You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
A semordnilap is a word (or phrase) that spells a different word (or phrase) backward. "Semordnilap" is a word that itself is a semordnilap.
Example: lager and regal
- Task
Using only words from this list, report the total number of unique semordnilap pairs, and print 5 examples. (Note that lager/regal and regal/lager should be counted as one unique pair.)
- Related tasks
We're using a map to keep track of what's been seen, and an array to store the results. We load the "unixdict.txt" as an "asset", meaning a file stored alongside the program code: <lang Forth> [] var, results
- processline \ m s --
clone nip tuck s:rev m:exists? if results @ rot a:push drop else swap true m:! then ;
{} "unixdict.txt" app:asset >s ' processline s:eachline
results @ dup a:len . " pairs" . cr a:shuffle ( a:shift dup . " is the reverse of " . s:rev . cr ) 5 times bye </lang>
- Output:
158 pairs trap is the reverse of part nab is the reverse of ban la is the reverse of al ta is the reverse of at tin is the reverse of nit
Before tackling the real problem, we specify a package String_Vectors and a class String_Vectors.Vec, to store the list of words in the dictionary:
<lang Ada>with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors, Ada.Text_IO;
package String_Vectors is
package String_Vec is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors (Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => String);
type Vec is new String_Vec.Vector with null record;
function Read(Filename: String) return Vec; -- uses Ada.Text_IO to read words from the given file into a Vec -- requirement: each word is written in a single line
function Is_In(List: Vec; Word: String; Start: Positive; Stop: Natural) return Boolean; -- checks if Word is in List(Start .. Stop); -- requirement: the words in List are sorted alphabetically
end String_Vectors;</lang>
The specified class String_Vectors.Vec has been derived from Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors.Vector and provides two additional primitive operations Read and Is_In. Here is the implementation:
<lang Ada>package body String_Vectors is
function Is_In(List: Vec; Word: String; Start: Positive; Stop: Natural) return Boolean is Middle: Positive; begin if Start > Stop then return False; else Middle := (Start+Stop) / 2; if List.Element(Middle) = Word then return True; elsif List.Element(Middle) < Word then return List.Is_In(Word, Middle+1, Stop); else return List.Is_In(Word, Start, Middle-1); end if; end if; end Is_In;
function Read(Filename: String) return Vec is package IO renames Ada.Text_IO; Persistent_List: IO.File_Type; List: Vec; begin IO.Open(File => Persistent_List, Name => Filename, Mode => IO.In_File); while not IO.End_Of_File(Persistent_List) loop List.Append(New_Item => IO.Get_Line(Persistent_List)); end loop; IO.Close(Persistent_List); return List; end Read;
end String_Vectors;</lang>
This is the main program:
<lang Ada>with String_Vectors, Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Command_Line;
procedure Semordnilap is
function Backward(S: String) return String is begin if S'Length < 2 then return S; else return (S(S'Last) & Backward(S(S'First+1 .. S'Last-1)) & S(S'First)); end if; end Backward;
W: String_Vectors.Vec := String_Vectors.Read(Ada.Command_Line.Argument(1));
Semi_Counter: Natural := 0;
for I in W.First_Index .. W.Last_Index loop if W.Element(I) /= Backward(W.Element(I)) and then W.Is_In(Backward(W.Element(I)), W.First_Index, I) then Semi_Counter := Semi_Counter + 1; if Semi_Counter <= 5 then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(W.Element(I) & " - " & Backward(W.Element(I))); end if; end if; end loop; Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put("pairs found:" & Integer'Image(Semi_Counter));
end Semordnilap;</lang>
- Output:
>./semordnilap unixdict.txt ca - ac dab - bad diva - avid dna - and drab - bard pairs found: 158
<lang aime>integer p; record r; file f; text s;
f_affix(f, "unixdict.txt");
while (f_line(f, s) != -1) {
r[s] = 0;
p = 0;
for (s in r) {
text t;
t = b_string(b_reverse(b_draft(s))); if (s > t) { if (r_key(r, t)) { p += 1; if (p <= 5) { o_(s, " ", t, "\n"); } } }
o_form("Semordnilap pairs: ~\n", p);</lang>
- Output:
ca ac dab bad diva avid dna and drab bard Semordnilap pairs: 158
The Algol 68 G "read" PRAGMA is used to include the associative array code from Associative_array/Iteration. <lang algol68># find the semordnilaps in a list of words #
- use the associative array in the Associate array/iteration task #
PR read "aArray.a68" PR
- returns text with the characters reversed #
BEGIN STRING reversed := text; INT start pos := LWB text; FOR end pos FROM UPB reversed BY -1 TO LWB reversed DO reversed[ end pos ] := text[ start pos ]; start pos +:= 1 OD; reversed END # REVERSE # ;
- read the list of words and store the words in an associative array #
- check for semordnilaps #
IF FILE input file;
STRING file name = "unixdict.txt"; open( input file, file name, stand in channel ) /= 0
# failed to open the file # print( ( "Unable to open """ + file name + """", newline ) )
# file opened OK # BOOL at eof := FALSE; # set the EOF handler for the file # on logical file end( input file, ( REF FILE f )BOOL: BEGIN # note that we reached EOF on the # # latest read # at eof := TRUE; # return TRUE so processing can continue # TRUE END ); REF AARRAY words := INIT LOC AARRAY; STRING word; INT semordnilap count := 0; WHILE NOT at eof DO STRING word; get( input file, ( word, newline ) ); STRING reversed word = REVERSE word; IF ( words // reversed word ) = "" THEN # the reversed word isn't in the array # words // word := reversed word ELSE # we already have this reversed - we have a semordnilap # semordnilap count +:= 1; IF semordnilap count <= 5 THEN print( ( reversed word, " & ", word, newline ) ) FI FI OD; close( input file ); print( ( whole( semordnilap count, 0 ), " semordnilaps found", newline ) )
- Output:
ac & ca bad & dab avid & diva and & dna bard & drab 158 semordnilaps found
<lang AutoHotkey>S := [], M := []
FileRead, dict, unixdict.txt Loop, Parse, dict, `n, `r`n { r := Reverse(A_LoopField) if (S[r]) M.Insert(r " / " A_LoopField) else S[A_LoopField] := 1 }
Loop, 5 Out .= "`t" M[A_Index] "`n"
MsgBox, % "5 Examples:`n" Out "`nTotal Pairs:`n`t" M.MaxIndex()
Reverse(s) { Loop, Parse, s r := A_LoopField . r return r }</lang>
- Output:
5 Examples: ac / ca bad / dab avid / diva and / dna bard / drab Total Pairs: 158
<lang AWK>
- syntax: GAWK -f SEMORDNILAP.AWK unixdict.txt
{ arr[$0]++ } END {
PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_str_asc" for (word in arr) { rword = "" for (j=length(word); j>0; j--) { rword = rword substr(word,j,1) } if (word == rword) { continue } # palindrome if (rword in arr) { if (word in shown || rword in shown) { continue } shown[word]++ shown[rword]++ if (n++ < 5) { printf("%s %s\n",word,rword) } } } printf("%d words\n",n) exit(0)
} </lang>
- Output:
able elba abut tuba ac ca ah ha al la 158 words
<lang bbcbasic> INSTALL @lib$+"SORTLIB"
