Open a text file and count the occurrences of each letter.

Letter frequency
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Some of these programs count all characters (including punctuation), but some only count letters A to Z.


<lang Lisp>(defun increment-alist (tbl key)

  (cond ((endp tbl) (list (cons key 1)))
        ((eql (car (first tbl)) key)
         (cons (cons key (1+ (cdr (first tbl))))
               (rest tbl)))
        (t (cons (first tbl)
                 (increment-alist (rest tbl) key)))))

(defun freq-table (xs)

  (if (endp xs)
      (increment-alist (freq-table (rest xs))
                       (first xs))))

(defun letter-freq (str)

  (freq-table (coerce str 'list)))</lang>


<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Letter_Frequency is

  Counters: array (Character) of Natural := (others => 0); -- initialize all Counters to 0
  C:        Character;
  File:     Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;


  Ada.Text_IO.Open(File, Mode => Ada.Text_IO.In_File, Name => "letter_frequency.adb");
  while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File(File) loop
     Ada.Text_IO.Get(File, C);
     Counters(C) := Counters(C) + 1;
  end loop;
  for I in Counters'Range loop
     if Counters(I) > 0 then
           Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("'" & I & "':" & Integer'Image(Counters(I)));
     end if;
  end loop;

end Letter_Frequency;</lang>


(counting the characters of its own source code)

' ': 122
'"': 6
'&': 3

... [a lot of lines omitted]

'x': 7
'y': 5
'z': 1


<lang aikido>import ctype

var letters = new int [26]

var s = openin (args[0]) while (!s.eof()) {

   var ch = s.getchar()
   if (s.eof()) {
   if (ctype.isalpha (ch)) {
       var n = cast<int>(ctype.tolower(ch) - 'a')


foreach i letters.size() {

   println (cast<char>('a' + i) + " " + letters[i])



<lang algol68> BEGIN

  [0:max abs char]INT histogram;
  FOR i FROM 0 TO max abs char DO histogram[i] := 0 OD;
  FILE input file;
  STRING input file name = "Letter_frequency.a68";
  IF open (input file, input file name, stand in channel) /= 0 THEN
     put (stand error, ("Cannot open ", input file name, newline));
     on file end (input file, (REF FILE f) BOOL: (close (f); GOTO finished))
     STRING s;
     get (input file, (s, newline));
     FOR i TO UPB s DO

CHAR c = s[i]; IF "A" <= c AND c <= "Z" OR "a" <= c AND c <= "z" THEN histogram[ABS c] PLUSAB 1 FI

  close (input file);


  FOR i FROM ABS "A" TO ABS "Z" DO printf (($a3xg(0)l$, REPR i, histogram[i])) OD;
  FOR i FROM ABS "a" TO ABS "z" DO printf (($a3xg(0)l$, REPR i, histogram[i])) OD

END </lang>


Counting letters in its own source code

A   11
B   9
C   2
D   13
E   11
F   14
G   4
H   3
I   10
J   0
[[ Omitted for K – Z and a – p ]]
q   1
r   15
s   19
t   24
u   10
v   0
w   3
x   4
y   1
z   2


<lang apl>

     freq 0 1 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 4 4

0 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4

     freq 'balloon'

b 1 a 1 l 2 o 2 n 1 </lang>


<lang AutoHotkey>OpenFile = %A_ScriptFullPath% ; use own source code FileRead, FileText, %OpenFile% Loop 26 { StringReplace, junk, FileText, % Chr(96+A_Index),, UseErrorLevel out .= Chr(96+A_Index) ": " ErrorLevel "`n" } MsgBox % out</lang>


(using script's own file)

a: 6
b: 1
c: 6
d: 4
e: 24
[several lines omitted]
x: 5
y: 0
z: 0


This function prints the Letter frequency of a given textfile. You can choose to use case sensitive search and if special chars should be searched too.

<lang> Func _Letter_frequency($Path, $fcase = True, $fspecial_chars = True) Local $hFile, $sRead, $iupto, $iStart, $iCount If Not $fcase Then $fcase = False If Not $fspecial_chars Then $iStart = 64 If Not $fcase Then $iupto = 26 Else $iupto = 58 EndIf Else $iStart = 31 $iupto = 224 EndIf $hFile = FileOpen($Path, 0) $sRead = FileRead($hFile) FileClose($hFile) For $i = 1 To $iupto If Not $fspecial_chars Then If $iStart + $i > 90 And $iStart + $i < 97 Then ContinueLoop EndIf $sRead = StringReplace($sRead, Chr($iStart + $i), "", 0, $fcase) $iCount = @extended If $iCount > 0 Then ConsoleWrite(Chr($iStart + $i) & " : " & $iCount & @CRLF) Next EndFunc  ;==>_Letter_frequency</lang>

A : 32
B : 2
C : 15
E : 31
F : 10
[several lines omitted]
u : 14
v : 1
w : 1
x : 14


<lang AWK>

  1. usage: awk -f letters.awk HolyBible.txt

BEGIN { FS="" }

     { for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) m[$i]++}

END { for(i in m) printf("%9d %-14s\n", m[i],i) } </lang>


<lang bbcbasic> DIM cnt%(255)

     file% = OPENIN("C:\unixdict.txt")
     IF file%=0 ERROR 100, "Could not open file"
       A$ = GET$#file%
       L% = LEN(A$)
       IF L% THEN
         FOR I% = 1 TO L%
           cnt%(ASCMID$(A$,I%)) += 1
     UNTIL EOF#file%
     CLOSE #file%
     FOR c% = &41 TO &5A
       PRINT CHR$(c%)CHR$(c%+32) ": " cnt%(c%)+cnt%(c%+32)
Aa:      16421
Bb:       4115
Cc:       8216
Dd:       5799
Ee:      20144
Ff:       2662
Gg:       4129
Hh:       5208
Ii:      13980
Jj:        430
Kk:       1925
Ll:      10061
Mm:       5828
Nn:      12097
Oo:      12738
Pp:       5516
Qq:        378
Rr:      13436
Ss:      10210
Tt:      12836
Uu:       6489
Vv:       1902
Ww:       1968
Xx:        617
Yy:       3633
Zz:        433


<lang bracmat>(lc=

 counts c

. fil$(!arg,r) {open file for reading}

   & 0:?counts
   &   whl
     ' ( fil$:?c                         {read a byte}
       &     ( !c:(~<A:~>Z|~<a:~>z)
             | 0
           + !counts
         : ?counts                       {simply add any found letter to the sum}
   & fil$(,SET,-1)                       {close the file by seeking to impossible file position.}
 | !counts                               {return the sum}


lc$"valid.bra" {example: count letters in Bracmat's validation suite.} </lang> <lang bracmat>107*A + 33*B + 37*C + 39*D + 74*E + 50*F + 27*G + 28*H + 20*I + 55*J + 32*K + 112*L + 36*M + 32*N + 621*O + 43*P + 25*R + 67*S + 62*T + 64*U + 5*V + 26*W + 353*X + 248*Y + 70*Z + 2173*a + 840*b + 738*c + 639*d + 1345*e + 472*f + 372*g + 568*h + 91*j + 142*k + 529*l + 409*m + 941*n + 840*o + 336*p + 65*q + 993*r + 1018*s + 2097*t + 978*u + 122*v + 156*w + 909*x + 685*y + 211*z + 1035*i</lang>


<lang c>/* declare array */ int frequency[26]; int ch; FILE* txt_file = fopen ("a_text_file.txt", "rt");

/* init the freq table: */ for (ch = 0; ch < 26; ch++)

   frequency[ch] = 0;

while (1) {

   ch = fgetc(txt_file);
   if (ch == EOF) break; /* end of file or read error.  EOF is typically -1 */
   /* assuming ASCII; "letters" means "a to z" */
   if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z')      /* lower case */
   else if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') /* upper case */



<lang csharp>using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq;

class Program {

   static SortedDictionary<TItem, int> GetFrequencies<TItem>(IEnumerable<TItem> items)
       var dictionary = new SortedDictionary<TItem, int>();
       foreach (var item in items)
           if (dictionary.ContainsKey(item))
               dictionary[item] = 1;
       return dictionary;
   static void Main(string[] arguments)
       var file = arguments.FirstOrDefault();
       if (File.Exists(file))
           var text = File.ReadAllText(file);
           foreach (var entry in GetFrequencies(text))
               Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", entry.Key, entry.Value);


 : 1
!: 1
,: 1
H: 1
d: 1
e: 1
l: 3
o: 2
r: 1
w: 1

Declarative approach:

<lang csharp> var freq = from c in str

           where char.IsLetter(c)
           orderby c
           group c by c into g
           select g.Key + ":" + g.Count();

foreach(var g in freq)





<lang cpp>#include <fstream>

  1. include <iostream>

int main() { std::ifstream input("filename.txt", std::ios_base::binary); if (!input) { std::cerr << "error: can't open file\n"; return -1; }

size_t count[256]; std::fill_n(count, 256, 0);

for (char c; input.get(c); ++count[uint8_t(c)]) // process input file ; // empty loop body

for (size_t i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if (count[i] && isgraph(i)) // non-zero counts of printable characters { std::cout << char(i) << " = " << count[i] << '\n'; } } }</lang>


when file contains "Hello, world!" (without quotes)

! = 1
, = 1
H = 1
d = 1
e = 1
l = 3
o = 2
r = 1
w = 1

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun letter-freq (file)

 (with-open-file (stream file)
   (let ((str (make-string (file-length stream)))

(arr (make-array 256 :element-type 'integer :initial-element 0)))

     (read-sequence str stream)
     (loop for c across str do (incf (aref arr (char-code c))))
     (loop for c from 32 to 126 for i from 1 do

(format t "~c: ~d~a" (code-char c) (aref arr c) (if (zerop (rem i 8)) #\newline #\tab))))))

(letter-freq "test.lisp")</lang>


<lang Clojure>(println (sort-by second > (frequencies (map #(java.lang.Character/toUpperCase %) (filter #(java.lang.Character/isLetter %) (slurp "text.txt"))))))</lang>

Component Pascal

BlackBox Component Builder <lang oberon2> MODULE LetterFrecuency; IMPORT Files,StdLog,Strings;

PROCEDURE Do*; VAR loc: Files.Locator; fd: Files.File; rd: Files.Reader; x: BYTE; frecuency: ARRAY 26 OF LONGINT; c: CHAR; i: INTEGER; BEGIN loc := Files.dir.This("BBTest/Mod"); fd := Files.dir.Old(loc,"LetterFrecuency.odc",FALSE); rd := fd.NewReader(NIL);

