Langton's ant: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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Line 2,525:
Output is the same, except for orientation. Here I have stuck to (x,y) Cartesian orientation rather than lines (y) increasing downwards. Just for fun, + signs mark cells that have been trampled and then cleaned. But not to pure white... Notice that some interior cells have never been trampled.
{{out}} (Cropped to save space)
<pre style="height:60ex;overflow:scroll">
Step 11669 to (26,101) is out of bounds!

Revision as of 09:00, 9 October 2015

Langton's ant
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Langton's ant is a cellular automaton that models an ant sitting on a plane of cells, all of which are white initially, facing in one of four directions. Each cell can either be black or white. The ant moves according to the color of the cell it is currently sitting in, with the following rules:

  1. If the cell is black, it changes to white and the ant turns left;
  2. If the cell is white, it changes to black and the ant turns right;
  3. The Ant then moves forward to the next cell, and repeat from step 1.

This rather simple ruleset leads to an initially chaotic movement pattern, and after about 10000 steps, a cycle appears where the ant moves steadily away from the starting location in a diagonal corridor about 10 pixels wide. Conceptually the ant can then travel infinitely far away.

For this task, start the ant near the center of a 100 by 100 field of cells, which is about big enough to contain the initial chaotic part of the movement. Follow the movement rules for the ant, terminate when it moves out of the region, and show the cell colors it leaves behind.

The problem has received some analysis; for more details, please take a look at the Wikipedia article.

See also


<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Langtons_Ant is

  Size: constant Positive := 100; -- change this to extend the playground
  subtype Step is Integer range -1 .. +1;
  procedure Right(N, W: in out Step) is
     Tmp: Step := W;
     W := - N;
     N := Tmp;
  end Right;
  procedure Left(N, W: in out Step) is
     for I in 1 .. 3 loop
        Right(N, W);
     end loop;
  end Left;
  Color_Character: array(Boolean) of Character :=
    (False => ' ', True => '#');
  Is_Black: array (1 .. Size, 1 .. Size) of Boolean :=
    (others => (others => False)); -- initially, the world is white;
  Ant_X, Ant_Y: Natural := Size/2; -- Position of Ant;
  Ant_North: Step := 1; Ant_West: Step := 0; -- initially, Ant looks northward
  Iteration: Positive := 1;


  loop -- iterate the loop until an exception is raised
     if Is_Black(Ant_X, Ant_Y) then
        Left(Ant_North, Ant_West);
        Right(Ant_North, Ant_West);
     end if;
     Is_Black(Ant_X, Ant_Y) := not Is_Black(Ant_X, Ant_Y);
     Ant_X := Ant_X - Ant_North; -- this may raise an exception
     Ant_Y := Ant_Y - Ant_West;  -- this may raise an exception
     Iteration := Iteration + 1;
   end loop;


  when Constraint_Error => -- Ant has left its playground ... now output
     for X in 1 .. Size loop
        for Y in 1 .. Size loop
           Ada.Text_IO.Put(Color_Character(Is_Black(X, Y)));
        end loop;
     end loop;
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("# Iteration:" & Integer'Image(Iteration));

end Langtons_Ant; </lang> Ouptut (to save space, I have removed the all-blank lines):

                                         ##  ############  ##                                       
                                        #  ####          #  ##                                      
                                       ###   ##            ## #                                     
                                       # #  #         #  #    #                                     
                                   ##  ## # #         ###       #                                   
                                ### #  #   #     #     ## ##  ###                                   
                                 # #  ###  ## #### ##   # #  # ##  ##                               
                                 # ### ##  # ##  ### # #     ###   ###                              
                               #     #   ##### # #  ####  #   ### # # #                             
                              ### ##   # ####  ## ## ###### # ### #   #                             
                              # ### # ## # # ## ## ## #   ##### ### ##                              
                                  # #   # ## ###   #   # #  ####    # ##                            
                               #  #         ## ##   #  ##     ## #     ##                           
                              ###   # # ## ###  #  ##     #   ### ##  ## #                          
                             #  ###  ##   ## ##   ###  #    #  ## ####   #                          
                            ###   #   # #  # # #### ##  # ## ###  #     #                           
                           #  ###  # ##    #  # ###  #      ### ## #  #  ##                         
                          ###   #     # ## # ##  ##  ##### ####  #### ##   #                        
                         #  ###  # # #  # ### # # ##      ##   # # #    #   #                       
                        ###   #  ## ###  ## #   ##       #### ####   #      #                       
                       #  ###  # #  #   ##  ########### #  ####  #    #    #                        
                      ###   #  ##      # ####  ##  #########  #  ##    #  ##                        
                     #  ###  # #   ##  # ##   ## ## ### ###   #  # ##  #### #                       
                    ###   #  ##   #  # ###### ## # ## # #    ### ###   ##   #                       
                   #  ###  # #   #     ##### # #####     # #  ## #    ##   #                        
                  ###   #  ##    #     # ## ##### ##  # #   #  #  ## #  #  #                        
                 #  ###  # #     #    #   #### #  ##### ##   ##########   ##                        
                ###   #  ##      # ##   ##   #  #   ####  #   ## #### ##                            
               #  ###  # #        ##### #  ##   ## #   #    # #  #  #  # #                          
              ###   #  ##          ##  ## # # #    ## ## # # ##  #  ##  ##                          
             #  ###  # #                 #  #    # ######## # # ##  #### #                          
            ###   #  ##                  #  #   #       ## ##   #  #  ## #                          
           #  ###  # #                    #  #  #      #  ##  ##   ## ####                          
          ###   #  ##                      ##   #       ##  ##    #   # ###                         
         #  ###  # #                            # ##  ####    #### ### ####                         
        ###   #  ##                              ##  ####    ##  # ## # #  #                        
       #  ###  # #                                ##    ##    ## ### ## #####                       
      ###   #  ##                                                # ## #  ####                       
     #  ###  # #                                                     ## ## ##                       
    ###   #  ##                                                      ##                             
   #  ###  # #                                                     # ##  #### #                     
  ###   #  ##                                                     #  # ###  ###                     
 #  ###  # #                                                      # ## #  #  #                      
###   #  ##                                                        ##      ##                       
   ##  # #                                                          ##                              
##  #  ##                                                                                           
 # # # #                                                                                            
#### ##                                                                                             
# ## #                                                                                              
# Iteration: 11656


Output png <lang aime>integer is_white(list map, integer x, integer y) {

   integer p, w;
   data b;
   b = l_q_data(map, y);
   w = b_character(b, x >> 3);
   p = 1 << (7 - (x & 7));
   b_replace(b, x >> 3, w ^ p);
   return !(w & p);


void ant(integer x, integer y, integer d, list map) {

   while (-1 < x && x < 100 && -1 < y && y < 100) {
       if (is_white(map, x, y)) {
           d += 3;
           d &= 3;
       } else {
           d += 1;
           d &= 3;
       if (d & 1) {
           y += (d & 2) - 1;
       } else {
           x += 1 - (d & 2);


integer main(void) {

   integer i;
   file f;
   list l;
   i = 100;
   while (i) {
       data b;
       integer j;
       i -= 1;
       j = 13;
       while (j) {
           j -= 1;
           b_append(b, 0);
       l_l_data(l, -1, b);
   ant(50, 50, 2, l);
   f_open(f, "ant.pbm", OPEN_CREATE | OPEN_TRUNCATE | OPEN_WRITEONLY, 00644);
   f_text(f, "P4\n100 100\n");
   i = 100;
   while (i) {
       f_b_post(f, l_q_data(l, -i));
       i -= 1;
   return 0;



ahk forum: discussion

Works with: AutoHotkey 1.1

(Fixed by just me)

<lang AutoHotkey>#NoEnv SetBatchLines, -1


Directions := {0: "North", 1: "East", 2: "South", 3: "West"}

Initialize the plane (set all cells to white)

White := 0xFFFFFF Plane := [] PW := PH := 100 loop, % PH {

   I := A_Index
   loop, % PW
       Plane[I, A_Index] := White


Let it run

DI := D := 0 ; initial direction X := Y := 50 ; initial coordinates while (X > 0) && (X <= PW) && (Y > 0) && (Y <= PH) {

   D := (D + ((Plane[X, Y] ^= White) ? 1 : 3)) & 3
   if (D & 1)
       X += -(D = 3) + (D = 1)
       Y += -(D = 0) + (D = 2)


Show the result

HBM := CreateDIB(Plane, PW, PH, 400, 400, 0) Gui, Margin, 0, 0 Gui, Add, Text, x0 y0 w20 h440 Center 0x200, W Gui, Add, Text, x20 y0 w400 h20 Center 0x200, N Gui, Add, Picture, x20 y20 w400 h400 0x4E hwndHPIC ; SS_REALSIZECONTROL = 0x40 | SS_BITMAP = 0xE DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", HPIC, "UInt", 0x172, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", HBM) ; STM_SETIMAGE = 0x172 Gui, Add, Text, xp+5 yp h20 0x200 BackgroundTrans, % "Initial direction: " . Directions[DI] Gui, Add, Text, x20 y420 w400 h20 Center 0x200, S Gui, Add, Text, x420 y0 w20 h440 Center 0x200, E Gui, Show, , Langton's ant (%PW%x%PH%) Return

GuiClose: ExitApp

CreateDIB(PixelArray, PAW, PAH, BMW := 0, BMH := 0, Gradient := 1) { ; SKAN, 01-Apr-2014 / array version by just me

   SLL := (PAW * 3) + (PAW & 1)
   VarSetCapacity(BMBITS, SLL * PAH, 0)
   P := &BMBITS
   loop, % PAH {
       R := A_Index
       loop, % PAW
           P := Numput(PixelArray[R, A_Index], P + 0, "UInt") - 1
       P += (PAW & 1)
   HBM := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreateBitmap", "Int", PAW, "Int", PAH, "UInt", 1, "UInt", 24, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr")
   HBM := DllCall("User32.dll\CopyImage", "Ptr", HBM, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0x2008, "UPtr")
   DllCall( "Gdi32.dll\SetBitmapBits", "Ptr", HBM, "UInt", SLL * PAH, "Ptr", &BMBITS)
   if (!Gradient)
       HBM := DllCall("User32.dll\CopyImage", "Ptr", HBM, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 8, "UPtr")
   return DllCall("User32.dll\CopyImage", "Ptr", HBM, "UInt", 0, "Int", BMW, "Int", BMH, "UInt", 0x200C, "UPtr")

} ;</lang>


<lang AutoIt> Global $iCountMax = 100000 Global $aFields[100][100][2] Global $iDelayStep = 10  ; stop between steps in msec

Global $aDirection[4][4] = [ _ ; [ direction 0-3 ][ left change x, y, right change x, y ] [-1, 0, +1, 0], _  ; == direction 0 [ 0, -1, 0, +1], _  ; == direction 1 [+1, 0, -1, 0], _  ; == direction 2 [ 0, +1, 0, -1]]  ; == direction 3

Global $hGui = GUICreate("Langton's ant", 100*8, 100*8) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF)

For $i = 0 To 99 For $j = 0 To 99 $aFields[$i][$j][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(, $j*8, $i*8) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFF0000) $aFields[$i][$j][1] = 0 Next Next


GUICtrlSetData($aFields[49][49][0], '#')

Do Sleep($iDelayStep) Until Not _SetAnt()

Do Until GUIGetMsg() = -3

Func _SetAnt() Local Static $iRowLast = 49, $iColLast = 49, $iCount = 0 Local Static $aCol[2] = [0xFFFFFF,0x000000], $iDirection = 0 Local $iRow, $iCol, $fRight = False If $iCount = $iCountMax Then Return 0

; == get current color Local $iLastColor = $aFields[$iRowLast][$iColLast][1]

; == go to left/right If $iLastColor = 0 Then $fRight = True

; == set the ant to the next field Local $indexX = 0, $indexY = 1 If $fRight Then $indexX = 2 $indexY = 3 EndIf $iRow = $iRowLast + ($aDirection[$iDirection][$indexX]) $iCol = $iColLast + ($aDirection[$iDirection][$indexY]) If $iRow < 0 Or $iRow > 99 Or $iCol < 0 Or $iCol > 99 Then Return 0 GUICtrlSetData($aFields[$iRowLast][$iColLast][0], ) GUICtrlSetData($aFields[$iRow][$iCol][0], '#')

; == direction for next step If $fRight Then $iDirection += 1 If $iDirection = 4 Then $iDirection = 0 Else $iDirection -= 1 If $iDirection = -1 Then $iDirection = 3 EndIf

; == change the color of the current field GUICtrlSetBkColor($aFields[$iRowLast][$iColLast][0], $aCol[(Not $iLastColor)*1]) $aFields[$iRowLast][$iColLast][1] = (Not $iLastColor)*1

$iRowLast = $iRow $iColLast = $iCol $iCount += 1 WinSetTitle($hGui, , "Langton's ant [ step: " & StringFormat('%06d', $iCount) & " ]") Return 1 EndFunc  ;==>_SetAnt </lang> To see the GUI output, click here. --BugFix (talk) 14:48, 16 November 2013 (UTC)


<lang awk>

  1. usage: awk -v debug=0 -f langton.awk
  1. Simulates the cellular automaton "Langton's ant",
  2. see

function turnRight() { dir++ if( dir>4 ) { dir=1 } } function turnLeft() { dir-- if( dir<1 ) { dir=4 } } function move() { if (dir==1) { y--; z="^" } if (dir==3) { y++; z="v" }

if (dir==2) { x++; z=">" } if (dir==4) { x--; z="<" } }

function ant() { if( debug ) AntStat() ##

if( grid[x,y]==0 ) { turnLeft() } else { turnRight() } if( grid[x,y]==0 ) { color=1 } else { color=0 }

if( debug ) print( "# action", color, dir, z ) ##

grid[x,y] = color move() }

function AntStat() { printf( "Move# %d : Ant @ x=%d y=%d dir=%d %s color=%d\n", moveNr, x,y, dir,z, grid[x,y] ) } function dumpGrid() { AntStat()

printf( "Grid:" ) for(xx=1; xx<=limit/10; xx++) { printf( "....+....%s", xx ) } printf "\n"

cSum=0 for(yy=1; yy <= limit; yy++) { printf( "%4d:",yy ) for(xx=1; xx <= limit; xx++) { c = grid[xx,yy] if( c ) cSum++ c1++ c2+=grid[xx,yy] if( (xx==x)&&(yy==y) ) { c=z } # Ant printf( c ) } printf( "\n" ) } printf( "Cells: %d 'black' cells: %d Moves: %d\n\n", limit*limit, cSum, moveNr ) }

BEGIN { print( "Langton's ant\n" )

limit = 72 for(x=1; x <= limit; x++) { for(y=1; y <= limit; y++) { grid[x,y] = 0 } }

moveNr = 0 x = 36 y = 28 dir = 1 # 1=up/north 2=right/east 3=down/south 4=left/west z = "!"

while( moveNr < 11200 ) { moveNr++


if(x<0 || x>limit) break if(y<0 || y>limit) break

# Snapshots: if (moveNr==163 || moveNr==1297 || moveNr==10095 ) dumpGrid() if (y<=5 ) break } dumpGrid() } END { print("END.") } </lang>


<lang BBC BASIC>

     REM Implementation of Langton's ant for Rosetta Code
     REM Being pedantic, this will actually result in a field of 101 square,
     REM since arrays start at 0, and my implementation allows them to use it
     DIM field&(fieldsize%,fieldsize%)   : REM variables with an & suffix are byte variables
       IF field&(x%,y%)=0 THEN field&(x%,y%)=1:d%-=1 ELSE field&(x%,y%)=0:d%+=1
       GCOL 15*field&(x%,y%)
       PLOT 69,x%*2,y%*2     :REM for historical reasons there are two "plot points" per pixel
       d%=(d%+4) MOD 4       :REM ensure direction is always between 0 and 3
       CASE d% OF
         WHEN 0:y%+=1
         WHEN 1:x%+=1
         WHEN 2:y%-=1
         WHEN 3:x%-=1
     UNTIL x%>fieldsize% OR x%<0 OR y%>fieldsize% OR y%<0



The output function o prints the resulting image (as a PBM image) to stdout. One can either store it into a file or pipe it through an image viewer (e.g. bc langton.bc | display).