Sort% = FN_sortinit(0,0) DIM dict$(26000*2) REM Load the dictionary, eliminating palindromes: dict% = OPENIN("C:\unixdict.txt") IF dict%=0 ERROR 100, "No dictionary file" index% = 0 REPEAT A$ = GET$#dict% B$ = FNreverse(A$) IF A$<>B$ THEN dict$(index%) = A$ dict$(index%+1) = B$ index% += 2 ENDIF UNTIL EOF#dict% CLOSE #dict% Total% = index% REM Sort the dictionary: C% = Total% CALL Sort%, dict$(0) REM Find semordnilaps: pairs% = 0 examples% = 0 FOR index% = 0 TO Total%-2 IF dict$(index%)=dict$(index%+1) THEN IF examples%<5 IF LEN(dict$(index%))>4 THEN PRINT dict$(index%) " " FNreverse(dict$(index%)) examples% += 1 ENDIF pairs% += 1 ENDIF NEXT PRINT "Total number of unique pairs = "; pairs%/2 END DEF FNreverse(A$) LOCAL I%, L%, P% IF A$="" THEN ="" L% = LENA$ - 1 P% = !^A$ FOR I% = 0 TO L% DIV 2 SWAP P%?I%, L%?(P%-I%) NEXT = A$</lang>
- Output:
damon nomad kramer remark lager regal leper repel lever revel Total number of unique pairs = 158
<lang Bracmat>( get'("unixdict.txt",STR):?dict & new$hash:?H & 0:?p & ( @( !dict
: ? ( [!p ?w \n [?p ? & (H..insert)$(!w.rev$!w) & ~ ) ) | 0:?N & (H..forall) $ ( = . !arg:(?a.?b) & !a:<!b & (H..find)$!b & !N+1:?N:<6 & out$(!a !b) | ) & out$(semordnilap !N dnuoF) )
- Output:
tv vt ir ri ac ca eh he ku uk semordnilap 158 dnuoF
<lang C>#include <stdio.h>
- include <stdlib.h>
- include <alloca.h> /* stdlib.h might not have obliged. */
- include <string.h>
static void reverse(char *s, int len) {
int i, j; char tmp;
for (i = 0, j = len - 1; i < len / 2; ++i, --j) tmp = s[i], s[i] = s[j], s[j] = tmp;
/* Wrap strcmp() for qsort(). */ static int strsort(const void *s1, const void *s2) {
return strcmp(*(char *const *) s1, *(char *const *) s2);
int main(void) {
int i, c, ct = 0, len, sem = 0; char **words, **drows, tmp[24]; FILE *dict = fopen("unixdict.txt", "r");
/* Determine word count. */ while ((c = fgetc(dict)) != EOF) ct += c == '\n'; rewind(dict);
/* Using alloca() is generally discouraged, but we're not doing * anything too fancy and the memory gains are significant. */ words = alloca(ct * sizeof words); drows = alloca(ct * sizeof drows);
for (i = 0; fscanf(dict, "%s%n", tmp, &len) != EOF; ++i) { /* Use just enough memory to store the next word. */ strcpy(words[i] = alloca(len), tmp);
/* Store it again, then reverse it. */ strcpy(drows[i] = alloca(len), tmp); reverse(drows[i], len - 1); }
fclose(dict); qsort(drows, ct, sizeof drows, strsort);
/* Walk both sorted lists, checking only the words which could * possibly be a semordnilap pair for the current reversed word. */ for (c = i = 0; i < ct; ++i) { while (strcmp(drows[i], words[c]) > 0 && c < ct - 1) c++; /* We found a semordnilap. */ if (!strcmp(drows[i], words[c])) { strcpy(tmp, drows[i]); reverse(tmp, strlen(tmp)); /* Unless it was a palindrome. */ if (strcmp(drows[i], tmp) > 0 && sem++ < 5) printf("%s\t%s\n", drows[i], tmp); } }
printf("Semordnilap pairs: %d\n", sem); return 0;
- Output:
ca ac dab bad diva avid dna and drab bard Semordnilap pairs: 158
<lang csharp>using System; using System.Net; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.IO;
public class Semordnilap {
public static void Main() { var results = FindSemordnilaps("").ToList(); Console.WriteLine(results.Count); var random = new Random(); Console.WriteLine("5 random results:"); foreach (string s in results.OrderBy(_ => random.Next()).Distinct().Take(5)) Console.WriteLine(s + " " + Reversed(s)); } private static IEnumerable<string> FindSemordnilaps(string url) { var found = new HashSet<string>(); foreach (string line in GetLines(url)) { string reversed = Reversed(line); //Not taking advantage of the fact the input file is sorted if (line.CompareTo(reversed) != 0) { if (found.Remove(reversed)) yield return reversed; else found.Add(line); } } } private static IEnumerable<string> GetLines(string url) { WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url); using (var reader = new StreamReader(request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(), true)) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { yield return reader.ReadLine(); } } } private static string Reversed(string value) => new string(value.Reverse().ToArray());
- Output:
158 5 random results: keep peek lever revel ix xi avid diva gar rag
<lang cpp>#include <fstream>
- include <iostream>
- include <set>
- include <string>
int main() {
std::ifstream input("unixdict.txt"); if (!input) { return 1; // couldn't open input file }
std::set<std::string> words; // previous words std::string word; // current word size_t count = 0; // pair count
while (input >> word) { std::string drow(word.rbegin(), word.rend()); // reverse if (words.find(drow) == words.end()) { // pair not found words.insert(word); } else { // pair found if (count < 5) { std::cout << word << ' ' << drow << '\n'; } ++count; } } std::cout << "\nSemordnilap pairs: " << count << '\n';
- Output:
ca ac dab bad diva avid dna and drab bard Semordnilap pairs: 158
<lang clojure>(ns rosettacode.semordnilaps
(:require [clojure.string :as str]) [ :as io ]))
(def dict-file
(or (first *command-line-args*) "unixdict.txt"))
(def dict (-> dict-file io/reader line-seq set))
(defn semordnilap? [word]
(let [rev (str/reverse word)] (and (not= word rev) (dict rev))))
(def semordnilaps
(->> dict (filter semordnilap?) (map #([% (str/reverse %)])) (filter (fn x y (<= (compare x y) 0)))))
(printf "There are %d semordnilaps in %s. Here are 5:\n"
(count semordnilaps) dict-file)
(dorun (->> semordnilaps shuffle (take 5) sort (map println)))</lang>
- Output:
There are 158 semordnilaps in unixdict.txt. Here are 5: [bog gob] [gnaw wang] [it ti] [los sol] [mot tom]
Common Lisp
<lang lisp>(defun semordnilaps (word-list)
(let ((word-map (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (loop for word in word-list do (setf (gethash word word-map) t)) (loop for word in word-list for rword = (reverse word) when (and (string< word rword) (gethash rword word-map)) collect (cons word rword))))
(defun main ()
(let ((words (semordnilaps (with-open-file (s "unixdict.txt") (loop for line = (read-line s nil nil) until (null line) collect (string-right-trim #(#\space #\return #\newline) line)))))) (format t "Found pairs: ~D" (length words)) (loop for x from 1 to 5 for word in words do (print word))) (values))</lang>
- Output:
* (main) Found pairs: 158 ("able" . "elba") ("abut" . "tuba") ("ac" . "ca") ("ah" . "ha") ("al" . "la")
Simple Imperative Version
<lang d>void main() {
import std.stdio, std.file, std.string, std.algorithm;
bool[string] seenWords; size_t pairCount = 0;
foreach (const word; "unixdict.txt".readText.toLower.splitter) { //const drow = word.dup.reverse(); auto drow = word.dup; drow.reverse(); if (drow in seenWords) { if (pairCount++ < 5) writeln(word, " ", drow); } else seenWords[word] = true; }
writeln("\nSemordnilap pairs: ", pairCount);
- Output:
ca ac dab bad diva avid dna and drab bard Semordnilap pairs: 158
A More Functional Version
<lang d>void main() {
import std.stdio, std.file, std.algorithm, std.string, std.range;
auto words = "unixdict.txt"; auto pairs = zip(words.byKey,!(w => w.dup.reverse)) .filter!(wr => wr[0] < wr[1] && wr[1] in words) .zip(0.repeat).assocArray; writeln(pairs.length, "\n", pairs.byKey.take(5));
- Output:
158 [Tuple!(string, char[])("bag", "gab"), Tuple!(string, char[])("pat", "tap"), Tuple!(string, char[])("avis", "siva"), Tuple!(string, char[])("haw", "wah"), Tuple!(string, char[])("rot", "tor")]
We use the words library, and the french dictionary delivered with EchoLisp.