(* init the frecuency array *) FOR i := 0 TO LEN(frecuency) - 1 DO frecuency[i] := 0 END;

(* collect frecuencies *) WHILE ~rd.eof DO rd.ReadByte(x);c := CAP(CHR(x)); (* convert vowels with diacritics *) CASE ORD(c) OF 193: c := 'A'; |201: c := 'E'; |205: c := 'I'; |211: c := 'O'; |218: c := 'U'; ELSE END; IF (c >= 'A') & (c <= 'Z') THEN INC(frecuency[ORD(c) - ORD('A')]); END END;

(* show data *) FOR i := 0 TO LEN(frecuency) - 1 DO StdLog.Char(CHR(i + ORD('A')));StdLog.String(":> ");StdLog.Int(frecuency[i]); StdLog.Ln END END Do; END LetterFrecuency. </lang> Execute: ^Q LetterFrecuency.Do

A:>  28
B:>  7
C:>  100
D:>  94
E:>  168
F:>  30
G:>  10
H:>  11
I:>  49
J:>  0
K:>  1
L:>  67
M:>  25
N:>  57
O:>  81
P:>  3
Q:>  0
R:>  91
S:>  90
T:>  94
U:>  32
V:>  14
W:>  15
X:>  15
Y:>  17
Z:>  3


<lang d>void main() {

   import std.stdio, std.ascii, std.algorithm, std.range;
   uint[26] frequency;
   foreach (const buffer; "unixdict.txt".File.byChunk(2 ^^ 15))
       foreach (immutable c; buffer.filter!isAlpha)
           frequency[c.toLower - 'a']++;
   writefln("%(%(%s, %),\n%)", frequency[].chunks(10));


16421, 4115, 8216, 5799, 20144, 2662, 4129, 5208, 13980, 430,
1925, 10061, 5828, 12097, 12738, 5516, 378, 13436, 10210, 12836,
6489, 1902, 1968, 617, 3633, 433


We use a property list - plist for short - which is a hash table, to store the pairs ( letter . count) . <lang lisp>

bump count when letter added

(define (hash-counter hash key ) ;; (set! key (string-downcase key)) - if ignore case wanted (putprop hash (1+ (or (getprop hash key) 0 )) key))

apply to exploded string
and sort result

(define (hash-compare a b) ( < (first a) (first b))) (define (count-letters hash string) (map (curry hash-counter hash) (string->list string)) (list-sort hash-compare (symbol-plist hash))) </lang>


<lang lisp> (define (file-stats file string) (set-plist! 'file-stats null) ; reset counters (writeln (count-letters 'file-stats string)) (writeln "Total letters:" (string-length string)) (writeln "Total lines:" (getprop 'file-stats "#\\newline")))

frequency for 'help.html' file

(file->string file-stats) ; browser 'open' dialog

➛ help.html -> string ➛ (( 28918) (! 138) (# 1035) (#\newline 4539) (#\tab 409) ($ 7) (% 24) (& 136) (' 1643) ((3577) () 3583) (* 233)

(+ 303) (, 599) (- 3164) (. 1454) (/ 5388) (0 1567) (1 1769) (2 1258) (3 857) (4 1872) (5 453) (6 581) (7 344) 
(8 337) (9 411) (: 1235) (; 647) (< 9951) (= 1834) (> 10255) (? 392) (@ 11) (A 166) (B 92) (C 144) (D 72) (E 224)
(F 52) (G 35) (H 42) (I 193) (J 31) (K 36) (L 196) (M 82) (N 94) (O 132) (P 192) (Q 27) (R 56) (S 220) (T 226) (U 37)
(V 51) (W 28) (X 6) (Y 38) (Z 2) ([ 237) (\ 12) (] 215) (^ 28) (_ 107) (` 7) (a 8420) (b 4437) (c 3879) (d 4201) 
(e 11905) (f 2989) (g 2068) (h 3856) (i 11313) (j 334) (k 653) (l 5748) (m 3048) (n 7020) (o 7207) (p 3585) (q 249)
(r 8312) (s 8284) (t 8704) (u 3833) (v 1135) (w 861) (x 1172) (y 1451) (z 268) ({ 123) (| 62) (} 123) (~ 7) (§ 1) (© 1)
(« 1) (» 1) (É 2) (à 18) (â 3) (ç 3) (è 6) (é 53) (î 1) (ö 9) (û 1) (œ 1) (ε 2) (λ 12) (μ 1) (ο 2) (ς 1)
(τ 1) (а 1) (д 1) (е 1) (з 1) (л 1) (м 1) (н 1) (я 3) (ἄ 1) (— 2) (“ 2) (” 2) (… 184) (→ 465) (∅ 57) (∈ 4) (∏ 1)
(∑ 2) (∘ 6) (√ 4)(∞ 12) (∫ 2) (⌚ 2) (⌛ 1) (⏳ 4) (☕ 1) (♠ 7) (♡ 2) (♢ 2) (♣ 6) (♤ 2) (♥ 8) (♦ 8) 
(♧ 2) (⚁ 1) (⚃ 2) (⚪ 1) (⛔ 1) (✋ 1) (❄ 1) (❅ 1) (❆ 1) (❇ 1) (❈ 1) (❉ 1) (❊ 1) (❋ 1) (❌ 3) (❍ 1) 
(❎ 1) (❗ 1) (➛ 900) (➰ 1) (⭕ 2) ... )    

➛ Total letters: 212631 ➛ Total lines: 4539 </lang>


<lang Eiffel>class APPLICATION

create make

feature {NONE} -- Initialization

make -- Read from the file and print frequencies. local file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do create file.make_open_read("input.txt") file.read_stream(file.count) file.close across get_frequencies(file.last_string) as f loop print(f.key.out + ": " + f.item.out + "%N") end end

feature -- Access

get_frequencies (s: STRING): HASH_TABLE[INTEGER, CHARACTER] -- Hash table of counts for alphabetic characters in `s'. local char: CHARACTER do create Result.make(0) across s.area as st loop char := st.item if char.is_alpha then if Result.has(char) then Result.force( + 1, char) else Result.put (1, char) end end end end end</lang>


when file contains "Hello, Eiffel world!"

H: 1
e: 2
l: 4
o: 2
E: 1
i: 1
f: 2
w: 1
r: 1
d: 1


<lang elixir>file = hd(System.argv), [:read], fn(file) ->

 text =, :all)
 |> Enum.filter_map(fn c -> c =~ ~r/[a-z]/i end, &String.upcase(&1))
 |> Enum.reduce(, fn c,acc -> Dict.update(acc, c, 1, &(&1+1)) end)
 |> Enum.sort_by(fn {_k,v} -> -v end)
 |> Enum.each(fn {k,v} -> IO.puts "#{k}\t#{v}" end)


C:\Elixir>elixir letterfrequency.exs \work\unixdict.txt
E       20144
A       16421
I       13980
R       13436
T       12836
O       12738
N       12097
S       10210
L       10061
C       8216
U       6489
M       5828
D       5799
P       5516
H       5208
G       4129
B       4115
Y       3633
F       2662
W       1968
K       1925
V       1902
X       617
Z       433
J       430
Q       378


<lang erlang>%% Implemented by Arjun Sunel -module(letter_frequency). -export([main/0, letter_freq/1]). main() -> case file:read_file("file.txt") of {ok, FileData} -> letter_freq(binary_to_list(FileData)); _FileNotExist -> io:format("File do not exist~n") end.

letter_freq(Data) -> lists:foreach(fun(Char) -> LetterCount = lists:foldl(fun(Element, Count) -> case Element =:= Char of true -> Count+1; false -> Count end end, 0, Data),

case LetterCount >0 of true -> io:format("~p : ~p~n", [[Char], LetterCount]); false -> io:format("") end end, lists:seq(0, 222)). </lang>

"\n"    :       5
" "     :       4
","     :       1
"."     :       22
":"     :       3
"M"     :       1
"a"     :       2
"e"     :       2
"i"     :       1
"j"     :       1
"l"     :       1
"m"     :       1
"n"     :       3
"r"     :       1
"s"     :       2
"u"     :       2
"y"     :       1
"}"     :       2

Alternatively letter_freq/1 above can be replaced with <lang Erlang> letter_freq( Data ) -> Dict = lists:foldl( fun (Char, Dict) -> dict:update_counter( Char, 1, Dict ) end, dict:new(), Data ), [io:fwrite( "~p : ~p~n", [[X], dict:fetch(X, Dict)]) || X <- dict:fetch_keys(Dict)]. </lang>


Using ERRE help file for testing. <lang ERRE>PROGRAM LETTER

DIM CNT[255]


       IF L%>0 THEN
         FOR I%=1 TO L% DO
         END FOR
       END IF
     UNTIL EOF(1)
     FOR C%=$41 TO $5A DO
       PRINT(CHR$(C%);CHR$(C%+32);": ";CNT[C%]+CNT[C%+32])
     END FOR



Works with: OpenEuphoria

<lang euphoria> -- LetterFrequency.ex -- Count frequency of each letter in own source code.

include std/console.e include std/io.e include std/text.e

sequence letters = repeat(0,26)

sequence content = read_file("LetterFrequency.ex")

content = lower(content)

for i = 1 to length(content) do if content[i] > 96 and content[i] < 123 then letters[content[i]-96] += 1 end if end for

for i = 1 to 26 do printf(1,"%s: %d\n",{i+96,letters[i]}) end for

if getc(0) then end if </lang>

a: 4
b: 0
c: 21
x: 3
y: 3
z: 0


<lang fsharp>let alphabet =

   ['A'..'Z'] |> Set.ofList

let letterFreq (text : string) =

   |> Array.filter (fun x -> alphabet.Contains(x))
   |> Seq.countBy (fun x -> x)
   |> Seq.sort

let v = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party"

let res = letterFreq v

for (letter, freq) in res do

   printfn "%A, %A" letter freq</lang>


The result of the first evaluation of ASC() is retained in the symbol ASC for later use. This is a standard feature of FBSL functions. The ascii array is dynamic. Command(1) is the name of the script file.