<lang bc>define o() {

   auto i, j
   "P1 "
   for (j = 0; j < h; j++) {
       for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
           a[j * w + i]


define l(w, h, x, y) {

   auto a[], d, i, x[], y[]
   /* d represents one of the four possible directions:
    *             0
    *             ⇑
    *           3⇐ ⇒1
    *             ⇓
    *             2
    * The arrays x[] and y[] contain the changes to the x and y direction for 
    * each value of d.
   x[1] = 1
   x[3] = -1
   y[0] = -1
   y[2] = 1
   while (1) {
       i = y * w + x
       if (a[i] == 0) d += 1   /* turn right if white */
       if (a[i] == 1) d -= 1   /* turn left if black */
       if (d < 0) d = 3
       if (d > 3) d = 0
       x += x[d]
       y += y[d]
       a[i] = 1 - a[i]         /* toggle cell colour */
       if (x < 0) break
       if (x == w) break
       if (y < 0) break
       if (y == h) break


l(100, 100, 50, 50) quit</lang>


Requires ANSI terminal. <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>
  3. include <unistd.h>

int w = 0, h = 0; unsigned char *pix;

void refresh(int x, int y) { int i, j, k; printf("\033[H"); for (i = k = 0; i < h; putchar('\n'), i++) for (j = 0; j < w; j++, k++) putchar(pix[k] ? '#' : ' '); }

void walk() { int dx = 0, dy = 1, i, k; int x = w / 2, y = h / 2;

pix = calloc(1, w * h); printf("\033[H\033[J");

while (1) { i = (y * w + x); if (pix[i]) k = dx, dx = -dy, dy = k; else k = dy, dy = -dx, dx = k;

pix[i] = !pix[i]; printf("\033[%d;%dH%c", y + 1, x + 1, pix[i] ? '#' : ' ');

x += dx, y += dy;

k = 0; if (x < 0) { memmove(pix + 1, pix, w * h - 1); for (i = 0; i < w * h; i += w) pix[i] = 0; x++, k = 1; } else if (x >= w) { memmove(pix, pix + 1, w * h - 1); for (i = w-1; i < w * h; i += w) pix[i] = 0; x--, k = 1; }

if (y >= h) { memmove(pix, pix + w, w * (h - 1)); memset(pix + w * (h - 1), 0, w); y--, k = 1; } else if (y < 0) { memmove(pix + w, pix, w * (h - 1)); memset(pix, 0, w); y++, k = 1; } if (k) refresh(x, y); printf("\033[%d;%dH\033[31m@\033[m", y + 1, x + 1);

fflush(stdout); usleep(10000); } }

int main(int c, char **v) { if (c > 1) w = atoi(v[1]); if (c > 2) h = atoi(v[2]); if (w < 40) w = 40; if (h < 25) h = 25;

walk(); return 0; }</lang>


If you want to see it running infinitely, set the const bool INFINIT_RUN = true <lang cpp>

  1. include <windows.h>
  2. include <string>

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace std;

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const int BMP_SIZE = 600, CELL_SIZE = 4, GRID_SIZE = BMP_SIZE / CELL_SIZE; const bool INFINIT_RUN = false;

enum cellState { WHITE, BLACK, ANT }; enum facing { NOR, EAS, SOU, WES }; enum state { RUNNING, RESTING };

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class myBitmap { public:

   myBitmap() : pen( NULL ) {}

DeleteObject( pen ); DeleteDC( hdc ); DeleteObject( bmp );

   bool create( int w, int h )

BITMAPINFO bi; ZeroMemory( &bi, sizeof( bi ) );

bi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( bi.bmiHeader ); bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = sizeof( DWORD ) * 8; bi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bi.bmiHeader.biWidth = w; bi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -h;

HDC dc = GetDC( GetConsoleWindow() ); bmp = CreateDIBSection( dc, &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pBits, NULL, 0 ); if( !bmp ) return false;

hdc = CreateCompatibleDC( dc ); SelectObject( hdc, bmp ); ReleaseDC( GetConsoleWindow(), dc );

width = w; height = h;

return true;

   void clear()

ZeroMemory( pBits, width * height * sizeof( DWORD ) );

   void setPenColor( DWORD clr )

if( pen ) DeleteObject( pen ); pen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, clr ); SelectObject( hdc, pen );

   void saveBitmap( string path )

BITMAPFILEHEADER fileheader; BITMAPINFO infoheader; BITMAP bitmap; DWORD wb;

GetObject( bmp, sizeof( bitmap ), &bitmap );

DWORD* dwpBits = new DWORD[bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight]; ZeroMemory( dwpBits, bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * sizeof( DWORD ) ); ZeroMemory( &infoheader, sizeof( BITMAPINFO ) ); ZeroMemory( &fileheader, sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) );

infoheader.bmiHeader.biBitCount = sizeof( DWORD ) * 8; infoheader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; infoheader.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; infoheader.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader ); infoheader.bmiHeader.biHeight = bitmap.bmHeight; infoheader.bmiHeader.biWidth = bitmap.bmWidth; infoheader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * sizeof( DWORD );

fileheader.bfType = 0x4D42; fileheader.bfOffBits = sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader ) + sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ); fileheader.bfSize = fileheader.bfOffBits + infoheader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage;

GetDIBits( hdc, bmp, 0, height, ( LPVOID )dwpBits, &infoheader, DIB_RGB_COLORS );

HANDLE file = CreateFile( path.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); WriteFile( file, &fileheader, sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ), &wb, NULL ); WriteFile( file, &infoheader.bmiHeader, sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader ), &wb, NULL ); WriteFile( file, dwpBits, bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * 4, &wb, NULL ); CloseHandle( file );

delete [] dwpBits;

   HDC getDC() const     { return hdc; }
   int getWidth() const  { return width; }
   int getHeight() const { return height; }


   HBITMAP bmp;
   HDC	    hdc;
   HPEN    pen;
   void   *pBits;
   int	    width, height;

}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Ant { public:


_bmp.create( BMP_SIZE, BMP_SIZE ); ZeroMemory( _grid, sizeof( _grid ) ); RED_BRUSH = CreateSolidBrush( 255 ); _antState = RUNNING;


DeleteObject( RED_BRUSH );

   void setPosition( int x, int y )

_sx = x; _sy = y; _facing = WES;

   void mainLoop()

switch( _antState ) { case RUNNING: simulate(); // fall thru case RESTING: display(); }

   void setHWND( HWND hwnd ) { _hwnd = hwnd; }


   void simulate()

switch( _grid[_sx][_sy] ) { case BLACK: _grid[_sx][_sy] = WHITE; if( --_facing < NOR ) _facing = WES; break; case WHITE: _grid[_sx][_sy] = BLACK; if( ++_facing > WES ) _facing = NOR; } switch( _facing ) { case NOR: if( --_sy < 0 ) { if( INFINIT_RUN ) _sy = GRID_SIZE - 1; else _antState = RESTING; } break; case EAS: if( ++_sx >= GRID_SIZE ) { if( INFINIT_RUN ) _sx = 0; else _antState = RESTING; } break; case SOU: if( ++_sy >= GRID_SIZE ) { if( INFINIT_RUN ) _sy = 0; else _antState = RESTING; } break; case WES: if( --_sx < 0 ) { if( INFINIT_RUN ) _sx = GRID_SIZE - 1; else _antState = RESTING; } }

   void display()
       HBRUSH br; RECT rc;
       int xx, yy; HDC dc = _bmp.getDC();
       for( int y = 0; y < GRID_SIZE; y++ )

for( int x = 0; x < GRID_SIZE; x++ ) { switch( _grid[x][y] ) { case BLACK: br = static_cast<HBRUSH>( GetStockObject( BLACK_BRUSH ) ); break; case WHITE: br = static_cast<HBRUSH>( GetStockObject( WHITE_BRUSH ) ); } if( x == _sx && y == _sy ) br = RED_BRUSH;

xx = x * CELL_SIZE; yy = y * CELL_SIZE; SetRect( &rc, xx, yy, xx + CELL_SIZE, yy + CELL_SIZE ); FillRect( dc, &rc, br ); }

       HDC wdc = GetDC( _hwnd );
       BitBlt( wdc, 0, 0, BMP_SIZE, BMP_SIZE, dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
       ReleaseDC( _hwnd, wdc );
   myBitmap _bmp;
   HWND     _hwnd;
   BYTE     _grid[GRID_SIZE][GRID_SIZE];
   int      _sx, _sy, _facing;
   state    _antState;

}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wnd { public:

   int wnd::Run( HINSTANCE hInst )

_hInst = hInst; _hwnd = InitAll();

_ant.setHWND( _hwnd ); _ant.setPosition( GRID_SIZE / 2, GRID_SIZE / 2 );

ShowWindow( _hwnd, SW_SHOW ); UpdateWindow( _hwnd );

MSG msg; ZeroMemory( &msg, sizeof( msg ) ); while( msg.message != WM_QUIT ) { if( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) != 0 ) { TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } else { _ant.mainLoop(); } } return UnregisterClass( "_LANGTONS_ANT_", _hInst );



   static int WINAPI wnd::WndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )

switch( msg ) { case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage( 0 ); break; default: return DefWindowProc( hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); } return 0;

   HWND InitAll()

WNDCLASSEX wcex; ZeroMemory( &wcex, sizeof( wcex ) ); wcex.cbSize = sizeof( WNDCLASSEX ); = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wcex.lpfnWndProc = ( WNDPROC )WndProc; wcex.hInstance = _hInst; wcex.hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ); wcex.hbrBackground = ( HBRUSH )( COLOR_WINDOW + 1 ); wcex.lpszClassName = "_LANGTONS_ANT_";

RegisterClassEx( &wcex );

return CreateWindow( "_LANGTONS_ANT_", ".: Langton's Ant -- PJorente :.", WS_SYSMENU, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, BMP_SIZE, BMP_SIZE, NULL, NULL, _hInst, NULL );

   HINSTANCE _hInst;
   HWND      _hwnd;
   Ant       _ant;

}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int APIENTRY _tWinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) {

   wnd myWnd;
   return myWnd.Run( hInstance );

} //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </lang>


<lang csharp>using System;

namespace LangtonAnt {

   public struct Point
       public int X;
       public int Y;
       public Point(int x, int y)
           X = x;
           Y = y;
   enum Direction
       North, East, West, South
   public class Langton
       public readonly bool [,] IsBlack;
       private Point _origin;
       private Point _antPosition = new Point(0, 0);
       public bool OutOfBounds { get; set;}
       // I don't see any mention of what direction the ant is supposed to start out in
       private Direction _antDirection = Direction.East;
       private readonly Direction[] _leftTurn = new[] { Direction.West, Direction.North, Direction.South, Direction.East };
       private readonly Direction[] _rightTurn = new[] { Direction.East, Direction.South, Direction.North, Direction.West };
       private readonly int[] _xInc = new[] { 0, 1,-1, 0};
       private readonly int[] _yInc = new[] {-1, 0, 0, 1};
       public Langton(int width, int height, Point origin)
           _origin = origin;
           IsBlack = new bool[width, height];
           OutOfBounds = false;
       public Langton(int width, int height) : this(width, height, new Point(width / 2, height / 2)) {}
       private void MoveAnt()
           _antPosition.X += _xInc[(int)_antDirection];
           _antPosition.Y += _yInc[(int)_antDirection];
       public Point Step()
           if (OutOfBounds)
               throw new InvalidOperationException("Trying to step after ant is out of bounds");
           Point ptCur = new Point(_antPosition.X + _origin.X, _antPosition.Y + _origin.Y);
           bool leftTurn = IsBlack[ptCur.X, ptCur.Y];
           int iDirection = (int) _antDirection;
           _antDirection = leftTurn ? _leftTurn[iDirection] : _rightTurn[iDirection];
           IsBlack[ptCur.X, ptCur.Y] = !IsBlack[ptCur.X, ptCur.Y];
           ptCur = new Point(_antPosition.X + _origin.X, _antPosition.Y + _origin.Y);
           OutOfBounds = 
               ptCur.X < 0 ||
               ptCur.X >= IsBlack.GetUpperBound(0) ||
               ptCur.Y < 0 ||
               ptCur.Y >= IsBlack.GetUpperBound(1);
           return _antPosition;
   class Program
       static void Main()
           Langton ant = new Langton(100, 100);
           while (!ant.OutOfBounds) ant.Step();
           for (int iRow = 0; iRow < 100; iRow++)
               for (int iCol = 0; iCol < 100; iCol++)
                   Console.Write(ant.IsBlack[iCol, iRow] ? "#" : " ");

} </lang> Output:

<Blank lines eliminated for efficiency>                          # #                                                                       
                        ## # #                                                                      
                       # ### ##                                                                     
                      #### ### #                                                                    
                      ##### #  ##                                                                   
                       #   ## ## #                                                                  
                        ###   #  ##                                                                 
                         #   ## ## #                                                                
                          ###   #  ##                                                               
                           #   ## ## #                                                              
                            ###   #  ##                                                             
                             #   ## ## #                                                            
                              ###   #  ##                                                           
                               #   ## ## #                                                          
                                ###   #  ##                                                         
                                 #   ## ## #                                                        
                                  ###   #  ##                                                       
                                   #   ## ## #                                                      
                                    ###   #  ##                                                     
                                     #   ## ## #                                                    
                                      ###   #  ##                                                   
                                       #   ## ## #                                                  
                                        ###   #  ##                                                 
                                         #   ## ## #                                                
                                          ###   #  ##                                               
                                           #   ## ## #                                              
                                            ###   #  ##                                             
                                             #   ## ## #                                            
                                              ###   #  ##                                           
                                               #   ## ## #                                          
                                                ###   #  ##                                         
                                                 #   ## ## #  ##                                    
                                                  ###   #  ##  ##                                   
                                                   #   ## ##  ##   #                                
                                             ####   ###   #   #  ###                                
                                            #    #   #   ## ####   #                                
                                           ###    #   # #      # ## #                               
                                           ###    # ##     # ##  # ##                               
                                            #    #   ## # #     ##                                  
                                            # #      # #####  #   #                                 
                                           #   #####          ## ######                             
                                           ###  ##  # ## # # #   ## # ##                            
                                         ##  # ####### #   #  ###    ## #                           
                                        #  #  ###### ##   #  # ##   #   #                           
                                       #    # # ## #  ###### #######   #                            
                                       # #### ## # ####    ##  ## # ## #                            
                                        #    ####   #  # ###### ##    ###                           
                                           #   # ## # ### #  ##  ##   ###                           
                                              #######    #  ## ## #     #                           
                                      ####  ## ##  #### ## ## ##  #     #                           
                                     #    # #   ### ## ###    # ####    #                           
                                    ###       ### # # #####    # #      #                           
                                    # #   ### #### ## #   ## ### ##     #                           
                                          ## ##  ####    #### # # #     #                           
                                     #    #  ##   ###  ###     ###      #                           
                                     ##   ## ### ####  #      ###   ##  #                           
                                     ## # ####     #   #  # ## ### ##   #                           
                                    #### ##   ## ####  # #  #  #  ###   #                           
                                    # ## ###  # # ## # #     # #     # #                            
                                        # #  #    ## ##  # #  ### ##                                
                                        ## #    #  ##### #    #    #  # #                           
                                       # ## #  #    ## ## #  ###      ###                           
                                     # #   #  #  #  #  ###   ##  ##    #                            
                                    ### # ##### ###### ### ####### # ##                             
                                    # # #    #####   ##  ##### #####                                
                                      #  ##   #      #  # ##  ### ###                               
                                   ####   ##### #########   # #                                     
                              ##    #  #     ### # #   # ###  ###                                   
                             #  #  #### ##   ### ##   ### ##     ##                                 
                            ###    # ## # #####   #    #  #  ## ###                                 
                            # ##### # #   ##  ##     #    #   #  #                                  
                                ###### ####  ## #   #  ##  # # ##                                   
                              ##      # ### ##  ####   #   ###                                      
                               #  # #####  #   # ##   #  #  #                                       
                               ## ### #######     #     # ##                                        
                              # #  ## ##      #   ##    #                                           
                             #  # ####        ###  ##  #                                            
                             # ## ###            ##  ##                                             


<lang chapel> config const gridHeight: int = 100; config const gridWidth: int = 100;

class PBMWriter {

 var imgDomain: domain(2);
 var imgData: [imgDomain] int;
 proc PBMWriter( height: int, width: int ){
   imgDomain = { 1..#height, 1..#width };
 proc this( i : int, j : int) ref : int{
   return this.imgData[ i, j ];
 proc writeImage( fileName: string ){
   var file = open(fileName,;
   var writingChannel = file.writer();
   writingChannel.write("P1\n", imgDomain.dim(1).size, " " ,imgDomain.dim(2).size,"\n");
   for px in imgData {
     writingChannel.write( px, " " );
   writingChannel.write( "\n" );


enum Color { white, black };

inline proc nextDirection( position: 2*int, turnLeft: bool ): 2*int {

 return ( (if turnLeft then 1 else -1 ) * position[2], (if turnLeft then -1 else 1 ) * position[1] );


proc <( left: 2*int, right: 2*int ){

 return left[1] < right[1] && left[2] < right[2];


proc <=( left: 2*int, right: 2*int ){

 return left[1] <= right[1] && left[2] <= right[2];


proc main{

 const gridDomain: domain(2) = {1..#gridHeight, 1..#gridWidth};
 var grid: [gridDomain] Color;
 var antPos = ( gridHeight / 2, gridWidth / 2 );
 var antDir = (1,0); // start up;
 while (0,0) < antPos && antPos <= (gridHeight, gridWidth ) {
   var currColor = grid[ antPos ];
   grid[antPos] = if currColor == Color.white then else Color.white ;
   antDir = nextDirection( antDir, currColor == );
   antPos = antPos + antDir;
 var image = new PBMWriter( height = gridHeight, width = gridWidth );
 for (i, j) in gridDomain {
   image[i,j] = if grid[gridHeight-j+1,gridHeight-i+1] == then 0 else 1;
 image.writeImage( "output.png" );

} </lang>


In keeping with the spirit of Clojure, this program eschews mutable state entirely. Instead, all computation occurs within a single recursive loop whose "variables" are "adjusted" at each iteration, a natural fit for this particular execution model. <lang Clojure>(let [bounds (set (range 100))

     xs [1 0 -1 0] ys [0 -1 0 1]]
 (loop [dir 0 x 50 y 50
        grid {[x y] false}]
   (if (and (bounds x) (bounds y))
     (let [cur (not (grid [x y]))
           dir (mod (+ dir (if cur -1 1)) 4)]
       (recur dir (+ x (xs dir)) (+ y (ys dir))
              (merge grid {[x y] cur})))
     (doseq [col (range 100)]
         (apply str
                (map #(if (grid [% col]) \# \.)
                     (range 100))))))))</lang>


The following program displays the simulation in the console, and a very small font size (~4pt) will be needed to fit it into the window.