<lang scheme> (lib 'struct) (lib 'sql) (lib 'words)
(lib ' ;; load dictionary (string-delimiter "")
- check reverse r of w is a word
- take only one pair
- r < w
(define (semordnilap? w) (define r (list->string (reverse (string->list w)))) (and (word? r) (string<? r w)))
- to get longest first
(define (string-sort a b) (> (string-length a) (string-length b)))
(define (task)
- select unique words into the list 'mots'
(define mots (make-set (words-select #:any null 999999))) (define semordnilap
(list-sort string-sort (for/list ((w mots)) #:when (semordnilap? w) w )))
(writeln 'pairs '→ (length semordnilap)) (writeln 'longest '→ (take semordnilap 5)))
- Output:
pairs → 345 longest → (rengager tresser strasse reveler retrace)
First the programm reads the wordlist into an array. Then it mirrors each word and searchs for it across the array using binary search. <lang Eiffel> class SEMORDNILAP
create make
make --Semordnilaps in 'solution'. local count, i, middle, upper, lower: INTEGER reverse: STRING do read_wordlist create solution.make_empty from i := 1 until i > word_array.count loop word_array [i].mirror reverse := word_array [i] from lower := i + 1 upper := word_array.count until lower >= upper loop middle := (upper - lower) // 2 + lower if reverse.same_string (word_array [middle]) then count := count + 1 upper := 0 lower := 1 solution.force (word_array [i], count) elseif reverse.is_less (word_array [middle]) then upper := middle - 1 else lower := middle + 1 end end if lower < word_array.count and then reverse.same_string (word_array [lower]) then count := count + 1 upper := 0 lower := 1 solution.force (word_array [i], count) end i := i + 1 end end
solution: ARRAY [STRING]
original_list: STRING = "unixdict.txt"
feature {NONE}
read_wordlist -- Preprocessed word_array for finding Semordnilaps. local l_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE wordlist: LIST [STRING] do create l_file.make_open_read_write (original_list) l_file.read_stream (l_file.count) wordlist := l_file.last_string.split ('%N') l_file.close create word_array.make_empty across 1 |..| wordlist.count as i loop word_array.force ( (i.item), i.item) end end
word_array: ARRAY [STRING]
end </lang> Test: <lang Eiffel> class APPLICATION
create make
make local test: ARRAY [STRING] s: STRING do create se.make test := se.solution create sort.sort (test) across test.subarray (1, 5) as t loop s := t.item io.put_string (t.item + "%T") s.mirror io.put_string (s) io.new_line end io.put_string ("Total number of semordnilaps: ") io.put_integer (test.count) end
end </lang>
- Output:
ca ac dab bad diva avid dna and drab bard Total number of semordnilaps: 158
<lang elixir>words =!("unixdict.txt")
|> |> Enum.group_by(&min(&1, String.reverse &1)) |> Map.values |> Enum.filter(&(length &1) == 2)
IO.puts "Semordnilap pair: #{length(words)}" IO.inspect Enum.take(words,5)</lang>
- Output:
Semordnilap pair: 158 [["dab", "bad"], ["drib", "bird"], ["marc", "cram"], ["soma", "amos"], ["tab", "bat"]]
<lang erlang>#!/usr/bin/env escript main([]) -> main(["unixdict.txt"]);
main([DictFile]) ->
Dict = sets:from_list(read_lines(DictFile)), Semordnilaps = lists:filter(fun([W,R]) -> W < R end, lists:map(fun(W) -> [W, lists:reverse(W)] end, semordnilaps(Dict))), io:fwrite("There are ~b semordnilaps in ~s~n", [length(Semordnilaps), DictFile]), lists:map(fun([W,R]) -> io:fwrite("~s/~s~n", [W, R]) end, lists:sort(lists:sublist(shuffle(Semordnilaps),1,5))).
read_lines(Filename) when is_list(Filename) ->
{ ok, File } = file:open(Filename, [read]), read_lines(File);
read_lines(File) when is_pid(File) ->
case file:read_line(File) of {ok, Data} -> [chop(Data) | read_lines(File)]; eof -> [] end.
is_semordnilap(Word, Dict) ->
Rev = lists:reverse(Word), sets:is_element(Word, Dict) and sets:is_element(Rev, Dict).
semordnilaps(Dict) ->
lists:filter(fun(W) -> is_semordnilap(W, Dict) end, sets:to_list(Dict)).
shuffle(List) ->
[X||{_,X} <- lists:sort([ {random:uniform(), N} || N <- List])].
chop(L) -> [_|T] = lists:reverse(L), lists:reverse(T).</lang>
- Output:
There are 158 semordnilaps in unixdict.txt aryl/lyra caw/wac cram/marc dine/enid dual/laud
Using a mutable dictionary. <lang fsharp>open System
let seen = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,bool>()
let lines = System.IO.File.ReadLines("unixdict.txt")
let sems = seq {
for word in lines do let drow = new String(Array.rev(word.ToCharArray())) if fst(seen.TryGetValue(drow)) then yield (drow, word) seen.[drow] <- true seen.[word] <- true
let s = Seq.toList sems printfn "%d" s.Length for i in 0 .. 4 do printfn "%A" s.[i]</lang>
- Output:
158 ("ac", "ca") ("bad", "dab") ("avid", "diva") ("and", "dna") ("bard", "drab")
This code uses a Forth wordlist to contain the dictionary, and uses the Forth-2012 TRAVERSE-WORDLIST to walk through it (a simpler way would be to check for the presence of the reversed word when putting the word into the wordlist).
One interesting issue is how I get each pair only once and exclude palindromes: I accept only pairs where nt<nt2. A type checking bigot will likely argue that nts should not be compared with <, because they are opaque data types. But their implementation does not matter for this check: Whatever bit patterns these two nts get, either it's the same nt, then nt<nt2 will return false, as desired; and if they are different, exactly one of nt<nt2 and nt2<nt will return true.
The code uses two Gforth-specific words: EXECUTE-PARSING (implementable in standard Forth, but not easy) for allowing to provide the name of the defined word on the stack; and FIND-NAME-IN to look up the reversed word (could be replaced with a use of the standard SEARCH-WORDLIST, but the code would become a little more complicated).
<lang forth> wordlist constant dict
- load-dict ( c-addr u -- )
r/o open-file throw >r begin
pad 1024 r@ read-line throw while pad swap ['] create execute-parsing
repeat drop r> close-file throw ;
- xreverse {: c-addr u -- c-addr2 u :}
u allocate throw u + c-addr swap over u + >r begin ( from to r:end)
over r@ u< while over r@ over - x-size dup >r - 2dup r@ cmove swap r> + swap repeat
r> drop nip u ;
- .example ( c-addr u u1 -- )
5 < if
cr 2dup type space 2dup xreverse 2dup type drop free throw then
2drop ;
- nt-semicheck ( u1 nt -- u2 f )
dup >r name>string xreverse 2dup dict find-name-in dup if ( u1 c-addr u nt2)
r@ < if ( u1 c-addr u ) \ count pairs only once and not palindromes 2dup 4 pick .example rot 1+ -rot then
drop then
drop free throw r> drop true ;
get-current dict set-current s" unixdict.txt" load-dict set-current
0 ' nt-semicheck dict traverse-wordlist cr . cr bye </lang>
- Output:
suez zeus paz zap way yaw pay yap may yam 158
Please read the comments at the beginning of the f90 source to see the compilation instructions and output of 5 random words from a run. Note that program Semordnilap opens the file unixdict.txt . It does not read from stdin, hence the command line redirection from unixdict.txt is irrelevant. I haven't bothered to change it.