<lang qbasic>#APPTYPE CONSOLE

'Open a text file and count the occurrences of each letter. FUNCTION countBytes(fileName AS STRING) DIM c AS STRING DIM ascii[] DIM handle AS INTEGER = FILEOPEN(fileName, BINARY) WHILE NOT FILEEOF(handle) c = FILEGETC(handle) IF c = "" THEN EXIT WHILE ascii[ASC] = ascii[ASC(c)] + 1 WEND FILECLOSE(handle) RETURN ascii END SUB

DIM counters = countBytes(COMMAND(1)) FOR DIM i = LBOUND(counters) TO UBOUND(counters) PRINT i, TAB, IIF(i <= 32, i, CHR(i)), TAB, counters[i] NEXT

PAUSE </lang>


<lang factor>USING: hashtables locals io assocs kernel io.encodings.utf8 io.files formatting ; IN: count-letters


count-from-stream ( -- counts )
 52 <hashtable>
 [ read1 dup ] [ over inc-at ] while
 drop ;
print-counts ( counts -- )
 [ "%c: %d\n" printf ] assoc-each ;


count-letters ( filename -- )
 utf8 [ count-from-stream ] with-file-reader
   print-counts ;



<lang forth>create counts 26 cells allot

freq ( filename -- )
 counts 26 cells erase
 slurp-file bounds do
   i c@ 32 or 'a -
   dup 0 26 within if
     cells counts +
     1 swap +!
   else drop then
 26 0 do
   cr [char] ' emit  'a i + emit  ." ': "
   counts i cells + @ .
 loop ;

s" example.txt" freq</lang>


Using the configuration file (which has changed since the example was documented) of the J example, compilation and output of this program on a gnu/linux system is <lang fortran> -*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "/tmp/" -*- Compilation started at Sat May 18 18:09:46

a=./F && make $a && $a < configuration.file f95 -Wall -ffree-form F.F -o F

         92          21          17          24          82          19          19          22          67           0           2          27          27          57          55          31           1          61          43          60          20           6           2           0          10           0

Compilation finished at Sat May 18 18:09:46 </lang> And here's the FORTRAN90 program source. The program reads stdin and writes the result to stdout. Future enhancement: use block size records. <lang FORTRAN> ! count letters from stdin program LetterFrequency

 implicit none
 character (len=1) :: s
 integer, dimension(26) :: a
 integer :: ios, i, t
 data a/26*0/,i/0/
 open(unit=7, file='/dev/stdin', access='direct', form='formatted', recl=1, status='old', iostat=ios)
 if (ios .ne. 0) then
   write(0,*)'Opening stdin failed'
 do i=1, huge(i)
   read(unit=7, rec = i, fmt = '(a)', iostat = ios ) s
   if (ios .ne. 0) then
     !write(0,*)'ios on failure is ',ios
   t = ior(iachar(s(1:1)), 32) - iachar('a')
   if ((0 .le. t) .and. (t .le. iachar('z'))) then
     t = t+1
     a(t) = a(t) + 1
 end do
 write(6, *) a

end program LetterFrequency </lang>


<lang go>package main

import (



const file = "unixdict.txt"

func main() {

   bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
   if err != nil {
   m := make(map[rune]int)
   for _, r := range string(bs) {
   // answer is now in m.  sort and format output:
   lfs := make(lfList, 0, len(m))
   for l, f := range m {
       lfs = append(lfs, &letterFreq{l, f})
   fmt.Println("file:", file)
   fmt.Println("letter  frequency")
   for _, lf := range lfs {
       if unicode.IsGraphic(lf.rune) {
           fmt.Printf("   %c    %7d\n", lf.rune, lf.freq)
       } else {
           fmt.Printf("%U  %7d\n", lf.rune, lf.freq)


type letterFreq struct {

   freq int

} type lfList []*letterFreq

func (lfs lfList) Len() int { return len(lfs) } func (lfs lfList) Less(i, j int) bool {

   switch fd := lfs[i].freq - lfs[j].freq; {
   case fd < 0:
       return false
   case fd > 0:
       return true
   return lfs[i].rune < lfs[j].rune

} func (lfs lfList) Swap(i, j int) {

   lfs[i], lfs[j] = lfs[j], lfs[i]


file: unixdict.txt
letter  frequency
U+000A    25104
   e      20144
   a      16421
   i      13980
   r      13436
   t      12836
   o      12738
   n      12097
   s      10210
   l      10061
   c       8216
   u       6489
   m       5828
   d       5799
   p       5516
   h       5208
   g       4129
   b       4115
   y       3633
   f       2662
   w       1968
   k       1925
   v       1902
   x        617
   z        433
   j        430
   q        378
   '        105
   &          6
   .          6
   1          2
   0          1
   2          1
   3          1
   4          1
   5          1
   6          1
   7          1
   8          1
   9          1


<lang groovy>def frequency = { it.inject([:]) { map, value -> map[value] = (map[value] ?: 0) + 1; map } }

frequency(new File('frequency.groovy').text).each { key, value ->

   println "'$key': $value"


'd': 1
'e': 19
'f': 4
' ': 29
'r': 5
'q': 3
'u': 8
[lines omitted]
'o': 2
'x': 1
'h': 1
'k': 2
'"': 2
'$': 2


<lang visualfoxpro>PROCEDURE Main()

  LOCAL s := hb_MemoRead( Left( __FILE__ , At( ".", __FILE__ )) +"prg")
  LOCAL c, n, i
  LOCAL a := {}
     IF Asc( c ) > 31
        AAdd( a, c )
  a := ASort( a )
  i := 1
  WHILE i <= Len( a )
     c := a[i] ; n := 1
     IF i < Len(a) .AND. c == a[i]
        WHILE c == a[i]
           n++ ; i++
     ?? "'" + c + "'" + "=" + hb_NtoS( n ) + " "

(counting the printable characters of its own source code)

' '=190 '"'=12 ' ' '=2 '('=10 ')'=10 '+'=12 ','=5 '.'=3 '1'=3 '3'=1 ':'=6 ';'=2 '<'=2 '='=12 
'>'=1 '?'=2 'A'=10 'C'=5 'D'=6 'E'=13 'F'=7 'H'=3 'I'=9 'L'=13 'M'=2 'N'=9 'O'=5 'P'=1 
'R'=6 'S'=2 'T'=2 'U'=2 'W'=2 'X'=1 '['=3 ']'=3 '_'=10 'a'=12 'b'=2 'c'=9 'd'=3 'e'=5 
'f'=1 'g'=1 'h'=2 'i'=11 'm'=1 'n'=7 'o'=3 'p'=1 'r'=2 's'=3 't'=5 'w'=1 '{'=1 '}'=1


Short version: <lang Haskell>import Data.List (group,sort) import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) main = interact (show . map (head &&& length) . group . sort)</lang>

Icon and Unicon

The example below counts (case insensitive) letters and was run on a version of this source file. <lang Icon>link printf

procedure main(A) every PrintCount(CountLetters(!A)) end

procedure CountLetters(fn) #: Return case insensitive count of letters

  K := table(0)
  if f := open(fn,"r") then {
     every c := !map(|read(f)) do 
        if any(&lcase,c) then K[c] +:= 1
     return K
  else write(&errout,"Unable to open file ",fn)


procedure PrintCount(T) #: Print the letters every c := key(T) do

  printf("%s - %d\n",c,T[c])


printf.icn provides formatting

c - 17
k - 5
s - 10
h - 2
p - 10
e - 41
m - 2
u - 12
b - 2
r - 25
o - 16
w - 1
d - 10
l - 10
t - 27
a - 10
i - 13
y - 5
f - 12
n - 28
v - 4


Input is a directory-path with filename. Result is 26 integers representing counts of each letter, in alphabetic order (a's count is first).

<lang j>ltrfreq=: 3 : 0

 letters=. u: 65 + i.26  NB. upper case letters
 <: #/.~ letters (, -. -.~) toupper fread y  


Example use (based on a configuration file from another task):

<lang j> ltrfreq 'config.file' 88 17 17 24 79 18 19 19 66 0 2 26 26 57 54 31 1 53 43 59 19 6 2 0 8 0</lang>


Works with: Java version 5+

<lang java5>import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays;

public class LetterFreq { public static int[] countLetters(String filename) throws IOException{ int[] freqs = new int[26]; BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String line; while((line = in.readLine()) != null){ line = line.toUpperCase(); for(char ch:line.toCharArray()){ if(Character.isLetter(ch)){ freqs[ch - 'A']++; } } } in.close(); return freqs; }

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ System.out.println(Arrays.toString(countLetters("filename.txt"))); } }</lang>

Works with: Java version 7+

In Java 7, we can use try with resources. The countLetters method would look like this: <lang java5>public static int[] countLetters(String filename) throws IOException{ int[] freqs = new int[26]; try(BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename))){ String line; while((line = in.readLine()) != null){ line = line.toUpperCase(); for(char ch:line.toCharArray()){ if(Character.isLetter(ch)){ freqs[ch - 'A']++; } } } } return freqs; }</lang>

Works with: Java version 8+

In Java 8, we can use streams. This code also handles unicode codepoints as well. The countLetters method would look like this: <lang java5>public static Map<Integer, Long> countLetters(String filename) throws IOException {

   return Files.lines(Paths.get(filename))
       .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()));



The following program will report the frequency of all characters in the input file, including newlines, returns, etc, provided the file will fit in memory.<lang jq>

  1. Input: an array of strings.
  2. Output: an object with the strings as keys,
  3. the values of which are the corresponding frequencies.

def counter:

 reduce .[] as $item ( {}; .[$item] += 1 ) ;
  1. For neatness we sort the keys:

explode | map( [.] | implode ) | counter | . as $counter

| keys | sort[] | [., $counter[.] ]

</lang> Example:<lang sh>jq -s -R -c -f Letter_frequency.jq somefile.txt</lang>

[" ",124]


This will return the frequency of all characters in file, including newlines. Filter the result according to the desired set of letters. <lang Julia>function freq(file)

 h = Dict{Char, Integer}()
 for x in open(readchomp,file) h[x] = get(h,x,0)+1 end


julia> filter(l-> l[1] in ['a':'z','A':'Z'], freq("somefile.txt"))
52-element Array{(Char,Integer),1}:


<lang K>+(?a;#:'=a:,/0:`)</lang>

Example: The file "hello.txt" contains the string "Hello, world!"