Works with: OpenCOBOL


      PROGRAM-ID. langtons-ant.
      78  Grid-Size               VALUE 100.
      01  grid-area.
          03  grid-x              OCCURS Grid-Size TIMES.
              05  grid-y          OCCURS Grid-Size TIMES.
                  07  cell-colour PIC X VALUE "W".
                      88  black   VALUE "B".
                      88  white   VALUE "W".
      01  ant-x                   PIC 999.
      01  ant-y                   PIC 999.
      01  ant-direction           PIC 9.
          88  upward              VALUE 0.
          88  rightward           VALUE 1.
          88  downward            VALUE 2.
          88  leftward            VALUE 3.
      78  Pause-Time-Ns           VALUE 10000000.
      01  display-y               PIC 999.
      78  Black-Background        VALUE 0.
      78  White-Background        VALUE 7.
      01  i                       PIC 999.
      01  j                       PIC 999.
      01  pause                   PIC X.
          DIVIDE Grid-Size BY 2 GIVING ant-x, ant-y
          PERFORM display-initial-grid
          PERFORM UNTIL (ant-x = Grid-Size OR 0)
                  OR (ant-y = Grid-Size OR 0)
              PERFORM step-simulation
              CALL "CBL_OC_NANOSLEEP" USING Pause-Time-Ns
          DISPLAY "Press enter to quit." AT LINE 1 COLUMN 1
          ACCEPT pause
          IF black (ant-x, ant-y)
              SET white (ant-x, ant-y) TO TRUE
              PERFORM display-ant-cell
              COMPUTE ant-direction =
                  FUNCTION MOD(ant-direction + 1, 4)
              SET black (ant-x, ant-y) TO TRUE
              PERFORM display-ant-cell
              COMPUTE ant-direction =
                  FUNCTION MOD(ant-direction - 1, 4)
              WHEN upward
                  ADD 1 TO ant-y
              WHEN rightward
                  ADD 1 TO ant-x
              WHEN downward
                  SUBTRACT 1 FROM ant-y
              WHEN leftward
                  SUBTRACT 1 FROM ant-x
              SUBTRACT ant-y FROM Grid-Size GIVING display-y
              IF black (ant-x, ant-y)
                  DISPLAY SPACE AT LINE display-y COLUMN ant-x
                      WITH BACKGROUND-COLOR Black-Background
                  DISPLAY SPACE AT LINE display-y COLUMN ant-x
                     WITH BACKGROUND-COLOR White-Background
          PERFORM VARYING i FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL i > Grid-Size
                  AFTER j FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL j > Grid-Size
                  WITH BACKGROUND-COLOR White-Background


<lang coffeescript> class Ant

 constructor: (@world) ->
   @location = [0, 0]
   @direction = 'E'
 move: =>
   [x, y] = @location
   if @world.is_set x, y
     @world.unset x, y
     @direction = Directions.left @direction
     @world.set x, y
     @direction = Directions.right @direction
   @location = Directions.forward(x, y, @direction)
  1. Model a theoretically infinite 2D world with a hash, allowing squares
  2. to be black or white (independent of any ants.)

class BlackWhiteWorld

 constructor: ->
   @bits = {}
 set: (x, y) ->
   @bits["#{x},#{y}"] = true
 unset: (x, y) ->
   delete @bits["#{x},#{y}"]
 is_set: (x, y) ->
 draw: ->
   # Most of this code just involves finding the extent of the world.
   # Always include the origin, even if it's not set.
   @min_x = @max_x = @min_y = @max_y = 0
   for key of @bits
     [xx, yy] = (coord for coord in key.split ',')
     x = parseInt xx
     y = parseInt yy
     @min_x = x if x < @min_x
     @max_x = x if x > @max_x
     @min_y = y if y < @min_y
     @max_y = y if y > @max_y
   console.log "top left: #{@min_x}, #{@max_y}, bottom right: #{@max_x}, #{@min_y}"
   for y in [@max_y..@min_y] by -1
     s = 
     for x in [@min_x..@max_x]
       if @bits["#{x},#{y}"]
         s += '#'
         s += '_'
     console.log s
  1. Simple code for directions, independent of ants.

Directions =

 left: (dir) ->
   return 'W' if dir == 'N'
   return 'S' if dir == 'W'
   return 'E' if dir == 'S'
 right: (dir) ->
   return 'E' if dir == 'N'
   return 'S' if dir == 'E'
   return 'W' if dir == 'S'
 forward: (x, y, dir) ->
   return [x, y+1] if dir == 'N'
   return [x, y-1] if dir == 'S'
   return [x+1, y] if dir == 'E'
   return [x-1, y] if dir == 'W'

world = new BlackWhiteWorld() ant = new Ant(world) for i in [1..11500]


console.log "Ant is at #{ant.location}, direction #{ant.direction}" world.draw() </lang>


<lang> > coffee Ant is at -24,46, direction W top left: -25, 47, bottom right: 22, -29 _##__##_________________________________________

    1. _#####________________________________________
  1. ____##_#_______________________________________

____#_#_##______________________________________ _####_###_#_____________________________________ _#####_#__##____________________________________ __#___##_##_#___________________________________ ___###___#__##__________________________________ ____#___##_##_#_________________________________ _____###___#__##________________________________ ______#___##_##_#_______________________________ _______###___#__##______________________________ ________#___##_##_#_____________________________ _________###___#__##____________________________ __________#___##_##_#___________________________ ___________###___#__##__________________________ ____________#___##_##_#_________________________ _____________###___#__##________________________ ______________#___##_##_#_______________________ _______________###___#__##______________________ ________________#___##_##_#_____________________ _________________###___#__##____________________ __________________#___##_##_#___________________ ___________________###___#__##__________________ ____________________#___##_##_#_________________ _____________________###___#__##________________ ______________________#___##_##_#_______________ _______________________###___#__##______________ ________________________#___##_##_#__##_________ _________________________###___#__##__##________ __________________________#___##_##__##___#_____ ____________________####___###___#___#__###_____ ___________________#____#___#___##_####___#_____ __________________###____#___#_#______#_##_#____ __________________###____#_##_____#_##__#_##____ ___________________#____#___##_#_#_____##_______ ___________________#_#______#_#####__#___#______ __________________#___#####__________##_######__ __________________###__##__#_##_#_#_#___##_#_##_ ________________##__#_#######_#___#__###____##_# _______________#__#__######_##___#__#_##___#___# ______________#____#_#_##_#__######_#######___#_ ______________#_####_##_#_####____##__##_#_##_#_ _______________#____####___#__#_######_##____### __________________#___#_##_#_###_#__##__##___### _____________________#######____#__##_##_#_____# _____________####__##_##__####_##_##_##__#_____# ____________#____#_#___###_##_###____#_####____# ___________###_______###_#_#_#####____#_#______# ___________#_#___###_####_##_#___##_###_##_____# _________________##_##__####____####_#_#_#_____# ____________#____#__##___###__###_____###______# ____________##___##_###_####__#______###___##__# ____________##_#_####_____#___#__#_##_###_##___# ___________####_##___##_####__#_#__#__#__###___# ___________#_##_###__#_#_##_#_#_____#_#_____#_#_ _______________#_#__#____##_##__#_#__###_##_____ _______________##_#____#__#####_#____#____#__#_# ______________#_##_#__#____##_##_#__###______### ____________#_#___#__#__#__#__###___##__##____#_ ___________###_#_#####_######_###_#######_#_##__ ___________#_#_#____#####___##__#####_#####_____ _____________#__##___#______#__#_##__###_###____ __________####___#####_#########___#_#__________ _____##____#__#_____###_#_#___#_###__###________ ____#__#__####_##___###_##___###_##_____##______ ___###____#_##_#_#####___#____#__#__##_###______ ___#_#####_#_#___##__##_____#____#___#__#_______ _______######_####__##_#___#__##__#_#_##________ _____##______#_###_##__####___#___###___________ ______#__#_#####__#___#_##___#__#__#____________ ______##_###_#######_____#_____#_##_____________ _____#_#__##_##______#___##____#________________ ____#__#_####________###__##__#_________________ ____#_##_###____________##__##__________________ _____##_________________________________________ ______##________________________________________ </lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defmacro toggle (gv) `(setf ,gv (not ,gv)))

(defun langtons-ant (width height start-x start-y start-dir)

 (let ( (grid (make-array (list width height)))
        (x start-x)
        (y start-y)
        (dir start-dir) )
   (loop while (and (< -1 x width) (< -1 y height)) do
     (if (toggle (aref grid x y))
       (setq dir (mod (1+ dir) 4))
       (setq dir (mod (1- dir) 4)))
     (case dir
       (0 (decf y))
       (1 (incf x))
       (2 (incf y))
       (3 (decf x)))


(defun show-grid (grid)

 (destructuring-bind (width height) (array-dimensions grid) 
   (dotimes (y height)
     (dotimes (x width)
       (princ (if (aref grid x y) "#" ".")))
     (princ #\Newline))


(setf *random-state* (make-random-state t)) (show-grid (langtons-ant 100 100 (+ 45 (random 10)) (+ 45 (random 10)) (random 4)))</lang>


Textual Version

<lang d>void main() @safe {

   import std.stdio, std.traits;
   enum width = 75, height = 52;
   enum maxSteps = 12_000;
   enum Direction { up, right, down, left }
   enum Color : char { white = '.', black = '#' }
   uint x = width / 2, y = height / 2;
   Color[width][height] M;
   auto dir = Direction.up;
   with (Color)
       for (int i = 0; i < maxSteps && x < width && y < height; i++) {
           immutable turn = M[y][x] == black;
           dir = [EnumMembers!Direction][(dir + (turn ? 1 : -1)) & 3];
           M[y][x] = (M[y][x] == black) ? white : black;
           final switch(dir) with (Direction) {
               case up:    y--; break;
               case right: x--; break;
               case down:  y++; break;
               case left:  x++; break;
   writefln("%(%-(%c%)\n%)", M);



Image Version

This similar version requires the module from the Grayscale Image Task to generate and save a PGM image. <lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.traits, grayscale_image;

void main() {

   enum width = 100, height = 100;
   enum nSteps = 12_000;
   enum Direction { up, right, down, left }
   auto M = new Image!Gray(width, height);
   uint x = width / 2, y = height / 2;
   auto dir = Direction.up;
   for (int i = 0; i < nSteps && x < width && y < height; i++) {
       immutable turn = M[x, y] ==;
       dir = [EnumMembers!Direction][(dir + (turn ? 1 : -1)) & 3];
       M[x, y] = (M[x, y] == ? Gray.white :;
       final switch(dir) with (Direction) {
           case up:    y--; break;
           case right: x--; break;
           case down:  y++; break;
           case left:  x++; break;



We implement multi-colored ants, as depicted in the article. An ant is described using L(eft)R(ight) patterns. LR is the basic black and white ant, other are RRLLLRRL or RRLLLRLLLRRR. See results for s black-and-white or colored ants. <lang scheme> (lib 'plot) (lib 'types)

(define (move iter x dir constant: plane turns cmax width xmax (cidx 0)) (while (> iter 0) ;; get color index of current square (set! cidx (vector-ref plane x))

;; turn (if (vector-ref turns cidx) (set! dir (if (= dir 3) 0 (1+ dir))) ;; right is #t (set! dir (if (= dir 0) 3 (1- dir))))

;; rotate colors (set! cidx (if (= cidx cmax) 0 (1+ cidx))) (vector-set! plane x cidx)

;; move ;; x = v + h*width for a pixel at (h,v) (set! x (cond ((= dir 0) (1+ x)) ((= dir 1) (+ x width)) ((= dir 2) (1- x)) ((= dir 3) (- x width))))

(when (or (< x 0) (>= x xmax)) (set! iter -666)) ;; out of bounds (set! iter (1- iter))) iter)

a color table of 16 colors

(define colors

  (list 0 (rgb 1 1 1) (rgb 1 0 0) (rgb 0 1 0) (rgb 0 0 1) (rgb 1 1 0) (rgb 1 0 1) (rgb 0 1 1)))

(define colors (list->vector (append colors colors)))

transform color index into rgb color, using colors table.

(define (colorize plane xmax) (for ((x xmax)) (vector-set! plane x (vector-ref colors (vector-ref plane x)))) (vector->pixels plane) xmax )

ant's patterns

(define turns #(#t #t #f #f #f #t #f #f #f #t #t #t))  ;; RRLLLRLLLRRR

(define turns #(#t #t #f #f #f #t #t #f)) ; RRLLLRRL
(define turns #(#t #f)) ; RL
basic ant

(define (ant (iter 100000)) (plot-clear) (define width (first (pixels-dim))) ;; plane dimensions (define height (rest (pixels-dim))) (define plane (pixels->uint32-vector)) (define x (+ (quotient width 2) (* width (quotient height 2)))) ;; middle of plane (define xmax (* width height))

(move iter x 0 plane turns (1- (vector-length turns)) width xmax) (colorize plane xmax))

(ant) ;; run </lang>


A straightforward implementation (assumes that we start with ant looking forward):

<lang ela>open list core generic

type Field = Field a type Color = White | Black type Direction = Lft | Fwd | Rgt | Bwd field s = Field [[White \\ _ <- [1..s]] \\ _ <- [1..s]]

isBlack Black = true isBlack _ = false

newfield xc yc (Field xs) = Field (newfield' 0 xs)

 where newfield' _ [] = []
       newfield' n (x::xs) 
         | n == yc = row 0 x :: xs
         | else   = x :: newfield' (n+1) xs
         where row _ [] = []
               row n (x::xs) 
                 | n == xc = toggle x :: xs
                 | else    = x :: row (n+1) xs
                 where toggle White = Black
                       toggle Black = White

showPath (Field xs) = toString <| show' "" xs

 where show' sb [] = sb +> ""
       show' sb (x::xs) = show' (showRow sb x +> "\r\n") xs
         where showRow sb [] = sb +> ""
               showRow sb (x::xs) = showRow (sb +> s) xs
                 where s | isBlack x = "#"
                         | else = "_"

move s xc yc = move' (Fwd,xc,yc) (field s)

 where move' (pos,xc,yc)@coor fld 
         | xc >= s || yc >= s || xc < 0 || yc < 0 = fld
         | else = fld |> newfield xc yc |> move' (matrix (dir fld) coor)
         where dir (Field xs) 
                 | `isBlack` (xs:yc):xc = Lft
                 | else = Rgt
               matrix Lft (pos,x,y) = go (left pos,x,y)
               matrix Rgt (pos,x,y) = go (right pos,x,y)
               go (Lft,x,y) = (Lft,x - 1,y)
               go (Rgt,x,y) = (Rgt,x+1,y)
               go (Fwd,x,y) = (Fwd,x,y - 1)
               go (Bwd,x,y) = (Bwd,x,y+1)
               right Lft = Fwd
               right Fwd = Rgt
               right Rgt = Bwd
               right Bwd = Lft
               left Lft = Bwd
               left Bwd = Rgt
               left Rgt = Fwd
               left Fwd = Lft</lang>

This implementation is pure (doesn't produce side effects).


<lang ela>showPath <| move 100 50 50</lang>

Output (empty lines are skipped to save space):



Translation of: Ruby

<lang elixir>defmodule Langtons do

 def ant(sizex, sizey) do
   {px, py} = {div(sizex,2), div(sizey,2)}     # start position
   move(, sizex, sizey, px, py, {1,0}, 0)
 defp move(plane, sx, sy, px, py, _, step) when px<0 or sx<px or py<0 or sy<py, do:
   print(plane, sx, sy, px, py, step)
 defp move(plane, sx, sy, px, py, dir, step) do
   {plane2, {dx,dy}} = if Set.member?(plane, {px,py}),
                         do:   {Set.delete(plane, {px,py}), turn(dir, :right)},
                         else: {Set.put(plane, {px,py}), turn(dir, :left)}
   move(plane2, sx, sy, px+dx, py+dy, {dx,dy}, step+1)
 defp turn({dx, dy}, :right), do: {dy, -dx}
 defp turn({dx, dy},      _), do: {-dy, dx}
 defp print(plane, sx, sy, px, py, step) do
   IO.puts "out of bounds after #{step} moves: (#{px}, #{py})"
   Enum.each(, fn j ->, fn i ->
       if Set.member?(plane, {i,j}), do: "#", else: "."
     end) |> Enum.join |> IO.puts


Langtons.ant(100, 100)</lang>

out of bounds after 11669 moves: (26, -1)


Over-engineered sine I have summer vacation. Ex: Display function only display lines with black cells. <lang Erlang> -module( langtons_ant ).

-export( [task/0] ).

-record( neighbour, {north, south, east, west} ). -record( state, {colour=white, controller, max_x, max_y, neighbour, position} ).

task() ->

      Controller = erlang:self(),
      Max_x = Max_y = 100,
      Pid_positions = plane_create( Controller, Max_x, Max_y ),
      Pids = [X || {X, _} <- Pid_positions],
      [X ! {pid_positions, Pid_positions} || X <- Pids],
      {Pid, _Position} = lists:keyfind( {Max_x div 2, Max_y div 2}, 2, Pid_positions ),
      Pid ! {ant_start, north, Controller},
      {ant_arrives, _Pid} -> ok
      display( Controller, Max_x, Max_y, Pids ),
      [X ! {stop, Controller} || X <- Pids].

display( Controller, Max_x, Max_y, Pids ) ->

       Positions_colours = display_positions_colours( Pids, Controller ),
       All_lines = [display_line( Max_x, Positions_colours, Y ) || Y <- lists:seq(Max_y, 1, -1)],
       Lines_with_black = [X || X <- All_lines, lists:member(black, X)],
       [io:fwrite( "~s~n", | X <- Lines ) || Lines <- Lines_with_black].

display_line( Max_x, Positions_colours, Y ) -> [proplists:get_value({X,Y}, Positions_colours, white) || X <- lists:seq(1, Max_x)].

display_on_screen( white ) -> $_; display_on_screen( black ) -> $#.

display_positions_colours( Pids, Controller ) ->

       [X ! {position_colour, Controller} || X <- Pids],
       [display_positions_colours_receive() || _X <- Pids].

display_positions_colours_receive( ) ->

       {position_colour, Position, Colour} -> {Position, Colour}

loop( State ) ->

   {pid_positions, Pid_positions} ->
       {_My_position, Neighbour} = lists:foldl( fun loop_neighbour/2, {State#state.position, #neighbour{}}, Pid_positions ),
       erlang:garbage_collect(), % Shrink process after using large Pid_positions. For memory starved systems.
       loop( State#state{neighbour=Neighbour} );
   {ant_start, Direction, Controller} when Controller =:= State#state.controller ->
               {Pid, New_state} = loop_ant_departs( Direction, State ),
               Pid ! {ant_arrives, erlang:self()},
               loop( New_state );
   {ant_arrives, From} ->
               {Direction, New_state} = loop_ant_arrives( From, State ),
               {To, Newest_state} = loop_ant_departs( Direction, New_state ),
               To ! {ant_arrives, erlang:self()},
               loop( Newest_state );
   {position_colour, Controller} when Controller =:= State#state.controller ->
               Controller ! {position_colour, State#state.position, State#state.colour},
               loop( State );
   {stop, Controller} when Controller =:= State#state.controller -> ok

loop_ant_arrives( Pid, State ) ->

       Neighbour = State#state.neighbour,
       From = loop_ant_arrives_direction( Pid, Neighbour ),
       {loop_ant_arrives_new_direction(From, State), State}.

loop_ant_arrives_direction( Pid, #neighbour{north=Pid} ) -> north; loop_ant_arrives_direction( Pid, #neighbour{south=Pid} ) -> south; loop_ant_arrives_direction( Pid, #neighbour{east=Pid} ) -> east; loop_ant_arrives_direction( Pid, #neighbour{west=Pid} ) -> west.

loop_ant_arrives_new_direction( north, #state{colour=white} ) -> west; loop_ant_arrives_new_direction( north, #state{colour=black} ) -> east; loop_ant_arrives_new_direction( south, #state{colour=white} ) -> east; loop_ant_arrives_new_direction( south, #state{colour=black} ) -> west; loop_ant_arrives_new_direction( east, #state{colour=white} ) -> north; loop_ant_arrives_new_direction( east, #state{colour=black} ) -> south; loop_ant_arrives_new_direction( west, #state{colour=white} ) -> south; loop_ant_arrives_new_direction( west, #state{colour=black} ) -> north.