<lang fortran>
!-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "/tmp/" -*-
!Compilation started at Sun May 19 21:50:08
!a=./F && make $a && $a < unixdict.txt
!f95 -Wall -ffree-form F.F -o F
! 5 of 158 semordnilaps
!Compilation finished at Sun May 19 21:50:08
! unixdict.txt information
! wc -l unixdict.txt #--> 25104 25 thousand entries
! gawk 'length(a)<length($0){a=$0}END{print a}' unixdict.txt #--> electroencephalography longest word has 22 characters
! gawk '/[A-Z]/{++a}END{print a}' unixdict.txt #--> <empty> the dictionary is lower case
! sort unixdict.txt | cmp - unixdict.txt #--> - unixdict.txt differ: byte 45, line 12
! the dictionary is unsorted
! mmmmm the dictionary is sorted, according to subroutine bs. There's something about the ampersands within unixdict.txt I misunderstand.
program Semordnilap
implicit none integer :: i, ios, words, swords character(len=24), dimension(32768) :: dictionary, backword real, dimension(5) :: harvest ! read the dictionary open(7,file='unixdict.txt') do words = 1, 32768 read(7, '(a)', iostat = ios) dictionary(words) if (ios .ne. 0) exit enddo close(7) if (iachar(dictionary(words)(1:1)) .eq. 0) words = words-1 ! sort the dictionary call bs(dictionary, words) !do i = 1, words ! write(6,*) dictionary(i)(1:len_trim(dictionary(i))) ! with which we determine the dictionary was ordered !enddo swords = 0 do i = 1, words call reverse(dictionary(i), backword(swords+1)) if ((binary_search(dictionary, words, backword(swords+1))) & ! the reversed word is in the dictionary .and. (.not. binary_search(backword, swords, dictionary(i))) & ! and it's new .and. (dictionary(i) .ne. backword(swords+1))) then ! and it's not a palindrome swords = swords + 1 call bs(backword, swords) endif enddo call random_number(harvest) call reverse('spalindromes', backword(swords+1)) write(6, *) '5 of ', swords, backword(swords+1) write(6,'(5(a/))') (backword(1+int(harvest(i)*(swords-2))), i=1,5)
subroutine reverse(inp, outp) character(len=*), intent(in) :: inp character(len=*), intent(inout) :: outp integer :: k, L L = len_trim(inp) do k = 1, L outp(L+1-k:L+1-k) = inp(k:k) enddo do k = L+1, len(outp) outp(k:k) = ' ' enddo end subroutine reverse
subroutine bs(a, n) ! ok, despite having claimed that bubble sort should be unceremoniously buried, I'll use it anyway because I expect the dictionary is nearly ordered. It's also not a terrible sort for less than 5 items. ! Please note, I tested bs using unixdict.txt randomized with sort --random . character(len=*),dimension(*),intent(inout) :: a integer, intent(in) :: n integer :: i, j, k logical :: done character(len=1) :: t do i=n-1, 1, -1 done = .true. do j=1, i if (a(j+1) .lt. a(j)) then done = .false. do k = 1, max(len_trim(a(j+1)), len_trim(a(j))) t = a(j+1)(k:k) a(j+1)(k:k) = a(j)(k:k) a(j)(k:k) = t(1:1) enddo endif enddo if (done) return enddo end subroutine bs
logical function binary_search(source, n, target) character(len=*),dimension(*),intent(in) :: source character(len=*),intent(in) :: target integer, intent(in) :: n integer :: a,m,z a = 1 z = n do while (a .lt. z) m = a + (z - a) / 2 if (target .lt. source(m)) then z = m-1 else if (m .eq. a) exit a = m endif enddo binary_search = (target .eq. source(a)) .or. (target .eq. source(z)) end function binary_search
end program Semordnilap </lang>
<lang FreeBASIC>' version 20-06-2015 ' compile with: fbc -s console
Function reverse(norm As String) As String
Dim As String rev Dim As Integer i, l = Len(norm) -1
rev = norm For i = 0 To l rev[l-i] = norm[i] Next
Return rev
End Function
' ------=< MAIN >=------
Dim As Integer i, j, count, amount, ff = FreeFile Dim As String in_str, rev, big = " " ' big needs to start with a space Dim As String norm(27000), result(270, 2)
Print Print "Start reading unixdict.txt";
Open "unixdict.txt" For Input As #ff
While Not Eof(ff) ' read to end of file
Line Input #ff, in_str ' get line = word in_str = Trim(in_str) ' we don't want spaces If Len(in_str) > 1 Then ' if length > 1 then reverse rev = reverse(in_str) If in_str <> rev Then ' if in_str is not a palingdrome count = count + 1 ' increase counter norm(count) = in_str ' store in the array big = big + rev + " " ' create big string with reversed words End If End If
Close #ff
Print " ... Done" Print : Print "Start looking for semordnilap"
For i = 1 To count
For j = 1 To amount ' check to avoid the double If result(j, 2) = norm(i) Then Continue For, For Next j = InStr(big, " " + norm(i) + " ") If j <> 0 Then ' found one amount = amount + 1 ' increase counter result(amount,1) = norm(i) ' store normal word result(amount,2) = reverse(norm(i)) ' store reverse word End If
Print : Print "Found"; amount; " unique semordnilap pairs" Print : Print "Display 5 semordnilap pairs" Print
count = 0 For i = 1 To amount
If Len(result(i,1)) >= 5 Then count = count + 1 Print result(i, 1), result(i, 2) If count >= 5 Then Exit For EndIf
' empty keyboard buffer While InKey <> "" : Wend Print : Print "Hit any key to end program" Sleep End</lang>
- Output:
Start reading unixdict.txt ... Done Start looking for semordnilap Found 158 unique semordnilap pairs Display 5 semordnilap pairs damon nomad kramer remark lager regal leper repel lever revel
<lang go>package main
import (
"fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "strings"
func main() {
// read file into memory as one big block data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("unixdict.txt") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // copy the block, split it up into words words := strings.Split(string(data), "\n") // optional, free the first block for garbage collection data = nil // put words in a map, also determine length of longest word m := make(map[string]bool) longest := 0 for _, w := range words { m[string(w)] = true if len(w) > longest { longest = len(w) } } // allocate a buffer for reversing words r := make([]byte, longest) // iterate over word list sem := 0 var five []string for _, w := range words { // first, delete from map. this prevents a palindrome from matching // itself, and also prevents it's reversal from matching later. delete(m, w) // use buffer to reverse word last := len(w) - 1 for i := 0; i < len(w); i++ { r[i] = w[last-i] } rs := string(r[:len(w)]) // see if reversed word is in map, accumulate results if m[rs] { sem++ if len(five) < 5 { five = append(five, w+"/"+rs) } } } // print results fmt.Println(sem, "pairs") fmt.Println("examples:") for _, e := range five { fmt.Println(" ", e) }
- Output:
158 pairs examples: able/elba abut/tuba ac/ca ah/ha al/la
<lang groovy>def semordnilapWords(source) {
def words = [] as Set def semordnilaps = [] source.eachLine { word -> if (words.contains(word.reverse())) semordnilaps << word words << word } semordnilaps
}</lang> Test Code <lang groovy>def semordnilaps = semordnilapWords(new URL('')) println "Found ${semordnilaps.size()} semordnilap words" semordnilaps[0..<5].each { println "$it -> ${it.reverse()}" } </lang>
- Output:
Found 158 semordnilap words ca -> ac dab -> bad diva -> avid dna -> and drab -> bard
<lang haskell>import qualified Data.Set as S
:: (Ord a, Foldable t) => t [a] -> a
semordnilaps = snd . foldr f (S.empty, [])
where f x (s, w) | S.member (reverse x) s = (s, x : w) | otherwise = (S.insert x s, w)
main :: IO () main = do
s <- readFile "unixdict.txt" let l = semordnilaps (lines s) print $ length l mapM_ (print . ((,) <*> reverse)) $ take 5 l</lang>
- Output:
158 ("able","elba") ("abut","tuba") ("ac","ca") ("ah","ha") ("al","la")
Icon and Unicon
The following solution works in both Icon and Unicon: <lang unicon>procedure main(a)
words := set() found := 0 every word := map(!&input) do { if member(words, reverse(word)) then { if (found +:= 1) <= 5 then write("\t",reverse(word),"/",word) } else insert(words, word) } write("\nFound ",found," semordnilap words")
end </lang>
Sample run with unixdict:
->smp <unixdict.txt ac/ca bad/dab avid/diva and/dna bard/drab Found 158 semordnilap words ->
We find all semordnilaps by filtering only words which, when reversed, are a member of the set of dictionary words and are not palindromes. We then find only unique semordnilaps by pairing them with their reversed instance, sorting each pair, and eliminating duplicates pairs:
<lang j> isSemordnilap=: |.&.> (~: *. e.) ]
unixdict=: <;._2 freads 'unixdict.txt' #semordnilaps=: ~. /:~"1 (,. |.&.>) (#~ isSemordnilap) unixdict
We see that there are 158 semordnilaps.