<lang K>



 (" ";1)

Sort on decreasing occurrences:

<lang K>



 (" ";1)

Liberty BASIC

Un-rem a line to convert to all-upper-case. Letter freq'y is printed as percentages. <lang lb>

   open "text.txt" for input as #i
       txt$ =input$( #i, lof( #i))
       Le =len( txt$)
   close #i
   dim LetterFreqy( 255)
   '   txt$ =upper$( txt$)
   for i =1 to Le
       char =asc( mid$( txt$, i, 1))
       if char >=32 then LetterFreqy( char) =LetterFreqy( char) +1
   next i
   for j =32 to 255
       if LetterFreqy( j) <>0 then print " Character #"; j, "("; chr$( j);_
        ") appeared "; using( "##.##", 100 *LetterFreqy( j) /Le); "% of the time."
   next j



<lang Lasso>local( str = 'Hello world!', freq = map ) // as a loop. arguably quicker than query expression loop(#str->size) => { #freq->keys !>> #str->get(loop_count) ? #freq->insert(#str->get(loop_count) = #str->values->find(#str->get(loop_count))->size) }

// or local( str = 'Hello world!', freq = map ) // as query expression, less code with i in #str->values where #freq->keys !>> #i do => { #freq->insert(#i = #str->values->find(#i)->size) }

// output #freq with elem in #freq->keys do => {^ '"'+#elem+'": '+#freq->find(#elem)+'\r' ^}</lang>


<lang lua>-- Open the file named on the command line local file = assert([1])) -- Keep a table counting the instances of each letter local instances = {} local function tally(char)

 -- normalize case
 char = string.upper(char)
 -- add to the count of the found character
 occurrences[char] = occurrences[char] + 1

end -- For each line in the file for line in file:lines() do

   '%a', -- For each letter (%a) on the line,
   tally) --increase the count for that letter

end -- Print letter counts for letter, count in pairs(instances) do

 print(letter, count)

end </lang>


<lang Maple>StringTools:-CharacterFrequencies(readbytes("File.txt",infinity,TEXT))</lang>

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

<lang Mathematica>Tally[Characters[Import["file.txt","Text"]]]</lang>

MATLAB / Octave

<lang MATLAB>function u = letter_frequency(t) if ischar(t) t = abs(t); end; A = sparse(t+1,1,1,256,1); printf('"%c":%i\n',[find(A)-1,A(A>0)]') end</lang>


Translation of: REXX

<lang netrexx>/* NetRexx ************************************************************

  • 22.05.2013 Walter Pachl translated from REXX
                                                                                                                                            • /

options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary

 parse arg dsn .
 if dsn =  then
   dsn = 'test.txt'
 totChars=0                         /*count of the total num of chars*/
 totLetters=0                       /*count of the total num letters.*/
 indent=' '.left(20)                /*used for indentation of output.*/
 lines = scanFile(dsn)
 loop l_ = 1 to lines[0]
   line = lines[l_]
   Say '>'line'<' line.length       /* that's in test.txt            */
   Parse lrx leftx rightx
   Say ' 'leftx
   Say ' 'rightx
   loop k=1 for line.length()       /*loop over characters           */
     totChars=totChars+1            /*Increment total number of chars*/
     c=line.substr(k,1)             /*get character number k         */
     cnt[c]=cnt[c]+1                /*increment the character's count*/
   end l_
 w=totChars.length                  /*used for right-aligning counts.*/
 say 'file -----' dsn "----- has" lines[0] 'records.'
 say 'file -----' dsn "----- has" totChars 'characters.'
 Loop L=0 to 255                    /* display nonzero letter counts */
   c=l.d2c                          /* the character in question     */
   if cnt[c]>0 & c.datatype('M')>0 Then Do /* was found in the file  */
                                    /* and is a latin letter         */
     say indent "(Latin) letter " c 'count:' cnt[c].right(w) /* tell */
     totLetters=totLetters+cnt[c]   /* increment number of letters   */
 say 'file -----' dsn "----- has" totLetters '(Latin) letters.'
 say '                           other charactes follow'
 loop m=0 to 255                    /* now for non-letters           */
   c=m.d2c                          /* the character in question     */
   y=c.c2x                          /* the hex representation        */
   if cnt[c]>0 & c.datatype('M')=0 Then Do /* was found in the file  */
                                    /* and is not a latin letter     */
     other=other+cnt[c]             /* increment count               */
     _=cnt[c].right(w)              /* prepare output of count       */
     select                         /*make the character viewable.   */
      when c<<' ' | m==255 then say indent "'"y"'x character count:" _
      when c==' '          then say indent "blank character count:" _
      otherwise                 say indent "   " c 'character count:' _
 say 'file -----' dsn "----- has" other 'other characters.'
 say 'file -----' dsn "----- has" totLetters 'letters.'

-- Read a file and return contents as a Rexx indexed string method scanFile(dsn) public static returns Rexx

 fileLines = 
   inFile = File(dsn)
   inFileScanner = Scanner(inFile)
   loop l_ = 1 while inFileScanner.hasNext()
     fileLines[0] = l_
     fileLines[l_] = inFileScanner.nextLine()
     end l_
 catch ex = FileNotFoundException
 return fileLines</lang>


<lang nim>import tables, os

var t = initCountTable[char]() var f = open(paramStr(1)) for l in f.lines:

 for c in l:

echo t</lang>


<lang objeck> use IO;

bundle Default {

 class Test {
   function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
     freqs := CountLetters("filename.txt");
     for(i := 'A'; i < 'Z'; i += 1;) {
       Console->Print(i->As(Char))->Print("=>")->PrintLine(freqs[i - 'A']);
   function : CountLetters(filename : String) ~ Int[] {
     freqs := Int->New[26];
     reader := FileReader->New(filename);
     while(reader->IsEOF() <> true) {
       line := reader->ReadString()->ToUpper();
       each(i : line) {
         ch := line->Get(i);
           index := ch - 'A';
           freqs[index] := freqs[index] + 1;
     return freqs;

} </lang>


<lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) {

 @autoreleasepool {
   NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@(argv[1])];
   NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
   NSCountedSet *countedSet = [[NSCountedSet alloc] init];
   NSUInteger len = [string length];
   for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < len; i++) {
     unichar c = [string characterAtIndex:i];
     if ([[NSCharacterSet letterCharacterSet] characterIsMember:c])
       [countedSet addObject:@(c)];
   for (NSNumber *chr in countedSet) {
     NSLog(@"%C => %lu", (unichar)[chr integerValue], [countedSet countForObject:chr]);
 return 0;



We open a text file and compute letter frequency. Other characters than [a-z] and [A-Z] are ignored, and upper case letters are first converted to lower case before to compute letter frequency.

<lang ocaml>let () =

 let ic = open_in Sys.argv.(1) in
 let base = int_of_char 'a' in
 let arr = Array.make 26 0 in
 try while true do
   let c = Char.lowercase(input_char ic) in
   let ndx = int_of_char c - base in
   if ndx < 26 && ndx >= 0 then
     arr.(ndx) <- succ arr.(ndx)
 with End_of_file ->
   close_in ic;
   for i=0 to 25 do
     Printf.printf "%c -> %d\n" (char_of_int(i + base)) arr.(i)


<lang oxygenbasic> indexbase 0

sys a,e,i,c[255]

string s=getfile "t.txt"

e=len s

for i=1 to e



cr=chr(13)+chr(10) pr="Char Frequencies" cr cr for i=32 to 255

 pr+=chr(i) chr(9) c(i) cr


print pr 'putfile "CharCount.txt",pr </lang>


<lang parigp>v=vector(26); U=readvec("foo.txt"); for(i=1,#U,u=Vecsmall(U[i]);for(j=1,#u,if(u[j]>64&&u[j]<91,v[u[j]-64]++,u[j]>96&&u[j]<123,v[u[j]-96]++))); v</lang>


<lang pascal>program LetterFrequency; var

 textFile: text;
 character: char;
 counter: array[0..255] of integer;
 i: integer;


 for i := low(counter) to high(counter) do
   counter[i] := 0;
 assign(textFile, 'a_text_file.txt');
 while not eof(textFile) do
   while not eoln(textFile) do
     read(textFile, character);
 for i := low(counter) to high(counter) do
   if counter[i] > 0 then
     writeln(char(i), ': ', counter[i]);

end. </lang>

>: ./LetterFrequency
3: 2
a: 4
d: 3
e: 3
f: 3
g: 2
q: 1
r: 4
s: 3
t: 2
w: 2


Counts letters in files given on command line or piped to stdin. Case insensitive. <lang perl>while (<>) { $cnt{lc chop}++ while length } print "$_: ", $cnt{$_}//0, "\n" for 'a' .. 'z';</lang>

Perl 6

In perl6, whenever you want to count things in a collection, the rule of thumb is to use the Bag structure. <lang perl6>say bag lines».comb</lang>


<lang php><?php print_r(array_count_values(str_split(file_get_contents($argv[1])))); ?></lang>


<lang PicoLisp>(let Freq NIL

  (in "file.txt"
     (while (char) (accu 'Freq @ 1)) )
  (sort Freq) )</lang>

For a "file.txt":

-> (("^J" . 2) ("a" . 1) ("b" . 1) ("c" . 2) ("d" . 2) ("e" . 1) ("f" . 1))


<lang PL/I> frequencies: procedure options (main);

  declare tallies(26) fixed binary static initial ((26) 0);
  declare alphabet character (26) static initial
  declare c character (1), i fixed binary;
  declare in file;
  open file (in) title ('/LETTER.DAT,type(text),recsize(200)') input;
  on endfile (in) go to prepare_list;
  do while('1'b);
     get file (in) edit (c) (a(1)); put edit (c) (a);
     i = index(alphabet, c);
     if i > 0 then tallies(i) = tallies(i) + 1;


  put skip list('Letter', 'Frequency');
  do i = 1 to 26;
     if tallies(i) > 0 then
        put skip list (substr(alphabet, i, 1), tallies(i));

end frequencies;</lang> Data:

Letter                  Frequency 
A                               1 
B                               1 
C                               1 
D                               1 
E                               3 
F                               1 
G                               1 
H                               2 
I                               1 
J                               1 
K                               1 
L                               1 
M                               1 
N                               1 
O                               4 
P                               1 
Q                               1 
R                               2 
S                               1 
T                               2 
U                               2 
V                               1 
W                               1 
X                               1 
Y                               1 
Z                               1


Works with SWI-Prolog.
Only alphabetic codes are computed in uppercase state.
Uses packlist/2 defined there : Run-length encoding#Prolog
<lang Prolog>frequency(File) :- read_file_to_codes(File, Code, []),

% we only keep alphabetic codes include(my_code_type, Code, LstCharCode),

% we translate char_codes into uppercase atoms. maplist(my_upcase, LstCharCode, LstChar),

% sort and pack the list msort(LstChar, SortLstChar), packList(SortLstChar, Freq), maplist(my_write, Freq).

my_write([Num, Atom]) :- swritef(A, '%3r', [Num]), writef('Number of %w :%w\n', [Atom, A]).

my_code_type(Code) :- code_type(Code, alpha).

my_upcase(CharCode, UpChar) :- char_code(Atom, CharCode), upcase_atom(Atom, UpChar).