loop_ant_departs( north, #state{position={_X,Y}, max_y=Y}=State ) ->

       {State#state.controller, State};

loop_ant_departs( south, #state{position={_X,1}}=State ) ->

       {State#state.controller, State};

loop_ant_departs( east, #state{position={X,_Y}, max_x=X}=State ) ->

       {State#state.controller, State};

loop_ant_departs( west, #state{position={1,_Y}}=State ) ->

       {State#state.controller, State};

loop_ant_departs( Direction, State ) ->

       Neighbour = State#state.neighbour,
       Pid = loop_ant_departs_pid( Direction, Neighbour ),
       {Pid, State#state{colour=other_colour(State)}}.

loop_ant_departs_pid( north, #neighbour{north=Pid} ) -> Pid; loop_ant_departs_pid( south, #neighbour{south=Pid} ) -> Pid; loop_ant_departs_pid( east, #neighbour{east=Pid} ) -> Pid; loop_ant_departs_pid( west, #neighbour{west=Pid} ) -> Pid.

loop_neighbour( {Pid, {X, Y}}, {{X, My_y}, Neighbour} ) when Y =:= My_y + 1 -> {{X, My_y}, Neighbour#neighbour{north=Pid}}; loop_neighbour( {Pid, {X, Y}}, {{X, My_y}, Neighbour} ) when Y =:= My_y - 1 -> {{X, My_y}, Neighbour#neighbour{south=Pid}}; loop_neighbour( {Pid, {X, Y}}, {{My_x, Y}, Neighbour} ) when X =:= My_x + 1 -> {{My_x, Y}, Neighbour#neighbour{east=Pid}}; loop_neighbour( {Pid, {X, Y}}, {{My_x, Y}, Neighbour} ) when X =:= My_x - 1 -> {{My_x, Y}, Neighbour#neighbour{west=Pid}}; loop_neighbour( _Pid_position, Acc ) -> Acc.

other_colour( #state{colour=white} ) -> black; other_colour( #state{colour=black} ) -> white.

plane_create( Controller, Max_x, Max_y ) -> [{plane_create_cell(Controller, Max_x, Max_y, {X, Y}), {X,Y}} || X <- lists:seq(1, Max_x), Y<- lists:seq(1, Max_y)]. plane_create_cell( Controller, Max_x, Max_y, Position ) -> erlang:spawn_link( fun() -> loop( #state{controller=Controller, max_x=Max_x, max_y=Max_y, position=Position} ) end ). </lang>



Works with: Euphoria version 4.0.3, 4.0.0 RC1 and later

<lang euphoria>include std\console.e include std\graphics.e

sequence grid = repeat(repeat(1,100),100) --fill 100 by 100 grid with white (1) sequence antData = {48, 53, 360} --ant x coordinate, y coordinate, facing angle integer iterations = 0

--while ant isn't out of bounds of the 100 by 100 area.. while antData[1] > 0 and antData[1] < 100 and antData[2] > 0 and antData[2] < 100 do

   switch grid[antData[1]][antData[2]] do
       case 1 then--cell is already white
           grid[antData[1]][antData[2]] = 0 --cell turns black, ant turns right
           antData[3] += 90
       case 0 then--cell is already black
           grid[antData[1]][antData[2]] = 1 --cell turns white, ant turns left
           antData[3] -= 90
   end switch
   --wrap ant directions if > 360 or < 90 (by 90)
   switch antData[3] do
       case 450 then
           antData[3] = 90
       case 0 then
           antData[3] = 360
   end switch  
   --move ant based on its new facing, one square
   --first north, then south, east, west
   switch antData[3] do
       case 360 then
           antData[2] -= 1
       case 180 then
           antData[2] += 1
       case 90 then
           antData[1] += 1
       case 270 then
           antData[1] -= 1
   end switch

iterations += 1 end while

wrap(0) --don't wrap text output, the grid wouldnt display as a square

for y=1 to 100 do

   for x=1 to 100 do
       switch grid[x][y] do--each grid block , based on color
           case 0 then
           case 1 then
       end switch
   end for

end for

printf(1,"\n%d Iterations\n",iterations)

any_key()--wait for keypress, put default message 'press any key..'</lang>

SDL output

Code needed to run SDL example with Mark Akita's SDL_gfx_Test1.exw (as template) included with his SDL_gfx package from's archive - In initialization section :<lang euphoria> sequence grid = repeat(repeat(1,100),100) --fill 100 by 100 grid with white (1) sequence antData = {48, 53, 360} --x coordinate, y coordinate, facing angle</lang> In main() , after keystate=SDL_GetKeyState(NULL) , you can adapt the program above to draw the ant's step each frame. Use dummy=pixelColor(surface,x+20,y+12,#000000FF) (for example) to replace the text output. Just before the close of the while loop, use dummy=pixelColor(surface,antData[1]+20,antData[2]+12,#FF0000FF) for the ant and SDL_UpdateRect(surface,0,0,0,0) to display the graphic.


<lang fantom> class World {

 Int height
 Int width
 Bool[] state
 new make (Int height, Int width)
   this.height = height
   this.width = width
   state = List(Bool#, height * width)
   (height*width).times { state.add (false) }
 Bool inWorld (Int x, Int y)
   x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height
 Void show ()
   height.times |h|
     width.times |w|
       Env.cur.out.writeChar (state[w*width+h] ? '#' : '.')
     Env.cur.out.writeChar ('\n')
 Void flip (Int x, Int y)
   state[x*width + y] = !state[x*width + y]
 Bool stateOf (Int x, Int y)
   state[x*width + y]


enum class Direction {

 up (0, -1), 
 down (0, 1), 
 left (-1, 0), 
 right (1, 0)
 private new make (Int deltaX, Int deltaY)
   this.deltaX = deltaX
   this.deltaY = deltaY
 Direction rotateLeft ()
   if (this == up) return left
   if (this == down) return right
   if (this == left) return down
   // if (this == right) 
   return up
 Direction rotateRight ()
   if (this == up) return right
   if (this == down) return left
   if (this == left) return up
   // if (this == right) 
   return down
 const Int deltaX
 const Int deltaY


class Ant {

 World world
 Int currX
 Int currY
 Direction direction
 new make (World world, Int x, Int y)
 { = world
   currX = x
   currY = y
   direction = Direction.up
 Bool inWorld ()
   world.inWorld (currX, currY)
 // the ant movement rules
 Void move ()
   if (world.stateOf (currX, currY))
     direction = direction.rotateLeft
     direction = direction.rotateRight
   world.flip (currX, currY)
   currX += direction.deltaX
   currY += direction.deltaY


class Main {

 Void main ()
   world := World (100, 100)
   ant := Ant (world, 50, 50)
   numIterations := 0
   while (ant.inWorld)
     numIterations += 1
   echo ("Finished in $numIterations iterations")

} </lang>

Output (snipping the blank lines):

Finished in 11669 iterations


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>program Langtons_Ant

 implicit none
 integer, parameter :: csize = 100
 integer :: direction = 0, maxsteps = 20000
 integer :: i, x, y  
 logical :: cells(csize,csize) = .true.
 logical :: cflag
 x = csize / 2;   y = x
 do i = 1, maxsteps
   cflag = cells(x,y)
   if(cflag) then
     direction = direction + 1
     if(direction == 4) direction = direction - 4
     direction = direction - 1
     if(direction == -1) direction = direction + 4
   end if
   cells(x,y) = .not. cells(x,y)
   select case(direction)
       y = y - 1
       x = x + 1
       y = y + 1
       x = x - 1
   end select
   if(x < 1 .or. x > csize .or. y < 1 .or. y > csize) exit
 end do
 do y = 1, csize
   do x = 1, csize
     if(cells(x,y)) then
       write(*, "(a)", advance="no") "."
       write(*, "(a)", advance="no") "#"
     end if
   end do
 end do

end program</lang>


(Cropped to save space)


But, if one remembers complex numbers

<lang Fortran>


C Langton's ant wanders across an initially all-white board, stepping one cell at a go. C If the current cell is white, it becomes black and the ant turns right. C If the current cell is black, it becomes white and the ant turns left. C The ant advances one cell in its latest direction, and reconsiders.

     PARAMETER (ENUFF = 100)		!Said to be so.
     CHARACTER*1 CELL(ENUFF,ENUFF)	!The work area.
     COMPLEX WAY,PLACE		!A direction and a position.
     INTEGER X,Y,XN,Y1		!Integer versions.
     INTEGER STEP		!A counter.
     CELL = ""				!Clear for action.
     PLACE = CMPLX(ENUFF/2,ENUFF/2)	!Start at the middle.
     WAY = (1,0)		!Initial direction is +x.

Commence wandering.

     DO STEP = 1,20000	!Enough to be going on with.
       X = REAL(PLACE)		!Change languages.
       Y = AIMAG(PLACE)	!Could mess about with EQUIVALENCE...
       IF (X.LE.0 .OR. X.GT.ENUFF	!Are we still
    1  .OR.Y.LE.0 .OR. Y.GT.ENUFF) THEN!Within bounds?
         WRITE (6,1) STEP - 1,X,Y		!No! Offer details.
   1     FORMAT ("Step ",I0," to (",I0,",",I0,") is out of bounds!")
         EXIT					!And wander no further.
       END IF				!But, if we're within bounds,
       IF (CELL(X,Y).NE."#") THEN	!Consider our position.
         CELL(X,Y) = "#"		!A blank cell becomes black. Ish.
         WAY = WAY*(0,-1)		!Turn right.
        ELSE				!Otherwise,
         CELL(X,Y) = "+"		!A black cell becomes white. Ish.
         WAY = WAY*(0,+1)		!Turn left.
       END IF			!So much for changing direction.
       PLACE = PLACE + WAY	!Advance one step.
     END DO		!On to the next step.

Consider the bounds...

     DO Y1 = 1,ENUFF		!Work up from the bottom.
       IF (ANY(CELL(:,Y1).NE." ")) EXIT	!The last line with a splot.
     END DO			!Subsequent lines would be blank.
     DO XN = ENUFF,1,-1	!Work back from the right hand side.
       IF (ANY(CELL(XN,:).NE." ")) EXIT	!The last column with a splot.
     END DO			!Subsequent columns would be blank.

Cast forth the splotches.

     DO Y = ENUFF,Y1,-1	!The topmost y-coordinate first!
       WRITE (6,"(666A1)") CELL(1:XN,Y)	!Roll a line's worth.
     END DO			!On to the next line.




Output is the same, except for orientation. Here I have stuck to (x,y) Cartesian orientation rather than lines (y) increasing downwards. Just for fun, + signs mark cells that have been trampled and then cleaned. But not to pure white... Notice that some interior cells have never been trampled.

Step 11669 to (26,101) is out of bounds!
                       ## #+#
                                                #+++##+##+#  ##
                                                 ###+++#++## +##
                                            ####   ###+++#+++#++###
                                           #++++#   #+++##+####+++#
                                          ###++++#   #+#++++++#+##+#
                                          ###++++# ##  +++#+##++#+##
                                           #++++#  +## #+#+++++##++
                                        ## +#+#######+#+++#++###++++##+#
                                       #++#++######+##+++#++#+## ++#+++#
                                     #### +##+##++####+##+##+##++#+++++#
                             ##   +#++#+++++###+#+#+++#+###++###+
                            #++#  ####+##+++###+##+++###+##+++++##
                           #+#####+#+#+++##++##++++ #++++#+  #++#
                             ++######+####++## #+++#+ ##++#+# ##
                             ##++++++#+###+##++####++ #+++###
                              #++#+#####++#+++#+##+++#+ #++#
                              ##+###+#######+++++#+++++# ##
                            #++#+####        ###++##++#
                            #+##+###            ##  ##


Output png

<lang go>package main

import (



const (

   up = iota


func main() {

   bounds := image.Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)
   im := image.NewGray(bounds)
   gBlack := color.Gray{0}
   gWhite := color.Gray{255}
   draw.Draw(im, bounds, image.NewUniform(gWhite), image.ZP, draw.Src)
   pos := image.Point{50, 50}
   dir := up
   for pos.In(bounds) {
       switch im.At(pos.X, pos.Y).(color.Gray).Y {
       case gBlack.Y:
           im.SetGray(pos.X, pos.Y, gWhite)
       case gWhite.Y:
           im.SetGray(pos.X, pos.Y, gBlack)
       if dir&1 == 1 {
           pos.X += 1 - dir&2
       } else {
           pos.Y -= 1 - dir&2
   f, err := os.Create("ant.png")
   if err != nil {
   if err = png.Encode(f, im); err != nil {
   if err = f.Close(); err != nil {



<lang Haskell>data Color = Black | White

 deriving (Read, Show, Enum, Eq, Ord)

putCell c = putStr (case c of Black -> "#"

                             White -> ".")

toggle :: Color -> Color toggle color = toEnum $ 1 - fromEnum color

data Dir = East | North | West | South

 deriving (Read, Show, Enum, Eq, Ord)

turnLeft South = East turnLeft dir = succ dir

turnRight East = South turnRight dir = pred dir

data Pos = Pos { x :: Int, y :: Int }

 deriving (Read)

instance Show Pos where

 show p@(Pos x y) = "(" ++ (show x) ++ "," ++ (show y) ++ ")"

-- Return the new position after moving one unit in the given direction moveOne pos@(Pos x y) dir =

 case dir of
   East  -> Pos (x+1) y
   South -> Pos x (y+1)
   West  -> Pos (x-1) y
   North -> Pos x (y-1)

-- Grid is just a list of lists type Grid = Color

colorAt g p@(Pos x y) = (g !! y) !! x

replaceNth n newVal (x:xs)

    | n == 0 = newVal:xs
    | otherwise = x:replaceNth (n-1) newVal xs

toggleCell g p@(Pos x y) =

 let newVal = toggle $ colorAt g p
 in replaceNth y (replaceNth x newVal (g !! y)) g

printRow r = do { mapM_ putCell r ; putStrLn "" }

printGrid g = mapM_ printRow g

data State = State { move :: Int, pos :: Pos, dir :: Dir, grid :: Grid }

printState s = do {

 putStrLn $ show s;
 printGrid $ grid s


instance Show State where

  show s@(State m p@(Pos x y) d g) =
    "Move: " ++ (show m) ++  " Pos: " ++ (show p) ++ " Dir: " ++ (show d)

nextState s@(State m p@(Pos x y) d g) =

 let color = colorAt g p
     new_d = case color of White -> (turnRight d)
                           Black -> (turnLeft d)
     new_m = m + 1
     new_p = moveOne p new_d
     new_g = toggleCell g p
 in State new_m new_p new_d new_g

inRange size s@(State m p@(Pos x y) d g) =

 x >= 0 && x < size && y >= 0 && y < size

initialState size = (State 0 (Pos (size`div`2) (size`div`2)) East [ [ White | x <- [1..size] ] | y <- [1..size] ])

--- main size = 100 allStates = initialState size : [nextState s | s <- allStates]

main = printState $ last $ takeWhile (inRange size) allStates</lang>

Icon and Unicon

<lang Icon>link graphics,printf

procedure main(A)

  e := ( 0 < integer(\A[1])) | 100   # 100 or whole number from command line


record antrec(x,y,nesw)

procedure LangtonsAnt(e)

  size  := sprintf("size=%d,%d",e,e)
  label := sprintf("Langton's Ant %dx%d [%d]",e,e,0)
  &window := open(label,"g","bg=white",size) | 
              stop("Unable to open window") 
  ant := antrec(e/2,e/2,?4%4)
  board := list(e)
  every !board := list(e,"w")
  k := 0
  repeat {
     k +:= 1
     cell := board[ant.x,ant.y]
     if cell == "w" then {                        # white cell
        ant.nesw := (ant.nesw + 1) % 4            # . turn right
     else {                                       # black cell
        WAttrib( "fg=white")   
        ant.nesw := (ant.nesw + 3) % 4            # . turn left = 3 x right
     board[ant.x,ant.y] := map(cell,"wb","bw")    # flip colour         
     case ant.nesw of {                           # go
        0: ant.y -:= 1                            # . north
        1: ant.x +:= 1                            # . east
        2: ant.y +:= 1                            # . south
        3: ant.x -:= 1                            # . west
     if 0 < ant.x <= e & 0 < ant.y <= e then next
     else break      
  printf("Langton's Ant exited the field after %d rounds.\n",k)
  label := sprintf("label=Langton's Ant %dx%d [%d]",e,e,k)


printf.icn provides formatting graphics.icn provides graphics support (WDone)


<lang j>dirs=: 0 1,1 0,0 _1,:_1 0 langton=:3 :0

 loc=. <.-:$cells=. (_2{.y,y)$dir=. 0
 while. *./(0<:loc), loc<$cells do.
   color=. (<loc) { cells
   cells=. (-.color) (<loc)} cells
   dir=. 4 | dir +  _1 ^ color
   loc=. loc + dir { dirs
 ' #' {~ cells


   langton 100 100
                          # #                                                                       
                        ## # #                                                                      
                       # ### ##                                                                     
                      #### ### #                                                                    
                      ##### #  ##                                                                   
                       #   ## ## #                                                                  
                        ###   #  ##                                                                 
                         #   ## ## #                                                                
                          ###   #  ##                                                               
                           #   ## ## #                                                              
                            ###   #  ##                                                             
                             #   ## ## #                                                            
                              ###   #  ##                                                           
                               #   ## ## #                                                          
                                ###   #  ##                                                         
                                 #   ## ## #                                                        
                                  ###   #  ##                                                       
                                   #   ## ## #                                                      
                                    ###   #  ##                                                     
                                     #   ## ## #                                                    
                                      ###   #  ##                                                   
                                       #   ## ## #                                                  
                                        ###   #  ##                                                 
                                         #   ## ## #                                                
                                          ###   #  ##                                               
                                           #   ## ## #                                              
                                            ###   #  ##                                             
                                             #   ## ## #                                            
                                              ###   #  ##                                           
                                               #   ## ## #                                          
                                                ###   #  ##                                         
                                                 #   ## ## #  ##                                    
                                                  ###   #  ##  ##                                   
                                                   #   ## ##  ##   #                                
                                             ####   ###   #   #  ###                                
                                            #    #   #   ## ####   #                                
                                           ###    #   # #      # ## #                               
                                           ###    # ##     # ##  # ##                               
                                            #    #   ## # #     ##                                  
                                            # #      # #####  #   #                                 
                                           #   #####          ## ######                             
                                           ###  ##  # ## # # #   ## # ##                            
                                         ##  # ####### #   #  ###    ## #                           
                                        #  #  ###### ##   #  # ##   #   #                           
                                       #    # # ## #  ###### #######   #                            
                                       # #### ## # ####    ##  ## # ## #                            
                                        #    ####   #  # ###### ##    ###                           
                                           #   # ## # ### #  ##  ##   ###                           
                                              #######    #  ## ## #     #                           
                                      ####  ## ##  #### ## ## ##  #     #                           
                                     #    # #   ### ## ###    # ####    #                           
                                    ###       ### # # #####    # #      #                           
                                    # #   ### #### ## #   ## ### ##     #                           
                                          ## ##  ####    #### # # #     #                           
                                     #    #  ##   ###  ###     ###      #                           
                                     ##   ## ### ####  #      ###   ##  #                           
                                     ## # ####     #   #  # ## ### ##   #                           
                                    #### ##   ## ####  # #  #  #  ###   #                           
                                    # ## ###  # # ## # #     # #     # #                            
                                        # #  #    ## ##  # #  ### ##                                
                                        ## #    #  ##### #    #    #  # #                           
                                       # ## #  #    ## ## #  ###      ###                           
                                     # #   #  #  #  #  ###   ##  ##    #                            
                                    ### # ##### ###### ### ####### # ##                             
                                    # # #    #####   ##  ##### #####                                
                                      #  ##   #      #  # ##  ### ###                               
                                   ####   ##### #########   # #                                     
                              ##    #  #     ### # #   # ###  ###                                   
                             #  #  #### ##   ### ##   ### ##     ##                                 
                            ###    # ## # #####   #    #  #  ## ###                                 
                            # ##### # #   ##  ##     #    #   #  #                                  
                                ###### ####  ## #   #  ##  # # ##                                   
                              ##      # ### ##  ####   #   ###                                      
                               #  # #####  #   # ##   #  #  #                                       
                               ## ### #######     #     # ##                                        
                              # #  ## ##      #   ##    #                                           
                             #  # ####        ###  ##  #                                            
                             # ## ###            ##  ##                                             