Here's 5 of them, picked arbitrarily:
<lang> (5?.158) { semordnilaps ┌────┬────┐ │kay │yak │ ├────┼────┤ │nat │tan │ ├────┼────┤ │avis│siva│ ├────┼────┤ │flow│wolf│ ├────┼────┤ │caw │wac │ └────┴────┘</lang>
<lang java5>import java.nio.file.*; import java.util.*;
public class Semordnilap {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { List<String> lst = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("unixdict.txt")); Set<String> seen = new HashSet<>(); int count = 0; for (String w : lst) { w = w.toLowerCase(); String r = new StringBuilder(w).reverse().toString(); if (seen.contains(r)) { if (count++ < 5) System.out.printf("%-10s %-10s\n", w, r); } else seen.add(w); } System.out.println("\nSemordnilap pairs found: " + count); }
ca ac dab bad diva avid dna and drab bard Semordnilap pairs found: 158
<lang javascript>#!/usr/bin/env node var fs = require('fs'); var sys = require('sys');
var dictFile = process.argv[2] || "unixdict.txt";
var dict = {}; fs.readFileSync(dictFile)
.toString() .split('\n') .forEach(function(word) { dict[word] = word.split("").reverse().join(""); });
function isSemordnilap(word) { return dict[dict[word]]; };
var semordnilaps = [] for (var key in dict) {
if (isSemordnilap(key)) { var rev = dict[key]; if (key < rev) { semordnilaps.push([key,rev]) ; } }
var count = semordnilaps.length; sys.puts("There are " + count + " semordnilaps in " +
dictFile + ". Here are 5:" );
var indices=[] for (var i=0; i<count; ++i) {
if (Math.random() < 1/Math.ceil(i/5.0)) { indices[i%5] = i }
} indices.sort() for (var i=0; i<5; ++i) {
<lang javascript>#!/usr/bin/env rhino
importPackage (
var dictFile = arguments[0] || "unixdict.txt";
var reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dictFile)); var dict = {}; var word; while (word = reader.readLine()) {
dict[word] = word.split("").reverse().join("");
function isSemordnilap(word) { return dict[dict[word]]; };
var semordnilaps = [] for (var key in dict) {
if (isSemordnilap(key)) { var rev = dict[key]; if (key < rev) { semordnilaps.push([key,rev]) ; } }
var count = semordnilaps.length; print("There are " + count + " semordnilaps in " +
dictFile + ". Here are 5:" );
var indices=[] for (var i=0; i<count; ++i) {
if (Math.random() < 1/Math.ceil(i/5.0)) { indices[i%5] = i }
} indices.sort() for (var i=0; i<5; ++i) {
- Output:
There are 158 semordnilaps in unixdict.txt. Here are 5: loot,tool ah,ha dial,laid dine,enid haw,wah
The following program illustrates several points about jq:
- jq can be used to process text, as well as JSON;
- for text-processing tasks for which awk is well-suited, jq may be slightly slower;
- jq objects (i.e. JSON objects) can be used to define time-efficient mappings from strings.
Here are some running times on the same machine:
- awk program:
user 0m0.134s; sys 0m0.012s
- time /usr/local/bin/jq -M -s -R -r -f semordnilap.jq unixdict.txt
user 0m0.440s; sys 0m0.010s <lang jq>
- Produce a stream
def report:
split("\n") as $list # construct the dictionary: | (reduce $list[] as $entry ({}; . + {($entry): 1})) as $dict # construct the list of semordnilaps: | $list[] | select( (explode|reverse|implode) as $rev | (. < $rev and $dict[$rev]) );
[report] | (.[0:5][], "length = \(length)")</lang>
- Output:
able abut ac ah al length = 158
<lang julia>raw = readdlm("unixdict.txt",String)[:] inter = intersect(raw,map(reverse,raw)) #find the matching strings/revstrings res = String[b == 1 && a != reverse(a) && a < reverse(a) ? a : reverse(a) for a in inter, b in 1:2] #create pairs res = res[res[:,1] .!= res[:,2],:] #get rid of duplicates, palindromes</lang>
julia> length(res[:,1]) 158 julia> res[1:5,:] 5x2 String Array: "able" "elba" "abut" "tuba" "ac" "ca" "ah" "ha" "al" "la"
<lang scala>import
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val words = File("/usr/share/dict/words").readLines().toSet() val pairs = { Pair(it, it.reversed()) } .filter { it.first < it.second && it.second in words } // avoid dupes+palindromes, find matches println("Found ${pairs.size} semordnilap pairs") println(pairs.take(5))
- Output:
Found 465 semordnilap pairs [(abac, caba), (abut, tuba), (acara, araca), (ad, da), (adad, dada)]
<lang Lasso>local( words = string(include_url('')) -> split('\n'), semordnilaps = array, found_size, example, haveexamples = false, examples = array )
- words -> removeall()
with word in #words do { local(reversed = string(#word) -> reverse&) if(not(#word == #reversed) and not(#semordnilaps >> #word) and not(#semordnilaps >> #reversed) and #words >> #reversed) => { #semordnilaps -> insert(#word = #reversed) } }
- found_size = #semordnilaps -> size
while(not(#haveexamples)) => { #example = #semordnilaps -> get(integer_random(#found_size, 1)) not(#examples >> #example -> name) ? #examples -> insert(#example) #examples -> size >= 5 ? #haveexamples = true } 'Total found: '
- found_size
- examples</lang>
- Output:
Total found: 158 array((dew = wed), (are = era), (den = ned), (oat = tao), (eel = lee))
Liberty BASIC
<lang lb> print "Loading dictionary." open "unixdict.txt" for input as #1 while not(eof(#1))
line input #1, a$ dict$=dict$+" "+a$
wend close #1
print "Dictionary loaded." print "Seaching for semordnilaps."