- use_module(library(clpfd)).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ?- packList([a,a,a,b,c,c,c,d,d,e], L). % L = [[3,a],[1,b],[3,c],[2,d],[1,e]] . % % ?- packList(R, [[3,a],[1,b],[3,c],[2,d],[1,e]]). % R = [a,a,a,b,c,c,c,d,d,e] . %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% packList([],[]).

packList([X],1,X) :- !.

packList([X|Rest],[XRun|Packed]):- run(X,Rest, XRun,RRest), packList(RRest,Packed).


run(Var,[Var|LRest],[N1, Var],RRest):- N #> 0, N1 #= N + 1, run(Var,LRest,[N, Var],RRest).

run(Var,[Other|RRest], [1,Var],[Other|RRest]):- dif(Var,Other). </lang>


for this file

Number of A : 63
Number of B :  7
Number of C : 53
Number of D : 29
Number of E : 65
Number of T : 52
Number of U : 20
Number of V : 10
Number of W :  8
Number of X :  6
Number of Y : 12
true .


Alphabetic codes are converted to uppercase before being used and no other codes are used as part of the calculations.
<lang PureBasic>Procedure countLetters(Array letterCounts(1), textLine.s)

 ;counts only letters A -> Z, uses index 0 of letterCounts() to keep a total of all counts
 Protected i, lineLength = Len(textLine), letter
 textLine = UCase(textLine)
 For i = 1 To lineLength
   letter = Asc(Mid(textLine, i, 1)) - 'A' + 1
   If letter >= 1 And letter <= 26
     letterCounts(letter) + 1 ;tally individual letter count
     letterCounts(0) + 1      ;increment total letter count


If OpenConsole()

 Define filename.s, fileID, i
 filename = OpenFileRequester("Select text file to examine", "*.txt", "Text (*.txt)|*.txt;|All files (*.*)|*.*", 0)
 fileID = 0
 If ReadFile(fileID, filename)
   Dim letterCounts(26) ;A - Z only, index 0 contains the total of all letter counts
   Define textLine.s
   While Not Eof(fileID)
     textLine = ReadString(fileID)
     countLetters(letterCounts(), textLine)
   PrintN("File: " + filename + #CRLF$)
   PrintN("Letter  %Freq  Count")
   For i = 1 To 26
     Print("  " + Chr(64 + i) + "     ")
     Print(RSet(StrF(100 * letterCounts(i) / letterCounts(0), 1), 5, " ") + "  ")
   PrintN(#CRLF$ + "Total letter count in file: " + Str(letterCounts(0)))
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()


File: D:\_T\Text\dictionary.txt

Letter  %Freq  Count
  A       7.6  27743
  B       2.0  7248
  C       4.3  15433
  D       3.8  13798
  E      11.8  42917
  F       1.4  5030
  G       2.8  10336
  H       2.1  7720
  I       8.6  31141
  J       0.2  588
  K       0.8  2964
  L       5.3  19399
  M       2.7  9821
  N       7.1  25682
  O       6.1  22084
  P       2.9  10696
  Q       0.2  714
  R       7.5  27055
  S       8.0  28898
  T       7.1  25773
  U       3.3  12032
  V       1.1  4019
  W       0.9  3348
  X       0.3  1096
  Y       1.7  6251
  Z       0.3  1177

Total letter count in file: 362963


Using collections.Counter

Works with: Python version 2.7+ and 3.1+

<lang python>import collections, sys

def filecharcount(openfile):

   return sorted(collections.Counter(c for l in openfile for c in l).items())

f = open(sys.argv[1]) print(filecharcount(f))</lang>

Not using collections.Counter

<lang python>import string if hasattr(string, 'ascii_lowercase'):

   letters = string.ascii_lowercase       # Python 2.2 and later


   letters = string.lowercase             # Earlier versions

offset = ord('a')

def countletters(file_handle):

   """Traverse a file and compute the number of occurences of each letter
   return results as a simple 26 element list of integers."""
   results = [0] * len(letters)
   for line in file_handle:
       for char in line:
           char = char.lower()
           if char in letters:
               results[ord(char) - offset] += 1
               # Ordinal minus ordinal of 'a' of any lowercase ASCII letter -> 0..25
   return results

if __name__ == "__main__":

   sourcedata = open(sys.argv[1])
   lettercounts = countletters(sourcedata)
   for i in xrange(len(lettercounts)):
       print "%s=%d" % (chr(i + ord('a')), lettercounts[i]),</lang>

This example defines the function and provides a sample usage. The if ... __main__... line allows it to be cleanly imported into any other Python code while also allowing it to function as a standalone script. (A very common Python idiom).

Using a numerically indexed array (list) for this is artificial and clutters the code somewhat.

Using defaultdict

Works with: Python version 2.5+ and 3.x

<lang python>... from collections import defaultdict def countletters(file_handle):

   """Count occurences of letters and return a dictionary of them
   results = defaultdict(int)
   for line in file_handle:
       for char in line:
           if char.lower() in letters:
               c = char.lower()
               results[c] += 1
   return results</lang>

Which eliminates the ungainly fiddling with ordinal values and offsets in function countletters of a previous example above. More importantly it allows the results to be more simply printed using:

<lang python>lettercounts = countletters(sourcedata) for letter,count in lettercounts.iteritems():

   print "%s=%s" % (letter, count),</lang>

Again eliminating all fussing with the details of converting letters into list indices.


<lang R>letter.frequency <- function(filename) {

   file <- paste(readLines(filename), collapse = )
   chars <- strsplit(file, NULL)1


Usage on itself:

<lang R>> source('letter.frequency.r') > letter.frequency('letter.frequency.r')

   -  ,  .  '  (  )  [  ]  {  }  <  =  1  a  c  d  e  f  h  i  l  L  m  n  N  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  U  y 

22 3 2 1 2 6 6 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 9 6 1 14 7 2 7 8 3 4 6 1 3 3 1 8 8 7 3 1 2 </lang>


<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require math)

(define (letter-frequencies ip)

  (port->list read-char ip)))

(letter-frequencies (open-input-string "abaabdc")) </lang>

'(#\a #\b #\d #\c)
'(3 2 1 1)

Using input from a text file: <lang racket> (letter-frequencies (open-input-file "somefile.txt")) </lang>


<lang Raven>define count_letters use $words

  { } as $wordHash    [ ] as $keys   [ ]  as $vals
  $words each chr
     dup $wordHash swap get 0 prefer 1 +   # stack: chr cnt
     swap $wordHash swap set
  $wordHash keys copy sort each
     dup $keys push
     $wordHash swap get $vals push
  $keys $vals combine  print "\n" print

"test.dat" as $file $file read as $all_data $all_data count_letters</lang>


version 1

It should be noted that the file being read is read one line at time, so the
line-end characters (presumably the line-feed, carriage return, new-line, or
whatever control characters are being used) are not reported.
These characters could be read and reported if the   charin   BIF would be used instead of the   linein   BIF.

Also note that this REXX program is ASCII or EBCDIC independent, but what constitutes a letter is restricted to
the Latin (Roman) alphabet (that is, which characters are considered to be letters of a particular language.

The version of REXX that was used was the English version of Regina REXX.   It should be noted that almost all
REXX interpreters assume the English language for such things as determining what characters are considered
letters unless another language is specified   (Regina REXX uses an environmental variable for this purpose).

All characters are still counted, whether a letter or not, including non-displayable characters. <lang rexx>/*REXX program counts the occurrences of all characters in a file, & note that*/ /* all Latin alphabet letters are uppercased for counting {Latin} letters.*/ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ abc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' /*define an (Latin or English) alphabet*/ abcU= 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' /*define an uppercase version of [↑]. */ parse arg fileID . /*this last char isn't a middle dot: · */ if fileID== then fileID='JUNK.TXT' /*¿none specified? Then use the default*/ totChars=0; totLetters=0 /*count of all chars and of all letters*/ pad=left(,18); pad9=left(,18%2) /*used for the indentations of output. */ @.=0 /*wouldn't it be neat to use Θ instead?*/

    do j=1  while lines(fileID)\==0   /*read the file 'til the cows come home*/
    rec=linein(fileID)                /*get a line/record from the input file*/
                                      /* [↓]  process all characters in  REC.*/
      do k=1  for length(rec)         /*examine/count each of the characters.*/
      totChars=totChars+1             /*bump count of number of characters.  */
      c=substr(rec,k,1);  @.c=@.c+1   /*Peel off a character; bump its count.*/
      if \datatype(c,'M') then iterate  /*Not a Latin letter?  Get next char.*/
      totLetters=totLetters+1         /*bump the count for [Latin] letters.  */
      upper c   /* ◄«««««««««««««««««««««««««««◄ uppercase a Latin character.*/
      @..c=@..c+1                     /*bump the (Latin) letter's count.     */
      end   /*k*/                     /*no Greek glyphs: π Γ Σ µ α ß Φ ε δ σ */
    end     /*j*/                     /*maybe we're ½ done by now, or maybe ¬*/
                                          LL= '(Latin) letter'

w=length(totChars) /*used for right─aligning the counts. */ say 'file ─────' fileId "───── has" j-1 'records and has' totLetters LL"s."; say

 do L=0  for 256;    c=d2c(L)         /*display all none─zero letter counts. */
 if @..c==0  then iterate             /*A zero count?  Then ignore character.*/
 say pad9  LL' '   c   " (also" translate(c,abc,abcU)')  count:'  right(@..c,w)
 end   /*L*/                          /*we may be in a rut, but not a cañyon.*/

say; say 'file ─────' fileId "───── has" totChars 'unique characters.' say

    do #=0  for 256;    y=d2c(#)      /*display all none─zero char counts.   */
    if @.y==0  then iterate           /*A zero count?  Then ignore character.*/
    c=d2c(#);  ch=c                   /*C  is the character glyph of a char. */
    if c<<' ' | #==255  then ch=      /*don't show control characters or null*/
    if c==' '           then ch='blank'                /*show a blank's name.*/
    say pad right(ch,5)     " ('"d2x(#,2)"'x  character count:"    right(@.c,w)
    end   /*#*/                       /*255 isn't quite ∞, but sometimes ∙∙∙ */

say /*not a good place for dithering: ░▒▓█ */ say pad pad9 '☼ end─of─list ☼' /*show we are at the end of the list. */

                                      /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. ☻*/</lang>

output   when using the (above) REXX program for the input file:

Note that this REXX program works with ASCII or EBCDIC, but the order of the output will
be different because of the order in which EBCDIC and ASCII stores characters.

file ───── countfrq.rex ───── has 42 records and has 1540 (Latin) letters.

