Go Fish: Difference between revisions

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m (Delete Racket "entry" that consisted nothing but some broken links.)
(→‎{{header|Vlang}}: Rename "Vlang" in "V (Vlang)")
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See [[Go Fish/Tcl]]
See [[Go Fish/Tcl]]

=={{header|V (Vlang)}}==
See [[Go Fish/Vlang]]
See [[Go Fish/Vlang]]

Revision as of 10:22, 16 October 2022

Go Fish
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Write a program to let the user play Go Fish against a computer opponent. Use the following rules:

  • Each player is dealt nine cards to start with.
  • On their turn, a player asks their opponent for a given rank (such as threes or kings). A player must already have at least one card of a given rank to ask for more.
    • If the opponent has any cards of the named rank, they must hand over all such cards, and the requester can ask again.
    • If the opponent has no cards of the named rank, the requester draws a card and ends their turn.
  • A book is a collection of every card of a given rank. Whenever a player completes a book, they may remove it from their hand.
  • If at any time a player's hand is empty, they may immediately draw a new card, so long as any new cards remain in the deck.
  • The game ends when every book is complete. The player with the most books wins.

The game's AI need not be terribly smart, but it should use at least some strategy. That is, it shouldn't choose legal moves entirely at random.

You may want to use code from Playing Cards.

Related tasks:


See Go Fish/Aime


See Go Fish/AutoHotkey


See Go Fish/C


See Go Fish/C++


See Go Fish/D


See Go Fish/Erlang


' Go Fish ~ ¡Pesca!

Const cartas = "A234567890JQK"

Declare Sub Reparto_Cartas
Declare Sub Pescar_Carta_Jug
Declare Sub Pescar_Carta_CPU
Declare Sub Comprobar_Libro_Jug
Declare Sub Comprobar_Libro_CPU
Declare Sub Comprobar_Fin_Partida
Declare Sub Intro

Dim Shared As Integer play(13), compu(13), deck(13), guess(13), poss(13), asked(13)
Dim Shared As String nombre, Snombre, CartaPedida
Dim Shared puntos(2) As Byte = {0,0}
Dim Shared As Integer remca = 4*Len(cartas)
Dim Shared As Integer i, k, j, cn
For i = 1 To 13
    deck(i) = 4
Next i
For i = 1 To 9
    deck(k) -= 1
    compu(k) += 1
    deck(k) -= 1
    play(k) += 1
Next i
Dim As Integer v, po

Sub Reparto_Cartas
    remca -= 1
    Dim As Integer sc = remca * Rnd + 1
    For k = 1 To 13
        sc -= deck(k)
        If sc <= 0 Then Return
    Next k
End Sub

Sub Pescar_Carta_Jug
    Print " " &Mid(cartas,k,1) &"."
    deck(k) -= 1
    play(k) += 1
End Sub

Sub Pescar_Carta_CPU
    Print "a carta."
    deck(k) -= 1
    compu(k) += 1
End Sub

Sub Comprobar_Libro_Jug
    For i = 1 To 13
        If play(i) <> 4 Then
            Color 11: Print Snombre &" completa el libro de " &Mid(cartas,i,1) &"'s.": Color 7
            play(i) = 0
            puntos(0) += 1
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

Sub Comprobar_Libro_CPU
    For i = 1 To 13
        If compu(i) <> 4 Then
            Color 11: Print Snombre &" completa el libro de " &Mid(cartas,i,1) &"'s.": Color 7
            compu(i) = 0
            puntos(1) += 1
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

Sub Comprobar_Fin_Partida
    Dim As Integer np = 0, nc = 0
    For i = 1 To 13
        np += play(i)
        nc += compu(i)
    Next i
    If remca = 0 Or np = 0 Or nc = 0 Then         
        Color 15: Print
        Print "*** ­FIN de la partida! ***"
        If puntos(0) < puntos(1) Then 
            Print "La CPU ha ganado."
        Elseif puntos(0) > puntos(1) Then 
            Print nombre &" ha ganado." 
            Print "­Es un empate!"
        End If
        Sleep: End
    End If
End Sub

Sub Intro
    Color 15 
    Print "                __ _     _      "
    Print "  __ _  ___    / _(_)___| |__   "
    Print " /  ` |/ _ \  | |_| / __| '_ \  "
    Print "| (_) | (_) | |  _| \__ \ | | | "
    Print " \__, |\___/  |_| |_|___/_| |_| "
    Print " |___/                          "
    Print "                                "
    Color 14: Locate 10, 2: Input "Como te llamas: ", nombre
End Sub