semo$=" " 'string to hold words with semordnilaps
i=i+1 w$=word$(dict$,i) p$=reverseString$(w$) if w$<>p$ then p$=" "+p$+" " if instr(semo$,p$) = 0 then if instr(dict$,p$) then pairs=pairs+1 print w$+" /"+p$ semo$=semo$+w$+p$ end if end if end if scan
loop until w$=""
print "Total number of unique semordnilap pairs is ";pairs wait
Function isPalindrome(string$)
string$ = Lower$(string$) reverseString$ = reverseString$(string$) If string$ = reverseString$ Then isPalindrome = 1
End Function
Function reverseString$(string$)
For i = Len(string$) To 1 Step -1 reverseString$ = reverseString$ + Mid$(string$, i, 1) Next i
End Function </lang>
- Output:
able / elba leper / repel lever / revel moor / room suez / zeus tort / trot Total number of unique semordnilap pairs is 158
<lang Lua>#!/usr/bin/env lua -- allow dictionary file and sample size to be specified on command line local dictfile = arg[1] or "unixdict.txt" local sample_size = arg[2] or 5;
-- read dictionary local f = assert(, "r")) local dict = {} for line in f:lines() do
dict[line] = line:reverse()
end f:close()
-- find the semordnilaps local semordnilaps = {} for fwd, rev in pairs(dict) do
if dict[rev] and fwd < rev then table.insert(semordnilaps, {fwd,rev}) end
-- print the report print("There are " .. #semordnilaps .. " semordnilaps in " .. dictfile .. ". Here are " .. sample_size .. ":")
math.randomseed( os.time() ) for i = 1, sample_size do
local j repeat j = math.random(1,#semordnilaps) until semordnilaps[j] local f, r = unpack(semordnilaps[j]) semordnilaps[j] = nil print(f .. " -> " .. r)
- Output:
There are 158 semordnilaps in unixdict.txt. Here are 5: deer -> reed rat -> tar pus -> sup meet -> teem bat -> tab
<lang Mathematica>data = Import["", "List"]; result = DeleteDuplicates[ Select[data, MemberQ[data, StringReverse[#]]
&& # =!= StringReverse[#] &], (# ===StringReverse[#2]) &];
Print[Length[result], Take[result, 5]]</lang>
- Output:
158 {able,abut,ac,ah,al}
<lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary
/* REXX ***************************************************************
- 07.09.2012 Walter Pachl
- /
fid = 'unixdict.txt' /* the test dictionary */ ifi = File(fid) ifr = BufferedReader(FileReader(ifi)) have = /* words encountered */ pi = 0 /* number of palindromes */ loop label j_ forever /* as long there is input */
line = ifr.readLine /* read a line (String) */ if line = null then leave j_ /* NULL indicates EOF */ w = Rexx(line) /* each line contains 1 word */ If w > Then Do /* not a blank line */ r = w.reverse /* reverse it */ If have[r] > Then Do /* was already encountered */ pi = pi + 1 /* increment number of pal's */ If pi <= 5 Then /* the first 5 are listed */ Say have[r] w End have[w] = w /* remember the word */ End end j_
Say pi 'words in' fid 'have a palindrome' /* total number found */ return </lang>
- Output:
ac ca bad dab avid diva and dna bard drab 158 words in unixdict.txt have a palindrome
<lang nim>import strutils, sequtils, sets, algorithm
proc reverse(s): string =
result = newString(s.len) for i,c in s: result[s.high - i] = c
words = readFile("unixdict.txt").strip.splitLines wordset = words.toSet revs =
var pairs = zip(words, revs).filterIt(it[0] < it[1] and it[1] in wordset)
echo "Total number of semordnilaps: ", pairs.len pairs.sort(proc (x,y): auto = cmp(x[0].len,y[0].len)) echo pairs[pairs.high-4..pairs.high]</lang>
- Output:
Total number of semordnilaps: 158 @[(a: damon, b: nomad), (a: lager, b: regal), (a: leper, b: repel), (a: lever, b: revel), (a: kramer, b: remark)]
<lang ocaml>module StrSet = Set.Make(String)
let str_rev s =
let len = String.length s in let r = String.create len in for i = 0 to len - 1 do r.[i] <- s.[len - 1 - i] done; (r)
let input_line_opt ic =
try Some (input_line ic) with End_of_file -> close_in ic; None
let () =
let ic = open_in "unixdict.txt" in let rec aux set acc = match input_line_opt ic with | Some word -> let rev = str_rev word in if StrSet.mem rev set then aux set ((word, rev) :: acc) else aux (StrSet.add word set) acc | None -> (acc) in let pairs = aux StrSet.empty [] in let len = List.length pairs in Printf.printf "Semordnilap pairs: %d\n" len; Random.self_init (); for i = 1 to 5 do let (word, rev) = List.nth pairs ( len) in Printf.printf " %s %s\n" word rev done</lang>
<lang Oforth>: semordnilap | w wr wrds |
ListBuffer new ->wrds ListBuffer new File new("unixdict.txt") forEach: w [ wrds include(w reverse dup ->wr) ifTrue: [ [wr, w] over add ] w wr < ifTrue: [ wrds add(w) ] ] ;</lang>
- Output:
>semordnilap dup size println left(5) println 158 [[ac, ca], [bad, dab], [avid, diva], [and, dna], [bard, drab]]
<lang perl>while (<>) { chomp; my $r = reverse; $seen{$r}++ and $c++ < 5 and print "$_ $r\n" or $seen{$_}++; }
print "$c\n"</lang>
Perl 6
<lang perl6>my $words = set slurp("unixdict.txt").lines;
my @sems = gather for $words.flat -> $word {
my $drow = $word.key.flip; take $drow if $drow ∈ $words and $drow lt $word;
say $_ ~ ' ' ~ $_.flip for @sems.pick(5);</lang>
- Output:
abut tuba avid diva bard drab loot tool part trap
<lang Phix>sequence words={}, semilordnaps={} object word constant fn = open("demo\\unixdict.txt","r")
while 1 do
word = trim(gets(fn)) if atom(word) then exit end if if find(reverse(word),words) then semilordnaps = append(semilordnaps,word) end if words = append(words,word)
end while
?length(semilordnaps) for i=1 to 5 do
word = semilordnaps[i] printf(1,"%s - %s\n",{word,reverse(word)})
end for</lang>
- Output:
158 ca - ac dab - bad diva - avid dna - and drab - bard
<lang php><?php // Read dictionary into array $dictionary = array_fill_keys(file(
), true); foreach (array_keys($dictionary) as $word) {
$reversed_word = strrev($word); if (isset($dictionary[$reversed_word]) && $word > $reversed_word) $words[$word] = $reversed_word;
} echo count($words), "\n"; // array_rand() returns keys, not values foreach (array_rand($words, 5) as $word)
echo "$word $words[$word]\n";</lang>
- Output:
158 ti it tide edit top pot tram mart un nu
<lang PicoLisp>(let Semordnilap
(mapcon '((Lst) (when (member (reverse (car Lst)) (cdr Lst)) (cons (pack (car Lst))) ) ) (make (in "unixdict.txt" (while (line) (link @)))) ) (println (length Semordnilap) (head 5 Semordnilap)) )</lang>
- Output:
158 ("able" "abut" "ac" "ah" "al")
<lang PL/I> find: procedure options (main); /* 20/1/2013 */
declare word character (20) varying controlled; declare dict(*) character (20) varying controlled; declare 1 pair controlled, 2 a character (20) varying, 2 b character (20) varying; declare (i, j) fixed binary; declare in file;
open file(in) title ('/UNIXDICT.TXT,type(LF),recsize(100)'); on endfile (in) go to completed_read; do forever; allocate word; get file (in) edit (word) (L); end;
free word; /* because at the final allocation, no word was stored. */ allocate dict(allocation(word)); do i = 1 to hbound(dict,1); dict(i) = word; free word; end;
/* Search dictionary for pairs: */ do i = 1 to hbound(dict,1)-1; do j = i+1 to hbound(dict,1); if length(dict(i)) = length(dict(j)) then do; if dict(i) = reverse(dict(j)) then do; allocate pair; pair.a = dict(i); pair.b = dict(j); end; end; end; end;
put skip list ('There are ' || trim(allocation(pair)) || ' pairs.');
do while (allocation(pair) > 0); put skip edit (pair) (a, col(20), a); free pair; end;
end find; </lang>
There are 158 pairs.