          (Latin) letter  A  (also a)  count:  133
          (Latin) letter  B  (also b)  count:   23
          (Latin) letter  C  (also c)  count:  101
          (Latin) letter  D  (also d)  count:   55
          (Latin) letter  E  (also e)  count:  176
          (Latin) letter  F  (also f)  count:   49
          (Latin) letter  G  (also g)  count:   23
          (Latin) letter  H  (also h)  count:   73
          (Latin) letter  I  (also i)  count:   86
          (Latin) letter  J  (also j)  count:    6
          (Latin) letter  K  (also k)  count:   11
          (Latin) letter  L  (also l)  count:   91
          (Latin) letter  M  (also m)  count:   20
          (Latin) letter  N  (also n)  count:  101
          (Latin) letter  O  (also o)  count:   97
          (Latin) letter  P  (also p)  count:   35
          (Latin) letter  Q  (also q)  count:    4
          (Latin) letter  R  (also r)  count:  107
          (Latin) letter  S  (also s)  count:   81
          (Latin) letter  T  (also t)  count:  164
          (Latin) letter  U  (also u)  count:   47
          (Latin) letter  V  (also v)  count:    3
          (Latin) letter  W  (also w)  count:   16
          (Latin) letter  X  (also x)  count:    9
          (Latin) letter  Y  (also y)  count:   23
          (Latin) letter  Z  (also z)  count:    6

file ───── countfrq.rex ───── has 3186 unique characters.

                          ('02'x  character count:    1
                          ('0F'x  character count:    2
                          ('11'x  character count:    2
                          ('18'x  character count:    1
                          ('19'x  character count:    1
                   blank  ('20'x  character count: 1041
                       "  ('22'x  character count:   12
                       #  ('23'x  character count:    6
                       %  ('25'x  character count:    1
                       &  ('26'x  character count:    1
                       '  ('27'x  character count:   47
                       (  ('28'x  character count:   21
                       )  ('29'x  character count:   20
                       *  ('2A'x  character count:   78
                       +  ('2B'x  character count:    4
                       ,  ('2C'x  character count:   16
                       -  ('2D'x  character count:    1
                       .  ('2E'x  character count:   38
                       /  ('2F'x  character count:   80
                       0  ('30'x  character count:    8
                       1  ('31'x  character count:   10
                       2  ('32'x  character count:   10
                       5  ('35'x  character count:    7
                       6  ('36'x  character count:    2
                       8  ('38'x  character count:    2
                       9  ('39'x  character count:    3
                       :  ('3A'x  character count:    5
                       ;  ('3B'x  character count:    9
                       <  ('3C'x  character count:    2
                       =  ('3D'x  character count:   38
                       ?  ('3F'x  character count:    5
                       @  ('40'x  character count:    9
                       A  ('41'x  character count:    3
                       B  ('42'x  character count:    1
                       C  ('43'x  character count:    8
                       D  ('44'x  character count:    6
                       E  ('45'x  character count:    4
                       F  ('46'x  character count:    1
                       G  ('47'x  character count:    3
                       H  ('48'x  character count:    1
                       I  ('49'x  character count:    8
                       J  ('4A'x  character count:    2
                       K  ('4B'x  character count:    2
                       L  ('4C'x  character count:   22
                       M  ('4D'x  character count:    2
                       N  ('4E'x  character count:    3
                       O  ('4F'x  character count:    1
                       P  ('50'x  character count:    2
                       Q  ('51'x  character count:    1
                       R  ('52'x  character count:    3
                       S  ('53'x  character count:    1
                       T  ('54'x  character count:    6
                       U  ('55'x  character count:    4
                       V  ('56'x  character count:    1
                       W  ('57'x  character count:    1
                       X  ('58'x  character count:    4
                       Y  ('59'x  character count:    1
                       Z  ('5A'x  character count:    1
                       [  ('5B'x  character count:    3
                       \  ('5C'x  character count:    2
                       ]  ('5D'x  character count:    3
                       a  ('61'x  character count:  130
                       b  ('62'x  character count:   22
                       c  ('63'x  character count:   93
                       d  ('64'x  character count:   49
                       e  ('65'x  character count:  172
                       f  ('66'x  character count:   48
                       g  ('67'x  character count:   20
                       h  ('68'x  character count:   72
                       i  ('69'x  character count:   78
                       j  ('6A'x  character count:    4
                       k  ('6B'x  character count:    9
                       l  ('6C'x  character count:   69
                       m  ('6D'x  character count:   18
                       n  ('6E'x  character count:   98
                       o  ('6F'x  character count:   96
                       p  ('70'x  character count:   33
                       q  ('71'x  character count:    3
                       r  ('72'x  character count:  104
                       s  ('73'x  character count:   80
                       t  ('74'x  character count:  158
                       u  ('75'x  character count:   43
                       v  ('76'x  character count:    2
                       w  ('77'x  character count:   15
                       x  ('78'x  character count:    5
                       y  ('79'x  character count:   22
                       z  ('7A'x  character count:    5
                       {  ('7B'x  character count:    1
                       |  ('7C'x  character count:    1
                       }  ('7D'x  character count:    1
                       ~  ('7E'x  character count:   76
                       ñ  ('A4'x  character count:    1
                       ¿  ('A8'x  character count:    1
                       ¬  ('AA'x  character count:    1
                       ½  ('AB'x  character count:    1
                       «  ('AE'x  character count:   27
                       ░  ('B0'x  character count:    1
                       ▒  ('B1'x  character count:    1
                       ▓  ('B2'x  character count:    1
                       ─  ('C4'x  character count:   25
                       █  ('DB'x  character count:    1
                       α  ('E0'x  character count:    1
                       ß  ('E1'x  character count:    1
                       Γ  ('E2'x  character count:    1
                       π  ('E3'x  character count:    1
                       Σ  ('E4'x  character count:    1
                       σ  ('E5'x  character count:    1
                       µ  ('E6'x  character count:    1
                       Φ  ('E8'x  character count:    1
                       Θ  ('E9'x  character count:    1
                       δ  ('EB'x  character count:    1
                       ∞  ('EC'x  character count:    1
                       ε  ('EE'x  character count:    1
                       ∙  ('F9'x  character count:    3
                       ·  ('FA'x  character count:    1

                             ☼ end─of─list ☼

Version 2 (for TSO)

<lang rexx>/*REXX program counts the occurences of all characters in a file

  • Adapted version 1 for TSO (EXECIO instead of linein)
  • No translation to uppercase takes place
  • There is no need for tails being hex
  • 25.07.2012 Walter Pachl
                                                                                                                                              • /
 Parse arg dsn .                    /*Data set to be processed       */
 if dsn= Then                     /*none specified?                */
   dsn='PRIV.V100(TEST)'            /* Use default.                  */
 c.=0                               /* Character counts              */
 'FREE   FI(IN)'
 totChars=0                         /*count of the total num of chars*/
 totLetters=0                       /*count of the total num letters.*/
 indent=left(,20)                 /*used for indentation of output.*/
 do j=1 to l.0                      /*process all lines              */
   rec=l.j                          /*take line number j             */
   Say '>'rec'<' length(rec)        /*that's in PRIV.V100(TEST)      */
   Say ' E8C44D8FF015674BCDEF'
   Say ' 61100711200000000002'
   do k=1 for length(rec)           /*loop over characters           */
     totChars=totChars+1            /*Increment total number of chars*/
     c=substr(rec,k,1)              /*get character number k         */
     c.c=c.c+1                      /*increment the character's count*/
   End                              /*maybe we're ½ done by now, or ¬*/
 w=length(totChars)                 /*used for right-aligning counts.*/
 say 'file -----' dsn "----- has" j-1 'records.'
 say 'file -----' dsn "----- has" totChars 'characters.'
 do L=0 to 255                      /* display nonzero letter counts */
   c=d2c(l)                         /* the character in question     */
   if c.c>0 &,                      /* was found in the file         */
      datatype(c,'M')>0 Then Do     /* and is a Latin letter         */
     say indent "(Latin) letter " c 'count:' right(c.c,w) /* tell    */
     totLetters=totLetters+c.c      /* increment number of letters   */
 say 'file -----' dsn "----- has" totLetters '(Latin) letters.'
 say '                           other characters follow'
 do m=0 to 255                      /* now for non-letters           */
   c=d2c(m)                         /* the character in question     */
   y=c2x(c)                         /* the hex representation        */
   if c.c>0 &,                      /* was found in the file         */
      datatype(c,'M')=0 Then Do     /* and is not a Latin letter     */
     other=other+c.c                /* increment count               */
     _=right(c.c,w)                 /* prepare output of count       */
     select                         /*make the character viewable.   */
      when c<<' ' | m==255 then say indent  "'"y"'x character count:" _
      when c==' '          then say indent   "blank character count:" _
      otherwise                 say indent "   " c 'character count:' _

say 'file -----' dsn "----- has" other 'other characters.'</lang> Output:

>WaA  Pa12 :&-: :äüÖ2< 20                                
file ----- PRIV.V100(TEST) ----- has 1 records.          
file ----- PRIV.V100(TEST) ----- has 20 characters.      
                     (Latin) letter  a count:  2         
                     (Latin) letter  A count:  1         
                     (Latin) letter  P count:  1         
                     (Latin) letter  W count:  1         
file ----- PRIV.V100(TEST) ----- has 5 (Latin) letters.  
                           other characters follow        
                     '00'x character count:  1           
                     '10'x character count:  1           
                     blank character count:  3           
                         & character count:  1           
                         - character count:  1           
                         : character count:  1           
                         : character count:  1           
                         ä character count:  1           
                         ü character count:  1           
                         Ö character count:  1           
                         1 character count:  1           
                         2 character count:  2           
file ----- PRIV.V100(TEST) ----- has 15 other characters.