This implementation allows for sizes other than 100x100, marks the starting position with a green box (sometimes hard to see at smaller zoom levels and the box is smaller than the "pixels" so it doesn't cover up the color of the "pixel" it's in), and includes a "zoom factor" (ZOOM) in case the individual "pixels" are hard to see on your monitor. <lang java>import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics;

import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class Langton extends JFrame{ private JPanel planePanel; private static final int ZOOM = 4;

public Langton(final boolean[][] plane){ planePanel = new JPanel(){ @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { for(int y = 0; y < plane.length;y++){ for(int x = 0; x < plane[0].length;x++){ g.setColor(plane[y][x] ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE); g.fillRect(x * ZOOM, y * ZOOM, ZOOM, ZOOM); } } //mark the starting point g.setColor(Color.GREEN); g.fillRect(plane[0].length / 2 * ZOOM, plane.length / 2 * ZOOM, ZOOM/2, ZOOM/2); } }; planePanel.setSize(plane[0].length - 1, plane.length - 1); add(planePanel); setSize(ZOOM * plane[0].length, ZOOM * plane.length + 30); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setVisible(true); }

public static void main(String[] args){ new Langton(runAnt(100, 100)); }

private static boolean[][] runAnt(int height, int width){ boolean[][] plane = new boolean[height][width]; int antX = width/2, antY = height/2;//start in the middle-ish int xChange = 0, yChange = -1; //start moving up while(antX < width && antY < height && antX >= 0 && antY >= 0){ if(plane[antY][antX]){ //turn left if(xChange == 0){ //if moving up or down xChange = yChange; yChange = 0; }else{ //if moving left or right yChange = -xChange; xChange = 0; } }else{ //turn right if(xChange == 0){ //if moving up or down xChange = -yChange; yChange = 0; }else{ //if moving left or right yChange = xChange; xChange = 0; } } plane[antY][antX] = !plane[antY][antX]; antX += xChange; antY += yChange; } return plane; } }</lang> Output (click for a larger view):


Utilises the HTML5 canvas element to procedurally generate the image... I wanted to see the progress of the grid state as it was generated, so this implementation produces a incrementally changing image until an 'ant' hits a cell outside of the coordinate system. It can also accept multiple ants, this adds minimal complexity with only the addition of an 'ants' array which is iterated in each step, no additional conditions are necessary to simulate multiple ants, they coexist quite well... good ants ! 1st argument is an array of ant objects, 2nd argument is an object property list of options to change grid size, pixel size and interval (animation speed).

<lang JavaScript> // create global canvas var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'globalCanvas'; document.body.appendChild(canvas);

function langtonant(antx, optx) { 'use strict'; var x, y, i;

// extend default opts var opts = { gridsize: 100, pixlsize: 4, interval: 4 }; for (i in optx) { opts[i] = optx[i]; }

// extend default ants var ants = [{ x: 50, y: 50, d: 0 }]; for (i in antx) { ants[i] = antx[i]; }

// initialise grid var grid = []; for (x = 0; x < opts.gridsize; x ++) { grid[x] = []; for (y = 0; y < opts.gridsize; y ++) { grid[x][y] = true; } }

// initialise directions var dirs = [ {x: 1, y: 0}, {x: 0, y: -1}, {x: -1, y: 0}, {x: 0, y: 1} ];

// initialise canvas var canv = document.getElementById('globalCanvas'); var cont = canv.getContext('2d'); canv.width = opts.gridsize * opts.pixlsize; canv.height = opts.gridsize * opts.pixlsize;

// initialise pixels var pixlblac = cont.createImageData(opts.pixlsize, opts.pixlsize); for (i = 0; i < (opts.pixlsize * opts.pixlsize * 4); i += 4) {[i + 3] = 255; } var pixlwhit = cont.createImageData(opts.pixlsize, opts.pixlsize); for (i = 0; i < (opts.pixlsize * opts.pixlsize * 4); i += 4) {[i + 3] = 0; }

// run simulation function simulate() { var sane = true;

// iterate over ants for (i = 0; i < ants.length; i ++) { var n = ants[i];

// invert, draw, turn if (grid[n.x][n.y]) { grid[n.x][n.y] = false; cont.putImageData(pixlblac, n.x * opts.pixlsize, n.y * opts.pixlsize); n.d --; } else { grid[n.x][n.y] = true; cont.putImageData(pixlwhit, n.x * opts.pixlsize, n.y * opts.pixlsize); n.d ++; }

// modulus wraparound n.d += dirs.length; n.d %= dirs.length;

// position + direction n.x += dirs[n.d].x; n.y += dirs[n.d].y;

// sanity check sane = (n.x < 0 || n.x > opts.gridsize || n.y < 0 || n.y > opts.gridsize) ? false : sane; }

// loop with interval if (sane) { setTimeout(simulate, opts.interval); } }

simulate(); } </lang>

Usage: default ants, custom opts

<lang JavaScript> langtonant({}, { gridsize: 100, pixlsize: 4, interval: 4 }); </lang>


Live Version

Usage: custom ants, default opts

<lang JavaScript> langtonant([ { x: (100 / 2) + 7, y: (100 / 2) + 7, d: 1 }, { x: (100 / 2) + 7, y: (100 / 2) - 7, d: 2 }, { x: (100 / 2) - 7, y: (100 / 2) - 7, d: 3 }, { x: (100 / 2) - 7, y: (100 / 2) + 7, d: 0 } ]); </lang>


Live Version

More functional approach to Javascript.

Requires lodash. Wants a canvas with id = "c"

<lang javascript> /////////////////// // LODASH IMPORT // ///////////////////

// import all lodash functions to the main namespace, but isNaN not to cause conflicts _.each(_.keys(_), k => window[k === 'isNaN' ? '_isNaN' : k] = _[k]);

const WORLD_WIDTH = 100, WORLD_HEIGHT = 100, PIXEL_SIZE = 4, DIRTY_COLOR = '#000', VIRGIN_COLOR = '#fff', RUNS = 10000, SPEED = 50,

// up right down left DIRECTIONS = [0, 1, 2, 3],

displayWorld = (world) => each(world, (row, rowidx) => {

 each(row, (cell, cellidx) => {
   canvas.fillStyle = cell === 1 ? DIRTY_COLOR : VIRGIN_COLOR;
   canvas.fillRect(rowidx * PIXEL_SIZE, cellidx * PIXEL_SIZE, PIXEL_SIZE, PIXEL_SIZE);


moveAnt = (world, ant) => {

 world[ant.x][ant.y] = world[ant.x][ant.y] === 1 ? 0 : 1;
 ant.dir             = DIRECTIONS[(4 + ant.dir + (world[ant.x][ant.y] === 0 ? 1 : -1)) % 4];
 switch (ant.dir) {
   case DIRECTIONS[0]:
     ant.y -= 1;
   case DIRECTIONS[1]:
     ant.x -= 1;
   case DIRECTIONS[2]:
     ant.y += 1;
   case DIRECTIONS[3]:
     ant.x += 1;
 return [world, ant];


updateWorld = (world, ant, runs) => {

 [world, ant] = moveAnt(world, ant);
 if (runs > 0) setTimeout(partial(updateWorld, world, ant, --runs), SPEED);


canvas = document.getElementById('c').getContext('2d');

let world = map(range(WORLD_HEIGHT), i => map(range(WORLD_WIDTH), partial(identity, 0))), ant = {

 x:   WORLD_WIDTH  / 2,
 y:   WORLD_HEIGHT / 2,


canvas.canvas.width = WORLD_WIDTH * PIXEL_SIZE; canvas.canvas.height = WORLD_HEIGHT * PIXEL_SIZE;

updateWorld(world, ant, RUNS); </lang>


In the following, the grid is boolean, and white is represented by true. <lang jq> def matrix(m; n; init):

 if m == 0 then [range(0;n)] | map(init)
 elif m > 0 then [range(0;m)][ range(0;m) ] = matrix(0;n;init) 
 else error("matrix\(m);_;_) invalid")

def printout:

 . as $grid
 | ($grid|length) as $height
 | ($grid[0]|length) as $width
 | reduce range(0;$height) as $i ("\u001BH";
   . + reduce range(0;$width) as $j ("\n";
        . + if $grid[$i][$j] then " " else "#" end ) );

def langtons_ant(grid_size):

 def flip(ant):
   # Flip the color of the current square
   .[ant[0]][ant[1]] = (.[ant[0]][ant[1]] | not) 
 # input/output: the ant's state: [x, y, direction]
 # where direction is one of (0,1,2,3)
 def move(grid):
   # If the cell is black, it changes to white and the ant turns left;
   # If the cell is white, it changes to black and the ant turns right;
   (if grid[.[0]][.[1]] then 1 else 3 end) as $turn
   | .[2] = ((.[2] + $turn) % 4)
   | if   .[2] == 0 then .[0] += 1
     elif .[2] == 1 then .[1] += 1
     elif .[2] == 2 then .[0] += -1
     else                .[1] += -1
 # state: [ant, grid]
 def iterate:
   .[0] as $ant | .[1] as $grid
   # exit if the ant is outside the grid
   | if $ant[0] < 1 or $ant[0] > grid_size 
     or $ant[1] < 1 or $ant[1] > grid_size
     then [ $ant, $grid ]
       ($grid | flip($ant)) as $grid
       | ($ant | move($grid)) as $ant
       | [$ant, $grid] | iterate
 ((grid_size/2) | floor | [ ., ., 0]) as $ant
 | matrix(grid_size; grid_size; true) as $grid 
 | [$ant, $grid] | iterate
 | .[1]
 | printout



The output is the same as for Rexx below.

Liberty BASIC

Native graphics. <lang lb>dim arena(100,100) black=0 white=not(black) for i = 1 to 100

 for j = 1 to 100

next 'north=1 east=2 south=3 west=4

nomainwin graphicbox #1.g, 0, 0, 100, 100 open "Langton's Ant" for window as #1

  1. 1 "trapclose Quit"
  2. 1.g "down"

antX=50:antY=50 nsew=1 'ant initially points north

while (antX>0) and (antX<100) and (antY>0) and (antY<100)

   if arena(antX,antY) then
     if nsew<1 then nsew=4
     if nsew>4 then nsew=1
   end if
   select case nsew
     case 1: antY=antY-1
     case 2: antX=antX+1
     case 3: antY=antY+1
     case 4: antX=antX-1
     end select
   #1.g "color ";GetColor$(antX,antY)
   #1.g "set ";antX;" ";antY


  1. 1.g "flush"


function GetColor$(x,y)

   if arena(x,y) then
   end if
   end function

sub Quit handle$

   close #handle$
   end sub

Text version. <lang lb> 'move up=1 right=2 down=3 left=4 ' --------------------------------- dim plane(100,100) x = 50: y = 50 mx = 100

while (x>0) and (x<100) and (y>0) and (y<100) if plane(x,y) then

  nxt = nxt - 1
  if nxt < 1 then nxt = 4
  nxt = nxt + 1
  if nxt > 4 then nxt = 1

end if

x = x + (nxt = 2) - (nxt = 4) y = y + (nxt = 3) - (nxt = 1) plane(x,y) = (plane(x,y) <> 1) mx = min(x,mx) wend

for x = mx to 100

 for y = 1 to 100
  print chr$((plane(x,y)*3) + 32);
 next y
 print x

next x


Locomotive Basic

<lang locobasic>10 mode 1:defint a-z:deg 20 ink 1,0:ink 0,26 30 x=50:y=50:ang=270 40 dim play(100,100) 50 graphics pen 3:move 220,100:drawr 200,0:drawr 0,200:drawr -200,0:drawr 0,-200 60 ' move ant 70 if play(x,y) then ang=ang-90 else ang=ang+90 80 play(x,y)=1-play(x,y) 90 plot 220+2*x,100+2*y,play(x,y) 100 ang=ang mod 360 110 x=x+sin(ang) 120 y=y+cos(ang) 130 if x<1 or x>100 or y<1 or y>100 then end 140 goto 70</lang>


<lang logo>make "size 100 make "white 1 make "black 2 make "sum sum :white :black make "chars [. #] make "origin quotient :size 2 make "grid mdarray (list :size :size) make "directions [ [1 0] [0 1] [-1 0] [0 -1] ]

repeat size [

 local "y
 make "y repcount
 repeat size [
   mdsetitem (list repcount :y) :grid :white

] make "x quotient :size 2 make "y quotient :size 2 make "direction sum 1 random count :directions

while [(and (:x > 0) (:x <= :size) (:y > 0) (:y <= :size))] [

 local "color
 make "color mditem (list :x :y) :grid
 local "delta
 ifelse [equal? :color :white] [
    make "delta 1
 ] [
    make "delta -1
 make "direction sum 1 (modulo (:direction + :delta - 1) count :directions)
 make "dir (item :direction :directions)
 mdsetitem (list :x :y) :grid (sum :sum minus :color)
 make "x sum :x first :dir
 make "y sum :y last :dir


repeat size [

 local "y 
 local "blank
 make "y repcount
 make "blank "true
 repeat size [if ( (mditem (list repcount :y) :grid) = :black ) [make "blank "false]]
 if [not :blank] [
   repeat size [
     type item (mditem (list repcount :y) :grid) :chars
   print []

] bye</lang>



<lang LOLCODE>HAI 1.3


   plane HAS A SRS i ITZ FAIL


I HAS A x ITZ 50, I HAS A y ITZ 50 I HAS A dir ITZ 0, I HAS A pos, I HAS A cell


   pos R SUM OF PRODUKT OF y AN 100 AN x
   cell R NOT plane'Z SRS pos
   plane'Z SRS pos R cell
   dir R MOD OF SUM OF dir AN SUM OF 5 AN PRODUKT OF cell AN 2 AN 4
   dir, WTF?
   OMG 0, x R  SUM OF x AN 1, GTFO
   OMG 1, y R DIFF OF y AN 1, GTFO
   OMG 2, x R DIFF OF x AN 1, GTFO
   OMG 3, y R  SUM OF y AN 1, GTFO

IM OUTTA YR walker

IM IN YR printer UPPIN YR cell TIL BOTH SAEM cell AN 10000

   plane'Z SRS cell, O RLY?
       YA RLY, VISIBLE "#"!
       NO WAI, VISIBLE "."!