5 values at random:
ward draw was saw wed dew wolf flow won now
<lang PowerShell> function Reverse-String ([string]$String) {
[char[]]$output = $String.ToCharArray() [Array]::Reverse($output) $output -join ""
[string]$url = "" [string]$out = ".\unixdict.txt"
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $out)
[string[]]$file = Get-Content -Path $out
[hashtable]$unixDict = @{} [hashtable]$semordnilap = @{}
foreach ($line in $file) {
if ($line.Length -gt 1) { $unixDict.Add($line,"") }
[string]$reverseLine = Reverse-String $line
if ($reverseLine -notmatch $line -and $unixDict.ContainsKey($reverseLine)) { $semordnilap.Add($line,$reverseLine) }
"`nSemordnilap count: {0}" -f ($semordnilap.GetEnumerator() | Measure-Object).Count </lang>
- Output:
Name Value ---- ----- nil lin regal lager tom mot . . . peek keep soma amos nob bon Semordnilap count: 158
<lang python>>>> with open('unixdict.txt') as f: wordset = set(
>>> revlist = (.join(word[::-1]) for word in wordset) >>> pairs = set((wrd, rev) for wrd, rev in zip(wordset, revlist)
if wrd < rev and rev in wordset)
>>> len(pairs) 158 >>> sorted(pairs, key=lambda p: (len(p[0]), p))[-5:] [('damon', 'nomad'), ('lager', 'regal'), ('leper', 'repel'), ('lever', 'revel'), ('kramer', 'remark')] >>> </lang>
<lang python>import os import random
- Load file and put it to dictionary as set
dictionary = {word.rstrip(os.linesep) for word in open('unixdict.txt')}
- List of results
results = [] for word in dictionary:
# [::-1] reverses string reversed_word = word[::-1] if reversed_word in dictionary and word > reversed_word: results.append((word, reversed_word))
print(len(results)) for words in random.sample(results, 5):
print(' '.join(words))</lang>
- Output:
158 nob bon mac cam dub bud viva aviv nomad damon
<lang Racket>
- lang racket
(define seen (make-hash)) (define semordnilaps '()) (call-with-input-file "/usr/share/dict/words"
(λ(i) (for ([l (in-lines i)]) (define r (list->string (reverse (string->list l)))) (unless (equal? r l) (hash-set! seen l #t) (when (hash-ref seen r #f) (set! semordnilaps (cons (list r l) semordnilaps)))))))
(printf "Total semordnilaps found: ~s\n" (length semordnilaps)) (printf "The five longest ones:\n") (for ([s (take (sort semordnilaps > #:key (compose1 string-length car)) 5)])
(apply printf " ~s ~s\n" s))
- Output:
Total semordnilaps found: 1961 The five longest ones: "desserts" "stressed" "dioramas" "samaroid" "redrawer" "rewarder" "dessert" "tressed" "pat-pat" "tap-tap"
version 1
<lang rexx>/* REXX ***************************************************************
- 07.09.2012 Walter Pachl
- /
fid='unixdict.txt' /* the test dictionary */ have.= /* words encountered */ pi=0 /* number of palindromes */ Do li=1 By 1 While lines(fid)>0 /* as long there is input */
w=linein(fid) /* read a word */ If w> Then Do /* not a blank line */ r=reverse(w) /* reverse it */ If have.r> Then Do /* was already encountered */ pi=pi+1 /* increment number of pal's */ If pi<=5 Then /* the first 5 ale listed */ Say have.r w End have.w=w /* remember the word */ End End
Say pi 'words in' fid 'have a palindrome' /* total number found */</lang>
- Output:
ac ca bad dab avid diva and dna bard drab 158 words in unixdict.txt have a palindrome
version 2
This REXX version makes use of sparse (stemmed) arrays.
The dictionary file wasn't assumed to be in any particular case (upper/lower/mixed).
For instance, DNA & and would be considered palindromes.
The UNIXDICT dictionary specified to be used is all lowercase, however, but the REXX
program assumes that the words may be in any case.
The order of the words in the dictionary isn't important.
Any blank lines or duplicate words in the dictionary are ignored (as duplicate words wouldn't make them unique).
Any leading, trailing, or imbedded blanks are also ignored (as well as tab characters or other whitespace).
The palindrome pairs are shown with a comma delimiter in case there're phrases (words with imbedded blanks like Sing Sing).
The (first five) palindrome pairs are shown as they are specified (respective to case) in the dictionary.
<lang rexx>/*REXX program finds palindrome pairs in a dictionary (the default is UNIXDICT.TXT). */
- =0 /*number palindromes (so far).*/
parse arg iFID .; if iFID== then iFID='UNIXDICT.TXT' /*Not specified? Use default.*/ @.= /*uppercase no─duplicated word*/
do while lines(iFID)\==0; _=space(linein(iFID),0) /*read a word from dictionary.*/ parse upper var _ u /*obtain an uppercase version.*/ if length(_)<2 | @.u\== then iterate /*can't be a unique palindrome*/ r=reverse(u) /*get the reverse of the word.*/ if @.r\== then do; #=#+1 /*find a palindrome pair ? */ if #<6 then say @.r',' _ /*just show 1st 5 palindromes.*/ end /* [↑] bump palindrome count.*/ @.u=_ /*define a unique palindrome. */ end /*while*/ /* [↑] read the dictionary. */
say say "There're " # ' unique palindrome pairs in the dictionary file: ' iFID
/*stick a fork in it, we're done. */</lang>
output when using the default dictionary as the input:
ac, ca bad, dab avid, diva and, dna bard, drab There're 158 unique palindrome pairs in the dictionary file: UNIXDICT.TXT
<lang ring> load "stdlib.ring" aList = file2list("C:\Ring\unixdict.txt") for m = 1 to 10
nr = random(len(aList)-1) + 1 bool = semordnilap(aList[nr]) see aList[nr] + nl if bool = 0 see "is palindrome" + nl + nl else see "is semordnilap" + nl + nl ok
func semordnilap aString
bString = "" for i=len(aString) to 1 step -1 bString = bString + aString[i] next see aString if aString = bString return 0 else return 1 ok
- Output:
consecutive is semordnilap aforementioned is semordnilap chairwomen is semordnilap penis is semordnilap gaithersburg is semordnilap glade is semordnilap diebold is semordnilap fro is semordnilap powers is semordnilap cauldron is semordnilap
Note: An alternative (old fashioned) method of solving this task (not using a Set as done by other solutions) is to produce 2 sorted files and walk through them. This can be done entirly on disk if required, when done in memory it is faster than a set for large samples.--Nigel Galloway 11:12, 17 September 2012 (UTC) <lang Ruby>dict = File.readlines("unixdict.txt").collect(&:strip) i = 0 res = dict.collect(&:reverse) do |z|
i += 1 while z > dict[i] and i < dict.length-1 z == dict[i] and z < z.reverse
end puts "There are #{res.length} semordnilaps, of which the following are 5:" res.take(5).each {|z| puts "#{z} #{z.reverse}"}</lang>
- Output:
There are 158 semordnilaps, of which the following are 5: able elba abut tuba ac ca ah ha al la
Another way <lang Ruby>words = File.readlines("unixdict.txt")
.group_by{|x| [x.strip!, x.reverse].min} .values .select{|v| v.size==2}
puts "There are #{words.size} semordnilaps, of which the following are 5:" words.take(5).each {|a,b| puts "#{a} #{b}"}</lang> output is the same above.