<lang ruby>def letter_frequency(file)

 letters = 'a' .. 'z' .
      split(//) .
      group_by {|letter| letter.downcase} .
      select   {|key, val| letters.include? key} .
      collect  {|key, val| [key, val.length]} 


letter_frequency(ARGV[0]).sort_by {|key, val| -val}.each {|pair| p pair}</lang> example output, using the program file as input:

$ ruby letterFrequency.rb letterFrequency.rb
["e", 34]
["l", 20]
["t", 17]
["r", 14]
["a", 12]
["y", 9]
["c", 8]
["i", 7]
["v", 6]
["n", 6]
["f", 6]
["s", 6]
["d", 5]
["p", 5]
["k", 5]
["u", 4]
["o", 4]
["g", 3]
["b", 2]
["h", 2]
["q", 2]
["z", 1]
["w", 1]

Ruby 2.0

<lang ruby>def letter_frequency(file)

 freq =
 file.each_char.lazy.grep(/alpha:/).map(&:upcase).each_with_object(freq) do |char, freq_map|
   freq_map[char] += 1


letter_frequency(ARGF).sort.each do |letter, frequency|

 puts "#{letter}: #{frequency}"


note that this version *should* use less memory, even on a gigantic file. This is done by using lazy enumerables, which ruby 2.0 introduces.

example output, using the (somewhat large) dictionary file as the input. Also note that this versions works on unicode text.

$ ruby letter_frequency.rb /usr/share/dict/words
A: 64439
B: 15526
C: 31872
D: 28531
E: 88833
F: 10675
G: 22712
H: 19320
I: 66986
J: 1948
K: 8409
L: 41107
M: 22508
N: 57144
O: 48944
P: 22274
Q: 1524
R: 57347
S: 90113
T: 53006
U: 26118
V: 7989
W: 7530
X: 2124
Y: 12652
Z: 3281
Å: 1
á: 10
â: 6
ä: 7
å: 3
ç: 5
è: 28
é: 144
ê: 6
í: 2
ñ: 8
ó: 8
ô: 2
ö: 16
û: 3
ü: 12


<lang Runbasic>open "c:\rbp101\public\textFile.txt" for input as #f textData$ = input$(#f, lof( #f)) ln =len(textData$) close #f

dim charCount( 255)

for i =1 to ln

  char            = asc(mid$(textData$,i,1))
  charCount(char) = charCount(char) + 1
  if char > 31 then totCount = totCount + 1

next i

for i = 32 to 255 if charCount(i) > 0 then print "Ascii:";using("###",i);" char:";chr$(i);" Count:";using("#######",charCount(i));" ";using("##.#",(charCount(i) / totCount) * 100);"%" next i</lang>

Output uses this program to count itself:

Ascii: 32 char:  Count:     76 16.1%
Ascii: 34 char:" Count:     18  3.8%
Ascii: 35 char:# Count:     17  3.6%
Ascii: 36 char:$ Count:      6  1.3%
Ascii: 37 char:% Count:      1  0.2%
Ascii: 40 char:( Count:     16  3.4%
Ascii: 41 char:) Count:     16  3.4%
Ascii: 42 char:* Count:      1  0.2%
Ascii: 43 char:+ Count:      2  0.4%
Ascii: 44 char:, Count:      6  1.3%
Ascii: 46 char:. Count:      2  0.4%
Ascii: 47 char:/ Count:      1  0.2%
Ascii: 48 char:0 Count:      4  0.8%
Ascii: 49 char:1 Count:      8  1.7%
Ascii: 50 char:2 Count:      3  0.6%
Ascii: 51 char:3 Count:      2  0.4%
Ascii: 53 char:5 Count:      4  0.8%
Ascii: 58 char:: Count:      4  0.8%
Ascii: 59 char:; Count:      8  1.7%
Ascii: 61 char:= Count:      7  1.5%
Ascii: 62 char:> Count:      2  0.4%
Ascii: 65 char:A Count:      1  0.2%
Ascii: 67 char:C Count:     10  2.1%
Ascii: 68 char:D Count:      3  0.6%
Ascii: 70 char:F Count:      1  0.2%
Ascii: 92 char:\ Count:      3  0.6%
Ascii: 97 char:a Count:     19  4.0%
Ascii: 98 char:b Count:      2  0.4%
Ascii: 99 char:c Count:     17  3.6%
Ascii:100 char:d Count:      3  0.6%
Ascii:101 char:e Count:     13  2.7%
Ascii:102 char:f Count:     10  2.1%
Ascii:103 char:g Count:      3  0.6%
Ascii:104 char:h Count:     14  3.0%
Ascii:105 char:i Count:     24  5.1%
Ascii:108 char:l Count:      7  1.5%
Ascii:109 char:m Count:      2  0.4%
Ascii:110 char:n Count:     25  5.3%
Ascii:111 char:o Count:     21  4.4%
Ascii:112 char:p Count:      6  1.3%
Ascii:114 char:r Count:     17  3.6%
Ascii:115 char:s Count:      7  1.5%
Ascii:116 char:t Count:     38  8.0%
Ascii:117 char:u Count:     16  3.4%
Ascii:120 char:x Count:      7  1.5%


This program works with rust 0.11-pre. It uses hashmap from collections library to gather statistics. Works fine with utf-8 characters. <lang Rust>extern crate collections;

use std::io::fs::File; use std::io::BufferedReader; use std::os;

fn main() {

   let filename = match os::args().len() {
       1 => fail!("You must enter a filename to read line by line"),
       _ => os::args()[1]
   let file = File::open(&Path::new(filename));
   let mut reader = BufferedReader::new(file);
   let s = input.chars().fold(&mut collections::HashMap::new(), |m, x| { 
       let r = *m.find(&x).unwrap_or(&0u); m.insert(x, 1 + r); m 
   println!("{}", s);


Sample output on the source code of the program itself (lines split for readability):

{=: 10, 1: 4, g: 4, y: 3, f: 15, o: 21, &: 3, !: 2, /: 6, w: 5, h: 8, +: 1, m: 11,
r: 31,  : 164, [: 1, a: 27, .: 7, x: 1, c: 18, q: 1, k: 2, L: 1, ,: 6, {: 5, }: 5,
:: 30, I: 1, F: 2, Y: 1, P: 1, ]: 1, d: 11, n: 29, ": 4, u: 15, l: 30, B: 2, ): 15,
_: 3,
: 30, <: 1, t: 45, R: 2, (: 15, i: 23, b: 1, H: 2, p: 7, M: 2, ;: 12, >: 5, s: 29, e: 70}


<lang scala>import io.Source.fromFile

def letterFrequencies(filename: String) =

 fromFile(filename).mkString groupBy (c => c) mapValues (_.length)</lang>


Using guile scheme 2.0.11.

Note that this prints the scheme representations of characters in no particular order.

<lang scheme>(use-modules (ice-9 format))

(define (char-freq port table)

  (eof-object? (peek-char port))
  (char-freq port (add-char (read-char port) table))))

(define (add-char char table)

  ((null? table) (list (list char 1)))
  ((eq? (caar table) char) (cons (list char (+ (cadar table) 1)) (cdr table)))
  (#t (cons (car table) (add-char char (cdr table))))))

(define (format-table table)

 (for-each (lambda (t) (format #t "~10s~10d~%" (car t) (cadr t))) table))

(define (print-freq filename)

 (format-table (char-freq (open-input-file filename) '())))

(print-freq "letter-frequency.scm")</lang>

Output when reading own source:

#\(               45
#\u                5
#\s                9
#\e               47
#\-               19
#\m                9
#\o               16
#\d               19
#\l               25
#\space           83
#\i               15
#\c               28
#\9                1
#\f               20
#\r               39
#\a               47
#\t               36
#\)               45
#\newline         21
#\n               15
#\h               14
#\q                7
#\p                9
#\b               16
#\j                1
#\?                3
#\k                1
#\1                4
#\+                1
#\#                2
#\"                4
#\~                3
#\0                2
#\%                1
#\'                1
#\y                1
#\.                1

An implementation for CHICKEN scheme:

<lang scheme> (with-input-from-string "foobar"

 (lambda ()
   (port-fold (lambda (x s)
                (alist-update x
                              (add1 (alist-ref x s eq? 0))


which shows: ((#\f . 1) (#\o . 2) (#\b . 1) (#\a . 1) (#\r . 1))


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const type: charHash is hash [char] integer;

const proc: main is func

   var charHash: numberOfChars is charHash.EMPTY_HASH;
   var char: ch is ' ';
   ch := getc(IN);
   while ch <> EOF do
     if ch in numberOfChars then
       numberOfChars @:= [ch] 1;
     end if;
     ch := getc(IN);
   end while;
   for ch range sort(keys(numberOfChars)) do
     writeln(ch <& " " <& numberOfChars[ch]);
   end for;
 end func;</lang>

Output when the program uses itself as input:

" 4
$ 1
& 2
' 2
( 6
) 6
. 2
0 1
s 21
t 9
u 9
v 2
w 3
y 2


<lang ruby>func letter_frequency(file) {'<:utf8').slurp.split(1).grep{.matches(/alpha:/)}
       .group_by {|letter| letter.downcase}
       .map_val  {|_, val| val.len}
       .sort_by  {|_, val| -val}


var top = letter_frequency(; top.each{|key, val| say "#{key}: #{val}"};</lang>

e: 25
l: 19
a: 15
t: 14
r: 11
p: 9
v: 8
f: 8
n: 7
y: 7
o: 6
c: 6
u: 6
s: 6
i: 5
h: 3
w: 2
m: 2
b: 2
q: 2
g: 2
k: 2
d: 1