For this example, the lua Socket and Curses modules and a terminal with enough lines are needed. <lang LUA>local socket = require 'socket' -- needed for socket.sleep local curses = require 'curses' -- used for graphics

local naptime = 0.02 -- seconds local world_x, world_y = 100, 100

local world = (function (x, y) local wrl = {} for i = 1, y do wrl[i] = {} for j = 1, x do wrl[i][j] = 0 end end return wrl end)(world_x, world_y)

-- directions: 0 up, clockwise local ant = { x = math.floor(world_x / 2), y = math.floor(world_y / 2), dir = 0, step = function(self) if self.dir == 0 then self.y = self.y - 1 elseif self.dir == 1 then self.x = self.x + 1 elseif self.dir == 2 then self.y = self.y + 1 else self.x = self.x - 1 end end }

world.step = function (self, ant) if self[ant.y][ant.x] == 0 then -- white -- change cell color self[ant.y][ant.x] = 1 -- change dir ant.dir = (ant.dir + 1) % 4 ant:step() -- boundary conditions if ant.x < 1 then ant.x = world_x elseif ant.x > world_x then ant.x = 1 end if ant.y < 1 then ant.y = world_y elseif ant.y > world_y then ant.y = 1 end else -- change cell color self[ant.y][ant.x] = 0 -- change dir ant.dir = (ant.dir - 1) % 4 ant:step() -- boundary conditions if ant.x < 1 then ant.x = world_x elseif ant.x > world_x then ant.x = 1 end if ant.y < 1 then ant.y = world_y elseif ant.y > world_y then ant.y = 1 end end end

world.draw = function (self, ant) for i = 1, #self do for j = 1, #self[i] do if i == ant.y and j == ant.x then win:attron(curses.color_pair(3)) win:mvaddch(i,j,"A") --win:attroff(curses.color_pair(3)) elseif self[i][j] == 0 then win:attron(curses.color_pair(1)) win:mvaddch(i,j," ") --win:attroff(curses.color_pair(1)) elseif self[i][j] == 1 then win:attron(curses.color_pair(2)) win:mvaddch(i,j," ") --win:attroff(curses.color_pair(2)) else error("self[" .. i .. "][" .. j .. "] is " .. self[i][j] .. "!") end end end end

local it = 1 curses.initscr() curses.start_color() curses.echo(false) curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_WHITE) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_WHITE) curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) win = curses.newwin(world_y + 1, world_x, 0, 0) win:clear() repeat world:draw(ant) win:move(world_y, 0) win:clrtoeol() win:attron(curses.color_pair(4)) win:addstr("Iteration: " .. it .. ", nap = " .. naptime*1000 .. "ms") win:refresh() world:step(ant) it = it + 1 --local c = stdscr:getch() --if c == '+' then naptime = naptime - (naptime / 10) --elseif c == '-' then naptime = naptime + (naptime / 10) --end socket.sleep(naptime) until false </lang>

MATLAB / Octave

<lang MATLAB>function u = langton_ant(n) if nargin<1, n=100; end; A = sparse(n,n); % white P = [n/2;n/2]; % Positon D = 3;  % index of direction 0-3 T = [1,0,-1,0;0,1,0,-1]; % 4 directions k = 0; while (1) k = k+1; a = A(P(1),P(2)); A(P(1),P(2)) = ~a; if ( a ) D = mod(D+1,4); else D = mod(D-1,4); end; P = P+T(:,D+1);

if (~mod(k,100)),spy(A);pause(.1);end; %display after every 100 interations end; end</lang>



<lang mathematica>direction = 1; data = SparseArray[{{50, 50} -> -1}, {100, 100}, 1]; NestWhile[

 {Re@#, Im@#} &@(direction *= (dataSequence @@ # *= -1) I) + # &,
 {50, 50}, 1 <= Min@# <= Max@# <= 100 &];



Translation of: Python

<lang nim>import strutils


 Direction = enum up, right, down, left
 Color = enum white, black


 width = 75
 height = 52
 maxSteps = 12_000


 m: array[height, array[width, Color]]
 dir = up
 x = width div 2
 y = height div 2

var i = 0 while i < maxSteps and x in 0 .. < width and y in 0 .. < height:

 let turn = m[y][x] == black
 m[y][x] = if m[y][x] == black: white else: black
 dir = Direction((4 + int(dir) + (if turn: 1 else: -1)) mod 4)
 case dir
 of up:    dec y
 of right: dec x
 of down:  inc y
 of left:  inc x
 inc i

for row in m:

 echo map(row, proc(x): string =
   if x == white: "." else: "#").join("")</lang>


<lang ocaml>open Graphics

type dir = North | East | South | West

let turn_left = function

 | North -> West
 | East  -> North
 | South -> East
 | West  -> South

let turn_right = function

 | North -> East
 | East  -> South
 | South -> West
 | West  -> North

let move (x, y) = function

 | North -> x, y + 1
 | East  -> x + 1, y
 | South -> x, y - 1
 | West  -> x - 1, y

let () =

 open_graph "";
 let rec loop (x, y as pos) dir =
   let color = point_color x y in
   set_color (if color = white then black else white);
   plot x y;
   let dir = (if color = white then turn_right else turn_left) dir in
   if not(key_pressed()) then loop (move pos dir) dir
 loop (size_x()/2, size_y()/2) North</lang>

Run with:

$ ocaml graphics.cma


<lang parigp>langton()={

 while(x && y && x<=100 && y<=100,

}; show(M)={


}; show(langton())</lang>


Pascal does not offer complex number arithmetic, so adjusting directions via multiplication of ±i is out. Similarly, it does not offer array manipulation statements, so Cell:=White; must be achieved via explicit for-loops with explicitly stated indices and bounds, and the adjustment of the (x,y) position by (dx,dy) can't be done by array addition. Otherwise, matters are straightforward, so instead this version tries to animate the ant on the screen. Alas, the maximum screen size is 80 characters by 50 lines, except that output to the last line causes a screen scroll so that only 49 lines are available. Alas, this cell array is too small and the bounds are exceeded in step 5,156 - before the ant starts its migration.

The animation shows the arrival at a cell with a yellow arrow pointing in the arrival direction. The cell state is investigated to decide the new direction (which is shown as a green arrow), the current cell's state is flipped, and the move to the new cell position is made. To show these events, the programme waits for a keystroke but if the S key is pressed, full speed results.

Works with: Free Pascal
Works with: Turbo Pascal

Except, the green arrow on step 4 does not appear!

<lang Pascal> {$B- Early and safe resolution of If x <> 0 and 1/x...} Program LangtonsAnt; Uses CRT; {Perpetrated by R.N.McLean (whom God preserve), Victoria University, December MMXV.}

Var AsItWas: record mode: word; ta: word; end;
Var LastLine,LastCol: byte;
Procedure Swap(var a,b: integer);	{Oh for a compiler-recognised statement.}
 var t: integer;			{Such as A=:=B;}
   t:=a; a:=b; b:=t;
var Stepwise: boolean;
Var Cell: Array[1..80,1..50] of byte;	{The screen is of limited size, alas.}
Var x,y,Step: integer;		{In the absence of complex numbers,}
Var dx,dy: integer;		{And also of array action statements.}
Procedure Croak(Gasp: string);	{Exit message...}
  GoToXY(1,12); TextColor(Yellow);	{Reserve line twelve.}
  WriteLn(Gasp,' on step ',Step,' to (',x,',',y,')');
Procedure Harken;		{Waits for a keystroke.}
 var ch: char;			{The character. Should really be 16-bit.}
  ch:=ReadKey;			{Fancy keys evoke double characters. I don't care.}
  if (ch = 'S') or (ch = 's') then Stepwise:=not Stepwise	{Quick, slow, quick, quick, slow...}
   else if ch = #27 then Croak('ESC!');	{Or perhaps, enough already!}
 End;				{Fancy keys will give a twostep.}
Procedure Waitabit;		{Slows the action.}
  if Stepwise or KeyPressed then Harken;	{Perhaps a change while on the run.}
 End;	{of Waitabit.}
Procedure Turn(way:integer);	{(dx,dy)*(0,w) = (-w*dy,+w*dx)}
  Swap(dx,dy);			{In the absence of complex arithmetic,}
  dx:=-way*dx; dy:=way*dy;	{Do this in two stages.}
const Arrow: array[-1..+1,-1..+1] of integer	{Only four entries are of interest.}
 = ((1,27,3),(25,5,24),(7,26,9));		{For the four arrow symbols.}
Procedure ShowDirection(Enter,How: byte);	{Show one.}
  GoToXY(x,LastLine - y + 1);	{(x,y) position, in Cartesian style.}
  TextBackground(Enter);	{The value in Cell[x,y] may have been changed.}
  Writeln(chr(Arrow[dx,dy]));	{Not an ASCII control character, but an arrow symbol.}
  Waitabit;			{Having gone to all this trouble.}
Procedure ShowState;		{Special usage for line two of the screen.}
  GoToXY(1,2); TextBackground(LightGray); TextColor(Black);
  Write(Step:5,' (',x:2,',',y:2,') ');
  TextColor(Yellow);		{Yellow indicates the direction in mind.}
  Write(chr(Arrow[dx,dy]));	{On *arrival* at a position.}
Var i,j: integer;		{Steppers. No whole-array assault as in Cell:=LightGray;}
var Enter: byte;		{Needed to remember the cell state on arrival.}
 AsItWas.mode:=LastMode;	{Grr. I might want to save the display content too!}
 AsItWas.ta:=TextAttr;		{Not just its colour and style.}
 TextMode(C80+Font8x8);	{Crazed gibberish gives less unsquare character cells, and 80x50 of them.}
 LastLine:=Hi(WindMax);	{ + 1 omitted, as a write to the last line scrolls the screen up one...}
 LastCol:=Lo(WindMax) + 1;	{Counting starts at zero, even though GoToXY starts with one.}
 x:=LastCol div 2;		{Start somewhere middleish.}
 y:=LastLine div 2;		{Consider (x,y) as being (0,0) for axes.}
 dx:=+1; dy:=0;		{Initial direction.}
 TextBackground(LightGray);	{"White" is not valid for background colour.}
 TextColor(Black);		{This will show up on a light background.}
 ClrScr;			{Here we go.}
 WriteLn('Langtons Ant, on x = 1:',LastCol,', y = 1:',LastLine);
 ShowState;					{Where we start.}
 WriteLn; TextColor(Black);
 WriteLn('Press a key for each step.');	{Some encouragement.}
 WriteLn('"S" to pause each step or not.');
 WriteLn('ESC to quit.');
 for i:=1 to LastLine do begin GoToXY(x,i); Write('|'); end;			{Draw a y-axis.}
 for i:=1 to LastCol do begin GoToXY(i,LastLine - y + 1); Write('-'); end;	{And x.}
 gotoxy(1,6);	{Can't silence the cursor!}
 for i:=1 to LastCol do	{Prepare the cells.}
  for j:=1 to LastLine do	{One by one.}
   Cell[i,j]:=LightGray;	{Cell:=LightGray. Sigh.}
 Stepwise:=true;		{The action is of interest.}
 for Step:=1 to 12000 do	{Here we go.}
  if (x <= 0) or (x > LastCol) or (y <= 0) or (y > LastCol) then Croak('Out of bounds')
   else				{We're in a cell.}
    begin				{So, inspect it.}
     if Stepwise or (Step mod 10 = 0) then ShowState	{On arrival.}
      else if KeyPressed then Harken;			{If we're not pausing, check for a key poke.}
     Enter:=cell[x,y];					{This is what awaits the feet.}
     if Stepwise then ShowDirection(Enter,Yellow);	{Current direction, about to be changed.}
     case cell[x,y] of					{So, what to do?}
  LightGray: begin Cell[x,y]:=Black;     Turn(-1); end;{White. Make black and turn right.}
      Black: begin Cell[x,y]:=LightGray; Turn(+1); end;{Black. Make white and turn left.}
     end;						{Having decided,}
     if Stepwise then ShowDirection(Enter,Green);	{Show the direction about to be stepped.}
     GoToXY(x,LastLine - y + 1);	{Screen location (column,line) for (x,y)}
     TextBackground(Cell[x,y]);	{Change the state I'm about to leave.}
     Write(' ');			{Foreground colour irrelevant for spaces.}
     x:=x + dx; y:=y + dy;		{Make the step!}
    end;			{On to consider our new position.}
 Croak('Finished');		{That was fun.}



<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/perl use strict;

  1. Perl 5 implementation of Langton's Ant
  1. Using screen coordinates - 0,0 in upper-left, +X right, +Y down -
  2. these directions (right, up, left, down) are counterclockwise
  3. so advance through the array to turn left, retreat to turn right

my @dirs = ( [1,0], [0,-1], [-1,0], [0,1] ); my $size = 100;

  1. we treat any false as white and true as black, so undef is fine for initial all-white grid

my @plane; for (0..$size-1) { $plane[$_] = [] };

  1. start out in approximate middle

my ($x, $y) = ($size/2, $size/2);

  1. pointing in a random direction

my $dir = int rand @dirs;

my $move; for ($move = 0; $x >= 0 && $x < $size && $y >= 0 && $y < $size; $move++) {

 # toggle cell's value (white->black or black->white)
 if ($plane[$x][$y] = 1 - ($plane[$x][$y] ||= 0)) {
       # if it's now true (black), then it was white, so turn right 
       $dir = ($dir - 1) % @dirs;
 } else {
       # otherwise it was black, so turn left
       $dir = ($dir + 1) % @dirs;
 $x += $dirs[$dir][0];
 $y += $dirs[$dir][1];


print "Out of bounds after $move moves at ($x, $y)\n"; for (my $y=0; $y<$size; ++$y) {

 for (my $x=0; $x<$size; ++$x) {
   print $plane[$x][$y] ? '#' : '.';
 print "\n";


Perl 6

Translation of: Perl

In this version we use 4-bits-per-char graphics to shrink the output to a quarter the area of ASCII graphics. <lang perl6>constant @vecs = [1,0,1], [0,-1,1], [-1,0,1], [0,1,1]; constant @blocky = ' ▘▝▀▖▌▞▛▗▚▐▜▄▙▟█'.comb; constant $size = 100; enum Square <White Black>; my @plane = [White xx $size] xx $size; my ($x, $y) = $size/2, $size/2; my $dir = @vecs.keys.pick; my $moves = 0; loop {

   given @plane[$x][$y] {
       when :!defined { last }
       when White { $dir--; $_ = Black; }
       when Black { $dir++; $_ = White; }
   ($x,$y,$moves) »+=« @vecs[$dir %= @vecs];

} say "Out of bounds after $moves moves at ($x, $y)"; for 0,2,4 ... $size - 2 -> $y {

   say join , gather for 0,2,4 ... $size - 2 -> $x {
       take @blocky[ 1 * @plane[$x][$y]
                   + 2 * @plane[$x][$y+1]
                   + 4 * @plane[$x+1][$y]
                   + 8 * @plane[$x+1][$y+1] ];


Out of bounds after 11669 moves at (-1, 26)
                        ▜▘▗▌▟▚ ▄                  
                      ▞▀▚ ▜▘▗▌▄▙▝▜                
                     ▐█  ▌▄▘▘▗▗▞▐▚▌               
                      ▌▖▝ ▐▚▙▙ ▖▀▖                
                    ▞▚▝▟██▜▞ ▞▗▜▌ ▞▘▌             
                    ▘▗▝▜▚▖▌▟▞▛▜▌▜▖ █▌             
                   ▄▄ ▄▜▛▜▙▖▟▗▛▟▘▌  ▌             
                  ▟▖ ▘▘▄▛▌▛▟█▖ ▚▜▀  ▌             
                  ▘▘ █▚▛▜▟▌▘▗█▞▛▞▌  ▌             
                  ▐▖ ▙▐▙▗█▌▐▀  ▟▛ ▄ ▌             
                  ▟▙▚▛▀▄▗▟▖▐▗▘▛▐▀▟▌ ▌             
                   ▗▜▞▖▗▘▝█▜▞▖▗▙ ▝ ▙▌             
                  ▘▌▚▖▝▛▀ ▐▘▞█▀▟▛█▖               
               ▄ ▝▛▚ ▀▜▙▜▜▀▜▚▄▘▙▖                 
              ▟▖▘▐▜▌▛▄▟▛▝▌ ▜▘▛▗▖▟▌                
              ▘▀█▙▙▚▄▛▗▛▖ ▞▗▖▚▗▚▞                 
               ▜ ▖▄▙▛▚▀▗▜▛ ▞▗▝▛                   
               ▞▌▜▌█▀▀▘▖ ▙  ▌▀                    
              ▐▗▌█▛    ▀▚▞▚▞                      


This code pipes a PBM into ImageMagick's "display" to show the result: <lang PicoLisp>(de ant (Width Height X Y)

  (let (Field (make (do Height (link (need Width)))) Dir 0)
     (until (or (le0 X) (le0 Y) (> X Width) (> Y Height))
        (let Cell (nth Field X Y)
           (setq Dir (% (+ (if (car Cell) 1 3) Dir) 4))
           (set Cell (not (car Cell))) 
           (case Dir
              (0 (inc 'X))
              (1 (inc 'Y))
              (2 (dec 'X))
              (3 (dec 'Y)) ) ) )
     (prinl "P1")
     (prinl Width " " Height)
     (for Row Field
        (prinl (mapcar '[(X) (if X 1 0)] Row)) ) ) )

(out '(display -) (ant 100 100 50 50)) (bye) </lang>


This is an implementation of Langton`s Ant in PHP
(The TEXT TO IMAGE - part is obviously not necessary.
Additionally the x and y startpositions could be set
to the halves of width and height.)

<lang php> // INIT AND DEFINITION define('dest_name', 'output.png'); // destination image define('width', 100); define('height', 100);

$x = 50; $y = 70; $dir = 0; // 0-up, 1-left, 2-down, 3-right $field = array(); $step_count = 0;

// LANGTON´S ANT PROCEDURE while(0 <= $x && $x <= width && 0 <= $y && $y <= height){ if(isset($field[$x][$y])){ unset($field[$x][$y]); $dir = ($dir + 3) % 4; }else{ $field[$x][$y] = true; $dir = ($dir + 1) % 4; } switch($dir){ case 0: $y++; break; case 1: $x--; break; case 2: $y--; break; case 3: $x++; break; } $step_count++; } // ARRAY TO IMAGE $img = imagecreatetruecolor(width, height); $white = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); for($x = 0; $x < width; $x++){ for($y = 0; $y < height; $y++){ if(isset($field[$x][$y])){ imagesetpixel($img, $x, $y, $white); } } } // TEXT TO IMAGE $color = array(); $color[0] = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 0, 0); $color[1] = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 255, 0); $color[2] = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 255); $print_array = array( 0 => 'Langton`s Ant', 1=>'PHP Version', 2=>'Steps: ' . $step_count ); foreach($print_array as $key => $line){ imagestring($img, 3, 3, 3 + $key*11, $line, $color[$key]); } // SAVE IMAGE imagepng($img, dest_name); </lang>


Processing implementation, this uses two notable features of Processing, first of all, the animation is calculated with the draw() loop, second the drawing on the screen is also used to represent the actual state. <lang processing>/*

* we use the following conventions:
* directions 0: up, 1: left, 2: down: 3: right
* pixel white: true, black: false
* turn right: true, left: false

// number of iteration steps per frame // set this to 1 to see a slow animation of each // step or to 10 or 100 for a faster animation

final int STEP=100;

int x; int y; int direction;

void setup() {

 // 100x100 is large enough to show the
 // corridor after about 10000 cycles
 size(100, 100, P2D);


int count=0;

void draw() {

 for(int i=0;i<STEP;i++) {
   boolean pix=get(x,y)!=-1; //white =-1
   if(x<0||y<0||x>=width||y>=height) {
 if(count%1000==0) {
   println("iteration "+count);


void move() {

 switch(direction) {
   case 0:
   case 1:
   case 2:
   case 3:


void turn(boolean rightleft) {

 if(direction==-1) direction=3;
 if(direction==4) direction=0;


void setBool(int x, int y, boolean white) {




This sort of problem, when stated in Prolog, reads a bit like a story book. Our main goal (go) succeeds if we can move north from the middle of the 100x100 matrix, and update_win- which outputs the black/1 blocks. The move/3 and direction/3 goals are really quite self explanatory, mirroring the instructions for the task.