<lang scala>val wordsAll ="")[IndexedSeq]
* Given a sequence of lower-case words return a sub-sequence * of matches containing the word and its reverse if the two * words are different. */
def semordnilap( words:Seq[String] ) : Seq[(String,String)] = {
( words. zipWithIndex. // index will be needed to eliminate duplicate filter { case (w,i) => val j = words.indexOf(w.reverse) // eg. (able,62) and (elba,7519) i < j && w != w.reverse // save the matches which are not palindromes } ). map { case (w,i) => (w,w.reverse) // drop the index }
val ss = semordnilap(wordsAll)
{ println( ss.size + " matches, including: \n" ) println( ss.take(5).mkString( "\n" ) ) }</lang>
- Output:
158 matches, including: (able,elba) (abut,tuba) (ac,ca) (ah,ha) (al,la)
<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
include "gethttp.s7i";
const func string: reverse (in string: word) is func
result var string: drow is ""; local var integer: index is 0; begin for index range length(word) downto 1 do drow &:= word[index]; end for; end func;
const proc: main is func
local var array string: wordList is 0 times ""; var set of string: words is (set of string).value; var string: word is ""; var string: drow is ""; var integer: count is 0; begin wordList := split(lower(getHttp("")), "\n"); for word range wordList do drow := reverse(word); if drow not in words then incl(words, word); else if count < 5 then writeln(word <& " " <& drow); end if; incr(count); end if; end for; writeln; writeln("Semordnilap pairs: " <& count); end func;</lang>
- Output:
ca ac dab bad diva avid dna and drab bard Semordnilap pairs: 158
<lang ruby>var c = 0 var seen = Hash()
ARGF.each { |line|
line.chomp! var r = line.reverse ((seen{r} := 0 ++) && (c++ < 5) && say "#{line} #{r}") -> || (seen{line} := 0 ++)
say c</lang>
- Output:
$ sidef semordnilap.sf < unixdict.txt ca ac dab bad diva avid dna and drab bard 158
<lang stata>set seed 17760704 import delimited, clear save temp, replace replace v1=strreverse(v1) merge 1:1 v1 using temp, nogen keep(3) drop if v1>=strreverse(v1) count
sample 5, count gen v2=strreverse(v1) list, noheader noobs
+-------------+ | evil live | | pat tap | | at ta | | nit tin | | ku uk | +-------------+</lang>
<lang SuperCollider>( var text, words, sdrow, semordnilap, selection; File.use("unixdict.txt".resolveRelative, "r", { |f| x = text = f.readAllString }); words = text.split( { |each| each.asSymbol }; sdrow = text.reverse.split( { |each| each.asSymbol }; semordnilap = sect(words, sdrow); // converted to symbols so intersection is possible semordnilap = semordnilap.collect { |each| each.asString }; "There are % in unixdict.txt\n".postf(semordnilap.size); "For example those, with more than 3 characters:".postln; selection = { |each| each.size >= 4 }.scramble.keep(4); { |each| "% %\n".postf(each, each.reverse); }; )</lang>
Answers: <lang SuperCollider> There are 405 in unixdict.txt For example those, with more than 3 characters: live evil tram mart drib bird eros sore </lang>
This seems wrong, but perhaps the test file has changed?
<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require http
- Fetch the words
set t [http::geturl] set wordlist [split [http::data $t] \n] http::cleanup $t
- Build hash table for speed
foreach word $wordlist {
set reversed([string reverse $word]) "dummy"
- Find where a reversal exists
foreach word $wordlist {
if {[info exists reversed($word)] && $word ne [string reverse $word]} {
# Remove to prevent pairs from being printed twice unset reversed([string reverse $word]) # Add to collection of pairs set pairs($word/[string reverse $word]) "dummy"
} set pairlist [array names pairs] ;# NB: pairs are in *arbitrary* order
- Report what we've found
puts "Found [llength $pairlist] reversed pairs" foreach pair $pairlist {
puts "Example: $pair" if {[incr i]>=5} break
- Output:
Found 158 reversed pairs Example: lap/pal Example: jar/raj Example: ix/xi Example: eros/sore Example: bard/drab
<lang tuscript> $$ MODE TUSCRIPT,{} requestdata = REQUEST ("") DICT semordnilap CREATE 99999 COMPILE LOOP r=requestdata rstrings=STRINGS(r," ? ") rreverse=REVERSE(rstrings) revstring=EXCHANGE (rreverse,"::':'::") group=APPEND (r,revstring) sort=ALPHA_SORT (group) DICT semordnilap APPEND/QUIET/COUNT sort,num,cnt,"","" ENDLOOP DICT semordnilap UNLOAD wordgroups,num,howmany get_palins=FILTER_INDEX (howmany,-," 1 ") size=SIZE(get_palins) PRINT "unixdict.txt contains ", size, " palindromes" PRINT " " palindromes=SELECT (wordgroups,#get_palins) LOOP n=1,5 take5=SELECT (palindromes,#n) PRINT n,". ",take5 ENDLOOP ENDCOMPILE </lang>
- Output:
unixdict.txt contains 158 palindromes 1. able'elba 2. abut'tuba 3. ac'ca 4. ah'ha 5. al'la
<lang vb> Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objInFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(objFSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) &_ "\unixdict.txt",1)
Set objUnixDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set objSemordnilap = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Do Until objInFile.AtEndOfStream line = objInFile.ReadLine If Len(line) > 1 Then objUnixDict.Add line,"" End If reverse_line = StrReverse(line) If reverse_line <> line And objUnixDict.Exists(reverse_line) Then objSemordnilap.Add line, reverse_line End If Loop
'Display the first 5 keys. k = 0 For Each Key In objSemordnilap.Keys WScript.StdOut.Write Key & " - " & objSemordnilap.Item(Key) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine k = k + 1 If k = 5 Then Exit For End If Next
WScript.StdOut.Write "Total Count: " & objSemordnilap.Count WScript.StdOut.WriteLine
objInFile.Close Set objFSO = Nothing Set objUnixDict = Nothing Set objSemordnilap = Nothing </lang>
- Output:
ca - ac dab - bad diva - avid dna - and drab - bard Total Count: 158
<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations string 0; \use zero-terminated strings def LF=$0A, CR=$0D, EOF=$1A;
proc RevStr(S); \Reverse order of characters in a string char S; int I, J, T; [J:= 0; while S(J) do J:= J+1; J:= J-1; I:= 0; while I<J do
[T:= S(I); S(I):= S(J); S(J):= T; \swap I:= I+1; J:= J-1; ];
func StrEqual(S1, S2); \Compare strings, return 'true' if equal char S1, S2; int I; [for I:= 0 to 80-1 do
[if S1(I) # S2(I) then return false; if S1(I) = 0 then return true; ];
int C, I, J, SJ, Count; char Dict, Word(80); [\Read file on command line redirected as input, i.e: <unixdict.txt Dict:= GetHp; \starting address of block of local "heap" memory I:= 0; \ [GetHp does exact same thing as Reserve(0)] repeat repeat C:= ChIn(1) until C#LF; \get chars sans line feeds
if C = CR then C:= 0; \replace carriage return with terminator Dict(I):= C; I:= I+1;
until C = EOF; SetHp(Dict+I); \set heap pointer beyond Dict I:= 0; Count:= 0; loop [J:= 0; \get word at I
repeat C:= Dict(I+J); Word(J):= C; J:= J+1; until C=0; RevStr(Word); J:= J+I; \set J to following word in Dict if Dict(J) = EOF then quit; SJ:= J; \save index to following word loop [if StrEqual(Word, Dict+J) then [Count:= Count+1; if Count <= 5 then [RevStr(Word); \show some examples Text(0, Word); ChOut(0, ^ ); Text(0, Dict+J); CrLf(0); ]; quit; ]; repeat J:= J+1 until Dict(J) = 0; J:= J+1; if Dict(J) = EOF then quit; ]; I:= SJ; \next word ];
IntOut(0, Count); CrLf(0); ]</lang>
- Output:
able elba abut tuba ac ca ah ha al la 158
<lang zkl>var [const] words= // create hashed unixdict of striped words (word:True, ...)
ss:=words.pump(List, // push stripped unixdict words through some functions
fcn(w){ words.holds(w.reverse()) }, Void.Filter, // filter palindromes // create ("word","drow") if "word"<"drow" (ie remove duplicates) fcn(w){ r:=w.reverse(); if(w<r) T(w,r) else Void.Skip });
ss.len().println(); //--> 158 ss.shuffle()[0,5].println();</lang>
- Output:
158 L(L("bog","gob"),L("cup","puc"),L("mart","tram"),L("kay","yak"),L("able","elba"))
- Programming Tasks
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- SuperCollider
- SuperCollider examples needing attention
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- Zkl
- Brlcad/Omit
- GUISS/Omit
- Locomotive Basic/Omit
- Openscad/Omit
- TPP/Omit
- ZX Spectrum Basic/Omit