'--- Programa Principal ---
Randomize Timer
    Dim As boolean MuestraMano = false
    While MuestraMano = false
        Color 15: Print Chr(10) &"Puntos >> " &nombre &": "; puntos(0); "  CPU: "; puntos(1)
        Color 13: Print Chr(10) &space(10) &remca &" cartas restantes"
        Color 14: Print Chr(10) &"Tu mano: ";
        For i = 1 To 13
            If Not play(i) Then 
                For j = 1 To play(i)
                    Print Mid(cartas,i,1); " ";
                Next j
            End If
        Next i
        Dim As boolean PideCarta = false
        While PideCarta = false
            Snombre = nombre
            Color 7: Print
            Input "¨Que carta pides... "; CartaPedida
            If CartaPedida <> "" Then cn = Instr(cartas, Ucase(CartaPedida)): PideCarta = true
            If cn = 0 Then 
                Print "Lo siento, no es una opción valida.": PideCarta = false
                Elseif play(cn) = 0 Then Color 12: Print "­No tienes esa carta!": Color 7: PideCarta = false
            End If
        guess(cn) = 1
        If compu(cn) = 0 Then 
            Print Snombre &", ";
            Color 15: Print "­ve a pescar!"
            Color 7: Print Snombre &" pesca un";: Pescar_Carta_Jug
            MuestraMano = true
            v = compu(cn)
            compu(cn) = 0
            play(cn) += v
            Print Snombre &" consigue " &v &" carta(s) mas."
            MuestraMano = false
        End If

    Snombre = "CPU"
    For i = 1 To 13
        asked(i) = 0
    Next i
    Dim As boolean Turno_CPU_2 = false
    While Turno_CPU_2 = false
        po = 0
        For i = 1 To 13
            If (compu(i) > 0) And (guess(i) > 0) Then poss(i) = 1: po += 1
        Next i
        If po = 0 Then 
                k = (Rnd*12)+1
            Loop While compu(k) = 0 Or asked(k)
                k = (Rnd*12)+1
            Loop While poss(k) = 0
            guess(k) = 0
            asked(k) = 1
        End If

        Print: Print Snombre &" quiere tus " &Mid(cartas,k,1) &"'s."
        asked(k) = 1
        If play(k) = 0 Then 
            Print Snombre &", ";
            Color 15: Print "­ve a pescar!"
            Color 7:Print Snombre &" pesca un";: Pescar_Carta_CPU
            Turno_CPU_2 = true
            v = play(k)
            play(k) = 0
            compu(k) += v
            Print Snombre &" consigue " &v &" carta(s) mas."
            Turno_CPU_2 = false
        End If


See Go Fish/Go


See Go Fish/Haskell

Icon and Unicon

See Go Fish/Unicon


See Go Fish/J


See Go Fish/Java


see Go Fish/Julia


See Go Fish/Kotlin


See Go Fish/Lua

Locomotive Basic

See Go Fish/Locomotive Basic

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

See Go Fish/Mathematica


See Go Fish/Nim


See Go Fish/OCaml



use strict; # https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Go_Fish
use warnings;
use List::Util qw( first shuffle );

my $pat = qr/[atjqk2-9]/; # ranks
my $deck = join '', shuffle map { my $rank = $_; map "$rank$_", qw( S H C D ) }
  qw( a t j q k ), 2 .. 9;

my $mebooks = my $youbooks = 0;

my $me = substr $deck, 0, 2 * 9, '';
my $mepicks = join '', $me =~ /$pat/g;
$mebooks++ while $me =~ s/($pat).\1.\1.\1.//;
my $you = substr $deck, 0, 2 * 9, '';
my $youpicks = join '', $you =~ /$pat/g;
$youbooks++ while $you =~ s/($pat).\1.\1.\1.//;

while( $mebooks + $youbooks < 13 )
  play( \$you, \$youbooks, \$youpicks, \$me, \$mebooks, 1 );
  $mebooks + $youbooks == 13 and last;
  play( \$me, \$mebooks, \$mepicks, \$you, \$youbooks, 0 );
print "me $mebooks you $youbooks\n";

sub arrange { $_[0] = join '', sort $_[0] =~ /../g }

sub human
  my $have = shift =~ s/($pat).\K(?!\1)/ /gr;
  local $| = 1;
  my $pick;
    print "You have $have, enter request: ";
    ($pick) = lc(<STDIN>) =~ /$pat/g;
    } until $pick and $have =~ /$pick/;
  return $pick;

sub play
  my ($me, $mb, $lastpicks, $you, $yb, $human) = @_;
  my $more = 1;
  while( arrange( $$me ), $more and $$mb + $$yb < 13 )
#   use Data::Dump 'dd'; dd \@_, "deck $deck";
    if( $$me =~ s/($pat).\1.\1.\1.// )
      print "book of $&\n";
    elsif( $$me )
      my $pick = $human ? do { human($$me) } : do
        my %picks;
        $picks{$_}++ for my @picks = $$me =~ /$pat/g;
        my $pick = first { $picks{$_} } split(//, $$lastpicks), shuffle @picks;
        print "pick $pick\n";
        $$lastpicks =~ s/$pick//g;
        $$lastpicks .= $pick;
      if( $$you =~ s/(?:$pick.)+// )
        $$me .= $&;
        print "GO FISH !!\n";
        $$me .= substr $deck, 0, 2, '';
        $more = 0;
    elsif( $deck )
      $$me .= substr $deck, 0, 2, '';
      $more = 0;
  arrange( $$me );