Works with: SWI Prolog version 6.2.6 by Jan Wielemaker, University of Amsterdam
Sample output

<lang prolog>%_______________________________________________________________ % Langtons ant.



plot_point(Row, Col) :-  % Output a 5x5 black box at R,C new(C, box(5,5)), X is Col * 5 - 2, Y is Row * 5 - 2, send(C, colour, colour(black)), send(C, fill_pattern, colour(blue)), send(C, center(point(X,Y))), send(@win, display, C). update_win :-  % Make a 500x500 window, find all the black points and plot them new(@win, window('Langtons Ant')), send(@win, size, size(500,500)), send(@win, open), black(Row/Col),plot_point(Row,Col),fail. update_win.

direction(Row, Col, left) :- black(Row/Col), !, retract(black(Row/Col)). direction(Row, Col, right):- not(black(Row/Col)), !, assert(black(Row/Col)).

move(_, Row,Col) :- (Row < 0; Col < 0; Row > 99; Col > 99), !. move(north,Row,Col) :- (direction(Row,Col,left), C is Col - 1, !, move(west, Row, C)); (direction(Row,Col,right), C is Col + 1, !, move(east, Row, C)). move(south,Row,Col) :- (direction(Row,Col,right), C is Col - 1, !, move(west, Row, C)); (direction(Row,Col,left), C is Col + 1, !, move(east, Row, C)). move(east,Row,Col) :- (direction(Row,Col,right), R is Row + 1, !, move(south, R, Col)); (direction(Row,Col,left), R is Row - 1, !, move(north, R, Col)). move(west,Row,Col) :- (direction(Row,Col,left), R is Row + 1, !, move(south, R, Col)); (direction(Row,Col,right), R is Row - 1, !, move(north, R, Col)).

go :- retractall(black(_)), move(north,49,49), update_win.</lang>


Sample display of PureBasic solution

<lang purebasic>#White = $FFFFFF

  1. Black = 0
  2. planeHeight = 100
  3. planeWidth = 100
  4. canvasID = 0
  5. windowID = 0

OpenWindow(#windowID, 0, 0, 150, 150, "Langton's ant", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered) CanvasGadget(#canvasID, 25, 25, #planeWidth, #planeHeight) StartDrawing(CanvasOutput(#canvasID))

 Box(0, 0, #planeWidth, #planeHeight, #White)


Define event, quit, ant.POINT, antDirection, antSteps

ant\x = #planeHeight / 2 ant\y = #planeWidth / 2 Repeat

   event = WindowEvent()
   If event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow
     quit = 1
     event = 0
 Until event = 0
   Select Point(ant\x, ant\y)
     Case #Black
       Plot(ant\x, ant\y, #White)
       antDirection = (antDirection + 1) % 4 ;turn left
     Case #White
       Plot(ant\x, ant\y, #Black)
       antDirection = (antDirection - 1 + 4) % 4 ;turn right
 Select antDirection
   Case 0 ;up
     ant\y - 1
   Case 1 ;left
     ant\x - 1
   Case 2 ;down
     ant\y + 1
   Case 3 ;right
     ant\x + 1
 antSteps + 1
 If ant\x < 0 Or ant\x >= #planeWidth Or ant\y < 0 Or ant\y >= #planeHeight
   MessageRequester("Langton's ant status", "Out of bounds after " + Str(antSteps) + " steps.")
   quit = 1
 Delay(10) ;control animation speed and avoid hogging CPU

Until quit = 1</lang> Sample output:

Out of bounds after 11669 steps.


Translation of: D

<lang python>width = 75 height = 52 nsteps = 12000

class Dir: up, right, down, left = range(4) class Turn: left, right = False, True class Color: white, black = '.', '#' M = [[Color.white] * width for _ in range(height)]

x = width // 2 y = height // 2 dir = Dir.up

i = 0 while i < nsteps and 0 <= x < width and 0 <= y < height:

   turn = Turn.left if M[y][x] == else Turn.right
   M[y][x] = Color.white if M[y][x] == else
   dir = (4 + dir + (1 if turn else -1)) % 4
   dir = [Dir.up, Dir.right, Dir.down, Dir.left][dir]
   if   dir == Dir.up:    y -= 1
   elif dir == Dir.right: x -= 1
   elif dir == Dir.down:  y += 1
   elif dir == Dir.left:  x += 1
   else: assert False
   i += 1

print ("\n".join("".join(row) for row in M))</lang> The output is the same as the basic D version.


<lang R> langton.ant = function(n = 100) { map = matrix(data = 0, nrow = n, ncol = n) p = floor(c(n/2, n/2)) d = sample(1:4, 1) i = 1 while(p[1] > 0 & p[1] <= n & p[2] > 0 & p[2] <= n) { if(map[p[1], p[2]] == 1) { map[p[1], p[2]] = 0 p = p + switch(d, c(0, 1), c(-1, 0), c(0, -1), c(1, 0)) d = ifelse(d == 4, 1, d + 1) } else { map[p[1], p[2]] = 1 p = p + switch(d, c(0, -1), c(1, 0), c(0, 1), c(-1, 0)) d = ifelse(d == 1, 4, d - 1) } } return(map) }

image(langton.ant(), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", bty = "n") </lang>


Sample display of Racket solution

This Racket program attempts to avoid mutation.

<lang racket>#lang racket

contracts allow us to describe expected behaviour of funcitons

(define direction/c (or/c 'u 'r 'l 'd)) (define turn/c (-> direction/c direction/c)) (define grid/c (hash/c integer? (hash/c integer? boolean?))) (define-struct/contract ant ([d direction/c] [x integer?] [y integer?]))

(define/contract (turn-right dir) turn/c

 (case dir ((u) 'r) ((d) 'l) ((r) 'd) ((l) 'u)))

(define/contract (turn-left dir) turn/c

 (case dir ((u) 'l) ((d) 'r) ((r) 'u) ((l) 'd)))

(define/contract (move d x y)

 (-> direction/c integer? integer? (list/c direction/c integer? integer?))
  (+ x (case d ((l) -1) ((r) 1) (else 0)))
  (+ y (case d ((u) -1) ((d) 1) (else 0)))))

(define/contract (move-ant d a) (-> direction/c ant? ant?)

 (apply make-ant (move d (ant-x a) (ant-y a))))

(define/contract (langton a grid) (-> ant? grid/c grid/c)

 (let ((ax (ant-x a)) (ay (ant-y a)))
   (if (and (<= 1 ax 100) (<= 1 ay 100))
       (let* ((grid-row (hash-ref grid ay hash))
              (cell-black? (hash-ref grid-row ax #f)))
          (move-ant ((if cell-black? turn-left turn-right) (ant-d a)) a)
          (hash-set grid ay (hash-set grid-row ax (not cell-black?)))))

(define/contract (show-grid/text grid) (-> grid/c void?)

 (for* ; for* allows us to refer to y in rw
     ((y (in-range 1 101))
      (rw (in-value (hash-ref grid y #f)))
      #:when rw        ; if there is no row, the ant never visisted it
      #:when (newline) ; when can be used simply for its side effect
      (x (in-range 1 101)))
   (case (hash-ref rw x #\?)
     ((#\?) (display #\space)) ; distingush between "ant-visited white" vs. pure white
     ((#f)  (display #\:))     ; little anty footprints left
     ((#t)  (display #\#)))))

(show-grid/text (langton (make-ant 'u 50 50) (hash)))

(require 2htdp/image) (define/contract (show-grid/png grid) (-> grid/c image?)

     ((scn (empty-scene 408 408)))
      ((y (in-range 1 101))
      (rw (in-value (hash-ref grid y #f)))
      #:when rw        ; if there is no row, the ant never visisted it
      (x (in-range 1 101)))
   (case (hash-ref rw x #\?)
     ((#\?) scn) ; distingush between "ant-visited white" vs. pure white
     ((#f)  (place-image (circle 2 "outline" "gray") (* x 4) (* y 4) scn))     ; little anty footprints left
     ((#t)  (place-image (circle 2 "solid" "black")  (* x 4) (* y 4) scn)))))

(show-grid/png (langton (make-ant 'u 50 50) (hash))) </lang> Output (text):

                                         ##  ############  ##                                       
                                        #::####::::::::::# :##                                      
                                   ##  ##:#:#:::::::::###:::::::#                                   
                                :#:#::###::##:####:##:::#:#::#:##  ##                               
                                :#:###:##: #:##::###:#:#:::::###:::###                              
                                ::#:#:::#:##:###:::#:::#:#::####::::# ##                            
                               #::#:::::::::##:##:::#::##:::::##:#::: :##                           
                           #::###::#:##::::#::#:###::#::::::###:##:#::#: ##                         
                          ###:::#:::  #:##:#:##::##::#####:####::####:##:::#                        
                         #::###::#:# #::#:###:#:#:##::::::##:::#:#:#::  #:::#                       
                        ###:::#::## ###::##:#:::##:::::::####:####:::#::::::#                       
                       #::###::#:#  #:::##::###########:#::####::#::: #::::#                        
                      ###:::#::##     :#:####::##::#########::#::##::::#::##                        
                     #::###::#:#   ## :#:##:::##:##:###:###:::#::#:##::####:#                       
                    ###:::#::##   #::#:######:##:#:##:#:#::::###:###:::##:::#                       
                   #::###::#:#   #:::::#####:#:#####:::::#:#::##:#::::##:::#                        
                  ###:::#::##    #:::::#:##:#####:##::#:#:::#::#::##:# :#::#                        
                 #::###::#:#     #::::#:::####:#::#####:##:::##########:::##                        
                ###:::#::##      #:##:::##:::#::#:::####::#:::##:####:##:::                         
               #::###::#:#        #####:#::##:::##:#:::#::::#:#::#::#::#:#:                         
              ###:::#::##          ##  ## #:#:#::::##:##:#:#:##::#::##::##:                         
             #::###::#:#                 #::#:   #:########:#:#:##::####:#:                         
            ###:::#::##                  #::#:  #:::::::##:##:::#::#::##:#:                         
           #::###::#:#                    #::#  #::::::#::##::##:::##:####:                         
          ###:::#::##                      ##   #:::::::##::##::::#:::#:###                         
         #::###::#:#                            #:##::####::::####:###:####                         
        ###:::#::##                              ##: ####:   ##: #:##:#:#::#                        
       #::###::#:#                                ##    ##    ## ###:##:#####                       
      ###:::#::##                                                #:##:#::####                       
     #::###::#:#                                                    :##:##:##                       
    ###:::#::##                                                     :##::::::                       
   #::###::#:#                                                     #:##::####:#                     
  ###:::#::##                                                     #::#:###::###                     
 #::###::#:#                                                      #:##:#  #::#                      
###:::#::##                                                        ##:     ##                       
:::##::#:#                                                          ##                              


This REXX program automatically justifies (or crops) the left, right, top and bottom of the ant's walk field on the screen.
Or in other words, this REXX program only shows the pertinent part of the ant's walk-field. <lang rexx>/*REXX program implements Langton's ant walk and displays the ant's path*/ parse arg dir char . /*allow specification: ant facing*/ if char== then char='#' /*binary colors: 0≡white, 1≡black*/ @.=0 /*define stem array (all white).*/ Lb=1  ; Rb=100 /* left boundry, right boundry.*/ Bb=1  ; Tb=100 /*bottom " top " */ x=(Rb-Lb)%2 ; y=(Tb-Bb)%2 /*approximate center (walk start)*/ if dir== then dir=random(1,4) /*ant is facing random direction,*/ $.=1; $.0=4; $.2=2; $.3=3; $.4=4 /*1≡north 2≡east 3≡south 4≡west*/ /*───────────────────────────────────────────ant walks hither & thither.*/

 do steps=1  until x<Lb | x>Rb | y<Bb | y>Tb /*walk until out─of─bounds*/
 black=@.x.y;      @.x.y= \ @.x.y     /*ant's cell color code; flip it.*/
 if black  then dir=dir-1             /*if cell was black,  turn  left.*/
           else dir=dir+1             /* "   "   "  white,  turn right.*/
 dir=$.dir                            /*possibly adjust for under/over.*/
     select                           /*ant walks direction it's facing*/
     when dir==1  then y= y + 1       /*walking north?  Then go "up".  */
     when dir==2  then x= x + 1       /*   "     east?    "  "  "right"*/
     when dir==3  then y= y - 1       /*   "    south?    "  "  "down".*/
     when dir==4  then x= x - 1       /*   "     west?    "  "  "left".*/
     end   /*select*/
 end       /*steps*/

/*───────────────────────────────────────────the ant is finished walking*/ say center(" Langton's ant walked" steps 'steps. ', 79, "─"); say

                                      /* [↓] show Langton's ant's trail*/
   do minx =Lb  to Rb                 /*find leftmost non─blank column.*/
       do y=Bb  to Tb                 /*search row by row for the min. */
       if @.minx.y  then leave minx   /*found one, now quit searching. */
       end   /*y*/
   end       /*minx*/                 /*above code crops left of array.*/
 do y=Tb  to Bb  by -1;  _=           /*display a plane (row) of cells.*/
    do x=minx  to Rb;    _=_ || @.x.y /*build a cell row for display.  */
    end   /*x*/
 _=strip(translate(_,char,10), 'T')   /*color the cells: black | white.*/
 if _\==  then say _                /*say line, strip trailing blanks*/
 end      /*y*/                       /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/</lang>


────────────────────── Langton's ant walked 11759 steps. ──────────────────────

                                                                           # ## #
                                                                          ## ####
                                                                         # # # #
                                                                        ##  #  ##
                                                                       # #  ##
                                                                      ##  #   ###
         ##                                                          # #  ###  #
  ##      ##                                                        ##  #   ###
 #  #  # ## #                                                      # #  ###  #
###  ### #  #                                                     ##  #   ###
# ####  ## #                                                     # #  ###  #
        ##                                                      ##  #   ###
  ## ## ##                                                     # #  ###  #
  ####  # ## #                                                ##  #   ###
  ##### ## ### ##    ##    ##                                # #  ###  #
   #  # # ## #  ##    ####  ##                              ##  #   ###
    #### ### ####    ####  ## #                            # #  ###  #
    ### #   #    ##  ##       #   ##                      ##  #   ###
     #### ##   ##  ##  #      #  #  #                    # #  ###  #
     # ##  #  #   ## ##       #   #  #                  ##  #   ###
     # ####  ## # # ######## #    #  #                 # #  ###  #
     ##  ##  #  ## # # ## ##    # # # ##  ##          ##  #   ###
     # #  #  #  # #    #   # ##   ##  # #####        # #  ###  #
       ## #### ##   #  ####   #  #   ##   ## #      ##  #   ###
   ##   ##########   ## #####  # ####   #    #     # #  ###  #
   #  #  # ##  #  #   # #  ## ##### ## #     #    ##  #   ###
   #   ##    # ##  # #     ##### # #####     #   # #  ###  #
  #   ##   ### ###    # # ## # ## ###### #  #   ##  #   ###
  # ####  ## #  #   ### ### ## ##   ## #  ##   # #  ###  #
   ##  #    ##  #  #########  ##  #### #      ##  #   ###
   #    #    #  ####  # ###########  ##   #  # #  ###  #
  #      #   #### ####       ##   # ##  ### ##  #   ###
  #   #    # # #   ##      ## # # ### #  # # #  ###  #
   #   ## ####  #### #####  ##  ## # ## #     #   ###
    ##  #  # ## ###      #  ### #  #    ## #  ###  #
      #     #  ### ## #  ## #### # #  # #   #   ###
     #   #### ##  #    #  ###   ## ##   ##  ###  #
     # ##  ## ###   #     ##  #  ### ## # #   ###
      ##     # ##     ##  #   ## ##         #  #
       ## #    ####  # #   #   ### ## #   # #
         ## ### #####   # ## ## ## # # ## # ### #
        #   # ### # ###### ## ##  #### #   ## ###
        # # # ###   #  ####  # # #####   #     #
         ###   ###     # # ###  ## #  ## ### #
          ##  ## #  # #   ## #### ##  ###  # #
              ###  ## ##     #     #   #  # ###
              #       ###         # # ##  ##
                #    #  #         #  # #
                # ##            ##   ###
                 ##  #          ####  #
                  ##  ############  ##


<lang ruby>class Ant

 class OutOfBoundsException < StandardError; end
 class Plane
   def initialize(x, y)
     @size_x, @size_y = x, y
     @cells = {, :white)}
   def white?(px, py)
     @cells[py][px] == :white
   def toggle_colour(px, py)
     @cells[py][px] = (white?(px, py) ? :black : :white)
   def check_bounds(px, py)
     unless (0 <= px and px < @size_x) and (0 <= py and py < @size_y)
       raise OutOfBoundsException, "(#@size_x, #@size_y)"
   def to_s
     @cells.collect {|row|
       row.collect {|cell| cell == :white ? "." : "#"}.join + "\n"
 dir_move = [[:north, [0,-1]], [:east, [1,0]], [:south, [0,1]], [:west, [-1,0]]]
 Move = Hash[dir_move]
 directions ={|dir, move| dir}       # [:north, :east, :south, :west]
 Right = Hash[ ]
 Left  = Right.invert
 def initialize(size_x, size_y, pos_x=size_x/2, pos_y=size_y/2)
   @plane =, size_y)
   @pos_x, @pos_y = pos_x, pos_y
   @direction = :south
   @plane.check_bounds(@pos_x, @pos_y)
 def run
   moves = 0
   loop do
       moves += 1
     rescue OutOfBoundsException
 def move
   @plane.toggle_colour(@pos_x, @pos_y)
   if @plane.white?(@pos_x, @pos_y)
     @direction = Right[@direction]
     @direction = Left[@direction]
 def advance
   dx, dy = Move[@direction]
   @pos_x += dx
   @pos_y += dy
   @plane.check_bounds(@pos_x, @pos_y)
 def position
   "(#@pos_x, #@pos_y)"
 def to_s


  1. the simulation

ant =, 100) moves = puts "out of bounds after #{moves} moves: #{ant.position}" puts ant</lang>

out of bounds after 11669 moves: (26, -1)

Simple Version: <lang ruby>class Ant

 MOVE = [[1,0], [0,1], [-1,0], [0,-1]]   # [0]:east, [1]:south, [2]:west, [3]:north
 def initialize(size_x, size_y, pos_x=size_x/2, pos_y=size_y/2)
   @plane = {, true)}  # true -> white, false -> black
   @sx, @sy = size_x, size_y
   @px, @py = pos_x, pos_y       # start position
   @direction = 0                # south
   @moves = 0
   move  while (0 <= @px and @px < @sx) and (0 <= @py and @py < @sy)
 def move
   @moves += 1
   @direction = (@plane[@py][@px] ? @direction+1 : @direction-1) % 4
   @plane[@py][@px] = !@plane[@py][@px]
   @px += MOVE[@direction][0]
   @py += MOVE[@direction][1]
 def to_s
   ["out of bounds after #{@moves} moves: (#@px, #@py)"] +
     (0...@sy).map {|y| (0...@sx).map {|x| @plane[y][x] ? "." : "#"}.join}


puts, 100).to_s</lang>

Output is the same above.


