowerDisks(4, 1, 2, 3)
   End Sub

End Module</lang>


<lang XPL0>code Text=12;

proc MoveTower(Discs, From, To, Using); int Discs, From, To, Using; [if Discs > 0 then

   [MoveTower(Discs-1, From, Using, To);
   Text(0, "Move from ");  Text(0, From);
   Text(0, " peg to ");  Text(0, To);  Text(0, " peg.^M^J");
   MoveTower(Discs-1, Using, To, From);


MoveTower(3, "left", "right", "center")</lang>

Move from left peg to right peg.
Move from left peg to center peg.
Move from right peg to center peg.
Move from left peg to right peg.
Move from center peg to left peg.
Move from center peg to right peg.
Move from left peg to right peg.


<lang xml><xsl:template name="hanoi"> <xsl:param name="n"/> <xsl:param name="from">left</xsl:param> <xsl:param name="to">middle</xsl:param> <xsl:param name="via">right</xsl:param>

 <xsl:if test="$n > 0">
   <xsl:call-template name="hanoi">
     <xsl:with-param name="n"    select="$n - 1"/>
     <xsl:with-param name="from" select="$from"/>
     <xsl:with-param name="to"   select="$via"/>
     <xsl:with-param name="via"  select="$to"/>
     <xsl:text>Move disk from </xsl:text>
     <xsl:value-of select="$from"/>
     <xsl:text> to </xsl:text>
     <xsl:value-of select="$to"/>
   <xsl:call-template name="hanoi">
     <xsl:with-param name="n"    select="$n - 1"/>
     <xsl:with-param name="from" select="$via"/>
     <xsl:with-param name="to"   select="$to"/>
     <xsl:with-param name="via"  select="$from"/>


<xsl:call-template name="hanoi"><xsl:with-param name="n" select="4"/></xsl:call-template>


<lang xquery>declare function local:hanoi($disk as xs:integer, $from as xs:integer,

   $to as xs:integer, $via as xs:integer) as element()* 


 if($disk > 0)
 then (
   local:hanoi($disk - 1, $from, $via, $to),
   <move disk='{$disk}'><from>{$from}</from><to>{$to}</to></move>,
   local:hanoi($disk - 1, $via, $to, $from)
 else ()


<hanoi> {

 local:hanoi(4, 1, 2, 3)

} </hanoi></lang>


<lang xml><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <hanoi>

  <move disk="1">
  <move disk="2">
  <move disk="1">
  <move disk="3">
  <move disk="1">
  <move disk="2">
  <move disk="1">
  <move disk="4">
  <move disk="1">
  <move disk="2">
  <move disk="1">
  <move disk="3">
  <move disk="1">
  <move disk="2">
  <move disk="1">



Translation of: C

<lang zkl>fcn move(n, from,to,via){

  if (n>0){
     move(n-1, from,via,to);
     println("Move disk from pole %d to pole %d".fmt(from, to));
     move(n-1, via,to,from);

} move(3, 1,2,3);</lang>

Move disk from pole 1 to pole 2
Move disk from pole 1 to pole 3
Move disk from pole 2 to pole 3
Move disk from pole 1 to pole 2
Move disk from pole 3 to pole 1
Move disk from pole 3 to pole 2
Move disk from pole 1 to pole 2