Example: open a text file and compute letter frequency. <lang simpol>constant iBUFSIZE 500

function main(string filename)

 fsfileinputstream fpi
 integer e, i, aval, zval, cval
 string s, buf, c
 array chars
 e = 0
 fpi =@, error=e)
 if fpi =@= .nul
   s = "Error, file """ + filename + """ not found{d}{a}"
   chars =@
   aval = .charval("a")
   zval = .charval("z")
   i = 1
   while i <= 26
     chars[i] = 0
     i = i + 1
   end while
   buf = .lcase(fpi.getstring(iBUFSIZE, 1))
   while not fpi.endofdata and buf > ""
     i = 1
     while i <= .len(buf)
       c = .substr(buf, i, 1)
       cval = .charval(c)
       if cval >= aval and cval <= zval
         chars[cval - aval + 1] = chars[cval - aval + 1] + 1
       end if
       i = i + 1
     end while
     buf = .lcase(fpi.getstring(iBUFSIZE, 1))
   end while
   s = "Character counts for """ + filename + """{d}{a}"
   i = 1
   while i <= chars.count()
     s = s + .char(aval + i - 1) + ": " + .tostr(chars[i], 10) + "{d}{a}"
     i = i + 1
   end while
 end if

end function s</lang>

As this was being created I realized that in [SIMPOL] I wouldn't have done it this way (in fact, I wrote it differently the first time and had to go back and change it to use an array afterward). In [SIMPOL] we would have used the set object. It acts similarly to a single-dimensional array, but can also use various set operations, such as difference, unite, intersect, etc. One of th einteresting things is that each unique value is stored only once, and the number of duplicates is stored with it. The sample then looks a little cleaner:

<lang simpol>constant iBUFSIZE 500

function main(string filename)

 fsfileinputstream fpi
 integer e, i, aval, zval
 string s, buf, c
 set chars
 e = 0
 fpi =@, error=e)
 if fpi =@= .nul
   s = "Error, file """ + filename + """ not found{d}{a}"
   chars =@
   aval = .charval("a")
   zval = .charval("z")
   buf = .lcase(fpi.getstring(iBUFSIZE, 1))
   while not fpi.endofdata and buf > ""
     i = 1
     while i <= .len(buf)
       c = .substr(buf, i, 1)
       if .charval(c) >= aval and .charval(c) <= zval
       end if
       i = i + 1
     end while
     buf = .lcase(fpi.getstring(iBUFSIZE, 1))
   end while
   s = "Character counts for """ + filename + """{d}{a}"
   i = 1
   while i <= chars.count()
     s = s + chars[i] + ": " + .tostr(chars.valuecount(chars[i]), 10) + "{d}{a}"
     i = i + 1
   end while
 end if

end function s</lang>

The final stage simply reads the totals for each character. One caveat, if a character is unrepresented, then it will not show up at all in this second implementation.


<lang tcl>proc letterHistogram {fileName} {

   # Initialize table (in case of short texts without every letter)
   for {set i 97} {$i<=122} {incr i} {
       set frequency([format %c $i]) 0
   # Iterate over characters in file
   set f [open $fileName]
   foreach c [split [read $f] ""] {
       # Count them if they're alphabetic
       if {[string is alpha $c]} {
           incr frequency([string tolower $c])
   close $f
   # Print the histogram
   parray frequency


letterHistogram the/sample.txt</lang>


<lang tuscript> $$ MODE TUSCRIPT words = REQUEST ("")

DICT letters create MODE {} COMPILE LOOP word=words

letters=SPLIT (word,|":?:")
LOOP letter=letters
 DICT letters ADD/QUIET/COUNT letter

ENDLOOP ENDCOMPILE DICT letters unload letter,size,cnt

index =DIGIT_INDEX (cnt) index =REVERSE (index) letter =INDEX_SORT (letter,index) cnt =INDEX_SORT (cnt,index) frequency=JOIN (letter," --- ",cnt)

  • {frequency}

</lang> Output:

e --- 20144
a --- 16421
i --- 13980
r --- 13436
t --- 12836
o --- 12738
n --- 12097
s --- 10210
l --- 10061
c --- 8216
u --- 6489
m --- 5828
d --- 5799
p --- 5516
h --- 5208
g --- 4129
b --- 4115
y --- 3633
f --- 2662
w --- 1968
k --- 1925
v --- 1902
x --- 617
z --- 433
j --- 430
q --- 378
' --- 105
. --- 6
& --- 6
1 --- 2
9 --- 1
8 --- 1
7 --- 1
6 --- 1
5 --- 1
4 --- 1
3 --- 1
2 --- 1
0 --- 1


Pattern Matching Plus Embedded Lisp

<lang txr>@(do (defvar h (make-hash nil nil t))) @(collect :vars ()) @(coll :vars ())@\

 @{letter /[A-Za-z]/}@(filter :upcase letter)@\
 @(do (inc [h letter 0]))@\

@(end) @(end) @(do (dohash (key value h)

      (format t "~a: ~a\n" key value)))</lang>
$ ./txr letterfreq.txr /usr/share/dict/words
A: 64123
B: 15524
C: 31569
[ ... abridged ... ]
X: 2124
Y: 12507
Z: 3238

TXR Lisp

<lang txr>@(do (let ((h (hash))

          (s (open-file "/usr/share/dict/words" "r")))
      (each ((ch (gun (get-char s))))
        (if (chr-isalpha ch)
          (inc [h (chr-toupper ch) 0])))
      (let ((sorted [sort (hash-pairs h) > second]))
        (each ((pair sorted))
          (tree-bind (key value) pair
             (put-line `@key: @value`))))))</lang>


Library: Gee

Counts every character except new line character. <lang vala> using Gee;

void main(string[] args){

   string filename = args[1];
   var file =, "r");
   var	counter	= new HashMap<char, int>();
   string line = file.read_line();
   while (line != null){
       for (int x = 0;	x < line.length; x++){
           counter[line[x]] = counter[line[x]] + 1;


       line = file.read_line();
   foreach (var elem in counter.entries){

stdout.printf("%c occured %d times\n", elem.key, elem.value);


} </lang>

Sample output (run on its own source code) with several lines omitted:

v occured 5 times
, occured 4 times
w occured 2 times
	 occured 19 times
S occured 1 times
1 occured 2 times
! occured 1 times
k occured 1 times
l occured 22 times


<lang VBA> Public Sub LetterFrequency(fname) 'count number of letters in text file "fname" (ASCII-coded) 'note: we count all characters but print only the letter frequencies

Dim Freqs(255) As Long Dim abyte As Byte Dim ascal as Byte 'ascii code for lowercase a Dim ascau as Byte 'ascii code for uppercase a

'try to open the file On Error GoTo CantOpen Open fname For Input As #1 On Error GoTo 0

'initialize For i = 0 To 255

 Freqs(i) = 0

Next i

'process file byte-per-byte While Not EOF(1)

abyte = Asc(Input(1, #1))
Freqs(abyte) = Freqs(abyte) + 1

Wend Close #1

'add lower and upper case together and print result Debug.Print "Frequencies:" ascal = Asc("a") ascau = Asc("A") For i = 0 To 25

 Debug.Print Chr$(ascal + i), Freqs(ascal + i) + Freqs(ascau + i)

Next i Exit Sub


 Debug.Print "can't find or read the file "; fname

End Sub </lang>


LetterFrequency "d:\largetext.txt"
a              24102 
b              4985 
c              4551 
d              19127 
e              61276 
f              2734 
g              10661 
h              8243 
i              21589 
j              4904 
k              7186 
l              12026 
m              7454 
n              31963 
o              19021 
p              4960 
q              37 
r              21166 
s              13403 
t              21090 
u              6117 
v              8612 
w              5017 
x              168 
y              299 
z              4159 


<lang vb> filepath = "SPECIFY FILE PATH HERE"

Set objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objdict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set objfile = objfso.OpenTextFile(filepath,1)

txt = objfile.ReadAll

For i = 1 To Len(txt) char = Mid(txt,i,1) If objdict.Exists(char) Then objdict.Item(char) = objdict.Item(char) + 1 Else objdict.Add char,1 End If Next

For Each key In objdict.Keys WScript.StdOut.WriteLine key & " = " & objdict.Item(key) Next

objfile.Close Set objfso = Nothing Set objdict = Nothing </lang>

Vedit macro language

<lang vedit>File_Open("c:\txt\a_text_file.txt") Update()

for (#1='A'; #1<='Z'; #1++) {

   Out_Reg(103) Char_Dump(#1,NOCR) Out_Reg(CLEAR)
   #2 = Search(@103, BEGIN+ALL+NOERR)
   Message(@103) Num_Type(#2)


Example output:

A   76
B   23
C   51
D   64
E  192
F   51
G   32
H   59
I  146
J    1
K    9
L   73
M   34
N   94
O  113
P   27
Q    1
R   92
S   89
T  138
U   63
V   26
W   35
X   16
Y   16
Z    2


<lang Whitespace>

</lang> <lang asm>push 127

Initialize a slot in the heap for each ASCII character.


   push 0
   push 1
   jn 1
   jump 0
Read until EOF, incrementing the relevant heap slot.


   push 0
   jn 2 ; Done reading, proceed to print.
   push 1
   jump 1
Stack is [-1 -1], but [0] would be nice.


Print characters with tallies greater than 0.


   push 1
   push 128
   jz 4 ; All done.
   jz 3 ; Don't print if no occurrences.
   ochr ; Display the character,
   push 32
   ochr ; a space,
   onum ; its frequency,
   push 10
   ochr ; and a newline.
   jump 3


$ cat | wspace



This takes advantage of DOS's ability to redirect input from a file to the keyboard. The input file must be terminated with an end-of-file character ($1A). Usage: count <filename.ext

<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations int A(256), C, I; [for C:= 0 to 256-1 do A(C):= 0; repeat C:= ChIn(1); \device 1 doesn't buffer nor echo chars

       A(C):= A(C)+1;          \count character

until C=\EOF\$1A; C:= 0; for I:= 0 to 128-1 do \only show 7-bit ASCII

       [ChOut(0, \tab\9);
       case C of
         $0A: ChOut(6, $19);   \line feed = down arrow
         $0D: ChOut(6, $1B)    \carriage return = left arrow
       other  ChOut(6, C);     \all other characters display on device 6
       ChOut(0, ^ );
       IntOut(0, A(C));        \show count
       C:= C+16;               \columnar order
       if (I&7) = 7 then [CrLf(0);  C:= C-8*16+1];


Example output of count.xpl counting itself:  


<lang zkl>fcn ccnt(textInBitBucket){

  letters:=["a".."z"].pump(List().write,0); // array of 26 zeros
  textInBitBucket.howza(0).pump(Void,'wrap(c){  // pump text as ints
     if(97<=c<=122)     c-=97;
     else if(65<=c<=90) c-=65;
     else return(Void.Skip);
  sum:=letters.sum(); println(sum," letters");


ccnt(Data(0,Int,"This is a test")); ccnt(File("dict.txt").read());</lang>

11 letters

181171 letters