<lang Runbasic>dim plane(100,100) x = 50: y = 50: minY = 100

while (x>0) and (x<100) and (y>0) and (y<100)

if plane(x,y) then
  nxt = nxt - 1
  if nxt < 1 then nxt = 4
  nxt = nxt + 1
  if nxt > 4 then nxt = 1
end if
x          = x + (nxt = 2) - (nxt = 4)
y          = y + (nxt = 3) - (nxt = 1)
plane(x,y) = (plane(x,y) <> 1)
minY       = min(y,minY)          ' find lowest and 
maxY       = max(y,maxY)          '  highest y to prevent printing blank lines


graphic #g, 100,100 for y = minY to maxY

 for x = 1 to 100
  print chr$((plane(x,y)*3) + 32);
    if plane(x,y) = 1 then  #g "color green ; set "; x; " "; y else #g "color blue ; set "; x; " "; y
 next x
 print y

next y render #g

  1. g "flush""</lang>

Ouptut (Produces both character and graphic):

                                                                   ##                               21
                                                                    ##                              22
                                             ##  ##            ### ## #                             23
                                            #  ##  ###        #### #  #                             24
                                           #    ##   #      ## ##  # #                              25
                                        ## #     #     ####### ### ##                               26
                                       #  #  #   ## #   #  ##### #  #                               27
                                      ###   #   ####  ## ### #      ##                              28
                                   ## # #  ##  #   # ##  #### ######                                29
                                  #  #   #    #     ##  ##   # # ##### #                            30
                                 ### ##  #  #    #   ##### # ## #    ###                            31
                                 ##     ## ###   ## ###   ## ####  #  #                             32
                                   ###  ### #   # # ###     #  #    ##                              33
                                     # #   ######### #####   ####                                   34
                               ### ###  ## #  #      #   ##  #                                      35
                                ##### #####  ##   #####    # # #                                    36
                             ## # ####### ### ###### ##### # ###                                    37
                            #    ##  ##   ###  #  #  #  #   # #                                     38
                           ###      ###  # ## ##    #  # ## #                                       39
                           # #  #    #    # #####  #    # ##                                        40
                                ## ###  # #  ## ##    #  # #                                        41
                            # #     # #     # # ## # #  ### ## #                                    42
                           #   ###  #  #  # #  #### ##   ## ####                                    43
                           #   ## ### ## #  #   #     #### # ##                                     44
                           #  ##   ###      #  #### ### ##   ##                                     45
                           #      ###     ###  ###   ##  #    #                                     46
                           #     # # # ####    ####  ## ##                                          47
                           #     ## ### ##   # ## #### ###   # #                                    48
                           #      # #    ##### # # ###       ###                                    49
                           #    #### #    ### ## ###   # #    #                                     50
                           #     #  ## ## ## ####  ## ##  ####                                      51
                           #     # ## ##  #    #######                                              52
                           ###   ##  ##  # ### # ## #   #                                           53
                           ###    ## ###### #  #   ####    #                                        54
                            # ## # ##  ##    #### # ## #### #                                       55
                            #   ####### ######  # ## # #    #                                       56
                           #   #   ## #  #   ## ######  #  #                                        57
                           # ##    ###  #   # ####### #  ##                                         58
                            ## # ##   # # # ## #  ##  ###                                           59
                             ###### ##          #####   #                                           60
                                 #   #  ##### #      # #                                            61
                                  ##     # # ##   #    #                                            62
                               ## #  ## #     ## #    ###                                           63
                               # ## #      # #   #    ###                                           64
                                #   #### ##   #   #    #                                            65
                                ###  #   #   ###   ####                                             66
                                #   ##  ## ##   #                                                   67
                                   ##  ##  #   ###                                                  68
                                    ##  # ## ##   #                                                 69
                                         ##  #   ###                                                70
                                          # ## ##   #                                               71
                                           ##  #   ###                                              72
                                            # ## ##   #                                             73
                                             ##  #   ###                                            74
                                              # ## ##   #                                           75
                                               ##  #   ###                                          76
                                                # ## ##   #                                         77
                                                 ##  #   ###                                        78
                                                  # ## ##   #                                       79
                                                   ##  #   ###                                      80
                                                    # ## ##   #                                     81
                                                     ##  #   ###                                    82
                                                      # ## ##   #                                   83
                                                       ##  #   ###                                  84
                                                        # ## ##   #                                 85
                                                         ##  #   ###                                86
                                                          # ## ##   #                               87
                                                           ##  #   ###                              88
                                                            # ## ##   #                             89
                                                             ##  #   ###                            90
                                                              # ## ##   #                           91
                                                               ##  #   ###                          92
                                                                # ## ##   #                         93
                                                                 ##  #   ###                        94
                                                                  # ## ##   #                       95
                                                                   ##  # #####                      96
                                                                    # #   ####                      97
                                                                     ## ### #                       98
                                                                      # # ##                        99


<lang Rust> struct Ant { x: uint, y: uint, dir: Direction }

impl Ant { fn move(&mut self, vec: &mut Vec<Vec<u8>>) {

let pointer = vec.get_mut(self.y).get_mut(self.x); //change direction match *pointer { 0 => self.dir = self.dir.right(), 1 => self.dir = self.dir.left(), _ => fail!("Unexpected colour in grid") } //flip colour //if it's 1 it's black //if it's 0 it's white *pointer ^= 1;

//move direction match self.dir { North => self.y -= 1, South => self.y += 1, East => self.x += 1, West => self.x -= 1, }

} }

enum Direction { North, East, South, West }

impl Direction { fn right(self) -> Direction { match self { North => East, East => South, South => West, West => North, } }

fn left(self) -> Direction { //3 rights equal a left self.right().right().right() } }

fn main(){ //create a 100x100 grid using vectors let mut grid: Vec<Vec<u8>> = Vec::from_elem(100, Vec::from_elem(100, 0u8)); let mut ant = Ant { x: 50, y: 50, dir: North };

while ant.x < 100 && ant.y < 100 { ant.move(&mut grid); } for each in grid.iter() { //construct string //using iterator methods to quickly convert the vector //to a string let string = each.iter() .map(|&x| String::from_byte(x+32)) .fold(String::new(), |x, y| x+y) .replace("!", "#"); println!("{}", string); } } </lang>


<lang scala>class Langton(matrix:Array[Array[Char]], ant:Ant) {

 import Langton._
 val rows=matrix.size
 val cols=matrix(0).size
 def isValid = 0 <= ant.row && ant.row < cols && 0 <= ant.col  && ant.col < rows
 def isBlack=matrix(ant.row)(ant.col)==BLACK
 def changeColor(c:Char)={matrix(ant.row)(ant.col)=c; matrix}
 def evolve():Langton={
   val (newCol, newAnt)=if(isBlack) (WHITE, ant.turnLeft) else (BLACK, ant.turnRight)
   new Langton(changeColor(newCol), newAnt.move)
 override def toString()=matrix map (_.mkString("")) mkString "\n"	


case class Ant(row:Int, col:Int, d:Int=0) {

 def turnLeft=Ant(row,col,(d-1)&3)
 def turnRight=Ant(row,col,(d+1)&3)
 def move=d match {
   case 0 => Ant(row-1,col,d)	// north
   case 1 => Ant(row,col+1,d)	// east
   case 2 => Ant(row+1,col,d)	// south
   case 3 => Ant(row,col-1,d)	// west


object Langton {

 val BLACK='#'
 val WHITE='.'
 def apply(x:Int=100, y:Int=100)=new Langton(Array.fill(y, x)(WHITE), Ant(x>>>1, y>>>1, 0))
 def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
   var l=Langton(100,100)
   var moves=0
   while (l.isValid) {
     moves += 1
   println("Out of bounds after "+moves+" moves")

}</lang> Output:

Out of bounds after 11669 moves


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const type: direction is new enum UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT end enum;

const proc: main is func

   const integer: width is 75;
   const integer: height is 52;
   var array array boolean: m is height times width times FALSE;
   var direction: dir is UP;
   var integer: x is width div 2;
   var integer: y is height div 2;
   while x in {1 .. width} and y in {1 .. height} do
     dir := direction conv ((ord(dir) + 2 * ord(m[y][x]) - 1) mod 4);
     m[y][x] := not m[y][x];
     case dir of
       when {UP}:    decr(y);
       when {RIGHT}: decr(x);
       when {DOWN}:  incr(y);
       when {LEFT}:  incr(x);
     end case;
   end while;
   for key x range m do
     for y range 1 to width do
     end for;
   end for;
 end func;</lang>


Translation of: Perl 6

<lang ruby>const dirs = [[1,0], [0,-1], [-1,0], [0,1]]; const size = 100;

enum |White, Black|;

var plane = [];

var (x, y) = ([size/2 int] * 2 ...); var dir =; var moves = 0; loop { (x >= 0) && (y >= 0) && (x < size) && (y < size) || break; given(plane[x][y]) when (White) { dir--; plane[x][y] = Black } when (Black) { dir++; plane[x][y] = White }; moves++; [\x, \y]:dirs[dir %= dirs.len] each {|a,b| *a += b }; } say "Out of bounds after #{moves} moves at (#{x}, #{y})";{.map {|square| square == Black ? '#' : '.' }}.each{.join.say};</lang>


Translation of: C#

<lang Swift>import Foundation

let WIDTH = 100 let HEIGHT = 100

struct Point {

   var x:Int
   var y:Int


enum Direction: Int {

   case North = 0, East, West, South


class Langton {

   let leftTurn = [Direction.West, Direction.North, Direction.South, Direction.East]
   let rightTurn = [Direction.East, Direction.South, Direction.North, Direction.West]
   let xInc = [0, 1,-1, 0]
   let yInc = [-1, 0, 0, 1]
   var isBlack:Bool
   var origin:Point
   var antPosition = Point(x:0, y:0)
   var outOfBounds = false
   var antDirection = Direction.East
   init(width:Int, height:Int) {
       self.origin = Point(x:width / 2, y:height / 2)
       self.isBlack = Array(count: width, repeatedValue: Array(count: height, repeatedValue: false))
   func moveAnt() {
       self.antPosition.x += xInc[self.antDirection.rawValue]
       self.antPosition.y += yInc[self.antDirection.rawValue]
   func step() -> Point {
       if self.outOfBounds {
           println("Ant tried to move while out of bounds.")
       var ptCur = Point(x:self.antPosition.x + self.origin.x, y:self.antPosition.y + self.origin.y)
       let black = self.isBlack[ptCur.x][ptCur.y]
       let direction = self.antDirection.rawValue
       self.antDirection = (black ? self.leftTurn : self.rightTurn)[direction]
       self.isBlack[ptCur.x][ptCur.y] = !self.isBlack[ptCur.x][ptCur.y]
       ptCur = Point(x:self.antPosition.x + self.origin.x, y:self.antPosition.y + self.origin.y)
       self.outOfBounds =
           ptCur.x < 0 ||
           ptCur.x >= self.isBlack.count ||
           ptCur.y < 0 ||
           ptCur.y >= self.isBlack[0].count
       return self.antPosition


let ant = Langton(width: WIDTH, height: HEIGHT) while !ant.outOfBounds {



for row in 0 ..< WIDTH {

   for col in 0 ..< HEIGHT {
       print(ant.isBlack[col][row] ? "#" : " ")



Blank lines omitted

                          # #                                                                       
                        ## # #                                                                      
                       # ### ##                                                                     
                      #### ### #                                                                    
                      ##### #  ##                                                                   
                       #   ## ## #                                                                  
                        ###   #  ##                                                                 
                         #   ## ## #                                                                
                          ###   #  ##                                                               
                           #   ## ## #                                                              
                            ###   #  ##                                                             
                             #   ## ## #                                                            
                              ###   #  ##                                                           
                               #   ## ## #                                                          
                                ###   #  ##                                                         
                                 #   ## ## #                                                        
                                  ###   #  ##                                                       
                                   #   ## ## #                                                      
                                    ###   #  ##                                                     
                                     #   ## ## #                                                    
                                      ###   #  ##                                                   
                                       #   ## ## #                                                  
                                        ###   #  ##                                                 
                                         #   ## ## #                                                
                                          ###   #  ##                                               
                                           #   ## ## #                                              
                                            ###   #  ##                                             
                                             #   ## ## #                                            
                                              ###   #  ##                                           
                                               #   ## ## #                                          
                                                ###   #  ##                                         
                                                 #   ## ## #  ##                                    
                                                  ###   #  ##  ##                                   
                                                   #   ## ##  ##   #                                
                                             ####   ###   #   #  ###                                
                                            #    #   #   ## ####   #                                
                                           ###    #   # #      # ## #                               
                                           ###    # ##     # ##  # ##                               
                                            #    #   ## # #     ##                                  
                                            # #      # #####  #   #                                 
                                           #   #####          ## ######                             
                                           ###  ##  # ## # # #   ## # ##                            
                                         ##  # ####### #   #  ###    ## #                           
                                        #  #  ###### ##   #  # ##   #   #                           
                                       #    # # ## #  ###### #######   #                            
                                       # #### ## # ####    ##  ## # ## #                            
                                        #    ####   #  # ###### ##    ###                           
                                           #   # ## # ### #  ##  ##   ###                           
                                              #######    #  ## ## #     #                           
                                      ####  ## ##  #### ## ## ##  #     #                           
                                     #    # #   ### ## ###    # ####    #                           
                                    ###       ### # # #####    # #      #                           
                                    # #   ### #### ## #   ## ### ##     #                           
                                          ## ##  ####    #### # # #     #                           
                                     #    #  ##   ###  ###     ###      #                           
                                     ##   ## ### ####  #      ###   ##  #                           
                                     ## # ####     #   #  # ## ### ##   #                           
                                    #### ##   ## ####  # #  #  #  ###   #                           
                                    # ## ###  # # ## # #     # #     # #                            
                                        # #  #    ## ##  # #  ### ##                                
                                        ## #    #  ##### #    #    #  # #                           
                                       # ## #  #    ## ## #  ###      ###                           
                                     # #   #  #  #  #  ###   ##  ##    #                            
                                    ### # ##### ###### ### ####### # ##                             
                                    # # #    #####   ##  ##### #####                                
                                      #  ##   #      #  # ##  ### ###                               
                                   ####   ##### #########   # #                                     
                              ##    #  #     ### # #   # ###  ###                                   
                             #  #  #### ##   ### ##   ### ##     ##                                 
                            ###    # ## # #####   #    #  #  ## ###                                 
                            # ##### # #   ##  ##     #    #   #  #                                  
                                ###### ####  ## #   #  ##  # # ##                                   
                              ##      # ### ##  ####   #   ###                                      
                               #  # #####  #   # ##   #  #  #                                       
                               ## ### #######     #     # ##                                        
                              # #  ## ##      #   ##    #                                           
                             #  # ####        ###  ##  #                                            
                             # ## ###            ##  ##                                             


Library: Tk
Output of Tcl solution of Langton's ant task

<lang tcl>package require Tk

proc step {workarea} {

   global x y dir
   if {[lindex [$workarea get $x $y] 0]} {

$workarea put black -to $x $y if {[incr dir] > 3} {set dir 0}

   } else {

$workarea put white -to $x $y if {[incr dir -1] < 0} {set dir 3}

   switch $dir {

0 {incr x} 1 {incr y} 2 {incr x -1} 3 {incr y -1}

   expr {$x < 0 || $x >= [image width $workarea] || $y < 0 || $y >= [image height $workarea]}


image create photo antgrid -width 100 -height 100 pack [label .l -image antgrid] antgrid put white -to 0 0 99 99 set x [set y 50] set dir 0

while 1 {

   if {[step antgrid]} break


  1. Produce output in file

antgrid write ant.gif -format gif</lang>


The variable N counts the generation number. <lang TI-83b>PROGRAM:LANT

Repeat getKey
If pxl-Test(B,A)



<lang Whitespace>


Following is the pseudo-Assembly from which the above was generated.

<lang asm>; For easier access, the direction vector is stored at the end of the heap. push 10003 dup push 100 store push 1 sub dup push -1 store push 1 sub dup push -100 store push 1 sub dup push 1 store

0:  ; Initialize the grid.

   push 1 sub dup push 0 store
   dup push 0 swap sub jn 0
   push 5050 ; Start the ant at the center.

1:  ; Make sure the ant's in bounds.

   dup push 100 mod jn 2
   dup push 100 div jn 2
   push 100 copy 1 copy 1 mod sub jz 2
   push 100 copy 1 copy 1 div sub jz 2
   swap copy 1 load      ; Get current cell state.
   push 1 add push 2 mod ; Invert it.
   copy 2 copy 1  store  ; Then store it back.
   push 2 mul push 5 add add push 4 mod ; Determine new direction.
   swap copy 1 push 10000 add load add  ; Update position accordingly.
   jump 1

2:  ; Initialize a counter and flow into the printer.

   pop dup sub

3:  ; Iterate over the cells.

   dup load push 32 add ochr ; Print ' ' for off, '!' for on.
   push 1 add dup    ; Increment the counter.
   push 100 mod jz 5 ; Branch at the end of a row.
       dup push 10000 sub jn 3 ; Go again unless counter is 10000.
       pop exit ; All done, exit clean.

5:  ; Print a newline and jump back to the counter check.

   push 10 ochr jump 4</lang>


<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations int X, Y, Dir; [SetVid($13); \set 320x200 graphic video mode X:= 50; Y:= 50; Dir:= 0; \start in middle facing east repeat if ReadPix(X,Y) then \(black and white are reversed)

               [Dir:= Dir-1;\left\   Point(X,Y, 0\black\)]
       else    [Dir:= Dir+1;\right\  Point(X,Y,$F\white\)];
       case Dir & 3 of
         0:    X:= X+1;        \east
         1:    Y:= Y+1;        \south
         2:    X:= X-1;        \west
         3:    Y:= Y-1         \north
       other   [];

until X<0 ! X>=100 ! Y<0 ! Y>=100; X:= ChIn(1); \wait for keystroke SetVid(3); \restore normal text mode ]</lang>


Translation of: XPL0

Uses the PPM class from <lang zkl>white:=0xff|ff|ff; black:=0; w:=h:=100; bitmap:=PPM(w,h,white); x:=w/2; y:=h/2; dir:=0; // start in middle facing east do{

  if(bitmap[x,y]){ dir-=1; bitmap[x,y]=black; } // white-->black, turn left
     else        { dir+=1; bitmap[x,y]=white; } // black-->white, turn right
  switch(dir.bitAnd(3)){  // dir is always <0
     case(0){ x+=1; }	// east
     case(1){ y-=1; }	// south
     case(2){ x-=1; }	// west
     case(3){ y+=1; }  // north

}while((0<=x<w) and (0<=y<h));



Same as XPL0 (and using their image).