See Go Fish/Phix


See Go Fish/PicoLisp


See Go Fish/PowerShell


See Go Fish/PureBasic


See Go Fish/Python


(formerly Perl 6) See Go Fish/Raku


Red [
    Title:  "Go Fish"
    Author: "gltewalt"
chand: []   ;-- c and p = computer and player
cguesses: []
phand: []
cbooks: 0
pbooks: 0
gf: {
    *   GO FISH   *
pip: ["a" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "j" "q" "k"] ;-- suits are not relevant
pile: []    ;-- where discarded cards go
;  Helper functions  -                                           
clear-screen: does [
    "clears the console"
    call/console either system/platform = 'Linux ["clear"]["cls"]
clear-and-show: func [duration str][
        Poor persons animation. 
        Blips message to screen after a pause of duration length.

    print str 
    wait duration 
deal-cards: func [num hand][ 
    loop num [
        append hand rejoin [trim/all form take deck]
find-in: func [blk str][
    "Finds a string value in a block. Series in series."
    foreach i blk [if find i str [return i]]
go-fish: func [num hand][
    either not empty? deck [
        deal-cards num hand
        append hand rejoin [trim/all form take pile]    ;-- take from pile if deck is empty
guess-from: func [hand guessed][
        Randomly picks from hand minus guessed.

        Simulates a person asking for different cards on
        their next turn if their previous guess resulted
        in a Go Fish.
    random/seed now/time
    either any [empty? guessed empty? exclude hand guessed][
        random/only hand 
        random/only exclude hand guessed
make-deck: function [] [
    "make-deck and shuffle from https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Playing_cards#Red"
     new-deck: make block! 52
     foreach p pip [loop 4 [append/only new-deck p]]
     return new-deck

show-cards: does [
    clear-and-show 0 ""
    print [newline "Player cards:" newline sort phand newline]
    print ["Computer books:" cbooks]
    print ["Player books:" pbooks newline]

shuffle: function [deck [block!]] [deck: random deck]
;------------- end of helper functions -----------------

check-for-books: func [
        Checks for a book in a players hand.
        Increments the players book score, and
        discards the book from the players hand
    hand "from or to hand"
    kind "rank of cards"
        c "collected"
    c: collect [
        forall hand [keep find hand/1 kind]
    remove-each i c [none = i] 
    if 4 = length? c [
        either hand = phand [pbooks: pbooks + 1][cbooks: cbooks + 1]
        remove-each i hand [if find/only c i [i]]   ;-- remove book from hand
        forall c [append pile c/1]  ;-- append discarded book to the pile
transfer-cards: func [
    "Transfers cards from player to player"
    fhand "from hand"
    thand "to hand"
    kind "rank of cards"
        c "collected"
    c: collect [forall fhand [keep find fhand/1 kind]]
    remove-each i c [none = i]  ;-- remove none values from collected
    forall c [append thand c/1] ;-- append remaining values to "to hand"
    remove-each i fhand [if find/only c i [i]] ;-- remove those values from "from hand"
computer-turn: func [
    fhand "from hand"
    thand "to hand"
    kind  "rank of cards"
    a: ask rejoin ["Do you have any " kind " s? "]
    if a = "x" [halt]
    either any [a = "y" a = "yes"][
        check-for-books thand kind
        transfer-cards fhand thand kind
        computer-turn fhand thand guess-from thand cguesses
        clear-and-show 0.4 gf 
        go-fish 1 thand   
        append cguesses kind 
player-turn: func [
    fhand "from hand"
    thand "to hand"
    kind  "rank of cards"
    if empty? fhand [go-fish 3 fhand]

    if none? find-in thand kind [   ;-- player has to hold rank asked for
        clear-and-show 1.0 
        "You have to have that rank in your hand to ask for it.^/Computers turn..."

    either find-in fhand kind [
        check-for-books thand kind
        transfer-cards fhand thand kind 
        if find-in thand kind [ 
            p: ask "Your guess: "
            either p = "x" [halt][player-turn fhand thand p]
            check-for-books thand p 
        clear-and-show 0.4 gf 
        go-fish 1 thand 
game-round: has [c p][
    print {
          -  COMPUTER TURN  -
    if empty? chand [  ; computer has no more cards? fish 3 cards.
        go-fish 3 chand
    computer-turn phand chand c: guess-from chand cguesses
    check-for-books chand c
    print {
          -   PLAYER TURN   -

    if empty? phand [   ;-- player has no more cards? fish 3 cards.
        go-fish 3 phand
    p: ask "Your guess: "
    either p = "x" [halt][player-turn chand phand find-in phand p]
    check-for-books phand p 
main: does [
    deck: shuffle make-deck
    deal-cards 9 chand
    deal-cards 9 phand
    while [cbooks + pbooks < 13][
    clear-and-show 0 ""
    print "GAME OVER" 
    print [newline "Computer books:" cbooks newline "Player books:" pbooks]



See Go Fish/Rust


See Go Fish/Ruby


See Go Fish/Tcl

V (Vlang)

See Go Fish/Vlang


See Go Fish/Wren